Paper 5
Paper 5
Paper 5
DOI: 10.1111/peps.12356
collective moral identity, ethical climate, ethical leadership, organi-
zational climate, unethical behavior
Corporate indiscretion, wrongdoing, and corruption have recently been the subject of considerable media attention.
For example, in 2016, Wells Fargo fell from a position of high respectability to being labeled as one of the most
hated American companies due to exposure of their unethical business practices (Gujarathi & Barua, 2017; Stebbins
& Comen, 2017). The bank created millions of fictitious accounts and forced some of its customers to take out unnec-
essary auto insurance. How does a longstanding, large company adopt such insidious practices?
There is mounting evidence that, in addition to the personal characteristics of employees, cues in the organiza-
tional environment play an important role in determining unethical behavior (Kish-Gephart, Harrison, & Treviño, 2010;
Martin & Cullen, 2006; Newman, Round, Bhattacharya, & Roy, 2017). Organizations are composed of formal sys-
tems for recruitment and selection, orientation and training, policy and codes, reward and punishment, accountability
and responsibility, and decision-making systems (Treviño & Nelson, 2017). Each of these systems has specific ethical
policies, procedures, and practices. When these policies, procedures, and practices are consistent and shared among
employees in a unit or organization, they form perceptions of the unit’s or organization’s ethical climate (Reichers &
Schneider, 1990).
In the case of Wells Fargo’s ethical breach, the company relied on its ability to cross-sell more profitable products
to customers to increase profits. CEO John Strumpf had a mantra of “eight is great,” meaning employees sought to sell
eight Wells Fargo products to every customer (Stebbins & Comen, 2017). This mantra turned into sales goals employ-
ees could not meet and resulted in unethical behavior such as ordering credit cards for preapproved customers without
their consent and creating fraudulent checking and savings accounts. The scandal illustrates how perceptions of poli-
cies, procedures, and practices in formal systems could lead to an unethical organizational climate (EOC). For example,
practices related to a policy of selling eight products included selling unneeded products to customers and creating
accounts without customers’ authorization. In terms of reward systems, bonuses were tied to unrealistic sales goals,
which encouraged the use of unethical practices. Additionally, employees were punished with termination for challeng-
ing unethical practices. Initially, when the fraudulent practices were exposed, top management and other managers
were not held accountable for their role in the scandal. Although many things contributed to the problems of Wells
Fargo, one can see how an environment replete with unethical practices across multiple systems could foster unethical
behaviors. We are interested in examining a comprehensive assessment of employees’ perceptions of the ethical prac-
tices, policies, and procedures in organizations’ formal systems to understand how EOC forms and affects behaviors.
Researchers have been studying ethical climate for over 30 years. Although there is considerable interest and
research on the topic (i.e., more than 100 empirical articles from 2006 to 2016; Newman et al., 2017), much of
the research has been critiqued on theoretical, empirical, methodological, and operational grounds (see Arnaud &
Schminke, 2007; Mayer, Kuenzi, & Greenbaum, 2009; Newman et al., 2017 for reviews). We offer and promote a dif-
ferent way to operationalize and measure EOC by focusing on shared perceptions of ethical policies, practices, and
procedures1 in formal organizational systems.
Victor and Cullen originally defined ethical climate as “the shared perception of what is correct behavior, and how
ethical situations should be handled in an organization” (1987, p. 51). They used this definition to develop the ethical
climate questionnaire (ECQ), which is the most commonly used measure of ethical climate (Kish-Gephart et al., 2010).
However, according to Litwin and Stringer’s (1968) seminal work on organizational climate, climate is the filter through
which day-to-day practices are experienced by employees. Organizational practices are critical factors influencing the
development of organizational climate (Ostroff, Kinicki, & Tamkins, 2003). Unfortunately, the ECQ does not assess mul-
tiple practices. Rather, it focuses on how decisions are made. Decision-making is an important part of ethical climate,
but it has a narrow focus and is not inclusive of other practices within the formal organizational systems.
In this research, we seek to build on extant theory and research by contributing to the organizational ethics, organi-
zational climate, and moral identity literatures. First, related to the organizational ethics literature, we develop a com-
prehensive measure of EOC. We draw on an established theoretical framework that describes formal organizational
systems in the work environment (Treviño & Nelson, 2017) to examine perceptions of EOC in work units. This new con-
ceptualization addresses limitations of prior research on ethical climate by (a) defining and operationalizing our mea-
sure in line with accepted definitions of organizational climate, (b) drawing on an established unit- and organizational-
level framework of ethical context based on principles of management, (c) using multilevel confirmatory factor analyses
(MCFA) to establish construct validity, (d) collecting data at the unit level from multiple sources, (e) establishing con-
vergent and divergent validity by examining the relationship between EOC and related variables, (f) testing our con-
ceptual model while controlling for related constructs to demonstrate the incremental validity of our EOC measure,
and (g) examining a unit-level antecedent and consequence of EOC as well as a moderator of the relationship between
EOC and unit-level unethical behavior.
