RISK - Ch@8

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At the end of /after studying this chapter, students should be able to:
Discuss the historical development of insurance industry in Ethiopia
Explain the general theoretical supervision and regulation of insurances companies.
Identify and explain the Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business and
Functions of the National Bank of Ethiopia in the country.

In our earlier studies of the preceding chapters, we have learnt about the nature and
characteristics of insurance, its principles and limitations and the major types of insurance. In
this chapter, you will primarily deal with insurance policies in Ethiopia. A short discussion on
the historical development of insurance business is made in the first section. And the second
section focuses on the theoretical aspects of regulation and supervision in general. A much
greater emphasis has been placed on section three to the licensing and supervision of insurance
business in Ethiopia.

8.1 Historical Development of Insurance

Traditional protection of risks in Ethiopia can be found in the form of Edir and Equib were
people get in some financial contribution to save themselves and losses of properties from
unexpected troubles in the future.

According to some researches year 1951, marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history
of Insurance industry in Ethiopia in that it witnessed the launching for the first time entirely
owned by Ethiopians called “Imperial Insurance Company” formed by the initiatives taken by
some enlighten Ethiopians and the expatriates, which brought significant development in
financial sector of the economy lead to the coming in to existence some eighteen company in
1954 operating in different parts of Ethiopia engage in offering coverage for life, marine, motor
and fire or property Insurance services.

Proclamation No. 281/70 which was the first Governmental act on the supervision of Insurance
business in the country brought about a significant change, in that the government put the

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 1

governmental control in place for it feel the promotion and protection of the public Interest was
timely as the scope of Insurance business in the country expanded and Insurance registration
license was setup under the Minster of trade and Industry tourism.

Insurance business in its modern sense in Ethiopia started in 1905 when the then Bank of
Abyssinia got underwriting authority in the form of Agency for Fire and Marine Insurance
business. The first local insurance company was formed in 1951. Later on the number of
insurance companies reached 15 of which two withdrew from business in 1972.
As a result of nationalization of these companies in 1975, Proclamation No. 68/1975 was
declared to form the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation with a capital of Birr 11 million. Since
nationalization, its premium production on the average has continuously grown at the rate of
26.5% in 1976 to Birr 300 million in 1994/95. While its claims increased from 20 million in
1976 to Birr 160 million in 1991/92.

With the declaration of Proclamation No. 86/94, which allowed the licensing and supervision
of insurance companies, there emerged seven more than private insurance companies with a
total capital of nearly Birr 205 million. The total market that was Birr 50 million in 1976
reached Birr 345 million in two decades’ time. These insurance companies have reinsurance
arrangements with reputable international re-insurers mainly from Munich Re., Swiss Re., etc.

Though there is a growing performance in the industry over the last few years, the industry is
facing some problems. The major problems of the existing insurance companies in Ethiopia
today are listed below in the order of importance:
I. Lack of adequate public awareness
II. Shortage of skilled manpower
III. Price cutting
IV. Lack of professional ethics
V. Unfavorable policies
VI. Lack of proper data to conduct business analysis

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 2

8.2 Licensing and Supervision of Insurance Business in Ethiopia

The government of Ethiopia has adopted a new economic policy to guide the country’s
economic development direction. Under the new economic policy, the involvement and active
participation of all economic sectors in the economy is called for. To this end, there arisen a
need for a new and comprehensive law that governs the licensing and supervision of insurance
business to enable the full participation of all sectors in the economy. It is to this effect that the
licensing and supervision provision was stipulated. Dear student, in the forthcoming sections,
we will discuss about some of the points related with the licensing and supervision
proclamation, viz., Proclamation No. 86/94.

8.2.1 Functions of the National Bank of Ethiopia

The licensing and supervision proclamation attempts to figure out some of the functions
expected to be played by the National Bank of Ethiopia in connection with insurance businesses
to be licensed to operate in Ethiopia.
The principal function of the National Bank of Ethiopia with regards to insurance business is
to formulate policy.

I. Conditions for insurers

The proclamation also discusses some more points in connection with the conditions that need
to be fulfilled to operate in the insurance industry of the country. Accordingly, in order to carry
on insurance business in Ethiopia, any person is expected to meet the following conditions.
a. It has to be a company. Insurance businesses need to have their separate legal
personality as a separate entity, distinct from its owners. As such they will have an
artificial (judiciary) personality created by law and carrying limited liability.
b. As stipulated in the commercial code of Ethiopia, the minimum capital required for a
share company is Ethiopian Birr 50,000. However, proclamation no. 86/94 demands a
much bigger figure for minimum share capital. The capital requirement also varies with
the types of insurance being carried on. Thus, the insurance share capital should not be
less than
I. Birr 3,000,000 if the business is a general insurance business
II. Birr 4,000,000 if the business is a long-term insurance business

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 3

III. Birr 7,000,000 if the business is a both general and long-term insurance
c. The insurer is required to deposit cash in its own name to the amount of the capital
stated above. Deposit requirements, as will be discussed in the subsequent pages, will
also be extended to statutory reserves, as a percentage of paid up capital and legal
reserves, a percentage of annual profits of insurer.
d. The insurance company, after fulfilling the requirements set by Proclamation No. 86/94
and the National Bank of Ethiopia, need to obtain a license for operation.
e. It needs to have principal officers that meet the standard set by the National Bank.

