Article 2021
Article 2021
Article 2021
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
This study discusses the causal relationship between bank corporate governance, capital adequacy and the
probability of bank failure due to credit risk from the creditor's perspective on the bank's financial performance.
The probability of failure of commercial banks in measuring risk-taking behavior. The special characteristics of
commercial banks with smaller board sizes, shareholder equity, and long-term loans are associated with
significantly lower levels of credit risk. Larger supervisory boards and short-term debt are associated with lower
levels of credit risk.This study aims to examine and prove the effect of corporate governance on capital adequacy,
and corporate governance directly and mediated by capital adequacy and credit risk impact on financial
performance. Test and prove that corporate governance affects credit risk. Test and prove the effect capital
adequacy to credit risk, as well as capital adequacy directly and mediated by credit risk have an impact on
financial performance. Test and prove the effect of credit risk on financial performance. The analysis technique
uses Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA). The unit of analysis is 30 conventional commercial
banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2016-2020, using panel data, namely time series and
cross sectional data, with a number of observations of 30 x 5 years = 150 financial statements.The findings of
this study are expected to contribute to the development of science in the study of financial management,
especially the theory of corporate governance and credit risk management, namely: corporate governance as a
source of value creation, ensuring capital adequacy as a buffer for the risk of losing credit portfolios and
managing credit risk at a minimum level. to maintain financial stability and increase Profit which ensures
financial performance remains in good or healthy condition. This study concludes that corporate governance has
a significant influence on capital adequacy and financial performance, because good corporate governance will
manage an optimal capital structure and the availability of capital adequacy that makes the company more able
to operate and invest optimally, so as to generate maximum profit to improve financial performance. The
influence of corporate governance on bank financial performance is also mediated by capital adequacy.
Corporate governance has no significant effect on credit risk. Corporate governance cannot determine credit risk,
because credit risk is the responsibility of company management in order to control risk in banking operations.
Capital adequacy has a significant influence on credit risk and financial performance, because capital adequacy
for the company's operations and investments will improve the bank's financial performance. Capital adequacy
has a direct and mediated effect of credit risk on financial performance. Sufficient capital is able to reduce credit
risk and improve financial performance, because credit risk which has a negative impact on financial
performance has been successfully reduced.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Capital Adequacy, Credit Risk, Financial Performance.
DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-20-06
Publication date:October 31st 2021
1. Introduction
The main function of commercial banks is to borrow from their customers to provide loans to other parties who
need funds, so that banks are always faced with the risk of default as the main risk of the banking sector. A large
number of bank loans became bad loans and caused a financial crisis. The probability of default increases and
creditors also gradually lose the confidence of the bank, leading to an important restructuring of the banking
sector. The main task of bank managers and owners is to reduce credit risk through one of the corporate
governance tools. Effective corporate governance must increase investor confidence in the country's economy.
Corporate governance aims to build credibility, ensure transparency and accountability, and maintain
effective information disclosure channels to promote better corporate performance. A study by Gompers et al.
(2003) during the 1990s revealed that companies with strong governance characteristics can generate abnormal
returns of 8.5% per year. The most common corporate governance practice in the business objective is to
maximize shareholder wealth, the main responsibility of management should be to ensure the interests of
shareholders. The most serious disadvantage of this corporate governance is that it ignores the wealth of other
stakeholders such as employees, customers, creditors. Debt holders have priority right of payment in the event of
bankruptcy, but must bear a higher risk of default when the firm has an incentive to invest in high-risk projects
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
with the expectation of higher returns. If the project is successful, then shareholders will benefit, as a result,
shareholder-oriented corporate governance can damage the value of the company and harm debt holders (Dao
and Pham, 2015).
Corporate governance structure and short-term debt are associated with lower levels of credit risk. The
special characteristics of commercial banks with smaller board sizes, shareholder equity, and long-term loans are
associated with significantly lower levels of credit risk. Larger supervisory boards and short-term debt are
associated with lower levels of credit risk. For centuries of banking credit risk probabilities, lenders have had
great hopes in developing tools or strategies to assess credit risk and forecast the debtor's failure to guarantee
cash inflows.
