SWOT Analysis As An Organizational

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WSN 78 (2017) 185-192 EISSN 2392-2192

SWOT analysis as an organizational management

tool on the example of a meat processing company

Lidia Czuma-Imiołczyk
Faculty of Management, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa, Poland
E-mail address: lidkacz1@o2.pl

The subject of this study below is the strategic management problem in the company. In order to
choose the right direction of management, it is necessary to use methods of organization evaluation.
One of the tools used in corporate management is SWOT analysis. It allows you to direct your
business to achieve your goals and adapt your organization to the environment.

Keywords: Management, SWOT analysis, strategic management, corporate strategy


New management directions address solutions that take into account the strategic
determinants of today's economy. Organizations that want to function effectively in today's
environment must strive to improve their effectiveness. The dynamic economic changes
observed over the past few years have been a challenge for the development and operation of
companies. Such changes are increasingly difficult to predict and determine their chakra rate
of change and scale of influence, as well as the relationship to existing processes. Uncertainty
and risk management activities require entrepreneurs to demonstrate a strategic approach and
to seek optimal solutions, and develop their own action plans that take into account current
and anticipated environmental configurations. Strategic management should contribute to
market success with high turbulence. [1] It is a versatile, multidisciplinary, multifaceted and
multifaceted process of formulating a strategy that in the long run leads to growth of the
World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192

company, utilizing potential opportunities and avoiding hazards. The discipline of strategic
management has been developed in response to the needs of large enterprises, especially the
largest corporations.


The increasing volatility and uncertainty of the business environment [2], which began
to become particularly prominent in the market segment in the 1950s, has resulted in the
abandonment of the mechanistic management model and the need to implement methods of
coping with dynamic change. The answer to this need was strategic management, whose
theoretical trend began in the sixties and is practical, developed by consulting firms in the
early 1970s. [3]

• The level of aspirations expressed in formalizing the vision, mission

1 and goals of strategic activities

• A diagnostic and analytical stage in which the assessment of the

2 external and internal environment of the subject is performed

• Formulation and selection of strategies from available strategic

3 options

• Strategy implementation by tactical and operational operation


• Correction and strategic control


Figure 1. Basic stages of strategic management.

[Source: M. Ławniczak, Zarządzanie strategiczne jako czynnik determinujący wzrost przewagi konkurencyjnej
organizacji stosującej nowoczesne technologie w warunkach niepewności - studium przypadku firmy
ABB Sp. z o. o., „Zarządzanie i Finanse 2013, nr 3].

Strategic management takes place on several levels and in many functionally designed
areas. [4] The different aspects of the organization and functioning of the human teams are
distinctive, and the social capital is given the highest level. The strategic context of these
issues is outlined in this publication. Strategies and strategic management depend on the
current situation in which the organization is located. [5] Strategic management consists of
the following stages [6]:

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192

 Strategic planning. Strategic planning sets goals for action, which requires diagnosis
of the past and present, and forecasts of the future. An action plan is defined, based on
an in-depth strategic analysis. The strategic planning stage is an essential part of
strategic management, for which a number of formal models and techniques have been
 Strategy implementation. In the process of implementing the strategy, resources and
conditions of operation are prepared. The plan can’t be implemented too quickly, it is
necessary to refer to actual conditions and requirements, only to be recognized at the
implementation stage.
 Strategic supervision. Control is the monitoring of an enterprise's activities to ensure
their compliance with goals. It is important to emphasize the role of the Early Warning
System, which is a subsystem of the Strategic Information System, which is an
inherent part of management. Assistive supervision is achieved by revealing in
advance some types of problems that may be opportunities or threats for further
progress towards the objectives.

Enterprise strategy is a complex response process that allows you to create and maintain
satisfactory relationships between your company's goals and resources, and the changing
environment in order to achieve the highest possible performance. [7] The theory of effective
management strategies exhibits some of the following characteristics.

