Research On Gold
Research On Gold
Research On Gold
After falling for decades, central bank gold holdings have risen since the Global Financial Crisis.
Original content:
We identify 14 “active diversifiers,” countries that purchased gold and raised its share in total
reserves by 5 or more percentage points over the last two decades. In contrast to the diversifi
cation of foreign currency reserves, which has been undertaken by advanced and developing
JEL classification numbers:
country central banks alike, diversifiers into gold are exclusively emerging markets. We document
F31 two sets of factors contributing to this trend. First, gold is seen as a safe haven in periods of
F33 economic, financial and geopolitical volatility. Second, financial sanctions by the US, UK, EU and
Keywords: Japan, the main reserve-issuing economies, are associated with an increase in the share of central
International reserves bank reserves held in the form of gold.
1. Introduction
In the third quarter of 2022, global central banks added US$20 billion of gold to their international reserve portfolios. This was the
largest quarterly increase in official gold demand in fully 55 years (World Gold Council, 2022). This startling increase attracted much
attention, taking place as it did against the backdrop of a secular decline in the share of global reserves held in the form of gold
stretching over the better part of four decades.
As Fig. 1 (left panel) shows, gold holdings in official foreign reserves in fact reversed its earlier fall already around the time of the
2008–9 Global Financial Crisis. Fig. 1 (right panel) shows the swing from more countries selling gold pre-GFC to more countries
purchasing post-GFC.
In this paper we analyze which central banks and underlying economic, financial and political factors account for this shift. Two
hypotheses suggest themselves. First, gold is seen as a safe haven and attractive reserve asset in periods of economic, financial and
geopolitical uncertainty, and when returns on reserve currencies are low, two conditions that have been prevalent in recent years. Gold
is popularly viewed as an inflation hedge and a portfolio diversifier (portfolio diversification having special value in a volatile
environment). It is favored by custom and tradition, central banks and governments having long held gold reserves. One might imagine
central bank reserve managers investing in a variety of physical commodities. But investing in gold is regarded, for reasons rooted in
history, as more respectable and confidence inspiring.1
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Arslanalp), (B. Eichengreen), (C. Simpson-Bell).
That there exist well-regulated, liquid markets for trading gold in London, New York and Shanghai (and a large over-the-counter market in
Switzerland) works in the same direction.
Received 27 December 2022; Received in revised form 11 September 2023; Accepted 13 September 2023
Available online 19 September 2023
0022-1996/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Fig. 1. Gold Holdings in Official Reserve Assets, 1999–2022. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)
Second, gold is perceived as a safe and desirable reserve asset when countries are subject to financial sanctions and financial in
vestments are potentially subject to asset freezes and seizure. Thus, the Bank of Russia accelerated its gold purchases following Russia’s
annexation of Crimea in 2014. In 2021, it confirmed that its gold was now fully vaulted at home. While the Russian sanctions imposed
by G7 countries—which bar their banks from doing most business with Russian counterparts and deny the Bank of Russia, that
country’s central bank, access to its reserves at foreign central and commercial banks—are a recent case in point, earlier sanctions had
already interrupted, or threatened to interrupt, such access for the central banks and governments of other countries.
Skeptics contend that gold has disadvantages. Financial securities can more effectively provide protection against inflation and
economic and financial volatility. Gold is expensive to transport, warehouse and secure. It is costly to use in transactions. It doesn’t
bear interest. It can, however, be lent out on term deposit. It can generate a return when used in swaps (offsetting exchanges of gold for
currency on agreed spot and forward dates executed with private counterparties or partner central banks). However, banks acting as
counterparties in loan and swap transactions expect gold to be vaulted at the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
or a recognized depository operated by one of the major gold exchanges, reintroducing sanctions risk. Repatriating gold, as Russia,
Venezuela and others have done, thus limits its use.2 These issues make it important to understand the role of gold in central bank
reserves and how it is affected by transactions costs, relative returns, economic and financial uncertainty, geopolitical events, and
sanctions risk.
To this end, we identify a set of “active diversifiers,” defined as countries that purchased gold and raised its share in reserves by at
least 5%age points in the last two decades. This is the same movement in the direction of portfolio diversification by reserve managers
identified in an earlier paper on foreign exchange reserves (Arslanalp et al., 2022), which defined active diversifiers as central banks
shifting at least 5 percent of their foreign exchange holdings into nontraditional reserve currencies. But that earlier paper identified
fully 46 active diversifiers, including both advanced countries and emerging markets. Here we identify just 14, all emerging markets.
Many members of this group are subject to exceptional economic, financial, and geopolitical circumstances.
We confirm that the gold share of reserves exhibits considerable inertia, as expected given preceding discussion. But relative returns
matter. The gold share is affected positively by the return to stockpiling gold, as captured by the futures/spot price differential, and
negatively by the U.S. federal funds rate, which indicates the return to investing in short-term U.S. Treasury securities and close
substitutes. Most of these results are driven by the emerging market subsample, consistent with the idea that emerging markets manage
their gold reserves more actively.
