Legendary Classes Sagitta Stellaris

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Authors: Z. Wong
Artists: Jesus Blones, Kenneth Camaro, Michael Jaecks, Jason Juta, Manuel Morgado, Michal Matczak,
Beatrice Pelagatti, Peyeyo, Lance Red, Arrahman Rendi, Bob Storrar
Editing and Development: Jason Nelson
Design and Layout: Craig Williams
Chief Executive Officer: Jason Nelson
Chief Strategic Officer: Shirline Wilson

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Legendary Classes: Sagitta Stellaris

© 2022, Legendary Games; Author Z. Legendary Games
Wong 524 SW 321st St.
ISBN: 9798433504097 Federal Way, WA 98023-5656
First printing March 2022. makeyourgamelegendary.com
Printed in USA.
Welcome to Legendary Heroes
This product is a part of our line of player-focused class supplements for Paizo’s Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
When you see the word Legendary in front of the name of your favorite class, you can expect it to bring you an
amazing array of abilities that are perfect for enriching play with your favorite class. You’ll find new class abilities
and new uses for existing class abilities, as well as archetypes, feats, and prestige classes specifically tailored to
enrich your play experience with that class in exciting and innovative ways. Fantasy games are replete with magic,
and you’ll find spells and magic items aplenty between these pages as well, each designed to harmonize perfectly
with your favorite classes. The all-star team of designers here at Legendary Games is committed to bringing
you—the busy GM or player—the absolute best third party support for your Pathfinder campaign, products that
are innovative in their ideas, beautiful in their appearance, bursting with the creativity of the best authors in the
business and developed with a rich interactive layout that blends form and function, and on top of all of that
products that are flat-out fun to play.

Special Electronic Features

We’ve hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official
Pathfinder Reference Document as well as d20PFSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn’t link to
it unless the rule is an obscure one. The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support
you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all-star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer
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What You Will Find Inside
Sagitta Stellaris
Sagitta Stellaris is a new martial discipline for Path of War that focuses on ranged combat,
battlefield control, and a dash of fortune-telling. By harnessing the power of the stars, your
arrows can draw magical paths around the battlefield in their wake, strengthening allies or
hindering enemies who step across them. The style rewards archers who have a broad awareness
of positioning in fights to shape the tides in their favor, but also has mechanics to hybridize with
martials that invest in offense-focused styles. For those who want to specialize, this booklet offers
a gothic archetype for Harbinger, the Rosethorn Princess, that ensnares enemies in cursed vines.
Gunslingers can take the Bulletwriter archetype, an artisan that crafts metaphysical bullets from
their emotions.

Legendary Games was founded on the principle of delivering first-class

product for your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game experience, brought to you by
the very authors who design and contribute to the adventures, hardbacks,
and campaign supplements you are already using. The Legendary Games
tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout,
beautiful aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none. This
product is the latest in that tradition, and we hope you enjoy using it as
much as we enjoyed making it. Game on!

Special Thanks
Thank you to all playtesters and helpers, including Crablock, Tuvarkz, Aiden, [IKiD], Kristal
“Moonhand” Magiere, P. Vetli, and conantheimp. Extra special thanks to Anthony Cappel and
Ceri, who were with me all the way.

Books Needed
The material in this book expands on the system and classes introduced in Path of War and Path
of War: Expanded by Dreamscarred Press. The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is also
required, and there is an archetype for the gunslinger class found in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game:
Ultimate Combat. All of the content required can be found at the d20pfsrd.com website.

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Sagitta Stellaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Special Rules ............................................................................. 2
Sagitta Stellaris Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 2: Character Options ................................................................. 18
New Archetypes ........................................................................ 18
Harbinger ............................................................................. 18
Gunslinger ............................................................................. 18
New Feats ............................................................................. 21
New Title Veil ........................................................................ 26
New Martial Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Chapter 3: Appendix ........................................................................ 31

Foreword the attack originates, is given a range in feet, and then can be
controlled to fly freely for that amount of distance. When it
enters its target’s space, the ranged attack is resolved as normal,
This all started with a conversation I was in, where a friend and the projectile stops, even if it had distance remaining.
made the claim ‘ranged combat is inherently less interesting Despite the angle the attack may approach from, the target’s
than melee, because they don’t have to worry about movement cover from you still applies against it, as it is difficult to keep
and positioning as much.’ I set out to design an answer to track of the target’s movements behind obstacles.
that, trying to make something with depth and dynamism
while still looking stylish all the way. In every space the projectile passes through or enters,
including the originating space and target’s space, it leaves
This really all started with the amazing product a visible trail of lingering divine magic, even if the attack
Dreamscarred Press made in Path of War and the great games missed. Creatures entering any space in this trail are subject
I’ve gotten to play with it, and Sagitta Stellaris is a love letter to the consequences described in the strike the first time
to all of that from just one fan among many - just one star in they enter the trail - unless otherwise stated, an individual
the night sky. I hope reading this, you’ll find something fresh creature can never be subject to the effect of entering a trail
and cool in here to make your own games more exciting! more than once for each trail made. This trail lasts until the
start of your next turn, or until you use another [Trail] strike,
whichever comes first.

Sagitta Stellaris After being drawn, each space of a trail extends upwards
and downwards by an amount equal to one extra 5-foot.
Back in the time before history, when warriors shaped the space in both directions per two initiator levels but does not
land and rulers shone like the sun, the attentions of priests extend through total cover. Use your highest initiator level to
and scholars were focused on more distant pursuits. The determine this range. Creating a trail on top of a stationary
night sky, the stars, the way the paths of every constellation creature does not apply the trail’s effect to them, unless they
governed the fate of man and housed the wills of the divine later move into another affected space. Forced movement
- after a myriad dusks of meditation, astronomy and study into a trail will trigger its effects, and a trail is not considered
alike, the ancient sages would discover the first sparks of inherently dangerous terrain.
what would evolve into the Sagitta Stellaris discipline. Just
as there is purpose to the path of every comet, they sought
to imbue that will into their arrows, weaving fate into steel
to have every projectile fly true. It wasn’t just about where Ranged strikes with the [Rain] descriptor have an affinity for
the arrow landed: each curve was an omen, and every path being chained into certain types of additional attacks.
an orbit. To an archer of Sagitta Stellaris, each battlefield is a
microcosm of another part of the night sky. If you are at least 6th initiator level, and possess any abilities
or effects that would allow you to make additional ranged
All Sagitta Stellaris stances and maneuvers have origins attacks as part of a full attack (such as the Rapid Shot feat, or
in divine magic, and are considered supernatural abilities. using a haste spell, but not the normal iterative attacks you
Sagitta Stellaris’ associated skill is Knowledge (geography), would get from base attack bonus), you may apply a limited
and the discipline’s associated weapon groups are bows, number of them to your [Rain] strike as if it was a full-attack
crossbows, firearms, and thrown. action. You may make a maximum total of one extra attack at
6th level, plus one additional attack for every 5 initiator levels
after 6th, as long as you have the ability to make that many
Special Rules: extra attacks normally.

Star Trails and Comet Rains To make these extra attacks, you increase the maneuver’s
Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers come with two new descriptors: initiation time from a standard action to a full round action,
[Trail] and [Rain]. then resolve the strike as normal before making extra attacks
up to the allowed limit. If using these extra attacks would
usually apply any penalties to the rest of a full attack action
(such as Rapid Shot’s -2 penalty to attack rolls), these penalties
Strikes with the [Trail] descriptor use projectiles to draw out are also applied to the strike attack.
paths on the battlefield. Each [Trail] shot starts from where

Mapping the Trails Variant: Rainy Days
If you use an online battlemap or a whiteboard, drawing The [Rain] descriptor compensates for the common
the paths of your trails directly onto the map is easy. methods ranged martial characters possess to gain extra
If you don’t want to draw on a physical battlemap, it is attacks in their full attack action. Rather than being a tool
recommended to prepare lengths of string to temporarily for a damage-focused discipline, it is a way of organically
mark out any trails you make. For theater of the mind scaling crowd control-focused strikes to never severely fall
combat, you can reduce the complexity by making simple behind the overall power of a full attack to the point they
statements like ‘I draw a loop around this zombie’, or ‘I aren’t worth using.
draw a line between the wizard and the bugbear.’ A fully
closed loop around a medium or smaller creature uses
Some GMs of games at higher optimization levels might
40-feet of a trail.
wish to give the [Rain] descriptor to ranged strikes from
other disciplines that they feel greatly underperform
Regardless, Sagitta Stellaris is a discipline with heavy compared to ranged full attacks. We recommend this is
emphasis on tactical positioning and awareness of the handled carefully, so there is always a trade-off: in general,
map, and is more suited for combat grid play. avoid applying the [Rain] descriptor to strikes that make
more than a single damaging attack, or can immediately
You may use your base attack bonus in place of your inflict conditions like dazed that cause the target to forfeit
initiator level for determining the number of attacks you can their actions. If a strike can be used with either a melee
make with the [Rain] descriptor. or ranged attack, [Rain] should only apply when used with
ranged attacks.

Advanced Interactions Slivers of a Shattered Star: Stance – Projectile attacks can

There are various more narrow situations that can come up turn once in midair, and leave magic motes where they
using the Trail and Rain rules, but aren’t necessary to learn turn.
to know how they work and use them during common play. Uncertain Omen: Boost – Target or one enemy adjacent to
These less-common cases are detailed in the Appendix at the the attack’s path is pushed and suffers miss chances.
end of this document.

2nd Level
Access to the Discipline
Aligned With Prediction: Counter – Reroll an initiative check
Any class that has access to the Solar Wind or Tempest Gale or replace this maneuver with another unreadied one.
discipline may trade any one of their disciplines known from
that class for access to the Sagitta Stellaris discipline, gaining Astral Displacement: Counter – You make a Knowledge
Knowledge (geography) as a class skill. The discipline that they (Geography) check to avoid an attack and can teleport to
trade out does not need to be Solar Wind or Tempest Gale. an active trail.
Bad Moon Rising: Boost – You fly in a straight line and can
hover there for 1 round.
Sagitta Stellaris Maneuvers Black Cat’s Trail: Strike [Curse][Rain]
[Trail] – Creatures passing through this
trail receive an omen of failure.
1st Level
Vacuum Imbuement Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – You create a
Asteroid Belt: Stance – Maintain trail that phases out enemy physical defenses.
an orbit of small objects and
ammunition around yourself,
retrieve fired projectiles, later deflect 3rd Level
arrows. Celestial Hurricane Stance: Stance
Blazing Comet Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Your – Fire force missiles with every
attack’s trail sears those who pass through it. attack to make a barrage rain down
Celestial Warning: Counter – Threaten an enemy on foes.
to stop moving or be struck or tripped. Equinox: Counter – Your projectile
Milky Way Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Your attack’s trail chooses the perfect moment to fall,
grants allies safety or hinders enemies. negating an attack of your choice.

Heavens’ Binding Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Creatures Omniscience Trace: Boost – Target an enemy no matter
passing through this trail become entangled, and if hit by where they are, and tear open a portal to them.
another attack become rooted in place.
Micromassive Black Hole: Boost – Pull in everything within
8th Level
20 ft. of a point of your choice.
A Blink of the Universe: Strike [Trail] – Your trail detonates
like a supernova, then collapses like a black hole, flat-
4th Level footing, blinding, pulling and pinning enemies.
Aeon Rift Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Creatures passing Embodiment of the First Meteor: Stance – Gain supreme
through this trail have their turn delayed until the end of flight, and the ability to fly in bursts between turns, leaving
the round or become slowed. more trails in your wake. Your trails explode before they
Asteroid Salvo: Boost – Fire a cluster of missiles that push disappear, and your Rain strikes gain an extra attack.
and damage enemies. Threading the Tapestry of Fate: Counter – Make an attack
Lucent Flashbreak: Boost – Move and hurl a burst of starlight to force an enemy to choose a different target, if they fail a
to lower enemy defenses and vision. will save you choose their targets.
Music of the Spheres: Strike [Rain] – Allies can freely
reposition themselves in orbits around the target struck. 9th Level
Timeless Army Across Heaven: Strike – Your trail creates a
5th Level permanent cosmic army that rains fire on enemies with
other Sagitta Stellaris techniques.
Celestial Orrery Stance: Stance – Gain perfect flight, +4 to
initiative, and grant allies small amounts of free movement.
Dual Eclipse Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Trail grants allies
invisibility or robs enemies of sight.
Maneuver Descriptions
Gravity Well: Counter – Knock away an attacking enemy and
make enemy ranged attacks attracted to them for 1 round. 1st Level
Localized Wormhole Trail: Strike [Rain][Trail] – Teleport
allies and enemies entering the trail to anywhere else in it.
Asteroid Belt
Prophecy of Destruction: Boost – Designate an area that
enemies can’t teleport from, if there is an enemy inside it Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance)
at the start of your next turn, violently fling them and gain Level: 1
drastic offensive bonuses against them. Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: personal
6th Level Target: you
Aurora Fortress Trail: Strike [Trail] – Your trail is like a wall Duration: stance
of force. Attuning yourself to the cosmos, you emulate a special
Reading the Tapestry of Fate: Boost – Enemy must make a gravitational field around your body that lets your
will save or you learn their plan for their next turn, and possessions orbit around you. When you enter this stance,
they suffer if they deviate from the plan. you may draw out any number of objects in your possession
Stance of Infinite Prophecies: Stance – Scout out enemies that you can carry in one hand (to a maximum of 10 lbs. each)
by surveying the future to learn their defences and ignore and have them start to circle around your body. Despite their
miss chances, and you can ‘undo’ turns. lazy drifting, they are unexpectedly secure: these objects
move with you when you do, and still count as attended and
When the Stars Align: Strike [Rain] – You fire a delayed attack
fastened for targeting or steal combat maneuvers, and count
that waits for a contingent condition to strike without fail.
towards your encumbrance.

