JPSP 2022 613
JPSP 2022 613
JPSP 2022 613
2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, 5916– 5921
Department of Printing Industry, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,
Bangkok, Thailand,
Department of Printing Industry, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,
Bangkok, Thailand
The study conducted fieldwork to examine the community identity and investigate the application of
water hyacinth from San Bua Bok to product design and home decoration, which is a community
enterprise in Phayao province. Fiber pulp from the plant is used to produce paper, out of which five
product and home decoration prototypes were developed. Satisfaction with such products was then
evaluated. The results illustrated that the optimal proportion of materials for paper making is 70% water
hyacinth to 30% hemp fiber. Finally, the product that obtained the highest level of satisfaction is the
notebook prototype at 4.63.
aims to (1) be a part of the solution, (2) introduce Stock preparation is the most important process
various products made of water hyacinth to for papermaking as the paper quality is adjusted
create an alternative for commercial products to suit the purpose of the paper. The process
and packaging development of community comprises spreading the fibers, adjusting
enterprises, (3) generate family and community concentrations, beating/refining, blending, and
income from the said products based on the less contaminating or removing entrained air. The
is more concept, and (4) provide an opportunity order of this process can be adjusted according
for the exchange between local wisdom and to various conditions (Mishra 2019).
modern academic knowledge for integration
into the development of new innovations for the 2. Sheet forming
community. Handicraft sheet forming primarily pertains to
placing the prepared fiber pulp onto a screen
with the dimensions of 55 × 79 cm2 in a washing
LITERATURE REVIEW basin or container filled with a suitable level of
water. The pulp is refined and spread evenly by
Green design hand over the screen before lifting the screen out
The development of science and technology and of the container.
rapid progress of the human society may have an 3. Paper properties and testing
environmental impact as natural resources
become increasingly restricted because of the 3.1 Structural properties can indicate the
overload consumption of the human civilization. overall characteristics of the paper sheet, such as
Therefore, the concept of environmentally basis weight and thickness. Basis weight refers
friendly or green design, which promotes to the weight of the paper per unit stored under
sustainable consumption and production, is controlled temperature and humidity conditions.
currently emphasized at a large scale because the The most commonly used unit is grams per
scheme can become a solution to the square meter. Moreover, thickness refers to the
aforementioned problems. Green design perpendicular distance between the top surface
highlights limiting waste, maximizing and underside of the paper based on specific test
sustainable materials, and using renewable conditions. The measuring unit is micrometer;
energy during production. Additionally, green however, millimeter is a widely used unit.
design reduces not only production cost but also
negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, 3.2 Mechanical properties denote physical
if green design is employed, then design work properties related to paper strength. The most
can be harmonious with the living environment commonly used mechanical properties are
(Zhou 2014). tensile, burst, and tear strength.
Table 1 indicates that the communities need designing and developing products and home
products and home decorations using paper decorations from water hyacinth to respond to
made of water hyacinth pulp. The solution was community requirements.
Krairop CHAROENSOPA 5920
Accordingly, the products and home decorations evaluated five product prototypes, namely, a
from paper made of water hyacinth were lamp, tablet case, mobile phone pouch,
designed and developed based on the need and umbrella, and notebook. The results revealed a
identity of the San Bua Bok water hyacinth high level of satisfaction (x̄ = 4.59; S.D. = 0.50;
community enterprise in Ban Sang, Mueang Table 2).
district, Phayao province. Three experts
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SUGGESTIONS International Conference Business
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Sunandha Rajabhat University for the financial [12] Z Wang and MM Calderon. 2012;
assistance. The study was successfully Environmental and economic analysis of
completed as scheduled with the support application of water hyacinth for eutrophic
received. water treatment coupled with biogas
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