Second, we contribute to the organizational climate literature by developing a theoretically derived, psychomet-
rically sound measure to assess an organization’s ethical climate. The climate literature has struggled with how to
operationalize organizational climate constructs for methodological as well as theoretical reasons. There has been a
proliferation of organizational climate studies in the literature, but few of them are based on theories or frameworks
at the collective level (Kuenzi & Schminke, 2009). Our measure is one of the few climate measures to draw on specific
organizational-level theories, to operationalize the construct at the unit level, and to test a theoretical model at the
unit level.
Third, we contribute to the moral identity literature (e.g., Aquino & Reed, 2002) by being among the first researchers
to theorize and measure collective moral identity as a contextual variable in work units, and to examine how it interacts
with EOC to affect employees’ unethical behavior. Moral identity, defined as a self-schema organized around a set of
moral traits (Aquino & Reed, 2002), is generally tested as an individual difference, but we examine collective moral
identity—the mean level of moral identity in a unit—as another aspect of the ethical organizational environment.
To be clear, scholars have conducted decades of empirical research on ethical climate, but many of the studies use
methods that do not meet modern standards for organizational climate research. Researchers can thus continue to
develop and increase confidence in the validity of research on EOC. In what follows, we define EOC, describe limita-
tions of prior empirical research and explain how to address the concerns, detail the basis of our new conceptualization
and measure, develop a collective moral identity construct, and discuss two main studies that support the convergent,
divergent, and predictive validity of our measure. We test a conceptual model linking ethical leadership to unit-level
unethical behavior through EOC, and explore the moderating role of collective moral identity.
In their seminal study, Victor and Cullen (1987) point out that data need to be aggregated for a valid assessment of
organizational ethical climate.
culture (as measured by the Treviño et al., 1998 culture measure). Our approach differs in that we (a) develop a more
comprehensive measure that assesses all of the formal organizational systems rather than just some of them, (b) focus
on employee perceptions of specific practices for each of the formal systems, and (c) use the ethical culture framework
as a way to explain how practices reflect the values of top management.
management and seek to create multiple formal systems in the immediate work environment to ensure a consistent
organizational message to employees regarding ethical behavior expectations. Thus, we predict:
1.5 Relationship between ethical organizational climate and unit unethical behavior
We suggest that EOC is negatively related to unit-level unethical behavior. Two theories, social information processing
theory (SIPT) and SLT, help explain why EOC is related to unit unethical behavior. These theories highlight how individ-
uals look to their social environment for cues about (in)appropriate behavior.
There are several tenets of SIPT (Salancik & Pfeffer, 1978) that apply to the organizational climate literature. First,
SIPT suggests that the individual’s social environment provides cues that can be used to characterize the work envi-
ronment. Second, the social environment provides information to individuals as to how they (and others) weigh the
importance of what they see in the work environment. Finally, the actions of others inform individuals’ thinking about
what behaviors are important, appropriate, and likely to be, or not to be, rewarded. SIPT thus suggests that individuals
use cues, such as shared perceptions of organizational climates from the work environment, to determine the desired
and appropriate ways to behave. In this case, EOC provides understanding and meaning as to what unit values and
types of behaviors are ethically acceptable. If there is a strong EOC, employees will be less likely to exhibit unethical
We also draw on SLT (Bandura, 1977). SLT maintains that when there are role models in the work environment, indi-
viduals will seek to emulate these role models. Often, role models are leaders, but employees in the unit can also be role
models (e.g., lateral influence). Research indicates that unit members not only serve as role models of ethical behavior
(Robinson & Bennett, 1997), but also provide rewards and punishments related to normative compliance (e.g., being
included in unit activities, being ostracized by the group, making positive or negative comments). Employees in work
units witness sanctions to others for inappropriate behaviors and rewards for positive behaviors. This contributes to
shared perceptions regarding the group’s ethical expectations. Employees will interpret observable actions as repre-
sentative of “the way things are done around here” regarding ethics and will then model similar behaviors.
If the unit’s organizational climate supports ethics (e.g., strong EOC), employees will regularly witness ethical con-
duct among coworkers and will seek to emulate those behaviors. If the EOC is strong, there will also be less pressure to
compromise the organization’s ethical standards to reach goals and objectives. Thus, as a result of social information
processing and role modeling, we expect EOC to be negatively related to the work unit’s unethical behavior. Therefore,
we predict:
past research demonstrates that organizational climate mediates the relationship between various forms of leadership
and unit-level outcomes (Kuenzi & Schminke, 2009).
