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Best Practice Update: Incorporating Psychogastroenterology Into

Management of Digestive Disorders

Laurie Keefer,1 Olafur S. Palsson,2 and John E. Pandolfino3
Division of Gastroenterology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; 2University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina; and 3Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois

Chronic digestive diseases, including irritable bowel bowel disease (IBD) account for approximately 50% of
syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and inflam- health care expenditures, which appears to be driven by
matory bowel diseases, cannot be disentangled from their concomitant chronic pain, depression, and poor social
psychological context—the substantial burden of these support.8,9 Depression, when present in IBD, has been
diseases is co-determined by symptom and disease shown to increase risk for surgery, hospitalizations, and
severity and the ability of patients to cope with their disability, and may contribute to disease flare.10
symptoms without significant interruption to daily life. Brain–gut psychotherapies, including cognitive-behavior
The growing field of psychogastroenterology focuses on the therapy (CBT) and gut-directed hypnotherapy, are opti-
application of scientifically based psychological principles mally delivered by mental health professionals specializing in
and techniques to the alleviation of digestive symptoms. In psychogastroenterology, a field dedicated to applying effec-
this Clinical Practice Update, we describe the structure and
tive psychological techniques to GI problems. These therapies
efficacy of 2 major classes of psychotherapy—cognitive
have the capacity to reduce health care utilization and
behavior therapy and gut-directed hypnotherapy. We focus
symptom burden,2,11,12 especially when they are integrated
on the impact of these brain–gut psychotherapies on
directly into GI practice settings.9,13,14 Specifically, brain–gut
gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as their ability to
facilitate improved coping, resilience, and self-regulation. psychotherapies work on 2 related pathways—they target
The importance of the gastroenterologist in the promo- abdominal pain, visceral hypersensitivity, and GI motility;
tion of integrated psychological care cannot be overstated, and/or facilitate improved coping, resilience, and self-
and recommendations are provided on how to address regulation skills.11 Without a gastroenterologist’s strong,
psychological issues and make an effective referral for compelling recommendation for these effective therapies and
brain–gut psychotherapy in routine practice. his/her knowledge about how to successfully facilitate
referrals for such treatments, many patients do not receive
care at all,13 or do so too late in the process, when self-
Keywords: Brain-gut Psychotherapy; GI Psychologist; management has failed and refractory psychopathology
Gut-directed hypnotherapy; Cognitive Behavior Therapy. and/or inflammatory disease have developed.2 There is also
mounting evidence that stress has important and commonly
deleterious effects on gut function through neural-, immune-,

C hronic digestive disorders cost the health care

system billions of dollars and are associated with
substantial disease burden.1 The burden of these diseases is
and microbiome-related interactions.15 Table 1 summarizes
the best practices for promoting the use of brain–gut
psychotherapies in routine GI care for best clinical outcomes.
co-determined by symptom/disease severity and the ability Best Practice Advice 1: Gastroenterologists should
of patients to cope with their symptoms without significant routinely assess health-related quality of life, symptom-
interruption to daily life. In other words, chronic digestive specific anxiety, early life adversity, and functional
diseases cannot be disentangled from their psychosocial impairment as these relate to a patient’s digestive
context. The most common chronic digestive disorders are symptoms.
the functional gastrointestinal (GI) and motility disorders, Individuals with GI disorders tend to have significantly
the burdens of which are amplified when symptoms are impaired quality of life (QOL) compared to the general
severe or refractory, psychiatric comorbidity is present, population,16–18 with IBS patients in particular demon-
and/or coping skills are impaired.2 Patients with reflux strating lower QOL than patients with end-stage renal
hypersensitivity and functional heartburn acquire risk from disease and diabetes.19 Across functional and organic
the unnecessary long-term use of PPIs when esophageal diseases alike, the most pronounced impact of GI symptoms
hypervigilance overshadows symptom-reflux correlation.3,4
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can progress into severely
disabling centrally mediated abdominal pain syndrome5;
and psychosocial factors, when coupled with opiate use,
increase risk of narcotic bowel syndrome.6,7 The burden of
“organic” conditions, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
colitis, is similarly amplified by psychosocial factors and
poor coping. Indeed, 15% of patients with inflammatory
Table 1.Best Practice Update: Incorporating Psychogastroenterology Into Management of Digestive Disorders
Description The current review provides the reader with a framework to understand the scientific rationale and best practices
associated with incorporating brain–gut psychotherapies into routine GI care. We discuss how
gastroenterologists can employ state-of-the-art assessment and referral techniques that ensure a tailored,
precision-medicine behavioral care pathway into their unique practice settings, across the full spectrum of
digestive disease.
Methods These practice updates come from review of the literature, including existing systematic reviews and expert opinion.
Best Practice Advice
1 Gastroenterologists should routinely assess health-related QOL, symptom-specific anxieties, early life adversity, and
functional impairment related to a patient’s digestive symptoms.
2 Gastroenterologists should master patient-friendly language on the following topics: the brain–gut pathway and how
this pathway can become dysregulated by any number of factors; the psychosocial risk, perpetuating, and
maintaining factors of GI diseases; and why the gastroenterologist is referring a patient to a mental health
3 Gastroenterologists should know the structure and core features of the most effective brain–gut psychotherapies.
4 Gastroenterologists should establish a direct referral and ongoing communication pathway with 1–2 qualified mental
health providers and assure patients that he or she will remain part of their care team.
5 Gastroenterologists should familiarize themselves with 1 or 2 neuromodulators that can be used to augment
behavioral therapies when necessary.

