KO95 Mapping

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The following pages contain:

1. Technical information on the K095 / L095 motor controller.

2. MODBUS Maps for the K095 / L095 motor controller.

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ACA Telemetry Reference K095,L095 Telemetry Reference.doc Mar 4/97

Keltronics K095 Advanced Motor Controller Telemetry Reference Version 1.2

1. Overview
The Keltronics K095 Advanced Motor Controller (AMC) when purchased with the communications option is ready for
telemetry communication. Four signals, TX, RX, RTS, DCD (pins 2,3,7,and 1 respectively) on the AMC's DB-9 connector (or
alternately on the L095 WELLCOM's connector) are used to communicate serially with a central computer system. These
signals are converted to either Bell 202 modem, RS-232, or RS-485/422 to allow communication over wireline or radio.

Both the K095 and L095 implement Modbus RTU Mode. Modbus RTU Mode is a set of rules that define how communication
occurs to and from a remote RTU such as the K095 AMC. This set of rules is commonly referred to as a protocol. Modbus
RTU Mode was initially developed for Gould Modicon PLCs. Since that time many other vendors have also implemented
Modbus in their RTU equipment.

K095 versions 1.3xr11 or newer and L095 versions 1.3xr12 or newer, implement more than one protocol. With these versions, a
L095 display setting is used to select one of many protocols. Modbus RTU Mode is automatically selected when the RTU ID
is equal to 255 and the word format is set for 8 bits no parity. This allows Wellview software to “override” the current protocol

The following sections summarise the protocols that can be used with the K095 and/or the L095. I/O address maps, specific to
the K095/L095 version and protocol are included at the end of this document. Note that most input status/coil information can
be alternately accessed via register commands (16 coils per register).

2. Modbus ASCII Mode Implementation

Special versions of the L095 conform to Gould Modicon ASCII Mode framing and data format specifications. Command codes
01, 02 and 05 are used to read/write from/to status/coil bits and command codes 03, 04, 06 and 16 are used to read/write from/to
registers. The K095 does not implement ASCII mode.

2.1 Data Format

L095 settings allow data formats of 7 or 8 data bits, odd, even, space, mark, or no parity, and 1 or 2 stop bits. Baud rate can
be selected to be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200 baud. Note that for ASCII data, a setting of 7 bits / space parity is
the same as a setting of 8 bits / no parity.

When WELLVIEW is used (i.e. using a laptop to adjust controller settings in the field), the L095 must be set for 8 data bits / no
parity / 1 stop bit. When the WELLVIEW session is completed, the operator should insure that the data format and baud rate
settings are restored for proper SCADA operation.

Whenever possible, the SCADA should be set to either 8 data bits / no parity / 1 stop or 7 data bits / space parity / 1 stop bit
and the L095 set to 8 data bits / no parity / 1 stop bit, in order to avoid having to switch between word formats when
WELLVIEW is used.

2.2 Framing
The Modbus ASCII Mode data frame is summarized below.


: (colon) 2 Hexchar 2 Hexchar N x 4 Hexchar 2 Hexchar CR LF
(8 bits) (16 bits) (16 bits) (N x 16 bits) (16 bits) (8 bits) (8 bits)

BEG is the ASCII character code for the colon, and denotes the beginning of the message.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095,L095 Telemetry Reference.doc Mar 4/97 ACA Telemetry Reference

RTU_ID, FUNCTION, and DATA are hexadecimal ASCII characters. When each hexadecimal pair is converted to 8 bit binary
data, their meanings are the same as the ones outlined in the Modbus RTU Mode section.

LRC is a 8 bit binary number which is transmitted as two ASCII hexadecimal characters. The error check is produced by
converting the hex characters in the RTU_ID, FUNCTION, and DATA fields to binary, adding the binary characters without
wrap around carry, and two’s complementing the result.

CR and LF are the ASCII “carriage return” and “line feed” characters.

3. Modbus RTU Mode Implementation

The K095/L095 conforms to Gould Modicon Modbus RTU Mode framing and data format specifications. Command codes 01,
02 and 05 are used to read/write from/to status/coil bits and command codes 03, 04, 06 and 16 are used to read/write from/to

3.1 Data Format

Modbus RTU Mode defines a data format setting of 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. For L095 Displays that support Modbus
ASCII mode these data format settings can be changed. Baud rate can be selected to be 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or
19200 baud.

3.2 Framing
The Modbus RTU Mode data frame is summarized below.
8 bits 8 bits N x 8 bits 16 bits
T1 T2 T3 is ‘the absence of data for 3 1/2 character times'.
RTU_ID is a unique RTU address. Each remote device must be set-up or programmed with a unique RTU ID between 1 and
254 (consult the appropriate Operators manual for setup details). A RTU ID of ‘0’ is handled as global command expecting no
response. For example, a SCADA system could issue a register write command with the RTU ID set to ‘0’. All field RTUs
would accept the register write but none would actually respond with a response message. A RTU ID of ‘255’ is handled as a
global command with a TX data response, but no RTS keyup. This allows local programming equipment like a laptop IBM PC,
to be used to configure the RTU.
FUNCTION is the Modbus function code. The original Gould Modicon specification defines many function codes. The
subset of codes that are implemented are shown below. Note that an RTU exception response will set bit 8 of the function
Function 01 - Read Output Status Function 03 - Read Output Registers Function 16 - Write Multiple Registers
Function 02 - Read Input Status Function 04 - Read Input Registers
Function 05 - Force Single Coil Function 06 - Preset Single Register

DATA depends on the type of function and whether it is the message being sent to the RTU or the message that the RTU is
responding with. Each message sent to RTU (query) is followed by a message that the RTU sends back (response). The
contents of DATA for each of the various functions and query/responses is outlined below.

DATA query for functions 01, 02, 03, and 04.

16 Bits, MSB first. See I/O address table for 16 Bits, MSB first. Limited to a maximum of 64 registers
assignments or 128 status’s

DATA response from functions 01 or 02.

8 bits. Specifies number bytes used by the BYTE_COUNT x 8 bits

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ACA Telemetry Reference K095,L095 Telemetry Reference.doc Mar 4/97

status/coil content field 1 byte per 8 points, bit 0 = 1st point

DATA response from function 03 or 04.
8 bits. Specifies the number of bytes used by BYTE_COUNT x 8 bits
the register contents field. 2 bytes per point, MSB sent first

DATA query for function 05 and 06.

DATA response for function 05 or 06 (same as the query).
16 Bits. Specifies the coil/status or 16 Bits. Is the register value for function 06, and for function 05
register address as per the I/O a value of FF00 hex turns the coil on, a value of 0000 hex turns
address table. the coil off.

DATA query for function 16.

16 Bits, MSB first. 16 bits. MSB first. 8 bits. Specifies number of # of points x 16 bits.
See I/O address Limited to a maximum bytes used for the register
table. of 20 points. contents.

DATA response from function 16.

8 bits. Specifies number of bytes written to registers.

DATA error response, i.e. bad address, not enough data, etc.
8 bits, value is exception code, bit 8 of FUNCTION is also set.
01 - Illegal function 03 - Illegal data value
02 - Illegal data address 06 - Busy, rejected message

Note that the actual value of the I/O ADDRESS is not necessarily the same as the one used for SCADA and/or PLC
configuration purposes. In most instances, the addresses used for configuration purposes are similar to the I/O address
‘aliases’ that MODICON PLCs use. These are summarized in the table below:

Alias Range Actual I/O Address Range Function(s) Used

00001 - 09999 0000-9998 01 Read Output Status, 05 Write Output Coil
10001 - 19999 0000-9998 02 Read Input Status
30001 - 39999 0000-9998 04 Read Input Registers
40001 - 49999 0000-9998 03 Read Output Registers, 06 Preset Single Register
16 Write Multiple Registers

The I/O address table for the specific device should be consulted for the specific addresses of each point.

CRC is a 16 bit error check code using the CRC-16 polynomial which conforms to the specification in the Gould Modicon
Modbus Protocol Reference Guide.

4. Remote Control
All setpoints, controls, and live data that can be viewed locally are accessable remotely as per the attached Modbus I/O
address assignment tables. Additional control coils (addresses 96 thru 111) assist with remote control. Note that some I/O
registers can only be accessed with a L095 display present.

The K095 AMC was designed for use in submersible motor control applications. The following summary is offered in an effort
to assist the SCADA designer in implementing a remote control system.

• In all modes, it is not possible to start the K095 if an alarm is present. Alarms can be one or more of 32 possible causes.
These are listed from coil I/O address 48 thru 79. These coils may also be accessed as registers 290 and 291.

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K095,L095 Telemetry Reference.doc Mar 4/97 ACA Telemetry Reference

• Some alarms (such as pressure, loop hi/low, undervolts, etc) can persist when the motor is off. Other alarms such as
overload and underload automatically clear when the motor stops. To handle this situation, the state of all alarms is
latched as the contactor is shut off. See I/O registers 294 & 295. These latched registers are cleared by pressing the start
switch, pressing the keypad ESC key, by writing zero’s to the register itself, or by writing a one to the CTBITA13 (addr
108) coil.
• The HAND position means that the K095 will not automatically restart. All alarm sources must be in the non-alarm state
before the K095 will start.
• In the AUTO position the K095 is setup to automatically restart in the event of a temporary disturbance (i.e. under volts,
underload, pressure, etc.). Each alarm has a programmable retry number. A non zero value enables an auto restart.
• In the event of a permanent problem (i.e. overload, too many starts in a short period of time, etc.) the K095 is designed to
“LOCKOUT”. This lockout can be cleared via the start switch, via the L095 keypad, or by the remote control coil
REM_UNLOCK (addr 97).
• When an alarm(s) causes the K095 to shut off, the alarm that occurred first is flagged as the “shutdown cause”. The
alarms restart timer and retry number is used to setup the restart time. Shutdown cause indexes are available for the last 6
shutdowns via registers 250 to 255.
• The REM_STOP and REM_STRT coils interact with a REMBITR (Remote Off) alarm coil. The specifics of these coils is
explained in the Status/Coil I/O, Notes table. The REMBITR coil acts like any other alarm source and can be set or cleared
via the REM_STOP and/or the REM_STRT coils.
• Restart timers are designed to minimize downtime. The restart timer begins counting as soon as the motor stops. The
restart timer will count down to and hold at 1 minute if an alarm is still active. This ensures that a minimum 1 minute delay
occurs after the alarm clears.
• A hold start delay in seconds can be added to the 1 minute auto start delay. The hold start delay allows starts to be
staggered for multiple K095 sites. This hold delay is also used with the remote start coil. When a “one” is written to
REM_STRT, the motor will start after the hold time expires.

