Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures
Hidden Figures
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Langley was the home of the NACA*, where US aircraft
were designed. On the beautiful Chesapeake Bay were
buildings full of planes and huge wind tunnels for testing
them. The United States had joined World War ll in 1941
and all the buildings were painted dark green to hide
them from enemy spy planes.
American President Franklin D. Roosevelt realised
that air power would be the key to winning World War
II. Unlike in World War I, planes were now able to carry
soldiers, guns and, most importantly, bombs. In 1938,
the US was making a thousand planes a year. In 1941,
President Roosevelt ordered the country to make 50,000
planes a year. In fact, by 1943, the US was producing
75,000 planes a year, far more than the enemy countries of Oklahoma City, 1939
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The Coloured line THE JIM CROW LAWS
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Newport News was one of several small towns around On 1st December 1943, the leaders of the US, Britain
Chesapeake Bay, on the coast of Virginia. The area was and the Soviet Union met to plan D-Day. They were going
called Hampton Roads. Once home to farms, fishing to land their soldiers on the coast of France and begin the
communities and forests, the main business of Hampton ground attack on Germany. In Newport News, Dorothy
Roads was now war. It was a powerful military capital. sat behind the Coloured line on the bus to Langley, on her
Prices for rooms and flats had doubled, but there was way to her first day at work.
still a waiting list because there weren’t enough homes
for the war workers. The government built two new
towns within the city. Newsome Park had 1,200 homes for
blacks. Copeland Park had 4,000 homes for whites.
Dorothy carried her small suitcase to her single room
in her new home. For five dollars a week, she got a bed
and two meals a day in a house in Newsome Park. It was
a nice area with good houses, local shops and a shiny new
hospital. Dorothy had three days to get to know her new
world before she had to report to Langley for work.
When the US entered World War II, President Roosevelt
had made a promise to protect the right of all people to be
free. He was talking about the Jews in Nazi Germany, but
things were not much better for the black people in the
Southern states of his own country. One black newspaper
wrote, ‘Help us to get rights here at home first before you
tell us to free other peoples and go and die in a foreign
The black newspapers played an important part in
joining black groups and actions together across the
country. The fight for rights was beginning to come
together in one movement, called the Civil Rights
movement. ‘Let black American soldiers use the double
VV for a double victory,’ said one newspaper, the
Pittsburgh Courier. ‘The first V is for victory over the
enemy abroad, the second V is for victory over racism at
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CHAPTER 3 were black. In 1940, just two percent of black women had
The question of flight college degrees, compared to ten percent of white women
and thirty-three percent of white men. Sixty percent of
As the NACA grew more important during the war, more black females with degrees became school teachers, but
and more buildings were needed. Langley was now so big zero percent became engineers. So working at the biggest
you had to take a bus from one side to the other. Dorothy’s and best aeronautical centre in the world was a special
new office was in the West Area, right on the edge, with achievement.
fields and woods beyond. And high above the office Often black workers felt they had to be twice as good
buildings were the huge metal wind tunnels. Visitors said as white people to achieve half as much. They made sure
it was like being in a science fiction film. they were always on time, always worked hard, never
The West Area Computers Unit wasn’t much different made mistakes, dressed well and were polite. The West
from Dorothy’s classroom in Farmville. There were desks Area computers always wanted to show that they were
in lines with an office manager instead of a teacher. equal or better.
Everyone in the room was a computer, and all you could The government wanted the NACA to make military
hear was the sound of Friden calculating machines. aircraft as powerful, safe and fast as possible. Their work
was central to winning the war. On a visit to Langley in
November 1943, the Secretary of the Navy, Frank Knox,
spoke to the NACA workers. ‘You men and women
working here far from the sound of drums and guns,’ he
said, ‘are winning your part of this war.’
The crowd of 1,500 NACA workers listening to Knox
were mainly white men. In one corner was a group of
black men in workmen’s jeans, not shirts and ties. There
were only a few white women in the crowd and even
fewer black women. After Secretary Knox had spoken,
the black women walked to the cafeteria. Everyone used
the same cafeteria, and people usually chose to sit in
the same groups. But the black women had no choice. A
handwritten sign on a table at the back said ‘Coloured
Using a Friden calculating machine, 1940s computers’, so the black women sat there. It was the only
There were other offices full of computers in the East sign in the room.
Area of Langley. The only difference in the West Area The sign wasn’t unusual. But because people were
office was that the twenty women sitting at the desks employed at Langley for their maths skills, it seemed
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especially unnecessary. The women pushed the sign away AERODYNAMICS: HOW DOES A PLANE FLY?
while they were eating, pretending it wasn’t there. In the
There are four forces of flight: weight,
office, the women felt equal. But when they went to the
lift, drag and thrust. These forces
cafeteria or the toilets, the signs made it clear that not
control how a plane moves up or
everyone felt that way.
down and how fast or slow it travels.
One West Area computer, Miriam Mann, finally decided
it was too much. Miriam was not very tall, but she had a WEIGHT is the force which comes from
big personality. She simply put the sign in her handbag. gravity pulling an object to the ground. Power is
Her friends laughed, but they were worried for Miriam. needed to push a plane into the air. The heavier the
After a week, a new sign appeared. It quickly disappeared plane, the more power is needed.
into Miriam’s bag again. LIFT The slower-moving air under the wing of a plane has greater pressure
‘You’re going to lose your job over that sign, Miriam,’ than the faster-moving air above. This difference in pressure causes lift, the
said her husband. force that holds the plane in the air.
