Sociology: Socialisation, Identity and Methods of Research
Sociology: Socialisation, Identity and Methods of Research
Sociology: Socialisation, Identity and Methods of Research
2) What is meant by the term social roles? [2] [May/June 2020 P22]
4) What is meant by the term social problems? [2] [May/June 2021 P24]
5) Describe two examples of sanctions that encourage people to follow the norms of society. [4]
[May/June 2019 P22]
8) Describe two social roles associated with young people. [4] [May/June 2021 P13]
10) Explain why norms may vary between different social groups. [8] [October/November 2018 P21]
11) Explain the difference between high culture and popular culture. [8] [May/June 2019 P23]
12) Explain why values may vary between social groups. [8] [May/June 2020 P23]
13) Explain why norms may vary between different social groups. [8] [October/November 2018 P21]
14) Explain the difference between high culture and popular culture. [8] [May/June 2019 P23]
15) Explain why values may vary between social groups. [8] [May/June 2020 P23]
16) 'Sociologists have exaggerated the extent to which people conform to social norms and expectations
in modern industrial societies'. Explain and assess this view. [25] [May/June 2020 P21]
17) Describe two ways in which society may shape how people behave. [4] [May/June 2020 P23]
18) Explain why sociologists argue that human behavior is influenced by nature rather than nurture. [8]
[May/June 2020 P22]
19) 'Socialization is the most important factor in explaining human behavior '. Explain and assess this
view. [25] [May/June 2019 P23]
20) Evaluate the view that human behavior is shaped entirely by the process of socialization. [26]
[May/June 2021 P12]
21) Evaluate the view that nature is more important than nature is more important than nature in
shaping human behaviour. [26] [October / November 2021 P11]
22) Evaluate the view that socialization is the most significant factor in shaping human behaviour. [26]
[February/March 2022 P12]
23) Evaluate the view that media is the most important influence on identity today. [26] [May/June 2022
P13] and [October/November 2022 P11]
24) 'Education is the most important agent of socialization in shaping identity'. Using sociological
material, give one argument against this view. [6] [February/March 2021 P12]
25) 'The media is the most influence in shaping an individual's identity'. Using sociological material, give
one argument against this view. [6] [October / November 2021 P11]
26) 'The family is the main influence on gender identity'. Using sociological material, give one argument
against this view. [6] [May/June 2022 P12]
27) 'Religion is the most important factor shaping ethnic identity.' Using sociological material, give one
argument against this view. [6] [May/June 2022 P13]
28) 'The peer group is the most influential agent of socialization in shaping gender identity. ' Using
sociological material, give one argument against this view. [6] [October/November 2022 P12]
29) 'Education is the most important agent of socialization in shaping identity'. Explain this view. [10]
[February/March 2021 P12]
30) 'The media is the most influence in shaping an individual's identity'. Explain this view. [10] [October /
November 2021 P11]
31) What is meant by the term globalization? [2] [May/June 2019 P23]
32) What is meant by the term social policy? [2] [October/November 2020 P21]
Social policy refers to the actions that are taken by the government to maintain and improve the
welfare of its citizens. One mark for a partial answer such as such as ‘schemes to help people’ or
‘government planning about society’.
33) Describe two ways that the peer group contributes to the formation of gender identity. [4]
[October/November 2018 P21]
34) Describe two characteristics of working-class identity. [4] [May/June 2019 P23]
35) Describe two characteristics of upper-class culture. [4] [February/March 2021 P12]
36) Describe two types of femininity. [4] [October / November 2021 P12]
37) Describe two examples of social identities. [4] [May/June 2022 P12]
class; gender; age; ethnicity; religion; subcultures; any other appropriate identity.
39) 'Male identity is changing'. Using sociological material, give one argument against this view. [6]
[May/June 2021 P11]
40) 'Ethnic identity is changing, with new hybrid identities emerging'. Using sociological material, give
one argument against this view. [6] [May/June 2021 P12]
41) 'The family is the most important influence on social class identity'. Using sociological material, give
one argument against this view. [6] [May/June 2021 P13]
42) 'Cultural deprivation is the main reason that individuals act in deviant ways.' Using sociological
material, give one argument against this view. [6] [October / November 2021 P12]
43) 'The existence of subcultures best explains deviant behaviour'. Using sociological material, give one
argument against this view. [6] [February/March 2022 P12]
44) 'Under-socialization is the main cause of deviance'. Using sociological material, give one argument
against this view. [6] [May/June 2022 P12]
45) 'Socialization controls the way people behave.' Using sociological material, give one argument
against this view. [6] [October/ November 2022 P11]
46) 'Male identity is changing'. Explain this view. [10] [May/June 2021 P11]
47) 'Ethnic identity is changing, with new hybrid identities emerging'. Explain this view. [10] [May/June
2021 P12]
Hybrid: an identity from the mix of two or more identities. • Ethnic identity is becoming harder to
identify i.e. the traditional markers of ethnicity (traditions, language, diet, dress, religion etc) that
give cultural groups a sense of identity are breaking down. • Globalisation, diaspora and inter-
ethnic relationships as factors driving this change. • New/hybrid forms emerging – the option to
adopt multiple identities depending on the social context e.g. ‘Brasian’, ‘white mask’, code
switching etc (Johal, Butler, Hall) • Music, clothing, language and diet as cultural elements that are
subject to a ‘pick and mix’ approach. White youth are also subject to this. • Concept of hybridity as
a counterpoint to the simplistic idea of ‘caught between two cultures’ – fusion not confusion •
Potential links to supporting theory e.g. postmodernism and the idea of a media saturated and
consumer choice
48) 'The family is the most important influence on social class identity'. Explain this view. [10] [May/June
2021 P13]
49) 'Cultural deprivation is the main reason that individuals act in deviant ways.' Explain this view. [10]
[October / November 2021 P12]
50) 'The existence of subcultures best explains deviant behaviour'. Explain this view. [10]
[February/March 2022 P12]
51) 'The family is the main influence on gender identity'. Explain this view. [10] [May/June 2022 P12]
52) 'Under-socialization is the main cause of deviance'. Explain this view. [10] [May/June 2022 P12]
53) 'Religion is the most important factor shaping ethnic identity. 'Explain this view. [10] [May/June 2022
54) 'Socialization controls the way people behave.' Explain this view. [10] [October/ November 2022 P11]
55) 'The peer group is the most influential agent of socialization in shaping gender identity. ' Explain this
view. [10] October/November 2022 P12]
56) Assess the view that socialization within the family is the main factor shaping gender identity. [11]
[October/November 2018 P21]
57) Assess the postmodernist view that identities are no longer clear and fixed. [11] [May/June 2019
Arguments for:
• Evidence that in modern societies individuals have greater opportunities to create their social
• Evidence to support this contention from gender, ethnic, class and age identity.
