Pharma Ceu Tic
Pharma Ceu Tic
Pharma Ceu Tic
B. Pharm 7th sem, 2023
(Registration no. 40320000047)g
University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Panjab University, Chandigarh
Subject expert:
Dr. Amita Sarwal
(University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences)
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Aim: To prepare Aspirin Chewable Tablets by dry granulation technique and perform its evaluation.
Aulton’s Pharmaceutics- The design and manufacture of medicines; 5th edition; Published by Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier; Page -456
United States Pharmacopoeia (2007). The US Pharmacopoeial Convention. 35th edn. Inc.12601 Twinbrook
Parkway, Rockville MD20852.
Working Formula:
Aspirin 75 mg
Mannitol-lactose granulation 400 mg
Glycine 10 mg
Saccharin 0.3 mg
Flavour 3.5 mg
Colour q.s
Stearic acid 10 mg
Talc 21.5 mg
Chewable tablets are those that can be broken up in the mouth before being swallowed. The chewable dosage
forms market, which is led by chewy squares and chewing gums, is significantly smaller than the overall
market. When chewed, chewable pills leave a pleasant-tasting residue in the oral cavity that is not bitter or
disagreeable to swallow.
Chewable tablets are designed in such a way that they can be crushed simply by chewing. They are frequently
made for those who have difficulty swallowing medicines. These patient categories may include infants and
young children who have not yet mastered the skill of swallowing medications with fluids, as well as
individuals with pathologically damaged throats.
The pill breaks down into smaller pieces as soon as chewing starts, and this breakdown and subsequent
absorption occur to deliver the right pharmacologic action. Chewable tablets offer a significant benefit over
conventional solid tablets or capsules: their greater bioavailability results from their accelerated absorption into
the gastrointestinal system following dissolution or chewing in the mouth. This is due to the fact that they enter
the digestive system as granules or solutions.
Dry granulation uses pressure to turn primary powder particles into granules without the need for a liquid in
between. Thus, it stays away from heat-temperature combinations that could cause the product to deteriorate.
Significance of ingredients :
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Acetylsalicylic acid, or ASA, is known as ASPIRIN. It is prescribed to treat a number of illnesses, including
the common cold, influenza, low back and neck pain, dysmenorrhea, headaches, toothaches, sprains and
strains, fractures, myositis, neuralgia, arthritis, bursitis, burns, and pain following dental and surgical
An artificial sweetener is SODIUM SACCHARIN. Approximately 550 times sweeter than sucrose is sodium
saccharin. Because only a small amount of sodium saccharin can deliver the right level of sweetness, it is used
to minimize tablet weight. It is non-toxic and goes out of the body in a day without changing.
A polyol, or sugar alcohol, MANNITOL is a sorbitol isomer. Pharmaceutical products use mannitol (C6H8
(OH) 6) as an excipient for chewable tablets and as a sweetener. About half as sweet as sucrose, mannitol is
produced industrially from the sugar fructose. Since mannitol has a cooling effect, harsh flavors are frequently
covered up by it.
LACTOSE: Only the milk produced by mammals contains lactose, a naturally occurring simple carbohydrate,
sometimes known as sugar. Because of this, it is also frequently called "milk sugar." A common filler or filler-
binder in the production of medicine tablets and capsules is lactose.
GLYCINE serves as both a sweetener and lubricant. Gastric inflammation is lessened by glycine.
This formulation uses Stearic Acid as a glidant.
SPRAY DRIED ORANGE FLAVOR is a flavoring ingredient that improves tablet palatability.
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Aim: To prepare and submit 2ml ampoules of Phenol Oil Injection. B.P.
British Pharmaceutical Codex Pg. No. 1121
Phenol preparations. (2016). In British pharmacopoeia (page no. 1000).
Working Formula:
Phenol 5g
Arachis Oil q.s to 100 ml
• One treatment option for chronic hemorrhoids, a condition that many individuals have, is
sclerotherapy. Sclerotherapy involves injecting phenol into the hemorrhoidal submucosa.
• The symptoms and indicators of an overdose of oily phenol injection include stomach pain or
discomfort, elevated blood methemoglobin levels, fainting, hemoglobin in the urine, blue lips or skin,
and irregular pulse.
• Phenol is a sclerosing (hardening) agent with analgesic properties. Adults, including seniors, can
receive injections of oily phenol to treat piles (internal hemorrhoids). A small amount of oily phenol
(between 2 and 3 ml) will be made at the bottom of the pile, and a maximum total dosage of 10 ml may
be injected into multiple locations at once. Children and babies should not receive this medication.
