Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993-94
Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993-94
Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1993-94
Around the globe, Perki ns di esel through to the next century. Perkins Defence Systems at Perkin s
engines, transmissions and fully Our extensive military applications Engines (Shrewsbury) Ltd. Lancaster
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A bU51n fl u 0 1 "orlly Corpalotlon ~
Fire Control. Ballistics ,. Artillery-COMBAT,command,
Computers. All-Electric Turrets. \ control and communication
Tank Retrofits. Computerized Vision. providing real-time status pictures
Artillery C3 . Chemical Agent Sensors. And and precise firing computations.
more. Our areas of expertise are based on Modular, expanding from
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we've engineered sophisticated ground systems and Infantry - Optical gunsights for quick,
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Today while every IDF Main Battle Tank is already agent sensors, detecting and alarming of the presence
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Armored Forces - All-electric turrets, replacing manual The ground is our field. Its defense is familiar territory.
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doubling first-round hit capabilities. Marketing /Promotion Department.
ELBIT LTD. P.D.Box 539. Haifa 31053 • Israel. Tel : (972) 4-315315. Tl x: 46774. Fax : (972) 4-550002 /5516 23
[iv )
ISBN 0 710610793
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The TC-I3 turret by SANTA BARBARA
is unique for its ease of assembly and can be
Now, more than ever.
Julian Camarillo, 32· 28037 MADRID (SPAIN)
.34-1-5850100· Telex 44466 ENSB-E· TeJefax 34-J-585 02 68
Foreword [ 15]
Abbreviations [ 17]
Ammunition 69
Tracks 270
Suspensions 278
AFV optics
Addenda 545
Index 549
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[ 4]
The Rooikat. Ensuring that your
striking power is up to scratch.
The Rooikat Armoured Fighting Vehicle, li ke its fe line namesake, is a unique integrated weapons
system that is swift, sure, and deadl y over all types of terrain and in all w eather cond iti ons. The
Roo ikat meets all the demands of modern warfare. Au tonomous, incredibl y fast, rapidl y deployab le,
superbly armed and equipped, yet extremely cost effective.
An operating range of over 1000 km and a top speed of 120 km/h and night-fighti ng capabil ities afford
the Rooika t exceptional strateg ic mobility. Its 76 mm or 105 mm main gun fires spec ially developed
armour-pi ercing and standard high-expl os ive rounds. The stabilized turret and fu ll y integrated fire-
control system provide high accuracy and low reacti on time agai nst tanks at ranges of up to 12 km . A
high level of protection is provided against enemy projectiles, land mi nes and chem ica l attacks.
Total combat readiness is obtained th rough ru gged design, extensive logistical support, ease of
maintenance and comba t-proven experience. This makes the Rooikat A FV the finest weapons system
of its type ava il abl e in the worl d today.
In the field of armaments, Denel's tota l capabil ity spans the widest ra nge of w eapons, support
systems, spares and mu nitions. It is also an acknowledged leader in des ign, development,
manufacture, mai ntenance, upgrades and refurbishment.
Alphabetical list of advertisers
ESD (Pty) Lt d
C 42 James Crescent.
PO Box 35. Halfway House.
1685 Republic of South Afr ica ....... ... ...... . Facli lg Page 377
Celsiu sTech Electronics AB
S-175 88 Jarfalla. Sweden .. . ... . ..... . ...... ..... .. . [7]
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Spain . ............. ....... .. ... .. .... .. . [14] Belgium . ....... [ 1 1]
In every weapon syste m there are parts that grow obsolete faster than others.
T his is part icul arly the case with fire control systems.
The aim o f a n upgrade is to keep yo ur system up-to-date. Particularly when it comes to hit probability,
reactio n time, comba t capaci ty and availability. Are YOUR weapon systems fit to fight?
TEL: +46 R S80 84 000. FA :+46 il 5ilO 322 44.
Classified list of advertisers
The following com panies have Informed LI S that they are involved in the field s of manufacture indicated below:
Weapon Control & Stabilization
with SIG
All Electric
Drive System
in brushless 24 V DC
technology with newly
developed digital AC servo-
controller, featuring fully
digitalized signal electronics
and power electronics with I
MOS-FET transistors.
Available as individual units,
modules and complete systems
. for fitting and retrofitting gun
laying systems.
Production and marketing of complete Suspension systems (hydropneumatic ) Thermal imaging system s
integrated defence systems SIG Swiss ESD
Bofors El bit
SABCA Nanoqu est
Tank guns
Pro pellants
Towed anti-aircraft guns
Reconnaissance vehicles
Elbit Towed guns & howitzers
Self-propelled artillery Nanoque st SANTA BA RBA RA
Bofors SABCA
Tracked armoured personnel carriers
Tank tracks (for all types of military SANTA BARBARA
Self-propelled guns & howitzers vehicles)
Bofors Din amec
SANTA BARBARA George Blair Training and simulation
Etienne Lac roi x
Sights Elbit
Technical assistance (operational &
maintenance: tank and artillery)
Perki ns Group Transmission
DEFEX Technical support service Vehicles
Elbit Bofors DEFEX
Very few have
a Real Experience in Main Battle Tank
Modernization Programmes!
SABCA has been in the forefront of the development of modern Tank Fire Control Systems and has
gained more than 25 years experience in tank upgrade programmes.
With a selected team of International Partners, SABCA has been involved in the modernization of
MBT's such as :
• Turret configuration
• Fire Control Systems S.A.B.C.A.
• Maintenance Equipment for all levels Chaussee de Haecht, 1470
• Complete Logistic Support BELGIUM
m 32 2 729 55 11
• Training and simulation systems FAX 32 2 216 15 70
[ 11)
General Dynamics. Land Systems Division. M 1A2 Abrams MBT during trials in Kuwait in 1992. The US Army has decided
to upgrade some of its older M 1 series MBTs to the enhanced M 1A2 configuration. This will have a new turret armed
with a 120 mm M255 smooth-bore gun and a Texas Instruments Commander's Independent Thermal Viewer (CITV) to
give the M 1A2 a -hunter killer " capabIlity. Only 52 brand new M 1A2 MBTs have been bUIlt for the US Army.
Jane's Information Group Limited. Sentinel Hou se. 163 Brighton Road. Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2NH. UK
Jane's Information Group Inc. 1340 Braddock Place. Suite 300. Alexandria. VA 22314-1651. USA
Defex is a state owned joint venture with Private enter pr ise th at markets
Spanish defence & security products and services worldwide,
[ 14]
The lime has come the politicians have said to speak of man y work on these vehicl es which was normally carried out by army
things - the Cold War is dead, much money can be saved from depots. In the United Kingdom, for example, the first steps
military budgets and political acumen is to be had by adhering to towards private contractors running vehicle overhaul and
the Peace Dividend. upgrade facilities have already been taken.
Unfortunately, presented by politicians the world over to their The reali stic outlook for the total system builder these days is,
people as the preferred world image, the truth is much more however, one of doom and gloom. The economic facts state that
unpalatable. The Cold War has been rep laced in 20th century hi s- unl ess they have a consistent and reasonable yearly profit margin
tory by what wi ll almost certainly be call ed the Nineties Crisis coupled with a continuing research and development prograrnme
Peliod - the name given to the time when unco ntroll ab le inter- (preferably government funded or aided) there will come a point
necine warfare and civ il unrest throughout the world butchered at which the building of a total system simply becomes unten-
ten s of thousands of inh abitants, whil st the reso lve and determi- ab le. If the system builder cannot adjust to this situation by prod-
nation of the Un ited Nations to end such conflicts was endlessly uct diversification then a strategic asset, which is basically what
debated by its members in its council chambers. the system builder is, will be lost to the host country and procure-
In these troubled times it is the unwise who ru sh headlong into ment reliance has then to be placed on external sources which , in
the di smantl ing of armed force s. It must be reasoned arguments times of tension, can turn off key support at will. This scenruio
and carefully thought out logic that are brought to bear on dec id- has considerabl y more implications today than it ever had during
ingjust where cuts need to be made. Above all , the pIimary cause the Cold War with the dist inctive power blocks. In addition. the
of the cuts shou ld not be driven by a country' s treasury as part of manufacturer also has to market the system it builds - a si tuation
an effort to balance the books. which is becomi ng cons iderably more fraught with problems for
The objecti ve these days is to have effective and well balanced the builder as the recent Middle East MBT procurement ' battles'
armed forces that are capabl e of undertaking perceived oper- have shown.
ations of varying types in what is essenti ally an increas ingly One noticeable feature for this year's edition is the amount of
unstable world . In order to achieve satisfactory force levels it is information that is becoming available from previously closed
becoming necessary for many nations to obtain new technology sources. The level of sophi stication of equipment from the for-
in the form of indigenously built or brought-in weapon systems. mer Soviet Union has been confirmed, with examples of CIS
However, the cost involved is now so prohibitive that, in order to produced 152 mm prec ision guided arti llery ammunition
keep up with the perceived threat or just with their regional KrasnopoJ , anti -tank guided weapons with tandem warheads and
superpower, the next best thing is the upgrade option. This is a tank protection systems being available for sale at vari ous mili -
situation which is slow ly but sure ly being grasped by a number of tary exhibitions.
nations and which has been mastered, to such a great effect for The ex tensive capabiliti es of the South African defence indus-
over 25 years or so by countries such as Tsrael , South Afri ca and tries have also been shown widely over the past year. A number
Sweden with , for examp le, their Centurion MBT fleets. A well of their available AFV optics and land nav igation systems are
thought out rebuild programme can produce an equall y effective described for the first time.
weapon platform a a new built item and at a much lower cost. Russia has recent ly released additional detail s of its 100 nilll ,
The United States Army has taken delivery of only 62 pro- I 15 mm and 125 mm gun launched guided projectiles which
duction versions of the General Dynamics, Land Systems have a range of 4000 to 5000 m. Traditionall y, Russian tank fire-
Division, M I A2 Abrams MBT and has recently decided to contro l systems have not been so effective as their Western
upgrade some of its older 105 mm armed M I MBT to the latest cou nterparts and for this reason Ru ssia has spent considerable
MIA2 standard at about two-thirds of the price of buying a new sums on the development and production of gun launched guided
MBT. Thi s decision will help keep the US tank industri al base projectiles which have been widely dep loyed in the former
intact, hopefully through the remainder of this decade. Warsaw Pact.
In Germany , .development work on the new MBT for the Although Jane's Data Division now publishes Jane's Ammu-
German Army has been cancelled and onl y a small part of the nition Handbook, Jane 's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit
German Army fleet of 2125 Leopard 2 MBTs will now be Systems still contains a large section on armoured fighting
upgraded, with the top priority being given to improved armour veh icle and artillery ammunition aLTan ged under country and
protection. For financia l reasons, however, the Leopard 2 manufacturer. This new edition contai n much new information
(Improved) will not have all of the possible battle field enhance- on Chinese, Commonwea lth of lndependent States and
ments that could be fitted to enable the vehicle to remain a viabl e Romanian ammunition types, most of which is now being offered
weapon system into the 21st century. on the world market.
Upgrading does not apply onl y to MBTs but also to other types There has also been a number of developments in cannon for
of annoured vehicles including infantry fighting vehicles and installation in armoured vehicles. In Sweden production of the
even self-propelled arti lIery systems. Bofors 40 mm Ll70 gun for the Swedish Army 's new Combat
For some time the US Army has been modernising its M2 Vehicle 90 is now underway and, in addition to the well estab-
Bradley Fighting Vehicles and M3 Cavalry Fighting Vehi cles li shed fami ly of ammunition, Bofors have also developed a spe-
with additioual armour protection, more powerful engines and cial Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot - Tracer
upgraded transmiss ion. Significant enhancements have also been Round specificall y fo r use with the Combat Vehicle 90.
made to the 25 mm ammu niti on fired by the M242 Mc Donnell While conventional tank guns still reign supreme and develop-
Douglas Helicopter Chain Gun to further improve its combat ment work continues on larger calibre guns and enhanced armour
effecti veness. defeating ammu nition, considerable effort is now being directed
First production examp les of the M I09A6 Paladin self- into new types of tank main armament, especially electrochemi-
propelled howitzer for the US Army have been completed by ca l and electrothermal gUllS, and these may well form the main
BMY Combat Systems. This is essentially an upgraded MJ09 arnlament of future MBTs.
chassis (with the conversion being carried out by a US Army At last some Western countries are paying more attention to
Depot) fitled with a new turret designed and built by BMY Defensive Aid Systems (DAS) for MBTs and other armoured
Combat System. fighting vehicles to increase their battlefield survivability.
With the run down in orders for new armoured fighting While new developments in armour systems of the passive and
veh icles and other major weapon systems, a number of manufac- explosive reactive type con tinue to be made, increased emphasis
turers are now looking at carry ing out maintenance and repair on DAS for all types of AFV wi ll be one of the trends of the
[ 15]
future and this edition of Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Ret- guided weapons and a utomatic loaders); amm umtIon (which
rofit Systems covers many of these subsystems, including laser covers both AFV cann on, tank guns and artillery rounds); AFV
detectors, in some detai I. protection (covering armour systems, smoke dischargers, gren-
Following combat experience in the Middle East, battlefield ades and decoys, laser detectors and fire detection and supression
Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) is being given increased atten- systems); engines, transmissions and powerpacks; mobility
tion , especially in the United States. This, and the incorporation (including suspension and tracks); turrets and cupo las; weapon
of a DAS into an AFV, points the way to the systems approach in controls an d stabili satio n systems; fire-control systems; land
future armoured vehicles. navigation systems and AFV optics.
The incorporation of a 1553 databus in the turret of the Vickers
Defence Systems Cballenger 2 is a major step forward and is Acknowled gements
another pointer to the way ahead . One of the most pleas urab le tasks of the editors is to thank every-
The replacement for the British Army Scorpion Combat one who has been invo lved , however small thei r contribution in
Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) family of vehicles is called the preparation and prod uction of thi s Yearbook, as above all it is
the TRACER (Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat a team effort.
Equipment Requ irement). It will be a highly mobile vehicle The editors wou ld like to take this opportunity to thank the
which could be tracked or wheeled and fitted with a number of many defence equipment man ufacturers, defence forces and
advanced sensors to carry o ut its battlefield role. For this reason, individual s who have co ntributed to the new edition of Jane's
most of the prime contractor contenders for TRACER have Arm.oured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems.
already formed a consortium which includes team members with Special thanks are due to Terry Gander, David Isby, Ja mes W
extensive electronics or integration capabilities. Loop, Richard Orgorkiewicz, Rupert Pengelly and Steven
In recent years there has been a trend away from petrol to die- Zaloga for their most va lu able ass istance.
sel engines which are much more fuel efficient as well as being Our grati tude is a lso exte nded to the advertising staff of Jane's
less of a fire hazard. Today, more compact diesel engines and Information Group for the ir assistance in collecting informati on
transmissions are being developed which take up mllch less for the editors on their man y trips. The staffs of Jane '05 Defence
space than current power packs. A gas turbine powers the US Ml Weekly and the International Defense Review have a lso prov ided
series of MBT and some versions of the Russian T-80 MBT, informatio n for incl usion in the book.
although it remains to be seen whether this is the way ahead. Kei th Faul kner, Managing Editor of Jane's Data Division, has
Electric drive for armoured fighting vehicles has been tried given unstinting support to the editors t1u'oughout the preparati on
before in a number of prototype vehicles or in special mission of t11is ed iti on of Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit
vehicles but some countries, including the United States, are now Systems whi le E li zabeth Dawson has sub-edited the many hun-
investing research and development funds to explore electr.ic dreds of entries that make up this volu me. This ed ition has over
drive systems for the future. If perfected, electric drive systems 140 new entries and over 240 new photographs and drawings .
offer the combat vehicle designer a number of advantages, R uth Si mmance and her team incl udi ng Sarah Erskine, Kathy
especially if the vehicle was fitted with a new main armament of Jones and Carol Horner have given sterling service to the edi tors
the electrothermal type. in the production of the volume. T hanks are a lso due to the pro-
In the past, land navigation was a major problem, not only for dnction team headed by David Moyes.
MBTs but also for arti ll ery, and a number of countries are now On behalf of the enti re Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle
installing a G loba l Positioning System (GPS) into armoured Retrofit Systems team we wo uld like to thank the typesetters and
vehicles to gi ve them a pin point accuracy. binders for the va lu able part they have pl ayed in the production
The value of thermal night vision devices in Operation Desert of th is book.
Storm has led to an increasing number of countries wanting these Additiona l informati on and photographs for the seventh ed i-
for their armoured vehic les, especially MBTs and infantry com- tion should be sent to the edi tors as soon as possible. T he address
bat vehicles. Initially, thermal observation and gunnery systems for all cOlTesponde nce is Jane's D ata D ivision, Sentinel House,
were provided for the commander and gunner only but driver 163 Bri ghton Road , Coul sdon, S urrey CR5 2NH, UK. Telepho ne
thermal night vision devices have a lso been developed and some (+44) 8 1 763 1030 and Fax (+44) 8 1 7631005.
of the Hughes systems were deployed in the Middle East several
years ago.
For ease of reference, Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Tony C ullen
Retrofit Systems has been divided up into key sections: armoured Christopher F Foss
fighting vehicle armament (inc luding guns, cannon, anti-tank May 1993
[ 16 ]
AA anli-a ircraft Ap ' [ armour-pierci ng seCOndil '1' eJrce l C ENTCOM Central Comm and
AAAV Adv[mced Amphibi ous A~saU lt A PSE -T arIll Olif-pil'fl' in g seco ndary effec t- CET Combel l Engineer Tractor
Ve hidc ,meer C1::V comb", engineer ve hicle
AAG anti-aircran gun AI'T :trmour-pi erci ng Irat er CF control led rragmentalion
AA K Applique Armor Kit (US) AI' T E Abra ms Power Train Evolu ti on ( US) C FV Cavalry Fighting Vehi cle (U S)
AAV Assaul t Amphibia n Ve hicle APU aux il iary powe r unit CGS Crc\ Gunnery Simu lator
ACCY Armored Cavalry Cannon Veh icle (US) A PV a rmoured pa lrol ve.llil' lc C H ARM C hallenger Ch ieftain A nnament
ACE A rmored Combat Earthmover (US) A R/AAV rmared Reconnaissance/Ai rborn e C HII' Challe nger Improvement
ACEC A ((>!INS d(~ COm'frlll'lions Assault Vehi cle (U S) Programm e
EIt)tfriqlles dc' Charlemi A HIlEC Armament Resea rch Development Cl LAS Compagnie /1Il/ItSlrielle deJ Lasers
ACLOS Au tomat ic-Io-Command and Engineeri ng Centre C IS Chartered Industries of Si ngapore
Lin c-of-Sight ARD NOT Au toma tic D a y/ ~ight Optica l C ITV Command cr"s Ind ependent
AC KV arm oured command and Tracker Th ermal Viewe r (US)
ret,;onn aiss:J. l1 ce vehicle ARE A(C'lh'l" dl! COlls(l'lfcIiIJI/ ROGnlie C IWS Close-In Wea pons System
ACV ArnlOrcd Ca nnon Vehicle (U S) ARETS Armour RemOled Target Sys tem CLAMS Clear Lane Marking System (US)
ACV Ann oured Combat Vehicle AKMA Il Armoured and Mechani sed Unit CLAWS Close Combat Ligh t Annor Weapon
ACVT Armored Combat Vehicle Air De.rence Syste m IU S)
Technology Programme (US ) ARMSCO K A nnament M::lIlufac turing C LG I' Ca nnon-Launched Guided
AD,~M Area Denial Artillery Munition Corporation (South ArricJ' Projectile I US)
AIlAM S Air Defense Adva nced Mobile A"KMYA J. Anti-Armor Vehicle Evalua tion (US ) C MY Co mba t' M ob i ~ i t y Vehicle (US)
System KI' tlnt i-rOldia tion projec tile Com p 8 Composi tion B
AIlATS Ai r Deli!nce Anti-Tank Syste m A RRA IlCO~ 1 Armament Resea rch :lOd COMYAT Combal Vehicl es Arm ament
AU t ;\ Army Development and Develop mellt Com mand Tech nology (US )
Employmen t Agency AKH Y Ar moured Repair and Recove ry CO RAIl Co-ordi nated Roland Air Defenl'!!,
AEV unno ured engi neer vehic: lc Vchide COTAC Com/llirtJ d£' n r Auroma,;qlll? puur
AF air force AKSY Armored Reconnaissance Scout Cha/' (tank automatic fire)
MAP arti llery-fi red atomic projectile Vehicle IUS) COY Counter Obstacle Vehicle (US)
AFA KV Armored , Forwa rd Area, Re-arm AIlV anl1 oun,:d recovery vehi cle cr concrete.--picrcin g
Vehicle (US) ASA Adva nced Se~ u rit '! Agenl'Y e llv command post vehiCle
AFAS Adva nced Field Arl illt:ry System ASA RC Army Systems Acquisition Rc\'ie\'. C RA RRV Challenger Repair and RccO\'ery
AFIJ automJtic fecding device Co unci l Vehicle
AFt" Amm unition Factory Footscray AS M Armored Systc ms Mode rnization (US) C RR Carl'O de Reconi1eciml'lIIo Sabre'
AFSY Armoured Fire Support Vehicle ASTRO S Art ill ery Sa tura tion Rocket System Rudtl,\' (reconnaissance tracking scout
AFY Armored Family of Vehicles (US) AS Y ammun iti on suppl y vehide car)
AFV armoured fighting vehi cle AT anti-tank C RT cathode ray tu be
AG F Army Ground Forces ATACS dvan('ed Tank. Ca nnon Sys te.m (US ) CS B Comba t Support Boa l
AGL above gmund level A'J' Il U (\ rmoured Trials & Developmenl CSF Combined Service Forces
AGLS Aut omatic Gun Laying System Uni t CS I comput er synthesised illlage
AGS Armored GUll System (US) ATG a nt i-tank gu n CSS omputer Sighting Sysu:m
AGV Assaul t Gu n Vehicle ATGW :lilt i-tank guided weapon CTI Central Tyrc. (nna tion
AGVT Adva nced Ground Vehicle ATLV Artiller) Targe t Location Ve hicle CT RA Carro de Tral1sporre Sobrt.! Roc/a,\'
Tel'hn o!ogy ATM a nt i-tank mine AIIJibo (am phi bious traCk ing scOLH Car)
Ah am pe re hour ATR AlJIomotive Test Ri g C IT hallenger Tra ining Tank
AIFS Adva nced I ndir~c t Fire Syste m ATS ,·I/('Ili'l' de CfJlI~' lI'IiCliO" dl! Tl.lrbl!!!J' CVAST Combat Vehicle Arnlamel1l System
AIFY Armored Inla ntry Fi gh ting Vehicle (US) A'ITS Air-Transporlable Towed Syste m Technology (US)
AIFY armollred in fa nt ry fi gh ting vehith: AVG P Armoured Vehicle General Purpo!oc CVRIlE Co mbat Vehicle Researc:h ami
AlPS Advanced Integrated Propu lsio n AYH rmoured Ve hicle HCJvy D('velopmt: l1t Est3blishmenl
Syst em IUS) " VL Armoured Vehicl e Light CV R(T) Comba t Veh icle Reconn aissan ce
ALA.WS Advanced Light Arm oredl AVM rmoun:d Whi ck Medi um (Tracked )
Amphibious Vehic le Sys tem (US) AY LH armoured vch iclc-l aLlIlched bridge CVK(W ) Co mba t Vehi cle Reconn aissance
Al]' I.\rmoured l;:lUn ching Turre l ,\v1l armoured ve hic le reconnuissJnce (W heeled)
AMCCO M 1\rl11ament Mun ilion and Chemic:.!1 AV RE Assault Ve hicle Royal Engineers CVT conl rolled variab le time
Command CW R continuous wave rada r
"M ilS Anti -missile Discard ing SabOl CW cupo la we;;lpon stalion
AM ~' -I /l lphiM.d te .\<!eh":::I\'eck- BAO R British Anny or tht: Rhine
Fah r: l'II!;e (mu lti·purpose amphihlous BARV Beach Armoured Recove ry Vehicle
vehicle) BATES Baul cfield Art illery Target IlA RCOM US Army Materiel De\lclop rnen t
AML Allwmilraif/c'm'c' Legere (ligh t Engagemen t Syste m and Readi ness Co mmand
armoured car) 8B baSI! bleed IlA RpA Defe nse Ad vanced Resea rch Projecls
AM R .flllfJmirraiffellst! de IICC battc ry control centre Age ncy
Re('()lIl1ai:isal/('e BIl base detonating I) C;\ J)f:;.(eIl.W COII Il'C) 4\'iol1.5 (ant i-
AM X 1'1I!!li(!!' dt' O ms/nlctioll d'/~·sJ'- /f!s· BE: base ejec tion aircraO)
,\'/oIllill(,(llI,x bhp brakl.' horse powe r Il IlA Detroil Diesd Allison
AO I Arab Organisation for RITE bu ilt-in I~ s t equ ipment IlIlS Depa rtm ent or Defe nse Support
Industriali sation BL bla nk DIl U digital display unit
AOS add-on slabil isal; n BLR /JUm/ado LigIJm c/l' RlI('das IlE FA Direcriull des Emdt!,\' l'l Flib,ft l1f ;Ol/s
AI' a rmour-pie rcing BL·T bla nk tracer d ~~l nll e/ll em
APAM anti-pe rsonn el, anti-m ateriel UMAKC Bri tish Ma nufacture and Research 111;:50 Defence Expo rt Sa.les Organ isation
ApC armoured pe rsonnel carrier Company Il FCS Di gital Fire Control System
Ap C armour-pierci ng capped BMF Belgian Mec ha nica l Fabricalion DFS" Direct Fire Support Vehicle
Ap C·T armour-pierci ng capped tracer BM R JJline/ado M etliQ de Ulll'tlw Il H SS Da ta Handling Sub-Sys tem
APCr·B F arm our-piercin g capped trace r - bilse UM S Balli elieid Mana gement Sys tems ili A Dere nse Intelligence. Agency (US)
fuze BNS Bill Night Sight II I YA IlS Division Ai r Defense Oun System (US)
ApllS annour-pii!rci ng discarding sabot BOCV Battery Opcr:J.liomi Centre Vehicle 00 0 Depa rtment of Defense (US)
APIlS·T armou r-pien:ing discarding sabot BO F! Bofors Op tronic Fire cont rol 1l0l' Depa rtm ent of Productivil Y
trace r Instrum en t Ilp lCM Dunl Purpose Improved
AI)E "'"'phi/)iscilt,! J' Piol/il'I'· B'I A best technical approac h Convent io nal Mu nition (US)
Erkulldlll1gsji,It,.:::eug (amphibious IlSACS Direct Support Armored Can non
fro nt line reconntli ssan ce vehicle) System IUS)
AI' ERS anl i-pe rsonnel CAll compUler ass is ted design IlS ETS Di rec t Su pport Electric;;}! Test
Ap EKS·T anti-personnel tracer CAl' Canadian Armed Forces System
AI'FIOS armour.pierci ng rragmentati on CAL Canadian Arsenals Limll ed Il 0 Defe ncl.' Sales Orga nisat ion
in cendiary discardi ng. sa bOl CAP Cl)mbusti ble Augm ented Plasma IlS/ T prac tice disca rdin g sabo t/trace r
Ap f'S IlS armour-pi erci ng lin-stabi lised CAT / rCS COlll mand Adj usted Trtljeetoryl Il WS Division Support WCJpon Sys lem
di scarding sabo t Fi re Control Syslem (US ) IlTAT Dirc'Cfioll '/l'clllliqut! des
AP FS IlS( P) armou r-pierci ng fin -stabi lised CAT/ LCV Combi ned Arms Tea m/ U gbtweighl A/'/neIlIi'IIIS Ter n'.I /I"l!S
disca rdi ng sabo t (prac li("l' l Co mba t Ve hicl e (US) Ill! depit: ted ura nium
AI' FS IlS·T a rmour-pie rcing fin-sta biliscd C Arr· H Componcnl dvanced TeCh nology 1)\ J'K Deep Water Ford ing Kit
di sca rdi ng sabot tracer Test·Bed (U )
Ap G Aberdeen Provi ng Ground s CAWS C:J nnon f\ rtil! ery Weapons Systems (U
APGM Aut OnomOUli Precis ion-G uided C HC CQlllptll1hia IJ/'(f,~fleira dl' Carluehos E BG EII~ /11 Blinde Genie'
Mun ition CCC combustible carl ridge ctlse (amlOured comba t veh icle)
/\PRE armour-pierci ng hi gh explosive CCr y dosed-cirell il TV E BR Engi" Bfinde tie .RC'(,()lIIlmssallc('
AP I armour-piercin g incend iary CC Y Close Combat Vehicle l:lrnlOu red reconll aissnm'e vehicle)
Ap lT armour-pi ercing incendiary tracer CCV·L Close Combat Vehicle - Ug ht EA.'\ K Enhanced t\pplique Armor Ki t (US)
AI'M ani i-personnel mine CIJI' Canad ian tl ry pin EEC Euronelln Economic CommunilY
EFAO Ewbluselllenr d 'EIl/(le~ el de GCT Gram/e Cadence de fir HST V(L) Hi gh Survivabi lity Test Vehicle
Fabl'(l'Gfioll.l d:.JrmemclI! de (high rale of lire) (Lightweight) (US)
BOUl~/(t!.f GO General Dynamic) HT rB Hi gh Technology Test Bed (US)
HC equivalent rull charge GO, LSD General Dynamics, Land Systems I'IVA P high veloci ty armour-piercing
£FCR equivalent full charge round s Di"1510n H VA POS-T high velocity armour-piercing
EF~I ExplOSives Faclory Maribyrnong GOU Gun Displny Unit discarding sabot tracer
EFP Expanded Feasibility Phase GE~IAG General Eleclric Mobile Air H VA I'FS OS high vcloci ty armour-piercing lin-
HI' E).plosively Fanned Penelralor Derense Gun stabili sed disca rdi ng sabol
ELKE ElevalC,d KinetiC Energy Weapon (US) GH gu n/howi tzer liVAP-T high veloc it y armour-pie-reing tracer
ELS Electro-magnetic Launcher ystt'm GIAT GrOllpemelll II1l/wuf'leJ dt'~ I-I VIVI Hypervelocity Missile
ELSAJ' E/eJ..II'Onisi'lle Schil'ss(llI/age /ii I' •• j I'lIIemenh Tel"I"l'sll'l!.} H VMS H ype-rveloe it y Sllpport Weapon
PClI/:er (electronic fire system l'or tanks) GLC gun lay computer NVS O High Value Sight Defense (US)
EM electro-magnetic GLH-U Ground-Launched "'ell!ire-Heavy (US) H VSS hori zo ntal volu te sp ring suspension
EMC Executive Management Committee GLLD Ground Laser Loca tor DesignalOr (US) I-IVTP-T high velocity target practice traeC'r
E~IDG Euromiss ile Dynamics Group GLS Gl!sell.\cJ/lljt Iii,. LoglSrJscitell
E~IG externally mounted gun Sen'ic:e
EMP eleclro·magnet ic pulses GMC General Motors CorpornlJon IAFV infa ntry armoured fighting ve hicle
ENGESA Engesa EII!!enheims EsPf.'t'illl/;adoJ GOCO govemment--owned. contractor- IAI Israe l Aircraft Indus tries
EOO explosi\e o rdnance disposal operated (US) IA S O Instant Ammunit ion Selection
[PC £ngin Princ;pa/ de Combat (fulUre GI' guided prOjectile Devic:e
main bailie tank) GP~ I G General Purpo~c Mac-hine Gun ICC informati o n c:o-o rdlnat ion centre
[PC electronic plnne conversion GPO gun posilion omcer ICM improved l'onvcntiona ! munitio n
EPG European Production Group GPS gunner's primary s ight ICM 88 improved conve ntional muniti o n
E PG European Programme Group GSR General Staff Requirement (US) base bleed
ER enhanced radiation GSRS General Support Rocket System ICV Infantry Combat Vehicle
ER extended range GS-I General StafT Target 10 F Israel D efe nce Forces
ER t \ extended range ammunition GST Gesellschaj; (fir Syuem· Ti!d1llik IE I'G Indepe ndent European Program
ERC Ef/glll de RlJCO/ll/(lisSOIlft! Conon GTCS Gun Test and Control System Group
ERFB ex tended range full bore G"Il German Tank Improvement IFCS In tegra ted Fire Con trol System
ERGI' ex tended range guided projectile G \\ gu ided weapon IFF Iden tification Friend or Foe
ERMIS E!<tended Range Modification IFV infanlry fighting vchicle
Int egra ti on System IFVwCM Infantry Fightin g Vehicle with
E 0 Electronique Serge Dassault HAD Heav y Assault Bndge (US) Int egrated Cou ntermeasures (US)
ESRS electro s lag refined steel HAWK Homing-all-the-w~ y·k i ller (US) II image intensification
ERSC extended range sub- alibre HB heavy barrel 1.1.1. illumi na ti ng
ER\ eme rgency rescue vehicle HC high capac i t~ 11\ II Is rael Military Industncs
ESPAW, Enhanced Self- I'ropelled Artiller~ HCER Iligh capacity t:xtended range 10C ini ti al operational capabilil y
Weapons System (US) HCH E hIgh capacity bigh explosive IP F Lnitial Production Facility
EW electronic warfare HCT HOT Compact Turret IPO Inte rnationa l Prdgramme Offil'e
EWK Eisl'ftll"l!l'ke Ktli.}w.}'/mll(!m HE high e.xplosive IR infra·red
GiipPllel' HE-APERS- IR BM intermediate·range ballisLic missile
EWS external we-apon station FRAG higb explosiye anti-personnel IS internal security
fragment3tion IS" Internal Securi ty Vehicle
I'IEAI'-r high explosive antl·personnel lTV Improved TOW Vehicle (US)
tracer IVI)OL Inter· Veh icle Pos ili oning and Datu
FJ\t\O forward Area Air Defense (US) H EAl hIgh explos ive anti-tank Link (US)
FAA R Forward Area Alerting Radar (US) HEAT-FS high expJosi\t': anti-lank lin- IWS Imp roved Weapon System
FAASV Field rllliery Ammunition stabilised
Support VehiCle (US) HE_H-M I' high explosive nntHank multi·
FACE Field Artillery Computer purpose J GS OF Japanese Ground Self-Defence
Equipmenl HEAI: r.II'(P) high explosl\f" anu-tank multi- Force
FAR field artillery rocket ystem purpose (pral'tice) JPO Joint Project Office
FA RV-A FUllIre Armored Resupply H EAT-T hIgh e~plosive ant i-tank lraee r J SC Joint Sleering Committee
Vehicle - Artillery (US) H EAT-l: liVY high exploshe an ti·tank trace r heavy J SOFA Japa nese Self-Defence Forc:e
FAS'I Fon\,ud Area Support Team HEXI: TP-r high exp losive anti·tank tnrge t practice Agency
FAY Hlst Attack Vehicle (US) tracer
FCC Fire Command Centre H [A I' T-MP high explosive anti-tank tracer
FCCVS Future Close-Combat Vehicle multi-purpose ~E kine tic energy
System (US) HEO!' high explosive dual purpose KEM K ine ti c- Ene rgy Missile (US)
FCE lire con lrol equipmenl H EER High Explosive Exlt:nded Range (US) KI F\' Korea n In fant ry Fighting Vehicle
FCS lire con trol sys tem H E-FRAG high explosive fragmen tation
FOC fire direction centre HE-FRAG -FS high explosive fragmen tation - nn-
FOCY lire direction centre vehide st abilised LAA G light anti-aircraft gun
FE8A Forwa rd Edge Battlefield Area HE-FS high C'xplos i\'e - fin-;;;lab ili sed LAD light aid d e tachme nt
FG field gun HE! high explosive incendiary LADS light nir d efense system (US)
FH iield howitzer HEJT high explosive incendiary tracer LA P ES Low Alt ilude Parachute Extraction
f"IFV Future In fa ntry Fighting Vehicle (US) HEL High Energ~ La~cr (US) System
FlSTV Field Support Team Vehicle (US) m ;L Human Engll1eering Laboratory (US) LATS Li ght Armollred Turre t Sys te m
F ITOW Further Improved TOW (US) FIELI' Howitzer Extended Li fe Program (US) LAV L.:ight Armored Vehide (US)
FUR forward~looking infra·red HEMXI Heavy Expanded Mobilit y LAV Ligh t Assauh Veh icle. (US)
FLOT fonvard line of own troops A mmunition Trailer (US) LAW light anti-tank weapon
F~IC Food Machinery Corporation HEMTT Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical LED light em ill ing diode
F~IS Foreign Mili tary Sales Truc k IUS) LEW Lyttleto n Engineering Wo rks
FN FubriqllC' NatlQllale HEP high explosive plast ic UA Linear Induc tio n Accelerator
1'00 forward observation alTicer HEPO high e~plosi\e point detonating LLAO low level air defence
FOV field-of-view H E/ PR high ex.plosive p ractice LLl:rV lOW-light Itvel television
FRAG fragmcnt<ltion F1 EP-T high explos ive practice tracer LMG light mac hine gun
FROG free rocket over ground H EHA high ex.plosive rockL!t~assisted LO OL Lock-O n Before L~unch
FSCV fire support combat vchicle H E-S high ex.plosive spOiling LOS Line-or-Sight
FSEO full-scale engineeri ng development (US) H ES H high explosive squash head LOSA]" Line·of· Sigh t Anli·tank
FST Future Soviet Tankl Follow--on HESH-T high explOSIve squash head tr3cer LP Liquid Prope llant
Soviet Tank HE-T high explosive tracer LI'C Launche r Pod Carrier
FSV fire support vehicle H E-I: PF high explo:iive tracer - percussion u r rs Lightweigh t Protected Turret
FrMA Fu ture Tank Main Armament fuze System
FI Fu ture Tank Srudy I-IE-TSO high explosive tracer - self-des truct LRAT long·range anti-tank
FUG Feld('ri(fj L'so Cepkosci H FCC Howi tzer Fire Control Computer (US) LROO long-ra nge base bleed
FV lighting vehicle HFFITB H uman Factors Howi tlt:r Test-l3ed (US) LRF Low Recoil Forae
FV/GCE fighting vehic le gun control HI'M H eavy Force Mode rnisa tion (US) LRHB long·range hollow ba se
equipmcll1 NI ~ I AG High·Mobi li ty Agili ty Test Vehicle (US) LRN Low Recoil ~oricllm
"-VRD£ Fighting Vehicle Research and H~ I C Howitzer MOlor Carriage LR U line·replaceable unit
Developmen t Establishment HI P How itzer I mpro\'cment Programme (US) I:ro lase r ta rge t designator
FVSC Fighting Vehicle Systems Carrier (US) HMLC High Mobility Load Carrier nFCS Lase r Tank Fire Control System
FVS Fighting Vehicle System (US) I-Ion howitzer LVA landing vchicle assaulL (US)
F\ fiscal year hp horsepower LVT landing vehicle tracked (US)
G gendarmerie HP FI' High Perrormance Fragmentation LVTC landing vehick tracked co mmnnd (US)
GAP Gun Aiming POSt I' roj ect il e IX r E landing vehicle tracked eng in ee r (US)
GAO General Accounting Office !-IPS I-le-Imel Poin tin g System (o r Sight) LVTH landing vehicle tracked howit zer (US)
GCE gun control equipment HPT high-pressure test L\r rp landing vehicle tracked personnel (US)
LVTR la nd ing vehicle trac ked recove ry (US) I'CD printed c ircuit boa rd EN shell ex tended ra nge NO RI CUM
LWML Light We ight Multiple Launcher PO point detonating SFCS Simplified Fire Control System
LWMS Light Wei ght Modular Sight PE Proc urement Executive SF I!\II Socit!fe de Fabrication C/'l llstrllmell1
LWT light weapon turret PFD proKi mi ty fUll! disconnector de! .Hesme
I'HI E pre·fragrnenl ed high explosive SF IRR sol id fue l U1l eg ral rocke t/ramjet
PFPX prc·rragmcnt ed prox imil ~ ruzed S FM Se nso r Fuzed Munitions
MAC Medium A rmored Car (US) P How pack howit zer S HORAO S ho rt Ra nge Ai r De fe nce System
MAOLS Mobi le Air Defence Launching PI E pyrotechnically mitialed explos ive S Hf PRAC sq uash head prac tice
System I'IYA OS Product I mproved Vulca n Ai r shp sha rt horse power
MAOV Mobile Artillery Observation Defense Sys tem (US ) S I PS Small Integrated Propulsion System
Vehicle ('LARS Posi tion Location and Rt:porting S KOT Sredfll Kolow.l' Opollcer:nr Tnlll P0l'ter
I\ l<\IJ Miliiary Aid Programme System (US) LAP sabeted light armor penetrator
MAV maint enance assist veh ic:le P LS Palle lised Load System lUS) SLEP S ~rv i ce Li fe Extensio n Program (US)
MBA main battle area PM Porll! rnol'lier (mortar carrier) LR Supe r Low Recoi l
MBB ol/essersthIl1itl-116IkOlr-Bloh n l I'MO Program Management OITi ce (US) SM smoke
M DT mai n baIl ie tan k POS POS(C,\ Opri( /lles de Su n '(dll(lIIce S ~ICO Standard Mnnufacturi ng Company
MCCS Marconi Command and Control PPJ plan positi on in dkator SMG sub-mac hine gun
Sys tems PRAC practi ce S moke BE smoke base ejection
MCRV Mechanjsed Combat Repair Veh icle PRA C-T prac tice tracer Smoke WP smoke white phosphorus
MCS K Mine Clearance System Kit (US) PRJ projector ret icle image S I' self-propel led
M CT Med iulll Combat Tractor (US) 1'1'0 power lak e-on- S I'AAG selr-propel led anli-ai rcrafl gun
MCr MILA N Compact Turret I'WI-SR(GIl) Pan.!'-er II age'll /1I!ant(Jrhl -SrGlIlltwrd S I'AA~I selr-propelled anti-ai rcraft missile
MCWS Minor Calibre Wea pons Slati on (US) fGroepf SPAG selr-propelled assault gun
MENS Mission Ele ment Need Statemenl (US) SPARK soli d propeJ1a nt advanccd ramjet
MEV medi ca l evacuati on ve hi ck' (US) kinetic ene rgy missile
MEWSS Mobile El ectronic Warfa re Suppo rt QCB Quick Change Barrel S I' ATG sel f-propelled ant i-ta nk gun
Sys tem QE quadm nt elevation S PA\\' self-propelled a rt ill er~ weapon
MF mu lti- functi on S PG self-p rope lled glln
MFC morta r fi re controller S P~I self-propeJled howi tle r
MFF munition fi lling factory RA Ro~a l Art illery S I'L sdf-propelled launcher
MG machi ne gun RAAMS Remote Anti- rlllor Mine System (US) SPi\l self-propelle d mort ar
MGD Medium Gird er Bridge RAC Roya l Armoured Corps S I'SM SI!/I,'J(Jrgf!:/I /lriefl' Pall:emb\\ 'el,,.
~ II COM fI.'liss il e Com mand (U S) RAO IR S Rapid Deploymen t Multiple Rocket Sl/h ~/ linilioll
~ n cv mecha nised infantry combat vehicle System IUS) S RC Space Research Corporation
M ILAN J/lss"e d'/ lllallfrie Legl'" A Ilfic.:Iwr R A~ I - O re l irlb l l i t~, aVililability, S RG she ll reple nish ment gt!ar
(l ight infantry anti-tan k miss ile) mai nt:linabilil Y and durabilil~ S RU slip ri ng uni t
NilLES Mu lti ple In tegrated Laser RAO Rear Area Ope rations S R\ ' Su rrogate Research Ve hlde (U
Engagement System (U S) RA P rocket-assisted projec tile S SG Single Shot Gun
~ IIPS Med ium Int eg rated Propulsion RARO E Roy,,) '\rm ument R e~earch and SS K Single Sh ot Ki ll
System (US ) Dc\ elop ment Establishmel1l STA shell tmnsfe r ann
~ ILC Milil:uy Load Class R,\i AC Radar fo r F i~ l d Art i lkr~ Fire STAFF Small Target Activated Fire and
~ ILC Mod ula r Load Carri er RCAAS Remote-Controlled nti~Arrnor Forge t (US)
MLR5 Mult iple Launch Rocke t System (US ) System (US) STARTLE Su rvei llance and Target cq ll isition
MMBF mean miles b~ l wec.n failures RCC Roland Co-ordi nal ion Cent re (US) Radar for Tank Lor.:at ion and
MMS mast-Illoun tcd sight RC O U ~ e m o t e Controlled Defence Unit Engagement (US)
~ l oO Ministry or Defe nce RC r Royal Co rps of Transporl STE/ IC E Si mpli fied Tes t Equ ipment/ Internal
MOLF Mod ul"r Laser Fire Control RO Ff!.:!' Rapid Deploymen t Fu rl~ e Ligh t Co mbustion Engi ne (US)
MoU memorandum or understanding Tan . (US) ST UP spinni ng tubul:1r projec tile
MPGS Mobi le Protec ted Gun System (US , IlCV Robotic Command Vehicle
MPWS Mobile Protec ted Weapon System (US) ROJTF Rapl J Deployment JOint Tas.k
MI'S Maritime Prcpositioning Ships (US ) Force (US) TAC MS Army Tac tical ]\-t iss ile System (US)
IVIRBF me<1n rou nds before fa ilure ROT& E Research De\'clopmr.:n t Te~t and TA CO~I T"nk Au tomot i\'c Com mand (US)
~ IR S multi ple rocke l system E\alu3lion TAO Tra iling Arm Drive (US)
MR5 mu zz le refert.:nce system HEM E Royal Eh:c\ricaJ and Mecha nica l TADOS Targe t Alert Displ ay Data Sct (US)
M RVR Mec hanised Repair and Recove ry Engi n r.:er~ lAOS Target Acqllj~i ti on and Designation
Vehic le I US ) IlFP rcqucSl for proposal!. ystcm (US)
i\lSOS Ma rt.:on i Space and Defe nce Systems RHA rol led Jlornogcneous armour TcI M Tom/ll£' AI:J.:f!mino I/edwno
MSTAR Manportabl e SLJrve ill rl!1 ~e and HH A Royal Horse ;\ rtillery lAS Iracki ng adjunc t sys tem
Targe t Acq ui sition Rad ar RISE Reliabi lity Improved elected IAT- 251 Tactical Armament Turrel 25 mm .
~ I S" Mod ular Su pport Vehicle Equipment I man (US)
MT ml'chani cal lime RMG ranging machine gun 'I BAT rOW/Bushllms ler Armored Turret (US)
MTB Mobility Tes t-l3 ed RO R o~al Ordnance T Clf tactical con trol unit
MTI movin g target indication 1l0BAT Robotic Coun ter-Obstacle Ve hicle (US) TO tnnk dest royer
MTL Materials Technology Laboratory (U S) ROC requi red operationall.:hanH.,'teristlcs IDCS Tank Drive r Command System
~ 'ITR Mobile To>! Rig (US) RoC Republil: of China T OR Ta rget Data Receiver
MTSQ mecha nical time and supcrquick ROF rate of' lire IEL rransporter, EreclOr, Launcher
!\liT .1{ufO/'ell-lilld- 'Ii /rhille /I- L "Iioll RoK Republic of Korea IELAR Transporter. ErCt:lor. Launcher
~ I U LI:: Modul ar Unive rs<l l Lase r ROKIT Rep ublic: of Korea l nd!genou~ T:.l1lk and Radar
Equipm ent (U S) ROR range only radar n:s t" rge t engagement system
MV muzz.le velocity RP rocke t propelled r G~ n S T:mk Gu nnery Mis~ile Trucking
~ IVE E Mi litary Vehicles an d Engineering RP V rcmotel~ pi loted ve hicle System
Estab li sh ment RR Rt.'{'oille~~ RiOe -IGI' Terminally Guided Project.ile
~ IW S Mal1m:d Weapon Slat ion (US) U.5AF Roy:1I Sm311 Arms Factory TGS rank Gun Sight
RSS Ro~ettC' ScanllJllg Seder T GS M lcrl11inall~ gu ided subllllln ition
RTT R(JIIC!!i Ti'a fl'/ltJ/'U!/lr d<' f i'lJlljJn I GTS tank gu nnery traini ng simulator
NATO ~orth Atl l.1 nt il" Treat y Organisation R UC Royal Ul~ter Cons tabulary 11 thermal imagi ng
N BC nuclea r, biologica l. che mica! n C ~1 thermal imagi ng common modules
N1l~ IR ;-.JATO Bas ic Mili tary Req uirement fiRE Ta nk Inrra -Red El bm\
NTC Na tional Tmini ng Cl!l1t cr (USA) SA SCA SOI.:ief£! /11(1/11 '111(' lJelgl! tiL' fl S thermal imaging. systcm
NUGP nomina l unit ground press ure COl/lffllCfi(II/I " l tirOI/WIIUlllt'l lLR Tanl.. Lase r Rangefindcr
SA OARM Scn~e And Des troy ArmOr (US) !'LS Tanl.. Laser Sighl
SA D F Sou th \ friran Defence Force TMS Turret Modernisation SyslI::m
OBR Optical Beam Riding S AE Sodet~ of' I\utomothl! Engin ... ers TO E table of o rg~l n is:lIio n ~lI1d
OCC OIms a Charge Crem'l! S AL Se l11Hlt.'llve l!ls~r equipment
(shaped charge shel l) SAM .,urface-to-alr ml sdt:' TOGS Themlal Observa tion and Gunl1er ~
ODE Ord n"llce Develop ment ,lnd SM I ~ I d' tIJp/irtuiom tlt'l
{I('/(i((j System
Engin eering (S in g.apore) "adwu'l I/OfffCCl 10PA S 'I'(/1i1/101'1t!/' Ohl'l1t'I11' Pa.\m ~\ '
01' obse rva tion pos t SANTAL Snl/tlJle jl/fI-ll~,,.iell Lt'l{er 10TE rrncker. Op tical Thermally
0-1 ope rat ional ICSI (ligh t anu-am:raft system) Enhrl l1ced
OTA O\ern lght lap att ack SA I'l :-.emi-armour plI:rClng ll1C:e ndHI~ 1'0\\ Tube-launched Opticall y tral'kt:d
OTEA Operational Tes t and E\a luation SATCP \'\/I!/IIf! _41111-aer;el/ ,i 7i'i'\ COlli'll! PO/'lJ£ Wire-guided (US)
Agency (US) bel"} shorHange anti-aircraft sy" tem) II' target pmcltcc
OVT Oceoll ics Ve hicle Tech nology SCG Self Chan!png Ge,lrs IP-FL targe t pracllce nash
SCO Il E StratIfied Chargl! Onlll1\'OrOU" '11'1'5 0 5--1 target practice fjn-~tabIU se d
R otar~ Engine di sl'a rdillg sabot tracer
pJI Prt.'- Pla nned Production Im pro\emcn ls SO s l;'lr-clt:~tru cl I P- ~I targt:t pr:u.: lI Ce smoke
PAR pulst! acqui sition rada r SE~ tE S. :l1ool or Eil:c tric"l amI Mechanical T P-SI' larg('l prac tlc(" '\pottJng.
PAT power-assi,ted traverse EngIneering TP-T targcl practice tracer
TRACKSTAR rracked Search and rarget \'.\UV Vicker~ A rmoured Recovery YDU visual display unit
Acqu isnion Radar System (US) Vehicle VEC I ehiClfln de ExpIrIl'Gcf(}1I til!
rRADOC Training and Doctrine Command ( S) \ 'BC I Wlil'll/" BIiIlCM de Combar Cabal/eric!
TRL\' ~I racked Rapier Launt.'h Vehicle (armoured combat \chicle, VE D ES V~ hicl e Exhaust Dust Ejection
I R5 \ ' Tracked Rapier Support Vehicle VOL I Wlimle Blil/dt! LeKC''' Syst em IUSI
ISFCS Tank Simplified Fire Control (light armoured vehicle) YG~ I U Vulcan Gunner Monitor Uni t ( S)
S~~lcm \C;\ 1't'J1Ic.'lIle Ch£'I1Illt " HI S visual hi t indic.i:1I0r s:-,slern
TSQ lime and 5upe rquick d ' ~C{()mf}{lgl/elHenf (I nicked VIS " idliclIle d"",efl'C'ntirlll till Bnw
rr lIWlIpor/ de trolljJes (troop ~uppor l ....ehicle) VIRSS
Visua l and In rra-Red Smoke
VCC I eito!o Com:::aro de
1'111 Screening S)s tcm
Tank Tes t-Bed (US) Conlbaflllnel1fO VLC "ehim!e Leger df! C(lIl1b(l/ (ligh t
T IS l:,nk Thc.:rmal Sighl VCG "(!liicu!l! d/' COl ohm 1111 (;('1/1(' a rmou red car)
IVA TOW Under AmlOr (US) (armoured engineer vehicle) VMIIT Vickers Muin Baili e Ta nk
·1 LlR 7i'e.Ulil'gf!r- L:hen, (lclJlll/g\'-radal' VC I f W,icl/le ell! Combat d'llIfilllfl'I'Il': VRL J 'N/fell/f! RCfOllllaiss(II/(,I' Lcgl'J"
(low Ic\el surveill ance radar) J 'rhicli/u COli/hate III/elflleria
TW!\ IP (light rcconnujssancc vehicle)
Track Width Mine 1:>lough (infantry combat vchicle) VSEL Vickers Shipbuilding and
ven I i:hil'lde de Combat (i ROlW~ Engineenng Ltd
(wheeled combal \chide) ,rr vari able timc
UDR Ulstt'r Defence Regiment VC R \<trlable compression ra ti o \' 11' 1,(,lti(,lIle tramport d£' 1'£'1'>:(/111/('1
lIET Universal Engineer Traclor (US) \ 'C H/" I r '(:Iuclile dt! Combal iJ Rflllt!s /Ateher (personnel carrie r )
ULC Uni t Load Container I W,icli/e YTr I'ehiclile trtuH/JOrf de Imllpe
US \;\DS \ 'CR/ IS I'N/ielll!! de Combat (I ROIIl.'s/ (troop transporte r)
US J\rlllY Air Defense School
LtS~ I C Un ited St:lU~S Marine Corps 1111('1'1 '('1/11011 SOllitlllre V"SS ve rtical volute spring suspension
USN United Sl:HCS Na\') \ CRIPC I 'e//lCl/le de Combat ci ROl/l',\ / PO\l(' VWC Vulcan Wheeled Carne r (US)
Lr r Universal Turre t System tie C omlll({lIdl'lIlellf YXB r'i!hiClile mind,; {/ f oCUliol/\
VCR / I H a
/ '(}hicl/!t· de Cf!lllbtll HOlle,)/ .\ /lIltipi£'S (multi-purpos(' armoured
fiJl/relle H OT car)
VCRnT I 'eJllfII/e de Comhtll (i RQII(, ~ /
VA H I '{tI,iClfle de I ~-J\,{/Ilf Blilldc} (front TromprJr/ de fi-ul/pel
.lrmOLJrcd carl VCTl\1 r 'ehit·/I10 de Combat£' 7i'{/IISII()/"e de
\VAM Wide Area MInes (US)
VAB Vicke rs Armoured 13ridgelayer ,\{orfero (armou red mOrtar carrier) WAPC Wheeled Armo ured Personnel
Vi\DA H ''(iI,itll!'' .-I I/IOI/OIIU! de Di-Iell\'l' , 'CTP I (,Ii/cillo dl~ (·Oll/bah' "li'aIlSpOrf!' de Carri er
IlIIi-aerie/lI1e Rapproc/u? Persol/al (armoured personnel WARPA C Warsaw Pact
(nutonomous close-ac ti on anti- carrier) WI'SY Wh eeled Fire SLJPPOrl Vchiclt:
ai rcm ft ve hicle) VDA r i'llil.'u/t! de De/eml' .,l lIli·miriellll(, WMR V Wheeled Mainte nanct! a nd
VADS Vulcan Air Defense System (US) (a nu-aircraft defence vehicle ) Recovery Vehicle
VA.E I (o/ticlilo Armado Explorafi(}If VDAA /'e/,iClfle d ' -llIlo-DN't.w,I(' \-" P \\ hile phosphorus
VA PE I i!hic'ulo .-IPoJ'o y Exploration _·llIli-nc!riellf/{! WP-T while phosphorus tracer
VARRV Vickers Armoured Repair aJ)d \,I)~ I viscous damped mount
Recovery Veh icle VI)SL Vickers Derense Syste ms Lt d YM RS YugosJa\ m ult iple rockct system
105 mm FRT L44 01504 Type CN105F1 Gun Type M60 HE Fl Smoke M60 Training
WEIGHT 2.4 kg 2.4 kg 2.4 kg
Development/Descriptio n PROPELLANT TYPE
The 105 mm FRT l44 D1504 Type CN105Fl gun is essentially an (imported) lB 7T 72 (0_8) lB 7T 72 (0.8)
Argentinian version of Ihe French Giat D1504 gun which was designed by (local equivalent) BD 5 BD5 BD5
the Etablissement d 'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armament de Bourges WORKING PRESSURE 2400 kg/cm' 2400 kg/cm' 2400 kg/cm'
(EFAB) to meet the requirements of the Israeli Army.
In Argentinian service it has been used to upgun the remaining Sherman
MBTs still in front line service that have already been fitted with a new, SPECIFICATIONS
more fuel efficient diesel engine. CALIBRE 105mm
Steel for the home-built weapons is provided by Argentinian Altos Hornos lENGTH 4622mm
Zapla steelworks. lENGTH OF BARREL
Types of fi xed ammunition fired by the weapon include M60 high explosive, (calibres) 44
Fl smoke and M60 training and brief details of these are as follows : lENGTH OF RIFLING 4081 mm
Type M60HE Fl Smoke M60 Training TOTAL lENGTH 5150 mm
WEIGHT 12 kg 12.8 kg 12 kg RECOILING MASS WEIGHT 1065 kg
CONTENT 2 kg 1.8 kg 2 kg MAX RECOil 384mm
PROJECTilE BREECH MECHANISM semi-automatic horizontal wedge
FilLING TNT or Hexolite WP Sulphur- MAX PRESSURE 3300 kg/cm'
SO/50 Naphthalene
MUZZLE Status: Production as required. In service with Argentina.
VELOCITY 700 m/s 700 m/s 700 mls
CARTRIDGE Manufacturer: Direccion General de Fabricaciones Militares Argentina,
WEIGHT 18.4 kg 19.1 kg t8.4 kg Sales Department, Avenue Cabildo 65 (1462), Buenos Aires, Argenlina.
Cockerill 90 mm Gun System
In 1974 the Seraing-based Cockerill company decided to re-enter the three guns use a triple-baffle muzzle brake (except the Mark III MAl which
defence markel by producing a 90 mm gun system suitable for light and can fire APFSDS-T projectiles). The Mark III gun has a breech mechanism
medium tanks and armoured cars. The Mark I was followed by the Mark II for re-cocking in the event of a misfire; the Marks I and II do not. Other
which differed mainly in having a revised recoil mechanism which increased improvements with the Mark III include the reduction of recoil forces from
the length of recoil from 300 to 500 mm to reduce the trunnion force. The 13 000 kg to 8500 kg and the introduction ot an improved ESR steel to
Mark III MAl was introduced in 1986 and has a single-baffle muzzle brake. lessen the incidence of barrel cracking. The recoil mechanism is
The Mark I and Mark II weapons are no longer in production. hydroconcentric using two concentric springs, a light but very effective
All three Marks are similar in Ihat they are manufactured trom a special system which enables the large-calibre gun to be mounted in vehicles
electro-slag refined steel , are light, and use a wide rang e of ammunition . All weighing as lil1le as seven tons.
2 WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD / Belgium
Status: Mark III in production. Used or trialled on Cadillac Gage Commando
V-ISO and V-300, Panhard Sagaie 1 (Hispano-Suiza turret), Warrior
(CM 90 turret), OTO Melara C13 (OTO Melara T 90 CKL turret), FMC Ml13
series (CM 90 turret) , Steyr SK 105 light tank (CM 90 turret) , Arrowpointe
Dragoon 300. MOWAG Piranha 6 x 6 and 8 x 8, Alvis Scorpion , SIBMAS
APC , GKN Simba, Vickers Valkyr 4 x 4, EWK 4 x 4, FIAT 6616 , Renault
VBC 90, Steyr- Daimler-Puch Pandur, PT-76 light amphibious tank , ENASA
BMR-600, G LS TPZ 1, and Thyssen Condor, By early 1993 more than
2000 of these weapons had been produced by Cockerill or its licensees .
They have been supplied worldwide on all continents except Australia. Cockerill 90 mm Mark III MA 1 gun
Manufacturer: CMI , Cockerill Mechanical Industries SA , Defence Division, A modified version of this gun was manufactured in Brazil by ENGESA as
Avenue Greiner 1, B-4100 Seraing , Belgium . the 90 mm EC-90 Gun. Details were given in Jane 's AFV Retrofit Systems
Telephone: (041) 30 21 11 Telex : 41 225 Fax : (041 ) 30 25 26 1992-1 993 page 4.
The MECAR 90/28 90 mm light gun has been in production for over 30 years
and has been sold widely, mainly on the strength of being a very light weapon
allied with a wide range of ammunition types in four main groupings . Muzzle
velocities are low, as are most combat ranges which are limited to about
1000 m for anti-tank projectiles and 4200 m for anti-personnel high explosive
projectiles. Turret mountings produce a recoil force of about 2500 kg which ,
coupled with a recoil length of 400 mm , means that no muzzle brake is
required . The total gun weight is 274 kg , about half that of any equivalent gun
system of the same calibre. The recoil system is hydraulic and the breech
mechanism is semi-automatically cam-operated with automatic case ejection .
Barrel wear and noise sig nature are stated to be very low.
A field mounting has been produced for this gun . MECAR 90128 90 mm light gun
Status: Production as requ ired. In service (vehicle and towed versions) Manufacturer: MECAR SA, B-7 181 Petit-Roeul x-Iez-Nivelles , Belgium .
with Belgian Gendarmerie, Cameroon , Gabon , Haiti , Indonesia, Malaysia Telephone : (32) 67/21 77 95 Tele x: 574 38 Fax : (32) 67/2 1 6307
(130 guns), Portugal, Saudi Arabia (39 fitted to Cadillac Gage V-150) , and
Singapore (40). The vehicles involved include the Chaimite V-400 (4 x 4),
Commando V-150 (4 x 4) and the Dragoon 300 (4 x 4) .
overall 3130 mm sustained 7 rds/min HEAT 633 mls
barrel 2900 mm MAX RANGE HE 338 m/s
WEIGHT (Iotal) 274 kg effective , HEAT 1000 m smoke 338 m/s
LENGTH OF RECOIL 400mm HEAT 3500m cannister 338 ml s
RIFLING 112 grooves, combal , HE 4200m
right hand 10
MECAR Improvement Programme for 90 mm As a private venture, MECAR undertook a study to make cost -effective
improvements to these limitations and to upgrade the effective combat
Cockerill Mk III and 90 mm ENGESA EC-90 guns rangelarmour defeating capability of the 90 mm gun systems.
MECAR has now successfully completed the development, evaluation,
Development/Description acceplance testing and subsequent production of a new design of muzzle
For some years MECAR has been producing ammunition for th e 90 mm brake and a complementary APFSDS-T round called Ihe M652 which can
Cockerill and ENGESA EC-90 90 mm guns Ihat are installed in a number of be fired from the exisling Cockerill and ENGESA 90 mm light gun systems .
tracked and wheeled light armoured vehi cles. In addition to firing the new APFSDS-T M652 round , the guns can fire the
Some of the limitations of these 90 mm gun systems are Iheir relatively existing series of ammunition when the weapon is fitted with the new
short anti-armour effective combat range and their inability to engage and MECAR muzzle brake.
defeat medium armour at high angles of obliquity or spaced armour of more The existing triple-baffle muzzle brake is replaced by a new MECAR
modern light armoured vehicle types using current HEAT and KE rounds, single baffle muzzle brake and this enables the new M652 APFSDS-T
and the inability to fire KE APFSDS with a long rod penetralor for l he round to be used with il s greatly increased ar mour penetration
existi ng weapon s. characteri slics.
Bel 9 i U m - C IS / WE A P 0 N 5 0 F 20m mAN 0 UP WAR 0 3
Muzzle brake
TYPE single baffle
WE IGHT 19.5 kg
LENGTH 310 mm
90mm HEAT-T 60%
90 mm APFSDS-T 70%
Gun changes
(reduction of 164 mm
compared to Cockerill triple
type) 3569 mm
(increase of 6 kg compared to
Cockerill triple type) 469 kg
RECOIL SPEED no change
Descri ption
This smooth-bore gun is now known to have the designation of 0 -81 TM
(2A46) but is often relerred to as the Rapira (or Rapier) 3. It has no muzzle
brake but has a bore evacuator and is fed by an automatic loader using a
24-round carousel system . A light alloy thermal sleeve is usuall y litted .
Semi-combustible propellant cases are used with this gun and the maximum
eHective range is in the region of 2000 to 3000 m.
The APFSDS projectile can penetrate over 400 mm of a vertical steel
plate at 1000 m. Ao HE-FRAG projectile has a range of 9400 m. The T-64BI
T-80 MBT is armed with a 125 mm gun that can fire anti-tank guided missile
as well as various 125 mm rounds.
In May 1989 Iraq showed a Type 69 MBT that had had its 100 mm gun
replaced by the complete gun and automatic loading system of the T-72M1
MBT, but as far as it is known this never entered service with the Iraqi Army.
T-72 MBT which is armed with a 125 mm 0-81 TM (2A46) smooth-bore gun
The 115 mm U-5TS. or 2A20. is a smooth-bore gun firing fin-stabilised
projectiles and is installed in the T -S2 MBT. It has no muzzle brake but is
fitted with a bore evacuator and most installations are equipped with a light
alloy thermal sleeve. The manual loading limits the rate of fire to about four
or five rds!min but the spent propellant cases are ejected from th e turret by
a mechanism actuated by the gun recoil. The gun is used with two-plane
stabilisation equipment.
The gun is effective out to a range of about 3000 m and the length of the
gun tube is 55 calibres!S325 mm. The APFSDS round fired by the U-5TS
can penetrate 300 mm of armour set at an angle of 0° at 1000 m.
This has been manufactured by Royal Ordnance Nottingham for the
Egyptian Army to replace existing barrels on T-S2 MBTs or for fitment to
new tanks (see separate entry) .
The 0 -10 series of guns was developed during the Second World War
around a 100 mm naval round with the 0 - 1Os being first production guns for
the SU-l 00 assault gun in t944. The first of the 0 -10 tank gun series was
the D- tOT , which was filled to a number of trial vehicles before being filled
Into the early models of the T-54 . This was followed by a version of the
same 0-1 OT but filled with a bore evacuator. and a new version . known as
the D-l0TG which was equipped for stabilisation in the vertical plane . Then
came the 0-1 OT2S equipped for stabilisation in both vertical and horizontal
None of these versions has muzzle brakes and all have horizontal sliding
wedge breech-blocks. The recoil system consists of a hydraulic buffer and
a hydropneumatic recuperator. All fire the same fixed ammunition . Thermal
sleeves can be filled. Royal Ordnance Nollingham produces a conversion
kit to replace the 100 mm gun of the T-54/T-55 and Type 59 tanks . Details
are given in this section under the United Kingdom .
Some T-55 MBTs used by the former Warsaw Pact have been upgraded
to the T -55AM2 configuration which includes the installation of a thermal
sleeve for the 100 mm gun .
The Chinese produce a copy of the D-l0T but their designation for it is
not known. Production of the 0-10 series tank gun has also been undertaken T-55 MBTis armed with a 100 mm 0 - 70T2S gun which is stabilised in both
in the former Czechoslovakia and Poland . planes (US Army!Michael Green)
LENGTH 5608 mm
WEIGHT 1948 kg
RATE OF FIRE 4 rds/min
max 14600 m
max elfective 2000 m approx
73 mm 2A28 Gun
The 73 mm 2A28 is a smooth-bore, low-pressure gun with a short recoil
that has been specially designed to suit the requirements of mountings on
light armoured vehicles . It fires a special fin-stabilised HEAT round , which
is also used by the infantry SPG-9 anti-tank weapon . When fired the
projectile has an initial muzzle velocity of about 400 m/s which rises after a
period to 665 m/s; this means the projectil e may be subject to the influences
of high side winds. The usual installations feature an automatic loader
which loads the gun when it is elevated to +3°30' , limiting th e rate of fire to
around eight rd s/min . The gun barrel has provision for the installation of a
Sagger wire-guided ATGW above its junction with the turret mantlet.
LENGTH (recoil) 152mm
WEIGHT 115 kg
RATE OF FIRE (max) 7-8 rds/min
RANGE (max eifective) 1300 m
Manufacturer: State factories . 73 mm 2A28 gun on BMP-1 with Saggermounted above (Donald Spaulding)
30 mm 2A42 Cannon
This weapon is the main armament of the BMP-2 mechanised inlantry
fighting vehicle and has a long barrel with a muzzle brake.
The 30 mm 2A4 2 cannon has a dual feed; one would normally be for
HE-T and the other for AP -T rounds, both with a muzzle velocity of
1000 m/s. The gunner can select one of two rates of full automatic fire, low
at 200 to 300 rds/min and high at 500 rds/min .
According to the manufacturer, eifective range when engag ing ground
targets such as light armoured vehicles is 1500 m while soft skinned targets
can be engaged out to 4000 m. Air targets can be engaged lIying at low
altitudes of up to 2000 m at subsonic speeds and up to a slant range of
2500 m.
In addition to being installed in a two man turret installed on the BMP-2
MICV, this gun is also installed in the new BMD-2 airborn e combat vehicle
(one man turret) and BMD -3 airborne combat vehicle. The latter is believed
to utilise the complete turret of the BMP-2.
CALIBRE 30mm BMP-2 armed with 30 mm 2A42 cannon Without roof-mounted A TGW
LENGTH OF GUN 3027 mm (Michael Jerchel)
FEED dual
gun 115 kg GUARANTEED SERVICE LIFE 6000 rounds
barrel 38.5 kg
RECOIL FORCE 40-50 kN Status : In production. Installed in BMP-2.
FIRING remote control lrom electric Manufacturer : State factorie s. Has also been manufactured under licence
trigger and mechanical in the former Czechoslovakia and India for locally built BMP-2 vehicles .
6 WE A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / CIS - E 9 YpJ
GROOVES 16 Mounted co -axial to the right of the 100 mm gun installed in the BMP-3ICV
RIFLING PITCH 715.5 mm is the 30 mm 2A 72 automatic cannon
FEED dual
RATE OF FIRE (min) 330 rpm
gun 84 kg POWER SUPPLY 27V DC
barrel 36 kg GUARANTEED SERVICE LIFE 6000 rounds
MUZZLE VELOCITY 960 m/s Status: In production for BMP-3 infantry combat vehicle.
FIRING remote control from electric
trigger or manual Manufacturer: State factories.
30 mm 2A38M Cannon Status: In production for 2S6M air defence syste m used by the
Commonwealth of Independent States and India.
RATE OF FIRE 1950-2500 rpm
WEIGHT (less water) not over 195 kg
COOLING SYSTEM evaporative
COOLING FLUID drinking water
WEIGHT OF WATER not over 28 kg
CHARGING pyrotechnic and manual
NUMBER OF SQUIDS 3 The 256M Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft gun/surface-Io-air missile
FIRE CONTROL remote syslem is armed with two twin 30 mm 2A38M cannon and eighf SA -1 9
POWER SUPPLY 24 V surface-la-air missiles (Christopher F Foss)
115 mm Tank Gun Barrel Full details of the barrel are given under the Royal Ordnance 115 mm
Tank Gun Barrel in the United Kingdom section . The specification s below
Description are from Egyptian sources.
Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries , in co-operation with Royal Ordnance of
the United Kingdom , is now offering 115 mm tank barrels for the lormer Note: Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries is also involved in the Royal
Soviet designed and built T-62 MBT. This is essentially a reversed Ordnance 105 mm T-54/T-55 upgrade package covered under the United
engineered former Soviet U-5TS (2A20) gun using new technology. Kingdom later in thi s section , local production of the 122 mm D-30 towed
The original lormer Soviet method was to manufacture the barrel by howitzer and the Chinese 130 mm Type 59 field gun and the project to
shrink fit sleeve/liner; the new method is to use the autofrettage technique. install the 122 mm D-30 into a modified Ml09/FAASV chassis. A si ngle
This is claimed to be a simpler, more effective , improved method of prototype of the latter has been built by BMY Combat Systems but production
production as well as giving a greater barrel fatigue life . has yet to commence .
Egypt-Fran ce / WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD 7
Giat Industries 120 mm Smooth-bore Gun G1 OPERATING PRESSURE 4160 bars (APFSDS ammunition )
3150 bars (HEAT-MP
Developmentl Descrlptlon MUZZLE VELOCITY 1650 mls (APFSDS ammunition)
Designed by the Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabricalions d 'Armament de 1100 mls (HEAT-MP ammunition)
Bourges, the 120 mm smooth-bore gun Gl has been designed to be
interchangeable with the 105 mm CN105Fl tank gun . It uses
semi-combuslible propellant cases and has been designed to fire both Manufacturer: Etablissement d 'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de
French -produced ammunition and German Rheinme tall-produced Bourges (EFAB) .
ammunition , A vertical sliding breech-block is used . The barrel is chrome- Enquiries to Giat Industries, 13 route de la Miniere , Satory 78034 Versailles
plated and aulofrettaged. Maximum service chamber pressure is 6300 Cedex , France.
bars, Telephone: (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1) 30973900
The 120 mm smooth-bore gun Gl is fitted to the privale venlure Giat
Industries AMX-40 MBT and the Brazilian ENGESA EE-Tl Osorio MBT,
neither of which had entered production as 01 January 1993.
This weapon has also been referred to as the 120-24 gun.
In mid- 1986 Giallndustries proposed th e replacement of the T-62 MBT's
115 mm U-5TS (2A20) smooth-bore gun by the Giat 120 mm smooth-bore
gun, In this conversion the original elevation and traverse mechanism is
retained , the existing 115 mm ordnance is replaced by the Giat Industries
120 mm smooth-bore gun loading from th e right instead of the left and the
existing recoil system is modified.
CALIBRE 120 mm
36500 daN (at +51 ' C) (HEAT-MP
ammunition) Giat Industries 120 mm smooth-bore tank gun G 1
Developmentl Description
The 120 mm smooth-bore gun Fl has been designed for installation in the
Giat Industries Leclerc MBT currently in production for the French Army.
The smooth-bore gun is chrome-plated , fitted with a thermal sleeve and
has a vertical sliding breech mechanism . II is also fitted with a muzzle
reference system and a compressed air system for removing propellant
fumes. In the Leclerc application it is fed by a bustle mounted automatic
loader, covered later in this volume, which holds 22 rounds of ammunition.
The 120 mm Fl gun fires the same 120 mm ammunition as the German
Rheinmetall 120 mm smooth-bore gun installed in the Leopard 2, and its
US equivalent the M256, installed in the M1AI and M1A2 Abram s MBTs.
The French 120 mm Fl gun is, however, 1 m longer, which increases Giat Industries 120 mm smooth-bore gun Fl which is installed in the
muzzle velocity and armour penetration of APFSDS projectiles ; it also LeclercMBT
gives a longer range .
This weapon has also been referred to as the 120-26 gun ,
Currently, the French standard MBT gun , the CN105Fl, is 56 calibres long
and is fitted with a semi-automatic vertical sliding wedge breech-block. No
muzzle brake is fitted and a compressed air scavenging system is used
instead of a bore excavator. A magnesium alloy thermal sleeve is fitted.
The recoil mechanism uses two symmetrically opposed hydraulic brake
cylinders with a single hydropneumatic recuperator cylinder An electrical
fi ring system is fitted ,
barrel 5900 mm
recoil 385 mm
overall 2470 kg
recoiling mass 1800 kg
RANGE (max effective) 5000 m
RATE OF FIRE (max) 8 rds/min
Giat Industries 105 mm 105 G1 Gun fired by the French Giat Industries AM X-30 MBT but uses a smaller
cartridge case whi ch gives a different muzzle velocity .
The ordnance is fitted with a single baffle muzzle brake, thermal sleeve ,
Development/Description fume ex tractor and semi-automatic horizonta l breech mechanism .
The Giat Industri es 105 mm Gl is a furth er development of the Giat
Industries 105 mm CN 105/57 described in the following entry which is SPECfFICATIONS
installed in the French FL-12 turret of the AMX -13 light tank and the CALIBRE 105 mm
Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch SK 105 tank destroyer/light tank. LENGTH 4622 mm
The modification enables the weapon to fire the 105 mm 105 Gl APFSDS TOTAL WEIGHT 1210 kg
ammunition . This uses the same projectile as that of the 105 mm rounds WEIGHT OF ORDNANCE 1210 kg
France / WEAPONS OF 20 mm AN D U PW ARD 9
Giat Industries 105 mm 105/57 Gun smaller and lighter propellant charges enable it to be fitted into the FL -12
light tank turret. Other changes to the gu n include a horizontal breech-
block, a muzzle brake, and a single-cylinder recoi l mechanism together
Description with a single hydropneumatic recuperator. A thermal barrel jacket can be
The 105/57 is a lightened version of the CN105F l developed specifically fitted. The firing mechanism is mechanical.
for export. It uses th e same conventional ammunition as the CN1 05Fl but
overall 4622 mm
recoil 368 mm
overall 1210 kg
recoi ling mass 1065 kg
RIFLING INCLINATION 7"10' right hand
Status : Production as req uired . Fitted to th e AM X-13 with FL-12 turret, the
Steyr SK 105 tank destroyer fitted with the FL-12 turret.
Designed as a light gun to fire fin-slabil ised projectiles, th e 105 mm F2 has
a very light barrel with shallow rifling. The semi-automatic breech has a
vertical sliding wedge breech-block and electri cal firing . Just behind the
double-baffle muzzle brake is a fi xed muzzle reference mirror to detect
baJrel warp ing . A single hydropneumati c cyl inder mounted on the left side
of the gun acts as the recoil brake. The recuperator cylinder is on the right-
hand side. More recently Giat has developed an APFSDS ro und which can
be fired by the 105 mm F2 (MECA) gun .
CALI BRE 105mm
overall 720 kg Giat Industries 105 mm F2 (MEGA) gun
recoiling mass 560 kg
RANGE (max effective, HEAT) 1250 m
2100 bars Manufacturer: Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement et
(at 20"C)
Bourges (EFAB) .
Enquiries to Giat Industries, 13 route de la Miniere. Satory 78034 Versailles
Status : In production. Fitted onl y to the AM X- l ORC (6 x 6) reconnaissance Cedex , France .
vehicle. Telephone : (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1) 30 97 39 00
Giat Industries 90 mm F1 Gun fitted with a vertical sliding wedge breech-block. The firing mechanism is
mechanical and the recoil mechanism is a single cylinder with a constant
stress spring . The recuperator system is hydropneumatic. Low-angled
Description rifling is used in the barrel.
The 90 mm Fl is also referred to as th e CN90Fl and in the past was known This gun is also produced In South Africa for Its Army 's Eland 90 and
as the DEFA D92 1. It is a lighl gun , firin g fi n-stabilised projectiles and is Ratel 90 vehicles. South Africa also produced a towed version based on
fitted with a double-baffle muzzle brake. The breec h is semi-automatic and the British 6-pounder anti-tank gun carriage.
10 WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD / France
less muzzle brake 4590 mm (appro x)
recoil 340 mm
Giat Industries 90 mm CS Super (Super 90) Gun thermal sleeve is fitted around th e barrel. The muzzle brake is a single-
baffle design with 30 per cent efficiency. The barrel ca n withstand internal
Description pressures of up to 2 100 bars and the ratio of recoil weight to total weight is
The Super 90 90 mm gun is a development of the earlier 90 mm Fl and F3 72 per cent. Thi s gun is now referred to by Giat Industries as the 90 mm
series , and is much more efficient , combining low weight with a high muzzle CS 90 Gun Model F4 .
velocity. It fires conventional and 90 mm APF.SDS projectiles and is much
longer than the earlier guns with a barrel length of 52 calibres as opposed Status : In production . Fitted to Renault VBC 90 (6 x 6) armoured car (TS
to 33. The barrel and breech are manufactured from ESR steel and the 90 turret) ; Panhard ERC 90 Sagaie 1 (6 x 6) armoured car (TS 90 turret);
vertical-wedge breech is inclined at an angle of 35° to the left to ease AMX-l0 PAC 90 fire support vehicle (TS 90 turret) and SAMM TTB 190 (in
loading . The breech mechanism is made up from modular assemblies and service with Gabon on Sagaie 2 armoured car). Early in 1990 th e TS 90
th e recoil mechanism has been designed so Ihat the sub-assemblies can turret was installed on th e private venture MARS 151ight tank developed by
be re moved for maintenance without stripping down the complete gun . A Mecanique Creusot-Loire.
Giat Industries 81 mm Rapid Fire Mortar cupola with periscopes for all-rou nd observation and a single-piece halch
cover that opens to the rear.
The main advantages claimed for this system by Giat Industries include
Development/Descri ption rapid into and out of action times , no bedding requirement, rapid adjustment
As a private venture, Giat Industries has developed a new 8 1 mm rapid fire of fire due to its automatic fire control, high rate of fire (five mortar bombs
mortar which was first revealed in 1988 mounted in a Giat Industries fully can be fired in four seconds), NBC and small armslfragment protection for
enclosed turret. For trials purposes, it was installed on a Giat Industries its crew.
AMX-l0P tracked chassis, although it can also be installed on wheeled
chassis such as the VAB. SPECIFICATIONS
The mortar consists of a magazine-fed weapon with five rou nds of CALIBRE 81 mm
ammun ition for ready use. The recoiling parts , including the muzzle brake LENGTH 2200 mm
and return spring, are protected by a cov er that is attached to the cradle. TOTAL WEIGHT MORTAR 450 kg
The firing pin is re-armed by the recoil and returned to firing position with MAX FORCE 3200 daN
re lease controlled by an electromagnet. POWER SUPPLY 24V DC
Operation is microprocessor controlled and fully automatic. Four modes STANDBY CONSUMPTION 1.5 A
are available : loading ; unloading ; burst firing; and single shots. To operate MAX CONSUM PTION 75A
the mortar, th e crew has to indicate th e mode , drop the bombs into the MAX RANGE 6000 m
magazine during the loading cycle, and press the fi ring button during the HEIGHT OF CUPOLA 750mm
firing cycle (single shot or bursts) . In the event of non-ignition or delayed DIAMETER OF RING BEARING 1278 mm
firing , re-arming the firi ng pin is carried out with th e special handle . DEPTH OF TURRET 1300 mm
According to Giat , the mortar's high degree of sa fety stems from the ELEVATION +38" to +83"
impossibility of double feed. The weapon is stopped in the event of delayed TRAVERSE 30" left and 30° right
firing , failed ignition or fume extraction .
The Giat 81 mm rapid fire mortar can fire all current 81 mm mortar Status : Prototype .
ammunition provided that it is no longer than 512 mm, including th e Thomson
Brandt Armements M61 and M82 and the RAUFOSS NM 123 to a maximum Manufacturer : Etablissement d'Etudes et de Fabrications d'Armement de
range of 6000 m. Bourges (EFAB)
The turret can be traversed 30" left and right and th e mortar elevated Enquiries to Giat Industries, 13 route de la Miniare, Satory 78034 Versailles
from +38" to +83", with the mortar being mounted on the right side of the Cedex, France.
turret and the gunner on the left. The gunner has an optical sight , a raised Telephone : (1) 30 97 37 37 Fa x: (1) 30 973900
Descri p tion
The Thomson Blandt MCB 81 gun mortar combines th e high-elevation
angle fire of the mortar with the low-angle fire of the conventional gun. It is
a re lalively light weapon suited to turret or ring mountings in light armoured
vehicles. For low-angle fire the bomb is loaded at the breech which is a
verli cal sliding block. Once closed the breech firing mechanism can be
Thomson Brandt 87 mm MeB 81 gun mortar
either electri cal or mechanical. As with most other mortars, the barrel is
smooth-bored. The MCB 81 can be fitted with an optional automatic cross-
levelling device that can accommodate trunnion angles of ±10°, and a M61 and M82 HE bomb 6000 m
manual levelling system is also available for use in vehicle turrets. The gun HE long range bomb 8000 m
can be used at elevation angles of -5 up to +66° and , using a special long- M77 illuminating 5000 m
range bomb, it can reach ranges of 8000 m. A special armour-piercing LP illuminating 8000 m
projectile has a maxi mum eHective range of about 1000 m. The recoil APFSDS direct fire 1000 m
system is hydraulic. MIN RANGE 100m
LENGTH 3160 mm Status : Fitted to Giat Industries AMX-l0 TMC 81 81 mm mortar gun
WEIGHT carrier. This system is still at the prototype stage.
complete 450 kg
recoiling mass 210 kg (approx) Manufacturer : Thomson Brandt Armements , 204 Rand -Point du Pont de
MAX EFFECTIVE RANGE Savres , 92516 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France .
M57D bomb HE 5500 m Telephone : (1) 46 20 65 65 Telex : 63 1882 F BRANTAR
Thomson Brandt 60 mm MCB 60 C Gun Mortar mortar the firing mechanism is a fixed fi ring pin , but when used as a gun the
mechanism incorporates a vertical falling breech-block with either electrical
Description or mechanical firing . Several safety measures are fitted , including an anti-
This was developed from th e HB 60 gun mortar which was first installed in double loading device in the breech mechanism and a system to ensure the
the Panhard AML (4 x 4) armou red car fo r use in North Africa. The latesl firing pin is safely withdrawn if the breech is not completely closed . The
version is the MCB 60, although it is also referred to as th e MCB 60 C. This recoil system is hydraulic with a heavy spri ng recuperator around the barrel
Thom son Brandt weapon combines the muzzle loading of the mortar and which is smooth-bored . Most installations permit elevation angles of
the breech loading of a conventional gun and can be used as either. As a - 11 to +75°.
12 WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD / France
CALIBRE 60mm standard HE bombs 2240 m
LENGTH M63 illuminating 2000 m
overall 1210 mm M72 HE bomb 2650 m
recoil 135 mm anti-armour 500 m
WEIGHT close defence 50m
complete 82 kg MIN RANGE
recoiling mass 42 kg (according to firing mode) 100-300 m
TRAJECTORY 50 up to 600 m
drop fire 20 rpm
breech tire 12 rpm
PRESSU RE 1300 bar
Manufacturer: Thomson Bra ndt Armem en ts. 204 Rond -Point du Pont de
Sevres. 92516 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France .
Thomson Brandt 60 mm MCB 60 C gun mortar shown in full recoil position Telephone : (1) 46 20 65 65 Telex : 631882 F BRANTAR
This weapon is similar to the Thom son Brandt 60 mm MCB gun mortar but
the barrel is longer to give increased muzzle velocity and therefore range,
so the weapon is heavier.
SPECIFICATIONS Thomson Brandt 60 mm MCB 60 LR gun mortar shown in full recoil position
overall 1920 mm breech loaded 12rpm
recoiling mass 90 kg
recoil forces 2600 kg
MAX RANGE Status: Production as required. Installed in Hispano-Suiza Serval 60120
(long-range bomb) 5130 m turret (production) and open mount. By late 1992 production of the Thomson
MIN RANGE 100 m Brandt MCB 60 LR gun mortar amounted to over 20 systems, all of which
EFFECTIVE RANGES were for the export market in the Serval 60/20 turret.
TRAJECTORY) 1000 m Manufacturer: Thomson Brandt Armements, 204 Rond-Point du Pont de
MAX RATE OF FIRE Sevres. 92516 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex, France.
drop fire 18 rpm Telephone : (1) 46 20 65 65 Tele x: 631882 F BRANTAR
Giat45 mm Case Telescoped Ammunition (CTA) is carried out in Bourges , France by a joint Giat Industriesl Alliant
Techsystems team .
Cannon Fortrials , the French weapon will fire US ammunition while the US weapon
will fire French ammunition.
Development The 45 mm CTA was preceeded by th e development 35 mm XT 2000
In mid-1992 . Giat Industries unveiled their new 45 mm Case Tel escoped cannon using th e same principle of operation . By mid-1992 this had fired over
Ammunition (CTA) cannon which has been developed as a private venture. 850 rounds including 250 rounds in bursts. Fin stabilised projectiles were
The first 45 mm CTA demonstrator cannon was completed in 1991 with the fired at pressures of up to 5500 bar and muzzle velocities of 1600 m/s.
first prototype being completed the following year.
One of the first applications of this weapon could be the VAD (8 x 8)
member of the VBM family of wheeled vehicles projected for service with
the French Army in the 21 st Century.
The VAD (Vehicule d 'Appui Direct - or Direct Support Vehicle) could be
fitted with a two man power operated turret armed with a 45 mm CTA cannon
and a co-axial machine gun . The main armament of the VAD is designated
Ihe MCF (Moyen Calibre Futurl Future Medium Calibre Gun - FMCG) .
The US 45 mm round uses a metallic cartridge case while Ihe French
round uses a plastic case . Other diHerences include firing systems and
both weapons have diHerent operating concepts , Ihe US weapon being gas
operated while the French weapon is driven by an electric motor.
Late in 1992, Alliant Techsystems of the USA and Giat Industries of
France signed an agreement to promote international development of the
45 mm CT A armament system to meet the anticipated NATO future combal
vehicle requirement.
This agreement builds on both companies eHorts to develop telescopic
ammunition. for example , the Alli an t Techsystems COMVAT covered later
in thi s section and the Giat Industries 45 mm CTA.
The agreement signed in 1992 provides for the framework for a more
detailed business agreement between the two companies on the 45 mm
system. Ammunition development is expected to be carried out by a joint
team of Alliant Techsystemsl Giat Industries while cannonlfeed development Giat Industries 45 mm CTA cannon from the rear
France / WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD 13
The weapon fires telescoped ammunition which is 30 to 50 per cent more
compact than conventional ammunition as the projectile is seated in the
heart of the propellant change and not in front of it . In addition , the round is COMPACTNESS AND COST REDUCTION LOVA CHARACTERISTICS
also lighter and more economical, as plastics are used in the manufacture MASS REDUCTION
of the cartridge.
It is envisaged that at least three types of ammunition will be developed
for the CTA : armour-piercing fi n stabilised ; anti-helicopter sub-calibre
projectile ; and anti-personnel high explosive with programmable electronic
fuzing .
~} .....
T.. L
The cylindrical shape of the CTA enables the use of the push -
through-concept in which the feed of ammunition to the chamber is combined
with the expUlsion of the previously fired cartridge . The cartridge cases are
ejected forwards of the weapon and the long barrel is fitted with a muzzle
!d.-lie _IVY
Not rel eased. V/ cm3 .26 .6. WEAPON COMPATIBILITY
First announced at the June 1983 Satory exhibition . the Giat Industries
30 mm Model 781 is an externally powered weapon firing 30 mm ammunition
of the 550 fami ly . It is a single feed weapon intended for arming light
aircraft. helicopters . armoured and soft-skin vehicles. The mechanism drive
and timing is imparted by a cam mechanism and electronic controls are
provided to control the rate of fire which may be varied to sui t the mounting
in use . Single shot. limited or unlimited bursts are possible. The first
application for this weapon is the HAP can non turret installed under the
nose of a helicopter. firing Type 30-550 ammunition .
Giat Industries 30 mm Model 781 Automatic Gun
LENGTH (overall) 1875 mm
HEIGHT 310mm
WIDTH 225mm Status: Development.
WEIGHT 65 kg
RECOIL FORCE 600 daN Manufacturer: Giat Industries . 13 route de la Miniere. Satory 78034
RATE OF FIRE up to 750 rds/min Versailles Cedex. France.
Telephone : (I ) 30 97 37 37 Fax: (I ) 30 97 39 00
The Giat Industri es 25 mm Model 81 1 automatic gun was first shown at th e
Satory exhibition in June 1983 and has bee n developed as a private
venture for installation in new turrets. such as the Giat Industries Dragar,
and for retrofitting in older turrets. such as those armed with 20 mm
cannon . It is an externally powered weapon utilising a cam arrangement to
time and drive the internal mechanism and it fires standard 25 x 137 mm
ammunition . Ammunition feed may be either du al or single and th e rate of
fire is variable at 150. 400 or 650 rds/min .
Modes of fire which can be selected using the electronic controls fitted to
the gun . are single shot. limited bursts or unlimited bursts. It is possible to
start UP. operate and service the gun without firing ammunition. The force
of recoil Is 1500 daN. which makes it suitable for mounting on armoured or
unarmoured veh icles. The user can select electric (24 V) or hydraulic drive .
For rate of fire up to 650 rds/min (cyclic), 1.5 kw is required. while 5.5 kw
is required for rates of fire up to 650 rds/min. There is no gas intake on the
Model811 as the introduction of rounds . ignition and cartridge case ejection
is assured by electrical or hydraulic drive.
According to Giat Industries. the accuracy of the 25 mm Model 811 is
such that all rounds will hit a 1.5 m diameter target at a range of 1500 m.
Terminal effect of th e 25 mm APDS -T round is equivalent at 1500 m to that
of a 20 mm round at a range of 1000 m . The explosive mass of the 25 mm
HE round is three times that of a 20 x 139 mm round.
Types of ammunition fired include APDS -T . HEI . HEI -T . SAPHEI . TP and
TP-T. which comply with NATO standard STANAG 4173 . Turrets that can
be fitted with the Giat Industries Model 811 automatic cannon include the
Giat Industries Dragar. SAMM TIB 125 and the Mecanique Creusot-Loire
T25. In 1987 Giat Industries ex hibited the Type 53T4 twin 20 mm automatic
anti-aircraft gun with the two 20 mm M693 cannon repla ced by a single
25 mm Model 811 cannon .
Giat Industries 25 mm Model 811 automatic cannon showing dual-Ieed
14 WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD / France
The Canon Mitrailleur de 20 mm modele 621 (CN-MIT 20 M621) fires
American 20 mm M56 ammunition which is widely used and manufactured
It is a gas-operated weapon that can fire from locked breech for single
shots or at rates of 800 rds/min . The gun uses a flat ammunition feed,
usually from the left but variable to suit the installation. Alternatively the
rounds can be fed into the gun over the receiver which allows the ammunition
links to be fed out from the same side as the side ammunition feed . Further
alternatives are flat feed powered by a built-in generator, or a dual-feed
system with one feed coming into the gun from each side . allOWing two
types of ammunition to be selected. Other variations include hand-cocking
or arming the gun using an electrical mechanism . An electrical control box
enables the firer to select the fire mode (single'shot or either of the two
cyclic fire rates. or bursts or safety, all combined with the dual-feed system
if fitted), and the control box can also record the number of rounds fired . An
automatic re-cocking device can be fitted for use in the event of a misfire.
LENGTH Giat Industries 20 mm M621 (F 1) cannon
gun 2t79 mm
recoil 50 mm reverse ,
17 mm forward
WIDTH 203mm Status : In production . Installed on AML with SAMM S 530 twin 20 mm
HEIGHT 194 mm turret ; Chaimite V-300 wi th SAMM S 530 twin 20 mm turret (prototype) ;
WIDTH (in cradle) 202 mm Pan hard ERC with SAMM S 530 twin 20 mm turret (prototype); Pan hard
WEIGHT M3 VDA twin 20 mm SPAAG; Giat Industries Toucan 1 turret ; SAMM TAB
gun 45.5 kg 220 twin 20 mm turret; Mecanique Creusot-Loire CB 20 mm mount.
cradle 12.5 kg
RATE OF FIRE (cyclic) 800 rds/min Manufacturer: Gial Industries. 13 route de la Miniere , Satory 78034
AVERAGE RECOIL LOAD 250 daN Versailles Cedex, France.
ELECTRICAL ENERGY 28V, lOA Telephone: (I) 30 97 37 37 Fax: (1) 30 97 39 00
Rheinmetall140 mm Smooth-bore Gun
Development/Desc ription
Under contract to Ihe BWB, Rheinmetall has built six prototypes of a 140 mm
smooth-bore gun and its associated APFSDS-T ammunition for trials
The first application for this would have been the new German Leopard 3
MBT which has now been cancelled although . as of the summer of 1992.
fu nding for the 140 mm smooth-bore gun and ils ammunition was continuing .
The new 140 mm smooth-bore gun is called the NpzK-140 and is fitted
wilh a vertical sliding breech mechanism , thermal sleeve and a fum e
If the threat changed in the future , the German Army would have the
option of retrofitting the Rheinmetall 120 mm/55 calibre gun or installing the
140 mm smooth-bore gun . The latter. however, would probably require th e
installation of a new turret fitted with an automatic loader to handle the
separate loading 140 mm ammunition .
Diehl 120 mm Mortar System The automatic cant angle compensation, in conjunction with the reference
collimator, considerably reduces mortar laying time in the firing position as
well as the time required for target changing .
Development In the event of failure of the electronic controls, the weapon can be laid
In 1970, the German Ministry of Defence commissioned Diehl for studies of manually in the backup mode. The lalter is identical with the laying operation
a 120 mm turret-mounted mortar system which could be aimed, loaded and for conventional mortars.
fired under complete armour and NBC protection . The sight has a x 4 magnification , 10° field -of-view and weighs 12 kg .
Diehl subsequentl y continued to fund th ese studies under its own initiative Maximum rate of fire is up to 16 rds/min and it can fi re any future type of
which resu lted in the definition of a 120 mm mortar turret in 1984. mortar bomb with modification . In the fu ture th e whole loading sequence
The first prototype of the 120 mm mortar turret was completed in May could be automated .
1986 and firing trials with the complete system installed on the prototype of Types of ammunition that can be fired include : TP DM28; HE DM11 ;
the Krauss-Ma ffei/Diehl private venture Puma armoured combat vehicle illu minating DM26 ; smoke DM35; HE extended range; cargo with shaped
were carried out from June 1986. charg e bomblets; HE-COFR AM (rou nd improved anti-personnel and light
Further firing tests took place in Turkey in March 1987 and at th e German armour); HE-COFRAM (advanced extended range improved fragmentation) ;
Army firing range at Meldorf in March 1988. sensor fuzed anti-armour roun d; extended range projectile ; cargo round;
The German MoD ordered two Puma armoured combat vehicles and the Bussard terminally guided anti-tank; and the Boeing Fibre Optic Mortar
first of these, PM 1, was delivered late in 1989 and is con figured as a Projectile (FOMP) which completed a US Army study contract early in 1989.
120 mm mortar system.
Forward Armored Mortar System .
Description To meet any future US Army requi rements fo r a Forward Armored Mortar
The turret is of all welded steel armour construction with a manual traverse System , Olin Ordnance of the USA has formed a team consisting of
of 45° left and right. The 120 mm mortar is pivoted in the forward part of the General Dynamics, Land Systems Division (weapon system integration
turret and can be elevated from +45 to +80°. A total of 20 rounds are carried and vehicle design) , Magnavox (fire control and navigation) , Boeing (fibre
in the turret with a further 60 rounds in the hull rear. optic mortar projectile) , Buck (countermeasure smoke) , Te xtron Defense
To enable the 120 mm Diehl mortar to be aimed , loaded and fired under Systems (sensor fuzed munitions) , Dynamit Nobel (fami ly of scalterable
complete armour and NBC protection , Diehl designed the mortar with a mines). Western Design Corporation (autoloader) and Diehl/Mauser/Saco
split barrel. Defense (120 mm mortar).
The loader places the mortar bomb with its respective charges onto the
loading tray . By operating a lever, the tipped muzzle section is moved Into SPECIFICATIONS
the horizontal position via a gearbox. Using a manual rammer the mortar CALIBRE 120 mm
bomb is pushed through a su fficiently NBC -proof lock and into the tipped BARREL LENGTH 1800 mm
Subsequently, the tipped barrel is swung back into elevation and locked PRESSURE t30 MPa
with the main barrel. It is only after the locking operation has been completed MAX RANGE
that the projectile retaining mechanism in the tipped barrel can be released with OM 11 bomb 6500 m
with an overstroke by operating the same lever. MAX RANGE
The mortar bomb then slips into the barrel in a conventional manner, hits with ER bomb 8000 m
the firing pin , which th en ignites the propelling charges. The projectile is AMMUNITION SUPPLY 80 bombs
then fired. TRAVERSE 45° left and right, manual
Elevation is achieved by displacing the base anchorage on a sliding ra il ELEVATION +45° to +80°, manual
with elevation and azimuth angles being adjusted by operating mechanical
drives from the gunner's station . Status : Development. Not yet in production or service .
The gunner's stabilised roof-mounted sight is mounted to th e left of th e
120 mm mortar and directly linked to the weapon. For cant angle Manufacturer: Diehl Group , Ordnance Division , Fischbachstrasse 16,
compensation it can be rotated about the elevation axis on a pin which is 0-8505 Rothenbach/Peg nitz, Federal Republ ic of Germany.
coaxial with the barrel. The rotating movements are caused by integrated Telephone : (911) 509 - 1 Telex : 622 59 1 - 42
electron ic motors or manually. In the backup mode, the electric motors are
activated by a plumb travel pick-up on the persicope via control electronics,
so the periscope is always in a vertical position and the line of sight at
azimuth zero always indicates the direction of firing . The cant angle is thu s
automatically compensated with a ra nge of ±5°. It is operated by the
commander and used to define the position of the weapon , and for layi ng
when changing targets in the same firing position.
Krauss-Maffei/Diehl Puma armoured combat vehicle with schematic of gun Krauss-Maffei/Diehl Puma armoured combat vehicle fitted with turret armed
and laying system on left and vehicle on right with Diehl 120 mm mortar system
Germany / WEAPONS OF 20 mm AND UPWARD 17
The smooth-bore 120 mm under armour mortar has been developed as a
private venture by Rheinmetall and can be aimed, loaded and fired under
complete armour and NBC protection. It was announced for the first time in
late 1990 by which time a single prototype had been built .
Main advantages of thi s system are : faster into and out of action times;
increased rates of fire; and , therefore, reduced susceptability to enemy
counter fire.
The system is of modular construction and can be installed on a wide
range of armoured vehicles . both tracked and wheeled, with the latter
including the widely deployed M113 series of armoured personnel carriers.
The latter was chosen for prototype installation and is already the German
Army's standard mortar carrier vehicle fitted with a 120 mm conventional
Main components of the Rheinmetall 120 mm mortar syst em are the
muzzle loaded mortar, recoil system. weapon support, levelling plat10rm
and loading manipulator.
The mount and the levelling platform are mounted in the roof of the M 113 series armoured personnel carrier fitted with the private venture
vehicle with the mortar bombs being fed into the muzzle of the mortar by the Rheinmelall 120 mm under armour mortar system
loading manipulator which allows a maximum of 18 mortar bombs to be
fired a minute. The loading manipulator includes a centre of gravity system
and excludes the possibility of double loading .
Elevation limits of the mortar are from +45' to +80' with traverse through SPECIFICATIONS
a full 360' . CALIBRE 120 mm
The mortar bomb is initiated by a firing pin in the base of the mortar and PROJECTILE TRAVEL DISTANCE 1620 mm
a device is provided to prevent double loading of the system. The gunner is WEIGHT
provided with a roof-mounted PERI-RI6 modified periscopic sight which mortar 550 kg
allows him to lay onto targets under complete armour protection . elevating mass 540 kg
In addition to developing the new 120 mm mortar system , Rheinmetall is recoiling mass 230 kg
also developing a new 120 mrri mortar bomb called the HE-L which is RECOIL DISTANCE 300 mm
claimed to be effective against both semi-hard and protected target areas. MAX BRAKING FORCE 200 kN
The heavy metal fragmenting plate of the mortar bomb allows it to be used ELEVATION RANGE +45'/+80'
against lightly armoured targets such as the tops of armoured personnel OPERATIONAL GAS PRESSURE 784 bar
carriers. The mortar bomb projectile weighs 12.6 kg and is 595 mm long FIRING DEVICE firing pin
without its fuze with its maximum design case pressure being about 1500 bar.
Compared with existing 120 mm mortar bombs it has increased volume
for explosive content and increased fragment velocity. It can be fitted with a Status : Development. Nol yet in production or service.
nose-mounted proximity fuze that functions 12 to 15 m above the ground or
a base fuze . Manufacturer: Rheinmetall GmbH, Ulmenstrasse 125, 0-4000 Dusseldorf.
The internal and external ballistic properties are said to be identical to the Federal Republic of Germany .
current 120 mm DMll and DM51 mortar bombs. Telephone : (0211) 44701 Telex : 85833-0 Fax : (0211) 483290
The basic component of the Rheinmetall 105 mm tank family is the Rh 105-60. famity of 105 mm guns capable of being fitted to vehicles as light as 14
a development of the British RO L 7 seri es capable of firing th e normal group tonnes. These guns can all fire normal 105 mm ammunition and are
of 105 mm tank gun ammunition . As with the L7 , this gun features a fume completely compatible with existing fire control systems. The full family ,
evacuator half-way along the barrel and a drop-block breech mechanism. including the Rh 105-60. consists of five guns (the -60 or -40 denotes the
By carefut redesign and batancing , Rheinmetall has produced a modular recoil force in tonnes). The details are as follows:
Model Rh 105-60 Rh 105-40 Rh 105-30 Rh 105-20 Rh105-11
WEIGHT 1320 kg 1360 kg 1340 kg 1380 kg 1380 kg
MAX RECOIL FORCE 600 kN 400 kN 300 kN 200 kN 110 kN
NORMAL RECOIL 280 mm 400 mm 540 mm 540 mm 925 mm
APPLICATIONS M48 Centurion! M47/Marder 1 M41 /AMX -13 Shark/Fuchs
AMX -30
The Rh 105-30 has been fitted to the Spanish M47E2 and is suitable for SPECIFICATIONS
mounting on the Marder 1. The Rh 105-20 is suitable for mounting on the CALIBRE 105mm
M41 , AMX- 13 or Kurassier and is fitted wi th a muzzle brake . LENGTH
The Rh 105-11 is also fitted with a muzzle brake and is sometimes known overall 6020 mm
as the 105 SLR (SLR ~ Super Low Recoil). This gun is being advocated for gun less muzzle brake 5620 mm
a variety of light vehicles. possibly using a Rheinmetall autoloading system barrel less muzzle brake 5346 mm
capable of carry ing 15 rounds and firing lOrds/min . This gun has already BARREL DIAMETER (max) 226 mm
been mounted on a MOWAG Shark (8 x 8) vehicle, Swedish Ikv-91 (tested WEIGHT
in India), and is also used in the Lightweight Protected Turret Systems Rh 105-11 system
developed by Rheinm etall and covered in Jane 's Armoured Fighting Vehicle less shield 1800 kg (approx)
Retrofit Systems 1990-91 . page 29 1. The prototype of the Swedish barrel 760 kg (approx)
Ikv-91- 105Iight tank is fitted with the Rheinmetalll05 mm Rh 105-20 SLR muzzle brake 50 kg
gun . In 1987 thi s weapon was installed in the turret of the French SERVICE PRESSURE (max) 5030 bar
AMX -l ORC (6 x 6) armoured car. Although tested on a number of vehicles. DESIGN PRESSURE (max) 5200 bar
the Rh 105-11 has yet to enter volume production.
18 WEAPONS OF 20 m m AND UPW AR D / Germany
Rh 105-40
Rh 105-30
Rh 105-20
Rh 105-11
The Rheinmetall 105 mm tank gun family consists of five weapons for
different applications
Rheinmetall Automatic Cannon MK 35/50 mm the projectile. No other modifications regarding ammunition stowage and
feeding are req uired.
Rh 503 As previously stated , the Rh 503 is an extern ally powe red weapon and all
functional components are posi ti vely control led which makes the function
Developm ent of the weapon re liable and independent of amm unition gas pressure level.
In October 1966 the then West German MoD awarded Rheinmetall a full The rate of fire can be selected to within a range of 150 to 400 rds/min.
scale development contract for the MK 35/50 mm cannon . and single shots can be fir ed. If th e main power supply fa ils, th en drive can
Prime contractor is Rheinmetall heading a team that includes Heckler & be powered by a battery. In addition , manual operation for single shot fire is
Koch (ammunition transport system), Diehl (HE ammunition development) also available.
and Diehl/Mauser (cannon). The modular design of the weapon (recoiling cannon assembly and drive
Prior to awarding this contract, the now German MoD compared the assembly) keeps service to a low level. The round s are fed from both sides
effectiveness of existing 25 mm, 35 mm and 60 mm calibre weapons against wi thout links and immediate ammu nition change " without a wrong round " is
a variety of targets and came to the conclusion that a new weapon was provided. The empty cartridge case is not ejected by a stroke as happens
required . with gas-operated weapons but slides out of th e front in a straight lin e.
The automatic cannon MK 35/50 mm Rh 503 is required to engage soft Therefore, th e ports for removing the cases forward out of th e turret have
and area targets as well as future light armour beyond the year 2000 and to considerably smaller cross sections than con ventional automati c cannons.
contribute to all -arms air defence, especially attack helicopters, out to a This offers additional design advantages relating to th e shield and th e
range of 2000 m. arrangement of th e weapon in th e turret.
The origi nal application of the Rheinmetall Cannon MK 35/50 Rh 503 In case of ammunition misfire. the cannon is automatically stopped in th e
wa s the new Marder 2 infantry combat vehicle. By early 1992 a single safe position by an interlock device. Firing can be continued immediately
prototype of this had been completed by Krauss-Maffei , this being fitted after the misfired round is ejected .
with a two man power operated turret designed by Rheinmetall.
In December 1992, the German MoD announced that development of
the Marder 2 was being stopped as part of an economy measure .
The original intention was to develop both 35 and 50 mm versions but
development work was subsequently concentrated on the former version
due to changing operational requirements. The 50 mm version has however
been test fired and coul d have been backfitted if req uired in the future if the
threat changed.
It was expected that development of the 35 mm cannon and its associated
APFSDS -T and HE ammu niti on would have been completed by 1994 by
which time 12 weapons would have been built.
The Rheinmetall MK 35/50 mm Rh 503 is an externally powered weapon
that initially fires existing bottle shaped 35 mm ammunition which is alread y
in service with Germany and a number of other NATO countries as well as
new Rheinmetall KE and HE rou nds.
The 35 mm barrel can , however, be changed in five minutes to allow it to
fire new 50 mm ammunition which corresponds to the diameter and length
of the 35 mm ro und case which has been elongated. The new round has no By means of interchangeable barrels, the Rh 503 can fire traditional bottle-
shoulders but instead forms a cylinder from the base of the case to the tip o f shaped 35 mm ammunition and a new cylindrical 50 mm calibre
Germany / WEAPONS OF 20 m m AND U PWARD 19
The Mauser MK 30 mm x 173 Model F was developed to meet th e emerging
threats for light air defence and combat vehicle armament systems and is
suitable to all application s.
The MK 30 is a fully gas-operated gun in which not only the movement of
Ihe bolt but also the amm unition feeding , which is absolutely independent
of the bolt movement . are gas pressure operated via a gas-piston . All
movable parts, such as return springs, gas piston and buffer are installed
along the gun axis to eliminate tran sverse loads that adversely affect gun
motion, thu s ensuring an excellent dispersion. Th e breech system consists
of dual locking fl aps with a lo ng rigid locking tim e.
Th e recei ver assembly is forg ed and its configu ration ensures reliability
in bad weather. The gun itself is install ed in a very simple lig htweight cradle
in which it c an perform recoil movement.
Mechanical simplicity ensures easy maintenance and th e gun can be
dismantled and reassembled without tools in five minutes.
Mauser MK 25 mm x 137 Model E Cannon It has the sa me design and operating principles as the Mau ser
MK 30 mm x 173 (MK 30) .
The Mauser MK fires the standardised 25 mm x 137 ammunition and
Description uses a dual-belt feeder. The gun can be stripped down to its five main
The Mauser MK 25 mm x 137 Model E gas-operated weapon has been components (barrel. receiver, feeder. recoil system . bolt) in about three
developed as a replacement weapon for the German Marder 1 IFV, currently minutes without special tools.
mounting a 20 mm Rh 202. but for a number of reasons, mainly shortage of
funding . this programme is no longer going ahead . Status: Development complete and ready for production . Can be fitted In
KUKA one and two-man turrets. Norwegian NFT MK 25 Model E field
mount anti-aircraft gun system and their APC turrets (for example . Ml t3
and Pbv 302 vehicles) and lightweight navy turrets . SACO Defense
Incorporated of the USA has a licence to undertake production of this
weapon for the North American market.
Rheinmetall 20 mm Automatic Cannon operational belt can be selected by a simple lever con trol. On the Type 3, a
single standard belt is used but it can be introduced from above or the left or
MK 20 Rh 202 right without making any mechanical changes.
The gun has been designed to operate reliably under the most arduous
Description physical con ditions including temperatures down to -54· C , and including
The MK 20 Rh 202 has been designed and developed for a variety of exposure to water and heavy con tamin ation . The Mk 20 Rh 202 can be
applications. It has a high rate of fire bul low recoil forces so that it can be dismantled and reassemb led without using any tools.
adapted to mountings which had not previously been suitable for 20 mm
high performance weapons . This gun uses the NATO standard Status: Production as required. Install ed on FIAT -OTO Melara Type 66 16
20 mm x 139 ammunition with a disintegrating belt. (4 x 4) armoured car ; Thysse n Henschel Luchs reconnaissance vehicle
The gun is gas-operated and has a rig id bolt, which Is locked symmetrically (8 x 8) . Wiesel airportable vehicle ; Mard er 1 IFV , Transportpanzer 1 (6 x 6)
by two locking pieces so that all recoil forces are absorbed along a central (proposal) ; VCTP (previously VCI) IFV ; NM 135 (modified M 11 3 APC) for
line . Recoil forces are reduced by a muzzle brake and by firing out of Norwegian Army; Thys sen Henschel Condor with Rh einm elall TF 20 15
battery . The ammunition feed is gas-operated and does not depend on the turret ; Thyssen Henschel UR-416 with Rh einmetall TF 20 15 turret. The
movement of the bolt or weapon body . Rh 202 is also wi dely used as an anti-aircralt gun. The Hellenic Arm s
Two different belt feed mechanisms are available. On the Type 2, two Industry (EBO) manufactures Mk 20 Rh 202 barrels under licence; th e
standard belts can be introduced simultaneously from above . and the rifling is carried out on a cold forging machine.
-----. - .
Rhemmetall 20 mm automatic cannon MK 20 Rh 202 disassembled to
show main components of weapon
Future NATO 140 mm Tank Gun The gun would be fitted into future generation MBTs. although it could
also be backfitted to existing MBTs.
The United States has already fired a " 120 mm lightweight tank gun "
Devefopment which is neither lightweight nor 120 mm (qv thi s section under USA) , and it
Today NATO uses a wide range of tank guns. some of which were developed is known that Royal Ordnance Nottingham has designed and delivered a
over 40 years ago. These include the 120 mm smooth-bore gun (Leopard 2 140 mm smooth-bore gun to the Defence Research Agen cy at Fort Halstead .
and MIA l /Ml A2) . 120 mm rilled gun (Chieltain and Challenger l lChalienger Ammunition forthis has been provided by Royal Ordn ance Birtley . Watervliet
2) . 105 mm rilled gun (M l , M48A5 , Leopard 1 and M60 series) and 90 mm Arsenal is also constructing four prototype 140 mm Advanced Tank Cannon
nfled guns (M47 and M48) . Systems. and additional details of this are given in the United States section _
tn mid -1988 it wa's revealed thaf five NATO countries had already begun In May 1990 Giat Industries of France , Rheinmetall of Germany and
discussions on the development of a new tank gun to replace by the year Royal Ordnance of the United Kingdom , announced th at they intended to
2000 the latest t 20 mm weapons now in service. work together in full co-operation on the next generation of tank main
France , Germany. the United Kingdom and the United States are believed armament including definition, development and , in th e longer term ,
to have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop a new tank manufacture and commerce.
gun for the 1990s. The MoU is involving work on a 140 mm smooth-bore Because other parties at some future date may wish to become involved
weapon defining such key areas as chamber and breech sizes, rather than in the industrial effort. the agreement between the three companies allows
defining the complete weapon and its associated mounfing system. for such addifional participation _
I s rae I / W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 21
TAAS - Israel Industries 140 mm Smooth-bore The Merkava Mk 1 and 2 are both armed with a 105 mm rifled tank gun
while the current production Mk 3 is arm ed with a 120 mm smooth-bore tank
Gun gun (see following entry), all of which are manufactured by TAAS - Israel
Industries Ltd .
Development/Description It is probable that the Merkava Mk 4 will be the first appl ication for this
In October 1992 it was revealed that TAAS - Israel Industries (previously 140 mm smooth-bore gun.
Israel Military Industries) had developed to the prototype stage a 140 mm
smooth-bore gun and at least one nature of ammunition . Status : Prototype. Not yet in production or service .
No firm details of the 140 mm smooth-bore gun were provided although it
was stated that the first ammunition nature was of the APFSDS-T type . Manufacturer : TAAS - Israel Industries Ltd, POB 1044, Ramat Hasharon
It is estimated that the APFSDS -T tungsten rod penetrator has a length 47100, Israel.
to diameter ratio of about 25 to one. The three part sabot has a plastic Telephone: (3) 5485222 Tele x: 33179 Fax: (3) 5406908
driving band on the rear with the penetrator having eight fins.
This 120 mm smooth-bore tank gun has been developed to meet the
requirements of the Israel Defence Forces and was first revealed in 1989
when it was shown to be the main armament of the new Merkava Mk 3 MBT.
This 120 mm smooth-bore gun is similar in principle to th e German
Rheinmetall 120 mm smooth-bore gun installed in th e Leopard 2 and
Ml A l /Ml A2 MBTs , but has a different recoil system and more compact
overall dimensions.
The recoil system consists of an optimised concentric retarder and
pneumatic recuperator. The envelope dimensions in th e turret do not
exceed those of th e eXisting 105 mm M68 rifled tank gun , so allowing it to
be installed in the narrow silhou ette turrets such as the Merkava Mk 3. The
gun can, therefore , be installed in other MBTs such as the Merkava Mk 1
and 2, M60, M48 and Centurion with minimal modifications.
The 120 mm ordnance is fitted with a thermal sleeve developed by The Merkava Mk 3 MBT has a 120 mm smooth-bore tank gun de veloped by
Vishay in Israel and this is provided with a fume extractor which can be TAA S - Israel Industries
removed for mai ntenance without disturbing the actual sleeve .
The Israel Military Industries 120 mm smooth-bore tank gun fire s a family ELEVATION (relative to th e horizon) 60·
of ammunition developed by TAAS - Israel Industries but can also fire DESIGN PRESSURE 7tOO bar
German or United States 120 mm ammunition if required. BREECH vertical, Sliding wedge
CALIBRE 120 mm Status: In production . In service with the Israel Defence Forces .
WEIGHT WITH MOUNT (Merkava Mk 3) 3300 kg
TOTAL LENGTH 5560 mm Manufacturer : TAAS - Israel Industries Ltd. POB 1044, Ramat Hasharon
TOTAL WIDTH 530 mm 47100 . Israel.
REQUIRED TURRET APERTURE 540 x 500 mm Telephone: (3) 5485222 Telex : 33 179 Fax: (3) 5406908
Soltam 120 mm Under Armour Mortar The mortar system can be installed on a wide range of chassis, tracked
and wheeled, due to the Soltam designed recoil system which reduces the
Development/Description reaction force significantl y.
Currently under development by Soltam as a private venture is a 120 mm The turret will be of a welded steel construction with two roof hatches
under armour mortar which will incorporate Soltam's recoil system already being provided in the forward part of th e roof.
developed for its 120 mm mortars . Thi s has already been tested by the US The enhanced 120 mm ammunition, under a United States Army contract,
Army during competitive trials after which it was selected for service . will have improved fragmentation and lethality featu res in its HE version . In
Major features of the Soltam 120 mm under armour mortar are : a range addition, improved smoke and illumination rounds are being developed .
of over 7000 m with extended range am munition ; a range of 10000 m with
rocket assisted ammunition; rapid deployment ; rapid under armour loading Status: Under development.
(automatic and manual) ; full 360° traverse ; elevation from +40· to +85°;
option for direct fire mode at O· elevation ; high rate of fire 01 up to Manufacturer : Soltam Limited, PO Box 1371 , Haifa. Israel.
15 rds/min; and full NBC protection . Telephone: (4) 89 62 11 Telex : 46277 Fax: (4) 89 40 20
T AAS - Israel Industries 60 mm Hyper-velocity In addition to being used against armoured vehicles , the HVMS 60 can
Medium Support Weapon (HVMS 60) also be used to engage helicopters and fortified field positions.
The HVMS has an autofrettaged barrel with a fume extractor about half-
Development way along the length of the barrel. The breech mechanism is of the vertical
Development of the HVMS 60 began as an in-house programme around block type , and firing is electrical. A hydrospring recoi l system is fitted
1977. Initially it started as a collaboration between the former Israel Military around the barrel to allow easy barrel replacement in the field without
Industries (now TAAS - Israel Industrie s) for ammunition development with special tools.
OTO Melara of Italy providing a test barrel and necked-down 76 mm cartridge The gun is installed in a two man welded steel turret designed by
case , and envisaged a possible jOint effort in gun development by Israel TAAS - Israel Industries with an inner diameter of 1500 mm and a total
Military Industries and turret and automatic loader development by OTO Melara. weight of about 2200 kg .
However, this joint effort did not materi alise and both companies now Several other installations have been developed by replacing the original
have their own developed ammunition , gun and applications. guns in light tanks, for example the M24, to increase and modernise their
firepower. A prototype towed system has also been developed .
Description Two types of loading system are under development. One version is
The weapon system is designed primarily for infantry support and can be recoil powered and has two three-round magazines mounted on the gun .
mounted on relatively light vehicles such as the M113 APC type to increase This loader allows firing of a three-round burst in three seconds or semi-
the firepower available to infantry units. automatic fire . The other system is hydraulic power assisted .
22 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / I S rae I - I t a I y
Status: Early in 1987 produclion of this weapon had begun for export ,
installed in a Sherman tank. Chile has installed this weapon in a number of
its M24 Chaffee light tanks. In the Sherman application a new mantlet and
new ammunition racks are needed. It is not known which of the two loading
systems was adopted for the Sherman application , although it could be a
manual loading system. The two man turret version has been installed and
demonstrated on various existing APCs including the Ml13 and the Marder 1.
Status: Prototypes.
RATE OF FIRE controllable from 1 10600 rds/min
WIDTH 120mm
HEIGHT 180mm
WEIGHT OF WEAPON 48 kg including built in BFM and
triggering manual/solenoid
OTO Melara 120 Smooth-bore Gun The 44 calibre chrome lined autofrett aged smooth-bore gun is fitted with
a muzzle reference system , automatic fu me extractor and a thermal sleeve .
The coaxial recoi l system consists of a recoil buffer and a nitrogen-actuated
Development/Description recuperalor, wilh an internal rese rvoir installed on the gun cradle .
The OTO MeiarallVECO C l Ariete MBT, of which six prototypes have been The vertical sliding wedge breech-block remains open after the weapon
built for the Italian Army , is armed with a 120 mm smooth-bore gun designed has recoiled and the stub of the semi-combustible cartridge case has been
by OTO Melara. ejected into a receptacle under th e breech.
As the gun chamber is the same size, it will fire the same ammunition as Prime con tractor for the Cl 's AP FSDS and HEAT-MP ammunition is
the 120 mm smooth-bore gun installed in the German Leopard 2 and the SNIA and a total of 42 rounds are carried, wi th 15 in the turret bustl e and 27
United States M1AI /M1 A2 Abrams MBTs . in the hull.
I t a I y / W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN D U P WAR D 23
Status : Developmenl complete. Entering production for th e C l MBT Ihat
has bee n ordered for th e italian Army.
Manufacturer : OTO Melara . via Val dilocchi 15. 19 100 La Spezia. Italy.
Telephone: (39 187) 581 111 Tele x: 270368 OTO I
Fax: (39 187) 582 669
oro Melara Cl Ariete MBr which is armed with an oro Melara 120
smooth-bore gun
Development/Descri ption
Th e IVECO B 1 Centauro (8 x 8) tank destroyer. now in production for the
Italian Army. is fitted with a three-man power-operated turret desig ned and
built by OT O Melara. which is arm ed with a IDS mm low recoil ri fl ed gun.
Th e long recoil 52 calibre gun is fitted with a th ermal sleeve. integral fume
exlractor. muzzle reference sy slem . a muzzle brake and fires standard
105 mm NATO tank ammunition including APFSDS .
The ordn ance is autofrettaged and has a maximum recoi l length of
750 mm . It has a vertical sliding breech mechani sm th at remains open after
the weapo n is fired and th e empty cartridge case is ejected .
OTO Melara 60 High-velocity Gun System The weapon is fitted with a twin automatic loading system which makes it
possible to load and fire either APFSDS-T or HE rounds at any gun
elevation with a rate of one round every two seconds. The APFSDS -T
Developm en t/Descri ption round for the weapon was developed in a joint venture with MECAR 01
Th e 60 mm High-velocity Gu n System has been developed as a private Belgium : the penetrator is provided by HERTEL.
venlure by OTO Melara and is install ed in th e OTO T 60(70 two-man turret The loading system consists of a twin symmetrical magazine . loading
which is described full y in th e Turrets and Cupolas section . This turret can arm. round loading system and a loadi ng control system. The magazine
be installed on a wide rang e of tracked and wh eeled vehicles . holds 38 rounds and can be loaded from inside the vehicle.
Th e w eapo n has a 70-calibre autofrettaged ord nance and is fitled with a The loading arm receives the selected round (APFSDS-T or HE) from either
vertical sliding breech-block and an electrically actu ated firing sys tem . magazine automatically moving step by step. and carries it in li ne with the gun
Th e recoil system is of the hydrospring type and is mounted concentrically barrel where a spring -actuated rammer seats it in the cartri dge chamber .
to th e barrel system. which enables quick replacemen t of the ordnance in The loading system is hydraulically operated through a built-in hydraulic
the field with the use of first echelon tool s. power unit litted on th e turret basket and is controlled by an electric control
system with a minimum number of elect rical interlocks. The sequence of
operations is controlled by interlocked mechanical devices so reducing the
possibility of malfunctions to a minimum .
Statu s : Prototypes.
Manufac t urer: OTO Melara . via Valdilocchi 15. 19100 La Spezia. Italy .
Telephone : (39 187) 581 111 Telex : 270368 OTO I
Fa x: (39 187) 582 669
RIFLING right-hand. 22
grooves. 1 lurn /30
WEIGHT 1000 kg
MAX RATE OF FIRE 30 rdslmin
RATES OF FIRE single shots . bursts.
full automatic
HE and Practice 1000 m/s
OTO Melara 60 High-velocity Gun System (not 10 11761h scale) APFSDS·T 1630 m/s
24 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / I t a I y - Sou t h A f ric a
According to Breda , the very substantial increase in the rate of fire is
possible because of the intense research and development undertaken by
the company, using advanced design techniques such as CAD/CAM through
mathematical simulations of the kinematic motions and stresses of the Recoiling mass of the Breda 40 mm 40L70N Fast Forty gun
entire mechanism. cold functioning simulations using a specially designed
bench with a run out simulator , and in live tests on the firing range.
In designing the Breda 40L70N Fast Forty gun , use has been made of the gunner to select a particular type of ammunition to engage a specific
materials such as titanium. The new design entailed a substantial reduction target. for example, air or ground.
of the distance run by moving components with a consequent time saving.
Valuable milliseconds have been gained, for example, by greatly reducing SPECIFICATIONS
the recoil length . In addition , a new ramming device has been introduced CALIBRE 40mm
which allows for the transfer of the round from the feeding position to the BARREL LENGTH 2800 mm
breech-block closing position , taking a shorter route. MAX RECOIL LENGTH 100mm
Energy which is made available when firing the gun . is accum ulated in CYCLIC RATE OF FIRE 450 rdsl min
hydropneumatic linear motors during the return in battery phase. This gives MUZZLE VELOCITY
fast and better controlled breech operation which allows optimisation of the APFSDS projectile 1350 ml s
requisite acceleration and deceleration. These devices are employed, for HE projectile 1025 mls
example. for the return in ballery of the recoiling mass , for moving the
ramming device , to decelerate the round immediately before breech-block
closi ng , accumulating energy employed to render faster the upward Status : Ready for production . Already installed on Breda singleltwin naval
movement of the block. and field mountings. A tu rret with anti-aircraft and surface capabilities is
The Breda 40 mm 40L70N continues to fire the standard 40 mm L!70 currently under development.
ammunition types including armour piercing , pre-formed fragmentation
(proximity fuzed) and high explosive types. Manufacturer: Breda Meccanica Bresciana SpA, Via Lunga 2, 251128
According to the installation , the gun can be completed with an automatic Brescia , Italy.
magazine holding up to 120 rounds of ammunition in two types . so allowing Telephone : (030) 31911 Telex : 300056 BREDAR I Fax: (030) 3221 15
Armscor 105 mm Tank Gun (GT 3)
Descripti on
This gun has been produced as part of the modernisation of the South
African Army 's Centurion MBTs to Olifant (Elephant) standard . As the
original South African Centurions used 20-pounder tank guns these have
been used as the basis for the modernisation . The 20-pounder breech
assemblies have been retained and these have been equipped with new
mounting lugs for filling to the existing recoil system. The barrel is a direct
copy of the British RO L7 barrel and differs in few respect s. The resultant
weapon can fire all existing L7/M68 ammunition. Upgrading of the 105 mm
tank gun is undertaken at Lyllelton Engineering Works where production is
also undertaken of the French 90 mm Giat Industries Fl gun and the
155 mm ordnance of the G5 and G6 artillery systems .
Armscor 76 mm Gun (GT 4) compared to the 105 mm gun; the ease of handling ammunition moving
across country; and the optimum selection of recoil forces and fi ri ng
Development/Description impulses for maximum crew operational effectiveness.
This 76 mm gun, designated the GT 4, was developed by LlW as the main The 76 mm gun has a vertical slidi ng semi-automatic breech mechanism
armament of the Rooikat (8 x 8) armoured car, first production examples of and is fitted with a thermal sleeve and concentric fibreglass fume extractor.
which were delivered to the South African Armoured Corps in 1989. The recoil system consists of a concen tric hydrospring with external
The 76 mml62 calibre gun retains the same chamber volume as the replenisher, with maximum recoil being 370 mm.
Italian OTO Melara 76 mm Compact naval gun but fires different ammunition , Two types of amm unition have been developed for use wi th this gun ;
developed in South Africa, in keeping with its role. HE-T and APFSDS-T , wi th the laller having an effective range of 2000 m.
The 76 mm gun was chosen for the Rooikat for a number of reasons The ammuniti on of the naval gun can also be fired by replacing the
including : the larger number of rounds capable of being carried when mechanical primer by an electri c primer.
So u t h A f ric a / W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mA N 0 U P W AR 0 25
LENGTH 4712 mm
BR EECH MECHANISM vertical sliding block. semi-
RECOIL concentric hydras pring with
external replenisher
Status : In production . In service with the South African Army in the Rooikat
(8 x 8) armoured car.
The 35 mm GA 35 cannon utilises gas operation for both feed and bolt
mechanisms and can be supplied with si ngle or dual feed . It has a heavy
barrel fitted with a perforated muzzle brake and fires standard Oerlikon-
Contraves 35 x 228 mm ammunition including HEI. HEI-T , SAPHEI . API -T ,
PRAC and PRAC-T types.
The GA 35 is a posi tively locked breech mechanism with the receiver
being of solid construction . The open breech mechanism serves as an
important safety feature as it eliminates the danger of the self -ignition
(cook-off) of ammunition between bursts.
When integrated with a gun controller. the cannon can be selected to fire
single shot or pre-programmed bursts which makes the cannon well suited
for aerial , as well as ground applications .
The linked ammunition is fed by either a single or double feeder system
via flexible or fixed ammunition chu tes with the latter being customised for
the various applicaiions of the weapon.
Compared to existing cannons of this type the GA 35 is claimed to be
very reliable and have a low life cycle cost due to minimal maintenance
requirements . No special tools are re quired for maintenance and the
complete cannon only has some 200 parts.
BARREL LENGTH 3150 mm (without muzzle brake)
BARREL PROTRUSION 2824 mm (with muzzle brake)
BUFFER 1522 mm
complete gun 429 kg
barrel 148 kg
single leeder 45 kg The ZA-35 twin 35 mm self-propel/ed anti-aircraft gun system is armed with
recoil mechanism 23 kg GA 35 cannon
26 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / Sou t h A f r j C a - Spa j n
WEIGHT 73.5 kg
RATE OF FIRE 700-750 rpm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1050 ml s (±10 m/s)
Armscor 20 mm GA 1 Automatic Cannon muzzle veloci ty of 705 m/s. The new canridge , produced by Pretoria Metal
Pressings, is refe rred to as a 20 x 83.5 mm ; the case has had the shoulder
shonened and the neck lengthened to give better support to the projectile.
DevelopmenUDescriptlon The overall length of the complete round remains th e same at 146.5 mm .
The 20 mm GA 1 automatic cannon is an improved version of the 20 mm The 20 x 83.5 mm round has a 110 g projectile with a muzzle velocity of
MG 151 20 mm automatic cannon and is suitable for installation on aircraft , 720 m/s. HEI , HEI -T , SAPHEI , TP and TP-T round s are available for this
helicopters, light vehicles and armoured fighting vehicles including infantry weapon.
fighting vehicles. The HEI and HEI -T are nose fuzed while the SAPHEt is based fuzed . All
The 20 mm GA1 automatic cann on has a very low recoil force which , fuzes have an arming delay and the SAPHEI projectile can penetrate
according to Armscor, together with its external geometry , makes it very 15 mm of armour plate at a range of 100 m.
sui table for installation on hand-held or automatic mountings . It can easily
be adapted for left or right hand feed and is recoil operated , firing from th e Status : In production . In service with th e South African Defence Forces .
open bolt posi tion.
The low recoil advantage stems from th e relatively light canridge. The Manufacturer: LlW , A Division of Denel (Pty) Ltd ., 368 Selbourne Avenue,
original 20 x 82 mm Mauser canridge carried a 115 g projectile with a Verwoerdburg 0140 , South Afri ca.
Enquiries to Arm scor, Pri vate Bag X337, Pretoria 0001 . South Africa .
Telephone : (012) 4281911 Telex : 320217 Fax: (0 12) 4285635
WEIGHT 39 kg
RATE OF FIRE 600 to 700 rpm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 720 m/s (± 10 m/s)
WEAPON 15to 30 mm
Type TP HE
TOTAL WEIGHT 350 g 350 g
CARTRIDGE CASE semi-flange aluminium alloy
FIRING MECHANISM nil percussion
LETHAL RADIUS nil 12.5 m
FEED DEVICE linked ammunition in belts of 25 or 50 rds
FEED left or right
FIRING MODE automatic
WEIGHT Panhard AML (4 x 4) light armoured car fiNed with SANTA BARBARA 40 mm
SB40 LAG automatic grenade launcher
armament 30 kg
tripod 22 kg
cradle 10.5 kg
box of 25 rounds 10.4 kg
LENGTH 980 mm
WIDTH 200 mm Status : Development complete . First pre-production weapons delivered to
HEIGHT 220 mm Spanish Army in 1992.
MUZZLE VELOCITY 240 m/s Manufacturer: SANTA BARBARA SA , Julian Camarillo 32, 28037 Madrid,
MAX RANGE 2200 m Spain.
EFFECTIVE RANGE 1500 m Telephone: (9 1) 58 50 100 Telex : (91) 44466 ENSAB E Fax : (91) 58 50 268
Bofors 40 mm 40/70B Gun towed anti-aircraft gun which is loaded with clips of four rounds of ammunition
from above with the empty cartridge cases ejected via a chute in the
forward part of the weapon.
Development The 40 mm 40170B is inverted with the fixed ammunition fed from the
The 40 mm 40170B gun has been developed by Bofors as the main bottom and the cartridge cases ejected upwards through a hatch In the
armament for some members of the Swedish Army's new Combat Vehicle turret roof.
90 armoured vehicle, the first production contract for which was placed Under the breech is the magazine which is divided into three eight-round
early in 1991 . First production vehicles are expected to be delivered to the compartments. Each compartment is loaded with one type of ammunition.
Swedish Army in October 1993. The change from one compartment to another is by a hydraulic device ;
Variants of the Combat Vehicle 90 to be armed with the 40 mm 40170B changeover time is two to four seconds. Ammunition is loaded into each of
gun are the Mechanised Infantry Combat Vehicle (C V 90 40) and the anti- three magazines manually and it takes 60 seconds to load 24 rounds.
aircraft (CV 90 AA) . In both cases the weapon will be mounted in a two man The Bofors 40 mm 40170B gun can fire single shots, two , four or eight-
turret designed and built by Bofors. Additional details of the turret are given round bursts or full automatic. It can fire the following types of ammunition :
in the Turrets and Cupolas section. APFSDS-T with a m/v of 1470 mis, 3P (pre-fragmented programmable
proximity fuzed) with a m/v of 1012 mis, PFHE Mk 2 (pre-fragmented high
Description explosive proximity fuzed) with a m/v of 1025 m/s and MPT (mUlti-purpose
The Bofors 40 mm 40170B is based on the ordnance of the 40 mm U70 tracer) with a m/v of 1025 ml s.
Status : In production for the Swedish Arm y's Combat Vehicle 90.
140 mm Tank Gun No firm details of the weapon are available although according to Swiss
sources the weapon is a scaled-up version of th e 120 mm Compact Tank
Development/Description Gun covered in the following entry .
Late in 1991 the Swiss Federal Armament Works stated that it had developed
a new 140 mm smooth-bore tank gun to the prolotype stage . as a private Status: Prototype.
venture .
For trials purposes this has been lilted into a Leopard 2 MBT of the Swiss Manufacturer: Swiss Federal Armament Works . Allmendstrasse 86.
Army which has also been fitted with additi onal armour for improved CH-3602 Thun , Switzerland .
battlefield su rvivability. Telephone : (033) 28 11 11 Telex: 921 256 Fax: (033) 28 20 47
120 mm Compact Tank Gun (Smooth-bore) used with a 1300 Nmm' yield strength. This was tested for fracture toughness
and machinability before the prototype barrels were manufactured.
The 120 mm ordnance has been fitted with a semi-automatic vertically
Development/Description sliding wedge breech-block with electrical firing . A wedge safety catch
The incentive to design a lightweight 120 mm smooth-bore gun evolved protects the semi-combustible cartridge case if thi s is insufficiently rammed .
from the need to retro fit th e Swiss Army pz 68 MBTs at present armed with Two recoil brakes and one recuperator are fitted.
a 105 mm rifled gun with RO L 7 ballistics. The 120 mm smooth-bore gun of the Leopard 2 is an U 44 whereas the
The available 120 mm guns would not fit into the relatively small pz 68 new 120 mm gun is a U 49 . The front end of the barrel has a dovetail
turret. no extensive turret modifications were allowed and a moderate attachment for fixing a muzzle reference system while the bore evacuator is
trunnion load was required . For interoperability reasons the 120 mm gun a filament wound glass fibre composite.
was required to fire the same ammunition as the Swiss Leopard 2 MBT. It has been designed to fire current and projected 120 mm smooth-bore
To meet this requirement the 120 mm Compact Tank Gun (CTG) was rounds and has a barrel fatigue life of 1000 round s.
designed by the Swiss Federal Arf)1ament Works (SF AW) at Thun . Although deSigned for installation in the Swiss pz 68. it is suitable for
To keep the dimensions as small as possible a high strength steel was upgrading existing MBTs armed with 105 mm guns .
CALI BRE 120 mm
overall 6890 mm
trunnion centre/rear breech 1240 mm
barrel 5880 mm
CENTRE OF GRAVtTY 377 mm forward lrom the
elevating mass
complete 2700 kg
recoilling part 1580 kg
design gas pressure 7070 bar
PIMP 6700 bar
t20 mm compact tank gun (smooth-bore) installed in pz 68 MBT test turret Manufacturer : Swiss Federal Armament Works. Allmend strasse 86 ,
with additional armour being fitted to the hull and turret for improved CH-3602 Thun . Switzerland .
battlefield survivability Telephone: (033) 28 11 11 Tele x: 921 256 Fax: (033) 28 2047
Oerlikon-Contraves 35 mm Cannon Type KD armoured vehicles. All th ese variou s types differ in details and weights . The
type of ammunition feed varies according to the type but can be linked .
Series belted or from a hopper.
On the 35 mm KDE . amm unition feed is selectabl e, from either the left or
Description right side and the time required to change from one type of ammunition to
Oerlikon-Contraves 35 mm cannon are produced in several versions, the another is less than one second . Oerlikon-Contraves has produced variou s
most important of which are the type KDA for anti-aircraft and ground use. ammunition feed systems for use with the KDE can non , in the form of either
the type KDB which is produced primarily for use on the twin an ti -aircraft magazines or automatic ammu nition feeders incorporated into the turret.
gun type GDF series mountings . the type KDC-01 which is used primarily The KDF 35 mm cannon has been installed in the prototype of the 35 mm
as a naval twin mounting, the type KDC-002. a part of the modification Escorter self-propelled anti- aircraft system, although this mobile air defence
package NDF-C and also integrated in the Oerlikon-Contraves 35 mm Twin sys tem is no longer being offered.
Automatic Anti-aircraft Gun Type GDF-005. and the Type KDE which is a In the Oerlikon-Contraves com pany the K stands for Kanone (Cannon ).
lightened version produced primaril y for use with gun turrets for light D stands for Kaliber (calibre) and the A, B. C, E, and F stand for Type.
Status : In production . Installed in twin KDA mounting in th e Germ an and Type KD E, installed in gun turrets, selected fo r installation in the Japanese
Dutchl Belgian self-propelled anti-aircraft gun systems Gepard and Caesar. Type 89 MICV.
KDA also installed in British Marconi Radar and Control Systems Marksman Twin Type KDB, installed in the GDF-OOl and GD F-002 field AA guns.
turret, which entered production for Finland late in 1988. More recently the
KDA 35 mm cannon has been installed in the new Japanese Type 87 twin Manufacturer : Oerlikon-Contraves AG , Schaffh auserstrasse 580.
35 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system currently in production for the CH-8052 Zurich, Switzerl and.
Japanese Ground Self-Defen ce Force based on a Type 74 MBT chassis. Telephone : (01) 3062211 Telex : 823 402 Fax : (01) 30 13466
The NATO-nominated Oerlikon-Conlraves 25 mm automatic cannon Type
KBA has been developed as a close-range mUlti-purpose weapon for the
modern battlefield . Due to its firepower , various types of ammunition and its
Instant Ammun iti on Selection Device (IASD ). th e KBA can engage lightly
armoured vehicles. infa ntry and anti-tank positions. helicopters and combat Oerlikon-Gontraves 25 mm Type KBA cannon with instantly selectable dual
aircraft. feeder
one- and two-man gun turrets on IFVs. APCs. reconnaissance vehicles and
AA -tanks. field . naval and helicopter mounts.
The Oerl ikon -Contraves KBA 25 mm cannon is a fully automatic . positively
locked . gas-operated weapon with a rotating bolt head and double belt Status : In production. In service with Belgium . Italy, Netherlands . Philippines.
feed . These features guarantee high reliability and safety. even under the selected by Turkey and Japan . also used by other countries . Installed in
most extreme environmental condition s. Oerlikon-Contraves GBD-AOA gun turret on Ml13 C + R. In FMC EWS on
The KBA offers a wide ra nge of fi ring modes: si ngle shot; programmable AIFV , four barrel SIDAM 25 OTO Melara anti-aircraft turret on Ml13Al for
rapid single shot with a rate of fire of up to 175 rds/min : and full automatic Italy (and for other vehicles such as C13 and VCC 80) . OTO Melara T25
fire of 600 rd s/min. The cannon function s. such as cocking and firing . are turret. Hagglunds Vehicle 25 mm turret. ENGESA 25 mm turret and Breda
electrically actu ated by remote-control from the gunner's control box and in naval gun mount. In mid-1989 Denmark ordered 50 25 mm KBA cannon
auxili ary mode mech anically by a hand crank and a trigger pedal. Types of from Oerlikon-Contraves of Switzerland which have been fitted into two
25mm x 137 (NATO) ammu nition fired include HEI -T , SA PHEI-T . TP-T , man OTO Melara turrets and installed on modified M l 13A2 APCs.
For maintenance purposes th e cannon can be stripped to its main Manufact urer: Oerlikon-Contraves AG . Schaffhauserstrasse 580 .
assembl ies without tools. CH-8052 Zurich , Switzerland .
Small size and low weigh t offer vario us integration possibilities such as Telephone: (01) 3062211 Telex : 823 402 Fax: (0 1) 3013466
30 W E A PO N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 I S wit Z e r I and
CALIBRE 25mm WIDTH (overall) 263 mm RATE OF FIRE (cyclic) 600 rds/min
overall 2888 mm complete 1 I 2 kg 8ARREL LENGTH (calibres)80
barrel with muzzle brake 2173 mm barrel 38 kg RECOIL FORCE 21 kN
barrel less muzzle brake 2000 mm RIFLING MAX RECOIL LENGTH 34 mm
recoil 25-34 mm number 01grooves 18
HEIGHT (overall) 253 mm inclination 7"30' right hand
The Oerlikon-Contraves 25 mm Type KBB cannon has been developed as
a mUlti-purpose can non capable of being mounted on a variety of weapon
mounts including vehicle mou ntings. It is a gas-operated weapon with a
supporting snaplock and two parallel, common direction ammunition feed
mechanisms opposite each other. The required belted ammunition type
can be fired by swinging the corresponding feed mechanism into position .
The cannon is fixed to the recoil cradle by two removable pins and the
ammunition guides are also fixed to the cradle . Thus th e cannon body is
floating to reduce some of the recoil forces . The rifling system employs the
Oerlikon-Contraves progressive twist system . It fires the 25 mm x 181
rounds including HEI , TP . TP-T , APDS-T . TPDS-T and AMOS .
Status: Production . Has been fitted on Sea Zeni th naval anti-missile Manufacturer: Oerlikon -Contraves AG . Schaffh auserstrasse 580.
defence system . The KBB is also installed in the CM I C 25 two-man . power- CH-8052 Zurich. Switzerland .
operaled turret described in the Turrets and Cupolas secti on. Telephone : (0 1) 306221 I Telex : 823 402 Fax : (0 1) 30 13466
SPECIFICATIONS WIDTH (overall) 220 mm RATE OF FIRE (cyclic) 1000 rdslmin approx
LENGTH complete 88 kg BARREL LENGTH 85 calibres
overall 2627 mm barrel 26 kg MEAN RECOIL FORCE 16.7kN
barrel with muzzle brake 1856 mm RIFLING MAX RECOIL LENGTH 10mm
barrel less muzzle brake 1700 mm number of grooves 12
recoil 10mm inclination progressive. 0' -6' 30'
HEIGHT (overall ) 241.5 mm right hand
UK I WE A PO N 5 0 F 20m mAN 0 UP WAR 0 31
Royal Ordnance Electro Thermal Chemical Guns release of chemical energy. The resulting benefits including a wider range
of chemical propellants can be considered and their burn rates be
Development/Description manipulated electrically to achieve maximum ballistic efficiency .
In lale 1992 il was disclosed Ihat Royal Ordnance had been working, as a The combination of more energetic propellants at greater efficiencies
private venture , on Ihe development of ETC (Electro Thermal Chemical) with an additional injection of electrical energy offers significantly greater
Guns. performance potential than conventional guns , which are now reaching the
A 10 mm ETC gun, with a 150 kJ power suppl y, has already fired a end of their growth potential.
projectile weighing 200 g to a maximum muzzle velocily of 1950 m/s. The increased flexibility in gun design associated with electrical ballistic
In mid-1993, Royal Ordnance will commission a new 30 mm ETC gun with control also offers the opportunity for retrofitting, improved systems
a 3 MJ Pulsed Power Supply (PPS) which is expected to be capable of firing performance and novel apptications, according to Royal Ordnance.
a projectile weighing 500 g to a maximum muzzle velocity of 2000 m /s . In the Other companies, mainly in the US , have tended to concentrate their
longer term , the PPS will be capable of driving guns up to 105 mm in calibre research and development work, most of which has been funded by the US
on a single shot basis. Government, in electromagnetic guns. There are two basic types : The Rail
Future RO ETC gun investment will be concen trated at the form er British Gun and the Linear Induction Accelerator.
Manufacture and Research Company (BM ARC) facility at Faldingworth in More recen tly , there has been increased emphasis on the ETC as this
Lincolnshire which was purchased by RO in 1992. This has fully enclosed shows the greatest potential , especially in ground applications, and work
200 and 75 m tunnels equipped with instruments capable of capturing has confirmed ETC potential on in-service guns in which only the breech
events during launch. flight and target interaction. has been modified to accommodate the electrical input.
Royal Ordn ance started work on ETC guns in 1990 and until now At present, Royal Ordnance is working on the ETC gun on its own ,
research has concenlrated on building up understanding on how large although the Defence Research Agency , funded by the British MoD , is
quantities of electrical power can interact with an enhanced thermochemical building an Electro Magnetic Launcher facility at Kirkcudbright in Scotland .
So far RO has invested about £1 million in their ETC gun programme as Status: Development.
part of an applied research programme that cou ld lead to a full up weapon
system capable of being lielded early in the 21 st Century . Initial applications Manufacturer: Royal Ordnance , Kings Meadow Road. Nottingham NG2
could be artillery and air defence. 1 EO , United Kingdom .
The main purpose of the electrical input into an ETC gun is to control the Telephone: (0602) 863341 Telex : 37531 Fax : (0602) 861436
Royal Ordnance 120 mm L11 Tank Gun is manually loaded , although trials have taken place using automatic feed
devices, none of which have been produced for service. The 120 mm L 11
uses a large vertical sliding breech-block with an integral vent tube magazine
Description for firing th e propellant charges. The barrel is a one-piece construction with
The 120 mm L11 tank gun traces its origins back to the 1950s, and the first a bore evacuator two-thirds of the way to the muzzle. Normally , a thermal
firing trials took place during 1961 . Breech obturation is obtained by the use sleeve is fitted around the barrel. Gun recoil is usually of the order of
of an expanding steel ring on the face of the breech-block. The current 370 mm and is controlled by two hydraulic buffers and a hydropneumatic
service version is the L t 1A5 used on the Challenger 1 and Chieftain which buffer recuperator which dissipate the recoil energy and return the gun to
32 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 I U K
the run-out position. A semi-automatic cam opens the breech after firing
ready for reloading . Recent versions of the L 11 have provision for a muzzle
reference sight over the muzzle.
L11 A 1 Only 130 produced .
L 11A2 Numerous improvements introduced, Including breech-block interlock
and obturator insert indicator. Changes to this version included an actuating
shaft stop, changes to the tube vent filling, alterations to the fire channel
dimensions, an obturator sleeve protector, the introduction of a IS-vent
tube magazine, and an increase in the strength of the breech ring material.
L 11 A3 Projectile stop removed and design changes to the breech ring .
L11 A4 Not issued _
L11 AS Introduction of forged upstand for Muzzle Reference Sight and a
reduced volume and diameter fume extractor of less weight. These two
introductions necessitated the fitting of 7.7 kg of weights for balance
purposes. This variant includes a semi-automatic plunger fitted to the vent
tube loader. Royal Ordnance 120 mm L liAS tank gun
L 11 A6 Conversion of L 11 A3 using retrofit shrunk sleeve for Muzzle
Reference Sight. New lightweight fume extractor also fitted involving 2 kg
of balance weights.
L11A7 Proposed variant of L11AS with an automatic vent tube loader.
SPECIFtCATIONS max effective, APDS 3000 m piUS
CALIBRE 120mm max effective, HESH 8000 m
overall 6858 mm
ordnance 6604 mm Status: Production as required. Installed on Chieftain MBT ; Challenger 1
recoil 370 mm MBT ; Khalid MBT.
WEIGHT 1778 kg
RATE OF FIRE Manufacturer: Royal Ordnance, Kings Meadow Road, Nottingham NG2
max 10 rds/min 1EO, United Kingdom .
normal 6 rds/min Telephone: (0602) 863341 Telex : 37531 Fax: (0602) 861436
Royal Ordnance 120 mm Armoured Mortar Sustained rate of fire of four rds/min, rapid rate of fire is eight rds/min (for
three minutes maximum) and a burst rate of fire of three rounds in 15
System seconds can be achieved.
Using standard ammunition a maximum range of 8000 m can be achieved
Development and by using Royal Ordnance developed 120 mm mortar bombs a range of
The 120 mm breech-loaded mortar has been developed as a private venture 8500 m can be achieved. With a rocket assisted projectile a range of
by Royal Ordnance Nottingham since the end of 1985. The first prolotype 12000 m can be achieved. In addition, the mortar can be used in the direct
of the mortar, complete with its elevating mass, was completed and test fire role to engage targets out to a range of 1500 m.
fired in May 1986 before being shown for the first time at the June 1986 The weapon has been designed to fire all standard 120 mm smooth-bore
British Army Equipment Exhibition . ammunition together with Smart mortar bombs currently under development.
At that time the 120 mm breech-loaded mortar, which is designated the The new Royal Ordnance 120 mm mortar bomb has an obturator ring for
XN417 , was offered in a welded steel armoured turret installed on the improved sealing and a higher muzzle velocity. As the mortar can be fire in
R02003, a member of the R02000 family of tracked vehicles which also the indirect fire mode at much lower angles of elevation than a conventional
made its first public appearance in June 1986. mortar, it is much more difficult to detect with mortar locating radars.
During early firing trials the mortar was mounted in a simple turret which The turret is fabricated from armour steel construction and provides
in turn was mounted on an FMC M113A2 APC chassis, of which over stations for two crew, commander on the right and loader on the left. Each
77000 have been built since 1960. All that was required was a simple crewman is provided with a hatch for access and egress with an array of
adaptor over the existing turret ring. When fitted to an M 113 vehicle, a total vision periscopes. Smoke dischargers are mounted either side of the turret
of 66 rounds of 120 mm ammunition would be carried. front firing forwards and mounted on the turret roof is a 7.62 mm machine
In the Autumn of 1991, a Diesel DiviSion , General Motors of Canada , gun which is operated by the commander.
Light Armored Vehicle (LA V) fitted with the turret-mounted Royal Ordnance The full solution fire control system is a differential Global POSitioning
120 mm breech loaded mortar , completed a successful series of initial trials System (GPS) based system with automatic lay-on-command when target
at a UK range manned by a British Army crew . data is updated. The GPS system provides position , altitude direction and
During these trials some 150 rounds of 120 mm Tampella and a new attitude (tilt and cant) data for the fire-control computer.
Royal Ordnance 120 mm mortar bomb were fired at highllow ranges in the A number of targets can be entered into the system to allow rapid
indirect fire mode as well as in the direct fire mode. In the latter a direct hit switching between them. For the direct fire role a thermal sight with integral
was obtained on a static target at a range of 750 m. laser rangefinder is provided.
For these trials, the turret was fitted with elevation and traverse drives The complete system is operational in all weathers with full reversionary
and a mock-up of a fire control system. modes available should power failure occur. Turret drives (traverse and
Royal Ordnance (Nottingham) responsible for turret and 120 mm ordnance, elevation) are hydraulic.
Delco Electronics (USA) responsible for electronics and systems integration The turret is designed to be modular to enable the internal fitments to be
and The Diesel Division, General Motors of Canada responsible for LA V tailored to individual customer requirements.
(8 x 8) chassis, have formed a team to meet the potential requirements of the
Saudi Arabian National Guard who have a requirement for an under armour
mortar system as part of a complete family of 1117 Light Armored Vehicle 's
that it is to purchase under the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme.
Within this package is a total of 73 120 mm Armoured Mortar System's.
During 1992 Royal Ordnance undertook the design and construction of a
complete turret system. This comprised a new all welded steel turret, 120 mm
ordnance and a complete integrated fire control/sighting system integrated
with a LA V (8 x 8) chassis.
Live crew clearance was obtained late in 1992 and, following a
demonstration in the UK late in 1992, it then went to the Middle East for
further demonstrations and trials early in 1993.
The system has been designed with the capability to be fitted to a wide
range of wheeled and tracked light armoured vehicle chassis, either new or
as a retrofit.
The 120 mm mortar has a semi-automatic conical screw, swi nging breech
mechanism with obturation being achieved with a Crossley pad . Firing is
percussion mechanical activated by a solenoid . The recoil system consists Light Armored Vehicle (8 x 8) fitted with a Royal Ordnance 120 mm Armoured
of two hydropneumatic buffers and a pneumatic recuperator. Mortar System during trials in the UK late in 1992 (Christopher F Foss)
U K / W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 33
Royal Ordnance now offers a 115 mm smooth-bore tank gun barrel based
upon the design of the former Soviet 115 mm U-5TS (2A20). This barrel is
of a monobloc partial swage construction with a fum e extractor secured by
a screw fitting . The tank gun barrel can be produced for th e replacement of
existing worn gun barrels or may be fitted to new types of MBT designs.
Ammunition that can be fired from this barrel includes APFSDS , HE-F RAG ,
HEAT-FS and Smoke .
overall 5701 mm
bore 4961 mm
WEIGHT 1080 kg
Royal Ordnance 105 mm L7 Tank Gun Series The American version of the L 7 is the M68 (qv) which has a diHerent
breech .
The Roy al Ordnance 105 mm L7 tank gun was a direct development of the CALIBRE 105mm
20-pounder tank gun installed in the Centurion Mk 3 tank. The first service LENGTH
examples of the 105 mm L7Al were introduced on the Centurion Mk 5 ordnance 5588 mm
during 1959 and since then the t05 mm L7 series has become one of the recoil 290 mm
most widely used tank guns in th e western world . Royal Ordnance WEIGHT t282 kg
Nottingham has built some 20 000 L7 series guns and production continues RATE OF FIRE
for export. The only major change has been to the L 7A3 standard which max 10 rds/min
involves manufacturing expedients only . The gun is an orthodox design normal, manual 6 rds/min
with a horizontal Sliding breech-block. Breech obturation is obtained by RANGE
using fixed ammunition with brass cases fired electrically . When fired , the max effective , APDS 1800m
gun recoils about 290 mm in most install ations and a semi-automatic cam max effective , HESH 4000 m
opens the breech· to eject the spent case; the breech remains open for BARREL LIFE
reloading. Recoil is controlled by two hyd raul ic buffer recuperators which normal 200 EFC
dissipate th e recoil energy and return the gun to the run -out position . The with additives 800 EFC
barrel is fitted with a bore evacuator and most installations involve the use
of a thermal sleeve. Possible naval and coastal defence versions have Status : In production. Installed on Centu ri on Mks 5/2, 6, 6/1,6/2,7/2,8/2.
been developed. 9, 9/ 1, 9/2, 10, 1011, 10/2, 11 , 12 and 13; Vickers MBT Mks 1 and 3;
Leopard 1 MBT ; Vijayanta MBT (gu n produced in India) ; Upgraded Centurion
(Israel and South Africa); Type 74 MBT (gun produced by Japan Steel
Works) ; Strv 103B S tank (gun designated L74 and U62 calibres long); pz
61 and pz 68 MBTs (gun produced in Switzerland) ; M48A2GA2 (Germany) ;
T -55 (Egypt), M48A5 , M60 , M60Al, M60A3, MI. Merkava (Mks 1 and 2
only) and the South Korean Type 88 MBT. Also made in Israel, South Africa
and USA (qv) .
Royal Ordnance 105 mm Low Recoil Force Gun Ordnance Nottingham delivered production LRF guns to Cadillac Gage
Textron between 1988 and 1990.
Description The ordnance is the basic 105 mm L7A3 complete with cradle and fitted
The Ro yal Ordnance Nottingham 105 mm Low Recoil Force (LRF) gun was with a specially designed recoil system to soften the force exerted at the
developed from late 1982 as a private venture and late in 1983 it was trunnions. The ordnance is fitted with a new fume extractor that is concentric
announced th at thi s would be the main armament of the American Cadillac and a new multi -baffte muzzle brake. For compactness and ease of training
Gage Textron 105 mm turret system, which is fully described in the Turrets a collapsible recoil guard is now installed .
and Cupolas section . By the end of 1985 four prototype guns had been The turret can be fitted to light vehicles such as the Cadillac Gage V-600
completed . As of earl y 1993, the only applicati on for this weapon was in the Commando vehicle, the M41 light tank and the Stingray as well as heavier
Stingray light tank of which 106 were ordered by Thailand in 1987. Royal vehicles such as the T -54fT -55 and M47 tanks.
34 WE A PO N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / U K
CALIBRE 105mm overall excluding spent over trunnions 966.5 mm
LENGTH case bag 554mm over side plates 838mm
from trunnions to end of below trunnion centreline WEIGHT (overall including
muzzle brake 4562 mm including spent bag 660mm recoil guard ) 1932 kg
from trunnions to end of below trunnion centreline SERVICE RECOIL LENGTH 762 mm
recoil guard 2203 mm including SA bracket 380mm SERVICE TRUNNION PULL 11600kg
overall 6753 mm above trunnion centreline 240 mm
Royal Ordnance 105 mm Low Recoil Force Gun showing muzzle brake
and elevating mass
Royal Ordnance 105 mm T-54, T-55 and Type 59 pOSitioned in the hull with new ammunition racks with the fuel tanks,
modified main and emergency firing circuits and a new telescopic graticule
Gun Conversions to suit the new range of ammunition and the coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun.
An additional advantage of this conversion , which has been carried out at
Devetopment/Description the original request of Egypt, is that the gun barrel can now be wi thdrawn
Royal Ordnance Nottingham has successfully completed design work to Ihrough the cradle; in the past the complete turret had to be removed.
enable the 105 mm L7 A3 gun to be installed in the former Soviet-built T-541 A similar conversion but involving the fitting of an improved elevating
T-55 MBT. This conversion significantly improves first round hit probability mass, comprising a new cradle and recoil system, has also been carri ed
and enables the latest high periormance kinetic ammunition 10 be fired . The out on a Chinese-built Type 59 MBT.
original 100 mm 0-10TS gun (in the T-55) is loaded from the right but in
Western tanks it is loaded from the left . The L7 has, therefore , been turned SPECIFICATIONS
through 180". A revised recoil system has been designed which Includes CALIBRE 105mm
new bufter components and modified recuperator, so mainfaining trunnion LENGTH OF ORDNANCE 5588 mm
pulls consistent with the original system and a rebalanced elevating mass. WEIGHT OF ORDN AN CE 1287 kg
Other work has included the design and manufacture of two fuel tanks RATE OF FIRE 6 rdslmin
Chinese Type 59 MBT with 105 mm L7A3 tank gun 105 mm elevating mass for regunning Chinese Type 59 MBT with 105 mm
L7 series tank gun
U K / W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN D U P WAR D 35
Royal Ordnance 105 mm Improved Weapon round cannot be loaded into standard 105 mm L7 guns or into an IWS
incorporating L7 components,
System So far, the IWS has been installed in an early Leopard 1 MBT (form and
fit trials) , a Cl Leopard 1 MBT of the Canadian Armed Forces (firing trials in
Descri pti on the UK) and , late in 1991 , in a German Army Leopard 1AS (firing trials),
The 105 mm Improved Weapon System (IWS) was announced late in '989 By late 1991 development of the 105 mm Improved Weapon System had
and has been developed as a private venture by Royal Ordnance, with the been completed and production equipments could be available in late
Ammunition Division being the overall systems authority and having 1993/early 1994 , depending on early receipt of orders. The design of th e
responsibility for the new 105 mm APFSDS round , and the Guns & Vehicles new APFSDS -T round for the IWS is being optimised .
Division being responsible for the complete ordnance and breech.
The high pressure IWS has a rifled barrel of Electro Slag Refined (ESR) SPECIFICATIONS
steel fitted with a fume extractor, thermal sleeve, horizontal sliding breech CALIBRE 105 mm
mechanism and pepperpot muzzle brake that reduces recoil forces by 25 TOTAL LENGTH OF WEAPON 6810 mm
per cent. The interior of the IWS ordnance is chrome lined to give increased TOTAL LENGTH OF BARREL 6658 mm
barrel life. RECOIL LENGTH 279mm
Royal Ordnance is considering offering a muzzle reference system for WEIGHT OF BARREL 1334 kg
the IWS but the flat trajectory of the APFSDS rounds makes thi s of marginal BARREL LIFE 450 EFC (min)
use in a NATO operational environment.
Firing a new APFSDS round, Royal Ordnance claims a performance Status: Development complete. Ready for production on receipt of orders.
penetration equivalent to a 120 mm smooth-bore gun , superior to all current
'05 mm APFSDS rounds. No actual details of penetration have been Manufacturer : Royal Ordnance , Kings Meadow Road , Nottingham NG2
released but , based on available information, penetration of 540 mm of 1 EO , United Kingdom .
rolled homogenous armour at a range of 2000 m is probable . Telephone : (0602) 863341 Telex : 37531 Fax: (0602) 861436
The new IWS is almost a direct replacement for the current 105 mm L7
and uses the existi ng recoil system and cradle. The existing Sights would
have to be modified as well as the ready racks to accommodate the new
APFSDS rounds. The IWS was demonstrated late in 1989 fitted in a
Leopard 1 MBT. Conversion work can be carried out at base workshop
level with no special equipment being required .
A new high performance APFSDS round with conventional material
penetrator of tungsten nickel iron , rather than depleted uranium and a
semi-combustible cartridge case, has been developed by Royal Ordnance.
The new APFSDS round weighs a total of 19 kg and is 1.03 m long with
a muzzle velocity of 1420 m/s. The Tungsten-Nickel-Iron (W -Ni-Fe) long
rod penetrator. manufactured by Royal Ordnance Speciality Metals , is
located in a three segment sabot which has been designed to red uce
parasitic weight to a minimum.
The lenglh-to-diameter ratio is 23/ 1, the new round does not have a
tracer element and the fins of the projectile are of steel.
According to Royal Ordnance, the penetrator has a mass approximately
40 per cent greater than that of current 105 mm APFSDS rounds.
The propelling charge comprises a stub brass cartridge case and a
combustible sleeve which together house the multi-base granular propellant
and primer.
The IWS can fire all existing 105 mm NATO round s including APFSDS Leopard 1 MBT 01 the Canadian Armed Forces fitted with Royal Ordnance
and training types. Built-in safety features ensure that the new high pressure 105 mm Improved Weapon System
Royal Ordnance 76 mm L23A1 Gun am munition is fired. Firing can be electromechanical using a solenoid or
purely mechanical using a foot-firing pedal. The recoil system is
hydropneumatic. During run -out the breech is opened by a semi-automatic
Descri ption cam and the empty case ejected; the breech remain s open ready for
The L23A 1 was developed from the essentially similar but heavier 76 mm reload ing .
L5A 1 which is no longer in production . The L5A 1 76 mm gun was installed
in the Alvis Saladin 6 x 6 armoured car that is still used by many countries. SPECIFICATIONS
The L23A 1 is an orthodox steel rifled gun with a semi-automatic vertical CALIBRE 76.2 mm
sliding breech-block. No muzzle brake or bore evacuators are fitted . Fixed LENGTH
ordnance 2062 mm
recoil 260 mm
WEIGHT (complete) 150.59 kg
RATE OF FIRE 6 rdslmin
max, direct 2200 m
max , indirect 5000 m
Royal Ordnance 30 mm RARDEN L21 Gun was produced in 1968 and the first service versions appeared during the
early 1970s. The design philosophy of the gun was that it should have a
restricted rate of fire so that it could be installed in relatively light armoured
Description vehicle turrets but still fire accurately enough to deliver a sufficiently lethal
The 30 mm RARDEN Gu n was developed by the Royal Small Arm s Factory projectile to destroy APCs and similar vehicles at ranges of over 1000 m. The
at Enfield Lock (which closed in 1988) and the Royal Armament Research RARDEN Gun fires 30 mm Hlspano-Suiza 831 L rounds and RARDE -
and Development Establishment at Fort Halstead during th e mid -1960s, and developed ammunition , and it operates on the 'long-recoil' system in which
the first prototype was produced in 1966. The first pre-production version the barrel and breech initially recoil together. At one point th e barrel recoil
36 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 I U K - USA
ceases while the breech recoil continues to extract the spent case . The barrel
then moves forward again , followed after an interval by the breech which
loads another round . The system on the RARDEN is fully enclosed , and th e
internal section of the gun protrudes only 430 mm into the turret space. The
gun can hold six rounds which are fed in three-round clips. The gun is
charged by a small cocki ng~oa d i ng handle and spent cases are ejected
forward from the gun . No firing fumes or cases can penetrate Into the turret
area . Normally, th e gun fires single shots only but six·round bursts are
possible. Accuracy is such that 1 m groups at 1000 m have been fired.
The current contract, which involves deliveries to GKN Defence for
installation in th e Warrior mechanised combat vehicle , is continuing at
Royal Ordnance Nottingham after production had been transferred from
BMARC in early 1993 (Royal Ordnance purchased BMARC in April 1992).
In the future, some British Army Scorpion vehicles will have their 76 mm
turrets removed and replaced by turrets removed from the Fox armoured
car armed with the 30 mm RARDEN cannon. The Fox is being phased out
of British Army service.
LENGTH 30 mm RARDEN Gun installed on GKN Defence Warrior mechanised
overall 3150 mm combat vehicle (Henry Dodds)
barrel 2438 mm
inboard length 430 mm
complete 110 kg
barrel 24.5 kg Status : In production. Installed in FV107 Scimitar; FV721 Fox ; Warrior;
RATE OF FIRE (cyclic) 80-90 rdslmin FV432 (sma ll batch only) ; Steyr 4K 7FA-SP2/300 MICV (prototype).
max 4000m Manufacturer: Royal Ordnance, Kings Meadow Road, Nottingham NG2
effective 1000 m 1 EO , United Kingdom .
TRUNNION LOAD 13.34 kN Telephone : (0602) 863341 Telex : 37531 Fax : (0602) 861436
General Electric Liquid Propellant Guns with numerous variations within each , according to the materials involved.
Mono-propellants contain combined fu el and oxidiser. Bi-propellants have
their fuel and oxidiser held separately . A third group of possible liquid
Development/Description propellants are known as hypergolic, ie they re act spontaneously when
Liquid propellants offer many advantages over conventional solid propellants . combined. Hypergolic propellants have to date received little consideration
Using liquid propellants the need for the handling (automatic or manual ) of fo r military purposes due to the difficulties in handling th em safely under
bulky cartridge cases or charge bags becomes unnecessary, leading to a artillery and AFV armament conditions.
saving of weight, complexity and space around a gun ; any associated By the 1970s liquid propellant research in the USA involved regenerative
autoloading system needs to be concerned only with projectiles and th ere liquid propellant guns and various form s of mono·propellants. Several
IS no need to dispose of non-combustible cases or stubs. There is also the programmes have been initiated by the US Navy, the Defense Advanced
possibility of a significant saving in propellant stowage requirements. Liquid Re search Projects Agency (DARPA) and th e Armam ent Research ,
propellants also offer a saving in overall firing costs, an improved degree of Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) .
safety due to the low vulnerability of most of the liquid propellant substances General Electric was carrying out re search into regenerative liquid
involved to battle damage and the possibility of reduced firing flash and propellant weapons using test rigs with calibres of 8, 25 and 30 mm during
blast. There is also the possibility th at muzzle velocities could be made the mid-1970s and by t983 had accumulated a data base founded on more
more uniform over a series of firings , thereby increasing accuracy by th an 2000 firings conducted from a variety of test rigs incorporating barrels
reducing dispersion , and that increased rates of fire could be made possible. of .35 in, 25 mm and t 05 mm .
Liquid propellant guns fall into two main categories, bulk- loaded liquid In 1984, th e Ballistic Research Laboratory awarded General Electric's
propellant guns and regenerative liquid propellant guns. In the former the Tactical Systems Department a contract to deliver a fixed 155 mm
liquid propellant is injected into the gun chamber and ignited to produce a Regenerative Liquid Propellant Gun for demonstration in 1989.
single propulsive action. In contrast, with the regenerative system, liquid Late in t 990 , General Electri c allocated the name Defender to their
propellant is injected into the chamber in a stream or aerosol spray that is 155 mm liquid propellent gun system . At this time General Electric stated
ignited as it enters. To date much of the research work carried out in th e th at the first LP gun commenced firing in July 1988 and had demonstrated
USA has involved regenerative liquid propellant guns. range capability from Zone 1 to Zone 8, velocity repeatability of 0.25 per
Liquid propellants currently under investigation fall into two main categories cent and propellant fill accuracy of 0.032 per cent.
Gun No 1 was essentially a modified t 55 mm XM283 tube with a specially
designed swing breech mechanism mounted on a modified 203 mm (8 in)
towed howitzer carriage.
It was an experimental test fi xture with a single shot capability and was
capable of firing the existing family of 155 mm projectiles at muzzle
velocities from 240 to 725 mls but requ ired a hardware change to change
zone of ballistic cycle.
Gun No 2 is more compact than No 1 and has a different breech
mechanism . It has a three round burst fire capability at a rate of up to
7 rds/min .
It is also capable of multiple zoning and ballistic cycle without hardware
changes and is capable of firing the existing family of 155 mm projectiles
with muzzle velocities from 300 to 1005 ml s out to a maxi mum range of
more than 44 km .
Other features of Gun No 2 include:
Fill System
Brassboard fill system complete and operating
Fill accuracy demonstrated at 0.03 per cent full scale
General Electric Liquid Propellant Gun No 2 on the firing range Pressure pulse transients controlled
USA / WE A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 UP WAR 0 37
Automatic Loader ready-to-fire projectiles. Alternatively. a smaller gun turret and installation
Installed on weapon for the weapon could produce a lower or better protected vehicle overall.
Achieving seating velocity of 11 fils
Multi-round clip ready Status : Advanced development.
Computer control integrated
Prime .contraclor: General Electric Defense Systems Department, Liquid
Automatic operation working
Propellant Programmes . 100 Plastics Avenue , Pittsfield , Massachusetts
01201 , USA .
Gun No 3 is now designated the XM300 by the US Army and will be fully
Telephone : (413) 494 3414
functional with weight and size characteristics of a fieldable weapon. It will
have a rate of fire of up to 12 rds/min and be capable of firing the existing
family of 155 mm projectiles.
80 per cent reduction in propellant costs
Flexibility in vehicle design
Minimum range less than 6 km
Maximum range more than 40 km
0.26 per cent velocity repeatability
Up to 48 per cent greater range for all projectiles
At least four rounds single gun time on target from 8 to 37 km
Simplified automatic loader as it handles only projectiles
12 rds/min firing rate
100 per cent increase in onboard ammunition storage
Improved force efficiency
An insensitive munition
Reduced muzzle flash
Reduced muzzle blast
Low trajectory options
Greater mission flexibility
Simplified logistics systems
Propellant packaging flexibility from bulk to small increments
22 per cent more rounds of PLS flat rack
48 per cent load increased in Future Armored Resupply Vehicl e
FMC Electrothermal-Chemical (ETC) Gun conventional , or liquid Propellant (LP) guns. This is achieved throu gh the
use of a Pulse Forming Network. or 'PFN ' which precisely regulates the
Propulsion System electric pulse used fo r ignition .
Bot h conventional and LP propulsion create an intense energy 'SPIKE ' at
Development/Description ignition. With ETC/CAP"'. th e PFN controls the intensity and duration of
Developed and patented by FMC, Combustion Augmented Plasma (C AP"') the electrical pulse and, working in combination with propellants, provides
is a controllable, and highly repeatable Electrothermal-Chemical (ET C) gun for a more co ntrolled acceleration . Peak pressure beh ind the projectile can
propulsion process. be controlled and tailored to match pressure-time curves of gun chamber,
Developed to use current gun components and fit within the ballistics barrel . and projectile designs.
parameters of gun barrel designs, the ETC/CAP' " process can be utilised Th e process can meet critical acceleration profiles for smart munitions
for gun retrofit as well as new start applications. The hybrid process uses a containing embedded electronics, and allow projectiles to achieve greater
powerful electric pulse to generate plasma which react s with propellan ts velocity without exceeding acceleration force limits.
configured in a conventional cartridge . The reacting mixture launches the The ETC/CAP"" approach uses an efficient, energetic propellant which
projectile at high velocity while it cools and lubricates the gun tube . minimises electrical energy and power supply requirements. This provides
Tests have shown that ETC/CAP'" propulsion offers a sig nificant for a considerable reduction in total system weight when compared with
improvement in muzzle velocity over conventional guns. Tests indicate that advanced gun designs using pure electromagnetic (EM) or ET processes.
ETC/CAP '" reduces the time of projectile flight and can provi de a The volume of the CApT" power generating and power supply system IS
considerable enhancement in stand-off range and armour penetrati on for approximately one· fifth that of si milar components for a gun.
future gun weapon systems. ETC/CAP'" employment concepts include applications for land fire support
ETC/CAP ' " also provides a greater degree of propulsion control than and naval gunfire support. with a range potential of 50 km. Close combat
concepts include both main battle tank a nd light armoured vehicle
applications. In addition , th ere are small calibre applications for naval ship
Plasma Injector self-defence. terminal ballistic missile defence , and unique army all-electric
gun approaches .
CAP ' " technology is also readily adaptable to conventional gun weapons.
providing strong potential for retrofit applications in a number of existing
gun and cannon systems. Such a conversion can significantly improve
existing gun performance at a lower cost th an 'upgunning' conventional
designs to a larger calibre.
FMC 's CAP '" gun technology has been successfully test fired in 10 mm .
30 mm , 90 mm , t05 mm and 120 mm gun configurations. Development
milestones are being met to enable 155 mm tests in 1993 .
The CAP'" propulsion approach utilises an electrical discharge fed into a Details of speci fic applications of this technology are given in the following
gun to create plasma which is mixed with the fuel and oxidiser in the chamber entries.
38 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / USA
In 1988 the United States Army awarded FMC a contract to design and
build an indoor test range and laboratory ETC gun .
The ETC Laboratory gun contract includes adaptive development of:
(a) 120 mm breech mechanism using the currently fielded M1Al breech
designed by Watervliet Arsenal
(b) M174 120 mm gun mounl equipped with M110 (203 mm) Self-Propelled
Howitzer recoil mechanism to ensure labgun stability
(c) Gun support structure (BRL design)
(d) High power electrical connections (FMC design)
(e) Gun sleigh (BRL design).
The Laboratory ETC gun is designed to launch 2.94 kg projectiles at
more than 8200 ft/s. The complete ETC gun system delivered by FMC to
the US Army Armament Research , Development, and Engineering Center
(ARDEC) will be used to support continued development in Electrothermal-
Chemical designs for future close combat and fire support applications. as
well as EM gun tests.
This facility was completed and the ETC gun delivered to the US
Government for testing in March 1992 after successfully completing
verification testing. Continued ETC development will be enhanced by the US Army's indoor
test range and taboratory facility, part of which was designed and constructed
Status: Developmental testing for US Army.
Indoor range/diagnostics
Building 717 Picatinny Arsenal Research/Developer: FMC Corporation , Naval Systems Division. 4800
Used for ET and EM shots East River Road , Minneapolis , Minnesota 55421-1498, USA .
120 mm CAP'" gun Telephone : (612) 571 9201
FMC is under contract with the US Army and the Balanced Technology
Initiative (BTl) to develop the prototype of a 9-MJ electrothermal skid gun
and its associated Pulse Power Module (PPM).
The pulse power module has been fabricated and was extensively tested
in FY1992.
The 9-MJ electrothermal skid gun will operate with an 8.5 MJ Pulse
Power Module (PPM) which is self-contained and transportable . The PPM
is of a modular design to allow adaptation to luture technology. The PPM
has been designed to provide output pulse shape flexibility to operate a
variety of electrothermal guns.
Primary components of the PPM include :
(a) System controller and operators console to : monitor/control all pulse
power and gun system functions
(b) Auxiliary power system for: environmental control. battery charging ,
housekeeping power
(c) Lead acid battery system: prime power (100 MJ delivered at 400 V DC)
(d) DC/DC converter (600 kW average, 1200 kW peak power constant 75 A
(e) Pulse forming network (four 2.125 MJ banks)
(I) High energy density capacitors (85 kJ at 16 kV). The modular PPM is a transportable putse power source for use in various
ETC gun projects
USA / W E A P 0 N 5 0 F 20m mAN D U P WAR D 39
The 8.5 MJ PPM represents a significant step towards power supply SPECIFICATIONS (9-MJ ET Skid Gun Module)
downsizing , a critical aspect of ETC/CAP'" weaponisation and vehicle Required Delivered
integration. This latest capacitor-based 8.5 MJ pulse power unit has a MUZZLE ENERGY 9 MJ 17 MJ
capacitor energy storage density of 1.5 kJ/kg, a five-fold improvement in LAUNCH VELOCITY 2.2 km/s 1.7 km/s
energy storage volume from the state-of-the-art systems of just two years LAUNCH PACKAGE 3.7 kg 11 .8 kg
ago. REPETITIVE LAUNCH RATE 9 rds in 3 mins
FMC is targeting a storage energy density goal of to kJ/kg to permit ETCI
CApT" integration to current naval and land fire support platforms, and Status: Under development for US Army.
other future weapon systems. Continued progress in battery and capacitor
technologies indicate that these sufficiently compact systems can be built Research/Devetoper: FMC Corporation, Naval Systems Division , 4800
by the year 2000 . East River Road , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421-1498, USA.
Telephone : (612) 571 9201
FMC Pulsed Power Development multiple test sites , and as a means of demonstrating component
miniaturisation and durability , as well as technical maturity.
Devetopment/Description FMC is under contract with the US Army to develop the prototype of a 9-
A key enabling technology for ETC weapons is pulsed power. FMC pioneered MJ electrothermal skid gun and its associated Pulse Power Module (PPM) .
the use of self-contained. mobile pulsed power units for range testing at (See previous section on the ARDECIFMC 9 MJ Pulsed Power Gun.)
The 9-MJ electrothermal skid gun will operate with an 8.5 MJ Pulse
Power Module (PPM) which is self-contained and transportable. The PPM
is of a modular design to allow adaptation to future technology. The PPM
has been designed with pulse shape output flexibility which will allow it to
operate a variety of electrothermal guns.
FMC-funded pulsed power developments include a stationary 5-MJ Pulse
Forming Network (PFN ) for laboratory testing, and mobile 5-MJ and ll -MJ
PFNs for future ETC range testing. FMC has demonstrated very efficient
packaging of pulsed power components and has used a system architecture
that maximises flexibility while minimising fault loads. For high energy
FMC Pulsed Power Modules utilised for ETC/CAP'" gun laboratory and range testing include mobile 5 MJ (upper). and 11 MJ (lower) units
40 WE A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 / USA
storage systems , the resulting density of 0.8 MJ/m' for a fully integrated efficiency and component miniaturisation, could reduce the power supply
PFN is the highest to date, and is only a factor 01 two to five less than that volume signi ficantly by the late 1990s to support the next generation of gun
required for integration into most weapons system platforms. weapon systems.
CAP"" technology offers considerable reduction in total weapon system
weight when compared with advanced gun designs using Electromagnetic Status: Development.
(EM) and advanced conventional technologies . The volume of the CAP' M
power generating and pulsed power system is approximately one-third to Research/Developer: FMC Corporation. Naval Systems Division, 4800
one- fifth that of similar components for an EM gun . East River Road , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55421-1498, USA.
Continued pulsed power development, Including improved Integration Telephone: (6 12) 571 9201
FMC is under contract for work leading to the development of an
Electromagnetic Focused Technology Demonstrator (EMFTD) . The EMFTD
contract is a key part of the US Army's programme for the development of
technology, components and sub-systems required for electric guns and
The mission focus of EMFTD is anti-armour with potential applications to
air defence , fire support, theatre missile defence and infantry fighting ro les.
FMC was awarded Phase One of a five phase contract by the US Army's
Armament Research , Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) .
The five phases of this contract are :
(1) Concept development
(2) Technology enhancement
(3) Critical component development
(4) Component test and integration
(5) Sub-system engineering, integration and testing _
According to FMC, the EMFTD effort is expected to yield significant
FMC EMFTD concept drawing of power module and gun system on mated
advancements in state-of-the art electromagnetic launchers, pulsed power,
power and energy storage , projectile interface and key systems integration
As the EMFTD team leader, FMC's responsibilities include system concept
development , sub-system interface and test system control , system
integration and prime contract management. The FMC led team comprises Status: Under development for US Army ARDEC .
the following companies : Sparta , Physics International , General AtomiCS ,
Westinghouse Science and Technology. W.J . Schafer Associates, Aerovox. Research/Development: FMC Corporation, Naval Systems Division , 4800
General Electric Re-Entry Systems. Hughes Research Laboratories, East River Road , Minneapolis , Minnesota 55421 -1498, USA.
Westinghouse Naval Systems. Pinnacle Research and Magnatek. Telephone: (612) 571 9201
General Dynamics ETC It also has a control centre with lull instrumentation and on site data
collection, and 4.5 MJ range target pad that can be increased to 1000 m.
According to General Dynamics, Land Systems Division , this new purpose
Development/Description built test facility enables the company to build on its past successes in
For some years, General Dynamics, Land Systems Division, has been Electrothermal/Chemical Gun Technology including :
working on ETC (Electrothermal/Chemical) gun technology. Originally this (1) Demonstrated increased energy levels
was as a private venture but more recently funding has been provided by (2) Demonstrated decrea sed power supply requirements
the US Army (120 mm) and US Navy (60 mm) weapons. (3) Demonstrat ed enhanced safety and survivability in propellant chemistry.
In 1991 , the company opened the new 326 acre Mason Technology
Center at Ashton, West Virginia, where all ETC development and testing Status: Development, including US Army/Navy contracts.
work is now being concentrated .
This facility is provided with test chambers lor the General Dynamics . Manufacturer : General Dynamics, Land Systems Division, PO Box 2074 ,
Land Systems Division , 120 mm tank gun cannon , 155 mm cannon and a Warren, Michigan 48090 , USA.
60 mm air defence cannon (FMC being the other competitor in this Telephone: (313) 8254000
programme) .
The United States Armed Forces have been engaged in a variety of laser
weapon projects for many years. Some of these have had an air defence
application, such as the now defunct High Energy Laser Tactical Air
Defence System (HELTADS) developed in the 1970s, while others have
been designed to destroy sensors and optics, an example of the latter
being the US Army Stingray project.
Stingray is an outgrowth of the C-CLAW (Close Combat Laser Weapon)
project which was designed to blind enemy sensors. The prototype system ,
offen called the Roadrunner, was a 1 kW weapon using a pulsed CO 2 laser
with fln Nd-YAG laser operating at 0.53 or 1.6 ~m as a supplement. The
c-cl!Aw project was cancelled in 1983 for a variety of reasons including
failure to meet cost and weight goals.
Field trials of the Stingray laser weapon system commenced late in 1989.
The system is based on an FMC Bradley chassis and has been designed to
blind enemy periscopes, night vision equipment and gun sights on a wide
range of battlefield weapon systems, so rendering them ineffective.
The laser in Stingray has been de velope d by the US Army
Communications and Electronics Command and Martin Marietta Electronics
Earl y in 1991 , the US Army stated that "Sti ngray is a low energy laser
system used to detect and counter threat optical and electro-optical fire Stingray advanced development system with optics on right side of turret
con trol systems. By using the Sti ngray as a force multiplier, the battlefield scheduled to begin in FY95 with system fielding occurring in FY96 through
commander can cover large frontages with fewe r sources, establish a more to FY9B."
effective reserve force, and reduce friendly combat casualties. Unconfirmed reports have indicated that the two prototype systems were
Stingray is intended as an adjunct to th e M2 /M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle deployed to the Middle East during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm.
System (BFVS), can be mounted on the HMMWV , and is a candidate for In late 1991 , Martin Marietta submitted a Stingray proposal in response
integration into the Armored Systems Modernization . The BFVS adjunct to a solicitation from the US Army's Communications and Electronics
Stingray consists of an armoured add-on External Stabilisation Unit (ESU) Command. The projected programme will provide six additional Stingray
with gimballed platform and equipment enclosures , and an internal units under an Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD)
configuration of supporting electronics and an operation control panel. Two programme followed by 15B additional vehicles in low rate production.
developmental prototypes exist wi th full scale development scheduled to
commence in FY92. Initial production of the 4B Block I Systems to be built is Status: Field trials.
140 mm Advanced Tank Cannon (AT AC) System Automatic loading takes place at the rate of B to 12 rds/min . with the
rammer being provided by Brunswick Defense (qv) .
The ATAC System family of ammunition consists of three cartridges : the
Devefopment/Description XM964 kinetic energy (KE) cartridge; the XM965 chemical energy (CE)
The 140 mm smooth-bore Advanced Tank Cannon (ATAC) System consists cartridge; and the XM966 training cartridge for both rounds.
of the XM291 gun. the XM91 autoloading system and a family of 140 mm Each cartridge consists of a forward and rear component. The rear
ammunition . component, which is identical to all three cartridges , consists of a stub base
The AT AC System was expected to be the main armament of the US and primer assembly (similar to that of a standard 120 mm cartridge), a
Army's fu ture Block III MBT, a key part of the projected Armored Systems combustible side wall , an ignition system and propellant.
Modernisation. The forward component houses the appropriate projectile. partially
The ATACS is being installed in the Compcnent Advanced Technology teles coped within the primary propelling charge. and propellant in a
Test Bed (CATT-B) . This is based on a M1Al Abrams chassis and. in combustible cartridge case which also contains a relay charge at its base
addition to the ATAC System, is expected to have the Cummins Advanced for the transfer of ignition from the rear component. A snap joint joins the
Integrated Propulsion System (AlPS), hydropneumatic suspension , Standard two components allowing cartridge removal from the breech. The cartridges
Army Vetronics Architecture, Rockwell Multi-sensor Target Acquisition ofter a muzzle energy that is double that of the standard 120 mm system .
Sensor, CDC ADA based fire control system , light weight track. modular The 140 mm ATACS was preceeded by a 'Lightweight 120 mm Tank
armour. advanced chemical agent alarm , NBC collective protection system Main Armament System' and details of this were given in Jane 's Armoured
and a Vehicle Integrated Defense System with cou nterm easures , threat Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1990-91 page 35 .
sensors and smoke.
Prior to being installed in the CATT-B, the ATAC System has been Status : Prototypes undergoing US Army trials .
installed in a modified M 1 turret on a standard M t chassis. This also
features the Benet Laboratory designed automatic loader, modified M1Al Development Agency : US Army Armament . Research. Development and
fire control electronics, Rockwell Multi-sensor Target Acquisition Sensor Engineering Cenler (ARDEC ), Picatinny Arsenal . New Jersey 07B06-5000 ,
(qv), standard Ml gunner's primary Jight and a new fire control computer. USA.
In this vehicle the gunner is on the right , as in the Ml , while the tank
commander is on the left in the space normally occupied by the loader.
The XM291 gun is a solid propellant tank gun with an integral mount and
recoil mechanism that fires two piece (eg projectile and charge) ammunition
with twice the muzzle energy of the standard 120 mm M256 gun installed in
the current M1Al and M1A2 Abrams MBTs. The ordnance is fitted with a
thermal sleeve, fume extractor and is 91 kg lighter than th e standard
120 mm M256 ordnance .
By means of a si mple tube change, which takes one hour to accomplish ,
the system can also fire 120 mm one piece conventional and advanced
During operation of the XM91 autoloading system , developed by the US
Army's Benet Laboratory, the selected ammunition type is identified, the
telescoped cell containing that cartridge is moved to the loading port and
the loading door is opened . The rammer mechanism then moves forward
and grasps the rim of the stub base , the round gripper mechanism which
holds the cartridge in place is released and the inner cell moves forward.
Docking of the inner cell with the breech occurs on full extension and the
round is seated in the gun . The ram head and the inner cell then retract to
their original pOSition and the loading door is closed . The down loading
sequence is similar and an ammunition rearm port is provided at the rear of
the autoloader for that procedure.
The ammunition transfer mechanism has been developed by General
Electric with the ready use bustle-mounted magazine holding 17 120 mm
or 140 mm rounds , with the hull magazine holding 22 140 mm two piece The 140 mm XM291 gun which forms part of the US Army 's Advanced Tank
rounds as components or 33 single-piece 120 mm rounds . Cannon (ATAC) Sys tem complete with breech mechanism
CALIBRE 105mm Cannon, 105 mm M68 in mount M116
overall 5550 mm
tube 5347 mm Status: Production as required. Installed in M60 . M60A 1 and M60A3
recoil 305 mm MBTs; Merkava MBT; M47 RKM (Israeli prototype) ; M4B rebuild (South
WEIGHT Korea) ; Type BB MBT (South Korean development); M t Abrams MBT ;
complete 112B kg M4BA5 MBT ; M4B (Spain, Israel and Iran - equivalent to M4BA5).
barrel 754 kg
BARREL LIFE 200-300 EFC Manufacturer : Watervliet Arsenal. USA.
42 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN 0 U P WAR 0 I US A
105 mm EX 35 Low Recoil Gun The first prototype t 05 mm EX 35 Low Recoil Gun was designed and test
fired within a period of 11 months. The weapon was installed in prototypes
of the Light Armored Vehicle - Assault Gun (LA V - AG) (8 x 8) and will be
installed in prototypes of the FMC Armored Gun System currently under
The 105 mm EX 35 low recoil gun was developed by Ihe US Army 's Benet development for the US Army.
Laboralory from 1983 10 meet the requirements for the Mobile Protected No t gun weighed only 1270 kg and achieved a 22 per cent redu ction in
Gun System (MPGS) which was never funded . impulse using a 35 per cen t efficient integral pepperpot muzzle brake . Both
559 and 762 mm recoil lengths have been tested . with Ihe shorter of these
being preferred when Ihe weapon is in the LA V - AG .
Three prototype mounts and four guns were built initially with two of the
latter being fitted with horizontal and two with upward opening breech
1- lIe CO ll o... ~( ."~"lIl'
mechanisms .
For the LAV - AG competition a further four models were built which all
had a downward opening breech mechanism . These all have Benet's own
a.,a .. n 1' '' ( - QUA NlE " lUll" design of a multi-lug breech which is claimed to offer significant savi ngs in
QU i tO; IIH~. n
breech weight for no loss in fatigue life .
The 105 m EX 35 has small-diameter recoil and recuperator cylinders
With the individual cylinders having bayonet fixings to facilitate field
Late in 1991. the US Marine Corps informed Cadillac Gage that it was
terminating research and development of the Lighl Armored Vehicle - 105
due to lack of produclion funds between FY93 and FY96.
'AHe" actUAtOIl
CALI BRE 105 mm
complete 1325 kg
breech mechanism assembly 28t kg
mounl 375 kg
gun lube 613 kg
Ihermal sleeve/fume extraclor 51 kg
Exploded view of the Benet Laboratory 105 mm EX 35 low recoll gun Manufacturer: When placed in production it will be made at Watervliet
(US Army) Arsenal, USA.
FMC is under contract to design . fabricate and test a rapid-fire Cannon -
Calibre ElectroMagnetic (EM) Launcher (CCEML) . This will demonstrate
weapcn level performance while minimising weight and volume. The CCEML
will be compatible with Ihe US Marine Corps current and future amphibious
assault vehicles.
The $ 10.1 million contract was awarded late in 1992 by the US Army 's
Armament Research . Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC) . and
is jointly sponsored by the US Army and Marine Corps .
FMC is responsible for autoloader development and overall demonstrator
system integration. The Center for Electromechanics at the University of
Te xas will develop the EM barrel and prime power/energy storage sub-
system while Kaman Sciences Corporation will develop the integrated
launch package.
Si ngle-shot. multi-shot. and multi-salvo firing s at ranges of up to 3 km are
planned . In addition. FMC will also evaluate feasibility of incorporating Concept drawing of the Cannon Calibre Electromagnetic Launcher module
CCEML into the Army's Bradley Fighting Vehicle and Ihe unfunded Future mounted in the current Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV7A 1)
Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
SPECIFICATIONS (CCEML) Status: Under development for US Army ARDEC in conjunction with the
MUULE VELOCITY 1850-2 150 m/s US Marine Corps .
BORE SIZE 20-40 mm
FIRING RATE 300-400 rpm Researchl Developer: FMC Corporation , Naval Systems DiviSion . 4800
SALVO SIZE 5-7 rd s East River Road , Minneapolis . Minnesota 55421 -1498. USA .
SYSTEM WEIGHT 2268 kg Telephone : (612) 5719201
Saco Defense 40 mm Mk 19 Mod 3 Machine Gun In 1976 Louisville began a further improvement programme aimed at
improving reliability and safety , reducing cost and simplifying maintenance .
System The resulting Mod 3 has 47 fewer parts and can be stripped without the
need for special tools .
Development A contract for production of the Mk 19 Mod 3 weapon and the Mk 64 Mod
The 40 mm Mk 19 machine gun was originally developed by tile US Naval 4 mount was awarded by the US Government to Saco Defense Incorporated
Ordnance Stalion , Louisville . Kentucky, in order to provide the US Navy in October 1983. This and a subsequent contract awarded in December
with a suitable weapon for riverline patrol work in Vietnam . 1988 provides for deliveries of the weapon and mounts to the US Army . Air
It was designed around the high velocity 40 mm M384 grenade round. Force. Marine Corps and Navy through the early 1990s.
Work commenced in July 1966 with the first functioning models being
completed early the following year. Description
The Mk 19 Mod 0 was effectively used in combat in Vietnam. A product The Mk 19 is an air-cooled, blowback type automatic machine gun that fires
Improvement programme, initiated by the Navy in t 970-7 1, resulted in the a variety of 40 mm grenades at a muzzle velocity of 241 m/s. These include
Mk 19 Mod 1 version and some 600 of the original Mod 0 version being the M430 high explosive dual purpose anti -personnel and armour-piercing
converted to this improved specification. round . the M918 flash bang practice round and the M385 target practice
In 1974 the Naval Ordnance Sialion re sumed production, making 605 round. With a maximum effective range exceeding 1500 m. it can be used
Mod 1 weapons for Israel , and Ihese were subsequently used by the Israeli to engage personnel and light armoured vehicles. The system can be
forces on ground . vehicle and boat mountings. ground. vehicle or turret-mounted .
Ammunition is belted by a unique link that stays with the cartridge case
and is ejected with the case after firing. The gun is fired from the open bolt
position wi th the ammunition feed occurring during recoil, similar to the M2
12.7 mm machine gun .
It can be fired manually or remotely by use of an electrical solenoid, a
single round at a time or fully automatic at 325 to 375 rds/min .
The Mk 19 is comprised of five major subassemblies : the bolt and
backplate; seat ; top cover; feed slide and tray; and receiver. It is fitted with
a sigh t, spade grips , and charger assembly similar to those on the 12.7 mm
M2 machine gun.
A variety of fire control systems and mounts are available to enhance the
capabilities of the Mk 19. Day and night sights, laser aiming devices and
laser rangefinders are attached and detached from a weapons bracket,
without the loss of boresight, by using the US Army's dovetail configuration
and advanced throw lever attachment device .
The Mk 19 can be mounted on virtually any vehicle , boat or helicopter
using the Mk 64 and stainless steel MSG H 19 Carriage and Cradles. round
mounts and pedestals . It can also be mounted in a turret. such as the US
Marine Corps 40/50 turret. Examples of vehicles on which the Mk 19 is Saco Defense 40 mm Mk 19 Mod 3 machine gun system complete with
moun ted are the HMMWV, Chenowth Fast Attack Vehicle, M113 APC , ammunition box and tripod
Land Rover and US Marine Corps AAV7 A 1 amphibious vehicle.
AMMUNITION 40 mm M918 flash-bang , M430
SPECIFICATIONS HE dual purpose and M385 target
CALI BRE 40mm practice
WE IGHT OF GUN 35.3 kg
LENGTH OF GUN 1095 mm Status: Production . Adopted by Ecuador, Honduras , United Kingdom and
HE IGHT OF GUN 206 mm United States.
MAX EFFECTIVE RANGE 1500 m Man ufactu rer: Saco Defense Incorporated . 291 North Street, Saco, Maine
RATE OF FIRE 325-375 rpm (cyclic) 04072 . USA.
MOUNTINGS turret, pedestal or tripod Telephone : (207) 2833611 Telex : 944-408 Fax : (207) 282 6462
In October 1989, the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company announced
that it was developing , as a private venture, a new range of weapons th at
capitalises on technology developed for the 25 mm M242 Chain Gun
Cannon currently in service with Spain and the United States Army , Navy
and Marine Corps .
The largesl of these weapons is the 35 mm /50 mm Bushmaster III
Automatic Cannon which can fire 35 mm or 50 mm ammunition with minor
modifications . including a barrel change. The first weapon was fired in May
1990 using Oerlikon-Contraves 35 mm ammunition.
The 35 mm/50 mm Bushmaster II I automatic cannon will have ammunition
interoperability with the German Rheinmetall 35 mm/50 mm cannon also
under development.
CALIBRE 35 mm/50 mm Super Shot
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1400 m/s (35 mm APFSDS )
1600 m/s (50 mm Super Shot)
35 mm/50 mm Bushmaster III Chain Gun automatic cannon developed by
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co
overall 4015.74 mm
WIDTH 358 mm
HEIGHT 409 mm
behind front of feed 751.84 mm (cook -off safe) open bolt
receiver assembly 68 kg
barrel assembly 107 kg Status: By early 1993. one prototype of this weapon had been built and
feeder assembly 29 .5 kg was undergoing company trials .
RATE OF FIRE single shot, 200 or 350 rds/min Manufacturer: McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company . 5000 East
PEAK RECOIL 6350 kg McDowell Road , Mesa, Arizona 85205. USA .
POWER REQUIREMENTS 3 hp (200 rds/min) Telephone : (602) 8917007 Telex : 182435 MD HC ORD MESA
8 hp (350 rds/min) Fa x: (602) 891 8758
McDonnell Douglas 40 mm Bushmaster IV The 40 mm Bushmaster IV will have the same method of operation as the
Automatic Cannon earlier Chain Gun Cannon with forward case ejection and two rates of lire ,
single shot or 200 rds/ min .
Developmen t/Descripti on It will fire ammunition originally developed by Bofors for the 40 mm U70
Late in 1991, Mc Donnell Douglas Helicopter Company announced that it cannon installed in the new Combat Vehicle 90 ordered by the Swedish
was developing , as a private venlure , a new 40 mm weapon called the Army in early 1991 .
Bushmaster IV based on its extensive experience with the Chain Gun The company is offering the larger calibre Chain Gun Cannon for the
fami ly of weapons. upgrading of existing vehicles or for installation in new vehicle designs.
44 W E A P 0 N S 0 F 20m mAN D U P W A A D I USA
McDonnell Douglas 30 mm M230 Chain Gun BARREL LIFE (approx) 20 000 rounds
Automatic Cannon TIME TO STOP 0.1 s
LENGTH 1676 mm
HEIGHT 290 mm
WIDTH 267 mm
receiver (includes motor) 38 kg
barrel 14.5 kg
recoil adapter 5 kg
ilnkless transfer unil 3.7 kg
lotal gun weight 59 kg
RATE OF FIRE (cyclic) 625 ± 25 rds/min McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Co 30 mm M230 Chain Gun
Combat Vehicle Armament Technology automatic can non . FMC lor vehicle installation and fire control and Western
Design for the feed and storage system .
(COMVAT) A new family of cased telescoped ammunition has been developed
including APFSDS-T XM978 with a low dispersion that will defeat advanced
Development/Description armours, HEI-T XM979 with impact fuzing and insensitive explOSives and
The Combat Vehicle Armament Technology (COM VAT) programme is TP-T ballistic test rounds. Future rounds include TPDS-T matched to
being carried out under the sponsorship of the US Army Armament Research APFSDS -T round. TP-T matched to HEI -T round and an HEI-T round with
and Development Center (A RDEC) with Alli ant Techsystems as the prime remote set fuze .
contractor. With the aim to develop a system for application to the Bradley The dual feed 45 mm ARES cannon Is recoil operated with a rotating
Fighting Vehicle Block Mod III. Future Infantry Fighting Vehicle and similar chamber and can fire up to 200 rds/min (cyclic) . An advanced linkless feed
combat vehicles, it offers superior range, penetration . stowed ammunition system is incorporated that feeds through the cannon trunnion .
load and integration features over current weapon systems. COMVAT builds on the experience obtained with the earlier CVAST
By 1989 COM VAT had been demonstrated successfully in 30 mm calibre (Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology) testbed which was under
with 45 mm COMVA T demonstrated in November 1990 and August 1991. the overall direction of the Fire Control and Small Calibre Weapon Systems
Alliant Tech systems, prime contractor for COMVAT, is also responsible Laboratory of ARDEC. This involved a two-man power-operated turret
lor ammunition development, ARES is responsible lor the XM295 45 mm armed with a 35 mm ARES Talon cannon and a 7.62 mm coaxial machine
gun . The turret was tested on an FMC Bradley and an M 113A2 chassis .