In sum, ethical leaders interpret, implement, and enforce the practices that form employee perceptions of EOC.
These perceptions influence unit members to refrain from unethical behavior in the unit. Therefore, we predict:
Hypothesis 3: EOC will mediate the relationship between ethical leadership and unit unethical behavior.
“apply to individual-level attributes such as cognitive ability and styles, personality, mental representations, and behav-
ioral variables” (p. 237). Therefore, we use a direct consensus composition model to capture collective moral identity.
Employees’ moral identities are aggregated to the unit level based on within-group agreement. Collective moral iden-
tity is different from organizational ethical climate because collective moral identity captures cognitions related to
valued traits (i.e., moral traits) as opposed to perceptions regarding ethical policies, procedures, and practices.
Collins (2004) suggests that when individuals are in a group, they have a common focus, common mood, and a sense
of morality that is tied to the group. Over time, employees in the same unit can become alike in how they perceive
and respond to events in the environment. When moral identity is more central to the shared identity of the group,
individuals will be more sensitive to cues in the organizational context, such as EOC. In turn, units with high collective
moral identities will respond to the EOC with enhanced behavioral consistency by refraining from unethical behavior
(e.g., Aquino et al., 2009). Empirical evidence supports the idea that moral cues have the most consistent effects on
moral behaviors when moral identity is high rather than low (Aquino et al., 2009). Therefore, we expect the negative
relationship between EOC and unit unethical behavior to be stronger when units are high in collective moral identity.
Hypothesis 4: Collective moral identity will moderate the negative relationship between EOC and unit unethical behav-
ior such that that the relationship will be stronger when units are higher (rather than lower) on collective moral
We conduct two main studies by developing and validating our new measure of EOC in Study 1 and testing our con-
ceptual model in Study 2.3 We follow Hinkin (1998) and Hinkin and Tracey’s (1999) recommendations for measure
development. In Study 1, Part A, we develop the items for the EOC measure. We then use factor analysis to help refine
and reduce the number of items in the EOC measure. In Part B, we test the content validity of the EOC measure by
examining the definitional correspondence of the EOC items (Colquitt, Sabey, Rodell, & Hill, 2019). In a supplemen-
tal analysis, Part C, we provide evidence that the EOC measure remains significant while controlling for the ECQ,
the ethical climate index (ECI; Arnaud, 2010), and overall justice climate (OJC; Ambrose & Schminke, 2009). We do
this by examining the predictive incremental validity of the EOC measure over the ECQ, ECI, and OJC through the
mediation part of our model. In Study 2, we build on the prior study by testing our complete model including collec-
tive moral identity as a moderator of the relationship between EOC and a second type of unethical behavior—unit
In Study 1, we establish an initial version of our measure by generating items that reflect the formal systems of an orga-
nization’s ethical practices and pilot testing these items. Because we draw on an established theoretical framework, we
use deductive scale development to generate items (Schwab, 1980). We use Treviño and Nelson’s (2017) theoretical
framework to develop items reflecting the formal organizational systems’ practices in the work environment. We fol-
low Hinkin (1998) and Hinkin and Tracey’s (1999) steps for measure development. The final items are in the Appendix.
In the development of the EOC measure, we also set out to address some of the methodological and data-related con-
cerns of the ECQ.
Finally, climate research has been theorized about and tested at different levels within the organization, such as
unit, department, and organization (e.g., Colquitt, Noe, & Jackson, 2002; Zohar, 2000; Zohar & Luria, 2005). According
to Kozlowski and Klein (2000), climate researchers need to be specific about the level at which they are theorizing. For
this study, we use the unit level and all assessment tools that reference the unit’s EOC. According to Zohar and Luria
(2005), supervisors serve to interpret and filter broad strategies with the implementation of practices, and this is done
most often at the unit level. Because we are focusing on perceptions of ethical practices, it makes sense to examine
ethical climate at the unit level.
3.2 Method
3.3 Results
Following Hinkin and Tracey (1999), we conducted an exploratory factor analysis with a principle components extrac-
tion and varimax rotation6 (Ford, MacCallum, & Tait, 1986) at the item-level using MPlus Version 8 (L.K. Muthén &
Muthén, 2017). The results revealed the items loaded onto a six-factor solution (see Table 1). Research indicates that
short measures reduce response bias caused by boredom and fatigue (Schriesheim & Eisenbach, 1990). Yet, more items
allow for a more prescriptive use if needed. We retained the three items with the highest loadings and face validity that
still assessed the breadth of each of the organizational systems. We then further reduced the items to have a 6-item,
12-item, and 18-item measure (one, two, or three items per formal system) of the EOC (see the Appendix7 ).
