Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
1 Site Establishment
1.1 Contact with existing Electric shock / Electrical fire General site Acquire current utility drawings
services / utilities Gas leak / gas explosion workers Carry out survey to confirm depth and line of existing utilities (utilize suitable
during site grading Water leak / flooding General site survey equipment relevant to the scope and scale of the work.
and clearance Sewage leak staff Where possible, underground electrical services shall be de- energized prior to
Damage incident – financial Site visitors excavations.
penalty 2 4
06 Where services are to be re-routed, no work shall commence until services
are confirmed as de-energized / inert
PE/SE 1 1
Site Establishment
Permits shall be secured in advance from the relevant utility / local authority
prior to excavation in the vicinity of existing underground services.
1.2 Unauthorized entry Injury to 3rd party General site Hoarding shall be sufficient to prevent unauthorized access
to site workers (other Security signage shall be erected
General public
3 2
06 PE/SE 2 1
1.3 Failure to consider Illness due to temperature General site Install and maintain air conditioning systems
weather / climate extremes e.g. dehydration, heat workers Implement counter measures such as drinking programs, etc.
Irrational and / or violent
General site
3 4
08 Counter measures shall be medically proven and shall be appropriate to the
PE/SE 1 2
behavior Site visitors
2 Personal Protective Equipment (OSHAD-SF, CoP 2.0- PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT)
2.1 Lack of available High incidence of unsafe General site The requirement volume of personal safety equipment and personal protective
personal safety conditions e.g. unsafe working at workers equipment (PPE) shall be specified at the procurement stage. Sufficient
equipment & PPE or height General site spares shall be maintained in stores at all times
Lack of personal safety High incidence of personal head, staff Personal safety equipment and PPE shall be maintained and replaced
08 04
equipment & PPE eye, hand and foot injuries e.g. Site visitors if damaged or in line with manufacturers recommendation life cycle
discipline (failure to 4 3 PE/SE 1 2
cuts / lacerations, abrasions, Personal safety equipment and PPE requirements for specified works shall be
Personal Protective Equipment
use personal safety penetrating wounds, eye detailed in the project HSE plan, method statements and reinforced through
equipment & PPE) injuries, impact wounds etc. tool box talks. Personal safety equipment and PPE discipline shall be
Increased impact of longer term paramount and disciplinary action taken against those failing to comply
health hazards e.g. noise / dust
2.2 Lack of training in the High incidence of unsafe General site Site labor shall be trained in the use of personal safety equipment and PPE
use of personal safety conditions e.g. incorrect fitting workers through onsite training and tool box talks. Training shall include both the
equipment & PPE and use of fall arrest equipment General site use and purpose of the protective equipment
(harness / shock absorber / staff Labor shall be provided with personal safety equipment and PPE at no cost to
lanyard) Site visitors themselves and shall be provided with replacement protective equipment on
High incidence of personal injury an old for new basis. Labor shall not be required to utilize old or damaged
due to lack of awareness of when
to use personal safety equipment
4 3
08 protective equipment in order to reduce costs
Some PPE e.g. hard hats and high visibility vests are color coded to allow
easy identification of trades. Riggers / Signalers will wear a red hard hat for
PE/SE 1 2
Incorrect selection of PPE e.g. example
use of inadequate gloves, or
incorrect selection of eye
protection leading to personal
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
2.3 Poor quality / Failure of PPE leading to General site The standard of personal safety equipment and personal protective
substandard personal personal injury or longer term workers equipment (PPE) shall be specified at the procurement stage.
safety equipment &
health problems General site
Site visitors
3 4
06 Personal safety equipment and PPE failing to meet these standards shall
be removed from site.