on QOL include fatigue, limitation of life activities, and of true progress in managing the patient’s health
pain.19 The impact of GI disorders on QOL, including which problem than does information about changes in
domains of QOL are affected, varies greatly among patients frequency or type of digestive tract symptoms alone.
with the same diagnosis, even when disease history, loca-
4. Impact questions can identify patients who clearly
tion, severity, or medical therapies are similar. QOL is
need help from a behavioral health professionals to
largely dependent on individual differences in coping
cope more effectively with their illness—when a
and resilience, as well as the experience of GI-specific
referral to a GI psychologist is proposed specifically to
anxiety, need for lifestyle adaptations, and stress. Patients
help improve QOL, it is more likely to be well
with substantial GI-related life impact may need more, or
differently targeted, medical interventions than other
patients with the same diagnoses, and routine assessment of Asking about early life adversity to understand whether
life impact and distress associated with GI symptoms could the patient had a personal history of physical, emotional, or
identify patients in need of extra support early on in care. sexual abuse; witnessed domestic violence in their household
Assessment of health-related QOL can be informal and growing up; was raised by a caregiver with a substance abuse
brief, using 1–2 open-ended questions that invite the patient problem or mental illness; or had a family member who was
to provide the most relevant information about the life incarcerated, could identify critical factors affecting the
impact of the physical symptoms, for example, “How do onset and expression of functional GI disorder symptoms20
your bowel symptoms interfere with your ability to do what and point out which patients would benefit from psycho-
you want to do in your daily life?” and “What areas of your logical intervention earlier on in care. One commonly used
life are affected most?” These simple questions often elicit screening questionnaire for early life adversity is the Adverse
valuable information about the particular domains of the Childhood Experience Questionnaire.21
patient’s life that are most affected by GI problems. There Symptom-specific anxiety can also amplify disease
are multiple benefits to this approach: burden and lead to higher health care utilization.22,23 A
survey of 1242 IBS patients24 found, for example, that a
1. Without an open-ended option, the physician may substantial minority of the patients thought that their dis-
remain unaware of key areas where targeted medical orders could develop into colitis (43%) or cancer (21%). In
intervention can be of greatest help for restoring IBD, patients are worried about the effect of biologic ther-
satisfactory life functioning. apies or surgery; that pain indicates flare, obstruction, or
perforation; or about their risk of infertility.25,26 These
2. These questions about life impact build rapport by
concerns or fears can be uncovered by asking a simple and
indicating to patients that their doctor is aware of,
direct open-ended question: “What worries or concerns do
and interested in, the burden of their illness.
you have about your symptoms?,” which can yield an
3. The patients’ responses to open-ended queries about important opportunity for education and reassurance.
life impact of symptoms can also provide useful Eliciting and discussing whatever worries and concerns the
comparison data points for rechecking later to assess patient has about his or her condition can also help identify
the effectiveness of interventions in improving the instances where excessive anxiety, catastrophizing, or
domains that are most important to his/her life and depressive symptoms weigh so heavily in the patient’s dis-
well-being (eg, “Did you make it out on the boat ease experience that a referral to a behavioral health care
this summer?”). This gives a more complete picture provider is needed.
For certain disorders, disease-specific QOL question- only an important concept in functional disorders, where it
