Gods Word The Miracle Seed
Gods Word The Miracle Seed
Gods Word The Miracle Seed
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New King
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Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong,
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that can affect every aspect of our lives. God has given us His
Word and seeks to work in us through the power of His Word.
He has also revealed to us how to receive His Word so that
the life and power contained in His Word is released into us
causing His supernatural work to take place in us.
Meditation on God’s Word is the process through which
the Word becomes implanted in our hearts. Meditating
on God’s Word involves contemplation, visualization and
confession. You will learn how to practice meditating on God’s
Word so that the Miracle Seed of God’s Word can produce
in your life. This book unveils simple truths that will help us
receive and experience the supernatural power of God released
in us through His Word, the Miracle Seed.
God Bless!
Ashish Raichur
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: The Foundation of Our
There is one important element in our Christian walk, one so
essential that it determines the quality of our entire Christian
experience. This is the Word of God. The level of maturity we
grow into and the depths we reach in God are determined by
the place we give to His Word in our lives. Whether we walk
in victory or not and the measure of blessings we experience
is greatly influenced by the measure of God’s Word that we
are able to receive and consistently practice in our daily living.
However, in a world that is given to “phenomena” where
the spectacular is sought after, not many are ready to pay
attention to the contents of an “Ancient Book.” Why would
someone spend time in deciphering mere words from a
religious book that some claim to be socially, culturally and
morally irrelevant? And sadly, even among believers, apart
from fulfilling an obligation of having a “quiet time,” there are
not many who have received an understanding of the depth of
impact and influence the written Scriptures can have on one’s
life. It is true that, at first, the Scriptures may seem lifeless,
perhaps, even boring for the casual reader. But to those who
have received an understanding of its inherent power and the
place that God Himself has assigned His Word to have in the
lives of His people, the Word is alive! To them, the Word is the
source of strength, comfort, hope, faith, instruction and wisdom.
They have rested their entire present and future on what the
God’s Word: The Foundation of Our Faith
Scriptures say. Amidst the storms of life, they know that the
Word will sustain them and hold them up. Amid sickness, they
know that the Word will bring healing and deliverance. During
challenges and pressures, they stand confident on what the
Word promises. They can laugh at impossibilities because of
the possibilities they see in the Word. Even when they cannot
see, touch, hear, smell or taste, they still know because the
Word has produced in them a confident assurance and a strong,
unshakable conviction.
Our hearts’ desire is that each one who reads this book
will be brought to this confident assurance in their walk
with the Lord. If you have already attained some degree
of understanding in the Word, we desire that you will be
strengthened and encouraged even more.
Jesus, the Son of God, the Eternal Word (John 1:1-4), who
became the Incarnate Word (John 1:14) lived by, preached and
taught from the written Word, the Scriptures. From an early
age, Jesus engaged in the study and learning of the Scriptures
(Luke 2:46). He resisted temptations using the written Word
(Matthew 4:1-10). The Incarnate Word was anointed by the
Spirit and walked in such a way to fulfill the Scripture (Luke
4:21; Mark 14:49; Luke 24:44). Is not this such an awesome
thought—the Eternal Word, God who became flesh would
handle the written Word with such honor. How much more
should we?
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: The Foundation of Our Faith
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: The Foundation of Our Faith
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God. The Lord Jesus said, “He who rejects Me, and does not
receive My words, has that which judges him—the word that
I have spoken will judge him in the last day.” (John 12:48).
The Word of God will be the law according to which all men
will be judged.
It is time for the people of God to develop a reverential
fear of the written Word of God. We cannot be followers of
God without submitting to the authority of His Word in our
lives. We cannot be “strong believers” while we continue to do
what is contrary to the Scriptures just because these things may
be pleasurable to our body or acceptable to our reasoning. As
believers, we must learn to bring our feelings and reasoning in
subjection to the Word. We refrain from every evil and align
ourselves to His Word because it is the final authority.
God’s Word: The Foundation of Our Faith
and encourage other believers in the Word. Put into practice all
the revelation knowledge that has been imparted to you. You
will thus, be establishing a solid foundation upon which you
can build your Christian experience.
The person who both hears and practices the Word,
according to the Lord, is like a wise man who built his
house upon solid ground (Matthew 7:24,25). What kind of a
foundation are you building your life upon?
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: Its Purity and Power
It was toward the end of four exciting years of college in
Manipal, India, and several wonderful things had happened.
The most significant of all was that God had enabled some of
us young people—just ordinary college students—to work
together and lay the groundwork for what would eventually
grow into a strong Christian fellowship among the student
community. It was the end of the academic year and many of
my friends had left for home. Knowing that the dorms would be
unusually quiet at this time, I had decided to stay on for a few
days just to spend some time alone with the Lord. I specifically
wanted to pray about my future and the things that lay ahead of
me even though so much remained unknown. It was during this
season of prayer that Isaiah 45:1-3 was deeply impressed upon
my spirit. To me, these became cornerstone verses—verses that
occupy a special place in my heart. I understood their meaning
and the way in which they would apply in my life.
