KVS Notification 2021-22 - 0
KVS Notification 2021-22 - 0
KVS Notification 2021-22 - 0
दू रभाष/Phone:03482-250033
कॆं ीय िव ालय बहरमपुर
िश ा मं ालय ,भारत सरकार
Ministry of Education , Govt. of India
मुिशदाबाद /Murshidabad, पि म बंगालWest Bengal िपन/PIN-742101
वॆबसाइट /website: berhampore.kvs.ac.in ईमेल/Email: kvberhampore@gmail.com
Kendriya Vidyalaya Berhampore (W.B.) is going to conduct a walk-in interview as per schedule give below in the
Vidyalaya premises to prepare a panel of Teachers, on purely Part Time / Contractual basis to be engaged against the
vacancy as and when arises during the session 2021-22. The eligible & interested candidates are requested to visit
school website www.berhampore.kvs.ac.in for details .
For Educational qualification, Terms and conditions for engagement of Part Time staff please visit
Registration Interview
Date Time Post
8:00 am to 9: 9:00 am & PGTs ( Physics , Chemistry ,Maths, Biology , Comp. Sc. ),
00 am onwards TGTs ( Mathematics & Science ) , Computer Instructor
2 11:00 am to
( Tuesday ) 12:00 noon & PGTs ( English ,Hindi ,History ,Geography ,Pol. Sc. ),
onwards TGTs ( Hindi, English , Social studies & Sanskrit ),
Essential Qualification :
1) The candidate should posses the educational qualifications prescribed for direct recruitment for the
post as per KVS recruitment rules.
2) The age should be 18 to 65 years.
3) The candidate should posses the essential educational qualifications on the date of Interview.
01. Proficiency in teaching in Hindi & English in the subject & basic computer knowledge is
02. Salary will be as per KVS rules.
03. No TA/DA Will be given for attending interview.
04. Posts are purely on temporary basis.
05. Candidates should come prepared as interview may be continued to late hours.
06. All candidates are requested to follow the covid -19 protocol & bring own hand sanitizer,
wear mask.
07. The persons suffering from cough cold or fever will not be permitted to enter in the school
08. If vaccinated against COVID-19 please carry vaccination certificate.