Gle 3
Gle 3
Gle 3
Philippe GLÉ, Kirill Horoshenkov, Emmanuel Gourdon, Laurent Arnaud
23-27 April 2012, Nantes, France Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference
(a) (b)
Hemp concrete is an attractive alternative to tradi-
tional materials used in building construction. It has a
very low environmental impact and it is characterized
by high thermal insulation and sound absorption prop-
erties. The shape of hemp aggregates is parallelepiped
and individual particles in a hemp mix can be organized
in a plurality of ways. As a result, modeling of such ma-
terial is quite complicated.
This paper is focused on the fundamental under-
standing of the relations between the particle shape and Figure 1: Photographs showing mix of hemp particles
size distribution and the acoustical properties of the re- SA ((a) shows the characteristic dimension of the
sultant material mix. The sound absorption and the particles and (b) shows the intraparticle porosity)
transmission loss of various hemp aggregates is charac-
terized using laboratory experiments and three theoreti-
cal models. These models are used to relate the particle In the case of granular media with a particle size distri-
size distribution to the pore size distribution. It is shown bution and a non-spherical shape, not much has been
that the pore size distribution is one of the main charac- done.
teristic which controls the observed acoustical behavior. Studies investigated and modeled the effect of pore
size distribution. Arbitrary and log-normal pore size
distributions have been studied by [11] and [12], by ex-
1 Introduction tending the Biot theory [13, 14]. These authors showed
that the pore size distribution has a noticed effect on the
There is an increasing interest today for alternative acoustical properties, and it has also be shown that this
materials in buildings, in order to meet the expectations effect is greater than the change in pore shape. Besides,
of low environmental impact and multifunctionnal prop- in our case, it is necessary to understand the effect of
erties. Hemp concrete is a mix of plant particles (hemp the particle size distribution on this pore size distribu-
particles) with a binder (lime or cement), and is one tion. The progress concerning the modelling of the rela-
of these key materials. Its life cycle analysis [1] shows tionship between these parameters has been reviewed in
that 1 m2 of hemp concrete having a width of 26 cm [15] and a strong dependance is shown between porosity,
encasing a timber frame stores 35.5 kg carbon dioxide particle shape and particle size distribution.
over a reference period of 100 years, and proves the eco- Finally, the influence of the shape of particles on the
logical interest of this material. Moreover, as shown in acoustical properties is also a key question. Usually,
[2, 3, 4, 5] it features very interesting properties from non-spherical shape of particles is considered empirically
mechanical, thermal and acoustical points of view, so and using a shape factor [16]. Numerical works have
that it can qualify as a multifunctional material. been realized by imputing the shape and configuration
The acoustical behaviour of hemp concrete has al- of non-spherical particles, for instance with spiky parti-
ready been the object of several studies. The effect of cles [17]. However, parallelepiped shape such as hemp
the binder content in the formulation was observed in particles have not been investigated.
[3]. Furthermore, the effect of density, particles size dis- The article focuses on five different types of shiv
tribution, type of binder, and water content was suc- called SA to SE and having different origins. The aim
cintly discussed in [5]. A first approach has been devel- is to highlight the effect of particle size distribution,
oped to model its acoustical properties in [5], and this particle shape, and multi-scale porosity of shiv, on the
model has been improved to highlight the effect of the acoustical properties. It is organized in three sections.
multiple scales of porosity existing in the material in [6]. The direct characterization methods are first described.
The porous microstructure of hemp concrete is quite Then the modelling approaches used to model this ma-
complex, because it is composite and has a natural ori- terial are presented and compared. Some of the models
gin. Therefore, pores have dimensions distributed through enable to complete the characterization process in an
three scales, with the inter-particle pores having a size indirect way. These indirect characterized parameters
ranging between 1mm to 10mm (See Figure 1 (a)), are discussed to explain the acoustical behaviour of the
intra-particle pores having sizes varying between 10 and material. Finally, the effect of the shape and particle
60 μm (See Figure 1 (b)) [7, 8], and with intra-binder size distribution are discussed.
pores having a characteristic size of 1 μm. In [6], it
is shown that the contrast of permeability existing be-
tween the inter-particle pores and the intra-particle pores 2 Experimental results - Direct
is high enough so that only the inter-particle pores take
part into the acoustical dissipation of hemp concrete.
The other difficulty concerning hemp concrete, and
2.1 Particles size distribution of the shiv
shiv (loose hemp particles), is the parallelepiped shape
of the aggregates and their particle size distribution. In- The hemp particles were first characterized by a par-
deed, the acoustical properties of spherical aggregates ticles size distribution analysis. Hemp particles shape is
having same size is now well known and modelled [9, 10]. assumed to be parallelepiped. So, to describe perfectly
a bed of particles, one has to know the distribution of
Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference 23-27 April 2012, Nantes, France
based on image analysis. This method first developped Log−Normal PSD
by Ceyte [18] enables to know the distribution of length 100
and width of the particles.
This data have been compared to log-normal distri- 0
butions, and a perfect agreement has been found as de- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Req (mm)
scribed by Figure 2.
SA (ρ = 150kg.m−3) − mean = −1.51 log(mm) − std = 0.71 log(mm)
2000 500 200
1500 Log−Normal PSD
100 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 0 Req (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 5 10 15 20
A (mm2) L/l
Figure 3: Pore size distribution of shiv SA , population
400 and associated log-normal distribution
300 300
200 200
These frame densities were measured for the five shiv
100 100
on three different samples of mass Mshiv of 4 g to en-
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 2 4 6
sure the representativity of the sample. The volume of
L (mm) W (mm) the frame Vf rame of the shiv has been evaluated using
air porosimetry [19].
Figure 2: Particle size distribution of shiv SA , Among the tested shiv, the frame density ranges be-
population and associated log-normal distribution tween 870 and 1350 kg.m−3 . These values for frame
density have the same order as in [5]. This leads to
These results enable to compare clearly the mean size open porosity ranging between 85% and 95% decreasing
of the particles and it appears for each parameter that lineary as a function of the density of the bed.
the standard deviation does not vary a lot as a function
of the shiv size.
2.4 Air flow resistance
2.2 Pore size distribution of the shiv The air flow resistivity, noted σ, has been estimated
from the low frequency range of the imaginary part of
Using a similar method, the pore size distribution the dynamic density ρeq .
has then been investigated for different configurations of The validity of this estimate has been checked by per-
shiv. Photographs of shiv SA have been taken for two forming direct measurement, following standard ISO9053
densities, a low density packing with ρ = 100kg.m−3 on shiv SA and gives satisfactory results. The measured
and a high density packing with ρ = 150kg.m−3 . Then, resistivities range between 1000 and 9000 N.m−4 .s, and
an image analysis has been performed in Matlab to de- increase with density and for shiv having smaller parti-
tect the pores and to evaluate their equivalent radii (ra- cles such as SE .
dius of a circle having same area than the pores). The evolution of resistivity can be modelled as a
Figure 3 shows the pore size distribution. These pore function of the inter-particle porosity and the character-
size distributions have been modeled using a log-normal istic size of the shiv, as presented in [6], and using mod-
distribution and again, a very good agreement has been els derived from self consistent methods. So, concerning
found. So, one can wonder if a granular material, whose resistivity, shiv present same behaviour than packings
aggregates are characterised by a log-normal size dis- of spheres having the same characteristic size.
tribution, has a log-normal pore-size distribution. This
will be discussed in Section 3.
Besides it appears on this figure that an increase of 2.5 Tortuosity
the density lowers the equivalent radius of the pores and Finally, tortuosity has been evaluated using a flight
its standard deviation. However, it is important to no- time method. This method described in [20] consists in
tice that in this case, we considered two extreme values measuring the time delay between the incident and the
of density, and the standard deviation does not change transmitted waves using a 48 kHz ultrasound wave.
noticeably. We can observe that for all shiv, the tortuosity is
considerably high in comparison to spherical particles
2.3 Open porosity for which this parameter ranges usually between 1 and
1.5 [21]. Here the tortuosity of hemp particles ranges
The open porosity φ is a function of the density between 1.5 and 3.5, and increases in a linear way with
knowing the frame density of the particles ρf rame [5].
23-27 April 2012, Nantes, France Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference
3.1 Description of the models 3.1.3 Log-normal pore size distribution approach
Acoustical properties of porous materials can be pre- Finally, a third model has been considered. This
dicted, under rigid frame hypothesis, from their intrinsic model is also developed for granular material but takes
properties ρeq and Keq [25]. into account the distribution of pore size. A general
As explained in [6], shiv is a packing of porous parti- model could be used to describe arbitrary pore size dis-
cles. So a double porosity approach is used to take into tribution [30]. For the case of our shiv, we use the Padé
account the properties of the intra-particle pores and of approximants of this general model, presented in [30].
the inter-particle pores. In [6], the analysis of the exper- This approach has been chosen to take into account
imental data enabled to show that the contrast of per- the log-normal distribution of pore size and particle size
meability existing between these two networks of pores existing in shiv and to investigate the effect of such dis-
is big enough, so that, in the tested frequency range, we tribution.
are in the case, described in [26], of a very high con-
trat of permeability with no pressure diffusion between 3.2 Indirect characterization of the inter-
inter-particle and intra-particle pores. particle parameters
As a result, the intra-particle network does not take
part into te acoustical dissipation and the intrinsic prop- The inter-particle porosity φinter has been evaluated
erties of shiv ρeq and Keq can be described accurately by by adjusting the Zwikker - Kosten model [28] on the
computing the intrinsic properties of the inter-particle measurement of the real part of the bulk modulus. It
network ρinter and Kinter as described by Equations 1 can then be modelled as a function of both the density
and 2. of the shiv and the apparent density of the particles
ρparticle .
Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes Conference 23-27 April 2012, Nantes, France
Then, in order to model the dynamic density and well. This is clearly not the case for the mono-sized
the bulk modulus using Johnson et al. and Zwikker granular model.
and Kosten models, inter-particle tortuosity and viscous Indeed, all models give satisfactory results for the
length, respectively α∞inter and Λinter have been indi- normalised bulk modulus K/P0 , but for the normalized
rectly characterized from the real and imaginary parts dynamic density ρ/ρ0 , the real part is a lot underesti-
(ρeq ) and (ρeq ) of the dynamic density measurement mated using the mono-sized spherical model. As a re-
using the analytical method presented in [24]. sult, the sound absorption α predicted with this model
The values of tortuosity measured with this method is far from the experimental one.
are close to the previous ones which were obtained using This can be attributed to the fact that the shape
the direct ultrasound technique. However, it is possible of the aggregates is not taken into account within this
to see differences, especially for shiv SE and for high two-parameter model. It has been shown that tortu-
densities. In these cases, the ultrasound tortuosity is osity is very high for shiv in comparison to spherical
greater than the inter-particle tortuosity. This differ- particles, that is why the real part of dynamic density
ence can be explained by the existence of the two scales of shiv, especially sensitive to tortuosity, is greater than
of porosity as shown in [31]. the dynamic density of spherical particles.
It is also possible to see that inter-particle viscous 1
length is affected by the shape and size distribution of
particles. In [6], it is shown that shiv have smaller vis- 0.5
cous length than mono-sized spherical aggreagates of 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
same inter-particle porosity and characterstic size, and 10 0
that the existing models are not suitable for this mate-
5 −5
0 −10
200 400 600 800 1000 200 400 600 800 1000
f (Hz) f (Hz)
3.3 Deduction of standard deviation of 3 1
pore size distribution and effective 1
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