naires (such as the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Quality of is typically discussed most, but in all GI disorders. Chronic
Life27 and the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire28) stress and emotional distress impair the ability of the body
can be useful clinical aids for quantifying the current impact to control inflammation,35 which increases risk of both pe-
of the disease on patients’ lives. If it is feasible to incorpo- ripheral and central pain sensitization in the GI in general,
rate such measures routinely into clinic visits, the scores and can affect symptom status and clinical outcomes in
they provide are another important means of identifying disorders, including IBD,36 gastroesophageal reflux disease,
and addressing marked QOL impact of the disease and how and peptic ulcer disease.37 Even though the details are
it changes in response to interventions. In contrast, general complicated, the basic concept of this brain–gut communi-
QOL measures like the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey29 cation pathway is fairly simple and provides a foundation
are typically not very clinically useful in GI care, as it is for understanding many aspects of GI health problems and
unclear whether poor scores are attributable to the GI dis- their treatment. See Table 2 for essential components of a
order or something else, and as they are also less likely to patient-friendly brain–gut explanation.
reflect treatment response well. Routine screening for Educating patients about the brain–gut axis early in the
depression and anxiety is not required for the general GI relationship is helpful so that they do not perceive this as
population but may be helpful in special, high-risk pop- being brought up only after everything else has failed, with
ulations, including IBD.30 For some patients who exhibit the implication of solely a psychological cause of symptoms.
such symptoms, a quick measurement to assess their clinical If, as is often the case, the conventional medications or
significance may be helpful. Brief questionnaires, such as the treatment approach produce an unsatisfactory degree of
free-to-use Patient Health Questionnaire-931 for depression, relief, this framework gives patients a clear rationale for
are useful to have on hand for this purpose. The National alternative approaches. Psychological interventions, such as
Institutes of Health–supported PROMIS (Patient-Reported CBT or gut-directed hypnosis, make good sense as GI in-
Outcomes Measurement Information System) screening terventions when explained in the context of a dynamic and
tools are also free, and may be useful when patients are continually active brain–gut communication pathway. Self-
being screened in comparison to the general population (eg, regulatory and self-care methods, such as meditation,
such as in primary care).32 relaxation, yoga, and physical exercise, can also be an inte-
Best Practice Advice 2: Gastroenterologists should gral part of GI health. Additionally, the gut–brain pathway
master patient-friendly language on the following can provide an explanation for inflammatory-related mood
related topics: bi-directional brain–gut pathway and and stress effects, and the need for neuromodulation to
how this pathway can become dysregulated by any counteract the impact on the brain from GI pathology.
number of factors; psychosocial factors that perpetuate
or exacerbate GI symptoms regardless of original eti-
ology; and why the gastroenterologist is referring a Conceptualizing the Behavioral
patient to a mental health provider.
Research has increasingly elucidated the important role Factors That Perpetuate or
of the central nervous system’s neural, hormonal, and Exacerbate Gastrointestinal Symptoms
immunological bi-directional communication with the gut in Regardless of Original Etiology
maintaining normal GI functioning and modulating disease Educating patients about behavioral factors that can
activity.33,34 The brain–gut communication pathway is not exacerbate and perpetuate a health problem is often