‘Fine,’ said Miriam. ‘I’ll just have to find another job.’
DRAG is the force that slows an object down when it is moving. The shape
Before the war was over, Miriam put the sign into her
of an object is important – a rounded object has less drag than a flat one.
handbag for the last time. No new sign appeared. It was
one small victory on the road to equality. THRUST is the force that moves an object forwards. It’s the opposite of
drag. For an aircraft to move forwards, it must have more thrust than drag.
Local Hampton people had little idea what happened at
Langley. In the town they saw the engineers and scientists,
Research in the NACA’s wind tunnels produced a new wing shape that gave
many of whom came from California, New York or even more lift. The first plane designed to use this shape was the Mustang.
Europe. They didn’t wear ties and they looked as if they
had slept in their shirts. They read books while they
were driving their cars to work. The sales people in local
garages and electrical shops would hide when someone
from the NACA came in because they asked impossible
questions about how a new car or a new television
worked. Locals simply called them the ‘NACA nuts’*.
On top of their six-day week, Dorothy and other new
girls took a course in aerodynamics twice a week after
work, plus a two-hour lesson in a wind tunnel and four
hours’ homework. Their teachers were some of the best
physicists in town.
What do these words mean? You can use a dictionary.
force object pressure cause
* A ‘nut’ is someone who is a big fan of something.
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Dorothy had never been on a plane. But the question The Tuskegee airmen were African-American pilots
of flight now had her full attention. Scientists still had a fighting in the skies over Europe. By 1944 they were
lot to learn about flight. They had to come up with new flying Mustang aircraft, which protected bomber planes
ideas, do the maths, try out their ideas and be lucky. In on their missions. Flying a Mustang was like riding a top
the early days, pilots could only test new ideas by flying. racehorse. The Tuskegee airmen loved it. And down on
Many died. Now the NACA had wind tunnels, which the ground, working out the maths for those Mustangs,
offered testing without the danger. The wind moving over was Dorothy.
the plane was similar to the plane moving through the air The computers often worked on one small part of a
at speed. Langley built a number of wind tunnels, each bigger problem. They might not hear anything about their
testing a different part of flight. One of the tunnels was work until they read the results in Air Scoop*. For many
large enough to hold a full-sized plane. engineers, the computers were part of the equipment; they
The wind tunnel was never exactly the same as took in one set of figures and gave out another. Once a
flying through the air. One of Dorothy’s first jobs was job was finished, the numbers disappeared into the secret
to calculate the difference between the two. This was world of the engineers. But Dorothy knew her work was
key to the NACA’s success. The tunnels ran all night, as making a difference in the war. As the months passed,
the engineers pushed the machines for answers to their Dorothy grew more confident with the ideas, the numbers
questions. Nobody in the world could match the NACA’s and the people at Langley, and she too was an NACA nut.
wind tunnels.
Readers of black newspapers around the country began
to follow the exciting adventures of the Tuskegee airmen.
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VJ Day
Dorothy had a plan. The war didn’t take holidays and it
was hard for Dorothy to get time to see her children. On
a day off she would take the earliest bus to Farmville,
returning as late as she could. The numbers on her
calculating machine would swim before her tired eyes the
following day.
On the Fourth of July holiday in 1944, Dorothy signed
up for a two-bedroom house in Newsome Park. When the
government built Newport News, they only meant it to
last as long as the war. The NACA only meant Dorothy’s
job to last as long as the war too. But she decided to take a
chance, and now she had the keys to a new home. It was
so new that the floors were still covered in pink paper.
Moving in was like opening a birthday present. She went
back to Farmville to get her children.
Dorothy’s four children started the new year at
Newsome Park School. Her husband, Howard, came VJ Day in New York City
when he could. But it was crowded and noisy in the little The war had been like a train travelling at high speed.
home, and far from his old mother in Farmville. He never Now it had reached its final stop. What next for the
stayed long, and Dorothy sent the children to Farmville passengers? Just three weeks after VJ Day, 1,500 ship
for the summer holidays. Although Dorothy and Howard workers in Newport News lost their jobs. Two million
were still married, they didn't live together for the rest of American women, both black and white, lost their jobs
their lives. before the end of August. Many of the jobs were given to
Who could ever forget the summer of 1945? It was 7.03 returning soldiers. For some women, the war had changed
in the evening on 15th August. Everyone came out into the way they saw their lives and they refused to go back
the streets. Shopkeepers closed their doors for the day. to the kitchen and childcare. ‘Many husbands will return
People cried and laughed, and held hands with strangers. home to find strong, independent women,’ wrote one
Bands played and children danced around cars. Churches journalist.
filled and people gave thanks. It was VJ Day, and the war Dorothy was still waiting to hear about the future of
was over! her job but she had a feeling she was safe at Langley.