5. I/O Connections
A female DB-9 connector is used for serial communications. Four series 1K ohm resistors are used to protect the RTS,TX,RX,
& DCD pins. In an idle condition these pins are at +5 volt levels. When these pins are active they go to a 0 volt level. A 10K
ohm pull down resistor is used with the L095’s DCD signal. This ensures that the DCD pin stays active should it not be used.
The following table describes each pin.

Pin Name Direction Description

1 RTS Outgoing Request To Send. Used to key up a radio, and/or to setup a modem for transmit mode.
Programmable prekey and postkey delays are associated with this pin.
2 TX Outgoing Transmitted Data. Asynchronous serial data from the K095/L095 to the external device.
3 RX Incoming Received Data. Asynchronous serial data from the external device to the K095/L095 device.
5 GND Ground. Same as logic and chassis ground within the K095/L095.
6 ENB Jumper Enable. Used by ACA modems and converters. When jumpered to ground communication is
switched to/from the external device to/from a local programming computer.
7 DCD Incoming Data Carrier Detect. Used by the L095 to qualify received data.
8 +V In/Out Power In/Out. Nominally 12 to 17 volts DC. Can be used to supply up to 100mA for external
devices. Can also be used in battery backup systems as a power supply input. Approx. 50mA
is required for a K095, 50mA the L095, and 100mA for the L095’s display heater.

A variety of ACA products can be used to convert these TTL signals to RS-232, RS-485/422, and/or to modem signals.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Notes V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Status/Coil I/O, Notes

Note Addr Description and/or change implemented and/or versions affected
CommUpgr 10032 Versions prior to K095 V1.30 r8 used this bit to set ASCII mode.
ClrltchUpgr 10109 Implemented in K095 V1.30r11 & later. Earlier versions ignore this bit.
PlrtyNote 10001- Setpoint polarity ,normally, is only changed for the analog loops. This allows a configuration to have 2 low or 2 high
10023 setpoints instead of 1 high and 1 low setpoint
CtrlNote Several K095/L095 coils are provided for remote stop/start control. The K095 implements these with the following philosophy:
1. The display can always be used to prevent remote control. Ie Value\SCADA\Control = NO.
2. Pressing the local START button will clear any remote stop control except for user control bits (see CtrlUpgr below).
3. Using the local HAND position will ignore remote start/stop control.
4. A TimStagger register (30153) can be used to prevent all K095's from starting at the same time.
5. Clearing a remote SCADA alarm and waiting for the K095 to auto restart ensures that local time delay rules are observed.
6. Using the remote start can over-ride local time delays. This may be detrimental to motor overheating.
10040 RLREBITA- Set to disable start button if a max starts lockout is present. The REM_UNLOCK control ignores this bit.
10046 REM_CONTBITA- SCADA control yes/no. When cleared all remote unlock, start, and stop controls are ignored.
10080 REMBITR- Remote SCADA alarm. It is set via REM_STOP and cleared via REM_START. Any time that this bit is raised it is
recorded in the L095 log as a "SCADA" alarm. Writing to this bit should be avoided.
10098 REM_UNLOCK- Set to unlock a maximum starts lockout condition. Always reads 0. Will ignore local RLREBITA setting.
10099 REM_STRT- Set to cause a "START button press". Always reads 0. If REMBITR was 1 (SCADA alarm) then writing a
one to REM_STRT clears REMBITR (Remote Off) and sets the auto restart timer to 1 minute. If REMBITR was already
clear writing a one to REM_STRT will start the motor after the TimStagger (30153) delay expires.
10100 REM_STOP- Setting this bit sets REMBITR which stops the motor and is recorded as a SCADA alarm. Always reads 0.
Notes REM_STOP, REM_STRT are ignored in the HAND position or if REM_CONTBITA is cleared.
Remote control can also be achieved by using USR_STOP/LOCK controls or by changing certain K095 setpoints, ie:
-Changing AUXBITE (Auxiliary setpoint), or the shutdown action for auxiliary can be used to cause a remote controlled
auxiliary switch shutdown. A switch wired to auxiliary could be used as a SCADA bypass.
-An unused loop hi or low alarm can be setup to stop the controller by controlling the loop hi or low setpoint. With this setup,
normal loop operation is not affected and the hi or low alarm can be programmed to say "Remote Off".
RemUpgr 10075 Versions prior to K095 V1.30r17 used 10075 as a remote off for L095 display purposes. V1.3r17 uses 10080
10080 as the SCADA remote off control, and ensures that the status of this point is retained during a power fail
OffBypUpgr 10026- Versions prior to K095 V1.30r19 do not implement these coils. Versions K095 V1.30r19 and newer use these coils
10031 to enable a "bypass an alarm while the contactor is off" function.
CUBqualify 10023 Versions prior to K095 V1.30r21 do not implement this coil. Versions r21 and newer use to coil to optionally enable the blocking
of voltage related alarms when disruptive harmonics are detected. The algorithm used is "IF the MB01_VUBONCUB bit is set
(via Pt. connections screen, "Qualify Alarms: YES" ) AND contactor is ON AND voltage unbalance is greater than 4% AND
voltage unbalance divided by 2 is greater than current unbalance, then bypass the OVERVOLTAGE, UNDERVOLTAGE,
VUNBAL, ROTATION, LEG GROUND and PWR FACTOR alarms (until the condition clears)".
CtrlUpgr L095 versions 1.30r22 or later and L095 versions 1.31r12 or later implement several L095 only user stop controls.
The intent of these coils is to provide a pair of retentive lockouts and a pair of non lockout stop controls. This method allows
two remote systems to control the K095. Monitoring the state of these controls allows remote telemetry to breakdown the
origin of the remote shutdown into 4 possibilities.
10122 USR_STOPSCLR- Always reads 0, when set will clear both USR_STOP1 and USR_STOP2.
10123 USR_LOCKCLR1- Always reads 0, when set will clear USR_LOCK1, USR_STOP1 and USR_STOP2.
10124 USR_LOCKCLR2- Always reads 0, when set will clear USR_LOCK2, USR_STOP1 and USR_STOP2.
10125 USR_STOP1- Reflects the state of USER STOP 1. If it was set prior to being cleared it also clears USR_STOP2.
10126 USR_STOP2- Reflects the state of USER STOP 2. If it was set prior to being cleared it also clears USR_STOP1.
10127 USR_LOCK1- Reflects the state of USER LOCKOUT 1. If it was set prior to being cleared it clears both USR_STOP1 & 2.
10128 USR_LOCK2- Reflects the state of USER LOCKOUT 2. If it was set prior to being cleared it clears both USR_STOP1 & 2.
30543 DISPL_DIG is the equivalent register for the USR coils above. Writes to this register should be avoided.
30440 USERCONTROL is provided as an alternative to writing to 30543:DISPL_DIG. It always reads 0.
Writing 0x8000 sets USR_LOCK2, 0x4000 sets USR_LOCK1, 0x2000 sets USR_STOP2, 0x1000 sets USR_STOP1,
Writing 0x0800 clears USR_LOCK2, 0x0400 clears USR_LOCK1, 0x0200 clears both USR_STOP2 and USR_STOP1.
Notes These bits are forced to zero and ignored if 10046:REM_CONTBITA (SCADA control yes/no) is set to zero.
After a write to any of these coils or registers the L095 takes the following actions:
1. If all four USR_STOP/LOCK coils are clear and the K095 REMBITR is set(ALARMING), the L095 will clear REMBITR by
using the K095 DIS_STRT bit.
2. If any of the four USR_STOP/LOCK coils are set and the K095 REMBITR is clear(not ALARMING), the L095 will set
REMBITR by using the K095 DIS_STOP bit. Note that if the K095 is in HAND the REMBITR is ignored.
If any of the four USR_STOP/LOCK bits are set the L095 will monitor the K095's REMBITR bit and if the K095 is in the OFF or
AUTO position and the REMBITR is clear, the L095 will reassert the REMBITR coil.
Note that it is possible to press the K095 START switch twice in rapid succession and have the contactor engage for a brief
period until the L095 is able to reassert the REMBITR coil. This is more noticeable at slow K095-L095 baud rates.
Normal use of the START button with its debouncing makes it fairly easy to avoid this behavior.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Notes V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O, Units

Units Description Assignments
BLS Alarm Action 0=Bypass 1=Log 2=Stop
BLSS Alarm Action 0=Bypass 1=Log 2=Stop 3=Stop+log)
BLSSSR Alarm Action 0=Bypass 1=Log 2=Stop 3=Stop+log) 4=Start 5=Reset
FaultIdx System Fault Index0=Operator 3=Slow A/D 6=COP Reset 9=Bad OPcode 12=Init Error
1=StackOvrflw 4=Fast A/D 7=Bad Xtal 10=Frcd Reset 13=BPROT Err
2=StackUnder 5=AlarmrSlow 8=Bad Irq 11=Bad Dbase
ShtdwnIdx Shutdown Cause Index 0=Undefined 9=Hi Freq 18=Loop1 Lo 27=DisplayOff 36=Spare4 45=Yellow Lamp
1=Short Ckt 10=Lo Freq 19=Rotation 28=Instr Error 37=Spare5 46=Red Lamp
2=Stall 11=Hi Supply 20=Leg Gnd 29=ManualOff 38=Spare6 47=Contactor
3=Overload 12=Lo Supply 21=Pwr Factor 30=Bad Circuit 39=RevSpin 48=Powerfail
4=Underload 13=Auxilary 22=L095 Pwr 31=Max Starts 40=TimeDone 255=Empty
5=C Unbal 14=Pressure 23=Backspin 32=RemotOff 41=QueReset
6=Overvolts 15=Loop2 Hi 24=Control Fail 33=Hand 42=Spare9
7=Undervolts 16=Loop2 Lo 25=Prestart 34=Auto 43=Spare10
8=V Unbal 17=Loop1 Hi 26=Power Fail 35=Spare3 44=Spare11
AmberIdx Amber Lamp Mode 0=AutoRestart
Index 1=Reserved 2=Underload 3=Reactor
RedIdx Red Lamp Mode Index 0=AlarmsPrsnt 1=Reserved 2=Overload
Open/Close Digital Setpoint Index
0=Open 1=Close
ABC/ACB Rotation Setpoint Index 0=ABC 1=ACB
K095BaudIdx Baud Rate Index 1=300, 2=600, 3=1200, 4=2400, 5=4800, 6=9600, 7=19200
RadioBaudIdx Baud Rate Index 0=300, 1=600, 2=1200, 3=1800, 4=2400, 5=3600, 6=4800, 7=7200, 8=9600, 9=19200
WordFormat Word Fromat Index0=8None1 3=8Even1 6=7None1 9=70dd2 12=7Mark1 15=7Space2
1=8None2 4=8Mark1 7=7None2 10=7Even1 13=7Mark2
2=8Odd1 5=8Space1 8=7Odd1 11=7Even2 14=7Space1
PrtclIdx Protocol Index 0=ModbusRTU 1=User1 2=ModbusASCII
ToolIdx Tool Index 0=None 1=A695