7th Level You may retrieve any item in orbit around you as a free
Fate’s Rail Gun: Strike – You charge a single shot with the action, and any ammunition or weapon (including thrown
destiny of your foe’s death. weapons) you make ranged attacks with returns to your orbit
Heaven’s Fury: Strike [Trail] – Your ranged full attack rains at the start of your next turn. Pulling an unattended object
down like meteors on the battlefield. within your natural reach into your orbit is a free action and

does not need any free limbs. At 6th initiator level, weapons Enemies entering the trail take force damage equal to your
and fired ammunition instead return immediately after the initiation modifier. The damage increases by your initiation
attack resolves, and you gain the benefits of the Deflect Arrow modifier every 5 levels past 1st (total damage of double your
feat, adding the projectiles of negated attacks to your orbit initiation modifier at 6th level, triple at 11th level, and so on).
unless there is an effect that would say otherwise.
Ammunition used while this stance is active is not
Celestrial Warning
destroyed as part of the attack, but if it would have been
destroyed, it still loses any magical properties it had. Objects Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter)
automatically stow themselves into containers on your Level: 1
person however you choose whenever you willingly leave this Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
stance. In addition, while in this stance you may use mage
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
hand as a spell-like ability at will, with caster level equal to
your initiator level. Target: one creature
Duration: 1 turn
As a warden of the night sky, you fire an arrow destined to
Blazing Comet Trail
strike those who stray onto the wrong path. You may initiate
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail] this counter at any time while a creature you can see within
Level: 1 range is taking their turn, as long as they have not already
Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain] moved more than half their speed. If the creature moves
more than half their speed that turn(not including forced
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft.
movement), or takes any further movement from the charge
Target: one creature action after you initiate this counter, you may immediately
Duration: instantaneous make a ranged weapon attack against them with a wielded
Imbued with the light of the heavens, your arrow sears a weapon, that automatically hits and deals damage as normal.
path across the battlefield where it flew. Make a 90-foot trail Alternatively, you may make a ranged trip attempt against
ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal, them instead of an attack: this is rolled as normal, and does
and the creature hit is affected as if they entered the trail. not automatically succeed. Either option takes place during
the target’s movement, potentially interrupting it.
After you initiate this counter, the target creature becomes
aware of its effects, and may choose to stop any willing
movement, including stopping partway through a charge.

Milky Way Trail

Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail]
Level: 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft.
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Your attack leaves a shimmering trail of light behind
it, subtly affecting gravity to influence movements. Make
a 90-foot trail ranged attack and choose low or high gravity.
If the attack hits, it deals damage as normal. If you chose low
gravity, allies never provoke attacks of opportunity
for movement when leaving a space within the trail.
If you chose high gravity, enemies treat the area of
the trail as difficult terrain. Once you are 8th initiator
level or above, you can choose both modes at once.
The effects of this trail are constant as long as the trail
exists, rather than triggering once for each creature.

Slivers of a Shattered Star 2nd Level
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance)
Level: 1
Aligned with Prediction
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter)
Range: personal
Level: 2
Target: you
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Duration: stance
Range: personal
Your projectiles carry the explosive energy of a destroyed star
Target: self
within them - but it manifests as fate rather than force. While
you maintain this stance, all your ranged attacks have their Duration: instantaneous
range increment increased by 10 feet, and once per attack You have pondered keenly on the movements of the stars, and
they may change direction in mid-air in any empty space the metaphors they hold for the myriad futures: there is little
of their path, determining cover and line of effect to their that you haven’t anticipated. You may activate this counter
target from the space they changed direction in. This does when initiative is rolled, after the results are revealed, even
not negate total concealment against targets you cannot see. if you are flat-footed. You roll your initiative again and may
When a non-trail attack changes course, it leaves behind an then choose to take the new result. If you do not choose to
insubstantial mote of energy that remains in that space for 1 take the new result, instead of expending this maneuver you
round or until claimed. An ally in a mote’s space may claim may immediately replace it on your list of readied maneuvers
the mote as a free action, gaining a +10-foot sacred bonus with another maneuver you know but have not readied, which
to their speed (which stacks with itself, and immediately can be expended and recovered for the rest of the encounter
applies to any current movement), and a +1 sacred bonus to as normal. This replacement maneuver is readied when you
their attack and damage rolls for 1 round (this bonus does gain it (and granted, if you use granted maneuver recovery).
not stack). The bonus to attack and damage increases by 1 at The replacement maneuver’s level cannot exceed half your
6th initiator level and again every 6 levels after. highest maneuver level known. At the end of the encounter,
[Trail] strikes made when in this stance instead are drawn you replace the chosen maneuver with aligned with prediction
as normal but have their maximum range increased by 15 again on your readied maneuvers list.
feet and can create their mote within any space in the trail, Alternately, you may activate this counter immediately
determining cover from the mote’s position. before the start of one of your turns. This allows you to
replace it with another maneuver known as above, but gives
no bonuses to your initiative.
Uncertain Omen
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost)
Astral Displacement
Level: 1
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter) [Teleportation]
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Level: 2
Range: personal
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
Target: self
Range: personal
Duration: instantaneous
Target: self
A near miss from your arrow fills enemies with esoteric,
jumbled visions of the future that steer them off course. Duration: instantaneous
After you initiate this boost, the first time the path of your Your insight of the heavens tells you how to be where you
next ranged attack passes within 5 feet of an enemy creature need to be, and how to not be where you shouldn’t. You can
that isn’t its main target, they are pushed up to 10 feet in a initiate this counter in response to a melee or ranged attack
direction of your choice (except up) and suffer a 30% miss being made against you. Make a Knowledge (geography)
chance on their attacks until the end of their next turn. check, using your opponent’s attack roll as the DC . If you
If there are no applicable enemies, the main target of your succeed, the attack is negated. Additionally, if successful and
attack instead is pushed up to 5 feet in a direction of your you have an active trail, you may teleport to any space in it
choice and suffers a 15% miss chance on their attacks until within 20 ft. at the end of that turn.
the end of their next turn.

Bad Moon Rising Vacuum Imbuement Trail
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost) Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail]
Level: 2 Level: 2
Initiation Action: 1 swift action Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
Range: personal Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft.
Target: self Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous and up to 1 round Duration: instantaneous
You rise into prime position, like the appearance of the moon Your attack creates a trail that imbues enemies’ bodies and
from beneath the horizon. When you initiate this boost, you armor with the vast emptiness of the cosmos, turning them
may immediately move up to 20 feet in a straight line in any translucent and weakening their physical defenses. Make a 90 ft.
direction of your choice, including up, plus an additional 10 trail ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal,
ft. for every six initiator levels you possess. This movement plus an additional 1d6 points of damage, and the creature hit is
ignores difficult terrain, and if you end it in mid-air, you may affected as if they entered the trail. After an enemy enters this
remain hovering there until the end of your current turn, or trail, the first attack made against them before the end of your
the start of your next turn (your choice). If you move no more next turn resolves against the target’s touch AC and ignores
than half the maximum distance allowed, this movement damage reduction, resistances and hardness.
does not provoke attacks of opportunity. When you stop
hovering, you may choose to descend as if affected by the
feather fall spell for 1 round. 3rd Level
This maneuver may not be used again until you have
landed on a surface that can support you, unless you can
maintain your altitude without this maneuver (such as by
Celestrial Hurricane Stance
having a fly speed, or swimming). Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance)
Level: 3
Black Cat’s Trail Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Curse] [Rain] [Trail] Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Level: 2 Range: personal
Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain] Target: you
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft. Duration: stance
Target: one creature The stars in the night sky number thousands and thousands; a
scale that your hail of arrows can only hope to emulate. While
Duration: instantaneous you maintain this stance, whenever you make a ranged attack,
Your attack traces a path of tragedy and misfortune that you also automatically fire two small astral missiles. These
curses those who cross it, who can then either fulfill the astral missiles have a range equal to the maximum range of the
curse on their own terms or suffer the consequences. Make a triggering attack, and hit their target unerringly for 1d4 force
90-foot trail ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage damage each, but cannot be aimed at the triggering attack’s
as normal plus an additional 1d6 points of damage, and the target. Otherwise, these missiles may all share the same target.
creature hit is affected as if they entered the trail. Enemies In addition, your attacks create an aura of dangerous motes of
entering the trail are marked with a sigil, becoming cursed as energy that orbit around you: once per turn when an enemy
long as they are marked. Whenever a marked enemy makes moves within 5 feet of you or makes a melee attack against you,
an attack roll, saving throw, or concentration check, they may you may immediately make them take 2d6 force damage. The
choose to activate the sigil to suffer a -4 penalty to their roll, aura is disabled for 1 round if you make any melee attacks of
and remove the sigil. Activating this sigil deos not require your own, as they disrupt the patterns of energy.
an action. At initiator level 11th, and again at 17th, you may fire one
If a sigil-marked creature’s turn ends and they still carry additional missile with each attack, and the force damage
the sigil, they must make a Will save (DC 12 + your initiation against nearby enemies increases by 2d6. Strikes with the
modifier), activating the sigil with the -4 penalty to this save; [Rain] descriptor made as a full-round action create double
if they fail, they are dazed until the end of their next turn. A the amount of missiles on their first attack (further attacks
creature automatically passes this save if they did not take a create the normal number).
standard or full-round action on their turn. In addition, you increase the range of all your [Trails] by
20 feet.
Equinox But what if there’s a ceiling?
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter) A few Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers seem to assume access to
Level: 3 the open sky: this is purely flavor text and is not necessary
Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver for the maneuvers to function. Suggestions on how to
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action explain it otherwise include the arrows disappearing as
they jump through space and time, flying in erratic orbits
Range: see text around the area, or triggering a chain of fated ricochets
Target: see text that end with them at their target.
Duration: see text
Trusting fate and fortune to guide your arrow, you launch it When an attacking ally hits an adjacent affected enemy
into the sky to fall at the perfect moment. You may initiate that failed their save, that ally may choose to have the binds
this counter at any time, including on your turn as a swift solidify further and prevent the enemy from voluntarily
action. Make a Knowledge (geography) check, and record moving from their space while the condition remains.
the result. You launch one thrown weapon or piece of As normal, if an enemy enters the trail and fails their save
ammunition upwards when initiating this maneuver, which mid-movement, the reduced speed applies immediately to
cannot be retrieved until it triggers or otherwise ends. the movement they are making - if they have already moved
more than their reduced speed allows, they must stop.
Once before the start of your next turn, as a free action that
can be taken at any time when a weapon attack is made within
medium range of you (100 ft. + 10 ft./level), you may trigger Micromassive Black Hole
the maneuver to make the projectile fall at that instant and Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost)
attempt to interrupt the attack, even if you are unconscious
Level: 3
or unable to act at the time. If the result of your Knowledge
(geography) check equals or exceeds the attack roll, the attack Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
is negated and the attacker is flat-footed against the next Initiation Action: 1 swift action
attack made against them within 1 round. Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
You instinctively know whether an attack is able to be Area: Up to a 20-ft. burst
negated by the result of your knowledge check after the
Duration: instantaneous
attack roll is made. The projectile used lands in a space of
your choice adjacent to the user of the triggering attack, or You will gravity to condense for a moment, pulling all mass
adjacent to you if the duration ends without any trigger, towards it. When you initiate this boost, choose a point within
unless you have another ability that would return it to you. medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). Make a single Knowledge
(geography) check against the Combat Maneuver Defense of
each creature within 20 feet of that point. Creatures you beat
Heaven’s Binding Trail the CMD of are immediately pulled as close to that point as
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail] possible, in the order you choose, as are all unattended objects
Level: 3 in range. If this would pull a creature into an inherently
dangerous space, they get a +6 bonus to their CMD.
Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
You may choose to affect a smaller radius when you use
Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain] this boost; if the radius is 10 feet or less, you gain a +4 bonus
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft. to your Knowledge (geography) check. If creatures released
Target: one creature from this boost’s pull would fall, they do not take fall damage
Duration: instantaneous for the first 20 feet fallen.

