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VIlSemester B.Tech. (CSENSE) Dearee Examination, February 2023

(CBCS Scheme)
Time:3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Instructions : 1) Answer Q 1. Q 4and Q 7 are compulsorY.
bovocs oois 2) Q2 or Q3, Q5or Q6, Q 8 or Q9.
1. Answer the multiple choice:onovoow odnotsanuonoo otedsne o(15x1=15)
i) What is loT ?
a) network of virtual objects
b) network of physical objects embedded with sensorsn
c) network ofobjects in the ring structure
d) netvWork of sensors
ii) When was the actual term "Internet of Things" coined ?
a) 1998 b) 1999 c) 2000 d) 2001
iii) Which of the following is false about loT devices ?
a) loT devices use the internet for collecting and sharingdata
b) loT devices need microcontrollers
c) loT devices are completely safeicoe Tol i edgesAa (x
d) loT devices use wireless technology
iv) Which of the following is not an loT platform ?
a) Smart home b) Smart City c) BMP280 d) Self-driven cars
v) Which is not a fundamental component of an loT system ?
a) SensSors b) Transformers
c) User Interface Tolio eo d) Connectivity and data processing
vi) Which layer is used for wireless connection in loT devices?edi
a) Application Layer b) Data link Layerolnllenot
c) Network Layer d) Transport Layer
vii) How manynumber of elements are there in the open loT Architecture ?
a) 3 elements b) 6 elements c) 8 elements d) 7elements
vii) Which of the following is not an actuator in loT ?
a) Stepper motor b) Arduino
Cd) An LEDeuosv 9ioskx (a
c) A fan
ensa5KoaTahelo slot a s o P.I.O.
BT-198 -2
loT ?
IX) Which of the following protocol is used to link all the devices in the
a) HTTP onoria2 b) UDP
c) Network d) TCPIP
X) What is the component of an loT system that executes a program ?
a) A sensor b) An actuator
c) Amicrocontroller dy A digital to analog converter
C x i ) To enable the communication between remote M2M area networks
devices are used.
a) sensors b) routers c) gateways d) switches
xii) NEV means
a) Network FunctionVirtualization
b) Network Function Vector
c) Network Function Virtual Machine
d) Network Form in Virtualization
xiii) YANG is a
a) Protocol b) Language
c) Technology d) Management tool
xiv) In Raspberry Pi loT programming, which function is used to send a tweet ?
a) tweet() ooion b) update-status()
c) status(0 d) update()
xv) In Python "pass" statement is a
a) start statement
otneto inerto ) null operation
c) success operation ans d) end statement
2. a) Discuss the various characteristics of loT. 8

b) With a neat block diagram explain in detail the Exclusive Pair communication
model in loT.dae
ORE oeE1l
3. a) Describe loT enabling Techniques.eele o 8

b) Discuss in detail the loT level used for noise monitoring system. 9

4. a) What are the differences between the machines in M2M and Things in loT ? 5
b) Explain the various key elements of SDN. 7

bTS c) What is the role of a NETCONF server ? 5


5. a) Explain the steps involved in loT system design methodology.
b) How is function overriding implemented in Python ?
6. a) Describe the Python data types and data structures.
b) Describe entities, objects and concepts in the domain of loT system to be
designed. 8

7. a) Explain the basic building blocks of an loT device. 10

b) Discuss the various Raspberry Pi interfaces. 7

a) Describe the architecture of a Django application. 6

b) What is the purpose of Amazon AutoScaling Group ? Describe the steps

involved in creating an AutoScaling group. 6
c) Write ashort note on Amazon DynamoDB. 5

9. a) Explain the WAMP Session and WAMP protocol between the Glient and

b) Write a note on Amazon EMR for loT. 8

BT- 199

VIISemester B.Tech. (CSENSE) Dearee Examination, February 2023

(CBCS Scheme)

