Journal of Building Engineering
Journal of Building Engineering
Journal of Building Engineering
Keywords: Wall construction is the most common application for 3D concrete printing (3DCP). This con-
3D concrete printing struction technique requires a printing material with specific rheological characteristics that are
Life cycle assessment usually achieved through high cement consumptions, reaching more than 1000 kg/m³. It is well
Sustainable construction known that large-scale cement consumption is a worldwide concern, mainly due to carbon diox-
Environmental impact
ide emissions. Thus, in the context of 3DCP structures, this environmental concern becomes even
Cement consumption
more relevant. Therefore, this work investigated the environmental performance, by means of the
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, evaluating 14 environmental impact categories of
3DCP walls, and comparing them with conventional construction techniques in a social housing
context of a Brazilian case study. The results confirmed that cement consumption provides the
greatest contribution to the impact potentials for most of the evaluated categories, reaching 93%
for climate change. So, materials that can be used to replace cement, such as supplementary ce-
mentitious materials (SCM), are important alternatives. In general, the comparative results
showed that 3DCP can have a similar environmental performance to conventional construction
techniques, when, instead of evaluating 1 m³ of concrete, the functional unit evaluated is 1 m2 of
wall. Sensitivity analysis carried out showed that the printing parameter variations that most af-
fect the consumption of concrete cause the greatest changes in potential environmental impacts,
while alterations in the energy consumption, almost do not influence the total values of the po-
tential impacts. Finally, this study presents a roadmap and a pathway for designers, developers,
builders and researchers of 3DCP to decrease the life cycle environmental impacts.
1. Introduction
When thinking about conventional civil construction, some of the images that come to mind are low levels of technification and
productivity and a high level of waste. However, these images have been changing in the last few years due to the transformation of
the civil construction industry towards the 4th industrial revolution, the so-called industry 4.0. In this context, additive manufactur-
ing, simply called 3D printing in this work, is one of the most promising construction techniques that is emerging in recent years
3D printing applied to civil construction involves different methods for manufacturing building components, mostly related to 3D
concrete printing (3DCP), such as material extrusion, material jetting, binder jetting, and powder bed fusion. Among these methods,
3DCP based on extrusion is the most widely researched at present days [1,3]. 3DCP based on extrusion demands concrete with contra-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.I.C. Fernandez).
Received 23 March 2023; Accepted 23 May 2023
Available online 24 May 2023
2352-7102/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
dictory characteristics, such as being sufficiently fluid to be mixed and pumped and consistent enough to maintain the intended shape
without the use of formworks. These requirements, together with limitations on the maximum size of aggregates that can be used in
the concrete, usually demand a high cement consumption, up to 1000 kg/m³ [3,4], against 350 kg/m³ commonly used in traditional
construction techniques [5].
The high level of cement consumption in 3DCP implies a worry for the construction sector since cement consumption in tradi-
tional construction techniques nowadays is already responsible for 6–8% of all CO2 emissions caused by human activities [6]. For this
reason, the seek for eco-friendly alternatives to the concrete mix designs in 3DCP, such as replacing cement with other binders, is im-
perative. In this sense, the use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), such as fly ash (FA), silica fume (SF), and granulated
blast furnace slag (GBFS), are viable options for Portland cement, due to the hydraulic and pozzolanic properties of these materials
and lower CO2 emissions associated to them [7].
The panorama described above exposes the need to investigate the environmental performance of 3DCP, including the use of SCM
as an eco-friendly alternative to cement consumption. In this context, the widest methodology applied in civil construction is Life Cy-
cle Assessment (LCA), which can be used to identify the environmental impacts of the materials and processes associated with 3DCP
constructions [8]. However, there are only a few works available in the literature concerning the LCA of 3DCP, making clear the lack
of this research field.
In fact, most of the available works investigated few environmental impact categories. Some of them [9–13] assessed up to 3 cate-
gories. Others assessed between 4 and 10 categories [3,14–23]. Finally, only Abdalla et al. [24], Kuzmenko et al. [25] and Muñoz et
al. [26] presented analyses considering more than 10 environmental impact categories. It is important to emphasize that global
warming potential was the only category common in all works [27].
