Marvel Dice Throne Missions Rulebook
Marvel Dice Throne Missions Rulebook
Marvel Dice Throne Missions Rulebook
10 Bleed
4 Blind
16 Bonus Damage
6 Burn
12 Chaos
1 Player Perk pad 20 double-sided Mission Boards
4 Concussion
4 Disruption
4 Dominance
4 Entangle
7 Evasive
1 Start Player Token 2 red enemy dice 9 black enemy dice 4 Hero pawn bases 4 Hero pawns
12 Flight
12 Focus Fire
4 Hex
4 Knockdown
8 Oppression
1 Crisis Clock Hand 50 Health Tokens 22 Plot Tokens 12 Defeat/Clear Tiles 7 Mystery Tiles 30 Boost Tiles
7 Paralyze
18 Poison
40 Shield
4 Silence
7 Targeted
1 Boss Health Dial 25 Ally Cards 4 Mythic Cards 12 Momentum Level Cards 4 Player Aid Cards 4 Momentum Dials 12 Wither
Overview Setup Steps
Dice Throne Missions is an easy-to-setup solo and cooperative expansion for
Dice Throne. Heroes will attempt to survive a selected Mission by completing
objectives, battling Henchmen, and recruiting iconic Marvel Allies. Ultimately,
they will face off against a notorious Marvel villain in an epic Boss Battle.
Each game, your goal is to clear both sides of a Mission without a
single Hero being defeated! 7
3 10 9
New Concepts
Unlike a standard game of Dice Throne or Dice Throne Adventures,
the following concepts are introduced in Dice Throne Missions:
In Dice Throne Missions, Heroes and enemies occupy a space on a board.
By default, your Attacks and Defensive Abilities can only target enemies 11
in a space adjacent to yours. This is called Melee . Various effects in
the game can also grant you Range , allowing you to instead target
anything on the map.
Dice Throne Missions features some phases that are carried out by all
Heroes simultaneously. Work together and make decisions collaboratively!
In the event that the Heroes do not agree on a decision, decide what to do
in turn order.
Choosing a Mission
Each Mission has a default difficulty represented by a colored die, 8
shown in the top‑corner of each map. A Mission’s difficulty number is
described as its “level.”
Intro - A fun introduction to the game and meant to be easy for
anyone, including new players.
Moderate - Without Perks, veteran players will find these
Missions a moderate challenge. New players may find them quite
difficult unless they have unlocked Perks.
Hard - Without Perks, these Missions are very challenging for
even veteran players. Some Perks are likely required for success. 1 Each player chooses and sets up any Dice Throne Hero. 3 Choose a Mission and start it on the side marked “Side 1.”
Brutal - Without Perks, these Missions are nearly unbeatable The Heroes’ starting Health depends on the number of Place the token tray within reach of all players.
for players of any skill level. Earning many Perks is suggested before Heroes playing:
attempting. For your first game, use the Ock Knocks Knox Mission.
1 Hero 2 Heroes 3 Heroes 4 Heroes
RUTHLESS - These Missions are incredibly challenging even for 4 Shuffle the Ally Cards into a face-down deck. Draw the top 3 cards and
veteran players with many Perks. 45 Health 30 Health 25 Health 20 Health place them in a face-up row to create the Ally Headquarters (HQ).
INSANE - These Missions would be so insanely challenging that Each player’s maximum Health is 10 above starting Health . 5 Create the enemy dice pool by setting aside 2 red enemy dice and 1
we chose not to make any at this difficulty (yet..?). black enemy die, plus 1 additional black enemy die per Hero.
Note, you may NOT start with a Mythic Ability!
6 Each player rolls a die. Give the Start Player Token to the player 9 If playing a Mission Run, place Health and Shield tokens on 10 Shuffle all Boost Tiles and place them in a neat stack beside the
with the highest roll (or only player in solo). each Henchman on the map, so that they match the amounts listed board. Then draw and place Boost Tiles randomly on each space with
on that Henchman’s info panel along the map’s bottom. a Boost symbol . Then flip all placed Boost Tiles face-up.
7 Each player places their Hero’s chosen pawn near the map.
Each Health Token has two different numbers: a low, odd number on 11 Complete any special setup instructions if there is an “Additional Set
8 Place the Crisis Clock Hand on the Crisis Clock pointing straight one side and a higher, even number on the other (e.g. 1/2, 3/4, etc.). Up” section present. These may require specific tokens or markers.
up. Then roll 1 die and advance the token clockwise a number of
segments equal to the result to randomize its position. For the Ock Knocks Knox Mission, there are no additional special
If playing a Boss Fight, perform the map’s Boss Setup setup instructions to perform.