As part of this promise, the Lord said that He would go
before us and open for us doors, and that these doors would not
be shut. Since then, there have been numerous occasions when
I have stood face-to-face with impossibilities and closed doors.
Whether it was in getting admission and financial assistantship
at universities or visas into countries or rising up after a
personal financial crisis, and in so many other situations, I have
come back to these verses and stood before God acknowledging
that He will do what He had promised. I have taken these verses
of Scripture and, by the authority granted to us in Christ, have
God’s Word: Its Purity and Power
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
yet, they are no less the handiwork of God than the work of
spectacular miracles. The same God who brought forth water
out of a rock in an instant when Moses struck it with his rod
also worked through Bezalel and his coworkers as they labored
day after day in the construction of the Tabernacle in the
wilderness (Exodus 31:1-11). To the human mind, it seems
difficult to accept that the hard-laborious work of Bezalel and
his team of artisans was the working of God Himself. Yet, it
was the Spirit of God who filled these artisans with wisdom,
understanding and knowledge to design artistic works in gold,
silver and bronze for the Tabernacle.
By an extension of this simple illustration, we can
say confidently that God has been working out His divine
purposes through the lives of ordinary people. So, it was with
the compilation of the 66 books of the Christian Bible. The
sovereign hand of God was at work even in the process of
assembling and the canonization of the Scriptures. The human
mind may question the validity of such a claim. But to those
of us who understand that God carries out His work silently,
even as man goes about his daily business, this is a settled fact!
God’s Word: Its Purity and Power
On God’s part
Since He has exalted His Word above His name, He will
uphold His Word with all that He is. God’s Word is backed
by the omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience of God
Himself. He said, “I am alert and active, watching over My
word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12, AMPC).
On our part
We need to realize the importance of not only knowing the
name of the Lord but also His Word. We have called upon His
name and have been saved (Romans 10:13). Now, we need to
continue to know His Word because God Himself has given
His Word a place of greater honor than His name.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
lie, we might have strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay
hold of the hope set before us.
God’s Word: Its Purity and Power
Pure Words
Psalm 12:6
The words of the Lord are pure words, Like silver tried in a furnace
of earth, Purified seven times.
Our God is a God of truth. His Words are true words, pure
words. God’s Word is without error. “The entirety of Your word
is truth,” (Psalm 119:160a). “There has not failed one Word of
all His good promise …” (1 Kings 8:56b). They can be relied
upon with strong confidence. His promises can be believed
unreservedly, His instructions received wholeheartedly. God’s
Word stands firm forever in heaven (Psalm 119:89). They will
not be altered or changed for He will never break His covenant
or recant what He has spoken (Psalm 89:34). His Word endures
forever (1 Peter 1:23). His Word is a place of strong security
because there is nothing else as pure, as sure and as enduring.
Hebrews 1:3a
who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His
person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, …
Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and
of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: Its Purity and Power
God has promised even though they may not exist in our lives
at present.
God used His Word to form, construct and shape this
universe. Can’t God, by His Word, form, construct and shape
our present and future? There is power in the Word of God to
change our present and shape our future.
This entire universe is sustained, upheld and regulated
by the Word of God. Can’t the Word of God sustain, uphold
and regulate our lives also? God’s Word carries enough and
more power to sustain, regulate and keep in order the things
concerning our lives here on earth.
His righteousness,” all things that we need for our life here on
earth will be given to us (Matthew 6:33). We know that, as we
honor God with what we have, He will cause us to increase
(Proverbs 3:9,10; Malachi 3:9-11). Knowing that each of these
promises is pure and full of divine power, we hold on to them
in faith. We know that there is enough power in these Words
(promises) to cause creative miracles of financial blessings to
be released into our lives and change our circumstances. We
continue to stand on His promises.
Some may be looking to God for their future. Even when
things seem unclear, unsure, perhaps, even hopeless and bleak,
the Word of God brings confidence and assurance into our lives.
The Word says, all things work together for good to those who
love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
(Romans 8:28). God knows the plans He has for us, plans of
great prosperity, and plans to bring about the future we are
hoping for (Jeremiah 29:11). Our path is like the shining light
that shines brighter and brighter (Proverbs 4:18). Therefore,
we expect things to get clearer. We know that our steps are
ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23,24). These and many other
Scriptures fill us with undaunted courage and confidence. We
continue to stand on His promises.
In a similar way, for different areas of our lives, we
recognize the promises and commandments of the Lord.
We acknowledge that His Word, concerning all areas of our
lives, is pure and full of power.
Having understood the unlimited power that is in the Word
and the possibility of it being released in our lives, what must
we do to experience the power of God’s Word in our lives? What
is it that releases the inherent power of God’s Word in the life
of a believer? We will consider these in the following chapters.