Similar conclusions are reported by the authors. In general, they pointed out that the environmental impacts generated in the
phase of production and acquisition of materials are higher than those produced in the construction phase, independently of the con-
struction technique adopted [3,17]. Besides that, the contribution analysis reported shows that cement is by far the most detrimental
to the environment, in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The reported percentages vary in the range of 75–91% [3,12,17].
With respect to architectonic complexity, Agustí-Juan et al. [17] highlighted that 3DCP is more attractive in terms of environmen-
tal performance than traditional techniques, as the complexity and exclusivity of the printed structures increase. Han et al. [3], by
means of an economic comparative analysis, indicated that 3DCP presents advantages due to the disregard of formworks and the re-
duction of labor. In addition to the characteristics already mentioned, J. Zhang et al. [28] and Zhang et al. [16] highlighted the advan-
tages of high building efficiency and fewer construction wastes as a great potential for applications such as the construction of social
housing and construction in desert areas.
In summary, a critical analysis of the available literature in LCA of 3DCP points out some conclusions and reveals some research
gaps: (i) cement represents most of the potential environmental impacts, (ii) only a few concrete mixtures were investigated, prevent-
ing a broader analysis on the topic, (iii) most of the available works investigated few environmental impact categories, (iv) the com-
parison between 3DCP and different traditional construction techniques, within the scope of environmental performance, are still
scarce, and (v) the evaluation of simple designs, in the context of social housing, are also scarce.
Based on the above discussion, this work aims to identify the potential environmental impacts of 3DCP walls employing LCA, in-
cluding an extensive assessment of 14 environmental impact categories, evaluating of parameters of 3DCP that influence these im-
pacts and comparing the results obtained with this technique and conventionally constructed walls, considering the context of social
housing. For this, a case study of a Brazilian residential building design was used. Finally, strategies to improve the environmental re-
sponse of 3DCP walls are proposed.
As a scientific contribution of this work, based on the results and discussions reported, it seems fair to argue that it can serve as a
guideline for designers and researchers looking for environmentally viable solutions in the construction of 3DCP walls. In terms of so-
cial housing, this study can be adapted for other countries where a great housing deficit exists and will continue to increase in the
coming years.
2. Methodology
This section presents the methodology used to conduct a comparative assessment of the potential environmental impacts between
a 3DCP wall and walls built by means of the following conventional construction techniques: structural masonry, beam-column sys-
tem and cast-in-place concrete. The flowchart displayed in Fig. 1 was constructed to enable a quick visualization of the steps de-
scribed below.
• Auxiliary step 1: A bibliographic survey was carried out to gather concrete mixes data for 3DCP.
• Step 1: Based on the bibliographic survey, concrete mixes concerning 3DCP were chosen to be environmentally evaluated in this
study. Concrete mixtures related to the conventional construction techniques were also defined, providing the basis for comparing
the environmental performance of the same volume of concrete employed in each case.
• Auxiliary step 2a: Since a fixed volume of concrete is not sufficient to provide a fair comparison between the construction
techniques, a wall of a social housing plan floor was selected for an environmental performance evaluation.
• Auxiliary step 2 b: To determine the energy required to print the wall, 3DCP printing speeds were calculated. Note that the
printing speed depends on Step 1 and Auxiliary step 2a, as it is influenced by the rheological properties of the concretes and the
total perimeter of the house.
• Step 2: Definitions related to materials and energy demand for the construction of the walls are made for both 3DCP and
conventional construction techniques.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
• Step 3: Parallel to the above steps, the goal and scope of the LCA were defined.
• Auxiliary step 4: Transport distances for all materials needed to build the walls were estimated.
• Step 4: Life cycle inventory analysis was carried out.
• Step 5: With all the information gathered up to this point, the life cycle impact assessment is performed considering 14
environmental impact categories. Then, the LCA results concerning the functional units of 1 m³ of concrete and 1 m2 of wall are
• Step 6: Next, a sensitivity analysis based on the functional unit of 1 m2 of wall was performed. This analysis makes it possible to
evaluate how variations in printing parameters, such as the height and width of the printed layer, affect the potential
environmental impacts of 3DCP walls.