Status : System demonstration in FY90 and FY91 , Continuing contract Manufacturer : Alliant Techsystems . 7225 Northland Drive, Brooklyn Park.
work in FY93 . Late in 1992 an agreement was signed between Alli ant Min nesota 55428 , USA (prime contractor).
Techsy stem s and Giat Ind ustri es of France on future co-operation. Details Telephone: (6 12) 536 4544 Fax : (612) 536 4545
are given in the Giat 45 mm CTA entry under France.
In October 1989. the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company annou nced
that it wa s developing . as a private venture. a new range of weapons that
capitalise on technology developed for the 25 mm M242 Chain Gun Cannon
currently in service with Australia . Spain and the United States Army , Navy
and Marine Corps.
The prototype of the 30 mm Bushmaster II automatic cannon was
completed in mid -1989 and by October of that year had fired over 500
rounds and was then demonstrated in Austria followed by a US Navy 2000
round trial.
Some 70 per cent of the parts of th e new 30 mm Bushm aster II weapon
are identical to th e current 25 mm M242 cannon and the gunner can select
one of three rates of fire. with th e maximum being 400 rds/min.
In addition to offering the 30 mm Bushmaster II to the United States Army
for installation in the Bradley I FV. it could also be fitted to the future United
States Marine Corps Advanced Amphibiou s Assault Vehicle (AAA V) or the
US Navy's Advanced Minor Calibre Gun Mount. McDonn ell Douglas Helicopter 30 mm Bushmaster II cannon installed in
The 30 mm Bushmaster II fires standard US GAU-830 x 173 mm Bradley IFV
ammunition using a side-stripping link developed by McDonnell Douglas or,
by changing the barrel . bolt and rear feed plate. British 30 x 170 mm
RAR DEN or Oerlikon-Contraves ammunition ,
Bushmaster II is also a candidate weapon for the Au strian. Norwegian
and Swiss new combat vehicle programmes,
SPECIFICATfONS RATE OF FIRE single shol, 200 or 400 rpm
HE!. API and TP 1036 m/s 8 hp (400 rpm )
APDS -T 1219 m/s CLEAR ING METHOD open bolt
overall 3500 mm
WIDTH 335.28 mm Status : Development complete . Ready fo r production . In addition to the
HE IGHT 396.24 mm two initi al firing prototypes. the company has built productionised Bushmaster
LENGTH II weapon systems which were compl eted in 1992.
behind front of feed 622.3 mm
WEIGHT Manufacturer: McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company . 5000 East
receiver assembly 49.89 kg McDowell Road. Mesa , Arizona 85205, USA.
barrel assembly 68 .04 kg Telephone : (602) 891 7007 Telex : 182435 MD HC O RD MESA
feeder assembly 29 .48 kg Fax ' (602) 891 8758
McDonnell Douglas 30 mm ASP-3~ Combat built and fired over 20 000 rounds of ammunition. These three prototypes
were followed by a batch of developmen t weapons.
Support Weapon In the Spring of 1989 Royal Ordnance and McDonnell Douglas Helicopters
signed an agreement under which Royal Ordnance has exclusive sales
Devefopment and ma rketi ng rights throughout th e world with the exception of Argentina.
The 30 mm ASP-30 Infantry Support Weapon has been developed as a Israel and the United States. The latter countries remain th e responsibility
private venture by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company and was first of McDon nell Douglas Helicopters. A 20 OOO-round fi ring test on the current
shown in public during fhe October 1984 AUSA exhibition held in Washington model is being conducted .
Development of the ASP -30 began in mid- 1984 and th e weapon fired its
fi rst rounds at McDonnell Douglas Helicopters' Culver City range in October Description
1984. The gas-operated weapon has built-in dual-acting recoil adaptors. a rotating
The name ASP -30 is derived from Automatic Self-Powered with 30 being bolt mechanism and a blast suppressor . It can quickly replace 12.7 mm
the calibre of the weapon in mm . By mid-1989 three prototypes had been (0 ,50 calibre) M2 HB machine guns and 40 mm Mk 19 high velocity
grenade launchers mounted on armoured vehicles and can also be mounted
on the standard M3 heavy machine gun tripod for use in the ground fire
suppression role . It can atso be installed on the US Navy Mk 16 Deckmount
for naval use. Another potential application for the ASP-30 is a helicopter
door gun .
The gunner can fire semi-automatic or full automatic and the short recoil
travel allows the gunner to fire the weapon usi ng the spade grips.
The ASP -30 fires standard 30 x 11 3B mm ammunition already in
production for the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter including M789 High
Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) , M788 Target Practice (TP) and M799
High Explosive Ince ndiary (HEI ). All these rounds have a muzzle velocity of
823 m/s. The M789 HEDP round has a maximum range of 4000 m and can
defeat the BMP ICV at combat ranges. The weapon can also fire ammunition
used by the French 30 mm DEFA and British 30 mm ADEN Mk IV weapons.
For its fi rst public demonstration it replaced th e stand ard 12.7 mm M2 HB
machine gun on an M 11 3A2 APC and hit station ary targets at ranges up to
1000 m.
McDonnell Douglas 25 mm M242 Bushmaster purchases. expected to number several hundred , are made through US
Army channels.
Cannon In 1986 McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Company was awarded a five
year sole source contract for the delivery of 3956 additional cannon through
DevelopmentlDescription to 1991 with a total value of $150.3 million .
The basic principle of th e Chai n Gun weapon is that all the various moving By the Spring of 1991 the company had delivered over 7300 25 mm
parts are operated and timed by a single conventional industrial double-row M242 Chain Guns and by December 1991 the total order book was for
rolter chain which cycles in an oval pattern on four sprockets : three Idters 8975 weapons. Options, if exercised , would continue US military production
and one driven . All the movements and timings can thus be timed precisely through to 1995.
and the weapon is entirely independent ot ammu nition varia ti ons. In addition, McDonnell Douglas Helicopters has delivered 124 25 mm
The M242 Bushmaster Cannon , part of the Chain Gun family. was M242 Chain Guns plus spares lor Swiss MOWAG armoured vehicles being
developed specifically for ground vehicles although it has been adapted to built for the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defence and Aviation .
several naval deck gun installati ons. It has a singl8 barrel fitted with a In early 1987 Spain placed a contract worth $9 million for 208 M242
muzzle brake, and uses an integral dual feed with remote feed selection . can non to arm the Pegaso VEC (6 x 6) Cavalry Scout vehicle. The first unit
The recoil mechanism is fully internal and spent cases are ejected forwards was delivered in April 1987. The cannon had been mounted in T 25 two -
from th e gun. Like other members of the Chain Gun Cannon family it is man turrets built by SANTA BARBARA under licence from OTO Melara.
externally powered . Final deliveries of the M242 to Spain were made in September 1989.
The first US Army request for a gun that led to the M242 was made in Saudi Arabia has ordered 400 M2/M3 Bradley vehicles which will be
September 1975. In February 1976 Hughes Helicopters (now the McDonnell armed with a 25 mm McDonnell Douglas Helicopters M242 Chain Gun.
Douglas Helicopter Company) was awarded a 24-month developm ent The standard M242 has a cyclic rate of fire of 200 rds/min, and only five
con tract worth $5 612 000 and a prototype was under test 10 months later. parts have to be changed to convert the weapon to a cyclic rat e of fire of
The weapon was type classified as the M242 in February 1980 and 500 rds/min . clutCh. sear solenoid . index drive cover. cluster gear and
eventual production is expected to exceed 14 000 , and the type has been motor. A 500 rds/min control unit . gun drive cable and control cable will also
selected by the US Navy on patrol boats and auxiliary ships. US Navy be required . unless these are incorporated within the turret control system .
YUGOSLAVIA (Serbia/Montenegro)
AMMUNITION 30 x 192 mm
OPERATION gas, automatic
FEED belt
WEIGHT 205 kg
=-ri't......,.. .. Q
30 mm M89 Cannon
Thi s 30 mm cannon operates on th e same principle and has th e same
componenl parts as th e 30 mm MB6 cannon covered in the previous entry .
They differ only in that the MB9 has a dual feed system .
This cannon is equipped with a dual fe eder with direct ammunition
change over (second round response) with the feed system being powered
by recoil energy.
AMMUNITION 30 x 192 mm
OPERATION gas, automatic
FEED dual belt
WEIGHT 215 kg
HEIGHT 300 mm
WIDTH 280 mm
(all other speCifications are identical 10 the 30 mm MB6 cannon )
FN 7.62 mm GPMG
OPERATING PR INCIPLE gas operated , open breech firing ,
solenoid firing
LENGTH 1085 mm
WEIGHT to.375 kg
RATE OF FIRE 650-1000 rpm
Manufacturer : FN Herstal, 33 Voi e de Liege , B-4040 Herstal, Belg ium . FN Herstal's 7. 62 mm coaxial machine gun showing feed from left and
Telephone: (32-41) 408111 Tele x: 41223 fabna Fax : (32-4 1) 408679 solenoid for firing
CALIBRE 12.7 mm (0.50 cal)
OPERATING PR INCIPLE by short recoi l of the barrel,
closed breech firing, solenoid
LENGTH 1656 mm
WEIGHT 38 kg
MAX RANGE 6800 m
RATE OF FIRE 485-635 rpm
Status : In production . In service with many countries in a wide range of Man ufacturer : FN Herstal. 33 Voie de Liege. B-4040 Herstal , Belgium .
roles. Telephone : (32-41) 408111 Telex: 41223 fabna Fax : (32-41 ) 408679
FEED link belt
short barrel 1181 mm
long barrel 1384mm
RATE OF FIRE 500-650 rpm
MAX RANGE 3725 m
short barrel 10.2 kg
long barrel 11.1 kg
Saco Defense 7. 62 mm M60E2 machine gun
Manufact urer : Saco Defense Incorporated. 291 North Street . Saco. Maine
04072, USA .
Tetephone : (207) 283 361 1 Telex : 944-408 Fax: (207) 282 6462
Revealed in Ihe early 1980s, the Red Arrow 8 was developed from the early
1970s and entered production in 1987. It is a second generation wire-
guided tube-launched Semi -Automatic Command to line -ai-S ight
(SAC LOS) missile which is similar in appearance to the British Swingfire.
All the gunner has to do is keep his optical sight on th e target until the
missile impacts. The Red Arrow 8 has not yet seen combat service.
TYPE wire-guided SAC LOS
LENGTH 0.875 m
WING SPAN 0.32 m
RANGE 100-3000 m
SPEED 200-220 mls
Close-up 01 lour-round NORINCO Red Arrow 8 A TGW launcher on Chilean
Ca rdoenl MOWAG APC (Pedro del Fierro) .
Status: In production . In service with the Chinese Arm ed Forces.
Armoured Vehicle Tria l Applications Manufacturer: NORINCO, China North Industries Corporation , 7 A, Yuetan
4 x 4 WZ 551 (four-round turret) Nanjie , Beijing, People's Republic of China.
6 x 6 CardoenlMOWAG APC (four-tube turret) Telephone: (86) 6898/3461 /347117570 Telex: 22339 CNIN CN
Status: Production . In service with the CIS and possibly some other
countri es _
'\, I j
AT-10 Stabber ICV. It should be noted that T -55 tanks built to the AT -10 system configuration
have been fitted with the Kladivo fire-cont rol system first.
Development/Description T -55 variants known to be fitted with the system include : T -55 AM 2P,
The NATO designation AT-l0 (industrial index number 9M117. name T-55AMV , T-55AM2B (produced in the former Czechoslovakia) and
Bastion , meaning a bastion) entered service around 1985 and is a single- T-55AM2P (produced in Poland) .
piece 100 mm calibre laser beam-guided projectile for use with the 100 mm The principle components of the 9K1 16 beam riding missile system for
tank gun of the T-55 medium tank and the 100 mm rifled gun of the BMP-3 the equipped tanks are :
(1) the 3UBK10-1 guided round (comprising the 9M117 missile mounted
within a cartridge case)
(2) an onboard vehicle guidance system comprises:
(a) a 1K13 day/night telescopic sight (with integral 1 K13BZ laser
emitter) to replace th e T-55 series standard TPN-l M-22- 1 telescopic I R
sight. The sight is vertically stabilised with its line-of-sight slaved to the
stabilised 100 mm gun for the target acquisition phase.
For an engagement the sighting system is activated to switch the main
armament stabilisation system olt and reduce the maximum turret traverse
speed down so as to avoid any distortion eltects. After the system ready
sign comes on the gunner can fire the missile.
The 9Ml1? is fired electrically as in the case of th e standard 100 mm
ammunition type s. The missile's built-in battery is started and the gyroscope
run -up. After 1.5 seconds an ejection charge in th e cartridg e is ignited and
the missile leaves the barrel. Then. after the base has been jettisoned, the
four rear-mounted aerodynamic stabilising fins are unfolded. The four
forward-mounted control fins are also deployed. The sustainer rocket motor
cuts in and burns for appro ximately six seconds.
After the firing the comma nder's laying device is turned olt and the laser
activated to emit the modulated IR laser guidance beam. The missile flies
automatically within a guidance zone form ed by this projected beam . All the
gunner has to do during the remainder of the engagement is to keep his
sight on the target until the missile has impacted .
During the whole of the semi-automatic guidance phase the sightline is
independently stabilised from the gun in both azimuth and elevation. A
modulator encodes the laser beam in such a fashion that each reference
point of the guidance zone is given a precisel y timed sequence of
frequencies. The correlation between the duration of the dilterent frequenci es
is determined by the position of each point within the guidance zone.
The 6 m diameter of the guidance zone is kept constant throughout the
flight by progressively zooming the beam . A receiver in the rear section of
the missile transmits information on the flight position within the guidance
zone to the onboard guidance system which then transmits flight control
commands to the four forward-mounted flip-out control sunace fins. The
9MI17 is aerodynamically stabilised by its four rear-mounted pop-up
(b) a 9S381 voltage converter unit
(c) a modified STP-2A stabilisation system (to replace th e standard
STP-2 system)
(d) an L4 IR searchlight to replace the L-2G type
When the tank is static the system can be used to engage moving
and stationary targets, static positions or slow moving aerial targets.
Eltective engagement limits are stated to be from 100 to 4000 m.
with the weapon having a flight ti me of 12 seconds to th e latter
range. In th e case of a miss a self destru ct device au tomatically A T-1 a Slabber which is launched from a number of vehicles including Ihe
destroys the shaped charge warhead within 26 to 41 seconds of 100 mm gun installed in Ihe BMP-3 (Christopher F Foss)
firing . Missile weight without its cartridge is 26 .8 kg .
The same general engagement scenario is believed to occur with the Armoured Vehicle Applications
BMP-3 ICV AT-l0 system . Standard combat load for both the T-55 and T-55 medium tank (100 mm gun/missile launcher - CIS Armies. Naval
BMP-3 is six AT -l0. The larger 125 mm calibre AT-II Svir system IS also Infantry and other unspecified countries)
believed to operate on th e same guidance principles (qv) . BMP-3 ICV (100 mm gun/missile launcher and 1K13 sight - CIS Armi es,
Abu Dhabi) .
Status : Production . In service with the former Soviet Union and possibly
some other countri es . Manufacturer: State factories .
AT-a Songster Status: In production. In service with the former Soviet Army.
SPECIFICATIONS (provisional)
TYPE radio command SAC LOS
DIAMETER 0.125 m
WINGSPAN 0.375 m
RANGE 500-4000 m
SPEED 500 mls T-64B MBT filted with explosive reactive armour firing A T-8 Songster A TGW
MT-L B tracked vehicle with A T-6 Spiral launcher in elevated position A T-6 Spiral A TGW out of launcher tube (top) and in launcher tube (lower)
AT-3 Sagger system . Both the Sagger -B and Sagger-C are used from helicopter and
vehicle mounts O nly the Sagge r-A and Sagger-B are used from ground
mounts .
Development/Description Yugoslavia manufactures Ihe Sagger under licence for bolh air- and
The NATO designated AT-3A Sagger-A (industrial index number 9M14. ground-launched applications. A more recent Yugoslav model. with a
name Malyutka) entered service in 1961 as the third first -generation ATGW stand-oH probe , is called th e 9MI 4MP I .
to be tielded within four years from 1957 when the NATO designated AT -l The Sagger family has seen extensive combat use from the 1968-70
Snapper (i ndustrial index number 3M6 , name Shmel : Bumblebee) ra dio- Arab-Israeli War of Attrition to the present day in such conflicts as Angola .
guided weapon appeared on BROM-l and GAZ-66 launcher vehicles. The Chad. the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Cambodia. Lebanon, Sri Lanka , the 1979
Sagger-A used wire-guided Manual Command to Line-Of-Sight guidance Sino-Vietnamese border war. the Thai-Laotian border skirmishes . the Thal -
(MCLOS) and was fired from both vehicle and ground rail mounts. Cambodian border skirmishes. Uganda . Vietnam . the Iran-Iraq Gulf War .
In th e mid-sixties the improved NATO-designated AT-3B Sagger-B entered the 1991 Gulf War . the Yugoslavian internal conflicts and the various
service and this was followed in 1969 by a second-generation variant. the internal con fl icts Within the former Soviet Republics .
AT -3C Sagger-C (industrial index number 9M14M . name Malyutka- M). Large numbers have been captured by countries such as Chad. China.
This uses a Semi-Automatic Command to Line-Of-Sight (SACLOS) gUidance France , tran , Israel. South Africa. and the United States . From the se.
54 V E Hie l E - M 0 U NT E DAN T 1- TAN K G U 1D E D W E A PO N S I C I S
unlicensed copies have been produced by China (as the Red Arrow 73 and
the improved Red Arrow 73C with second generation SAC LOS gUidance).
Iran , North Korea and Taiwan (as the Kuen Wu 1 with a more rounded
warhead section).
TYPE AT -3A1B wire-guided MCLOS
Red Arrow 73 wire -guided
Red Arrow 73C wire -guided
Kuen Wu 1 wire -guided MCLOS
AT-3C wire-guided SAC LOS
LENGTH AT -3A1B/C 0 86 m
Red Arrow 73 0.86 m
Kuen Wu 1 0.88 m
DIAMETER 0.119 m
WING SPAN 0.37 m
Red Arrow 73 2.5 kg HEAT
Kuen Wu -l 2. 75 kg HEAT
Red Arrow 73 500 mm
Kuen Wu 1 450 mm
SPEED Sagger-A 120 m/s BaSIC Infantry version of A T-3 5agger with gunner in background
Sagger-B/C 150 m/s
Status: AT-3 : production complete. In service with Afghanistan , Algeria ,
Amal Militia. Angola , Bulgaria , Cambodia, Congo . CIS , Cuba , Czech
Republic. Egypt. Ethiopia, Finland , Guinea. Guinea-Bi ssau. Hungary . India.
Iran (and unlicensed copy) , Iraq, Israel , North Korea (and copy) , Laos .
Libya . Mali. Mongolia . Mozambique. PLO . Poland . Romania , Slovakia.
Syria. Uganda, Vietnam . Yugoslavia and Zambia .
Red Arrow 73 : In production . In service with China , Iran . North Korea ,
Tanzania and several unidentified countries.
Kuen Wu 1: In production . In service with Taiwan .
Euromissile HOT unit operating at the 0.9 ~m wavelength band to increase resistance
against optical countermeasures. Together with the Ihermal imager, the
localisation unit will operate in a bispectral mode.
The Euromissile HOT system (Haut subsonique Optiquement telegulde tire SPECIFICATIONS
d'un Tube) was jointly developed by Aerospatiale and Messerschmidt- TYPE wire-guided SAC LOS
B6lkow-Blohm from 1964 onwards and entered operational service in LENGTH 1.275 m
1977. It is a heavyweight spin-stabilis ed wire -guided tube-launched ATGW DIAMETER 0.15 m
wi th alSO mm calibre warhead (HOT-2) for use from ground . vehicle or WING SPAN 0.33m
helicopter mounts . The guidance used is of the Semi-Automatic Command LAUNCH WEIGHT HOT-2 32 kg
to line-Of-Sight (SAC LOS) type with an infra-red tracking system . All the HOT·3 32.5 kg
gunner has to do is to keep his optical sight cross-hairs on the target to WARHEAD HOT 2 6 kg (4.1 kg HE) HEAT
ensure a hil.
HOT-3 6.5 kg (4.1 kg HE ) HEAT
In 1993 the improved HOT-2T version entered service with a warhead RANGE 75-4000 m
optimised for use against the new generation armour. ARMOUR PENETRATION HOT-2 1250 mm
A multipurpose warhead is also available . This can penetrate up to HOT-2MP 500 mm + behind
500 mm of armour and produce a fragmentation pattern of over 1000 steel armour effect
spheres following detonation because of the use of the steel spheres HOT -3 1250 mm (including one
around the edges 01 the hollow charge . The HOT-2 MP also has an layer reactive armour)
incendiary effect because of a chemical compound around the front of the SPEED 235 mls
hollow charge . The 5-6 mm pre-formed splinters are effective out to a
distance of 20-30 m from the detonation point.
In 1993 the HOT-3 variant will be available. This has a tandem HE Status : In production In service with Cameroon. China. Cyprus. Ecuador.
charg e system for use against reactive armou r packages. Egypt . France. Gabon , Germany. Iraq. Kuwait . Lebanon. Morocco . Qatar .
HOT has seen comba t service with the French Army in Chad . the Saudi Arabia. Spain. Syria and the United Arab Emirates.
Cameroon Air Force during the 1984 coup attempt in that country . the
Syrian Air Force in Lebanon during the 1982 Peace for Galilee War, the Armoured Vehicte Applications
Moroccan Air Force in the Sahara conflict. with the Iraqi Army and Air Force Tracked AMX -l0P (four-tube Lancelot 1 turret - Saudi Arabian Army)
in its war with Iran. and the 1991 Gulf War (by Kuwait, Iraq . France, Oatar. Tracked Jaguar 1 (sing le-tube automatic recharge launcher - 316 With
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates) . German Army )
By January 1993 78000 missiles had been ordered together with 762 8 x 8 MOWAG Piranha (four-tube Lancelot 3 turret - 98 with Saudi Arabian
vehicle and 716 helicopter launcher systems by 17 countries. Army)
An upgrade available but not yet implemented for HOT launcher systems 6 x 6 Panhard VCRrTH (four-tube UTM 800 turret - 100 with Iraqi Army)
is the replacement of the present analogue gu idance electronics by digItal (many of th ese were lost during the 1991 Gulf Conflict)
circuitry. This reduces the overall system weight and improves the reliability 6 x 6 VAB-VCAC (four-tube UTM 800 turret - 24 with Qatari Army and 18
factor. delivered to Cyprus)
In 1992 the vehicle-mounted Mephisto and the helicopter-mounted Viviane 4 x 4 VAB-VCAC (four-tube Mephisto turret - 135 delivered to French
launcher systems were improved by the adoption of an infra-red tra cker Army) .
VAB (4 x 4) with lour-round Mephisto launchertn raised posItion (C R Zwart) VAB (6,6) with UTM-800 turret WIth four HOT ATGWs(Chrislopher F Foss)
56 V E Hie L E - M 0 U NT E 0 ANT I - TAN K G U IDE 0 W E A PO N S I I n t ern at ion a I
(warhea d 115 9)
MILAN 2TGiiii';~;'~~iiiiii(E=~~j~~i
(Wattuillod T115)
TAAS - Israel Industries MAPATS is keep the cross -hairs of his sight aligned on the target until the miSSile
impacts . Once launched the missile senses the IR-beam via a rear-mounted
Development/Description sensor and measures its deviation from the beam centre. Its digital autopilot
The TAAS - Israel Industries MAPATS ATGW was revealed in 1984 and is uses these data 10 correct ItS flight so that it remai ns aligned to the line-
an Infra- Red (IR) region modu lated laser-generated beam-guided weapon of-sight of the gunner's aiming system .
whi ch is tube -launched from ground . vehicle or helicopter mounts. It is Night vision aiming capability exists and , with the launcher's elevation
similar in appearance to the Hughes 1-TOWrrOW 2 series with an extendable capacity to +30· MAPATS . can be used in the anti-helicopter role against
nose-probe that operates immediately after launch . All the gunner has to do hovering or very slow moving targets
TYPE IR beam-guided SAC LOS
LENGTH 1.45 m
DIAMETER 0.148 m
WING SPAN 0.45 m
RANGE 65-5000 m
SPEED 263 m/s (1000 m range)
216 m/s (2000 m range)
179 m/s (3000 m range)
148 ml s (4000 m range)
118 mls (5000 m range)
TYP E semi-active laser homing with
Inertial mid ~ course
LENGTH 2.6 m
WARHEAD 15 kg HE hollow charge
RANGE 800-26000 m
SPEED 300 m/s
Kentron ZT-3 Swift All the gunner has to do is keep the cross-hairs of his sight alig ned on the
target until the missile impacts. Once launched the missile is tracked by use
of a pulsed infra-red sou rce and a laser Is used to send encoded pulsed
Development/Description guidance commands. The latter's beam is sensed via a rear-mounted
The ZT-3 was first revealed in 1990 and is a laser beam command-guided sensor which then uses a goniometer to measure the deviation fro m the
Semi-Automatic Command to Line-Ol-Sight (SACLOS) weapon which is beam centre. Its autopilot system uses these data 10 correct its flight profile
tube-launched from a helicopter. ground or vehicle-mounted launcher so that its actual lIight path remains aligned to the line-of-sight of the
assembly. gunner's aiming sys tem _
SOU t h A f r j c a - S w ed e n / V E Hie L E - M 0 U N TED ANT I - TAN K G U I D E 0 W E A P 0 N S 59
Several pre-produ ction ZT-3 Ratel systems were successfully used in
combat during th e September 1987 Lomba River battles of Operation
Modular and th e June 1988 Calueque battle destroying at least four T-55
tanks and two BTR -60 APC s. The combinalion is a new build Ralel Mk II I
ICV hull fit1ed with a turret containing a 7.62 mm self-defence MG , missile
fire control system and surveillance/target acquisition-tracki ng optics. A
three -round bo x-shaped launcher is mounted above th e tu rret. Reloading is
manual through a troop compartment roof hatch and th e system can fire
and guide two rounds in less than a minute . A tot al of 12 reload rounds are
carr ied on racks within the troop compartment. The turret can also be fitted
to other suitable vehicles.
SPECtFtCATtONS (proviSional)
TYPE laser-guided SAC LOS
DIAMETER 0.127 m
WARHEAD hollow charge with contact fuze Kentron developed ZT-3 Swift A TGW
RANGE greater than 4000 m
SPEED 330 m/s
Enquiries to Arm scor, Private Bag X337, Pretoria 0001 , South Africa .
Telephone : (012)428 1911 Tele x: 320217 Fax : (0 12)4285635
Ratel (6 x 6) IFV litted Kentron ZT-3 Swift A TGW system with fhree
missiles in ready to launch position (Terry Gander)
Bofors RBS56 Bill LAUNCH WE IGHT 10.9 kg
WARHEAD canted HE hollow charge
RANGE 150 2000 m
Development/Description ARMOUR PENETRATI ON not available
The RBS56 Bill is a tube-launched wire-guided ATGW which is capable of SPEED 200 m/s
being fired from either ground or veh icle mounts. The weapon is fitted with
a canted (at about 30°) hollow charge warhead that produces a downward Status : In producti on. In service with Austria and Sweden.
explosive jet upon activation of a pro ximity fuze , It fl ies an Overflight Top
Attack (OTA) profil e of approximately 1 m above the gunner's line-of-sight. Vehicle Apptications
Guidance is of th e Semi-Automatic Command to Line-Of-Sight (SAC LOS) Tracked Pansarbandvagn (Pbv) 302 (single-tube launcher - Swedish Army )
type with th e firin g post utilising an infra-red tracking unit. All th e gunner has Tracked Pansarbandvagn (Pbv ) L (single-lube launcher - Swedish Army)
to do is keep th e cross- hai rs of either his tripod mounted firing post optical
day or clip-on Bill Night Sight (BNS) situated on the target's hull/lurret Manufacturer: Bofors AB , S-691 80 Karslskoga, Sweden.
intersection area. Telephone : (46) 586 810 00 Tele x: 73210 bolors s Fax: (46) 586 45
If the missile strikes the target directly then a backup contact fuze
detonates th e warh "ad, This also allows the missile to be used in a
secondary anti-helicopter rol e against hovering or slow moving crossing Transport handle Rear end r::ap
and head-on targ ets.
TYPE wire-guided SAC LOS
LENGTH 0.9 m
WING SPAN 0.4 1 m
Missife contamer
Bolors RBS56 Bill A TGW system infantry version fitted with Bill Night Sighl
(BNS) RBS 56 Bill missile container (top) and launching lube (bottom)
60 V E Hie L E - M 0 U N TED ANT I - TAN K G U IDE D W E A PO N S / U K - USA
British Aerospace Defence Swingfire Once the missiles are launched, the MTMT automatically acquires th e
missiles' therm al images as they enter the field of view and automatically
tracks the missiles relative to the combined sight boresig ht.
Development/Description The MTMT generates the angul ar displacement between the targets/
The Swingfire entered service with the British Army In 1969 and is the most missiles. Thi s generates control signals that are sen t to each missile to
sophisticated ot the first generation optically guided Manual Command to bring its flight path coincident with the target position . Each missile continues
Line-Of-Sight (MCLOS) ATGWs. as it has an autopilot system fitted . The along its path until impact.
weapon was licence-built in Egypt by the jointly owned Arab British Dynamics The missile can be fired over a 10· high concealing featu re in front of the
company in both the standard and an improved version . known as the launcher. Striker ATGW vehicles were used by the British A rm y during the
SWlngfire Mk 4. with a more powerful warhead and propulsion system. By 1991 Gulf War.
t 991 over 30000 Swingfire missiles had been built for home and export
markets by BAe Dynamics since production started in 1966. In the British SPECtFtCATtONS
Army it may be replaced by the long-range TRIGAT in the late 1990s. TYPE wire-guided MCLOS with autopilot
Early in 1989 the British MoD issued a tender to British Aerospace (upgraded version ACLOS)
(DynamiCs) seeking proposals for the development and production of an LENGTH 1.067 m
improved guidance system for the Swingfire ATGW system This tender DIAMETER 0.17 m
covered the installation of the improved guidance system In a number of WING SPAN 0.373 m
Striker vehicles complete with built·in test equipment and second line test LAUNCH WE IGHT 27 .05 kg
equipment. In mid-1990 the MoD awarded a £35 million five year con tract WARHEAD 7 kg HEAT
to British Aerospace (Dynamics) for implementation of thi s upgrade RANGE 150-4000 m
programme . The major milestones ot the programme have been comple ted ARMOUR
and production commenced in 1993. PENETRATION 800 mm
The Improvement package bUilds on a 'Proof of principle' research SPEED 185 mls
programme carried out by the Royal Armament Research and Development
Establishment (RA RDE) some years ago.
This was designed to demonstrate that representative AFV targets could Status: Prod uction complete in UK (30000 plus built). In service with
be tracked and ATGWs accurately guided to Intercept them at long range. Belgium. Egypt, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia. Sudan , United
automatically. Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom .
In one trial. two Swingfires, fired in quick succession from an FV438
vehicle, were simu ltaneously and independently guided to hit two separate Armoured Vehicle Appli cations
targets. Tracked FV102 Striker (five-round system , 43 in Belgian Army and 87 in
The combined thermal imaging/optical sigl1t. which entered service with British Army)
the British Army in 1980, was adopted for the RARDE trials. In its thermal 4 x 4 Walid (four -round system , small number Egyptia n Army).
imaging mode it was employed as the sensor for tracking both targets and
missiles during an engagement. The video imaging channel was supplied Manufacturer: British Aerospace Defence Limited , Dynamics Division, Six
to a specially developed signal processing unit known as the Multiple Hills Way , Steve nage , Hertfordshire SGI 2DA, United Kingdom .
Target and Missile Tracker (MTMT) produced by BAe ThiS enables the Telephone : (0438) 3 12422 Telex : 825125/825126 Fax: (0438) 753377
Independent tracking of up to four thermal sources in the combined sight.
Striker launching a British Aerospace Defence Swingfire A TGW Main components of Swingfire A TGW
Rockwell Hellfire Modular Missile System options are called the autonomous engagement mode and the co-operative
engagement mode , depending upon whether the launch platform or the
scout marks the target. The term remote lasing is synonymous with the co-
Development/Description operati ve engagement mode.
The AGM-114 Hellfire modular mullipurpose missile system is currently in- Th e system has also been adapted for ground use . As of early 1993 18
service in several semi-active laser guided configurations with the US launchers have occurred from HMMWV trucks, five from CUCV trucks and
Armed Forces and several other nations . three from modified M t 13 APCs . In the Summer of 1992 four missiles were
The fie lded missile has a minimum range of 500 metres and a maximum fired from a modified Sea Chaparral launcher.
range of 8000 metres. The current guidance system employs a Semi- Hellfire uses pulse coded laser illumination at the 1.06 ~m wavelength so
Active Laser (SAL) seeker and an analogue autopilot. SAL missiles home that the missile will only lock-on to what it is supposed to. As a result,
on laser energy reflected off a target that has been illuminated by a laser Hellfire can be fired before a lock-on has been achieved , with target
designator/laser target marker. The laser can ei th er be on the launch acquisition being achieved in flight. Alternatively , it can be inhibited from
platform or another platform th at can be separated from it by several miles. igniting its motor until after a lock-on has been achieved. The latter situation ,
Hellfire was originally developed as the main weapon for the McDonnell called Lock-On·Before-Lau nch (LOBL), allows maximum positive weapon
Douglas AH-64 Apache attack helicopter, the SAL guidance being matched control as a way to minimise fractricide in close combat. The former
to its tactical employment concepts as both it and the OH·58D/A HI P scout condition. Lock-On-After-Launch (LOAL). allows for the use of indirect fire
helicopter each have Hellfire compatible lasers . The available engagement modes. plu s it enhances operations in situations of dust . smoke or low
overcast. In the indirect fire modes Hellfire can also be employed from was in the Second Gulf War when some 4000 rounds were fired from
behind masking features of up to 304.8 m in height. LOAL also allows delay AH -64 Apaches, AOH-58D Kiowa Warriors and AH-l W Super Cobra
in turning on the laser, which enhances designator survivability. There are helicopters. The first attack of the war on two Iraqi radar installations
also two ways for simultaneous multiple target engagements to occur , the involved Apaches using Hellfires. Other targets engaged included oil derricks
more common allowing a missile launch every eight seconds. being used as anti-aircraft missile platforms , moving and stationary vehicles
The Hellfire is currently fielded in the following versions: of all types and a medium bridge (which was destroyed by firing missiles
(a) AGM -1 14A - first production model into each of the pylons until the whole structure collapsed) . The round s
(b) AGM- 114B - US Marine Corps Hellfire with Improved Low Visibility (ILV) used in both situations were the AGM-114C (US Army) and AGM-114B
autopilot for low visibility conditions; minimum smoke rocket motor: (US Marine Corps) variants.
shipboard-qualified Safe and Arm Device (SAD) for rocket motor
(c) AGM-114C - same as AGM-114B except without USMC SAD unit SPECIFICATIONS
(d) AGM-114F - same as AGM-114C except fitted with a precursor warhead TYPE multiple purpose with semi-active
charge to provide tandem warhead configuration lasing homing seeker
(e) Anti-ship Hellfire - a model C fitted with an anti-ship penetrating blast- LENGTH
fragmentation warhead plus some slight autopilot modifications to allow AGM· 114NB/C 1.6 m
higher launch elevations and shallower obliquity against vertical targets AGM -114F 1.8 m
- used by Sweden as RBS 17. Anti-ship 1.6 m
Hellfire was originally developed by the US Army to destroy MBTs. One DIAMETER 0.18 m
of the requirements, though, was to hit manoeuvring targets at up to 20' to WING SPAN 0.33 m
the right or left of the launch azimuth at distances of up to tOOO metres of LAUNCH WEIGHT
the firing platform . This meant that Hellfire had to be designed with AGM· 114NB/C 45.5 kg
manoeuvrability features normally seen in anti-aircraft weapons rather than AGM -114F 48.6 kg
anti-tank missiles. At the same time the warhead was required to provide Anti -ship 47.7 kg
adequate margins of lethality against all forms of evolving armour. The WARHEAD
result is a multiple purpose weapon capable of destroying virtually all AGM114NB/C HE unitary shaped charge
tactical point targets from manoeuvring helicopters to MBTs to fixed AGM· 114F HE tandem shaped charge
installations. Against naval targets a single Hellfire is considered to be able Anti -ship HE -blast fragmentation
to sink or disable missile boats up to 40 m in length and one variant is RANGE
believed to be able to sink a troop ship in the 4000 ton class with only a AGM-114NB/C 500-8000 m
small number of hits. AGM-114F n/av
The modularity of Hellfire allows for any improvements to retain Anti-ship n/av
effectiveness or exploit emerging technology to be readily incorporated. ARMOUR PENETRATION n/av
Two advanced SAL seekers are currently in development which provide SPEED
resistance to electro-optical countermeasures. One of these is the seeker AGM-114NB/C Mach 1.4
for the Hellfire Optimised Missile System (HOMS), a new mi ssile also AGM-114F Mach 1 plus
known as Hellfire II. The other seeker is called the Hellfire Enhanced Laser Anti-ship Mach 1 piUS
Seeker (HELS) , and this is obtained from the current production configuration
by replacing a single circuit card with a Rockwell-proprietary digital design. Status : Production . In service with Israel, US Army and US Marine Corps.
This can either be done in retrofit or as new production. On order for Egypt , Greece, South Korea, Saudi Arabia , Sweden and th e
There are also two millimetre wave radar seekers in development or United Arab Emirates.
about to begin development : the Longbow and the Brimstone configurations.
An imaging infra-red seeker is also in development and a laboratory Trial Armour Application
prototype has successfully acquired cold point targets at over 5000 metres Tracked Ml13 (eight-round turret module installation) .
range . This seeker incorporates a 256 x 256 Staring Focal Plane Array
(StFPA) using mercury cadmium telluride on a sapphire substrate and Proposed Armour Applications
sensing in the 4 plus ~m region of the Mid-Wavelength Infra-Red (MWIR) Tracked M2/M3 Bradley AFV (eight-round turret module installation)
band. The current analogue autopilot and rocket motor are both second 8 x 8 LA V (eight-round turret module installation) .
generation versions of these devices to go into production . Digital autopilots
have been developed but as yet not entered the production stage. Insensitive Manufacturers : Rockwell International, Tactical Systems Division, 1800
munitions will be developed within the next few years. Satellite Boulevard, Duluth , Georgia 30136 , United States of America.
In 1973 a Hellfire RF/IR air defence supression variant was demonstrated, Telephone : (404) 497 5269
with direct hits being achieved in each of the three valid test shots.
First combat use for Hellfire occurred in 1989/90 during Operation Just Martin Marietta Orlando Aerospace, East Sand Lake Road , PO Box 5837,
Cause when seven rounds were fired against Panamanian armoured Orlando , Florida 32855, United States of America.
vehicles, the main Panamanian Defence Force HQ and the main command Telephone : (404) 356 2000
and control radio broadcasting stations. The main use to-date, however,
Model of Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle chassis fitted with turret· mounted
Hellfire system called the Ground-Launched Hellfire -Heavy (GLH-H)
(Christopher F Foss) Main components of the Rockwell Hellfire modular missile system
62 V E Hie L E - M 0 U NT E DAN T I - TAN K G U IDE D W E A P 0 N S I US A
Loral Vought Systems Hypervelocity (HVM) A Forward Looking Infra-Red (FUR) sensor is used lor target acquisition,
targ et and missile tracking whilst the CO, laser guidance link is used to
Programme transmit the necessary time-coded azimuth and elevation positional data to
the HVM in flight.
Development/Description An all-boost rocket motor is used to accelerate the weapon to hypervelocity
The HVM is being developed as a US Air Force/US Army/US Manne Corps speeds with attitude control motors spaced radially around the missile to
programme to provide a low cost alternative for both guided anti-armour provide a full three-dimensional manoeuvre capability.
air-to-surface and ground-launched missiles. The US Army envisages a potential use on M2IM3 Bradley vehicles
The weapon is designed to destroy a target by using its high velocity of whilst the US Marine Corps is interested in equipping its 8 x 8 LAVs.
about 1524 mls and tungsten carbide solid nose to penetrate the protective Another US Army interest is in the future three -man crewed Line-of-Sight
armour. Anti -Tank (LOSAT) Vehicle based on FMC Bradley IFV components. This
The variant for ground launching which is required by the US Army and has an eleva table four-round launcher assembly with a further 20 missiles
US Marine Corps will be longer ranged and carry a heavier penetrator stored wi thin the vehicle body . A simultaneous multi-target engagement
prolectile than the air-launched version . capability is a requirement. The first increment of an eventual $80 million
Guidance will be by the Multifunctional Infra-red Coherent Optical Scanner System Design contract was awarded to Loral Vought Systems . In October
(MICOS) device loca ted in the rear of the missile near to the rocke t motor. 1992. Loral Vought Systems was awarded a $202 million contract to
Thi s C02 laser sensi ng unit receives coded pulses containing position develop and demonstrate new technology for the LOSA T weapon system.
information from the launcher platform and transfers it to the HVM's onboard Work on this contract will position the programme for the fi nal development
guidance package phase in 1996. The $30 million increment covers a 12 month programme
through to September 1992 to formulate and integrate the weapon system
design into a stretched Bradley I FV chassis.
Missile launch weight is approximately 77 kg , missile length 2.845 m and
diameter 0.162 m. Range limits are from around 914.4 to 4572 m.
Status: Development.
An l r UDE
~ IE C'l I i\\l I "i \'
Arfist's impression of Loral Vought Systems LOSAT system mounted on Outline drawing of Loral Vought Systems Hypervelocity Missile showing
modified Bradley chassis launching an HVM position of main components
The Hughes BGM-71 A Basic TOW (Tube-launched Optically tracked Wire-
guided) ATGW entered operational service with th e US Army in 1970 for
use from ground, vehicle and helicopter mounts . It is fitted with Command
to Line-Of·Sight guidance (CLOS) and all the gunner has to do is keep the
cross-hairs on his sight on the target until the missile impacts .
In 1976 production was switched from the BGM-71A round to the
BGM-71 B Extended-range Basic TOW variant and then again in t 981 to the
BGM-71 C Improved TOW which has an enhanced warhead capability to
defeat the then new Soviet armour technology that was being fielded at the
time . This involves the fitting of a 127 mm calibre warhead with a 265 mm
long telescopic nose probe fuze system that pops out when the missile is in
flight to give an optimum stand-oH penetration capability to th e missile's
shaped charge. The second phase of the warhead improvement programme ,
the BGM-71 D TOW-2 missile , was introduced in 1983with a heavier 152 mm
calibre warhead , a 345 mm long telescopic nose probe, improved and
cou ntermeasures hardened digital guidance and a new propulsion system .
However. in order to defeat tanks fitted with explosive reactive armour
blocks, the US Army started an upgrade programme in December 1984
and fielded the BGM-71 E TOW-2A variant in 1987. Thi s has an improved
direct attack warhead which incorporates a small shaped charge into the
extendable nose probe of the TOW-2 to cause a premature explosion in
any explosive reactive armour block it hits so that the main warhead charge
remains eHective in penetrating the conventional armour plate behind.
Addit'onal ballast was added to the aft end of the missile to accommodate
the extra weight of the new probe , re-designed safe-and-arm device and an
electronic timing device to provide the necessary delay between the tip and
main charges.
Following initial development work started In 1987 it was announced in
April 1988 that Hughes Aircraft had been awarded a contract for full-scale
development of the BGM-71 F TOW-2B ATGW. The contract. valued at $35
million , was awarded to Hughes by the US Army Missile Command . The
missile entered service in 1991 .
The TOW-2B (formerly the TOW lethality improvement programme) is a
product improved variant with an Overtlight Top-Attack (OTA) capability. It
is fitted with two downward firing Aerojet Electro Systems Explosive Formed
Projectile (EFP) warheads and the THORN-EM I dual mode active optical Hughes Aircraft Company's TOW family of anti-tank missiles clockwise from
laser altimeter and magnetic sensor fuzing device (see FITOW variant left are the Basic TOW, Improved TOW (ITOW), TOW-2. TOW-2A and in the
later) in a redesigned fore body ahead of the rocket motor unit. foreground the new fly -over shoot-down TOW-2B
USA I V E Hie L E - M 0 U NT E 0 ANT I - TAN K G U IDE 0 WE A P 0 N S 63
Intertechnik 155 mm M109 Rammer via position switches. The energy reqUired by the semi-automatic loading
system can be obtained from the vehicle's existing DCl hydraulic unit.
Intertechnik has developed a rammer for installation in the BM Y 155 mm
Ml09 series of self-propelled howitzers to enable projectiles up to 1 m in
length to be loaded and rammed much faster than the current manual
burst 3 rdS/15 s
method , so enabling a higher rate of fire to be achieved.
sustained 6 rds/min
Features of the system , which have already been trialled and offered by
BMY as part 01 its Howitzer Improvement Programme (HIP). incl ude micro- Status : Development complete. Ready for production .
processor control and two emergency stop buttons. It is also provided with
an integral autotest unit for both automatic and manual operation so as to Manufacturer : Intertechnik, Industriezeile 56 . P B Bo x 100. A-4040 Linz.
reduce demands on the turret crew. Austria .
All of the motio n sequences are hydraulically controlled and monitored Telephone : (0732) 2892 Fax : (0732) 2892-123 Telex : 02-1522 HIS A
The Mecanique Creusot-Loire automatic loader is installed in the turret
bustle of the Leclerc MBT and is separated from the two-m an (commander
and gunner) crew compartment by a tight armoured wall. Ammunition with
combu stible cart ridge cases is fed to the Giat 120 mm smooth-bore gun
when required and a door opens in the armoured wall to allow the ammunition
to pass through . In the event of a round hitting the turret bustle, the main
force of the explosion will be vented upwards rath er than into the crew Mecanique Creusot-Loire automatic loader for Leclerc MBT from the rear
The Leclerc automatic loader consists of two main components: a conveyor Electronic components include a 16 bit micro-computer which controls
in which are stored the 120 mm rounds of ammunition with their noses the whole loading sequence. an electri c power box which supplies the
facing the front of the tank and a telescopic rammer to transfer the motors, connection box . electrical supply converter box and a small electrical
amm unition from the loader to th e open breech of the 120 mm smooth-bore box which is used when an external power supply is required.
gun . The main functions of the control mechanism are to supply the conveyor
The loader can accommodate any type of Giat 120 mm ammunition. with testing memorisation , load the 120 mm gun with the correct ammunition .
including APFSDS and HEAT multi-purpose . Th e prototype loader was exchange information with the turret computer. control the conveyor chain
shown in 1987 holding a total of 22 complete round s of ammunition . The bi-directional movement. con tro l all movements of the rammer, open and
conveyor can be loaded manually from the inside or outside of the Leclerc close the loading door. select automatic or manual modes and monitor
and, in addition to the 22 rounds of ready-u se ammunition . a further 18 automatic test sensors and actuators.
rounds are carried inside the tank and loaded into th e automatic loader The loading sequence is as follows : selection of the correct ammunition ,
when required by the tactical situation . opening and closing of the loading door. the round then rammed in the
The automati c loader is operated by an electronic system connected to open breech , rammer withdrawn and breech closed prior to the gun being
the data bus. fired . Once the gun has been fired it automatically returns to -1 .8° for
The conveyor system includes an endless chain consisting of a loading again .
combination of two opened and articul ated cells which slide on tracks The 120 mm gun can be loaded when the tank is on a slope or gradient
through the panels. motorised transmi ssion system for automatic selection from -15 to + 15°.
and transmission mechanisms for manual selecti on . A reversionary mode of operation is provided to deal with the failure of a
The telescopic rammer includes a sliding block and finger to push the sensor or actuator, while maintaining full automation of the remaining
ammunition to the open breech of the 120 mm smooth-bore gun . a motorised functions.
transmis sion mecha ni sm for automatic loa ding and a transmission For MBTs other than Giat Industries Leclerc, the automatic loader can be
mechanism for manual loading . modified by adding or deleting conveyor cells in order to adapt the automatic
The loading door unit is fitted on the armoured wall and consists of an loader size to the room available in the turret bustle.
electrically operated loading door supplying the conveyor, and a transmission
mechanism for manual loading . Status: In production for Giat Industries Leclerc MBT.
An ammunition supply system is fitted on th e loader. It is manually
operated from inside and from outside the turret through an aperture in the Manufacturer : Giat Industries/Mecanique Creusot-Loire . 13. route de la
turret rear. The amm unition stored is recognised automatically by two bar Miniere. F-78034 Versailles Cedex. France.
code sensors fitted on the conveyor. Telephone : (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1 ) 30 07 39 00
22 1.4 m 2.4 m 0.5m 500 kg
MAX 110 A
66 AUT 0 MATI C LOA 0 E R SAN 0 F LI C K RAM MER S / G e r man y - S wit z e r I and
This has been developed by Eidgenossische WaHenlabrik Bern (WF) for
installation on towed and self-propelled 155 mm howitzers in order to
increase their rate of fire at the same time as reducing the workload of the
crew. For trials purposes it has already been installed on an M109 series
155 mm self-propelled howitzer.
The load assist device enables the automatic lifting of the round via a
loading tray mounted on the left side of the breech . automatic centring of
the projectile to the ordnance and automatic ramming of the projectile with
constant ramming power. All types of 155 mm projectile can be loaded with
the constant ramming power also increasing firing accuracy.
The load assist device is electrically controlled and hydraulically
operated and consists of mechanical . hydraulic and electrical
components .
The mechanical components include the support. loading tray and gear
which form the basis of the hydraulic and electric components and at the
same time define the geometric position during movement.
The hydraulic components . including the valves . cylinders and cable
lines . allow individual movements including lifting. centring and
The electrical components include the control box . electromagnets. limil
switch and circuits which control the movement. Two programmes can be
RAMMING ELEVATION -2.5' to +72' KUKA load assist device installed in a 155 mm MI09 series self-propelled
WEIGHT 200 kg (approx) howitzer with projectile on loading tray
burst 3 rdS/15-20 s Manufacturer: KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH . Zugspitzstrasse 140. PO Box
sustained 6 rds/min 431369 . D-8900 Augsburg. 43 . Federal Republic of Germany.
Telephone : (0821) 797-0 Telex : 53838-40 Kuk d
Status: Development complete . Ready for production. Telefax : (0821) 797-1207
This flick rammer has been developed as a private venture by the Swiss
Federal Armament Works (SFAW) and the Power and Transmission Control
Division ot the Swiss Industrial Group (S IG).
The flick rammer has been developed for use with medium calibre
artillery to increase the rate of fire , and achieve higher overall rates of fire.
give consistent reliability of loading cycles, smoother ammunition handling ,
remote-control of weapon systems. reduction in manning levels and easier
loading in confined spaces such as that associated with artillery systems.
For trials purposes the flick rammer has already been evaluated on an
upgraded Ml09 series 155 mm self-propelled howitzer of the Swiss Army
and a 155 mm Swiss fortress artillery system . It can also be fitted to towed
or auxiliary propelled field guns and howitzers .
The SFAW/SIG flick rammer accelerates the round on the loading tray
hydraulically over the short distance of 200 to 300 mm . with the projectile
then covering the remaining distance into the chamber cone in free flight.
This principle allows both high rates of fire and constant ramming depths at
all angles of elevation and with a variety of projectile types. The SFAW/SIG
flick rammer allows a three-round burst of fire in t 4 seconds .
The flick rammer can be installed in the horizontal or vertical type of
loading arms.
The compatibility with new projectiles currently under development has
been taken into account and extensive field and laboratory tests with both
Swiss and US projectiles have proved the operation 01 various types of fuze
after the shock of ramming . By early 1989 over 1000 rounds had been fired
with 155 mm systems fitted with the SFAW/SIG flick rammer under a wide
range of field and climatic conditions.
The compact and modular design allows the retrofitting of the SFAW/SIG
flick rammer in restricted spaces, especially in the Ml09 series of self-
propelled howitzers.
SFA W/SIG flick rammer installed in MI09 complete with 155 mm projectile
Fairey Hydraulics Autoloaders compartment are all driven by brush less DC motors. The servo loops use
encoders and other transducers to p rovide feedback to a single
microprocessor which provides servo control , safety interlocks and other
Development sequencing , ammunition sensing and external interfacing. A variety of
Details of the first Fairey Hydraulics Autoloader, delivered to RARDE in electron ic interfaces can be provided , such as MIL-STD 1553. This permits
t987 , were given in the 1989-90 edition of Jane 's Armoured Fighting remote operation from a multi-role crew station , complete with automatic
Vehicle Systems, page 57. In addition, the company is working on th e selection of ammunition type and full access to the built-in-test facilities .
design and development of alternative types of autoloader concepts for the The FTMA autoloader design is readily adaptable to the standard
British MoD and the US Department of Defense. ammunition of the 120 mm smooth -bore guns and , in the process, there are
Late in 1990 Cadillac Gage Textron awarded Fairey Hydraulics a contract considerable reductions in the length of the autoloader, its complexity and
worth around $4 million for the design , development and construction of an its weight. For minimum weight the 105 mm calibre is preferred and, in this
automatic loading system for the 105 mm Assault Gun version of the Light case, the Fairey autoloader complete with electronics and wiring comes to
Armoured Vehicle for the United States Marine Corps. By the Summer of just 130 kg .
1991 the first prototype of this bustle-mounted automatic loader had been The low weight of the adaptable autoloader which was originally designed
delivered to Cadillac Gage Textron for integration into the two-man LAV- 105 for LAV-1 05 is the result of applying Fairey Hydraulics' aircraft equipment
turret and by late 1991 , the autoloader was up and running. In October 1991 , skill s to a rugged equipment for land-based systems. The single most
however, the US Marine Corps informed Cadillac Gage Textron that it was important feature with regard to weight is the use of a single brushless DC
terminating development of the LA V- 105 due to lack of production funds motor and gearbox to drive the mechanism on three axes. The lateral
between FY93 and FY95 . The development phases remain fully funded , movement of the tran sverse carriage permits alignment with the gun or the
however, and the USMC is expected to restart the programme during FY93. ammunition positions in the eight round magazine. Vertical movement of
In February 1991 the British MoD placed a new contract with Fairey the am munition transfer tube is used to put ammunition into the magazine
Hydraulics Limited for the design and manufacture of a second Bustle or pick it up prior to loadi ng the gun. Fore-and-aft movement of the same
Autoloader to support the technology demonstrator phase for the Future 'tube' loads ammunition into the gun or downloads either unused round or
Tank Main Armament (FTMA) programme. The UK FTMA Bustle Autoloader spent shell cases. Empty shell cases are ejected at the rear of the bustle,
was delivered to the Defence Research Agency , RARDE (C hertsey) in but unu sed rounds are normally returned to the magazine .
August 1992 after successful completion of stand-alone demonstrations. It
is intended that the continuing trials programme should include vehicle Autoloaders for Artillery
integration and live firing . The Fairey Hydraulics' designs range from shell load assist devices (equally
In addition to these developments of autoloaders for high velocity guns of applicable to towed and self-propelled howitzers) to fully automated
various calibres, th e company has designed automatic ammunition handling ammunition stowage and handling systems. In a completely automated
and stowage equipment for a number of 155 mm howitzers , both towed and system it is normal for the gun compartment to be unmanned throughout
self-propelled . On towed howitzers the activity is confined to load assist both firing and replenishment of the magazine, but systems can be designed
devices, but on self-propelled system s the range of designs includes full to utilise varying degrees of manual activity in either process,
automation from re supply to loading . The system illustrated in the drawing has 120 stowage positions for
155 mm projectiles or uni-modular charges. These are normally allocated
Bustle Auto loaders as 60 projectiles and 60 top charge equivalents, but the proportion assigned
The FTMA Bu stle Autoloader has the capability of handling the 140 mm to propellant can be reduced if required,
FTMA ammunition in three principal modes :
(1) a full autoloader cycle for loading ammunition from the autoloader
directly into the gun
(2) ammunition replenishment from the rear and front of the autoloader ...
"" ....,,,,,,"
(3) downloading ammunition from the front of the autoloader. _"""lTD.,V,
cu.o",, ' .... '
The new autoloader meets specific requirements for rapid operation , ;/ "'.l'~U
.t • .,."
ruggedne ss, high reliability and minimum weight . Key features of the
design are: ammunition is stowed in a bi-directional conveyor providing
minimal retrieval delay for the next round ; ammunition is securely clamped
to prevent chafing ; there is provision for partial or full emergency manual
reversion ; the conveyer belt carries no electrical components so there are
no brush connections to wear out; each round is supported by a tubul ar
bridge between the magazine and the breech for reliable ramming on the
move ; the magazine can be replenished from inside or outside the MBT.
The heart of the mechanism is a conveyor comprised of a number of
open-ended tube s. On both ends of each tube are bearings for guidance
and support and these follow grooves cut in the two sturdy end plates. Each
tube contain s mechanisms for clamping the round within it. At one position
on the track both ends of the tube align with holes in the end plates. These \
are in line with the ribbon rammer which effects the transfer of rounds \ To~ '
'~n .... ,
between the magazine and the breech , Another aperture in th e rear end
plate allows the magazine to be repleni shed from the rear of th e bustle , and
permits the expulsion of unwanted rounds.
The conveyor, ramme r and the blast protection door through to the crew Fairey Hydraulics bustle autoloader for 120 mm (rifled bore) ammunition
- I
Fairey Hydraulics lightweight 105 mm bustle autoloader Fairey Hydraulics autoloader for 155 mm projectiles and uni-modularcharges
In the extreme case a magazine of this type could be configu red entirely The system uses some of the techniques which were proved on the
for projectiles if a different handling system was employed for propellant Lightweight 105 mm Bustl e Autoloader. This keeps the combined weight of
(for example. bad charges or LP) . The ammunition is stowed verti cally in the magazine and the replenish/retrieval system to only 67 per cent of the
passive racks which are formed from energy absorbent material. Each uni- maximum stowed weight of ammunition. This has not necessitated any
charge module is individually supported and clamped for secure storage performance sacrifice: the loading system sustains a firing interval of just
during vehicle movements and there are multiple clamps on each projectile. five seconds. and an empty magazine can be replenished in ten minutes.
Ammunition is retrieved from the racks by the X-V stackers and presented Alternatively. the X-V stackers may be operated to allow firing of feed -
to the azimuth mechanism. That rotates to match the current position of the through ammunition.
turret and releases the ammunition to the trunnion arms , which have built-in
rammers . The magazine is resupplied with ammunition at the rear of the Manufacturer: Fairey Hydraulics Limited . Claverham . Bristol BS19 4NF .
vehicle. either automatically or manually, and the X- Y stackers distribute United Kingdom .
th e ammunition to the vacant positions in the magazine . Telephone : 0934 835337 Telex : 444518 Fax : 0934 835337
The Brunswick Defense automatic rammer is based on a thin foil boom
technology that the company originally developed for the Viking Mars
Lander and is now being adopted fo r a number of other applications.
1\ can move a 38 kg projectile some 3 .048 m from a bustle-mounted
magazine to the breech in 1.5 seconds , with the total weight of the system
being 11.34 kg .
The thin foil boom is a lightweight, tube -like structure that exhibits high
column load strength , can be extended and retracted , has very low storage
volume and can operate at extremes of temperatures.
The prototype rammer does not have a round retraction capability although
this could be incorporated if required by the user.
Vista Controls M109 Robot: Pneumatic Rammer Vista 's SCOREboard'" -based AECU (Advanced Electronic Control Unit)
controller is curren tl y operating the existing demonstrati on M l09's robot.
Development/Description The AECU is a closed loop servo-controlle r t hat is the fi rst know n
In mid-1991 , the US Army Armament Research , Development and implementation of high performance RISC technology to military roboti c
Engineering Command awarded Vista Controls a contract to build a new all application, performi ng complex motion calculatio ns at rates as high as
electric robotic autoloader for the 155 mm Ml09 howitzer demonstration 2000 Hz. Vista's SCOREboard™ Family is the first use of RI SC technology
unit. This will transfer projectiles and charges from storage areas in the in a MIL-SPEC system available as a Non-Developmental Item (N DI)
Ml09 to the ordnance, so providing it with a completely automatic loading product.
capability. According to the company, its new robotic loader will be faster
and more versatile than the robot currently used for the M 109 demonstrator. Status : Development.
A goal of th e new robot will be the capability of loading any type of charge
(for example, powderbags, unicharges or liquid propellant) and then selecting Manufacturer: Vista Controls Corporation. 27825 Fremont Cou rt. Valencia,
from a variety of rou nds (for example Copperhead or HE) to complete the California 91355, USA.
loading procedure. Telephone : (805) 257 4430
In addition, the TC800 can also be used against soft skinned vehicles,
foliage and barbed wire. Fired at soft skinned vehicles at a range of 50 m,
246 strikes were recorded of which 100 passed through both sides of the
vehicle. At a range of 125 m 60 strikes were recorded , while at a range of
200 m 40 strikes were recorded of which six passed through both sides.
One TC800 round fired at dense vegetation defoliated an area of
approximately 30 x 25 m and from a range of t 5 m; one TC800 round
cleared a 2.5 m path through triple concertina barbed wire.
MECAR Ammunition
MECAR ammunition for lightweight gun 90128 with graze effect fuzes
Belgium 1 AMMUNITION 71
Type HEAT-T HE-T Smoke-WP-T Canister PRAC (HEAT) PRAC-HE-90 Orill
DESIGNATION M600 M601 M612 M607 M400 M404
total 3.68 kg 5.15 kg 5.15 kg 5.95 kg 3.68 kg 5.15 kg 3.9 kg
projectile 2.44 kg 4 kg 4 kg 4 kg ' 2.44 kg 4 kg n/app
LENGTH (projectile) 621 mm 470 mm 470 mm 373 mm' 600mm 470 mm 588 mm'
FILLING CompA3 TNT WP lead balls inert inert inert
FUZE PI BO-Graze PD-Graze PD-Graze none inert inert dummy
max 3500 m 6500 m 6500 m 300m 3500 m 6500m n/app
combat toOO m 4200 m at 4200 m at 250 m n/app n/app n/app
20' OE 20' OE
MUZZLE VE LOCITY 633 m/s 338 m/s 338 m/s 360 m/s 633 m/s 338 m/s n/app
'Canister contains and fires approx 1120 8.5 mm lead spheres each weighing 3.6 9
:lease only
Note : There are also the Smoke M602 and the sub-calibre TP-T-20-90
(M643) rounds.
OESIGNA TlON M652' M616 M61?"' M618 M620 M621 M625
total 7.2 kg 9.04 kg 8.98 kg 9.22 kg 8.3 kg 7.9 kg 8.23 kg
proiectile 2.5 kg 5.1 kg 5.07 kg 5.3 kg 4.15 kg n/av 4.3 kg
propellant 1.8 kg 1.14kg 1.18 kg 1.13 kg 1.4 kg 1.14 kg 1.2 kg
round 647mm 638 mm 702 mm 640 mm 680mm 526mm 600 mm
projectile 426 mm n/av n/av n/av n/av n/av n/av
type n/app Comp S Comp A3 WP Comp A3 spheres Comp A3
weight n/app 1.02 kg 0.77 kg 1.12kg 0.51 kg 5.1 kg 1.2 kg
PROPELLANT single base single base single base single base single base single base single base
FUZE n/app PO/graze PI SO/graze PO/graze PI SO/graze nil SO/graze
operational 1800+ m 800 m 800 m 800 m 1000 m 200 m 800 m
effective n/app 2200 m 1500 m 2000m 1500 m n/app n/app
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1200 m/s 700 m/s 730 m/s 695 m/s 900 m/s 700 m/s 800 m/s
For some years MECAR has been developing and producing APFSDS
ammunition with calibres of 60 mm , 90 mm , 100 mm and 105 mm . The
company is now committed to a research and development programme lor
the supply of 120 mm tank gun rounds.
T he 60 mm M300 APFSDS round developed for the OTO Melara 60 mm
High·velocity Gun System uses a single·base cool burning propellant and
has a flight time of 0.95 s to a range of 1500 m.
The 90 mm M670 APFSDS is used in the M36 gun mounted in the M47
tank as well as the M41 gun mounted in the M48/M48A l /M48A2 and
M48A3 tanks. The M670 has a flight lime of 1 .36 s to 1000 m with an
apogee of 2. 2 m.
The 90 mm M652 is used with the Cockerill Mark II and Cockerill Mk III
guns as well as the ENGESA EC·90 and has an effective operational range
of 1800 m with a flight time to that range of two second s and an apogee of
approximately 3 m.
The 90 mm M645 is used with the French DEFA Fl gun and has an
effective operational range of more than 1300 m with a fligh t time to thai
range of less than 1.4 s and an apogee of approx 2.3 m.
T he 100 mm M 1000 was developed for use with the former Soviet D· lO
series of tank guns and time of flight to maximum rang e of 2000 m is 1.5 s
with the maximum apogee being less than 2.8 m. The Ml000 uses a single·
The complete range of MECA R APFSDS ammunition now runs from 60 mm
base cool burning propellant.
up to 120 mm in calibre
The 105 mm APFSDS·T Ml050 is used with the L7, M68 and CN105 Fl
guns and has a muzzle velocity of 1510 m/s and the penetration capability
to defeat all NATO heavy tank targets at all ranges. Details of the following MECAR APF SDS· T rounds are given in their
The MECAR improvement programme has resulted in the production of respective entries in this secti on :
the 105 mm Ml060 APFSDS·T round which has a comparable performance 90 mm M690
to th e US M833 but without the problems associated with depleted uranium. 90 mm M652
More recently MECAR has started to develop a 120 mm smooth·bore 90 mm M645
APFSDS·T round that can be fired from 120 mm smooth·bore guns as 100 mm Ml000
fitted to the Leopard 2 and M1Al /M1A2. Thi s round is designated the 105 mm Ml050
Ml 080 and will penetrate over 540 mm of RHA at 00. 105 mm Ml060 .
Belgium / AMMUNITION 73
CALI BRE 60mm 90mm 120mm
complete round 6.14 kg 13,8 kg 25 kg
projectile 1.3 kg 3.65 kg 7.2 kg
ROUND 626.5 mm 865 mm 995mm
PENETRATOR all have a tungsten alloy penetrator
VELOCITY 1630 mls 1500 m/s 1675 m/s
MECAR APFSDS projectile with three pari saddle separating from the finned
Notes: Ml000 has a tungsten alloy penetratorwhich will penetrate 150 mm RHA at 60"
obliquity at 2500 m, operating temperature -32 D C to +S2 D C
Ml0Q4 has a maximum range of 14600 m
There are also the Ml002 and Ml003 train ing devices (20 mm)
DESIGNATION Ml050 Ml 060 Ml056 M724
complete round 17.7 kg 18 kg 16,1 kg 14.52 kg
projectile 5,8 kg 5,8 kg nl av nlav
round 927mm 980mm 980 mm 838.2 mm
projectile 475mm nlav nlav nlav
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1510 mls 1510 mls 1540 mls 1539 m/s
PROPELLANT nlav nlav n/av Ml
Type HE-T- Smoke (WP)·T· ILL' • These rounds can be fired with CN 105Fl , L7 and M6a guns
DESIGNATION Ml0l0 Ml009 Ml108 •• The M490 Tp·T , with similar technical and ballistic characteristics is the
WEIGHT practice version of the HEAT·T-MP M456A2 and Ml061
complete round 20.8 kg 20.8 kg nl app ... The HESH·TP M467 , with similar technical and ballistic characteristics
LENGTH 990mm 990mm 960mm is the practice version of the HESH M393A2
MUZZLE VELOCITY 700 mls 690 m/s 290 mls .... The Ml061 has all of the performance characteristics of the M456A2
SMOKE DURATION nlapp 40s nlapp but incorporates a modern electronic fu ze with graze input fun ction in the
ILLUMINATION TIME nlapp nlapp 35s fuze itself
BURST HEIGHT nlapp nlapp 350 mm
FILLING TYPE HE Smoke WP illuminate Manufacturer: MECAR SA, B-7 181 Pelit-Roeulx-Iez-Nivelles (Se neHe) .
FILLING WEIGHT 2 kg 1.77 kg 0.46 kg Belgium .
PROPELLANT all have single base seven hole Telephone : (32) 67/2 1 77 95 Telex : 574 38
Fax: (32) 67/21 63 07
This company was fo unded in 1926 and since 1929 has been producing
ammunition for the Brazilian Armed Forces and police . CBC's main
production facilities are in Santo Andre and Ribeirao Pires, both in th e State
of Sao Paulo . Current products consist of many calibres of pistol and
revo lver cartridges : 5.56 mm , 7.62 mm NATO and .30 cal cartridges for
rifles, .50 cal cartridges for machine guns, .50 spotter tracer cartridges;
20 ~ 110 mm cartridges for Oerlikon cannon ; 20 x 102 mm cartridges for
Vulcan guns and 30 x 113 mm cartridges for DEFA guns .
Early in 1989 CBC announced that it had opened its own si ngle base
propellant plant. The plant is equipped to manufacture every type of single
base power and this will oHer a high quality product with uniform ballistics.
20 x 110 mm AS Oerlikon
100 mm (for T-54/T-55 MBT, SU -1 00 assault gun and 125 mm (for 2A46 tank gun in T-72 MBT)
BS-3 field gun)
Type HE
Type HEAT HE DESIGNATION 3 VOF 22 (projectile is OF 19)
MUZZLE VELOC ITY 900 m/s 900 m/s (full charge) WEIGHT
600 m/s (reduced charge) V-429E fuze 0.435 kg
WEIGHT projectile body 19.4 kg
fuze 0.16 kg 0.438 kg TNT charge 3.15 kg
projectile 12.2 kg 13.8 kg cartridge case 3.84 kg
bursting charge 0.99 kg 1.46 kg propellant 5.86 kg
cartridge case 6.00 kg 6.00 kg (steel) primer sleeve 0.09 kg
8.5 kg (brass) total projectile 23 kg
propellant 4.65 kg 5.75 kg or 2.4 kg total charge 9.8 kg
primer sleeve 0.09 kg 0.086 kg LENGTH
total 16.85 kg 30.27 kg or 27.9 kg fuze 106mm
LENGTH projectile 615mm
fuze GPV-2 100mm 106mm cartridge case 387 mm
projectile 360 .6 mm 430 mm primer sleeve 24mm
cartridge case 695 mm 695 mm total projectile 677 mm
total 1090 mm 1088 mm total charge 408 mm
MAX RANGE nl app 16800 m (full charge) Note : A blank training round is also produced .
11 000 m (reduced charge)
130 mm (for M-46 field gun)
122 mm (for 2S1 self-propelled artillery system) Type HE
(with tufl or reduced charge)
DESIGNATION VBK-3 VOF 462 J VOF 462 J' MUZZLE VELOCITY 705 m/s (reduced) (max range 19 130 m)
FUZE TYPE GPV-3 RGM -2 RGM-2 930 m/s (fu ll) (max range 21 000 m)
MUZZLE VELOCITY 690 m/s 690 m/s 565 m/s WEIGHT
WEIGHT V-429 fuze 0.438 kg
fuze 0.88 kg 0.438 kg 0.438 kg projectile body 29.20 kg
projec'd le body 18.7 kg 17.578 kg 17.578 kg driving bands 1.22 kg
charge 1.7 kg 3.528 kg 3.528 kg bursti ng charge 3.61 kg
cartridge case 3.66 kg 3.66 kg 3.66 kg cartridge case 11 .35 kg
propellant 3.8 kg 3.8 kg 2.43 kg charge 7.6 kg or 14.3 kg
primer sleeve 0.09 kg 0.09 kg 0.09 kg primer sleeve 0.09 kg
total projectile 18.20 kg 21.55 kg 21.76 kg total projectile 33.40 kg
total charge 6.325 kg 7.83 kg 6.235 kg total charge 25.73 kg
fuze 110mm 106mm 106mm fuz e 130mm
projectile body 628 mm 500 mm 500 mm projectile 600 mm
cartridge case 447 mm 447 mm 447 mm cartridge case 846 mm
primer sleeve 30mm nlav nlav primer sleeve 30mm
POINT BLANK RANGE 1000 m nlapp nlapp total projectile 668 mm
MAX RANGE nl app 17360 m 15300 m total charge 846 mm
'has reduced multi -section charge. Note : A blank training round is also produced.
76 A M M U NIT ION I B u I gar i a - Can a d a
Type HE
RGM-2 fuze 0.438 kg
projectile 31.61 kg
driving bands 0.786 kg
charge 5.86 kg
cartridge case 7.5 kg
propellant 8.0 15 kg
primer sleeve 0.09 kg
total projectile 43.90 kg
total charge 16.36 kg
fuze 130mm
projectile 640 mm
cartridge case 545 mm
primer sleeve 30mm
total projectile 702 mm
total charg e 547 mm
Bulgarian 122 mm (left) and 152 mm (right) artillery jamming projectiles with
122 mm and 152 mm Artillery Jamming Projectiles their payloads to the right
SNC Industrial Technologies Incorporated Details of the three training 105 mm tank gun rounds are as follows :
CALIBRE 105 mm
cartridge 927mm
cartridge 18 kg
penetrator tungsten alloy
Tracer 33MKI
Propellant NQJM.044 (M-30 optional)
Cartridge case steel (brass optional)
Liner Titanium Dioxide
Primer electric C18
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1485 m/s with NQ/M
t 51 0 m/s with M-30
DISPERSION within 0.30 mils SO horizontal and
PERFORMANCE penetration of heavy single target at 60"
obilquity, equivalent range in excess of
4000 m. Heavy triple target at 65°
obfiquity in excess of 6000 m
Artillery Ammunition
t05 mm howitzer HE Ml (TNT or Comp B) Ml cartridge with Fuze
PO M739
105 mm propelling charge M67
105 mm howitzer, HE (C99)
105 mm howitzer, blank (M395)
105 mm howitzer, smoke Cl02 (DM15)
105 mm howitzer, illu minating Cl03 (M314A3)
155 mm howitzer smoke. base ejection (DM45)
155 mm howitzer, illuminating (M485A2)
155 mm howitzer, extended range full -bore From left to right: Canadian Arsenals lOS mm C-72 SHI P round, lOS mm
155 mm howitzer HE (TNT or Comp B) Ml07 C-74 TPDSI T round, 105mm C-76 APFSDS-T round and lOS mm
155 mm propelling charges M3A 1, M4A 1, M4A2 and M t 19A2 SHI P C-71 round
The United States and China have collaborated on a programme known as produce the explosive elements for these fuzes. The programme w as
the Large Caliber Ammunition Modernization Program , or LCAMP . In May planned to take 30 months at a cost of $30 million.
1985 th e Chinese Government, through the Signature of seven Letters 01 On January 30 1987, the luze and detonator programme contract was
Request, Signalled their intent to purchase technical data packages, plant awarded to Hamilton Technology Inc, General Defence Corporation , of
layout designs and technical assistance fro m the US Government lor the Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They provided a M739A 1 production line consisting
modernisation of their artillery production facilities. of 18 rotary, dial-type, automatic assembly machines plus several hand-
The primary objectives of this first programme will be to modernise fuze , operated station s.
detonator and explosives manufacturing faci lities in China. Part of the To support LCAM p , a US Project Office has been established at the US
programme will involve establishing a facility to produce M577 A 1, MTSQ Army Production Base Modernization Activity at Dover, New Jersey, funded
and M739A 1 PO fuzes (less explosive elements) and another facility to annually by the Chinese for salaries and travel.
The China North Industri es Corporation produces a wide range of Projectile type API API-T
am munition , from small arms ammunition , through mortar and rocket LENGTH (overall ) 156mm 156 mm
am munition to various forms of anti-aircraft gun and artill ery ammunition WEIGHT
complete 182 g 176 g
12.7 mm projectile 63.9 g 59.5 g
This ammunition is produced for the anti-aircraft machine guns Types 56 MUZZLE VELOCITY 980-995 m/s 995 -1015 m/s
air targ ets 2000 m 2000 m
Projectile type API APf-T ground targets 1000 m 1000 m
LENGTH (overall) 147mm 147mm
complete 121 g 117 g Th is calibre is used for aircraft weapon s. The 23 mm Type 1 aircraft
projectile 48.2 kg 44 kg automatic gun is mounted in bomber aircraft and is used to fire HEI and
MUZZLE VELOCITY 810 m/s 810 m/s HEI -T . The Type 2 aircraft automatic gun can be mounted in bomber or
EFFECTIVE RANGE strike aircraft and fires HEI or API. The Type 1 has a muzzle velocity of 680
air targets 1600m 1600 m m/s and the Type 2 has a muzzle velocity of 705 ± 10 m/s . A further gun , the
ground targets 1500 m 1500 m Type 2H fires HEI and API , also at a muzzle velocity of 705 ± 10 m/s.
14.5 mm 25mm
This ammunition is used in a number of types of anti-aircraft gun including This am munition is produced for use on the Twin -barret Naval Gun Type 61
the four-barrel Type 56, the twin-barrel Type 58 and the single-barrel Types and has twin driving bands. Onty one type of round appears to be produced .
75, 75-1 and 80. HEI-T . Details of th e round are as follows :
78 AM M U N IT I ON I Chi n a
122 mm ammunition, left to right, cargo bomblet, illuminating and HE base Chinese ammunition, from left to right 122mm HE with fuze, 130mm HE with
bleed fuze and 130 mm HE-88 with fuze
IProduces 450 000 candela tor 25 seconds with an ai r burst at over 2000 m
130 mm
NORINCO are now offering no less than 10 projectiles that can be fired
from the Chinese NORINCO 130 mm Type 59 and Type 59-1 guns or the
original Soviet 130 mm M-46 and details of these, from Chinese sources ,
are given in the table.
130 mm ERFB-BB
This can be fitted wi th an etectronic pro ximity fuze.
130 mm smoke
This contains 24 smoke canisters with a maxi mum burning time of 200
130 mm carg o
This contains 35 anti-armour/anti-personnel bomblets which are ejected
over the target by the MS- 1 time fuze . The bomblets can also be fitted wi th
an electronic pro ximity fuze .
130 mm shrapnel
Each projectile contains 10 000 flechettes. 130 mm HE projectiles (foreground) without fuzes with brass propellant
cases to rear
130 mm illu minati ng
This has a burst height of 900 to 1000 m, burni ng time is about 40 seconds
and drop velocity is 10 m/s with flare having a 50 million candlepower.
130 mm ERFB-NNub
130 mm ERFB-B This can be used wi th full charge or various numbers of reduced charges to
This does not have a base bleed unit but its shape gives it an extended achieve different ranges. ML-5 fuzes can be set to superquick, short delay
ra nge when compared to a standard projectile. or long delay .
Type HE HEI ERFB/BB ERFB/boat ERFB-A ERFB-B ILL Shrapnel Cargo Smoke
tail nub
LENGTH complete 637 mm 637mm 800 mm 774mm 687.4 mm
WEIGHT overall 59.1 kg 59.1 kg 59 kg 58.4 kg 58.01 kg 58.4 kg 54.8 kg 33 kg 56.8 kg
LENGTH projectile 637 mm 661 mm 799mm 774mm 663mm 664mm 663mm
WEIGHT projectile 33.4 kg 33.4 kg 33.4 kg 32.7 kg 32.41 kg 20.1 kg 33 kg 32.47 kg
MAX RANGE 27.49 km 27.49 km 38 km 30 km 32 km 30.7 km 25 km 25 km 25 km 26 km
MUZZLE VELOCITY 930 m/s 930 m/s 940 m/s 944 m/s 940 m/s 952 m/s 926 m/s 935 m/s
FUZE ML-5 ML-5 ML-5 ML-7A ML-5 ML-7A MS-1 MS-1 MS-1 MS-1
80 AM M U N I TI 0 N / C h j n a
152 mm
This ammunition is fired trom the Chinese 152 mm Guni Howitzer Type 66
and can also be fired from the former Soviet Guni Howitzer M1937 (ML-20) .
It is fired using a full or reduced variable charge from the Type 66, the full
variable charge havi ng two zones and the red uced variable charge 5.
An HE RAP proj ecti le kn own as the MP-152 has been added to this
range. This is claimed to have the same accu racy and lethality as orthodox
projectiles and weighs 43 .56 kg when ti red . A 27 per cen t increase in range
is claimed , ie from 17230 m to 21 880 m.
155 mm
China has developed the 155 mm Type WAC 21 guni howi tzer which was
first shown in late 1986. This fires th e foll owi ng types of ER FB ammunition,
all of which have welded nubs: HE p rojectiles and charge cases for 152 mm Type 66 Gun/Howitzer
No les:
ERFB WP lasts 75 seconds with a width of 30 to 40 m
ERFB illuminating, 16 million candl epower for 140 seconds
ERFB smoke. big canister lasts 120 seconds, small canister lasts 65 seconds .
152 mm HE MP- 152 projectile and charge case for Type 66 Gun/Howitzer
Tank Ammunition
gun with a horizontal ammunition feed system. Both fire the same separate
Listed below is a resume of ammunition for the guns installed in T-64/T-721 loading ammunition . eg projectile and charge. Provisional details of these are:
T-80 (125 mm). T-62 (1 15 mm ). T-54/T-55 (100 mm) .T -34/85 (85 mm) and
PT-76 (76 mm) tanks. Type HE-FRAG (FS) HEAT-FS APFSDS
FUZE V-429 PO PIBD none
125 mm Tank Guns 2A46 (T-72 and T-80) and 2A26 FILLING TNT RDX or HMX none
The T-64 tank has the 2A26 smooth-bore gun with a vertical ammunition PROJECTILE 680mm 680 mm 600 mm
stowage system whereas the T-72 and T-80 have the 2A46 smooth-bore MUZZLE VELOCITY 850 m/s 850 m/s 1800 m/s
Note: OF· 18Is known as the extended range version and replaces the earlier OF- l1 which has a muzzle velocity of about 915 m/s .
100 mm Tank Guns 0-1 OT. 0 -1 0TG and 0 -10T2S for T -54 and T -55 Series Medjum Tanks
85 mm Tank Gun M1944 (ZIS-S-53) for T-34/85 and T-44 Medium Tanks
76 mm Tank Guns 0 -56T and 0 -56TM for PT-76 Series Amphibious Tanks
. A number of other proJecllles are also avaIlable. some with canrtdg es with reduced propellant charges
.• Spool type , possibly replaced by Improved mode l
••• World War II model. possibly replaced by improved type
Artillery Ammunition
Lisled below IS a resume of some of the ammunition fired by Ihe former the t 52 mm Krasnopol projectile has a footprint of about tOOO m. The
Soviet Union's lowed and self-propelled artillery syslems. projectile is controlled/steered by four canards that are located on the mid-
section of the projectile and stabilised by four fins at the rear. When fired to
180 mm Gun S-23 its maximum range of 18 km , the 152 mm Krasnopol projectile is claimed to
have an 0.7 hit probability against stationary and moving targets.
FRAG-HE projectile OF-43 weighing 84.09 kg with a maximum muzzle
To prove the operational concept of the 152 mm Krasnopol system ,
velocity of 790 mi s, HE/RAP with a maximum muzzle velOCity of 850 mis ,
extensive trials were carried out under a wide range of operational conditions.
concrete piecing G-572 projeclile weighing 97 .7 kg and a 0.2 kt tactical
During one trial , the first t 52 mm Krasnopol projectile hit a target travelling
nuclear projectile .
at a speed of 38 km/h at a range of 14 km . While in another target three
different targets were engaged 30 seconds apart using a single locator
152 mm Krasnopol Guided Projectile designator.
The former Soviet Union developed a 152 mm laser deSignated artillery Although the primary role of the Krasnopol152 mm projectile is anti-tank,
projeclile that is similar in concept to the US Martin Manetta 155 mm it can also be used against other high value targets such as artillery and air
Copperh ead Cannon Launched Guided Projectile (CLGP) that was used in defence weapons, as well as heavily fortified positions. During one trial ,
small numbers during the 1991 Middle East conflict. three weapons each fired a 152 mm Krasnopol projectile at the same time,
The 152 mm laser designated projectile is called the Krasnopol and is at a fortified target which was being designated by a single locator designator.
known to be fired from the older t 52 mm 2S3M Self-Propelled (SP) artillery It has been evaluated under hot and cold conditions and at an altitude of
system as well as the towed 152 mm D-20 system . II may be able to be 2500 mls and in wind speeds of up to 25 mls a second. It has also been
trred from the more recent 152 mm 2S5 and 2S1 9 SP artillery systems demonstrated that the 152 mm Krasnopol projectil e can hit a moving ship
although th ese have a more recent projectile and charge system . so giving the weapon a useful coastal defence capability .
Until th e introduction of the 152 mm Krasnopol projectile , artillery systems II is claimed that the development of the 152 mm Krasnopol projectile
had little capability of engaging mobile or hard targets in the indrrect fire gives a 40 to 50 times reduction in artillery expenditure to kill point targets
mode . (with th e obvious logistical advantages) and a three to five time reduction in
Once a target, typically a Main Battle Tank (MBT), has been detected by the time taken to engage point targets.
the forward observer, target information co -ordinates are conveyed to the
battery command post. If the target is within rang e, the firing calculations SPECIFICATIONS
(for example, elevation, traverse and charge) are passed to th e gun which CALIBRE 152mm
is Ihen loaded and laid onto Ihe target using normal artillery drills, while the RANGE (D-20 and 2S3) 3-20 km
forwa rd observer is alerted . The gun is then fired and , as the projectile GUIDANCE
nears the target, the forward observer illuminates the target using tripod middle pan of trajectory inertial
mounted locator designator. The key to a successful engagement is the TERMINAL laser semi-active homing
synch ronisation of information between the weapon and the forward WEIGHT (projectile) 50 kg
obs erver. WEIGHT (warhead) 20.5 kg
The seeker mounted in the nose of the 152 mm Krasnopol prolectile WARHEAD TYPE HE-F
locks onto the illuminated target and. shortly before impact, the projectile
makes a top attack on the vulnerable upper surfaces of the MBT, typically
152 mm Gun 2A36 (M1976), 152 mm Self-propelled
at an angle of between +35 and +45'. The seeker mounted in the nose of
Gun 2S5
Fires separate loading ammunition (projectile and charge) including
HE-FRAG . AP-T, smoke, illuminating , chemical , concrete piercing, incendiary
and tactical nuclear
152 mm Howitzer M1943 (0-1) • There are variants of projectile design giving different weights . Various other fuzes
may also be used .
.• Rotating BP-463 may also be used .
Ammunition type FRAG-HE FRAG-HE CP
PROJECTILE DESIGNATION OF-530 OF-530A G-530 Other types of projectile include chemical, illuminating (S-462 weighing
WEIGHT 22.4 kg). smoke (0-462 weighing 22.3 kg) , leaflet, f1echette and incendiary.
projectile 40 kg 40 kg 40 kg More recently an RAP has been introduced with a maximum rang e of
bursting charge 6.86 kg 5.66 kg 5.1 kg 21 900 m.
508 mls 508 mls 508 mls
122 mm Howitzer M1938 (M-30)
Other types of projectiles incl ude chemical , heat, illuminating and smoke . Ammunition type FRAG-HE HEAT
130 mm Field Gun M-46
projectile 21.76 kg 13.3 kg
Ammunition type FRAG-HE APC-T bursting charge 3.675 kg nla
projectile 33.4 kg 33.6 kg ARMOUR PENETRATION
bursting charge 4.63 kg 0.127 kg AT 0' n/a 200 mml 1000 m
CHARGE TNT RD Xlaium . Other FRAG and FRAG·HE projectiles are available.
MUZZLE VELOCITY 930 mls 930 mls ,- Fired at full charge . Better design than earlier BP-460A .
ATO ' nlapp 230 mml l000 m Other projectiles include chemical , illuminating (5-462) , smoke (0-462)
and leaflet (A-462).
Other types of projectile include SP-46 illuminating, smoke. target marking ,
chemical and rocket-assisted projectile . 122 mm Field Gun 0-74
122 mm 2S 1 Self-propelled Gun , 122 mm Howitzer 0 -30 Ammunition type FRAG-HE APC-T
Ammunition type FRAG-HE HEAT-FS FUZE MODEL V-429 DBR
FUZE MODEL RGM -2 GPV-2 projectile 27.3 kg 25 kg
WEIGH T bursting charge 2.95 kg 0.09 1 kg
projectile 21.76 kg 21 .63 kg TYPE OF BURSTING
bursting charge 3.675 kg n/a CHARGE TNT RDXlaium
MUZZLE VELOCITY 690 m/s 740 m/s AT 0' n/app 185 mm/ l000 m
AT 0' n/a 4 60 mm/any range Other types include chemical , illuminating and smoke .
Cannon Ammunition
23 mm Ammunition 30 mm Ammunition
This Is fired from the 23 mm cannon installed in the ZU -23-2 lowed anti- This fixed ammunition is fired by the follow ing weapon s:
aircraft gun system and the ZSU-23-4 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system . 30 mm 2A42 can non installed in BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle
30 mm 2A72 cannon installed in BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle
TYPE HEI-T 30 mm 2A38 cannon installed in 2S6 Tunguska self-propelled anti-aircraft
CALIBRE 23mm gun/surface-to-air missile system.
WEIGHT (cartridge) 435 g
LENGTH (cartridge) 236 mm TYPE AP-T HE-t
WEIGHT (propellant) 78 g CALIBRE 30mm 30 mm
WEIGHT (projectile) t83 g WEIGHT (cartridge) 853 g 837 g
EXPLOSIVE CONTENT 0.0179 g LENGTH (cartridge) 291 mm 291 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 970·990 m/s WEIGHT (propellant) 127 g 123 g
WEIGHT (projectile) 400 g 389 g
Note : Other 23 mm ammunition types for the ZU-23 and ZSU-23-4 air MUZZLE VELOCITY 960/980 m/s 950/970 m/s
defence weapons include the API -T (BZT) which has a similar muzzle TRACER BURN TIME not less than 3.5 s
velocity to the above and will penetrate 25 mm of armour at a range of
500 m or 19.3 mm of armour at a range of 1000 m, inert training and blank.
57 mm
Three types of ammunition are manufactured in this calibre. an HE-T
(FRAG-T) for the former Soviet S-60 anti-aircraft gun and two types of
ammunition (HE and AP) for the former Soviet 57 mm M1943 (ZIS-2) anti-
tank gun . Details of these rounds are as follows :
Three types of ammunition are manufactured in 85 mm calibre for three
different weapons . One HE (FRAG) round is produced fo r the 85 mm
M1944 (PLK-44) anti-aircraft gun . An AP round is produced for use in tank
guns such as the T-34/85 (gun TK-44) while an HE round is produced for
artillery weapons such as the 85 mm Divisional Gun 0 -44 (ATM 44/38/52) .
Details of these rounds are as follows:
105 mm
Ammunition produced in 105 mm calibre consists of American ammunition
produced under licence for use in the M68 tank guns fitted to the M60A3
tanks of the Egyptian Army. Currently in production are M735 APFSDS -T .
M274 TPDS-T. M456Al HEAT-T and M490 TP-T ammunition . The From feft to right: 100 mm HE, 100 mm HE for KS-19 anti-aircraft gun.
specifications given below are from Egyptian sources : 100mmAP
More recently two additional rounds have been placed in production for the
105 mm M68 tank gun .
Type HE Training
projectile 14.85 kg 14.85 kg
propellant 3.23 kg 3.23 kg
HE content 2.15 kg 2.15 kg
TYPE of HE TNT inert
(complete round ) 24.4 kg 24.5 kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY 683 mls 683 mls
MAX RANGE 12500 m 12500 m
(complete round) 24.5 kg 24.5 kg
FUZE AU · 18 dummy
From feft to right: 105 mm M735 APFSDS-T, M456A 1 HEA T-T. M724 TPDS-T.
M490 TP-T
86 A M M U NIT ION / E gyp t
115 mm
Two types of ammunition are produced in 115 mm calibre , both for use with
the 115 mm U-5TS (2A20) tank gun , referred to in Egyptian references as
the Y5TC- T62. The types involved are an HE-FRAG(FS) and an APFSOS,
but the data provided in Egyptian references differ from that provided
elsewhere and is provided below:
Left, complete round and projectile for 115 mm APFSOS; right, complete
round and projectile for 115 mm HE-FRAG(FS)
122 mm
122 mm ammunition is produced for two weapons. One is the 122 mm
Howitzer M193B (M-30) and the other the 122 mm Howitzer 0-30 .
Specifications are provided separately for these two types of ammunition .
Left, 122 mm HE projectife and case for the 0-30 Howitzer; right, case and
HE projectile for 122 mm Howitzer M1938. Note that the projectifes are not
fitted with a fuze
Maasara Ammunition
The EI-Maasara Company was founded in 1952 in Maasara Helwan and 30 mm AR-30 for aircraft guns
today produces medium calibre ammunition from 20 to 40 mm as well as 37 mm HE-IT for anti-aircraft guns
mines, explosives, fuzes , primers and detonators. The following types of 40 mm HE-IT for Bofors 40 mm U60 anti-aircraft guns
ammunition are manufactured :
Status: Production as required for Egyptian armed forces and for export.
20 mm HEI and HE-IT fo r Hispano-Suiza and Oerlikon-Contraves guns
23 mm training ammunition (subcalibre) Manufacturer: Maasara Company for Engineering , PO Box Maasara,
23 mm HE-IT for aircraft guns Cairo , Egypt.
30 mm DEFA for aircraft guns Telephone : 3500301 Telex : 92167 LOTFI UN All HEGROFA
Hackman Cartridge Cases Special weapons
This company manufactures a wide range of cartridge cases for the home 105 mm
and export market and these include : 120 mm
122 mm
152 mm
40 mm U60 Status : Production as required.
40mm U70
57mm Manufacturer : OY Hackman AB, Quussillantie 18, SF·01230 Vantaa,
Finland .
Field Artillery Telephone: (358) 0 876 5033 Tele x: 122036 kolte sf Fax : (358) 0 876 8875
152 mm
SAKO Ammunition
SAKO Limited, previously Sako-Valmet, is a major supplier of ammunition
and its components to the Finnish defence forces . T he company can
provide a complete range of ammu nition to meet all military requirements
for both training and operational ammunition that is manufactured to AQAP
The current product range of ammunition includes :
In addition , the company can provide components such as fuzes and Manufacturer : SAKO Limited , Tourula Works, PO Box 60, SF-40101
projectiles, as well as brass and steel cartridge cases in calibres from Jyvaskyla, Finland .
23 mm to 152 mm . Tetephone : (358) 4169321 I Fax : (358) 41693212
Combustible cartridge cases for howitzers offer the same combustion The material used for the SNPE combustible cases comes in two forms .
advantages as conventional bagged charges combined with the mechanical Both use the same basic process which involves the mixing of an aqueous
strength requirements called for in automatic loading systems . With the slurry contai ning 65 per cent nitrocellulose , 25 per cent kraft , nine per cenl
advent of the Giat Industries 155 mm GCT self-propelled artillery system in acrylic resin and the remaining one per cent diphenylamine , a stabiliser. In
prospect. the Research Centre of the Societe Nationale des Poudres et what is known as the felt moulding process the slurry is mixed with water
Explosifs (SNPE). together with Giat Industries, developed a combustible and poured into a shaped mandrel where the water is evacuated under
case. SNPE began development of combustible case s in 1970 and , since heat and pressure. This process continues with drying and curing under
1978, a manufacturing facility for the materials involved has been in operation more pressure after which the resultant components are trimmed and
at Bergerac near Bordeaux. finished . This produces components of high mechanical strength that are
thinner to aid combustion .
To date , these cases have been fired from the 155 mm Au Fl ordnance
used on the GCT. The ordnance involved has a serrated internal breech-
block face to break up the base of the combustible case to assist overall
combustion. Current development is towards a system of employing
telescopic charge elements that can be built up to provide a fully variable
charge system. Only the large Charge 8 would have a complete one-piece
case. Developments are also under way to provide combustible cases for
other calibres . Troop trials with the 155 mm cases have been completed
and they have now been accepted for full French Army service .
Since 1990. SNPE has added the post-impregnated process to its range
of combustible cartridge cases through its new subsidiary PB Clermont,
located near Liege in Belgium. These types of cases had been developed
from the late 1960s and mass production commenced in the late 1970s.
They were designed for use with the Rheinmetall 120 mm smooth-bore
gun installed in the Leopard 2 MBT. PB Clermont is now developing
combustible cartridge cases for 155 mm modular charges for use with
artillery systems .
Late in 1989 the United States Army Test and Evaluation Command
(TECOM) successfully completed the safety certification tests of an improved
combustible case for the M203A 1 propelling charge used with the 155 mm
M198 towed artillery system.
This new combustible case is manufactured from a new process that is
not based on the common felting technique. For the three components,
spiral wrapped body, forward cap, rear cap, it uses a combustible paper
which is processed using the various possibilities of paper and cardboard
technologie s.
Status : Production . In service with France , Iraq and Saudi Arabia. SNPE is
also manufacturing the combustible cartridge cases for the 120 mm
ammunition used by Leclerc MBT. Production from PB Clermont is in
service in various parts of the world .
In recent years Giat Industries has taken over the product ranges of a
number of other manufacturers of ammunition , including FN and PRB of
Belgium and Luchaire and Manurhin of France .
155 mm M1 07 HE Projectile
This is the standard 155 mm M 107 projectile and can be fired by virtually all
155 mm artillery systems. Brief specifications are: weight with fuze 43 kg ;
length with fuze 702 mm ; and weight of TNT content 6.6 kg .
(semi) (semi)
LENGTH (cartridge with fuze) 850mm 850 mm 850mm 850mm
LENGTH (projectile with fuze) 569mm 569mm 569 mm 569mm
WEIGHT (cartridge with fuze) 18 kg 18 kg 18.4 kg 18.2 kg
WEIGHT (proiectile with fuze) 13 kg 13.1 kg 13.5 kg 13.2 kg
WE IGHT (content) 2.5 kg 2.5 kg 2.5 kg 2.3 kg
TYPE (content) TNT TNT WP WP
RANGE (max) 17500 m 17500 m 15000 m 15000 m
90 A M M U N I TI 0 N / F ran C e
In addition, Giat also manufactures other standard US types of 105 mm Projectile type APFSDS' HEAT' HE' ILL' Smoke'
art illery ammunition including HE M 1, smoke M60 , smoke HC M84A 1 and WEIGHT
M314A3 illuminating . projectile 5.8 kg 10.95 kg 12.1 kg 11 .5 kg 12.8 kg
filling nlapp 0.78 kg 2 kg 0.46 kg 1.77 kg
120 mm Tank Ammunition subcalibre projectile 3.8 kg nlapp nl app nlapp nlapp
Three types of fin-stabilised 120 mm ammunition have been developed for FILLING TYPE nlapp Hexolite HE Iliuminant WP
the Giat Industries 120 mm smooth -bore gun fitted to the AMX -40 MBT and LENGTH
Brazilian EE-Tl Osorio MBTs, neither of which has so far entered production . projectile 541.5 mm 465 mm 444 mm 444mm 444 mm
The kinetic energy penetrator APFSDS-T round is designed to penetrate overall 985 mm 995 mm 990 mm 990 mm 990 mm
standard NATO armour targets at ranges of up to 7000 m but the useful DIAMETER OF
combat range is 2000 m. This round is designated the OFL 120 Gl and will SUB/CALIBRE
penetrate 550 mm of armour at a 60' angle. A training round for the PROJECTILE
APFSDS-T projectile has the same ballistics up to 1500 m. The HEAT-MP-T SPLINES 26mm nlapp nlapp nlapp nlapp
round is intended for general use. MUZZLE VELOCITY 1525 m/s 1000 m/s 700 m/s 275 m/s 695 m/s
The APFSDS-T round is designated the OFT 120 Gl while the t Announced in June 1979 and ente red production in 1981 . Can also be fired by tanks
HEAT-MP-T round is designated the OECC 120. Both rounds have a tracer armed with 105 mm rifled tank guns (eg British L7 series and American M6a series).
element and use a semi -combustible cartridge case and all that remains Penetrator is of tungsten alloy and will penetrate 150 mrn of armour plate inclined at 60'"
aher firing is the stub base of the cartridge. at 5000 m range . This round is called the OFL 105 Fl and will penetrate 460 mm of
armour al an angle of 601), More recent models are the OFL 105 G2 (m /v 1525 m /s) and
SPECIFICATIONS the OFL t 05 G3 (m/v t 490 m/s).
Projectile type APFSDS-T HEAT-MP-T 2Called oec or OBUS A, will penetrate 360 mm of armour at 0° incidence or 150 mm at
WEIGHT CARTRIDGE 18.75 kg 24.8 kg 60" and will function up 10 78" incidence.
WEIGHT PROJECTILE 6.3 kg 13.9 kg JCalied OE and titted with PO M51 or FUI 56 fuze . Training version called PLPN .
LENGTH COMPLETE ROUND 977mm 995 mm ~C alled OECL and will illuminate 300 m diameter area with more than 5 lux and a 900 m
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1650 m/s 1100 m/s diameter area with more than 1 lux for 35 s .
~C al1 ed OFUM PH F1 and will lay smoke·screen 75 m wide which wIll last 40 s.
120 mm Leclerc MBT Ammunition
The above ammunition can be fired by the new Giat Industries Leclerc MBT Giat Industries has introduced two new 105 mm tank gun training rou nds.
but a new family of ammunilion has been designed by Giat Industries One is the BSCC 105 F 1 which can be used for practice at all combat
specifically for Ihis MBT. II consists of two key rounds: the APFSDS (OFL ranges . The other is the OXT 105 which can only be used at ranges up to
120 Fl) and HEAT-MP (OECC 120 Fl) , which differ in some details to the 1200 m. 80th are identical in shape and appearance to the OCC 105 Fl
120 mm ammunition developed for the AMX-40 and Osorio MBTs. HEAT round and projectil e and both have tracer elements. Both use norm al
firing and range tables but the OXT 105 can use these tables only up to
Designation OFL 120 Fl OECC 120 Fl BSCC Type BSCC 105 Fl OXT 105
Type APFSDS -T HEAT-MP-T HEAT-Mp·T LENGTH (projectile) 464 mm 468 mm
(training) WEIGHT
WEIGHT (cartridge) 20.00 kg 24.3 kg 24.3 kg round 21 kg 12.15 kg
WEIGHT (projectile) 7.3 kg 14.4 kg 14.4 kg projectile 10.95 kg 4.00 kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1780 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s MUZZLE VELOCITY 1000 m/s 1100 m/s
USEFUL COMBAT SAFETY RANGE 8000 m less than 6000 m
RANGE 2400 m 1280m 1280m
105 mm Fin-stabilised Ammunition
105 mm Tank Ammunition Five types of 105 mm fin -stabil ised ammunition are produced for th e
These 105 mm fixed rounds are fired by the AMX-30 B2 , AMX·30 , AMX· l 0RC wheeled reco nnaissance vehicle. The HEAT projectile can
modernised M47 and M48 tanks with French 105 mm guns and the penetrate up to 350 mm of armour set at 0" incidence and 150 mm of
AMX-13light tank with FL-12 turret armed with 105 mm gun . The projectiles armour set at an ang le of 60" . The APF SDS projectile can penetrate NATO
used for all these vehicles are identical but the cartridge case for the single and heavy tank targets. The smoke projectil e can produce a screen
projectiles fired by the 105 mm armed AMX ·13 is shorter than that used for 70 m wide for over 20 seconds.
the other AFVs. Muzzle velocities are valid only for the AMX-30 and not for
the other three vehicles mentioned . Type HEAT-T HE Smoke APFSDS-T HEAT-
DESIGNATION acc 105 OE t05 F3 OFUM 105 OFL t05 BSCC F3
F3 F3 F3
round t3.6 kg 13.5 kg 13.5 kg 12.8 kg 13.6 kg
projectile 5.6 kg 7.1 kg 7.2 kg 3.8 kg 5.6 kg
VELOCITY t t20 m/s 800 mls 800 m/s t400 mls t 120 m/s
105 mm Ammunition for L7/M68 Rifled Guns muzzle velocity and . therefore, a longer effective range than the projectiles
Giat Industries now manufactures 105 mm ammuni tion for the British L7 fired by the first three .
and US M68 rifled tank guns. all of these having a brass cartridge case and
Projectile type Canister' HE' HEAT' Smoke'
90 Fl
complete round 8.95 kg 8.95 kg 7.1 kg 9.07 kg
proiectile 5.28 kg 5.28 kg 3.6 kg 5.4 kg
EQUIVALENT US M456Al US M383A2 UK L50A2 filling 4 kg 0.945 kg 0.67 kg 0.8 kg
WEIGHT (cartridge) 21.80 kg 20.40 kg 12.00 kg
LENGTH (projectile) 158 mm 480mm 500mm 480mm
WEIGHT (projectile) 9.8 kg 10.80 kg 3.91 kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY 640 m/s 640 m/s 750 m/s 640 m/s
MUZZLE VELOCITY 11 73 m/s 731 m/s 1520 m/s
USEFUL COMBAT 'Has 150-200 m effective range
RANGE 3000 m 2000 m 1000 m
2Practice version called OE 90 PLPN
3Will penetrate 320 mm 01 armour at 0 0 incidence
100 mm Ammunition for T-541T-55IType 59 MBTs Will penetrate 120 mm of armour at 65° incidence
Giatlndustries now manufactures ammunition for the 100 mm gun installed Will function up to 75° incidence
in former Soviet T-54/T-55 MBTs as well as the Chinese Type 59 . Two Practice version called BSCC Fl
types of APFSDS-T are produced . one for use in cold climates and one for 4WiIIlay smoke screen 50 m wide which will last 20-30 s
use in hot climates.
The projectile fired by the first three vehicles has a muzzle velocity of 750 m/s
SPECIFICATIONS with a 655 mm bag cartridge weighing 7.1 kg and a maximum range of 2300 m.
DESIGNATION NR 352 NR 322 The projectile fired by the last four vehicles has a muzzle velocity of 950 m/s with
TYPE COLD CLIMATE HOT CLIMATE a 902 mm long cartridge weighing 8.95 kg and a maximum range of 2900 m.
WEIGHT (cartridge) 19.9 kg 19.85 kg APFSDS projectile has a muzzle velocity of 1300 mis, will penetrate 120 mm
WEIGHT (proj ectile) 4.6 kg 4.6 kg of armour at an incidence of 60° at a range of 2000 m and a triple target
WEIGHT (penetrator) 2.8 kg 2.8 kg (10/25/60 mm) at an incidence of 60° at a range of 2000 m. The cartridge case
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1425 m/s 1410 m/s for this projectile, which will be fired only by the last four vehicles, is 979 mm long
with the projectile weighing 9.76 kg.
90 mm Ammunition
These 90 mm fin-stabilised fixed rounds are fired by the 90 mm gun mounted 90 mm Ammunition for CS 90 (90 F 4) Gun
in the Pan hard AML (4 x 4) armoured car fitted with HE 90 turret , Panhard With the introduction of the Giat Industries CS 90 (90 F 4) 90 mm gun a new and
ERC 90 Lynx (6 x 6) armoured car, modernised M24 Chaffee light tank. revised range of ammunition has been introduced. The new 90 mm rounds are
AM X-l0 PAC 90 fire support vehicle, Panhard ERC 90 Sagaie (6 x 6) generally similar to the 90 mm rounds mentioned earlier but in some cases the
armoured car, Renault VBC 90 (6 x 6) armoured vehicle and the modernised characteristics have been revised. In addition to the range given in the table.
AMX -13 light tank. The projectiles fired by all seven vehicles are identical there is a hollow charge practice round known as the BSCC 90 Fl , which has
but the cartridge cases for the last fou r are longer, heavier. have a higher the same characteristics as the HEAT OCC 90 Mle 62.
Giat Industries 90 mm, 105 mm and 120 mm APFSDS rounds with projectiles
92 A M M U NIT ION I F ran C e
(cartridge) 6.1 kg 77 kg 8.1 kg 8.4 kg 7.5 kg 8.2 kg 6.6 kg 7.7 kg
(projectile) 2.6 kg 4.1 kg 5.1 kg 5.3 kg 4.3 kg 5.1 kg 3.5 kg 4.1 kg
VELOCITY 1050 m/s 890 m/s 700 m/s 695 m/s 800 m/s 700 m/s 460 m/s 890 m/s
TRACER yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes
155 mm A nti-Char Effect D ir ig e ( A C ED)
This projectile. also referred to as the 155 ACED. is now under advanced
development to meet the requirements of the French Army and could be
ready for production as early as 1995.
Prime contractor is Thomson Brandt Armements with Giat Industries
being responsible for the projectil e body • SAT fo r the infra-red seeker and
Thomson-CSF for the MMW seeker.
The 155 ACED is a smart cargo projectile which carries three sub munitions
that are eiected out through the rear of the 155 mm projectile over the target
area at an altitude of about 1000 m.
Once ejected from the projectile a parachute opens which slows down
the submu nition . This then starts to spin and scan for targets such as MBTs
and self-propelled artillery systems. Once the target has been detected th e
explosively fo rmed charge is fired into the vulnerable upper surfaces of the
MBT. Maximum range. with a 52 calibre ordnance. is 25 000 m.
Also under development is the Obus de 100 mm a Correction de
Trajectorie. Although this is for naval weapons it has applications in other
weapons systems. It is intended for firing from the Creusot-Loire Industrie
100 mm Compact gun against aircraft and anti-ship missiles . It uses pop-
out stabilising tail fins with in-flight course corrections being made by
actuating smaller thruster motors spaced around the centre of th e body.
The projectile is handled and fired using a fi xed propellant case compatible
with many existing naval guns.
The company is also studying a 120 mm mortar bomb using similar
submunitions to that of the 155 mm ACED.
CALIBRE 155mm 81 mm Armour- piercing Projectile F811
WE IGHT (projectile) 44 kg This 81 mm armour-piercing projeclile is designed to be fired from the
FILLING 7.6 kg RDXfTNT Thomson Brandt Arm ements 81 mm MCB 81 mortar cannon . Muzzle velocily
FUZE PO M557 is 1000 m/s and remaining velocity. at a range of 1000 m. is 900 m/s. The
LENGTH 810mm MCB 81 mortar cannon can also fire the Thomson Brandt LP long-range
projectile up to a range of 7600 m as well as all Thomson Brandt 81 mm
mortar bombs including the M61 and M57D HE bombs . smoke and
illuminating bombs. The F811 is now in production.
....../ DESIGNATION F811
81 .4 mm 81.4 mm
Diehl Ammunition Programme
The Ordnance Division ot Diehl has been involved in the design , development
and production of ammunition since the late 1950s. In addition to the
ammunition listed below, the company is also invol ved in the design,
development and production of mortar bombs (including the 120 mm
terminally guided Bussard which was developed to the prototype stage but
not placed in production) , mines, fuzes , hand grenades and specialised
components of ammunition . Listed below is a resume of current ammunition
th at has an AFV or artillery application . Ammunition is also manufactured
for aircraft (eg 20 mm Vulcan cannon and 27 mm Mauser for Tornado
MRCA) and naval weapons (eg for OTO Melara 76 mm Compact gun).
Diehl has also developed the 120 mm under armour mortar system
which has for trials purposes been installed on a Krau ss-Maffei Puma
armoured combat vehicle and full details of thi s system , still at the prototype
stag e, are given earlier on page 16 of this edition.
20 mm OM 111 Shrapnel
This round is fired from the Rheinmetall 20 mm MK 20 Rh 202 ca nnon and 6
weigh s 118 9 with a muzzle velocity of 1055 m /s. It contains about 120
tragments which will penetrate 2 mm of Dural F 40 at a range of 70 m . This 5
would be used by the twin 20 mm Rheinmetall light anti-aircraft gun when
used in the ground detence role against attacking troops.
projectile 550 g
propellant 340 9
fuze 82 9
complete round 1.57 kg
complete round 387 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1180 m/s Oiehl35 mm OM 31 MP round with base fuze OM 82 1 cutaway to show main
SELF-DESTRUCT TIME 6,1 ± 1.5 s parts
G e r man y / A M M U N I TI 0 N 95
spacer _______ ~~
st eel balls-----"1I1
shell body --....,.'r!
heavy metal
ball s
rot ating ba nd
base cover------'_ _
Type HE-T-PF HE-PF HE-T-PF HE-PF Three 40 mm x 365 rounds fired by Bofors U70 anti-aircraft gun. Left to right:
DESIGNATION M-DN 51 M-DN61 M-DN 71 M-DN 81 OM 31 A3 (HEI-T) . OM 81 A2 (HEI- T) , and OM 68 (TP-T)
cartridge 2.51 kg 2.51 kg 2.51 kg 2.51 kg
projectile 0.96 kg 0.96 kg 0.96 kg 0.96 kg
charge 72 g 83 g t03 g 115g the five pyrotechnic elements in the rear part of the penetrator detonates at
propellant 475 g 475 g 475 g 475g a range of between 3100 and 4500 m causing the fin section to separate.
LENGTH 534 mm 534 mm 534 mm 534 mm Both th ese unstable parts fall to the ground well within the defined danger
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1005 m/s 1005 m/s 1005 mls 1005 m/s zone of 7500 m.
TRACER red nl a red nla
105 mm TP FSOS-T Round OM 148 DESIGNATION DM23 DM148
This is a low-cost practice round for the 105 mm OM 13/23/33 APFSDS-T WEIGHT
round and . regardless of elevation and temperature. the requirement defining projectile without sabol 4.2 kg 2.14 kg
a danger area of 7.5 km in firing direction and of 2.1 km to both sides is met. sabot 2.075 kg 2. 16 kg
The principle of operation of the Diehl TPFSDS-T projectile is that one of propellant 5.8 kg 5.4 kg
projectile without sabol 416 mm 427 mm
sabot 203.8 mm 212.4 mm
PROPELLANT N 5470 D 5630
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1455 m/s 1505 mls
DM148 Diehl TPFSDS- T round cutaway to show main components Terminally Guided Artillery Projectile
Rheinmetall Ammunition
The headquarters and main manufacturing facilities of the Rheinmetall refitted German M48 tanks) and 120 mm smooth-bore (for Leopard 2
Group are at Dusseldorf, with the company -owned testing and MBTs) tank guns. anti-tank weapon s, towed guns and howitzers (including
proving ground at Unterluss near Celie . Affiliated to the company are NWM FH-70) . Also undertaken is the development and production of ordnance
de Kruithoorn BV of the Netherlands (there is a separate enlry in this for tank destroyers and self-propelled artillery . anti-aircraft guns (single and
section for this company's products) and Nico-Pyrotechn ik of Trittau. twin 20 mm). 20 mm automatic cannon MK 20 Rh 202 for installation in
Germany . AFVs such as the Marder 1 ICV and the Luchs reconnaissance vehicle ,
The ammunition manufacturing programme of Rheinmetall covers combat infantry weapons (MG3 machine gun which has many applications), primers .
and practice ammunition from 20 mm up to 203 mm . In addition to a wide minesweeping equipment. and mechanical and electroni c ignition systems.
range of ammunition , the company manufactures turrets and weapon The company also conducts system studies, electronic measuring and
systems for armoured vehicles. 105 mm rifled (for Leopard 1 tanks and con trol systems and the planning and export of production facilities.
96 AM M U N I TI 0 N I G e r man y
Precision Munitions
Rheinmetall was developing the ZEPL smart munition for 155 mm weapons
but it eventually teamed with Diehl on the SMArt t 55 mm projectile for
which there is a separate entry later in this section . Rheinmetall was also
working on the EPHRAM terminal-guided tube-launched projectile but this
stopped in favour of the NATO Autonomous Precision Guided Munition
(APGM) programme (Jane's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems
1990-91 . page 99) . All work on this has also now stopped .
Rheinmetall Carrier Projectiles )1oIOKE -Ii(
Some years ago Rheinmetall start ed development of a new 155 mm projectile OM tOS
with an improved range and kill probability compared to the M483 ICM . The
BWB provided some funds for further development and first test rounds
were fired in mid-1983. Two projectiles have been developed , the Rh 49
and the RB 63 , the latter number referring to the number of bomblets
carried . The RB 63 is a co-development with BPD of Italy .
The Rh 49 and RB 63 can be fired by 155 mm systems such as the
FH-7o. With charge eight the RB 63 can achieve a range of 22 400 m ; the
Rh 49 with base bleed can achieve a range of 30 000 m.
The RB 63 is designated the DM642 by the German Army. It consists of
a steel shell body, aluminium base and a filling of 63 bomblets each wi th a DL13
sell-destruct device.
After firing , the fuze will , after the time setting has elapsed . ignite the
expulsion charge at a height of 300 to 500 m. The bomblets are dispersed
over the target area due to the centrifugal forces created by the spin of the
carrier shell.
Each bomblet consists of a steel body giving optimum fragmentation
effect. a shaped charge and an impact fuze . If the impact fuze does not
function due to a very soft impact area , for example snow . a self destructive
element will detonate the bomblet after a few seconds.
In case both impact and self-destruct systems do not operate , a back-up 1 2 3
safety I,as been provided in the fuze mechanism . These features provide
maximum safety for own troops when advancing. Rheinmetall-produced 155 mm howitzer projectiles include (1) illuminating.
For increased armour penetrating characteristics . the bomblet has been (2) smoke and (3) standard HE Mt07
fitted with spin-brakes which reduce the spin rate before impact. A nylon
ribbon attached to the arming screw of the fuze serves two purposes, first MAX VELOCITY
arming the bomb let fuze after expUlsion and secondly stabilising the bomblet (FH -7o) 815 mls
dUring its fall to the ground. MAX RANGE
More recently. the 155 mm projectile with 49 bcmblets and a base bleed (FH-7o) 28.8 km
unit has been called the Extended Range Bomblet Shell (ERBS) 155 mm. This PAYLOAD 49 bomb lets
projectile can be fired up to 28.8 km from a 39 calibre barrelled howitzer such as BOMBLET
the FH-7o, with the existing charge system. A further increase of the range upto weight 290 g
35 km can be achieved by using a 52 catibre ordnance. diameter 42 mm
length 95mm
SPECIFICATIONS (ERBS) delay time 15 s (approx)
CALIBRE 155 mm
LENGTH (with fuze) 896 mm
WEIGHT 47.0 kg
155 mm MTLS Unimodular Charge System
FUZE DM163 or M577 Rheinmetall has developed the Unimodular Charge System for the new
German PzH 2000 155 mm self-propelled artillery system . Thi s is still at the
prototype stage.
This has five completely identical modules which are loaded automatically
in the case of the PzH 2000. or manually with other systems . Firing the
155 mm PzH 2000 (or the Extended Range Ordnance gun ) with the
Unimodular Charge System and the LISA 1 projectiles, a range of 30000 m
is achieved.
The modules are constructed symmetrically around the axis so there is
no special loading orientation to be observed. It is possible to ignite the
module from both sides. The minimum charge consists of just one module
and any number, up to six, can be loaded . In this way there is no remaining
charge as is th e case using standard charge systems.
All of the modules are identical which maintains ammunition flow logistics
and makes training much easier. The Unimodular Charge System can be
used in all current artillery systems, for example th e 155 mm FH-70. In the
Somblel Cross Section case of the latter. five modules will bring the projectile LISA 1 up to the
same ra nge as charge eight does. The Unimodular Charge System can be
155 mm Rh 49 long-range projectile packaged in the norm al package system .
155 mm Ammunition
The ammunition family devel oped for the International FH-70 consists of an
HE projectile, illuminating projectile and a smoke projectile, which can also
be fired by the German Ml09G self-propelled howitzer (a modified version
of the American M 109) . The illuminating and smoke projectiles were
developed by Rheinm etall and the company is also developing the extended
range projectil e which will have a range of about 30 000 m .
G e r man y / AM M U N I TI 0 N 97
Anti-helicopter Rounds
Rheinmetall has carried out research on two projectiles which will have an
anti-helicopter capability and will also enable existing 105 mm and 120 mm
tank guns to engage tank targets at longer battlefield ranges.
One projectile uses a three -part sabot and when fired follows a ballistic
Irajectory for Ihe first 1000 m. At that range a sensor developed by BGT will
be activated and fin s will unfold from the projectile body to control homing
onto a target. This projectile will have a range of between 2500 and 5000 m
and will be fired at a muzzle velocity of 1100 m/s.
The second projectile will be laser-guided . This project is in an early
stage of development but it is planned that it will use a four-segment sabot
and have a range of 5000 m. The projectile will compute and con trol its
trajectory by evaluating miss-distance information received from the target
tracking beam. Muzzle velocity will be 1100 m/s. At present th ere is no
German Government funding for eith er of these two projectiles.
Mock-ups of pfanned Rheinmetalf anti-helicopler projectiles with laser-
guided projeclile in foreground (Ian Hogg)
cartridge 19 kg 23 kg
projectile 7.3 kg 13.5 kg
penetrator 4.6 kg 1.8 kg
propellant 7.6 kg 5.5 kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1650 m/s 1140 m/s
PROPELLANT TYPE 7 -hole grain type single base
Rheinmetall-developed 120 mm APFSDS-T (left) and HEA T-MP (right)
CALIBRE (LKL) 105mm 120 mm
complete round 16.2 kg 18.4 kg
projectile/sabot 4.5 kg 5.9 kg
projectile 2.6 kg 3.2 kg
propellant 6 ± 0.3 kg 8.2 ± 0.3 kg
projectile 38mm 38mm
tail cone 80mm 85mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1640 mls 1700 mls
MAX RANGE (10' elevation) 7500 m 7500 m
CALIBRE 105mm 105 mm 105 mm 105 mm 105 mm 105 mm 105mm
projectile 6.1 kg 4.5 kg 10.3 kg 10.3 kg 11,3 kg 11 .3 kg 16 kg
complete round 18 kg 16.8 kg 21 .7 kg 21.7 kg 20.9 kg 20 .9 kg 22.7 kg
LENGTH (complete round) 941 mm 916 mm 999 mm 999mm 929 mm 929 mm 940mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1475m/s 1640 m/s 1174 m/s 1174m/s 737 mls 737 ml s 280 mls
Ammunition for Rheinmetali MK 35/50 Rh 503 Cannon charge, resulting in a high inner ballistic efficiency. With the increased
The Rheinmetall dual calibre (35/50 mm) automatic cannon MK 35150 muzzle velocity, the hit probability of 'Supershot' is also enhanced,
Rh 503 has been developed under contract to the BWB as the main According to Rheinmetall, in respect of terminal ballistics, the 'Supershot'
armament of the Marder 2 infantry fighting vehicle, Development of the has up to 50 per cent more power than an improved 35 mm APFSDS
Marder 2 was cancelled by the Germany MoD in December 1992 so there am munition .
is no immediate production application for this weapon .
The original idea was that, initially, the weapon would fire performance 50 mm HE
improved ammunition of the 35 x 228 mm type and , as the threat With an electronic time fuze the 'Supershot' config uratio n allows many
changed, the barrel would be changed and the weapon could then fire new design options for the HE ro und. Two types of HE ro und deSig ns are
50 x 330 mm ammunition called 'Supershot' . favoured. One is a low velocity full calibre round with a high payload and the
other is a high velocity sub-calibre round with a greater range.
35 mm APFSDS-T
This has a sub-calibre , fin-stabilised projectile , with a conventional push- SPECIFICATIONS
pull sabot with a new tungsten penetrator which is effective against all AMMUNITION TYPE APFSDS-T APFSDS-T
types of armour. CALIBRE 35 x 228 mm 50 x 330 mm
AT 21 ° C 4100 bar 4800 bar
35 mm HE CARTRIDGE LENGTH 385mm 385 mm
The HE round has an electronic time fuze in the weapon which is individually STOWAGE VOLUME 914 ccm 914 ccm
set. This is claimed to give increased lethality when compared to point PROJECTILE MASS 430 g 700 g
detonating ammunition with an impact fuze. In addition, this allows detonation FLIGHT PROJECTILE
between 5 to 10 mls above the ground even when firing several rounds MASS 295 g 440 g
against area targets . The time set function is in addition to the impact and LENGTH-TO-DIAMETER
self-destruct fuze functioning , RATIO 19/1 21 /1
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1480 m/s 1600 m/s
The cylindrical 'Supershot' configuration allows use of a 'pull' sabot instead RANGE 1230 m/s 1360 mls
of a conventional sabot with a plastic obturator. Because the pull sabot has
only one guiding flange, instead of two , it leaves more space for the 35 mm X 228 Ammunition
propellant charge , so allowing the use of pre-pressed propellants. Thus , For use with the Gepard twi n 35 mm self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system
muzzle velocity of the 50 mm 'Supershot' is nearly twice that of the potential used by the German Army, Rheinmetall is developing a new 35 mm x 228
muzzle energy of an improved 35 mm APFSDS round. round called the Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot. This has a
In the 'Supershot' the projectile is only partly embedded in the propellant muzzle velocity of 1420 ml s wi th the projectile weighing about 380 g.
G e r man y I A M M U N I TI 0 N 99
20 mm x 139 Ammunition
The 20 mm x 139 fix ed ammunition is used in the following cannon :
Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202, HSS 820, Oerlikon KAD, Giat M693 (F2) and
M139 (USA) . Th e MK 20 Rh 202 is installed in several mountings includi ng
the Rheinmetall 20 mm AA Twin Gun Air Defence System , the Norwegian
20 mm automatic anti-aircraft gun FK 20-2, the German Marder 1 ICV and
Luchs 8 x 8 reconnaissance vehicle, the Italian FIAT/OTO Melara Type
6616 armoured car , and Rheinmetall's TS-7. TF 20.15 and TF 20.5 A
turrets and S-20 naval mount.
DESIGNATION DM63 DM43Al nl a DM81 DM48 DM48Al DM78Al
projectile 108 9 111 9 120 9 120 9 120 9 120 9 120 9
propellanl 56.5 9 53 9 51 9 51 9 51 9 51 g 51 9
explosive none none 6.5 g 7.1 g none none none
complete round 310 9 310 g 317 g 315 g 317 g 317 g 317 g
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1150 mls 1100 ml s 1045 mls 1045 mls 1045 mls 1045 mls 1045 mls
TRACE COLOUR orange orange none orange none orange none
or red or red or red or red
TRACE BURN TIME 1.2 s 1.4 s nl app 3.5 s nl app 3.5 s nl app
Sectioned SMArt 155 mm projectile showing key componen ts (1) thin walled
carrier projectile (2) Base plug (3) expUlsion unit (4) 2 submunitions (5)
orientation and stabilisation unit(6 ) sensor fuze system (7) lethal mechanism
100 A M M U N I TI 0 N I G e r man y - GreeCe
(4) the time fuze event fires the expulsion charg e (17) explosive forging of the penetrator slug
(5) the pressure fuze in the ogive ejects the submunitions (18) penetrator accelerated towards the targ et
(6) deceleration and despinning (19) target penetrated
(7) activation of the power supply (20) target destroyed by behind-armour eHects.
(8) transition to vertical spinning descent The SMArt 155 will be fired from the German artillery's existing 155 mm
(9) IR sensor unfolds FH-70 towed artillery systems. the upgraded Ml09s and the new PzH 2000
(10) algorithm adapts to background and clutter conditions self-propelled artillery system which is currently still at the prototype stage.
(11 ) ~safe and arm event
(12) submunition ready to function Status: Full scale engineering development for BWB.
(13) scanning target area
(14) target detected Manufacturer: Gesellschaft Fur Intelligente Wirksysteme mbH (GI WS).
(15) computation of aim-point on target Bahnhofsplatz 6. 0-8500 Nurnberg 70 . Germany.
(16) firing of EFP charge Telephone : 0911 9472100 Telex: 623997 Fax : 0911 243561
PYRKAL Ammunition
CALI BRE 105 mm
155 mm Howitzer HE/ICM Extended Range Grenade
LENGTH Submunition Carrier Projectile GR M49 ERBB
complete (with fuze) 834mm This is a modified version of the GR M49 bul fitted with a base bleed unit to
projectile with fuze 489mm extend its range . Using an M203 propelling charge and a 39 calibre
WEIGHT ordnance. a range of 27 000 m can be achieved.
complete 19 kg More conventional munitions under development include 105 mm
projectile 12 kg tank gun ammunition (including APFSOS produced under licence).
Armour penetration 70mm PYRKAL also produces the GM 40-82 anti-tank round for the RPG -7 rocket
Max range charge 7 11 000 m launcher.
Note: Late in 1991 it was stated that proposals for merging PYRKAL and
EBO had been accepted by the Greek Government. A new body will be
formed linking the two companies with PYRKAL to be absorbed by EBO
under a unified board
EBO Ammunition
Hellenic Arm s Industry (EBO) SA was established in 1977 with the initial 30 mm Ammunition for Hispano-Suiza 831 L Gun
task of developing and manufacturing light infantry weapons for the Greek Four types of ammunition are produced for this weapon, HEI-SD, HEI-SD-T,
Armed Forces . Since then EBO has grown in size and diversity and , among TP and TP-T with each round having a muzzle velocity of 1080 m/s and an
a larg e range of defence products , now also manufactures ammunition . overall length of 285 mm .
Ammunition now in production or under development includes th e
following : 90 mm and 105 mm Ammunition
EBO manufactures th e HE-T M71A1 and the HE M71 for the 90 mm
Artemis 30 mm x 173 Ammunition Family cannons M36 , M41 and M54 , the 105 mm HE M1 ammunition for howitzer
There are currently fou r types of Artemis 30 mm x 173 ammunition with all cannons M2Al , M2A2 , M49 . Ml01 , Ml02, Ml03. M53 , M52A1 , M 108,
rounds having a muzzle veloci ty of 1025 m/s and an overall length of M137 and the M456 HEAT-T for the M68 tank gun .
289 mm . The four types are HEI. HEI-T with PDSD fuze and TP , TP -T.
203 mm (8 in) Ammunition
EBO manufactures the M106 HE projectile for the 8 in (203 mm) howitzer
cannons M2 , M2A 1. M47 , M2A2 . M115 . M110, M110Al and M11 OA2 . The
projectile weighs 92.53 kg and is 871 mm long .
EBO 155 mm howitzer projectiles from left to right: MIG? ERA and ERMIS
with EBO propelling charges in background
102 AMMUNITION / Greece-Iran
Range table for EBO 155 mm ammunition : Manufacturer: Hellenic Arms Industry (EBO) SA, 160 Kifissias Avenue ,
Athens , Greece.
Howitzer Projectile M1D7 ERMIS ERA Telephone : 647 2611 Telex : 218562 EBO GR Fax: 647 2715
Charge Note: Late in 1991 it was stated that propcsals for merging PYRKAL and
39 cal' EBO-5 18000m 21300 m 21800 m EBO had been accepted by the Greek Government. A new body will be
EBO-6 19300 m 23500 m 24400 m formed linking the two companies with PYRKAL to be absorbed by EBO
EBO-7 incompatible Incompatible 27400 m under a unified board .
45 cal" EBO-5 17 800 m 20700 m 21 100 m
EBO-6 18000 m 22600 m 23600 m
EBO- 7 20400 m 24800 m 26200 m
EBO-8 21 400 m 26100 m 27900 m
EBO -9 incompatible incompatible 35600 m
A new anti-tank ammunition facility has been established at Tiruchirappalli secured in the mouth of the cartridge case by canneluring in between the
to produce 105 mm APFSDS ammunition for the L7 gun fitted to the two driving bands and by coning the mouth in the groove of the upper
Vijayanta (Vickers Mk 1 MBT). The facility cost Rs700 million. driving band.
Indian Ordnance Factories produce 40 mm HE rounds fo r th e Bofors
40 mm U70. It is anticipated that some types of the 155 mm howitzer SPECIFICATIONS
ammunition supplied with the Bofors 155 mm FH-77B howitzers, ordered Type HESH APDS-T
by India during 1986, will be manufactured under licence in India. CALIBRE 105 mm 105 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 732 m/s 1478 m/s
40 mm HE-T U70 Round RANGE 8000 m 3500 m
A 40 mm HE·T round is manufactured for the 40 mm Bofors U70 anti- WEIGHT OF COMPLETE ROUND 21.12 kg 18,37 kg
aircraft gun and brief details of thi s are as lollows: LENGTH 939 .8 mm 836.42 mm
PROPELLANT WEIGHT 2.92 kg 5.6 kg
LENGTH (overall) 534.4 mm ACCURACY (horizontal within 1 mil · within 0.8 mil
WEIGHT OF COMPLETE ROUND 960 g and vertical) standard deviation standard deviation
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1000 m/s up to 1800 m up to 1800 m
MAX HORIZONTAL RANGE 12600 m ARMOUR PENETRATION 120 mm at 0' 120 mm at 60'
TIME TO SELF DESTRUCT 8s (at 914.38 m) to 65' at all
WORKING PRESSURE 1894 kg/cm ' 4150 kg/cm'
105 mm APDS-T and 105 mm HESH Rounds TRACER No 33 Mk IIII No 33 Mk I
PRIMER Electric L1 A3 Electric L1A3
The 105 mm L7 series tank gun installed in the Vijayanta MBT fires
orL1A4 orL1A4
APDS-T and HESH rounds produced in India.
The 105 mm APDS-T round consists of a brass cartridge case, electric
primer L lA4. propellant and APDS-T projectile. The projectile is made of Other Ammunition
cored shot which consists of a tungsten carbide core with a steel cup and a In addition to the previously mentioned ammunition types, India manufactures
nose of sintered tungsten alloy encased in a steel sheath , The sheath is in a wide range of other ammu nition types including 125 mm forthe T-72 MBT
two parts , the front made of aluminium alloy and th e rear of steel. which is made under licence in India.
The HESH round consists of electric primer L 1A4 , brass cartridge case
and the projectile itself, The projectile is made of alloy steel and is cylindrical Manufacturer: Director (Exports), Department of Defence Production &
in shape and fitted with two driving bands made of copper, The projeclile is Supplies, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi 110 OIl , India.
Ammunition Production
Ammunition Production
Prior to th e 1991 Middle East conflict, Iraq was self-sufficient in some types
of ammunition . Listed below is a resume of the large calibre types that they
stated were in production in 1990. Following the intensive air campaign of
early 1991 it is probable that much of their ammunition manufacturin g
capability has been destroyed _
210 mm ERFB-BB
155 mm ERFB-BT
155 mm ERFB-BT-BB
152 mm HE
130 mm HE
130 mm Illuminating
130 mm smoke
125 mm APFSDS
125 mm HE
122 mm cargo
122 mm illumi nating
122 mm leaflet
122mm smoke
115mm HE
106 mm HE
106 mm HEAT
106 mm HESH
105 mm HE (semi-fi xed)
100mm HE
TAAS - Israe l Indu strie s Ltd (previously Is rael Military Indu stries)
manufactures the following types of ammunition :
In addition to these, TAAS - Israel Induslries produces a 130 mm HE shell Cartridge 105 mm , HE , M1
for the form er Soviet M·46 fie ld gun. The shel l is fitted with a PO M739 fuze .
TAAS -Israel Industries also manufactures the US Cartridge 105 mm, HE, CALIBRE 105 mm
Ml for 105 mm howitzers , and the 155 mm , HC , smoke projectile M1 16A l WEIGHT
for M50 , Ml09 and Ml09Al howitzers and basic details of these are as complete 19 kg
follows: HE content (TNT) 1.93kg
fired 15 kg
with M739 fuze 494 mm
cartridge case 372 mm
FUZES M557 or M439
MAX RANGE 11 270 m (charge 7)
1 04 A M M U NIT ION / I S rae I
CALIBRE 105 mm
WEIGHT 18.7 kg
TAAS - Israel Industries APFSDS-T rounds. From left to right: 60 mm,
projectile 6.3 kg
90 mm and 105 mm MIll
propellant 5.8 kg
LENGTH 990mm
155 mm , WP , Smoke P r ojectile M110A2 projectile 592mm
CALIBRE 155 mm (L7/M68) 1455 m/s
WEIGHT (fired) 44.3 kg (F t ) 1495 m/s
WEIGHT (filler WP) 6.4 kg TRACER BURN TIME 4.5s
LENGTH (fired ) 700 mm MAX EFFECTIVE
MAX RANGE 19050 m (M9A2 charge) RANGE 6000 m
FUZES-PO M557 and M739 typical standard
MTSQ M520 and M564 deviation vertical 0.2%
VT M728 typical standard
Primers deviation horizontal 0.2%
percussion Mk 2A4 with M50 ordnance
percussion M82 with L33, M109 and M109A1
120 mm Tank Ammunition
The new Merkava Mk 3 has a 120 mm smooth-bore gun developed by
155 mm , HC , Smoke Projectile , M116A1
TAAS - Israel Industries that fires their APFSDS and HEAT ammunit ion,
but no fi rm details of this have so far been released.
CALI BRE 155mm
WEIGHT (fired) 43 kg
Filler, HC 8.7 kg 140 m m APFSDS -T Tank Ammunition
LENGTH (fired) 700mm Late in 1992, TAAS - Israel Industries revealed that it was working on a 140 mm
FUZE M565 MT APFSDS-T round to be fired from a 140 mm smooth -bore tank gun.
MAX RANGE 19050 m (M9A2 charge) No technical details were released although it is estimated that th e
MAX MUZZLE VELOCITY 716 m/s (M9A2 charge) tungsten rod penetrator has a length-to-diameter ratio of about 25 to 1. The
thre e part sabot has a plastic driving band on the rear with th e penetrator
APFSDS Ammun ition having eight fins.
The company now manufactures APFSDS ammunition in three calibres. The Merkava Mk 1 and 2 are both arm ed with a 105 mm rifled tank gun
60 mm , 90 mm and 105 mm . The 60 mm round is used on th e HVMS while the more recent Mk 3 is armed with a new 120 mm smooth-bore gun
weapon system and there is currently a 60 mm HE round under development developed by TAAS - Israel Industries .
to complement thi s proiectile. The 60 mm HE round is 640 mm long , It is known that a new version of the Merkava MBT is currently under
weighs 7.2 kg and the projectile weight is 2.9 kg . No oth er details are advanced development and may well already be at the prototype stage.
available . This will probably be armed with a 140 mm smooth-bore gun and called the
The 90 mm round is for use with the 90 mm guns fi tted to M47 and M48 Merkava Mk 4.
tanks. The 105 mm projectile is now well establ ished and has been referred
to as the M111 . It is already in service with the Israel i, German (where it is
155 mm Cargo Rounds
known as the DM23), Danish , Swedish and Swiss Armies. This design is
licence produced in Germany (by Diehl) and in Switzerland. The company has developed and placed in production two basic types of
155 mm cargo projectile that can be fired with all charges from howitzers
such as the towed FH-70 and M198 and the self-propelled M109A1 seri es.
One projectile is the CL 3109 which carries 63 CL 3022-S2 dual purpose
grenades to a maximum range of 22400 m. Depending on the firing
parameters , the grenade dispersion radiu s is of the order of 70 m. The CL
3022-S2 grenade has two independent safety mechanisms as well as an
additional pre-assembly safety device. Al so included are a unique anti-spin
device and a mechanical arming delay for the mechanical impact fuze .
Each grenade has an external diameter of 55.65 mm and weighs 305 g of
which 170 g is produced as controlled fragments by the RDX-based explosive
filling .
The second projectile, the CL 3013 , is available in two versions : the
-tl CL 3013-C with a maximum range of 28 750 m and the CL 3013-U with a
maxim um range of 30000 m. Both models are of the low drag type with
base bleed to achieve the longer range and use identical parts with the
~yAMM UN ITION exception of the ogive . Both carry 49 CL 3022-S2 grenades.
Under a contract approved late in 1988, Switzerland purchased $130
million worth of 155 mm cargo rounds from Israel. Thi s followed trials
TAAS - Israel Industries 130 mm HE shell for M -46 field gun between the th en Israel Military Industries cargo round and a United States
(Chri stopher F Foss) cargo ro und.
I S rae I I A M M U N I TI 0 N 105
Model CL 3109 CL 3013-C CL 3013-U
WEIGHT 47 kg 42 kg 42.7 kg
LENGTH (with fuze ) 898mm 900mm 952 mm
MAX VELOCITY 797 m/s 850 m/s 846 m/s
MAX RANGE 22400 m 28750 m 30000 m
PRECISION 0.35% 0.35% 0.35%
PRESSURE 4 t58 bar 4t58 bar 4158 bar
PAYLOAD 63 grenades 49 grenades 49 grenades
Soltam Ammunition
Soltam t55 mm projectiles, from left: M953 HE, M56 HE and Mf0 7 HE
106 A M M U N I TI 0 N I I t a I y
HE Ammunition Illuminating
This ammunition includes three projectiles , the P3 HE, the P3 HE LT and The projectile used for the illuminating role is the P4 which is of the base
the P3 HE RAP. The P3 HE is made of special steel which strengthens the ejection type. It has a conventional carrier body of high resistance steel with
projectile walls enough to make them thinner than the norm so that an the base closed by a base plug secured by twist pins. The body of the
increased explosive payload can be used. This gives an explosive and projectile has been designed to follow the external and internal ballistics of
steel ratio of 1:3 instead of the more usual 1 :5. The explosive charge the P3 projectiles as closely as possible, to allow the use of the same range
consists of an RDXITNT mixture. tables and charge system.
I t a I y / A M M U N I TI 0 N 107
155H 155H
11.-2 -1-1980
76 mm OTO Melara Amm unition Manufa ctu rer : OTO Melara SpA. via Valdilocchi 15. 19136 La Spezia ,
This range of 76 mm ammunition was originally developed by OTO Melara Telephone: (39 187) 581111 Telex : 270 0368 OTO I Fax: (38 187)
for use with the 76 mm OTO Melara Compact naval gun system which is 582669
used by many countries.
Main armament of the private venture OTO Melara 76 mm self-propelled
OTOMATIC air defence tank is a 76 mm 62 calibre automatic gun with a
vertical sliding breech-block and machanical firing . This gun is derived from
the 76 mm OTO Melara Super Rapid naval gun system with cyclic rate of
fire increased to 120 rds/min .
This gun uses ammunition developed for the naval application including
the PFF prefragmented anti-aircraft round with proximity fuze and the MOM
multi-role round with VT , PD and time delay fuzing .
An APFSDS-T round has been specifically developed for the OTOMATIC
to enable the system to engage ground targets. This will penetrate 150 mm
of armour at 60' NATO incidence at a range of 2000 m.
In the future, OTO Melara will integrate into the system the 76 mm
course-correction shell which it is developing in association with British
Aerospace Dynamics as a private venture.
By late t 992, extensive firing trials of the OTOMATIC self-propelled air
defence tank had been completed but production had yet to start as no firm
orders had been placed .
LENGTH projectile 355 mm 355 mm 421 mm
complete round 12.2 kg 12.25 kg 9.1 kg
projectile 6.3 kg 6.35 kg 2.175kg
projectile charge 0.73 kg 0.75 kg none
Status: With the exception of the APFSDS and course corrected shell. all Cutaway drawing 01 OTO Melara 76 mm
members of the 76 mm family are currently in production. APFSDS-T projectile
J a pan - K 0 rea . Sou t h / A M M U NIT ION 109
Howitzer Ammunition
Calibre Type Propellant Fuze Weapon use
105mm HE Ml M67 M557 M2Al . M2A2, M49
105mm ICM M444El M67 M565 M2A 1, M2A2. M49
105 mm ILL M314A3 M67 M565 M2A 1, M2A2, M49
155 mm HE M107 M3Al , M4A2 M557 , MI. M1Al . M45.
M564 M126Al . M185
155mm HERA M549A1 M4A2 . Ml 19. M557, M126A1 , M1S5.
M203 M564 M198
203mm HE M106 MI. M2 M557. M2. M2Al
105 mm APFSDS-T K270 round (right) and unfuzed 155 mm HERA M549A 1 Manufacturer : Poongsan Metal Corporation. Keuk Dong Building , 60- 1. 3
projectile (left). both produced by Poongsan Metal Corporation Ka Chungmu-Ro . Chung-Ku . CPO Box 3537. Seoul. South Korea
110 AMMUNITION / Korea , South-Netherlands
Eurometaal was established in 1973 as the successor of the 300 year old Calibre Type Application
Artillerie-Inrichtingen . the former state-owned arsenal. In addition to a main 35mm APHE for Oerlikon cannon
factory at Zaandam there is a special filling . assembling and renovating 35mm HEI-T" Oerlikon cannon (as installed in Gepardl
plant for large calibre ammunition at liebenau in Germany. Caesar SPAAGs)
Eurometaal's production range consists of medium calibre ammunition 35mm TP-T" Oerlikon cannon (as installed in Gepardl
(12.7 to 40 mm) . tank amm unition and artillery ammunition (105 to 203 mm). Caesar SPAAGs)
large cartridge cases and pyrotechnical products such as smoke and 40mm TP-T for Bofors U60
illuminating shells . hand grenades. mines. tracers and igniters ; in addition . 40mm HE for Bofors U60
extended range , improved armour-piercing and training ammunition is 40mm TP-T for Bofors U70
produced . The company also has its own research and development 40mm HE for Bofors U70
department. which has designed a new 12.7 mm (0.50) APHC projectile 90mm TPT equivalent to M353A 1. for tank guns
which is completely compatible with the existing 12.7 mm ammunition. The 105mm ERM1 -HE BBU
following types of ammunition are manufactured by Eurometaal : 105mm HE equivalent to MI . for 105 mm howitzers
105 mm SmokeWP for 105 mm howitzers
Calibre Type Application 105mm Smoke BE for 105 mm howitzers
12.7 mm Ball functionally equivalent to US M33 105mm APDS' for L7/M6B series tank guns
12.7 mm Dim Tracer Eurometaal development '05 mm APFSDS -T for L7/M6B tank guns
12.7 mm API 2000 new development, will penetrate 40.2 mm of 105 mm DS-T" for L7/M68 tank guns
RHA at a range of 100 m 105mm HESH' for L7/M68 tank guns
12.7mm AP functionally equivalent to US M2. will penetrate 105 mm SH-Prac for L7/M68 tank guns. Eurometaal
22 mm of armour at 91.44 m range development
12.7 mm API functionally equivalent to US M8 , will penetrate 105 mm HE' for AMX-13 with French tank gun
22 mm of armour at 91.44 m range 120mm APFSDS' for Leopard II
12.7 mm API -T functionally equivalent to US M20 . will 155 mm HE equivalent to Ml07. for howitzers
penetrate 22 mm of armour at 91.44 m range 155 mm Smoke WP equivalent to American WP , for howitzers
12.7 mm APHC Eurometaal development. will penetrate 155 mm Smoke BE equivalent to American BE . for howitzers
10 mm of armour at 45' incidence at BOO m 155mm Ilium equivalent to M4B5 (modified), for howitzers
range 155mm M4B3Al' cargo round USA-type
12.7 mm APHCI Eurometaal development. will penetrate 175mm HE equivalent to M437
10 mm of armour at 45' incidence at 800 m 203mm HE equivalent to M 106
25mm API-T" Oerlikon cannon (as installed in Dutch C & R Propelling charges for 155, 175 and 203 mm howitzers.
vehicle and IFV) Several types of naval ammunition.
25mm TPT" Oerlikon cannon (as installed in Dutch C & R
vehicle and IFV) • Under licence
N e th e r I a nd S I A M M U N I TI 0 N 111
CALIBRE 105 mm
LENGTH (fuzed ) 569mm
WEIGHT 14.30 kg
of explosive content 2.20 kg
23 cal gun . M67
zone 7 12700 m
23 cal gun . M200
zone 8 16750 m
33137 cal gun. M6?
zone 7 13900 m
33137 cal gun M200
zone 8 18100 m
33/37 cal gun . Super
zone 9 19700 m
Type Length (fuzed) Weight Weight 01 Max Rang e Max Range Notes
explosive 45 calibre 39 ca libre
ERFB-HE 938 mm 45.3 kg 8.2 kg Comp B 30000 m 25900 m
8.6 kg TNT
ERFB-HE-BB 958 mm 47.6 kg 8.2 kg Comp B 39600 m 32500 m
8.6 kg TNT
ERFB-III 938 mm 45.5 kg nfa 30000 m 29500 m 90 s burntime
ERFB-III-BB 958mm 47 kg nfa 39000 m 32500 m 90 s burntime
ERFB-Smoke-BE 938 mm 45.5 kg nfa 30000 m 25900 m 60 or 120 s burntime
ERFB-Smoke- BEIBB 958 mm 47.2 kg nfa 39000 m 32500 m 60 or 120 s burntime
ERFB-Smoke WP 938 mm 47.7 kg nla 30000 m 25900 m 7.6 kg WP
ERFB-Smoke WPIBB 958 mm 50 kg nla 39000 m 32500 m 7.6 kg WP
WEIGHT 46.5 kg
NUMBER OF GRENADES 64 M42 and 24 M46
EXPLOSIVE CONTENT, Comp A5 30.5 g (per bomblet)
MAX RANGE. Ml09 with charge M4A2 14320 m
MAX RANGE , Ml09Al 1A2fA3 with
charge M11 9 17740 m
MAX RANGE. M198 with charge M11 9 17740 m
The M483A 1 has been produced for both the home and export markets
and in the future the company may also make the more recent M864
Complete Eurometaa/l05 mm ERMI HE round (left) with cutaway projectile Eurometaal lOS mm Squash Head Practice round (SHI P) NR 110
(right) (Christopher F Foss) disassembled to show main components
NWM De Kruithoorn is the world's only manufacturer of Break-up range 20 mm up to 30 mm , of which the 30 mm Missile-piercing Discarding
Ammunition . The company has developed break-up ammunition in calibres Sabot round for CIWS Goalkeeper is unique.
of 20 mm x 139,20 mm x 137, 25 mm x 173, 35 mm x 228and 40 mm U60
and lJ70. Other NWM products
Another speciali ty of NWM is the production of heavy metal penetrators Ammunition for 20 mm x 139 for automatic cannon Rheinmetall Rh 202 ,
in the calibre range 20 to 120 mm and related ammunition in the calibre HS 820 , Giat F2 and Mauser MK 20.
Ammunition for 25 mm x 137 for automatic cannon Oerlikon KBA, M242 .
Bushmaster (McDonnell Douglas Helicopter) and Mauser MK 25 .
Aircraft ammunition for 20 mm x 102 for M61 and M39 cannon.
Cartridge cases and synthetic ammunition compon ents.
Break-up Ammunition
NWM Break-up Ammunition can be used in guns with calibres ranging from
20 to 40 mm.
The handling , feeding and firing of break-up rounds is identical with
target practice or live rounds. Since forces on the gun are the same as in
firing of live round s the break-up ammunition is the solution for testing of
guns after repair or overhaul.
Break-up ammunition provides realistic training conditions for gunners
because sound, flash and smoke are the same as those in combat. Any
aircraft can serve as a simulation target and attack trajectories can be flown
just as they would be in combat.
An area in front of the muzzle of only 50 to 100 m long , depending on
Safely area in front of muzzle for different calibres when firing De Kruithoorn calibre, and a maximum of 20 m wide is required as a safety area. Such
break-up cartridges areas can usually be found around gun repair shops and training sites. The
Netherlands-Norway I AMMUNITION 113
RAUFOSS Ammunition
The Defence Products Division of RAUFOSS manufactures a wide range 25 mm MPT-SD M85 Round
of ammunition ranging from 6.5 mm up to 155 mm for land , air and sea This 25 mm x 137 round is sim ilar ballistically to the M84 but has tracer and
applications. This includes the NM102 HEAT 105 mm round for the Leopard self-destruct elements. The tracer is not visible at ranges under 100 m but
1 tanks of the Norwegian Army, NM140 multipurpose 12.7 mm round for is visible from 300 m out to 2500 m. The projectile self-destructs after six
the M2 HB machi ne gun and the NM75 multipurpose round for the 20 mm seconds of flight time.
FK 20-2 light anti-aircraft gun .
25 mm ADEN
12.7 mm MP NM140 Round The RAF uses a 25 mm MP Raufoss round with its ADEN can non installed
This round has th e same ballistic characteristics as the standard United in pods on its Harrier GR5 aircraft.
States MB API round . The NM140 is widely used as combat ammunition for
the cannon M2 , M3 and M3P mounted on vehicles, helicopters and infantry
27 mm MP P90 Round
mountings and can also be used in the GECAL 12.7 mm weapon system .
This ro und is qualified for use in the 27 mm Mauser cannon installed in the
When impacting a light target such as a helicopter or truck, the round will
Tornado aircraft.
burst and deliver all of its effect inside th e target. The effect is a combination
of fragmentation , incendiary and blast . About 15 effective fragments are
produced from one projectile. 30 mm MP-T ADEN/DEFA ASP
When impacting armour, the projectile will penetrate 16 mm of armour This round has a low drag design with a base bleed charg e. At a range of
out to a range of 600 m or 13 mm of armour out to a range of 1000 m. 1000 m, the impact energy of the projecti le has been increased by about 50
Single hits will detonate arti llery projectiles wh ile ground bursts will per cent in relation to older designs. The time of flight has been decreased
produce suppression effect against infantry due to the significant blast, by approximately 25 per cent.
incendiary and fragmentation eHect.
The round NM140 is linked together with MP-T NM160 and AP-S. The 40 mm Multipurpose Rounds
traced MP round has the same qualities as the untraced round . The tracer RAUFOSS has developed a multipurpose version of the Bofors 40 mm
has a burning time to more than 1500 m. The AP-S round is opti mised to L170 round. The round has a tracer and selt-destru ct elements and the
defeat armoured targets and has the same ballistics as the MP rounds. The RAUFOSS multipurpose principle based on pyrotechnic ignition is used .
standard linking rati o is MP :MP-T :AP-S = 1:1 :1. A mUltipurpose round based on the same pri nciples has been developed
The United States qualification number of the MP NM140 is the Mk 211 for the Bofors 40 mm Ll60 gun.
Mod O.
20 mm MP M70 Round
Thi s round has the same ballistics as the United States M50 series of
ammunition used in the M61 and M39 cannon.
The ballistics of the MP M70 is now red esigned to match the low drag
profile of the United States SAPHEI PGU-2B round. which is a projectile
based on the multipurpose principles. The advantages of th e low drag
shape is increased hit probability as well as penetration improvements.
~:--.,~,', p ----. ;:;, -
25 mm MP M84 Round
The 25 mm x 137 MP M84 round is intended for use with th e M242 Chain
. "'
Pakistan Ordnance Factories manufactured anti-tank ammunition, from left Pakistan Ordnance Factories manufactured artillery ammunition, from left to
toright, 105mmAPFSDSL64A3, I06mmrecoilless rifle, 100 mm, 105mm right, 105 mm HE, 155 mm HE, 203 mm (8 in), 130 mm HE, 105 mm leM and
HESH L35A3 and 100 mm APFSDS 122mm HE
cannon Ml, M1Al , M45 propellant 1.3 kg 1.3 kg
charge M3 9700 m filler 2.2 kg 1.85 kg
charge M4Al 14600 m TYPE OF FILLER TNT WP
cannon M1 26 , M126A 1 MUZZLE VELOCITY
charge M3Al 9800 m (Ml02 howitzer) 494 m/s 494 m/s
charge M4A2 14600 m MAX RANGE (Ml02
howitzer) 11 500 m 11500 m
SPECIFICATIONS (105 mm Ammunition)
Projectile type HE Smoke Manufacturer: INOEP - Industrias e Participa90es de Oefesa, SA, Rua
DESIGNATION Ml M60 Fernando Palha, P-1802 Lisbon Codex, Portugal.
WEIGHT Telephone : (1) 351 8584371 Telex : 12 514 INOFBPP P Fax: (1) 351
complete round 19.02 kg 19.85 kg 8582330
The Sociedade Portuguesa de Explosivos (SPEL) company was established Status : Production as required .
in 1928 and is currently producing land mines , hand grenades, ignition
cartridges, propellant increments, demolition devices, mortar bombs and Manufacturer: Sociedade Portuguesa de Explosivos (SPELl. Avenida
ammunition . The latter includes the US designed 105 mm HE M643 and Infante Santo , 76 5' - P-1300 Lisbon , Portugal
the 105 mm smoke M652 rounds. Telephone : 60 30 80 Telex : 12398 SPELEX P
Calibre Type
20mm Mk 12 TP , TP-T, HEI , API, for aircraft cannon
20mm M39/M61 . TP, HEI , TPT, HEI -T. API , for aircraft cannon
30mm ADEN . EP, HEI, SAPHEI , for aircraft cannon
30mm DEFA, EP , HEI , for aircraft cannon
60mm HE, smoke, for mortars
75mm HE , HE-T, TP-T, canister. for AM X- 13light tank
76mm smoke grenade for AFV smoke dischargers
81 mm HE, smoke WP , Illuminating , HE extended range, smoke
extended range. for mortars
120 mm HE , smoke WP . HE extended range , smoke WP extended
range. for mortars
155 mm HE MI07, smoke WP M110 , extended range base bleed unit,
160mm HE mortar bomb
ARMSCOR Ammunition
Under th e auspices of ARMSCOR (Krygkor) the South African armaments of artillery ammunition prod uced are outlined . Following a maj or
industry produces well over 140 diHerent types of ammunition, rang ing from reorganisation . ARMSCOR is now responsible for procurement of equipment
small arm s ammunition to long-range artillery rockets and aircraft bombs. for the South African Defence Force while production of former ARMSCOR
Al so included are mines, rifle and rocket grenades and pyrotechnics . The products. such as ammunition . is now carried out by Denel with Pretoria
indu stry is scattered around South Africa but th e main artillery ammunition Metal Pressings being responsible for all ammunition with a calibre of
lilling plant is at Boskop near Johannesburg with propellants and some 35 mm and below.
warheads being produced by Somchem near Cape Town . The main types
118 AMMUNITION / South Africa
20 mm x 139 for cannon HSS 820-A, Mk 20 Rh 202, 30 mm DEFA for cannons 550 , 552A, 5528 , 553
French 20 mm F-2 and so on. Type HEI SAPHEI APCI PRAC
complete 447 9 445 9 447 9 447 9
Type HEI HEI-T APC-T' TP TP-T projectile 237 9 232 9 238 9 237 9
WEIGHT filling 48 9 34 9
complete 314g 314 9 311 9 314 9 3 14 9 propellant 50 9 50 9 50 9 50 9
shell 97 9 98 9 100 9 97 9 98 9 LENGTH
shell plus luze 120 9 120 9 110 9 120 9 120 9 complete 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm 200 mm
filling 9g 8g cartridge case 113 mm 113mm 113 mm 113 mm
cartridge case 144 9 144g 144 9 144 9 144 9 FILLING HexalP30 Hexal P18 inert
propellant 50 9 50 9 50 9 50 9 50 9 FUZE nose base dummy
complete 212 mm 212mm 212 mm 2t2mm 212 mm MUZZLE SAFETY 14 m 14m
shell with fuze 92mm 92mm 83mm 90mm 90mm MUZZLE VELOCITY 820 m/s 820 m/s 820 m/s 820 m/s
EXPLOSIVE FILLING Hexal P30 Hexal P30 - PENETRATION' 25 mm 50mm
FUZE nose·" nose ..... cap dummy dummy
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1050 m/s 1050 m/s 1100 m/s 1050 m/s 1050 m/s , IAiSO - impact action/self-destruction
TRACING TIME 4s 2s 4s <"a rmour plate at 100 m (0" NATO (90 D ) static)
All fuzes are safe to tire in the rain .
• has alumfnium body with tungsten core ; at 100 m can penetrate 10 mm armour plate
a l impact angle of 15'\ 20 mm at impact angle of 33", 40 mm at impact angle of 70"
.. impact action with self-destruction and 8 m muzzle safety
35 mm x 228 for Oerlikon Cannon
self-destruct time of 4 to 12 seconds and all fuzes are safe to fire In rain This is fired by the twin 35 mm Oerlikon-Contraves GDF series towed
anti-aircraft guns used by the SAOF and in the new ZA-35 twin 35 mm self-
propelled anti -aircraft gun still at the prototype stage and shown for the first
20 mm MG 151 for MG 151 and GA1 Cannon time in 1991 .
complete round 205 9 205g 205 9 205 9 205 9 WEIGHT
projectile 110 9 110 9 110 9 110 9 110 9 complete 1.57 kg 1.57 kg
filling 7g 5g 7g shell 383 9 457 9
propellant 20 9 20 g 20 9 20 9 20 g shell plus fuze 550 g 550 9
LENGTH filling t20 9
complete 146mm 146mm 146 mm 146mm 146mm cartridge case 630 g 630 g .
cartridge case 83mm 83mm 83mm 83mm 83mm propellant 340 g 340 9
FILLING Hexal P30 Hexal P30 Hexal P30 inert inert
FUZE nose nose base dummy dummy
SAFETY 8m 8m 8m
VELOCITY 720 m/s 720 m/s 720 m/s 720 m/s 720 m/s
60 mm Mortar Bombs
ARMSCOR produces high explosive, practice , smoke and illuminating
mortar bombs which are fired from the 60 mm mortar installed in th e Ratel
60 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and Eland light armoured car used by the ARMSCOR 76 mm ammunition for the Rooikat armoured car. APFSDS- T on
South African Army. lefl and HE- T on right
Type HE Smoke
WEIGHT 1.79 kg 1.79 kg
FILLING RDXfTNT 40:60 smoke
PROJECTILE BODY forged steel forged steel
FUZES V9 direct-acting V9 direct-acting
SC12B , short and
long time settings
charge 0 62 mls 62m/s
charge 1 88 mls 89 mls
charge 2 111 mls 111 mls
charge 3 132 mls 132 ml s
charge 4 149 ml s 149 mls
charge 4 plus S 171 mls 173 mls
charge 4 pic, S 2108 m (max) 2108 m (max )
charge 0 o to 100 m (min ) o to 100 m (min)
76 mm Rooikat ammunition
ARMSCOR has developed two types of 76 mm fi xed ammunition for use in
the 76 mm gun installed in the Rooikat armoured car , APFSDS-T and HE-T.
The APFSDS -T round has a tungsten alloy penetratorwith the sabot , fin s
and nose shield being of aluminium with the rotating obturator of nylon 66.
The HE-T round contains 0.6 kg of RDXITNT on a 60/40 basis with the
tracer being visible for eight seconds. The projectile is fitted with a Point
Detonating (PO) and selectable delay fuze which provides a super-quick
characteristic of 170 ~s or a delay action of between 30 and 70 ms,
depending on th e tactical situation . Other rounds under development include
canister and practice .
WEIGHT (complete round) 9.1 kg 12.5kg
LENGTH 873mm 908.5 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1600 mls 915 mls
90 mm F1 Gun
This 90 mm ammuniti on is fired from the 90 mm gun installed in the Ratel
90 (6 x 6) and Eland 90 (4 x 4) armoured vehicles and can also be fired by
the French 90 mm DEFA gun installed in the Panhard AML 90 (4 x 4)
armoured car.
HE BB for 140 mm (5.5Inl guns
120 A M M U N I TI 0 N / Sou t h A f ric a
130 mm HE Base Bleed ammunition ARMSCOR 155 mm propelling charges for G5 and G6 howitzers
As a private venture. ARMSCOR have developeo a 130 mm HE base bleed
projectile which can be fired from the former Soviet 130 mm M-46 field gun
or its Chinese equivalent the 130 mm Field Gun Type 59- 1. Firing a
standard OF-482M FRAG-HE round , the 130 mm M-46 has a maximum 140 mm (5.5 in Gun)
range of 27 150 m_ ARMSCOR is still producing ammunition for the British 5.5 in Medium Gun
Firing the new ARMSCOR t30 mm HE BB a maximum range of 39 000 m which it refers to as th e 140 mm G2. Two types of projectile are in production .
can be achieved with the base bleed unit attached or 28000 m with the an HE weighing 36.3 kg and filled with RDXfTNT 50:50. and a Smoke shell
boat tail attached. weighing 45.9 kg containing four smoke canisters for use up to Charge 4.
Development of this round has been completed and production can The HE shell uses a nose DA 117 fuze while the Smoke shell has a 213
commence when firm orders are placed _ time fuze.
The propellant charge system for the G2 consists of charges wi th the
SPECIFtCATIONS following corresponding muzzle velocities :
MUZZLE VELOCITY 950 mls Charge 2 389 mls
WEIGHT 31 kg (depending on fitment of base Charge 4 570 mls
bleed or boat tail unit) Super Charge 633 m/s
LENGTH 728 mm
FUZE can be fitted with M8611 electronic time The range table is now as follows:
Charge 1 7000 m
Charg e 2 10100 m
Charge 3 12600 m
Charge 4 15400 m
Super Charge 16500 m
ARMSCOR has also developed a Base Bleed (B8 ) projecl ile for the
140 mm G2 gun. The BB projectile has a maximum range of 21 000 m and
has been qualified with PD M572. and PD M841 contact fuzes, as well as
the M8513 proximity fuze. ARMSCOR has quoted that the BB projectile
has an even better accuracy performance than its speci fi ed Probable Error
in Range of 0.6 per cent. The fragmentation effectiveness of th e projectile
has also been increased by using a high strength steel and an RD XfTNT
'has high fragmental Ion steel walls and containS 23 per cenl more volume lor HE Combustible Charge Cases
IRDXfTNT) than MIO? In addition to developing Combustible Charge Cases (CCCs) for the 155 mm
~ contalns four smoke canisters G6 and G6 arti llery systems , CCCs have been developed for a number of
~ has light intenSIty of 1.5 mi llion candela lor burning lime of 90 seconds
other ammunition types manufactured in South Africa including 76 mm
(Roolkat) , 105 mm (Ollfant MBT) and 130 mm (for former Soviet M-46 field
155 mm ammunition developments gun) .
Late in 1992 it was announced that a number of developments on 155 mm
ammunition were underway in South Africa to give the user greater In addItion to the above ammunition ARMSCOR also produces naval gun
operational flexibility. ammunition for 40 mm Bofors U60 and Ll70 guns , 76 mm guns, 4 In Mk 16
Under development as a private venture is a new Modular Charge and 21 naval guns and 4.5 in naval guns Mks 3 to 5.
System (MCS) comprising identical modu les of armoured 2.2 kg which can
be used in 39, 45 and 52 calibre 155 mm system s. Manufacturer: Enquiries to ARMSCOR. Pri vate Bag, X337 , Pretoria 001 ,
For 39 calibre systems a maximum of five modu les would be used while South Africa .
tor th e 45 and 52 cal ibre system s a ma xi mum ot six would be used . The Telephone; (012) 292 9111 Telex : 320217
EXPAL Ammunition
In addition to manufacturing aircraft bombs, demolillOn cha rg es and land EXPAL also manufactures 76 mm TP-T, HE and PF VT, propellant charges,
mines EXPAL manufactures the follow ing types of ammunition : artillery and bomb fuzes, special forces weapons , pyrotechnic devices and
associated components,
Calibre Type
20mm 20 mm x 102 Vulcan Manufacturer: EX PAL - Internat ional Division, Orense, 68 10th Floor,
20mm 20 mm x 70 HE-T, HEI. HEI-T, AP-T, TP , and TP-T lor Oerlikon E-28020 Madron , Spain ,
Mk 2 and Mk 4 Telephone : (34) 1 57 1 5271 Telex: 43484 XPAL E Fax : (34) 1571 2661
40mm U70 Bolors, HE-I, HEI-T, PFHE and ET
105mm HE Ml , WP M60, Illuminating M314A3 for howitzers
105mm HC M84Al
155 mm HE Ml07, Illuminating M485A2 for howitzers
155 mm Smoke WP , MIlO
155mm HE ERFB and HE ERFB/BB
155 mm HCM116Al
ll lll'tt:O il
\UI:kL :1:11
EXPAL M314A3 105 mm illuminating howitzer ammunition EXPAL MI 105 mm howitzer ammunition
25 mm Oerlikon
complete 500 g 500 g 480 g 500 g
filling 27 g 11 g
propellant 91 g 91 g 105 g 91 g
35 mm Oerlikon
complete 1.58 kg 1.552 kg 1.567 kg
filling 112 g 22 g
propellant 330 g 330 g 333 g
105 mm Howitzer
This is the HE Ml round suitable for Ml03 . M137. OTO Melara Model 56.
Spanish R50 and R58 howitzers. Weight of the projectile is g iven as
14.97 kg and SANTA BARBARA also produces a seven-charge propellan t
system for thi s round .
Also produced is th e 105 mm Illumi nating M314A3 (local designation
ME-314) and a Smoke projectile known as the M84C. The latter weighs
15 kg . is 460 mm long and emits smoke for 40 seconds. Maximum range is
11000 m.
The C-437 penetrator uses a three-segmen t sabo t and the nose is protected
during flight by an aluminium windshield . On impact with the targ et a seri es
of three wads or cyl inders under the windshield and around the penetra tor
core is compressed and not only prepares the penetration zone but also
serves to prevent rebound from armour set at high angles of incidence. Part
of the ki netic energy in Ihe core is used to raise the lemperature of th e
impact zon e to soften the material . producing a number of particles behind
the armour. The penetration hole is between 60 and 70 mm in dia meter.
A 90 mm APFSDS-T round has also been developed .
Left. 90 mm ME-43 1 round: right. 105 mm HEAT-FS round 155 mm /ltumina ting projecflle ME-485 Para Obuses 155 mm cutaway to
show main components
124 A M M U N IT ION I Spa i n
Type HEAT TP-T HE Smoke that this projectile can be fired from other 122 mm guns providing the
DESIGNATION OCC-l05-F2 SCC·l05·F2 OE-l05-60 OFPH -l05-Fl muzzle velocity is of Ihe order of 800 m/s.
complele 22.2 kg 22.2 kg 21 kg 21.7 kg 155 mm Howitzer
projectile 10.95 kg 10.85 kg 12.1 kg 12.7 kg This is the universal HE Mlo7 produced for the usual range of American
propellant 4.7 kg 4.7 kg 2.4 kg 2.4 kg 155 mm howitzers. Weight of the projectile is given as 43.6 kg.
Also in production is the Illuminating M485A2 projectile and a Smoke
projectile known as the M 116C. The illuminating projectile has the local
122 mm Gun deSignation of Ihe ME-485 Para Obuses 155 mm, it weighs 41.5 kg. is
This is a 122 mm HE shell weighing approximately 22 .7 kg with a three - 720 mm long and has a maximum range of 15000 m. This contains five
charge propellant system contained in a 3 kg brass cartridge case. Charge smoke-producing canislers that continue to produce smoke for 60 seconds
1 weighs 3.9 kg , Charge 2 and Charge 3 both weigh 1. 1 kg. It is fired from after base ejection. Weight is 43 kg. length 700 mm and maximum range
the Spanish 122 mm L46 Trubia 390/2 gun . (C harge 7) is 13 500 m.
Also in production for the 122 mm Ll46 Trubia 390/2 gun IS a 122 mm HE
BB. The projectile weighs 23.5 kg and is 660 mm long . Maximum range Manufacturer: SANTA BARBARA SA. Julian Camarillo 32 . E-28037 Madrid .
when fired using Charge 7 from the Trubia gun is 25 000 m. The proiectile Spain .
may be fitted with either the PO M557 or MTSQ M564 fuzes. It is claimed Telephone: 585 01 DO Telex : 23228 ENSAB-E Fax : 585 02 68
FOREX SA Ammunition
Calibre Type
105mm HE MI for howitzers
105mm Smoke WP for howitzers
105mm Illuminating for howitzers
t22 mm HE
130 mm HE
155mm HEM 107 for NATO howitzers
155mm Illuminating equivalent to M485A2
155mm Smoke WP MIlO for NATO howitzers
155mm HE ERFB
175 mm HE M437 for Mt07
203 mm HEM 106 for NATO howitzers
DEFTEC (Defence Technology) of Spain , a company jointly formed by Unlike the earlier M456 round , the new Spanish round will penetrate the
MBB of Germany and SANTA BARBARA of Spain , announced in 1992 that NATO double heavy target , NATO triple medium targ et and NATO triple
they had developed a new generation 105 mm HEAT-T round . heavy targets, it also has greater fragmentation effect.
This is ballistically identical to the standard US-designed M456 HEAT-T Two different types are available , the OWC and the HWC . For increased
round and can be fired from any 105 mm L7/M68 gun without modification armou r penetration a detonation wave shaper is included in the rear part of
to the weapon or the tank. the filling .
Spa i n - S wed e n I A M M U NIT I ON 125
WEIGHT (complete round) 22 kg
WEIGHT (projeclile) 10.7 kg
WEIGHT (explosive) 1.4 or 1.5 kg
PROPELLANT Iriple base
MAX PRESSURE 3800 kglcm'
Bofors Ammunition
The proximity-fuzed prefragmented ammunition (PFHE) IS optimised to and about 5 m against missiles and other small targets. The time gated
combat aerial targels of all types. It operates according to Ihe Doppler proXimity function Ignores all kinds of Signals outSide the gate making the
prinCiple and has an effective triggering distance against aircraft of 6 to 7 m fuze Virtually un eff ected by interaction from ECM and other influences.
Against missiles and other small targets the effective triggering distance is The 3P shell is equipped with about 1100 tungsten spheres of 3 mm
4.5 m. Tile new Mark 2 version now avai lable has an improved trigg ering diameter permitting penetration of more than 16 mm duraluminium .
distance against missiles . Against a sea-skimmer at 5 m altitude the effective The time function is highly accurate (less than 0.5 per cent of predicted
triggering distance is about 3 m. This increases the probabi lity of an effective time of flight) and can be used for combat of concealed targets and soft
burst due to th e effective target area being increased 50 to 350 times. ground targets. Tile armour-piercing function gives behind armour effect
against th e majorit y of lightly armoured targets.
PFPP X/PFPP X- HV (3P/3P/3P· HV) Wh en not being programmed th e fuze operates as a conventional proximity
The Prefragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed roun d (3P) IS individually fuze with impact function .
programmable for six different functio n modes. The programming is effected
in the gun Just milliseconds before firing . APFSDS·T
The function s are : time gated proximity. time gated proximity With Impact The APFSDS-T round is mainly intended for th e 40 mm Combat Vehicle 90
priority. time fu nction. impact with post impact delay . armour-piercing and and olher vellicles equipped with a Combat 40 mm weapon .
conventional proximity. The proleclile has tungsten penetrator. four fins. traces and a three
The 3P version with a MV of 1012/ m is ballistically matched to the parted sabot wi th a plastic device permitting automatic fire .
external ballistics of the HE-T shell. The 3P-HV is intended for the new The penetration capability exceeds 100 mm of RHA at 1500 m
40 mm TRINITY gun system and has a MV of 1100 m/s .
With exception of the MV. both rounds are identical. The fuze pro ximity
function has a triggering distance of about 8 m against aircraft and helicopters
The Multi Purpose Tracer round is a complement to the PFHE Mk 2 shell for The shell is eq uipped with a pyrotechnical initiation device which on
combat of surface , ground targets with and without armour and aerial impact ignites the incendiary pyrot echn ic and high explosive giving narrow
targets . cone of highly effective fragments inside the target as well as incendiary
The MPT shell is characterised by fragment and incendiary effect after effect at long duration.
penetration of the target. Penetration capability is typically 20 mm RHA at
1000 m.
CALIBRE 105 mm
complete round 13.4 kg
projectile/sabot assembly 3.1 kg
cartridge case 5.6 kg
propellant . nominal 4.4 kg
primer 0.1 kg
wear reducing liner 0.2 kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY (+ 15' C) t535 m/s
106 mm Ammunition for 106 mm M40 Recoilless Rifle SPECIFICATIONS (106 3A-HEAT-T)
Bofors has developed a new 106 mm round for the widely deployed M40 CALIBRE 106 mm
recoilless rifle called the 106 3A-HEAT-T. Thi s round has the capability to WEIGHT OF ROUND 13 kg
penetrate Explosive Reactive Armour (E RA) without the loss in penetrati on ROUND LENGTH 905 mm
performance, the penetration of the round of more than 700 mm of RHA or MUZZLE VELOC ITY 570 m/s
behind ERA in RHA . In addition the round is capable of penetrating th e WEIGHT
NATO heavy triple target with add on ERA. Development of this round is projecti le 5.5 kg
now complete and pre-production is underway . explosive 1 kg
FUZE TYPE base impact
CALIBRE 90mm 90mm 90mm 90 mm 90mm
ROUND WEIGHT 10.0 kg 10.1 kg 12.3 kg 10.7 kg 10.8 kg
ROUND LENGTH 1038 mm 1038 mm 910 mm 889 mm 889 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 660 m/s 653 m/s 600 m/s 840 m/s 833 m/s
PROJECTILE WEIGHT 3.7 kg 3.8 kg 6.7 kg 4.5 kg 4.6 kg
EXPLOSIVE WEIGHT 0.6 kg 0.6 kg 1.45 kg 0.6 kg 0.6 kg
EXPLOS IVE TYPE octal octal hexotol octol octal
FUZE TYPE base impact base impact point impact delay base impact base impact
TRACER DURATION 2.5 s 2.5 s 5s 3s 5s
S wed e n / A M M U N I TI 0 N 127
In March 1990 Bofors announced that the Swedish Defence Materiel
Admini stration had contracted the company to start development of the
BONUS 155 mm sensor fuzed anti-tank artillery projectile.
Prior 10 this. two project definition phases had been successfully completed
during which period extensive testing of the descent dynamics . the infra-
red sensoring and the warhead dynamics had been carried out.
For BONU S. Bofors is prime contractor with Intertechnique being
responsible for the submunitions optronic trigge ri ng device .
At a gun position . BONUS is handled in exactly the same way as any
conventional projectile . Before firing over the target area the electronic time
fuze is set to start th e fi rst stage of th e separation .
It was orig inally expected that each BONUS projectile would carry three
submunitions . but it was subseq uently decided to reduce thi s to two
submunitions with increased warh ead penetration characteristics .
The 155 mm projectile is spi n-stabilised and fitted with a base bleed unit
to give a maximum range of 25 000 m. When a predetermined point in the
trajectory is reached. and at an altitude of 1000 m. an expelling charge
ignites and the two submunitions are ejected rearwards.
The submunilions. which weigh 6.5 kg each . are scattered . The infra-red
sensor and two wings then unfo ld and the submunitions are wing-stabilised
during descent. With an inclination of 30" in retation to the line at descent One of the two submunitions used with the Bofors 155 mm BONUS anti-
each submun ition can search for the target area in a helical pattern . armour projectile
Artist's impression of the Bofors 155 mm BONUS anti-armour projectile over Bofors 155 mm HEER prOjectile
the target area
128 AMMUNITION / Sweden
SPECIFICATIONS The success of HEER In Indian service led to requests for new enhanced
CALIBRE 155mm range projecti les with smoke and illuminating payloads which have also
FILLING TNT 8.5 kg now been suppli ed. Both the new types are si milar to HEER but lack the
COMPOSITION B 9 kg base bleed unit and both can achieve a maximum range of 24 000 m.
WEIGHT In the case of the extended range projectile , the problems that would
Wllh ZELAR fuze 42.25 kg normally have resulted from the increased spin utilised to enable the
without ZELAR luze 41.3 kg projectile to achieve its range requirement s were overcome by the
LENGTH introduction of four small strakes placed close to the projectile nose. The se
with ZELAR luze 884 mm strakes gradually reduce the projectile's inherent spin allowing the ill uminating
without ZELAR fuze 787 mOl payload and its associated parachute to make a clean exit from the base of
the proiectile at the desired point in the trajectory .
Indian 155 mm Ammunition The new extended range illuminating projectile is used in India alongside
The order placed by India in t 986 for over 400 FH-77 lield howitzers also Ihe Bofors 155 mm Mira projecti le (qv) which has a maximum range of
provided for the production and supply of ammunition . In add ilion , Bofors has 18000 to 20000 m.
developed several new types of 155 mOl round to meet Indian requirements. Bofors developed another smoke projec tile in response to an Indian
TI1e Initial Indian contracts called for two types of high explosive projectile, requesl. This is an infra-red screening projectile with a range of 18 000 to
the standard US Ml 07 with a max im um range of 24 000 m when fired from 20000 m and a screeni ng smoke producti on tim e of three minutes, compared
the FH-77 and the Bofors 155 mm HEER previously described . to the more usual six minutes.
The 155 mm HEER has a nominal range of at least 30 000 m when fired The ammunition supplied to India also included a 155 mm cargo round
lrom the FH-77 under normal conditions but Ihe temperatures and altitudes carrying 72 M42 /M46 type bomblets.
at which the FH-77 has been fired in India have resulted In ranges of
42 000 m , Status: In production.
155 mm illuminating projectile Mira 155 mm illuminating projectile Mira ER (Extended Range)
S wed e n I A M M U N IT ION 129
flare and the main parachute out of the canister. The flare is ignited , the
main parachute opens and the ig nited fl are suspended by the main parachute
then slowly descends. At a height of 340 m and after a burning time of 38
seconds, an illumination of five lux is obtained over an area 1140 m in
diameter. The Mira projectile has a Swiss Dixi 525 EN 3 fuze which can be
set for delays of 1,2 to 80 seconds . T he standard 155 mm Mira projectile
has a maximum range of 18 km but rece ntly an extended range version has
been developed with a maximum ra nge of 27 km.
t55 mm
43 kg
715 mm
2.2 Mcd
60 s
Mira ER
43 kg
2.2 Mcd
60 s
Luma Mk 2
14.3 kg
0.7 Mcd
30 s
105 ILL
RATE OF DESCENT 4 ml s 4 m/s 5 ml s
RANGE 18000 m 27000 m 14000 m
Type 007 007 1R 007 ER
WE IGHT 43.3 kg 43.3 kg 43.3 kg
LENGTH 0.717m 0.717 m 0.880 m
SMOKE DURATION 6min 3min 6mln
RANGE 18000 m 18000 m 24000 m
Bofors smoke shell. standard Bofors smoke shell. fR Bo fors smoke shell, ER
Oerlikon-Contraves Ammunitio n
35 mm (35 mm x 228)
Thi s 35 mm fixed ammunition is used in the Oerlikon-Contraves KD series
of cannon installed in the Gepard . Caesar and Marksman twin 35 mm self-
propelled anti-aircraft gun systems, Oerlikon-Contraves GDF twin 35 mm
towed anti-aircraft gun systems and Oerlikon-Contraves turrets . This
ammunition is also compatible with the McDonnell Douglas Helicopter
35 mm Bushmaster II I cannon currently under development.
Oerlikon-Contraves have recently expanded the 35 mm ammunition
family further wi th the FAPDS (Frangible Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot)
round . This sub-calibre ammunition is equally effective in air defence as an
HEI and in the defeat of light armoured vehicles. The terminal effectiveness
is given by its kinetic energy .
projectile 550 g 550 9 545 9 550 9 535 9 550 9 375 9 380 9
complete round t580 9 1580 9 1575 9 1580 9 1565 9 1580 9 1440 9 1445 9
LENGTH (complete round) 387 mm 387 mm 387 mm 387 mm 387 mm 387 mm 340 mm 340 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1175m/s 1175 mls 1175m/s 1175 ml s 1175 mls 1175 mls 1440 mls 1440 mls
t01000m 0.96 s 0.96 s 0.99 s 0.96 s 0.96 s 0.96 s 0.73 s 0.73 s
to 2000 m 2.18 s 2.18 s 2.38 s 2.18 s 2.18 s 2. 18 s 1.54 s 1.52 s
to 3000 m 3.80 s 3.80 s 4.41s 3.80 s 3.80 s 3.80 s 2.44 s 2.38 s
104000 m 6.06 s 6.06 s 7.40 s 6.06 s 6.06 s 6.06 s 3.45 s 3.34 s
Switzerland I AMMUNITIO N 131
prolectile 125 9 125 g 128 g 125 g 128 g 125 g 125 9 128 9
complete round 350 9 345 9 350 9 345 9 350 9 345 9 345 9 350 9
LENGTH (complete round) 203.8 mm 203 .8 mm 203.8 mm 203 .8 mm 203.8 mm 203.8 mm 203 .8 mm 203 .8 mm
KAA 1050 m/s 1050 m/s 1050 mls 1050 m/s 1050 m/s 1050 m/s 1050 m/s 1050 m/s
KAB 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 1100 m/s 11 00 m/s
FLIGHT TIME (to 1000 m)
KAA 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s 1.21 s
KAB 1.14 s 1.14 s 1.14 s 1.14 s 1.1 4 s 1.14 s 1.14 s 1.14 s
FLIGHT TIME (to 2000 m)
KAA 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s 3.24 s
KAB 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s 3.05 s
projectile 122 9 122 9 122 9 113 9
complete round 242 9 245 9 245 9 239 9
LENGTH (complete round ) 184 mm 184mm 184mm 184mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 830 m/s 850 m/s 830 m/s 965 m/s
to 1000 m 1.51 s 1.63 s 1.63 s 1.33 s
to 2000 m 3.98 s 4.55 s 4.55 s 3.72 s
Type Muzzle Time to Time to Time to Time 10
velocily 1000 m 2000 m 3000 m 4000 m
25 mm KBA M242 1405 m/s 0.75 s 1.57 s 2.51 s n/a
25 mm KBB 1200 m/s 0.88 s 1.85 s 2.94 s 4.17 s
35mm 1400 m/s 0.75 s 1.57 s 2.49 s 3.50 s
Oerlikon-Contraves AHE AD Anti-aircraft Ammunition to Through their high kinetic energy these sub-projecti les are capable of
defeating any missile drone or RPV whatever front-end arm our they have ,
Defeat Missi les according to Oerlikon-Contraves .
A new generation of ammunition known as AHEAD is being developed by
Oerlikon-Contraves as a private venture to expand the defensive capability Manufacturer : Oerlikon-Contraves AG , Pyrotec, Birchstrasse 155,
of medium calibre air defence gun s in response to the growing threat from CH-8050 Zurich , Switzerland.
precision guided munitions , missiles and other high technology weapons. Telephone: (01) 316 44 14 Telex : 755200 WOB CH Fax: (01) 311 7479
AHEAD stands for Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction and is the
code-name given by Oerlikon-Contraves to a new family 01 heavy metal
payload , programmable fuze heavy metal ammunition for air defence guns.
Currently in its linal development phase, the AHEAD type ammunition is
scheduled to become available in 35 mm calibre in the mid- 1990s.
The AHEAD projectile consists of a heavy metal payload shell with a
programmable base fuze . The shell is fi lled wilh an ejection charg e, Th e
heart of the fuze is an advanced high precision timer that will set oH the
charge according to its programming.
Programming of the timer is achieved at the muzzle velocity gauge as the
projectile leaves the muzzle . The gauge consists of three coils. While th e
projectile passes through the first two coils its exact velocity is determined
and processed with target information as supplied by Ihe fire-control
The exact projectile flying time is calculated and imparted to the fuze by
electro-induction as the projectile passes through tile third coil. As a result.
the tim e fuze will accordingly detonate the ejection charge at a given
distance in front of the target. forming a cone of heavy metat sub-proj ectiles
and directing it into th e target.
Muule VelQcft v
Measuring Colis
-+ _________~_o~.~••~m~m~ln~.~c~ol~l~
AHEA D schematic with Skyguard fire-control system and twin 35 mm towed AHEAD pro}Bctile (rigl1t) with muzzle programmable electro-induction fuz e
anti-aircraft gun system (left) detached
Hsing Hua Ammun ition Calibre Application
105 mm for Ml01 and Ml0210wed howitzer and M52 and Ml08
The Hsing Hu a Company manufactures the following types of ammunition self-propelled howitzers
of American design for both the home and export markets: 155mm for M 114 and M 198 towed howitzers and M 109 and M44
self-propelled howitzers (also propelling charges)
Calibre Application 155mm 'for M59 gun (also propelling charges)
40mm for Ll60 Bofors LAAG and M42 SPAAG 203 mm for M115 towed and M55 and M I 10 self-propelled howitzers
75mm for M I 16 pack howitzer (also propelling charges) .
76mm fo r M41 tank
90mm for M47 and M48 tanks Manufacturer: Hsing Hua Company Limited , PO Box 8746 , Taipei , Taiwan
MKEK Ammunition
Makina ve Kimya Endustri si Kurumu (MKEK) IS the biggest industnal Calibre Type
organisation in Turkey. Its General Directorat e is in Ankara along with 35mm HEI and TP -T
seven factories: other factories are located around Turkey. MKEK military 105 mm HEMI
products include small arms and small arms ammunition , commercial 105 mm APFSDS -T FP105 , HE MKE-MOD 233, PRAC MKE-MOD 234
explosives . mortars and mortar ammunition. fu zes , mines . rockets and 10Smm HEAT-T M344Al
aircraft bombs. Artillery amm unition produced includes the items In the 155mm HE Ml0l , HE Ml07
tabl e opposite: 175 mm HE MKE-MOD 11'
203 mm/8 In HE Ml0S
5 in/38 HE MKE MOD 205, TP MKE MOD 202
134 A M M U NIT ION / T u r key - UK
Propell ant charge s are also produced for 90 mm tank guns, t 05 mm undertake production of the complete round . The contract also covered the
howitzers, t 06 mm recoilless rifles , S in naval guns, t 55 mm howitzers and tran sfer of technology and the establishment of a testing range . The
guns and 203 mm/8 in howitzers . programme has been agreed to by the Turki sh MoD in conjunction with the
In mid- t 984, after evaluating a number of 105 mm APFSDS round s for United States Government's Improvement and Modernisation Programme .
its M48A5 and Leopard 1 MBTs , the Turki sh Government awarded a Other products cu rrently being manufactured in MKEK's facilities include
contract valued in excess of $30 million to the former Flinchbaugh Divisi on anti-aircraft guns, 105 mm tank barrels for locally modified M48 series
of the American General Defense Corporation , for the supply of 105 mm MBTs and 155 mm howitzer barrel s fo r the M44T self-propelled howitzer.
FP1 05 rounds.
The contract covered a period of 36 months and Included the suppl y of Manufacturer: Maki na ve Kimya Endustrisi Kurumu , Ankara, Turkey ,
complete rounds of ammu nition, parts for fi nal assembly in Turkey and Telephone : (90-4) 223 20 11 Telex: 42 223 MKGA T R Fax : (90-4) 223
equipment and tooling for Turkey's Makina ve Kimya Endustrisl Kurumu to 01 40 -222 22 41
Royal Ordnance Ammunition
CHARGE CONTAIN ER Bag Combustible Bag Bag Com bustible Combustible
TYPE Case Case Case
proiectile 17.86 kg 10.36 kg 17.36 kg 17.1 kg 5.82 kg 7.89 kg
propellant (nominal) 3.04 kg 8.4 kg 3.04 kg 3.04 kg 5.16 kg 6.65 kg
PROPELLANT TYPE NO/S27-09 NO/S53-12 NO/S27-09 NO/S27 -09 NO/S27-09 AXlS64-20
MUZZLE VELOCITY 670 m/s 1370 m/s 670 m/s 670 m/s 1370 m/s
complete round t8.5 kg 18.5 kg 19.25 kg 14.91 kg 21.23 kg 21.23 kg 26.37 kg
projectile 6.05 kg 6.05 kg 6.48 kg 3.91 kg 11.26 kg 11 .26 kg 19.6 kg
propellant (nominal) 5.62 kg 5.62 kg 5.6 kg 3.97 kg 2.81 kg 2.81 kg 0.4 kg
Royal Ordnance 105 mm tank ammunition. lrom lel110 right. APFSDS H6/62. APFSOS L64. APOS L52. OS PRAC L63. HESH L35. SH/PRAC L38 and Smoke
BE L39
136 A M M U NIT ION / U K
CALIBRE 105 mm
LENGTH (complete round) 1030mm
WEIGHT (complete round ) 19 kg
The R024 is a high fragme ntation/low drag projectile designed for hot
and cold climates and is available with TNT or RDXITNT filling . It can be
fitted with the L 106 or multi role fuze and has a range 013000 m to 24 700 m
using R070 and R0109 charges.
R030 is ballistically matched to R024 but incorporates an RO Base
Bleed system, it is fi lled with TN T or RDXITNT and can be fitted with the
Lt06 or multirole fuze. Using the R0109 charge ranges in excess of
30000 m have been achieved . There are also the 155 mm practice flash
proiectiles which reach 10000 musing R079 incremen l five and are
ballistically matched to service rounds (Ml07 or L 15) . These low cost
training projectiles are fitted with screw-in impact indicators to signify fall of
shot .
Royal Ordnance 79 has five increments consisting of a triple·base RO
stick propellant in an RO compatible sleeve. The base igniter IS incorporated
with the lowest increment.
R0109 is a stand-alone charge covering US zone 8 super and consists
of an RO stick propellant in an RO combustible charge container. The base
igniter is incorporated with the combustible con tainer which contains wear
reducing additives . The charge itself includes anti-wear additives .
As a private ven ture, Royal Ordnance is developing a Unimodular 155 mm
charge system based around six modules, each of the same propellant
type and charge weight.
Status : In production.
105 mm Light Gu n Artillery Ammunition Cha rge System has three types of charge . The first. the Cartridge Normal ,
105 mm FD Ammunition is designed for use with the Abbot self-propelled consists of a six· zone system which can be easily adjusted to obtain the
gun and the 105 mm Light Gun. All rounds are of the separate loading type required range. The Cartridge Super is a fixed charge. A Training Cartridge
in which the propelli ng charge contained in a brass cartridge case is loaded is also available and consists of increments 1, 2 and 3 only . All types are
into the gun after the projectile . The propelling charge can be easily contained in a brass cartridge case . The minimum ranges in high angle for
adjusted to give the required range and is initiated by an electric primer. increments I and 2 are achieved by titting spoilers 10 th e shell.
HE is the standard projectile used by artillery or the close support of In mid·1986 it was announced that a base bleed 105 mm round was
infantry . It is fitted with a nose fuze which can be set to explode on impact or under developmenl and this had already been fired to a range of over
after a short delay to allow penetration of the target before detonation . A 22 000 m. Early in 1993, development work on this projectile was continuing.
mechanical time fuze is also available to burst the shell in the air.
Optimum performance is obtained from the shel l by using a high tensile DATA
steel body and explosive of the highest power commensurate with the Charge System Range
safety from premature functioning . The lethal area of this shell is 25 per NORMAL AND TRAINING
cent greater than with the American Ml shell. CARTRIDGES
Smoke BE shell has a cylindrical cavity in which are mounted three smoke charge l' 2500·5700 m
canisters. These are ejected at the required point in flight by a mechanical charge 2' 2700·7200 m
or electronic time fuze and fa ll to the ground discharging den se clouds 01 charg e 3 5900·9500 m
smoke for 60 seco nds. NORMAL CARTRIDGE
Marker (Cotoured Smoke) shells burst on th e ground and are used to charge 4 7900-12200 m
mark a posi tion such as a target for an air strike. Red and orange smoke charge 4 '/2t 8700· 13600 m
shells are avaitable. charge 5 15300 m (max)
Illuminating shell is a Swedish Bofors design and provides one million SUPER CARTRIDGE 17200 m (max)
candle power for 15 to 20 seconds .
. The minImum ranges In hig h angle lor charges 1 and 2 are achieved by fittmg spoile rs
to the shel l.
t Increments 1. 2 4 and 5
Type HE-L31 Smoke·L45 tLL-L43 Marker-L37/3B Cartridges Super-L36 Training L45
projectile 16. I kg 15.56 kg 16.1 kg 16.1 kg
propellant (nominal) 2.4 kg 2.86 kg 0.89 kg
PROPELLANT TYPE N.04 N/S 42· 12 N 04
N/S 31-1 I
N/S42· 12
138 A M M U N I TI 0 N I U K
I 1
a ••
From left to right: 105 mmL45smoke, 105 mmL37138ColouredSmoke, 105 mm 105 mm field artillery L31 HE projectile
L43 Illuminating. 105 mm cartridge case normal, and front. Cartridge Super
Royal Ordnance 90 mm Ammunition Royal Ordnance would manufacture a full range of ammunition for Ihe
Late in 1990 it was announced that Royal Ordnance had signed an exclusive 90 mm Cockerill guns . Thi s ammunition was previously made by PRB of
agreement with Cockerill Mechanical Induslries of Belgium , under which Belgium .
Type RO designation Previous Weight Type of filling Length Max muzzle velocity
PRB designation (complete rou nd) (complete round)
HEAT-T RO 907 NR 478 7.3 kg RDXfTNT 651 mm 890 ml s
HEAT-TP-T R0940 NR 479 7.3 kg Inert 65 1 mm 890 mls
HESH-T RO 929 NR 503 7.7 kg RDX/Wax 591 mm 800 mls
APFSDS-T RO 964 NR 232 6.3 kg nl a 595 mm t050 mls
HE-T RO 924 NR 501 8.5 kg TNT 635 mm 700 mls
HE -TP-T R0911 NR 558 8.5 kg Inert 635 mm 700 ml s
HE -APERS-T R0925 NR 219 11.0 kg TNT 675 mm 330 mls
Smoke-WP-T R0932 NR 502 8.8 kg WP 635 mm 695 mls
Canisler RO 933 NR 125 6.2 kg Balls 355 mm 490 mls
U K / A M M U N I TI 0 N 139
76 mm Ammu niti on
The 76 mm ammunition system was designed for the L5 gun fitted to the
Satadin armoured car. It is now used with the L23 gun which is the
tightweight weapon fitted in the Scorpion light tank . The ammunition is
available as a complete system and all are fixed rounds with the projectiles
attached to a brass cartridge case containing the propellant and percussion
HESH is the general-purpose anti-hard target high explosive round with a
thin -walled blunt nose. it is filled with a rapidly detonating high explosive
initiated by a base fuze. It is effective agai nst armour, concrete fortifications ,
bui ldi ngs and soft vehicles and against troops in the open or under light
cover. This ro und also has a very good graze performance . A modified
HESH round for removing excess copper from the barrel rifling is also
SH/PRAC is an inert ro und available for training purposes. The most
common version is enti rely inert, but designs are also available in which a
live fuze is fitted together with a fl ash pellet to give a good visible indication
of paint of contact.
HE round is an anti-soft target round designed for the general support of
infantry . It is fitted with a nose fuze which explodes on impact and optimum
performance is obtained by using a high tensile steel for the shell body
which bursts into the maximum number of fragments moving at a high
velocity .
An inert rou nd (HE/PRAC) is available for training purposes. From leillo right: 76 mm L29 HESH, L32 Smoke BE, L25 HEI PRAC, L24 HE
Smoke BE is a base ejection smoke round fitted with a time fuze which and L33 Canisler
ejects three canisters at a selected point in flight. These fall to the ground
emitting dense clouds of smoke fo r 50 seconds.
illuminating contains a star case and parachute in a modified smoke shell. Canister is used for engaging massed infantry attack at close quarters and
The time fuze ejects the flare at the appropriate elevation which then burns consists of a thin -walled cylindrical body filled with steel pellets . The pellets
suspended from the parachute providing illumination for a minimum 01 30 spread out after leaving the gun muzzle and are highly lethal to a range 01
seconds. about 100 m.
Type HESH L29 HE L24 Smoke BE L32 Illuminating L42 Canister L33
De-coppering L44 HE/PRAC L25
complete round 7.41 kg 7.35 kg 10.21 kg 9.62 kg 6.76 kg
projectile(s) 5.39 kg 5.37 kg 8.53 kg 7.t kg 4.71 kg
propellant (nominal) 0.6t kg 0.57 kg 0.27 kg 0.27 kg 0.64 kg
30 mm RARDEN Ammunition
complete round 904.4 9 903 .9 9 903 .9 9
projectile 357.4 g 356.9g 356.9 g
lilling 29 9 25.6 9 26.5 g
propellant 160 9 t60 9 160g
FILLING TYPE CS5390 Torpex 2 Inert
14t /RDN
LENGTH (complete round) 285.55 mm 285.55 mm 285.55 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1070 m/s 1070 m/s 1070 mls
Range tabte
(max range is
Range Elevation mils Flight time Residual
400 m 2.0 0.39 s 976 m/s
1000 m 5.5 1.08 s 820 mls
2000 m 13.7 2.59 s 585 m/s
3000 m 27.4 4.7 s 394 m/s
4000 m 51.4 7.71 s 300 mls 30 mm ammunition lor RARDEN cannon : HEI-T, APSE- T and TP-T
140 A M M U NIT ION / U K - USA
The RARDEN 30 mm APDS round. now In service with the British Army.
was developed jointly by Royal Ordnance and PATEC of the USA .
The round is designated the L 14A2 and IS recognisable by the lateral
cross-section at the nose. It can penetrate 40 mm of RHA at an incidence of
45" at ranges in excess of 1500 m. Once the round has been fired the sabot
breaks up into four lateral seg ments and the tungsten penetrator has a
base tracer element that will burn to ranges in excess of 2000 m. To aid
result assessment the penetrator has a pyrophoric nosecap giving a visual
indication of a hit on a hard target. The accuracy of th e projectile is such
that the APDS penetrator has approximatel y half the dispersion of current
30 mm HE ammuniti on .
Royal Ord nance is also able to supply realistic training ammunition which
matches the APDS trajectory out to a range of 1500 m
CALIBRE 30mm Clip of three Royal Ordnance 30 mm RARDEN APDS rounds (Henry Dodds)
projectile 300 g
cartridge case 365 g manufactured a range of medium calibre guns and ammunition . In July
complete round 822 g 1992. a decision was taken to retain the Faldingworth si te and transfer the
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1175m/s majority of the weapons manufacturing work to Royal Ordnance Nottingham.
In Oclober 1992, Royal Ordn ance signed a new licence agreement
BMARC AmmunjtiDn covering a substantial part of the Oerlikon-Conlraves range of medium
In April 1992. Royal Ordnance agreed to acquire. from the rece ivers. the cali bre guns and am munition . Details of Oerlikon-Contraves ammunition
busi ness of the British Manufacture And Research Company (BMARC) are given in thi s section under Swilzerland.
which . as a UK subsiduary of Astra Holdings. went into receivership in
February 1992. Manufacturer: British Aerospace Defence Limited . Royal Ordnance Division,
BMARC (Jane 's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1992-93 Euxton Lane , Chorley , Lancashire PR7 6AD , UK.
page 130) opera ted from two sites at Grantham and Faldingworth and Telephone : +44 (257) 265511 Telex : 67441 Fax: +44 (257) 242199
These are now being withdrawn from service , details were given in Jane's
Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofil Systems 1992-93 pages 130/131
American Ammunition Development
The Project Manager for Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems is at Dover. It experienced numerous start-up problems and by early 1989 wa s not fully
New Jersey, and IS part of the United States Army Materiel Development operational. Prior to this. in September 1986, the army re ported deficiencies
and Readiness Command . in plant processes and other problems had prevented the plant from
Ca nnon Artillery Weapon Systems has th e responsibility for the meeting its design mobilisation production rate fully.
development , engineering . procurement and successful fielding of all 155 mm Congress provided $123 million in FY87 funds to correct the identified
weapons and equipment , it is also Joint Project Manager (Arm y and Navy) defi ciencies. subsequently a $11 7.7 million firm fi xed price conlract was
and executive agent for the development and production 01all semi-active awarded to Mason Chamberlain Incorporated to correct the problems by 31
laser -guided projectile s. In addition it has responsibility for assu ring Augu st 1990.
interchangeability and interoperability of United States 155 mm weapons The US Army had planned to continue producing M483A 1 round s at the
amm unition and propell ing charges with Quadrilateral countries (USA. UK. Mississippi plant following completion of the mobilisation contract but due
Germany and Italy). to funding constraints it did not request FY90 funds to purchase additional
Weapons that are the responsibility of Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems M483A 1 rounds and the army now plans to place the plant on a standby
are the 155 mm M198 and product improvements to th e 155 mm Ml 09 sta tu s following completion of the con tract.
series of self-propelled howitzers . The M483A 1 is the only projectile produced at the Mississippi plant, but
Projectiles already developed and placed in production include : the M483A 1 itself is also produced at the GOCO plants at Milan and
155 mm M549A 1 rocket-assis ted projectile Kansas. The US Army has some 3.8 million M483A 1 rounds , less than half
155 mm M483A 1 improved conventional munition which contains 64 M42 the amount the army is authori sed to procure. The 155 mm M864 projectile,
and 24 M46 dual-purpose grenades to be produced at Scranton , Louisiana and Milan ammunition plants, is the
M692 and M731 area denial artillery munitions each of which contains 36 replacement for the M483A 1.
anti-personnel mines The US Army 's ammunition production base includes 28 government-
M718 and M741 remote area anti-mine systems , each of which contains owned ammunition plants located throughout the United States , 17 of
nine anti-tank mines which are in operation with the remai ning 11 semi-active or on standby for
155 mm M864 Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munition possible use during mobilisation .
In January 1978 the building of the MiSSissippi Arm y Ammunition plant The Army awa rd s contracts to the private sector for operating and
began . Th is is capable of producing 120000 155 mm M483A 1 projectiles maintaining its Government-Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO)
per month . The Mississippi was the first new arm y ammunition production ammu nition plants. Such co ntracts are awarded for both active and inactive
plant to be built for more than 30 years. It was expected that the plant would plants usually covering a five year period - one year with fou r optional
be completed in December 1983 at a cost of approximately $400 mill ion but years .