II. Shares

The Proclamation also discusses about the features of the shares to be issued by the insurance
companies. In this regard, it dictated insurance companies to issue only one class and registered
ordinary shares of the sum per value. In addition, the proclamation prevents owning of more
than twenty percent (20%) of the company’s share by any one person or with persons related
with him to first degree.

III. Licensing of Insurers

Persons should get the license for the particular class or classes of insurance business they
would like to operate. In addition, the proclamation stipulates that every application for the
grant of a license should be accompanied by memorandum and articles of association,
insurance policy forma and such other particulars as may be prescribed by directive to be issued
by the National Bank. A license granted by the National Bank shall constitute final
authorization to carry on insurance business in Ethiopia.
IV. Cancellation of licenses
The National Bank may cancel the license of an insurer either wholly or in so far as it relates
to a particular class of insurance business: -
a. If the provisions stated in the proclamation are not being complied with by the insurer.
b. If the margin of solvency of the insurer fails below the line provided.
c. If the insurer, at any time during the period of validity of the license injects his funds,
moneys or assets or any part thereof in investments prohibited by law.
d. If the business or a class of business of the insurer has been transferred to or
amalgamated with any other insurer.

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 4

e. If the insurer carries on business other than insurance business without the authorization
of the National Bank or any class of insurance other than the one for which he is
f. If the insurer has not conducted any insurance business for twelve months after the
grant of license.
g. If the insurer has failed to comply with the requirements of the NBE.
V. Statutory Deposits

The proclamation stipulated articles with regard to the amount of deposits to be made by the
insurance companies as well. According to it, every insurer shall, in respect of each main class
of insurance business he carries in Ethiopia, deposits and keeps with the National Bank an
amount equal to fifteen percent (15%) of his paid up capital, in government securities
The deposit specified above shall be held to the credit of the insurer provided that the aforesaid
deposit or any part there of shall not be withdrawn except with a written permission of the
NBE, nor shall such deposit be used as a pledge or security against any loan or overdraft.
VI. Legal reserve
According to this same proclamation, every insurer shall credit for ten percent (10%) of his
annual profit into its legal reserve account. As soon as the amount deposited in the legal reserve
equals the capital of the insurer, it shall maintain other reserves as may be determined by the
National Bank.

VII. Reserve Accounts (provisions)

In addition to the aforementioned reserves, every insurer is required to maintain provisions for

A. Premium that have already been collected but the risks have not yet materialized
B. Claims that are outstanding.
C. Insured claims but not yet reported, and
D. Other similar matters to be determined by the Bank

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 5

Preparation of Accounts

Every insurer shall, in respect of all insurance business transacted by him prepares statements
showing its financial position at the expiration of each financial year with reference to that

These financial statements include:

A. A balance sheet in the prescribed form, showing the financial position of the company
at a specific date for each financial year.
B. A profit and loss account in the prescribed form. Moreover, the insurer is required to
prepare revenue account in the prescribed form in respect of each class of insurance
business for which the insurer is required to keep separate account of income and
C. The statements referred to above should be signed by the chairman of the board of
directors and the principal officer of the insurer and shall be deposited with the Bank
within three months from the end of the financial year to which the statement relates

Licensed insurance auxiliaries only to act as such

The proclamation disallows any party from acting as an auxiliary or an actuary unless he
obtains a license authorizing him to act as such by the NBE. A license to act as an insurance
agent, insurance broker, assessor, insurance surveyor or actuary will be granted by the national
bank of Ethiopia upon the receipt of a fee set and an application.
In addition, the proclamation stipulates that it would be unlawful for any insurer to:

A. Appoint an actuary or
B. Appoint an insurance agent or
C. Entrust any work of assessing insurance claims to an insurance assessor and pay
brokerage to any person whether an individual, a firm or a company which is not
licensed or whose licensed has expired and not been renewed or has been cancelled.