God’s Word: The Miracle Seed
God’s Word: The Miracle Seed
The Lord Jesus often taught using parables. Parables are
stories or illustrations from our world that help us understand
the truth about God’s Kingdom. Parables teach us how God’s
Kingdom operates.
One of the parables that many of us are familiar with is
the parable of the sower recorded for us in the three Gospels
(Matthew 13:1-9,18-23; Mark 4:1-10,13-20 and in Luke 8:4-
8,9-15). Let us read through Mark’s record of this parable and
we will draw insights from the text in all the three Gospels.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a
And He said to them, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
But when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked
Him about the parable.
And He said to them, “Do you not understand this parable? How
then will you understand all the parables?
The sower sows the word.
And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When
they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was
sown in their hearts.
These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they
hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time.
Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake,
immediately they stumble.
Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who
hear the word,
and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires
for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the
word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some
a hundred.”
God’s Word: The Miracle Seed
riches, the desire for other things and the pleasures of life.
(Mark 4:19)
7) When we understand (Matthew 13:23), receive (Mark 4:20)
and retain (Luke 8:15) the Word in our hearts, we will bear
fruit in our lives.
The Seed Is the Word of God
The Seed Is the Word of God
Luke 8:11
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
1 Peter 1:23
having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible,
through the word of God which lives and abides forever,
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
The Seed Is the Word of God
Has the seed of God’s Word lost any of its power or ability
to work in us? Are the Miracle Seeds of the Word unable to
cause any more miracles in our lives? No, not at all! For the
Word is the incorruptible seed. The Word lives, abides and
endures forever. Every Word that God has spoken to us has
the potential to produce in our lives.
God said that the Word that goes forth out of His mouth
will not return to Him empty. Rather, it will accomplish that
which He pleases and purposes. There are four simple insights
we draw from Isaiah 55:10,11.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
produce. Like a seed, every Word that God has spoken is packed
with the supernatural ability to bring about its fulfillment.
God has designed His Word to produce that which He
pleases and that which He has purposed here on earth. Because
God has purposed to bless His people (Psalm 3:8), His Word
will accomplish just that. God has purposed to heal people
(Exodus 15:26; Exodus 23:25). Therefore, His Word will bring
healing to the sick (Psalm 107:20). God has purposed that His
people receive wisdom, understanding and direction for their
lives (Isaiah 48:17; Psalm 32:8) and therefore, His Word will
fulfill this purpose of His. His Word will accomplish everything
He has purposed, planned, intended and desired.
The Lord God is in heaven. And when He desires to carry
out His purpose and pleasure here on earth, He releases His
Word. This spoken Word is a Miracle Seed. It will accomplish
God’s intent. We, His people are here on earth. Through the
power of His incorruptible Word, and the working of His
Spirit, God accomplishes that which He pleases and purposes
in our lives.
The Seed Is the Word of God
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
The Seed Must Be Sown into the
The Soil of the heart
Mark 4:14,15
The sower sows the word.
And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When
they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was
sown in their hearts.
The Seed Must Be Sown into the Heart
In your heart
Proverbs 4:20-23
My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings.
Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of
your heart;
For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.
Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
The Seed Must Be Sown into the Heart
It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will ascend into heaven
for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’
Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will go over the
sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?’
But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that
you may do it.
Through meditation
The big question then is how do we get a rich deposit of the seed
of God’s Word into our hearts? In the parable of the sower, the
sower sowing seed is paralleled to hearing the Word. And we
know that, in addition to the seed being sown, it must get into
the ground and germinate. Similarly, we see that the Word must
be implanted into our hearts. How do we make this happen?
Although not stated in the parable of the sower, if we
remain consistent with the teaching of the Scriptures, we
discover that this is possible through the practice of meditating
on God’s Word.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Meditating On God’s Word
Meditating On God’s Word
In the earlier chapters, we have emphasized that the Word of
God is the source and foundation of our faith. We examined
the purity and power of God’s Word. We presented the fact
that the Word of God is full of the power of God and that this
power can be released into our lives. We have also understood
the fact that the Word of God is like a seed, which when
sown and nurtured in our hearts, will release its transforming
power into our lives. We now take a step further to explore
the discipline of meditating on God’s Word. Meditation is the
process by which we sow and nurture the seed of God’s Word
in our hearts.
Usually, when we mention the word “meditation”,
people generally think of some mystical practice for ascetics.
Perhaps, it is because of this that the Church, in general, does
not emphasize the practice of meditation. While it is true that
many cultures from around the world have their own variations
to the process of meditation, our goal is to present a scriptural
approach to meditation. As believers, we must understand its
importance and develop this discipline in our walk of faith.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Several years had elapsed since the time God first promised
to make Abram the father of a great nation. Sarah and Abram
were still childless, and this obviously, was a matter of concern
to them. During this time, the Lord spoke to Abram to reassure
him of the original promise. Notice carefully what the Lord did.
The Lord led Abram outside his house one night, instructed him
to look up into the starry sky and asked if he was able to number
the stars. He then told Abram, “So shall your descendants be.”
