Chapter 6 Ibt Reviwer

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CHAPTER 6 - INTERNATONAL COMMERCIAL TERMS Obligations under the E Group or E term (B – Buyer/Importer, S –

In any business transaction commercial terms are very important Seller/Exporter)

because these clarify the extent of rights and responsibilities which
should be assigned to every party in the agreement. Thus each of the Inland freight in Australia; delivery to the carrier or frontier B
party involve becomes aware of their rights and duties which they can
exercise and enjoy as stipulated in the contract; enabling to generate an Export customs clearance B
orderly and smooth implementation of the business agreement. The
introduction of internationally accepted commercial terms would make Payment of customs charges and taxes in Australia B
business agreements much easier to conclude because the parties
involved in such agreement would have common understanding of the
commercial terms used. Any disputes to arise in the business agreement Loading to the main carrier and port charges B
may be easier to solve because technical and legal terms are well
understood by all parties. Main carriage/freight B
The approval of the internationally accepted commercial terms
(INCOTERMS) came during the International Chamber of Commerce Cargo (marine) insurance B
meeting in Paris in 1936. This later became the used terms in foreign
trade. The Paris meeting had defined INCOTERMS with respect to the Unloading from the main carrier and port charges B
roles and obligations of the buyer and seller in the agreement of
transportation and other responsibilities and clarify when the ownership
of the merchandise takes place, who incurs the costs and risk, and who Customs clearance in Buyer's country B
files the documents necessary to make the transaction. These terms are
incorporated into export-import sales agreements and contracts Payment of customs duties and taxes in Buyer's country B
worldwide and are a necessary part in foreign trade.

THE INCOTERM (International Commercial Terms) Inland freight in Buyer's country B

The application of the INCOTERM (International Commercial Terms) may
be seen in the following conditions which primarily comprise of business Other costs and risks in Buyer's country B
transactions with the outside world. It is used primarily in;

 The distribution of goods

 Issues involving regulation of transport charges
 Identifying and defining the place where transfer of
merchandise will take place and the transport risks involved Group F or F Terms
in order to justify to owners for support and the chance for Under this term the Free Carrier (FCA) clause states that the title and risk
damage to goods when shipped to its destination. is passed to the buyer including expenses for transportation and
 Determining the obligations of both seller and the buyer. insurance at a time the seller delivers the goods cleared for export to the
 Identifying the cost relative to the transaction and the one carrier. The seller‘s obligation extends up to the point where the product
who will shoulder it. has already been loaded in the collecting vehicle of the buyer. In specific
 Identifying the risk involved in the delivery of goods. terms, seller‘s main obligation is to bring the goods into the custody of
 Making international commercial transactions more to adapt the carrier primarily at its terminal. Moreover, under this term, the buyer
to the most contemporary commercial practices. can suggest the mode of transport to be used and pays shipping charges.
Other than the carrier, the buyer can also appoint an individual to receive
In international trade, people involved are far apart so that if there‘s any the merchandise in his behalf and the seller‘s responsibility deemed
problem to resolve pertaining to the transactions, this would be very fulfilled once the product concern has been delivered to that person.
difficult to initiate hence people involved are basically far from each other ;
thus the chance for misunderstanding would be greater. Moreover, The Free Alongside Ship (FAS) clause requires that the title and risk
because of the high value of the transaction involved and the far distance should be passed only to the buyer including payment of all
of the source to the products‘ destination, notwithstanding the absence of transportation and insurance cost once the merchandise been delivered
personal contact between the exporter and the importer; with these alongside ship by the seller. This mode is basically applied to sea or
conditions, the chances for a problematic outcome in the transaction inland waterway transportation. The seller is obliged to secure export
would be greater. All of these shortcomings may be properly addressed clearance. In FAS the determination of price for the merchandise
with the introduction of the INCOTERMS in international transactions. includes all the costs incurred including delivery of the goods alongside
The coverage of the INCOTERMS includes the following areas: the vessel at the port or the indicated place of the buyer, however no
applicable charges are to be borne by the seller for loading the goods on
Group E or E Terms – Departure board a vessel including ocean freight charges and marine insurance.
Ex Works (EXW) – this term is used for goods which are departing from The seller is cleared of all of responsibility in relation to the shipment
the premises of the exporter. The title and risk are passed to the buyer once the goods are place cleared alongside ship. while the buyer or the
which includes transportation and insurance costs from the time the importer shall bear all risks of loss or damage while the goods are in
goods depart from seller's premises. This is applicable to all kinds of transit alongside ship.
transportation. The seller (Exporter) in EXW shipment terms prepares the
goods which the buyer( Importer) collects from the former‘s premises. The Free on Board (FOB) arrangement is price inclusive of Ex-Works,
The responsibility of the seller is to properly pack the goods with a packaging charges, transportation cost up to the place of shipment. The
package which is compliant and can be easily disposed of. The buyer seller is responsible for securing customs clearance, pay customs dues,
arranges the insurance for the goods while on transit however the cost quality inspection charges, weight measurement charges and other
and risks which entails the transporting of the merchandise maybe export related dues. It is important that the Bill of Lading indicates the
shouldered either by the buyer or the seller. Whoever bear these two shipment term and portray the wording "Shipped on Board‖ and bear the
basically are indicated in the contract of sell. signature of the shipper or his authorized representative with the date on
which the goods were boarded. The buyer‘s responsibility on one hand is
Buyer: Under normal condition, the buyer or the importer is responsible to indicate the name of the ship, pays freight, and transfer expenses. The
for the insurance of the imported goods while in transit and has to bear all following is an illustration on who and what in terms of obligations to be
costs and risks involved in the shipment of the product however if the fulfilled by either the seller or the buyer. Obligations under the under the
contract of sell says otherwise then the seller or the exporter must F Group or F Terms(B – Buyer/Importer, S – Seller/Exporter)
arrange and pay for the products‘ insurance cost and bear all risks which
entails it. In order to explain this arrangement fully, we can take the
following example wherein the merchandise is to be bought from
Australia and sold elsewhere in the world. This example determines
which, who is responsible for the charges in relation to the product being
sought from Australia.
FCA FAS FOB Obligations under the Group C or C Terms (B – Buyer/Importer, S –
Inland freight in Australia; delivery to the S S S CFR CIF CPT CIP
carrier or frontier
Inland freight in Australia; delivery to the S S S S
Export customs clearance S S S
carrier or frontier