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She loved her job and she knew she was good at it. She
decided to sign up for two more years in the house. BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER
Dorothy’s children had become used to their much
Now the war was over, sound barrier in the Mojave
smaller home and their new way of life. Dorothy had
the engineers turned their Desert. Some scientists were
given the second bedroom to a returning soldier and his afraid that his plane would blow
attention to a new enemy –
wife, who looked after the children during the day. the sound barrier. up and that Yeager would die.
On days off, the children played at a small lake which Neither thing happened. Yeager
The latest wind tunnels at
lay between Newsome Park and the white community of travelled faster than the speed
Langley could make winds at
Copeland Park. If Dorothy’s son Leonard and his friends the speed of sound. The speed of sound for the first time and
got to the water first, it was theirs for the day. If the white of sound is 1,225 kilometres it was a big step forward in the
kids got there first, the black kids found something else to per hour at sea level in dry air science of flight.
do. If they arrived at the same time, they shared the pool, at 15°C – also called Mach 1. After Mach 1 was achieved, the
watching each other carefully and sometimes speaking as As a plane reaches Mach 1, air NACA’s next job was supersonic
they swam and played. molecules in front of the flying flight and then, hypersonic flight.
Money was tight. Dorothy made clothes for herself and plane build up, forming a shock In 1950, the NACA showed the
the children. She wore her shoes until her toes pushed wave. The shock wave makes a world a new hypersonic wind
through the leather. She sometimes went for a walk after bang like a gun firing. tunnel. It could make wind
putting the children’s dinner on the table. Her dinner was In October 1947, pilot Chuck speeds of Mach 7. The world of
Yeager prepared to break the science fiction was becoming real.
the food that they left.
Langley didn’t want to lose skilled computers like
Dorothy. She had now been there for three years. Her
work had no mistakes. She was always on time and always
calm. She now looked after eight computers during her
eight-hour work day. In 1946, Langley asked her to stay.
The Head of West Computing had always been a
white woman. In April 1949 the position was empty,
and Dorothy became Acting Head until Langley found
someone else for the job. There were no black managers at
the NACA, and certainly not any black women managers.
She was clearly the only person for the job, but Langley
was worried about upsetting white people in the town.
They waited two years, and then they quietly made
What do these words mean? You can use a dictionary.
Dorothy Head of West Computing.
sound barrier sea level molecule shock wave
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CHAPTER 5 her girls came from poor families. As well as helping with
Becoming an engineer their maths homework and clothes making, she wanted to
show them what was possible in the world. She took them
In April 1951, Mary Jackson arrived at Langley. She was on walks through the local parks, on visits to the factories
26. Mary hadn’t come far. She was from Hampton and where their parents worked and to the large home of the
she had grown up seeing the changes that the NACA president of the Hampton Institute. There they saw a rich
was bringing to the area. Mary’s high school results were black family living in a beautiful house, just like in the
excellent, and she went on to Hampton Institute, a black movies.
college. Most of Hampton’s female students took their In 1951, war broke out in Korea. The Russians were
degrees in nursing or homemaking, but Mary chose maths on the side of the North and the Americans fought with
and physics. She dreamed of becoming an engineer. the South. America’s super plane, the B-29 Superfortress,
In 1942 she began her first job as a maths teacher away came under attack from the Russian MiG-15 fighter plane.
from home. Her father fell ill, however, and she had to The MiG-15 flew over Korean skies too fast to be seen,
return to care for him, finding a new job as secretary of leaving the B-29 behind. It was a victory for the Russians
the local USO*. The club was a centre for the city’s black in the military race. When reports came in from their
community, and Mary was at the heart of everything. She spies, the US realised that the Russians were employing
helped to find homes for military families, played the three times as many people in aeronautics and military
piano at social events, arranged dances and introduced factories.
newcomers to Hampton life. At all times she followed her
family’s belief in caring and sharing.
The USO centre was a great place for romantic wartime
meetings too, and in 1944 Mary married Levi Jackson from
Alabama. Mary refused to wear an all-white floor-length
dress for her wedding. Instead she wore a short white
dress with black gloves and shoes and a red rose.
The USO centre closed after the war, and Mary had a
son, Levi Jr. Her husband worked at Langley Field as a
painter while Mary looked after her son and filled her
day with community activities. All her life, Mary loved
the Girl Scouts**, and she led the local group. Many of
Soviet MiG-15 plane
* Founded in 1941, the USO gives help to military members and their
families. In April 1951, a husband and wife, the Rosenbergs,
** The Girl Scouts are a worldwide group for teenage girls to learn were in a New York court. Lawyers said they were
skills outside school.
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Russian spies, and their faces were on every newspaper in The nearest toilets had no sign, which meant they were
the US. The Cold War wasn’t just happening in the skies only for white women.
above Korea or over in Europe, it was happening at home. ‘Could you tell me where the toilet is?’ Mary asked a
Government films told Americans to look out for ‘Reds’ white computer. The white girl looked at her friends and
everywhere – at home, at work, at school – anyone could they laughed rudely.
be a Communist spy. ‘Watch out for Reds under the beds!’ ‘Why would we know where the Coloured toilet is?’
shouted the newspapers. she said.