In effect, God was giving Abram a visual or a picture of His
promise. Abram was able to see this picture repeatedly with his
imagination what the fulfillment of God’s promise would look
like. Later, the Lord also said to Abraham, “… I will multiply
your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand
which is on the seashore ...” (Genesis 22:17).
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
of them were afraid of the giants who lived in the Land. They
said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are
stronger than we.” And they gave the children of Israel a bad
report of the land which they had spied out, saying, “The land
through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours
its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men
of great stature. There we saw the giants (the descendants of
Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in
our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” (Numbers 13:31-
33). Only two of them brought a positive report and said, “Let
us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to
overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30). All these 12 men must have
seen the same giants, but the way they reacted was different.
Two of them were confident because they remembered that
the Lord was with them (Numbers 14:6-9). The other 10 let
their negative imagination get the better of them. It was what
they saw with their mind’s eye that weakened them. They
pictured themselves to be like tiny grasshoppers before the
giants. This filled them with fear and even robbed them of their
confidence in God. Sad to say, many Christians go through
the circumstances of life like these 10 men. What they see
with their mind’s eye—their imagination—hinders them from
living a life of faith and enjoying the rich blessings of the Lord.
However, through the discipline of meditation, we can paint
fresh pictures on the walls of our imagination.
It is interesting to note that in many places in Scripture,
especially the Old Testament, God deals with what we
see. He gave His covenant people an ordinance in the Old
Testament saying, “Therefore you shall lay up these words
of mine in your heart and in your soul, and bind them as a
sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
your eyes.” (Deuteronomy 11:18; See also Deuteronomy 6:8;
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Meditating On God’s Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
may seem that we are too busy for it. On the other hand, we
must do this out of pure delight in God’s Word. We love the
Lord and therefore, we cherish His Word. This moves us into
times where we give God’s Word undivided attention through
A purposeful exercise
Psalm 119:148
My eyes are awake through the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word.
Meditating On God’s Word
Practical ideas
I now share some practical tips that can help us develop
the discipline of meditating on the Word of God. These are not
laws or rules and we should not bring ourselves into bondage to
some process, methodology or system. I am sharing things that
I have found useful in my life; something that I started doing
in my early teenage years. You may find these tips useful and
something you can adapt to your own spiritual life. The Lord
may give you other ideas on how you can practice meditating
on His Word that may suit you better.
I share three practical ideas here.
1) Word Seeds
2) Daily Word Meditation Routine
3) Contemplative Bible Reading
Word seeds
Early on in my spiritual journey, in my early teenage
years, I learned to categorize the Scripture verses into themes
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Prayer Faith Divine Health Family Wisdom & Success & Ministry &
Generosity Understanding Prosperity Miracles
The Seed Must Be Protected and Nurtured
The Seed Must Be Protected and
Satan is after the Word
Matthew 13:19
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not
understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was
sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside.
Mark 4:14,15
The sower sows the word.
And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is sown. When
they hear, Satan comes immediately and takes away the word that was
sown in their hearts.
Luke 8:11,12
“Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes
and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe
and be saved.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Right after the parable of the sower, the Lord Jesus spoke
another parable, once again using the seed illustration, to teach
us about the Kingdom of God (Mark 4:26-29). In this parable,
the Lord Jesus revealed to us a general seed-principle that
operates in God’s Kingdom. This seed-principle is applicable
to many different aspects of our life in the Kingdom of God.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Revelation: Receiving Spiritual
When we do not understand the Word
Matthew 13:19
When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not
understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was
sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside.
Revelation: Receiving Spiritual Understanding
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who
is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given
to us by God.
Revelation: Receiving Spiritual Understanding
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Harvest Blockers: Opposition to the
Matthew 13:20,21
But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears
the word and immediately receives it with joy;
yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while.
For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word,
immediately he stumbles.
Mark 4:16,17
These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who, when they
hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only for a time.
Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for the word’s sake,
immediately they stumble.
Luke 8:13
But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the
word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in
time of temptation fall away.
Harvest Blockers: Opposition to the Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
could stumble (get offended, trip up) and fall away (withdraw,
depart) from the Word.
For the Word to take deep root in us, we must continue to
feed on the Word and strengthen our revelation of the Word. We
must do this when times are good and there is no real opposition
to the Word. In general, we have the tendency to tune off when
we hear a repeat of the same message—the same Word being
brought to us. But we need to hear and keep hearing the Word
so that it can take deep root within us and we are able to stand
when we face opposition to the Word. As Hebrews 2:1 states,
“Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things
we have heard, lest we drift away.”
Continually feed your spirit with the truth and revelation
that you have received so that it is deeply rooted in you. This
will ensure that you do not quit in times of difficulty.
Harvest Blockers: Thorns That Choke the Word
Harvest Blockers: Thorns That
Choke the Word
Matthew 13:22
Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word,
and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the
word, and he becomes unfruitful.