• Necrotizing fasciitis, a dangerous infection that spreads quickly through the deeper layers of the skin;
signs of retroperitoneal sepsis, a dangerous infection that causes fever, chills, nausea, or general
malaise; skin rashes or lumps; itching, redness, or swelling in the affected area; hepatitis, an
inflammation of the liver; yellowing of the skin; general malaise; and loss of appetite.
This product has an expiry date on the ampoule labels, vial labels and carton labels.
You should not be given Oily Phenol Injection after the expiry date (EXP) which is stated on the outer
Shelf life
Weigh phenol on watch glass without touching and required amount of oil in a beaker.
Phenol is a hardening (sclerosing) agent with pain killing properties.
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Aim: To prepare and submit ampoules of ascorbic acid injection.
Gunn, C., Cooper, J. W., & Carter, S. J. (2008). The Formulations of Injections. In Cooper and Gunn's
dispensing for pharmaceutical students New Delhi: CBS; pp. 269,317-320.
• Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. It appears as a powder or crystal that is white
or slightly yellow with a little acidic flavor. This product is antiscorbutic.Light exposure causes it to
progressively darken. It oxidizes quickly in solution, but in the dry state, it is fairly stable in air.
Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, is insoluble in benzene, ether, and chloroform but freely
soluble in water and only sporadically soluble in alcohol.L-ascorbic acid is the molecular term for
ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. C6H806 is the empirical formula, while 176.13 is the molecular weight.
• The injection of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is a sterile solution. Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) 250 mg and
Edetate Disodium 0.025% in Water for Injection qs are contained in each milliliter. prepared with the
help of baking soda. The pH may have been adjusted using hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide.
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• Adults should take 70–150 mg of vitamin C per day on average to be protected. Doses ranging from
300 mg to 1 g daily are advised in cases of scurvy. Nonetheless, normal persons have received
parenteral doses of up to 6 g without exhibiting any signs of toxicity. Working formula:
Ascorbic acid 25 g
Sodium Carbonate 4.58 g
p-chloro meta cresol 0.1g
Water for injection q. 100 ml
➢ Sterilisation: The sealed ampoules are sterilised by steaming for 30 minutes.
➢ Storage: Store in a cool and dark place not exceeding temperature of 25°C.
➢ Synonyms: Vitamin C injection, L-ascorbic acid injection.
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2. More than 130mg less More than 80mg less than 250 7.5
than 324 mg
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AIM 4 To study about the detailed Evaluation of Tablets
During the compression of tablets, in-process tests are routinely run to monitor the process including
tests for tablet weight, weight variation, hardness, thickness, disintegration and various evaulations
of elegance. The inprocess tests are performed by production and/or quality control (QC) personnel.
To design tablets and later monitor tablet production quality, quantitative evaluations and
assessments of a tablet’s chemical, physical, and bioavailability properties must be made.
General Appearance
The control of the general appearance of a tablet involves the measurement of a number of attributes
such as a tablet’s size, shape, color, presence or absence of an odor, taste, surface texture, physical
flaws and consistency, and legibility of any identifying markings.
Size and Shape
A compressed tablet’s shape and dimensions are determined by the tooling during the compression
process. The thickness of a tablet is the only dimensional variable related to the process. At a
constant compressive load, tablet thickness varies with changes in die fill, with particle size
distribution and packing of the particle mix being compressed, and with tablet weight, while with a
constant die fill, thickness varies with variations in compressive load. Tablet thickness is consistent
batch to batch or within a batch only if the tablet granulation or powder blend is adequately
consistent in particle size and size distribution, if the punch tooling is of consistent length, and if the
tablet press is clean and in good working order. Tablet thickness should be controlled within a ±5%
variation of a standard value.
Unique Identification Markings
The type of informational markings placed on a tablet usually includes the company name or
symbol, a product code such as that from the National Drug Code (NDC) number, the product name,
or the product potency
Organoleptic Properties
COLOUR: The colour of a product must be uniform within a single tablet, from tablet to tablet, and
from lot to lot. Nonuniformity of colouring not only lacks aesthetic appeal but could be associated by
the consumer with nonuniformity of content and general poor quality of the product.