The term "credit risk" has become one of the most problematic banking terms worldwide which is regularly
observed and discussed in many financial articles and research journals. Credit risk is the possibility that a
borrower will default on all types of debt due to financial constraints. Default is the debtor's failure to pay part or
all of the principal and interest to the lender, but also the risk of a decline in the borrower's credit position
resulting in credit risk. Failure does not always occur, but the probability of failure increases.
In times of financial crisis, thousands of businesses and individuals went bankrupt, the lack of cash flow to
repay loans made banks hit by bad loans. Bank credit risk is considered as the main characteristic of liquidity
panic in times of financial crisis. There is no single corporate governance model that can be applied to all
companies. The novelty of this research is to reconstruct various previous research models in the financial and
banking sector, become a new research model, and complete the "research gap" that existed in previous studies.
Empirically tested the effect of corporate governance mediated by capital adequacy and credit risk on financial
performance, which to the researcher's knowledge has never been studied in previous studies. This study
discusses the causal relationship between corporate governance and bank capital adequacy, the probability of
bank failure due to credit risk from the creditor's perspective on the bank's financial performance. Cumulative
failure probabilities and failure distances were estimated for a sample of commercial banks to measure risk-
taking behavior.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Corporate Governance
2.1.1 The Shareholder Model (Milton Friedman, 1970)
The shareholder model of corporate governance is used to explain the formal system of accountability of senior
management to shareholders. The shareholder theory states that the only responsibility of a business is to
increase shareholder wealth which is judged by its market value. Managers and boards of directors will be
encouraged to align with shareholder wealth. The problem that underlies corporate governance in this model
stems from the relationship between principal and agent that arises when there is a separation between beneficial
ownership and executive decision making (Dao and Pham, 2015).
The principal agency problem is also an important element of the expert view of corporate contracts called
“incomplete contracts” as developed by Coase (1937), Jensen and Meckling (1976), Fama and Jensen (1983),
Williamson (1975, 1985), Aghion and Bolton (1992), and Hart (1995). This principal-agent problem would not
arise if it were possible to write "complete contracts" to motivate managers to act in the best interests of
shareholders. An effective corporate governance framework can minimize agency costs and problems associated
with the separation of ownership and control. “The governance structure can be seen as a decision-making
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
governance will result in higher net profit margins and higher earnings per share (Todorovic, 2013).
Kumar and Nihalani (2014) examined the effect of corporate governance on the performance of Bank India
and found that the board of directors has played an important role in the company's performance, but the board
of directors meeting has a negative effect on financial performance. Based on the explanation of agency theory
and previous empirical studies that corporate governance affects financial performance, the following research
hypotheses are formulated:
Hypothesis 3: Corporate governance has a direct influence and is mediated by capital adequacy and credit risk on
financial performance.
2.2.4 The Effect of Capital Adequacy on Credit Risk
The capital adequacy ratio is a measure of a bank's financial strength expressed by the ratio of capital (net worth
and subordinated debt) to risk-weighted credit exposure in the form of loans (Economic Times Bureau, 2010).
Capital adequacy ratio is calculated by dividing total shareholder equity by total assets. A high capital adequacy
ratio indicates that the owner of the bank has a larger share than creditors in the bank's assets. Credit risk is
obtained by dividing the loan loss reserve by the total loan portfolio. A high credit risk index indicates that banks
have a higher level of problematic loans (Mendoza and Rivera, 2017).