Your attack leaves a translucent trail of dusty streams behind

it, which threaten to solidify and bind those who cross them.
Make a 90-foot trail ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon
4th Level
damage as normal plus an additional 2d6 points of damage,
and the creature hit is affected as if they entered the trail. Aeon Rift Trail
In addition, enemies entering the trail automatically become Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail]
entangled until the end of their next turn - a successful
Level: 4
reflex save (DC 13 + your initiation modifier) lets the creature
ignore the speed reduction of this instance of the condition, Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
but still take all other penalties. Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]

Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft. Lucent Flashbreak
Target: one creature Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost)
Duration: instantaneous Level: 4
Your attack distorts the fabric of spacetime in its wake. Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
Make a 90-foot trail ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon Initiation Action: 1 swift action
damage as normal plus an additional 3d6 points of damage,
and the creature hit is affected as if they entered the trail. Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
In addition, enemies entering the trail must make a Will Area: 10-ft.-radius burst
save (DC 14 + your initiation modifier) or immediately end Duration: 1 round
their turn and move their initiative to the bottom of the turn You gather a mote of volatile star-energy in your hand and fling
order, changing their initiative to equal the lowest initiative it into the fray where it bursts in a concentrated wave of light,
among creatures in combat, minus one. This change persists vibrations and radiation. Each creature in the area becomes
for the rest of combat. When their turn comes up again that flat-footed against the next attack made against them and must
round, they may resume any actions they were in the middle make a reflex save (DC 10 + one-half your initiator level + your
of, and take their remaining actions, but this does not give initiation modifier) or take 2d6 force damage and have their
them another use of any action they already took that round. senses overloaded. A creature has a -2 penalty to this saving
If an enemy fails their save and their initiative count is not throw if you have hit them with a ranged attack this turn.
higher than any of your allies, they are instead slowed (as the When overloaded, a creature cannot make attacks of
Slow spell) until the end of their next turn. opportunity, cannot see any of your trails, and all senses except
smell, hearing and touch cannot perceive anything more than
Asteroid Salvo 15 feet away from them: they are also flat-footed against all
attacks from outside this range. A creature can use a move
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost)
action to refocus and remove all effects of being overloaded
Level: 4 from themselves, but otherwise all effects end after 1 round.
Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver You may move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of
Initiation Action: 1 swift action opportunity after using this maneuver.
Range: 100 ft.
Target: see text Music of the Spheres
Duration: instantaneous Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain]
With a flourish, you produce and fire a barrage of swerving Level: 4
energy missiles that seek out enemies and detonate violently. Prerequisites: One Sagitta Stellaris maneuver
You make four ranged touch attacks against targets within
100 feet - you can pick the same target multiple times. On hit, Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
each attack deals force damage equal to half your initiation Range: ranged attack
modifier (minimum 1) and pushes the target 5 feet in any Target: one creature, and allies in 100 ft.
direction. Targets pushed do not fall until you allow them to, Duration: instantaneous
or when the turn ends. These missiles cannot critically hit or
gain additional damage from any other source, and do not Your attack empowers your allies with cosmic alacrity. Make
count as attacks for triggering beneficial abilities that occur a ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal
when you make or hit with an attack (such as the missiles plus an additional 6d6 points of damage, then all allies
from celestial hurricane stance). within 100 feet of the struck target may immediately move
any amount of distance, using any mix of their movement
For each time this turn a target has been hit by another modes (such as climbing, jumping or flight) without
one of your attacks (not including from this maneuver), you provoking attacks of opportunity. However, each ally must
may have one of these fired missiles automatically hit them maintain the same distance to the target at all times during
without an attack roll, and instead deal damage equal to your this movement. An ally engaged in melee with the target may
full initiation modifier (minimum 2). [Rain] strikes made as treat their original space as still occupied by themselves for
a full-round action count as three attacks for this purpose. the purposes of flanking the target until the end of their next
You fire an additional missile at 11th initiator level and turn. This can allow an ally to flank with themselves.
every 4 initiator levels after. Any ally’s movement cannot exceed one lap around
the target, and they cannot willingly double back on their
previous path during it.

5th Level target creatures behind total cover (but they would still be
subject to total concealment if you cannot see the target).
Once per round as a free action on your turn, you can grant
Celestrial Orrery Stance up to two allies in medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./lvl) the ability
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance) to immediately fly 10 feet in any direction without using their
Level: 5 action. Alternatively, you can grant one ally in range the ability
to fly in a straight line directly away from a creature of their
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers choice until they are out of its threatened area. Neither of
Initiation Action: 1 swift action these movement options provoke attacks of opportunity.
Range: personal In addition, you increase the range of all your [Trails] by
Target: you 20 feet.
Duration: stance
You channel visions of the entire cosmos through yourself, Dual Eclipse Trail
projecting the stars around you. While in this stance, you Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail]
are surrounded by a glowing, translucent rendition of the
Level: 5
night sky, overlaid with arcane and astronomical diagrams of
your knowledge that you can consult at a moment’s notice, to Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
guide the movements of every ally on the battlefield. Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
You gain a +4 insight bonus to initiative, and a fly speed Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft.
equal to your base speed, with perfect maneuverability. Target: one creature
You can draw trails through empty spaces you have neither
Duration: instantaneous
line of sight nor line of effect to. Your [Trail] strikes can
negate the effects of cover when approaching targets from Your attack blurs the boundaries of seen and unseen by
a direction where it would not apply, and even potentially manipulating both light and shadow. Make a 90-foot-trail
ranged attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal

plus an additional 4d6 points of damage, and the creature Localized Wormhole Trail
hit is affected as if they entered the trail. Whenever an Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain] [Trail] [Teleportation]
ally moves into a space in the trail for the first time, they
become invisible (as the spell invisibility) until they take an Level: 5
action that would break the spell or the trail expires. When Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
an enemy enters the trail, they must make a will save (DC 15 Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
+ your initiation modifier) or be blinded for 1 round. If an Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft.
enemy has additional types of sight (blindsight, touchsight,
truesight, etc), they make the save with a +3 resistance bonus, Target: one creature
but on failure lose all types of sight for the duration. Duration: instantaneous
Your attack reweaves physical space. Make a 90 ft. trail ranged
attack. If it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an
Gravity Well
additional 5d6 points of damage, and the creature hit is affected
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter) as if they entered the trail. Whenever an ally enters a space in
Level: 5 the trail, you may teleport them to any other space in the trail
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers without needing an action. When an enemy enters the trail,
they must make a will save (DC 15 + your initiation modifier)
Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
or be teleported to any other space in the trail of your choice, as
Range: ranged attack long as it isn’t an inherently dangerous space for them.
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous, and 1 round
Prophecy of Destruction
You fire a sudden shot that drastically increases
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost) [Curse]
the target’s gravity towards selective objects.
You can initiate this counter in response to an Level: 5
attack being made against you or an ally by a Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
creature you can see. Make a ranged attack Initiation Action: 1 swift action
against that creature. If it hits, it deals
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
weapon damage as normal, the creature
is pushed 20 feet. in any direction you Area: one 10-ft. cube
choose except directly towards you, Duration: until your next turn
and for 1 round, whenever With a word of doom and a gesture, you take
an enemy within 100 feet. of aim at a specific point of the battlefield and
the struck creature makes a foretell havoc upon it. Choose a 10 ft. cube in
ranged attack (including attacks range. While this boost is active, any enemy that enters or
made by the creature itself ), there begins its turn in the area is cursed, and all enemies are
is a 50% chance that the ranged subject to the effects of a dimensional anchor spell while
attack is instead redirected and they remain in the area. When your next turn begins,
resolved against the affected creature, the cube implodes. Choose one creature that is still in
using the same attack roll without the designated area. Space twists around them, violently
any modifications (such as from cover launching the creature up to 5 feet per initiator level in any
or range increments). Whenever an direction of your choice. Until the end of that turn, they
attack is redirected towards the remain floating at the end of that movement, you
affected creature, subtract 10% ignore miss chances for all your ranged attacks
from the redirection chance - against them, you treat any d20 roll made as part
the effect ends early if the chance of your attack rolls against them as a natural 5 if it
reaches 0%. would be lower, and when you take a full attack action
This effect is obvious to all or use a [Rain] strike as a full-round action, you may
creatures in range while it is active. If make two additional ranged attacks at your highest base
you successfully used this counter in attack bonus that target only this creature. After they stop
response to an enemy ranged attack, the floating, they may fall and take falling damage as normal.
triggering attack is also subject to the Any creature that is in the designated area when you
redirection chance. Enemy [Trail] strikes initiate this boost is aware of the area’s dimensions and
ignore this redirection chance. the imminent dangers of staying within it, but the area
is not considered inherently dangerous for other purposes.

6th Level save (DC 16 + your initiation modifier), with a -2 penalty
if you hit them with a ranged attack this turn. If they fail,
they must immediately commit to a general plan of what
Aurora Fortress Trail they intend to do on their next turn (choice of maneuvers,
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Trail] spells, or abilities to use, who they plan to target, roughly
what they will move towards, and any objects they will
Level: 6 interact with), and you learn their plan. If on their turn they
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers deviate from that plan of their own volition (as opposed to
Initiation Action: 1 standard action new circumstances making their plan impossible), they are
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 90 ft. staggered and take a -4 penalty to all d20 rolls they make
for 1 round as the backlash from defying fate affects them.
Target: one creature Creatures taking this penalty must also make concentration
Duration: instantaneous checks to cast defensively for 1 round whenever they try to
Your attack leaves a translucent rainbow trail of light behind cast spells, use spell-like abilities, or equivalent, losing the
that holds back the enemy. Make a 90 ft. trail ranged attack. If action if the check fails.
it hits, it deals weapon damage as normal plus an additional
5d6 points of damage. Each empty space in the trail is then
filled in with a 5-foot cube-shaped cube wall of force, as the Stance of Infinite Prophecies
spell, except with hardness equal to your initiator level, and Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance)
1 hit point. These cubes last as long as the trail does, or until Level: 6
destroyed. As part of any movement, a creature can make a Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
strength check (DC 16 + your initiation modifier) to force
through the wall and move through it at half speed for that Initiation Action: 1 swift action
turn, destroying any cubes it passes through. This Strength Range: personal
check can be made once per separate action. Target: you
Allies that enter the trail’s area (assuming a cube of force Duration: stance
doesn’t block them) are coated with a thin force barrier, By briefly committing to dozens of attack plans and then
gaining DR/- equal to your initiator level against the first receiving scattered future visions of their outcomes, you can
attack that hits them afterwards. assess a creature’s defenses before you even act. Once per
Cubes of force only appear in the original path of the round in combat as a free action, you may focus on a creature
projectile and the associated spaces extending above and you can see or have line of effect to. For the next round, you
below it. Any other ability that would expand the effective area ignore any percentage-based miss chances it has against your
of your trails (such as the Sagitta Stellaris Spotlight feat) does attacks, and you can immediately learn one of the following
not create more cubes of force, but still grants DR in the new about the creature:
areas. However, effects such as the Sagitta Stellaris Shift feat that • Its armor class and CMD
change an existing traced trail to this one would cause cubes
of force to be created in the original path of the trail as normal. • Its bonus to a saving throw against an effect your party
has access to, or the answer to which of its saving
Any effect like disintegrate which would destroy a wall of throws has the lowest bonus
force destroys every cube simultaneously, even if they aren’t
contiguous. • Exact details on two categories out of its DR, resistances,
immunities, spell resistance, or vulnerabilities
• The trigger and intent of a readied action it is currently
Reading the Tapestry of Fate holding
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost) • The presence of any abilities to react to being attacked,
Level: 6 and their source (the martial disciplines it knows
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers counters from, schools of magic it knows immediate
action spells from, etc)
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
This foresight is extremely narrow, and does not tell you
Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level) anything else you may notice on actually attacking them.
Target: one creature Effects that guard from divination (such as the nondetection
Duration: 1 round spell), or the creature being an invalid target (such as an
You see through the fortune of an enemy and divine their illusion), may cause this assessment to fail completely. You
fate. A creature you choose within range must make a will learn that it failed, but not the reason why, and do not ignore
the creature’s miss chances. At 16th initiator level, effects that
protect from divination do not stop this effect from working When the Starts Align
unless they also guard against the discern location spell. Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Rain]
In addition, when in this stance you can focus to gain a Level: 6
perfect glance into an immediate future possibility. As a free
action, you activate this ability and declare you are looking Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
into the future, and continue taking your turn as normal. Initiation Action: 1 standard action, or [Rain]
At the end of that turn, you must choose to either accept Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
that future, in which case gameplay carries on, or avoid Target: see text
that future, which undoes all outcomes and consequences
since you declared this ability’s activation. All actions and Duration: up to one hour/level
resources spent, damage done, and any other events and You fire a shot into the sky as you whisper a prophecy,
effects that occurred during that time are reversed, and beckoning it to strike true when it is fulfilled. When you
nobody remembers they happened except you, and then you initiate this strike, you make a ranged attack. Instead of
take the remainder of your turn again. You can make this rolling, you name a condition, which must include details on
decision even if dead or unable to act. how to choose a target. For example, ‘the next time someone
Once you activate this ability, you cannot use it again until you casts a spell, target the caster’, or ‘if someone dies in the
spend 10 minutes on your class’ method to ready maneuvers middle of dinner at the tavern, target the bartender.’
(even if you do not change any of your maneuvers readied). This Beginning from the start of your next turn until one hour
applies even if you decided to not undo any events. per initiator level has passed, after the stated condition happens
When activated outside of combat, you instead decide within medium range of where you initiated the maneuver
whether to revert the future after 1 round, allowing you enough (100 ft. + 10 ft./level), the attack resolves against the designated
time to see the immediate consequences of your actions. target, hitting automatically and dealing an additional 4d6
points of damage. At that moment, you become aware that it

has triggered, and exactly where the struck creature was. No line 15 feet away from it, and fall prone if not airborne. If they are
of effect is needed to the target as long as any possible winding directly within the line of fire, they instead take 10d6 damage
path can be found from your original position to theirs. The on a failed save, and half on a success. All unattended large or
triggering action completely resolves before the attack hits, so smaller objects in range are pushed automatically.
this maneuver can’t damage a creature to interrupt spells with If the attack hits the main target, they take damage as
casting action of a standard action or less, or similar actions. normal plus an additional 14d6 points of damage, and must
You can only maintain one active instance of this maneuver make three Fortitude saves in a row (DC 17 + your initiation
at a time: if you initiate it again, it makes any existing effect modifier, affects objects), automatically passing the remaining
end. If you lose knowledge of the maneuver, or replace saves once they succeed on any. If they fail one save, they are
it in your readied maneuvers list when choosing readied stunned for 1 round. If they fail two saves, they are stunned
maneuvers again, any active instance of this maneuver ends. and paralyzed for 1 round. If they fail all three, they explode
You use up one non-creature thrown weapon or piece and die. The third fortitude save is a death effect.
of ammunition when initiating this strike, which cannot
be retrieved until the strike triggers or otherwise ends.
Heaven’s Fury
The weapon or ammunition used lands in a random space
adjacent to the target, or in the space you were in when you Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Trail]
initiated the strike if it ended without triggering, unless you Level: 7
have another ability that would return it to you. If excessively Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
complicated or convoluted conditions are prescribed, the
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
strike immediately fails and has no effect. If the condition
could be triggered by obscured information (such as due to Range: medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
lies or stealth), it uses 10 + your knowledge (geography) skill Target: see text
modifier in place of any relevant skills (such as sense motive Duration: instantaneous
or perception) and is treated as observing the event from 5
You fire a flurry of ranged attacks into the sky, and they rain
feet away with all your senses to determine judgement on if
down with a vengeance upon the battlefield like meteors.
it triggers. The maneuver’s magic makes its own judgement
Make a full attack with a ranged weapon. You may use your
and does not tell you any of this other observed information.
initiator level in place of your base attack bonus for this
full attack. Instead of choosing targets or using the normal
rules for drawing trails, you instead create a 15-foot-radius
7th Level burst at any point within range for each attack you could
have made. For each burst, roll the attack once and compare
Fate’s Rail Gun it to the AC of all creatures within the area, dealing the
attack’s damage normally to each creature hit.
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike)
All spaces included in the areas of your bursts become
Level: 7
a trail. When an enemy enters this trail, a flare of energy
Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers erupts from it to strike them. They must make a Fortitude
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier, affects objects) or
Range: ranged attack take 10d6 force damage and receive negative levels equal to
half their total hit dice, halving the damage and avoiding
Target: one creature (see text) the negative levels on success. Negative levels received this
Duration: instantaneous way last until the end of the creature’s next turn, and do
Every journey on the rail of fate has an end. You rewrite an not reduce a creature’s current or maximum hit points.
enemy’s destiny to make that end happen now. Make a single Negative levels from multiple instances of this maneuver
ranged attack. You do not need to see a target or have line of do not stack. All bursts are considered part of the same
effect to it, and the attack ignores miss chances. Your ranged trail, so as usual each enemy can only be affected once
attack automatically blasts a hole the size of the projectile by this extra damage even if they move through multiple
through any intervening object or barrier with hardness less burst areas.
than 50 without stopping. All creatures except you and the You do not need line of effect to the origin point of each
target within 10 ft. of the path of the attack must make a burst, as long as there is any possible winding path of effect
Reflex save (DC 17 + your initiation modifier) or be pushed to them.