Next, we assessed the degree of agreement by calculating the rwg statistic (George & James, 1993) for the six-item
EOC. The EOC rwg is .87, which provides evidence that there is strong agreement within units for our new measure. We
also assessed the reliability of the six-item EOC using Cronbach’s alpha (Cortina, 1993). The EOC met psychometric
standards, as the alpha is .78.
3.5 Method
3.6 Measures
We used the EOC items developed in Study 1, Part A, to assess organizational ethical climate.
3.7 Results
Following the recommendations of Hinkin and Tracey (1999), we calculated the mean score for each of the items to
determine if they were a good match to the definition of EOC. The means for the items for the EOC ranged from 5.7 to
6.35 with a mean score of 6.03. These results indicated support that the items of the EOC represent the definition of
3.8 Part C: Discriminant and predictive validity of the ethical organizational climate
Finally, we conducted supplemental analyses to examine whether the EOC measure of organizational ethical climate
has predictive power beyond the ECQ, ECI, and OJC.
3.9 Measures
We measured EOC as in Study 1, Part A (𝛼 = .83).
moral sensitivity is, “people in my department are aware of ethical issues” (𝛼 = .70), for collective moral judgment, “oth-
ers’ misfortunes do not usually disturb people in my department a great deal” (𝛼 = .77), for collective moral motivation,
“what is best for everyone in the department is a major consideration” (𝛼 = .89), and for collective moral character,
“people I work with would feel they have to help a peer even if that person was not a very helpful person” (𝛼 = .84).
3.10 Results
Table 2 reports the correlations, means, and standard deviations of variables in Study 1, Part C.
3.10.1 Aggregation
We assessed the degree of agreement for the measures by calculating the rwg statistics (George & James, 1993). The
mean rwg statistics included the following: ethical leadership rwg = .94, EOC rwg = .90, ECQ-caring rwg = .82, ECQ-law
and code rwg = .89, ECQ-rules rwg = .85, ECQ-instrumental rwg = .75, ECQ-independence rwg = .79, OJC rwg = .88, ECI-
moral sensitivity rwg = .88, ECI-moral judgment rwg = .87, ECI-moral motivation rwg = .78, and ECI-moral character
rwg = .82. These results provided evidence of strong agreement within units for our new measure and the other climate
TA B L E 2 Means, standard deviations, and correlations for six-item EOC for Study 1, Part C
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1. Ethical leadership 3.87 .49 (.95)
2. EOC 6-item 3.65 .46 .71 (.83)
3. Unit unethical behavior 2.44 1.11 −.17 −.24 (.96)
3. ECQ caring 3.55 .53 .69 .73 −.02 (.80)
4. ECQ law & code 3.78 .45 .64 .70 −.21 .62 (.86)
5. ECQ rules 3.79 .46 .65 .69 −.19 .63 .78 (.85)
6. ECQ instrumental 2.87 .73 .25 .15 −.23 .08 .22 .16 (.88)
7. ECQ independence 2.63 .55 −.12 −.16 −.07 −.24 −.07 −.12 .60 (.86)
8. Overall justice climate 3.66 .52 .58 .44 −.15 .37 .46 .49 .53 .19 (.85)
9. ECI sensitivity 3.36 .42 .43 .38 −.27 .36 .46 .32 .62 .26 .60 (.70)
10. ECI judgment 3.23 .49 .53 .45 −.21 .53 .46 .40 .64 .28 .53 .70 (.77)
11. ECI motivation 3.21 .28 .28 .39 .09 .36 .34 .30 −.07 −.10 .15 .18 .18 (.89)
12. ECI character 3.54 .51 .59 .64 −.10 .70 .58 .59 .08 −.23 .30 .39 .47 .40 (.84)
13. Unit social desirability 3.39 .43 .27 .26 −.19 .16 .21 .20 .36 .14 .41 .51 .35 .09 .17 (.81)
14. Supervisor social desirability 3.35 .52 .22 .15 −.19 .13 .20 .22 .20 .03 .26 .33 .18 .04 .12 .37 (.68)
Note. N = 133 groups. Correlations greater than |.18| are significant at p < .05; those greater than |.21| are significant at p < .01; those greater than |.27| are significant at p < .001; Cronbach’s
𝛼s presented along the diagonal in parentheses.
EOC = ethical organizational climate; ECQ = ethical climate questionnaire; ECI = ethical climate index.