Bearing Risk Theory (Hawley, 1900) explains that an important function of an entrepreneur is to take risks,
a function that cannot be delegated to others, profit is a reward for taking risks. Some risks are inherent in any
business enterprise in view of the speculative nature of the business. So, in the banking business, management
must bear the risk to earn a return in return for taking the risk. The level of risk varies in different businesses, but
there is a positive relationship between risk and return (Hawley, 1900). If the risk and cost of capital is managed
properly and appropriately, it can reduce failure. Based on the theoretical explanation, the research hypothesis is
formulated as follows:
Hypothesis 4: Capital adequacy has an effect on credit risk.
2.2.5 The Effect of Capital Adequacy on Financial Performance
Capital adequacy is an important variable in determining the financial performance of banks and banks with
large capital can give a signal to the market that the performance is better than the expected average (Flamini et
al., 2009). Banks that have large capital are less risky and produce lower profitability ratios because they are
considered safer, so there could be a negative relationship between capital adequacy and profit. A higher equity
to assets ratio will result in lower external funding requirements and therefore higher financial performance
which indicates higher financial performance (Naceur, 2003).
Overall, banks with large capital are believed to reduce funding costs and reduce the possibility of
bankruptcy. It is important for banks to examine more deeply if additional equity capital will result in higher
financial performance than increased debt. Banks need to ensure the implementation of strict internal processes
in lending operations and improve internal controls in preventing risks such as loans (Mendoza and Rivera,
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is a ratio used to measure capital adequacy that supports bank assets that
can have risks such as loans. The formula for calculating CAR is capital divided by risk-weighted assets.
According to regulation No.15/12/PBI/2013 from Bank Indonesia, banks are required to provide a minimum
capital of 8% of risk-weighted assets (RWA). An increase in the CAR ratio means that the amount of capital
increases and this indicates that the bank can survive even if it suffers losses. This can increase the level of trust
of customers and investors to deposit money. An increase in bank deposits can serve as funds that will be
provided as bank loans and so that the bank's ability to generate profits will also increase. The theoretical
implication of this empirical is that capital adequacy will improve financial performance. Based on the
explanation of the concept of capital adequacy and previous empirical studies that capital adequacy affects
financial performance, the following research hypotheses are formulated:
Hypothesis 5: Capital adequacy has a direct and mediated effect of credit risk on financial performance.
2.2.6 The Effect of Credit Risk on Financial Performance
The risk associated with the banking sector business is defined as a decrease in the value of the company, due to
changes in the business environment. Credit risk affects the profitability, operational efficiency and stock prices
of banks, because an increasing NPL and LLP ratio will reduce the bank's potential income, and be an indication
that the bank is inefficient. This condition gives a negative signal to the market which causes investors to sell
banking shares, which then has an impact on the decline in the share price. If the NPL and LLP ratios decrease or
improve, it will have a positive effect on increasing profitability, operational efficiency and provide a positive
signal to the market so that investors are interested in buying the bank's shares (Amidu and Robert, 2006;
Mbarek and Hmaied, 2011; and Epure and Esteban, 2011). 2013).
Risk is the uncertainty of the position of the actual return on investment that is different from the expected
return (Alshatti, 2015). Risk occurs due to investment decisions and funding decisions of companies that have
the opportunity to lose the original investment and the amount of interest accumulated in it. Credit risk is the risk
that the borrower defaults and does not honor his obligations to pay the debt. Credit risk can occur when partners
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
3. Research Methods
3.1 Types of Research
This type of research is explanatory, namely explaining the influence between one or several variables with one
or several other variables, using secondary data. Based on the research model that has been developed, it is
expected to be able to further clarify the influence between the variables analyzed, and at the same time be able
to make useful research implications for the development of science as well as a method for solving problems in
the field. Quantitative research methods are based on the philosophy of positivism, which is used to examine
certain samples or populations, by collecting data, data analysis is quantitative/statistical, with the aim of testing
hypotheses (Data et al., 2017).
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
implementation of corporate decisions, by management so that it can function as a source of value creation,
ensuring the availability of capital adequacy as a buffer for the risk of loan portfolio losses (NPL), operational
efficiency to increase profit, and manage credit risk at a minimum level to maintain stable profit growth.