Omniscience Trace be able to see if they were inside the space of the other
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Boost) [Teleportation] portal: if you can see the target through the portals, your
attack does not take any penalties for being unable to see
Level: 7 the target when the attack was made. Any creature that
Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers enters the space of one portal is teleported to an eligible
Initiation Action: 1 swift action space of their choice adjacent to the other portal as a free
Range: unlimited action. Ranged attacks, spells, and other targeted effects can
be aimed through a portal, entering it and continuing out of
Target: one creature the linked portal in a direction of the user’s choice, totaling
Duration: 1 round the distance travelled towards one portal and out the other
There is nowhere in the universe, or even the multiverse, that for range and range increments. [Trail] strikes that enter a
is outside the range of your marksmanship. When you initiate portal continue being drawn after emerging from the other
this boost, choose a creature that you can currently see or portal as normal. However, melee attacks, threatened areas,
have seen within the last round, including indirect viewing auras, area effects, unattended objects, and environmental
such as via the Scrying spell. The next ranged attack you make effects such as heat, air, water, and gravity do not cross over
this turn can target that creature no matter where they are: between portals.
after being fired, the attack tears open a portal within 30 ft. of This maneuver has no effect if either portal would be
you that fills an unoccupied 5-foot. space and is linked to an created in an area where teleportation is barred, if there are
identical portal that appears in a random unoccupied space no eligible spaces for a portal to appear, or if the target is
that is adjacent to the target and has line of effect to it, where under the nondetection spell or similar effect that hides their
the attack continues out of and targets the enemy. You may location from divination magic. Otherwise, this maneuver’s
make the attack roll for this attack three times and take the range even extends to other planes, as long as either portal
highest result. would not be created in an area where planar travel is barred.
The portals persist for 1 round, but you may dismiss At 16th initiator level, effects that protect from divination do
them earlier as an immediate action. Creatures that can see not stop this maneuver from working unless they also guard
through one portal can also see anything that they would against the discern location spell.

8th Level with perfect maneuverability, or you can increase an existing
fly speed by 30 feet with perfect maneuverability. At the start
of each of your turns, you gain the ability to soar a number
A Blink of the Universe of times equal to half your initiation modifier (minimum 3),
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Trail] until the start of your next turn. Soaring makes you fly up to
30 feet in a straight line in any direction without provoking
Level: 8 attacks of opportunity and is a free action. You can also soar
Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers without using an action immediately before the start of any
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action creature’s turn in initiative. Soaring extends one of your active
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 120 ft. trails, filling each space you move through with the effect
of the trail which also spreads upwards and downwards as
Imbued in your strike is the immutable fate of the universe, normal - these extensions from soaring only last 1 round, or
the ordinant song by which the greatest stars in the cosmos when the trail they are extending ends, whichever comes first.
live and one day die.
Whenever one of your trails would end, a chain of
Make a 120-foot trail ranged attack: if it hits, it deals weapon explosions ripples along it, and all creatures and unattended
damage as normal. Immediately after the trail is drawn, it objects of your choice in the trail take force damage equal to
shines fiercely and erupts in a fleeting but brilliant supernova: your initiator level before the trail dissipates.
creatures and objects in the trail’s area take 6d6 force damage
and become flatfooted for 1 round. A creature that was Finally, all your ranged attacks deal an additional 1d8
directly hit by the trail strike is also blinded for 1 round and points of force damage, and when you initiate a [Rain] strike
automatically fails their next reflex save against this trail. as a full-round action, you may make one additional ranged
attack at your highest base attack bonus as part of it.
At the end of your turn, the radiance of the trail fades and
darkens, pulling light and space into it as it collapses into the
form of a black hole. Whenever an enemy starts their turn Threading the Tapestry of Fate
within 20 ft. of an unoccupied space in the trail, they must Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Counter) [Teleportation]
make a Reflex save (DC 18 + your initiation modifier) or be
pulled 20 feet in a straight line towards the closest such space Level: 8
- colliding with a stationary obstacle will stop this movement. Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
An enemy that starts their turn in the trail must also make this Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
reflex save: on failure they are treated as having entered the Range: ranged attack
trail even though they didn’t move. Enemies and objects that
enter the trail are crushed by the immense gravity, taking 6d6 Target: one creature
magical bludgeoning damage, and are pinned until the start Duration: instantaneous
of your next turn. This trail uses your own combat maneuver Striking an enemy at the meridian of their cosmic alignment,
bonus and combat maneuver defense for interactions with you rewrite their entire immediate destiny. You can initiate
the pinned condition. A successful Fortitude save (DC 18 + this counter in response to an enemy targeting one or more
your initiation modifier, affects objects) halves the damage creatures or an area with any effect, including attacks, area-
and negates the pinned condition. of-effect abilities, spells, and spell-like abilities. Make a
When within 20 feet of the trail, any creature’s movement ranged attack against that creature. If it hits, it deals weapon
in a direction entirely away from it costs double, and enemies damage as normal, and the creature can no longer choose
cannot take the 5-foot step action. their intended targets for that ability for the rest of that
round. The creature must then make a will save (DC 18 + your
initiation modifier). If it fails, you may teleport the creature
Embodiment of the First Meteor to any space of your choice within 60 ft., and then force it to
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Stance) choose a new target (or targets) of your choice, subject to the
Level: 8 original targeting requirements, but treating its other allies
as enemies and its enemies as allies.
Prerequisites: Three Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers
If they were making a full attack action, you can choose
Initiation Action: 1 swift action all the targets for its attacks that turn. If it was an ability
Range: personal that affected an area, you choose the area. Spells with a
Target: you personal range can instead be cast with a range of touch.
Duration: stance When a creature fails their save against this maneuver, you
may choose to forgo any concentration checks they may have
You are set ablaze with pure white light, and small shockwaves needed to make as a result of taking damage from it.
constantly emanate from you. You gain a fly speed of 60 feet

If the target of this maneuver passes their save, they may hit creatures in range, and by default they do not fire on
choose to instead take a different action if they wish and are unconscious creatures unless instructed otherwise.
able to. Unlike other [trail] maneuvers, this trail does not expire
until you create it again, die, dismiss it as a free action, lose
knowledge of the maneuver, or replace it in your readied
9th Level maneuvers list when readying maneuvers again. Its effect
triggers once per round per valid creature as long as it
persists, rather than only once per creature. It does not end
Timeless Army Across Heaven when you create a different trail with another maneuver.
Discipline: Sagitta Stellaris (Strike) [Trail] If another ability refers to your active trail when you have
Level: 9 two trails this way, you choose one of the two trails for the
Prerequisites: Four Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers ability’s purpose when you use it, or once per round on your
turn. Extensions of this trail’s area created by other abilities
Initiation Action: 1 standard action are not permanent, and last until the start of your next turn.
Range: ranged attack, [Trail] 400 ft. You can never have more than one trail with this maneuver’s
Target: see text effect at once - if you would have multiple trails with this
Duration: instantaneous, and permanent effect for any reason, all immediately end except for the
newest instance.
You understand the most innate divine might of the cosmos,
and for a tiny fraction of eternity you can call on its aid.
Your attack creates a legion of phantasmal soldiers in its
wake, translucent forms in the shapes of bodies that are
illuminated by fierce star-like points of light within them,
Character Options
connecting with each other with lambent paths to form
unknown constellations. Archetypes
Make a 400-foot trail ranged attack. If it hits, it deals
weapon damage as normal. The trail from this maneuver
then becomes filled with intangible images of the Stellaris Rosethorn Princess (Harbinger Archetype)
Army. Whenever an enemy enters the trail, starts their turn Every harbinger draws power from their comprehension of
within 60 feet of any space in the trail, or moves into that negative thoughts - but there are some especially known for
range for the first time on their turn, the Stellaris Army their grace and optimism. Rosethorn princes and princesses
opens fire on them with slings and arrows of outrageous are ranged-combat harbingers with a dedicated appreciation
fortune, unless you command them not to. This deals 3d6 of beauty, both in themselves and the world around them.
damage of a type of your choice that cannot be reduced, This is not just superficial consumption or vanity: with their
negated or avoided in any way. Damage dealt by the pasts often marked by the loss of something truly precious, a
Stellaris Army cannot be healed unless by effects with an rosethorn princess’ mindset is linked with a specific type of
initiator or caster level higher than your own initiator sorrow - fear of change.
level, or unless you allow it to be healed. All beauty eventually diminishes, and the charms of what
When you are within 60 feet of the trail, once per round one treasures are constantly at risk of distorting or fading,
as a free action on your turn you can designate a 15-foot- until a source of former joy becomes unrecognizable.
radius burst originating from any other point within 60 Rosethorn princesses glamorize the past and desperately
feet of it. The Stellaris Army concentrates fire on that area, cling on to the present, trying to immutably root down the
immediately dealing another 3d6 damage to all enemies and things they love and wishing that time would move slower
objects in the area, and treating all creatures in the area as if - while ever yet keeping their distance, as they fear drawing
they entered a trail from any Sagitta Stellaris [trail] strike of close enough to verify the inevitable. All this causes their
your choice up to 5th level, even strikes you do not know. This abilities to manifest in the forms of iridescent flowers: the
is an instantaneous effect that does not create an additional ultimate symbol of ephemeral splendor.
trail, and if it requires a save DC, the DC becomes 19 + your Several of a rosethorn princess’ class features depend
initiation modifier. on her having Claimed a creature, or affect creatures she
You can give the Stellaris Army instructions to attack or has Claimed. For the purposes of these class features, only
ignore certain types of creatures, based on visual information. creatures Claimed using her dark claim ability count; they do
Treat the Army as if they had truesight for their judgement, not apply to other Claims (such as the soul hunter stalker’s
but they cannot communicate any information to others. soul claiming class feature).
The Army can see and fire into any overlapping planes to

Class Skills: The rosethorn princess adds Appraise and
Knowledge (Nature) to her list of class skills, and removes
Knowledge (Religion).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The rosethorn princess

is proficient with all simple weapons, martial ranged
weapons, and light armor, but not with shields. This ability
alters the harbinger’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Maneuvers: The rosethorn princess loses access to

the Scarlet Throne and Cursed Razor disciplines, and
adds Sagitta Stellaris to her list of available disciplines,
gaining Knowledge (geography) as a class skill. She
also adds either Solar Wind or Tempest Gale to her
list of available disciplines, gaining Perception or
Sleight of Hand as a class skill respectively. She
otherwise learns, readies and initiates maneuvers as
a standard harbinger. This ability alters maneuvers.

Accursed Will: Any attack that receives a bonus

to damage from the rosethorn princess’ accursed
will feature cannot add any of her other positive
ability score modifiers to its damage rolls. The
rosethorn princess can choose to not apply the
damage bonus from accursed will to an attack if
she wishes. This modifies accursed will.

In the Eye of the Beholder: At 1st

level, the rosethorn princess gains
Precise Shot as a bonus feat. She is
also considered to have the Point-
Blank Shot feat for the purposes of
prerequisites but does not gain its Kiss from a Rose (Su): A
benefits unless she actually possesses rosethorn princess imbues her
the feat. This replaces Ill Tidings. desire for stagnancy into her ammunition as
phantasmal seeds, which sprout from the wounds
of her enemies into lush flowers and vines. Starting at 3rd level,
Dark Claim (Su): The range at which a rosethorn princess she gains the ability to inflict a unique condition, bloom,
may Claim a creature is always 60 feet + 5 feet per harbinger onto her enemies. Bloom is a stacking condition that starts at
level if it would otherwise be shorter, including with feats bloom 1 and gets more severe with repeated applications: for
such as Grasp of Darkness. The rosethorn princess loses example, a creature suffering from bloom 3 being inflicted
the ability to make attacks of opportunity against a Claimed with bloom 2 would then have the bloom 5 condition.
creature using the withdraw action to leave a square she However, bloom conditions inflicted by multiple rosethorn
threatens. This modifies Dark Claim. princesses on the same creature are tracked separately and
do not stack with each other: apply only the effects of the
Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a rosethorn highest severity.
princess may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as The rosethorn princess can inflict bloom in the following
natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) ways:
at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering • Whenever she hits a creature with a ranged weapon
any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas attack and deals damage, she inflicts [bloom 1]; if it was
that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, the first successful attack from a strike maneuver that
however, still affect her. turn, she instead inflicts [bloom 2].

