Essay Writing Group D
Essay Writing Group D
Essay Writing Group D
Is it true that team sports aid in the development of good character? Do you agree or disagree? That
appears to be an intriguing question. A large number of people will agree with this remark, but
others will have several disagreements. Participating can be mean as engaging or taking part in an
action and activity. The word TEAM can be expressed to mean Together Everyone to achieve a
common goal. Character is what defines a person's identity and how they interact with others.
Courage, honesty, compassion, generosity, fidelity, justice, self-control, and prudence are all
characteristics of a good character. I agree with the statement that said participating in team sports
help to develop a good character. It is because there are a lot of benefits that we can get by joining
the sports team such as it helps people to be a discipline person. Next, it also helps people to be an
optimistic person. In addition, by participating in team sports it also can help people to build a strong
teamwork. They will quickly learn each other's strengths and correct each other's errors if they work
together. So, everyone's performance will increase as a result.
Participating in team sports helps to develop character because It helps teach discipline, which is
something every person needs to include in their lives. A team sport also encourages people to work
with others as they try to reach for the same goal. People argue that sports are strictly for fun, but
team sports help builds character because they teach people discipline, how to work in a group and
from there can form a good team. One definition of discipline is to bring to a state of order and
obedience by training and control. Training and control are both learned while playing sports. We
need selfdiscipline to practice, because it imposes the same routine every day. As a athletes must go
for training every day and do the same thing over and over again, so they can improve themselves to
perform during sporting events. Another way team sports teaches discipline is the fact that they are
team sports. An athlete must know what they are doing, but they must also trust that their
teammates know what they are doing. Athlete must understand that no matter how much they
train, victory depends on the entire team. Working in a team is not only good for sports but
teamwork applies to almost every aspect of life. Therefore, we must do our best and cooperate with
each other. As well as believing the custom in the game of winning or losing because sports should
be fun, but the athletes are learning without even knowing it.
Secondly, students who participate in team sports will develop them to be an optimistic person.
Optimism can be perceived as positive mindsets where students did not give up easily despite
obstacle and tons of failure they have faced, which mostly of them have it only if they did take a part
in any sports team. As for example, when they play football in a team, and lose the match. As for
student who did not join any team sport, they will be furious as they could not accept failure which
can lead conflict to happened. Optimistic students compete more out of the hope of victory than the
fear of losing. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects, students tend to be calm and easily
accept the fact that they have been defeated. This is because optimistic person will learn the lesson
on every failure and mistake that they had and redeem it by winning it the next time as much as they
could. Therefore, being an optimistic person is one of the evidences that taking part in team sports
will makes students have a better personality.
Last but not least , by participating teams sport it will teach us how to build a teamworks with the
teams . This because if we join any sport teams , we will learn to communicate with the teams to
make sure the team win the game . This will eventually encourage people who participating sport
teams to form a good teamwork . There is a quote about teamwork by Michael Jordan that said “
talent win games but intelligence win championships “ , this quote shows that teamwork are very
important if we join sport team . As a result , tram sport lead us to a good relationship with the team
In conclusion, participating team sport brings more advantage to us yet there is still lots of
people out there do not know about this and people should be more alert about the benefits of the
team sports so they can join any team sports for a healthy lifestyle