Table 2.Key Points in Patient Education About the Brain–Gut Axis, in Lay Language
In recent years, we have learned that the brain and the intestines are much more closely connected than was previously thought, and the brain
actually plays a big role in keeping the functioning of the intestines normal and healthy.
1. The brain and the gut (intestines) communicate with each other continually through nerves and chemical signals.
2. The intestines send frequent messages to the brain to let the brain know about their condition, such as fullness from a meal or the need
to have a bowel movement.
3. The brain usually dampens these nerve signals coming from the intestines so they are not uncomfortable, and keeps them outside our
conscious awareness most of the time.
4. The brain sends frequent messages to the intestines, both in response to these internal messages from the gut and also to help tune the
activity of gut muscles, secretion of acid and fluids in the gut, and immune activity, to help the intestines coordinate their functioning in
the best way according to what is going on inside them and our lives (eg, telling the gut to increase stomach acid secretion when food is
expected and instructing the intestines to inhibit its digestive activity during physical exercise).
5. This normal brain–gut communication can sometimes go wrong when something disturbs the brain or the nervous system for an
extended time, such as very substantial life stress, strong negative emotions, or inadequate sleep. Inflammation or infection in the body
can also make the normal brain–gut communication go awry. When that happens, for any reason, the brain perceives sensations from
the gut more strongly than usual and may start sending inappropriate signals down to the gut that disturb intestinal functioning.
Because the brain is a part of the control system of the gut, it is often possible to get it to help reduce the intestinal disturbance and symptoms
regardless of whether it is actively contributing to making the symptoms happen. This can be done by specialized psychological treatment, for
example, CBT or gut-directed hypnosis, and also with medications that make the brain less sensitive to input from the intestines.
necessary. A physical GI problem may seem to the
average person to be something relatively isolated GI psychologists are licensed providers with a doctoral
from the conditions of daily life and outside of his/her degree in their profession who fall under the American
Psychological Association’s recognized subspecialty of
control. In reality, however, stress, poor quality and
clinical health psychology, an area of psychology
inadequate quantity of sleep, maladaptive eating patterns devoted to the application of psychological principles to
(like consuming large meals or eating late at night), medical conditions and to the integration of
and lack of physical activity are potent symptom con- psychologists into medical settings and multidisciplinary
tributors to a range of health problems—behaviorally, teams. Health psychologists can develop further
these perpetuating and maintaining factors are within expertise working within a specific medical subspecialty
the patient’s control and can be adjusted. It should (GI, obstetrics/gynecology, oncology, pain) or practice
as generalists. Generalists are often pleased to see
also be emphasized with patients that even though these patients with GI conditions, and will usually seek out
and other behavioral and psychosocial contributing fac- either specialized training in GI or read the literature on
tors may exacerbate symptoms and can be changed to the disease they are treating and its effective treatment
attenuate the disease severity, they are generally not approaches. Psychiatrists are medical doctors focused
the causes of the GI disease. It is also helpful to remind on determining a patient’s specific psychiatric diagnosis
patients that most health problems are multifactorial and remediating symptoms with psychotropic
and that there is unlikely to be a single solution, at least medication. A smaller subset of psychiatrists specialize
in psychosomatic medicine and are a welcome addition
long-term. As a result, introducing the concept of to a multidisciplinary GI team. The Rome Foundation
routine referral to a mental health care provider early in has recently created an internationally based
the evaluation will be better received. Similarly, factors psychogastroenterology section that brings together
that initiate a disease process (inflammation or immune health care professionals with clinical and/or research
dysregulation, surgery, stress) do not always remain interests in this growing subspecialty—psychologists,
active, despite ongoing symptoms. Models where this can gastroenterologists, psychiatrists, internists/pediatricians
with psychosomatic interests, as well as non-doctorally
be illustrated well include post-infectious IBS and IBD
trained providers such as nurses, nurse practitioners,
with functional overlap, both common conditions with physician assistants and social workers, to facilitate
etiologies that differ from their maintaining factors.38,39 best clinical and research practices in this evolving field.
Highlighting these models can allow patients to move Future directions in this area may include establishing
