Labour & Industrial Law Notes
Labour & Industrial Law Notes
Labour & Industrial Law Notes
Yashassvi Virendra
Shatakshi kakkar
Illustration 1: Can SC suspend labour laws for 2 years after earthquake because of
which the entire industrial infrastructure has collapsed?
Article 14 of equality is for both employer and employee. The earthquake is an extraordinary
situation and to ensure maximum growth of welfare state the labour laws could be suspended
for 2 years. Not only the workers’ rights are to be considered but of the employers as well. the
balance of convenience was in favour of the employers hence justifying the act.
Yardstick of Policy Making:
▪ Institutionalization of Rule of Law
▪ Separation of Power
Theories of Labour Welfare Legislations
1. Supervision Theory/Police Theory: when an employee is entering into a premise
there can be certain restrictions. It is a balance of positive and negative rights. One
shall assign work and give wages but at the same time certain restrictions shall be
placed like safety requirements. It is the duty of the employer to impose these
restrictions. One can impose certain conditions and restrictions but they should not be
extremely regressive in nature and should be balanced with a positive outcome. For
e.g.- in pharmaceuticals company there are certain safety requirements regarding
chemicals and all.
4. Functional Theory: Incentive based theory. Also known as efficiency theory. The
benefit is of the company but at the same time a part of that benefit is offered to the
employee. This theory is works well when both the parties have identical aim. E.g.
sales target is given to an employee and when he achieves it he is getting certain
benefit, ESOPs.
6. Placating Theory: All the other are appeasing theories where the employer is
working for the benefit of the employees but this is not such theory. In this theory the
employers are given an advantage over the employers. If there is a breakdown of rules
there should be a deterrent rule. If normal functioning of the premise is broken by an
employee, the employer has the right to terminate it. E.g., under the Industrial Dispute
Act, if employees are going for unlawful strike employers have the right to close
down the premises or even terminating of the services.
International Labour Organisation (for externals- read the slides for a small 5 marker
Est. by Treaty of Versailles in 1919. (PPT)
ILO doesn’t have power to impose sanctions of its members. However it is the only member
of UN that includes private participation. The basis of ILO Is the tripartite principle.(PPT)
The Schedule to the Act provides for matters to be provided in Standing Orders are:
• classification of workmen
• period and hours of work, holidays etc.
• shift working
• attendance and late coming
• minimum wage
• termination of employment, notice period etc.
Standing Order: Rules relating to working in a factory which are mentioned in the Schedule
to the Act.
Section 1(3): in preceding 12months if at any given point of time, more than 100 employees
are working in an industrial establishment, the Act shall be applicable, the Standing Orders
would have to be certified and if not, penalty would be imposed.
Procedure for certification of Standing Order [Section 3(1)]: Employer has to prepare
Standing orders and send 5 copies to Certifying Officer [Labour Commissioner] for approval.
A Standing Order once certified cannot be modified before 6 months but on the discretion
of the Labour Commissioner if sufficient cause is shown the same can be done.
Section 5: till the Standing Orders are being certified, the Model Standing Order prepared
by Government will automatically apply as per Section 12A.
Section 9: When the employer gets the standing order certified, the same have to be the
displayed in some common area in English as well as the prevalent vernacular language.
Limitation period if of 30 days- post certification of standing order, within 30 days if any
appeal is to be made should be made, on the 31 day the Standing Orders are deemed
Important definitions:
• Appellate Authority [Section 2(a)]
• Appropriate Government [Section 2(b)]
Certifying Authority [Section 2(c)]
• Employer [Section 2(d)]
• Industrial Establishment [Section 2(e)]
Section 20- Right to inspect books of Trade Union: every trade union member has this
Section 21- Rights of minors to membership of Trade Union
Section 21A- Disqualification of office-bearers of trade unions:
Section 24: Amalgamation of trade unions: there are two conditions on the basis of which
two trade unions can merge- books of account shall be merged- criminal prosecution is
pending on any trade union, those liabilities will continue to exist against the individual trade
union and not carry forward to the amalgamated trade union- civil liabilities will carry
forward to the amalgamated trade union.
E.g. X & Y work in a mine. Employees should not work after 7 PM. No one should stay in
mine after 8 PM. The bell rang at the appropriate time of 7 PM, but X & Y could not hear the
bell. There was an accident and X & Y suffered permanent disablement.
The first plea taken by the employer was that they were not following the standing orders.