In addition, the gold share of reserves responds positively to global economic policy uncertainty and U.S. dollar volatility. There is
some evidence that it also responds positively to global geopolitical risk as captured by an index of interstate conflicts and terrorist
attacks. Whereas advanced countries respond more to geopolitical risk, emerging markets respond more to economic policy
We find that fully half of the largest year-over-year increases in central bank holdings of gold reserves since the turn of the century
were associated with the risk of sanctions. Using an indicator of financial sanctions imposed by the United States, United Kingdom,
European Union, and Japan, traditionally the principal reserve issuing economies, we confirm that sanctions have a positive impact on
the share of reserves held in gold. Multilateral sanctions imposed by these countries as a group have a larger impact than unilateral
sanctions on the share of reserves held in gold, since the latter leave scope for shifting reserves into the currencies of other non-
sanctioning countries, whereas the former render foreign exchange reserves as a class risker, and gold more attractive.
Section II of the paper reviews the related literature, while Section III provides a broad overview of the gold share of international
These observations have led some observers to suggest (and others to dispute) that Russia and other countries contemplating the possibility that
they might be targeted by G7 sanctions will prefer to substitute Chinese renminbi reserves rather than gold. On this debate, see Arslanalp et al.
(2022) and Eichengreen (2022).
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
reserves. Section IV then reports an analysis of these global trends using aggregate data. Sections V and VI complement this with
analysis of a panel of country-level data: Section V first considers country characteristics affecting the share of reserves held in gold,
while Section VI focuses on the effect of sanctions. Section VII finally concludes.
2. Literature
Our work is related to several literatures. Most obviously, there is a literature on the relative importance of gold and foreign ex
change reserves under different monetary regimes. Lindert (1969) documented the shares of the two reserve assets under the classical
gold standard. Eichengreen (1990) analyzed determinants of the demand for gold relative to foreign exchange under the interwar gold
standard. Work on the Triffin Dilemma asked whether the increasing share of foreign exchange relative to gold reserves posed a threat
to the Bretton Woods System (see e.g., Triffin, 1960; Bordo and McCauley, 2019). Monnet and Puy (2020) documented continuity
between these periods, showing that the longer a country spent on the gold standard, the more important gold was as a reserve asset
under Bretton Woods. Analyzing data for 100 central banks in the period 1998–2014, Ghosh (2016) found that the gold share of
reserves responds positively to exchange-rate and inflation volatility. Gopalakrishnan and Mohapatra (2018b) analyze data for 100
central banks in 1990–2015, finding that the share of gold in reserves rises with global risk as proxied by the VIX.3 A possible
explanation for these results is suggested by Rathi et al. (2022), who find that higher central bank gold holdings reduce sovereign CDS
spreads, especially during episodes of global or domestic economic turbulence. However, none of these studies considers sanctions.
Second, there is literature on the currency composition of foreign exchange reserves. Eichengreen and Frankel (1996), Eichengreen
(1998), Chinn and Frankel (2007) and Arslanalp et al. (2022) use data on global aggregates to analyze the determinants of currency
shares in foreign exchange reserves, while Dooley et al. (1989) and Eichengreen and Mathieson (2000) use the underlying data to
analyze currency shares at the country level. Iancu et al. (2020), Ito and McCauley (2020) and Arslanalp et al. (2022) use data from
central bank annual reports and related publications to conduct a similar analysis. None of these studies considers gold as an alter
native form of reserves. And whereas these studies utilize quarterly or annual data, we add granularity by analyzing monthly
Third, there is research on gold as a financial asset. McCown and Zimmerman (2006) analyze gold as an inflation hedge. Capie et al.
(2005) investigate gold as a hedge against fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate, while Cincer et al. (2013) do so also for UK ex
change rates. Baur and McDermott (2010) and Abid et al. (2020) test whether gold is a hedge and safe haven for equity markets.
Burdekin and Tao (2021) analyze periods of high stock market volatility, finding that gold was a more effective hedge during the
Global Financial Crisis than the March 2020 COVID episode. Baur and Smales (2018, 2020) and Beckman et al. (2019) investigate how
gold prices respond to geopolitical and economic uncertainty. Zulaica (2020) looks at portfolio diversification benefits from the
standpoint of central bank reserve managers. He finds that hedging and diversification benefits are minimal for central banks holding
short-duration assets and whose exchange rates co-move with the dollar. By implication, it is mainly central banks with long-duration
assets and countries with commodity currencies that fluctuate independently of the dollar which benefit from a significant portfolio
allocation to gold. We contribute to this literature by examining the impact of returns to gold and other assets on reserve managers’
portfolio allocation decisions.
Finally, there is literature on the effects and effectiveness of economic sanctions. One body of work looks at specific country cases.
Torbat (2005) and Heydarian et al. (2021) study unilateral U.S. trade and financial sanctions on Iran. Torbat concludes that financial
sanctions have had the more powerful negative impact than trade sanctions, while Heydarian et al. (2021) find the opposite.4 Other
studies analyze panel data on sanctions from sources such as Hufbauer et al. (2009) and Felbermayr et al. (2020, 2021).5 Jing et al.
(2003) find that sanctions’ likelihood of success is positively correlated with the intensity of prior relations between the sanctioning
and sanctioned country and negatively correlated with the economic health and political stability of the target.6 Eichengreen et al.