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 6

VIII. Investigation

The National Bank, as stated earlier, is given the authority to license, supervise and regulate
the insurance business. To this effect, the bank may, at any time investigate the affairs of any
insurer. The bank may, whenever necessary employ trust worthy and qualified persons or firms
for the purpose of assisting its investigation. On receipt of any report the Bank after giving the
insurer such an opportunity to be heard as it thinks, in connection with the report by order in
writing, may:

A. Require the inspected or examined insurer to call a meeting of its board of directors for
the purpose of considering any matter arising out of or relating to the affairs of such
insurer or require an officer of such insurer to discuss any such matter with an officer
of the Bank.
B. Depute one or more of its officers to watch the proceeding at any meeting of the board
of directors of the inspected or examined insurer or of any committee or of any other
body constituted by it, require the inspected or examined insurer to give an opportunity
to the offices so deputed to be heard at such meetings.
C. Require the insurer to take such action in respect of any matter arising out of the report
as the Bank may think.
D. Prohibit the inspected or examined insurer from under writing new insurance policies
and publish a notice of such prohibition in newspapers of general distribution and other
E. Order the removal of one or more of the directors and officials of the inspected or
examined insurer.
F. Direct the inspected or examined insurer to temporarily suspend business in whole or
in part.
G. Revoke the license of the inspected or examined insurer
H. Initiate a liquidation procedure
X. Appointment of Administrator
Any insurer should do its business in a manner that keeps the interests of its policyholders.
However, in cases where the Bank has evidence that the insurer carrying on long term insurance
business is acting in a manner likely to be prejudicial to the interests of holders of long term
insurance policies, it may, after giving such an opportunity to the insurer to be heard as it thinks
fit, appointing administrator to manage the affairs of the insurer under its direction.

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 7

The insurer, however, may apply to the high court for such act of the bank. The high court may
on the application of the insurer, revoke, for good cause, the appointment of the administrator
or if the appointment of an administrator is in the court’s opinion justifies, either confirm the
appointment made by the Bank or appoint a new administrator

A. Power and Duties of Administrator

The administrator appointed by the Bank or the federal high court will conduct the management
of business of the insurer and shall, as soon as practicable, file with the Bank a report stating
the course which in his opinion shall be most advantageous to the general interests of the
holders of insurance policies. The Bank shall, after examining the report field with it take
measures it thinks appropriate, including, where necessary, legal action to promote the interest
of holders of insurance policies in general

A. Restrictions on Loans, Advances etc by an Insurer

No insurer shall grant any loan, advance, financial guarantee or other credit facility against the
security of its own shares. This restriction doesn’t apply to loans on life policies issued by him
within their surrender value to any shareholder or the insurer or to any director, manager,
actuary, auditor or offices

D. Power of Bank regarding returns

It has already been discussed that the insurer is required to submit financial statements at the
end each financial year. However, where it appears to the NBE the returns are inaccurate or
defective in any respect it may require from the insurer such further information certified where
it so directs by an auditor or actuary as the cases may be to correct or supplement such returns
or can upon the insurer to submit for its examination only books of account, register or other
document or any other statement which it may specify in a notice served on the insurer for the

E. Power of the Bank to order Revaluation

In addition to regulating, further information on returns, if it appears to the NBE that the returns
by reason of wrong method of valuation, doesn’t properly indicate the condition of the affairs

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 8

of the insurer, it may after giving to the insurer a notice and an opportunity to be heard may
order re investigation or re-evaluation to be made by the actuary.
The insurer should place at the disposal of an actuary all the information records and materials
for the purpose for re-investigation.
F. Certification of Soundness of Terms of Insurance Business
The NBE will conduct activities to the effects of insuring that the terms of insurance policies
safeguard the rights of policy – holders, under the laws of Ethiopia. Where at the time of
considering an application for a license or at any other time, the insurance businesses are in
any respect not workable or sound, the insurer may require the bank certify that the said rates,
advantages terms and conditions are workable and sound.
G. Power of issue directives to be issued by the bank
The bank also regulates the manner, in which reinsurance business may be transacted, fees for
insurers and insurance auxiliaries’ license, winding up of insurer. In addition, the bank is
empowered to apply to the court for the dissolution of an insurer whose license has been
cancelled. The court may dissolve an insurer on the petition of the bank.
H. Amalgamation/mix
No insurer can amalgamate with or takes over the insurance business of another insurer except
with the prior approval of the Bank. Schemes of amalgamation approved by the bank will be
affected in accordance with the procedure laid down in the commercial code. The manual of
issuing shares by insurers and the transfer or assignment by shareholders of shares. The
minimum academic qualification and practical experience to be possessed by actuaries and
insurance auxiliaries are:

 Investment government securities within specified limits.

 Investments in which insurers may not invest their money, assets of funds. Limits for
reinsurance business, which insurers may place with non-domestic insurers. Procedure
for investigation to be made by the Bank into the affairs of insurers and any other
matter, which is necessary for supervision of insurance business, will be issued by the

Prepared by: Biniam G. @Bonga University, Department of Management 9

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