Based on the sensitivity analysis and the LCA results (of the two functional units mentioned above), strategies to improve the envi-
ronmental performance of 3DCP walls were drawn.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Table 1
Consumption of materials, rheological properties and types of cement used in the concrete mixtures selected for the study.
Identification A B C D E F G H I BC CP
Reference Long et Bos et al. Figueiredo et Murcia et Kruger et Weng et Yuan et Xiao et C. Zhang SINAPI NPC
al. [11] [31] al. [32] al. [33] al. [34] al. [35] al. [36] al. [37] et al. [4] [29] [30]
Consumption of Cement 251.5 378.0 480.2 546.0 579.0 796.3 810.7 951.8 1032.0 364.9 349.0
materials (kg/ Fly ash – 206.0 567.6 156.0 165.0 796.3 – – – – –
m³) Silica fume 27.9 206.0 – 78.0 83.0 80.3 – – – – –
Nanoclay – – – – – – – 4.8 – – –
Calcined 186.3 – – – – – – – 31.0 – –
Sand 1397.1 1312.0 480.3 1171.0 1167.0 401.5 1216.1 956.6 958.0 839.4 747.0
Limestone 93.1 – 109.1 – – – – – – – 249.0
Gravel – – – – – – – – – 985.3 897.0
Plasticiser 2.2 10.3 – 8.2 12.2 1.3 0,0b 0.8 10.6 – 4.5
VMA – – 6.5 – 1.1 – – 1.2 – – –
Fibers – – 26.0 – – – – – – – 0.3
Water 270.1 134.3 324.8 218.4 261.0 234.2 283.7 334.8 308.3 204.4 188.5
ρ (kg/m³) 2226 2236 1962 2169 2255 2309 2311 2248 2329 2373 2430
τ0,0 (Pa) 1490 630 2490 1765 2730 1874 530 1840 2750 – –
Athix (Pa/min) 62.7a 155.4 62.7a 53.9 64.8 62.7a 69.3 62.7a 62.7a – –
μp (Pa.s) 12.3 9.7a 9.7a 5.5 9.7a 17.0 8.4 9.7a 9.7a – –
a Properties not investigated, the mean values of the other studies were considered.
b Consumption not informed; VMA = Viscosity modifier additive; BC = Beam-column system; CP = Cast-in-place concrete wall.
Fig. 2. Consumption of cement and supplementary cementitious material (SCM) of the chosen mixtures for 3DCP in this study.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
sumption of materials to produce concrete for both techniques presented above is also shown in Table 1. Regarding the structural ma-
sonry construction technique (SM), unlike those already mentioned, fresh concrete was not part of the modeling of the product sys-
tem, once the ready-to-use structural concrete blocks were considered.
To provide a more realistic comparison between constructive techniques, it is important to consider the waste rates associated
with each investigated technique. As already mentioned, the waste rates for the BC technique are variable depending on the material
and are incorporated in the consumption values presented in Table 1. As for the CP, in the life cycle modeling stage, a waste rate of
9% will be adopted – as suggested by the Brazilian market SINAPI [29]. Finally, a waste rate of 4% will be added to the concrete mixes
applied to 3DCP, since according to J. Zhang et al. [28] 3DCP can reduce up to 60% of the waste rate of conventional construction.
Fig. 3. Architectural floor plan (dimensions in meters) of the selected social housing (adapted from CAIXA [38]).
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
The total time to print the wall was calculated based on the print speed and optimal layer height for each of the investigated con-
crete mixtures for 3DCP. Initially, the printing speeds were calculated based on the equations that describe the 3DCP process, as com-
piled by Reales et al. [40], in which the input data are densities and rheological properties of the evaluated concrete mixes (see Table
1), and the total perimeter of walls of the house under study (38.2 m) – since for continuous extrusion the speeds are dependent on
the total perimeter of the structure. Based on this information, maximum and minimum printing speeds (Vmax and Vmin, respectively)
as a function of layer height (h) were computed for each one of the concrete mixtures investigated (A to I).
The maximum printable layer heights (hmax) for each of the concrete mixtures are presented in Table 2. It is possible to observe
that the maximum heights varied between 2 and 3.5 cm for the analyzed concretes. According to Souza et al. [41], the 3DCP process
occurs more favorably when the height of the print nozzle is slightly smaller than the nozzle diameter, which implies layer heights
slightly smaller than the layer widths. Thus, considering all the concretes investigated, the height of the layers for this study was de-
fined as h = 2 cm, since the width of the layers was previously defined as d = 2.5 cm.
