Synopsis Working Capital Management
Synopsis Working Capital Management
Synopsis Working Capital Management
Working Capital Management is the controlling nerve of all organizations. It
is a managerial accounting strategy focusing on maintaining efficient levels
of both components of Working Capital, current assets and current liabilities,
in respect to each other. Management of Working Capital ensures a company
has sufficient cash flow in order to meet its operating expenses.
The term Current assets refer to the assets, which in the ordinary course of
business will be converted into cash within one year without undergoing any
diminution in value and un-interruption of the operations of the business.
Decisions relating to working capital and short term financing are referred
to as working capital management. These involve managing the
relationship between a firm’s short-term assets and its short-term liabilities.
The goal of a working capital management is to ensure that the firm is able
to continue its
o p e Pr aa gt ieo n| s2 and that is has sufficient cash flow to satisfy both maturing
short- term debt and upcoming expenses.
In the current study, an attempt will be made to study the present state
affairs of working capital and its components of SHARQ AL MANAR
INDUSTRIAL & OILFIELD SUPPLIES LLC. By definitions, working capital
management entails short term decisions generally, relating to the next one
year period – which is “reversible”. These decisions are thereof not taken on
the same basis as capital investment decisions (NPV or related, as above)
rather they will be based on cash flows and / or profitability.
Many organizations that are profitable on paper are forced to cease trading
due to an inability to meet short-term debts when they fall due. In order to
maintain in business it is essential that an organization successfully manages
its working capital. Too often however, this is an area which is ignored. This
article will look at the items which compromise working capital, and using
live examples will consider the level of working capital required by
businesses operating in different industries. We will also look at the problems
faced by small businesses before reviewing some of the ways in which an
organization can improve its management of working capital.
The study is conducted on the financial data of the business including the
inventory of the business carried from year to year. The analysis of the
inventory according to their importance as to financial commitment in each
category of items is to be looked into.
A stPuadgey |o4f the financial data of the company reveals the inadequacy of
a proper working capital management. The problems inherent in the
capital management and suggestions to overcome it are the main features
of this study report.
SAMIOUS has its main office and warehouse facilities in the Mussafah
Industrial area of Abu Dhabi which is the main oil hub of UAE with similar
facilities in Jebal Ali Free Zone (Dubai) and Sharjah which has a total area of
4,00,000 Square Feet of which 50% is Covered warehouse. This Facilitated
into expanding their business activities throughout Middle East and the Asian
SAMIOUS acts as an agent in UAE for a wide range of products from reputed
manufacturers all over the world. The company specializes principally in
valves and pipeline systems and equipments. It also stocks a wide range of
spares and equipments to cater to the needs of its clients which include well
known oil & engineering companies in the Arabian Gulf.
Even though the company has attained several contracts and improved by
leaps and bounds, SAMIOUS considers their biggest achievement is the
“Confidence and Trust of the customers that they were able to congregate
within a short period of time”.
The philosophy of SAMIOUS is “The Employees are the most valuable assets
of the company”. Hence they employ qualified and experienced personnel
who are dedicated to their work and who fulfils their duties promptly and
a) Logistics Chain
To meet this objective the business supplying the goods might get the right
quantities at the right time at right terms. All these activities which are
performed by several persons in various departments have to be carried out
in an efficient and integrated manner. This is usually referred to as the
logistic chain, which is to be managed efficiently to enhance the profitability.
Today the logistics in every business has come to play an important part in
the company’s profitability. At the core of this vital function of physical
distribution is the store. The management of inventory and store should be
peak to enhance the profitability of the business.
b) Time Management
Due to the liberalization of the economy throughout the World, the market is
characterized by new technologies and severe competition.
This means that a buyer’s market has developed and every organization has
to cut down the cost to survive in the market. One of the methods to reduce
the cost is breaking up all the elements of cost in a commodity and find out
whether the cost creates any real value in the product sold. If value of the
cost is not reflected in the revenue, then that cost is either eliminated or
reduced to a maximum extent.
In the case of Integrated Medical Services, if we examine all the costs that
are incurred in a store incidental to receipt, storage, and issue of materials
such as costs of transportation (both inwards & outwards) receipt, inspection,
materials handling, cost of storage and of inventories, costs arising out of
obsolete and surplus materials and damages caused by accidents or
deterioration, it can be found out that none of these costs produce any value
Those costs are usually called cost on materials, after we have paid their
basic price. Hence it can be said, that all costs incurred by the company in
procuring, carrying, and distributing the stock comes from the company’s
There are two types of research problems, viz., those which relate to the
status of nature and those which relate to relationships between variables.
First the researcher must decide the general area of interest or aspect of a
subject matter that he would like to inquire into. Initially the problem may be
stated in broad general ways and then the ambiguities, if any, relating to the
problem be resolved. Then, the feasibility of a particular solution has to be
considered before a working formulation of a problem can be set up.
After extensive literature survey the researcher should state in clear terms
the working hypothesis. Working hypothesis is tentative assumption made
in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical consequences. As such
the manner in which hypothesis are developed is particularly important
since they provide the focal point of the research. The role of hypothesis
is to guide the researcher by delimiting the area of research and to keep
him on the right track.