Do not use the “+1” side of the Crisis Clock Hand for a steps (if any).
normal game! This is only used for higher difficulties 12 Perform any additional setup items you may have unlocked on your
(See “Increasing Difficulty” on pg.12). personal Perk Sheet, and then tuck it beneath your player board
leaving the feats row exposed. (See “Perk Sheets” on pg.11)
Game Rounds 2 Movement Phase 4 Target & Resolve Phase
In each game of Dice Throne Missions, you are During the Movement Phase, all Hero pawns are moved simultaneously After Hero Phase Part 1, Heroes take turns selecting a target and
required to complete both sides of a chosen with the following considerations: resolving their Offensive Ability.
Mission Board. Each side can be completed by
• Heroes can move any number of spaces, including zero (staying in their
fulfilling its Main Objective. Upon completing
current space) and must end their movement on a hexagonal space.
the Main Objective, your team will either If your Offensive Ability is an Attack (it deals at
advance to Side 2, or complete the Mission if • If your pawn is not yet on a space (because you are beginning a new Mission
least non-collateral dmg to an opponent), it is
you were already on Side 2. Run or Boss Fight), it must move onto the map from the Entry Space, or
considered Melee , meaning it can only target one
from any valid space if there is no Entry Space.
In a Mission Run (usually Side 1), you will adjacent enemy (an enemy that is next to your space).
• You cannot move onto or through any space that features a dark inset
move your Hero around the map, navigating background UNLESS it is covered by a Defeat Tile . Some Missions use • You cannot activate a Melee Attack if there is
the unique rules and puzzles while fighting Clear Tiles which can also sometimes be moved onto, depending on no adjacent enemy to target.
various Henchmen. the Mission specific rules.
In a Boss Fight (usually Side 2), you will attempt to defeat a powerful • You can move through other Heroes (or swap spaces), but multiple Heroes RANGE ATTACKS
villain, usually by bringing their Health to . cannot occupy the same space at the end of the Movement Phase. If you want to target a non-adjacent enemy with an
If multiple Heroes want the same space, the Hero earlier in turn order Attack,, you must gain Range .
Round Phases decides who should occupy it.
• You can move through or land on Boost Tiles . If you end your move on • You can gain Range through Allies, and by
Game play takes place over a series of rounds, each of which is broken up one or more Boost Tiles , you collect them spending Momentum (See “Momentum” on pg.
into 8 round phases (which are also listed on your Player Aid Card): (See “Boost Tiles” on pg. 8). 8). Range is required BEFORE activating the
Attack, and cannot be gained mid-resolution.
1 Pass Phase: Pass the Start Player Token (This is skipped the You will most often want to end your movement next to an enemy, because • Unlike Melee Attacks, you are allowed to activate
first round of Side 1). your Attacks and Defensive Abilities are considered Melee by default, a Range Attack without choosing a target. This
2 Movement Phase: Heroes move and collect Boost Tiles meaning they can only be activated against adjacent enemies. can be helpful in some situations.
that they land on. • Note: you do not require Range if the Offensive Ability that you
activate is an Ultimate Attack, or a non-Attack Offensive Ability (such as
3 Hero Phase Part 1: Heroes simultaneously complete their one that deals only collateral damage, or only inflicts a status effect). These
Upkeep Phase, Income Phase (skip on first turn), Main Phase (1), and can target any enemy on the map.
all their roll attempts at the start of the Offensive Roll Phase. After
finishing their roll attempts, they stop and say “Ready to Attack”.
4 Target & Resolve Phase: In turn order, each Hero resolves
their Offensive Ability against a chosen enemy. If the enemy is a
Boss, you also resolve their Defensive Ability.
5 Hero Phase Part 2: Heroes simultaneously complete Main
Phase (2) and then their Discard Phase.
6 Enemy Upkeep Phase: Resolve applicable Upkeep Phase
status effects on enemies.
7 Enemy Roll Phase: Perform the enemies’ Offensive Roll
Phase by rolling the enemy dice once (regardless of the number of
enemies). Activate applicable Offensive Abilities (See “Enemy Attacks” Storm is the Start Player . As her first move, she enters the map
on pg. 7). Heroes can defend against defendable Attacks. through the Entry Space A and ends her move on space B , picking
up the Boost Tile there. Wolverine moves through the Entry as well,
8 Crisis Clock Phase: Advance the Crisis Clock Hand ending his move on the empty space C .
and activate each Crisis Ability it moves onto or through (but
not started on). Storm and Wolverine complete their Offensive Roll Phase
simultaneously. They each activate an Offensive Ability which will deal
What follows is a detailed breakdown of each phase. non-collateral damage to an enemy, so they are considered Attacks.