Mark 4:18,19
Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who
hear the word,
and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires
for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Luke 8:14
Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have
heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life,
and bring no fruit to maturity.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Harvest Blockers: Thorns That Choke the Word
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Three Keys: Understand, Receive,
The Lord Jesus revealed to us as to what causes the seed of the
Word to eventually produce in our lives. Looking at how the
three Gospels record these, we learn that when we understand
(Matthew 13:23), receive (Mark 4:20) and retain (Luke 8:15)
the Word in our hearts, we will bring forth fruits in our lives.
Matthew 13:23
But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the
word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some
a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”
Three Keys: Understand, Receive, Retain
Mark 4:20
But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the
word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some
a hundred.”
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Luke 8:15
But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having
heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit
with patience.
The word “keep,” in the verse above, from the Greek, has
the idea of holding fast, retaining, staying on, sticking with and
clinging on. So, we must hold on to the Word with endurance
through all that comes our way and through time. This is the
Word that will produce in our lives.
These three keys—understand the Word, receive the
Word and retain the Word—are so important if the Word is to
bear fruit in our lives. Initially, as we meditate and receive the
Word, we may see it bear a small measure of fruit (thirtyfold).
We must continue in this and stay with the Word. Continue
receiving revelation, believing the Word and keeping the Word
in our lives. Soon, we will see an increased measure of fruit
being borne, sixtyfold and then, hundredfold fruit.
Three Keys: Understand, Receive, Retain
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Word Seeds
Word Seeds
This is a collection of Scriptures on the same topic / theme. You
can add to these and assemble Scriptures on topics / themes
that are important to you. Use them as a quick reference when
needed. Meditate on God’s Word often.
Angelic protection
• Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11,12; Psalm 103:20 • Daniel 6:22 • Matthew
18:10 • Luke 22:41-43 • Acts 5:19,20; Acts 8:26; Acts 12:7-11; Acts
27:23,24 • Hebrews 1:14
• Exodus 30:25-33 • 1 Samuel 24:6 • 1 Chronicles 16:21,22 • Psalm
28:8; Psalm 45:7; Psalm 92:10; • Isaiah 10:27; Isaiah 61:1-3 • Micah
3:8 • Zechariah 4:6,7 • Matthew 12:28 • Luke 1:35; Luke 4:18,19;
Luke 4:14; Luke 5:17; Luke 6:19; Luke 8:43-48; Luke 24:49 • John
7:37-39 • Acts 1:8; Acts 4:33; Acts 5:12-16; Acts 6:8; Acts 10:38 •
Romans 1:3,4; Romans 15:13; Romans 15:18,19 •
1 Corinthians 2:4,5; 1 Corinthians 5:4 • 2 Corinthians 1:21,22
• Ephesians 1:19,20; Ephesians 3:16; Ephesians 3:20,21 • 1
Thessalonians 1:5 • 2 Timothy 1:7 • Hebrews 2:3,4 • 1 John 2:20;
1 John 2:27
Answer to prayer
• Psalm 37:4; Psalm 65:2; Psalm 84:11 • Proverbs 10:24; Proverbs
15:29b • Matthew 7:7-11; Matthew 18:18-20; Matthew 21:22 • Mark
11:22-24 • Luke 18:1 • John 14:13,14; John 15:7; John 16:23,24
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Armor of God
• Romans 13:12-14 • 2 Corinthians 6:3-7; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 •
Ephesians 6:10-18 • 1 Timothy 1:18
Believer’s authority
• Matthew 10:1,7-8; Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 16:18,19 • Mark