ODOUR: The presence of an odour in a batch of tablets could indicate a stability problem, such as
the characteristic odour of acetic acid in degrading aspirin tablets; however, the presence of an
odour could be characteristic of the drug, (vitamins have a characteristic odour)
TASTE: Taste is important in consumer acceptance of chewable tablets. Many companies utilize
taste panels to judge the preference of different flavours and flavour levels in the development of a
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Tablets require a certain amount of strength, or hardness and resistance to friability, to withstand
mechanical shocks of handling in manufacture, packaging, and shipping. In addition, tablets should
be able to withstand reasonable abuse when in the hands of the consumer, such as bouncing about
in a woman’s purse in a partially filled prescription bottle. Adequate tablet hardness and resistance
to powdering and friability are necessary requisites for consumer acceptance
Several devices operating in this manner have been and continue to be used to test tablet hardness:
the Monsanto tester, the Strong-Cobb tester, the Pfizer tester, the Erweka tester, and the Schleuniger
The Pfizer tester was developed and made available to the
industry.This tester operates on the same mechanical principle as a
pair of pliers. As the plier’s handles are squeezed, the tablet is
compressed between a holding anvil and a piston connected to a
direct force reading gauge. The dial indicator remains at the
reading where the tablet breaks and is returned to zero by
depressing a reset button. The Pfizer tester became extensively
used in comparison to the earlier testers, based on its simplicity,
low cost, and the rapidity with which it could be used.
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The friability test is official in USP but not in BP and IP The laboratory friability tester is known as
the Roche friabilator. This device, shown in Fig. 13.13, subjects a number of tablets to the combined
effects of abrasion and shock by utilizing a transparent synthetic polymer chamber with an internal
diameter between 283 and 291 mm and a depth between 36 and 40 mm that revolves at 25 ±1 rpm.
The tablets are tumbled from a distance of six inches at each turn of the drum by a curved projection.
Normally, a preweighed tablet sample is placed in the friabilator (w), which is then operated for 100
revolutions. For tablets with a unit weight equal to or less than 650 mg, take a sample of whole tablets
corresponding as near as possible to 6.5 g. For tablets with a unit weight of more than 650 mg, take a
sample of 10 whole tablets. After testing, the tablets are dusted and reweighed (w0 ). The friability, f,
is given by:
𝐹 = 100( ) Fig: Roche Friability Apparatus
Weight Variation
With a tablet designed to contain a specific amount of drug in a specific amount of tablet formula,
the weight of the tablet being made is routinely measured to help ensure that a tablet contains the
proper amount of drug. The weight variation test is run by weighing 10 tablets individually,
calculating the average weight, and comparing the individual tablet weights to the average. The
requirements for dosage uniformity are met if the acceptance value of the first 10 dosage units is less
than or equal to 15%. If the acceptance value is greater than 15%, test the next 20 units and calculate
the acceptance value. The requirements are met if the final acceptance value of the 30 dosage units is
less than or equal to 15%, and no individual content of any dosage unit is less than nor more than
25%. The weight variation test would be a satisfactory method of determining the drug content
uniformity of tablets
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Content Uniformity
To assure uniform potency for tablets of low-dose drugs, a content uniformity test is applied. In this
test, 30 tablets are randomly selected for the sample, and at least 10 of them are assayed individually.
Nine of the 10 tablets must contain not less than 85% or more than 115% of the labeled drug content.
The tenth tablet may not contain less than 75% or more than 125% of the labeled content. If these
conditions are not met, the tablets remaining from the 30 must be assayed individually, and none
may fall outside of the 85 to 115% range. In evaluating a particular lot of tablets, several samples of
tablets should be taken from various parts of the production run to satisfy statistical procedures.
The USP device to test disintegration uses 6 glass tubes that are 3 inches long, open at the top, and
held against a 10-mesh screen at the bottom end of the basket rack assembly (Fig. 13.14). To test for
disintegration time, one tablet is placed in each tube, and the basket rack is positioned in a 1-L
beaker of water, simulated gastric fluid, or simulated intestinal fluid, at 37°C ± 2°C, such that the
tablets remain 2.5 cm below the surface of the liquid on their upward movement and descend not
closer than 2.5 cm from the bottom of the beaker. A standard motor-driven device is used to move
the basket assembly containing the tablets up and down through a distance of 5 to 6 cm at a
frequency of 28 to 32 cycles per minute. Perforated plastic discs may also be used in the test. These
are placed on top of the tablets and impart an abrasive action to the tablets. The discs may or may not
be meaningful or impart more sensitivity to the test, but they are useful for tablets that float
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Dissolution Test
In general, a single tablet is placed in a small wire mesh basket fastened to the bottom of the shaft
connected to a variable speed motor. The basket is immersed in the dissolution medium (as
specified in the monograph) contained in a 100 ml flask. The flask is cylindric with a hemispherical
The flask is maintained at 37°C ± 0.5°C by a constant temperature bath. The motor is adjusted to
turn at the specified speed, and samples of the fluid are withdrawn at intervals to determine the
amount of drug in solution.
a. Apparatus-I (rotating basket dissolution apparatus):
Small wire mesh size basket – 22 u
Temperature - 37±5⁰c Rotated speed – 25-150 rpm u
Dissolution medium height from the bottom of the vessel – 23-27mm
b. Apparatus-2 (rotating paddle dissolution apparatus):
Small wire mesh size: 22 u
Dissolution medium height from the bottom of the vessel – 23-27mm u
Temperature - 37±5⁰c Rotated speed – 25-150 rpm
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When a drug is given extravascularly, the drug moves in the human body through the
process of absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. However, the drug is
eliminated from the body completely after some time. The body is open with respect to the
drug movement.
