Lee Anleitung RM3512
Lee Anleitung RM3512
Lee Anleitung RM3512
Besides being able to load the most accurate ammunition possible, these dies are also the easiest and most convenient to
IMPORTANT use. They offer maximum accuracy, yet are less demanding and faster to use than conventional full length neck sizing dies.
Case trimming and chamfering is kept to a minimum and the need to lubricate is eliminated.
These dies size only the case neck to hold the bullet. It’s
essential that you use only cases previously fired from your www.leeprecision.com
gun. If in doubt, try them in your gun’s chamber before you 1 INSPECT YOUR CASES
start to reload them. If they don’t fit freely, you must first Inspect your cases to be sure they are safe for reload- OPTION Clean cases are easier to inspect. Cases can be decapped, cleaned, trimmed, cham-
full length size them with standard Lee dies. Generally, bolt ing. Cases with a split or signs of head separation ferred, neck reamed or turned and primer pockets cleaned. For best accuracy, keep your cases
action guns can use ammunition that has been neck sized should be discarded. It's even a good idea to flatten sorted by brand and lot. Some shooters even sort by weight to insure uniform wall thickness and
them with a hammer so there is no chance they will case capacity. Check for off center or mis-shaped flash holes. Maximum accuracy is obtained
only. Slide and lever action or autoloading guns usually ever be used by accident as they are a hazard. with cases that have dead center flash holes of a uniform size.
require ammunition that has been full length sized.
Screw the sizing die in until it contacts the shell holder, plus
As delivered from the factory, the collet die will grip the 3 TRIM YOUR CASES
After a few loadings, cases tend
4 Prime
the case according to
one turn more. If you are using a Lee Precision “Classic” bullet with a light press fit with cases of average hard- to get longer. This could be dangerous if instructions supplied with your press.
series press, adjust the die 1¾ turns into the press. Run ness. For a tighter fit, you can anneal the case neck or the case were so long that it would pinch For maximum accuracy, speed and
Cap a case into the die. You will feel the primer being extracted, polish the decapper mandrel .00 1 smaller. Do not go the bullet in the end of convenience, we suggest use of the Lee
then the lever will come to an abrupt stop. At this point, the beyond .001 smaller as there will be no increase in bullet the chamber. Pressure Ergo-Prime. With this tool, you never
lever must be pushed firmly (min. 25 lbs.) to close the col- pull, and a decrease in accuracy as the bullet will then be high enough to touch the primers from box to shell.
Body let and size the neck. Extra bullet grip can be obtained by sizing the neck as it is inserted. damage the gun could Built-in primer flipper turns them right
result. A convenient side up. Primers are automatically fed
screwing the die in an additional quarter-turn. OPTION The collet die provides the optimum bullet fit and installed just as fast as you
way to trim to the
LockRing Other brands of presses that toggle or snap over center for maximum accuracy and case life. Should you desire a correct safe length can place the shell in
at the end of the stroke provide no feel and can damage the tighter fit, and are not able or willing to polish the mandrel is with the Lee Quick the holder.
collet neck sizing die if adjusted as above. We suggest the or anneal the case neck, you can order a custom mandrel Trim Case Trimmer. DELUXE
die be screwed in until the die contacts the shell holder, plus from the factory. Be sure to specify the caliber and bullet Install the appropriate CASE TRIMMER
2 FULL TURNS. This will prevent the press from toggling Quick Trim Die — and Lee ergo-prime
diameter. Example: “Send undersize collet die mandrel 90250
over center and give the operator feel of the collet closing. 5 quick turns of the
Collet for 30/06 using a .308 bullet.” There is a $5.00 charge. Hand held, requiring
OPTION Even greater accuracy can be obtained by rotat- crank will yield a perfectly trimmed and special, but
Decapper chamfered case.
ing the case one-half turn and sizing the case a second time. inexpensive
deluxe quick trim 90347 shell holders.
If you use the Lee Powder Dipper, select the proper load from the charge table. LEE SAFETY POWDER SCALE 90681
Make certain you have the correct dipper. Never use a heavier bullet than BUCKLED SHOULDERS
listed for any given powder charge as dangerous pressures will be generated. All of If your Collet Die buckles the case
the listed loads are approximately 10% under maximum, or the equivalent of a start- shoulder, it is due to the collet being
ing load if you use a scale. Extensive load data is usually supplied at no charge by all closed and the case cannot enter. This
of the powder manufacturers. See your dealer. is caused by closing the press without
CAUTION: After charging the case, the a case in the die and/or the die adjust-
only operation that should be done is to ed too deeply. Remove the collet
seat the bullet. Never try to seat a primer
after powder has been added.
from the die and spring it open. It is
best done by pushing a Perfect for weighing charges
tapered drift punch into the It is the easiest to use, most accurate and sensitive
Screw the die in until it touches the shellholder—then turn in N turn more. This removes collet neck. If none available, powder scale made exclusively to weigh gunpowder.
all play from the press and insures each bullet will be seated to a uniform depth. Bullet use the round shank of a The Lee Safety Scale has magnetic dampening
depth is controlled by the adjusting screw. This die will not crimp the bullet in place. Phillips head screw driver to and an approach-to-weight lifter enclosed within its
Bullet seating depth plays an important part in accuracy. Many shooters prefer to seat pry the collet open. Cases that heavy metal base. The exclusive safety beam has a
the bullet .020 to .030 inches away from the rifling. Others prefer that it just touch the have been excessively stainless steel razor edge for maximum sensitivity.
rifling. Only you can determine which is best for your rifle. You can be sure that your annealed into the shoulder You can be sure that the Lee Safety Scale will retain
Dead Length Bullet Seater will seat your bullets more uniformly than any other die made, area may buckle even though its original factory accuracy for as long as it is not
regardless of cost. the collet is open. physically broken.
NOTE A ccuracy is not guaranteed if bullets are seated with any tool LEE PRECISION, INC.
other than the Lee Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seater 4275 HIGHWAY U HARTFORD WISCONSIN 53027