Therefore, the maximum, minimum and average extrusion speeds were calculated for a layer height equal to 2 cm. The wall print-
ing times, for each concrete, were calculated considering the average speeds and the total length of the filaments to produce a wall of
1 m2 (150.6 m). From the wall printing times and the power demand values of the aforementioned equipment, the energy consump-
tion of the 3DCP process was calculated. All these data are presented in Table 2.
Table 2
Printing speeds (Vmax, Vmin, Vave), printing times and energy consumed for 1 m2 of printed wall.
Identification hmax (cm) Vmax (cm/s) Vmin (cm/s) Vave (cm/s) Printing time (h/m2) Energy consumed (MJ/m2) Concrete consumption (m³/m2)
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Fig. 5. Conventional construction walls. (a) Structural masonry (SM), (b) beam-column system with ceramic block closure (BC), and (c) cast-in-place concrete wall
Regarding the material acquisition phase of conventional construction, the quantities of materials used for the construction of the
walls, defined according to the technical specifications of SINAPI [29], are presented in Table 3, where the losses related to each ma-
terial are already taken into account. It is important to highlight that the reuses considered for the wooden and metallic formwork
were 2 and 400, respectively. As for the construction phase, the energy consumption demanded by the equipment used in the con-
struction of the walls is also presented in Tables 3 and is based on the SINAPI [29] service compositions. Note that for the CP tech-
nique, there are no energy consumption values in the construction phase since this data is being considered in the modeling of the
concrete dosage plant, which is part of the material acquisition phase.
Table 3
Composition of materials and energy for conventional construction of 1 m2 of wall.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Fig. 6 shows the boundary for 3DCP and conventional construction techniques. In this figure, the processes highlighted in blue
are related to the 3DCP technique, which considers the obtaining of the component materials for the concrete, the transport to the
building site, the mixing process of the materials, and the 3DCP process. As for the conventional construction, the region high-
lighted in orange is considered: the obtaining of the component materials of the walls, the transport of these materials to the
building site, and the non-manual services involving the construction of the walls, such as the mixing of concrete and mortar ma-
terials, the densification of the concrete and the cutting of the wood to produce formworks. Note that, in Fig. 6, the red frame de-
limits the boundaries, where the dash-dot lines divide the stages between A1 and A5. The dotted line defines the inputs and out-
puts of nature, the dashed line symbolizes materials without associated environmental impacts, and the letter T – located between
the processes – represents the transport of materials.
Initially, the functional unit of 1 m³ of concrete was defined, in order to assess the potential environmental impacts related only to
the materials employed in the investigated concrete mixtures, both for 3DCP and for conventional construction techniques. Later, the
functional unit of 1 m2 of the wall was defined, aiming to obtain an environmental assessment of the techniques as a whole, covering
both the materials and the energy needed for the erection of the walls, and making it possible to compare the materials demands pro-
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
portionally to the shape of the structure and not just concerning a fixed volume of concrete (as done by Refs. [14,16,21]). It was con-
sidered that all the walls have a main service life of 40 years and no materials replacement occur during this period.
Table 4
Process or reference used to model the product systems in SimaPro.
Materials Cement CP II-Z Cement, pozzolana and fly ash 6–14% {BR} cement production, pozzolana and fly ash 6–14%
Cement CP V-ARI Cement, Portland {BR} cement production, Portland
Calcined clay Calcined clay {BR} calcined clay production
Sand Sand {BR} sand quarry operation, extraction from river bed
Limestone filler Limestone, crushed, for mill {RoW} production
Gravel Gravel, crushed {BR} gravel production, crushed
SP/VMA Plasticiser, for concrete, based on sulfonated melamine formaldehyde {GLO} production
Energy Electricity Electricity, medium voltage {BR} market group for electricity, medium voltage
Diesel Diesel, burned in building machine {GLO} market for
Diesel generator Diesel, burned in diesel-electric generating set {GLO} market for
Additions for CC Concrete dosage plant Source: Souza et al. [52]
Aluminium formwork Aluminium, primary, cast alloy slab from continuous casting {RoW} production
Plywood formwork Plywood {RoW} plywood production
Clay brick Clay brick {RoW} production
Concrete block Concrete block {BR} concrete block production
Hydraulic lime Lime, hydraulic {RoW} lime production, hydraulic
Reinforcing steel Reinforcing steel {RoW} production
CC = Conventional construction; SP = Superplasticizer; VMA = Viscosity modifier additive.