Storm resolves her Attack first because she is the Start Player . Attacks
are Melee , so she must choose an adjacent enemy as the target. This
1 Pass Phase could be Cult Thug E or Strike Team D . If she were able to gain
Range , then she could target an enemy anywhere on the Map.
3 Hero Phase Part 1 Wolverine resolves his Attack next. He is only adjacent to Cult Thug E ,
Pass the Start Player Token clockwise so he must target this enemy because he does not have Range .
at the start of every round, with the exception Heroes complete the first part of their Dice Throne turn simultaneously. This
of the very first round of Side 1. This player includes Upkeep Phase, Income Phase (skip on first turn), Main Phase (1),
will be the new Start Player until the
Hero Phase Part 2
and all their roll attempts at the start of the Offensive Roll Phase. When a
end of the round. Hero is ready to activate an Ability, they should say “Ready to Attack!” to 5
inform everyone that they are ready to move on.
Whenever you are asked to resolve something in “turn order,” Prior to activating Offensive Abilities, Heroes may each progress Heroes simultaneously complete Main Phase (2), then their Discard Phase.
begin with the Start Player and continue clockwise. through the phases of their turn at their own pace. However, Heroes
cannot interact with teammates unless they are in the same Phase.
7 Enemy ROLL Phase 8 Crisis Clock PHASE
ENEMIES ENEMY ATTACKS After the enemy turns conclude, the Crisis Clock will determine what
On most maps, Side 1 will feature up to 3 Henchmen types , and During the Henchmen’s Enemy Roll Phase, gather the pool of enemy dice harmful things happen to the Heroes:
1 Unstoppable Threat . Side 2 will typically feature a Boss. (which were determined during setup) and roll them exactly once, regardless • Rotate the Crisis Clock Hand clockwise a number of segments equal to the
of how many Henchmen are attacking. Then the Henchmen Attack: number of Heroes.
All of these types of characters are called enemies.
1. For each Henchmen’s info panel , consult the rolled enemy dice. • Each segment that the Crisis Clock Hand has advanced to or gone through
• Enemies are considered players for all cards, effects, and Abilities. If the rolled dice contain the dice symbols required by their roll objective, this round (but not started on) will activate any listed Crisis Ability:
• You cannot change the enemies’ quantity of dice, type of dice that are they will activate their Offensive Ability.
rolled, or their number of Roll Attempts. • All damage effects will accumulate against each target, then
2. For each Henchman type that was activated (resolving based on panel
damage is resolved together at the end of the phase.
• Enemies have zero cards, and are considered to have infinite . position from left to right):
• All other effects are resolved in clockwise order.
• When you would place a status effect on a targeted enemy (with an • Each Henchman (of the activated type) will resolve their
Ability or from another source), you can choose not to place that status • If a segment’s Crisis Ability shows a specific effect, such as LOSE
Offensive Ability in order by moving across the map left-to-right or DISCARD , it activates for all Heroes.
effect and instead gain Momentum. This is helpful if the enemy then top-to-bottom (like reading a book).
is immune to that status, at stack limit, or if the status is simply not • When advancing to a segment displaying the icon of an enemy type,
• Most Henchmen’s Abilities are Multi-Strike Attacks. each undefeated enemy of that type activates its Crisis Ability.
useful at the time. Multi-Strike Attacks trigger against every adjacent Hero (for Crisis Abilities can usually target anyone, but some might specify
Melee Attacks) or every Hero on the map (for Range Attacks). they only affect Melee .
If the Multi-Strike Attack cannot target a Hero, it is not resolved.
• Some Crisis Clock icons will have effects that are defined above the
• Each time a Henchman’s Offensive Ability resolves, perform all of its Crisis Clock (for example, Boss Crisis Abilities).
listed effects (including status effects inflicted or gained).
3. Finally, if the rolled dice contain the dice symbols required by the
Unstoppable Threat’s roll objective, it will activate its Offensive Ability.
This Henchmen info panel shows the Cult Thug stats. Any Henchmen on
the map marked with this panel’s icon “ ” will use stats from this panel.