Payment of customs charges and taxes in S S S

Australia Export customs clearance S S S S
Loading to the main carrier and port charges S B S
Payment of customs charges and taxes in S S S S
Main carriage/freight B B B
Loading to the main carrier and port S S S S
Cargo (marine) insurance B B B
Main carriage/freight S S S S

Unloading from the main carrier and port B B B Cargo (marine) insurance B S B S
Customs clearance in Buyer's country B B B Unloading from the main carrier and port S S S S
Payment of customs duties and taxes in B B B Customs clearance in Buyer's country B B B B
Buyer's country
Inland freight in Buyer's country B B B Payment of customs duties and taxes in B B B B
Buyer's country

Other costs and risks in Buyer's country B B B

Inland freight in Buyer's country B B S S

Under Group C or C Terms the main carriage shall be borne by the Seller Other costs and risks in Buyer's country B B B B
or Exporter. There are various types under this arrangement, namely:

1. Cost and Freight (CFR) – the term under this condition oblige the Group D or D Terms – Arrival
exporter to bear the cost of carriage for the transport of the product to When goods arrive in the premises of the importer, various questions on
selected destination port however this term makes the risk transferable who‘s is to shoulder transportation costs , insurance, processing fees
only to buyers at the port of shipment. Moreover the seller has the option paid in the Bureau of Customs and may be for some other fees that need
to choose the carrier, pay the expenses for the freight to the agreed port to be paid in relation to the importation, and lastly the burden on who‘s
of destination but unloading is excluded. It is also his responsibility to going to bear the risks? In order to fully answer these questions, we need
load the merchandise unto the ship and the required processing of to look at various commercial terms which may be applied:
documents for forwarding purposes. The agreement on transfer of risks is
similar to FOB. 1. (Delivered at Frontier DAF) – under this term , the merchandise being
2. Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) – this arrangement requires that the shipped has to be titled under buyer’s name including the risk and the
title and risk should be transferred only to the buyer once the shipment responsibility for securing import clearance when such merchandise is
reaches destination port from the seller who pays transportation and delivered to agreed place by the seller. This term can be used for any
insurance cost against loss or damage. This is mostly applied for sea or mode of transport primarily by rail or by any form of land transport.
inland waterway transportation. 2. Delivered Ex-Ship (DES) – this term makes the transfer of title over the
3. Carriage Paid to (CPT) – this term requires that the title, risk and goods, the risk and responsibility over vessel discharge, secure of import
insurance cost should be in the name of the buyer when the merchandise clearance, and cost for unloading , cargo insurance, unloading from the
is brought to the carrier by the seller who pays transportation cost to main carrier and port charges, customs clearance, including duties and
destination. It is basically suited to all forms of transportation like: land taxes, inland freight,; to the buyer at times when the goods reach the
transport by rail, road and inland waterways. The obligation of the seller destination port. This term is basically used for sea or inland waterway
in as far as transportation cost is concern is limited only to the first carrier transportation.
however it is also his obligation to pay customs clearance for export and 3. Delivered Ex-Quay (DEQ) – this term makes the transfer of title and
the selection of carrier. Once the goods arrive at the destination port, the risk pass to buyer at the destination point by the seller who delivers the
risks from damages or loss is transferred to the buyer along with costs for goods on dock at destination point and is cleared for import. This is
customs importation clearance and unloading. basically used for sea or inland waterway transportation. The seller has
4. Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) – this term requires that the title to pay for all costs except cargo insurance, inland freight in buyer‘s
and risk are transferred to the buyer during the time the goods are country and other costs and he/she also assume the risks.
delivered to the carrier by the seller who in turn pays transportation and 4. Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU) – this term requires the seller to deliver
insurance cost to destination. This is basically applied to all forms of the goods at the agreed place in the country of importation and pays all
transportation. This term is basically similar to Carriage Paid To except the transportation costs excluding customs duty and taxes as specified in
that under this condition the seller is obliged to pay for insurance the customs procedures. On the part of the buyer, he/she has to process
premium against risk or loss or damage while the goods are in transit. customs clearance for importation.
The buyer‘s obligation under this term is similar to Carriage Paid To. To 5. Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) – the title and risk are passed to the buyer
provide a clearer understanding of whose and what obligations under only when the goods reached its agreed destination point and already
this term, the following example provides illustration. If products are cleared for import. All taxes in both source and destinations have to
sourced in Australia and exported elsewhere outside the country , the borne by the seller including all other costs.
following obligations are to be paid by the party indicated therein such as
when such products are transported to a destination port inside Australia
and later loaded to a container ship for distribution to other countries, the
expenses to be borne by each of the parties involved are indicated below
subject to the term used .

International Business and Trade

When it comes to the kind of transportation used, the INCOTERMS are II. Transfer of Risks
also applicable and each mode of transportation has its corresponding Another item in the incoterms of great importance to all parties concern,
terms. The table below provides the buyer a guide on the suitability of is the issue on the transfer of risks. Incoterms does not only provide
INCOTERMS to use in relation to probable transport mode information on who among the parties should pay for transportation costs
but identifies as well the party which must assumes risks at a time the
Air Freight Road Freight Rail Freight Sea Freight goods are in transit. This is one of the most important issues that need to
be considered when negotiating Incoterms. The following conditions are
EXW used to determine the responsibility over risks pertaining to the goods
being transported.
FCA EXW When the goods are at the disposal of the buyer.
FCA When the goods have been delivered to the carrier at the
FOB named place
CFR FAS When the goods have been placed alongside the ship

FOB When the goods pass the ship‘s rail

CIP CFR When the goods pass the ship‘s rail

DAF CIF When the goods pass the ship‘s rail

CPT When the goods have been delivered to the carrier

DDU CIP When the goods have been delivered to the carrier

DAF When the goods have been delivered to the carrier

To summarize this term based on who among the exporter and the DES When the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on
importer has to bear the costs, the table below provides clearer board the ship
DEQ When the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on
the quay
Obligations under the D Group or D Terms (B – Buyer/Importer, S –
Seller/Exporter) DDU When the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer

DES DEQ DDU DDP DDP When the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer
Inland freight in Australia; delivery to S S S S
the carrier or frontier

