Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding
WaterAid’s mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised
people by improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Working in
partnership is central to our approach. We will only achieve our vision and mission
through collaborating with a wide range of partners from government, civil society,
academia and the private sector to improve policy and practice relating to WASH.
Our role is to be a catalyst and agent of change, enabling local institutions to make
and sustain long-term improvements in access to WASH. See our Partnership
We aim to strengthen the institutions, systems and capacities that are needed to
deliver sustainable WASH services in the long term. To achieve this, we need
enabling and empowering collaborative relationships where all parties benefit from
the relationship with each other. While WaterAid may contribute knowledge and
expertise on sustainable WASH systems other partners contribute their own
specialist or local knowledge, experience and networks.
There are often power imbalances between partners, especially where one
organisation has more funding than others. As such it is important for WaterAid
country leadership and finance teams to take steps to ensure that there is a
balanced relationship and mutual accountability between partners. The process of
drawing up and agreeing an MoU helps to articulate and agree common purpose
and long-term aims of the partnership, recognising mutual accountabilities and the
value that each partner brings to the collaboration through skills, knowledge,
experience, networks and resources.
For non-USAID partnerships.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
These guidelines and template are to support development of a full MoU or a light
touch MoU for non-USAID partnerships.
The suggested time frame for a full MoU is 5 years in line with country strategies.
An MoU should be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains relevant and valid as
a driver for effective collaboration.
The MoU and PPAs involving the same Parties should be linked to each other and
align the short- and long-term objectives of collaboration.
The specific wording and structure used in this template is not fixed and can be
adjusted to suit the specific context of the partnership. You will need to exercise
judgement on the type of content that is suitable given the nature of the
partner and the partnership and the activities you will be doing together. If
you are in doubt, please contact XXXX
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
*For longer term collaborations, where both parties will work closely together
operationally, a full MoU is recommended. If engagement between the parties is
expected to be more ad hoc and if the parties are expected to work less closely
together, a lighter touch MoU may be sufficient. [Mandatory] sections are required
for both full MoUs and light touch MoUs. For a light touch MoU it may be
acceptable, depending on the focus and duration of the partnership and the type
of partner, to remove the sections that are preceded by [Full MoU only].
Important reminder
Due diligence and ethical checks (including FinScan) should typically be carried
out before a MoU is signed with a Collaborative Partner. You will need to
exercise judgement on the type of checks that are required given the nature
of the partner and the partnership and associated risks. If you are in doubt,
please contact XXXX.
Section 1
1. [For light touch and full MoUs] Parties to the MoU [Mandatory]
A statement including the names and addresses of all the parties to the MoU
(defined as the ‘Parties’) and the term of the agreement should be included in the
In addition, the name of the key representative(s) of the partnership from each
Party should be set out.
This Memorandum of Understanding (the “MoU”), dated {insert date}, is between
WaterAid {insert country}, a Country Programme Office of WaterAid, a registered
charity in the United Kingdom, and having a Country Office at {insert address},
hereinafter referred to as “WA[X]” {insert initial of country}. For the purpose of this
MoU WA[X] will be represented by {insert name of Country Director or principle staff
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
[ABC Organisation], a legally registered [Non-Governmental Organisation] {or insert
relevant organisation type}, and having its registered office located at {insert
address}, and hereinafter referred to as “[ABC]”. For the purpose of this MoU, ABC
will be represented by {insert principle staff member of ABC}.
(together the “Parties”)
The purpose of this MoU is to set out the commitments that WA[X] and [ABC] have
made to working collaboratively.
[Full MoU only] WaterAid applies standards and policies in the following annexes to
its work. We expect Parties to the MoU to be aware of these standards and policies
and to apply standards of at least the same rigour The Annexes will become
integral/binding if future Project Partnership Agreements are signed:
Annex A: Agreed Code of Conduct
Annex B: Safeguarding Partnership Code of Conduct
Annex C: Principles of Child Safeguarding
Relevant WA[X] and [ABC] policies e.g. Water Quality, Quality Programme
Standards, etc.
This MoU covers the period from the date of this MoU to [insert end date]. The MoU
will be reviewed periodically and whenever there has been a major change in the
context or the work or in either of the organisations concerned.
2. Statement of Intent
2.1. WaterAid’s mission
WaterAid’s mission is to transform the lives of the poorest and most marginalised
people by improving access to water, sanitation and hygiene. We work with partners
and influence decision-makers to maximise our impact.