The Court held that just because the time was extended the employees were still working for
the benefit of the employer and they should not be deprived of the compensation. Moreover
they were fulfilling all the other requirements except the timing of the work.
E.g. There is a factory whose shift end at 4 PM. There are two workers who sat in the
common area having chit-chat and started having dinner. There was a fire due to natural
mishaps around 10 PM and these two workers suffered temporary disablement.
The plea of the workers was that the shift timings were only for the work and not for other
things, moreover, they were allowed by the employer to sit in the common area which is
allowed in normal due course.
The Court held that the shift ended at 4 and the common area was allotted for the shift
duration, if the time of accident had been 5/5:30 could have been considered as legitimate but
staying post 6 hours is not legitimate. Hence the compensation were denied.
E.g. There is a factory whose shift end at 4 PM. There was a lunch break from 2-3. There are
two workers who sat in the common area having chit-chat and started having lunch. There
was a fire due to natural mishaps around 2:30 PM and these two workers suffered temporary
The compensation would be provided as the lunch break comes within course of
employment. The common area is for the employees to sit and relax between long work
hours which improves work output and therefore comes within the benefit of employer.
E.g. There was an artillery factory and Subedar was in-charge. There was a railway track
nearby but the standing orders were not to take the route f railway track but another route.
Since, Subedar was transferred to MP from Assam and he was new to this place, he was
unaware of this fact and he used the railway track path since he was getting late. There was
an accident that took place.
The compensation was given because coming to join is deemed to begin course of
employment, hence the act of Subedar was within the course of employment.
E.g. There was a lineman whose shift is from 7 AM to 4 PM, form Monday to Saturday. On a
Sunday around 8 PM there was a power failure and the lineman was called by his Supervisor
without any order or written direction as there was no other lineman available. The lineman
himself decided to rectify the defect and he was electrocuted causing his death.
He should get the compensation. It was an emergency situation and would come within his
scope of duty. The emergency was within curse of employment.
E.g. A security agency placed Y on Z Corporation’s premise. There was a fire and Y died.
First liability will come on Z to pay compensation and then Z can legally claim that from the
Security Agency.
Section 21- Venue of Proceedings and Transfer and it is provided by the Commissioner for
the area in which:
i. Accident took place which resulted in injury.
ii. Dependent claiming the compensation ordinarily reside.
iii. Employer has registered office.
In a situation where a labour from NOIDA met with an accident in Punde, Labour
Commissioner from NOIDA will send a notice in Pune to inquire whether a proceeding has
been initiated or not and will transfer the proceedings before him and commence with the
proceeding before him in exactly the same manner as if the proceeding was originally filed
before him.
Section 1-A- The Commissioner has to send a notice to find out if the money has been
transferred or if the proceedings have begun.
Section 2- Jurisdictional Clause
Section 4- Amount of Compensation
Sub-Clause Situation Compensation
a Death from injury Maximum Compensation=
Schedule IV 50% of monthly wages X Relevant Factor
Que. 1: B, a 27-year-old resident of Hapur joins the National Fire Brigade having its office in
New Delhi for the job of a water regulator in fire rescue operations on 01.01.2021 on
contractual basis. B was offered a monthly salary of Rs. 2,000/day for first 10 days and
thereafter Rs. 3,000/day for the next 15 days before getting a regularised salary of Rs. 2.5
lakhs/month along with work benefits of Rs. 3 lakhs (1 lakh- DA, 1 lakh- HRA, 1 lakh- TA).
Work benefits are available from the first day. B while preparing a rescue operation on
25.01.2021 died while performing his duty. B left behind a father (72 years), a wife (25
years), a minor son(2 years), two unmarried sisters (16 & 24 years)
a. Whether B is entitled to claim any compensation from X?
Yes, as injury occurred during the scope of employment and caused the employee’s death.
b. If yes, which place can he file for compensation?
By virtue of Section 21, family members can file for compensation in Hapur, Delhi, or
wherever the accident took place.
c. If yes, who all can claim compensation?
All the family members left behind can claim compensation by virtue of Section 2(d) of the
d. What shall be the amount of compensation?
Per day salary = [2,000 X 10 + 3,000 X 15] / 25 = 65,000/25 = 2600
Per day allowance = 2,00,000/365 = 547.95
Monthly wages= [2600+547.95] X 30 = 94,439
Compensation= 50% of Monthly Wages X Relevant Factor = 50% X 94,439X 213.57= Rs.