Clearly defined •The objectives need not be formalized, but should be understandable and clearly
goals defined

Keeping the •The strategy should not limit the freedom of action, but it should also set the pace
initiative and determine the direction of action

•The strategy should focus on the key success factors of an organization, on

Concentration dimensions that allow it to gain an edge over its competitors.

Coordinated and •Effective strategies require commitment, not just acceptance by the top
management; Leaders should be so selected and motivated to identify their goals
engaged leadership with the goals of the entire organization

•Surprise and timing can be a way to overcome competition and improve your
Surprise position on the labor market

•The strategy should ensure the security and development of the organization's
Security resources and improve the effectiveness of the early warning system

Figure 2. Features of effective strategy

[Source: Borowiecki R., Jaki A. (red.), Wyzwania dla zarządzania współczesnym przedsiębiorstwem, Wyd.
Fundacji Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, Kraków 2009]

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192

In today's global economy, there are some features that will affect the organization's
competitiveness in the coming years. Strategic management is a relatively new area, but by
increasing the level of uncertainty, it is becoming more and more attached to it as a
determinant of organizational success. Over the past few years, there have been several major
trends in strategic management that have highlighted other factors. This has led to the
formation of strategic management paradigms. [6]


One of the most commonly used methods in strategic management is SWOT analysis. It is
used both to build a comprehensive development strategy and in partial strategies. [8] SWOT
analysis is one of the methods of strategic analysis, SWOT is an acronym for words strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, threats. The method is complex because it affects both internal and
external factors. [9]

opportunities threats

strengths weaknesses

Positive Negative

Figure 3. Factors affecting the organization's strategic position in the SWOT analysis
[Source: G. Gierszewska, M. Romanowska, Analiza strategiczna przedsiębiorstwa, PWE,
Warszawa 2002, s. 235.]

SWOT analysis is widely and predominantly used in strategic management when

building an organization's strategy. It is a diagnostic tool that is used at the very beginning of
the strategic planning process. [10] Literature of the subject contains many different models
of strategic planning, but for the public administration units, the approach presented in Figure
3 is most appropriate, which also indicates the stage of defining a strategy where SWOT
analysis can be used. [11]

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192



Company X is the production plant responsible for the production of meat products. It
belongs to the SME sector. The company is constantly developing and modernizing. This is
due to the need to adapt the company to the requirements and standards of the European
Union and the implementation of HACCP (Quality Management System). This is the basis of
other standards, such as the BRC and IFS, which was a prerequisite for cooperation with
many partners. Company X offers a wide assortment of products that have been manufactured
to the highest standards of quality and technical and sanitary conditions. The plant's
operations are developed in accordance with the applicable legal and ethical requirements
relating to working conditions. Company X bases itself on the pursuit of customer satisfaction
and the production of healthy and safe products. It has its own extensive network of company
stores. X stores are also equipped with partner stores in stores throughout the country. The
company's meat products are constantly appreciated and recognized on the Polish market
thanks to their constant pursuit of quality improvement and expansion. The company uses a
modern marketing strategy aimed at promoting and enhancing its brand image. The company
strives to increase its market share in the domestic market and strive to gain markets in the
European Union. This involves constant monitoring and quality improvement. In terms of
quality management, X performs tasks such as:
 Choice of suppliers based on compliance with them to ensure the safety of the
products offered,
 Ensuring the health of the products offered,
 Improving the HACCP system,
 Implementing processes in accordance with established standards that affect customer
 Maintaining and promoting pro-quality attitudes among all company employees,
 Implement incentive systems that encourage employees to adhere to quality standards,
 Review of existing procedures and standards related to the safety of manufactured
products and implementation of improvements in production technology,
 Optimize the costs associated with quality monitoring processes and standards in the
Company X is based on some key assumptions. They were included in the mission, vision and
strategic goals, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Mission, vision, corporate goals [Source: Own study based on company data]

Offering a wide range of fresh, healthy and tasty sausages with a

Mission traditional flavor and high quality. Delivering food to customers
according to their requirements and preferences.
Establish a plant that produces traditional products of high quality raw
Vision materials and reach a wide audience who will become regular customers
because of the exceptional quality and taste of the products.