2.2 [ABC]’s mission
[ABC]’s mission is ….. {insert [ABC]’s mission here}
2.3 Purpose of the partnership
Based on the shared concerns of the Parties, the shared purpose of this partnership
{Insert the wider aims of the partnership (beyond individual projects}
Recognising that WA[X] and [ABC] (the “Parties”) have a shared concern to achieve
this purpose, the Parties have entered into this MoU to work together towards the
following objectives:
3. [For light touch and full MoUs] Contributions to and benefits of the
Contributions to the partnership should consider both the immediate
considerations and the broader inputs to the partnership. This helps to support
mutual accountability and looks toward the value such partnerships would add to
the WASH sector as a whole.
All Parties should identify and recognise each other’s contribution to the shared
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
purpose and set out how each expects to benefit from the relationship. This
supports greater ownership by all Parties.
Note that contributions and benefits from each Party will change over the life cycle
of the partnership and therefore need to be periodically reviewed.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
Note that these are likely to change as the partnership and related activities
develop and may be revised under the Partnership Agreement.
WaterAid applies and adheres to high standards and policies within its work to ensure
we behave ethically and hold ourselves accountable to the people, communities and
organisations with whom we work. You will need to exercise judgement around
the contents of this section, depending on e.g. the type of partner, nature,
duration and depth of partnership, nature of activities. However:
We recommend that all policies relevant to future PPAs should be listed in this
section of the MoU; including global and country-specific policies.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
For all work funded by WaterAid, all relevant partner staff and communities should be
made aware of a separate communication channel to WaterAid for general enquiries
or reporting concerns or complaints.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
Depending on the size and capacity of the organisation, at the formal PPA stage
WaterAid’s partners should either:
• Adopt WaterAid’s Principles of Child Safeguarding and reporting procedures;
• Provide evidence to be attached of a standard that adequately matches
WaterAid’s. (WaterAid will need to satisfy itself that this is being adhered within
the partnering department or alternatively provide the necessary
supplementary training as a reinforcing measure);
• Develop their own standard with WaterAid’s support.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
• Procurement Policy
6. Safeguarding
6.1 [ABC] is required to report all incidents, suspicions or allegations of incidents
relating to Safeguarding to WaterAid immediately (no later than 24 hours).
6.2 [ABC] understands that mismanagement of a safeguarding incident may be
cause for WA[X] to terminate this MoU.
any negative impact on the organisation and its staff due to the end of the
partnership. It should also consider how to sustain the capacity built through the
partnership that is contributing to the WASH sector. Key elements may include,
sourcing funding, organisational development, exploring non-funded partnership
opportunities for future collaboration between the partners (e.g. advocacy,
The exit strategy may involve extending the MoU to implement the phase out
8. Use of information
8.1 Any confidential information or data that is shared by other Parties MUST be
treated in confidence and may not be passed to any third party without written
permission. This clause will be treated as legally binding and shall survive
termination of the MoU. The Parties acknowledge that WA[X] may need to use
personal data (e.g. relating to [ABC]’s directors and staff) for the purposes of
any legal and regulatory and donor compliance; such as terrorism and money
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
laundering laws and regulations. If such a need arises, WA[X] will discuss and
agree with [ABC] the legitimate use of personal data for such purposes.
8.2 This MoU does not permit the use of any copyrighted or trademarked
materials without the appropriate permissions, including for the avoidance of
doubt, either Party’s name, trademarks or logos without the prior written
permission of the other Party.
8.3 Intellectual property (e.g. stories, case studies, joint research, publications,
data, technologies) resulting from the collaboration will be owned by the Party
generating such intellectual property, or jointly owned where appropriate and
as agreed between the Parties. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the
intention is that each Party may use each other’s intellectual property that is
directly attributable to the collaboration, with prior written permission and
8.4 Neither Party shall use the name of the other in any advertising, promotional,
sales literature, or fundraising documents without prior written consent from
the other Party.
9. [For light touch and full MoUs] Statutory and Legal requirements
Parties are obliged to abide by all applicable laws under this MoU.
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
9.4 This MoU shall be subject to the laws of [England] and to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of [England and Wales].
Guidelines to Partnership MOUs –November 2020
10 Signatories
The undersigned duly authorized representatives of WA[X] and [ABC] have fully
agreed to abide by the arrangements made and conditions set out in this MoU [and
if applicable its annexes]. Executed copies of the signature pages of this MoU
exchanged between the Parties, by facsimile or transmitted electronically in either
Tagged Image Format Files (TIFF) or Portable Document Format (PDF) shall be
treated as originals, fully binding and with full legal force and effect, and the Parties
waive any rights either may have to object to such treatment.
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date: