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Biochar as the effective adsorbent to combustion gas

eous pollutants:
Preparation, activation, functionalization and the ad
sorption mechanisms

The massive combustion utilization of fossil fuel in human indu
strial activities, such as power plants, waste
incineration, and kiln combustion for cement production, would e
mit serious gaseous pollutants (SO2, NOx, VOC,
and mercury), aerosols and CO2. There is a growing interest in u
sing novel solid sorbents, i.e., activated carbon
(AC), zeolites, carbon nanotube, carbon molecular sieve, and MO
Fs (metal-organic frameworks), for their ability
to capture gaseous pollutants from combustion flue gas through a
dsorption processes. However, these emerging
alternatives are generally expensive, limiting large-scale industri
al utilization. Biochar, as a stable carbon-rich
solid by-product from biomass thermal treatment, is not only cap
able of replacing coal as fuel in power plants
but also widely reported to be an effective and cheap sorbent fo
r removing the gaseous pollutants in flue gas,
including SO2, NOX, Hg, CO2 and VOC, due to its high porosity a
nd specific surface area and surface functional
groups. In this review, the physical activation, chemical activati
on, and novel modification methods including
microwave, ultrasonic, plasma, ball-milling, and molten salts were
introduced as their optimization to the porous
properties and active surface functional groups for biochar sorb
ents. The functionalized treatments including
metal, ammonia/amines, and halogen modification on activated
biochar were reviewed to observe the further
improved adsorption performance of biochar, for possible enginee
ring application. The abundant amounts of the
oxygenic functional group increase the number of active sites ont
o which NH3 or Hg can be adsorbed, resulting in
higher NO and Hg removal efficiencies. Oxygenated anchoring
sites are also effective intermediate stage to
introduce the nitrogen functional groups, which are generally mor
e effective than the porous texture for acidic
SO2 and CO2 adsorption, especially at adsorption temperature hig
her than ~100 ◦C. The redox reactions of metal
catalyst in biochar and the improved adsorption ability of NH3
and Hg mainly determine the removal perfor-
mance of biochar for NOx and Hg0. The halogen addition to fo
rm C-halogen groups can transform Hg0 into
mercury halide retained on the biochar. The practical removal
performance of various gaseous pollutants is
affected by the adsorption conditions, such as adsorption tempera
ture, humidity and impurities concentrations in
simulated flue gas, selectivity, synergistic adsorption of typical ga
ses, and regeneration capacity. The adsorption
isotherm models and the adsorption kinetic models are helpful f
or predicting the adsorption amount and con-
trolling mechanism and calculating the energy of adsorption to ind
icate the strength and potential of adsorption
and desorption. Finally, the review presents the research gaps
on biochar adsorption mechanisms, industrial
application and evaluation of economy and energy-saving analysi

contributed significantly to the 4

Introduc 1% increase in energy demand.

tion The

massive combustion utilization of fossil fuel in

According to the “BP Statistical Review
various human industrial
activities, such as power plants, waste incinera
World Energy 2020”, the
tion, and kiln combustion
global consumption of primary energy reached
for cement production, would emit serious g
583.9 EJ in 2019 with
aseous pollutants (SO2,
the ratio of 84.3% is still the fossil fuel and
NOx, CO, VOC, HCl, mercury and NH3), aeroso
y 5.0% is the renewable
ls (PM10, PM2.5) and CO2
energy including biofuel. However, the renew
[1]. The anthropogenic emitted CO2 is the ch
able energy sector has
ief culprit of greenhouse
gas (GHG) to aggravate the global warming, thus it can also be deemed the SO2, NOx, Hg, CO2 and VOC.
as one type of gas pollutant. At present, there are various typical These review publications are all highly valuable to understand the
pollutant control devices installing in power plants and other types of advantages of biochar on adsorption of typical gaseous products that
industrial plants, such as the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) which can may cause atmospheric hazard. However, they are still not compre-
remove the SO2 and soluble Hg2+ simultaneously, the selective catalytic hensive enough to find out how the biochar works as the effective
reduction (SCR) and selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) for adsorbent to gaseous pollutants from combustion flue gas. In compari-
reducing NOx, the activated carbon (AC) which is used to adsorb Hg, and son to previous reviews, this review work concentrates on the adsorption
the developing technology of monoethanolamine (MEA) solvent and the by biochar rather than other carbonaceous solid adsorbent and con-
CaO-based and Li4SiO4-based sorbents achieved by a reversible reaction
centrates on the adsorption of only gaseous pollutants rather than
between a calciner and a carbonation reactor [2,3], which separates CO2
adsorption from liquid or solution which often happens in other reviews
from the other flue gases [1,4]. However, the gaseous pollutants still
to result in confusing description (especially for heavy metals and VOCs)
emit enormously in global perspective because the complete capture is
[25]. Subsequently, both the methods of biochar preparation, activa-
impossible. Zhong et al. [5] reported that the global total SO2 emission
tion, and functionalization and the subsequent adsorption conditions
from all sources was estimated as 105.4 Mt/year in 2014, with a pre-
and mechanisms need to be elaborately considered in the perspective of
dominant contribution of 98% from anthropogenic sources. Approxi-
mately 10,000 t of SO2 is produced by a medium-sized coal-fired plant individuality and universality of various gas types, the systematical ef-
per year [6]. The global increasing emissions for NOx is from 68 Mt/year forts for these are undoubtedly benefit to improve the theory and
to 122 Mt/year over the period 1970–2012, estimated by the global technology of gaseous adsorption of biochar. Therefore, this study aims
anthropogenic emission time series of EDGAR (Emissions Database for to achieve a comprehensive understanding on the correlation among
Global Atmospheric Research) [7]. Streets et al. [8] estimated that the biochar characteristics, adsorption conditions, and adsorption perfor-
global environmental Hg emissions have grown from 2.19 Mt/year in mance for a typical gaseous pollutant or the simultaneous adsorption
2010 to 2.39 Mt/y in 2015 at the rate of 1.8%/year, with the contri- performance to multiple types of pollutants. Such an understanding will
bution of coal combustion and municipal waste of 29.2%. The latest guide the design of biochar-based adsorbents for practical application.
estimates from EDGAR [9] confirmed that the global anthropogenic CO2
emission in 2018 reaches 37.9 Gt CO2, which is 1.9% higher than that in 2. Knowledges for understanding the gas adsorption of biochar
2017. The VOC emitted by human activities is about 142 Mt/year [10],
and it is reported that 44.07 Mt VOCs is emitted annually by the 2.1. Gas adsorption principles
coal-fired power plants [11]. Adsorption presents the process that the adsorbate transfers from the
Some novel solid sorbents have been attempted as technology op- fluid including gas and liquid to the adsorbent surfaces, it is mainly
tions to remove gaseous pollutant from combustion flue gas through affected by two types of mechanisms including physisorption (i.e.,
adsorption processes. The widely used solid sorbents include activated- physical adsorption) and chemisorption (i.e., chemical adsorption). The
carbon (AC), carbon nanotube, carbon molecular sieve, zeolites, and physisorption is characterized by the diffusion of adsorbate into adsor-
MOFs (metal-organic frameworks) [12,13]. However, these emerging bent surfaces, driven by physical forces resulting from concentration or
alternatives tend to be expensive and have limited the industrial utili- pressure gradients. This mechanism is typically described by a weak
zation on a large scale. Biomass is an important type in renewable en- interaction between adsorbate and adsorbent, which stems from inter-
ergy families and it is the only renewable carbon source which can molecular forces (e.g., Van der Waals forces). As expected for any
produce bio-solid, bio-oil and bio-gas synergistically through thermal physisorption processes outlined by the Le Chatelier principles, the
pretreatments like torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, and hydrother- adsorption capacity of biochar drops with the rise of adsorption tem-
mal carbonization (HTC). The biosolid, as the stable carbon-rich solid perature [26]. In contrast, the chemisorption however is governed by
by-product, is called as biochar and hydrochar when it is derived from chemical interactions between the adsorbate and adsorbent surfaces,
HTC process. The biochar is not only capable of replacing coal as fuel in and the electron transfer between adsorbate and surface function groups
power plants [14–17], but also utilized to be cheap and effective gaseous in adsorbent forms chemical bonds. Generally, physisorption mainly
adsorbent for adsorption removal of flue gas pollutants such as SO2, occurs in either monolayer or multilayer and is a reversible process,
NOX, CO2, Hg and VOC. Its porous texture, high specific surface area, while chemisorption indicates that the adsorbate is chemically bonded
and ample surface functional groups and aromatic surfaces make it an with the adsorbent and thus tends to be non-reversible [27,28].
excellent candidate for this application. In the gas-solid reaction system occurred in gas adsorption process of
At present, there have been several review papers that have porous biochar, the macropore (>50 μm) in solid sorbent serves as a gate
of gas flow, allowing the gas molecules transporting into the biochar
described the application of biochar as the gas adsorbent. Qian et al.
interior rapidly for the following diffusion into the narrower pores; the
[18] and Cha et al. [12] have shortly introduced the CO2 adsorption
mesopore (2–50 μm) serves as a molecule transmission channel from the
performance of biochar and biomass-based activated carbon. Chen et al.
surface to adsorption sites; and the micropore (<2 μm) serves as the
[19] has paid attention to the modification methods on the structure
evolution of pyrolyzed biochar, and described that the porosity of bio- main physisorption sites for gas molecule. The micropore adsorption
char improved the adsorption ability of gas pollutant (mainly CO2, SO2, generally follows the mechanism of volume filling of the adsorption
NOx) and the special functional groups affected the sorption stability. space rather than layer-by-layer surface coverage [29]. According to the
Bamdad et al. [20] reviewed the adsorption isotherms, mechanisms, and adsorption potential of theory of micropores volume filling, the internal
reaction systems of dynamic and static tests for removal of CO2 and H2S adsorption potential of micropores would be apparently promoted and
by biochar. Dissanayake et al. [21] summarized the potential of biochar the vacant pores are gradually filled with adsorbate [30]. The high
as CO2 capturing media, their review work found that the micropore adsorption potential of biochar is thus mainly related with its highly
area showed an apparent positive correlation with adsorption capacity developed micro-porosity and large surface area [31], and the rich
of CO2 onto biochar. The review work from Xu et al. [22], Yang et al. porous structure and the formed abundant active sites would be bene-
[23] and Liu et al. [24] commented the research progress of novel ficial to the diffusion and adsorption of gas molecules [32]. Pore diffu-
carbon-based solid sorbents including biochar for gaseous Hg removal.
sion can be further classified into ordinary diffusion and Knudsen
Zhang et al. [10] discussed recent research developments for the
diffusion. Ordinary diffusion presents when the pore size of the adsor-
adsorption of VOC onto engineered carbon-based sorbents including bent is larger than the mean molecule free path of the adsorbate, while
biochar. Gwenzi et al. [25] shortly reviewed the removal performance of molecular transport through the finer pores than the mean free path of
biochar for application into systems of air pollution control, including the adsorbate is defined as Knudsen diffusion. For gas-phase adsorption
C. Wen et al.

onto biochar which is dominantly microporous, gas molecular transfer porous properties. The steam plays as oxidant agent to improve the
via Knudsen diffusion primarily, and the Knudsen diffusion coefficient porosity of biochar, as the efficient diffusion of steam could enhance
can be predicted from kinetic theory by correlating the pore size of devolatilization and further promote gasification reactions if the tem-
biochar with the mean free path of the adsorbate. Gas molecular diffu- perature is high enough (Equation (2)) [36]. Similarly, the oxidizing
sion in biochar includes two types, namely surface diffusion and pore properties of H2O2 is able to cleanse the inner-pores of biochar and
diffusion [33]. expand the micropores, and increase the number of oxygenic functional
There are multiple common steps in the typical adsorption processes groups (mainly C––O, –OH), leading to a higher Hg adsorption perfor-
of biochar. (1). The gaseous adsorbate diffuses from flue gas streams to mance of biochar activated with H2O2 (biocharH2O2) than that of biochar
external surface of biochar, which is bulk diffusion and known as activated with H2O (biocharH2O) [37]. It is noteworthy that the activa-
external mass transfer; (2). It further diffuses via macropores and mes- tion or modification methods, such as H2O, H2O2, and CO2, are
opores, which is known as surface diffusion; (3). It is adsorbed into the expressed as subscript of biochar in this paper for simplicity.
In comparison to the physical activation, the chemical activation
micropores, which is called intra-particle diffusion to form the adsorbed
shows some advantages such as lower thermal-treatment temperature,
species; (4). If the biochar is functionalized to improve the chemisorp-
higher micro-porosity and surface area, which mainly includes the
tion, the adsorbed species would chemically react with the active sites
activation of acids (H3PO4, H2SO4, HNO3), alkalis (NaOH, KOH) and
and functional groups onto the functionalized biochar. The slowest step salts (K2CO3, MgCl2, ZnCl2). KOH activation is widely used to prepare
determines the rate of the whole adsorption process. activated biochar with very high porosity and large BET specific surface
area up to 2000 m2/g (Equation (3)), but the preparation process trig-
2.2. Biochar preparation, activation and modification gers higher chemical consumption, increased cost, and raised environ-
Biomass is the fourth important energy resource in the world, mental issues. K2CO3 is chosen to replace the KOH sometimes as it can
providing approximately 14% of the global energy requirements. In avoid the high temperature corrosion and environmental hazard of KOH
developing countries, it is even more important, providing 23.5% of effectively and shows comparable activating behavior in preparing
their energy. Biomass broadly include five different groups depending porous biochar (Equation (4)), although to a lesser degree leading to
upon the source obtained naturally or anthropogenically [34], i.e., surface area of about 1000–1300 m2/g [38,39]. The activated biochar
herbaceous species, wood wastes, industrial residues, aquatic plants modified by H3PO4 had microporous characteristics [40] and presented
such as algae, and human and animal wastes including the municipal the main typical acidic functional groups including phenols and car-
solid waste. As mentioned above, the thermal pretreatment processes on boxylic acids [41]. HNO3 activation can enhance the C and O containing
biomass such as torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, HTC, are available surface groups via oxidation, it activates the biochar without damage to
to form the biochar as gas adsorbent. The International Biochar Initia- its physical morphology [42]. ZnCl2 acts as a dehydrating agent of
tive (IBI) guidelines defines that “the biochar is a solid material obtained biochar at low temperatures and promotes carbon fixation and aroma-
from the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited tization at high temperatures, producing a high carbon yield and
environment”. Note that the hydrochar is produced by the HTC pro- well-developed porosity [19].
cess separated from a two-phase mixture of solid and liquid, it is a Some other novel modification methods have been tried to benefi-
somewhat similar product to biochar and can be classified into biochar ciate the pore texture of biochar adsorbents and/or enhance the surface
generally. The yield and properties of biochar from biomass depend active sites onto the biochar. During microwave radiation treatment, the
upon both the employed technique and the process parameters like microwave energy, as a type of electromagnetic energy, is transferred
biomass properties (feedstock type, particle size), reaction conditions into thermal energy through molecular interaction of materials, it can
(reactor type, reaction temperature, heating rate, reaction time, type overcome the drawbacks of temperature gradient from the exterior
and flow rate of carrier gas). Generally, biomass feedstock with higher surface to interior found in conventional heating treatment methods,
lignin content is preferred for the production of biochar, due to it forms achieving uniform and rapid heating of biochar [43]. It is advantageous
biochar with high porosity and surface area [35]. The potential feed- to the development of porous properties and add new active sites of
stocks for biochar production such as wood and agricultural wastes, food adsorbents [22], however, part of chemisorption sites may be consumed
waste, and sludge, have attracted much attention recently due to their by the microwave modification after an enough activation, causing the
inexpensive, eco-friendly, and carbon-rich advantages. Hg0 removal of biocharH2O2 decreased from 90.86% to 65.39% [44].
The thermal carbonization in the inert atmosphere works to release The suitable ultrasonic treatment can prevent the blocking of pores and
non-carbon elements of biomass, mainly oxygen and hydrogen [28], aid in enhancing the BET surface area, and then promotes the active sites
generating a char structure of rudimentary pore with the tar blocking capable of further functionalization optimizing the dispersion of active
the incipient porosity, the formed biochar with limited surface area and components such as amine groups and active metal ingredients. The
sparse surface functional groups inhibits its sorbent application seri- plasma modification is able to produce energetic electrons, ions and
ously. Fortunately, if the carbonization process is advanced by the active radicals that can improve the porous texture and promote the
physical or chemical activation, the tar can be removed and the porosity active surface functional groups on the biochar [23,45]. The plasma
is developed to upgrade the physical and chemical structure of biochar treatment on the biochar can purposively generate various surface
[19]. The activating agents of physical activation include CO2, steam, functional groups by reductive, oxidative, or inactive reactions using
different gas environments [22]. For example, the adsorbed oxygen and
H2O2, O2, air or their mixture. As a relative green way, physical acti-
water onto biochar can provide the oxygen source for plasma modifi-
vation could both increase the porosity of biochar and introduce some
cation to generate oxygenic functional groups. Furthermore, the
surface functional groups onto biochar, such as oxygenic functional
ball-milling method has also been introduced to produce biochar
groups from activation of O2, H2O, H2O2, and CO2 and
eco-friendly. The kinetic energy formed by the moving balls helps to
nitrogen-containing functional groups from NH3 activation, accordingly
break down chemical bonds of the referred molecules and produce new
may favoring the polarity and hydrophobicity of biochar. Therein, the
surfaces by fracturing biochar particles [46,47].
CO2 can be recycled as an activation agent to reduce GHG emission after
These activation and modification methods work to significantly
CCUS technology was widely implemented in the field of industrial
improve the porosity and affect the specific organic structures in bio-
combustion. Activation with CO2 is an oxidative treatment that elimi-
nates carbon atoms and release volatiles with low molecular weight char. When the biochar has a higher micro-porosity, the adsorption
from the biochar via a heterogeneous reaction (Equation (1)). The high capacities of various gas pollutants generally become higher via phys-
treatment temperature would increase the reaction rate between the isorption [48], and would be intensified when the pore distribution of
carbon structure in biochar and CO2 gas and therefore develop the biochar matches the molecular dynamic size of gas adsorbates [19].
C. Wen et al.

Generally, the atomic ratio of biochar indicates the hydrophilicity method [51], the amines are nucleophilic owing to the occurrence of a
(O/C), aromaticity (H/C) and polarity ((O + N)/C) that can affect the lone pair of electrons and can thus interact with CO2 [56], it is generally
adsorption capacity of polar and non-polar gas pollutants [25,49], note attached with biochar either through impregnation or through grafting
that the polarity of biochar is usually expressed by O/C ratios roughly [57]. Samanta et al. [1] summarized the name and structure of widely
[35,50]. For example, a hydrophobic biochar surface was generated as used amine groups for sorbent functionalization. The suitable time of
the decrease of hydrogen and oxygen by raising the pyrolysis tempera- ultrasonic irradiation can aid in enhancing the active sites capable of
ture, leading to an effective adsorption of nonpolar gas molecules, e.g., chemical functionalization by amines. Meanwhile, although the occur-
CO2 [20]. Zhang et al. [40] reported that the H3PO4 activation produced rence of acidic oxygenic functional groups is generally invalid to the
much oxygenic functional groups and improved the adsorption capac- adsorption of acid gas, the oxygenated anchoring sites play as the good
ities of polar acetone onto hydrochar. The surface oxygenic functional intermediate to develop nitrogen functionalities to the surface of biochar
groups, e.g., carboxyl, lactone, and phenolic hydroxyl, are closely [58,59]. The pre-oxidation of biochar can be thus considered to enhance
related to the acidic character of biochar, which can be effectively the nitrogen incorporation during the ammonia treatment [58].
created when the carbon surface of biochar is oxidized by gases and In addition, the halogens (Cl, Br, I) have been demonstrated as the
aqueous oxidants. They are reported to be benefit to the sorption of Hg effective modification reagents to promote the Hg0 removal capacity of
to form Hg-OM and polar organic pollutants to facilitate electrostatic biochar from combustion flue gas. The C–Cl groups, as the example,
interactions [25]. However, the majority of oxygen functionalities on were acted as activated sites and could be effectively generated during
the biochar surface was reported to decompose at pyrolysis temperature HCl impregnation and NH4Cl impregnation (Equation (5)), which may
of 800 ◦C [51]. It should be noted that certain surface oxygenic func-
convert Hg0 into HgCl2 and/or other Hg–Cl complexes in the Hg0-
tionalities such as ketone, chromene, and pyrone, and nitrogen con-
chemisorption process (Equation (6)) [60,61]. However, if the Cl in
taining groups can contribute to the basicity of biochar [51]. The higher
biochar is in form of chloride or chlorate and fails to generate the C–Cl
proportion of alkaline C–O groups in biochar could lead to stronger
group, it will not be benefit to the Hg0 removal capacity [62]. When the
electrostatic or hydrogen bonding interaction with acidic CO2 and SO2
plasma treatment in Cl2 atmosphere is introduced, the active electrons
collide with Cl molecules to form Cl active radicals, and then attach onto
As a brief result, the gas adsorption onto porous biochar is initially
the biochar to generate more C–Cl groups. The HCl plasma modification
driven by physisorption via mass transfer of target gas molecules from
was reported to perform four times higher Hg removal capacity than HCl
the bulk combustion flue gas to the biochar pores, then the modified impregnation modification [63]. Further, the presence of polyvinyl
biochar drives chemisorption with the chemical reaction between gases chloride (PVC) also acted a beneficial role in Hg0 adsorption as the
adsorbed and surface functional groups [53]. successful formation of C–Cl groups during its co-pyrolysis with biomass
[64,65]. The typical functionalized methods will also be expressed as
C + CO2⟶2CO
subscript of biochar for simplicity in this paper, such as biocharMn/Ce,
C+ H2O⟶CO+ H2 biocharamine and biocharHCl.
C+ X →C X (X= Cl, Br, I)
6KOH + 2C⟶2K + 3H2 + 2K2CO3 (5)
Hg0(ad) + 2C X →2C + HgX2 (ad) (6)
K2CO3 + 2C⟶2K + 3CO (4)

2.4. Research frame

2.3. Functionalization for engineering biochar This review paper summarizes the research on adsorption of various
Some functionalized treatments are considered to further promotegaseous pollutants including SO2, NOx, Hg, CO2 and VOC from com-
the performance of activated biochar for possible engineering applica-bustion flue gas using biochar-based adsorbents, with the research
tion. Doping the oxides of transition metals and noble metals (Fe, Mn, framework presented in Fig. 1. Both the physical and chemical proper-
Ti, Ce, Cu, Co, Ni et al.) onto biochar could promote the activity ties of biochar and the adsorption conditions affect the final removal
biochar materials for effectively capturing NOx and Hg through catalyticcapacities of various gaseous pollutants. Accordingly, the preparation,
reactions [19], the biochar works mainly as a supporter or carrier that activation and functionalization conditions of biochar would be paid
not only increases the dispersion of fine metal oxides but also partic-attention, that is, the physical activation including CO2, steam, H2O2, air
ipatse in the removal process in some cases [23]. The amorphous and O2, the chemical activation including KOH, H3PO4, H2SO4, HNO3,
ultrafine structure of metal oxides from elaborative preparation ZnCl2 and K2CO3, the modification achieved through microwave, ul-
methods generally provides more active sites for catalytic reactions trasonic, plasma, ball-milling, and molten salts techniques, and the
comparison to the corresponding raw crystalline states [32,54,55]. Forfunctionalization for engineering biochar including addition of the ox-
example, the ultrasound treatment was reported to optimize theides of transition metals, the basic sites capable of interacting with acidic
dispersion of active ingredients such as Mn and Fe [22]. Generally, thegas, and the halogens or sulfur species improving Hg removal. The
biochar adsorbents functionalized by metal oxides are capable relevant treating conditions, such as pyrolysis and activation tempera-
achieving good removal performance in a higher temperature range and ture, flow rate of activated gas, concentrations of chemical activation
longer operation time, as redox reactions are found among doped agents, ratios of biochar to activating agent, and processing time, should
metals, carbon structure of biochar, and gas pollutants. Noteworthy, thealso be attended as their influence on biochar characteristics. It is
development of magnetic biochar adsorbent is beneficial to the betternoteworthy that the systematic introduction about the thermal pre-
utilization efficiency of biochar due to it can feasible be recovered fromtreatment of biomass, the physical and chemical properties of biochar,
engineering fly ash. and the relevant analytical methods such as XPS, FTIR, TPD, and XRD,
The surface basic properties of biochar are generally suitable have been given in other relevant reviews [21,51,53], this review work
adsorption of acidic gas such as SO2, NOx, CO2, while the biochar pre-will thus focus on their influence on the adsorption performance of
senting surface acidity is beneficial to the adsorption of alkaline gas. Thegaseous pollutants.
functionalized modifications by incorporating basic sites capable The typical layout of power plant and waste incineration plant with
interacting strongly with acidic gas are benefit to promote the adsorp- possible injection positions of biochar are presented in Fig. 2. There
tion capacities of CO2 and SO2 [1], therefore the ammonia modificationare always multiple gas compositions existing in the industrial fuel gas.
of biochar to introduce basic nitrogen functionalities is a promisingThe adsorption conditions, mainly include the adsorption temperature,
C. Wen et al.

Fig. 1. The research framework on biochar adsorbent to combustion gaseous pollutants.

the humidity and impurities concentrations in simulated flue gas, the to 750 ◦C [28] and gasification up to 950–1100 ◦C [68,69] were tried to
selectivity and synergistic adsorption of typical gases, would be relatedproduce the biochars using for adsorption of SO2. The adsorption uptake
to affect the final removal performance of various gaseous pollutants.of SO2 by unmodified biochar is generally at a low amount of less than
The cycle and regeneration capacity of biochar is also important 20 mg_SO2/g_biochar [70]. Iberahim et al. [71] carried out the response
guarantee a satisfactory practical removal performance. The adsorptionsurface method (RSM) using central composite design (CCD) to optimize
isotherm models and the adsorption kinetic models provide the valuablethe production of biochar from sludge. The heating temperature
insight into the predicted adsorption amount and controlling mecha-(200–600 ◦C), heating rate (5–20 ◦C/min), and holding time (60–120
nism and therefore are vital in optimization the design and performance min) during pyrolysis in N2 condition were investigated, with the SO2
of biochar, from them the adsorption energy can be calculated to indi-adsorption capacity as the responses. They found that the pyrolysis
cate the strength and potential of adsorption and desorption. Subse-temperature had the most obvious effect on adsorption capacity of SO2,
quently, the research gap on improving the adsorption performance which increased to reach optimum and then showed falling trend after
biochar, on synergistic adsorption in industrial application and on the450 ◦C with the increment of pyrolysis heating temperature [71]. Yavuz
evaluation of economy and energy saving analysis are presented. et al. [72] prepared the biocharH3PO4 from olive stone at 200–700 ◦C, the
pore volume enhanced up to 400 ◦C and then a shrinking of the pores
3. Adsorption of various combustion gas pollutants by biochar
mainly affecting the mesoporosity was found due to a further increase of
temperature. The high pyrolysis temperature is benefit to increase the
3.1. Adsorption performance of SO2 porosity of biochar and enhance the adsorption ability, but at higher
SO2 is harmful to skin and respiratory system. In order to combattemperature, the high ash volumes in biochar from high temperature
these threats, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of United pyrolysis blocked the pores of biochar and destructed the surface func-
States has revised their National Ambient Quality Standard (NAAQS) fortional group, both of which ultimately hindered the adsorption process
hourly primary standard of SO2 emissions, reducing from 140 ppb down[73]. Bashkova et al. [68] reported the sewage sludge biochars prepared
to 75 ppb in 2012. The European Union demanded 70% lowered SOat 600–950 ◦C had similar removal capacities of ~12–14 mg/g at 25 ◦C
emission by 2029 through the establishment of 2016/2284/EU Regu-(Table S1), it is likely that the presence of high dispersion of catalytic
metals and chemically active calcium oxides during carbonization at
lation [66]. The ultra-low emission retrofitting of China released in 2015
high temperatures may react with SO2 to form sulfites, which offset the
requires coal-fired power plants to limit SO2 emissions to 35 mg/m
unfavorable effect of high temperature on pore and functional groups.
[67]. The adsorption method for the reduction emission of SO2 has the
The higher pyrolysis heating rate is expected to promote the mass
potential to compete with the widespread FGD technology, because
transfer of volatiles and improve the development of the porous texture
its fast process, simple equipment, and effectiveness. Table S1 of theand surface area of biochar, however, the heating rate higher than 12
Supplementary Materials summarizes the biomass precursors, the◦C/min presented lower BET surface area and reduced SO2 adsorption
preparation conditions of biochar, the typical adsorption conditions and capacity. This can be caused by the high internal temperature resulting
the optimum adsorption performance of SOx by biochars. in partial graphitization in the interior of biochar [73]. After carrying
out the experiments of different holding time between 60 min and 120
3.1.1. Influence of biochar preparation conditions
As shown in Table S1, only the pretreatment methods of pyrolysis upmin, the SO2 adsorption uptake was found to reduce after 98 min owing
to pore destruction caused by the extended heating time [73].
C. Wen et al.

Fig. 2. The typical layout of power plant (a) and waste incineration plant (b) with the possible injection positions of biochar.

Sumathi et al. [69] and Iberahim et al. [6,73] also presented the physical activation with CO2 (biocharCO2) and chemical activation with
optimization analysis with the RSM/CCD design, in which the activation KOH (biocharKOH), respectively. The biocharKOH presented the largest
temperature, retention time and flow rate of CO2 were the main vari- surface area and the narrowest pores, and an acidity behavior after an
ables considered for generating porous biochars, and the activation
acid-base titrations exhibited the lowest affinity for the acidic SO2
temperature was found to play the major role. CO2 activation at high
indicated by the Freundlich model, meanwhile the biocharN2 presented
temperature promotes the reaction intensity between the carbon struc-
the more basic surfaces capable of enhancing the affinity of SO2. Despite
ture of biochar and CO2 gas (Equation (1)) and leads to the development
of micropore structure. As shown in Table S1, the biochar prepared its weak interaction with SO2, the biocharKOH still exhibited the highest
1100 ◦C reported the highest surface area and highest removal capacity SO2 uptake which should be controlled by its best porosity character-
of SO2 (~37 mg/g), implying the contribution of physical adsorption istic. Besides, the similar SO2 adsorption of biocharN2 and biocharCO2
[69]. However, other work found the obviously lower optimum acti- was caused by the balance of the lower micro-pore volume and the
vation temperature of 442 ◦C [73] and 753 ◦C [6], respectively. The too higher surface basicity of biocharN2 than biocharCO2. Braghiroli et al.
extended activation temperature accelerates the reaction between car- [76] also compared three types of activation treatments, i.e., CO2, steam
and KOH. The biocharH2O had the highest adsorbed proportion of SO2
bon and CO2, it may encourage more pore widening and collapse rather
than pore development and meanwhile destroy the basic functional (Table S1), owing to its lowest acid oxygenated groups as it had a
groups which acted an active role in the SO2 adsorption. A suitable moderate surface area compared with the other two biochars. Guo et al.
activation time extended from 1 h to 2 h can increase the pore volume, [41] compared the biochar treated by KOH and H3PO4, the biocharH3PO4
presented the main typical acidic functional groups (phenols, carboxy),
surface area, and acidity of the biocharH2O [74], but the prolonged
activation time can also damage the pore structure, indicating as expected, had lower adsorption capacity per BET surface area than
decreasing trend in SO2 adsorption capacity [6,72]. Guo et al. [75] the biocharKOH which contained much basic functional groups (pyrone).
ported that the adsorptive capacities of SO2 were linearly proportional As a result, the adsorption performance of SO2 is affected by both porous
related with the micropore volumes of biochars. Yavuz et al. [72] alsoand chemical properties of biochar, i.e., pore volume, surface area and
observed an almost linear relationships between the SO2 adsorption and acid-base properties.
the textural properties. SO2 adsorbs on smaller pores preferentially due 3.1.2. Impacts of functionalization
to its kinetic diameter of 0.364 nm, and the dipole-oriented single layer
As a Lewis acid, SO2 tends to interact with basic surfaces, that is, the
structure favors the interaction between micropores and SO2 molecule
[72]. sulfur atom in SO2 as the electron acceptor can effectively form stable
complexes with the bases as the electron donor [77]. The linear rela-
Atanes et al. [28] compared the performance of three types of bio-
tionship between the SO2 adsorption and the content of basic groups was
chars from waste cork powder prepared by thermal with N2 (biocharN2
found by Yavuz et al. [72]. The NH3 modification was reported to have a
C. Wen et al.

lower temperature (~700 ◦C) to improve the micropore texture of bio-

char than the CO2 activation [78]. It is noted that the high activationNiSO3 + H2O→ Ni H2SO4
temperature in NH3 improved the porous texture and then enhance the
impregnation effectiveness of nitrogen [79], however, if the treatmentNiSO3 + C O→C NiSO4 (9)
temperature is too high (≥900 ◦C), the NH3 modification resulted in the
decomposition of nitrogen-containing groups [78]. Shao et al. [70SO2 4 + M2+ + 2H2O→MSO4⋅2H2O (M = Ca, Ce…) (10)
performed an effective work to identify the joint effects of physisorption
and chemisorption on the adsorption of SO2, the CO2 activation and3.1.3. Adsorption conditions
tertiary amine (MEDA) impregnation were employed to prepare the Some studies reported that as increasing the adsorption temperature
biochar from corncobs. CO2 activation can aid in improving BET surface from ~25 ◦C to ~100 ◦C, the amounts of SO2 adsorbed by biochar
area and enhancing the amount of activated sites, leading to decreased continuously [72,75,83]. They described that the high tem-
adsorption amount of 57.78 mg/g of SO2 at 100 ◦C (Table S1). The peratures resulted in SO2 molecules losing their kinetic energies and no
impregnated nitrogen sites from MEDA were mainly observed on the adsorption due to Brownian movement of the SO2 molecules, so that the
micropores of biocharCO2 [79], the nitrogen content thus showed a good adsorption became an exothermic process [83]. The overheating at
linear relationship with the BET surface area and the total pore volume higher temperatures of 150 ◦C and 200 ◦C may cause higher adsorption
of the biochars prepared from different biomasses [79]. When the MDEA potential energy and then suppress the adsorption capacity of SO2 [33,
mass concentration was added to 1% and 4%, the deteriorated pore 78,84]. Furthermore, the adsorption temperature can also affect the
structure significantly destroyed the adsorption of SO2 compared with chemisorption behavior of SO2. Iberahim et al. [73] reported that as the
biocharCO2. However, as the MDEA concentration was higher than 8%, adsorption reaction temperature increased from room temperature to
the micropore structure nearly collapsed completely meanwhile much 50–100 ◦C, an increasing tendency of SO2 adsorption amount could be
nitrogen-containing functional groups (mainly C–N) were generated, the observed because of the enhanced chemical reaction rate between SO2
chemical adsorption was dominant to receive a very high adsorption and active surface sites. Zhang et al. [78] reported that the SO2
capacity of SO2, i.e., 156.22 mg/g at 100 ◦C (Table S1) [70], indicating adsorption capacity of 175.9 mg/g fairly depended upon the porous
the nitrogen functionalities onto the biochar are more influential than texture of biocharNH3 especially micropores at a low adsorption tem-
the pore texture for the adsorption of SO2, with the conversion to N– perature of 30 ◦C (Table S1), the physisorption is the major adsorption
groups (Equation (7)). The ammonia and amine functionalization on power. At the higher adsorption temperature of 120 ◦C, the SO2
biochar for adsorption and reaction of SO2 is manifested in Fig. 3. adsorption capacity of biochar presented a strong linear relationship
with its N/C mass ratio, indicating the chemisorption come from
The pyrolyzed biochar from sewage sludge was impregnated with
nitrogen-containing functional groups were primary factor leading to a
(NO3)2 [80], the Ni and NiO phases were found to coexist in biochar and
higher sorption capacity of 115.4 mg/g at 120 ◦C than biocharCO2
the oxygenic functional groups increased. SO2 could be absorbed on the
(Table S1).
surface of biochar to react with oxygen species to generate NiSO3, fol
The adsorption capacity increased from 16.65 mg/g in dry adsorp-
lowed by the reaction with H2O to generate Ni–H2SO4 (Equation (8) tion atmosphere to 37.72 mg/g in atmosphere with 15% moisture [73],
furthermore, SO2 was adsorbed on the NiO surface to form sulfate, the nearly half SO2 removal capacity at dry atmosphere compared with
possibly as C–NiSO4 (Equation (9)). However, Sumathi et al. [81] re- that at wet atmosphere was also indicated by Bashkova et al. [68] and
ported that if the biochar impregnated with Ni and Ce catalyst, the Iberahim et al. [6]. As the humidity increased from 0 to 50–60%, the
adsorbed amount of SO2 decreased regularly, due to the pore blockage sorption capacity of SO2 increased continually [6,79,81,82]. The H2O
by the Ni and Ce metals. When the SO2 was dissolved in the alkaline accumulated on the surface and interior pores of biochar favors the
water membrane formed on the biochar surface, the minerals in biochar formation of a liquid membrane which would lead to the SO2 adsorbed
could react with them to form stable sulfates via catalysis oxidation by biochar easier than the adsorption in gas-solid reaction. If the SO2,
(Equation (10)), the contribution to SO2 sorption from minerals in bio- O2, and H2O were all adsorbed on the surface of biochar, the SO2 was
char was reported to be 44.6%–85.5% [82]. first physically adsorbed onto the biochar, then oxidized to SO3 and
1 transformed to H2SO4 (Equations (11) and (12)) [81]. Three forms of
R2CH3N+ SO2 + O2 + H2O→(R2CH3NH)2⋅SO4 (7)
2 adsorbed sulfur-containing substances could exist, i.e., weakly adsorbed
SO2, physically adsorbed SO3, and strongly adsorbed H2SO4 [68].

Fig. 3. The ammonia and amine functionalization on

biochar for adsorption and reaction of SO2 and CO2.
Route 1: The nitrogen-containing functional groups
(C–N, –NH2, etc.) onto biochar are generated from
ammonia and amine modification, they interact with
SO2 to form N–H groups (Equation (7)). Route 2: The
similar nitrogenous functionalities react with CO2 to
form N–COO groups (Equation (64)). Therein, the
pre-oxidation and ball-milling treatment of biochar
help to form acidic oxygenic functional groups, which
can act as an effective intermediate stage to introduce
nitrogen functionalities onto the biochar.
C. Wen et al.

Nevertheless, the adsorption capacity was also reported to be decreased functionalization at temperature range of 100–300 ◦C is very poor [81,
at the high humidity of 30% and 60% [73], this could be attributed to 88]. Al-Rahbi et al. [88] reported that the KOH activation provided the
the decrease in SO2 partial pressure leading to SO2 molecules more best NO removal efficiency of ~75% after 120 min which was related to
difficult to compete with water vapor to occupy the biochar surface. the increase in micropore volume and BET surface area (Table S2),
Besides, Xu et al. [82] found that the SO2 adsorption by biochar from followed by K2CO3, NaOH and Na2CO3 activation with 37%, 30% and
sewage sludge increased with the humidity raising from 0% to 20% and 19% removal respectively. Ko et al. [89] observed that the pore volume
then decreased until 50%, too much H2O tended to induce aggregation and specific surface area of biochar from municipal waste only increased
of the clay minerals rich in sludge biochar, which blocked or occupied slightly after the HCl treatment, thus without the improved effect on the
the active sites for the adsorption of SO2. Bashkova et al. [68] described NOx removal. The kinetic diameter of NO is 0.3 nm, biochar with similar
that at wet air adsorption conditions, the SO2 adsorption capacity of pore diameter should have an observable adsorption efficiency [88],
biochar from sludge increased with increasing temperature of carbon- both increasing micro-porosity and surface area of the biochars were
ization, as the chemically active calcium oxides and high dispersion of observed to correlate directly with the increased NO removal efficiency
catalytic metals was formed during high temperatures carbonization. [88].
The sulfuric acid derived from SO2 reacted with inorganic oxides and/or Cha et al. [86] presented that the biochars prepared from rice straw
salts in biochar to form more soluble sulfates in biochar, improving the and sewage sludge served as SCR catalysts between 50 and 250 ◦C. In
chemisorption of SO2. comparison with the biocharH2O, the biocharKOH created more micro-
Zhang et al. [79] paid attention to the influence of flue gas compo- pores and mesopores, specific surface areas, active nitrites, and oxygen
nents in the SO2 adsorption of biochar. With the raise of O2 concentra- functional group amounts (mainly C––O and C–O), which increased the
tion from 0 to 14%, the nitrogen-containing groups in biochar might be amount of active sites onto which NH3 can be adsorbed, the higher NO
oxidized, leading to the SO2 adsorption capacity reduced generally. The removal efficiency was thus observed due to reaction between adsorbed
presence of O2 may promote the adsorption process although the su- NH3 and NO (Equation (14)). Yang et al. [90,91] attempted the HNO3
periority was not as good as the humidity [82]. The strong adsorption modification and found an apparent porous structure and the increased
was related to the oxygenated groups onto the biochar, which were surface acidic functional groups of biochar, showing an impressive
believed to be catalytic centers for SO2 oxidation to SO3 [68]. In the de-NOx efficiency. When the activation temperature increased for acti-
presence of NO, the SO2 adsorption capacity of biochar was clearly vation process at steam and KOH, more micropores and mesopores were
better than that without NO, and the SO2 adsorption uptake first generated, resulting in the generally increased total pore volume and
enhanced and then dropped as the increase of NO concentration, with specific surface area for both biocharH2O [74,92] and biocharKOH [88,
the maximum adsorption uptake of 216.19 mg/g at 500 ppm NO [79]. 92], while the oxygen functional groups increased for biocharH2O but
The synergistic adsorption effect of NO and SO2 may be helpful to decreased for biocharKOH with increasing temperature [92]. The former
generate the (NO2)(SO3) intermediates, which was reported to adsorb is because the aromatization reaction that takes place at high tempera-
effectively at the nitrogen-containing adsorption sites (Equation (13)). tures, indicating the transformation of aliphatic or alicyclic compounds
into aromatics, while the latter attributes to breakage of chemical bonds
SO2 (ad) + O(ad)→SO3 (ad) (11)
such as carboxylic group bonds since 700 ◦C. As a result, the functional
groups that developed onto the biocharH2O prepared at 700 and 800 ◦C
SO3 (ad) + H2O(ad)→H2SO4 (ad) (12)
NO as active
x removal sites on which
compared NHprepared
with that 3 can be adsorbed,
at 600 ◦C,resulting in abiochar
even if the higher
R2N CH3 + NO+ SO2 + O2→R2CH3N⋅(NO2)(SO3) prepared at 600 ◦C had the best specific(13) surface area. By contrast, the
NOx removal efficiencies of biocharKOH prepared at 700 and 800 ◦C were
3.2. Adsorption performance of NOX lower than that prepared at 600 ◦C owing to the damage of oxygenic
The concentration of NO in combustion flue gas mainly depends on functional groups.
the nitrogen content in fuel and typically ranges from 100 to 1000 ppm During steam activation, the specific surface area increased firstly as
[85]. It causes environmental problems such as photochemical smog, the water content raised from 10 to 60% and then decreased when it
acid rain, ozone layer depletion, and global warming. SCR is the most raised further to 80% [92]. Under the high water vaper concentration
widely used technology worldwide to reduce NOx emissions among the from 40 to 80%, the oxygenic functional groups developed more easily
various measures. NH3, as the reducing agent in SCR processes, is used to onto the biochar to create more active sites which played the dominant
convert NOx into harmless N2 and H2O (Equation (14)). The catalysts role in the increased NOx removal efficiency [92]. The de-NOx perfor-
most frequently used are V2O5/TiO2 catalysts mixed with WO3 or MoO3. mance of biochar appeared to be affected more by chemical properties
Recently, the low-temperature SCR catalysts capable of working under (mainly oxygenic functional groups on active sites) instead of physical
300 ◦C or even 100–200 ◦C have attracted more attention, resulting in properties under this circumstance [92]. With the weight ratio of KOH to
the removal systems with low energy consumption and ease of retro- biochar increased from 0.5 to 2, the micropores were developed and the
fitting [86]. Biochar based catalysts were reported to present a high NOx amount of oxygenic functional groups increased, both of which were
removal capacity at relatively low temperatures of 100–250 ◦C through benefit to the adsorption of NH3 and increase of NOx removal.
suitable treatments, such as impregnation with metals such as Fe, Mn, V, Furthermore, the proportion of N-6 groups (pyridine nitrogen) formed
Cu, and Ni, that create ample oxygenic functional groups onto the bio- by the increased nitrogen ratio from urea increased de-NOx activity of
char, assisting the adsorption and chemical reaction of NOx. Table S2 of the cotton stalk biocharH3PO4 significantly [93].
the Supplementary Materials summarizes the preparation conditions of 3.2.2. Impacts of functionalization
biochar, and the typical adsorption conditions and optimum adsorption The biochar materials with transition metal oxide catalysts are
performance of NOx by biochars.
widely recognized
catalysts to fit
have been in theextensively
studied low-temperature
due tofluetheir
Mn based
low SCR
4NH3 + 4NO + O2 →4 N2 + 6H2O [SCR reaction]
perature performance and CeO2 has also been used as a promoter to the
3.2.1. Influence of biochar preparation conditions SCR catalyst owing to its unique acid-base and redox properties. Singh
Qin et al. [87] reported that with the carbonization temperature et al. [94] suggested that the NO conversion capacities of Mn/Ce func-
increased from 500 ◦C to 900 ◦C, the specific surface area of biochar and tionalized biochars were much more dependent on the metal loading
the NOx removal first increased until 700 ◦C and then decreased. It is content than the pore structure, the NO removal capacities increased as
noteworthy that the NOx adsorption capacity on biochar without any the addition of Mn and Ce. Yang et al. [90] reported that the conversion
C. Wen et al.

capacities of NO within 125–225 ◦C followed Mn > Ce > V > Fe, and the L-H mechanism and significantly enhanced the de-NOx efficiency due to
biocharMn presented the highest NO removal efficiency of 87.6% at 200 the “fast SCR” reaction shows a markedly higher reaction rate than the
◦C (Table S2). Another study presented the Fe and Mn presented rela-
“standard SCR” reaction [90,98]. Oxides of Zr, Ni and Co were doped
tively higher NOx removal abilities than Cu and Al in higher temperature into Mn oxide biochar catalysts, thereinto the biocharZr/Mn catalyst
section of 250–400 ◦C due to the strong adsorption energy indicated
presented the highest NO removal of 86% at 200 ◦C (Table S2) [100],
the density functional theory (DFT) theoretical calculations [87]. The
similarly, the biocharSm/Mn catalyst showed the high NO conversion of
micropores would be reduced after the impregnation of metals, e.g., Mn,
85% at 200 ◦C (Table S2) [95]. The high activities of biocharZr/Mn and
Ce, Sm, due to blocking of the pores [86,89,90,95,96]. The bimetallic
oxides were found to enter the interlayers or pore holes and caused the biocharSm/Mn were related to the high Mn4+ concentration, chemisorbed
collapse or block of pore holes to result in the larger pore size, thus the oxygen, excellent reducibility and more Brønsted acid sites and weak
catalysts were typical mesoporous materials with most of the pores Lewis acid sites, which increased more active sites and facilitated the
3–4 nm [95]. oxidation of NO and followed the L-H reaction mechanism: on one hand,
The redox reactions of metal catalyst in biochar and the adsorption the coordinated NH3 onto the Lewis acid sites would be oxidized to form
–NH2 intermediates which can be promoted by the more Mn4+ ratio, the
ability of NH3 mainly determine the de-NOx performance of the biochar

with metal catalyst [81,94]. Yang et al. [91] revealed that Mn/Ce oxidesand H2O NH 2(ad) reacted with NO(ad) to generate NH2NO and then formed N2
(Equation (25)). On the other hand, the adsorbed NO2 was
had a low degree of crystallinity and dispersed well on the biochar oxidized to NO2 and/or NO3 species, and then reacted with NH4+ onto
surface, and the higher fractions of Mn to Ce, i.e., 5:5 and 7:3, on bio-
charMn/Ce catalysts were beneficial for the conversion of NO. The highly the Brønsted acid sites to generate NH4NO2 or NH4NO3, also formed N2
dispersed Mn increased both the number of oxygen vacancies and theand H2O finally (Equations (26) and (27)).
surface oxygen functional groups, as its low binding energy indicates the The biocharMn/Ce from co-activation of H3PO4 and steam exhibited a
actived Mn state and strong redox properties of Mn4+ (Equation (15) high NO conversion of 95% at 280 ◦C (Table S2) [96], as the H3PO4
[91,96]. The oxygen vacancies would adsorb oxygen to form theactivation apparently increased the BET surface area of biochar while
chemisorbed oxygen, which is more active and has higher mobility than the steam activation mainly led to an increase in the acidity and
the lattice oxygen and plays the important role in the catalytic reaction oxygenic functional groups of the biochar catalysts [94]. However, the
[90,96]. As the number of oxygen vacancies from Mn increased, thealkali metals presented in the flue gas or cotton biochar itself may
oxygen storage and release cycle between Ce3+ and Ce4+ was enhanced, neutralize the Lewis and Brønsted acid sites, thus inhibiting the initial
which is positively related to the electron interaction between Mn and protonation of NH3 to NH4+ and causing a relatively low NO removal of
Ce species with oxygen converted from CeO2 to Mn2O3 (Equation (16) 65% at 280 ◦C (Table S2) [94]. Liu et al. [97] carried out the air
and is able to accelerate the conversion of O2 into chemisorbed oxygen oxidation treatment before and/or after loading biochar with Mn. The
(Equations (17) and (18)) [91,96,97]. The surface oxygenic functional oxidation treatment introduced more oxygenic functional groups on the
groups (e.g., carboxylic group) can not only help to adsorb NO but also catalyst that could produce the high-valence state Mn (Mn4+) through
improve the dispersion of active phase to generate more adsorption sites electron transfer. After pre-oxidation of biochar, the pore volume and
for NH3 [90]. The amount of NH3 desorption tested by NH3-TPD is usedspecific surface area enhanced, and the C–O groups were oxidized to
to express the surface acidity of biochar catalysts governed by both the acidic carboxyl groups, and after further post-oxidation, the contents of
Lewis acid sites and Brønsted acid sites [95,98]. The Lewis acid sites areMn4+, chemisorbed oxygen and the surface acidity increased, which
derived from highly dispersed and unsaturated Mn or Ce sites [90 improved the adsorption of NH3, the conversion of NO to NO2, and the
while the Brønsted acid sites are related to surface hydroxyl groups [98 redox capabilities of the biochar catalysts. The biochar after two
NH3 is able to adsorb on both the Lewis and Brønsted acid sites (Equaoxidation treatments thus reached the NO conversion of 97.0% at 150 ◦C
tion (19)). The coordinated NH3 onto the Lewis acid sites is capable (Table S2). The metal functionalization on biochar for adsorption,
forming –NH2 species and NH4+ can be generated from the protonation catalysis, and reaction of NOx is presented in Fig. 4.
2MnO2 →Mn2O3 + O
adsorbed NH3 on the Brønsted acid sites, respectively (Equations (20)
and (21)). The biochar catalyst exhibiting the high surface acidityMn2O3+2CeO2→2MnO2 + Ce2O3 (16)
generally indicated that more NH3 can absorb on its surface [96]. Based
on the above reasons, the higher catalytic activities of NO compared M(n 1)++O(ad)→Mn+ 1(M= Mn, Ce…)
O2→Mn+ (M = Mn, Ce…) (17)
with the biochar without metal impregnation were widely achieved [86 2
89,98], a high NO removal capacity of 99.2% at 175 ◦C was thus achM(n 1)+ +
ieved by Yang et al. (Table S2) [91].

Some catalytic processes of biochar catalyst were recognized as NH3 (g) Lewis⟶acid sites NH3 (ad) (19)
Eley-Rideal (E-R) mechanism indicating the reaction between the
adsorbed NH3 and gaseous NO. The NH3 was adsorbed quickly onto theNH3 (ad) + Mn+ →M(n 1)+Bronsted
± NHacid + H+(M = Mn, Ce…)
2 (ad)
Lewis acid sites as coordinated NH3 on the surface of MnOx, and the (20)
interaction of coordination and adsorbed oxygen on the surface
⟶ mechanism:
catalyst could generate –NH2, which reacted with the gaseous NO NH3 (g) + H+ NH+4 (ad)
generate NH2NO, and finally decomposed to form N2 and H2O (Equation
(22)) [94,96]. Similarly, the coordinated NH3 can also be activated
Ce4+ to generate –NH2, and Ce3+ was oxidized by O2 to replenish the NH2 (ad) + NO (g) →NH2NO (ad) →N2 (g) + H2O (g)
Ce4+ for the single CeO2 catalysts [91]. M (22)
The other mechanism named as Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism:
mechanism presenting the reaction between the adsorbed NH3 andNO(g) → NO(ad) + O2(ad)π ⟶bondsNO2 (ad)
adsorbed NO2. The π-bonds in the graphite crystallite and the oxygenic (23)
functional groups as well as chemisorbed oxygen strengthened by the2NH3 (ad) + NO (ad) + NO2 (ad)→2 N2+3H2O
impregnation of Mn were beneficial to the oxidation of NO to NO NH2 (ad) + NO (ad) →NH2NO→N2 + H2O (24)
(Equation (23)) [90,96,97]. The adsorbed NO2 was much more stable
than NO owing to the strong binding between NO2 and carbonaceous
surface [99]. The coexistence of NO2 and NO would arouse the “fast
SCR” reaction of NO2, NO and NH3 (Equation (24)), which follows the
C. Wen et al.

Fig. 4. The metal functionalization on biochar for adsorption, catalysis, and reaction of NOx, Hg, SO2 and CO2. Note that the dash line simply expresses
adsorption of NOx, NH3, Hg, O2, SO2, CO2 from atmosphere to surface pore of biochar. Route 1: The sulfuric acid derived from SO2 reacts with inorganic oxides
or salts in biochar to form sulfates in biochar (Equations (8)–(10)). Route 2: Basic metal oxyhydroxides interact with CO2 to form carbonate (Equation (67)). Rout
e 3:
The sophisticated details to transfer NOx are described in Section 3.2.2. Route 4: The loss of oxygen from a metal oxide could be replenished by the lattice oxygen
in 1)+ + NO2 (ad) →Mn+ + NO 2 (M= Mn, Ce…) ranges. Liu et al. [93] reported that at low temperatures of 50–150 ◦C,
another metal oxide with higher oxidizability during the bimetal redox reactions (Equations
NO and
was(16)), and the Hg
transformed adsorbed
to 0NO 2 on theonto biochar
surface can be oxidized
of biochar H3PO4, which
NH+4 (ad) + NO 2 (ad) →NH4NO2→N2+2H2O
both lattice oxygen and chemisorbed oxygen replenished by gaseous O2 to produce HgO (Equation (31)).
3.2.3. Adsorption conditions

induced the “fast-SCR” reaction (Equation (24)). However, NO2 was no

longer generated at the high-temperature region of 225–300 ◦C, there-
fore, NO was mainly reduced by the “standard-SCR” reaction.
For biocharMn prepared from straw, as the reaction temperature The addition of O2 was essential to boost the adsorption of NOx via
raised from 50 ◦C to 200 ◦C, the removal capacity of NOx was reported the addition of the oxygenic functional groups and the catalytic oxida-
decrease from 86% to 41%, but the removal efficiency promoted againtion of NO to NO2 [88]. Sumathi et al. [84] reported that the removal of
to 85% at a higher temperature of 200–250 ◦C [86]. For the biochar NO at 15% H2O was nearly identical to that at dry condition, as the
prepared from co-activation of H3PO4 and steam [96], the NO conver-process of adsorption, reduction and catalytic oxidation of NO would
sion increased as the temperature increased from 160 to 280 ◦C. Sumathi happen simultaneously on the system of H2O–O2–NO-biochar, but the
et al. [81] found that the optimum reaction temperature for removal removal of NO was deterred at higher percentage of H2O, possibly owing
NOx on biocharNi and biocharCe was around 200 ◦C between 100 and to the low solubility of NO in H2O and the pore blockage derived from
300 ◦C. Cerium oxide has high oxidation activity to decompose NO, but the salt by-products. The biocharMn from peanut shell was subjected to
at the higher 300 ◦C, the oxygen-containing groups formed on biochar water vapor or SO2 to check the resistance of biochar catalysts [90].
were attached to the carbonaceous group to generate CO and CO2, thusWhen 10% H2O was added, the NO conversion of biocharMn dropped
lowered the conversion of NO [84]. Two temperature windows for thefrom 87% to 81% and exhibited a rapid recovery after stopping the H2O
biochar SCR test were found by Wu et al. [74], one was between 180 andflow, implying that H2O did not lead to permanent deactivation of
240 ◦C and the other was between 260 and 280 ◦C. The biochars with biocharMn catalyst. When the SO2 was added, the NO conversion drop-
most micropores promoted the conversion of NO at the temperatureped from 87% to 71% and recovered to about 79% after the SO2 flow
range of 180–240 ◦C while the presence of mesopores as well as the was stopped, suggesting a certain of irreversible deactivation for bio-
higher dispersion of metals and acidity in the biochars catalyst benefited charMn. Furthermore, it implied that the addition of Ce could promote
NO conversion at the reaction temperature above 260 ◦C. Chen et al. the H2O and SO2 resistance of catalysts [91]. Chen et al. [100] detected
[100] presented that when temperature raised from 75 ◦C to 175 ◦C, the the biocharZr/Mn catalysts in the presence of SO2 + H2O at 200 ◦C, they
NO conversion of biocharZr/Mn promoted rapidly, and then stayed stable found that the NO conversion of biocharZr/Mn declined from 86% to 60%
after 200 ◦C until 250 ◦C. The phenomena can be explained with the helpand recovered to 87% with the addition and stopping of H2O and SO2,
of an in-situ DRIFTS analysis. Both the Lewis and Brønsted acid sitesindicating the good renewable activity of biocharZr/Mn.
were found on the biocharZr/Mn catalysts. The amount of Brønsted acid
sites were more than that of Lewis acid sites but the Lewis acid sites had
3.3. Adsorption performance of Hg
better thermostability than the Brønsted acid sites which totally dis-
appeared at 250 ◦C. It appears that the Brønsted acid sites mainly Mercury has received increasing attention worldwide due to its
worked at the low and medium temperature (≤200 ◦C), while the Lewis toxicity, migration and accumulation in organisms. The United States
acid sites served as catalytic role in the entire studied temperature
issued the Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) in 2005, which planned
reduce mercury emissions from 48 tons to 34 tons from 2010 to 2017
C. Wen et al.

and the mercury emission control rate of 70% was achieved in 2018. fabricated a hierarchical porous structure of biochar with a balanced
Meanwhile, the emission standards of pollutants for stannum, antimony distribution of micropores, mesopores, and macropores. The pores with
and mercury Industries (GB/30770-2014) in China stipulated that the 20 nm width derived from the 20 nm-CaCO3 nanoparticles serve as a
emission limit of mercury in new enterprises should be 0.01 mg/m3. The sacrificed template, and pores with 5 nm width were probably formed
adsorption of Hg0 on biochar mainly follows: the Hg0 in combustion flue via the activation of CO2 released with CaCO3 decomposition at high
gas firstly diffuses to exterior surface of biochar, which is called as pyrolysis temperature. The ratio of mesopores controlled by carbon-
external mass transfer, the Hg0 then diffuses into micropores of biochar, ization temperature could be an important reason in the Hg0 removal
which is known as intraparticle diffusion, and the Hg0 is further oxidized capacity of hierarchical biochar, as a stronger correlation of Hg0
or reacted by the active sites onto the biochar. Both homogeneous and removal capacity with the proportion of mesopores than that of micro-
pores. Large numbers of oxygenic functional groups (C––O and COO)
heterogeneous oxidation may promote the retention of Hg in the bio-
were also generated, and served as active sites and oxidized Hg0 into
char. Fuente-Cuesta et al. [101] reported that about 35–60% of gaseous
HgO (Equations (30) and (31)). The Hg0 removal capacity by the hier-
Hg was found to be the oxidized form in biochars, reflecting the
archical biochar was 65% higher than that of raw biochar at 180 ◦C,
occurrence of heterogeneous oxidation. Table S3 of the Supplementary
owing to their hierarchical porous properties and large numbers of
Materials summarizes the preparation conditions of biochar, and the functional groups.
typical adsorption conditions and optimum adsorption performance of
Xu et al. [112] prepared the biochar sorbents from biomass and PVC
Hg by biochars.
under isothermal smoldering, this process presented the highest Cl
3.3.1. Treatment conditions of biochar
content and the highest Hg0 adsorption efficiency compared with the
The high carbonization temperature generally increased the micro-
isothermal heating and non-isothermal heating in N2 atmosphere, as
pore volume and surface area of biochar, and the developed micro-
porosity could provide more physisorption sites for Hg0 capture [27, smoldering allowed the sufficient time of HCl released from PVC to
61,102,103]. The atom radius of gaseous mercury is approximately 0.15 interact with cellulose in biomass to produce more C–Cl functional
nm, the effective collisions between mercury and micropores less than 2 groups which impacted significantly on Hg adsorption process.
nm were expected to be conductive to the adsorption of Hg0 [30]. Shi Plasma

et al. [104] reported that the carbonization temperature between 400 H* + O*̅̅̅̅→ OH* (28)
and 600 ◦C mainly controlled the mesopore fabrication. At higher py- Plasma
C+ O*+ OH*̅̅̅̅→ COOH (29)
rolysis temperatures of 500–700 ◦C, chemisorption began to dominate
the Hg0 removal instead of physisorption affected by BET surface area, C= O+ e → C O
then the decrease of the organic functional groups (mainly C––O) [105, (30)
106], the decomposition of C-halogen functional groups [105] and
Hg0(ad) + O*(ad) →HgO(ad) (31)
sulfur species [107] at excessive high temperature would weaken the
chemisorption and removal performance for Hg0. Pyrolysis temperature 3.3.2. Activization conditions of biochar
had impacts on the removal performance of Hg0 due to the influence in The biochar have a developed pore structure in the higher temper-
the physicochemical properties of biocharFe/Cl [64], both C–Cl group ature of 700–900 ◦C during activation in CO2 condition [30,104,113].
and iron oxides could supply the active sites useful for the removal of However, when the increased temperature surpasses a certain limit
Hg0 but decreased at high pyrolysis temperature of 800 ◦C. The related (~800 ◦C), thermal annealing at high temperature leads to the walls of
reactions would be introduced in Section 3.3.3. the pores become thin and pore collapse, micropores tend to form large
Shan et al. [108] reported that after microwave activation of biochar, pores as a result of CO2 over-etching [104], as well as the high ash
the Hg0 removal capacity was enhanced from 21.4% to 53.7%, as its content of biochar offers a diffusion resistance and may sinter and block
obvious advantageous for the development of the porosity and specific pores, all of those result in the destructive pore structure and decreased
surface area and the oxygenic functional groups. The Hg removal effi- surface area [113]. Walnut shell biochars were prepared in pyrolysis
ciency of biochar by ultrasound treatment after NH4Cl loading was re- atmosphere of N2, O2/N2, and CO2/N2, respectively [114]. The results
ported to be 15–25% higher than that without ultrasound treatment indicated that the Hg0 adsorption capacity of biocharO2/N2 were worse
[109]. The ultrasound process is thought to increase the BET surface than that of biocharN2 whereas CO2 atmosphere greatly improved the
area and improve Hg removal efficiency by enhancing the further adsorption capacity. The activation reaction occurred between CO2 and
functionalization effect including the dispersion and penetration of the biochar resulted in the pore structure of biocharCO2/N2 better than that
NH4Cl [109] and dispersion active ingredients such as Mn and Fe [108], of biocharN2, which was conductive to the diffusion and mass transfer of
Fe and Cu [43], and Mn and Ce [54]. Hg. As the increase in CO2 concentration, the pore volume and BET
Biochar was subjected to the modification of N2-plasma [110], the specific surface area increased gradually, and more oxygenic functional
adsorbed oxygen and water onto biochar can supply the oxygen source groups and organic Hg-OM species were generated (Equation (32)),
therefore the Hg adsorption capacity of biocharCO2/N2 presented an
for plasma modification to produce oxygenic functional groups, i.e. C–O,
overall increasing trend [114].
C––O and O–C––O from water and C–O, C––O from oxygen (Equations
Steam activation was widely conducted to help the Hg0 adsorption of
and Hand
2O (29)), thereby
treatments byassisting
dielectricwith the oxidation
barrier dischargeof Hg 0. Withhigher
plasma, the O2
biochar [109,115–120]. Shu et al. [37] suggested that the steam acti-
contents of oxygenic functional groups (carbonyl and ester groups) were vation enhanced the surface area (414.9 m2/g) and micropore volume of
obtained by increasing O2 and H2O concentrations to 50% and 9% biochar apparently, resulting in better Hg adsorption characteristics.
respectively, and increasing plasma treatment time up to 30 min, which
H2O2 activation was also widely conducted [30,37,44,85]. The
also resulted in an enhancement of Hg0 adsorption capacity [111],
oxidizing properties of H2O2 could cleanse the inner-pores of biochar,
although the pore volume and surface area of biochar decreased slightly.
thus helping expand the micropores. Meanwhile, the number of
The non-thermal plasma has characterized a promising application
prospect in modifying biochar to bring specific functional groups onto oxygenic functional groups (mainly C–O, –OH) increased, which act as
the biochar, due to its high efficiency, simple operation and environ- possible chemisorption centers for Hg0 and facilitate the process of
ment friendly. electron transfer and the oxidization of Hg0 onto the biochar (Equations
(31) and (33)) [37,44]. These two reasons played important roles in the
Shi et al. [104] carried out the co-pyrolysis of rice straw together higher Hg adsorption capacities of biocharH2O2 than biocharH2O [37].
with nanoscale CaCO3 template, the treatment clearly promoted the Shen et al. [30] reported that the specific surface areas, micropore
specific surface area from 107.7 to 742.5 m2/g and successfully
C. Wen et al.

volumes and total pore volumes of biochar increased as the concentra- The ammonia halides (NH4Cl, NH4Br, NH4I) were also widely used to
tion of H2O2 increased from 10% to 30%. Yang et al. [44] reported that modify the biochar. The halides majorly absorbed on the micropore
biochar modified with 30% H2O2 exhibited good initial adsorption rate religion, leading to the partly blockage of inner pore structure and the
and Hg0 capture ability of 90.86% at 120 ◦C (Table S3). Nevertheless, reduced micropore volume and surface area [126]. The Hg0 removal
Shu et al. [37] found a slightly ruined pore structure after 30% H2O2 capacity enhanced as the increase of NH4Cl loading, owing to more
modification, too higher concentration may arouse much powerful chemisorption sites were introduced by the higher impregnation amount
oxidizing effect and make the collapsed inner pores and decreased on the surface of biochar [127]. The chemisorption process of Hg0 was
specific surface area [85], as well as may accelerate the esterification that the C–Cl groups formed in biochar during NH4Cl impregnation
reaction between –COOH and –OH, which eliminated the chemical acted as activated sites, which can convert Hg0 into HgCl2 or other
adsorption sites of Hg and resulted in a worse removal of Hg [37]. Hg–Cl complexes (Equations (6) and (34)) [60,61]. The optimum NH4Cl
Recently, Liu et al. [121,122] developed an ultraviolet/H2O2 oxidation loading was reported to be about 5% [109], and the Hg removal effi-
modification technology on biochar from straw, corn stalk and seeweed. ciency no longer increased [127,128] or even decreased for NH4Cl
They indicated that through producing abundant OH free radicals with loadings >7% [109], might be ascribed to the biochar surface saturation
high activity, the UV/H2O2 modification could not only improve pore causing pore destruction and diminution of surface area. Similarly, an
structure of biochar, but also produce more oxygenic functional group increase in loading value of NH4Br reported by Yang et al. [103] would
on the surface of biochar. The chemisorbed oxygen, C–O group [121], generate more chemisorption sites, the removal efficiency of Hg
C––O and COOH/COOC [122] showed crucial roles in promoting the increased from 78.13% to 98.07% at 120 ◦C (Table S3). C–Br and C––O
adsorption of Hg0. As a result, the Hg0 removal efficiency of bio- groups served as the chemisorption sites, they can participate in the
charUV/H2O2 was improved from 48.41% to 91.34%, compared to the reactions to result in the removal of Hg (Equations (6), (30) and (31)).
biochar after microwave steam activation [122]. Besides, Zhu et al. [99] observed the Hg removal efficiencies of modified
biochars increased in the following sequence: HBr (pH: ~0.7) > NH4Br
Hg0(ad) + C = O→Hg OM + C O (32)
(pH: ~5.0) >solutions
impregnation CaBr2 (pH: 6–8). On
increased, the one hand, functional
oxygenic as the pHgroups

COOH+ Hg0(ad) → COOHg + H* lactone and carbonyl as the active(33)

sites might be destroyed, on the other
hand, the protonation effect was enhanced with the pH value decreased,
3.3.3. Impacts of functionalization leading to the accumulation of positive charge on biochar surface and
subsequently promoting the electrostatic attraction between Hg0 and Halogen and sulfur. It is well known that mercury species may bromide ions. Zeng et al. [118] reported that the impregnation of iodine
react with halogen (Cl, Br, I) and sulfur, the presence of these relevant could be beneficial to the formation of chemisorption sites and favored
elements in biochars make them good potential sorbents for mercury the Hg adsorption, while 3% NH4I addition can generate almost the
species (Fig. 5). HCl impregnation with biochar was conducted by au- same amount of adsorption sites and similar Hg0 removal ability as 5%
thors [102,120,123,124]. HCl modification reduced the ash in biochars NH4I, as the above-mentioned effects caused by too much halogen
significantly [120] and created the increased surface area from 29.9 to impregnation contents [126]. The main mechanisms of ammonia ha-
110.1 m2/g, these formed micropores effectively capable of adsorbing lides modification on Hg removal refer to that the impregnated halogen
the Cl atoms onto the internal surface of biochar [124], besides, new ion reacts with carbon atom onto the biochar to produce the C-halogen
formed sites (C–O, C––O, O–H, C–Cl) during HCl impregnation acted as groups, while the O2 in flue gas is adsorbed onto biochar to generate the
chemisorption sites, both of which caused a marked improvement in Hg0 chemisorbed oxygen and/or weakly bonded oxygen species (O*). Both
adsorption performance [123,124]. The other halogen acid, HBr was of which are the dominant chemisorption sites and positively influence
impregnated on rice husk biochar, the enrichment of the brominated in the removal process of Hg0. The former oxidizes mercury to form
functionalities played the dominant role in its improved Hg adsorption mercury halides (Equation (6)) [126], while the latter reacts to form
capacity [125]. C–O groups and HgO (Equations (30) and (31)). C––O groups generally
Fig. 5. The halogen and sulfur functionalization on
biochar for adsorption and reaction of Hg0. Route 1:
The C-X groups in biochar convert Hg0 into HgX2 or
other Hg-X complexes (Equation (6)). Route 2: The
oxygenic functional groups (mainly C–O, –OH) act as
chemisorption centers for Hg0 and facilitate the oxi-
dization of Hg0 onto the biochar to form HgO, Hg-
OM, and -COOHg (Equations (31)–(33)). Route 3:
The sulfur-containing groups (C–S) on biochar react
with Hg0 to form HgS (Equation (39)).
C. Wen et al.

serve as electron acceptors and facilitate the electron transfer for the The biochar price for Hg adsorption can be further reduced if the
oxidation of Hg0 during this process [61,123]. sources of carbon and halogen are obtained cheaply and with an
Both the two types of modifying agents, i.e., ammonia halides and affordable synthesis routine. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with over 50
potassium halides, followed the same sequence of Hg removal effi- wt% Cl was able to co-pyrolyze with biomass wastes to generate the Cl-
ciencies: biochar < biocharNH4Cl < biocharNH4Br < biocharNH4I [117, rich biochars [64,112], the C–Cl groups were successfully introduced
118] and biochar < biocharKCl < biocharKBr < biocharKI [117,126,129]. and performed the beneficial adsorption of Hg0, although the
The amounts of C-halogen groups dominantly decide the effects of co-synthesis dropped the specific surface area of biochar [64,65]. The
halide modification on Hg removal capacity as they mainly react with chemisorption was enhanced greatly and the Hg0 adsorption efficiency
the Hg0 to produce mercury halides. It is noteworthy that the production reached about 82% at 140 ◦C (Table S3) [64]. PVC was also used to
of C-halogen groups depends upon both the reducibility and the size of prepare the hierarchically biochar with CaCO3 as template [65], the
halide ions [129]. The reducibility of halide ion presents the sequence of H–Cl group released from PVC reacted with C––C groups to generate
I > Br > Cl , the iodine ion is thus readily to donate electron and in- C–Cl groups, the high removal efficiency of 90% at 120 ◦C shown in
teracts with carbon atom to generate covalent bonds that serve as major Table S3 was thus ascribed to the synergistic effects of the
chemisorption sites [118]. Meanwhile, the higher size of halide ion well-developed hierarchically pores (554.9 m2/g) especially mesopores
possibly has higher surface exposure and provides more probability to and high Cl active sites which were beneficial to rapid Hg0 trans-
interact with carbon atom and produce covalent bonds as the higher portation. In this study, the DFT surface model was established to
London dispersion forces [118,129], resulting in stronger ability to form simulate the reaction process of Hg0 on biochar (Fig. 6), in which the
chemisorption sites [126], thereby the Hg removal efficiency of biocharI biocharCl doped with di-chlorine was obtained to build the active sites of
is usually the highest as its highest ionic radius of 2.20 Å, compared with C–Cl bond and the adsorption energy was calculated. The results pre-
Br with 1.96 Å and Cl with 1.81 Å, respectively [117]. Besides, the sented that the loading of dichloride atoms and carbonyl groups on
halogenated activated carbon models were adopted using DFT method biochar model enlarged adsorption energy, and would directly facilitate
to find that the halide type has no significant impact on the adsorption the adsorption process of Hg0 [65]. Similarly, the waste brominated
energy of Hg, but has a greater effect on the activation energy barrier of flame retarded plastic (BFR) was utilized to produce the Br-rich biochar
HgX (X = Cl, Br, I) formation in the order of HgI < HgBr < HgCl [130]. [105]. Br was doped into the biochars as Br and C–Br groups, therefore
The modification effects of ammonium halides were generally better the biocharBr presented much better Hg0 removal efficiency than raw
than that of potassium halides in the Hg removal efficiency [129]. On biochar. It can be found that the C––O groups participated in Hg0 cap-
one hand, with the example of iodine, the finer size of NH4I (4.8 Å) ture reaction only until C–Br bonds were exhausted as the higher reac-
compared to KI (6.7 Å) possibly resulted in less blockage of porous tivity of C–Br bonds. It was also noteworthy that the excessive ratio of
structure and easier access of Hg to active sites [117]. On the other hand, biochar/BFR plastic to 1:2 was adverse to Hg0 removal, as the pore
the amino groups adsorbed onto the biochar would further react with structure of biochar was deteriorated caused by the aggregation of
halide ion to form the C–NH2-halogen groups (Equation (35)) [123, melted plastic residues.
129], which was also beneficial to form more chemisorption sites than The introduction of sulfur-containing functional groups can also
potassium halide. Shen et al. [123] compared three types of Cl effectively promote the Hg removal performance of biochar. The rice
impregnation and found that Hg adsorption efficiency by biocharNH4Cl husk was physically mixed with elemental sulfur and carbonized to
was much better than those by biocharHCl and biocharZnCl2. The superior generate biochar [116]. The sulfur can dope into the biochar via
performance of NH4Cl to ZnCl2 was also attributed to the monolayer surface deposition or volume pore filling, and reduced both
above-mentioned finer size of NH4Cl and the presence of amino groups. the pore volume and surface area, especially for the low carbonization
Meanwhile, the hydrogen bonding and hydroxyl caused by HCl
temperature of 300 ◦C, at which the lacking microporous structure was
impregnation had positive impacts on the adsorption of Hg0, causing a
entirely blocked by the overloaded sulfur molecules, thus dramatically
better capacity than biocharZnCl2 which had a poor pore structure. Yet,
reducing the adsorption capacity of Hg. At the higher carbonization
the biocharZnCl2 still presented higher Hg adsorption capacity than
temperature, there are abundant micropores to adsorb the sulfur mole-
biocharH2O2 [37], which was attributed to the chloride surface com-
cules, forming the organic sulfur such as sulfone and sulfoxide. The
plexes as possible Hg0 active sites although blockage of some inner pores
doped sulfur, including the retained elemental sulfur and formed
happened. Cl would interact with carbon in biochar to generate lots of
[Cl–C–Cl]2- groups onto the biochar (Equation (36)), these groups can organic sulfur, can play as new adsorption sites for the removal of Hg0
provide more active sites to promote chemisorption of Hg0. mainly via chemisorption to generate S–Hg–S and S–Hg–O bonds,
The non-thermal plasma is able to promote the porosity and boost resulting in a removal performance of 344.3 μg/g at 150 ◦C (Table S3).
the active functional groups onto the biochar, therefore was considered Zhang et al. [132] carried out a H2S plasma modification, the amount of
to activate biochar for Hg0 removal [45]. The energetic electrons and sulfur-containing groups (C–S) and carboxyl groups on biochar
active free radicals formed in the 1% Cl2 plasma system led to a porous increased, which mainly formed HgS and HgO to retain the Hg removal
surface properties of biochar [45,131]. The chlorine molecules collided efficiency of 95.5% at 30 ◦C shown in Table S3 (Equation (39)). Li et al.
rolysis which could
[60] presented that work as chemisorption
the waste tire generatedsites and (ZnS)
sulfide oxidizeduring
Hg0 into
with active electrons to generate Cl active radicals (Cl*), and then
stable HgS on biochartire, however, the further process of microwave
contacted on the biochar surface to produce more C–Cl groups (Equa-
tions (5) and (37)), which promoted chemisorption and enhance the Hg0 activation or chemical modification of NH4Cl to the biochar possibly
capture efficiency from 8.2% to 84.2%, up to 583.0 μg/g for tobacco removed or covered inherent sulfide active sites, unfavorably inhabited
biochar (Table S3) [45]. HCl non-thermal plasma was also utilized to the Hg capture of biochartire. Furthermore, the pyrolysis of medical
bring in Cl active sites [63], the active free radicals produced by the residue generated sulfate, which is not useful to the adsorption of Hg.
discharge cycle bombarded and reacted with the surface of biochar, Sulfurized biochar from co-pyrolysis of scrap tire and wood was pre-
leading to the collapsed pore walls and blocked pore entrance, mean- pared as economical sorbents [107]. The occurrence forms of sulfur in
while, HCl plasma modification promoted Cl-containing active sites the biochar were organic sulfur (aliphatic sulfur, sulfoxide), sulfide,
successfully onto the biochar and significantly performed four times elemental sulfur and sulfate. The biochar with the largest amounts of
higher Hg removal capacity than HCl modification [63]. The Cl active elemental sulfur and organic sulfur showed the optimal Hg0 capture
sites could react with Hg0 heterogeneously via electron-transfer process capacity, strengthened by the higher ratio of tire and higher pyrolysis
and generated Hg2Cl2 compounds (Equation (38)). Cl appears to react temperature. Both of the organic sulfur and elemental sulfur act as active
preferentially with Hg than O and S, as the introduction of HCl plasma sites for the removal of Hg0 and then are transformed into HgS (Equa-
inhibited the production of HgO and HgS. tions (39)–(41)) [133], as shown in Fig. 5. From DFT calculations, Liu
C. Wen et al.

Fig. 6. The typical configuration of Hg0 adsorption on biochar using DFT model, including (a) model of biochar, (b) chlorinated Cl-biochar model, (c) C––O/


et al. and (d) found
[134] C––O/Cl-biochar model. Reprinted
that the adsorption energyfrom
of Ref. [65] with
S-doped permission
carbon for of Elsevier.
performance of tobacco biochar with high ash content. Some metal el-
mercury was 51.76 kJ/mol, the value belongs to chemisorption and ements, such as Fe, Cu, Mn, Ce, and Zr, were purposely loaded into
implies that the doping of sulfur enhanced the electron transfer from Hg0 biochar for improving the Hg removal capacity of biochar.
to the sulfur atom that bonded in carbon (Equation (39)). Biochar was prepared as Fe-based or Fe–Ce based composite with
doped metals of Co, Mn or Cu by the sol-gel and the coprecipitation
methods [55]. The pore structure of biochar was apparently promoted
Hg0(ad) + C X (ad) →C Hg X (ad) (X= Cl, Br, I) by the low contents of metal oxides while
(34)higher contents (~2–3 wt%)
the agglomerate
case and block
for NOx removal part ofinpores
mentioned [43,55],
Section which2 was
3.2.2. CeO is similar as
(35) and could achieve a synergistic
to have strong oxygen storage capacity
effect with other doped oxides, making the distribution of CeO2 on
2X + C→[X 2ClC* X]2
Cl2 (g)̅̅̅̅→ (36) especially with Cu or Mn and reducing
biochar surface more dispersedly
Plasma the crystallinity of the active component CeO2, which reflected high
oxidizability generating more oxygen vacancies on the biochar support.
However, too higher loading amount of Ce would agglomerate and
crystallize the active metals, also limiting the improvement in the Hg
2Hg0(ad) + 2C X→Hg2X2 (ad)
metal ion follows the sequence: Cu2+<
removal. As the oxidizability of(38)
Co3+<Fe3+<Mn4+<Ce4+, the loss of oxygen from the Cu or Co oxides
Hg0(ad) + C S→HgS(ad) + C could be replenished by the lattice oxygen in Fe2O3, while the lattice

SO2 + S2 →S0 + O2

Hg0(ad) + S0→HgS(ad)
(41) oxygen in CeO2 is able to supplement the lost oxygen in Fe2O3 and MnO2 Metal modification. The mineral components as a medium during the bimetal redox reactions (Equations (15) and (16)). The
consumption of lattice oxygen promoted the introduction and con-
Hg capture or as a catalyst in the adsorption process also need to be
struction of oxygen vacancies, the Hg0 adsorbed onto the biochar can be
considered. Fuente-Cuesta et al. [101] mixed the fly ash and biochar
oxidized by both the lattice oxygen and chemisorbed oxygen replen-
find that the Hg retention capacity of biochar was not apparently
ished by the gaseous O2 to produce HgO (Equation (31)), and then the
influenced by the fly ash particles presented in simulated flue gas, but
reduced metals were re-oxidized by other metal oxides. The existence of
the heterogeneous oxidation was promoted obviously. Wang et al. [45
chemisorbed oxygen and its mobility and reactivity are related to the
reported that the minerals in the ash, such as Ca and Fe, can act
vacancies, charge imbalance and chemical bonds formed by the metal
catalysts to improve the oxidation of Hg0 to form HgO, helping the good
oxides [96]. This Hg0 removal mechanisms indicating that the adsorbed
Hg combines with the chemisorb oxygen or the lattice oxygen were
C. Wen et al.

described as the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) mechanism and the Cu. The superior performance of biocharCu/Zr of 98.87% at 120 ◦C shown
Mars-Maessen mechanism, respectively [23,135]. in Table S3 might be attributed to the low crystallinity, strong redox
The calcination temperature significantly affected the formation of ability of Cu and good porous properties. Li et al. [137] studied a
metal oxide components and crystalline phases onto the biochar. During Co-enriched biochar for sufficiently and properly utilizing the Siberian
the preparation of biocharFe/Cu, Cu2O with low catalytic oxidation ac- Iris. The cobalt species in the biochar existing mainly as cobalt oxides
tivity or Fe3C with reduced active components was formed at 300 ◦C and were non-crystal and highly dispersed, which was benefit to the
700 ◦C, respectively, 500 ◦C was thus the optimal calcination tempera- Co3+/Co2+ redox cycle and could produce active oxygen species with
ture to exhibit a high Hg0 removal efficiency of biocharFe/Cu [43]. The the assistance of gaseous O2 to receive the Hg removal efficiency of
Cu/Fe oxides with Cu molar ratio of 0.3 showed a good dispersion and a 70.5% at 150 ◦C. Liu et al. [138] tried the eutectic salt (K2CO3+Li2CO3)
strong interaction, producing more active sites and thus receiving the synthesis and CuS-doping to produce biochar from rice straw, its
Hg0 removal of 90.58% at 130 ◦C (Table S3). The excessive loading maximum accumulative mercury adsorption capacity were 838 μg/g
value of Cu/Fe oxides, e.g., 15 wt%, would lead to the blockage of the over 600 min at 100 ◦C. Cu2+ and S2 both acted as the adsorption sites
partial pore structure and reduce the physisorption performance of Hg, and the Mars-Maessen mechanism was identified: Cu2+ ions oxidize the
further inhibited the oxidation or chemisorption process and was not Hgad0 into Hgad2+ species and then react with S2 to form HgS, accompa-
conducive to Hg0 removal any more. Shan et al. [108] showed that as the nied by the formation of Cu + species from Cu2+.
loading amount of Mn/Fe bimetal oxides increased from 1% to 7%, the For better separating the spent halogen-modified biochars from fly
surface area and pore volume of biocharMn/Fe increased first and then ash, one-step pyrolysis of sawdust and FeCl3 was carried out by Yang
decreased, with the maximum value at 4% loading. The well dispersed et al. [106] and one-step pyrolysis of PVC and Fe(NO3)3-laden wood was
active ingredients of Mn and Fe were largely consumed to receive a Hg0 carried out by Xu et al. [64] and Fe(NO3)3 with waste tea by Altaf et al.
removal capacity of 531.9 μg/g at 120 ◦C (Table S3), accompanied by [119] to synthesize the biocharFe/Cl. The catalysis of Fe promoted the
the considerable proportion of Mn4+ converted into Mn3+ and Mn2+ and release of volatile matters during co-pyrolysis, and then developed the
some Fe3+ reduced to Fe2+. Therefore, the adsorbed Hg0 was oxidized porous texture and enhance the specific surface area [64,119]. The
into HgO or Hg2+ by chemisorbed oxygen, Fe3+ and Mn4+ (Equations biocharFe/Cl presented much higher Hg0 removal capacity compared
(31), (42)–(44)). The mechanochemical process of ball-milling was with the biocharCl over a wide range of adsorption temperature up to
applied to synthesize the composites of metal oxides and biochar, the 250 ◦C, as the chemisorption/oxidation of Hg0 played the more impor-
metal composites of Fe and Mn was reported to effectively increase the tant roles to attain a removal capacity of 953 μg/g at 120 ◦C (Table S3)
oxygenic functional groups on biochar as it alleviated undesired func- [106]. On one hand, the C–Cl group was generated after Fe activation
tional groups blockage by free metal ions which often found during with PVC [64] and more oxygenic functional groups especially the C––O
conventional wet impregnation, therefore, it is a more favorable method group were produced with the activation of FeCl3. On the other hand,
than wet impregnation to receive the Hg0 removal of ~92% at 150 ◦C Fe3O4 should also be helpful to the removal of Hg0, Fe3+(t) coordination
[11]. The FeCl3 modified biochar was doped with Cu or Mn by Zhao in Fe3O4 could work as the active sites for the adsorption and oxidation
et al. [136]. The biocharFe/Cu had the stronger Hg adsorption capacity of Hg0, leading to the production of iron amalgamation, Fe3+ converted
than biocharFe/Mn due to Fe2O3 and CuO presented a synergistic effect. into Fe2+ (Equation (45)) and lattice oxygen which assisted the
C––O and –COOH, chemisorbed oxygen, lattice oxygen, metal oxides adsorption of Hg0 to form HgO [64,106]. Yang et al. [106] found that
and ions, and Cl ions were all effective active sites for the adsorption of the role of Cl in the removal of Hg0 was not apparent due to the Cl in
Hg0 assisted by heterogeneous oxidation. A part of Hg0 complexed with biocharFe/Cl existed as FeCl2 rather than the effective FeCl3. The Hg0
C––O and –COOH to generate Hg-OM and -COOHg (Equations (32) and removal efficiencies were apparently promoted with the increase of Fe
(33)), the other part adsorbed on the vacancies of metal cations would loading ratio, however, the excessive Fe loading may inhibit the
combine with the lattice oxygen in metal oxides to generate HgO. The dispersion of Fe3O4 and result in the reduction of pore volume and
high-valent Mn ions from KMnO4 were observed to compete with Fe2O3 physisorption of Hg0, therefore, was not beneficial to the Hg0 removal
to adsorb and oxidize Hg0, failing to present a synergy between Mn and [64,106,119].
Fe in this case, due to little cation vacancies and unsaturated chemical The DFT method can reveal the molecular structure and the mech-
bonds capable of the redox reaction were formed [136]. anism of Hg adsorption on the metal-modified carbon materials more
CeO2 promoted the regeneration of the active ingredient MnO2 due clearly. Li et al. [139] revealed that the presence of oxygen in the carbon
to the redox cycle occurred to produce new oxygen vacancies, the bio- skeleton can tune the electrons of small-sized Mn clusters, enhancing the
char with the Mn/Ce molar ratio of 2:1 presented the Hg capture ca- affinity of mercury atoms and lowering the free energy of mercury
pacity of 83.6% at 150 ◦C (Table S3) [54]. However, excessive Mn would adsorption. Zhang et al. [140] found that the mercury adsorption
result in the decrease in redox activity and a noticeable decline of sur- strength of metal-modified carbon materials was in the order of Ni > Cu
face area, would further leading to the reduction of active adsorption > Zn, by comparing the adsorption energy, adsorption distance, and
and oxidation sites, and thereby inhibited the removal of Hg. Zeng et al. various electronic properties. Qin et al. [141] studied the adsorption
[118] studied the biocharMn/Zr and found that the doping of ZrO2 did not reaction of Hg0 on iron-based modified biochar at different chemisorp-
participate in the capture process of Hg0 directly, but could help to tion sites (oxygen vacancy with electrons) and oxidation sites (mainly
improve the dispersity of MnOx and inhibit the pores blockage raised by
Fe3+, lattice oxygen and chemisorbed oxygen), and found the coupling
NH4I modification, thereby could benefit the formation of high
between them formed Hg–O–Fe-Ox-1 and the complex Hg-OM. In gen-
oxidation-state Mn. The Hg0 adsorption capacity of biocharMn/Zr after
eral, the metal functionalization on biochar for adsorption, catalysis,
1440 min was up to 5587.0 μg/g at 150 ◦C and the Hg0 oxidation ratio
and reaction of Hg can be observed in Fig. 4.
was higher than 30% after reaching adsorption equilibrium. The Mars-Maessen mechanism:
chemisorption sites of C–I groups dominated the removal of Hg0 at the
initial reaction stage. As reaction progressed, chemisorption was 2Mn4+ + Hg0(ad) →2Mn3+ + Hg2+( ad) (42)
weakened owing to the gradual depletion of adsorption sites, never-
theless catalytic oxidation affected by hydroxyl oxygen and lattice ox- Mn4+ + Hg0(ad) →Mn2+ + Hg2(ad+) (43)
ygen substituted chemisorption and dominated the capture of Hg0 at the
latter reaction step. O2 in the combustion flue gas replenished the hy- 2Fe3+ + Hg0(ad) → 2Fe2+ + Hg2(ad+) (44)
droxyl oxygen and lattice oxygen to maintain the continuous oxidation
Fe3O4 → 3FeO + [O] (45)
process. Tang et al. [128] also found that ZrO2 did not take part in Hg0
oxidation directly and rendered the well dispersed active components of
C. Wen et al.

optimum temperature of 200 ◦C in the range of 50–350 ◦C [136]. Zhao

3.3.4. Adsorption conditions et al. [136] observed that at 50 ◦C, the pore texture of biochar was not Temperature. A lot of research studied the Hg0 removal ca- destroyed obviously and only the adsorbed mercury species blocked
pacity of biochar under the similar temperature range as upstream of the some narrow pores. At the higher temperature of 200 ◦C, abundant
dust removal device between 80 ◦C and 200 ◦C and observed the in- mercury species were adsorbed meanwhile the thinner pore wall of
fluence of adsorption reaction temperature in the Hg0 removal [44,65, biochar was destroyed to cause blockage of the micropores and deple-
85,87]. The biocharH2O2 had poor ability of 83.42% at 80 ◦C and the tion of the physisorption region. At the highest 350 ◦C, the loaded active
better performance of 90.86% at 120 ◦C [44], while the Hg0 uptakes metals onto the biochar were melted and fell, resulting in the depletion
decreased at higher temperature than 140 ◦C. The similar work on of active centers and worse adsorption capacity of Hg. Furthermore, it
biocharH2O2 showed the best removal of 78.99% at 130 ◦C between 70 appears that as the reaction temperature raised till to 350 ◦C, the
◦C and 160 ◦C (Table S3) [85]. The Hg0 removal performance from hi- oxidation capacity was improved due to the reactants could gain more
erarchically biochar by CaCO3 template also had the optimum temper- kinetic energy, accelerating the oxidation reaction of Hg0 [106,118,
ature of 120 ◦C between 80 ◦C and 160 ◦C [65]. The physisorption is an 119]. However, the reaction temperature higher than 200 ◦C might
exothermal process, along with the rising temperature, the molecular reduce the physisorption, as well as HgO and HgCl2 may undergo
kinetic energy and the vibration increase, enhancing the amount of decomposition and desorption caused by the catalysis of metal species
activated molecules and the collision probability of each other, and [136], which would suppress the Hg0 adsorption capacity at high
leading to more valid active sites capable of enhancing chemical reac- temperature.
tion for Hg0 removal. However, excessive temperature could result in Flue gas. As the combustion flue gas is cooled gradually, ho-
the weaken of adsorption power, the suppression of physisorption pro-
mogenous reactions between Hg and other gas components and het-
cess and even re-release of Hg0 on the surface of biochar [13], which
erogeneous interactions of Hg with fly ash particles and biochar
might inhibit the efficiency of Hg removal.
adsorbents may happen, the interactions of biochar with the gases via
When the reaction temperature enhanced form 80 ◦C–160 ◦C, the Hg adsorption and homogenous/heterogeneous oxidation affect the mer-
capture efficiencies increased from 81.16% to 93.96% for biocharNH4Br cury speciation and retention. Therefore, the impacts of combustion
[103] and from 73.4% to 95.7% for biocharKI (Table S3) [126]. Mass atmospheres such as flue gas components (SO2, NOx, HCl) and fly ash
transfer was the main controlling factor on Hg0 adsorption at 80 ◦C, particles on homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions and on Hg
while the reaction at higher temperature was mainly controlled by the removal efficiency of biochar should be assessed. The Hg0 removal ef-
chemisorption based on the kinetic simulation. The biocharMn/Zr loaded ficiency of biochar was generally higher in simulated coal-fired flue gas
with NH4I also presented an increased capacity from 50 ◦C to 250 ◦C than in N2 atmosphere [101]. This might be relevant to acidic gases, e.g.,
[118]. They reported that the enhancement of Hg0 removal for halogen low concentration of SO2, NO, and HCl, promoting the oxidation of Hg0
activated biochar may be relevant to the elevation of the chemical re- [105,109].
action between the increased chemically active sites and Hg0 [103,117, An unusual result of SO2 on Hg0 removal was observed, i.e., low
126]. Li et al. [61] observed that the highest Hg0 removal efficiency of concentration of SO2 facilitated the removal of Hg0 apparently whereas
biocharNH4Cl from municipal waste reached 97.3% at 80 ◦C and high concentration of SO2 (>~700 ppm) inhibited Hg0 capture [127].
decreased to 50.7% at 180 ◦C. They also found the biocharNH4Cl from As discussed in Section 3.1, part of SO2 adsorbed on biochar is oxidized
medicinal residues had a best Hg0 removal efficiency of 95% at 50 ◦C but into SO3 and then reacted with H2O to form H2SO4, both the SO3 and
only 62% at 180 ◦C [127]. They explained the chemisorption caused by H2SO4 can react with Hg0 to generate HgSO4 in the oxygen containing
Hg reaction with chloride functional groups displayed exothermic atmosphere (Equations (46) and (47)), thus enhancing the Hg0 retention
behavior indicated by the negative enthalpy change, higher temperature and removal efficiency [54,109]. However, when the SO2 concentration
thus inhibited chemisorption and Hg would be desorbed. The bromi- increased, the competition adsorption of the SO2 and Hg0 happened [85,
nated biochar, the biochar from co-pyrolysis of wood and PVC and the 103,128] and the excessive SO2 was more competitive than Hg0 in the
biochar from one-step co-pyrolysis of S-containing scrap tire and wood adsorption onto the biochar as its much higher concentration in flue gas
all showed the optimum temperature of 140 ◦C between 25 ◦C and 220 [126]. The existence of SO2 led to the conversion of active Co3+ to Co2+,
◦C [105,107,112]. The phenomena were attributed to the
which bonded with SO42 and thus decomposed difficultly at adsorption
above-mentioned reasons [105]: reactants could acquire more kinetic
temperatures (Equation (48)). As a result, SO2 would not only compete
energy at high temperature, but too high temperature would restrict the
with Hg0 for the lattice oxygen to form sulfate species but also react with
Hg0 physisorption and cause Hg0 desorption which was confirmed by
some metal oxides (such as Mn, Ce) onto the biochar to generate ther-
Hg-TPD analysis. Zhang et al. [132] found that the amount of
mally stable metal sulfates (Equations (49) and (50)) [54,112], both
sulfur-containing groups (C–S) and carboxyl groups formed by the H2S
covering the active sites, causing the deactivation and poisoning of
plasma modification helped to retain Hg at 30 ◦C, however, the C–S
biochar, and destructing the Hg0 removal [43,108]. The experiment
bonds were easily broken to release the active S and form the sulfate at
from Li et al. [137] emphasized that the metal sulfates poisoning was the
high adsorption temperature of 150 ◦C, which was likely to block the
predominant reason compared with the competitive adsorption between
pore structures of biochar and further inhibited the adsorption of Hg. As
Hg0 and SO2. The occurrence of Fe could promote the sulfur poisoning
a result, the Hg removal efficiency of wheat straw biochar decreased
resistance of biochar in 1200 ppm SO2, likely owing to the chemical
apparently from 95.5% at 30 ◦C to 60.8% at 150 ◦C (Table S3).
reaction of iron oxides and SO2 [64], the biochar generated from
Biochar loaded with FeCl3 presented excellent Hg0 removal perfor-
co-pyrolysis of S-containing scrap tire and wood also presented an
mance of ~95% at 120–180 ◦C, and biochar loaded with Fe(NO3)3 excellent poisoning resistance in 1200 ppm SO2 [107], as SO2 adsorbed
presented a significant Hg0 removal of 94.81% at 180 ◦C between 30 ◦C onto the biochar should react with sulfide to produce elemental sulfur
and 300 ◦C [119], while biochar loaded with Fe(NO3)3 and PVC pre- which still provides active sites for Hg0 capture.
sented the optimum Hg0 removal performance of ~80% at 140 ◦C be- The existence of O2 and NO generally improved Hg0 removal. The
tween 25 ◦C and 220 ◦C [64]. The biocharMn/Fe presented the optimum promoted Hg adsorption by O2 should be attributed to the oxidized
Hg0 removal performance at 120 ◦C between 80 ◦C and 140 ◦C [108], mercury which can be readily adsorbed compared to the gaseous mer-
the biocharMn/Ce presented the optimum Hg0 removal performance at
cury. However, the further increase of O2 concentration to about 10%
150 ◦C between 130 ◦C and 170 ◦C [54], the biocharCu/Zr loaded with
had little impact on Hg0 removal performance [107]. More importantly,
NH4Cl presented the optimum Hg0 removal performance of 98.87% at
the gas phase O2 could replenish the chemisorbed oxygen and
120 ◦C between 30 ◦C and 270 ◦C [128], and the biocharFe/Cu had
C. Wen et al.

reestablish the lattice oxygen of metal oxides effectively on metalwhich easily caused the deactivation of biochar, thereby further
functionalized biochar [126], increased the Hg0 removal efficiency inhibited the removal of Hg0 [43]. Besides, the promoted Hg removal
facilitating electron transfer and Hg0 oxidation [43,54,85,103,104,108efficiency by SO2 or NO was reported to be restrained by the addition of
112]. For biocharNH4Cl loaded with Cu and Zr, the removal efficiency 3% H2O [127].
advanced little when the O2 content enhanced from 3% to 12% at 120 ◦ A very small number of 15 ppm SO3 was reported to lead to a
and enhanced slightly at 240 ◦C [128]. The removal of Hg0 was mainlyrestricted Hg0 removal effect over biochar [142]. SO3 presented stronger
determined by adsorption at low temperature of 120 ◦C, and 3% O2 was affinity with biochar than Hg0, strengthening the competitive adsorp-
sufficient to the slight catalytic oxidation. Whereas, catalytic oxidation tion between Hg0 and SO3. Furthermore, the metal sulfates were
turned to important at high temperature of 240 ◦C [128] and high generated to seal up the active sites especially in the presence of H2O.
content introduction of metal oxides [118], much contents of latticeThe deposition of H2SO4 and HgSO4 on the biochar further suppressed
oxygen formed in the metal redox reactions can be replenished by the the Hg0 removal. Whereas, as the concentration of SO3 enhanced to 200
high concentration of O2, thus facilitating the oxidation and removal ppm, the oxidation performance of Hg0 enhanced, owing to SO3 assisted
Hg0. the formation of C––O groups and had no obvious damage on the C–Cl
As discussed in Section 3.2, the biochar could be a catalyst for thegroups, both of which played as effective active sites for the removal of
oxidation of NO with chemically adsorbed oxygen to produce new activeHg0 [142].
components such as NO+ and NO2 in the presence of O2. Although NH3 was reported to negatively affect Hg0 removal [98], it presented
gaseous NO is difficult to react with Hg0 homogeneously, the NO2 hasprohibitive influence in adsorption and oxidation of Hg0 for bio-
higher reactivity for the adsorbed Hg0 [43,103,127,137]. The producedcharCu/Zr, which was mainly ascribed to, on one hand, the competitive
NO2 reacted with Hg0 to form Hg(NO3)2 on the biochar (Equations (51) adsorption between NH3 and Hg0, on the other hand, NH3 generated
and (52)) [64,107,109], meanwhile the produced NO2 could also reactadsorbed species such as NH4+ and NH3 that occupied the active sites and
with Hg0 to generate HgO (Equations (53) and (54)) [54,108,127,137 consumed surface active oxygen, which limited to the oxidation of Hg0
helping with the oxidation removal of Hg0. The presence of O2 [128]. However, the adsorbed NH3 promoted the Hg removal process of
necessary as the active N-containing species derived from the reaction Cl plasma modified biochar [131]. NH3 turned Cl to active Cl * which
limited active oxygen and NO should be gradually exhausted by Hg0 assembled with C to generate C–Cl group. As both NH3 and NO existed in
O2 was cut off [137]. However, excessive NO (~400–800 ppm [126 flue gas, the Hg removal capacity was lower than the case that the two
was also reported to cover the active sites and consume surface oxygensgases presented alone, owing to NO would be depleted with NH3 to
on biochar, suppressing the adsorption performance of Hg0. Li et generate N2 and H2O (Equation (14)). When the NH3 and SO2 were
[127] reported that 100 ppm SO2 had a greater influence in Hg0 captureco-existed, SO2 inhibited Hg removal through competitive adsorption,
than 100 ppm NO. In the co-presence of SO2 and NO, SO2 consumedthe formed sulfates and sulfites were more likely to block the biochar
active oxygen and generated sulfates, leading to irreversible damage pores and occupied the active site (Equation (59)), thus deteriorating the
active sites on the biochar, therefore, the activation of NO and theefficiency of Hg removal [131].
following reaction between Hg0 and NO2 were hampered by SO Under oxyfuel (O2/CO2) combustion atmosphere, on one hand, the
limiting the Hg0 removal performance. It can be observed that no ho-amount of chemisorbed oxygen on biochar was decreased as the high
mogeneous oxidation reactions between gaseous Hg0 and individual gas
concentration of CO2, hence inhibiting the production of HgO on bio-
component of NO, O2, or SO2 occurred [101]. The SO2 together with
char in comparison to air atmosphere. On the other hand, the abundant
as well as NO2 with or without O2 were the major gas combination types
CO2 at oxyfuel combustion atmosphere caused the formation of much
in charge of the homogeneous oxidation of gaseous Hg0 [101].
C––O groups, which accelerate the electron transfer to generate Hg-OM
Although it is difficult for gaseous HCl to homogeneous react with
(Equation (32)). In oxyfuel combustion condition, the heterogeneous
Hg0 owing to the high energy barrier [101,137], HCl had positive
oxidation of Hg by biochar was noticeably promoted [143]. Besides, the
fluences in Hg0 removal, even low HCl concentration of 20–30 ppm
Fe3+(t) coordination also performed as Hg active site in oxyfuel atmo-
could substantially enhance the Hg0 removal performance [107,137
sphere. The 8% H2O apparently inhibited the Hg removal by biochar,
The decomposition of adsorbed HCl produced active species Cl* which
owing to the water occupied active sites helpful to the adsorption of Hg.
was aided by the active O* that was supplemented by O2 [64,137], the 1
O2 →H2SO4 (ad) + H2O
reaction path between gas-phase (or weakly bonded) Hg0 and adsorbed H2SO4 (ad) + Hg0(ad) + 2 (46)
HCl via E-R mechanism might dominantly form HgCl2 (Equations (55)
and (56)). As the reaction temperature raised from 150 ◦C to 250 ◦C, the 1
chemical reaction between Hg0 and Cl* was promoted, therefore facil-Hg0 + SO3 + 2
O2→HgSO4 (47)
itating the capture of Hg0 [137]. SO2 somewhat inhibited the active
influence of HCl in the removal of Hg0 as the formation of metal sulfateCoO + O*+ SO2 →Co2+ SO2 4
which hinds the chlorine species [137].
At the relative low H2O concentration, the decomposition of water2MnO2 + 3SO2 + O2→Mn2(SO4)3
molecules onto the biochar produces the OH radicals, which could
enhance the electron transfer processes and effectively oxidize Hg0 2CeO2 + 3SO2 + O2→Ce2(SO4)3 (50)
form HgO (Equations (57) and (58)), thereby promoting the Hg removal
[54,103]. The interactions between H2O and C–O complexes may alsoHg0 + 2NO2 + O2→Hg(NO3)2 (51)
promote the electron transfer processes to enhance the adsorption of Hg
[30]. When the H2O concentration was high (~3–5% [54,109,127]), 4Hg0(g) + 4NO2 (g) + O2 (g) →Hg2(NO3)2 + Hg2(NO2)2 (52)
excessive water vapor may not only cause the competitive adsorption
with Hg0 onto the active sites but also coagulate on the surface of bio-Hg0(ad) + NO2 (ad) →HgO(ad) + NO(ad) (53)
char to form water film which separates active sites from Hg0, both
which prevented the efficient contact between Hg0 and biochar, andHg0(ad) + NO2 (g) →HgO(ad) + NO(g) (54)
thereby suppressed Hg0 removal [64,85,108,126,128]. The positive Eley-Rideal mechanism:
fect of the formed oxygenic functional groups might partially counteract
the negative role of H2O competitive adsorption, leading to only a mild O*+ 2HCl(ad) → 2Cl*(ad) + H2O (55)
reduction in the removal capacity of Hg0 [30]. The water vapor can also
combine with the Cu–Fe mixed oxides and SO3 to generate sulfates,
C. Wen et al.

Hg0 + 2Cl*(ad)→HgCl2 (56) 3.4.2. Activation conditions of biochar

Many efforts have been carried out to increase the CO2 adsorption
H2O→OH + H (57) capacity of biochar through treatments of physical modification with
carbon dioxide activation [26,39,150,156,159–161], air activation
OH + Hg0 →HgO + H (58) [147], steam activation [36,162–164], H2O2 activation [165], and
on chemical activation treatments with KOH [48,145,148,149,165–169],
NH3 (ad) + H2SO4 (ad)→NH4HSO4 (ad) (59)
s 20–30
3.4. Adsorption performance of CO2 wt% aq
ueous M
globalEA and
mospheleads to
ric an 80%
n of crease i
has n the
n sharpl
y fromy cost
a preind
for pow
ustrialer plant
alue s [1].
280 , the
mv adsorpti
on tech
ately nique u
9 ppmvsing soli
d sorbe
nts capa
. To ble of c
s issue,
y from fl
s for ue gas
e- streams
post- is a pro
mising o
on ption [2
ure 1]. Table
CO S4 of
e their
the Sup
e advan
ary Mat
tageserials su
nd mmarize
s the pr
The eparatio
- n condit
ions of
ion biochar,
ure and the
CO typical a
to n conditi
ated ons and
on m adsor
cle performa
C) nce of
s, while
CO2 by
the biochars.
combusti]. By
Huang e
s of t al. [15
char 5] prese
nted that
◦C was t
t conditi
he optim
ons al temp
for for pyrol
aring ysis bet
ocharween 25
- 0 ◦C an
fluenced 600
he ◦C. Gen
rptionerally, hi
apacitygh temp
of erature
the resulted
pertiesin struc
f the tural ev
biomasstion and
the creation
mal of bioch
cessingar to de
measurevelop th
s (pyroly
e surfac
sis, e area
n [ micro-
44– porosity
147 [153]. T
TC he simil
148 ar size
152 of micro
he pores a
essing s CO2
gas (with ki
rate, netic di
rate, of 0.33
holdingnm) vari
ime, es from
so 0.4 to 0.
9 nm an
the d is thus
re geous t
d upo CO2 a
600 dsorptio
◦C, n [156].
CO Howeve
r, as th
on e tempe
cities rature
were d, the m
dely ore dras
ortedtic reacti
be ons acc
ved elerated
the gas
y [153 diffusion
rate, cause p
whichore dest
no ruction
r desira
and dec
ble rease th
e adsor
ng ption ca
porespacity d
56]. ue to th
e physis
microwaorption c
ve apacity
ysis of CO2 w
capableas greatl
of y releva
ng nt to the
biochar BET sp
with ecific sur
savedface are
a of bio
on char.
st, The HT
and C pretre
gy atment
of biom
to ass is s
en- ometime
tionals import
ant as
Huang oxygen
et function
55] alities o
rted f biocha
t ther decre
aximum ased si
CO gnificant
ly comp
on ared wit
unt h con-
l pyroly
by sis treat
ment, bi
l pyroly
ochar t
sis hus refl
550 ects the
was hydrop
s than hobic
hat propertie
microwas makin
ve g them
ysis favorabl
~321 e as an
, whichadsorben
t for the
d the hydroph
ecific and non
face -polar C
a betweO2 [21,
en 48]. The
04 s assist
The ed by a
her typical t
er ernary
and carbona
te molt
en based
(K nanofib
3– ers (~5
Na2 79 nm)
– through
[158], it
s adsor
ption ca
eres pacity o
ir or f pure
gen CO2 at
used 20 ◦C
the 426 mg/
us g becau
se of a
cal high surf
har ace area
7]. and por
r had
O2 adsor
2 mg/g,
a and

d the
s used
n the
H3POthat high
50], er tempe
O4+ rature wa
[170 s favorab
CO le to the
39, productio
ZnCl n of mic
some m
n of icropores
char might b
h COe coa-
t differen
lesced to
t burn-form mes
off opores or
es macropor
studiedes at hig
y Plazaher temp
t al. erature a
160 nd then
CO weakene
rptiond the ads
pacityorption c
hanced apacity o
as f CO2. Gonz
asingalez ´ et
e burn-al. [156]
off studied
from the effec
% t of holdi
% ng time
(0.5–8 h)
at during C
O2 activa
rate tion, the
0%, y found
led that at t
e narrow
oo long
s widen.
time of
Zhang6 h, the
et al. walls of a
3] report
ed micropor
mpacts es
f COcollapsed
ivationto produc
e wider p
e on ores, cau
sing a de
CO creased
orptionCO2 upta
ke at 25
hey ◦C. Rashi
d thedi et al. [
26] desig
uptake ned the
f biochar
nts and
500 that the
to 800 processin
C and g temper
ature ha
d the mo
after st import
◦C. ant effect
s on CO2
ting gas
was repo
n rted to
ity achieve
iochara similar
s effects w
d ith the
CO2 or
mentsteam a
micro-at lower
by n temper
ss atures [1
sors, 44]. Acti
ding vation by
, gas5% O2 at
w 500 ◦C re
rate, sulted in
cle biochar
and with com
ng parable
steame volume
as air acti
vation at
the same
a narrow
ure, mea
of nwhile t
0.3 he incre
nm ase in a
ure from
n with500 ◦C t
gh o 650 ◦C
on the mean
ity [ micropor
e size a
the nd impro
r proporti
ved the
on micropor
O, a e volume
, presenti
ng the n
l group,
was range of
rted 0.3–0.4 n
rm m which
steam showed
a sufficie
nd nt potent
ial for a
CO2 [14
4]. Only
atic one stud
treated t
he bioch
n withar with
acidicH2O2 for
O2 improvin
The g the C
of O O2 adsor
the ption, mo
re (Table S
4) [151,
167]. A
l groups
mong a
and variety o
owerf prepara
ro- tion con
ditions, t
[165n time, th
e mass ra
tio of KO
H/C and
the activ
d moreation tem
onto may have
of biocha
r althoug
on bioch
h it ars for t
he adsor
d moreption of
oxygenCO2 [14
toms 5,
166]. Bio
acidicchar pro
1,162duced at
he the activ
ation tim
f porosity
e of 1–
in 1.5 h sh
arKOHowed the
higherlargest m
volume a
of nd the o
than ptimum
char adsorptio
and n of CO
har 2 [145,
166]. Se
tudiesvilla et
ve al. [148]
the indicate
sing d that th
uptakee biocha
r biochar
rs attain
ed under
sure milder c
at mimic
the char =2
) showed
the high
nt of micro-
from of
>80% co
flue mposed
up of narrow
–2.0 micropor
ol/g es of <1
5 ◦ nm. The f
0.15 raction of
micro-mass rati
and activ
ation te
ntly mperatur
n e of bioc
har were
degree2 and 70
o 0 ◦C. Th
whiche optimu
omass m
, indicati
n perfor-

. [166

n amount

o from
e maxim
C. Wen et al.