TA B L E 3 Alternative model MCFA statistics for EOC, ECQ, ethical leadership, and OJC for Study 1, Part C
and OJC; EOC and EL), and four 1-factor models (EOC, five ECQ dimensions, OJC, and EL loaded onto a single factor;
EOC and OJC as one factor; EOC and OJC as one factor; and EOC and EL as one factor). The results are provided in
Table 3. The CFA results provided evidence of discriminant validity of the EOC from other similar climate types.
TA B L E 4 Summary of regression analysis predicting unit unethical behavior for Study 1, Part C
ethical leadership on unit unethical behavior through EOC, we used bootstrapping analysis (Preacher & Hayes, 2008).
The PROCESS macro generated 5,000 bootstrap samples and computed a 95% bias-corrected confidence interval (CI).
The indirect effect was significant for the relationships between ethical leadership and unit unethical behavior through
EOC because the CI did not include zero (b = −.20, SE = .11, 95% CI [−.49, −.04]). This provides support for Hypothesis
3, while controlling for other ethical climate measures.
Study 1 provides content and discriminant validity support for the measure and predictive validity evidence, given
that we found support for part of our theoretical model while controlling for related constructs. In Study 2, we seek
to constructively replicate the Study 1 findings by using an alternative measure of employee unethical behavior—unit
deviance. In addition, we test a more complex model by examining collective moral identity as a boundary condition of
the relationship between EOC and unit unethical behavior.
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Ethical leadership 3.72 0.51 (.95)
2. Ethical organizational climate 3.49 0.54 .66 (.82)
3. Collective moral identity 4.07 0.59 .27 .19 (.77)
4. Unit deviance 2.38 0.69 −.46 −.46 −.39 (.94)
5. Unit social desirability 3.33 0.37 .25 .14 .58 −.37 (.71)
6. Supervisor social desirability 3.39 0.59 .13 .06 .14 −.13 .29 (.77)
Note. N = 194 groups. Correlations greater than or equal to |.19| are significant at p < .01; those greater than |.25| are
significant at p < .001; Cronbach’s 𝛼s presented along the diagonal in parentheses.
57.9% Caucasian (11.2% African American and 14.4% Hispanic), average 29.67 years of age (SD = 11.74) with
3.91 years of tenure (SD = 5.26) in the organization, and 3.03 years in the unit (SD = 4.12). Supervisors responding were
41.6% female, 75.3% Caucasian (7.9% African American and 7.9% Hispanic), average 38.06 years of age (SD = 12.46)
with 8.46 years of tenure in the organization (SD = 7.80), and 6.0 years in the unit (SD = 6.62).
Employee surveys contained instructions, demographic questions (i.e., age, gender, education, unit tenure, and unit
size), and measures of ethical leadership, the new measure of EOC, and collective moral identity. Supervisor surveys
contained instructions, demographic questions, and a measure of unit deviance.
4.2 Measures
We measured ethical leadership (𝛼 = .95), EOC (𝛼 = .82), and unit and supervisor social desirability (𝛼 = .71, 𝛼 = .77,
respectively) as in Study 1, Part C.
Table 5 reports the correlations, means, and standard deviations of all variables used in Study 2.
5.1 Aggregation
To determine whether unit-level aggregation is appropriate, we assessed the degree of agreement for ethical leader-
ship, EOC, and collective moral identity by calculating rwg statistics (George & James, 1993). The mean rwg statistics
included the following: ethical leadership rwg = .90, EOC rwg = .87, and moral identity rwg = .84.
These results provide evidence of strong agreement within units for all the measures.
FIGURE 1 Ethical organizational climate and collective moral identity on unit unethical behavior Study 2
p = .607). The difference between the simple slopes at high and low moral identity is significant (.47, p = .00). This pro-
vides support for Hypothesis 4 that the relationship between EOC and unit deviance is stronger in units with higher
collective moral identity than those with lower collective moral identity.
Finally, Preacher et al. (2007) suggest that the conditional indirect effects should be examined. We did not hypoth-
esize this relationship, but in a supplementary analysis, we tested for the conditional indirect effect of collective moral
identity on the relationship between ethical leadership and unit deviance. The PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013) used
bootstrapping to assess the magnitude of the indirect effect of ethical leadership on unit unethical behavior at differ-
ent values of moral identity. We found that the conditional indirect effects were significant at one standard deviation
above the mean for collective moral identify (indirect effect = −.07, SE = .11, 95% CI [−.28, .15]), but not one standard
deviation below the mean (indirect effect = −.40, SE = .10, 95% CI [−.61, −.20]). These results suggest that there is
a negative association between ethical leadership and unit deviance through EOC when moral identity is high (1 SD
above the mean).