past looking for a cause or explanation for why they are core competencies or necessary training credentials for
symptomatic (eg, infection they got, surgery they had) the practice of psychogastroenterology.
toward solutions that they can act upon (eg, diet, lifestyle,
stress, adherence).
Best Practice Advice 3: Gastroenterologists should
know the structure and core features of the most
Why the Gastroenterologist Is effective brain–gut psychotherapies.
Brain–gut psychotherapies are those that leverage the
Referring a Patient to a Mental brain’s ability to bring under voluntary control those
Health Provider symptom processes that seem, initially, to be driven
One of the most difficult parts of providing behavioral completely by the gut. Brain–gut psychotherapies share
medicine treatments for patients presenting with GI several important features that distinguish them from
complaints in the outpatient office is helping the patients traditional psychotherapy approaches—they are typically
to understand why they are being referred to a psychol- short-term and GI symptom–focused; and patients with
ogist for a GI symptom. If this is not done correctly, many comorbid chronic depression or anxiety are typically not
patients will believe the physician is discounting their good candidates. These therapies offer the best results when
physical symptoms and believes that the patient’s delivered by a health psychologist or other medically
symptoms are imagined or all psychologically based. trained mental health provider who is familiar with the
Failure to properly explain the reason for referral will physiological basis of symptoms and the goals of the
lead to poor follow through and will likely lead the medical team. Brain–gut therapies are skills-based and
patient to seek care with another provider. Furthermore, focus specifically on the down-regulation of unpleasant GI
this failure can negatively impact what is an otherwise sensations, decreasing avoidance behaviors associated with
good physician–patient relationship, and decrease the fear of having symptoms and building coping and resilience
likelihood of successful symptom control. It is also to stress or lifestyle changes imposed by a chronic condi-
important to recognize that, as the physician, you do not tion. These therapies differ from more traditional forms of
need to decide on the specific type of behavior therapy psychotherapy, which focus on providing support, normal-
the patient will benefit from—this is usually best decided izing psychopathology, and/or facilitating insight into the
by the behavioral health care provider. See Table 3 for reason the patient is experiencing symptoms. Another
key patient education points for accomplishing effective benefit of these skills-based therapies is that their impact
referral to a psychologist. can be durable long after therapy is discontinued, making
Table 3.Key Points in Patient Education About a Referral to a Mental Health Provider, From the Perspective of a
Gastroenterologist, in Lay Language
Once the patient understands the brain–gut connection, you can shift attention to the therapies that work on this pathway.
1. Introduce the concept of neuromodulation and discuss how medications. such as low-dose antidepressants and anti-seizure
medications, can alter neurologic transmission of signals to the brain and dampen some of the discomfort they are feeling.
 Cons of the medications including their side effects; limited efficacy, especially when compared to behavioral therapies; and that
most patients will need to commit to these medications long-term.
2. When introducing the concept of the patient undergoing hypnosis or cognitive therapy, bring up a few examples to help the patient
understand the biologic reasoning behind the treatments.
 One way to describe the connection is to discuss how their GI tract is always moving through peristalsis and accommodation, but the
brain’s normal job is to prevent you from feeling this movement because feeling your GI tract all day would be too distracting. You can
compare this to putting on a watch or your glasses in that you feel it when you put them on to make sure they are correctly placed, but
after a minute or so your brain will not pay attention to this signal—this is a healthy mechanism the brain has developed so that you
can focus your attention on important tasks at hand.
 This process of filtering out non-essential sensations is extremely important but very complex and poorly understood. Psychological
therapies can help you divert your brain’s attention away from the symptoms, can help you to be less bothered by your symptoms
and allow you to focus on more important things.
3. Stay basic in terms of the effects and potential mechanisms of brain–gut psychotherapies. This basic information sets the stage for a
much more informed visit with the psychologist and dispels the pretense that the GI doctor thinks that the patient has nothing wrong.
 You can say that CBT provides patients with a skill set that helps them change the way they view their symptoms, or to make their
symptoms feel less threatening.
 Hypnosis is not like a stage entertainment show and is nothing magical—it is a real medical therapy that has been studied with great
 There are no side effects to these therapies, and the positive effects on symptoms often last for years.