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O, Notes

Note Addr Description and/or change implemented and/or versions affected
UlsbdUpgr 30022 K095 Ver1.30r9 and up implement underload start switch bypass delay, previous versions read 0
PrtclUpgr 30110 L095 V1.30r13 or newer, L095 V1.31r3 or newer implement ASCII. K095's no not
Consult User Defined Protocol Reference Appendixes for specifics on User defined protocol indexes
K095 V1.3r14 changed the maximum from 2 to 65535
ProgUpgr 30145 K095 V1.30r9 and up changed the Max from 3000 to 1000
ShtdUpgr 30256 K095 V1.30r14 and up sort this queue. Prior versions implement a circular, wrap around queue where 255 marks
the end of the queue (last cause is in the register prior to the 255, 2nd last is before last, etc)
FrmtUpgr 30533 L095 V.30r9 or L095 V1.31r3 or newer implement a software adjustable word format
KWHrUpgr 30262 K095 versions prior to V1.30r18 used register 261 for Peak Volts. This register is now used for kilo watt hours
30544 L095 V1.30r19 or L095 V1.31r9 and K095V1.30r18 or newer implement a 32 bit kilowatt hour accumulator. Older
30545 L095 versions will respond with 0's. Older K095 versions will respond with an illegal data address exception.
KWUpgr 30546 K095V1.30r18 or newer implement kilowattsx10. Older K095's will report an illegal data address exception.
All L095 versions have always implemented this register.
MWUpgr 30547 K095V1.30r18 or newer implement megawatthours x10. Older K095's will report an illegal data address exception.
All L095 versions have always implemented this register.
StallTime 30258 K095 versions prior to V1.30r17 used this point to reflect Peak Amps. V1.30r17 redefines this point as Stall Time
TimeNote 30282 TimStartDly is the restart time delay picked depending on the reason for the shutdown. If the shutdown is manual or if
there are no alarms responsible for the shutdown the UNDERLOAD restart time is used.
30280 TimProgDly is determined at shutdown time. TimProgDly = TimProg(30145) x _NowStarts(30276).
30281 TimProg+Shtd = TimStartDly+TimProgDly and is determined at the time of the shutdown. It is useful for displaying the
auto-restart time calculated for the last shutdown.
30275 TimRstTimer is set to TimProg+Shtd at the time of shutdown. During the shutdown it counts down towards 0. If alarms are
still present, it will stop at the 1 minute mark. After all alarms are cleared it will count down the remaining minute and
after the TImStagger (30153) time elapses the motor will start. TimRstTimer is 0 when the contactor is on.
30153 TimStagger corresponds to the L095 "Hold Start" and is used to stagger starts among many controllers.
30279 TimShutdown is set to 0 at the time of shutdown and counts up while the system is stopped. When the contactor is on,
it shows the total downtime of the last shutdown.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Notes V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O, Notes continued.

Note Addr Description and/or change implemented and/or versions affected
ToolUpgr L095 versions 1.30r22 or later and L095 versions 1.31r12 or later implement a "tee" connection to the A695 Bottom Hole
Pressure and Temperature Converter.
30438 ToolType: enables scanning to the selected downhole tool. 0=none, 1=A695.
30558 ToolPressure: Bottom hole tool pressure. Units depend on the tool used.
30559 ToolTemperature: Bottom hole tool temperature. Units depend on the tool used.
Note that readings are updated once every 10 seconds. If a reading is not available after 70 seconds the register will be set
to 32768 as a tool off-line indicator.
RunTUpgr L095 versions 1.30r22 or later and L095 versions 1.31r12 or later implement four daily runtime counters and a user
adjustable start of day register.
30525 TimDailyRun3: Runtime total seconds for the 3rd previous day.
30527 TimDailyRun2: Runtime total seconds for the 2nd previous day.
30529 TimDailyRun1: Runtime total seconds for the previous day.
30556 TimDailyRun0: Runtime total for today. This value will increase (if the motor is on) as the day progresses.
30439 TimDayStart: Defines the hour of day when runtime totals are shifted. Ie. if this is set to 8, then at 8:00 AM everyday,
TimDailyRun2 is transferred to TimDailyRun3, 1 is transferred to 2, 0 to 1 and TimDailyRun0 is cleared.
Notes Changing the commission date or moving the L095 to a new controller resets all Daily runtime totals to zero.
Changing the real time clock does not change totals.

Some general notes:

All setpoints, controls, and live data that can be viewed locally are accessible remotely as per the attached Modbus I/O address assignment tables.
Additional control coils (addresses 10097 thru 10112) assist with remote control. Note that some I/O registers can only be accessed with a L095
display present.

The K095 AMC was designed for use in submersible motor control applications. The following summary is offered in an effort to assist the SCADA
designer in implementing a remote control system.

· In all modes, it is not possible to start the K095 if an alarm is present. Alarms can be one or more of 32 possible causes. These are listed from coil
I/O address 10049 thru 10080. These coils may also be accessed as registers 30291 and 30292.
· Some alarms (such as pressure, loop hi/low, undervolts, etc) can persist when the motor is off. Other alarms such as overload and underload
automatically clear when the motor stops. To handle this situation, the state of all alarms is latched as the contactor is shut off. See I/O registers
30295 & 30296. These latched registers are cleared by pressing the start switch, pressing the keypad ESC key, by writing zero’s to the register
itself, or by writing a one to the CTBITA13 (10109) coil.
· The HAND position means that the K095 will not automatically restart. All alarm sources must be in the non-alarm state before the K095 will start.
· In the AUTO position the K095 is setup to automatically restart in the event of a temporary disturbance (i.e. under volts, underload, pressure, etc.).
Each alarm has a programmable retry number. A non zero value enables an auto restart.
· In the event of a permanent problem (i.e. overload, too many starts in a short period of time, etc.) the K095 is designed to "LOCKOUT". This lockout
can be cleared via the start switch, via the L095 keypad, or by the remote control coil REM_UNLOCK (10198).
· When an alarm(s) causes the K095 to shut off, the alarm that occurred first is flagged as the "shutdown cause". The alarm's restart timer and retry
number is used to setup the restart time. Shutdown cause indexes are available for the last 6 shutdowns via registers 30251 to 30256.
· The REM_STOP and REM_STRT coils interact with a REMBITR (Remote Off) alarm coil. The specifics of these coils is explained in the Status/Coil I/O,
Notes table. The REMBITR coil acts like any other alarm source and can be set or cleared via the REM_STOP and/or the REM_STRT coils.
· Restart timers are designed to minimize downtime. The restart timer begins counting as soon as the motor stops. The restart timer will count down
to and hold at 1 minute if an alarm is still active. This ensures that a minimum 1 minute delay occurs after the alarm clears.
· A hold start delay in seconds can be added to the 1 minute auto start delay. The hold start delay allows starts to be staggered for multiple K095
sites. This hold start delay is also used with the remote start coil. When a "one" is written to REM_STRT, the motor will start after the hold start time
· User control coils 10122 thru 10128 can be used in multiple master scenarios. They allow a remote stop to be classified into one of four sources.
User lockouts can also be used to provide a retentive LOCKOUT that not be cleared (just ignored) in the HAND position.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Coils V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Status/Coil I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output Register Alternate
Addr Alias Alias Alias Location Tag Name Description Note
0h 10001 1 30155:16 Mask:0 DEADBITE Dead Short Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
1h 10002 2 30155:15 Mask:1 LOCKBITE Lock Rotor Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
2h 10003 3 30155:14 Mask:2 O_LBITE Overload Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
3h 10004 4 30155:13 Mask:3 U_LBITE Underload Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
4h 10005 5 30155:12 Mask:4 CUBBITE Current Unbalance Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
5h 10006 6 30155:11 Mask:5 O_VBITE Over Voltage Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
6h 10007 7 30155:10 Mask:6 U_VBITE Under Voltage Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
7h 10008 8 30155:9 Mask:7 VUBBITE Voltage Unbalance Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
8h 10009 9 30155:8 Mask:8 HFBITE High Frequency Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
9h 10010 10 30155:7 Mask:9 LFBITE Low Frequency Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
Ah 10011 11 30155:6 Mask:10 HSBITE High Supply Voltage Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
Bh 10012 12 30155:5 Mask:11 LSBITE Low Supply Voltage Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
Ch 10013 13 30155:4 Mask:12 AUXBITE Auxiliary Setpoint, 0=alarm if closed, 1= if open
Dh 10014 14 30155:3 Mask:13 PRESBITE Pressure Setpoint, 0=alarm if closed, 1=if open
Eh 10015 15 30155:2 Mask:14 HAINBITE Analog Loop 2 High Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
Fh 10016 16 30155:1 Mask:15 LAINBITE Analog Loop 2 Low Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
10h 10017 17 30156:16 Mask:16 HAIN1BITE Analog Loop 1 High Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
11h 10018 18 30156:15 Mask:17 LAIN1BITE Analog Loop 1 Low Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
12h 10019 19 30156:14 Mask:18 ROTBITE Rotation Setpoint, 0=alarm if ACB, 1= if ABC
13h 10020 20 30156:13 Mask:19 LEGBITE Leg Ground Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
14h 10021 21 30156:12 Mask:20 PFBITE Power Factor Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
15h 10022 22 30156:11 Mask:21 VUBONCUB VUB valid if contactor off or if CUB exists CUBqualify
16h 10023 23 30156:10 Mask:22 BSBITE Backspin Polarity, 0=alarm if <, 1=if > PlrtyNote
17h 10024 24 30156:9 Mask:23 PTDELTAOUT 0=PTs use WYE outs, 1: PTs uses DELTA out
18h 10025 25 30156:8 Mask:24 AUXOFFBYP Auxiliary bypass alarm while contactor is off OffBypUpgr
19h 10026 26 30156:7 Mask:25 PRESOFFBYP Pressure bypass alarm while contactor is off OffBypUpgr
1Ah 10027 27 30156:6 Mask:26 HAINOFFBYP Analog loop 2 high bypass alarm while contactor off OffBypUpgr
1Bh 10028 28 30156:5 Mask:27 LAINOFFBYP Analog loop 2 low bypass alarm while contactor off OffBypUpgr
1Ch 10029 29 30156:4 Mask:28 HAIN1OFFBYP Analog loop 1 high bypass alarm while contactor off OffBypUpgr
1Dh 10030 30 30156:3 Mask:29 LAIN1OFFBYP Analog loop 1 low bypass alarm while contactor off OffBypUpgr
1Eh 10031 31 30156:2 Mask:30 ULDEBITA Underload start bypass delay enable
1Fh 10032 32 30156:1 Mask:31 COMM_MODE Spare CommUpgr
20h 10033 n/a 30157:16 Misc:0 CSMBITA Current Sensing Mode, 0=Avg, 1=Peak
21h 10034 n/a 30157:15 Misc:1 VSMBITA Voltage Sensing Mode, 0=Avg, 1=Peak
CtrlUpgr10035 n/a 30157:14 Misc:2 TFVBITA 3 Phase Volts Present
23h 10036 n/a 30157:13 Misc:3 APBITA Loop 2 Analog Present
24h 10037 n/a 30157:12 Misc:4 BPBITA Sense For Backspin
25h 10038 n/a 30157:11 Misc:5 AP1BITA Loop 1 Analog Present
26h 10039 n/a 30157:10 Misc:6 MHEBITA Manual/Hardware Enable
27h 10040 n/a 30157:9 Misc:7 RLREBITA Disable start button if a max starts lockout is present CtrlNote
28h 10041 n/a 30157:8 Misc:8 ASDEBITA Aux start bypass delay enable
29h 10042 n/a 30157:7 Misc:9 PSDEBITA Pres start bypass delay enable
2Ah 10043 n/a 30157:6 Misc:10 AREBITA Auto reset enable
2Bh 10044 n/a 30157:5 Misc:11 MTWBITA Disable start button when the auto restart delay <>0 CtrlNote
2Ch 10045 n/a 30157:4 Misc:12 BS_ROTA Sense backspin direction
2Dh 10046 n/a 30157:3 Misc:13 REM_CONTBITA Scada control yes/no, 0=disable remote start/stops CtrlNote
2Eh 10047 n/a 30157:2 Misc:14 PFBITA 30 Degree Power Factor correction
2Fh 10048 n/a 30157:1 Misc:15 PIBITA Program Intact
30h 10049 n/a 30291:16 Alarm:0 DEADBITR Dead Short
31h 10050 n/a 30291:15 Alarm:1 LOCKBITR Lock Rotor
32h 10051 n/a 30291:14 Alarm:2 O_LBITR Overload
33h 10052 n/a 30291:13 Alarm:3 U_LBITR Underload
34h 10053 n/a 30291:12 Alarm:4 CUBBITR Current Unbalance
35h 10054 n/a 30291:11 Alarm:5 O_VBITR Over Voltage
36h 10055 n/a 30291:10 Alarm:6 U_VBITR Under Voltage
37h 10056 n/a 30291:9 Alarm:7 VUBBITR Voltage Unbalance
38h 10057 n/a 30291:8 Alarm:8 HFBITR High Frequency
39h 10058 n/a 30291:7 Alarm:9 LFBITR Low Frequency
3Ah 10059 n/a 30291:6 Alarm:10 HSBITR High Supply Voltage
3Bh 10060 n/a 30291:5 Alarm:11 LSBITR Low Supply Voltage