Alternative Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis
2. Systematic study of methods that are, can be, or have been applied within
a discipline
Throughout the study an attempt has been made to arrive at the conclusions
with help of economic reasoning, experience derived from secondary
markets from the lessons of the economic history. The assets, which the
coPrpagoera|ti1o1n has inherited, have deep roots and justify full discussion
in its historical perspective.
The design may be specific presentation of the various steps in the process
of research. These steps include:
All the items under consideration in any field of inquiry constitute a universe
or population. A complete enumeration of all the items in the population is
known as a census inquiry. The researcher must decide the way of selecting
a sample or what is popularly known as the sample design. A sample design
is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for
obtaining a sample from a given population.
In dealing with the real life problem it is often found that data at hand are
inadequate, and hence, it becomes necessary to collect data that are
appropriate. The task of collecting the data begins after a research problem
has been defined and research design or plan chalked out. While deciding
about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the researcher
shPoauglde |k1e2ep in mind two types of data viz., primary and secondary.
The researcher usually makes use of the secondary data because it gives
him a
starting point and they are readily available.
The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time,
and thus happens to be original in character. They are the actual information,
which are received by researcher for study from the actual field of research.
The data for the study is collected through structured interview. It can also
be obtained by means of Questionnaire and in schedules. In some fields
primary data were obtained through administrating Questionnaire designed
especially for the study.
• Questionnaire
• Observation
• Personal Interview
• Telephone Interview
• Schedules
Secondary data means data that are already available i.e., they refer to the
data which have already been collected and analyzed by some else. They are
the information, which are attained indirectly. The researcher does not attain
them himself or directly. Such as data are attained generally from published
and are attained generally from published and unpublished material.
Secondary data are gathers from information’s collected from the individual
and institution throughout personal diaries, letters and survey document.
Source of Data: The data required for the study was readily available with
the Manager and the Chief Accountant and with the concurrence of the
owner copies of the same was handed over for the study. The study required
s o mP a eg e q| u1 e3 r i e s to be answered and the same was given as questions
regarding the procedural aspects of the inventory, receivables, cash, and
payables which constitute the net working capital. The interviews were and
answer to the questions was obtained from the Manager, Chief Accountant
and other clerical staff who were carrying out the main business activities.
Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Cluster sampling
The researcher has used Convenience Sampling. This method is the only
feasible one particularly for students or others with time and resources
provided its limitations and clearly understood.
The probable sample size is 10 for this particular study. The sample size is
selected based on the limited number of financial experts available in the
T h Pea gi en t| e1r 4v i e w method will be used to collect the required data for
the analysis.
Convenience Sampling
The main tools used for analysis are Ratio Analysis, Comparative statement,
Trend Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Fund Flow Analysis.
1. Liquidity Ratio
2. Leverage Ratio
3. Activity Ratio
4. Profitability Ratio
Types of Ratios:
1. Liquidity ratio: They indicate the firm’s ability to meet its current
obligation out of current resources. It includes the following:
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Current Ratio: It is one of the best known measures of financial
Quick Ratio: It is also called the Acid-Test ratio and is also one of
the best measures of liquidity.
2. Leverage Ratio: This ratio discloses the firm’s ability to meet the
interest costs regularly and long term solvency of the firm. This
Debt/Worth or Leverage Ratio indicates the extent to which the
business is reliant on debt financing.
Debt Equity Ratio
Debt to total fund ratio
Proprietary ratio
3. Activity ration or turnover ratio: They indicate the rapidity with which
the resources available to the concern are being used to produce sales.
Stock turnover ratio
Debtors turnover ratio
Average collection period
Creditors Turnover ratio
4. Profitability ratios or Income Ratios: The main objective of every
business concern is to earn profits. A business must be able to earn
adequate profit in relation to the risk and capital invested in it,
Gross Profit ratio
Net Profit ratio
Operating ratio
Earnings Per Share
Dividend per share
Dividend payout ratio
Every organization has some strength. In some cases this is obvious, for
example, dominant market shares. In other cases, it is a matter of
perspective, for instance, a company is very small and hence have the ability
to move fast. It is important to note that companies that are in a bad position
also have strengths. Whether these strengths are adequate is an issue for
Every organization also has some weakness. In some cases, this is obvious;
say for example, a stricter regulatory environment. In other cases, it is a
matter of perspective, for example, a company has 99% market share and is
open to attack from every new player. It is important to note that companies
that are extremely competent in what they do, also have weakness. How
badly these weakness will affect the company is a matter of analysis.
All organizations have some opportunities that they can gain from. These
could range from diversification to sale of operations. Identifying hidden
opportunities is the mark of an astute analyst.
Data do not, however, “speak for themselves”. They reveal what the analyst
can detect. This calls for a researcher to go in for data analysis. Analysis of
data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data
with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and
supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facets and
approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, in
different business, science, and social science domains.
The needs to issue debenture capital or long term borrowed funds to meet
the long term obligations will also be analyzed. The issue of debenture
capital helps the company to achieve the advantage of high leverage which
enables the company to yield maximum earnings to the owners of the firm,
because the fixed rate of interest is lower than the general rate of earnings
of the company.
The researcher also will try to find out whether company should provide
incentives to its creditors by way of early payment discounts which will have
a positive impact on working capital.