Corporate Governance is measured by indicators of the size of the board of commissioners, independent board of
commissioners, internal audit committee, external audit committee. Referring to the research of Yulianto et al.
(2014). Indicators of the Size of the Board of Commissioners
The size of the Board of Commissioners is the total number of members of the board of commissioners, which is
a corporate governance organ whose function is to oversee the policies of the board of directors in carrying out
the company's operations and to provide advice and consideration to the board of directors. Referring to the
research of Festus et al., (2019) which considers Board Size as an indicator of corporate governance. Independent Board of Commissioners
An independent Board of Commissioners is a board of commissioners who is not a member of management,
majority shareholder, official or any position that can influence directly or indirectly the shareholders. The
Independent Board of Commissioners is part of the corporate governance structure that functions to oversee the
policies of the board of directors in carrying out the company's operations and provide advice to the board of
directors. The Audit Committee (AC) is one of the corporate governance control mechanisms in order to
improve the quality of the company's financial management and performance. Members of the Audit Committee,
consisting of members of the internal audit committee and members of the external audit committee. Internal Audit Committee
The Internal Audit Committee is a member of the Audit Committee who comes from within the company and is
formed by the company's management in order to improve the quality of financial accountability and company
performance. External Audit Committee
The External Audit Committee is a member of the audit committee who comes from outside the company and is
not formed by the company's management. Usually Public Accountants are contracted by companies to evaluate
financial accountability made by company management based on traditional accounting principles.
3.4.2 Endogenous Variable Capital Adequacy (Y1)
Capital adequacy is one of the important aspects in the implementation of prudential principles in bank
management based on regulations issued by the Financial Services Authority. The bank's capital comes from the
shareholders (common stock) and the accumulated net profit after tax is not shared or retained earnings. Capital
serves as a buffer against the risk of loss due to non-performing loans (NPL). The minimum capital requirement
includes two consecutive components, namely: Tier 1 is fully paid up core capital, and Tier 2 is supplementary
capital as additional reserve capital.
Capital adequacy indicators used in this study are Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR). Debt to Assets Ratio is the ratio between total debt and total assets. DAR is used
to measure how much commercial bank assets are financed with debt (third party deposit funds). Debt to assets
ratio (DAR) is calculated by the following formula:
DAR= (Total debt )/( Total assets) x 100%
Debt to equity ratio (DER) is a comparison between total debt (third party deposits) and total equity, used to
measure the ability of equity (own capital) to support total debt or third party deposits. DER is calculated by the
following formula:
DER= (Total debt )/(Total equity)
Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is a comparison between total equity (equity) and total risk-weighted assets (RWA)
used to measure the level of capital adequacy or ability to cover or buffer the risk of loss on assets that have risk
or risk weighted average. Capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is calculated by the following formula:
CAR= (Total Equity)/RWA x 100%
3.4.3 Credit Risk Variable (Y2)
Credit risk is a change in the value of net assets due to changes in the ability of the counter parties to meet agreed
obligations. Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 15/12/PBI/2013 concerning Minimum Capital Adequacy
Requirements, defines credit risk as the risk of loss due to the failure of the debtor or other party (counter party)
in fulfilling obligations to the bank.
NPL or non-performing loans are loans that are categorized as substandard, doubtful, and bad. The higher
the NPL ratio, the lower the credit quality of a bank in generating interest income. The NPL ratio indicates the
ability of bank management to manage the quality of the loan portfolio disbursed. The better the bank's
management in managing the loan portfolio, the lower the NPL and LLP ratio will be, and vice versa. The Non-
Performing Loan (NPL) indicator is calculated by the following formula: NPL Gross (NPLG)= (NPL) / (Total
NPL Net (NPLN)= ( NPL) - LLP /(Total loans)
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
Loan loss provision (LLP) is a provision for funds or reserves formed to anticipate bank losses due to a
decrease in the quality of the loan portfolio. Similar to NPL, higher LLP indicates declining credit quality. The
higher the NPL, the higher the LLP so that the subsequent impact will reduce bank income, because the
formation of reserves comes from income or Net Interest Income (NII). LLP in the Indonesian banking system
uses the term Allowance for Impairment Losses for financial assets, or is called Allowance for Earning Assets
Losses . The loan loss provision (LLP) ratio indicator is calculated by the following formula:
Loan Loss Provision (LLP) = ( LLP) /(Total Credit)
3.4.4 Financial Performance Endogenous Variable (Y3)
Financial performance is the result of financial achievement that shows the company's ability to manage assets,
liabilities, and bank equity to generate maximum profit. Financial performance in this study is measured by
indicators: earnings per share (EPS), return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and net interest margin
(NIM). Earning per share (EPS) is the total net profit after tax or net operating profit after tax or net income,
divided by the number of shares of common stock issued and fully paid. EPS is calculated by the following
EPS = (Net Income)/(Common share outstanding)
Return on assets is the ratio of net income to total assets within a certain time. ROA is used to measure the
company's ability to manage assets to generate profits for the company, so as to increase the company's financial
ability to fund projects that have a "positive net present value". Referring to the research Data et al. (2017), ROA
is calculated by the following formula:
Return on assets= (Earning before interest and tax )/(Total assets) x 100%
Return on equity (ROE) is the ratio of net profit after tax with total equity within a certain time. ROE is used to
measure the company's ability to obtain net profit after tax available to equity owners, so as to increase the
wealth of shareholders, as a result investors can assess management efficiency. Referring to the research Data et
al. (2017), Return on equity (ROE) is calculated by the following formula:
Return on equity = (Earnig after tax)/ (Equity) x 100%
Net interest margin (NIM) is an indicator that reflects financial performance, which is a comparison between net
interest income (net interest income) and average productive assets (interest-earning loan portfolio) in a certain
financial reporting period. This ratio is used to measure the bank's ability to earn net interest income, which is
the difference between the total interest income and the total interest expense (interest income and interest
expenses). NIM is also a measure of a bank's ability to determine funding policies (diversification of funding
sources) that affect the cost of fund structure, basic loan interest rates, and credit policies (credit portfolio and
lending rate). The higher the NIM indicates that the bank is getting better at managing sources of third party
funds (debt), channeling them into a portfolio of credit assets (investment), including a more competitive lending
rate policy. NIM is calculated by the following formula:
NIM = (Net interest income)/(Average earning assets)×100%
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
latent variables and one endogenous latent variable affects other endogenous latent variables. (3) The estimation
of the value of the latent variable is based on the weight relation (Esposito et al., 2010).
Steps to analyze data using the GSCA program:
(1) Prepare data files in xlsx (txt) format
(2) Opening the GeSCA program which will be run online.
(3) Upload the data to be analyzed into the GeSCA program.
(4) Draw the analysis model into the GeSCA program (path diagram).
(5) Incorporating indicators into latent variables (assign indicators).
(6) Click run (do analysis) GeSCA.
4. Research Results
4.1 Statistical Description
Descriptive statistical analysis aims to describe the data that has been collected as it is without intending to draw
general conclusions or generalizations. The data described in the form of minimum value, maximum value,
average of each indicator forming latent variables, as listed in table 1, are as follows:
Table 1. Development of Research Variable Indicator Values
Variable Indicator Average per Year 5 Years Average
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Max Min Mean
Corporate Governance (X)
SBC 5 5 5 5 5 9 2 5
IBC 3 3 3 3 3 5 1 3
IAC 3 3 3 3 3 6 1 3
EAC 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
Capital Adequacy (Y1)
DAR (%) 85 85 84 84 84 94 70 84
DER (%) 601 652 614 612 643 1607 209 632
CAR (%) 20.06 20.41 20.60 20.35 22.89 45.85 9.01 20.86
Credit Risk (Y2)
NPLG (%) 3.77 3.14 3.27 3.55 3.49 15.82 0.00 3.44
NPLN (%) 1.86 2.05 1.91 2.15 1.62 8.54 0.00 1.92
LLP (%) 2.34 2.27 2.18 2.20 3.25 7.70 0.00 2.45
Financial Performance (Y3)
EPS (%) 111.71 190.67 159.91 179.19 111.91 1371.32 -485 151.81
ROA (%) 0.35 0.90 1.39 1.25 0.79 4.00 -11.15 0.94
ROE (%) 0.79 5.06 6.85 5.10 3.87 23.08 -65.76 4.33
NIM (%) -3.04 5.01 4.91 4.38 3.86 40.92 -315.06 3.03
Source of data: IDX company financial report and annual report on the website
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
a measure of the latent variable. The indicator with the largest outer weight indicates that the indicator is the
strongest or dominant measure of the variable. The results of the outer weight indicator of the seven measured
latent variables, obtained through the GSCA bootstrap calculation which also produces a critical ratio (CR) value
similar to the statistical T value, if the weight value is above 0.4 and the CR value is greater than 1.96 T table, it
is decided significant. The detailed test results are as in table 2, as follows:
Table 2. Measurement Model Test Results (Outer Model)
Indicator Loading Information
Estimate SE CR (t) P-Vaue
Measurement Model of Corporate Governance Variables (X)
Size of the Board of Commissioners (SBC) 0.872 0.018 47.77* 0.00 Sgnificant
Independent Board of Commissioners (IBC) 0.902 0.010 86.26* 0.00 Sgnificant
Internal Audit Committee (IAC) 0.673 0.046 14.5* 0.00 Sgnificant
External Audit Committee (EAC) 0.517 0.081 6.41* 0.00 Sgnificant
Measurement Model of Capital Adequacy Variable (Y1)
Debt to Asset Ratio 0.927 0.017 54.31* 0.00 Sgnificant
Debt to Equity Ratio 0.916 0.011 80.96* 0.00 Sgnificant
Capital Adequacy Ratio 0.840 0.025 33.46* 0.00 Sgnificant
Measurement Model of Credit Risk Variable (Y2)
NPLG 0.952 0.032 29.78* 0.00 Sgnificant
NPLN 0.835 0.035 24.01* 0.00 Sgnificant
LLP 0.579 0.074 7.77* 0.00 Sgnificant
Measurement Model of Financial Performance Variables (Y3)
Earning Per Share 0.680 0.036 19.07* 0.00 Sgnificant
Return On Assets 0.960 0.016 60.99* 0.00 Sgnificant
Retrun On Equity 0.904 0.018 51.63* 0.00 Sgnificant
Net Interest Margin 0.626 0.073 8.53* 0.00 Sgnificant
CR* = Sgnificant at 0.05 level
Source: GSCA analysis results processed in 2021
Based on the results of the GSCA analysis, a tested hypothesis model is obtained, as shown in table 3 below:
Table 3. Structural Model Test Results (Inner Model)
Hypothesis Path Path Coeficients
Estimate SE CR P-Value Information
H1 * Significant H1 accepted
0.309 0.067 4.64 0.00
H2 0.070 0.089 0.78 0.43 Not significant H2 rejected
H3 0.228 0.063 3.64 *
0.00 Significant H3 accepted
H4 * Significant H4 accepted
-0.178 0.044 4.06 0.00
H5 0.128 0.055 2.32 *
0.02 Significant H5 accepted
H6 -0.720 0.024 29.52 *
0.00 Significant H6 accepted
CR* = Significant at 0,05 level
Source: GSCA analysis results processed in 2021
5. Discussion
5.1 The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Capital Adequacy
Corporate governance (X) has a significant effect on capital adequacy (Y1), the path coefficient value is 0.309;
CR value 4.64* greater than 1.96; at the level of P = 0.05. The statistical evidence shows that the path coefficient
is positive and significant. A positive path coefficient means that improving the corporate governance structure
will ensure and increase the availability of capital adequacy. The path coefficient of the influence of corporate
governance on the capital structure of 0.309 means that every improvement in the corporate governance structure
of 1 unit will result in an increase in the capital structure and availability of capital adequacy of 0.233 rupiah.
