Final Book PRS 411
Final Book PRS 411
Final Book PRS 411
2. Positional stability :
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
Proper occlusal & proximal contacts with opposing and neighboring teeth
should be maintained. Normal function provides mastication, comfort and
prevents teeth migration.
! Supereruption " detected as premature contact.
! Horizontal movement " excessive or deficient proximal contact.
7. Esthetics:
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
Very important in anterior teeth. It also builds patient’s confidence and helps
him visualize the definitive restoration.
8. Diagnostic Data:
The temporaries provide the patient with trial prosthesis to test, adapt and
visualize the final prosthesis ex tooth form & arrangement,
# Lip & cheek support.
# Speech is related to air passage & prosthesis thickness.
# Adaptation to a new vertical dimension in case of attrition or wear.
# The response of abutments to additional forces of occlusion during
# Periodontal and soft tissue response.
5. Should have minimal contact with the ridge, passive pressure and
possess a design which promotes hygiene.
A. Intracoronal Restorations:
Zinc Oxide & Eugenol maybe used as a provisional between visits till final
delivery ex. Inlay preparation.
B. Extracoronal restorations:
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
b. Non-metal:
# Clear-celluloid shells.
# Polycarbonate crown forms provided as maxillary and mandibular
anteriors and premolars.
2. Custom Made:
Used for single crowns or fixed partial dentures.
A crown form (mold) is essential.
The form of the teeth before reduction is used to reproduce the external
form of the mold while their shape after reduction forms the internal form
of the mold.
All procedures have in common the formation of a mold cavity into which
a resin is packed.
! Impressions are made in a quadrant tray with irreversible
hydrocolloid or silicone rubber to reproduce the external surface
form of the teeth before preparation .
! Templates made from thermoplastic sheets maybe heated and
adapted to a cast.
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
Steps of Fabrication:
A. An impression (alginate or putty) is made intraorally before the
preparation. However, if the teeth have to be restored then the impression
may be made from a cast after restoring the defect. The impression is
covered with a wet paper towel (alginate) for later use after reduction. The
impression is used as a mold to reproduce the form of the teeth as they
were before reduction. It must extends one tooth beyond the abutments.
A. Direct Technique:
1. The impression is filled with resin and replaced in the mouth over the
prepared abutments i.e. the patient’s teeth and gingival tissues provide
the internal form of the mold.
1. Care to avoid pulpal damage of vital teeth as a result of exothermic
reaction during resin setting.
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
2. The resin has to be pulled in and out from the teeth (pumping action)
to avoid its blocking in undercuts.
3. Margins of provisionals made indirectly on casts are much better, as
stone restricts shrinkage and distortion.
a. Pulp trauma.
b. Poor marginal fit.
B.Indirect Technique:
Resin is adapted on a cast of the prepared teeth.
1. When the preparation is finished another alginate impression is taken
and poured in quick set plaster. There should be at least one tooth on
either side of the prepared tooth.
2. The cast is coated with separating medium. The impression is filled with
resin and the cast seated into it without using excessive force.
3. The impression-plaster cast assembly is placed in a hot water bath for 5
minutes before it is disassembled.
4. Separate the resin restoration, trim the excess with acrylic burs or coarse
carborundum discs " finishing.
5. Smoothen the restoration with fine sand paper adjust the occlusion then
polish the restoration.
6. A temporary cement (ZnO-E) is used to cement the restoration.
1. A crown form or denture tooth is placed in
the edentulous space on the diagnostic cast.
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
3. The resin sheet may also be placed in a wire frame and heated over a
bunsen flame to soften it before positioning it on the diagnostic cast.
Adaptation of the resin sheet is secured by placing silicone putty in
a tray and seating it over the heated softened sheet.
Manual Technique
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
" Pulp trauma.
" Poor marginal fit.
The template is filled with resin and placed over the prepared abutments
directly in the mouth or indirectly on a cast of the prepared abutments made
of fast setting resin.
1. An impression is made from a diagnostic cast.
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
Patients showing up with prepared teeth.
Emergency visits with fractured teeth.
Ready made:
a. Preformed polycarbonate crowns may be used " anterior restorations.
Chapter 2 Temporary Protection
1. After completion of tooth reduction polycarbonate crown of suitable
mesiodistal size is chosen.
# Crown form is filled with resin and seated intraorally or on the cast
# After resin setting the excess is trimmed. Finish and polish the crown.
# Cement the crown with temporary cement and remove any excess from
the margins and gingival crevice after setting.