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Coils V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Status/Coil I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output Register Alternate
Addr Alias Alias Alias Location Tag Name Description Note
3Ch 10061 n/a 30291:4 Alarm:12 AUXBITR Auxiliary
3Dh 10062 n/a 30291:3 Alarm:13 PRESBITR Pressure
3Eh 10063 n/a 30291:2 Alarm:14 HAINBITR Analog Loop 2 High
3Fh 10064 n/a 30291:1 Alarm:15 LAINBITR Analog Loop 2 Low
40h 10065 n/a 30292:16 Alarm:16 HAIN1BITR Analog Loop 1 High
41h 10066 n/a 30292:15 Alarm:17 LAIN1BITR Analog Loop 1 Low
42h 10067 n/a 30292:14 Alarm:18 ROTBITR Rotation
43h 10068 n/a 30292:13 Alarm:19 LEGBITR Leg Ground
44h 10069 n/a 30292:12 Alarm:20 PFBITR Power Factor
45h 10070 n/a 30292:11 Alarm:21 SPRALRMR L095 Display Power
46h 10071 n/a 30292:10 Alarm:22 BSBITR Backspin
47h 10072 n/a 30292:9 Alarm:23 CFBITR Controller Failure
48h 10073 n/a 30292:8 Alarm:24 PSBITR Prestart
49h 10074 n/a 30292:7 Alarm:25 PLBITR Power Failure
4Ah 10075 n/a 30292:6 Alarm:26 SPAREBITR Spare RemUpgr
4Bh 10076 n/a 30292:5 Alarm:27 INST_ERR INSTRUMENT ERROR
4Ch 10077 n/a 30292:4 Alarm:28 MAN_SDBIT Manual shutdown
4Dh 10078 n/a 30292:3 Alarm:29 T17BITR T17 VOLTS
4Eh 10079 n/a 30292:2 Alarm:30 MAXBITR MAX STARTS
4Fh 10080 n/a 30292:1 Alarm:31 REMBITR SCADA remote off RemUpgr
50h 10081 n/a 30293:16 Status:0 STRTBIT Start Input
51h 10082 n/a 30293:15 Status:1 HANDBIT Hand Input
52h 10083 n/a 30293:14 Status:2 AUTOBIT Auto Input
53h 10084 n/a 30293:13 Status:3 STBITA4 Spare
54h 10085 n/a 30293:12 Status:4 STBITA5 Spare
55h 10086 n/a 30293:11 Status:5 STBITA6 Spare
56h 10087 n/a 30293:10 Status:6 STBITA7 Spare
57h 10088 n/a 30293:9 Status:7 BS_DIR Spin direction (0 = fwd, 1=rev)
58h 10089 n/a 30293:8 Status:8 TIMINGBIT K095 is timing out
59h 10090 n/a 30293:7 Status:9 RESET_QUEUE RESET STATUS OF QUEUE
5Ah 10091 n/a 30293:6 Status:10 STBITA11 Spare
5Bh 10092 n/a 30293:5 Status:11 STBITA12 Spare
5Ch 10093 n/a 30293:4 Status:12 STBITA13 Spare
5Dh 10094 n/a 30293:3 Status:13 AMBBIT Amber Light Output
5Eh 10095 n/a 30293:2 Status:14 REDBIT Red Light Output
5Fh 10096 n/a 30293:1 Status:15 CONTBIT Contactor Output
60h 10097 97 30294:16 Control:0 RELOAD Reload all K095 setpoints to PROM defaults
61h 10098 98 30294:15 Control:1 REM_UNLOCK Remote Unlock Lockout Counter CtrlNote
62h 10099 99 30294:14 Control:2 REM_STRT Remote Start CtrlNote
63h 10100 100 30294:13 Control:3 REM_STOP Remote Stop CtrlNote
64h 10101 101 30294:12 Control:4 REM_AMBER Reserved for remote control of amber lamp
65h 10102 102 30294:11 Control:5 REM_RED Reserved for remote control of red lamp
66h 10103 103 30294:10 Control:6 DIS_UNLOCK Unlock lockout counter reserved for L095 use
67h 10104 104 30294:9 Control:7 DIS_STRT Start command reserved for L095 use
68h 10105 105 30294:8 Control:8 DIS_STOP Stop command reserved for L095 use
69h 10106 106 30294:7 Control:9 DIS_AMBER Display control of amber
6Ah 10107 107 30294:6 Control:10 DIS_RED Display control of red
6Bh 10108 108 30294:5 Control:11 SEND_BRK Send break, turns battery relay off
6Ch 10109 109 30294:4 Control:12 CTBITA13 Spare/Clear Latched Alarms ClrltchUpgr
6Dh 10110 110 30294:3 Control:13 CTBITA14 Spare
6Eh 10111 111 30294:2 Control:14 CTBITA15 Spare
6Fh 10112 112 30294:1 Control:15 CTBITA16 Spare
n/a n/a n/a 30295:16 Ltch_Alrm:0 DEADBITRL Dead Short, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:15 Ltch_Alrm:1 LOCKBITRL Dead Short, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:14 Ltch_Alrm:2 O_LBITRL Overload, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:13 Ltch_Alrm:3 U_LBITRL Underload, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:12 Ltch_Alrm:4 CUBBITRL Current Unbalance, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:11 Ltch_Alrm:5 O_VBITRL Over Voltage, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:10 Ltch_Alrm:6 U_VBITRL Under Voltage, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:9 Ltch_Alrm:7 VUBBITRL Voltage Unbalance, latched