Export customs clearance S S S S III. INTERCOMS 2020: MAIN CHANGES

The new Incoterms 2020 are being drafted in the International Chamber
Payment of customs charges and S S S S of Commerce (ICC) as the body that publishes them since 1930. In the
taxes in Australia last decades, there has always been a revision of Incoterms Rules
coinciding with the first year of each decade 1990, 2000, 2010, which is
Loading to the main carrier and port S S S S the latest version and currently in force.
Main carriage/freight S S S S Incoterms 2020 are being drafted by a Committee of Experts (Drafting
Group) that for the first time include representatives from China and
Cargo (marine) insurance B B S S Australia, although most of the members are European. This Committee
Unloading from the main carrier and B S S S meets periodically to discuss the different issues that come from the 150
port charges members (mainly Chambers of Commerce) of the International Chamber
of Commerce. The new Incoterms are expected to appear in the last
Customs clearance in Buyer's country B S B S
quarter of 2019, simultaneously with the centenary of the International
Payment of customs duties and taxes B S B S Chamber of Commerce, and will enter into force on January 1, 2020.
in Buyer's country Some of the new issues and changes that are being evaluated to be
included in the new edition of the Incoterms 2020 are:
Inland freight in Buyer's country B B S S
a. Removal of EXW and DDP Incoterms. It would be a very important
Other costs and risks in Buyer's B B S S change since EXW is an Incoterm used in many companies with little
country export experience, and DDP is also commonly used especially for goods
(e.g., samples or spare parts) that are sent by couriers and via express
Applicable Incoterms in Different Modes of Transportation shipping companies that deal with all the logistics and customs
The choice of the appropriate incoterms must be done in consideration to procedures until delivery at the buyer‘s address. The justification to
the mode of transport which the parties see beneficial effects on their eliminate these two terms is that they are really domestic operations: in
interest. Thus when we decide for our incoterms, we should at the same the case of EXW by the seller-exporter and in DDP by the buyer-importer.
time look at the suited mode of transport because there are terms which In addition, these two Incoterms contradict, in some way, the new
are restricted only to sea or land carriage. The table below provides the Customs Code of the European Union since the responsibility of the
buyer a guide on the suitability of incoterms to use in relation to probable exporters and importers takes place once the clearance of export and
transport mode. import have been carried out.

International Business and Trade

b. Removal of Incoterm FAS. FAS (Free Alongside Ship) is an Over the next few months, the Committee will meet periodically to
Incoterm very little used and, in fact, does not contribute almost anything address these and other issues that will eventually be incorporated into
to FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) that is used when the merchandise is Incoterms 2020. Hopefully, the version of Incoterms 2020 that comes into
delivered at the port of departure in the exporter‘s country. With FCA, the force on January 1, 2020, will serve to facilitate international trade
exporter can also deliver the goods at the dock, as in FAS, since the dock between exporters and importers, adapting to the changes that have
is part of the maritime terminal. On the other hand, if FAS is used and occurred in the last decade.
there is a delay in the arrival of the ship, the merchandise will be
available to the buyer at the dock for several days and, on the contrary, if The new Incoterms 2020 would take effect on January 1, 2020, and this
the ship arrives in advance, the merchandise will not be available for version drafted by the International Chamber of Commerce includes
shipment. Actually, FAS is only used for the exportation of some some changes in relation to previous versions of Incoterms Rules.
commodities (minerals and cereals) and, in this sense, the Drafting
Committee is evaluating the convenience of creating a specific Incoterm How to use the Incoterms 2020?
for this type of products. In order to use Incoterms®, this must be clearly stated in the contract of
sale by indicating: the Incoterms® rule chosen, the port, designated
c. Unfold FCA in two Incoterms. FCA is the most used Incoterm place or location, followed by "Incoterms® 2020". Example: CIF Hong
(about 40% of the international trade operations are carried out with this Kong Incoterms® 2020
Incoterm) since it is very versatile and allows the delivery of goods in
different places (seller‘s address, land transport terminal, port, airport, 1. Choose the appropriate Incoterms® rule. The choice of the Incoterm®