There are special enemies with the tag “ Unstoppable Threat.” These
enemies cannot be targeted by Offensive Abilities. Also, they can never
receive damage or have status effects placed on them.
Each Unstoppable Threat will explain what it does during the
Enemy Roll Phase on its info panel printed on the map.
If a Mission objective requires you to defeat all enemies, In a 3 player game, the Crisis Clock Hand will advance 3 segments.
this does not include Unstoppable Threats.
Segment F requires each Hero to discard . Segment G is empty,
In this example roll, we go left to right, activating the Offensive Ability of so there is no effect. The hand ends on segment H , the Cult Thugs
the Cult Thugs (1), then Hellfire Club (2), then Sniper (3). symbol , which means Cult Thugs activate their Crisis Ability i .
There are two undefeated Cult Thugs, so all Heroes receive collateral
The Strike Team will do nothing this turn, because their dmg. Lastly, 2 enemy dice are rolled for the last part of the Crisis Ability.
roll objective was not matched by the enemy dice.
• Heroes may perform a Defense Roll against each
defendable enemy Attack:
• Heroes may always perform Defense Rolls against adjacent
defendable Attacks.
• Heroes require Range to perform a Defense Roll against
non-adjacent defendable Attacks.
• If an Attack targets 2 or more Heroes, resolve their Defense Rolls
in turn order.
6 Enemy Upkeep Phase • If an enemy is defeated during a Defense Roll, the enemy’s
Attack still finishes resolving against all of the Heroes that
were originally targeted.
Resolve applicable Upkeep Phase status effects on the enemies in any • A status effect such as Blind (which gets removed during or at the
order the players choose. end of a Roll Phase) is removed after resolving the first instance of
an enemy’s Attack, and does not affect the other instances.
Boost Tiles Allies Winning & Losing
Boost Tiles are placed face-up around the
map of both sides of a Mission during setup. Every Boost
Recruiting Allies Main Objectives are defined on each side of a Mission.
Game play continues in rounds until your team has won or lost.
Tile provides the Hero who picks it up the effect Allies are special characters you can recruit for help. If
shown on its face-up side. you recruit Allies during either of your Main Phases: You win a Mission by completing the Main Objective on both
1. Spend the Momentum cost of the desired Ally sides of the map.
Collect all Boost Tiles on the space you are in at the
end of your Movement Phase. (top right), and move them from the Ally HQ to You lose a Mission if any Hero is defeated (their Health being reduced to )
your play area. or if an objective specifically states that you lose the game.
• Face-up Boost Tiles are resolved immediately upon 2. Replenish the Ally HQ immediately by drawing a new Ally from
collecting them. You gain its benefit, then discard it face-up the top of the Ally Deck to replace the one you just recruited. • If a Hero is defeated, you only lose the Mission once all Heroes have
to a Boost discard stack beside the Mission Board. concluded the current round phase.
3. Each Hero may only have one Ally in play by default, but you can
• Face-down Boost Tiles only appear during a Boss increase this maximum through unlocking Perks. If you want to recruit For example, Wolverine Attacks the Boss and is defeated by the Boss’ defense.
Fight. When there are one or more face-down Boost Tiles an Ally, but are already at your maximum number, you may discard During the same Round Phase, Captain Marvel manages to defeat the Boss with
in the stack you collect, place them face-down on your one you have to the bottom of the Ally Deck to make room. her Attack. This results in a win for the Heroes because they completed the Main
Health Dial. You will not be able gain the rewards from Objective before the conclusion of the current Round Phase.
these until the Boss’ next Attack (See “Enemy Roll Phase
(Boss)” on pg.10).
Using Allies • Regardless of whether you win or lose, check to see if you gain any Perk
Points, or “PP” (See “Earning Perk Points” on pg.11).
An Ally will have one or more powers. Each power may only be activated
When there are no more Boost Tiles in the draw pile, flip the once per round. Most powers can only be activated during a specific turn Perfect rewards provide additional benefits by fulfilling all
discard stack face-down and reshuffle them to form a new draw pile. phase, unless they are marked as an Instant Action. If there is a Momentum “Perfect Reward” requirements in the Main Objective (See “Perfect
cost to activate a power, the power text will list it (e.g. Spend ). Rewards” on pg.11).
Gain the value Heal the value shown Each Ally’s powers are triggered in Bonus Objectives are listed on many of the Missions and are not
of CP shown different ways: necessary to complete. Passing a Bonus Objective can result in rewards for
your team, while failing one may enact penalties. Bonus Objectives are
Recruit powers are a one-time resolved before the Main Objective (if completed simultaneously).