(2022) consider the impact on the exchange rate of the sanctioned country, finding opposite effects for sanctions affecting imports and
exports. None of these studies looks at the impact of sanctions on central bank reserve composition. The one study of which we are
aware that does so, McDowell (2023), looks exclusively at U.S. sanctions and focuses on the level of gold holdings rather than their
share in reserves.
Despite termination in 1971 (with a few technical exceptions) of a requirement for official entities to convert their monetary
They also report some evidence that the effect is larger for countries with open capital accounts, and smaller for countries that are more open to
trade. Several studies analyze the determinants of the level of gold reserves as opposed to the share of gold in total reserves (e.g., Oktay et al. (2016)
for G7 countries; Oztunc and Orhan (2021) for a larger sample).
The difference may be attributable to the fact that Heydarian et al. (2021) look at a much longer and later period.
We utilize the second of these sources below. Peksen (2019) provides a survey of contributions to this literature.
Counterintuitively, they also find that success is negatively correlated with the size of the sanctioner relative to the sanctioned country.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Fig. 2. Gold Holdings of the Official Sector, 1950–2021. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the web version of this article.)
obligations into gold at a fixed price, gold holdings of the official sector (measured in fine troy ounces) have remained relatively stable
(Fig. 2, left-hand panel).7 The share of gold in reported international reserves trended gently downward after the turn of the century,
with the rising share of currencies reflecting foreign exchange reserve accumulation (Arslan and Cantu, 2019) and agreement by
advanced-country central banks to gradually liquidate gold. Despite this, however, gold still accounts for some 10% of international
reserves worldwide and for a slowly rising share in recent years.8
Fig. 2 displays these trends. Its left-hand panel shows that, after moving slowly downward for the better part of four decades, the
gold holdings of central banks have been rising since the Global Financial Crisis.9 It highlights the importance of distinguishing
advanced countries and emerging markets. In the advanced economies, which inherited gold reserves for historical reasons, gold
holdings fell after the turn of the century. Advanced-country central banks have sought to diversify away from gold, but gradually so as
to prevent their sales from depressing the price of residual stocks. In emerging markets, in contrast, gold holdings, after remaining flat
in the opening years of the century, have trended upward since the Global Financial Crisis.
As of end-2021, international organizations (mainly the IMF and Bank for International Settlements) accounted for roughly 10% of
official gold holdings. Of the remainder, two-thirds are held by advanced economies, one-third by emerging markets and developing
economies (EMDEs). The U.S. and members of the Euro Area hold more than half of all official monetary gold. Among emerging
markets, Russia, China, India, and Türkiye are the largest holders.
Gold represents 17% of official reserves for advanced economies (down from 80% in 1950) and 7% for EMDEs (down from 30% in
1950).10 Some countries hold noticeably higher shares: as of end-2021, gold accounted for >60% of reserves for Portugal, Kazakhstan,
Germany, the United States, Italy, and Uzbekistan, and >40% for France, Netherlands, Bolivia, Cyprus, Austria, Lebanon, and Greece.
For the Euro Area (including the ECB), gold represents 53% of official reserves as of end-2021.
Since 1999, official gold holdings have increased by 7% in volume terms—driven by a 130% increase in tons of gold held by
EMDEs. Russia, China, Türkiye and India were the largest buyers, while the largest sellers were Switzerland, France, Netherlands, and
the United Kingdom. In some cases (e.g., Portugal), the share of gold in reserve assets rose despite gold sales, either because of changes
in total reserves or because of the six-fold increase in the market price of gold over the last two decades.
These contrasting trends in advanced economies and emerging markets can be traced to the institutional context in which European
central banks decided to diversify out of gold. The framework for these gold sales was the Central Bank Gold Agreements (CBGA). The
first of these agreements, also known as the Washington Agreement on Gold, announced in September 1999, covered five years.11 It
was renewed three times subsequently. For the most part, advanced economies stopped selling gold in substantial amounts (>1 metric
The statement in the text captures the overall state of affairs, but there were exceptions. Until the early 2000s, the Swiss National Bank was
prohibited by law from buying or selling gold at any price than the official Bretton Woods parity. To enable it to sell half of its gold reserves (which it
set out to do in the subsequent period), it was necessary to change not only the country’s Coinage Act but also the Swiss Constitution, which in turn
required a national referendum.
In the IMF’s International Financial Statistics (IFS), gold in official reserves is reported at national and market valuation. We use market
valuation figures for comparability across countries.
The right-hand panel of Figure 2, which considers gold as a share of official reserves, paints a somewhat different picture. This is one reason for
the question mark in the title of our paper.
EMDEs such as former members of the formal and informal British Empire emerged from World War II with large balances of the currency of the
now or soon-to-be former metropole, balances that they had accumulated in return for providing commodities, merchandise, and military support
during the war (see e.g., Schenk, 2011).