Were there spies at Langley? Some people believed Mary left the office angrily. There was segregation at
the Russian MiGs used NACA designs. If you worked at Langley, she knew that. It was everywhere. But she had as
Langley, the FBI* might turn up on your doorstep with much schooling as the white girls – if not more.
questions at any time of day or night. Later that day, still angry, she met Kaz Czarnecki on her
Many countries in Asia and Africa had been under way back to the West Area. Kaz had worked at Langley
European rule before World War II. As these countries since 1939, after getting a degree in aeronautics from
won independence, the US wanted to keep them out Alabama University.
of Soviet hands. These countries were starting to ask ‘How’s things?’ asked Kaz.
questions about segregation in the US and it was Black women usually hid their anger from white men.
becoming very difficult for the US to explain. Black They put on a face to protect themselves and their jobs.
Americans were refused entry to restaurants every day But Mary couldn’t hold back. She told Kaz all about the
of the week, but visitors from abroad were not used to it. women on the East Side.
They sent their stories home where they often made front Kaz listened. ‘Why don’t you come and work with the
page news. When Mahatma Gandhi’s doctor was turned engineers?’ he said.
away from a restaurant because of his dark skin, the It was a step on the road to Mary’s dream of becoming
newspapers back in India were full of it. Why would these an engineer herself.
countries want to tie their future to America? Kaz immediately asked Mary to join his group, which
When Mary Jackson decided to return to full-time work, ran a supersonic wind tunnel, and suggested that she take
Langley was once again looking for good mathematicians the Langley engineer training programme. The problem
and a long list of new jobs appeared in Air Scoop. Mary was, the classes took place at the whites-only Hampton
reported for work to Dorothy Vaughan on 15th April 1951 High School. Mary could get a job as a cleaner at the
and she fitted right in. High School, but she couldn’t go through the door as an
One morning in 1953, Dorothy sent Mary over to a job engineering student. Mary asked the school if she could
on the East Side, working next to several white computers. join the classes. At first they said no. But she kept asking,
Halfway through the morning, Mary needed the toilet. and, in the end, she won. She began her course in the
spring of 1956.
* The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) are America’s homeland police.
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‘Let’s do it!’
The first slaves from Africa arrived During the Civil War, a group of
in America in 1619, stepping off an slaves escaped to Fort Monroe, on
As soon as Katherine Coleman could talk, her parents
English boat at Hampton, Virginia. the Virginia coast, held by Union
realised that she had a great way with people and a head
In the American Civil War, soldiers. The Confederate soldiers
for maths, just like her father. She counted everything she
Hampton once again held an started a terrible fire in 1862 that
destroyed the old city of Hampton. saw from leaves to steps to the stars at night. She threw
important place in black history.
The slaves became free men in question after question at her teachers and was moved up
The American Civil War was fought
1865, and built the new city of three years in class where she helped older students with
from 1861 to 1865 and was the
war to end slavery. It was fought Hampton. their maths.
between the Union (the North) For a few years, the black As a teenager, Katherine took a job every summer in the
and the Confederates (the South), community of Hampton, known for hotel where her father worked. She spent her lunchtimes
and more Americans died in this its bright young people, successful in the hotel kitchen, practising her French with the cook.
war than in any other. President businesses and clever politicians, When she returned to school in the autumn, her perfect
Abraham Lincoln and the North hoped for a brighter future. But Parisian French amazed her teachers.
(the Yankees) won the Civil War then came the Jim Crow laws in When Katherine was just fourteen, she finished high
and slavery in all the United States Virginia, putting out the fire of school and started at West Virginia state college for black
became against the law. hope for black equality. students. She worked quickly through every maths course
offered at the college. Her professor introduced her to
very difficult maths ideas. In 1939, after finishing college,
she accepted a job as a maths teacher.
The new job meant moving home. Katherine took the
bus to her new job in Marion, Virginia. When the bus
crossed the state line into Virginia, the driver stopped.
‘All you black folks,’ he called, ‘you gotta go behind the
Coloured line and sit in the back.’ When they reached the
black part of town, the bus driver told everyone to get off.
‘I don’t drive into the black area,’ he said. ‘Take a taxi
from here.’
‘Welcome to Virginia,’ thought Katherine.
At the school in Marion, Katherine earned just $50 a
month, even worse than the $65 paid to white teachers.
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Katherine was poorly paid, but she was rich in love. In ‘Why don’t you come back with us?’ said Eric. ‘I can get
Marion, Katherine met Jimmy Goble, who was home on Jimmy a job on the ships. In fact, I can get both of you jobs.
a break from college. They fell in love and got married in There are jobs for black women at Hampton. They want
secret as married women were not allowed to be teachers. mathematicians.’ Eric knew everything that was going on
Katherine always told people she was from West in Hampton Roads. He knew many of the women at West
Virginia, a very different place from Virginia. There were Computing, including Dorothy Vaughan.
hills where she came from and it was cool in the evening. Katherine felt a fire growing inside her. She taught
During the Civil War, West Virginia had joined the Union, maths all day long, but at high school level. She knew
on the opposite side from Virginia. There was segregation she could do so much more. But did they want to move
in West Virginia, but it was much worse in Virginia. their three growing daughters from their quiet, safe life?
In 1940 West Virginia decided to integrate students in Hampton Roads was far from their grandparents. It was
their universities. Three black students were invited to hot. It was big.
be the first to study for higher degrees at West Virginia ‘Let’s do it!’ said Katherine.
