Methodologyof Testing Shot Blasting

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Methodology of Testing Shot Blasting Machines in Industrial Conditions

Article in Archives of Foundry Engineering · April 2012

DOI: 10.2478/v10266-012-0045-6


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4 authors, including:

Eugeniusz Ziółkowski Marcin Brzeziński

AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków


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ISSN (1897-3310)
ARCHIVES Volume 12
Issue 2/2012
97 – 104
Published quarterly as the organ of the Foundry Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Methodology of Testing Shot Blasting

Machines in Industrial Conditions
R. Wronaa*, P. Zyzaka, E. Ziółkowskia, M. Brzezińskia
AGH University of Science And Technology Faculty of Foundry Engineering, ul. Reymonta 23, 30-059, Kraków, Poland
Department of Foundry Processes Engineering, AGH University of Science And Technology, ul. Reymonta 23,
30-059 Kraków, Poland
*Corresponding author. E-mail address:

Received 28-05-2012; accepted in revised form 31-05-2012

Shot blasting machines are widely used for automated surface treatment and finishing of castings. In shot blasting processes the
stream of shots is generated and shaped by blasting turbines, making up a kinetic and dynamic system comprising a separating rotor, an
adapting sleeve and a propelling rotor provided with blades. The shot blasting performance- i.e. the quality of shot treated surfaces
depends on the actual design and operational parameters of the unit whilst the values of relevant parameters are associated with the
geometry of turbine components and the level of its integration with the separator system. The circulation of the blasting medium becomes
the integrating factor of the process line, starting from the hopper, through the propeller turbine, casting treatment, separation of
contaminated abrasive mixture, to its recycling and reuse.
Inferior quality of the abrasive agent (shot) and insufficient purity of the abrasive mixture are responsible for low effectiveness of shot
blasting. However, most practitioners fail to fully recognise the importance of proper diagnostics of the shot blasting process in industrial
conditions. The wearing of major machine components and of the blasting agent and quality of shot treated surfaces are often
misinterpreted, hence the need to take into account all factors involved in the process within the frame of a comprehensive methodology.
This paper is an attempt to formulate and apply the available testing methods to the engineering practice in industrial conditions.

Keywords: Non-Destructive Testing, Finishing Treatment of Castings, Blasting Units, Operation and Maintenance, Test Methodology

In shot blasting processes a stream of abrasive medium with

1. Shot blasting techniques- the required kinetic energy is generated and propelled onto the
introduction surface to be treated. The stream of the cleaning agent, being
a mixture of metal shots, is a dynamically variable system,
The final stage in the manufacturing of cast products involves involving a concentrated and dispersed zone, as revealed by
the surface treatment and finishing of castings to remove the numerous studies.
residues of the moulding and core mix to obtain the required The actual proportion of particular zones in the structure of
surface quality and condition. the shot stream strongly impacts on the shot blasting efficiency.
Among surface treatment methods, mechanical methods seem The greater the concentrated zone, the more effective the process.
prevalent, particularly the abrasive (or shot blasting) methods. Other determinants of shot treatment efficiency include:
Their key advantages include low energy demands, high quality satisfying the criteria underlying the design of blast
of treated surfaces, good potentials for process automation, the mechanisms,
use of shot blasting units made of more durable materials, work properties of the cleaning agent which has to meet the
safety and environment-friendly features. specific process requirements,

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104 97

the optimal shape of the shot stream in terms of its The circulation of the abrasive agent involves two stages. The
geometric, kinetic and dynamic parameters, first stage begins in the hopper placed on the highest level in the
direction of the jet hitting the surface of the treated field. shot-blasting machine. The hopper has two functions: it holds the
These factors determine the surface quality of shot-treated required amounts of the abrasive agent to ensure the continuity of
castings. the process and acts as a dosing unit, supplying the shots to the
As shot-blasting processes are most complex, extensive blasting turbine through the action of the gravity force via
research and analytical studies are conducted to optimise the a piping installation. The characteristic parameter in the dosing
process and mechanical parameters of the system components and process is the concentration of the shot column, which determines
to identify the key phenomena involved in shot-blasting. Of the amount of shots and the dynamics of their flow to the turbine.
particular importance is the methodology of measurements and At that point the abrasive mixture contains the recycled abrasive
evaluation of process parameters as they are necessary to ensure agent purified to remove scraps of the core and sand mix as well
good efficiency of the process. as fresh agent added successively to fill up to the required
amount. Addition of fresh shot further contributes to homogeneity
of the grain size, which improves the process performance. Purity
of the recycled abrasive agent is a major requirement, besides the
2. Characteristics of mechanisms shot fractions have to be first separated in a separator. The most
in shot-blasting machines typical option uses a magnetic-pneumatic separator. The further
stage of the abrasive agent circulation involves its flow to the
Constructional and operational parameters of shot-blasting separating rotor.
machines are closely related to the efficiency of the shot-blasting In the context of operational requirements, the flow rate of the
operation. The fundamental process involved in shot-blasting is abrasive agent to the rotor should be precisely controlled such as
the circulation of an abrasive agent, assuming the form of to fill the entire rotor volume. This requirement is expressed by
heterogeneous mixture. This heterogeneity is associated with: the relationship between the cross-section of the circular outlet
composition of various types of abrasive materials (for opening of the feeding pipe and the circular internal cross-section
example metal shots and scrap material separated from of the separating rotor. In the rotor the compact column of
the surface being treated), abrasive agent is separated into batches of smaller volume
shape and size of shots and proportion of particular grain directed to the blast blades via the hopper. The stream is separated
size fractions. by rectangular slots cut in the cylinder-shaped side wall of the
The heterogeneity of the mixture circulation is also associated rotor. In the existing rotor solutions the number of slots varies
with the geometry, kinetics of motion and dynamic behaviour of from 8 to 12. Most practitioners recommend 8 –slot options [2, 3,
the abrasive agent flowing through particular elements of the 4].
shot-blasting unit (Fig. 1.) The separating rotor and an adapting sleeve form a kinematic
pair. The main function of the adapting sleeve is to supply the
doses of abrasive agent onto the blades of the blast rotor (Fig. 2.).
The feeding is effected on the inside of the rotor where the stream
of abrasive agent begins to be formed. In terms of its design, the
sleeve is a cylinder with the specified wall thickness, in which
a rectangular slot is cut. The slot dimensions (length, width and
thickness derived as the difference between the outside and inside
radii) make up its volume, which controls the mass flow rate of
abrasive agent fed via the separating rotor.

Fig. 2. Separating rotor- adapting sleeve

Testing done by major manufacturers of shot blasting systems

has revealed that the optimal slot length is the sum of widths of
Fig. 1. Circulation of the abrasive agent in the shot-blasting two slots in the separating rotor and the width of the wall in
machine [1]-schematic diagram between those two slots. This requirement should be met to

98 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104

ensure the continuity of the stream of abrasive agent between the
separating rotor and the sleeve. This continuity is maintained until
the stream of the abrasive agent gets in contact with the blade
In terms of operational requirements, the sleeve position is of
key importance. It is defined by the slot’s inclination angle with
respect to the horizontal plane. The value of this angle determines
the dynamic behaviour of abrasive agent ejected under the action
of the centrifugal force. Test results reveal that the best dynamic
effects are achieved at the angle of 20 degrees.
The key mechanism at the final stage in the controlled
circulation line of abrasive agent is the blast rotor with blades
(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of a 8-blade turbine TR-150 [5, 6]

On the turbine blades the shot forms a stream flowing along

the blade length. Depending on the actual arrangement of the
separating rotor and the sleeve, the flowing stream will be roughly Fig 4. Surface area of the effective action of the concentrated
uniform on the blades’ width and length. (green) and dispersed (red) stream of shots blasted
As soon as the stream of shot leaves the blades, its direction is from the lower rotor [5, 6]
controlled by setting the wheel, whilst its shape changes both in
width and in length, thus forming a range of shot flow. The
concentration of the shot stream changes, leading to formation of
a concentrated and dispersed stream, arranged along the outer
perimeter of the concentrated stream. The efficiency of the shot
blasting process is associated with the flow intensity of the
concentrated stream.
In the second stage of shot circulation we get a mixture of
sand and moulding mix. In order that the sand could be
recirculated (stage 1) it is required that the moulding mix should
be first separated from the sand. This is done by mechanical
separation methods, such as screening or by electromagnetic or
pneumatic methods. Combination of those methods offers very
good effects (Fig. 5.).
The separation system involves:
separation of sand from contaminants on a continuous
removing crushed shot fractions to stabilise the grain size
distribution, Fig. 5. Separation system: screening drum (1), worm mechanism
removal of particulate matter. (2), adjustable cover (3), magnetic drum (4), damming lid (6), air
curtain (7), tank (8), tank (9), helical conveyor (5), magnetic drum
Key indicators of the separation efficiency are:
(11), tank (12), tank (13), exhaust fan (10) [7]
shot contamination with moulding mix, the admissible
content of contaminating agents up to 1%,
The separation (shot cleaning) process is of key importance.
separation performance: the amount of separated
Homogeneity and purity of the abrasive agent have an impact on:
contaminants in kg/min.
durability of machine components (blades, rotors,

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104 99

process efficiency, quality and condition of surfaces identification of factors affecting the condition of the
being treated, machine, analysis of technical and organisational
control of the shot stream and the effective blasting zone. parameters,
Regardless of the actual machine design and process analysis of tendencies in the state variations,
parameters, the type of the abrasive medium plays a major role as creation of a model of operating conditions and involved
well. The shot form and material directly impact on the quality phenomen,
and efficiency of treatment processes, as well as wearing and development of a program to encourage the desired
tearing of the machine components. changes in the relevant processes.
Most shot blasting systems in foundry engineering use the In the context of the testing methodology, two predominant
abrasive media in the form of round-shaped or sharp edged metal models are stipulated:
shots of variable grain size, abrasion- resistant, highly elastic and a) operation and maintenance model, with operational
of specified hardness. The selection of shots to be used depends parameters at the input and characteristic parameters at the output,
on the casting technology, the surface quality requirements and associated with the machine or process conditions,
the assortment of castings to be treated. b) decision-making model, providing the criteria for
evaluating the condition of the machine.

3. Investigation of the service condition

of machines 4. Operation and maintenance model
for diagnosing mechanisms and
In the context of methodology, the investigation of the service
condition of systems should cover the following processes: processes in shot blasting machines
process preparation, organisational and managerial
activities, Diagnosing the status of mechanisms and processes in shot
operation and maintenance of the system when the blasting machines is the absolute prerequisite and the necessary
potentials of all mechanisms are utilised in the designed condition of effective machine operation. Physical wearing of
manner, machine components changes the efficiency of the casting
evaluation of the system operation, involving the treatment. The wearing and tearing is caused by recirculation of
performance testing of all mechanisms and the entire the abrasive medium and associated kinetic and dynamic
blasting process. processes. The extent of wearing varies at different points of the
The procedures included in the structure of the process operation shot circulation system and depends on the design and interrelated
are closely associated with the predicted production capacity. operational parameters. The analysis of the process, starting from
The management process combines the decision-making and the shot feeding right to the moment of shot hitting the surface to
reporting activities, required for successful operation of the system. be treated leads us to formulate the conditions for its effective
The reporting should include all phenomena and events taking place operation, regulation and control of the blasting time, loading of
in the shot blasting machine, in conjunction with organisational the blasting rotors and the number of operated turbines.
activities. The decision-making process involves all events associated Since the blasting turbine and the shot separator play a major
with processing and transmission of all data having relevance to the role in the system, they are analysed separately and the synthesis
evaluations of the system operation. of the results helps in making the final assessment of the system’s
Of particular importance is the system operation, here understood performance.
as the use, operation and maintenance of machines. Machine use The methodology of such analysis in industrial conditions
applies to fully efficient machines- able to perform the shot blasting involves:
operations. Stage 1- technical specifications of the shot blasting machines
The process of machine operation and maintenance applies to
malfunctioning machines or which display some mechanical failures. Table 1.
The main aim of the process is to perform the specified task, or to Technical specifications of the shot blasting machine [8]
maintain or restore the condition of full usability.
Investigation of system operation may involve single machines,
groups of machines or the entire workplaces. The programme of
testing a single machine is extended and should include:
selection of the machine (for instance a shot blasting
machine), evaluation of its service parameters, durability,
the extent of using its production capacity,
efficiency, control of machine operation,
intensity of use and maintenance,
economic analysis.
Tasks included in the test program include:

100 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104

Stage 2- Observation
1. Screen conditions and the level of purity

Fig. 6. Screens in the shot separator [8]

2. Characteristics of the pellet curtain

revealed small fragment of the shot curtain

through which air flows at.

the remaining part of the separator is clogged

with shots accumulated on a screen. No air

the risk of overflow seeping through because of

screen choking and rotor damage.

shot curtain in the separator.

cleaned screens.

Fig. 7. Separator conditio - analysis [8]

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104 101

3. The level of tank filling with shot
75,00 mm 75,00 mm

65,00 mm 65,00 mm

Stage 3. Measurements and calculations 1


Blast turbine
1. Recording of the power uptake, electric drives in rotors
current measurement during the idle run,
current measurement under loading,
graphic representation of measurement data. 3 4



Fig. 9. Width (a) and height (b) of the shot stream range from the
a) A-upper, B-lower: 1- zone of concentrated stream,
Fig. 8. System of ammeters, current plots [8] 2- zone of dispersed stream, 3- control screen, 4- trajectory of the
lifting sling
2. Performance testing of the rotor b) A-upper, B-lower, hc-height of high-intensity cleaning
measurement of shot blasting time 60 s, zone, 1- zone of concentrated stream, 2- zone of dispersed stream,
determining the weight of blasted agent. Z- lifting sling [5, 6]
3. Operational parameters of the shot stream, stream control,
the angle of stream dispersion, concentration
positioning the adapting sleeve,
mass distribution of the shot grains,
measurements of the blast traces,
graphic and computer-assisted analysis of the stream
concentration and the range of stream action.
4. Measurements of wearing and tearing of machine
components: blades, wheel discs, sleeve, the separator rotor
monitoring of the wearing and tearing along the width and a)
across their depth,
experimental test until total wearing,
checking the blade assembly.


Fig. 10. Comparison of the condition of the blades’ surfaces in the

function of time of their operation: a) blade in the lower rotor
after 62 hours, b) blade of the upper rotor after 72 hours [5, 6]

102 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104

Shot separator of the shot column and the moulding mix removal may become
1. Measurements of non-metallic fraction contents in the shot less effective.
circulation system
collecting the shot sample from the system (by weight),
magnetic separation of the metallic fraction from shot grain
finding the (percentage) proportion of a non-metallic
2. Grain size analysis of the abrasive agent (shot mixture)
screen analysis,
graphic representation of result,
determining the indices of polydispersive grain sets.
Shot blasting machine as an integrated plant
1. Measurements of sound emissions
noise measurements taken with a sound level meter during
three phases of machine operation: idle run, shot feeding,
cleaning of castings. Fig. 12. Evaluation of the cleaning efficiency [8]

Loading of driving motors in the blast turbines

It is recommended that high loads should be applied to
maintain the maximal power ratings. Depending on the power
level, the shot blast rate (kg/s) should be as large as possible. The
maximal power level guarantees the short cleaning time and
effective separation of the moulding mix. The level of applied
load is associated with the level of the tank filling with the
abrasive agent.
Condition of protecting screen in the separator
Keeping the screens clean is necessary to ensure safe
operation of the separating rotor, of the adapting sleeve and the
blasting rotor. The layer of abrasive agent, flowing freely through
clean screens forms a uniform curtain, which ensures effective
dust removal from the abrasive agent. Besides, fine grains of used
shots are easily removed, too. The air flow is required at the
specified velocity.
Proportion of non-metallic fractions
Tests have revealed that the proportion of contaminants in the
circulation system of an abrasive agent, such as shot, or shot mix,
should not exceed 1%. A higher proportion of such fractions
causes the durability of the machine components to deteriorate
Fig. 11. Grin size distribution of the shot mixture [8] dramatically, even by 80%.
Grain size distribution in the abrasive medium
Indicators characterising the grains are used in the decision
making as to whether fresh agent should be added to homogenise
5. Evaluation of the operation status the mixture or to replace the used medium. The grain size
and the shot blasting effect distribution in the abrasive agent and its quality have to be
evaluated since the presence of an abrasive material leads to the
The main purpose of the evaluation procedure is to prepare wearing and tearing of the machine components, particularly the
the data for the decision-making, having relevance to the process blast blades.
conditions, its mechanisms and the surface-cleaning performance. Noise and vibration levels
Hence it provides the background for actions aimed to improve Noise and vibrations typically appear and exceed the
the performance of shot blasting machines and to make the admissible levels when the machine components are already worn
process more effective. The methodology outlined here stipulates and damaged. When the rotating elements are unbalanced or the
the simplest methods of measurements and quantitative screw connections get loose, the noise and vibration levels will
calculations. increase.
Cleaning performance
The measure of the degree of the casting’s cleanliness after
separating the adhering moulding mix is the surface roughness.
The cleaning effect is the function of the amount of abrasive agent
supplied to the turbine and the effective blasting time. The lower
level of the cleaning agent in the tank, the lower the concentration

ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104 103

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104 ARCHIVES of FOUNDRY ENGINEERING Volume 1 2, Issue 2/2012, 97-104

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