Max. Marks:100
Time:3 Hours

Instructions : 1) Question No. 1 is MCQ. Question No. 2 is compulsory,

Question No. 7 is compulsory.
2) Answer any onequestion from 3 and 4.
3) Answer any one question from 5 and 6.iViecu
4) Answer any one question from 8 and 9. gu-ime8
1. 1) In reinforcement learning coesbeelvieua U 1
A} Agent is rewarded for each distinct action e inenearolnish
B) Agent act between source and destination
C) Agent ignores target function
D) Agent does not map current map to optimal action nsiaausA
2) ChoOse the Correct statement about KNN. 1
A) The distance between new query instances and allthe attributes of the
instances e bas lolsonsnsaauB
B) Distance between new query instances is calculated based on all the
attributes of the instances
c) Locally weighted regression is called as KNNods nonotsle loero0 (
D) KNN algorithm has more error
niteioOs folqsoetountenool (A
3) Naive Bayes Classifier is applied for 1
A) Learning the task where each instance Xis described by conjunction of
attribute values, target function that takes one value from the set
B) Learning the task where each instance X is described by disjunction of
attribute values, target function that takes one value from the set
CHearning the task where each instance X is described by disjunction of
attribute values,target function that takes more than one value from the
nolp Set
D) Learning task where each instance Xis described by a target function

'exploitation', 'exploration' are associated with 1

ne terms 'optimal policy',
B) Instance Based Learning
C) Inductive Learning
D) Concept Learning
5) QAlgorithm is an example
A) Supervised Learningocteoso Nne oo e
B) Semi-Supervised Learningono vewet
C) Unsupervised Learning
By Reinforcement Learning

6) Variants of Naive Bayes Classifier areonut seos a1anpi inepA O 1

A) Gaussian
B) Gaussian, Multinomial
-e) Gaussian, Multinomial and Bernoulli
D) None of the above
2530sieait to csuditis
7) Correct statement about Locally Weighted Regressioni s o l (9 1

A) It constructs explicit approximating the target function f(x) at single query

B) Itconstructs explicit approximation to target function fover a global region
surroundingof new query instance
Git constructs explicit approximation to hypothesis over a local region
surrounding newquery instance
D) Itconstructs explicit approximation to target function f over a local region
surrounding of new query instance
-3 BT-199

8) What is Machine learning ? 1

A) The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer

B} The autonomous acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual
C) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of computer

D) The selective acquisition of knowledge through the use of manual


9) In general,to have a well-defined learning problem, we must identify which

of the following ?
A The class of tasks oitsoliezsh lopvel enT (O
B) The measure of performance to be improved
C) The source of experience
D) All of the above

10) The statement that is correct about Find-S Algorithm

A) Algorithm ignores every examples
B) Algorithm ignores every negative examplesnihienl otcsohe o
C) Algorithm ignores consistent hypothesis and negative examples
D) Algorithm finds version space

11) Entropy measures

A) Non homogeneity exampleseeo ogninisds
BHomogeneity examples
C) Characterized arbitrary collection of examples
D) Collection of general boundary and specific boundary
BT- 199 -4

Te) Hypothesis h e H is said to overfit the training data if 1

A The
There exists alternative hypothesis h' that has small error over training
B) Alternative hypothesis h' has more error than hypothesis h eH
C) Both hypothesis h' andhare same
D) Both hypothesis h' and h are belong to same group
13) The information gain measureon o 0ieopa6 avilnelbe edl ( 1

A) Attributes and target function

BY Measures how well a given attribute separates the training example
according to target classification
C) Their target classification
D) Target classification and set of attributes
14) Perceptron can represent following Boolean
eaveaoRi ioglA (A
15) Perceptron training rules fail to converge ifOve eonps ooA E 1
A The training examples are not linearly separableopi msicpo
B) The training examples are linearly separable
C) The training examples converge fast
D) The training examples do not converge
fastnenod oh A
2. A) Explain the following with respect to designing a learning : 7
I) Choosing training experience
I) Choosing target function.
-5 BT-199

B) Write Candidate Elimination algorithm and apply candidate elimination

algorithm andobtain the version space for training examples given in table
below. 10

Eyes Nose Head Colour Hair Smile/TC

Round Triangle Round Purple Yes Yes

Square Square Square Green Yes No

Yellow Yes Yes

Square Triangle Round
Round Triangle Round Green No No

Round Yellow Yes Yes

Square Square

A) Construct decision tree using ID3 considering the following training
for target function Play Tennis.

Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Play

D1 Sunny Hot High Weak No
Hot High Strong No
D2 Sunny
Hot High Weak Yes
D3 Overcast
D4 Rain Mild High Weak Yes
Cool Normal Weak Yes
D5 Rain
u Rain Cool Normal Strong No
Cool Normal Strong Yes
D7 Overcast
Mild High Weak No
D8 Sunny
Cool Normal Weak Yes
D9 Sunny
Mild Normal Weak Yes
D10 Rain
Mild Normal Strong Yes
D11 Sunny
Mild High Strong Yes
D12 Overcast
Hot Normal Weak Yes
D13 Overcast
Mild High Strong No
D14 Rain
BT-199 -6

B) Write lD3 algorithm and define following terms with mathematical formula. 7
i) Entropy
ii) Information Gain.

4. A) for
Construct decision tree using ID3consideringthe following training examples
target function Decision Class. 10

Weekend Weather Parental WealthyDecision

Availability Class
H1 Sunny Yes, Rich Cinema.p
H2 Sunny No Riçh Tennjs
H3 Windy oYesn0 Rich Cinema
H4 Rainy, Yes Poor Cinma,
H5 Rainy No .Rich, Home
H6 Rainy Yes Poor Cinema
H7 Windy No Poor Cinema
H8 Windy No Rich Shopping
H9 Windy Yes Riçh Cinema
H10 Sunay No Rich Tennfs
B) Write Appropriate problems for Decision Tree Learning and issues in Decision
Tree Learning. 7

5. A) Write backpropagation algorithm and derivation of the

weight tuning rule for Output Unit weights and Hidden Unit weights. 10
B) Represent OR, NAND and NOR Gate using training perceptron training rule. 7
6. A) Define delta rule and explain key difference between standard gradient
descent an stochastic gradient descent. 7

B) Assume that the neurons that have a sigmoid activation function,
forward pass, backward pass propagation and another forward pass 0.9. 10
propagation. Assume that actual output of network is 1 and leaming rate is
The artificial neural network is given below.
0, =-0.4
X, =1
W,, = 0.2

15 =-0.3 =0.1




250.1 H, W=-0.2
output =1
W =-0.5/
O, =0.2
7. A) State and derive expression for Bayes theorem and Maximum a Posterior
(MAP) hypothesis for Concept Learning.
D B) Given training instance and new query instance. tdleg lsmilgo bnH8 10
X: (age = youth, income =medium, student =yes, credit rating =fair) classify
newquery instance X using Naive Bayesian.
RID Age Income Student Credit Rating Buy Computer
1 youth high no fair no
2 youth high no excellent nÍ
Middle-aged high no fair yes
4 Senior medium no fair ye_
5 Senior low yes fair yes
Senior low yes excellent no

7 Middle-aged low yes fair yes,

Youth medium no fair no
Youth medium no tair no

10 Youth low yes fair yes

BT-199 -8

enee 7
8. A) Define following terms: buesovss ist eoen stt
De noheeogota eso bISwosd820bWIol
i) Sample Error
ii) True Error
ii) Mean, Estimators, Bias and Variance.
to classify
B) Use given training example and apply k-NN algorithm (k=2, k=3) 10
newinstance (170cm, 57 kg, ?)

Height (cm) Weight (kg) Target class

167 51 Underweight
182 62 Normal
176 69 Normal
173 64 Normal
172 65 Normal
174 56 Underweight
169 58 Normal
173 57 Normal
170 55 Normal

9. A) Derive expression for Locally Weighted Linear regression and write remarks
on k-NN algorithm. 7

or B) Find optimal path to reach final goal state 5using Q learning.evea10

yieaslo -gnislbeoenebuie.eenooriiuoyope


BT -201
VIISemester B.Tech (CSENSE) Degree Examination, February 2023
(CBCS Scheme)
Max. Marks : 100
Time:3 Hours
Instructions: Answer Q. 1, Q. 2 and Q. 3 Compulsory. Q. 4 or Q. 5,
Q. 6 or Q. 7, Q. 8 or Q. 9.
1. Answer allthe following 15 questions. Each question caries one mark. (15x1=15)
1) Which of the following are the features of cloud computing? t o
a) Security uo5 to ttored yex r b) Availabilityedh (8
c) Large Network Access d) All of the abOvedu