The movement of the drug in the body can be described with the help of a mathematical
The one compartment open model, the simplest of the models, depicts the body as a single
homogenous unit. This model is particularly useful for drugs which rapidly distribute between
plasma and other body fluids and tissues upon entry into the systemic circulation.
The process of drug absorption from the absorption site may be explained by the first order
Explanation: Most drugs are absorbed by a passive diffusion mechanism that is governed by the
first order process i.e., the rate of drug absorption is proportional to the drug concentration at the
site of absorption. For drugs which are absorbed solely by active transport, facilitated diffusion
etc., this assumption is not valid.
Once a drug enters the systemic circulation, it rapidly distributes to other body fluids and
tissue, and a dynamic equilibrium is achieved instantaneously between the drug in the blood and
the drug in other tissues.
Explanation: The drug which distributes to highly perfused tissues like the heart, lungs, liver,
kidney, etc., can distribute quickly and attain equilibrium between the drug levels in the plasma
and other body fluids and tissues. If the drug is distributed to poorly perfused tissues, the time
required for its distribution and equilibrium may be considerable. Hence, this simple-model is not
useful for pharmacokinetic analysis of the data obtained with such drugs.
Any changes that occur in the plasma levels of a drug reflect proportional changes in the tissue
drug levels.
Explanation: Since there exists a dynamic equilibrium between drug concentration in the plasma
and drug concentration in the tissues, a change in the drug level of the plasma certainly brings a
proportional change in the levels of the tissue.
Elimination of the drug from the body follows apparent first order kinetics and its rate
constant, K, is known as an apparent first order rate constant
Explanation: Drug elimination can occur from the body by many processes, including renal,
biliary, biotransformation, excretion in the expired air, etc.
Intravenous Injection (Bolus)
When a drug is given in the form of a rapid intravenous injection (I.V. bolus), the entire dose of
the drug enters the body immediately. In most cases the drug distributes via the circulatory
system to all the tissues in the body and equilibrates rapidly in the body. The biological fluid
selected for study and drug form measured in it, are to be considered for developing suitable
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o I.V. Bolus - Unchanged Drug in Blood/Plasma
The schematic representation of drug movement in the body
in this case is shown:
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X0 = Dose of drug injected, X = Amount of drug present in body at any time 't', Vd=
Apparent volume of distribution of drug, C = Concentration of drug in central compartment
(plasma) at any time 't' , K = Apparent overall first order elimination rate constant.
Following I.V. bolus, the entire dose is in the body and is eliminated from the body by an
apparent first order process. The rate of decrease of the amount of the drug in the body is only
dependent upon the amount of the drug present in the body at any given time following LV.
bolus. Thus, we can write as follows,
𝑑𝑋 𝛼𝑋
dX/dt is the rate of change of the drug amount in the body with respect to time.
= −𝐾𝑋 - (1)
where 'K' is a first order rate constant and the negative sign indicates that the drug is being lost
from the body.
To describe the time course of the amount of the drug in the body after injection, equation (1)
must be integrated after separating the variables.