Gain the value of Draw the number of benefit gained immediately when
Momentum shown cards shown
that Ally is recruited.
Exhaust powers are gained by
Completing map sides
Gain the status Remove 1 status effect token
from self -OR- gain discarding the Ally to the bottom of When your team completes a Main Objective, the round ends after the
effect shown 1 Momentum current round phase resolves. If you completed Side 1 of a Mission, you
the Ally Deck.
then advance to Side 2 by doing the following:
Transfer 1 status effect token between +Exhaust powers are also
gained by discarding the Ally to the • Do NOT reset your Health, cards, or Momentum;
any two players -OR- gain 2 Momentum You are not starting a “new game.”
bottom of the Ally Deck, but they
6 may only be activated at the same • Keep any face-down Boost Tiles you may have.
Momentum time you activate the power listed
directly above it.
• Check if the Mission has any effects which carry over to Side 2.
• Flip the map to Side 2 and follow setup steps 8–11 (see “Setup” on pg. 4).
Momentum is a new currency that you track on Offensive ability powers
your own personal Momentum dial. You can have give you a new Offensive Ability,
a maximum of 15 Momentum. which is considered to be one of your Some Main Objectives require Heroes to EXIT the map.
own Abilities on your Hero Board.
Gain Momentum by defeating Henchmen, During your Roll Phase, you may still To EXIT the map during the Movement Phase:
collecting Boost Tiles , and completing objectives. only activate one Offensive Ability • All other Main Objective requirements must be satisfied.
Perform Momentum Actions described on your Momentum Card by during your Offensive Roll Phase, • You must be able to move to the EXIT Space via a connected path.
spending the Momentum listed to the left of the action. There is no limit to whether from the Ally or not.
• Once you reach the EXIT Space, immediately remove your pawn from
the number of times per round you may pay to perform a Momentum Action. Kicker powers activate during your Offensive or Defensive Roll Phase, the map. You will no longer take turns or receive any dmg or effects
However, some of Momentum Actions have a limit on how many times you can and can be used once per round. If you meet a kicker’s requirements (if any), from enemies or Crisis Abilities on the current side of the map.
do them, or are limited to a specific turn phase (e.g.: the “Recruit An Ally” action it provides a bonus in addition to your normal Ability.
may only be performed during the Main Phase). Any Heroes that do not EXIT may continue performing rounds as normal
until they also choose to EXIT.
Ally Powers on recruited Allies often
require spending Momentum to
activate (See “Using Allies” on pg.8).
You will begin your first game of
Dice Throne Missions with your level
1 Momentum Card .
Unlock Momentum Perks to gain
access to higher level Momentum
Cards. Unlike other Perks, you
must gain Momentum Perks in
their listed order to unlock higher
level Momentum Cards (See “Perk
Sheets” on pg.11).
Henchmen Combat Example
In Mission Runs, you will be fighting hordes of a villain’s Henchmen. 1. It is the Enemy Roll Phase, so the Start Player gathers the enemy 5. The Vanguards’ Multi-Strike Attack is Melee E , so they can only
Each Henchman is shown on the map itself, while information about each dice. They use 2 red dice and 3 black dice because it is a 2 player game. Attack adjacent Heroes. The left-most Vanguard F Attacks first,
type of Henchman is shown along the bottom of the Mission Board on their 2. They roll all of the dice one time, and compare the result to each of the resolving one Attack against each adjacent Hero.
corresponding info panel. Henchmen’s info panels. They see that the Savants’ D and the
Vanguards’ E Offensive Abilities will activate. • The attacking Vanguard F has the Negative Status Effect Blind .
A Henchman’s type is indicated with a green , blue , or magenta For Blind , the Henchman must roll 1 1 to see if they can Attack.
colored hexagonal icon A . This color is also often the main color of the Remember one single enemy roll is performed at the start of the They roll a 2 and therefore cannot perform their Attack. As a result,
Henchman’s outfit A . Enemy Roll Phase, which determines all of the enemies’ Attacks. the first targeted Hero (by turn order) does not perform their
Defensive Ability and the Blind is be removed.