Table 5
Transport distances of the materials.
Cement 300 Transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Fly ash 505 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Silica fume 495 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Calcined clay 245 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Sand 75 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Limestone filler 535 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Gravel 40 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
SP/VMA 825 Transport, freight, lorry 7,5–16 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Concrete dosage plant 25 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Aluminium formwork 1805 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Plywood formwork 990 Transport, freight, lorry 7,5–16 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Clay brick 115 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Concrete block 75 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Hydraulic lime 300 Transport, freight, lorry >32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
Reinforcing steel 125 Transport, freight, lorry 16–32 metric ton, euro3 {RoW} market for
SP = Superplasticizer; VMA = Viscosity modifier additive.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Table 6
Variation of 3DCP parameters.
Family Case Vertex Layer height (cm) Layer width (cm) Wall width (cm) Wavelength (cm) Diesel generator (%)
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Fig. 7. Potential environmental impacts for the life cycle of 1 m³ of concrete for 3DCP. The dashed lines represent the concrete used in conventional construction tech-
niques: (BC) beam-column system and (CP) cast-in-place concrete wall.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
there is already a natural sand deficit, which may become a big future environmental concern, as it is a material consumed on a large
scale in construction. Another prominent point is that with the scarcity of natural aggregate, the natural sand needs to be transported
at longer distances, which negatively affects the second major contributing factor of the environmental impacts in the context of
3DCP. Both problems mentioned above can be minimized using recycled aggregates, so they must be considered mainly in natural ag-
gregate deficit locations.
In relation to admixtures, observe that they contribute significantly to impacts related to eutrophication – aquatic freshwater, wa-
ter use, and resource use – minerals and metals, similar to what was reported in the work by Mohammad et al. [21], appearing with
less pronounced importance in the other impact categories. Regarding limestone filler and water, note that the influence of these ma-
terials is practically imperceptible in view of the contributions of potential environmental impacts provided by the other materials
used in concrete production.
These results highlight the importance of evaluating other environmental impacts instead of only climate change or energy-
related impacts. Finally, the comparison between the concretes for 3DCP and those used in conventional construction techniques and
the comparison between the conventional techniques themselves led to the following findings.
i. The concrete mixes employed for CP presented greater potential environmental impacts than those used for BC in all impact
categories analyzed.
ii. In general terms, the production of 1 m³ of concrete for 3DCP led to greater environmental impacts than the same volume of
concrete for conventional construction (BC and CP) – the only exception is mixture A. It is noteworthy that this behavior stems
from the fact that mixture A is the only one with lower consumption of cement than the concretes of conventional construction,
despite its total consumption of binders being higher, highlighting again the direct influence of cement consumption on
potential environmental impacts.
iii. The ecotoxicity – aquatic freshwater impact category is the only one in which the results for conventional construction were not
in the same order of magnitude as for 3DCP, since the average of mixtures applied to 3DCP did not exceed the value of 5000
CTUe/m³, while concretes for conventional construction were above 12,500 CTUe/m³. This result is attributed to the use of
coarse aggregates in concretes used in conventional constructions (unlike 3DCP concretes) since this impact category is strongly
affected by the emissions of particles generated by explosives in the process of obtaining gravel [53].
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Fig. 8. Potential environmental impacts for the life cycle of 1 m2 of 3DCP walls. The dashed lines represent walls built using conventional construction techniques: (SM)
structural masonry; (BC) beam-column system and (CP) cast-in-place concrete wall.
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
iii. For the high potential impacts for land and water use obtained for BC, the material that stands out the most is wood, used to
make the formworks. Alhumayani et al. [20] presented the same conclusions regarding land use, but they did not assess the
water use impact category.
iv. For the potential impacts related to resource use – minerals and metals, the high value observed for BC comes from the use of
ceramic blocks.