University. Katherine was one. In one busy year, the Gobles fitted smoothly in. Eric
In the 1940 summer term, Katherine joined two other found Jimmy a job as a ship painter, which paid the
black students, and all three walked into the university family bills. The girls loved living in such a large and
on the first day. Katherine was intelligent, hardworking exciting black community. After just two weeks in West
and calm. Most of the white students welcomed her, some Computing, it was clear to everyone that Katherine was
were even friendly. The teachers treated her fairly, and the the best mathematician they had ever seen. She was
work came easily to her. chosen to join the Flight Research Division (FRD). The
She stayed on the course for only the summer term, job was at the heart of one of the most important and
however. At the end of the first term, she found she was powerful groups at Langley.
expecting her first child. She stayed at home for the next Collecting her lunch box and handbag, Katherine
four years, in love with her husband, Jimmy, and happy walked over to her new office. Inside, the air was full of
with her three daughters, before returning to work as a coffee and cigarette smoke. There were twenty desks,
teacher. arranged like a classroom. Only one was free. Most of the
In August 1952 Katherine and Jimmy were in Marion people in the room were men, with a few white women.
for Jimmy’s sister’s wedding. Their three girls, now At the front sat Henry Pearson, the boss of FRD. Katherine
eleven, ten and nine, danced with their cousins while sat at the empty desk, giving the man at the next desk her
Katherine and Jimmy talked to Margaret, another of warmest smile. The man looked at her without speaking,
Jimmy’s sisters, and her husband, Eric. They had come up then got up and walked away.
from Newport News, where Eric ran the Newsome Park It was a test for Katherine. Had he walked out because
Community Centre. she was black, or because she was a woman? Katherine
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pushed away her fears, ate her lunch at her new desk and
remembered how lucky she was. Maybe he had walked An uncertain future
out because it was lunchtime. Katherine had a warm
personality and after the man discovered that, like him,
Katherine was from West Virginia, the two became great
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questioned the engineers all day long. They spent their Katherine had promised Jimmy she would keep their
lives thinking about flight, and they were never too bored bright, happy daughters on the path to a good future. On
or too busy to discuss it. the first day of the new term, just two weeks after Jimmy
The skies were becoming more and more crowded with died, the girls were back at school.
aircraft, and safety was a growing problem. A small plane Katherine spoke to their head teacher. ‘Don’t be kind to
had fallen out of the sky and crashed. Katherine’s first them,’ Katherine said. ‘Nothing special. They’re going to
job was to work out why. She spent months checking the college, and they'll need to be strong and brave. They have
maths to understand the final movements of the plane. to learn.’
She discovered that a much larger plane had passed At home, she gave them new rules. ‘You will have my
through the same place half an hour before, leaving a clothes ready in the morning,’ she said. ‘And dinner when
path of rough air behind it. When the small plane crossed I come home.’
through the larger plane’s path, the pilot lost control. Katherine knew she must not fall to pieces. At just
Nobody knew until then that it took so long for the air to thirty-eight years old, she was alone with three children.
return to normal. Katherine’s work led to changes in air Her children were not her only worry, however. The
traffic rules. From now on, the time and space between Langley computers were facing an uncertain future. In
flight paths was carefully calculated. the mid-1950s the first electronic computers arrived. The
From the very beginning, Katherine felt completely engineers thought they were awesome. They used them
at home at Langley. She couldn’t believe that someone to make calculations for a ‘rocket plane’, a new kind of
was paying her to do maths, the thing that came most vehicle that could fly high enough and fast enough to get
naturally to her in the world. She loved the work and the into space.
community. The toilets in her department had no signs. Early electronic computers could only do one job at
She avoided the segregated cafeteria by eating her lunch a time. They were the size of a small room. They cost a
at her desk. She always remembered her father’s words million dollars and they made mistakes. But Dorothy
to her, ‘You are no better than anyone else, and no one is Vaughan looked at the IBM* machines and realised
better than you.’ that they were the future. She was the first to sign up
Jimmy Goble had high hopes for his family and wanted for Langley’s computer programming course, and she
to move them to a better area. He and Katherine chose suggested that the other West Area computers do the
a house in a middle-class part of town. It was a perfect same. Dorothy was never one to look back.
plan, until Jimmy started to have headaches and became
seriously ill. It took the doctors months to find the problem.
A year later in 1956, just before Christmas, Jimmy died.
The community took care of Katherine and her girls in
their days of sadness. * Started in 1911 in the US, the IBM company made early computers.
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CHAPTER 8 tight to their books, soldiers all around them, while an
Sputnik angry white crowd screamed and threw bottles at them. It
was ugly.
There were two big news stories at the beginning of
October 1957. Neither story showed the US in a good Soviet satellite shoots across US
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over. A few days later, they added a new location to the engineers. They always told her the results afterwards.
list: Little Rock, Arkansas. It was two-zero to the Soviets. Why not just be there?