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Coils V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Status/Coil I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output Register Alternate
Addr Alias Alias Alias Location Tag Name Description Note
n/a n/a n/a 30295:8 Ltch_Alrm:8 HFBITRL High Frequency, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:7 Ltch_Alrm:9 LFBITRL Low Frequency, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:6 Ltch_Alrm:10 HSBITRL High Supply Voltage, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:5 Ltch_Alrm:11 LSBITRL Low Supply Voltage, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:4 Ltch_Alrm:12 AUXBITRL Auxiliary, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:3 Ltch_Alrm:13 PRESBITRL Pressure, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:2 Ltch_Alrm:14 HAINBITRL Analog Loop 2 High, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30295:1 Ltch_Alrm:15 LAINBITRL Analog Loop 2 Low, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:16 Ltch_Alrm:16 HAIN1BITRL Analog Loop 1 High, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:15 Ltch_Alrm:17 LAIN1BITRL Analog Loop 1 Low, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:14 Ltch_Alrm:18 ROTBITRL Rotation, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:13 Ltch_Alrm:19 LEGBITRL Leg Ground, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:12 Ltch_Alrm:20 PFBITRL Power Factor, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:11 Ltch_Alrm:21 SPRALRMRL L095 Display Power, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:10 Ltch_Alrm:22 BSBITRL Backspin, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:9 Ltch_Alrm:23 CFBITRL Controller Failure, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:8 Ltch_Alrm:24 PSBITRL Prestart, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:7 Ltch_Alrm:25 PLBITRL Power Failure, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:6 Ltch_Alrm:26 DISBITRL DISPLAY OFF, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:5 Ltch_Alrm:27 INST_ERRL INSTRUMENT ERROR, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:4 Ltch_Alrm:28 MAN_SDBITL Manual shutdown, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:3 Ltch_Alrm:29 T17BITRL T17 VOLTS, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:2 Ltch_Alrm:30 MAXBITRL MAX STARTS, latched
n/a n/a n/a 30296:1 Ltch_Alrm:31 REMBITRL REMOTE OFF, latched
70h 10113 113 30543:16 BitsDisplay:0 L095_SYSTEM:0 L095 only, system control flag
71h 10114 114 30543:15 BitsDisplay:1 L095_SYSTEM:1 L095 only, system control flag
72h 10115 115 30543:14 BitsDisplay:2 L095_SYSTEM:2 L095 only, system control flag
73h 10116 116 30543:13 BitsDisplay:3 L095_SYSTEM:3 L095 only, system control flag
74h 10117 117 30543:12 BitsDisplay:4 L095_SYSTEM:4 L095 only, system control flag
75h 10118 118 30543:11 BitsDisplay:5 L095_DIG:5 L095 only, spare digital 5
76h 10119 119 30543:10 BitsDisplay:6 L095_DIG:6 L095 only, spare digital 6
77h 10120 120 30543:9 BitsDisplay:7 L095_DIG:7 L095 only, spare digital 7
78h 10121 121 30543:8 BitsDisplay:8 L095_DIG:8 L095 only, spare digital 8
79h 10122 122 30543:7 BitsDisplay:9 USR_STOPSCLR 0=no action. 1=clear USR_STOP1 & USR_STOP2, reads 0 CtrlUpgr
7Ah 10123 123 30543:6 BitsDisplay:10 USR_LOCKCLR1 0=no action. 1=clear USR_LOCK1 & USR_STOP1/2, reads 0 CtrlUpgr
7Bh 10124 124 30543:5 BitsDisplay:11 USR_LOCKCLR2 0=no action. 1=clear USR_LOCK2 & USR_STOP1/2, reads 0 CtrlUpgr
7Ch 10125 125 30543:4 BitsDisplay:12 USR_STOP1 0=clear USR_STOP1 & USR_STOP2, 1=Set USR_STOP1 CtrlUpgr
7Dh 10126 126 30543:3 BitsDisplay:13 USR_STOP2 0=clear USR_STOP2 & USR_STOP1, 1=Set USR_STOP2 CtrlUpgr
7Eh 10127 127 30543:2 BitsDisplay:14 USR_LOCK1 0=clear USR_LOCK1, USR_STOP1&2, 1=set USR_LOCK1 CtrlUpgr
7Fh 10128 128 30543:1 BitsDisplay:15 USR_LOCK2 0=clear USR_LOCK2, USR_STOP1&2, 1=set USR_LOCK2 CtrlUpgr

General Notes:
K095's respond to I/O addresses 0 (10001 thru 6Fh (10112). An illegal data address exception will occur for any other address.
If an L095 is used with a K095 all I/0 addresses from 0h (10001) thru 7Fh (10128) are available.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
0h 30001 40001 AshortSet01 Amps Dead Short Setpoint 0 5000 600
1h 30002 40002 AstallSet01 Amps Lock Rotor Setpoint 0 5000 300
2h 30003 40003 AmpsHiSet01 Amps Overload Set01 Setpoint 0 650 100
3h 30004 40004 AmpsLoSet01 Amps Underload Set01 Setpoint 0 650 50
4h 30005 40005 AunblSet01 % /10 Current Unbalance Set01 Setpoint 10 1000 200
5h 30006 40006 VoltHiSet01 Volts OverVolts Set01 Setpoint 0 6000 1100
6h 30007 40007 VoltLoSet01 Volts UnderVolts Set01 Setpoint 0 6000 900
7h 30008 40008 VunblSet01 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Set01 Setpoint 10 1000 40
8h 30009 40009 FreqHiSet01 Hz /10 High Frequency Set01 Setpoint 400 700 650
9h 30010 40010 FreqLoSet01 Hz /10 Low Frequency Set01 Setpoint 400 700 550
ah 30011 40011 VsupHiSet01 Volts High Supply Volts Set01 Setpoint 50 200 130
bh 30012 40012 VsupLoSet01 Volts Low Supply Volts Set01 Setpoint 50 200 100
ch 30013 40013 SwAuxSet01 Open/Close Auxiliary Shutdown Set01 Setpoint 1 1 1
dh 30014 40014 SwPresSet01 Open/Close Pressure Shutdown Set01 Setpoint 1 1 1
eh 30015 40015 Ain2HiSet01 UserDef'd High Analog Loop 2 Set01 Setpoint 0 65000 1000
fh 30016 40016 Ain2LoSet01 UserDef'd Low Analog Loop 2 Set01 Setpoint 0 65000 0
10h 30017 40017 Ain1HiSet01 UserDef'd High Analog Loop 1 Set01 Setpoint 0 65000 1000
11h 30018 40018 Ain1LoSet01 UserDef'd Low Analog Loop 1 Set01 Setpoint 0 65000 0
12h 30019 40019 RotSet01 ABC/ACB Rotation Set01 Setpoint 1 1 1
13h 30020 40020 LeggndSet01 % /10 Leg Ground Set01 Setpoint 0 1000 400
14h 30021 40021 PfSet01 % /10 Power Factor Set01 Setpoint 10 100 50
15h 30022 40022 AmpLoBypDly Minutes Reserved / Underload switch bypass delay 0 3000 0 UlsbdUpgr
16h 30023 40023 AshortRetry Trys Dead Short Alarm Retry Number 0 0 0
17h 30024 40024 AstallRetry Trys Lock Rotor Alarm Retry Number 0 0 0
18h 30025 40025 AmpsHiRetry Trys Overload Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
19h 30026 40026 AmpsLoRetry Trys Underload Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
1ah 30027 40027 AunblRetry Trys Current Unbalance Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
1bh 30028 40028 VoltHiRetry Trys OverVolts Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
1ch 30029 40029 VoltLoRetry Trys UnderVolts Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
1dh 30030 40030 VunblRetry Trys Voltage Unbalance Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
1eh 30031 40031 FreqHiRetry Trys High Frequency Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
1fh 30032 40032 FreqLoRetry Trys Low Frequency Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
20h 30033 40033 VsupHiRetry Trys High Supply Volts Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
21h 30034 40034 VsupLoRetry Trys Low Supply Volts Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
CtrlUpgr 30035 40035 SwAuxRetry Trys Auxiliary Shutdown Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
23h 30036 40036 SwPresRetry Trys Pressure Shutdown Alarm Retry Number 0 25 3
24h 30037 40037 Ain2HiRetry Trys High Analog Loop 2 Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
25h 30038 40038 Ain2LoRetry Trys Low Analog Loop 2 Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
26h 30039 40039 Ain1HiRetry Trys High Analog Loop 1 Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
27h 30040 40040 Ain1LoRetry Trys Low Analog Loop 1 Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
28h 30041 40041 RotRetry Trys Rotation Alarm Retry Number 1 25 1
29h 30042 40042 LeggndRetry Trys Leg Ground Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
2ah 30043 40043 PfRetry Trys Power Factor Alarm Retry Number 0 25 0
2bh 30044 40044 SpareRetry Trys Reserved 0 25 0
2ch 30045 40045 AshortRetryT Minutes Dead Short Retry Time 0 0 0
2dh 30046 40046 AstallRetryT Minutes Lock Rotor Retry Time 0 0 0
2eh 30047 40047 AmpsHiRetryT Minutes Overload Retry Time 1 3000 30
2fh 30048 40048 AmpsLoRetryT Minutes Underload Retry Time 1 3000 30
30h 30049 40049 AunblRetryT Minutes Current Unbalance Retry Time 1 3000 30
31h 30050 40050 VoltHiRetryT Minutes OverVolts Retry Time 1 3000 30
32h 30051 40051 VoltLoRetryT Minutes UnderVolts Retry Time 1 3000 30
33h 30052 40052 VunblRetryT Minutes Voltage Unbalance Retry Time 1 3000 30
34h 30053 40053 FreqHiRetryT Minutes High Frequency Retry Time 1 3000 30
35h 30054 40054 FreqLoRetryT Minutes Low Frequency Retry Time 1 3000 30
36h 30055 40055 VsupHiRetryT Minutes High Supply Volts Retry Time 1 3000 30
37h 30056 40056 VsupLoRetryT Minutes Low Supply Volts Retry Time 1 3000 30
38h 30057 40057 SwAuxRetryT Minutes Auxiliary Shutdown Retry Time 1 3000 30
39h 30058 40058 SwPresRetryT Minutes Pressure Shutdown Retry Time 1 3000 30
3ah 30059 40059 Ain2HiRetryT Minutes High Analog Loop 2 Retry Time 1 3000 30
3bh 30060 40060 Ain2LoRetryT Minutes Low Analog Loop 2 Retry Time 1 3000 30