The current Health value of a Henchman is represented by a combination
of Health Tokens, instead of a dial. When a Henchman suffers dmg, adjust 3. Neither Hero wants to use any cards or status effects to alter the dice, so • The attacking Vanguard is no longer Blind , so they still perform
their Health Tokens to display their updated Health total. they move on to activating the Henchmen’s Attacks. The Savants their second Attack against the other adjacent Hero. Since the
resolve their Attack first, because they are the left-most info panel. Hero is adjacent their Defensive Ability can be used against the
Henchmen only have a single Offensive Ability, which can be activated 4. The Savants’ Multi-Strike Attack has Range D , so they can Vanguard without having to use Momentum to gain Range .
if they meet the their Roll Objective during the Enemy Roll Phase. Attack both Heroes. Two of the Savants are undefeated, so each Hero
is targeted twice. 6. The second Vanguard C does not activate their Attack because no
Henchmen do not have a Defensive Ability, and therefore do not perform Heroes are adjacent, and triggers none of their Attack’s effects.
Defense Rolls. • The top-most Savant Attacks first. Neither Hero decides to spend
Momentum to gain Range (required to activate their Defensive
Shield , a new status effect, is a Henchman’s main line of defense. Ability since the Savant is not adjacent). As a result, the Heroes do not
• During setup, Henchmen gain the number of Shield tokens (if any) get to use their Defensive Abilities even though they are targeted by
indicated on their info panel B . a defendable Attack.
• Shield tokens may also be gained through the Henchman’s • The Heroes then resolve the next Savant’s Attack. They again decide
Offensive Ability or Crisis Ability. not to spend Momentum to defend against it.
• If a Henchman has any Shield tokens, they will spend as many • The Savants have finished resolving, so the Heroes proceed to the
as they need to prevent damage from defendable Attacks (Shield next activated enemy info panel, which is the Vanguards.
tokens are not restricted by Range ).
• A spent Shield token prevents up to dmg and is then discarded
(a Shield token will still be removed even if it only prevents dmg).
• Shield tokens do not prevent damage types that are not
defendable, such as undefendable, collateral, pure, or Ultimate
damage. Therefore, Shield tokens are not removed when an
enemy receives this type of damage.
Status 3ffects inflicted upon Henchmen are placed directly on that
Henchman’s space C , not their info panel at the bottom of the map.
Unstoppable Threats are not Henchmen, and may not be the target of
any Offensive Ability, and never receive damage or status effects.
Defeat a Henchman by reducing its Health to . Then cover all shaded
spaces that Henchman is on top of with a Defeat Tile (most Henchmen
cover one space, while other large enemies may cover 3+ spaces). These
covered spaces are now considered to be empty spaces that can be moved
through or onto.
For every Defeat Tile placed on the map, the Start Player (even
if they didn’t defeat the Henchman) distributes 2 Momentum among the
Heroes however they like.
Hero: A person and the Dice Throne Champion they are playing as.
Enemies: Who the Heroes fight. These include Henchmen, Unstoppable
Threats, and Bosses.
Player: A Hero or enemy.
Opponent: Heroes’ opponents are the enemies. Enemies’ opponents are
the Heroes. All enemy Abilities are written from that enemy’s point of view.
Teammate: Another Hero (not you).
Boss Fight Exceptions Enemy Roll Phase (Boss) ENDING A Boss Fight
In a Boss Fight, you will attempt to defeat a powerful villain, usually by When a Boss Attacks, roll the enemy dice once. Use the same quantity Like a Mission Run, each Boss Fight features a Main Objective. Typically this
reducing their Health to . Boss Fights typically begin on Side 2 after a and type of enemy dice gathered during setup. Then proceed as follows: requires you to reduce the Boss to Health, though some Boss Fights have
Side 1 Mission Run is completed (though this is not always the case). other requirements that are specified.
• Heroes may alter the dice using cards or other effects.
Remember when you switch from Side 1 to Side 2 of a Mission, • For each red die rolled, place a face-down Boost Tile on the Fulfilling a Boss Fight Main Objective completes that side of the Mission,
you must follow the “Completing Sides” instructions on pg. 8. numbered map space that matches the dice value. ending it as the current round phase concludes.
• If there are already tiles there, add the new tiles beneath them. • If it is Side 1, follow the “Completing a Side” instructions on pg. 8.
Here are some rules to keep note of during a Boss Fight: • If it is Side 2, you win!
IMPORTANT: A Boost Tile placed beneath a Hero is NOT collected.
• There are both face-up & face-down Boost Tiles on the map
during a Boss Fight. • Compare the enemy dice roll to the Boss’s Attacks (from left to right).
• Pick up ALL Boost Tiles on the space where you end your move. • Activate the FIRST Offensive Ability with a roll objective that
• Face-up tiles are resolved immediately, then discarded. matches the dice (If there is no match, the Boss activates no Attack).