KOH/C ratio of 1:1 and activation temperature of 800 ◦C were also re-
ported to exhibit the maximum CO2 capacity because of its higher pore 3.4.3. Impacts of functionalization
volume and BET surface area, as well as higher basic oxygenic functional
groups and oxidized sulfur content [169]. The acidity of sulfur causes Ammonia/amines. Fig. 3 presents the ammonia and amine
oxygen to be negatively charged, which is conducive to attracting CO2 functionalization on biochar for adsorption and reaction of CO2 together
[169]. Therefore, the optimum KOH/C ratio and activation temperature with SO2. The basic amines are nucleophilic and play as electron-donors
for biochars prepared from different precursors should be carefully due to the occurrence of a lone pair of electrons, allowing them to
selected to create desired narrow micropores of biochars for favorable interact effectively with the acidic CO2, which is weak Lewis acid as
CO2 adsorption [145,166,167], which have strong adsorption potentials electron-acceptor because of the strong electron negativity of oxygen
at atmospheric pressure [148]. Igalavithana et al. [52] indicated that the atoms [56]. The strong pole-pole interactions occur between the polar
activation of KOH plus CO2 could not further increased the sites associated to nitrogen functional groups and the large quadrupole
micro-porosity derived from KOH activation, the further activation with moment of CO2 molecules to form covalent bonding [46]. The ammonia
CO2 even might enlarge the micropores forming mesopores due to the modification of biochar is thus a promising method for promoting the
overreaction of biochar with CO2 [21]. adsorption capacity of CO2 [159,160], it is generally attached with
K2CO3 is chosen to replace the KOH sometimes as it can avoid the biochar through impregnation or grafting [57]. Samanta et al. [1] listed
high temperature corrosion and environmental hazard of KOH effec- the name and structure of widely used amines for sorbents functionali-
tively [38,39]. The micropore volume and surface area generally zation. HNO3+ammonia gas [31], gaseous ammonia [58,159,160,165,
increased with raising the activation temperature (600–800 ◦C), the 173–175], ammonia solution [164], urea [168,176], organic ammoni-
narrow micropores abundant in biochar was the determining factor of its ated chemicals [56,57,152,177] were reported to functionalize the
good CO2 adsorption capacity. The adsorption amount was also reported biochars.
to improve as the increase of K2CO3 loading up to 20% [171], indicating Both the porous texture and nitrogen amount and types affect the
the efficient chemisorption forming KHCO3 as both the pore volume and CO2 adsorption performance of N-doped biochars [165,178]. On one
surface area decreased (Equations (60)–(62)). Heidari et al. [170] pre- hand, the ammonia decomposes at high temperature forming atomic H
pared the biochar activated by H3PO4+KOH and ZnCl2, they found the and NH2 and NH radicals that react with the carbon, the gasification at
lowest impregnation ratio (0.75 g/g) of ZnCl2 into biochar had the 100% high temperature produces the high BET surface area and narrow
micropore structure and the most CO2 adsorption amount, presenting micro-porosity that promotes physisorption of CO2 [174]. On the other
better efficiency than H3PO4 activation, while the adsorption ability of hand, nitrogen can interact with the carbon matrix by reaction between
CO2 increased and then rapidly decreased as increasing of the impreg- surface oxides or active sites in biochar and ammonia to generate
nation ratio of H3PO4 from 1.5 to 2.5 g/g, attributed to the formation of ammonium salts and amine groups and then produce various nitrogen
more mesopores as well as low micro-porosity. functional groups [159]. Zhang et al. [173] elaborately discussed
On the whole, the adsorption of CO2 using biochar is mainly asso- chemical reaction and mechanisms between amine and CO2. On one
ciated with micro-porosity, large surface area, and surface chemical hand, C–OH and C–O–C respectively reacted with ammonia to form
properties. The narrow micropores enhance their filling by the CO2 amines, and then react with CO2 to generate N–COO (Equations (63) and
molecules and thus have stronger adsorption potentials than larger (64)). On the other hand, the formation of pyridine C––N and C––O was
micropores and mesopores [150]. Wei et al. [166] observed that the caused by the dehydration reaction of ammonium carbamate or carba-
pore size of ~0.55 nm contributed dominantly to CO2 adsorption at 1 mic acid, providing more active sites for nitrogen functionalities. The
bar, as it supplies enough spaces for the CO2 molecules with kinetic type of the nitrogen functional groups, e.g., pyridine-like functionalities,
diameter of 0.33 nm to adjust their orientation and accommodate itself apart from their amount, was reported by Shafeeyan et al. [58] to affect
onto the pore wall. Coromina et al. [151] indicated that the energy of the CO2 uptake, meanwhile pyrrolic-N (N-5) should be more favorable
adsorption was optimized when the pore size of biochar was 2–3 times for CO2 adsorption than pyridinic-N and quaternary-N (N-Q) [38,152,
than the size of CO2 molecule, the optimum pore size was thus between 168,178]. Feng et al. [164] adopted quantum chemistry simulation on
0.7 and 0.9 nm for the excellent adsorption of CO2 at 1 bar. Deng et al. the CO2 adsorption by biochar first time, they confirmed the strong in-
[167] reported the linear correlation between the amount of CO2 teractions between pyridine-N and CO2 molecules. Zhang et al. [179]
adsorbed at 25 ◦C and 1 bar and the pore volume in the range 0.33–0.63 revealed the adsorption mechanisms using in-situ DRIFTS to monitor the
nm, as well as the effective adsorption performance of the narrow mi- interfacial reactions between biochar and CO2, they discovered the hy-
cropores of 0.33–0.48 nm at 25 ◦C and 0.15 bar. Evidently, the narrower droxyl, amines, primary amide, secondary amide groups, N––N and
micropore is mainly responsible to CO2 adsorption under the practical aliphatic C–N/C–O were all useful active sites to interact with CO2 at the
flue gas conditions with lower pressure, which will be further discussed adsorption temperature between 30 ◦C and 60 ◦C, while the secondary
in Section 3.4.4. For the physisorption mainly controlled by the narrow amide group showed decreased effects on CO2 adsorption when the
micropores, there is possibly no influence of biomass precursors and temperature raised to 120 ◦C. The ZIF-8 (zeolitic imidazolate frame-
preparation method on the linear correlation between the micropore works) was grafted onto biochar to form nitrogen-enriched modified
volume of biochar and the adsorption amount of CO2 [166]. Besides, biochar [180], the results showed that the in-situ synthesis method
Feng et al. [164] found the mesopores volume and adsorption capacity improved the dispersion of ZIF-8 nanoparticles containing high nitrogen
were also correlated positively, the channel role of mesopores for the content of >10%, and the modified biochar contained more micropores
diffusion and transport of gas molecules into abundant micropores centered at 0.8–1.5 nm and abundant pyrrolic nitrogen. The DFT
appeared to be important to the adsorption performance of CO2 as well. calculation indicated that on one hand, the van der Waals effect mainly
Noteworthy, the high content of aromatic structures in biochar might dependent on the pores ranged from 0.62 to 0.72 nm is decisive in the
increase the van der Waals forces between carbon structure of biochar CO2 adsorption performance, on the other hand, the nitrogen and oxy-
and CO2, which would also improve the physisorption of hydrophobic gen functional groups, especially C–O/C––O and graphitic-N, have an
CO2 [21,163]. apparent synergistic effect on CO2 adsorption [181]. Thermal treating
K2CO3 ↔ K2O + CO2 biochar with ammonia gas at temperature from 400 ◦C to 900 ◦C was
(60) studied, it can be observed that the formation of new micro-porosity of

K2O + H2O→2KOH <1 nm [58] and the nitrogen content in biochar was maximum at 600
◦C [173] or capacity
800 ◦C [59,159,160], respectively,
(61) The to improved CO2
adsorption of biochar. with carbon increased
KOH + CO2→KHCO3 at higher temperature to produce higher BET surface area and narrow
C. Wen et al.

micro-porosity, however, the gasification was too severe above 800 ◦C at likely to interact with CO2 when polar surfaces are in contact. Cotton-
which the narrow micropores were decreased owing to the collapse of wood was treated with metal ions (AlCl3, FeCl3, and MgCl2 hexahydrate)
adjacent pore structures, causing the decreased adsorption of CO2 at and then pyrolyzed to prepare biochar-based composites with metal
high temperature [58,59,177]. oxyhydroxide crystalline nanoparticles. The composites especially the
The important role of nitrogen functionalities in CO2 adsorption was biocharAl had better adsorption uptake of CO2 than the unmodified
demonstrated by the lower textural development but similar adsorption biochar [183]. As the concentration of Al increased, the adsorption of
capacity of biocharNH3 compared with biocharCO2 [159]. Zhang et al. CO2 of biocharAl increased as well, mainly contributed by the process of
[173] prepared the CO2-ammonia modification biochars from 500 ◦C to surface adsorption. In this work, the Mg(OH)2 particles rather than MgO
900 ◦C, they found that the presence of CO2 generated a number of particles were introduced, possibly caused by too much water input
functional active sites that prompted the production of the nitrogen leading to the transformation of MgO into Mg(OH)2. Mg(OH)2 particles
functional groups, implying that the modification of CO2-ammonia can chemisorb CO2 only under high temperatures of 200–315 ◦C and
combined the advantages of those two treatments. The N-doped biochar high pressure conditions [183]. The biochar-based composites loaded
decreased in nitrogen content after KOH activation [165,178], which with Fe oxyhydroxide nanoparticles was further studied [184]. The
was probably due to the formed nitrogen groups during ammoxidation dominant mechanism of CO2 adsorption was physisorption for the bio-
were low thermal stability. Meanwhile, the doped nitrogen can addi- char composites with low Fe content. As the increase of Fe content,
tionally activate biochar upon KOH treatment, which belonged to the biocharFe showed enhanced CO2 adsorption capacity come from chem-
depth activation and increased the narrow microporous textures of isorption contributed by the collapse of the crystalline structures and the
biochar [178]. Chen et al. [168] activated the coconut shell at 650 ◦C structure disordering enhancing the mineral carbonation of CO2
with KOH and urea, they observed that both high porosity and sufficient (Equations (65) and (66)). Several basic metals were also loaded to the
nitrogen amount worked together in the great CO2 adsorption of formed biochar skeleton by the methods of wet impregnation and heat treat-
biochar. At too high temperature, coarser pore sizes were developed ment, the introduction of basic metal sites enhanced the CO2 adsorption
because of the gasification caused by the decomposition of potassium performance of biochars with 5 wt% metal loading in the sequence of
salts. It is noteworthy that a deashing treatment on biomass was re- Mg > Al > Fe > Ni > Ca > raw biochar > Na via the synergistic physical
ported to promote the porous texture of N-enriched biochar and the and chemical interactions [153]. The basic O2 in MgO was the main
introduction of nitrogen functional groups by increasing the number of CO2 capture sites, which was generated from thermal decomposition of
active sites [175]. anhydrous magnesium nitrate and reacted with CO2 to form carbonate
Ultrasonic irradiation at a short time of 30 s can leach the minerals (Equation (67)). Sodium incorporated biochar presented worse capacity
from biochar and making space for amine groups to attach, meanwhile than raw biochar due to the incorporated Na failed to form Na2O, thus
not only expedite the mass transport inside the pores due to increased not only failed to promote the chemisorption, but also hampered the
turbulence but also hinder the generation of an agglomerated graphitic physisorption performance caused by pore blockage.
layer by exfoliation of biochar, thus the process can prevent the blocking The impregnation of Mg onto the biochar structure was reported to
of pores and aid in enhancing surface area that supplies active sites improve the capture of CO2 in the order of magnesium acetate <
capable of amine groups functionalization, and then benefited to CO2 magnesium chloride < magnesium sulfate < magnesium nitrate [154].
adsorption arriving 2.79 mmol/g at 70 ◦C and CO2 partial pressure of The worst capacity of acetate was attributed to the applied calcination
0.15 atm [56] and 1.91 mmol/g at 70 ◦C and 0.10 atm CO2 [57], as temperature of 500 ◦C may insufficient to generate oxides which should
shown in Table S4. However, too long sonication time foiled the pro- be decomposed by the acetate salt, as a contrast, the decomposition of
duction and collapse of microbubbles and would reduce ultrasonic ef- magnesium nitrate towards magnesium oxide initiates at around 400 ◦C.
ficiency and adsorption performance of CO2. The ball-milling method Too high Mg impregnation of 7%–20% on biochar would cause the pore
has also been applied to produce N-doped biochars eco-friendly [46]. blockage, thus reducing the advantage of chemisorption from metal
The volumes of total pore and micropore as well as BET surface area of loading [153,154]. The fast pyrolysis MgCl2-loaded biomass were syn-
biochars increased after ball milling, strengthening the beneficial effect thesized to form biochar stabilized with MgO nanoparticles, achieving a
of earlier doped N on CO2 adsorption. The existence of acidic oxygen favorable CO2 capture amount of 5.45 mmol/g at 80 ◦C (Table S4)
[185]. Pyrolysis at 800 ◦C presented the highest pore volume and sur-
functional groups is generally not benefit to CO2 adsorption, however, it
face area, in comparison to other temperature and raw biochar without
is a good idea to develop some oxygenated anchoring sites as an effective
MgO, confirming that the dehydration and decomposition of magnesium
intermediate stage to introduce nitrogen functionalities onto the biochar
chloride hexahydrate changed the decomposition pathway of biomass,
[58,59]. The pre-oxidation of biochar was thus considered to enhance
promoted the release of volatile matter, and thus promoted the porous
the nitrogen incorporation during ammonia treatment, and displayed
properties and CO2 capture capacity [185]. The basic O2 in oxides
enhanced adsorption ability of CO2 at relatively high temperature [58].
around the edges and corners of crystal surfaces is frequently more basic
H2O2 treatment was also carried out to increase oxygenic functionalities
than those near the planes. The MgO nanoparticles present more edges
and further enhance the amount of nitrogen functional groups in bio-
and corners per unit weight because of their small size, thus containing
char, it meanwhile had a favorable influence in promoting the narrow
more basic O2 and providing more active sites for CO2 chemisorption
micro-porosity of N-doped biochar, leading to an impressive CO2 [153,185]. A dependable mechanism of CO2 capture by biochar was
adsorption performance of 4.47 mmol/g at 25 ◦C (Table S4) [165].
OH + NH3→ NH2 + H2O plotted by Luo et al. [186].
Furthermore, the hydrogen bonding produced from the interactions
of the OH groups and CO2 molecule can boost the CO2 capture capacity,
2R NH2 + CO2 →R NH+3 + R NH COO
however this weak bonding may be (64)
destroyed at high temperature
[185]. The S-containing function groups were also reported to benefit Metal modification. Xu et al. [182] found that the chemisorp-
tion induced by CO2 mineralogical reactions was promoted by high the adsorption of CO2 [21,52].
temperature. They separated the inorganic fraction of biochar for indi- CO2 (ad) + OH →HCO 3 (ad) (65)
rectly determining the role of the chemisorption induced by reactions
mineral components (Ca, Fe, Mg, K, etc) in CO2 adsorption [182], whichFeOOH + HCO 3 (ad)→Fe(OH)2CO3 (s)
accounted for 17.7%–50.9% of CO2 adsorption when assuming without
interactions occurred between the organic and mineral portions Mg O + CO2 →Mg O…CO2(ad) (67)
biochar. Metal oxyhydroxides commonly possessed basic, thus was
C. Wen et al.

for the adsorption of CO2, obviously narrower than 0.33–0.52 nm at 75

3.4.4. Adsorption conditions ◦C and 1 bar [167]. The improved texture and functionalities charac-
teristic of the biocharamine presented an impressive CO2 uptake up to Temperature. For the physical interaction, the adsorption ca-
8.89 mmol/g in CO2/N2 = 20%:80% at 20 ◦C and 1 bar (Table S4) [31].
pacity of CO2 drops as the elevation of adsorption temperature outlined
The CO2 uptake rose rapidly as the pressure increased (0.01–1 bar [36,
by Le Chatelier principles, however, with regard to the chemical inter- 166,167], 0.5–4 bar [161], and 1–16–20 bar [59,151,170]). Biochars
action, the capacity increases with an increase in adsorption tempera- with high surface area was able to have better performance at higher
ture firstly but declined with a more increase in temperature [185]. pressure of 20 bar which mimics the pre-combustion CO2 capture [151],
Creamer et al. [187] reported that when the adsorption experiments the removal mechanism is more dependent on surface area or space
were performed at 25–100 ◦C, the adsorption capacity of CO2 by biochar filling, therefore, pore diffusion is the major governing mechanism and
declined linearly with increasing the temperature. The similar tendency wider pores become more relevant for the CO2 adsorption [36]. Lahijani
was also found in the biocharKOH work at 0–100 ◦C [48,148,162,169, et al. [153] observed the influence of CO2 gas flow rate in the adsorption
170], biocharCO2 at 0–120 ◦C [26,39], biocharNH3 at 20–105 ◦C [31,58], uptake of biochar, they found that the adsorption and surface saturation
and bicharMg at 25–70 ◦C [153]. The exothermic characteristics of were speeded up to signify the CO2 capture under a high gas flow rate
physisorption would be increased at higher temperatures, which in- but the ending adsorption amount remained almost unchanged if
dicates the increase of the diffusion rate of gas molecule and the energy providing sufficient time.
of surface adsorption and further leads to the increment of thermal en- Multi gas component adsorption experiments simulating the real flue
ergy of CO2 molecules and the decrease of adsorption force onto the gas were conducted to observe the CO2 capture performance by biochar
biochar [48,175]. As increasing the temperature, only the narrowest [189,190]. The adsorption of H2O was a very slow process in compari-
pores mainly acting as the most energetic adsorption sites maintain son with the adsorption of N2 and CO2, the occurrence of typical flue gas
occupied, more pores in biochar are useless for the adsorption of CO2 via compositions, including N2, O2, and H2O, hardly hampered the
pore-filling mechanism [156]. Plenty of CO2 adsorbed at low tempera- adsorption of CO2 for relatively short adsorption time of less than 60 min
ture would obtain sufficient energy at higher temperature to get over the [189]. However, another research indicated that the breakthrough
van der Waals forces and get back to the gas phase [59]. Deng et al. curves over the biochar initially almost saturated with H2O, which
[167] reported that when the adsorption temperature raised from 25 ◦C implied the adsorption performance of CO2 was highly reduced by the
to 75 ◦C at 1 bar, the range of micropores effectively for the adsorption moisture input [190]. Furthermore, Xu et al. [182] indicated that the
of CO2 narrowed from 0.33-0.63 nm to 0.33–0.52 nm. For the ammonia addition of 50% moisture presented a positive influence in the CO2
treated biochar, the observed CO2 adsorption performance of biochar adsorption. The sewage biochar containing much inorganics is alkaline
was linear correlated with the micropore volume at low adsorption and thus favors the interactions with acidic CO2 dissolved in the alkaline
temperature of 20–30 ◦C. However, at higher temperature of 105–120 water membrane on the biochar surface to form insoluble inorganic
◦C, it was noticeable to be dependent on the existence of basic nitrogen carbon and improve the chemisorption. Murge et al. [171] observed that
functional groups of biochar [58,172,173]. The porosity development the CO2 capture capacity of biochar initially enhanced and then dropped
became no longer important as the adsorption temperature increased, as the enhancement of H2O concentration, too much H2O formed a
but the regeneration of chemisorption active sites will be more difficult thicker layer of water and/or KHCO3 precipitation come from K2CO3
as the promoted chemisorption at high temperature [175]. The in- activation, which offered a resistance to CO2 gas to access the other
teractions of both physical and chemical adsorption controlled the CO2 active sites and pores.
capture by the MgO loaded biochar, with a best removal capacity at 80 When 4% O2 was introduced into 15% CO2/N2 stream at 75 ◦C, a
◦C between 50 and 300 ◦C [185]. Xu et al. [182] also found the transition deteriorating effect was observed to CO2 adsorption by Thote et al.
of CO2 adsorption mechanisms by biochar from physisorption to [172], they speculated it was attributed to the competitive adsorption
chemisorption as the increase of reaction temperature, causing the for the micropores between CO2 along with O2 at 75 ◦C. Other study
removal of CO2 enhanced from 50 ◦C to 75 ◦C. To sum up, the capture of reported that the O2 concentration up to 8% affected little on the
CO2 can be carried out at relative high temperature when the developed adsorption of CO2 at 25 ◦C in the simulated flue gas [169], ascribed to
biochar has more ultra-micropores or enhanced chemisorption capacity. that the nonpolar O2 molecules were very stable at 25 ◦C, which made
the attraction between O2 and biochar very weak. In the flue gas com- Flue gas. The research on the CO2 partial pressure with ~15%
ponents, the increase of SO2 concentration up to 1500 ppm slightly
of CO2 in N2/CO2 atmosphere were widely proceeded to simulate the inhibited the CO2 adsorption performance, as these two acid oxides
flue gas condition of coal-fired boiler [31,153,156,159,160,168,174], would compete for the active cites. NO is not an acid oxide and its input
and other CO2 concentrations were also concerned as it can represent up to 800 ppm presented unchanged influence in the adsorption of CO2
different types of post-combustion flue gases, such as that produced by a [169].
natural gas fired plant of 8% CO2 and by a cement plant of 30% CO2 The reported maximum adsorption uptake shown in Table S4 for the
[147]. When inlet concentration of CO2 increased, the diffusion velocity adsorption of pure CO2 using biochar was 10.15 mmol/g at room tem-
of CO2 increased through the pores of biochar, thus promoting the
perature of 20–30 ◦C and atmospheric pressure [31], and 5.2 mmol/g at
adsorption capacity of CO2 [39,56,162,169]. The CO2 adsorption ca-
flue gas temperature (~70–120 ◦C) [185]. In the research reports of
pacity of biochar at 25 ◦C and 1 bar in CO2/N2 = 15%:85% was thus
actual or simulated flue gas, the maximum adsorption uptake of CO2 was
lower than that in pure CO2 flow [160]. A new machine learning study
8.89 mmol/g at 20 ◦C and 20% CO2 as well as 2.84 mmol/g at 75 ◦C and
on the carbon materials from biomass revealed both the volumes of
20% CO2 [31]. More effects are necessary to match the requirement at
mesopores and micropores played an important role at 0.1 bar according
to the random forest model [188]. At the pressure up to 1 bar, the uptake flue gas conditions and completing with other technologies of CO2
of CO2 was dominantly controlled by the pore size and accordingly the capture.
interactions between the pore walls and gas molecules, wherein biochar Selectivity of CO2. An effective biochar adsorbent for practical
with narrow micropores had the higher CO2 uptake [151]. As the applications in the CO2 capture systems requires an adequate selectivity,
decrease of CO2 partial pressure, the occurred nitrogen functional i.e., it should be easy to remove the CO2 component in industrial flue gas
groups or a narrower pore size distribution in biochar appears to become
with minimal interference from other major gaseous species such as N2
important, instead of the surface area [159]. Linear correlations of
and O2 [48,153]. The adsorption of CO2 was generally easier than that of
narrow micropore ranges of biochar adsorbed at 0.15 bar were calcu-
N2 for all pressures and biomass samples. The equilibrium selectivity of
lated [146,167], 0.33–0.40 nm was indicated to be mainly responsible
C. Wen et al.

CO2/N2 is defined as the ratio of the molar fractions at equilibrium in biochars.

adsorbed phase to those in gas phase, the ratio of adsorbed amount of Adsorption of VOCs onto biochar is a physicochemical interactions
pure CO2 to N2 is generally calculated to receive an equimolar CO2 and generally affected by physical process such as van der Waals forces and
N2 at a typical pressure. However, selectivity is better evaluated from pore-filling [49]. The attractive forces between biochar material and
the measurements of multicomponent adsorption, because the adsorp- VOC molecules can be affected by polarity and hydrophobic effect of
tion of the weaker adsorbate (N2) is significantly suppressed when it biochar. The atomic ratios of biochar provide an indication of its hy-
co-exists with the stronger adsorbate (CO2), causing the conservative drophilicity (O/C), aromaticity (H/C) and polarity ((O + N)/C), which
estimates of the CO2-over-N2 selectivity in CO2/N2 equilibrium calcu- can affect the adsorption capacity of polar and non-polar VOCs [49],
lation [156]. The CO2/N2 selectivity for the binary gas mixtures can be although polarity of biochar is usually expressed by O/C ratios roughly
calculated and predicted using the ideal adsorption solution theory
[35,50]. The biochar containing much polar compounds (e.g., cellulose,
(IAST) [31,36,156,165,168].
lignin, and fatty acids) can elevate its polarity [49]. The VOCs adsorp-
For selectivity based on the main physical adsorption, the separation
tion by biochar involves both adsorption to the carbonized fraction and
of the gas molecules relies on their different physical properties, e.g.,
partitioning to the non-carbonized organic matter (NOM) fraction [35].
polarizability and quadrupole moment, causing the different gas
The presence of oxygenic functional groups onto biochar is generally
adsorption enthalpy [48]. The polarizability and quadrupole moment of
responsible for surface acidity of biochar and the increased adsorption of
CO2 (29.1 × 10 25 cm 3, 13.4 × 10 40 cm 2, respectively) are higher
polar and hydrophilic VOCs [193], but it has negative impact on the
than those of N2 (17.4 × 10 25 cm 3, 4.7 × 10 40 cm 2, respectively), it
adsorption of hydrophobic VOC by suppressing the interactions between
is thus expected that CO2 is able to interact stronger with the electrical
p-electron rich regions of biochar and hydrophobic VOCs [40]. Chemical
field gradient of biochar and has higher affinity of the pore surface
functional groups influence both electrostatic and dispersive in-
leading to a high selectivity [48]. Lahijani et al. and Zubbri et al. [153,
teractions between VOCs and biochar with the foundation of Van der
154] showed that the profound affinity of Mg-loaded biochar towards
Waals interactions [191], the π-π dispersion interaction and hydrogen
CO2 compared with other gases (N2 and O2) may be ascribed to the
bonds are both the attractive forces affecting the adsorption capacity of
higher quadrupole moment and polarizability of CO2, inducing a larger
biochar [194]. Therefore, a balance between the features of the pore
polar bonds and stronger interaction with the biochar surface. The gas
properties, chemical functional groups of biochar and characteristics of
selectivity is also affected by the kinetic diameter of the gas molecule,
VOCs needs to be considered to reveal the adsorption performance of
which is directly proportional to the diffusion process, however the af-
typical VOCs [191]. Fig. 7 illustrates the main adsorption mechanism of
finity of gas molecule towards biochar should not be ascribed to the
onto biochars.
diffusivity due to the similar kinetic diameters of O2 (3.46 Å), N2 (3.64
3.5.1. Effects of biochar properties
Å) and CO2 (3.30 Å) [154]. Servilla et al. [148] observed that the
Many research reported the physisorption as the dominating mech-
adsorption of CO2 was very fast with around 95% in the first 2 min, but
anism of VOCs. An appropriate mesoporous and macropore network is
N2 adsorption was slower which took around 60 min to reach the
necessary to enhance the diffusion of the VOC molecules into the mi-
maximum adsorption uptake, therefore, high CO2/N2 selectivity can be
cropores, although VOCs would be hardly adsorbed dynamically in
achieved for short adsorption time, which was apparently beneficial to
mesopores and macropores. The adsorption capacities of toluene [195]
practical applications. The narrower micro-porosity and improved
and limonene [196] were found to linear correlate with mesopore vol-
functional group properties arised from the aminated biochars also
ume of biochars. Further, when the dynamic diameter of VOCs is close to
presented high selectivity of CO2/N2 at low CO2 partial pressures [31,
the micropore size of biochar, the van der Waals potential fields pro-
150,160,174], but may increase the preparation cost and regeneration duced by the pore wall overlaps lead to higher adsorption energy for
difficulty. Manya et al. [146] reported that the selectivity notably VOCs [197], a low kinetic diameter of VOCs can thus react with more
decreased at 75 ◦C compared to 25 ◦C, revealing that the CO2 phys- active sites and access finer pores/canals [49]. As a result, a stronger
isorption by biocharKOH was more temperature dependent than N2 linear correlation between micropore volumes or BET surface area of
adsorption. biochars and adsorption capacities of VOCs were widely observed [40,
191,194,196,198]. The narrow micro-porosity was reported to be
3.5. Adsorption performance of VOCs dominant at low concentrations of toluene with the kinetic diameter of
As defined by the U.S. EPA, the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 0.67 nm [191,196] and P-xylene of 0.58 nm [198]. The more micropores
are “any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon di- of ~0.8 nm benefited the adsorption performance of chlorobenzene
oxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium (0.78 nm) than toluene [197].
carbonate, which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions” The Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation can be con-
[10]. Most of them are toxic and can lead to severe environmental ducted to predict and guide the optimal adsorption pore size of VOCs
hazard, e.g., greenhouse effect, stratospheric ozone depletion, and adsorption. It can be found that with the increase of pore size, the
photochemical smog, to seriously damage the human health. VOCs in adsorption capacity of cork biocharKOH for acetone firstly increased,
atmospheric environment are characterized by low molecular weight, then stabilized, and finally rapidly declined through GCMC simulation
high saturated vapor pressure, low boiling point, easy decomposition, [199]. When the pore size was less than 0.8 nm, acetone molecules with
volatile, and so on. The specific industrial combustion activities are one the dynamics diameter of 0.46 nm were limited by the insufficient pore
of the important sources of VOCs [49]. Some common types of VOCs volume. Then, the acetone molecules adsorbed not only on the pore wall
but also on the adsorbed acetone molecular layer when the pore size
include toluene, benzene, chlorobenzene, chloroform, acetone, formal-
increased to 1.6–2.8 nm, forming an optimal multilayer adsorption
dehyde, xylenes, ethylbenzene and halogenated hydrocarbons [191].
strengthened by an interaction force among the acetone molecules.
Adsorption removal by biochar can be an efficient technology for flue
However, this interaction was greatly weakened when the pore size was
gas streams containing low concentrations of VOCs. However, the
further enlarged [199]. Similarly, the optimal pore with 3.5 nm and 3.0
removal availability varies with not only biochar properties but also
nm were reported for methanol and acetone adsorption, respectively
different VOC types. The real-time monitoring of removal capacities of
trace VOCs such as formaldehyde, acetone, xylene, toluene and benzene
As indicated by the GCMC simulation, the nitrogen and oxygen atom
by wood biochar was reported to be 1.46, 28.24, 0.71, 433.83, 0.35
mg/g, respectively [192]. Table S5 of the Supplementary Materials doping can improve the adsorption capacity of oxygenated VOCs
summarizes the preparation conditions of biochar, and the typical (methanol) at relatively low pressure, while the adsorption capacity at
adsorption conditions and optimum adsorption performance of VOCs by high pressure mainly depended on the pore structure. By contrast, the
C. Wen et al.