Therefore, unlike the LCA conducted with a functional unit of 1 m³ of concrete, where only mixture A of 3DCP showed better envi-
ronmental performances than one or more of the conventional construction techniques, the analyses carried out with the functional
unit of 1 m2 of wall changes the scenario since most of the 3DCP mixtures resulted in superior environmental performance than at
least one of the analyzed conventional construction techniques.
It is also worth mentioning that some materials used specifically in conventional construction have an important participation in
certain impact categories, such as eutrophication and ecotoxicity – aquatic freshwater, land and water use, and resource use – miner-
als and metals, making their potential impact values much higher than those found for the 3DCP technique.
4. Conclusions
This work reported the results of a study to demonstrate that the environmental performance of the 3DCP technique, despite the
high consumption of cement, can be equivalent to conventional construction techniques. The methodology consisted in evaluating
not only functional units linked to a fixed consumption of concrete (1 m³) but also functional units such as the 1 m2 of a built wall. In
addition, the importance of using waste in concrete for 3DCP in the environmental scenario is confirmed, such as SCM that act di-
rectly in the reduction of cement consumption.
It is also attested that, among all the printing parameters, those that strongly affect concrete consumption, such as the width of the
printing layer, are the ones with the greatest contribution to the potential environmental impact. On the other hand, modifying en-
ergy consumption, relative to the construction phase, does not have great relevance in general.
The strategies proposed to improve the environmental performance of 3DCP can be used as a starting point for evaluating the per-
formance of other concretes with potential application in 3DCP walls, being an important scientific contribution to the civil construc-
tion sector.
It is necessary to point out two limitations of the study: some scenarios and processes used in the modeling were taken from other
countries, since some specific data from Brazil are not available in the Ecoinvent v.3.6 databases, and some processes were modeled
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
L.I.C. Fernandez et al. Journal of Building Engineering 74 (2023) 106915
Fig. 9. Sensitivity analysis of the potential environmental impacts for the life cycle of 1 m2 of 3DCP walls involving mixtures A, E and I, considering variations in print-
ing parameters. Where energy source refers to the replacement of the electric energy source by a diesel generator; (h) is the height of the layers, (d) is the width of the
layers, (D) is the width of the wall and (λ) is the wavelength.
Table 7
Proposed strategies for improving the environmental performance of 3DCP walls.
Consumption of Cement consumption demands extreme attention since it is the material with the greatest potential impact in practically all categories
cement and use analyzed. Therefore, replacing cement with SCM is an important alternative to reduce the potential environmental impact of 3DCP. It is
of SCM important to incentive the use of SCM from waste materials and they must be available.
Transport distance The transport of materials appears in second place with regard to the greatest contribution to environmental impacts. Therefore, materials
must be selected carefully to minimize the transport distances. Since sand has the highest mass participation in 3DCP mixtures, an effective
decrease in environmental impacts regarding material transport can be achieved by replacing natural sand with construction and demolition
waste (CDW), when there are CDW sources closer than river sand extraction deposits, for example.
Use of chemical The use of admixtures contributes significantly to the eutrophication of water, water use, and depletion of mineral and metal resources. Thus,
admixtures it is necessary to pay attention to the correct dosage of these components to achieve the required printing characteristics, in order to avoid
waste and reduce the associated impacts.
Printing As attested, the potential impacts of 3DCP can be mitigated by considering the specific consumption of material for the construction of a
parameters given element, as in the case of this work, a wall. Therefore, the element geometry must be defined based on a feasibility study that aims at
the minimum consumption of concrete, with attention to the parameters that significantly increase the consumption of concrete, such as the
width of the printed filaments (d), while guaranteeing the physical properties of concrete necessary for the printing operation and its future
structural capacity.
based on studies available in the literature, which may not include a more generic profile of cases. Nonetheless, these limitations do
not invalidate the results and conclusions obtained in the research. For future studies, is also important to evaluate other life cycle
stages, such as operational energy maintenance and end-of-life.
Data availability
No data was used for the research described in the article.
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the Brazilian institutions: CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal
de Nível Superior), FAPERJ (Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) and CNPq (Conselho
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico).
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