In case an employer was deceived by a woman employee whereby she concealed her
pregnancy and delivery and continued to come for work because of which the employer was
penalized. In such case the employer can recover the amount from the woman employee and
it will account for misconduct on part of the woman employee, barring her from availing
further maternity benefit.
As per Section 5, Maternity benefit payment shall be given to woman employee (pregnant)
& it will be calculated at the rate of =
average daily wage for the period of actual absence, i.e., the period immediately preceding
the day of delivery + the actual day of delivery+ any period immediately following that day.
Average daily wage means average of women's wages payable to her for the days during the
period of 3 months immediately preceding the date from which she absents herself on
account. of maternity.
As per Section 5(2), maternity benefit will be extended to woman who have actually worked
in an establishment of the employer for a period of not less than 80 days i.e., 80 days or
more in 12 months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery.
As per Section 5(3), maximum period for maternity benefit shall be 26 weeks of which not
more than 6 weeks precede the date of her delivery.
As per Section 5(4), if a woman adopts an infant up to the age of 3 years, only in such case
can she claim maternity benefit.
In case, child survives & mother dies- the benefit of 26 weeks will then be given to child, i.e.,
payment of wages will be given to the child.
Section 9- if the child dies & mother survives- 6 weeks benefit will be given & if any benefit
is availed prior to delivery in the 3 trimester, it will be unaffected i.e., maternity benefit of
that period will be given to the woman. Post miscarriage the woman can get 6 weeks of
If both the mother and child die then the nominee mentioned in the claim for maternity
benefit will be given the maternity benefit.
E.g.- If the mother dies on 01.08.2023 & child died on 14.08.2023, maternity benefit for the
time period when child was alive will be given, i.e., for 2 weeks in this example.
Section 6- talks about notice of claim for maternity benefit & payment.
Section 12- talks about dismissal during absence of pregnancy. There cannot be arbitrary
dismissal, the misconduct should be apparent on the face of it.
Que. Whether the employer in a given circumstance dismiss an employee during the
Ans. It has to be first checked whether there was any misconduct or not. If it is solely
because the woman has not served notice, advise her to approach the concerned inspector as
provided for in the provision.
Sections 4, 5 6 & 12- Important- circumstances under which employer can dismiss. How
and when should the notice claiming maternity benefit should be served.
Section 78 deals with the chapter of annual leaves with wages. It states that the provision of
this chapter will not operate to the prejudice of any right to which a worker may be entitled
under any other law, terms of any award, agreement/settlement, contract of service.
Section 79 provides for annual leave with wages- Employee who has worked for 240 days
or more only then can he obtain the benefit of paid leave.
i. For Adult: 1 day for every 20 days of work performed during the previous calendar
ii. For Child: 1 day for every 15 days of work performed during the previous calendar
Explanation 1 provides from 3 categories of annual leave.
(a) Maternity benefit Act-26 weeks for the purpose of calculating annual leave for female
workers- only 12 weeks will be considered..
(b) Public holiday not considered.
(c) Any day when employee can work but is barred by the employer + Holidays mentioned in
the Standing Order = Paid Leave (PL)
For e.g. - During G 20 summit, Offices in NCR were not formally closed but employees were
told if they can come they should, otherwise it will be regarded as PL for that employee.
Que. 2021-2022: 280 days. 2022-2023: 297 days. 2023-2024: 300 days. 2024-2025: PL?
Ans. For 2024-2025, an adult worker will get (300/20)= 15 days PL.
For 2024-2025, child worker will get (300/15) = 20 days PL.
Que. 01/01/2022-2023: 280 days. Holidays in the year =10 days. She went on maternity
leave for 26 weeks starting form 01/03/2023. She joined office on 01/10/2023 & worked
continuously till 31/12/2023.
Ans: Paid leaves available to her = 280/20 = 14 days Holiday in the calendar year = 10 days.
Maternity benefit leave = 84 days.
As per 1948 Act only 12 weeks holiday is given.
Actual working days of the woman = Jan + Feb + Oct + Nov + Dec = 31+28+31+30+31 =
151 days.
PL for next year = 14+10+ 84+151=259/20 = 13 days.
Note: Paid leaves are accrued next year & it is accrued on the basis of working days of the
previous year, i.e., PL of 2023-2024 will be calculated on the basis of working days of 2022-
2023. Also, for maternity. by benefit, 12 weeks holidays will be calculated & not 26 weeks.
Maternity leave of 26 weeks will be given in the current year but for calculating PL for the
next year, 12 weeks of this 26 weeks will be calculated.