𝑑𝑋 𝑡
∫ = ∫ −𝐾𝑑𝑡
0 𝑑𝑡 0
| ln 𝑋 |𝑡 = −𝐾 |𝑡 |𝑡
0 0
ln 𝑋 − ln 𝑋0 = −𝐾 (𝑡 − 0)
ln 𝑋 = ln 𝑋0 − 𝑘𝑡
By applying logarithms,
log X = log 𝑋0 – Kt/2.303
X = 𝑋 * e-kt
Where, 'e' represents the base of natural logarithm0
Since X = Vd. C
Substituting the values of 'X'
log C = log C0 – kt/2.303
X0 = 0.25 g
Vd = 10 l
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t1/2 = 5 hrs
K= 0.101 hr-1
Formulas used:
X= Vd.C
C = C0.e-kt
Log C = Log C0 – kt/2.303
Vd = X/C
t1/2 = 0.693/K
Clr = Vd.K
X0 = Vd. C
So, C0 = X0/Vd = 0.25 / 10
= 0.025g or 25 mg
Observation table:
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0 1 25 1.397940009
1 0.903933 22.59832582 1.354076266
2 0.817095 20.4273732 1.310212523
3 0.738599 18.46497741 1.266348781
4 0.667644 16.69110303 1.222485038
5 0.603506 15.08763939 1.178621295
6 0.545529 13.63821563 1.134757553
8 0.445749 11.14371682 1.047030067
10 0.364219 9.105474489 0.959302582
12 0.297601 7.440037022 0.871575097
14 0.243169 6.079216514 0.783847611
16 0.198692 4.96729698 0.696120126
20 0.132655 3.316386627 0.520665155
24 0.088567 2.214166035 0.345210185
28 0.059131 1.478274937 0.169755214
32 0.039478 0.986961571 -0.005699757
36 0.026358 0.658939091 -0.181154728
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Conc. vs t
conc. (mg)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
t (hr)
log C vs t
1.4 y = -0.0439x + 1.3979
1.2 R² = 1
log C
0.4 10 20 30 40
t (hr)
PK Parameters
calculated from
Graph using Excel
Slope= 0.00688208
K= 0.10100958 hr-
t1/2 = 6.86138614
Log C0 1.39794001
C0= 25 mg
Vd= 10 l
Clr= 1.0100958 lhr-
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I.V. drug solutions may be given either as a bolus dose or infused slowly at a constant rate
(zero- order rate). Drugs are given by I.V. infusion for the precise control of the plasma drug
levels, as per the needs of the patient.
For drugs with a narrow therapeutic window, plasma drug levels can be maintained without
many fluctuations by IV. infusion. Many drugs can be administered with IV. fluids, including
electrolytes and nutrients.
Another important advantage with IV. infusion is that the duration of drug therapy
may be maintained for a longer time and may be terminated when desired.
During IV. infusion, the drug concentration slowly increases as the time proceeds and
reaches a steady state concentration or plateau level.
The rate of drug infusion into the body is a zero order process i.e., drug reaches blood at a
constant rate, KO. At the steady state, the rate of the drug leaving the body, is equal to the rate of
the drug (infusion rate) entering the body. This drug level is maintained as along as the infusion
is continued.
I.V. Infusion - Unchanged drug in Blood/Plasma
𝑑𝑋/𝑉𝑑 𝐾0 𝐾𝑋
= −
Since C = X/Vd 𝑑𝑡 𝑉� 𝑉𝑑
𝑑𝐶 𝐾0
So, = − 𝐾𝐶 - (2)
𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝑑
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𝑑𝐶 𝐾0
𝑒𝑘𝑡 + 𝐾𝐶 𝑒𝑘𝑡 = 𝑒𝑘𝑡
𝑑𝑡 𝑉𝑑
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Integrating between the limits of t = zero to t = t, and on simplification of the resultant equation,
we get the following equation,
𝐾0 𝑒𝑘𝑡 1
𝐶𝑒𝑘𝑡 = ( − )
𝑉� 𝐾 𝐾
Dividing by 𝑒𝑘𝑡 and �
𝐶= ( 1 − 𝑒𝑘𝑡) (3)
From equation (2), 𝑉𝑑 𝐾
𝑑 𝐾0
= − 𝐾𝐶
at steady state = 0, so, 𝑑𝑡 �
− 𝐾𝐶𝑠𝑠 = 0
= 𝐾𝐶𝑠𝑠
𝐶𝑠𝑠 =
𝑉𝑑. 𝐾
From (3),
𝐶 = 𝐶𝑠𝑠( 1 − 𝑒𝑘𝑡)
K0 = 8 mg/hr
Vd = 20 l
K = 0.1 hr-1
Formulas used:
𝐶𝑠𝑠 = 𝑉𝑑.𝐾
t1/2 = 0.693/K
Clr = Vd.K
𝐶𝑠 𝐾0
𝑠 = 𝑉𝑑.𝐾
Observation table:
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= 8/(20 * 0.1)
= 4 mg/l
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conc. (mg)
3 y = 4x
2.5 R² = 1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Parameters calculated
from graph using
Css=slope 4
K= 0.1 hr-1
t 1/2= 6.93 hr
Clr= 2 l/hr
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Formulas used:
𝐶𝑠𝑠 = 𝑉𝑑.𝐾
t1/2 = 0.693/K
Clr = Vdk
𝐶𝑠 = 𝑉𝑑.𝐾
= 5/(17.8 * 0.5)
= 0.561 mg/l
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Observation table:
Conc. vs t
conc. (mg)
0 10 20 30 40
t (hr)
Conc. vs 1-e^(-kt)
y = 0.561x - 1E-15
conc. (mg)
R² = 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
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