2) Which of the following is not a property of cloud computing ?

a) virtualization b) composability (a
c) scalability e0eu o bnseab d) all of the mentioned
3) What type of computing technology refers to services and applications
that typically run on a distributed network through virtualized resources ?
a) Distributed Computing b) Cloud Computing
c) Soft Computing d) Parallel Computing
4) Cloud computing is a system and it is necessarily unidirectional in
d 2oileosles oinde
a) stateless b) statefull
c) reliable d) all of the mentioned
5) Which of the following is the working models for cloud computing ?
a) Deployment Models b) Configuring Model
c) Collaborative Model d) Allof the above
6) The allowssystems and services to be accessible within an
a) Private cloudl b) Public cloudq
c) Community cloud d) Hybrid cloudqy a
BT- 201 -2

) How many types of Cloudare there in Deplovment Models? GT

a) 2 DWT b)3 o c)) 4 d) 5
provides the runtime environment for applications, development
and deployment tools, etc.
9) The and windows Azure are examples of which of the following ?
a) laaS b) PaaS
c) SaaS 2opi5nod Both AandB seenA
T0) Point out the wrong statement.elen os piwoloatio ioirlW (
a) Abstraction enables the key benefit of loud computing: shared,
ubiquitous access
b) Virtualization assigns a logical name for a physical resource and then
provides a pointer to that physical resource when a request is made
C) All cloud computing applications combine their resources into pools
that can be assigned on demand to users ldsleo
d) All of the mentioned
11) Which of the following is essential concept related to Cloud?
a) Abstraction b) Reliability
c) Productivity d) All of the options
12) is an entity that manages the use, performance, and delivery
of cloud services and negotiates relationships between providers and

13) Which type of Hypervisor is shown in the following figure ?

est os Guest OS

Systemn Hardware

a) Type 1 b) Type 2
c) Type 3 d) All of the mentioned
BT - 201

14) Point out the wrong statement from the following:s E W

a) sOA provides the standards that transport the messages and makes
the infrastructure to support it possible
b) SOA provides access to reusable Web services over an SMTP network
c) SOA offers access to ready-made, modular, highly optimized, and
widely shareable components that can minimize developer and
infrastructure costs
d) None of the mentioned
15) Which of the following describes a message-passing taxonomy for a
component based architecture that provides services to cients upon
demand ?
a) SOA b) EBS
c) GEC d) All of the mentioned
2. a) Define Cloud Computing. What are the essential characteristics of Cloud
aComputing ? 7

b) Discuss security in a Public cloud. 5

c) Differentiate between Private Cloud and Public Cloud. 5

3. a) Write a short note on Cloud Business Process Management (BPM). 7

b) Explain in detailCloud Platform characteristics based on Computing on

Demand (CoD). 10

4. a) Discuss utlity based Cloud Chargeback model and briefly explain various
models of cloud Chargeback. 10

b) Define Provisioningprocess in cloud computing and list the benefits of

Provisioning. 7

5. a) Discuss how Information storage, Retrieval, Archive and Protection

practice is performed using Information Lifecycle Management (|LM) and
list the ILM objectives. 10

b) Explain different factors that help to develop the Asset Management

strategy. 7
BT -201 -4

6. a) With a neat diagram explain workingof Server Virtualization. Explain two

types of virtualization technologies of server virtualization.
b) Write a short note on Datacenter Virtualization. 7

stg 10
7. a) Discuss the Curent Virtualization Initiatives.tie sb
b) Briefly explain the Storage Virtualization in cloud computing ? List its
benefits. 7

8. a) Wrte ashort note of the following:ee ovokol at io an (4x3=12)

uosiots becs0 inesoamoo
i) OLTPBenchmark
i) Business Intelligence Benchmark
i) e-Business Benchmark
iv) ISV Benchmark.
b) Discuss the role of management tools and resources in building efficient
SOA Business and IT Services. 5

9. a) Discuss working of SOA-Based Cloud Infrastructure Steps. 10

b) Define SOA. Explain importance of SOA in cloud based services. 7

adoosde buoo lo elabo


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