Prevyear Quepaper
Prevyear Quepaper
Prevyear Quepaper
b) With a neat block diagram explain in detail the Exclusive Pair communication
model in loT.dae
ORE oeE1l
3. a) Describe loT enabling Techniques.eele o 8
b) Discuss in detail the loT level used for noise monitoring system. 9
4. a) What are the differences between the machines in M2M and Things in loT ? 5
b) Explain the various key elements of SDN. 7
5. a) Explain the steps involved in loT system design methodology.
b) How is function overriding implemented in Python ?
6. a) Describe the Python data types and data structures.
b) Describe entities, objects and concepts in the domain of loT system to be
designed. 8
9. a) Explain the WAMP Session and WAMP protocol between the Glient and
Max. Marks:100
Time:3 Hours
A) Gaussian
B) Gaussian, Multinomial
-e) Gaussian, Multinomial and Bernoulli
D) None of the above
2530sieait to csuditis
7) Correct statement about Locally Weighted Regressioni s o l (9 1
A) Construct decision tree using ID3 considering the following training
for target function Play Tennis.
B) Write lD3 algorithm and define following terms with mathematical formula. 7
i) Entropy
ii) Information Gain.
4. A) for
Construct decision tree using ID3consideringthe following training examples
target function Decision Class. 10
B) Assume that the neurons that have a sigmoid activation function,
forward pass, backward pass propagation and another forward pass 0.9. 10
propagation. Assume that actual output of network is 1 and leaming rate is
The artificial neural network is given below.
0, =-0.4
X, =1
W,, = 0.2
15 =-0.3 =0.1
250.1 H, W=-0.2
output =1
W =-0.5/
O, =0.2
7. A) State and derive expression for Bayes theorem and Maximum a Posterior
(MAP) hypothesis for Concept Learning.
D B) Given training instance and new query instance. tdleg lsmilgo bnH8 10
X: (age = youth, income =medium, student =yes, credit rating =fair) classify
newquery instance X using Naive Bayesian.
RID Age Income Student Credit Rating Buy Computer
1 youth high no fair no
2 youth high no excellent nÍ
Middle-aged high no fair yes
4 Senior medium no fair ye_
5 Senior low yes fair yes
Senior low yes excellent no
enee 7
8. A) Define following terms: buesovss ist eoen stt
De noheeogota eso bISwosd820bWIol
i) Sample Error
ii) True Error
ii) Mean, Estimators, Bias and Variance.
to classify
B) Use given training example and apply k-NN algorithm (k=2, k=3) 10
newinstance (170cm, 57 kg, ?)
9. A) Derive expression for Locally Weighted Linear regression and write remarks
on k-NN algorithm. 7
BT -201
VIISemester B.Tech (CSENSE) Degree Examination, February 2023
(CBCS Scheme)
Max. Marks : 100
Time:3 Hours
Instructions: Answer Q. 1, Q. 2 and Q. 3 Compulsory. Q. 4 or Q. 5,
Q. 6 or Q. 7, Q. 8 or Q. 9.
1. Answer allthe following 15 questions. Each question caries one mark. (15x1=15)
1) Which of the following are the features of cloud computing? t o
a) Security uo5 to ttored yex r b) Availabilityedh (8
c) Large Network Access d) All of the abOvedu
Systemn Hardware
a) Type 1 b) Type 2
c) Type 3 d) All of the mentioned
BT - 201
4. a) Discuss utlity based Cloud Chargeback model and briefly explain various
models of cloud Chargeback. 10
stg 10
7. a) Discuss the Curent Virtualization Initiatives.tie sb
b) Briefly explain the Storage Virtualization in cloud computing ? List its
benefits. 7