• Enemies Claimed by the rosethorn princess are In Memoriam (Su): Once the blooming flowers can fully
inflicted with [bloom 1] whenever they start their capture a creature’s beauty, the original is no longer needed,
turn. and should fade before they sully their legacy. At 4th level,
• If a Claimed creature ends their turn without moving when a creature suffering any bloom from the rosethorn
at least 5 feet, they gain [bloom 1]. princess dies, or otherwise falls unconscious from hit point
loss or nonlethal damage, the cursed plants around them
Each creature can only gain bloom from a specific
surge and grow into a giant blossom that fills the creature’s
rosethorn princess once per round per above method.
space, even if the creature did not leave a corpse. If the
The bloom condition has the following effects: creature is alive or still has a body, the blossom is linked to
• When a creature’s bloom is at least 2, thin vines and them. Creatures with fewer Hit Dice than half the rosethorn
flower buds wrap their limbs. They move at half princess’ character level do not create blossoms.
speed (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot increment) A blossom hovers in position (it does not fall unless the
and are cursed. rosethorn princess wants it to), and the linked creature or
• Starting at 5th level, the flowers on a creature with corpse cannot move or be moved from their space while
bloom 6 flourish, decorating them with a full the blossom exists - if they are teleported, the blossom
bouquet of colors. The creature moves at one quarter teleports with them. Blossoms do not impede other
speed (rounded up to the nearest 5-foot increment), is creatures’ movement or prevent the linked creature from
entangled, and can no longer take 5-foot steps. being healed: a blossom fades if the linked creature is able
• Starting at 9th level, a creature at bloom 10 is on the to act again (this includes being recreated as an undead,
verge of being consumed in a cloak of flowers, to the or similar). Blossoms have one quarter of the rosethorn
point their face or body can barely be recognized. The princess’ maximum hit points, an armor class of 10 + her
creature’s speed is reduced to 5 feet, and they are also initiation modifier, and share the rosethorn princess’ saving
staggered, with the exception that they can still use throw bonuses when relevant. The rosethorn princess can
a full-round action to tear blooms off themselves as erase any of her blossoms in range of her Claim ability as
below. a swift action. Otherwise, blossoms last for one minute
before crumbling to dust.
• Starting at 15th level, creatures take a penalty to their
highest ability score (before penalties) equal to half Once per round when within 5 ft. of a blossom, each
the amount of bloom they have. This cannot reduce ally of the rosethorn princess can use a free action to gain
the ability score to below 1. temporary hit points equal to the rosethorn princess’
level that last for 1 round. When an enemy is within 5 ft.
• A creature can tear all bloom off themselves or a
of a blossom, they are inflicted with [bloom 1], and always
willing ally within their reach. A standard action
considered flanked against melee attacks, no matter where
halves the total bloom on a creature, and a full-round
their attacker is. Each enemy can only gain bloom this
action removes all bloom. Bloom deals 1d4 untyped
way once per round. Creatures linked to a blossom can no
damage to a creature for each stack of the condition
longer gain additional bloom.
removed from them in this way.
This replaces Massacre.
• Otherwise, all bloom fades harmlessly after the
affected creature has been outside of combat for more
than one minute, or if the rosethorn princess dies. The Language of Flowers (Su): At 7th level, the rosethorn
Bloom’s speed reduction does not stack with any other princess is under a constant Speak with Plants spell effect.
speed reduction. However, if the rosethorn princess would This replaces Sorcerous Deception.
ever reduce a creature’s speed with the entangled condition
via any of her other abilities (but not with items like Drifting Memories (Su): Treasured recollections often
tanglefoot bags), she may choose to have that ability inflict shift over time, no longer reflecting what once was. At 8th
[bloom 3] instead of entangled. Bloom is a curse effect: a level, once on each of her turns as a free action, the rosethorn
creature immune to curses is immune to bloom, and the princess can make one of her blossoms in range of her
successful use of break enchantment, remove curse, or similar Claim ability move up to 15 feet. If the blossom is linked to a
effects removes the bloom condition from the target in creature or corpse, the creature or corpse moves with it. No
addition to their normal effects. If the rosethorn princess movement from this ability provokes attacks of opportunity.
gains the whispers of atrocity feature at 19th level, her bloom A blossom does not inflict bloom on adjacent enemies while
also ignores all of a target’s immunities. moving, but it applies bloom as normal to adjacent enemies
This replaces Grim News and Elusive Shadow. after it stops. This replaces Ill Intentions.

Variant: A Rose By Any Other Name
The rosethorn princess is a ranged-attack harbinger archetype that is not centered on the Sagitta Stellaris discipline, but
still has high mechanical synergy with it. While beauty of the night sky isn’t an uncommon thing for a rosethorn princess
to wish to emulate, players may still prefer to not have to reconcile such a distinct pair of thematics on a single character.
Here are some official suggestions to adapt one to match the other:

Sagitta Floris: The rosethorn princess has a unique way of expressing her Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers: trails are instead
paths of floating petals or flowerbeds across the terrain, forced movement is caused by lashing vines, and other effects by
magic glittering pollen. This should not be treated as a separate discipline in the campaign setting, merely a personal and
perhaps heretical expression of Sagitta Stellaris - thus it is still based on Knowledge (geography), not Knowledge (nature).

Princess of Penitence: The rosethorn princess is renamed to ‘Princess of Penitence’, and is themed around guilt, burdens,
avoidance and gravity. The Bloom condition is renamed to Burden, and is represented by semi-corporeal chains that only
the afflicted can feel the weight of, as they grow heavier and heavier. Blossoms become ‘monuments’, creating phantasmal
altars or stakes to display the sins of the fallen creature. The princess of penitence loses Knowledge (Nature) as a class skill,
but regains Knowledge (religion). Woodland Stride is replaced by Weight On Your Shoulders (Ex), which lets her treat her
strength score as 4 higher for the purposes of carrying capacity. At 7th level, she gains shackle as an at-will spell-like ability
instead of a speak with plants effect, but can only have a maximum number of restraints summoned at once equal to half her
level: summoning another set above this limit causes the oldest existing set to disappear. She uses her initiation modifier
as her spellcasting ability modifier for this spell-like ability.

Other: Despite their appearance, the bloom and blossom mechanics do not create real plants, and do not interact specifically
with abilities that affect plants, so a range of other minor reflavoring options is possible.

Mourning Glory (Su): At 10th level, enemies within 5-foot conjures a phantasmal copy of the creature that was linked
of a blossom are automatically sickened for as long as they to that blossom at full hit points, and with copies of all its
remain in range of it. equipment except artifacts. The copy is loyal to the rosethorn
Reminiscence (Su): At 11th level, the rosethorn princess princess but has no true will of its own. The copy can
gains the ability to teleport to any free space adjacent to one immediately take a full turn of actions following directions
of her blossoms in medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per level) from the rosethorn princess, and then disappears along with
as an immediate action once per encounter. This ability all its possessions when its turn ends. However, this copy can
replaces black omen. only use abilities or personal possessions that the rosethorn
princess observed the original creature performing, and the
original creature is immune to being directly affected by
Harvest (Su): At 16th level, the rosethorn princess can make anything its copy does.
attacks of opportunity through her blossoms, spending her
This ability replaces Voices in the Dark.
own attacks of opportunity to let blossoms attack when a
creature would provoke one from them. Her blossoms each
threaten an area out to 10 ft. around them, use the attack bonus Bulletwriter (Gunslinger Archetype)
of the rosethorn princess (including her strength or dexterity
Many see the receiving end of a bullet as a very impersonal
modifier, accursed will, and the enhancement bonus of any one
form of murder: to bulletwriters, this couldn’t be further
weapon she is wielding) and her combat maneuver defense,
from the truth. Gifted with a talent for psychic magic but
and on hit deal 4d8 magical piercing damage and inflict the
led by circumstance to take up the way of the firearm,
entangled condition for 1 round. The rosethorn princess can
bulletwriters are artisans who imbue a unique memory,
make an additional number of attacks of opportunity each
sensation, or concept into every piece of ammunition they
round equal to half her intelligence modifier.
load, and these sentiments make their bullets perform the
impossible. A memory of a starlit night might make bullets
Cherished Moment (Su): Starting 18th level, once per veer, the searing glow of a campfire may make them burn
encounter as a move action, the rosethorn princess can with a perpetual flame, a fervent wish for peace could have
draw on an idealized memory of a fallen enemy. She erases the bullet knock a weapon from an opponent’s hand - the
a blossom in range of her Claim ability, and in its space only constant is that every shot has a story behind it.

is limited by those listed in that table as well, although
Table 2-1: Archetype Maneuver Progression
this restriction does not apply to maneuvers added to his
Maximum maneuvers known through other methods, such as prestige
Maneuvers Maneuver Level classes or the Advanced Study feat. A bulletwriter must meet
Level Known Readied Stances Known a maneuver’s prerequisite to learn it. See the Systems and Use
1st 3 3 1 1 chapter in Path of War for more details on how maneuvers
2nd 4 3 1 1 are used.
3rd 5 3 1 1 Upon reaching initiator level 4th, and at every even
numbered initiator level thereafter (6th, 8th, 10th, and so on),
4th 6 4 2 2 the bulletwriter can choose to learn a new maneuver in place
5th 6 4 2 2 of one he already knows. In effect, he loses the old maneuver
6th 6 4 2 2 in exchange for the new one. He can choose a new maneuver
of any level he likes, as long as he observes the restriction
7th 7 4 3 3
on the highest - level maneuvers he
8th 7 4 3 3 knows; the bulletwriter need not
9th 8 4 3 4 replace the old maneuver with
10th 8 5 3 4 a maneuver of the same level.
He can swap
11th 9 5 4 5 only a single
12th 9 5 4 5 maneuver at
13th 10 5 5 6 any given level.
A bulletwriter’s
14th 11 5 5 6
initiation modifier
15th 11 6 5 6 is Wisdom, and each
16th 12 6 5 6 bulletwriter level is
17th 13 6 5 6 counted as a full initiator
18th 14 6 5 6
19th 14 6 5 6
Maneuvers Readied: A
20th 15 7 5 6 bulletwriter can ready all
three of his maneuvers
Maneuvers: A bulletwriter begins his career known at 1st level, and as he
with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. advances in level and learns
The disciplines available to him are more maneuvers, he is able
Sagitta Stellaris, Solar Wind, and to ready more, but must still
Tempest Gale. choose which maneuvers to
ready. A bulletwriter must
Once the bulletwriter
always ready his maximum
knows a maneuver, he must
number of maneuvers
ready it before he can use
readied. He readies his
it (see Maneuvers Readied,
maneuvers by meditating on or
below). A maneuver usable
experimenting with new bullet
by bulletwriter is considered
ideas for ten minutes. The
an extraordinary ability unless
maneuvers he chooses remain
otherwise noted in it or its
readied until he decides to
discipline’s description. A
practice again and change
bulletwriter’s maneuvers are not
them. The bulletwriter
affected by spell resistance, and he
does not need to sleep or
does not provoke attacks of opportunity when
rest for any long period
he initiates one.
of time in order to ready
The bulletwriter learns additional maneuvers at his maneuvers; any time
higher levels, as indicated on Table 2 - 1: Archetype he spends ten minutes
Maneuver Progression. The maximum level of practicing, he can change
maneuvers gained through bulletwriter levels his readied maneuvers.

A bulletwriter begins an encounter with all his readied spur of the moment, perfectly tailored to the situation. As
maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he a standard action, the bulletwriter creates a single piece of
might have already used them since he chose them. When he ammunition as if by his bulletwriting feature, or chooses an
initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, existing piece of held firearm ammunition, and it then gains
so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per one of the following weapon properties: cruel, corrosive, dry
encounter (unless he recovers them, as described below). load, flaming, frost, limning, merciful, or shock.
In order for the bulletwriter to recover maneuvers, he This ammunition loses the granted property after being
must use his spontaneous bullet class feature (see below). used in an attack, if more special ammunition is created
Alternatively, the bulletwriter may immerse himself in a by this ability before the first is used, or at the end of
single thought without needing to channel it, allowing him the bulletwriter’s next turn. After using this ability, the
to recover a single maneuver as a standard action. bulletwriter recovers a number of expended maneuvers
equal to his bulletwriter initiation modifier (minimum 2).
The bulletwriter must be holding an appropriate firearm,
Stances Known: A bulletwriter begins his career with
which is immediately loaded with this special ammunition
knowledge of one stance from any discipline open to
- if he lacks one, he recovers maneuvers as normal but does
bulletwriter. At 4th, 7th, 11th, and 13th levels, he can select
not create or enhance any ammunition.
an additional stance to learn. The maximum level of stances
gained through bulletwriter levels is limited by those listed The list of properties the bulletwriter can choose from
in Table 2 - 1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Unlike increases with his level in this class:
maneuvers, stances are not expended and the bulletwriter 5th: ghost touch, planar, seeking, thundering
does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are 8th: bane
available to him at all times, and he can change the stance
10th: anarchic, axiomatic, corrosive burst, flaming burst, holy, icy
he is currently maintaining as a swift action. A stance is an
burst, lesser designating, phase locking, shocking burst, unholy
extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance or
discipline description. The bulletwriter may spend one point of grit to reduce
the time taken to use this ability from a standard action to
Unlike with maneuvers, a bulletwriter cannot learn a new
a move action. Starting from 12th level, the bulletwriter may
stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows.
also spend an additional point of grit to have the chosen
This ability replaces the bonus combat feats gained at 4th, weapon property instead apply to the ammunition of every
8th, 12th, 16th and 20th levels. firearm attack he makes until the end of his next turn.

