Compliance Sheet M.V

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Project Name: STC-NEIDC-P3--EXP-JED002 Submittal Ref. No.:

Material/Equipment: MV Cables Revision No.: R0
Specification Ref.: 26 05 13
Submission Date:

Specification Section Part Description Compliance Justification

"Comply" or "Not
If "Not Comply", state the justification
Comply" answers
in this column
26 05 13 MV Cables This engineering standard is applicable to medium voltage power cable for use in
PART 1 - SCOPE power generating Comply
station and switchyard applications.
A. The latest edition and published addenda of the following publications in effect on
the date of Contract Award are a part of this Specification.
1. Association of Edison Illuminating Companies (AEIC)
CS8, “Specification for Extruded Dielectric, Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 through 46 Comply
2. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA):
a) S-93-639, (NEMA WC74) “Shielded Power Cable 5-46 kV” Comply
b) S-97-682, “Utility Shielded Power Cable Rated 5-46 kV” Comply
3. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE):
a) 383, “Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Electric Cables and Field Splices for
Nuclear Power Generating Stations”
b) 1202, “Standard for Flame-Propagation Testing of Wire and Cable” Comply
4. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA):
WC26, “Binational Wire and Cable Packaging Standard” Comply
5. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA):
PART 2 - CODES 70, “National Electrical Code” (NEC) Comply
AND STANDARD 6. Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. (UL):
a) 1072, “Medium Voltage Solid Dielectric Cable” Comply
b) 1685, “Standard for Safety Vertical-Tray Fire-Propagation and Smoke-Release
Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables”
7. Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO) and Saudi Electric Company
(SEC) standards and specs
8. IEC 60228 Conductors for Insulated Cables Comply
9. IEC 60502 Extruded Solid Dielectric Insulated Cables for rated Voltages from 1
KV up to 30 KV
10. IPCEA S61-402 Thermoplastic Insulated Cable and Wire, 0 to 35 KV Comply
B. Where the above referenced codes, standards, and guides contain
recommendations in addition to requirements, the recommendations shall be
considered requirements and shall be followed, unless stated otherwise by this
C. In case of any conflict between the reference codes, or this Specification and
codes, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
All Suppliers shall comply fully with the complete requirements of this standard
PART 3 - GENERAL specification and the Contract documents, which are to be used in tandem. Any Noted
deviations shall be clearly defined in the Proposal.

4.1 Design and Service Conditions:

A. Distribution of alternating current to various plant auxiliaries and utilization
equipment for power Noted
B. The cable shall be suitable for wet or dry installation indoor or outdoor, in trays,
conduits, Noted
underground ducts, and direct burial as per standards.

C. Conductor temperature requirements as follows:

1. 105 degrees C for normal continuous conditions (wet and dry).
2. 140 degrees C for emergency overload conditions.
3. 250 degrees C for short-circuit conditions.

D. Voltage ratings and percent insulation level shall be as specified in Contract

E. Capable of storage, handling, bending, and installation at ambient temperatures as
low as - 10 Noted
degrees C without cracking the jacket or insulation

operating Noted
G. Energy suppression or stress control materials or compounds applied to conductors
and to primary Noted
insulation shall have characteristics compatible with the insulation.
H. Operating on ambient temperature of 50C. Noted
4.2 Materials and Construction (Multi/Single core)
A. Conductors: Soft-drawn or annealed bare copper with Class B concentric lay
stranding per the
Comply Conductor shall be annealed copper
applicable standards. The conductor size and configuration shall be as specified on the
stranded class 2 as per IEC 60228.)

B. Conductor Screen: The conductor shall have an extruded, thermoset, semi

conducting strand screen layer over the conductor per the applicable standards. The (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
conductor screen shall bond to the insulation and have the ability to be removed from Complied.)
the conductor with strip tension as per the applicable standards.
C. Insulation: The insulation shall be XLPE as per the applicable standards. Comply Insulation shall be as per XLPE
material as per IEC 60502-2.)
D. Insulation Screen: The insulated conductor shall have an extruded, semi-conducting
strand screen layer over the insulation per the applicable standards. The insulation (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
screen shall have the ability to be removed from the insulation with strip tension per the Complied.)
applicable standards.


E. Metallic Shield: A helical-wrapped bare copper tape with a minimum overlap of 25
Comply Metallic screen hall be of copper
percent or corrugated copper drain wires longitudinally applied.
tape applied by suitable overlapp.)
sheath shall be of extruded PVC ST2
F. Overall Jacketing Materials: Flame Retardant Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) per
as per IEC 60502-2 It shall be oil and
the applicable standards. All jacketing materials shall have long-term resistance to Comply
sunlight resistant. Cable shall be
sunlight, moisture, oils and chemicals, flexibility, and resistance to abrasion
flame retardant to IEC 60332-3-24
Category C.)
G. The short circuit ratings of all MV cables shall be coordinated with associated MV (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
switchgear and short circuit study/calculations Applicable to main contractor.)