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
3ch 30061 40061 Ain1HiRetryT Minutes High Analog Loop 1 Retry Time 1 3000 30
3dh 30062 40062 Ain1LoRetryT Minutes Low Analog Loop 1 Retry Time 1 3000 30
3eh 30063 40063 RotRetryT Minutes Rotation Retry Time 30 30 30
3fh 30064 40064 LeggndRetryT Minutes Leg Ground Retry Time 1 3000 30
40h 30065 40065 PfRetryT Minutes Power Factor Retry Time 1 3000 30
41h 30066 40066 SpareRetryT Minutes Reserved 1 65535 30
42h 30067 40067 AshortStrtDl Secs /10 Dead Short Alarm Start Delay Time 0 0 0
43h 30068 40068 AstallStrtDl Secs /10 Lock Rotor Alarm Start Delay Time 0 0 0
44h 30069 40069 AmpsHiStrtDl Secs /10 Overload Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
45h 30070 40070 AmpsLoStrtDl Secs /10 Underload Alarm Start Delay Time 0 20000 0
46h 30071 40071 AunblStrtDl Secs /10 Current Unbalance Alrm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
47h 30072 40072 VoltHiStrtDl Secs /10 OverVolts Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
48h 30073 40073 VoltLoStrtDl Secs /10 UnderVolts Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
49h 30074 40074 VunblStrtDl Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Alrm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
4ah 30075 40075 FreqHiStrtDl Secs /10 High Frequency Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
4bh 30076 40076 FreqLoStrtDl Secs /10 Low Frequency Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
4ch 30077 40077 VsupHiStrtDl Secs /10 High Supply Volts Alrm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
4dh 30078 40078 VsupLoStrtDl Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
4eh 30079 40079 SwAuxStrtDl Secs /10 Auxiliary Shutdown Alrm Strt Delay Time 0 20000 0
4fh 30080 40080 SwPresStrtDl Secs /10 Pressure Shutdown Alrm Start Delay Time 0 20000 0
50h 30081 40081 Ain2HiStrtDl Secs /10 High Analog Loop 2 Alrm Strt Delay Time 0 20000 0
51h 30082 40082 Ain2LoStrtDl Secs /10 Low Analog Loop 2 Alrm Strt Delay Time 0 20000 0
52h 30083 40083 Ain1HiStrtDl Secs /10 High Analog Loop 1 Alrm Strt Delay Time 0 20000 0
53h 30084 40084 Ain1LoStrtDl Secs /10 Low Analog Loop 1 Alrm Strt Delay Time 0 20000 0
54h 30085 40085 RotStrtDl Secs /10 Rotation Alarm Start Delay Time 0 0 0
55h 30086 40086 LeggndStrtDl Secs /10 Leg Ground Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
56h 30087 40087 PfStrtDl Secs /10 Power Factor Alarm Start Delay Time 0 2000 0
57h 30088 40088 SpareStrtDl Secs /10 Reserved 0 65535 0
58h 30089 40089 AshortSet01T Secs /10 Dead Short Alarm 100% Set01 Time 0 2000 4
59h 30090 40090 AstallSet01T Secs /10 Lock Rotor Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 5
5ah 30091 40091 AmpsHiSet01T Secs /10 Overload Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 160
5bh 30092 40092 AmpsLoSet01T Secs /10 Underload Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 80
5ch 30093 40093 AunblSet01T Secs /10 Current Unbalance 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 20
5dh 30094 40094 VoltHiSet01T Secs /10 OverVolts Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 10
5eh 30095 40095 VoltLoSet01T Secs /10 UnderVolts Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 40
5fh 30096 40096 VunblSet01T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 40
60h 30097 40097 FreqHiSet01T Secs /10 High Frequency Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 2
61h 30098 40098 FreqLoSet01T Secs /10 Low Frequency Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 2
62h 30099 40099 VsupHiSet01T Secs /10 High Supply Volts Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 5
63h 30100 40100 VsupLoSet01T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 90
64h 30101 40101 SwAuxSet01T Secs /10 Auxiliary Shutdown Alrm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
65h 30102 40102 SwPresSet01T Secs /10 Pressure Shutdown Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
66h 30103 40103 Ain2HiSet01T Secs /10 High Analog Loop 2 Alrm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
67h 30104 40104 Ain2LoSet01T Secs /10 Low Analog Loop 2 Alrm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
68h 30105 40105 Ain1HiSet01T Secs /10 High Analog Loop 1 Alrm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
69h 30106 40106 Ain1LoSet01T Secs /10 Low Analog Loop 1 Alrm 100% Set01 Time 1 20000 50
6ah 30107 40107 RotSet01T Secs /10 Rotation Setpoint Alarm 100% Set01 Time 10 10 10
6bh 30108 40108 LeggndSet01T Secs /10 Leg Ground Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 5
6ch 30109 40109 PfSet01T Secs /10 Power Factor Alarm 100% Set01 Time 1 2000 300
6dh 30110 40110 ScadaProtcl PrtclIdx Reserved / 0=RTU, 1=USER1, 2=ASCII 0 65535 0 PrtclUpgr
6eh 30111 40111 AshortAction BLS Dead Short Alarm Action 0 3 0
6fh 30112 40112 AstallAction BLS Lock Rotor Alarm Action 0 3 0
70h 30113 40113 AmpsHiAction BLS Overload Alarm Action 0 3 3
71h 30114 40114 AmpsLoAction BLS Underload Alarm Action 0 3 3
72h 30115 40115 AunblAction BLS Current Unbalance Alarm Action 0 3 3
73h 30116 40116 VoltHiAction BLS OverVolts Alarm Action 0 3 3
74h 30117 40117 VoltLoAction BLS UnderVolts Alarm Action 0 3 3
75h 30118 40118 VunblAction BLS Voltage Unbalance Alarm Action 0 3 3
76h 30119 40119 FreqHiAction BLS High Frequency Alarm Action 0 3 3
77h 30120 40120 FreqLoAction BLS Low Frequency Alarm Action 0 3 3

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
78h 30121 40121 VsupHiAction BLS High Supply Volts Alarm Action 0 3 3
79h 30122 40122 VsupLoAction BLS Low Supply Volts Alarm Action 0 3 3
7ah 30123 40123 SwAuxAction BLSSSR Auxiliary Shutdown Alarm Action 0 5 0
7bh 30124 40124 SwPresAction BLSS Pressure Shutdown Alarm Action 0 4 3
7ch 30125 40125 Ain2HiAction BLSS High Analog Loop 2 Alarm Action 0 4 0
7dh 30126 40126 Ain2LoAction BLSS Low Analog Loop 2 Alarm Action 0 4 0
7eh 30127 40127 Ain1HiAction BLSS High Analog Loop 1 Alarm Action 0 4 0
7fh 30128 40128 Ain1LoAction BLSS Low Analog Loop 1 Alarm Action 0 4 0
80h 30129 40129 RotAction BLS Rotation Setpoint Alarm Action 0 3 2
81h 30130 40130 LeggndAction BLS Leg Ground Alarm Action 0 3 3
82h 30131 40131 PfAction BLS Power Factor Alarm Action 0 3 0
83h 30132 40132 SpareAction - Reserved 0 0 0
84h 30133 40133 SpnFrqSet Hz /10 BackSpin Frequency Set01 Setpoint 3 1000 20
85h 30134 40134 SpnFrqSet01T Secs /10 BackSpin Frequency Alrm 100% Set01 Time 150 10000 300
86h 30135 40135 SpnFrqAction BLS BackSpin Frequency Alarm Action 0 3 3
87h 30136 40136 CalCtratio Amps Current Transformer Ratio Amps/5 5 600 100
88h 30137 40137 CalPtACratio Volts AC Transformer PT Ratio Volts/120 120 5000 1000
89h 30138 40138 CalPtBAratio Volts BA Transformer PT Ratio Volts/120 120 5000 1000
8ah 30139 40139 CalAin2Zero 0.01 V Analog Loop 2 Zero (volts for min eng) 0 521 0
8bh 30140 40140 CalAin2Range 0.01 V Analog Loop 2 Range (volts for max eng) 0 521 500
8ch 30141 40141 CalAin2Scale USER Analog Loop 2 Scale (max-min eng) 0 65000 1000
8dh 30142 40142 CalAin1Zero 0.01 V Analog Loop 1 Zero (volts for min eng) 0 521 0
8eh 30143 40143 CalAin1Range 0.01 V Analog Loop 1 Range (volts for max eng) 0 521 500
8fh 30144 40144 CalAin1Scale USER Analog Loop 1 Scale (max-min eng) 0 65000 1000
90h 30145 40145 TimProg Minutes Progressive Time 0 1000 0 ProgUpgr
91h 30146 40146 TimRstRun Minutes Run time required to reset max starts 1 3000 60
92h 30147 40147 ScadaBaud K095BaudIdx Communications Baud Rate 1 7 6
93h 30148 40148 ScadaPrekey millisec Prekey Delay 5 1000 120
94h 30149 40149 ScadaPostkey millisec Postkey Delay 5 1000 40
95h 30150 40150 ScadaID # RTU Id 1 254 1
96h 30151 40151 SwAuxBypDly Minutes Auxiliary switch bypass delay 0 3000 0
97h 30152 40152 SwPresBypDly Minutes Pressure switch bypass delay 0 3000 0
98h 30153 40153 TimHoldStart Seconds Delay between timer expire and contactor on 0 3000 0 TimeNote
99h 30154 40154 BitsSpare Bits Spare 0 65535 0
9ah 30155 40155 BitsMask1 Bits See status bits MASK:0 thru MASK:15 0 65535 17847
9bh 30156 40156 BitsMask2 Bits See status bits MASK:16 thru MASK:31 0 65535 77
9ch 30157 40157 BitsMisc Bits See status bits MISC:0 thru MISC:0 0 65535 1028
9dh 30158 40158 AHiSet02 Amps Overload Curve Set02 Setpoint 100 999 110
9eh 30159 40159 AHiSet03 Amps Overload Curve Set03 Setpoint 100 999 120
9fh 30160 40160 AHiSet04 Amps Overload Curve Set04 Setpoint 100 999 130
a0h 30161 40161 AHiSet05 Amps Overload Curve Set05 Setpoint 100 999 150
a1h 30162 40162 AHiSet06 Amps Overload Curve Set06 Setpoint 100 999 170
a2h 30163 40163 AHiSet07 Amps Overload Curve Set07 Setpoint 100 999 200
a3h 30164 40164 AHiSet08 Amps Overload Curve Set08 Setpoint 100 999 230
a4h 30165 40165 AHiSet09 Amps Overload Curve Set09 Setpoint 100 999 260
a5h 30166 40166 AHiSet10 Amps Overload Curve Set10 Setpoint 100 999 300
a6h 30167 40167 AHiSet11 Amps Overload Curve Set11 Setpoint 100 999 350
a7h 30168 40168 AHiSet12 Amps Overload Curve Set12 Setpoint 100 999 400
a8h 30169 40169 AHiSet13 Amps Overload Curve Set13 Setpoint 100 999 500
a9h 30170 40170 AHiSet14 Amps Overload Curve Set14 Setpoint 100 999 600
aah 30171 40171 AHiSet15 Amps Overload Curve Set15 Setpoint 100 999 700
abh 30172 40172 VoltLoSet02 Volts Undervolts Curve Set02 Setpoint 30 100 92
ach 30173 40173 VoltLoSet03 Volts Undervolts Curve Set03 Setpoint 30 100 85
adh 30174 40174 VoltLoSet04 Volts Undervolts Curve Set04 Setpoint 30 100 78
aeh 30175 40175 VoltLoSet05 Volts Undervolts Curve Set05 Setpoint 30 100 72
afh 30176 40176 VoltLoSet06 Volts Undervolts Curve Set06 Setpoint 30 100 66
b0h 30177 40177 VoltLoSet07 Volts Undervolts Curve Set07 Setpoint 30 100 60
b1h 30178 40178 VunblSet02 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set02 Setpoint 100 999 150
b2h 30179 40179 VunblSet03 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set03 Setpoint 100 999 200
b3h 30180 40180 VunblSet04 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set04 Setpoint 100 999 300