The skies were already full of NACA successes. There ‘Girls don’t go to the meetings,’ said the engineers.
were passenger planes, bombers, transport planes and ‘Is there a law against it?’ she asked.
fighter aircraft. Research into space travel, however, ‘It’s not personal,’ they said. ‘It’s just the way we do
had been slow. When President Eisenhower announced things. It's always been like that.’
his government’s programme, the Soviets were already Men were engineers and women were computers.
putting Sputnik 2, carrying space dog Laika, and Sputnik Men did the thinking; women did the calculations. Men
3 into space. gave the orders; women took the notes. But Katherine
‘This is not science fiction,’ said President Eisenhower. wanted more than that. Katherine showed every day that
Ordinary Americans were not so sure. It would cost women were equal to men, and she was probably the best
billions of dollars and what good was it? Four reasons mathematician in the room.
were given: to be ready for any attack, to show the world ‘Why can’t I go to the meetings?’ she asked again.
the achievements of the US, to learn about outer space and ‘OK,’ they said finally. ‘You can go!’ Now Katherine was
most importantly, to go where no one had been before. part of the space programme.
Eisenhower promised that Americans would see their
countrymen in outer space as soon as possible. ORBITING THE EARTH
President Eisenhower had answers for why and when,
but not how. Meeting after meeting was held at Langley. Any spacecraft has first to travel through the earth’s atmosphere. It
The top engineers had worked for years in aeronautics has to break through the sound barrier, reaching Mach 18, then escape
and many of them were secret lovers of science fiction. the pull of the earth’s gravity and lock smoothly into the 29,000
This was their chance to discuss orbits, rockets and kilometres per hour speed needed for orbiting the earth. On the return
trip, the vehicle has to push through the thick atmosphere, causing
the physics of space. Katherine’s boss, Henry Pearson,
extremely high temperatures to build outside the spacecraft.
arranged some space technology talks. Each engineer was
given a different subject to present to the group. Katherine
prepared the calculations. When the engineers gave her
instructions, she listened closely and asked questions. She
wanted to understand how things worked. She was right
there, learning with the engineers. They were writing the
textbook of space in real time.
Katherine knew the real action was taking place in the
meetings and talks, behind closed doors.
‘Why can’t I go to the meetings?’ she asked the
40 41
There had been almost no need for general computers the doors of any school that tried to integrate black and
in the different parts of the NACA since the arrival of the white pupils. Thirteen thousand white and black pupils
IBM machines. Each office had its own mathematicians, in three cities were locked out of school. Most of the
who worked full-time as part of the team. A note went schools reopened in 1959, and began moving slowly
around the NACA in May 1958. ‘From this date,’ it said, towards integration. In one area of Virginia, however,
‘the West Area Computers Unit is closed.’ It was a sad the segregationists refused to change, continuing to lock
day for Dorothy Vaughan. She had become the first black children out of school for five years. They could send a
manager in the NACA’s history, but now she was just one man into space, but they couldn’t put black and white
of the girls again. children into the same classroom.
In October 1958, the US government decided to bring
all its space operations into one centre at the NACA. The
NACA had been quiet and little known. The new centre –
called NASA* – would be world famous.
The NASA scientists and engineers were no longer
NACA nuts. Now they were the leaders of the space
age. Katherine’s office, the FRD, became the Space Task
Group (STG). A group of forty-five people, they gave the
country’s first manned space programme a plan and a
name. The plan: to orbit the earth, to find out if humans
could live in space and to bring the man and spacecraft
back safely. The name: Project Mercury.
Back on the ground, the US Civil Rights movement
was growing. Fifteen-year-old Claudette Colvin and
forty-two-year-old Rosa Parks were taken to prison in
Montgomery because they refused to give their bus seats
to white passengers. Black people in Montgomery stopped
using the buses, which travelled around the city empty
and losing money. Again, it was world news. The leader of
the Montgomery bus action was a young preacher called
Martin Luther King.
Virginia was proud of its space programme. But it hung
onto segregation, even though it was against government
law. In autumn 1958, Virginia’s new governor locked
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration
42 43
Project Mercury FREEDOM 7
Katherine was now a forty-year-old single mother. She NASA tests showed that a long thin capsule with a pointed nose would
loved to follow her college basketball team, she never not push away the heat of re-entry. A short fat capsule with a rounded
missed Sundays at church and she and her friend Eunice nose would be better. The Freedom 7 capsule was approximately 1.9
went to singing practice once a week. One Sunday in 1958, metres wide and 2 metres high – just large enough for one astronaut.
a handsome soldier appeared at church. Jim Johnson had
fought in the Korean War, and now worked in Hampton
as a postman.
‘Ladies, he’s single,’ said the preacher.
Jim and Katherine began going out together almost
immediately. Jim understood that work was a big part of
Katherine’s life. He knew what she had already achieved
as a black woman. And he understood her long hours at
Langley. After the war, the NACA had been an 8 to 4.30
kind of place. Now, with the space race on, leaving the
Mercury capsule shape A
building by 10 pm was a good day.
Seven astronauts were chosen for Project Mercury, and THE FLIGHT PATH
were given a NASA office next door to the Space Task
Group at Langley. They trained hard and had classroom
instruction in engineering and space science. The Mercury trajectory
Seven were as famous as film stars.
The first flight of Project Mercury would be suborbital
– an astronaut would travel into space and come straight
back down. The astronaut was Alan Shepard and he called
his capsule Freedom 7. Katherine’s group of engineers
were calculating the exact path of Freedom 7 from launch
to landing in the Atlantic Ocean. The capsule needed
to land close to waiting ships so that Shepard could be
quickly pulled to safety. The maths had to be perfect.