them cost-effective over the long-term when compared to including rumination disorder and supragastric belch-
psychotropics.40 For a recent review of brain–gut psycho- ing.14,55 Building up a tolerance to unpleasant GI symptoms
therapies in IBS and IBD, see Ballou and Keefer.11 IBS through interoceptive exposure, another CBT technique,
patients in particular often appreciate hearing that there with and without mindfulness,53,56,57 has also been used
are more than 30 randomized controlled trials for CBT and successfully in patients with symptom-specific anxiety.58
11 for hypnosis in IBS alone, with numbers needed to treat Gut-directed hypnotherapy is also a well-tested therapy
between 2 and 4.12 These therapies have also been used for a range of pediatric and adult GI disorders, including IBS
successfully across a spectrum of digestive diseases, (>11 randomized controlled trials), heartburn, and IBD.59
including non-cardiac chest pain, functional dyspepsia, Targets of hypnotherapy include visceral hypersensitivity,
gastroesophageal reflux disease, and IBD. motility disturbance, hypervigilance to benign sensations,
CBT is one of the most robust, well-tested, brain–gut and somatization. Two protocols in particular, the 7-session
psychotherapies, with more than 30 randomized North Carolina Protocol60 and the 12-session Manchester
controlled trials and a number needed to treat of 3.12 CBT protocol61 have demonstrated similar benefits in refractory
focuses on remediating an individual’s maladaptive or IBS, with up to 80% of patients acquiring at least a 50%
“unhelpful” thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as they relate reduction in IBS Severity Scoring.62,63 The fully scripted
to any number of symptoms, rather than identifying a root North Carolina Protocol has been delivered as a home-based
cause or initiating event. CBT has been used successfully for therapy64 and has also been validated for use with gastro-
depressed teenagers with IBD,41–44 and as a way to augment esophageal reflux65 and ulcerative colitis,66 and is particu-
self-management behavior for patients with Crohn’s dis- larly useful for enabling less-experienced providers to
ease.45 It has been effectively delivered by nurses,46 over successfully deliver gut-directed hypnotherapy.67
the telephone,47 and in groups.48 CBT for functional GI Best Practice Advice 4: Gastroenterologists should
disorders, including those seen in the context of IBD, targets establish a direct referral and ongoing communication
the specific maladaptive cognitive-affective processes pathway with 1–2 qualified mental health providers
known to impact GI symptom experience at the level of the and assure patients that he or she will remain part of
brain49—these include catastrophizing, cognitive inflexi- their care team.
bility, fear of symptoms, or hypervigilance/attentional bias Access to evidence-based brain–gut psychotherapies
to benign gut sensations. Depending on a patient’s GI limits their utility and, while not every gastroenterologist
symptom profile, various forms of skills remediation can be will know of a GI health psychologist, a viable alternative is
used, including diaphragmatic breathing, cognitive restruc- to reach out to the state psychological society (eg, [state
turing, or learning new problem-solving skills. CBT for IBS name] Psychological Association) or to a national registry
can now be delivered with efficacy equivalent to longer for the names of therapists who are interested in seeing GI
treatment courses, in as few as 4 therapy sessions,50 and has patients and who are familiar with at least one of the
shown promise when delivered online for both IBS and evidence-based brain–gut psychotherapies. The typical
IBD.51–54 Elements of CBT, particularly diaphragmatic toolbox of someone equipped to see GI patients include
breathing, have been used for esophageal conditions, experience with medical populations or chronic illness;
collaborates with physicians; has been trained under a very pronounced emotional symptoms, it may be best to
cognitive-behavioral theoretical orientation; has a collabo- have those problems addressed first, either by a more
rative, active patient interaction style; practices 1 or more of general psychologist in the community who focuses on
the evidence-based brain–gut psychotherapies; and, if he or depression and anxiety disorders, or by means of psycho-
she practices hypnotherapy, their training was provided tropic medications, as this will often improve the odds of the
through a reputable organization focused on training health patients subsequently benefitting from GI-focused psycho-
professionals. Having a clear referral and communication logical treatment. For patients with more moderate
pathway improves outcomes by establishing buy-in on the emotional symptoms, however, the affective disorders
part of the patient (they are not just left to find a mental can be addressed in parallel with the work of the GI
health provider on their own), and ensures that the focus of psychologist. Along these lines, it is helpful for gastroen-
treatment will be the GI condition. The mental health pro- terologists to have information on a wide range of mental
vider should feel free to call and ask the GI doctor questions health resources, including free or sliding-scale programs, in
around the patient’s symptoms, workup, and medical their communities to ensure appropriate mental health
recommendations. GI doctors should expect to receive a system access for these patients.
copy of the patient’s psychological intake report and Best Practice Advice 5: Gastroenterologists should
possibly a final treatment summary. The GI doctors should familiarize themselves with 1 or 2 neuromodulators
also plan to see the patient themselves sometime during the that can complement behavioral therapies when
course of active psychotherapy as a way to maintain conti- necessary.
nuity of care, reinforce therapy gains, change or reduce Neuromodulation/psychotropic use is sometimes
medication use, and troubleshoot any challenges. necessary and often effective in chronic digestive diseases2
Contrary to what many people assume, the presence of and should be on the radar of practicing gastroenterologists,
significant psychological distress does not suggest suit- especially given a shortage of qualified psychiatrists. In
ability for referral to a GI psychologist. Research has shown keeping with the patient-friendly, de-stigmatizing rationale
that many of the brain–gut psychotherapies are less effec- for brain–gut psychotherapies, there may be scenarios in
tive when a patient has comorbid psychopathology.68 If GI which a health psychologist and gastroenterologist are
patients have comorbid Axis I disorders and suffer from comfortable that the introduction of a neuromodulator,