3:14,15; Mark 9:38-40; Mark 16:17,18 • Luke 10:17-20 • Acts 3:6-
9,16; Acts 4:9,10; Acts 16:16-18 • Ephesians 2:4-6 • Philippians
Blood of Jesus
• Exodus 12:13,23; Exodus 24:8 • Leviticus 17:11 • Zechariah 9:11
• Matthew 26:28 • Acts 20:28 • Romans 3:24-26; Romans 5:9 • 1
Corinthians 5:7; 1 Corinthians 10:16 • Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians
2:13 • Colossians 1:14,20-22; Colossians 2:14,15 • Hebrews 2:14,15;
Hebrews 9:12-14; Hebrews 10:19-22; Hebrews 10:28,29; Hebrews
12:22-24; Hebrews 13:12; Hebrews 13:20,21 •
Word Seeds
• Psalm 138:3 • Proverbs 28:1 • Acts 4:13; Acts 4:29-31; Acts 14:3
• 2 Corinthians 3:11,12 • Philippians 1:20 • 2 Timothy 1:7 • 1 John
(See also Courage, Confidence)
• Psalm 34:20 • Proverbs 3:5-8; Proverbs 14:30; Proverbs 17:22 •
Isaiah 58:11
• Deuteronomy 4:9; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; Deuteronomy 28:4;
Deuteronomy 30:6 • Psalm 25:12,13; Psalm 37:25,26; Psalm 78:4-
6; Psalm 90:16; Psalm 103:17; Psalm 112:1,2; Psalm 113:9; Psalm
127:1-5 • Proverbs 13:22; Proverbs 14:26; Proverbs 20:7; Proverbs
22:6; Proverbs 31:28 • Isaiah 8:18; Isaiah 44:3,4; Isaiah 49:25; Isaiah
54:13; Isaiah 59:21 • Malachi 4:5,6 • Luke 1:17 • Ephesians 6:4 •
Colossians 3:21 • 1 Timothy 3:4,5; 1 Timothy 3:12 • 2 Timothy 1:5;
2 Timothy 3:15 • 3 John 1:4
• Psalm 65:5; Psalm 118:8; Psalm 118:9 • Proverbs 3:26; Proverbs
(See also Boldness, Courage)
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
• Deuteronomy 31:6 • Joshua 1:7,9 • 2 Chronicles 32:7 • Psalm 27:14
(See also Boldness, Confidence)
Debt cancellation
• Deuteronomy 15:6; Deuteronomy 28:8,11,12 • 2 Kings 4:1-7 •
Psalm 128:1,2 • Proverbs 3:9,10; Proverbs 22:7 • Isaiah 65:22 •
Malachi 3:10,11 • Matthew 17:24-27 • Mark 11:22,23 • Luke 5:4-7
• Romans 2:11; Romans 13:8
• Psalm 18:1,2,17,19,43,48,50; Psalm 32:7; Psalm 34:4,7,17,19;
Psalm 91:3,14,15; Psalm 107:20; Psalm 116:8 • Matthew 6:13 •
Colossians 1:12,13 • Galatians 1:4 • 2 Timothy 4:18 • 2 Peter 2:9
• Joshua 1:5 • Psalm 60:12 • Isaiah 45:1-3 • Daniel 11:32b • 1
Corinthians 2:9,10 • Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 3:20,21 • Philippians
1:6; Philippians 2:13 • Hebrews 11:33,34
• Matthew 9:28,29; Matthew 17:20; Matthew 21:21 • Mark 9:23;
Mark 11:22,23 • Luke 1:45; Luke 17:5,6 • John 11:40 • Acts 3:16;
Acts 6:8; Acts 27:25 • Romans 4:12,17-21; Romans 10:8-10;
Romans 12:3 • 2 Corinthians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 5:7 • Galatians
5:6 • Ephesians 6:16 • 2 Thessalonians 1:3; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; 1
Timothy 6:12; Philemon 1:6; Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:2; Hebrews
4:14; Hebrews 6:12; Hebrews 10:22,23; Hebrews 10:35,36; James
1:5-7; James 2:17,18,21,22,26
Word Seeds
• Psalm 31:15; Psalm 71:6,7; Psalm 71:17,18; Psalm 138:8 • Proverbs
3:5,6; Proverbs 4:18 • Isaiah 46:3,4; Isaiah 64:8 • Jeremiah 29:11 •
Matthew 6:25-34 • Romans 8:28 • 1 Corinthians 2:9,10 • Ephesians
2:10 • Philippians 3:12-14; Philippians 4:6,7
Glory of God
• Exodus 24:16,17; Exodus 29:43; Exodus 33:18,19; Exodus 40:33-
35 • Numbers 9:15-23; Numbers 14:21 • Deuteronomy 5:24 • 1
Samuel 4:21,22 • 1 Kings 8:10,11 • 2 Chronicles 5:13,14 • Psalm
24:7-10; Psalm 26:8; Psalm 63:1,2; Psalm 85:9; Psalm 90:16,17 •
Isaiah 4:5,6; Isaiah 11:10; Isaiah 35:1,2; Isaiah 40:5; Isaiah 42:8;
Isaiah 48:11; Isaiah 58:8; Isaiah 60:1-7 • Ezekiel 1:28; Ezekiel 3:12;
Ezekiel 10:4,18 • Habakkuk 2:14; Habakkuk 3:3,4 • Haggai 2:7-9 •
John 1:14; John 2:11; John 11:4,40; John 14:21-23; John 17:5,22,24
• Acts 7:55 • Romans 8:15-25 • 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians
10:31 • 2 Corinthians 3:7-18; 2 Corinthians 4:6,7; 2 Corinthians
4:16-18 • Ephesians 2:21,22
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Godly desires