etc.) that, most of the times, are in the seller‘s country. The Committee is is an integral part of a commercial transaction. It has to be done in
thinking about the possibility of creating two Incoterms FCA; one for function with the organizational capacities of the enterprise, the type of
terrestrial delivery and another for maritime delivery. transportation used, the level of service that the enterprise wishes to
provide to the client or the resources of its supplier, or it could be in
d. FOB and CIF for container shipping. The modification made in the function to the common practices of the market, or the practices used by
edition of Incoterms 2010 that when the merchandise does not travel in a the competitors, etc. The Incoterm® selected must also be well-adapted
container, Incoterms FOB and CIF should not be used, but their to the type of goods that will be shipped and the type of transportation
counterparts FCA and CIP are not being applied by the vast majority of that will be used.
exporting and importing companies, nor by agents involved in
international trade (freight forwarders, logistics operators, banks, etc.). 2. Specify the place and port with precision. For an optimal application of
This is due to the fact that FOB and CIF are two very old Incoterms (FOB Incoterms®, the contract's parties are required to assign a place or a port
was already used in England at the end of the XVIII century), and the with maximum exactitude: ex FCA 25 rue Saint Charles, Bordeaux,
International Chamber of Commerce has not made an effort to transmit France, Incoterms® 2020. It must be stressed in this part that for certain
this change adequately, which is very important, since approximately Incoterms® such as CPT, CIP, CFR, CIF, the place designated is not the
80% of the world trade is made in a container. In the Incoterms 2020 same as the place of delivery: it designates the place of destination paid
version, it is possible that FOB and CIF can be used again for container for. In order to specify the final destination of the goods, it is advised to
shipping, as was the case with Incoterms 2000 and earlier versions. mention the specific address in order to avoid any ambiguity. The same
applies for the "out of the factory": Is it a factory in France or a factory
e. Creation of a new Incoterm: CNI. The new Incoterm would be established abroad by a French company?
denominated as CNI (Cost and Insurance) and would cover a gap
between FCA and CFR/CIF. Unlike FCA, which would include the cost of Other precautions to be taken
international insurance on account of the seller-exporter, and as opposed Some precautions must be taken when using Incoterms®, such as:
to CFR/CIF that would not include freight. As in the other Incoterms  A good knowledge of the meaning of each Incoterm® and its
in ―C,‖ this new Incoterm would be an arrival Incoterm,‖ i.e., the risk of acronym;
transport would be transmitted from the seller to the buyer at the port of  The usage of the variants of Incoterms® with exactitude in
departure. order to prevent confusions that could result from a
misinterpretation (ex: FOB USA).The Incoterms® are
standards accepted worldwide. In that capacity, like all
TWO INCOTERMS BASED IN DDP standards (industry, quality, pollution), their names do not
As with FCA, DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) also generates some problems cause any divergence. Use only the standardized
due to the fact that the customs duties in the importing country are paid abbreviations. Any other code will be prohibited! As any
by the exporter-seller, regardless of the place of delivery of the goods. standard, they are an explicit reference. As the horses DIN or
For this reason, the Drafting Committee is considering creating two the ISO 9002, the three letters of the Incoterm must be
Incoterms based on DDP: followed by the specific names of the designated places and
the mention "Incoterm", see "Incoterm ICC". Do not hesitate
1) DTP (Delivered at Terminal Paid): when the goods are to consult an international law firm.
delivered to a terminal (port, airport, transport center, etc.) in the
country of the buyer, and the seller assumes the payment of Today's tendency in international business is based on the fact that the
customs duties. buyer is released from all logistics concerns. This valorizes the position
of the exporter. It is essential to negotiate the terms of the contract for the
2) DPP (Delivered at Place Paid): when the goods are delivered first shipment and, most of all, in the case of dealing with countries at risk,
at any place other than a transport terminal (for example, at the obtaining a document of credit as a form of payment will be advised.
buyer‘s address), and the seller assumes the payment of the
customs duties.