‘Let me do it,’ said Katherine. ‘Tell me where you want
the man to land, and I’ll tell you where to send him up.’
44 45
To work out the trajectory, Katherine had to think about Americans, US astronaut Alan Shepard went into space
the earth’s gravity, the fact that the earth is not perfectly for the first time. The flight lasted just 15 minutes and 22
round and the speed at which the earth turns. She worked seconds, went 187.5 kilometres above earth, covered 487.3
it all out, and put it into a report in October 1959. Her kilometres and was nowhere near Gagarin’s achievement.
report went through ten months of meetings, changes President Kennedy was confident about his team at
and checks before it came out in September 1960. During NASA, however. ‘I believe we should go to the moon!’
those long busy months and pages of numbers, Katherine he said. Kennedy wanted to land a man on the moon and
and Jim Johnson decided to get married. She signed her return him safely to earth in the next ten years. Kennedy’s
first report as Katherine Johnson, the name that history goal surprised everyone at NASA. They hadn’t even put a
remembers. man in orbit yet!
In 1960 Langley proudly showed off its new electronic Good news for the space teams, however, led to
computers. All the engineering groups sent their some difficult changes. NASA had grown too big for its
calculations to the machines now. Young male scientists Langley home, and had to move. Powerful Texans in
were attracted to them, so that computing, once a female the government wanted the space centre in Texas, and
job, was becoming a job for men. Houston won the day. The Langley employees had to
Dorothy Vaughan was fifty, and she looked to the future, decide. Should they stay in their lovely home by the sea,
not the past. She trained again, learning how to program. with its warm winters and delicious seafood? Or should
Her job now was to turn the engineer’s calculation they move to be with the work that they lived for?
questions into the computer language FORTRAN. Katherine was asked to move to Houston, but her
In February 1961 a new President walked into the husband, Jim, wanted to stay near their families. She
White House. President John F. Kennedy immediately turned down the offer. Langley wasn’t closing, and there
introduced a new law. The government must act to ensure was still work on Project Mercury. Electronic computers
equality for all workers, of every race, religion, colour or were the future even for Katherine. Before that, however,
nationality. It was a step forward for black civil rights. she had an important job on her desk. It was Katherine
Then on 12th April 1961, another first for Russia. against the electronic computer.
Cosmonaut* Yuri Gagarin became the first person in space
and the first person to orbit the earth.
‘Why weren’t we first?’ asked the Project Mercury
director. ‘We were so close!’ NASA was not happy to
be second again, but they kept their attention on their
Less than a month later, on 5th May 1961, NASA
was ready. Live on television, in front of 45 million
* Russian astronauts are called cosmonauts.
46 47
CHAPTER 10 Now a computer like Katherine was different. She
‘Get the girl to check the numbers!’ could look at figures and say, ‘That doesn’t look right’.
And she could answer questions. John Glenn believed
Sending a man into space was hard enough. Getting him in his engineers. And his engineers believed in their
back home safely kept the space team awake at night. The mathematician.
Mercury capsule was ready to go. But NASA refused to ‘Get the girl to check the numbers!’ said Glenn. ‘If she
launch before they were 100 percent sure of a successful says the numbers are good, then I’m ready to go.’
mission. Every part had been tested and tested again. For a day and a half, Katherine worked through every
Everything depended on getting the physics and the minute of Glenn’s flight. At the end of the job, every
maths right. Just one number in the wrong place and the number in the papers on her desk matched every number
mission could end in disaster. from the electronic computer. John Glenn was ready to go.
Nobody understood this better than astronaut John
Glenn. He was the guy going up in the tin can. He ran FRIENDSHIP 7: COMMUNICATIONS
miles every day. He practised getting out of the capsule
in the Back River behind Langley over and over again. He In order to keep communication with the orbiting spacecraft at all
went through hundreds of possible situations where every times, Langley set up the Mercury tracking network. This was a line of
part of the capsule failed. eighteen communications stations equally spaced around the earth
In August 1961 a second Russian cosmonaut orbited the and some in the oceans on ships. Powerful satellite receivers picked
earth seventeen times, spending nearly a full day in space. up the radio of the Mercury spacecraft as it passed overhead. The
information from the receivers was used to check and change the
The press were impatient. ‘Hurry up!’ they shouted, as
flight path in real time. Red lights came on if there was any trouble.
the January 1962 launch was moved to February because
of bad weather. John Glenn stayed calm. He spoke
optimistically to the press, and he kept in perfect shape.
The date was set: 20th February 1962. John Glenn
wanted the numbers checked one final time. The IBM
computer had produced the orbital path. But Glenn had
been a pilot in the Korean War, and pilots didn’t like
computers. He wanted total control over his spacecraft.
Every engineer and mathematician had double-checked
the computer’s numbers, and found a mistake at least
once. And what if the computer lost power during the
48 49
20th February, 1962 At dawn, the skies were clear. Around 135
million people were watching their televisions. Katherine was in her office.
At 9:47 am the Atlas rocket sent Friendship 7 into perfect orbit.