• Face-down tiles are placed on your Health Dial until the Boss IMPORTANT: Only activate the first Offensive Ability that is matched.
attempts to Attack.
• The activated Offensive Ability adds its CRIT effect against each
• Bosses have a Defensive Ability (unlike Henchmen who have no defense) Attacked Hero who is standing on a face-down Boost Tile , or
who has one or more face-down Boost Tiles on their Health Dial
• When hit with a defendable Attack, Bosses automatically (add the effect only once, no matter how many Boost Tiles you have).
activate their “Boss Defense” Ability (no roll is required).
• Each Attacked Hero makes their Defense Roll (if able, in turn order).
• Resolve the defense, then apply any other effects (such as Shield ).
• Some Bosses have a “Unique Defense”, which has special activation • Heroes reveal face-down Boost Tiles on their Health Dial The Heroes must Attack Mysterio, and reduce him to Health to win.
rules. Read carefully! (if they collected any while moving). Resolve their effects & discard them.
Example H
Alex Perfected Side 1 and also beat Side 2 of a level Mission,
so they earn a 3 PP reward and they also fill in the level slot of the
New Game+ column. They mark the Mission as Perfected on the back
of their Perk Sheet.
Alex now has 3 PP to spend. They already have 1 mark in the second column
of Grit. They decide to spend 1 PP there to unlock it, as well as 2 PP in the
fourth column of Leadership.
Example J
Alex beat Side 1 of a level Mission, but then lost on Side 2, so they earn
a 1 PP reward.
They would love to unlock their Level 3 Momentum Card, but since they do NEED MORE PERK SHEETS?
not have their Level 2 Momentum Card, they decide to spend their 1 PP on Download them at:
the level 2 Momentum Perk instead.
Status Effects reference chart Increasing Difficulty
Barbed Vine (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted Flight (Positive Status Effect): Players may choose to spend Want to play a low difficulty Mission again, but it’s too easy for you now? Fear
with this token receives dmg for each Roll Attempt beyond these tokens at any time during their Roll Phase. Once spent, not! You can increase the difficulty and even gain increased rewards!
the first during their Offensive Roll Phase, up to a maximum of roll 2 1. If a 6 was rolled, activate the token. When activated
When adding 1 or more levels of difficulty, perform the following
dmg per turn. This token is removed and then this dmg is during the Offensive Roll Phase, the player’s Attack becomes
additional Setup Steps:
applied at the conclusion of the Roll Phase. Stack Limit: 1 undefendable. If activated during the Defensive Roll Phase,
ignore all incoming damage. Stack Limit: 3 1. Add an additional black enemy die to the enemy dice pool per
Bleed (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted with this
level of increased difficulty.
token must roll 1 1 during their Upkeep Phase. On 1–4, they Henchmen and Bosses will spend 1 Flight token if they
are dealt dmg. On 5–6, remove this token. 2. Inflict Oppression on each Hero, using a single numbered token to
successfully activate a defendable Attack, only affecting the
Stack Limit: 2 represent the amount of inflicted tokens equal to the level of increased
first Multi-Strike instance. They will spend all Flight
difficulty (max 4).
Blind (Negative Status Effect): The next time a player afflicted tokens necessary during their Defensive Roll Phase to
prevent a source dealing 4+ dmg or to prevent lethal dmg. 3. Henchmen starting Health is increased by for each level of
with this token concludes their Offensive Roll Phase, they must
increased difficulty (max ).
remove it and roll 1 1. On 1–2, their Offensive Roll Phase fails
and has no effect of any kind. Stack Limit: 1 Focus Fire (Negative Status Effect): When a player with this 4. Use the “+1” Crisis Clock Hand. The Crisis Clock will now move an
token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases their extra segment during each Crisis Clock Phase.
Bonus Damage (Positive Status Effect): Players may damage by . Attack Modifier. Persistent. Stack Limit: 2 5. Boss Setup instructions apply a special effect for each Oppression
choose to spend these tokens during their Offensive Roll
Hex (Unique Status Effect): Whenever a player afflicted with on all Heroes.
