9th STD Biology OM Que (Unit - 20, 21, 22)
9th STD Biology OM Que (Unit - 20, 21, 22)
9th STD Biology OM Que (Unit - 20, 21, 22)
The common passage meant for transporting urine and sperms in male
NAME : ................................................................................... is ______
CLASS : ....................................................................................................................... a. ureter b. urethra
c. vas deferens d. scrotum
8. Which of the following is not a part of female reproductive system?
a. Ovary b. Uterus
c. Testes d. Fallopian tube
I. Choose the correct answer. 9. The nutrient required in trace amounts to accomplish various body
functions is _______________
1. Which of the following is not a salivary gland?
a) carbohydrate b) protein
a. Sublingual b. Lachrymal
c) vitamin d) fat
c. Submaxillary d. Parotid 10. The physician who discovered that scurvy can be cured by ingestion of
2. Stomach of human beings mainly digests __________ citrus fruits is _______________
a) James Lind b) Louis Pasteur
a. carbohydrates b. proteins
c) Charles Darwin d) Isaac Newton
c. fat d. sucrose
11. The sprouting of onion and potatoes can be delayed by the process of
3. To prevent the entry of food into the trachea, the opening is guarded _______________
by ____________
a) freezing b) irradiation
a. epiglottis b. glottis c) salting d) canning
c. hard palate d. soft palate
12. Food and Adulteration Act was enforced by Government of India in
4. Bile helps in the digestion of _____________ the year _______________
a. proteins b. sugar a) 1964 b) 1954
c. fats d. carbohydrates c) 1950 d) 1963
5. The structural and functional unit of the kidney is _____________ 13. An internal factor responsible for spoilage of food is _______________
a. villi b. liver a) wax coating
c. nephron d. ureter b) contaminated utensils
c) moisture content in food
6. Which one of the following substances is not a constituent of sweat?
d) synthetic preservatives
a. Urea b. Protein 14. Which of the following is transmitted through air?
c. Water d. Salt a. Tuberculosis b. Meningitis
c. Typhoid d. Cholera 28. The process of affecting the natural composition and the quality of
15. One of the means of indirect transmission of a disease is food substance is known as _________________________
a. sneezing b. coughing 29. Vitamin D is called as ____________________ vitamin as it can be
c. vectors d. droplet infection synthesised by the body from the rays of sunlight.
16. Diptheria affects the 30. Dehydration is based on the principle of removal of _______________.
a. lungs b. throat 31. Food should not be purchased beyond the date of _______________
c. blood d. liver 32. AGMARK is used to certify ___________________ and _________________
17. The primary organ infected during tuberculosis is products in India.
a. bone marrow b. intestine 33. ___________________ break down organic matter and animal waste into
c. spleen d. lungs ammonia.
18. Microbes that generally enter the body through nose are likely to 34. Typhoid fever is caused by ________________________________.
affect 35. H1N1 virus causes ___________________.
a. gut b. lungs 36. _____________________________________ is a vector of viral disease dengue.
c. liver d. lymph nodes 37. __________ vaccine gives considerable protection against tuberculosis.
19. The organ affected by jaundice is 38. Cholera is caused by ____________________________________ and malaria is
a. liver b. lungs caused by ______________________________________.
c. kidney d. brain
III. State whether true or false. If false, correct the statement.
20. Poliomyelitis virus enters the body through
a. skin b. mouth and nose 39. Nitric acid in the stomach kills microorganisms in the food.
c. ears d. eye 40. During digestion, proteins are broken down into amino acids.
II. Fill in the blanks. 41. Glomerular filtrate consists of many substances like amino acids,
21. The opening of the stomach into the intestine is called __________. vitamins, hormones, salts, glucose and other essential substances.
22. The muscular and sensory organ which helps in mixing the food
42. Iron is required for the proper functioning of thyroid gland.
with saliva is ________________.
23. Bile, secreted by liver is stored temporarily in ______________________. 43. Vitamins are required in large quantities for normal functioning of
24. The longest part of alimentary canal is __________________
the body –
25. The human body functions normally at a temperature of about
________. 44. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin
26. The largest cell in the human body of a female is ____________.
45. Lack of adequate fats in diet may result in low body weight
27. Deficiency diseases can be prevented by taking __________________ diet.
46. ISI mark is mandatory to certify agricultural products.
47. Rhizobium, associated with root nodules of leguminous plants fixes 62. AIDS Mycobacterium
atmospheric nitrogen. 63. Tuberculosis Influeuza virus H1N1
48. Non- infectious diseases remain confined to the person who develops
V. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers.
the disease and do not spread to others. Vitamins Dietary Source Deficiency Disease
49. The process of vaccination was developed by Jenner.
64. Calciferol _____________________________________ Rickets
50. Hepatitis B is more dangerous than Hepatitis A.
65. _____________ Papaya Night blindness
IV. Match the following.
66. Ascorbic acid ________________________________________ _______________
Organ Elimination 67. ____________________ Whole grains Beriberi