Fig. 7. VOCs adsorption mechanism diagram of biochar, referring to physical adsorption including surface adsorption, pore filling and partitioning to noncarboniz
organic matter and intermolecular forces including electrostatic attraction, π-π interaction, CH-π bonding, etc. The molecular size, molecular weight and boiling po
of VOCs also impact the adsorption behaviors.

influence of nitrogen and oxygen groups on adsorption capacity of above-mentioned NOM [198]. The activation of KOH or K2CO3
omatic VOCs was limited, and the adsorption capacity was mainlyenhanced textural properties of biochar and resulted in a high toluene
determined by the pore structure at both low and high pressures [201 adsorption capacity which was conditioned by its small molecules size
The multilayer adsorption of p-xylene onto mesopores were found readily to access the inner micropores [191]. The biochar which was
enhance the adsorption capacity by activated carbon dramatically when activated without a prior pyrolysis or applying for a low weight ratio of
the pressure was high enough [202]. activating agent showed much chemical (oxygenated) functional groups
As raising the pyrolysis temperature, the BET surface area of biochar which can improve the adsorption of hydrophilic VOCs [191]. H3PO4
increased generally and the ratio of O/C decreased which reflects hy-activated hydrochar was reported to possess higher surface area, O/C
drophobicity, reduced polarity, and raised aromaticity of biochar, bothratio and polarity than hydrocharKOH [40]. On one hand, the higher
effects were benefit to adsorb hydrophobic VOCs [35,50]. Besides, thesurface area of hydrocharH3PO4 provided more adsorption sites for VOC
NOM of biochar, which can sorb VOCs through partitioning into themolecules. On the other hand, the H3PO4 activation produced plentiful
organic phase, would decrease due to more volatiles were decomposedoxygenic functional groups onto hydrochar. Therefore, the adsorption
and released at higher pyrolysis temperatures [35,198]. Therefore, capacity of polar acetone was improved by hydrocharH3PO4 while
increasing pyrolysis temperature of biochar may present opposite in-hydrocharKOH possessed a slightly better adsorptive capacity of
fluence in VOC sorption via an adsorption-partition combined mecha-non-polar cyclohexane than hydrocharH3PO4 [40].
nism. The adsorption would be the leading mechanism for the biochars
The adsorption performance of toluene from a N-doped biochar with
formed at higher temperature with high porosity, whereas partitioning
the hydrophobic properties could reach up to 223 mg/g [205]. N-doping
is the dominant mechanism for the biochars from lower pyrolysis tem-
promoted π-electron polarization and produced π-electron enrichment
perature with the relatively enough surface area for VOC molecules
sites on the biochar surface, which generated π-π dispersion with the
diffuse into biochar [35,50,193,203]. Note that the physisorption was
more sensitive to the adsorption temperature between 20 ◦C and 40 ◦ benzene ring in toluene to promote adsorption. Besides, pyrrole N had
and had faster kinetic than the partition mechanism which was mainlythe strongest promoting effect to toluene adsorption by electrostatic
governed by pore diffusion process [35,50]. Ball milling treatment interaction. Cu-BTC@biochar was synthesized by a facile solvothermal
biochar can reduce the particle size of biochar, not only increasing thesynthesis method from the bamboo-based biochar [206]. The intro-
exterior surface area but also opening its interior pore to improve inte-duction of biochar is crucial for the construction of composites with
rior surface area. The ball-milled biochar had higher specific surfacecontrolled morphology. Its adsorption capacity of toluene reached 501.8
area and O/C ratio which could increase the acidity, polarity and and 88.8 mg/g at 60 ◦C and 150 ◦C, respectively. The van der Waals
drophilicity of biochar, meanwhile, the oxygen in air can introduce theforce generated by the micropores and toluene molecules and the syn-
oxygenic functional groups onto biochar and increase the content ergy (electrostatic interaction) of Cu ion metal sites and
volatile organic matter during ball milling [50,198]. Therefore, theoxygen-containing groups in Cu-BTC@biochar both played important
adsorption of VOC onto ball-milled biochar was also dominated by the roles in improving the toluene adsorption capacities at relatively high
combined mechanisms of surface adsorption and partition [50]. Besides,temperature.
sludge biochar was reported to contain much oxygenic functional3.5.2. Effects of VOC types and properties
groups, therefore could be used for polar VOCs [204].
The polar VOCs tend to adsorb onto biochar containing rich polar
Activation methods on biochar affect the adsorption of VOCs. The
groups, while nonpolar VOCs prefer to adsorb on the biochar without
adsorbed amount of VOCs increased with elevating the activation tem-
polar groups. There are three forms of intermolecular forces for the polar
perature in CO2, may be ascribed to the larger porosity [194]. Oxidizing
VOC molecules (e.g., acetone, chloroform, ethanol), namely dipole-
agent such as H2O2 can react with biochar’s unsaturated ring sites, and dipole, induced dipole-induced dipole, and dipole-induced dipole
then introduce oxygen into biochar which affected the formation forces. By contrast, only induced dipole-induced dipole force is
C. Wen et al.

dominant for nonpolar VOC molecules (e.g., cyclohexane, benzene, indicating the better adsorption of cyclohexane (84.16 g/mol) than
xylene). The induced dipole-dipole and dipole-dipole forces reinforcing acetone (58.08 g/mol) [40]. The high boiling point properties of VOCs
polar molecular forces are analogous to the hydrogen bond with suggests the stronger intermolecular forces with biochar, it would be
medium-strength, which are more powerful than the induced dipole- beneficial to the adsorption process. Therefore, the cyclohexane had
induced dipole force. The polar acetone thus demonstrated greater larger adsorption amount on hydrochar than acetone as its higher
adsorption than nonpolar cyclohexane onto a hydrochar with polar
boiling point of 80.74 ◦C than 56.53 ◦C of acetone [40]. The toluene,
surface [194]. The oxygenic functional groups were introduced and the
cyclohexane, and ethanol with high boiling points (110.6 ◦C, 80.7 ◦C,
polarity was enhanced during the ball milling treatment to biochar, the
and 78.2 ◦C, respectively) presented greater adsorption on the
adsorption of polar acetone, chloroform, and ethanol was thus promoted
ball-milled biochar [50]. Much higher boiling point (138.36 ◦C) of
by forces of dipole-dipole and hydrogen bonds [50]. Both chlorobenzene
and toluene contain benzene ring. The larger polarization of Cl (2.18) in P-xylene facilitated its adsorption on biochar than benzene (80.09 ◦C)
substitutional group of chlorobenzene led to stronger interaction po- [198]. The isosteric heat of chlorobenzene was generally larger than that
tential than C (1.76) in toluene, thus making chlorobenzene readily of toluene, which expressed the stronger binding force derived from the
adsorbed by biochar [197]. Besides, the polarizability of VOCs increased higher boiling point of 131.72 ◦C of chlorobenzene [197]. However, it is
with the relative molecular mass because of the participation of more noteworthy that the desorption of VOCs with high boiling points would
polarized electrons, the larger relative mass of chlorobenzene can be be more difficult.
also effective to result in a greater adsorption potential than toluene 3.5.3. Effects of adsorption conditions
[197]. Current understanding of adsorption conditions such as adsorption
Biochar contains much of carbon atoms having π-electron orbit,
temperature and multi-component of VOCs which could mimic actual
which can be coupled with VOC molecules having π-electrons (e.g.,
combustion conditions is very scarce. As the physical exothermic pro-
acetone) to generate π-π dispersion interaction with face-to-face or offset
face-to-face orientations [40]. The π-electrons in the aromatic ring of cess, the sorption capacity of acetone dropped by 73.1–98.2% as the
VOCs can interact with the electron-rich regions locate in graphene adsorption temperature raised from 20 ◦C to 40 ◦C [35]. Benzene uptake
layers of biochar via π-π argument, the higher degree of graphitization [42] and xylenes
enhancement sorption [203]
of temperature from 25by ◦Cbiochar alsoAt dropped
to 45 ◦C. the rangewith
thus likely promoted the adsorption with aromatic toluene and chloro- 20◦C–60 ◦C, a slightly higher adsorption temperature of 40 ◦C presented
benzene [197] and xylenes [203] on biochar due to π-π conjugated ef- the benefited adsorption for cyclohexane in comparison to the best ca-
fect. However, no extra orbital is available to generate the π-bond for pacity in 20 ◦C for acetone [194]. They explained that the size of
cyclohexane, which thus was impossible to present π-π dispersion cyclohexane is larger than acetone, the relative high adsorption tem-
interaction onto the hydrochar [40]. The carbonyl (C––O) groups on the perature can achieve the transport of cyclohexane into the larger pores
biochar surface are electron-withdrawing groups, therefore lowering the on hydrochar and thus facilitate the adsorption when the rate-limiting
electron density of biochar and weakening the π-π conjugated effect step is determined by intrapore diffusion. Cheng et al. [205] found the
between VOCs and biochar, the electron density in the π-system from fair adsorption performance of toluene for N-doped biochar in 40% and
aromatic ring in toluene decreased rapidly compared with that in 80% humid environments. DFT results manifested that the biochar
chlorobenzene [197]. The low adsorption capacity of hexane on biochar containing abundant N-containing functional groups on surface could
was related to its specific molecular arrangements, it can interact with achieve strong interaction with toluene and weak interaction with water
carbon molecules of biochar only through CH-π bonding, as a contrast, vapor.
other aromatic VOCs, such as p-xylene and toluene, utilized not only During the multi-component adsorption, the partially adsorbed
CH-π bonding but also π-π stacking and other functionalities interacted toluene was replaced by chlorobenzene gradually when the biochar
with carbon surfaces [49]. The interaction of chemical functional groups approached adsorption saturation, may be relevant to lower volatility of
in biochar with the p-electrons of aromatic ring in VOCs (e.g., toluene) chlorobenzene and stronger adsorption of chlorobenzene onto the bio-
may also act on the donor-acceptor mechanism involving oxygen or char [197]. The dynamic adsorption equilibrium of toluene was prior to
nitrogen atoms of biochar as the electron-donors and aromatic rings in that of phenol onto the biochar, revealing the simultaneity of phenol and
VOCs as electron-acceptors [191]. The adsorption of chlorobenzene on toluene adsorbed onto the biochar in the gas phase. The competition of
biochar exhibited greater affinity (i.e., Lennard-Jones potential) than various VOC species for adsorption sites onto the biochar led to a less
toluene, it was considered that the substituent groups of VOCs made a
absolute adsorption amount of each species during a multi-component
deviated charge distribution, resulting in adsorption capacity of chlo-
adsorption, however, the overall adsorption performance of biochar in
robenzene higher than toluene [197].
multi-component tests was generally alike to the sum of the single gas
VOC inherent properties, e.g., molecular size, molecular weight and
tests, indicating that nearly all active sites was occupied during the
boiling point, also impact their adsorption behaviors besides the surface
competitive adsorption process [49]. The order of adsorption amount
adsorption mechanisms of biochars [40,50,198]. The higher adsorption
for the studied four VOC species appeared to be consistent for both
of acetone could be relevant to its finer kinetic diameter (0.46 nm) than
single and multi-component tests, and the higher individual adsorption
toluene (0.67 nm) and cyclohexane (0.60 nm) [35]. Benzene had higher
diffusion rate than other xylene VOCs, this may be attributed to the amount of acetone should be attributed to the effective roles of finer
small molecular size (0.58 nm) of benzene that could prompt its diffu- pores in capturing acetone, owing to a large amount of acetone was
sion into the micropores and access adsorption sites [198]. P-xylene replaced by larger molecules of p-xylene, toluene, and hexane during the
presented better adsorption onto biochar than M-phenyl and O-xylene, competitive adsorption process [49]. However, the reduction amounts
which should also be derived from the P-xylene’s smallest kinetic between individuals and mixtures in adsorption capacity were more
diameter (0.58 nm) [198,203]. Liu et al. [207] reported the adsorption obvious for light VOCs (e.g., acetone) than heavy VOCs (e.g., hexane,
affinity of several VOCs by biocharKOH was negatively correlated with p-xylene, and toluene), which should be relevant to stronger van der
the difference value between kinetic diameter of VOCs and average pore Waal’s forces between heavier VOCs containing more carbon atoms and
width of biocharKOH, suggesting characteristics of the pore filling the carbon surface of biochar.
mechanisms. The larger diameter of VOC molecules, the closer to the
pore walls of biocharKOH, and ultimately resulted in higher adsorption 3.6. Adsorption performance of multi gas components
affinities which are preferentially adsorbed at low relative pressure. 3.6.1. Synergistic adsorption of SO2 and NOx
The diffusion coefficient of VOCs with higher molecular weight is Table S6 of the Supplementary Materials summarizes the preparation
apparently larger than that of VOCs with lower molecular weight, conditions of biochar, and the adsorption and removal performance of
C. Wen et al.

multi gas-components by biochars. The simultaneous removal of SO2 affects the porous properties and surface defects of biochar. Carbon-
and NOx was tried by the biochars impregnated with the metal oxides, ization at 700 ◦C made the graphitization degree, rich pore structure and
with the sorption capacity increased in the following sequence of CeO2 surface defect content of biochar much higher than other temperatures,
> V2O5 > NiO > Fe2O3 [208]. The metal oxides having powerful which was benefit to the loading and dispersion of active components of
oxidizing and oxygen storage capacity can introduce new oxygenic Fe species and in turn impacted the activity of biochar for the simulta-
functional groups such as C––O, C–O, and COOH onto the biochar, neous removal [87]. The DFT calculation presented the strong adsorp-
which benefited the oxidation reaction of SO2 to SO3 and NO to NO2, tion between Fe and Mn species and the adsorbates of SO2, NOx, Hg0,
positively contributing to the high synergistic removal of SO2 and NOx indicating that biocharFe/Mn possessed high simultaneous removal effi-
[208]. Zhang et al. [79] revealed that the SO2 removal uptake of Bio- ciency of >80% at 300–350 ◦C [87]. When the biochar sorbents for Hg
charamine during the atmosphere of co-presence of SO2 and NO was was injected in coal-fired flue gas at 150 ◦C at an entrained-flow reactor,
apparently higher than that during the atmosphere without NO, and the about 80% gaseous mercury was removed and the SO2 and NO con-
SO2 removal uptake first increased and then dropped as the concentra- centration decreased 35.6% and 36.0% respectively [87]. SO2 and NOx
tion of NO increased, with the maximum amount of 216.19 mg/g at 120 had extremely limited effects on Hg capture by biocharNH4Br. 6% O2 and
◦C and 500 ppm NO. SO2 and NO themselves occur interaction reaction 10% H2O acted positively in the oxidation of SO2 to SO3 and H2SO4 and
especially at the N-containing adsorption sites of biochar during the oxidation of NO to NO2 [99]. A discrepant influence of SO2 was found on
adsorption process, possibly contributing to the formation of the (NO2) the removal of Hg0, i.e., low concentration of SO2 facilitated its removal
(SO3) intermediates [79]. apparently whereas high concentration of SO2 (>~700 ppm) presented
The competitive adsorption between SO2 and NO on the active sites inhibited effect [127]. In the co-presence of SO2 and NO, SO2 consumed
of biochar was also reported. It is understood that molecules with higher active oxygen and generated sulfate, leading to irreversible damage of
boiling point possess more Van der Waals attractive forces and inter- active sites onto the biochar, therefore, the reaction between Hg0 and
molecular interactions, hence SO2 is readily adsorbed by the biochar NO2 formed from NO were hampered by SO2 [137]. Gao et al. [98] re-
compared to NOx as the higher boiling point of SO2 than NOx [53,208]. ported that the adsorbed SO2 may competitively inhibit the adsorption
Increasing SO2 concentration (up to 2500 ppm) would thus strongly of NO, NH3 and Hg0. The more deteriorative effect was resulted from the
replace and desorb the NO from the active sites on biochar and thus joint influence of SO2 and H2O, as the competitive adsorption and the
restrict NO adsorption [209]. Furthermore, higher concentrations of NO formed ammonium sulfates could ruin the porous texture and cover up
(up to 700 ppm) compared to SO2 in the flue gas caused the much more the activated sites on biochar.
catalytical bonding of NO on the active sites of biocharCe. Therefore, it As mentioned in Section 3.4.4, the effects of SO2 and NO input on
reduced the active sites for the catalytical removal of SO2 [209]. CO2 adsorption was observed [169]. The increase of SO2 concentration
With the presence of 15% H2O, more NO2 molecules was found to up to 1500 ppm slightly inhibited the CO2 adsorption performance, as
present in the water layer due to NO2 is more soluble in water and a these two acid oxides would compete for the active cites. NO is not an
much stronger oxidant than NO and O2, and the oxidations of HSO3 and acid oxide and its input up to 800 ppm presented unchanged effect on
SO32 with NO2 to form SO42 were promoted, accordingly more SO2 the CO2 adsorption.
molecules were captured into the water layer, and the overall removal of 3.6.3. Synergistic adsorption of VOC and Hg0
SO2 was increased compared to the case without interference of the The composite of Mn–Fe oxides and biochar effectively removed Hg0
simultaneous removal of NO [84]. and aromatic o-xylene via the process of adsorption and catalytic
3.6.2. Synergistic adsorption of SO2, NOx and Hg0 oxidation from simulated flue gas of power plant. The highly dispersed
The biocharCe/Co yielded prominent Hg0 removal efficiency of 96.8% metal oxides having high valence states provided more Lewis acid sites
and NO removal efficiency of 84.7% at 230 ◦C (Table S6) [98]. The derived from unsaturated metal sites and more adsorbed oxygen, they
synergetic effects between Co and Ce oxides not only cause the unsat- would effectively facilitate the catalytic conversion of VOC to CO2 and
urated chemical bonds and imbalance charge as well as generate more H2O and Hg to Hg2+, respectively. Similarly, biocharCu/Mn presented the
chemisorbed oxygen and oxygen vacancies, but also form amorphous good removal efficiencies of HCHO (89%) and Hg0 (83%) shown in
surface species which is beneficial to catalytic reactions. More active Table S6, which were ascribed to the large specific surface area and
oxygen species would be in favor of the reduction of NO and the much chemisorbed oxygen and lattice oxygen promoted by the highest
oxidation of Hg0 to produce HgO. The NO reduction reactions mainly molar ratio of Mn4+/Mn3+ [32]. The electron transfer between Cu and
corresponded to the L-H mechanism (Equations (23)–(27)), and the Hg0 Mn played the crucial role in the capture of HCHO or Hg0.
oxidation reactions were assigned to the Mars-Masson mechanism The Hg0 and o-xylene removal capacities firstly dropped with the
(Equations (42)–(45)) [98]. The removal of NO presented a slight temperature increased to 200–250 ◦C and then enhanced with the
decrease with addition of 100 μg/m3 Hg0, indicating that Hg0 showed an further increase in temperature up to 350 ◦C [11]. The formaldehyde
adverse effect on the removal of NO, due to the formed HgO might be conversion and Hg0 removal efficiency also presented the lowest value
accumulated to cover some adsorption sites. By contrast, NO appeared at 175 ◦C between 100 ◦C and 300 ◦C [32]. At low temperatures, the
to boost Hg0 removal when O2 was presented, as some weakly absorbed exothermic removal via adsorption should be dominant, while the
NO could produce NO2 by reacting with the surface oxygen, which was
extent of catalytic oxidation should be enhanced at high temperatures
generally beneficial to the oxidation of Hg0 (Equations (51)–(54)) [43,
[11]. On the biocharMn/Fe composite, the competitive adsorption be-
85,98,103,127,137]. However, as mentioned in section 3.2, excessive
NO (~400–800 ppm) was reported to cover the active sites and exhaust tween Hg0 and o-xylene and the catalytic reactions occurred simulta-
the surface oxygens onto the biochar [126], which suppressed the neously. Owing to the catalytic oxidation dominated pollutant removal
adsorption performance of Hg0. The removal efficiencies of NO and Hg at high temperature, the competitive inhibitory effects were intensified
increased when the adsorption temperature increased and afterwards at high temperature as the Hg0 and o-xylene molecules battled for the
decreased since 260 ◦C and 230 ◦C, respectively [98]. O2 could appar- limited catalytic sites. Similarly, another study also found that the
ently facilitate the removal of Hg0 and NO due to gaseous O2 could offset removal efficiency of HCHO without Hg0 was a little bit higher than that
the consumed chemisorbed oxygen and lattice oxygen of metal catalyst. with Hg0, meanwhile the addition of HCHO had a decreased influence in
The presence of H2O may negatively influence the removal of Hg0 and the removal efficiency of Hg0 from 95 to 83% at 175 ◦C as the compe-
NO because of the competitive adsorption. tition adsorption and oxidation with Hg0. Fortunately, the removal ef-
The simultaneous removal efficiencies of NOx, SO2, and Hg0 on ficiency of Hg0 can be recovered after withdrawing HCHO, due to the
activated cites can be released after HCHO transforming to CO2 and
biochar varied with the increase of carbonization temperature which gaseous O2 can replenish the surface active oxygen consumed by HCHO
C. Wen et al.

[32]. three models could well fit the experimental data of Hg adsorption
As the concentration of O2 increased from 0 to 12%, both the with correlation coefficients R2 > 0.90 for biochar prepared at 500–900
removal efficiencies of HCHO and Hg0 increased, as the lattice oxygen ◦C [27]. Igalavithana et al. [52] and Nasri et al. [161] indicated that

and the chemisorbed oxygen were regenerated by the gas phase O2. The both Freundlich and Langmuir models were fitted accurately with R2 >
addition of SO2 and NO revealed inhibited influence in the removal of 0.99, implying that the CO2 adsorption of gasification biochar can be
described as monolayer or multilayer. Parshetti et al. [48] reported that
HCHO, while NO presented an observed positive effect but SO2 had an
the Freundlich model could well fit the adsorption equilibrium of CO2
adverse influence for the Hg0 removal [32]. The adverse influence of
from biocharKOH, while the Temkin and Langmuir isotherms failed to
SO2 in the two pollutants should ascribe to not only the competitive
match satisfyingly with the equilibrium experimental data. Manap et al.
adsorption of SO2 but also the formation of metal sulfates onto the
[210] revealed that the adsorption of formaldehyde by biochar was
biochar which made the content of active Cu/Mn components decreased distinctly determined by the Langmuir surface adsorption mechanism.
[32]. It was speculated that NO occupied the active sites faster than
The Sips isotherm shown in Table S7 presents a comprehensive effect
HCHO because of its small molecular, implying the inhibited influence
of the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The Sips predicts the typical
of NO in the HCHO removal. Besides, NO would consume oxygen to
monolayer adsorption characteristic of the Langmuir isotherm at higher
form NO2 and nitrate, the above-mentioned discussion indicated the
promoted capacity on Hg0 oxidation [32]. pressures, whereas describes the Freundlich isotherm at relative low
pressures [20]. The sips model was reported to reproduce the tested
4. Adsorption isotherm, kinetic, and energy analysis adsorption isotherms of CO2 fairly well [156,174]. The pure CO2 and N2
adsorption equilibrium were described satisfactorily by the Sips model
4.1. The adsorption isotherm models in the studied temperature up to 50 ◦C and pressure range up to 100 kPa,
The gas-phase adsorbates requires to diffuse into the interior of compared with Langmuir and Tὸth models [156]. The Tὸth isotherm
biochar driven by the radial concentration gradient, and the adsorption equation is deduced from the Polanyi’s potential theory and is also
generally takes place in the void interior surfaces of biochar. Equilib- effective to heterogeneous adsorption [197]. It can fit the adsorption
rium relationships received by the modelling of adsorption isotherm equilibrium of pure CO2 and N2 satisfactorily by biocharO2 [144]. Zhao
data in a wide temperature and pressure range correlating the amount of et al. [197] found that the Dubinine-Astakhov model, also depended
adsorbate adsorbed on biochar with the applied gas pressure is crucial to upon the potential theory, can favorably describe the adsorption equi-
the design and optimization of biochar performance. The adsorption librium compared to the Langmuir and Tὸth models at different tem-
isotherm models can indicate how the adsorbate and adsorbent (bio- peratures, it can imply a stronger interaction for the adsorption of
char) interact and the equations are described in Table S7 of the Sup- chlorobenzene compared to toluene. Besides, the linearized isotherm
plementary Materials. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models models matched the experimental data of benzene adsorption capacity
were widely applied to the research of biochar adsorption on gas pol- by biocharKOH in the order of: Langmuir > Dubinin–Radushkevich >
lutants [48,59,161]. Langmuir equation assumes a simplified model Freundlich [211]. An extended Jain and Snoeyink (JS) Langmuir model
describing that the biochar surface has homogeneous distribution of was reported to well correlate with the mixtures of SO2 and NO at
active sites and the gas molecule is adsorbed by active sites one by one different input concentrations [209], which considered the apparent
without interactions [28]. As a result, Langmuir model indicates a affinity and the adsorption on an active site of a particular gas can be
saturated monolayer adsorption while operating at low partial pres- influenced by other gas, the maximum uptake thus did not remain
sures. In the equation shown in Table S7, b as the Langmuir affinity constant.
constant is proportional to the adsorption heat, it determines the
strength that the gas is bonded onto the biochar surface, i.e., higher b 4.2. The adsorption kinetic models
values express a more powerful adsorption [28]. Freundlich model is the The adsorption kinetic models shown in Table S7 provide valuable
empirical equation describing non-ideal and reversible adsorption on insights into the mass transfer and controlling mechanisms of the
heterogeneous surfaces with diverse adsorption sites, while adsorbate adsorption process. There are multiple steps in a typical adsorption
occupied the higher affinity sites initially and as the surface coverage process, such as bulk diffusion indicating the mass transfer of adsorbate
accumulates, the adsorption strength declines. The model can thus be to the surface of adsorbent, film diffusion indicating external mass
applied to express multilayer adsorption, implying that the affinity transfer, and the following surface diffusion and intra-particle diffusion
distribution and non-uniform adsorption heat throughout the hetero- indicating the adsorption into the interior sites. The slowest step con-
geneous surface. The Freundlich constant KF indicates the adsorption trols the rate of a gas adsorption process. Gonzalez et al. [156] revealed
capacity of biochar. The value of parameter 1/n is normally between that the intra-particle resistance is more important than the external film
0 and 1, lower 1/n value indicates stronger interaction and the value of resistance to the overall mass transfer rate of CO2 under most
n > 1 represents a beneficial adsorption condition between gas and circumstances.
biochar. It is based on the assumption that the adsorption sites are Pseudo-first order kinetic model (i.e., Lagergren model), with the
distributed with the adsorption heat exponentially. The Temkin driving force expressed as a concentration difference, is good at
isotherm also expresses the adsorption behaviors on heterogeneous
describing the early stages of adsorption with low surface coverage and
surfaces, and supposes that the binding energies are uniform distributed
the amount of vacant available adsorption sites onto the adsorbent is
and the adsorption heat of all molecules in single layer reduces linearly
proportional to the gas adsorption rate [31,185]. Pseudo-second order
with coverage owing to the interactions between adsorbate and
kinetic model (i.e., Ho and Mckay model) is derived from Langmuir
adsorption isotherms [61], it is more suitable to describe the adsorption
Atanes et al. [28] observed a heterogeneous surface indicated by
process involving chemical interactions [31], and the gas adsorption
Freundlich equation for the biocharCO2 and biocharKOH. The most acidic
rate is assumed to be proportional to the square of vacant available
biochar presented the weakest affinity for SO2, while the biochar with
adsorption sites number (Table S7) [154]. The pseudo-first order model
more basic surface increased its affinity. The Langmuir isotherm was
and intra-particle diffusion model (i.e., Weber-Morris) deduced from the
reported to match the experimental data of SO2 adsorption by bio-
Ficks second law of diffusion focus on the process of external mass
charCO2 well over a temperature range of 25–100 ◦C [83]. Sumathi et al.
transfer and interior diffusion respectively, while the Elovich kinetic
[209] found that the adsorption capacity of biocharCe at different input model and pseudo-second order model explore the surface chemical
concentration of SO2 or NO well matched the Langmuir adsorption reaction and catalytic reaction, i.e., chemisorption process [62]. The
isotherms in comparison to Freundlich model. The above-mentioned Elovich model can describe the desorption process as the β value
C. Wen et al.

corresponds to the desorption rate of CO2 at different temperature [26].benzene accelerates its diffusion into biochar. The adsorption kinetic of
The CO2 adsorption onto the biochar at different operating temper-formaldehyde was best described by pseudo-first-order model for bio-
ature [26,31] or different pressure [161] can be modelled by usingchars treated by oil palm at 500–700 ◦C with high surface area and
several kinetic models. Lahijani et al. [153] reported that both the firstabundant extra vacant sites compared with other three mentioned
and second-order kinetic models had high fitted R2 coefficients, but the models, indicating the physisorption of formaldehyde [210]. In contrast,
fitted adsorption amounts were not well compatible for the experi-the biochar treated at 800 ◦C had lower surface area giving less vacant
site, however matched well with the Elovich kinetic model. Meanwhile,
mental results and usually overestimated the adsorption amount of CO2.
the intra-particle diffusion occurred within pores of the biochar,
Those four mentioned models were used by Rashidi et al. [26] and Nasri
contributing to a slow adsorption of formaldehyde [210]. The Elovich
et al. [161], they concluded that the pseudo-second-order model fitted
model presented the best fitting in both single gas and
the adsorption of CO2 well at various adsorption temperatures. The
multi-compositions adsorption experiments for toluene onto biochar
adsorption of CO2 complying with the pseudo-second-order adsorption compared with other three models [49], implying that chemisorption on
kinetics was also reported by others [155,183,187]. Rashidi et al. [26]heterogeneous adsorbing surfaces via hydrogen bonding and electro-
observed that the experimental data was deviated from the linear curve,static attraction is the dominant mechanism for the pyrolyzed biochar.
implying that the intra-particle diffusion was not the only major Another kinetic model shown in Table S7, namely Avrami model
rate-controlled step during the CO2 adsorption, while Nasri et al. [161] [153,154], is applied to explain the adsorption kinetic when the
observed that the pore diffusion was the dominant reason for the CO2adsorption process is affected by both physical and chemical in-
adsorption at pressures
Johari et above 1 bar
al. [27] observed thatusing intra-particle diffusion
the pseudo-second order model.
modelsteractions, especially for some functionalized sorbents. The Avrami
presented the optimum performance to the chemisorption of Hg0 over model was used to obtain better agreement of CO2 capture by biocharMg
the adsorption and breakthrough periods of biochar, in comparison between calculated and experimental values than the pseudo-first-order
the pseudo-first order model and Elovich model. Shen et al. [123 and second-order models [153]. Furthermore, the Fickian diffusion
divided the modeling into two steps and found that the first step was model analyzes the experimental results from breakpoint to equilibrium
controlled by the pseudo-first order model and the second step by the
time and describe the breakthrough curves [27], and the adsorption rate
pseudo-second order model. The modeling results revealed the path
coefficient can be received when the interior diffusion including surface
mass transfer from gaseous Hg0 to biochar surface during the first stage
diffusion and pore diffusion dominates the adsorption process. Johari
of Hg0 adsorption, while the overall Hg0 adsorption process of biochar
et al. [27] found that increasing the pyrolysis temperature resulted in
was obviously controlled by chemisorption. Zhao et al. [136] observed
reduced the effective diffusivity as well as Fickian adsorption rate co-
that the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second-order models were
compatible strongly to the Hg adsorption process, implying the combi-efficient, presenting a slower kinetic process. The deactivation model
nation effects of physisorption and chemisorption. The initial reaction(DM) was used by Zhang et al. [78] to simulate the breakthrough curves
rate appeared to be controlled by external mass transfer and surfaceof SO2 adsorption and investigate the SO2 adsorption kinetics, they
adsorption, while the dominant rate-limited step should be chemisorp-found that the CO2 activation promoted the incipient adsorption rate of
tion for the whole adsorption process [103]. Li et al. revealed that theSO2 by biochar at 30 ◦C probably due to it was mainly physisorption.
Hg0 adsorption rate of biocharH2O could be mainly governed by the Hg
mass transfer from flue gas to surface adsorption sites and followed 4.3. Adsorption energy evaluation
the pseudo-first order model [60], while the biochar activated at H The heat of adsorption, which is the negative adsorption enthalpy,
and modified by NH4Cl followed to the pseudo-second model, verifying elucidates the strength of adsorption. It is relevant to the interaction
the chemisorption process [61]. Shi et al. [104] observed the curvesbetween the adsorbent surface and the various adsorptive molecular
fitting to the pseudo first-order kinetic model, it showed the greaterforces including van der Waals, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobicity,
exterior mass transfer caused by the extensive hierarchical porous chemical bands, and dipole-dipole interactions [59]. Using the
structure of biochar fabricated with CaCO3, in comparison, the lack Clausius-Clapeyron equation (Table S7), the adsorption isotherms can
porous structures of un-fabricated biochar would limit Hg0 intraparticle be measured at different temperatures to assess the isosteric heat of
diffusion indicated by the intraparticle diffusion model. Furthermore,adsorption (i.e., differential heat of adsorption) [42,146,165,178],
Hsi et al. [116] found that the surface functional groups, especially thewhich indicates the temperature dependency of adsorption isotherms
S-containing groups, presented much more influence in adsorption [42]. The degree of coverage of adsorbate can also be determined, and
equilibrium than kinetics, while the porous properties of biochar maythe isosteric heat generally decreases with the increase of surface
affect the Hg adsorption kinetics more than equilibrium. In general, thecoverage [42,146]. The higher heat values during the initial adsorption
above-mentioned kinetic models were widely utilized to discuss the Hg of CO2 can be ascribed to the large amounts of narrow micropores [146,
adsorption onto the biochars [55,103–105,114,136]. 165,167] and surface chemistry such as nitrogen content [165,178], and
Kumar et al. [193] reported that the pseudo-second-order modelthe slight decrease in isosteric heats at higher coverage was attributed to
fitted better to the first-order model for the experimental results of VOCthe weak repulsive interactions for the CO2 molecules adsorbed on the
adsorption by pyrolyzed biochar. By contrast, the pseudo-first-modellarger pores of biochar [48,146]. It is noteworthy that the adsorption
isosteric heats by biocharKOH remained almost unchanged regardless of
worked better than the pseudo-second-model for the adsorption
the surface coverage, suggesting the adsorption occurs on relatively
phenyl VOCs, indicating its more homogeneous adsorption led by
homogeneous surfaces [146]. The isosteric heat of CO2 adsorption pre-
ball-milled treatment of biochar [198]. The second-order model per-sented a slow declining trend as the accumulation of CO2 adsorption
formed better than first-order model for the adsorption kinetics of polar amount [150,156,167,168], as was expected for indicating the hetero-
acetone, while opposite for nonpolar cyclohexane [194]. Zhang et geneity nature of adsorption sites in the internal surfaces of biochar. At
[40] found that both the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-orderlow CO2 pressure, the biochar has abundant vacant micropores benefi-
kinetics models can not predict the adsorption very well, indicating
that the adsorption of cyclohexane and acetone by hydrochars were cial to the pass of CO2 molecules into biochar, but the micropores in
biochar were occupied at higher CO2 pressure, the heat of adsorption
affected by multiple rate-controlling steps [35]. Besides, the adsorption
thus decreased due to the weak interaction between biochar and CO2
of phenyl VOCs onto biochar were governed by the interior diffusion,
according to the intra-particle diffusion model [198]. On one hand, the
In order to further investigate the adsorption mechanism of biochar
fine molecular size of benzene makes it diffuse into the micropores easily
and then access adsorption sites, on the other hand, the high concen- sorbents, the thermodynamic parameters such as enthalpy change (ΔH),
tration gradient and large driving force caused by high vapor pressure ofchange of gibbs free energy (ΔG) and entropy change (ΔS) were applied
C. Wen et al.

to describe the thermodynamic behavior of gas adsorption on biochars build pore models of carbon materials to predict the adsorption iso-
at different temperatures [103,127]. In this case, ΔH determines the therms, adsorption heat and electrostatic interactions of flue gas.
endothermic or exothermic characteristics of the adsorption reaction Zhao et al. [215] built a DFT model of biochar surface with or
and the effects of adsorption temperature. ΔH is equal to the energy
without inherent potassium to uncover the mechanism of NO reduction,
released during the exothermic reaction at constant pressure, including
they found that the bonding of K atoms (-O-K) to carbon atoms on bio-
the energy lost to the surroundings and retained in the adsorption. For
an endothermic reaction, ΔH expresses the absorbed energy, including char surface enhanced NO chemisorption through charge transfer,
the energy lost by adsorption and gained from surroundings [209]. Note reducing the energy barrier from 173.7 kJ/mol to 31.6 kJ/mol. Shi et al.
that the physisorption is exothermic while chemisorption can be both Hg
[65]0 on biochar prepared
established from model
the surface straw to
PVC, thetheunsaturated edge on
reaction process of
exothermic and endothermic. The adsorption reaction of NO was period graphite like the cluster model was applied to simulate the sur-
endothermic at temperatures below 300 ◦C as the ΔH was positive, the face active site, and the adsorption energy was calculated based on the
NO molecules thus needed more energy to be adsorbed by biocharCe and DFT calculation. The model of biocharCl doped with di-chlorine was
the NO adsorption was more favorable at higher temperature [209]. Li obtained to build the active sites of C–Cl bond. The results presented the
et al. [127] reported that the Hg0 adsorption process was exothermic loading of dichloride atoms and carbonyl groups on biochar model
implied by the negative ΔH, indicating that raising temperature was enlarged adsorption energy, would directly facilitate the adsorption
adverse to the adsorption reaction. Yang et al. [103] observed the pos- process of Hg0. The HgCl was confirmed to be an intermediate in a re-
itive ΔH during Hg0 removal process, indicating that it was endothermic action pathway. Jia et al. [216] constructed a 3D molecular structure
for the biocharNH4Br, and the higher reaction temperature was favorable model based on molecular mechanics, eight adsorption configurations
to the adsorption of Hg. The adsorption of toluene, cyclohexane and were studied according to the location and amount of the chosen
acetone on biochar was reported to be an exothermic process, observed adsorption sites. They found that the chemisorption of Hg0 onto the
by the typical differential scanning calorimetry curve [40]. biochar occurred notably, with adsorption energy of higher than 40
Other calculation or simulation methods were also applied to acquire kJ/mol at six configurations. If the adsorption site was negatively
the adsorption of heat. If the heat of adsorption was supposed to be charged and the charges number was large, the adsorption of Hg0 onto
irrelevant to temperature, it can also be evaluated by fitting the Lang- the biochar was facilitated. The molecular structure of iron-based bio-
muir isotherm equilibrium constant into the van’t Hoff equation char was determined as C45H24O12NFe [141], and the adsorption energy
(Table S7) [83,209]. The activation energy of adsorption involves the of oxygen-containing functional groups was carboxylic acid > lactone >
minimum required energy to prompt the normal molecule to become aldehyde, implying the adsorption effect on Hg0. Feng et al. [164]
activated molecule, which is able to reflect the active sites properties constructed the DFT models of biochar including N-Q, N-5, N-6, –OH
and the adsorption mode [103,127,136]. The Arrhenius equation is and –CHO. The adsorption energies between CO2 and biochar with ni-
applied to calculate the activation energy (Table S7) [26], the negative trogen functional groups, oxygenic functional groups and without
activation energy is derived from the reaction’s exothermic character- functional groups was 30.87 kJ/mol, 24.07 kJ/mol, 7.27 kJ/mol,
istics and the reaction rate constant decreases when the adsorption respectively, confirming that the N and O functionalities in biochar
temperature raises [153]. Some study imply that the activation energy is apparently promoted the adsorption of CO2 molecules. Another DFT
generally linearly relevant to the adsorption heat for surface diffusion calculations showed that the adsorption energies of CO2 on pure carbon,
[212,213]. Note that the physisorption of gas molecules does not require graphitic N, pyridine N and pyrrolic N surfaces were 0.15, 0.25,
activation energy. Furthermore, the sorption heat of CO2 onto biochar 0.32, and 0.41 eV, respectively [186], confirming that the N loading
was reported to be calculated by integrating the sorption appearance was beneficial to CO2 adsorption. Cao et al. [217] used N/P co-doped
from the TGA diagram during a pre-defined time range [182]. biochar as acetone adsorber and revealed the adsorption mechanism
To sum up, the heat of adsorption is normally between 5 kJ/mol and on biochar surface using DFT. It was found that the binding energy of
800 kJ/mol. Physisorption typically produces an adsorption heat of C––P functional group ( 70.567 kJ/mol) and acetone was stronger than
5–40 kJ/mol, most of experimental data showed that the adsorption of that of C–P–O ( 32.516 kJ/mol).
CO2 by biochars was chiefly via physisorption [144,149,187]. These Li et al. [218] established different functional group modified carbon
values are much lower than the energy necessary to break covalent structure for CO2 adsorption using a combination of DFT and GCMC.
bonds, suggesting a readily reversible desorption and regeneration of They found that the combination of pore widths <0.6 nm and alkali
adsorbent at a low energy penalty [168]. Whereas, chemisorption is metal (Li/Na/K) modifications improved the CO2 adsorption amount
typically between 40 and 800 kJ/mol [59,187]. By contrast, the and CO2/N2 selectivity. The isosteric heats of chlorobenzene and toluene
adsorption isosteric heat of N2 (~16 kJ/mol) is alomost half than that of were acquired by the simulation of GCMC, and the higher value of
CO2, which should be caused by its lower quadrupole moment. chlorobenzene than toluene signified its stronger binding force on bio-
Accordingly, it benefits the selectivity of CO2/N2 [156]. The adsorption char [197]. Zhang et al. [206] used GCMC to reveal that van der Waals
heat is critical to the cost profile of gas pollutants with biochar. The interactions were the main mechanism of toluene physisorption,
higher isosteric heat of adsorption represents the stronger adsorption accompanied by electrostatic interaction which can be attributed to the
and greater selectivity, meanwhile the regeneration of sorbent will be synergy between oxygenic functional groups and Cu metal sites.
harder as higher energy consumption is needed. It appears that an in-
termediate level of heat of adsorption is preferred. That is, from an en- 5. Engineering consideration
gineering point of view, the recommended values for post-combustion
capture of gas pollutants are between 30 and 60 kJ/mol [36]. 5.1. Biochar preparation
As discussed in Section 2.4, the treating conditions on the biochar,
4.4. Assistance from computational simulation methods
such as raw materials, pyrolysis and activation temperature, flow rate of
With the rapid development of computer technology, various activated gas, concentrations of chemical activation agents, ratios of
computational simulation methods, such as density functional theory biochar to activating agent, and processing time, affect the biochar
(DFT), classic molecular dynamics (MD), and grand canonical Monte characteristics and further removal capacities of gas pollutants. Never-
Carlo (GCMC), have been widely applied to describe the biochar struc- theless, it is noted that the conditions of thermal treatment, activation
ture model and adsorption process recently. DFT is mainly used to and functionalization of biochar are related to the time and economic
predict the lattice constant, crystal structure, adsorption energy, elec- expenses required for the preparation of biochar. Therefore, the prepa-
tron energy density, reaction path, etc, in biochar [214]. GCMC can ration of biochar should pursue both superior removal capacities of gas
C. Wen et al.

pollutants and the time and cost-saving methods. temperature is too high, the NH3 modification resulted in the decom-
position of nitrogen functionalities [78]. The narrow micropore volume
The increased particle size of biochar arouses a relatively longer time
was also reduced at high temperature owing to the collapse of adjacent
required to achieve the same interior gas concentration [33]. Guo et al. pore walls, causing decreased adsorption of CO2 [58,59,177]. The op-
[41] toobserved
mm 4 mm, that
bothwhen the particle
the gas size of biochar
film resistance increaseddiffusion
CO2 internal
and the from 1 timum NH4Cl loading was reported to be about 5% [109], and the Hg
distance were intensified, leading to slower mass transfer and decreased removal efficiency no longer increased [127,128] or even decreased for
breakthrough time. However, the resulting adsorbed capacity of SO2 NH4Cl loadings >7% [109], might be caused by the biochar surface
were similar compared with the different sizes of biochar, i.e., ~14 saturation leading to pore blockage and diminution of surface area. The
mg/g for dynamic and 76 mg/g for static conditions. Wei et al. [166] excessive loading value of Cu/Fe oxides, e.g., 15 wt%, would lead to the
also found that the bamboo biochar ranging from 0.075 to 2.0 mm had blockage of the partial pore structure and reduce the physisorption
almost the same adsorbed amounts of CO2, indicating the little effect of performance of Hg, further inhibiting the oxidation or chemisorption
particle size. process and was not conducive to Hg0 removal any more. The removal
An increase in carbonization temperature generally increases the efficiencies of HCHO and Hg0 apparently dropped when the molar ratio
microporosity, ash, fixed carbon, basic functional groups, pH of biochar, of Cu to Mn was decreased from 1:1 to 1:5 or enhanced from 1:1 to 3:1
accordingly, acidic and oxygenic functional groups, H/C and O/C molar [32]. The suitable molar ratio of bimetals is benefit to form the well
ratios, volatile, and yields of biochar decrease [219]. The high pyrolysis dispersed active ingredients and can promote the occurred redox cycle
temperature is benefit to promote the porosity of biochar and intensify to produce new oxygen vacancies, receiving good mercury removal
the adsorption ability of gas, but at higher temperature, the high ash capacity [54]. Too excessive metal input would result in the decrease of
volumes in biochar from high temperature pyrolysis blocked the pores of redox activity and a noticeable decline of surface area, it would further
biochar and destructed the surface functional group, both of which ul- led to the reduction of active sites of adsorption and oxidation, and
timately hindered the adsorption process [73]. The decrease of the thereby inhibited the catalytic removal. During the ball-milling treat-
organic functional groups (mainly C––O) [105,106], the decomposition ment, extending the time from 1 to 4 h was reported to benefit the
of C-halogen functional groups [105] and sulfur species [107] at magnetic properties of biocharFe/Mn and improve the Hg0 removal [11].
excessive high temperature would weaken the chemisorption and However, when the process time of ball-milling was prolonged to 12 h,
removal performance for Hg0. As to the extended activation tempera- the surface energies elevated and the metal oxides began to aggregate, a
ture, it was reported to accelerate the reaction between carbon and proper time thus needs to be considered to improve the dispersion of
activation agents, and may encourage the widening and collapse of metal oxides onto the biochar for better functionalized effects.
pores instead of pore development and meanwhile destroy the func- The balance between adsorption performance and yields of biochar
tional groups. The oxygen functional groups were reported to increase is particularly important in choosing the treatment methods to produce
for biocharH2O but decrease for biocharKOH with increasing temperature biochar, considering that a satisfying adsorption performance at the
[92]. expense of reducing biochar yield might not be economical from the
Generally, the carbonization process of biomass can occur at a suit- industrial point of view [220]. Al-Rumaihi et al. [221] summarized that
able activation time and the prolonged time do not differ markedly [28], the feedstock type, carbonization temperature, heating rate, residence
the more prolonged activation time may even cause the damage to pore time, and reactor bed type and height, have the influence on the biochar
surface [73]. Yavuz et al. [72] found that when the activation time in yield. Generally, biomass with higher ash content leads to higher bio-
H3PO4 extended from 30 min to 120 min, the pore size of biochars was char yield due to higher inorganic content [222], and lignocellulosic
gradually increased and widened firstly, and then decreased within the feedstocks with larger lignin content show higher biochar yield and
further 60 min. Wu et al. [74] reported that the pore volume and surface lower volatiles. Besides, the biochar yields are inversely related to the
area of biochar were promoted moderately when the activation time was pyrolysis temperature and the heating time, possibly posing an opposite
prolonged from 1 h to 2 h during the H2O activation at 800 ◦C, mean- effect on the adsorption performance [71,223]. The biochar yield de-
while, the reduction of activation time weakened the acidity of the creases with the increase of temperature, which is attributed to the
biochar catalyst. dehydration of hydroxyl groups and thermal degradation of cellulose
During H2O2 activation, too higher concentration input may cause and lignin structures [71]. Sessa et al. [224] also reported that the
much powerful oxidization and make the collapsed inner pores and biochar yield was mainly determined by the maximum temperature, but
decreased specific surface area [85], as well as may promote the ester- heating rate and the particle size did not affect the biochar yield
ification reaction between –OH and –COOH, which eliminated the significantly when uniform heating was assured. Meanwhile, biochar
yield was reported to increase with the increase of holding time [71].
chemisorption sites of Hg and resulted in a worse removal [37]. The
As to some typical methods of activation, the biochar yield of mi-
different optimum KOH/biomass ratios and temperatures exhibiting the
crowave pyrolysis was reported to be lower than that of conventional
maximum CO2 capacity were reported in Section 3.4.2, with the inde-
pyrolysis at the same processing temperature of 600 ◦C [155]. The
pendent activation effects on the higher pore volume and BET surface
biochar yields from activation of steam, CO2 and KOH were reported to
area, as well as higher basic oxygenic functional groups and oxidized
be 59%, 55% and 35%, respectively [225]. The high CO2 activation
sulfur content [169].
Microwave pyrolysis is capable of generating the biochar with saved temperature reduces the surface functional groups, hydrophobicity, and
cost, time, and energy consumptions in comparison to the conventional the production yield of biochar, although increasing the surface area and
pyrolysis. The maximum CO2 adsorption amount of biochar formed by porosity positively. After incorporating urea phosphate, the biochar
microwave pyrolysis at ~321 ◦C was reported to be higher than by yield was significantly enhanced from 25.8% to 50% at pyrolysis tem-
conventional pyrolysis at 550 ◦C [155]. At higher power levels, the perature of 600 ◦C [226]. It is caused by the fact that H3PO4 and its
adsorption performance weakened possibly due to the pore damage. polymers can combine with the organic components in sawdust to
Besides, the ultrasound process is thought to increase the BET surface generate phosphates and polyphosphate esters through crosslinking,
area and improve gas removal efficiency by enhancing the further which avoids the escape of carbon atoms [226]. The impregnation ratio
functionalization effect including the dispersion and penetration of the of NaOH and urea phosphate did not affect the biochar yield apparently
NH4Cl [109] and dispersion active ingredients such as Mn and Ce [109]. [223,226].
The functionalization of ammonia, halogen and metals presented in
Figs. 3–5 also should be accessed suitably. The high activation temper- 5.2. Reactor conditions
ature in NH3 improved the porous texture and then enhance the
The lab-scale studies
impregnation widely of
effectiveness usenitrogen
the fixed[79],
bed reactor (FBR),
however, if thethermo-
C. Wen et al.

gravimetric analyzer (TGA) and static volumetric analyzer. FBR presents adsorption capacity may remain almost the same when sufficient time is
the dynamic and volumetric sorption, the TGA presents a kinetic and provided [153]. As the adsorption temperature increased, both the
gravimetric sorption [20], and the static volumetric analyzer measures breakthrough time of SO2 [79] and CO2 [186] were found to be
the gas adsorption/desorption isotherms and equilibrium, generally at decreased, indicating that the increased adsorption temperature allows
different temperatures and a pressure range from 0 to 101 kPa. The for a faster transport of gas within the pores and then improves diffusion
dynamic tests generate necessary data for calculating of adsorption ki- and adsorption rate. The reported data of breakthrough time of typical
netic and rate equation. Through the fixed bed, the gas adsorbate is gas differ in several seconds to hundreds of minutes, depending on the
passed at a given flow rate and the experiment is terminated when the specific experimental conditions including gas type, gas feeding con-
outlet flow concentration is equal to inlet concentration, indicating the centration, gas flow rate or GHSV, adsorption temperature, and loading
breakthrough occurs. The adsorption capacity of biochar can be calcu- weight and shape of biochar. Therefore, it seems to be difficult to
lated via the breakthrough curve as a function of operation time, using compare the rate of adsorption from different publications.
the area integration. In the TGA test, the gas adsorbate uptake is Al-Rahbi et al. [88] reported that both increasing microporosity and
weighted from the increased mass gained by the biochar during the
surface area of biocharKOH correlated directly with the increased NO
feeding of the adsorbate gas flow.
The understanding of influences of controlling parameters for FBR in breakthrough, indicating a faster adsorption rate. Similarly, Jia et al.
the adsorption performance is necessary to the further engineering [55] reported that the diffusion and then surface adsorption rate of Hg0
was greatly improved with the development of pore structure and sur-
application of large-scale fixed adsorption bed device. The bed density of face chemical properties. The physically biocharCO2 presented faster
reactor is calculated from the quality of adsorbent loaded into the vol- adsorption rates of CO2 than chemically biocharKOH at 75 ◦C, indicating
ume of the reaction column. From a practical of view, the higher bed that the more hierarchical pore structure of biochar can lead to a higher
density can decline the required volume of adsorbents [174]. The length diffusion rate of CO2 [146]. The N-doped hierarchical biochar showed a
of mass transfer zone (MTZ) represents the active part where adsorption high adsorption rate of 0.189 min 1 for toluene, which is benefited from
occurs in the fixed bed, presenting a concentration gradient in adsorbate mesopores improving the mass transfer behaviors [227]. The VOC
from zero to equilibrium [41,162]. Guo et al. [41] observed that the
adsorption rate constants of 600 ◦C pyrolytic biochar were higher than
increase of column length retarded the breakthrough time and exhaus-
that of biochars produced at 300 ◦C, which suggested that the physical
tion time, however, had an insignificant effect on the MTZ length.
adsorption rate was slightly higher than partition rate [35]. The
Meanwhile, the diffusion is generally faster when the particle size of
adsorption saturation time of acetone from biochar after ball milling was
biochar is smaller, the MTZ will thus be shorter and sharper [41].
apparently shortened from 40 min to 20 min, as the BET specific surface
The increase of feeding rate promotes the surface diffusion so that
area and the oxygenic group content of biochars increased after ball
the mass transfer rates increases, leading to steeper breakthrough curve
milling [228]. Generally, the surface adsorption is the main adsorption
and correspondingly a relative lower adsorption capacity of SO2 [83].
form in the initial stage, which makes the surface adsorption rate faster
The servicing time of the packed column was decreased due to a higher
than the intraparticle diffusion rate owing to the large amount of
loading factor [41]. An approximate linear correlation between the inlet
adsorption active sites existing on the surface of biochar [114]. For
SO2 concentration and the adsorption amount of SO2 was observed by
example, the CO2 adsorption increased almost vertically as a function of
Yavuz et al. [72]. Furthermore, Lua et al. [83] and Iberahim et al. [6]
time within the first 5 min [229]. Subsequently, the adsorption rate
revealed that the higher GHSV (gas hourly speed velocity) indicated by
decreases gradually due to the depletion of active sites, which is
higher gas flow rate would transfer more gases into the adsorption bed
confirmed by the geometric logarithm increase of Hg adsorption rate
per unit time and led to faster breakthrough. The contact time between
with time elapsed over 600 min, with an average adsorption rate of 1.40
SO2 and biochar decreased, sometimes the equilibrium had not reached
μg/g ⋅ min 1 [138].
when the breakthrough occurred, thereby reducing the treated and
adsorbed amount of SO2 [6,41,75]. At higher GHSV, the decline in 5.4. Cycle and regeneration
adsorption capacity of SO2 and NO was attributed to the insufficient
Regeneration of spent biochar is necessary to the successive
contact time or space between the sorbent and the simulated flue gas
adsorption-desorption cycles in industrial applications, and a low
[209]. The GHSV was also important to the Hg0 removal, the Hg0
regeneration temperature and a short cycle time should be pursued. The
removal capacity declined from 65.9% to 50.0% as the GHSV enhanced
rapid kinetics process is benefit to shorten the adsorption cycle time. The
from 260,000 h 1 to 520,000 h 1 [61]. Similar findings were given by
stronger chemisorption would make the regeneration of biochar sorbent
Shen et al. [109] and Xu et al. [105].
harder, this requires higher desorption/regeneration temperature with
high energy consumption [156].
5.3. Adsorption rate
Atanes et al. [28] found that the SO2 adsorbed by acidic biochar
The dynamic breakthrough experiments of feed gas was generally adsorbents via physisorption would be readily to regenerate for more
used to quantify the rate of adsorption and then the adsorption amount adsorption cycles. Braghiroli et al. [76] reported that thermal treating
of typical gas such as SO2, NO and CO2. The adsorption rate can be regeneration mostly affected the physical structure of the spent biochar,
calculated from the slope of the breakthrough curve of SO2, NO, and CO2 H2SO4 adsorbed onto the biochar was removed along with the decrease
and the slope of accumulative adsorption curve of Hg0 and VOCs, which of carbon, whereas water treatment mainly dealt with the adsorption of
are difficult to penetrate due to the very low concentration. The SO2 found in surface. These two types of treatments were tested by
breakthrough time is calculated between the initial feeding time and the Iberahim et al. [73] to find out that about half adsorption amount of SO2
saturation time, which detects the non-zero gas concentration at the was regenerated after the first cycle, and the lower treatment tempera-
outlet of the reactor column. Generally, the experimental data showed ture may lead to higher residual sulfur which caused the decrease of SO2
that the breakthrough time decreased with increasing both feeding adsorption. The SO2 adsorption efficiency decreased when the regen-
concentration [33,83] and flow rate of gas or GHSV [6,41,83]. An in- eration cycles increased to the third times, owing to the damage of pore
crease in gas feeding concentration improves the surface diffusion and texture and active adsorption sites [6]. The regeneration efficiency of
then the mass transfer coefficient, resulting in a relatively steeper biocharH2O was evaluated with 6 cycles by Braghiroli et al. [76]. They
breakthrough curve and earlier breakthrough of SO2 [33]. Besides, it is found that the pore structure of biochar was changed after regeneration
expected that the more flow rate of gas or GHSV will deliver high flux of cycles, which resulted in a moderate promotion in micropore volume
adsorbate into the reactor bed per unit time, which decreases the and surface area since the 4th cycles. Besides, the acid surface after SO2
breakthrough time of SO2 [6] and CO2 [153]. However, the ultimate adsorption was decomposed during desorption test at 600 ◦C, which can
C. Wen et al.

leave new basic surface and favor the further SO2 sorption capacity VOCs derived from either strong affinity between VOC and biochar, or
possibly compared with the original biochar. These two reasons sur-
the formed permanent bonds requiring higher temperature to break
prisingly made the SO2 adsorption capacities from the 4th-6th cycles
higher than those from the 1st-3rd cycles. them [198].
The Hg captured by the stable sites is relatively difficult to re-release,
whereas the Hg retained by the physisorption and catalytic sites is 5.5. Biochar selection consideration
readily to desorb by heating [230]. Fan et al. [114] showed that the Some viewpoints that can reflect the commonality and personality of
physisorbed Hg0 onto the biochar initially desorbed at 160 ◦C, the adsorption characteristics of various pollutants are summarized in this
desorption peak temperature of the organic Hg-OM species formed by section, which can be used to help guide the selection of biochar. The
the heterogeneous reaction of Hg0 with carbonyl and carboxyl groups high BET surface area and developed micro-porosity characteristics in
was 210 ◦C, while the corresponding temperature of HgO happened at biochar are necessary to provide sufficient physisorption sites for
300 ◦C. Tang et al. [230] reported that Hg desorbed at 200 ◦C was enhancing the gas adsorption [48], while an appropriate mesoporous
caused by the oxidation of Hg by catalytic sites, and that desorbed at and macropore network works to enhance the diffusion of the gas
280 ◦C was attributed to the adsorbed Hg onto the surface functional molecules into the micropores. The high carbonization temperature
groups. Yang et al. [43] reported that the biocharCu/Fe exhibited a good generally increases the micropore volume and surface area of biochar,
regeneration performance and still had a high Hg0 removal efficiency of however, some micropores might be coalesced to form mesopores or
76.33% after 6 regeneration cycles, compared with the efficiency of macropores at the overhigh temperatures. Similarly, the mild conditions
90.58% by original biochar. Shan et al. [108] reported that the average of activation, microwave, ultrasonic and plasma are all able to develop
Hg0 removal capacity was 10% lower than the original 87.1% after the the porous properties of biochar. The physisorption would be intensified
5th cycle for biocharMn/Fe. The average Hg removal capacity of the re- when the pore distribution of biochar matches the molecular dynamic
generated biocharMn/Ce just decreased by 16.1% after 10 cycles, owing size of gas adsorbates [19,37]. SO2, NO, Hg, CO2 have the kinetic
to the destruction of porous properties and active site [54]. Besides, the diameter of 0.364 nm, 0.3 nm, 0.32 nm, 0.33 nm, respectively. The
Fe impregnated biochar maintained above 90% after 6 cycles [119]. typical VOCs, such as toluene and chlorobenzene, have the kinetic
Two main types of adsorption technologies are deemed as feasible in diameter of 0.46 nm and 0.78 nm, respectively. Therefore, they tends to
post-combustion capture of CO2 and can match the adsorbent regener- collide and adsorb on micropores effectively due to their kinetic diam-
ation: temperature swing adsorption (TSA) and pressure swing adsorp- eter much less than 2 nm [30]. For example, Coromina et al. [151]
tion (PSA) or even vacuum swing adsorption (VSA) [174]. The biochar indicated that the adsorption energy was optimized when the pore size
can be readily regenerated by increasing the temperature in TSA process of biochar was 2–3 times than that of CO2 molecule, the optimum pore
and/or reducing the system pressure in PSA process [144]. However, it size was thus between 0.7 and 0.9 nm for CO2 adsorption.
would be uneconomical and difficult to compress the flue gases with The adsorptive capacities of SO2 were reported to be approximately
high flowrate for a conventional PSA process. Plaza et al. [144] reported linearly proportional related with the micropore volumes of bio-
that 5 kPa seemed a reasonable low pressure level during the depres- charH3PO4 and biocharCO2 [72,75]. Al-Rahbi et al. [88] reported that the
surization desorption step of CO2 in order to maintain the low operation best NO removal efficiency was related to the increase in micropore
costs. By contrast, the CO2-rich adsorbent was regenerated by raising the volume and BET surface area of biocharKOH. The linear correlation be-
reactor temperature in TSA process, this can be easily achieved by tween the amount of CO2 adsorbed at 25 ◦C and 1 bar and the pore
harnessing a heat steam from the running industrial plant via adding the
volume of 0.33–0.63 nm, and the correlation between narrow micro-
heating exchanger [174]. Because of the weak interactions between CO2
pores of 0.33–0.48 nm and adsorption amount at 25 ◦C and 0.15 bar
and biochar determine the requirement of low energy, its regeneration is
were reported [167]. Evidently, the narrower micropore is mainly
relatively simple and has been observed widely [148,149,174], and
responsible to CO2 adsorption under the practical flue gas conditions
most of reported biochars can be rapidly and simply regenerated over
with lower pressure of ~15% CO2. Furthermore, the capture of CO2 can
multiple cycles without distinct drop of adsorption capacity via TSA
be carried out at relative high temperature when the biochar contains
process [31,48,153] or PSA process [31,48,148,150,153,166,185]. The
more ultra-micropores, owing to only the narrowest pores mainly acting
high reusability of the biochar sorbent elucidates that physisorption
process was the predominant mechanism. The decline in capture ca- as the most energetic adsorption sites maintain occupied as increasing
pacity of CO2 with cyclic process may be due to loss of surface activity, the temperature [156]. Accordingly, The CO2 or VOCs adsorbed in the
agglomeration and incomplete regeneration of sorbent [171]. It should narrow micropores generally required higher desorption temperatures.
be mentioned that the spent biochar captured CO2 could be utilized as The strong linear correlation between micropore volumes or BET surface
the soil amendment and carbon storage directly, as CO2 would not leak area of biochars and adsorption capacities of VOCs were also widely
under normal soil/atmospheric temperatures [187], in this case it is no observed [40,191,194,196,198]. The narrow micro-porosity was re-
need to regenerate the biochar for a long time. ported to be dominant at low concentrations of toluene with the kinetic
For the renewable potential of VOCs, Zhang et al. [40] indicated that diameter of 0.67 nm [191,196] and P-xylene of 0.58 nm [198], while the
the desorption temperature of acetone on biochar was lower than that of more micropores of ~0.8 nm benefited the adsorption performance of
cyclohexane, affected by both the high porosity and abundant functional chlorobenzene (0.78 nm) than toluene [197]. The small molecular size
groups onto biochar as well as the properties of VOCs. The VOCs (0.58 nm) of benzene could prompt its diffusion rate into the micropores
adsorbed in the narrow micropores generally required higher desorption and Itaccess adsorptionthat
is noteworthy sites,
the compared to other
functionalized xylene VOCs
treatments [198].metal
temperatures, and the abundance of oxygenic functional groups onto the and halogen modification would block the biochar micropores and
hydrocharH3PO4 would strengthen the adhesion force with hydrophilic occupy the active site. The physisorption performance of NO or Hg
acetone. Besides, the high boiling point adsorbate has strong affinity to should not be destroyed by the too drastic treatments, otherwise the
the sorbent, therefore the higher boiling point of cyclohexane compared further chemisorption or catalytic oxidation process would be inhibited.
to acetone explained its more difficult desorption. Nearly 90% of the Some above-mentioned treatments especially the physical activation
adsorption capacity of acetone was remained at the end of the 5 cycles, of O2, H2O, H2O2, and CO2 could introduce some oxygenic functional
while it had 83.30% capacity remaining for cyclohexane [194]. Another groupss (mainly C––O, –OH) onto biochar, affecting the chemisorption
study presented that there were merely 2.5% and 0.9% decline in performance of various gaseous pollutants. The metal oxides having
cyclohexane and acetone respectively during the last four cycles [40]. A powerful oxidizing and oxygen storage capacity can also introduce new
large decrease of adsorption capacity of VOCs primarily happened in the oxygenic functional groups onto the biochar, and the ball-milling pro-
first cycle [35], should be attributed to the incomplete desorption of cess helps to further increase the oxygenic functional groups effectively.
C. Wen et al.

However, the oxygen functionalities on the biochar surface could spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
decompose at overhigh treatment temperature [51]. (FT-IR), temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and
The surface oxygenic functional groups, e.g., carboxyl, lactone, and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). For example,
phenolic hydroxyl, are closely related to the acidic character of biochar,
NH3-TPD can be applied to evaluate the surface acidic charac-
accordingly may favoring the polarity and hydrophobicity of biochar.
teristic of biochar, and H2-TPR measurement is used to observe
Therefore, they are benefit to the sorption of polar and hydrophilic VOCs
the redox property of metal oxides. However, the functional
[193]. On the contrary, biochar reflects the hydrophobic properties
making them favorable as an adsorbent for the hydrophobic and groups of biochar are measured by those technologies off-line,
non-polar CO2 and VOCs [21,48]. It should be noted that certain surface which may change when the spent biochar is cooled down.
oxygenic functionalities such as ketone, chromene, and pyrone, and Therefore, some in-situ advanced methods to quantitatively
nitrogen containing groups can contribute to the basicity of biochar analyze biochar should be developed to detect the adsorption
[51]. The higher proportion of alkaline C–O groups in biochar could lead mechanisms of biochar
Further research demandcorrectly [19].
for typical gas pollutants. The metallic
to stronger electrostatic or hydrogen bonding interaction with acidic (2) oxides with high basicity were reported to successfully improve
CO2 and SO2 [52,169]. The strong adsorption is related to the oxygen- the removal capacity of SO2 of activated carbon support by
ated groups onto the biochar, which are believed to be catalytic centers chemisorption, and even performed better than the amine group
for SO2 oxidation to SO3 and then from H2SO4 [68]. The acidic [53]. However, little similar attempts on biochar have been car-
oxygenated anchoring sites are also the effective intermediate stage to ried out at present. The existing research on CO2 adsorption using
introduce the nitrogen functional groups, which are generally effective biochar are mainly relied on simulated gas that consist of merely
for acidic SO2 and CO2 adsorption especially at the adsorption temper- several major gas compositions (e.g., N2, CO2, and H2O) or even
ature higher than ~100 ◦C. pure CO2. More studies are necessary to elaborate the competitive
The oxidation treatment introduce large number of oxygenic func- adsorption by biochar in industrial flue gas containing some
tional groups on the metal catalyst. They serve as active sites and pro- impurities [21]. Many solid adsorbents were modified by noble
duce the high-valence state (e.g., Ce4+, Mn4+) through electron transfer. metals to improve the Hg adsorption capacity because of their
C––O groups generally serve as electron acceptors and facilitate the regeneration capacity and satisfying high temperature stability
electron transfer for the oxidation of Hg0 into HgO during this process [22], mainly including Ir, Pt, Pd, Rh, Ag and Au. From the sci-
[61,123]. Meanwhile, they can not only help to adsorb NO but also entific view rather than economic view, the effects of noble
improve the dispersion of active phase to generate more adsorption sites metals modification can be attended to check their Hg removal
for NH3 [90], which can be beneficial to the oxidation of NO to NO2 and performance after adding into biochar. The adsorption of VOCs
the following L-H mechanism or “fast SCR” reaction to form N2 [90,96, onto solid sorbent generally decreases with elevating the
97]. Besides, the oxygenic functional groups onto biochar increase the adsorption temperature, mainly attributed to physical
content of volatile organic matter during ball milling [50,198]. There- exothermic interaction. Noteworthy, high temperature would
fore, the adsorption of VOC onto ball-milled biochar is also dominated facilitate the molecular diffusion, catalytic oxidation and chem-
by the combined mechanisms of surface adsorption and partition [50]. isorption, causing the complicated effects on VOCs adsorption
especially for the metal oxide modified biochar. Besides, hu-
5.6. Field tests midity can affect the adsorption of VOC onto carbon materials
In the field scale coal-fired unit, only the adsorption removal of Hg0 due to the H2O molecules can competitively occupy the pore
using biochar was reported. The biochar can be injected into the flue gas sites. However, the influence of temperature and humidity in
stream to capture Hg0 before dust remover, then the spent biochar is VOCs adsorption
Further by biochar
research demand for were little studied
synergistic [10,231].
adsorption of multi gas
captured by precipitator and recycled to re-inject into the flue gas after (3) components. As presented in Section 3.6 and Table S6, the
regeneration by high temperature desorption [54]. De et al. [117] research on multi gas adsorption by biochar is very limited at
evaluated the performance of the biocharH2O in Poplar River, Coronach, present and none of those tried more than three types of gas
Canada. It is a 562 MW power plant firing lignite, and the stack gas pollutants at the meantime. Some hints can be considered for
temperature for this test was 120–130 ◦C. The biocharH2O can attain further synergistic adsorption of multi gas components. The
more than 90% Hg capture when the biochar feeding rate was higher oxygenic functional groups onto the biochar are generally acidic
than 25 kg/106 m3 of flue gas amount, while 80% of Hg removal rate and they are benefit to the sorption of polar and hydrophilic
from 12 kg/106 m3. The ratio of biochar to Hg can be chosen to arrive VOCs, besides, they provide abundant amounts of active sites
the suitable operating cost of Hg capture process. Tang et al. [125] onto which NH3 or Hg can be adsorbed, the higher NO and Hg
carried out an onsite sampling in the 660 MW demonstration pulverized removal efficiency can thus be achieved. Meanwhile, the
coal unit to compare the effects of Hg removal monitoring from the oxygenated anchoring sites are the effective intermediate stage to
biocharHBr traps methods and the existing Ontario Hydra Method. The introduce the nitrogen functional groups (Fig. 3), which are
parallel Hg sampling results of biochar sorbent traps and the OHM generally more effective than the pore properties for the
showed 13.21 and 12.63 μg/Nm3 respectively in the sampling sites of adsorption of acidic SO2 and CO2, especially at an adsorption
boiler outlet, indicating satisfactory Hg removal and collection by the temperature higher than ~100 ◦C. The redox reactions of metal
biocharHBr traps. catalyst in biochar (Fig. 4) and the improved adsorption ability of
NH3 and Hg mainly determine the NOx and Hg0 removal per-
6. Challenges and perspectives formance of the biochar, and also able to promote catalytic
conversion of VOC to CO2 and H2O. The metal oxides may also
6.1. Research gap on exploring the adsorption mechanisms of biochar react with SO2 or CO2 to generate sulfates or carbonates at a high
adsorption temperature (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the development
The advanced quantitative analyzing methods. Various character-
(1) of biochar capable of simultaneous removal of multi gas pollut-
ization technologies have been applied to measure the pore
ants at one-step process remains a challenge as the inevitable
textural property and the occurrence of surface functional groups competitive adsorptions.
of biochars before and after use. Shafeeyan et al. [51] and
Abdulrasheed et al. [53] systematically described the typical
methods including chemical titration, X-ray photoelectron
C. Wen et al.

back the waste biochar into boiler as it is a fuel with better

6.2. Concerns on the industrial application
heating value and energy density than its parent biomass. As the
The requirement of industrial scale configurations loading biochar. As disposal demand of CO2 having much higher concentration than
mentioned in Section 5.2 and 5.4, nearly all studies on gas pol- other gas types, the biochar specifically adsorbing CO2 can be
lutants adsorption of biochar were performed in lab scale reac-
buried as a type of carbon sequestration before it loses the
tion systems until now. However, it should be difficult to present
effective adsorption capacity. In this case, biochar plays as the
as good adsorption capacity at industrial complicated conditions
carbon-sequestering soil amendment.
as those received in lab scale systems, due to the particle char-
acteristics of biochar sorbents and reactor bed configurations 6.3. Economy, energy and environmental analysis
need to be considered. The possible layout types for interacting
It is worth noting that many of modification processes onto biochar
biochar sorbents with combustion flue gas streams are injection
adsorbent may add extra synthesis costs and cause harmful environ-
systems, fixed-bed, moving-bed, and fluidized-bed [232]. The
mental implication. For example, the common treatment of acid solvent
multiphase reactor may efficiently promote the mass transfer and
activation is time and energy consuming in the applications of industrial
diffusion of gases which should be the major rate-controlled steps
scale [11]. Therefore, the green and simple activation and/or doping
of gas adsorption, thereby improving the adsorption efficiency methods, such as ultrasonic, plasma, microwave, and ball-milling,
[135]. The efficient utilization of the biochar sorbent in typical should be attempted in order to achieving the large scale commercial
industrial scale will determine the feasibility and economy of production. Huang et al. [155] indicated that microwave pyrolysis can
biochar adsorption technology for the removal of gas pollutants achieve a near-zero emission of CO2 according to the mass balance
from combustion offlue
The requirement gas. sorbent in industrial scale. The biochar
biochar relationship between the CO2 adsorption of biochar and the microwave
(2) pyrolysis. The biochar sorbents lack of ample capabilities of recycling
adsorbents should satisfy the following criteria under industrial
condition for an economic and idea capture of gas pollutants: (a). and regeneration would increase the costs of production, operation, and
be produced via inexpensive and energy-save processes, e.g., post-processing and lead to environmental issues because of the inevi-
microwave, plasma, ultrasonic and template; (b) present large table solid waste treatments [23]. The magnetically separation can be an
adsorption capacity and high selectivity with N2, and should be important assistance to the cyclic utilization of biochar, Yang et al.
tolerate to other flue gas compositions (e.g., SOx, NOx, H2O and [233] notified that the recyclability of magnetic separation adsorbents
led to only a 1/4-1/5 utilized cost compared to traditional AC adsor-
light hydrocarbons) and it is better to remove multi gas pollutants
bents. However, the effectiveness of these methods for the modification
simultaneously; (c). fast adsorption and desorption kinetics, low
and application of biochar on an industrial scale is still unclear [21].
energy requirements for desorption, and good mechanical
The biochar costs and prices depend on local raw material avail-
regeneration stability are necessary to achieve long-term
ability, thermal treatment conditions, process flow, reactor availability,
adsorption-desorption cycles operation; (d). the separation for recovery, service life and markets [234]. Praveen et al. [235] presented
the recovery of biochar adsorbents from the magnetic impurities that the worldwide mean price of biochar up to 2018 was ₹185.5 kg 1
is a challenge, and the magnetically separable biochar should be (¥15.5 kg 1, China’s RMB Yuan), with the data source of a total of 91
considered [23]. These problems are important for developing companies reporting the sales of biochars across the world. They esti-
the candidate biochar sorbents being and designing the gasmated that the cost of biochar of 1 kg was ₹45.4, ₹42.7 and ₹42.5
optimumsystem, they
adsorption still needThe
conditions. to be boardly
cost and and
of biochar deeply studied.
capture (¥3.5–3.7 kg 1) for coconut shell, rice husk and groundnut shell in India,
efficiencies of gas pollutants should be balanced in order to work respectively [235]. Dai et al. [234] stated that the average price of
in the typical engineering parameters [159], and the adsorption biochar in the United States from a survey of 23 biochar sellers in 2014
capacity and kinetics of the same biochar adsorbents will differ was $2512.0 ton 1 (¥15.9 kg 1) and the cost of biochar production in
apparently under various flue gas parameters. For instance, CO China was reported to be only about 15% of other similar foreign
in the flue gas streams of the energy and industry facilities, such products. Alhashimi et al. [236] evaluated the economic performance
as power plants, lime production, or steel plants have different and found the mean cost of AC and biochar were $5.6 kg 1 (¥35.5 kg 1)
concentrations up to 35%, affecting the choice of optimum and $5 kg 1 (¥31.7 kg 1), respectively, however, they recommended
adsorption removing technology [189]. The SCR catalyst is that the prices should be considered cooperatively with adsorption ca-
promising to simultaneous remove NOx and Hg0, and the low pacities to evaluate the bulk cost of pollutant capture. For economic
temperature catalyst working in ~150–200 ◦C should be devel- performance, Tarka et al. [237] chose a baseline of $10 kg 1 (¥63.5
kg 1) for solid sorbents in the sensitivity analysis, and they found that a
oped. The most acceptable location for a CO2 capture unit is after
cost of $5 kg 1 presented a good performance and a cost of $15 kg 1
FGD with temperatures of 50–105 ◦C in the nearby location, and
(¥95.2 kg 1) was not economical for the CO2 capture sorbent. The re-
the low CO2 partial pressure of ~15 kPa in high gas flow rate is
ported cost of seeweed biochar, i.e., $13.19–13.43 kg 1 [122], appears
the main challenges of capturing post-combustion CO2, causing
to be around this range.
that only the very narrow micropores in biochar positively
Economic benefits are secondary to the application value of biochar,
affected CO2 adsorption [167]. Besides, the adsorption efficiency
the environmental benefits of biochar are more important [234]. The
of low boiling VOC needs to be increased while the difficulty and
biochar production and its use for adsorption of pollutants present lower
necessity of high temperature during high boiling VOC desorp-
environmental impacts than AC [238]. Alhashimi et al. [236] reported
tion should be solved. It should also keep in minds that the useful
that the energy consumption value to generate 1 kg biochar was
operation conditions found in experimental research are gener-
calculated to be 6.1 MJ/kg, in comparison to 97 MJ/kg for AC, and the
ally in a narrow range or even far from the representative con-
biochar presented negative GHG emissions of 0.9 kg CO2eq./kg
ditions of post-combustion
Recommended capture.of spent biochar. The priority in
disposal strategy
(4) because of its capacity to sequester carbon, while AC showed a positive
industry is regenerating the used biochar for many times until the emission of 6.6 kg CO2eq./kg. If the energy demand of biochar pro-
removal capacities of gas pollutants are invalid, mainly via duction is too high, it would penalize the environmental profile of bio-
thermal regeneration at about 200–300 ◦C which can be supplied char, but the function of heat generation of biomass for biochar systems
by heat transfer with a circulating flue gas in plants. The desorbedwith the highest environmental credits can provide an offset [238]. In
gas pollutants such as SO2 and NOx can be intensively collected order to harness the biochar adsorbents, the techno-economic and
and disposed to as chemical feedstock. Then, it is prior to send environmental feasibility should be evaluated from a life-cycle
perspective. The techno-economic assessments of biocharKOH were
investigated to compare the utilization potentiality with MEA and
PEI/silica at the post-combustion capture technology integrated with a
solar-assisted coal-fired power plant [239]. The corresponding values of
COA (cost of CO2 removed) for the system using MEA, PEI/silica and
biocharKOH were $31.53 ton CO2 1, $329.93 ton CO2 1 and $14.12 ton
CO2 1, respectively, indicating the best performance of biocharKOH.
Comprehensive life cycle analysis can indicate the environmental foot-
prints including carbon, energy, water and toxic emissions [25]. The
following life cycle stages should be included: biomass collection,
transportation to pyrolysis facilities, pre-treatment processes, pyrolysis
stage, adsorption process, and final use of co-products [238]. The po-
tential disposal methods include soil amendment, solid fuel for energy
generation together with syngas and bio-oil, and filler material in con-
struction materials. However, until now little studies paid attention to
the life-cycle analysis of biochar adsorption [235,236,238], and none of
them concerned the adsorption of gas pollutants.

7. Conclusions

This review highlights the potential of biochar as an efficient and

low-cost for removing the gaseous pollutants in combustion flue gas,
including SO2, NOX, Hg, CO2 and VOC. The physical activation, chem-
ical activation, and the novel modification methods including micro-
wave, ultrasonic, plasma, ball-milling, and molten salt, were introduced
as their improvement in the micropore properties and the active surface
functional groups of the biochar sorbents. The relevant treating condi-
tions were attended as their influence on the biochar characteristics,
such as pyrolysis and activation temperature, flow rate of activated gas,
concentrations of chemical activation agents, ratios of biochar to acti-
vating agent, and processing time. Furthermore, the functionalization
for engineering biochar, including addition of the oxides of transition
metals, basic sites capable of interacting with acidic gas, and halogens or
sulfur species on activated biochar were reviewed to observe the further
improved adsorption performance of biochar, for the possible engi-
neering application.
The adsorption conditions, mainly include the adsorption tempera-
ture, the humidity and impurities concentrations in simulated flue gas,
and the selectivity and synergistic adsorption of typical gases, were
related to the adsorption rate and removal performance of various
gaseous pollutants. Additionally, the study examines the cycle and
regeneration capacity of biochar to guarantee satisfactory practical
removal performance. The adsorption isotherm models and the
adsorption kinetic models are helpful to predict the adsorption amount
and controlling mechanism and from them the adsorption energy can be
calculated to determine the strength and potential of adsorption and
desorption. The advanced computational simulation methods such as
DFT, MD and GCMC were also discussed for helping with the description
of physisorption and chemisorption. At last, the challenges on improving
the adsorption performance of biochar, the synergistic adsorption in
industrial application, and the evaluation of economy and energy saving
analysis were presented.
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[212] Rigby SP. Predicting surface diffusivities of molecules from equilibrium Minghou Xu received his PhD degree in 199
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[213] Gilliland E, Baddour R, Perkinson G, Sladek K. Diffusion on surfaces. I. Effect of Engineering, Huazhong University of Science &
concentration on the diffusivity of physically adsorbed gases. Ind Eng Chem Fund Technology, China. He is a Chair Professor
1974;13:95–100. of “Cheung Kong Scholar” of China. He has be
[214] Jeyasubramanian K, Thangagiri B, Sakthivel A, Raja J, Seenivasan S, en elected as Fellow of the Combustion
Vallinayagam P, et al. A complete review on biochar: production, property,
Institute for excellent research on solid fuel co
multifaceted applications, interaction mechanism and computational approach. mbustion, as applied to the formation and
Fuel 2021;292:120243. control of particulate matter and trace elements,
[215] Zhao S, Xun C, Xu W. Density functional theory study on the catalytic reduction of
and he currently works as the associate
nitric oxide over the bio-char surface during biomass reburning: the influence of editor for Energy & Fuels, ACS. His research f
inherent potassium. Fuel 2023;342:127923.
ields include pulverized coal combustion,
[216] Jia L, Yu Y, Guo J, Qin S, Wang Y, Shen X, et al. Study of the molecular structure
and elemental mercury adsorption mechanism of biomass char. Energy Fuel 2020; advanced utilization of biomass, CCUS, energ
y storage, industrial application of com-
[217] Cao D, Ji Y, Liu L, Li L, Li L, Feng X, et al. A facile and green strategy to synthesize bustion technology, comprehensive modeling
N/P co-doped bio-char as VOCs adsorbent: through efficient biogas slurry on pulverized coal combustion. He has
treatment and struvite transform. Fuel 2022;322:124156. published 3 monographs and 200+ academic pa
[218] Li Q, Xu W, Liang X, Liu B, Wu Q, Zeng Z, et al. Specific alkali metal sites as CO2 pers. He received the distinguished paper
traps in activated carbon with different pore size for CO2 selective adsorption:
in the Stationary Combustion colloquium of th
GCMC and DFT simulations. Fuel 2022;325:124871. e 33rd International Symposium on Com-
[219] Zhao Z, Wang B, Theng BK, Lee X, Zhang X, Chen M, et al. Removal performance,
bustion in 2010 and also won more than 8 Sc
mechanisms, and influencing factors of biochar for air pollutants: a critical ience and Technology Awards of National
review. Biochar 2022;4:30. Ministry or Provincial Government.
[220] Shafawi A, Mohamed A, Lahijani P, Mohammadi M. Recent advances in
developing engineered biochar for CO2 capture: an insight into the biochar Chang Wen received his PhD degree in 2013
modification approaches. J Environ Chem Eng 2021;9:106869. from State Key Laboratory of Coal Com-
[221] Al-Rumaihi A, Shahbaz M, Mckay G, Mackey H, Al-Ansari T. A review of pyrolysis
bustion, Huazhong University of Science & Tec
optimum and feedstock:
biochar a blending
yield. Renew Sustain approach for 2022;167:112715.
Energy Rev plastic and biomass towards hnology, China. He is currently an Asso-
ciate Professor at Department of New Ener
[222] Mamaghani Z, Impact
Review of the Hawboldt K, MacQuarrie
of gas mixtures andS. water
Adsorption of CO2 using
on adsorption. biochar-
J Environ Chem gy Science and Technology, Huazhong
University of Science and Technology. He w
Eng 2023:109643.
[223] Saeed A, Harun N, Nasef solution
M, Al-Fakih A, Ghaleb rice
A, Afolabi H. Removal of as an Endeavour Visiting Scholar in the
cadmium from aqueous by optimized husk biochar using response
Department of Chemical Engineering at Curtain
surface methodology. Ain Shams Eng J 2022;13:101516. University, Australia from 2012 to 2013
[224] Sessa F, Merlin G, Canu P. Pine bark valorization by activated carbons production and a post-doctor in State Key Laboratory of
to be used as VOCs adsorbents. Fuel 2022;318:123346. Coal Combustion, Huazhong University of
[225] Shahkarami S, Azargohar R, Dalai A, Soltan J. Breakthrough CO2 adsorption in Science & Technology, China from 2013 to 201
bio-based activated carbons. J Environ Sci 2015;34:68–76. 6. His research fields include energy uti-
[226] Ma Q, Chen W, Jinbiochar
nitrogen-doped Z, Chenfor
L, Zhou Q, Jiang
efficient X. One-step
removal of CO2 synthesis
and H2S. ofFuel
2021;289: lization of biochar materials and PM2.5 emissio
n control during solid fuel combustion. He
119932. has published more than 40 academic journal
[227] Yang Y, Sun inC, food
mechanism Huang Q, Yan
waste J. Hierarchical
component derived porous
biochar: formation
application in papers. He received the Australian Gov-
ernment Endeavour Research Fellowship Awa
VOCs removal. Chemosphere 2022;291:132702.
[228] Zhuang Z, Wang L, Tang J. Efficient removal of volatile organic compound by rds in 2011 and the Excellent Doctoral
ball-milled biochars from different preparing conditions. J Hazard Mater 2021; Dissertation Award of Hubei Province, China, i
406:124676. n 2015.
[229] Li K, Niu X, Zhang D, Guo H, Zhu X, Yin H, et al. Renewable biochar derived from
Hanping Chen currently is a Professor and head
mixed sewage sludge and pine sawdust for carbon dioxide capture. Environ Pollut of Department of New Energy Science and
Engineering at Huazhong University of Science a
[230] Tang R, Yang W,
bamboo-shell Wangblack
carbon H, Zhou
andJ, its
Zhang Z, Wuremoval
mercury S. Preparation of fly-ash-modified
performance in simulated nd Technology (HUST). He also serves as
flue gases. Energy Fuel 2016;30:4191–6. deputy director of State Key Laboratory of Coa
[231] Liu H, Yang B, Xue N. Enhanced adsorption l Combustion, and deputy director of Na-
activated carbon under humid conditions due toof shifts
benzene vapor on granular
in hydrophobicity and total
tional Energy R&D Center of Biomass Gas Prepar
micropore volume. J Hazard Mater 2016;318:425–32. ation & Utilization Technology. He was a
[232] Raganati F, Miccio F, Ammendola P. Adsorption of carbon dioxide for post- visiting scholar in the Department of Chemical
combustion capture: a review. Energy Fuel 2021;35:12845–68. and Biological Engineering at University of
[233] Yang J, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Zheng C. Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas by British Columbia, Canada from 2000 to 2001
recyclable CuCl2 modified magnetospheres catalyst from fly ash. Part 1. Catalyst characterization and performance and a senior visiting fellow in the Depart-
uation. Fuel 2016;164:419–28. ment of Mechanical Engineering at University
[234] Dai Y, Zhang N, Xing C, Cui Q, Sun of Sheffield, UK in 2011. He has been
The adsorption, regeneration and devoted himself to fundamental research, te
engineering applications of biochar chnology development and engineering
removal organic pollutants: a review. application of high-efficiency conversion and hi
Chemosphere 2019;223:12–27. gh-value added comprehensive utilization
[235] Praveen S, Gokulan R, Pushpa TB, for biomass. He has been the manager of 30+ k
[236] Alhashimi HA, Aktas CB. Life cycle environmental and economic performance of
n J. Techno-economic feasibility of ey national research projects and has also
biochar compared with activated carbon: a meta-analysis. Resour Conserv Recycl biochar as biosorbent for basic dye led 60+ industry-supported projects. As the lea
questration. J Indian Chem Soc 2021;98: ding investigator, he won a Second-Class
[237] Tarka Jr TJ, Ciferno JP, Fauth DJ. CO2 capture systems utilizing amine enhanced
Award of National Science and Technology Pr
solid sorbents. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society. 100107. ogress. He also won more than 10 other
Science and Technology Award of National Min
istry or Provincial Government, a National
Overseas Chinese Contribution Award (Innova
tion Project), and a Blue Sky Award of
Global Top Investment Scenarios to Apply Ne
w Technology for Renewable Energy Utili-
zation. He has published 3 monographs and 150
+ academic papers and he also holds 10+
Chinese patents.
Guangqian Luo received his PhD degree
09 from the department of Thermal Power
Engineering, Huazhong University of Science
& Technology, China. He is currently a
Professor at Huazhong University of Science
nd Technology. His research fields include
transformation mechanism and control technol
ogy of heavy metals (Hg, Se, As, Pb), NO
SOx, VOC and other pollutants, and applicati
on of image recognition and artificial intel-
ligence technologies in the energy area. He
published more than 100 academic papers
indexed by SCI. He was awarded the
ent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Hubei
Province, China, the Distinguished paper
he 33rd International Symposium, the Best
Paper for the 9th International Symposium
Coal Combustion and the ESI Highly Cited
Papers. He also applied for 53 Chinese patents
and 32 patents have been authorized.

Zijian Zhou received his PhD degree in

from State Key Laboratory of Coal Com-
bustion, Huazhong University of Science
chnology, China. He is currently an Asso-
ciate Professor at State Key Laboratory
Coal Combustion, Huazhong University
Science and Technology. He was a post-
doctor in State Key Laboratory of Materials
cessing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazh
ong University of Science & Technology,
China from 2017-2020. His research fields
de coal-fired flue gas pollutants control via
carbon-based adsorbents and metal oxides-
based catalysts. He landed on Forbes 30 Under

30 in Energy for China in 2019. He has publis

hed more than 40 academic journal papers,
and authorized 7 patents.

Tianyu Liu is now a Ph.D. candidate in

tate Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion at
Huazhong University of Science and Technolog
y. His current research focuses on the high-
value utilization of biochar. His main contribu
tion in this paper are the acquisition and
curation of data, including the conceptualizatio
n of mechanism and abstract.

Dapeng Wang is now a postgraduate

ofessor Minghou Xu’s group at Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, China.
His main contribution in this paper is in the
part of Hg. It includes the arrangement of
ble, drawing the picture of the mechanism.

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