Phase. Each token adds the indicated number of damage to
your Attack. Attack Modifier. Stack Limit: 2. If you gain a token
while at Stack Limit, you must either replace a previous token or
this token rolls a 6, it is as if their die has been altered to a blank
die face that has no value. At the conclusion of their turn, remove Increased PP Rewards
discard the new token. this token. This token may not be transferred by any means (but When adding 1 or more levels of difficulty to a Mission, you may apply the
can be removed). Stack Limit: 2 Perk Points (PP) you earn from that Mission to a column with a difficulty
Unless otherwise specified, Henchmen and Bosses will spend level equal to the Mission’s Total Difficulty. Total Difficulty is calculated as
all Bonus Damage tokens available when their Attack Knockdown (Negative Status Effect): To remove this token,
a player afflicted with it must spend before the start of their Mission difficulty + number of levels of increased difficulty.
activates. The bonus dmg only works on the FIRST instance of
a Multi-Strike Attack, not all of them. Offensive Roll Phase. If the player does not, they must skip their For example, if you play the Nuclear Assault Mission (level difficulty),
Offensive Roll Phase and then remove this token. Stack Limit: 1 and increase the difficulty by 3, the Total Difficulty is . This means you can
Burn (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted with this apply all PP earned from that Mission in the 5 column of the Perk Sheet.
token is dealt dmg during the Upkeep Phase of their turn. Like other status effects that affect , Henchmen and
Persistent. Stack Limit: 1 Bosses are immune to this status effect because they are
considered to have infinite .
Chaos (Positive Status Effect): These tokens are gained by
various Henchmen and Bosses. The specific enemy abilities will
indicate how these tokens are used. These tokens cannot be used
Oppression (Unique Status Effect): When a player with
this token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases Decreasing difficulty
by Heroes. Stack Limit: 6 their damage by x Oppression tokens on the player.
This token cannot be removed or transferred by any means. If you would like a more gentle gaming experience, choose one or more of
Concussion (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted the following modifications:
with this token must skip their Income Phase and then remove Attack Modifier. Persistent. Stack Limit: 4
this token. Stack Limit: 1 Paralyze (Negative Status Effect): While afflicted with 1. Double all Perk Points earned.
this token, a player cannot gain or inflict any status effects 2. All Heroes start with an additional Health.
Disruption (Negative Status Effect): During their Upkeep
Phase, a player afflicted with this token may choose to lose . associated with any of their Offensive Abilities (all other effects 3. All Heroes start with bonus Momentum.
If they do not (or cannot), they receive dmg instead. Then of the ability still apply). When a player afflicted with this token
remove this token. Stack Limit: 1 concludes their Roll Phase, remove it. Stack Limit: 1
Like other status effects that affect , Henchmen and
Bosses are immune to this status effect token because they
Poison (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted with this
token is dealt dmg per Poison token during the Upkeep Enemy dice breakdown
are considered to have infinite . Phase of their turn. Persistent. Stack Limit: 3
Shield (Positive Status Effect): During the Defensive Roll
Dominance (Unique Status Effect): When a player with this Phase, a player with this token may spend 1 or more Shield
token Attacks, they must roll 1 1: to prevent per Shield token spent. This token can only
• On 1, they must choose a teammate to target instead. If they be used against defendable damage (but isn’t restricted by
cannot, they must discard randomly. Then remove this Range ). Stack Limit: 5 STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE VORTEX VORTEX HEDRON
• On 2–5, do nothing. After using a Boss Defense, all enemies will spend any
• On 6, remove this token. Shield necessary to prevent up to all dmg caused by any
Attack. If they have other Positive Status Effect tokens that
This token may not be transferred by any means (but can be could fully prevent dmg, they use those before Shield .
removed). Stack Limit: 1
Entangle (Negative Status Effect): A player afflicted with Silence (Unique Status Effect): A player afflicted with this token
this token gets 1 fewer Roll Attempt during their next Offensive may not activate their Small Straight or Large Straight abilities. At
Roll Phase. At the conclusion of the Roll Phase, remove this the conclusion of their turn, remove this token. Stack Limit: 1
token. Stack Limit: 1
Targeted (Negative Status Effect): When a player afflicted
Evasive (Positive Status Effect): When a player with this token with this token is Attacked by an opponent, the Attacker increases
receives damage, they may choose to spend it. If spent, roll 1 1. their damage by . Attack Modifier. Persistent. Stack Limit: 1
If the outcome is 1-2, no dmg is received (although other
associated effects may still apply). Multiple tokens may be spent Wither (Negative Status Effect): If a player with a Wither
in an attempt to prevent the same source of damage. token would deal damage as a result of their Attack, reduce that
Stack Limit: 3 dmg by per Wither token. Attack Modifier. Persistent.
Henchmen and Bosses will spend all Evasive tokens Stack Limit: 2
necessary to prevent a source dealing 4+ dmg or to
prevent lethal dmg.