In addition to the elimination and creation of some Incoterms, the Drafting

Committee is analyzing other issues to include in the new version of the
Incoterms 2020. Among them are:

 Transportation security.
 Regulations on transportation insurance.
 The relationship between the Incoterms and the International
Sale Contract.

International Business and Trade

Code Name in
EXW EX Works
FCA Free CArrier
*Possibility to add the on-board notation.
CPT Carriage Paid
CIP Carriage and
*Integration of Institute Cargo Clause A of the Insurance Paid
Institute Cargo Clauses, including "All Risks" to
insurance coverage.
DAP Delivered at

Code Name in

DPU* Delivered at
Place Unloaded

DDP Delivered Duty


Incoterms® 2020 applicable to maritime and inland waterway transport

Code Name in
FAS Free AlongSide

FOB Free On Board

CFR Cost and

CIF Cost,
*Incorporation of Institute Cargo Clause C, including Insurance,
"Minimum" insurance coverage. Freight
* New for Incoterms® 2020

Sale on Departure, Sale on Arrival: a fundamental difference

Sale on Departure
A sale on departure means that the merchandise will be shipped at the
risk and hazard of the buyer, which means:

 from the moment that the goods are placed at disposal at the
vendor's premises (EXW) ;
 from the moment that the goods are handed to the carrier in
order to be shipped (FCA, FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, CPT et CIP) ;

The Incoterms® for a sale on departure assign to the buyer (in a more or
less large amount) the costs and the risks linked to the shipping of the

Sale on Arrival
A sale on arrival means that the merchandise will be shipped at the risk
and hazard of the seller until it reaches the designated destination point
or port. Three Incoterms® are provided:

 until the end of its maritime transportation and its

disembarkation (DAP);
 until its destination point (DPU, DDP).

International Business and Trade

International Business and Trade

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