• Psalm 27:4; Psalm 37:4; Psalm 42:1,2; Psalm 84:1-3,10; Psalm
63:1-8; Psalm 145:19 • Proverbs 10:24; • Isaiah 26:9 • Matthew 6:33
• Mark 12:29-31 • Romans 8:13 •
• Psalm 25:12; Psalm 32:8,9; Psalm 37:23,24; Psalm 119:103-105;
Psalm 119:130; Psalm 119:133 • Proverbs 3:5,6; Proverbs 4:18;
Proverbs 4:26 • Isaiah 58:11 • Romans 8:14 • Colossians 3:15
Word Seeds
• Genesis 2:22-24 • Psalm 128:1-4 • Proverbs 19:14; Proverbs
31:10,11,23,28 • Malachi 2:14-16 • Matthew 19:4-6 • 1 Corinthians
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Legal challenges
• Deuteronomy 10:18; Deuteronomy 28:7 • Psalm 3; Psalm 12:5;
Psalm 37:6,28; Psalm 72:14; Psalm 89:14; Psalm 103:6; Psalm
119:121; Psalm 140:12; Psalm 146:7 • Isaiah 28:5,6; Isaiah 54:14,17
• Genesis 6:3 • Exodus 23:25,26 • Deuteronomy 34:7 • Job 5:26
• Psalm 34:12-14; Psalm 71:5-9,17,18; Psalm 90:10-12; Psalm
91:14-16; Psalm 92:12-15; Psalm 103:15-17; Psalm 128:1,6 •
Proverbs 3:1,2; Proverbs 17:6 • Isaiah 46:4 • 2 Corinthians 4:16-18;
2 Corinthians 5:1-9 • Philippians 1:21 • 2 Timothy 4:7-8
• Mark 12:29-31 • John 13:34-35 • Romans 5:5; Romans 12:9-21;
Romans 13:8 • 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 • Galatians 5:22,23 • Ephesians
4:31,32; Ephesians 5:1,2 • Colossians 3:12-14 • 1 Thessalonians
Word Seeds
• 1 Chronicles 28:9 • Job 38:36 • Psalm 26:2; Psalm 19:7,14; Psalm
23:3; Psalm 35:9; Psalm 42:5,6,11; Psalm 62:1,5; Psalm 94:19;
Psalm 103:1,2; Psalm 131:2; Psalm 138:3; Psalm 139:2 • Isaiah
26:3,9; Isaiah 55:7-9 • Lamentations 3:21-23 • Matthew 5:28;
Matthew 15:18,19 • Mark 12:30 • Romans 8:5-8; Romans 12:1,2,16;
Romans 14:5 • 1 Corinthians 2:16 • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 • Ephesians
4:23,24 • Philippians 2:3,5-8,15; Philippians 3:12-15; Philippians 4:8
• Colossians 3:2,3 • 1 Thessalonians 5:23 • 2 Timothy 1:7 • Hebrews
4:12; Hebrews 8:10 • 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Peter 4:1 • James 1:21 • 3 John 2
• Deuteronomy 28:13 • Job 8:6-7 • Psalm 37:4,5; Psalm 75:6,7 •
Proverbs 16:3; Proverbs 22:4; Proverbs 22:29 • Isaiah 1:19; Isaiah
48:17; Isaiah 54:1-3; Isaiah 60:22 • John 15:5 • 1 Timothy 6:17
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
• Psalm 3:3-6; Psalm 27:1-5; Psalm 32:7; Psalm 34:4,7,17,19; Psalm
50:15; Psalm 91:10-12; Psalm 121:1-8 • Proverbs 19:23; Proverbs
21:31 • Isaiah 54:14,15,17; Isaiah 59:19
• Genesis 22:13,14 • Psalm 23:1-6; Psalm 34:9,10; Psalm 37:25;
Psalm 84:11 • Matthew 6:31-33 • 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 • Philippians
• Psalm 131:2 • Isaiah 30:15; Isaiah 32:17,18 • Lamentations 3:26
• Zephaniah 3:17 • 1 Thessalonians 4:11 • 2 Thessalonians 3:11,12
• 1 Peter 3:3,4
• Psalm 4:8; Psalm 16:7; Psalm 127:2 • Proverbs 3:24; Proverbs
Word Seeds
• Exodus 15:2 • Deuteronomy 33:25 • 1 Samuel 30:6 •
2 Samuel 22:33 • Psalm 27:1,14; Psalm 31:24; Psalm 46:1-3; Psalm
73:26 • Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 28:5,6; Isaiah 40:28-31; Isaiah 41:10
• 2 Corinthians 12:9 • Ephesians 3:16; Ephesians 6:10 • Philippians
4:13 • Colossians 1:11
• Proverbs 12:4; Proverbs 14:1; Proverbs 31:10-31
• 1 Corinthians 7:2-4,10,11 • Ephesians 5:22-24,33;
• Colossians 3:18 • Titus 2:1-5; 1 Peter 3:1-6
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
race to be free from sin and its lasting consequences. He came to save
sinners—to rescue people like you and me from sin and eternal death.
To receive this free forgiveness of sins, the Bible tells us that we
have to do just one thing—accept what the Lord Jesus Christ did on
the cross and to believe in Him wholeheartedly.
“… through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive
forgiveness of sins” (Acts 10:43).
“that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in
your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”
(Romans 10:9).