The timing in September 1999 is explained by the Swiss referendum the previous April, which signaled the imminent sale of substantial amounts
of gold by the Swiss National Bank.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 1
Active Diversifiers into Gold in Reserve Assets, 1999–2021.
end-1999 end-2021 change in gold share in official
gold holdings (bil US gold share in official gold holdings (bil US gold share in official
$) reserves $) reserves
Sources: IMF, International Financial Statistics; National Bank of Belarus; National Bank of Serbia.
1/ The figures for Serbia are as of end-2002 (rather than end-1999) due to data availability.
ton a year) following the GFC, and their Agreement on Gold was eventually allowed to expire.12
Several emerging markets, in contrast, started to diversify into gold after the Global Financial Crisis. In some cases (e.g., Russia,
Türkiye), that diversification accelerated in recent years. 14 emerging markets have been “active diversifiers,” defined as countries
that purchased gold and raised its share in total reserves by at least 5%age points over the last two decades. In Table 1, we further
distinguish central banks that purchased at least one million troy ounces – Kazakhstan, Belarus, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Iraq,
Argentina, and Qatar – from those that purchased less.13
This is the same movement in the direction of portfolio diversification identified in Arslanalp et al. (2022), which focused on
foreign exchange holdings and defined active diversifiers as countries placing at least 5 percent of their foreign exchange reserves in
nontraditional reserve currencies. But the current list is shorter: that earlier paper identified 46 active diversifiers into nontraditional
currencies. Here we identify only 14 active diversifiers into gold. Where that earlier list included both advanced countries and EMDEs,
there are no advanced countries on the current list. Suggestively, the eight active diversifiers into gold that purchased at least 1 million
troy ounces (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Türkiye, Uzbekistan, Hungary, Iraq, Argentina, Qatar) have distinctive international economic or
political concerns.14
Over the 2008–17 period, Russia and China together accounted for more than two-thirds of gross gold purchases and more than
three quarters of net purchases. Over the longer 2000–21 period, they account for 51%. Russia has been an active diversifier into gold
since 2008, as noted above. China continues to maintain <5 % of its reserves in gold, despite substantial gold purchases.
What of the drivers associated with the demand for gold as a reserve asset: political uncertainty, slowdowns in global growth,
instability in traditional reserve currencies (especially the dominant currency), and volatility of global gold prices? The top left-hand
panel of Fig. 3 shows measures of geopolitical risk and global economic policy uncertainty. The former is dominated by spikes around
9/11 and the Gulf War but otherwise shows no trend. There appears to be a positive correlation between the second indicator and
gold’s share in global reserves.
The top right-hand panel shows the volatility of the U.S. dollar against a basket of currencies and the volatility of gold prices. Dollar
volatility is measured by the standard deviation of monthly returns of a broad dollar index over the preceding five years. So measured,
there have been no obvious changes in dollar volatility over the two decades. The volatility of gold prices has declined, which may
partly explain diversification into gold by EMDEs (a possibility examined more systematically below).
The middle left-hand panel shows that gold returns are negatively correlated with the changes in the U.S. dollar, suggesting that
gold can serve as a diversifier in dollar-heavy portfolios.
The middle right-hand panel shows the share of countries targeted by sanctions by the “Big 4” economies (the U.S., UK, European
Union, and Japan). There is a modest upward trend and clear up-tick after 2008, coincident with EMDE accumulation of gold.
Finally, the bottom panel of Fig. 3 focuses on gold-market developments. The bottom left-hand panel shows the price of gold in
The exceptions are Germany (which continues to sell gold on a regular basis) and Canada (which sold off its gold in 2015–16). Having been
inactive for many years, Ireland bought small amounts of gold during 2021–22 and Singapore in 2021.
For 2008 onward, active diversifiers are the same, except Argentina is replaced by Russia.
Kazakhstan, Belarus and Uzbekistan are associated with Russia through the Eurasian Economic Union. Türkiye has experienced sanctions by the
European Union and the U.S. Iraq has had disputes with the U.S., as has Hungary with the European Union. Qatar was subject to a travel and
economic embargo by Saudi Arabia and neighboring countries in 2017–21. Argentina may have had reason to fear asset seizures by foreign courts as
a result of sovereign debt disputes. We return to this below.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Fig. 3. Potential Determinants of the Share of Gold in Official Reserves. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Note: Global geopolitical risk is measured by the Caldara and Iacoviello (2022) subindex for geopolitical acts (conflicts, terrorist attacks). This
provides a news-based measure of adverse geopolitical events and associated risks. Global economic uncertainty is measured by Davis (2016) as a
nominal GDP-weighted average of national economic policy uncertainty indices.
nominal and real terms, highlighting the rise in gold prices in the first decade of the century, followed by greater volatility in the
second. The bottom right-hand panel shows bid-ask spreads in the London gold market. After generally declining through 2008 and
then spiking around the time of the Global Financial Crisis, this spread has been on a slowly rising trend.
In this section we take monthly International Financial Statistics (IFS) data for gold’s share in global reserves (based on gold’s market
valuation) for 1980–2021 and regress them on:
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 2
Aggregate Regression Variables, Summary statistics.
Variable N Mean S.D. Min Max
⁃ Return on gold. Year-over-year percentage change in the spot price in the London gold market (London Bullion Market Association
gold price).