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
b4h 30181 40181 VunblSet05 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set05 Setpoint 100 999 400
b5h 30182 40182 VunblSet06 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set06 Setpoint 100 999 500
b6h 30183 40183 VunblSet07 % /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set07 Setpoint 100 999 800
b7h 30184 40184 VsupLoSet02 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set02 Setpoint 30 100 92
b8h 30185 40185 VsupLoSet03 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set03 Setpoint 30 100 85
b9h 30186 40186 VsupLoSet04 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set04 Setpoint 30 100 78
bah 30187 40187 VsupLoSet05 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set05 Setpoint 30 100 72
bbh 30188 40188 VsupLoSet06 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set06 Setpoint 30 100 66
bch 30189 40189 VsupLoSet07 Volts Low Supply Volts Curve Set07 Setpoint 30 100 60
bdh 30190 40190 AHiSet02T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set02 Time 1 2000 80
beh 30191 40191 AHiSet03T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set03 Time 1 2000 50
bfh 30192 40192 AHiSet04T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set04 Time 1 2000 35
c0h 30193 40193 AHiSet05T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set05 Time 1 2000 26
c1h 30194 40194 AHiSet06T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set06 Time 1 2000 22
c2h 30195 40195 AHiSet07T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set07 Time 1 2000 17
c3h 30196 40196 AHiSet08T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set08 Time 1 2000 14
c4h 30197 40197 AHiSet09T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set09 Time 1 2000 12
c5h 30198 40198 AHiSet10T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set10 Time 1 2000 10
c6h 30199 40199 AHiSet11T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set11 Time 1 2000 9
c7h 30200 40200 AHiSet12T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set12 Time 1 2000 8
c8h 30201 40201 AHiSet13T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set13 Time 1 2000 7
c9h 30202 40202 AHiSet14T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set14 Time 1 2000 6
cah 30203 40203 AHiSet15T Secs /10 Overload Curve Set15 Time 1 2000 5
cbh 30204 40204 VoltLoSet02T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set02 Time 1 2000 23
cch 30205 40205 VoltLoSet03T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set03 Time 1 2000 12
cdh 30206 40206 VoltLoSet04T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set04 Time 1 2000 7
ceh 30207 40207 VoltLoSet05T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set05 Time 1 2000 4
cfh 30208 40208 VoltLoSet06T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set06 Time 1 2000 2
d0h 30209 40209 VoltLoSet07T Secs /10 Undervolts Curve Set07 Time 1 2000 1
d1h 30210 40210 VunblSet02T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set02 Time 1 2000 20
d2h 30211 40211 VunblSet03T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set03 Time 1 2000 12
d3h 30212 40212 VunblSet04T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set04 Time 1 2000 6
d4h 30213 40213 VunblSet05T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set05 Time 1 2000 3
d5h 30214 40214 VunblSet06T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set06 Time 1 2000 2
d6h 30215 40215 VunblSet07T Secs /10 Voltage Unbalance Curve Set07 Time 1 2000 1
d7h 30216 40216 VsupLoSet02T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set02 Time 1 2000 50
d8h 30217 40217 VsupLoSet03T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set03 Time 1 2000 28
d9h 30218 40218 VsupLoSet04T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set04 Time 1 2000 15
dah 30219 40219 VsupLoSet05T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set05 Time 1 2000 9
dbh 30220 40220 VsupLoSet06T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set06 Time 1 2000 5
dch 30221 40221 VsupLoSet07T Secs /10 Low Supply Volts Curve Set07 Time 1 2000 1
ddh 30222 40222 CalPhaseA /128 Twiddle Phase A Current 87 174 110
deh 30223 40223 CalPhaseB /128 Twiddle Phase B Current 87 174 110
dfh 30224 40224 CalPhaseC /128 Twiddle Phase C Current 87 174 110
e0h 30225 40225 _FaultIdx FaultIdx Prestart cause 0 16 0
e1h 30226 40226 CalVac /128 Twiddle VAC 87 174 133
e2h 30227 40227 _K095Serial # SERIAL NUMBER 0 65535 xxxx
e3h 30228 40228 CalVba /128 Twiddle VBA 87 174 133
e4h 30229 40229 CalVsup /128 Twiddle Supply Voltage 87 174 133
e5h 30230 40230 Data1(20) 2char/reg Site name, characters 1 & 2 0 65535 "K0"
e6h 30231 40231 2char/reg Site name, characters 3 & 4 0 65535 "95"
e7h 30232 40232 2char/reg Site name, characters 5 & 6 0 65535 " V"
e8h 30233 40233 2char/reg Site name, characters 7 & 8 0 65535 "1."
e9h 30234 40234 2char/reg Site name, characters 9 & 10 0 65535 "30"
eah 30235 40235 2char/reg Site name, characters 11 & 12 0 65535 " r"
ebh 30236 40236 2char/reg Site name, characters 13 & 14 0 65535 "xx"
ech 30237 40237 2char/reg Site name, characters 15 & 16 0 65535 " "
edh 30238 40238 2char/reg Site name, characters 17 & 18 0 65535 " "
eeh 30239 40239 2char/reg Site name, characters 19 & 20 0 65535 " "
efh 30240 40240 BitsConfig Bits Configuration flags 0 65535 0

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
f0h 30241 n/a _EECRC CRC16 Storage of EEprom CRC 0 65535 0
f1h 30242 n/a _LastState ShtdwnIdx LAST RUNNING STATE OF CONTROLLER 0 65535 0
f2h 30243 n/a CommDate Secx65536 Commission date MS 0 65535 0
f3h 30244 n/a Secs Commission date LS (secs since 1990) 0 65535 0
f4h 30245 n/a TimLastRun Minutes Last Run Time 0 65535 0
f5h 30246 n/a TimLastDown Minutes Last Down Time 0 65535 0
f6h 30247 n/a TimTtlRunInt Secx65536 Total run time (updated on powerdown),MS 0 65535 0
f7h 30248 n/a Seconds Total run time (updated on powerdown),LS 0 65535 0
f8h 30249 n/a _TotalStarts # Total number of starts since commission time 0 65535 0
f9h 30250 n/a _ShtdIdx7th ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / always 255 255 255 255 ShtdUpgr
fah 30251 n/a _ShtdIdx6th ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / 6th last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
fbh 30252 n/a _ShtdIdx5th ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / 5th last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
fch 30253 n/a _ShtdIdx4th ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / 4th last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
fdh 30254 n/a _ShtdIdx3rd ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / 3rd last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
feh 30255 n/a _ShtdIdx2nd ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / 2nd last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
ffh 30256 n/a _ShtdIdxLst ShtdwnIdx Shutdwn cause que / last shutdwn cause 0 255 255 ShtdUpgr
100h 30257 n/a AmpsStart Amps Start Amps 0 16000 0
101h 30258 n/a TimeStall Secs/10 Stall time 0 2000 0 StallTime
102h 30259 n/a AmpsA Amps Live Phase A Amps 0 16000 0
103h 30260 n/a AmpsB Amps Live Phase B Amps 0 16000 0
104h 30261 n/a AmpsC Amps Live Phase C Amps 0 16000 0
105h 30262 n/a KWattHrs KWHr Bits 0-14:KiloWatt Hours. Bit15:system flag 0 32767 0 KwHrUpgr
106h 30263 n/a VoltsAC Volts Live AC Volts 0 10000 0
107h 30264 n/a VoltsCB Volts Calculated CB Volts 0 10000 0
108h 30265 n/a VoltsBA Volts Live BA Volts 0 10000 0
109h 30266 n/a VoltsSupply Volts Live 120V Supply Volts 0 200 0
10ah 30267 n/a AnalogIn2 UserDef'n Live Analog Loop 2 0 65535 0
10bh 30268 n/a AnalogIn1 UserDef'n Live Analog Loop 1 0 65535 0
10ch 30269 n/a Frequency Hz /10 Live Supply Frequency 350 1000 0
10dh 30270 n/a SpinFreq Hz /10 Live Backspin Frequency 0 65535 0
10eh 30271 n/a Rotation ABC/ACB Live Rotation, 0=ABC, 1=ACB 0 1 0
10fh 30272 n/a Leggnd % /10 Live Leg-ground unbalance 0 1200 0
110h 30273 n/a VoltsUnbl % /10 Live Voltage Unbalance 0 2500 0
111h 30274 n/a AmpsUnbl % /10 Live Current Unbalance 0 2500 0
112h 30275 n/a TimRstTimer Minutes Restart timer, counts down while stopped 0 65535 0 TimeNote
113h 30276 n/a _NowStarts # Number of starts used up in present alarm seq. 0 25 0 TimeNote
114h 30277 n/a _AllowdStart # Number of starts allowed from last shutdown 0 25 0 TimeNote
115h 30278 n/a _DownCause ShtdwnIdx Reason for auto start delay (shutdown cause) 0 32 0 TimeNote
116h 30279 n/a TimShutdown Minutes Total shutdown time, counts up while stopped 0 65535 0 TimeNote
117h 30280 n/a TimProgDly Minutes Start delay, Progressive time portion 0 65535 0 TimeNote
118h 30281 n/a TimProg+Shtd Minutes Start delay, Progressive time + shutdown time 0 65535 0 TimeNote
119h 30282 n/a TimStartDly Minutes Start delay, shutdown time (based on alarm) 0 65535 0 TimeNote
11ah 30283 n/a TimRuntime Minutes Present run time, counts up while running 0 65535 0 TimeNote
11bh 30284 n/a TimTotalRun Secx65536 Contactor on time since commission, MS part 0 65535 0
11ch 30285 n/a Secs Contactor on time since commission, LS part 0 65535 0
11dh 30286 n/a AmpsAvg Amps Average Amps (all 3 phases) 0 16000 0
11eh 30287 n/a VoltsAvg Volts Average Volts (all 3 phases) 0 10000 0
11fh 30288 n/a PowerFactor % Power Factor 0 100 0
120h 30289 n/a _QuePtr Index Alarm log pointer 0 16 0
121h 30290 n/a _QueTimer Secs /10 Alarm queue timer 0 65535 0
122h 30291 n/a BitsAlarm1 Bits See status bits ALARM:0 - ALARM:15 0 65535 0
123h 30292 n/a BitsAlarm2 Bits See status bits ALARM:16 - ALARM:31 0 65535 0
124h 30293 n/a BitsStatus1 Bits See status bits STATUS:0 - STATUS:15 0 65535 0
125h 30294 n/a BitsControl1 Bits See control bits CONTROL:0 - CONTROL:15 0 65535 0
126h 30295 40295 BitsLatch1 Bits Latched ALARM's when contactor goes off 0 65535 0
127h 30296 40296 BitsLatch2 Bits Latched ALARM's when contactor goes off 0 65535 0
128h 30297 n/a _K095Queue ShtdwnIdx Queue, line 0, cause 0 65535 0
129h 30298 n/a Secs /10 Queue, line 0, length of alarm 0 65535 0
12ah 30299 n/a ShtdwnIdx Queue, line 1, cause 0 65535 0
12bh 30300 n/a Secs /10 Queue, line 1, length of alarm 0 65535 0