The purpose of this research is to develop and test a comprehensive model linking ethical leadership to unit-level
unethical behavior through EOC. In addition, we examine a boundary condition (collective moral identity) of the rela-
tionship between EOC and unit-level unethical behavior. In Study 1, Part A, we develop items and provide factor-
analytic evidence for the distinctiveness of a new measure of EOC. In Study 1, Part B, we assess how well the items
of the EOC reflect the definition of EOC. In Study 1, Part C, we find convergent and divergent validity evidence for
our measure in comparing it to several other climate measures (i.e., ECQ, ECI, and OJC). We demonstrate predictive
validity evidence through finding support for the mediation part of our theoretical model, whereby ethical leadership
is related to unit-level unethical behavior through EOC while controlling for ECQ, ECI, and OJC. In Study 2, we con-
structively replicate Study 1, Part C’s findings using a different type of unethical behavior (i.e., unit deviance), and find
support for collective moral identity as a boundary condition of the relationship between EOC and unethical behavior.
In sum, we provide support for a more comprehensive conceptualization of EOC and use of our new EOC measure.
to moral decision-making. However, this construct has produced a number of theoretical and methodological inconsis-
tencies (e.g., Cullen et al., 1993), with concerns raised about the relevance of specific types of ethical climates (Kish-
Gephart et al., 2010), and extant research producing substantial variations in the use of this measure (Arnaud, 2010).
Additionally, the ECQ provides a rather narrow focus on decision-making, even though EOC results from perceptions
of policies, procedures, and practices that stem from multiple organizational systems. Furthermore, the ECQ is often
paired with individual-level theories, rather than unit-level theories. To overcome these limitations, our research draws
on Treviño and Nelson’s (2017) model of formal organizational ethical systems, as well as theory and research on orga-
nizational climates as unit-level, rather than individual-level, phenomena. In this respect, our measure captures per-
ceptions of organizational practices related to multiple organizational ethical systems, thus providing a more compre-
hensive measure of EOC.
Importantly, our research demonstrates that EOC mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and unit-
level unethical behavior even when controlling for several related constructs. In this respect, Study 1, Part C, demon-
strates that our measure of EOC is significantly, negatively related to unethical behavior after controlling for the most
commonly used measures of ethical climate, the ECQ and ECI, as well as OJC. Demonstrating incremental validity of
the EOC provides a more rigorous test of our conceptual model and demonstrates the practical relevance of introduc-
ing our measure to the literature.
We also examine a novel construct in the organizational context, collective moral identity, and find that high collec-
tive moral identity moderates the relationship between EOC and unethical behavior in organizations. While Thorton
and Rupp (2016) manipulate collective moral identity, we show evidence of the importance of moral identity at the unit
level utilizing a field study in which we measure collective moral identity. Indeed, we find that the negative relation-
ship between EOC and unit unethical behavior is stronger in units with higher collective moral identity than those with
lower collective moral identity.
Theoretically, our findings suggest that groups do indeed develop a common understanding of shared, unit-level
traits, which then affect the group’s environmental interpretations and subsequent behaviors. Work units that collec-
tively internalize the importance of kindness, compassion, helpfulness, and generosity will be particularly responsive
to environmental cues, such as EOC, which reinforce these traits, and thus they will be more likely to display behavioral
consistency (e.g., by refraining from engaging in unethical behavior).
We also contribute to the organizational practices literature by demonstrating that, in addition to studying actual
practices, there is value to studying perceptions of the organization’s practices. Researchers have studied actual prac-
tices such as strategy (e.g., Whittington, 2006), technology and learning (e.g., Orlikowski, 2002), and human resources
(HR; e.g., Huselid, 1995). Rather than studying actual practices, we demonstrate that perceptions of organizational
practices inform organizational climates. By doing so, we contribute to the broader climate literature by examining a
range of organizational systems that produce practices culminating in shared perceptions of EOC, which then discour-
age unit-level unethical behavior. Practically, our research does more than highlights the importance of business ethics,
or the need to assess the organization’s ethical landscape. We provide an EOC measure that points to a range of prac-
tices the organization can enforce to develop a highly ethical climate. Most organizations involved in ethical scandals
have a code of conduct and tout the importance of ethics, but unethical behavior prevails because something is missing
in these environments. Our research provides a recipe for determining what is missing in the environment. As noted
by Johnson et al. (2007), “People and what they do have gone missing…. In fact we know that strategies are rarely the
result of one-off decisions, but rather the outcomes of quite complex processes” (p. 5). Our research illustrates that
when employees perceive that formal organizational systems include multiple consistent ethics-related policies, pro-
cedures, and practices, their shared perceptions give rise to EOCs.