⁃ Gold basis. Ratio of 6-month futures gold price and gold spot price. This captures market compensation for stockpiling gold
(including both expected return and risk premium), which in turn reflects abundance or scarcity of gold in the market.
⁃ Dollar appreciation against a basket of currencies. Measured by the 12-month change in the Nominal Broad Trade-Weighted
Dollar Index of the Federal Reserve Board. For advanced and emerging economy subsamples, we use the Advanced Foreign
Economies Trade-Weight Dollar Index and the Emerging Market Economies Trade-Weighted Dollar Index, respectively.
⁃ U.S. policy rate. Wu-Xia shadow federal funds rate (available from 1990), which adjusts for the zero lower bound on policy rates by
incorporating effects unconventional monetary policies. Before 1990, the effective federal funds rate as provided by the Federal
Reserve Board.
⁃ U.S. CPI inflation. Year-over-year change in headline CPI (CPI-U: All Items) from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
⁃ Volatility of gold prices. Standard deviation of monthly changes in the spot price of gold over previous five years.
⁃ Dollar volatility against a basket of currencies. Standard deviation of month changes in the Nominal Broad Trade-Weighted Dollar
Index over a five-year period. For advanced and emerging economy subsamples, we use the Advanced Foreign Economies Trade-
Weight Dollar Index and the Emerging Market Economies Trade-Weighted Dollar Index, respectively.
⁃ Global geopolitical risk. Caldara and Iacoviello (2022) subindex for geopolitical acts (conflicts, terrorist attacks), which provides a
news-based measure of adverse geopolitical events and associated risks. We use the “historical” version of the index, which allows a
longer time series.
⁃ Global economic uncertainty. Measured by the Global Economic Policy Uncertainty (GEPU) index of Davis (2016), constructed as
a nominal GDP-weighted average of national economic policy uncertainty indices. Alternative specifications use the Chicago Board
Options Exchange Market Volatility (VIX) Index as another measure of economic uncertainty.
⁃ Gold market liquidity. Bid-ask spreads in the London market, from Bloomberg.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 3
Aggregate Gold Share Regressions, All Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Note: The table shows regression coefficients after using GMM with Griliches instruments to address potential endogeneity of the lagged dependent
variable. All specifications include month dummies to remove seasonal effects and time dummies based on non-overlapping five-year intervals; the
coefficients for these are omitted for clarity. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
Table 4
Aggregate Gold Share Regressions, Advanced Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Note: The table shows regression coefficients after using GMM with Griliches instruments to address potential endogeneity of the lagged dependent
variable. All specifications include month dummies to remove seasonal effects time dummies based on non-overlapping five-year intervals; the
coefficients for these are omitted for clarity. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
above the spot price, indicating that the market is willing to pay compensation for storing gold for sale at a later date. Conversely, when
the gold basis is low (or negative), gold holders can receive a premium for selling gold immediately. Greater liquidity in gold markets
should increase gold’s attractiveness, while in the same vein volatility in gold returns should decrease demands. Volatility in the
returns of other reserve assets should have the opposite effect. Since gold is often considered a safe haven, we would also expect gold
shares to increase with measures of uncertainty.15
We present results for the full sample and separately for advanced economies and EMDEs. Regressions are estimated on monthly
data starting in 1980, a period over which all variables are stationary. Month fixed effects capture seasonality, while non-overlapping
five-year time dummies capture time effects. Given concern that coefficients on the lagged dependent variable may be picking up
A caveat is that certain types of news shocks may affect both volatility/uncertainty and the gold share (through the price of gold). The effect of
any relevant (global) news is addressed by our time effects and by the use of the Griliches method to remove the effect of any serially correlated
omitted variables.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 5
Aggregate Gold Share Regressions, Emerging Market and Developing Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Note: The table shows regression coefficients after using GMM with Griliches instruments to address potential endogeneity of the lagged dependent
variable. All specifications include month dummies to remove seasonal effects and time dummies based on non-overlapping five-year intervals; the
coefficients for these are omitted for clarity. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
serially correlated omitted variables, we report regressions using the Griliches adjustment.16 We also apply a logit transformation to
the gold shares - log1−share
share – so that we can work with an unbounded version of the variable.
Table 3 for all countries shows large values for the lagged dependent variable, confirming inertia in gold shares on a month-to-
month basis. Point estimates are comparable to those in Arslanalp et al. (2022) for share of reserves in dollars, euros, sterling, and
yen. It is widely presumed that central banks manage their currency portfolios more actively than their gold holdings. This comparison
casts some doubt on whether this is the case.18
Consistent with this observation, relative returns matter.19 The shadow federal funds rate, a measure of global interest rates, shows
up negatively for both advanced countries and EMDEs (Tables 4 and 5). Having borrowed abroad in dollars, EMDEs may be especially
sensitive to fluctuations in the funds rate (Rey, 2013; Shousha, 2019). That this may also affect the portfolio-allocation decisions of
their reserve managers has not been noted previously, however. This negative effect is consistent with the view that reserve managers
shift toward gold when returns on reserve currencies, notably the dollar, are low (Gopalakrishnan and Mohapatra, 2018a). Similarly,
market compensation for storing gold, as captured by the futures/spot price differential, is positive and significant; this remains true
when we include the actual return, suggesting that this is picking up more than valuation effects. The gold bid-ask spread does not have
a statistically significant effect.