PE/SE 1 2
3 Mobile Plant and Equipment (OSHAD-SF, CoP 36.0- PLANT & EQUIPMENT)
3.1 Procurement of Failure during operation e.g. General site Request certificates of conformance and calibration at procurement stage
substandard mobile during excavation operations workers Check all mobile plant and vehicles before allowing onto site
plant & vehicles Financial and production loss
due to quarantine of plant /
General site
Site visitors
5 4
12 Thoroughly check incoming items to confirm no counterfeit or
reconditioned items have been sold as new
Maintain mobile plant and vehicles with approved spare parts and fittings
PE/SE 2 1
not alternative non approved spare parts and fittings
3.2 Lack of equipment Personal injury or damage due General site All mobile plant and vehicles shall be inspected prior to entry to site. Mobile
maintenance & to failure during operation e.g. workers plant and vehicles failing to meet the maintenance and certification
Mobile Plant and Equipment
incompetent Damage to equipment or
structures due to operator
General site
5 4
12 PE/SE 2 1
error Site visitors
3.4 Noise Long term ill health – hearing loss General site Noise assessments shall be carried for operators of mobile plant. Operators
workers exposed to continuous noise in excess of 85dB shall be required to wear
General site hearing protection of at least SNR (Sound noise reduction) +30. Where
Site visitors
3 5
10 national regulations or client requirements exceed this requirement, the higher
requirement shall be implemented
PE/SE 1 2
15 03
certification failure General site
Excavation Works
Flooding 4 4 PE/SE 4 1
Work cessation leading to Site visitors
financial and production loss
4.2 Operation of Excavation / Trench / Tunnel General site A competent excavation supervisor shall be appointed to manage all
equipment by collapse due to inadequate / workers lifting operations
incompetent persons inappropriate excavation
techniques or excavation
support installation
General site
Site visitors
5 4
16 PE/SE 5 1
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
4.3 Contact with Electrocution / explosion leading General site Acquire current utility drawings
services live services
to major injuries, fatality and / or
property damage
General site
5 4
18 Carry out survey to confirm depth and line of existing utilities (utilize suitable
survey equipment relevant to the scope and scale of the work. As
necessary, dig trial pits to locate underground services
PE/SE 5 1
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
Site visitors Mark the line of underground services to ensure visibility to all persons working
Neighbors in the vicinity
Prepare method statement for excavation of underground service.
Where possible, underground electrical services shall be de-energized prior to
Where services are to be re-routed, no work shall commence until services are
confirmed as de-energized / inert
Permits shall be secured in advance from the relevant utility / local authority
prior to excavation in the vicinity of existing underground services
4.4 Collapse (Trench / Personal injury / fatality General site Excavations shall be designed by a competent engineer. The
Deep Excavation) Work cessation leading to workers competent excavation engineer shall prepare a method statement for
financial and production loss General site excavation of underground services.
Site visitors
5 4
16 Excavation design shall include the method of shoring / supporting
the excavation or tunnel
PE/SE 5 1
Temporary makeshift shoring shall not be permitted, equipment used to
shore excavations shall be fit for purpose and designed for the purpose
4.5 Lack of excavation Excavation Trench collapse due General site Excavations shall be inspected on a regular basis by a competent person. Deep
inspection to changing conditions / support workers or complex excavations shall be inspected daily and shoring alterations made
failure General site
5 4
16 to account for changing conditions PE/SE 5 1
Site visitors
5 Fall protection/prevention (OSHAD-SF, CoP 22.0- BARRICADING OF HAZARDS)
5.1 Unprotected leading Personal injury due to falls General site Identify leading edges
edges and impact of falling objects workers Install signage and illumination / lighting where necessary to highlight and warn
Damage due to falling objects General site of hazard
leading to financial and
production loss
Site visitors
5 4
15 Install edge protection (ideally guardrails at 1m with mid-rail and toe-boards).
Ensure fall protection is provided for those installing guardrails
Install catch nets to protect parallel works or pedestrian routes
PE/SE 5 1
Install crash decks over entrances / access routes where there the risk of
Fall protection/prevention
5.4 Lack of, or use of, Personal injury due to falls General site Fall arrest equipment and accessories used on projects shall be
substandard fall arrest and impact of falling objects workers manufactured to EN (European Norms) or equivalent e.g. ANSI (American
/ fall
Damage due to falling objects
leading to financial and
General site
5 4
15 National Standards)
Fall arrest equipment shall be Workers provided with fall arrest equipment shall
PE/SE 5 1
installation by production loss Site visitors be trained in its proper use.