Table 4.List of Readings to Enhance Understanding of Best Practice Advice

Recommended source Associated BPA

Drossman DA. Abuse, trauma, and GI illness: is there a link? Am J Gastroenterol 2011;106:14–25. 1
Drossman, DA. 2012 David Sun Lecture. Helping your patient by helping yourself. How to improve the patient 2
physician relationship by optimizing communication skills. Am J Gastroenterol 2012;106:521–528
Van Oudenhove L, Crowell MD, Drossman DA, et al. biopsychosocial aspects of functional gastrointestinal disorders. 2,3
Gastroenterology 2016;150:1355–1367.e2.
Mayer EA. Gut feelings: the emerging biology of gut-brain communication. Nat Rev Neurosci 2011;12:453–466. 2,3
Kinsinger SW. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for patients with irritable bowel syndrome: current insights. Psychol Res 2,3
Behav Manag 2017;10:231–237.
Palsson OS. Hypnosis treatment of gastrointestinal disorders: a comprehensive review of the empirical evidence. 2,3
Am J Clin Hypn 2015;58:134–158.
Ballou S, Keefer L. Psychological interventions for irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel diseases. Clin 2,3
Transl Gastroenterol 2017;8:e214
Riehl ME, Kinsinger S, Kahrilas PJ, et al. Role of a health psychologist in the management of functional esophageal 4
complaints. Dis Esophagus 2015;28:428–436.
Kinsinger SW, Ballou S, Keefer L. Snapshot of an integrated psychosocial gastroenterology service. World J 4
Gastroenterol 2015;21:1893–1899.
Sobin WH, Heinrich TW, Drossman DA. Central neuromodulators for treating functional GI disorders: a primer. 5
Am J Gastroenterol 2017;112:693–702.
Thorkelson G, Bielefeldt K, Szigethy E. Empirically supported use of psychiatric medications in adolescents and 5
adults with IBD. Inflamm Bowel Dis 2016;22:1509–1522.

Evidence-based trade books for patients with IBS

Lackner JM. Controlling IBS the Drug-Free Way: A 10-Step Plan for Symptom Relief. New York: Harry Abrams
Publisher, 2007. ISBN #978-1584795759.
Barney P, Weisman P, Jarrett M, et al. Master Your IBS: An 8-Week Plan Proven to Control the Symptoms of Irritable
Bowel Syndrome. Bethesda, MD: AGA Press, 2010. ISBN: 978-1603560092.
Mayer EA. The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our
Choices, and Our Overall Health. New York: Harper Wave, 2016. ISBN: 978-0062376558.
particularly a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; References
serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; or tricy- 1. Peery AF, Crockett SD, Barritt AS, et al. Burden of
clic antidepressant, could augment ongoing behavior ther- gastrointestinal, liver, and pancreatic diseases in the
apy. Common reasons include a diagnosis of a minor United States. Gastroenterology 2015;149:1731–1741.e3.
comorbid depression or anxiety disorder, lack of insight or 2. Van Oudenhove L, Crowell MD, Drossman DA, et al.
motivation that precludes participation in in psychological Biopsychosocial aspects of functional gastrointestinal
treatment, or chronic pain that is not responding fully to disorders. Gastroenterology 2016;150:1355–1367.e2.
behavioral intervention. See Sobin et al69 for a primer in 3. Yadlapati R, Dakhoul L, Pandolfino JE, et al. The quality
central neuromodulation for functional GI disorders and of care for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Dig Dis Sci
Thorkelson et al70 for similar information in IBD. 2017;62:569–576.
4. Roman S, Keefer L, Imam H, et al. Majority of symptoms
in esophageal reflux PPI non-responders are not related
Summary and Future Directions to reflux. Neurogastroenterol Motil 2015;27:1667–1674.
The importance of the gastroenterologist in the promo- 5. Drossman DA, Chang L, Bellamy N, et al. Severity in
tion of psychogastroenterology cannot be overstated. We irritable bowel syndrome: a Rome Foundation Working
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61. Whorwell PJ. Use of hypnotherapy in gastrointestinal Reprint requests
Address requests for reprints to: Laurie Keefer, PhD, Division of
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62. Whorwell PJ, Prior A, Faragher EB. Controlled trial of New York 10029. e-mail: laurie.keefer@mssm.edu; fax: (646) 537-8921.
hypnotherapy in the treatment of severe refractory Conflicts of interest
irritable-bowel syndrome. Lancet 1984;2:1232–1234. The authors disclose no conflicts.

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