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
12ch 30301 n/a ShtdwnIdx Queue, line 2, cause 0 65535 0
12dh 30302 n/a Secs /10 Queue, line 2, length of alarm 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a ShtdwnIdx Queue, lines 1 thru 28, cause 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a Secs /10 Queue, lines 1 thru 28, length of alarm 0 65535 0
166h 30359 n/a ShtdwnIdx Queue, line 15, cause 0 65535 0
167h 30360 n/a Secs /10 Queue, line 15, length of alarm 0 65535 0
168h 30361 40361 _ModeAmber AmberIdx Amber lamp mode index 0 3 0
169h 30362 40362 _ModeRed RedIdx Red lamp mode index 0 2 0
16ah 30363 n/a _K095Version hex Hexadecimal Version (V1.310=1310 hex) 0 65535 1321h
16bh 30364 40364 Data2(20) 2char/reg 20 character data string line 2 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
175h 30374 40374 Data3(20) 2char/reg 20 character data string line 3 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
17fh 30384 40384 Data4(20) 2char/reg 20 character data string line 4 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
189h 30394 40394 Ain1Nam(20) 2char/reg Analog loop 1 name, 20 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
193h 30404 40404 Ain1HiN(12) 2char/reg Analog loop 1 Hi alarm name, 12 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
199h 30410 40410 Ain1LoN(12) 2char/reg Analog loop 1 Low alarm name, 12 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
19fh 30416 40416 Ain2Nam(20) 2char/reg Analog loop 2 name, 20 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
1a9h 30426 40426 Ain2HiN(12) 2char/reg Analog loop 2 Hi alarm name, 12 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
1afh 30432 40432 Ain2LoN(12) 2char/reg Analog loop 2 Low alarm name, 12 chars 0 65535 0
etc etc etc 2char/reg etc 0 65535 0
1b5h 30438 40438 ToolType ToolIdx Index to "tee" connected tool. 0=None, 1=A695 0 1 0 ToolUpgr
1b6h 30439 40439 TimDayStart Hour Hour that daily runtime accum's are shifted 0 23 0 RunTUpgr
1b7h 30440 40440 UserControl - One shot controls for USER_STOP/LOCK bits 0 65535 0 CtrlUpgr
1b8h 30441 40441 - Spare 0 65535 0
1b9h 30442 40442 - Spare 0 65535 0
1bah 30443 40443 - Spare 0 65535 0

202h 30515 40515 - Spare 0 65535 0

203h 30516 40516 - Spare 0 65535 0
204h 30517 40517 - Spare 0 65535 0
205h 30518 40518 - Spare 0 65535 0
206h 30519 40519 - Spare 0 65535 0
207h 30520 40520 - Spare 0 65535 0
208h 30521 40521 - Spare 0 65535 0
209h 30522 40522 - Spare 0 65535 0
20Ah 30523 40523 - Spare 0 65535 0
20Bh 30524 40524 - Spare 0 65535 0
20Ch 30525 40525 TimDailyRun3 Secx65536 Runtime total for the 3rd previous day MS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
20Dh 30526 40526 Secs Runtime total for the 3rd previous day LS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
20Eh 30527 40527 TimDailyRun2 Secx65536 Runtime total for the 2nd previous day MS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
20Fh 30528 40528 Secs Runtime total for the 2nd previous day LS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
210h 30529 40529 TimDailyRun1 Secx65536 Runtime total for the previous day MS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
211h 30530 40530 Secs Runtime total for the previous day LS part 0 65535 0 RunTUpgr
212h 30531 40531 K095Release - K095 firmware release level 0 65535 0
213h 30532 40532 L095Language - L095 language mode 0 1 0
214h 30533 40533 ScadaFormat WordFormat SCADA Port word format 0 15 0 FrmtUpgr
215h 30534 n/a _L095Product /1000 hex L095 Product Code 0 65535 650h
216h 30535 n/a _L095Release /1000 hex L095 Release Code 0 65535 1321h
217h 30536 n/a _L095Serial /1000 hex L095 serial number 0 65535 xxxx
218h 30537 n/a _L095DVersion /1000 hex L095 display version number 0 65535 xxxx
219h 30538 40538 TimSet Secx65536 Set time, MS part 0 65535 0
21ah 30539 40539 Seconds Set time, LS part 0 65535 0

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

K095 Telemetry Reference, Appendix A K095,L095 Telemetry Tables.xls!K095 Registers V1r4 Sep 9/97

K095/L095 Version 1.3x Modbus Register I/O Address Assignments

I/O Input Output
Addr Alias Alias Tag Name Units Description Min Max Default Note
21bh 30540 40540 _KeyDebounce Ticks Keypad debounce time, approx 4.1 ms/tick 10 150 0
21ch 30541 40541 _ScreenTimou Seconds Screen timeout time 0 30000 0
21dh 30542 40542 ScadaBaud2 RadioBaudIdx Radio port baud rate 0 9 8
21eh 30543 n/a BitsDisplay Bits L095 additional digital bits, bits 0 thru 15 0 65535 0
21fh 30544 n/a KWattHours KWHrx65536 KiloWatt Hours, MS part, 0 65535 0 KWHrUpgr
220h 30545 n/a KWHr KiloWatt Hours, LS part 0 65535 0 KWHrUpgr
221h 30546 n/a Kwatts KWatts /10 Killowatts 0 65535 0 KWUpgr
222h 30547 n/a MWattHours MWHr /10 Mega watt hours 0 65535 0 MWHUpgr
223h 30548 n/a _Battery Volts/10 Real time clock battery voltage 0 65535 0
224h 30549 n/a _LogPtr 0 based Log pointer, 0 199 0
225h 30550 n/a TimTotalDown Secx65536 Down time MS part 0 65535 0
225h 30550 n/a Seconds Down time LS part 0 65535 0
227h 30552 n/a TimNow Secx65536 Current time, seconds since 1990, MS part 0 65535 0
228h 30553 n/a Seconds Current time, seconds since 1990, LS part 0 65535 0
229h 30554 n/a _LogChange Sequence Log item changed, inc with each change 0 65535 0
22ah 30555 n/a _LogNewEntry Sequence Log item added, inc with addition 0 65535 0
22bh 30556 n/a TimDailyRun0 Secx65536 Runtime total for today MS part 0 65535 0
22ch 30557 n/a Secs Runtime total for today LS part. 0 65535 0
22dh 30558 n/a ToolPressure Same as tool Bottomhole tool pressure. 0 65535 0
22eh 30559 n/a ToolTemperature Same as tool Bottomhole tool temperature. 0 65535 0
22fh 30560 n/a _LogQue Que0 Event queue, line 0, register 0 0 65535 0
230h 30561 n/a Que1 Event queue, line 0, register 1 0 65535 0
231h 30562 n/a Que2 Event queue, line 0, register 2 0 65535 0
232h 30563 n/a Que3 Event queue, line 0, register 3 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a Que0 Event queue, line 1, register 0 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a Que1 Event queue, line 1, register 1 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a Que2 Event queue, line 1, register 2 0 65535 0
etc etc n/a Que3 Event queue, line 1, register 3 0 65535 0
54bh 31356 n/a Que0 Event queue, line 199, register 0 0 65535 0
54ch 31357 n/a Que1 Event queue, line 199, register 1 0 65535 0
54dh 31358 n/a Que2 Event queue, line 199, register 2 0 65535 0
54eh 31359 n/a Que3 Event queue, line 199, register 3 0 65535 0

General Notes:
K095's respond to I/O addresses 0 thru 362, and to I/O addresses 543 thru 546. An illegal data address exception will occur for any
other address. If an L095 is used with a K095 all I/0 addresses from 0 thru 1358 are available.
A maximum of 64 registers can be read at a time and only 20 registers may be written at a time.

A. Comeau and Associates Ltd.

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