The test results show sufficient empirical evidence to accept hypothesis 1, which states that corporate
governance has an influence on capital adequacy. The theoretical implication of this empirical is that corporate
governance has an influence in determining capital adequacy, namely good corporate governance will result in
an increase in the capital structure and availability of capital adequacy.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
value 0.78 is greater than 1.96; at the level of P = 0.05. The test results show that there is insufficient empirical
evidence to accept hypothesis 2, which states that corporate governance has an influence on credit risk, so the
statistical decision for hypothesis 2 is rejected. The effect of corporate governance on credit risk cannot be
generalized to the study population, because it is not statistically significant, which means it only applies to
certain sample cases. Corporate governance is not able to determine credit risk, because credit risk management
is an operational responsibility that must be carried out by company management in order to control risk.
Management must make the right decisions in controlling credit risk, so as not to adversely affect the company's
financial performance, because credit risk has a negative effect on financial performance.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
inherent in every business enterprise in view of the speculative nature of the business. So, management must
bear the risk to earn profit in return for taking risk in the banking business.
The banking sector business cannot be separated from the issue of risk (risk taking), namely the potential
for failure and otherwise the banking system is not in a position to encourage growth in the real economic sector
(Greenspan, 1996). The theory that underlies the relationship of risk in the banking business (credit risk) with
capital adequacy is in accordance with the "Capital Buffer Theory" which states that excess capital from a CAR
position of at least 8%, is intended as a "risk buffer" and reduces the possibility of financial difficulties or bank
failures (Deelchand and Padgett, 2009).
Capital Buffer Theory has been confirmed empirically from the results of banking studies in the United
States, Switzerland and Japan, in the period between 1992-2003 (Deelchand and Padgett, 2009). Jokipii and
Maline (2009) stated that the Capital Buffer Theory predicts that banks will maintain a level of capital above the
minimum requirement (a buffer of capital), distinguishing the pattern of long-term and short-term relationships
between credit risk and capital adequacy. In the long term the relationship between credit risk and capital
adequacy will be positive, in the short term the relationship will be positive if the bank has a capital adequacy
above the minimum, and vice versa if the bank only has a minimum level of capital adequacy, then the
relationship between credit risk and capital adequacy will be negative.
The findings of this study do not support the research of Bichsel and Blum (2002) on banking in
Switzerland which found that capital adequacy has a positive effect on credit risk, which states that the higher
the capital adequacy, the higher the level of credit risk faced. Research by Altumbas et al., (2007); Maurin and
Toivanen (2012) the relationship between credit risk and capital adequacy is positive.
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
increase in credit risk that appears in the increase in the NPL ratio, and an increase in the allowance for
impairment losses or loan loss provision (LLP), will reduce the financial performance of bank issuers listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The decline in financial performance was caused by the increase in the number of
LLP which became a deduction factor for the amount of operating profit for the year from each bank. The
theoretical meaning of this empirical finding is that credit risk affects financial performance.
Credit risk has an effect on profitability, operational efficiency and stock prices of banks, because an
increasing NPL and LLP ratio will directly reduce the bank's potential income, and be an indication that the bank
is relatively inefficient. This condition gives a negative signal to the market which causes investors to sell
banking shares, which then has an impact on the decline in the share price. If the NPL and LLP ratios decrease or
improve, it will have a positive effect on increasing bank income (profitability), the level of operational
efficiency and provide a positive signal to the market so that investors will have incentives to buy these shares
(Amidu and Robert, 2006; Mbarek and Hmaied, 2011; and Epure and Esteban, 2013).