• The impact of globalisation and consumer culture promoting choice.
• Evidence of Decentring, blurred identities, fragmentation, identity consumers, hybridity.
• Arguments may be linked to the changing impact of the agents of socialisation.
• An awareness of the difference between structuralist and interactionist views.
Arguments against:
• Evidence of traditional identities persisting.
• Socialisation largely still traditional in respect of most identities.
• The ability to create / choose linked to inequality.
• Identity ‘freedoms’ less common in some parts of the world.
• Theoretical critiques e.g. Marxist or feminist.
58) Assess the view that socialization is a one-way process. [11] [May/June 2020 P22]
59) Assess the functionalist explanation of social order. [11] [May/June 2020 P23]
60) 'Value consensus is the basis of social order in modern industrial societies '. Explain and assess this
view. [25] [May/June 2018 P22]
61) Explain and assess the Marxist view that order is maintained through ideology. [25] [Oct/Nov 2020
Arguments for the view: • Monopoly of power leads to dominant ideas that reflect ‘rich and
powerful’ interests. • Social order is linked to economic factors (determinism) • Role of ideology,
hegemony and coercion in securing social order (Althusser) • Social world characterised by conflict
Arguments against the view: • Functionalist (consensus) rejection of this analysis – Marxists
overestimate conflict; values and interests are mainly common • The distinction between organic
and mechanical solidarity • Interactionist rejection – rejects the over-socialised model of human
behaviour implicit in the Marxist approach • Feminist rejection – conflict, ideology and coercion
based on gender not class.
62) 'There is more value consensus in society than conflict theorists recognize'. Explain and assess this
view. [25] [May/June 2020 P22]
63) 'Only the rich and powerful benefit from the existence of social order.' Explain and assess this view.
[25] [May/June 2019 P22]
64) 'All members of society benefit from the existence of social order'. Explain and assess this view. [25]
[October/November 2019 P21]
65) 'Explain and assess the view that human behavior is determined by structural forces. [25] [May/June
2018 P23]
66) 'Structuralist theories offer the level understanding of the relationship between the individual and
the society. Explain and assess this view. [25] [February/ March 2019 P22]
67) 'Both structuralist and interactionist theories fail to adequately explain the relationship between the
individual and the society.' Explain and assess this view. [25] [May/June 2019 P22]
68) 'Interactionist accounts of the relationship between the individual and society have more strengths
than limitations'. Explain and assess this view. [25] [October/November 2019 P22]
69) Explain and assess the view that an individual's identity is shaped by social forces beyond their
control. [25] [May/June 2020 P22]
70) 'Interactionists offer the best explanation of the relationship between the individual and the society
'. Explain and assess this view. [25] [Oct/Nov 2020 P22]
71) 'Human behavior is more complex and varied than the functionalist theory suggests'. Explain and
assess this view. [25] [October/November 2018 P22] and [October/November 2018 P22]
72) 'Explain and assess the post-modernist view that class divisions have little influence in shaping social
identifies today. [25] [May/June 2018 P23]
73) 'Modernist sociological theories are no longer useful in understanding the way in which societies
work'. Explain and assess this postmodernist view. [25] [May/June 2019 P21] social order for sure
74) Evaluate the view that an individual identity is largely shaped by the social class. [26] [October /
November 2021 P12]
75) 'Gender has little influence on social identities today'. Explain and assess this view. [25]
[October/November 2019 P21]
76) 'The functionalist theory of socialization is too deterministic'. Explain and assess this view. [25]
[October/November 2020 P21]
77) Evaluate the view that gender identity is changing. [26] [February/March 2021 P12]
79) Evaluate the view that age is the main influence on a person's identity. [26] [May/June 2022 P12]
80) Evaluate the view that the extent to which social identities are changing has been exaggerated. [26]
[October/November 2022 P12]