7E Intepretation
7E Intepretation
7E Intepretation
Net Profit Margin (NPM) Net Profit 84,328 58,840 35,353 54,084 51,330
Sales 3,764,279 2,808,500 2,539,028 2,361,058 2,217,049 According to Profitability Ratio, Net Profit Margin in 2022 is 2.24% compared to
NPM 2.24% 2.10% 1.39% 2.29% 2.32% Net Profit Margin in 2021 which is 2.10%.
Return on Equity (ROE) Net Profit 84,328 58,840 35,353 54,084 51,330
Total Equity 230,241 182,043 161,221 102,111 92,478 According to Profitability Ratio, Return on Equity in 2022 is 36.63% compared to
ROE 36.63% 32.32% 21.93% 52.97% 55.51% Return on Equity in 2021 which is 32.32%
Liquidity Ratio
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Intepretation & Narrations
RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000
Current Ratio (CR) Current Asset 1,058,248 752,623 566,259 403,437 390,695
Current Liabilities 1,096,934 849,391 902,695 739,963 584,166 For past 5 years, 7E current ratio are below 1 which indicates they may struggle
to pay their bills.
CR 0.96 0.89 0.63 0.55 0.67
Quick Ratio (QR) Current Asset - Inventory 453,054 384,061 288,947 231,330 224,682
Current Liabilities 1,096,934 849,391 902,695 739,963 584,166 The 7E have a low quick ratio and it signals out that the company are not liquid
QR 0.41 0.45 0.32 0.31 0.38 and may not be able to liquidate the cash immediately in case of emergency.
Efficiency Ratio
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Intepretation & Narrations
RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000 RM'000
Asset Turnover Ratio (ATR) Sales 3,764,279 2,808,500 2,539,028 2,361,058 2,217,049
On 2018, 7E has the highest ATR and it depleted over the years before slightly
Total Asset 2,677,227 2,262,739 2,036,849 1,422,019 749,367
increased on 2022. Purchasing new asset may not increased their efficiency or
ATR 141% 124% 125% 166% 296%
ability to generate more income.
Inventory Day Ratio (IDR) Inventories 453,054 384,061 288,947 231,330 224,682
The IDR for 7E are fluctuated for the past 5 years. However, their performance on
Cost of Goods Sold 2,710,378 2,049,503 1,817,141 1,620,671 1,518,432
IDR seems not very good as the average is on between 30 and 60 while the
IDR 61 68 58 52 54
company need more than 60 days to sales their inventories for the past two years.
Receivable Day Ratio (RDR) Receivable Acct 220,356 164,561 96,183 75,900 93,465
Over the past year 5 years, 7-Eleven Malaysia take 14 to 21 days to collect their
Sales 3,764,279 2,808,500 2,539,028 2,361,058 2,217,049
receivables. A low receivable day means a company are efficiently able to collect
RDR 21 21 14 12 15
payments, which can influnce its cash flow and growth
Payable Day Ratio (PDR) Payable Acct 879,702 652,024 584,979 532,708 452,849 Based on the calculations, 7E takes on average 115 o 120 days in past 5 years to
Purchase 2,710,378 2,049,503 1,817,141 1,620,671 1,518,432 pay to their suppliers. It will benefit them as they can provide cash for short-term
PDR 118 116 118 120 109 investments and improve working capital. However, it may also damage supplier
relationships and lead to missed discounts or penalties.