The risk itself is the result of investment decisions and funding decisions of the company. Risk is the
position of the actual return on investment that is different from the expected return (Alshatti, 2015). Risk means
the possibility of losing the original investment and the amount of interest accumulated in it. Credit risk is the
risk that the borrower defaults and does not honor his obligations to pay the debt. It can happen when partners
are unable to pay or cannot pay on time.
The findings of this study confirm and support the research concept of Alshatti (2015) that credit risk
management has a significant effect on the financial performance (ROA and ROE) of Jordanian commercial
banks, further concluding that credit risk management indicators (bad credit / gross loans, provisions for loss
facilities / net facilities) and leverage ratio) has a significant effect on the financial performance of Jordanian
commercial banks. Mendoza and Rivera (2017) on the rural banking sector in the Philippines, also support the
empirical findings of previous research studies conducted by Epure and Esteban (2013) on Costarika banking
and Amidu and Robert (2006) on Ghanaian banking, both of which states that credit risk affects financial
performance (profitability and ROA) in a negative direction. The findings of this study do not support the
research of Christaria and Kurnia (2016) which found that credit risk (Non Performing Loans) has an
insignificant effect on the financial performance (ROA) of commercial banks in Indonesia.
6. Conclusion
1) Corporate governance has a significant influence on capital adequacy, because good corporate governance
results in an increase in the capital structure and availability of capital adequacy.
2) Corporate governance has no significant influence on credit risk. The effect of corporate governance on
credit risk cannot be generalized to the study population, because it is not statistically significant, which
means it only applies to certain sample cases. Corporate governance is not able to determine credit risk,
because credit risk management is an operational responsibility that must be carried out by company
management in order to control risk.
3) Corporate governance has a significant influence on financial performance, because good corporate
governance will make the company more able to operate and invest optimally, thereby generating maximum
profit and resulting in an increase in financial performance. The effect of corporate governance on bank
financial performance is also mediated by capital adequacy.
4) Capital adequacy has a significant effect on credit risk, because capital adequacy for the company's
operations and investments will result in a reduction in bank credit risk.
5) Capital adequacy has a significant influence on financial performance, because capital adequacy for the
company's operations and investments will result in an increase in the bank's financial performance. Capital
adequacy has a direct and mediated effect of credit risk on financial performance. Adequate capital is able to
reduce credit risk and improve financial performance, because credit risk which negatively affects financial
performance has been successfully reduced.
6) Credit risk has a significant influence on the financial performance of value banks, because credit risk will
cause the company to lose and reduce financial performance.
7. Recommendations
1) Future research can add other variables that have not been included in this research model, to obtain a more
comprehensive research model. Integrating financial statement data and other relevant information to
overcome the limitations of historical data in financial statements. Follow-up research can be carried out
elsewhere for a longer time, or replace other research objects.
2) For companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and investors, the results of this study are expected to be
useful input in making decisions or financing policies for a company. Practically for companies on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange and investors, the following can be recommended: Management must consider
corporate governance, capital adequacy, credit risk and financial performance. Corporate corporate
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
governance can be a reference in determining the funding mechanism, whether to use internal funds or
external funds. Companies can use internal funds first before external funds, because internal funds are free
of additional interest costs. Considering credit risk, because credit risk is the uncertainty of receiving
receivables and bank income which has a negative impact on financial performance and firm value. Using
debt at the lowest possible cost level in order to increase profits and financial performance. Maintain and
improve financial performance, because investors will appreciate the shares of companies that have high
financial performance at the highest price. Must combine financial statement data and other relevant
information for analysis purposes in producing more accurate predictions. To overcome the limitations of
financial statements, because financial statement data is historical data or past data. If there is an error in the
disclosure in the financial statements, it will result in the prediction results being inaccurate.
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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021
Research Journal of Finance and Accounting
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol.12, No.20, 2021