You too can receive forgiveness and cleansing for your sins if you
will believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The following is a simple prayer to help you decide to believe in
the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for you on the cross. This
prayer will help you express your acceptance of what Jesus has done
for you and receive forgiveness and cleansing for your sins. This prayer
is only a guideline. You can also pray in your own words.
Dear Lord Jesus, today, I have understood what You did for me
on the cross. You died for me, you shed Your precious blood and paid
the penalty for my sins so that I could be forgiven. The Bible tells me
that whoever believes in You will receive forgiveness for their sins.
Today, I decide to believe in You and to accept what You did for
me by dying for me on the cross and rising again from the dead. I know
I cannot save myself by my own good works, neither can any other
human save me. I cannot earn forgiveness for my sins.
Today, I believe in my heart and say with my mouth that You died
for me, You paid the penalty for my sins, You rose again from the dead,
and by faith in You, I receive forgiveness and cleansing for my sins.
Thank You Jesus. Help me to love You, to know You more and to be
faithful to You.
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
With our main base in Bangalore, All Peoples Church has several
other church locations in India. To get a current listing and contact
information of All Peoples Church locations, please visit our website
at apcwo.org/locations or send an email to contact@apcwo.org.
Free Publications
A Church in Revival Offenses-Don’t Take Them
A Real Place Called Heaven Open Heavens
A Time for Every Purpose Our Redemption
Ancient Landmarks Receiving God’s Guidance
Baptism in the Holy Spirit Revivals, Visitations and Moves of God
Being Spiritually Minded and Earthly Wise Shhh! No Gossip!
Biblical Attitude Towards Work Speak Your Faith
Breaking Personal and Generational Bondages The Conquest of the Mind
Change The Father’s Love
Code of Honor The House of God
Divine Favor The Kingdom of God
Divine Order in the Citywide Church The Mighty Name of Jesus
Don’t Compromise Your Calling The Night Seasons of Life
Don’t Lose Hope The Power of Commitment
Equipping the Saints The Presence of God
Foundations (Track 1) The Redemptive Heart of God
Fulfilling God’s Purpose for Your Life The Refiner’s Fire
Gifts of the Holy Spirit The Spirit of Wisdom, Revelation and
Giving Birth to the Purposes of God Power
God Is a Good God The Wonderful Benefits of Speaking in
God’s Word—The Miracle Seed
Timeless Principles for the Workplace
How to Help Your Pastor
Understanding the Prophetic
Water Baptism
Kingdom Builders
We Are Different
Laying the Axe to the Root
Who We Are in Christ
Living Life Without Strife
Women in the Workplace
Marriage and Family
Work Its Original Design
Ministering Healing and Deliverance
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Chrysalis Counseling
Chrysalis Counseling offers personal counseling to help people face
and overcome life’s challenges. Chrysalis Counseling is a team of
professionally trained and experienced Christian counselors.
Our Services are for all age groups and address a wide range of life’s
Adolescents Behavioral Disorders
Personal Adjustments Personality Disorders
Relational Challenges Psychological / Emotional
Academic Underachievement Problems
Work-related Issues Stress / Trauma
Family / Couples: Premarital, Alcohol / Drug Abuse
Marital Spiritual Issues
Parents / Children / Sibling / Life Coaching
Fees for Chrysalis Counseling services are affordable and accessible.
To schedule an appointment with one of our trained counselors:
Website: chrysalislife.org
Phone: +91-80-25452617 or toll-free (within India) 1-800-300-00998
Email: counselor@chrysalislife.org
Chrysalis Counseling is a ministry of All Peoples Church & World
All Peoples Church ministers beyond its own borders as a local church
by reaching out across India, especially North India, with a special focus
on (A) Strengthening Leaders, (B) Equipping young people for ministry
and (C) Building up the Body of Christ. Several training seminars for
young people and ‘Christian Leaders’ Conference’ are held throughout
the year. In addition, several thousands of copies of publications are
distributed free of cost in English and other Indian languages with the
purpose of equipping believers in the Word and in the Spirit.
We invite you to partner with us financially by sending either a
one-time gift or a monthly financial gift. Any amount that you can send
to help us in this work across our nation will be greatly appreciated.
You can send your gift by cheque / bank draft payable to “All
Peoples Church” to our office address. Else, you can remit your
contribution directly by bank transfer using our bank account details.
Kindly note: All Peoples Church can only accept bank contributions
from an India based bank account. When making your contribution,
if desired, you can indicate the specific APC ministry area where you
would like your contribution to be used. For additional details, please
visit apcwo.org/give.
Also, please remember to pray for us and our ministry whenever you can.
Thank You and God Bless!
God’s Word The Miracle Seed
Classes are held each weekday, Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12 noon,
Indian Time (UTC+5:30). We offer three learning options.
• On-Campus: Attend in-person classes at the campus.
• Online: Attend live lectures online.
• E-Learning: Self-paced learning through the online portal
To apply online, and for more information about the college,
curriculum, eligibility criteria, tuition costs and to download the
application form, please visit apcbiblecollege.org.