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192

- Establishing lasting and partnership relationships with suppliers and

- Production of high quality products,
- Expanding sales networks and market shares,
- Shaping and consolidating the positive image of the company,
- Introducing innovative production technologies,
Strategic - Extension of traditional products,
objectives - Introducing new products,
- Increasing the number of business customers
- Striving for consumer satisfaction and satisfaction,
- Increasing the potential of company employees,
- Caring for the environment through the introduction of energy efficient
- Minimize the impact of your business on the environment.

The overarching goodwill includes:

- High quality - Maintaining high quality products and caring for all employees.
Concentration on customer needs and requirements,
- Mutual respect - all decisions should take care of customers and employees and respect all
members of the organization and partners. Engaging employees in your business and
consolidating your sense of ownership,
- Commitment - all employees should be involved in creating high quality products,
increasing customer satisfaction and resource efficiency, and rational and prudent use of raw
- Openness - fast adaptation to changing environment, innovation. Applying modern
technologies and striving to protect the environment.
One of the commonly used analytical techniques in an enterprise is SWOT analysis. It
illustrates the business situation by specifying strengths and weaknesses, and helps in making
decisions and formulating goals for the future, as it indicates emerging opportunities and
threats for the organization. [12] Company X's SWOT analysis is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Mission, vision, corporate goals [Source: Own study based on company data]

Strengths Weaknesses
- High quality of offered products,
- limited resources for investments,
- High processing capacity,
- Dependence on suppliers of raw materials.
- Extensive assortment,
- Centralized structure,
- Variety of products,
- Poorly developed activity on foreign
- Application of EU requirements and
- Dependence on the local market,
- Flexibility
- Insufficient capacity utilization.
- Openness to change,
- A small scale of investment activity.
- Conducting activities that limit the

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192

company's negative impact on the

- Significant production capacity,
- Big experience,
- High qualifications of staff and
managerial staff,
- Applying a quality management system,
- quality monitoring,
- Expanded marketing activities
Opportunities Threats
- Possibility to increase share on the Polish
- Increasing number of large-area stores,
- Ability to expand operations on foreign
- Seasonal fluctuations in demand,
- Rising energy prices.
- Increased demand for traditional products,
- Rising commodity prices,
- Growing popularity of organic food,
- Expansion of cheap foreign products,
- Continuous development of the meat
- Increasing requirements of sanitary
processing industry,
standards of safety,
- Ability to raise funds from the European
- Growing demands of the European Union,
- Strict environmental standards.
- The prospect of cooperation with foreign

Company X is a growing manufacturing plant with high production capacity and

significant potential development. The skillful use of EU funds for investments will allow the
company to expand its business and acquire foreign markets. Marketing and brand image
enhancement contributes to expanding the customer base. The biggest threat to the company
is the low quality products sold at underestimated prices. Long-term business and experience
contribute to the success of your business.


Analysis of the results of the research allows for the following conclusions. Small and
medium-sized enterprises are mainly managed by their owners, who do not hold a majority of
managerial competencies. This is evidenced by the low level of knowledge about the tools
used in strategic analysis that is necessary to determine the direction of the company. Methods
used in strategic management determine the goodwill, its strengths and weaknesses, and the
environment in which it operates. The company presented its success owes primarily to its
continuous development. The company also pays special attention to the quality of service
and thus the benefits to its customers. The company operates under unfavorable environment
and more competitive, but it can adapt and use it for its development. The company has
developed strategies for using its own resources and competition. It treats as an inspiration for
further, intensified actions.

World Scientific News 78 (2017) 185-192


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( Received 14 June 2017; accepted 07 July 2017 )


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