incompetent persons
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
Lifelines shall be of steel wire rope with the correct number of clips for
the intended loading. Nylon rope shall not be used for lifelines
Where necessary lifelines and anchor bolts used as lanyard anchors shall
be tested prior to use
6 Material Storage, Handling & Movement (OSHAD-SF, CoP 14.1- MANUAL TASKS INVOLVING THE HANDLING OF PEOPLE)
6.1 Unsafe handling and Tipping / collapse of stacked General site Store man shall be issued with suitable PPE as required. Heavy duty rigger
Material Storage,
movement of materials / stored materials workers gloves shall be used for general handling of materials
Personal injury through General site Manual handling shall be minimized and mechanical aids shall be utilized to lift
excessive manual handling staff 4 4
12 and move heavy materials. PE/SE 4 1
Handling &
Personal injury due to falls staff specialist formwork systems may be required
and impact of falling objects
Damage due to falling objects
Site visitors 4 3
12 Specialist formwork systems shall be constructed with the recommended
components and accessories. Alternative components and accessories
PE/SE 4 1
leading to financial / shall not be used unless approved by the supplier
production loss Components and accessories from different formwork systems shall not
be mixed unless approved by the Competent Formwork Supervisor.
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
8.3 Erection of formwork Formwork collapse General site A Competent Supervisor for formwork shall be appointed
by incompetent Work cessation leading to workers Formwork shall be erected / dismantled by competent persons. This may
persons financial and production loss General site require additional instruction when specialist formwork systems are
Personal injury due to falls
and impact of falling objects
Damage due to falling objects
Site visitors
5 4
20 utilized
PE/SE 5 1
leading to financial / production
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
8.4 Lack of formwork Formwork collapse General site Formwork systems shall be inspected by a competent person prior to concrete
inspection Work cessation leading to workers pours. Records of such inspections shall be maintained
financial and production loss General site
Personal injury due to falls
and impact of falling objects
Damage due to falling objects
Site visitors
5 3
15 PE/SE 5 1
leading to financial / production
9.0 Reinforcement Bar and Concreting (OSHAD-SF, CoP 41.0- STEEL ERECTION )
9.1 Contact or struck by Damage to property General site 4 3 No go zones cordoned off
protruding parts or Injury workers PPE utilized
Reinforcement Bar and Concreting
caught between
use them.
TITLE OF THE ACTIVITY: Construction of (7) different projects at Al Ain Zoo District - Package -1
RISK ASSESSMENT REF No.: RA Underground & Aboveground Drainage Piping Works
ASSESSOR: Safety & Project Departments ASSESSED DATE: 15/08/2018 REVIEWED DATE:
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
Hydraulic fluids Hydraulic and air compressors, hoses, all fittings and couplings and
Compressed air (refer tools should be to appropriate BS or BS EN standards and kept properly
Hydraulic & Pneumatic Power
Manual handling Pneumatic and hydraulic tools should always be inspected before
heavy, bulky tools, and after use. Inspections stickers attached and correctly color coded
hoses and power Operators should not wear loose clothing.
supplies (refer to) Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn to protect the head,
eyes and feet at all times. Where required aprons shall be supplied
Noise (refer to)
12.1 Entrapment due to fall/ Fatality General site A Valid permit will be issued
roll of pipe. Injury Workers
General site TBT will be conducted prior to activity
Property Damage
Operators direct field staff MSDS will be followed
of vision obscured by Mixing of chemicals will be done in an isolated area
load leading to contact
with other persons or Adequate ventilation will be provided
plant. Spill kit will be kept in place
Adequate PPE required for the task will be used such as Gloves,
Failure of lifting Respirators/Dusk Mask etc.
Operator trained as per the Construction Regulations.
Laying and installation of Pipes
Displacement of load
5 3
Windows, lights, mirrors to be kept clean at all times
Ground workers to wear Hi Visibility Vests at all times and Hard-Hats.
PE/SE 5 1
Warning signs will be erected to alert pedestrians of Unloading/Loading
Person being struck by
suspended pipe
causing serious injury Traffic management must be in place where loading/unloading is being
of harm. carried out on public roads.
Loads to be tipped only on suitably level ground to prevent overturning of
Residual Risk
Risk Rating Action Rating
Activity Item Hazard Risk Who is at Risk Necessary Control Measures
S L Rating By S L Rating
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25
Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be a mixture of the hierarchy in order to provide minimum operator exposure)
Elimination Eliminate the hazard
Substitution Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use
Engineering Controls Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard or technical measures
Administrative Controls Develop policies, procedures practices and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate the
risk Provide training, instruction and supervision about the hazard
Personal Protective Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard