Essential elements of
Different types of
The adjudication
The determination
Judicial The adjudication should be expressed
should be final and
determination of the must have formally and such
conclusive regarding
matter in dispute. Suit is not defined in determined the rights formal expression
the court which
Decisions on matters the code. of the parties to the should be given in
passes it. That’s why
of administrative A civil suit instituted suit, with regard to all the manner
an interlocutory
nature cannot be by the presentation or any of the matters prescribed by law.
order which does not
termed as a decree. of a plaint. in dispute. The decree should be
finally determine the
Rights are drawn separately and
rights of parties is not
substantive rights. it should follow the
considered a decree.
Granting or
1 Order of 6 refusing to grant
abatement of suit costs or
Modification of
5 10 An award passed
scheme under
by Lok Adalat
section 92
Return of plaint for
1 Dismissal for 6 presentation to
appeal for default
proper court
Rejection of
3 Order of remand
8 application for
condonation of
Order directing
5 Order refusing to 10 the assessment of
set aside sale
mesne profits.
1 2 3
Shankar V. Chandrakant, AIR 1995 SC 121
“A preliminary decree is one which declares the rights and liabilities of the parties leaving the actual
result to be worked out in further proceedings. Then, as a result of the further inquiries, conducted
pursuant to the preliminary decree, the rights of the parties are fully determined and a decree is
passed in accordance with such determination which is final. Both the decrees are in the same suit.
The case also settled that more than one final decree can be passed.
Preliminary decree Final decree
The court may determine the parties’ rights and wait for There is nothing left to decide after the parties’ rights and
the final decree to be rendered responsibilities are established by the final decree.
The preliminary decree may be revised if the The final decree must always comply with the preliminary
circumstances change. decree.
A preliminary decree may be issued more than once. There can be more than one final decree issued.
According to Phoolchand v. Gopal Lal ,(1967) a According to Sankar v. Chandrakant (1995), there may be
preliminary decree may be issued more than once. more than one final decree
Decree determines the right of parties in dispute An order may or may not finally and conclusively determine
conclusively. such rights.
In a suit, there can be only one decree except for the suits
where a preliminary and final decree is passed. A number of orders can be passed in a suit or proceeding.
Every decree is appealable unless expressly provided. Only the orders specified in this code are appealable.
The second appeal lies to the High Court against the first There is no provision of the second appeal in case of
appeal of a decree. appealable orders,
Judgement is the statement of the judge on For decree, a statement of the ground is not
the ground of a decree or an order. required to be given by the judge.
The relief granted is required to be stated A decree determines the rights in dispute between
preciously in the Judgement. the parties.