Occult Awareness: At 1st level, a bulletwriter gains Psychic Invitation (Su): Connections and risks both fuel inspiration.
Sensitivity as a bonus feat. By creating a brief, unguarded psychic link with a nearby
enemy, the bulletwriter receives a flash of vague ideas and
Bulletwriting (Su): As part of readying maneuvers for ten memories from them to fuel his art - though enemies can
minutes, a bulletwriter can condense memories, sensations also take advantage of the vulnerability this link creates.
or sentiments into phantasmal firearm rounds. This creates Starting from 2nd level, once per round as a move
twenty semi-real pieces of ammunition that function as action in combat, the bulletwriter may choose a hostile
mundane steel ammunition appropriate for a firearm of his creature within 60 ft. that he can see and issue them a
choice, except the bulletwriter reduces the time required to psychic invitation. The creature cannot have fewer hit
reload a firearm with them by one step (a full-round action dice than half the bulletwriter’s character level, must be
becomes a standard action, a standard action becomes a able to move, and must have a melee threatened area.
move action, and a move action becomes a free action). After That creature may then immediately move up to half their
this ammunition is used for an attack, it vanishes. Otherwise, speed closer to the bulletwriter as a free action outside
the ammunition lasts for 24 hours. of their turn, and gains a + 4 bonus to their AC against
If any creature other than the bulletwriter tries to attack attacks of opportunity during that movement. Whether or
with this ammunition, the attack fails and the ammunition not the creature chooses to move, the bulletwriter restores
used vanishes. If the firearm loaded with this ammunition 1 grit point by sending this invitation.
has magical properties, these properties are bestowed upon Starting at 6th level, the bulletwriter can use this ability
the ammunition as normal. as a swift action at even greater risk: the invitation is sent
to all applicable creatures in range, and the bulletwriter
cannot choose which creature accepts, though no more than
Spontaneous Bullet (Su): The bulletwriter is never at
one creature can do so. The responding creature can then
shortage of new experiences to channel, and focusing his
move up to its full speed and does not provoke any attacks
adrenaline lets him materialize more ammunition on the

of opportunity during that movement, and if it threatens the being used once, regardless of the maneuver’s success, the
bulletwriter at the end of that movement, it may make an deadliner bullet loses the stored maneuver. Deadliner
attack of opportunity against him. At least one applicable bullets function as mundane bullets for anyone except the
creature must be in range of the invitation for the bulletwriter bulletwriter, and possessing a deadliner bullet does not
to restore grit. count as knowing the maneuver for any other purpose (such
This ability replaces nimble. as meeting prerequisites, gaining class skills, or gaining
bonus power points from the Sleeping Goddess discipline).
At 10th level and every five levels after, the bulletwriter can
This One’s From the Heart (Su): A
create an additional deadliner bullet as part of the same
bulletwriter knows there are countless
hour of work, and carry an additional active deadliner
different sentiments to draw on, and the
bullet at once. These bullets can each contain a different
only limit is his own skill: with preparation,
devotion, and an especially powerful
sentiment, he can keep pushing his limits.
Starting from 5th level, once per day, Deeds: A bulletwriter gains a modified list
the bulletwriter can spend one hour of deeds. This does not cause the bulletwriter
of work to create a single unique archetype to be incompatible with other
deadliner bullet. This ammunition is archetypes that modify the deeds list, as long as
created either as if by his bulletwriting the bulletwriter still has the appropriate deeds
feature, or by imbuing an existing piece to trade out.
of firearm ammunition with extra power Wandering Impulse (Su): At 3rd level, the
(despite the name, it can be any type of bulletwriter can spend 1 point of grit when
firearm ammunition, not just a bullet). making an attack to infuse it with feelings of
When he does so, he chooses any strike wanderlust, spontaneity, or claustrophobia. If
maneuver he could learn as a bulletwriter the attack hits, the target is forced to move 10
maneuver with the Advanced Study feat: feet in any direction it can, without provoking
the maneuver must either be able to attacks of opportunity, but cannot be moved
be used with ranged attacks, or create into an inherently dangerous area. This
an area of effect without requiring an replaces Pistol-Whip.
attack roll. The deadliner bullet stores
Blackpowder Medicine (Su): At 7th level, as a
this maneuver for 24 hours, or until the
swift action the bulletwriter can spend 1 point
bulletwriter makes a new deadliner bullet.
of grit to infuse his ammunition with vigor,
The deadliner bullet must be loaded into a defiance, or belief, and fire it at an ally, making
firearm normally, and the action of firing it is an attack against their AC as normal. If the
treated as a single use of that maneuver as if bulletwriter fires at himself, it automatically
the bulletwriter had that maneuver known hits. If the attack hits, it deals no damage, and
and readied (the action required to fire the the hit ally may make a new saving throw
bullet is the same as the action needed to against an ongoing effect that allows for
initiate the maneuver). If the maneuver multiple saving throws over time to negate,
allows multiple ranged attacks to be or an effect that has a duration measured in
made, all ammunition comes from the rounds. A successful saving throw ends or
deadliner bullet making magical copies reduces this ongoing effect as if they had
of itself for that purpose. A deadliner passed the original saving throw. If the
bullet may not be used simultaneously bulletwriter spends an additional point
with any other strike maneuver. After of grit, he may take this action even if a
condition would otherwise prevent him
Deadliner Bullets from being able to as long as he could still take purely mental
As a reminder, the Advanced Study feat can allow an actions, and the affected ally gains a morale bonus to the
initiator to learn a maneuver that is not limited in level saving throw equal to the bulletwriter’s initiation modifier.
by Table 2 - 1: Archetype Maneuver Progression. Typically, This replaces Dead Shot.
this means that the deadliner bullet can contain a strike Heaven’s Lore (Su): At 11th level, the bulletwriter can fill their
maneuver of a level one higher than the highest level bullets with intricate knowledge and intense convictions that
maneuver the bulletwriter knows from gunslinger class forcibly fill the target’s mind when they hit. Once per round
levels, or even higher starting from 15th level. when making a ranged firearm attack against a creature, the

bulletwriter can spend 2 points of grit to activate this ability: ammunition to teleport into one of their free hands as a
if the attack hits, the target must make a Will with save DC standard action.
of 10 + one-half the bulletwriter’s level + the bulletwriter’s
initiation modifier against one of the following effects:
Optional Deeds: In addition to the above modifications
• The target gains a better understanding of the to the gunslinger deed list, a bulletwriter may choose to
bulletwriter’s beliefs or history, and improves their individually trade out further deeds for alternate options. If
attitude towards him by two steps. a particular gunslinger deed is not replaced by an optional
• The target believes a statement of information of up to deed, it may be traded out by a different archetype as normal.
25 words, as if the bulletwriter made a successful bluff Traditional Unorthodox Design (Su): The bulletwriter has
and/or diplomacy check to convince them. They realise taken inspiration from alchemical cartridges, and figured
that these aren’t their own thoughts after twenty-four out how to replicate their effects with emotions. At 3rd level,
hours, or when faced with clear evidence they’re wrong. by spending 2 points of grit when using his bulletwriting
This cannot change a target’s fundamental beliefs. feature, the bulletwriter can instead create ten pieces of
• The target’s sense of self and identity is violently ammunition that mimic the properties of an alchemical
overwritten for 1 round, during which they perform cartridge of his choice, instead of mundane steel. The
any non-suicidal actions that the bulletwriter wishes. reduction in reload time from the bulletwriting feature
This is a compulsion effect. does not stack with the time reduction from alchemical
All modes of this ability are a Mind-Affecting effect. A cartridges, but if ammunition created this way would call for
target that fails their save forgets that they were shot by the a saving throw, the save DC instead becomes 10 + half the
triggering attack, but becomes immune to further uses from bulletwriter’s level + the bulletwriter’s initiation modifier.
the same bulletwriter for the next 24 hours. If the bulletwriter Otherwise, this ammunition behaves in all ways as normal
chooses, they can have the attack deal no damage to the target. for the bulletwriting feature. This deed can be taken in place
of Gunslinger Initiative.
This replaces Bleeding Wound.
The Origin Trail (Su): At 7th level, the bulletwriter can spend
The World in a Bullet (Su): The culmination of a bulletwriter’s
1 point of grit when making an eligible attack to apply the
artistic development lets them create entire worlds that
benefits of the Stellar Trailblazer feat to it, as if he possessed
exist within the ammunition they craft. At 19th level, by
the feat. He does not need to meet the prerequisites of the
spending 4 points of grit and four hours of work with a
feat or obey the feat’s recovery restriction to use this deed
piece of non-magical non-alchemical non-scatter firearm
again. He may also use this deed without making a strike
ammunition, the bulletwriter can create a demiplane
as long as he does not use a strike maneuver that round,
inside it, as if by the create greater demiplaneUM spell, or add
applying the [Trail] benefits to a normal ranged attack which
features to an existing plane. This demiplane cannot have
can be part of a full attack. If so, treat the resulting trail as
the Portal feature, cannot have its area expanded by further
if it was associated with a maneuver of level equal to half
castings of the spell or uses of this ability, and cannot be
the bulletwriter’s initiator level, rounded up (maximum 9).
made permanent with Permanency. It exists within its own
If the bulletwriter already has the Stellar Trailblazer feat on
extradimensional space rather than the Astral or Ethereal
learning this deed, he may immediately exchange the feat
plane. The ammunition becomes magical, and can no longer
for another feat he would have qualified for at the time. This
be damaged by mundane means, including by being used
deed can be taken in place of Startling Shot.
in a ranged attack. Any creature touching the ammunition
can use a standard action to enter the demiplane: creatures Heavy Rain (Ex): At 7th level, the Bulletwriter gains Heavy
that willingly enter the demiplane may use an action to leave Rain as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
it at any time, appearing in the closest unoccupied space to In addition, he gains an additional maneuver known, which
the ammunition. If the bulletwriter uses this ammunition must be a 1st level strike with the [Rain] descriptor from one
in a ranged firearm attack, a creature hit by it must make a of his Bulletwriter disciplines. If he already knows such a
will saving throw with DC of 10 + one-half the bulletwriter’s maneuver, he may instead learn any 1st-level maneuver
level + the bulletwriter’s initiation modifier or be forcibly available to him from his disciplines. This deed can be taken
shunted into the demiplane within, and if successfully sent in place of Targeting.
inside, other creatures cannot be forced to enter the bullet’s Primal Spirit (Su): At 11th level, once per turn as part of making
demiplane until one minute has passed. a ranged attack the bulletwriter can spend 3 points of grit
If the bulletwriter creates another demiplane this way, or to infuse the projectile with powerful, instinctive emotions,
if the ammunition is destroyed or permanently enchanted, which causes it to emanate a fierce animal-shaped field of
the existing demiplane ends and ejects all foreign contents psychic energy around it as it flies. The ammunition’s path is
into the ammunition’s surroundings. As long as they are on controlled as if drawing a [Trail] strike with length equal to
the same plane, the bulletwriter can cause the demiplane the attack’s first range increment, except it doesn’t leave any

Boltwriters and other styles Binary Star Swirl (Combat)
If the bulletwriter archetype is combined with another Your twin weapons fly like two stars spinning around a
gunslinger archetype changes the weapon that the class common gravitational center.
focuses on to a different ranged weapon (such as the Bolt Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers known, two
Ace with crossbows), all bulletwriter features that specify Thrashing Dragon maneuvers known.
firearms, firearm attacks or firearm ammunition can Benefit: When you make a [Trail] strike while wielding a
additionally work with whichever type of weapon becomes valid primary weapon and offhand weapon, you can make
the new focus of the class. one attack with each as part of the strike. You first draw
and resolve the trail with your primary weapon as normal,
path (If used with a [Trail] strike, use the strike’s trail length and then your offhand attack draws a second trail. You take
and create the trail’s path as normal). Unlike a normal Trail, two-weapon fighting penalties as normal for attacking
this path does not require line of sight or line of effect from with both weapons. Both paths drawn are considered to
the bulletwriter to its spaces, and can even attack targets that be part of the same trail, even if they may be split. The
have total cover from the bulletwriter if approaching from total length of both trails combined cannot exceed 10 ft. +
a direction where that cover would not apply, and the target the stated length of the trail strike, but you can otherwise
does not gain any concealment from cover negated this way. divide the length between them however you wish.
After drawing this path, the bulletwriter picks a number of If the strike grants bonus damage, only your attack with
creatures up to their initiation modifier (minimum 3) that the primary weapon gains that damage, but if the strike
are in or adjacent to any of its spaces. These creatures must treats a target hit as having entered the trail, both the
make a Will save with DC of 10 + one-half the bulletwriter’s attacks gain that effect. In addition, if a target hit by the
level + the bulletwriter’s initiation modifier or become first attack passes any saving throw that was required on
staggered for 1 round or fall prone (the bulletwriter’s choice) entering the trail, hitting them with the offhand attack
from the animal aura savagely tearing past them. The will force them to repeat the saving throw. Using this feat
bulletwriter cannot use this deed with a different attack after with a [Rain] strike as a full-round action consumes your
already making a [Trail] attack that turn. This deed can be first off-hand attack from two-weapon fighting, but does
taken in place of Expert Loading. not otherwise count towards the limit of extra attacks you
can make.

New Feats Charting the Waxing Moon (Combat)

The skies move in constant patterns - the moon disappears,
but you always know where and when it will return.
A Candle Beneath the Night Sky (Combat)
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers known,
Your soul candle shines with cosmic radiance. two Veiled Moon maneuvers known.
Prerequisites: Soul Candle Class Feature, two Benefit: Whenever you initiate a [Trail]
Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers known. strike, you may also expend a readied Veiled
Benefits: While you have an active trail, you may Moon maneuver to mark a space in your trail
treat all spaces within 5 feet of your candle as within close range of you after you finish
being spaces of your trail. This increases to drawing it. If you are in a Veiled Moon
10 ft. if you gain access to lantern effects stance, you can instead mark a space
from the Candle Magic feature, and this way for free.
15 feet when you gain access to At the very start of your next
bonfire effects. These affected turn, if the marked space is
spaces do not extend their unoccupied, you may spend a
effect upwards and downwards swift or move action to teleport
as a trail normally would. As to it. Whether or not you do,
usual, moving this aura onto the mark then disappears. All
a stationary creature does not intelligent creatures who can
count as them entering the see the marked space innately
trail. Also, if you have the Share understand its effect.
the Light feature, you can instead
select an ally within 60 feet for that
feature’s effect.