H. Single core cables shall neither run individually in a ferous enclosure or pipe nor (BAHARA CABLES RESPONSE:
shall be surrounded by any ferrous material Applicable to main contractor.)
I. Armoured single core MV cables shall have non-magnetic armor wire (aluminium
Noted (RIYAD Res: Noted.)
J. MV cables shall be CU/XLPE/PVC
Cable shall be including armour.)
4.3 Earth Cable
Applicable to main contractor.)

A. Provide separate earth cables in all medium voltage ring and radial circuits in
accordance with applicable International Standards and the requirements.

B. The Size of earth cable for each MV cable or circuit shall be based upon short circuit
calculations, but in any case not less than 95 mm2.

C. In case the MV cable is armoured cable (steel or aluminium), armouring can be used
as the earth cable.
4.4 Marking and Identification
A. Markings as follows on the outer jacket of each cable:
1. Name and year of manufacturer.
2. Type or name of insulation and thickness.
Embossing typical example 3x50
3. Number and size of conductors.
Noted mm² CU/XLPE/SWA/PVC 15 kV IEC
4. Maximum operating voltage.
5. Type or Name of jacket.
K.S.A., 2022)
6. Temperature rating.
7. UL rating as applicable.
B. Printing of Cable Marking: Color that is in sharp contrast to the cable surface.
Applied with the vertical axis of the printed characters perpendicular to the longitudinal Noted
shall be embossed.)
axis of the cable.

C. Cable markers and identification discs for all MV Cables shall be provided in (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
accordance with the applicable codes and regulations Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

D. The supports for all MV Cables shall be approved galvanized cast steel clamps/ (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
cleats with 10 mm hexagon headed zinc plated fixing bolts and studs. Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

E. All MV Cables shall be tied on cable trays/ladders by non-releasing type cable cleats (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
or any other approved clamps. Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

F. The clamps for single core cables shall be of cast aluminium type or other equal and (RIYAD CABLES RESPONSE:
approved nonferrous material. Applicable to sub/main contractor.)


Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

A. No work shall commence until the Contractor has investigated the site satisfactorily,
and ascertained that the area is free from drains or other underground services. The
Contractor shall obtain approval of the routes for external cables with appropriate
installation details on shop drawings prior to commencement of any excavation on site.

B. Pull cables off drum mounted on cable jacks or a stationary cable trailer. Care shall
be taken to protect the cable at all times during the installation process. Cable rollers
shall be used to prevent undue friction below the cable and at all changes in direction.
The Contractor shall comply with all other Manufacturer's instructions.

C. Pull cables into position using a conductor pull or a wire basket over the metallic
insulation screen

D. When installing into a duct system via a manhole, utilize a feeding tube long enough
to reach from the conduit entrance to the outside of the manhole.

E. For cables pulled into thrust boring or cable ducts exceeding 10 m length, use cable
stockings for hauling. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that strain is taken on the
cable cores as well as on the sheath. The pulling tension of the cable shall not exceed
the maximum tension recommended by the Cable Manufacturer.


F. Utilize both manual and power types puling mechanisms on site as required with the
rated capacity (in Newton) clearly marked on the mechanism. A dynamometer shall be
used to show the tension on the cable during all pulls and the indicator shall be
constantly watched. If any excessive strain develops, the pulling operation shall be
stopped at once and the difficulty determined and corrected. The dynamometer shall
have a maximum tension indicator to show the maximum tension developed
PART 4 - DESIGN AND during a pull. The cable play-out reel shall be equipped with a suitable brake and shall
CONSTRUCTION be constantly manned during all pulls.
G. Under no circumstances shall cable be pulled using equipment not monitored by a
dynamometer. The use of motor vehicles in pulling cable is prohibited. Any cable so Noted
pulled shall be removed and replaced.
H. To avoid insulation damage from excessive sidewall pressure at bends in raceway
runs, Do not exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tensions and Noted
sidewall pressure values.

I. Support cables at all times without excessive sag. Cables shall be located in such a
way as to minimize interference with other cables to be installed.

J. Provide adequate length of cables in manholes to avoid distorting pressures on the

cables at conduit bushings. Provide cable protection such as a layer of light rubber
belting, friction tape or similar material where required before permanently fixing the
cables in place.
K. Exercise extreme care to prevent tension during bending of MV Cables. The
permanent and installation bending radius at any location after installation shall not be Noted
lesser than the cable manufacturer’s recommendations.
L. Seal cable ends during pulling and immediately after cutting if splices or terminations
are not to be made immediately

M. Arc proof all MV cables in manholes and building entrances. Arc proofing in a
manhole shall be extended in one helically wound half lapped layer from one duct end
along the cable to the other duct end. Secure arc proofing in position with glass tape
randomly wrapped to the instructions of the arc proofing tape Manufacturer.