In case of death, Superannuation, resignation- Legal Representative is eligible for dues from
As per Section 79(6) Proviso- annual leave has to be utilized over a span of 3 times/leaves in
Section 79(6) deals with notice for leave.
Section 79 (7) talks about leave with wages & in what circumstances will the wages be paid.
i. Public Utility Service: 30 days.
ii. Otherwise: 15 days.
As per Section 79(12) right of the employee to utilize his paid leave in any way possible-
employer cannot force him to adjust it.
Section 80 defines wages as Salary + DA + cash equivalent through food grains (if any).
[Encashment through food grains for a Standard family].
Section 81 talks about payment in advance (for A/c purpose only).
• For adult-Not less than 4 days (leave)
• For child - Not less than 5 days (leave)
• After giving notice of leave-immediately.
• Credit wages for paid leave so that at the end of month when salary is given-you are
not at loss at the month end and avoid a situation where wages for paid leave is
credited next month or at a later stage.
Que. A’s salary in 2021-22 is 10,000. Next year 10% increased is 11,000 (has to be utilized
in 2022-23). At what rate will he get wages during his leave if he utilizes it from 1 June,
2022. Rs.10,000 of 2021-22 was earned from 10 day leave which has to be utilized in 2022-
Ans. On the basis of his last drawn salary i.e. Rs.11,000.
Chapter IVA was inserted in 1946 Act after the 1976 Amendment to regulate industries that
affect health of workers & the environment. This chapter is to be considered while
establishing a new industry that deal with pollutants.
Section 41A deals with constitution of site Appraisal committees which decide whether a
new industry should be established in that geographical location or not. It is headed by Chief
Inspector, followed by the representative of Central Board for prevention & control of water
& Air pollution, a representative of State board for prevention & control of water & air
pollution, representative of Department of Environment in State, Meteorological dept of GOI,
expert in field of occupational health & a representative the town planning dept of State govt.
& not more than 5 other members who may be co-opted by State gout who shall be-
(a) Scientist having specialized knowledge of hazardous process.
(b) Representative of local authority within whose jurisdiction the factory is its be
(c) Not more than 3 persons as deem fit by the State gout.
Chapter 11 talks about the Inspecting staff and is. from Section 8-10.
Section 8 & 9 deal with Inspectors & his power and Section 10 is related to certifying
Sharan Bahadur vs. Chief of factories- Certificate of fitness granted by the surgeon without
inspecting one premises of a fertilizes factory, to children above 14 years but below 15 years.
Inspector was held liable
Section 92 allows for imposing penalty on the occupier and manager of the factory in case of
an offence. First offence-Imprisonment up to 2 years & 1 lakh fine. If contravention
continues then Rs.1000/-day till it continues.
Section 94 talks about enhanced penalty after. previous conviction.
Section 2A(2)(a) states that if industry worths 6 days a week and working on an annual basis
i.e., 12 months then 190 days. In case worker working below the ground in a mine, 190 days
will be taken into consideration for uninterrupted service of employee. In general case, 240
days will be counted to calculate gratuity bonus i.e., the employer has to work for 240 days in
a year to receive gratuity bonus form the employer.
In case the employee is leaving in less than a year or is retiring etc. employee should work for
a period of 95 days in 6 months (below ground level) or for 120 days in 6 months to receive
his gratuity bonus.
Section 4 deals with payment of gratuity, it is given on the termination after he has rendered
service for 5 years. Generally, gratuity is 15 days of salary offered by employer in a particular
year if someone has worked for a year.
If death occurs within 1 year then 5 years will not apply- t is given on 3 months of salary.
Gratuity Bonus = 15/26 X (basic Salary + DA) X No. of years of Service [if food grain is
offered then equivalent amount of provided food grain will also be calculated]
If industry is seasonal, calculation is different because 1 week wage per season is offered.
Gratuity Bonus = 7/26 X (basic Salary + DA) X No. of Season
Gratuity is calculated from the date of joining. If a person has worked for 4 years, he will not
receive gratuity. If a person works from 0-6 months, he will be
Que. X is a fire fighter & has joined on 01/01/2015 at basic salary of Rs. 25,000/- month, DA
of Rs.1000/-, HRA of Rs. 500/- month. X submitted his resignation on 01/05/23. Calculat3
his gratuity. Except Sunday, he has not taken any leave.