Fists of the Northern Stars (Combat) including extra attacks from high base attack bonus, and
You have taken a much more hands-on approach to ignoring the normal limits on additional attacks you may
astronomy. make. Effectively, you make a normal ranged full attack with
the first attack being replaced by the strike (The Manyshot
Prerequisites: Two Fool’s Errand maneuvers known, two feat can still apply to this attack as normal).
Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers known.
In addition, you gain the benefits of the Extra Readied
Benefit: While you maintain a Sagitta Stellaris or a Fool’s Maneuver feat, but you can only use this additional slot to
Errand stance, you gain the following benefits: ready a 1st level [Rain] strike.
• You gain a new type of unarmed strike, the Comet At 14th initiator level, these benefits can also apply to 2nd-
Punch, which fires bursts of energy from your fists level [Rain] strikes.
or anything else you can make an unarmed strike
with. This is considered both an unarmed strike and
a ranged weapon that creates its own supernatural Isolation, Demarcation (Combat)
ammunition, and deals damage as if you hit with an You can let an enemy experience a fraction of the loneliness
unarmed strike, with range increment of 20 ft.. It of deep space.
benefits normally from all features that improve your
unarmed strikes, and can be used with the bonus Prerequisites: Ability to Claim creatures, two Sagitta
unarmed strikes granted by Fool’s Errand maneuvers, Stellaris maneuvers known.
but cannot be used with two-weapon fighting. Using Benefit: Whenever you Claim a creature while you have
a Comet Punch provokes attacks of opportunity as an active trail, you may create additional spaces of your trail
normal for ranged attacks, unless you are in a Fool’s within all spaces occupied by or adjacent to that creature.
Errand stance. If you are in a Sagitta Stellaris stance, These new spaces of your trail then extend upwards and
the range increment increases to 100 ft.. Comet Punch downwards as normal. If you can Claim multiple creatures
is an associated discipline weapon for Sagitta Stellaris. with the same action, you must choose only one to apply this
• During your turn, you may consider yourself to be in effect to.
every space of your active trails for the purposes of
making and maintaining locks, and dragging locked Sagitta Stellaris Style (Combat, Style)
creatures. You can spend movement as normal, but
You become adept at creating cosmic trails.
without actually moving yourself, to drag a locked
creature half the distance in any direction as long as Prerequisites: 1 or more Sagitta Stellaris stances, Knowledge
they remain adjacent to or within a space of one of (Geography) 3 ranks.
your active trails. If at the end Benefit: Trails you create from trail strikes that would
of your turn you are locking expire at the beginning of your next turn instead last
a creature out of your melee until the end of your next turn, or until you
reach and have no other create another trail, whichever comes
ability that lets you maintain a first. A creature still cannot trigger
lock this way, the lock ends. the effect of entering the
You cannot use this ability same trail multiple times.
to drag a creature without In addition, increase the
a fly speed off the ground. maximum length of all your [trail]
strikes by 10 feet, and all of your trails deal
Heavy Rain (Combat) additional force damage equal to your initiation
modifier to enemies who enter them.
You have practiced chaining your
strikes into flurries of arrows so
often that you’ve broken the limits for Sagitta Stellaris Shift (Combat)
simpler maneuvers. With a single wave, you can shift the nature of your trails,
Prerequisites: Initiator level 8th, at or make them flicker briefly into overlapping planes.
least two maneuvers known with the Prerequisites: Sagitta Stellaris Style, Knowledge
[Rain] descriptor. (Geography) 7 ranks.
Benefit: When you initiate a 1st level Benefit: As an immediate action when you have a
strike with the [Rain] descriptor as a full- trail active, you may expend one of your readied [Trail]
round action, you can follow it with all strikes to instantly change the effect of an active trail
your additional attacks from a full attack, to that of the expended strike, as if the trail were made

by that strike. Creatures in the shifted trail are subject to the or the end of that turn. An attack made this way gains the
new effect as if they had entered the trail, unless they had benefits of Stealth as normal.
not moved since the original trail was formed. If the shifted You take no penalties to Stealth for moving over half your
trail has a saving throw, its DC is set to 12 + half your highest speed within your trails. In the event they would apply,
initiator level + your initiation modifier if it would otherwise penalties to Stealth from sniping are halved for you within
be lower. This change is applied before other effects that your trails.
would increase the DC , such as Discipline Focus.
Additionally, when a creature teleports past your trails
(determined if a straight line between the start and end points Stellar Trailblazer (Combat)
of their teleportation passes through a space affected by your A tenet of Sagitta Stellaris is that every projectile’s path
trail), you may choose to affect them as if they entered that means something, and you can extend that teaching to other
trail. This does not interrupt their teleportation in any way; martial disciplines.
applicable effects occur after they arrive at their destination. Prerequisites: Initiator level 3rd, two Sagitta Stellaris
maneuvers known.
Sagitta Stellaris Spotlight (Combat) Benefit: Whenever you initiate a standard-action Strike
maneuver without the [Trail] descriptor that targets a single
You suffuse yourself or allies with the excess cosmic power
creature, makes only one attack, and is used with a ranged
from your trails, glowing with the brightness of the stars.
attack, you may add the [Trail] descriptor to it. Trails created
Prerequisites: Sagitta Stellaris Style, Sagitta Stellaris Shift, this way have a length equal to the range increment of the
Knowledge (Geography) 13 ranks. weapon you are using, to a maximum of 90 feet before other
Benefit: You have a 15-foot aura that you can enable or bonuses, and the following effect:
disable as a free action once per turn each, and its area always Enemies that enter the trail receive a penalty to damage on
counts as part of your active trail. Whenever you enable the first attack they make within 1 round equal to double the
this aura, you can make it originate from an ally you can level of the maneuver that created the trail.
see, instead of yourself. As usual, moving this aura onto a
After applying this feat to a maneuver, you must recover at
stationary creature does not count as them entering the trail,
least two maneuvers (not necessarily including the strike you
but the aura bearer can be considered to enter the trail upon
used this feat with) before you can use this feat again.
any movement at all.
The aura fills its radius with bright light. You can exempt
yourself and your allies from any effects of this aura if you
choose. The aura effect changes automatically with your
New Title Veil
active trail - when you have no active trail, the aura has no
effect and creates no light, but is still present. The Astronomer
At 15th and 19th initiator levels, the aura radius increases Descriptors: Title
by 5-foot. Class: Rajah
Slot: Head
Stalking Snake Star Sign (Combat) Saving Throw: none
You are one of the rare Steel Serpent users who can create The astronomer’s eyes glitter with a dozen motes of light, some
their own night sky to hide under. connected by lines in tiny constellations.
Prerequisites: Two Sagitta Stellaris maneuvers known, two As a move action, or once per round as part of using any
Steel Serpent maneuvers known. action to move at least ten feet, the entitled may designate
Benefit: Once per round when you move at least 10 ft. a line of up to 20 feet within medium range (100 feet + 10
within one of your Trails, you can expend a readied Steel feet per veilweaver level). The line does not need to originate
Serpent maneuver to gain the ability to use the Stealth skill from the entitled; it may start anywhere and travel in any
while being observed for 1 round as long as you remain in direction as long as it is completely contained within range.
your trail, then make a Stealth check to hide as a free action. Once designated, the line glows faintly and remains until the
You do not need to expend a Steel Serpent maneuver to entitled designates another line with this veil, dismisses the
do this if you are in a Steel Serpent stance, or if the trail was line as a free action, or has the line completely out of range.
created by a Steel Serpent Strike (such as with the Stellar Once per round when the entitled makes a ranged weapon
Trailblazer feat). attack against any creature in the line, phantom copies of
If your trail’s duration ends while you are using Stealth their ammunition appear around them and fire at all other
within it, you remain hidden until you move, take an action, creatures of their choice within the line’s area. These extra

attacks all share the original attack roll result, for the organization’s cause. When an intern on
but cannot critically hit and otherwise are that list shows interest in becoming a formal
treated as normal attacks: they do not gain member, there is very little reason to
any additional damage or effects from deny them if they have shown a
strike maneuvers, or from any other source, baseline level of capability - if too
unless the bonus damage or effects would inexperienced, they are told to
automatically apply to every ranged come back in a few years. However,
attack the entitled would make as the Echoes are in the business
during that turn. The entitled is of changing the future as much
only considered to have made one as predicting it, they are always
attack, but each targeted creature on the lookout for rising talents,
defends against their instance even ones that their prophecies
of it separately. The phantom never mention. As the modern
attacks are treated as if made with workings of the organization still
the same weapon and ammunition aren’t large-scale, this selection
as the original attack, but the effects of process is more informal, based on
any limited-use properties of them are recommendations, peer assessment,
not replicated. Attacks with alchemical and general trust. Whether a member
weapons cannot be copied. is chosen due to their record of
If the entitled has an active Trail from achievements, or the whims of the future,
a maneuver and any part of that trail either way they are brought to a private
overlaps with their designated line from this meeting with at least two current members
veil, the entire area of the line is treated as an of the Echoes. These members oversee the
extension of the trail while it is active. formalities, teach the member the Timeless
Message Ritual, and have them read and sign the
Essence: For each point of essence
contract of oath, which is then couriered to the
invested in this veil, the maximum
archives of the Echoes’ main office.
length of the designated line increases
by 5 feet. For every three points of “History is watching us. By choosing to become
essence invested, the entitled can copy an agent of the Echoes of Prophecy, I agree to let
an additional ranged attack each round. them become part of my story, and I a fragment of theirs, in turn
Chakra Bind (Head): The line created with this veil erupts a fragment of the history of the Empire of Stars. I will represent
into a wall of bright magic light that extends both upwards the Echoes in ways the future can look back on nobly, and with the
and downwards from every space of the line for 5 ft. per two knowledge they share, I will keep searching to unravel secrets lost
initiator levels. This wall of light is intangible, but enemy to time. I work on the goodwill of the Empire of Stars, and swear
vision cannot see past it. However, the wall doesn’t impede not to use this link to dark ends, lest I make enemies of them for all
an enemy’s ability to see any creatures adjacent to them, eternity.”
which are visible as silhouettes if past the wall. Enemies can
still make ranged attacks through the wall or aim at spaces
Allegiance Benefit: A member of the Echoes of Prophecy
past the wall with abilities, though these are subject to total
gains a +2 insight bonus on Knowledge (geography),
concealment as normal for targets they cannot see.
Knowledge (history), and Perception checks. In addition,
they learn Astrati, the dead language only used by the Empire
of Stars. Finally, they gain the ability to perform the Timeless
New Martial Tradition Message Ritual: Once per week they can spend ten minutes
drawing a magic circle and activating it to send a message of
The Echoes of Prophecy up to twenty-five words back in time to the Empire of Stars,
along with a set of coordinates. Digging or searching at those
Alignment: Any non-evil.
coordinates will then uncover a preserved cache or tablet
Symbol: Two figures watching a shooting star. Often, one with the Empire’s response.
is detailed or solid while the other is faded or an outline.
• If the request is information about the future, treat
Disciplines: Sagitta Stellaris. the reply as is produced by the divination spell with
Oath: It is said that the Echoes’ Grand Administrator keeps caster level equal to the user’s character level. A failed
a secret list of names gathered from divinations: future percentage roll of this spell means that no reply is
members that have been foretold to accomplish great things found, for reasons unknown.

• If the request is about information about the present specializing in divination and fortune-telling magic beyond
or recent past, the empire communicates a summary of what modern society could replicate. However, this was no
their relevant prophecies or omens on the topic, which warning or curse upon the predicted intruders: the message
the user can combine with their own knowledge to explained that the temple and its treasure cache had been
deduce an answer. Treat this as the akashic communion created specifically for these archaeologists to find, because
spell with caster level equal to the user’s character the Empire had a great request for them in turn.
level. This cannot be used to gain knowledge of events Gazing into their own future, the Empire of Stars had
more than a few years into the past, unless the events found a worrying truth: a specific timespan was mysteriously
date back to the Empire’s time. impenetrable to their magic. No matter what the Empire
• At the GM’s discretion, the user may request a more attempted, their divinations were blocked from receiving any
open-ended favor of the Empire. See Available Services information about what might have happened during the
below. stretch - starting five hundred years from the time of writing,
Using 25 gp worth of gold dust in the ritual allows the lasting an entire one thousand years, and ending just a few
member to ignore the one-week limitation, but the ritual years before the archaeologists would find the message. Then,
can never be performed more than once a day by the same being able to gain forecasts again about the modern era, the
creature, and a ritual performed this way cannot be used for Empire could see that whatever occurred, once the shrouded
the third mode. millennium was over, its civilization had been destroyed.
The capital city would completely vanish off the face of the
A former member of the Echoes loses the granted insight
continent. Its remaining cities now were crumbling ruins,
bonuses to skills, but does not forget Astrati or how to
there were no living descendants of its blood or culture to
perform the Timeless Message Ritual. However, those who
speak of, and its legacy missing from recorded history.
have lost standing with the organization and the empire will
simply find that their messages to the past no longer get Their request to the archaeologists was straightforward
replies. in concept, but demanding in execution: use the treasures
and resources from the tomb to found an organization
dedicated to unravelling clues of the past and pinpointing
Description: The Echoes of Prophecy is a relatively new what caused the Empire’s disappearance: where fortune
martial tradition, lacking in personnel and influence telling couldn’t see into the future, modern archaeologists
compared to most others - yet simultaneously, it is one that could research into the past. There would surely be clues -
has been influencing history in small ways for centuries. if the Empire didn’t instantly disappear at the start of the
Barely thirty years ago, a small independent archaeology shrouded millennium, it would have left records to find.
team, following the most desperate of rumors, ventured far Other civilizations around at the time would keep their own
into uncharted lands in search of a breakthrough. Their personal archives. Remnants of their culture may turn up
gamble was rewarded, and they unearthed a long-sealed in unlikely places and could be traced back. It was a huge
underground temple. It was immediately obvious that this request to take on in the name of a dead civilization - but
wasn’t any ordinary ruin: the writings, magic tools, the Empire of Stars wasn’t going to insist the
and beautiful mosaics of the night sky within archaeologists did it without help.
were evidence of an ancient civilization that One of the most interesting lost
had gone unmentioned in any modern secrets within the temple was
record, untouched and forgotten. The the instructions for the Timeless
discovery had treasures enough for Message Ritual: a method of
them to retire in luxury, forgotten broadcasting a ‘temporally loud’
knowledge to make them renowned message into the record of history.
in academia, and-- in the final By knowing what timespan to
chamber, the greatest shock of all: listen into, it was particularly
an engraved message on the ceiling easy for the Empire’s fortune-
addressed to the archaeology team, telling to clearly glean what was
calling each one of them by name. said, even from centuries in the
Their arrival had been expected. past. Their diviners didn’t have
In the message, the writers any special magic to reply into
introduced themselves as the the future, but they could always
Empire of Stars, a thriving use the old-fashioned
civilization that once had way: if coordinates
outposts all across the were included in the
continent and technology message, one of the