Finally, we add to the growing climate literature more broadly. In a review of the climate literature, Kuenzi and
Schminke (2009) provided suggestions for future research. We begin to address several of their recommendations by
presenting a theoretical basis for EOC research and by explaining how these climates form. First, we draw on a theo-
retical framework that allows us to measure EOC utilizing the preferred definition of climate, which references shared
perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures. Importantly, rather than examining EOC as the “conditions that likely
set the stage for ethical action” (Kuenzi & Schminke, 2009, p. 70), as is done with the ECQ, our measure highlights
the importance of perceptions of contextual factors (i.e., policies, procedures, and practices) that give way to a shared
understanding of “the way things are done around here.” We also examine moral identity as a collective construct that
represents the unit’s shared commitment to upholding moral traits such as kindness, justice, and hard work (Aquino
& Reed, 2002). Finally, Kuenzi and Schminke (2009) stress the importance of examining multiple climates in the same
model. By controlling for several climates, we demonstrate that the EOC is indeed measuring something unique and
different. Perhaps, more importantly, our research demonstrates the strengths of this approach as our comprehensive
EOC measure negatively predicts unit unethical behavior above and beyond related constructs.
deviance), future research that examines additional dependent variables, such as whistle-blowing, prosocial behav-
ior, motivation, or performance, would be interesting. Further, examining the effects of ethical leadership and EOC on
objective outcomes (e.g., stealing based on company records) would be a nice extension of the reports we obtained.
It would also be useful to examine cross-level effects by assessing individual-level outcomes. We know that leaders
play an important role in a more top-down approach; however, it would be interesting to see if there could also be
bottom-up processes in play (Pinto, Leana, & Pil, 2008). Litwin and Stringer (1968) include a feedback loop between
top-down and bottom-up processes in their model and future research should explore this avenue. This would also
allow for an examination of the mechanisms that lead to the formation of EOC perceptions.
Treviño and Nelson’s (2017) framework of ethical culture describes both formal and informal organizational sys-
tems, but we only measure formal systems. The informal systems are related to culture, whereas the formal systems
are related to climate. The informal systems include role models and heroes, norms, rituals, myths and stories, and lan-
guage. A close examination of these categories reveals that all but norms are associated with culture and not climate.
Indeed, Schein (2004) describes culture as a function of the values and beliefs that lead people to create similar per-
ceptions to what they experience. On the other hand, Schein describes climate as the meaning people derive from what
they experience. Using this lens, role models, heroes, rituals, myths, and stories are related to culture, whereas climate
consists of perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures in the organization. A measure of ethical culture could be
developed and used alongside our measure of EOC in future research.
There has been a proliferation of new measures in the management literature, and we had to think carefully as to
whether developing a new measure of EOC is necessary and useful. In the end, we concluded that as the organizational
climate literature and methods have progressed over the past three decades, continuing to use the ECQ could limit
our understanding of the ethical context in organizations. In this respect, the EOC should be used when it is important
to comprehensively assess the organization’s multiple systems. Moving forward, we recommend referring to the ECQ
as a climate for ethical decision-making rather than EOC. As such, the ECQ can be compared to the decision-making
dimension of the EOC to assess convergence. In terms of reviewing and citing past ethical climate research, if scholars
use individual-level data, we recommend that they refer to it as psychological climate. If scholars use aggregated data,
this should be referred to as organizational ethical climate. Finally, researchers need to be clear as to what referent is
used in the items. We recommend that a referent shift is used to the appropriate unit level for organizational climate
research (Klein, Conn, Smith, & Sorra, 2001).
Finally, although we believe that our EOC measure provides a well-validated measure of ethical climate at the unit
level, scholars should not lose sight of the foundational work that came before our measure. Just as Colquitt (2001)
provides a refined measure of justice, researchers still rely on prior, seminal work to build their research arguments.
We expect the same pattern to emerge with our new measure, and we hope it will provide a useful path forward.
6.4 Conclusions
There is considerable public concern about the plethora of corporate scandals chronicled in the mainstream media. We
argue that organizational unethical acts are not solely because of a few bad apples, but rather that cracks in the foun-
dation of an organization’s ethical climate are the likely cause of the wrongdoing. We hope that this research provides
useful conceptualization and a tool for scholars interested in examining the important role of an organization’s ethical
1 Treviñoand Nelson’s (2017) six formal systems are composed of policies, practices, and procedures. However, to make the
paper more concise and easier to read, we will use the term practices to represent policies, practices, and procedures when
referring to this framework and our ethical climate measure.
2 In
addition to these six formal organizational systems, Treviño and Nelson (2017) discuss leadership as another compo-
nent. We did not include leadership as a formal organizational system for two reasons. First, in recent years, there has been
considerable work on the ethical leadership construct and a measure has been developed (Brown, Treviño, & Harrison, 2005).