At the end of Orbit 2 a switch showed that the heat shield could be
loose. The shield would protect Glenn from extremely high temperatures
as the capsule re-entered the atmosphere.
At 4 hours, 33 minutes into the flight, the rockets fired. The capsule
prepared for re-entry, with Glenn and Mission Control fearing the worst.
Mission Control lost radio communications with Glenn. There was
silence. Katherine closed her eyes tight.
21 minutes after landing, the US Navy lifted Glenn out of the water. John Glenn and the Friendship 7 capsule
50 51
Man on the moon STAR TREK
52 53
A great sadness hit the space programme in February to check on her daughters in the late afternoon. This last
1967 when Apollo 1 was ready for a test launch at Cape step – the dance between the moon, the lander and the
Canaveral in Florida. Three astronauts were inside. A waiting command module – was the most difficult.
sudden electrical fire destroyed the rocket in seconds, On 16th July 1969, it was very hot in Hampton. Too hot
killing all three astronauts. NASA was shaken to its heart. to think, to sleep, to do anything. Katherine had given
The men weren’t thousands of miles away in space, they her best. But was it good enough? Katherine was among
were on the ground. The road to the stars was hard. the 200,000 NASA employees and the 650 million people
There was more heartbreak for the world in 1968, around the world who were watching Cape Canaveral on
especially the black community, when Martin Luther King their TV screens. At 9.37 a Saturn V rocket launched the
was shot dead. Apollo 11 spacecraft with its three astronauts on their way
It would cost the US $24 billion to win the space race to history.
and many Americans were not sure that it was worth it. Four days after launch, the lander, called the Eagle, left
For many black people, the space race had little to do with the Apollo command module. Astronaut Neil Armstrong
their everyday lives. A popular song from Gil Scott-Heron, thought they had a fifty-fifty chance of landing on the
‘Whitey* on the moon’, played on black radio stations. moon the first time. But Katherine thought differently. She
The engineers at NASA changed the design of the was confident in her numbers.
Apollo spacecraft, and checked everything again and
again over the next nine Apollo missions. And then came Command module (Columbia)
Apollo 11.
The Apollo 11 spacecraft was designed to carry three
astronauts. The plan was for two astronauts – Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin – to land on the moon, while
a third astronaut, Michael Collins, circled the moon in the
command module.
If the path of the command module was wrong when
the astronauts piloted their lander back up from the
moon, Katherine knew the two vehicles would not meet.
The command module was the astronauts’ bus back to
earth. If they missed it, they would die in space. ‘It must
be less dangerous than a Sunday ride in the car,’ thought
Katherine as she worked out orbits around the moon.
Katherine was at Langley sixteen hours a day, going home Lunar module (Eagle)
54 55
APOLLO 11 MOON MISSION The Eagle landed on the moon at 20.17 on 20th July
1969. The landing was perfect. The world watched and
waited for the door of the Eagle to open. But it wasn't until
1,533,792 KILOMETRES
the early hours of the next morning that Neil Armstrong
8 DAYS, 3 HOURS, 18 MINUTES, 35 SECONDS IN SPACE stepped onto the moon.
The rest of the mission was also a success. The
21 HOURS, 36 MINUTES ON THE MOON’S SURFACE command module orbited the moon every ninety
minutes. Armstrong and Aldrin successfully piloted
650 MILLION PEOPLE WATCHED ON TV their lander back to the mother ship. They travelled back
through space for three days, passing through the earth’s
atmosphere and into the ocean below.
As Katherine waited for the safe rescue of the Apollo
11 astronauts from the Pacific Ocean, she was already
thinking about Mars. And then, why not Jupiter and
Saturn? Katherine knew that once you took the first step,
anything was possible.
56 57
58 59
60 61
g) Katherine left her degree programme at West Virginia University 13 Correct the information in these sentences.
because of how she was treated. a) Dorothy told Henry Pearson that Katherine could not work for
h) It took a long time for the NACA to realise that Katherine Goble him any more.
was an excellent mathematician. b) Dorothy did not think that the IBM computers would be successful.
c) Katherine was invited to join the space meetings.
9 What do you think?
d) Dorothy left NASA when the West Area Computers Unit closed.
The next chapter is called ‘An uncertain future’. What could this
e) Dorothy was not interested in learning how to use the new
chapter be about?
62 63
What do these words mean?
astronaut (n) ………………
atmosphere (n) ………………
bomb (n & v) ………………
calculate (v) ……………… / calculation (n) ………………
communications (n) ………………
community (n) ………………
control (n & v) ………………
degree (n) ………………
disaster (n) ………………
engineer (n) ………………
equal (adj) ……………… / equality (n) ………………
figure (n) ………………
gravity (n) ………………
integrate (v) ……………… / integration (n) ………………
launch (n & v) ………………
military (adj) ………………
mission (n) ………………
orbit (n & v) ………………
physics (n) ………………
power (n) ……………… / powerful (adj) ………………
preach (v) ……………… / preacher (n) ………………
research (n) ………………
rocket (n) ………………
satellite (n) ………………
science fiction (n) ………………
segregate (v) ……………… / segregation (n) ………………
slave (n) ……………… / slavery (n) ………………
soldier (n) ………………
tunnel (n) ………………
victory (n) ………………