widespread outposts of the Empire could bury a time capsule The Empire is generally cooperative to requests, but
at the specific location, to lay dormant until the broadcaster the intervening centuries heavily limit what they can
dug it up. Of course, this hugely limited the types of support meaningfully do. They can bury supplies at the stated
that could be sent, but engraved stone tablets could preserve coordinates, but anything spoilable will decay, and very
the most useful resource of all: prophecies and information. valuable items are likely to be noticed by treasure hunters in
Thus, the Echoes of Prophecy was formed to support this the centuries between. Asking them to build a lasting stone
strange alliance across history. Both the Echoes and the shelter in the wilderness for a member to find often works,
Empire know that the future is not set in stone, and the but natural disasters or other events might prematurely
people who are in the best position to change its course are destroy them. They could be asked to plant fruit trees in a
the ones who know where it will currently lead. While their forest in hope the species thrives over the ages for a member
main goal is to aid the empire, the organization also hopes of the Echoes to harvest the descendants of, but like all else it
to use this partnership holistically, acting on prophecies of is a gamble on whether a legacy perseveres.
the future to subvert disaster or build their own prestige and Crucially, as these favors ‘already happened’ in history,
resources. For many of these missions, recruiting members they cannot directly change the present for the person who
with strong combat prowess has been essential. requested them. They can never make something new appear
Detractors of the Echoes’ cause have many concerns - in a place the ritual user or their party previously searched
the Empire seems willing to help with altruistic goals, but or heard reliable information about. Only by exploring the
communication with them was inherently one-sided, and unknown can something that was hidden for a thousand
they could easily be keeping their true motives hidden. years be found - but with a bit of luck, sometimes all it takes
Whatever shrouded a thousand years from the Empire’s is digging through a desolate patch of land behind a house
magic had a risk of being a very powerful foe - or even divinity that had gone untouched since the local city’s founding.
- that the Echoes were making an enemy of. Most of all, even
if the Echoes did succeed, and help the Empire figure out
how to avert its destruction… what would that mean for the
modern day? There are safe answers, such as the idea that Appendix
the Empire’s people would survive but go into hiding to not
interfere with observed history. But there are also many,
many worrying theories for what might occur if a forgotten Trails and Rain:
nationwide power was allowed to rewrite the world’s past... Specific Rules Clarifications
Common Tasks: The Echoes’ main goal is always to
discover the truth of the Empire of Stars’ demise, and its
members would be sent to investigate anything that could Drawing Trails: When drawing a trail, the projectile can
be a lead, especially in ancient dungeons or uncharted follow a path of any shape - it can take turns of any angle,
wilderness where clues to the past could lay undiscovered. travel in any available direction, and can re-enter spaces that
On other occasions, the Empire sends a forewarning or it previously left (still deducting this movement from total
prophecy about an event that might occur in the present day, length). Effectively, the movement is measured similar to a
typically bundled in with a reply to a timeless message ritual, flying creature with perfect maneuverability, but without any
and the Echoes must act to prevent disaster (after doing their penalties or restrictions on its range of motion. Its flight is
best to interpret the cryptic vagueness that prophecies are not perfectly precise, and cannot be threaded through gaps
invariably written in). The Echoes also take specific interest smaller than 1 square foot across.
in bringing down any dark spellcasters who are using their
own prophetic powers for malicious purposes - after all, Line of Sight and Effect: You must have either line of sight
others without the ability to see the future have a hard time or line of effect to each space within the projectile’s initial
catching those who can. path but can switch between them within a single path.

Available Services: As the modern branch of the Echoes Targetless Trails: If a trail path runs out of distance without
of Eternity is still in its infancy, the support they can offer hitting its target, the attack fails but the trail remains, and the
in remote locations is little more than what a moderate ammunition falls in the last space of the path. If you wish,
archaeology guild could. you may initiate a [Trail] strike without targeting a creature,
However, by using the Timeless Message Ritual to ask for a which allows you to draw the trail as normal with no attack
favor from the past, a member can borrow the support of the included.
Empire of Stars.

Valid Projectiles: The projectile used for a [Trail] shot what the initiator may have been compelled into believing.
cannot be larger than a 5-foot space at maximum. Ray If the initiator finds themselves in an area with no defined
attacks such as Radiant Dawn’s Sun’s Gleam are considered gravity, or variable gravity directions, then the first time a
valid ‘projectiles’ for trails, as are any other non-physical [Trail] strike is used in an encounter they must choose a
projectiles that count as a ranged weapon attack. specific direction to be ‘down’ for this purpose. ‘Up’ becomes
the opposite direction. If there are multiple users of [Trail]
effects in the encounter, they cannot choose different ‘down’
Early Collision: If a trail path enters the space of another
directions - the one who creates the first [Trail] makes the
creature or collides with a barrier while being drawn, the
decision for all of them. This decision lasts until the end of
attack is instead resolved against that obstacle and the trail
the encounter. The GM may always override these rules to
ends (but you could simply make the trail swerve diagonally
force a trail’s ‘up’ and ‘down’ to be perpendicular to the plane
over a creature and back down again if there is free space
of the combat map being used.
above them). Trails cannot safely be drawn through the
spaces of allies without resolving the attack against them.
Antimagic fields: An antimagic field created over a trail
erases all trail effects from spaces within the area, but the rest
Range Increments: For all cases of measuring range and
of the trail outside the antimagic field is unaffected. Trying
range increments, only the direct distance between the
to draw a trail path into an antimagic field or similar area
initiator and the target is considered, regardless of the total
makes the projectile lose all remaining movement - it cannot
trail length. Trail path lengths can exceed the maximum
make any attack and no further trail can be drawn with it.
number of range increments allowed for a ranged attack: if
the target is also outside this range, apply penalties to the
attack roll as if they were the maximum allowed number of Rain
range increments away.
Manyshot: Despite not making an additional attack, the
Manyshot feat can be used with [Rain]. This applies the feat’s
Interactions with other area attacks: If a [Trail] strike benefit to the strike attack and counts as an additional attack
is made with any attack that targets an area instead of an for [Rain]’s limit, but the second arrow does not gain any of
individual creature (such as a Scatter weapon), you trace the the additional damage dice or effects from the strike, besides
trail as normal, and then create the appropriately-shaped any applicable ability to follow the strike’s trail. Notably, it is
area at the point the trail ends, treating all the spaces in the incompatible with strikes like When the Stars Align that do not
created area as if you traced the trail through them as well: If immediately resolve the initial attack.
the trail strike usually applies a special effect or extra damage
to the target hit, you must choose only one creature in the
Strike status: Only the [Rain] strike attack itself counts as
created area to be subject to those effects unless the effect
part of the strike and gains any bonus effects or interactions
specifically allows the effects of strikes to be propagated
with abilities that require using a strike: any remaining
over the area (such as a Destruction Zealot’s Storm of Steel,
attacks are treated as ordinary attacks.
or Radiant Dawn’s Sunstroke maneuver). If this decision
is required, it must be made before the attack resolves and
determines which creatures are successfully hit. Sun’s Gleam: The Sun’s Gleam ability from Radiant Dawn
can be used for a [Rain] strike as normal if the initiator could
invest essence into the maneuver, but cannot be used to
Interrupting a trail mid-drawing: Drawing a trail is
make any of the additional attacks afterwards, as they do not
effectively instantaneous: no creature can take any actions
count as part of the strike.
while a trail path is being traced - only immediately after the
strike is initiated (before drawing the trail) or immediately as
the attack is about to resolve (after drawing). Counters, feats, Two-Weapon Fighting: [Rain] strikes can gain the
immediate actions, and other abilities used in response to an additional attacks from two-weapon fighting as long as all
attack being made or an attack about to resolve can be used attacks involved are ranged attacks.
against [Trail] strikes as normal.
Action used: For the purpose of any effects that might be
‘Up’ and ‘Down’: For the purposes of which direction all concerned, using a [Rain] strike as a full-round action counts
their trails extend after being drawn, ‘down’ is always the as both making a full-attack action and also using a full-
direction the region’s default gravity pulls falling objects and round action to initiate a strike.
creatures in, and ‘up’ is the opposite direction, no matter

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7. Use of Product Identity: you agree not
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and special abilities; places, locations, as an indication as to compatibility, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
environments, creatures, equipment, except as expressly licensed in another, Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, independent Agreement with the owner material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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clearly identified as Product identity by the or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan
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specifically excludes the Open Game a work containing Open Game Content Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced
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names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are independent Agreement with the owner of Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse Benner,
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create Derivative Material of Open Game all rights, title and interest in and to that and Russ Taylor.
Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the Product Identity.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Tome of Horrors Complete © 2011,
Player’s Guide © 2010, Paizo Publishing, Equipment © 2012, Paizo Publishing, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, distributed by Frog God Games; Author:
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Scott Greene, based on original material by
Race Guide © 2012, Paizo Publishing, Cortijo, Ryan Costello, Mike Ferguson, Gary Gygax.
LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy Hurley, Matt Tome of Horrors, Revised. © 2002,
Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott
Daigle, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Greene, based on original material by E.
MacLean, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney- Owen KC Stephens, and Russ Taylor. Gary Gygax.
MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tome of Horrors III. © 2005, Necromancer
Stewart, and Russ Taylor. Tactics Toolbox © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Occult Authors: Alexander Augunas, Steven T.
Unearthed Arcana, © 2004, Wizards of the
Adventures © 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Helt, Thurston Hillman, and Ron Lundeen.
Coast, Inc.; Authors Andy Collins, Jesse
John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Adventurer’s Decker, David Noonan, Rich Redman
Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Guide © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
The Iconic Bestiary: Classics of Fantasy, ©
John Compton, Adam Daigle, Jim Groves, Benjamin Bruck, John Compton, Crystal
2005, Lions Den Press; Author Ari Marmell
Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Frasier, Tim Hitchcock, Jenny Jarzabski,
Hodge, Ben McFarland, Erik Mona, Jason Isabelle Lee, Joe Pasini, Jessica Price, David Hyperconscious: Explorations in Psionics,
Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney- Schwartz, and Josh Vogt. © 2004, Bruce R Cordell. All rights reserved
MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alex Riggs, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate If Thoughts Could Kill, © 2001–2004,
Robert Schwalb, Mark Seifter, Russ Taylor, Combat. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Bruce R. Cordell. All rights reserved.
and Steve Townshend. Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Mindscapes, © 2003–2004, Bruce R.
Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Cordell. All rights reserved.
Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean Mutants & Masterminds © 2002, Green
based on material by Jonathan Tweet, K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Ronin Publishing.
Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Taylor.
Swords of Our Fathers, Copyright 2003,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate The Game Mechanics
© 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Magic. © 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock, Modern System Reference Document,
Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason © 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich
Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Hal K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material
MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Taylor. by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Williams, Richard Baker,Peter Adkison,
Anger of Angels. © 2003, Sean K Reynolds. Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins,
Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider,
Book of Fiends. © 2003, Green Ronin and JD Wiker
Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ
Publishing; Authors: Aaron Loeb, Erik Path of War, © 2014, Dreamscarred Press.
Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on
Mona, Chris Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb.
material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Path of War Expanded, ©2016,
and Skip Williams. The Book of Hallowed Might. © 2002, Dreamscarred Press
Monte J. Cook.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 Psionics Unleashed, © 2010, Dreamscarred
© 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Monte Cook’s Arcana Unearthed. © 2003, Press.
Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Monte J. Cook.
Ultimate Psionics. © 2011, Dreamscarred
Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Path of the Magi. © 2002 Citizen Games/ Press; Authors: Jeremy Smith and Andreas
Rob McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, Troll Lord Games; Authors: Mike McArtor, Rönnqvist.
F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, and W. Jason Peck, Jeff Quick, and Sean K
Russ Taylor, based on material by Jonathan Reynolds. Akashic Mysteries, © 2014, Dreamscarred
Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Press
Skreyn’s Register: The Bonds of Magic. ©
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate 2002, Sean K Reynolds. Divergent Paths: Fool’s Errand, © 2016,
Intrigue © 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jesse Dreamscarred Press
The Book of Experimental Might, © 2008,
Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Divergent Paths: Rajah, © 2018,
Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Robert Dreamscarred Press. Authors: Anthony
N. Emerson, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steven Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Cappel
Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with
Clark Peterson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Legendary Classses: Sagitta Stellaris ©
Mikko Kallio, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, 2022, Legendary Games; Authors Z. Wong
Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale,
Thomas M. Reid, Alexander Riggs, David N. Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and
Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Linda Bill Webb; Based on original content from
Zayas-Palmer. TSR


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