Second, leadership is generally thought of as an antecedent of, as opposed to a specific aspect of, climate (Kuenzi & Schminke,
3 We received IRB approval from two institutions. We received approval from the University of Central Florida (IRB# SRB-06-
03737 titled, “The Development of a Measure of Ethical Climate”). We also received IRB approval from Southern Methodist
University (IRB# H190029-KUEM titled, “Developing a Measure of Ethical Climate”).
4 Raters were provided definitions of climate in general, ethical climate, and the six formal systems. We asked the raters to
identify which formal system appropriately categorized each statement. They were allowed to choose more than one if they
thought the item could belong in more than one category. Raters were asked to rate the relevance, clarity, and overall quality
of all items. At the end, there was an open-ended section where raters were asked to explain why they placed items in more
than one category if they did. In addition, there was a section where they could add any items they felt were missing. Six items
were modified slightly based on this feedback to clarify the items.
5 We surveyed 476 working adults on their ethical organizational climate and then conducted principal axis factoring (PAF).
We chose the three items with the highest loadings of each of the formal systems representing organizational ethical climate
for a total of 18 items.
6 We followed Hinkin (1998) and Hinkin and Tracey’s (1999) steps for the development of measures used in survey question-
naires. Therefore, we used principal components analysis. Since we collected this data, it is standard practice to use principle
factor analysis or maximum likelihood.
7 We also developed and tested a 12- and 18-item EOC measure. These longer measures may serve as more comprehensive,
diagnostic tools for assessing an organization’s ethical climate. The rwg for the 12-item EOC is .92 and 𝛼 = .88. The rwg for the
18-item EOC is .94 and 𝛼 = .92. The items for the longer measures are presented in the Appendix.
8 For the 16-item ECQ, we use the same items adapted by Schminke, Ambrose, and Neubaum (2005). In searching papers citing
Victor and Cullen (1987, 1988) and Cullen, Victor, and Bronson (1993), Schminke et al. (2005) find 31 papers using the ECQ,
with 12 of them providing factor analysis reports. They examine the studies to identify the common ethical climate types.
Schminke et al. (2005) identify no stable alternatives to the original five-factor model found by Victor and Cullen (1988).
They also examine the items that consistently loaded on these five ethical climates. Published studies may have found similar
ethical climate factors, but the items of the ECQ do not always consistently load on the originally specified ethical climate
types. Schminke et al. (2005) find 16 items consistently load on the five most often found ethical climates, and thus, they use
these items in their study. We use these same 16 items of the most common five ethical climates in our study to examine
divergent and predictive validity of our ethical climate measure.
We report the results using supervisor ratings of unit deviance to address the same source bias. However, we find the same
pattern of results when using employee ratings of unit deviance.
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How to cite this article: Kuenzi M, Mayer DM, Greenbaum RL. Creating an ethical organizational environment:
The relationship between ethical leadership, ethical organizational climate, and unethical behavior. Personnel
Psychology. 2020;73:43–71.
Six-Item Measure of the EOC (One for each formal system)
1. Ethical issues are taken into consideration when decisions are made. (DM1)
2. Ethics training is consistent with how employees actually perform their jobs. (OT1)
3. Employees strictly follow the written code of ethics. (PC1)
Twelve- and 18-Item Measures of the EOC (For the 12 items, two for each formal system in shown italics. For the 18 items,
three for each formal system)
1. Ethical issues are taken into consideration when decisions are made. (DM1)
2. When decisions are made, we talk about whether something is the “right thing to do.” (DM2)
3. Employees consider ethical issues when making decisions even during stressful times. (DM3)
4. Ethics training is consistent with how employees actually perform their jobs. (OT1)
5. All employees are required to attend ethical training. (OT2)
6. Ethical issues are discussed with new employees as part of their initial orientation. (OT3)
7. Employees strictly follow the written code of ethics. (PC1)
8. The behavior of employees is consistent with the company’s ethical codes. (PC2)
9. Employees followed established procedures to seek guidance about business ethical issues. (PC3)
10. An effort is made to search for applicants of a high moral standard. (RS1)
11. When we hire employees, we try to assess how they would handle ethical issues. (RS2)
12. In recruiting new employees, my department emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior. (RS3)
13. A good effort is made to measure and track ethical behaviors. (RP1)
14. Employees receive positive feedback for making ethical decisions. (RP2)
15. Ethical behavior is evaluated as part of the performance appraisals. (RP3)
16. When an unethical act occurs, employees take responsibility for their actions. (AR1)
17. Employees at all levels take responsibility for the outcomes of their actions. (AR2)
18. Employees question authority if an unethical behavior occurs. (AR3)
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