N. Provide moisture seal in conduit/building transition after all MV Cables are installed.
A special caulking compound of a putty-like consistency shall be used, which shall be

O. Install earth cable and its associated MV cable(s) in same conduit or together with
the MV cable(s) when they are direct buried. Ground earth cable in every manhole. Noted
Shields and armour of MV cables shall be earthed at both ends.

P. Install cable markers and identification discs in accordance with the applicable codes
and regulation and locate them so that they are readily visible when cable is Noted
permanently fixed in position.
4.5.1 Direct Burial Cable Installation (if required):
Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

1. Cables shall be laid out along the trench from moving reels. The cables shall be laid
in the trench to allow for expansion and contraction.

2. Cables operating above 600 volts shall be buried at a minimum depth of 1000 mm Noted

3. Cables shall have a horizontal separation of 1000 mm minimum from water and
sewer pipelines.

4. Precast concrete blocks shall be provided over the primary cables. Concrete blocks
shall be referring to drawings. Caps shall be within 200 mm above the top of the cable,
and shall be placed on sand which has been hand placed and compacted around the
cables. Concrete for all caps shall be Type V cement and have a compressive strength
of 14 MPa at 28 days. A continuous orange or yellow colored plastic maker tape
minimum 150 mm wide shall be placed above the concrete cap 300 mm below grade
level. The tape shall be imprinted with the words "Caution Buried Electric Line Below" in
Arabic and English spaced 1500 mm on center.

5. Concrete cable markers, minimum 600 mm long and 200 mm square shall be placed
at all changes in direction and at all splices/joints, and as noted on plans.

6. Primary cables shall be terminated with heat shrinkable termination or other types as
per cable manufacturer's recommendations. Avoid splices as much as possible.

7. The contractor shall submit names of their qualified MV cable jointers/splicers and
make a sample splice/demonstration in the presence of Engineer prior to start of cable Noted
splicing for approval.


Applicable to sub/main contractor.)

A. Splicing and terminations of all MV cables shall be carried out by the personnel
certified by Saudi Electric Company (SEC).
B. Utilize appropriate crimping tools for splicing and terminations of all MV Cables, with
guides to position the connectors or lugs in the tool correctly. The connectors, lugs and
associated dies shall be of correct type and size suitable for the MV cable under
splicing or terminations. Crimping tools shall be designed with steps to prevent over Noted
crimping and shall be of a type which have provision to prevent the tool from opening
until the crimp action is completed. Crimping tools shall be an approved product by the
connector Manufacturer.
C. Comply with Manufacturer's recommendations and instructions for splicing and
terminations of MV cables, provided these do not contradict with the applicable
standards. Contractor shall submit to the Engineer any contradictions found prior to
work commencements.
D. Splices shall not be made to utilize short lengths of cable. When cables are being
installed into a duct system with manholes, the splices shall only be provided within the Noted
manholes and no splice shall be allowed outside the manholes.

E. Keep work areas dry, dust free and ventilated during splicing and terminating MV
F. Before making final splice or termination of MV cables, ensure conductor phasing is
G. Where the shape and configuration of terminal fittings make workmanlike insulation
of the bare connection impractical, the contours of the connection shall be smoothed by
filling voids and moldings over irregular surface with electrical putty before application
of the recommended thickness of insulating material.
H. Cable splicing or jointing shall not be allowed in any circumstances, except where
the required run length of any individual cable exceeds the maximum/standard length
as Manufactured in the factory. Obtain Engineer’s written approval for any splice or
joint, prior to ordering the cable.

I. Splices and terminations for all MV Cables rated up to 8700/15000 Volts shall be
furnished in kit form and shall conform to the recommendations of the cable
Manufacturer. All material shall be furnished in factory sealed packages and shall not
be opened until required for use.

J. Splices for all MV Cables shall be pre-molded and rated for continuous duty and
short circuit duty at the rating of the services to which they are connected. They shall be
suitable for direct buried underground installation or mounted on cable trays/ladders as
per the requirements on site.
K. Termination shall be insulated using the materials specified and the procedures
recommended by the Manufacturer of the kit being used.
L. Splices for the earth shall be made exothermally or as per the recommendations of
MV cable splice Manufacturer.
A. After completion of the installation of all MV cables, test each conductor for phasing,
continuity and insulation resistance. Carry out a high voltage DC insulation test
between each conductor and earth at 2½ times the phase to earth working voltage for
15 minutes. Full tests shall be carried out only once. Where preliminary tests are Noted
required on sections of cable prior to terminating or jointing they shall be carried out at
reduced time and voltage. Test procedures shall be in accordance with the appropriate
IEC standard.