In addition, the gold share responds positively to U.S. dollar volatility for advanced economies, consistent with previous work
finding a positive association of gold prices with economic and financial uncertainty. Our results suggest that central banks contribute
significantly to the demand response, a finding that has not appeared in the literature before.20 The gold share of reserves also responds
positively to global economic policy uncertainty; this response is evident in both advanced economies and emerging markets, although
it is more consistently significant for the latter grouping.21
In contrast, geopolitical risk does not have a significant impact on gold shares. But we know that economic policy uncertainty and
geopolitical risk are correlated. Dropping economic policy uncertainty raises the significance of geopolitical risk, but not by much.
However, when we then disaggregate geopolitical risk into risk associated with acts versus risk associated with threats and control for
both, the acts subindex is significantly positive in the majority of specifications in Table 3. Tis significant positive effect is driven by the
advanced countries in the sample.
This instruments the lagged dependent variable with the second lag of the dependent variable and first lags of the independent variables. Results
without this adjustment are very similar and available from the authors on request.
An alternative would be to specify a Tobit model to deal with the bounds at 0 and 1 directly, but inference and specification testing for dynamic
Tobit models are not straightforward.
That paper employed quarterly data on the currency composition of foreign exchange reserves from the IMF’s COFER database, whereas the
current analysis uses monthly data from the IMF’s IFS database. Hence the coefficients measuring persistence in the two studies are not directly
comparable. However, the fact that we are looking at persistence over a three-month period there but a one-month period in this paper if anything
reinforces the point in the text.
To test this, we also estimated specifications with gold return differentials versus the US policy rate and the US dollar, replacing the gold return
and US dollar appreciation variables. The coefficient on the gold-policy rate differential is positive and significant.
However, Beckman et al. (2019) reported a positive impact on gold prices (as distinct from gold reserve shares), as cited above.
Baur and Smales (2018, 2020) similarly find that gold prices are positively related to geopolitical risk, even after controlling for financial market
uncertainty. However, they distinguish perceived or anticipated geopolitical risk from realized geopolitical risk, where it is the former that matters
for gold prices. We find the opposite.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 6
Country-Level Regression Variables, Summary Statistics.
Variable N Mean S.D. Min Max
There is reason to think that global economic policy uncertainty and dollar volatility became more important for central bank
investment decisions during and after the Global Financial Crisis, which trained attention on uncertainties and volatility. (Recall also
Fig. 1, which showed that the holdings of gold in official reserves abruptly reversed its trend fall around this time.) A Chow test
confirms the existence of a significant break in this relationship in 2008. Global economic policy uncertainty and U.S. dollar volatility
are uniformly insignificant before 2008, but positively and significantly affect gold shares thereafter, in the aggregate sample,
advanced economies and emerging markets alike.
Three conclusions follow. First, the effect of economic policy uncertainty is more robust than that of geopolitical risk. Second,
whereas advanced countries respond more to geopolitical risk, emerging markets respond more to policy uncertainty. Third, economic
policy uncertain (together with dollar volatility) has a larger and more significant effect during and after the Global Financial Crisis.
We now analyze the determinants of gold’s share in official reserves, again based on market valuation, using annual country-level
data from International Financial Statistics (IFS). Our unbalanced panel includes 144 economies over 1980–2021.
Explanatory variables include:
⁃ GDP growth. Year-on-year change in real GDP of each country, based on data from IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO).
⁃ Inflation. Year-on-year annual change in consumer prices of each country, based on data from WEO.
⁃ Fiscal balance. Government net lending/borrowing divided by GDP, based on data from WEO.
⁃ Public-debt-to-GDP ratio. General government gross debt divided by GDP, based on data from WEO.
⁃ Trade openness. Sum of exports plus imports of goods, IFS data, divided by GDP based on WEO.
⁃ Local currency appreciation. Current year change of the price of local currency against the U.S. dollar, based on data from the IFS.
⁃ Domestic gold production. In metric tons, based on data compiled by the World Gold Council.
⁃ Exchange rate regime. Coded as 1 for country with floating rates, from Ilzetzki et al. (2019).
⁃ Financial sanctions imposed by reserve currency issuers. From the Global Sanctions Database, as described by Felbermayr et al.
(2020, 2021) and Syropoulos et al. (2022).
⁃ Growth of reserve assets. Annual percentage change in the value of total reserve assets, with gold at market value, based on IFS
⁃ Net international investment position (excluding gold) to GDP. The difference between external financial assets and external
financial liabilities of residents of each economy, excluding gold, divided by GDP. From the External Wealth of Nations database
(Lane and Milesi-Ferretti, 2018)
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 7
Country-Level Gold Share Regressions, All Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
N 3095 2750 1291 1291 1291
Pseudo R2 − 0.74 − 0.63 − 0.28 − 0.31 − 0.31
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our baseline specifications for country level gold reserve shares. A lower limit at 0 and an upper limit
at 1 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications also year dummies, for which the coefficients are omitted. Standard
errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
Table 8
Country Level Gold Share Regressions, Advanced Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
N 714 676 207 676 207
Pseudo R2 − 7.67 − 5.06 1.79 − 5.16 1.901
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our baseline specifications for country level gold reserve shares. A lower limit at 0 and an upper limit
at 1 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies, for which the coefficients are omitted.
Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
effect of the exchange rate regime is complicated by the history of gold as an anchor of the international monetary system, although in
general we would expect economies with an exchange rate pegged to another currency to hold a higher share of foreign exchange
reserves and a correspondingly lower share of gold, since currencies and not gold are used in foreign exchange market interventions.
As discussed in Borio et al. (2008), Schanz (2019), and Arslanalp et al. (2022), central bank reserve managers typically distinguish
the “liquidity tranche” and “investment tranche” of their reserve portfolios. While gold holdings should be more sensitive to the costs
and returns to holding gold for the investment tranche, they should respond to sanctions primarily for the liquidity tranche. By this
argument, high growth in total reserves may be associated with a lower gold share. In line with arguments presented in the intro
duction and developed in Section VI, financial sanctions imposed by issuers of major reserve currencies should also encourage central
banks to hold a higher gold share.22
Results in Tables 7–9 indicate that the share of gold in reserves is negatively related to GDP growth, although the statistical sig
nificance of the relationship varies. The gold share is also negatively related to the fiscal balance; this effect is larger for advanced
countries than emerging markets. An interpretation is that fiscally stronger economies feel less need to hold gold as reserves. The level
of public debt, on the other hand, is negatively related to the gold share in emerging markets, whereas there is no relationship in
Because the price and return on gold may be more variable when expressed in one currency than another, we estimated versions of the re
gressions which included the Ito-McCauley currency zone weights (Ito and McCauley, 2018), which measure the co-movement of each economy’s
local currency with the major reserve currencies. We find that higher weights on the US dollar, euro and Japanese yen increase the gold share
(relative to the weight on the British pound, which is excluded to avoid collinearity issues). Results are available from the authors upon request.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 9
Country-Level Gold Share Regressions, Emerging Market and Developing Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
N 2381 2074 1084 1084 1084
Pseudo R2 − 0.30 − 0.24 − 0.11 − 0.13 − 0.13
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our baseline specifications for country level gold reserve shares. A lower limit at 0 and an upper limit
at 1 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies, for which the coefficients are omitted.
Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
Table 10
Top 10 Annual Increases in the Share of Gold in Reserves, 2000–21.
Country Year Increase in gold share (in ppt of Increase in gold volume (in Concurrent events (current or two preceding years)
reserves) percent)
advanced economies.
Countries with floating exchange rates hold more gold, consistent with our priors. Among the advanced countries, this might be
dismissed as a legacy effect: advanced countries generally float their currencies and also inherited significant gold reserves from the
past. However, the same is evident for EMDEs.23 Evidently, countries with floating rates see less need to intervene in the foreign
exchange market and thus attach less importance to the liquidity of foreign exchange reserves (and are therefore more inclined to hold
reserves in less liquid metallic form).
Trade openness is associated with a lower gold share, again consistent with our priors, where the effect is larger and more
consistently significant for emerging markets. Higher domestic gold production also increases the share of gold in reserves, presumably
reflecting gold-buying programs of central banks in countries with significant production. There is also some evidence that reserve
growth is associated with a lower gold share, especially for advanced economies.
A higher net IIP to GDP ratio is also associated with a larger gold share for both advanced and emerging economies. The size of the
effect is roughly equal for both groups of economies. Net creditor economies may have less need to hold foreign exchange reserves to
service external obligations and can therefore hold more reserves in the form of gold.
6. Effect of sanctions
Recent events, specifically financial sanctions against the government of Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine, have
highlighted the possibility that central banks may respond by shifting a portion of their reserves from foreign exchange into gold,
This is in line with the observation in Hentov et al. (2019) that emerging markets with floating exchange rates have higher gold shares.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 11
Key Events Surrounding Periods of Active Gold Diversification.
Year Event
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 12
Effect of Sanctions on Country-Level Gold Reserve Shares, All Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3)
N 1291 1291 1291
Pseudo R2 − 0.31 − 0.32 − 0.31
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our financial sanctions specifications for country level gold reserve shares. A lower
limit at 0 and an upper limit at 1 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies,
for which the coefficients are omitted. The regressions also include inflation, fiscal balance, GDP growth, trade openness, currency
appreciation, public debt, gold production and FX regime as covariates, but the coefficient for these are omitted for clarity. Standard
errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
Table 13
Effect of Sanctions on Country-Level Gold Reserve Shares, Emerging Market and Developing Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3)
N 1084 1084 1084
Pseudo R2 − 0.14 − 0.15 − 0.14
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our financial sanctions specifications for country-level gold reserve shares. A lower
limit at 0 and an upper limit at 1 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies,
for which the coefficients are omitted. The regressions also include inflation, fiscal balance, GDP growth, trade openness, currency
appreciation, public debt, gold production and FX regime as covariates, but the coefficient for these are omitted for clarity. Standard
errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Table 14
Effect of Sanctions on Country-Level Gold Reserve Volume, All Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3)
N 1291 1291 1291
Pseudo R2 0.04 0.04 0.04
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our financial sanctions specifications for country-level gold volumes. A lower limit at 0 for the
dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies, for which the coefficients are omitted. The regressions
also include inflation, fiscal balance, GDP growth, trade openness, currency appreciation, public debt, gold production, FX regime and reserves
growth as covariates, but the coefficient for these are omitted for clarity. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
Table 15
Effect of Sanctions on Country-Level Gold Reserve Volumes, Emerging Market and Developing Economies.