Ans. Time line of employment- Joined on 01/01/15; Resigned on 01/08/23. The 240 days
criteria is complete.
For purpose of calculating gratuity, it will be considered that employee has been working for
8 years 6 months. [If the person would have worked for 241 days then it will be carried
forwarded & rounded off to another year, i.e., his employment period will be 9 years for
calculating bonus. In another situation, if a person has worked for 150 days, it will be 7
months, thus it will be rounded off to 1 year, i.e., his employment period will be 9 years for
calculating gratuity bonus.]
Wage- Rs. 26,000
Gratuity Bonus = 15/26 X 26,000 X 8.5 = Rs. 1,27,500
As per Section 6, nomination can be made & such nominee will receive the gratuity bonus of
the employee. For making this nomination, a notice is to be served. Employer has the right to
deny such nomination if it violates/not recognized under Indian law. Legal heirs are
mentioned u/s 6(6) of the Act.
The gratuity payment has to be made within 30 days. If it is not paid within 30 days, interest
will de paid along with gratuity bonus. Employer is entitled to recover gratuity bonus from
the employee in case of fraud shown on his part to receive gratuity.
The SC has held that even though some activities may Satisfy these triple tests, they will be
excluded from the definition of "industry". Domestic services (maid, home drivers etc);
Professional activity (employed person > 10); Agriculture Activities/operations;
Khadi/village industry, Hospital & Dispensaries; Education, Scientific, Research & Training
institutions; Charitable institutions; Govt. related services / Sovereign function (legislative,
executive, Judiciary); cooperative society.
Dominant nature test says that the idea is the dominance of the activity done by workmen is
its be tested whether the same would fall with in the excluded category on otherwise. If the
activity itself satisfies the triple test and does not fall within exclusions, then for such
activities. the establishment would become an industry for that purpose for e.g., sweeper in
educational institution are not to be included in Section 2(j)(ii)(3) as his nature of work does
not relate to teaching i.e., education purpose.
Administrative staff in educational institution are aiding in teaching process & thus for their
dispute Industrial Dispute Act can’t be invoked as educational institution is excluded from
“industries” definition.
Whosoever is directly involved in the teaching process is excluded from the definition of
“industry”. Similarly, workers from other establishment such as, drivers in hospital, security
guard in MNCs etc. will be included in the definition of industry but, administrative staff,
finance department in educational institute will be excluded from definition of industry.
Workman under this Act is different from worker under Factories Act. A person employed
for manual, skilled, unskilled, clerical, supervisory on technical work for hire i.e., on
payment of wages & this workman is appointed directly/indirectly/contractual basis in an
Section 2(q) defines Strike as cessation of work by a body of person employed in any
2. The second clause states that no employer of a public utility service shall lock out the
workman. There is not an absolute bar and sub-clauses (a) to (d) of clause 2 lay down the
criterion which should be fulfilled before doing lockout.
Section 25: No person shall in support of illegal strike/lockout expend or apply money in its
direct furtherance.
Layoff & Retrenchment [Chapter VA]
Retrenchment means termination of service/employment.
In absence of any specific work contract the retrenchment provision under Industrial Disputes
Act shall be borrowed.
Section 25A: Application of Sections 25C to 25E-
Section 25B: Definition of continuous service-
Where a
Section 25C: Right of workmen laid-off for compensation-
Section 25D: Duty of an employer to maintain muster rolls of workmen-
Section 25E: Workmen not entitled to compensation in certain cases-
Section 25F: Conditions precedent to retrenchment of workmen-
a. Notice of one month has to be provided or wages for the period of notice has to be
given to the workmen before retrenching him.
b. Workmen has been paid compensation 15 days’ average pay for every year of
continuous service.
c. Notice in prescribed manner has been served on the appropriate government.
Section 25FF: Compensation to workmen in case of transfer of undertakings-
NOTE: Maximum contribution that can be levied upon the employer for PF could not
exceed 12% at any time.
Under this Act, both the Employer & Employee will contribute towards insurance.
The Act covers for the following expenses- Medical expense, sickness treatments, disability,
maternity, death, dependency & funeral expenses.
This Act will be applicable to all the establishments where 20 or more persons are working at
any time in the last 12 months.
Compensation = 50% of monthly Salary X Relevant Factor = 0.5 X 72,621 X 181.37 = Rs.