B. All MV cables shall be tested when splicing and terminations are fully prepared and
completed except for final connections of cable tails onto equipment.
C. In addition to above, carry out any test(s) required to comply with the procedures of
Saudi Electric Company (SEC) for power connection requirements, and any other test Noted
required by the Engineer.

A. General : All inspection/tests to be performed during manufacture, fabrication and

trial operation shall be in accordance with applicable codes and standard requirements.
Our offer includes routine and
Where no standard is available, tests shall be carried out in accordance with Noted
sample tests as per IEC 60502-2.)
Manufacturer’s standard, subject to prior approval of the Client. The Manufacturer is
required to develop an inspection and test plan to document required testing.

B. Test Certificates : All principal test records, test certificates and performance details
for all tests carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Contract shall be
supplied to the Client. These tests records, certificates and performance details shall
be supplied for all tests, whether or not the Client has witnessed them. The information Noted
given on test records, test certificates and performance details shall be sufficient to
identify the material or equipment to which the certificate refers. Certificates shall also
bear the contract reference and heading.

C. Tests at Site : These tests shall be carried out for different equipment, material and
systems prior to and during commissioning of the equipment. The Supplier shall submit Noted
a detailed test schedule including the procedure for the site tests for Client’s approval.

D. Production Tests: All cables shall meet or exceed production test requirements per
the applicable standards to the cable being furnished.

E. Flame Test: All cables shall meet or exceed the flame test requirements in
accordance with methods prescribed in IEEE 383 and 1202(CSA-FT4).

F. Testing shall be done according to specification 01 00 00 Noted

G. T&C scripts shall be in accordance with STC- TFM Noted

A. The Seller shall follow their standard procedures for quality assurance and control.
Seller’s standard QA Manual shall be submitted in both electronic and hard copy for
review and should be in such a form as to enable an assessment to be made of the
manufacturing sequence and inspection set up and other control procedures

B. Before procuring, the Seller (and Seller’s Sub-suppliers) shall identify the source,
including the Client name and country of origin, of any material or component. At the
request of the Client, the Seller shall furnish to the Client satisfactory evidence of the Noted
quality of the work being performed. Such evidence, at the discretion of the Client, shall
consist of any or all of the following:

C. Sub-supplier quality plans and quality certifications.
1. Seller qualification procedures and specific documentation of the results of the
Seller’s qualification of the sub-supplier.
2. Evidence of the Seller’s business relationship with the sub-supplier including history
with the sub-supplier in terms of quality and on time delivery.
3. The reason the Seller changed sub-supplier (quality, delivery, bankruptcy, etc.).
4. Any other documentation deemed necessary by the Client to verify the quality and
acceptability of the sub-supplier.
ASSURANCE D. As a minimum, the following shall be provided:
1. Description of Seller’s quality assurance plan.
2. Organizational chart of quality assurance department showing relationship to other Noted
3. Typical inspection, test and QA audit procedures.

E. After award of purchase order, the Client will identify the inspection points to the
Seller that will be witnessed by the Client, if any.

F. During the execution of the purchase order, manufacturing and quality control
procedures shall be available for reference by the Client or its representative at the site.

G. Inspection release for work at site does not relieve the Seller of the responsibility
from complying completely with the requirements of this specification, except for Noted
deviations specifically brought to the Client’s attention and specifically waived in writing.

H. The Seller shall certify that all applicable codes, standards and requirements of this
Specification have been complied with by providing Certificates of Conformance.


7.1 Guaranties Please refer to our commercial
Suppliers shall identify any guaranties that apply to the specified cable. The guaranty
shall be submitted with the quotation.


7.2 Supplemental Guidelines for Packaging Packing and drum details shall be as
per Riyadh Cables standard practice.)

A. Ship on standard size non-returnable reels protected to prevent damage during

shipment and storage all in accordance with the applicable standards.

PART 7 - OTHER B. Ship as one continuous length per reel with both cable ends sealed with a heat
REQUIREMENTS shrink cap that contains a sealing compound to prevent entrance of moisture.

C. Reels and/or packing slip affixed to reels shall contain the following:
1. Reel number
2. Purchase order numbers and item number
3. Cable identification by voltage, number of conductors, conductor material, and size
4. Cable length in circuit-feet
5. Gross weight
6. Manufacturer's name
7. Client's name, address, and project designation
8. Reel rolling direction
9. Storage restrictions

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