The original concept for th e Sense And Destroy Armor Munition (SADARM) The US Army's Research and Development Engineering Center (ARDEC) .
can be traced back to the earl y 1960s but at that time th e required Dover. New Jersey . had overall responsibility for the development of
technology was not available. SADARM . In October 1977 ARDEC solicited indu stry to develop a
T he basic idea was to use an M509 8 in (203 mm) projectile to carry a submunition for demonstration purposes and a request for quotations was
number of submunitions which would be dispensed over the targ et area issued .
where they would detect and attack the vulnerable tops of armoured vehicles. In May 1978 Aerojet Electronic Systems was awarded an $820000
STA FF req uires no change 10 the lank turret and no unique aclions by Status : Development.
Ihe lank crew olher than setting a single range zone SWllch . From aiming 10
firing 10 the last stages of its operation. STAFF functions much like a Manulacturer : Alliant Tech systems. 600 Second Street NE . Hopkins .
conventional round . During its ballistic flight. STAFF establishes a vertical Minnesota 55343 . USA.
reference and orients itself with the ground . In the final seconds of flig ht. a Telephone ' (6 12) 9315 164
search and track mode is initiated. The forward scanning millimeter-wave
sensor establishes a large footprint for target acquisition . The round flies
over the target. roll s 10 align the warhead . fuzes and fires lis lethal penetrator
down into the tank .
STAFF projectile in flight with fins extended (top) and complete XM943 STAFF round below
203 mm (8 in) Ammunition for M115 Towed Howitzer and M55 and M11 0 Series of Self-propelled
Cafibre Type Application Designation Weight Typelweight Length Notes
(projectile) ollilling (projectife)
203 mm Agent GB 1-4 M426 92.53 kg 6.57 kgJGB or VX 892mm fuze PD M557 . Prox. M728. GB is
Or VX non-persistent. VX is persistent
203 mm Dummy 1-4 M14 9072 kg nla 874 mm fuze nla
203 mm HE 1-4 Ml06 92.53 kg 16.46 kg/TNT 871 mm fuze PD M78. M557. MTSO M564 . M582
17.59 kgJComp B
203mm HElICM 1-4 M404 90.72 kg 104 M43A 1 anti- 886mm fuze MT M565. MTSO M557
personnel grenades
203 mm HEIIC M 3-4 M509/M509A 1 93 .66 kg 180 M42 dual- 1115mm fuze MTSO M577
purpose grenades
203 mm HERA 4 M650 90.78 kg 11.35 kg/TNT 1116mm fuze PD M739 . M557 . M572 . VT M732. M564
and M582 MTSO
203 mm Nuclear 1-4 M422 120 kg nla 940 mm lactical nuclear Uranium 235 in high ly enriched
oralloy form as fissile material 12 kt and 1.2 kt.
Warhead is the W33. training round IS M423 .
spotting round M424.
203 mm Nuclear 4 M753 97.73 kg nl a 1092 mm tactical nuclear. will replace M422. Warhead
Plutonium 239 is fissile material. Three yields up
to 2 kt. Warhead is W79. operational since 1981 .
~'PUls,on charge
\ Oas. plug PUShOf picHe
I!nlng plug
F 0-
j- - f-- r-
f-- - ~ l Jim IL ))
1- j- l - t--
- j- ~
rOf al tn g Dana
Cutaway drawing of 203 mm (8 in) projectile HE M404 (US Army) Cutaway drawing 01203 mm (8 in) projectile M509 (US Army)
US A / AM M U N I TI 0 N 143
Note : The 175 mm Ml07 Is no longer in service with the United States
Arm y but is still used by some other nations.
AAI Ammunition between -46 and +63°C and safe to fire between -46 and +52°C in the
M32 gun installed in the M41 light tank.
Although Ihe AAI Corporation is well known for its experien ce in the design AAI has sold a quantity of these rounds to Denmark for use with their
and development of light tracked vehicles, tracks and turret systems. it has M41 light tanks which were upgraded in the 1980s.
also been involved in the design and development of ammunition for both
th e home and export markets. SPECIFICATIONS
WEIGHT 7.65 kg
40 mm APF SDS Round Model 68462 PENETRATOR DIAMETER 20 .6 mm
Thi s round has been developed as a private venture by AAI from t 981 and LENGTH TO DIAMETER
has been designed for firing from 40 mm U60 guns, although its design RATIO OF PENETRATOR 15/ 1
could also be adapted for the Bofors 40 mm 1I70 gun . It can be used to PENETRATOR MATERIAL tungsten alloy
engag e moderate armoured targ ets to a maxim um range of 4000 m. ABLATOR ASSEMBLY 0.06 kg
AAI 's programme objectives for developing this round were a high terminal CHAMBER PRESSURE 3489 bar
velocity and penetration power, tracer or impact spotting capability . high MUZZLE VELOCITY 1400 ml s
precision , co mpatibility with U60 or 1I70 gun . low muzzle flash and blast PRECISION 0.5 mil max
and environmental endu ran ce. ARMOUR PENETRATION
The round utilises a unique gapless sabot design to pull a tungsten AT 1000 m NATO heavy single target at 53°
penetrator through the gun barrel. Muzzle flash and blast pressure are obliquity
mi nimised by a special formu lated mixture of standard propellants . NATO heavy tripte target at 57·
Optional spotting ability is pro vided by an incendiary-fill ed windscreen obliquity
that produces a brilliant fl ash upon impact with soft or hard targets at long
stand-o ff distan ces. The trace option is provided by a tracer mix assembled
into th e base of the projectile fin .
105 mm Hjgh Explosive Air Defence (HEAD ) Ammunition
The high muzzle velocity is sustained through low aerodynamic projectile The company has developed. as a private venture , the 105 mm HEAD
drag , assisted by a stream lined aluminium windscreen. These attributes round which can be fired from standard 105 mm rifled tank guns as fitted to
combine to provide su bstantially decreased projectile flight time compared the M60 series of MBTs and the Ml Abrams MBT.
to standard U60 and Ll70 ammunition . The 105 mm HEAD round has a lower impulse than the current M456
Penetration at high angles of impact is aided by th e blunt nose construction HEAT round and according to AAI would be highly effective against buildings.
of the tungsten penetrator which reduces penetrator break up at oblique bunkers. light armoured vehicles and troops.
impacts with targets. High projectile drag is avoided by the streamlined It consists essentially of a standard HE Ml artillery projectile fitted with a new
windscreen which also serves to contai n the option al stotter charge . nose-mounted Mk 404 passive infra-red fuze and mated to a standard M 150B 1
cartridge case filled with M30 propellant and fitted with an M80A 1 primer.
SPECIFICATIONS All key components of the HEAD round are standard non-developmental items
CALIBRE 40mm and the round could be ready for production within a year of a firm go ahead.
CARTRIDGE CASE 40 mm Mk 3 (steel or brass) Prototype HEAD rounds have al ready been demonstrated in unmanned
WE IGHT COMPLETE 1.62 kg firings in the United States and in 1987 were demonstrated to representatives
LENGTH OV ERALL 445 mm of 13 NATO armies in Germany.
PENETRATOR WE IGHT 230 g AA I is also exploring the possibili ty of introducing a 120 mm version of
AVERAGE CHAMBER PRESSURE 279.20 MPa the HEAD round for use by the MIA 1 MBT.
PRIMER Mk 22 percussion TOTAL WEIGHT 25.4 kg
HE WEIGHT 2.3 1 kg
75 mm Amm unjt jon for ARES Gun AMBIENT PEAK CHAMBER PRESSURE 241.3 MPa
For thi s weapon the company developed two telescopic rounds, the MUZZLE VELOCITY 774.2 m/s
AP FSDS-T XM885 and the HE XM884, both of whi ch used an M63 electric TIME OF FLIGHT
primer. So far the 75 mm AR ES gun has yet to enter production. to 1 km 1.37 s
to 2 km 2.90 s
76 mm M464 APFSDS -T Round to 3 km 4.62 s
This round was developed as a private venture by AA I to increase the to 4 km 6.55 s
effectiveness of the M41 light tank to defeat armour at extended ranges. to 5 km 8.71 s
Due to th e low aerodynamic drag exhibited by th e fin-stabilised tungsten
penetrator. high terminal ve locities are sustained thereby providing Manufacturer: AAI Corporation . PO Box 126. Hunt Valley . Maryland 21030-
penetration capability. 0126 . USA.
The round is US sa fety ce rtified and is safe to stow. transport and handle Telephone : (301 ) 666 1400 Telex : 8-7849 Fax: (710) 232 1800
The 155 mm Cannon-Launched Guided Projectile (CLGP ) was originally
conceived by Ihe engineering staff of the United States Army's Rodman
Laboralories in 1970. The following year feasibility studies were conducted
by the Army Missile Command , Picatinny Arsenal. Rodman Laboratories
and the United States Navy Naval Weapon s Laboratory at Dah lgren
Japan and South Korea have evaluated Copperhead but the only country
to receive it is Jordan which is understood to have taken delivery of 100
rounds from the USA in 1987.
The Copperhead was used by the US armed forces during Operation
Desert Storm in early 1991 . Full details of the development were given
in Jane 's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Retrofit Systems 1992-93 pages
134/ 135.
The Copperhead consists of three separate sections . guidance (seeker
and electronics assemblies) , warhead and stabilisation and control.
The guidance section houses the seeker and electronics assemblies.
The seeker head includes a window. spider-mounted cover plate , direct
impact sensor and four quadrant detectors . preamplifier and optical filter
assembly, followed by the gyro . torque coil s and spring gyro spin-up
device. A gotcha device unloads the gyro ball bearings during firing
acceleration to prevent brinelling. The gyro is spun up mechanically and
maintained electrically. Body-fixed optics are used and the spin-stabilised
gyro mirror directs the laser signal into the detector. which senses guidance
errors for the proportional navigation guidance scheme .
The electronics assembly contains interconnected . annular printed circuit Copperhead CLGP, left. with wings and fins extended; right. showing main
boards with section interfaces connected by a rigid fle x motherboard components
supported by aluminium rings which transfer the shock load into the housing.
The assembly is compressed and bolted to prevent break up at firing . Holes
in the centre of the electronics assembly permit the HEAT warhead to pass proximity were destroyed by two CLGPs fired from different Ml09A l s with
through without interference. each CLGP being guided to the target by a different forward observer using
The warhead section consists of the Composition B shaped charge with a laser designator (with one code apart).
a copper liner, a free space cone to permit jet formation . a safe and arm and Martin Marietta has demonstrated a new design incorporating
dual channel fuze module (providing safety and in-flight arming of the firing microprocessor circuitry . a more simple gyroscope and the capability to
train) and six grazing sensors to detonate the warhead if the nose sensor reprogram internal software in the field to meet a changing threat.
does not impact the target. A ribbon cable through the warhead section The improved guidance section uses one third fewer parts leavi ng room
carries command signals from the guidance section to the control section for the precursor section of a tandem warhead. It is possible that th e new
and fuzing signals to the warhead initiator. seeker together with a new warhead, could be retrofitted in the US Army 's
The stabilisation and control section contains deployable wings . the wing existing stock of over 20 000 Copperhead CLGPs .
release and extension mechanism (squib-actuated). the control system Martin Marietta is under a $30.5 mittion , four year contract to develop a
(including a two-element thermal battery , helium bottle. cold gas actuator . seeker that combines imaging infra-red technology with the existing semi-
actuation electronics, deployable control fins and housing) . slip obturator active laser guidance. Captive flight testing of the seeker started in 1989.
and aft closure . The slip obturator provides a gas seal and decouples the As a private venture . Martin Marietta is developing a shorter version of
projectile from the bore preventing the full spin-up encountered by Copperhead which is 990 mm long compared to the standard projectile
conventional projectiles. The aft closure serves as the pusher plate and which is 1300 mm in length . The key innovation is that the fins nearthe mid-
provides for extractor engagement. point fo ld around the circumference of the projectile saving internal space.
The Copperhead can be fired from the following weapons : Mf09Al and no longer needed for the folded fins. thus allowing for a shorter airframe.
M 109A2 self-propelled howitzers , M 198 and M 114 towed howitzers . Recent US Army tests of Copperhead with a slightly modified warhead
International FH-70. the French 155 mm GCT self-propelled gun and the have proven its effectiveness against explosive reactive armour. A slight
Japanese Type 75 self-propelled howitzer. delay in the fuze allows the kinetic energy of the projectile itself to penetrate
Targets for Copperhead can be designated by a number of ground and the explosive reacti ve armour before the shaped charge is detonated .
airborne lasers including the Hughes Ground Laser Locator Designator Further improvements to the warhead are expected to improve Copperhead's
(GLLD), Hughes Laser Target Designator (LTD) , Hughes Modutar Universal penetration by up to 25 per cen t.
Laser Equipment (MULE) . RPVs, Target Acquisition and Designation System In addition , th e US Army is consi dering a fire-and -forget version of th e
(TAOS) mounted in the McDonnell Douglas Helicopters AH -64 Advanced Copperhead . Martin Marietta is developing a dual mode seeker combining
Attack Helicopter and a laser designator mounted in a modified version of imaging infra-red with the existing semi-active laser capability for possible
the Emerson Improved TO W Vehicle . It has also been successfully use on th e fire-and-forget Copperhead and other missile programmes .
demonstrated in conjunction with the Ferranti Laser Target Marker and
Ranger. At present the Copperhead is principally a day system although SPECIFICATIONS
the GLLD fitted with a TOW night sight has been successfully tested. CALIBRE 155mm
In a typical engagement a forwa rd observer detects the enemy armoured WEIGHT
advance and calls for Copperhead indirect fire from an artillery unit. The complete projectile 63.5 kg
forward observer relays the approximate position of the target to the gun warhead 22.5 kg
and the CLGP is then fired. After the CLGP is launched the fin s deploy to Camp B in warhead 6.4 kg
stabilise the round and at a preset time the wings are deployed and the LENGTH (projectile ) 1.372 m
guidance electronics are activated. The CLGP is sufficiently manoeuvrable MAX RANGE t6 000 m
to cover a large area and can seek out and destroy targets during marginal
weather and low cloud ceilings. During the flight of the projectile the forward Status : Production was completed in 1990.
observer designates the target with his laser beam and the Copperhead's
electro-optical seeker locks on to th e target . During trials Copperhead Manufacturer: Martin Marietta Orlando Aero space . PO Box 5837. Orlando ,
successfully hit stationary and moving targets at ranges of 4. 8, 12 and Florida 32805 , USA.
16 km. some head on and some side on. In one test two tanks in near Telephone : (305) 356 2000 Telex : 564 414
The Hercules 155 mm Unicharge is a 152 mm long rigid combustible to six increments to provide the range now covered by the M3A 1, M4A2 .
cartridge case that will con tain granular propellant. One propellant candidate M 119A2. M203A 1 and XM224. all of which il will replace. The 39 calibre
is the new 1M formulation (HES 9268) which has demonslrated reaction cannon will use up to five increments while the 52 calibre cannon will use
levels 80 per cent less than M301 A stick propellant during tests at ARDEC up to six increments.
using shape charge warheads. Unicharge is an additive system Ihat effectively uses every increment
Unicharge is a single common increment and is used in multiples of Iwo and eliminates the need to dispose of unused increments. In addition this
also redu ces th e amounl of propellanl required in th e system to accomplish (6) logistics system exists
the required missions. (7) minimal Iraining requiremenl
Unicharg e will supporl higher rates 01 fire Ihrough automalion , but can (8) compalible with existing production base .
also be loaded manually . allowing its use with existing 155 mm howitzers .
According to Hercules. the Unicharg e offers th e following advantages : Note : Hercules is also involved in other ammunition developments including
(1) designed to meet th e AFAS requirements (onl y at 40 km . max range the 120 mm X-ROD programme (qv) .
(2) propellant lu ll-scale development low ri sk Status : Development.
(3) HES 9268 meets 1M requirements
(4) backward compatible with existing howitz ers Manufacturer : Hercules Aerospace . Wilmington , Delaware 19894, USA .
(5) allows NATO interoperability Telephone : (302) 594 6379
Thiokol Ammunition
As part of its overall aerospace-related induslries Thiokol Corporation HE Ml07 This is one of the US Army's standard HE projectiles and is also
operates two Governm ent-Owned Conlractor-Operated (GOCO) ordnance a NATO standard munition . It contains 6.985 kg of Composition B and the
plants for th e US Army. GOCO plants are operated as separate military projectile weighs 43.1 kg .
install ati ons administered by a residenl US Army staff under Ihe US Army HE M692/M731 These Area Denial Artillery Munitions (ADAMs) each
Arm ament Mu nitions Ch emical Command (AM CCOM) at Rock Island . deliver 36 anti -personnel mines. After scattering . the mines deploy trip lines
Illinois. US Army policy now support s and encourages use of GOCOs for which cause the mine to be actuated on contact. An electronic firing circuit
the developm enl and producl ion of all US Government armament causes the mine to be projected upwards where it detonates to scatter
requirements so Thiokol Corporation can con tract directly with olher US fragments in all directions . Each projectile is 899 mm long. fuzed and
Government agencies and/or prime system contractors using existing GOCO weighs 46.49 kg .
faci lities on a rent-free basis. Direct sales to foreign customers are also Il luminating M485A2 This projectile uses an M577 fuze and produces one
authorised when rental rates and other factors can be negotiated wi th the million candlepower for 110 seconds. I! is 604 .5 mm long and weighs
US Army. Thiokol has two GOCO plan ts in Louisiana and Texas and 42.48 kg .
Thiokol's Utah Tactical Division manufactures illuminating ammunition such Illum inating NR109 The NR109 utilises the M485A2 hardware combined
as th e M257 flare. with a modified flare candle to provide an initial illumination of 3 million
Listed below is the artill ery ammunition produced by T hiokol. candlepower decreasing to 1.5 mil lion as the carrier parachute descends ,
resulting in almost constant ground illumination over a 70 second burning
155 mm time. It is otherwise identical to the M485A2.
Smoke WP M825 This projectile can produce a smoke screening cloud for M864 DP/ICM Base Bteed This 155 mm artillery shell is an extended range
up to 10 minutes by usi ng wedge-shaped pieces of fel! saturated wi th White companion to the currently fielded M483A 1. It carries a cargo of high
Phosphoru s (WP). The projectil e uses an M483Al ogive and expulsion explosive grenades .
charg e and a modified M483A 1 body with a threaded steel ring/aluminium
body base. A herm etically sealed canister inserted into the body contains 105 mm
116 WP satur ated fe lt wedges separated into four quadra nts of 29 wedges . Il luminating Cartridge M314A3 This uses a parachute-suspended
A bursler charge causes th e canister to eject fro m th e projectile body and illuminant to produce 400 000 candle power fo r at least 55 seconds. I! uses
th en scatt ers the .wedges over th e targ et area to produce a dense smoke an M565 (MT) or M577 (MTSQ) fuze and weighs 21.06 kg. Maximum rang e
cloud in less th an 45 seconds. The M825 weighs 46.72 kg . is 8700 m.
In addition to the above Thiokol Corporation also produces land mines .
various pyrotechnics and simulators, mortar ammunition, rocket warheads
and solid propellants.
Projectile. 155 mm. HE, MI D7. Camp B 105 mm Illuminating Cartridge. M3' 4A3
Combustible fibre products specifically for 120 mm tank ammunition 120mm tank rounds for MIA 1 Abrams MBTwith HEAT-MP- Tin centre and
APFSDS-T either side
Designation C76Al (FP105) C127
CALIBRE 105mm 105mm
LENGTH (complete) 927 mm 1010 mm
LENGTH (projectile) 475 mm 584mm
WEIGHT (projectile) 5.8 kg 3.1B kg
WEIGHT (sub-projectile) 3.6 kg 3.44 kg
sub-projectile 26mm n/avail
Olin Ordnance medium calibre family of ammunition WEIGHT (propellant) 6.2 kg 6 kg
TYPE (propellant) M30 triple base BALL POWER
PENETRATOR MATERIAL tungsten alloy tungsten alloy
SABOT aluminium aluminium
FIN MATERIAL aluminium aluminium
WINDSHIELD MATERIAL aluminium aluminium
TIP MATERIAL steel steel
BOURRELETIMATERIAL stainless steel stainless steel
SEAL BANDIMATERIAL polypropylene polypropylene
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1508 m/s 1560 m/s
Olin Delense Systems Group also operates three Army Ammunition GOCOs:
Lake City Army Ammunition , Independence , Missouri (5.56 mm , 12.7 mm
and 20 mm) : Ravenna Army Ammunition , Ravenna. Ohio . lor standby
equipment and demilitarisation ; and th e Badger Army Ammunition . Baraboo,
Wi sconsin , for standby artillery , rocket propellants and BALL POWDER
propellants . Main components of the Olin 120 KE- W terminator round
t05(T\(T\ MMBAIS I
Key components of/he Olin lOS mm C76A1 (FPI05) APFSDS-T round Key components of the Olin 105 mm C I 27 APFSDS-T round
Designation 120 Olin + (or KE - W Terminator) Manufacturer and sales headquarters: Olin Ordnance , 10 101 9th Street
Type APFSDS-T North , St Petersburg , Florida 337 16, USA.
CALIBR E 120mm Telephone : (813) 578 8100 Fax : (813) 578 8128
LENGTH (cartridge) 980mm Washington Offi ce : Olin Ordnance , 1730 K Street NW , Suite 1300.
LENGTH (projectile) 778mm Washington DC 20006 , USA.
WEIGHT (cartridge) 20.5 kg Telephone : (202) 33 1 7400 Fax : (202) 33 1 0733
WEIGHT (projectile) 8.2 kg
TYPE (propellant) JA-2 19 perf
WEIGHT (propellant) 7.9 kg
Chamberlain 105 mm M900 APFSDS-T projectile with a muzzle velocity of Chamberlam Manufactuflng Corporation 105 mm APFSDS- T projectile
1500 ml s CMC 105
The latest private venture t 05 mm APFSDS -T to be developed by th e MUZZLE VELOCITY 1501 m/s
Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation is the CMC 105 and specification s VELOCITY LOSS 55 m/s km
of this are as follows : PERFORMANCE
NATO Heavy Triple 5700 m
CALIBRE 105mm NATO Heavy Single 4000 m
WEIGHT (complete round ) 17.15 kg High obliquity 178 mm at 67° (equivalent 455 mm)
LENGTH (complete round) 998 .73 mm at range of about 2600 m
PRIMER M1 20 Scranton Army Ammunition Plant
TRACER M13 5 in 54 cal Mk 6 1- 1 projectile
WEIGHT 155 mm . M483A 1 ICM projectile
projectile 5.8 kg 155 mm. M485A2 projectile
sub-projectile 3.56 kg (in-flight) 155 mm . Ml07 HE projectile
PENETRATOR 155 mm . MIlO ChemlWP projectile
material Monobloc Tung sten Alloy 155 mm . M804 Training projectile
weight 3.31 kg 155 mm, M864 ICM projectil e
diameter 22.23 mm 8 in . M509 ICM projectile
length 444 .5 mm 120 mm . XM935 mortar
PROPELLANT M30 Manufactured and marketed by : Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation.
PROPELLANT WEIGHT 6.1 kg 845 Larch Avenue. Elmhurst. Ill inois 60126 . USA .
SERVICE CHAMBER PRESSURE 4150 bar Telephone : (708) 279 3600 Telex : 721476 Fax: (708) 530 6057
155 mm Ammunition for M114 and M198 Towed Howitzers and M44 and M109 series of
Self-propelled Howitzers
Calibre Type Application Designation Weight Weight/type Length Notes
(projectile) of filling (projectile)
155mm Agent H/HD 1-5 MilO 42.91 kg 5.3 kg/H or 607mm fuze PO M557 , MTSQ M520 , M564
4.39 kg/HD
155mm Anti -tank 3-5 M718 46.7 kg 9 antHank mines· 781 mm fuze MTSO M577
155 mm Ant i-tank 3-5 M741 46.7 kg 9 anti-tank minest 78 1 mm fuze MTSQ M577
155 mm Dummy 1-5 M7 42.91 kg n/a 700 mm no fuze
155mm HE 1-5 Ml07 42.91 kg 6.62 kgfTNT or 607 mm fuze PO M557, M78, MTSQ M564.
6.98 kg/Comp B Prox M514. M728
155 mm HE 1·5 M449 43.09 kg 60 M43 anli-personnel 698mm fuze MT M565. MTSQ M548. M577
155mm HE 3-5 M483Al 46.53 kg 64 M42 and 24 M46 803 mm fuze MTSQ M577
dual-purpose grenades
155mm HE 4-5 M692 46.49 kg 36 anti-personnel mines:j: 803mm fuze MTSQ M577
155mm HE 4-5 M731 46.49 kg 36 anti-personnel mines" 803 mm fuze MTSQ M577
155mm HE 4-5 M795 46.72 kg Casl TNT 802 mm no production plans
155 mm HERA 3-5 M549 series 43.54 kg M549 7.25 kg/Comp B 858 mm fuze PO M557 , M739 , Prox M732
M549A 1 6.804 kgfTNT
155 mm Illuminating 1-3 M118 series 46.26 kg 1.95 kg/illuminant 517mm fuze MTSQ M50 1
155mm Illuminating 1-5 M485A2 42.48 kg 2.7 kglilluminant 602 mm fuze MT M565
t'lCKJy assembly
~" ...
9I!pa\Sk;)n charge luze
1 M 11 41M114A 1 (towed)
2 M44 (sell-propelled)
3 M109 (self-propelled)
4 M l09A1 (sell-propelled)
5 M198 (towed)
• also known as Remote Ant i-Armor Mine System (RAAMS) conta ins 9 anti -tank mines model M73 WhlCll have factory-set long self -destruct tIme 01 well over 24 hours
t also known as Remote Ant i-Armor Mine System (RAAMS ) contains 9 anti-tank mines model M70 which have factory-set short self ·destruct time of under 24 hours
:t.also known as Area Denial Artillery Munition (A DAM ) carries 36 M67 anti -personnel mines with tactory -set long (more than 24 hours) sell-destruct time
.. also known as Area Denial Artillery Munition (ADAM) carnes 36 M72 anti-personnel mines With factory -sel short (less than 24 hours) sell-destruct lime. ArtiSt's ImpressIons 01
dispensmg system used for both RAAMS and ADAM are given In Jane 's MiMary Logistics 1993·94 page 244 (ADAM ) and page 264 (RAA MS )
Note : Chemical and tactical nuclear 155 mm projecti les are being destroyed a nd are no longer operational
There are separate entries elsewhere in this section for the following
155 mm arti ll ery rounds :
(1) Martin Marietta Copperhead Canno n-Lau nched Guided Projectile
(2) Sense And Destroy Armor Munition (SADARM)
(3) 155 mm M864 Dual Pu rpose Improved Conventional Munition (DPICM)
(4) 155 mm Expendable Jammer XM867 ,
The US Army Electronics Research An d Devetopment Command Fairchitd Weston division of Schlumberger in conjunction with Harry Diamond
(ERADCOM) is developing an expendable communications jammer that Laboratories and the first firings were made at the Yuma Proving Grounds ,
can be loaded five to a 155 mm ca rgo round and dispensed at preset Arizona, during 1982. Further tests took place at Yuma during FY84
intervals once the projectile is in flig ht. T he project originated with til e involving 1000 jammers The jammers are known as 'pucks', During late
152 A M M U N I TI ON / USA
1986 thi s projectile was type classified as the XM86? AD/EXJAM . based on switch . An electrical pulse is sent through the flex cable to the base plug
the M483A 1 cargo projectile. Fairchild We ston Systems Inc of Syosset. ejection system . The gas generator is activated . igniting the black powder
New York. was awarded a $15 116 32S development contract in September and expelling th e base plug of the projectile . The same electrical pulse is
1986 to produce the XM867 . Loral Control Systems is now responsible for inductively sensed by each ECM device and is converted to tim e zero start
the XM867 system . for ECM sequencing . The devices are then explosively expelled sequentially
A complete system consists of five ECM devices stacked within an at 2. t second intervals .
M483A 1 cargo projectile in the order of preset ejection times ; a nose switch As the ECM devices clear the projectile . the three despin fi ns are
assembly. with a P115 reserve battery which is activated during firing ; a flex deployed by centrifugal force and a drag device is released . The despin fi ns
cable connecti ng the nose swi tch assembly to a base plug ejection system ; halt the rota tion of the ECM device and th e drag device provides the
an ejection system consisting of an electrically initiated gas generator and a righting force to orientate the jammer for landing upright. The ECM jammer
black powder bay containing S g of black powder and a standard MS 77 fuze. impacts the ground at a velocity of about 40 m/s and uprights itself. Once
To deliver at a preplan ned target area, the M577 fuze air· burst time is on the ground . the drag device compartm ent is explosively removed. the
selected . set and installed on the projectil e. Gun elevation and propelling antenna erects and four plane radials are released. Within a few seconds
charge are chosen from standard firing tables. Once fired. the spin and the transmitter is automatically turned on . All device fun ctions are controlled
setback force provides the means of activating the reserve power supplies by th e internal timing mechanism .
in the nose switch assembly and the ECM devices. At the preset time in
flight. th e fuze explosive output causes mechanical closu re of the nose SPECtFtCATtONS
JAMM ING TYPE barrage . RF
DEPLOYMENT SYSTEM 15S mm artillery
PROJ EC TILE , t 55 MM PROJECTI LE CASE standard M483 cargo round
UN ITS S per projectile
DESPIN METHOD automatically deployed fins and drag device
DESPIN TIME less than 1 s
DEPLOYMENT INTERVAL 2 s after first jammer in round is deployed
FUZE MS77 or equivalent
POWER reserve battery activated during fi ring
ANTENNA DEPLOYMENT automatic, followin g cover and drag device
TURN ON automatic, timed sequence after launch
WEIGHT (projectile) 46 .26 kg
Status : Development.
J"MMfR NO. J JA.'ltM EA NO . • Manufacturer: Loral Co ntrol System s. Ke n nedy Drive , Arc hbald ,
Pennsylvania 18403 . USA .
Cross-section of 155 mm expendable communicalion jammer Telephone: (7 17) 876 1SOD Telex : (510) 6S6 2902
105 mm Ammunition for M1 01 , M1 02 and M119 Towed Howitzers and M52 and M108 Self-propelled
Howitzers (M44 and M108 are no longer in US Army service)
Calibre Type Designation Weight Weight/type Length Max muzzle Notes
(complete of filling (complete velocity
round ) round)
10Smm HEAT-T M662 14.S6 kg 0.97 kg Comp B 7S4 mm classified fuze MS09A 1 PIBD
10Smm Tactical CS M629 19.0S kg 3.02 kg CS 817mm 494 m/s (Ml02/Ml08) fuze MTSO MS48 . MT MS6S
472.4 m/s (Ml 01 /MS2)
IDS mm HE M760 t8.10 kg 2.08 kg TNT 726mm 616 m/s luze M739. MTSQ MS82, Pro x
M732 (for M 119 weapon only)
10Smm Agent GB M360 19.89 kg 0.73 kg/GB 792mm 494 m/s (Ml 02/Ml 08 ) fuze PO M739. M557
472.4 m/s (Ml0l /M52)
10Smm Agent H or M60 19.46 kg 1.43 kgl H, 789 mm 494 m/s (Ml02/M108) fuze PO MS57, M739, M51AS
HD 1.347 kgl HD 472.4 m/s (M101 /MS2)
10Smm APERS -T M546 17.3S kg 4.148 kg (8000 867 mm 549 m/s fuze MT M563
flechettes )
105mm Blank M395 2.83 kg nla 153 mm nla no fuze
105 mm Dummy M14 19.07 kg nl a 789 mm nla PO Dummy MS9
105mm HE Ml 18.1 kg 2 .08/2 .3 kg/Comp B 789 mm 494 m/s (Ml02 /Ml08 ) fuz e PO MS57, M78 series: M739
or 1.92/2. 177 kg/TNT 472.4 m/s (Ml0l /M52 ) seri es MTSQ : MS82 seri es, M564 ;
Pro x: M51 3 series . M728. M732
10Smm HE M413 19.05 kg 18 M3S anti- 788 mm 494 m/s (Ml02/Ml08 ) fuze MTSQ MS54
personnel grenades 472.4 m/s (Ml 01 /M52 )
10Smm HE M444 19.05 kg t8 M39 anti- 788 mm 494 m/s (Ml02lMl08) fuze MT M565 or MTSQ M548
personnel grenades 472.4 m/s (Ml0 l /M52)
105mm HEP/HEP-T M327 15.17 kg 3.44 kg Camp A3 739mm 625 m/s Fuze BD M91
105mm HERA M548 17.46 kg 2.35 kg/Comp B 830mm 548 m/s Pro x M728 , PO M739 and M557,
494 m/s (Ml02lMl08) MTSQ M564 and M582
105mm Illuminating M314 series 21 .06 kg 0.78 g/illuminant 817 mm 472 .4 m/s (Ml0 l /M52 ) MTSQ M501
494 m/s (Ml02 /Ml08 )
t05mm Leaflet M84Bl 18 kg leaflets 774mm 433 m/s fuze MTSQ 501
105 mm Smoke M60 series 19.46 kg 1.75 kglWP 790 mm 494 m/s (Ml 02 /Ml0 8) fuze PO M557. MTSQ M564
472 .4 m/s (Ml 01 /M52 )
105mm Smoke M84 seri es 19.03 kg 5.57 kglHC 774mm 494 m/s (Ml02/Ml08) fuze MT MS65, MTSQ M548
472.4 m/s (Ml 0l /M52 ) MSOI
IDS mm TP-T M67 16.81 kg 1.76 kgl inert 788 mm 38 1 m/s empty fuze
105mm HE RAP M913 nla TNT nl a nla for M119 (qv)
IDS mm HE RAP XM927 nla TNT nla nl a development (qv)
USA / A M M U NI T ION 153
cartridge case
Cutaway drawing of 105 mm XM927 HERA Cutaway drawing of 105 mm M913 HERA
20 mm Fixed Ammunition
Type Designation Designati on Fuze Designation Designation Application
(complete round ) (projectile) (cartridge case) (primer)
API MS3 MS3 none Ml03 brass, Ml03Al steel MS2A3Bl M39 , M61
API ·T M601 M602 none M187 steel MI03 M139
AP·T M9S' M9S none M21Al copper alloy M36AI M3
Dummy MS1A2 MS1A2 none Ml03Al steel no primer M39 , M61, M168
HEI MS6Al MS6A3 or M56A4 PD M505A3 M187 steel MS2A3Bl M39, M61 . M1 68
HEI M97A2 M97A2 PD MSOSA3 M21 A 1 copper alloy MS2A3Bl M24AI
HEI M210 M97A2 PD MSOSA3 M21 Al copper alloy M36A2 M3
HEI -T M242 M242 PD M50SA3 M 103 brass, M I 03A I steel MS2A3Bl M39 , M61
HEI -T M246 none PD MSOSA3 Ml03 brass, M I 03A 1 steel MS2A3Bl M168
HPT MS4Al MS4Al none Ml03 brass, M I 03A I steel MS2A3Bl M39, M61 . M168
Incendiary M96' M96 none M21 A 1 copper alloy M36Al M3
Notes on application: M3. M24Al and M39 are aircraft cannon, M61 is Vulcan cannon which can be aircraft- or helicopter-mounted , Mt39 was main
armament of some versions of M114 command and reconnaissance vehicle now phased out 01 service , M168 is Vulcan cannon-mounted in M1 63 SPAAG
system (on M113Al chassis) , and in towed M167 anti-aircraft gun system .
Alliant Techsystems designed . developed and put into high volume
production the lightweight 30 mm ammunition family under various contracts
with Hughes Helicopters (now McDonnell Douglas Helicopter) , the US
Army Research and Development Center and the US Army Production
Base Modernization . The family of lightweight 30 mm ammunition includes
the M788 TP , M789 HEDP , and the M799 HE!. The M799 HEI was
developed for US Marine Corps use . The M788 and M789 are both
classified as Standard A.
Alliant Techsystems 30 mm ammunition is fired from five types of weapon.
the M230 Chain Gun. the ADEN Mk IV cannon , the French DEFA cannon .
the 30 mm Heavy Support Weapon and the ASP - 3~ . The rounds are fixed .
afuminium-cased and efectrically primed . The ammunition is loaded with a
PA 250 low voltage primer. a flashtube with three ignition pellets and 50 g of
WC 855 ball propellant. The projectiles are fired at a nominal muzzle
velocity 01 805 m/s and maximum range is 4000 m.
The M788 TP projectile consists of an inert. impact-extruded steel projectile
body with a gilded metal rotating band and a pressed-on aluminium nose.
The M789 projectile has a heat-treated steel body and is loaded with 27 g of
PBXN-5 explosive. It has a fluted copper shaped-charge liner, a steel
retaining ring and a threaded-on M759 point detonating fuze. The fuze ,
formerly designated the XM714E6, is made by Alliant Techsystems and
has dual safety , arming delay and graze function . It is 47 .8 mm long ,
weighs 40 g and is made of aluminium .
CALIBRE 30mm 30mm
cartridge 350.5 9 352.8 9 Cross-section of Alliant Techsystems Lightweight 30 mm ammunition (left to
prOjectile 236.6 g 238.7 9 right) M799 HEI: M789 HEDP: M788 TP
explosive 27 g none
cartridge 199.75mm 199.75 mm Manufacturers : Alliant Techsystems. 7225 Northland Drive . Brooklyn Park.
projectile 108.07 mm 107.5 mm Minnesota 55428 . USA.
MUZZLE VELOCITY (nominal) 805 m/s 805 m/s Telephone: (6 12) 536 4544 Fax : (612) 5364545
FUZE M759 PO none
Olin Corporation . 120 Long Ridge Road, Stamford . Connecticut 06904.
Status: Production. In service with US Army. USA.
u SA / A M M U N I TI 0 N 155
25 mm Ammunition
Development/Descri pti on
The 25 mm ammunition family currently in produclion includes Ihese four
rounds: M791 APDS-T , M792 HEI-T, M793 TP-T and Ihe M910 TPDS-T.
There is a separate entry for the new M919 AP FSDS-T round.
This series of 25 mm ammunition was designed primarily for use in the
M242 Chain Gun installed in the M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the M3
Cavalry Fighting Vehicle but can also be used with the Oerlikon-Contraves
KBA-B02 cannon and the General Electric GE525 Gatling gun . It is also
used with the Light Armored Vehicle (LA V) and is used with US Marine
Corps AV-8B Harrier GAU-12 gun . It has also been adopted by Spain for its
VEC (6 x 6) Cavalry Scout Vehicles.
All rounds are steel cased and have tracers. The M793 TP-T has an inert.
impact-extruded steel projectile with a steel band and a pressed-on
aluminium nose cap. The M792 HE I-T also has an impact-extruded steel
projectile with a steel band . It is charged with PBXN -5/aluminium explosive
and has an M758 PDSD fuze. The M758 weighs 18.7 g and has dual
safety . arming delay and graze functions. The M791 APDS -T projectile has
a windscreened tung sten penetrator and an aluminium pusher in a mOUlded ,
glass-filled nylon sabot.
The M910 TPDS-T is a recently developed training round designed to
speci fically match the trajectory of the armour-piercing round to a limited
range _
DESIGNATION M791 M792 M793 M910
CALIBRE 25mm 25mm 25mm 25mm
cartridge 457 g 493 g 492 g 426 g
projectile 133 g 185 g 182 g 95 g
explosive none 30 g none none
cartridge 221 mm 218 mm 218mm 223mm
projectile 99mm 117 mm 117mm 75mm Alliam Techsystems 25 mm ammunition (left to right) M791 APDS-T, M792
VELOCITY 1345 m /s 1100 m /s 1100 m /s 1540 m /s
FUZE none M758 PDSD none none
Developmen t/Description
In 1990 Aerojet Ordnance was awarded a contract from the US Army to Aerojet Ord nance entered a Full-Scale Engineering Development (FSED)
commence Low Rate Initial Production (LR IP) of the 25 mm M919 APFSDS-T programme for this round in 1986. The company is already producing the
ro und for use with the M242 Chain Gun . The initial contract is worth $18.5 companion training round, the M91 0 TPDS-T .
million and covers the supply of an initial 110 000 round s with options for an The company will produce the M919's heavy metal penetrator at Its
additional 360000 and 640 000 rounds. The contract was awarded by the Jonesborough , Tennessee facility . Projectile assembly and the loadl
US Army Armament Research and Development Command at Picatinny assemblylpack process and testing will be completed at Chino , California.
Arsenal. Manufacture of the sabot and programme management will be at Downey ,
cartridge 455 g
primed case 224 g
projectile 132 g
sub-projectile 96 g
propellant 97 g
Manufacturer: Aerojel Ordnance Company, 9236 East Hall Road . Downey .
California 90241 , USA.
25 mm M919 APFSDS- T round cutaway to show key components Telephone : (310) 923 7511 Tele x: 673599 Fax: (310) 904 7914
156 A M M U N I TI 0 N / USA
Aerojet 30 mm Ammunition
ROUND LENGTH 258 mm 290 mm 290 mm
round 707 g 670 9 670 g
projectile 255 g 363 g 363 g
PENETRATOR TYPE tungsten n/a nl a
CARTRIDGE CASE TYPE steel steel steel
MUZZLE VELOCITY 1225 ml s 1035 ml s 1035 ml s
to 2000 m 1.87 s 2.7 s 2.7 s
30 mm GAU-8/A Ammunition
The Aerojet Ordnance 30 mm GAU-8/A ammunition was developed by Manufacturer : Aerojet Ordnance , 9236 East Hall Ro ad, Downey , California
Aerojet Ordnance and qualified by th e US Air Force , over 90 million rounds 90241. USA.
have been delivered to date . The ammu nition is used with Ihe GAU·8/A Telephone : (310) 923 751 1 Te lex : 673599 Fax : (3 10) 904 79 14
seven barrel Gatling-type gun used on the US Air Force's AI 0 aircraft. The
cartridge case was the first production application of a lightweight aluminium Alliant Techsystems Inc , 7225 Northl and Drive . Brooklyn Park , Minnesota
cartridge case in a high performance gun . Plastic rotating bands are used 55428 . USA.
which results in a Ihreefold increase in barrel life. Data for the rou nds are as Telephone : (6 12) 536 4795 Fax : (6 12) 536 4545
follows :
ROUND LENGTH 290 mm 290 mm 290 mm
round 727 g 662 g 667 g
projectile 425 g 360 g 365 g
MUZZLE VELOCITY 983 ml s 1021 ml s 1018 mls
Cali bre Type Designation Weight Weight/type Length Max muzzle Notes
(complete round) of fiiling (complete velocity
76 mm AP -T M339 12.39 kg none 835 mm 954 m/s no fuze, training equivalent
is M340l M340A 1
76mm Blank M355A2 1.96 kg none 168m m nl a carlridge only
76mm Canisler M363 12.33 kg 4.08 kg/steel balls 814mm 716 m/s no fuze
76 mm HE M352 11 .57 kg 0.66 kglCom p B 865 mm 716 m/s luze PD or MTSQ
76mm HEAT-T M496 11 .71 kg OA9 kg/Comp B 807 mm 1082 ml s fuze PIBD M509A l
76mm HVAP-DS-T M331Al 9.38 kg none 784 mm 1231 ml s no fuze
76mm HVAp·T M319 8.63 kg none 828 mm 1234 ml s no fuze. training equivalent
is M320
76 mm SmokeWP M361 /M361Al 11.71 kg 0.62 kg/WP 865 mm 713.5 mls fuze M48A3 (M361). fuze M521
(M361Al )
76 mm APFSDS-T M464 8.5 kg 1.63 kg/lungslen 705 mm 1480 ml s developed by AAI as privale
venlure for exporl markel (qv)
Ammunition for 90 mm Gun on M47 and M48 Tanks and M56 SPATG (none of these are now in
service with the US Army)
Calibre Type Designation Weight Weigh t/type Length Max muzzle Notes
(complete round) of filling (complete velocity
round )
90 mm APER S-T M580 18.7 1 kg 2.04 kg . 4200 966 mm 914.4 01ls MTM 711
90mm AP-T M77 19.06 kg none 831 mm 821 mls no fuze
90mm APC-T M82 19.39 kgl 19.89 kg 0.14 kg/E xpl D 971 mm 790 ml s fuze BD M681M68A 1
90mm Blank M394 3.73 kg none 185 mm nla cartridge only
90mm Canister M336 18.86 kg 1281 pellets 858 mm 858 mls no fuze
90mm Canister M377 17.82 kg 3.08 kg . 5600 864 mm 851 mls no fuze
90mm Dumm y M12 series 19.06 kgl 19.25 kg none 950 mm nla fuze M80
90mm HEAT M348/M348A 1 15.78 kg 0.7 kglComp B 857 mm 832 m/s luze PIBD M509A 1
90mm HEAT-T M431 series 14.96 kg 0.54 kg/Comp B 914 mm 1216 mls fuze PIBD M509A 1
90mm HE M71 18.68 kgl l 9.01 kg 0.97 kglComp B 951 mm 730 mls fuzes PD M51A5 or M557.
MTSQ M520 or M564
90mm HE-T M71A1 17.6 kg117.93 kg 0.97 kglComp B 951 mm 823 mls fuzes PD M51 A5 or M557.
MTSQ M520 or M564
90mm HVAP-T M332A1 14.65 kg none 912mm 1165 mls no fuze
90mm SmokeWP M313 19.29 kg 0.89 kgl WP 950 mm 821 ml s fuzes PD M48A3 or M57.
MTSQ M501 series
90mm Smoke WP M313C 18.37 kg 0.89 kglWP 951 mm 730 mls fuzes PD M48A3 or M57.
MTSQ M501 series
90 mm AP -T M318 19.94 kg none 950mm 851 mls no fuze
90mm AP -T M318 A1 19.9 1 kg none 942 mm 912 mls no fu ze
90mm TP-T M353 series 19.91 kg none 939mm 914 m/s no fuze
Calibre Type Designation Weight Weightl type Length Max muzzle Notes
(comp lete round) of fitting (complete ve tocity
105 mm APDS-T M392 18.6 kg none 838mm 1458 m/s British manufacture
105mm APDS -T M392A2 18.6 kg none 838mm 1458 m/s US manufacture
105mm APDS-T M728 18.91 kg none 838 mm 1426 m/s noluze
Note: The latest 105 mm APFSDS-T round is the M900 which has a depleted uranium penetrator with a muzzle velocity of 1500 m/s. Projectile length is
711 mm and weighs 6.83 kg. There IS a separate entry under AAI In thiS section for the private venture 105 mm High Explosive Air Defence (HEAD) round.
Details of the pnvate venture Olin 105 mm C76Al (FP105) and C127 are given in the earlier entry for Olin
Alflanl Techsyslems 120 mm ammunition family for MIA 1 Abrams MBT. from left 10 righ l. M829 APFSDS-T. KE- T. M865 TPCSDS-T. M830 HEAT-MP-T
and M831 TP-T
Description HEAT-MP-T rou nd and contains cert ain properti es of th e HEAT round but
These 120 mm rounds are interoperable with the 120 mm smooth-bore gun is lilted with a sabot and has a new fuzi ng system .
installed in the Leopard 2 MBTs. The rounds consist of the projectile and
the cartridg e case. SPECtFtCATIONS
The common Combustibl e Cartridge Case (CCG) structurally combines major Designation M829Al M830Al
ammunition components prior to firing and is completely consumed during the Type APFSDS-T HEAT-MP-T
propellant function . All that remains is the spent cartridge case material. CARTR IDGE
Obturation. the sealing of propulsion gases behind the projectil e, IS LE NGTH 984 mm 982 mm
achieved by a band (nylon on KE and copper on HEAT) round th e rear WEI GHT 20.9 kg 22.3 g
portion of the stabilised projectile. TYPE (propellant) JA2 19 Perf JA2 19 Perf
PROPE LLANT 7.9 kg 11.4 kg
New Generation 120 mm Tank Ammunition WE IGHT (projecti le) 9.0 kg 7.1 kg
The latest 120 mm tank rounds to enter production are the M829A 1 MUZZLE VELOCITY 1575 mls nlavail
APFSDS -T whi ch were used during the 1991 Desert Storm operatio n and
are known as the Silver Bullet and the M830A1 HEAT-MP-T round .
The M829A 1 has been designed as the replacement for th e M829 and
features a redesigned projectile and improved propulsion system for
increased penetration characteristics.
The M830A 1 has been designed as the replacement for th e M830
120 mm M829A 1 APFSDS- T round which has a longer penelralor Ihan Ihe 120 mm M830A 1 HEA T-MP-T round which has a sabol and new fuzmg
earlier M829 round syslem
160 A M M UN' T , 0 N / USA
The 120 mm KE-T (Kin etic Energ y- Tung sten) round has been developed
by Alliant Techsystems as a pnvate venture and was announced for the
fir st time in 1988.
Tea med with Alliant Techsystems are NWM de KrUithoorn of the
Netherlands for the penetrator and Chamberlain Manufacturing Company
of the USA who provi ded the sabots. fins and projectile assembly facility .
The training round for the KE -T would be th e standard US Army M865
It has been developed speci fically for the export market In support of
export sales of the 120 mm armed M1Al /M1A2 Abrams MBT as the US
Government will not allow sales of the standard M829 APF SDS-T round
which has a DU penetrator.
The KE-T is ballistically matched to the M829 and has a three-part sabot.
length -to -diameter ratio of about 20 : 1 and six fins with a tracer element.
CALI BRE 120mm
PROPELLANT TYPE JA-2 'solventless'
WEIGHT 7. 16 kg
RANGE 3000 m +
Hercules 120 mm X-ROD Autonomous Tank Research Program Agency (DARPA) . The programme is managed by the
Army Research and Development Center (ARDEC).
Round Hercules Defense Electronics Systems is providing overall program me
management and systems integration for the programme in addition to
Following a competition between AAI and Hercules Defen se Electronics developing the front end guidance and control systems. The Hercules
Systems Inc, the lalter was selected in May 1992 as the contractor to Allegany Ballistics Laboratory is providing propulsion engineering and
conti nue development 01 the 120 mm X-ROD autonomous kinetic energy development.
smarl munition for the M1Al /M1A2 MBT. The X-ROD has been under development si nce 1987 and com bines
Funding for this programme co mes from the US Department of Defen se's Millimeter Wave guidance technology with rocket -assisted propulsion to
Balanced Technology Initi ative (BTl) office and the Defense Advanced provide armour forces with an autonomous lire-and-forgel capability .
The Hercules X-ROD requires no changes to the M1Al /M1A2 fire -
control system and is completely compatible with the lank's fire -contol
According to Hercules it provi des a substantial enhancement to both
lethality and accuracy at ranges well beyond present day tank engagements.
Wh en fired , the MMW guidance package provides in-flighl multiple
manoeuvres to ensure a target lor a centroid hit. A rocket-assisted boost
prior to impact provides a penetrator with the hypervelocity required to
defeat any current and emerging tank threats .
As the X- ROD requires no update from the tank after launch. maximum
lire rates are achieved . so minimisi ng exposure to opposing lorces. The
MMW guidance also provides X - ROD resis tan ce to electronic
countermeasures .
The X-ROD 120 mm projectile has a nose-mounted MMW sensor with
the guidance electronics , battery and manoeuvre mechanism to th e rear.
The projectile has a composite case which contains the rocket propellant
and the penetrator which also extends to the rear where there are eight fins
which unfold after launch . In flight the missile is ste ered through impulse
thru sters mounted around the nose.
Status: Development.
Yugoslav Ammunition
The Yugoslav defence industry produces a range of artillery and small as of early 1993. it is not certain which ammunition factories are currently in
arms ammunition to suit th e weapons produced both for the Yugoslav production . The list below covers ammunition bei ng offered for export by
armed forces and for export. Owing to th e situation in the former Yugoslavia Yugoslavia prior to the recent conflict.
DESIGNATION M57 M57 M60 M60 M60 M57 M57 M57 M57 M57 M60
complete 261 g 257 g 274 g 274 g 274 g 261 9 257 g 261 9 257 9 257 9 274 9
projectile 137 9 132 g 142g 142 9 142 9 137 9 132g 137 9 132 9 132 9 142 9
complete 184mm 184 mm 182mm 182mm 182 mm 184 mm 184mm 184mm 184 mm 184 mm 182mm
projectile 92mm 92mm 81 mm 81 mm 81 mm 92mm 92mm 92mm 92mm 92mm 81 mm
MUZZLE VELOCITY 850 m/s 850 m/s 840 m/s 840 m/s 840 m/s 850 m/s 850 m/s 850 m/s 850 m/s 850 m/s 840 m/s
The brass cartridge cases contain 31 to 33 g of propellant and a self-destruct fuze acts between 4.5 and 9.5 seconds.
23 mm Ammu nit ion Z U -23 a nd Z SU-23-4 Type API and HE and HEI-T and TP and
Yugoslavia produces ammunilion for Ihe ZU-23 lowed and ZSU-23-4 sell- API-T HEI HE-T TP-T
propelled air defence syslems. " also produces ammunilion for 23 mm DESIGNATION M85 M85 M85 M85
aircraft cannon . Details of Ihe ammunition for th e ZU-23 and ZSU-23-4 are WEIGHT
given here. complele 436g 436 9 436 9 436 g
proiectile 190 9 182 g 190 9 190 g
complele 236 mOl 236mm 236 mm 236 mm
proieclile 100.2 mm 108.1 mm 108.1 mm 108.1 mm
MUZZLE VELOC ITY 970 mls 970 mls 970 mls 970 mls
30 m m Ammun it ion fo r 2 A 42
Yugoslavia has started to manufacture 30 mm ammunition for the 2A42
cannon installed in the former Soviet BMP-2 infantry combat vehicle.
Type HE HE Smoke
WEIGHT (complete) 9.00 kg 8.20 kg 9.00 kg
LENGTH (complete) 640mm 642mm 640 mm
CARTRIDGE CASE brass brass brass
MUZZLE VELOCITY 398 mls 398 mls 398 mls
PROPELLIN G CHARGE NGB powder for all rounds
MAX RANGE 8750 m 8750 m 8750 m
Type HE
WEIGHT (complete) 9.00 kg
LENGTH (complete) 650 mm
MAX RANGE 13750 m
90 mm Amm u nition for 90 mm Guns 100 mm M69 HEA T-T round 100 mm M65 Ap· T round
This ammunition is used in the 90 mm gun installed in a number of syslems
developed in the United States during the Second World War including the
M36 tank destroyer and the 90 mm M t 17 and M118 anti-aircralt guns.
Smoke WP M60 The complete round weigh s 20 kg and th e projectile
Type HE 15.8 kg. Uses the same fuze as HE .
DESIGNATION M71 HESH-T Known as the M67 this projectile has a maximum range of
WE IGHT (complete) 19.10 kg 12 045 m although the normal combat range is 870 m. The 10 kg shell
LENGTH (complete) 951 mm con tains 2.2 kg of explosive. Wh en used against armour plate 100 mm
CARTRIDGE CASE brass Ihick at an angle of 30° the shell can cause a 25 mm thick scab to be blown
MUZZLE VELOCITY 823 mls off th e side opposite th e shot. The scab fragments may be up to 5 kg In
PROPELLING POWDER NC powder weight and travel at a veloci ty of 300 m/s.
MAX RANGE 17887 m The above projectil es are propelled by a seven-charge system plus a
super charge. The fo llowing details refer to this ammunition in use with the
105 mm M56 howitzer.
Ammun ition for 90 mm Tank Guns
Yugoslavia manufactures a 90 mm HEAT-T round that can be fired from Charge Muzzle vel ocity Range
the 90 mm armed M36 tank destroyer and M4 7 tanks. 1 201 m/s 3700 m
2 221 mls 4200 m
Type HEAT-T 3 244 m/s 5100 m
DESIGNATION M74 4 275 mls 6200 m
WEIGHT (complete) 17.00 kg 5 321 mls 7950 m
LENGTH (complete) 998 mm 6 390 m/s 9800 m
CARTR IDGE CASE brass 7 49 t m/s 11 600 m
MUZZLE VELOCITY 900 m/s Super charge 570 m/s 13000 m
MAX RANGE 1000 m
122 mm Ammunition for M38 Howitzer
The following ammunition is man ufactured for th e 122 mm towed howitzer
100 mm Ammun ition for T-541T-55 MBTs M1 938 (M·30)·
The ammu nition is fired by the T-54/T- 55 series of MBT as well as the
SU-l00 assault gun. Type HE HESH-T HE
Type HE HE AP-T HEAT-T WEIGHT (complete) 27.00 kg 22.00 kg 27.00 kg
DESIGNATION M63P l M63Pl M65 M69 LE NGTH (complete) 763 mm 765mm 785 mm
WEIGHT (complete) 30.20 kg 27.10 kg 30.50 kg 26 .00 kg CARTRIDGE CASE brass brass brass
LENGTH (complete) 1095 mm 1095mm 1020 mm 1094 mm PROPELLANT NC NC33 NC
CARTRIDGE CASE brass brass brass brass MUZZLE VELOCITY 205/515 ml s 640 mls 515 mlS
MUZZLE VELOCITY 900 m/s 600 m/s 900 m/s 900 m/s
RANGE 20 650 m 11 000 m 1500 m 3000 m
122 mm Ammun ition for Howitzer 0 - 30
Note : In addition th ere are HE practice and Blank (M71) rounds. The following types of ammunition are manufactured for the 122 mm 0 -30
The AP -T M65 has the following penetration characteristics: towed howitzer and Its Yu goslav equivalent. the D-30i:
HE-FRAG projectile (top) and charge (below) M86 which is fired from the 152 mm HEJICM projectile (top) and charge (below) for the 152 mm M84
125 mm gun of the M84 MBT. a Yugoslav built T·72 MBT gun -howitzer. The projectile contains 63 KB-2 submunitions
Y u 9 0 S I a v j a (S e r b j a / M 0 n ten e 9 r 0) / A M M U NIT ION 155
ERFB and ERFB-BB ammunition with welded nubs. Lethalily is more than TYPE ERFB ERFB-BB
double that of standard HE projectiles. Dispersion at maximum range is not LENGTH 93B mm 950mm
more than 0.5 per cent in range and 1.5 mils in deflection or an average of WEIGHT
0.42 per cent and 0.B4 mils . projectile 45.5 kg 47 .5kg
The converted gun ammunition set consists of the following : HE content B.6 kg B.6 kg
long brass cartridge case filled with M 11 propellant charge and ERFB-BB MAX RANGE 30000 m 39000 m
long brass cartridge case filled with M 11 propellant charge and ERFB 155 mm for M55 Howjtzer
projectile Only one round is produced for the Yugoslav 155 mm towed M65 howitzer .
short brass cartridge case filled with propellant charge M2 (zone Band 9) which is a close copy of the American M 114 howitzer. The projectile is th e
and ERFB projectile American M1 07 produced in Yugoslavia and weighing 43 kg . The propelling
short brass cartridge case filled with propellant charge M4A2 (zone 3 to 7) charges used are the Charge M3 and M4A 1. The maximum muzzle velocity
and ERFB projectile when used with the M65 howitzer is 564 m/s with a maximum rang e of
short brass cartridge case lilled with propellant charge M2 (zone B) and 14900 m at 45" of elevation .
M 107 projectile
short brass cartridge case filled with propellant charge M4A2 (zone 3 to 7) Contractor: Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement (S DPR ). PO
and M 107 projectile. Box 30B. 9 Nemanjina Street . Belgrade . Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro ).
Telephone: (011) 621 522 Telex : 11360/11541 Fax: (011 ) 635 702
Commonwealth of Independent States Explosive Each panel measures about 250 x 150 x 70 mm and has four bolt holes.
one at each corner. to attach one brick to each corner. Located centrally on
Reactive Armour the edge of each brick is a pair of mounting pins enabling it to be attached
to the fank 's main armour.
Development/Description The reactive panels are placed at varying distances away from the basic
Since the early t 980s the Soviet Union. now the CIS. has been litting armour of the tank. The configu ration of th e panels differs between T-64B
Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) packages onto its MBTs to increase their to the T -80. While the con figuration of the hull glacis panels is identical,
battlefield survivability against ATGWs Ihat rely on their HEAT warheads to there are significant differences on those attached to the turret and hull
achieve armour penetration. sides.
From 1984 T·64rr-80 MBTs deployed in the then Group of Soviet Forces Both the T-64 and T-80 have hulls and turrets of advanced armour
Germany (now renamed Western Group of Forces) started to receive construction . The glacis plate of these , for example, is 200 mm thick at an
explosive reactive armour packages . More recently T-72 and some T-55s angle of 22 to the horizontal and consists of two layers of steel. a layer of
(such as those used by the Naval Infantry) have also been fitted with glass fibre. a layer of steel and fina lly a lead-impregnated plastic foam liner.
explosive reactive armour packages. The nose of the tank is similar but does not have the glass fibre or third
The basIc prinCiples of explosive reactive armour are given In tile entry layer of steel. When fifted with explosive reactive arm our th ese tanks are
for the Israeli Blazer system in this section . Although some reports have invulnerable to current NATO anti -tank weapons. both kinetic energy and
stated that the former USSR copied the Blazer system following the capture chemical energy. over their frontal arc.
of a number of Israeli tanks by the Syrian Army in the 1982 invasion of the The latest upgraded version of the T-80 MBT, called the T-80U by the
Lebanon . it IS now known that by then II was already aware of ERA C IS and SMT M1989 by NATO. has a new and different armour package.
technology. This includes a new type of explosive reactive armour box, armou red side
There are two types of ERA blocks ; the first is the standard shoe box type skirts complete with lifting handles covering th e upper sides of th e hull and
which has overall dimensions of approximately 25.5 x 13.5 cm, the second suspension and what appears to be a rubber or metal flap which is at an
is a wedge type block. Both have an arrow indicating how they should be angle of 45" The latter covers the gap between the turret front and the top
installed 10 provide the maximum degree of protection. of the hull and may well be a fi xture to deflect top attack weapons using
The standard ERA block has an ERA element (for example , two plates of bomblets or other types of submunitions.
steel sepa rated by explosive) which can be positioned in one of two More recently the former Soviet Army has deployed ERA on some of its
positions for maximum protection . The wedge type has a fixed ERA element T-55 units which have already been upgraded in a number of other areas
Four-view draWing 01 T-80 MBT litted with explosive reactive armour array
Close-up 01 the T-80U showing new armour package on turret and Ironr (Steven Zaloga)
skirts. Note also the flao between the turret and the hull
t 25.5cm
Detailed draWing 01 the standard ERA box showing dimensions (right) and
typical installation 01 two standard and one wedge type ERA boxes (Ielt)
Close-up 01 T-72 turret roollitted with blocks 01 explosive reactive armour (Steven Zaloga)
Including the installation of a laser rangefinder. These have been identified which is believed to provide protection against both HEAT and KE attack.
to be In service with Naval Infantry units. Tanks with explosive reactive Thi s version of the T-72 is referred to as the T ·72 SMT1990 by NATO .
armour normally have a V in their designation. for example T-64BV .
T-64BVI K. T-55MV and T-55MVK. however. the new T-80 is known as the Status : In service with various armies of the CIS .
In 1990. a T-72 appeared with a new explosive reactive armour array Manufacturer : State factories.
CIS Passive Armour former Warsaw Pact. In the case of the T-54/T-55 this forms a part of a
major improvement programme. These upgraded T-55s are called the
T -55AMB2 . It is known that the armour array on these T -55AMB2 is steel
Development/Description with an additional filling of other materials .
In the early 1980s the former Soviet Union began to fit a number of its T -62
MBTs with additional armour protection. This Included lateral production for Status: In service with various armies of the CIS.
Ihe fuel tanks running along each side of the hull top. additional armour
protection for the glacis plate and a horseshoe armour array that runs from Manufacturer : State factories.
eittler side of the 115 mm smooth-bore gun halfway around the turret. Thi s
armour is of passive type with a gap between the armour array and the
actual turret. The additional armour provides increased protection . especially
against HEAT attack. Track skirts have also been fitted to the T-62.
Although it is not believed these are armoured they do provide some
degree of protection against HEAT attack and also help keep dust down
when moving across country.
With these armour modifications T-62s have been observed in Afghanistan
and similar modifications have been carried out on some T-54/T-55s in the
T-62 with additional armour protection and laser rangefinder over 115 mm
gun during withdrawal of some Soviet forces from Afghanistan (Soviet
Military Power 1987)
T-62 fitted with additional armour protection but without laser rangefinder The T-55AMB2 has many improvements including a new fire-control system
over 115 mm gun (Steven Zaloga) and additional armour protection for hull and turret (Michael Jerchel)
Kader M113A2 Add-on Armour Kit amphibious characteristics of the vehicle are retained. Some of the steel
armour panels are interchangeable and no special tools are required for
Development/Description their removal.
The Egyptian Army has some 1000 members of the M 113A2 family of The Kader add-on armour panels provide ballistic protection against
aluminium armoured vehicles and to improve their battlefield survivability 23 mm projectiles fired from a range of 200 m through a 70 0 arc over the
Ihe Kader Factory for Developed Industries has developed an add-on fronl of the vehicle, against 14.5 mm AP projectiles fired from a range of
armour package which was fi rst shown in late 1984. 100 m through a 90 0 arc over the front of the vehicle and against
The package consists of panels of steel armour which are fixed to the 7.62 mm x 54 mm small arms fired from a range of 30 m Ihrough a full 360 0 •
front and sides of the hull . each panel weighs 25 kg. Between th e armour Although originally designed for the basic M 113 seri es of APC . the add-
plate and the original aluminium armour of the M113 vehicle is a layer of on armour kit is also applicable to specialised versions of the vehicle
foam . The total weight of the add-on armour package is about 950 kg so Ihe including 120 mm mortar carrier. air-defence and anti-tank.
168 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS l Eg YP t - F ran c e
Giat Industries Armour Systems was also undertaken into all aspects of attack on th e widest possible
ranges of materials. Ori gi nal concepts were developed in the fie lds of
passive and expl OSive reactive a rmour .
Developm ent Cu rrently In production for th e French Army is the Giat Industries Leclerc
Giat Industries is the sole producer of MBTs in France and in recent years MBT which has many advanced features and also incorporates advanced
has developed and produced a wide range of tracked and wheeled vehicles armour in its design. giving a high degree of battlefield survivabili ty
for the home and export markets. Giat Industries and Its Mecanique Cresuto-Loire subsidiary . are now
These include the AMX -30 MBT. AMX-30 B2 MBT (still in production ). offering a range 01 add-on armour packages for a variety of tracked and
AMX -32 (pro totypes only) . AMX -40 (prototypes only) . AMX -30 Roland wheeled armoured vehicles of which two , one for the TS 90 90 mm turret
SAM . AM X-30 D ARV . AMX -30 AVLB. AMX-30 DCA twin 30 mm SPAAG and the other for the Ml13 series of APC 's, are described. Also developed
(export only). AMX -30 Pluton SSM . AMX-30 Combat Engineer Tractor Is explosive reactive armour for MBTs such as the AM X -3~ . This consists of
(currently in production) . Shahine SAM system (export only) . GCT 155 mm small packs which are attached to the MBT but which will not be exploded
self-propelled howitzer (currently in production ), AMX -10 P family of tracked by small arms fire and artillery splinters or by the adjacent fratricide pack.
infantry vehicl es and the AMX-1 0 RC (6 x 6) 105 mm armoured vehicle . It is
also now involved in European production of the Multiple Launch Rocket
system and develops and produces armour system s for the Leclerc MBT.
AMX 30 reactive armour kit
Up until the 1960s Giat Industries worked mainly In steel armour but Ihen DUring th e Euro Satary 92 exhibition. Giat Industries presented the AMX -30
also became involved in building ARVs of aluminium armour (AMX -10 P reactive add-on armour packs for the first time to th e general public. All the
and AMX - 10 RC) . packs are identical and serve. on the AM X-30, to neutralise the effect of
Studies in composite materials commenced in 1966 and covered a wide major aggressions. They are insensitive to small and medium calibre
range of materials used either individually or in combinations to produce ammunition and to she ll spli nters.
armour of better quality and lighter weight.
The above developments led in 1970 10 the introduction of CERALU TS 90 turret armour upgrade
armour. a weldable structu re consisting of a ceramic and aluminium base In 1988 Giat Industries an nounced th at it was offering an armour upgrade
offering a 50 per cent weight saving over steel. This concept was the package for its 90 mm armed TS 90 turret which is fully described in the
precursor to all other French composite armour work. re sulting in the Turrels and Cupolas section.
marketing of an aluminium based ballistic ceramic armour still used as a The TS 90 turret, like most other turrets of thi s type. provides the
reference . One current application of thi s material is in helicopter seats. commander and gunner with protection fro m small arms and some shell
In 1972 projects using ceramic. laminates and resi n bases for use on splinters only. Recent combat experience has shown that many turtets of
French Army helicopters were carried out and thi s material has formed the Ihis type can be penetrated by small arms fire at close range. especially
basis for all other armours of this type produce d in France to date. when the vehicles are being used In an urban situation.
At th e same time . with encouragement from Giat Industries , Creusot- Giat Industries is now offering an up-armouring package for the TS 90
Loire fin alised th e development of its original extra hard armour, a high turret that can stop 12.7 mm armour piercing rounds fired at a range of
performance materi al consisting of two or three layers of differing hardness 100 m from any angle . up to 20 mm OPT projectiles fired over the lrontal
and offering the additional advantage of weldability. arc and the 14.5 mm AP projectile from any angle on the turret side.
Studies th at previously had examined metal processing and protection Giat Industries has now developed two types of add-on armour for Ihe
agai nst small and medium calibre armour piercing projectiles were extended TS 90 turret, one with a high strength steel base and the other employing a
to cover th e field s of anti-tank penetrators and shaped projectiles . Research ceramic tile base on a metal support. Each panel is light enough to be
replaced by one man In the field.
As the Giat Industries armour packages are designed to fit on the
mantiet . sides and rear, the original silhoue tte has not changed. The
average weight of the kit IS about 300 kg so mobility IS hardly effected
MARS 15 light tank version with Giat Industries TS 90 turret which has add- ArtiSt's Impression of M113 shOWing Gial Industries add-on armour kil which
on frontal armour (Christopher F Foss) is of modular constfucllon to faciNtafe ease of removal
France / A RMOUR SYSTEMS 169
SNPE Insensitive Material for Explosive Reactive designed to defeat shaped charge threats from the smallest calibres up to
munitions with 1000 mm penetration capability.
Status : As a result of this co-operation , SNPE and Kaman were awarded a
Devel opm ent contract by the US Army for the evaluation and delivery of several hundred
From 1986. extensive co-operation has taken place between SNPE of cassettes of advanced explosive reactive armour for the Bradley IFV. In
France and Kaman of the United States of America to promote a completely March 1990, the two companies formed a joint venture company called
new Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA). AEMC (Advanced Energetic Material Corporation of Am erica) , who will be in
SNPE is a specia list in high explosi ve and propellants and has developed charg e of th e design , development , production and marketing of this ERA.
a fam ily of insensitiv e materials. Kaman has the design and test capability An explosive reactive armour package for the M60 series MBT has been
to ensure maximum protection for a given amount of energetic material. developed and was under evaluation in several countries in early 1992.
The new ERA is based on the very low sensitivity of th e cast Plastic In 1992, in competition with two other undisclosed countries . SNPE
Bonded Explosives (cast PBX ) developed by SNPE as well as on the demonstrated its ERA packages in Taiwan.
speci fic intern al arChitecture of the cassettes.
The main advantages cast PBX provide are: Manufacturer: SNPE - Societe Nationale des Poudres et Explosifs .
(1) Local reaction to intense shock of a shaped charge jet. 12 qua Henri-IV , F-75 181 Paris. France.
(2) No mass detonation and consequently no sympathetic detonation . Telephone : (33)( 1) 48046666 Telex : 240881 F Fax : (33)(1)48046614
(3) High insensitivity characteristics whi ch give the cassettes ease of
handling and storage.
(4) The energy released by the energetic material is self-adjusted to th e jet
intensity .
(5) Life duration and operating con ditions matchi ng the armoured vehicle
The add-on protection comprises sandwiches including energetic material
sheet confined betwe en metal plates . These sa ndwiches are mounted in
metal bo xes called cassettes Ihat are attached to the hull and turret of the
vehicle . When a cassette is hit by an anti -tank round , the advanced
explosive reactive armour reacts only locally and dislocates the jet before it
damages the vehicle's armour. The local reaction only moves part of the
metal plates which is sufficient to disrupt the shaped charged jet. bul as the
energetic material reacts only partial ly the main part of the sandwich
remains . This results in very low energy re lease but a high disruption
effici ency. Small calibre projectiles up to 30 mm . arti llery or mortar round
fragments have no effect on th e cassettes.
These advanced explosive reactive armour cassettes are specifically Sequence of operation of SNPE ERA which incorporates insensitive materials
170 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS / F ran C e
Mecanique Creusot-Loire Add-on Armour Kits When fitted wi th this kit th e amphibious characteristics of the M113 APC
are retained.
The AMX-13 and M 113 package uses hardness steel or composite
Developm ent/Desc ription armour.
Mecanique Creusol-Loire has developed a range 01 add-on armour packages
Ihalls suilable nol only tor ils own AMX-13 Ilghllanks but also lor the more SPECIFICA nONS
widely deployed FMC M113 series APC . Kit Threat type Range Frontal Kit weight
The add-on armour package tor the AMX-13 light tank weighs under designati on protection
650 kg with no single unit weighing over 50 kg. so enabling it to be installed angle
or removed by the crew using onboard tools. CU-113-20 12.7 mm AP 100 m 360
In Ihe case of the AMX -13 light tank. the add-on armour package IS 14.5 mm AP 100 m 360
Installed on the turret front and sides and on the nose and glacis plate . When 20 mm & 23 mm
fitted it provides protection against penetration from 20 mm armour-piercing AP 200m 90 750 kg
projectiles fired from a range of 100 m over a frontal arc of about t 80 .
The next level of protection kit weighs a total of 750 kg and provides Sta tus : Development complete. Production as required .
protection against 12.7 mm AP and 14.5 mm API prolectiles fired from a
range of 100 mover 360· and protection against 20 mm and 23 mm AP Manufacturer: Giat IndustriesfMeca nique Creusot-Loire. 13. rou te de la
rounds fired from a range of 200 mover 90" arc. Miniere, Satory 78034. Versai lles Cedex, Fra nce .
Like the add-on armour package for Ihe AMX -13, the one for the M113 Telephone: (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1) 30 97 39 00
can be installed or removed by the crew using onboard tools, although
some panels. for example those around the headlamps. cannot be removed
All access panels . for example those in the front that allow access to the
engine for maintenance , can still be used
Mt13 series APC fitted with Mecanique Creusot-Lolfe add-on armour kit.
Mtt3 APC litted with Mecanique Creusot-Loire add-on armour kit This IS a Swiss Army vehicle
DES IGNATION MARS 160 MARS 190 MARS 240 MAR S 300 Dua l Hardness
BRINELL HARDNESS 320 388 500 600 600 front
440 rear
THICKNESS 3 to 3 to 2.5 to 3 to 7 to
203 mm 508mm 51 mm 25mm 102 mm
WIDTH 3.048 m 4.064 m 2590 m 2.5 m 2.540 m
LENGTH 13.208 rn 13.208 m 8.28 m 3.9 m 8m
The hull of this VAB APG is made from Greusot-Loire Industrie steel armour
Blohm + Voss Armour Systems (1) protection against tne etlect of shaped cnarges
(2) reduction in nOise level
Devefopment/Description (3) reduction in infra-red signature
Blohm + Voss has been engaged in the design , development and production (4) Improvement in the nuclear radiation protection factor.
of a wide range of armoured hulls and turrets for both tracked and wheeled
armoured vehicles since the 1950s. In the case of th e former. the welded
T-54/T-55 Armour Upgrade
and machined turret is normally sent to anoth er contractor for final fitting
In 1992 Blohm + Voss announced that it had developed. as a private
out before it Is installed on the vehicle , while in the case of the hulls th ey
venture. a new passive armour system for installation on the former Soviel
leave the factory ready for th e installation of subassemblies such as power
T-54ff-55 MBT
pack and suspension.
ThiS armour package is of modular construction and mounled on the
Turrets and hulls built by Blohm + Voss in recent years include :
turret. hull sides and glacis plate with special shock absorbing mounting
Turrets for Hotchkiss and Hispano-Suiza vehicles with production being
undertaken between 1959 and 1963; 2000 turrets built.
A T-54ff-55 fitted with this armour package has the following protection
Turrets for th e Marder 1 IFV with production being undertaken between
level :
1970 and 1977 ; 2000 turre ts built.
Turrets (welded) for Leopard 1 MBT from 1972 to 1978; over 340 built.
Ammunition type Ffank angles
Hulls tor SWI (4 x 4) APC with production being undertaken between 1960
Up to 120 mm DM13 APFSDS 10'
and 1962; 220 hulls built.
TOW 1 ATGW 10-
Turrets for Gepard anti-aircraft tank from 1975 to 1979; 287 turrets built.
Sagger ATGW 17
Turrets for 408 Luchs (8 x 8) reconnaissance vehicles between 1975 and
RPG · 7 anti-tank rocket all round
Turrets for Roland air defence system from 1979 to 1989; 344 turrets built.
Hulls for Leopard 1 MBT with production being undertaken between 1965
and 1975 with over 2000 hulls delivered .
Hulls and turrets for prototypes of the MBT 70 project between 1967 and
Hulls for Gepard anti-aircraft tank ; 570 built between 1975 and 1980
Parts for the 110 mm LARS with production being undertaken between
1968 and 1970.
Hulls and turrets for Leopard 2 MBT from 1979.
Up-armouring Kits
Blohm + Voss . in co-operation with the Federal Office for Military Engineenng M48 and Leopard 1A4 Armour Upgrade
and Procurement , developed an up-armouring kit for the Leopard 1A3 MBT This modular armour upgrade is of a similar type to the above but IS only
which . when fitted. provides the same degree of protection as the later installed on the frontal 180' arc of the turret and provides the following
Leopard 1A4 with its welded turret . The total weight of this armour is protecti on level :
700 kg . Similar kits have been developed for other vehicles including the
AMX-30 . M48 , M 113 and the Jagdpanzer Rocket tank destroyer. In addition Flank angte
to delivering Leopard 1 up-armouring packages to the German Army they Ammunition type Range Leopard 1 A4fM48
have also been delivered to the Netherlands . Up to 125 mm APDS 1500 m 20'/ 15'
30 mm cannon 800 m 90' /90'
Blohm + Voss Liner Technology Sagger ATGW 1500 m 20'/20"
The company has developed liner technology for installation on th e interior RPG -7 antHank rocket 100 m 45 -/90
surface of armoured vehicles which . when fitted . offer the follOWing
advantages :
Leopard 1 MBT With Blohm + Voss developed add-on armour to provide Upgraded 105 mm armed M48 MBT fitted with second'generatlOn armour
increased protection package from Blohm + Voss
172 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS I G e r man y - Iraq
Vehicle Leopard 1M M48
RIGHT TURRET MODULE 1460 kg 1978 kg
LEFT TURRET MODULE 1800 kg 1993 kg
FRONT TURRET MODULE 1295 kg 1150 kg
TOTAL WEIGHT 4775 kg 5300 kg
As a private venture Thyssen Henschel has developed a supplementary
armour kil for the M113 APC. Total weight of the kit is about 760 kg and
when fitted on the M113 its amphibious characteristics are retained .
The kit provides protection to the front and sides of the M11 3 and
consis ts of a special armour steel which has a thin layer of rubber either
side. To the re ar of thi s is a special plastic plate that backs onto the hull
a luminium armour.
According to Thyssen Henschel , this armour package provides the
fo llowing levels of protection :
Diehl Remscheid Armour Systems (2) detonation pressure-resistant to DIN 52290 , classification 03
(3) sa me protection effect as co ncrete/armoured sleel but at a substantially
lower surface area/weight ratio
Development/Description (4) shallow installation depth
In addition to the design and manufacture of tracks for armoured fighting (5) individual fini sh according to specific user requirem ents
vehicles , Diehl Remscheid have more recently moved into Ihe area of (6) can be retrofi tt ed to vehicles.
armour systems. The Diehl armour system comprises three layers. a specially developed
This armour system compri ses different types of basic materials depending outer ceramic layer, a bonding layer and a backing layer.
on the specific applicati on including ultra-light armour for wheeled vehicles,
bullet-resi stant vests and other military and non-military equipment. In 1992 Status: Production as required .
the company supplied its armour to MOWAG of Switzerland for incorporation
into a new vehicle. Manufacturer: Diehl Remscheid GmbH & Co , Vieringhausen t 18, PO Box
Accord ing to Diehl , the main advantages of their armour system can be 10 02 69 , 0 -5630 Rem scheid 1, Germany.
summarised as follows : Telephone : (0219 1) 79 t -1/2 07 ,2 18 Telex: 8/513800 die d Fax: (02191)
(1) bullet-proof to DIN 52290 , classification C5/M5 79 1-282
Iraqi AFV Armour Packages to the Israeli Toga add-on armour but is believed to be a dilferent design . It
provides protection against 12.7 mm and 14.5 mm kinetic energy attack
Development/Description from a range of 200 m. The armour has only been added to the sides of the
During a defence equipment exhibition held in Baghdad in 1989, two AFVs hUll , including the rear troop compartment. with spaces being cut in the
of the Iraqi Army were shown fitted with additional armour protection that armour lor the firi ng ports . The additional armour extends downward to
had been developed locally. cover the upper part of the BMP- l 's suspension . There is no additional
The first of these was a BMP- I ICV fitted with an applique armour protection provided for the turret or glacis plate.
package weighing a total of 1250 kg. This appears to be similar in appearance The T-series (conversions appear to use both the T-54fT-55 and the
Iraq - I s rae I I ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS 173
Chinese Type 69 MBTs) MBT was fitted with boxes of multi -layer armour
on the glacis plate , upper part of the front hull and suspension , turret front
and sides and part of the turret rear. The armour package on the turret
front and sides hinges upwards for access purposes. In addition the
vehicle was fi tted with new night vision equipment and a bank of four
electrically operated smoke dischargers either side of the turret and
attached to the armour package. When fitted with the additional armour
package the power-to-weight ratio decreases to 14.7 hpl t compared to
t 6 hpl t of the vehicle in its original form . This armour package is believed
to have consisted of layers of steel and rubber.
BMP-I of the traql Army with additional armour protection on sides of hull
T-series MBT of the Iraqi Army from rear shOWing additional armour on turret Captured Iraqi MBT fitted with additional armour on its turret and hull for
and forward part of hull (Christopher F Foss) increased survivability (Christopher F Foss)
Israeli experience in the 1973 Middle East conflict showed that there was a
requirement for increased protection of MBTs from anti-tank guided weapon s
such as the AT-3 Sagger and manportable anti-tank weapons such as the
RPG -7, both of which have a HEAT warhead .
To meet thi s requirement the RAFAEL Armament Development Authority
designed and developed the Blazer add-on explosive reacti ve armour. This
was widely fitted to Israeli Army Centurion, M48A5 , M60 and M60A 1 tanks
during the 1982 invasion of the Lebanon.
Blazer is jointly marketed by the RAFAEL Arm ament Development
Authority and TAAS - Israel Industries Ltd .
Descri ption
The Blazer explosive reactive armour is mounted on the outside of the MBT
and consists of Modul ar Protective Elements (MPE) each of which contain
one or more inserts filled with a specially formulated explosive compound
which is sandwiched between two metal plates. The MPE is set at an
oblique angle to the attack direction of the jet.
When the HEAT projectile reaches the MBT its high-speed jet Initiates
the explosive between the two plates and drives the plates aside. The se
moving plates perturb and eat the mass of the incoming jet which is then
unable to achieve any significant penetration of the main tank armour.
Extensive tri als have shown that the Blazer explosive reactive armour is
not activated by small arms fire , artillery or mortar shell fragments .
Blazer is custom desig ned to fit each specific type of tank and consists of
MPEs of various configurations , determined by the thickness and obliquity
of the tank's existing armour.
Blazer can be Installed on any typical MBT and adds approximately
1000 kg to the total weight of the vehicle. It is fitted by means of threaded
bolts pre viously welded to the tank 's hull and turret. Each MPE has flat eye M60A 1 MBTol Israeli Army Iitted With Blazer explosive reactive armour to Its
brackets which fit over the bolts and are aHixed by a nut. Each MPE is hull and turret
individually numbered and placed on a corresponding numbered location
on th e hull and on the turret.
The installation of Blazer on an MBT require s no specially train ed
personnel and is not a time consuming process . The retrofitting of Blazer Accordll1g to TAAS - Israel Industnes Ltd the Blazer add-on explOSive
involves only the welding of bolts to the hull turret at the indicated places reactive armour provides the fol lowing protection
In the Israeli Army , the welded bolts were seen on Centurion , M48A5 and
M60A I MBTs lor some years before their actual role became apparent in Turret sides
1982. Comptete arrest of Ihe AT -3 Sagger ATGW at 30 (NATO 60 ) InCidence
RAFAEL Toga Add-on Passive Armour that it had been selected as the sale winner of an open competition to
deliver three complete . pre-production Enhanced Applique Armor Kits
Development (EAAKs) lor the US Marine Corps AAV7Al vehicles.
Toga add-on passive armour has been developed by RAFAEL Armament This package will provide increased protection for the vehicles hull sides.
Development Authority to provide light armoured vehicles . fo r example Ihe Including the upper sloping part . the roof and the three crew hatches.
M113 series , with increased protection against light arm our-piercing Following trial s with these EAAKs the US Marine Corps awarded the
projectiles. It was installed on a number of th e MIl 3 series vehicles company a contract for the supply of 1137 EAAKs with final deliveries being
deployed In the 1982 invasion of the Lebanon by the Israeli Army made early in 1993.
M113 APC of Israeli Army fitted with RAFAEL Armament Development US Marine Corps AAV7A1 vehicle fitled with the RAFAEL Armament
Authority Toga passive add-on armour system Development Authority EAAK package to the hull sides and roof hatches
Urdan Industries has the largest foun dries in Israel and its Associated Steel
Foundry (AS F). Hatzor and Vulcan Foundries produce a wide range of
armoured steel casti ngs. It is also a qualified manufacturer for the US Army
of MIL-A-l 1356E ballistic steel.
The Urdan Foundries are supported by Urdan Machining plant which can
machine items up to 15 tonnes and 4 m in diameter. The Urdan Armoured
Steel Foundry was established in support of the Israeli Merkava MBT
programme and today provides many of its key components including hull
front. hull deck. gun shield, gun mount, turret basket. commander 's hatch .
track shoes , road wheels, idler wheels. hub sprockets . hub wheels , arm
assemblies, arm housings, final drive housings and final drive carriers.
M113 APC fitted with Urdan add-on armour kit to hull front and sides
I srael-Spa in / ARMOUR S YSTE MS 175
The company has also developed an add-on armour ki t for the M113 APC . Level 2
This is available in two levels of protection to meet different threat levels. KIT DESIGNATION UA-113-85
According to Urdan the add -on armour kit is lightweight and sufficiently THREAT TYPE 14.5 mm API 20 mm AP
compact so as not to interfere with the vehicle·s mobility. The replacement RANGE Om Om
of single panels can be carried out by one soldier. FRONTAL FAN PROTECTION
The ki t is of modular cons truction allOWing it to be mounted on the vehicle ANGLE 180" 90'
without special tools or equ ipment. Wh en installed on the M113 It provides WE IGHT (kit) 850 kg
a signi ficant increase in armour protecti on over the front , rear and sides of
the vehicle. Other armour
In addition to the M113 add-on armour kit and the armour it supplies to the
Merkava MBT, Urdan Industries can also supply add-on armour systems
for other APCs and I FVs, panels for light vehicles and trucks, spall liners
Level1 A
and explosive reactive armour systems to provide increased protection
against HEAT attack.
THR EAT TYPE 14.5mm AP I 20 mm AP
RANGE 100 m 200 m Status : Series production.
PROTECTION ANGLE 360' 90· Manufa cture r : Urdan Industries Limited , Industrial Zone . Netanya 42378,
WEIGHT (kit) 800 kg Israel.
Telephone · (972) 53-338074 Telex : 341822 UASF-IL Fax . (972) 53-
Developm ent/Descrip tion The first application of the system will be the upgraded AMX -30 MBTs of
The SANTA BARBARA explosive reactive armour, usually referred to as the Spanish Army.
the Sistema SBBR (SANTA BAR BARA Blindaje Reactivo) has been The prinCiple of operation of the SBBR IS similar to that of the Blazer
developed by the company to improve the battlefield survivability of armoured explosive reactive armour covered earlier in this section under Israel.
fighting vehicles. The SBBR IS a modular explosive reactive armour system with Simple
176 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS / Spa i n - S wed e n
assembly due to standardised sizes and its original anchorage systems. It MDPA2 - 10 mm thick steel. hardness over 600 HB . weight of panel 4.4 kg ,
can be fitted to virtually all types of armoured vehicle without expensive surface density 74 kg/m'
remodelling. MDPe1 - 26 mm thick aluminium and alumina , weight of panel 2.76 kg ,
According to SANTA BARBARA. thei r explosive reactive armour system surface density 46 .5 kg/m'
helps to increase the protection of the armoured fighting vehicle by reducing MDPC2 - 42 mm thick ste el and aluminium, weight of panel 7.30 kg ,
the penetration of a HEAT charge by 95 per cent. Variables influencing the surface density 125.2 kg/m'.
efficiency of the system are the weight of the vehicle hull . type of charge The MDPA1 and MDPC1 provide protection against attack from the
and angle of incidence. Vehicle hull thickness should be equal 10 or greater MILAN 1 ATGW and 106 mm recoille ss rifle s. In addition to providing
than 20 mm of steel or 35 mm of aluminium. protection against chemical energy attack. the panels also provide some
The modules consist of two steel plates which box in the explosive sheet. protection agai nst ki netic energy attack.
A sealed silicon rubber gasket ensures perfect watertightness and three If required . two layers of explosive reacti ve armou r modules can be fitted
anchorage points are used to attach the upper panel while three anchorage for increased battlefield survivabili ty. Each module is 250 mm x 100 mm.
points pass through drill holes to the lower module . although in some cases mechanical or visual obstruction may requ ire the
The modules have the follow ing features. detonation by hollow charges, use of a smaller module.
insensitivity to the impact of kinetic energy ammunition . insensitivity to
chain detonation. high heat and direct fire resi stance and high corrosion Status : Development complete. In production for Spanish Army.
and moisture resista nce.
SANT A BARBARA has developed several dynamic protection modules Manufacturer: SANTA BARBARA SA. Julian Camarillo 32. E-28037 Madrid .
that are compatible with the panels to meet different operational requirements : Spain.
MDPA1 - 5 mm thick steel. hardn ess over 600 HB . weight of panel 2.2 kg. Telephone : (9 1) 585 01 00 Telex : 23228 ENSAB E Fax : (9 1) 585 02 68
su rface density 37 kg/m'
SANTA BARBARA SABBLIC Passive Armour SABB LI C has bee n evaluated by th e Spanish Army for install ation on th e
Spanish built BMR 3560 .50 (6 x 6) armoured personnel carrier and it has
been tested against a wide rang e of light and medium calibre projecliles
Development/Description including 7.62 mm AP , 12.7 mm AP . 14.5 mm API , 20 mm AP and 20 mm
In mid-1992, SANTA BARBARA announced that it had developed. as a APDS .
private venture. a new passive armour system called the SABBLIC (SAnta SABBLIC consists of a sandwich with a cover plale and a back-plate
Barbara BLlndaje Ceramico) to be installed on light and medium armoured between which is a brittle material to absorb and break up Ihe penelrator.
vehicles providing protection against medium kinetic energy rounds. SABBLIC defeals impact as close as eight calibres from each shot and
It has a simple vehicle anchorage system and its low weigh t (89 kg /m' ) seven calibres from the panel edge. It also provides a high degree of
and thickness (around 30 mm). allow it to be applied to mosl vehicles protection against blast. shell and mine fragm ents.
without expensive remodelling work.
According to SANTA BAR BARA. SABBLIC is a highly efficient armour Status : Developm ent complete. Ready for production on receipt of orders .
system with a weight saving approaching 50 per cent when compared to
traditional melallic armours. Manufacturer : SANTA BARBARA SA , Julian Camarillo 32. E-28037 Madrid.
Its modular construction and standardised attachment mechanism allows Spain .
any damaged modules to be replaced under field conditions. Telephone: (9 1) 585 01 00 Telex: 23228 ENSAB E Fax: (9 1) 585 02 68
For many years Swedish Steel Oxelbsund has been supplying armour Grade Thickness Hardness
plate manufactured by the continuous roller quenching method which has ARMOX 500 6-20 mm 480-540 HB
enabled a new type of armour plate to be produced with a lower content of ARMOX 400 S 5-40 mm 400-460 HB
alloying elements. ARMOX 300 S 5-60 mm 280-340 HB
This is sold under th e trade name of ARMOX and has been supplied for MIL-A-46100D 5.5-20 mm 477-534 HB
a wide range of arm oured vehicle program mes including armoured personnel (US standard ) 20-50 mm 477-534 HB
carriers and MBT's. MIL·A-12560H 5.5-12.7 mm 341-388 HB
It has been approved by and delivered to a number of countries including (US standard) 12.7-19.1 mm 331-375 HB
France . Germany. Sweden. the UK and the USA. 19.1-31 .8 mm 321-375 HB
31.8-50.8 mm 293-331 HB
SPECIFICATIONS 50.8-80 mm 269-311 HB
Grade Thickness Hardness MVEE 816 5-15mm 375-429 HB
ARMOX500 S 5-20mm 480-540 HB (UK standard ) 15-35 mm 302-352 HB
20-40 mm 450-500 HB 35-70 mm 262-311 HB
40-60 mm 420-480 HB 70-80 mm 262-302 HB
ARMOX560 S 10-20 mm 530-590 HB
20-40 mm 500-560 HB Status : Production as required. Supplied to numerou s manufacturers
ARMOX 370 S 5-13 mm 380-430 HB worldwide.
(French standard) 13-22 mm 350-400 HB
22-35 mm 320-370 HB Manufacturer: SSAB Oxelbsund. Box 1000. S-613 80 Oxelbsund . Sweden.
35-80 mm 280-330 HB Telephone : (46) 15554000 Telex : 50950 ssab s Fax: (46) 15554073
TL 23500-0000 5-40mm 480-530 HB
(German standard) 5-37 mm 380-430 HB
57·80 mm 330-380 HB
5-80 mm 280-330 HB
British AFV Armour Upgrades for Middle East 19 October 1990. and design and development. including firing trials . was
completed by 4 January 1991 . All armour kits were delivered to the Gull
and fitted prior to the ground offensive on 24 February 1991 .
Devel opment/Description In order to fit the applique armour to the newly deployed Warrior
For Operalion Deserl Storm . the liberati on of Kuwait early in 1991. many of Observation Post Vehicle . special brackets for a number of the new vehicles
Ihe British Army 's AFVs were fitted with addition al armour packages to were ordered on a Thursday . designed Thursday/Friday. manufactured
improve their batllefield survivability. Friday/Saturday . fitted overnight by the Royal Electrical and Mechanical
The explosive reactive armour (RO MOR A) was de signed and Engineers and vehicles despatched to the Gulf on the Sunday .
manufactured by Royal Ordnance while the passive armour was desig ned
and manufactured by Vickers Defence Systems. Vehicle prime contractors.
including GKN Defence. were also involved in the programme . as was the
Chieftain AVRE and AVLB
Defence Research Agency and oth er UK establi shments. The standard skirts were replaced by new passive armoured skirts similar
Following the end of Ihe Gulf Con fli cl Ihese armour packages were 10 those on Challenger 1 MBT .
removed and placed in store. In Ihe case of the Warrior. they were refitted
when vehicles were deployed to the former Yugoslavia in 1992. Centurion AVRE
A complete new explosive reactive armour package was developed for the
Vickers Defence Systems Challenger 1 MBT vehicle covering the forward part of the turret and the front of the hull.
This was fitted with new passive side armour skirts of different Ihicknesses.
the maximum thickness being given to the area forward of the engine GKN Defence FV432 APC
compartmenl. No up-armour packages were fielded for the FV432 family of vehicles
Explosive reactive armour was provided for the nose of the tank with manufactured by GKN Defence although some vehicles were fitted with
addilional passive armour being fitted to the glacis plate . additional lateral prote ction by installing the side skirts removed from
Challenger 1 MBTs when they were fitted with new armou red side skirts
GKN Defence Warrior MCV
Thi s was fitted with additional passive arm our protection to the front and Alvis Scorpion
sides. No new armour kits were fielded for the Combat Vehicle Reconnai ssance
A contract for the applique armour kits was received by GKN Defence on (Tracked) Scorpion family of vehicles.
Challenger 1 MBT deployed in Operation Desert Storm. showing additional Warrior mechanised combat vehicle deployed in Operation Desert Storm
explosive reactive. and passive armour protection (MoD. Crown Copyright) showing additional passive armour protection (MoD. Crown Copyright)
Alcan Plate Al uminium Armour Type 7018 for ballistically tougher but less penetration resi stant armour.
specifically designed as a heat treatable alternalive to S083 HIl S. UK
specificatIOns MVEE 813.
Development/Desc ripti on Type S083 in HIlS temper for tough armour plate . UK specification MVEE
The United States was th e first country to make extensive use of aluminium S70. US specification MIL-A-46027.
armour. with th e Type S083 being used in the M113 series of armoured The main advantage of aluminium armour over conventional steel armour
vehicles . Using th e first -generation Types S083 and 7039 aluminium is that It is lighter. To provide strength or the ballistic protection equivalent
armours . designers were able to take advanlage of up 10 20 per cent weight to thai of steel armour. aluminium armour plate needs to be between two
saving over steel without reducing protection levels. and three ti mes thicker and will therefore provide a much stiffer structure
Taking early US experience as a starting point , since 1960 Alcan Plate . than one made of steel. Thi s enables stiffening and reinforcement members
Alcan Speciality and Aerospace Limited. has developed a range of alloys 10 be eliminated or drastically reduced. so making significant reductions in
fo r armoured vehicle applications. A good example is the heat treatabl e structural weighl.
7039 alloy which gives good ballistic prolection but was prone to stress All Alcan alloys can be readily welded by the inert gas TIG and MIG
corro sion . Alcan Plate developed this alloy furth er into the ball istically methods. Although with Type S083 there is a loss of strength in the weld
stronger and more stress corrosion -resistant 70 17 alloy which has been zone. with the remaining alloys a high proportion of the strength recovers
used on Scorpion, Fox , CET and BMR-600 and. more recently. Ihe hull of after natural ageing
the Warrior and Slormer vehicles . All plate is supplied with sawn edges and profiling can be carried out by
Where fragmentation attack from mine and shell burst is a design band sawi ng or plasma arc cu tting. with the latter being recom mended as
consideration the heat treatable 7018 alloy has been deliberately designed speed of up to 1.2 m/mln With cuts 3 to SOof square are possible. The Type
to provide the same levels of strength and loughness but with SO per cenl 7000 seri es alloys can be machined using conventional tool s but at speeds
higher welded ioinl strenglh Ihan Ihe S083. much higher th an those for steel. For example high-speed routeing can
Current Alcan aluminium armours include : remove up to 1300 cm' of metal per minute .
Type 7017 for high strength armour plate where high penetration resi stan ce Alcan has developed special production techniques which markedly
is required . UK specification MVEE 1318. reduce the susceptibility of 7000 seri es alloys to stress corrosion cracking
Type 7039 for high strength armour plate. US specification MIL-A-46063. Stress corrosion cracking is aggravated by internal stresses which can be
Type 7020 for medium strength armour plate where combined penetration set up by forming or welding unless certain procedures are adopted dunng
resistance and ballistic toughness are required . French speCification fabrication .
DTAT/AMX/ISB/2 50. German specification BWB .TL.23S0-04 . Alcan alloy armour IS used in a number of vehicles including :
178 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS I U K
AlvIS CVR(T) Scorpion lamily (hull and lurret) Royal OrdnanceiVickers Defence Systems Fox
Alvis Stormer family Royal Ordnance Combat Engineer Tractor
BMR-600 (6 x 6) IFV Spanish M 113 retrofits
Daewoo Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle
FMC AIFV (Belgian and Dutch built vehicles) Status : Production as required.
FMC M 113 series
FMC M2 Bradley Manufacturer: Alcan Plate , Alcan Speciality and Aerospace Limited. PO
Gial Industries AMX- l OP family Box 383, Kitts Green. Birmingham B33 90R . UK .
GKN Defence Warrior Telephone : (021 ) 7834020 Telex : 33741 7 Fax : (021 ) 784 7899
OTO Melara Palmaria SPG
Alloy Composition Temper 0.2% Ultimate Elongation
(Nominal) Proof tensile
stress stress
% by weight MPa kSI MPa ksi %
70 17 5Zn 2'/2Mg '/3Mn T651 425 61.6 485 70.3 10
7039 4Zn 2'/2Mg '/3Mn T651 400 58.0 460 66.7 11
70 18 4'1, Zn 1Mg '/3Mn T7651 300 43.5 360 52.2 12
7020 4'I.Zn '/sMg '/3Mn T651 360 52.2 400 58.0 12
5083 4'/4Mg '/3 Mn H115 290 42.1 360 52.2 12
Alloy Temper Thickness Width Maximum Maximum cross-
(mm) (mm) length (mm) section area (mm')
7017 T651
7039 T651 6.35-12.5 250- 1800 16000 151500
7018 T7651 12.5-150 250-2080 14000 130000
7020 T651 6.35-127 250-2134 17850
5083 H115 12.71-100 250-2050- 14000 130000'
- Greater widths up to 3300 mm and maximum cross-section 150000 mm' may be available as the above limits are not absolute. Larger sizes may be
available subject to enquiry.
Alvis Scorpion CVR(T) has a huff and lurrel of welded Alcan Plate aluminium The GKN Defence Warrior mechanisedcombal vehicle has a steel turret and
armour a welded Alcan Plale aluminium armour huff
The Cyclops facility of British Steel Stainless has been working on the
design and manufacture of armour plate for a variety of applications for
many years and is currently engaged in the production of three main types
Royal Ordnance ROMOR Applique Armour (3) it can be cut or drilled without risk of detonation
(4) panels are easy to store and handle
Systems (5) it can be installed in the lield withoul specialist tools
(6) minimal effect on vehicle handling and suspension .
In 1985 Royal Ordnance Nottingham . with the assistance of a number of Status :
olher Royal Ordnance facilities. started development work on the ROMOR ROMOR A- production as required. Sold to British Army and Japan .
series of armour packages. ROMOR B- development complete.
The first of four , ROMOR A, is an explosive reactive armour package. ROMOR C- development complete .
ROMOR B is a passive armour package. The existence of ROMOR A and B ROMOR D- sti ll under development.
was first revealed at the 1986 British Army Equipment Exhibition when a
Chinese Type 59 MBT was shown fitted with ROMOR B on its turret front Manufacturer : Royal Ordnance Division . Kings Meadow Road . Nottingham
and glacis plate with ROMOR A in a vertical position above the forward NG2 lEQ . UK.
roadwheels . Telephone : (0602) 863341 Telex : 37531 Fax: (0602) 861436
Royal Ordnance Glascoed developed the explosive filling for ROMOR A
whi le the Future Systems Group at Shrivenham provided statistical
information from computer modelling in su rvivability. Information on shaped
charge warheads was provided by Chorley and Patricroft .
The Royal Ordnance ROMOR C passive armour has been developed
over the period 1986 to 1991 and is also now ready for production on receipt
of orders.
Descriptio n
The principle of operation of ROMOR A is the same as that for the Israeli
Blazer explosive reactive armour system (qv) . The explosive used in ROMOR
A is Demex 200 which is said to be naturally insensiti ve and intrinsically
Royal Ordnance supplied ROMOR A explosive reactive armour to the
British Army for installation on a number of vehicles during Operation
Desert Storm (qv) and late in 1991 RO stated that Japan had placed an
order for the supply of ROMOR A for home trials. ROMOR C is a family of
passive armours which utilise high performance ceramic and composite
materials and the latest composite manufacturing technology . It can be
designed as part of the main vehicle structure , as large moulded sections or
ret rofitted to existing vehicles in a panel format.
ROMOR C is available in a multitude of configurations to defeat 5.56 mm ,
7.62 mm , 12.7 mm , 14.5 mm and up to 30 mm APFSDS rounds with
significant weight advantages over RHA and spaced armours. ROMOR 0 is
being developed for future use as an active or dynamic system which
operates in response to a sensed threat. The use of stealth materials to
evade detection is also being developed.
The main advantages of the ROMOR A applique explosive reactive
armour have been summarised by Royal Ordnance as :
(1) reduces the performance of, for example , a 127 mm shaped charge by
over 75 per cent and is effective against a wide range of weapon s Royal Ordnance ROMOR A explosive reactive armour being fitted to tank
(2) it is not activated by small arms fire turret
VARMA Series 2
VARMA 2 is an explosive armour system which offers a very high degree of
pertormance against shaped charge weapon s The armour is lightweight.
easily Installed and Is a very cost-effective means of providing protection
against shaped charge threats.
VARMA Series 3
VARMA Series 3 is a series of lightweight armour systems that can be
optimised to defeat a range of small calibre kinetic energy and shaped
charge weapons.
VARMA Series 4
VARMA 4 IS an explosive armour system developed specifically to protect
the turret roof of MBTs against shaped charg e threats.
M48A5 tank turret fitted with VARMA Series 1 passive armour either side of
turret and protecting vulnerable gap between hull and lurrel. wilh VARMA
Senes 2 explosive reaclive armour fitted to gun mantlet and on sides of lurret
to immediate rear of VARMA Series 1 armour
Vickers Defence Systems Stillbrew Passive Wetter. Germany . started to fit Chieftains of BAOR with Sti llbrew applique
Armour System
Development No details of the actual Still brew passive armour have' been released but it
The Stillbrew passive armour system was originally conceived at the Royal is probably an outdoor shell of steel wi th layers of composite or ceramic
Armament Research and Development Establishment (RARDE), Chertsey. armour behind.
where Chobham armour was first developed over 25 years ago. On Chieftain . Still brew is fitted in sections over the fron tal 1BO° of the
RARDE (Chertsey) made presentations of the new passive armour. later turret and on the hu ll top to the rear of th e driver's position to give additional
named Stillbrew. to the British Army with the idea of improving the armour protection to the gap between th e turret and hull.
protection of the British Army 's MBT fleet. At that time there was no formal
requirement for additional armour protection for Chieftain . Status : Production complete. In service with British Army on Chieftain
Royal Ordnance Leeds (now Vickers Defence Systems) became Involved MBTs .
in transferring the armour system from concept to a viable engineering
solution for Chieftain. Firing trials against the new passive armour mounted Manufacturer : Vickers Defence Systems. Manston Lane . Crossgates.
in stands had successfully taken place. Leeds LS15 BST . UK .
A formal development contract was placed with Leeds by project manager Telephone : (0532) 64B 123 Telex: 55134 Fax : (0532) 607674
Chieftain with RARDE (Chertsey) being principal subcontractor.
A short time after the contract was placed. RARDE and Leeds had
designed and built the first armour system to be installed on a Chieftain and
this vehicle went to the ranges for firing trials . These and subsequent trial s
demonstrated that the new passive armour exceeded all of the requirements
of the General Staff Target.
In 1985 two Chieftains were each subjected to mobility Irials. half on
roads and half cross-counlry. One of these trials was conducted at the
Armoured Trials and Development Unit (ATDU) at Bovington Camp. Dorset.
and the other al RARDE (Chertsey) . These showed that there is no
degradation in the vehicle's mobilily as a result of the additional armour.
although its power-Io-weight ratio is slightly reduced
It is believed that the British Army gave early acceptance of the new
armour package which allowed Leeds to start producing the armour system
in production quantities .
Final acceptance was given in 1986 by which time 23 Base Workshop
was already involved as the armour is fitted when the Chieftains return for
normal base overhaul.
One of the users' requi rements was that damaged sections could be
replaced in the field without specialised REME lifting equipment and trials
have demonstrated that this could be achieved. Chieftain MBT of 1st Armoured Division fitted with Stillbrew passive armour
In 1986. 23 Base Workshop . Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. system (lSI Armoured Division)
ALCOA Composites M113 Modular Up-Armour The interior kit consists of a spall liner that is made in panels mounted in
raits just behind the crew area seats and to the roof. Panels slide in rails for
Kit access to equipment and stowage.
Spall liner panels are manufactured using ballistic glass or aramid fibres
Development/Description and the appropriate polymer resin system . The spall liner catches fragments
As a privale venture , ALCOA Armor Systems Division has developed a from the hull and greatly reduces the shape charge jet. Total weight of the
supplemental armour kit for the widely deployed M11 3 series of APC which kit is 363 kg .
provides protection against Kinetic Energy (KEI threats through 14.5 mm In addi ti on to the M113 modular up-armour kit , ALCOA Composites has
and chemical energy threats. been involved in a number of other up-armouring programmes including
The exterior kit consists of perforated superhard steel stand-off armour the design of the M88A 1El armoured recovery vehicle (under subcontract
which is bolted to the aluminium hull using a unique 'X' brace mounting to BMY Combat Systems) and a composite applique armour system for the
system for stru ctural ruggedness . Delco LA V 25 under contract to Delco Systems.
The system is modular and allows rapid installation by two people and
easy replacement of damaged panels or section s. It provides protection Status: Development complete. Ready for production .
through 360" against kinetic energy threats through the 14.5 mm MS41 at a
range of 300 m by breaking up and dispersing projectile fragments. Total Manufacturer : FIBERTEK DiVision of ALCOA Composites Inc, 1180 North
weight of th e system is 771 kg . Mountain Springs Parkway . Springville. Utah 84663-0910 , USA.
Telephone: (801) 489 3672 Fax: (801) 489 3671
i SPA ll
i ;~
M113 series APC filted with ALCOA Composites M113 modular up-armour
kit (above) and section through vehicle to show main components (right)
Alliant Techsystems Advanced Armour Systems Late in 1991 . Alliant Techsystems stated that it was currently under
contract with DARPA on the 'Blue Armor' programme to develop high tech
armour for future vehicles. The objective of thi s programme is to significantly
Devetopment/Description Improve the survivability of armoured vehicles against KE and CE attack.
Allhough Alliant Techsystems are well known for their extensive involvement To accomplish this the company IS combining advanced explosive reactive
in the design . development and production of ammunition and other weapon armour concepts with new packaging for improved passive materials and
systems. they are also involved in armou r programmes. modularity . The company is pursuing a number 01 other programmes and
The company 's extensive involvement in developi ng anti-armour systems . developed light armour for overhead fragmentation protection .
including Kinetic Energy (KEI and Chemical Energy (C EI threats for medium On the 'Blue Armor' programme . Phase 1 armour targets outperformed
calibre and tank ammunition rounds . Explosively Formed Penetrator (EFPI the competitors at the Los Alamos test range and at a much lower weight.
threats for such programmes as the Sense And Destroy Armor Munition Phase 2 is continuing with the build of light , medium and heavy target s
(SADARMI and the Smart Target Activated Fire and Forget (STAFF) for US Government test.
round . have proved invaluable in Alliant Techsystems development of
advanced armour systems. Status: Development.
In order to develop effective threats, Alliant Techsystems have had to
develop appropri ate targets. They have extensive sim ulation capabilities to Manufacturer: Alliant Techsystems Inc, Defense Systems, 7225 Northland
accomplish these tasks. Their Epic modelling provides 3D simulation of Drive . Brooklyn Park. Minnesota 55428, USA.
complex long-rod penetrators interacting with hybrid targets . Telephone : (612) 5364547 Fax : (612) 536 4545
Chamberlain Armor Protection System (CHAPS) The Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation market CHAPS in selected
parts of the world and with their extensive experience in the design and
Developmen t/Description manufacture of ammu nition have the capability to manufacture both systems
Under the overall title of CHAPS (C Hamberlain Armor Protection System). in their US facilities.
the Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation is now marketing two armour
system s. one for APCs and one for MBTs. Status : Development complete. Production as required .
The APC system is a passive armour and is essentially the proven
RAFAEL Togo system covered earlier under Israel while the MBT system is Manufacturer: Chamberlain Manufacturing Corporation . International
the combat proven Blazer explosive reactive armour system jointly marketed Marketing Office . 2201 Jefferson Davis Highway . Crystal Plaza 1. Suite
by TAAS - Israel Industries Ltd and th e RAFAEL Armament Development 405 . Arlington . Virginia 22202 . USA.
Authority ; this is also covered under Israel. Telephone : (703) 4150754 Fax: (0703) 415 0758
Composite Armored Vehicle (CAV) Key elements of thi s programme are said to include composite matenals .
electnc drive systems and more powerful weapon systems which could
Include electrothermal or electrom agnetic types with a significant increase
Development/Descri ption in armour penetration characteristi cs. and have a lower crew requirement.
Late in 1991 it was revealed th at the US Army was looking to develop a new The first vehicles to incorporate some part of this technology could be the
fleet of armoured fighllng vehicles that would weigh 25 to 30 tons (US) and US Army 's Future Scout Vehicle and Light Infantry Fighting Vehi cle that
be virtually undetectable to enemy missiles and radar. could be deployed as early as 2005 .
In mid-1992. the US Army Tank Automotive Command awarded two The first phase of the CAV program will allow industry scientists and
contracts to study the design of the first ever composite armoured vehicles engineers to consider various composites materials and technologies to
designed from the ground up. determine the optimum approach for use in combat vehicles .
TACOM's Composite Armored Vehicle (CAV) programme exemplified Scope 01 work for the complete programme will include concept designs .
the US Government's new co-operative research and development focus material test sections and ballistic test sections.
on Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) systems The CAV follow-on effort emphasises a joint development process with
The phase one CAV contracts. which run thro ugll to September 1994. close co-operation between TACOM. the Defense Advanced Research
were awarded to the FMC Corporation . who currently manufacture the Projects Agency (DARPA) and the US Marine Corps . Current projections
Bradley Fighting Vehicle. and General Dynamics. Land Systems Division. Indicate a follow-on solicitation in late FY93 or early FY94 to actually bu ild a
who manufaclure the MIA 1 MBT. CAV ATD together wi th another ATD known as the Light Contingency
There are two key goals of the Army 's new CAV programme . first Vehicle (LCV) .
whether or not reduced signature vehicles are practical and second whether The LCV is a DARPA programme that is being examined in parallel to
composites are practical for use in combat vehicles TACOM 's CAV initi ative. As cu rrently envisioned. the CAV will have a gross
Prior composite vehicle development programmes in the US have included weight (GVW) of abou t 22 tons (US) while th e LCV wi ll have a GVW of on ly
a composite Bradley infantry fighting vehicle hull as well as US Marine 8 to 12 tons (US) .
Corps composite vehicle efforts. including a M 113 vehicle. Both 01 these Both TACOM and the US Marine Corps will provide DA RPA wi th Deputy
initiatives have provided a notional database that is feeding into the CAV Programme Managers to serve as joint tech nical managers under cu rrent
programme . program plans .
Of the seven new science and technology thru st areas. thrust five covers According to TACOM officials. there are multiple advantages of a joint
Advanced Land Combat (ALC) which IS broken down further into separate soliCitation for these two ATD programmes. For example . given different
areas. vehicle weigh ts. responses may provide two separate technical approaches
TACOM will have proponency for the area known as Advanced Vehicle and give the government the best opportu nity 01 competing two separate
Tech nologies while US Army Missile Command Will have proponency for technologies .
Rapid Force Projecllon Initiatives.
Both of these areas feature multiple ATD programmes. The CAV is one Status : Early development. see text.
of six advanced technology demonstration programmes included under the
Advanced Vehicle Technologies (AVT) area . Manufacturer: Not selected.
Composite Developments Bradley in the Summer of 1989 and under the 1986 contract a total of tw o
hulls have been built. T he first pro totype has been fitted wi th a standard
Bradley two -man power-operated turret armed witll a 25 mm M242 cannon .
Development/Description 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and twin TOW lau ncher.
Composites have been used in a wide range of military applications in the When compared to metal hulls. th e benefits according to the US Army
USA for over 25 years including . for example , helicopter seats. For a Materiels Technology Laboratory are:
number of years the US Army Materiels Technology Laboratory (MTL) . with (1) 25 per cent weight reduction in full stru cture and armour weight. equal
the assistance of private Industry . has been seeking wider applications for ballistics
composite materials . (2) enhanced crew survivability. no spall . improved resistance to mine blast
According to MTL there are a number of advantages of using composite and explosive reactive arm our detonation
structural armour in place of aluminium in medium weight combat vehicles. (3) nOise and vibration reduced by 5 to 10 dB in crew compartment
MTL has already developed a composite turret and is Involved in (4) reduced manufacturi ng cos ts. It is estimated that costs of fabricati ng
developing a composite hull for the Composite Infantry Fighting Vehicle hull structure will be 20 per cent lower because moulding large secti ons
which . in 1987. was included in the Top 20 list of the high priority US Army reduces machining/joi ning
demonstration prolects. (5) reduced life-cycle costs from incre ased fatigue strength and eliminati on
Composites will also be considered In future US Army armoured fighting of corrosion and weld probl ems in metal hulls.
vehicles and were applied to the Army 's 155 mm Lightweight Howitzer Following the 10 000 km of trials at Camp Roberts with the first vehicle .
Programme co-ordinated with the Army's Armament Research. Development Phase III will commence. This is the bui lding of the second prototype that
and Engineering Centre at Dover. New Jersey . This project was however will incorporate any desig n changes learned from the tes ting of the first
ca ncelled owing to a shortage of funding before the first complete prototype prototype.
system had been completed . Other profects curre ntly underway at FMC include a composite hull for a
In September 1986 MTL awarded a $13 million . four year contract to low profile M 11 3A4 for th e Canadian armed forces as well as studies for a
FMC's Advanced Systems Center to design . analyse. fabricate and test high survivability MLRS cab. composite turrets for the Block III modifica tion
two Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles made from lightweight composite to Bradley and a composite hull fo r th e Block IV Bradley in the year 2000 is
matenals which will be used as a test-bed to provide materials technology a possibility.
for future generations of US Army combat vehicles. Under this contract.
FMC conducted materials and processing refinement. hull deSign . tooling Devefoping agency
fabrication and moulding and outfitting of the hull. US Army Laboratory Co mmand. Materiels Technology Laboratory . Arsenal
The com posite selected for this project consists of resin-bonded Owens- Streel , Wa tertown, Maryland 02 172-000 1. USA.
Cornings S-2 glass fibre woven fabric . In fabncating the composite hull
structure. three moulded sections replaced 23 welded aluminium plates
while still incorporating alu mini um reinfo rcing members for strength.
FMC's Advanced Systems Center ro lled out the prototype of the Composite
Composite turret for Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle built by FMC Corporation
prior to installation of weapons. sights and hatches FMC Corporalion Composite Brad/ey Infantry Fighting Vehicle
u SA / ARM 0 U R S Y S T EM S 183
us Applique Armour Programmes The firsl production AAKs were fitted to two reinforced AAV7 AI platoons
in each Mari ne Amphibious Force as well as a si ngle MPS brigade.
Followi ng the AAK is the Enhanced Applique Armor Kit (E AAK) which will
US Marine Corps also be fitted to the command post members of the AAV7Al family as well
In Ihe early 19805 Ihe US Marine Corps commenced development of a as the basic personnel carrier. The EAAK will also provide added protection
passive applique armour system for its AAV 7 A 1 family of armoured not only to the sides and slope of the AAV7Al hull but also the top surfaces
amphibious vehicles. and all three crew hatches.
This is called the P-900 Applique Armor Kit (AAK) and comprises a set of In the Summer of 1989 RAFAEL Armament Development Authority of
punched and perforated armour plates which when fitted to the hull sides Israel announced that they had been selected as the sole winner of an open
and slopes of the AAV7 A 1 increase its armour protection. competition to deliver three complete , pre-production Enhanced Applique
The P-900 AAK is attached to the AAV 7 A 1 in two layers. The first layer is Armor Kits (EAAKs) for th e US Marin e Corps AAV 7AI amphibious vehicles.
mounted about 150 mm from the hull side and th e outer layer 25 mm from Thi s package provides increased protection for th e vehicles hull sides.
that. The armour sheel has a Swiss cheese appearance similar to that of including the upper sloping part, roof and th e three crew hatches.
the Israeli Toga applique armour system developed by Urdan Industries for Following trials with the pre-production EAAK systems a production
use on the M 113 series (qv Israel) . contract was placed for a total of 1137 kits and final deliveries were made
When a bullet hits the P-900 armour it is deflected from its trajectory and early in 1993.
becomes implanted in the armour and so does not reac h the hull of the
vehicle. It probably pro vides protection against APDS round s fired by US Arm y
automatic weapons up to 14.5 mm in calibre , for example th e form er Soviet The US Army will also instalilhe P-900 system on its new production FMC
KPV 14.5 mm machine gun which is fitted to many arm oured vehicles M1 13A3 APCs . Due to the different physical characteristics of the M11 3A3
including th e BTR -60 (8 x 8) APC and the BRDM-2 (4 x 4) amphibious and the AAV7 A 1 the armou r configurations and shape are different as are
scout car. the armour attachment points . New production M 113A3s are being fitted for
• Following extensive trials the Naval Sea Systems Command (NavSea) but not with P-900 systems.
issued the initial Request for Proposals for production P-900 AAKs to
industry in the fourth quarter of FY86. ' Status : US Marine Corps . P-900 AAK in service with AAV7Al vehicles.
In March 1987 the Majestic Metal Fabricating Company of Rosevill e, EAAK selected for AAV7 Aland now being installed (see above).
Michigan , was awarded the first production contract worth $2.84 million and US Arm y. M113A3 fitted for but not wilh P-900 AAK.
covered the constru ction and delivery of 189 P-900 kits for use on US
Marine Corps AAV7 A 1 ve hicles.
FMC M 113A3 APC fitled with P-900 AAK US Marine Corps AAV1A 1 fitted with P-900 AAK
The US Army started working on explosive reactive armour again in the
early 1980s after a series of evaluations of the Israeli Blazer system (qv)
fitted to M60A 1 MBTs. At least one complete Blazer system was purchased
by the US Marine Corps before the 1982 Israeli invasion of the Lebanon
and this was fo llowed by the purchase of a furth er two systems in 1985.
Full-sca le development of US explosive reactive armour started in 1982
at th e Ballisti c Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Grounds . A three
year developm ent effort by several of the Army 's Material Command
agencies followed with conceptual testing being carri ed out by the Combat
Systems Test Activity (CSTA).
By July 1985 development had progressed to such a stage that full-scale
testing by CST A began against three M60A3 tanks supplied by Anniston
Army Depot. Additional testing was carried ou t against three sets of ballistic
Drawing of Bradley showing some of the main improvements incorporated
hulls and chassis. Only a single fully loaded M60A3 had to undergo actual
in recent production vehicles (not to 1176th scale)
ballistic impact tests . These trials were com pleted by late 1985 and included
Ihe firing of both lank fired projectiles and various anli-tank guided weapons. Arabia by the United States Marine Corps late in 1990. These subsequently
The system for the M60A3 was type classi fi ed as the M1 JM2 Applique took part in Operation Desert Storm . The M60A 1 has now been withdrawn
Armor System (A AS) with each M 11M2 applique armour kit consisting of 95 from service by the US Marines .
explosive reactive armour tiles plus associated attachment hardware to An explosive reactive armour package has also been developed for th e
allow it to be fitted to the M60A3 and M60A3 TTS (Tank Thermal Sight) M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and the M3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle . This
MBTs. The total weight of the kit was about 1700 kg and took 140 man system weighs about 4000 kg and consists of 55 tiles , 19 for the front and
hours to install. 18 either Side. The French company of SNPE and Kaman of the USA have
The 95 tile kit included 52 of Ihe smaller Ml tiles weighing a total of been awarded development contracts for ERA packages for the M2/M3
440 kg plus 43 of the larger M2 tiles weighing 560 kg . The remaining 700 kg Bradley and details of this are given in this section under France.
co nsisted of the inslallation hardware . First production of M2 Infantry Fighting Veh icles fitted for but nol With
It was expected that the Ml 1M2 Applique Arm or System would be explosive reactive armour were completed in the Summer of 1988.
installed initial ly on M60A3 tanks in service in South Korea in the firsl In addition to being fitted for explosive reactive armour , the latest
quarter of 1988 but in January 1988 the whOle programme was cancelled. production M2/M3 vehicles have numerous other Improvements to enhance
More recently the US Marine Corps has fitted this ERA package to a their battlefield survivability including improved protection against kinetic
number of its M60A 1 MBTs . M60A 1s with ERA were deployed to Saudi energ y attack, spall liners and restowed ammunition .
184 ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS / USA
Status: M60A 1 - US Marine Corps. but M60A 1 has now been withdrawn
from service .
M60A3 - fielding cancelled .
M2/M3 - first production vehicles fitted for. but not with explosive reactive
armour were completed in the Summer of 1988.
DARPA LAV-2S Applique Armour System Consequently no modification of the structure of the vehicle , such as drilling
or welding. is required.
Development/Description Prototype LAST kits consist 01 the LAST system . ceramic armour tiles. a
In April 1992, the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) battle damage repair kit and a manual with a videotape providing instructions
stated that it had successfully completed a three month project to take a on kit installation .
technology from the proof-of-principle concept to a fieldable prototype A total of 60 000 ceramic armour tiles were produced in less than 90
system within three months. days. These had to undergo balli stic validation testing to ve rify tile
The object of this $2 million effort is to provide 75 prototype kits of Light performance . The LAST system underwent development testing and a LAV
Applique System Technique (LAST) to the Marine Corps lor application to with a LAST armour kit underwent live fire testing and wa s also tested
Light Armored Vehicles (LAVs) deployed with both marine and army forces against chemical agents. All this took place during the 90 day effort.
operating in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm . While the timing of the ground war in the Gulf made it impossible to field
The LAST is a unique attachment system for applique armours . Foster- prototype LAST systems in support of Operation Desert Storm as planned.
Miller Inc, under contract to DARPA, developed the system which consists the Marine Corps has decided to equip marine units on both the East and
of a hook-and-a-Ioop attachment system (Velco USA) , armour modules West Coast with LAST kits for continued test and eva luation .
(Lanxide Armor Products. Newark, Delaware and Coors Ceramics. Golden ,
Colorado) and a protective cover (Bell Avon , Picayune. Mississippi) . Status: Development complete . In limited service with th e US Marine
The key features that make the system so attractive for the LAV-25 are Corps (see text) .
its light weight and ease of installation and repair. The hook-and-Ioop
attachment is affixed to the vehicle with pressure-sensitive adhesive . Manufacturers: Various (see text).
Martin Marietta Composite Armour Status: Prototype delivered to US Marine Corps for trials _
Protective Materials Company M113 Spall (or spall ) which ricochet at high velocities throughout the vehicle interior. To
provide increased protection for the M 113 series the US Army Material s
Suppressant Armour System Technology Laboratory with the co-operation and technical support of the
FMC Corporation and the Protective Materials Company , developed the
Development/Description spall suppressant armour liner for use in the latest M113A3 version as well
The hull of the FMC M113 series of APC , of which over 74 000 have now as the M2 Bradley I FV.
been built in the United States, provides the crew with protection from small The Protective Material s Company was selected as the prime contractor
arms fire and shell splinters. Modern shaped charge (or HEAT) munitions to FMC Corporation to produce the prototypes of the liner which were Ihen
have no difficulty in penetrating the aluminiu m hull and creating a secondary tested by Tank Automotive Command and the Balli stic Research
and more devastating threat to the personnel and equipment inside the Laboratories.
vehicle by effecting the cone dispersal pattern of aluminium wall fragments Trials demonstrated that the prototype liners produced by Protective
USA / ARM 0 U R S Y S T EMS 185
ThIs 76 mm grenade lau nching syslem is inslalled on Ihe Argenlintan TAM
medium lank and VCTP infantry combat vehicle . In th e case of the former a
bank of four grenade launchers is mounted either side of the turret while in
the case of the latter a bank of four smoke dischargers is mounted either
side of the hull. In both cases they fire forwards.
In addition to the bank of four grenade launchers, banks of three and SIX
launchers are also available. The grenades are launched electrically and
have a maximum range of 40 to 60 m. The smoke cloud lasts about three
minutes with the smoke duration depending on th e number of launching
tubes utilised .
More recently, however, many vehicles . tracked and wheeled , have been Status : Production . In service with the CIS and countries which have
fitted with 81 mm smoke discharg ers as well as fire to the frontal arc. received aid from the CIS or the former Warsaw Pact.
T-62 MBT laying a smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel in the exhaust outlet Close up of T-80U MBT showing 4 forward firing smoke dischargers on side
on the left side of the hull of turret
Development/Descrip tion When an incoming anti-tank guided weapon is acqUired, one or more of
The Drozd (Thrush) dynamic defence system is believed to have been th e rocket launchers is fired. The rocket contains a fragment ation warhead
developed in the former Soviet Union in the late 1970's and was first fitted that disperses a small cloud of steel pellets in front of th e incoming anti-tank
to T -55 MBTs in th e late 1980's. These upgraded vehicles are designed the guided weapon . This should prematurely detonate the warhe ad or cause
T-55AD . the missile to crash before it hits the MBT .
The Drozd (Thru sh) system consists of a pair of Millimetre Wave (MMW) Under the Coventional Forces Europe treaty , the former Soviet Union
sensors mounted on either side of the tank turret below which is a pair of declared around 250 T-55AD vehicles late in 1990, all of which were
quadruple rocket launchers so angled to cover th e frontal arc. located in th e European USSR .
These early MMW sensors are gated to acquire incoming objects such It is understood that this system was very expensive and was th erefore
as anti-tank guided weapons and filter out other objects such as helicopters only installed on the T-55 MBT. No eHort appears 10 have been made to
and bullets . install this on the T-64. T-72 or T-80 MBTs.
CIS - E gyp t / 5 M 0 KED I 5 C H A R G E R 5 , G R EN A 0 E 5 AN DOE CO Y 5 187
Status : Production complete. May still be in limited service with the Manufacturer: Former Soviel state factories.
Commonwealth of Independent States .
CALIBRE 76mm Kader Fahd 30 (4 x 4) APe w,th bank of four electncally operated smoke
NUMBER OF dischargers firing forward mounted on either side of the hull. The turret of the
LAUNCHER TUBES 8 Fahd 30,s ,dentica/to that of the former Soviet BMP-2 Infantry fighting veh,cle
Kaha Type 270 /M239 66 mm Smoke Grenade use and one electrical operating unit which is installed inside the vehicle.
normally at th e commander's station _
Development/Description SPECfFfCATIONS
Each Type 270l M239 system consists of a bank of six 66 mm launcher CALIBRE 66mm
tube s all at a different angle , which are used to project a smoke grenade to Launcher
a range of 30 to 40 m over the Irontal arc 01 the vehicle. LENGTH 380 mm
A complete system consists 01 two launchers, two grenade stowage bins. WIDTH 280 mm
two canvas covers which are used when the grenade launchers are not in HEIGHT 315mm
188 S M 0 KED I S C H A R G E R S , G R E N A 0 E SAN DOE COY S / E gyp t - F ran C e
Manufacturers : Giat tndustrles. 13 route de la Miniere. F-78034 Versailles Ellenne LacrOix , Factory and Management. 6 boulevard de Joflrery .
Cedex, France. F-3600 Muret Cedex, France.
Telephone : (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1) 30 97 39 00 Telephone : 61 566500 Telex: 531478 F LACART Fax: 61 51 4277
Giat Industries 80 mm Smoke Canisters These smoke dischargers fire the standard 80 mm smoke screen canister.
designated the ARF FUM Fl . More recently Giat Industries has developed
the ARF FUM VIR G2 grenade which is effective in both the visible range
DevelopmentiDescripti on and Infra-red range .
The Giat Industries AMX-30 and AMX -30 B2 are normally litled with four Both grenades are electrically ignited and are supplied in cases of eight
electrically operated 80 mm smoke dischargers on their turrets. two on canisters .
either side . Armoured personnel carriers also have four electrically operated
smoke dischargers: in the case of the AMX -l0P these are mounted two SPECfFfCATfONS
either side at the hull rear. In all cases the smoke dischargers are angled to MODEL ARF FUM 80 Fl ARF FUM 80 VfR G2
fire forwards over the front of the vehicle. OVERALL LENGTH 290mm 290 mm
DIAMETER 80mm 80mm
TOTAL WEIGHT 3.1 kg 2.4 kg
CONTENT WEIGHT 2 kg 1.4 kg
LAUNCHER 40 m 40 m
STARTING TIME 5 to 8 s 5s
SPECTRAL RANGE 0.4 to 0.9 ~m 0.4 to 14 ~m
Spider ammunition
2 sub-projectiles per cartridge
900 spherical fragments per projectile
Initial speed 800 mls
Will perforate 7 mm of alumll1ium 20 m from explosion point
Weight of cartridge 1.5 kg
Same ballistics as CAPIRO 50
Ruggieri Spider close-in vehicle protection system on VAB (6 , 6) APe Sound Intensity . 160 dB 40 m from explosion point
190 S M 0 KED I S C H A R G E R S, G R E N A DES AND DEC 0 v S / F ran c e - G e r man y
Instantaneous masking in visible range Masking in visibte and infra-red range
Cloud forms 15 to 35 m from vehicle Detay 2 s
Delay 5 s Non-toxIc
Cloud durallon 30 s Duration 30 s with wind speed of 4 m/s
Weight 2 kg Weight 2.3 kg
Status : Qualification tnat s. Manufacturer: Ruggieri. 86 , avenue de Saint-Ouen . F-75018 Paris, France
Telephone : (1) 46 271208 Tetex : 283 581 F Fax: (1) 42 26 66 65
Buck Self-Protection System for these two vehicles so th e future of this SPS is not certain at the present
The new Buck Self Protection System can fire four salvos of infra -red
Development/Description screening smoke as opposed to just one with the current systems fitted to
Buck has been engaged in the design. development and production of the Gepard and Roland vehicles .
smoke and other screening grenades for many years and in t 990 was It is possible th at th e whole of the Germ an Army fl eel. tracked and
awarded a con tract from the German Arm y for Ihe devetopment of a new wheeted. will be upgraded with this system in the future , funding permitting .
defensive ,nfra-red screening smoke device for the Gepard twin 35 mm In addition . Buck has developed a new 76 mm smoke grenade which can
self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system and the Roland self-propelled surface- be fired from the launcher fitted to existing MBTs such as the Leopard 2.
to-air missile sys tem . In 1992 the company also showed its new Multipte Launcher Dispenser
Trials of this new Self-Protection System (SPS) are expected to be System (MLDS) . In a typical land application this could be mounted on a
carried out in t 993 with vehicle installation following from 1994. Late in trailer towed by a truck and be used for offensive/defensive purposes .
1992, however. the German MoD cancelled th e extensive upgrade plans
Status : The Se lf-Protection System is under devetopment for th e German
Army .
Smoke Grenade (DM35)
LENGTH 176 mm
WEIGHT 1100 g
WALL' 150 m wide. 20 m high . 30 m
Fragmentation Grenade (qv) Leopard 2 MBT 01 German Army showing two banks 01 eight Wegmann
CALIBRE 76mm 76 mm multipurpose grenade launchers on side of turret
WEIGHT 1.7 kg
Manufacturer: Wegmann and Co GmbH . August-Bode-Strasse 1. 0 -3500
Status : In production. In service with German armed forces and various Kassel . Federal Republi c of Germany .
other armies. Telephone : 0561 1050 Telex : 99859 Fax : 0561 1052208
Wegmann 76 mm Adjustable Launcher System Manufacturer: Wegmann and Co GmbH . August-Bode·Strasse 1. D-3500
Kassel . Federal Republic of Germany .
Telephone : 0561 1050 Telex : 99859 Fax : 0561 1052208
Intended for fitt ing to any type of armoured vehicle. the Wegm ann 76 mm
grenade launcher system can be rotated through a full 360' to provide
grenade coverage to any sector around the vehicle. It has a single launcher
barrel which is normally mounted at an ang le of 45' . although other
angles can be selected. The launcher tube is mounted on a steel turntable .
in the centre of which is the loading hatch . To reload the launcher the
hatch is opened downwards from within the vehicle and a grenade inserted.
As the hatch is closed it positions the launcher at the correct angle ; a
safety interlock prevents firing if th e hatch is not properly closed . An
indicator inside the turntable provides the operator with the direction in
which the launcher is pointing . Firing is electrical from a control box inside
the vehicle . Grenades used may be smoke. tear gas and in a special
version HE.
A completely waterproof version for use with amphibious vehicles is
available. Each launcher is provided with test equipment, a cleaning brush
and a small pouch with spare parts.
steel turntable 22 kg approx
launcher assembly 15 kg approx
Status : In production . By early 1993 some 300 of these systems had been
produced . Wegmann 76 mm adjustable la uncher system
NICO HC smoke
Hexachlorethane (HC) developes a very dense screening smoke , greyish
in colour , under most climatic conditions .
This system has been designed lor installation on a wide range 01 armoured
vehicles inctuding tanks. reconnaissance vehicles . self-propelled guns and
howitzers and warships. The 76 in the system designation relates to the
calibre of the launcher. while the 10 re lates to the number of launchers .
The system consists of two banks of five 76 mm launchers that are
normally mounted five on either side of the turret and fire forward s with the Bank of five 76 mm launchers on mounting bracket
operator's panel being inside the vehicle . normally at the commander's
station .
All parts of the system are fully waterproof with most parts being
interchangeable. All parts are made of high grade steel for low vulnerability
10 small arms fire and shrapnel.
The grenades are electrically fired with the operator being able to select
coverage . The capability of altering the launcher tubes in azimuth is also
The operators panel has an onl off switch . full coverage button. and four
buttons . positioned on the left side (to launch two grenades) . on th e front
right (to launch two grenades). and on the centre left and centre right (to
launch three grenades eachl .
The coverage arc is through 205' with grenades covering a 50' arc .
Typically . each grenade lands about 60 m from the vehicle and covers a
circle with a radiu s of 15 m.
It launches all types of 76 mm close delence ammunition including
smoke grenade RP , smoke grenade HC . smoke grenade IR screening .
chaff dispersing grenade. flare grenade and anti-personnel grenade . F1JLL
Status: Production .
The Screen battlefield obscurant smoke system has been developed by the
RAFAEL Armament Development Authority to provide a rapid smoke
screening capability to lield unils.
Screen consists 01 the multiple rocket launcher. fire-control unit and fin -
stabilised smoke rounds. The launcher can be mounted on the rear of any
MBT and carries 20 smoke rounds in three layers.
Once loaded the system is operated from within the tank and the operator
can select one of two modes . single shot or semi-automatic. Range is from
750 to 1500 m. achieved by elevating the launcher .
When the whole salvo of 20 rocket rounds are fired . a smoke screen
approximately 2000 m wide is formed which lasts about 10 minutes.
According to RAFAEL. Screen is wind insensitive .
Development/Description on the head of the shell . Once in the co ntainer. th e shells are protected
The CL-3030 instantaneous self-screening system for combat vehicles has against small arm s fire and artillery fragments by 12.5 mm of steel armour
been developed by TAAS - Israel Industries to meet the requirements of plate. The only exposed part of the shell . the head. is protected by an
the Israeli Army . It is in service mounted either side of th e main armament armoured cap. The launch container has a built-in electromechanical selector
of vehicles such as the Merkava Mk 3. M48 , M60 and Centurion MBTs. which automatically determines the sequence of the shells launched . At the
The TAAS - tsrael Industries CL-3030 instantaneous self-screen ing same time. it shorts out the firing ci rcuit until the firing impulse is received
system for combat vehictes is a key part of the POMALS covered in th e from the control unit inside the tank.
following entry. The control unit is a switch bo x. activated by the tank commander and
The basic components of the system are two lau nch containers which reset by a si mple switch after reloading . The launch container of th e IS-l 0
are mounted one each side of the tank's main gun and point forward. sys tem is mounted on the tank by bolts; this can be accomplished at field
Depending on the basic system used , IS-6 or IS-l0 . the con tainers hold level.
one or two cassettes, with six or 10 smoke shells.
At the tank comman der's discretion two smoke shells are launched tS-6 system
si multaneously . one from each of the launch containers. creating in less This is similar in operation to the IS-l 0 sys tem . with the difference that th e
than two seconds a smoke screen which effectively conceals the tank _ tS-6 launch container hotds one cassette with six smoke shells. The
Under average wind conditions. the screen lasts between one and two cassette is locked into place by a handle on the container itself. The
minutes. giving the tank tim e to move its position . The location of the screen co ntainer is mounted on the tank , by means of a steel bracket , at field tevel.
is determined by rotating the turret to th e desired di rection before firing. and shells within are protected by 8 mm of impact resistant steel plate .
The screen is created at a distance of 40 10 50 m from the tank and is
initially 60 m wide and 4 to 8 m high . Angle of concealment IS about 70' Other systems
growing afterwards in the direction in which the wind is blowing . In addition to th e tS -6 and tS- l0 systems. for tanks and vehicles with a
There are two basic systems fo r tanks and other vehicles with a turret. turret. th e CL-3030 system is available in a wide variety of configurations
These are the IS-6 system with two launch containers. each holding a fo r use on APCs and armoured fighting vehicles without turret . As a general
single cassette with six smoke shells . and the IS- l 0 system with two launch practice four to six fi ve-shell cassettes are mounted on the' vehicle in
contai ners each holding two cassettes with fi ve smoke shells in each. different places by means of a mounting base instead of a launch container.
The IS-l0 system allows 10 screenin g operations to be carried out thus providing smoke screen protection in all directions.
without reloading. The IS-6 system enables the tank commander 10 fire six
pairs of shells for six separate screening operati ons. Smoke shell
The smoke shell contains appro ximately 850 g of a specially modified red
IS-10 system phosphorous smoke-producing material. The smoke is non-to xic.
The IS-l 0 launch container houses 10 smoke shells in two casse ttes of five On lau nching the smoke shell . part of the material ignites in the air.
shells each . The cassettes are loaded by hand into th e launch container creating the initial smoke cloud. The rest is dispersed over the ground in the
and locked into place by handles at Ihe top and bottom of each cassette. form of small . smoking particles which continue to burn . replenishing and
Loading takes a few seconds and the cassettes are quickly removable for re inforcing the smoke screen and keeping it going for one to two minutes so
easy cleaning and maintenance. Extensive testing has shown that 25 allowing th e tank to move out of sight.
rounds can be fired from a launching tube within the cassette before The shell is fired by a low-sensitivity 1 Nl W. no-fire squib. It is equipped
cleaning is indicated. with a device which shorts out the squib until the shell is locked into the
The smoke shells are loaded into the launching tubes in the empty cassette. Once in the cassette . the squib is kept shorted out by the internal
cassettes. locked into the launch container. They are pushed in and lock circuitry of the container itself until the firing pulse is supplied from the
into the tube by means of a spring catch. and can be removed by a pull ring control unit inside the tank.
The squib is mounted in a conductive Faraday cage which isolates it from
extern al radio frequency sources.
Smoke shell
WEIGHT 1.9 kg
DIA METER 73.3 mm
Close-up of 15-10 launcher system installed on Centurion MBT Close-up of 15-6 launcher system
1S rae 1- No r way I SM 0 KED 1S C H A R G E R S, G R E N A DES A N D DEC 0 Y S 195
Status: In production . In service with the Israeli Delence Force . Manufacturer: TAAS - Israel Industries Limited, Weapons Group, PO Box
1044. IL·47100 Ramat Hasharon . Israel.
Telephone : (972) 3 5455370 Fax : (972) 3 6959906
PAYLOAD 0.6 kg/m' POMALS installed on MBT fitted with explosive reactive armour with pedestat
WEIGHT 45 kg (each) con taining grenades in centre
ARMSCOR Vehicle Smoke Concealment System Status : In production. In service with the South African Defence Forces .
Development At night the elevation takes place wi th the aid of luminous spirit levels
This has been developed by Bofors for installation on a wide range of which are mounted on the launcher.
Iracked and wh eeled armoured fighting vehicles and shares a number of Bofors claim th at its flare systems could be used successfully at sea for
common components with lhe infantryl manportable version . combating smuggling , illuminating ships illegally releasi ng oil under cover
of darkness, identification and rescue work, The latest version of the
Description combat vehicle launcher ca n now eject flare ammunition to di stances of
The combat vehicle version of the 71 mm illuminating system Lyran consists 450 m, 950 m and 1600 m.
of launcher with con nection cable , control unit with firing buttons fo r two
launchers and the mortar flare shells,
The mortar flar e shells are in individual plastic containers which can be
connected togeth er with the upper container in a pack having a carrying
Typically two launchers are mounted on the vehicle firing forwards with
firing taking pl ace via the control unit which Is located in the crew
compartment of the vehicle. The power supply of 24 V is taken from the
electri cal system of the vehicle ,
In addition to th e safe position on the fuze, each mortar flare has settings
for 400, 800 and 1300 m range with the launcher set at an elevati on of 45'.
A ra nge of 1300 m is achieved with an increment and is fired only with the
vehicle launcher.
The mortar fl are shell comprises a front body section, rear body section
and a tall unit. The front body section contains the fuze, the delayed
pyrotechnical charge , the separating charge and the flare charge. The flare
charge is ignited by the separati ng charge that is initiated by a primer pellet.
The rear body section contains a parachute which IS attached 10 the flare
charge and a propellant charge. The flare shell , which has a burni ng time of
30 seconds, gives 5 lux ill umination over an area with a diameter of more
than 600 m.
The same elevation of +45 0 is used when firin g at 400 , 800 and 1300 m.
A longer barrel is available which permits fi ring at 450 , 950 and 1600 m Close-up of Cen tunon of Swedish Army showing two Bofors Lyran 71 mm
using the same fl are shells as for 400, 800 and 1300 m. illuminating launchers on turret rear
Sw eden- U K / S M 0 KED I S C H A R G E R S , G R E N A DES AND DEC 0 vS 197
Control unit LUMINOUS INTENSITY mean 600 000 cd
DIMENSIONS 165 x 93 x 83 mm DESCENDING SPEED 3 m/s
Mortar flare shell
LENGTH (complete ) 340mm Launcher
WE IGHT (complete) 1.2 kg WEIGHT 17kg
MUZZLE VELOCITY 114 m/s (147 m/s with increment ) VOLTAGE 24V DC
RANGE 400 , 800 and 1300 m (short ELEVATION SETTINGS steps of 5'
barrel ) 450, 950 and 1600 m (long LENGTH AND WIDTH
barrel) OF BASE PLATE 205 x 110mm
TIME OF FLIGHT 5.5 s to 400 m (short barrel) or
450 m (long barrel ) Status: Production as required . In service with Belgium , Finland , Norway ,
11 .5 s to 800 m (short barrel) or Sw eden and Switzerland.
950 m (long barrel)
16 s to 1300 m (short barret) or Manufacturer: Bofors AB , S-691 80 Karlskoga, Sweden .
1600 m (long barrel) Telephone: (46) 586 81000 Telex : 732100 Fax : (46) 586 58145
Haley & Weller Vehicle Grenades
Peak 66 mm Grenade Dischargers and salvo. The RD2 100 armou red stowage box is mounted extern ally on
armou red vehicles and holds fi ve g renades; it is used wilh th e No 18
launcher. The RD445 7 armoured stowage box holds fo ur gre nades and is
Descri ption used In conjunclion wilh Nos I I . 12 or 16 launchers.
The Peak 66 mm grenade dischargers were first developed in 1970 in
conjuncflon with the then Military Vehicles and Engineenng Establishment SPECIFICATIONS
at Chertsey. Since then over 20 different models have been included in the Model No 12 No 16 NolS No 21 No 22
range . The dischargers are primarily intended for the projection of 66 mm SPACE
smoke grenades but can also be used to project CS gas or IR screening ENVELOPE 162 x 349 145 ,, 180 154 x 375 161 x 300 170 x 435
smoke grenades. x 237 mm x 24r mm x 270' mm x 240' mm x 265' mm
There are five basic models in Ihe Peak range as follows . WEIGHT 5 kg 2.7 kg 6.8 kg 5 kg 8.9 kg
No 12 Launcher. A four ·barrel unit mounted in pairs on vehicles such as
Land Rovers . APCs and light tanks . and providing 180 cover . Fitted to the , denotes protuberance
Scorpion range of vehicles
No 16 Launcher. A two-barrel unit usually mounted two on each side of a Status : Prod ucti on. In servi ce wi th at least 12 countries, including th e
vehicle, making a total of eight barrels. Particularly suited to vehicles where United King dom and US armed forces , Oman and South Korea. Has been
space or profile IS limited . fitted to Challe nger 1 and 2 MBTs, Scorpion rang e, Vickers Valkyr AP C,
No 18 Launcher. A five-barrel unit intended for use on MBTs. Normally Humber (4 x 4) 'Pig ' AP C, Vi ckers GBT 155 SPH , Saracen. Saladin APC ,
mounted one each side to provide 140" smoke cover. Fitted to the Challenger GK N AT1 04/ 10 5/ FS 100, Warrior MCV , M48 MBT , M41 , M1 13 APC , M2
1 and 2 and Chieftain MBTs. and M3 Bradley MI CV. LAV range, Cadillac Gage range, General Motors
No 21 Launcher. A four-barrel unit fully waterproofed and developed for US (Canada) range, Hotspur armoured cars, Short Shorland , Arrowpointe
Army use. Usually mounted one each Side to provide 140 smoke cover. Dragoon, plus others. By early 1993 Peak Engineering had completed
No 22 Launcher. A six-barrel unit fully wa terproofed and developed to some 10 000 gre nade launch ers.
replace older MBT models Mounted in pairs one each side to provide 140'
smoke cover. Manufact u r er: Peak Engineering Company limited. Maso ns Road .
The above are the main types in use but the following have also been Siratford-upon-Avon, W arwickshire CV37 9 N F, UK .
produced : Telephone : (0789) 200400 Telex : 31627 . Fax: (0789) 298364
No 10 Launcher This was designed for mounting on small low profile
vehicles such as Land Rovers and Ferret scout cars and has three tubes.
No 11 Launcher. This is an aimable four parallel barrel launcher on a
pivoting mounl for riot control applications. The barrels may be fired singly
or simultaneously.
No 20 Launcher. An al ternative to the No 12 launcher.
PK 76. An adaplor unit to convert 76 mm German pattern launchers to fire
66 mm grenades.
Expendable ru bber caps are fitted over the barrel ends for weath erproofi ng
and are blown off when the launcher IS fired .
There are vanous types of firing con trol system to suit any particular
requirement and various accessories available . such as a circuit tester fo r
inclusion in the vehicle tool ki t and armoured steel boxes to hold a spare
salvo of grenades , all of which can be supplied .
These include the RD45 10 selector unit which has an eight single sho t
capability plus the benefit of a salvo oplion , RD4535 control unit which has
a two shot capabil ily (left and ri ght) and also incorporates an arm ing switch,
and the RD2500 control box which has a two shot capability (left and right)
No 12 launcher No 18 launcher
FVG 66
The FVG 66 grenade discharger system is capable of firing all types of
66 mm grenades such as smoke (in two colours). CS gas. HE fragmentalion ,
anti-person nel and infra-red screening smoke .
The discharger barrel is manufactured as a single unit, which allows it to
be mounted on a platJorm, in a multiple configuration , to suit customers '
installation requirements.
On a typical APC, four barrels per side of the tu rret or vehicle is sufficient
to generate 180' of windowless screen , whilst an MBT would require five
per side to obtain the optimum screen .
The firing of the grenades is operated by either the commander or
gunner using a switch box inside the vehicle. The switch box can vary using
a simple two push-button box firing left or right salvoes or both together , up
to a multi-discharge pattern box capable of firing 16 grenades in various
Each con trol box has a unique feature in that th e grenades themselves
can be tested for electrical conti nuity when loaded into the discharge
Smoke grenades are usuall y fi red to ra nges of 30 to 35 m , CS gas
grenades can be fired to 60 to 90 m and an HE fragmentation grenade
con taining 0.75 kg of steel balls to 100 m ; this bursts approximately 6 m
above the ground . A green smoke is available for training or camouflage
purposes. Using smoke grenades a complete screen can be obtained
with in two seconds of pressing the firing button .
FVG 76
The FVG 76 grenade discharger system compliments the FVG 66 system
and is designed to offer the same flexibility required to meet the needs of
customers already using 76 mm systems. The control boxes available with
this system are the same as the ones used with the FVG 66 .
Four round Helio FVG 66 Grenade Launcher Helio FVG 76 multipurpose 76 mm grenade launching system
The Visual and Infra-Red Smoke Screening system (VIRSS) has been
developed by Royal Ordnance to meet the requirements of the British
Army . It has been installed on the Challenger 1 MBT , Warrior mechanised
combat vehicle, Fo x arm oured car, and Scorpion CVR(T) for trial s.
VIRSS gives the vehicle comman der a broadband vehicle screen system
effective Irom visual through to far infra-red spectra, providing protection
agai nst thermal imagers and other target acquisition devices .
The VIRSS system uses a regenerative airbu rst mechanism to replenish
the screen constan tl y by firing successive projectiles. It screens the vehicle
in both visual and three to five and eigh t to 14 ~m infra-red regions of th e
electromagnetic spectrum .
Fox armoured car with Royal Ordnance VIRSS launchers on side of turret
200 S M 0 KED I S C H A R G E R S. G R E N A 0 E SAN DOE COY S / U K - USA
Late in 1990, following a competition, Brunswi ck Defense was awarded a
US Army contract worth $3 million for the development and initial production
of the Multi-Salvo Smoke Grenade Launcher (MSGL).
This will be installed on the M1 /M1Al /M1A2 series of MBTs, the M2/M3
Bradley IFV/CFV and future vehicles .
Under the terms of the three year contract , a total of 1300 dischargers
are to be delivered by 1994, although the long term potential is for as many
as 80 000 units as it is expected to become the standard grenade launcher
of the US forces replacing the current six round system originally developed
in the United Kingdom and subsequently made in the United States.
The XM6 Multi-Salvo Smoke Grenade Launcher will consist of the four
round launcher, adaptor, plates and alignment tools with each vehicle
having at least four systems to cover the front al arc.
M76 Infra-red Smoke Grenade The pyrotechnic time delay is contained in an aluminium housing while
the booster and the compOSition A5 burster are housed in plastic . The
slider assembly is moved further out of line when the grenade is inserted in
Development the launcher tubes , which simultaneously unlocks the setback pin .
In the 1970s the US Army lilted its armoured vehicles with smoke grenade When the grenade is launched , the propellant initiates the time delay and
launchers which lire the standard British Royal Ordnance L8 ree phosphorous launch acceleration causes the setback pin to move rearward . disengaging
smoke grenade. The launchers are designated the M239 . M243. M250 , the slider. At muzzle exit . the slider moves the transfer lead into alignment
M257 and M259 and vehicle types include the Ml /M1A1 . M2IM3 . M901 with the explosive train . The delay initiates the detonator-transfer lead·
Improved TOW Vehicle. M9B1 FISTV . members of the M113A1 /M11 3A2 booster· burster train at the prescribed rang e. emitting the smoke composition
family of full tracked APCs , Light Armored Vehicle and MBBA1 ARV . into an aerosol cloud .
Although the L8 (qv) provides a smoke screen that will last for about
three minutes which will allow the vehicle to redeploy to another position . it SPECIFICATIONS
has minimal effect on threat weapons operating in the mid- or far infra-red LENGTH 238mm
regions of the electromagnetic spectrum . DIAMETER 66mm
The development programme for the M76 (at that time designated the WEIGHT 1.B4 kg
XM76) started in 1979 under th e Army Office of the Project Manager for RANGE 30 m
Smoke/Obscurants (PM Smoke) at Aberdeen Proving Groun ds.
The prime contractor during the development of the M76 was the AAI Status : In production . In service with the US Army . Interoperable with the
Corporation with the US Army Chemical Research and Development Center British L8 (66 mm ) smoke grenade system.
providing the PM Smoke with engineering support.
Following extensiye trials this was type classified as the M76. the first Manufacturer: Tracor Aerospace . Expendables Division. PO Box 196.
munition designed to defeat, for 45 seconds. threat weapon sensors operating San Ramon . California 945B3·0196 , USA .
in the visual through to far infra-red regions of the electromagnetic spectrum . Telephone : (510) 837 7201 Fax : (510) B20 5772
In November 1985 Tracor Aerospace was awarded th e initial contract lor
the M76 infra-red smoke grenade . worth $1 .5 million. with first deliveries Recent production of the M76 has been undertaken by Martin Electronics
being made in 1986. Inc of Perry , Florida (see text).
In May 19B8 Tracor announced that it had been awarded a $4.4 million
add-on production contract for M76 infra-red smoke grenades. This contract
was awarded by the US Army Armament. Munitions and Chemical Command
and was the fourth-year increment of a $22.6 million production contract it
had been carrying out since 19B5. In October 1988 Martin Electron ics Inc of
Perry. Florida was award ed a $6 .0B9 million firm fixed price contract for
1B1 840 M76 smoke IR screening grenades to be delivered by November
In September 1991 Martin Electronics Inc was awarded a further contract
valued at $8 B14 016 for the supply of 214 946 M76 smoke grenades with
deliveries to be completed by August 1993.
The M76 grenade consists of a plastiC body . which houses the grenade
launch system. a safe and arm mechanism that allows detonation only
when the grenade has been launched. and a smoke composition .
The grenade launch system is made up of electrical contacts and an
electric match mounted on a propellant. When a grenade is fired. propellant
pressure is vented behind the grenade through a thin rupture disc in the
propellant retainer.
The safe and arm mechanism is designed to interrupt the delay detonator,
transfer lead, booster and burster explosive train by pOSitioning the transfer
lead safety out of line until the grenade functions. This transfer lead IS General Dynamics. Land Syslems Division. M 1 MB T after il has fired a salvo
mounted in a spring·loaded aluminium slider. of M 76 infra·red smoke g renades over the frontaf arc
tn September 1992, the Tactical Systems Division of Rockwell International
announced that it had been award ed a $194 713 si x month study contract
for a family of SLID (Small , Low-Cost Interceptor Device) concepts fo r short
range point defence by the US Army's Armament Research , Development
and Engineering Centre (ARD EC) .
Under the six month fixed price contract , Rockwell will refine SLID
concepts for specific missions and prepare a programme plan including
test and evaluation procedures for the hardware development phase .
Anticipated periormance, size , weight. costs and technical risk and
follow-on demonstration programme will also be defined.
The Rockwell SLID concept envisions small , less than 4,5 kg, low-cost
Short-range hit-to-kill veh icles similar to the Strategic Defence Initiative
(SOl) Brilliant Pebbles programme. These would be capable of high ag ility
lateral manoeuvres and have no propulsion except from a mortar type
launcher mounted on the roof of the vehicle ,
The SLID would give a self-defence capability to armoured vehicles ,
including tanks, and otherpoint targets being attacked by missiles, projectiles
or low-flying aircraft. A Ci rcular Error of Probability (CEP) of 50 mm is
expected as a requirement to hit incoming missiles reliably,
Laser Detectors
(This section now contains radar detectors and other elements of integrated vehicle protection systems)
The MIR IADE radar warning receiver has been developed by the Rad ars
1. •
and Countermeasu res Division of Thom son-CSF Aerospace Group to
provide maximum survivability for th e crews of armoured vehicles and
helicopters faced with th reats lrom millimetre wave systems used in homing
heads, target designation radars and fire-control radars.
The sensor, which weighs less than 8 kg , is mounted on the roof of an
MBT and immediately informs users of the presence and position of threats
so Ihat the right countermeasures can be quickly triggered .
MIRIADE uses technology pioneered in other programmes and has
adjustable sensitivity to match the threat range .
Status: Development.
The EIREL infra-red countermeasures system was developed as a private
venture by CSE E Defense but was adopted by th e French Army for
installati on on its Giat Indu stries AMX-10RC (6 x 6) armoured vehicl es
whi ch subsequently took part in Operation Desert Storm , th e liberation of
Kuwait, early in 199 1.
According to CSEE Defense , the main characteristics of the EIREL infra -
red jammer are that it provides permanent protection against a wide range
of threats, it can be quickly installed on most armoured fighting vehicles
and is very reliable.
The scanner Iype device is normally mounted on the rool or side of the
tank to cover the vulnerable frontal arc with the control box being mounted
inside the turret.
The EIREL infra-'red jammer has two operational modes for differenl
threats and can also be used in conjuncti on with an alarm detector. It is
normally powered from an on board 28 V DC power supply although different
versions exist according 10 the power supply available on the vehicle. It is
claimed to be very reliable with an integrated back-up mode providing
permanent protection.
The new Merkava Mk 3 MBT. first shown in 1989, is fitted with the LWS-2
advanced threat warning system which has been developed by AMCORAM ,
a member of the AMCOR Group.
The system provides an alert whenever optical radiation is aimed at the
vehicle from any direction and warns against enemy presence and attack
intentions all in real time.
The indication includes the type of radiation including infra-red searchlight,
laser rangefinder and a laser designator, with additional options being
available according to the customers specific operational requirements .
The RS-232 output is to the main tank computer.
The complete LWS-2 laser warning system comprises three radiation
sensors which are positioned around the vehicle , typically on the turret, to
give a full 360' coverage , a data processing unit, a command , control,
display unit which also includes operation and test switches indicator and
interconnecting wiring harnesses.
The sensing element is tailored to the type of vehicle which it is intended
for while the display unit provides the commander with the following
information :
(1) Threat indentification
(2) Visual directional display of threat source, clock dial style or digital
(3) Audio alert to the commander and/or crew
The display unit includes an indication of the type of radiation detected ,
multiple radiation sources detection , source direction and system failure
The display unit also includes the following operation and command
controls : main power switch, audio mute switch , day/night illumination
intensity switch , test push-button and additional/prior threat .
As far as it is known, the Merkava Mk 3 is the first MBT to be filled with
a threat warning system as a standard production system.
Moked Third Eye laser warning system with display box lower leli and
insel lop lelt M60 series MBT which is fitted with this system
RANGE -40 to +70' C
Detector Unit
horizontal 4
VIEW 135'
OPTICAL BANDWIDTH 0 . 66tol . 1~m
FALSE ALARM RATE <10 3 per hour SIMRA D RL 1 laser delector system wilh display unit (Ieli) and detector unrt
Indicator Unit (fight)
206 LAS E ROE TEe TOR S / Rom ani a - S I0 v e n i a
Warning System on Laser Illumination (WSLJ) Status: Believed to be in production and in service with the Romanian
DevelopmentJDescription Manufacturer: Romanian state factories.
The Warning System on Laser Illumination (WSLI) has been designed for
inSlallation on tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles to enable vehicle
crews to take action to avoid being hit.
The lour main components of the WSLI are the power supply and
signalling unit mounted inside the vehicle , detector units mounted outside
the vehicle, normally on the turret and the interconnecting cables . In
addition there is a portable test device .
The system is not influenced by solar radiation. high-powered searchlights,
electrical dischargers, artillery blasts, fires or radio equipment operating
DETECTOR SIZE 130 diameter x 120 mm high
SIGNALLING UNIT 225 x 200 mm
SPECTRUM 12 directions hOrizontal plane, 3
directions in vertical plane
SIGNALLI NG MODE opllcal for di rection and warning
duration , acoustic for every Warning System on Laser Illumination (WSL/) with signalling unit in centre
detected pulse and three circular detection units
Iskra Laser Irradiation Detector and Warner Signals from the detector head unit are routed via a signal cable to the
processing circuitry in the indicator unit. The processing circui try starts the
generators of audible alarm and supplies the display with signals for visual
Development/Description indicators. The durati on 01 audible alarm is two seconds minimum . While
The Iskra Laser IRradi ation Detector and warner (Ll RD) has been designed being irradiated or illuminated (laser targ et designators) the duration of
for use in both vehicle and shipborne applications and entered production visual indicators is approximately eight seconds.
In 1986. The earlier Iskra Laser Irradiation Detector (Jane 's Armoured
The display on the indicator unit has, depending on LlRD type , nine to 24
Figh ting Vehicle Systems 1989-90 page 194) is no longer manufactured . LEOs which indicate the direction of incoming irradiation and two to four
The purpose of the LlRD is to reduce vehicle vu lnerabi lity to the numerous LEOs for laser threat cha racteri sation .
laser associated weapon threats by providing the crew with a warning that All controls are situated on the front panel of th e indicator unit and the
their vehicle is being irradiated by a pulsed laser from a laser rangefinder or detector is activated with the on/off switch .
a laser illuminator/designator. The crew can then take appropriate self- LlRD is supplied from th e power supply network of normal voltage 24 V
protective action (manoeuvre and/or deployment of a smoke screen) or DC lrom an external battery and normally operates at voltages between 15
counte rfire . and 30 V DC .
The LlRD has been designed in modular form to accommodate th e wide
range of different requirements.
There are versions 01 LlRD to provide discrimination between laser
rangefinder and laser illuminator, between direct and indirect irradiation ,
between low and high power irradiation and with different (15 to 45")
direction determination.
The system can also respond to illumination from infra-red sea rchlig hts
and can integrate radar warning receivers as well as be interfaced to an
automatic smoke discharging system .
The basic system co nsists of two separate units : detector head unit and
indicator unit with appropriate cables and mounting parts.
The detector head unit is mounted on the superstructure ot a vehicle ,
preferably so that the input apertures are free of any obstru ction . The
detector head unit consists of two or three detection system modules: direct
detection module, indirect detection module and (optionally) infra -red
searchlight detection module.
The indicator unit is installed in an adequate clearly visible locati on in the
tank turret and consists of a display , signal processi ng circuitry, generators
of visual and audio signals and power supply circuitry .
The direct detection module senses the laser beams which directly hit
the vehicle and the detector head unit. Depending on the LlRD type it can
consist of 4 + 1, 8 or 12 receivers of laser beams. In all possible configurations
their combined fields -of-view cover a horizontal area of 360' . The field -
ai-view in elevation is minimum 80' (-20 to +60' ) and maxi mum 150' (-60
to +90' ). The direct detection module covers a spectral range from 0.66 to
1.1 fl m and is thus able to detect all kinds of ruby , GaAs and neodymium
lasers (extensions to the infra-red field are already under development) .
The unwanted section of light spectrum is attenuated by a special optical
fi ller . which in combination with EMI protection provides a very low false
alarm rate .
As an option there is a direct detection module for sensing the infra-red
searchlight beams.
The indirect detection module senses the target-off laser beams which
indi rectly irradiate the instrument, and consists of a special optical syste m
and a laser receiver. Spectral response is 1.064 ~ m (Nd lasers) . The
unwanted section of the light spectrum is cut off by an optical narrowband Close-up of T-SS MBT showing detector head (foreground) with indicator unit
fil ter . below left periscope at commander's position
SI0 Ve nia - U K I LAS E ROE TEe TOR S 207
Status: In production . Manufacturer : Iskra Elektrooplika Ljubljana DD . Slegne 7. PO Box 59. Si·
61210 Ljubljana·Senlvid . Slovenia.
Telephone: (061) 571303 Telex : 395181SKCEO
Fax: (061) 575 985
Detector head unit
DIRECT DETECTION MODULE all are 0.66-1.1pm
RECEIVER FIELD·OF·VIEW AZIMUTH 45/60/160' 45160/160' 45' ISO'
ELEVAT ION 80' 80' 80' 135'
(-20/+60' ) (-201+60' ) (-20/+60' ) (±67.5' )
FIELD·OF·VIEW IN AZIMUTH 360' 360' 360' 360'
Threat characterisation
Kll INDI CATOR 62 x l20 x 190mm
KI2 INDICATOR 75 x 120 x 190 mm
WEIGHT Kl l 1.6 kg 1.6 kg 1.6 kg 1.6 kg
WE IGHT KI2 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg 2 kg
The audible warning is given by an inlegral solid state buzzer which may
be inhibited or presented through headphones via the socket provided.
There are si x operator's controls: power switch . power indicator . audio
swit ch. infra-red switch . reset button and DIM button .
(horizontal) 360'
(vertical) -12to +41"
SPECTRAL RESPONSE TO 0.532 pm (frequency doubled
Nd :YAG)
0.694 ~m (Ruby)
0.85·0.95 ~m (GaAs)
1.06-1.064 pm (Neodymium
Glass and Nd :YAG)
infra-red (night only)
OPERATIONAL TYPES single pulse rangefinders
multiple pulses (deSignators)
RESPONSE TIME better than 0.2 s
POWER 20 to 32 V DC vehicle
CONSUMPTION 10 W (nominal)
RANGE -40 to +55' C
DISPLAY UNIT SIZE 120 " 120 x 100 mm
Helio Mirror Company LWD 21 Laser Warning If the Helio grenade control box is set to manual. then only the visua l and
audible warn ing is utilised. Grenades ca n. in th is si tuation. be man ually
System discharged at the commander's discre tion.
The system can be supplied for eith er the 66 mm or 76 mm grenade.
The Helio Mirror Company has teamed with Avimo. producers of lasers and Status : Production . In service with an undisclosed country.
optical devices. to produce a versatile system giving instantaneous warning
detection from laser rangefinders and designators coupled with automatic Manufacturer : Helio Mirror Company Ltd. Crabtree Manorway South.
smoke screen protection . The system can be fitted readity to virtually any Belvedere . Kent DA 17 6AY. UK.
armoured fighting vehicle . Telephone : (08 1)3114 140 Te lex:895 1666 Fax : (081)3 11 1004
The system consists of a detector head mounted on the vehicle surrounded
by a 360' ring of grenade dischargers. A commander's display panel is
mounted within the vehicle as is the grenade discharge control box . The
detector head and the commander's display/control box are the same as
those used In the laser warning device LWD 21 described in the previous
entry while the grenade launchers are covered in the Smoke Dischargers.
Grenades and Decoys section under the United Kingdom .
In principle the detector head with its 12 sensors plus one overhead
sensor . covers a 360 0 semi-sphere detecting the presence of laser radiation
in the vicinity of the vehicle. It is capable of identifying the type of attack and
its direction . When the system is switched to automatic this detection will
trigger a salvo of eight grenades out of a total of 16 giving a complete 1800
windowless smoke screen spaced either side of the centre of attack.
With the air bursting grenades this screen is obtained within two seconds
of grenade release. At the same time visual and audible warning is displayed Helio Mirror Company LWD 21 laser warning system. from left to right. 66 mm
and employed on the comman der's display unit indicating the direction of grenade dischargers. discharger control box. mast-mounted laser warning
the attack. detector and commander's display/control box
GEC-Marconi Dynamics Systems Tank Anti- At present TAMS is still at the development stage and no complete
prototype has so far been completed. GEC-Marconi Dynamics estimates
Missile System (TAMS) that the total cost of TAMS system wou ld be about one tenth of the cost of
an MBT.
Development The design of TAMS is a modul ar constru ction so th at it can be
In mid-1988 GEC-Marconi Dynamics announced that it was developing. as reconfigured to the customer' s requirement using local manufacture for
a private venture. the Tank An ti- Missile System (TAMS) to protect tanks, most parts and incorporating national preferences in arm ament and armour.
APCs and command vehicles against incoming anti-tank guided weapons This allows th e millimetric su rveillance radar to be offered as a stand-alone
of the wire-guided. laser-guided , heat seeking . side or top attack or even alerting radar.
terminally guided mortar bombs with a speed of around 400 m/s. The Its design is such th at vari ous other Defence Aid s (DAS) can be
system can also be used for the protection of point targets such as airfield incorporated or substitut ed and these include missile launch and laser
Hardened Aircraft Shelters (H AS) and opera tions rooms. which is called warni ng devices whi ch may not only alert th e system but also provide
the Point Anti-Missile System (PAM S) . sufficient information to put th e gun s on a targ et th emselves.
GEC-Marconi Dynamics is prime con tractor and systems integrator as
well as being responsible for the millimetric radar. wi th Lucas providing the Description
turret and Royal Ordnance the twin 7.62 mm McDonnell Douglas Helicopter TAMS essentially consists of a remote-controlled Lucas power-operated
Chain Guns. turret armed wi th twin 7.62 m m McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Chain Guns.
with the millimetric wave surveillance radar mounted on top and the millimetric
tracking/lock-on (94 GHz) radar mounted between the two machine guns.
The lock-on radar is essentially common to the millimetric seeker head ,
developed by GEC-Marconi Dynamics for the active homing version of
Hellfire air-launched missite. All -up weight of a typical TAMS system would
be about 100 kg.
The system is protected by armour which has three-fold function : it
protects against battlefield debris, against crew damage and the remains of
the destroyed target missiles.
TAMS would normally be mounted on the turret roof where it has a full
360' arc of fire with elevation being 90'. The twin 7.62 machine guns have
cyclic rate of fire of 1200 rds/min, for example, 600 rounds per gun. A total
of 400 rounds (200 per gun) of ready-use ammunition are carried, which is
sufficient for 20 engagements of 20 rounds. Effective range is between
600-900 m.
A typical target engagement would consist of target surveillance , turret
slew, target tracking and computing of fire control information, opening fire
and target engagement. The system is fully automatic and self-contained
and only needs to be connected to the vehicte's power supply.
TAMS is a point defence system and strikes only those missiles which
will hit the tank unless stopped by distruption of their end game. It is
considered to have little capability against aircraft and attack helicopters.
According to GEC-Marconi Dynamics. successive missile attacks soon GEC-Marconi Dynamics TAMS (Tank Anti-Missile System) shOWing tracking
reduce a large tank force to insignificant numbers. TAMS is claimed to be radar mounted between the two machine guns
more than 75 per cent effective in defending against missile and ensures
the survivability of a viable force. Status: Development
Although originally designed for one specific target, GEC -Marconi
Dynamics consider it to have potential against homing projectiles , Manufacturer: GEC-Marconi Dynamics Limited, The Grove, Warren Lane ,
subprojectiles and TGSMs (Terminally Guided Sub-Mun itions) and Stanmore , Middlesex HA7 4LY . UK.
subprojectile carriers. Telephone ' (081 ) 954 2311 Telex : 22616 Fax : (081) 9541905
FIELD-OF-VIEW azimuth 360'
elevation 55' (typically -1 O·
to +40' but other elevation
biases are available)
ANGULAR RESOLUTION 45' in azimuth (other
resolutions, eg 3~ ' possible)
SPECTRAL RANGE 0.35 to 1.1 ~m (extensions to
the Infra-red in development) Marconi Defence Systems Series 1220 laser warning receiver on a Chieftain
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC (nominal) (Stillbrew) MBT during British Army trials
GEe Ferranti Defence Systems Type 453 Laser The system is 01 modular design both to allow its installation In a wide
range of platforms as well as allowing it to be updated at minimum cost and
Warning Receiver minimum disruption of the platform as new laser wavelengthsltypes enter
service .
Developmen t/Descrip ti on According to GEC Ferranti Defence Systems , the Type 453 is the fltst
The Type 453 laser warning receiver has been developed by GEC Ferranti laser warning receiver to be offered with passive sensor heads which make
Defence Systems for installation on aircraft, helicopters and armoured them immune to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI ).
fighting vehicles. It reduces their vulnerability from laser assisted weapon Key featu res of the Type 453 can be su mmarised as passive sensor
threats by providing the crew with a warning that their platform IS being heads , modular construction . ease of maintenance, minimal projection of
illuminated by a pulsed laser as a prelude to a conventional weapon attack. sensor heads, common modules , cen tral electronic processing , and can be
This warning would enable the crew to take the appropriate counter- Integrated with existing displays such as a radar warning receiver.
measures. The laser illumination IS collected by the directional sensor heads and
then routed to the central etectronic processing uCit via fibre optic cablelorm s. Manufacturer: GEC Ferranti Defence System s Limited , Displ ay Systems
The signals are then processed and the crew alerted wi th an audible alarm Division . 1 South Gyle Crescent , Edinburgh EH 12 9HQ, Scotland .
and a visual indication 0 1 the threat bearing . Telephone : (03 1) 316 4545 Telex: 727101 Fa x: (031) 314 8237
Sensor heads
BANDWITH 0.3 to t .l pm
OPTION 0.3 to 1.8 pm
ALARM audible tone , visual display 01
ALARM 2 s minimum or while being
Illuminated (laser target
VISU AL DISPLAY 10 s minimum or while being
ALA RM MUTE push-buttons to cancel audible
IS422 INTERFACE oplional
Passive sensor heads of GEe Ferranti Defence Systems Type 453 LWR
Status : Prototype systems. (background), display unit (left foreground) and central electronic processing
unit (right fo reground)
Block diagram of standard Racal Saviour laser warning system Main components of Racal Saviour faser warning system for AFVs
Vehicle Integrated Defense System A data management processor and integrated controls allow the crew to
initialise the system to select either interactive or automatic countermeasure
Development/Description responses. The assessed threat situation is disptayed to the crew along
The United States Tank Au tomotive Command (TACOM) is currently with warning tones when a threat is detected .
developing a Vehicl e Integrated Defense System (VI OS) to enhance the Advanced countermeasures such as multi-salvo smoke. integrated
survivability of combat vehicles. automatic weapon aiming and active protection are expected to provide
VIDS provides a countermeasures approach to defeating threats as a effective countermeasures to weapons in the year 2000 .
complement to advanced armour. VIDS can be retrofitted into existing combat vehicles as a field installed
The VIDS concept provides an architecture to incorporate threat warning kit. Field tests are planned at several US Army installations.
sensors and countermeasure reaction devices. A selectable suite of threat
sensors is used to detect. locate and prioritise hostile emitters. A matched Develop ing Agency : United States Army Tank-Automotive Command .
set of reaction devices is then used to counter the threat through active and Warren . Michigan 48397-5000. USA.
passive means. Telephone : (313) 574 5788
AIL Radar Warning Receiver Vehicle Integrated Defense System (VI OS) which is currently under
development by the United States Army.
The RWR system will detect threats automatically . determine the direction
Developmen t/Descri ption of arrival . characterise the nature of the threat and ou tput command s that
In mid-1989 . AIL Systems Incorporated was awarded a contract to design . will ultimately trigger countermeasure devices.
develop and deliver a Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) system to be The AIL Systems RWR will use a rapid sorting technique which has been
installed on MBTs. successfully demonstrated on earlier programmes . It will also include
Under the term s of the contract. AIL Systems Incorporated will develop a hardware and software from the Modular Electronic Warfare Pre-Processor
tank RWR subsystem prototype which provides enhanced threat signal (MEWPP) which was developed by Digital Engineering .
detection capability so enabling the MBT to take timely countermeasures
thus increasing its survivabitity against potential and emerging RF threats . Status : Under development for the United States Army.
The $1 million contra ct is administered jointly by the United States Army
Communications and Electronics Command (CECOM) in co-ordination Manufacturer: AIL Systems Incorporated. Advanced Technology System s.
with Tank Automotive Command (TACOM) . The RWR will form part of the Commack Road . Deer Park , New York 11 729 . USA.
Loral Hardhat ATGW Decoy System Status : Development. During the 199 1 Middle East conflict the US Army
purchased some 2600 new missile jammers under th e desig nation of
VLQ-6 (or th e Missile Countermeasures Device) developed by Lockheed
Development/Desc ription Sanders and Loral. It is understood that th ese were install ed on a number
The Hardhat anti-tank guided missile countermeasure system was developed of Bradley infantry fighting vehicles during the conflict.
as a private venture by Loral Electro-Optical Systems for installation on a
wide rang e of vehicles. tracked and wheeled , to improve their battlefield Manu facturer: Loral Electro-Optical Systems. 300 North Halstead Street.
survivability. PO Box 7101 . Pasadena. California 91109 . USA.
Hardhat is a multi-threat lam mer which protects th e vehicle against a Telephone: (818) 351 5555
wide range of ground- or air-launched anti-tank guided missile threats . Fax: (818) 351 5081
It is normally mounted on the roof of the vehicle and operates directly
from th e vehicles 28 V DC power. either in an open-loop stand -alone mode
or integrated with other vehicle warning and/or self-protection equipment.
In the standard version the display and control box would norm ally be
position ed near the vehicle commander.
As the Hardhat system has a field-of-view of only 60' . one or more
jammers would normally be fitted to cover the required protection zones.
As an option. th e roof-mounted system can be provided with external
armour plate and an optional gimbal system to allow slewing in response to
threat warning sensor inputs. Another option is a pop-up optical assembly
for enhanced survivability.
horizontal 60'
vertical 15'
WEIGHT 20.41 kg (without armour)
height 305mm
width 457 mm
depth 508mm
Bradley fighting vehicle with Loral Hardhat device mounted on roof of vehicle
FIELD-Of-VIEW 190" in azimuth , ±SS' in elevation
(expandable to ±8S' )
WA VELENGTH RANGE senses well known laser threats
such as Nd :YAG . Ruby. GaAs
and doubled Nd :YAG
ANGULAR RESOLUTION adequate to cue evasive action
and/or coun termeasu res
PULSE WIDTH RANGE OF FULL optim ised to detect laser
SENSITIVITY designators and beamriders
SIZE 51 x 76 )( 126 mm
WEIGHT 0.8 kg
RANGE - 55 to + 70' C (tested to -20' C)
OUTPUT fORMAT RS -232 (5 byte data words)
laser Irrad iation Detector detection of direct irradiation protection against solar and searchl ight glints
and agai nst gunfire flashes.
An optical narrowband filter incorporated into the optical system for
Development/Desc ription detecting indirect irradiation , performs the same fun ction in that syste m.
Thi s second generati on laser warning device. the Laser and Infra-red Upon detection of a sing le laser rangefi nder, a seri es of laser pulses form
Irradiation Detector (LlR D), has been developed for installati on in both a laser illumination or CW irradiation from an IR searchlight , Ihe warn ing
vehicle and shipborne applications to provide a warning signal when the signal processing circuitry sends data on the direction and type of illumination
platform is irradiated by a laser rangefi nder. laser illumi nator or infra-red to the display bo x. where the correct displays and acoustic warning signal
searchlight. are activated .
In addition to detecting direct illumination il also detects indirect. for Durati on of the acoustic signal. injected into the crew headset, and the
example from nearby objects, ground or sea reflected illumination. visual signal is appro ximately two seconds unless otherwise specified by
The syste m detects both pulsed and continuous wave radiation in the the user.
0.66 to 1.1 ~lm wavelength band and is thus able to detect all types of ruby .
GaAs and neodymium lasers. SPECIFICATIONS
The Ll RD set con sists of a detector head . display bo x and interconnecting Detector head-direct detection
cables. TOTAL FIELD-OF-VI EW 360' in azimuth
The detector head, which is normally mounted on the tank or AFV turret. -20 to +60' in eleva tion
includes 12 detectors with correspondi ng filters for the detection of direct NU MBER OF DETECTORS t 2 (PIN diodes)
laser or infra -red Illuminatio n. and one detector wi th corresponding optical SINGLE DETECTOR FIE LD-
system fo r the detection of indirect laser illu mination. OF-VIEW 45' azimuth
The detectors for direct illum ination are positioned in the detector head in 80' eleva ti on
such a way tha t togeth er with th e processing electronic circuitry they divide DIAMETER OF ENTRANCE
the hemisphere around the vehicle into 24 x 7.5' wide sectors. PUPIL 23mm
The detector for indirect illumination of lase r ra ngefinders or laser OPTI CAL BANDWIDTH 0.66 to t .l ~l m
ill umi nators detects only irradiation in th e 1.064 ± 0.015 ~ m wavelength INDIRECT DETECTION
range. Its field-of-view is, due to the special design of the optical system. f iELD -Of -VIEW 360' in azimuth
such that it protects the area around Ihe vehicle through 360' in azimuth - 13 to -7' in elevation
and about - t 3 to _7' in elevation, in a perimeter of 20 m. NUMBER Of DETECTORS t (available diode)
The display box mounted in the turret at th e commander's station includes DIAMETER Of ENTRANCE
most of the logic circuitry LED displays. acousti c warn ing Signal and PUPIL 50mm
generator and power supply. The display consists of 28 LEDs of w hich 24 OPTICAL BANDWIDTH 1.064 ± 0.015 ~m
are intended to display th e detection of incoming irradiation and three lor
indication of th e type of illuminating source (LD = laser rangefinder. LOC = Display box
laser ill um inator and IC = infra-red searchlight). All of these diodes emit red HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION 15 (02-50)
The 28th diode indicates the direction of the gun barrel and at the same SECTORS 24
time serves as an on/off indicator. The lighl emitted by thi s diode is green NU MBER Of IRRADIATION
when the supply voltage is of the correct value and turns to red if th e supply SO URCE TYPE RESOLUTION 3 (laser rangefinder. laser
voltage drops below the permitted value (12 V). illuminators,
In addition to the LED displays th e fro nt panel also has the onloff switch . IR searchlights)
self-test button . mode selector switch and th e last irradi ation data recall DURATION Of WAR NING
switch . SIGNALS acoustics 4 s
The LlRD has two modes of operation. day or night , which ca n be visual 8 s
selected with the mode selector swi tch. In the day mode the system does OPERATING VOLTAGE 12t0 30V
not respond to CW infra-red searchlight illumination and when this mode is
chosen an LED located in th e mode selector switch is turned on. The Status : Production.
system responds to CW infra-red searchlig ht illumination at night.
The signal processing circuitry is designed in such a way that it is Contractor : Federal Directo rate of Supply and Procurement (SDPR), PO
possible at any time to recall to the display all data of th e last detected Box 308 , 9 Nemanjina Street, Belgrade. Yugoslavia (Serbi a/Monte negro).
irradiati on. Optical filters are incorporated into the detector systems fo r th e Telephone: 62 1 522 Telex: 1136011 1541 Fa x: 635 702
Th e MFS (Motorraum -Feuerloschanlage) engine compartmenl fire SPECIFtCATIONS
exlinguishing syslem has been designed for installalion in tracked and OPERATING VOLTAGE t2 Vor 24 V
wheeted armoured vehicles . It detects and automatically extinguishes fires EXTINGUISHING AGENT Halon 1211
starting in the engine compartment.
It essentially consists of a central control unit. up to six mutually Status : Development complete. Ready for production.
independent sensors and one or two mutually independent extinguishing
containers each with a solenoid-operated opening valve . Manufacturer: Intertechnik GmbH . A-4040 Linz. Industriezeile 56. Postfach
The microprocessor in the central control unit carries out constant self-testing 100. Linz . Austria.
of the system and any faults that occur are reported via a display readout. Telephone : (0732) 27 7391 Telex : 02 - 1522 his a
Intertechnik EFS Explosion Suppression System sensors. two independent electromagnetically triggered extinguishing units
and stand-by electric power supply from a buffer accumulator.
The EFS (Explosionsunter-driickungssystem) explosion suppression system
has been developed by Intertechnik to increase the battlefield survivability
of armoured fighting vehicles.
According to Intertechnik, when an armoured vehicle is fitted with the
EFS explosion suppression system. hydrocarbon explosions are both
recognised and extingui shed very rapidly .
Key feature s of the system can be summarised as a high degree of Status : Development complete . Ready for production.
protection against false alarms. auto -test facility for complete system with
malfunctions bei ng indicated on the display. the ability to recognise Manufacturer : Intertechnik GmbH, A-4040 Linz. Industriezeile 56 . Postlach
hydrocarbon explosions and penetration by projectil es and extinguish the 100, Linz. Austria .
explosion withi n a maximum of 150 ms. up to five non-independent recognition Telephone: (0732) 27 73 91 Telex : 02 - 1522 his a
The Automatic Fire and Explosion Detection and Suppression System
(AFEDSS) was developed by Spectronix to meet the requirements of the
Israeli Defence Force following their experiences in the 1973 Middle East
war when many Israeli tank crews were killed or injured when their vehictes
caught fire following penetration of the tank armour by High Explosive Anti -
Tank (HEAT) and kinetic energy weapons.
The main Israeli Defence Force requirements were to increase crew and
vehicle survivability and to provide for an add-on modular design. enabling
interchangeability and commonality between vehicles.
Following extensive trials . series production of the AFEDSS commenced
in 1981. and the Israeli Defence Force now installs it on all new production
Merkava MBTs. It is also being backfitted to earlier production Merkavas as
well as Centurion , M48 and M60 MBTs .
The AFEDSS has also been exported and other vehicle types that it has
been installed in include the Leopard 1 and former Soviet T-series MBTs.
the M113 APC and Ml09155 mm self-propelled howitzer.
Kidde-Graviner Crew Bay Explosion, Detection four detectors and the microprocessor-based design allows manufacture of
either sing le or dual shot suppression systems .
and Supression System As the electrically actuated valves on th e suppressors require only
minimum current to operate them, enough electrical energy can be stored
Devetopment in the control unit to ensure that th e suppressors can be activated in all
The Crew Bay fuel explosion/fire protection system was developed in the vehicle condi tion s.
t 970s to increase AFV crew survivability In combat by detecting and The control unit provides stabilised power and line monitoring for detection
suppressing fires and explosions caused by the rupturing of fuel tanks and and suppression su bsystems.
fuel and hydraulic lines. The 3.2 kg high-speed suppressor bottle with electrically actuated valve
The Crew Bay System is able to detect and recognise an explosion/fire discharges its liquid contents within 75 to 80 ms, This is achieved by storing
within 2 to 3 ms of its inception and effect complete suppression in about suppressant at high pressure and by using a high-speed non-explosive
100 ms by the use of infra-red sensors and rapid acting high-rate discharge pyrotechnic piston actuator to release the seal supporting mechanism , so
suppressors. allowing the pressure to open the valve . The suppressant then has an
In addition to being installed in new buitd vehicles , it can also be retrofitted unobstructed path through the nozzle directly into the fire zone.
into older vehicles. In June 1988 a further development of the two -shot Crew Bay Control
As well as the UK, the system is manufactured in Germany by Deugra fo r unit was announced by Kidde-Graviner. Thi s is designated the SC15 and
Germa n built vehicles such as the Leopard 2. has been designed for use with a Crew Bay system consisting of up to four
Ki dde-Graviner's operations in the United States are handled by Walter infra -red detectors and six suppressors . Correct vehicle configu ration is
Kidde Aerospace Inc. automatically selected by connecting the vehicle cable harness. Configurable
The con tract awarded by the Jordanian Armed Forces In 1987 is now for as many as 15 different vehicle types, SC15 incorporates a BITE
complete with installations undertaken in country to all 274 Royal Ordnance function and features an eight digit alphanumeric display .
built Khalid MBTs as well as the 293 Tariq modernised Centurion MBTs. The SC15 control unit has a BITE function offering several major features
The ENGESA EE-11 Urutu (6 x 6) APC s ordered for police use also have all of which are designed to provide constant monitoring of th e Crew Bay
systems specified . This was the largest export order for Crew Bay placed at sys tem , thereby ensuring that the crew is fully informed on any malfunction.
the time but since then furthe r export sales have been made including part System fault conditions are indicated by a yellow fault lamp and an
licensing to an unnamed country in the Far East. appropriate coded message on the alphanumeric display panel located on
Crew Bay is installed in the Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery the front of the control unit.
Vehicles designed and developed by Vickers Defence Systems to meet the The control unit may be switched between a number of operational
requirements of the British Army and has also been installed in the Brazilian modes and in normal conditions, that is with no faulty components in the
EE-T1 Osorio MBT , EE-11 Urutu APC and the M41 light tank. system , the alphanumeric display will be blank and th e fault lamp off.
In all modes of operation it is possible by use of a press-to-test switCh,
Description mounted on the control unit to :
The Crew Bay System senses infra-red radiations of a hydrocarbon flame (1) Check the fault indicator lamp integrity
characteristic of exploding and burning fuel. but does not react to similar (2) Test all segments of the alphanumeric display for correct operation
radiations occurring in a battlefield environment. The detectors are coupled (3) Identify the vehicle installation on the alphanumeric display for correct
to a control unit which automatically actuates one or more high-speed operation
suppressors which deploy non-toxic concentrations of suppressant within (4) Identify the mode of system operation
the creW compartment to suppress a fuel explosion/fire before catastrophic (5) Display the appropriate code for each faulty component in the system
conditions result. on the alphanumeric display.
The Crew Bay detector contains the sensors and all of the logic circuitry.
The sensors detect the infra-red radiation characteristics of a hydrocarbon
explosion/fire with the logic differentiating between the signature of a
hydrocarbon flame and other non-fire stimuli .
The standard control unit has been engineered to accommodate up to
Kidde-Graviner Crew Bay detector unit Kidde-Graviner Crew Bay control unit
TYPE 57753 - 014
Kidde-Graviner Engine Bay Fire Detection and ensuring a full y fun ctioning system is always available wh en Ihe vehicle is
left unattended.
Suppression System The FIR EW IRE eleme nt consists of a stainless steel cap illary
approxi mately 1.8 mm In diameter which houses a central electrode. This
DevelopmentJDescription electrod e is coaxially located by temperature sensi tive semi-conductive
Engine Bay has been designed by Kidde-Graviner to detect and suppress materials giVing a construction that is both light in weight and rugged.
engine fires caused by fuel leaks or overheating of the engine . Some
35000 vehicles in 40 countries have been fitted with Engine Bay systems.
A recent example is the Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited
155 mm AS90 now in service with the British Army.
A typical Engine Bay system consists of the control unit, normally mounted
at the driver'S position , FIREWIRE sensors routed round the whole engine
compartment. spray pipe running around the whole engine compartm ent
with nozzles at predetermined points and extinguisher bottle which is
normally mounted outside the engine compartment.
HSRS (High Speed Resetting Swi tches) point detectors or FIREWIRE
continuous fire and overheat detectors are installed within the engine bay
with suppression being achieved by high rate discharge extinguishers.
Once the temperature is caused to rise above the preset level. a warning
signal is given. The automatic systems can be activated immediately.
A control unit can be wired to ensure that automatic extinguisher operation
is always activated when the vehicle is parked with the master switch off. so
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Control panel for Kidde -Graviner Engine Bay system Engme Bay automatic extinguisher
The installation in the engine bay is fireproof and resettable . It is equally Status : In production. In service with some 40 countri es worldwide. By
important to provide a "Fire-out" signal so that the crew does not bale out early t 993 more than 35 000 FIR EWIRE systems were in service, of which
unnecessarily. about 800 use the latest version of the con trol unit.
Kidde-Graviner manufactures a range of single and dual -head fire
extinguishers for use with FIREWIRE and HSRS detection systems . Manufacturer : Kidde-Graviner limited, Poyle Road, Colnbrook, Slough ,
Electrically operated pyrotechnic devices open the extinguisher valves. A Berkshire SL3 OHB, UK.
predetermined number of bottles can be linked through a control unit to Telephone: (0753) 683245 Te lex : 848 t 24 G RA VIN G
give a tailor-made system to meet vehicle installation requirements, with Fax : (0753) 685126
spray pipes being used to carry the extinguishant to the discharge POints in
the engine or transmission bay.
Kidde-Graviner Integrated Control Unit It has been desig ned to accept signals from three infra-red detectors and
one loop of con tinuous sensing element and is provided with a system of
Development/Description indicators showing opera ti onal status. It continuously checks the con dition
Shown for the first time in 1990 was the new Integrated Control Unit (ICU) of the detectors, sensing element, su ppresso r and extinguishers.
which was developed as a private venture by Kidde-Graviner for installation
in armoured personnel carriers and other armoured vehicles without a Statu s: Prototype systems. Not yet in production or service .
turret system ,
The ICU monitors both the crew and engine bay protection systems Manufa cturer: Kidde-Graviner Limi ted, Poyle Road , Colnbrook, Slough,
which combine Crew Bay infra-red detection and engine bay continuous Berkshire SL3 OHB, UK.
fire and overheat detection. In addition the unit will provide automatic Telephone : (0753) 683245 Telex : 848124 G RAV IN G
extinguishing and suppression for both areas. Fax : (0753) 685 t 26
Santa Barbara Research Center Explosion/Fire system capable of detecting hydrocarbon luel fi res and explosions within
tanks and other arm oured fighting vehicles. T he system is integ rated with a
Protection System compatible fi re suppression system, utilising high-speed valves and cylinders
filled with the appropriate exti nguishing agent. Complete sensing and
Development suppression of an explosive fire can be achieved in less than 200 ms. T he
Santa Barbara Research Cenler (SBRC) , a wholly owned subsidiary 01 SBRC system is des igned and qu al ified to meet the performance
Hughes Aircraft Company, has been involved in the development , testing specifications developed by th e United States Arm y, the United States
and manu facture of high· speed oplical exp losion /fire sensing and Marine Corps and aircraft manufacturers.
suppression systems since 1969 in co-operation with various US and The basic Dual Spectru m se nsing sys tem res ponds to explosive
foreign military programmes. In addition to armoured vehicles these hydrocarbon type fires in under 3 ms with almost complete false alarm
programmes include aircraft, helicopters and ships, The first US production immUnity . To produce an output trigger signal to the suppressio n system,
vehicle to be fitted with this system was the General DynamiCs , Land Ihe sensors must detect radiation within two infra· red spectral bands, each
Systems Division, M t Abrams MBT. with rad iation levels abo ve pre-establi shed thresholds.
These infra-red optical sensors with millisecond response piUS thermal The Dual Spectrum sensing systems are used primarily with high-speed
sensors provide the best protection for engine and auxitiary power unit cylinder/valve suppressio n systems. The cylinder/valve assemblies used
spaces against both explosive fires and slow-growth fires. They also contain for these applications typically contain Halon t 30 t , super pressurised with
Ihe ability to detect quickly overheat conditions in these spaces. dry Nitrogen to ensure rapid discharge over a wi de range of temperatures.
The SBRC Fire Sensing and Suppression (FSS) Systems product line is However, oth er types of extingui shing agents are used depending on the
dedicated completely to developing and producing explosion protection actual applicatio n.
systems which are highly reliable, of high quality and totally dependable for Valve opening times vary from about 2 ms fo r squib or protractor type
protection of life and equipment. valves to about 7 ms for solenoid type valves. The entire cyli nder is
Santa Barbara Research Center now has systems in quantity production discharged in 60 to 90 ms.
for the Ml Abrams , M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, South Korean Type
88, US Marine Corps AAV7Al armoured amphibious assault veh icle, LAV- Sensors
25 (8 x 8) vehicle and variants, Taiwan M48H t 05 mm MBT , C-5 heavy lift SBRC Dual Spectrum sensors operate according to a patented concept
transport aircraft and the Italian B t Centauro (8 x 8) 105 mm armed vehicle . which monitors near and far infra· red spectral bands wi thin pre-established
These programmes account fo r the manufacture of more than t OO 000 thresholds to confirm a hydroca rbon fire and to exclude fa lse alarm sti muli.
sensor system componen ts, which are contained in over 16 000 vehicle SBRC infra-red optical sensors function effectively in engine compart ments
sets of production hardware, pl us additional test and support equipment with littl e degradation from accumulation of dirt or oil on th e detector
and spares. windows.
The SBRC system proved to be effective on the battlefield during Operation Model PM ·3 is th e basic SBRC Dual Spectrum fire sensor which is
Desert Storm, being credited with saving several lives of crew members of standard equipment on th e M l /Mt AI Abrams, M48H and Bt Cen tauro and
Ml MBTs and Bradley Fighting Vehicles under hostile fire. Type 88 production MBTs, This sensor has a 90° optical field-of-view and
an operational temperature range from -67' F (-55' C) to +25?O F (+ 125' C) ,
Description The Model PM-3 4 provides additional discrimination capability which
The Santa Barbara Research Center Automatic Explosion/Fire Sensing prevents the suppressio n system from acti vating on the energy from KE or
and Suppression (AEFSS) System is an infra-red Dual Spectrum optical HEAT rou nds when no hydrocarbon explosion orlire occurs. This equipment
Santa Barbara Model PM-3C s&nsor Santa Barbara Model PM-34C sensor
is standard on the M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle and has been procured
by the US Marine Corps fo r the AAV 7Al armoured amphibious assault
vehicle. This has the same optical field-of-view and operational temperature
range as the PM-3 model.
The Model PM-34CBEH is the newest advanced unit which incorporates
the false alarm immunity and discrimination features of the other fire sensor
models plus Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) and integral fast response
optical heat sensing capability. Thi s sensor has the same optical field-
of-view and operational temperature ranges as the previous models.
The PM-5 is a stand -alone driver's module which is powered by standard
12 V (or 24 V) power sources . It can operate one extinguisher or may be
interfaced with other PM -5s and exlinguishers for larg er zone sensing and
suppression coverage . It has a 90' optical field-of-view and will operate
over the temperature range of -67 to +2 12' F.
Control electronics
These provide the logic and control functions rapidly and reliably to process
inputs from sensors . perform necessary analysis and comparisons and
generate signals needed to acti vate exti nguishers and status Indicators.
System control panels are tailored to each vehicle 's operational needs for
crew alerts and slatus indicators. plus controls for manual system activation .
False alarm susceptibility tests (Class A discriminatory sensor system) for
Extinguisher bottle and val ve assembly Santa Barbara optical sensor
The combination of non-shatterable steel bot1les and fast acting valves ,
which are activated by either solenoid or protractor . provide the mechanism
to store and release the fire suppression agent. Agent leakage rates of less and General Dynamics. Land Systems Division). M48H (Taiwan )). Leopard
than one ounce per year ensu re availability of th e fire extinguisher when 2. AMX -l0 , AAI HWSTD , Italian Cl and VCC 80. US LAV-l05 (prototype).
needed . and South Korean BIHO.
Marotta Automatic Explosion Suppression recharge. manual release with safety pin. electri cal connector and weight
record tag . Options include a flow indicator and a low pressure switch .
System The solenoid valve allows for repeated use for operation . training and
tesl purposes .
Development/Description The Marotta explosion valve can be supplied with different si ze cylinders
Marotta Scientific Controls started development of this valve design concept for optimum suppression concentration . these sizes are 2.3 kg , 3.2 kg and
in the early 1970s and fo llowing extensive trials . including actual field 4 .6 kg.
explosion tests carried out in military vehicles. it entered volume production
for a wid e range of civil and military applications on land . sea and air. Status : In production . Installed on a number of armoured vehicles.
The qualification programme included field and laboratory performance
tests including actuation before , during and after storage at temperatures of Manufacturer: Marotta Scientific Controls Inc . 78 Boonto n Avenue .
-65' F (-54' C) and + 165°F (+74°C) as well as shock and vibration simulating PO Box 427. Montville. New Jersey 0 7045 . USA.
tracked vehicle operating conditions. Telephone: (201 ) 334 7800 TWX: 7109878358
According to Marotta Scientific Controls the MV121KJ -l is th e world 's
first solenoid actuated Halon 1301 valve qualified for military suppression
applications. It is reusable/rechargeable. has a millisecond response tim e.
is solenoid actu ated . has a long storage life and is qualified for installation
in a wide range of systems including the Ml and M60 MBTs . M2 Bradley
IFV and the AAV7 A t amphibious vehicle. Explosion suppression valves
have been installed in both crew and engine co mpartments of armoured
vehicles .
The system will inhibit chemically explosive flame propagation of volatile
gas and liquid including petrol . diesel. hydraulic oil . alcohol . solvents ,
methane. propane and town gas. Other Halon and CO, suppressants ,
although not breathable , are compatible wi th thi s design series and are
suitable for unmanned engine room , machinery space and other remote
The design of the valve is such that it can be integrated into systems that
use various types of sensors to detect different explosive or fire conditions.
Optical . thermistor . ion or wave sensors may be used separately or in
combination .
The MV121 KJ -l units are supplied complete with pressu re gauge. safety
burst disc. anti-recoil plug , non-shatterable cylinder, Halon and nitrogen Main components of Marotta Scientific Controls MV121 KJ- l solenoid actua ted
charge. threaded discharge for nozzle or distribution system . fill valve for Halon 1301 valve system
Paci fi c Sc ie ntif ic HTLlKin-Tech Divi s ion rates of anti-armour weapons have improved, Statisti cs show that if a
vehicle has been hit once , a second hit is very likely if th e first does not
Automatic Fire Extinguish ing Systems (AFES) destroy the vehicle, Many times a penetrator or the plasma jet will simply
pass through the vehicle not striking fuel, hydraulic fluid or ammunition, If
Devetopment the AFES can disti nguish between this event and one where an explosion
The US Army imptemented a research and development progra mme which and/or fire occurs , the fi re extinguishi ng agent can be saved for when it is
res utted in two specifications being issued, ATPD-2070 Edition 6A and rea lly needed ,
ATPD 2071 Edition 6A, for key components of an advanced state-of-the-art Another feature of the HTL sys tem and a requirement of the latest
automatic tire detection and suppression system , specification is a second shot capability , This feature is also to reduce th e
HTUKin-Tech Division of Pacific Scientific (HTL) subsequentl y devetoped threat of a second hit. There is a second set of fire extinguishers which are
a comptete crew and engi ne compartment protection system which has discharged automatically if a second explosion and/or fi re is detected ,
proven itself through extensive 'live fi re' testing on armoured vehictes A third system fea ture to reduce Ih e threat of a second hit in the system
against a targe variety of anti-armour weapons, HTL has qualified th is sends a signal which turns on th e ve hicle ventilator in the exhaust mode to
system for use with the US Arm y and is now supplYing comptete system s vent th e smoke and tire extinguishi ng agent after the tire is exting uished ,
for such vehicles as the M992 Fietd Artillery Ammunilion Support Vehicle This means the crew can stay in the vehicle continuing to fight and
(FAASV), This system is atso in use internationally on such programmes as manoeuvre the vehicle to avoid or defeat the threat.
Ihe South Korean Type 88 MBT, HTL has developed a fast reacting solenoid actu ated valve which opens
tn 1981 , as the US Army was developing requirements for an adva nced in a few mi ll iseconds and rapidly disch arges extin gui shing agent. The US
state-of-the-art automa tic fire detection and suppression syslem for Iheir Army, through extensive live fi re testin g, has found Halon 1301 to be the
fleet of armoured fighting vehicles, HTL began devetopment of a system to most effective non-toxic exti nguishing agent available, A distribution nozzle ,
meet the new specifications, which has been developed and proven through live fi re testing is utilised
tn 1984 , HTL won the first production con tract for systems meeting these with each valve to achieve adeq uate extingu ishing agent concentration
latest speci fi cation s (ATPD-2070 Edition 6A and ATPD -207 1 Edition 6A) throughout the pro lected compartm ent. The extin guishi ng agent capacity
fo r use on the M992 Field Artitlery Ammun ition Support Vehicle (FAASV), of the valve and bottle also is tai lored to th e unique requirements of each
The system was qualified through the most extensive 'tive fife ' lesling vehi cl e,
program ever conducted on this type of system by the United States Army Olher key features of the HTL Crew Compartm ent AFES are extensive
at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, The United States Army has purchased 675 Built-In-Test Equipment (BITE) and minimum maintenance requirements,
FAASVs to date , all with HTL systems in both Ihe engine compartm ent and Each time veh icle power is swi tched on, a complete test sequence is
th e crew/ammunition compartmen t. initiated , The test includes an optical check of each detector, This is done
HTL also provides earl ier technology AFES components to the US Army by simulating a fire , Each detector has an externally mounted Light Emitti ng
M 1 MBT and M2/3 Bradley programmes, HTL has also supplied components Diode (LE D) that si mulates a fire to the sensors which determ ines if the
for qualification lesting to th e Bradley AFES Upgrade programme, The US detector can see a tire (or whether th e sensors are dirt y), can process the
Army has decided 10 upgrade the automatic fire extinguishing sys tem in th e input and issue a fire signal to control electronics. The con trol electronics
crew compartment of the Bradley with components meeling th e latest are tested to assure a fire signal ca n be processed and each of th e valve
specifications such as Ihose used on th e M992 FAASV, ATPD -2070 Edition solenoid driver circuits can actu ate a valve , Thus, Defore the vehicle is
6A and ATPD-2071 Edition 6A have now been converted to MIL-M-62545A , driven off, the crew Is assured th ey have a properl y functioni ng AFE S, The
MIL-M-62546A and MIL-V-62547A, system also conli nually monitors the pressu re in the fire extinguishers and
the continuity of all the electrical cables, If a system problem occurs , a fault
Descri ption light is il luminated and an LED illuminates identifying th e malfuncti oning
The HTL AFES is actually made up of two subsystems, one subsystem 10 modu le(s) on the crew interface panel. No separate test equ ipment is
protect the crew compartment and a separate subsystem to protect Ihe required to verify system performance ,
engine compartment, plus a manual activation system , To deal wi th small secondary threat fi res typically resulting from electrical
There are two principle reasons the AFES is diVided into two SUbsystems, shorts or poor maintenance , th e HTL system has a small fire warn ing, A fire
Firstly , the fire threats are very different in each compartm ent. The primary warning light flashes and an audi ble warning signal is sent to the crew, This
threat in the crew co mpartment is exploding fuel or hydraulic flu id initiated gives the crew th e option of using hand-held extinguishers to suppress th e
by an armour penetration , Even a small amount of fuel or hydraulic fluid, fire thus saving the system extin guishers for combat. The crew can also
such as from a severed hydraulic line, when atomised and Ignited by a discharge the sys tem by a guard ed switch on the crew interface panel.
penetrating munition , will produce an explosion th at. if not suppressed, will Explosion is not a threat in th e engine compartment since th ey are
cause over pressure high enough to injure or kill Ihe vehicle crew and will vented and separated fr om the crew compartm ent. Therefore speed of
be followed by a fire that can destroy th e vehicle. The secondary threat in detection becomes secondary to rugg edness. Optical detection is not
the crew compartment Is of small tires which result from electrica l short succes sful in engine co mpartm ents as th e oplical sensors quiCkly become
circuits and poor vehicle maintenance , dirty and vieWing angles are very limited due to th e cramped nature of the
To counter these threats , HTL has designed a system Ihat can react 10 compartment. The HTL system therefore utilises a loop of therm al sensing
Ihe start of an explosive fire and disperse fire suppressi ng agent so that wire, The flexible wire allows routing to all the potential fi re hazard s (for
over pressures are controlled before they reach injury causing levels and exa mple fuel lines, disc brakes, fu el cell and fl oor of engine compartm ent).
the fire is extinguished before it can cause seriou s injury to the crew and The wire is not affected by dirt , fu el, hydraulic fluid or water, Ag ain two
damage to the vehicle, levels of warn ing are provided, If a small slow growth fire occurs, the crew is
Since speed of detection is critical. HTL selected an array of three optical warned as Ihey are wi th the crew AFE S allowing th em the options of
sensors for each detector assembly, Utilisi ng a patented logic concept. the extinguishing the fire with hand-held extingui shers or discharging th e system
start of explosive fires can be detected within a few milliseconds. Employing extinguishers by guarded switch on lhe crew interf ace panel. If larg e
three sensors has allowed HTL to achieve much greater false alarm vehicle-threatening fire occurs, the system automatically extingui shes it.
immunity than earlier two sensor detectors, Thi s was verified by th e US The same fast reacting rapid discharge Valve and Bottle Assemblies th at
Army testing against 28 potential false alarm sources, are used in the crew compartment are also used for the engine compart ment
The patented detection logic and the use of three sensors has allowed to simplify logisti cs , They are piped into the engine compartm ent into a
HTL to advance the state-of-the-art by achieving the first truly discrim inating distribution system which discharg es the Halon 1301 extin guishing agents
detector , that is a detector which can distinguish between an armour so that the fire th reat areas are covered and fires are exti ngu ished, Extensive
penetration th at res ults in an explosion and/or fire and one that does not. lesting by th e US Arm y has demonstrated thi s system's ability to detect and
This has become an important requirement as the accuracy and firing extinguish fi res , even with th e engine runn ing at maximum speed and th e
01 I
- - .
HTL Crew Compartment Test and Alarm Panel assembly (CC TAP) HTL Op tical Fire Sensor Assembly (OFSA)
cooling fans operating with no damage to the engine. The engine does not which has been qualified on the M992 FAASV to th e requiremenls of
stall as a resu lt of the fire being extingui shed, thu s assuring mobility during ATPD -2082 , is also available which can monitor up to four OFSAs and
and after a fire. discharge automatically up to six fire extinguishers in 3 x 2 two shot
The HTL Engine Compartment AFES also has extensive Built-In-Test· con figuration for larger compartmentali sed vehicles.
Equipment (BITE) and requires no separate test equ ipment to veri fy its Crew Compartment Test and Alarm Panel Assembly (CCTAP): Thi s is
performance. As with the crew compartment AFES , each tim e vehicle th e crew interface panel for the Crew Compartment AFES. Units are
power is switched on , a complete BITE test sequence is initiated. The available for two shots . two extinguishers per shot systems and two shots.
con trol electronics are tested to verify fire signals and can be received and three extinguishers per shot systems. Both vers ions have been qualified on
processed. The solenoid drive circuit is tested to veri fy it can actuate a the M992 FAASV to the requirements of ATPD -2082. The panel provides
valve. The th ermal wire monitors the pressu re in the fire extinguishers. the indicators for fire. system fault . BITE test sequence pass and power status .
continuity of the electrica l cable and the thermal wire loop fo r electrical Fault isolation indicators are provided for each major module. A BITE test
short circuits. Again the crew know if they have an Engine Compartment initiate and lamp test switch is provi ded . A guarded manual discharge
AFES before they start their mission. If the system has a problem. a fault switch is included . There is also a screw driver actuated power switch for
light and an LED are illuminated isolating the malfunctioning module (s) . vehicle maintenance. The unit has a timer which senses the turn ofl of
The system also has a second shot feature to provide protection in Ihe vehicle power and keeps the system operational fo r three hours during thi s
event of a second fire . critical period.
The second reason th e crew and engine systems are discrete subsystems Valve and Bottle Assembly : The HTL Valve and Bottle Assembly or fire
is, if one is damaged. the other is not aHected and remai ns operational. extinguisher has been qualified to MIL-V-62547A. It is available in three
Lastly , th e HTL AFES includes a manual actuator system . This is a capacities . It featu res a solenoid actu ated valve th at opens in milliseconds
mechanical leverage device which allows simu ltaneous discharg e of the quickly discharging its Halon 1301 fire extinguishing agent which has been
engine and crew compartment exti nguishers from an external handle. In super pressurised with dry Nitrogen to speed discharge time.
the event a fire is observed in an unattended vehicle and electrical power is Thermal Detection Wire: This wire senses increases in heat caused by
off to th e AFE S. thi s handle can be pulled thus extinguishing th e fire. fires or engine overheating . Two levels of warning are provided. One for
Connecting this handle to both subsystems eliminates the need to determine small fires or overheat which causes a fire warning indicator to flash on the
where the fire has started . crew interf ace panel or an audible warning signal can also be provided . The
larger fire warning automatically discharges the Valve and Bottle Assembly
Key system components extinguishing the fire.
Optical Fire Sensor Assembly (OFSA): This optical detector is a Type 1 Engine Compartment Test and Alarm Panel (ECTA P): Thi s unit
Discriminating OFSA meeting MIL-S-62546A. The OFSA employs three incorporates the leatures of the crew compartment MSCE and CCTAP into
optical sensors (two photodiodes and one thermopile) filtered to far infra- a single unit. The unit monitors the thermal detectio n loop and actu ates the
red (IR), near IR and visible light waveleng th s which allow the patented fire valve solenoid when a large fire occurs. It has the same type of BITE and
detection logic to sense the start of explosive fires quickly while discriminatin g fault isolations as the Crew Compartment AFES presenting an identical
against false alarm sources and penetration where no explosion and fire interface to the vehicle crew as that system. It has been qualified on the
follow. The HTL OFSA provides two separate levels of fire warnings . small M992 FAASV to ATPD-2082 . A si milar version (with the annunciator and
and large . It has optical BITE which verifi es not only its electrical operati on control fu nctions remoted to the driver panel) is qualified and in servi ce on
but also whether th e sensor lenses are clean and can see a fire . all South Korean Type 88 MBTs.
Module, Standard Control Electronics (MSCE): This unit, which is qualified
to MIL-M-62545A. can monitor up to four OFSAs and discharge automatically Status : In full production si nce 1984 for the US Army . Co ntinuing
up to four fire extin guishers in a 2 x 2 two shot co nfiguration. It has a international deliveries. Under trial for many vehicles. both new and retrofits .
complete BITE capability wh ich verifies the unit's ability to monitor OFSAs, These include US and foreign military applications.
process fi re signals and perform the fire extinguisher's selection logic and
the ability of its solenoid drive circuit to actu ate the fir e extin guisher va lves. Manufacturer : Pacific Scientific. HTUKin-Tech Division . 1800 Highland
This unit also provides BITE monitoring and test sequence data and fault Avenue . Duarte, California 91010, USA .
isolation data to the operator interface panel. Another model of this unit. Telephone : (8 18) 359 9317 Fax: (818) 359 7013
The Bernardini Company, prime contractor forlhe Xt , XtA 1 and Xt A21ighl
tanks, has modernised some 400 M41 series light tanks for the Brazilian
Army and Marine Corps with modernised powerpacks and upgrading of the
76 mm gun to 90 mm .
The original 500 hp petrol engine has been replaced by a Brazilian built
Saab-Scania DS-14A 04 eight-cylinder diesel developing 405 hp which is
coupled to the standard CD-500-3 automatic transmission .
To Inslall this engine the rear hull has been enlarged and a new cooling
system consisting of a radiator and two 12-blade fans has been installed .
Other improvements include th e modification ot the electncal system with
two 12 V batteries and lour 60 Ah alternators (eliminating th e need for the
generator previously fitted) , new instrument panel and redesigned fuel
Rear view of M41 B showing engine and air COOling fans, travel lock lor new
90 mm gun and tool boxes over tracks
Development/Desc ripti o n
The Brazilian Army had about 600 of the original M 113 series APCs
powered by the Chrysler 75M V-8 petrol engine developing 209 bhp at
4000 rpm. This has a maximum road speed of 64 .37 kml h and the
302 litres of fuel gave a maximum cruising range of 321 km .
These have now been converted into the diesel configura lion by Moto
Pecas which has developed a diesel conversion kit with the assistance of
the Centro Technologico do Exercito (Army Technological Centre) .
The original petrol engine has been replaced by the Mercedes-Benz
OM-352·Awhich has a much lower fuel consumption and gives an operational
range of 520 km . This engine is made in Brazil and is lighter than the original
so no modification s to the suspension of the M113 are required. The original
transmission and transfer box has been upgraded by Moto Pecas and the
original electrical system has been reworked to facilitate maintenance. The
engine cooling system has been redesigned with Ihe cooling fan now blowing
air out of th e engine co mpartment ralher than into il.
Status : Produced for the Brazilian Army and being oHered for export. As of
1 January 1993 the company had manufactured 586 Ml13 retrofit kits.
Descriptio n Variants
The NORINCO 12150L is a water-cooled , 4·cycle, direct injection V-12 A more powerful version of thi s is designated Ihe Type 12150L-7 BW
diesel engine which is installed in the Type 59 MBT, although il is also which develops 580 hp at 2000 rpm . This is known to be installed in the
suitable for installation in other armoured vehicles , engineer vehicles and Type 69 MBT , Type 84 AVLB, Type 653 ARV and the Type 80 twin 57 mm
marine applications. SPAAG.
Model 12150L 12150L-7BW
CONSTRUCTION nickel-chromium alloy and aluminium
CONFIGURATION 60 0 V-12 60° V-12
RATED OUTPUT 520 hp/2000 rpm 580 hp/2000 rpm
MAX TORQUE 230 ± 10 kg m 250 ± 10 kg m
TORQUE 1200 to 1300 rpm 1300 to 1400 rpm
CONSUMPTION 180 g/hplh 175 g/hplh
WEIGHT (dry) 895 kg 930 kg
LENGTH 1583 mm 1583 mm
WIDTH 896mm 896mm
HEIGHT 905mm 907mm
The NORINCO X150-960 is a turbocharged , intercooled , four-stroke , direct
injection , high-speed diesel engine which is suitable for installation in
tracked armoured vehicles but can also be used in other application s such
as con struction equipment or generating sets. At present it is uncertain as
to which AFV thi s engine is fitted into, but it could be the follow-on to lhe
Type 80 MBT.
OUTPUT 960 hp at 2200 rpm
MAX TORQUE 360 kg m at 1500 rpm
NOR/NCO X150-960 V- 12 diesel engine
WEIGHT 1600 kg
LENGTH 1394 mm
WIDTH (without charger
and intercooler) 940 mm Manufacturer: Chinese stale factories . NORINCO , China North Industries
HEIGHT 950 mm Corporation . 7 A Yuetan Nanjie , PO Box 2137 , Beijing , People's Republic of
Telephone : (86) 6898 , (86) 3461 , (86) 347 1. (86) 7570
Status : Believed to be in production. Tele x: 22339 CNIC CN
EFS M41 Diesel Repower Package grille . The cooling fans are protected by an automatic clulch to disengage
them when starting and/or stopping the engine .
The two fuel tanks. specially shaped to allow a high airtlow to the fans ,
Development have a total capacity of 930 litres which gives a road cru ising range of about
The E Falck Schmidt company of Denmark has been involved in th e 750 km .
overhaul and repair of armoured fighting ve hicles for the Dani sh armed
forces for over 25 years. In addition to overh auling the M41 light tank and
M 109 155 mm self-propelled howitzer, over 1000 M 113 series APCs have
been overhauled. E Falck Schmidt was award ed the contract for the
prototype installations in the M41 light tanks as well as the contract for the
delivery of the diesel repower packages for the Danish M41 fleet. The
programme was completed in 1987.
This repower package was developed to meet the requirements of th e
Danish Army and after extensive tri als of competing designs ottered to th e
Danish Army, the E Falck Schmidt repower package was chosen .
The basis for the re power package is the US Cummins VTA 903 TR
coupled directly , without an intermed iate gearbox , to the original CD-500
transmission . The engine develops 465 hp gross at 2600 rpm .
The repower package comprises th e following subsystem s. The cooling
system consists of two belt-driv en fans and two radiators, one set mounted
on each side of the powerpack. This system cools both the engine and the
crossdrive . The belt enables the engine to run on half the cooling system if
one belt and/or fan is damaged in combat.
The cooling air is taken throug h the top deck grille , along the engine ,
down over the specially shaped fuel tanks as well as tram around the
tran smission and blown through the air shrouds and out of the vehicle Danish M4 1 OK-I litted with EFS repower package. Irom rear with turret
engine compartment through radi ators whi ch are protected by a special Ira versed to lelt rear
222 A F V ENG I N E S , T RAN S MIS S ION SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S I D e n mar k - F ran C e
The 24 V electrical system has six 12 V battenes separated into starting The engine compartment topdeck is designed to adapt most of the parts
and operating systems. connecting together but ensuring that the engine from the original topdeck . Batteries and air filter elements are mounted in
starting batteries cannot be discharged and cau se starting problems. armoured boxes on the left rear fender.
The air filter unit cleans the air in two stages. The primary with a cyclone The kit also contains a cold starting aid device. mounting facilities for a
filter element and the secondary with four dry filter elements. Air IS taken fire extinguishing system and heater assemblies.
from the engine compartment. The exhaust silencer box and pipe are
mounted on the right fender and covered by a heatshield to minimise Status: Production co mplete but can be resumed . In service In Denmark.
thermal radiation .
The instrument panel has been redesigned and a small portable instrument Manufacturer: E Falck Schmidt A/S. Tolderlundsvej 106. DK-5000 Odense
panel with a magnetic foot and a master warning light installed in the engine C . Denmark.
These engines were originally developed for a variety of civilian applications
but the 6F 11 SRY has been adapted for repowering the AMX -13 light tank
while the 6F 1 t SRX has been installed in the AMX -l0P (Marine) and
AMX -l0 PAC 90 90 mm fire support vehicle s delivered to the Indonesian
Marines. In 1983 it was announced that the 6F 11 SRX was also to be
installed in all future production AMX-l ORC (6 x 6) reconnaissance vehicles
of the French Army and to be retrofitted to earlier production vehicles
(powered by the Hispano-Suiza HS 115-2 diesel) in due course . This
engine is said to offer an increase in horsepower. 20 per cent saving in fuel
consumption and a reduction in exhaust gases when compared to the
current engine .
More recently the 6F 11 SRX engine has been installed in the
AMX-l0RC vehicles supplied to Qatar and in the AMX-l0 PAC 90 Fire
Support Vehicles and 22 AMX-l0P Marine with 25 mm turrets for Singapore.
The 6F 12 SRY 400 turbocharged diesel developing 400 hp is fitted to the
prototypes of the private venture MARS 15 family of light armoured vehicles.
The engines feature individual cast iron cylinder heads, cast iron crankcase Baudouin 6F 11 SRY. used to repower AMX-13/ight tanks
with wet cylinder liners . oil-cooled pistons . built-in lubrication system .
built-in water circuit, two possible starting devices (electric or hydraulic) and
heat dissipation by water circuit. Other developments with the 6F 11 ST SR (develo ped from the F t 1 ser ie s) developing 840/900 hp at
(204 hp at 3400 rpm) is used to power the Crotale anti-aircraft system from 3000/3200 rpm , 12F 11 SR (maximum output of 500 hp at 3000 rpm) . 12F
Thomson-CSF . 11 S (maximu m output of 400 hp at 3000 rpm), 6F 11 S (maximum output of
Other diesel engi nes manufactured by the company include the 12F 120 240 hp at 3000 rpm) and 6F 11 SR (maximum output of 306 hp at 3000 rpm ).
Model Cylinders Bore/stroke Swept volume Oulputlrpm Max torque Application
6F 11 SR 6V 115 x 105 mm 6540 cm' 225 kW /3000 840 Nm base engine design
6F 11 TV 6V 115 x 105 mm 6540 cm' 125 kW/3000 525 Nm VXB repower
6F 11 ST 6V 115 x 105 mm 6540 cm' 150 kW/3400 560 Nm Crotale
6F 11 SRY 6V I1S x l05mm 6540 cm' 206 kW/3200 760 Nm AMX-13
6F 11 SRX 6V 115 x 105 mm 6540 cm' 206 kW/3000 780 Nm AMX-l0
6F 12 SR 6V 120 x 105mm 7120 cm' 294 kW/3000 1125 Nm base engine design
6F 12 SRY 6V 120 x 105 mm 7120 cm] 294 kW/2900 1140 Nm MARS 15
6F 12 SRX 6V 120 x 105 mm 7120 cm' 294 kW/3000 1125 Nm
8F 120 SR 8V 120 x ll0mm 9950 cm' 442 kW/3000 1700 Nm under development
12F 120 SR 12 V 120 x 110 mm 14930 cm ' 784 kW/3000 2400 Nm base engine design
12F 120 SR 12 V 120 x 110 mm 14930 cm' 537 kW/2700 2260 Nm EFA
Panhard AML Upgrade Kit Modifications are also carried out to the fuel circuit. driver's dashboard .
main electrical control box and rear mudguards.
As an option, a more powerful Peugeot air compressor can be installed
Development/Description and a new Citroen brake system fitted , with the front brakes being 01 the
Panhard has developed an upgrade package for th e widely deployed AML disc type .
(4 x 4) armoured car used by many countries around the world . The Giat Induslries 90 mm F1 gun currently fires canister. HE. HEAT and
The modernisa tion package covers three ma in areas: replacement of th e smoke projectiles. The HEAT ro und, however , has limited effectiveness
existing petrol engine by a more fue l efficient diesel engine, replacem ent of against certain targets so Giat Industri es is developing an APFSDS round
infra-red night vision equipment by image intensification equipment and that can be fired from a modified Giat 90 mm F1 gun .
modification of the Giat Industries 90 mm gun 10 fire APFSDS ammunition . Thi s new round has a muzzle veloci ty of 1050 ml s and will penetrate
The stand ard Panhard AML is powered by the Panhard Model 4HD 50 mm of armour at zero degrees incidence at a combat range of 1300 m.
petrol engine developing 85 hp at 4700 rpm which gives the vehicle a In order to fire the new APFSDS round the muzzle brake and recoil system
maximum range of 600 km . The 4HD engine was developed some 30 years have to be modified. The ammunition load of the AML remains 20 rounds
ago and has now gone out of production. In addition to providing 15 per even when carrying APFSDS ammunition.
cent more power. th e new diesel engine gives a substan ti al 50 per cent The existing infra-red night vision equipment for the commander, gunner
increase in torque . and driver has obvious battlefield limitations so in this modernisation package
The Panhard retrofit package utilises the Peugeot XD 3T turboch arg ed It is replaced by SOPELEM image intensification equipment. In addition ,
air-cooled diesel engine developing 95 hp. This has been inslalled in late the gunner is also provided with a laser rangefinder mounted externally
production AML armoured cars and is also installed in th e more recent over the gun mantlet to improve its first round hit probability.
Panhard VBL (4 x 4) light armoured vehicle in service with th e French Panhard also oHers the PeugeoVRenaultlVolvo V-6 water-cooled petrol
Army. It wa s originally developed for the civil market so spare parts are engine developing t 45 hp at 5000 rpm as a replacement for the Panhard
obtainable from a wide range of sources. petrol engine and this gives an even greater power-to-weight ratio and
Exten sive trials in the Middle East and Far East have shown Ihat the new acceleration.
engine will operate in temperatures as high as +50°C. In addition Panhard offers armament upgrades for the AML -60 and the
As shown In the comparative table , when fitted with the new engine , re-e ngined package for the AML is also suitable for the Panhard M3 (4 x 4)
acceleratio n and maximum speed of the AML is increased and, as spare APC which is also used by many countries.
parts are easily available, life cycle costs shou ld be reduced. In addition Panhard can either modify th e vehicles in France or supply kits to enable
there is a much reduced ri sk of fire with a diesel engine th an a petrol the user to convert the vehicles in his own facil ities. AnDther alternative is
engine. that Panhard upgrades the first vehicles in France with the user's personnel
The modifications include a new rear hull. alternator. engine, mechanical being trained at the same time to undertake the conversion of the remaining
con trol clutch , reinforced gearbox . hydraulic contro l cooling system and a vehicles in their own faCilities
new exhaust system . The rear suspension of the AML is reinforced to take
into account the Increased weight of th e new engine. SPECIFICATIONS
Engine Iype XD 3T 4 HD
OUTPUT 95 hp 85 hp
TORQUE 20.8 m.daN 15 m.daN
COOLING liquid air
WEIGHT (AML 90) 5.9 t 5.51
WEIGHT (AML 60) 5.2 t 4.8 t
MAX ROAD SPEED 95 kml h 90 km/h
ACCELERATION 66 s/1000 m 69 s/1000 m
RANGE ON ROAD 900 km 650 km
FORDING 1.1m 0.9 m
· Under development
Powerpack for the Leclerc MBT with a UD V8X 1500 T9 engine on left,
transmission lower right and radialors top right SACM V8X 880 T6 diesel engine
CONFIGURATION 8-cylinders at 90' .
4-stroke direct injection
CONSTRUCTION light alloy engine block and cylinder-head
bore 100mm
stroke 108mm
COOLING SYSTEM air/water Iype
MAX OUTPUT 269 kW (360 hpj at
3000 rpm
MAX TORQUE 81 mdaN at 2000 rpm
(engine only) 21 I
E9 engme in 150 hp version used to repower A MX-30 MBT ENGINE DRY WEIGHT 650 kg
226 A F V E N G I N E S , T RAN S MIS S ION SAN D POW E R PAC K S / F ran C e
CONFIGURATION 6-cylinders vertical in-line
bore 120mm
stroke 145mm
FUEL SYSTEM 6-cylinders injection pump
ASP IRATION 1 turbo compressor
AIR COOLING SYSTE M ai r/air type or air/water type
air/water 295 kW (400 hpj at 2500 rpm
air/air 33 1 kW (450 hpj at 2500 rpm
LENGTH 1.245 m
WIDTH 767 mm
HEIGHT 1.001 m
WEIGHT 880 kg
SESM Transmissions tra nsmission is for the new French Arm y MBT , the Leclerc, and was
installed in the fourth prototype of the AM X-40 shown in Jun e 1985. The
ENC 200 is installed in the AM X-32 MBT. The AMX-32 and AMX-40 were
Development both private venture vehicles for export and are no longer be ing marketed
This company has developed a complete range of transmissions for engines by Giat Industri es . T he ESM 500 transmission is now in production for the
with an oUl put of 200 kW to 1200 kW . Main advantages can be summarised French Army's Leclerc MBT , first production examples of which were
as fully automatic or manual control, power shift , hydrostatic steering completed by Giat Industri es late in 199 1.
ensuring good turn radius wi th positive control and, in the no-steer mode .
stability without having to compensate steering in any terrain configuration , Manufacturer: SESM (Societe d'Equ ipements Systemes et Mecanismes) ,
on- the-spot pivoting even on a slope, possibility of changing gear on curves Clos des Borgnes , Z.l.d'Epluches , F-953 10 Sai nt-O uen-I'Au mone , France.
and engaging reverse gear while still travelling forwards . The ESM 500 Telephone: (1) 34 64 4 155 Telex : 609 467 F
F ra n C e - G e r m a n y / A F V ENG I N E S , T RAN S M I S S I ON SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S 227
SESM ESM 500 automatic transmission SESM ENG 200 automatic transmission
FFG M41 Repower Package through armoured louvres at the rear . With the FFG conversion there is no
Gutting of the hull and no need for raised or new rear decking .
The original CD·500-3 transmission has been retained but due to the
Development different rpm of the two engines a reduction gear has been installed
Flensburger Fahrzeugbau-Gesellschaft (FFG) has been engaged in the between the Perkins Condor V-8 and the existing transmission. A new
overhaul and repair of armoured fighting vehicles for the German armed driver's instrument panel has been designed and the fuel tanks now contain
forces for some 30 years. Armoured fighting vehicles that have been 620 IItres of fuel compared to the 530 of the original.
overhauled include the Leopard 1, M48 . M41 , M42 . Marder 1. most members Optional equipment includes a fire detection and suppression system
of the Ml13 family and Hotchkiss APCs . FFG was also awarded the contract and the British Air-Log Limited. hydrostrut suspension system .
for the installation of the American Garrett GT60t gas turbine developing
580 hp in a German M48 tank . coupled to the original CD-850-5 tran smission . Status : Development completed . Tested in Denmark .
This programme was successfully completed late in 1983.
Manufacturer: Flensburger Fahrzeugbau-Gesellschaft mbH. Postfach 1564,
Description 0 -2390 Flensburg. Federal Republic of Germany.
The repower package for the M41 was originally developed to meet Danish Telephone : (0461) 4812-0 Telex : 22 858
Army requi rements but in 1985 it chose another powerpack. After looking at
a number of diesel engines to replace the existing petrol engine . FFG
chose the British Rolls·Royce Motors (now Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury)),
Military Engine Division , V·8 Condor which powers the Warrior ordered by
the British Army in 1984. In the Warrior application the Condor develops
550 bhp at 2300 rpm but in the FFG M41 application it develops 475 hp
(gross) or 400 hp (net).
The engine is similar to that installed in Warrior except that the engine
torque arm has been repositioned . A PTO designed by FFG is fitted to the
right side of the engine driven off the crankshaft pinion and powers a Volvo
hydraulic pump and a Leopard 1 generator.
An FFG designed water input pump cover is installed in place of the
standard Perkins one to clear the existing bulkhead. Serck engine and
transmission coolers are installed on the left side of the engine and a new
single ra il exhaust manifold fitted to each bank of four cylinders.
The complete powerpack can be removed in less than 30 minutes . The
cooling system has been designed by FFG with one AKG si ngle-finned
tube radiator either side to the rear of the engine in the horizontal position
with KHD high performance fans underneath . These draw in air from the
outside through the existing unaltered armoured louvres on the top of the FFG powerpack prior to instaliatlon in M411ight tank with radiators on left and
engine compartmenl. The air is then pushed through the radiators and oul engine on the righl
228 A F V ENG I N E S , T RAN S M I S S ION SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S / G e r man y
MTU Friedrichshafen develops. builds, sells and supports power systems Leopard 1. led to MT U beginning Ihe design of a modular range of AFV
equipped wi th diesel engines. gas turb ines. power transmissions and engines based on a 3.74-1 cylinder. This led to a series 837 eng ine
electronic controls for marine, rail or stationary applications and heavy available in three models. th e 6-cylinder MB 833. the 8-cylinder MB 837
vehicles. The decision to build the Standardpanzer. which became the and the 1O-cylinder MB 838 which powers the Leopard 1 MBT .
MB 837 Series
Model MB 833 Aa-501 MB 833 Ea-500 MB 833 Ka-500 MB 833 Ka-501
TYPE indirect injection. indirect injection . indirect injection , indirect injection.
4-stroke . 4-stroke. 4-stroke, 4-stroke,
wet liners wet liners wet liners wet liners
CONFIGURATION 90 0 V-6 90 V-6 90' V-6 90' V-6
CONSTRUCTION light alloy light alloy light alloy light alloy
castings castings castings castings
bore 170 mm 165mm 165mm 170 mm
stroke 175 mm 175 mm 175mm 175 mm
valves 4 per cylinder, with single camshaft per bank of cylinders
DISPLACEMENT 23.81 22.4 I 22.41 23.8 1
COMPRESSION RATIO 18:1 19.5:1 18: 1 18:1
ASP IRATION natural 2 turbochargers 2 turbochargers and 2 turbocharg ers and
charge air cooler charge air cooler
max power 330 kW at 2300 rpm 440 kW at 2200 rpm 530 kW at 2400 rpm 625 kW at 2400 rpm
max torque 1540 Nm at 1500 rpm 2020 Nm at 1600 rpm 2300 Nm at 1900 rpm 2780 Nm at 1900 rpm
LENGTH 1.252 m 1.255 m 1.252 m 1.252 m
WIDTH 1.05 m 1.257 m 1.05 m 1.05 m
HEIGHT 0.965 m 1.053 m 0.965 m 0.965 m
WEIGHT (dry) 1375 kg 1250 kg 1450 kg 1450 kg
APPLICATION Repower M41, M44. M52 Marder 1 (ICV) . Roland TAM .VCTP repower AM X-3~
G e r man y I A F V ENG I N E S . T A A N S MIS S ION SAN 0 POW E A PAC K S 229
MTU MB 833 Ea ·500 engine coupled to Renk HSWL 194 transmission as MTU engine MB Ca M-500 powering the Leopard 1 MBT
installed in Marder 1 ICV
Model MB 838 Ca M-SOO MB 838 Ka-SOI Model MB 838 Ca M-SOO MB 838 Ka-S01
TYPE indirect inJeclion. indirect injection , COMPRESSION
4-stroke, 4·stroke. RATIO 19.5:1 18:1
wet liners wet liners ASPIRATION 2 mechanical 2 turbochargers and
CONFIGURATION 90" V·tO 90' V-l0 supercharges per bank charge air cooler
CONSTRUCTION mainly light alloy mainly light alloy RATING
castings castings max power 610 kW at 2200 rpm 1030 kW at 2400 rpm
CYLINDER DETAILS max torque 2805 Nm at 1550 rpm 4600 Nm at 1600 rpm
bore 165mm 170mm LENGTH 1.552 m 1.450 m
stroke 175 mm 175 mm WtDTH 1049 m 1.850 m
valves 4 per cylinder, with single camshaft per cylinder bank HEIGHT 0.964 m 1.040 m
DISPLACEMENT 37.4 I 39.7 I WEIGHT (dry) 1920 kg 2000 kg
APPLICATION Leopard 1 MBT series Arjun MBT
vehicles OF-40 MBT
Series 870
Originally designed for the US/German MBT· 70 programme, the 12·cylinder
MB 873 of this engine famity was chosen for the Leopard 2 tank after the
MBT-70 programme was cancelled. By increasing bore and stroke to 170
and 175 mm respective ly. the excellent torque characteristic was further
improved giving the Leopard 2 excellent mobility.
The 8·cylinder. originally selected for the trilateral 155 mm SP·70 howitzer .
now powers the South Korean K·l fami ly of armoured vehicles (MBT, ARV
and AVLB) as well as prototypes of the Giat AMX -40 MBT and the German
Keiler mineclearing vehicle.
Model MB 873 Ka-SOl MB 871 Ka -SO l
TYPE indirect injection . 4-stroke. wet liners indirect injection. 4-stroke. wet liners
CONFIGURATION 90' V-t2 90" V-8
CONSTRUCTION mainly light alloy casting s mainly light alloy castings
bore 170mm 170mm
stroke 175mm 175mm
valves 4 per cylinder. with single camshaft per bank 4 per cylinder, with single camshaft per bank
ASPIRATION 2 turbochargers: intercooled by charge air cooler 2 turbochargers: intercooled by charge air cooler
in engine coolant system in engine coolant system
max power 1100 kW at 2600 rpm 880 kW at 2600 rpm
max torque 4600 Nm at 1700 rpm 3720 Nm at 1800 rpm
LENGTH 1.7 m 1.19 m
WIDTH 1.97 m 1.95 m
HEIGHT 1.1 m 0.88 m
WEIGHT (dry) 2590 kg 1700 kg
APPLICATION Leopard 2 Type 88 (K-l) MBT, ARV and AVLB. Keiler mine-
Buffel ARV clearing tank
Series 880
Since the mid-1970s, MTU has been working on the third generation of
tank engines, the series 880. With these engines the installation volume of
a powerpack has again been considerably reduced . For example. a
powerpack with the 12-cylinder engine MT 883 has the same power rating
as the Leopard 2 engine but requires only 60 per cent of its installation
Major design features of the MTU 880 series are direct injection . four
valves per cylinder, digital engine electronic management and variable
turbocharger and intercooler arrangement for specific needs. Modern
turbocharger technology allows a high torque rise of 30 per cent in the
important speed range.
Prototype powerpacks have been built by MTU for several vehicles in the
United States and Europe including the German PzH 2000 155 mm self-
propelled artillery system. the German Marder 2 armoured infantry fighting
vehicle (which was cancelled tate in 1992), the US programme for the
Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle and for the French Giat Industries
Lecterc MBT.
MTU has been awarded a contract for an undisclosed number of Euro Prototype of the MTU powerpack MT 883 Ka-500 (Euro Powerpackj which
Powerpacks from Giat Industries of France and the first of these was inctudes a Renk transmission HSWL 295 TM, cooling and filtration system.
shipped late in 1992. The Euro Powerpack incorporates the MTU MT 883 Maximum output is 1500 hp at 2700 rpm
V-12 diesel , a transversely mounted Renk HSWL 295 TM automatic
transmission and a cooling and air filtration system .
The first application for the Euro Powerpack is in the re-engined Leclerc Defence System s Challe nger 2 and General Dynamics. Land Systems
MBT the United Arab Emirates and the Giat Industries/Hagglunds Leclerc Division , M1 A2 MBTs. According to MTU , such an installation would not
armoured recovery vehicle being developed as a private venture. only save a considerable amount of space which could be used for other
Studies have also shown that the MTU MT 883 V-12 diesel , rated at purposes, but also increase the operational range of the tank as a result of
1650 hp. with further growth potential . could be installed in the Vickers improved fuel comsumption .
Model MT883 MT882 MT 881 MT880
TYPE direct injection , 4-stroke , wet liners
CONFIGURATION 90 0 V-12 90 0 V-l0 90 0 V-8 90' V-6
bore 144 mm 144 mm 144 mm 144mm
stroke 140mm 140mm 140mm 140mm
DISPLACEMENT 27.4 I 22.81 18.2 I 13.7 I
COMPRESSION RATIO 14:1 14:1 14:1 14:1
FUEL SYSTEM individual injection pumps at each cylinder
ASPIRATION 2 turbochargers , 2 intercoolers
RATING (max power) 1200 kW at 3000 rpm 1000 kW at 3000 rpm 800 kW at 3000 rpm 600 kW at 3000 rpm
LENGTH 1.56 m 1.47m 1.t75m 0.985 m
WIDTH 0.97 m 0.97 m 0.97 m 0.97 m
HEIGHT 0.66 m 0.66 m 0.73 m 0.73 m
WEIGHT (dry) 1650 kg 1430 kg 1220 kg 1010 kg
APPLICATION Euro Powerpack lor conceptual design only prototypes of the 155 mm conceptual design only
prolotype MBT Panzerhaubitze 2000
prototype 01 Marder 2 IFV
MTU Series 183 Engines MTU has applied its tank engine and powerpack knowledge to install
In 1988, MTU took over the re sponsibility for Mercedes-Benz engines to be these engines in armoured fighting vehicles. In order to give a good
used in armoured fighting vehicles. These engines are based on the performance on slopes, a dry oil pan was introduced.
OM 440 family which are produced in large quantiti es and typically installed The engines of th e 183 series are available as 6. 8 and 12-cylinder
in heavy tru cks and buses. In this application they have proved to be very V-eng ines and cover a power range of 220 to 660 kW.
re liable.
Engine Model 6V 183 8V 183 12V 183
MODEL OM 441 LA OM 442 LA OM 444 LA
TYPE direct injection , 4-stroke, wet liners
NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 90° V-6 90° V-8 90· V-12
ASPIRATION turbocharged and intercooled
OUTPUT 294kW 441 kW 662 kW
SPEED 2300 rpm 2300 rpm 2300 rpm
WEIGHT OF ENGINE , DRY 740 kg 890 kg 1215 kg
DISPLACEMENT It I 14.61 21 .91
BORE/STROKE 128/140 mm 128/140 mm 128/140 mm
MTU Powerpacks While some parts are coming from Germ any much of the work is being
carried out in Turkey. The first batch of MTU 833 Aa V-6 engines were
assembled at Arifiye and the manufacturing agreement with MTU provides
Devel opment/Descripti on for the progressive increase In locally built parts in the future.
In addition to the extensive range of diesel engines covered in the previous Using the 6, 8 and 12-cylinder , 83 series engines, MTU has designed a
entry. MTU are also involved in th e supply of complete powerpacks for series of powerpacks . mainly for front driven vehicles, but also for rear
installati on in tracked armoured vehicles. driven vehicles .
Most of these powerpacks are the responsibility of MTU. They are used Examples of the front driven vehicles are Ihe Ml 13. ASCOD and AIFV
in new vehicles as well as retrofitted in older vehicles. (6V 183) TH 495, AV 90 and Trojan (8V t 83) while Ihe rear driven
A typical example is the powerpack for th e AM X-30 MBT which has been examples are the T-62 MBT and the T-54fT-55 MBT (12V 183) .
developed by MTU in conjunction with ZF. Most of these programmes are already at Ihe prototype stage and
This new power pack consists of the MTU MB 833 engine developing undergoing Irials. According to MTU , they all feature compactness, reliability ,
850 hp (625 kW) coupled to a ZF LSG 3000 fully automalic transmission low fuel consumption , ease of maintenance and the possibility of a quick
with integrated cooling and air filtration system. The cooling and air filtration change of the powerpack under field conditions.
systems were specially designed to meet all requirements, including that of MTU can now otfer power pack modernisation kits for the following
operation in a deserl environment. vehicle types :
The original AMX -30 brakes rem ain, but have been modified for improved
reliability , as have the final drives. SPECIFICATIONS
The Turkish Army has a large fleet of t 55 mm M44 and 105 mm M52 AFV Output
series self-propelled howitzers powered by an ineHicienl petrol engine. A Ml t3 series APC 300 hp
German consortium of MTU . GLS and Rheinmetall developed a conversion 8MP-IFV 300hp
kit which is now in series production for the Turkish Army. M4 I light tank 450 hp
Following trials with the prototype units, Turkey started a programme to M42SPAAG 450 hp
convert its M44 to the upg raded M44T standard. M44 SPH 450 hp
M52 SPH 450 hp
M47 MBT 750 hp
M48A 1, M48A2 MBT 750 or 1100 hp
M88ARV 750 or I tOO hp
Vickers Mk I. II & III 750 hp
Vijayanta MBT 750 hp
T-54fT -55fT-62 750 hp
Type 59 MBT 750 hp
AMX -30 MBT 850 hp
M60 MBT 750 or 1100 hp
Chieftain 1100 hp
Ml MBT 1500 or 1630 hp
Challenger 2 1500 or t630 hp
Leclerc 1500 or 1630 hp
Leopard 2 1500 or 1630 hp
MTU powerpack for light armoured vehicles such as the M113 series APe
232 A F V ENG I N E S J T RAN S MIS S ION SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S / G e r man y
Developmen tlDescription
The Renk HSWL 194 hydromechamcal power shift. reversing and steering
transmission has four gears forward and reverse and can be operated
fully and semi-automatically. This transmission is installed in the Marder 1
tFV and Roland 2 surface-to·air missite systems used by the German
The transmission can be mounted directly to the engine or via a connecting
component. The output shafts are transverse to the input.
Propulsion drive is via a torque converter with lock up clutch , shifting and
reversing gear to be shifted under load with planetary gear sets , multi-disc
brakes and clutches. Steering drive is infinitely variable by a hydrostatic-
hydrodynamic superimposed steering system.
As an additional brake on slopes a hydrodynamic retarder IS Installed.
The central oil supply consists of a built-in reservoir. pumps, filters. valves
and oil heat exchanger.
Controls include electric remote-control for gearshifting and reversing ,
mechanical or hydraulically actuated steering , mechanical actuating of the
emergency drive second gear forward and reverse when current falls.
A power take-oil is provided to connect the hydraulic pump for the Renk HSWL 194 transmission
vehicle brake system .
Options for the HSWL 194 transmission include an external testing Status: Production.
device , brake actuating system, sprocket drums , transmission suspension,
connecting cable between gear selector, electronic control unit. transmission Manufacturer: Renk AG , G6gginger Strasse 73, 0-8900 Augsburg, Federal
and vehicle, operating and output gear-type couplings, parking brake and Republic of Germany.
final drives. Tele~hone : 0821 5700221 Tele x: 53781 Fax: 0821 5700595
The Renk HSWL 284 transmission is a hydromechanical power shift ,
reversing and steering transmission with four gears forward and reverse
and was installed in the now cancelled t55 mm SP-70 and various trials
vehicles such as a new German fast mineclearing tank .
The tran smission can be operated fully automatically or semi-automatically
and can be mounted to the engine directly or via a connecting component.
The output shafts are transverse to the input.
Propulsion drive is via a torque converter with lock up clutch , shifting and
reversing gear to be shifted under load With planetary gear sets, multi-disc
brakes and clu tches.
Steering drive is infinitely variable by a hydrostatic-hydrodynamic
superimposed steering syste m. The transmission brake is a hydrodynamic
retarder at the transmission output shaft as part of the vehicle brake
system .
Controls include electric remote-control for gearshifting and reversing ,
mechanically or hydraulically actuated steering , mechanical actuating of
the emergency drive second forward gear and rev erse gear when the
curren t fails. A power take off from one of the two cooling fans is provided .
Options for the HSWL 284 automatic transmission include connecting
cable between gear selector, electronic control unit. transmission and Renk HSWL 2B4-C transmission
vehicle . output gear·type couplings, final drives , sprocket drums . brake
actuating system and external testing device.
The design 01 the HSWL 284 C and the HSWL 294 is similar, with the
Variants formerrated at a maximum of 900 kW and th e latter at 11 00 kW respectively ,
The latest versions are the HSWL 284 C and the HSWL 294. The former They also have power take-oils for driving the cooling fans which incorporate
has been installed in both prototypes of the Panzerhaubitze 2000 built to hydrodynamic couplings. These can be used to disconnect the fans when a
meet the requirements of the German Army. 155 mm PzH 2000 self- vehicle accelerates thereby reducing very significantly the drag due to the
propelled howitzer system in an L-powerpack configuration. Prototypes for inertia of its rotating parts, in addition to provi ding infinitely variable control
transverse-mounted powerpacks are under consideration. The HSWL 294 of the fan speed , The combined brake system (retarder, service and
will also be installed in a Chieftain MBT as a retrofit kit. parking brake) including the hydraulic control. is arranged at the transmission.
Status : Production as required. Manufacturer: Renk AG , G6gginger Strasse 73, 0 -8900 Augsburg , Federal
Republic of Germany .
Telephone: 0821 5700221 Telex : 53781 Fax : 0821 5700595
The HSWL 354 is a hydromechanical power shift , reversing and steering
transmission with four forward and two reverse gears and is installed in the
Leopard 2, Leopard 2 driver training vehicle, Armoured Recovery Vehicle 3
and Vickers Mk 7 MBT.
Operation is fully and semi-automatic and the transmission can be
mounted to the engine directly or via a connecting component. Mechanical
brakes are built on to the output shafts which are tran sverse to the input.
Propulsion drive is via a torque converter with lock up clutch, shifting and
reversing gear to be shifted under load with planetary gear sets , multi-disc
brakes and clutches.
Steering drive is infinitely variable by a hydrostatic-hyd rodynami c
superimposed steeri ng system.
The transmi ssion brake is a combined hydrodynamic-mechanical brake
system as service brake, without parking and auxiliary brakes.
The central oil supply consists of a built-in reservoir, pumps, filters and
valves. A connection for the oil heat exchanger is provided .
Controls consist of an electric remote-control for gearshifting and reversing ; Renk HSWL 354 transmission
mechanical actuation of steering , service brake and emergency drive
second gear forwa rd and reverse when th e current fails . Power take off is
from the two cooling fans .
Options for the HSWL 354 transmission include connecting cable between LENGTH 1040mm
gear selector, electronic control unit, transmission and vehicle , output gear- WIDTH 1720mm
type couplings , final drives , sprocket drums and external testing device. HEIGHT 780 mm
SPECIFICATIONS two cooling fans 150 kW
without oil 2250 kg
NUMBER OF GEARS 4 forward , 4 reverse Status : Production, By January 1993 over 3000 of these transmissions
GEAR RATIOS had been completed .
first 4.50
second 2.2t Manufacturer : Renk AG , G6gginger Strasse 73, D-8900 Augsburg , Federal
third 1.52 Republic of Germany .
fourth 1 Telephone : 0821 5700221 Telex : 53781 Fax : 0821 5700595
Developmen t/Description
The RK 304 is a hydromechanical power shift , reversing and steering
transmission and is used in new powerpacks installed in M48, M60 and
Centurion tanks , OTO Melara Palmaria 155 mm self-propelled howitzer
(coupled to MTU diesel) and the Arjun Indian MBT.
The transmi ssion can be attached to the engine directly or via an
intermediate structu re. The service and parking brakes are arranged on the
two transm ission ou tput shaft s positioned transversely to the input drive ,
The connection to the final drives can be made via disconnectable gear-
type couplings or via universal joints. Two mounting points are arranged on
the transmission for a three-point support of the powerpack.
The two-radii sup'erimposed steering tran smission is infinitely variable in
the large radius range .
Dry running disc brakes at both output shafts act as service and parking
brakes respectively . Static braking torque per side is 12000 Nm . The
electrically operated retarder at the transmission input side is electrically
actuated with a con tinuou s brake power of 225 kW. The power take-off is
primary side driven, not disconnectable, with a maximum output of 110 kW
Renk RK 304 transmission
Renk RK 304 transmission with two fan drives on top, infinitely speed
controlled . Thi s transmission is suitable for front or rear drive and allows th e Status : Production . By January 1993 over 1500 01 these tran smissions
vehicle to be tow started . had been completed .
Options for the RK 304 transmi ssion include connecting cable between
gear selector, electronic control un it , transmission and vehicle , output gear- Manufacturer: Renk AG , G6gginger Strasse 73, 0 -8900 Augsburg , Federal
type couplings , final drives , sprocket drums , brake actuating system and an Republic of Germany .
external testing device . Telephone : 0821 5700221 Telex : 53781 Fax: 0821 5700595
Developm ent/Description
This is basically similar to the earlier Renk transmissions but incorporates a
range pack with six speeds that can be used in reverse as well as forward .
instead of the four speeds. As it is intended for lighter vehicles, its steering
drive is also of the purely hydrostatic type and its hydraulic retarder is
upstream of the range pack. In addition it has been designed to be
adaptable to installations in the front or rear of vehicle hulls. The HSWL 106
IS raled up to a maximum of 450 kW .
ENGINE SPEED RANGE 2200-3000 rpm
without 011 1050 kg
NUMBER OF GEARS 6 forward. 6 reverse
firsl 5.30
second 3.64
third 2.53 Renk HSWL 106 transmission
fourth 1.74
fiflh t .21
sixth 0.83
LENGTH 850 mm
WIDTH 1065 mm Status: Development complete. Ready for producti on. Installed in prototypes
HEIGHT 800 mm of the private ven ture MARS 15 lig ht armoured ve hicle developed by
POWER TAKE OFF 70 kW Mecanique Creusot-Loire.
RETARDING ; Manufacturer: Renk AG. Giigginger Strasse 73. D-8900 Augsburg. Federal
BRAKING POWER 350 kW Republic of Germany.
OPERATING VOLTAGE 24 VI28 V Telephone : 0821 570022 1 Telex : 5378 1 Fax : 082 1 5700595
HSWL 224 Manufacturer: Renk AG. Giigginger Strasse 73. D-8900 Augsburg. Federal
This has been designed for engines of 500 to 650 kW and is used for Republic of Germany .
repower packages for the French AMX-30 MBT. Telephone: 082 1 5700 22 1 Telex: 53781 Fax: 082 1 5700 595
Renk Transmissions For Heavy Wheeled The modular design for the HS transmission fa mily giv es vehicle
Vehicles ma nufacturers a high degree of fle xibility in th ei r powerpack and drive train
Development/Description The automati c transmission is equipped with a hydrodynam ic torque
Renk's five, six and seven gear automatic transmissions have been co nve rter which also se rves as a retarder. Thi s relieves the wheeled
developed specifically to meet th e requirements of heavy wheeled arm oured brakes, wh ich are subjected to very high thermal loads in heavy vehicles.
vehicles. The production range comprises a complete fam ily of transmissions Shifting of th e automatic transmission . as well as th e monitoring and
deSig nated HS and WR -PS designed for use with engines having an outpu t control of oth er driveline components . is effected via a central electroni c
of 240 kW to 735 kW and a maximum possible engine torque of 3000 Nm . contro l unit.
A typical example is the German Daimler-Benz 8 x 8 armoured vehicle Status : Production as required.
developed as a private venture and fitted with a Leopard t turret armed with
aIDS mm gun. This has a combat weight of 31 tonnes and is powered by a Manufacturer : Renk AG , GCigginger Strasse 73, D-8900 Augsburg. Federal
Daimler-Benz OM 444 LA diesel engine developing 750 hp (552 kW) at Republic of Germany.
2100 rpm which gives a maximum road speed of about 100 km /h. The Telephone: 0821 570022t Telex : 53781 Fax : 0821 5700595
engine is coupled to a Renk fully autom atic tran smisSion type HS 226
combined with a transfer gear type V09 .
The LSG 3000 automatic power shift transmission has been designed as a
private venture by ZF and entered production in 1984. By late 1992 over
700 LSG 3000 transmissions had been completed and licence manufacture
was also underway in South Korea. Late in 1990 about 20 per cent of the
transmission was being built in South Korea with the remainder still coming
from Germany, but as time goes on the local production con tent is expected
to increase.
The LSG 3000 has been installed in private venture Giat Industri es
AM X-40 MBT and in the AMX·30 MBT in Spain where it is produced under
licence by Bazan for the repowering programme. The LSG 3000 has also
been selected by Italy for its new Cl MBT. It has been designed for
installation in tracked vehicles with a maximum power output of 1100 kW.
The LSG 3000 is an integrated system with the gear changing mechanism
and steering gear accommodated within the same casing . Pre-assembled
and tested assemblies are introduced into the one-piece casing through
large openings and bolted in posi tion. Replacement or servicing of any ZF LSG 3000 fully automatic transmission cutaway to show main components
assembly can be accomplished very quickly .
This tran smission has been designed for front and rear drive applications
as two differently shaped casings and various facilities at the input end The electroniC gear change control system IS housed within a heavy duty
make this transmission adaptable to all driveline configu rations. metal housing providing maximum protection against electromagnetic
The LSG 3000 has fo ur forward and two reverse gears and the converter interference and mechanical shocks up to 109. The gear change programme
operates wi th lock up clutch in all gears to eliminate Slip losses . A secondary is matched to the vehicle and gearbox parameters including the number of
retarder is incorporated in the LSG 3000 and thi s takes up most of the gears , transmiSSion ratios, and road and load conditions.
braking force . Mechanical brakes respond only at lower speeds when the The final drive unit P 25000 completes the full selection of LSG 3000
effect of the retarder reduces. driveline units and its epicyclic gears are capable of multiplying the gearbox
The LSG 3000 has a superimposed mechanical three·radius steering torque by a ratio of 1:4.67.
unit and an infinitely variable range . At high speeds a sensitive infinitely
variable steering is possible. At lower speeds and on rough terrain the fixed Status : Production
radii are engaged. By this combination the efficiency of the tran smission is
improved. This steering unit can transmit full power down to vehicle halt. Manufacturer : ZF Fnednchshafen AG, Friedrichshafen DiVision . Postfach
Central and sidemounted PTOs are available for fan drives and these 2520 . 0 -7990 Fnedrlchshafen 1. Federal Republic of Germany.
operate at diHerent levels to suit individual cooling requirement s. Telephone' 0 7541 770 Telex: 734 207-0
ZF LSG 2000 Transmission announced in 1988. The LSG 1500 has a hydroslatic steering system while
Ihe LSG 2000 has a dual steering drive with a hydrostatic stage followed by
a mechanical stage.
The LSG 2000 transmission has been designed as a private venture by ZF SPECIFICATIONS
and is a member of a family of fully automatic transmissions that also Versi on LSG 2000 LSG 1500
includes the LSG 3000, LSG 1500 and the LSG 1000. MAX ENGINE POWER 737 hp (550 kW) 536 hp (400 kW)
The LSG 2000 is already in volume production for installation in the MAX ENGINE TORQUE 2700 Nm 2000 Nm
Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering 155 mm AS90 self-propelled artillery RETARDER TORQUE 1200 Nm 1200 Nm
system ordered by the British Army in mid-1989. First production AS90s WEIGHT 1350 kg 1150 kg
were completed for the British Army in 1992. MAX GROSS VEHICLE
WEIGHT 36 000 kg 22 000 kg
Description ENGINE SPEED adaptation to different engine speeds by means
The LSG 2000 is of modular design and construction for installation in of variable drive units
medium-duty tracked vehicles with an input power of up to 737 hp GEAR RATIOS
(550 kW) . 1st forward 4.15 4.15
It is composed of nine separate operational modules each of which is 2nd forward 2.36 2.36
separately assembled and installed in the transmission housing. A number 3rd forward 1.57 1.57
of additional units/accessories are available including an engine connection 4th forward 1 1
flangelflexible coupling, speed range selector SGK-W, electronic automatic 15t reverse 4.52 4.52
shift control unit AEM-6M, compact cable harness , steering linkage, actuating 2nd reverse 1.38 1.38
device for emergency gear shift, oil cooler, load sensor for pressure
modulation, starter interlock for steering gear , speedometer including Status: LSG 2000 in production for 155 mm AS90 self-propelled artillery
mounting kit , fan pump and final drive and brake . system. LSG 1500 still at prototype stage.
The LSG 2000 has a torque converter with lock up clutch and automatically
controlled epicyclic gear train that provides four forward and Iwo reverse Manufacturer: ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Friedrichshafen Division, Postfach
speeds, although alternative sets of gears can provide up to eight forward 2520, D-7990 Friedrichshafen I, Federal Republic of Germany.
speeds if required , It also incorporates a hydrodynamic retarder. Telephone : 0 754 1 770 Telex : 734 207-0
The main advantages of the LSG 2000 are as follows:
(a) assembly and disassembly of the complete unit is highly flexible
(b) It can be tailored to suit engines and tracked vehicles across the
appropriate performance range
(c) it is suitable for installation in front and rear drive vehicles
(d) it has a wide range of ratios possible to adapt the transmission to
different engine speed ranges and vehicle speeds
(e) adaptation of input ground by means of variable distance between
transmission and engine centres in both horizontal and vertical planes
(f) various versions of flange-mounted fan pump
(g) torque converter locked up in uneconomic operating range in all gears
(h) hydrodynamic primary retarder relieves the load on the mechanical
(i) extended maintenance intervals for the service brakes
U) easy to operate as it has automatic shifting cycles
(k) economic operation by versatile microprocessor controlled drive
(I) pivot turning capability
(m)high manoeuvrability due to hydrostatic mechanical superimposed
steering gears. This combination enables infinitely variable steering at
higher speeds and fixed radii for low speeds or on rough terrain with
high efficiency.
The LSG 1500 is similar to the LSG 2000 but has a different capacily and a
different steering system. The LSG 1500 fully automatic transmission has ZF LSG 2000 fully automatic transmission cutaway to show position of main
been installed in the private venture Krupp MaK Armoured Vehicle 90 components
The LSG 1000 transmission has been designed as a private venture by ZF
and is a member 0( a family of fully automatic transmissions that also
includes the LSG 3000 , LSG 2000 and th e LSG 1500 which are covered in
previous entries.
It has been designed for front-end installation in lightweight tracked
vehicles weighing up to 17 tonnes with a maximum engine outpul of 375 hp
(280 kW).
For trials purposes it has already been installed in an M 113 series APC
coupled to an MTU 6V 183 TC22 engine (qv) .
By 1992 a total of 15 LSG 1000 automatic transmissions had been built
by ZF and development was complete . Trials of an M113 fitted with an MTU
engine coupled to a ZF LSG 1000 transmi ssion have been completed by
the German Army.
The main advantages of the LSG 1000 are as follows:
(a) it can be tailored to suit a wide range of engines and tracked vehicles
across the performance range
(b) input ratios can be adapted to suit different speeds of engine and
vehicles Cutaway drawing of ZF LSG 1000 fu lly automatic transmission showing
(c) it can be fitted with a PTO unit for fan pump position of main components
(d) greater vehicle mobility due to wide ratio range and high overall efficiency
(e) it has a torque converter lock up to avoid uneconomic operating range
in all gears (g) easy to operate transmission system due to automatic gear change
(I) there is option to fit a service and parking brake assembled with the sequences and a consequent improvement in driver efficiency
transmission which avoids excessive stresses and errors in turning (h) econo mic operation by versatil e microprocessor con tro ll ed drive
radius during simUl taneous steering and braking programme
G e r man y - I S rae I / A F V ENG I N E S , T RAN S MIS S ION SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S 237
(i) good mobility combined with ease of operation due to infinitely variable MAX GROSS VEHICLE
hydrostatic superimposed steering gear WEIGHT t6000kg
OJ pivot turning capability ENGINE SPEED adaptation to different engine
(k) consistent response to steering controls irrespective of direction of speeds by means of variable drive
(I) the engine can be tow started. 1st forward 5.85
In addition to the hydrostatic fan drive. a variety of au xiliary unitsl 2nd fo rward 3.82
accessories is available including an oil cooler. final drive . servicing and 3rd lorward 2.54
parking brake . brake con trol. fan pump drive . engine connection flangel 4th forward 1.65
flexible coupling . speed range selector, electronic automatic command 5th forward 1.15
unit. compact cable harness. steering control, actuating device for emergency 6th forward 0.75
gear change , engine load sensor. engine starter interlock and speedometer 1st reverse 5.85
with mounting kit. 2nd reverse 2.54
3rd reverse 1.15
MAX ENGINE POWER 375 hp (280 kW) Status : Prototype tes ted in M11 3 series APC .
WEIGHT 650 kg Manufacturer: ZF Friedrichshafen AG . Friedrichshafen Division . Postfach
2520. 0-7990 Friedrichshafen 1, Federal Republic of Germany.
Telephone: 0 7541 770 Telex : 734 207-0
ZF 4 HP 220
This compact automatic transmi ssion has four forward and one reverse
gear and has been designed for installation in light vehicles such as the
Wiesel. Ogum and VBL.
ZF 6 HP 500/600
This is installed in the Transportpanzer 1 (6 x 6) vehicle. Three coupled
epicyclic gear assemblies acting together with three rotating multi-disc
clutches and three multi-disc brakes give six forward and one reverse
ZF HP 1500/2000
5-8 speed power shill gearbox for 6 x 6 and 8 x 8 driveline configurations .
Already installed in heavy fire-fighting vehicles and APC/AFV . covering a
power range from 450-830 hp. T he HP 1500 is installed in the Italian
Centauro 8 x 8 105 mm tank destroyer ordered by the Italian Army and with
first production vehicles being completed in 1990.
NIMDA Retrofit Powerpacks AMX-13 light tank
The company has also modified an AMX- 13 light tank by replac ing its petrol
Development engine with the Detroit Diesel 6V-53T developing 300 hp at 2800 rpm . and
NIMDA has designed and bu ilt to th e prototype stage the Shoet (6 x 6) installing a new NIMDA designed automatic transmission specifically to fit
troop carrier. details of which were given in Jane 's Armour and Artillery Ihe existing hull.
1985-86, page 307. NIMDA concentrates on the modernisation of tracked The ve hicle also has an Elbit Lancelot fire -control system which
and wheeled armoured fighting vehicles in the three key areas of armour. incorporates a laser rangefinder. digital computer and a second generation
mobility and fire-power. The company is supported by the Detroit Diesel image intensifier sight. As the Israeli Army no longer operates the AM X-t 3
Corporation and NIMDA's associate company. Diesel Engineering Limited . light tank this is aimed specifically at the export market.
is the Israeli distributor for Allison Transmission as well as the AC Delco Other options for the AMX -13 include diHerent armament installations
Division of General Motors. (60 mm . 90 mm or 105 mm) . a fire extinguishing system and add-on armour
The automotive conversion is also applicable to other members of the
AM X-13 light tank family.
M113 APC upgraded by NIMDA to M113A3 standard with new powerpack PT-76 light tank modernised by NIMDA with 90 mm gun and many other
and additional armour protection improvements
Centurion The eng ine fea tur es low hea t reject ion heads , high e fficiency
Modernisation package includes the installation of a new diesel powerpack, turbocharg ers, air change aftercooler/in tercooler combustion and a
consisting 01 a 12-cylinder diesel developing 900 hp coupled to a CD-850 mechanically driven positive displacement blower wi th bypass system .
automatic transmission, and new gun control equipment , upgunning to The microprocessor-controlled DDEC II system gives the engine a number
105 mm, new fire -control and optical systems and installation of other key of advantages including reduction of smoke and noise during vehicle
subsystems such as add-on arm our and a new suspension system acceleration, improved acceleration under combat con ditions, faster engine
warm-up combat readiness, reduced start time at low ambient temperatures
and self-diagnosis. The Iransmission has fou r forward and two reverse
Sherman gears with th e ATEC I controller providing lower fu el consumption , reduced
Modernisation package includes Installation of a new diesel powerpack , overheating problems. improved transmission reliabi lil y and longer operating
Installalion of a TAAS - Israel Industries Ltd 60 mm HVWS, covered in the life, easier driver training and self-diagnosis.
Armoured Fighting Vehicle Armament seclion and a new fire-control system , The HAC cooling system is integrally mounted on the powerpack. An
A quanlity of Shermans upgraded to this standard has been exported to an electronic control device communicates with both th e DD EC II and th e
undisclosed country . ATEC I.
The powerpack is fitted with a 650 amp Bendix alternator which is
M41 light tank already fitted to a number of MBTs such as the Ml and M60 .
Basic modernisation package includes a new powerpack with the option of like former Soviet MBTs, an MBT fitted with the new NIMDA powerpack
replaceme nt of 76 mm gun by 60 mm HVWS , new fire-control system , new can lay its own smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel into its exhaust pipes.
optics and other key subsystems.
M24 light tank LENGTH 142 cm
Modernisation package includes new power pack, Installation of new main WIDTH 99 cm
armament. new fire-control system. new optics and other key subsystems. HEIGHT 107 cm
WEIGHT 1042 kg
OUTPUT 850 bhp at 2300 rpm
PT-76 light amphibious tank
The modernisation package includes the installation of a new Detroit Diesel
6V-92T developing 270 hp coupled to the original Soviet manuallransmission
M113A 1IM113A2
with a new clutch assembly; as an alternative, th e NIMDA N-302 transmission Existing M 113 seri es APC s can be fitted with new diesel powerpacks in lhe
can be installed. The kit also incl udes a 24 V 200 Ah alternator. new cooling 216/265 hp range and in addition an improved cooling system has been
and electrical systems and fuel . exhaust, air inlet. hull and top deck introduced .
The original 76 mm gun has been repl aced by a 90 mm weapon that can M113A3
fire a wide range of ammunition including APFSOS. The 7.62 mm coa xial This is the latest modification package and includes the retrofit of powerpacks
machine gun has been replaced by a NATO 7.62 mm machine gun and a In the 275 to 300 hp range, improved protection . improved su spension ,
similar weapon can be mounted on th e turret roof for anti-ai rcraft defence. automatic lire extingui shing system , external luel tanks, NBC system and
Smoke dischargers can be installed on either side of th e turret if required. new remotely operated 7.62 mm machine guns.
To improve first round hit capability, a new fire-control system has been
installed togeth er with a new day/night sight for the gunner that also BTR-50 Amphibious AP C
incorporat es a laser ra ngefinder. This repower package is similar to that of the PT-76 but the vehicle also has
A new solid state all-electric gun/turret stabilisation and power control new day and night observation equipment and if required new armament
system has replaced th e original Soviet system and a new fire extinguishing installation . The latter includes a bow-mounted machine gun to provide
system has also been installed. suppressive fi re over th e frontal arc, two roof -mounted 7.62 mm machine
gu ns and option of passive night vision equipment for comm ander, gunner
MBT Powerpack and driver.
In 1991 NIMDA stated that it had developed an 850 hp powerpack for
installation in a wide range of MBTs including the French AMX -30 and the HWK-11 APC
former Soviet T -54fT -55 and T -62. It is believed thaI at least one of the Mexican army's HWK-l1 APC s has
The new powerpack comprises the Detroit Diesel Model 8V -92T A with been upgraded with a new diesel engine coupled to an automat ic
Detroit Diesel Electronic Control II (DDEC) . Allison XT G 411 Iransmission transmission and other subsystems replaced . Mexico is Ihe only user of th e
with Allison Transmission Electronic Control (ATEC) I, cooling system and HWK- l1 .
connection group.
Half-track APC
The retrofit programme includes a complete repowering kit, oplional fully
automatic transmission. reconditioning kit and various optional a rmament
install ations.
At present the company is designing th e Medium Weight Main Battle Tank
which will be fitted with a modern powerpack, 105 mm or 120 mm main
armamenl with advanced fire -con trol systems and optics and a turret drive
and stabilisatio n system .
Vehi cle Engine Engine Transmission Max Ro ad Max Range
type hp (automatic) speed
AMX-13 6V-53T 300 N-303 60 kmlh 550 km
Centurion 12V920TA 900 CD-850 45 km/h 450 km
Sherman 8V-7IT 475 non-automatic 41 km/h 420 km
M41 BV-7IT 470 CD 500-3 70 kmlh 420 km (note A)
M24 6V-53T 300 MT-653 48 km/h 450 km
T-54fT-55 8V-92TA 850 XTG-4 11 n/av nlav (note B)
M3 half-track 6V-53 172 TX-l00 72 kml h 500 km
BTR-50 6V-92T 270 N-302 51 kml h 250 km
PT-76 6V-92T 270 N-302 51 kml h 250 km
AMX -30 12V920TA 830 CD-850 nlav nlav
I S rae I - I t a I y / A F V ENG I N E S , T RAN S MIS S ION SAN 0 POW E R PAC K S 239
Vehicle Engine Engine Transmission Max Road Max Range
type hp (automatic) speed
M113Al SV-53N 21S TX-l00 nl av nlav
M113A2 SV-53T 2S5 TX-l00- 1A nlav 485 km
M113A3 6V-53T 300 X-200-4 nlav 485 km
V-lOON-I SO 8.2L 205 AT-545 nl av nlav
NIMDA MBT 12V92QTA 1200 X· ll00-5 n/av nl av
HWK-ll SV-53 210 TX-l00 SO kml h 400 km
A Also available with 6V-92T engi ne developing 470 hp coupled to X-300
or CD -500-3 automatic transmission
B Also applicable to T-S2 and AM X-30 MBTs
RAFAEL Upgrading of Combat Vehicles Launchers : For rockels, missiles or grenades, Independenlly operaled
or slaved to a remole-conlrol system,
Automotive improvements : This covers improvemenls to Ihe power
Development/Description Irain and suspension syslems 10 accommodale additional weigh!, added
Building on their extensive experience in th e design, development and power or changes in dimensions.
upgrading of armoured fighting vehicles and subsystems, the Field Systems Command and control : This includes Ihe inslallation of such systems as
Department of RAFAEL are now offering to upgrade armoured fighting Ihe heading reference syslem or mission planning syslems.
vehicles for other defence forces. Delailed information on some of the extensive range of RAFAEL
Typical areas of upgrading include: Subsyslems are given in Ihe relevanl sections of Jane 's Armoured Fighting
Armour protection and survivability : This includes lightweight passive Vehicle Retrofit Systems , including fhe following :
and explosive reacti ve armour for increased survivability and th e integration Explosive reactive armour
of sophisticated deception technologies including automatic lire extinguishers Toga passive add-on arm our
and fire resistant ammunition cases . Screen obscurant smoke system
Overhead weapon stations : This has been full y developed and can be Overh ead weapon station
fitted with light and medium calibre machine guns onto any circular opening RAFCOM-l heading reference sys tem
with a diameter from 430 mm upwards. The gu nner can operate the Periscopic view sight
weapon from inside or outside the vehicle depending on the operational NITE LITE target acquisition system.
requirements .
Electro-optical sensors : These include thermal , optical and TV sensors Status : Production as required .
for target observation , acquisiti on and aiming under both day and night
condition s and under all weather conditions. The optical modules can be Manufacturer : RAFAEL, PO Box 2250/80, IL-3 1021 Haifa, Israel.
installed on a fo lding or quickly erected mast or suspended from a helium Telephone: 972 4 794784 Telex : 47 1508 VERED IL Fax: 972 4 494703
filled Observation Balloon System (OBS) deployed from Ihe vehicle.
Devetopmentl Description Building on its experience in the manufacture of the 4 HP 250 transmission
IVECO FIAT has developed a new fam ily of four-stroke, diesel/multi-fu el. for th e Italian built Leopard t MBTs, IVECO FIAT is proposing the German
direct injecti on , turbocharged and intercooled engines in V-6 , V-8 and V- t2 ZF LSG t 500 , 2000 and 3000 automatic transmissions fo r use with their
configu rations fo r installation in th e new family of armoured fighting vehicles engines .
for the Italian Army . The VSM TCA is already in production for the Bl Centauro (8 x 8) tank
These utilise commercial components to red uce both procu rement and destroyer and in this application is coupled to a ZF 5 HP-1500 transmission .
life-cycle costs . The commercial eng ines have been militari sed in a number The V6M TCA is also installed in Ihe prototypes of the OTO Melara VCC -80
of areas including. the ability to operate in high longitudinal/lateral slopes, infantry fighting vehicle and in thi s applicati on is coupled to a ZF LSG 1500
high temperatures and multi-fuel operations in extrem e environmental Iransmission. The V 12M TCA. coupled to a ZF LSG 3000 automatic
conditions. They also have increased specific power with boosted transmission is installed in fhe six prototypes of the OTO Melara C 1 Ariete
supercharging integrated by feeding air cooling (aftercooling ). MBT
The complete powerpack comprises the engine , transmission, ai r filter
assembly, cooling group and the exhausl group .
Powerpack for the G 1 Ariete MBT consists of the !VEGa FIA T V12M Powerpack for tile VGG-80 infantry figh ting vehIcle whIch Includes the
TGA V- 12 diesel developing 1200 hp coupled to the ZF LSG 3000 automatic IVEGa FIA T V6M TGA engine developing 600 hp at 2300 rpm
240 A F V ENG I N E 5, T RAN 5 MISS ION 5 AND POW E R PAC K 5 / I t a I y - Pol and
MMC V-1 50 Commando Repower Kit
Development/Descripti on
In response to a requiremenl issued by the Malaysian Ministry of Defence ,
MMC Engineering Services Sdn Bhd , a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad , developed a new powerpack for the
Cadi llac Gage V-150 Commando (4 x 4) multi-role vehicle which is used by
Ihe Malaysian Army,
This consists of a Cummins V-6-155 diesel engine coupled 10 a fully
automatic Allison Transmission AT-545 transmission .
The first prototype was presented to the Malaysian Ministry of Defence in
July 1987 and by early 1988 over 10000 km of trial s had been undertaken
during which time it was demonstrated that not only were total life cycle
costs reduced but also the operational range of th e vehicle was increased
to 800 km .
In June 1988, Alvis announced that it had entered into a formal joint
venture agreement with MMC to use an Alvis upgrade package that it has
designed and built for the Ferret scout car, for a potential Malaysian Army Ma/aysian Army Cadillac Gag e V-150 repo wered by MMC Engineering
requirement. This upgrade package consists of a Perkins turbocharged Services (Christopher F Foss)
4-cylinder Phaser diesel engine coupled to a Chrysler A727 automatic
transmission. The Ferret conversion has now been accepted by Malaysia
and additional details are given under the United Kingdom . Manufacturer : MMC Engineering Services Sdn Bhd , 32nd Floor Menara
PNB, 201 A Jalan Tun Razak , PO Box 10936 , 50730 Kuala Lumpur,
Status : Development of the MMC V-ISO Commando repower kit is complete, Malaysia.
awaiting formal go ahead from the Malaysian Army, Telephone : 2616000 Telex : MA 313 16
ROM AFV Retrofit Packages In addition to a complete overhaul, the vehicles are also having a new
powerpack consisting of a Detro it Diesel Model 6V-53T developing 280 hp
Developm ent/Description coupled to a Rockford fu lly automatic transmi ssion.
Although RDM Defence Engineering is widely known for its upgrade The company is also overhauling 30 155 mm M 109 self-propelled artill ery
packages for the 155 mm M1 14 and 105 mm M1 01 towed artillery sys tems systems of the Canadian Armed Forces and also install ing as hp auxi liary
(Jane 's Armour and Arlillery 199211993 pages 655/656) , the company also power unit.
carries out the overhaul and modernisation of tracked armoured vehicles Early in 1993 RDM was selected to overh aul 137 155 mm M 1092 self-
fo r the home and export market. propelled howitzers of the Royal Neth erl ands Army between 1993 and
One of the more recent conlracts has been the modernisation and 1996,
upgrade of the whole fleet of AMX series of light track armoured vehicles for
Qatar. This contract was awarded late in 1991 with first upgraded vehicles Status : Production as req uired,
being delivered early in 1993,
A total of 57 vehicles is being upgraded , 22 155 mm Mk F3 self-propelled Manufacturer: RDM BV General Engineerin g Depart ment, PO Box 913,
guns, 33 members of lhe AMX VCI family includi ng command post vehicles NL-3000 AX Rotterdam, Netherland s,
and ammunition resupply vehicles and two AMX,13 armoured recovery Telephone: (3 1 10) 487 2747 Telex: 20753 rdm nl
veh icles. Fax: (3 1 10) 487 2299
Zaklady Mecaniczne PZL - WOLA Diesel Engines CYLIND ERS 12, 60' V fo rm
RATED OUTPUT 625 (574) kW at 2000 rpm
Development/Description CRANKSHAFT SPEED 3360 (3090) Nm at 1300/1400 rpm
This company manufactures diesel engines for full tracked vehicles originally TOTAL PISTON
designed in the former Soviet Union but subsequently made under licence DISPLACEMENT 38.88 cu.dcm
in Poland and often considerably improved , COMPRESS ION RATIO 14
Model S1 2-U LENGTH 1480 mm
TYPE 4-stroke, multi-fuel. water-cooled HEIGHT 902 mm
wilh direct fuel injection ,
supercharged Note : Data in brackets re lates to the earlier W46-6 engi ne where different
P ol an d - S i n g a p 0 re i A F V ENG I N E 5 , T RAN 5 MISS ION 5 AND POW E R PAC K 5 241
Model W55-U
APPLICATION T-55 and T-62 MBTs l ENGTH 1412mm
TYPE 4-stroke, diesel , water-cooled with WIDTH 977mm
direct fuel injection HEIGHT 893mm
CYLINDERS 12, 600 V form
RATED OUTPUT 456 kW at 2000 rpm Model A 650-G
MAX TORQUE AT APPLI CATION Model 668 artillery tractor
CRANKSHAFT SPEED 2400 Nm at 1200/1400 rp m TYPE 4-stroke, water-cooled diesel with
TOTAL PISTON direct fuel injection
DISPLACEMENT 38.88 cu .dcm CYLINDE RS 12, 60· V form
lENGTH 1584mm CRANKSHAFT SP EED 1520 Nm at 900/1000 rpm
HEIGHT 896mm DISPLAC EMENT 38.88 cu .dcm
APPLICATION PT-76 light amphibious tank LENGTH 1732 mm
TYPE 4-stroke, water-cooled diesel with WIDTH 897 mm
direct fuel injection HEIGHT 813 mm
CYLI NDERS 6 in-line
RATED OUTPUT 176 kW at 1800 rp m Status : All of these engines are produced as required . In service with
MAX TORQUE AT Poland and other countries.
CRANKSH AFT SPEED 1100 Nm at 1050/ 1200 rpm
TOTAL PI STON Manfacturer: Zaklady Mechaniczne PZL - WOLA, PL-00-961 Warsaw,
DISPLACEMENT 19.1 cu.dcm Poland.
COMPRESSION RATIO 15 Telephone : 36 84 45 Telex : 814751 zmin pi
DRY ENGINE WEIGHT 850 kg Fax : 3745 13
The BRAVIA company has the technical ability to retrofit, re power and UK - Tanks - Chieftain , Centurion, Vickers
re novate th e following armoured fighting vehicles using key subsystems France - Tanks - AMX-30 and AMX-13
supplied by Germany , the United Kingdom and the United States. For the Former USSR - Tanks- T-54/T-55, T-62 , PT-76
heavier AFVs Detroit Diesel Corporatio n engines are used including the APC - BTA-50, BMP
6V-53T , 6V-92T , 8V-71T and 12V-7 1T and coupled to Allison Transmission Armoured cars - BRDM-2
fully automatic transmissions. Cooling systems are suppl ied by Airscrew China· Tank - Type 59
while 90 mm and 105 mm guns are supplied by Rh einmetall and fo r some
applications, missiles are supplied by Euromi ssile. Status : Available .
The company has also developed a repower package for its Chaimite
fami ly of 4 x 4 AP Cs which consists of a Detroit Diesel engi ne coupled to an Manufacturer: BRAVIA SA, Porto Alto , P-135 Samora Correia, Portugal.
Allison TX-200 automatic transmission Telephone : (063) 62256/62257 Telex: 127 15 BRAVIA P
Modernisation packages are available for the following AFVs Fax : (1) 284-6293
USA - Tanks - M4A3 Sherm an, M5, M24, M41 , M47 and M48
SPG - M42, Ml07, Ml08, Ml09 and MI l O
APC - half-tracks including M3Al and M16,
M1 13 into M113Al /M1 13A2IM11 3A3 ,
Ml06Al , M125A l , M132Al , M577Al
Singapore Automotive Engineering The fully automatic transmission has five forward and two reverse speeds
and is controlled by an Electrical Control Unit (ECU) which is lhe brain of
Singapore Automotive Engineering was established in 1971 as the the powerpack and programmed to protect againsl unsafe shifts. In the
automotive mai ntenance facility for military vehicles of th e Singapore armed case of an electrical failure there is a mechanical fa llback.
forces. Their acti vities cover a wide range of automotive engineering The engine kit is also designed for coupli ng with the original manual
services, including rebu ilding and modifications of military vehicles, tracked transmission.
and w heeled and custom design of special purpose vehicles. The company
also undertakes turnkey projects in the setting up of workshop and logistics SAE Improved hull electrical system
systems relating to automotive mai ntenance. This is a totally new concept electrical system for upgrading the original
Singapore Automotive Engineering has established four subsidiaries, system to modern day fighting vehicle standards . It is based on four 12 V
Singapore Ordn ance Engineering Pte Ltd (SOE), SAE Automotive Supplies batteries connected both in series and parallel so that if any single battery
Pte Ltd (SAS), SA E Inspection Services Pte Ltd (S IS) and Singapore fails the others can still supply power. There is also a new 28 V 160 A fully
Commuter Pte Ltd (SCl ). Th e company is a member of the Singapore suppressed alternator which is more reliable than the old dynamo system
Technologies Holdings. and is easier to maintain.
For many years Singapore Automotive Engineering overhauled AMX -13 A new electrical slip ring has been fitted and a new ergonomically
light tanks of the Singapore armed forces and since 1988 has also been designed instrument panel has been installed for the driver. The electrical
upgrading these vehicles. harness is to military standards and is sealed in shrinkable polyolesin
More rece ntly Singapore Automotive Engineering has developed a series tubing to protect it against oil , fuel and moisture. It is also heat resistant and
of moderni sation ki ts for upgrading and improving the AM X- 13's automotive is easy to maintain as it can be quickly disconnected and replaced tor
and hull systems. repair .
Powerpack for the AMX·13 SM1 consists of the Detroit Diesel 6V·53T
coupled to a ZF 5WG- 1BO automatic transmission
AMX- 13 SM1 upgraded by Singapore Automotive Engineering
AMX-13 AMX-13 SM1
POWER·TO-WEIGHT RATIO 16.6 hp/t 19 hp/t
MAX SPEED 61 km/h 64 km/h
FUEL CAPACITY 480 I 480 I Cadillac Gage Textron V-200
FUEL CONSUMPTION Many of these 4 x 4 APCs have been modified by Singapore and fitted with
road (1/100 km) 110-130 100 the Swedish Bofors RBS 70 su rface-to-air missile sys tem . A repowering kit
cross-country (1Ih) 50·60 25·30 has also been developed for thi s vehicle by SAE.
road 350 ·400 km 450·500 km M113 series armoured personnel carrier
cross-country 8·9 h 16·19 h Vari ous modifications have been carried out on these vehicles used by the
WHEEL TRAVEL (STATIC TO Singapore armed forces including the installation of a 120 mm mortar, all
BUMP) 115 mm 275 mm electric turret sys tem and other upgrading kits .
CLEARANCE 115mm 275 mm
Other capabili ties
CAPACITY (g) 2.25 4.5 These include the installation of fire -control systems in armoured fighting
SHOCK TRANSMISSION RMS AT vehicles to improve th eir first round hit probability , rebuilding of components
DRIVER 'S POSITION AT 20 km/h 17.0 2.5 and assemblies and the design and developmenl of maintenance tacilities
according to custom ers ' require ments.
Upgrading of Cadillac Gage Textron V-1 OO/v-150 and Manufacturer: Singapore Automotive Engineering Pte Ltd, 5 Portsdown
Chaimite Road, Singapore 0513 ,
SAE oHers the Detroit Diesel Corporation 8V 82T diesel engine coupled to Telephone: 4736311 Telex : SINENG RS 25755
an Allison Transmi ssion AT -545 transmission an d a new drive line. Fax: 4710662
Placencia CO-850 Transmission Production details of which are given later in this section under th e United States ot
Am e rica .
Description After a pre· series of 20 CD-850-6A automatic transmissions built in
In addition to manufacturing ammunition for the Swedish Bofors 40 mm Spain by late t 990 lor installation in th e upgraded AMX -30 MBTs of the
Ll70 towed an li-aircraft gun system used by the Spanish Army (qv Spanish Army , the company has suppl ied new transmissions and spare
Ammunition section) th e Sociedad An onima de Placencia de las Armas parts to th e USA, Europe and the Far East. The CD-850-6A is also suitable
has manufactu red components for th e Spanish Army's AMX ·30 MBTs. for installation in modern ised vehicl es such as th e former Soviet T ·54fT -55
It also manufactures assemblies and components for the Oerlikon- MBT ,
Contraves twin 35 mm anti·aircraft gun , 20 mm Oerlikon-Contraves light
anti -aircraft gun and the OTO Melara 105 mm Model 56 Pack Howitzer. Manufacturer: Sociedad Anonima de Placencia de las Armas , Apartado
More recently the company has started to manufacture, under licence de correos no 8, E-20140 Andoain (Guipuzcoa ), Spain ,
from the United States, the Allison CD-850-6 serie s automatic tran smission , Telephone: (43) 592011 Telex : 36 176 SAPA E Fax : (43) 592703
Alvis Scorpion Repower Package specification rather than the Jaguar petrol engine versions currently used
by the British Army,
Diesel conversion packag es ca n be undertaken in-country with the
Development/Description assistance of Al vis service engineers or at the company 's facility in th e UK
Following extensive trials and evaluation , Alvis Limited now offers a diesel and can also include training courses.
conversi on package for all Scorpion CV R(T) tracked armoured ve hicles. Main advantages of thi s conversion can be summarised as :
According to Al vis , the engine, which is of proven design , allows for Reduced fu el consumption
system compatibility and offers all of the financial, logistical , operational Increased operational range
and technical advantages associated with diesel powered vehicles. This Increased lite between overhau ls
package provides th e same elfective system as that currently in service Reduced maintenance tim e and costs
with a number of Alvis customers who initi ally setected the Perkins diesel Reduced lire haza rd ,
ENGINE TYPE Perkins turbocharged T6-3544
BORE AND STROKE 98.4 mm x 127 mm
MAX POWER 150 kW (200 hpj at 2600 rpm
MAX TORQUE 587 Nm at 1700 rpm
Perkins T6-3544 diesel bemg lowered mto an Alvis Scorpion C VR(T) vehicle
TYPE Perkins lu rbocharged Phaser 110 MT
NUMBER OF CYL IN DERS 4 in-line verti cal
BORE AND STROKE tOO mm x t 27 mm
CYCLE 4-stroke
MAX POWER 8 t kW (109 hpj at 2800 rpm
MAX TORQUE 354 Nm (261 Ib/tt) at t 600 rpm
TORQUE RATING 475 Nm (390 Ib/tt)
TORQUE CONVERTER single slage, 3-element multi-phase type Daimler Ferret (4 )( 4) seoul car showing new AlVIS repower package
GEARS 3 lorward. 1 reverse
SPECIFICATIONS (MILPAC 660) Status : Cummins is currently supplying powerpacks and engines lor the
Engine lollowing military vehicle contracts:
TYPE Cummins VTA 903T-660 VS EL 155 mm AS90 self· propelled howitzer for the British Army
CUBIC CAPACITY 14.81 GKN Defence Saxon (4 x 4) APC for the British Army
MAX POWER 492 kW (660 bhp) al 2800 rpm Leyland -OAF 4 tonne truck fo r UK MoD
MAX TOROUE 1930 Nm (1414Ibllt) at 2000 rpm Seddon Atkinson 38 tonne for UK MoD
Sisu SA 240 (6 x 6) truck for Finnish Army
TYPE ZF LSG 2000 Manufacturer: Cummins Engine Company Limited , 46-50 Coombe Road ,
DESIGN crossdnve New Malden . Surrey KT3 4QL, UK.
INPUT torque converter with lock up Telephone : 081 9496171 Telex : 58643
GEAR SHIFT automatic shift by nuclear-hard
microprocessor with emergency
manual override
BRAKING SYSTEM integral hydrokinetic retarder
STEERING compound, hydrostatic and
Cooling System
RADIATOR two-pass lin and tube
FAN DRIVE hydrostatic
FANS two , aXlalliow
SILENCER Insulated duct
Air Filtration
EXHAUST OUTLET direct into cooling Ian efflux
PRIMARY STAGE cyclonic with automatic dust
SECONDARY STAGE replaceable paper element
TERTIARY STAGE plenum chamber
Complete powerpack lor AS90 with LSG 2000 transmission on left and
Cummins VTA 903T-660 engine on right .
A F Budge (Sales) Retrofit Packages production for other applications. The Condor engine is mounted transversely
in the hull. close-coupled to the XTG -411 transmission .
Using its experience in powerpack design , Perkins has packaged the IMI
Development/Description radiator and charge coolers, Serck oil coolers , twin Airscrew Howden
Two UK companies. A F Budge (Sales) and Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury), mixed flow cooling fans and Donaldson pack-mounted air cleaner into a
have teamed to offer a variety of retrofit packages for tracked and wheeled compact package suitable for the T-series tanks ,
vehicles, all of which utilise diesel engines produced by Perkins Engines. In Hinged water radiators allow easy access to the transmission service
addition to those for armoured fighting vehicles covered below , A F Budge pOints and to the final drives with the latter being fitted with quick disconnect
(Sales) has also developed a repower package for the US M151 (4 x 4) couplings for rapid pack lift when required.
light vehicle. Modules 3 and 4 cover the suspension and runn ing gear while modules 5
More recently further retrofit and repower packages have been studied and 10 cover replace ment of the existing 100 mm gun by a 105 mm
for former Soviet vehicles including BTR series armoured personnel carriers weapon , laser rangefinder, improved gunner's sight, new stabilisation system
and BROM (4 x 4) reconnaissance vehicl es. and passive night vision equipment for the commander, gunner and driver.
Modules 11 to 13 include automatic fire detection/suspension system.
T-54/T-55 Conversion add-on armour and the installation of smoke dischargers either side of the
The consortium has developed a variety of retrofit packages for th e turret.
T·54rr-55rr-62 manufactured by the former Soviet Union and the Chinese A F Budge (Sales) will either convert existing vehicles to the new
Type 59 vehicles. configuration or offer vehicles brought up to the new standard.
The aim is to enable users to select from a variety of options which match
operational and financial requirement s. Stalwart Upgrade
Modules 1 and 2 of the retrofit package cover the engine and transmission. In addition to oltering a retrofit package for the T-54rr-55rr-62 MBTs , the
The new powerpack consists of the Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury) V-8 company has also developed to the prototype stage a retrofit package for
Condor engine (qv), developing 800 hp, coupled to an Allison XTG-411 the Stalwart (6 x 6) High Mobility Load Carrier.
(qv) fully automatic transmission. The latter has infinitely variable steering . The prototype of the upgraded Stalwart was completed early in 1990 and
and four forward and two reverse gears. this has been trialled in the United Kingdom and Norway.
The engine and transmission are both proven systems already in The original petrol engine is replaced by a more luel-efficient Perkins
Phaser 180 MTi diesel, improved clutch and a modern technology cooling
A F Budge (Sales) T-55 MBT fiNed with new powerpack. 105 mm rifted gun
Powerpack for the upgraded T-55 MBT from A F Budge (Sales) and new day/night vision equipment
Saladin and Saracen diesel conversion vehicles after extensive proving trials
in the Far East
GKL FV600 Upgrades reduction units at each wheel station and a non-slip diHerential can be
provided if required. Full details of the Harimau are given in Jane 's Armour
and Artillery 1992193 page 255 .
Development/Desc ript ion
In 1988 GKL announced that it was offering an enhancement package for Status: Development complete. Conversion package ready for production
the Alvis Saracen FV603 (6 x 6) APV under the designation of th e Saracen on receipt of orders.
GKL can offer vehicles upgraded to the new Saracen 88 configuration or Manufacturer: GKL Equipment PTE Limited. Cowonh Park House , Cowonh
supply kits to enable the user to upgrade vehicles to this configuration in Park. Ascot . Berkshire SL5 7SF , UK_
their own workshops. Telephone: (0344) 874202 Telex : 846062 GKLLDN G
The Saracen 88 improvement package has a total of 23 Improvements
including the replacement of the original petrol engine by a more powerful
and fuel effiCient diesel engine. although the user can select only those
improvements that meet his own specific requirements.
The upgrade package allows fu ll combat load operation in ambient
temperatures in excess of +45· with improved engine and gearbox cooling .
Other improvements include new AC vehicle electrics. new hydraulic
power steering, new vehicle exterior and interior lighting , new dual braking
air over hydraulic system. new vehicle electrical wiring and instrumentation .
improved machine gun turret mount and new modern smoke grenade
A similar upgrade for the Alvis Saladin FV601 (6 x 6) armoured car is also
oHered by the company and th is can include improvements to the turret
system including the replacement of the 76 mm gun by a MECAR 90 mm
weapon that can also fire APFSDS type ammunition .
The original petrol engine is replaced by a turbocharged diesel engine
developing 250 hp at 2600 rpm coupled to a MT-600 fully automatic
transmi ssion with four forward and one reverse gears.
GKL also oHe r an upgrade package for the M1SI (4 x 4) light vehicle and
the Alvis Ferret scout car. The latter is called the Harimau and has many
improvements including a new powerpack consisting of a more fuel eHicient
VM HR 692 diesel developing 140 bhp at 3700 rpm coupled to a modified
Jaguar 700 series preselective transmission with five forward and five Saracen 88 (6 x 6) armoured personnel carrier upgraded by GKL Equipment
reverse gears. The Harimau has permanent four-wheel drive with hub PTE Limited
H30 Engine
The H30 is a 3-cylind er twin crankshaft opposed piston multi -fu el engine
which is fitl ed to the Chieftain and Challenger 1 MBTs as their Au xiliary
Power Unit (APU ). The APU enables the MBT to run its turret system s,
such as th e air conditioning system , without running the mai n engine. The
H30 was previously manufactured by Coventry Climax of Cove ntry . It is
also installed in th e British Aerospace (Dynamics) Tracked Rapier air
defence system that is only used by th e Briti sh Arm y.
FWMB Engine
The FW MB engine is available both as a diesel and a petrol engine, whi ch
is a fou r cylinder in-line overh ead cam engine, and is used, in its petrol
form , in the British Aero space Towed Rapier air defence system .
H30 two stroke diesel engine used in the Chieftain and Challenger 1 MBTs
and Tracked Rapier air defe nce system
Descri pt ion
Perkins 100 Series comprises a ra nge of compact diesel engines with Prove n in military service , the 3-cylinder, 0.6 litre engine was selected by
outputs from 4 to 33 kW (4 to 44 bhp) in 2, 3 and 4-cylinder configurations the British Army as the power supply for air-conditioning units in Challenger
and capabili ties from 0.4 to 1.9 litres. These compact , lightweight engines 1 duri ng th e Gulf Campaign and th e 3-cylinder 0.9 litre model is currently
are ideally suited for both man portable and vehicle-mounted Auxi liary supplied to Gallay Ltd , as an APU for the Egypti an Fahd (4 x 4) wheeled
Power Units (APU's) powering electrical , hydraulic or air-conditioning armoured vehicle . The 2-cylinder, 0.4 litre variant is under evaluation by the
systems . French Army Technical Centre . ETAS in Angers for future APU applications.
MODEL 102.04 103.09 103.12 103.15 104.19
OUTPUT (kW) 6.3 15.1 19.8 23.5 33
(bhp) 8.5 20.3 26.5 31.5 44
BORE/STROKE 64 mm/64 mm 72 mmJ72 mm 82 mm/84 mm 84 mm/90 mm 84 mm/90 mm
CYLINDERS 2 3 3 3 4
CUBIC CAPACITY 411 em' 879 cm ' 1267 cm' 1469 cm ' 1995 cm'
CYCLE 4 stroke
SYSTEM indirect injection
COMPRESSION RATIO 24:1 23 :1 22 :1 22: 1 19: 1
GOVERNING mechanical
COOLING liquid
LENGTH 437 mm 527 mm 603 mm 61 3 mm 685 mm
WIDTH 362 mm 390 mm 462 mm 462 mm 455 mm
HEIGHT 519mm 489 mm 636 mm 695 mm 676 mm
WEIGHT 71 kg 110 kg 149 kg 160 kg 202 kg
Status : Production . Manu lacturer: Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury) Limited , Lancaster Road .
Shrewsbury . Shropshire SY1 4DP , UK .
Telephone : (0743) 212000 Telex : 35171 /2 PESLG Fax : (0743) 212701
Perkins 103.12 compact diesel engine rated at 19.8 kW Perkins 1OOseriespowered APU driving air-conditioning system on Challenger
1 during Desert Storm
MODEL 110T 180 Ti 210 TI
OUTPUT (kW) 79 134 157
(bhp) 106 180 210
BORE/STROKE tOO mm/127 mm 100 mm/127 mm 100 mm/127 mm
CUBIC CAPACITY 4.0 I 6.0 I 6.0 I
CYCLE 4-stroke 4-stroke 4-stroke
ASPIRATION turbocharged turbocharged turbocharged
intercooled intercooled
SYSTEM direct direct direct
RATIO t 6:1 16:1 16:1
ROTATION clockwi se viewed Irom Iront
GOVERNING mechanical
COOLING liquid
LENGTH 711 mm 945 mm 945 mm
WIDTH 614 mm 673 mm 673 mm
HEIGHT 774mm 854 mm 854 mm
Perkins Engines Phaser 110 T turbocharged diesel engine WEIGHT 279 kg 419 kg 419 kg
Status: In production.
The Perkins T6.3544 6-cylinder 5.89 litre engine was selected by Alvis as
the diesel engine replacement for the CVR(T) vehicle
Rated at t 50 kW (200 bhp) . the T6.3544 gave the CVR(T) enhanced
mobility. increased range through improved fuel economy and simplified
logistics , common fuel and increased reliability. It was these qualities that
led to this engine also being selected by Malaysia , Spain. Togo and
Venezuela to power their brand new CVR(T) Scorpion vehicles.
Rated at 186 kW (250 bhp), the T6 .3544 is the selected engine for the
Alvis Stormer family of vehicles currently in production for the Shorts
Starstreak High Velocity Missile (HVM) system ordered by the British Army .
In naturally aspirated lorm the T6.3544 is used exclusively by the French
truck manufacturer ACMAT lor its targe range of VLRA 4 x 4, 6 x 6 and now
8 x 8 togistic vehicles. In addition to being used by the French Army they
have also been exported in considerable numbers all over the world .
(bhp) 250
BORE/STROKE 98.4 mm/127 mm
CUB IC CAPACITY 5.81 Perkins T6.3544 six-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine from front
CYCL E 4-stroke
ASPIRATION turbocharged Intercooled
ROTATION clockwise viewed Irom front Status : In production. In service with Malaysia (Scorpion and Stormer).
GOVERNING mechanical Spain (Scorpion). Togo (Scorpion). Venezuela (Scorpion) and the United
COOLING liqUid Kingdom (Stormer).
LENGTH 937mm
WIDTH 747 mm Manufacturer: Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury) Limited. Lancaster Road.
HEIGHT 864mm Shrewsbury , Shropshire SYI 4DP . UK.
WEIGHT 445 kg Telephone : (0743) 212000 Telex : 35171 /2 PESLG Fax : (0743) 212701
Status: Production.
Perkins Condor Diesel Engines demanded for future armoured fighting vehicles. Integration of dry sump
lubrication has enabled an overall engine height reduction of below 900 mm .
Oth er features include a gear driven three stage oil pump and engine
DevelopmentlDescription driven , oil spray cooled generator.
The Perkins Condor family comprises the V8 and the V12 engines and was In 1991 , as part of the evaluation programme for the retrofit of the French
developed from the well established Eagle and 'C' range in-line 6-cylinder Army AMX-30 medium tanks the Condor VB rated at 550 kW (740 bhp)
truck and industrial engines. successfully completed a 400 hour NATO type te st at the ETAS test faCility
Innovative design features include unique slip fit 'dry liners' with oil in Angers. Running at 2400 rpm to match existing transmission requirements.
backing . In the field no special tools are required to change these liners. the engine demonstrated its complete versatility of operation. for a range of
Ihus allowing very fast turn around times. The extensive use of internal vehicle applications.
oilways has significantly reduced the number of parts . and potential leaks. Currently developing 100 bhplcylinder. the stru ctural design of the CV8
making for a much more reliable and durable product in service. will allow outputs of 150 bhpi cylinder or more. With the application of
Condor engines operate with ei :her conventional mechanical flyweight integrated subsystems . Electronic Unit Injeclors (EUI), EMS with diagnostics.
governor. or with a full authority electronic Engine Management System prognostics BIT and BITE. and advanced air management systems, much
(EMS) . Highly responsive. EMS continuously monitors engine outpul and higher ratings could be achievable in the near future. EUI allows much
adjusts the con trol functions to optimise performance . In addition . the EMS greater flexibility of fuel management, for example higher injection pressures.
controls the Inlet Manifold Heater (IMH ). used on some higher rated low variable injection timing whilst runn ing and even cylinder cycling whilsl
compression versions of Condor. during initial cold starts and light load idling . This could help reduce fuel consumplion , hence improve Brake
ru nning . IMH gives excellent startability. even down to -351-40' C . with the Thermal Efficiency , lower smoke and emissions levels and control
minimum of black smoke emission . combustion pressure ri se thereby reducing tot al noise.
Condor V8 rated at 410 kW (550 bhp) powers the Warri or IFV vehicle. The Condor V12 engine rated at 895 kW (1200 bhp) powers both
used extensively during Desert Storm with the British Army, and in 199213 Challenger 1 and Challenger 2 MBTs. At the same rating it is also the prime
saw service with the NATO forces in Bosnia . It has also been selected . after mover for the Chall enger Armoured Repair and Reco very Vehicl e
competition , by the Kuwait armed lorces. In Warrior the engine is coupled (CRARRV) . During Desert Storm the CRARRV achieved a remarkable
to the Perkins X300-4B crossdrive transmission (see later section on availability of 100 per cent ; Challenger 1 itself achieved a very creditable 98
transmissions) manufactu red at Perkins Shrewsbury. This combination per cent. with both vehicles averaging some 100 km per day during the
gives the vehicle excellent mobility in the harshest of terrain with maximum entire campaign .
power to the tracks under all conditions . The cooling package ensures that The Scammell (now Unipower) Commander , which uses the Condor V1 2
the vehicle will perform at its best even with ambient temperature above rated at 470 kW (625 bhp), completed a total of around 2.5 million km . an
50' C. average of 260 km per day per vehicle for the entire campaign .
A development of CV8 recently exhibited at the EuroSatory Exhibition Recently. th e V12 engine has been evaluated by th e US Army Tank
features in the LP' powerpack for 'T' Series and AMX -30 retrofits. Rated at Automatic Command (TACOM ). rated at both 895 kW and 1120 kW (1500
600 kW (800 bhp) at 2300 rpm . it represents the only true retrofit package bhp) . At 1120 kW the engine completed performance testing," excess of
according to the manufacturer that fits in the 'T' Series chassis without 300 hours assessing altitude capability . fuel tolerance , temperature tolerance
major hull modifications. The air cleaner is pack-mounted . hence under and so on. Reports concluded that . ' From th e performance, fu el economy ,
armour, and the cooling group is desig ned to cool maximum power in a power density and multi-fuel points of view thi s engine was very attractive
50' C ambient, ensuring the vehicle consisten tl y performs at its best. lor application in the M 1 and similar vehicles '. The evaluation was carried
In LP' the bulk volume of the engine is no larger than that for the 410 kW out as part of the Military Assessment of Commercial Items (MACI )
engine as used in the Warrior, and easily meets the 1000 hpl t m' benchmark programme.
Perkins own ongoing programmes in the fiefd of Armoured Fighting MODEL V12-1200A
Vehicles involves installation studies and prototypes builds to assess the TYPE 4-stroke, direct injection,
suitability of Condor for retrofit opportunities in such vehicles as Ml Abrams compression ignition
and AMX Leclerc, both at 1500 bhp, Chieftain and Centurion at 750, 900 CONF IGURATION 60' V-t2
and 1000 bhp, 'T Series and AMX -30 at 800 bhp . Vijayanta at 750 bhp . CONSTRUCTION major components of SG cast
AMX-30 at 740 bhp and M41 at 475 bhp. iron. cylinder head of SG iron
TYPE 4-stroke. direct injection. FUEL SYSTEM electrically controlled jerk-type
compression ignition monobloc fuel pump with
CONFIGURATION 90 0 V-8 hydraulically operated injectors
CONSTRUCTION Thin wall SG cast iron crankcase ASPIRATION twin single-stage turbochargers.
and cylinder head pressure lubricated , rear-mounted
CYLINDER DETAILS with air-ta-air charge cooling
bore 135mm COOLING SYSTEM water-cooled by rear-mounted
stroke t52mm gear driven centrifugal pump with
liners slip fit dry type thermstatically controlled flow
valves 4 valves/cylinder ; twin cam shafts LUBRICATING SYSTEM dry sump. 3 tier gear oil pump
one/cylinder bank (2 scavenge , 1 pressure) with
SWEPT VOLUME 17.41 I 4 filters
COMPRESS ION RATIO t3.5:1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 24 V; alternator up to customer
FUEL SYSTEM pressurised ; feeds Into Injection requirements
pump gallery and manifold air STARTERS twin 24 V electric. An induction
heater. Remote-mounted manifold heater burner is
electronic governor regulates fuel incorporated to aid cold starting
supply to suit engine demands RATING
COOLING liquid (water) ; thermostatically max power 895 kW (1200 bhp) at 2300 rpm
controlled centrifugal pump. max torque 4126 Nm (3043 Ib ft) at 1700 rpm
Airscrew Howden hydraulic mixed BMEP 1783 kPa (258 psi )
cooling fan BSFC 220 g/kWh (0.361 Ib/bhp/h) at
LUBRICATION SYSTEM dry sump ; 3 tier gear-driven oil 2300 rpm
pump; 2 filters 208 g/kWh (0.342 Ib/bhp/h) at
ASPIRATION twin single-stage turbochargers 1700 rpm
WIth air-ta-air charge cooling LENGTH 1459 mm
max power 600 kW (800 bhp) at 2300 rpm HEIGHT 1182mm
max torque 2750 Nm at 1575 rpm WEIGHT
BSFC 222 g/kWh (0.365 Ib/bhp/h) at dry 1888 kg
2300 rpm wet. with radiators
200 g/kWh (0.329 Ib/bhp/h) at coolant and charge-
1800 rpm air coolers 2638 kg
LENGTH 1030 mm APPLICATIONS Challenger 1 MBT; Challenger
WIDTH 1050 mm Armoured Repair and Recovery
HEIGHT 901 mm Vehicle , Challenger Training
WEIGHT Tank. Challenger 2 MBT, Khalid
dry t292 kg (with TN37 transmission) ; re-
wet with radiators. engined Chieftain
coolant and charge MBT, Vickers Mk 3 (I) (TCE
air coolers 1782 kg developing 850 bhp) . Vickers Mk
APPLICATIONS 410 kW (550 bhp) version 3 MBT and Indian Vijayanta MBT
installed In Warrior infantry (VI2-750)
Fighting vehicle
Perkins Powerpacks
Based on a long successful involvement with the design and manufacture Systems covering electrics, hydrautics. generators. auxiliary drives, air
of armoured vehicle powerpacks including programmes which produced cleaners and exhaust systems
Chieftain , Warrior, Challenger and M41 , today Perkins offers a complete + Plus covering complete Logistic Support including design and production .
package under the tradename of PowerpaK Systems + Plus. This comprises : spares. tools. lest equipment. training and communications.
PowerpaK covering engine, EMS. transmission and cooling groups A resume of the enginel transmission combinations being offered under
the PowerpaK Systems + Plus is listed below:
David Brown TN37 Transmission torque converter. The gear and direction of travel are engaged by correctly
sequenced application of multi ·plate clutches, actuated by electrosolenoid
valves. It has fo ur forward and Ihree reve rse gears and the steering module
Development is of the hydrostatic double diHerential rege nerative Iype .
This fully automafic transmission has been developed under contract to the Aulomatic control is by means of an electronic control unit operating
UK Ministry of Defence by David Brown and is installed in Ihe Challenger 1 hydraulic clutches through electrosolenoid valves. The transmission has
MBT In service with the British Army and in Khalld tanks used by Jordan . integral filtered lubrication and hydraulic systems. Milin vehicle brakes are
More recently it has been fined to the Challenger Training Tanks. Over of the integral oil-immersed mulli-plate type. A PTO for Ihe powerpack
1000 TN37 transmissions have been built. cooling fans is mounted on top of th e main casing.
Alternativefy Ihe transmission is supplied with a mechanical steer unit
Descrip tion incorporating controlled slip mulli·plate clu tches.
The TN37 has a single input and two in-line outputs at righl angles to the
input. Drive is transmitted from the engine through a splined coupling to a SPECIFICATIONS
1st forward 4.201 :t
2nd forward 2.547 :1
3rd forward 1.654:1
41h lorward 1.003 :1
1st reverse 3.922 :1
2nd reverse 2.547 :1
3rd reverse 1.544:1
RATING 895 kW (1200 bhp) gross at 2300
MAX TORQUE 4140 Nm (3055 Ib It) at 1650 rpm
LENGTH 1169mm
WIDTH 1734 mm (inc couplings)
HEIGHT 1012 mm (inc PTO)
WEIGHT (dry) 2335 kg
Development/Descri ptio n
The P40 semi-automatic transmission IS derived from the David Brown Z51
transmission fitted to the Centurion MBT. of which over 4000 were produced
and many re main in service today.
The P40 concept is available either as a ret rofit package to existing Z51
Iransmissions or as new. The transmission is a layshalt type with five
lorward and two reverse gears. There is a single input and two in-line
outputs at right angles to the input. Gearshihs are initiated by driver
command and eflected by an electronic controller. The controller operates
electrosolenoid valves to hydraulic actuators which engage dog clutches
under conditions of synchronous speed. Steering is of the triple·diHerential
type eHected by the operation of either 01 the transmission-mounted vehicle
drum brakes. The transmission has an integral fi ltered lubrication syslem.
Cooling is by convection and radiation through the gearcase. alternatively
by a small separate oil cooler.
David Brown P40 transmission
SCG TN12 Transmission engine power. In addition, a corresponding reduction of burden on , and
th erefore size of , cooli ng group ca n often be achieved. Designs of
intermediate versions between TN12 and TN1 2- 1000 exist for both new
Development/Description vehicles and matching to replacement engines in existing TN12 installations
The TN 12 transmission was originally designed by Self-C hanging Gears such as Vijayanta and Chieftain MBTs.
Limited for the Chieltain MBT but development has extended th e range to The latest generation of thi s range , denoted T-1200 , utili ses the
include designs capable of input powers in excess of 1000 hp in both TN1 2- 1000 core to which is applied the latest electron ics and materials
remote or close coupled con figuration s. TN 12 series transmissions have technology to control. steer and start modules - giving an opti mum match to
been installed in Chieftain , Vickers Mk I , Mk 3 and Mk 3( 1), Vickers Valiant. today's high torque rise turbocharged engines .
Chieftain 900 and all incorporate epicyclic geartrains in the change speed
section to give six forward and two reverse speeds . Vehicle steering is SPECIFICATIONS
achieved by a fully regenerative Merritt-Wilson triple differential system Model TN12 TN12-1000
which maintains power through turns and provides an axis steer capability GEARS
for high manoeuvrability. 1st rati%ptional t 4.68/11 .16 12.4
By eliminating unnecessary clutches. al l TN 12 units fealur e high 2nd rati%ptional 8.47/6.44 7.08
mechanical efficiency. giving higher sprocket power for a given gross 3rd rati%ptional 5.23/3.98 4.35
4th rati%ptional 3.34/2.54 2.82
5th rati% ptional 2.25/1.71 1.89
6th rati%ptional 1.5211.16 1.28
reverse/optional 9.8317.47 7.93
reverse/optional 6.57/5.00 5,32
WEIGHT 1270 kg 136t kg
LENGTH 925 mm 925 mm
WIDTH 1247 mm 1273 mm
HEI GHT 876mm 876 mm
MAX INPUT TORQUE 2509 Nm at 3660 Nm at
1500 rpm 1600 rpm
MAX INPUT POWER 522 kW at 785 kW at
2500 rpm 2300 rpm
Development of T300 series units is easily traced back to the TN15
transmission developed by SCG for the Alvis Scorpion family of tracked
vehicles , and which is still in production .
T300 transmission s are conceptually identical to TN15. but are of a new
design using uprated componen ts throughout, with the latest T320 type
deSigned for vehicles weighing around 20 tonnes and engines of 350 bhp.
T300 is currently installed in the Alvis Stormer range of vehicles and in the
Korean Infantry Fighting Vehicle . T320 units are fitted in a heavier version
of the Korean IFV and units have also been incorporated in retrofitted
versions of the AMX-13 and M113 ranges. The latter include Self-Changing
Gears own M11 3 Technology Demonstrator (qv) .
T300 series units are automatic crossdrive transmissions. which can be
mounted independently or close-coupled to the engine. Drive is transmitted
from the engine through a resilient input coupling to a centrifugal clutch .
Epicyclic (planetary) geartrains are used in th e change speed section and
Ihe transmission is fully bi-directional. Vehicle steering is by use of an
Integral Merritt-Wil son triple differential system and the two transmission
outputs to the vehicle final drives are mounted at right angles to the
transmission input.
The T320 automatic control system comprises an electrohydraulic valve Self-Changing Gears T320 transmission
block which receives and interprets signals from the microprocessor con trol each of the sunwheels of th e output geartrains. A hydraulically operated
panel. The control panel in turn interlaces with the system peripherals disc brake is connected to each su nwheel. Vehicle sprocket drive is taken
which either provide condi tion data or actuate a subsystem to supplement from the planet carrier of each output epicyclic geartrain.
the automatic operation. Signals are received by the control panel from an
electromagnetic speed sensor. a microswitch on the throttle linkage indicating SPECIFICATIONS
coast or drive co nditions and the driver'S gear selector. Signals are Model T300 T320
tran smitted from the panel to the electrohydraulic valve block and a solenoid GEARS
on the engine fu el pump which acts as a throttle dip mechanism . tst ratio t4 .11 t4.35
The driver's gear selector has seven poSitions for engine start and tow 2nd ratio 6.13 6.22
starting modes. emergency low gear and two operating modes with gear 3rd ratio 4.39 4.16
hold overrides. 4th ratio 2.61 2.63
Oil pressure for hydraulic con trol and lubrication is supplied by an input- 5th ratio 1.44 1.48
driven gear type pump. Pressure fo r gear engagement during tow starti ng 6th ratio 1.09 1.07
is provided by a piston type plunger pump driven fro m th e left hand steering 7th ratio 0.69
annulus. LENGTH 6t6mm 1076 mm
The directional gears comprise a cluster of spiral bevel pinions in constant WIDTH 993 mm 6S4mm
mesh with an input bevel gear. The direction of rotation can be changed by HEIGHT 572mm 658mm
engaging a dog clutch wi th either of the pinions. WEIGHT 477 kg 574 kg
The engine drives a resilient input coupling , which minimises engine MAX TORQUE 840 Nm at 1800 rpm 980 Nm at 1800 rpm
torsionals. into a centrifug al clutch . This provides an automatic method of MAX INPUT POWER 202 kW at 2400 rpm 260 kW at 2800 rpm
creating a break between th e engine and transmission .
The gearbox secfion consists of a three-speed compou nd epicyclic Status : T300 in production. Installed in Alvis Stormer and Korean IFV
gearset connected to a low/high range splitter unit giving six speeds. Low T320 in production. Installed in heavier versions of Korean IFV and retrofitted
range is obtained by use of an epicyclic train and high range by a multi- in AMX -13 and M113 variants. By January 1993 over lt50 T300 and 20
plate clutch. pre-production T320 units had been completed .
The proven Merritt-Wilson triple differential steering system ensures
power is maintained through turn s and provides a fult axis turn capability . It Manufacturers: T300 : Manufactured under licence in UK and South Korea.
comprises a central differential , a pair of output epicyclic geartrains and T320 : Self-Changing Gears Limited. Lythalls Lane. Coventry. West Midlands
acts as a split path transmission. Drive is taken from th e differential carrier CV6 6FY . UK.
into the gearbox section of the transmission and from there to the an nuli of Telephone : (0203) 688881 Telex : 31644 SELCHA Fax: (0203) 666660
th e ou tput epicyclic gea rfrains . Drive is also taken through th e differential to
Development/Descripti on
The M 113 Technology Demonstrator consists of an M 11 3 APC rebuilt
by Marshall of Cambridge (Engineering ) Limited with a new powerpack
consisting of the Cummins Engine Company 6 CTA 8.3 diesel coupled to
a Self-C hanging Gears T3 20 fully-automatic transmission . Equipment
has also been supplied by Lucas CAV and AP Precision Hydraulics. To
improve the veh icle's cross -country mobility Horstman Defence Systems
dampers have been installed on the fi rst and last road wheel stations
either side.
The Cummins 6 CTA engine is offered at capaciti es of up to 310 hp
allowing the re commended power-to -weight ratio of 25 hpltonne to be
available up to 12.4 tonnes gross vehicle weight.
The complete retrofit package gives th e M11 3 increased power and
acceleration . improved manoeuvrability . greater speed on gradients .
improved braking perlormance. improved driver control as the original
sticks are replaced by a steering wheel . and improved cross-country mobility.
Close-up 01 Cummins 6 CTA 8.3 diesel and Self-Changing Gears T320 fully
The T320 transmission replaces th e original Cletrac unit and offers fully
automatic transmission in M113 series APC
regenerative steer enabli ng power and speed to be maintained throughout
turns and with axis turn s achieved in neutral. There is a separate entry on The standard telescopic dampers have been replaced by new Horstman
the T320 transmission in this section. rotary damper units to give increased perlormance in both bump and
Gear changing is fully automatic with provision fo r driver override and the rebound modes . enabling full advantage to be taken of the vehicle's
driving console has been redesigned . This is now adjustable for head out Increased power. especially in cross-country operations.
and closed down operations and also includes improved throttl e and ramp The M113 technology demonstrator has a maxi mum speed of 70 km/h
lever control s. and performance compari son with the M1 13A 1 predicts a 40 per cent
The power hydraulic brakes on the retrofit demonstrator meet EEC reduction in the 0 to 30 km/h time . Gradients of 60 per cent can be taken in
regulations and are controlled by a foot pedal. A fail safe spring brake IS top gear and 40 per cent in fifth gear and even with a gross vehicle weight
used for parking and acts on th e same 406 mm disc. of 13.6 tonnes the vehicle can achieve a 60 per cent gradient restart
The Cu mmins 6 CTA 8.3 diesel and T320 transmission are close coupled capability.
using a diaphragm plate between th e engine flywheel and the transmission
ce ntrifugal clutch . Status : Prototype. In 1989 the vehicle was demonstrated in Turkey fitted
A subframe is bolted to the four conventional mounts to provide a single wi th a Cadillac Gage one-man turret by local specialists Hema Hidrolik AS
engine location point to the hull. Two new trunnion mounts at the transmission
ou tputs give the powerpack a conventional three-point fixing _ Manufacturer : Self-Changing Gears Limited . Lythalls Lane . Coventry .
T he original cooling system has been retained but with hydraulic actuation West Midlands CV6 6FY . UK .
of th e fan for ease of operation . Telephone : (0203) 688881 Telex : 3t644 Fax: (0203) 666660
survey and develop competing electric drive concepts for fracked vehicles The EDTD will utilise aMI MBT chassis as this has plenty of space for
in the 18 ton (US) and 30 ton (US) classes over a 12-month period other equipment used in trials programmes.
TARDEC would then have the option to select one proposal for further A vehicle electric pro pulsion system may have the potential to improve
development and seek approval to extend the contract for a period of a the vehicle 's combat effectiveness by making it possible to replace the
further four years. standard chemical propellant fired gun with an electric type gun (qv AFV
The selected company would th en build a 30-ton (US) capacity electriC Armament section).
propulsion system and Install this in a test vehicle which would be called th e
Electric Drive Technology Demonstrator (EDTD). Status: Development project. Not yet in service.
Advanced Integrated Propulsion System Members olthe General Electric LVI 00 team are RCA for digilal electronic
control . MTU for the recuperator. LP turbin e and powerpack integration.
In August 1982 the Umted States Army Tank Automotive Command awarded Donaldson for air filtration . Allison Transmission for transmission and with
study contracts to SIX contractors to study Advanced Integrated Propulsion General Electric responsible for the overall system and gas generator.
Systems (AlPS) for future MBTs. The study. which was completed in 1983. More rece ntly Textron Lycoming has joined the team and is now a partner
evaluated various engine/transmission combinations. filtrati on systems . with GE Aircraft Engines .
auxiliary power units and NBC protection systems. General Electric's new LV100 GP-1A core engine ran for the first time in
Late in 1984 the Cumm ins Engine Company and General Electnc the Autumn of 1987 and was followed by initial tests that established the
Company were each awarded con tracts for Ihe second phase of AIPS _ compa tibility of the engine components. mapped compressor performance .
During this phase each con tractor built a complete powerpack consisling of and assessed flows. pressures and stresses throughout the engine. versus
engine . transmission . filtration system. auxiliary power unit and an NBC pre-test predictions.
system . Cummins used a diesel engine. General Electric a gas turbine. By late 1988 all LVIOO AlPS components . including the full engine.
Allison Transmission has supplied each contractor with a new tran smission transmission and cooling system were on test. In early 1989 the engine/
system . The contracts, covering engineering , research , development and transmission was tested with full powerpack. with assembled inlet filtration
prototype construction . are worth $76 million . and pack cooling later in 1989.
Under the terms of the original contract, each con tractor has delivered a In July 1989 a combined engine/transmission was tested. this being the
complete AlPS to TACOM to demonstrate a 50-hour mission profile plus first time they ran together: this surpassed the minimum 750 sprocket
cooling system testing . horsepower requirement establi shed by the US Army.
According to Tank Automotive Command. the objective of AlPS is to The 200 hour equivalent inlet Ingestion test was also completed
demonstrate advanced technologies in a completely integrated propulsion successfully . so demonstrating the required levels of pressure drop . engi ne
system to provide opportunities fo r major advancements in space claim . protection and the self-cleaning capability of the Donaldson air filter system .
performance. fuel economy and life-cycle cost The principal goals of AlPS
are. as compared to the AGT 1500 power pack of the MI /MI AlIMIA2. 50 Cummins AlPS
per cent reduction in size. up to 50 per cent reduction in fuel consu mption The Cummins AlPS . known as the XAP- IOOO , consists of a new V-12
and 50 per cent lower life-cycle cos ts. engine. transmission. final drives. cooling system s, air and filtration systems
and electronic fuel injection system .
General Electric As the prime contractor for the diesel AlPS. Cummins has enlisted the
The General Electric is called the LVI 00 and has a goal of producing a services of Allison . Donaldson. AirResearch and Cummins subsidiaries
powerpack with a 50 per cent reduction in volume. the space saved could Holsel. Cummins Electronics . Atlas and Fleetguard .
be used for ammunition or fuel or to reduce the size of the vehicle. The main advantages of th e Cummins AlPS relative to the current Ml
The LVIOO is expected to achieve a 50 per cent reduction in operati ng powerpack are a 45 per cent reduction in powerpack volume , increased
and support costs compared to current powerplants. thi s being achieved by durability and reliability . a 50 per cent improvement in fuel economy ,
built-in maintenance features. improved component reliability and built-i n minimal support requirements and reduced lifetime operating costs.
test equipment with diagnostic and prognostic messages to identify and Technical innovations encompassed in the Cummins AlPS include the
reco mmend actions to correct faults. elimi nation of the conventional water-cooling system. the use of ceramics
The control system is an integrated digital electronic system for the to reduce overall heat rejection to the engine oil . advanced variable geometry
complete powerpack incorporating the diagnostic/prognostic equipment turbo-machinery and electronics that control engine operation as well as
that eli minates separate field lest equipment. providing onboard diagnostics/prognostics . Other innovations include
The improved gas turbine cycle efficiency and improved syslem eHiciency advanced air and liquid filtration systems which extend maintenance intervals
in the integrated powerpack will provide an increase in vehicle range and minimise support costs .
compared to current systems as well as eliminating the need for an The Cummins AlPS was chosen for the Component Advanced Technology
auxiliary propulsion unit. Test Bed (C ATTB) and Cummins delivered a complete AlPS which was
A self-clearing inlet filtralion system senses loading of the barrier filters . installed in the CA TTB (based on a modified M I A I MBT chassis) late in
triggering a pulse jet system to back-flush filters while the vehicle is moving . 1992.
The gasifier combustor uses long-life aircraft engine technology. Simple
fuel injectors are air-cooled during combustion and are purged free of fuel Contractors
after shutdown to prevent coking of fuel in hot areas . Attention : Government Business Mailcode 60622 .
The cooling system IS designed to meet requirements for downhill braking Cummins Engine Company Inc. Columbus. Indiana 47202-3005 , USA .
on a 15 per cent slope which results In generous margin at the normal . 7
gross vehicle weight tractive effort point . For improved fuel economy. th e General Electric Company. Mail Drop 37405 . 1000 Western Avenue . Lynn ,
integrated control will modulate cooling fan speed to match system loads. Massachusetts. USA.
Development/Desc ription
The Ml MBT was the first produclion ground combat vehicle to rely solely
on a gas turbine lor its motive power. The AGT 1500 design was olfered to
the US Army in the early 1960s as the powerplant for the MBT-70 project.
with an Army development contract being awarded in 1965. In 1973 the
engine was selected by Chrysler as the powerplant for its entry in the XMl
MBT programme and validation tests on the installed engine were conducted
at Aberdeen and Yuma Proving Grounds. These te sts were completed in
1976 and the XMl contract was awarded to Chrysler's tank with the AGT
1500 engine in preference to the General Motors' design which used the
Teledyne AVCR -1360. Full-scale engineering tests were conducted from
1976 to 1979 when the Army initiated production of the XMl tank and the
AGT 1500 engine. Extensive Army tests with first year production tanks in
all environments and at various locations were completed in 1981.
In the normal driving range the special features of the turbine engine .
notably the recuperator and variable power turbine nozzles, reduce fuel
consumption below that of a conventional turbo-shaft engine to approach
an equivalent power diesel engine. Moreover. the turbine has a wider fuel
tolerance, being able to run on most automotive grades of fuel from
gasoline to marine diesel oil as well as aviation fuel. Textron Lycoming AGT 1500 gas turbine
Among other advantages of the gas turbine are the virtual absence of
visible smoke . the relatively low noise and vibration levels and the improved
accessibility to the engine as a result of its lower volume . maintenance level required between cleaning or changing the filter packs.
The first production engine was delivered in November 1979. More than This uses existing technology from the company's involvement in the AlPS
360 engines were delivered by the end of 1981. A 30 per month production and TMEPS projects.
rate was achieved by mid-1981. by 1982 production wa s running at 60 per Late in 1986, General Dynamics Land Systems Division , as prime
month ; 90 per month being reached late in 1983. contractor. was awarded a contract to build and demonstrate a transverse-
For the past seven years production of engines, spare engines and mounted engine propulsion sys tem for the Ml MBT, with Textron Lycoming
engine equivalent models has averaged 100 a month. In March 1987 and Allison Transmission being the main subcontractors. The contract
Textron Lycoming was awarded a $1.4 billion multi-year procurement culminated in 1990 with the transverse powerpack being installed in an M 1
contract for the AGT 1500 by the US Army which called for the delivery of tank for field trials.
3299 engines plus spare engines and a combination of spare modules. This propulsion system will employ an advanced AGT 1500 gas turbine
This multi-year procurement contract was completed in January 1991 . engine developing 1550 hp , and will be mounted transversely and aft
At the conclusion of the mUlti-year contract in January 1991. Textron against the transmission saving 75 cu ft of lhe propulsion space in the
Lycoming signed a Long-Term Contract (LTC) with the US Army. This vehicle .
contract includes sales of 1053 engines. plus spare engines and spare
modules , with additional options in 1994. This contract runs through 1994. SPECIFICA nONS
A modified AGT 1500 engine. with provisions for supplying bleed air for TYPE gas turbine with
the M1AI (formerly Ml El) tank NBC system. was introduced into production recuperator and free
in limited quantities In May 1985 and was in full production by November turbine
1985. FUEL SYSTEM full authority
The AGT 1500 will conti nue to be the primary engine for th e upgraded electroniC control of
Ml A2 , the first production model of whi ch was handed over to the US Army fuel handling system
late in 1992. ASPIRATION twin spool
Variants compressor; 2-stage
Since the Ml MBT was first introduced some 10 years ago , the weight of air cleaner
the vehicle has increased while the power of the AGT 1500 engine has TURBINE INLET
remained constant at 1500 hp. TEMPERATURE 1193' C (2 180' F)
In 1991 the company proposed a Performance Recovery Programme RATING 1125 kW (1500 shp) at 30 000 rpm
(PRP) for the AGT 1500 which will not only restore the vehicle 's performance SFC 300 g/kWh (0 .493 Ib/shp/h)
characteristics but will also give a 40 per cent better fuel efficiency during at 1125 kW;
training and 15 per cent better efficiency during battlefield day conditions. It 289 g/kWh (0.475Ib/shp/h)
will also enable .silent watch with full turret capabilities . reduce the at 900 kW
maintenance task of cleaning the air filters and extend the engine's life. FUELS OF-I . DF-2. OF-A,
The average engine power of the AGT 1500 will be increased by 175 hp. JP-4, JP-5. JP-8; gasoline
This will be achieved by increasing the power turbine speed by 20 per cent and marine diesel in
and improving the high pressure turbine efficiency . A two-stage reduction emergency
gearbox will enable the transmission to see the same input speed as APPLICATfON MI . M1AI and M1A2 MBTs,
before. installed in Leopard 2
A 75 hp under armour Combat Support Module (CSM) will be incorporated. for tnals
This consists of an auxiliary power unit, exhaust duct and an air inlet. It will
be mounted as a fifth module on the AGT 1500 and is connected to the
engine accessory gearbox through a two-way clutch and uses main engine Status : Production . By early 1993 over 11 000 AGT 1500 engines had
oil , fue l and filter oil. been built for the Ml series of MBT used , or ord ered by Egypt
When used in lieu of idling the main engine. the CSM provides a 60 per (M1Al ). KuwBlt (M1A2). Saudi Arabia (M1A2) and the United States
cent improvement in fuel efficiency under equivalent load , allowing thermal (Ml /M1Al /M1A2).
sights, taser rangefinder. turret drives and NBC system to be used without
the main engine operating. Manufacturer: Textron Lycoming . 550 Main Street . Stratford . Connecticut
The current V-pack static inlet air filters are replaced by a new drop-In 06497. USA.
self-cleaning air filter module providing a signliicant improvement in the Telephone: (203) 385 2753 Telex : 964242 Fax : (203) 3853255
Cummins Diesel Engines The VTA -903-T660 IS used to power the Vickers Shipbuilding &
Engineering AS90 155 mm self-propelled howitzer, selected by the British
Development/Descriptio n Army in mid-1989 as the Abbot replacement. This engine is part of a
The name Cummins was traditionally associated with heavy duty truck complete power pack designed and supplied by Cummins Engine Company
engines until recently , when the Cummins VTA 903-T500 engine was limited. Deliveries of powerpacks (M ILPAC/660) started in 1991. There IS
selected to power the US Army's M21FVand M3 CFV . production commencing a separate entry for the MILPAC/660 powerpack under the United Kingdom
in 1981.ln 1991 Cummins started delivering the VT A-903 -T600 for upgraded The VTA -903-T is also a candidate for armoured vehicle retrofit. The US
versions of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle and by early 1993 had delivered Manne Corps AAVP 7. which was originally fitted With the 8V-53T diesel
some 10 500 engines for this programme with production continuing for both engine was refitted with the Cummins VT-903 -T400 engine _New production
home and export. of the AAVP7Al since 1982 has been with the VT -903-T400 engine.
The V-903-T295 engine is used to powerthe MBY M9 ACE which entered The VTA -903-T has been employed in retrofit of M41 light tanks , including
production for the US Army in 1987. the M41s of the DaniSh Army .
Cummins diesel power ranges from 50 to 2000 hp In eight basic engine V903 series
senes and are available in naturally aspirated . turbocharged and after- 90 V8-cylinder with a displacement of 14.8 litres and with outputs of 265 to
coated models. 660 hp (198 to 492 kW). Since the engine was introduced evolutionary
changes have included a larger camshaft , air-to -air aft er-cooling and
B series increased cylinder pressures allowing horse powers to rise to the current
In-line 4 and 6-cylinders with displacements at 3.9 and 5.9 Iitres and With 447 kW (600 bhp) and 491 kW (660 b hp) and th e soon to be introduced twin
outputs of 50 to 250 hp (37 to 187 kW). turbo 558 kW (750 bhp) rating.
Cummins C sef/es diesel engine Cummins VTA 903 T V-8 diesel engine which powers Bradley and Fighting
Vehicle Systems Carrier
St atus : Produclion . Manufacturer : Cummins Engine Company Inc, Columbus , Indiana 47202 .
Telephone : (81 2) 377 3921 Telex: 2174 10 CUM MINS CMB A
Model VTA 903·T600 (Big Cam)
TYPE 4-stroke , compression RATING
ignition max power 493 kW (660 bhp) at 2800 rpm
CONFIGU RATION 90° V-8 max torque 1526 Nm (1200 Ib ft) at 2000 rpm
CYLIND ER BSFC 252 g/kWh (0.414 Iblbhplh ) al 1400 rpm
DIMENSIONS 225 glkWh (0.37 Ib/bhp/h) at 2100 rpm
bore 140 mm 240 g/kWh (0.345 Ib/bhp/h) al 2600 rpm
stroke 121 mm LENGTH 1148 mm
SWEPT VOLUME 14.81 WIDTH 1011 mm
AS PIRATION single turbOCharger HEIGHT 1288 mm
COOLING SYSTEM liquid (there is also an air-cooling tan on front WE IGHT (dry) 1190 kg
righ t of engine in FVS Carrier) ; belt-driven pump APPLICATIONS M2 IFV ; M3 CFV ; M993 MLRS Carner: M987 FVS
with thermostatically con trolled bypass Carrier ; 155 mm AS90 (see earlier entry ); M41;
light tank (Danish Army , see entry under Denmark
in this section)
Rotary Power International Stratified Charge Ihal the idenlificalion is for a rotary engine. For example , the 2116R model
is a !win rotor member of th e 580 Seri es family, wilh a tolal displacement of
Omnivorous Rotary Engine (SCORE) 11 .6 Iilres (rou nded).
The design configuralion for all of Ihe 70. 170 and 580 families of SCORE
Developmen t/Desc ription engines now under development feature aluminium housings . cast iron
Rotary Power Inlernational Inc (RPI) acquired all of the rolary engine rotors and forged sleel crankshafts, fo r light overall weight. The inside
assets ot John Deere Technologies International Inc (JDTI) on December surface s of Ihe housings are provided with a ground and lapped hard
3 1. 1991. RP I is in the process of developing three families of Strati fied coatin g for durability and wear resistance . Anoth er common feature of
Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engines (SCO RE) ; the 70, 170 and 580 series. these 3 families of SCORE engi nes is that all engines are direcl injected ,
A fourth series, the 40 Series , has recen tl y been added. The se numbers spark ignited , turbocharg ed and intercooled , and their fuel system s feature
identi fy th e rounded value of displacement in centilitres/rotor; for example dual injectors: a pilol and main iniector. A spark plug (or glow plug) ignites
the 580 Series engines have a displacement of 5.78 titresirotor which IS the pilot fuel , which is injected ahead of the main charge. fo rm ing a rich
ro unded to 5.8 litres/rotor or 580 centilitres (580 Series family) At full mixture which serves as an 'ignition kernel'. Main charge is directed toward
development each of these engines fam ilies are projected to consist of this ig nition kern el. ensuring smooth and complete combustion . II is this
models ra nging from single rotor units up to 4 or 6 rotor engines. The patented injectionlignition system concept that enables SCOR E engines to
individual SCORE model designations consist of a 4 digit number. The fi rst run in virtua lly any liquid tuel (to date without an y adjustmenls required
digit denotes the number of rotors in the engine, and the next three digits eilher to the fuel injection system or the ignition system), and that gives
denote displacement in decilitres. The letter R IS appended to designate these engines their 'O mnivorous' capabilities. SCORE engines are the only
SCORE Rotary Engine Series 70 Model2023R The initial power and speed rating of these 3 SCORE engine families will
70 Series - 75 kW (100 bhp)/rotor at 6000 rpm
rotary engines developed to date capable of operating on virtually any 170 Series - 150 kW (200 bhp)/rotor at 4800 rpm
liquid fuel without the use of starting aids to -25" F. 580 Series - 280 kW (375 bhp)/rotor at 3600 rpm
The 2 roto r Model 2116R and th e 3 rotor Model 3174R of the 580 Series
are nearing completion of a Family of Engines Demonstration and Validation Several models of the 580 and 70 Series family are currently under
(0& V) programme under a contract sponsored by the United States Marine development for applications in armoured fighting vehicles. and auxiliary
Corps (USMC). The rated power and speed for this application is 560 kW power/mobile electric power systems. respectively .
(750 bhp) at 3600 rpm fo r the twin roto r model 2116R and 840 kW (1125 RP I acquired the assets of Defense Group Industries Inc (DGII), of
bhp) at 3600 rpm for the 3 rotor model 3174 R. Over 10000 hours of testing Farmingdale. lI. NY on August 14. 1992. Included within these assets is
has been accumulated to date. Both of these models are currently undergoing intellectual property on gasoline . gaseous fuel and heavy fuel 300 and
mission profile and endurance tests to the NATO cycle as a last part of the 400 cc Wankel -type engines. both naturally aspirated and turbocharged.
0& V contractual requirements. A con tract modification has been received Further. RPI signed an exclusive North American licence on October 20 .
to explore an increase in power from 375 bhp/rotor to 500 bhp/rotor with an 1992 with Wankel GmbH of Lindau. Germany for their small Wankel-type
additional 10 per cent margin. An additional modificatio n has been received gasoline . gaseous fuel and heavy fuel engines. This acquisition and licence
to conduct reliabi lity testing of the Model 2116R rated at 750 bhp to adds the 40 Series family of engines to RPl's fami ly of rotary engines under
demonstrate its Mean Time Between Failures th res hold value . development. The 40 Series in its diesel fuelled version of fers an
The next phase of this programme will consist of Demonstration and unprecedented prime mover in size and weight for military APUs. PPUs.
Validation of the 2 rotor 580 Series engine rated at 746 kW (1000 bhp) and ECUs. UAVs and UUVs .
the 3 rotor engine rated at 1120 kW (1500 bhp) . These engines are The initial power and speed ratings of the 40 Series engine family will be .
candidate engi nes for the Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle for the Diesel fuelled naturally aspirated 11 -13 kW (15-18 bhp)/rotor at 3000 and
Marine Corps. Prototype engines can be made available for installation and 3600 rpm . respectively
evaluation in 1993/1994 . The 2013 R (twin rotor 70 Series) is a prime Diesel fuelled turbocharged 26-37 kW (35-50 bhp) /rotor at 4000 and
candidate for lightweight engine generator sets. The engine is also being 6000 rpm. respectively
consi dered as the propulsion power source for small Navy combatant craft
and remote con tro lled submersibles. A pilot production run has been made Specifications for the 2 116R . 3174R . 2013R. 1004R naturally aspirated
on this SCORE rotary engine. and turbocharged are shown in the table.
MODEL 2116R 3174R 2013R 1004R 1004R
CONFIGURATION Twin Rotor Three Rotor TWin Rotor Single Rotor Single Rotor
litres (cu in) 11.56 (705.5) t7.34 (1058.3) 1.32 (80.8) 0.41 (24.4) 0.41 (24.4)
COOLING SYSTEM water/glycol water/glycol water/glycol water/glycol water/glycol
RATING 560 kW (750 hpj 840 kW (1125 hpj 150 kW (200 hpj 11-13 kW (15-18 hpj 26-37 kW (35-50 hpj
at 3600 rpm at 3600 rpm at 6000 rpm at 3300-3600 rpm at 4000-6000 rpm
LENGTH 1107 mm 1349 mm 633 mm 305 mm 445 mm
WIDTH 1044 mm 1120 mm 744mm 318mm 318 mm
HEIGHT 925 mm 925mm 546 mm 343 mm 343 mm
WE IGHT (dry) 822 kg" 1134 kg" 147 kg 32 kg 34 kg
FUELS any liquid any liquid any liqUid Diesel and J P Diesel and JP
fuel fuel fuel
APPLICATIONS amphibious assault vehicles; fighting vehicles; heavy tactical vehicles; combatant crah propulsion: marine power generation small
craft propulsion; light-weight engine-generator sets : auxiliary and mobile power generation auxiliary power units: environmental
control units : prime power units : unmanned aerial vehicles : unmanned underwater vehicles: land robotic vehicles
'SCORE - Stratified Charge Omnivorous Rotary Engine
TCI - Turbocharged and intercooled
"Includes sump and internal oil cooler
"'Liquid cooled housings and oil cooled rotor
Status: Development. Manufacturer: Rotary Power International Inc. 22 Passaic Street. PO Box
128 . Wood · Ridge. NJ 07075·0128 . USA.
Tel ephone : 2014707002 Fax : 201777 2516
SCORE Rolary Engine Series 580 Model 3174R SCORE Rotary Engine Series 40 Modell004R
Detroit Diesel Corporation Engines 275 hp with several coun tri es having tested vehicles up to 350 hp. The
6V·53T is NATO certified to 300 hp and is currently undergoing testing for
certification to 350 hp . Thi s version will include after·cooling and a glow
Development/Description plug system for unaided starting to -25" F. The glow plug system can be
Detroit Diesel Corporation is a joint venture of General Motors and th e adopted by any existing 6V·53 military engine.
Penske Corporation which was formerly part of the Detroit Diesel. Alli so n
Division of General Motors. Series 71 and 92
Th e company is a manufacturer of a diversified line of heavy·duty two Bu ilt on the same proven design principle . the Series designation refers to
and four c ycle diesel engines ranging from 50 to 2400 horsepower for use cubic engine displacemenVcylinder . 71 and 92 cu in respeclively . Models
in powering trucks. combat vehicles . boats and ground support equipment. include naturally aspirated . turbocharged and after·cooled engines from 4
Through a 1988 Marketing Agreement between Detroit Diesel Corporation to 16 cylinders with ratings from approximately 100 to 1450 hp.
and Perkins Engine Group , Detroit Diesel now offers Perkins engines to th e The 8V·7 IT engine is widely used in self·propelled artillery powering the
North American market in the range of 5 to 1200 horsepower. M l 07 , Ml09 and MIlO and the related M578 armoured recovery vehicle .
The North American military market has utilised the Series 500 engine The I 2V· 7IT has been chosen to power th e Vickers Defence Systems
for MB4 tow tractors, fork lift trucks . de·icers and mari ne applications. The Mk 3 MBT and its specialised variants, and is also offered in various retrofit
Condor V12 currently rated at 1200 hp has potential growth to 1500 hp in packages for the M47 and M48 MBTs.
antiCipation of the US Army Heavy Forces Modernisation Program . Detroit Diesel is currently util ising a Low Heat Rejection cylinder head for
M 109A6 Paladin and associated FAASV engines which use heat shields
Serjes 53 engine cast into the head air passages ultimately reducing the engine's heat
These engines have gained worldwide acceptance in military applications rejection to coolant. This allows for moderate horsepower growth which
requiring reliability , durability and maintainability in a rang e of 50 to 350 was previously limited by the marginal cooling system of the M 109. Glow
horsepower. plugs were also incorporated into the head allowing the engi ne to be cold
The 3·53 (100 hpj engine is used extensively In SD·2 aircraft spotting started at - 25° F in less th an one minute. This technology will be adopted in
dollies with the 4·53 powering US Air Force MJ·l aircraft hydraulic test other higher horsepower engine programmes .
stands and US Navy P· 16 onboard fire·fighting vehicles. The 6V ·92T A rated up to 550 hp and the 8V ·92TA at 735 hp are
The 6V·53 (210 hp j powers the widely used Ml1 3A 1 and M l 13A2 family especially suitable for application requiring a compact high power· to·weight
which has evolved into the 6V·53T (275 hpj. powering the upgraded M730 engine. The 6V·92TA has accomplished its first major US Army military
Chaparral and Ml 13A3 vehicles. Th e US Marines LAV (8 x 8) is also programme award by being selected to power the US Army Arm ored Gun
powered with the 275 hp version . System light tank in the 19 to 23 ton (US ) range. The 8V·92TA at 550 hp
Foreign manufacturers have also selected th e 6V·53T to power their powers the Cadi llac Gage Textron Sti ngray light tank which has been sold
vehicles including MOWAG Piranha. ENGESA Cascavel and Urutu armoured to Thailand. The 8V·92TA automotive engine powers th e US Army HEMTT .
vehicles including FMC Corporation 's co·production programmes for new US Marine Corps LVS trucks and new M 1070 Heavy Equipment Transporter
M l1 3A2 vehi cles in Pakistan and AIFV vehicles in Turkey . (HET) and Palletized Loading System (PLS) trucks for the US Army. In
Repower of M113, Al and A2 and AMX· 13 vehicles 10 a number of addition it also powers tanks, fire trucks . crash/fire/rescue vehicles and
countries has utilised the engine at horsepower levels from 265 hp to boats.
Typical Detroit Diesel Mode16V·53T developing up 10 350 hp (26 1 kW) at Detroit Diesel ModeI8V·92TA available at ratings of up to 735 hp (549 kW)
2800 rpm at 2300 rpm with potential to 1000 hp ( 746 kW)
Futu re plans are to release the Series 92 fam ily at t .36 bhp/in3 the LENGTH t426mm
6V-92TA at 750 hp. the 8V-92TA at 1000 hp and the 12V-92TA at 1500 hp. WIDTH 953 mm
all with electronic controls. HEIGHT 1259 mm
WEIGHT (dry) 1225 kg
Series 60 GROSS POWER 450 bhp (336 kW) at 2100 rpm
Relatively new to the market is the totally new-designed Series 60 which is PEAK TORQUE 1450 Ibllt (1966 Nm) at 1200 rpm
GROSS POWER 425 bhp (317 kW) at 2100 rpm
the first production engine to offer integral electronic controls as standard
equipment. Vital features of th e engine include an overhead camshaft . PEAK TORQUE 1400 Ibl tt (1898 Nm) at 1200 rpm
parallel ports, an electronic control system and turbocharged air-to-air GROSS POWER 400 bhp (298 kW) at 2100 rpm
PEAK TORQUE 1400 Ibl ft (1898 Nm) at 1200 rpm
charge cooling .
Thi s all-new 6-cylinder four cycle diesel can power military equipm ent up GROSS POWER 365 bhp (26 1 kW) at 2100 rpm
to 450 hp. The Seri es 60 was selected to power the US Army M915A2 and PEAK TORQUE 1450 Ibl ft (1898 Nm) at 1200 rpm
M91 6Al line haul trucks and most recently US Air Force Rollover Snowplows. GROSS POWER 365 bhp (26 1 kW) at 1800 rpm
In January 1990 the US Army Tank Automotive Command initiated a PEAK TORQUE 1450 Ibltt (1898 Nm ) at 1200 rpm
Contractor Performance Certification Progra m (CP' ) for the Detroit Diesel
family of engines for combat and military applications. Full con tractor Series 71 12V-71TA 900 bhp
certification was awarded in December 1990 with DOC th e first contractor BASIC ENGINE 12V-71TA
to achieve certification over multiple product lines. The company is also NUMBER OF CYLINDERS 12
pursuing accreditation of its quality systems under the International BORE AND STROKE 108 x 127 mm
Organization (ISO) 9000 Quality Standard. DISPLACEMENT 13.971
Series 53 6V-53T 350 hp LENGTH 1524mm
BORE AND STROKE 98 x 114mm WEIGHT (dry) 1315 kg
DISPLACEMENT 5.2 1 GROSS POWER 900 bhp (671 kW) al 2500 rpm
ENGINE TYPE 2 cycle-V PEAK TORQUE 2080 Ibl ft (2820 Nm) al 1600 rpm
LENGTH 992 mm Status : Production as required . In service with Ihe United States Army and
WIDTH 927 mm many other armed forces .
HEIGHT 1049 mm
WEIGHT (dry) 769 kg Manufacturer : Detroit Diesel Corporation . 13400 West Outer Drive. Detroit.
RATED POWER OUTPUT Michigan 48239-4001 , USA.
gross power 350 bhp (261 kW) at 2800 rpm Telephone: (313) 592 5875 Telex: 43200 1
peak torque 7681b ft (1041 Nm) at 1600 rpm
NAPea International Retrofit Power Packages The powerpack is based on a Detroit Diesel 12V-71 QTA engine. an
Allison Transmission CD-850-6 transmission and a British Airscrew Howden
cooling system. These three basic components are combined in a Single
NAPCO International Incorporated of Minnesota has designed. in association fully integrated unit which can be installed in the vehicle in one piece. It can
with several other companies . a series of retrofit power packages for older also be operated outSide the vehicle for test or diagnostic purposes. The
armoured fighting vehicles such as the M24 and M4 I light tanks. the M4 . powerpack is designed for mounting in the engine compartment uSing Ihe
M47 and M48 medium tanks and the M74 armoured recovery vehicle. existing Lord self-locking slide brackets and only two bolts. All connection s
for fuel . electrical, instrument and control systems are provided with quick-
M47, M48 and Centurion Powerpack disconnect fittings for ease of powerpack changes in the field. As a result.
At the time of its original design for the M48 tank this was known as the the complete powerpack . With a dry weight of 3253 kg . can be changed in
NDDA (NAPCa. Detroit Diesel . Airscrew Howden) diesel powerpack. When the field in approximately 30 minutes.
liHad to the M48 th e automotive characteristics of the vehicle are raised to The basis of the powerpack is the Detroit Diesel 12V-7 1QTA diesel
the standard of modern bal1le tanks. extending its combat effectiveness ; in engine. This 12-cylinder. liquid-cooled . two-stroke unlflow diesel is the
fact th e NDDA powerpack would make th e old M48 potentially as good as subject of a separate entry (as the 12V-71T). but th e model used in the
the M60A3 MBTs. The NDDA powerpack kit makes it possible to convert NDDA package is fitted with four turbochargers and an after-cooler as a
currently petrol-engined M48 series tanks to diesel power without structural means of further uprating . The 12V-71QTA is rated at 597 kW at 2500 rpm
modification to the hull. In this respect the NDDA retrofit differs radically and has passed the NATO AEP 5 400-hour durability test at this rating.
from the US Army's own scheme to convert M48 tanks to M48A5 status by Further development may result in higher power output which is then used
(among other things) the installation of the M60 powerpack. involving with the CD-850-6A 1 transmission .
extensive cutting . welding and machining of th e rear hull and engine decks The transmission is the Allison CD-850-6 torque converter transmiSSion
of the M48 hull. As a resu lt the NDDA powerpack can be retrofitted with a which is used in the M60 series of tanks. It is very similar to earlier models
minimum of resources and therefore at a much lower cost. A similar in the CD-850 series used in the M47 and M48 tanks and armies already
modification using the Teledyne Continental AVDS-1790-2 series engine is familiar with the M48 will have no problems with the CD-850-6 either in
described separately in this section. operation or maintenance A modification kit is available to enable the
NAPCO M41 powerpack showing cooling system fans and radiator. CD-500 NAPCO powerpack ready for installation in M4 Sherman tank. M7 Priest or
transmission and Detroit Diesel BV-71 T engine M74 ARV
original M48 transmission to be upgraded to the latest standard as an lubricated by the main engine oil. Exhaust gas is used bo th for turbocharg ing
alternative to the procurement of new transmissions. In some of its other and also to evacuate dust from the first stage of the two-stage air cleaner.
retrofits (the M47 tank and the LVTP5/H6) NAPCa has used a transfer This. together with th e use of a water-cooled engine as opposed to the
case that eliminates the need for the transmission modifications when original air-coo led AaS-895 series eng ine. has made the re-engined M41
using the 12V-710TA. remarkably quiet in operation.
The Airscrew Howden cooling system has been specially designed to The retrofit require s an extensive but straightforward rework of the
enable the NDDA powerpack to be retrofitted in M48 tanks without changing engine compartment. Cooling air is drawn down through the practicall y
the profile of the engine compartment. It consists of two heat eXChanger unaltered re ar deck louvres. The fans force this air past the radiator and
and fan assemblies mounted between the engine and transmission . Each then discharge it through new arm oured louvres on the right hand side of
assembly comprises an engine coolant radiator . a transmission oil cooler the engine compartment. The air cleaner is mounted on the track guard and
and a mixed flow fan . The radiator and oil coolers are mounted horizontally. can draw air from either the engine or the fighting compartment. as sui ts
the radiator above the oil cooler. and the fan mounted below them draws local conditions.
cooling air down through the radiator and then the oil cooler. after which it When fitted with this powerpack the M41 has a maximum speed of
passes around the transmission and is discharged through the rear armoured 72.5 km/h . The modified fuel tanks contain some 500 Iitres of fuel which , at
covers. The mixed flow fans do not require stator vanes or an outlet casing. normal usage, gives an endurance of 1.04 battlefield days.
thus saving space and weight. The swirl of the discharged air also minimises Details of the Detroit Diesel 8V-71T engine are given separately in this
any tendency to blockage at the outlet of a densely packed engine section .
compartment . The hydrostatic fan drive allows the cooling power to be This retrofit package will also fit the M42 SPAAG (tested by Nat ional
varied to suit operating conditions . and its efficiency is further increased by Guard in USA. one purchased by Taiwan) . M44 155 mm self-propell ed
an oil/water heat exchanger. howitzer (one powerpack was in stalled for trials in 1985) and the M52
The engine is fitted with two dry. two-stage air filters. The auxiliary power 105 mm self-propelled howitzer (one fo r trials in 1985) .
unit of the M48 has been eliminated . and provision has been made for a As of February 1993 this retrofit package had not been adopted by any
300A generator or 650A alternator to be driven by means of a power take - country .
The road range of the M48 and the NDDA powerpack is estimated to be NAPca M4/M74/M7 Priest Powerpack
about 500 km . compared with the 100 km range of the gasoline-engined This powerpack is again based on the Detroit Diesel 8V -71T engine. but
M48. At the same time. the 597 kW engine offers a higher gross power uses the existing transmission and steering unit. Th e 8V-7 1T engine. which
output than the M60·s. The power available at the sprocket is greater is described separately in this section. is installed as a com ple te unit. Th e
because the efficient design of the cooling system demands less cooling cooling system is designed to use the vehicle's existing radiator. to reduce
power. As a result an M48 with the NDDA powerpack should be at least as COS1S and minimise installation difficulties . Using a specially designed air
mobile as the M60 series tanks. with a top road speed of 51 km/h and better cleaner and intake selection va lve. air can be drawn either from th e crew
acceleration. compartme nt or through the engine compart men t in a simi lar manner to
The NDDA powerpack can also be installed in the M47 and Centurion that of the re trofitted M41. It has been possible to make use of the M4
tanks. series' existing transmission which was designed to handle up to 500 hp
As of February 1993 this retrofit package had not been adopted by any (373 kW) . although few engines of this rating were available while the
country . Sherman was in production . Matching the engine to the transmission on ly
requires the drive shaft to be shortened. Re-engining with the 8V-71T gives
NAPca M41 Light Tank Powerpack an improvement in performance of about 30 per cent. which is similar to the
The retrofit of the M41 light tank with the Detroit Diesel 8V-71T engine improvement given by the installation of Cummins engines into Israeli
results in a vehicle with the same mobility as the original vehicle but with an variants of the M4 se ries. NAPCa has su pplied a number of these repower
operating range of over 450 km . compared with the 160 km of the spark- packages to Portugal for installation in its M74 armoured recovery vehicles.
ignition engined tank. The powerpackcomprises the 8V-71T engine matched In 1987 an Asian coun try, believed to be Pakistan . completed an
to the original CD-SOD torque converter transmission by a NAPCa step-up exhaustive 24 month trial of a 105 mm M7 self-propelled howitzer fitted with
gearbox _ The powerpack is cooled by two axial flow fans and a matched a repower package developed by NAPCa.
radiator. and a power take-off drives a 650 A alternator which is cooled and
M 113 SUpport/Conversion
NAPca can suppl y virtually any spares required for th e M 113 and M113A 1
family of tracked vehicles. It can also supply th e complete diesel conversion
package for the M11 3 as used by th e US Army . Th is includes the di esel
engine. automati c transmission. transfer case. cooling components and all
other parts necessary for complete di esel co nversion from th e M113 to the
M113Al .
Following competitive trials. NAPCa delivered two repower packages for
installation in LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle Track Personnel) armoured
amphibious assault vehicles of an undisclosed country. believed to be
The powerpack co nsists of a more fuel efficient Detroi t Diesel Model
12V-7 10TA diesel developing 750 hp coupled to the existing Alli so n
Transmission Division of General Motors C-850-4B transmission via a
transfer case. The fuel system has also been modernised.
For the fi rst phase of the competition , three manufacturers submitted
powerpacks for extensive trials. The NAPCa powerpack was selected and
following formal accepta nce with the two powerpacks delivered in t 991 a
MB (6 x 6) armoured car of Colombian Army fitted with NAPCO supplied contract for 150 upgraded packages was awarded and final deliveries of
powerpack and TOW launcher these were made in 1993.
'U - ",I
_J ill \1'';1j
I' 55.20"~
major components of alumin ium
stroke 146 mm
~( ..0..
~ ( D .J ):.~ ~ R F ~ type
valve train
'Unisteel' cylinders , aluminium cooling
geared twin camshafts actuating 24
Ot '6 p:
~ valves
-0 1
1790 cu in (29.34 I)
mechanical injection
twin turbocharger
air-cooled by two geared engine driven
Teledyne A VDS- 1790-8CR as installed in M88A 1El armoured recovery
vehicle (dimensions given in inches)
max power 750 hp (559 kW) at 2400 rpm
max torque 2373 Nm at 1950 rpm
BSFC 246 g/kWh at 2400 rpm
enhancement , fire-control systems, external suspension systems, fire
LENGTH 1.78 m
suppression , night vision devices , turret drive and stabilisation .
WIDTH 1.91 m
Depending upon customer requirements, TCM can provide any level of
HEIGHT 1.13m
technical support including total turnkey modernisation programmes
WEIGHT 2223 kg
encompassing completely upgraded vehicles utilising local labour. Details
APPLICATIONS see description above for all applications
of Teledyne Continental Motors Corporation Centurion modernisation
package are given in Jane 's Armour and Artillery 1992-93 page 158 while
Model AVDS-1790-SA (intercooled)
details of its Direct Fire Support Vehicles, the Armored Gun System, are
Details as lor AVDS- 1790-2 series
given in the same volume pages 186 to 188.
This 750 hp (559 kW) engine is available with a 300 A air-cooled generator max power 677 kW (908 hpj at 2400 rpm
(AVDS-1790-2D) or with a 650 A oil-cooled alfernator (AVDS-1790-2C). An max torque 2975 Nm at 2000 rpm
earlier version of this engine coupled with the CD-850-6A transmission was
standard equipment on the M48 , M60 and M88 vehicles. The latest engine Model AVDS-1790-8DR (intercooled)
(Red Seal) is in its third generation of product improvements for reliability Details as for AVDS-1790-2 series
and durability and is oHered with a 1000 hour warranty. except:
This is an up-powered version of the AVDS - 1790-2C with co mmon ality of max power 783 kW (1050 hpj at 2400 rpm
over 90 per cent between the two diesel-powered engines. The engine is max torque 3440 Nm at t 800 rpm
rated at 908 hp (677 kW) and is installed in the Merkava Mk 1 MBT. The -SA
is a good candidate for tank modernisations requiring additional horsepower
with transmission options including the Allison Transmission CD-850-6B
and XT-1410 or the Renk RK-304. The AVDS -1790-5A is available with the
1000 hour Red Seal warranty .
This is an up-powered version of the AVDS-1790-2C with commonality of
over 70 per cent between the two diesel-powered engines. It has power
increased to 1050 hp (783 kW), a 650 A alternator and similar dimensions
to the AVDS -1790-2C . The AVDS-1790-8CR engine, configured with PTO
was installed in the product improved M88A 1E1 IRV. This engine received
formal NATO certification from the Tank Automotive Command (TACOM)
in April 1984. The AVDS-1790-8A is available with the 1000 hour Red Seal
TCM A VD S- 1790-9A
This is an up-powered version of the AVDS-1790 -2C with commonality of
over 70 per cent between the two diesel-powered engines. It has power
increased to 1200 hp (894 kW), a 650 A alternator and the same dimensions
as the AVDS -1790-8CR . The AVDS -1790-9AR powers the Merkava Mk 3
MBT and rece ived NATO cert ification from TACOM in February 1988. The fheisraeliMerkavaMk3 MBTispoweredbya TCMAVDS - 1790-9A R diesel
AVDS-1790-9 A is available with the 1000 hour Red Seal warrant y engine
Model A VDS-1790-9A Status: In production , in service with many countries including Israel and
Details as for AVDS-1790-2 series lhe United States.
COMPRESSION RATIO 13 .0 :1 Manufactu rer: Teledyne Continental Motors. General Products, 76 Getty
RATING Street. Muskegon , Michigan 49442, USA .
max power 894 kW ( 1200 hpj at 2400 rpm Telephone : (616) 724 2151 Fa x: (61 6) 724 2928
max torque 3932 Nm at 2000 rpm
Key parts of the FMS Corporation M113A3 APC conversion kit Bradley lighting vehicle litted with applique armour kit from FMS Corporation
Allison Transmission
Allison Transmissio n manufactures a compl ete range of transmissions. built for the US Army with the exception of the M2/M3 Bradley which has a
some of whi ch have been developed spe cifically to meet military General Electric HMPT-500 automatic transmis sion.
req uirements while others were developed lor civilian use but are also It is also providing the new automatic transmission to both con tenders,
widely used in military vehicles. Cummins Engine Compa ny and General Electric . for use in th e Advanced
The company provides automatic transmissions lor virtually every AFV Integrated Propulsion System (qv).
CD·8S0 series crossdrive transmission which IS ins talled in many tanks X-300-4B transmission which is installed in UK Warrior and manufactured
including M60 series and is also now manufactured under licence in Spain under licence in the UK by Perkins
by Sociedad Anonima Placencia des las Armas
Status : Production .
In the 1970s Roll s- Royce, subsequently Perkins Engines (Shrewsbury).
signed a licence agreement with the now Allison Transmission. for final
development and production of the version for Warrior designated th e
X-300-4B. Full-scale production of this commenced in lhe UK in 1986.
The X-300-4B is a fully automatic crossdrive transmission offering four
forward and two reverse ranges driven through a torque converter and lock
up clutch . Steering is infinitely vari able with tru e pivot turn in neutral.
achieved with hydrostatically con trolled double differentials. Service and
parking brakes are incorporated and are hydraulically applied w ith
mechanical back-up. A generous live PTO faci lity is provided for , together
with a rang e of inpul torque converters to suit most engines. The X-300-4B The Perkins manufactured X-300-5 automatic transmission will be installed
is suitable for front or rear installation. in all production Combat Vehicle 90's of the Swedish Army
Oil system
all type MIL· L·2104D. grade 30. MIL·L·46 167
arti e
capacity (excluding external circuit) 150 I
filler integral, lull flow . replaceab le dual
Weight (dry ) 1960 kg
Manufacturer: Alli son Transmission . PO Box 894· L7. Ind ianapolis. Indi ana
46206·0894. USA.
Telephone : (317) 242 27 15 Telex : 2764t 1 TWX : (810) 34 13120
GE HMPT-500 Transmission
The design incorporates service brakes for stopping and parking the
Development/Description vehicle which are oil cooled and mechanically actu ated , disconnect clutch
The HMPT·500 hydromechanical transmission was developed under for starting engine and towing the vehicle . tow pump for tow starting th e
contract to the US Army Tank Automotive Command and after trial s with vehicle with an inoperative electrical system and a PTO for operation of
prototype systems was selected for the M2/M3 FVS in 1977. By early 1993 engine-driven accessories.
7500 HMPT·500 transmissions had been built and production was running The orig inal HMPT·500 has now been replaced in production by th e
at 88 a month. upgraded HMPT·500·3 and thi s is currently installed in the late st production
The HMPT·500 automatically determines speed ratio and engine output M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle s. M3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicles and Multiple
based on throttle position and vehicle load , and transmits power with Launch Rocket Systems . Over 2000 of the uprated 600 hp HMPT·500·3
infinitely variable ratios through th ree forward and one reverse speed transmissions have been produced. It has also been fitted to the prototype
ranges . Changes between ranges are made with no change in ra tio or of the private venture Vickers Defence Systems VFM Mk 5 battle tank and
interruption in power flow. It provides maximum steering torque in all ratios more recentl y it has been selected by the FMC Corporation for the XM8
with a large track speed differential and dynamic braking with full engine Armored Gun System (AGS) whi ch has been ordered for the US Army.
retarding torque and hydrostatic retard ing. More recent applications include a T·541T·551T·62 repower in which th e
For applications in vehicles in the 36 288 kg. 800 hp class. General Electric
has developed the HMPT -500-4 automatic transmission under contract to
the US Army Tank Automotive Command . Vehicle trials have been
completed in an automotive test rig and production can commence on
receipt of orders.
GE HMPT-1000 Transmission
The HMPT-500-3 transmission, covered in the previous entry, is coupled to
engines with an input rating of up to 447 kW (600 hpj . Using the same
technology, th e Defense Systems Department 01 General Electric has
more recently developed the HM PT-l000 autom atic transmission as a
private venture.
The HMPT-l000 is being offered as a compact, low-profile alternative for
self-propelled artillery system s and other medium-sized armoured vehicles .
For trials purposes a powerpack consisting of a Mack E9 diesel , GE
HMPT-l000 automatic transmission and a new cooling system , has been
installed in an M 103 heavy tank chassis to give a gross vehicle weight 01
45 tons (US) .
POWER , net hp (kW) 1250 (933)
SPEED, rpm 2100 to 3200
max torque Ib It (Nm) 19000 (25750)
max forward speed, rpm 3900
max reverse speed, rpm 3900
steering torque per
side Ib It (Nm) 11400 (15 500)
WEIGHT dry 1270 kg General Electric HMPT- l 000 automatic transmission
LENGTH 1.219 m
WIDTH 757 mm
HEIGHT 76 1 mm
Status : Undergoing trials. Not yet in production or service, The Mack E9! Manufacturer: General Electric Company, Defense Systems Department ,
HMPT-l000 powerpack is scheduled to undergo trials by the US Army in 100 Plastics Avenue . Pittsfield , Massachusetts 01201 , USA
1993 as part 01 the Medium Integrated Propulsion (MIPS) programme Telephone· (413) 494 3405 Telex : 951315 Fa x: (413) 4943791
Diehl Track System
The Tracks Division of Diehl has been involved in the design. development Developments
and production of tracks for armoured vehicles since 1959. The production Innovations include snow cleats for high-speed use. new double pin track
facilities for Diehl tracks comprise four factories: the Blankenheim factory with mesh of sprocket teeth in track body (Diehl patent) . noise and vibration
produces the special rubber com pounds necessary to meet the strenuous damping systems in th e fin al drive area and new rubber-textile tracks for
demands made by armoured vehicle tracks and the factory at Mariahutte lightweight vehicles.
produces steel components such as connectors , track pins, track pad
plates and drive sprockets. Remscheid is the centre of the Tracks Division Status: In production. In service with th e Germ an Army and many other
and provides the main admi nistration and research facilities. while track countries.
bodies are made in the Remscheid steel foundry with subsequent machining
also taking place at Remscheid in addition to the vulcanisation of track Manufacturer : Diehl Rem scheid. Tracks Division, Vi eringhausen 11 8. PO
pads and final assembly, preservation and packaging. Box 100269, D-5630 Remscheid 1. Federal Republi c of Germany .
The essential parts of the Diehl double pin tracks are the cast body , the Telephone: (02 191 ) 79 1-1 Tele x: 8/513800 DIE D Fax : (0219 1) 79 1-282
pinS with vulcanised rubber bushings . different types of forged connectors .
the Diehl patented slide-in track pads . Diehl tracks represent the only
systems which can install so-called mud or snow cleats to increase traction
under severe cross-country conditions .
Double pin track for medium vehicles such as M t 09 with two insertable pads Double pin track for heavy vehicles M48. M60 and M88 with two insertable
and two end connectors. Diehl System Track 109 showing main components tracks, one middle connector and two end connectors. Diehl System Track
(1) end connector (2) bolt (3) body with integral centre guide (4) track pad and 208 showing main components ( 1) end connector (2) bolt (3) body with
(5) grouser integral centre guide (4) track pad (5) grouser (6) centre connector (outer
part) (7) centre connector (inner part) and (8) bolt
Diehl System Track 129 for Swedish Combat Vehicle 90 Diehl Track 640A for Leopard 1 MB T stripped down
Germany / TRACKS 271
Cons. Vehicle Diehl Type Width Weight Track Padsl Pad Status Remarks
No. No. mm kg/m shoesl track type
vehicle shoe
I Fighting Vehicles Main Battle Tanks
1 Leopard I 640 d 548 154 168 2 ch se NATO Slandard Track
2 Leopard I 139 d 548 123 168 v se Dutch Army only
3 Leopard II 570 d 635 182.5 164 2 ch se NATO Standard Track
4 Strv 103S 570 d 635 181.5 122 2 ch se
5 AM X·30 233 d 570 150 167 2 ch se
6 TAM 528 d 500 124 182 2 ch se
7 M48 108 d 711 168 156 v se equal to US T97E2 , also for M60
8 M48 208 d 635 183 150 2 ch se
9 M60 208 d 635 183 156 2 ch se replacing type 108
10 Centurion 107 5 552 156 218 3 v se
11 Cenlurion 207 s 552 174 192 2 ch se
12 OF·40 840 d 548 162.4 170 2 ch se
13 EE· TI Osorio 234 d 570 150.2 182 2 ch n.se
14 T·54IT· 55IType 59 259 d 548 168 156 2 ch n.se
15 T·62 159 d 548 168 156 2 ch n.se
16 Ml 570 d 635 181 164 2 ch n.se
tV Artittery vehicles
2 JPz Kan 228 d 447 111.3 172 2 ch se
3 JPz Rak 228 d 447 111 .3 172 2 ch se
4 MLRS 129 d 520 108 184 2 ch se German Army
5 Palmarla 840 d 548 162.4 190 2 ch se
6 Ml07l11 0 228 d 44 7 111.3 153 2 ch se German Army
7 Ml07l1 1O 828 d 450 120.5 157 2 ch se Dutch and British Army
8 Ml091108 109.1 d 396.5 104.8 t52 2 ch se
9 Ml09/108 109.2 d 396.5 104 .8 152 2 ch se co ne shaped Insertion of pad
10 Ml09/ 108 309 d 397 97.9 152 2 ch n.se bayonet·llke cone shaped insertion of pad
Column D Column I Column J
5 = single pin track ch = changeable pad se = serial
d = double pin track v = v ulcanised track shoe n.se = not serial
272 T RAe K S / I S rae I
Urdan Track Shoes also manufactures road wheels for many types of armoured fighting vehicles
(including the Ml MBT , M2IFV, M3 CFV. M4 Sherman tank. M9 ACE , M24
Description light tank, M41 light tank . M42 SPAAG , M47 tank, M60 MBT , M88 ARV.
With in Urdan Industries, Suspension & Parts Induslri es (S PI) produce s a M113 se ries of APC , Ml07 , Ml08. Ml09 and MIlO self-propelled artillery
wid e range of metal parts and assemblies of suspension compon ents for weapon s, M551 light tank , M578 armoured recovery vehicle and the
tracked armoured vehicles, including ro ad wheels , sprockets, track and Centurion MBT). rotary shock absorbers, final drive sprockets and road
shoes. Urdan TGL is responsible for the rubberi sing of track shoes. In wheel housing assem blies. Brief specifications of the track shoes are given
addition to manufacturing an extensive range of track shoes, Urdan Industries in the table below :
T80ES T84El
APPLICATION M4 Sherman . M51 and M74 AR Vs APPLICATION M26, M46 and M48 tanks and variants
PITCH 152 mm PITCH 152mm
WIDTH 584 mm WIDTH 584 mm
GUIDE TYPE removable centre GUIDE TYPE removable centre
APPLICATION M24 light tank and vari ants APPLICATION M41 light tank . M42 SPAAG , M44 and
WEIGHT PER SHOE 11 .7 kg M52 SPG , M59 and M75 APC
PITCH 139.7 mm WE IGHT PER SHOE 18.59 kg
WIDTH 355 mm PITCH 152.4 mm
GROUSER HEIGHT 31 .75mm WIDTH 533 mm
GUIDE TYPE integral centre PIN DIAMETER 22.3 mm
BUSHING TYPE rubber GUIDE TYPE integral rubber
T97E2 Tl07
PITCH 176mm PITCH 179mm
WIDTH 711 mm WIDTH 711 mm
GUIDE TYPE removable centre GU IDE TYPE removable centre
T130El T132El
PITCH 152mm PITCH 152mm
WIDTH 381 mm WIDTH 457mm
GROUSER HEIGHT 32.54 mm to 55.56 mm GROUSER HEIGHT 39.68 mm 1061 .91 mm
GUIDE TYPE integral centre GUIDE TYPE integral centre
T136 T142
PITCH t52mm PITCH t76 mm
WIDTH 381 mm WIDTH 711 mm
GUIDE TYPE integral centre GU IDE TYPE centre guide
T1S6 AMX-13
APPLICATION Ml MBT APPLICATION AMX-13 light tank and variants
PITCH 193.6 mm PITCH 122.23 mm
WIDTH 635mm WIDTH 350mm
GUIDE TYPE removable centre GUIDE TYPE 2 integral guides
AMX-30 Centurion
APPLICATION AMX-30 MBT and variants APPLICATION Centurion MBT and variants
PITCH 160 mm PITCH 139.7 mm
WIDTH 196mm WIDTH 610mm
GUIDE TYPE integral centre GUIDE TYPE integral centre
I S rae I - U K / T RAe K S 273
OT-62 T-62
APPLICATION OT -62 APC and varianIS APPLICATION T-62, T-55 and T-54 MBTs
PITCH 128 mm PITCH 137.16mm
WIDTH 352mm WIDTH 580mm
GUIDE TYPE 2 inlegral guides GUIDE TYPE inlegral cen1re
Status : Production as required. In service with Israeli Army and also Manufacturer: Urdan Industries Limited , Industrial Zone . IL-42378 Netanya,
exported . Israel.
Telephone : (972) 53-338074 Telex : 341822 UASF-IL
Fax : (972) 53-610246
Sekur track shoe assembly for M60 MB T showing main components Sekur track shoe assembly for Leopard 1 MB T showing all components
Status : In production. In service with Ihe Italian Army and oth er counlries. Manufacturer : Sekur SpA , Via di Torrespaccata 140, 1-00 196 Rom e. Italy
Telephone: (06) 260046 Telex : 611084 PIAVRO - I
lucky-Goldstar International Corporation Track Manufacturer : Lucky-Goldstar International Corporation . 537 Namdae-
mun-ro 5-ga. Chung-gu , Seoul, South Korea. CPO Box 1899.
Shoes Telephone: 777-8096 Tele x: K27266 Fax: 752-8258/9
Blair Tracks
o o
t~~" - i1~ "~&~ II
_' _ _ II! _ r• _ _ ~ f ~! .
Challenger I MBTtrack showing (I) Irack link (2) complete track pin (3) track
pad and (4) six link wrap
Warrior track link showing (I) track link (2) complele track pin (3) replaceable
rubber bushes (4) complete track pad and (5) seven link wrap There is also an M 113 rubber bushed single pin track with a replaceable
road pad, rubber bushes and rubber wheelpath.
For former Soviet vehicles Blair produces th e BLR 724 all steel dry pin
in times of crisis. The company offer equipment for refurbishment of single track for the PT·76 light amphibious tank. BLR 2132 all steel dry pin track
or double pin track. Refurbishment includes breaking down wraps into for MBTs , BLR 2102 all steel rubber bushed track for MBTs and the BLR
individual links, removing all rubber components and matertal from links, 2285 replaceable rubber padded and bushed track for MBTs .
cleaning and inspection of link body, rebushing. rebounding and repaddtng A double pin track has also been designed for the British Challenger 2
the link and finally reassembling links into wraps. They also offer automated MBT, with rubber bushed pins, replaceable road patch , rubber wheelpath
and semi·automated equipment for all of these stages together with and replaceable connectors. For the CVR(T) Scorpion series a rubber
inspection equipment. bushed single pin track is available with integral road pad , rubber bushes
and a rubber wheelpath .
Other tank links
These include an improved track link for the M 113 armoured personnel Running Gear
carrier and variants . MBT double pin track with rubber bushed pads. The company can also supply the following items of running gear for
replaceable road path, rubber wheelpath and replaceable connectors. armoured fighting vehicles:
Status : All of the above tracks are produced as required. In service with the Manufacturer: George Blair Pic, Defence Products Division , Armond Carr
British Army and other undisclosed countries. Works , Tow Law. Durham DL13 4HH . UK .
Telephone : (0388) 730331 Telex : 58630 BLAIR G Fax: (0388) 73 1030
Catton Tracks
Cation has been supplying tra cks to the British Army as well as many
overseas countries for many years and by 1988 production had passed
over five million track links. In addition to supplying individual links and
complete links, the company also su pplies a wide ra nge of ancillary
equipment such as gun crad les . cupola hatch casting s, idler wheels.
periscope mountings , sprocket carr iers. ex haust elbows and top roller
brackets. The follow ing is a summary of tracks currentl y manufactured by
Catton :
Chiehain 1964 1000000+ production
Centurion· 1947 1000000+ production
CVR(T) seri es 1972 1000000+ production
Vickers Mk 3 1966 200000+ production
FV432 series 1963 1800000+ production
T-34/85 1981 30000+ production
as required
T-54155/59/69' 1977 140000+ production Catton-produced T-62 track link
as required
T-62 1981 65000+ production
as required
BMP-I 1981 30000+ production
as requ ired
BTR-50PKlPT·76' 1981 60000+ production
as requ ired
ATS -59 1981 15000+ production
as required
OT-62' 1981 60000+ production
as required
ZSU-23-4 1981 25000+ production
as required
Warrior 1986/87 nl av production
CET 1986/87 nlav production
Mll 0/Ml07 1986/87 nlav production
AM X-13 199 1/92 nlav produclIDn
New products
Late in 1988 Cation and Company announced th at it had developed , as a
pri vate venture , a new track link with a replaceable rubber pad which is a
di rect replacement for the existing former Soviet T-54/T-55 all steel track.
The replaceable rubber pad is held in position by two bolts. The company
has also developed to the prototype stage a new track for th e PT-76 light
amphibious lank. this being a bonded one-piece track. Both the new Catton-produced T-541T-55 track link
T-54/T-55 and PT-76 tracks are di rect rep lacements for the existing form er
Soviet-designed tracks with no modifications required to the aClual vehicle.
The new tracks ofter a number of advantages over the existing Iracks
including longer life, less damage to road surfaces and quieter operati on.
Status: All of the above are produced as required . In service with the Manufacturer : Ca ti on and Company Limited, Defen ce Producl s Group ,
British Army and other undisclosed coun tri es. Largest export customer to PO Box 28. Cro ss Green Approach . Leeds LS 1 1JG , UK .
date has been Egypt. Telephone: (0532) 496363 Telex: 55415 CATION G Fax: (0532) 491376
276 T RAe K S I U K - USA
In 1992 Mondial Defence Systems completed development of a new The company claim that former Soviet vehicles filled with thi s new track
double pin lrack which can be installed on former Soviet MBTs , ARVs, have many advantages, including improved cross-country ride and mobility,
CEVs and self-propelled artillery systems. This was developed in association smoother clutch take up, the vehicle is less prone to shed track on tight
with an unnamed US Army approved track manufacturer turns, does no damage to roads (as the track has rubber pads) . up to 50 per
Production quantities have already been supplied to an undisclosed cent increase in road speed , improved comfort for the crew, low hull noise
customer and installed on its vehicles. as the track pin is no longer knocked back, easier maintenance, improved
The track conversion set comprises lour sprocket rings which fit the fuel consumption and reduced track damage .
sprocket hubs, a simple change taking less than one hour. The vehicle is
then pulled onto the new track and connected with standard M series end Status : Production. In service with an undisclosed country .
connectors .
As well as being suitable lor the T·54fT-55fT·62 style non-bogied system , Manufacturer: Mondial Defence Systems limited , 12 Market Street. Poole.
it can also be used with the more recent T·64fT-80 fully tensioned track Dorset BH15 lNF , UK.
system . The set up for both systems requires the correct assembly of the Telephone: (0202) 668661 Telex : 41327 VICTOR G Fax: (0202) 669755
eight link wraps which is carried out in the factory , although unit workshops
can be supplied with a jig if required.
AAI Roller Chain Band Track pOint at which the four bands are connected and is the lateral structural
member lor the track on uneven terrain.
Earlier testing of a 381 mm wide band track on a M113 seri es APC
Development/Description demonstrated significant improvements over th e standard block track in the
The Roller Chain Band Track has been developed by AAI under contract to areas of reduced weight , less noise and vibration and reduction in rolling
the David Taylor Research Center, Marine Corps Program Office, Bethesda , resistance . A 431 mm Roller Chain Band Track has been installed on the
Maryland , to provide a lighter and quieter track for medium weight combat AAI-built Automative Test Rig (ATR) and Ihe High Water Speed Technology
vehicles when compared to existing block tracks . Demonstrator (HWSTD) . A 533 mm Roller Chain Band Track has been
The Roller Band Track provides a continuous rubber rolling su rface for tested on a USMC AAV7 Aland on the AAI developed PropulSion System
the roadwheels on the two inner bands. Ground contact for the roadwheels Demonstrator (PSD) . .
is through inner bands and rubber road pads attached to the crossmembers.
The outer two bands provide additional tensile and ground contact footprint SPECIFICATIONS
in soft soil conditions. The steel crossmember incorporates sprocket drive TRACK 431 mm 533 mm
surfaces and centre guide for th e roadwheels and the crossmember is the WEIGHT per 0.304 m 16.78 kg 22.22 kg
PITCH LENGTH 148mm 170mm
THICKNESS 68mm 73mm
TRACK T130 Band Track
at 32 kmlh 474.9 kg 389 .64 kg
to 48.28 kmlh 32.7 s 23.7 s
(R MS G level) (at 32 kmlh) 1.2 0.25
at 32 kmlh
Crew compartmenl 120 108 to 112
Driver's compartment 122 1 t4
New FMC Tracks Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle (FAASV) where it has replaced
In addition to the previously mentioned AFV tracks . FMC Corporation. Steel the T136 track. Different track wid ths are available to suit different vehicle
Products Division. has recently introduced three new tracks . the Tt 50 . types including the M2/M3 Bradley family.
T154 and T158 and additional details of these are provided below. Key performance advantages of the T 154 track when compared to the
older T136 track have been summari sed by FMC Steel Products Division
T150 Track for M1 13 Series Vehicle as :
This track was developed by US Army Tank Automotive Command and
FMC Steel Products Division for vehicles in the 12-20 ton (US) range. It is a Features Benefits
forged steel double pin live track and is a replacement for th e T130El track Two induction hardened pins Increases bushing area and improves
used on the M 113 series of vehicles. durability by 200 per cen t
Key performance features and bene fits of the T 150 track have been Integrallorged shoe body Optimal grain flow means greater
summarised by FMC as : durability and strength at minimum
Features Benefits 44 per cent larger replaceable pads Reduced ground pressure , improved
Two induction hardened pins Increases bushing area. improves traction , much longer pad life
durability by 300 per cent. reduces Replaceable wide faced end Reduced sprocket wear and
pin cracking through load distribution . connectors (clamp style) increased sprocket life ensures
provides ability to complete the proper track bushing pre-load
mission after bushing failure
Integral forged shoe body Optimal grain flow mean s greater SPECIFICATIONS
durability and strength at minimum TRACK WIDTH 381 mm (variable up to 533 mm by
weight simple modification to end connector)
75 per cent larger replaceable parts Reduced footprint. improved traction TRACK PITCH 152.4 mm
and longer pad life PIN DIAMETER 31 .75 mm (hollow)
Roadwheel path backing rubber Vibration and noise levels PAD TYPE replaceable
significantly lower, completely CENTRE GUIDE integral
compatible with sophisticated NUMBER OF PINS 2 (hollow)
electronic systems END CONNECTOR clamp type
Replaceable wide faced end No sprocket slot wear in track block PAD NUTS capped
connectors for reb uild capability. reduced ROADWHEEL PATH rubber
sprocket wear and increased NUMBER OF PARTS 7
sprocket life PITCHES PER VEH ICLE 166
TRACK WIDTH 381 mm (variable by simple modification (Ml09) 2273 kg
to end connector)
TR ACK PITCH 152.4 mm T158 Replaceable Pad Track
PIN DIAMETER 29mm The T158 track share s the same configuration envelope , track/vehicle
PAD TYPE replaceable height and method of installation as the existing T156 track installed on the
CENTRE GUIDE integral MI /M1Al /M1A2 MBTs.
NUMBER OF PINS 2 (hollow) It has triple the life of the existing T156 track. exceeds the US Army track
PAD NUTS capped durability criterion , has lower life cycle costs than the existing Tt56 track ,
NUMBER OF PARTS 7 can be installed on the M 1 tank with no modifications to the vehicle and has
ROADWHEEL PATH rubber no degradation in Ml performance.
PITCHES PER VEHICLE 127 Components of fhe T158 track are the rubberised track block . centre
PITCH WEIGHT 10.39 kg guide kit, end connector kit. rubberised pin and rubberised track pad. The
WEIGHT OF TRACK PER M113 1319 kg track pad weighs 34.11 kg and is 635 mm wide .
T1 54 Track for M992 FAASV Status : In production. In service with the US Army and many oth er countries.
This has also been developed by US Army Tank Automotive Command
and FMC Steel Products Division and is a forged steel double pin track for Manufacturer: FMC Corporation . Steel Products Division , 2101 West 10th
tracked combat vehicles in the 28-40 tons (U S) weight range. It has been Street, Box 1030. Anniston . Alabama 36201 . USA.
lested on seven different vehicle types and is in production for the M992 Telephone : (205) 237 2841 Telex : 6714994 Fax: (205) 235 9691
The T158LL and XT166 are advanced track systems being developed for body . integral centre guide . intermediate connectors without any wedge ,
the 45-70 ton (US) gross vehicle weight class of combat vehicles in the bolt or nut components and is non-directional.
near term (1995) . The first generation vehicle tested design was forged steel ; however , the
Both of these track systems are 625 mm (25 in) wide and are double pin need for further weight redu ctio n has necessitated the consideration of
replaceable pad design configu rations. In addition to being easy to maintain , altern ative materials and cast manufacturing options.
they also offer increased durability with red uced weight through the use of According to the developing agency, Tank Automoti ve Command , the
computer-aided design analysis and optimisation . benefits of the advanced track system include a reduction of up to 590 kg
The T158LL is an improved version of the current production Abrams per vehicle in track weight. and increased track life (4800 to 9600 km
MBT T158 forged steel track with weight reduction being the primary goal. durability), a 10 to 25 per cent reduction in life cycle costs and weight class
It has a two piece shoe body , two bolt domed centre guide . clamp type vehicle commonality.
(wedge less) end connectors , replaceable roadwheel path rubber and is
non-directional. Developi ng agency: United States Army Tank Automotiv e Command .
The XT166 is a hybrid design that is intended to capitalise on the best Warren , Michigan 48397 ·5000. USA.
features of both single and double pin track design . It has a one piece shoe Telephone : (3 13) 574 2675
WHEEL 3000 to 4000 kg
ROAD WHEEL 8tonnes
RADIUS 415mm
WEIGHT 180 kg
SAMM is developing a wide range of suspension systems for tracked and
wheeled armoured vehicles. In 1987 the company delivered the firsl twin
hydro-pneumatic suspension systems for prototypes of the Leclerc MBT
and the first prototypes of the new linear suspension systems for th e
Thomson -CSF Cratale surface-to-air missite taun cher. tn addition to
designing suspension systems for current tracked and wheeled vehicles.
SA MM is also developing systems that can replace current torsion bar
suspension systems.
In addition to the suspensions described below, SAMM also designed
and produced the hydraulic suspension system for the Giat Industries
155 mm TR towed artillery system now in service with the French Army.
SAMM suspension for lighl armoured vehicle MacPherson type hydro-pneumatic suspension elemenl
Krauss-Maffei Hydraulic Bump Stops
Germ any has tested a Leopard 1 retrofitted with hydrau lic bump stops
Development/Description and Australia has retrofitted its Leopard 1s with hydraulic bump stops,
For many years Krau ss- Maffei has been carrying out intensive research in since when no further roadwheel arm distorti on has bee n reported . In
the fie ld of suspension improvement , with one of the major areas being the addition , the hydraulic bump stops are in service on Leopard 1 MBTs of the
replacement of common bump stops. The Leopard 2 is fitted with hydraulic Greek Army .
bump stops as standard equipment. Trials have also been carri ed out on other vehicles, including the Swi ss
According to Krauss-Maffei, trials showed that the installation of hydraulic pz 68 , which demonstrated not only much improved gun stabilis ati on but a
bump stops not only significantly improved the performance and reliability reduction in the load of almost 40 per cent on th e runni ng gear,
of the suspensio n system but also improved crew comfort and reduced the GLS , a subsidiary of Krauss-Maffei, offers a number of retrofit packages
impact of shock on the optronic and electronic equipment installed in the for armoured vehicles , including the installation of hydrau lic bump stops.
vehicle . For example , on the M48 se rie s, hydraulic bump stops are mounted at all
Krauss-Maffei has now designed a whole seri es of hydraulic bump stops wheel stations with no modifications to the hull structure, while new telescopic
that can be quickly fitted to a variety of wheeled or tracked armou red shock absorbers are fitted at roadwheel positions 1, 2 and 6. The existing
vehicles as well as passenger cars . torsion bars are replaced by new torsion bars made of the same material as
tho se installed in the Leopard 1 MBT .
For th e M41 , a prototype of which has already been tri alled overseas.
suspension improvements include improved tor sion bars, dual action
telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers and hydraulic bump stop s for the
roadw heel arm s.
For the AM X- 13, GLS offers a number of improve ments including a new
connector type track, modified sprockets and final drive. new roadwheel s
and idler (from MI1 3) , modified suspension arms, modified existing track
return ro llers, dual action hydraulic telescopic shock absorbers on first,
second , fourth and fifth roadwheels and installation of Krauss-Maffei hydraulic
bump stops . New torsion bars ca n also be installed if required .
Krauss-Maffei hydraulic bump stops are mai ntenance-free and are easy
to retrofit in th e same mounting position as th e former mechanical bump
stop. The life expectancy of hydraulic bump stops is considerably higher
compared to th e one for mechanical dampers_
The main fe atures of these hydrau lic bump stops have been summari sed
by Krauss- Maffei as follows :
Selection of the wide range of hydraulic bump slops made by Krauss-Maffei (1) hard impacts on the chassis are avoided by absorbi ng surplus energy
for armoured vehicles which cannot be absorbed by the suspensio n system
Germany-Netherlands I SUSP E NS I ONS 281
(2) the anticipated characteristics of the suspension system are maintained (4) there is a high workload capacity in relation to weight and dimensions
since the hydraulic bump stop acts only within th e second 11alf of the (5) the highest possible workload capacity is ensured , with reaction forces
posilive roadwheel arm travel kept at a minimum , since an almost rectangular damping characteristic
(3) th e dampi ng force is matched to impact velocity has been chosen
(6) a piston of spherical shape and a fl exible guiding and sealing system
Status : In production . are used . The piston rod tilts . thus fo llowing th e circular movement of
the roadwheel arm
Manufacturer: Krauss-Maffei Wehrtechnik GmbH , Krauss-Maffei (7) th e bump stop absorbs the energy instead of accumulating it.
Strasse 2. 8000 Munich 50. Federal Republic of Germany .
Telephone : (089) 88 99 0 Telex: 5 23 163 31 Fa x: (089) 8 1201 90
mm Nm
70 x 56V Leopard 1 56 140 6.2 15750 1.25
70 x 56 Leopard 1 56 140 6.2 7350 1.25
and M48
70 x 56 Shark 8 x 8 56 140 6.2 6200 2.4
70 x 70V Leopard 1 70 152 6.9 19680 1.4
rein force d
70 x 70 Leopard 1 70 152 6.9 9600 1.4
70 x 70 Puma , M44 70 152 6.9 9190 1.4
and Tornado
70 x 70 AMX-30 70 152 6.9 11 125 2.5
70 x 85 Marder 1 85 180 8.4 9410 1.4
70 x 85 BPz 85 85 180 8.4 15700 2.8
70 x 85 PzH 2000 85 180 8.4 20300 2.2
70 x 140 Leopard 2 140 250 11 .2 15700 2.8
70 x 140 pz 68 140 250 11 .2 14420 5.24
70 x 140 Taurus 140 250 11 .2 22660 2.6
60 x 60 MAN 8 x 8 truck 60 130 4.0 7000 1.5
60 x 60 M113 60 130 4.0 6490 1.25
60 x 60 T-541T-55 60 130 4.0 9400 2.3
60 x 60 KSPz 90 60 130 4.0 9200 1.4
and M41
60 x 100 AMX -13 and 100 178 5.0 7800 2.8
SHL Hydraulic Bumpers Comparison of bumper/spring for M48/M60 MBT
SHL Bumper Spring
Development/Descriptio n MAX ABSORBED ENERGY 23 kJ 2.3 kJ
Many MBTs are fitted with suspension systems that incorporate spring MAX SIDE FORCES 5.2 t nil
bumpers that are designed to absorb buggy arm velocity and to stop motion STOKE 65mm 70mm
at th e final stag e.
In most tanks , howeve r, the bumper consists of a high rate steel spring SPECtFICATtONS
which bottoms under high velocities . The resultant uncontrolled high forces DIAMETER 164-t76 mm
are then transferred to the hull of the tank and so have an effect on LENGTH
performance . extended 304-425 mm
Conventional steel spring bumpers transfer high dynamic loads and contracted 239-340 mm
G·factors to the crew and its systems, and the driver has to reduce speed in
order not to injure the crew or damage the vehicle . Note: In addition to manufacturing hydraulic bumpers for MBTs. SHL also
SHL has developed a hydraulic bumper th at replaces conventional spring manufactures hyd rauli c shock absorbers for armoured ve hicles and gun
bumpers. This consists of a cylinder piston assembly that absorbs high con trol equipmen t including the elevating mechanism, add-on stabilisation
energies in order to improve tank performance. Wh en the road wheel arm system . gunners control assembly. deck clearance valves . hydraulic valve
hits the piston it moves . forcing th e oil through a series of orifices. a process assembly and the complete hydraulic power pack for the turret. Details of
that causes the bumper effectively to absorb th e energ y and stop the SHT turret system upgrades are given in th e Weapon Control and
motion. Stabilisation Systems section.
According to S HL . its hydraulic bumper significantly redu ces the
G-factors for the same high arm velocities. enabling a more comfortable Status : Production . In service with the Israeli Army .
speed over rough terrain at higher speeds.
The hydraulic bumper ca n be adju ste d acco rding to cus tom er Manufacturer: SHL (Servo Hydraulics Lod) . PO Box 190. IL-711 01 Lod .
speci fi cation s for different working conditions , different armoured vehicles Israel.
and different terrai n profiles. Telephone : (972 ) 8-222651 Tele x: 371 120 SHLD IL
Fax : (972) 8-222792
KONI Hydraulic Shock Absorbers
MI13Al -B series APCs for the Belgian Army and Dutch-built Armoured
Infantry Fighting Vehicles (YPR· 765) .
Development/Description In addition . KONI has developed a special steeri ng damper to overcome
For many years KONI has been su pplying hydraulic shock absorbers for steering problems such as spontaneous tendencies of shimmy and whe el
tracked and wheeled armoured fighting vehicles as well as trucks for both flutter. The steering damper only functions over a small stroke on both
the home and export markets. sides of a neutral position and . as a res ult. steeri ng will not be affected
These include the German Spahpanzer Luchs (8 x 8) reconnaissance when cornering and the wheels wi ll return to straight lorward position
vehicle. the Timoney/BOX APC , MOWAG Piranha fami ly of 8 x 8, 6 x 6 and withou t any impact of the steering damper.
4 x 4 vehicles. BMF·built Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicles (AIFV) and For th e M113/AIFV series of fuili racked vehicles . KON I has developed
282 SUS PEN S ION S I N e the r I and S - UK
new shock absorbers that are overrated In damping capacity and Ihe and the cylinder wall . In order to control thi s cl earance, pisto ns and working
special design allows perfeci functioning in the hOrizontal position. cylinders are matched and an additional grind ing operation is periormed
Kinetic energy , which is converted Into thermal energy In the field , after piston to piston rod assembly.
requires characteristics with high damping forces and, therefore , the shock Special PTFE piston ri ngs ensure a periect guiding and sealing function
absorber must be able to function under extremely high temperatures. of the piston and th e same material has been applied in the piston rod guide.
Extensive tesf programmes indicated that high piston speeds and The use of high class materi als ensures th at th e shock absorber can
enormous dynamic loads occur In order to press the wheels as constantly resist the dynamic loads that occur under severe operational cond iti ons.
as possible against the tracks and thus minimise wear and the derailing Extra attention is also paid to the oil and gas seals because of the high
effect of the vehicles track, a degressive damping characteristic was chosen . temperature. Vi ton spring loaded multiple lip seals and a special oil with
In order to ensure a good perfo rmance of the damper to temperatures of additives are applied .
about + 190' C, attention has been paid to the clearance between the piston
Status : In producti on, In service with Belgian, Netherla nds and oth er
armed forces.
Close·up of KONI shock absorbers on M113A I-B APC Cutaway of KONI absorber as used on M11 3A l-B
::::',j!C:::::====;!~~~~~~====~-=...J (ReboundPositionJ
Schema tic diagram of Air-Log hydro-gas suspension unit for tile 155 mm Cutaway dra wing of typical Air-Log MBT hydrostrut with bump position (top)
AS90 self-propelled artillery system and rebound position (bottom)
NC:lRU4l "no! vElocn.rs
u ' characteristic , The crew can vary the gas pressures of each unit although
the hydraulic damping and bearing oil are sealed for th e life of the unit,
The Diehl track IS the Type 640, of the double pin rubber-bu shed type,
a: which has a track life of 5 to 6 times that of the normal steel pin track used
1'"i by Ihe Briti sh Army. The sprockets also come from Diehl. The roadwheels
are from th e Leopard 2 while the top rollers are from the Leopard 1.
VERTICAL WHEEl VELOCIT Y The Air-Log idler assembly incorporates an advanced hydraulic track
WHEEL FALLING / tensioner with overload protection that allows the idler wheel to retract if
excessive track tension is built up,
L - - ._ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~
The hydrostrut system is a telescopic arrangement of hydro-gas, originally
designed as a retrofit suspension for vehicles such as Chieftain and
Typical damping characteristic 01 Air-Log hydro-pneumatic suspension Cen turion . but now suitable for applications on both new and upgraded
sys tem vehicles , It oHers the advantages of hydro-pneumatic suspension but in a
small volume .
The working principle is very similar to the hydro-gas system, An axle
Main advantages of th e hydro-pneumatic suspension system can be arm tran smi ts the wheel movement to the hydrostrut and, as the outer
summarised : cylinder moves over the inner. oil is forced through the damper and then
(1) as the system is extern al there is more space insid e the vehicle : on an displaces the separator piston subsequently compressing the gas.
MBT thi s would be a savi ng of 0,65 m' over an equivalent torsion bar Hydrostrut has been tested by the Swedish Army on a Centurion MBT,
system , Thi s allows the vehicl e to have a lower si lhouette . The overall where it gave the vehicle a Significant increase in cross-country performance.
weight of the hydro-pneumatic suspension is lighter than a comparable The hydrostrut has also been evaluated by the British Army on a Chieftain
torsion bar system , MBT. Chieftain armoured repair and recovery vehicle and a Chieftain
(2) cross-country performance of the vehicle is improved , giving greater AVLB ,
comfort to the crew and allowing higher cross-country speeds. A minimum of modification IS required to fit the system to the vehicle : thiS
(3) the gun platform is more stable since there is less pitching and better can be undertaken In fie ld workshops using basic tools and equipment.
absorption of reco il force s, According to Air-Log there is a notable
increase in gun 'platform stability in Challenger lover conventionally Tandem Hydrostrut
sprung vehicles of a similar weight. This private venture development was announced in 1988 and is aimed at
(4) hydro-pneumatic suspension units ca n also be replaced in th e fi eld and the AFV retrofit market where co nventional torsion bar and hydraulic
the hull interior is not cluttered up with torsion bars, dampers are incorporated SUCll as the Ml09 and M41 .
(5) if the weight of the vehicle increases, for example, due to the installation Previous suspension retrofit options have been limited to either torsion
of more armour to cope with an increased threat, gas pressure can be bar and damper upgrades or full conversion to an alternative suspension
adjusted to accept the increasing vehicle weig ht. geometry. Improvements to the torsion bar and damper are performance
(6) sensitive equipment inside the vehicle is subjected to lower acceleration limited and usually result in over-stiff suspension around the static ride
levels which result in reduced shock loads and th ereby increase height.
eq uipment reliability , Tandem Hydrostrut involves replacing the conven tional telescopic damper
In additi on to designing the hydro-pneumatic suspension system for the with a combi ned gas spring and hydraulic damper Unit. The torsion bar
Challenger 1 MBT , Air-Log designed the comple te running gear package , remains to provide the primary springing . The option to improve or modify
including a second generation hydro-gas suspension unit for the Vickers the damping characteristic with a lock-out device is available.
Shipbuilding and Engineering AS90 155 mm self-propelled artillery sys tem The increase in spring force can be tailored to suit the vehicle requirement.
which was first shown in 1986. compensating for Increase in weight due to improvements in armour
In mid -l 989 the British Army selected th e AS90 as its futu re 155 mm self- prolection and so on ,
propelled artillery system and placed an ord er with Vickers Shipbuilding The main advantage claimed by Air -Log is that the resultant spring curve
and Engineering for the supply of 179 systems valued at £300 million with is progressive rather than the linear relationship of a torsion bar and ideally
an option on a furth er 50 system s. First production AS90s were completed suited to high cross-coun try mobility , In addition. damper performance can
in 1992, also be improved to suit the specific vehicle req uirement.
Early in 1990 Air -Log announced that it had been awarded th e contract Trials already carried out in the USA on the BMYIRO 155 mm Ml09TX
by Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited to supply the complete self-propelled howitzer have already demonstrated a marked improvement
running gear for the AS90 with a total valu e in excess of £16 million , in gun platform stability as well as cross-country mobility , In the Ml09
Air-Log has undertaken responsibility for the design. manufacture and solution . the exisllng front and rear dampers are replaced with Tandem
programme management of the complete running gear package that includes Hydrostrut. No hull modification is necessary to install the units and the
an advanced Air-Log hydro-pneumatic suspension unit, German Di ehl change from the original system to Tandem Hydrostrut can be accomplished
double pin track and sprockets, GLS top ro llers and roadwheel s and Air- in 30 man hours using existing eqUipment.
Log designed and manufactured idler gear. The Ali-Log Tandem Hydrostrut has been tested on the US Army's
The AS90 has six hydro-gas wh eel station s per side, all of which have Human Faclors Howitzer Test Bed (HFHTB ). an Ml09 155 mm self-
inlegral hydraul ic damping , The hydro-gas units have a low maintenance propelled artillery demonstrator at Aberdeen Proving Ground . USA .
284 5 U 5 PEN 5 ION 5 / U K
Dunlop Suspension Systems It is a single cylinder. linear hydro-pneumatic suspension unit and
combines a Nitrogen gas spring and hydraulic damper in a cylinder lying
Development above and parallel to th e road arm.
The Dunloride hydro-pneumatic suspension systems are the result of
progressive development undertaken si nce Ihe 1970s. Dunlop was one of SPECIFICATIONS (for AMX -13 application)
the three original companies. the other two being Dowty and the then Laser Wheel load (sta ti c) 15 kN
Engineering, who were awarded development contracts by the Royal Wheel load (max) 67.5 kN
Armament Research and Development Establishment (Chertsey) in 1973 Wheel load (max side at bump) 30 kN
for the hydro-pneumatic suspension system for the Iranian Shir 2 MBT which Vertical wheel displacement
subsequently entered service with the British Army as the Challenger 1. (static to bump) 275mm
Since then Dunlop has continued with the design , development and Vertical wheel displacement
manufacture of a complete range of single cylinder hydro-pneumatic units (static to rebound) 100mm
in which the spring is separated from the damping fluid by a separator Static internal pressure 7. 14 N/mm'
piston. Max working pressure 34 .9 N/mm'
This range of suspension units now covers vehicles weighing from 10 to Unit weight 17.2 kg
60 tonnes and , according to Dunlop, offers the following advantages: Operating ambient temperature range _40° to +60' C
maximisation of available engine power ; greater off-road mobility : improved Pneumatic medium Nitrogen - white spot grade
weapon system accuracy and reliability ; reduced crew fatigue ; overload
capability ; improved track retention and greater reliability : and ease of SPECIFfCATIONS
maintenance. Weight class 20-30 tonnes 30-40 tonnes 40-60 tonnes
The Dunlop suspension systems now fall into three categories : Dunloride Wheel load (static) 22.67 kN 32.44 kN 41.5 kN
and Dunlostrut for tracked vehicles and Dunlostrut for wheeled vehicles. A Wheel load (max) 102 kN 146 kN 186.75 kN
brief outline and specificalions for all three system types are given below. Wheel load (max
side at bump) 45.34 kN 64.88 kN 83 kN
Vertical wheel
Dunloride displacement
The Dunloride system was originally developed in the early 1970s and has (static to bump) 330mm 330mm 330mm
continued since then. It has been selected by ENGESA of Brazil for its Vertical wheel
EE ·Tl Osorio MBT. The Dunloride is a self-contained unit including a displacement
single cylinder gas spring and hydraulic damper with road arm . It is available (stati c to rebou nd) 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm
for a complete range of weight classifications ranging from 20 to 60 tonnes. Static internal
As of early 1993 the EE-T1 had yet to enter production . pressure 8.11 N/mm' 6.38 N/mm' 7 .31 N/mm'
Max working
SPECIFICATIONS pressure 34.49 N/mm' 32 .35 N/mm' 33 .73 N/mm'
Weight class 20-30 tonnes 30-40 tonnes 40-60 tonnes Unit weight 23.58 kg 35 kg 41 kg
Wheel load (static) 16.35 kN 32.7 kN 49.05 kN
Wheel load (max) 75.58 kN 142.4 kN 220.7 kN Note : All have an ambient temperature rang e of -40' to +60° C with
Wheel load (max pneumatic medium being Nitrogen - white spot grade
side at bump) 32.7 kN 65.4 kN 98.1 kN
Vertical wheel
(static to bump) 330 mm 330mm 350mm
Vertical wheel
(static to rebound ) 100 mm 70mm 100mm
Static internal
pressure 6.87 N/mm' 7.59 N/m m' 7.69 N/mm'
Max working
pressure 48 .26 N/mm' 56 .91 N/mm' 57 .25 N/mm'
Unit weight 136 kg 200 kg 250 kg
Note: All above have an ambient operating temperature range from -40' to
+60°C with the pneu matic medium being Nitrogen - white spot grade
Horstman Defence Systems Suspensions combat vehicle . with first production rotary dampers being delivered In
1986. Since then additional orders have been placed by GKN Defence.
Development/Descripti on In 1986 Horstman Defence Systems designed a rotary hydraulic
suspension damper which is fitted to the lirst. second and sixth roadwheel
Integrated Rotary Dampers stations of the private venture Vickers Mk 3( 1) MBT to give an improved
For th e Warrior mechanised combat vehicle . now in service wi th the British cross-country rid e.
Army (wi th th e Desert Warrior version being selected by Kuwait in 1992) .
Horstman has combined th e functi ons of an axle arm pivot and torsion bar Lever Actuated Dampers
mounting with a high performance damper to produce an integrated damper For vehicles unable to lully exploit their operational potential because 01
unit compatible with the widely accepted rotary torsion bar spring system . suspension limitations, Horstman has designed and manufactured a damper
The design gives over 90° of axle arm travel and a high level of controlled which can easily be retrofitted to the vehicle hull. This damper is actuated
damping whilst operating temperatures remain well within acceptable limits . by a simple linkage lrom an existing damper mounting pOint.
The integrated rotary damper for the Warrior has a clean external profile The damper unit is mounted directly to the vehicle hull so that a good
which . according 10 Horstman Defence Systems . makes it highly resistant thermal conduction palh IS maintained . allowing for high levels of energy
to damage caused by foreign objects or ballistic attack. dissipation
Late in 1985 Horstman was awarded a £7 million contract by GKN The first application ot the lever operated damper was the M113 technology
Defence for the supply of rotary dampers for the Warrior mechanised demonstrator (see Engines. Transmissions and Powerpacks section).
For the M113 application the Horstman lever-actuated damper IS a bolt- (3) repeatable setting after overload
on unit for the first and last roadwheel stations either side. The M113 can be (4) varrable overload setting capability
fitted with all four dampers in less than a day with the only work required
being a template to posi tion drill holes which are then tapped to bolt the unit Manufactu re r : Horstman Defence Systems Limited , Locksbrook Road .
in position. Bath , Avon BAI 3EX. UK.
The damper is actuated by a simple linkage from the eXisting shock Telephone : (0225) 42311 I Telex : 444363 Fax : (0225) 447357
absorber mounting point on the wheel arm .
Horstman has also designed and built a lever-actuated damper for the
FV432 series of APC and the Scorpion CVR(T) to give a Significant
increase in cross-coun try speed .
In 1988 Horstman announced that a series of tests recently carried out
by th e Royal Arm ame nt Re search and Development Establishment
(Chert sey) had shown that significant improvements to th e speed and
agility of existing vehicles are possible simply by ret rof itting the Horstman
lever-actuated rotary damper.
The Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment fitted
the rotary dampers to the SITV test vehicle which is based on an Alvis
Scorpion chassis. They reported that over the most rigorous terrain profile.
measured speeds were 2.5 times that achieved by the unmodified vehicle.
In addition to the M113. FV432 and Scorpion series . Horstm an rotary
dam pers can also be fitted to other vehicles such as the French AMX -l0
and AMX -13 and heavier vehicles such as the Leopard 1 and 2 and former
Soviet T -series MBT s.
During 1989 Horstman applied its rotary damper technology to the
T -series vehicles where the existing rotary shock absorber is replaced by a Orifice Re-strfctor / ' Rotor
similarly sized Horstman rotary damper This produced significantly higher
levels of damping .
Late in t992. Horstman Defence Systems an nounced that It had been Cutaway drawing of Horstman integrated rotary damper
selected to supply its lever actuated rotary damper sys tem for the second
prototype (PT02) of th e Au strian/Spanish ASCOD armoured personnel
The running gear on either side of the ASCOD consists of SIX dual
rubber-tyred road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front. idler at the
rear and four track return rollers.
The road wheels have torsion bar suspension with the fi rst two and last
road wheel station s either side having a Horstman Defence Systems lever
actuated rotary damper system .
Vi ckers Defence Systems Hydrau lic Track and manufacture of hydraulic track tensioner systems for the Chieftain
Armoured Vehicte Launched Bridge (AVLB) and Armoured Repair and
Tensioner Recovery Vehicle (A RR V) of the British Army. All producti on units are now
in service on both vehicle types.
Developmen t The AVLB carries a bridge which is taunched over the fronl of th e vehicle
The Vickers Defence Systems hydraulic track tensioner enables th e rapid and this causes the track tension to change. The ARRV carries a powerpack
adjustment of track tension to be carried out without any of the crew leaving weighing some 5 tonnes and, again , when this is untoaded , the track
the vehicle. ten sion is affected.
The company produced its first hydraulic track tensioner in 1978 and this A slightly different hydraulic track tensioner has been fi tted to a British
underwent some 6500 km of British Army trials. tn 1986 a contrac' was Army Chaltenger 1 for trials and a slightly modified version is fitted on all of
awarded to Vickers Defence Systems covering the final design. develoi ment the prototypes of the Challenger 2 MBT.
In January 1989 Vickers Defence Systems delivered two hydraulic track achieved th e rams are automalically locked . In case of electro-hydraulic
lensioners to General Dynamics, Land Systems Division . These were failure a hand pump is fitted .
fu nded under Ihe US Defense Department's Foreign Weapons Evaluation At present tank tracks have to be adjusted manually and this is a time
(FWE) programme. consuming process and cannot always be accomplished under tactical
They were inslalled on an MIseries MBT and completed a 9656 km conditio ns . If the track is incorrectly tensioned this can have adverse effects
durability trial al Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona. on fuel consumption, track life and track retention ,
Vickers Defence Systems can design hydraulic Irack tensioning systems
10 suit all full-tracked armou red fighting vehicles. Status : Development complete. Production as required . In service with
British Army on Chieftain AVLBs and ARRVs.
The hydraulic track tensioner has two externally mounted double-acting Manufacturer: Vickers Defence Systems. Scotswood Road , Newcastle-
rams linked to the fronl idler wheels , with the hydraulic power being upon-Tyne NE99 1 BX, UK,
provided by an electro-hydraulic pump mounted inside the dri ver's Telephone : (091) 273 8888 Telex : 53104 Fax: (091) 273 2324
compartment. It is controlled by two directional control valves, one for each
idler. Each ram cylinder has lock valves and a pressu re relief valve.
To tighten or slacken a track the driver selects the direction in which he
wants the appropriate ram to move : to tighten the track he moves the ram
forwards and to reduce the tension on the track the ram is moved backwards:
the hydraulic pump is then operated. Once the required ten sion has been
Ram opemJBd by
non-return WJI~ and
pressure relief val..,
Schematic ~ of 1hIck 1eosiooer operation
The OTIS measures the optimum track length when the vehicle is static
by measuring the position of the idler and the angle of each road arm .
As the suspension moves up and down it computes the dynamic path
length around the idler, underneath the wheels and up to the sprocket. This
is compared with the optimum track length and the idler is positioned on a
real-time basis to make the two equal , usi ng the idler position to close a Oynamic Track Tensioning System installed in a MBT showing position of
servo loop. main components
The system is being designed with a high degree of redundancy with
several backup operation modes and the ability for the track tension to be
adjusted manually,
The OTIS will be compatible with future suspension developments components ; reduced operation and support costs through longer track
including active suspension systems . su spension component life : and reduced fuel co nsumption ,
According to Vickers Defence Systems, the main advantages 01 this
system include : com pletely automatic track tensioning over any terrain ; no Manufacturer: Vickers Defence Systems, Scotswood Road, Newcastl e-
intervention from the driver; increased combat effectiveness through fewer upon-Tyne NE99 1 BX , UK .
thrown tracks : increased performance : lower stresses on running gear Telephone : (091 ) 273 8888 Telex : 53104 Fax : (091) 273 2324
Combat Veh icle Suspension Technology The suspension system also has the capability to have height control and
lockout installed on an optional basis as vehicle mission requires .
According to Tank-Automotive Command , the main features and benefits
Developmen tJOe scri pti on of the ESS can be summarised as follows:
As pari of its ongoing development work in various aspects of armoured (1) modular deSign and fewer parts
vehicle technology lor future armoured fighting vehicles, Tank-Automotive (2) optimum spring and damping
Command is looking toward s new suspension systems, (3) weight class commonality
These include th e External Suspension System (ESS) in which all of th e (4) ability to install vehicle height control and suspension lockout
suspension components and functions are exterior to the hull of the vehicle. (5) weight savings over torsion bar
The ESS provi des the ability to be tuned for optimum vehicle springing and (6) reduced suspension system weight
damping for all gross vehicle weights within the heavy weight class (45 to (7) elimination of intern al hull space claim
70 tons). (8) lower vehicle silhouette
(9) improved ro adwheel and track life
(10) reduced suspension life cycle costs Tank-Automotive Command has award ed Vickers Defence Systems a
(I I ) vehicle weight class commonality (optimised for 45 to 70 ton (US) . contract for a new Dynamic Track Tensioning System. This system will be
gross vehicle weight vehicles. tested on an MI outfitted with the Teledyne ESS. Details of this system are
Cadillac Gage Textron and Teledyne Continental Motors General Products given earlier in this section .
have both developed ESS and details of these are given in the followi ng
two entries. These suspension systems are to be evaluated by the US Devefoping ag ency: United States Army Tank- Automotive Command.
Army on the Component Advanced Technolog y Test Bed (CATTB) chassis Warren . Michigan 48397-5000. USA.
which is based on a MI AI MBT chassis. The Cadillac Gage system will be Telephone: (313) 574 8687
tested fi rst followed by the Teledyne Continental Motors system.
--- ...... -
Cadillac Gage Textron 6K in-arm suspension unit, one set of which has been
installed on a US Marine Corps AA V7A 1 for trials Cadillac Gage Textron 14K in·arm suspension unit (not 10 1176th scale)
Status: Prototype systems undergoing trial s. Manufacturer: Cadi llac Gage Textron , Advanced Mobility Systems. PO
Box 1027, Warre n, Michigan 48090, USA.
Telephone: (313) 777 7100 Telex : 2000707 Fax : (3 13) 776 9731
Cadillac Gage Textron 10K in-arm suspension unit which can be retrolitted Cadillac Gage Textron 6K in-arm suspension sys tem mounted on a US
to MBTs such as the M48, M60, Centurion and T-series Marine Corps AA V7AI vehicle lor trials purposes
also Involved). adaptive suspension damping (with Lotus) . active suspension Status : Development complete.
(with Lotus) and more Into the futu re active suspension using standard
suspension plus hydraulic assist. Manufacturer: Teledyne Continental Motors General Products. 76 Getty
Street, Muskegon. Mich igan 49442, USA.
Telephone : (616) 724 2151 Telex: 228 426
DGFM 105 mm TAM Tank Turret The gunner is seated forward and below the commander and is provided
with a x 8 magnification Zeiss TZF sight combined with a swivelling and
tilting periscope.
Development The loader is provided with a single piece hatch cover that opens to the
The TAM tank turret is fabricated at the Fabrica Mi litar ' Ro Tercero rear and with a tilting periscope mounted in front of his position .
armaments factory using materials and components supplied by a number Main armament is a locally developed 105 mm gun (covered in AFV
of subcontractors including Ihe Altos Homos Zapla steelworks, the Somisa Armaments section) although the Rheinmetall Rh 105-30 can also be fitted .
steelworks and the Fabrica Mi litar San Martin Armaments factory. Its use is Both weapons fire all standard 105 mm tank ammunition. An ammunition
currently confined to the TAM medium tank designed by Thyssen Henschel loading port is provided in the left side of the turret with space for 20 round s
for the Argentinian Army and subsequently built in that country by the to be stored in its confines.
manufacturer TAMSE . The turret can be adapted for use on other armoured The gun is provided with a bore evacuator . thermal sleeve and is fully
vehicles. stabili sed in both planes. Mounted coaxially is a 7.62 mm MAG machine
gun manufactured under licence. A similar weapon is mounted on the roof
Description of the turret for anti-aircraft defence. Four smoke dischargers are mounted
The turret is of all welded steel construction with the commander and on either side of the turret's rear section.
gunner on the right and the loader on the left. The commander is provided
with a single piece hatch cover and eight periscopes . Mounted in front of his SPECIFICATIONS
hatch is a non-stabilised Steinheil Lear Siegler TRP-2A panoramic sight CREW 3 (commander . gunner. loader)
with a magnification of between x 6 and x 20. Thi s can be replaced by an ARMAMENT
infra -red sight unit. The commander also operates the coincidence main t x 105 mm gun
rangefinder. coaxial t x 7.62 mm MAG MG
anti·aircraft 1 " 7.62 mm MAG MG
smoke discllargers 2x4
main 20 rounds (in turret)
secondary 6000 rounds
commander one TRp·2A panoramic sight (x 6 to x 20
one coincidence rangefinder
eight periscopes
gunner one Zeiss TZF sight (x 8 magnification)
combined with swivelling and tilting
loader one tilting periscope
WEIGHT 2050 kg
length 3,425 m
width 2,4 m
height 0.67 m
TAM medIUm tank fitted Witl1 DGFM 105 mm welded steel turre!
DevelopmentlDescript ion
The 20 mm VCTP turret is fabricated at the Fabrica Militar ' Ro Tercero
armaments facto ry using materials and components supplied by a number
of subcontractors including the Altos Homos Zapla steelworks. the Somisa
steelworks and the Fabrica Militar San Martin Armaments factory. Its use is
currently confined to the VTCP infantry combat vehicle designed by Thyssen
Henschel for the Argentinian Army and subsequently built in that country by
the manufactu rer TAMSE . The turret can be adapted for use on otller
armoured vehicles .
The two-man turret is armed with a 20 mm cannon and a roof-mounted
7.62 mm MAG machine gun . A full range of optical sights and periscopes is
provided fo r the crew .
CREW 2 (commander. gunner)
ARMAMENT The VCTP infantry combat vehicle is fitted with a two-man DGFM 20 mm
main 1 x 20 mm automatic cannon turret
secondary t x 7.62 mm MAG MG
WEIGHT t 050 kg Status : Production as required . In service with the Argentinian Army
DIMENSIONS (VTCP Infantry combat vehicle) .
length 1.56 m
width t,46 m Manufacturer: Direcclon General de Fabricaciones Militares (DGFM ).
height 0.62 m Cabildo 65 . Buenos Aire s, Argentina,
292 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS / Au S t ria
Steyr SP3/300 Weapon Station (c) digital Fire-Control Computer (FCC) with cant sensor providing improved
firing performance by automatic determination of super elevation and
azimuth lead as a function of ammunition type . range. turret azimuth
Development rate and cant angle. Five types of 30 mm ammunition (HE . APDS.
The SP3/300 two-man weapon station was designed by Steyr- MPDS . APFSDS and MP) and 7.62 mm Ball/AP can be processed
Dalmler-Puch for use on MICV and reconnaissance type vehicles such as (d) gunner's station Computer Control Panel (CCP)
the ASCOD (developed by Steyr and SANTA BARBARA) and Steyr Pandu r (e) commander's station remote display (TV monitor giving identical image
ARSV30. to gunner's therm al display)
If) a turret position indicator gives the driver. commander and gunner th e
Description turret position related to the hull .
The lurret is of all-welded construction and provides protection against up In addition. a periscopic daylight sight is provided for the commander. The
to 30 mm APDS rounds from 1000 m in the frontal area and agalOst small commander has a further five and the gunner has two panoramic episcopes
arms and shell fragments all round . around their hatch covers for general observation of the surrounding terrain _
The main armament consists of a gas operated MK 30 mm x 173 Turret traverse and weapon elevation are carried out by the commander
auto malic cannon. with a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun mounted to ilS left using electric power controls. The gunner has a manual backup system .
as the secondary weapon . The aulomatic cannon is a gas-operated weapon
With a maximum firing rate of approximately 800 rds/min . The belted SPECIFICATIONS
cartridge ammunition is fed via a dual belt feeder so that a change 01 CREW two
ammunition type results in no loss olliring capability . ARMAMENT 1 x 30 mm MK 30 cannon
Cocking of the bolt. actuation of the dual belt feeder and firing is performed 1 x 7.62 mm MG (various types)
by means of electromechanical actuators. The weapon can be operated by AMMUNITION 215 rounds 30 mm (135+80) ready -use.
both the gunner and the commander. 550 rounds 7.62 mm ready-use
The vehicle commander sits on the left Side of the weapon station with smoke dischargers 2 banks (66. 76 or 81 mm calibre
the gunner on the right Both have adjustable seats and rear opening options)
si ngle-piece hatch covers in the roof. CONTROLS
The gunner's fire control system is a modular thermal and Visible target operation electromechanical operated wi th 2-axis
acquisition system with ground/ground and limited groundlanti-aircraft gyro stabilisation and backup manua l
capabilities . The system consists of : traverse 360°
(a) optical sight with thermal channel and gunner's display (TV monitor) minimax velocity 0.3/0 .9 mradls
(b) Integrated laser rangefinder depression/elevation -10 to +50°
mini max velocity 0.310.8 mrad/s
gunner laser integrated periscopic sight: x 8
magnification. 8° FOV
laser rangefinder: unity prism . x 1
magnification . 36° x 25· FOV
thermal imaging channel : narrow x 8.4
magnification. 1.1° x 2.2° FOV :
wide x 2.8 magnification . 3.4· x 6.8' FOV
commander periscope sight: x 6 magnification . 170
mil FOV and x 2 magnification.
570 mil FOV
WEIGHT (without crew) 2500-3400 kg (depending upon required
protection level)
Steyr SP2/300 Weapon Station The coaxial machine gun is mounted to the left of the 30 mm RARDEN
cannon in an external turret position . Belted 7.62 mm ammunition is fed
Development/Description mechanically to it from a metal plate storage box through flexible channels.
The SP2I300 is similar in design philosophy and armour protection to the The machine gun is cocked electrohydrau lically by hydraulic cylinders and
SPI / t 27 one-man weapon station. It has undergone successful trials with fired by electrical impu lses. A warning light in the weapon station inform s
the Austrian Army and is now ready for production . the operator when he is about to exhaust the supply of ready-use ammunition.
The main armament consists of a recoil-operated self-loading British
Royal Ordnance 30 mm l21 AI RARDEN automatic cannon with a coaxially SPECIFICATIONS
mounted 7.62 mm MAG machine gun. Six smoke dischargers are fitted in CREW one
banks of three on either side of the turret rear. ARMAMENT I x 30 mm L21Al RARDEN cannon
The 30 mm cannon can either fire single shots or bursts of up to six 1 x 7.62 mm MAG 58 MG
rounds with a cyclic rate of fire of approximately 90 rds/min. A total of 84 AMMUNITION 8430 mm HE-T, APDS-T or TP-T rounds
rounds IS carried in clips of three. of which 20 are stowed In a rotatable 600 rounds 7.62 mm ready-use
ammunition magazine beneath the turret bearing. The remaining eight clips smoke dischargers 2x3
are in two containers on the turret platform . CONTROL
The turret operator is provided with an adjustable seat. a rear opening operation electrohydraulically powered with backup
single-piece hatch cover in the roof and one Philips UA 9126 roof-mounted manual
periscopic sight with a changeable x 6/x 2 magnification daylight channel traverse 360° at 45°/s
and a x 7 magnification passive image intensifier night sight channel for elevation/depression - 10· to +40· at 30°/s
target acquisition and aiming . The sight also has adjustable illumination of OPTICS UA 9126 periscopic sight with x 6/x 2
the stadia graticule for ground firing and an elliptical graticule for use interchangeable day channel . a x 7
against aerial targets. image intensifier night sight and a x 1
Attached to the sight is a unitary prism which , together with four panoramic prism block
episcopes around the hatch , provide for observation of the surrounding four x 0.76 wide angle episcopes
lerrain . Turret traverse and weapon elevation are hydraulic power controlled WEIGHT (without operator) 1250 kg
with manual backup. POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
Au S t ria - Bel 9 i U m / A F V T U R RE T SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS 293
Steyr SP1 /127 Weapon Station elliptical graticule for using the 12.7 mm machine gun against aerial targets.
A day/night sight is an option .
Attached to the sight is a unitary prism which , together with four further
Development panoramic episcopes around the hatch. provide for observation of Ihe
The Steyr SPI / 127 one· man weapon slation was designed as a private surrounding terrain . Turret controls are manual, wilh hydraulic weapon
venture by Steyr-Daimler-Puch for installation on a wide range of tracked traverse and elevation systems.
and wheeled armoured vehicles such as the Steyr Pandur APC/MI CV and Belted 12.7 mm and 7.62 mm ammunition is fed mechanically through
the Steyr 4K 7FA-MICV 127. It is also available as an upgrade package for flexible channels to the individual machine gun. which is cocked
M113 family vehicles using the interface of the cupola's bearing . electro hydraulically by hydraulic cylinders and fired by electrical impulse.
The operator can select either the 7.62 mm machine gun or Ihe 12.7 mm
Descri pti on heavy machine gun to fire . A warning light in the weapon station informs
The turret is of all-welded construction and provides the operator with him when he is about to run out of ready-u se ammunition. The empty
protection from 20 mm calibre SAPHEI projectiles In the frontal area and cartridge cases and belt links are ejected automatically outside the weapon
against small arms and shell fragments all round. station.
Installed on the turret as the main armament is a 12.7 mm M2 HB heavy
machine gun. with a coaxial 7.62 mm MAG machine gun as the secondary SPECIFICATIONS
weapon . These are located externally in a cradle in front of the turret bustle CREW one
and can be used to engage both ground and air targets. There is also a ARMAMENT , " 12.7mm M2 HBMG
smoke discharging system . with two banks of dischargers mounted on the 1 x 7.62 mm MAG 58 MG
turret rear . AMMUNITION 600 rounds 12.7 mm
The turret operator has an adjustable spat. a rear opening single-piece ready-use
hatch cover in the roof and one roof-mounted periscope sight with x 6 800 rounds 7.62 mm
magnification/6° field·of·view and x 1 magnification/30" X IS" field·of-view ready·use
for target acquisition and aiming . The sight also has adjustable illumination smoke dischargers 2 banks (66. 76 or 81 mm calibre
of the stadia graticule for ground firing of the Iwo machine guns and an options)
traverse 360"
elevation/depression -IS' to +50'
OPTICS single periscope day sight
with x 6 aiming
and x 1 prism block
four x 0.76 wide
angle episcopes
WEIGHT (without operator) 1100 kg
The turret is 01 all-welded steel armour construction and can be delivered
with ballistic protection against penetration by armour-piercing projectiles ,
as requ ired by the customer. The additional armour protection is provided
by add-on composite panels fastened to the turret. These are lightweight
and can be replaced in the lield il damaged by impact.
The commander is seated on th e left side with the gunner on the right ;
each is provided with a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the rear. The
gunner has three observation periscopes to his right. while the commander
has seven periscopes. In addition , both turret members have a day or day/
night sight lor aiming the weapons which also incorporates an observation
Main armament comprises an Oerlikon-Co ntraves 25 mm KBB cannon
with a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted coaxially to the left. Mounted either
Side 01 the turret towards the rear is a bank 01 lour electrically operated
smoke dischargers . The empty 25 mm cartridge cases are ejected Irom the
turret on the lorward right side.
Turret drive is electromechanical and controlled by commander or gunner
with the former having override . Turret traverse is 360' and weapon
elevation is from -10' to +60' . The high angle of elevation enables it to be Cockerill C25 turret, Officine Galileo Janus anti-aircraft sight. thermal sight.
used to engage low flying aircraft and helicopters. Oerlikon-Contraves 25 mm KBB cannon and 7.62 mm coaxial MG
Bel 9 i U m - Can a d a / A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS 295
In a joint development programme with Officine Galileo of Italy . CMI has AMMUNITION
installed a Janus an ti -aircraft sighting system on the C25 turret. Firing trial s main 100 APDS -T
of this modified turret on a Belgian Air Force practice range against towed + 150 HEI (2 boxes)
ai rborne targets gave outstanding fi rst round hit probabilities. ready rounds
The turret is fully stabilised by means of turret and vehicle-mounted coaxial 250 ready
gyros. The variou s turret function s at the turret crew's disposal are controlled (+ 500 slowed in
from a box containing solid state components only . mounted on plug-in turret)
printed circuit boards. This arrangement gives a high degree of reliability . smoke grenades 8 ready
rapid fault-finding by the use of a separate test unit and instantaneous (+ 8 stowed in lurret)
repairs through circuit board substitution. TURRET DRIVE electromechanical
Toxic gases produced by the 25 mm cannon and 7.62 mm coaxial machine TRAVERSE 360'
gun are removed by two ventilated exhaust fans. A 500000 candlepower ELEVATION -1 O' to +60"
white light searchlight is mounted coaxially with the main armament. ELEVATIONITRAVERSE
As an alternative this turret may be fitted with an Oerlikon-Contraves RATES 0.5 milsl s to 45' /s max
25 mm KBA cannon. 25 mm Mauser Model E cannon or a McDon nell GYROS 2 axes
Douglas Helicopter M242 25 mm Chain Gun . A single TOW launcher can VISION 2 sights.
be fitted to th e right side of the turret and associated with an electronic 10 periscopes
control system and thermal imaging dayl night sight with built-in Iracker. AIRTIGHTNESS NBC system
Various sighting and fire control systems are available for the Cockerill C25 compatible
turret depending on the user requirem ents.
Status : Ready for production .
CREW 2 Manufacturer: CMI . Cockerill Mechanical Industries SA, Avenue Greiner
COMBAT WEIGHT 3000 kg 1, B -41 00 Seraing . Belgium.
ARMAMENT Telephone: 32 413021 11 Telex : 41225 CKL SAM B
main 1 x 25mm Fax: 32 41302526
KBB cannon
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG
smoke dischargers 2x 4
As part of the upgrade programme for th e Brazilian Army M113 APC s,
Moto Pecas developed a Gunner's Shield system for bolt fitting to the
commander's cupola. Production for the Brazilian Army has finished but the
system is being offered for export .
Th e shield comprises one fro ntal flat piece and two conically shaped lateral
pieces made from 6.35 mm SAR T armoured steel plate . Thi s provides
protection against standard NATO 5 .56 mm and 7.62 mm small arms
ammunition .
Combat weight is 145 kg wi th the shield being capable of a full 360'
traverse. Main armamen t is a 12.7 mm (0.5 in) M2 HB heavy machine gun .
In 1988 Invar Manufacturing and Linamar Machine Ltd of th e Linamar
Group began the production under licence from Kvaerner-Eureka of Norway
of 72 AL Ts as part of the Phase I TOW Under Armour Project contract from
the Canadian Department of National Defense (together with six turret
trainers ). A further 30 AL Ts to be ordered for delivery as part of the Phase
II acquisition programme was cancelled in May 1991.
Th e turrets are equipped to fire Basic TOW . Improved -TOW or TOW -2
ATGWs and are mounted on M113 APC rear decks.
A Crew Commander'S Target Acquisition System (CCTAS) is available
as an option .
Developmen t/Description
The TKB-0149 one-man lurret is designed fo r use with light armour and
security vehicles used in the protection of mobile and fi xed assets.
The 7.62 mm machine gun is hand laid and can engage targ ets at ranges
of up to lS00 m. A full range of day and night surveillance systems can be
fitted , as can a loud speaker system for crowd control.
CREW 1 (gunner)
ARMAMENT 1 x 7.62 mm MG
AMMUNITION (ready-use) 2 y 250 round box magazines
CONTROL manual traverse and elevation The one-man turret type 7.62 mm TKB-OI49 is designed lor installation on
ELEVATION/DEPRESSION +10 '/- 8' light armoured vehicles
OPTICS day and night survei llance
WEIGHT 340 kg
POWER SUPPLY 27 V DC Manufacturer: Enquiries to : 2, Mosin St. 300002 , Tula . Russia.
Telephone: (0872) 317465 Telex : 253114 ALFA SU
Status: Produclion as required . In service with the CIS. Fax : (0872) 27 26 20
Giat Industries 105 TGG Turret For Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm , th e AMX -l ORC vehicles of
the French Army were upgraded , to include additional turret armour and
th ermal night vision equipment.
The 105 TGG turret was developed originally for use on th e AM X- l 0RC SPECIFfCATIONS
(6 x 6) wheeled reconnaissance vehicle . It has also bee n trl alled on the CREW 3
Krauss-Maffei Puma ACV and can, if required. be adapted for other tracked ARMAMENT 1 x 105 mm gun
or wheeled AFV types . 1 x 7.62 mm coaxial MG
4 x 80 mm GALIX dischargers
Description AMMUNITION 10 x 10S mm rounds
The all-welded aluminium turret provides th e crew with protection from 200 x 7.62 mm rounds
small arms fire and shell splinters. Optional add -on ballisti c armour is 16 x GALIX smoke rounds
available. There is also a collective NBC system fitted. TRAVERSE 360' powered/manual
The commander and gunner are seated on th e right with Ihe loader ELEVATION _6 ' to +20' powered/manual
seated on the left. Both the commander and loader are pro vided with COMBAT WEIGHT 4400 kg
single-piece hatch covers that open to th e rear.
The commander has six periscopes for all-round vision and a periscope Status : Production. In service with France, Morocco and Qatar.
and panoramic M389 telescope with magnification s of x 2 and x 8 which
has full contra -rotation and enables him to observ e a target regardless of Manufacturer : Giat Industries, t 3 route de la Miniere . 78034 Versailles
the position of the turret. The commander also has overriding control s Cedex, France .
allowing him to lay the gun onto the target. Telephone : (1) 3097 3737 Fax : (1) 3097 3900
The gunner has two periscopes and an M504 telescope which is the
main part of the COTAC fire control system . The MS04 has a magnification
of x 10 and is combined with an optical compensator (with con trol electronics
for automatic input of fire corrections) , M550 laser rangefinder unit and an
M553 boresight assembly which corrects any abnormal drop or accidental
misalignment of the main armament.
The loader has three periscopes : one to his front , one to his left and one
to his rear.
Night vision equipment for observation and identification such as a low-
light-level camera with a range of up to 4000 m or an infra-red sight with a
range of up to 1000 m can be fitted as an option .
The main armament uses electrohydraulic gun laying with manual backup
controls and can either be a semi-automatic 105 mm Giat Industries 105
F2 , a 105 mm Giat Industries lOS G2 (NATO standard) or Rheinmetall
105 mm Rhl05-20 SLR gun. With APFSDS projectiles , the former can
defeat 360 mm of armour at 2500 m range . A total of 10 ready-use rounds
a re stowed in the turret.
Mounted to the left of the gun is an electrically fired coaxial 7.62 mm
machine gun with 200 rounds of linked ammunition . Two 80 mm GAll X
combat vehicle protection system dischargers are mounted either side of
the turret towards the rear and are electrically fired from within the vehicle. AMX-l0RC (6 x 6) reconnaissance vehicle litted with Giat Industries 105
A total of 16 smoke rounds are normally carried with a loader unit as an TGG turret This vehicle and lurret also has additional armour lor Operation
optional extra. Desert Storm
F ran C e I A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LA S 297
Giat Industries 105 TMl Turret A 7.62 mm machine gu n IS mounted coaxial with the main gun and 14
GALIX grenade launchers , for smoke and anti-personnel grenades, are
mounted si ngularly in sets of three or four on each of the four corners of the
Developmen t turret. A shield-mounted 7.62 mm machine gun can be fitted for close-in
The TML fami ly 01 modular turrets was developed by Giat Industries as a defence on the turret rool at the commander 's station . As an option the
private venture for use either on new design , tracked or wheeled armoured 80 mm GALIX system can be replaced by the Ruggieri Capiro close-in
vehi cle chassis of 10- 11 000 kg weight upwards or as part of a retrofit vehicle defence system.
modernisation package . The standard TML turret configuration weighs 4600 kg including armament
Typicat chassis on which the TML turret can be installed include the with the light armour plate alloy fit providing all-round protection from
Ge rman Krauss -Maffei Puma armoured combat vehicle. the Giat 14.5 mm fire . If, however, the customer requires a lighter turret then the
AMX -l0RC (6 x 6) and the Mecanique Creusot-Loire Industries MARS 15 armour protection package can be reduced.
family of light armoured vehicles . The modular construction allows turrets to The computerised fire control system fitted includes a SOPTAC telescopic
be delivered according to the exact operational requirement of the customer. sight for the gunner and an M389 panoramic sight for the vehicl e commander.
Optional fits include an image intensifier night vision system, a thermal
Descriptio n imaging night vision system, raised observation cupola for the commander
The three man power operated low profile turret is armed with a Giat and a fire-on-the-move capabi lity for the fire control system.
Industries 105 mm G2 gun , which is ballistically identical to the 105 mm Various collective or individual NBC and integral intercom/FM radio
L7/M68 rifled tank gun but has a muzzle brake , thermal sleeve and integral commu nications fits are also available . The lateral external turret housings
fume extractor.
allow for extensive on -board kit and equipment stowage .
Two versions of the 105 mm G2 gun are offered: one , with a rifling of 32
turns at 7" 10' that, apart from standard NATO ammunition, can also fire the SPECIFICATIONS
French HEAT round and, the other. with a 28 turn rifling at 9° 54' that fires CREW 3 (commander, gunner and loader)
the standard NATO 105 mm ammunition , Both versions have a vertical ARMAMENT
sliding breech mechani sm angled 20° to th e left. A total of 12 rounds 01 main 1 x 105 mm NATO gun G2
ready use ammunition are carried with th e option of a revolving ammunition coaxial 1 x 7.62mm MG
rack carried in the turret bustle. anti-aircraft (optional) 1 x 7.62 mm MG
Other types of 105 mm gun that can be installed include the French grenade launchers 14 x single Galix
105 mm F2 or the German Rheinmetall 105 mm Rh 105-20, AMMUNITION (TURRET)
105mm 12
7.62 n/av
traverse 360°, electrohydraulic with manual
depression/elevation _6° to +20 electrohydraulic with manual
OPTICS see text
LENGTH 7,815 m
WIDTH 2.620 m
with cupola 1.132 m
without cupola 1.126 m
DEPTH BELOW RING 0.88 to 1.0 m depending upon vehicle lit
standard configuration 4600 kg
CREW 2 (commander and main . ready·use 20
gunner) coaxial , ready-use 2000
ARMAMENT 12.7mm 500
main 1 x 90 mm gun CONTROL
secondary 1 < 7.62 mm MG traverse 360' manual at 13'/s
or 1 x 12.7 mm MG high speed and 5' Is
low speed
elevation -8' to +15" manual
at 1.S'/s
comman der 7 periscopes
gunner 5 periscopes
telescopic sight
(fully equipped) 2650 kg
Pan hard ERG Sagaie t (6 x 6) armoured car fitted with the TS 90 turret
SAMM TIB 190 90 mm Turret day/night for aimi ng and firing the gun with a fire con trol console . This has
magnifications of x 8 (day) and x 8 (night) for aiming and a day periscope
which can be elevated with the main armament from -8 to +15° ; or the
Development SFIM VSS80 panoramic gyro -s tabilised day/night sight with full on-
The TIB 190 90 mm two-man turret has been developed as a private the-move observatio n capabilities usi ng a x 3/x 10 interchangeable day
venture by SAMM and was shown for the lirst time in June 1983_ channel and x 8 night channel. To reduce th e engagemen t time th e main
Development of the TIB 190 turret was completed In 1985 and production armament is fitted with a two -axis servo-drive unit which automatically
began later the same year. First production turrets were fitted to Sagaie 2s alig ns the gun to the line-of-sight of the VS580 .
ordered by Gabon. The gunner has an LRS5 NG gun sight whi ch includes a telescopic day
sight with a magnification of x 8. telescopic night sight with a magnification
Description of x 6, standard day periscope. laser rangefinder and a digital computer.
The turret is of all-welded steel construction with the commander sitting on
the left and the gunner on the right . both with a Single-piece hatch cover SPECIFICATIONS
opening to the rear. CREW 2 (commander and
Frontal armour provides protection against 12.7 mm armour-piercing gunner)
rounds at 100 m; the remainder is protected against 7.62 mm armour- ARMAMENT
piercing rounds at 100 m and 155 mm air burst shell splinters at 30 m. main 1 x 90 mm gun
Standard turret equipment includes a ventilator lor removing fumes. ceiling coax.ial 1 x 7.62 mm or
lights. adjustable seats and three-position roof hatches. 12.7 mm MG
The main armament of the TIB 190 turret is a Giat Industries 90 mm CS anti-aircraft 1 x 7.62 mm MG
90 F4 gun with a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted coaxially to the lelt and a AMMUN ITION
similar weapon mounted on the commander's cupola. As an option the 90mm 32 or 35
coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun can be replaced by a 12.7 mm weapon. 7.62 mm 3000
Mounted either side of the turret are four Wegmann smoke/fragmenlation CONTROL
launchers , or two French 80 mm smoke grenade launchers , or the new traverse 360' (35°/s electric)
Galix system . elevation _8° to +15 0
Two types of 90 mm ammunition stowage are available The first has a (1 4°/s electric)
total of 35 rounds of which 13 are in the turret for ready-use and the OPTICS
remaining 22 in the turret rack at the rear. The other model has a total of 32 commander P204 sigh t with
rounds. 10 of which are for ready-use (eight in a drum magazine) and the magn ification of x 8
remaining 22 in the turret rack at the rear . (day) and x 8 (nigh t).
Turret traverse and weapon elevation are electric with the SAMM 06 or VS580 sight
system installed . Maximum traverse speed is 3S o/s and maximum elevation with magnifications
speed is 14'/s. The commander has a cupola with seven periscopes tor all- of x 3/x 10 (day)
round observation . For his main sigh t there is a choice of either the P204 and x 8 (night)
7 observation
gunner sight with
magnification of x 8
(day) and x 6 (night),
3 observation
WEIGHT 2800 to 3200 kg
length overall 6.8 1 m
width overall 2m
height inc AA MG 1.236 m
height inc periscopes 0.966 m
height above
hull top 0.609 m
depth below
turret ring 0.819 m
Status: Production as required (six produced to date - 1 January 1993). In Manufacturer: Societe d'Applications des Machines Motrices . Chemm de
service with Gabon on Pan hard ERC Sagaie 2 (6 x 6) armoured car. la Malmaison , 91570 Bievres, France.
Telephone:33(1)69358000 Telex : 933-169411572 Fax :33 (1) 69
3581 98
Hispano-Suiza Lynx 90 Turret defence if required . A white light spotlight is mounted coaxially with the
90 mm 0921 gun and a laser rangefinder such as the French TCV 107 is
mounted over the main armament just in front of the mantlet. Optional
Development/Description eq uipment includes : storage racks ; external stowage box ; various types of
The Lyn x 90 tu rret has been developed from th e earlier H 90 turret. of which SOPELEM fire control systems ; passive night vision equipment for the
more than 2000 were built, and is suitable for a vari ety of tracked and commander and gunner ; electromechanical or electrohydraulic traverse
wheeled vehicles such as the Panhard AML (4 x 4) and the Panhard ERC and elevation in place of the manual con trols; traverse indicator and 90 mm
(6 x 6) armoured ca rs. The all-welded steel turret arm our varies in thickness Cockerill Mark III gun with a maximum elevation of +30'.
from 8 to 15 mm . The commander sits on th e left of th e turret and the
gunner on the right. both with a si ngle-piece hatch cover and an adjustable Variants
seat. A ventilator is mounted in the tu rret roof at the rear and standard In June 1983 the Lynx 75/90 turret was announced . This can be fitted with
equipment includes turret lighting . a 90 mm Cockerill Mk III gun or other 75 mm or 90 mm guns , or a Thomson
The commander has a ra ised rotating cupola for all-round observation on Brandt breech-loaded mortar. Optional equipment includes a day/night
which a 7.62 mm machine gun can be pintle-mounted fo r anti-aircraft sight. laser rangefinder and powered controls.
CREW 2 (commander and commander 8 L 794 periscopes in
gunner) cupola and optional
ARMAMENT passive periscope as
main 1 x 90 mm gun replacement for one
(0921 or Cockerill of day periscopes
Mark III ) gunner 4 L794 periscopes
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG plus day sight, latter
(AA 52 or MAG 80) can be replaced by
anti-aircraft optional 1 x 7.62 mm MG SOPELEM daylnight
(AA 52 or MAG 80) telescope model
(ready-use in turret) WEIGHT
90 mm 2' (including crew and
7.62 mm 2000 ammunition) , 950 to 2200 kg
SMOKE DISCHARGERS 2 x 2 or 2 x 3 or DIAMETER (at base) 1.499 m
4 x 3 (Wegmann) or SWEPT RADIUS
4 x 4 (Wegmann) (gun and turret) 3.4 m
traverse 360' manual in 30 s WIDTH OVERALL 1.656 m
360' electrohydraulic HEIGHT
in 8 s above vehicle roof
elevation _8' to +35' without AA MG 0.696 m
(standard) above vehicle roof
_8' to +20' With AA MG 0.996 m
(optional) POWER SUPPLY 24 V
(or +30' Cockerill
Mk II I) 25' (powered)
cupola rotating independently
and manually
Status : Production . In service with the French Army (on Pan hard chassis)
and countries in Africa . the Middl e East and South America .
Lynx 90 turret with 90 mm 0921 IF1) gun on Mexican Army Panhard ERG
90 Lynx 16 x 6) armoured car
Giat Industries 81 mm Gun-Mortar Turret 90 mm turret with the latter being replaced by an 81 mm smooth-bore
mortar with an elevation of +66' and a depression of _7'. The semi-
(TMC 81) automatic breech-loaded mortar has a maximum rate of fire of , 0 rd slmin
and can be used for both direct and indirect fire.
DevelopmenllDescription When the turret is fitted to the AMX-l OP , 08 rounds of HE are carried . with
Shown for the first time at the '981 Satory Exhibition of Military Equipment , a maximum range of 7500 m and a muzzle velocity of 400 m/s. In addition .
the Giat Industries Gun-Mortar Turret was fitted wi th the Thomson Brandt '0 APFSDS rounds are carried . with a muzzle velocity of 1000 m/s and an
CL81 smooth-bore mortar. The turret was fitted to an AMX-l0P chassis effective range of 1200 m.
and an RVI VBC 90 (6 x 6) chassis , with the former designated the AMX-l 0 A 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm M2 HB anti-aircraft machine gun is mounted on
TMC81. the turret roof and three or four electrically operated smoke dischargers are
The two-m an turret is a further development of the Giat Industries TS 90 mounted either side of the turret.
300 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS / F r a n C e
The fi re control system Includes a computerised cant correct"r. Turret Status: Development complete. Ready for productio n.
observation equipment consists of an M41 1 periscopic aiming sight and
11 periscopes fo r all-rou nd observation. Manufacturer: Giat Industries. 13 rout e de la Minis re. 78034 Versailles
Cedex. France .
SPECtFICATIONS Telephone (1) 3097 3737 Fax : ( t ) 3097 3900
CREW 2 (commander and gunner)
main 1 x 81 mm MCB81 sem,-
aulomatic breach
loading mortar
anti-aircraft 1 x 7.S2 or 12.7 mm MG
smoke dischargers 2x3
81 mm 10
CONTROL manual
depression/elevation -l" to +SS' (optional electrical
aiming available)
traverse 3S0'
OPTICS 1 x M411 aiming periscope
11 x unity periscopes
DIAM ETER 1.77 m
WEIG HT (tolal) 2700 kg
RVI V8 G 90 liNed with Giat Industries 81 mm turret (Christoph er F Foss)
Shown for the first time at the 1990 Satory Exhibition of Military EqUipment
was the Giat Industries TMR 81 one-man turret htted with a Giat lndustries
quick Ii ring 8 1 mm mortar mounted on an AM X-l0P APC_ T he turret IS
designed for installation on tracked or wheeled light armou red vehicles as
an indirect lire support weapon .
The 8 t mm mortar model used has a recoiling barrel and sliding mass
that allows a maximum rate of lire of 5 round s in 4 seconds . All 8 1 mm
mortar , mmunition under 512 mm in length can be lired The loader and
ammunition are carried in th e main hull of the vehicle.
Target observation is by episcopes and a transparent dome fitted into the
gunner's hatch. Target aiming is manual for weapon elevation (=38° to
+83' ) and azimuth (±30' depending upon vehicle chassis) . The onboard
fire control system has automatic correction lor weapon inclination .
Operation s with the turret can be carri ed out in an NBC contaminated
environmen t.
ARMAMENT I x 81 mm mortar
Glat Industries TMR 81 mortar turret on AMX - lOP chassis
OPTICS episcopes plus transparent dome
diameter 1.27m Status: Prototype.
height 1.3 m
TRAVERSE DIAMETER 1.278 m Manufacturer: Giat Industries. 13 route de la Miniere. 78034 Versailles
WEIGHT (loaded) 15S0 kg Cedex . France. Telephone : (1) 3097 3737 Fa x: (1) 3097 3900
The H SO series of turrets was originally designed for the Panhard AML
(4 x 4) armoured car which entered service with th e French Army in 19S1 ,
but it is suitable for a wide range of light AFVs. So fa r well over IS00 H SO
series turrets have been built. There are two basic models: H SO-7 armed
with a SO mm mortar and two 7.S2 mm machine guns and H SO-12 armed
With a SO mm mortar and a 12.7 mm (0.50) M2 HB machine gun . Two types
of SO mm mortar can be fitted : the SO CS DTAT or the Thom son Brandt HB
SO and . in addition to the basic versions of the turret, command models with
additional communications equipment and less ammunition are available.
The SO-20 turret arm ed with a SO mm mortar and a 20 mm cannon has
been replaced in production by the Serval SO/20 turret. for which th ere is a
separate entry.
The turret is of cast and welded construction with th e commander seated
on the left and the gunner on the right, both with an adjustable seat. Over
the lop of the turret is a two-piece hatch cover that opens front and rear. A
searchligh t mounted on the turret roof can be operated by the commander
from inside. A second searchlight on the forward part of the turret moves in
elevation with the armament. Standard equipment includes a turret ventilator. Panhard AML (4 x 4) armoured car litted with H 60 series turret armed with
lights and a stowage rack on the turret rear. If required a 7.S2 mm anti- 60 mm mortar and twin 7.62 mm machine guns
aircraft machine gun can be mounted on the turret roof.
Status: Production as required . In service with many armed lorces. Manufacturer: Hispano-Suiza. 333 Bureaux de la Colline , F-92213. Salnt-
Cloud Cedex , France.
Telephone: (1) 46 02 70 65 Telex : 203945
Thi s is the latest turret in the extensive Hispano-Suiza 60 series range and
is in production for the Panhard ERC (6 x 6) and Panhard AML (4 x 4)
armoured cars . The turret is also suitable for a wide range of olher tracked
and wheeled AFVs such as the Ml13 APC and has also been filted to the
Vickers Valkyr (4 x 4) armoured personnel carri er.
The turret is all-welded with armour varying in thickness from 8 to 15 mm .
The commander si ts on the left with the gunner on the right. each with a
single-piece hatch cover Ihat opens to the rear and an adjustable seat.
Armament is a 60 mm breech/muzzle-loaded mortar, a 20 mm automatic
cannon mounted externally at the rear of the turret and a 7.62 mm machine
gun mounted coaxially wilh Ihe 20 mm ca nnon. The 60 mm mortar can be
either the HB 60 short-range (maximum direct fire range of 500 m and
2600 m for indirect fire) with 50 mortar bombs in the turret or the HB 60
long-range with a maximum direct fire range of 1000 m with APFSDS
projectiles . and a maxi mum indirect fire range of 5000 m with LPED
projectiles . The 20 mm cannon can be either a French M693 dual-feed
cannon wi th '300 rounds o f high-explosive and 37 round s of
armour-piercing ammunitio n for ready-use or an HS 820 (Oerlikon-
Contraves KAD-B16) single-feed cannon with 300 rounds of ready-use
ammun ition . The 7.62 mOl machine gun has 200 round s of ready-use Hispano -Suiza Serval60120 lurret on Panhard AML (4 x 4) armoured car
ammunition and 400 rounds in reserve .
Standard equipment includes a spotlight mounted coaxially with the
7.62 mm machine gun , internal lig hling and a ventilation fan mounted In the Status: Production as required.
rear of Ihe turret. Optional equipment includes an NBC system . laser
rangefinder. SOPELEM 26 tire control system with calculator. cant corrector. Manufacturer: Hispano-Suiza . 333 Bureaux de la Colline , F-92213 , Salnt-
elevation meter and an electromechanical or hydraulic turret traverse Cloud Cedex, France .
sys tem (360' traverse in 7.5 seconds). Telephone : (1) 46 02 70 65 Telex : 203 945
Hispano-Suiza Mangouste60 mm/12 .7 mmTurret observation on which a 7.62 mm machine gun is pintle-mounted for anti-
aircraft fire . A white lighl searchlight is mounted coaxially wilh the 12.7 mm
machine gun.
Development Main armament is a Thomson Brandt HB 60 LP mortar (range 500 to
This turret was announced in 1983 and is based on Ihe Lynx 90 turret fully 5000 m) which also fires an armour-piercing round , wilh a 12.7 mm M2 HB
described earlier in this section . It can be installed on any vehicle weighing heavy macl1ine gun mounted to the lett with independent elevation and
over 5 tonnes . including the Pan hard AML (4 x 4) light armoured car depression
The gunner's M37 1 sight has magnifications 01 x 1 and x 6 and a
Description collimator lor anti-aircraft lire . This can be replaced by a day/night sight or a
The turret is of all-welded steel armour varying in thickness from 8 10 SOPTAM day/night sight with an associaled fire control system . The
15 mm . The commander sits on the left and the gunner on lhe righI , each commander can have his lorward periscope replaced by a SOPELEM night
with a single-piece hatch cover opening to Ihe rear and an adjuslable seal. periscope model CN 2 -508
A venlilator is mounled In the lurret rool allhe rear and standard equipmenl Oplional equipment includes a storage rack . external stowage racks and
includes turret lighting . The commander has a raised cupola for all-round power traverse.
302 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS / F ran C e
The Mecanique Creusot-Loire CB 60 HB shield gun racer for a 60 mm
Thomson Brandl mortar has been designed for lighl AFV s. It consists of
three main parts : baseplate , rotating mounl and the tilting part.
The base gun-ring is attached to the top of the hull by 22 .9 mm bolts and
supports the traversing gun-ring , Ih e bearing and Ihe eleclrical power
supply tracks . The rotati ng mount consists of the shield which is fitted with
the gunport supporting the weapon . cradle trunnion s and elevati on laying
quad rant , two semi-circular doors which provide side protection to the
gunner when open , opening and locking devices for the doors , elevating
lock, traversi ng mechanism and an electrical control and junction console.
The tilting part consists of the cradle weapon support, weapon and cradle
balancing device , manual elevating controls with handgrip electric firing
system and the x 3 magnification sight. The gunner uses his left hand for
laying the weapon in elevation and hi s right hand for laying it in traverse. Thomson Brandt 60 mm mortar mounled on Panhard M3 (4 x 4) APC
The mortar-ring shield has a slant correction device and can be fitted with
an infra -red search light. Manufacturer: Giat Industries/Mecanique Creusot Loi re, 13 route de la
Miniere , 78034 Versailles Cedex, France .
Status: In production . Telephone: (1) 3097 3737 Fax: ( t ) 3097 3900
ARMAMENT 1 >< 60 mm Thomson gun racer without ROOF (i ncluding
Brandt breech- weapon 270 kg searchlight) 0.82 m
or muzzle- with weapon and WIDTH OVERALL 1.2m
loaded mortar gun port 350 kg POWER SU PPLY 24 V
traverse 360' manual REQU IRE D IN VEH ICLE
elevation -15 0 to +75" manual ROOF 0.705 m
This one-man turret has been developed by Giat Industries and was first
shown at the 1983 Exhibition of Army Weapons and Equipment held at
Satory , where it was installed on an AMX -10P ICV. The lurret has been
designed for installation on any tracked or wheeled vehicle with a hole
diameter of 1100 mm and a depth of 1 m and can be used to engage both
air and ground targe ts out to 2000 and 1500 m respectively.
The DRAGAR turret has been sold to Turkey for use on th e FMC-NUROL
AIFV, and to Singapore for its new Giat Industries AMX -l OP Marine vehicles .
Descri p tion
The turret is of all-welded construction with the dual-feed Giat Industries
25-M811 cannon in the forward part of the turret on the tef1 and the coaxial
7.62 mm machine gun on the right. Turret traverse and weapon elevation
are electric and if required a stabilisation system can be lilted as an extra. A
belt stopping system stops the liring so that the next belt can be connected
without having to reload the weapon. Mounted either side the lurret is a
bank 01 three GALIX type grenade launchers .
The gunner has a roof -mounted periscope wi th a dual day channel
magnification of )( 1 (3 1' field -ai-view) and x 7 (7" field -ai -view) and a light
intensified night channel with an 800 m range , a x 4 magnification and 10'
fie ld-of-view, two M223 roof-mounted observation periscopes either side of
the roof hatch and two vision blocks in the turre t rear.
Optional equipment includes : a day/night thermal vision camera : laser
rangefinder: thermal camera allowing targets to be detected at a range of
2000 m; turret stabilisation system; simpli fied fire control allowing firing on
mobile targets; simplified fire con trol allowing automatic weapon firing ;
complete protection against 7.62 mm ammunition at all ranges : artillery
shell splinters from 20 m; 12.7 mm ammunition from 500 m and 14.5 mm
ammunition from 1000 m: installation of radio set in turret: and fitted
spotlight on the turret.
main 1 x 25 mm cannon
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG
smoke dischargers 2x3
25mm 220 (173 HE , 45 AP)
7.62 mm 200 round box (in terchangeable)
CONTROL electricallmanual backup
traverse 360 '
elevation/depression _8:' to +45 0
OPTICS 4 x M223 periscopes
2 x rear unity Vision blocks
1 x day/night sight
WEIGHT (loaded ) 1250 kg
Development/Desc ription
This two -man turret. designed as a private venture by Mecanique Creusot-
Loire for installation on light armoured vehicles. was announced in 1983
For trials purposes this has been installed on a number of vehicles including
the AM X- t 3 VCI tracked IFV . the MARS 15 IFV and the Panhard AML
(4 x 4) armoured vehicle .
The turret , which is of all-welded steel construction. consists of two main
part s: the fix ed part which is attached to the vehicle by 36 bolts and th e
revolving part. The latter includes the mobile bearing race and the turret
itself with two roof hatches. the commander located on the left and the
gunner on the right. Turre t traverse and weapon elevation are electric with
manual backup for both functions . The turret basket includes two adjustable
seats. two 25 mm ammunition boxes and one electric control panel. The
oscillating part includes a cylindrical shield which enables the empty cartridge
cases to be elected outside the vehicle . It also includes the weapon cradle
and the 7.62 mm ammunition box. Manual controls are also provided and
the commander can override Ihe gunner.
The turret has been designed to engage ground targets (and aerial
targets in self-defence). and is usually armed with the Giat Industries
25 mm M811 cannon. A 7.62 mm machine gun is mounted coaxially wllh
Ihe main armament. Mecanique Creusol-Loire inlends to install a 30 mm Mecanique Creusot-Lof(e T.25lUrret armed with 25 mm cannon and coaXial
cannon in Ihe T.25 lurret for trials as well as Ihe 23 mm former Soviet 7.62 mm machine gun installed on the Mecanique Creusol-Lof(e MARS 15
can non . Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Status: Pre-production .
This one-man turret has been designed and built as a private venture and
can be installed on a wide range of light tracked and wheeled armoured
vehicles. It can be used to engage both ground and aerial targets .
The Mecanique Creusot-Loire T .20 turret consists of four parts : the fixed
part , rotating part , basket and oscillating part . The fixed part is attached to
the vehicle and consists of a fixed bearing race with a traverse gun ring .
The rotating part is made of all-welded steel and bears the mobile bearing
race .
The turret is electrically powered in both traverse and elevation with a
manual backup. The turret basket contains the adjustable gunner's seat,
removable 20 mm ammunition box , electri c belt end control system , the
hydraulic system provi ding belt linking and gun re-arming , the electronic
control box and slip ring. The oscillating part contains the weapon cradle
and the 7.62 mm ammunition box, an optional searchlight fitted over the
Mecanique Creusot-Loire T.20 turret
weapons and a gun sight.
Main armament co nsists of a Giat Industries 20 mm M693 cannon with a Status : In production . In servi ce in Cyprus (on Renau lt VAS chassis) .
7. 62 mm machine gun mounted coa xially to th e right. Standard equipment
includes two interior dome lights and a fume extraction fan . Optional Manufacturer: Giat Industrie s/Mecanique Creusot-Loire , 13 route de la
equipment includes: smoke dischargers; searchlight; air defence firing aid : Miniere. 78034 Versai ll es Cedex. France.
night firing sight. Te lephone: (1) 3097 3737 Fax : (1) 3097 3900
The one-man Toucan Ilurret, designed by Giat Industries for installation on
most types of APC currently in servi ce, is already standard on the AMX -10
ECH repair vehicle and th e AMX-1 0 TM mortar tractor. The turret has also
been fitted on the AMX VCI, Panhard M3 (4 x 4) and VCRffi (6 x 6). M113
and Renault VAB (6 x 6) vehicles. The Toucan I turret is also known as the
T 20.13.
Descripti on
The turret is armed with a 20 mm M693 dual-feed cannon fed Irom one
magazine holding 75 round s of HE ammunition and another holding 45
rounds of armour-pierci ng ammunition , or an M62 1 single-feed cannon, fed
from a magazine holding 96 rounds of ammunition. A belt stop prevents the
ammunition supply running out prior to belt renewal. The turret can also be
fitted with other types of 20 mm cannon such as th e German Rh 202 or the
Swiss HS 804 or HS 820. A 7.62 mm machine gun can be mounted
coaxially with the 20 mm cannon fed from a box holding 200 rounds of
a mmunition . Giat Industries Toucan I turret on member of AMX-l0P family
Th e armament has an elevation of +50' and a depression of _ 13' with
turret traverse being a full 360' . The basic model is manually operated but
an electric power traverse system can be fi tted as an option , enabling th e
turret to be rotated at a maximum speed of 37' /s. The main sight can also be fitted with a washer and wiper. A spotlight can
There are two basic models of the Toucan I turret: the model A. or heavy be mounted coaxially with th e 20 mm cannon . Two types are available.
model, which has a steel race ring providing maximum possible armour BBT with a maximum range of 400 m or the PH 9A with a maximum range
protection , or a light alloy model which is known as the model B. or light of 1000 m.
model. The turret can be delivered without the basket. power supply ring or
smoke dischargers mounted two either side of the forward part of the turret. Status : In production . In service with French and other armies .
Vision equipment consists of six periscopes, a day sight with magnifications
of x 1 and x 6. reflex anti-aircraft sight and an open sight for direct fire. The Manufacturer : Giat Industries , 13 route de la Miniere, 78034 Versailles
day sight can be replaced by an AP X M493 periscopic sight with Cedex. France.
magnifications of x 1 (day), x 6 (10· field -of-view, day) and x 4.5 (night). Telephone: (1) 3097 3737 Fax (1) 3097 3900
ARMAMENT 1 x 20 mm cannon traverse 360' manual at 12"/s without ammunition , type A 650 kg
1 x 7.62 mm MG elevation -13' to +50' manual without ammunition. type B 550 kg
SMOKE DISCHARGERS 2 either side of turret at 16 'Is with ammunition , type A 698 kg
(optional) OPTICS 6 periscopes with ammunition, type B 59B kg
20 mm , ready-use 120 (dual-feed reflex sight (above vehicle roof ) 0.71 m
can non ) open sight
96 (single-feed
7.62 mm , ready-use 200
Giat Industries Toucan II Turret magnification of x 6. The commander and gunner have seven periscopes
for all-round observation. Turret traverse is electric by either the commander
Development or the gunner. In the event of a power failure the gunner traverses the turret
The two-man Toucan II turret was designed by Giat Industries for the with manual controls.
AM X-10 P IFV which is in service with France, Greece. Qatar , Saudi Arabia The 20 mm M693 dual-feed cannon is mounted externally on the left side
and the United Arab Emirates _ It is suitable for other AFVs including the of the turret and IS provided with 260 rounds of HE and 65 round s of ready-
M113A1 . the Cadillac Gage Commando V-150 and the FIAT 6616. use armour-piercing ammunition . A belt stop prevents the ammunition
supply running out prior to belt renewal. The empty cartridge cases are
Description ejected externally from the turret. Mounted coaxially above and 10 the right
The gunner is seated on th e left and the commander on th e right. both with of the 20 mm cannon is a 7.62 mm machine gun . which has 200 rounds of
an adj ustable seat and a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the outside. ready-use ammunition . Mounted coaxially with the 20 mm cannon is a
The commander has an M371 sig ht with magnifi cations of x 1 and x 6, a 7.62 mm machine gun , a PH 9A searchlight and , mounted on either side of
direct sight for anti-aircraft use and an external sigh t for direct fire . The the turret. two electrically operated smoke dischargers.
gunner has an OB 40 day/night periscope with a day magnification of x 6 The turret can be delivered with the 20 mm M693 cannon replaced by
(100 field-of-view) and a night mag nification of x 5 (7' field-of-view). The other 20 mm cannon Including the French M62t , German Rh 202 and the
gunner's OB 40 sight can be rep laced by an M406 day sight with Swiss HS B04 or HS 820. and with the smoke dischargers removed. Other
magnifications of x 2 and x 6 or an OB 37 image intensification sight with a types of vision equipment can also be fitted .
This two-man anti-aircraft turret was previously known as the S 530 F and
was shown for the first time in 1983. It is suitable for installation on a wide
range of tracked and wheeled armou red vehicles and has already been
installed on the Panhard ERC (6 x 6) armoured car . This combination is
designated Panhard ERC 20 Kriss.
The turret is of all-welded steel construction with a uniform armour thickness
of 8 mm . The gunner sits on the right and the commander on the lefl. The
gunner has a single-piece hatch cover opening to the rear , the commander
a two-part roof hatch opening to the left rear. The gunner has an M411 roof -
mounted periscopic sight with magnifications of x 6 and x 1. the commander
uses the external Ferranti Mk 3 gyroscopic sight by opening his two-part
roof hatch . In addition. there are nine periscopes for all-round observation.
Main armament comprises two 20 mm M621 cannon each with 280
rounds of ready-use ammunition. Turret traverse and weapon elevation are
hydraulic with manual controls for emergency use . If reqUired , the SAMM TAB 220 20 mm ami-aircraft lurret on Panhard ERC (6 x 6) chassis
commander can override the gunner and single shots. bursts or full automatic In service with Gabon
fire can be selected .
Standard equipment includes radios . Intercom and two electrically
operated smoke dischargers either side of the turret. Manufacturer: Societe d'Applications des Machines Motrices . Chemin de
la Malmaison. 91570 Bievres, France.
Status: Production as required . Four sold to Gabon on Panhard ERC Telephone : 33 (1) 69 35 80 00 Telex : 933-1 6941 15 72
(6 x 6) chassis Fax: 33 (1) 69 35 81 98
CREW 2 (commander and OPTICS M411 sight HEIGHT
gunner) Ferranti sight AA (above hull top) 0.903 m
ARMAMENT 2 x 20 mm cannon 7 periscopes DEPTH
AMMUNITION 560 WEIGHT (below turret nng) 0.811 m
traverse 360' at 80'/s hydraulic ammunition) 1850 kg
elevation -10' to +70' at 50'/s LENGTH (overall) 3.69 m
hydraulic WIDTH (overall) 1.81 m
This TLi 127 close defence cupola has been developed by Mecanique
Creusot-Loire for installation on most track ed and wheeled reconnaissance
vehicles and armoured personnel carriers.
The cupola is of all-welded steel armour constructIOn and has a fold-
down rear-opening door and a fan to extract turret fumes. an interior ceiling
light and a searchlight that moves in elevation with the main armament.
Armament comprises one 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.
Optional equipment includes dischargers. traverse indicator. an external
sight for anti-aircraft role and a 7.62 mm MG as secondary armament.
Mecanique Creusot-Loire CB 127 VE Sh ield Gun bearing and centring rail. The revolving part consists of a cylindrical ring
with three taper roller bearings and four cylindrical centring rollers . A semi-
Racer for 12.7 mm Machine Gu n circular shield at the front , integral with the ring. supports the weapon
cradle trunnions and two semi-circular doors which when open give Side
Development/Descripti on protection to the gunner. traverse braking and locking device . weapon and
The Mecanique Creusot-Loire CB 127 VE shield gun racer can be fitted to cradle elevation lock. fine laying handwheel. ammunition box support and
most APCs such as the Panhard M3 (4 x 4) and th e Renault VAB. It the box support incorporating the feed tray. The tilting part consists of the
consists of three components : base. revolving part and the tilting part. The weapon support cradle , cartridge case deflector , balance spring for the
base is attached to the top of the vehicle by 24 bolts and supports the cradle and the weapon and feeding system integral with Ihe cradle.
ARMAMENT 1 x 12.7mmMG without weapon and REQUIRED IN VEHICLE
AMMUNITION 100 ammunition 202 kg ROOF 0705 m
traverse 360' manual ammunition 249 kg ROOF 0.44 m
elevation - to' to +65' manual
308 A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS / F ran C e
Status : In production . In service wilh Ihe French Army and many olher
Developmentl Description
This one-man cupola has been designed by Hispano-SUIza for installalion
on armoured vehicles such as the Vickers Defence Systems Valkyr and the
Panhard Buffalo.
It consists of a cupola which is traversed manually by the commander.
with a rear -opening . single-piece hatch cover and eight L794 periscopes for
all-round observation . As an option Ihe L794 on th e forward part of the
cupola roof can be replaced by a SOPELEM CN2-508 passive night sight.
Mounted on the forward part of the cupola is a 7.62 mm machine gun
with a ready-use box of 200 rounds or a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun with
a ready-use bo x of 150 round s.
As an op tion a white light searchlight can be mounted coaxially with the
7.62 mm machine gun which has an electric feed via a slip ring . Another
option is remote -control to allow the commander to fire the weapon with the
hatch closed.
Status : Production.
Development/Description SPECIFtCATIONS
This pivot mount can be fitted to a variety of combat vehicles and trucks and CREW 1 (gunner)
is also available with a 7 62 mm NFl or MAG machine gun in place of the ARMAMENT 1 x 12.7 mm Browmng MG
standard 12.7 mm M2 HB heavy machine gun . AMMUNITION 100
The pivot mount consists of two parts. The fi xed part comprises a tubular CONTROL
stock bearing the pivot. The rotating part consists of the pivot and fork traverse 3600 manual
which support the ammunition bo x support . weapon cradle and cartridge elevation - 15 0 10 +50 0 (manual)
case bag , a device for locking the cradle in any elevation and an elevationl WEIGHT
traverse locking device . As an option the P 127 A can be fitted wi th a without gun or
rotating seat arou nd the tubular stock. ammunition 82 kg
with gun and
tOO rounds
ammunition 125 kg
F ran c e / A F V T U A RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS 309
Status: In production.
This lighl turret. designed by Giat Industries primarily for the export market.
was shown for the first time in 1983. Its only known application so far is on
the AMX -l0P Marine vehicles supplied to the Indonesian Marines in
Descrip ti on
The turret is of all-welded steel with a 12.7 mm M2 HB heavy machine gun
mounted externally above and an ammunition feed on the left side . The
magazine holds 120 rounds of ammunition and a belt stopping device is
provided so another belt can be attached before the first is expended .
Turret traverse is manual through 360' and weapon elevation is also
manual from -1 0 to +45". Vision equipment consists of an M6329 periscope
sight in the forward part of the turret with magnifications of x 1 and x 6 with
a single M223 periscope either side. The turret weight with the weapon but
without ammunition is 480 kg.
Development/Descripti on
The TLi G series of machine gun turrets has been designed for light AFVs
such as the Panhard M3 (4 x 4) APC. The turret is all welded and has a
single-piece hatch cover that opens to the rear. fum e extractor and a
spotlight mou nted on the right side of the turret which moves in elevation
with the main armament. There are two basic models of the turret: the TLi
52 G armed with a 7.62 NFl machine gun (left) and a 40 mm smoke
discharger (right). and the TLi 80 G armed with a 7.62 mm MAG 80
machine gun (left) and a 40 mm smoke discharger (right ).
Variants of the TLi G are the TL 2i 52 armed with twin 7.62 NFl machine
guns and the TL 2i 80 armed with twin 7.62 mm MAG 80 machine guns. all
guns having 2001250 rounds of ready-use ammunition . The TL 2i 52 and TL Mecanique Creusol·Loire TLi 52 G turret on Panhard M3 (4 x 4) APC
2i 80 turrets weigh 290 kg complete with sight. weapons and ammunition .
and 232 kg without. Elevation. depression and turret traverse are the same
as the TLi 52 G and TLi 80 G turrets. Optional equipment includes NBC
capability and smoke dischargers. Manufacturer: Glat Industries/Mecanique Creusot-Loire. 13 route de la
Miniere . 78034 Versailles Cedex. France.
Statu s: In production . In service with several undisclosed countries . Telephone : (1) 30973737 Fax : (1) 30907 3900
The Mecanique Creusot-Loire TLi 52 A machine gun lurret has been
designed for installation on most lypes 01 APC currently in service , such as
Ihe Panhard M3 (4 x 4) and the Renault VAB (4 x 4 and 6 x 6).
It is made of welded steel and has a single-piece hatch cover that opens to
Ihe front. an extractor fan and a spotlight mounted to the right of the
machine gun which moves in elevation with it. The gunner uses his left
hand to traverse the turret and his right for elevating and firing the weapon .
The basic TLi 52 A turret is armed with a French 7.62 NFl machine gun and
the TLi 80 A lurret with a Belgian 7.62 mm MAG 80 machine gun
An NBC protected version is available .
CREW 1 (gunner) OPTICS 6 periscopes model DIAMETER OF APERTURE
AMMUNITION 200 ready-use 1 x 5 magnification ROOF 0.632 m
CONTROL periscopic sight OVERALL DIAMETER 0.8 m
traverse 360 0 manual M602 HEIGHT (above vehicle
elevation -121;1 to +45 0 manual roof) 0.34 m
WEIGHT (including gun and POWER SUPPLY 24 V
ammunition) 175 kg
The BTM family of light turrets has been designed for light AFVs such as
the Panhard M3 (4 x 4) and the Renaul! VAB (6 x 6 and 4 x 4) . The
BTM 103 has already been adopted by the French Gendarmerie for its
Berliet VXB (4 x 4) internal security vehicles .
All turrets are of the all-welded steel type with all-round protection against
7.62 mm rounds fired from any distance and have an adjustable seat for the
gunner , single-piece hatch cover that can be locked in three different
pOSitions . eight vision blocks, M371 periscopic sight with magnifications of
x 1 and x 6 and an extractor fan. The 600 W searchlight has a maximum
range of 400 m. The turret weighs between 500 and 600 kg depending on
the armament installation and requires an aperture 860 mm in diameter in
the roof of the vehicle. Options include a 400 m range coaxial searchlight, a
day/night sight with image intensifier (under development) , a 60 mm smoke
or fragmen tation grenade launcher system with two banks of six launchers
either side of the turret and a control panel to allow simul taneou s firing of
six smoke grenades or individual firing of anti-personnel grenades, a SAMM BTM 208 turret with coaxial searchlight on Egyptian Fahd (4 x 4) APC
50-300 m range smoke or tear gas grenade launcher coupled to the
7.62 mm MG and capable of firing six rounds in 15 seconds from its six Status : Production (200 built to date - 1 January 1993). In service with a
round revolver-type magazine by the pistol grip fire control system , a 40 m number of countries including France (Gendarmerie) and Kuwait.
range 15-18 bar pressure water/liquid colour agentiCS liquid gun and a
loud hailer. Manufact u rer: Societe d'Applications des Machines Motrices, Chemin de
la Malmaison. 91570 Bievres , France .
Note: The BTM 208 was previously known as the S365-1 and BTM 103 as Telephone: 33 (1) 69 35 80 00 Telex : 933-169411572
the S 365-3. Fax : 33 (1) 69 35 81 98
Model BTM 208 BTM 103 BTM 105 Anti-Riot
CREW 1 (gunner) 1 (gunner) 1 (gunner) 1 (gunner)
ARMAMENT 1 x 12.7mm MG 1 ,762 M 1 12.7 mm MG t grenade launcher
1 x 762 mm MG 1 , grenade launcher 1 x water cannon (range
40 m under 18 bars
pressure and can accept
speCialised riot
control liquids)
AMMUNITION 100x12.7mm 200 or 250 " 7.62 mm 100· 12.7mm CS and smoke grenades
200 or 250 x 7.62 mm 24 grenades
ELEVATION DEPRESSION +45/-8 +53 -10 +45 '-8 +45 '-8
AND AMMUNITION 500 kg 500 kg 500 kg 500 kg
The Mascot remote·controlled machine gun mount has been deSigned by
Glat Industries to enable the gunner to aim, load and fire a machine gun
from Within the salety of the vehicle. Inslallatlon can ellher be by a plate
whereby the platform needs a 485 mm minimum round or square opening,
or by a rOlary casling which requires an 830 mm diameter ball bearing Irack
mounllng but prOVides periscopic Vision and access lor Ihe mount
It has already been adopted by Iraq for ItS Panhard VCRffH (6 < 6)
anti-tank vehicles fitted With the Euromlssile UTM 800 turret With four
ready-to-launch HOT ATGWs. In this applicallon the Mascot IS Installed on
the top of the hull at the rear.
The 7 62 mm machine gun has an elevation of +50 , depreSSion of -13
and 360 traverse If there are no obstructions on the roof of the vehicle A
total 01 200 rounds of ready-use ammunilion IS prOVided and a belt stop
system prevents the belt from running out. thus allOWing a new belt to be
quickly connected. The weapon mount forms a protecllve hOUSing for the
Sight system which consists of two mirrors. each With a sight line engraved
on It As an option a telescope With a magnification of x 3 can be fitted to
permit more accurate observation and firing. Power supply IS through a
connecting cord when the mount has limited traverse
Mecanique Creusot-Loire CB Shield Gun Racer system and the seat strap attachment deVice. The tilting part conSists of a
two-poslhon tilting shield. weapon support cradle hinged on the shield
for 7.62 mm Machine Gun balance spring (cradle and weapon), ammunition box support cradle hinged
on the left Side of the shield, cartridge case deflector. shield to frame tilt
Development/Descripti on locking deVice and the cradle to shield locking deVice.
The CB shield gun racer for a 7.62 mm machine gun has been deSigned as There are four baSIC models of the CB: CB 52 With French 7,62 NFl
the main or secondary armament for APCs and equips the French Army machine gun, CB 80 With Belgian MAG 80 machine gun, CB 42 With
VAB (4 x 4) vehicles. German MG 42 machine gun, and CB 30 With American 7 62 mm (0.30)
It consists of three main components: base, revolVing ring and the lilting machine gun Optional equipment includes a searchlight and a loudspeaker
part. The base has holes for bolting it to the roof of the vehicle, three taper
bearing rollers and the sealing ring for the revolVing part ThiS consists of a SPECIFICATIONS
Circular rail which runs on the three taper rollers welded to a structure which CREW 1 (gunner)
IS fitted With the shield hinge pinS to the front, two semi-CIrcular folding ARMAMENT t x 7.62 mm MG
doors which when vertical provide the gunner With some Side protecllon. AMMUNITION 200 ready-use
opening and locking deVices for the doors. traverse braking and locking CONTROL
traverse 360 manual
elevation manual -15 to +45 With shield tilted up
.20 to +80 With shield fllted
including ammunriron and
weapon 133 kg
without weapon or
ammumtlon tt5 kg
ROOF vanes
Including MG above
vehicle roof) 047 IT'
Develop ment/Description mechanism which enables the crad le to be locked in elevation and a
The STBE shield rotary mount has been designed for APCs such as the traverse locking device . The til ting part consists of the weapon cradle,
Panhard M3 (4 x 4) and Panhard VCR (4 x 4). or as secondary armament cartridge case deflector and a balance spring .
on larger APCs . It is composed of three main components: fixed pan. There are currently four versions of the STBE: the STBE 52 fitted wi th a
revolving part and the tilting part . The fixed part consists of a circular base French 7.62 NFl machine gun: STBE 80 wi th a Belg ian MAG 80 7.62 mm
which supports the three taper bearing rollers and 22 .9 mm diameter machine gun : STBE MG with German MG 42 machine gun; and the STBE
attachmen t holes in the base to allow it to be fitted to the vehicle. The 30 with a 7.62 mm (0.30) Browni ng machine gun . Optional equipment
revolving part consists of a circular rail to which the hinged hatch is includes a searchlight .
attached. ci rcul ar hatch with a central hole for the weapon and the cradle
trunnions. ammunition box support incorporated in the forward part of the SPECfFICATIONS
hatch and an articulated flap in the hatch . hinged on the right. which covers CREW 1 (gunner)
Ihe central hole when the weapon is not fitted . the door and flap locking ARMAMENT 1 x 7 .62 mm MG
AMMUNITION 200 ready -use
traverse 360' manual
elevation manual -15' to +45' hatch fully
+45' to +90' hatch half open
without weapon or
ammunition 58 kg
with weapon and
ammunition 76 kg
MOUNT 0.84 m
ROOF 0.705 m
HEIGHT (wi th hatch
raised) 0.6 m
Descri ption
The STR consists of a half circular rail attached to the roof of the vehicle
which supports a trolley that includes four bogie-type rollers. A weapon Panhard M3 (4 x 4) APC with Mecanique Creusot-Loire S TR rail-moun ted
support cradle is fitted on the upper part of the trolley , and attached to this rotary mount at rear and Mecanique Creusot- Loire STBE shield rotary mount
is an ammunition box support on the left side . A trolley locking device on the at front
lower turntable lrolley is used to facilitate installation of the weapon and to
prevent the trolley from moving when the weapon is removed. The gunner
shoulders the weapon normally and , using the handle on the trolley, moves Status : In production. In service with several coun tri es.
It in elevation and traverse.
The following versions of the STR are currently available : STR 52 with Manufacturer : Giat Industri es/Mecaniqu e Creusot-Loire, 13 ro ute de la
French 7.62 NFl machine gun and STR 80 with Belgian MAG 80 machine Miniere, 78034 Versailles Cedex , France.
gun. Telephone: (1) 3097 3737 Fax : (1) 3097 3900
DevelopmentlDesc ripti on
The ST8 V (Support Toumant Bouc/ier) consists of three main components:
a fixed part, a swivelling part and an OSCillating parI. The fixed part has
20 x 9 mm diameter holes for attaching it to the roof of the vehicle and three
taper rollers. The swivelling part is mounted on the fixed part and consists
of an armoured door which forms a shield when open , retractable support
for the ammunition bo x, flap hinged to the door, an azimuth braking device .
a door and a flap locking device which also enables the cradle to be locked
in elevation . The oscillating part consists of the weapon cradle which is
linked to the door and a spring for balancing the door and the weapon
mount unil.
The mount can be traversed through 360 0 and elevation ranges from
-IS' to +80' depending on the aperture of the door. Weight of the complete
mount with 7.62 mm machine gun and 200 rounds of ready-use ammunition
is 120 kg and 100 kg without weapon and ammunition.
Status: Production. In service with the French Army and several other
undisclosed countries.
The CP 127 A (Circu/aire Pivot) consists of a circular baseplate , bolted to
the roof of the ve hicle by 18 bolts . and the ball bearings. Mounted on this is
the rotating part which carries the traversing gearbox, pivot support for the
weapon . back rest and a cloth strap that forms the seal. Mounted on the
front part there is a swivelling fo rk which carries the oscillating weapon
cradle fitted with the empty cartridge case bag , an ammunition box support
and a locking device to lock the cradle at any elevation angle. The CP 127 A
is fitted wilh a 12.7 mm (0 .50) M2 H8 heavy machine gun which can be laid
through 360 0 with the traversing gear bo x_ Using the handles , the weapon
can be traversed through ±30° and elevated from -15 0 to +50' . Weight of
the CP 127 A without the machine gun is 95 kg and with il and 100 rounds
of ready -use ammunition is 160 kg .
Developm ent/Description
The Lancelot turret has been designed for APCs such as the AMX -l0P. an adlustable sea t and a hatch cover in th e roof of the turrel. The gunner
RVI VA8 and the M113 . The two -man turret has four Euromi ssile HOT has electric and manual con trol s and the commander has manual controls
ATGWs ready -to-Iaunch with two on either side of the turrel. The missiles in on ly. The turret also has six periscopes and two vision blocks fo r all-round
their launcher tubes can be elevated + 18' and depressed -12 . The observation. Mounted on the top of Ihe lurret are four electrically operated
commander has an M427 rangefinding telescope with a magnification of smoke dischargers. Once the four missiles have been launched th e turret is
x 8 while the gunner has an M509 monocular telescope, for launching the manually loaded from Inside the vehicle. In Ihe case of the AMX -l0P
missiles. with two magnifications (x 3 and x 12). 80th crew members have another 14 missiles are carried in the hull.
314 AFV TU R RETS AND CUPOLAS / France-Germany
ARMAMENT 4 ready-to -Iaunch
traverse 360' electric at 17'/s
(manual at 10'/s )
elevation - 12' to + 18" electric at
30' /s (manual at
26' /s)
commander laser rangefinder with
x 8 magnification
gunner sight with x 3
and x 12
turret 6 periscopes
2 vision blocks
WEIGHT (with 4 missiles,
no crew) 1300 kg
Giat Industries Lancelot HOT turret on AMX-10P vehicle
RING 1.33 m
Status : Production as required. In service with Saudi Arabia and other
undisclosed countries. Manufacturer : Giat Industri es. 13 route de la Miniere. 78034 Versailles
Cedex , France.
Telephone : (1) 3097 3737 Fa x: (1) 30973900
Developm ent/Description
This turret has been developed by KUKA as a private ven ture . It is of
modular design and . by mounting the corresponding assemblies . all
requirements for main and secondary armament. day and night sights and
power drive can be met.
The turret is made of aluminium armour plate. capable of withstanding
small arms fire and shell fragments. An enclosed cradle accommodates the
gun and is mounted on the hollow support above the cupola. This design
provides ballistic protection for the gunner. ammunition , feeding system
and weapon and prevents the penetration of fumes and CO2 gases into the
crew compartment. Further advantages are increased space for the gunner ,
large depression of the weapon even in a slope position of the vehicle and
good access to the weapon for maintenance.
The arm ament consists of a 30 mm automatic cannon Mauser MK 30F.
but the turret can accept a number of other weapons such as the 25 mm
Oerlikon-Contraves gun series. Additionally . a 7.62 mm machine gun can
be mounted coaxially with the cannon .
Traverse and elevation laying of th e weapons is effected via an electrical
laying system with manual backup. Loading . cocking . firing . reloading and
unloading of the weapon are remote-controlled under armour protection .
The weapons are fed via rigid and flexible chutes through the hollow turret
support. Two types of ammunition (HE and AP) can be selected and fired
on the central panel. The gun is fired electri cally by the swi tch in the
elevation gear handle or. in the event of an electrical power fa ilure. there is
a manual foot firing system .
Under-armour observation and sighting is accomplished by six vision
blocks and one PE RI -ZI6 periscope, combined with a sighting telescope
(x 2 and x 6 magnifications) . providing 360' vision . For accu rate firing . the
KUKA patented mechanical ballistic drive is provided. This device includes
selection marks for HE and AP ammunition as well as a graded range scale KUKA one-man turret E23 armed with 30 mm Mauser MK 30F cannon and
up to 2000 m. pod 01 four manportable surface-to-air missiles
Optional equipment includes: turret stabilisation system ; passive night
sight; thermal imager ; smoke grenade launchers; radio and intercom .
CREW 1 (gunner) OPTICS periscopic sight type PERI-ZI6.
ARMAMENT x 2 and x 6 magnification. six
main 1 x 30 mm automatic cannon vision blocks
secondary on option , " 7.62 mm MG WEIGHT (including gun
AMMUNITION and ammunition) 2000 kg
30mm 140 ready -use HE , POWER SUPPLY 24 V
170 ready -use AP
7.62 mm 500 ready-use rounds Status : Ready for production.
CONTROL (electrical)
traverse 360' ; 0.2 mlVs min: 75'/s max Manufacturer : KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH. Zugspitzstrasse 140. PO Box
elevation -8' to +50' at 0.2 mills min : 40' /s 43 t 3 69, 0 -8900 Augsburg 43 . Federal Republic of Germany.
max Telephone : (821 ) 797-0 Telex: 5383 840 Fax: (821 ) 7971207
This two -man turret was designed, developed and manufactured by KUKA
for the Marder 1 IFV. It has been introduced into Ihe German armed forces
with more than 2100 units.
Descri pti on
The Marder 1 turret is armed with a top-mounted 20 mm automatic cannon
Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 and a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun MG 3. It
can also accept a number of other weapon s such as the 25 mm Mauser E
or 25 mm Oerlikon-Contraves KBA.
The main advantages of the top mounting principle are : small turret
dimensions; full protection against fum es and carbon monoxide gases ;
large depression range of the weapon even in a slope position of the
vehicle ; and good access to the weapon for maintenance.
This turret is an all-welded steel construction, capable of withstanding
20 mm rounds at the front. The commander sits on the left and the gunner
on the right, each with one adjustable seat and a si ngle-piece hatch cover.
Turret traverse and gun elevation are operated electrohydraullcally. Loading ,
cocking , firing , reloading and unloading of the weapon is remote -controlled
under armour protection. The weapons are fed via rigid and flexible chutes Upgraded Marder 1A3 fitted with upgraded KUKA two-man upgraded turret
through th e hollow turret support. Two type s of ammunition (HE and AP)
can be selected and fired on the central panel. A dual-control sys tem allows
both the commander and the gunner to operate the turret and fire the
weapons, thereby allowing the commander to override the gunner's system. After a short development period the upgrading programme for the
In case of a failure of the hydraulics or the electrics, the turret can be Marder 1A3 vehicle started in 1988 with the first modernised vehicle being
manually operated by mechanical gear boxes and the weapon can be fired handed over to the German Army at KUKA's facilities in Augsburg in 1989.
by foot controls. The project will be completed over a 10 year period at the rate of 210
Under-armour observation and sighting are accomplished by eight vehicles per year .
periscopes for the commander and three periscopes for the gunner, as well The upgrading programme comprises the following elements :
as two combined sighting and observation periscopes type PERI-Z11 . In (1) improvement of the ballistic protection by addition of a 1600 kg add-on
the latest turret configuration (Marder 1A3) there is one type PERI -Z11 armour package which includes conformal add-on armour elements to
combined sighting and observation periscope and one thermal imager. For both sides of the turret
accurate firing , the KUKA-patented mechanical ballistic drive is provided. (2) increased overall vehicle performance
This device includes selection marks for HE , AP and MG ammunition , as (3) improvement in human crew engineering aspects
well as a graded range scale up to 2000 m. (4) improvement of several operational functions
Optional equipment includes : passive night sight ; thermal imager; smoke (5) the installation of a thermal imager in the turret optics system .
grenade launchers ; radio and intercom and support for MILAN ATGW .
Status : Production of upgraded version for Marder 1A3 started in 1989. In
Variants service with German Army .
The latest configuration of the Marder 1 turret is the Marder 1A3 version
which is an upgraded variant of the KUKA two-man Marder 1 turret for the Manufacturer: KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH, Zugspitzstrasse 140, PO Box
conversion programme of the 2100 Marder 1A 1 (-)/Marder 1A 1 (+)/Marder 43 13 69 , 0 -8900 Augsburg 43, Federal Republic of Germany.
1A 1A/Marder 1A2 to the Marder 1A3 ICV standard . Telephone : (821) 797-0 Telex : 5383 840 Fax: (821) 797 1207
CREW 2 (commander CONTROL WEIGHT (i ncluding guns
and gunner) traverse electro hydraulic and ammunition)
ARMAMENT 360- , min 0.3 mil/s, max 45°/s at 20mm 2300 kg
main 1 x 20/25 mm 3°/turn of handle 25mm 2560 kg
automatic cannon elevation electrohydraulic POWER SUPPLY 24 V
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG - 17 to +65°, min 00.3 mills.
AMMUNITION max 400/s at 2°/turn of handle
20mm 345 ready-use HE OPTICS
75 ready -use AP commander PERI-Z11 sight (x 2
25mm 255 ready -use HE and x 6 magnification)
55 ready -use AP eight vision blocks
7.62 mm 500 ready -use rounds periscopes
gunner PERI -Z11 sight.
three vision blocks
Development/Descri pti on
The E4A 1 armoured turret has been developed by KUKA for use as the
main armament of reco nnaissance vehicles, APCs and IFVs. It is designed
primarily to engage ground targets but also has a self-defence capability
against aerial targets.
The two -man turret is ballistically protected against 14.5 mm rounds over
its frontal arc and can be armed with either a 25 mm or 30 mm automatic
can non and, optionally , a 7.62 mm MG - the type and make of which is al
the discretion of th e customer.
On the prototype a 25 mm Mauser E automatic cannon and a 7.62 mm
MG3A 1 machine gun have been fitted to the weapon support structure
which is adjustable in height.
The support area is hermetically sealed so as to prevent entry of noxious
firing gases into the crew compartment. Traverse and elevation laying of
the weapons is effected by an electrical laying system with manual backup
for emergency purposes.
The ammunition for both weapons is stored in boxes inside the turret KUKA two -man E4A t low-profile turret
from where it is fed to the guns. Empty cases and links are ejected from the
turret through an opening which can be closed when th e vehicle is not in
combat .
The crew can use either weapon, select the type of ammunition (HE or OPTICS
AP for the automatic cannon) or the firing mode (single round , burst or commander one combined PERI -Z16
sustained fire) according to the tactical situation , The commander can observation and sighting
override the gunner and fire both weapons himself. The firing is done periscope (x 2 and x 6
electrically with a manual backup unil in case of syslem failure. magnification)
For sighting and observalion Iwo combined PERI-Z16 periscopes are 8 periscopes
fitted - one for the commander and one for the gunner· with 11 observation gunner one combined PERI-Z1 6
periscopes. As an oplion the gunner's PERI-Z16 periscope can be replaced observalion and sighting
by a night vision image intensify telescope . The commander's sight may periscope (x 2 and x 6
also be replaced in the same manner. A thermal imager sight may also be magnification)
used to replace the PERI -Z16 . 3 periscopes
Other options available for the turrel include: turrel slabilisation system . WEIGHT (including
smoke grenade launchers and inlercom network. weapons and ammunition) 2622 kg
CREW 2 (commander and gunner) Status : Ready for production.
ARMAMENT 1 x 25 mm or 30 mm automatic
cannon Manufacturer: KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH , Zugspitzstrasse 140, PO Box
AMMUNITION 225 ready -use HE 43 13 69 , 0-8900 Augsburg 43 , Federal Republic of Germany.
185 ready-use AP Telephone : (82 1) 797-0 Telex : 5383 840 Fax : (82 1) 797 1207
CONTROL (electrical)
traverse 360" at 60' ls max
elevation - to ' to +50' at 40' /s max
KUKA Gun Mount E6-IIA 1 Manufacturer: KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH , Zugspitzstrasse 140, PO Box
43 1369, 0-8900 Au gsburg 43, Federal Republic of Germany .
Telephone : (821) 797-0 Telex: 5383 840 Fax : (82 1) 797 1207
Developmentl Description
This weapon station was originally developed by KUKA for the airporlable
Wiesel vehicle . It is also being offered for other vehicles which need an
extremely lightweight mount with high fire power.
The armament consists of an electrically fired 20 mm automatic cannon
Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 or a 25 mm Mauser MK 25E (qv next entry)
provided with 160 ready-use rounds. Traverse and gun elevation are
operated manually by mechanical gears.
The gunner aims the cannon through a combined observation and
sighting periscope PERI·Z16 which has a magnification of x 6 for engaging
ground targets and a x 2 magnification for aerial targets . An image intensifying
night sight telescope can easily be installed in the sight frame .
CREW 1 (gunner)
ARMAMENT 1 x 20 mm cannon
AMMUNITION 160 ready -use
traverse 50" leN and right. manual
elevation -10' to +60 manual
OPTICS a combined observation and
sighting periscope Iype PERI-Z16
magnification x 2 and x 6
WEIGHT (including cannon
and ammunition) 404 kg
Status: Production . In service with the German Army (on Wiesel airportable
Status : Pre-production.
The TS-7 20 mm two-man turret was developed as the primary arm ament
system of the Spi3hpanzer Luchs (8 x 8) reconnaissance vehicle, 408 of
which were delivered to the German Army by Thyssen Henschel between
1975 and 1978. The turret can, however, be installed on a wide rang e of
The TS-7 turret has spaced armou r for improved protection , with the
commander seated on the left and the gunner on the right. both with a
single-piece hatch cover that opens to the rear. Both the commander and
gunner are provided wi th a PER I-Z 11 A- 1 periscope for aiming the 20 mm
cannon and there are 12 periscopes for all-round observation .
On the gunner's side of the turret is the WBG (thermal imaging and night
surveillance and sig hting system) wi th an extension for the vehicle
Turret traverse and weapon elevation/depression are electrohydraulic
and can be operated by the commander or gunner. An azimuth system is
fitted as standard.
The main armament is a dual-feed 20 mm Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202
can non which is separated from the crew of two by a gas- and explosion- Rheinmetall two ·man turret TS-7 with automatic cannon MK 20 Rh 202 for
proof compartment. Empty cartridge cases are ejected to the right of the 8 x 8 reconnaissance vehicle Luchs used by German Army
A 7.62 mm MG3 machine gun mounted on a skate mount over the
com mander's hatch can be used for anti-aircraft defence . Four electrically
operated smoke dischargers are moun ted either side of the turret. Manufacturer: Rheinmetall GmbH, Ulmenstrasse 125. PO Box 6609,
0 -4000 Dusseldorf 30 , Federal Republic of Germany.
Status : Production as required. In service with the German Army . Telephone : (2 11 ) 447 483290 Telex : 85833-0
For its special EOD task of destroying mines and GP bombs from as SPECIFICATIONS
close as 30 m up to 250 m, the TS- 15 EOD turret is equipped with a special CREW
x 6 magnification targel designation and integrated laser rangefinder (for ARMAMENT
automatic parallax correction) sight. The vehicle commander designates main 1 x 20 mm MK 20 Rh 202 cannon
the target to be fired on through his target designation equipped binoculars coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG3 MG
and vectors the gunner by means 01 direction signals displayed in the grenade launchers 2 x 3 76 mm
gunner's sight. AMMUNITION
The TS-15 GP turret is equipped with a standard gunner's sight and has 20mm 220
no laser rangefinder or target designation equipment. 7.62 mm 500
depression/elevation _7' to +60 0 manual
traverse 360' manual
TS-15 EOD x 6 magnification periscope with
laser rangefinder and target
designation capability
1 x periscope and 5 x vision block
TS-15GP x 4 magnification periscope
1 x periscope and 5 x vision block
without ammunition 875 kg
with ammunition 962 kg
This turret has been designed as a private venture by Rheinmetall and is
similar to the TF 20 15 described in th e following entry but has increased
armour protection and a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun . The weapons can
be used to engage both air and ground targels.
The one-man turret is made of all-welded steel and has a single-piece
hatch cover that opens to the rear. The main armament is a single
Rheinmetall 20 mm MK 20 Rh 202 cannon which is separated from th e
gunner by a gas-tight bulkhead. The cannon is cocked hydraulically and
fired mechanically with auxiliary hydromechanical firing. The gunner can
select either single shots or full automatic fire .
Mounted to th e right of the 20 mm cannon is a coaxial 7.62 mm machine
gun which is cocked mechanically and fired electrically.
The gunner aims the cannon and 7.62 mm machine gun via a roof-
mounted peri scope with a magnification of x 4 and 15' field-of-view. snd
which has a monocular eyepiece and a filter. In addition. the turre t has one
observation periscope , five vision blocks and two rear-view mirrors.
Mounted eith er side of th e turret are three electrically operated Wegmann
Rheinmetall one-man 20 mm turret TF 20 IS.A with coaxial 7.62 mm
mUlti-purpose smoke/grenade dischargers.
machine gun
Electrical equipment includes : main and weapon control box ;
communications control box ; internal lighting with dimmer; white light
searchlight mounted coaxially with the main armament ; slip ring for
transmission of electrical power and communications ; and firing of vehicle
grenade launchers with fire zone limiter. Manufacturer: Rheinmetall GmbH . Ulmenstrasse 125 , PO Box 6609 ,
0 -4000 Dusseldorf 30, Federal Republic of Germany .
Status : Development complete . Ready for production . Telephone: (2 11) 447 483290 Telex: 85833-0
CREW 1 (gunner)
AR MAMENT 1 x 20 mm cannon
main x 4 magnification
supplementary 2 periscopes and 4
vision blocks
traverse 360' manual at 9.3°ls
elevation -7' to +60' manual
at 6.5' ls
without ammunition 535 kg
with ammunition 612 kg
DIAMETER (at base) 1.18 m
(above vehicle hull
including periscope) 0.685 m
This one-man turret has been designed as a private venture by KUKA and
by late 1983 two prototypes had been completed and had undergone
successful trials with a NATO army.
The turret is of all-welded construction and provides the gunner with
complete protection from small arms fire and shell splinters. The 12.7 mm
M2 HB heavy machine gu n. with a cyclic rate of fire of 550 rdsl min, is
mounted on the left with the gunner on the right. The gunner has a single-
piece hatch cover which opens to the rear, a PERI-Zll or PERI-ZI6
combined sight and observation periscope with a magnification of x 2 and
x 6. and seven periscopes.
The weapon and ammunition are se parated from the gunner' s
compartment and servicing hatches can be taken off with the aid of quick-
release catches . All tasks such as loading , reloading , cocking and firing the
machine gun can be carried out inside the turret under complete armour
protection. The complete 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun , including the
barrel. can be moved back into the turret.
Two firing modes·are available: electrical push button integrated into the
laying handle and mechanical backup via pedal. The gunner can select KUKA Type 605 one-man low-profile turret with 12.7 mm M2 HB machine
burst or sustained fire . gun fitted on Thyssen Henschel Condor (4 x 4) armoured personnel carrier
The 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun can be elevated from - 15 to +65· and
has a turret traverse of a fu ll 360'. Turret traverse and weapon elevation Status: Ready for production .
are manual.
The following optional equipment can be fitted: electrohydraulic or electrical Man ufacturer: KUKA Wehrtechnik GmbH , Zugspitzstrasse 140,
gun laying system: active or passive night sight; interior lighting ; searchlighV PO Box 341369. 0 -8900 Augsburg 43 , Federal Republi c of Germany .
spotlight; intercom: and external smoke dischargers. Telephone: (821) 797-0 Telex: 5383 840 Fax : (821) 797 1207
This turret has been designed as a private venture by Rheinmetall for light
AFVs such as the Thy ssen UR-416 APC.
The one-man turret is all-welded and has a single-piece hatch cover th at
opens to the rear. Main armament consists of twin Rheinmetall 7.62 mm
MG3 machine guns, each with 250 rounds of re ady-use ammunition and
250 rounds carried in reserve in the turret. Firing is electromechanica t and
the gunner can select left or right machine guns or both together, and burst
or full automatic fire . If required the machine guns can be quickly removed
and used as infantry weapons.
The gunner aims the weapons via a roof-mounted PERI -ZI2 tilting mirror
periscope with a 17' x 5' field-of-view . The gunner also has five vision
blocks, one in the turret rear and two eith er side of the turret, and one roof-
mounted periscope.
Optional equipment includes: a blue flashing light : interior lighting ;
loudspeaker: searchl ight and smoke dischargers.
ARMAMENT 2 x 7.62 mm MG3 traverse 360 ' manual at 10.7' /s HEIGHT
MGs max (above hull top
AMMUNITION (per gun) 250 ready-use elevation -sr, to +55 0 manual including periscope) 0.53 m
250 in reserve at 5.7'/s max POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC via slip ring
OPTICS WEIGHT from vehicle power
main periscopic with without ammunition 350 kg supply
ballistic graticule with ammunition 378 kg
supplemen tary 1 periscope and 5
vision blocks
Wegmann/Heckler Gun Mount Type 2365 sight with an integrated ranging facility and automatic gravity drop correction
setting system. Firing by the operator is electrical with the mode being of
the sustained type. A hatch provides access to the weapon , which in the
Development/Description case of a machine gun is fed from a standard belt . with up to 250 rounds. in
The internally operated gun mount Type 2365 for light automatic weapon s a box attached outside the vehicle .
has been designed bolh as a main armament system for lightly armoured Optional equipment includes a periscopic gun sig ht with night vision
vehicles such as APCs and as a secondary armamenl for heavier vehicles capability and the night vision assembly .
for use against surface and aerial largets.
It can be mounted on top of any vehicle type capable of taking a circular SPECIFICATIONS
track mounting and be adapted to take the majority of available machine HEIGHT
gun . automatic rifle or sub-machine gun models. If required it can also be above vehicle installed 0.505 m
fitted as a stationary mount for the protection of fi xed installations . trunnion height above top of vehicle 00405 m
The gun mount is protected against 7.62 mm AP ammunition. incendiary MAX INSTALLATION
devices and NBC conditions and is fitted with a Type BZP 2300 periscopic DEPTH BELOW TOP OF
(G8IFN MG) MOUNTED 0.98/1.18 m
elevation/depression -10' /+60'
traverse 360'
(less weapon and depending on fit) about 140 kg
The remot e-controlled gun mount Type MZA 1865 has been designed both
as a main armament system for lightly armoured vehicles such as APCs,
police or security vehicles and as a secondary armament system for
heavier vehictes such as MBTs for use against ground and aerial targ ets.
It can be mounted on top of any vehicte type capable of accepting a
circular track mounting and be adapted to take the majority of available
machine gun , automatic rifle or sUb-machi ne gun models . If required. it can
also be fitted as a stationary mount for the protection of fi xed installations.
For special operations the upper section of the mount can also be rapidly
mounted or dismounted complete with the weapon . After fitting it again
there is no need to readjust the upper mount.
The powered gun mount is protected against 7.62 mm AP ammunition,
incendiary devices and NBC condi tions and is fitted with a periscopic Type
LZP 2050 1.5 to 7.5 magnification zoom lens wi th integrated ranging facility
and automatic gravity drop correction setting system. A wiper/wa sher
system is provided for the sight.
The operator can select either single shot , limited burst or sustained TM 170 fitted with machine gun mount Type MZA 1865 with spotlight
firing modes with an empty ammunition container being signified by the mounted coaxial to the felt of the weapon
operation of an automatic firing inhibitor system . The ammunition is fed out
fro m inside the vehicle in belts of up to 250 rounds in the case of a machine
gun , although a hatch is provided fo r access to other weapon types such as
the 12.7 mm (0.5 in) machine gun. MAX TRAVERSE
A protective shroud can be fitted over the weapon and three extra vision RADIUS INSIDE
blocks can be provided to give a 160' field -of-view in the di recti on of fire. If VEHICLE 0.53m
required, a coaxial searchlight can also be fitted . CONTROL
Optional equipment is a reversible day/night sight assembly. elevation/depression +60'/-10"
traverse 360"
HEIGHT (less weapon and depending
above vehicle (install ed) 0.505 m on fit) about 160 kg
trunnion height
above top of vehicle 0.405 m Status : In production (300 systems produced to date - 1 January 1993) . In
MAX INSTALLATION service with unspecified countries .
VEHICLE 0.4 m Manufacturers : Weg mann and Co GmbH, August-Bode Strasse "
MAX INSTALLATION PO Box 103967, 0-3500 Kassel, Federal Republic of Germany .
DEPTH BELOW TOP OF Telephone: (561) 105-0 Telex: 99 859 Fax : (56 1) 1052208
FOLDED AWAY 0.28m Heckler and Koch GmbH. 0-7238 OberndortlNeckar, Federal Republ ic of
GUN (G8 MG) MOU NTED 0.98 m Telephone : 0742379-1 Telex : 760 313 HUKO D Fax : 07423 79406
This turret has been designed as a private venture by Euromisslle for AFVs
In Ihe 5000 to 12 000 kg class. such as the M113 . ENGESA EE- ll Urutu
(6 x 6) , RVI VAS (4 x 4 and 6 x 6) and Panhard VCR (6 x 6) APCs. For trial s
purposes it has also been installed on a MOWAG Piranha (8 x 8) vehicle.
The one-man UTM 800 turret has four HOT ATGWs ready to launch and .
in the case of th e Pan hard VCR (6 x 6), 10 missiles carried in reserve. Once
the missiles have been launched new missiles are loaded manually without
the crew leaving the vehicle. Turret elevation and traverse are electric with
manual control available for emergency use.
A description of the HOT ATGW is given in the Vehicle -mounted ATGW
section of this book.
A CASTOR infra-red thermal imager sight fitted to the launcher allows
day and night observation and firing out to th e 4000 m range of the HOT
In 1992 an improved turret system was tested successfully on the
Austrian Pandur armoured vehicle. This uses a bispectral tracking sys tem
(operating at l ~m and tOpm wavelength s) to give high resistance to IR
CREW 1 (gunner)
SIGHTING APX M509 with x 12
magnification (5 '
field -of-view) and x 3
(1 8 field-of-vlew) . nighVday
thermal Imaging CASTOR sight
traverse 360' electric at
30'/s max
elevation -10' to +22 electric
at 5'/s max Euromissile HOT UTM 800 turret with four HOT A TGWs re3dy to launch
WEIGHT (with 4 miSSiles) 900 kg
POWER SUPPLY 27 V DC. rotary base
junction bo x
Statu s: Production (150 produced to date· t January 1993). In service Manufacturer: Euromissile G IE. 12 ru e de la Redoute . F·92260 Fontenay-
with Iraq (108 on VCR chassis). Qatar (24 on VAS chassis) and Cypru s (18 aux-Roses. France.
on VAS chassis) . The exact status of the Iraqi systems is uncertain Telephone: (33) 1 4661 73 11 Telex : EUROM 204 69t F Fax: 46 61 6467
The HOT Mephisto system has been designed by Euromissile to meet the
requirements of the French Army where it is mounted on the VAS (4 x 4)
APC , but it can be filted to many other types of APC such as th e Pan hard
VC R (4 x 4). More recently it has been installed for trials on a MOWAG
Piranha (8 x 8) APC.
Descri ption
The Mephisto system consists of a launcher and four ready-to-Iaunch
missiles. When travell ing it is retracted into the vehicle so that the top of the
launcher is almost flu sh with the roof making identification of a vehicle fitted
with the Mephisto system very difficult.
When elevated the launcher can be traversed through 360'. The optical
assembly comprises a periscope, the rotating head of which is fitted with a
gyrostabilised mirror which enables the gunner to observe and fire regardless
of the movement of the vehicle. When the launcher is retracted the periscope
can be used for forward observation. The reloading equipment comprises
two revolving magazines at the rear of the vehicle, each containing four
HOT ATGWs. When th e launcher is retracted after the four missiles have
been launched it is reloaded from the revolving magazines.
Euromissile HOT Mephisto system on French Army VA B with launcher
A description of the HOT ATG W is given in the Vehicle-mounted A TGW
section of this book.
An infra-red thermal imager sight is filted on th e periscopic sight so
allowing day and night observation and firing throu gh the full range of the
HOT missile. Status : In production (1 35 plus produced to date - 1 January 1993). In
The French Army has introduced the following improvements to its service with French Arm y on V AS (4 x 4) chassis.
Mephisto systems :
(a) Night Sight MEPHI RA Manufacturer: Eu romissile G IE, 12 rue de la Redoute . F-92260 Fontenay-
(b) Anti-jamming localiser operating at 1fl m wavelength. aux- Ro ses. France.
Telephone : (33) 1 4661 7311 Telex : EUROM 204 691 F Fax: 46 61 6467
I n t e rn at ion a I - I S rae I / A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS 323
Euromissile MILAN Compact Turret (MCT) vehicle. Operation and guidance of the weapon remain unchanged due to
Ihe use of the original assembly groups from the basic infantry MILAN
system . Tl'le missiles can also be launched at night with the MtLAN night
Development sigh t fitted.
This lightweight turret has been designed as a private venlure by Euromissile A description of the MILAN ATGW is given in the Vehicle-mounted
for light tracked and wheeled vehicles such as the BOX (4 x 4) APC (crew A TGW section of this book.
of nine plus eight MILAN ATGWs). Panhard M3 (4 x 4) APe. Alvis Spartan Following trials with two Euromissile MILAN MCT on Alvis Spartan
APC . Fox reconnaissance vehicle and the Transportpanzer 1 (6 x 6) APC. APCs . this system was accepted for service with the British Army on 18
June 1985. A total of 67 systems were deployed by British mechanised
Description infantry battalions from 1986. Each Spartan has two MILANs ready to fire
The MILAN MCT can be mounted on any vehicle with a hatch diameter of and another 11 inside for manual reloading . with seven on the left side and
600 mm or more and carries two MILAN ATGWs ready to launch . The four on the right.
system allows th e missiles to be launched by the gunner from inside the
CREW 1 (gunner)
SIGHTIN G periscope with x 7
traverse 360" manual
elevation -15 to +15" manual
witllou t MILAN ATGWs approx 170 kg
with MILAN ATGWs and
MIRA night sight approx 200 kg
Development magnification window wide 22" field-of-view with collimated aiming circle
The RAFAEL Overhead Weapon Station (OWS) can be installed on a and parallel x 7 magnification narrow 7.2" field-of-view 25 mm image
variety of APC and IFV vehicle types or be installed as a fortified static intensifier passive night vision elbow with either a ballistic reticle range -
weapon station. scale or laser aiming spot.
Three OWS add a weight of 480 kg to an M113 and still allow it to functio n The day and night sights allow recognition of a human target at 1200 m.
as a personnel carrier whil st permitting protected gun laying and firing . All The sights are easily and rapidly interchanged by means of four quick
that is required to fit the installation is a 430 mm diameter clearance hole . locking latches. No boresighting is required aft er replacement.
lastening holes and a connection to th e vehi cl e's electrical supply. In the manual mode the gunner stands behind the post and fires th e gun
himself. Aiming is done through the weapon 's own sights.
Description For stability the weapon station is constan tly locked in position by a brake
Two modes of operation are possible: remote and manual. For remot e unless the operator holds and presses the handles . Quick orientation can
usage the gunner operates the post with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun be performed by using an azimuth indicator on the station showing how its
lilted whilst fully protected under armour. The firing is actuated electrically. position is relative to the vehicle's centre [ine.
with a mechanical backup. Aimi ng is done through a peri scope sight which Alternative weapons can be installed including the 12.7 mm Browning
is part of the station. This has a x 1 magnification wide 25" field-of-view heavy machine gun . It can also be adapted for th e 40 mm Mk 19 automatic
window including a colli mated aiming circle and parallel x 8 magnilication grenade launcher. An infra-red searchlight can be mounted to the left 01 th e
day sight narrow 8" fi eld-of-view with ballistic reticule ra nge-scale. a x 1 gun on a small mast platform unit.
324 A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS / I S rae I
height overall 1.100 m
height over deck 0.570 m
ELEVATION -25 0 to +75'
ARMAMENT 1 x 7.62 mm M240 machine gun
AMMUNITION 230-round external magazine or
230/460-round internal magazine
Status : Production . In service with the Israeli Army and oflered for export.
Menachem Urman Centurion Tank Commander's This is achieved by incorporating a slit position in addition to the usual three
hatch cover pOsitions (closed, open and vertical) which gives the tank
Cupola commander a 3600 view through Ihe 70 mm slit while the deep hatch cover
provides overhead proleclion. The periscopes have two position s, extended
Developmen t/Desc ription and retracted, and dust covers are provided to seal the periscope openings.
Thi s cupola was designed by Menachem Urman and Company Lim ited to A 7.62 mm machine gun can be mounted externally on the cupola.
meet the requirements of the Israeli Army for a cupola which would give the
tank commander unobstructed 360' vision while retaining full head protection . SPECIFICATIONS
CREW 1 (comman der)
ARMAMENT 1 x 7.62 mm MG
DIMENSIONS 1.1 x 1.04 x 0.3 m
TRAVERSE 3600 manual
THICKNESS 80 mm (min)
WEIGHT 530 kg
Status : Produclion as required. In service with the Israeli Army. The cupola
is currently being evaluated by several other countries. A cupola for the
T-55 and T-62 MBTs of former Soviet origin is being developed .
Urdan Industries Low-Profile Commander's Steel Foundries Company Limited for 600 cupolas for American M48A5
tanks, a contract worth $3.5 million . The first 50 cupolas were delivered
Cupola from Israel in mid-1976 and final deliveri es of the original order were in
1977. Since then many hundreds have been produced for the Israeli Army
Development/Description and foreign customers.
This cupola was designed by Urdan Associated Steel Foundries Company
Limited . now Urdan Industries limited , to meet the requirements of the SPECIFICATIONS
Israeli Army. It is used to reduce th e silhouette of the M48 /M60 tank series CREW 1 (commander)
from its original height. The cupola can be traversed manually through 360 0 ARMAMENT typically 1 x 7.62 mm MG but
and has three periscopes with two positions, extended and retracted. Dust cupola can be adapted to
covers seal the periscope openings when they are retracted . In addition to customer's requirements
the usual three cover positions (closed, vertical and full open). the hatch TRAVERSE 360 0 manual
can be opened in a slit position giving the tank commander 360 0 vision with WEIGHT 340 kg
the deep hatch cover providing overhead protection. A 7.62 mm machine MAX CUPOLA
gun can be pintle-mounted externally on the forward part of the cupola . DIAMETER 0.905 m
In January 1976 the United States Army placed an order with Associated HEIGHT (from hull roof) 0.24 m
I S rae I I A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS 325
Development/Descript ion
The M88A 1 commander's low-profile cupola was developed by Urdan
Industri es Ltd to meet the requ irements of the Israeli Defence Forces and is
similar in concept to that company's low-profile Commander' s Cupola for
M48/M60 series MBT (qv) .
CREW 1 (commander)
ARMAMENT typi cally 1 x 12.7 mm MG
WEIGHT 270 kg
HEIGHT (from hull roof) 0.3 m
AMCORAM Ltd WP-7 Under Armour Overhead (ii) wi th opened hatch and fo lded periscope, allowing a co mpletely open
view and the best tactical command situations . Fighting In Built Up
Weapon Post Area (F IBUA) and anti-aircraft engagements
(iii) with open hatch and opened periscope
Development/Description (b) Manual - with the gunner behind the station and fi ring the weapon in the
The WP -7 is an advanced under armour, overh ead weapon post suitable normal manner .
for a variety of applications, including installation on a number of armoured The WP -7 can also be adapted for use with the 7 .62 mm M60 ,
fighting vehicl e types. The WP -7 allows th e gun . an FN 7 .62 mm MAG (US FN 5.56 mm Minimi (US Model M249) and oth er machine gun types. The
Model M240). to be fully operated from under armour. All operations - unit has separate locking for traverse and elevation , and is fi tted with a last
target acquisition . loading , cocking . ai ming and firing are carri ed out under round indicator. Optional equipment fits include a thermal imager. set beam
the fu ll protection of th e platform's hull armour. Aiming in all modes of (search light) and laser aiming device.
operation is done thro ug h one sight in day or night conditions.
The two basic modes of operation are: SPECIFICATIONS
(a) Remote - DIMENSIONS
(i) with completely closed hatch the gunner carries out all operations required installation bore 402mm
under armour height over deck 500 mm
height below deck 400mm
width 400mm
length 600mm
WEIGHT 95 kg
ARM AMENT see text
outside 230 round belt in ammunition box
inside 320 rounds belted
SIGHT Falcon sight (red point type)
COCKING METHOD manual , by wire. from outside and
FIRING METHOD manual with cable
This two-man turret has been developed as a private venture by OTO
Malara for installalion on both tracked and wheeled vehicles. By late 1983
two prototypes of this turret had been completed and installed on the Type
6616 (4 x 4) armoured car and OTO Melara C13 tracked APC for tnals.
The turret is of all-welded steel construction and provides complete protection
from 7.62 mm sma ll arms fire from any angle ; soma parts of the turret front
provide complete protection from 7.62 mm Ap attack .
The comman der sits on the left and the gu_nner on the right, both with a
single-piece hatch cover opening to the rear. The gunner has an Alenia
P204 periscopic sight with a magnification of x 8 and a 9° field -of-view while
the commander has five periscopes for all-round observation .
Main armament consists of a Cockerill 90 mm Mk III gun with a 7.62 mm
machine gun mounted coaxially with the main armament. Three electrically
operated smoke dischargers are mounted either side of the turret.
Turret traverse and weapon elevation are electric. with manual controls
for emergency use . The commander can also traverse the turret.
The turret traverse bearing is made of high tensile steel with wire races
and chromium plated steel balls. Seals provide protection against water OTO Melara C13 APC fitted with OTO T 90 CKL turret
and dust. The turret basket consists of a light alloy platform , on which both
the commander's and gu nner's seats (adjustable for height) are installed .
and ammunition stowage for the main armament. The radios, which can be
operated by the comman d er~oa der or gunner, are mounted in the turret Status : Development complete. Ready for production .
Optional equipment includes: a night sight ; laser rangefinder: laser fire Manufacturer : OTO Melara, via Valdilocchl 15. 1-19100 La Spezia. Italy.
control system ; white light searchlight ; and a 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine Telephone : (0187) 530111 Telex: 270 368 OTO I
gun on the roof with elevation from - 15 to +65°. Fax : (0 187) 530 669
CREW 2 (commander and CONTROL WEI GHT (loaded) 1750 kg
gunner) traverse 360 0 at 30 0 /s , electric LENGTH (overall) 4.66 m
ARMAMENT elevation _9° to +30° at 100/s WIDTH 1.78m
main 1 x 90 mm gun electric HEIGHT
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG OPTICS above hull top 0.77 m
SMOKE DISCHARGERS 2 x 377mm commander 5 periscopes below hull top 0.917 m
AMMUNITION gunner 1 x P204 periscopic POWER SUPPLY 24 V
main 12 sight
coaxial 200
I t a I y / A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS 327
gunner) traverse 360· electric BELOW RING 1.181 m
ARMAMENT elevation _6· to +48· electric TURRET RING DIAMETER 1.48 m
main 1 x 60 mm gun WEIGHT LOADED 4000 kg POWER SUPPLY 24 V
coaxial 1 x 7.62mm MG LENGTH OF TURRET 6.165 m
main 8 + 8 ready to fire plus ABOVE RING 0.641 m (excluding
16 in the magazine periscopes)
coaxial 700 ready round s
Development/Descripti on
The one-man T25 is made from welded high strength ballistic steel plate
and is capable of providing protection against small arms fire and shell
splinters from small calibre rounds fired at 100 m horizontally. Typical
installations include light tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles such as
the Ml13 APC .
The turret carries a twin feed 25 mm Oerlikon-Contraves KBA cannon as
its main armament. The gunner has a periscope sight providing a wide or
narrow field -of-view. An optional image intensifier night vision module can
be fitted . To the right of the gunner's position is his control panel. The
traverse , elevation and cannon firing operations are all electrically powered .
Secondary armament is a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun whilst six multi-
purpose grenade launchers are fitted in banks of three either side of the
ARMAMENT Side elevation drawing of Breda 25 mm Low Profite T25 two-man turret
main 1 x 25 mm KBA ca nnon (no t to 1/76th sca le)
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG3 MG
grenade launchers 2x3
AMMUNITION (ready use) OPTICS see text
25mm 200 WEIGHT
7.62 mm 500 empty 980 kg
grenades 6 combat (without crew) 11 20 kg
elevation/depression _10' to +50°, electrical
max angular speed 400/s Status : Final development phase.
min angular velocity 0.5 mills
traverse 360' , electrical Manufacturer: Breda Meccanica Bresciana SpA . Via Lunga . 2. 1-251 25
max angular velocity 500 /s Brescasia , Italy.
min angular velocity 0.5 mills Telephone : (030) 379111 Telex: 300 056 BREDA I Fax: (030) 322115
This one-man hydraulically powered SIDAM turret was developed by OTO
Melara to meet an Italian Army requirement for an anti-aircraft gun system.
It is in production for moun ting on M11 3A2 standard APCs allhough it can
be mounted on other AFVs such as the Spanish ENASA BMR 3560.
Brazilian Engesa EE-l l Urutu (6 x 6) APC , OTO Melara C 13 APC and the
The turret system includes an Officine Galileo MADIS optronic primary
sigh t with a self-stabilised optical dual periscope assembly lhat has daylight
TV. low-light level TV , laser rangefinder and IFF subsystems .
The fire control system computer is installed in the vehicle body with the
gunner's console and an attitude inertial sensor.
Direct targel detection and acquisition can be performed by the
commander in lhe turret by visual or optical sight means . Targ et designation
can be accepted via data link from external sources.
The armament comprises four Oerlikon 25 mm KBA automatic cannons .
two of which have dual feed mechanisms for HE and APDS ammunition
selection . Maximum rate of fire is 600 rds/min per gun with a total of 640
HEI-T and 30 APDS -T ready-use rounds carried in the turret magazines .
This is sufficient for eight two -second bursts of full automatic fire based on
the practical turret rate of fire of 2400 rds/min .
OTO Metara StDAM 25 turret installed on a modified M 113 series APe of the
/talian Army
I t a I y / A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS 329
Elevation is from - 5" to +87" . Turret width is appro ximately 1800 mm, Status: Production . In service with th e Italian Army (on modified M113A2
turret height from hull ring to th e top of its roof is 1187 mm and turret de'pth standard APCs).
from hull ring to bottom of th e projecting internal hull unit is 1150 mm. The
diameter of the projectin g internal hull unit is 1480 mm . Manufactu rer: OTO Melara. via Valdilocchi 15. 1-19 100 La Spezia, Italy.
Turret weight in the combat ready condition is 3200 kg with another Telephone : (0187) 5301 11 Telex : 270 368 OTO I
660 kg of ancillary units and the APU in th e main vehicle hull. Fax : (0187) 530 669
This two-man . power-operated turret. designed by OTO Melara as a private
venture. has been installed on all production FIAT-OTO Melara Type 66 16
(4 x 4) armoured cars bu ilt so far.
Descripti on
The turret is of all-welded steel constru ction with the comman der on the left
and the gunner on the right. both with an adjustable seat and a single-piece
hatch cov er that opens to th e rear. Turret traverse and weapon elevation
are electric with manual controls for emergency use.
Main arm ament comprises a Rheinmetall MK 20 Rh 202 20 mm cannon
with a coaxial 7.62 mm MG3 machin e gun . Mounted either side of the
turret, towards the rear. is a bank of three electrically operated smoke
The commander has nine Ale ni a P 137 pe risco pes for all-round
observation , and the gunner has a P204 roof-mounted periscope with a
magnification of x 1 for general observation and x 8 for aiming purposes.
OTO Melara OTO TC 20 turret
The P204 can be replaced by a P194 image intensification night sight with
a magnification of x 8.
The radios are mounted in the turret bustle and can be used by both crew
Manufacturer : OTO Melara, via Valdilocchi 15, 1-19100 La Spezia, Italy.
Telephone : (0187) 530111 Telex : 270 368 OTO I
Status : In production . In service with the Italian Army and other countries. Fax: (0 187) 530 669
CREW 2 (commander and CONTROL LENGTH (overall) 3.539 m
gunner) traverse electric. 360·. 40"/s WIDTH 1.78 m
main 1 x 20 mm cannon elevation electric. -5" to +35c • above hull. inc
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG3 MG 25"/s max periscopes 0.694 m
SMOKE DISC HARGERS 2x3 OPTICS above hull , turret
AMMUN ITION comm ander 9 periscopes top 0.524 m
20 mm. ready-use 250 (+ 150 stowed) gunner 1 periscopic sight DEPTH (below hull) 0.9 17 m
7.62 mm . ready-use 400 (+ 700 stowed) WEIGHT (without POWER SUPPLY 24 V
smoke grenades, ready-use 6 (+ 32 stowed) crew) 1460 kg
Vari ants
Fitted with a 7.62 mm machine gun and mounted in the rear part of th e
armoured personnel carrier roof . this model is fixed .
Fitted with a 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gu n. with M113 top hatch and five
periscopes. OTO Melara TPT Mk 4 turre t fitted with 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun and
smoke dischargers. with three hatches open
330 A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 L AS I I t a I y
Breda Light Turrets from - tOto +50' at 40' /s and turret traverse of 360' at 60'/s. Elevation and
traverse a re via servo motors contro lled by a joystick. Basic speci fications
are weight inclusive of machine gun 210 kg, overall length with machi ne
7.62 mm Hand-operated light Turret gun 1.69 m. diameter of base of mount 740 mm , height of mount and
This one-man turret is of tight alloy or steet construction and can be machine gun above roof of vehicle 600 mm. depth of mount below vehicle
traversed by hand through a full 360'. It is armed with a 7.62 mm machine roof 560 mm .
gun with manual elevation from -5 to +25' but it also has a limited traverse
of 8' left and right . The turret has an optical sight for aiming the machine
gun and seven periscopes are fitted in the sides. The machine gun is
12.7 mm Power-operated Anti-tank Turret
provided with 80 rounds of belted ammunition for ready use , Basic This is basically the previous turret fitted wi th a Folgore anti-tank weapon
specifications of this turret are weight without machine gun 120 kg , height either side of the t 2.7 mm machine gun with similar weapon elevation and
above hull top 430 mm , width 750 mm . swept radiu s of turret without gun turret traverse . Basic speci fications are weight inclusive of machine gun
640 mm and swept radius of turret with machine gun 1.07 m. As an option a and 100 belted ready-use ro unds and Folgore anti-tank launchers 230 kg ,
turret ventilationlfume extraction system can be fitted. overall length with machine gun and Folgore 1.8 m. diameter of base of
mount 740 mm , height of mount and weapons above hull of vehicle 490 mm .
depth of mount below vehicle 420 mm .
7.62 mm Power-operated light Turret
This is armed with an externally mounted 7.62 mm machine gun provided
with 80 rounds of belted ready-use ammunition. The weapon can be elevated
Folgore 80 mm Recoilless Gun on Rotating Cupola
from -10 to +25 0 at 40'/s and traversed through a full 360 at 60'/s. This cupola has a single-piece hatch cover opening to the rear and .
Elevation and traverse are powered via a joystick. The weapon is aimed via mounted on the forward part of the ring slightly oHset to the righ t, is a
a periscope from within the safety of the vehicle . Firing is automatically Folgore 80 mm anti-tank system with an elevation of +20' and a depression
interrupted when the belt is almost empty to enable the gunner to attach a of -10' . The launcher can be in one of three positions, travelli ng locked to
new belt from inside the vehicle. Basic specifications are weight including the cupola. firing, weapon raised to allow aiming and loading, weapon
machine gun t 50 kg, overall length with machine gun t . t 7 m. diameter of raised and displaced fo rw ard to allow loading of ammunition. A 7.62 mm or
mount 424 mm , height of mount above vehicle 335 mm and depth of mount 12.7 mm machine gun can be mounted on the left side of the cupola if
below vehicle 500 mm . required . The weight of the kit. inclusive of the anti-tank launcher is 25 kg.
Status : In production .
NFT 25 mm MK 25 Model E Vehicle-Mounted
Standard production turrets are delivered with a manual drive mechanism
Turret that uses two handcranks located In front of the gunner. They give the
turreVgun 4 of movement per revolution. By depressing a foot pedal the
Development gear ratio is instantly changed to give 12" of movement per revolution . A
Th e MK 25 Model E 25 mm one-man gun turret is the result of further torque compensator is fitted to automatically balance the recoil forces when
development of the Rh 202 20 mm gun turret and can be adapted to fit the guns are fired . The traverse handcrank is also fitted with the gun's
virtually any type of AFV such as the Ml1 3, Pbv 302 and Puma ICV. The electric Iriggering mechanism .
turret has been fitt ed to the Hellenic Vehicle Industry 's Leonidas 2 AIFV for As an option the lurret can be supplied in an electric servo-drive power
trials purposes. control configuration to allow engagement of targets performing evasive
manoeuvres. This consists of one two-axis joystick. one two -axis servo-
Description amplifier and a combined manual/powered gearbox. The power-suppl y
The turret's main armament is an electri cally fired Mauser MK 25 mm required is 24 V DC . The traversing speed is variabl e from a few -millirads/s
Model E automatic cannon with a dual-feed mechanism to allow ammunition to 90 '/s. Full emergency manual backup is provided . in case of system
selection according to target type. The gun may also be fired mechanically failure .
via a foot pedal. Two magazine boxes are fitted , an upper and a lower with The sight for ground targets is fitted to the turret hull with a movable prism
40 and 80 linked 25 x 137 mm ready -use rounds . The magazines are both coupled to the trunnion . Magnification is x 8. There are also three forward-
changeable to facilitate reloading . facing and one rear-facing M17 unitary magnification prism periscopes for
Secondary armament is a 7.62 mm coaxial MG3 machine gun together all-round observation . For anti-aircraft use there is an optical sight mounted
with two triple banks of smoke discharg ers mounted externally on the turret on the gun cradle. The gunner must open his hatch to align his sight and to
for equart ers. A single 71 mm target illumination system can also be fitted obtain improved vision when using this .
as an option.
DIAMETER 1.200 m
ARMAMENT 1 x 25 mm cannon
1 x 7.62 mm MG
2 x triple smoke dischargers
AMMUNITION 120 x 25 mm ready use rounds
TRAVERSE 360" , manual at 4' or
12'/handcrank revolution
ELEVATION _10' to +50' . manual at 4' or 12 '1
handcrank revolulion
OPTICS 1 x ground target sight with x 8
magnification. 4 x M 17 unitary
prism periscopes
1 x anti-aircraft sight
COMBAT WEIGHT about 1000 kg
This turret has been designed by Kvaerner-Eureka and th e Norwegian
Army Material Command to launch th e American Hughes TOW anti-tank
missile . It has already been selected by the Norwegian Army (on an Ml t3),
the Swiss Army on the Panzerjager 90 MOWAG Piranha (6 x 6) chassis.
the Canadian Army (on Ml1 3) and th e Turkish Army (on the Turki sh
Armoured Combal Vehicle) .
With this turret system th e gunner is under full armour protection and
new missiles can be loaded from the rear wi thout th e loader being exposed
to small arms fire and shell splinters.
The POF have developed a twin 106 mm recoilless rifle mount for use on
the rear decking of the M113 APC . The system integrates a laser rangefinder
into the existing sight of the 106 mm to replace the elbow telescope. This
allows the range to be displayed for the gunner in th e sighting optic which
means he can apply the super-elevation and fire without having to look at
more than one instrument.
The end results are an improvement in accuracy , a better view for the
gunner of the area in which the target is located and an increase in effective
engagement range of the' 06 mm rifles from 1000 to 1500 m.
Development/Description In addition to th e periscopic sight for aiming the 12.7 mm machine gun ,
This turret has been designed by SANTA BARBARA for installation in light th ere is a single ENOSA PO- 100 peri scope either side of the lower part of
tracked and wheeled AFVs. It has been installed on most BMR-600 (6 x 6) the mount angled slightly outwards .
IFVs built by ENASA for the Spanish Army and for export (for example to As an option. a circular spacer containing eight vision blocks can be
Egypt on the BMR-600) and has also been litted on several Spanish Army mounted between the top of the hull and the TC -3 mount to give the gunner
M113 APCs (deSignated TOA in Spain). a full 360' visibility without traversing the turret. The vision blocks in this
The 12.7 mm (0.50) M2 HB Browning machine gun is mounted externally version are designed to withstand protection from 7.62 mm x 51 AP
and aimed by the gunner from within the vehicle using an ENOSA periscopic ammunition .
sight model PP-03 with an observation window of x 1 (33' horizontal and The TC-3 (A- 1) can also accommodate smaller machine gun s. A variant
18' field-of-view vertical) , an ENOSA aiming elbow telescope with a with an adaptor kit for a 7.62 mm machine gun and a special mooring
magnification of x 3 (12°30' true field-of -view) and illuminated aiming circumference fo r the M 113 APC has been developed a1 the request of
graticule. Turret traverse and weapon elevation are manual and the machine Peru .
gun is provided with 130 rounds of ready-use ammunition .
Before the ammunition belt has been fully expended a belt-end warning
system works by interrupting electrical firing and lighting up a lamp in the
electrical control box telling the gu nner that a fresh belt must be attached.
SA NTA BARBARA TC-3 (A-I) 12.7 mm tUrret fitted with panoramic ring and
periscope either side of mount SANTA BARBA RA TC- 71106 turret with two 106 mm M4 0 recoilless rif/es
Spa i n 1 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS 333
The TC -9/0P one-man power-operated turret has been designed for
installati on on internal security vehicles although it can also be used for
convoy escort and coun ter-insurgency roles. The tUrret is of all-welded
steel construction th at provides protection from small arms fire and shell
splinters. and the gunner is provided with a si ngle-piece hatch cover th at
opens to the rear.
Mounted in the forward part of the turret is a MOWAG 40 mm grenade
launcher that can fire smoke, CS gas or anti-barricade grenades. This can
be elevated from _10 ° to +35°.
Mounted externally on th e right side of the turret is a 5.56 mm CETME
Ameli machine gun which can be elevated from -15° to +60°. This is fed
from a 500-round ammunition bo x inside the turret and can , th erefore . be
rel oaded without the gunner leaving the turret. Turret traverse and weapon
elevation are hydraulic with manual controls for emergency use .
Mounted in the forward part of the turret roof is an ENOSA PP-03
periscope with x 1 vi sion for observation and x 3 vision with vari able lighting
graticule. To the right of the machine gun is a TV camera with a 15- 1BO 11 .9 TC-910P on Spanish Guardia Civil BLR armoured vehicle
zoom lens which outputs to a high-resolution VHS and a 6 in (or optionally
9 in) TV monitor wi th a record facility mounted in the turret. In addition .
there are six vision blocks , two on each side and two on the rear. Options
include a 7.62 mm MG42 machine gun fed by Iwo 250-round ammunition Variants
boxes . OSC-500 250 W spotl ight with a range of 100 m. or a 150 W A si mplified TC- 17/CL variant has been produced. Thi s reta ins the grenade
spotlight with a range of BOO m and a vari able beam and infra-red filter. launcher but no video. searchlight or machine guns.
ARMAMENT 1 x grenade launcher AMMUNITION 700 kg BY 16 SCREWS
manual. 0.5 milsls HE IGHT ABOVE HU LL WITH DIAMETER OF 0.762 m
min , 16°/s ma x ROOF 0.67 m
machine gun and camera - 15° to +60° VEHICLE ROOF 0.745 m
grenade launcher -10° 10 +35°
both above at 0.5
milsls min 100ls max
334 A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 LAS / Spa i n
Status: TC-9/0P - production as required. In service with Spanish Guardia Manufacturer: SANTA BARBARA SA. Julian Camarillo. 32 . E-28037,
Civil (BlR) . TC-17/Cl- production as required . In service with Ecuadorean Madrid , Spain .
Police (25 turrets) . Telephone: (91) 585 0100 Telex: 444 66 ENSB E Fax : (91) 585 0268
Under the offset agreement programme for the procurement of McDonnell
Douglas EF- 18 Hornet all-weather day and night jet fighters. Spain also
bought 208 25 mm M242 Bushmaster Chain Guns in 1989. These are
mounted on the ENASA VEC (6 x 6) Cavalry Scout Vehicle in an adapted
OTO Melara two-man turret. The first units were installed under licence by
SANTA BARBARA. The whole turret , known as the TC-25/M242, is now
Spanish-built with deliveries underway to meet the 208 units ordered by the
Spanish Army.
The agreement with McDonnell Douglas gives SANTA BARBARA the
right to export the Bushmaster armed turret without restnction .
The casing of the TC-25/M242 turret is made from all-welded ballistic steel
plate which gives protection against 20 mm cannon fire from the front and
small arms/grenade splinters all-round.
The commander is seated on the left of the turret and the gunner on the
right. Both seats are adjustable with rear-opening roof hatches above them.
Main armament is a 25 mm M242 Bushmaster cannon with electrical
control for elevation, traverse and firing_ Two magazines beneath the SANTA BARBARA TC-25 two-man power-operated turret installed on
cannon supply it with linked ammunition (typically 135 HE rounds in the Pegaso VEC (6 x 6) Cavatry Scout Vehicte of the Spanish Army
lower magazine and 35 APDS rounds in the upper magazine) .
The cannon operates entirely automatically using a transmission chain
driven by an electric motor to control the operating cycle. The 25 x 137 mm AMMUNITION 170 25 mm rounds
ammunition is rammed in by the bolt during the recoil. A double feed (135 HE + 35 APDS)
mechanism allows the two types of ammunition in the magazines to be 2507.62 mm rounds
selected and fired as required. 6 x 77 mm Type HC smoke grenades
The secondary armament is a coaxial 7.62 mm MG3S machine gun , TRAVERSE 360 0 • powered/manual. min
which is fed by a 250-round linked ammunition belt in a magazine to the left 1 mitis. max 40'/s
of the gun . ELEVATION - 10° to +50°, min 1 mil/s, max 35°/s
Six electrically salvo or independently fired 77 mm 50-60 m range smoke WEIGHT
dischargers are fitted in rows of three on either side of the turret. (combat withouf crew) 1600 kg
The optical system comprises an ENOSA P-204 x 1 and x 8 magnification OPTICS commander 1 x PP-03 sight with x 1 and
periscope for the gunner and an ENOSA PP-03 x 3 and x 1 magnification x 3 magnification, 7 x PO-1 00 x 1
periscope for the commander. There are at so seven unitary PO-100 magnification episcopes
periscopes around the commander's cupota. A night vision system can be gunner 1 x P-204 periscope with x 1 and
provided as an option . x 8 magnification
SPECfFfCATfONS Status: Production. In service with the Spanish Army (on VEC (6 x 6)
CREW 2 Cavalry Scout Vehicles) .
ARMAMENT 1 x 25 mm M242 cannon
1 x 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun Manufacturer: SANTA BARBARA SA, Julian Camarillo. 32, E-28037
6 x 77 mm smoke dischargers (in sets of Madrid , Spain .
three) Telephone : (91) 585 0100 Telex: 44466 ENSB E Fax : (91) 585 0268
SANTA BARBARA TC-13/M242 Turret The turret traverse and gun elevation electric servo·mechanisms are
driven by 24 V DC motors . Manual backup controls are provided .
Devefopment Eight 76 mm or alternatively four 77 mm 50-60 m range electrically salvo
The TC-13/M242 turret is essentially a one-man simplified version of the or independently fired smoke dischargers are fitted in quad/pair assemblies
TC-25/M242 turret produced to meet the requirements of more austere on either side of the turret.
equipment needs. A number of countries have already shown interest in The optical system comprises a PERI-Z 16 sight, with x 1 and x 6
the design and the Spanish Army is due to evaluate it . The turret has been magnifications, and five armoured unitary vision blocks around the turret
fitted to the Hellenic Vehicle Industry's l eonidas 2 AIFV for trials purposes. sides and rear. An optional x 8 magnification night sight is available .
Another option is a laser rangefinder which may be installed in the gun
Description support area with the readout fed to a control/display panel located in front
The casing of the TC-13/M242 turret is made from all-welded armour plate of the gunner. Accuracy is ±5 m.
which is 20 mm thick in the front panels, 10 mm in the side and 8 mm in the
rear and top. The front armour is resistant to 20 mm projectiles whilst all-
round protection is given against 7.62 mm armour-piercing rounds and
grenade splinters.
The gunner is seated on the left and has a side-opening hatch cover in
the roof above.
Main armament is a 25 mm M242 cannon with electrical control for
elevation , traverse and firing. Two magazines beneath the cannon supply it
with linked ammunition (typically 80 HE and 50 APDS rounds total).
The cannon operates entirely automatically using a transmission chain
driven by a motor to control the operation cycle. The 25 x 137 mm ammunition
is rammed in by the bolt during the recoil. A double feed mechanism allows
the two types of ammunition carried to be selected and fired as required.
The secondary armament consists of an electrically fired coaxial
7.62 mm MG42/MG3S machine gun fed by a 250-round linked ammunition
belt in a magazine to the left of the gun. An alternative 7.62 mm model or a
5.56 mm calibre machine gun (for example the AMELI 5.56 mm) with 500
tinked rounds can be requested.
Some members of the Combal Vehicle 90 range 01 armoured fighting
vehicles. being developed by Bolors and Hagglunds Vehicle . will be litted
wilh a Iwo-man power-operated turret armed with a Bolors 40 mm 40f70B
cannon . This has been developed by Bolors and is an addition to the
40 mm cannon, which is lully described in the AFV Armament seclion. It
has a 7.62 mm machine gun mounted coaxially 10 the right. a bank 01 six
electrically operated smoke dischargers mounted either side 01 the turret
and two Bolors 71 mm Lyran illuminating launchers mounted on th e turret
rool towards th e rear.
It is envisaged that this turret will be offered lor installation on a wide
range 01 other tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles , such as th e M113,
and be optimised lor different roles. for example. anti-aircraftlanti-helicopter
or engaging other armoured vehicles.
The turret is 01 all-welded steet construction with the commander seated on
the leli and the gunner on the right. both with a single-piece hatch cover
that opens to the rear. The commander'S position is rai sed slightly above
the gunner's position to give him all-round visibility. In addition to the Combar VehIcle 90 fitted with Bofors -designed 40 mm turret
periscopes lor observation, both co mmander and gunner have a rool-
mounted periscopic sigh t for aiming the armament.
main 1 x 40 mm cannon HEIGHT OF TURRET
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm MG (Irom bottom 01 basket
SMOKE DISCHARGERS 2x6 to top 01 sights) 1.52 m
OTHER 2 x 71mm
illuminating launcher Status: In production as part 01 the Combal Vehicle 90 programme
traverse 360° poweredlmanual Manufacturer : AB Bolors, S-69180 Bolors , Sweden .
elevation _8° to +50° Telephone : (46) 586 81000 Telex: 732 10 Fax : (46) 586 58145
Status: Prototype.
DevelopmenVDescription OPTICS
The two-man turret was originally designed by Hiigglunds Vehicle for use commander 8 x M 17 periscopes
on a wide range of other tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles . gunner 1 x SOPELEM M371 periscope
The vehicle commander sits on the left and the gunner on the right side , 5 x M 17 periscopes
each with an adjustable seat and a one piece hatch cover. TURRET RING DIAMETER 1.75 m
The turret IS made of all welded armoured steel and is armed with the WEIGHT (total) 2400 kg
25 mm M242 McDonnell Douglas Chain Gun but it can also be adapted for
the 25 mm Oerlikon-Contraves KBA or Mauser MK 25 cannon types.
Status : Ready for production .
Traverse and gun elevation are operated mechanically by the gunner. The
gun Is fired electrically with manual backup. The gunner can select either
Manufacturer : Hagglunds Vehicle AB , 5-89182 brnsk6ldsvik. Sweden .
song Ie shots or full automatic fire .
Telephone: (46) 660 80000 Telex : HAEGG 56051
A total of 12 electrically operated smoke dischargers are fitted either side
Fax : (46) 66015190
of the turret in banks of six. On the turret roof are two Bofors 71 mm Lyran
illuminating launchers.
Around the turret hatches, for all round general surveillance, are 13 M 17
unity vision periscopes (eight for the commander and five for Ihe gunner).
The gunner has a SOPELEM M371 periscope sight with a x 6 magnification
channel for ground largets and a x 1 magnification channel tor air targets
and general observation .
Optional equipment includes electrically powered gun controls. a gunner's
day/nighl sight and a coaxial machone gun.
CREW 2 (commander and gunner)
main 1 x 25 mm M242 cannon
coaxial optional MG
smoke dischargers 2> 3
illumination launchers 2 ~ 71 mm Lyran
25 mm 380 (170 AP plus 210 HE )
smoke dischargers 36
illumination 20
depression/elevation -10° to +50 11 • manual
slew ratio 10"/s
traverse 360 . manual
min slew ratio 7.5'/s
max slew ratio 22.5 '/s Combat Vehicle 90 fitted with Hagglunds Vehicle two-man 25 mm turret
These turrets are essentially a Hagglunds Vehicle modified 20 mm gun
turret HS 804 filted with an Oerlikon-Contraves KBA or Mauser MK 25
25 mm cannon . The gunner has an adjustable seat and a single-piece
circular hatch cover that opens to the rear. Three periscopes are mounted
in front of the hatch and a fourth behind it. A sight with a magnification of
x 8 mounted in the forward part of the turret is used to engage ground
targets. For aeriat targets the gunner uses an externally mounted reflex
sight. The empty 25 mm cartridge cases are ejected externally through a
hatch in the right side of the turret.
Version Oerlikon-Contraves Mauser 25 mm MK 25 Version Oerlikon-Contraves Mauser 25 mm MK 25
KBA25 mm KBA25 mm
CREW 1 (gunner) 1 (gunner) WEIGHT
ARMAMENT (Including gun) 820 kg 1030 kg
main 1 x 25 mm KBA 1 x 25 mm MK 25 DIAMETER (al base) 1.08 or 1.2 m 1.25 m
cannon cannon SWEPT RADIUS
coaxial (optional) 1 x 7.S2 mm MG 1 x 7.62 mm MG (gun and turret) 2.58 m 2.54 m
SIGHTING sight with x 8 sight with x 8 HEIGHT
magnification magnification (above vehicle roof) 0.585 m 0.61 m
SUPPLEMENTARY VISION 4 periscopes 4 periscopes AXIS OF FIRE
CONTROL (above vehicle roof) 0.23 m 0.23 m
traverse 360" manual 2-speed 360" manual 2-speed
elevation _10" to +50" -10· to +50·
The one-man turret is made of all-welded steel and the gunner has an CREW 1 (gunner)
adjustable seat and a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the rear. ARMAMENT t x 20 mm cannon
Three periscopes are mounted in front of the hatch cover and a fourth t x 7.62 mm MG
behind it. A sight with a magnification of x 8 mounted in the forward part of AMMUNITION 200 rounds of 20 mm
the turret is used to engage ground targets. For aerial targets the gunner in turret. 400 rounds of
uses the external sight mounted parallel to the 20 mm cannon . 7.62 mm in turret
SMOKE DISCHARGERS 3 mounted either side
of main armament
SIGHTING sight with x 8
VISION CONTROL 4 periscopes
traverse 360· 2-speed manual
elevation -10· to +50· manual
(including gun) 850 kg
DIAMETER (at base) 1.2 m
(gun and turret) 2.3 m
(above vehicle roof) 0.605 m
(above vehicle roof) 0.235 m
The one-man turret is made of all-welded steel with the gunner provided
with an adjustable seat and a single-piece hatch cover that opens to the
rear. Three M1 7 periscopes are mounted forward of the hatch cover and a
fourth behind it. The sight with a magnification of x 8 mounted in the forward
part of the turret is used to engage ground targets. For aerial targets the
gunner uses the external sight mounted parallel to the 20 mm cannon .
Main armament consists of a Hispano-Suiza 804 cannon with a cyclic
rate of fire of 750 rds/min. This weapon , which is no longer in production , is
fed from a 10-round magazine (holding APT rounds) or a 135-round (HE )
Hagglunds Vehicle 20 mm turret HS 804 fitted to Brazilian built EE-ll Urutu
belt. the empty cartridge cases bei ng ejected externally through an aperture
which opens as soon as firing begins. (6 x 6) A PC delivered to Gabon
Status : Production as required. In service with Gabon , Sweden and Manufacturer: Hagglunds Vehicle AB . S-89182 brnsk6ldsvik. Sweden
Switz erland. Telephone : (46) OSSO 80000 Telex : HAEGG SS051 Fax : 06S0 15190
338 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS / S wed e n - U K
ARMAMENT 1 x 20 mm cannon traverse 360 manual , 2·speed: (above vehicle roof) 0.48 m
AMMUNITION 4' and 12° per rev AXIS OF FIRE
HE 1 belt of 135 rounds elevation -10° to +50° manual (above vehicle roof) 0.285 m
APT 5 10·round magazines WEIGHT (including gun ) 600 kg POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC via slip ring
In turret DIAMETER (at base) 1.08 m
main sight with x 8 (gun and turret) t .S25 m
supplementary 4 periscopes
VSEL GBT 155 155 mm Gun Turret lor this purpose and additional hatches in the turret provide alternative
routes for use in an emergency.
Power lor the loadi ng system is provided by a small hydraulic powerpack
Devetopment installed in the tront left corner of the turret. The electric motor driving this
The Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering limited (VSEL) GBT 155 155 mm pack is identical to th e motors used in the traverse and elevation drives.
Gun Turret has been produced as a result of the company 's involvement in. Elevation and traverse motions are achieved using identical electric
the international FH-70 artillery howitzer project. Research has shown that motors driving through gearboxes onto an elevation arc and a traversing
there is a market for a modular 155 mm artillery gun turret that can be fitted rack respectively. Both motions are controll ed by the layer's two -axis
into virtually any AFV heavy enough to withstand the recoil forces of a joystick. The commander has an override control in traverse only for
155 mm howitzer. The prototype turret was developed and produced during designating targets in the direct fire ro le. Manual backup for both motions is
1981 and has since undergone successful static and chassis -mounted provided by means 01 non-backdriving handwheels .
firing trials. The system has undergone a series of trials with the Indian As the barrel is muzzle heavy a nitrogen charged gas cylinder is used to
Army . mounted on a Vijayanta MBT chassis. provide balance over the full elevation range of _5° to +70 c . Compensation
equipment is fitted to allow for changes in ambient temperature.
Description The system is operated on conventional external optical reference principles
The GBT 155 is a modular design intended for fitting directly onto almost and is fully compatible with standard artillery procedures . Overall accuracy
any modern main battle tank chassis. To date firing/mobility trials have and ease of operation are improved over the traditional cross levelling
been completed on Centurion , Chieftain , Challenger 1 and Vickers Mk 3 systems and, due to the feature 01 auto-lay. re laying between rounds is very
chassis. rapid. The Initial 'coming into action' procedures of passing the line with
The turret structure is armoured steel , constructed to provide strength director recording 'Gun Aiming Post' (GAP) positions and the initial gun lay
and stiffness and ensure protection against small arms fire and shell procedure are accomplished very quickly , simply by following the procedure
splinters. indicated by the illuminated push buttons on the computer control panel.
Ground level access to the fighting compartment is provided by local Inertial navigation and aulo·orientation can be provided as an option
modifications to the chassis. Access hatches in the turret sides provide which will afford a full vehicle autonomous operation capability.
additional entry points for the crew and there is also a hatch in the For direct fire against targe ts up to 2000 m away , a day/night sight is
commander's cupola. mounted on the elevating mass adjacent to the layer . The graticule is
The magazine at the rear of the turret stows 31 projectiles and Incorporates calibrated for range and crossing target velocity and, since the layer has
simple indexing mechanisms which tran sfer the projectiles to a central both elevation and traverse controls . simple aiming of the gun can be
point where they are manually withdrawn and placed on the loading tray . achieved .
The sealed con tainers mounted above the shell magazine house 21 The power supply for all turret services is provided by a turret-mounted
propellant charges with a further 11 at the front left of the turret. Additional battery pack which is charged by the chassis APU . This obviates the need
ammunition can be stowed within the chassis. the quantity of which depends to run the vehicle main engine during fire missions .
on the chassis employed. An extractor fan is fitted as standard to the fighting compartment to
The turret has a crew of four with the layer at the forward fi ght. the remove any residual fumes and to provide adequate ventilation and air
commander behind and two loaders on the left. circulation for the crew.
The ordnance, cradle and saddle design is such that the barrel can easily The GBT 155 turret has been deSigned as a basic weapon system to
be withdrawn from the front of the turret leaVing the breech In place . In meet the requiremen ts of most customers and allows the choice of fire
addition, the whole of the elevating mass, complete With saddle, can be control equipment and communications by the customer. Optional extras
qUickly removed from the turret leaving all other turret -mounted equipment include fire detection and fighting equipment. smoke dischargers and air-
intact. conditioning .
The recoil system has two diametrically opposed buffers and one Besides the chassis already trialled, possible carriers for the GBT 155
recuperator. each with its own integral reservoir to reduce external piping turret include the Leopard I, M48 , MSO and chassis of form er Soviet design .
and space requirements. The system is protected by an easily removed Options for the turret include inertial navigation for gun autonomy and
armoured cover. barrel lengths of up to 52 calibres fo r ranges beyond 40 km .
The ordnance IS a Royal Ordnance 155 mm 39-calibre barrel. with a
vertical sliding split-block breech ensuring positive obturation , a double·
baffle muzzle brake and a fume extractor. The ordnance conforms to th e
Quadrilateral Ballistic Agreement governing the standardisation of 155 mm
ordnance and ammunition between th e UK, USA , Germany and Italy.
The new design of self-obturation breech mechanism combines the rapid
acllon of a sliding breech-block with a Crossley Pad obturator to provide a
positive seal. The breech can be operated in both manual and semi-
automatic modes and, in the latter, runout energy is used to open the
breech . Both the German DM191A1 and the American M82 percussion
igniter tubes can be used. The breech is connected to the barrel by a
conventional interrupted screw-thread .
The barrel is machined from an ElectroSlag Refined (ESR) forging , of
monobloc construction and is autofrettaged.
The howitzer can fire the full range of ammunition intended for the FH-70
and the M 198 to a range of 24 700 m with standard projectiles and to
31 500 m with base bleed projectiles.
Due to the weight of 155 mm projectiles a semi-automatic loading system
has been incorporated at the rear of the elevating mass to enable a rapid
burst rate of fire to be achieved and a high rate of continuous fire to be
sustained . This system provides a burst rate of three rounds in 13 seconds
and an Intense rate of six rds/min. This equipment comprises a loading tray
and power rammer for loading the projectites. The propellant charges are
much lighter than the shells and are manually loaded .
Ammunition can be taken from either the onboard stowage or from an
external source. Suitably positioned hatches in the chassis provide access VSEL GBT 155155 mm gun turret on Vickers Mark 3 MBT chassis
U K / A F V T U R RET 5 AND CUP 0 LAS 339
CREW 4 + 1 (driver) MAX RANGE 24700 m SYSTEM auto malic
LENGTH OF TURRET with base bleed projectile
31 500 m RATES OF FIRE
including barrel crad le 4.26 m MIN RANGE 2500 m (high Burst 3 rounds in 13 s
including barrel 8.63 m angle) Intense 6 rds/min
WIDTH OF TURRET 3.1 m SECONDARY ARMAMENT 1 x 7.62 mm or Sustained (one hour) 2 rds/min
to turret roof 1.325 m EXTERNAL REPLENISH-
to turret cupola 1.515 m MENT SYSTEM manually assisted
GUN ELEVATION _5° to +70° at 100/s STOWAGE CAPACITY 31
override) HANDLING SYSTEM manually assisted
Status : Ready lor production. Manufacturer : Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Limited,
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria LA14 lAF , UK .
Telephone : (0229) 823366 Telex : 654 11 VSEL G
Fax : (0229) 823366
Alvis 90 mm Turret Nd-YAG 1.064 ~Im wavelength laser rangefinder . The daylight channel
magnifications are x 1 and x 8 respectively with x 7.1 magnification for the
image intensifier night vision channel.
Development The main armament is a rifled Cockerill 90 mm Mk lit gun with an
Derived from the Alvis 76 mm turret (qil) the Alvis 90 mm turret is mounted effective range of between 1200 to 2400 m depending upon the ammunition
on Ihe Scorpion 90 variant of the Alvis Scorpion CVR(T) vehicle in service type . A total of eight ready -use rounds are carried in the turret.
with Malaysia, Nigeria, Togo and Venezuela. It is also suilable for many A coaxial 7 .62 mm GPMG is fitted to the left of the main gun as secondary
other types of tracked and wheeled AFVs with a minimum weight of seven armament with two sets of four electrically fired 66 mm smoke dischargers
tonnes. covering a 160° frontal arc, mounted exlernally on either side of the turret
front. These launchers can be configured to fire 66 mm fragm entation
Description grenades as an option .
The turret is made of all-welded aluminium with the commander on the Ie"
of the gun and the gunner on the right. both with a single-piece hatch cover SPECIFICATIONS
that opens to the rear. CREW 2 (commander/gunner)
The turret is mounted on a 1390 mm diameter Roballo race giving 360' DIMENSIONS
traverse . Electrical power traverse and elevation is available for th e gunner length (turret rear bin to muzzle) 4.785 m
with an override facility for the commander. As an option electrohydraulic width (overall including stowage bin) 2.210 m
power traverse and elevation are available. height (turret mounting lace to
The commander has seven x 1 magnification lorward sloping window top of commander's Sight) 0.714 m
periscopes and a roof -mounted Avimo NV53C combined day/night sight in ARMAMENT 1 x 90 mm Cockerill Mk III gun
front of his hatch cover with magnifications of x l ix 8 for the day channels 1 x 7 .62 mm MG
and x 7.1 for the image intensifier night vision channel. 2 x quadruple 66 mm smoke
The gunner has two x 1 magnification forward sloping window periscopes dischargers
and an Avimo NVL53C combined dayl night sight with an integrated AMMUNITION 8 x 90 mm rounds
400 x 7.62 mm rounds
16 x smoke grenades
ELEVATION _8° to +30'
commander 1 x NV53C combined daylnight
sight, 7 x unitary vision
gunner 1 x NV53C combined dayl night
Sight with integral laser
rangef inder, two unitary vision
(without crew ) 2238 kg
POWER SUPPLY 28.5 ±0.25 V DC
Alvis 76 mm Turret vehicle manufactured in Canada by the Diesel Division of General Motors
Development Description
This turret is mounted on the Alvis Scorpion CVR (T) vehicle in service with The turret is made of all-welded aluminium with the commander on the left
Belgium . Brunei , Honduras , Iran, Ireland , New Zealand , Nigeria, Oman, and Ihe gunner on th e right, both with a single-piece halch cover that opens
Philippines, Spain . Tanzania, Thailand , Uniled Arab Emirales and th e to the rear. The co mmander has seven periscopes and a roof -mounled
United Kingdom . It is also suitable for many other type s of tracked and sighl in front of his hatch cover with a magnification of x 1 and x 10. The roof
wheeled AFC s and has so far been bought by Australia and Canada. sight is capable of limited rotation allowing an approximately 85° hori zontal
In the Auslralian Army the lurret has been mounted on M113Al APCs for field-of-view. The gunner has two periscopes and a roof-mounted sight with
fire support use : 48 are in service , Ihree prototypes and 45 production magnifications of x 1 and x 10. Mounted to the right of the main armament
vehicles . is a passive night sight. The image intensifier tube is protected from Ihe
In the Canadian Armed Forces it is mounted on the Wheeled Fire effect of gun muzzle flash by a flash shutter that is operated electrica fl y
Support Vehicle Cougar (195) which is a Swiss MOWAG Piranha (6 x 6) from th e gun firing Circuit. When high magnification is selected an illuminated
ballistic graticule with brightness control is automatically Injected Into th e Manufacturer: Alvis Limited , The Triangle, Walsgrave, Coventry, West
optical system . The exposed objective window is cleaned by a wiper and Midlands CV2 2SP , UK.
washer and the sight is protected by an armoured cover with a door which (A member of the United Scientific Group,)
is kept closed when th e sight is not in use . Alternative sighting systems, Telephone : (0203) 535455 Telex: 31459 Fax : (0203) 539280
supplied by Alvis , can be fitted . These incorporate day/night vision with an
integral laser rangefinder , which eliminates the separate passive sight
Main armament consists of a Royal Ordnance L23 76 mm gun which is a
lighter version of th e L5 76 mm gun used In the Saladin armoured car and
fires a wide range of fixed ammunition , details of which are given In the
Ammunition section . Th e gun has an elevation of +35"- and a depression of
- 10 ', turret trav erse being 360' . Elevation and traverse are both manual
but a power traverse and/or elevation sys tem can be installed if required . A
7. 62 mm machine gun is mounted coaxially to the left of the main armament
and can be used as a ranging machine gun . Mounted either side of the
turret IS a four-barrelled electrically operated smoke discharger. The radios
are behind the comman der and gunner and a stowage box IS mounted
externally on the rear of the turret. Side bins can be fitted .
Further Product Improvements are now available including improved
lume extraction , digital traverse indica tor and turret lock. A revised turret
basket based upon improvements from th e 90 mm Alvis turrel is also
available and includes the latest seats, footrests , insulation panels and
CREW 2 (commander/gunner)
length (rear bin to end of gun) 4.470 m
width (overall including stowage bins) 2.210m
height (turret mounting face to top
of commander's sigh t) 0.714 m
ARMAMENT 1 x 30 mm L21 AI ca nnon
1 x 7.62 mm MG
2 x quadruple 66 mm smoke
dischargers Alvis Scimitar is fitted with Alvis 30 mm turret
U K / A F V T U R RET SAN D CUP 0 L AS 341
CREW 2 (commander and
overall length With guns
radar up 7.12 m
radars stowed 7. 585 m
overall width 3.45 m
overall height
radar up 2.705 m
radar down 1.910 m
ARMAMENT 2 x 35 mm cannon
anti-aircraft per barrel 230
anti-tank per barrel 20
traverse 360' . electric. at up to SO -Is
elevation _10' to +85' . electnc. at 60 'Is
WEIGHT 11 000 kg
In 1978 Vickers Defence Systems was appointed by GKN Defence to
design and build prototype turrets for the British Army 's new mechanised
infantry combat vehicle for the 1980s, the MCV-80. This turret was to
mount the RARDEN 30 mm cannon and to be suitable for one- or two-man
operation . By 1983 Vickers had man ufactured nine prototype turrets whi ch
were extensively tested and initially accepted in 1984. The foll owing year
saw the renaming of the MCV-80 as the Warrior. First production turrets
were completed in 1985 to coincide with the completion of the first Warrior
chassis produced by GKN Defence . By late 1992 Vickers Defence Systems
had completed over 520 Warrior turrets for GKN Defence.
The turret is produced from steel armour plate and castings and is mounted
on a high accuracy . low friction roiler race . Power traverse is provided with
manual controls for traverse and elevation . The crew and ready-round
ammunition are carried on a frame which rotate s with the turret Electrical
supplies and communications between the hull and turret are carried by a
rotary base ju ncti on or slip ring .
The commander sits on the right of the gun from where he can command
the vehicle or dismount quickly through the vehicle to command the infantry
The gunner sits on the left of the gun where he can load and fire it. whether GKN Defence Warrior mechanised combat vehicle which is fiNed With
or not the commander is on board. Vickers turret armed with 30 mm RARDEN cannon
342 A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LAS / U K
Main arm ament of the turret is the 30 mm L21 A t RARDEN cannon. This station . Both crewmen have identical Raven sights giving magnifications of
IS a recoil-operated, self-loading we apon capable of firi ng repetitive shots x 1 for observation and x 10 for target engagement . These sights incorporate
and short bursts of up to six round s with a cyclic rate of BO rds/min . Image intensified night vision giving dual magnifications of x 2 and x 6.
Ammunition for thi s gun is supplied in three-round clips whi ch allows more Export versions of this turret are available with the 30 mm RARDEN
ro unds to be stowed in a limited space than round s supplied In larg e boxes . cannon, the stabilised McDonnell Douglas Helicopter 25 mm Chain Gun , or
Mounted coaxially to th e left of the 30 mm RARDEN cannon is a McDonnell a choice of other 25/30 mm weapons.
Douglas Helicopter 7. 62 mm Chain Gun. The most common cause of
misfire , a dud round , does not affect this weapon as the misfired rou nd is Status : Production . In service with the British Army (on Warrior MCV).
ejected from the vehicle automatically without Interrupting firing .
Both weapons eject th eir spent cartridge cases from th e vehicle thus Manufacturer: Vickers Defence Systems , Armstrong Works, Scotswood
preventing to xic fumes from entering the turret. Both weapons are mounted Ro ad, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE99 1BX, UK.
in a common block and are elevated by manual controls at th e gunne(s Telephone : (091) 273 BBBB Telex: 53104 Fax : (091) 273 2324
Status: Producti on as required . In service with Iran, Jordan and the United
Kingdom .
This cupola has been designed by Helio in conjunction wi th the Military
Vehicles and Engineering Establishment, now the Royal Armament
Research and Development Establishment (Chertsey) , and is standard
equipment on the Samson ARV (FV107) , Sultan command vehicle (FV105)
and the Samaritan ambulance (FV104), and all members of the CVR(T)
Scorpion family of tracked vehicles. It is also suitable for other AFVs and
can replace the existing commander's cupola on the M 113 and , with minor
modifications. the command er's cupola on the FV432 series of APC.
Descri pti on
The armoured steel cupola body has a minimum wall thickness of 16 mm
and, mounted on a cross ro ller race. can be continuously rotated through
360' . Its low weig ht and mounting type enable th e cupola to be easily
ro tated by direct manual effort. It can be secured in any position in azimuth
by a lock. The aluminium alloy hatch cover is 25 mm thick and is fully
counterbalanced and can be locked closed , vertical or fully open . The
interior of the hatch cover is fully padded to give protection to the observer. Helio No 27 lightweight AFV cupola from front with hatch vertlcat
With the hatch cover closed and locked the cupola is sealed against entry
to water up to a depth of 4.5 m and affords complete protection against
NBC agents. machine gun is also available. When not in use the machine gun can be
Mounted in the forward part of the cupola is an AFV No 44 Mk 2 locked in a convenient position _ A small 100 W spotlight mounted on the
periscope enclosed by a hood and a heated window . flanked by five smaller boot protector plate can be set and locked in a wide range of positions. If
AFV No 42 Mk 1 periscopes . giving the observer 240' of vision without required . the cupola can be delivered with a map light.
rotating the cupola . For night operations the forward -facing periscope can
be re placed by the same type of night periscope used by the driver. The Statu s: In production (several hundred produced to date - 1 January 1993)
external faces of the periscopes and the heated window have wipers and In service with Belgium . Brunei. Oman , Thailand and th e United Kingdom.
A mount on the boot protection plate accepts a standard hand-operated Ma nufactu rer: Helio Mirror Company Limited . Crabtree Manorway South ,
mounting for a 7.62 mm L7Al No 3 Mk 1 GPMG , which has an elevation of Belvedere . Kent DA1 7 6AY. UK.
.30' and a depression of - t o' . A suitable pintle mount for a 12.7 mm Telephone: (081 ) 3 114140 Telex : 8951666 Fax : (08 1) 3111004
Devefopment/Descripti o n
The GKN Light Turret is deSigned fo r use on most types of wheeled APC s
and the shell and vi sion blocks oHer ballistic protection against ammunition
types up to 7.62 mm NATO AP at point blank range.
T he high visibility design utilises the standard GK N light turret armoured
shell for all weapon fi ts and can be configu red for a number of optional
equipments including :
(a) a 5-shot 37 mm riot gun with 20 ready use rounds of smoke. CS riot gas ,
baton or practice ammunition . A further 100 rounds are stowed in-turret
(b) light machine gun
(c) water cannon.
In addition to the main armament option , sets 0166 mm smoke dischargers
(eg two groups of four) can be fitted to either side of the tUrret and on the
roof behind the beacon pOSition to give 180' forward spread or directional
protection .
Other featu res include a x 1 magnification day or x 5/x 6 magnification
day/night sight , a 150 W coaxial spotl ight, 150 cu fI/min fume extraction .
100 A and 12 channel slip ring, a 70 W flashing beacon and a custom er
choice communications fit.
GKN Defence Simba (4 x 4) APe fitted with GKN Defence Light Turret
Helio FVC 102 Lightweight Cupola by virtue of th e internal gear configuration. Gun elevation is effected by
another self-locking hand-operated gearbox .
Options include the fitting of a x 6 magnification day sight or day/night
Developmen t/Description sight.
The Helio FVC 102 lightweight cupola was designed to be fitted to light
armoured vehicles as an intermediate fit between a full cupola standard SPECIFICATIONS
and an external mounted pintle machine gun mount. CREW 1 (commander)
Access into the cupola area is through an equilibrated hatch . The cupola ARMAMENT 1 x 7.62 mm MG
IS ballistically protecfed against hits by 7.62 mm NATO AP rounds from a AMMUNITION 200 ready -use rounds
distance of 100 m. The hatch when In the verticat position is not immune CONTROL
from the aforementioned attack but can be made so with a weight penalty . traverse 360' manual
A 7.62 mm MG is mounted externally in a buffered cradle and aimed , elevation -10' to +50' manual
cocked and fired from under armour. Gun aiming is effected through a x 1 WEIGHT (including gun
magnification periscope sight fitted with the appropriate ballistic graticule . and ammunition ) 126 kg
Ammunition is fed to the gun externally via a standard 200-round belt in a
box mounted adjacent to the gun mount . Status : Production as required .
Other machine gun types can be fitted including the McDonnell Douglas
Helicopter 7.62 mm Chain Gun for which the necessary electri c power will Manufacturer: Helio Mirror Company limited. Crabtree Manorway South.
be supplied from the vehicle via a slip ring . Belvedere. Kent DA17 6AY. UK .
The cupola is rotated by a hand-operated gearbox which is self-locking Telephone : (081) 3114140 Telex : 8951666 Fax : (081) 3111004
Development/Description In the pintle configuration. for use adjacent to the hatches of AFVs , they
Helio has developed buffered or soh mounts for a range of 7.62 mm are self-contained in as much as they have their own ammunition box
general-purpose machine gun types and the 12.7 mm M2 heavy machine carrier and spent case and link collecti on facili ty.
gun .
The gun cradles are buffered to allow con trolled lateral movement and Status: Production (50 plus built to date (1 January 1993) since assembly
reduce the recoil loads. This increases the accuracy and control of the started in 1989) . In service with an un speci fi ed country .
weapons when the y are fired in the free condition . The mounts can also be
used in a fixed installation such as a coaxial position or in their own right in Manufacturer: Helio Mirror Company limited , Crabtree Manorway South ,
lurrets or cupolas . Belvedere. Kent DA17 6AY, UK.
Telephone : (081) 311 4140 Telex : 8951666 Fax: (081) 3111004
He/io soft mount for 7.62 mm GMPG Helio soft mount for 12.7 mm M2 MG
outside of fi xed base unit 0.728 m
outside of rotating platform 0.728 m
hatch opening 0.486 m
hole in turret roof plate 0.692 m
BOLTS 0.714 m
PLATE 0.204 m
(without MG) 0.425 m
PERISCOPES 6 unit power
SEALING with hatch cover closed cupola is
sealed againsl ingress of water up
to a depth of 4 to 5 m and gives
protection against NBC agenls
WEIGHT (excluding
MG and mounting) 121 kg
DevelopmenVDescription The main body and hatch cover are manufactured from high hardness
The FVH 300 has been designed as a natural development of the FVM 200 plate which gives immunity against 5 .56 mm and 7.62 mm armour·piercing
machine gu n mounting . All parts are interchangeable and one can be rounds at any angle of attack at a 30 m range. Proteclive padding is fitted to
converted to the other very rapidly. the inner ring and hatch .
The FVH 300 is equipped with a unit power day vision periscope for The FVH 300 will accept a variety of 7.62 mm as well as 5.56 mm
forward observation and a high-angle mounting for the 7.62 mm general- machine guns. Other small calibre machine guns will be considered . A
purpose machine gun. The main body carrying th e hatch cover, periscope suitable pinUe mount for the 12.7 mm machine gun is also available .
and weapon mounting is attached to a bearing allowing eHortless rotation in
either direction through 360' and lockable in six positions. The hatch cover, SPECIFICATIONS
which is fully counterbalanced for ease of operation. can be locked in the MAX HEIGHT
fully vertical posi tion . so protecti ng th e gunner from rear att ack. (base ring 10 top
of mounting) 0.216 m
(without MG) 0.718 m
BASE RING 0.585 m
VEHICLE ROOF PLATE 10 holes of 13 mm dia·
meter equally spaced
on 725 mm PCD
ELEVATION -15' to +90'
IMMUNITY 7.62 mm and 5.56 mm
AP from any angle of
attack at 30 m
WEIGHT 98 kg
(base ring to top
of mounting) 0.216 m
outside of base ring 0.75 m
inside of base ring 0.585 m
ELEVATION _ 150 to +90 0
WEIGHT 44 kg
TeM 105 mm Low-Profile Turret (LPT) through a full 360" of traverse. The main control panel IS accessible by
either crew member and, since both have control handles and sights,
complete turret operation (targ et acquisition , aiming and fi ring) may be
Development performed by eith er. The fire control system is full y stabilised and supported
The Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) Low-Profi le Turret (LPT) and by a digital ballistic computer. One version , the Bradley M2/M3 IFV electric
autoloader concept was validated during the mid- I 980s as part of the US turret drive with manual backup , is used to control the gun position and to
Army req uirement fo r an Armor ed Gun System (AGS ). The AGS remove the hazards of flam mable hydraulic fluid from th e crew compartm ent.
demonstrated the solution for main gun performance integrated to a The gunner utilises a th erm al sig ht with an image provided to the
lightweight transportable vehicle system . commander through a video link. During emerg ency situ ation s th e op ti cal
The LPT has been operated on a Centurion Mk 5, and an installation kit au xiliary sigh t is available to both crew members. Closed hatch 360" unity
has been designed for the M60 . The LPT has also been applied to the US visibil ity is provided by the use of periscopes wit/1 overlapping fields-
Marine Corps Ligh t Armored Vehicle (LA V) in the LAV- 105 study. of-view. The commander alone has 330" of unobstructed vision.
TCM has also developed complete modernisation packages for the The NATO standard 105 mm M68A I main gun fitted has a 706 mm reco il
M-series MBTs . T -54/55/62 series MBTs, the AM X - 3~ and Ihe Centurion . mechanism and muzzle brake to minimise the gun recoil impulse. Growth
Included amongst the improvements can be the fitting of the LPT. featu res in the turret can accommodate an increase In gun calibre to
The main features of the turret are : 120 mm .
(1) increased survivability by : The baseline lethality of the LPT in term s of firepower and accuracy is
(a) reducing tank profile and making it harder to hit taken as the M60A3 . Studies show that this can be increased to Ml A I
(b) reducing combat weight so that savings can be re -applied as Abrams levels whi ch extends the lethality to 3500 m. On smaller vehicles
additional armour the turret contains nine ready rounds in the revolver type magaz ine while
(c) reducing crew size larger platforms may utilise a six-pack option resulting in 15 re ady rounds.
(d) re loca ting the crew and ammunilion into tank hull so as to increase The revol ve r may be automatically or manually repl enished depending
protection factor upon the vehicle type and level of sophistication required. The gun has full
(2) logistics : KE ammunition capability and will fire all versions of th e 105 mm tank gun
(a) allows for arm ament lethality growth ammunition family.
(b) is of modular design for equipment upgradingl replacement The maximum rate of fire is 10 rds/min with th e autoloader automatically
(c) is adaptable to a range of combat vehicle s locating the designated round , loading and downloading if required. Misfires,
(3) lethality : spent cartridges, smoke and noxious fumes are all ejected overboard to the
(a) uses the M60A3 as baseline rear of the vehicle .
(b) is expandable as new technology is fielded. A 7.62 mm M240 machine gun is mounted coaxial with th e thermally
shrouded M68 gun . The commander's weapon is optional with a choice of
Description the 7.62 mm M240 . 7.62 mm M60D or the 12.7 mm MG HB machine gun or
The LPT incorporates an external overhead gun and autoloader into a two- a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher. In addition , TOW and Hellfire ATGW
man turret with a 1,85 m turret ring . Thi s design feature allows the turret to option s may also be added to the gun pad to make the LPT into a long-
be much smaller and lighter with the commander and gunner enclosed ra ng e tank destroyer.
wilhin the vehicle hull envelope . The LPT reduces the vehicle weight on th e T -54 MBT by 2200 kg and on
The design is a flat welded steel pod and turret with the comman der and a Centurion MBT by 5000 kg . These immediate weight savi ngs and resultant
gunner si tting side-by-side low in th e hull. The autoloaded external gun increase in vehicle mobi lity can be exchanged for added protection by
turns with th e turret (the crew is in an alum inium basket with spall liners) applyi ng additional hull armour. Then , depending upon the desired vehicle
mObility , either conventional inexpensive RHA steel plate or more costly
co mposi te armour can be chosen .
Modified Centurion MBT chassis fitted with Low Profile Turret armed with Outline of M60 MBT fitted with Low-Profife Turret and modernised in a
105 mm M68 rifled tank gun number of other key areas
Turret Model Light Heavy Turret Model Light Heavy
MAX DIAMETER 2.082 m 2.286 m TURRET/GUN DRIVE electric Bradley IFV derivative
BARE WEIGHT 3909 kg 5806 kg FIRE CONTROL digital system
BASKET DIAMETER 1.593 m 1.696 m Primary Texas Instruments CITV lightweight modular
MAX SLEW RATE 40' /s 35°/s (x 8 magnification) day, 2 FOV , FUR .
CREW 2 (commander, gunner) trunnion encoder. laser rangefinder. video lin k
ARMAMENT to commander
main 1 x 105 mm M68Al gun Panoramic optional, mounted on gun pod
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm M240 MG Auxiliary
commander (optional) 1 x 7.62 mm M60D or M240 MG or commander and 7 x mechanically driven aUXiliary
1 x 12.7 mm M2 HB heavy MG or 1 x 40 mm gunner Sights with two eyepieces
automatic grenade launcher
MAX RECOIL 787.4 mm Status: Prototype.
IMPULSE 32001b-s
AMMUNI TION Manufacturer : Teledyne Continental Motors . General Products , 76 Gelly
autoloader main gun 9-round revo lver magazine Street. Muskegon . Michigan 49442 , USA.
co axial MG 1000 rounds Telephone : (6 16) 724 2151 Fax: (616) 724 2928
Cadillac Gage Textron LAV-105 mm Weapon A 7.62 mm M240 machine gun is fitted as the coaxial armament. On the
AGS turret variant the commander also has an external pedestal mounted
System 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun lor anti-aircraft and local defence use.
Either side of the turret. liring lorwards , are two banks of four electrically
Development operated M257 smoke dischargers.
Cad ill ac Gage Textron was awarded a 40 month TACOM con tract to Turret traverse and weapon eleva tion is electromechanical with the
design , build and integrate three lightw eight 105 mm gun turrets into the US traverse being a lull 360' and depression/elevation from _8' to + 15 ' . Th e
Marin e Corps light Armored Vehicle (LA V) . The contract period included gunner or commander can either traverse or elevate the armament. Manual
20 months for design and fabrication of th e prototypes and 20 months for backups are installed in case 01 a primary weapon control system failure.
trials. Late in 1991 . however, the US Marine Corps cancell ed the whole Weapon liring is electrical with manual backup_The armam ent is stabilised
LAV -l 05 project as there were no production funds available between 1993 in two axes by a Cadillac Gage Textron Systems Division weapon system
and 1996. that is currently under development.
Early in 1993 indications were that efforts were being made to restart thi s The fi re control system is based on a Computing Devices Company
programme as . within the 11 t 7 LA V (8 x 8) vehicles being built in Canada (C DC) digital lire control computer that Is derived Irom those used In the Ml
for the Saudi Arabian National Guard , there was a quantity of Assault Gun Abrams and Challenger 2 programmes. Thi s uses Ada/Pascal code and
veh icles that would have utilised the LAV-l05 two-man turret. inpuls/outputs 10 and Irom Ihe laser rang eli nder. autoloader controller, gun
turret drive , various sensors, line-ai-sight electronic units, built-in test devices
Description and the ergonomic MMI Flal Panel Display.
The two-man lightweight turret is to be made Irom all-weld ed steel. The
commander and gunner each have a single-piece hatch cover that opens SPECIFICATIONS
to the rear and four periscopes to view to the rear and sides. The gunner CREW 2 (commander and gunner)
has a stabilised thermal day/night sight with integral laser rangefinder ARMAMENT
whilst the com mander has a Hughes stabilised thermal day/night remote main 1x 105 mm EX-35 gun
monitor unit. coaxial 1x 7.62 mm M240 MG
The main armament is a Benet Lab 105 mm EX-35 low recoil rifled tank anti-aircraft 1" 7.62 or 12.7 mm MG
gun which lires standard NATO t 05 mm ammuni tion . The gun is led lrom a smoke dischargers 2x 4 M257
Fairey Hydraulics bustle-mounted electromechanical automatic loading AMMUNITION
system containing eight ready use rounds. 105mm 8
coaxial 400
anti-aircralt 100
traverse 360' , electromechanical with
manual backup
tracking rate 0.25 mils!s
depression/elevation -8"/+ 15 , electromechanical with
manual backup
elevation rate 100 mils/s
commander 4 x periscopes. 1 y thermal day/
night remote monllor
gunner 4 x periscopes . 1 x Ihermal day/
nlghl sight
WEIGHTS (loaded)
LAV 3696 kg
The turret is 01 all-welded Cadloy steel armour which provides complete
protection over its lrontal arc against 14.5 mm projectiles. and against
7 62 mm projectiles over the remainder.
The loader sits on the left 01 the turret and has a slllgle-plece hatch cover
that opens to the rear. The commander si ts on the right 01 the turret with the
gunner forward and below hiS position. The commander has a rear-opening.
si ngle-piece hatch cover. seven periscopes lor all-round observation and
an NV52C day/night sigh t. The gunner has an M36E 1 SIRE day/night sight.
the loader a single lorward-Iacing periscope .
Main armament consists of a Royal Ordnance Nottingham 105 mm Low
Recoil Force Gun which is fully described in the AFV Armament section
The gun is essentia lly the combat-proven L7 A3 with a new recoil syste m
and muzzle brake which can still fire all standard NATO ammunition . It has
eight rounds 01 ready-use ammunition stowed below the turret ring . A
7.62 mm machine gun is mounted coaXially to the left of the main armament
willI 400 rounds 01 ready ammunition. and a 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine
gun wilh 100 rounds 01 ready-use ammunition can be mounted on the turret
roof for anti-aircraft delence. There are four electrically operated smoke
dischargers on either side of the turret. A 500 000 candlepower searchlight
moves in elevation with th e main armament.
Turret traverse and gun elevation are electrohydraulic willI manual controls
lor emergency use As an option a lull two-axis stabilisation system can be
fitted. The commander'S sight is electrically linked to that of the gunner and
the commander has th e capability to override the gunner.
The prototype turret is litted with an op tional Marconi Radar and Control
Systems Digital Fire Control System with an Optic Electronic Corporation
gunner's sight with day/night vision. laser rangefinder and moving graticule.
This system allows th e gunner to engage th e targel in under 10 seconds
lrom identi fication and to lire the second round within seven seconds.
The hydraulic powerpack and radios are In the turret bustle . The
turret can be fitted with an NBC system 01 the ventilated mask collective
type and there is potential lor a hybrid or overpressure system in certain
Manufactu rer : Cadillac Gage Textron . PO Box 1027. Warren . Mich igan
Cadillac Gage Textron Stingray light tank fitted with 105 mm Cadillac Gage
48090 . USA Textron Low Recoil Force Turret
Telephone: (313) 777 7100 Telex : 200707 CGAGE UR
Fax: (3 13) 776 9731
Developmentl Description
The AV Technology 1.506 m ring diameter two-man 90 mm turret has been
mounted on a number ot armoured vehicle typ es including th e LF V-90 mm
(two man turret) varian t of the Dragoon light Forces (4 x 4) Vehicle.
The turret is constru cted from welded steel plate arm ou r that provides
the same degree of protection as the hull and is equipped with mounts for a
90 mm light assault cannon (for example a Cockerill 90 mm Mk III or
MECAR 90 mm KEnerga) and a coaxial 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun .
A further 7.62 mm machine gun can be mounted on a pintle mount for anti-
aircraft use . Two fou r-round smoke grenade launchers are fitted either side
of th e cannon mantlet firing over th e front al arc of the vehicle.
Weapons firing is performed by an electrical system wi th a secondary
emergency manual backup facility availabl e. An electri cal firing interruptor
unit is also fi tted.
The turret control system is electro hydraulic and operated by a sing le
handgrip controll er in azimu th and elevation. Manual secondary controls
are fitted as emergency backup units for both elevation and azimuth .
Ready-use ammunitio n stowage space is provided for 10 ro unds of
90 mOl . 600 rounds of 7.62 mm and the eight smoke grenades in their
launchers. Space is also allocated in the turret bustle for a wide variety of Dragoon Light Forces Vehicle filted with A V Technology two-man gO mm
rad io communications fits . rurret armed with MECAR 90 mm KEnerga cannon
For observation purposes th e gunner has a modified M36E 1 passive
dayl night sight whi lst th e comman der has seve n M27 periscopes for all -
round vision . O th er types of gunner's sight assembl y (including th ermal Status : Production as required.
imagi ng) are available.
The turret is fitt ed with solid-state electronics and autodeck interrupt Manufacturer : AV Technology Corporation . 50405 Patricia Drive. Mount
whilst NBC pro tecti on . together wi th a co mmander's control and override Clemens. Michigan 48045 . USA.
facility. are optional items . Telephone : (3 13) 949 8808 Fax : (313) 949 8760
CREW two (commander and gunner) CONTROLS
WEIGHT 1951 kg elevation/depression - 8' to +45' . electrohydraulic with
ARMAMENT manual backup
main 1 x 90 mm cannon Iraverse 360' . electrohydraulic with
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm MG manual backup
anti-aircraft (optional) 1 x 7 .62 mm MG max traverse rate 36"/s
smoke dischargers 2 x 4 tube OPTICS
AMMUNITION (ready -use) commander 7 x M27 periscopes
90mm 10 gunner 1 x modified M36El sight
7.62 m 600 TURRET RING DIAMETER 1.506 m
smoke grenades 8 POWER SUPPLY 24 V
Cadillac Gage Textron 76 mm Turret which can be used if the electrohydraulic controls are disabled . are scaled-
down versions of the Cadi llac Gage Textron controls on all production M60
series and Leopard 1 MBTs. The turret is fitted with interior lighting and an
Development/Description extractor fan .
Th e 76 mm turret was originally designed by Cadillac Gage Textron for its The turret has external vision by means of three di rect view blocks. a
V- 150 Commando vehicle , but it is now being offered for installation in commander'S periscope mounted in the machine gun ring mount that
other AFVs such as the M 11 3A 1 AP C. It is a two-man turret fitted with a provides 360' rotation and a gunner's periscope with a x 8 monocul ar and a
British 76 mm L23Al gu n (as installed in th e Alvis Scorpion ), a coaxial x 1 periscope with a projected graticule. For night surveillance a 200 mm .
7.62 mm machine gun and a comma nder's ring mount with a pintle-mounted 500 000 candlepower white spo tlight is mounted coaxially with the 90 mm
7.62 mm machine gun . gun . The turret armour will defeat 7.62 mm AP projectiles at 0' obliquity and
Th e turret can be rotated through 360' under power at up 10 45"/s and the point blank range . Front turret armour is capable of defeating 14.5 mm
76 mm gun can be elevated from - l 0 to +30' under power at up to 45' l s. Dual projectiles fired from a range of 500 m . The turret can be fitted with a
controls allow either the gunner or commanderlloader to operate the turret stowage basket at the rear and smokelfragmentation dischargers can be
and fire the main armament. Emergency mechanical hand-operated controls . mounted externally on either side of the turret if required.
This one-man turret , a further development of the Cadillac Gage Textron
twin/combination machine gun (1 m) turret. is armed with a 40 mm Mk 19
grenade launcher on the left and 12.7 mm (0.50) M2 HB machine gun on
the right. Cadillac Gage Textron made an unsolicited proposal to the US
Marine Corps to install this turret on a standard FMC AAV7 armou red
amphibious assault vehicle for trials. The turret was armed with the 40 mm
Mk 19 Mod 1 grenade launcher and the 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun . For
Development T esUOperational Test I at Camp Pendleton the Mod 1 grenade
launcher was replaced by the more recent Mod 3. These trial s were such a
success that the Marine Corps placed an order with the company for three
production turrets for DT/OT II and these were delivered in mid-1983 . Early
in 1986 and after a competitive procurement the US Naval Sea Systems
Command. acting for the US Marine Corps. placed an order with Cadillac
Gage Textron for the supply of 240 Upgunned Weapons Stations. First
production turrets were delivered in early 1987 Total vatue of this contract
was $17 .236 million . The US Marine Corps atso took an option for an
additional 100 turrets. This was exercised in January 1987 at a cost of
$5.823 million. Late in 1987 Optic Etectronic Corporation of Dallas, Texas ,
was awarded a contract by Cadillac Gage to suppty a modified M36E 1 dayl
night/taser rangefinder sight for this turret.
tn September 1988 AV Technology Corporation was awarded a
competitive re-buy contract for UWS turrets.
The turret is of Cad loy ballistic steel armour. the gunner having an Detailed drawing of Cadillac Gage Textron 40 mml t2.7 mm Upgunned
M36E1 periscopic sight with a magnification of x 1 and x 7. seven vision Weapons Station showing position of weapons and ammunition boxes (not
blocks and a single'piece hatch cover opening to the rear. to 1!76th sea/e)
A 500000 candlepower spotlight is mounted above the 12.7 mm M2
machine gun and moves in elevation with the weapons . A bank of four
Manufacturers: Cadillac Gage Textron, Post Office Box 1027. Warren,
76 mm electrically operated smoke dischargers is mounted either side of
Michigan 48090 , USA .
the turret rear .
Telephone: (3 13) 777 7100. Telex : 200707 CGAGE UR
Status : Production as required . In service wilh US Marine Corps . Fax : (3 13) 7769731
The 40 mm/12.7 mm Enclosed Weapon Station was developed by the
FMC Corporation as a drop-in replacement for the FMC one-man 12.7 mm
machine gun turret originally installed on US Marin e Corps AAV 7 A 1
amphibious vehicles. but early in 1986 the Marine Corps selected th e
competing Cadi llac Gage Te xtron turret (see previous entry) . This turrel
has also been tested on an M113A3 .
The upper structure of the Enclosed Weapon Station mounts both weapcns
in a si ngle rotor so permitting opening of all AAV7 A t engine access
hatches without re moving the weapon station or weapon station parts .
The turret basket is identical to the standard AAV7 A 1 weapon station .
Other common parts include searchlight . fume evacuati on fan . bearing
ring . bearing ring seal. electrical instruments. seat . slip ring and intercom.
The existing deck clearance device is modified .
Th e 40 mm Mk 19 Mod 3 grenade launcher is mounted on the left with
the 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun on the right. The gunner has a rea r-
opening single-piece hatch cover. eight peri scopes for all -round observation. Mt t 3A3 with FMC 40 mml t 2.7 mm Enclosed Weapon Station
one indirect optical sig ht with a mag nificatio n of x 7. x 7 image intensifier.
and one unity sight.
Manufacturer: FMC Corporation. Ground Systems Division , 881 Martin
Status: Ready for production. Avenue. PO Box 58123. San ta Clara . CA 95052. USA
Telephone : (408) 298 2882 Telex : 9103380045
WEIGHT 1227 kg
main 1 x 40 mm Mk 19 Mod 3 automatic
grenade launcher Dragoon L1ghl Forces Vehicle fitted with A V Technology Corporation One-
coaxial 1 x 12.7 mm M2 HB machine gun Man Armament Turre t armed with 40 mm grenade launcher and 12.7 mm
smoke dischargers 2 x 4 tube machme gun
Status : Entering production . On order for the US Marine Corps (LA V-AD) .
CREW none
main 1 x 25 mm M242 Chain Gun
coaxial 1 x 7.62 mm EX-34 Chain Gun
AMMUNITION (ready use)
25mm 287
7.62 mm 665
smoke grenades 8
Iraverse 360' at 60' /s powered
elevation -8" to +60" at 60"/s. powered
WEIGHT (loaded) 1361 kg
MAX WIDTH 1.584 m
to top 01 weapon station 0.762 m
to top of panoramic sight 1.140 m
Minor Calibre Weapons Station showing externally mounted 25 mm cannon
Status: Prototype. and 7.62 mm machine gun installed for triats purposes on LA V (8 " 8)
Manufact u re r : AAI Corporation . PO Box 126. Hunt Valley . Maryland 21 030
- 0126, USA.
Telephon e: (301) 666- 1400 Tele x: 8-7849 (710) 232-1800
Descriptio n
The turret is of all-welded steel construction providing the crew with complete
protection from small arms fi re and shell splinters . The comm ander sits on
the left and the gunner on the right , both with a si ngle-piece hatch cover
opening to the rear.
Main armament consists of a McDonnell Douglas Helicop ter 25 mm
M242 Chain Gun, with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun mounted coaxially
with the main armament and a si milar weapon mounted on th e turr et roof
for anti·aircraft defence.
Turret traverse and weapon elevation are electrohydraulic with manual
control s for emergency use . An automatic deck clearance system is provided
with power override facilities . Th e weapons are fired electrically but can be
fired manually in an emergency. As an option , full gun /turret stabi lisation is
availabl e,
The gunner has an M36E 1 day/night sight and the commander has eight Cadillac Gage Textron 25 mm two -man turret, without pintle-mounted anti-
periscopes for all -round observation. As an option , the co mm ander could aircraft machine gun , installed on Cadillac Gage Textron V-150 S (4 x 4)
have six periscopes and an M36E1 day/night sight. armoured car
Standard equipment includes a turret ventilation blower and a 500000
candlepower spotlight. Status : Ready for production
Delco LAV-25 25 mm Turret right. If required, a 7.62 mm M60 machine gun can be pintle-mounted for
anti-<;Iircraft defence. Mounted either side of the turret is a bank of M243
Development four-barrelled smoke dischargers . A sensor in th e turret provides the crew
Delco Systems Operations is th e prime contractor for the two -man turret with a low ammunition warning .
Installed on th e LAV-25 (8 x 8) vehicle built by the Diesel Division , General The turret is also fitted with an NBC subsystem with ventilated face
Motors of Canada , for th e US Marine Corps. For tria lS, thi s turret has also masks for the commander and gunner.
been installed on a Canadian Arm ed Forces MI13AI APC , an 8 x 8 Turret options include a Delco LAV-25 Thermal Sight to provide recognition
MOWAG Piranha for the Saudi National Guard . an Alvis Stormer APC and capability out to 2000 m. The sigh t utilises the Hughes Infra-Red Equipment
the GKN Desert Warnor. Following trials . Kuwait selected the GKN Defence (HIRE) thermal subsystem and contains accurate stadia and ballistic reticles
Warrior with the Delco turret in 1992. and has both wide and narrow fields -of-view . It IS compatible with the
eXisting M36EI sight and uses a biocular video viewer or remote CRT
Description display which is fully operable from the commander'S position . The Turret
The LAV-25 turret is of al l-welded steel armour construction which provides Improved Armour System (lAS). that Is a turret armour upgrade . uses
protection against small arm s fire and shell spli nters. The comma nder sits various add-on armour types to provide full protection of the fron tal 30" arc
on the ri ght and the gunner on th e left , both with rear-opening . single-piece at 0 m range against 14.5 mm AP rounds (perforated steel/ceramic armour) ,
hatch covers. full protection of the sides and rear at 400 m range from 14.5 mm AP
The commander has seven M27 unity periscopes for all-round observation rou nds (high hardness steel and ceramic armour) and overhead protection
and an M36EI sight for aiming the armament. The gunner has an M27 unity (by increased shell thi ckn ess and the addition of spall liners) from 155 mm
periscope to his left and an M36E I sight to his front for aiming the air burst rounds at 10m range . The TOW Add -On Option with single-tube
armament. The M36EI sight has a day channel with a magnification of x 7 armoured TOW ATGW launchers is located on either s ide of th e turret and
and a 10 field-of-view , passive night image intensifier channel with a stowed beneath turret line. The TOW lightweight sight and tracker is the
magnification of x 8 and an 8' field -of-view and a unity channe l wi th 60 ' GM Hughes Electronics (G MHE) Integrated TOW Sight (GITS) . whi ch is
horizontal x 10' verti cal fi eld-of-view for observation. obtain ed by expanding the Delco Thermal Sight with add-on modules . It is
The M36EI can be replaced by various other sight models such as ' the shared with the 25 mm cannon and the launch tubes are reloaded by the
Delco Improved M36 sight (D IM36) ; the Delco LAV-25 Thermal Sight (see loader from the chassis to maintain armour protection . There is an NBC
later) ; the GITS (see later) ; the DIM36 with laser rangefinder; and the Delco upgrade system.
LAV-25 Thermal Sight with laser rangefinder.
Turret traverse and weapon elevation are electrically driven hydraulic Status: Production - over 450 turret s produced to date with production
pump type with both commander and gunner having an identical single resumed for foreign orders. In service with Australia . Saudi Arabia and
hand controller. Turret traverse is a full 360' and weapon elevation is from United States Marine Corps on LAV 8 x 8 chassis.
-8 to +60 at 25'· /s. Th e armament is fully stabilised and manual controls
are provided fo r emergency use . Manufacturer: Delco Systems Operations. Delco Electronics Corporation .
Main armament comprises a McDonnell Douglas Helicopter 25 mm M242 6767 Hollister Avenue , Goleta , California 93117. USA.
Chain Gun with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun mounted coaXially to the Telephone : (805)9615903 Telex : 9103341174 Fax : (805)96 1541 6
GKN Defence Warrior mechanised vehicle filted with De/co LA V-25 25 mm US Marine Corps Light Armored Vehicle (8 x 8) chassis fitted with Delco
turret and a tauncher either side of the turret for a Hughes TOW A TGW LAV-25 turret (US Army/Michael Green)
(Christopher F Foss)
After limited testing wi th the 20 mm weapon early in 1975. FMC built a
lurret that mounted a 25 mm cannon developed by the Ford Aerospace and
Communications Corporation . The program me was then redirected by the
Government to include development of a new two-man turret, often called
the TBAT-II , prototypes of which were built armed with th e 25 mm Ford
cannon and the 25 mm McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Chain Gun . After
extensive trials the M242 25 mm Chain Gun was selected as the main
armament , with a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun mounted coaxially to its
right and a twi n TOW ATGW lau ncher mounted on th e left of th e turret. The
TOW launcher lies alongside the turret when not required and is quickly
elevated throug h 90' into the firing position. The sighting and controls for
both th e guns and th e missiles are integrated to simplify firing operations .
The thermal imaging day/night sight provides x 4 and x 12 power viewing to
both the commander and gunner. The turret is fitted with a General Electric
turret drive and stabilisation system which allows the armament to be laid
and fired while the vehicle is travelling across country. Thi s turret is fitted to
th e M2 Infantry Fighting Vehicle and th e M3 Cava lry Fighting Vehicle . In
1981 , the year producti on began , the M2 and M3 were renamed the
Bradley Fighting Vehicles . Second year production turrets are equipped FMC Bradley Fighting Vehicle with FMC 25 mm two-man power-operated
with a Kollmorgen commander/gunner backup day sight. turret
Status: In production . In service with Saudi Arabia and the United States. Manufacturer: FMC Corporation . Ground Systems Division . 881 Martin
Avenue , PO Box 58123. Santa Clara, CA 95052 . USA
Telepl10ne : (408) 289 2882 Telex : 9103380045
In 1974 the Royal Netherlands Arm y awarded the FMC Co rporation a
contract for the development of an improved version of th e Armored
Infantry Fighting Vehicle. During the development phase four weapon
stations were built, including a righi- and a left-hand model of th e German
Rh einmetall 20 mm Rh 202 cannon and a right- and a left-hand model of an
Oerlikon-Conlraves 25 mm cannon. All fou r stations were electrohydraulically
powered , incorporaled a dual -feed ammunition system and a coaxially
mounted MAG 58 7.62 mm machine gun . To evalu ate th e performance of
avai lable sights th e right -hand model s used a Philips UA9124/UA9216
sight and th e left-hand models a PERI -Zl l sight. After extensive trial s with
both models the. righ t-hand 25 mm Oerlikon -Contraves station with the
Philips sight was selected .
Althoug h developed by FMC the weapon stations for the Dutch Army
were actually manufactured and inlegrated by OAF Special Products. Over
1000 changes to the original design were engineered by OAF for the
production run .
Today th e we apon station is avail able with an Oerlikon -Contraves 25 mm
KBA dual-feed automati c cannon and the same coax ial machine gun. The
station features a variable-rate control . electro hydraul ic power turret drives . FMC 25 mm one-man Enclosed Weapon Station installed on AIFV
and a microprocessor deck clearance system _As an option . the station can
be equipped will1 a Philips day/night sight, and M34 day sight. or an M36El
sight with integrated night vision. Al so included is an emergency gun sight Status : In production . In service with Belgium . Netherlands . Philippines
and a coaxially mounted search light. and Turkey.
The all-welded turret incorporate s an additional layer 01 spaced laminate
armour as fi tted to Ihe hull of th e AIFV . A modification kit substituti ng a Manufacturer: FMC Corporation. Ground Systems Division . 881 Marlin
12.7 mm M2 machine gun for the Oerlikon-Contraves 25 mm cannon IS Avenue. PO Box 58123. Santa Clara. CA 95052. USA
available. th is being the model used by th e Philippines. Telephone : (408) 289 2882 Telex : 910 338 0045
The FMC eleclric drive one-man lurret has been designed as a prlvale
venture by the FMC Corporation for sales outside the USA as a direct
replacement installation on the FMC Armored Infanlry Fighting Vehicle
(AIFV). although the design can also be fitted on the M 113 APC or any
similar size vehicle. The main improvements on the normal AIFV lurret are
ballistic protection (using FMC 's spaced laminate armour system which
gives 14.5 mm of armour protection ). the ejecti on ports and an electrical
drive system with optional stabilisation . The turret is armed with the
McDonnell Douglas Helicopter 25 mm M242 Chain Gun and for secondary
armament is provided with a 7.62 mm M240 (FN MAG) machine gun .
The FMC electric drive turret has been designed to integrate proven
hardware with new ideas in a low cost. easily maintained , high firepower
weapon station . The electrical power supply is the usual 24 V DC , but there
is a manual drive system as a backup. For fire control an M36E3 sight is
fitted which has a day/night capability and th ere are lour M27 unity periscopes
lor frontal and side vision; a rear periscope is an optional extra. All the
weapon station drives and electronic units are arranged for easy access
and the turret slip ring can be removed from Inside the turret.
The electric drive turret design was initiated in 1980 and two protolypes
have been built and successfu lly tested .
Prototype of FMC 25 mm electric drive turret fitted to M11 3 APC
Sta tus : Development complete. Ready for production pending orders. For
trials purposes thi s turret has been installed on the British Fox light armoured
car and is also fitted on the private venture NO RINCO/FMC NFV-l Infantry Manufacturer : FMC Corporation. Ground Systems Division . 881 Martin
fig hting vehicle. As of early t993 the FMC 25 mm Electric Dri ve Turret had Avenue, PO Box 58 123 , Santa Clara. CA 95052 . USA
not entered production and these two vehicles were no longer marketed . Telephone : (408) 289 2882 Telex: 9103380045
This turret was originally designed by Cadillac Gage Te xtron for its V- ISO
Commando armoured vehicle but is now being offered for oth er tracked
and wheeled AFV s and has already been successfully te sted. mounted on
theM11 3Al APC .
The Cadillac Gage Textron 20 mm turret is a two-man armoured turret
armed wilh a 20 mm GAD-AOA (previously Oerlikon-Contraves 204 GK)
cannon . a coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun and a command er's ring mount
with a pintle-mounted 7.62 mm machine gun. The turret can be rotated
through 360" under power at speeds of up to 60'/s and a minimum smooth
tracking rate of 1 mills. The 20 mm cannon has an elevation of +60 and a
depression of -8 with a maximum powered traverse speed of 40 '/s . A
dual -control system allows either the commander or the gunner to operate
and fire Ihe weapon . If the electrohydraullc power system is damaged
emergency mechanical ha nd-operated controls can be used. The turret is '.
also equipped with a hydraulic charger internally controlled. a turret ven tilating
blower . an emergency firing trigger for the cannon a nd a rate controller Cadillac Gage Tex tron 20 mm turret on Cadillac Gage Textron V- 150 (4 " 4)
which allows the firing of one. two or four round s per second or full armoured car
automatic mode . For night su rveillance a 200 mm 500000 candlepower
spotlight is mounted coaxially with the 20 mm cannon . The electroh ydrau lic Status : Production as required . In service with undisclosed countries. By
power system components are scaled-down versions of th e ones used in early 1993 over 100 ot these turrets had been bUilt.
M60 and Leopard 1 production MBTs. The turret armour will defeat 7.62 mm
AP ammunition at 0" obliquity and point-blank rang e. Manufacturer : Cadillac Gage Textron. PO Box 1027. Warren . Michigan
The turret is designed for a crew of two : command er and gunner. 48090. USA.
Optional equipment includes smokelfragmentation discharg ers. a nd optical Telephone : (313) 777 7100 Telex : 200707 CG AGE UR
and vision device washers and wipers. Fax : (3 13) 776 9731
The Cadillac Gage Tex tron 20 mm turret is a one-man armoured turret
fitted with a 20 mm Oerlikon -Contraves GAD-AOA cannon . 7.62 mOl MAG
coaxial machine gun and optional smokelfragmentation grenade launchers.
The turret can be rotated through 360 under power at up to 60 Is and a
minimum smooth tra cking rate of 1 mills. The 20 mm cannon can be
eleva led from -8 to +55" with movement under power at speeds of up to
40"/s. If the electrohydraullc power system is damag ed emergency
mechanical hand-operated controls can be used _The turrel is also equipped
with an internally controlled hydraulic charger. turret ventilating blower.
emergency firing triggers and a rate controller for th e 20 mm cannon which
allows fir ing of single. two or four round s per second or full automatic mode.
For night surveillance a 200 mm 500 000 ca ndl epower spotlight is coaxially
mounted with the 20 mm cannon . The electrohydraulic controls are scaled-
down versions of the ones fitted to th e M60 and Leopard 1 serr es of MBTs.
Cadillac Gage Textron 20 mm 1 m turret on M 113A 1 APC
The turret provides all -round vision for the gunner by means of eight
direct-view vision blocks. which allow for instantan eous 360 ' vision. The
gunner's periscope is a x 8 monocular sight and unity peri scope with a
projected graticule. In addi tion to the main sight. the turret is equipped with ThiS turret incorporates most of the compon en ts used in th e Cadillac
an external anti-aircraft sight. The frontal armour of the turret will deleat Gage Textron 20 mm two-man turrel and the one-man 1 m machine gun
12.7 mm AP projectiles at 425 m and th e remainder 7.62 mm AP al pOint- turret.
blank range and 0 obliquity .
The turret may be equipped with smokelfragmentation launcher tubes Status: Development complete. Ready for production on recei pt of orders .
These electri cal ly fired grenade launchers are pre-aimed to cover a fan -
shaped area beginning 36 m in front of th e turret and ending at 50 m. The Manufacturer: Cadillac Gage Textron. PO Box 1027. Warren . Michigan
width of the fan is about 170" . Optional equipment includes add -on 48090. USA.
electrohydrau lic stabilisation system . and optical and vision device washers Telephone : (313) 777 7100 Telex: 200707 CGAGE UR
and wipers. Fax : (313) 776 9731
Cadillac Gage Textron Twin/Combination The turret is manually rotated and can be tr aversed continuously through
360 '. The traverse mechanism incorporates a manual fri ction brake which
Machine Gun (1 m) Turret is foot operated and a friction 'drag' mechanism . The brake is used to hold
the turret in a fixed position and the 'drag ' mechanism allows it to be rotated
Development with a fixed resistance . enabling the gunner to lay on the target more
This lurret was originally designed by the Cadillac Gage Textron for its accurately. The weapons can be elevated from - 10 to +55" through a
V-150 Commando (4 x 4 ) vehicle but is now being oHered for other vehicles manual jack screw mechanism . Ammunition is fed to the weapon s from
and has already been adopted by the Canadian Armed Forces for its standard ammunition boxes. eliminating the need for feed chutes and
Grizzly Wheeled Armoured Personnel Carriers. allowing for rapid reload. Additional ready ammunition may be made available
if the turret is not equipped with radio sets in the turret bustle. Weapons are
Description lired electrically . singly or in unison. In the event of an electrical failure they
The 1 m turret is operated by one person and is capable of mounting many may be manually operated.
diHerent configurations of weapons. including Iwin 7.62 mm or twin 0.50 Th e turret has a monocular M28C sight with a magnification of x 1.5
calibre machine guns . and may also be equipped with a combination of which is driven by the movement of the turret cradle. ensuring correct
7.62 mm/0.50 machine guns . It can also be filled with a 40 mm grenade sighting at all times. All -round observation for the gunner is by eight direct
launcher in lieu of one of the machine guns. vision blocks mounted in the upper part of the turret . Th e gunner has an
adjustable sea t and the turret is provided with a single-piece hatch cOver
that opens to the rear and an extractor Ian . A 500000 candlepower
searchlight is mounted coaxially with the right machine gun . Optional
equipment includes opti cal and vision device washers. power assist traverse
and smoke/fragmentation dischargers.
CREW 1 (gunner)
ARMAMENT see text
7.62 mm MG 400 ready -use
per 0.50 MG 200 ready -use
traverse 360' manual
elevation -10" to +550 manual
OPTICS 8 vision blocks
monocular x 1.5
magnification sight
WEIGHT (less crew) 753 kg
Cadillac Gage Textron Machine Gun Turret The turret is equipped with a monocular M28C sight with a x 1.5
magnification. which is driven by the movement of the gun cradle. ensuring
proper Sighting at all times. All -round observation is obtained through eight
Development/Description direct vision blocks. The ballistic protection level of the turret enables it to
This machine gun turret was originally designed by Cadillac Gage Textron defeat 7.62 mm AP projectiles at 0" obliquity and point-blank range . Optional
for the Commando (4 x 4) armoured vehicle. but has since been adopted by equipment includes a 500 000 candlepower spotlight which is mounted
a number of cou ntries lor olher vehicles such as the M113 APC. This turret coax ially with the machine guns. smoke dischargers and power assist
is sometimes called the T -50. traverse .
The one-man . manually operated turret may be equipped with twin
7.62 mm or combi nation 7.62 mm/0 .50 calibre machine guns. Laying and SPECIFICATIONS
control of the weapons are mechanical with a hand-operated gearbox CREW 1 (gunner)
which allows 360" con tinuou s rotation at 45"/s. and a gunner handle at the ARMAMENT see text
rear of a balanced gun cradle for elevation . The weapon s may be moved AMMUNITION
from -14 to +55" and are fired electrically either in unison or singly . In the 0.50 MG 200 ready -use
event of an electrical failure they may be manually operated . per 7.62 mm MG 400 ready -use
traverse 360' manual
elevation - 14" to +550 manual
OPTICS 8 vision blocks monocular sight
with x 1.5 magnification
WEIGHT (less crew) 748 kg
DevelopmentiDe scription In early 1982 th e US Marine Corps awarded FMC a contract to rebuild
In 1964 FMC designed and built eighl fully enclosed powered turrets for th e 853 turrets to th e AAVP7 AI configuration and to build 349 new turrets.
Marine Corps L VTPX 12 (the prototype of the LVTP7). The one-man tu rret The one-man turret is of welded aluminium construction with a single-
wa s hydraulically powered and armed with a 20 mm cannon and a 7.62 mm piece hatch cover that opens to the rear. The machine gun has two rates of
machine gun , which were aimed using a sight with a magnification of x 8. fire . 450 rdsl min (low cyclic) and 1050 rdsl min (high cyclic).
The turret was subsequently redesigned by FMC to mount the M85 12.7 mm In 1980 the turret was modified to mount the M257 grenade launching
(0.50) machine gun and was eventually standard for all production LVTP7s system, and the turret drive system was replaced with a low maintenance
with 998 turrets produced between 1970 and 1974. electric servo system. There is a manual drive system for backup should
th e electrical system be disabled . The turret is mounted on the AAVP7 A 1
Electronics & Space Corp TOW Under Armour The original E & SCarp TUA lurret was designed for the US Army M901 1
M901Al Improved TOW Vehicle (lTV) ulilislng th e M113Al APC chaSSIS.
(TUA) Turret E & S Corp has produced over 3200 ITVs for the US Army and the National
Guard .
E & S Corp developed the TOW Under Armour (TUA) turret to allow the ac quI slllon sig ht
crew to launch and guide the TOW missile system from defilade whilst also
protected by armour. Only one square metre of TUA is exposed to hostil e
fire and this area is completely separate from the crew loca tion. The TUA
tow-tube elevating launcher fires any of th e TOW missile vari ants : Basic
TOW. Improved TOW (I·TOW). TOW 2A and future TOW mi ssi le
configurations . A description of the TOW missile is given in th e Vehicle·
mounted ATGW secti on of thi s book .
M27 cu pola
aun ch
Malor components of ElectroniCs & Space Corp TUA turret (·part of basIc
M901 Improved TOW Vehicle with TUA launcher raised ready to fire TOW ground system)
Tile TUA was designed to be compatible with a wide range of tracked start. During 'silent watch ' periods the battery can be rapidly drained (for
and wheeled armoured fighting vehicles. In addition to the US Army 's both lTV and FISTV)
ITVs. E & S Corp has produced TUAs on the OTO Melara VCC-1 chassis (h) North seeking gyro emergency power supply - low battery voltage can
for Saudi Arabia, 96 TUAs on the light Armored Vehicle (LAV) chassis currently cause the North seeking gyro to re-initiali se. As this takes 10
for the US Marine Corps and 314 TUAs on the YPR-765 PRAT tracked minu tes before the system is fully operational again the emergency
vehicle for the Royal Netherlands Army . More than 4000 TUA turrets power supply is designed to prevent this loss of operational capability
have been delivered to date by E & S Corp, with production continuing . and extend system operating time under such circumstances (for FISTV)
Delivery will soon start on over tOO systems on the LA V (8 x 8) chassi s (i ) HYDRA 70 unguided rocket
for Saudi Arabia. (j) Laser filter - the current Fielded Image Transfer Assembly wide field-
In addition to the fielded vehicles already mentioned . E & S Corp has of-view does not provide laser filter protection . A laser filter is to be
successfully integrated TUA on several other vehicles including the Cadillac installed in the objective lens to allow easy field upgrades to protect
Gage Textron V-300 (6 x 6), the OTO Melara C·13 , the Talbot M-41 E. the against laser illumination (for lTV)
GKN Defence Simba (4 '( 4) and the MOWAG Piranha (8 x 8) . (k) RISE power upgrade (for both lTV and FISTV) .
The US Army and National Guard are to introduce all the above
Description improvements save the addition of the HYDRA rocket because of the
In addition to the two missile launching tubes. the elevating launcher need to keep these vehicles in th e inventory for longer than originally
includes the gunners optics (TOW daysight and thermal night sight) , a x 4 planned as well as correcting certain operational problems identified
magnification wide field-of-view and a x 12 magnification target acquisition during 'Desert Storm '. The development of th e two SLEP packages is
sight. TOW missile guidance is accomplished with the standard Missile currently funded through FY94 with application projected to begin at the
Guidance Set (DGMS) mounted inside the crew compartment. The elevated Red River Army depot during the fourth quarter of FY94 and scheduled
launcher interfaces with the vehicle using a standard M27 cupola , which to continue at the rate of one active army division set through FY98.
makes it compatible with most US and allied armoured combat vehicles .
The TUA has fully powered 360 traverse movement with its 'hammer SPECfFfCATfONS (TUA)
head' having a elevation of +34" and depression of -3~ ' . This enables CREW 1 (gunner)
the system to operate on gradients and side slopes with only the launcher ARMAMENT
head showing above the crest. When travelling, the launcher head is main twin TOW ATGW launcher
retracted on top of the vehicle hull making the vehicle difficult to distinguish secondary 1 x 7.62 mm MG
from a standard AFV. It requires only 20 seconds for the launcher to be smoke dischargers optional
elevated and the target to be engaged . The time from first TOW missile AMMUNITION
impact to second round triggering with up to 12.5" target separation is TOW 2 plus 10
4.25 seconds. 7.62 mm 2000
The protected gunner identifies and tracks the target with the sight's CONTROL
narrow field-of-view via the image transfer assembly. He can select either traverse 360'
the day sight or night sight by remote control. The wide field-of-view traversing rate 35' /s
allows the gunner to scan the terrain and locate targets. The guidance elevation/depression +34' /-30'
and sights of the TUA are identical to the standard TOW ground launcher OPTICS
system and, if required, these components can be removed from the acquisition sight " 2.8 magnification. 25' field-of-view
vehicle and fitted to the ground TOW launcher tripod that is carried inside TOW daysight ~ 13 magnification, 5.5" field-of-view
the vehicle. Once two TOW missiles have been fired the launcher head is TOW ANfT AS-4 infra-red x 4 magnification , 3.4° x 6.8 0 wide
depressed at the rear and two reload rounds are fitted . The loader is night vision sight field -of-view
provided with side and overhead armour protection during the 40 second x: 12 magnification, 1.1a X 2.20 narrow
loading operation. In addition to the two ready -to-Iaunch TOW missiles , a field -of-view
further to TOW rounds can be mounted Inside the vehicle. For local Squad Leader's periscope 360' traverse, + 10'/-20" elevation
defence a 7.62 mm machine gun with 2000 rounds of ammunition is (M901 vehicle) depression , x 4 magnification.
mounted on the cupola. 12.5' field -of-view
TUA Variants VEHICLE TOP (M901 )
E & S Corp also developed the US Army's M981 Fire Support Team stowed 1.08 m
Vehicle (F ISTV). This is configured to duplicate the appearance of the raised 1.52 m
M901 lTV but is designed to locate and designate targets . The same POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
elevating platform is used , however, and the TOW optics are replaced by
the ANfTVQ-2 Ground Laser Locator/Designator (GLLD) . The FISTV Status: In production. In service with Egypt (52), Greece (24), Jordan (50) ,
includes a north-seeking gyroscope, a land navigation system and extensive Kuwait (58). Netherlands (314) , Pakistan (24) , Saudi Arabia (224) and the
communications equipment located inside the vehicle. USA (US Army and US Marine Corps).
The syste m provides target identification. acquisition and deSignation to
artillery units, enabling them to achieve 'fi rst-round fire for effect' hits with Manufacturer: Electronics & Space Corp, 8100 W Florissant Avenue. St
both conventional and laser guided smart munitions. Over 1300 FISTVs Louis. Missouri 63136. USA .
have been produced by E & S Corp for the US Army and the Egyptian Telephone: (314) 553 3334 Fax : (314) 553 35 17
Government has procurred 25 Artillery Target Locating Vehicles (ATLV) .
the international variant of the FISTV .
TUA/FISTV Upgrades
Service Life Enhancement Programmes (SLEP) available for the M901 /
M981 vehicles include :
(a) Commander's Video Viewing Device - to give the commander a remote
view of the gunner's sight imagery via a video link. This will greatly
improve the commander's ability to conduct survei llance and target
identification as well as improving the training capabilities (for both lTV
and FISTV)
(b) NBC upgrade - to install NBC filters and ven tilat ed face masks for th e
crew (for lTV. which currently lacks an onboard NBC system )
(c) Automatic Turret Positioning - to solve the difficulties in positioning the
'hammer head' in the stowiload position whilst under fire (for both lTV
and FISTV)
(d) Integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) - an interface for existing
GPS units to allow 15 m CEP accuracy in obtaining vehicle pOSition (for
(e) Enhanced ANfTAS-4 Night Sight Collimation - the fitting of remote night
sight adjustment controls which are accessible within the vehicle so as
to keep crew under armour during and reduce time taken for collimation
task (for both lTV and FISTV)
(f) Night sight lens cover - a protective cover installed on the face of the
launcher sight system to reduce potential for battlefield damage as well
as frequency of cleaning (for lTV)
(g) Low voltage sensor - to identify battery low voltage by audible warning US Marine Corps Light Armored Vehicle (8 x 8) anti-tank fitted with TUA with
whilst there is still sufficient battery energy available for engine and launcher in stowed position for travelling
USA / A F V T U R RET SAN 0 CUP 0 LA S 361
The SAMM series at eleclric stabilised drive controls are designed 10
provide a quick alignment and accurale Iracking of the target tor any type of
anti- tank or anli-aircraft turret or gun mount.
They are compatible with all types of weapon stabilisalion systems and
can be integraled with digital or analogue fire -control system computers as
new or as part of a retrotit package.
A system typically comprises :
(a) a two axis servo-amplifier box
(b) vehicle commander control slation
(c) gunner control station
(d) traverse DC motor with tachogenerator
(e) elevation DC motor
(I) interconnecting cable set
(g) hull and turrel gyro meters as applicable.
The controls are of the speed-progressive Iype with the turrel or gun-
mount traversed and elevated by variable excitation DC moto rs which are
slaved to the commands given from th e control station potentiometers by
tachogenerators and by gyro meters when applicable . SAMM electric stabilised drive con trols
The DC motors are supplied with low voltage trom the single low bulk
servo-amplifier, which receives the external analogue or digital fire correcti on
sig nals and are connected directly 10 the 24 V DC supply of the vehicle.
This power stage acts as a reversibl e power converter with conti nuous
conduction and is effectively an H-bridge current chopper that enables (iii) AA turrets and heavy gun mounts
con trol to be exe rcised in all four quadran ts. Energy recovery for thi s bi - (iv ) heavy gun mount retrofit
directional system set up is from the batteries during the braking phases. (v) light tank and AFV retrofits such as for the AM X- 13, M41 and EE-9
Compensation for vehicle movement during firing is optionally provided Cascavel
through a weapon stabilisation system . The aiming error is typically less 3 TE 60 drive . 18 kW class which is suitable fo r:
than 0 .5 mil so th at th e gun rem ai ns aimed on th e targ et even when the (i) 105 to 120 mm medium and heavy MBT turrets
vehicle is moving over very rough terrain . (ii) twin 35 mm , twin 40 mm , 57 mm AA turrets and gun moun Is
The presence of current feedback enables the slaving to be adapted to (iii ) 155 mm howitzer turrets
the load variations as seen by the mechanical drive. The pass-band of Ihe (iv) Leopard 1, Leopard 2. AMX-30 , M48 and si milar MBT relrofits
transfer function between the turret and the command signal is then high 4 TE 80 drive . 20 kW plus class which is suitable for .
and depends on ly on th e stiffness coefficient of the reducer . Thi s resu lts in (i) new build 40 10 50 000 kg class MBTs
an efficient stabilisation system at high frequencies. especiall y along th e (ii) heavy howitzer turrets with exceptional unbalances
elevation axis. (iii ) heavy AA turrets .
The drive types available are : If required only part of the drive , such as : servo-amplifier, joysticks and
TE 06 drive , 4 kW class which is suitable for: control stations, or a stabilisation kit (including types suitable for existing
(i) APCIICV/AFV 20-40 mm gun turrets tram t to 4 tons in weight hydraulic drives), can be supplied for inclusion in a retrofit programm e.
(ii ) 60/75/76/90 mm light gun turrets
(iii) 20 to 30 mm light AA gun mounts and turrets Status : Development complete . Ready for production .
(iv) radar and missile launcher platforms
(v) retrofi t kits such as 40 mm gun mount modernisation Manufacturer: Societe d 'Application s des Machines Matrices (SAMM) ,
2 TE 30 drive. 10 kW class whicli is suitable for: Chemin de la Malmaison, F-91570 Bi evres, France.
(i) 25 to 60 mm heavily armoured ICV turrets Telephone: (33) (1) 69 35 80 00 Tele x: 933- 1 6941 1572
(ii) 90 to 105 mm light AFV and tank gun turrets Fax: 33(1) 69 35 81 98
Development/Descri ption
The CE power control unit provides two axes aiming for light turret and
missile launcher power drives . The unit includes actuation and control
stations and can be linked to a ll types of fire-co ntrol system s via ana logue
or digital interface technology.
The compact CE 10 is directly supplied by the 24 V DC vehicle power
supply and is designed with state-of-the-art control station ergonomics .
Each of the two half bridge type power phases is sized to supply th e axis
power drive DC motors with a maximum output of 1 kW , Th e motors are
equipped with tachogenerators to close the speed con trol servo loop .
A typical CE 10 equipped turret power drive system would comprise th e
followi ng subsystems :
(a) a CE 10 two-axis power con trol unit
(b) a motor and gearbox traverse actuator
(c) a motor and jack (or gearbox) elevation actuator SA MM CE 10 electric turret drive system showing main components
(d) separate gunner's and commander's control station s
(e) interconnecting cable set
(f) optional control panel. Manufacturer : Societe d 'Appli catio ns des Machines Matrices (SAMM ),
Chemin de la Malmaison . F-91570 Bievres , France .
Status : Ready for production . Prototype systems have been successfu lly Telephone: (33) (1) 69 35 80 00 Telex: 933-16941 1572
trial led. Fax: (33) (1) 69 35 8198
F ran C e / W E A P 0 NCO N T R 0 LAN 0 S TAB IllS A T ION S Y S T EMS 363
The CE 15 is a one axis power control unit that generates a maximum Manufacturer: Societe d 'Application s des Machines Motrices (SAMM) ,
output of I kW and is used with the SAMM TE 01 and TE 03 drive type s. Chemin de la Malmaison , F-91570 BiEwres, France .
Telephone : (33) (I ) 69 35 80 00 Telex : 933-16941 1572
Status : Production as required (over 4000 produced to date) . The TE-OI is Fax : (33) (I ) 69 35 81 98
used in the AMX -IO armoured vehicle turret and the TE 03 is used in an
export 20 mm turret design.
The CE 24 is a two axes power control unit th at uses analogue technology 1000 m' kg Inertia weapon (with a 1000 Nm unbalance torque)
and provides a maximum power output 01 3 kW lor the traverse axis and ELEVATION
1 kW for th e elevation axis. It can be used wi th aiming drives for light (less max speed 0.85 radls
than 1000 kg weight) up to medium (not more than 4000 kg in weigh t) min speed 0.1 mradls
armoured lighting vehicle turrets.
A total of 14 drive type prototypes (TE 05 to TE 18) have been produced Status : Production as required. Used on a 25 mm coastal gun turret of
for th e CE 24 unit lor use on various new build AFV programmes and undisclosed country .
Manufacturer: Societe d'Applications des Machines Matrices (SAMM),
SPECIFICA nONS Chemin de la Malmaison , F-91570 Biiwres, France.
45 000 m' kg inertia turret Telephone: (33) (I) 69 35 80 00 Telex : 933-16941 1572
TRAVER SE Fax: (33) (I ) 69 35 81 98
max speed 1.7 radls
min speed 0.1 mradl s
The CE 40 compact lightweight drive system can be fitted either at build or
as a retrofit kit lor Class 40 tanks, self-propelled guns and anti-aircraft
It is designed for installation in turrets weighing up to 20000 kg with an
inertial moment of 50000 m' kg and can be interf aced with the latest
optronic fire-control systems. It can also be coupled to a stabilised sighting
assembly such as a SFIM tank gunner's roof-mounted sight or SAGEM
stabilised gun sight. The modu larity of the CE 40 allows for eight power
configurations that cover the TE 30 to TE 80 drives for turrets of 4000 up to
the maximum 20 000 kg . The CE 40 stabilised system is used in the KUKA SAMM CE 40 electric turret drive system
E4AI and SAM M IT 140 tu rrets .
7500 m' kg inertia weapon with a 1000 Nm unbalance
The main components include elevation and traverse motors , vehicle
commander (single handle) and gunner (dual handle) controls . hull and
acceleration >0.9 radl s
turret gyro meters and a central control box . Total weight of the control bo x
max speed >0.65 radls
and the two control motors is less than 130 kg. The power supply required
min speed <0.1 mradls
is the vehicle's own 24 V DC system .
Status: In production . In service with the French Army (on AMX -30 Combat
SPECIFICA nONS Engineer Tractor).
45 000 m' kg inertia' turret
TRAVERSE Manufacturer : Societe d 'Applications des Machines Matrices (SAMM),
acceleration >0.9 radls Chemin de la Malmaison, F-91570 Bievres, France.
max speed >0.75 radls Telephone : (33) (I ) 69 35 80 00 Telex: 933-16941 1572
min speed <0.1 mradl s Fax: 33 (I) 69 35 8198
The PCE 21 G 15 electrically powered gunner's we apon control station can
be used for the aiming of anti-tank, general-purpose or anti-aircraft cannon
turret systems fitted with either electric or electro hydraulic drive systems . It
is in production for use on 20 to 30 mm calibre retrofi tted turret s.
The operator's handle is mechanically connected to two potentiometers,
with the control voltage being proportional to the manual Inclination
movements performed when the handgrips are operated. The control
voltages can be reversed by inverting the handle direction . Each handle
can also be fitted with a varying number of push-bullon controls for function s
such as firi ng , laser rangefinding and so on .
The maximum travel in both axes is ±20' with the handgrips automatically
returned to their zero sellings by springs. The body of the handle can be
mounted vertically or horizontally according to the customer's preference. If
required an integral control panel can be incorporated into th e station.
Three versions are currently offered :
PCE 21 G 15 D - horizontal mounting wi th incorporated control panel
PCE 21 G 15 E - horizontal mounting without con trol panel
PCE 21 G 15 F - vertical mounting . SAMM PCE 21 G 15 gunner's weapon controls are of the twin handle type
364 WE A P 0 NCO N T R 0 l AND 5 TAB III 5 A T ION 5 Y 5 T EMS / F ran c e - G e r man y
Status : Production . In service in retrofitted 20 and 30 mm cannon turrets of Manufacturer : Societe d 'Applications des Machines Motrices (S AMM ),
unspecified cou nlries . Chemin de la Malmaison , F-9 1570 Biiwres, France .
Telephone: (33) (1) 6935 BO 00 Tele x: 933-16941 t5 72
Fa~: 33 (t) 69 35 Bl 9B
Since the mid-1970s Telefunken Systemtechnik (and its forebears) have
produced electrical weapon and turret drive systems fo r various types of
armoured fighting vehicles including th e Wildcat self-propelled anti-ai rcraft
gun system , an upgraded M41 light tank (Note : Danish Army 's M41 OK-I )
and the Israeli Army's Merkava MBT.
In 1990 Telefunken Systemtechnik introduced th e new generation of
electrical turret/weapon drives with brushless motors. Known as the Type
GEARDRIVE 90 BL, one application is combat improvement of the Leopard
1 MBT.
FWM Gun Control and Stabilisation Systems The gun and turret position is controlled in elevation and azimuth via the
gunner's dual axis hand controller. As an option , the system can be fitted
With a stabilisation and/or slaving mode.
Development/Desc ription Cocking of the automatic cannon and operation of its trigger are both
The FWM (Feinmechanische Werke Mainz), Division Ordnance Systems , effected hydraulically by using cocking cylinders controlled by solenoid
has over th e last 30 years developed and produced a number of gun control valves. When the hydrautic power becomes inoperative for any reason a
and stabilisation systems for use in the armoured fig hting vehicles of the central hand pump is used to provide system pressure for manual traverse.
German Army. It has also designed and developed other systems specifically elevation and cocking of the cannon . A foot pedal pump is used to lire the
for use on export armoured vehicles and as retrofit packages for older gun .
vehicle types .
Systems produced so far are as lollows: SPECtFtCATIONS
1) Leopard 2 MBT dual axis electro hyd rau lic gu n con trol and slaving Vehicle sys tem Max slew speeds Min track ing speeds
system with slaving, power control and manual modes of operation. In the Azimuth Elevation Azimuth Etevation
slaving mode the gun and turret are automa tically slaved to the fire-control ( Is ) (' Is ) (mills) (mills)
system's self-stabilised optical sight. As an option the system can also be Leopard 2 40 to 1. 1.
equipped with a self-stabilised mode. Leopard 1 20 7 0.5 0.5
2) Leopard 1 MBT dual axis electrohydraulic gun control and stabilisation TAM 20 7 0.5 0,5
system with power contro l. self-stabilised and manual modes of operation. M48 20 7 0.5 0.5
In the stabilised mode the turret and gun position are corrected automatically. LuChS 60 40 0.4 0.4
As an option the system can also be equipped with an automatic slaving Marder 1 45 40 0.25 0.25
mode to a leading stabilised sight. VCTP 60 45 0.2 0.2
3) TAM MBT dual axis electrohydraulic gun control and stabilisation Power supply 24 V DC vehicle system
system with slaving, self-stabilisation , power control and manual modes of
operation. In th e slabilised mode th e turret and gu n position are corrected Status: In production . In service with Argentina. Germany , the Netherlands.
automatically. In the slaved mode the system can be automatically slaved Switzerland and other countries.
to the commander's self-stabitised sight.
4) M48 MBT electrohydraulic ' gun control retrofit package with basic Manufacturer : Feinmechanische Werke Mainz (FWM) GmbH , Division
power control and manual modes of operation. In this form the system can Ordnance Systems , PO Box 2020. D-6S00 Mainz 1. Federal Republic of
be coupled to a mechanical fi re-control computer such as th e M 13. Optional Germany.
operati ng modes include slaving , so that the gun and tu rret positions are Telephone : (6131) 698-0 Telex : 4187712 Fax : (613 1) 698-207
corrected automatically , and self-stabilisation so that the gun is coupled
automatically to a self-stabilised sight. With one or both options fitted the
system can be fully integrated into any etectronic fire-control system
5) Luchs reconnaissance vehicle electro hydraulic gun control system
with power control and manual modes of operation. The system can also
be used on other types of reconnaissance vehicles and APCs to control
light turrets and automatic cannon .
Both the commander and gunner have control handles. The commander
can overr ide the gunner and control the turret and gun in both the elevation
and azimuth axes. Manually operated mechanical inputs are provided to
the elevation and azimuth drive to allow co ntrol wh en th e hydraulic power
mode is inoperative . Wh en it is operative th e manually operated inputs are
automatically disengaged.
Cocking of the turret's cannon is effected automatically by a cocking
cylinder controlled by a solenoid valve.
As an option a self-stabilised andior slaving mode can be fitted.
6) Marder 1 APC electroh ydrau lic gun con trol system wi th power control
and manual modes of operati on. The system can also be used to control
automatic cannon and light turrets on other APC types and reconnaissance
Both the commander and the gunner are provided with hand controllers,
with the commander having override facilities to con trol the turret and gun
in th e azimut h and elevafion axes. A central hand pump is provided for the
manual mode when the hydraulic power is inoperative. The external machine
gun and automatic cannon are cocked hydraulically by cocking cylinders
which are controlled 'by solenoid valves.
As an option, stabitisation andior slaving modes can be fitted to the basic
7) VCTP APC electrohydraulic gun control system with power control
and manual modes of operation. The system can also be used on other
APC types and reco nnaissance vehicles for controlling their light turrets
and automatic cannon , Leopard 1 MBT gun con trol equipment power package from FWM
Development/Desc ription (a) an elevation ball screw brushless motor drive with an internal pneumatic
The Defense Systems Department of the American GE Aerospace company equilibrator to compensate for gun unbalance. A manual back-up drive
has teamed with Elbit Computers Ltd of Israel to develop and design a and electric brake are included
demonstration EGTD system for evaluation as part of the US Army Block III (b) a trav ers e gear drive powered by a brushless motor with a two -speed
MBT development prog ramme . back-up manual drive and a solenoid operated brake
Sponsored by the US Army's Armament Research . Development and (c) power amplifier units for each axis con taining the electronics required to
Engineering Center (ARDEC) the EGTD system's performance will be prOVide pulse width modulated power to the motors
evaluated in an M1 Abrams MBT fitt ed with a simulated Advanced Tank (d) a systems electronics unit containing low level control and logic cirCU1l
Cannon System (ATCS) . The ATCS will have significantly higher inertia componen ts
and elevation unbalance than current tank weapons. (e) an assembly to store energy generated during deceleration
The EGTD is based on the application of 270 V brushless motors, The (f) interconnecting plug ·in cable set
standard voltage for Vectronics is 270 V DC. and this may also be used for (g) standard M 1 gyros and hand controls.
autoloader power. System components comprise:
366 WE A P 0 NCO N T R 0 LAN 0 S TAB IllS A T ION S Y S T EMS / I n t ern at io n a I - I S rae I
INPUT POWER 270 V DC Status : Development.
STAB ILISATION ERROR less lhan >0.5 mrad bump and figure
(I sigma) eight courses Manufacturer: Enquiries to Electric Turret Drive Programs. Defense
WEIGHT AND SPACE consistent with M I A I lurret configuration Systems Department , General Electri cs Company , 100 Plastics Avenue.
LOADS Pittsfield , Massachusetts 01201 -3698, USA.
Inertia (S L- ~' ) 40000 (traverse): 4700 (elevation)
Unbalance (fHb) 10000 (traverse): 13000 (elevation)
The Elbit weapon and turret drive system is designed to be adaptable to a
whole range of both new-bu ild and retrofitted turrets such as the French
AMX -series, American M-serie s, T -seri es and other tanks .
Being modular it can also be adapted for use with new and retrofitted
armoured vehicles , automatic machine guns, anti-aircraft and anti-helicopter
combat platforms and anti- tank missile launchers.
The main components include elevation and traverse drives with
associated motors and power amplification units, commander and gunner
hand control stations , or two axes gun gyro device, or system computer unit
with an interface to th e fire-control system.
Elbit All-Electric Turret/Gun Drive and with most advanced fire-control systems and provides smooth tracking at
all turret speeds to significantly improve fire-on -th e-move performance.
Stabilisation System Safety is improved by the eli mination of any fl ammable high pressure
hydraulic oil as used in the more conventional gun stabili sati on systems.
DevelopmenllDescription Variou s power configurati ons are available: 24 V, 115 V, 270 V with
As part of the Merkava Mk 3 MBT programme Elbit has produced a modular either Brush or Brushless technologies.
all-electric turreVgun drive and stabilisation system . If req uired this can also
be adapted to fit other heavy or medium turret armoured vehicles such as Status: Production . In service with the Israeli Army (on Merkava Mk 3
the AMX-30 , M47, M4B, M60 and Centurion MBTs. A smaller, more compact MBT) and other unspecified cou ntries.
version is available for the SK 105, AMX -13. M41 and Scorpion light tanks.
The system features improved solid-stat e electronics with extremely fast Manufacturer : Elbit Ltd , Advanced Technology Centre , PO Box 539 , Haifa
response times , power and stabilised modes of operation and full manual 31053 , Israel.
back-up capability in both elevation and traverse. It is designed to operate Telephone : (04) 3153 15 Telex: 46774 Fax : (04) 550002
SHL Turret System Upgrade Packages cou ntry , with th e partiCipation of its engineers. in order to demonstrate the
custom er specified level of perform ance. Deliveries are then made in kit
form from Israel to the country to allow local installation and integration of
DevelopmenllDescription the system.
As part of its Total Upgrading Programme for tanks, SHL offers both Turret A typical package for a turret upgrade would consist of :
Stabilisation System and Turret Power System options. The company's (a) deck clearance valve
expertise in the se areas is based on the design and integration work it (b) gun elevating mechanism
carried out on power controls and stabili sation systems devised for several (c) add-on stabilisation system
upgrade programmes undertaken for Western and forme r Soviet built tank (d) hydrau lic valve
models operated by the Israeli Armoured Corps and several foreign countri es. (e) super elevating actuator
The concept is to first su rvey the customer's existing tanks and then (f) hydraulic power pack
fo llow it up by a rapid report which includes the various options available for (g) gunner's control handle.
a cost effecti ve upgrade of the vehicle turr ets. SHL also offer a Suspension System (qv) upgrade as part of the overall
If required a prototype can then be upgraded in the customer's own Total Upgrade Programme.
I S rae I - Sou t h A f r ic a f W E A P 0 NC O N T R 0 LAN 0 S T AB IllS A T ION S Y S T EMS 367
The range 01 turret upgrade equipment supplied for various vehicle types
is shown in th e table below .
NFT Electric Drive System for Gun Turrets Status : Production as required . In service with unspecified countries.
Manuf actu rer: NFT . Manulactu ring Divisio n. PO Box 1003. N-3601
Developmentl Descri pt ion Kongsberg. Norway.
NFT are producing electric drive systems lor light turrets 01 th e 1500 kg Telephone : (47 3) 73 82 50 Telex : 7t49 1 vaap n Fax : (47 3) 73 85 86
class armed with 20 to 30 mm calibre cannon
max speed 60"/s
max acceleration speed >80"/s'
min acceleration speed 0.4 mrad/s
max speed 48°/s
max acceleration speed >240Q/5 2
min acceleration speed 0 .4 mradl s
ESD Generic Brushless low Voltage Gun Control of module changes with minimal engineering effort and associated technical
risk. The units may be designed into new servo systems or as a replacem ent
Equipment electronic unit in upgrade programme. Modularity of th e design also allows
for high voltage . low current versions which may be applied in systems with
Development/Description high voltage power supplies such as anti-aircraft turret drives and naval
ESD has developed a range 01 generic gun con lrol electronic units which weapons.
may be applied in gun control systems ranging from light (20 mm calibre)
up to heavy (140 mm calibre) catergories. Status : Development ongoing . May be altered to suit clien ts specifications.
State-of-the-art technology is used to provide optimum packaging densities.
and along with redu ce d component counts ensures that cost effective and Manufacturer: ESD (Pty) Ltd . 42 James Crescen t. PO Box 35. Hallway
reliable systems are produced . The gun drive electronics leature Integrated House 1685 . Republic of South Africa.
control circuits based on high speed microprocessor architecture. Telephone : (27) 11 3155555 Fax: (27) 11 8053 190
The drives are especially designed usi ng a building-block appropriate lor
the control 01 brushless AC servo motors (permament magnet rotor-
sychronous/3-phase motors) and utilise pulse-width modulation techniques
to leed current to the res pective motor phases via switch power bridge.
Torque angle shifting and current limiting according to motor speed are
implemented by the control circuits as is the electronic commutation .
The power bri dges are MOSFET based and utilise devices capable of
switching high cu rrents with low voltage supported by advanced gate drive
and output conditioning techniques . with device protection enhanced by
snubber ci rcuits incorporating Ilyback diodes. Input power is switched
through by means 01 a power interlace unit with a soft start mechanism.
Input voltage range is Irom + 18 V to +62 V DC.
Built -In Te st Equipm ent (B ITE) algorithms are processed by the
microprocessor based control circui try output diagnostic data to an intelligent
Personal Computer (PC) based terminal by means 01 RS42 2 digital interlace
serial communications databus .
Additional data co mmunications ports allow lor interlacing to other
subsystem components such as the trunnion pOSition sensor (utilised
during gun ollset implementation) and a lire-control system . Logical
interlacing circuitry is provided lor the reading 01 limit switches . actuation
signals and other subsystem component data . Other sensors such as crew
hand conlroll ers and a gun stabi lisation sensor are read by means 01
analogue to digital interfaces.
The units are developed to the latest military design req uirements and
are 01 ruggeri sed design . olfering Am eri can MIL-STD-81 OE environmental
protection standards. Functionality or capability may be adapted by means ESO generic gun control electroniCs un;t
368 W E A P 0 NCO NT R 0 LAN D S TAB IllS A T ION S Y S T EMS / Sou t h A f ric a
Developmentl Description (b) Elevation mechanism - this is a linear assembly which makes use of a
The ESD M41 electnc low voltage gun control equlpmenl was custom roller screw and incorporales a secondary drive assembly with its hand
designed for the M41 light tank and by January 1993 the system had been wheel ergonomically again placed for easy use by the gunner.
installed. commissioned and successfully tesled (c) Control electronics - these are packaged into a single compact module
The system uses modern electronic design fealures to prOVide drop-in whiCh incorporates high speed microprocessor con trol for both axes.
replacement control system With In-bUilt low life cycle costs The system The power stage is MOSFET based and controls currents of up to 250 A
has performance characteristics of slew speeds in excess of 40' Is and slow at 24 V DC supply. Inputs from both the crew hand con trollers and gun
speed traCking of less than 0.25 mills. Acceleration and deceleration of stabilisation sensor are processed within the system which ensures
better tllan 600 mills' are attained. An interface is prOVided for Integration controlled output currents to both Ihe azimuth and elevation motors.
wilh a fire -control system by means 01 a digital senal databus (d) Hand controllers - the hand controllers for both tile gunner and the
The main components of the system are its aZimuth mechanism and commander are of rugged ergonomic design. They incorporate additional
elevation mechanism. together wi th all control electronics . II has hand switches for other turrel subsystems such as, for example, a laser
controllers for both the gunner and commander as well as a status panel rangefinder and weapon firing circuit. Both hand controllers share
With gun stabilisati on sensor as an opti on Identical mechanics Ihereby achieving a cost effective modularity of
The components of th e system are as follow : design although the commander of Ihe vehicle has only one control
(a) Azimuth mechanism - this util ises a planetary gear stage for minimal handle.
backlash and high stiffness. A secondary drive assembly proVides a (e) Statu s Panel - apart from housing the system power switch . the status
hand wheel lor comlortable manual use by the gunner. panel provides the tank crew with full indications of system status and
limit region status . both operationally and as a test facility.
(f) Gun stabilisation sensor - this optional system incorporates two axis
gyroscope with signal conditioning for simplified interfacing with the
control electronics .
The aZimuth mechanism employs a compact planetary reduction stage Controt etectronics
ensuring low backlash
The performance of a modern MBT turret litted with the Gun System and
with traverse and elevation inertias 01 44 000 kg/m' and 4000 kg/m'
respectively (ie equivalent to such MBTs as the Leopard 2. Challenger 2
and th e M1 Al Abram s) is given in the table below :
SIG has developed a range of electrohydraulic gun control system s suitable
for use in Infantry Fighling Vehicles. MBTs. self-propelled antl-aircralt gun
systems and self-propelled howitzers. They can be litted either as new or
as a retrofi t package .
Typically for a 105 to 120 mm gun equipped MBT, a SIG electrohydraulic
gun control system compri ses the lollowing components:
Statu s : Production . Over 2000 electrohydraulic gun aiming and stabili sation
systems are in service with a number 01 armies (on vehicles such as th e
pz 68 . Leopard 1 and OF-40).
SIG T-54/55 Gun Control Retrofit Kit with th e orig inal 100 mOl 0 - 10 series tank gu n or a replacement Western
model 105 mm rifled gun _
As part of the various Egyptian Army 's upgrade programmes lor its T -54/55 Status: Production as reqUired .
MBT fleet the SIG Swiss Industrial Company joined with Jung Jungen thal
GmbH and several other international companies to provide one such Manufacturer: SIG-Swlss Industrial Company. Power Transmission Control
package. SIG's contribution was th e development of an electromechanical Division . CH-8212 Neu hausen Rheinlalls. SWitzerland.
turret drive and weapon aiming/stabilisation kit whi ch can be used eith er Telephone: (053) 21 61 11 Telex : 896021 slg ch Fax: (053) 216609
Output monitor signals are provided for the actu ator position and motor
currenl with the power stage operating to all four quadrants. The deceleration
energy is fed back to the 24 V DC batteries . No external ventilation is
required because of the low heat dissipation of th e power stage.
5) Ergonometrically designed one (commander's) and two (gunner's)
hand-operated controllers generate th e DC outpul signals. Up to four
independent function switches can be fitted .
Components for the SIG 24 V brushless electrical turret d(lve system incfude
gunner's and commander's controller. control and power electronics
The modular designed digital AC Servos (dACs) drive-system for weapon
aiming and stabi lisation drives is available with different software
configurations for the implemented control loops, variou s electric motors
and several sizes of mechanical rotary and linear gearboxes. The system
can be fitted as part of a new bu ild system or as a retrofit kit. Its normal
mode of operation is as a closed speed loop control with separated power
and signal electronics.
The Axis Controller (AX CON) Signal electronics module interfaces all the
signals within the vehicle and generates the signals to control the power
switches. All signals are processed by a microprocessor with an extreme
low instruction cycle time. Signals from the control handles, stabilisation
and interface electronics for both axes are in-routed through one hou sing or
integrated in the fire -control computer
The power electronics modules Drive Unit (DRU ) has MOS-FET power
transistors with control currents of up to 300 A at 24 V DC supply . The
electronic hardware for each axis is contained in separate boxes. The
brush less AC servo meters have rotors with low inertia load to provide high
acceleration . The coils are placed directly in the motor housings to reduce
heat build up.
The gears for the elevation and traverse drives are of a modular water
and dustproof design . Two-stage gears - first stage spur gear and second
Main components of the SIG all· electric drive and gun laying system with
stage planetary gear - are available for the traverse drive with an externally
digital AC servos (dACs) and brushless technology
adjustable zero backlash. The elevation drive has a standard one-stage
spur gear with rotary input and linear output via a planetary screw drive.
Optional elevation drives are available with ring gear segments and rotary Status: Ready for production .
One- and two-stage waterproofed control handles for simultaneous two Manufacturer: SIG-Swiss Industrial Company. Power Transmission Control
axis control and fitted with up to four integral switches and a signal amplifier Division . CH-8212 Neuhausen Rheinfalls, Switzerland.
with optional digital or analogue output are also available. Telephone: (053) 21 61 11 Telex : 896021 sig ch Fax : (053) 21 6609
SIG Universal Control Handles Positioning and align ing in the two axes is implemented by deflecting the
control handle lowards the desired direction . The speed of alignmenl is
related 10 th e degree of dellexion (max +24 ' ). The home (or zero) position
DevelopmentiDescription is centred by spri ng action. This self·cenlring action IS damped . Both the
The SIG universal control handles have been designed 10 act as zero point and maximum deflexlon can be set from th e outside.
multifunctional motion handles for simultaneous electri cal or eleclrohydraulic
control of two axes in systems such as gunnery con trol units. Status: Production . In service with a number of undisclosed counlries .
As a result of a modular construction approach various verSions with
differing addilional functions and an oplion for fin al stabili salion are available Manufacturer : SIG-Swiss Industrial Company , Power Transmission Control
as single or two· hand handles. Each of Ihese models can be fitted with up Division , CH-82 12 Neuhausen Rheinfall s. Switzerland .
to four independent switches for Ihe different functions. Telephone : (053) 21 61 11 Telex : 896021 sig ch Fax : (053) 21 6609
Horstman Defence Systems Gun Control cu pola of both the GKN Defence Warrior Repair and Recovery Vehicle and
Ihe Warrior Combal Repair Vehicle. both of which are now in service with
Equipment Ihe British Army. The traverse gearbox incorporales a patented irreversible
drive mechanism and will readily adapt to other vehicle applications.
DevelopmentiDescription Challenger 1 traverse and elevation gearbox
In addition to designing and manufacturing suspension and engine systems, Horstman Defence Systems manufacture both the traverse and elevation
details of which are given in earlier sections. Horstman Defence Systems gearboxes for Ihe Challenger 1 and Chieftain MBTs.
also manufacture a number of gun control subsystems and brief details of The elevation gearbox incorporates a rack and pinion elevating mechanism
these are given below. attached 10 the gun cradle. The prime mover is an electric molor with
Warrior cupola gearbox emergency back-up via a hand wheel. The drive train incorporates an
This was designed by Horstman Defence Syslems for Ihe commander's overload clutch .
The GCE 628 solid-slate all-electric Gun Control and Stabilisation system
has been designed . as a private venture. by Marconi Rad ar and Control
Systems lor use on modern MBTs and was adopted lor use with the
Vickers Valiant and Chieftain 900 MBTs . neither of which entered
production .
More recently it has been installed on the Vickers Mk 7 MBT .
FMClVickers Mk 5 battle tank . ENGESA Osorio MBT and retrofitted to
lormer Soviet T-series MBTs. It is however suitable for retrofit to other
MBTs such as the Centurion. Chieftain . AMX -30 . M48 and M60 among
The main components of the GCE 628 are :
1) cen tral electronic cubicle . which is interfaced to the fire -control system Block diagram of Marconi Radar and Control Systems GCE 628 electric gun
and receives the ballistic offset and target rate information conlrol and stabilisation system for MBTs
2) vehicle comman der's hand controller. which provides an override
capability to the electronic cubicle
3) gunner's hand controller SPECIFICATIONS
4) gunner's switch unit Note: based on 16 000 kg turret with an inertia of 34 000 kglm'
5) turret safety. traverse safety and limit switches MAX TRAVERSE SPEED >650 milsls
6) sensor package with turret lachometer and individual turret, gun and TRAVERSE ACCELERATION > 1000 milsls'
hull gyros TRAVERSE DECELERATION >1000 milsls'
7) emergency control unit with elevation and travers e servo motors MIN TRAVERSE TRACKING
8) solid-state power amplifier. SPEED <0.25 milsl s
Depending on which fire-cont rol system and slghl assembly th e GCE MAX ELEVATION SPEED > 200 mils/s
628 is integrated with, the following modes of operation are possible : MAX INSTANTANEOUS HULL
i) stabilised ACCELE RATION >2500 mils/s'
ii) non-stabilised
ii i) travelling Status : Ready for produclion.
iv) emerg ency
v) coincidence firing Manufacturer : Marconi Radar and Control Syslems Limited . New Parks .
vi) firing-on-the-move Leicester LE3 1UF oUK .
Vii) moving-to-the -Ioad position after firing . Telephone: (0533) 871481 Telex : 34551 Fax : (0533) 871746
Developmen UDescription
The modular PD700 dual axis power drive has been designed as a private
ven ture by Marconi Radar and Control Systems. It was to be used as a
retrofit kit and for new build light armoured vehicle turrets with a total weight
of 3000 kg and equipped with weapons ranging in calibre Irom 20 mm up to
The system has been tria lied extensively on vehicles such as the tracked
Scorpion (with both 76 mm and 90 mm turret s) and the wheeled ENGESA
EE -9 Cascavel and on the Cockerill 90 mm turret system .
In June 1988 it was selected by Venezuela to be installed on its 80 Alvis
Scorpion CV R(T) vehicles armed wi th a 90 mm gu n and it has also been
installed on the 90 mm Al vis Scorp ion vehicles delivered to Togo.
The main components are:
1) traverse gearbox
2) elevation gearbox
3) gunner's hand con troller
4) commander's hand controller
5) electronics control cubicle
Componenls of The Marconi PD700 Light Armoured Vehicle Dual Axis
6) turret safety switch. traverse limit switch and driver's safety swi tch .
Power Drive System
The PD700 gives the vehicle crew complete two axis power control of the
gun and turret with accu rate response over a wide speed range from slow
tracking al better than 0.5 mills to fast slew at 400 mills. which corresponds
to a full 360" traverse in 16 seconds. Higher speeds are available dependent
on customer requirement. The controlled acceleration/deceleration rates Status : Production as required. In service with Togo and Venezuela.
are 500 mills'. A 90" target switch in traverse takes only five seconds
including th e time required for settling . Manufacturer : Marconi Radar and Control Systems Limited. New Parks.
It can be used on slopes up to 30" in inclination wi th only slight degradation Leicester LE3 1UF , UK.
of performance. Telephone : (0533) 871 481 Telex : 34551 Fax : (0533) 871 746
United Scientific Gun Control Equipment for UNIT T-54 T-55 Type 59 T-62
amplidyne generator GC1000 GC1000 GC1000 GC9000
T-series MBTs turret traversing motor GC2000 GC2000 GC10000
hydrau lic booster GC3000 GC3000 GC3000 GC 15000
DevelopmenUDescription alternator and
The principle components of the electrohydrauliC gun control systems for regulator GC4000 GC4000 GC4000 GC4000
the T-54, T -55 . T-62 and Type 59 MBTs can be supplied as direct gun turret
replaceme nts for existi ng items or as a complete upgrade package for the controller GC5000 GC5000 GC5000 GC5000
T-54 and Type 59 to bring them up to th e gun control standard of the T-55 . electronic amplifier GC6000 GC6000 GC6000 GC6000
The complele component listing is: gyro un,t GC7000 GC7000 GC7000 GC l l000
distribution unit GC8000
actuating cylinder GC12000
cartridge extraction motor GC13000
UK- USA / W E A P 0 NCO N T R 0 LAN 0 S TAB IllS A TI 0 N S Y S T EMS 373
Unit Weight Length Widt h Height Diameter
(kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
amplidyne generator 38.5 500 170 240 nl a
altern ator and regu lator nlavail 245 150 195 nla
turret tra versing motor 14.1 240 nla nla 138
amplifier 9 450 250 145 nla
gunlturret controller 10.25 186 180 223 nla
gyro unit 24 270 273 185 nla
distribution unit 9 282 230 150 nl a
actuating cylinder n/avail 623.5 140 172 nla
cartridge extract motor 2 1300 nla nla 750
DevelopmenUDescription SPECtFtCATIONS (for a full turret modernisation with power control and
Cadillac Gage T ex tron constant pressure electro hydraulic power controls stabilisation systems)
are designed to provide a totally self-contai ned turret drive sys tem . Veh icle Minimum turret Maximum turret Stabilised
Th ey have been chosen as standard fit for the T ype 88, Stingray . slew (O/s) tracking (mitis) accuracy (mil)
Merkava , Leopard 2 , Leopard 1, M60Al . Ml09. AAV P7, and the Cadillac azim elev a21m elev azim elev
Gage T ex tron Commando V-150/300/600 wh eeled vehicle series. Centurion 25 30 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5
For th e A IFV, M41 , M42, M47. M48 , M60 . AM X-30 . Cenlurion . Stingray T-series 30 35 0.25 0.25 1.0 0.5
and T- series armoured vehicles , retro fi t kits are available to upgrade their M48 25 30 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5
lurret co ntrol capabilities. M41 40 40 0.3 0.3 nl avai l nlavail
Both Ih e new build and retrofit sysl ems are full y compatible with th e M42 90 90 0.5 0.5 nlavail nl avail
Cadillac G age T extron WeaponlTurret Stabilisation Systems (qv) and Ihey POWER SUPPLY 24 ±6 V DC vehicle system
can be procured toge ther to produce a complete turret upgrade package.
Typical turret pow er control system components include the fo llowing : SPECI FtCATtONS (for a full electromechanical system on a V-series AFV
1) gunner's control box 25 mm turret)
2) commander's co ntrol handle MIN TURRET SLEW
3) gunn er' s control handle azimuth 60 -/s
4) traverse mechan ism system elevation 60'/5
5) power supply TURRET TRACKING
6) main accumulator azimuth 0.1 mill S
7) elevation mechanism assembly elevation 0.1 mills
8) recoil exerciser val ve MAN UAL RESPONSE
9) super elevaling actu ator unil. azimuth to milslrev
An electromechanical weaponlturret power control system is also available elevation t o mllsl rev
for th e tw o- man turrets of the types fitted 10 th e Cadill ac Gage T extron STABI LISED ACCURACY
V-seri es armoured fighting vehicle s. azimuth 0.5 mils
elevation 0.5 mils
Vehicle Power controls Stabilisation Quantity Manufacturer: Cadillac Gage Te xtron , Control Systems Marketing , PO
Ml 09 yes no 2000+ Box 1027 , Warren , Michigan 48090 , USA.
AAV7 yes no 1250 Telephone: (3 13) 777 7100 Telex: 200707 Fax : (3 13) 776 9731
M42 yes no 250
AI FV yes no 1000+
Commando yes no 2000+
• •r voUnlt:
I I,
R . .... vol .. Fli t . ... f
Kit I.
Cadillac Gage Textron gun/turret stabilisation system for MII MIA I MBT Typical Cadillac Gage Textron WeaponlTurret Retrofit Stabilisation System
showing position of main components for an MBT
Status: M2 /M3 Bradley turret. gun and missile stabilised drive system in
series production with over 7000 built. In service will1 the US Army .
Avenger PMS system in production. In service with th e US Army _Type 87
in production . In se rvice with the Japanese Ground Self-Defence Force .
Manufacturer : GE Aerospace , Electric Turret Drive Programs, Defe nse M3 Bradley Cavalry Fighting Vehicle has a General Electric designed and
Systems Department , 100 Plastics Avenue, Pittsfield , Massachusetts 01201. built stabilised weapon control sys tem (Michael Green/US Army)
Telephone : (4 13) 494 657 1
Development/Description SPECIFtCATIONS
The GE-AGS all-electric stabilised tu rret drive was designed lor use on the SLEW RATE I radls
US Army's AGS vehicle and has been fie ld-tested in prototype fo rm. The MIN TRACKING RATE 0.05 mills
drive is deri ved from the co mpany's M2/M3 Bradley weapon contro l system STABILISED ACCURACY 0.5 mil
and comprises the fo tlowing subsystems: CROSS-COUNTRY TIME·ON-TARGET 90%
(a) Digital Etectronic Control Assembly (DECA)
(b) turret azimuth drive
(c) gun elevation drive Status : Prototype.
(d) gunner's and commander's handstations
(e) gun and turret gyro blocks. Manufacturer: GE Aerospace , Defense Systems Department. 100 Plastics
The syste m has applicatio ns fo r both manned and unm anned AGS turret Avenue , Pittsfi eld , Massachusetts 01201 , USA.
configu rations and is capable of stabilised, powered and manual modes of Telephon e: (4 13) 494 6571
SABCA ATLAS Family Advanced Tank Laser accuracy 01 ± 10 m and target resolution capacity 01 bel1er th an 30 m, and
either a second generation image-intensifie r sig ht with a x 7_1 magnification
Fire Control Systems or all -weather day-and-night th ermal imaging inlra-red system with x 8
magnification , 5.t x 12° wide and 1.7 x 4' narrow lields-ol-view
Development/Description b) gunner's control unit with manual input parameter capability
The ATLAS family of tank laser fire-control systems comprises the following c) commander's control unit with ammunition selection capability
members : d ) ammunition selection unit
1) ATLAS Mk 1 designed to fit Centurion MBTs - with a SABCA analogue e) digital lire-co ntrol computer with capacity lor ballistic data on up to
ballistic computer, modified M35E 1 integrated day channel/night image lour separate ammunition type s and machine gun ammunition . The
intensifier channel/laser rangefinder gunner's sight. and various sensor! computation range is up to 3990 m
control units. This system was chosen in 1979 by Teledyne Continental I) sensor package compri sing a utom atic cant angle sensor , air
Motors as part of its Centurion retrofit package lor the Jordanian Army . temperature sensor, crosswind sensor, powder temperatu re and turret
Subsequently , 293 systems were delivered to Jordan tachometer
2) ATLAS Mk 2 designed to fit Centurion MBTs - identical to the Mk 1 g) servo unit driving a graticule projection unit lor the sight system and
system but with an integrated gunner's thermal sight an output unit for the gun ballistic drive system.
3) ATLAS Mk 3 designed to fit M48/M60 MBTs - identical to tile Mk 1/2 The power supply to the system is the standard vehicle 24 ±6 V DC
systems in content supply .
4) ATLAS Mk 4 designed to fit AMX -30 MBTs - identical to the Mk 1/2
systems in con tent. Status : ATLAS Mk t production complete. In service with the Jordanian
The main subsystems for an ATLAS system are : Army. ATLAS Mk 2/3/4 , development complete ready for production. The
a) an integratedgunner'sday/nightsight assembly with a x 8 magnification. Atlas Mk 4 has been demonstrated in Venezuela on an AMX -30 MBT .
7" field-aI-view laser visual unit day sight operating with a 1.06 ~lm wavelength
Nd-YAG laser rangefinder that has a working rang e of up to 9990 m, an Manufactu rer : Societe Anonyme Beige des Constructions Aeronautiques
(SABCA), Electronics Department , 1470 Chaussee de Haecht , B-1 130
Brussels , Belgium.
Telephone : (02) 246 25 11 Telex : 21237 Fax: (02) 216 15 70
At Computing Devices, we understand you Challenger 2, M48IM60 upgrades, LAV 105, AGS)
need more than just battle-proven technology to • Surveillance system integration on the new LAY
win programs and keep customers satisfied. It is just Reconnaissance.
as critical to have partners who give you what you Computing Devices is the right choice for
need, when you need it. your vehicle electronics - on the battlefield and in
That's why we commit to performing on time, the bcxrrdroom.
on budget, on spec. And we have the track record
to prove it. ~ Computing Devices
Consider these facts: • Over 40 years' experi- ~ Canada
ence in defense electronics • 10,000+ fire control Ground Systems Division. P.O. Box 8508. Ottawa,
systems in service worldwide (M11M1Al, Korean Kl. Ontario. Canada K1G 3M9 Te1.(613) 596·7117 Fax (613) 596·7392
for today...
... and
ESD is developing new com b at systems
ESD (pty) Ltd
4 2 James Crescent/PO Bo x 35, positioned at the very forefront of technology.
H a lfway House , 1685 , Included among them a re revolutionary
South Afri ca Target A c quisition & Tracking Systems
Te l e phone : + (27) 11 315 555 5
and C o m mand & Control Systems
Facsi mile : + (27 ) 11 805 3 19 0
- all designed to meet the most challenging
o perational criteria.
SABCA Titan Family Tank Fire-Contro l Systems The main subsystems of th e Titan Mk IV version are:
1) stabilised gunner's laser day/night periscopic sight system with :
a) 2-axis stabilised head mirror unit
DevelopmenliDescripti on b) integraled laser ra ngefinder wi th associated laser electron ics and
The Titan family 01 fire -co ntrol sys tem s has been developed for use in control units
retrofitting T -54fT-55 and Type 59 MBTs. The members are the basic c) integrated image intensifier sight or thermal imaging camera wi th
Titan Mk I, the Titan Mk II (with image intensifier night sight and integ rated associated electronics and display units
gun ner's p e ri sc opi c s ight ), the Titan Mk III (with thermal night d) day sight elbow
sight and integrated gunner's periscopic sight) and the Titan Mk IV 2) computer fire-control unit with :
(with fully stabili sed primary sight and an image intensifier or thermal a) digital ballistic computer
imaging night sight). b) CRT inte rface
The SABCA T itan Mk I has been adopted by th e General Products c) sensor package interface
Division of th e Ameri can Teledyne Continental Motors as part of the trial d) power supply modules
Ram ses II (formerly T -54E) upgrade kit for the Egyptian Army T-54 rebuild e) can t angle sensor
programme . 3) servo-electronics unil with :
The sys tem as applied to the Egyptian Ramse s II retrofit with its t 05 mm a) azimuth and elevation servo electroni cs
main gun comprises th e lollowing components: b) gyro excitation
1) gunner' s l elescopic day sight which incorporates : c) azimuth and elevation interfaces
a) a CRT alphan umeric display and firing graticule with the original d) tank interfaces
engraved ballisti c graticule retained as a backup. Th e eyepiece CRT e) AC and DC power sources
displays th e firing graticule during the firing sequence as well as all Ih e 4) gunner's control un it
information needed 10 start up and operale th e system. During the 5) au lomatic ambient atmospheric sensor
initialisation , instru ction s and data are di splayed on th e CRT detai ling both 6) muzzle reference system with muzzle reference mirror unit
th e step-by-step operating procedures and basic parame ter introduction or 7) gun resolver assembly
mode selection 8) interconnecting cable set.
b) a Briti sh United Scientific In st rum ents TL-tOT Nd-Y AG laser
rangefind er Status : Development complete . Ready for production .
2) gunner's periscopic passive image intensifier sig ht mechanically linked
to the main gun and incorporating the same eyepiece CRT alphan umeric- Manufacturer: Societe Anonyme Beige des Conslructions Aeronautiqu es
graphic display and graticul e unit as the day sight (SAB CA). Electronics Department, 1470 Chaussee de Haecht, B- I 130
3) digital ballistic computer whi ch processes the manual and automatic Brussels, Belgium .
parameter inputs required to calcu late th e fi re-control solution and outputs Telephone : (02) 246 25 11 Telex: 21237 Fax : (02) 216 15 70
the data to eith er gunner's sight. by controlling the graticule position , or Ihe
gun control system
4) sensor packag e which includes : an automatic crosswind. ambienl ai r
tempera ture an d pre ssure sensor; ca nt a ng le sensor ; ra te tachometer ; and
muzzle reference collimator unit
5) gunner' s control unit
6) laser electronics un it
7) Cadillac Gage Textron turret control and weapon stabilisation sys tem
8) interconnecting cable set.
The new fire-control system capabi lity is such th at, wh en compared to
the M60A3 firing the same AP FSDS rou nds as used by th e Egyptian Army .
the T-54 Ram ses II has demonstrated the fo llowing first-round hil probabi lity
improvements at 1500 m rang e:
SABCA Universal Tank Fire-Control System It can also act as Ihe manual input backup station for the au tomatic sensor
target range and crosswind sensor data.
Oth er SWi tches fitted include the system mode selector and the automatic
Developmen t/Descri ption gun lire on /off control. A separale ammunition selection/indication unit IS
Th e Universal Tank Fire-Control System (UTFCS) is equipped wllh a also provided
stabilised sight and is designed to provide a fu ll shoot-on -th e-move capabilily 5) automatic sensor package will1 a cant sensor unit that provides pitch/
against both stationary and moving targets. roll corrections when firing-on -the-move: gun position sensor which interfaces
The main components of the system are: with the stabilised head mirror unit to provide accurate gun position data lor
1) an integrated gunner' s periscope sight whi ch includes : th e gun tracking and crosswind sensor which can also integrate air pressure
a) a 2-axis stabil ised head mirror unit th at consti tutes the upper part of and lemperature data ; and gun elevation assembly which measures the
th e sight and which projects above th e turret roof angle above the turret for electrical gu n-to-sight line
b) a laser visual unit assembly which integrates the day channel lor 6) muzzle reference unit Wl1ich provides internal boresig ht verification to
observation and aiming by the gunner with th e Nd-Y AG 1.06 um wavelength compensate for gun droop and bend by reflectll1g into the eyepiece of the
laser rangef inder. laser visual unit via its mirror a light beam generated by the same unit in liS
The day sigh t chan nel has a magnification of x 8 and an 8" field -of-view. muzzle reference system mode
The laser range fin der has an operating range of 200-9990 m , a range
accuracy less th an or equal to 15 m and a target resolution of 10m.
c) night sig ht unit which is fitt ed with eilher a second generation image
intensifier tube elbow or a HgCdTe 1I1ermai imaging system elbow . Th e
latter has tw o mag nification capabilities of x 8 and x 3.4 with 5. I x 12' wide
a nd 1.7 x 4' narrow fields-of-view. The elbows are fully interchangeable
2) laser electro nic unit
3) 16-bit digital ballistic co mpuler and system electronic unil which
calculales th e su per-elevation and lead angles after taking II1to account all
th e man ual and auto mati c lire-control parameter inputs and correcting for
tank/target motion. The design of the system allows for th e acceptance of a
CO, laser rangefinder and the following growth capabilities :
a) tracking of ATGWs
b) an ti -helicopter fire-control missions
c) target au to-track mode
d) advanced status displa y
4) commander' s control unit with computer controlled displays for text
a nd nume ric inform a tion. and manual parameter input switches lor a ltitude .
air temperature. gun barrel wear. am muniti on jump and powder temperature . Components of SABCA Universal Tank Fire-Control System
378 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / Bel 9 j u m
7) gunner's control unit with electrical adjustment switches lor the The gunner, meanwhile, continues to track the target in his sight. He then
boresight . plumb level , synchronisation and muzzle droop/bend and an presses the trigger to enable the gun firing circuit and. as his line-aI-sight
automatic gyro drift correction facility and the gun settings coincide. the gun is automatically fired by a command
8) interconnecting cable set generated by the computer which determines when the weapon is withi n a
For an engagement the commander locates a target with his existing pre-defined aiming window .
optical range finder sight. slews the turret round to its azimuth by using his The entire process from initial target detection by th e com mander to
hand controller and hands it over to the gunner who locates with own sight. weapon firing is entirely automatic and can take as little as seven seconds
The commander decides on one of the four possible ammunition types to achieve.
and relays his choice to the gunner. who feeds the information to the
computer via his control panel. The gunner starts to track the target by Status : Development complete. Ready for production .
laying the single graticule in his sight onto it and fires the laser. The larget
range and ammunition type are then displayed in the gunner's eyepiece. Manufacturer: Societe Anonyme Beige des Constructions Aeronautiques
The computer processes all the pre-set manual parameter and automatic (SABCA) , Electronics Department. 1470 Chaussee de Haecht . B-1130
sensor inputs and calculates the corrected gun aiming angles, which are Brussels. Belgium.
passed on as command signals , to drive the independent gun/turret drive Telephone: (02) 246 25 11 Telex : 21237 Fax : (02) 216 15 70
and stabilisation system .
Oldelft LRS 5 Fire-Control System 2) a thermal sight which allows detection and recognition of targets not
only at night but also in conditions of poor visibility
3) a COB 5 commander'S display box which informs the commander of
Development the parameters used by the gunner and allows him . if necessary. to
Designed for use in most types of MBTs and other AFVs. the Oldelft LRS 5 override the firing sequence
fire-control system comprises in its basic form th e LRS 5 0 , the periscope 4) an SCS 5 slaved commander's sight with similar performance to the
part of the LRS 5 with only the day sight fitted and no laser rangefinder or LRS 5 optics and which is connected by an interface cable. When combined
ballistic computer with the COB 5 this offers full override capabilities as well as presenting the
With a second generation passive night vision periscope fitted the same day and night images th at the gunner sees in his sigh t assembly .
designation becomes LRS 5 ON . If the laser rangefinder is interfaced into
the assembly th e designation becomes LRS 5 DNL and with the ballistic
microcomputer to control the aiming mark the most sophisticated and fully
integrated LRS 5 DNLC monobloc variant is produced.
The main components of th e LRS 5 DNLC assembly are :
a) x 1 magnification episcope
b) x 8 magnification day sight
c) x 6 magnification passive second generation image intensifier night
vision sight
d) 1.064 ~m Nd-YAG laser rangefinder
e) a digital ballistic microcomputer programmed for up to four types of
ammunition. It has a moving target engagement capability and a computer
driven ballistic aiming mark. Manual input corrections are required for
crosswind. ammunition powder temperature. ambient air temperature and
f) manual range input as first emergency backup system
g) ballistic graticule as second emergency backup system .
The system provides an identical firing sequence for both day and
night operation with a visual warning for all system parameters .
A number 01 optional equipment fits are available which are given lor the
various LRS 5 variants in the accompanying table.
WEIGHT (monobloc) 30 kg Night periscope
DIMENSIONS 250 x 550 x 400 mm MAGNIFICA TlON x6
DIOPTER RANGE lixed bi-ocular
Day periscope GRATICLES adjustable illumination green ballistic
MAGNIFICATION 8 aiming mark
FIELD-OF-VIEW r adjustable illumination green laser cross
DIOPTER RANGE -5 to +5 wilh tracking marks
GRATICULES adjustable illum ination red ballistic aiming adjustable illumination green ballistic
mark reticle
black laser cross with tracking mark
adjustable illumination white ballistic
Be l 9 j u m - Can a d a I A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S V S T EMS 379
Status : Production . In service with six countries including Malaysia (on the Manufacturer: Optronic Instruments & Products (OIP). Westerri ng 21.
SIBMAS Fire Support Vehicle; two units , one for th e commander and one B-97oo. Belgium .
for the gunner) and on some ENGESA EE-9 Cascavel 90 mm armoured Telephone : (055) 33 38 11 Tele x: 86489 Fax: (055) 31 6895
cars. (Member of the Oldellt Group)
The O IP LRS 7 is a monobloc laser ra ngefinder fire -control system for use
on smaller AFV turrets . The system is capable of day and night operation in
detecting , recog nising . identifying and aiming at targets as well as having
an anti-air strike capability .
The main functions incorporated into the system are a x 7 magnification
day sight , a x 7 magnification night sight, an output mirror mechanically
slaved to the main weapon and an episcope. The graticule configuration
used is the same for both day and night opera tions.
Optional equipment includes the fitti ng of a fully integrated ballistic
computer and/or a 1.064 ~m wavelength Nd-YAG laser rangefinde r. •
.- 4.
Day/night sight
RECEIVER GATING 200 to 3400 m
Computing Devices Canada M1 /M1A1 Ballistic
Computer System
Development/Descri pti on
The Ml /M1A 1 Ballistic Computer System (BCS) is a fully automatic control
system. It accepts atmospheric. ballistic and orientation data from the
sensors . computer keyboard and fire -control componen ts and uses it to
compute the pointing information for the main gun . It then outputs it as
control directives to the gun/sight servo mechanisms.
The system comprises two sub-units :
1) a Computer Electron ics Unit (CEU) , which contains a 16-bit micro-
processor with analogue and digital inpuVoutput circuitry , power regul ators
and the interfaces with the other elements of the fire control system
2) a Computer Control Panel (CCP) for the gunner . which consists of an
integrated sealed keyboard containing th e numeric and control keys . a
legend display panel and a five-character numeric readoul for displaying
data on entry or recall.
In operation with an integrated fire-control system the data input comprises
three major components :
a) permanent ballistic information which is stored in the memory of the
compu ter
b) transient information (such as atmospheric conditions. sight corrections. Computing Devices Canada Electronics Unit (left) and Computer Control
powder temperature and tube wear) which is manu ally entered via the CCP Panel components of Ml lMtA t MBT Ballis tic Computer System
380 A F V FIR E C ON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / Can a d a
c) dynamic information which is automatically received via the electronic and an M48A5 retrofit kit. The system has also been successfully integrated
interfaces from the sensors and control servos. with the Close Combat Vehicle Light programme and the M60A 1 MBT.
All the gunner has to do is use his sight and control handles to maintain
the line-of-sight on the target. At the same time the input data from the SPECfFICATfONS
sensors and the feedbacks from the control servos of the sight and main WEIGHTS
armament are sampled via the computer and entered into its memory . This electronics unit 12 kg
information , together with the ballistic data and the manually entered entry and test panel 5 kg
parameters, is used to compute the required offsets in main gun elevation DIMENSIONS
and azimuth from the line of sight. The servo loops controlling the sight and electronics unit 100 x 230 x 330 mm
gun are closed by the computer using rate and position feedbacks. This entry and test panel 80 x 180 x 300 mm
data is then continually combined with the offset computations to determine POWER SUPPLY 24 ±6 V DC vehicle supply
the command signals for th e output to the control servos. The gun is thus
continually aligned so that its trajectory will intersect the line-of-sight at the Status : In production (10 000 plus systems produced to date - 1 January
target range. The gunner then fires the weapon when his line-of-sight 1993). In service with the US Army on M1 /M1At and in a modified form on
indicator is on the target at the point of highest hit probability. the Type 88 MBT being built in South Korea.
The M1 system also controls the auxiliary weapons but it is equally
applicable and adaptable to any turret weapon for various applications Manufacturer: Computing Devices Canada. PO Box 8508. Ottawa. Ontario.
including anti-aircraft engagements . Canada Kl G 3M9.
A modified version is being produced for South Korea's Type 88 MBT Telephone : (613) 596 7468 Telex: 053 4139 Fax : (6t3) 596 7392
Development/Descripti on
The Improved Computer Control Panel (ICCP) is a development of the
M1 /MIA1 Computer Control Panel (CCP). When connected to the ballistic
Computer Electronics Unit (C EU ) subsystem th e ICCP allows the operator
to change , enter and monitor gun laying data in the CEU . Any data entry is
facilitated by system prompts.
The fire-control parameters can be continuously displayed during normal
operations when the system is not in data entry. test or calibration mode.
Manual data entry consists of ambient air and ammunition temperatures .
barometric pressure. ammunition type. tube wear and battle range . The
ICC P will first show on its electroluminescent screen the currently stored
data and the limits of the allowable entries before the operator can enter
any new value.
The sensor inputs can include crosswind velocity . cant. lead and range
data which are then automaticall y processed by the ICCP 's own
microprocessor and displayed with sensor status and polarity. The statu s
can be changed if requi red by the operator using a designated function key.
The calibration modes available include boresight, zeroing , MRS and
MRS boresight and are chosen using the set of function keys located to the
right of the display panel. In each mode the operator is prompted to the
correct procedure with a fou r-way toggle switch provi ded to move the
graticule to th e required position .
The ICC P can be used to instru ct a gunner with no previous experience
on the system and test him on completion of his training .
Planned system growth could accommodate such requirements as :
1) battlefield management
2) target prioritisation and stacking
3) vehicl e syste m status monitoring
4) navigation Computing Devices Canada Improved Compu ter Control Panel
5) gunner auto- tracking cues
6) thermal imaging system backup display.
In terms of space the ICCP does not take up any more room than the
MI 1MIA1 CCP and it has a 227 x 76.2 mm display area. The keyboard is Status : Production . Used in conjunction with Mt lMl AI Ballistic Computer.
also the same in having the numerics 0-9, a decimal point . test , clear. enter
and minus sig n keys and the four-way toggle swi tch , but all the remaining Manufactu rer: Computing Devices Canada. PO Box 8508. Ottawa, Ontario ,
keys have been replaced by four keys to the right of the display which Canada K1G 3M9.
change function according to the system mode. Telephone : (613) 596 7468 Telex : 053 4139 Fax : (613) 596 7392
Computing Devices Canada M60A3 Modified Fire Manufacturer : Computing Devices Canada. PO Box 8508, Ottawa. Ontario.
Canada KIG 3M9.
Control System Telephone : (613) 596 7468 Telex : 053 4139 Fax : (613) 596 7392
Development/Descriptio n
The Computing Devices Canada has developed the Modified Fire-Control
System (MFCS) as a retrofit kit for th e M60A3 TTS MBT configuration .
Based on the M1 Ballistic Computer System (BCS) , the MFCS involves the
following main changes to the M60A3 system :
1) conversion of the existing M21 analogue ballislic computer to a fully
digital unit
2) replacement of th e existing gunner's control unit with the Compu ter
Control Panel (CCP) of the BCS
3) complementary modifications of the Field Test Set and the Cable Test
4) modification of the ballistic graticule in the gunner's M105D auxiliary
telescopic sight
5) provision of ILS and manufacturing technical data packages.
T he retrofi t can be performed at the depot level and req uires no special
tools oth er than a mounting jig for the CCP .
Computer Control Panel (left) and modified M2 t Analogue Computer (right)
Status : Development complete. Ready for production . components of M60A3 Modified Fire-Control System from Computing Devices
Can a d a / A F V F I A E CON TAO L S Y S T EMS 381
The Computing Devices Canada has developed a Ballistic Computer System
(BCS) for the 105 mm gun equipped M48A5 MBT. The kit can also be used
to retrofit M60 MBTs. The BCS comprises the following componen ts:
1) Computer Electronics Unit (CEU) which accepts the sensor inputs
and then calculates the ballistic lead , paralla x, zeroing and boresight
correction values and outputs them as offsets in
a) azim uth to the graticule projection unit of the Tank Thermal Sight
b) elevation to the output unit for the gun con trol system
2) Computer Control Panel (CC P) which serves as the man-machine
interface for the system and provides th e display to monitor inputs and the
keyboard to change atmospheric sensor and gun laying data in the CE U. It
can also be used to initiate a manually activated fire -control test routine and
display the results
3) Electronic Interface Unit (E IU ) which provides the interface between
the CEU and the remainder of the tank fire -control system .
Manufacturer: Computing Devices Canada , PO Box 8508 , Ottawa, Ontario, Computer Controt Panet (left) , Computer Electronics Unit (centre), and
Canada KIG 3M9. Electronic Interface Unit (right) components of the M4 8 Ballistic Computer
Telephone : (613) 596 7468 Tele x: 053 4139 Fax: (613) 596 7392 System from Compu ting Devices Ca nada
The VCTIS is designed to aid unit and vehicle commanders in exchanging
and assimilating tactical inform ation quickly and accurately . It also provides
a faci lity by which th e data can be rapidly presented and transmitted in
graphicalltextual form .
The system comprises the following components :
a) Commander's Display Module with a large 203 mm x 203 mm high
resolution (64 /100 line) ElectroLuminescent (EL) computer generated digital
display with interactive touch panel. The display presents NATO standard
topographical and tactical information graphics from the Mobile Mass
Storage Unit and includes fri endly location s, obstacles , targets and control
measures. The interactive touch panel and computer menu allows th e
commander to add free -draw graphics and text overlays directly to the map
display and to transmit manoeuvre orders and formatted messages over
the combat net radio
b) Central Processing Unit with two MC 68020 microprocessors, a
4 Mbyte RAM , interfaces for a 1553 control bus, an RS485 high speed
display bus and an RS422 serial data bus. An SCSI hard disc interface and
Computer Devices Canada Ve/licle Command and Tactical Information
a radio modem are also included
Syslem (VCTlS) commander'S display module
c) Mobile Mass Storage Unit which comprises a 160 Mbyte hard disc
which is upgradable to 600 Mbyte standard
d) interfaces to combat radio net and land navigation system . Manufacturer: Computing Devices Canada , PO Box 8508 , Ottawa , Ontano,
Canada KIG 3M9 .
Status : Ready for production . Telephone: (613) 596 7468 Telex: 053 4139 Fax : (613) 596 7392
Developmen t/Description
CDC has developed a Mission Management Computer System to meet the
requirements of the next generation of MBTs and as a retrofit to all AFVs
requiring enhanced computer performance and electronic system integration .
The first application of this system is th e Fire-Control System (FCS) for
the Vickers Defence Systems Challenger 2 MBT, on order for the British
Army . The second application is the FCS for the US Army 's Armoured Gun
System (AGS ). The FCS comprises the following components:
1) Fire-Control Computer (FCC), which is the brain of the weapon
system . It accepts data inputs from a wide variety of sources including the
Fire-Control Panel (FC P), laser rangefinders, meteorological sensors,
vehiclelgun attitude sensors and the sights. It integrates th ese inputs and
outputs the resultant ballistic firing so lution as gun pointing data to the Gun
Control Equipment. Computation of th e ballisti c solution takes less than
one second.
The FCC houses two Motorola MC68020 microprocessors with MC6881
co-processors operating at 12 MHz . Each processor accommodates
0.5 Mbyte of RAM and 0.5 Mbyte of EEPROM . The FCC acts as the bus
controller for the weapon system 's 1552B dual-redundant databus. The
software for the FC C is written in Ada.
2) Fire-Control Panel (FC P) , which is th e principle man-machine interlace
for the FCS . It provides th e tank commander with a 76.2 x 127 mm Computing Devices Canada lire-control computer: Ihe IleaI'I of the Challenger
electroluminescent panel, a numeric keypad , fi xed function keys and a set 2 and AGS weapon control systems
382 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / Can a d a - Chi n a
of four programmable keys. The last of the se give the opera tor rapid state-of-the -art fire-control solutions in real tim e as well as sensor processing
access to a tree 'd series of some 103 screens or 'menus' which enable him and integration of mission electronic system s. Included in the system is an
to view the system operating parameters , and change them if necessary , to inherent capacity for further performance growth .
calibrate weapon system functions, to use the extensive Built-In Test
Equipment (BITE) and diagnostic facilities in the system and , finally, to Status: Production . On order for the British Army and the US Army.
retrieve data stored in both the fault log and the engagement log . The FCP
is controlled by an Intel 80186 processor and communicates with th e FCC Manufacturer : Computing Devices Canada, PO Box 8508 , Ottawa , Ontario,
over the 1553B databus. Canada K1G 3M9 .
The Mission Management Computer syslem is designed to provide Telephone : (613) 596 7468 Telex : 053 4139 Fax : (613) 596 7392
The ATATS has been designed for use with a number of platforms Including
MBTs. It uses CDC algorithms and advanced digital signal processing
techniques to acquire a target and track it automatically through varying
conditions of cover and visibility. The ATATS features include :
(a) continuous monitoring of large fields -of-view
(b) operations in the infra-red or visible spectrum
(c) eHective on both stationary and moving targets
(d) suitable for use with scanning or sensors
(e) configurable in standard and CDC SA VA modules with appropriate EXTERNAL
internal digital video , internal analogue video , SA VA backplane and
Vectronic Test Maintenance buses . A 1553 databus interface is used
for information exchange with the crew control and display and other
vehicle subsystems whilst a global video bus is used to receive data STANDARD Power Bus General Data Bus Video Memory
SAVA Inlerlace Purpose Imerlace Couple r
from the platform 's Forward Looking Infra-Red (FUR) and TV sensors MODULES Module Processor
and to output enhanced video tracking notations.
The automatic acquisition and tracking is accomplished through continuous
estimation of target parameters such as shape , size , texture and the _ INTERN AL DIG ITAL VIDEO BUS ES [==:J INTERN AL ANALOG VI DEO BUSES
changes in such parameters. Background features are also used to aid in _II. SAVA BACKPLANE BUS 15 53 BUS
the isolation of largets. ""I"lIanll VETRONICS TEST MAINTENANCE BUS ••• I GLOBAL VIDEO BUS
The most significant features of the target or background are analysed as
the target moves through the varying conditions. If the target is hidden for
extended periods, a search is immediately initiated to re-acquire the larget B/ock diagram of Computing Devices Canada Automatic Target Acquisition
in those regions of the image where it is most likely to reappear, and Tracking System (A TATS)
Status: Trials. Manufacturer: Computing Devices Canada , PO Box 8508 , Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada , KIG 3M9.
Telephone: (6 13) 596 7117 Fax : (6 13) 596 7392
CEIEC GM-09 Tank Fire-Control System predicted azimuth and firing angle by utilising any control panel and sensor
inputs. This firing solution is simultaneously transmitted to the automatic
gun laying device on the weapon control handle and the gunner aims at the
Devefopment/Description target by bringing the inserted aiming point as described onto its centre in
The GM-09 tank fire-control system is being deployed by the People's the eyepiece and co mpletes the sequence by firing the gun .
Liberation Army as an upgrade package for some of its T -series MBTs and The entire process from observing the target to firing the weapon takes
is also being oHered on the export market. not more than 10 seconds with computati on taking only about one second.
The system comprises a series of small-sized units which can be
incorporated into most existing turret layouts without difficulty. SPECfFICATIONS
The heart of the GM-09 is the central control unit which incorporates an Unit Weight Dimensions
8080 microprocessor with the control panel and is used to transmit the CENTRAL CONTROL UNIT 19 kg 500 x 400 x 150 mm
input signals, compute the firing solution and control the output signals. POWER SUPPLY UNIT 11 kg 280 x 210 x 240 mm
Connected to thi s are a number of sensors and control systems: azimuth AZIMUTH RATE SENSOR 1.8 kg 200 x 120 x 150 mm
rate sensor for the turret ; an elevation rate sensor for the main armament ELEVATION RATE SENSOR 1.3 kg 130 x 130 x 80 mm
with an in-built ammunition selection indicator unit ; a gun trunnion tilt TRUNNION TILT SE NSOR 2 kg t 40 x 135 x 90 mm
sensor ; a power supply unit which transform s the vehicle power supply MODIF IED CONTROL HANDLE 8 kg 180 x 200 x 200 mm
ou tput into the various voltages for the system's individual components; a LASER RANGEFINDER POWER
main armament azimuth and elevation tracking and sighting control handle , SUPPLY 2.25 kg 176 x 130 x 90 mm
modified with a push button engagement system to control the weapon's LASER RANGE FINDER 7 kg 344 x 118 x 141 mm
operation and provide Ihe interface for the automatic gun-laying sequence ; GU NNER'S TELESCOPE SPOT
a laser rangefinder; and a modified gunner's telescopic sighting system INJECTION SYSTEM 200 x 60 x 40 mm
which has an optical system attached to display the computed lead to the LASER RANGEFINDER
gunner by means of an aiming point on a mini-CRT , which is projected into RANGE 300-6000 m
his eyepiece so he can lay it onto the target and fire the gun . ACCURACY ±10 m
During combat the operational sequence for the system is as follows: the TRACKING SPEED
gunner stops the tank temporarily when a targ et is observed , Sights it and azimuth not less than
then tracks if for three seconds whi lst he triggers the laser rangefinder. The 40 mils!s
computer derives the parameters of the target' s movements from the elevation not less than
incoming data of target range and angular increments and computes the 10 mils/s
azimuth -20 to ... 20 mils/s
elevation - 10 to ... l0 mils/s
azimuth ±0.4 mils/s
elevation ±0.4 milsls
T-54, T-55 and T-62 MBT Fire-Control Systems II the commander cannot determin e the range lor any reason the gunner
takes over the task and uses his telescopic sight's stadia rangelinder or its
lateral lead and azimuth lines with the range finder formula.
Development/Description For the T -62 only the gunner's stadiametric sight is suitable lor rangefinding
None of the three basic T-54. T-55 and T-62 tank models has a mechanical at night.
rangefinder or ballistic computer for their main armament. so the fire - When the range has been determined the commander gives the firing
control operation is conducted in the following manner : command over the intercom . including the ammunition type to be fired .
The vehicle commander uses his binocular target designator sight for targe t type. range and direction. The gunner then elevates the gun so that
searching on his side of the tank whilst the gunner uses his rotating the black range line in his sight's lield-ol-view coincides with the designated
periscope to search the other side. The driver and loader watch the front target range on the selected amm unition type range scale. If the gun is not
through their fixed vision systems. Anyone spotting a target gives its ye t loaded th e loader is ordered to load th e selected am munition type and
bearing over the crew intercom system and the commander or gunner depress the weapon sa fety lever to the required fire position . The gunner
traverses the turret in that direction using their hand traverse controllers . then tracks the target using his power controller grips either by centring the
For the power traverse system to be used there must be a round in the gun sigh t aiming point on a stationary target or by using the lead lines to lead a
breech and the weapon safety lever depressed to the fire position . otherwise moving target. Once sati sfied he selects the main gun switch. which also
the process has to be controlled manually. In the case of the T-62 the activates the automati c shell extraction unit on the T-62. and announces
manual traversing can only be handled by the gunner. "ready " over the intercom net.
If the commander traverses the turret he announces "override right (or The vehicle commander orders "lire" and th e gunner either depresses
left)" over the intercom and depresses the override button on his sight's the electrical firing trigger on the right hand grip or a manual weapon trigg er
handgrip until the gunner says "identified" as the target appears in his sight on the elevation handcrank on the gun itself.
optics. The commander cannot fire or elevate the gun . He then normally After discharging the projectile the T-62 gun's automatic shell extraction
determines the target range. If it is around 2.7 m high he uses the rangefinding and reloading position sequencer operates so that the gu nner can not
stadia on his sight . seeing which of th e graticules and baseline bracket the continue traversing to fo llow a moving target. As soon as th e gun safety
target . If it is much less than 2.7 m he has to use Ihe azimuth scale and a lever. however. is depressed again after reloading to the fire position Ihe
Simple mathematical formula to determine the range. gun will . if the stabilisers are set. automatically return to the previous firing
position .
Although the type of fire-con trol system described above is ideally suited
to the former Soviet concept 01 most tank versus tank engagements taking
place below 1500 m in range using relatively unsophisiticated armour
penetrating ammunition type s. a larg e number of their T-5 4. T-55 and T-62
MBTs have . since the late 1970s, been equipped with a laser rangefinder/
target designator unit mounted in an arm oured box over the main gun . Thi s
system can be used by either the com mander or the gunner with its output
going to an associated ballisti c fire-control computer to improve the vehicle's
long range gunnery capabilities. especially with more advanced ammunition
The Kladivo FC S comprises a laser rangefinder mounted externally The operating control switch allows the gunner, in case of a system
above the mantlet of the 100 mm gun , ballistic fire-control computer, wind malfunction , to switch off the complete FCS and carry out a conventional
velocity sensor, mast-mounted meteorological sensor (that also incorporated target engagement. The input device is operated by the tank commander
a laser warning device) , operating control switch, data input devices , and, in addition to the digital input keyboard panel for the manual input of
commander'S periscopic sig ht , ammunition selection switch and power data in the fire-control computer, there is a digital display field. The computer
supply . is capable of estimating target speed and direction for the establishment of
The laser may be triggered up to 10 times a minute but its performance is the fire-control solution lead angle.
degraded in rain , snow and fog . The rear turret roof-mounted armou red The commander'S periscope is installed in the commander's cupola and
meteorological mast con tains ambient air and pressure sensors as well as allows independent observation of the target by the commander and the
the laser warning device . The latter is used to warn the crew if they are automatic hand-off of the target to the gunner.
being lased by enemy tanks or target designators. The loader operates the ammunition selection switch and has a choice of
five different conventional ammunition types, with the actual selection
being made by the tank commander on the basis of the target type. The
ammunition types are HE , HEAT , incendiary, APFSDS and machine gun.
The power supply unit maintains a constant voltage for the system .
The installation of the Klavido FCS has enabled the upgraded T -54fT -55
vehicles to engage moving targets out to an eHective range of 1600 m with
a high first round hit probability. With the other elements of the upgrade
package, that is new engine, additional armour and so on , the updated
veh icle is said to be nearly as combat effective as an American M60A 1 or
French AMX -30 B2 MBT.
SOPTAC 11 IR Control System ammunition type selected, cross wind direction and force and initial platform
adiustments as to slope and tilt. From these it automatically calculates the
sighting direction to the target. which appears as a computer generated
Developm ent/Description moving graticule in the telescopic sight's field-of-view .
This Fire-Control System is the Ihird generation day/night version ot the The Ihermal imaging unit is the same Thomson-TRT type as fitted to the
SOPTAC 11 system (qv) , with the image intensifier channel repl aced by a Mithridal fire-control system (qv) and uses a cooled low temperature HgCdTe
thermal imaging unit and the digital computer by a third generation version . detector system .
All the other modules including the laser rangefinder are interchangeable Projected fits for the SOPTAC 1 t IR include the G,at Industries TS 90.
between the system s. 90 mm, two-man turret and other similar turrets.
The SOPTAC 11 IR system comprises the following subsystems :
a) a Capitole telescopic sight assembly with a x 8 magnification day SPECIFICATIONS
channel which allows target identification and engagement at the guns DIMENSIONS 1020 x 330 x 264 mm
maximum range ; and a x 8 magnification thermal channel which operates ELEVATION LIMITS -8 10 +20'
in the 8-13 ~Im waveband region and uses the same eyepiece and cross
hair graticule as the day channel Daylight channel
b) digital computer MAGNIFICATION x8
c) a laser rangeiinder FIELD-OF-VIEW 7
d) a commander'S con trol bo x
e) a gunner's control box . Thermal channel
The fire-control computer takes inputs for the target range, target speed MAGNIFICATION <8
(along three axes - lateral , vertical and horizontal distance), the slant of the FIELD-OF-V IEW 6 )( 3"
firing platform , Ihe ambient air lemperature and pressure , gun sighl parallax , POWER SUPPLY 20·30 V DC
detection 5000-6000 m
recognition 3000 m
identitication 2000 m
Laser rangelinder
RANGE 300·9990 m
Fire-controt range
APDS 3500 m
HEAT 2500 m
Day Sights
FIELD-OF-VIEW 25 x 120 7"
Thermal sight
FIELD-OF-VIEW 6 x 3.3'
ELEVATION OF THE -12' up to +35"
HEAD UNIT or _12 0 up to +55'
Status : Prototype.
The SOPTAC 11 is a second generation day/night (light intensilication) fire-
con trol system for use with such turrets as the Giat Industries TS 90 and
Hispano-Suiza Lynx 90.
The system consists of five main subsystems with an optional sixth :
1) a 1.06 pm wavelength laserrangefinder. The laser controller transmits
the range data to the computer and also calculates the approach velocity of
the target by making a second measurement at the end of the tracking
sequence and comparing the two
2) aTJN2 90 telescopic sight, which allows observation and firing by day
and night. Both the day and night channels have x 6 magnification , with the
night vision being provided by a second-generation image intensifier tube
3) a compu ter which calculates gun elevation and traverse
4) the commander's control and display panel on which he can enter
certain firewcontrol pa rameters and supervise operations
5) a gunner's control panel which can have an optional link from It and
the T JN2 90 sight to th e commander's display panel so that the commander
can have the same night vision and aiming picture as the gunner SOPELEM 11 lire-control system components TJN2 90 day/night sight
6) an optional x 8 magnification day periscope sight with a 6 ' field - (righ t), laser rangelinder (centre Iront), lire-control computer (centre rear) ,
ai-view in place of the cu rrent x 6 day channel system. vehicle commander's display and control panel (Ielt)
The operating procedures for the system are very sim ple. Al l the gunner
has to do is track the target, press and release the tracking button and SPECIFICATIONS
finally fire. The vehicle commander has to select the type of ammunition to Laser rangefinder
be used and check that the fire -control procedure has been carried out RANGE
correc tly . line weather 300-9990 m
If the target range is greater than 2550 m and APFSDS ammunition is not limited visibili ty 150-3000 m
being used the computer will automatically switch over to its artillery ACCURACY ±10 m
support mode . This permits the gun to be aimed and fired at high angles of
elevation and visually indicates to the tank commander that only HE rounds Day sight
can be fired . MAGN IFICATION x8
Status : In production . In service with the French Gendarmerie and Oman DIOPTER RANGE -5 to +2
(V BC 90 with Giat Industri es TS 90 turret).
Night sight
Manufacturer: SOP ELEM -SOFRETEC, 53 rue Casimir Parier, PO Box 62, MAGN IFICATION x6
F-95872 Bezons Cedex, France . FIELD-OF-VIEW 6'
Telephone: (1) 34 23 30 00 Telex: 605793F Fax : (1) 34 23 33 50 DIOPTER RANGE -5 to +2
F ran C e I A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS 387
The SOPTAC 18 first generation day-only fire control system is designed
for use as an upgrading package for the current FL- 12 turret (on AM X- 13
light tank) sighting systems without any need for modification of the turret.
It comprise s a rigid frame fi xed within the turret that holds the following
items :
1) digital computer
2) a laser rangefinder with control unit
3) a gunner's projected graticule module which adjusts th e position of
the graticule in the aiming sight according to the computer calculated
parameters. During the night. the day sight is replaced with a night sight.
Without thi s the SOPTAC 18 allows observation and daytime firing on
stationary or moving target s with laser rangefinding . The computer takes
both subsystem and manual input data in the form of target distance, target
speed , cant angle, ambient temperature and pressure, ammunition type
selected and cro sswind velocity and uses it to calcul ate the axis of tiring .
SOPELEM SOPTAC 18 Fire-Control System
In June 1988 SOPELEM was awarded a FFr42 million contract fo r the
supply of SOPTAC 18 fire-control systems for installation in th e AM X· 13
light tanks of Ecu ador. Status : Production . In service with Ecuador (on 108 AM X- 13, daylight only
version) .
SYSTEM OPERATING RANGE 300-9990 m Manufacturer: SOPE LEM-SOF RETEC, 53 rue Casimi r Perier, PO Box 62 ,
LASER ACCURACY ±10m F-95872 Bezons Cedex . Fra nce .
SYSTEM ACCURAC Y ±0.3 m Telephone : (1) 34 23 30 00 Telex: 605793F Fax : (1) 34 233350
DevelopmenllDescription SPECIFICATIONS
The SOPTAA 19 Fire-Control System is designed for the directi on of POWER SU PPLY 24 ±6 V DC vehicle supply
weapons in th e defence of ground positions and vehicl es ag ainst att ack
from aircraft or helicopters. It is used with lightweight vehicl e-mou nted Ground target channel
turrets armed with 20 mm cannon. The main subsystems are: MAGNIFICATION x6
1) a periscopic gunner's sight derived from the M371 and with its elevation FIELD-OF·VIEW 10'
aiming pri sm mechanically linked to th e gun
2) an electronic control panel with integral computer Aerial target channel
3) angular tra nsducers or tachogenerators mounted on th e cannon MAGNIFICATION , 1
4) a hand-held target designator system whi ch automatically calculates FIE LD-OF-VIEW
the necessary parallax between th e operat or and weapon and then provides vertical 26"
for the automatic alignment of the turret onto the targ et. horizontal 71'
System operation requires two men : the observer/fire director who detects ELEVATION AIMING
and designates the targ et and th e gunner who operates the sighting system RANGE -15 to +55
and fires the gun.
The sight has a projected aiming graticule and separate optical channels Status: Development complete. Ready for production.
for engaging ground and aerial target s, In the latter mode it is possible to
have an engagement sequence time of between 5-6 seconds whi ch allows Manufacturer: SOPELE M-SO FRET EC , 53 ru e Casi mir Peri er. PO Box 62,
a target deSignated at 2000 m distance to be fired on at a range of 1000 m F-95872 Bezons Cedex, France .
with an accuracy of ±5 mil. Telephone : (1) 34 23 30 00 Telex : 605793F Fax : (1) 34 23 33 50
the tiring axis to the gunner and , with the use of an optional repeater unit. to
SOPElEM SOPT AC 36 Fire-Control System the commander's station
4) gunner's con trol panel
DevelopmenllDescription 5) commander's control panel
The SOPTAC 36 modular second generation day/night (lig ht intensification) 6) aiming device , tachometer generator or encoder. automatic muzzte
fire-control system has been developed to equip the gunner's position in reference and elevation sensor units.
ti ght armoured vehicles and tanks. The system allows daylight and night-time observation and aiming on
The system consists of th e following subsystem s: moving targets with laser rangefinding. The computer takes both subsystem
1) a combined day/night periscopic sight system with a day-time finng and manual input data in the form of target distance, firing platform speed in
path. a night-time firing path , a day telescope path and an integ ral 1.06 flm all three axes , cant angle. ambient air pressure and temperature , muzzle
wavelength laser rangefinder module. The night vision capability is provided reference value . gun boresight . mechanical transmission correction value .
by a second or third generation image intensifier tube ammunition type to be used and crosswind velocity. and uses it to calculate
2) a digital computer Ihe tracking line which then appears as a cross in the fie ld of the sight .
3) a line-of-sight projecti on module with mobil e cro ss-hairs th at brings When this coincides with the target the gu n is fired.
388 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / F ran C e - G e r man y
If the target range is greater than the 2560 m range of the APFSDS flat
trajectory ammunition carried , the computer will automatically switch over
to its artillery support mode . This permits the gun 10 be aimed and fired at
high angles of elevation and visually indicates to the vehicle commander
that only HE rounds can be used.
DIMENSIONS 284 x 350 x 375 mm
ELEVATION LIMITS · 12" to +35' (anti'aircraft option
_ 12" to +55' )
System range
direct fire 3000 m
indirect fire 5000 m
POWER SUPPLY 24 ±6 V DC vehicle supply
Laser rangefinder
The FLT·2/ EMES 15 modular 'director-type ' TFCS was developed
specifically for use on the Leopard 2 MBT, although its modular design
does allow for easy installation on other MBT models. It comprises a
number of optical , optronic and mechanical subsystems which are integrated
to form the complete FCS.
The FLT-2/EMES 15 is used for engaging stationary and moving targets
from a stationary or moving platform position . It is also capable of day/ night
The main components are:
1) gunner's primary sight with stabilised mirror (in elevation and azimuth) ,
laser transmitter , laser receiver. thermal imaging system and eyepiece
assembly. The daylight channel , laser transmission , laser reception and
thermal imaging channels are all routed via the same mirror to ensure
precise alignment.
For night, camouflaged targets or poor visibility viewing , the thermal
imaging facility is used for larget identification and tracking . Target markers
are superimposed on the image which is injected into Ihe ray path of the
daylight channel.
The tank commander can also use the thermal sight image as the picture Leopard 2 MBT turret showing position of main components (1) gunner's
is transmitted to his stabilised PERI·RI7 primary panoramic sight assembly. primary sight, (2) commander's control unit, (3) gunner's control unit.
For daylight observation, identification and tracking of the target , the (4) commander 's display unit, (5) computer control unit, (6) commander's
gunner uses a x 12 magnification and 5' field -of·view periscope. Graticule hand control, (7) computer, (8) crosswind sensor, (9) gun elevation sensor,
target range values (to three figures) and system status information (such (10) laser electronics. (11) vertical sensor
as ammunition type selected and so on) are superimposed on the lower
part of the image In the sight optics by the FCS.
The integrated Nd·YAG laser rangefinder has a measuring range of
9990 m and is accurate to ±1am Tile calculated firing solulion is Ihen fed to Ihe weapon control and
2) commander's control unit stabilisation system which lays the main gun to the Line·Of-Sight (LOS) of
3) gunner's control unit the gunner's or commander's sight as requi red .
4) commander's display unit Data on up to seven ammunition Iypes is carried by the computer which
5) computer control unit also handles the ballistic computations if the commander is firing the main
6) commander's hand control gun wilh his PER I R 17 panoramic sight
7) digital ballistic computer which calcu lates successively tile angle of 8) cross·wi nd sensor
Sight and lateral angular lead for the 120 mm smooth-bore main gun 9 ) gun elevation sensor
armamen t. The following parameters are taken into account : target range , 10) laser electronics box
angle of vehicle cant (tilt), direction of motion with regard to the target, 11) ca nt angle sensor
cross·wind and the ballistic data of the selected ammu nition . 12) interconnecting cable set.
G e r man y / A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS 389
The mode of operation is as follows : once a target is identified its rang e is computer together with the other firing parameters mentioned above. This
measured by the laser rangefinder . The gunner (or commander if aiming then continuously computes the main armament superelevation and lead
with the thermal imaging system) then keeps the LOS on the target by angle. settings. Once locked-on to the target the gunner can open fire with
means of hand controllers. the 120 mm main gun .
The followi ng system facilities are provided as aids in aiming and range
correction: Statu s : Production for Leopard 2 MBT . In service with the armies of
a) gunne(s dynamic lead (with on/off switch) Germany, the Netherlands and Switzertand.
b) commander's automatic target tracking integrator (with on/off switch)
c) tracking action of the LOS to compensate for own vehicle motion Manufact u rer: Atlas Elektronik GmbH . Sebaldsbrucker Heerstrasse 235,
d) automatic range correction as the tank approaches the target. 0 -2800 Bremen 44 , PO Box 44 85 45. Federal Republic of Germany.
The target information obtai ned is automatically presented to the FCS Telephone: (421 ) 457-0 Telex: 2457460 Fax: (421) 457 2900
Atlas Elektronik MOLF Modular Tank Laser Fire- magnification day sigh t. 8-12 ~m waveband thermal imaging sight with x 12
Control System and x 4 magnification channels, thermal imaging power supply unit and
optional image intensifier sight.
Devel opment/Description The laser rangefinder has a wor~ing range of 200-9900 m with an
The MOLF main and coaxial armament day/night fire -control system IS accuracy of ±10 m and a target resolution of less than or equal to 20 m.
based on the technology used in the FLP- 10/EM ES 18 system for the b) fire -control electronics and sensor package with computer control
Leopard 1 MBT fami ly but is designed as a modular retrofit kit for modernising panel , digital ballistic computer that can handle up to eight separate
a much wider variety of tanks such as Indian Arjun and Vijayanta MBTs. the ammunition types. cant sensor, air data sensor (for crosswind. temperature
T -series including the T-62, the M41 . M48 and M60A1 and the AMX -30. and pressure). gun elevation sensor and turret rate sensor
The vario us sets of modules available are : c) lunctional system interface electronics unit.
1) Single-axis stabitised system se t for rectangular turret openings (as The modular design of the system allows all kinds of aiming and LOS
used on the M41 light tank) stabilisation to be acllieved. namely:
2) Two-ax is stabilised system set (as used on the M41 . M48 . M60A 1 1) mechanical linkage mirror-gun
and AMX -30) 2) electrically slaved mirror drive in elevation
3) Single or two-axis stabilised system set for round turret openings (as 3) electrically staved mirror drive to stabilised main gun in elevation and
used on the T-series) . independently stabilised mirror," azimuth
Depending on system configuration each set will normally comprise the 4) primary stabilised LOS in both axes in combination with a slaved gun
followi ng components: stabilisation system .
a) monocular gunne(s primary sight with : This makes it possible for the relrofitted tank, while it is either stationary
i) stabilised mirror head or moving . to fire on a statIonary or moving target with a high first round hit
ii) mechanical interface probability
iii) periscope/sight package with commande(s eyepiece assembly , The sighting system design allows for full utilisation of the fire-control
integrated Nd- YAG 1.06 ~m wavelength laser rangefinder and " 12 system by day or night and in haze. fog or smoke. All th e gunner has to do
390 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / G e r man y
is acquire the target with his sight, find its range with the laser rangefinder
and then, while the computer continuously calculates the corrected
superelevation and lead angles from the manually and automatically input
fire-control parameters, keep his LOS on it until the firing circuit is enabled
and commence firing with the selected armament.
Status: Production. Deliveries against an order from Greece for 200 (M48
MBT fit) started in 1992 and an option exists on a further 200 systems for
Greece , also for modernised M48 MBT's.
The IFIS (acronym based on the German name of the sys tem) system is
designed to link armoured vehicles of varying types up 10 the battalion level
with higher echelon command and control systems .
IFIS comprises the following subsystems :
(1) a display unit for the display of maps, tactical situation overlays and text
in colour with soft· key and position elements
(2) a vehicle navigation unit for accurate determination of direction and
posi tion
(3) a large microprocessor memory for storing the digital map data
(4) an electronics unit with communications processor and standard
equipment interfaces for the vehicle systems and the radio
(5) the use of ADA software.
The main tasks of the IFIS are to reduce the work-load of the vehicle/unit
commander and his subsequent reaction time by simplifying the following General arrangement drawing showing installation of the IFIS system in a
recording/implementation subject areas: Leopard 2 MBT
(a) friendly dispositions
(b) enemy dispositions This is achieved by the :
(c) reports and orders (i) display of a digital map with tactical overlays
(d) comm unication (ii) display of reports and orders text
(e) battlefield reconnaissance (iii) automatic transfer of battle fi eld information via the radio network
(f) coord inating battlefield engagements. (iv) menu-controlled guidance of the system display by th e operator.
G e r man y - I n d j a / A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS 391
Status : Developmen t.
OevelopmentJ Oescription fitted in the current gunner's AFV No 30 Mk 1 sighting periscope . projects
Designed by the Bharat Electronics Tank Electroni cs Support Centre. Ihe formed light beam from the MRS mirror on to the sight graticule. The
Madras for use wi th the Vijayanta MBT as part of the Project Bison MRS control box has swi tches for both the heating element and the
upgrade. the Tank Fire Control System Mk 1A (AL4420) features an improved halogen lamp.
sigh t mount and fire-con trol linkage to minimise the play between both the
mount and the linkage and the 105 mm L7 main gun . Status: Production . In service with the Indian Army (on Vijayanta MBTs) .
The object of these improvements is to minimise the loss of zeroing.
improve the gunsight follow-up accuracy and reduce the non ·repeating Manufacturer: Enquiries to : General Manager (Exports) . Bharat Electronics
errors. Limited . 'Trade Centre'. t 16/2 Race Course Road , Bangalore 560001 .
Maximum permissible displ acement of the Li ne-Of-Sight (LOS) IS India.
0.15 mil wi th the sigh t movements limited to -7 to + 18". A sight adaptor Telephone : (812) 269897/263117/267322 Telex : (845) 2477 BE IN/( 845)
jacket allows the fitting of a day or night sight unit. 8650 BE IN Fax : (812) 265657/(8 12) 268410
A Muzzle Reference System (MRS) is also fitted to check for and correct
misalignment between th e gun and sight axes caused by thermal Note : Bharat Electronics has also supplied a Tank Fire-Control System for
deform ati on. the upgraded Indian Army T-55 MBTs fitted with a licence-built 105 mm L7
The MRS light source unit comprises a halogen lamp coupled to optical gun and an image-Intenslfying night sight for the gunner. No other details
fibres and a yellow filter to produce a circular light beam . A deviation prism. are available at present.
392 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / I n d j a - I n t ern a t j on a I
Bharat Electronics Tank Fire-Control System Sight Mount, Armoured Hood and Sector Gear Assembfy
Sight mount 5t 6 x 284 x 3t 6 mm
Mk1B Armoured Hood 365 x 256 x 165 mm
Linkage Fire-Control 1050 x 85 x 225 mm
Development/Desc ription
The Tank Fire-Control System Mk 1B (AL44 21) developed by the Bharat Muzzle Reference System
Electronics Tank Electronics Support Centre, Madras is a computeri sed MRS light source assembly 3 tO x t50 x 135mm
follow-on to the Mk 1A for the Vijayanta MBT. It incorporates a Barr and MRS mirror assembly 70 x 90 x 90 mm
Stroud Tank Laser Sight assembly (qv entry in Commanders· and Gunners '
Day and Night Observation and Sighting Systems section) WEIGHTS
The aim is to reduce the target engagement time cycle and increase the Tank Laser Sight 2 t .3 kg
first round hit probability of both a moving tank engaging a stati c target and Ballistic computer and
a static tank engaging a moving target at any speed . Night firing is possible power supply unit 22 kg
with a night sight adaptor mounted on th e existing infra-red assembly. If Tilt sensor assembly 5.5 kg
required the FCS can be adapted to fit any tank model. Traverse encoder assembly 9.6 kg
The 105 mm L7 mai n gun can be fired using one of the following options : Elevation encoder assembly 0.8 kg
a) the complete FCS and its subsystems in either : Control panel 3.2 kg
i) 'autolay' mode - with the gun driven directly by the Motorola MC6800
ballistic computer Sight Mount, Armoured Hood and Sector Gear Assembly
Ii) ·stab ' mode - in which Ihe gunner uses th e existing GCE weapon Sight mount 15 kg
power controllers to bring the aiming mark on to th e target. The engagement Armoured Hood 27 kg
time is about eight seconds against static targets and 10 seconds against Linkage Fire-Control 8.3 kg
moving target s
iii) 'manual· mode - whereby the gunner operates conventional weapon Muzzle Reference System
control back-up traverse and elevation handwheels to align the aiming MRS light source assembly 10 kg
mark with the target. Engagement time against static targets is betler than MRS mirror assembl y 0.45 kg
10 seconds in thi s mode .
Changeover betwe en th e modes is instant. with th e com puter generat ed Gunner's Tank Laser Sight
aiming mark (an ellipse with a central dot) also displaying th e target ra nge MAGNIFICATION x 9.4
as measured by the laser rangefiJ1d er. FIELD -OF-VIEW 8.5'
b) the 1.064 ~ m Nd -YAG laser rang efinder on its own by means of a LASER RANGEFINDER TYPE Nd-YAG
unique look-up table in th e sight graticule WAVELENGTH 1.064 ~m
c) by reversion to use of the original coaxially mounted 12.7 mm (0.5 in) OPERATING RANGE 300-9990 m
calibre rangi ng machine gun facility . Th is has a maximum range of t 800 m RANGE ACCURACY ±10 m (90%m shots)
and fires three-round bursts of tracer ammunition .
A Muzzle Reference System (MRS) is integrated with the sight optics so Acquisition sight
that the gunner can align , within 10 seconds, the sight and gun axes without MAGNIF ICATION x l
moving from his seat.
The subsystems which comprise the Mk t Bare : Computer
(a) tank laser sight MAX RANGE PROCESSING 9990 m
(b) MRS light source assembly RANGE PROCESSING
(c) MRS mirror assembly ACCURACY 10m
(d) improved sight mount AMMUNITION TYPES HESH and APDS (others with
(e) linkage fire -control software changes)
(f) computer and power supply unit TRUNN ION TILT 250 mils max
(g) control panel TRUNN ION TILT ACCURACY 0.25 mil
(h) tilt sensor assembly GUN JUMP AND THROW-OFF preset
(i) traverse encoder assembly ELEVATION ACCURACY 0.2 mil
(j) elevation encoder assembly. TRAVERSE DISPLACEMENT
The fire-contro l and gun control systems are fully integrated , with both ACCURACY 0.02 mil
the system power supplies and the GCE weapon con troller interfaces CROSS -WIND 25 mls
housed in the computer unit. LINE WIND 25 mls
The computer is normally programmed for 105 mm APD S and HESH AMBIENT AIR TEMP ERATURE -20' to +55' C
am munition types but only requires simple so ftware changes for new
ammunition types. Cross-wind , line wind, am munition charge temperature Controf system
and barrel wear parameters have to be entered manually. BALLISTIC COMPUTATION
The alloy head of the sighting unit has been made deliberately shatterable ACCURACY better than 0_1 mil
so if it is hit by shell fragments or small-arms fire it breaks to protect the GUN POSITION ING
main sight. Movement limits of the sight mount, armoured hood and sector ACCUR ACY 0.2 mil
gear assembly are - 7" in depression to +18' in elevation . POWER SU PPL Y 22-30 V DC vehicle system
SPECIFfCA nONS Status : Pre-production . On order for th e Indian Army (fo r Vijayanta MBTs).
Tank Laser Sight 343 x 305 x 514 mm Manufacturer : Enquiries to : General Manager (Exports), Bharat Electronics
Ballistic computer and Limited , ·Trade Centre·, 116/2 Race Course Road , Bangalore , India .
power supply unit 230 x 425 x 350 mm Telephone : (8 12) 269897/263 117/267322 Telex : (845) 2477 BE IN/(845)
Tilt sensor assembly 235 x t 70 x 55 mm 8650 BE IN Fax : (812) 265657/(8 12) 268410
Traverse encoder assembly 260 x 190 x 230 mm
Elevation encoder assembly 100 x 175 x 135 mm Note : Bharat Electronics is involved in developing th e Tank Fire-Control
Control panel 210 x 225 x t25 mm System for the Arjun MBT project . Oth er than th at th e syste m is believed to
be a further development of the above TFCS and includes a dayl thermal
night sight with integrated laser range finder, computer and various sensors.
No other details are available .
Combat Vehicle Command and Control (CVC2) of Germ any to demonstrate the technolog y required for a semi-automa ted ,
integrated and interoperable Command , Control and Commu nications (C' )
system for ground combat vehicles .
Development/Description The CVC' programme is basically designed to develop this C' sys tem for
The Combat Vehicle Command and Control (CVC' ) programme is a joint US Army and Ge rm an MBTs and will give vehicle commanders rea l-time
research and development venture between the US Army , as represented tacti cal displays and oth er data linked information to produce di splay maps
by the US Army Tank-Automotive Command (TACOM ) and th e US Army of both friendly and enemy dispositions , logistics, diagnostic s and
Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), and the Federal Republic prognostics .
I n t ern a t i on a I - I S rae I / A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS 393
The system will significantly enhance battlefield integration and allow provide digital C' information to other vehicles on the battlefield which do
synchronisation of manoeuvre force elements from the individual vehicle not have an integrated CVC' system but still require CVC' funct ionality.
level up to and including the battalion level. A new communications protocol , the Multi-Designation Protocol (MDP),
Further armour specific tactical data messages will be transmitted among has been developed by CECOM to provide more reliable and efficient
terminals over the Si ngle Channel Ground-to-Air System (SINCGARS) digital data communication between all CVC nodes.
combat radio network.
The CVC' functionally is provided in eith er an M 1A2 (modified) tank or a Status : Technology demonstration development.
stand alone laptop computer. Communication is provided by two SINCGARS
radios for both voice and data. Manufacturer: Enquiries to: Commander, US Army Tank AutomotIve
A militarised lightweight Computer Unit (LCU) has been developed to Command , Attn : AMSTA-RV, Warren , MI 4B397-5000 , USA .
Telephone : (3 13) 574-6 160
The FCS-l0 Fire-Control System is designed to automate the M 13A1 7) interconnecting cable set.
ballistic computer of M4BI M60 series MBTs so that it can accept and utilise In operation the FCS-l 0 receives range data from the laser rangefinder
inputs from laser andlor optical rangefinding systems. The system comprises then , with the ammunition type pre-programmed . the system automatically
the following components : calculates the gun elevation angle. Corrections for ambient air temperature,
I ) laser rangefinder (with optional thermal sight unit) vehicle altitude, cross wind velocity , barrel wear and barrel jump are
2) M1 7 optical rangefinder automatically included .
3) commander's control panel The operatin g range of the system is 500-4400 m with an accuracy of
4) gunner's conlrol panel ± 10 m. The power supply required is the vehicle 's own 24 V DC system .
5) M13A 1 ballistic computer which mechanically drives the day sight and
gun Status : Production as required. In service with the Israeli Defence Force
6) FCS-IO Digital Interface Unit (DIU) servo control with integral B-bit (on M4B/M60 MBTs) and the Royal Thai Army (on M4BA5 MBTs) .
microprocessor that accepts information from Ihe laser rangefinder. cant
angle sensor and targel rate sensor and , after calculating the gun elevation Manufacturer : Astronautics C.A. Limited , 23 Hayarkon Street, PO Box
angle, passes it on to the ballistic computer to set th e gun . It also controls BB2 , IL-51261 Bnei Brak, Israel.
the optional thermal sigh t unit and includes a Battle Range mode Telephone: (03) 5791555 Telex : 341294 Fax : (03) 5704404
Astronautics FCS-201 0 Tank Fire-Control System values for onward transmission to the M 13A1 ballistic compuler's mechanical
servo section that drives the day sight and main gun. The gunner's unit also
controls the thermal sight system. The ballistic computer calculation facilities
Development/Description are retained for backup fire-control purposes if the FCS-20 10 becomes
The FCS-2010 Fire-Control System is a more flexible version of th e inoperable .
FCS-l0 (qv) designed for use with the M48/M60 MBTs. The system
comprises the following components: Status : Production as required .
1) commander's control unit which inputs into the gunner's control unit
2) gunner's control unit which accepts information from the fu ll rang e of Manufacturer : Astronautics C.A. Limited, 23 Hayarkon Street, PO Box
sensors and the commander's control unit and then uses its integral digital 882. IL-51261 Bnei Brak, Israel.
computer to calculate the lead compensation and vehicle compensation Telephone: (03 ) 579 1555 Telex: 341294 Fa x: (03) 5704404
Astronautics FCS-20 Tank Fire-Control System 5) commander's control unit which accepts information from the laser
rangefinder and manual parameter inputs from the commander and passes
the data on to the gunner's control unit where it is used by the computer in
Development/Description its calculations . The calculated gun-sight elevation is then displayed on a
The FCS-20 Fire-Control System is desig ned to automate the aiming small panel
system of th e Cen turion MBT so that it can accept and utilise inputs from a 6) interconnecting cable set.
laser rangefinder for day or night use. The system comprises th e following The operating range of the system is from 400-6000 m with an accuracy
components: of ± 10 m. The power supply required is the vehicle's own 24 ± 6 V DC
1) a fixed laser rangefinder system .
2) a gunner's night vision sight An improved variant which includes both a cant angle and a target rate
3) gunners control unit which accepts information from the laser sensor is available. as is a more basic version of the FCS-20 with no
rangefinder via the comman ders control unit and manual parameter inputs commander's control unit.
from the gunner and commander in order to automatically calculate , using
an integral digital computer, the gun-sight elevation angle according to the Status : Production as requ ired. In service with the Israeli Defence Force
preselected ammunition type. This is then displayed and transmitted to the (on Centurion MBTs) .
4) a drive unit which is attached to the gunner's control unit and computer Manufacturer : Astron au tics C.A. limited. 23 Hayarkon Street , PO Box
and transmits the calculated gun-sight angle to the day sigh t system and 882. IL-5 1261 Bnei Brak . Israel.
the range drum Telephone : (03) 5791555 Telex : 341294 Fax : (03) 5704404
Astronautics FCS-30 Tank Fire-Control System The FCS-30 has been fitted to the Israeli Defence Force's upgraded T-54
and T-55 series MBTs. and can be used for Type 59 MBTs.
A vari ant with an integrated laser rangefi nder in the gunner's sight is also
Development/Description available .
The FCS-30 Fire-Control System has all th e features of the FCS-20 (qv) but
accepts th e ra nge input from a hand-held laser rangefinder used by th e Status : Production as required .
commander rather than the fixed system used by the gunner. When th is
information has been obtained the FCS-30 computer calculates the firing Manufacturer: Astronautics C.A. limited . 23 Hayarkon Street. PO Box
solution , according to the type of ammunition selected , and sets the gun's 882. IL-51261 Bnei Brak. Israel
angle of elevation . Telephone: (03) 5791555 Telex : 341294 Fax : (03 ) 5704404
394 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 l S Y S T EMS / I S rae I
The FCS-50 has been designed to upgrade the fire-control system s of the 3) Variation C
M4 and M51 Sherm an tanks and the M41 light tank is essentially th e same a) the origin al gunner's sight is replaced by a new system which
as the FCS-20 (qv) except for the following configuration changes : incorporates a x 8 magn ification laser rangefinder elbow and a x 8
1) Variation A magnification passive night vision elbow
a) the original M20 gunner's sight is retained b) the original commander's sight is replaced by a new system which
b) the fixed laser rangefinder is replaced by a hand-held comm ander's incorporates a x 8 magnification day elbow and a x 8 magnification passive
laser rangefinder unit night vision elbow
c) the drive unit drives the ballistic unit to th e computed elevation c) the drive unit drives the ballistic unit to the computed elevation
angle angle.
2) Variation B
a) the orig inal gunner's sight is replaced by a new syste m which Status : Production as required .
incorporates a x 8 magnification laser rangefinder elbow and a x 8
magn ification passive night vision elbow Manufacturer: Astronautics C.A. limited, 23 Hayarkon Street. PO Box
b) the drive unit drives the ballistic unit to the computed elevation 882, IL-512S1 Bnei Brak, Israel.
angle Telephone : (03) 5791555 Telex : 34 1294 Fax: (03) 5704404
Astronautics FCS-61 Tank Fire-Control System Data on up to 10 different ammunition types can be stored with extremely
fast reaction to provide the 'battle range ' informat ion on each type.
Development/Description The improved target tracking capabilities allow automatic detection of
The FCS-St has been designed to upgrade the fire-control systems of the sta tionary/moving vehicles. The commander can also use a hand held
Israeli Army MSOA3 MBTs. This is don e by repl acing the original gunner's rangefin der system to input target range data into his con trol panel.
control unit, ammunition selection units and M21 computer functions with The operating range of th e system is from 200 to 9990 m with a
identical gunner's and commander's digital control units th at add extra resolution of ± 10 m. The power su pply required is th e vehicle's own 24 ± S
functions and capabilities. V DC system. Weight of the commander/gunner's control unit is 5 kg and
The new control units provide parameter feed and displays which are dimensions 278 x 130 x t 51 mm (x2).
connected to the remaining original fire·control subsystem s by four cables.
No machining or welding operations are required for the installation . Status : Production . In service with the Israeli Army (on MSOA3 MBTs) .
In operation the FCS-S1 receives inputs from the fire-control sensors to
accurately calculate the superelevation and horizontal defl ection corrections. Manufacturer: Astronautics C.A. limited , 23 Hayarkon Street, PO Box
It also filters the wind fluctu ation parameter and offers remote rang e 882 . IL-512S 1 Bnei Brak. Israel.
measuri ng by the gunner. Telephone : (03) 579 1555 Telex : 341294 Fax: (03) 5704404
ElbitiEL-OP Tank Fire-Control Systems Lansadot Mk I - a compact modular and fully automatic fire -con trol
system that features a single reticl e for day and night lasi ng and aiming .
Development/Description The Mk I can be integrated with a linkage rod or be used with the oscillating
The ElbitiEL-OP Tank Fire-Control System (TFCS) started life as the turret s of the AM X-13 and Kurassier light tanks , as well as AM X·30, M41 ,
advanced digital ballistic computer system for the Merkava Mk 1 MBT. This LAV, T-55 and light turrets. The system contains cant angle , angular
was soon expanded to a full solution integrated Tank Fire-Control System velocity and meteorological (wind velocity. ambient temperature and altitude)
of modular design . adaptable for use in a number of light and medium tanks sensors but. because of the compactness of its peritele scope , does not
and MBTs. include an integral therm al imaging telescope option . However, it has been
The following fire-control system s are available : successfull y integrated with the externally mounted , modular IRI S therm al
Matador Mk I - for M48 , MSO and Centurion MBTs. A direct replacement imaging telescope.
system for the original optical sight and mechanical computers of these Lansadot Mk II - similar to the Lansadot Mk I but contains an electrically
MBTs. It provides an autom atic digital day/night fire-control solution capability driven and mechanically independent head mirror assembly. Its peritelescope
with can t angle. angular velocity and meteorological (wind velocity, ambient also allows integral installation of various thermal imagi ng systems , in SO or
temperature and altitude) mast sensors. It is available with both therm al 120 element configurations. as well as a n image intensifier night vi sion
Imaging or image intensifier night vision options. assembly .
Matador Mk II - operationally equivalent to the Matador Mk I but designed Lansadot Mk III - a direct replacement system for the ageing M32 and
for European MBTs such as the AM X-30 , Leopard 1, T-55 . T-S2 and similar M3S periscopes of US Arm y and US Marine Corps MSO , LA V type and AAV
vehicles as well as for tanks with no ballistic drive system . vehicles. It can be supplied with a mechanical and electrical head mirror
Matador Mk III - special configuration for the Merkava Mk II MBT. assembly. thermal imaging systems, in SO or 120 element configurati ons,
Several feat ures of this design have been incorporated into the Knight as well as an image intensifier night vision assembly.
family. Lansadot Mk IV - this features all the day and night characteristics of th e
Knight Mk 1- for M48 , MSO and Centurion MBTs. It equ ips these vehicles Lansadot Mk III but with the addition of a two -axes stabilised line-of-sight
with an electrically powered head mirror that retains the mechanical operation capability and a fire-on-th e-move function .
of the sight through its original ballistic drive. operating in th e degraded The Matador Mk II . Lansadot Mk II and Lansadot Mk III units can also be
emergency mode. Advanced system control loops allow a fire-on-the-move integrated with a gun stabilisation system to enable fire-on-th e-move
capability using a coincidence algorithm . It can easily be integrated into the functions by using a head mirror that is stabilised in elevation and the turret
existing electrohydraulic turret power controls of the M48A5 . MSOA 1, MSOA3 stabilised in traverse (that is similar to the system used on the American
and T-72. M 1A 1 Abrams MBT).
Knight Mk II - an advanced two-axis stabitised line-of-sight capable The Matador family has th e same basic building blocks but with more
system for new build MBT programmes and fitted with sophisticated man· soph isticated components. The digital ballisti c computer has inputs from a
machine interfaces and matching image processi ng capabi lities . moving target veloci ty se nsor, a cant angle se nsor and a meteorological
I S rae I I A F V FIR E C ON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS 395
sensor pack (with crosswind velocity. air pressure and ambient air targets whil e the firing platform IS itself moving . or against short . medium or
temperature sensing devices). It can also have up to three ammunition long rang e targ ets usi ng the gunner' s image intensifier elbow.
selector units fitted for the gunner. commander and loader as well as th e
normal gunner and commander control units. Main data inputs. however. Status: Matador. Knight and Lansadot families of TFCS are in producllon.
come from the gunner's periscope head assembly with its laser rang efinder In service with Israel and other unspecified countri es.
elbow and image intensifier elbow .
The systems have day and night target acquisition and target tracking Manufacturers : Elbit Ltd . Advanced Technology Centre. PO Box 539 .
with fast firing capabilities built in to give a high first-round hit probability at IL-31053 Haifa. Israel.
extended ranges . Engagements can be against stationary or moving targets Telephone: (04) 315315 Fax : (0 4) 550002
whilst the firing platform itself is stati onary . against moving . or station ary
EL-OP Electro Optics Industri es Ltd . Advanced Technology Park. Kiryat
Weizmann . PO Box 11 65. IL-76 t 10 Rehovat. Israel.
Telephone: (08) 38622 1 Telex: 381344 Fax: (08) 386237
Matador Mk 1 fire -control system installed in Centurion MBT Lansadot Mk If tank fire-control system
The Israeli companies of Elbit and EL-OP have co -developed and produced
the Knight Mk I modu lar ATFCS as a retrofi Vupgrade package for the M48 .
M60 and Centurion MBTs. Its modular nature also al lows easy adaption to
other turret types with the mi nimum of interfacing changes . A Knight Mk II
with more sophisticated systems is available for new build MBTs_
Knight is fully integrated with the turret weapon control/drive system and
actively controls the turret dynamics . It has stabilised Line-Of-Sight (LOS) .
a short target acquisition cycle. a day and night operation capability and a
high hit probability for stationary and on-the -move engagements.
The major modes of operation are :
a) 'stabilised ' where the gun axis is slaved to the LOS
b) 'slave' where only Ihe gunner's LOS is slaved to the gun axis.
The main components of th e complete Knight Mk I system are :
1) ballistic computer
2) gunner'S control unit
3) commander' S control unit
4) cant angle sensor
5) pitch angle sensor
6) tracking unit
7) main body and mirror head of gunner's periscope
8) laser rangelinder elbow Main components of the ElbitlEL -o p Knig ht Mk I Advanced Tank Flfe -
9) night vision image intensifier elbow Control System (A TFCS)
10) laser rangelinder electronic unit
11 ) commander's optical re lay Manufacturers : Elbit lid. Advanced Technology Centre. PO Box 539 .
12) gunner's service unit IL-3 t 053 Haila. Israel.
13) mast lor meteorological sensors Telephone ' (04) 3 153 15 Fax . (0 4) 550002
14) mechanical output unit.
EL-OP Electro Optics Industri es Ltd . Advanced Technology Park. Klryat
Status : Production. In service with Israeli Army on M60 and Merkava Weizmann. PO Box 1165, IL-76t 10 Rehovot. Israel.
series MBTs. Telephone: (08) 38622 t Telex : 38 t 344 Fax : (08) 386237
Elbit/EL-OP Lansadot Family of Armoured observati on . target Identifi ca tion. laser rangefindlng and accurate tiring
agai nst stationary and movi ng targets.
Vehicle Fire-Control Systems The main componen ts are :
a) gunner's peritelescope sight Wi th integrated laser rangefinder, passive
DevelopmentiDescription image intensifier night vIsion elbow. and unity prism for dayl ight
The Israeli compani es of Elbit and EL-OP have co-developed and produced observation purposes
the Lansadot compact modular fire -control lami ly (Mk I, Mk II. Mk III and Mk b) ballistic compu ter system with computer: computer control Unit and
IV) lor updating various types of AFVs. No vehicle modificati ons are cant angle sensor. The computer provides a single reticle lor daY/night
required for M41 light or M47 medium tanks. and only minor modifica llons laSing and aiming and automatically compensates fo r ballistic parameters
tor the AMX-13 light tank. AMX -30 MBT. Sherman medium tanks (all c) moving target velOCi ty sensor
models) . Saladin armoured car . T-54/T -55 MBTs. Light Armour ed Vehicles d) optional comma nder's control panel
(LAVs) and Armoured Personnel Carri ers. e) optional meteorological sensor package
Depending upon model the Lansadot can be capable 01 day and night I) interconnecting cable set
396 A F V FIR E C ON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS I I S rae I
Gunner's Peritelescopic Sight
ELEVATION +35' (optional +60' version lor
anli-aircrah application )
" 8 magnification 8'
... 1 magnification 40' x 14
x 7 magnification 7.5'
LASER RANGE 300 to 9900 m
Ma nufactu rers : Elbit Ltd . Advanced Technology Centre. PO Box 539 . EL-OP Electro Optics Industries Ltd . Advanced Technology Park. Kiryat
IL-31053 Haifa, Israel. Weizmann . PO Box 1165. IL-76 110 Rehovot. Israel.
Telephone: (04) 3153 15 Fax : {04} 550002 Telephone : (08) 386221 Telex: 38 1344 Fa x: (08) 386237
Developmen t/Description
Based on an improved M32 periscope with optiCS that can withstand laser
radiation damage . the Matador Mk I AFV fire-control system is a fully
automatic system fitted with a rotating wedge module for the insertion of
ballistic compensations in deflection using a moving view ballistic computer -
controlled device and a higher accuracy rotating mirror servo mechanism .
The aiming subsystem package consists of the gunner's modified M32
periscope with the day/night moving view ballislic computer-controlled
deflection system , an EL-OP mini-laser rang efi ncter used as a direct
substitute for the M32 day elbow and an optional second generation image
intensifier night sight elbow.
The moving view system has only a Single graticule for both the rang ing
and aiming processes. with the rotating wedge module moving the scenery
and not the graticule so that it always remains in the centre of the field-
of-view. Thus the gunner always ranges . aims and fires the weapon with
the graticule at the cenlre of the field -of-view where lhe resolution is best.
The compu ter and sensor subsystem package consists of : th e digital Main components for Matador Mk I fire control system for M48 or M60
electronic elevation and deflection compensation ballistic computer; a manual
Status: In production . In service on Merkava Mk 2 MBT (Matador Mk III)
environmental data input insertion unit to the ballislic compuler (with an
and modernised T-54/55 and T-62 MBTs. (Matador Mk II. from 1984
optional meteorological sensor); the commander 's control unit with an
onwards) .
optional optical relay to the commander. or a conversion kit for his existing
optical rangefinder th at includes a range display and a rotating wedge Manufacturers : Elbit Ltd. Advanced Technology Centre, PO Box 539.
module for automatic insertion of ballistic compensation to enable him to IL-31053 Haifa . Israel.
conduct weapon firing from his position ; the loader's ammu nition selection Telephone : (04) 315315 Fax : (04) 550002
unit; a cant angle sensor; and an angular velocity sensor.
Matador Mk II (for European MBT designs such as the AMX -30 . Leopard EL-OP Electro Optics Industries Ltd , Ad vanced Technology Park. Kiryat
1, T -55 and T -62) and Matador Mk III (for the Merkava Mk II MBT) system s Weizmann . PO Box 1165. IL-761 10 Rehovot , Israel.
have also been built. Telephone: (08) 386211 Telex: 381344 Fax: (08) 386237
The BAT-30 compu lerised modular lire-control system lor armoured vehicles
such as the T-series, AMX -30 and Centurion MBTs and Light Armoured
Vehicles (LAVs) is electrically interfaced to the vehicle and compri ses a
gunner's periscopic body assembly wh ich is mounted in the turret with a
head mirror unit on top and bolted to it.
The sight includes three vi ewing chan nel s, a unity sight window with a 50
by 22' lield-ol-view lor larg e lield-ol-view observation purposes together
with a x 8 mini-laser ra ngelinder system with an 8' li eld-ol-view and a x 7
night elbow with a minimum 7, 5' lield-ol-view ,
A ballistic computer unit consisting 01 th e compu ter body , various sensors
and their control boxes complements the sight system within th e turret
A resolver is mounted on th e gun trunnion to measure th e gun elevation
angle and another reso lver is mounted on th e head mirror shaft to measure
the mirror elevation angle, The difference between the two angles is nulled
by the computer,
The BAT-30 has a single graticule lor both ranging and aiming that
always remain s at the centre 01 the lield-ol-view. A rotating wedge modu le
which is part 01 the body assembly moves the scenery and not the graticule,
Thu s the gu nner always ranges, aims and lires with th e graticule at th e
centre 01 his lield-of-view where the resolution is best.
Two optional additions to th e system are a com mander's observation unit
consisting of a head mirror with interchangeable day and x 7 night elbows,
and a second generation unity passive image intensification bi-ocular night
viewer willl a minimum 35' fie ld -of-view mounted in the ve hicle driver'S
hatch cover.
Unit Magnification FOV
unity sight x1 50 x 22'
night elbow x ? ±10% mi n 7.5'
night elbow x 7 ±10% min 7.Sr
driver' s night viewer x 1 ±10% min 35 ~
Main components of EL-O P BAT-30 computerised fire-con trol sys tem
superelevation -1 to +99 mils
deflection -40 to +40 mils
elevation range _10' to +20'
OPERATIONAL RANGES Status : In production , In service with unidentilied countnes.
mini-laser ra ngelinder display 300-9990 m
boresight ranging 400-S000 m Manufacturer: EL-OP Electro OptiCS Industries Ltd , Advanced Tech nology
altitude (manual ) -400 to +6900 m Park, Klfyat Weizmann , PO Box 1165, IL-76 110 Rehovot, Israel.
boresight adjustment -10 to +10 mils Telephone: (08) 386211 Telex : 381344 Fax : (08) 386237
Development The lirst round hit probability using 105 mm M735 APFSDS am munition
The modular Red Tiger tank lire-control system is designed pnmarily lor the and a Red Tiger TFCS is 67 per cent at 2000 m range,
upgrading 01 T-series and Centurion MBT s, II required , however, it can be
adapted to lit other MBT models with a minimum 01 modificati ons. SPECIFICATIONS
The main components 01 Red Tiger comprise: elevation -1 10 +99 mils
a) gunner's peritelescope sight with elecrically dri ven head mirror, sight dellection ±40 mils (day)
body assembly, mini-laser rangefinder and optional thermal or passive
image intensifi er night vision elbow Day sight
b) commander' s display unit lor day/thermal sight FIELD-OF-VIEW
c) ball istic computer group comprising th e computer and accessory < 1 magnifica lion 24 ,5 .21,5
sensor package x 8 magniflcation 8
d) interconnecting cable sel. LASER OPERATIONAL RANGE 300-9900 m
398 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L 5 V 5 T EMS I I s rae I - It a Iy
Israel Aircraft Industries Howitzer Advanced via a digital data link and be presented to th e vehicle command er and
gunner on their re spective displays, at th eir battle stations .
Fire-Control System (HAFCS) Displayed statu s data aids th e comman der to make real-time decisions.
The manual work load is reduced to enable rapid and precise gun laying by
DevelopmentlDescription the gunner's use of an analogue presentation for laying th e gun. The
The HA FCS is a set of displays. controls , computers, communication and displayed gun angle is adjusted until it superimposes the displayed command
navigation equipme nt that was developed by Israel Aircraft Industri es angle, provi ding a procedure for rapid gun laying .
MBT Systems & Space Technology Electronics Division as an upgrade kit The HAFCS sensors au tom atically feed data into th e system for real -time
to the Israeli Army 's conventional Ml09 series 155 mm self-propelled display of munition shock status. barrel information . thermal statu s and
howitzers to increase their mission capability by an order of magnitude , muzzle veloci ty to enable th e commander to make early and timely decisions
whil st considerably improving their survivability. With minor changes regard ing mission acti vity as well as on-line correction of gun laying .
to the system . HAFCS can easily be adapted for any other self-propelled The onboard navigation equipment also enables th e vehi cle to 'shoot-
gun . and-scoot', moving from position to position with minimal time between
The modular system contains the following subsystems fo r the M 109 engagements whilst simultaneously being able to use the dynamic referen ce
application : unit (inerti al) pOSitional data fo r layi ng th e gun and reporting its position to
(1) Central Control Unit (CCU) the FDC .
(2) Two Battle Station Operation & Display Units The HAFCS allows th e vehicle to deploy wi thout terrain constraints whilst
(a) Commander Display Unit (CDU) operating at full operati onal capability during day or night and under all
(b) Gunner Control & Display Unit (GCDU) atmospheric conditions.
(3) Sensors
(a) Muzzle Velocity Radar (MVR) Status : Production . In service with Israeli Army .
(b) Shot Sensor (SS)
(c) Tube Temperature Sensor (TIS) Manufacturer: Enquiries to : Israel Aircraft Indu stries Ltd . MBT Systems
(4) Power Conditioning Unit (PCU ) and Space Technology. Director of Marketing . POB 105 , IL-56000 Yehud
(5) Tube Temperature Monitor Industri al Zone , Israel.
(6) Communication Interface to Fire Direction Centre (CCI). Telephone : 972 3 355221 . 972 3 5365236 Tele x: 34 1450 MBT IL
The HAFCS allows accurate commands to be transmitted to the howitzer Cable: IS RAVIA Fax: 972 3 5365205
Status : Production . Being delivered to the Italian Army (for use on the Cl Manufacturer : Officine Galileo SpA , Via Einstein 35, IL-50013 Campi
MBT, Bl tank destroyer and the VCC-80 infantry combat vehicle). As of Bisenzio . Florence, Italy.
February 1993 only the Bl Centauro 8 x 8 105 mm tank destroyer was in Telephone : (55) 89501 Telex: 570126 Fa x: (55) 8950600
The ATREOS is designed as a minimal conliguration fire -control system for
new build armoured vehicles such as the SK- l 05 KOrassier tank destroyer
and the OTO Melara T 20. T 60170 and T 90 series turrets. It can also be
used to retrofit M48 and M60 tanks .
The system comprises the following components :
1) a gunner's dayl night +20 or +60' elevation sight assembly with :
a) mirror head system that is mechanically linked to the main armament.
Optional features include unity vision capability and MRS switching .
Future development may include the fitting of either an electric-servo
elevation unit or fu ll stabilisation system and the introduction of inpuVoutput
germanium mirrors
b) x 10 mag nification monocular day sight with the capability for
displaying a computer controlled graticu le in the field-o f-view . A manual
graticule is also fitted for system back-up purposes
c) modular third generation image intensifier night sight with the
capability for displaying a computer controlled graticule in the field -of-view.
Expected future development may include the optional replacement of
the image intensifier modu le with either a 3-5 or 8- 14 pm waveband th erm al
imaging system
d) GEC -Ferranti Defence Systems Type 520 Nd-YAG 1.064 ~lm
wavelength laser rangefinder with a range capability of 300-9995 m and an
accuracy of ±5 m
e) CRT module and control unit which controls the optical units and
generates the control signals for the layer.
Expected future development for this is the fitting of a CRT which
generates a compu ter controlled laying graticule for the sights
3) a digital ballistic computer unit which includes a keyboard and power
supply. In its basic version it calculates among its readout data the
superelevation fig ure for the ou tput unit whi le in its growth potential version
it will also provide the elevation figure required for the sight head mirror
movements and the drift andlor elevation control for the CRT generated
ATREOS Fire-Control System Gunner 's Sight System (+2CJ elevation
sight graticule
4) a Singer Kearfort output drive unit which is provided only in the M48
and M60 MBT ATREOS sys tems
5) sensor package which in its basic lorm compri ses cro sswind and
attitude measuring devices. Optional additions include an ambient air
temperature and pressure measuring probe and a powder temperature ballistiC computer generates the traverse and elevation lead angles according
sensor to th e selected ammunition type and the measu red range . Its computation
6) interconnecting cable set range is Irom 400 to 3500 m.
7) gunner's control panel
8) commander's control panel. Status : Read y for production.
The gunner' s basic sight system is interchangeable with existing M32
periscope units. The laser visual unit and the passive night vision elbow Manufacturer: Officine Galileo SpA. Via Einstein 35, 1-50013 CampI
directly and respectively replace the M32 daylight and the M32 active infra- Bisenzio , Florence. Italy .
red elbows to add day/night range finding and firing capabilitie s. The Telephone : (55) 89501 Telex: 570126 Fax: (55) 8950600
400 A F V FIR E C O N T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / I t a I y
VS 580-B sig ht
day channel x 3 and x 10.5
night channel x 1,30r x 6
Ballisti c computer
RANGE 4000 m
Man ufac turer: Officine Galileo SpA, Via Einstein 35, 1-50013 Campi
Bisenzio , Florence , Italy.
Galileo OG 14 L2B fire-control system showing main components of system Telephone : (55) 89501 Tele x: 570126 Fax: (55) 8950600
Status: Pre-production . Trialled on M1 13A 1 APC fitted with two-man Belgian Manu facturer: Officine Galileo SpA. Via Einstein 35 . 1-500t3 Campi
Cockerill turret and chosen by a number of other turret manufacturers. Bisenzio . Florence . Italy.
Telephone : (55) 89501 Telex : 570t26 Fax : (55) 8950600
Developm ent/Description d) digital ballistic computer which processes automatic sensor data like
Mitsubishi Electric has developed a 'hunter-killer' type FCS for the Type 90 target range . vehicle cant angle. ambient air temperature and wind velocity
MBT. Both the vehicle's gunner and commander have full fire control with other inputs about parameters . such as ammunition data. to produce
facilities with the latter havi ng an overrid e authority. the firing solution .
The integrated FCS components include :
a) a th ermal sight system Status : Production . In service with Japan on Type 90 MBT.
b) commander's independently stabilised panoramic sight
c) gunner's dual sight head with a Nd-YAG laser rangefinder and Manufacturer : Mitsubishi Electric Company . Mitsubishi Denki Bldg .
independently stabilised day sight 2 chome. 2-3 Marunouchi Chiyoda-ku . Tokyo 100. Japan.
Iskra EFSC-3 Tank Fire-Control System (e) handwheel for turret manual drive
(f) fire-con tr ol computer
(g) commander's con trol panel
Developmentl Descri pti on (h) gunner's control block modification kit
The EFCS-3 fire-control system has been specially designed by Iskra fo r (i) trunnion tilt sensor
use with the T-55 and T -72 MBT. It is a full performance system with dayl Ul interconnection bo x
night operations facilities . shoot-on-the-move capability and independent (k) gun triggering electronics box
Line-Of-Sight (LOS) . (I) interconnecting cable set.
The main components of th e EFSC-3 are: The data input to the ballistic computer includes :
(a) gunner's stabilised SGS-55 dayl night laser sight 1) eith er a manual target range reading or the target range from the laser
(b) electronics bo x rangefinder
(c) gun elevation sensor 2) data on one of up to six ammunition types and the coaxial machine
(d) mechanical linkage unit for gun to SGS-55 gun
402 A F V FIR E CON T R 0 L S Y S T EMS / S I 0 v e n i a - Sou t h A f r ic a
Status: In production
Iskra SGS-55 stabilised gunner's day/night laser sight lor the EFCS-3
tank lire· control system
Development/Description 10-' lux for target contrast of 48 per cenl. Magnification of the night
The ESD HITT-FCS has been designed to be a cost effective solution to the channel is x 7. 1 with a 7.2' field -of-view. A back-up battery power
requirement for advanced fire-control systems In tanks and other armoured supply provides emergency power if required for night operations. Th e
fighting vehicles . night channel may be upgraded to a th ermal infra-red version,
The main components are: accompanied by minor periscope modifications.
a) Gunner's sight - this is a periscope assembly incorporating sight elbows b) Operator Panel - this incorporates the ballistic processor and sight
for both day and night channels. Offset implementation is by means of offset drive electronics . A numeric keypad and 2 x 24 line character
motorised optical wedges. The day channel includes a Nd-YAG laser LCD are used for calibration and testing requirements.
rangefinder with a maximum range of 9990 m and accuracy of ±5 m. An Th e operational controls (i ncluding input facilities for six ammunition types)
adjustable minimum range gate is provided along With multiple target are located separately with LED type displays for ergonomic legibility .
indication and controls. Magnification of the day channel is x 8 with an Keypad backlighting and annunciation is provided for ease of use. Drive
8 field-of-view . The night channel uses second generation image electronics for the implemen tation of graticule offset in the thermal
intensifier technology that provides a performance of 1.18 Ip/ mrad at imager display are included .
c) Meteorological and cant sensors - Performance of th ese can be found
in the following table :
Sensor Type
Meteorological (dual axis wi nd)
crosswind/headwind range ±25 m/s
accuracy 1 m/s
air temperature range - 40 to +60 ' C
accuracy ±3°C
air pressure range 600-1300 mBar
accuracy 10 mBar
cant range ± 30"
accuracy 5 mil at 3 '
Status : Production as required . In service with the Spanish Army (on 164
M48A5E MBTs) .
The first NobelTech (form erly Bofors Aerotroni cs) integrated fire control
system with a stabilised Line-Of-Sight (LOS) was produced in 1972 for the
Ikv-91 tank destroyer and was followed from 1982 onward s by a retrofit kit
system with day/night capability, fu ll stabili sation and upgraded gun servo
system fo r a customer usi ng T-series tanks. In 1983 th e Swedish Army
adopted a retrofit fire-control system kit for its upgraded Strv 101 1102
Centurion MBTs using a stabilised aiming point and an improved gun servo
system . In 1984 it adopted a retrofit Simrad Nd- YAG laser rangefinder for
its Strv 103 S-tank fi re-control system, and tested prototypes of a fire
control computer which used th e same so ftware as th e improved Centurion
computer but with modified hardw are.
A typi ca l system comprises the following components :
1) gunner's sight system with servo-controlled gyro-stabilised head mirror
giving a LOS to the target which is independent of turret and hull movements.
Its laser rangefi nder and day and night vision channels are integrated and
paralle l so that the gunner can track targ ets and fire the laser without
bringing th e gun boresight onto the target.
The day channel has x 7 magnification with a 9' fi eld-of-view and the
passive night vision sub-unit uses a microchannel image intensifier tube
with a x 8.5 magnification and a 5.3' fi eld-of-view .
T he integrated laser ra ngefinder is of th e Nd-Y AG type operating at the
1.06 ~m wavelength and has a maximum operating ra nge of around 6000 m.
The sight servo system has the capability to control a second top mirror
or to generate an aim -point for an infra- red vision sight
2) ballistic computer unit which calcu lates th e correct gun laying angles
using manual or automatic data inputs on target range. target angular
velocity, ammunition type, trunnion tilt, parallax (gun bore to LOS), Jump
and drift, meteorological conditions (including crosswind information) . powder
temperature and barrel wea r
3) gunner control system which includes his control handle to control the senSor parameters fed to it and continually calculates the superelevation
LOS with its associated swi tch functions and a computer contro l panel on and lead angles ; these values are fed to the gun laying system which re lays
which to enter or read th e computer data inputs the gun in the correct position for firing without influencing the LOS or the
4) gun servo system which , by means of the hydraulic or electrical power possibility of further laser shots; the gunner then fi res the gun ; subsequent
drives, automatically directs the gun to the correct position for the calculated rounds are fired in quick succession as the lead angles are continuously
ballistics and lead angles being updated and the gunner can con tinue gun laying even during the
5) gyro box which has gyros for both gun stabilisation and automaliC loading procedure. The entire sequence is independent of whether or not
target rate measurements. A pendulum vertical reference system for the lank is on th e move and takes around 12 seconds from target acquisition
automatic cant angle correction is also included. to the first shot.
The basic principle of operation is : the com mander detects the target and
presses his target acquiSition button ; the turret slews and the gunner's LOS Status: Production as requ ired. In service wi th th e Swedish Army (Centurion
IS aligned with th e commander's target direction, the gunner takes over the MBT) and several unspecified countries (T-series tanks) .
engagement and starts to track the target whilst firing a laser pu lse; the
target range is immediately displayed in the gunner's sight and fed to the Manufacturer: NobelTech Electronics AB . S-17588 Jarfalla . Sweden.
computer ; this takes the range data and all the other manual and automatic Telephone : +46 758 10000 Fax: +46 758 32277
The UT AAS fire-control system has been developed by NobelTech (formerly
Bofors Aerotronics) for use with both new build and retrofitted AFVs and air
defence guns . Its first application is the Combat Vehicle 90 series of
armoured vehicles developed to meet the requiremenls of the Swedish
UT AAS is a sighl and fire-conlrol system with modular structure available
In a variety of configurations which depend upon the customers requirements
for the sophistication level.
The Taiwanese Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology has The fire-control system incorporates a CO, laser rangefinder (supplied
developed an advanced fire-conlrol system for the M48H hybrid MBT. This by Texas Instruments), a ballistic computer and a th erm al imaging sight.
uses new M60A3 tank hulls purchased from General Dynamics Land
Systems Division before the production line closed down , modified M48A5 Status: In production . In service on M48H MBTs in service in Taiwan,
type turrets and a locally produced United Services Ordnance Institute of
Taiwan version of th e t 05 mm M68 rifled tank gun . Manufacturer: Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan .
Barr and Stroud offer a computerised Ihermal and optical fire -control (h) Trunn ion Tilt Sensor - which transmits any trunnion tilt (cant) angle to
syslem for retrofitting 01 exisling tanks or incorporating into a tank at the the EPU for inclusion in the ballistic computer processing
design stage. The eqUipment is designed so th at no major penetration of (i) Electronic Processing Unil (EPU ) - The EPU provides the necessary
the main armour and only minimum modificati on 10 other systems is fi ltering and conversion of the vehicle's 28 V nominal electrical power
needed. supply to the thermal system and to itself, It also completes the conversion
The subsystem s which comprise this equipment include : of the thermal signals to standard TV compatible CCIR 625 line 50 Hz
(a) Visual Sight - wherever possible it is preferred to combine the existing signals (an alternative 525 line 60 Hz CC IR system is available) . In
optical sight into the fire-control system addition , it generales the text and aiming marks and adds them to the
(b) Barr and Stroud LF1 9 laser rangefinder - a stand alone rangefind er CC IR signals passed to the Crew Display Units. The aiming mark data
system with separate head and electronics units. Other options could is processed from the inputs from the laser rangefinder , trunnion tilt
be the existing laser rangefinder fitted or one incorporated into the sensor and turret displacement unit to position them in the thermal field-
optical sight of-view
(c) Barr and Stroud Thermal Imaging Sensor Head (T ISH) - containing the 0) Control Unit - thi s contains all the functions necessary for target
afocal telescope and a scan ner asse mbly. The tele scope provides a engagement and operation of the system. The thermal controls include
wide angle fi eld-of-view for general surv eillance and target detection focus, gain, black level and polarity (that is, white is hot or black is hot) ,
and a narrow angle fi eld-of-view for target recog nition and engagement. The unit may be located at the commander's or gunner's station, or both
Operating waveband is 8-1 1.75 ~ m (k) Commander's Display Unit (CDU) and Gunner's Display Unit (GDU) -
(d) Coolanl Supply System - a cryogenic high pressure air system to cool the thermal image picture is displayed on these biocular display units,
th e Sprite detector of the TISH scanner assembly. Al ternati ves can be together with the aiming marks and Built-In Test Equipment (BITE)
offered messages . Both units show the same scene, marks and message
(e) Telescope Injection Unit (TIJ ) - which injects the computer driven text. A facility is provided whereby the displays may only be activated
aimi ng mark into th e optical sight. It can be used with either tele scopes when the operator's face is pressed against th e brow pad so as to
or periscopes prevenl any stray lighl escaping through the normal optics during night
(f) Sight Display Drive Unit (S DDU ) - thi s acts as the suppl y filter for th e opera tions.
TIU and itself, It also functions as th e drive to the T IU to position the
aiming mark correctl y in the optical sight Status : Production as required.
(g) Turret Displacement Unit (TDU) - thi s is used in conjunction with the
laser switch to determ ine the fire solution lead angle for crossing Manufacturer : Barr & Stroud Limited , 1 Linthouse Road, Glasgow , G51
targets. A Gun Elevation Displacement Un it (GEDU) may also be fitted 4BZ , Scotland .
to improve Ihis faci lity Telephone : (041) 440 4000 Telex : 778 11 4 GLW G Fax : (041 ) 440 4001
fixed sigh ts with CRT
thermal imager
image intensification
laser range flnder
3S0° slew in typically nine to twelve seconds
90" target switch in four seco nds
slow speed tracking at less than 0.2 mill s
FCS computation accu racy 0.1 mil
additional features
automatic drift correction
gunner's thermal display
fired rounds data display
full system built-in test equipment
extended range capability
mean point of impact adjust fa cility
Both configurations allow the engagement of static and moving target s
while the firing platform is stationary or moving .
Marconi Digital Fire-Control System 2) com mander's control panel which interfaces to the computer and
provides th e following facilities :
Development/Description a) system and calibration confidence checks
The Marconi Digital Fire-Con tro l System (DFCS) has been designed as a b) designation and display of ammunition type
private venture , to be both a new-build fit and a retrofit ki t for upgrading light c) entry of ballistic data such as charge temp erature, air density ,
and medium armoured fighting vehicles with sophisticated fire control barrel wear and individual gun characteristi c correction
system technology. d) monitor of sensor inputs
Based on experience gained with th e improved Fire Control System , the e) manual data entry in the event of a sensor failure
modular and compact components of the DFCS can be fitted into the f) entry of add/drop corrections
restricted space turrets of light armoured vehicles such as the Cadillac 3) CRT driver unit. which provides the computer controlled display images
Gage Textron V-ISO and V -SOO and tanks such as the Cadillac Gage in the gunner's and commander's sights including the aiming mark ,
Textron Stingray , M41 , M48, T-54/T-55 and Chinese Type 59 family . alphanumeric range and ammunition type selected. It also provides a
It has been triall ed on the V-ISO (4 x 4) and V-SOO (S x S) vehicles and simulated target shape and tracer trajectories in the training mode
Ihe Cadillac Gage Textron Stingray light tank armed with a 105 mm gun , 4) ballistic sensor package. which normally has measuring equ ipment
the latter being lhe first production application . fitted for trunnion tilt inform ation and meteorological data such as crosswind
Facilities offered with the system include movi ng targe t engagement velocity and direction , tog ether with optical encoders for traverse and
capabi lity , automatic gun laymg and a built-in gunnery Iraining simulator. It elevation . in ord er to provide high quality target tracking and to ensure
also has fire-on-the-move capabili ty for MBT applications. Its perform ance accu rate automati c gun laying
is compatible with the accuracy of 7S, 90, 105 and 120 mm calibre guns , 5) a rigidly mounted hand controller unit for gun laying , laser ranging and
even at extended ranges using low velocity HEAT and HESH ammunition . firing that also allows for demands in elevation and traverse .
The mam elements of the system are as follows : For an electrical turret servo the firi ng handle and thumb controller
1) IS-bit digital computer with power supply unit that runs off the vehicle 's provide the gunner with all the controls necessary to conduct an engagement.
own supply. The computer incorporates self-test so ftware and permanently ie weapon selection , a mmunition designation , lasing. autolaying an d firing .
retains information such as barrel wear data and shoot-i n adjustment Similar controls are provided on th e duplex con trollers when a hydraulic
details , apart from performing the firing solution calculations turret servo is preferred.
Main components of Marconi Digitat Fire-Control System Typical Marconi Digital Fire -Control Sys tem target engagement
In a typical engagement against enemy armour the AFV firing platform The gunner, having tracked the target for approximately two seconds ,
would normally have its main gun pre-loaded with an armour defeating presses the autolay switch. The computer adds the average target motion
ammunition type such as HEAT and be in th e ready-to-fire state. The correction to the ballistic aim-off value and generates a corrected aiming
commander would select the target and slew the turret around to its point in the sight. Within the next two seconds the computer automatically
azimuth while giving the fire order to the gunner. The gunner confirms when commands the gun and turret servos to move the barrel to this corrected
he sights the target, se lecting with his hand controller the main gun and position .
ammunition type loaded . At the coincidence of the aiming mark and the target the gunner fires the
The HEAT text is then displayed in his sight eyepiece and he uses the main gun by depressing the firing switch. The total time from the commander
power servo hand controller to lay onto the target. presses the laser selecting the target to the gun firing is typically eight seconds.
ranging switch and continues to track the target.
The laser range target value in now displayed in the gunner's sight and Status : Production as required . In service with Stingray light tanks (106)
th e compu ter displays th e DFCS aiming mark which is scaled to the targ et used by Thailand .
at its measured ra nge and is centred on the aiming mark. The computer
than processes the meteorological and trunnion tilt sensor data in order to Manufacturer : Marconi Command and Control Systems Limited , New
calculate the ballistic aim-off value. Parks. Leicester LE3 1UF oUK
Telephone: (0533) 871481 Telex : 34551 Fax : (0533) 871746
In addition to the Marconi Centaur Tank Weapon Control System and the Two further systems are already in service with the British Army. The se
Digital Fire-Control System described in th e two previous entries, Marconi are the Marconi Improved Fire Control System (IFCS) (Jane 's Armoured
Command and Control Systems has developed a complete range of fire- Fighting Vehicle Systems 1988-89 page 371) , which is standard fit on the
control systems for applications in a wide variety of AFVs . Chieftain , and the Marconi Improved Computer Sighting System (ICSS)
These include the Marconi Simplified Fire-Control System (SFCS 600) (Jane 's Armoured Fighting Vehicle Systems 1988-89 page 371) , which is a
and the Marconi Enhanced Fire-Control Systems (EFCS 600) (Jane 's standard fit on the Challenger 1 MBT.
Armoured Fighting Vehicte Systems 1988-89 page 370) which have been
trialled in such vehicles as the M48 , Vickers Mk 3, Vickers Mk 3 (I), Manufacturer : Marconi Radar and Control Systems Limited, New Parks,
Centurion , Chie ftain , Challenger 1 and T-54fT-55fType 59 . EFCS 600 is Leicester, LE3 1UF, UK .
standard fit on th e Vickers Mk 3 MBTs of the Nigerian Army. Telephone: (0533) 871481 Telex: 34551 Fax : (0533) 871746
Texas Instruments Modular Target Acquisition It is reco nfigurabl e for many weapon systems and expandable to
incorporate Preprogramm ed Product Improvement (P' I). The system will
System (MT AS) also perform management of ordnance and other weapon system stores.
The MTAS hardware features a standardised control station. common
Development/Description vehicle databus and next generation focal plane thermal imaging system .
Texas Instrum ents is developing a new concept of fire-control system Other characteri stics include a continuously running Built-I n Test (BIT).
known as the Modular Target Acquisition System (MTAS) which will have fault isolation 10 the module level. autom atic boresigh t control and an
the ability to find , identify and automatically track and engage multiple embedded training facility which allows crew members to acquire individual
targets simultaneously and at extended ranges . position skills as well as training as a part of a weapons team .
It will be applicable to Ihe follow ing system types'
(a) Anti-Armor Weapons Systems-Heavy (AAWS-H ), eg the Kinetic Energy Status : Development.
Missile (KEM) , Advanced Missile System-Heavy (AMS-H) and the current
and future TOW upgrades Manufacturer : Texas Instruments Incorporated . Electronic System s
(b) Air Defence Systems Division . Business Development Manager, 2501 W University. MS 8046,
(c) Armored Family of Vehicles McKinney , Te xas 75070, USA.
(d) Armour Projectile Systems. Telephone : (214) 952 2000 Cable: TEXINS
YUGOSLAVIA (Serbia/Montenegro)
SUV-84 Tan k Fire-Control System For an engagement the ballistic computer is automatically fed acquired
data on the targers range , turret turn rate, tank ti lt angle , ambient air
temperature and pressure and cross-wind from the various sensor units.
Devefopment The superelevation and deflection angles are then calculated and transmitted
The SUV-84 is an indigenous developed fire -control system for th e T-72 to the two-axis automatic etectrohydraulic system of Ihe 125 mm smooth-
MBT model (produced locally under the designation 'Tenk M-84 '). Fitting of bore D-B1TM (2 A46) main gun and coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun for
the SUV-84 has resulted in the detetion of the TPD-2-49 laser rangefinder aiming purposes.
port on the front left side of th e turret and th e replacement of both the The fire -control system has three modes of operation : the fully automated
gunner's TPN-1-49-23 periscopic sighVstadiametric rangefinder unit and stabilised mode described above : a semi-stabilised mode ; or a back-up
the commander's TKN-3 day/night sight. mechanical (that is. manual) one , using hand traversing and visual aiming
techniques .
Desc ri pti on Engagement cycle time can vary between 0.5 to 2 minutes depending
The SUV-84 is a fu ll solution fire-control system with target acquisition and upon the target type and meteorological conditions.
tracking capabil iti es in both day and night con ditions with independent line- The tank commander has a binocular DKNS-2 day/night periscope sight
of-sight equipment. With an image intensifier passive night vision elbow. Magnification of the
The gunner has a DNNS-2 monocular day/nig ht sight assembly with day channel is x 4.9 with aiD" field-of-view while the night vision channel
integrated laser rangefinder. The night vision channel uses a passive magnification is x 4.3 with a 10.9" field-of-view .
image intensifier elbow.
Gunner's DNNS-2 Sight
day channels x 7 and x 3
night channel x 8.5
day channels 9' and 20"
mght channel 5.3'
HEAT-FS 200 - 4000 m
HVAPFSDS 200 - 4000 m
HE -FS 200 - 6000 m
7 62 mm machine gun 200 - t500 m
The anti-tank gun FCS is designed for use on various types of anti-armour no necessity to display the range and possibly distract th e gunner. However,
guns including recoilless rifles. It enables the observalion , target distance if required , the gunner can press a button and recall the value for display on
measurement , target tracking and firing at both static and moving targets a four digit seven segment LED display which superimposes itself onto the
during day or night engagements. image he is viewing through the system eyepiece.
The FCS comprises the following subsystems : For ranges above the engagement limit it is assumed that only soft
(a) day/night sigh t with integral 1.064 ~m wavelength Nd-YAG laser targets are being engaged which have a negligible crossing speed so that
rangefinder unit in most instances it is not necessary to calculate a lead angle. To allow th e
(b) built-in solid-state ballistic Digital Computer (DC) which controls the gunner to fire the weapon with a minimum of delay th e range display
whole system (including the laser firing) and calculates the firing solution appears in the gunner's field-of-view immediately after the LAF is activated.
lead angle and superelevation figures using laser range data. manually All he has to do then is lay the weapon in elevation by use of the buill-in
input meteorological and ammunition data (up to four types of inlormation ballistic reticle . If the lead angle is required then it is still possible to observe
stored) . Once the solution is calculated it then generates an electronic the target movement during the TOF indicated by th e BBC . The reticle has
aiming mark within the sights field-of· view. horizontal lines corresponding to ranges of 200 to 2000 m and vertical lines
(c) exchangeable Battery Block (BB) fo r lead angle determination.
(d) angle speed sensor (for direction and elevation )
(e) interconnecting cable set Status: Production as required . In service with the Yugoslav Army .
All the gunner has to do during an engagement is acquire the target, fire
the laser. lay the weapon to the calculated firing parameters and lire the Manufacturer: Enquiries to contractor : SDPA - Federal Directorate of
weapon. Supply and Procurement, PO Box 308, 9 Nemanjina Street. 11105 Belgrade,
Up to the maximum target distance. which is a function of the weapon Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro) .
type and the ammunition type used (for example. for a 106 mm recoilless Telephone: (1 1) 621 522 Tele x: 11360/ 11541 YU SDPA
rifle it would typically be 1000 m) , the required superelevation is directly Cable : DIAPAOM Fax : (11) 635 702
indicated by an aiming mark , offset in the vertical direction so th at there is
The tank Fire-Control System (FCS) type SUV-T55A is designed for use on
T·55 and T-62 MBTs . as well as for retrofitting to modified T-55 (wi th
105 mm main guns) and Chinese Type 59 MBTs . The system ensures a
high first round hit probability at long ranges during day and night conditions
against both static and moving targets whilst the platform vehicle is stationary,
and against both stationary and moving targets in th e day tim e whilst it is
moving. Typical engagement conditions for th ese scenarios are :
Platform Target
stationary stationary (size 2.3 x 2.3 m)
stationary moving (size 4.6 x 2.3 m, speed
40 km/h)
moving (speed 25 km/h) stationary (size 4.6 x 2.3 m)
moving (speed 25 km/h) moving (size 4.6 x 2.3 m. speed
40 km/h)
system data) Schematic of T-55 MBT showing position of main components of SUV- T55A
(c) com bined meteorological sensor assembly (which measures ambient Tank Fire-Control System
air temperature ambient air pressure . cross wind velocity and head wind
(d) fire -control computer which calculates the firing solution from manually
input and automatic input data sources (k) azimuth speed transmitter
(e) loader's display panel (which displays ammunition types and selection) (I) elevation sensor.
(f) gunner's control handle A typical moving target engagement cycle would be :
(g) amplifier box unit (a) The tank commander detects the target and presses the target acquisition
(h) amplifier input/output logic and Signals distribution bo x button ; th e turret swings around to align the gunner's line-of-sight with
(i) gun linkage mechanism the commander's cupola position (typical tim e taken for acquisition
(j) gyro box phase is two seconds)
Yugoslavia ( Serb ia / Montenegro) / AFV FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS 411
(b) The gunner takes over the engagement by tracking the target and system is based on the SUV -T55A and SUV -MB4 mod els with
operates his laser rangefinder to establish the range (typical time taken the only difference being that the integrated day/night sight has been split
for tracking phase is six seconds); this is then displayed in his optics and into two sub-units : a gunner's day sight with built-in laser rangefinder and
fed to the computer; a firing solution is computed from all the data inputs a gunner's night sight with either a passive night image intensifier or
and the calculated superelevation and lead angles continuously fed to the thermal imager.
gun laying system; the sigh t deflection system simultaneously counter SUV-60 intended for upgrading 01 the American M60 MBT.
rotates in order to maintain the line-aI-sight to the target : the gunner then SUV-C H intended for upgrading of the British Chieftain MBT ,
fires the main armament (typical time taken for firing phase is six seconds)
(c) Further firing of ro unds against the target can th ereafter take place very Status : Production as required. In service with unspecified countries.
rapidly as the lead angles are still being calculated .
The engagement procedure is the same lor whether th e firing platform is Manufacturer: Rudi Cajavec, Defence Electronics , 7BOOO Banja Luka ,
moving or stati onary. Brace Pavlica 23A , Yugoslavia (Serbi a/Montenegro) .
Telephone : (07B) 46 707 Fax: 334B2
SUV-MB4 intended lor the Yugoslavian M-B4 MBT. All the main tactical Enquiries to : Federal Directorate of Supply and Procurement (SDPR),
usage and technical data of the SUV-T55A remain valid for the SUV-MB4 . 9 Nemanjina Street, 11105 Belgrade , Yugoslavia (Serbi a/Montenegro).
SUV-T72 intended lor upgrading of th e T-72 MBT and derivatives . The Telephone : +3B 11621522 Telex: 11 360 Fax: +3B 11325403
Daylnight gunner's sight NUMBER OF AMMUNITION TYPES 6
MAGNIFICATION AIR TEMPERATURE 15' C (range -45' C to +50' C)
day x 7 and x 3 AIR PRESSURE 750 mm Hg (range -300 to +
night x B.5 100 mm Hg)
FIELD-OF-VIEW POWDER TEMPERATURE 15' C (range -45' C to +50' C)
day 9' and 20' CROSSWIND VELOCITY ±40 mls
night 5.5' HEADWIND VELOCITY ±40 mls
MAX RANGE 10000 m laser 200-6000 m
ACCURAC Y ±5m manual 200-9400 m
IMAGE INTENSIFIER TYPE second-generation tube LEAD ANGLE ±45 mils
SUPER ELEVATION - 10 to +70 mils
Thermal imager option
WAVEBAND 7.5-11.B ~tm Gun contro l system
wide 5.1° x 12° max azimuth speed ±BO mils
narrow 1.7c x 4" max elevation speed ±40 mils
NUMBER OF ELEMENTS 60 max azimuth speed ±300 mils
COOLING SYSTEM Stirling closed cycle max elevation speed ±BO mils
The Commander's Display Panel (CDP) has been developed by Computing
Devices Canada to provide the tank commander with a versatile and simple
interlace for the display of digitised terrain maps , tactical information and
navigation data.
It is also used for the composition . transmission and receipt of formatted
messages and the display of ve hicle statu s reports. These functions are
achieved through the use of a 203 mm x 203 mm EL panel with a touch
sensitive overlay to implement a number of software programmable function
switches. Four dedicated hard switches for discrete functions complement
the EL panel.
The ARVERNE magnetic heading indicator system was developed under a
DTAT/AMX-APX co ntract and adopted by the French Army under the
designation APX M539. It is designed for use mainly on armoured veh icles
and has been tested on and fitted to such vehicles as the AMX-30 . AMX·32.
Leopard 1. M48 and M60 MBTs. Panhard VIT. AM X-l 0 and RVI VAB APCs.
and the various Panhard . AMX-l0RC and Renault armoured car and light
reconnaissance vehicle families .
The system consists of three components :
t) an externally mounted cylindrical sensor Unit which con tains a magnefic
detector, an attitude detector. the associated electronic circuits and the
compensation and power supply circuits. The siting of the sensor is
determined at the start of a vehicle fit programme by magnetic mapping
measurements to find the best possible location in relation to any existing
magnetic disturbances and essential access or user constraints. If the
vehicle is modified during its life the mapping has to be redone and the
sensor relocated accordingly Main components of the Sextant Avionique ARVERNE magnetiC heading
2) a display unit for the vehicle commander into which the corrected indicator system. from left to right. display unit. junctIOn box and sensor unit
sensor output signal is fed to control the movement of the compass dial
card on which the magnetic heading of the vehicle can be read against a around it because of its ferrou s stru cture and the electrical operations
fixed index mark which represents the vehicle axis, carried out within it. Thus a fluxgate type magnetometer is used in the
The operator also has a manual control for setti ng the heading to steer sensor whereby corrections are made , using coeHicients calculated in
and an electrical output signal representing the deviation between the magnetic field along the main axes of the vehicle. Because Ihe data
actual heading of the vehicle and the preset heading which can then. for generated by it are distorted by the spurious magnetic disturbances around
example . be used to control a simple righVl eft steering device to correct the the vehicle , the raw information is fed into the electronics section of the
course or be fed into other systems sensor whereby correcti ons are made. using coefficien ts calcu lated in
3) a junction box , which provides the link between til e sensor unit and advance during the compensa tor phase of the system installation. The
the display unit as well as providing the interface for the electrical connection electronics also compensate for the effects of the slant of th e vehicle using
of the subsystem units to the 28 V DC vehicle supply. data obtained from the attitude detector measurements. Once all the
The operating principle of the ARVERNE relies on the fact that any corrections are made, th e signals representing the actual heading of the
armoured ve hicle creates a series of magnetic disturbances or anomalies vehicle are sent to the display unit.
By adding other modular components the navigat ion system display unit 100 x 100 x 100 mm
configurations, NAVYX (qv) and SYDADE (qv) , can be obtained. junction box 172 x 147 x 41 mm
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle supply
WEIGHT Status: Produclion. In service with the French Army and other unspecified
sensor unit 4 kg countries.
display unit I kg
junction box I kg Manufacturer: Sextant Avionique , Navigalion Systems Division , 25 rue
DI MENSIONS Jules Vedrines , F-26027 Valence Cedex , France.
sensor unit diameter 150 mm Telephone : (33) 75 79 85 11 Telex: 345807 F Fax : (33) 75 56 43 37
height 205 mm
Sextant Avionique NAVYX Position Determining d) two controls for re -adjusting the co-ordinates, which are used
System particularly for presetting th e starting position
e) a setting device lor the heading to be followed
2) a distance transmitter or odometer, which measures the rotation of
Development/Description the tran smission shaft that transmits movements directly to the driving
The NAVYX system configuration for military vehicles is obtained by adding wheel or to the sprocket wheel of the vehicle. It then delivers a characteristic
the two complementary modules that form the NAVYX position determining electrical signal representing the distance travelled , typica lly one pulse per
equipment to the ARVERNE (qv) magnetic heading indicalor system. The metre or thousandth of a mile . The scale factor of the sensor is calibrated
modules comprise : for the type of vehicle when the instrument is fitted. However. this litting
1) a processing and display unit , which is designed 10 be electrically may not be necessary if the vehicle already has a distance travelled sensor
interchangeable wilh the display unit of the ARVERNE heading indicator, installed which is compatible with the NAVYX system and has the desired
and consists of : accuracy of around 10/0.
a) a control dial for displaying the average magnetic variation of the All the operator has to do on start· up is set the magnetic variation, the
area through which the vehicle is travelling . The display read s between starting position and, when required , the heading to be followed. The
400 mils East and West with a resolution of 10 mils (or can optionally be system will then provide the information as detailed .
graduated in degrees with limits of ±25' and 0.5' resolution)
b) a moving compass dial on which the heading is read in front 01 a SPECtFtCATIONS
fixed index WEIGHT
c) two 4-digit numerical displays which are graduated either in heading sensor unit 4 kg
kilometres (up to 99.99 along each axis) or mites (again up to 99.99 along heading junction box t kg
each axis) . The heading value supplied by the ARVERNE indicator is a heading display unit
magnetic heading , so the processing and display unit uses the set variation (optional) I kg
to calculate a corrected heading in order to find the vehicle 's posi ti on in distance tran smitter
terms of X- Y co-ordinates unit 1.7 kg
processing and display
Unit 3 kg
heading sensor unit diameter 150 mm
height 205 mm
heading junction box 172 x 147 y 41 mm
heading display unit
(opti onal) 100 x 100 x 100 mm
distance tran smi tter unit diameter 60 mm
length 120 mm
processing and display
unit 180 x 120 x lID mm
POSITION ACCURACY between 1 and 3% of distance travelled
depending on vehicle type
HEADING ACCURACY between 1 and 3' depending on vehicle
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle supply
Status : Production . In service with the French Army and other unspecified
Development/Desc ription
The Sextant Avionique SYDADE dead-reckoning land navigation aid system
configuration for mililary vehicles is obtained by adding the distance
transmitter unit 01 the NAVYX (qv) position determining equipment to the
ARVERNE (qv) magnetic heading indicator system and then coupling both
to a system-crew intertace unit.
The latter is designed to be electrically interchangeable with eith er the
display unit of the heading indicalor or the processing and display unit of
the NAVYX system . The unit uses the distance information and Ihe magnetic
Ileading data , generated by the respective subsystems to continuously
update the current position of the vehicle in an X-Y co-ordinate system after
prior setting of the start position , and displays this information together with
the vehicle heading .
It can also be used for navigation towards a fixed waypoint by bearing-
distance measurements, and for Iriangulation calculations whenever the Sexranr AVIonique SYDADE Land Navigation Aid System components
operator wishes to obtain a waypoint from Information sent by an external
observer at some distance from the vehicle.
The front panel of the system -crew interface unit has the follOWing 3) two 4-digit numerical display windows for parameter presentation :
controls/displays: present position (X-Y co-ordinates): waypoint (X-Y co-ordinates) : waypoint
1) a selection switch for system sellings and functions bearing and distance : updating position : observer posi tion . waypoint co-
2) a keyboard for inpulling parameter information ordinates with respect to observer
SAGEM NSM 20 Land Navigation System 3D navigation by position updating on the move , compuling route planning
information and calculating headings and distances,
POSITION ACCURACY 10m CE P plus 0.2% of distance travelled
STORAGE 0,7 mil/h
ALIGNMENT 1 mil (1 sigma)
The CITA 20 navigator and inertial goniometer unit has been developed by
SAGEM from the NSM 20 land navigation system and is fitted to the
155 mm AUF 1 self-propelled guns of the French Army to provi de automatic
and im mediate orientation of the vehicle at a firing position , without th e
need to pre-survey landmarks.
The orientation and position data computed by the CITA 20 is digitised
and can , therefore , be sent to a centralised or autonomous artillery
automation system .
CIT A 20 can also be fitted to other artillery systems such as th e 155 mm
M 109 self-propelled howitzer series and th e 227 mm Multiple Launch
Rocket System (MLRS) to give them the same accurate. immediate and
autonomous fir ing capability.
The system comprises five modules including an odometer unit and
provides the same functions as the NSM 20.
SAGEM SIGMA 30 Ring Laser Gyro Inertial The alignment and navigation functions are performed Ihrough a unique
and optimised Kalman filtering of multi-sensor data, increasing inertial
Navigation System odometric and zero velocity information . All sensor calibrations are automatic.
Development Description
The SIGMA 30 is designed to be used with platforms such as long-range The SIGMA 30 comprises the following subsystems:
anti-aircraft artillery which need accurale precision heading and positioning (a) Inertial Navigation Unit
dala. The equipment also suits any application requiring short reaclion (b) a handheld terminal which manages the SIGMA 30 control and data
time , severe environmental operating condition qualilicalion and low-life display
cycle costs. (c) an odometer (optional)
A SAGEM GPS/NAVSTAR receiver can be embedded into the Inertial
Navigation Unit itself or interfaced as an external unit.
To achieve its performance characteristics the SIGMA 30 combines the
use of user Iriendly control with the latest generation Ring Laser Gyro
device. with a high performance accelerometer specially adapted to
strapdown usage.
This provides for all long-range artillery navigation requirements, including
3D inertial navigation . an absolute and accurate weapon aiming/laying
capability over the platform's whole elevation range , and Zero Velocity
Update (ZUP) .
HORIZONTAL ACCURACY 10m + 0.15% of Ihe dislance travelled
(without Zero Velocity Update)
VERTICAL ACCURACY 5 m + 0.1% with Zero Velocity Updale
every 10 min
GPSOPTION C/A and P codes
Status : Pre-production .
WEIGHT 45 kg
DIMENSIONS 520 x 490 x 260 mm
ACCURACY (following onboard mission processing) :
Survey mode for traverses up to 15 km
(With 4 min period velocity updates)
±0.5 m CEP on the three axes
Artillery mode lor traverse up to 75 km
(with 10 min period velocity updales)
±2 m CEP on the three axes
± 0.5 mil CEP on heading
Status : Production .
The SILVER strapdown AHRS IS specifically intended for use by MBTs and
mobile anti-aircraft weapon systems. It uses dynamically tuned GAM l -GL
gyroscopes ensuring initial alignment with the vehicle at rest before providing
continuous heading and attitud e references whilst It IS in motion .
Initialisation and resetting are achieved by elect rolytic levels
ALIGNMENT ACCURACY 0.5 alter 5 mlns measuremenl
OUTPUT RS422 (two directIOns)
Status : Pre-production.
Bodenseewerk GPA 2000 Gun Positioning and SPECIFICATIONS (typi cally installed in an Ml 09)
Laying System GYRO DRIFT :50.5 mil/h
Development travel distance 4 km :5 10 m (2nd RMS)
The GPA 2000 has been developed using the in-service experience derived travel distance 4 km :50.25% of distan ce travelled
from the BGT FNA 615 Vehicle Navigation System . It is designed for use as ALTITUDE ACCURACY
a land navigation and attitude reference system and gives preCisio n travel distance 10 km :5 10 m (2nd RMS)
determinations of present position (UTM co-ordinates piUS altitude) and travel distance 10 km :50.1 % 01 distance travelled
attitude (azimuth , elevation and cant angle) for gun positioning and laying. ATIITUDE ACCURACY
It has been selected for the future German Army's self-propelled howitzer. (for 65 elevation
PzH 2000, and can also be used as an update package for fielded sys tems and 30 cant angles) :51 mil
such as the American Ml09 famity. POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
Description warm-up phase (1-2 min) 230 W
The GPA 2000 Gomprises the following subsystems : operation 70 W
(a) Heading and Attitude Reference Unit (HARU ) - which represe nts an
autonomous heading and attitud e platform with self alignment capability . Status: Entering pre-production and series productio n phases. On order
The associated electronic and navigatio~ / fire-cont r ol computer IS based lor German Army (PzH 2000 application) .
on the 80286/80287 microproce ssor. For North alignment by
gyrocompassing and heading one Dynamically Turned Gyro (DTG) is Manufacturer: Boden seewerk Geratetechnik GmbH. PO Box 101155.
con tained in the platform . 0-7770 Uberlingen . Federal Republic of Germany.
This gyro technology has already been proven in the FNA 615 system Telephone: (07551) 89-0 Telex: 733924 Fax: (07551 ) 89-2822
with an MTBF of more than 100000 hours (based on approximately one
million opera ting hours logged).
The electronics are based on the latest Su rf ace-Mounted Devices (S MD)
whilst the HARU is contained within a ruggedised and shielded housing.
(b) Fire-Control Unit (FCU) - which consists of a programmable keyboard ,
a high contrast illuminated LCD (with eight lines of 20 characters), a
com puter board , a power supply board and an interface board in a dust
and watertight housing.
(c) Distance Transmitter Un it (DTU ) - which consists of an electro-optical
transducer and associated electron ics.
The GPA 2000 will perform the following function s:
(a) autonomous determination of geographic/grid North by gyrocompassing
(b) continuous determination of present vehicle position in UTM -East and
UTM-North co-ordinates
(c) continuous determination 01 present vehicle altitude
(d) continuous determination of present attitude, ie azimuth , elevation and
cant angle
(e) continuous self-test of hardware and software before, dUring and after
operational use by means of Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) and te st
These functions are menu-controlled by the FCU via a standard RS422
interface. Bodenseewerk GPA 2000 Gun POSitioning and Laying System
WEIGHT (total system) approxi mately 35 kg
moves around two rollers, thus allowing the plotting of co-ordinates in the IV) FOA 50 Orie ntation/Survey System: 1 x KK 50 , 1 x EWG 50 ,
X- direction whilst those in the Y-direction are plotted by the moving ploNer 1 x KG 25 , optional FAG 50
head assembly. All the plotter funct ions are controlled by a smal l v) FOA 40 Orientation System : 1 x KK 50 , 1 x EWG 50, 1 x ABG 50,
microprocessor. The BITE built-in test program ensures the detection of optional FAG 50
malfunctions down to the subassembly level. vi) FOA 25 Orientation Syslem : 1 x KK 25 , 1 x EWG 50 , 1 x KG 25 ,
Another optional system is the FAG 50 Driver's Indicator which acts as a optional FAG 50
repeater unit and , depending on mode , continuously displays either the vii) FOA 20 Orientation System : 1 x KK 25, 1 x EWG 50 . 1 x ABG 50 ,
vehicle heading or the distance and bearing to destination/waypoint on its optional 1 x FAG 50.
compass rose dial. The specifications for the FOA 20 and FOA 40 Orientation Systems are
The various subsystems , equipped with compatible interfaces. can be given below whilst the others are described in the following entries.
combined to fit customer req uirements such as :
i) NKA 55 North ·seeking Gyro Syslem : 1 x NSK 55. 1 x ABG 50 SPECIFICATIONS
ii) FNA 50 Navigation System : 1 x NSK 55 . 1 x KK 50 . 1 x EWG 50. FOA 20 Orientation System
1 x ABG 50 , optional FAG 50 WEIGHT
iii) FNA 55 Navigation System : 1 x NSK 55 , 1 x KK 50 , 1 x EWG 50 , KK25 4.5 kg
1 x KG 25. optional FAG 50 EWG50 0.4 kg
ABG 50 2 kg
FAG 50 (optional) 1 kg
KK 25 243 x 152 x 152 mm
EWG50 62 x 62 x 65 mm
ABG 50 246 x 99 x 126 mm
FAG 50 (optional) 109 x 145 x 52 mm
POSITION ACCURACY CEP '; 2% of distance travelled at update
intervals of ,; 20 mins
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC vehicle supply
Teldix NKA 55 North-seeking Gyro System Depending upon environmental condi tions the NSK 55 has the potential to
an accuracy of 1 mil which equates to 0.06".
Developmen t/Description 3) vehicle specific cable connection set.
The vehicle-mounted Teldix NKA 55 North-seeking Gyro System consists In operation the system automatically senses the geographic North
of the following subsystems : within two minules. However, in order to achieve an accurate reading the
1) ABG 50 Control-Display-Unit, which is operated from a keyboard . vehicle must be at standstill during this alignment phase and on ground
with the data being indicated on an LCD panel. with not more than 15' of inclination . A figure of confidence value displayed
The LCD panel comprises a compass rose which indicates course for the attained North reference value indicates the system accuracy.
vehicle heading , a display section which shows on request th e mode of
operation, and the following data : SPECIFICATIONS
a) the grid heading , which is the angle between the gyro housing and WEIGHT
the UTM grid North ABG 50 2 kg
b) the true heading, which is the angle between the gyro housing and NSK 55 8 kg
the geographic North DIMENSIONS
c) a figure of con fidence for the data ABG 50 246 x 99 x 126 mm
d) the entered UTM position co-ordinates (Eastings and Northings ) NSK 55 302 x 173 x 228 mm
e) maintenance and adjustment values. HEADING RESOLUTION
2) NSK 55 North-seeking gyro , which incorporates a horizontal-spin- compass rose 200 mils
axis gas-bearing gyro that is capable of measuring very small angular digital readout 1 or 0.1 mils (selectable on 6400 mil scale)
velocities. The rate gyro is accommodated in a gimballing device and 0.1 or 0.0 1' (selectable on 360" scale)
aligned to the local vertical by a positioning device irrespective of the NORTH REFERENCE up to 1 mil (1 sigma) depending
vehicle's tilt angle. A high-precision stepper motor turns the rat e gyro into ACCURACY on environmental conditions
discrete azimuth positions and thus allows the sensing of components of NORMAL OPERATING
the Earth rate vectors In the horizontal plane. A microprocessor calculates AREA ±70' latitude
from the Earth rate componen ts the angle between the true North and the POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC vehicle supply
gyro housing reference . On vehicles the latter corresponds to th e vehicle 's
longitudinal axis and on radar antennas to the antenna axis . Thu s, true Status : Production . In service with unspecified countries.
heading is made available to the system .
By entering the UTM co-ordinates of the vehicle position (Eastings and Manufacturer: Teldix GmbH , PO Box 105608, Grenzhbfer Weg 36 ,
Northings) , the meridian convergence (or the angle between geographic 0 -6900 Heidelberg 1. Federal Republic of Germany .
North and the UTM grid North! is calculated . Thus grid heading is obtained Telephone : (06221) 512-300 Telex : 416735 Fax: (0622 1) 512·540
FAG 50
(Op tion)
Rafael RAFCOM-1 Heading Reference System (a) antenna - installed externally and which acts as the sensors unit
(b) CPU - installed internally and which performs the data processing and
Development/Description algorithm calculations
The Ralael RAFCOM·1 heading reference system is specilically designed (c) control and display unit - with digital and analogue readings which can
for installation in heavy armoured vehicles such as MBTs. although the be installed in th e crew compartment or in the turret.
modular system design is such that it can be installed in a variety of vehicle The readings can be displayed on separate units for the driver and the
types such as light vehicles. commander or be integrated into an existing onboard tire -con trol syslem
The basic RAFCOM·1 configuration is : computer lor display on a monitor.
The RAFCOM -1 reads magnetic North continuously without any
intervention lrom th e operator. Separate or integrated analogue or digital
reading s can be displayed either inside the crew compartment or near the
vehicle comman der's hatch . The system indicates magnetic North using
special algorithms which compensate for the vehicle's own variable magnetic
These algorithms also compensate for dip or tilt Inclination angles of up
to ±20 . malntainmg navigational accuracy in the moving vehicle.
The TAMAM LANS is a small lightweight inertial navigation system which is
used to provide complete navigational facilities for both wheeled and
tracked combat vehicles.
tt consis ts of three main subsystem s:
1) Heading Reference Unit (H RU) , containing a Iwo-glmbal inertial
platform that provides, as the principle output , the vehicle's heading ,
associated electronics . a Distance Transmitter unit interface and an eight-
bit digital microprocessor which performs the gyrocompassi ng , navigation
and automatic drift measurements and computations
2) Control and Display Unit (C DU ) which employs a similar eight·bit
microprocessor to transmit control panel information serially to the HRU
and receive information back to be displayed on its screen
3) Distance Transmitter Unit (DTU), which is based on a photodiode
System operating modes include: gyrocompass . navigation and auto-
calibration (using gyro drift measurement) . Navigation is possible by use of
co-ordinates, by bearing and distance. or with four different types of terrain
compensation .
Any co-ordinate system , besides UTM (geographic) , can be displayed
and other optional facilities include a Remote Display Unit (RDU), integration
with a laser rangefinder system , infra-red or movi ng map output. It is also
possible 10 report position and azimuth data in real time via radio links to
rear echelons.
WEIGHT (total) 24 kg
HRU 360 x 170 x 270 mm
CDU 271 x 182 x 95mm
DTU 67.2 mm diameter x 68 mm TA MAM Land NaVigation System Mk I
POSITION ACCURACY 0.2% 01 total distance travelled
irrespective of terrain
HEADING ACCURACY 2 mrad Status : Production (since 1981) In service with Israeli Delence Forces .
COLD START TIME 1 min (stored heading) Manufacturer: Israel Alfcrait Industries Ltd . Electronics Division , TAMAM
20 mins (full gyrocompaSSlng ) Precision Instruments Industries. Yahud Industrial Zone . PO Box 75
10 mins (degraded accuracy) IL·56100 Yahud . Israel
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC 3.5 A vehicle supply Telephone : 972 3 5315003 Fax : 972 3 5315140
422 L AN D N A V I G AT ION S Y S T EMS / I S rae I
The TAMAM LANS Mk II small. lightweight. all-wealher. ECM-reslslant.
Inertial. land navigation syslem is designed primarily for use on vehicles
wilh arlillery batlalions (bolh towed and self-propelled) , largel location
systems. battlefield surveillance . robollc systems . unmanned vehicles and
special mobile attack unils.
For the artillery. it elimlnales the need for survey at Ihe battery/ballallon
level thus providing a fast and accurate gun deployment and posilioning
capability in Ihe engagement of time urgent targets .
The LANS Mk II comprises the lollowing subsystems:
(a) Attitude and Heading Reterence Unit (AHRU ) - which contains a two·
gimbal platform providing the vehicle's headings. barometric pressure
gauge for the unit's tlelght. DTU interface and a microprocessor lor
executing the gyrocompasslng navigation and automatic gyro drift
measurements and computations
(b) Control and Display Unit (CDU) - which transmits control panel
information serially to the AHRU and receives the data to be displayed
on the panel. It also includes a communications line to the radio
(c) Distance Transmitler Unit (DTU) - which transmits the distance covered TAMAM Land Navigation System Mk /I
by the vehicle to the AHRU and is based on a photodiode oploelectric
The modes of operation for the system are .
(a) gyrocompasslng SPECIFICATIONS
(b) navigation DIMENSIONS
(c) laying AHRU 360 x 170 x 170 mm
(d) autocalibration (Including automatic gyro drift compensation) CDU 271 x 182 x 95 mm
(e) test (usi ng Built-In Test Equipment (B ITE)) DTU 67.2 mm diameter x 68 mm
These allow the LANS Mk II to: WEIGHT (total system) 25 kg
(a) navigate by co-ordinates. distance and azimuth POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC
(b) navigate by distance and azimuth to 20 waypoints POSITION ACCURACY 0.1 -0.15% of total distance travelled (CEP)
(c) orientate (for gun laying) ATTITUDE ACCURACY 0.5 mrad (RMS)
(d) terrain compensate by tour different methods. AZIMUTH GYRO DRIFT 0.3 mrad (RMS)
Optional features that can be supplied Include. ALTITUDE ERROR 10m (RMS)
(a) display 01 any co-ordinate system in addition to UTM (that is geographiC . AZIMUTH ERROR 1 mrad (RMS )
(b) Integrate the system with other systems such as a laser rangeflnder or Statu s: In production . In service with tile Israeli Army .
infra-red device to enable target location to be determined
(c) Driver Display Unit (DDU) Manufactu rer: Israel Aircraft Industries lid . Electronics Division. TAMAM
(d) moving map display Precision In strument Industries . Yahud Industrial Zone , PO Box 75 ,
(e) general purpose serial output (for example for data transmi ssion by IL-56t 00 Yahud. Israel.
radio). Telephone : 972 3 5315003 Fax: 972 3 5315140
Development/Descripti on
The TAMAM LANS Mk IV small. lightweight. all-weather. ECM-reslstan1.
Inertial land navigation system. specifically designed for use In air defence
vehicles and batteries, eliminates the need for survey at the batteryl
battalion level . thus providing a fast and accurate deployment and positioning
capability in the engagement of time urgent targets by producing :
(a) accurate common grid co-ordinates at the batterylbattalion levels
(b) fast and accurate azimuthllaying data
(c) fast and accurate battery deployment and redeployments.
The LANS Mk IV comprises the following subsystems :
(a) Attitude and Heading Reference Unit (AHRU) - which contains a two-
gimbal platform that provides the vehicle heading . a barometric pressure
gauge for the unit's height. DTU interface and a microprocessor for the
gyrocompassing , navigation and automatic gyro drift measurement s
and computations
(b) Control and Display Unit (CDU) - which transmits control panel
information serial ly to the AHRU and receives the data to be displayed
on the panel. It also includes a communication line to the radio equipment
(c) Distance Transmitter Unit (DTU) - which transmits the distance covered
by the vehicle to the AHRU and is based on a photodiode optoelectrlc
The modes of operation tor the system are:
(a) gyrocompassing
(b) navigation
(c) laying
(d) autocalibration (i ncluding automatic drift compensation)
(e) test (using Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) .
These allow the LANS Mk IV to:
(a) navigate by co-ordinates (UTM. AGR)
(b) navigate by leg (distance and azimuth)
(c) navigate by distance and azimuth to destination
(d) orientate (for gun laying)
(e) terrain compensate by four different methods.
TAMAM Land Navigation System Mk IV
I S rae I / LAN 0 N A V I G A TI 0 N S Y S T E M S 423
Optional features include : NAVIGATION ACCURACY 0.2% of distance travelled (CEP)
(a) display of any co-ordinate system in addition to UTM and AGR HEADING ACCURACY 2.5 mrad (RMS)
(b) integration of th e system with other systems such as a laser rangefinder ALTITUDE ACCURACY 10 m (RMS)
or infra-red devices to enable target location to be determ ined AITITUDE ACCURACY 5 mrad (RMS)
(c) moving map display AZIMUTH GYRO DRIFT 0.4 mrad/h (RMS)
(d) general purpose serial output (for example for data transmission by COLD START TIME 1 min stored heading
radio) . 10 mins full gyrocompassing
Development/Descripti on SPECIFICATIONS
The TAMAM VNAS is an independent, al l-weather, ECM resistant , land DIMENSIONS
navigation system for all types of wheeled and tracked armoured fighting CDU 270 x 180 x 95 mm
vehicles, It provides self-alignment, North finding , continuous azimuth DGI 160 x 160 x 160 mm
indication and distance measurement for accurate vehicle orientation. DTU 70 mm diameter x 70 mm
Position and heading data are displayed on a Control Display Unit (CDU) NRU 60 mm diameler x 70 mm
with alphanumeric and digital displays. The CDU also serves as the computer WEIGHT (total) 8 kg
and control unit. NAVIGATION ACCURACY 0.5-1 % of distance travelled (CEP)
Navigation can be performed by : AZIMUTH ACCURACY 0,5-1 % (RMS) using North finding process
a) waypoint setting by providing the azimuth and distance to chosen WAYPOINTS STORAGE up 10 100
point(s) on the way to the required position which the vehicle will pass COLD START TIME (max) 3 mins
through NORTH FINDING TIME 2 mins
b) self navigation by providing the location and azimuth of the vehicle ELECTRICAL INTERFACE RS232/RS422 communication serial port
and then setting its required position . POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC
Navigation accuracy is terrain independent and is between 1-2% of the
total distance travell ed. Azimuth accuracy is 10 Altitude measUring Status : In produclion . In service with Ihe Israeli army .
equipment is an optional extra .
The VNAS system com prises the following subsystems: Manufacturer : Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd , Electronics Division , TAMAM
(a) Control and Display Unit (C DU) - which is a menu-driven navigation Precision Inslruments Industries , Yahud Industrial Zone, PO Box 75.
computer that has alphanumeric and digital displays IL-56100 Yahud, Israel.
(b) Directional Gyro Indicator (DGI) - which maintains the vehicle direction Telephone : 972 3 5315003 Fax : 972 3 5315140
with low azimuth drifts
(c) Distance Tran smitting Unit (DTU) - which converts wheel rotation 10
electrical impulses using an optical encoder
(d) North Reference Unit (NRU) - which measures the horizonlal and
vertical components of the earth's magnetic field by a flu x gale magnetic
The VNAS performs dead reckoning navigation by measuring distance
travelled and azimuth. Distance measurement is performed by means of
counting DTU pulses . Azimuth to North is measured by NRU/DGt
hybridisation .
Initial azimuth to North is set through a North finding process which
calibrates the DGI as an accurate heading reference. The calibrated NRU
provides an initial azimuth accuracy of 0.5 (RMS),
The VNAS also enables the use of alternative inputs lor initial azimuth :
(a) NRU , immediate data azimuth setting
(b) external sou rce and manually input
(c) stored heading azimuth.
In the navigation mode the VNAS incorporates special software procedures
for maintaining azimuth by the DGI and eliminating possible long term DGI
drifts by hybridisation with the NRU .
Options include :
(a) integration with Global Positioning System (G PS) as a dual back-up
system and for synergies correction of navigation errors
(b) integrated compass version for vehicle azimuth indication - thi s
comprises the DGI , NRU and a Driver Display Unit (DDU) . TAMAM Vehicle Navigation System (VNAS)
AHRU 375 x 270 x 170 mm
CDU 271 x 182 x 95mm
EMU 154 mm diameler x 75 mm
DTO 67 mm diameter x 67 mm
AHRU 18 kg
CDU 3.8 kg
EMU 3 kg
DTU 0.2 kg
POSITION ACCURACY 0.1-0.15% of total distance travelled
(C EP)
TAMAM Guns Orientation and Navigation System (GONS) Manufacturer: Israel Aircraft Industries Ltd. Electronics Division. TAMAM
Precision Instruments Industries. Yahud Industrial Zone. PO Box 75.
IL-56100 Yahud. Israel.
Telephone : 972 3 5315003 Fax : 97235315140
The TAMAM NFM is a lightweight. portable . inertial navigation system that
is designed to provide autonomous and accurate North finding and aZimuth
data Jar artillery alignment (as used by the Israeli Army) and rapid
emplacement of mobile radars/OF anlenna and missile radars/launchers.
The NFM is not affected by iron parts or magnetic fields. and can perform
accurately in the presence of host vehicle base mollon caused by soil
settling . wind buffeting or personnel movemenl
WEIGHT 3.4 kg
ACCURACY 1-2 mils
REACTION TIME 2-2.5 mlns
ALLOWABLE INCLINATION ±5.6 (may be extended)
OPERATING LATITUDE 70 (can be operated at a higher lalltude with
reduced accuracy)
GEe-Ferranti FIN 1155 Land Navigation and (c) orientation in aZimuth , roll . pitch or elevation
(d) grid convergence angle .
Attitude Reference System Once configured and initiated alig nment time is reduced allowing quick
vehicle reaction time using stored headi ng or entered azimuth .
Development The system can also gyrocompass in both stationary and moving vehicles.
T he FIN 1155 is a small. lightweight. inertial navigation system designed for This dynamic alignment capability tolerates vehicle motion during 'static'
use in land vehicles such as tanks , APCs , self-propelled mortar vehicles gyrocompassing and also enables the inertial platform to level whil st th e
and towed artillery systems . It provid es outputs of position and attitude in vehicle is manoeuvring .
pitch, roll and azi muth thu s producing data suitable for navigati on , steering Advantage can be taken of any unplanned vehicle stops that occur as the
and sig ht attitud e. system will accept position update information at any time . Provision has
The system is based on a two-gimballed inerti al platform specifically also been made for the entry of position co-ordinates in advance to allow
designed to give inertial quality performance from a less complex semi- updating at known waypoints to be rapi dly executed .
strapdown con figuration. Extensive trials have taken place in the UK and The FIN 1155 will accept and output data in either grid or geographic
overseas on th e Chieftain and Challenger 2 MBTs as well as other vehicles. format. A large number of grids/spheroids used throughout the world can
The technology is derived from th e Position and Azimuth Determi ning be provided within the system. A comprehensive data bank of positional
System (PADS) design describ ed in a fo llowing entry. information on known points IS also available to enhance the effectiveness
of the operational range.
Descri ption Integration with GPS will employ one of the following options:
The FI N 1155 comprises. along with the interconnecting cable set. the (a) An embedded GPS receiver lully integrated with th e system 's Kalman
following LRUs : filter
(a) the Inerti al Meas uring Un it (IMU ) - which contains the in ertial platform . (b) Employing the G PS information from an existing onboard receiver.
electronics , power supply modu les and Ve hicle Interface Plate (VIP)
(b) the Odometer Transducer Unit (OTU) - which aids the system by SPECIFtCATIONS
providing velocity information that is combined with data from the IMU WEIGHT
via a Kalman fi lter . IMU 18 kg
The input/output infor mation is sent by a seri al data link to either an VIP 3 kg
operator's control/display panel or other systems such as fire-control or OTU 0.7 kg
bal listic computers. Continuous outputs of position, azimuth and attitude DIMENSIONS
are available for navigati on and steering , as well as velocity and attitude IMU 265 x 260 x 460 mm
rates for gun aiming and stabilisation . The installation plate is pre-adjusted VIP 265 x 55 " 460 mm
to the vehicle's reference axes to facilitate the fi tting , and exchange if OTU t05 x 65 x 100 mm
necessary. of the IMU. POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
The operation of the FIN 11 55 is as fo llows: after initial system start-up OPERATIONAL RANGE 700N to 70' S
the sys tem automatically enters th e alignment mode: at the completion of POS ITION ACCURACY 1% 01 distance travelled RMS
this mode the following ou tputs are available : AZIMUTH ACCURACY
(a) grid position to 1 m resolution AFTER ALIGNMENT 10 mils RMS (performance Improves when In
(b ) latitude and longitude to 1 arc second resolution 'navigate' mode)
The FIN 5500 consists of the following LRU 's : WEIGHTS
(a) Inertial Measuring Unit (IMU ) - which contains the embedded ring laser IMU 18 kg
gyroscope cluster. associated electronics , power supply and interface VIP 3 kg
plate OTU 0.7 kg
(b) Odometer Transmitter Unit (OTU ) - which provides velocity aiding DI MENSIONS
inform ation for assessment in the Kalman filter together with inertial IMU 320 x 176 x 206 mm
information from the IMU VIP 320 x 55 x 206 mm
(c) optional Control and Display Unit (CDU) - fo r use when the system is OTU 105 x 65 x 100 mm
not integrated into the onboard fire -control system . POSITION ACCURACY 10m PE for distance travelled up to
The FIN 5500 is a completely autonomous navigation system which 4000 m
requi red no ex ternal reference. It provides position, direction and attitude 0.25% CEP for distance travelled
continuously under all operating conditions. The system is free from th e greater than 4000 m
effects of jam ming and requires only an in itial position to initiate th e sys tem . AZIMUTH ACCURACY 1 mil RMS noraml
It provides th e full position and pointing accuracy typically required for 0. 5 mil RM S extended
artillery survey, gun-laying and navigation for self-propelled guns and PITCH AND ROLL ACCURACY 0.5 mil RM S
artillery observer vehicles. LATITUDE OPERATING RANGE 65"N to 65"S
A stored heading allows the system to ope rate within 30 seconds and POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
provide the necessary information for a rapid move . The syste m can be
provided with a number of types of start position in order to provide tactical Status: Ready for production .
flexibility. The FIN 5500 may also be integrated with an external and
embedded Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Such integration Manufacturer : GEC-Ferranti Defence System s Ltd . Navigation and
allows initi al position to be determined automatically. It also provides a Electro-optics Systems Division , Silverknowes, Ferry Road , Edinburgh ,
further source of velocity information and improves the reaction time and EH 4AD , Scotland .
mission time in certain scenarios . T elephone : 03133224 11 Telex : 727 101 Fax : 03 1 3435050
point. 'o ffset' distances may be inserted. At the completion of alignment the
vehicle is free to drive oft . Position , orientation and navigational data are
avai tabl e on demand .
To maintain the high navigational accuracy of the system the vehicle is
stopped lor 10 seconds at intervals 01 up to 10 minutes to complete a
'velocity update'. Thi s is implemented by pressing the update button on the
co nfrol panel which correct s accumulated position errors within the system .
On arrivat at th e gun battery or observation post , position and orientation
data are available immediately to identify th e co- ordinates of the battery
cen tre or to provi de an orientation reference to the gun director or the
forward observer's equipment. ff appropriate. onboard missio n processing
can be implem ented.
PADS Mk 2 can undertake a wide range of other military applications. such
as helping to lill in detail s or update military survey maps, establish the
tocation 01 minefields during mine-laying operations and , in remote areas,
provide su rvey and topographical profiles for mapping and communications
networks . Airborne PADS Mk 2 fitted to a helicopter may be used for target
loca tion as well as gunner su rvey with the sa me accuracy as land-based
versions .
GEC-Ferranti Pos ition and Azimuth Determining System (PADS) Mk 2 SPECIFICATIONS
installed In the rear of a Land Rover DIMENSIONS 540 x 470 x 300 mm
WEIGHT 51 kg
position or aZimuth update information becomes available from extern al POWER SUPPLIES 24 to 28 V DC
sources the system permits all current traverse data to be reprocessed 25 or 60 A lor warm up , 10 A normal
(on board mission processing) . This provides greater precision and enhances ACCURACY (after onboard processing )
the accu racy 01 subsequent real -time observations. For short traverse up to 15 km :
External update information may be supplied in th e form of : Relative accuracy between adjacent pOints t km apart: t m CEP
(a) known co-ordinates for a pOSition being surveyed For miSSions 01 3 hours or 75 km :
(b) the known azimuth or the system's alignment hOrizontal 3 m CEP
(c) re -surveying of a point previously included in th e traverse vertical 0.5 m CEP
(d) a series of velocity updates at the same point. Orientation 1.3 mil PE
The system has an operational latitude capability between 75 North and
75" South , and within the temperature range -32- C to +50 C Status: In production . In service with India. UK and other undisclosed
The PADS Mk 2 ca n be operational within five minutes of switch-on coun tri es
Accurate initial position information (obtained at a su rvey point) is inserted
via the control panel together with the approximate orientation data from a Man ufac tu rer: GEC-Ferranti Defence Systems Ltd , NaVigation and Electro-
magnetic compass. This is followed by an automatic alignment process optics Systems Division, Si lverknow es , Ferry Road. Edinburgh EH4 4AD .
within PADS to align the inertial instruments to North and East As it is not Scotland .
always possible to position the vehicle precisely over the required survey Telephone : (031 ) 332 2411 Telex : 727 101 Fax : (031) 343 5050
The APES is a ring laser gyro navigation system which is now in production
by GEC AvioniCS lor Ihe Warrior Mechanised Artill ery Observation Vehicl e
to meet the requirements of the Royal Artillery .
Ring laser gyros in a strapdown configuration, due to their instant start
and lack of moving parts . ensure fa st reaction and high reliability. which
leads to a reduction in maintenance and through-lile cost.
APES is based on a Honeywell tnc Dynamic Reference Unit (D RU ) and a
GEC Avionics Control and Display Unit (C DU) and is interfaced with a laser
range finder. Thi s combination provides a means of ca tculatlng extremely
accurately the grid co-ordinates and altitude bf a targ et . havi ng determined
its grid bearing , etevation ang le and distance.
The CDU provides the operator interface and displays a clear and
unambiguous readout 01 the vehicle position. waypoint and its bearing and
range from the vehicle position . It also displays tim e and trip distance and .
in the surveillance mode. altitude , turret bearing and etevation. and target
position .
In September 1987 GEC AVionics Guidance Systems Division was
awarded a contract worth (with options) over £17 million by th e UK Ministry
of Defence 10 supply APES units to GKN Defence for integrat ion into the
Warrior Artillery Observation Post Vehicle.
POSITION 0.25% distance covered
REACTION TIME less than 15 mins
DevelopmentJDescription The sys tem determines the vehicle's heading with respect to true North
The GEC Avionics Land Navigalion System (LNS) is a s ell-conlained . by measuring components of the Earth 's rotation rate whilst the vehicle is
totally autonomous . str apdown , inertial technotogy system . allowing stationary during the "align" mode. A correction is automatically added to
gyrocompass setting without any pre-orientation 01 the vehicte. the heading when the present position UTM (geographic) co-ordinates are
It has been tested on a number of vehicles worldwide , including Challenger inserted to give a grid heading . After this alignment the system automatically
1, Ml A 1, M48 , Type 59 , Warrior, Scorpion , M113 and Land Rover . enters the "navigate" mode which is its normal operation mode.
The vehicle velocity, derived from an odometer/ Doppler speed sensor, is If a quick start-up is required the stored heading alignment mode can be
resolved about the heading ang le to provide navigation . The system has selected , which enables the vehicle to move 30 seconds after switch-on.
been designed for use in the full range of military vehicles , both wheeled The equipment has provision to store th e co-ordi nates of up to nine
and tracked . Different speed sensors and scale factors are accommodated different positions and retain them wh en the equipment is switched off. By
by use of a suitable patch plug contained in the vehicle wiri ng . This enables selecti ng any of these pOSitions as the destination , the system provides the
LNS to be directly interchangeable between vehicles of different types , as driver with steering information to enable him to drive to th at position . In
needed. addition. th e commander is provided with a continuous update of range and
The system comprises a Navigation Control Unit , a Navigation Interface bearing to that destination , as well as a continuous update of his own
Unit , an Odometer Transducer Unit , a Remote Driver's Indicator and an position as the manoeuvre progresses. A compass rose presentation of
Inertial Measuring Unit. vehicle heading is provided for the commander, enabling him to orientate
In its simplest operating mode all the operator has to do is switch it on his maps quickly .
and insert his own grid position using the Navigation Control Unit keyboard. A "fix" feature is also provided which allows the displayed present
position to be updated as map referenced features are reac hed .
POSITION ACCURACY 1.5% CEP (of distance travelled during
2 h mission with no updates)
POWER SUPPLY vehicle system
MTBF 2000 h
SIZE OF IMU 305 x 152 x 127 mm
SIZE OF NCU 158 x 5 t x 203 mm
SIZE OF NIFU 127 x 102 x 76 mm
SIZE OF OTU 127 x 51 x 51 mm
Main componen ts of GECAvionics Land Navigation System from feft to fight: Manufacturer: GEC Avionics Limited , Guidance Systems Division, Airport
Navigation Inler/ace Unit. Navigation Control Unit. Remote Dover's Indicator Works. Rochester, Kent MEl 2XX . UK.
(optional) , Odometer Transducer Unit and Inertial Measuring Unit Telephone : (0634) 844400 Telex: 96333 Fax: (0634) 816748
DevelopmentJDescription normal and reciprocal headings, has eight levels of damping and allows th e
The MV fami ly of digital compass systems was developed to address the operator to manually input declination .
needs of the US military for a rugged militarised electronic compass to The system has a ±10 accuracy with 1 mil resolution . An RS232 interface
provide accurate and reliable heading information in military applications port is standard (cabling is optional). It comes complete with : remole
where conven tional card compasses could not , and gyros were too sensor ; 7.62 m of sensor cabling; two heading indicators each with 1.524 m
expensive. of cable ; a 4.572 m power cable; a junction box with cable connectors,
All of the MV103 series compasses use solid-state fluxgate sensor compensation potentiometers and option control s for - power/light. degrees/
technology to determine the heading of the sensor relative to local magnetic mils and normal/reciprocal heading ; a function switch for displaying and
North , thereby eliminating the problems of swim , swirl and overshoot which
are commonly fou nd with traditional compasses and make them difficult to
read . The MV family also incorporates methods that accurately cancel out
the effects of magnetism associated with the host platform and make use of
microprocessor-based signal processing .
The MV family models currently available are :
MVl 03A -the US Marine Corps tested the MV103A for two years before
selecting the unit for their AAV7 A 1 Amphibious Assault Vellicles. This
model provides continuous, accurate heading data throughout a wide
range of climatic weather regimes , including cold weather operations in
northern Norway. In 1988 the US Marine Corps ordered 1500 MV103A
compasses , with all being delivered by February t 989 .
MV103B - this is a general-use variant for application in a wider area of
military uses. It has ± 1' accuracy with t mil resolution . It provides three
levels of damping , a set course mode , a display light and an RS232 port for
interfacing (cable provided) with other systems . The MV103B is provided
complete with a remote sensor. 7.62 m of cable , a heading display with
1.524 m of cable, and a junction box with cable connectors, compensation
potentiometers, controls for power , light, damping level, and an off-course
mode. An EM II RFI -shielded spare fuse holder and fuse are fitted as
MVl 03C - this is the MV103 variant for use with light armoured vehicles.
It displays the magnetic heading in either degrees or mils . provides both Main components of the KVH MV103A Digital Fluxgate Compass system
setting ; a damping level control; an off-course mode switch; and declination Status : MV103A in production. In service with the US Marine Corps
input. An EM IIRFI-shielded fuse holder. fu se and spare are fitted as standard. (AAV 7A l) .
MV103AC - The MV 103AC is a prototype Global Positioning Satellite MV1 03B in production . In service with the US Navy (on all Landing Craft
(GPS) compatible system for use on heavy armoured veh icles. Developed types) .
under contract for the US Army . the MV 103AC has a unique microprocessor MV 103C evaluation trials with various military gro ups.
controlled self-compensation capability which allows the compass to MV103AC evaluation tri als with US Army and US Marine Corps.
overcome platform magnetic interference through a single turn of the MVI 03BT final development.
vehicle . In December 1990 a variant of the MVI 03AC was delivered to the In February 1991 KVH was awarded a $1 .6 million contract to equip US
US Marine Corps for use on th e AAV7. Marine Corps LA V -25 light armoured vehicles with a flu xgate compass.
MV103BT - This is the next generation of GPS compatible system. the
MVI 03BT . for use on MBTs . Manufacturer: KV H Industries Inc. 110 Enterpri se Center, Middletown,
Rh ode Island 02840. USA.
Telephone: (40 1) 847-3327 Telex: 382051 Fax: (401 ) 849-0045
Bendix Stabilisation Reference Package/Position (g) gyro excitation and power supply
(h) compensation electronics.
Determining System (SRP/PDS) The other compartment contains the gimbal assembly which includes the
fo llowing subsystems:
Development/Descriptio n (a) two small LG-60 gyros utihsed for gimbal stabilisation with single degree-
The SRPi PDS was designed fo r use with the MLRS prog ramme M270 of-freedom liquid hydrostatic float suspension . The gyro motors are
Armoured Vehicle-Mounted Rocket Launcher (AVM RL) and is enclosed t 2000 rpm , ball bearing , synchronous . with an overall system angular
within a two-compart men t housing which is hard mou nted to th e launcher momentum 01 30 x 10' gm cm'/s. The mode of operation is by output
loader. One compartm ent contai ns th e seven electronics modules which axis ve rtical rate
include all th e servo electronics . power supply and the microprocessor . The (b) two electroly tic , thermally isolated level sensor assemblies uti lised for
complete list of electronic subsystem cards is : levelling during gyrocompass-setting and maintain ing level during Ihe
(a) gyro buffer - level bu ff er bridge directional gyro mode . The linear range is ±4" with a scale factor of
(b) reg ulator and EMI fil ter 6.4 sl mv and stability of 0.004 sis
(c) Ri D, converter (c) one S DF LG-800 high performance North-seeking gyro utilised as a
(d) servo electronics rat e sensor during gyrocompass-setting and also in a dual role as the
(e) azimuth and drive electronics direction al gyro. It is of the liquid hydrostatic suspension type with a
(f) 9090 micro processorl interface and 4 Kbyte Read Only Memory (ROM ) Single degree-of-fre edom . The gyro motor is ball bearing synchronous
with 256 bytes of scratchpad memory (RAM). The timing sequence at 12000 rpm . wilh an angular momentum of 400 x 10' gm cm'/s. The
required is accomplished through the software by the real-time clock modes of operation are output aXIs vertical for gyrocompass-seltlng and
interruption output axis horizontal for dynamic reading .
The gyrocompassing technique involves the gyrocompass rale sensor Tactical Missile System (ATAC MS) programme which utilises the M270
finding North by measuring the horizontal component of the Earth's rotation AVMRL.
rate , The sensor is mounted with its sensitive axis or input axis in the plane
of a stabilised table . The platform table is maintained level by use of a SPECIFICATIONS
levelling servo-loop which utilises th e two electrolytic nulling level sensors. WEIGHT 29 kg
Whilst it is operating the North-seeking LG -800 unit is also isolated from DIMENSIONS 254 x 604 x 272 mm
any elevation and roll motion or environmental disturbances by th e two ELEVATION ANGLE +60". -300
LG-60 stabilisation gyros. ROLL ANGLE ±30'
The SRP/PDS provides the following functions to the M270 AVMRL: AZIMUTH 360"
(a) input and feedback signals to the launcher servo control system MOUNTING 3 poinV30 s (no isolators required )
(b) establishes launcher azimuth heading from true North ANGULAR RATE ACCELERATION
(c) establishes launcher elevation angle from the horizontal plane azimulh ±200' /s, 6000' Is'
(d) maintains heading information during AVMRL movements elevation ±200' ls, 6000' /s'
(e) aims the rocket modules RESPONSE TIME less than 7.5 min
(f) stabilises the launcher before . during and followi ng ripple or single RE -ALIGNMENT TIME less than 3.0 min
round rocket fir ings AZIMUTH ACCURACY less than 0.7 mil (1 sigma)
(g) retarget s the launcher assembly automatically ELEVATION ACCURACY less than 0.5 mil (1 sigma)
(h) an accurate PDS capability. When utilising this mode the SRPIPDS POSITION ACCURACY less than 0.25% of distance travelled
provides three-dimensional land navigation data in UTM grid co-ordinate in all axes
format to an accuracy of 0.25% of the distance travell ed in all axes. POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC
Upon reaching a known survey point the unit will automatically update
and calculate the cause for any error and correct. When stationary the PDS Status : Production . In service with M270 AVMRL users - Bahrain , France.
mode will measure DG drift and update to zero drift. Design speed range is Germany , Italy , the Netherlands, Turkey . the United Kingdom and the USA.
up to 100 km/h.
Manufacturer: AlliedSignal Aerospace Company , Land Vehicle Systems
Variants Marketing, Bendix Guidance Systems Division , Teterboro , New Jersey
An Improved Stabilisation Reference Package (ISRP) is used in the Army 07608 , USA.
Telephone : (201) 393-2791 /393-2138
The Honeywell MAPS medium accuracy land navigation system is in
production for installation aboard the US Army self-propell ed Ml09A6
Paladin howitzer and Firefinder II vehicles. Th e initial 1989 $5.7 million
con tract' s delivery options include as many as 2100 MAPS over five years,
These options , together with the associated warranty and maintenance
options, are valued at more th an $230 million .
In early 1988, the British Army selected Honeywell MAPS for use on the
Warrior Mechanised Artillery Observation Vehicle , with production units
already being delivered . In 1990, the Canadian Armed Forces selected
Honeywell MAPS as a land navigation/survey standard . The Swedish FMV
also selected the Honeywell MAPS as the Swedish Army standard for
installation on th e BKAN- l self-pro pelled howitzer, TGR-l1 survey vehicles
and FH -77 B 155 mm howitzer.
Other vehicle types tested with MAPS onboard have included the Mit 3
tracked APC, Lance battlefield system , NBC reconnaissance vehicle and
the HMMWV wheeled vehicle. Demonstrated performance has exceeded
the military specification requirements by considerable margins in practically Main components of the Honeywell Modular Azimulh and Position System
all areas. (MAPS) are (left to figh t). the Control and Display Unit (CDU) , Dynamic
The Honeywell MAPS was used in combat during Operation Desert Reference Unit (DRU) and the Vehicle Motion Sensor (VMS)
Storm by the British Army on its Warrior MAOV .
(d ) during any long distance vehicle movements. such as a ro ad march to
Desc ripti o n the next area of deployment , it is not necessary to perform a zero -
The syslem is based upon a strapdown inertial system using ring laser gyro velocity update more than once per hour. This is enough to ensure that
technology developed by Honeywell. The main subsystems are : the high naVigational accuracy of the system is maintained .
(a) Dynamic Reference Unit (DRU) which uses a Ring Laser Gyro (RLG ) The continuous information supplied by the MAPS at any point in time
assembl y. during a mission includes : th e azimuth reterence from true North: the
(b) Control Display Unil (C DU) vehicle elevation. pitch and roll : the UTM co-ordin ates (as Northing . Easting
(c) Vehicle Motion Sensor (VMS) and altitude values) , the angu lar rates (which is particularly useful as Ihis
(d) interconnecting cable set and equipment mounting brackets. allows real-time stabilisation of weapon s and sensor packages . as well as
In operation it provides : the transfer of alignment data to missiles to initialise their inertial guidance
(a) azimuth reference (from true North) unlIS): and , if required . latitude and longitude output.
(b) elevation
(c) pitch and roll SPECtFICA TtONS
(d) outputs in UTM co-ordinates WEIGHT 20.45 kg
(e) outputs angUlar velocity rates DIMENSIONS 221 x 273 x 381 mm
(f) con tinuous output during vehicle movement. POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
MAPS can aid or enhance the operational readiness of a unit by use of INTERFACE RS42 2 (1553B option)
th e following capabilities: RELIABILITY 4000 HRS MTBF
(a) during a rapid starl-up, th e system can recall from its memory the last ACCURACY 1 mil pOinting
values of heading and pOSition when the vehicle stopped, thus eliminating REACTION Instant on
the need for an initial alignment to begin navigating POWER 100 W nominal (no heater required )
(b) in a norm al alignment operation it performs a self-levelling procedure No cooling air requi red
and then aligns itself to true North . The time taken for this is less than 15
minutes and, when completed , does not need to be periodically repeated Status : Production . In service with the British Army (on Warrior Mechanised
as the equipment ·trims ' the azim uth at each zero velocity update pOint Artillery Observation Vehicles) and the US Army (on Ml09A6 howitzers
during the system operation and Firefinder II battlefield surveillance radar vehicles) .
(c) for high accuracy missions a built-in test fun ction (MAPS AUTOTRIM )
periodically checks and corrects the acce lerom eter and gyro Manufacturer: Honeywell MIlitary Avionics Division . 11601 Roosevelt Blvd ,
performances . Thus , once the initial factory calibration has been done , St Petersburg . FL 33716 . USA.
no lurther calibrations need to be made Telephone : (813) 579-6807 Fa x: (8t3) 579-6832
Magnavox GPS EngineI'M Turbo Version The GPS pro vides for a Standard Positioning Service (S PS) and a
Precise Positioning Service . T he SPS signal is intentionally degraded by
Development/Description national American policy to provide, on average . a 100 m 2dRMS accuracy.
The G PS Engine ''' , Turbo Version is a high performance six channel , The Precise Positioning Service is primarily intended for authorised (typically
L I -band CIA code receiver that provides Global POSitioning System (GPS) military) users . For approved users installation of the Magnavox Precise
power for embedded application s requiring US Arm y enviro nmental Position Security Module (PPS-SM) can be performed . The PPS-SM is an
standards for vehicle and manportable applications. integ rated circuit that, when properly keyed with crytographic material .
With six parallel channels the system si multaneously tracks and processes permits access to th e Precision Positioning Service , access to which
all of the GPS signal from up to six salellites. Conlinuous tracking provides provides upg raded navigalion , position location and ti me accuracy.
greater sensitivity than other types of receiver: typically 4-5 dB over sequential
rece ivers and 8 dB betler than multiplexed receivers. Each of th e channel s SPECIFICATIONS
in the GPS Engine, Turbo tracks both code and carrier phase independently DIMENSIONS 110.5 x 130.8 )( 12.7 mm
fo r smoother navigation res ults and greater potential accuracies. POSITION ACCURAC Y
The simultaneous collection of data fom six satellites provides bett er with SA 40 m CEP
position accuracy by averaging out all system errors at a single poin t in with PPS-SM 15 m CEP
time. Continuous redundant tracking also ensures uninlerrupled navigation with DGPS 2 - 5 m CEP
under adverse conditions , and when signals from one or more of th e
satellites are blocked . Status : Production . In service wilh the US Arm y .
The PCB is configured with cuslom analog devices and six-channel
baseband . Data output provides position , speed vectors. time . altitude and Manufacturer: Magnavox Electronic Systems Co, West Coast Division .
G PS statu s information . Differential GPS and time recovery capabilities are 2829 Maricopa St, Torrence, CA 90503 , USA.
inherent in the receiver's architecture and are available as standard features. Telephone : (3 10) 618 7036 Fax: (3 10) 618 700 1
VNAS has the capability to interface with the Global Positioning Satellite
(GPS) system should thai feature be required .
Vehicle Reference Unit 4.55 kg
Navigation Display Unit 1.14 kg
Vehicle Heading Indicator 0.32 kg
Distance Measurement Unit 0.82 kg
POSITION ACCURACY 2% (1 sigma) of distance travelled
Manufactu rer: Smiths Industries, 4141 Eastern Avenue. S.E., Grand Rapids .
Michigan 49518-8727 , USA .
Telephone : (616) 2417000 Telex : 4320036
SPECIFICATIONS (provisional)
WEIGHT 4.5 kg
DIMENSIONS 305 x 180 x 150 mm
POS ITION ACCURACY 2% of distance travelled per hour
TIME 5 min
DevelopmentiDescri pti on
The HNV-l goggles are a lighlweight. microchannel wafer, second-
generation 18 mm wafer tube unit (with optional third -generation type tube)
which uses Holographic Optical Element (HOE) technology to provide the
user continuously with a see-through image of the real world without having
to remove either the visor or goggles.
Using these goggles allows the operator to perform tasks at night
such as driving or maintaining a vehicle under better conditions Ihan could
be achieved using more conventional individual operator night vision
systems .
WEIGHT approx 1 kg
DISTORTION less than 7%
FIELD-OF-VIEW 3D· vertical
40· horizontal Oldelft HNV- l night vision goggles
FOCUS RANGE 250 mm to inlinity
RESOLUTION at full moon (10 ' lux) Status : In series production . In service with the Belgian Army and unspecified
better than 3 mrad countries.
by starlighl (10" lu x)
better than 5 mrad Manufacture r: O IP-lnstru bel NV / SA , Member of the Oldelft Group ,
BATTERY two 1.5 V AA size Westerring 21 , B-9700 Oudenaarde. Belgium .
Telepone : (055) 3338 11
The NORINCO Type TDPN-2 driver's night viewer is a second-generation ,
bi-ocular, single tube, image intensifier system of the periscopic type for
use in tanks or other AFVs.
The bi-ocular display allows the driver to view the low light level , image
inlensified screen at a distance of 50 mm from the large diameter eyepiece
with both eyes while remaining seated in the normal driving position.
In physical appearance, components and operation the TDPN-2 is almost
identical to the Israeli EL-OP company's Compact Driver's Night Viewer
and may well be a licensed copy.
LENGTH 360mm
WIDTH 162 mm
DEPTH 186 mm
TRAVERSE ADJUSTMENT 3D· left and right
RESOLUTION 0.85 Ip/mrad at 3 x 10 ' ft
Former Soviet armoured vehicles are known to be fitted with the following TVN-3
types of driver's night vision equipment: This is a later version of the TVN·2 and can be found on some late-model
T -62s and the follow -on MBT designs.
TVN -2
Status : TVN-2 production as required . In widespread service .
This is an active infra-red driving periscope with a 34' field -of-view and is
TVN-3 In production . In service with selected countries .
mounted on MBTs such as the T-54A. T-55 and T-62 in place of a standard
vision block. Maximum range is in the order of 60 m with the driver having a
Manufacturer: Former Soviet state factories.
bi-ocular eyepiece assembly to view through .
Devefopment/Description As an optional extra, the equipment can be fitted with a light dimming
The CN2-500 series is a range of second-generation passive driving device to allow daytime use in exceptional circumstances.
periscopes which enable AFVs to be driven at night without the aid of A CN2-500 series periscope contains three subsystems:
artificial lighting . a) optical module which contains the prism head and is encased within a
Modules have been designed within the seri es to fit a range of vehicle light alloy housing
types listed below : b) mechanical module which contains the objective lens assembly and
1) CN2-508 : Panhard armoured vehicles. AMX-13 light tank and RVI provides the means of fixing the system to the vehicle
vehicles c) optronic module which contains a wide aperture lens , a second-
2) CN2-516 : AMX -30 MBT, AMX-1 0 armoured vehicles and RVI vehicles generation TH 1313 microchannel inverter type lighl intensification tube
3) CN2-540 : AMX-40 MBT made by Thomson-CSF. a prism , a power supply circuit and the bi-ocular
4) CN2-548 : M48 MBT and derivatives vision syslem for the driver. All the components are con tain ed within a light
5) CN2-555: T-54, T-55 tanks and derivatives alloy casing.
6) CN2-559 : Type 59 tanks , Type 69 tanks and derivatives. The only modules specific to the vehicle type are the prism head and the
The periscope is interchangeable with the daylight system and is fitted housing .
with a bi-ocular eyepiece enabling simultaneous viewing with both eyes by
the driver without adjustment. SPECIFICATIONS
CN2-508 316 x 160 )( 132 mm
CN2-516 308 x 192 x 137 mm
CN2-548 316 x 200 x 128 mm
CN2-555 316 x 152 x 128 mm
CN2-559 320 x 150 x 140 mm
horizontal 50'
vertical 40'
RESOLUTION 1.5 mrad at 10 ' lux
IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE second-generation
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle system
The TN2-1 night vision binoculars are designed for general-purpose use
Including vehicle driving. They are head-mounted and utilise a single ,
second-generation. microchannellight-intensifier tube with a binocular eye
configuration to provide user comfort A single adjustment only is required
to SUIt the operato(s vision .
Power is supplied either by two 1.5 V AA-sized batteries or one larger 2.7
or 3.6 V battery. An integral LED unit provides additional illuminati on for
close order work such as map reading .
Weight is 0.47 kg co mplete , magnification IS x 1 and the field-of -view is
The OB-31 periscope is designed to be interchangeable with the daylight EE-ll Urutu and M48) to provide a combined day/night driving facility from
driving periscopes of the AMX-30 MBT, AMX-l0 armoured vehicles and broad daylight to starlight without the use of external aids such as headlights.
various other vehicle types (including the ERC Sagaie. EE -9 Cascavel , Two light-intensification tubes with suitable optical assemblies provide
two separate viewing channels and allow stereoscopic vision . A manually
operated diaphragm permits limiting of image brightness in high ambient
levels. Protection of the image intensifier tubes against excessive brightness
is provided by a special device within the optical system.
DIMENSIONS 327 x 193 x 163 mm
periscope 7.85 kg
(with transport case) 11.85 kg
MAGNIFICATION x 0.9 (approx)
horizontal 48°
vertical 40°
Status: Production . In service with Ihe French Armed Forces (approved for
use on AMX-30 MBTs, AMX-l0 and VAB armoured vehicles) and other
unspecified countries .
The OB-41 passive night-driving vision binoculars have two separate
microchannel image intensifier tube s with double proximity focus. In this
way comfortable stereoscopic vision is obtained.
Weight is around 0.9 kg complete. magnification is x 1 and the field -of-
view is 33". The typical range is 250 m and, with the aid of a faint additional
light source , the OB-41 can be used in very poor ambient lighti ng conditions
(eg less than 10 ' lux) at distances of up to 10m.
Status : In production . In service with the French Armed Forces and other
unspecified countries.
Night-time vision
GAIN 1000 min
FOCUS RANGE 0.25 m to infinity
IMAGE INTENSIFIER 2nd generation 18 mm non -inverting
(interchangeable with 3rd generation)
Night-time observation
FOCUS RANGE 10m to infinily
• Status : Production . First deliveries were made in 1992 against order from
the French Army .
SPECIFICATIONS St atus : In production. In service with Ihe French Army on Leclerc MBT .
Day channel
FI ELD·OF·VIEW Manu factu rer : Thomson-TRT Defense , Optron ic Division , rue Guynemer.
hOriz ontal 80 BP55 , F-78283 Guyancourt Cedex, France .
vert ical 25 ' Telephone : (1) 30 96 70 00 Telex : THOM 6 16780F Fax: (1) 30 96 75 50
Astronautics Tank's Driver Control and Display
DevelopmentiDesc ription
The lank's driver control and display dash board is designed to integrate all b) A main system computer which interfaces with the engi ne. gear and
hull control and display systems on a single comprehensive con sole. The fu el systems, remote turret display and other auxiliary hu ll system s to
board comprises the following fu nction al sub units' monitor statu s, functional range and data for maintenance purposes
a) System Control Panel - which includes th e fo llowing fu nctions: lights. c) An advanced Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) driver's parameter display
various hull systems and driver's station functional switches such as ignition . which presents all th e driver's re levant data such as speed , engi ne rp m,
power-up and fu el pumps operation and so on engine and oil temperatures and pressures, battery charg ing rate and
status , warni ng indicators and so on .
DIMENSIONS 475 x 150 x 260 mm
WEIGHT 10 kg
upper display 55 x 125 mm
lower display 70 x 125 mm
Signal Input Display Range Display Resolution
engine rpm analog DC 0-3000 rpm analog 250 rpm
digital 50 rpm
speedometer analog AC 0-80 km/h 5 km/h
fuel quantity analog DC 0-1550 I 50 I
engine oil lemperature analog DC 130-300"F 15' F
engine oil pressure analog DC 0-100 psi 10 psi
other discrete
Status: Pro duction as requ ired . In service wilh the Israeli Defence Force .
GAIN 500
FOCUS RAN GE 250 mm to infinity
BATIERY 2.7 V Mallory 303843
Th e EL-O P No 6139 com pacl driver's night viewer is a bi-ocular passive a simulated double-e yed observation of the scene. This lens type allows
electro-optical vision device desig ned for closed hatch driving of armoured the driver to observe the scene with both eyes at a convenient distance
vehicles at night. Using fixed focus and diopter systems it electro-optically from the instrument whilst remaini ng seated in the normal driving position .
intensi fies Ihe available ambienl light to enable the vehicle driver to drive at The viewer rotates laterally to the left and righl with an indexing detent
low light levels withoul th e use of any additional active illumination sources . indicating the forward driving direction .
The light from the scene bei ng observed is deflected by the head prism of The system comprises the following parts:
th e viewer into th e vertically mounted image tube. An image of the scene is 1) the upper prism , which is the part of the device that protrudes above
formed on the tube output screen in an amplified brightn ess sta te. The the driver's hatch plate and observes the view in front. It fo lds the optical
image is then redirected to an upright position by Ihe low erfold prism of the path into the vertically placed input objective where the objective assembly
eyepiece su bassembly and displayed to the view er by the bi-ocular lens as forms the image of the scenery on the faceplate of the image intensifier
tube. This , together with its operational electronics, forms part of the main
housing assembly . The upper prism forms Ihe amplified brightness
secondary image on its output screen which is presented to the driver by
the bi-ocular assembly at Ihe required magnification and apparent distance
2) the bearing block, which permits the horizontal traverse of the viewer
as well as serving as the mounting fixture in the tank
3) a connected shield, to ensure maximum protection of the upper prism
from accidental damage
4) a power cable to connect the viewer to the vehicle power supply .
The viewer is easily installed in a large variety of AFV models and is
offered as an optional extra in the EL-OP BAT-30 Computerised Tank Fire-
Control System (qv).
LENGTH (including handle) 360 mm
WIDTH t52mm
DEPTH 185mm
FIELD-OF-VIEW 35' horizontal and vertical
(transversed) 65' from 15 m to infinity
RESOLUTION 1.5 Ip/mrad at 10' II (background
MAGNIFICATION x 1 measured at 50 mm eye relief
VEHICLE POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC through electronic regu lator
EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY 2 x 1.5 V flashlight balteries with
relay to switch from vehicle to emergency
power supply upon external power failure
The P192 is designed to be fi lted on various types of armoured vehicle
Including the FIAT 6616, VCC 1, Marder 1, M41 , M47 , M48, M60. Leopard 1
and M 113.
It consists of a head prism , S 25 mlcrochannel light intensifier tube and a
bi-ocular eyepiece assembly. The light intensifier is fi tted with a gain control
that au tomatically cuts out when the photocathode illumination level becomes
too high .
A filt er allows observati ons to be made wi thin the luminance range of
t o ' lux to 10' lux .
The bl-ocular arrangement enables the driver to view the scene with both
eyes through the single large diameter eyepiece and allows him to drive the
vehicle at speeds of up to 40 km/h In starlight condition s withoul any
art ificial illumination .
WEIGH T 7 kg
-\ J"
Status : Production . In service wi th unspecified countries.
Type VGIDIl 186-81 VG/Dll 186-Cl VOlll186 Type VG/Dll186-81 VG/DllI86-CI VO/ll186
WEIGHT 5.0 kg 4.5 kg 0,9 kg (USAF target 90% cantrasl)
FIELD-OF-VIEW l O·3 !ux 3.2 mils 3 mils 3 mils
hori zontal 38" 38' 38' 10 2 1ux 2.2 mils 2 mils 2 mils
vertical 30·l 35 30 10 ' lux 1.7 mils 1.5 mIls 1.5 mils
DIOPTER RANGE -6 to +2 -6 to +2 POWER SUPPLY 2.2 to 3 V DC 2.2 to 3 V DC 2.7 V battery
FOCUS RANGE 25 em to Infinity
SIGNAAL Usfa UA9630 Driver's Universal
Passive Periscope Series
The UA9630 Universal Passive Periscope series has been designed to
allow armoured fighting vehicles to be driven at night without artificial aids.
The periscope has also been fitled with a manually operated iris-diaphragm
so as to adjust the image brightness and allow operations at the high
illumination levels which are found during daytime .
Automatic brightness control is incorporated with a device to provide
highlight suppression when a bright light source is unmasked. The system
automatically reverts to normal use alterwards.
The binocular viewing system contains two Philips Type XXI 080 NATO
standard image intensifier tubes.
The periscope itself comprises a Type UA 1624 main instrument with a
top prism unit that is tailored to the vehicle type in which it is fitted .
Available prism models include :
1) UA 1752:Leopard 1 MBT and Marder 1 ICV
2) UA1755 :M11 3 APC , M41 light tank and M47 MBT
3) UA 1757:AMX-13 light tank
4) UA 1763 :M48 and M60 MBTs
5) UA 1771 :Scorpion armoured vehicle family and FV432 APC series
6) UA 1773:Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle (AIFV)
7) UA 1776:Leopard 2 MBT
main instrument approx 6 kg
top prism 1.5-6 kg depending upon vehicle type
horizontal 50°
vertical 40"
RANGE 5 m to infinity SIGNAAL Usia UA9630 driver'S passive vision periscope from rear as litted
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle system co Leopard 1 MBT
The Oldellt Type PGt MS night vision goggl es have been developed fo r use with two image intensifier tubes , focus stable objective lens and adjustable
by drivers of AFV s and are a typical second-generation night vision system eyepieces.
The goggles are held in place by head straps. A snap-on infra-red light
source gives additional illumination fo r map or document reading .
WEIGHT about t kg
DIMENS IONS 120 x 138 x 90 mm
FIELD-OF-VIEW (min) 40"
RANGE typically up to 150 m
FOCUS RANGE 300 mm up to infinity
BATTERY 1 x NiCad or dry cell AA
Devetopment/Desc ription
The PC l MC Night Vision Goggles are known as Cyclop because they
incorporate a single second-generation image intensifier tube into their
make-up, They are lightweight and th e near-face position of the centre of
gravity makes them easy to wear even with a helmet on for such tasks as
ve hicle night drivi ng or maintenance.
WEIGHT 600 g
DIMEN SIONS 170 x 131 x 82 mm
BATTERY 2 x NiCad or dry cell AA or t x lithium cell
Developmen t/Description
The LUNOS passive night vision family consists of a single body, which is
standard for all applications, several objectives wit h various magnifications
(x 1, x 4 and x 6) and a number of optional mountings such as mask, gnp,
monopod and reticle .
The LUNOS 1 mask assembly can be used as a passive night vision
goggle set for vehicle driving or other night tim e duties such as vehicle
ma inte na nce .
The system can be fitted wi th second- or th ird-generation image intensifier
tubes .
The GNI passive night vision goggles which can be used fo r vehicle driving
and maintenance tasks, use a unique palented design incorporating a
folded oplical path . This results in an extremely compact and light goggle
system which is either worn with a lightweight face mask or clipped onto a
helmet for vehicle driving or other duties performed at night.
An optional add-on prism assembly provides dual vi sion capability . The
GNI is simple to operate having only a three-position ON/OFF/IR switch .
focu s control and diopter selting . An integral IR diode provides extra
illumination for map or document reading .
The GNI is designed to use either a second -generation 18 mm wafer
high performance inverting with glass input. or third-generation 18 mm
wafer image intensifier tube of the ANVIS type.
WEIGHT 390 g
DIMENSIONS 58 x 155 x 73 mm SIMRAD GNI night vision system in use
FIELD-OF-VIEW 40' Status : Production. In service with Norwegian and Swedish Armies.
FOCUS RANGE 20 cm to infinity
OBJECTIVE fi t Manufacturer: SIMRAD Optronics NS , PO Box 6614 Elterstad , N-0602
GAIN > 25 000 Oslo 6, Norway .
BATIERY 2 x 1.5 V AA Telephone : 47 2 67 04 90 Telex: 76134 SIM N Fax : 47 2192991
The Institute of Optronics AN/PVS-5A night vision goggles are a locally
built variant of the standard US Army AN /PVS-5A night vision goggle
system for general-purpose work in the visible and infra-red spectral regions
(up to 0.86 microns) including vehicle driving .
The goggles incorporate two second-generation , 18 mm , microchannel.
wafer type, image intensifier tubes which allow th e user to vi ew at ranges
from 250 mm up to infinity. A self-contained infra-red illum inator source is
used for map reading and equipment maintenance .
DIMENSIONS 117 x 173 x 165 mm
BR IGHTN ESS GAIN 2000 nominal
RESOLUTION 27 1p1mrad
ANI PVS-SA night vision goggles
BATIERY 2 >< 1.5 V AA
FOCUS RANGE 25 cm to infinity
OBJECTIVE 27 mm , 11 1.0 Manufacturer: Institute of Optronics. Ministry of Defence . PO Box 1596,
Chaklala-Rawalpindi. Pakistan .
Status : Production . In service with the Pakistani Army _ Telephone: 590805/590806
The PEO driver'S passive night vision periscope is a small binocular wide - Status : Production as required . In service with Poland and other undisclosed
angle viewing system for use in a variety of armoured vehicle s including countries.
tanks and APCs. It provides the driver wi th a direct and constant bright
vision level of the road or terrai n in fron t of him under starlight con ditions. Manufacturer: PEO W arszawa . Indu stria l Centre of Optics, 75
The periscope comprises two independent viewing channels - each Ostrobramaska St, PL-04-175 Warsaw. Poland .
comprising one objective lens system , one 18 mm single-stage second Telephone : (48-22) 12-74-98 Tele x: 81 3877 PCO-PL
generation image intensifier tube and an eye-piece. The image intensifi er Fax: (48-22) 13-94-24
tubes have automatic bright light protection and automatic gain control.
DIMENSIONS (height x width) 282 >< 150 mm
Pol and - Sou t h A f ric a / 0 R I V E R 0 A Y AND N I G H T V I S ION S Y S T EMS 445
The PEO night vision goggles are a small dimensioned lightweight passive Status: Production as required . In service with Poland and other undisclosed
vision system based on the use of single stage image intensifier tubes with countries .
fibreglass housing and high speed optics .
The goggles allow the user to undertake night-time tasks such as night Manufacturer: PEO Warszawa , Industri al Centre of Optics, 75
driving of vehicles (including tanks) , map reading , repairs and so on , Ostrobramaska SI. PL-04-1 7S Warsaw, Poland .
without the need for illumination and with both hands free for the task itself . Telephone : (48-22) 12-7 4-98 Telex: 813877 PCO-PL
The goggles can also be worn with an NBC mask or helmet. An auxiliary Fax : (48-22) 13-94-24
IR light sou rce is fitted to aid short range tasks such as map reading .
DIMENSIONS (height x length) approx 80 x 105 mm
WEIGHT approx 1 kg
POWER SUPPLY 2 x 1.5 V AA batteries
The Eloptro NO-IS passive vision night driverscope is a bi-ocular wide-
angle viewing night periscope utilising a second-generation image intensifier
tube. The system allows vehicles to be driven during the hours of darkness
at normal speed without artificial lighting.
The special fi xed focus bi-ocular eyepiece allows simultaneous viewing
with both eyes to provi de ease of observation and free head movement for
internal instrument viewing within the vehicle .
A fixed focus objective lens is used and adjustable gain setting of th e
intensifier tube provi des brightness control for high light levels.
The head prism is easily removed and fits into the standard NATO
driver'S day periscope mount , making it adaptable to a wide variety of
armoured vehicle types.
A horizontal manual scanning mechanism provides an additional 30°
field -of-view in the horizontal plane . The instantaneous field -of-view in both
the vertical and horizontal planes is about 40'.
WEIGHT 6.9 kg
LENGTH 220 mm
WIDTH 200 mm
HEIGHT 360 mm
horizontal 42 ±2°
vertical 40 ±2'
FOCUS fixed, 15 m to infinity Eloptro NO-15 night drivers cope
POWER SUPPLY automatic swilch over from 3 V internal to
vehicle supply
Manufacturer : Eloptro (Pty) Ltd.
Status: Production as required . In service with the South Afri can Defence Enquiries to Armscor, Private Bag X337, Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
Force. Telephone : (0 12) 4281911 Telex : 3202 17 Fax : (0 12) 428 S635
The ND-20 night driver's persicope is a second generation passive image SPECIFICATIONS
intensifier tube night viewing system for use by driver's of wheeled or WEIGHT 12 kg
tracked vehicles such as the Rooikat or MBTs. It can be fitted to most types DIMENSIONS 420 x 320 x 390 mm
of vehicles by means of an interface adaptor. An alternative battery power FIELD-OF-VIEW
source capability is provided for by an auto-switching device. horizontal 44.5'
The bi-ocular eyepiece enables viewing with bolh eyes simultaneously vertical 44.5°
whilst allowing free head movement. Eyepiece inclination options available HOR IZONTAL SCANN ING 30'
are Dc and 15°. DIOPTER RANGE fixed at-2
A manual scanni ng capability provides an additional 30' to the field-of- FOCUS fixed
view in the horizontal plane. The head prism is made for easy removal to DEPTH OF FIELD 15 m to infinity
ensure rapid operational replacement. POWER SU PPLY 20 - 30 V DC. autoswitching to C type
dry cells or NiCad batteries. 3V DC
446 0 R I V E R 0 A Y AND N I G H T V I S ION S Y S T EM S / Sou t h A f r i c a - Sp a i n
Development/Desc ription
The PCN series of night driving periscopes are supplied according 10 Ihe
type of head (prism. swivel or tilting model) required by the type of armoured
vehicle to be fitted .
The current family members are:
a) PCN- 151 with internal azimuthal swivel mounting for use on the
BMR-600 IFV .-
b) PCN- 152 which can be used to replace the M24 periscope on the
M48 series MBT
c) PCN-153 which is used to replace the M19 periscope on the Spanish
Army Ml13 TOA APC
d) PCN-154 which can be used to replace the OB 31A periscope on the
All are fitted with a second-generation. 25 mm , image intensifier tube
with automatic and manual gain controls.
The driver views through a bi-ocular type screen which is fitted with an
electro-optical protection system to prevent the illumination level becoming
too high .
PCN-151 155 x 140 x 410 mm
PCN-152 155 x 200 x 410 mm
PCN-153 155 x 200 x 396 mm
PCN-154 155 x 193 x 410 mm
horizontal 44·
vertical 35°
RESOLUTION 1.25 mrad
DEPTH OF FOCUS 4 m to infinity
IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE 25 mm second-generation
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC peN- lSI driver'S periscope from rear
EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY 1 x 2.7 V BA 15671U battery
Manufacturer: Empresa Nacional de Optica SA (E NOSA), Poligono
Status: PCN-151 to 154 production as required . In service with the Spanish Industrial 'La Mina' (P.l 1), E-28770 Colmenar Vieja (Madrid). Spain.
Army. Telephone : (91) 846 0 100 Fax : (9 1) 846 0102
Development/Descripti on SPECIFICATIONS
As part of the technology transfer associated with the local production of WE IGHT 5.47 kg
th e French AMX-30E MBT variant, ENOSA is producing the following PERISCOPE HEIGHT 170mm
driver's periscope systems under licence : CLAMPI NG HOLE
a) the M-223 general observation day periscopes with NBC protection - MEASUREM ENTS 170 x 170 mm
three of which are used by the driver for forward viewing, two by the loader MAGN IFICATION x l
and one by the gunner. FIELD-OF-VIEW
horizontal 1700 mils
vertical 500 mils
b) a TRT OB-31 A (qv) night-driving periscope which replaces Ihe centre Status: M-223 and OB-3 1-A in production. In service with th e Spanish
one of the three M-223 general observation day periscopes. Army (on AMX -30E MBT).
The NAP5 night driving periscope is avai lable for use on different
armoured vehicle types si mply by changing the vehicle adapter and head
prism . Known designations include the NAP5- 1 lor use on the pz 68 MBT
and the NAP5-3 for use on the M113 APC and the MOWAG Piranha
wheeled AFV .
The periscope is used for driving the armou red vehicle in ambient
moonlight, starlight and/or skyglow conditions. This residual night light is
transmitted via the prism and an objective to a second-generation image
intensilier tube which produces the image of the area being observed for
the driver's - 1 lixed diopter setting, bi-ocular viewing system .
If a bright light source suddenly appears the image intensification is
automatically reduced to avoid the driver being dazzled .
The periscope is powered from the vehicle 's 24 V DC supply with
automatic changeover to an internal battery if the main supply is interrupted
for any reason.
WEIGHT (basic unit) 4.5 kg
DIMENSIONS (basic unit) 140 x 170 x 247 mm
horizonlal 40'
vertical 30'
IMAGE INTENSIFIER second-generation 20/30
RESOLUTION 1.3 mrad/lp
DEPTH OF FOCUS 4 m to infinity
EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY 1 x 2.7 V lithium cell
This passive night vision driving periscope is designed to be interchangeable
with Ihe existing day periscopes of Ihe following vehicle types wilhout
modification: Leopard t MBT. Chieftain (ARV . ARRV and MBT) . Scorpion .
SCimitar. Striker. Spartan . Samson . Samaritan . FV430 series, Ml07 . Ml09 .
MilO . Mt 13 APC series and M60 MBT series. With some modifications it
can also fit the AMX-30 MBT and the Panhard AML armoured car.
Assembly is eHected by special vel1icle mounting brackets and upper
The periscope incorporates a Mullard second-generation single micro-
channel plate image intensifier tube to provide the high gain necessary to
achieve good contrast imagery . especially in low-light conditions.
The optical assembly includes a bi-ocular eyepiece to provide operator
comforl when in use. An iris control is incorporated allowing the operator to
manually sel the desired image brightness. whilst an automatic brightness
control restricts the eHects of bright light sources such as flares. shell
bursts and headlights in the field-of-view .
Weight complete varies from 6-10 kg according to the vehicle Iype being
fitted. Magnification is x 1 with 50' horizontal and 40' vertical fields-of-view.
Power requirement is the normal vehicle 28 V DC system .
Status : In production. In servrce with the British Army and several unspecified
The Nova night vision goggles are designed for general-purpose use
including vehicle driving. They can be head-mounted and utilise a single.
18 mm , non-inverting microchannel plate proximity focussed second-
generation image intensifier tube with a binocular eye configuration to
provide user com fort .
Power is supplied by a single internal 2.7 V battery (mercury or lithium)
which can easily be replaced by the user. The battery provides sufficient
power for up to 66 hours of continuous operation .
It has only three controls: an on/off switch . focus control and eyepiece
adjustment .
An integral infra-red diode provides extra illuminalion to assist in the
pertorming of close order tasks such as map reading.
Weight is 0.675 kg complete. magnification is x 1 and Ihe field-of-view is
40" with the range on a man-sized target under 10 J lux conditions being
300 m. The goggles can view at ranges from 300 mm 10 infinity by means of
a focus adjustm ent. Dimensions are 190 x 90 x 100 mm.
It is compatible with NBC clothing and was designed specifically for use
With a respirator.
Development/Description For other US AFVs such as the M47 , M48 and M60At MBTs. the M113
The Baird ANiVVS -2 was initially developed lor use on the M60 MB, family APC and the AAV7 families. Ihe NDS-2 Model 1924 has been developed
but is now used in the Ml Abrams under the designation ANiVVS-2(V)2A, as a private venture. Thi s is an exact replacement for the M t 9 and M24
M60A3 ANiVVS-2(V)1 A version and the M2/M3 Bradley vehicles as the active infra-red viewers. No vehicle modifications are required and the
ANiVVS-2(V)3. installation can be pertormed in the field if necessary. Any vehicle that uses
It uses a second-generation image intensifier tube system which provides the NDS-2 mount is also fi eld-retrofitt ed with a modified tank hatch insert
protection from bright lighls. as well as shell bursts and flares . but relies on that will accept the internal azimuth rotation mount. Th e NDS-2 provides a
objects to be illuminated by low light levels from the natural moonlight . rotatable 45' field-of-view and incorporates a similar second-generalion
starlight and sky glow . image intensifier tube.
USA / D R I V E R DAY AND N I G H T V I 5 I O N 5 Y 5 T EM S 449
FIELD-OF-VIEW 45' x 38'
TOTAL COVERAGE 135' horizontal
38' vertical
FOCUS 4 m to infinity
DISTORTION less than 4%
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle
The ANNVS -501 was developed for use by the Canadian Armed Forces
on the Leopard 1 MBT and the Armou red Vehicle General Purpose family
of wheeled vehicles. On the fo rmer it replace s the day vision blocks of the
commander's and driver's stations whilst on the latter it replaces the
identical day vision block of the driver's station . When not in use it is kept in
a purpose built stowage case . Other fits include the Leopard 2 MBT.
The bi-ocular eyepiece assembly is identical to that used on the US
Army's ANNVS-2 system (qv) . The night vision capability is provided by a
single , second-generation , 25 mm , microchannel , image intensifier tube
with automatic gain control and bright source protection .
Magnification is x 1 with a 45' horizontal and 38' vertical fie ld-of-view.
St atus : Production . In service with the Canadian Armed Forces (on AVGP
vehicles and the Leopard 1 MBT) and other unspecified countries.
Baird ANI VVS-501 passive night driving viewer from driver 'S side
Development/Desc ription
The Baird GP/NVG-l night vision goggles are designed for general-purpose
use including vehicle driving . They can be head-mounted and utilise a
single Litton 18 mm microchannel image intensifier tube with a very large
aperture lens to gather the maximum amount of light. The rest of the optical
chai n consists of a collimator lens to gather th e output of the image
intensifier tube , mirrors to split this in half, and image lens and corner
mirrors to carry the image to each eyepiece.
Power is supplied by a single internal 2.8 V battery. An LED is fitted to
provide extra illumination for the performance of close order tasks such as
map read ing.
Weight is 0.643 kg complete, magnification is x 1 and the field -of-view is
40' . The goggles can view from 250 mm to infinity by means of a focus
Development/Description The M19At is widely used in th e US Army and has been adapted to a
The M 19A 1 periscope sight was designed for night driving on vehlctes wide variety 01 vehicle types including MBTs and the Mt 13 APC .
equipped with infra-red driving lights or spotlights The rellected rays are Weight including the head assembly is 6.35 kg with the magnilication
picked up by the periscope which uses an image converter tube to change being x l .
them to visible light images that are viewed through the two eyepieces
The unit consists 01 two main components : Status : Production as required. In service with the US Army and many
t) head assembly which projects through the body armour 01 the vehicle other countries.
and contains the prism that directs the rellected mira-red rays down to the
lower periscope area Manufacturer: Fraser-Volpe Corporation , 1025 Thomas Drive , Warminster,
2) body assembly which contains the objective lens and image converter Pennsylvania 18974, USA.
tor the rellected rays. Telephone : (215) 443 5240 Fax : (215) 443 0966
The ANIVAS-3 periscope-based driver's tilermal imaging system is currently
under evaluation by the US Army for use In the Ml Abrams MBT , M2f M3
Bradley ICVs and other Combined Arms Team vehicles. The US Marine
Corps is also considering a modular configuration of Driver's Thermal
Viewer for its Light Armored Vehicles. The modular variant is designed to
be Installed in the driver'S hatch 01 other vehicles such as the LAV-l05,
M 1059A3 Smoke Generator Vehicle and GKN Warrior without modification
to the vehicle's armour or driver station .
During Desert Storm operations the US Army combat tesled nine AN /
VAS-3 systems on Bradley vehicle's assigned to the 24th Mechanised
Infantry Division . They performed successlully both in their primary role
and in secondary tasks such as assistance in target acquisition , vehicle
salety and survivability
The ANIVAS-3 operates in the 7.5 to 12 ~lm region of the spectrum and
provides a TV-like view 01 the terrain ahead through darkness, battlefield
smoke , log and haze.
The Inlra-Red (IR) energy entering through the IR optics of the sig ht is
mechanica lly scanned to obtain a rectangular field-ol-view. A 60-element
DT -591 A/UA array of split-Sterling, cryogenically cooled , mercury cadmium
telluride detectors photoconductively transduce the scanned IR radiation
into electrical Signals . These are then multiplexed and processed in visible
light by means of a CRT and presented into the driver's bi-ocular eyepiece
viewer in real ·time .
WEIGHT 11.4 kg
azimuth 40'
elevation 20
The Improved AN/PVS-7B Gen III passive night vision goggles can be used
lor a wide range of nig ht operations, including vehicle driving, in the visible
to the near inlra-red spectral region.
The improved goggles Incorporate a new design lor the objective lens ,
an MX-l0130C Gen III image intensilier tube and eyepiece optical Irain.
The objective lens Improves the contrast performance whilst Ihe new image
mtensilier tube and eyepiece optical train combine to improve the system
resolution lrom 0,65 cycles/mrad to 0.76 cycles/mrad thereby increasing
range performance,
Included in the goggles are:
(a) a quick release lever Ihat permits one-hand mounting and unmounting
(b) an IR-on indicator for the built-in IR source that is used lor map reading
and maintenance tasks
(c) an automatic high-light cut-oil to protect the image intensilier
(d) a low voltage indicator
(e) a three position switch lor OFF (all power oft) , ON (system on) and IR
(system on plus IR on) settings.
Optional accessories include :
(a) a C-mounl adapter that allows the AN/PVS-7B body 10 accept any
C-mount objective lens, Ihereby expanding the goggle's versatility
(b) a tripod adapter that enables the goggles to be mounted on a wide
variety 01 support hardware
(c) a x 3 magnification mililary objective lens in Ihe C-mount conliguralion
(d) a x 4.5 magnilication mililary objective lens for extra long range viewing _ ITT Defense Improved ANI PVS-78 Gen III passive night vision goggles
Litton M-912A/M-91SA Night Vision Goggles The M-912A utilises two . second-generation , wafer type, image intensifier
tube assemblies, each having an 18 mm image format, which give a
brightness gain of 1000.
Development/Desc ripti on The M-915A utilises two 18 mm second-generation plus image intensifier
The M-9 12A1M-9 15A night vision goggles are based on th e AN/PVS-5A assemblies which gives the system a brightness of 1700. some three times
design but incorporate an improved objective lens, have a higher gain and the value produced by the standard AN/PVS-5A .
use brighter image intensifiers. Weight is 0.96 kg complete, magnification is x 1 and the field-of-view is
40' with the range on a 1.83 m target given as 230 m for the M-912A and
300 m for the M-915A .
WEIGHT 960 g
M-912A 1000
M-915A 1700
RESOLUTION 0.68 Ip/mrad
BATIERY 2 x 1.5 V alkaline
FOCUS RANGE 25 cm to infinity
Developm ent/Descrip tion the M-973 has an M871 non-inverting third-generation 18 mm . image
The M-972A/M-973 night vision goggles are based on the AN/PVS-7. The intensifier tube with a gain of 2100.
si ngle tube design provides a light weight capability that is designed for lf required . the 27 mm objective lens can be replaced by an optional x 4
maximu m flexibility in nig ht vision applicati ons which require high resolution . magnification lens to convert the system into a hand-held night vision
improved lig ht amplifi cation and higher output brightness than are normally binocular.
available from standard second-generation tube assemblies. Weight is 0.72 kg complete , magnification is x 1 and the field-of-view is
The M-972 uti lises an M870, non-inverting. second-generation plus, 40' with the range on a 1.83 m target given as 250 m for the M-972 and
t8 mm , image intensifier assembly with a brightness gain of 1850. whereas 340 m for the M-973.
complete 720 g
without AA batteries 680 g
M·972 1850
M·973 2100
RESOLUTION 0.76 Ip/mrad
BATTERY 1 x BA·1567/U mercury or BA-5567/U lithium
or 2 " AA NiCd or AA alkaline or BA-3058/U
Manu facturer: Li tton Systems Inc, Electron Devices Division, 1215 South
52nd Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281-6987 , USA.
o Telephone : (602) 968 4471 Telex: 910-950 0149 fax : (602) 966 9055
- Litton M-972 night vision goggles, accessories and carrying case
Develop m ent/Description
The NV38 driver'S viewer is a lightweight , seli-contained , head-mounted ,
night vision system suitable for use by individual soldiers who have to
perform vehicle driving or maintenance under night conditions.
It contains a third-generation image intensification tube which amplifies
ambient illumination such as moonlight, starlight and sky glow . The other
components are a single objective lens and a beam splitterldual eyepiece
assembly. The device is affixed to a face mask which is held in place on the
user's head by adjustable head straps .
An infra-red emitting light source is incorporaled which provides
illumination when required.
The NV38 can also be provided with an improved second-generation
image intensification tube assembly.
The viewer can be worn with the Ml (steel) , DH-145 (Kevlar) and
Combat Vehicle Crewman (CVC) helmet and with a protective mask for
NBC use.
BATTERIES 0.765 kg
MAGNifiCATION x l Optic Electronic N V38 driver 's vie wer showing system and tube assemblies
GAIN (min) 500
ANGULAR RESOLUTION 1.5 mrad Status : Production .
fOCUS RANGE 250 mm to infinity
BATTERY POWER 2 each AA size alkaline or one each Manufacturer: Optic Electronic Corporation , 11545 Pagemill Road, Dallas,
BA 5567/U or BA1567/U Texas 75243 , USA.
EYEPIECE DIOPTER RANGE +2 to-6 Telephone: (2 14) 349 0190 Telex: 910 86 1 9312
OBJECTIVE 111 .2 Fax : (214) 343 7259
NV43FL armoured vehicle driver's viewer with filter for daylighVNBC protection
The Optic Electronics range 01 driver's night viewers were developed lor
vehicle driving at night using second-genera tion image intensifier tubes.
This allows Ihe viewer to take Ihe available light from moonlight. starlight
and sky glow and intensify il to the point that objects can be viewed.
The available viewer models are given in the accompanying table togelher
with the vehicle types to which they have or can be fitted .
All family members contain a head prism. an electronic power control and
adapter and are designed wilh a bi-ocular eyepiece for driver comfort.
Power is supplied by the 24 V DC vehicle system with rechargeable NiCd
internal batteries to provide automatic back-up if the primary supply should
If required , the second-generation image intensifier tube can be exchanged
for a third -generation system which provides an enhanced performance
capability by virtue of the use of a high spectral response photocalhode.
This is some 10 times more sensitive Ihan the second-generation system
equivalent and , hence , can determine much more readily the difference in
reflectivity 01 a man-made object versus the natural background .
VEHICLE TYPE T-59 Scorpion T-62 M41 TAM Merkava Leopard I M60 AMX -t3 Stingray M60A3 PT-76 Leonidas APC
T-62 T-55 M47 Leopard 2 M60Al AMX-30 Scout Bradley Steyr APC
T-55 Ml09 V-t50 M48 V-l00 Panhard
T-54A Centurion M48Al Osorio
T-54 LAV-25 M48A2
M4 7
454 0 R I V E R 0 A Y AND N I G H T V I S ION S Y S T EMS / USA
MAGNIFICATION <1 > 1 x l x l xl x l x l x l
horizontal 45' 45 90' 90 45' 45° 90' 90'
vertical 33' 33 35 35" 35' 35' 35° 35'
IMAGE INTENSIFIER 25 mm second-generation with automatic gain control and bright source protection (optional third-generation system)
OBJECTIVE LENS fl1.4 1/1.2 f/ l .09 f/1. 09 f/l .69 1/1.04 1/1.4 1/1.09
FOCAL LENGTH 33.5 mm 33.5 mm 33.5 mOl 33.5 mm 33.5 mm 33.5 mm 33.5 mm 33.5 mm
DEPTH OF FOCUS 4 m 10 inlinity
BRIGHTNESS variable-controlled by driver
TUBE GAIN second-generation 25 000 (min)
third-generation 30 000 (min)
MAGNIFIER 45' fixed locus
POWER SUPPLY NiCad rechargeable batteries
Status: Production as required. In service with a number 01 undisclosed Manufacturer: Optic Electronic Corporation , 11545 Pagemill Road,
countries. PO Box 740668. Dallas, Texas 73574-0668 , USA.
Telephone : (214) 349 0190 Telex : 910 8619312 Fax : (214) 343 7529
Developmentl Description
The Model 9876C (AN/PVS-5C) head-mounted night vision goggles are an
improved version of the standard US Army AN/AVS-5A (qv) goggle system
lor general-purpose work including vehicle driving .
The goggles incorporate two , second-generation . 18 mm , MCP wafer,
image intensifier tubes with a spectral response in the visual and infra-red
region (to 0.86 ~m) .
The user can view at ranges from 254 mm up to infinity by means of a +2
to -2 diopter focus adjustment. A self-contained infra-red illuminator source
is used for map reading and equipment maintenance
WEIGHT 0.96 kg
BRIGHTNESS GAIN 2000 nominal
RESOLUTION 32 Iplmrad nominal
2 x 1.5 V AA or 1 x 3 V mercury/lithium
25.4 em 10 infinity
OBJECTIVE f/ l .05
Varo Model 9876C (ANI PVS-5Cj night vision goggles
Status: Production . In service with a number of undisclosed countries .
The Varo Model 1500 (AN/PVS-7B) passive night vision goggles can be
used for a wide range of night operations including vehicle driving.
It IS fitted with a second-generation image intensifier tube, and an optional
x 3 magnification objective lens capability can be provided for hand-held
observation .
For map reading or equipment maintenance a small infra-red illuminator
source is provided with an eyepiece integrated on/off indicalor.
WEIGHT (complete) 680 g
DIMENSIONS 152.4 x 155.6 x 101.6 mm
RESOLUTION 0.81 Iplm rad (Iimiling)
BATIERY 2 x 1.5 V AA or 1 x 3 V mercury/lithium
FOCUS RANGE 25 cm to infinity
HELMET INTERFACE Ml (steel) , DH-145 (Kevlar) or Combat Varo Model 1500 (A NI PVS-7Bj night vision goggles
Vehicle Crewman (CVC)
CAPABILITY M17A2, M24, M25Al , XM40, XM41, XM42 Manufacturer : Varo Electron Devices. 2203 West Walnut Street, PO Box
and XM43 469014 , Garland, Texas 75046-901 4, USA.
Telephone : (214) 487 4 100 Telex : 163165 VAROI UT Fax : (214) 487
Status : Production. In service with a number of undisclosed countries. 4265
YU90 S I a v i a (S e r b i a / M 0 n ten e 9 r 0 ) / 0 R I V E R 0 A Y AND N I G H T V I S ION S Y S T EMS 455
YUGOSLAVIA (Serbia/Montenegro)
The PN -2 passive night vision goggles are a lightweight night viewing
system for use by individual soldiers who have to periorm such duties as
vehicle driving and maintenance .
The system uses two single stage 18 mm image intensifier tubes of the
second-generation type with focussable lens and adjustable eyepieces to
achieve its results . It can also be used with an infra-red source to act as the
illumi nator for map or document reading,
When used the goggles are attached to the user's head by chin and head
with mask 1.1 kg
without mask 800 9
l x l0 ' Iux 2.7 mrad
POWER SUPPLY 3 V (battery)
FOCUS RANGE 25 cm to infinity
Laser Rangefinders
The CEIEC Type 82 Nd-YAG 1.06 ~Lm wavelength laser rangefinder consists
of a main body assembly, a power and counter unit and connecti ng cables.
It is suitable for use with the Type 59 and Type 69 series MBTs and can be
adapted fo r other tank types after replacing the necessary components.
Combined with a sight or telescope system and coupled into a fire-
contro l system it can greatly increase the first-round hit probability.
The measured range is indicated by a three-decimal digital display on the
display unit.
SPECIFICATIONS CEIEC Type 82 lank laser rangelinderwith main body assembly on righl and
Unit Weight Dimensions counter unil on lell
(including base) 11.2 kg 400 x 150 x 120 mm Status: Production. In service with the Chinese Armed Forces.
POWER AND COUNTER UNIT 3. 1 kg 173 x 113 x 149 mm
RANGE 300-3000 m Manufacturer: China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation
ACCURACY ±10 m (C EIEC), 49 Fu xing Road , Beijing , People's Republi c of Ch ina.
Telephone: 810910 Telex : 22475 CEIEC CN
CILAS TMS301 Eyesafe Laser Rangefinder A 1.06 ~m version, the TMY303, is available without the RAMAN
conversion cell.
The TMS301 consists of four modules:
DevelopmentJDescripti on (a) a 1.54 ~m transmitter module with a RAM AN effect conversion cell
The TMS30 1 is part of a modular family of laser ra ngefi nder devices that is (0) an interface/control/range processing card with an ASIC circuit including
designed for use without any constraints regarding ocular safety and with eight programmable range findi ng windows
increased firi ng frequencies to allow for targ et mobility. (c) a very high sensitivity reception module (> 10 nW)
The main application of the TMS30 1 is as a rangefinder on tanks and (d) a low voltage converter module .
helicopters , integrated into a fire-control system. At present the TMS301 These modules have been specifically developed to meet medium rangel
optical and mechanical interfaces are compatible with tho se of the Leclerc medium rate laser rangefinding applications .
MBT gunner's sight and the Viviane sight for Ihe Aero spatiale Gazelle
helicopter equ ipped with th e Euromissile HOT ATGW system. If required , SPECIFICATIONS
other specific sigh t interfaces can be ad apled. DIMENSIONS 78.5 x 116 x 190 mm
WEIGHT approx 3 kg
Control Unit
DIMENSIONS 180 x 130 x 95 mm
DISPLAY 4 digit type
INDICATION LIGHTS ready-to-fire . one target. mulliple
CONTROLS laser operation , lamp test ,
projected graticule
SELECTOR 1st target, 2nd target
SOPELEM ESTER 10 laserrangefinder for AFVs with range finder on left and
control box on the right
Control box
DIMENSIONS 180 x 130 x 95 mm
DISPLAY 4 digit type
INDICATOR LIGHTS ready-to-fire, one target, multiple
CONTROL BUnONS firing , light tests, projected
graticule intensity (optional), reset
SELECTOR 1st target. 2nd target
Eltro CE619 Laser Rangefinder using the pulse time -delay tech nique and can measure the ranges to both
moving and fi xed targets
DevelopmentlDesc ripti on 2) electron ics and control unit.
The CE619 Nd-Y AG laser range finder is a multi-application system and
can be used for other roles such as targ et illumination. In its ground ro le it Status : Production .
can be interfaced with electro-optical fire-control systems and used as a
redu ndant rangefinder for radar based anti -aircraft tracking units. Manufacturer: Ellro GmbH, Gesellschaft fur Strahlungstechnik. Kurpfalzing
The subsystems comprising the CE619 consist of: 106, 0 -6900 Heidelberg 1, Federal Republic of Germany.
1) transceiver unit with buill-in power supply circuits. The laser operates Telephone: (6621 ) 7050 Telex : 461811
Eltro CE624 Laser Rangefinder several within view wa s measured by the laser putse . Thu s a selection of
sing le targets and their ranges is provided.
Development/Descripti on
The CE62 4 laser rangefin der, when used with gated viewing , is a combined Status : Production .
MBT gunner's sight. The rang e to moving or fixed targets is continuously
measured by a laser transmit1er and a gated receiver using the pulse time- Manufacturer: Eltro GmbH , Gesellschaft fur Strahlungstechnik, Kurpfalzing
delay technique . 106, 0 ·6900 Heidelberg 1, Federal Republic of Germany.
The range gating allows the observer to determine which target out of Telephone: (6621) 7050 Telex: 46t811
Eltro CE628 Laser Rangefinder Because of the sight assembly integration the gunner can at all times get
an exac1 digital ra nge read-ou t as th e fire -con trol computer simultaneously
Developmen t/Description processes the range data for use in the fire solution calculations.
The CE628 Nd-YAG laser rangefinder is integrat ed into the EMES 15
primary stabilised gunner's sight assembly of the Leopard 2 MBT and is Status : Production.
capable of providing three accurate rangefinding values wi thin fou r seconds.
The subsyste ms which comprise th e CE628 include: Manufacturer: Eltro GmbH , Gesellscha ft fUr Strahlungstechnik, Kurpfalzi ng
t) laser transmit1er/receiver unit 106, 0 -6900 Heidelberg 1, Federal Republic of Germany.
2) processi ng electronics unit with related pewer supply device, Telephone : (6621) 7050 Telex : 461811
Developmen tlDescription are monitored by Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) facilities. The transmi tter
The Type LEM 3 laser rangefinder was speci fically developed tor use unit is air-cooled.
against anti-aircraft targets and is incorporated into the fire-control system T he Type LEM 3/ 1 model is fitted as standard to all German Army
of the weapons platform . All the essential operating functions of th e device Gepard self-propelled gun systems.
G e r man y - I S rae I / L AS ERR A N G E FIN 0 E R S 459
WEIGHT 14 kg
DIMENSIONS 266 x 182 x 363 mm
POWER SUPPLY vehicle system
Development/Descripti on
The EL-OP mini-laser rangelinder is designed for integration into fire -
control system upgrades for tanks like the M41 , M47 , M48 , M60 , AM X-13,
AMX-30 , T-Series and the Centurion and, as such, it is also oHered as part
of the company 's BAT-30 (qv) tank fire-con trol system .
It provides high accuracy range measurements using only two units, an
eleclronics box and a 1.064 fl m wavelength Nd-YAG laser sight and is ful ly
compalible with the peri scopes on the M32 and M36 sighting devices ,
replacing their existing day elbows.
OPERATING RANGE 300 to 9990 m
SIGHT x 8 magnilication with 8° field-of-view
electronics control bo x 1.7 kg
rangefinder unit 4.5 kg
electronics control box 150 x 130 x 90 mm
rangefinder unit 310 x 26 )( 10 mm
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle
EL-OP High Repetition Laser Rangefinder (HRLR) into an anti-ai rcraft fi re-control system improves the guns' low level accuracy
and High Repetition Laser Rangefinder-Eye Safe and hit probability at extreme range and reduces the possibility of system
detection by virtue of ils passive mode of operation relative to the use of a
(HRLR-ES) radar.
The Nd-Y AG laser has three modes of operation :
Development/Descrip tion (a) Laser On - whereby the sys tem is operative from the moment the
The HRLR was developed in direct response to an Israeli Air Force combat HRLR is connected to a power supply
requirement for a system that could either be used as a stand-alone unit or (b) Laser Standby - whereby th e Simmer power supply is operative and
integrated into anti-aircraft gun fire -control system s. the laser is awaiting a fire command
The HRLR is a lightweight compact syslem that is microprocessor (c) Laser Fire - whereby the laser transmits pulses in a single shot 10
con trolled and fitted with a serial communication s output facility . Integration to 20 pps rate.
460 LAS ERR A N G E FIN 0 E R 5 / I S rae I - Ita Iy
Manufact u r er: EL-OP Electro-Optics Industries Llmiled , Advanced EL -OP High Repetition Laser Rangefinder
Technology Park. Kiryat Weizmann . PO Box 1165, IL-76110 Rehovot ,
Telephone : (08) 386221 Telex : 381344 Fax : (08) 386237
The MTL-8 modular laser rangefinder is available for use in a variety of
applications. It has been selected and placed in production for use in the
following armoured vehicles of the Italian Army :
(a) Consortium IVECO FIAT/OTO Melara Cl Ariete MBT
(b) Consortium IVECO FIAT/OTO Melara Bl (8 x 8) tank destroyer
(c) Consortium IVECO FIAT/OTO Melara VCC-80 Infantry Fighting
The MTL-8 comprises the following subsystems :
(i) Laser Transceiver Unit (LTU) with mini Nd-YAG laser transmitter
and avalanche photodiode receiver/detector unit sharing the same aperture
to minimise integration problems with the host Sighting assembly .
(ii) Laser Electronic Unit (LEU )
(iii) Appropriate sight and fire-control system interface and cable
The MTL-8 can also be integrated with many other types of existing day/
night sig ht assemblies as requi red.
WEIGHT approx 5.5 kg
DIMENSIONS A/enia MTL -8 laser transceiver and electronic unit
LTU 86 x 96 x 150 mm
LEU ·70 x 120 x 185 mm
LASER TYPE Nd-YAG Status : Selected for the Italian Army (Bl tank destroyer, Cl MBT and
WAVELENGTH 1.06 ~m VCC-80 IFV). As of March 1993 only the Bl Centauro (8 x 8) had entered
OPERATING RANGE 400 ·9995 m production and service with the Italian Army.
REPETITION RATE up to 1 pps Manufacturer: Al enia. Aeritalia & Selenia SpA, Defence Systems Group.
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 5 V DC with current drawing of 1.5 A Via Tiburtina KM 12.400. 1-00131 Rome . Italy.
at max pulse repetition rate of t pps Telephone : 39 (6) 41971 Telex : 43 613690 Alrom I
Oldelft RSI Tank Laser Rangefinder
The Oldelft Rationali sation , Standardisation , Interoperability (RSI ) Tank
Laser Rangefinder is designed for retrofitting to tanks such as the Centurion ,
M48 and M60 which use the M35E 1 Gunner's Night Vision Periscope . A
day aiming system sigh t and laser rangefinder are combined in one unit to
replace th e existi ng daylight elbow in the M35 periscope. For use as part of
a fi re-control system. a projected graticule channel is provided to display
offsets in th e eyepiece.
Besides this illuminated aiming graticule , the in-eyepiece display shows
measured range, firsUlast return mode indication , master failure indication
and projected graticule (azimuth offset angle) .
The field-of-view of the rangefinder is 7' with a magnification value of x 8.
Status : In production . In service with several undisclosed countries.
The modular Type LAT universal laser rangefinder has been designed to
be mounted either on the gunshield or the turret of an MBT. II required th e
system can be reconfigured to incorporate the subsystem modules into an
existi ng optical sight or periscope of suitable constru cti on .
The potential target is observed and tracked through the normal aiming
sight of the tank and its range measured by the externally mounted LAT unit.
The LAT comprises a laser ranging unit , two control boxes and an
interconnecting cable se t. The 1.06 p m wavelength Nd-Glass laser operates
by sending out a short duration pulse of laser lig ht which is invisible to the
human eye. The refl ected laser light from the target is processed in Ihe
receiver and converted into an electrical signal. An electronic counter ,
con trolled by th e sig nal outputs and inputs and connected to th e display
panels on the control boxes then gives a distance reading . Oldelft Type LA T laser rangefinder for tanks with sight in centre
The laser system has a multiple target discrimination capability with two
available memories. This makes it possible to determine th e range of two memories where they remain until the next shot is made. An outlet to
different targets within th e beamwidth of th e receiver detector field . The transmit thi s information to the ballistic computer of an integrated fire -
range s are displayed successively on the displays . Undesired targ et con trol system is provided.
reflection s can be eliminated by the use of the minimum range gate facility . The unit has a bUilt-in alignment device and calibration telescope with a
After a measurement is made the range data are stored in the available x 7 magnification and 2' lield-of-view.
462 LAS ERR A N G E FIN 0 E R S / Net her I and S - Nor way
The LV5 laser rangelinder is designed for external mounting on armoured
fighting vehicles to improve their combat effectiveness by providing accurate
range information to lay their main arm ament.
The compact and low-profile laser transceiver unit is mounted on the gun
mantlet and accurately boresighted to the gunner's sight.
The control/display unit is mounted inside th e turret in a position where it
can easi ly be operated by the gunner, As an option , an additional display
unit can be su pplied in order to provide both the vehicle comman der and
gunner with th e same range information ,
An LED display on the con trol/display unit presents the ranges of up to
two targets with a resolution of 5 m; range discrimination is 30 m, In
addition , there are indicators to warn the operator if :
a) more than two targets have been detected
SIMRAD L V51aser rangelinder lor AFV installation shOWing, lrom left to right,
b) one or more targets are within the minimum range gate setting
control/display unit, transceiver and optional display unit
c) the Nd-YAG 1,064 lim wavelength laser power is low,
An auxiliary data output on the control/display unit provides range WAVELENGTH 1,064 lim
information either to an external fire-control system computer or to the RECEIVER FIELD-OF-VIEW 1.3 mrad
additional range display unit of the commander, OPE RATING RANGE 150 - 9995 m
Operating range of the L V5 is 150 to 9995 m with a minimum range gate RESOLUTION 5m
setting infinitely variable from 150 to 4000 m, DISCRIMINATION 30 m
RANGE GATE 150 to 4000 m continuously
transceiver unit 2,2 kg MAGNIFICATION x7
control/display un it 2 kg
DIMENSIONS Status : Production ,
transceiver unit 230 x 140 x 95 mm
control/display unit 160 x 160 x 90 mm Manulactu rer: SIMRAD Optronics AlS , PO Box 6614 , Etterstad , N-0602
LASER TYPE Nd-YAG Oslo 6, Norway,
Development/Descripti o n SPECIFICATIONS
The LA71aser rangefinder is designed for use with a wide variety of weapon DIMENSIONS 222 x 206 x 94 mm
fire-control system s, It is able to measure ranges up to 10000 m and its WEIGHT approx 3,2 kg
4 Hz intermittent repetition rate enables engagement of moving targets, POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 5 V DC
Range information is transmitted to th e fire -control system via an RS422
data interface and is also displayed in the sighting eyepiece LED display . Sighting telescope
The sight has a built-in x 7 magnification capability, MAGN IFICATION x7
Night vision capability can easily be achieved by mounting the SIM RAD FIELD-OF-VIEW r
KN200 image intensifier on top of the LA 7, A simple dovetail interface EYEPIECE SEn lNG -{).75 diopters fixed
enables quick mounting and dismounting, No boresighting is required. RETICLE ILLUMINATION beta-light
Laser rangelinder
WAVELENGTH 1,064 lim
continuous operation 1,5 Hz
intermittent operation 4 Hz
DATA INTERFACE full duplex RS422
Development/Description Minimum range gate can be set from 150 to 4000 m and a facility for
The LV350 series of laser ra ngefinders has been designed for easy testing the minimum range setting is incorporated. First or last target
inlegration with a wide range of optical vehicle sights. The series consists registration can be selected by the operator.
of the following available models: LV352 ; LV353; LV354 ; and LV355 , all of The LV350 series can provide its output data in serial binary form either
which are based on modular design parameters. to an external microprocessor (LV352 model) or, via opto-couplers, to a
In order to simplify the optical arrangements of th e sights the transmitter fire-control system computer.
and receiver channels of the L V3521353 and 354 are coaxial. The L V355 A complete LV350 series model laser rangefinder comprises two separate
has separate transmitter and receiver channels. subsystem s :
The LV350 series can measure target ranges between 150 and 10000 m a) a transceiver unit which is designed to be used together with an
with resolution of 5 m. As an option th e LV353/354/355 models can be optical sight that uses a Galilean telescope with a typical magnification of
delivered with a range counter for measuring ranges up to 20 000 m. Actual x 10.
maximum range will depend upon the host sight construction, The unit interfaces mechanically wilh the sight through dovetail or screw
mounts and optically interfaces through a small window in the sight. This
arrangement permits a simple installation and removal operation with no
re-alignment required after replacement of the laser unit
b) an electronics unit which contains the range counter and voltage
converter/filter PCBs. The electronics unit can be specified by the customer
to fit his mechanical and electrical equipment requirements. The display
can be removed from the range cou nter PCB thus allowing introduction of
the range readout anywhere in the sighting system .
transceiver unit approx 2 kg
transceiver unit 150 x 92 x 90 mm
electronic unit 114 x 90 x 23 mm
RANGE GATE (in lirst target mode) 150 - 4000 m
RETURN PULSE LOGIC registration of first or last target,
selectable by operator
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC (filtered input)
SIMRAD L V352 transceiver unit
Status : Production . Manufacturer: SIM RAD Optronics A/S, PO Box 6614 , Elterstad , N-0602
Oslo 6, Norway.
Telephone : 47 2 67 04 90 Fax: 47 2192991
DevelopmentiDescripti on
The LV400 series of Nd-Y AG laser rangefi nders has been designed tor
integration with a wide range of optical sighting systems.
Based on a modular concept with no forced cooling requirements, these
compact systems can either have the main module separately mounted
within the sight assembly or built together as one integrated unit. If the
control panel or range display is not an integral part of the sight. then a
tailor-made display and/or con trol unit will be supplied.
The optical system transmitter/receiver channels can be coaxial or
separate and the receiver fie ld-of-view set according to the customer
requirements. The variable range gate and range window requirement s are
also set according to customer specification.
Up to six targets can be registe red by the range counter with up 10 three
target ranges displayed on the optional range display . A bi-directiona: opto-
coupled serial datalink interface with RS422 data format is fitted to the
range counter for integrating with a fire -control system ballistic computer.
Development/Descripti on
The TLMD-3 Nd-YAG laser rangelinder system is specially designed for
use with the T-54/55/62172 series of MBTs and is a single unit comprising
an optical periscopic sight with a fixed focus day channel and the laser
transmission and receiving devices .
Installation is simple. with th e existing commander's periscopic sight
being removed from its cupola suspension pivot and replaced by the
TLMD-3 unit. A power cable is then attached.
In operation it is aimed in azimuth by turning the commander's cupola
and in elevation by moving the rangefinder on its suspension pivot. Ranging
IS performed by depressing the push button control on the right-hand grip.
Distances of targets beyond a preset minimum range gate are displayed in
the left eyepiece of the periscopic sight.
To aim the gun at the target the commander depresses the left-hand grip
push button . If there are two targets within the laser beam both ranges are
stored simultaneously. Displays of either the first or second target can then
be selected by use of a toggle switch.
The range in digital form can be entered into a fire-control computer or
remote display via a data output connector.
WEIGHT 10 kg
POWER SUPPLY 20-30 V vehicle supply
Laser rangefinder
gated 200-3000 m continuous
max 19995 m
Day sight
Iskra TLMO-3 tank laser rangefinder from commander's side showing
DIOPTER RANGE -5 to +5 Manufacturer: Iskra Elektrooptika Ljubljana D.o ., Stegne 7, PO Box 59,
5161210 Ljubljana-Sentvid , Slovenia.
Status : In production. Telephone : (061) 191215 Telex: 395 1851 iskceo
Laser rangefinder
energy) 1.2 mrad
GATIN G LIMITS 300-3000 m
Status: Production .
Laser receiver
FIELD-O F-V IEW 4 mrad
SENSITIVITY 50 nwatt at 1.064 flm
Laser rangefinde r
MAX RANGE 65536 m
selectable in/oul 128 m wide
TARGET DISCRIMINATION 30 m between targets
selectable in/out automatic, divergence control and
fi lter attentuation control
RANGE LOGIC first/last target
Statu s: Production as required . In service with the South Afri can Defence
Development/Descri pt ion
The LR 20 is a compact, lightweight laser rangefinder designed for use in
tracking aircraft on test ranges and for anti-aircraft systems . It provides
accurate range data at a rate of up to 20 measu rements per second.
It has a built-in 'servo co ntro ller 20 dB attenuati on filter and beam shutter,
an external 30 dB eye safety filter, a hard-wired safety shut-down and full
built-in test of all the modules includi!,g th e laser transmitter receiver, filter
servo and range logic.
inclu ding COOling unit 390 x 200 x 220 mm approx
wi thout cooling unit 390 x 200 x 155 mm
WEIGHT 10.4 kg
Laser receiver
FIELD-OF-VIEW 1-4 mrad (preset)
SENSITIVITY >55 dB extinction
Laser rangefinder
MAXIMUM RANGE 20 400 m (40 800 m long-range
ACCURACY ±5 m (±10 m long-range mode )
MIN RANGE 50 m (short-range mode) Eloptro LR 20 laser rangefmder
330 m (medium-range mode)
660 m (long-range mode)
RANGE GATE CENTRE POSITION 50-20 400 m (660-40 800 m
long-range mode) Status : Production as required _ In servi ce with undisclosed countries.
WIDTH 50-1200 m (50-2400 m long-range
mode) Manufacturer: Eloptro (Pty) Ltd. Enquiries to Armscor. Private Bag X337 .
RANGE LOGIC first/last target modes Pretoria 0001 , South Alrl ca.
RANGING RATE 0-20 Hz Telephone : (0 12) 428 1911 Tele x: 320217 Fax: (012) 428 5635
466 LAS ERR A N G E FIN 0 E R S / U K
Status : Production .
Barr & Stroud lF19 laser Rangefinder 2) electronics unit which contains all the rangefinder's processi ng circuits
and can be directly interfaced to a fire-control system computer for range
display and ballistic calculations
Development/Description 3) con trol and display unit for those applications where no fire-control
The LF19 laser rangefinder has been developed using technology from the computer is used . This contains the laser switches, supply filters and a
Nd-YAG laser module which is used in the Barr & Stroud Tank Laser Sight three-digit LED display with the option of either a variable minimum range
of the Challenger 1 MBT . The LF19 has also been incorporated into the selection with single displays or a user selectable . multiple return s with
Challenger 2 MBT GPS assembly . three displays operating mode
The LF19 can also be used fo r external mounting on the armoured 4) interconnecting electrical/optical cable set.
fighting vehicle , and , when boresighted to existing equ ipment, can be In an advanced state of development is a new electroni cs unit which
adapted to suit a variety of applications including improvi ng armament con tains both laser and video processing electronics. Thi s will accept
eHectiveness by providing accurate range information for aiming purposes . standard charge-coupled infra-red signals from either a TV/low-light TV
The main subsystem s are: camera or thermal imaging sensor head , and interfaces with the fire -control
1) optical head unit which contains the laser transmitter/receiver circuits computer to allow the injection of computer generated text and symbols on
and can be fitted with a telescopic sight attachment mechanism for boresight to the TV picture.
alignment purposes The unit will therefore , with the rangefinder optical head . iorm a system
that displays simultaneously the target range , aiming marks and ballistic
Information for the operator.
optical head 240 x I t 0 x 70 mm
electronics unit 270 x 140 x 100 mm
GEe-Ferranti Type 629 lightweight Modular The common transmit/receive optical path arrangement also allows the
laser to be integ rated into the gunner's gyrostabilised sight assembly of an
laser Rangefinder armoured vehicle.
Development/Description SPECIFICATIONS
The Type 629 is a multi-role Nd-YAG laser rangefinder system with variants WEIGHT 6 kg
being used for a number of application s in the armies of several countri es . DIMENSIONS 200 x t80 x 130 mm
In March 1987 an order for 38 Type 629G lasers was placed for use with LASER TYPE Nd-YAG
the M113A2 mounted ADATS air defence system . A further variant of the LASER RANGE LIMITS 300-10000 m
Type 629 is also supplied for use in the British Aerospace Laserfire air ACCURACY 2.5m
defence system . POWER SUPPLY 22-30 V DC
U K I LAS ERR A N G E FI N 0 E R S 467
Status : Production . In service with Canada and a number of other
undisclosed countries.
GEe-Ferranti Type 520 Laser Rangefinder 2) laser transceiver unit with receiver, optical and power supply modules.
The transmitter and receiver channels are combined to form a coaxial
system . A beam expander with " 10 magnification optics can also be used
Development/Desc ript ion with this unit
The Type 520 third-generation Nd-YAG 1.064 ~m wavelength laser 3) gunner's sight display unit
rangefinder is designed for integration into armoured fighting vehicle sights 4) electronics unit providing the control logic for the power supply and
such as the NANOQUEST L20 series (L20 fo r the Scorpion reconnaissance converting the returned laser light pulses to range data for the visual
vehicle and L22 for the Chieftain MBT), ML Aviation T-sight (for th e T -series display(s) and . if reqUIred. digital output for a fire-control system ballistic
tanks). M48A5 periscope retrofit ki t and the GEC Sensors day/night Argus computer
system for vehicles such as the ENGESA EE-9 Cascavel armoured car. 5) interconnecting cable set.
The Type 520 subsystems for the latter comprise the following : The other sight systems have similar sets of components but packaged
1) commander's remote display according to their individual needs.
DIMENSIONS (transceiver unit) 148 " 90 x 86 mm
WEIGHT (transceiver unit) 2 kg
(electronics unit) configuration to suit application
(electronics unit) 0.75 kg
Status : Production . In service with Oman (as part of the NANOQUEST L22
sight assembly for the Qayis AI Ardh (Chieftain) MBT and the NANOQUEST
L20 sight assembly for the Scorpion reconnaissance vehicle) and several
other unspecified countries.
ML Aviation 'T' Tank Gunner's Telescopic Laser The telescope incorporates a GEC-Ferranti Nd-YAG Laser Range Finder
(LRF) with digital range readout which gives both the gunner and commander
Rangefinder Sight an instant and accurate range to target figure. If required , the LRF module
can be quickly replaced . without the need to re-align, whilst the system
Development/Descripti on remains In station .
The 'T' tank gunner's telescopic sight (or'T' Sight) was specifically developed The telescope can also be coupled to either the LLLTV or thermal
as a private venture from 1984 and is designed as a complete replacemen t Imaging remote night vision system. resulting in the gunner haVing a
for the existing 'T' series gunner's day sight. 24 hour sighting capability through a single eyepi ece .
WEIGHT t 5 kg (including LRF)
x 8 magnification 8.5 0 narrow
x 4 magnification 17' wide
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC vehicle system
Develop m ent/Descripti on
The Hughes Ml Abrams Nd -YAG laser rangelinder programme started in
1978. with first deliveries being made in late 1979. The rangefinder consists
of a transmitter. receiver. power supply . timing and logic circuit which is
integrated as a whole into the tank 's fire -control system.
For the M1A2 MBT . Hughes has upgraded th e unit with a one laser pulse
per second capability, which will significantly increase the accuracy of the
fire-control system when used against rapidly moving targets.
In operation the tank crew member aims at a target and triggers the laser.
The beam travels to the target and is reflected back towards a receiving
telescope. The elapsed time of beam travel to and from the target provides
the accurate range information for the fire-control computer. This is then
processed with other parameters to give the correct azimuth and elevation
figures to engage the target with the main gun.
The system is capable of allowing the fire-control system to differentiate
between close-up and far-off targets by allowing the gunner to select the
first laser reflection signal (close target) or the last (far target) .
Hughes has used current lechnology to cost effectively make solid state
laser rangefind ers for military vehicles eyesafe at 1.54 ~m .
The use of a small intracavi ty Raman celi , an avalanche photodlode ,
provides t o 000 m ranging capability at a clas s 1.6 mJ output. The low
repetition rate eyesafe ran gefinder produced opera tes up to 1 Hz ,
The system has bee n demonstrated on the US Army Ml Abrams and
Bradley Fighting Vehicle. It also has applications for the M60 tank and other
armoured vehicles upgrades. The eyesafe rangefinder also incorporates
components from th e Hughes Ml MBT laser rangefinder (qv previ ous
entry) .
LASER TYPE Erbium-glass
RESOLUTION 100 m in ISU display
5 m in oplional remole display
LOGIC firsVlast target selection
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC vehicle system
O ptic Electronic ANIVVG-2 Commande r' s Either the commander or the gunner can fire the laser but the return
range data is only displayed at the commander's station . T he system has
Integrated Laser Rangefinder the capability of storing data on as many as three targets th at intercept th e
laser beam. The ra nge to these stored targets can be displayed upon
Development/Description command . The equipment is designed so th at the range return information
The ANNVG-2 commander's laser rangefinder sight system was developed can either be automatically made available to the fire-co ntrol system ballistic
for the late model M60A3 MBT although it can also be retrofitted into earlier computer or be fed manu ally into the system .
M60 models to give improved fire-control performance. Optic Electronic suggests th at th e ANN VG-2 be included as part of a
The system is located at the commander's station and has an optical complete sight upgrade package which uses a compatibl e gunner's day/
system equipped with a low magnification viewing mode for acquiring night periscopic sight (eg the Optic Electronic MP86 - qv entry next
targets and a high magnification viewing mode for lasing and gun laying. In section) and driver's night vision viewer (eg th e Optic Electronic NV43M
addition , the optical system serves as the commander's primary sight for passive night vision viewer - qv entry previou s section). The older design
directing the fire of the main 105 mm armament. It also provides a means of M35El gunner's periscope can also be installed.
introducing azimuth corrections into the pointing of the laser rangefinder to
compensate for a target lead and as a way to check the boresight of the SPECIFICATIONS
laser rangeli nder with respect to the main gun . A Built-in Test capability is WEIGHT 40.9 kg
provided to check overall system operation. DIMENSIONS 406 x 1016 x 279 mm
POWER SUPPLY 24 ± 6 V DC vehicle system
x 6 magnification 10°
x 12 magnification 5°
DIOPTE R RANGE - 2.8 to +2.8
Laser rangelinder
WAVELENGTH 0.694 ~lm
azimuth 10°
depression/elevation -10° to +20°
OPE RATI NG RANG E 200·5000 m
DISCR IMINATION 2 targets at 20 m separation
Status : Production (over 500 units delivered by the end of 1993 - deliveries
under a multi -year produclion contract began in 1992). In service wilh Ihe
US Army (Avenger LOS-R).
wide field x8
narrow field x 17.4
wide field
narrow field
Status: Production. In service with the Belgian Army (on Leopard t MBT
upgrades) .
The Type 79-11 (or WC 532) tank gunner's sight incorporates a second-
generation image intensifier tube and is designed for fitting to the T-series
of MBTs. The external fitting comprises a casing for a periscope attachment.
Internally there are the control and power regulation boxes .
WEIGHT 22 kg (total )
LENGTH 490 mm
WIDTH 248 mm
HEIGHT 406 mm
DIOPTER RANGE - 5 to +5 NORINCO Type 79-1/ Tank Gunner's Sight
FOCUS 100 m to infinity
POWER SUPPLY 26 ±4 V vehicle supply Manufactu rer: China North Industries Corporation, 7A Yue tan Nanjie,
Beijing , People's Republic of China.
Status : In production . In service with the Chinese Armed Forces. Telephone : 86 3461 /3471 /7570 Telex : 22339 C NIC CN
The APX M504 gunner's optical sight and rangefinder is part 01 th e COTAC LASER TYPE Nd-Glass
fire control system designed for the AM X- l0RC reconnaissance vehicle. It WAVELENGTH 1.064 ~m
compri ses th e following subsystems : RECEIVER FIELD-OF-VIEW 0.5 mrad
(a) a x l 0 magnification SOPELEM optical sight with a 120 mil field-of-view OPTICAL SIGHT
(b) a CILAS Nd-Glass 1.064 flm laser rangefinder module with a maximum magnification x l0
range of 10000 m. Its accuracy is ±5 m regardless of the distance of the fieid-of-view 120 mii
target. If two echoes are received their presence is indicated by a pilot
light and the operator then chooses one for display Status : Production . In service with France, Morocco and Qatar.
(c) a Giat Industries line-of-sight deflector which is used to introduce
automatic fire corrections into the optical sight. Manufacturers : (Laser rangefinder)
In operation all the gunner has to do is acquire the targ et in his optical CILAS. route de Nozay, F-91460 Marcoussis , France .
sight and trigger the laser rangefinder. He then inserts the corrections. Telephone: (1) 64 49 1325 Telex :691862
which have been calculated by the ballistic compu ter using the range data ,
target angular speed in two axes. vehicle cant angle and meteorological (Optical sight)
data , and fires the main armament. Societe d'Optique , Precision , Electronique et Mecanique (SOPELEM ),
19 boulevard Ney , F-750 18 Paris. France .
SPECIFICATIONS Telephone : (1) 42 02 89 80 Telex : 680428F Fax : (1) 42 02 00 60
laser rangefinder 250 x 110 x 150 mm (Line-of-sight deflector)
WEIGHT Giat Industries, 13 route de la Miniere , F-78034 Versailles Cedex, France.
laser rangefinder 3.5 kg Telephone : (1) 30 97 37 37 Fax : (1) 30 97 39 00
The M389 panoramic sight has been developed for use at the commander's
station of armoured fighting vehicle turrets such as the 105 TGG of the
AM X-l0 RC reconnaissance vehicle.
The sight can be used for all-round observation , acquiring a target
designated by the gunner, deSignating a target for the gunner, firing the
auxiliary armament and, in the case of an emergency, firing the 105 mm
main armament whose axis appears within the fie ld-of-view of the sight. For
the machine gun a x 2 graticule is automatically projected into the
commander's fi eld-of-view, while for the main gun a x 8 graticule is
automatically prOjected .
The sight comprises :
(1) a rotating upper assembly which comprises the optical head prism,
optical system slavi ng servo-mechanism and several electrical circuits
(2) rotating seal which connects the upper assembly to the fi xed lower body
(3) fixed lower body which contains the electronic control equipment and
eyepiece unit. The electronic s provide the following functions :
(a) turret coun ter-rotation slaving so as to isolate the sight from the
turret movements
(b) slaving of the sight/gun axes in azimuth and the head prism/oscillating
unit axes in elevation
(c) slaving of the gun/sight axes in azimuth and the oscillating unit/head
prism axes in elevation.
SAGEM M389 Commander's Panoramic Sight as used on the 105 TGG
SPECIFICATIONS turret of the AMX- l0RC reconnaissance vehicle
diameter 190mm
height 632mm Status : Production . In service with the French (AMX -l0RC), Moroccan
WEIGHT 31.5 kg (AMX -l0RC) and Qatar armies.
560 mil field-of -view x2 Manufacturer : Societe d 'Applicatlons Generales d ' Electricite et de
140 mil field-of-view x8 Mecanlque (SAGEM) , Departement Viseurs , 6 avenue d'iena, F-75783
ELEVATION RANGE - 12' to +24' Paris Cedex 16, France.
POWER SUPPLY 27 V DC vehicle system Telephone : (1) 40 706363 Telex : 205255 F Fa x (1) 40706713
Thermal imager
ground targets 6-8000 m
airborne targets >10000m
Laser rangefinder
WAVELENGTH 1.06 ~m or eyesafe 1.54 ~m
LASER RATE 1 to 12.5 Hz
Day channel
DEPRESSION/ELEVATION -20 to +60' or -10 to +75"
SAGEM VIGY 40 panoramic sight with two -axis stabilised mirror. dual
magnification day channel, night channel and laser rangefinder
The modular SAVAN family of sights has been developed specifically for
use by MBT gunners in the anti-tank role . It has been selected by the
French Army for use on the Leclerc MBT (Viseur Tireur Integre: VTI) and by
Vickers Defence Systems (Stabilised Aiming Mirror System: SAMS) for use
on the Challenger 2 MBT for the British Army.
The current family of SAGEM SA VAN sights comprises two main
members :
(a) SAVAN 20 - a day/night GPS with a very large stabilised mirror
(b) SAVAN 10 - a day GPS with flattest stabilisation mirror assembly
Both systems can be integrated with :
(a) customer specified optronic sensors
(b) customer specified databus interfaces (for example 1553. Digibus.
RS422 and so on)
(c) customer specified inertial functions (for example two-axis stabilisation
of the line-of-sight, vertical sensing. North seeking device, land navigation
system and so on) .
Lecterc Apptication (French Army)
The HL60 GPS designed by SAGEM for the Leclerc MBT comprises three
main su bsystems :
(1) a stabilised aiming mirror assembly that allows.
(a) 2-axis line-of-sight stabilisation (50 wad)
(b) dynamic vertical reference
(c) North seeki ng «3 mil)
(d) land navigation «0.3 per cent)
(e) gun and turret stabilisation
(2) a target acquisition assembly which consists of various customer selector
sensors :
(a) dual magnification day channel
(b) three mag nification 8- 12 ~lm waveband thermal Imager
(c) Cha rged Couple Device (CCD) TV camera
(d) Nd-YAG laser rangefi nder
(e) TV monitor
(f) symbol generator
(g) automatic muzzle reference system SAGEM SAVAN gunner's multi-channel sight equipped with two-axis
(3) a modular digital electronics assembly that includes a 1 Mbyte/s Digibus stabilisation, dual magnification day channel (top left), night channel (right)
databus interface . and CCO TV channel
Status: Production. In service with French Army (Leclerc MBT) and British
Army (Challenger 2) .
Stabilised Aiming Mirror System of Barr and Stroud day and night sight
for use on the Vickers Defence Systems Challenger 2 MBT
SFIM VS 580 Family of Gyrostabilised Sig hts The models available include the following :
(a) VS 580 Multi-role - a panoramic sight with complete target processing
capability (including a stabilised laser rangefinder)
Development/Description (b) VS 580 VICAS - for the tank gun ner to use in liring-on-the-move and
The VS 580 lamily 01 gyrostabilised sights is intended for th e detection, fitted with a laser rangefinder
recog nition, identification and acquisition of targets from a moving combat All the VS 580 sight variants comprise three subsystem assemblies :
vehicle by means of accurate line-ai-sight stabilisation. (a) a sight upper assembly mounted on the turret rool which contains the
At present VS 580 Sights are compatible with a large number of existing gyrostabilised panoramic sight head and its related electronics
fire control systems . The VS580 is used at the Commander's station 01 the (b) an intermediate assembly which joins the upper unit to the lower
AMX-40 MBT, Vi ckers Mk 7B MBT, Challenger 2. Type 88 MBT and the telescopic assembly and houses the laser rangefinder
OF-40 MBT. The VS580 is also oHered for modernising AMX -30, Leopard 1 (c) a lower telescopic assembly within the turret confines containing the
and M48/M60 MBTs. On the ENGESA Ororio MBT three VS580s have optical viewing system and associated hand controls, electrical circuits
been installed (commander, gunner, thermal). and sight stabilisation equipment.
OHicine Galileo and SFIM have established an agreement to design and
produce a VS580 derivative named PSPC , dedicated for use on the C 1 SPECIFICATIONS
Ariete MBT, B1 Centauro tank destroyer and VCC -80 MICV . WEIGHTS
electronics unit 12 kg
height 768 mm
width (between handles) 304mm
AZIMUTH RANGE 360' (without limit)
Day channels
x 3.2 magnification 16.75'
x 10.5 magnification 5'
Laser rangefinder
WAVELENGTH 1.064 ~m or 1.54 ~m
Status : In production. By early 1993 some 800 had been completed with a
further 900 on order. Known applications include Italy (C1 Ariete MBT, B1
Centauro 8 x 8 tank destroyer and VCC-80 infantry fighting vehicle) . Brazil
- .- .- (Osorio P2), South Korea (Type 88 MBT) , the United Arab Emirates
(OF-40 MBT) and UK Challenger 2.
Devetopment/Descri ption Casimir. This is the VS 580-30 fitted with the TRT Castor 8-13 ~m dual field
The VS 580-30 thermal sight is part of the VS 580 panoramic sight family thermal imaging camera. This has been installed on the Osorio MBT .
(qv) and is designed to be integrated into the fire control systems of MBTs Weight is 90 kg with the head having instantaneous field-of-view of 2.5'
or self-propelled anti-aircraft vehicles to detect, identify and fire at thermally x t .6' (narrow field) or 5° x 3.3' (wide field) over th e stated MBT elevation
imaged targets. and azimuth ranges.
It can be used by both the vehicle commander and gunner and can either The thermal image is displayed either on monitors inside the vehicle or
be permanentl y mounted on the turret roof or, when fully armoured , attached on micro-monitors whose images are projected into the day-time optics 01
to the outside of the turret for temporary missions . the sight.
Depending on user requirements and th e type of armament to be slaved , The sigh t can also be coupled with the VS 580 day-time family variants to
several models of the VS 580-30 are available including the VS 580-30 provide a comprehensi ve observation/target engagement system.
MBTfil ±35'
AA vehicle fll -10' 10 +60'
AZIMUTH RANGE 360' (wilhoul limit)
(depending upon
Iransmission condilions)
tank 6000 m
aircraf1 9500-12 500 m
helicopter 6500 m
personnel 3500 m
SFIM VS 580-30 Gyroslabllised Thermal Sight
AZIMUTH full unlimited panoramic deflection
ELEVATION RANGE -35' to +35'
SLEWING RATE 0.1 to 1000 mills
direct view optic 16' and 5'
thermal channel 5'
The HL-70 gyrostabilised panoramic sigh t is in production by SFIM for
fitting to the Leclerc MBT. It has a day optics system with switchable
magnifications of x 2.5 and x 10, a light intensifier night optics module and
a built-i n laser rangefinder. In the commander's eyepiece are projected
symbols which indicate the sta tus of the tank , for example, type of
ammunition, firing rang e, firing authorisation and so on . Optional equipment
includes a TV camera to broadcast the image to the gunner, and for training
a micromonitor display.
The sight is shrouded in separately controlled armour and uses a digital
bus for electrical interlacing with the Leclerc weapon system.
Development/Description (c) target co-ordinate transmission - after validation by the operator, the
The DANAOS is designed as an optronic and inertial navigation daY/night position of the target can be automatically transmitted by the radio
system lor use on Field Artillery Forward Observation Vehicles . Its small , network to the artillery battalion headquarters.
compact size allows it to be installed on light or heavy , tracked or wheeled The system comprises the following subsystems :
armoured vehicles . (a) a day/night NBC compatible one-man 1 m LOA 20 Artillery Observation
DANAOS is able to undertake the following function s: Cupola equipped with a day binocular device , a direct panoramic
(a) battlefield surveillance observation device, an 8-12 ~m waveband thermal imager and a laser
(b) target data acquisition - the system automatically computes the position rangefinder
of the target selected by the operator (b) an SAGEM NSM 20 land navigation system (qv Land Navigation Systems
section) .
High level Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) is also integrated into the
DANAOS assembly .
ELEVATION RANGE -200 to +40'
panoramic direct view x 1
binocular 2.5 and x 10
narrow 23 mil
wide 100 mil
LASER RANGEFINDER WAVELENGTH 1.06 ~m or eyesafe 1.54 ~m
NAVIGATION ACCURACY <0.2% of distance travelled
Status: Pre-production.
The TMV 565 micromonitor was developed under a DTAT/SEFT contract
and adopted by the French Army under the designation RR189A . It is
designed mainly for use on armoured vehicles and helicopters and has
been tested on the HL60 sight for the Leclerc MBT and the Viviane roof-
mounted sight for the Gazelle helicopter.
The TMV 565 is fitted with a very small high performance display unit and
can be coupled with various types of sensor. The TV standard is preselected
at the factory stage. It is mounted in a single housing and features the
(a) a 23 x 21 mm flat screen on the front panel , with two positioning holes
for alignment and four threaded holes for mounting
(b) a single MIL-STD-38999 connector on the rear panel for power supply ,
BITE result outputs , contrast and brightness control and video input.
The micromonitor, as an option, can be fitted with an RS422 digital
DIMENSIONS 155 x 56 x 83 mm
WEIGHT less than 0.95 kg
Development/Description (c) fire control functions when engaging helicopters and slow flying aircraft
The M37 1 periscope type sight has been developed 10 equip the vehicle (d) an emergency firing capability .
commander 's station in the TH 20 turret arm ed with a 20 mm cannon . On the right side of the sight is the day vision path for engaging ground
It provides: targets , whilst on the left side is the episcope path designed for observing ,
(a) day observation targeting and engaging helicopters and aircraft.
(b) target designation
WEIGHT 10 kg
ELEVATION RANGE _ 15° to +55°
magnification x6
field-of-view 10°
diopter range -5 to +2
magnification x l
one eye to 40 mm
vertical 12°
horizontal 38°
both eyes
vertical 32°
horizontal 77°
The OB-47 monocular , light intensification , passive vision , night sight can
be fitted to the AMX-30 MBT to enable the gunner 10 aim and fire Ihe main
armament in darkness. It is usually associated with the OB-44 night
observation binoculars and the M427-02 laser rangefinder sight.
The second-generation image intensifier tube fitted has automatic gain
control and is of the micro-channel inverter type. Range is tODD m with
10 ' Iux illumination .
ELEVATION RANGE -80 to +20 0
f iELD-Of-VIEW 7°
Development/Description The sigh t can be used for day observation with a wide field-of -vlew and
The TJN2-71 periscopic sight is intended to be fitted both to cupolas armed the possibility of use for defensive anti-aircraft fire , targel designation and
with small calibre weapons and to larger-scale turret commander stations. day and night firing .
For this a number of versions are available with different installation heights Optional features include: a clear collimator in th e periscope path : a
and elevation interfaces . declutchable elevation sensor in relation to the gun to allow for machi ne
They all have an integrated prism head with three paths, a x 1 magnification gun superelevation requirements: a vehicle commander's repeater unit
day periscope, a x 6.8 magnification day sight and a x 4 magnification night with an optical module that receives an image from either another sight.
sight. The latter is fitted with a second-generation , 25 mm , inverter type, such as a commander's TJN2-90 , or a fire control system , such as the
image intensifier tube that has a range of 500-1000 m, according to SOPTAC or Mlthridat. and projects it onto the common eyepiece of the
atmospheric conditions. The day and night sight paths also have a common sight : and the capabilily to transfer the day and night path images 10 a
eyepiece . second observer, Laser rangefinder and CAT are also proposed as option s
480 0 A Y AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS / F ran c e
elevation ±10 mil
azimuth ±10 mil
Periscopic day sight
horizontal 43"
vertical 20°
RANGE about 1000 m
Daylight sight channel
RANGE up to 2500 m
Night sight channel
RANGE 500 to 1000 m (according to atmospheric
') '.
Development/Desc ri ption
The Thomson-TRT CT-30 is a day and nighl thermal fire control system
suitable for use with all types of tank. It is fitted outside the turret in a case
secured to the gun mantlet. It has high resolution . zoom and very long
range aquisition capabilities that allow any tank equipped with the system
to fire on mobile targets. The target speed is gained by image processing
techniques. The commander and gunner have TV displays.
The thermal imager uses the modules of the French Modular System
(SMT) and operates in the 8 -12 ~m waveband region. The system uses a
scanning serial parallel with cooled photovoltaic CMT sensors. Bifocal lens
are filted . The performance is stated to be equivalent to that obtained by a
second generation MBT fire control system. The accuracy produced is
better than 0.2 mrad with data taken from the associated laser rangefinder .
tilt sensor, ambient temperature sensor and atmospheri c pressure sensor
WEIGHTS Thomson- TRT Defense CT-30 thermal fire control system installed on an
camera 20 kg AMX-30 MBT for trials purposes
system 60 kg
AIMING ACCURACY better than 0.2 mrad Manuf acturer : Thomson-TRT Defense , Optronic Division , rue Guynemer.
BP55 , F-78283 Guyancourt Cedex. France.
Status: Production as required . Telephone : (1) 30 96 70 00 Telex : THOM 616780F Fax : (1) 30 96 75 50
Thomson-TRT Defense DIVT 13 Night Gunsight (c) two RR t 07 (TMV563) 700 points/line resolution display monitors with
System 110 mm diagonal screens (one for the commander and the other fo r the
Development/Desc ripti on (d) interconnecting cable set.
The Thomson-TRT DIVT 13 day/night passive observation and night firing The DIVT 13 allows firi ng to be carried out at ra nges of between 1000
Low-Light Level TeleVision (LLLTV) system was developed by the Direction and 1500 m on dark moonless nights. with no mist , and up to 3000 m on
Techniques des Armements Terrestres (DTAT) for use with the automatic clear moonlight nig hts or by day. In misty conditions these ranges are
fire control systems (COTAC) of the AMX · l0RC . AMX -30 B2 and the reduced but in very cold (below O' C) or in very dry weather (desert
prototype AMX -32 as night gunsights. climates) these distances can be increased at night.
Although designed specifically for night use , th e DIVT 13 can also be
used in daylight as a gunsight. It is capable of engaging both fi xe d and SPECIFICATIONS
moving targets in either situation . DIMENS IONS
The DIVT 13 consists of the following subsystems : camera 620 x 170 x 300 mm
(a) a CC8 television camera on a rigid casting with a large aperture , near control unit 170 x 90 x 140mm
infra-red night vision and automatic filters . shutter and diaphragm . The TV monitor (x 2) 260 x 140 x 100 mm
electronics fitted are associated with the camera's Supernoction image WEIGHTS
tube . the optical control circuits and the generation of the electronic camera 22 kg
sighting graticule (positioned for elevation and bearing by th e fire control control unit 1.5 kg
computer) TV monitor (x 2) 3.8 kg
(b) a BC458 tank commander's control unit POWER SUPPLY 20 to 30 V DC
night position 10" Lux very dark night to
10'2 Lux dull day
day position 10" Lux moonlight to
10.5 Lux bright sunshine
Optical system
FIELD-OF-VI EW 4 x 5.67'
APERTUR E f/ l .5
SCANNING STANDARD 625 lines , 50 half framesl s
PHOTOCATHODE 25 mm diameter. sensitivity 1 mAILux
RESOLUTION 600 points/line at 10 ' Lux
TYPE IIat screen , 110 mm diagonal , 700 pointsl
line reso lution
Status : Production . In service with the French Army (on AMX-l0RC and
AMX-30 B2 vehicles) and severa l undisclosed cou ntries.
Thomson-TRT Defense POLUX Light Optronic It can be coupled to all types of video TV cameras (visible, infra-red ,
Processor digital or analogue) and can be tai lored to a speci fic application by so ftware.
The sys tem comprises :
(a) a key operated control unit
Devefopmen t/Description (b) a metal enclosure which accommodates up to 12 function cards . ni ne
The POLUX light optronic processor is designed fo r use as a hig hly for image processing and three for management and interf acing.
compact , vehicle-moun ted real -time modular digital image processing Each card pe rforms a specific image processing function. The functions
system . It can be used to automate weapon system or fire control functions already avai lable or being developed include :
such as target acquisition. target recognition and tracking in order to reduce (i) image filtering - improve ment of signal-to-noise ratio
target engagement time and improve target locating accuracy. (ii) detection - automatic detection and location of con trasted objects
F ran C e / 0 A V AND N I G H T S I G H TI N G S Y S T EMS 483
(iii) tracing - time stable numbering of detection objects PO LUX can also be used on helicopters and as a site and frontier surveillance
(iv) tracking - fine tracking of a target. Note: several targets can be system. It has a dual sensor capability with parallel processing of two video
tracked through the use of several tracking cards signals selected from two digital video inputs and an analogue video input.
(v) symbol generator - insert keying of menus, text and graphic symbols A Built-in Test facility is fitted for fault detection and location at basic
into the image assembly level.
(vi) movement detection - detection of mobile, contrasted objects with
speed filters SPECIFICATIONS
(vii) target recognition - elimination of false alarms , detected and classified DIMENSIONS 335 x 181 x 155 mm
(for example, pedestrians , vehicles and so on) WEIGHT appro x 8 kg
(vi ii) low-rate image transmission - encoding of digital images for low-rate POWER SUPPLY 28-30 V DC
transmission via radio systems SYSTEM INTERFACES two RS422 links, one
(ix) detection of sky line - automatic detection of sky line in the image. ARINC 429 link, two
The modularity is obtained by assembling only the cards needed for a differential analogue
specific operational require ment and customising the application software output links, one 1553 link
of the management unit. (optional)
The POLUX configuration can be set up during use by the weapons VIDEO INPUTS/OUTPUTS one CCIR analogue video
system it is connected to and by its own control unit (by menu inserts keyed input and output signal
in the image). A list of typical vehicle and air defence system applications two digital 8-bit input video
includes : signals
one digital output video
Artillery Observation sector-based surveillance Automatic detection of contrasted objects
Vehicle target designation aid (automatic SIZE OF DETECTED OBJECTS 1 to 512 pi xels
detection , location and numbering of TIME REQUIRED TO CALCULATE POSITION , less than 20 msec (calc.
potential targets) SIZE AND ATIRIBUTES OF OBJECTS frequency 50 MHz)
object recognition MAX NUMBER OF OBJECTS DETECTED 120
low-rate image transmission Tracing
MBT sector-based surveillance MODES contrast. centre-of-gravity,
target designation aid (automatic inertial
detection/location/numbering ) AUTOMATIC ADAPTION to object rotations,
target monitoring masking and motion
weapon firing (target speed AUTOMATICALLY ADAPTING WINDOW size varies from 2 x t to
measurement and line-of-sight laying) 240 x 240 pixels
LOCK-ON manual or automatic. for
Ground-to-air and Surface-to-air sector-based surveillance signal-to-noise rati o >4
fire control target designation aid (automati c FINE TRACKING up to four objects in
detection/location/numbering) parallel
target monitoring Image transmission
missile firing (d ifferential miss-distance) LOW-RATE up to 4800 bits/s over
digital links
small image 0.5 s
under resolved image 8.0 s
fu ll resolved image 30 s
•• ••••
. '... 11
optical unit 20 kg
electronic unil 9 kg
control unit 2 kg
optical unit 452 x 181 >< 302 mm
electronic unit 270 x 180 x 152 mm
control unit 105 x 155 x 135 mm
lens variant wide field narrow field
(degrees) (degrees)
1 6x9 2. 7 x 4
2 6x9 2x3
3 5.4 x 8.1 1.8 x 2.7
WAVEBAND REGION 8-12 ~m 8-12ftm
Status: Production . In service with the French Army (on AMX -30 B2 MBTs
and AMX-l0 VOA artillery observation vehicles) and other unspecified
cou ntries. The associated modular system for image processing will enter
serial production in 1993.
Giat Industries A MX-30 B2 MB T fitted with DIVT 161hermal imaging system
Manufacturer: Thomson-TRT Defense, Optronic Division . rue Guynemer,
BP55 , F-78283 Guyancourt Cedex , France.
Telephone : (1) 30 96 70 00 Telex : THOM 616780F
Fax: (1) 30 96 75 50
Leitz Daylight/Thermal Imaging Alignment It has slde-by-side thermal imaging and day channel optical systems,
Collimator KTW 18m with a graticule exchange faci lity in the latter that permits eith er the use of
specialised graticules (eg Leopard 2, Marder I /Luchs, Bradley M2) for point
calibration or a universal graticule for parallel calibration. The short distance
required in front of the weapon and the si mple procedures involved allow
The tripod-mounted dual faci lity KTW 18m collimator device allows armoured
calibrations to be undertaken in con fined spaces and under conditions of
vehicle weapon systems/daylight and thermal imaging sighting optics to be
poor visibility. The vehicle remains stationary, and its tilt is transferred to
calibrated to an accuracy 01 0.1 mil (or 20 arc sec) .
the collimator with an adjustable level. The parallelism between the daylight
and thermal imaging collimator systems can easily be checked by the
operator and adjusted if necessary.
KTW 18m 335 x 335 x 320 mm
transporter container 600 x 600 x 500 mm
KTW 18m 18 kg
transport container and accessories 22 kg
tripod with carrying case 6 kg
Opticat systems
Daylight collimator
FIELD-OF-VIEW 177.8 mil
RESOLUTION 5 10 arc sec
Thermat imaging collimator
RESOLUTION ,; 10 arc sec
Tetescopic Sight
Status: Production .
Leitz GPG-20 20 mm Synchroniser Test Device between the centre of the barrel of the weapon and the aiming device.
Friction couplings in the pivot bearings guarantee an accurate positioning.
Devetopment/Description In order to converge the adjustment cross of the GPG-20 with the reticle
The GPG-20 20 mm test device is used to test the synchronisation of the cross -hair of the aiming device , the reticle may be adjusted for height and
barrel of the weapon relative to the line-of-sight of the optical aiming laterality and the collimator may be rotated around its longitudinal axis.
devices of weapon systems. The optical principle used is collimation . A built-in test system is part of the device and adjustment of the GPG-20
The GPG-20 consists of a mounting with integrated collimator and two may be performed quickly and easily by the operating personnel without
lazy tongs with the optical deviating system. The adaptor, which is placed the use of any additional equipment.
into the weapon's mounting instead of the barrel , holds the GPG-20 . The
adaptor may be modified to fit olher weapon s systems. SPECIFICATIONS
By spreading the two tongs , th e adjustment cross of the collimator is DIMENSIONS
imaged into the optics of the aiming device to be tested via the optical GPG-20 708 x 240 x 550 mm
deviating system . In doing so, a maximum radius of 1.02 m may be bridged GPG·20 container 800 x 400 x 800 mm
weapon adaptor 650 x 70 mm diameter
weapon adaptor container 715 x 213 x 183 mm
GPG-20 28 kg
GPG-20 con tainer 27 kg
weapon adaptor 12 kg
weapon adaptor container 11 kg
LlNE-OF-SiGHT ±0.05 mrad
Leitz MODUS-P Optronic Pano ramic Periscope (e) close-in of the weapon system on the line-o f-sight
(I) independent panoramic observation . even if the angle transmission
chain fails
Development/Descriptio n (g) measurement of the target's range
The MOoUS-P optronic panoramic periscope is a modular. stabilised (in (h) field boresighting (an option)
two axes) duospectral sensor periscope for use on armoured vehicles. The
MOoUS-P comprises the following subassemblies : SPECIFICATIONS (basic models)
(a) periscope electronics DIMENSIONS
(b) digital controller periscope 360 x 360 x 810 mm
(c) Digital Scan Converter (OSC) tank roof aperture 345 mm diameter
(d) power supply unit for th ermal Imager viewing assembly 260 x 220 x 150 mm
The device is equipped with an ocular channel. two Charged Couple periscope electronics 440 x 210/90 x 220 mm
Device (CCO) cameras, a therm al imager. an eyesafe laser rangefinder digital controller 370 x 125 x 190 mm
and high resolution digital angle encoders for azimuth and elevation. These digital scan converter 372 x 28 1 x 260 mm
allow the periscope to perform the following functions in both daylight and thermal imager power supply unit 35 x 170 x 210mm
darkness : WEIGHTS
(a) panoramic observation periscope 150 kg
(b) target detection periscope electronics 20 kg
(c) target recognition digital controller 5 kg
(d) target identification digital scan converter 22 kg
(e) measuring target range thermal imager power supply unit 16 kg
(I) weapon aiming POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
(g) terrain surveying Daylight optical operation data
Both the CC O cameras permit a parallel representation of two visual MAGNIFICATION
fields for daylight operation . With limited daylight visibility and in darkness 20' wide field -of-view x3
the thermal imager detects the natural therm al radiation from objects and 5' narrow field-of-view x 12
converts it into a visible image . The laser rangefinder is used to measure Aiming
the distance to the target within the limits 200 to 3995 m or up to 9995 m for STABILISATION REFERENCE dynamically graduated 2-axis
terrain su rveying purposes. gyroscope
When coupled to the vehicle 's fire control system the following functions AIMING SECTOR
can be performed by Ihe MOoUS-P : elevation/depression +201-10"
(a) communication with the fire control system by means of a digital SoLC azimuth 360'
(b) real -time determinalion of current angle position for aZimuth and elevation Status: Prototype .
(c) zero-point adjustment of the periscope angle values to the co-ordinate
system of the fire control installation Manufacturer: Wild Lei tz Systemtechnik GmbH , 0 -6330 Wetzlar, Fed eral
(d) operation as an aiming guide unit or in th e lock·on mode by linking with Republic of Germ any.
the weapon system by means of an electric angle tran smission chain Telephone: (06441 ) 29-0 Telex : 4 83849 leiz d Fax : (06441) 29-2400
The PERI-R17A1 commander's stabilised line-of-sight panoramic periscope
is designed for use on MBTs, and has been adopted by the German Army
for use on the Leopard 2 MBT. It is also capable of being retrofitted to th e
Leopard 1. the M48 and other tanks.
Any deviation in azimuth and elevation of the line-of-sight is caused by
veh icle movement which is compensated for by the sight's own
gyrostabilisation system . For panoramic viewing the head assembly itself is
rotated , wil h a prism being used 10 enable the elevation of the viewing
direction to be changed .
The sight can be used for general observation. target identification.
tracking and engagement from a stationary or moving platform . Switch-
selectable magnifications of x 2 and x 8 are fitted . The PERI-RI7A 1 may be
used either as an independent unit, or as a unit integrated into the vehicle 's
fire control system . Target assignment to the gunner is via analogue or
digital servo loops. Standard features include a ready -lo-fire indication and
position indicator of the sigh t re lative to the turret.
For maximum safety firing can only be initiated if the line-o f-sight and the
main armament alignment coincide . Aiming is via a standard NATO pattern
reticule wilh adjustable brightness, Collimator markings are also used for
boresighting , and there is also a direct viewing adaptor for thermal image
projection (a feature used on the Leopard 2) .
basic sight assembly 530 x 280 x 580 mm
Zeiss PER/-R 17 panoramic periscope with gyrostabilisalion
electronics unit 450 x 200 x 210 mm
basic sight assembly 70 kg
electronics unit 15 kg
ELEVATION RANGE _13' to +20'
TRAVERSE 360' Status: Production as required . In service with the German Army (Leopard
x 2 magnification 30' Ma nufacturer: Carl Zeiss Oberkochen, Postfach 1369/ 1380 , 0 -7082
x 8 magnification 8' Oberkochen. Federal Republic of Germany.
DIOPTER RANGE -4 to +4 Telephone : (07364) 20-2879 Telex : 71375 133 Fax : (07364) 20-3855
G e r man y / 0 A V AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S V S T EMS 487
Zeiss PERI - ZL Gunner ' s Gyrostabi lised The vehicle commander can use a light tube telescope attachment on
Observation and Sighting Periscope with the right side of the sight which has a monocular eyepiece combining the
sighting telescope and display images seen by the gunner in his left and
Integrated Laser Rangefinder right eyepieces respectively .
Development/Description SPECIFICATfONS
The PERI -ZL is deSigned to allow an MBT gunner to fire at a stationary or ELEVATION RANGE -12' to +20'
moving target whilst the vehicle itself is either stationary or moving. TRAVER SE ±5°
The main subassemblies are : FIELD·OF-VIEW
(a) PERI-ZL sight assembly x 3 magnification 20°
(b) Commander's combined sighting telescope attachment x 10 magnification 5.6'
(c) Electronics Unit which performs voltage generation , control electronics DIOPTER RANGE -4 to +4
and operation monitoring tasks DISPLAYS target range
(d) Standardised Zeiss laser modules. multiple echo (yellow LED)
The PER I-ZL uses main subassemblies from th e PERI-R1 7 stabilised laser readiness (green LED)
periscope on the Leopard 2 MBT. Any deviations of th e tine-of-sight from firing read iness (red LED)
the nominal elevation and azimuth directions caused by platform movements Laser rangefinder
are compensated for by the sight's primary gyrostabilisation system . TYPE Nd·YAG
The sight can be integrated into the MBT's fire control system where the WAVELENGTH t .064 ~m
ballistic computer determines the targets lead and superelevation angles OPERATING RANGE 400-10000 m
on the basis of the range determined by the sight's laser range finder. ACCURACY ±10 m
Dynamic lead takes into account the re lative movements of the vehicle and MINIMUM RANGE GATING 400-4500 m
the target.
The gunner uses a single handle to control the line-of-sight in elevation Status : In service with the Swiss Army . In production.
and azimuth . Displays are present for the range measured , multi-echo ,
firing and laser readiness. He has an observation channel with switch- Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Oberkochen, Postfach 1369/ 1380 , 0-7082
selectable magnifications of x 3 and x 10, a brightness control and a Oberkochen , Federal Republic of Germany.
minimum range control. Telephone : (07364) 20-2879 Telex: 71375133 Fax: (07364) 20-3855
basic instrument 400 x 130 x 200 mm
power supply 405 x 205 x 205 mm
basic instrument lB kg
power supply 13 kg
IR channel
wide IS' x 7.5°
-- narrow 5' x 2.5'
The Zeiss W8G-X thermal sight with the low-noise linear drive cooler Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Oberkochen . Postfach 1369/ 13BO, D-70B2
combined with a dual FOV day sight packaged for the Luchs 8 x 8 Oberkochen , Federal Republic of Germany .
reconnaissance vehicle Telephone : (07364) 20-2B79 Telex: 7 1375133 Fax : (07364) 20-3B55
Elbit t inch bi-ocular armoured vehicle military display from operators side
RESOLUTION (contrast = 1.0) 0.2 mil at 10' FL
DISTORTION (0.8 field ) 13%
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle
emergency two 2.7 V batteries
The NITE LITE target acquisition sys tem has been developed by RAFAEL
to provide real-time ·data of acquired stationary and moving targets under
all weather, day and night conditions.
It is of modular construction. can be quickly deployed in the field, operates
from a 24 V electrical supply and has a long range .
The NITE LITE system consists of an FLl R, laser rangefinder, goniometer.
extensive data about the target including identification , azimuth . elevation ,
height, range and map co-ordinates.
All of the target information data is displayed on th e computers LCD
display and on the FLiR TV monitor.
The electronics and computer unit is responsib le for processing the data
received from the goniometer, laser ra ngefinder and operator (via the
keyboard) and displaying the results.
It has a data bank capable of containing 100 targets and is provided with
a backup nickel cadmium battery to prevent loss of information in case of a
power failure.
According to RAFAEL, the system is suitable for real-time target
acquisition. fie ld intelligence and fire control applications.
A tripod assembly guarantees the rigidity of the system ; total weight of
the complete system. excluding the nitrogen, is 45 kg . It is easily operated
by two handles which enable smoo th rotation of the goniometer and
contain the controls for using the system . The tripod can be adjusted in
height from 0.8 to 1.8 m.
The system is of modular construction so that it can be tailored to meet
specific user and operational requirements . The thermal sensor can be
replaced either by a telescope or a video camera.
Goniometer measuring accuracy SPECTRAL BANDWIDTH 8-121lm
AZIMUTH 1 mil RMS (0-6399 mils) NARROW FIELD-OF-VIEW 1.7° x 1.3°
ELEVATION 1 mil RMS (±300 mils) IFOV (NFOV) 0.08 x 0.11 mrad'
DISPLAY RESOLUTION azimuth and elevation 1 mil WIDE FIELD-OF-V IEW 5.0' x 3.6"
MRTD 0.5' C
Laser range finder DISPLAY 525 Iines/60 Hz
LASER TYPE Nd:YAG 625 lines/50 Hz
RANGE ACCURACY ±10m Status: In production. In service with Israel Defence Forces and a number
FIELD-OF-VIEW 7' of undisclosed countries.
PRF 1 pps
TARGET INDICATION multiple Manufacturer: RAFAEL, PO Box 2250/80 , IL-31021 Haifa, Israel.
Tel~phone: 972 4 794784 Telex : 471508 VERED IL
Fax: 972 4 794703
The APS-3 is a manually operated 360' periscope system for armoured
vehicle comman der's . Through the use of simple folding mirrors the APS-3
allows a wide perspective view to the commander for controlling units on
the battlefield up to the tank company level whilst under armour. When the
mirror is fo lded, the traverse and elevation (from -20 to + 70' ) are locked in
req uired installation bore 272mm
height over deck 140mm
height under deck
unfolded 180mm
folded 80mm
in armoured steel 30 kg
in aluminium 15 kg
DevelopmentlDescri pti on
The P186 telescopic sigh t has been designed to be part of the primary fire
control system of the Palmaria 155 mm self-propelled howitzer.
It is fitted on a Bofors telescopic mount and is used for laying the weapon
in azimuth and for indirect fire control.
The sight comprises the following subsystems :
(a) head assembl y with a right angle prism
(b) top assembly
(c) bottom assembly
(d) monocular eyepiece with an Amici prism _
DIMENSIONS 525 x 162 x 240 mm
ELEVATION RANGE -34.5' to + 19.5'
The P170L and P240L are derived from the P204 sigh t to meet the
technical requirements of observing , ai ming and laser ranging in day and
night condi tions.
The only difference between the two periscopes is that the position of th e
weapon linkage lever is on the right in th e P170L and on the left in the
In physical appearance they are similar to the P204 with Ihe main
components being the:
(a) periscope body assembly with a head prism , x 1 magnification optical
window and weapon linkage unit
(b) daylight elbow which includes the objective , right angle prism , reticle
assembly , eyepiece laser assembly, laser optics and display module.
The actual daylight elbow itself is fully interchangeable with the passive
night vision elbow.
The integrated Nd· YAG 1.064 ~ m wavelength laser transceiver module
uses a common aperture arrangement for the transmined pulse , received
echo and the visual image channels.
WEIGHT 15 kg
DIMENSIONS 295 x 202 x 530 mm
ELEVATION -t77 to +t245 mils
Daylight elbow
FIELD·OF·VIEW 160 mils
horizontal 462 mils
vertical 177 mils
Passive night vision elbow Alenia P240 day/night gunner's laser periscope
FIELD·OF·VIEW 147 mils
Laser rangefinder module Status: Production as required . In service with undisclosed countries.
WAVELENGTH 1.064 ~m Manufacturer: Alenia. Avionic System s and Equipment Group , Viale
MAX RANGE 9995 m Europe , 1·20014 Nerviano , Italy .
RANGE ACCURACY ±5m Telephone : (0331) 587 330 Telex: 330675 AITNER
I t a I y I DAY AND N I G H T S I G H TI N G S Y S T EMS 495
Development/Description SPECIFICATIONS
The P223 commander 's passive night vision sight was developed for use WEIGHT 7.5 kg
on APCs, IFVs and other armoured vehicle types. It can also be retrofitted MAGNIFICATION x3
to the earlier models of MBTs and is fully interchangeable with all European FIELD-OF-VIEW
and American daylight periscope systems . horizontal 16'
It consists of the following subsystems: vertical 15'
(a) head assembly with a right angle prism
(b) main body assembly which contains the objective lens, sight graticule, Status : Production . In service with Ihe Italian Army .
binocular eyepiece unit, the system electronics and a second generation
image intensi fier tube . Manufacturer : Al enia, Avionic Systems and Equipment Group, Viale
Range of th e image intensifier in starlight is up to 800 m, depending upon Europe, 1-2001 4 Nerviano , Italy,
the conditions . Telephone : (0331) 587 330 Telex: 330675 AITNER
The P2651L night elbow aiming periscope has been designed to be directly
interchangeable with the daylight elbow of the P170LlP240LlP240
periscopes and can also be used to replace the infra-red elbow used in the
M32 and M36 MBT periscopes.
The main components comprise :
(a) elbow assembly with the objective , high reflectance mirror, a 25 mm
second-generation image intensifier tube and eyepiece unit
(b) reticle projection device assembly which includes an objective , mirror ,
pentaprism, reticle unit and a high emitter diode.
Range of the image intensifier in starlight conditions is 1300 m with the
projected reticl e intensity being adjustable to suit th e conditions. If the main
power supply is interrupted for any reason then a 3 V DC lithium battery
automatically cuts in .
The V 200 vision block is designed for general observation use from the
inside of M11 3 APCs or other troop carrying armoured vehicle types. It is
able to survive a direct penetration hit by standard NATO 7.62 mm
ammunition and can offer protection to the observer against all types of
small arms actions .
WEIGHT 10 kg
DIMENSIONS 187.5 x 29 1 x 114 mm
horizontal 900
vertical 300
Manufacturer: Alenia , Avionic Systems and Equipmenl Group, Viale Alenia V 200 vision block
Europe , 1-2001 4 Nerviano , Italy.
Telephone : (0331) 587 330 Telex : 330675 AITNER
496 0 A Y AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS / I t a I y
The OG-P07 has been developed to fulfil the requirem ent lor an observationl
aiming periscope sight to be used in light armoured vehicles where the
crew accommodation does not rotate with the turret.
The scanning movements of the line-ol-sight are given in traverse by the
rotation of the turret and in elevation by a mechanical connection which
transmits the angle attained by the armament to the prism of the periscope.
Two variants are avaitable : the monocular eyepiece OG-P07 and the
binocular eyepiece OG-P07B.
(OG-P07B version)
WEIGHT 19 kg
DIMENSIONS 550 x 290 x 246 mm
ELEVATION RANGE - 10' to +50'
The OG-P20 has been developed to lulfil the requirement for an observation/
aiming periscopic sight to be used in light armoured fighting vehicles where
the crew accommodation does not rotate in concert with the turret.
Monocular or binocular versions are available and comprise a single
sight assembly with a rotating head prism and an electronics box connected
by cables.
DIMENStONS 680 x 320 x 340 mm
ELEVATION RANGE -10' to +60'
x 1.5 magnification 28'
x 4.5 magnification 10'
The OG-Pl 01 observation/aiming sight is designed to replace. with suitable
modifications . the M32 . M34 and M36 periscopes on armoured fighting
For night vision and firing it uses a second-generation light intensifier
tube assembly .
DIMENSIONS 470 x 205 x 295 mm
ELEVATION RANGE -10' to +70'
x 1 magnification 26' x l 0'
x 8 magnification 9'
Development/Description All the sight operations are controlled by a 16-bit microprocessor. Functions
The SP-T-694 day/night binocular sight has been developed lor use in the can be expanded up to the computation 01 azimuth and elevation lead
vehicle commander's station of the Otomatic 76 mm self-propelled anti- angles as an option to the gunner's lire control system and allow the
aircraft gun, the IVECO FIAT Bl wheeled tank destroyer and the OTO commander to control and fire the main armament whilst the vehicle is
MeiarailVECO FIAT C 1 MBT to carry out wide-area surveys 01 the battlefield , moving .
supervise the gunner's operation. slave the sight's line-of-sight to that of The sight intertace is both digital and analogue to enable system integration
the gunner's optics and provide an alternate firing station lor the main with most modern types of lire control systems .
armament. The night vision capability is provided by a third-generation image
Intensifier tube assembly. Daylight vision is provided by dual magnification
narrow/wide field-of-view optics .
ELEVATION RANGE -10' to +60'
Daylight channel
x 2.5 magnification 20'
x to magnilication 5'
Night channel
Status: Production .
The VIR52 night vision periscope assembly has been designed to be fully even in conditions of log . mist or low light contrast and against traditional
interchangeable with daylight periscope systems already mounted on tanks camouflage techniques. If required. Ihe thermal imaging can be switched
and armoured fighting vehicles to provide observation and aiming capabilities off so as 10 optim ise the resolution and definition capacity of the image
in any ambient light conditions. intensifier.
It combines a 3-5.5 ~lm waveband region PbSe inlra-red thermal imaging Typical detection range of a large target is 1200 m with it becoming
detector unit with a second generation image intensifier tube assembl y. recogni sable at 800 m
providing a comprehensive long range detection and engagement capability
498 0 A Y AND N I G H T S I G H TI N G S Y S T EMS I I t a I y
WEIGHT 13.5 kg
DIMENSIONS 348.5 x 262.5 Y 226.2 mm
WAVEBAND 3-5.5 ~l m
DevelopmentiDescriptio n SPECIFICATIONS
The Thetis system is designed to provide tanks and combat vehicles with a Infra-red module
modular night sighting for use either as the vehicle 's main night fire control DIMENSIONS 150 x 200 x 350 mm
system or as a night sight upgrade to an existing fire control system . Thetis WEIGHT 9 kg (with telescope)
can also be used in poor visibility and battlefield smoke condition s. MAGNIFICATION x 4 and x 12
Thetis has been installed on the OTO Melara OF-40 MBT and is under FIELD-OF-VIEW 6.6 x 3.3' and 2.2 x l. "
evaluation on the Leopard 1 MBT of the Italian Army . The main components WAVEBAND REGION 8-14 ~m
are : COOLING SYSTEM closed cycle
(a) Infra-red module - which is installed externally on the vehi cle gun AIMING RETICLE mobile with electric control
mantlel. It includes the thermal imaging unit and rele vant cooling system Controt panel
(b) Gunner/Commander's monitors - internally install ed at the gunner's BASIC FUNCTIONS on/off, reticle alignment, magnification
and commander 's stations to present the IR image and aiming reticl e switch ,
(c) Control panel- for remote control of the IR imager and reticl e, and data reticle brightness regu lator, contrast!
introduction brightness
(d) Digital 16-bit ballistic computer - computes the lead angles and regulator, bright!dark inversion
automatically introduces them on the aiming reticle on the basis of FIRE CONTROL SYSTEM
ammunition select and target distance. The ballistic data can either be FUNCTIONS ammunition selection , target distance
manually introduced or received from an extern al source (for example. AUT/MAN selection , target distance
laser rangefinder) . If Thetis is coupled to an existing fire control system introduction ,
the line-of-sight will be laid using the existing lead angle comput ation other commands according to general
system. system configuration
Ballistic computer
TYPE 16-bit digital CPU
Officine Galileo Thetis thermal tank infra -red system installed on a Leopard
Officine Galileo Thetis tank infra -red system installed on an OF-40 MBT - 1 MBT
I t a I y - N et her I and S / DAY AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T E M S 499
The Madis sighting and drive system was developed for the OTO-Melara
SIDAM 25 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun system . Composed of three
modular units , the system can also be installed in other anti-aircraft vehicles
either in total or in part.
The modules are :
(a) daylight optical head which contains the visual telescope. This is self-
stabilised by a gyro di rectly coupled to the line-of-sight to allow for
sighting operations on the move . The unit can also operate without the
gyro as a servoed optical sight.
Provision is made for compensation of image rotation due to the azimuth
The head can also accommodate a laser rangefinder and a TV camera
with integration of the visual, laser and TV channels into a single output
path to ensure the required parallelism
(b) night optical head with an integrated low-light level TV camera . The line-
of-sight can be servo-stabilised to enable sight operations to be
conducted on the move
(c) power servo system for the turret and weapons. This consists of an
axial pump and hydraulic motor with an asychronous motor as the prime
mover. The unit also contains the first stage on the reduction gearing
and , on its upper part, the fire control computer and operations panel.
Daylight optical head
ELEVATION RANGE -10' to +85°
Night optical head
Oldelft TILAS Tank Laser Sight
The Tank Integrated Laser Sight (TILAS) is a modular system incorporating
an armoured servo-controlled head mirror and a Nd-YAG 1.064 ~m
wavelength laser rangefinder. day sight, thermal day/ night sight
(interchangeable with a second-generation image intensifier night sight),
gunner's thermal display and control unit and muzzle reference capability.
Mounted through the roof of AIFVs and MBTs the system's armoured
head mirror can be provided with gyrostabilisati on for shoot-on-the-move
capability . Apart from the gu nner's station the TILAS system provides Ihe
commander'S position with a remote thermal display and control unit with
override facilities.
Laser rangefinder
OPERATING RANGE 200 to 9900 m
Thermal sight
FIELD-OF-VIEW 3.6 0 x 1.4C' narrow
10.8' x 4.2" wide
RANGE (tank sized target) about 8000 m
Image intensifier sight
Day sight
MAGN IFICATION x 8 and x 3
FIELD-OF·VIEW 7° and 18°
Oldelft TlLAS tank laser sight from gunner's side
Status: Production . In service with unspecified countries.
The Type TS7TS passive night vision sight is designed 10 replace the infra-
red sight on various types of MBTs. It is used by gunners to locate , identify
and engage targets at night without using any artificial illumination.
A second-generation 25 mm 3-stage image intensifier tube is fitted. and
a gun-following mirror is used to link the gun and the sight in operation.
WEIGHT 35 kg
DIMENSIONS 480 )< 325 x 420 mm
POWER SU PPLY 21-30 V DC vehicle system
aldetft Mk 2 thermal observation and aiming sight for tFVs commander'S atdetft Mk 2 thermat observation and aiming sight for IFVs with day sight on
display teft and night sight on right
Nethe r l an ds / DA Y AN 0 NIG HT SIGHTI NG SYSTEMS 501
The Mk 3 th ermal observation and aim ing system fo r MBTs was originally (d) a 1Ot .6 mm Gunne,-s CRT display tube
developed for th e Royal Netherlands Army Leopard 1 MBT update (e) a 50 .8 mm Commande,-s CRT display tube with binocular magnifier.
programme and is now being offered for use on other MBT designs as Both this and the commander's display have a NATO standard aiming
either a retrofit package or a new-build installation item. reticle with a maximum 32-character symbology capability to indicate
Its fun ction is to enable the gunner as well as th e vehicle commander to ammunition type, target distance , system status indications, BIT E
engage and aim at targets at night or in daytime, under condi ti ons of information and boresight values. Independent brightness controls are
reduced visibility such as haze, light fog , dust and smoke. available for the symbology and reticle
The system is intended for use with any laser-fire control system . Interface (f) a boresighting control unit
provisions fo r that purpose are present in the systems electronics bo x. (g) commande,-s control unit
(h) gunner's control unil.
The main subsystems of the Mk 3 are: SPECIFtCA liONS
(a) an armoured servo-controlled periscopic head mirror unit incorporating Head Mirror Unit (gyrostabilised version with panoramic mode option)
an electronically controlled mirror and an optional muzzle reference ELEVATION RANGE -20 0 to +20 0
system. Gyro signals available in th e tank provide the stabilised line- AZIMUTH RANGE (panoramic option) - 120· to + 120'
of-sight conditions for circumstances such as shoot-on-the move. If PROTECTION (optional) 10 mm armour steel
required , an optional independently stabilised mirror unit can be Camera with Tetescope and Cryogenic Cooler
substituted FIELDS-OF-VIEW selectable 30 x 50 and 9· x 15°
(b) a selectable dual field-of-view cryogenically cooled 8-12 ~m wavelength WAVELENGTH REGION 8-12 ~m
region thermal camera which uses a 120 element , parallel scan principle , CRYOGENIC COOLER 0.25W split cycle Sterling type
Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe) detector unit and integrated
telescope Status : Ready for production .
(c) a Systems Electronics Box (SEB) which accommodates the con trol
electronics fo r head mirror un it, the th ermal imager, the power supply Manufacturer: Oldelft, PO Box 72, NL-2600 MD Delft , Netherlands.
units for the thermal camera and the displays. An interface for connection Telephone : (15) 60 1901 Telex : 38 345 Fax : (15) 145762
to a laser fi re control system is also included
Main components of Oldelft Mk 3 Thermal Observation and Aiming System for MBTs, from left to right. commander's control panet. commander's disptay
with integrated direct view prism , gunner's controt panet with display above. gunner's boresighting panet (on pedestat). system etectronics box, mirror head
unit with thermal camera below
The GS6TV combined night sig ht and LLL TV camera system is designed
lor a number 01 applications including a use on MBTs or armoured fighting
vehicles for aiming andlor observation .
For the laller a STANAG-2324 mounting adaptor is used for locating the
system on th e gunshield . Its low weight precludes the need to rebalance
the gun and , as the sight/camera can be lixed close to its axis. paralla x IS
minimised . An armoured cover can be supplied as an optional extra .
The system components comprise an image intensifier sight Integrated
with a solid-state TV camera , an optional TV-monitor . a control bo x and
interconnecting cable sel.
The GS6TV provides the operator wi th a monochrome monitor image
which includes a ballistic reticle. Reticle brightness and im age focussing is Oldelft low light level TV system Type GS6TV which is mounted exerna/ly on
set via use of the control box . AFVs
502 0 A Y AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS I Net her I and S
WEIGHTS RESOLUTION better th an 1 mrad at 2
sight and camera mlux and 85% con trast
(without mounting) approximately 3.5 kg TUBE second-generation image
controt box approximately 1 0 kg intensifi er
TV-monitor customer dependent SENSOR CCD , 576 V x 604 H
DtMENSIONS pixels, integrated with tube
Sight and camera TV MONITOR (optional ) video input , brightness and
LENGTH 440 mm nominal contrast control s
DIAMETER 180 mm nominal POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC
horizontal 5.9' Status : Production . In service with unspecified countries.
vertical 4.4('
Manufacturer: Oldelft , PO Box 72, NL·2600 MD Delft , Netherlands.
Note : 3.7° horizontal x 2.8' vertical is optional to give beller resolution Telephone : (15) 601901 Tele x: 38 345 Fax: (15) 145762
The UA 9124/9126 periscope system is desig ned for use in armoured
fighting vehicles equipped with medium calibre guns or in MBTs.
The modular system is used for day and night observation and gun-
aimi ng with its self·co ntained construction permitting the independent
operational use of the UA 130 1 day and UA 1124 night periscope vision
A vision block of unit-magnification is also incorporated into the design .
The entry optics of both the periscopes are coupled to the aiming mechanism
of the main gun providing for the elevation of the line-of·sight in collimation
with the gun . The vision block provides the gunner with a continuous and
steady forward line-of-sight observation capability th at IS independent of
the gun elevation.
The UA 1124 module has a second-generation image intensifier tube
filled with automatic brightness control and point highlight suppression , a
built·in and adjustable sky screen, an adjustable elevation/azimuth reticle
for ground targets and an adjustable iris-diaphragm.
The UA 1301 module has switchable magnification from x 2 to x 6, a
built-in and switch able filter for excessive brightness and adjustable elevation/
azimuth reticie for both ground and air targets.
The ground target reticles of the modules are of adjustable intensity . If
required , a laser rangefinder can also be incorporated into th e system
UA 1301 day vision module
x 2 magnificalion 510 mils
x 6 magnification 170 mils
ELEVATION RANGE - 10 to +60°
UA 1301 night vision module SIGNAAL Usia UA 9124/9126 Day/Night Periscope Sight Systems
x 6 magnification 7°
ELEVATION RANGE - 10to+l0' Status: Production. The UA 9126 is in service with the Dutch Army (AIFV
Vision block YPR 765/806 fami ly) and Belgian Army (M113 APC and variants) . It is also
MAGNIFICATION xl used by several NATO cou ntries in coastal artillery applications.
horizontal 75° Manufacturer: SIGNML Usfa . Meerenakkerweg 1, NL·5600 HA Eindhoven ,
vertical 30° Netherlands.
POWER SUPPLY 20·30 V DC vehicle system Telphone : +31 40503603 Fax: +31 40503777
Iskra SG-55 A Tank Commander's Gyrostabilised Installation IS by removing the existing protective glass of the commander' s
Sight periscopic sight. fitting an adapter and then the gyrostabilised head as the
external system and the laser rangefinder (TLMD-3S) as the internal
Developm ent/Description system .
The SG-55 gyro stabilised sight is an electro-optical unit designed for the In operation , stabilised mirrors are used to observe the battlefield whilst
further improvement of T -series MBT sighting systems. the tank IS on the move . This enables the comman der to observe the
The basic SG-55-A system comprises a gyrostabilised head , a pair of tactical situation . detect and acquire stationary or moving target s and
operating handles mounted on the laser rangefinder, an acquisition module, measure their rang e at distances up to 3000 m. He can. by activating the
an interconnection box and the va rious co nnecting cabl es . acquisition mode. automatically position the turret in the direction of the
504 DAY AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS / S I 0 V e n i a - Sou t h A f ric a
chosen target and Ihen align it more precisely by switching to the turret
mode , whereby th e cupola is locked to the turret and the whole assembly is
rotated by means of the azimuth control on the right-hand handle of the
laser rangefinde r system.
The field-of-view is ±10' in azimuth and -15 to +20' in elevation in
relation to the cupola.
azimuth ±10a
elevation +201-t5'
POWER SUPPLY 24 V DC vehicle
Status: In production .
DevelopmenlfDescripti on
The GS-21 S is a modular primary gunner's sight for use in MBTs and
armou red fighting vehicles. It comprises four major SUb-systems :
(a) GS-21 Sight Housing - which contains an entrance window, a mirror
attached to an elevation drive mechanism, a day observation channel
and a night observation channel. all of which are housed in a rugged
light alloy casting. The top mirror is slaved to the vehicle's main armament
(b) SM-20 Sight Mount - which serves as the main mount on the vehicle
into which the GS-21 Sight Housing is clipped. The Sight Mount is fitted
with two brow pads as a safety feature for use whilst Ihe vehicle is in
motion . The cant angle of the SM -20 is adjusted via a cam
(c) LE-21 Oaysight and Laser Elbow - this mounts in the GS-21. The
diopter setting of th e eyepiece is adjustable as is the graticule illumination
level. The graticule can be customised and is adjustable to enable
boresighting. An integrated laser rangefinder is also fitted which ca n be
boresighted with the NE-21 Night Sight Elbow for laser ranging at night
(d) NE-21 Passive Night Vision Elbow - which mounts in the GS-21 and
makes use of a second generation image intensifier tube , providing the
vehicle with a full night fighting capability. Graticule illumination is
adjustable and ballisti c scales can be customised .
Optional SUb-systems include the :
(a) AH-20 Armour Hood - which protects the sight housing and is controlled
mechanically from inside the turret
(b) TE-20 Clip-on TV camera - which is clipped on the LE-20 to allow the
gunner's field-of-view to be displayed on a TV by the instructor andlor
vehicle commander for training purposes
(c) EG-20 Gunner's Episcope - night elbow of the GS-21 may be replaced
by the EG-20 to give a wider field -of-view during daylight.
Devefopment/ Description
The TE·20 clip-on TV camera adaptor can be customised to fit the eye·
piece of almost any existing MBT or armoured fighting vehicle gunner's
sight. for example. the Eloptro GS-21 S (qv) .
The TV camera adaptor is an optional system which creates an image on
a CCD camera. This provides the commander and/or instructor with Ihe
scene viewed by the gunner through his sight and is displayed on a TV
The commander and/or instructor sees Ihe gunner's performance during
training or in a real exercise and can record it on video tape for later
debriefing or assessment.
WE IGHT 0.6 kg
DIMENS IONS 180 x 55 x 50 mm
CABLE to suit end user
VIDEO CCI R standard
The night sight adaptor type NA-l 0 was developed by Eloptro to provide a
night fighting capability for the Eland (4 x 4) 90 mm weapon turret. The
NA·l0 is equally suitable for use on the 90 mm versions of the Ratel (6 x 6)
IFV as well as the French AML (4 x 4) 90 mm armoured vehicles.
It is a second-generation sight which fits on to the outside of the vehicle
turret and in fro nt of the M494 day telescope. The unit magnification afocal
design allows for attachment without the need for accurate alignment. Th e
M494 aiming marks are also used for both day and night conditions without
any change to the normal fighting dri ll.
For day time operations the M494 sight looks through the adaptor. while
at night the intensified image is reflected into the M494 sight. Focussing
and day/night channel selection is controlled from within the turr et by
means of a control box .
The system operates from either the 24 V DC vehicle supply or from
internal batteries providing 3 V DC .
DevelopmenliDescription (c) reporting of grid references of activities on the front for intelligence
The NA-20 is a cost-effective upgrade package for medium calibre direct purposes
firing guns such as the 106 mm recoilless rifle . (d) assisting artillery, mortar and air strikes by acting as a forward observer.
The system provides day/night firing and target ranging facilities by the After use the hand-held laser ra ngefi nder can be replaced on the NA-20
fitting of a night vision adaptor and laser rangefinder in front of th e existing mounting bracket without the need for realignment.
day sight by means of a cu stomised mounting bracket
In the case of the 106 mm recoilless rifle the 12.7 mm ranging rifl e can SPECIFICATIONS
either be eliminated from the system or retained in a subcalibre rol e for Dayfnight adaptor
training . The effective range of the weapon is also increased from 1200 m DIMENSIONS 304 x 115 x 285 mm
to 2000 m in both the day and night ro les, POWER SUPPLY 20-30 V DC autoswitching 10 Type B
Once fitted , alignment of the NA-20 is easily accomplished without the dry cell or 3 V DC NiCad batteries
further need for regular realignment. The only modification to th e existing MAGNIFICATION
firing drill is the selection of day or night operation by means of a selector night x l
switch on the control box and target ranging by means of the hand-held day/night in tandem x4
laser rangefinder. FIELD-OF-VIEW
The laser rangefinder can also be removed and used by the gun night 9.20
commander for tasks such as : day 10.7'
(a) ranging to prominent landmarks to verify grid references FOCUS RANGE 20 m to infinily
(b) laying out firing arcs and ranges for self-protection and emergency use NIGHT VISION
1 m target 48% con trast
identification recognition
starlight 120 230
moonlighl 220 440
Laser ra ngefinder (hand-held)
DIMENSIONS 125 x 160 x 70 mm
WEIGHT 1.5 kg
RANGE GATE 200-3200 m continuous
POWER SUPPLY 12 V NiCad battery
Development/Descripti on
The NE-20 is a second generation night aiming device designed to be fitted
to existing MBT and armoured fighting vehicle gunner's periscopes.
The elevation mirror assembly can either be a stabilised or slaved
system . An illuminating project graticule is provided , with boresighting
facilities for both elevation and azimuth correction . The graticule illumination
is adjustable and the ballistic scales can be customised. The setting of the
graticule may be either automatic or manual. A gain control for the image
intensifier is also provided .
The night elbow may be used in conjunction with a laser elbow,
complementing the night sigh ting capability with laser ranging , The NE-20
may be either manual or integrated with a Fire Control System.
The NE-20 operates from a 20-30 V DC vehicle supply , with autoswitching
to either two standard type C dry cell batteries or NiCad batteries. A yellow
LED indicates the power source.
WEIGHT 10 kg
DIMENSIONS 350 x 210 x 400 mm
FOCUS ADJUSTMENT 60 m to infinity
PERFORMANCE 1.18 Ip/mrad at 10 ' lux for target
contrast of 48% Eloptro night elbow type NE-20 from the operator's side
POWER SUPPLY 20-30 V DC , autoswitching to dry
cell C type or NiCad batteries, 3 V
DC Manufacturer: Eloptro (Pty) Ltd.
Enquiries to : Armscor, Private Bag X337, Pretoria 000 1, South Afri ca.
Statu s: Production as required . In service with the South African Army. Telephone: (0 12) 428 1911 Telex : 320217 Fax : (012) 428 5635
SOU t hAt ric a / DAY AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS 507
The LE-20 laser elbow is an integrated daylight and laser rangefinder
elbow that can be fitted to a number of existing tank gunner periscope
types. It may also be integrated with a night elbow so offering the gunner
full nighl sighting capabilities in laying the main armament, either manually
or with the assistance of an integrated fire control system.
Features of th e system include :
(a) fire control system data displayed in the eyepiece ('ready-to-fire')
(b) self-test with on-switch indication
(c) multiple laser return indication
(d) master failure indication
DIMENSIONS 340 x 100 x 380 mm
FOCUS fixed at infinity, optimised at 1200 m
DUAL GRATICULE fixed graticule with laser aiming mark and
ammunition ballistic scale,
moving graticule with NATO cross
Laser rangefinder
RANGE LOGIC 1st and 2nd target
RANGE GATE 300 to 9990 m
PULSE REPETITION 1 pulse per 6 s or 3 pulse per 5 s at t3 s
EYEPIECE DISPLAY self test with switch-on indication
master failure indication
range readout
provision for two displays for fire control
system Eloptro Laser Elbow Type LE-20
multiple return indication
interfacing (such as 'ready-to -fire ') Manufacturer: Eloptro (Pty) Ltd .
Enquiries to : Armscor, Private Bag X337, Pretoria 0001 , South Africa.
Status : Production as required . In service with undisclosed countries . Telephone : (012) 428 1911 Telex : 320217 Fax : (012) 428 5635
The TS-30 all-weather day and night observation and targeting modular
thermal imaging system is specifically intended for use with GS40 and
GS50 gunner's sights as used in South African Army MBTs and armoured
fighting vehicles. The system comprises a sensor unit, associated electronics,
video display and control units , all of which are linked by an intercon necting
cable set.
The system can be electrically interfaced to a fire control system computer
and has an integrqted boresightable NATO reticle . Automatic or manual
adjustment of the gun and level can be made, Two separately buffered
video outputs are available whi lst system te sting is catered for by
comprehensive Built-in Test facilities .
WAVEBAND 8-12 pm
COOLING closed cycle split-Sterling
original 4.71 x 3.26°
from 1st quarter 1993 3.3 x 2.3° and 8 x 5.5'
MRT O.I · C for 1 Cyl mrad
Thermal Elbow
Eloptro thermal elbow TS-30
508 0 A Y AND N I G H T S I G H TIN G S Y S T EMS / Spa i n
The PP-01 aiming periscope was designed for use with the CETME TC-3
fa mily of turrets mounted on armoured fighting vehicles such as the M11 3
APC and th e BMR-600 IFV.
The periscope consis ts of two main parts :
(a) the upper or swiv el-mounted prism head assembly
(b) the lower or sig ht body assembly.
These are joined by a mounting stand unit with a graduated gunsight
drive that synchroni ses the transmission of elevation angles to the prism
In the sights an adjustable intensity cross-hair reticle faci litates the
aiming procedure. The ammunition reserve status is indicated by a luminous
warning which appears above the cross -hairs.
WEIGHT 12.4 kg
DIMENSIONS 360 x 240 x 180 mm
ELEVATION - 20° to +70'
AZIMUTH ±45 mils
horizontal 43°
vertical 11 °
ENOSA pp-o r observation and aiming periscope
Status : Production . In service with the Spanish armed forces and other
unspeci fied countries.
The PP-02 observation and aiming periscope has been developed for use
on the BMR-600 IFV turret but can be adapted for use on other types of
turrets or machine gun mounts if requ ired .
It consists of three main parts:
a) the top or tilting prism head which is connected to a graduated drive
unit to synchronise the transmission of th e elevation angles
b) a binocular observation sight unit
c) a dual magnification monocular telescope which has an adjustable
intensi ty reticle projected into its eyepiece , suitable for use against both air
and land targets,
All three are joined toge th er on a mounting su pport.
ENOSA AMX-30E MBT Commander's and M-282 Gunner's and Loader's Orientation Observation
Gunner's Optical Equipment Peri scopes
On the gunner's station the M-282 may be replaced by the OB-17A
DevelopmentiDescription infra-red night vision aiming periscope .
As part of the Spanish AMX-30E production programme ENOSA was
licensed to build the optical equipment from various French manulacturers. SPECIFICATIONS
The systems built include the fo llowing : WEIGHT 6.1 kg
M-268 NBC Protected Tank Commander' s Periscope MEASUREMENTS 116 x 56mm
PERISCOP E HEIGHT 165 mm horizontal 750 mils
CLAMPING HOLE vertical 460 mils
MEASUR EMENTS 250/ 190 x 100 mm
MAGNIF ICATION x l OB-17 A Gunner's Monocular Night Aiming Infra-red
FIELD·OF· VIEW Periscope
horizontal 2200 mils This functionally takes over the role of the M-271 daylight aiming periscope
vertical 800 mils during night-time engagements and physically replaces the gunner's
M-282 orientation observation periscope . A variable illumination ret icle is
M-270 Tank Commander's Prism Head projected into the eyepiece with the power being supplied by a 1.5 V dry cell
The M-267 daylight and the O B-23 A infra-red night vision binocular elbow battery. Infra-red illumination is provided by the main PH-8A clear and inlra·
aiming telescopes are fi tted to this as the armou red semi ·periscopic red light projector .
elemen ts.
Externally mounted on a balanced platform attached to the head are the SPECIFICATIONS
machine gun carriage and the PH-9 A clear and infra-red light projector unit. MAGNIFICATION x 5,4
ELEVATION _8° to +40 0
AZIMUTH ±6 mils M-271 Gunner's Monocular Aiming Telescope Sight
Thi s is an articulaled sight assembly with cross-hair mobility and scales on
M-267 Tank Commander's Binocular Daylight Elbow the reticle lor th e various types 01 105 mm main gun ammunition used . It is
Aiming Telescope also fitted with a Woll aston system lor target straightening or levelling.
This is attached to the M·270 prism head and is used by the tank commander Mounting on the gun is done via the M·275 cross head on which height and
for daylight observation and machine gun aiming . A reticle is provided direction error corrections can be carried out w ith an amplitude 01 15 mils .
which is illuminated by a 1.5 V cadmium-nickel dry cell battery .
Status : Produclion as required . All the above sights are in service with th e
OB-23A Tank Commander's Binocular Infra-red Night Spanish Army (on AMX -30E MBTs).
Vision Elbow Aiming Telescope
This is fitted to the M-270 prism head and is used by the tank commander Note: The M-208 tank comma nder's coincident rangelinder telescope is
for night-time observation and machine gun aiming . Power is provided by a the only optical equipment lor the AMX -30 E not produced by ENOSA and
1.5 V d ry cell battery . was bought in from its French producer.
NobelTech Electronics AB Type FV Day/Night
Gunner's Sight
The Type FV gunner's day/night sight is a component 01 the NobelTech
Fire Control System (qv) lor armoured lighting vehicles. It is litted with day
and low light level night vision path systems and has a miniature laser
rangefinder integrated into the system .
All the optical channels are aligned with their directions in azimuth and
elevation controlled by a servo-driven gyrostabilised top mirror to ensure a
stabilised line-ol-sight.
Tracking is performed independently 01 the movements 01 th e turret and
gun , so that all the gunner has to do is keep the line-of-sight o n the target.
He can then measure the range by use 01 the laser, even when th e gun has
already been re-aligned , by the lire control system on to the target's
predicted luture position as the sight's line-ol-sight counter rotates with the
lead angle and superelevation .
Status: Production . In service with several undisclosed countries (on Manufacturer : NobelTech Electronics AB , S-17588 JarHilla, Sweden .
T-series tanks). Telephone : +46 758 10000 Fa x: +46 758 32244
The Ericsson integrated tank laser sight was initially developed in the mid-
seventies for a foreign project (first prototype 1978) and then as part of the
Swedish Centurion MBT upgrade programme (first prototype 1982).
However, it is available fo r fitting to other tank types with ord ers haVing
been received from two countries.
The sight compri ses :
(a) an integrated gunner's sight assembly and minlaturised Nd-YAG 1.06 ~m
laser rangefinder unit. Range performance is 6000 m with an accuracy
of ±10 m.
For night fighting purposes a mechanical filter is built into the optics to
protect the operator from excessive light when the main gun is fired.
In addition to the normal gun firing capabi lity , there is also a large
field-of-view for observation purposes.
The laser rangefinder is designed to interface with the vehicle's fire
control computer and for convenience is equipped with a continuous blocking
range . Boresigh ting of the laser to the gun is facilitated by the adjustable
inner chassis of the laser sight. The laser trigger button is located on the
gunner's control handle
(b) a spot injection unit which presents an aiming mark in the gunner's left
side eyepiece of th e sight as a red dot superi mposed on the target. The
aiming mark position is calculated by an interfaced ballistic fire control
WEIGHT 11 kg
FIELD-OF-VIEW 100 mrad
Observation sight
FIELD-OF-VIEW 42° aZimuth x '4 elevation
Laser rangefinder
LASER TYPE Nd-YAG Latest version of Ericsson Gunner's Integrated Tank Laser Sight for Swedish
WAVELENGTH 1 . 06~m Army Centurion upgrade programmes
RANGE CAPABILITY 6000 m (against ground target)
Manufacturer: Ericsson Radar Electronics AB, Surface Sensors Division ,
Status : Production as required . In service with Denmark (on Centurion S-43184 , Melndal . Sweden.
MBTs) , Swed en (on Centurion MBTs) and India (on Vijayanta MBTs) . Telephone : (31) 67 1000 Telex: 20905 Fax : (031 ) 673813
The BIG2 commander's passive night vision goggles can be used for a
wide range of night operations including observa tion from vehicles. Mounted
In a watertight housing the goggles use a single image intensifier tube with
binocu lar eyepieces. When in use th ey are strapped 10 the head with an
individually adjustable harness.
A vari ety of 18 mm image intensifier tubes (second-generation, improved
second-generation or third-generation) can be fitted. With an eyebase of 57
to 71 mm and a diopter range of - 5 to +4 .5 th e BIG2 can easily be adjusted
to the operator's eyes. A built-in infra-red diode provides close illum ination
lor map reading or for operating equipment. A luminous mark near th e
lower edge of the visual field shows when thi s facility is operating .
In average conditions a man-sized target can be recogn ised at a range of
more than 200 m.
Leica BIG2 com mander's night vision goggles in use
SPECIFICATIONS BATIERY 1 x 2.7 V lithium or 2 x 1.5 V alkaline
WEIGHT FOCUS RANGE 25 cm to infinity
complete 800g OBJECTIVE 24.9 mm, fll.3
goggles 580 g
harness 220 g Status: Production. In service with unspecified countries.
goggles 160 x 140 x 60 mm Manufacturer : Leica AG , CH-9435 Heerbrugg, Swilzerland.
MAGNIFICATION x 0.98 Telephone : (07 1) 70 31 31 Tele x: 88 1 22231 wi ch
RESOLUTION 0.6lplmrad Fax : (071) 721 865
I> ~lrdll
7 h"P'Kew.,ndiQptrluCliln
9 G...tgI!O"
Manufacturer: Leica AG , Special Products Division . CH-9435 Heerbrugg .
Leica SZRlSKS muzzle boresight sectionalised to show main components Telephone: +4 1 71703131 Telex : 88122231 Fax : +4 1 7172 18 65
The NV40 passive night vision periscope is designed to be a direct
replacement for the gunner's TPN-I -41-11 infra-red sight on T-54155162
and Type 59 MBTs·.
It comprises the following subsystems:
(a) night vision elbow which is a modified version of the standard US Army
night vision elbow specifically for use with T-series MBT fire control
systems. The improvements include a rechargeable battery . bayonet
connector, ballistic graticule and special shorter eyepiece unit. The
image intensifier tube is of the second-generation type with muzzle
flash protection features.
Typical maximum detection range against a tank sized target in starlight
is 1300 m and in moonlight 2700 m
(b) periscope head assembly which is similar to th e original one used with
the TPN-I -41 -11 sigh t. All the optics are coated to prevent glare and
improve the image con trast
(c) sight mount which is attached to the turret roof and supports the head
assembly and passive night vision elbow. The mount also houses the
two-bar linkage which controls th e head mirror rotation .
WEIGHT 35 kg
The NV46 passive night vision periscope is designed to be directly
Interchangeable with the existing commander's infra-red sight of the
T -54/55/62 and Type 59 MBTs.
It is mounted into the sa me position by using the same mounting system
as its predecessor. The dual hand grip contai ns the search light and cupola
rotation control s.
The second-generation image intensi fi er tube fitted can either be of the
1B or 25 mm type with automatic brightness control for protection against
muzzle flash and sudden battlefield illumination . A 6000 per 360" mil scale
graticule and 2.7 m stadia target height scale are also included . The focus
and brightness controls are located on the hand grip .
In the event of primary source vehicle power fai lure, two GE KOIAIIIC
GT3 rechargeable batteries are incorporated in the sight for emerg ency
WEIGHT 5.7 kg
DIM EN SIONS 340 x 270 x 240 mm
The basic system is comprised of four major modules :
(a) an intermediate body which incorporates the mounting interface and to
which are attached all the other system modules. It also provides a unity
vision facility . selectable by a flip mirror, in th e daylight channel
(b) a sight head wh ich houses either th e head mirror or prism which are
common to both the day and night channels. It is the only part at Ihe Avima NL (L) 3001 day/night laser rangefinder sight
sight which protrudes above th e armour. Ballistic protection is provided
by means at a separate armoured cowl to be boresighted to th e daylight/laser elbow thu s enabling the laser
(c) a self-contained daylight elbow which has eith er a simple daylight rangefinder unit to be used at night. Further desig n growth features are
telescope or a daylight facility Incorporating a laser rangefinder unit. incorporated into th e system to allow for future technologi cal developments.
The laser transmitter is a separate LRU which may be replaced without
disturbing the integrity of the sighting unit Status : Production as required . In service with a number of undisclosed
(d) a night vision elbow that can either be the seco nd-generation image countries.
inte nsifier type or a thermal imager. When th e latler is fitted ce rtain
glass elements in the sight head and intermediate body assemblies are Manuf acturer : Avimo Limited . Lisieu x Way , Taunton . Somerset TAl 2JZ.
replaced with german ium . UK .
Separate boresight facilities on each elbow allow the night vision elbow Telephone: (OB23) 331071 Telex : 46126 Fax: (OB23) 274413
Pilkington Optronics has been award ed a contract worth in excess 01 £40
million by Vicker s Defence Systems to supply sighting . lire control and
target acquisition systems for the 127 Challenger 2 MBTs it is building lor
the British Army over the period 1992-95 .
The systems to be provided include:
(a) a Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight II (TOGS II )
(b) a stabilised Gunner's Primary Sight (GPS)
(c) a Passive Driving Periscope (PDP) which uses image in lensi fied night
vision to enable the driver to proceed at night . hatch down and without
the use 01artificial illumination at speeds comparable to those achievable
during daytime.
Status : TOGS II . GPS and PDP in production . On order lor Ihe British Army
(Challenger 2 MBT).
Development/Description Ihe other units. gun elevation and. from the fire control compuler,
The Thermal Observation and Gunnery Sight (TOGS) system started tangent elevation and offset lor the engagement
development in 1981 under an MoD contra ct placed wi th Barr and Stroud to (d) Coolant Supply Unit which provides high pressure air to the TISH
design a sight lor use In the detection. tracking and engagement of battlefield Reservoir bottles provide a silent watch capability
targets by day and night and in adverse weather or ballielieid conditions. (e) Isolating Converter Unit which acts as the main power converter for
It is lilled to the Challenger 1 MBT on th e right side of the turret and has the TOGS system . A standard vehicle 28 V DC supply is used as the
been backlitted to at least 324 vehicles 01th e British Army 's Chieftain MBT primary power source
lIeet in place of the infra-red/white searchlight mounted on the left side of (f) Trunnion Tilt Sensor
the turret. (3) Thermal Surveillance System Group which acts as the eyes of TOGS.
TOGS can be used either by th e tank commander or gun ner to produce a detecting and recognising the target and providing both the commander
thermal picture of the external scene and the necessary information to aim and gunner with visual displays. It comprises the following sub-units :
and fire the 120 mm III se ries rilled main arm ament. (a) Thermal Image Sensor Head ITISH) which is an environmentally
A dual field-of -vlew telescope provides the target acquisition and vehicle sealed unit mounted within the Servo Trunnion Unit that is located In
navigation lacility in the wide angle. and allows target recognition. an armoured barbelle on the exterior of the tank turret. It contains an
identification and gun aiming in the narrow a ngle. Focus is maintained even alocal duallield-ol-view telescope and scanner assembly .
when the field -of-view is changed and can be varied as required. II necessary Thermal rad iation from the scene in the 8-11 .75 pm waveband
TOGS will also operate with the existing visual sighting system 01 a region is collected by the telescope and focussed onto th e scanner's
retrolilled tank. eight element parallel CMT 'Sprite' detector. The 'Sprite ' converts
The TOGS equipment comprises three separate system groups : this thermal radiation into electrical signals for use in the Thermal
(1) The Built-In Test Equipment (BITE) Group to constantly monitor each Imaging Processing Unit. High pressure air from the Coolant Supply
line-replaceable unit and give a visual warning of any malfunction found Unit is used to cool the detector. A wash/wipe unit is provided to
(2) Gunnery Sighting System Group which turns what would otherwise be a clear and clean th e TISH objective lens
thermal imager into a gun sighting system. It consis ts of the followin g (b) Thermal Imaging Processing Unit which rece ives the electrical signals
system sub-unils: generated by th e TISH and converts them to television format
(a) Servo Trunnion Unit which supports th e Therm al Imager Sensor electrical signals for presentation to the commander'S and gunner's
Head (TISH). drives it in elevation and maintains its line-of-sight to display units. Provision is made within the unit for mixing externally
the target th roughou t the engagement generated graphics such as aiming marks and BITE sig nals into the
(b) Servo Electronics Unit which controls and drives the Servo Trunnion TV signal
UOit Ic) Commander'S and Gunner's Display Units which present the thermal
Ic) Symbology Processing Unit which is effectively the heart of the picture together with graticule. aiming marks and BITE information
TOGS system . It con trols th e TISH servo, generates the video to the viewer using a standard CCIR 625 line 50 Hz composite video
graphic signals. notable aimi ng marks and BITE messages for the output from the Thermal Imager Processing Unit. If required a 525
displays by interpreting data inputs including BITE messages from line 60 Hz video output can be used Instead.
A faCility IS proVided whereby the displays can be activated by the
operator pressing the brow switch mounted in the binocular viewer.
This mode of operation prevents stray light from the displays
disclosing the position 01 the vehicle at night.
TOGS on Vickers Defence Systems Challenger t MBT with doors open Thermal imaging sensor head used in TOGS
In addition to the three basic System Groups TOGS also has : Status: Production . In service with the British Army (on Challenger 1 and
(a) Gunner's and Commander's Display Drive Units which generate the retrofitted Chieftai n MBTs) and improved version is now in production for
high tension voltage required for the CRT displays and provide the Grey the Challenger 2 MBT which has the therm al camera mounted over th e
Scale necessary to calibrate the displays for contrast. brilliance and 120 mm gun mantl et.
(b) Gunner's Control Panel which contains all the functions necessary for Manufacturer: Barr & Stroud Limited, 1 Linthouse Ro ad, Glasgow G51
target acquisition and engagement. including the field-of-view change 4BZ , Scotland , UK .
switch, focus , gain and black level controls and polarity setting (ie black! Telephone : (041) 4404000 Telex : 778 1 t4 GLW G
white hot) control. Fax : (041) 4404001
All the controls are duplicated at the Commander'S station via the
Symbology Processing Unit.
The Tank Laser Sight (TLS) was developed from the Chieftain Tank Laser The tank laser sight unit houses the Nd-YAG laser transmitter, th e
Sight using internal system located mini-module technology to reduce receiver system and the optical sight. The line-of-sight in elevation is
mechanical and electrical problems normally associated with sight aligned to the axis of the gun by means of precision parallel linkage and
Installation _ azimuth by coincident turret mounting _
This has resulted in the equipment becoming suitable for a wide range of Boresighting is achieved using controls on the sight unit in conjunction
vehicle types with installations having been made at the gunner's position with either a muzzle boresight or the muzzle reference system. Gun laying
on Centurion , Leopard 1 and Scorpion armoured vehicles _ is achieved by using a ballistic graticule or an aiming mark provi ded by a
fire control computer. The latter is obtained by the ability of the sight to
accept a conversion kit which provides a graticule aiming mark proj ection
system for integration within a computer-driven fire con trol system .
If req uired, the sight can also be used with a thermal imaging system .
Laser ranging can be initiated directly by the gunner or remotely by the
vehicle commander. The range is displayed in the left eyepiece of the sight
unit and remotely at the commander's station on a range read -ou t unit.
When a target is partially obscured by smoke or oth er obstacles th e
selection of 'last range' on th e range unit allows the true range to be
obtained by eliminating all received echoes other than th e last one. which
comes from the target.
sight unit 21 kg
commander's range
read-out unit 0.68 kg
electronics unit 7 kg
sight unit 333 x 289 x 518 mm
commander's range
read-out unit 152 x 54 x 60 mm
Sighting telescope
Acquisition sight
Laser rangefinder
WAVELENGTH 1.064 ~lm
OPERATI NG RANGE 300- 10000 m
ACCURACY ±10 m (90% 01 shots)
Status : Production as required. The Barr and Stroud Tank Laser Sight is
installed in many AFVs including Challenger 1 (United Ki ngdom ), Chie ftain.
(Iran , Kuwait and United Kingdom) , Khalid (Jordan) and Scorpion (Dubai ).
The IR26 Thermal Imaging Sensor Head (TISH) is the latest member of the
IR18 family. It has been designed and built around the latter's scan head
using the four-element cryogenically cooled Sprite detector technology
operating in the 8-13 ~m infra-red wavelength region and processing
electronics on plug-in PCBs housed in a Thermal Imaging Processi ng Unit
(TI PU)_The latter can be located up to 10m away.
The video output (CCIR System 1 (625 line , 50 Hz) or EIA (525 line . 60
Hz)) is fully compatible with normal European or American TV standards
and can. therefore, be led to any standard TV display or video recorder_ It
can also be transmitted over a microwave link if required.
The IR26 has been built for external use on any AFV. tracked platform or
guided weapon system.
The sensor head incorporates a dual field-of-view telescope which is of TISU 287 x 295 x 237 mm
the type fitted to TOGS (qv) but has a diHerent performance capability. The control unit installation dependent
wide field-of-vi ew is used for surveillance and target detection whil st the POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC
narrow field-of-view is suitable for target recognition/identification and fire WAVEBAND REGION 8-13 ~ m
control purposes. FIELDS-OF-VIEW
horizontal 13.6' and 4.75'
SPECIFICATIONS vertical 9.1' and 3.18'
IR26 TISH un it 19.9 kg Status: Produclion. In service.
TISU 12 kg
control unit installa tion dependent Manufactu rer: Barr & Stroud Li mited, 1 Linthouse Road , Glasgow G51
DIMENSIONS 4BZ, Scotland , UK.
IR26 TISH unit 510 x 284 x 310 mm Telephone: (041) 440 4000 Telex : 778 114 GLW G Fax: (041) 440 4001
narrow 3 x 2'
wide 9 x 6°
MIN RE SOLVABLE TEMPERATURE 0.2 1 Kat 3 cycles/mrad spatial
VIDEO OUTPUT CCIR System I (625 line, 50 Hz) Barr & Stroud HOTt 2000 compact thermal imaging system
or EIA RS1 70 (525 line, 60 Hz)
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC Manufacturer: Barr & Stroud Limited , 1 Linthouse Road , Glasgow G51
4BZ , Scotland . UK.
Status : Ready for production . Telephone: (04 1) 440 4000 Tele x: 778114 GLW G Fax : (041) 440 4001
The automatic muzzle reference system has been designed and developed
as a complement to tank fire control systems which have either no muzzle
reference faci lity at all or only a manual method of introducing line-of-sight
corrections to compen sate for changes in muzzle position .
The system is designed for external mounting on an AFV and enables
muzzle reference corrections to be made at the commencement of an
engagement sequence , without any operator action. and independent of
gun elevation .
The system comprises:
(a) a mirror mounted on the gun muzzle
(b) a compact optical /electronic unit whi ch is mounted on th e gun mantlet.
Thi s contains a near Infra-Red (IR) source which projects a collimated
beam onto th e gun muzzle mirror . The beam is reflected back onto an
electro-optic position sensor adjacent to the near-IR source, the outputs
from which are processe d electrically to produce X and Y signals
suitable for transmission to the fire control system. A Built-In Test
Equipment (BITE) faci lity gives the functional statu s by deriving a signal
from th e monitoring of specific system parameters
(c) cabling to Interface with the fire control system.
For those applications where there is no fire control computer a separate
control and display unit can be provided . Thi s allows th e operator to control
the automatic muzzle reference system manually and provide a digital
read-out of th e gun muzzle position. Other options Include the proVision of
a wa sh/wipe faci lity and th e use of either a parallel or serial digital interface
to suit specification applications.
Barr and Stroud Automatic Muzzle Reference System
DIMENSI ONS 175 x 140 x 140 mm
ACCURACY better than 0.1 mil over ±3 mils Status : Production as required.
INTERFACE analogue , wilh variable volts per mil
scanning factor Manufacturer: Barr & Stroud Limited . 1 Llnthouse Road . Glasgow G51
CONTROLS TIL enable signal to activate IR source as 4BZ. Scotland. UK .
required Telephone : (041) 440 4000 Telex: 7761 14 GLW G Fax ' (041) 440 4001
The Multisensor system is based on GEC Sensors long-range . compact
SS600 Thermal Imager combined with a chosen set of complemenlary
multispectral sensors 10 provide surveillance and target range information
In both day and night. and through smoke, haze and poor visibility conditions.
The SS600 Thermal Imaging System incorporates technology from GEC's
coaxial Thermal Imaging System currently in service with the British Army
on its High Velocity Missile system on the Stormer vehicle air defence
vehicle and Lynx helicopter Night Enhancement Programme for the TOW
missile system . The use of this technology is incorporated with electronic
picture magnification . noise reduction and freeze frame facilities to offer a
high performance system within th e specified space envelope.
The Multisensor payload is mounted on a stabilised steerable platform
which can be installed on a variety of platforms including vehicles. The
platform provides a full 360' field-of-regard with a fast slew rate, while the
option of stabilisation neutralises the effects on the sensors from any
external vibration or movement.
The system can be mounted on both tracked and wheeled military
vehicles to provide the crew with long-range target detection. recognition.
Identification and ranging . The design of the system also ensures that a
variety of payloads can be integrated and boresighted on the platform with GEe Sensors Multisensor platform
a minimum requirement for static balance.
Control of the platform and sensors is through an RS422 serial data link Status : Ready for production.
to reduce the number of connections between the console and platform to a
single cable. The crew station console provides full control for the platform Manufacturer: GEC Se nsors Ltd, Electro-Optical Milit ary Div isio n ,
and its chosen sensors. together 'with a se lection of high reso lution Christopher Martin Road , Basildon , Essex SS t 4 3E L, UK .
ruggedised monitors. to display their images. Telephone: (0268) 522822 Telex : 99225 Fax : (0268) 883140
The modu lar 8-13 ~Lm waveband region Tank Thermal Sensor (TIS)
system is based on technology from the United Kingdom Thermal Imaging
Common Modules (TICM II) programme and is a passive imaging sight
providing day and night capability for target detection . recognition and
tracking purposes.
II can be fitted either as a new-build item or as a retrofit vehicle installation ,
and be integrated into a fire control system .
The telescopes and displays can be selected by system designers to
meet the operational requirements and vehicle type. Variants of the TICM II
programme are also used in the Chieftain and Challenger 1 MBT Thermal
Observation and Gunnery System (TOGS) (qv) and on the Warrior
Mechanised Armoured Observation Vehicle.
GEC Sensors Tank Thermal Sensor (TTS) System
sensor head 13.5 kg
commander's display 3.4 kg
processing electronics unit 9kg
sensor head 355 x 230 x 325 mm
commander's display 130 x 175 x 290 mm
processing electronics unil 195 x 130 x 95 mm
TELESCOPES slandard range of fixed . dual or
zoom types
MAGN IFICATION range x 2 to x 20 according to
x 10 magnification type telescope 6 x 4°
x 5 magnification type telescope 12 x 8'
DETECTOR 8 parallel CMT 'Sprite'
DETECTOR COOLING closed cycle split
Sterling engine
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle system GEC Sensors TlCM " based Thermal Sensor System for the Warrior
GUN NER 'S DISPLAY Mechanised Armoured Observation Vehicle
eyepiece x 7.8 magnification
resolution 600 lines Status : TIS ready for production. TI CM II version for British Army MAOV in
screen 25.4 mm electrostatic CRT production phase .
VIEW DISPLAY Manufacturer: GEC Senso rs Ltd , Electro -Optical Military Division .
resolution 350 lines Christopher Martin Road , Basildon , Essex SS14 3E L, UK.
screen 76.2 mm electro-magnetic CRT Telephone: (0268) 522822 Telex : 99225 Fax : (0268) 883140
GEC Sensors SS100/SSl10 Night Sights A dual role capability is achieved by the use of two objectives, mounted
one within the other The outer objective gives a magnification of x 5_8,
DevelopmentlDescription while the inner , for surveillance , has a magnification of x 1.6.
The SS100 (Briti sh Army designation SPAV L2A1) and SS110 (British When the higher power magnification is in use a shutter isolates the low
Army designation SPAV L3A 1) first-generation binocular vision , dual field- power objective and when the low power is selected an iris diaphragm
of-view , image intensifier sig hts were desig ned re spectively for use with the isolates the high power lens.
Fox CVR(W) and Scorpio n CVR (T) armou red vehicles . The image intensifier tube is of the first -generation 25 mm cascade type
The equipment is turret-mounted in front of the gunner and alongside the and is protected from the effects 01 muzzle flash by a shutter which is
main armament. It enables the gunner to locate , identify and engage electrically operated by the gun firing circuit. Automatic brightness control
targets at night without the use of artificial illumination . for the tube is also fitted .
An illuminated ballistic ring graticule with brightness control is injected
automatically into the optical system when the high magnification is used ,
and this is used for laying the Royal Ordnance 30 mm L21 RARDEN or
76 mm L23A 1 main armament.
Status: SS100 production as required. In service with the British Army and
other countries.
SS110 production as required . In service with the British armed forces
and other countrie s.
GEC Sensors SS100 sighl installed in CVR(W) Fox with sight mounted to Manufacturer: GEC Sensors ltd , Electro-Optical Military Divi sion ,
right of 30 mm RARDEN cannon. When not required sight face is covered by Christopher Martin Road , Basildon , Essex SS14 3EL, UK .
an armoured shutter Telephone : (0268) 522822 Telex : 99225 Fax : (0268) 883140
Development/Descripti on
The SS120 (British Army designation No 37N) was designed to be
interchangeable with the commander'S periscope sight AV No 37 Mk 4 on
the Chieftain MBT.
It provides night surveillance. targ et acquisition and. if used with a PRI
AV No 22 or No 24 . has a ballistic graticule and IFCS aiming mark injected
into its field -of-view enabling th e tank commander to lay the 120 mm L 11
main armament.
For sighting the secondary machine gun an aiming mark is available on
the night vision eyepiece graticule whilst for th e day periscope an injected
aiming mark is used with a circle defining th e field of th e night sight system .
A tilting head mi rror is connected by a half-speed linkage to a lever arm
actuated by the machine gun mountings AC No 8 and 10. The head
assembly also houses the boresighting mask and injects the PRI into the
sight optics.
The image intensifier tube used is an 18 mm second-ge neration wafer
type and can be replaced by a third -generati on Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) type
to ensure an extended , no modification, life cycle. A shutter system is used
to protect the tube against muzzle flash at night and , when switching to the
day unit periscope, th e shutter is automatically closed by mechanical means
A set of four filters - night/full moon , full moonltwilight, twilight/dull day
and dull day/full sunlight - allows the commander to use the sight as a
standby observation system in full sunlight.
WEIGHT 24.8 kg
DIMENSIONS 285 x 337 x 560 mOl
ELEVATION RAN GE -10 to +30'
Day periscope
FIELD-OF-V IEW 35 0 min
Night vision system
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle sys tem
Status : Production as required. In service with the British Army and other
unspecified countries.
The SS122 and its associated series 01 derivatives (SS123 - SS126) are
designed lor litting to the gunner's and commander's turret positions of
most current armoured fighting vehicles.
The SS122 consists of an optical system which pro vides the operator
with a x 9.3 magnification fi xed locus day system that has detection ,
recognition and identification ranges in clear atmosphere 01 30 000, 15 000
and 7000 m respectively , a x 9 magnification variable locu s night system
with detection . recognition and identification ranges respectively of 1800,
900 and 450 m at 10 ' lux . and a unity magnification fixed focus general
daylight observation facility.
Switching from the 25 mm three-stage cascade type image intensifier
passive night vision system to day vision is instantaneous . allowing the
sight to provide a 24 hour target engagement capability . The eyepiece has
integral laser absorption filters to protect the operato(s eyes against incoming GEC Sensors 55122 Series Armoured Vehicle Day/Night Sight
laser shots.
Elevation of the line-of-sight is performed by a tilting head mirror. In the (f) commande(s SS122 series sight which can be provided with duplicate
case of the gunner's version s this is linked mechanically to the main inputs from the compu ter in ord er to permit him to engage targets .
armament whilst with the commande(s variants it is manually operated and
fully independent of the gunner's sight. SPECtFICATlONS (typical)
If required, a GEC Ferranti Defence Systems Type 520 Nd-VAG or WEIGHT
Simrad LV353 Nd-doped laser rangefinder module can be integrated into sight 44 kg
th e sight assembly as an optional extra. When fitted to a sight in the vehicle. control box 4kg
the range information can also be transmitted to either the other operator's laser rangefinder module 3 kg
sight or a remote display unit. DIMENSIONS 360 x 350 x 625 mm
The sight series can also be provided with a fire control computer which POWER SUPPLV 28 V DC vehicle system
generates a moving aiming mark within the sight. Known as the SS 123FC Unity day sight
Computerised Fire Control System , it integrates the two main turret MAGNIFICATION x 1
subsystems - the fire control and sighting elements - to form a complete FIELD-OF-VIEW
optimised fire control system. horizontal 25'
The main components of the SS123FC are: vertical la'
(a) ballistic computer which provides the interface between the system , Day vision channel
main armament . laser rangefinder , sensors, gun position encoder and MAGNIFICATION x 9.3
the sight displays FIELD-OF-VIEW 6.4'
(b ) commander's control panel which is part of the computer unit and Passive night vision channel
provides the interface between the commander and the ballistic computer MAGN IFICATION x9
(c) trunnion tilt sensor which provides the computer with the angle at which FIELD-OF-VIEW 6S
the trunnion lays in order for a correction to be calculated for moving the FOCUS RANGE 30 m to infinity
gun aiming mark position DIOPTER RANGE fixed (-1.75)
(d) turret ang le sensor which measures the angle turned by the turret over
a measured time and is sent to the computer to use with the target Status: Production. over 1200 produced to date. In service with at least 11
range data so that the target position when the round impacts can be countries.
(e) gunner's SS122 series gunne(s sight with day/night vision and laser Manufacturer: GEC Se nsors Ltd , Electro-Optical Military Division.
rangefinding capabili ties. If required , the sight can be interfaced with Chri stopher Martin Road , Basildon , Essex SS14 3EL, UK .
more sophisticated ballistic computers provided by other companies Telephone : (0268) 522822 Telex : 99225 Fax : (0268) 883140
G EC Sensors SS 141, SS 142 Commander's Nig ht
and SS162 Commander's Day Vision Periscopes
The SS 141 commander's bi-ocular fixed head passive night vision periscope
can be fitted into 130 x 70 mm fitting apertures on most turreled light
armoured vehicles. It uses a second-generation 20130 ABC type micro-
channel plate image intensifier tube with a typical target detection range of
1320 m, recognition range of 330 m and identification range of 170 m
against a 2.3 m' target in clear starlight (10·' lux) .
The use of an integrated 0, 2. 4 and 6 Neutral Density filter selector
allows daylight use in an emergency.
The SS142 commande(s night vision sight is virtually identical 10 the
SS141 in most respects but is fitted with an elevaling head assembly for
use against low-flying airborne targets such as helicopters and requires a
170 x 90 mm fitting aperture .
The SS162 commander's monocular day periscope is designed as an
interchangeable unit for the SS142 sight. It employs refractor type optics
with an elevating head assembly and an additional unity magnification
reflecto r type periscope with a bi-ocular viewing window . The monocular
eyepiece has integrated laser protection filters to protect the observer.
WEIGHT x 2.7 magnification 13.3'
SS141 7 kg SS162
SS142 8.2 kg x 1 magnification 30.3 x 13.1°
SS162 5kg x 3 magnification 13°
SS141 fixed
SS142 -10 to +20° Status: Production , In service with unspecified countries.
SS162 - 10 to +20°
FI ELDS-OF-VIEW Manufacturer: GEC Senso rs Ltd , Electro-Optical Military Division ,
SS141 Christopher Martin Road , Basildon, Essex SS14 3EL, UK .
x 2.7 magnificalion 13.3' Telephone: (0268) 522822 Telex : 99225 Fax: (0268) 883140
ELEVATION RANGE _10° to +55°
Unity day reflecting telescope
horizonlal 30°
vertical 14°
High magnification refracting day vision channel
Night vision ch annel
(in starlight) (m)
detection 1350 GEe SensorsSSI 80 Armoured Vehicle Day/Night Vision Sight from operator's
recognition 750 side
identilication 520
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle system Manufacturer: GEC Sensors Ltd , Electro-Optica l Military Division ,
Christopher Martin Road , Basildon , Essex SS14 3EL, UK.
Status : Production . In service with unspecified countries. Telephone : (0268) 522822 Telex: 99225 Fax: (0268) 883140
WEIGHT (total) 40 kg
DIMENSIONS 430 x 360 x 625 mm
Day channel
x 1 magnification horizontal 23°
vertical 20'
x 9 magnification 4.7
Thermal channel
x 3 magnification horizontal 13.3' vertical 8.5'
x 10 magnification horizontal 4' vertical 2.6°
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle system
GEC Sensors SS500 Model Armoured Vehicle Thermal Sighl WEIGHTS
elbow sight assembly (including display) 13.5 kg
processing electronics unit 9 kg
elbow sight assembly (including display) 320 x 228 x 322 mm
Thermal channel
x 3 magnification horizontal 13.3° vertical 8.50
x 10 magnification horizontal 4' vertical 2.6'
POWER SUPPLY 28 V DC vehicle system
GEC Sensors SS550 Model Thermal Elbow Assembly (centre) with Marconi
Centaur Weapon Control System as designed for the Royal Ordnance pIc
Type 59 MBT Retrofit Package
wide 11 x 8.5'
narrow 3.9 x 1.5'
zoom 2.0 x 1.5'
DISPLAY FORMAT TV CC IR: monocular/binocular/relaxed view
COOLING closed cycle Sterling engine
HEIGHT 643 mm (330 mm above armour)
WIDTH 330 mm
DEPTH 537 mm
IN ARMOU R 236 mm x 115 mm
Day sight
Night sight
FIELD-OF-VIEW 9' Pilkington Operonics Condor commander's day/night sighting system from
800 m (man)
DETECTION RANGE up to 4000 m (MBT)
POWER SU PPLY 28 V DC (vehicle supply)
Status : Production as required. In service on Khalid MBT (Jordan), Vickers Manufacturer : Pilkington PE Ltd . Glascoed Road , St Asaph . Clwyd LL 17
Mk 3 MBT (Kenya and Nigeria) and trialled on other tanks including M41 OLL, UK .
and Chieftain. Telephone : (0745) 588000 Telex : 61430 Fax: (0745) 584959
Development/Descripti on
The Rav en combined day/night sight was developed by Pilkington PE to
provi de commanders and gunners of MBTs and light armoured vehicles
with a 24 hour day/night capability. -It can be used for surveillance. targ et
acquisition , firing main arm ament and observation of fall of shot. It is in full
scale production for the GKN Defence Warrior mechanised combat vehicle
for th e Briti sh Army . with first production sights of the 422 ordered being
completed late in 1986.
Late in 1986 it was announced that, as a result of competi tive tendering .
Avimo had been awarded a con tract worth over £17 million for the second
production batch of Raven day/night sigh ts for the Warrior mechanised
combat vehicle. totalling some 1600 sights.
The Raven day/night sight has been designed for installation from under
or above arm our and a lifting frame is suppl ied as an aid to installation and
removal. It has been designed to interface directly with the gun via a linkage
on the right side of the sigh t, when looking fo rwards.
The sight has graticule adjusters that enable the sighting system to be
boresighted to th e main arm ament and separate adjustments are provided
for boresig hting th e x 1 and magnified day and night channels.
The Raven sight is a combined day/night sigh ting system and comprises
three viewing channels. a fi xed focus magnified day channel. a dual field-
of-view second- or third-generation image intensified night channel and a
unity power day periscope .
The magnified day and image intensified night channels are viewed
through common eyepieces with selection of day or night surveillance
being eHected by a single changeover lever. A focus control and light
con trol iris are also provided in the night channel. The unity power periscope
is viewed through a window above th e eyepieces.
The three channels view the scene under surveillance via an upper Day sight
mirror, the elevation and aZimuth lines of sight , which are harmonised to MAGNIFICATION x t and x 8
the bor9 line of the main armament. RECOGNITION RANGE 3000 m
In order to provide the facility for main armament engagement the DETECTION RANGE 5000 m
sight embodies three separate graticules , one in each channel . All are Night sight
sepa rately adjustable in elevation and azimuth to achieve accurate MAGNIFICATION x2 and x 6
HEIGHT 560mm
WIDTH 350mm Status: In production . In service wi th British Army (on Warrior MICV - two
DEPTH 450mm sights. one for gunner and one for commander (latter with additional
WEIGHT 50 kg traverse)) .
LlNE-OF-SIGHT Manufacturer: Pilkington PE Ltd , Glascoed Road, St Asaph.
LlNE-OF·SIGHT -12' Telephone: (0745) 588000 Telex : 61430 Fax: (0745) 584959
Pilkington Optronics Osprey Combined Day/Night night vision , laser rangefinder, stabilisation, interfaces to fire control and
training simulator systems . laser and thermal modules can be sourced
Laser Sight from a wide variety of specialist manufacturers , according to customer
Development/Description A typical Osprey configuration for a light AFV would offer a medium
The Osprey is a combined day/night laser sight of modular construction to elevation head , day channel, thermal channel and a single shot laser
enable it to be installed in different vehicles for different applications . It has rangefinder with built-in displays of thermal scene and laser range. viewed
been adopted by the British Army for installation in the Warrior Mechanised through the twin day channel eyepieces. Remote displays for the thermal
Artillery Observation Vehicle (MAOV). and laser information can also be provided.
In this application the observer has an Osprey combined day/thermal! The Osprey sight can also be configured in an anti·aircraft role by
laser system with magnifications of x 1 and x 8 in the day mode and built-i n incorporating a high power high repetition rate laser rangefinder in place of
laser protection . The assistant will have a Pilkington Raven day/night sight the single shot system and adding azimuth stabilisation .
as fitted to the standard Warrior vehicle . Between the observer's and the
assistant's positions will be a remote display for the thermal imaging SPECtFICATIONS
system. ELEVATION RANGE -10 0 to +20 0 or
Optional Osprey facilities include thermal imaging or image intensified -10 to +45 c or
-10' to +60'
Day channel
FIElD-OF-VIEW single
SURVEillANCE x 1 window
Night channel
THERMAL SCANNER customer choice
COOLING high pressure air or Stirling engine
IMAGE INTENSIFIER second-generation or
OUTPUT via day eyepieces
Fire control interface
INTERFACE digital, RS422
laser rangelinder
THERMAL via day eyepieces and/or remote
lASER via day eyepieces and/or remote
Status : Production .
CAl Armoured Vehicle Optical Systems to increase the gunner's confidence level by confirm ing missile lock-on
prior to weapon 's launch . It is also utilised as a head-up visual target
acquisition system to decrease the overall target acquisition and engagement
DevelopmentfDescription times.
CAl has produced a number of optical system assemblies for armoured
and air defence vehicle application s. These include: Status : Production .
Panoramic Periscope System (P' S) for Armoured Fighting Vehicle
commander's , observer's and driver' s statlons_ Hostile IdentificationiTargeting System (HITS)
The P' S assembly can either be filled at build or retrofilled to many The HITS is designed as a helicopter or air defence vehicle based opto-
exisiting armoured vehicle models _ It provides a completely unobstructed electronic passive target identification system for identifing targets up to
360' horizontal fie ld-of-view for an operator, with state-of-the-art ballistic 5000 m range.
and laser protection. It can also be used in an NBC environment and, with It can be mounted on light air defence vehicles and utilises a control
standard issue image intensifier NVG , eliminate the need to use a dedicated panel With CRT display and a shock isolated platform-mounted sensor
night vi sion periscope. assembly with video camera and motorised zoom lens .
M1 Abrams MBT Commander' s and Gunner's Unity Periscopes Manufacturer : CAl Division . Recon/Optical Incorporated. 550 West
CAl has produced over 27 000 of these M 1 periscopes to date for the Northwest Highway . Barrington , Illinois 60010, USA.
Abrams MBT programme _ The units are due to be upgraded with laser Telephone : (312) 381 2400
protection filters (see next CAl product).
Status : Production . In service with the US Army and Marine Corps (M1
Abram s MBT).
Delco has developed a compact thermal sight for its LA V -25 tUrret. Designed
to fit di rectly into the existing LA V M36E 1 gunner's and/or commander's
weapons aiming sight mount , it serially scans the visual scene in both
azim uth and elevation and focusses the gathered infra-red energy onto a
detector assembly, the output of which is connected to the beam of a
television CRT display to produce an optical image for viewing through a
monocular eyepiece.
The complete sight assembly also has a unity channel periscope. a x 7
magnification day channel and a mechanical gun linkage device.
Status: Production .
The Hughes two-axis stabilised Gunner's Primary Sight (GPS) was
developed for the South Korean Main Battle Tank (Type 88, K-l) in order to
provide it with a shoot on-the-move capability in both day and night
engagement si tu ations. Hughes M 1 production hardware is used as the
Thermal Imaging System (TIS) and lor the Laser Rangefinder (LRF).
The initial 210 production systems incorporated the Hughes' designed
Leopard 2 MBT, two-axis head mirror and a vertical sensor used to furnish
roll and pitch dynamiCS to the compu ter subsystem. Subsequent orders (for
276 systems) incorporated a fourth generation improved two-axis head
mirror and updated electronics.
Hughes Gyrostabilised Gunner's Primary Sight for South Korea 's Type 88
The Hug hes DNRS was developed under contract to Cadillac Gage Textron
for th e US Marine Corps' LAV-l05 turret and is designed to provide the
vehicle gunner with a full shoot-on-the-move capability of engaging enemy
targets at extreme ranges in both day and night situations under adverse
battlefield conditions.
The modular DNRS comprises the following subsystems:
(a) a Hughes Infra-red Equipment (HIRE) 240-line common th ermal imager
with programmable reticles and symbology and dual fie ld-of-view (wide
- 12.3' x 5.1 ' , narrow - 4.1' x 1.7')
(b) a Hughes Ml 1.06 ~m Nd-YAG laser rangefinder
(c) a Hughes line of Sight Stabilisation Plalform (LSS P) - as used on th e
South Korean type 88 MBT with an armoured housing for ballistic
protection, and a two-axis gyrostabilised head mirror
(d) a commander's remote display for viewing the day and night sight
images and with commander override for all the gunner's con trol s
(e) a line-Of-Sight Electronics Unit (LOS-EU).
The DNRS has a unity window and a x 10 magnification narrow
field-of-view for th e day sight.
Development/Description MAGNifiCATION x8
The modular GITS is designed as an upgrade fo r small turrets to provide an FIELD-OF-VIEW 7.5' (circular)
under armour TOW capability . It contains an improved infra-red sensor with Short wavelength tracker
a 60-element HgCdTe detector similar to the ANfTAS -4 , -5 and -6. The FIELD-OF-VIEW
sensors field s-of-view are large for increased gunner acquisition . tracking narrow 0.50
and firing accuracy. Symbology is software controlled with stadiometric or wide 4°
ballistic reticules available . Thermal sensor, long wavelength tracker
The module subassemblies include: MAGNIFICATION x 12 and x 4
(a) a coaxial short waveleng th tracker derived Irom the M2!3 Bradley FIELD-Of-VIEW
system narrow 1.7" x 4.1'
(b) a digital command guidance electronic system derived from the M2!3 wide 5.2 x 12.3'
Bradley unit WAVEBAND REGION 8-12 ~'m
(c) single field-of-view visual optics for targ et acquisition and tracking DETECTOR 60-element HgCdT e
(d) a two field-of-view HIRE thermal sensor for target acquisition and RETICULES NATO. stadiometric (programmable)
tracking in degraded visibility and at night SYMBOLOGY range , ammunition, faults etc
(e) fu ll TOW-2A tracking and guidance software (programmable)
DISPLAYS primary for gunner
SPECIFICATIONS remote or commander
ELEVATION RANGE -20' to +60' . mechanically coupled
BORESIGHT RANGE Status: Produ ction as required .
visual and TOW 6.5 mrad
thermal sensor i l0 mrad azimuth and elevation Manufacturer : Hughes Aircraft Company , Electro -Optical Systems .
Unity channel PO Box 902, EI Segundo. California 90425. USA.
FIELD -Of-VIEW Telepone: (3 10) 6161022 Telex: 685504
x 1 magnification
TOW and visual module
The Hughes Dayl Night thermal Integrated Sight Unit (ISU) was developed
as part of the TOW Weapon Subsystem for use on the gunner's station of
the M2/M3 Bradley IFV. It has magnifications of x 4 and x 12 with an optical
relay for the vehicle commander. -
The sight enables the gunner to accurately aim and fire the turret's M242
25 mm cannon , 7.62 mm M240C machine gun and TOW family ATGWs.
Hughes Day/Night Integrated Sight Units for M2/M3 Bradley Figh ting
Vehicle System being loaded into a shipping container for despatch to
FMC Corporation
Developm entiDescripti on
The Hughes developed Electro-Optical Tracking System (EOTS) is designed
for air defence applications use on combat vehicles. It combines FUR
thermal imaging and near-IR TV sensors, and a high repetition rate Raman
eyesa fe laser rangefinder to track helicopters and high performance aircraft
through darkness, smoke, haze and inclement weather. EOTS has been
demonstraled 10 a number of foreign military customers. The sensors are
integrated into a two-axis digital stabilised 360' field-of-regard panoramic
sight that is equipped with a Dual Mode Tracker. The latter is fitted with a
correlation/centroid video tracker system that allows the EOTS to maintain
a track on aircraft flying through clutter such as hills or trees. A Digital Scan
Converter (DSC) is fitted for TV compatible output video.
AND DATA DISPLAY programmable
Thermal sensor
DETECTOR TYPE 1st generation, (PC , HgCdTe
120 element)
narrow x l0
wide x 3.3
narrow 2.5 x 3.3·
wide 7.5 x 10'
Laser ra ngefin der
Sight sensor unit for the Hughes E/ectro-Optical Tracking System
LASER TYPE Raman shifted Nd-YAG
WAVELENGTH 1.54 ~m Tracker
REP RATE SS, 15 Hz DUAL MODE simultaneous centroid/correlation
RANGE 200 to 20 000 m SWITCHING auto/manual
TV sensor ACOUISITION auto/manual
WAVEBAND REGION 0.4 to 1.1 ~m COAST auto/forced
narrow 2.5 x 3.3' Status: Ready for production .
wide 7.5 x 10'
IRIS auto/manual Manufactu rer: Hughes Aircraft Company , Electro-Optical Systems , PO
TYPE CCD Box 902 , EI Segundo , California 90425, USA.
SENSITIVITY 0.5 lux Telephone: (310) 6161022 Telex : 685504
Hughes Second Generation Tank Sight (SGTS) (c) The Hughes Raman eyesafe laser rangefinder which is in development
for the Ml Abrams MBT family .
In March 1992 the US Army Night Vision & Electro-Optics Directorate SPECIFICATIONS
selected Hughes Aircraft Company to demonstrate second generation ELEVATION RANGE -12 to +22"
FUR technology in a mUlti-sensor tank sight testbed for US Army evaluation AZIMUTH RANGE 360'
and future incorporation into advanced combat vehicles. LlNE-OF-SIGHT STABILISATION :S50 microrads
The SGTS prototype will be delivered in 1993 lor integration into the US VIDEO OUT NTSC (RS 170), plus digital out
Army's Component Advanced Technology Test Bed field trials. SYMBOLOGY, RETICLE
The SGTS is a 360' fie ld-of-regard panoramic sight and will consisl of a AND DATA DISPLAY programmable
second generation thermal imaging sensor, a Charge Coupled Device Thermat sensor
(CCD) TV camera and an eyesafe laser rangefinder. Based on existing WAVEBAND REGION 8 - 12~m
Hughes components , Ihe sight will also have provision for future insertion DETECTOR TYPE 2nd generation, SADA
of automatic target tracking and recognition capability. Extensive Built-in MAGNIFICATION
Test facilities are also fitted. narrow x 8.65
The prototype is being used to demonstrate advanced technologies such wide x 2.9
(a) high density infra-red detector arrays (PV. HgCdTe type with 480 x 4 narrow 2.5 x 3.3'
elements) Wide 7.5 x 10
(b) high image processing Laser rangefinder
(c) eye safe laser ranging LASER TYPE Raman shifted Nd· Y AG
(d) precision two-axis stabilisation . WAVELENGTH 1.54 ~m
The technologies are derived from several development programmes REPETITION RATE 1 Hz
already underway . They include: RANGE 200 to 10000 m
(a) The US Army 's Standardised Advanced Dewar Assembly (SADA) TV sensor
programme to establish initial production pilot lines for second generation WAVEBAND REGION 0.4 to 1.1 ~m
detector assemblies , coupled with the DARPA-funded Infra-red Focal FIELDS-OF-VIEW
Plane Array (lR FPA) programme narrow 2.5 x 3.3
(b) The Hughes Electro-Optical Tracking System (EOTS) which combines wide 7.5 x 10
thermal imaging and TV sensors, and a high repetition rate Raman IRIS auto/manual
eyesafe laser rangefinder to track aircraft and helicopters (qv EOTS TYPE CCD
entry) SENSITIVITY 0.5 lux
:\' :
Hughes Second Generation Tank Sight
The Thermal Imaging System (TIS) was developed by Hughes for use on
the M1 Abrams MBT family under armour and produces an image by
sensing the small difference in heat radiated by objects in view. The
detected energy is converted into electronic signals which are displayed on
a CRT tube, similar to a TV picture, and the image displayed is projected
into the eyepiece of the gunner's sight.
In addition , the sight displays target range information from the Hughes
laser rangefinder module and indicates the existence of more than one
Ready-to-fire indication , fire control computer symbology and system
operational status data are also provided .
The TIS itself generates a graticule pattern boresighted to the day sight
graticule and laser rangefinder. This allows the gunner to operate the sight
just as he would the day sight and engage targets up to 2400 m away with
a high first round hit probability .
If required. the TIS can be repackaged for use in lighter armoured
vehicles where multiple or remote displays can be utilised.
Status: Production (over 9500 built by Januury 1993). In service with the
US Army (on M1/M1A1 Abrams MBTs) .
Development/Descripti on
Under a $24 million production subcontract with General Dynamics , Hughes
will deliver 402 01 its GPS-LOS for the US Army (62 plus spares) and
Saudia Arabia (the balance of the order). Deliveries are due to be completed
in Spring 1994. Under previous contracts Hughes delivered 24 prototype
and 17 pilot production systems for the development programme.
The GPS-LOS subsystem is a two -axis stabilised head mirror that
significantly improves the first round hit probability. Current Ml and M1Al
versions of th e Albram s tank are equipped with a single axis stabilised
head mirror. The two axis system on th e Ml A2 enables faster target
acquisition , improved gun pointing , and because the azimuth axis is inertially
stabilised, the gunner can detect, recognise and acquire additional targets
at greater ranges. A built-in test facility is controlled by microprocessor to
provide an intelligent test and isolation capability.
elevation - 16 to +22"
azi muth ±5° Hughes Ml A2Gunner's Primary Sight Line-of-Sight Subsystem (HPS-LOS)
STABILISATION ACCURACY $100 micro radi ans
BORESIGHT RETENTION 5100 microradians Manufacturer: Hughes Aircraft Company, Electro-Optical Systems ,
PO Box 902, EI Segundo, California 90425 , USA.
Status: Production . In service with US Army and Saudi Arabia . Telephone : (310) 6161022 Tele x: 685504
The modular DNRS system was developed as a low cost private venture The main elements of the DNRS system are :
sight for installation in tanks such as the M41 , T-54 /55/59 , M48 and M60 (a) gunner's primary sight with unity-magnification window channel interface
and US Marine Corps light armoured vehicles such as the AAV7 AI , to the sight periscope head assembly, a Nd-YAG laser integrated
LAV-25 and proposed LAV-l05. periscope and an electro-optical countermeasures hardened thermal
The DNRS is designed to increase th e first round hit probability, reduce channel with a 60 element common module CMT detector and a digital
the gunner's reaction time from initial targ et detection to fi rin g and improve scan converter to generate RS 170 TV signals
overall sigh t reliability and maintainability under adverse combat and (b) commander's remote display
e nvironmental conditions. (c) power conditioning unit
It can interface with either a mechanical drive, electronic drive or stabilised Available options for the system include the following :
head mirror and provides for 16-bit Binary Coded Deci mal (BCD) form at tor (a) daylight periscope
interfaci ng to either a fire control computer or Koll sman designed ballistic (b) image intensifier sig ht
processor. (c) electronically stabilised 2-axis periscope heads
(d) commander'S remote-control unit
(e) commander's re mote day andlor thermal displays
(f) ballistic computer system
(g) 625 lines CCIR video format
(h) gunnery training system
(i) ballisticl nonballistic reticles
Ul eye-safe laser training filters
(k) ANIVSG -5 laser integration
Availabl e system growth potential includes th e use of a 240 x four-
channel CMT Focal Plane Array (FPA) Ihermal imaging detector developed
by SOFRADIR of France to improve operational range and resolution
performance by using twice the signal/noise ratio of th e existing built-in
ELEVATION RANGE -20 0 to +60 0
WEIGHT 79.55 kg
Surveillance window
Laser Integrated Periscope
Kollsman Day/Night Range Sight from left fo right: sight interface power
conditioner, ONRS, computer control panel and commander's display
The Model 220 is a modular day/night monocular eyepiece periscope that
is equipped with a Laser Rangefinder (LRF) module and unity vision
periscope to provide fire control capabilities. Applications Include the M41
light tank and M47, M48 and MB-3 Tamoyo MBTs.
Apart from the Nd-YAG laser coaxial transceiver module the sight modules
include the main assembly body , the sight head and the sig ht control panel.
An additional support unit is the Commander's Control and Display Unit
(CCDU) panel.
The sight head module contains a 2:1 motion reduction transmission
which links the gun elevation position arm to the sight's upper deviator
mirror. The sigh t control panel provides the gunner with brightness controls
and first/last pulse laser logic select.
The main body features the unity acquisition periscope , an eyepiece
Viewed range display and a CRT to provide th e gunner with a computer
con trolled aiming mark. Day/night sight selection is made by switching a
single actuating lever. For night vision a 25 mm inverter second-generation
image intensifier tube assembly is used.
The CCDU contains the LRF electronics module , a prime power filter ,
commander'S range display , a laser safety key switch and the main power
switch .
Day channel
AND CRT 0.15 mils max
Unity periscope
elevation 8.5'
azimuth 18' Kollmorgen Model 220 Fire Con trol Sight
Night channel
IMAGE INTENSIFIER TUBE 25 mm GEN II inverter Manufacturer : Kollmorgen Corporation , Electro-Optical Division , 347 King
Street, Northampton, Massachusetts 0160, USA.
Status : Limiled production . Telephone : (4 13) 586 2330 Telex : 955409 Fax: (413) 586 1324
Status: Pre-production .
Developmenti Description
The Model 9t 0 integrated sight is a small stabilised system designed for
installation on the turrel of Iracked armoured vehicles. It provides a
reconnaissance capability or an accurate weapon positioning and turret
control capability to th e gunner of the vehicie. Appli cations inciude the
XM42 and the ZSU-23-4 simulator.
The sight provides dual axis gyrostabilised viewing and can be either a
master or a slave unit to the other subsystems aboard the vehicle .
x 2 magnification 28°
x 8 magnification r
OUTPUT SIGNALS 2 speed resolver with 1 mrad accuracy for
SLAVE MODE line-of-sight controlled by external synchro
azimuth 1000/s
elevation 1000/s
Kollmorgen Model 957 Squad Leader's Search Periscope
The Model 938 monocular daylight periscope was designed as a sighling
device for the commander's weapon stalion on the M1 /M1A 1 Abrams MBT.
It is mounted near and mechanically linked 10 the gun and has a graticule
pattern presented in the field -of-view. An integral laser filter is provided to
protect the commander's eyes from laser energy.
WEIGHT 8.2 kg
ELEVATION RANGE -to· to +65 0
The Model 939 auxiliary periscope was design ed as a primary or backup
sight for an MBT gunner. It is mounted coaxially with the main gun and is
articulated to minimise eyepiece movement when the armament is elevated
or depressed .
A diopter adjustment is provided to accommodate focal variations between
individual observers. Individual graticule patterns may be presented in the
field-of-view according to the mission requirements. An integral laser filter
is used to protect the gunner's eyes from laser energy and a switchable
filter is fitted to permit use during high brightness conditions.
WEIGHT 16.8 kg
Status : Production . In service with the US (on MI /M1AI MBTs) and South
Korean (on Type 88 MBTs) armed forces.
DevelopmentlDescri ption
The Model 998 was developed for use as a backup fire control sight for
aiming and firing the M242 25 mm cannon of the electrically stabilised turret
mounted on the FMC M2/M3 Bradley series fighting vehicles.
II is mechanically linked to the cannon and allows either the gunner or the
vehicle comman der to use the weapon. II is also fitted with an armoured
head and an eye protection system tor the observer from laser energy .
WEIGHT 22.6 kg
ELEVATION RANGE -1 10 to +6 1 ~
Kollmorgen Model 998 Fire Control Backup Sight used on M21M3 Bradley
Fighting Vehicle Family
Status: Production as required . In service with the US armed lorces and Manufacturer: IMO Indu stries Inc .. Miller-Holzwarth Division .
numerous other countries (on M1 , M2 , M3 . Type 88. and other armoured 166 S Ellsworth , Salem, Ohio 44460 , USA.
vehicles). Telephone: (216) 337 8376 Fax : (216) 337 9478
Developmen t/Description
The M32E1 is a standard US armed lorces tank gunner's periscope and IS
installed on the M48A3, M48A5, M60 and M60A 1 MBTs. It can also be
adapted for installation on other tank models.
It comprises the lollowing subsystems:
(a) head assembly which consists 01 a cast housing and contains an
entrance window. a mirror attached to an elevation drive mechanism
and a unity-magnification vision channel with the infinity sight graticule
projected for sighting the main armament coaxial machine gun .
An M118 mount is required to install the head assembly in the lank and
a ballistic drive of the M10 type is required for input to the elevation
(b) daylight optics elbow assembly which fits into the head assembly and
contains an objective tens , graticule unit and a prism unit. The graticule
is adjustable for accurate boresighting of the weapon by use 01 elevation
and azimuth boresight adjustment knobs. The diopter setting of the
monocular eyepiece is fully variable and the graticule can be illuminated
by a small incandescent lamp at night
(c) standard US Army passive night vision elbow which fits into the head
assembly and contains a second-generation passive night vision
25 mm image intensifier tube to amplify the night time illumination such
as sky glow, starlight and moonlight to provide an undetectable night
lighting capability for the tank.
WEIGHT 23.6 kg
DIMENSIONS 500 x 350 x 330 mm
ELEVATION RANGE -17 0 to +220
Unity vision channel
horizontal 30.5'
vertical 5.8'
Daylight optics module Optic-Electronic Standard US Army M32El Gunner's Periscope Sight
FIELD-OF-VIEW 80 Status : Production as required . In service with numerous countries _
Passive night vision channel
MAGNIFICAnON x 7.1 Manufacturer : Optic-Electronic Corporation, 11545 Pagemill Road , Dallas.
FIELD-OF-VIEW 7.20 Texas 75243 , USA .
POWER SUPPLY 18-30 V DC vehicle system Telephone: (214) 349 0190 Telex : 910 8619 312 Fax : (21 4) 343 7259
The standard US army monocular M36El day/night sight is designed lor
use on th e following vehicles :
head assembly 11.45kg
body assembly 5 kg :0,'. :....
passive night vision elbow 8.18 kg -...;.;.
DI MEN SION S 320.6 x 342.9 x 479.4 mm
ELEVATION RANGE -20' to +60'
Unity vision channel Optic-Electronic M36EI Tank Periscope for M60 series MBTs and light
MAGN IFICATION x l armoured fighting vehicles
Daylight vision body
FIELD-OF-VIEW 10' Status : Production as required . In service with numerous countries.
Passive night vision elbow
MAGNIFICATION x 7.1 Manufacturer: OptiC' Electronic Corporation, 11545 Pagemill Road, Dallas.
FIELD-OF-V IEW 7 .2 0 Texas 75243, USA .
POWER SU PPLY 18-30 V DC vehicle system Telephone : (214) 349 0190 Telex : 910 8619312
lENS,FIELO - - -- - A
(c) offset prism assembly
(d) eyepiece assembly.
The US Army standard passive night vision elbow was designed for use
with the MP86 multi-purpose gunner's. GNP-55 gunner's . M32El gunner's,
M35El gunner's and M36El commander's sight systems as the replacement
for the original infra-red elbow .
It uses a 25 mm second-generation image intensifier tube with 28 LP/mil
to amplify night time illumination such as moonlight, starlight and sky glow.
A muzzle flash protection circuit is also fitted .
If required by the customer the standard eyepiece can be replaced at the
factory by either a beam splitter type for use with a TV video camera or
optical relay device or a bi-ocular type for improved observation .
WEIGHT 8.17 kg
DIMENSIONS 280 x 160 x 350 mm
FIELD-OF-VIEW 7.2' Passive night vision elbow for use on a wide range of commander's and
FOCAL RANGE 50 m to Infinity gunner's sights
RETICLE ILLUMINATION 2.5 V DC incandescent lamp
Manufacturer: Optic-Electronic Corporation. 11545 Pagemill Road, Dallas,
Status: Production. In service with the US armed forces and many other Texas 754243, USA.
countries worldwide . Telephone: (21 4)3490190 Telex: 9108619312 Fax : (214)3437529
The GNP 55 gunner's night vision periscope is designed for direct fire
control use on T-54 and Type 59 series MBTs. It consists of a head
assembly (with a closed loop , balanced , band driven mirror) . a unity body
and 8IIher a passive image intensifier night vision elbow or a thermal viewer
unit option .
The passive night vision elbow is a variant of the standard US Army
elbow found in the M32/M35/M36 series of sights with the necessary
modifications required for use with a T-series tank fire control system. It
uses a high resolution second-generation image intensifier tube assembly
which amplifies the natural night-time illumination such as moonlight, starlight
and sky glow .
The tube has a muzzle flash protection feature that permits the gunner to
observe and correct the impact of kinetic and explosive projectiles without
disrupting his night vision capability. Rechargeable batteries and a bayonet
electrical fitting are incorporated into the elbow design .
If the thermal viewer option is used then the system chosen needs to
have the same physical mounting dimensions as the standard US Army
night vision elbow.
The periscope itself is powered by the 24 V DC vehicle power supply
system but has rechargeable NiCad batteries for use when the vehicle
power is off for any reason.
Manufacturer: Optic-Electronic Corporation . 11545 Pagemill Rd , Dallas. Optic-Electronic GNP 55 gunner's night vision periscope which can be
Texas 75243, USA. configured with OEC standard US Army passive night vision elbow or
Telephone: (214) 349 0190 Telex : 910 8619 312 Fax : (214) 343 7259 thermal elbow
US A / 0 A Y A N D N I G H T S I G H TI N G S Y S T E MS 539
The NV46S periscope is designed to give the commander 01 a T -54/55/62
or Type 59 MBT a passive night vision capability under sky glow, starl ight.
or moonlight wi thout recourse to artificial illumination .
It uses an 18 mm . second-generation . wafer type , image intensifier tube
which is fitted with a muzzle flash response unit that allows the commander
to observe the impact of both kinetic and high explosive shells without
disrupting his night vision capability. A stadia and mi l scale reticl e is also
mounted on the image intensifier.
A series of simple switches which includes a snap action shutter/swi tch,
a brightness adjuster knob, focus ring, diopter adjustment ring and dual
thumb swilches for searchlighVturret operation are fitted.
The NV46S attaches to the searchlight control arm in the same manner
as the TKN-l C infra-red sight and provides the necessary elevation con trol
if the searchlight is needed.
Power is normally obtained from the vehicle's 24 V DC supply with two
GE KO IAll lCs GT3 rechargeable batteries as backup if the power fails for
any reason .
WEIGHT 4.6 kg
DIMENSIONS 270 x 180 x 340 mm
RESOLUTION (contrast=l)
at 10 ' Ft-L 0.30 mil
at 1O" Ft-L 0.90 mil
FOCUS RANGE 10m to infinity
Optic-Electronic NV46S commander's passive night vision periscope from
GAIN 1000 (min)
OBJECTIVE 128 mm , f/2 Manufacturer : Optic-Electronic Corporation. 11545 Pagemill Road, Dallas.
Texa s 75243 , USA.
Status : Production as required. Telephone: (2 14)3490190 Telex : 910 8619 312 Fax: (214)343 7259
Development/Desc ription
The NV52 dual channel monocular type optical sight is designed for use by
crews of light armoured vehicles in fire control and day/night observation
It uses a modifi ed M32 day body assembly with a standard night vision
elbow of improved reliability . The latter has a 25 mm second-generation
image intensifier tube with a customer specified ballistic graticule.
ELEVATION RANG E - 16' to +23'
Daylight sight
Night vision elbow
POWER SUPPLY 18-24 V DC vehicle system
Status : Production. In service with Thailand (Sti ngray light tank as NV52C) .
Daylight sight option
Laser range finder integrated daylight sight option
Laser transmitter
LASER TYPE Erbium-glass Q-switch , eyesafe
OUTPUT ENERGY nominal to MJ .
BEAM WIDTH 1.0 rad (90% energy)
Optical channet
EYEPIECE adjustable focus
Laser receiver
FIELD-OF-VIEW 1.5 mrad
RANGE LOGIC first/last pulse
Passive night vision elbow option
The M36-SI RE is a monocular day/night sight for various types of armoured Power to SIRE is from th e vehicle 24 V DC supply althoug h there are
fighting vehicles consisting of a head assembly , laser integrated day sight external rechargeable NiCad batteries for use in the case of a primary
and passive night vision elbow, power supply and optional commander's power source failure.
remote display. The whole SIRE assembly can , if required, be integrated with a fire
The head assembly supports the periscope unit in its M 119E 1 mount and control computer system.
connects the sight to the turret ballistic drive via an adjustable input arm . The passive night vision elbow con tain s a ballistic reticle which can be
The laser integrated day sight contains a seven power magnification boresighted with th e SIRE laser rangefinder to permit night-time fire control
optical system and a unity-magnification vision channel. Boresighting and operations and engagements . The elbow uses a 25 mm second-generation
zeroing to the shot group is effected by a simple adjustment with the laser image intensifier tube .
line-of-sight. The laser aim mark is permanently aligned with the sight Normally the elbow is powered by the vehicle 's 24 V DC system but for
boresight mark. An optional injection system is provided in the laser for emergency use and silent watch purposes with th e turret power off
viewing CRT projected information such as a computer aim point and/or rechargeable NiCad batteries are fitted .
thermal display.
WEIGHT less than 27.27 kg
DIMENSIONS 355.6 x 355.6 x 533.4 mm
Unity sight
horizontal 60'
vertical 10'
Night vision passive elbow sight
Laser Rangefinder module
(including daylight sighl)
LASER TYPE Erbium-glass Q·switch, eyesale
BEAM WIDTH 1.0 rad (90% energy)
Optical chann el
EYEPIECE adjustable locus
Laser rece iver
FIELD-OF· VIEW 1.5 mrad
RANGE LOGIC first/lasl pulse
DISPLAY 4 digital LED
The all-metal M26 muzzle boresight is designed to provide precise alignment
between the main tank gun and the fire control periscope . Versions are
available with suitable carrying cases and sized foot rings to fit the following
cannon type s: 75, 76 , 84 , 90 , 100, 105, 120. 152 and 165 mm .
The M26 device consists 01 a telescope mounted on a rigid shaft which
secures two foot rings and a spring· loaded locating block. When the shaft is
inserted into the gun muzzle. the fooUings and block fit firmly against the
bore walls.
The telescope is designed with its optical path rellected through a right
angle to the eyepiece on the side of the device for viewing the target.
LENGTH 533.4 mm
OptIc-Electronic Corporation M26 muzzle boresight
DIOPTER RANGE - 1/2 to 1 fixed focus
RETICULE circle diameter 1' ; centre dot 0.15 mils
Manufacturer : Optic·Electronic Corporation, 11545 Pagemill Road. Dallas.
Status : Production as required. In service with a number of undisclosed Texas 75243. USA.
countries. Telephone : (2 14) 349 0190 Tele x: 9 10 861 0190 Fax : (214) 343 7529
Optic-Electronic Muzzle Reference Collimator 0.5 milliradian . It uses a dark field design with illumination provided by the
ambient light during the day and an irradiated radio·luminescent phosphor
light source during any low light level conditions.
Development/Descripti on This is achieved by the use of a sophisticated narrow bandpass
During 1989 the Optic· Electronic Corporation began production of two beamsplitter and with broad spectral rellectance of better than 90 per cent
improved design muzzle reference collimator assemblies for use with over the visual spectrum region . The phosphor has a narrow emission band
105 mm and 120 mm main tank guns . of less than 70 nm width and was chosen for its oplimum eye respon se
The collimator and its mount are integrated into a single precision casting properties .
with two mounting methods available for retaining the assembly on the gun Due to the phosphor emission as the gun tube cools off, the muzzle
tube . For rifled gun barrels a strapping mechanism is recommended whil st position can still be determined as the ambient light level drops and
smoothbore barrels require an integrated upstand to which the collimator is throughout the periods of darkness. To reduce to a minimum the possibility
bolted. of an external light source illuminating the focal plane from the objective
The collimator accurately determines the position of the gun muzzle side and 'washing out' the targ et image of th e collimator. a built-in sunshade
using an 113.6 optical syste m with a projected target line weight 01 is provided.
All the optics are designed and mounted in the assembly both to survive ....,.
the severe mechanical and thermal shock encountered at the muzzle blast
and to maintain the optical alignment requ ired dunng the thermal cycling of
the gun tube due to the firing and solar temperature effects.
SPECIFtCATIONS Texas tnstruments ANN SG-2 thermal sight and complete Fire Control
head assembly 28.86 kg
gunner's display 15.23 kg Status : Production. In service with Saudi Arabia (M60A 1 to M60A3 upgrade) ,
commander's display 16.36 kg Taiwan (M48H MBT), Turkey (M48A5T2 MBT) and US Army (M60A3 ITS
power converter unit 1' .14kg MBT).
" 1 magnification 7.80 x 150 Manufacturer : Enquiries to: Texas Instruments Incorporated , Electronic
x 8 magnification 2.60 x 50 Systems Division , Business Development Manager, 2501 W University,
WAVEBAND REGION 7.6-11 .75 ~m MS 8046 McKinney, Texas 75070, USA.
POWER SUPPLY t8-30 V DC vehicle system Telephone: (214) 952 2000 Cable : TEXINS
WEIGHT t81.8 kg
ELEVATION RANGE _ 120 to +20 0
narrow 2.60 x 3.4 0
wide 7.70 x 10.40
Development/Descripti on
Texas Instruments has developed the Primary Sight System under a
subcontract to General Electric for incorporation into that company's modified
Light Armored Vehicle entrant into the US Marine Corp's LAV-AD
competition .
The totally integrated assembly will provide a 24-hour air delence
monitoring capability with threat d etection and tracking . stabilised
line-of-sig ht to allow fire -on-th e-move and a modular design to ease field
and depot maintenance and allow future system growth .
The system comprises th e following modules:
(a) Primary Sight Unit with therm al FUR . day TV and an 'eyesafe' carbon
dioxide (CO,) laser rangefinder for passive targ et acquisiti on
(b) Sight Electronics Unit
(c) Laser Electronics Unit
(d) Power Converter Unit.
The assembly is suitable for use against both fixed and rotary-wing
threats . with a secondary role against ground targets.
Texas Instruments Lightweight Modular Thermal (e) remote fi re control CRT display connection for day TV and therm al
Sight (LWMS) (f) electronics unit for projecting system informationldisplay status throug h
the eyepiece
Devefopment/Description (g) mechanical or electrical head mirror drive.
The Lightweight Modular Thermal Sight (LWMS) system has been designed
for installation on the LAV , Arrowpointe 90 mm , M47 MBT and M48 MBT SPECfFf CATIONS
turrets wilhout any modification work. WEIGHT 22.7 kg
ft will fit into the space previously occupied by th e M32/M36 periscope DIMEN SIONS 567 x 238 x 333 mm
sights and features three fields-of-view - extra wide, wide and narrow - ELEVATION -20° to +60"
with a monocu lar eyepiece for the day and thermal vision channels. Stadia MAGNIFICATION
and ballistic graticule are also provi ded . day channels x tand x 8
If required . the LWMS can be integrated with the following equipment :
(a) full firing solu tion digital computer with disturbed graticule and built-in Status: Production as req uired .
test facility
(b) laser rangefinder module such as the GEC Ferranti Defence System s Manufacturer: Enquiries to: Texas Instruments Incorporated . Electronic
Type 520 Nd-YAG t .064 pm wavelength unit Systems Division . Business Development Manager. 2501 W University .
(c) chemical warfare directional detector MS 8046 McKinney, Texas 75070. USA.
(d) TOW optical tracker Telephone: (214) 952 2000 Cable: TEXINS
The CVTIS is designed to be adaptable to a wide variety of light armoured (b) two fields -of-view visible channel which combines the direct view visible
vehicles. MBTs and gun systems. It is M36 sight mount compatible. optional laser rangefinder and RS -t70 video format day TV in a single
Its modularity provides two Forward Looking Infra-Red (FUR) options, aperture
four line-of-Sight (LOS) director options : a separate head mirror. th ermal (c) optional day TV
imaging system. visible display and laser rangefinder modules. (d) stabilised or unstabilised head mirror option which fit s through a standard
The sight system comprises the following subassembl ies : M36 turret opening
(a) two fields -of-view standard RS-170 video form at thermal sensor with re- (e) optional laser rangefinder module
imaging afocal optics , servo controlled scan and thermal references. (f) optional full solution fire control.
The system is DC restored with automatic gain/level. A cryogenic li near
cooler keeps the detector at its low operating temperature
Development/Description By early t 993 it is believed that successful trials of this system had been
Early in 1993 il was disclosed that the Commonwealth of Independent carried out but another two years were needed to complete development.
States was developing an active defence system for installation on MBTs The Commonwealth of Independent States is now seeking partners or
such as the T-72 and T-80 which increases their survivability against Anti- funding to enable development work on thi s system to be completed .
Tank Gu ided Weapons (ATGW) such as the NATO TOW, HOT, MILAN In recent years the Commonwealth of Independent States has been
and Hellfire as well as manportable weapon s such as the Swedish AT4 . placing increased emphasis on improving th e battlefield survivability of its
The system, which as yet has no designation , can be filled onto MBTs MBTs including the installation of smoke dischargers to cover the frontal
while they are being built or backfilled after they have entered service, is arc and the installation of explosive armour (E RA) which protects against
fully automatic and provides a high degree of protection through the lrontal ATGW and tank rounds fitted with a High Explosive Anti -Tank (HEAT)
180 degree arc of an MBT which typically is the most vulnerable part . warh ead.
Mounted on the roof of the MBT is a radar system which is constantly The new active defence system is just one in a number of systems
scanning for approaching ATGWs . When these threaten th e MBT the developed over the last 15 years by Ru ssia with the earl iest system being
system automatically activates the active delence system which has a Drozd (Thrush) which was installed on upgraded T -55AD MBTs. Details of
reaction time of typically around 0.05 seconds with the complete system , Drozd (Thrush ) are given in the Armoured Fighting Vehicle Protection,
including the electronics and anti-ATGW elements, weighing between 800 Smoke Dischargers, Grenades and Decoys section.
and 1000 kg .
The active defence system is located around the tank turret and fires a Status : Development. Not yet in production or service.
small projectile which explodes in front of the incoming ATGW, therefore,
neutralising the ATGW before it impacts the MBT. Manufacturer: Former Soviet state factories
dimensions 280 x 350 x 350 mm
weight not more than 30 kg
dimensions 280 x 350 x 120 mm
weight not more than 15 kg
dimensions 100 x 70 x 50 mm
weight not more than 0.30 kg
The Camille AFV Fire Conlrol Radar has been developed by the Radars
and Countermeasures Division of Thomson -CSF lor use in the acquisition
01 very short range tank or helicopter targets under adverse weather
conditions. The detection of Ihe targ et is then used to cue either the main
armament 01 the tank or an anti-lank missile guidance system .
The sensor unit. which weighs approximately 30 kg. is mounted on the
roof on the MBT and covers 120" in azimuth and 30" in elevation . The radar
uses millimetre wave technology derived from other programmes that
Thomson-CSF have been involved in such as the Romeo obstacle warning
radar and the terminally guided MLRS Phase 3 submunition .
Status: Development.
Artlst 's impression of MBT (right) and 6 x 6 APC (left) fitted with
Thomson-CSF Camille fire-control radar system
During the 1991 Middle East conflict. a number of Iraqi T-72Ml MBT's of
the Republican Guard Division's were observed to be fitted with a rool -
mounted electro-optical jammer. or 'Dazzler' as it is also referred to by the
Allies. This was first observed on a T-72Ml MBT during a defence equipment
exhibition held in Baghdad in 1989.
This device was mounted on a small platform on the left side of the turret
roof adjacent to the gunner's hatch cover and pointed to the front of the
vehicle. The exact origins of Ihe device are not clear. although it cou ld be
Reports indicate that it was effective in decoying away some types of
wire guided anti -tank guided weapon.
Some Iraqi T-72Ml MBT's were also fitted wifh a roof-mounted laser
warning system which may have been of Polish origin as Poland supplied a
number of the Iraqi T-72Ml MBT's from their production facilities.
Developmen t/Descri ption Each active armour module has a combined passive-active sensor
As a private venture , Ferranti International is marketing a range of Vehicle system and a warhead and can delect, confirm and engage an incoming
Support Systems (VSS) to enchance the operational effectiveness and missile or rocket.
battlefield survivability of AFV·s. (2) Acoustic arrays would also typically be mounted on the front of the AFV
By early 1993 a total of seven key SUb-sys tems had been developed to and permit Ihe detection, classification and tracking of air and ground
the lechnology demonstrator phase : threats in a passive non-line of sight manner.
(1) Active armour (as distinct from the older explosive reactive armour. or (3) With considerable experience in th e design , development and production
ERA) would fit over an AFVs vulnerable arc and protect it from Anti - of stablilised helicopter sights, Ferranti would use thi s technology to
Tank Guided Weapons (ATGW) by engaging them before th ey hit the provide various roof-mounted sights . Options would include laser
vehicle . Optimised warhead detonation ensures damage to all section s designators , laser protection and image intensification channels
of an incoming ATGW and would defeat tandem as well as si ngle· (4) A covert laser communication system called Acquire can be Installed to
charge warheads. The active armour would be about a quarter of the provide voice and data transmission for use in periods of RF silence ,
weight of ERA . Jamming or detection . This is applicable to ground-to-ground, ground-
to-aircraft and alrcraft-to-aircraft scenarios and can be con figured to the
desired power levels and field-of-view .
(5) The Deceptor. an anti-tank guided missile cou nterme asure device , is a
low cost optional cou nterm easu re that can defeat optically tracked
ATGWs operating In the near infra-red waveband . It can counter
simu ltaneous threats approaching over a selected arc coverag e, typically
60 degrees
Deceptor would ground the missile before it strikes the AFV, disrupting
the missile engagement by causing erroneou s trajectory comman ds to
be accepted.
The systems modular design allows multiple units to be combined for
greater coverage. Operating on a regulated 28 V supply, Deceptor
comprises an external unit located with an unobscured field -of-view of
regard over the required arc of prolection while th e power supply is
localed inside the vehicle.
(6) AWARE covers a range 01 radar warning or fully Electronic Support
Measures (ESM) syslems capable of providing identification and source
bearing lor threat radars fo r warn ing or countermeasure initiation.
(7) Finally , SATCOMMS (Satellite Communication s) can be fitted to allow
sa tellite communications while traversing rough terrain by combining a
low profile antenna with a gyrostabilised positioning system .
Lotus Engineering Active Suspension System powerful microprocessor controlled hydraulic actuators. This system moves
the wheels to respond to and to control body and road inputs into the
suspension . The ride quality and handling performance are therefore under
Developmentl Description full computer control and give a significant increa se in cross·country mobility .
Early in 1993, Lotus Engineering disclosed th at it had been awarded a Before th e US award , Lotus Engineering, under contract to the UK MoD
contract to install its active suspension system on a single example of a Defence Research Agency, had installed its active suspension system on a
Ml026 Armament Carner, Armored , version of the High Mobility Multi· British Scorpion Combat Vehicle Reconnaissance (Tracked) light track
purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV). armoured vehicle . T his is now further being improved with the addition of
The contract to Lotus Engineering was made through Teledyne an active track tensioning system under another contract from the Defence
Conti nental Motors of th e USA by US Army Tank Automotive Command . Re search Agency. Lotu s Engineering has built in excess of 50 active
AM General has already delivered over tOO 000 of the HMMWV to th e suspension prototype vehicles, including systems for th e Formula One cars
US armed forces and to a number of export customers. of Team Lotus .
This contract was awarded following a competition and the M 1026
HMMWV was delivered to Lotus Engineering early in 1993. Following the Status : Development.
installation of the suspension system , it will be shipped to the USA for
extensive trials at T ACOM facilities late in 1993. Manufacturer: Lotus Engineering , Hethel , NorwiCh , Norfolk NR 14 8EZ , UK,
The HMMWV's conventional springs and dampers will be replaced by Telephone : (0953) 608000 Fax: (0953) 608300
Inframetrics Infra-Red Imaging System (IRIS) Manufacturer: Inframetrics Inc , 16 Esquire Road, Nor! Billerica, MA 01862 ,
Telephone : (508) 670 5555 Telex : 710 326 0659 Fa x: (508) 667 1046
The IRIS (Infra·Red Imaging System) is a self·contained multi-mission
night observation system for surveillance, aiming and sigh ting in manportable
and vehicte roles .
It features a four element CMT detector which covers the 7.5 to 12
micron range and a closed cycl e Stirling engine cooling system . The
scanner is of the dual galvos serial scan type with a frame rate of 25/50 Hz
and a line rate of 7866 Hz , The picture is displayed on a 1 inch (2.54 cm)
cathode ray tube display.
These, together with the binocular magnifier and other electronics are in
a compact housing . The system can operate from either 'C' lithium cells
which provide three hours working life or from an external rechargable
battery for up to 12 hours. In addition , it may also be used directly from a
vehicle battery .
DI MENSIONS 20 .32 x 13.97 x 25.4 cm
WEIGHT 6.8 kg
FIELD-OF· VIEW 3.0 V x 4.00 H, 1.5' V x 2.0 H (with
2:1 electro·optic zoom)
Status : In production . In service with Swiss Arm y 105 mm gun for fire
correction and in service with the US Army on unmanned ground vehicles, Inframetrics Portable Infra·Red Observation System (IRIS)
Alphabetical Index
762 mm TKB-0149 one-man machIne gun turret ....... 296 Alean Plate alumtnlum armour .. . .. _...... ,77 Barcom ANV 90 mtegrated vehIcle na\llgatlon system 425
12.7 mOl CIBI 50 turret •.•.. . . ... 309 Alenla C2 15 gunners ar1lculated telescopIc sight ... 493 Barr & Stroud LF 19 laser rangeflndel 466
20 mOl fixed ammumtlon ..... 153 Alenla GAQ-4 anll·altcralt system laser rangefinder ... 460 Barr & Stroud Automatic muzzle reference system . 5 15
20 mOl VCTP turret . ......" ..... ,...... 291 Alenra MTl-8 modular laser rangeltnder . ..... ,.... 460 Barr & Stroud computerised thermal and optical fire-
25 mm ammunItion (USA ) ...... . .....,.,.. ,. 155 Alenlil P 170L and P240L clay/rllght gunner's laser control eqUipment ............ ,. ' ......... ,.......... . ....... 405
25 mm M919 APFSDS·T ammunition ............... 155 periscopes ..... .. .. 494 Barr & Stroud HOTI 2000 compact thermal Imaging
30 mm 2A38M cannon . . ........... _... ,... ,.... 6 Alenla P 186 gunners telescopIc sigh t . 493 system .. .................. _...... 515
30 mm 2A42 cannon ..._...... .. ... 5 Alenta P' 92 night driVing perIscope .. 441 Barr & Stroud thermal observauon and gunnery sighl 51 3
30 mOl 2A 72 automat ic cannon ...... _....... 6 Alenla P204 daY/ night gunners periscope ..... 493 Barr & Stroud IR26 Thermal ImagIng Sensor Head
30 mOl GAU-8/A ammunItion . 156 Alenia P223 vehIcle commander's nIght VISIon (TISHI 514
30 mOl M86 cannon ._.... . ... 47 penscope ... 495 Barr & Stroud tank laser Sight ....... 514
30 mm M89 cannon ... 47 Alenta P2651l passrve night VISIon elbow 495 Ba rrelros ammunition . 121
30 mOl RARDEN ammUnitIon .. . 139 Alenla V 200 VISIon block 495 BaudoUin 6-cylmder dIesel engines 222
73 mOl 2A28 gun .... _.. .. 5 Alliant Techsvstems 24 V electric dnve system lor BelgIum
76 mm OTO Melara ammunition .................... .... 108 lightweIgh t observa tIon cupolas 375 AFV 'Ire control systems 376
100 mm 0 · 10 senes guns ..... ,... .... ,.• ' 4 Alltant Techsys tems '1 20 mOl KE·T round 160 AFV turrets and cupolas 293
105 mm ammuMlon for Ml01, Ml02 and Ml 19 Alliallt Techsvsl ems 120 mm Smart Target Activated ammunitIon 70
towed hO.....llfzers and M52 and M 108 self-propelled Flfe-and-Forget (STA FF) 120 mm tank round coaXial machIne guns ..................... 48
howitzers ..... ...,... _..................... ,._._.,.... . .... 152 XM943 _.... 141 day anti nIght SIghting systems ........... .. ... 472
105 mm EX 35 low recoi l gun .. 42 Alllant Techsystems advanced armour systems .. _. 181 driver day and mght VIsion systems 436
105 mOl FRT l 44 01504 Tvpe CN 10 5 F 1 gun . ..... ..... 1 Alltant Techsvstems Automatic Flte-Contfol System weapons of 20 mm and upward ....... _ . 1
105 mOl FRT lS1 ta nk gun ...... _................. .... I IAFCSI .... . 407 Bendltc Artillery POinting System lAPS) 430
105 mOl high explosIve IOcket·asslsted proleCtl le Alliant Techsystems Itght lurret 24 V electncal dnve BendIX Stabilisation Reference Package/ Position
M913 ....... . ...... 153 system 375 Delermlning System (SRP/ POS ) ................................. 429
105 mOl TAM tan k turret ... 291 Alliant Techsys tem s IIglHwe,ght 30 111m ammunition .. , 154 BernardInI M4 I repowe l package ...... ... 220
105 mm Te canIster rmlnd .. .. . 69 A ll ian l Tecl1systerns MBT turret 24 V electrical drive Bharat Electronics tank flre-control system Mit 1 A . 39 1
105 TGG turret 296 sys tem ............... . .. 375 Bhara l ElectroniCs tank flre-control system Mk 1B ...... 392
105 TMl turret ... ,............. .. .. ...... 297 AllledSlgnal Gyrocompass NaVIgation System (GNS) 430 Blalt Iracks ..... __ ....... _ 273
115 mm tank gun barrel _.. 6 AlhedSlgnal multIple rocket launcher system Poslllon 81azer au defence turrets . 352
115 mm U·5TS 12A201 gun .. 4 NaVigation UOit (PNU) . 43 1 Blazer explOSive reactive armour 173
120 mOl com pac t tank gun (slllooth-bore) ... 28 AlhedSlgnal Ring l aser Gyro Land Na\llgatlon System Blohm + Voss armour systems _. . 171
120 mOl Rhelnlnetall smooth·bore gun ... .. 15 IRlNSI .... 431 Bodenseewerk FNA 615 vehicle navigation system .... 417
125 mOl O·81TM (2A46) smootl,·bore gun .......... " 3 Alli son Tran smiSSion ,.. .. 266 Boden seewerk GPA 2000 gun posllIOning ami laying
140 Illm Advanced Tan k CaMon (ATAC) system ....... . 41 Alli son Tran smISSion X-200-4 transmiSSion ... 267 system ...... ...... 4 16
140 mOl tank g un .. 28 Allison Tran smission X· 1 10Q.3B aut.omatlC Bolors 40 mm 40/70B gun 27
155 mm ammunition for M 1 14 and M 198 towed transmiSSIon 268 Bolors 71 mm combat vehIcle IlluminatIng system ... 196
hOWitzers and M44 and M 1 09 series 01 self·propelled AlVIS 30 mm turret 340 Bolors ammUnition ..•. 125
howitzers . 150 AlVIS 76 mm turret . 3 39 Bofors combat vehicle 90 turret 335
155 mOl expendable Jammer XM867 AO/EXJAM ,.. 151 AlVIS 90 mm IUrret . 339 Bofors RBS56 BIll ..... 59
175 mm ammuOItlon for M 107 se ll-propelled gun 143 AlVIS Scorpion repower package . 242
203 mm (8 In) ammunition for M 115 towed hOWItzer Amencan ammunition development 140 AFV engines, transmlssJOns and powerpacks 220
and M55 and MIlO series of self-propelled A rrlfTlUnitlon for 40 mm M I LAAG ilnd 40 mill M42 AFV turrets and cupolas ......... ............ " .... . 295
howi tzers . . 142 SPAAG .............. . .. 156 ammumt lon .......... ,...... _... .. ... 74
Ammumt lon for 76 Illm gun M32 on M4 1 tan k 156 Breda 25 mm low-profIle T25 turret ... 328
Ammunl\lon for 90 mm gun on M4 7 and M48 tanks Breda 40 mm 40l70N Fast Forty gun .... 24
A and M56 SPATG ... 157 Breda lIght turrets ... 330
Ammunition for 105 mOl gun on M60. M60A I. Bntish Aerosl)ace Defence SWlngfire ...... 60
AAI 25 mOl MlnOI Calibre Weapons Station .. ... 352 M60A3. M48A5 and M I tanks 157 BritIsh AFV armour upgrades 101 Middle East ... 177
AAI ammUnition ..... 143 Arnmunllion lor 120 mm M256 gun fmed In MIA 1/ Bntlsh Steel armour 178
AAI Roller Chain Band track ........ 276 M lA2 lank 158 BrunSWIck Delense automallc rammer .... 68
ACTtS Advanced Compact Thermal Imaging System .. 503 Ammunition lor 152 mm gun m M551 Shendan light Brunswlck mulH·satvo smoke grenade launcher 200
AFAP Artlliery Fi red AtomiC Projectiles .... 140 tank .......... 16 1 Buck sell·protectlon sys tem 190
A F Budge (Sa tes) retrofi t pa ckages ."" ..... " ... ,," ....... " .... 244 Anti-tank gun fire-control system . Yugoslav 410 Bulgflfla
AFEDSS Automatic Fire and ExplOSion Detec ti on and Atgentlna ammUnition ... 74
Suppression System ,........................................ , ....... 213 AFV turrets and cupolas ....... 291
AFES Au tomatiC FIre Extlllgwshlng Systems .. ..... ..... 218 ammunrtlon 69
AFS-4 AFV gun·lavlllg and hre-control system .... _......... 391 smoke dIschargers. grenades and decoys . 186 c
AFV drivers nIght VISion eqUipment .. 437 weapons 01 20 mm and upward . 1
AGS Armoured Gun Sysl'em gunners pnmary Sight 528 AstronautIcs FCS-l 0 tank Ilre-con{rol system 39 3 C25 25 mill turret ... 2 94
AGT 15009as turbine . . 257 Astronautics FCS·20 tank flre-control system 393 C215 gunner's articulated telescopIc SIght 493
AIL radar warmng receiver , .... . .. ...... .. .... .............. 211 Astronautics FCS·30 tal,k rm~-conlrol system . 393 CAt armoured vehicle opti ca l systems 525
ALCOA Composites M 1 13 modlJlar up-armour kit 18 1 A stronautics FCS·40 tan k Itre-control system 394 CAPRE 20 mill turret .......... . 304
AMCORAM Ltd APS·3 .. 492 Astronautics FCS-50 lank fire-control system 394 CAV Composite ArmOred VelHcle 181
AMCORAM Ltd WP-7 under armour overhead weapon AstronautIcs FCS·61 tank fife-control system 394 CB30 30 mOl turret 294
post 325 AstronautIcs FCS-20 10 tank flre-control system . 393 CB 60 HB shteld gun racer for 60 mill mortar 302
AMCORAM lWS-2 laser warning system ..... ...... ... 204 AstronautIcs tank's dnver control and display ... ... 440 CB 127 VE shield gun racer fOI 12 7 mm machIne
AML upgrade kit ... . ..... ,.. 223 Athos thermal Imagmg system 481 gun 30 7
AMX-30E MBT commaflders and gunner's optical Atlas Elect ronlk OMT 90 dual mode Hacker .... 484 CB shield gun racer 101 7.62 mm machine gun ... 3 11
eqUipment 509 Alias Elektronrk FLP·l0/EMES 18 Tank Fire-Conlrol CCEMl Cannon-Callbre Electromagnetic launcher 42
AMX-30E MBT dnvers periscopes .......................... 446 System (TFCS) 389 CO-850 tranSmlSSlon production 242
AN/PVS-5A night VISion gogoles . 444 Atlas Elektronlk FLT·2/ EMES 15 Tank Flfe·Conltol CE619 laser rangeflndel 458
AN/PVS-5C Model 9876C ntght VISion goggles .... ....... 454 System (TFCS) ..... . 388 CE624 laser rangel lndel 458
AN/PVS-7B (improved) Gen 111 passive night Vision Atlas Elektronlk Integrated Operating and Dlsplav CE 10 elect ftC turret drive system 362
goggles ............. ,............ _. .. 450 System - IBAS . 390 CE 15 electric turret dnve system ... 363
AN / PVS-7B Model 1500 nIght VISIon goggles . 454 Atlas Elektronlk MOLF ModularTank Laser Flre-control CE 24 eleclflc turret dnve system . 363
AN/VAS-3 dnver's thermal viewer ........ _........ _. .. 450 system ...... .... 389 CE 40 electriC turret drive system . 3 63
AN/VSG-2 Tank Thermal Sight (TIS) . 542 Atlas Elekt ronlk vehicle Integrated Command and CE IE C GM.Q9 tank hre-control system 38 2
AN/WG-2 commander's Integrated lasel rangeflnder 470 Informauon System - IFIS .. 390 CEIEC Type 82 tank laser rangellnder 456
AN/VVS-2 passive dnver's nigh t VISIon viewer ... 448 Austraha CElTICS Commander's Extended link Therm;Jllmagtng
AN/WS-50 1 paSSIve night driVIng viewer .. . ., ... 449 amm unItIon 69 Combat Sighl ..... _.... 489
ANV 90 tn tegrated veh icle novigotion sVs l ern ... 425 Au stral ian Defence Industnes Ltd amllllmi lion . .. 69 CE RACHOC ceram Ic armour systems 169
APX M504 Gunner's optica l Sight and range ll neler .,..... 473 Austri a CF 570 CCD video camera for armoured vehIcles 480
APX M550/ TCVSO laser ra ngeflnder ... .. .......... 456 AFV l ire contr ol systems 376 CHAPS Chamberlain Armor Protection Sys tems IS I
ARMOX armour . ............ 176 AFV turrets and cupola s . 292 CILAS APX M550/TCV80 laser rangehndel 456
ARMSCOR ammunitIon ..... .. .. 117 au tomatic loaders and IIlck rammers 65 CILAS TCV107 laser rangeflnder 456
ARMSCOR vehicle smoke concealment system . . ... 196 coaXial machine guns 48 CILAS TCV90 1 laser rangehnder .. ..... . 4 56
AAVERNE IAPX M539) magnetic headIng IndIcator fire detectIon and suppreSSion _. 213 CILAS TMS301 Eyesafe laser rangeftnder 457
system . ... 4 12 Avenger laser rangehnder 47 1 CITA 20 navIgator and merttal goniometer 41 4
AS90 powerpack . . ................. .. ... 243 AVlmo l aser WarnIng DeVIce LWO 21 207 Cl-3030 Instantaneous self'screening system 101
AT-2 Swatter .. .... .... ........ 54 Avirno NV40 gunner's passive I11g11t VISion IJeflScope 51 I combat veh icles . 194
AT-3 Sagger ... ,_ ..... . ...... 53 Avimo NV(L} 3001 day/rllghllase l rangeflnder sighl ClGP Ca nnOn·Launched GUIded PrOjectile 144
AT.4Splgot .......... . ........ 53 lamlly . 51 2 CN2-500 passIve dnvlng penscope senes 437
AT-5 Spandrel .. ............. 52 AVlmo NV 46 commander s passive night vI~ on COLDS Common Opto-elec tronlc Laser Detec tion
AT-6 SpIral ..... .. .... 52 penscope . 51 2 System _ 204
AT·S Songster 51 AVlmo Tl1 Q-T artIculated telescope laser rangetmder 466 COMVAT Combat VehIcle Armament Technolog y 44
AT·l0 Stabber ... . 50 AVioniCS Land Navlgauon Sys tem (lNS) . 428 CP 127 A P'VOt gun racer ..... 313
AT·ll Snlpel .. . 50 AZimuth PositIon and Elevallon SYStP.1l1 (APES) 427 CPMIEC RAp·130 .,,01
rocket·asslsted prOjec tile 81
ATAC 140 mm Advanced Ta nk C"nnon system . .... 4 1 CSE 90 mm turret 293
ATATS Automatic Target ACqUISition and Tracking CSEE Defense EIAEl mfra-red counlermeasures
System . 382 8 system 20 3
ATGW decoy system (Iraqi) .. 546 CSEE·Oefense electnc gun and lurret dnves . 364
ATLAS famllv advanced tan k laser 'Ire control BAT-30 com puterised lire-control system 397 CT-30 thermal fife con trol system 482
systems . .. 376 BIG2 commander s nigh t VISion goggles 510 CVTTS Comba t Vehicle Thermal Targeting Svstem . 543
ATREOST tank flre-control system ........ ,...... . ... 399 BM8025 night all11lng and observation system 484 Cadillac Gage Textron 20 mm turret 357
AV Technology Corporation One Man Armament BPD ammunItIon 106 Cadillac Gage Textron 20 m m 1 m turret 3 57
Turret . 351 BRAVIA ADV retrofl1 programs 241 CadIllac Gage Textron 25 Illm tu rret .. ,... 3 5 3
AV Technology CorporatIon two-man 90 mm turret .. 349 8TM family olllgl1t turrets ... 31 0 Cadillac Gage Textron 40 mm/ 12 7 mm Upgunned
Advanced Integrated PropulSIon System ........ .......... 256 Baird AN/VVS-2 and NDS·2 passIve dllver S nIght Weapon s StatIon (UWS ) ... 350
Advanced Irack for heavy weight class vel1icles. .. 277 VISion vIewer 448 CadUlac Gage Textron 76 mm turret . .. 349
AeroJet 30 Innl amrnwlltion . 156 Ba ird AN/WS·50 1 passIve night driVing viewer 448 Caclillac Gage Textron 90 rnm turret ...... 348
Air-Log ltd running gear system s ." 282 Ba ird GP/NVG-l night VISion goggles 4 49 CadIllac Gage Textron 105 mm low recolilorce lurret 347
Cad illac Gage Textron In-arln suspension systems. 288 Diet' 1 76 mm vehicle frug men tatlon grenade .......... _...... 19 1
Cadillac Gage Textron LAV- l05 mm weapon system . 3 4 7 D,ehl 120 mm mortar system . .............. 16
Cadillac Gage Textron mach ine gun turret .... 358 Diehl ammunition programme . .............. 94 FC S- I O tank fire-control sys rem ............ ................. 393
Cadilla c Gage Textron turrel power con trol sys'tem s ..... 3 73 Diehl RemscheId armou r systems ............... 172 FCS-2 0 tank fire--control system . 393
Cadi llac Gage Textron t Win/ combin ation machine gun Diehl track system . .. 270 FCS-30 tank fire-contrOl sys tem . .......... 393
( 1 In) turret 358 Directional Gyro Ind icator (DGI) . .............. 424 FCS-40 tank f ire-contro l system .. _..................... 394
Cadillac Gage Textron weapon/w i re! stabilisation Drozd lTlulI sh) dynamiC defenc e system ... _... _.............. 186 FCS·50 tSI,k fire--control system .. _... 394
systems 37 4 Dunlop suspension systems 284 FCS-6 1 tank fire--control system .. 394
Ca m ille fire con l rol rada r 54 6 FCS-20 1 0 tank firfr-Con trol system . .. . 393
Canada FFG M4 1 tepower package . 227
AFV fire control systems. 3 79 FFG M 113 APC modernisation .................................. 228
AFV iwrets and c lJpolas . 295 E FIN 115 5 land navig ation and altitude reference
ammunition . 76 system ......................... 4 25
land naVigation systems 412 E4A 1 two-man low -pro f tie turret . .. ....... 315 FIN 5500 land navigation and attitude referen ce
Cannon , 105 mrn M68 41 E6-11·25 gun mo w,t . . .. ........ .................... ... 3 16 system ....... 426
Cannon ammunition (CIS) 84 E6·ItA 1 gun mount ............................ 3 16 FLP- l O/EMES 18 Tan k Fire·Control System (TFCS) .. 389
Castor thermal Imaging system fo r armoured vehicles 483 E23 one-man turret . .. 314 FLT-2 / EMES 15 Tank Fire·Con trol System (TFCS ) 388
CilIlan tracks 275 ESO ammunitIon ... _. 101 FMC 12 .7 mm machtne gun turre t ..... 359
Centaur tank weapon control system ...... 405 EFS explOSion suppression systetl1 . . ............... 213 FMC 25 mm Autocannon turret .. .... 356
Centurion lank commander' s cupola ... 324 EFS M4 1 diesel repower package ......... 221 FM C 25 mm electric drive turret .. .. ... 356
Chamberlain Arm or Protection Systems (CHAPS) . 181 EFSC-3 tank flr e--control system .... 40 1 FM C 25 mm Enclosed Weapon Sta tion ..... 355
Chamberlain Manufacturing Corpora tion ammunilion . 148 E-GLE laser rangeflnder kit .... ... 469 FMC 25 mm two-man lurret . ........... 355
Chartered Industnes of Singapore Advanced Com pact EGTD Block III demonstration Electric Gun and Turre t FMC 40 mm/ 12.7 111m Enclosed Weapon Station . .. 351
Thermallrnaging System (ACTIS ) .. . .... 503 Drive .... .. . 365 FMC Cannon-Calibre Electromagnetic Laun cher
Chieftain No 17 Ma rk 2 AFV cupola ......... .. .. 342 EIREL IIlfra-red countermeasures sys tem . . .. . 203 (CCEML) . ........... .... ...... .. .... ... ............... 42
China North Industr !es Co rpora tion amm unition ... 77 EL-OP BAT-30 computeri sed fire-conlrol sys tem . 397 FMC El ectromag netic Focused Technology
Ch!l1a. People's Republic of EL·OP Day/ Night Rm'ge Sight (DNR S) ...... 490 Demonstra tor (EMFTD ) . . ................... 40
AFV engines. transmiSSions and powerpacks 220 EL-OP High Repetition Laser Rangefinder (HRLR) and FMC El ectrothermal-Clleml cal (ETC) gun propul Sion
AFV fire cont rol systems 382 High Repetition Laser Rangefinder-Eye Sa le system ................................. 37
am mUnition .... ..... 77 (H RLR-ES) . . ... 459 FMC pul sed power development ... . 39
coaxial machine gun s ... 48 EL-OP min i-laser tank range fill der .. .. 459 FM C track shoes 276
day and n ight sight ing system s 472 EL-QP MSZ-2 gun ner'S day/night periscope .... _............. 490 FMC/US Army 9·MJ Electrothermal skid gun module .... 38
driver day and night VISion systems . . 436 EL-OP No 5 157 second-generation night viSion FM C/ US Army Laboratory Electrothermal-Chemical
ta ser rangetlnders 456 goggles . .... 440 gun development . 38
veh lcle-mounted anti-tank guided weapons ..... 50 EL-OP No 6 139 compact driver's night viewe r 441 FMS Co rporation AFV upgrades ............... 26 5
Chlnp.se-Un lted States coll aboration .. ...... 77 EL-OP passive night vIsion elbow te lesco pe ._ 491 FN 7 .62 mill GPMG .. . ..... ... .............................. _........ 49
Cocken ll 90 mm gun system ._. 1 EL-QP Red Tiger tan k lire-con trol system ....................... 397 FN 12.7 mm M2. HB (OCB) machine gun ........ _........ 49
Cockenll C25 25 mm IUrret . ..................... 294 EL-OP tank laser rangettnder .... ........... 459 FNA 50 veh icle navigatIon system ... ... ........ ...... ......... 419
Cockenll CB30 30 mm t urret 294 EMDG TRIGAT Programme ... .. .. . 57 FNA 55 vehicle navigation system . . ........ 419
Cockenll CSE 90 mm turret 293 EMFTD Electromagnetic Focused Technology FNA 615 vehicle navigation syst em ..... 417
Coll ins MISSion Planning Station for Trooper-'" Demonstrator ........... _.......... . 40 FOA 25 FaA 50 veh icle orientation syste ms .... 420
handheld/ vehicu lar GPS receiver .. ... 429 ENOSA AMX-30E MBT commander' s and gunner's FOREX SA ammunit ion 124
Collins Trooper n .. handheld/ vehicular GPS op tical eQlllpment ....... 509 FSC-530 fire--con l tol system for recoiless guns . 376
receiver 429 EN OSA AMX-30E MBT driver's penscopes ... .... 446 FV600 upgrades .. .. .. .. ........... .......... 245
Combat Vehicle Armament Technology (CO MVAT) . 44 ENOSA imp roved Mk 7 La ser Tank F,re-Control System FVC 102 lightweight cupola . ..... 344
Combat Vehicle Command an d Cont rol (CVC') ............ 392 (LTFCS) (0' M48A5E MBT ..... ...... ..... 403 FVH 300 high angle 7.62 mrn or 12.7 mm m achm e
Combat ve hicle su spension tec hnol ogy (USA ) .... 287 ENOSA PCN nIg ht driVing pen scope ser ies ..... 446 gun hatch. . . .... ................... _.......... . .. 345
Commonwealth of Independent States ENOSA PP·O l aiming penscope ........... .. ... 508 FWM gun con trol and stabilisation system s . .. 365
addenda ............................. _. .......... 545 ENOSA PP-02. obse rvation and allnfllg pe ri scope ......... 508 FaIrey Hydrauilcs auloloaders . . 67
AFV fire con trol system s. ............ ....... 383 ENOSA PP-03 aim ing pert scop e 508 Ferran' l International vehicle support systems ... 547
AFV turrets and cupolas . . . 296 EaTS Hughes Elect ro-Opuca! Tracki ng Sys tem ..... 529 Finland
am mumtion . . 81 ERBER 105 mm HE EM 20 carner round . 108 ammunition . 87
armour systems 166 ERFCDS Ex tended Rang e GlJnnery Fire-Control France
driver day and night viSion systemS ......... _........ 437 Demonstration System .. ........... 407 addenda ................................... 546
land navIgation systems .. ... 412 ESD genen c brushless low vo ltage gun con trol AFV engtnes. transmiSSions and pow erpa cks . ... 222
smoke dischargers. grenades and decoys .. 186 equipmen t . . .. 367 AFV fire control systems ... .. ......... . ..... 385
veh lcle--mounted anlHank guided weapons . . 50 ESD High Integra ti on Tec hnology Tank Fire-Con trol AFV turrets and cupolas .' .......... 296
wea pons of 20 mm and upward .3 Sys tem (H ln-FCS) . ... 402 amm unition . .... .............. ..... 88
Cornpanhia Bras lleira de Cartuchos (CSC ) ammuMion 74 ESD M 41 gun co ntrol system . . 368 armour system s ...... ... .. ................ _... _. ........ _........ 168
Composite Armored Vehicle (CAV) ... 181 ESD Main Battl e Tank (MBT) gun con trol system .. ....... 368 automati c loaders and fli ck rammers . . .. 65
Composite develo pmen ts (USA) 182 ESTER 10 laser rangefinder for AFVs . ...................... 457 coaXIal machine guns ..... _48
Computing DeVices Canada Autom atic Target EXPAL ammumtion .. .... 122 day and night sighting systems ... 473
Acquisition and Trackmg System (ATATS) . . 382 Eagle Tx die sel engme ................. ..... 248 driver day and night VISion system s 43 7
Compu ting DeVices Ca nada commande r's display Egypt land naVigation systems . .......... 412
panel .... _....... ............ ._....................... 4 12 ammumtlon .... ......................... 84 laser detectors . .. ............................... 203
Computing DeV ices Canada improved computer arm Ollr systems .. ........ . ... 16 7 lase r rangefinders ... ........ _.... 456
control panel ........ . .... . ......... ........ " 380 smoke dischargers. grenades and decoys 187 smoke discha rgers . grenades and decoys 188
Compu ting DeVi ces Ca nad a M 1/ M 1A 1 ballistic weapon s o f 20 mm and upwa rd .......... 6 suspen sIons . . ....... .. 278
com pu ter system .. 379 Eland nlghl Slgh1 adaptor Type NA-10 . 505 weapon co ntrol and stabili satIon systems ... 362
Computing DeVi ces Canada M48 ballistiC compu tel Elblt 1 Inch bl-{)cular armoured vehic le di splay ..... 489 weapons of 20 mm and upwa rd .7
system .. ... ............................. ...... _. 381 Elblt all-electrr c turret/gun drive and sta bilisation Francis B Wilmott suspension com ponents ................... 285
Computing DeVices Canada M60A 3 modified fire system ..................................................... .. 366 Fraser-Vo!pe M 19A 1 driver's night periscope .. ... 4 50
control system ....................................................... 380 Elblt CELTI CS Commarlder's Extended Li n k Thermal Full-Solution Tank Fi re-Con trol System ............... _........ 408
Com pUling DeVices Canada MI SSion Management Imaging Combal Sigh l ............................. .. ............... 489
Computer Syslem .. ..... 381 Elblt electrically stabil ised weapon and turret drive
Computing DeVices Canada Vehicle Command and system ......... 366
Tactical Inform ation System (VCTIS ) .. . ... ........ 38 1 Elbit/ EL-OP Knigh t family of Advanced Tank fire G
Con dor commander' s day/night Sighting sy stem . ....... 523 Control Systems (ATFCS) ... . . .. .... 395
Con dor eIlese l eng Ill es ... . 249 Elbit/EL·OP Lansad ot fam ily of armoured vehicle f ire- GAUX com bat vehicle protectIon system. .... ............ 188
Creuso t-LOIre Indu stne armour plates . .. ..... ..... ..... .. 170 control systems 395 GAQ-4 anti-aircraft sys'lem laser range finder 460
Crew Bay explOSion . detection and su ppression Elblt/EL' OP M ata dor family of tank tire-co ntrol GBT 155 155mm gun turret . ........ ............... 338
system . .. .................. .. 2 14 systems ............ .. .... 396 GE Aerospace all-electrrc stabilised weapon control
Cummins AS90 powerpack . ... 243 Elblt/EL·OP lank flrtH;ontrol syst em s ....... ....... 394 systems ....................................... 374
Cummins diesel engi nes 257 Elec tronics & Space Corporation Ground·Launched GE Aerospace Armored Gun System (AGS) all-electric
Czech Republic and Slovakia Hellfire-Heavy (G LH·H ) turret ..... _............................. 36 1 stabi lised turret drive system ... . ..................... 375
A FV fire control systems . 384 ElectroniCS & Space Corpora tIon TOW Under Armour GE Aerospace/ Elbit Block III demonstratIon Elec triC
(TUA) turret . 359 Gun and Turret Drive (EGTD) ............... __ ......... . .. 365
Elo ptro Eland nlghl slghl adaptor Type NA·1Q . . .. 505 GE HMPT-500 transm iSSion .. 268
Eloptro in teg rat ecl day/night gunner's sightlllg sys tem GE HMPT- l 000 transmiSSion ................... 269
D GS-21S ....................... . ........ 504 GEC Avi OniCS AZimuth Position and Elevation System
Eloptro laser elbow Type LE-20 ...... ... 507 (APES) . 427
DANAOS Day And Night Artillery Observer System 478 El optro LA 20 la se r rangefmder .. . .. 465 GEC AVioniCS Land NaVigation System (LNS ) ....... 428
DARPA LAV-25 applique armour system 184 EloDtra LT-20 laser rangefi nder .............. 465 GEC Ferranti Defence Systems Type 4 53 laser warning
DEFTEC 105 mm HEAT-T round ........ _ 124 EfoptrO ND·15 I1Ight drivelscope . . .................. 445 receiver ........ . ... 209
DGFM 20 m m VCTP turret . 291 Eloptro ND·20 night driver's pen scope ......... .. 445 GEC Sensors Muilisensor platform ................................. 516
DGFM 76 mill grenade launching sys tem . ...... 186 Eloptro night elbow Type NE-20 .. 506 GEC Sensors SS 1OO/ SS 11 0 n ight Sights ............. 517
DGFM 105 mm TAM tank turret . ... 29 1 Elopt ro nigh t VISIon adaptor NA·20 ............. 506 GEC Sensors SS 120 commander's I1Ighl sIght ............ 51 7
DIVT 13 nlghl gunslght systom . .......... .. ........................ 48 2 Eloptro th ermal elbow TS·30 ........ 507 GEe Sensors SS 122 series armoured veh icle day/n ight
DMT 90 dua l mode tracker ..... ................... 484 Eloptro TV ca m era adaptor TE-20 ... .. ... .. .. ...... 505 slglHs .... . ...... 518
DNRS Day/ Night Range Sight 490. 527 Ellro CE6 19 laser rangefinder . 458 GEC Senso rs SS 130 pa ss ive night driving pe riscope ... . 447
DRAGAR 25 mm turret .......... 302 EIITo CE624 la ser rangefinder ...... _................... ...... .. .. 458 GEC Senso l s SS 14 1. SS 142 commanders night and
Daewoo Corporation arnmunltion . . 110 Eltro CE628 lase r rangefinder . 458 SS 162 commander's day V;Slon periscopes .... 5 18
Di'u mler Ferret repower package. .. 243 Eilro CE632 laser rangeflllder ... ................... ..... 458 GEC Sensors SS180 armoured vehicle day/ night
Oavld Brown P40 transmiSSion .... 252 Engine Bay lire detec tion and suppression system ... 215 sight .............. 519
DaVid Brown TN 37 transmiSSion 252 Encsson gunner's Integrated tank laser sl(l ht .. 510 GEC Sen sors SS500 senes armoured vehicle t hermal
DaVid Brown TN 54 transmission ............. 251 Eurometaal ammunit ion ... ... .... ....... ... . 1 10 sights . .................................................... 519
DaVid Brow n transmissions. new . 251 Euronl lssile HOT .. .................. 55 GEC Sensors Tank Therm al Sensor (TIS ) . . 516
Delco LAV-25 25 mm turret .......................................... 354 Eurom lsstl e HOT M ephl sto system . . ............. 322 GEC-Ferrantl FIN 1155 land navigation and attitude
Del co thermal sig ht for the LAV-25 . ...... 526 Euromtssile HOT UTM 800 turret ........................... .. ... 322 reference system ... 425
Denmark Eurom,ssi le MILAN .... 56 GEC·Ferranti FI N 5500 land naVig ation and attitude
AFV eng Illes. transmiSSions and powerpacks ....... 221 Euromissi le MILAN Compact Turret (MeT) . .. . ..... _.. ... 323 re ference system .... .. .. .. .. ........ .... 426
DetrOIt Diese l Corpora tion engines ........ _........... 260 Europa M e talli - LMI ammunition . .. ... 108 GEC·Ferranti Posi tio ning and AZimuth Determinlllg
Deutsche Aerospace AG Common Opto-electron lc ExplOSive reac tive arnlOll(, CIS ... _..... _..... . ... 166 System (PADS ) Mk 2 .................. 426
Laser Detec tion System (COLDS ) 204 Exploslvos Da Tralana SA ammun ition ... ............ .... .. 115 GEC-Ferrantl Type 520 laser rangeflnder ................ .. .... 467
GEC-Ferrantl Type 629 lightweight modular laser Haley & Weller vehicle grenade s .... 197 Israel Alrcral1 Industries Ni mrod .... ....._ 58
rangefinder ___ .. d....... ._ ...... 466 Hardhat ATGW decoy system ._ .. 21 1 Iraly
GEC-Marconl Dynamics Systems Tank Anti-Missile Helio AFV periscopes ... .... 520 AFV engmes. transl"fHssions and powerpacks _.......... 239
System (TAMS) ....... .. .................... ... 208 Helio buffered m ounts for 7.62 m m and 12.7 mm AFV fire control systems ........ _.................. 398
GITS GMHE Integrated TOW Sight .................... 527 m achine guns ........................ . .... 344 AFV turrets and cupola s ...... ......... 326
GKL FV600 Llpg rades .. .. . 245 Hello Chiefta in No 17 M ark 2 AFV cupola . . 342 ammunition ........................ 106
GK N light tll rre! .. ................................... .. .._ 343 Helio FVC 102 lightw eight cupola ..... 344 coaxia l machine guns . .... .................. .. .... 48
GLH-H Ground-Launched Hellfire-Heavy Turret ............. 3 6 1 Heho FVH 300 high angle 7.62 111m or 12.7 mm day and nig ht sighttng systems ...... __.... 493
GM-0 9 tank fire-control system ............... 382 m achine gun hatch ......... . ....... 345 driver day and night vision syslems .. .. ........... 441
GN 1 night vISion gogg les __ .. .._. 444 Helio HMO 848 lightweigh t. fighting vehicle. la ser rangeflnders ...................................................... 460
GNP 55 gunner's night vision periscope . .. .. 538 commander's cupola ..... 344 tracks ... 273
GP/ NVG·1 night vision goggles .................... _.. 449 Helio Mi rror Company l W D 21 Laser Warning weapons of 20 mm an d upward ............. 22
GPA 2000 gun pOSitioning and laying system ... .. .... 416 System ...... 20 7
GPG-20 20 mm synchroniser test devi ce .•_. .. . . 48 5 Hello multipurpose grenade discharger systems . ........ 199
GPS Eng ine™ turbo version ............ . 434 Hel io No 16 and No 26 lightweight cupol as 342 J
GPS gyrostabilised Gunner's Primary Sight . .. 526 HellO No 27 lightweigh t AFV cu pola ............... _._ .. 343
GPS·LOS Gunner's Primary Sig ht Line-of-Sight Hellopolls Company ammunition ..... .. ......... _...... 84 JANUS flr~on t rol system . 400
Subsyslem. M 1A2 _.......... _ 531 Hercules 120 mm X-ROD au tonomous tank round ....... 160 Japan
GPTIS Gunner's Pnmary Tank Therm al Sight ..... ...... 543 Hercules 155 mm Unicharge ........... 144 AFV fire control systems 401
GRL·76·10 76 mm tank close defence system . · ... 193 Hispano-Su iza H 60 senes of turrets .. 300 coaXial m achine guns . .... 48
GS·2 1 S integrated day/ni ght gunner's sighting Hispano-SUlza l ynx 90 turret ... .... . 299 tank am muniti on . . 109
systen1 ....................... .,................. 504 Hispano-Suiza Mang ouste 60 1T1111 / 12 7 1l1 tl1 tll rret . 30 ·1
Gallleo ATREOST tank fire-control system ......... 399 Hispano·Suiza Puma cupola ................. _... 308
Galileo JANUS flre-control system . ..................... 400 Hlspano-Suiza Serval 60/20 tu rret ........................ .. .. 301 K
Galileo OG 14 L2B lank laser flre<ontrol system .... __ .... 400 Honeywell Modular Azimuth POSition System (MAPS ) 431
Galileo TURMS laser t ank tlre-cont rol system ................ 398 Horstman Defence Systems gun con trol eqUipment .... 370 KONI hvdraullc shock abSorbers ................... . 281
General Dynamics ETC .................... .. ... 40 Horst man Defence Systems powerpacks ........ 245 KTW 18 m dayhghtjlhermallmaglng alignment
General Electtlc Blazer ai r defence tu rrets .. 352 Horstman Defence Systems suspenSions _ ......... 285 col1 lnlator ..... .. ...................................... .. .. 485
General Elec tric liqu id propellant guns ............... 36 Hsing Hua ammunition . . ,.. ............ 133 KUKA gUll mount E6·1I..25 ... ...... ............... .. .... 316
Germany Hughes AN / VAS·3 (Irivers ther mal viewer .... .. ... 450 KUKA gun mount E6·IIA 1 . ..................... . ................ 3 16
AFV engines. tran smiSSion s and powerpacks 227 Hughes Armoured Gun System (AGS) gunner's primarV KUKA load assis t device for 155 mm artillery system s . . 66
AFV f ire control systems ...... . ..... 388 sig ht ..... .. .......... _....... 528 KUKA one-man turret E23 _............. _.... . 3 14
AFV turrets and cupolas ............................ . .... 314 Hughes BGM· 7 1 TOW ._................... .. .. 62 KUKA two-man low·profile t urret E4A I ........ . .... 3 15
am munition · ..... 94 Hughes day/night gunner's Integrated Sight Unit KUKA two-man Marder 1 turret ................ 315
armour systems . 171 (ISU) ..... _.. 528 KU KA Tvpe 60512 .7 mm turrel .._ 319
automatic loaders and flick rammers ._. ... 66 Hughes Day/ Night Range Sig ht (DN RS) .. 527 KVH MV 103 series digital fluxga te compasses . ..... 428
coaxia l machine gun s .. . 48 Hughes Electro·Optl cal Tracki ng System (EOTS ) 529 Kader 76 mm smoke grenade launcher system 187
day and night SIghting systems ................. .. .. .. . 484 Hughes GM HE Integrated TOW Sight (GITS ) .. 527 Kader M 113A2 add-on armour k!\ .. _............. .. 167
land navigation systems .... ..... 416 Hughes gvrostabill sed Gunner's Primary Sight (GPS) 526 Kaha screen smoke grenades ...... ..................... .. .. 188
la ser detectors ....... 204 Hug hes High Repe ll tlon Rate Eyesa fe laser Kaha TVpe 270/M 239 66 mm smoke grenade
laser rangefinders .. 458 rangefinder ...... ... 468 launcher . ..... ............ ....... .. .. 187
smoke dischargers. grenades and decoys ..... 190 Hughes Intra-Red EqUipment (HIRE ) fOf gunner's KearfottLand NaVigation System (LNS) for combat!
suspenSions ............................_................ . .. 280 penscope slgl1ts ......... . 527 surveillance vehicles 433
tracks ..... .............. .. ... 270 Hughes Low Repetit Ion Rate Eyesa re laser Kea rfon Miniature Integrated Land Naviga tion System
weapon control and stabilisa tion systems . 364 rangefinder. .. ... 469 (M ILNAV) .. .......... 433
weapon s of 20 mm and upwa rd ........ ...... 15 Hughes M ·l Abrams Th ermal Imaging System (TIS ) ..... 529 Kea rfott Modular AZII1Hl th Posi tion System (MA PS) ... 432
Glat 45 mm Case Telescoped Ammu nition (CTA) Hughes M 'l MBT laser range' lnder ...... 468 Kea rfol1 Modular AZimuth Posi tioning Sys tem With
cannon .......... 12 Hughes M 1A 2 Gunner's Pnmary Sight LlntHlf,Slght Global Posl tlonmg System (MAPS/GPS) ........ 432
Gla t Industnes 12 .7 mm CIBI 50 turret . 309 Subsystem (GPS·LOS ) . 53 1 Kennon ZT-3 Swtft 58
Glat Industries 20 mm CAPRE turret 304 Hughes Second Generation Tank Sight (SGTS) .......... 529 Kldde-Gravlner Crew Bay explOSion. detect.lon and
Glat Indust ries 20 mm M6 2 1 (F 1) ca nnon ....................... 14 Hvperveloclty (HVM) Programme ...... . . 62 su ppresSion system .. .......... 2 14
Giat Indus1nes 20 mm M693 (F2) ca nnon . .. .... 14 Kldde-G ravlner Eng me BaV lire detection and
Glat Industries 25 mm DRAGAR tu rret . .. .. 302 suppression syst em ............ . _ ...... _............. 2 15
Gla t Industries 25 mm Model 81 1 autom ati c gUll .... 13 Kldde·Gravlfler In tegra ted Control Unit . .. ... 216
Giat Industries 30 mm Model 78 1 automatic gun . 13 Kladivo tank f1re<ontrol system . .. .. 384
Glat Industnes 80 mm smoke camsters .... _.............. . 18 9 18AS In tegrated Operating and Dl splav System 390 Knight fam ily of Advanced Tank Fire Control Systems
Glallnduslrtes 81 mOl gun-mortar turret (TMC 81 ) ....... 299 IFIS vehicle Integra ted Command and Information (ATFCS ) ............................................. ............................... 395
Glat Industries 81 mill mortar turret ITMR 81 ) .... 30 0 Syst"em 390 Kollmorgen Model 220 fire control Sigh t 532
Gla1 Industries 8 1 m m rapid fIre mortar ..... .. .. 11 INDEP ammunit ion .. .... . ......... ..................... . 11 5 Kollm orgen Model 31 7 night vision kit for M20 sight 532
Gla11ndustfles 90 mm CN90F3 gun .... ... .. 10 IR26 Thermall magtng Sensor Head (TlS H) .. . 5 14 Kollmorgen M odel 910 integ rat ed sight ..... 533
Gl at Indu stries 90 01111 CS Super (S uper 90) gUll 10 IR IS Inlra-Red Imaging System. .. .. 548 Kollmorgen M odel 938 commander's weapon stalion
Giat Ind ustrIes 90 mm Fl gun ... ..... .......... •.. .. ... 9 ISFCS-212 Image Stabilised tank Fire-ConTrol System . 383 Sight .. ................. .... . 534
Giat Ind ustries 105 mm 105/57 gun ........ 9 ISU day/ night gunner's In tegra ted Sight Unll . 528 Koll morgen Model 939 gunner's auxll harv sight ......... 535
Glat Ind ustrtes 105 mm 105 G1 gun ._ 8 ITS Internationa l Thel mal Sight . 526 Kollmorgen Model 957 squad leader's search
Gla·t Indu stries 105 mm 105 G2 gun .... ..... .8 ITT Defense Improved AN/ PV5- 78 Gen III passive night periscope ......................... . 533
Giat Industries 105 mm CN 105F 1 gun ... 8 viSion goggles .... ... 450 Kollmorgen Model 998 fire control backup sighl . 535
Giat Industries 105 m m F2 (MECA) gun . .. ...._. 9 IVECO FIAT faml lv of diesel engines ... 239 Kollsman Day/ Night Range Sight (DNRS) .. 531
Giatlndu strias 10 5 TGG turre t ... ........ 296 India Korea ExplOSive Group amll1un ition ....... .. 110
Giat Industri es 105 TML tur re t . ......... 297 AFV fire comrol systems ... 39 1 Korea, Sou th
Giat Industnes 120 mm sm oo th·bore gUll F 1 ............. 7 am mun ition ... ...... 102 ammunitl0l1 ........ 109
Glat Indu stnes 120 mll1 sm ooth·bore gun G 1 ... 7 Inframetr ics Infra-Red Imagtng System (I RIS) .. ..... 548 tracks .. .. ....................... .. 273
Glat Industries amm untlltm ..... .. 88 Institute of OpttOIltCS AN/ PVS-5A night viSIon Krauss-Maflet hydraulic bump stops .........._ ........... . 280
Giat Industries armour systems ............ .. 168 goggles 444 Kvaerner·Eureka armoured launching turret fOf TOW
Glat Industries Lancelot HOT turr et ....... ... 313 International Inlssile system s 331
Giat Industnes M ascot remotEK:on trolied 7.62 mm AFV fire control systems . 392
machine gun moun! ... .... 3 11 AFV turrets and cupola s ... . 322
Giat Industries Toucan I tlJrrel' .. . ......... ..... 305 vehi cle-mou nt ed antH ank gUided weapons .. 55
Giat Industries Touca n II turret ..... .. ... 305 weapon control and stabilisa tion systems ..... ..... 365 L
Giat Ind ustries TS 90 90 mm turret . ......... 297 weapons of 20 mm and upward ... ... 20
Greece Intenechnlk 155 mm M 109 rammer .. ... 65 l20 senes Sight laser rangefinders ..... 522
ammunition ... ........... _ 100 Int ertechnik EF S explOSion suppression system 213 L50 senes sigh I laser rangefinders . 522
smok e discha rgers. grenades and decoys ....... 193 Intertechnik MFS en9me compartment fire LA7 laser rangeh nder ..... .............. .... .. ... 462
Guns Oriental Ion and Naviga 110n System (GO NS) ... 42 3 eXlinglltshlng system ...... 213 LAV.. 105 mm weapon svstem .... .. ..... 347
Iran LAV·AD ughl Armo ured Vel1l cle·AIr Defense primary
ammuilition .. .. 102 Sight sys tem ... 543
H Iraq LCAMP Chlnese-U01led Sta tes collaboration . 77
addenda .... 546 LD--T~ laser rangef1nder for T-55 M8T gunner's sigh t 464
H 60 senes of turrets 30 0 ammunilton 103 LE-20 laser elbow . 507
HAFCS HOWitzer Advanced Fma..Con trol System ... 398 armOUt systems ....... 172 LF19 laser range finder ... . ...... 466
HDTI 2000 compact thermal imaging system 5 15 Isk ra EFSC-3 tank ' Ire-contrOI system .. .. 401 LLLTV atlnlng and observation system With IR scannel
HIRE Hughes Infra·Red Equipment for gunner's Iskra laser madlallon delector and wame, ....... . 206 Type PZB 200/IRS 100 ..... 488
periscope sights . 527 Iskra LD-TS laser rangeflnder for T·55 MBT gUMer's LPT 105 OlITlLow·Profile Turret 346
HITI·FSC HIgh Integration Techno logy Tank Fire- si ghl . 464 lA 20 laser rangeflnd er . ..... ............... . .. ... 465
Control System ..... 40 2 Iskra TLMD-3 tank laser range rlnder 464 LRS 5 f ire-control sys lem ..... 378
HL 33 daVlight panoramic observation telescope . 480 Israel LRS 7 ' Ire-control system ..... 379
HL-70 commander's gyrostabili sed panoram iC sight . 477 AFV engines. transmissionS and powerpacks . 237 LSG 1000 transmISSions ..... 236
HMO 848 ligh tweight. fig ht ing vehicle. com mander's AFV fire control systems . 393 LSG 2000 transmiSSions . 236
cupola ......... ................. . .......... 344 AFV turrets and cupolas .... 323 LSG 3000 transmiSSions . 235
HMPT·500 transmi ssion ... 268 ammunIt ion . 103 LT-2 0 laser range fi nder .. 465
HMPT.. 1000 trar1smisslon .... .. ....... 269 armOLIf systems . 173 LTFCS Improved M k 7 Laser Tank Fire-Control System
HNV· l holog raphi c goggles ................. 436 day anel nigh t sig hting systems 489 for M48A5E MBT ... 403
HOT Eurom issile . . ........... 55 driver day and night viSion systems 440 LUNQS Ligh tweight Universal Night Observation
HRLR High Repetition Laser Rangef inder and HRLR-ES fire detec tion and suppression 213 System .... 443
High Repetitton Laser Rangeftnder-Eye Safe 459 land navigation sys tems 421 LV5 laser rangeflnder 462
HSWL 106 transmiSSion ... 234 laser detectors .... 204 LV350 senes laser rangefinders . 463
HSWL 194 transmi SSion 232 laser ra ngefinders . 459 LV40Q series laser range finders 463
HSWL 284 transmI SSion ... 232 smoke dischargers. gl enaoes and decoys 193 LWD 2 1 Heho Laser Warning System ... 208
HSWL 354 transmi SS ion .... 233 suspensions ..... 281 LWD 21 Laser Warning DeVi ce .. 207
Hac km an cartridg e cases .. ............. 87 tr<l cks .... 272 LWM S Lightweight M odu lar Thermal Slgl1t ... . .. 543
Hagglunds Vehicle 20 mm gun turret Rh 202 ..... 337 vehicle-mounted aOlI· tank gUided weapons . 57 LWS-2 laser warning system ..... 204
Hagglunds Vehicle 20 m m turret HS 80 4 ..... ...... 337 weapon control and stabilisation sys tems 366 Lancelot HOT tllrret ... 31 3
Hagglunds Vehicle 25 mm gun turrets 336 weapons of 20 mill and upward 21 land Navigation System - Mark I (LANS Mk I) ... .. ..... 421
Hagglunds Vehicle two-man 25 mm gun turrel .... 336 Israel A ircraf t Industries HOWitzer Advanced Fire- Land Navigatton System - M.Hk 11 (LANS Mk II) .......... 422
Hagg lunds Vehicle two·m an 30 mm gun turret .. · ... 3 35 Control System (HAFCS) 398 Land NaViga tIon System - Mark IV (LANS Mk IV) ...... 422
La n saclot familY of armoured veil icle Ir re-control M arcoill MOGUL M oellli ar GUll LaYll1g system . 37 1 NobelTec h ElectronICS AB Integrated tal1k flre·control
system s 395 Marcoill P0700 l,ght (If111oure cf vehicle dual aXIs power system Type FV . .. .. 403
Laser Irradlatton detector (Yugoslav) ...... 21 2 (tnve system 372 NobelTech Elec tron iCS AS Type FV clay/night gunn er's
La ser w eapon programmes (USA) .40 Ma rcoll! ser'les 1220 taser W<llll l"g recelvel 209 Sight ..... .... . 509
Leica BIG2 comrnander's night vision gogg les 5 10 Marder 1 turret .... 3 15 NobelTecll Universa l Tank and Antl-Alrclah Systems-
Lel ca NA P5 night driVing periscope 447 MarOHi;! autorm w c explOSion suppression system ........ 217 UTAAS ... .................... .. ... ....... 404
Lelca SRZ/ SKS muzzle boresight .. 511 Marl in Manella ammun ilion ... .. 145 North America n DynamiCs M 1 13 un iversa l gun
Lem davhgill/therina lirn ag ing alignment collimator Marli n Manetta composite armour . .. .... 184 n101lilt ... .. ................... _. ................. 353
KM1~ _ 4U Martlll Miinetta Copperhead 155 111m Cannon- North Find ing M odul e (N FM ) .. 424
Leitz GPG-20 20 rnm syn chror11ser test devi ce. 485 Launcl1ed Guided Projectile {CLGP) 144 Norway
Lei tz MOOUS·P optronlc panoram ic peri scope . 486 Masco t rem ote-controlled 7.6 2 rnm machine gU I, AFV turrets and cupolas .. .. ...... ....... " .. ........ . 331
Llnamar Group TOW·Armou red Launching Turret m ount ... .'._ ............. _.. 31 1 am munition . 113
(ALT ) ..................... . 2 95 Matador fam ily of lank f ire-conTrol system s .... _. . 396 drrver day and night VIS ion sys tem s . 444
LittOn M -9 12A/M-9 1 5A night VISion goggles 451 Mauser MK 25 mill X 137 Model E can non .................. .. 19 laser detec tors .. ...... ......_.... ................ .. ... ............... ..... 205
Lllion M·972/M-973 night VI Sion gogg les 451 Mau ser MK 30 111m X 173 Model F (MI<30) can non .. .... 19 laser rangefinders .. .. ... .............. ............ ..................... .. . 462
Lillon TK·G40 laser ra nge/ lnclee 469 Mec anlque Creusot-Lolre add-on armour kits ........ ... .. _ 170 smo ke dischargers, grenades and decays .......... ....... 19 5
Loral gunner's day/nigh t thermal Tank Peri scope SIgl11 Mecanlque Creusot-Lolle CB GO H8 shield gun ra cer tor weapon control and stab ili sation system s ... .. ....... 367
(TPS) 5 26 60 mm mortar . 302 Nova gene ral-purpose nlgl11 Vision goggles ... _..... 448
Loral Hardhat ATGW decoy system 21 '1 MecanlQue Cre ll sot-Loire CB 127 VE sh ield gur1 racer
Lorallnternauona l Thermal Sighl (rrS) . 526 for 127111111 machine gu n .. ... 307
Loral Vo ught Systems HypervelocIIY (HVM) Mecan lqu e CreuSOt·LOlre CB shie ld gun r(lcer lor o
Programl1le ..... 62 7 _62 mm machll1e gun .. .. . 3 11
Lotus Engll1eenng active suspenSion system _ 548 Mecanlque Cre~l sOt- LO l re CP 127 A Dl vO I gun race r . 313 OB-31 nlg!11 dnving periscope .. _. .. .. 438
LuckV-Goldstar Internat ional Corpor<Jtlon track shoes .. 273 MecanlquliI CreLisol-Loire Lecl erC au toma tic loader for OB-41 night driVing binoculars .. . .. 438
Lvnx 90 lurret , 299 Lec lerc MBT . 65 OB·4 7 tank gunner's night sigh t . ................... _..... 479
Mecanlque Creusol-Lol re P 127 A Pivo t mOllnt ... ......... 308 OB-60 day/night drivers periscope . .. ... _439
M lk anlque Creusot·LOlre ST B V shie ld rOtary mo unt .... 3 13 OG 14 L28 tank laser fi re-control sys tem . ........... 400
M Mecan lque Creusot-LOlre STB E ::;hleld rotary mount ... 3 12 OG-P20 periscope sigh t .. .... ...... ........... .. .. .. 496
Mecan lque Creusot-LOlre STR rail-mounted rota ry OG·P101 periscope Sight ................ ........ .. ..... _.... 497
M 1 Abrams Tl1ermallmaglng Sys tem (TIS) .... 529 rnount ._....... 3 12 OG-P07 perisco pe sight .. ............ 496
M 1 MBT laset' ran gef ll1der . 468 Mecan lqu e Creuso t·LOlre STRTA all-round ra ll-tnOllnted OTO M elara 60 h!g h-ve loci ty gun system .. 23
M lA2 Gunner's Pri m ary Sig h t LIl1e-of-Slg ht rotary mount ... 3 12 OTO Melara 105 low recoil force gun .............. _... 23
Subsystem .. .. 531 MecanlQue Creusot-LOlre T.20 turret. .. 304 OTO M elara 120 smooth-bore gu n ... ...... 2 2
M19A 1 driver's nigh t penscone .. 450 Mecanlque Creusot-Loire T.25 tu rret .. 303 OTO Melara SIOAM 25 an ti-aircraft turret . . . . 328
M32E 1 tank gunner's peri scope ... 536 Mecanlque Cre usot-Lo lre TLI 52 A machIne gun OTO M elara T 60170 A turret' . 327
M35E 1 tank gunner' s periscope ... 536 turret . 310 OTO Mela ra T 90 CKL turret . . 326
M36-SIRE gunner's sig llt Integrated la nging Mecanl(we Cr·eusot·Loire TLI 127 close de fen ce OTO Melara TC 20 turret ... ... .. .. .. ....._ . .... .. .... 329
equipment . . .. ................................. 540 cupol<l .... , 306 OTO M elara TPT Mk 4 12.7 mrn turret ... " .. 329
M36E 1 day/nigh t tank periscope .. 537 Mecanlque Creusot-Lolre TLiG senes of machine gun OTO M elara/ BREDA T 25 tu rret . ...... 327
M41 diesel repower packaQe . . 221 turrets .. 309 Oerllkon-Conuaves 20 mm Type KAA ca nnon ._ .. ..... ..... 30
M41 repower package 220, 227 Mecanlqu e Creusot-Lolre TOI observation and Oerlikon-COl1trave s 25 rnm automatic ca nnon Type
M48H advanced tire-cont rol system . ........ 405 Intervention cupo la ..... . ...... ...... .. ... .. ...... . ... 307 K8A ............... ............ .. ..... ................. .. .... 29
M76 infra-red smoke grenade ................ _.. 20 1 Menacl1ern Urman Centurion tank comm ander's Oerilkon·Contraves 25 mn1 Type K8B -ca nn on ................. 30
M105 se ries gunner's art icu lated sigh ti ng telescopes . 537 cupola . .. ......................... 324 Oerlikoll·Contraves 30 111m Type KCB cann on ..... . 29
M 113 A PC moderni sation . 228 Mepl11sto HOT system .... 322 Oerlikon-Contraves 35 mm can non Tvpe KD series ......... 28
M 113 diesel co nver'sion . 220 Messie r sus penS ion syst ems .. .. 278 Oerlikon-Contraves ammu nition . ............................ .... .. . 130
M 1 13 technology demonstrator. SCG . 255 MlIler·Holzwarth armoured vehic le peflscopes 535 Officine Gali leo Madis sighting and drive system ........ 499
M371 eplscopic sight . 479 Minor Ca lib re Weapolls Station . 3 52 Offic ine Galileo OG-P20 periscope sight .. 496
M389 comma nder's panorami c sight .. 473 Mithrrdat Ilre-cOnfrol system .... .. 386 Officine Ga lileo OG-P101 periscope sight . . 497
M-9 12A/ M -9 15A night vrslon gogg les .............. ...._. ...... 451 Model 220 fire control Sight' . . 532 Officine Galileo OG-P07 periscope sig ht .... .. ....._._.,.. ,.. 496
M-972/M-973 nlgl1t v rslon goggles ..._........................ ... 451 Model 317 night VISion kit for M20 sight . .. 532 Offi ci ne Galileo Thetis iJlermal tank Infra-red
MAPS/ GPS ModUlar Azimuth Poslt lonmg System wi1h Model 910 integrated sig ll t . ..... 533 system 4 98
Global Pos itio ning System .. ....... _432 Model 938 commander's wea pon station sigh t . . .. 534 Offi c1I1 e Galileo velli cie co mm ander' s SP-T-694
M8T G360 20 mm multi-purpose light CElnnon _..... 22 Model 939 gu nner' s auxillia ry Sight .... ._............ .... ..... . 535 gyros tabilised panoramic day/ night si ght ........... ....... . 497
MECAR 90/ 28 mm light gun syste m .2 Model 957 squ<ld leader's se.arch perrscope _......... ...... 533 Officine Galileo V1R5 2 gunner's night vision
MECAA ammunition . 70 Mode l 998 ti re control backup sigh t ....... ...................... 535 periscope .... ... ............ ................. ..... ......... .. ............... ...... 497
M ECAA Im proveme nt Programme l or 90 mm Cockerill Model 1500 tAN/ PVS·7B ) nig ht VISion gog gle s ........... 4 54 OldelN HNV- ' holographic gogg les 436
Mk III and 90 mm ENGESA EC- 90 guns . .. .. 2 M odel 9265 Vehicle NaViga ti on Ai d System (VNAS) .... 434 Oldelfl Lightweight Universal Nigllt Observauon
MES VG/O IL 186 day and nigh t drrver scope system ... 442 Model 9876C (AN/PVS·5C) night vISion gog gle s .. 454 System (LUNOS) . .. ... ,.. 443
MFS eng ine com partmen t l ire extIngui sh ing system .. '. 213 Moked Third Eye laser warntng syst em . ............... 205 Olde lh Low Light Level Te levision System Type
MILAN Co mpact Turre t (MCT) 323 M ondiat track syste m .. .... ....... 276 GS6TV . . .. . ..................... _... 501
MILAN Euromlsslle ... .. .. .. . .. .... .... ... 56 Mota Peci:ls gunn er's shield for M '1 13 co mmander's Oldelft LAS 5 fire-contro l system . .. ... ..... ...... _........ 378
MJLNAV Mi nialUre Int egrated Land Nilvlgation cupola .. .295 Oldellt LAS 7 fire-control system ............................ .. .... 379
System 43 3 MalO Peca s M 113 diesel converSion .. .. . ........... 220 Olde lft Mk 2 the rma l obse rvation and aiming Sight for
M IR IADE raela r warning rece iver . ................. . 203 IIllantry fightlllg vehicles . ............. ... .......... _.. ....... ..... 500
Mk 2 thermal obse rvation and aim in g sight for Infantrv Oldelft Mk 3 thermal observation (l nd aim ing system
Ilgl1l1ng veh icles 500 N for M8Ts . ...... ................ 50 1
Mk 3 thermal obse rvation and aiming system for Oldellt RSI tank la ser rangefinder ........................... .. ....... 461
MBTs 501 NA-l0 Eland night sight adap tor ........ 505 Oldelh TILAS lank laser Sight ......................... 499
MK 25 Model E 25 111m veh lcle·mounted turret . ... 33 1 NA·20 nigh t viSion ada ptor . .. 506 Olelellt Type LAT laser ra ngef lnd er fo r tank s ................. 461
M I(EK ammunition 133 NA NOOUE ST L20 senes Sight laser rangefinde rs ........ 522 Oldelft Type PC 1MC Cyclop night VISion goggles ......... 443
ML AV iation T tank gu nner's telescopI c lasel NANOOUEST L5 0 serres 51g11t laser r<'l ngefinders . ... 522 Olde lft Type PG 1MS night VISion goggles. .. .. ... _ 443
rangefinder sighl .. ... 467 NAP5 nig ht driVIng periscope . .. .......... 447 OJdelft Type TS7TS gLmners passive aiming Sight 500
MMC V· , 50 Com m(lndo repower ki t ._ ...... ... 240 NAPCO International retrofit power packages ......... 26 1 Olin 20 mm ammunit ion ... .. ............ 154
MODUS-P op tronlc panoramic perrsco pe .... 4 86 NATO future 140 mm tank glln .. 20 Olin Ordnance ammunit ion .. 146
MOGUL Modular Gun LaYing system . .. ... 371 NAV 1000 M 5 Gl obal Posi ti on ing Svs\em (G PS) ... 4 33 Optic Electron ic AN/VVG-2 comm and er's Integrated
MOLF Modular Tank La se r Fire-control system 389 NAVYX posi ti on deterrnlning system .... .......... 413 ta ser rangefinder ............ 470
MP86 mu!tl'pLlr pose gunn er's perrscope 540 NO- 15 night dnverscope ........... 445 Optic Elect ronic driver' s nlgllt viewers family .. ... 453
MPATS . ... 57 NO-20 night d river's perrscope ...... 445 OptIC El ectronic E'GLE lase r rangeflnder kit . . .. ...... 469
MSZ-2 glH1 ner's day/nigllt perrscope ...... . 490 ND S-2 pasSIve driver's I1lglH VISion viewer ... ........... ....... 448 Optic-Electronic GNP 55 gunner' s night VISion
MTL-8 modu lar la ser rang eflnder . ..... 460 NE-20 fligh t el bow . .. 506 peri scope . . .... . 538
MTU Motoren-und Turblnen-Union Friedri chsl1a l en NFT 25 111m MK 25 M aciel E veh icle-moun ted turret ..., 331 Optic-E lec tronic glrnner's Sight integrated ranging
GmbH _.. ... 228 NFT electric drr ve system s fOf glll1 turrets ....... ....... 367 equipment M36-SIAE .... 540
MTU powerpacks . .. .._ ..... _...... _..... ................. ... . 231 NI CO Py ro tech ni k ve ili ele grenades . .. ...... 192 Optic-Electronic M26 muzzle boreslgtlt . 541
MV103 se ries cilgltal fluxga te compasses .. ... 428 NIMOA retrofit powerpacks . . ......... .... .. ....... 237 Optic-Electronic M32El tank gunner's periscope .......... 536
MX7120 With remote control di splay unit .... ......... ....... 434 NITE LITE target acq ui Sition system 49 1 Optic-Electronic M35El tank gunner's periscope . . 536
Maasa ra amm umti on ... _............. .._... .. ................... 87 NKA 55 North-seeki ng gyro system ......... .. 417 Optic·Elec tronic M36E1 day/night tank periscope ....... 537
McDonnell Douglas 25 mm M 242 Bushm aster NORIN CO ISFCS-2 12 Im age St abd lsed tar1k Fire- Optic-E lect ron ic M 105 series gunner' s artic ulated
cannon 46 Control System .... ... 383 slg l1ting telescopes . . 537
McDonnell Doug las 30 mm ASP-30 comb at support NORINCO Red Arrow 8 . . . .. .. 50 Optic-Electron ic MP86 multi·purp,ose gun l,er's
weapon ._.... .......... _ 45 NORIN CO Type 79-11 tank gunner's slg hl . ... 472 periscope ... ..... 540
McDonnell Doug las 30 mm Bu sh ma ster JI automatic NORINCO Type 1985 passive night viSion goggles ...... 436 Optic-Electronic muzzle reference collima tor .. . .... 54 1
cannon . ........... ,_... _.... 45 NOAIN CO Typ e 1 2 150 L di ese l engine .. .. ... 220 Optic Elec tronic NV38 driver's viewer . ... 452
McDonn ell Douglas 30 mm M230 Cilam Gun NOAIN CO Type TDPN-2 driver' s night viewer .......... ...... 436 Optic Electronic NV43FL driver' s night and emergency
automatic can non . 44 NOAIN CO X150-960 dIesel engine . . . ..... 221 day/NBC viewer ..... .. .. ... .... .......... .. ... .. ... ......... ................. 452
McDonnell Doug las 35 mm/50 mrll Bushmaster III NSM 20 lanel navigation system 4 14 Optic-Electronic NV46S commander's passive I1Ight
automatiC ca nnon . 43 NV38 driver' s viewer ............. 452 vision periscope ._. . ....... 539
M cDonnell Dougla s 40 mm Bll sh m as ter IV automatic NV40 gunn er's passive nlgl1t VISIon periscope ....... 511 Optic-Electron ic NV52 day/night vision periscope ... 539
can non .... . ... 43 NV43FL driver's nlgl1t and emerg ency day/ NBC Optic-Elec troni C US Army standard pa ssive night Vision
Madls Sig hti ng ancl drive svstem ................................... 499 viewer. ....................................... 452 el bow ...... 538
Mage!ian NAV 1000 M 5 Global Positioning System NV 46 command er' s passive nigh t VISlon peri scope ..... 512 Osprey combined day/ night laser sight . . .. _. 524
(GPS) .. . .. .... ... ............... 433 NV46S com ma nder' s passive night viSion periscope .... 539
MagnavQ)( GPS Engine T~ turbo version ............... 434 NV5 2 day/night VIS ion periscope . .. ....... 539
Magnavox MX7 1 20 witll remote co ntrol display un l1 434 NV(L) 300 1 day/nigh t laser ra ng elind er Sigh t fam ily . . 512 P
MalaYSia NWM De Kruithoorn amm unl\lon ,. . 112
AFV engines. transmiSS ions and powerpa cks . ... 240 Netherlands P40 transmission . . ._ ... ......... _.... .. 252
Mangouste 60 O1m/12 7 mill turret ....... 30 1 AFV eng in es. transmissions and powerpacks . . 240 P170L and P240L clay/n ight gunner's laser
MarconI Centaur tank we apon control syst em 405 ammUl111101l 110 peri sco pes .. ... .... .. ....... . 493
Marcon i Dlgltal ,Fire-Control System ... 406 day and nlghl Sighti ng sys tems . 499 P 186 gunner's telescopIc sight . . ................... ....... 493
Marcon i GCE 628 gun co ntrol and stabilIsati on driver day and nlghl Visio n system s , . ..... 442 P1 92 night drrvrng periscope .... 441
equ ipment ... 372 lase r range f lnders . ........ ... ... . 4 61 P204 day/night gunner' s periscope . ......... 493
Marconi gunner's Thermal Imaging Ve ll ic le Sight suspension s ...... .... 281 P223 vellicle co rnmander's night vision periscope ..... 495
(T1VS ) ... ............ ...... .. .. ............. 521 Nlg lll VIsion Eqlllpmerlt Company NVEC 800/ NVEC P265 1L passive night VIsion elbow ... 495
Marconi M ark sman lWIIl 35 mm an ti-aircraft turret . ... 34 1 800 HP night VISion goggle s . .. ...._...... _. 451 P 127 A pivot mount ....... 308
peE 21 G 15 gun ner's weapon control station .. 363 Rh 202 ............ " ...... _... .. .. 20 SIG brushless 24 V DC electrical gun control and
PCN mght dflving periscope senes . ........................ 446 Rhell1metall 20 111m TS-15 turret family ..... . 317 stabilisation system ......................_.......................... 369
P0700 hght armoured vehicle dual axis power drive Rheinmetall 20 mm turret TF 20 15 .. 318 SIG elec trohydraullc gun control system ................ ,...... 369
systenl ... .... .................... .. . .................. .... 372 Rheinmeta ll 20 mm turret TF 20 15. A ..... 31 B SIG T-54/55 gun control retrofit ki t ............................... 369
PEO driver's night VISIon goggles . ........ .... 445 Rheinmetalll05 mm tankglH1 family ...... ........... .... 17 SIG unive rsal connol handles ....... ... 370
PEO driver' s passive night vision periscope ......... 444 Rhei nmeta ll 120 mm under arm our mortar sys tem ...... 17 SIGNAAl Usfa UA9630 driver's universal passive
PEO tank Ilre-control systems . .. ........ 401 Rheinmetatl 140 m m smooth-bore gun . ........... 15 penscope series ........... _......... ......................... 442
PERI-R 1 7 A 1 panoramic periscope w it h automatically Rheinm eta ll am m un ition . .. ...... 95 SIGNAAl Usfa UA 9 124/9 126 daY/ night periscope
stabilIsed hne-of-51ghl .......................... .... 486 Rheinmeta ll automatiC cannon MK 35/ 50 mm RIl 503 18 sight system .......... .. ........ 502
PERI-R 17TW 9yrostablilsed panoram ic penscope with Rheinmetall TS-7 20 mm turre t ...... .. ...... .. ... _....... 317 SIGNAAl Usfa UP1011 and UP1001 daY/night aiming
day and thermal channels ........ _.. .. ....... 487 Rheinmeta ll twin 7.62 mm machine gu n turretTUR-1 . 320 and observatIon systems .. " ......... 502
PER I-RF gyrosrabilised panoram iC periscope .... ..... 487 Rockwell Hellfire modular missile system ................... 60 SIMRAD GN 1 nigh t Vision goggles .. .. ...... 444
PERI·ZL gunner's gyrostabilised observation and Rockwe ll MlIITi-sen sor Target A cquiSItion Syst em ........ 409 SI MRAD LA 7 laser rangeflllcler .. 462
sIghting periscope wi th integ rated laser rangefi r,der .. 4B7 Ro ckwe ll Sma ll. l ow-cos llnl erceptor Device (SLID) ... 202 SIMRAD LV5 laser rangef inder ......... . 462
PHOTONI C FSC·530 fire·control sys tem for recoHess Roller ChaIn Band !rack .. .. .. 276 SIMRAD LV3 50 series laser rangefmders . 463
gun s ...................................................... 376 Romania SIMRAO LV400 senes laser rangefinders ....... 463
PN-2 passive nIght vision gogg les ........... _........ _......... .. 455 ammunltlon .. ... 116 SIM RAO RL I laser warnmg receIVer , 205
PNU POSitIOn Navigation Un it for m ul tiple rocke t laser detectors . 206 SLID Small. low--cos t Interceptor DevIce . 202
lau ncher system .. 43 1 Rotary Power International Str atified Charge SMArt 155 mm proJectile . .. ...... 99
POlUX lighl optronic processor ......... . .... 482 Omn ivorous Rotary Engme (SCORE) . 258 SNC Industrial Technologies Inc amrnunl lton 76
POS-NAV Posit'ion Navigat Io n System ......... ....... 43 5 Roya l Ordnance 30 mm RARDEN L21 gun . 35 SNPE CO ll1bllst lble ca rtridge cases . 88
PP-O 1 aiming penscope . ....... 508 Royal Ordnan ce 76 111m l 23 A 1 gun .... 35 SNPE inse nsit ive matenal for explosive reactive
PP·02 observation and arming periscope .. 508 Royal Ordnance 105 mm Improved Weapon System . 35 arn10ur ........................ .. ... 169
PPV-2 passive night VIsion periscope ...... 455 Royal Ordnance 105 mm L 7 tank gun series . 33 SOPE lEM CN2-500 passIve dTlvtng periscope series 437
PYRKAl ammunition ... ... 100 Royal Ordnance 105 mm low reCOIl force gun . 33 SOPElEM ESTER 10 laser rangeflnder for AFVs ." 457
PYRKAl GRl-76-l0 76 mm tank close defence Royal Ordnance 105 mm T-54. T-5S and Type 59 gun SOPE LE M HL 33 daylight panoramic observation
system . ................. . ............ 193 conversions .. 34 telescope 4BO
Pacific SCientific HTl/ Kln-Tech DIvision Automatic Fire Royal Ordnance 11 5 mm tank gun barrel . 33 SOPELEM M371 eplscoplC sight . .._ ................. 479
Exfingul siling Systems (AFES) .. . 21 B Royal Ordnan ce 120 mrn armou red mo rtar sys tem .... 32 SO PElEM OB·47 lank gunner 's night sight . .. .... 479
Pakistan Royal Ordnal, ce 120 mrn L 1 1 tan k glJll .. ...... 3 1 SO PElEM SOPTAA 19 fire·control system 387
AFV turrets and cupolas ......... .. 332 Roya l Ordnance 120 111m L30 t ank gun ..... 3 I SO PElEM SO PTAC 11 fire-con trol system . 386
ammunition 114 Royal Ordnance ammunition '__ '. ... 134 SOPELEM SOPTAC 18lire-control system 387
driver day and flight vision systems ........ " . 444 Royal Ordnance Electro Thermal Chemical guns ...... 3 1 SOPELfM SOPT AC 36 fire-control system .. 3B 7
Pakis tan Ordnance Fact Ories am muni tion ......... . ...... 1 14 Royal Ordnance lB smoke grenades .. 200 SOPELEM SO PTAM fire-control system ... 387
Pakistan Ordnance Factories twin 106 mm recoI lless Royal Ordnance ROMOR applIque arm our systems ..... 179 SOPELEM TELAB laser rangefinder . ...................... ..... 457
rifle mount ..... 332 Royal Ordnance visual and Inlra-red smok e screening SOPELEM TJN 2-7 1 day/nIght opllcal sight . ... 479
Panhard AMl upgrade kit ......... .. ...• 223 system 199 SOPElEM TN2-1 night VISIo n binoculars ,.. . 438
Passive AFV protection system (CIS) .. .. . .. .. ......... . 545 Rud i Cajavec SUV·T55A tank fire-con trol system . 410 SOPELEM-SOFRETE C CF 570 CCO video camera for
Passive armour. CIS ... 167 Ruggien Spider close-Ill vehicle defence system . 189 arm oured vehicles .. 480
Peak 66 m m grenade dischargers ... 198 SOPTAC 11 IR control system 385
Perkins 100 series diesel engines ..... ... 246 SP1 / 127 weapon station .. 293
PerkinS Condor dIesel engmes .. .. ...... 249 SP2!300 weapon sta tion .... 292
Perkins Eagle Tx diesel engine . ........ 248 s SP3/300 weapon station ... .. 292
Perkins Phaser dIesel engmes ...... 247 SP-T·694 vehicle comma nder's gyrostab,llsed
Perkin S powerpacks . .. ... 251 SABB LI C passive armour .. 176 panoramic day/ night sigh t . .. 497
Perkin s T6 .3544 diese l engine ... ... 248 SABCA ATLAS familv adva nced tank laser ti re co ntrol SR P/ PDS StabIlisat ion Reference Package/Posit ion
Philips BM B025 nlghl aiming and observation system s . 376 Determlntng System ... 429
sys tem . .. .... _................. 4B4 SABCA Thermallmagmg Sighl (TIS) system for SRZ/SKS muzzle boreslght ._ ...... 5 11
Pilkington Optronics Condor commander's day/night Leopard 1 M BT 472 SS 100/SS 11 0 night sights 517
Sighting system . .. ...._ 523 SABCA TItan family tank flTe-control systems .. 377 SS 120 commander's mght Sight . 517
Pilkington Optrollics Nova general-purpose nIgh t Vision SA8CA Universal tank fife-cont rol system . 377 SS 122 series armoured vehicle day/nIght Sights .. .. 518
goggles ............... 448 SACM dIesel UDX range of military engines 224 S5 ' 30 passive night driVIng periscope .. 447
Pilkington Optronlcs Osprey combined day/n ight laser SADARM Sense And Des trov Armor Munition 140 S5 141 . SS 142 co mmander's nIght and S5 162
slg/1t ... . . .......... 524 SAGEM CITA 20 navigator and ine rtial goniometer .. 414 co mmander's day vISion periscopes .... 5 18
Pilkington Optron lcs passive night Vision driving SAGEM DANAOS Day And Night Artillery Observer SS 180 armoured vehicle dav/ mght SIght ..... 519
peTlscope .. .. 448 System .................. _..... .. ...... ...... . 478 SS500 series armoured vehicle thermal Sights ... 519
Pllklllg ton OptrOIliCS Raven combined daY/flight Sight 523 SAGEM M3B9 commander's panoramiC sight 473 STAFF 120 mm Smart Target Ac tiva ted Fire-and-Forget
Pilkington Optronlcs Sabre day and daY/ flight vehicle SAGEM NSM 20 land navIga tion sys tem '...... ,....... 41' 120 mm tank rou nd XM943 .. 141
sIghts .. . .................... .. 524 SAG EM SIGMA 30 flng laser gyro inertIal na .... lgatlon STBE sh ield rotary mount ... 3 12
Pilkington Optronlcs systems for Challenger 2 MBT ... .. 513 system .... . 4 15 STB V sl1leld rotary mo unt . .. .. 313
PlacenCia CD-B50 transm issio n produc tion 242 SAGEM Stabilised Aiming . Vertica l Sensing and STR rail-mounted rotary m oun t . ... 3 12
Place ncia Clmmunition . ... 124 NaVigat ion (SAVA N) gunner's rnultl-channel stabIlised STRT A all-round ra il-mounted rotary mount 312
Poland sIght .. <174 SUV-84 tank fi re-control sysrem .. 409
AFV engin es. tran smiSSions and powerpacks . 240 SAGEM UU SS 30 POSI tion and Aznnuth Detennlnatlon SUV-T55A tank flre-control system .. ... 410
AFV fife control systems .................... . .. ..... 401 System (PADS) ....... 4 15 SYDADE land navigation system ... _...... .. 413
armour systems .... .......... 17 5 SAGEM VIGY 40 commander's modular stabilised Sabre day and day/night vehicle Sights .... _ 524
driver day and night VISion systems . .............. 44 4 panoramic slgh l ... 473 Saco 7,62 mm M60E2 m achme gun 49
Poongsa n Metal Corporation Dmmunlll on .............. 109 SAKO ammunition 87 Saco Defense 40 mOl Mk 19 Mod 3 machIne gllO
Portug al SAMM 8TM family of li ght turrets ... .... 310 syst em ...... 42
AFV engines. trans mi ssions and powerpac ks .... ....... 24 1 SAMM CE 10 electric tlJrret drive system 362 Santa Barbara Research Center explosion/fire
ammuni tion . . .. ..................... 1 15 SAMM CE 15 electric turret drive system 363 protection system . _ . 216
Positioning and A zimutlt Determining System (PADS) SAMM CE 24 electriC turret drive system 363 Santa Barbara Research Center laser warnmg senwr 21 1
Mk 2 ..... .. ........ .......... 426 SAMM CE 40 electric tunet drive system 363 Saviour laser wa rmng system .... 210
Protection of US armoured vehicles .......................... .. 1 BO SAMM electriC stabi lised drive conT rols ... . . 362 ScorpIon repower package ... _ .._........ 242
Protec tive M atenals Compa ny M 113 spall suppressant SAMM PCE 2 1 G 15 gu nner's weapon con trol station . 363 Seku r track I",ks ..... 273
armour system . . 184 SAMM suspension systems .._ ... ........... . .... 279 Se ll-Changll19 Gears M 1 13 tec lmology demonstra tor .. 255
Puma cupo la . ............ 308 SAMM TAB 220 20 mm antl·alc rah Turret . 306 Sense And Destroy Armor Mlll1llion (SA DARM ) ... . .. 140
SAMM TIB 19090 m m tllrret .. 298 Serval 60/20 t urret ... ....... 301
SANTA BA RBARA 40 mm SB40 LAG (lUIOn1aIlC Sextant A VIonique A RVERNE (APX M5 39) mag netic
R grenade launcher '.... 26 headIng Indica tor system . 4 12
SANTA BARBARA ammullllion .. 122 Sextant AVlonique NAVYX pOSItion determIning
RAFAEL NITE LITE target aCQUisition system _.............. 491 SANTA BARBARA explOSIve ractlve armour 175 system 413
RAFAEL Overhead Weapon Station .. ..' 323 SANTA BARBARA SABBLIC passive armoUf . 176 Sextant AVlonique SYDADE land navlgatton system . 413
RA FAEL periscopIC viewing Sight .. ... ............................... 49 2 SANTA BARBARA TC-3 (A·l) 12.7 rnm tu rret . 332 Sextant Avionique TMV 565 mo nocl'1rome TV
RAFAEL screen obsc urant sm oke system .... ....... 193 SANTA BARBARA TC-9/0P and TC·17/CL turrets 333 rnicro mon ilor . . 478
RAFAEL upgrading of comba t vehicles ... ... 239 SANTA BARBAR A TC· 1 3/M242 turret .... 334 Shtora I AFV defence system ..... .... 545
RAFCOM· l head ing reference system .................. _. 421 SANTA 8ARBARA TC·25/ M 242 tuf ret 334 Siemens Type l EM 3 laser rangehnder ... 458
RAMTA Improved TOW/ MAPATS vehIcle ....... 326 SAT/ Thomson-TRT Defense Athos thermal ImagIng Simmel Dlfesa artillery ammunit ion . 106
RAPHAEL Toga add-on passive armour .. _.. ' 74 system ............ ,...... . 481 Singapore
RARDEN 30 mm ammunition .. 139 SCG T300 and T320 transmISSion 254 AFV engJnes. transmISSions and power packs . 241
RARDEN APDS ammUnit ion ...... ........ . ... 140 SCG TN 12 transmISSion . 253 ammUnitIon . 117
RARDEN l21 30 mm gun ............................... .. .. 35 SCG TN 15 transm iSSIon . 253 day and night slg hll ng syste ms 503
RAUFOSS amm unit ion ....... . ..... .. .... 1 13 SCG TN 26 transmiSSion . 254 SlIlgapore Automotive Engtfl ee nng servIces _... 241
RAUFOSS Instantaneous sm oke screenmg systems ..... 19 5 SCORE Stratified Charge OmniVorous Ro tary Engine . 258 Smus daytime thermal panoramic stabIlised sIgl1t . 476
RDM AFV retrof it packages ............................_. 240 SCT ceramIc armour . 169 SJovenw
REM IE SpA ammunition ..... _._ .... _..... ........ lOB SESM transmISSions . 226 AFV fIre control systems . 401
RK 304 transm iSSion ......... .. .._. 233 SFAW/SIG flick rammel 66 day and night Sighting systems 503
RL I laser warni ng receiver .......... 205 SF1M Hl-7 0 com mander's gyrostablhsed panoramiC lasel detectors 206
RlNS RIng Laser Gyro land NaVi gation System ........ 431 SIght 477 laser ral'geflnders 464
ROMOR applique armour system s . 179 SFIM SILVER strapdown AttitLJde " I1d H earJlIl~J Smiths In dustri es M ode l 9265 Vehicle Navi gation AId
RSI tank lase r r.mge fHl der ............ . .. ................... 461 Reference System (AHR S) 416 System (VNAS) .. 434
Racal Saviour laser warning system . . .. .. . 210 SFIM SILVERNAV land navigation system 416 Sm iths Indllstnes POS-NAV POSItion NaVIg atIon
Raven combIned day/ night sight _...... 523 SFIM SIriUS daytIme thermal panoramiC stabilised System . . 435
Red Tiger tank fire-control system ...... 397 sight 476 Socledade Portuguesa de Exploslvos ammuni tion . _ 116
Renaul t engines ........ .. 224 SFIM VISAA stabIlised anti-aircraft SIght 476 Sol tam 120 mm under armour mortar . 2I
Renault TransflUide tra nsmiSSion .. ... 226 SFI M VS 580-30 gyrostablhsed thermal Sight 475 Sol tarn ammu nitIon . 105
Renk HSWl 106 transmiSSIon .......... 234 SFIM VS fam Ily of gyrostablilsed SIgh ts . 475 Sou th Afr Ica
Renk HSWL 194 tra nsmiSSIo n ......... , 232 SG·5 5 A ta l,k commancler's gyrostabill sed Sl9 111 .... 503 addenda ..... 546
Renk HSWl 2 84 1r<.IOSnliSSlon ........ 232 SGTS Second Ge nerat ion Tan k Sight 529 AFV fI re control sysl enlS ... .. 402
Renk HSWL 354 transmiSSion .... 233 SH l hydraulic bumpers 281 am mUllltion .... 117
Renk AK 304 transm iSSion .............. 233 SH l turret system upgrade packages 366 day and nigh t sighting systems . 504
Renk lank transmiSSions. other ............... ..... 234 SIOAM 25 antl-t:llrcralt turret .... 328 driver day and nIght VISion systems 44 5
Ren k transmiSSions lOt heavy wheeled vehicles ............ 23 4 SIG all-electflc turret dnve and gun taYlng system With land navIgatton systems 425
Rheinme tall 20 mm au tomatiC can non MK 20 digital AC servos (dACs) and brushless technology 370 laser rangelinders 465
smoke dischargers. grenades and decoys 196 TPS gunner s day/ n lgllt thermal Tank PenSCOI)6 u
vehIcle-mounted anti-tank gUided weapons . 58 Slghl ....... 526
weapon contro l and stabilisa tion systems 367 TPTMk4 127 mm turret . 329 UA 9 124/9126 day/nrg ht penscope Sight system 502
weapons of 20 mm and upward .. 24 TS·7 20 mm turret .... 317 UA9630 driver"s universal passive penscope senes ..... 442
Spa,,, TS-15 20 mill turrel famil y ... 3 17 UDX ra nge of m ilit ary engines . ... ................. .. 224
AFV engmes. transmiSSions and powerpacks . 242 TS-30 thermal elbow . ..... 507 UGO o bserva tio n and driVing goggles . . 439
AFV fire cont rol systems . 403 TS 90 90 mm turret .. 297 UU SS 30 POSition and Azimu th Determ ination System
AFV turrets and cupolas 332 TTB 190 90 mm lurret . 298 (PADS) ..................... .. 4 15
ammunition . 121 TIS laser rangefmder ..... 470 UP 1011 and UP1 00l day/ night aiming and
armou r systems . . 175 TIS Tank Thermal Sensor ... ....... _.... ... .. ..... .... 516 observa tIon systems .................. . . 502
day and nlghl slgh lHlg systems . 508 TUA TOW Under A rmour turret ............... 359 US applique armour programmes . .... 183
driver day and night VISion systems _ 446 TUA- 1 tWin 7 62 mm machIne gun turret .. ... 320 US Army ETC and gun propu lsioll process
weapons 0120 rnrn and upward . ......... 26 TUAMS laser tank flre-cornrol system . ..3 98 development .............. ..... 39
Spectronix Automatic Fire and Explosion Detection and Ta!wan US Army explosive reac t ive armou r programmes . 183
Suppression System (AFEDSS) ... 213 AFV tire control systems 405 US Army standard passive nlghl Vision elbow . . 538
Spicier close-in veh icle defence sys tem ." .. . 189 ammunition . .. 133 USSR, former
Steeleore Heavy Equipment armour systems .. . 546 Talley Defense Systems extenctecJ range ammu nition 150 coaxia l machine guns . .... 48
Sleyr SP1/ 127 weapoll sta tion 293 Tank ammunitiOn (CIS) . ... 81 UTAAS Universal Tank <lnd Anti-Aircraft Systems ...... 404
Steyr SP2/300 weapon stanon ... 292 TeJdlx FNA 50 veilicle navlgat!on system . 4 19 UTM 800 HOT tur re t .. ....................... ............ ................ 322
Stayr SP3/ 300 weapon stall on . . 292 Teldlx FNA 55 vehicle navigation system 4 19 UWS 40 mm/12 .7 mm Upgunned Weapons Station ... 350
SlIlIbrew passive arlllour system .... 180 Telcllx NKA 55 North-seeking gyro system 4 17 United Kingdom
Sweden Teldix vehicle navigation systems 417 ad denda 547
AFV lire control systems . 403 Teldlx FOA 25 FOA 50 vehicle Orientation systems . 420 AFV engines, tran smiSSIons and p owerpacks ........... 242
AFV turrets and cupolas 335 Teledyne Continental Motors d iesel engines . . ....... 263 AFV fire control systems ......... 405
ammuni tion 125 Teledyne external suspenSion systems . . 289 AFV turrets and cupo las .. . 338
armour systems . . 176 Telefunken Systemtechnlk electtlcal weapon control ammunit ion . . 134
day and nlghl sighting system s ...... 509 and st abilisation systems .. ._. ......... 364 ilrmour systems . 177
smoke dischargers. grenades and decoys ..... 196 Telefunken Systemtechmk LLL TV aimin g and au tomatic loaders and f lick ram mers . 67
vehicle-mounted anti-tank gUided weapons .... 59 observa tion system with IA scanner coaxial m achine guns .... 48
weapons of 20 mill and upward 27 Type PZ8 200/1RS 100 . 488 day and nig ht Sig h ting systems 5 11
Swmghre. . ................ 60 Texas Instruments AN/VSG-2 Telnk Thermal Sight d river day and night VISion systems .. 447
Switzerland (TIS) .. ... ..... ..... . .. .. . 542 fire detection and suppression .... . 214
ammunltlor, . 130 Texas Instruments Avenger lasel rangellrlder .. 471 land naVigation systems ...... 425
3utommic loaders and flick rammers .. ,. 66 Texas Instruments Combal Vehicle Th ermal Targeting laser detectors ..__ .. .......... ......... . 207
coaxia l ma chine guns .. _.. 48 System (CVTTS) .. 543 la se r rangef inders ...... . 466
day and n ig ht sl9l1tll19 systems . 5 10 Texas Instruments Extended Range Gunne ry Fife· smo ke di scha rge rs, g renades Clnd decoys ... . ............ 197
driver day and night VISion systems 447 Control Dell1onstratlon System (ERGFCDS) 407 suspensions . . .. .. ... 282
weapo l' control and stab il istllion systems . 369 Texas Instruments Full-SOlution Tank Fire-Control tracks . . 273
weapons of 20 mm and upward . 28 System . ,.. 408 veh icle-moun ted anti-tank QUicted weapons ............ . 60
Texas Instruments Gunner's Primary Tank Thermal weapon co ntrol and stabili sa tion systems ....... ........ 370
Sight (GPTTS) .. .. . 543 weapons of 20 mm and upward ... ... 31
Texas Ins truments unproved M60A3 fire-control Uni ted Scientific gun cont'fO l eqUipmen t for T-senes
T system 408 MBTs . 372
Texas Instruments Light Armoured Vehicle-Air De lense United States o f America
T6 .3544 dl8sel engll 18 248 (LAV-AD) pnmary sigh t sys tem . ... 543 addenda .... 548
T 20 turre t ... 304 Texas Instruments lightweIght Modular Thermal Sig h t AFV engines. transmissions and powerpacks ........... 255
T 25 turret . 303 (LWMS) .. ........ 543 AFV fire con trol system s . ...... .... . .. ........ . 407
T 25 tu rrel . 327 Texas In struments Modular Target AcqUISITIon System A FV tu rrets and cupola ...... 346
T25 25 mm low-prohle turret .... _.... _................... __ .. 328 (MTAS) ... 408 am munition . 140
T·54 . T·55 and T·62 MBT flre--control systems . 384 Texas Instruments tan k commander's IIldependent armour systems . ... 180
T 60/70 A turret 327 thermal viewer. 542 automat ic loaders and fl ick rammers ....... ... ........ ... .... 68
T·64. T·72 and T-80 MBT ftre--control systems 383 Texas Instruments Therma! Irnagmg Multisensor coaxial machine g uns . . ... ............ ............... 48
T·72 MBT which IS arllled with u 125 mm D-81TM System ... .. ....... 408 day al,d night sig hting systems . . 525
(2A46) slllooth-bore gun 120 mm (2A60) breach· Texa s Instruments TIS laser rangeflnder ........................ 470 driver day and night vision systems .. 448
loaeled mortar ........ 4 Textron Lycoln lng AGT 1500 gas turblile . 257 fire detect ion and suppression . .. .... . 216
T 90 CKL turret 326 Tl1ernwl1maglng Multlsensor System . . 408 land navigation systems . .... _ 428
T300 and T320 twnsml ss ion 254 Thermal Imaging Sig l1t (TIS) system for Leopard 1 laser de tectors . . .. .... .............. ....... ... 21 1
T tank gunner's telescopic laser rangefinder sight , . 467 MBT 472 lase r rangefinders . . ......... . 468
TAAS - Israe l Industries 60 mm Hyper-Ve locity Th etis therma l tank Infra-red Sys tem .. 498 smoke di schargers, g renades and decoys ................. 200
Medilim Suppon weapon (HVM S 60) ...... . 21 Thlokol al11tnllnitlon .. 145 suspe nsio ns . . .. .... .... 287
TAAS - Israel lndustfles 120 mm smooth-bore tan k Third Eye lase t warning system .... 205 tra cks _.. 276
gun . 21 Thomson Brandt 60 Ill." MCB 60 C gun mortar ............. 11 vehicle-mounted anti·tank gUided weapons 60
T AAS - Israel Indu stries 140 mm smooth·bore gun ........ 21 Thomson Brandt 60 mm MCS 60 LA gun mortar ... 12 weapon control and stabilisation systems ... 373
TAAS - Israel Indust'ries CL-3030 tnstantaneous selt· Thomson Brandt 81 mm MCS gun mortar 11 weapons of 20 mm and upward 36
screening system for combat vehicles .. 194 Thomson Brandt Armements ammunition . 93 United States Artillery Fi red AtomiC Projectiles
TAAS - Israel Industries ammunition .. ... 103 ThOnlson-CSF Camille fire control radar ............ 546 (AFAP) . 140
TAAS - Israel Industries MPATS .. 57 Thomson--CSF MIA IADE rada r warn ing rec eLver .... , 203 U nited States electriC drive developmen ts 255
TAAS - Pedestal Operated Multi·Ammunltlon Thomson-TAT Defense Castor thermal Imagtng sys tem United States tank automatic loader d evelopments ... 68
LaunchIng System (POMALS ) . . 19 5 lor armoured vehicles .............................. 483 Urdan Indust nes commander's cupola for M88A 1
TA8 220 20 mm antl-alcraft turre t . . 306 Thomson-TAT Defense CT-30 thermal fir e control ARV .... ...................... ...... 325
TAMAN DIrectional Gyro Indicator (DGI) .. ... 424 system . .... 482 Urda n Industries low·p ro f ile commander' s c upola ... .. ... 324
TAMAN Guns Orientation and Navigation System Thomson-TAT Defense DIVT 13 mght gllnSlght Urdan M 11 3 add-on armour kit . ... 174
(GONS) .......... 423 system .......... . ..... 482 Urdan track shoes ... ...... 272
TAMAN Land NaVIgation System - Mark I Th omson·TAT Defense OB-3 1 mght dTlvlllg
(LANS Mk 1) ... pertscope .... 438
TAMAN Land Navigation System - Mark II (LANS Mk Th omson-TR T Defense 0841 night drlvmg
II ) ........................... .. .. ...... . ... ...... 422 binoculars .. .. . ............ 438 v
TAMAN Lane! Navigation Sysl'ell1 - Mark IV (LANS Mk. Thomson-TAT Defense 08-60 ctay/nlyl1 t clnver s
IV) ................... . . ... .. . 422 penscope ... .. ._..... .. ,., 439 V- 150 Commando repower kit . . 240
TAMAN North Finding Module (NFMJ .. 424 Thomson-TRT Defense POLUX light oJ)tron ic V 200 VISion block . ...... ..... ............. ........ ...... ...... 495
TAMAN Vehicle Navigation Syslem (VNAS) ...._.......... . 423 processor ........ ........... ....... 482 VAR M A armo ur sys tem s .... .. ......... _.. ... ...... 179
TC·3 (A- 1) 127 111m turret 332 Thom son-TAT Defense UGO observation and (Irlvlng VCTIS Veh icle Command and Tac ll ca llntormil ti on
TC-9/0P and TC- 17 /CL turrets ... ..... . 333 goggles . ....... ... ..... _..._._.. 439 Sys ten, ..... , ........... , ............. .. _.... 381
TC· 13/M242 turret . 334 n,yssen Henschel M 113 supplementary armour kit . . 172 VG/D IL 186 cl ay ancl night driver scope sys tem . 442
TC 20 (Urlet 329 Titan family lank fire-control systems . ...... 377 VIR 52 gunner's nigh t VISion peflscope .. ...... 497
TC-25/ M242 turret ... 334 Toga add-on passive armour ....... 174 VISAA stabilised anti-aircraft sight . 476
TCM 105 m." Low-Profile Turret (LPT) . 346 Toucan I turre t . . ._ .. 305 VS 580-30 gyrostabilised thermal sigh t . ......... 475
TCV107 laser rangeflnd er ...... . ... . 456 Toucan IIlurret .. 305 VS family of gyrostabihsed sigh ts ... _ ..... 475
TCY90 1 laser rangehnder . 456 Tracor Aerospace advanced coun termeasure dispenser VSEL GBT 155 155 mm gun turre t . ...................... 338
TE-20 TV camera adaptor .......... 505 system ................ 202 Vammas g un systems . ............ 87
TELAB laser rangeflnder _.............. _. . ...... 457 Tracor Aerospace advanced smoke launcher sys tem ... 201 Vargo Model 9876C (AN/PVS-5C) night VISion
TF 20 15 20 mm turre t . .. 318 Turkey gogg les ..... .. ........... .. _...... ........ 454
TF 20 15. A 20 mm turret .. .. ............... _._ .. . ... 318 ammunition 133 Varo Model 1500 (AN/ PVS-7B) n ig h t vision goggles _.. 454
TILAS tank laser Sight .. .. ... 499 Type 79·11 tunk gunner's Sig ht 472 Vehicle Integra ted Defense System (VIDS) ..... 21 1
TISH IA2B Thermal Imaging Sensor Head .. .... _. 514 Type 82 tank laser ra ngefinder . 456 Vehicle Navigation System (VNAS) .... .... ... 423
TIVS gunner's Thermal Imaging Vehicle Sight . 521 Type 90 MBT Fire-Control System (FCS) ..... _............. 401 Vickers Defen ce Systems dynamic trac k tenSioning
TJN 2·7 1 day/ night optical Sig ht 479 Type 270/M239 66 mill smoke grenade launcher .. 187 system ..... _.. .. 287
TK-640 laser ra ngef inder . 469 Type 453 laser w(Lrntng receiver 209 Vickers Defence Systems hydraulic track tenSIoner ... 286
TLI 52 A maciline gun turt'et .. 310 Type 605 12 .7 mill turret ........_.. ........... __ .. 3 19 Vic kers Defence Systems Sttllbrew passive armour
TLI 127 c lose defence c lJpola .... 306 Type 629 lightweight modular laser rangefinder . 466 sys tem _.. _ .. ..... 180
TLIG senes of macblne gun lUrrets ......... .. 309 Type 1985 passive nig l1l viS ion goggles . . .. 436 Vickers Defence Systems VARMA urmour system s . 179
TLMD-3 tank laser rangefinder ..... .. ................ .............. 464 Type 2365 gun mount . . 320 Vickers Warrior 30 mm turret . . 341
TMC 81 mm gun-mortar turret .... 299 Type 270G mach ine gun mount . . 32 1 Vista Con trol s M 109 robo t· pn euma tic ram lller . . .. 68
TMA 81 81 Olm mortar tu rre t . .... ........ __ . 300 Type 12 150L d iese l eng ine _ .... 220
TMS301 Eyesafe laser rangefinder _. ... 457 Type FV day/night gunner's Sight ........ ... 509
TMV 565 monochrome TV mlcrOmOl1ltor .. .......... 478 Type FV Integrated tank flfe-(; onlfol ~ystem ......... 403
TN2·1 night Vision bmoculars . ..... ._..... 438 Type GS6TV low light level teleVISion system .. ...... 50 1 W
TN 12 tran smiSSion ...... ... 253 Type LAT laser rangefll1der for tanks . . .. 461
TN 15 Iransmission ....... .... ...... 253 Type LEM 3 laser range finder ..... . ...... 458 WBG-X therma l Sigh t for armoured vehicles ... 488
TN26 transmission .... . 254 Type MZA 1865 machine gun mount ............... 32 1 W P·7 u nder armour overhead weapon post .................. 325
TN37 transmission .... ....... .............. .2 52 Type PC 1MC Cyclop nigh t VISion goggles . . ..... 443 WSU Warning System on l aser illumina tio n .. _ 206
TN54 transmission .. . 251 Type PG1MS night VISion goggles ... . .... _...... 443 Warning System on Laser illumi natIon (WSlI) ...... 206
TNA4 Tank navigation Apparatus . .... ................... _.. 412 Type TDPN·2 driver s n igh t viewer . . .............. 436 Warnor 30 m m turret . . . .................. . ........ 341
TOI observation and Intervention cupola .. . 307 Type TS7TS gunner's paSSive aiming Sight .... 500 Weg m ann 76 m m adjustable la unc her system ....... 191
Manufacturers Index
A Atlas Elektronik GmbH Bulgarian Stat e Factories
OM T 90 du al mode tracker 484 Amm uni ti o n ... 74
FLP· 10/E M ES 18 Tank Fife-Co ntrol System (TF CS) .. . _ 389
AA I Co rpo ra tio n FLT-2/ EMES 15 Tank F,re-Con lrol System (TFCS) . 38 8
25 mm Mi nor Cali bre Weanons Sta llon .. 352 In tegrated OperaTing ane! Display Syst em - IBA S 3 90 C
ArllmLln ltlon 14 3 MOLF M odular Tank Lase r Fi re-contro l syst em 3 89
Rolle r Chain Ba nd t rack . 276 Vehi cle Integ r3ted Command and In formation System
- IFI S 3 90 CAl s ee Recon/Optica llnc
A IL Syst e m s Inc, Ad va nced Tech no log y S ystems
Radar warni ng rece iver . 211 Australian Def ence In dustries Ltd CER AC HOC
105 min TC cani ster ro und . 69 Cera mic arm our syste ms . 16 9
ALCOA Composit es In c, FIBERTEI( Div ision Ammun it io n 69
Composites M 113 mod ul ar lip-armour k it 181 CILAS
Avi m o ltd A PX M 504 Gunner' s optica l Sigh t and rangef lnder
A M CO RAM l td Laser Warnin g DeVice LW D 21 . 20 7 (la ser rangefinder) . . .. .... ......... .. ...... ..... 473
APS-3 492 NV40 gunner's passive nig ht VIsion periscope .. . 511 APX M550/TCV80 laser rangef ln der ............ .... ... .. ..... 456
LWS-2 laser warn ing system _ . ........ . ........ . 204 NV46 command er's pa ssive ni g ht vision pe ri sco pe .... 5 12 TCV107 laser rangefinder ........ ..... .. .. ,.... ..... .. ............ 456
W P· 7 uncler armour overhead weapon pas t 325 NV(L) 3001 day/n igh t lase r l angefinder slg lH fa mily ... 5 12 TCY901 laser ra ngef ind er . . 456
TM S301 Eyesa !e laser ran ge find er 457
AR M SCOR Avimo Ltd see Un ite d Scientifi c H o ld ing s pi c
76 mm glJn (GT 4) 24 CIS Stat e Fact o ries
105 mm tank g u n (GT 3) ._.... __ ..... 24 3 0 m m 2 A38M can no n . .. ... 6
Ammuni tion . 117 8 3 0 mm 2 A 42 can non ._. ..... 5
Vehic le smoke co ncea lm ent system 196 3 0 m m 2 A72 autom atic cannon ._...... _. ..... 6
73 mm 2 A 28 gu n .. .. _. . ........... . ............. .......... .. 5
A V Te chn o lo gy Corp orat ion BPD Difesa Es pazio, Settore Ditesa e Spazi o 100 m m 0-10 seri es guns .................... .... ................_....... 4
One M an A rma m ent Turre t 351 A mm un ition ... 106 115 mm U-5TS (2A20) gun .4
Two-ma n 90 m m turfet .. .... 349 125 mm D-81TM (2A46) smooth-bo re gun .3
BRAV IA SA AT-2 Swa n er ... ..... ......... .... 54
A bu Zaa b al Eng ineering Indu stries Compa ny A DV retrofi t prog rams .. 2 4 1 AT·3 Sagg er . ... .... . ... .. ... .......... 53
1 15 mm tank g un barrel . ......... _............... 6 AT-4 Spigot ... .. .. . . . .. ...... . .... ........ .. ... ". 5 3
Baird Co rpo ratio n, Optica l Syst e m s Di vision AT·5 Spandre l 52
Aerojet Electro ni c Systems Di vi sio n A N/VVS-2 ane! NDS-2 nasS lve driver's night VISion AT·6 Sp ira l . .. .. 52
Sen se And Destroy A rmor M u nition (SADARM ) 140 viewer .. 44 8 AT-8 Songs ter ....... .. 5 1
AN/VVS-50 1 passive nigh t d rivI11g viewe r 44 9 AT- l 0Sta bber .. ........... ..... .... .......... ... .. . . ... ...... 50
Aerojet Ordna nce Company GP/ NVG-l n ig ht VI Sion gogg les .. . 449 AT- 1 '1 Sniper ....... 50
25 Illm am mun iti o n (U SA ) 15 5 Explo sive reac t ive armo ur 166
25 111m M919 APFSD S-T flm munltlo n . 15 5 Bar com Electroni cs (Pty) Ltd Pass ive arm o ur ... . .. 167
3 0 mm GAU·8/ A am mu ni ti o n .. .. . ... _ . .. .............. 16 6 ANV 90 In teg rated veh icle navl g <l tion sys te m . 425 120 m m (2A60 ) breach-loaded m o rt ar . .., 4
30 mm am mun iti on .. .. .... . ......... _... 156
Ba rr & Strou d Ltd CMI, Coc k e rill M ech anica l Indu stries SA
Ai r-Lo g ltd LF 1 9 lase r rang ehnde r . 4 66 9 0 mm g un system . ...... . ............... ,
Running gear syst ems 282 A uto m atiC mu u le re feren ce system .......... 5' 5 C25 2 5 mm turret and CB30 30 Inm t urret ........ . ....... . 294
ComplJlerised th er m al and o ptica l fi re-con trOl CS E 90 mm tu rre t .... .............. .. .... ..... ...... . ..... 293
Alca n Plat e, Alcan Specia lity and A e rospa ce Ltd eqUi p m ent .......... 4 05
Al um in ium armour . 177 HDTI 2 000 co mpacl th erma l ima glllg syst em . __ .. 5 15 CS EE Defe n se
IR26 Therm al im aglllg Sen so r Head (TI SH ) .. ...... 5 14 EIREL Infra·red cou nterm eas ures system . 203
A le n is, Aeritalia & Selenia SpA. Defe nce Sys t em s Gro up Ta nk lase r slgll t . . .... ........ ........ __.. 514 El ec tri C g un and turret d rives 364
GAQ·4 anti-aircraft system laser ran g ef inder . . . 460 Thermal o b servation il nd g un nery Sigh t .... ................... 5 13
M TL·8 mod ular laser range filld er .. . 460 Ca dillac Gag e T extro n
Barrei ros He rm an os Internacio na l SA 20 111m 1 rn turret ... .. 357
A len ia, Avio n ic System s and Equipme nt Group Am m unitio n .. . 12 1 20 m in t urre t . 357
V 200 Vision block ....... .. ......... .. 495 25 mm turre t . . . 353
C215 g un ner"s artlcu la led telescopic sig llt .. . ...... 493 4 0 m m / l 27 m m Upg un lled Weapon s Sta tio n (UWS) 350
Ben dix Ave lex of Canada
PI 70 L and P240L day/ ni g ht gu n ner's la ser 76 m m turret . . ..... ............ ..... ..... ... ......... ....... .......... 349
Cha tt ered Ind us tri es of Sin g apo re- A dv;:Hl ced Compac t
pe riscop es 4 94 90 m m tu rre t .. 3 48
The rm al Imag ing System (ACTI S) 50 3
P186 gu nner s te lescopic si ght .. .. ..... .. . .. .. ... 4 93 105 mm low reCOil force turre l ...... 347
P1 92 nig ht driVing perisc ope. 44 I LA V· l 05 mm weapon sy stem .. .. 347
Be rn ardini S/ A Indus t ria e Com erdo __ . 358
P204 c1a Y/ 11Ight gllnn er"s perisco pe . 493 M achin e glJll tu rre t
M 41 rep owe l' packa ge . 22.0
P223 ve l1lc1e commander's night VISio n p eri scop e .. .... 49 5 TWi n/combination mac ll ine g un ( 1 Ill) tune t . ._ .. ..... __ 3 58
P265 1L passive ni g ht VISion elbow ........... 495 In·arm slls pensio n systems ._ ..... _ 288
Bh arat Electronics Ltd Turret p owe r con rrol system s . 373
Allia nt T ec hsy st e m s Tan k fi re-co nt rOI system M k 1 A 391 Wea pon / tu rre t stabilisa tio n systems .._ 374
24 V electriC drive system for li gillweight obse rV8 1!o n Tank fi re-contro l system Mk 1 B . ............ 3 9 2
c upolas 375 Ca rl Ze iss
120 m m Smart Target Act iva ted Flre-a nd-Forg et Bl o hm + Voss AFS-4 A FV g un-laY lIl g and f ire-con trol system . ... 39 1
(STA FF ) 120 rnm tank round XM943 . . 14 ·1 A rm o ur system s ... 171 PERI-R 17A 1 pa nora mi C periscope wit h au to ma tically
Lig ht turre l 2 4 V elec tri cal dnve system .. 375 stab il ised li ne-aI-Sigh t ... ._...... . ..................... .. ... ..... .... 486
M BT tu rret 24 V electrical d ri ve sy stem .... 3 75 Bod e nseewerk Gerat et ech n ik Gmb H PERI-R 1 7TW gyrostab ili sed pan o ram ic pem;cope Wit h
Comba t Vell ic le Arm ament Te chn ology (COMVAT) 44 FN A 6 15 velllc le 11<1Vlg atl on system . .................. ... 4 17 day and the rmal c hannels . 487
GPA 2000 gu n POSl!lOlllIlg aile! laYin g system .. ........ . . 41 6 PE RI-RF gyrostab illseel panoram ic pe risc ope 4 87
Allian t T ech sy st em s Inc PERI-Zl gu nner's gy rostabilised observa t ion and
25 mm amm u nitio n (USA) . ...... . ......... .... 155 Bot o rs A B Si g h ting peri scope w i th In teg ra ted laser range!mder .. 487
30 nli11 GA U-8/ A amm u nition . .. .. .... 156 40 mm 40170B g un 27 W 8 G·X therma l Sig ht for armoured vel1 lc les ..... . 488
120 mm KE-T rOlllld .... 160 7 1 mm comba t vell lc1e IIl umina tll1g sy stem .h 196
Advan ced arm our sy stem s .. .. 18 1 A mm u ll lllon . . 125 Carto n and Co m pany ltd. D ef en ce Prod uct s Gro up
Auto matic Fi re-Co ntrol System (AFC S) . 407 Com ba t vehic le 90 turret .. ._. 335 Trac ks 2 75
Lightwe ight 30 m m a mmunit io n ... 154 RB S56 Bi ll ..... ...... 5 9
Ch am be rl ai n M anufacturin g Corpo ratio n
Allie dSign al Ae rospa ce Com pa ny. Land Vehicle Syst em s Breda M ecca n ic a Bre sc ian a SpA Armo r Pro tect ion System s (C HAPS) .. 18 I
M a rketing, Bendix Guidanc e Systems D ivision OTO Me lar a/ BREDA T 2 5 1unet ... . 327 Amm unition . 148
Gyroco mpass Navigation System (GNS) ... . 430 25 rnm low·profil e T25 tu rret ... ..... .. 328
M ultiple rocket laun c lle r system Position Navigatl0l1 4 0 I1'm 4 0L 70N Fa st For ty gun 24 Charte red Industries of Sing ap o re
Uni t (PNU) 43 1 llg l1t tu rrets 330 Advarlced Co m pact Til ermal im ag ing System (ACTlS) . 5 03
Ring La se r Gvro Land Navigati o n System (RLNS) 43 1 Ammuniti o n p rod uc ti o n ... . ......... _......................... I 17
Bend iX Artille ry Po inti ng System (APS) .. _. 43 0 Britis h Aero sp ace Def e nce Ltd, Dyn am ics D ivisio n
Ben diX Stabilisa tio n Reference Package/ Posi tion Swing f lre 60 Chin a Natio na l El ectro nics Im port and Export
De termin ing System (SR P/ PDS) .... .. 429 Corpo ra tion
Bri ti sh A erospace Def e n ce ltd, Roya l Ord na n ce D ivis io n Ty pe 82 tan k laser ra ngef incJ er 456
Allison Tran smission 30 m m RA RDEN ammunition . .. 139 GM-0 9 tan k f ire-con tro l system 382
X-200-4 tra nsmi sSion ... ......... . ........... 267 RARD EN A POS amm un iti o n 140 China North Indu stri es Co rporat ion
X· I I 00-3B automatic transmi SSio n .... ... 26 8 Amm uniti o n . . . ' 34 ISF CS-212 Image Stabili sed Tan k Fire·Co nt rol System . 383
Transmi SSions ... ... 266 La smoke g rel1ad es .. . .... ..... .. . 200 Type 79-11 tank g un ner's sig ht . .... .. 472
Visual and 111fra-red sm oke screel1111g sy stem .... 199 Type I 2 150 L d iesel engil1e . . ... ... 220
Alvis ltd Type 12 I 50 L diesel engine, model vanan ts 220
30 mm tu rre t . .. 340 Brit ish Steel Sta inless ltd, Armour & A sso ciat ed X 15 0 -960 diesel engi ne .. 2 2 '1
76 111m tu rre t ...... _.. ... .. ._........ 3 39 Prod uct s A mmu n it ion .............. .... ....... ....... ...... .... .......... .......... . ..... . 77
90 m m IUrret . ..... .._...... _. 339 A rm our . 178
Dai m ler Ferret repower packag e .. ... . 243 China Precisio n M ac h in e ry Import and Ex po rt
Sco rpion re pow er pac kag e ..... 2 4 2 Brunswick Co r poration , Defen se Div ision C o rporati o n
Auto m atic ra m m er . 68 RA P-1 30 mm rocker-assist ed I) ro]ec t il e .. 8 I
A stro n autics C A ltd
FCS· l 0 tank f ire-control system ... ..... 3 93 Brun swick Defen se Chine se Stat e Fact o ries
FCS·2 0 tank fir e-con trOI system ... _.. . .............. 393 Mul ti-sa lvo smoke g re nade laune ll er ... 200 AT·3 Sagger ..... ..... .... ....... ... .. .. . 53
FCS-3 0 tank f ire-con t rOl system . 393 Type 12 150 L d iesel engin e . .... 220
FCS-40 tank fife-contro l syste m ... 394 Bu ck W e rke Gmb H a nd Co Ty pe 12 I 5 0L d iesel eng ill e. m ode l va ria nt s ... .... .... . 2 20
FC$-5 0 tank !Ire-con tro l system . ....... . .... 394 Selt-pro tect lon system . 190 X 150-96 0 d iese l eng ill e ..... ....... ..... 221
FC$-6 1 tank !I re-con trol system .. .. 3 94
FCS-2 0 I 0 tank fire-cont ro l sys tem 3 93 Budge, A . F. (Sa les) Chung Sha n Instit ute of Sc ie n ce an d Tec hno logy
Tank's dnver cont ro l and display . .. 44 0 Ret rofit packages .. 244 M4 8 H advanced fire-co ntrol syst em . . ...... 405
Cornpanh ia Brasileira de Cartuchos (CBC) Dunlop Aviation Divi sion, Military Equipment Empresa Na ciona l de Optica SA (ENOSA)
Arnn1Unl tlQl1 .n ... _.................... . 74 Suspen sio n systems 284 AMX·30E MBT commanders and g unner's optical
equipmen t . 509
Computing Devices Canada AMX-30 E MBT drivers periscopes 446
AutomatiC Target Acqu Isit ion and Track ing System E Improved M k 7 laser Tank Fire-Control System (LTFCS)
(ATATS) .. 382 for M 48A5E MBT 403
Commander's display panel . 412 PCN nlghl dTiVlOg penscope senes . 446
Improved com putel control panel. . 380 ESO see H ellenic Arm s Industry PP·O 1 aImi ng periscope 508
M 1/M1A 1 ba lli st ic computer system. .......... . 379 PP-02 obse rvati o n and all11lng periscope 508
M 48 ballisti c co mputer sys tem . 381 El-OP El ectro-Optics Industries Ltd PP-03 allnlng perrscope . 508
M60A3 m od ifi ed flre-control system . 380 BAT-30 cornput ensed flre·control sys tem 397
M Ission Management Computer System . . .... 38 1 Day/ N lgllt Range S'gl1t ION RS ) . 490 Ericsson Radar El ectronics AB, Su rface Sensors Division
Vehlcte Comm and and Tactlcall nlormallon System High RepetItion La ser Rangef lnder (H RlR) and High Gunners Integrated tank laser Slgl1l . 510
(VCTIS) 381 Repel! llOn Laser Rangeftnder-Eye Safe (HA LR-ES) . 459
Kn ight la mlly o f Advanced Tank Flre-Control Systems Etablissell1ent d ' Etu des et de Fabrications d ' Arme m ent
Creu sot-Loi re Indu strie (ATf CS) 395 de Bourges (EFAB)
Armour plates . 170 l ans<ldollam lly 01 arl110urecl ve hi cle Ill e-contro l 8 ' mm rapl(1 fife mortar 11
systems 395 90 mm CN90F3 gun 10
Cummings Engine Co mpany ltd M a lador faml'y o f tank fH e-control systems 396 90 mm CS Super (Super 90) gun 10
AS90 powerpack . 243 Mlnl·laser lank rangeflllller . 459 90 mm Fl gun 9
MSZ-2 gunner' s day/nlglll periscope 490 105 mm 105/57 gun 9
Cummins Engine Company Inc No 5157 second-gen er<ltlon night VISion goggles . 440 105mmCN 105 F1 gun 8
Advan cecllntegra ted Propul sion Sys tem 256 No 6 139 co mpa ct (Iflver s night viewer 441 105 m m F2 (MECA) gun 9
Diesel engines 257 Passive I1Igbl VISion elbow telescope 491 120 mm smooth-bore gun F 1
Red TIger lal1k fife-control syslem 397 120 mm smoo th-bore gun G I
Czech State Fac tories Tank fire-con trol systems 394
Kladivo tank Ilre-control sys tem 384 Tank laser rangefinder 459
Etienne Lacroix, Factory and M anagement
GALIX combat vehicle protection system 188
105 mm HE EM 20 CatTier round 108
Eurometaal NV
o Ammunition 110
ESD (Pry) Ltd
GeneTIc brushless low voltage gu n contro! eqUipment 367
Euromi ss ile, Dynamics Group
DEFTEC SA High IntegratIon Technology Tank Fire-Control System
105 mm HEAT-T rounel .. 124 (Hln·FCS ) 402 HOT 55
M41 gun con tro l system . 368
MIlAN . 56
D aewoo Corporat io n TRIGAT Programme 57
M ain Ba ttl e Tank (MBT) gun contro l system 368
AmlllLIJll tl o n 110
EXPAl - International Divi sion Euromissile GIE
David Brown Vehic le Transmission s ltd AmmUnition 122 HOT Mephlslo system . 322
HMPT-500 transmi SSion 2 68 HOT UTM 800 turret . 322
P40 trclnSmlSSlon 252 El b it ltd, Advanced T echnology Centre MILAN Compact Tun el (MCT) 323
TN37 transmiSSion 252 I U1c h bl-ocutar armoured veh Icle display . 489
TN54 transmiSSion .. 251 AIt·electfiC turrel/gun dri ve and stabili sation system .. 366 Europa M etalli - LMI SpA
N ew tranSI"ISSlons 251 CE l TICS Comman(Ier's Extended Link Tilerma li mag ing AmmU l1ll1 0n 108
Combat Sight 489
Del co see Gene ral M oto rs Corporation Elect ncally stablhsed wea po n and turret dnve system 366 Explosivos Da Trafaria SA
Knight family of Advanced Tank Fife-Control Systems Ammunl\lon 115
Delco System s Operations (ATFCS) 395
LAV-25 25 111m tunet 354 lansadot famIly 01 armoured vehIcle flre-control
sy stem s 395
DeneljPty) Ltd. LlW D ivision M ata dor family 01 IUnk fire-contro l systems 396
Arm scor 20 mm G12 automa tic can non 26 Tan k fire-control systems 394
Armscor 20 mm GA 1 aUlonlatlc ca nnon .. 26
Arm scor 35 m m GA 35 au tomatic cannon ._. . 25 Electron ics & Space Corporation FMS Corporation
Ground-Launched Hellf lre·Heavv (G LH-H) turret 361 A FV upgrades 265
Detroit Diesel Corporation TOW Under Armour (TU A) turret 359
En g in es .. 260 TOW Under Armour nUA) turret. model VCln3n!s 360 FMC Corporation, Ground Syst ems Division
, 2.7 mm macl1111 e gun lurret 359
Deutsc h e Aero space AG. D efence Systems Group Electronintorg Ltd 25 mill Autocan non turret 356
Common OI)\O-electrontc laser Detection System Siltora 1 AFV del ence system 545 25 mm electFic d rIve turret 356
(COLOS ) .. 204 25 111m Enclosed Weapon Sta llon 355
Eloptro (Pty ) l td 25 mm two-man turret .. 355
Diehl Group, Ordnance Divisi on Eland nig h t Slghl adaptor Type NA- l 0 505 40 mm/12 7 mm Encloseel Weapon StatIon 351
120 mm monar sys tem . 16 Integ ra led c1 ay/nlgh l gunner's Sighting system GS-2' S
504 FMC Co rporatio n, N aval Sy stems Divi sion
Diehl Rem sch eid GmbH & Co Laser elbow Type LE -20 507 Cannon-Ca libre Electromagnetic launcher (CCEML) 42
Armour syslems 172 LR 20 loser rangef ll1e1er 465 Eleclromaglletlc Foc used Technology Demonstrator
Track system 270 l T-20 laser rangefinder 465 (EM FTD ) 40
N D-15 nigh t dnverscope 445 Electrothermal-Chemical (ETC) gun propulSion system . 37
Diehl-Wehrtech nik ND·20 night drtve, 's pen scope 445 Pulsed power development . 39
76 mill velllc le fragmen ta ti on grenade , .. 191 Night e lbow Type NE·20 506 9·MJ Eleclrothermal skid gun module .. 38
A mmunition prog ram;11e . 94 Night VISion ada plor NA·20 .. 506 laboratory Electro tllerm al·Chem lcfl l gun development . 38
The nn al elbow T5-30 507 ETC and gun pro pul Sion process development 39
Dire ccion Genera l de Fabricaciones Militares IDGFM) TV camera adaptor TE-20 505
20 m m VCTP turret 291 FMC Corporation, Steel Product s Division
76 m m grenade launching sys tem .... 186 Eltro GmbH. Gesellschah fUr Strah lungs technik Track shoes 276
105 mill FRTL44 D1504 TypeC N105 Fl gun . 1 CE6 24 laser rangefll1del 458
105 mm FRT L51 tank gun . .... 1 CE628 laser rangefmder 458 FN H erstal
105111111 TAM \ElI1k turret .. 29 1 CE632 laser ra ngef incler 458 762 rnm GPMG 49
Arnrnull ltlon 69 CE619 lase!' rangeflnder 458 12 .7 mm M2 HB (OCB) mach ine gun 49
BP 213 - 3 160 1 MURET Cedex France. Tel. : 6 1 566500· Telex : S31478F LACART· Fax : 6151 4277
FOREX SA 30 rnrn Mode l 781 automatic gun ._ ............ _... __ ......... 13 Powerpacks ... ...... 245
Ammunition 124 45 mm Case Telescoped Ammunl1lon (CTA) cannon .. 12 Suspensions ... 285
80 mOl smoke can isters .. 189
Fairey Hydrauli cs Ltd 81 mm gun-mortar turret (TMC 81) ...... 299 Hsing Hua Com pany l td
Autoloade rs , 67 81 mm mortar turreT (TMR 81) ...... 300 Amm uniti on .. ......... 133
105 mm 105 Gl gun . .... 8
Falck Schmidt. E. A / S 105 mill 105 G2 gun . ............ 8 Hughes Aircraft Company, Electro-Optical Syst ems
M4l diesel fepower package . 221 105 TGG turret . . .. 296 AN/VAS-3 drivers thermal viewer 450
105 TML turret . 297 Armoured Gu n System (AGS) gunn er's pnmary Sight .. 528
Federal Directorate of Supply and Pro cu re ment (SDPR) APX M504 Gunner's optical sight and range f illder (llIle- Day/night gunn er's In tegrated Si gh t Unit (ISU) . 528
laser Irradiation de tector 2 12 of-Sight deflector) .. 473 Day/ Night Rang e Sight (DNR S) . . ... 527
Ammuni t ion . ... 161 GAUX combat vehicle protection system 188 El ect ro-Opt ical Trackmg System (EOTS) .............. 529
Ammumtton .. . 88 GM HE Integrated TOW Sight (GITS) ...... . ........ 527
Feinmechanische W erke Mainz (FWMI GmbH Armour systems ..... 168 Gyrostablhsed Gun ner's Pnmary Sight (GPS) 526
Gun control and stabilisation systems ... 365 Lancelot HOT turret 314 High Repetition Rate Eyesafe lase r range flnder . ... 468
Mascot remote-controlled 7 62 mm machine gun Infra-Red EqUipment (H IRE ) for gunne r's periscope
Ferra nti Internati onal mount . 311 sig hts .. 527
Vehicle support systems 547 Toucan I turret 305 l ow Repet ition Rate Eyesafe lase r range f lnder ...... 469
Toucan II turret ....... 305 M 1 Abrams Thermal Imaging System (TIS) .. 529
Flensburger Fahrzeugbau-Gesellsch aft mbH TS 90 90 mm turre1 297 Ml MaT laser rangef illder ................ 468
M41 repower package ... 227 TS 90 90 mm turret, model varian ts . 297 M1A2 Gunners Pnmary Slglll Llne-of-Slght Subsystem
M 1 13 APe modernisation .... 228 (GPS·LOS) ...... 531
Giat Indu stries/M ecanique Creusot-l oire Second Generation Tank Sig h t (SGTS) ._ .... ,.. ,.. ...... 529
francis B Wilmott Add-on armour kits .. 170
Suspension components .. 285 CB 60 HB shreld gun racer for 60 mm mortar. .. ... 302
CB 127 VE shield gun racer for 12 71l1m machine gun Hughes Aircraft Company Mi ssi le Systems
Fraser-Volpe Corporation ... 307 8GM-7 1 TOW .. .............. 62
M 19A 1 driver's night periscope ..... 450 CB shield gun racer for 7 62 mm maChl/le gun ._ 3 1 1
CP 127 A PIvot gun racer ........... 3 13
Leclerc automatic loader for Leclerc M8T ._ ... ........ 65
G P 127 A Pivot mount ... .308
STB V sh ield rotary mounT ..... 313
STBE shield rotary mOUIH , . 312 IMO Industries In c, M iller-Holwarth Division
GE Aerospace. Armament Syst ems Department STR rai l-mounted rotary mount 3 12 Armoured vehicle pertscopes .._ ...... _............... 535
Blazer air defence TUrrets 352 STRT A all-round rail-mounted rOtary mount 3 12
Blazer alf defence turrets, model vanant . .. 352 T 20 turret 304 INDEP - Industria s e Particip<;loes de Defes a, SA
T 25 turret . . 303 Ammun it ion . .............. _............. 1 15
GE Aerospace, Defe n se Systems Depa rtment TlI 52 A machine gun turret . . 3 10
AU-electrlc stabilised weapon control systems 374 Tli 127 close de rence cupola . . 30 6 ITT Defen se, Electro-Optical Prod ucts Divi sion
Armored Gun System (AGS) aU-electrrc stabilised turret TLIG series of machtne gun turrets .......... 309 Improved AN / PVS-7B Gen III passive n ight Vision
dnve system 375 Tor observation and Intervention cupola .. 307 gogg les. . 450
GEC Avionics ltd, Guid an ce Syste m s Divi sion Greek Powder & Cartridge Company (PVRKAl) IVECO FIAT SpA, Defen ce Vehicl es Division
Azimuth Position and Elevation System (APES ) ..... 427 Ammunition _.. ... _ 100 Fami ly of diesel engi nes . . .............. ,_ .. 239
land Navigation System (LNS ) ... _. 428 GRL-76-10 76 mOl tank close defence system .. ,. 193
Inframetrics Inc
GEC Sensors ltd, El ectro-Optical Military Division Infra-Red lI11a9ln9 System (I RI S) .......... .......... .. ......... _.,. 548
Multlsensor platform ._ ..... 51 G
5100/SS1 10night slgllts . S17 H Intertechnik GmbH
SS 120 commander"s nlghl sight .... 517 155 m m M109 rammer ............ ............................. 65
SS1 22 series armoured vehicle day/night sights 518 EF S explOSIon suppression system . .......... 2 13
SS 130 passive night dnving penscope . .... 447 Oy Hackman AB MFS eng ine co mpartment fife exti nguishlllg system .... 2 13
S5141. 55142 com mander"s nI91" and S5 162 Can ndg e cases ..... . 87
commander's day vision periscopes .. 518 Iraqi Government facifities
5S1 80 armoured vehicle day/mght sight 519 Hagglunds Vehicle AB A FV armour packages .... 172
55500 senes armoured vehicle thermal sigh ts ......... ,.. 519 20 mOl gun tu rret Ril 202 ...... _ 337
Tank Thermal Sensor (TIS) _ 516 20 mm turret HS 804 . ... 337 Iskra Elektrooptika ljublijana D. D.
25 mm gun turrets ........ ................ _....... ._,._ ..... ...... ._. 336 EFSC-3 tank fire-co ntrol system ...... ... _....... .... ...... ... ._.. .. 401
GEC-Ferranti Defence Systems ltd, Display Systems Two-man 25 mm gun turret ...... ..... _...._ . . 336 L<.l ser Irradiation detec tor and warner ........ .................. 206
Division Two-man 30 rnm gun turret . . 335 LD-TS la se r rangeflnder lor T-55 MBT gunner's Sight . 464
Type 453 laser warning receiver . . 209 5G-55A tank commander's gyrostabilised sight . ... 50 3
Type 520 laser range f lnder 467 Hal ey & W ell er ltd TLMD-3 tank laser rangefinder .. . . ...... 464
Type 629 lightweight modular laser range f inder . .. 466 Vehicle grenades ..... 19 7
Israel Aircraft Industries ltd, Electronics Division
GEC-Ferrant i Defence Systems ltd, Navigation and Heckler & Koch GmbH Directiona l Gyro Indicator (DGI) .. .._. 424
Electro-optics Systems Division Gun mount Type 2365 _.. .. 320 Guns Onenta tion and NaVigation System (GONS) ,........ 423
FIN 1 155 land navigation and altitude reference Machme gun mount Type MZA 1865 . ...... 32 1 land NaVigation System - M ark I (LANS Mk I) ...... 421
system . ....... ........... _.. , 425 Land Navlgallon System - M ark II (LAN S Mk II ) . ........ .. 422
FIN 5500 land naVigation and alti tude re ference Helio M irro r Company ltd Land NaVigatI on System - M ark IV (LA NS Mk IV) . . 422
system _... ,. _ .. 426 AFV penscopes _ .. 520 North Fi nding M odu le (NFM) . . ...... 424
Posltlomng and AZimuth Determining System (PADS ) Buffered rnounts for 7 62 mm and 12.7 mm mach ine Vehicl e NaVigation System (VNA5) .. ..................... . 423
Mk2 .. .. 426 guns 344
Ch ief tarn No 17 Mark 2 AFV cupola .. .. .. .. . 342 Israel Aircraft Industri es ltd, MBT Systems and Space
GEC-Marco ni Dynamics ltd FVC 102 lightweight cupola . . .. . 343 TeChnology
Tank Ar1ti-Misslle System (TAMS) . 208 FVH 300 l1i9h angle 7.62 111m or 127 mm macl1me HOWitzer Advanced Fire-Control System (HAFCS ) ... 398
gun hatch .. .......... 345 Israel Aircraft Indus lries NImrod ............. 58
GIW S see Gesellschaft Fur Intelligente W irksysteme HMO 848 lightweight, flghtll1g veh icle, commanders MBT G360 20 mm m ult I-purpose ligh t ca nnon ..._........ 22
mbH cupola . 344
Mirror Company LWD 21 Laser Warning Syst em ........ 208 Israel Military Industrie s ltd see TAAS - Israel Industries
GKl Eq u ipm ent PTE ltd Multipurpo se grenade discharger systems . 199 Ltd
FV600 upgrades . .......... 245 No 16 and No 26 lightweight cupolas ...... 342
No 27 hghtwelght AFV cupola . 343
GKN Defence K
Light turret ........ 343 Heliopolis Company for Ch emica l Indu strie s
Ammuni t ion .............. 84
General Dynamics. l and Syst em s Division KONI8V
ETC .. _... 40 Hellenic Arms Industry (EBO) HydrauliC shock absorbers , .. 281
Amm un lllon . ....... 101
Genera l El ectri c Company I( UKA Wehrtechnik GmbH
Advanced Integrated Propulsion Sys tenl . ............. _.. 256 Hercules A erospa ce Gun mount E6-11-25 ........ ............ ....... .. ... 3 16
155 mm Unl charge . ........... 144 Gun mount E6-IIA 1 ......... .... _..... .. 31 6
General Electric Company, Defense Systems Department Load assist deVice for 155 mOl artillery systems 66
Block III demonstration Electric Gun and Turret Drive Hercu les Defense El ectronics Syste m s Inc One-man turret E23 . .. .............. _.. .. 314
(EGTD) ..... .... .. ... .............._. .. .................. ........... 365 120 mm X-ROD autonomous tank round .. 160 Two-man low-profi le turret E4A 1 . 315
HMPT-500 transm ission .. ................ ... .. .... . 268 Two-man M arder 1 IlI rret ." . 3 15
HMPT-l000 transmissio n . .. 269 Hi spano-Suiza Type 60 5 12.7 m m turret ..... _ 3 19
liqUid propellant guns . ... 36 H 60 serres of tu rrets ...... 300
lynx 90 turret . ... 299 KVH Indu stries Inc
General M o tors Corporation. Delco Systems Operations lynx 90 turret. model vanants .... 299 M V 103 senes digi tal fluxga te compasses .. _.... 428
Thermal sight for the LAV-25 ...... . .. 526 Mangollste 60 mm/ 12 7 mm turret . 301
Puma cupola .... 308 Kader Fac tory for Developed Indu stries
George Blair pic. Defence Product s Division Serval 60/20 turret ...... 30 1 76 mm smoke grenade lau ncher system ................... 187
Tracks . ........ ..... _._..... 273 M 1 13A2 ad d-on arm our kit _" .......... 167
Honeywell Military A vionics Division
Gesellschaft Fur Intelligente Wirksy steme mbH (GIWS ) Modular Azimuth POSition System (M APS) ...... . 431 I(aha Company for Ch emical Indu stries
SMArt 155 mm proJect lJe . ......_. 99 Scree n smo ke grenades .. ............ ... ., .. .. ... ... ..... .. .. ..... .... '88
Honeywell Regelsys teme GmbH . Aerospace and Defence Type 270/M239 66 mm smoke gre nade launcher 1 87
Giat Industries 24 V electnc drive system for lightweight observation
12 7 mm CIBI 50 tu rret ... ....... 309 cupolas ,.,... .. ....... .... .... .. . 375 Kearfott Guidance and Navigation Corporation
20 mm CAPRE turret .. ..... . 304 light turret 24 V electrical drive system . ..... ... 375 Land NaVigation System (L NS) for combat/su rveillance
20 mm M62l (F 1) cannon . ...... 14 MBT turret 24 V electncal dnve system . ... ... 375 ve h ic les . 433
20 !TIm M693 (F2) can non _.. ._ 14 Min iature Integrated Land N aVigation System
25 mm DRAGAR turret ... ... 302 Horstman Defe nce Syst em s ltd (M ILNAVI . ........................... .. 433
25 mm Model 8 11 autom atic gun ._ ... ........... 13 Gun control equipmen t __ ... ............ 37 0 M od ular Azim u"lh POSition System (MAPS) .. ... 43 2
Modular Azimuth Positioning System with Global Makin a ve Kimya Endustrisi Kurumu o
Position ing System (MAPS/G PS) .................. 432 Ammunition . ....... 133
Korea Explos ives Company Ltd M artin M ar ien a Co rpo ration. M ilan Army A mmun ition Oerli kon-Contraves AG, Pyrotec
Ammunition ..... 1 10 Plant Ammunit ion .................................. . .... 130
Ammunition ........... 145
Krauss-M affei W ehnechnik GmbH Officine Galileo Sp A
Hydraulic bump stops ... .............. 280 M an in M ariena Orlando A erospace ATREOST tank flre-control system .. 399
Copperhead 155 mm Cannon-Launched GU ided J ANUS IIre-con trol system . ... 400
Kvae rner-Eurek a A/ S, Def ence Product s Sect ion Projec tile (C LGP) ........ 144 OG 14 L2 B tank laser flre-co ntrol system ..................... 400
Armoured lau nching turret for TOW m issile systems .... 33 1 Hell fire modular missile system ........ 60 TURMS laser tank fire-con trol system .. 398
Madis Sighting and drive system .... 499
M auser-W erke Oberndorf GmbH OG-P20 periscope sight ................... 496
L MK 25 mm x 137 Model E cannon ..... 19 0G-Pl01 periscope Sight ................... .. 497
MK 30 mm x 173 Model F (MK30) cannon . 19 OG·P07 penscope Sight .... 496
ThetiS thermat tank In fra·red system .. .. ... 498
LlW see Denel (Pty l ltd M eca nique Creusot -Lo ire see Giat Indu st r ies Vehicle cOl11mander's SP-T-694 gyros1abillsed
panora mic day/night 51g111 . ........... 497
Leica AG M eccania per I'Elettroni ca e Servom accanismi SpA VIR 52 gunner's nlgh l Vi sion periscope . .. 497
BIG2 commander's night vision goggles . 5 10 (MES)
VG/ DI L 186 day and nigh t dnver scope system . 442 Olde lft
Leica AG, Special Produc t s Division Lightweight Universal Night Observation System
SRZ/SK S muzzle boreslght . ..... .. 510 M enachem Urm an and Company Ltd (LUNOS) .. .. ................... . 443
CentUrion lank commander's cupola ..... 324 Low Llghllevel TeleVision System Type GS6TV . . ... 501
Linam ar Machi ne Lt d Mk 2 thermal observation and aiming Sight for IOfantrv
TOW-A rmoured La unch ing Turret (ALT) .. ... 295 M essier Auto Indust ri e fig lltl ng vehi cles ........ 500
Suspension systems . 278 Mk 3 thermal observa tion and aiming system lor
Utton Laser Syst em s MBTs ........ 501
TK-640 laser rangeflnder ................................ 469 Miller·Holzwarth see IMO Ind ustries Inc RSI tank laser rangefinder . ... ..................... .. .......... 461
TILAS lank laser Sight .................. . .. . ....... 499
Utton Syst ems Inc. Elect ron Devices Division M inistry of Defe nce. India Type LAT laser rangefinder for tanks .......... .. .. 461
M-912A/M ·9 15A night vISion goggles ... .... 45 1 Am m unition .... 102 Type PC 1 MC Cyclop nigh t viSion goggles . 443
M -972/M·973 night viSion gogg les . ....................... 451 Type PG I MS nlghl Vision gogg les . 443
Mits ubi shi Ele ctric Compa n y Type TS7TS gunner's passive aiming Sight 500
Lo ral Control Syst ems Type 90 M BT Fire-Control System (FCS) . . . 401
15 5 mm expendable Jammer XMB67 ADj EXJAM ...... 151 Oldelft Group. OIP-lnstrubel NV/ SA
M oked Engineering (1969) Ltd HNV· 1 holographic goggles 436
Loral Electro-Opt ica l Syste m s TI1Ifd Eye laser warning system .................. 205
Hardhat ATGW decoy system .. .. 211 Oli n Ordnance
Mondia l Def ence Sy st em s Ltd 20 mm ammunition ..... 154
Lora l Infra-r ed an d Imaging Syst em s Track system . . .. 276 Ordnance ammuflit lOn .. 146
Gunne r's day/ nigh t therm al Tan k Peri sco pe SIg l1t
(TPS) .......... ......... 526 M oteurs Baudouin Optic Electronic Corporation
Thermal Sight (ITS) . .. .................. . 526 6-cyhnder diesel engmes 222 AN/VVG-2 commander's integrated laser rallgeflnder 4)0
Drlver's night viewers famlty . ... .... .................... . 453
Loral Vought Syst em s M oto Pecas EGLE laser rangefillder kit .. 469
Hyperveloclty (HVM) Programme ...... ... 62 Gunner 's shield fOI M113 comm ander's cupola 295 GNP 55 gunner's nigh I vISion periscope 538
M113 dieset cOlwerSlon 220 Gunner's sight integrated ranglOg eqUipment M36·
Lotus Engineering SIR E .•................... ~ ......................... . 540
Ac tive suspenSion system .............. 548 M26 I11Llzzle boresight .... 541
M32E1 tank gunner's periscope ....... . 536
Luck y-Gold star I nt~rnatio n a l Corporat ion N M35E 1 tank gunner's periscope 536
Track shoes .... ................ 273 M36E1 day/ night lank penscope ........... .. 537
M 1OS series gunner's articulated slghtlOg telescopes 537
NANOQUEST Defence Product s Lt d MP86 multi-purpose gunner's periscope 540
M L20 series Sight laser range f lnders ........ 522 Mlllzie reference coltimator .. 541
L50 se l les Sight laser rangeflnders . . 522 NV38 driver's viewe r .. ... 452
NV43FL drlver's nlghl and emergency day/ NBC
ML A viat ion Lt d NAPCO Internati onal Inc viewer . 452
T' tank gunner's telescopIc laser rangefmder sight ....... 467 Retroht power packages 261 NV46S commander's passive nigh t vISion periscope 539
NV52 day/mg ht VIsion periscope 539
MM C Engineerin g Services Sdn Bh d NFT. M anufact uring Division US Army standard pasSive nigh t VISion elbow 538
V-I 50 Commando repower kit ... ....... 240 ElectriC drive systems lor gUll turrets 367
Opt ronic Inst r uments & Produ ct s (OIP)
MBT W ea pon System s see Israe l Aircraft Indu stri es NICO Pyrot echnik Olde llt LAS 5 fire-con trol system 378
Vehicle grenades 192 Oldellt LRS 5 fire-control system. m odel variants 378
MECAR SA Oldelll LRS 7 flre-control system 379
90 /2 8 mm light gun system .... .. 2 NIMDA Company Lt d
Improvement Programme lor 90 mOl Cockenll Mk III RetrofIt powerpacks 237
90 mm ENGESA EC-90 ........ ....... ... ..... 2 p
Ammunition _. . .................... 70 NOAIN CO, China North Indu stries Corporation
Red A rrow 8 50
MTU M otoren-un d Turbinen-Union Friedrich shaf en Tvpe 1985 passive I1I{Jht viSion goggles . 436 PB Clermont
GmbH Type TDPN-2 driver's night viewer 436 SNPE combustible can rldge cases 88
Powerpacks ... ..... 23 1
Power systems ............................... 228 NWM De Kr uithoorn BV PEO W arszaw a. Industrial Centre fo r Optics
Ammunition 112 Drlver's mght VISion goggles 445
M aasa ra Company for Engineerin g Dnver's passIVe !l lgh l Vision periscope .. 4 44
Am munition ..... 87 Night Vision Equipment Co Inc Tank lire-conlrol systems 401
NVEC BOO/NVEC 800 HP night vIsion goggles 451
M cDonnell Dougl as Helicopter Compan y PHOTO NI C Opt ische Gerat e GmbH
25 mm M 242 Bushmas ter can non . 46 Nobe tTech El ectronics AB FSC·S30 fire-control system for recolless guns 376
30 mm ASP-30 com bat suppOrt weapon . 45 In tegrated tank flre·control system Type FV 403
30 mm Bushmaster II automat ic cannon 45 Type FV day/ night gurmer's Sight 509 PYRKA L see Greek Pow der & Cartridge Co mpany
30 mm M230 Chain Gun automatIc cannon 44 Universal Tank and Anti-Aircraft Svstems - UTAAS 404
35 mm/50 mOl Bushmaster 111 automatic ca nnon . 43 Pacific Scient ifi c. HT L/ Kin·Tech Divi sio n
40 mm Bushmaster IV automa tic cannon . ... 43 Norsk Fo rvarst eknologi A S (NFT) Automatic Fire ExtingUishing Systems (AFES ) 218
25 111m MK 25 M odel E vehicle-mounted turre1 33 1
Mag ellan Syst em s Corporation Pakist an Ministry of Defence. Institute of Optronics
NAV 1000 M5 Global PoSItioning System (GPS) .......... 433 North A m eri ca n Dynamics AN/PVS-5A mght VISion goggles 444
M 1 13 universal gun mount 353
Magnavox Electronic Syst ems Co. W est Coa st Divi sion Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF I
GPS Engine"'· IUrbo version . 434 North Korean State Fact ories Ammunition 114
MX7120 with remote con trol display unit. 434 AT·3 Sagger 53 TWin 106 mm recoilless nile mount . 3 32
Societe Anonyme de Telecommunications (SAT) Telefunk en Systemtechnik GmbH Deutsche A erospace United States Army Tank-Automotive Command
A thos therm al Imagmg sys tem .. .... 481 AG - Energy and Systems Tech nology Combat vehicle suspenSion technology ..... 287
Electrical weapon control and stabili sa tion systems .... 364 Vehicle Integrat·ed Defense System (VIDS) .. 21 1
Societe de Constructions Panhard a t Levasso r
A ML lJpg rade kit ..... 223 Texas In struments In c, Defense Systems and Electronics Urdan Industrie s Ltd
Group Commander's cu pola for M88A 1 A RV 325
Societe Des Ceramiques Techniques (SCT) Avenger laser rangehncler . . ... 47 I Low-profile comm anders cupola 324
Ceramic armour .. 169 ISU day/night gunne rs Integrated Sight Unit . 528 M 113 add-on armour kit 174
TIS laser langefmdel 470 Track shoes 272
Soltam ltd
120 mm under arm our mortar . .... 2 1 Texas Ins t ruments In c. Electronic Systems Division
Amm unition . 105 AN/VSG-2 Tank Thermal SIght (TIS) .. _ 542
Combat Vehi cle Thermal Targeti ng System (cvnS) 543 v
Soviet State Factorie s. former Extended Ra nge Gunnery Fire-Control DemonstratIon
AFV dri ver's n ight VI Sion equipment . ... 437 System (ERGFCDS) 407
T·54 , T·55 and T-62 MBT fire-con trol system s . ..... 384 Fu ll-So luti on Tank FIre-Con trol System . 40B Vamm as Ltd
T·64. T-72 and T-80 MBT flre-control system s ....... 383 Gu nners Pnmary Tank Therma l Sight (G PTTS) . 543 Gun systems 87
TNA-4 Tank Navigat ion Apparatus ... 412 Improved M60A3 f lre-control system 408
CIS smoke system s . . ..... 186 Light Armoured Vehicle-Air Defense (LAV-AD) pmlHHy Varo Electron Devices
Drozd (Thrush) dyn amic defence system ............ 186 sigh t sys tem ............. . . . . 543 Model 9876C (AN / PVS-5C) night VISIOn goggles .... _. 454
Passive AFV prote ction system . .... ... 545 Lightweight Modul 'H Thermal Sig h I (LWMS) . . .. _ 543 Mode l 1500 (AN/ PVS-7B ) night vIsion gogg les 454
Mod u lar Target AcqU ISi ti on System (MTAS) . . 408
Spec troni)( Ltd Tank commimder's mdependenl thermal vIewer 542 Vickers Defence Systems
Automat ic Fi re and ExplOSion Detection and Thermallmagmg Multisensor System . . ... 408 DynamiC track tensionlllg system . 287
Suppression Sys tem (AFED SS) . 21 3 Hydraulic track tenSloner .. 286
Textron Lycoming Stllll)rew passive armour system 180
Steel eore Heavy Equipment AGT 1500 gas turbine .... 257 VARMA armOlJr systems _ 179
Armour sys tems ... . 546
Thiokol Corporation Vickers Defence Systems. Arm strong Works
Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezia lfahrzeug AG A m munition .. 145 Warnor 30 mm turlet ... 341
SP I /127 weapon sta tion ....... ... . . 293
SP2/300 weapo n station . .. ....... 292 Thom so n Brandt Armem ents Vickers Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd
SP3/300 weapon sta tion ..... 292 60 m Ol MCB 60 C gun mortar . 11 GBT 15 5 155 mm gun turret _ 338
60 mOl MeB 60 LR gun mortar . 12
Swiss Federal Arm ament Works 8 1 mm MCB gun mor1al 11 Vi sta Controls Corporation
120 mm compac t tank gun (smoo th·bore) ........... 28 Ammuniti on .... 93 M 1 09 robot. pneumatic rammer 68
140 I1lIl1 ta nk gun ....... . . 28
Thoillson-CSF Aerospace Group, Radars and
Swiss Industrial Company (S IG). Power and Countermeasures Divi sion
Transmi ssion Control Division Ca n'tille f lre·control radal . 546
Flick rammer ..... .............. 66 M 1RIA DE rada r warnll'lg receiver . 203
Thomsol1-TRT Def ense. Optronic s Divisio n
W atervliet Arsenal
T Athas the rmal Imaging system .. _481
105 mIn EX 35 low reCOIl gun 42
Caslor therm al Imaging system for armoured vehicles . 483
Can non. 105 mm M68 . 41
CT-30 thermal flre-control system .... 482
DIVT 13 n igh Tg un slght system . 482
Wegmann and Co GmbH
TAAS - Israel Indu stries Ltd Mltllrld at fire-conuol system .. 386
76 111m adjus tabl e launcher sys tem 191
60 mm Hyper-VelocllY M edium Support weapon (HVM S OB-3 1 nigh t driVing periscope ... 438
76 mm multi-purpose grenade launcher system . . 190
60) ..... 21 OB-4 1 night d ri Ving binoculars . 438
Type 2706 m achine gun mount . 32 1
120 mm smooth-bore tank gun .......... _................ 21 OB-60 day/night driver's periscope ... 439
140 mm smooth-bore gun .... .. .. ......... ... .... _...... 21 POLUX light optronlC processor . .... 482
Gun mount Type 2365 320
Machine gun mo unt Type MZA 1865 32 1
CL·3030 Ins tantaneous sel f-screenlll g system lor SO PTAC lilA con trol system . 385
combat vehicles ..................... . ... 194 UGO observation and driVing gogg les .... 439
Wild Leitz Systemtechnik GmbH
Am munition ........ . 103 Daylight/thermal imaging align m en t collimator KTW
MPATS 57 Thyssen Hensche l
18m . . 485
Pedestal Operated Multi-AmmunIti on launching M 11 3 supplementary armOur ki t 172
GPG·20 20 111m synchron lse r test deVIce ... , 485
System (POMALS) .. .. ....... . 195
MODUS-P optrOll lc panoramic periscope .. 486
Blazer ex plOS ive rea ctive armour .. ... 173 Tracor Aerospace. Expendable s Division
M76 mlra·red smoke grenade 201
Taiwanese State Factories Advanced countermeasure dispenser system 202
AT-3 Sagger ........ 53 Advanced smoke launcher system 201
Ta lley Defense Systems Inc
Extended range ammunit ion . ......... 150 u
Yugos tav (Serbian/Montenegran) St at e Factories
Teldix GmbH AT-3 Sa9ger . 53
FNA 50 veh ic le navigation syste m .. . . ................. 419 US Army Laboratory Command. M at erials Technology
FNA 55 veil ic le naviga tion system ....... .......... .............. 419 Laboratory
NKA 55 North-seeking gyro system 417 CompoSIte developm en ts (USA) . 182
Vehicle navigation system s ..... . 4 17
FOA 25 FOA 50 vehicle orien tation systems 420 US Army Tank Automotive Command
Combat Veh icle Command and Control (CVC ~ ) 392
Teledyn e Continental Motors, General Produ ct s
ZF Friedrich shafen AG
105 rnm Low-Profil e Turrel (LPT) ... ...... 346 Uni t ed Scientific Holding s pic. Avimo Ltd
automa tIc transmiSSions, o th er 237
Diesel eng ines .. .. .. ..... 263 TLlo-T art Iculated telescope laser range finder . . 466
LSG 1000 transmiSSions 236
External suspenSion systems . . 289
LSG 2000 transmiSSions 236
United Scientific Instruments Ltd
LSG 3000 transmission s . . 235
T elefunken Systemteeh nik GmbH, Ae rospace AG - Gun con trol eqU lprnent tor T-senes MBTs .. 372
LU TV allTI lIlg and observation system wi th IR scanner United States Arm y Tank Automotive Command Zaklady M e caniczne PZL-WOLA
Type PZB 200(IRS 100 . ........... 488 Advanced track lor heavy weigh t class vehicles 277 Diesel engines . 240