Variable (1) (2) (3)
N 1084 1084 1084
Pseudo R2 0.07 0.08 0.07
Note: The table reports Tobit model estimates of our financial sanctions specifications for country-level gold reserve volumes. A lower limit at
0 for the dependent variable is imposed on all specifications. All specifications include year dummies, for which the coefficients are omitted. The
regressions also include inflation, fiscal balance, GDP growth, trade openness, currency appreciation, public debt, gold production and FX
regime as covariates, but the coefficient for these are omitted for clarity. Standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity.
sanctions may have larger economic and financial effects and thus may elicit a larger reserve-management response. We include the
same sets of variables as in Tables 7–9, though we report here only the coefficients of interest on the sanctions variables.24
Sanctions are associated with an increase in the gold share of reserves. This is evident for the full sample and for the EMDE
subsample (we do not have cases where the Big Four imposed sanctions on other advanced economies). In the full sample, the presence
of financial sanctions by one of the Big Four currency issuers raises the gold share by around 2 percentage points. UK sanctions have the
largest effect, but multicollinearity of sanctions imposed by individual members of the Big Four (which not infrequently imposed or
removed sanctions at the same time) means that these results for the individual variables should be interpreted cautiously. Multilateral
sanctions have a larger effect than unilateral sanctions. Sanctions increase gold shares even when we exclude the active diversifiers,
especially for the emerging economy subsample. Results are again similar when the sanctions dummies are redefined to take a value
one when sanctions are imposed in the current year or the preceding two years.
Tables 14–15 report the same regressions with the volume of gold reserves as the dependent variable. The results confirm that
sanctions imposed by Big Four currency issuers have a positive effect on gold holdings.25 For example, for the full sample the results
Results for the other variables are entirely unchanged and are available from the authors on request.
Under these specifications unilateral sanctions have a larger impact than multilateral sanctions for the full country sample.
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
Fig. 4. Determinants of Gold Shares: All Economies. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
Note: R2 decomposition using the method from Hüttner and Sunder (2011).
Fig. 5. Determinants of Gold Shares: Emerging Market and Developing Economies. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Note: R2 decomposition using the method from Hüttner and Sunder (2011).
S. Arslanalp et al. Journal of International Economics 145 (2023) 103822
indicate that the imposition of Big Four financial sanctions is associated with an increase in gold volumes of 3.2 million fine troy ounces
(about 130 metric tons).26
In Figs. 4–5, we gauge the relative importance of the different determinants by measuring their contribution to the R2 , using the
method of Hüttner and Sunder (2011).27 For the full sample, domestic gold production, the exchange rate and inflation are the most
important determinants of the gold share, accounting for 34, 27 and 13% of the R2 respectively. The sanctions variables (those cor
responding to the Big Four sanctions in the second regression specification) only account for around 2% as a group. However, the
balance changes if we only consider emerging and developing economies. In Fig. 5, while inflation and currency regime are still
important determinants, domestic gold production is much less so. The contribution of sanctions rises to around 6%, suggesting that
sanctions have a stronger impact on gold reserve allocations for these economies.
7. Conclusions
Using data for as many as 144 countries, we have analyzed economic conditions and geopolitical factors as determinants of the
share of central bank reserves held in gold. Aggregate evidence suggests that reserve managers respond to relative costs and returns:
they increase the gold share when the expected return is high, and when that on financial assets, such as U.S. Treasury securities, is low.
They view gold as a hedge against economic and geopolitical risks: gold shares in advanced countries and emerging markets increase
with economic uncertainty. Those in advanced economies increase in addition with a measure of geopolitical risk.
In addition, reserve managers in emerging markets increase the share of reserves held in gold in response to sanctions risk. Many of
the largest year-on-year increases in individual central banks’ gold holdings are at times when those central banks are or have reason to
think that they may be subject to financial sanctions. Econometric results indicate that both the volume and value of gold reserves
increases with the imposition of sanctions from the U.S., UK, Euro Area, and Japan in the current or immediately preceding years.
A long tradition in international economics tracing back to Keynes (1925) suggests that gold as a form of central bank reserves is a
“barbarous relic.” In a highly uncertain, sanctions-ridden world, it may be poised to make a comeback.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
Data availability
We thank Joshua Aizenman, Michael Bordo, Shaokai Fan, Vincenzo Guzzo, Robert McCauley, Arnaud Mehl, Cyril Rebillard, Daniel
Rodriguez, Patrick Schneider, Silvia Sgherri, Niamh Sheridan, Joanne Tan, and Ted Truman and two anonymous referees for very
helpful comments and suggestions.
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