Card in 1 Lesson 2024
Card in 1 Lesson 2024
Card in 1 Lesson 2024
2. Your safety
- 1-Important
- 2-Your IP address
- 3-Your VPN
- 4-Your Mac address
- 5-Your DNS
3. Carding tools
4. Cards
- 1-Visa or Mastercard ?
2-Debit or Credit ?
- 3-Levels
- 4-CC Payment gateways
5. Drops
Our goal is to order something online through websites with few and /
or no security and controls.
You have to know that a good carder have in average 2/3 successful
cards, which is a good rate.
For this process you will need an investment : $10 per CC, a good VPN :
$12 monthly, a socks5 provider ( $10 - $30 ) monthly ( or RDP ).
When you are ready to card on a website you will have to be clever and
work with good practice as same as you were a real customer, no one
make an order in 5 minutes especially for purchasing products over
$500, in most of cases a customer who is looking for a product type a
keyword in the search bar of the website and / or searches it in the
sections of the website.
Also once you have chosen the product and added it in the basket, if
you come back between 2 hours and 48 hours you will look like a real
customer and your scoring will have + 50% !
Credit card fraud is becoming more common because the use of bank
cards is increasing.
But who is responsible when there is a fraud ?
I am going to explain you what really what happen in case of fraud with
a bank card.
6 – In most of cases ( 80% ) owners are checking online their bank accounts
every 24 / 48 hours.
- The owner sees it and call immediately its bank and make opposition
on its CC
- The owner dispute the transaction
- The owner is rich or CC is from a company ( business CC ) and it is
good for us J
Example :
- You want to call someone but you don’t know its phone
number ?
- What you do ?
- You use a telephone directory ! ;-)
Awesome eh ? J
- Country of connection
- State
- City
- District and street
The most reliable, safe and with high quality / price ratio
Socks5 provider i’ve ever seen is this one that I use, you can
also pay with Bitcoins : SOCKS5
3.3 RDP
Debit card.
This one is linked to checking bank account, it can be used
only in the same country or CC holder ( bank logo + debit
logo ) or everywhere in the world ( visa logo, mastercard
logo ) , debit card owner bank account is directly debited at
each purchase and / or withdraw.
Note : These cards are not expensive on the Darknet and very
useful for carding quickly e-gift cards ( $15 - $20 - $25 ) while the
card is alive.
- If this card works with immediate debit without
systematic authorization
Note : As you can see lifetime of these cards may be longer than
the previous.
Credit card.
Why ?
Setting a VBV or 3DS on a website is very expensive for their
owners, they need an external company either they have
their own internal service ( rare ) .
As you can see the fraud part is very low and they don’t need
to set up a specific service for fraudulent operations, their
insurances are here and their business is safe. ;-)
You have to now that according the law VBV and 3DS is not
mandatory for them.
5 Drops.
It is simply an address with a mail box, for a letter we only
need to wait the postman, for a littlepackage wich contain a
low value ( = less than $100 ) the package may be delivered
directly in your mailbox but not always, so as you understand
we need some tricks if we want to get our packages safely
because in most of cases we want to card something which
costs over $300 right ? J
I buy a fake ID (not required but sometimes you need it) from any
deep web market, then I go to craiglist , expatriates , paris location
, Moscow news add (depends on which location you are) or
whatever fucking add site , and I look in section : HOLIDAY
RENTALS or short term rentals .
Then I rent an apartment for 7 days (or less = it depends on
delivery time , just ask the merchant or bank …..sometimes I rent
for 3 days ) with my fake id ,usually people don’t care about your
fucking id : they just care about the money and the deposit (in case
you burn the house or you escape with the plasma tv lol J).
Got the point ?
Be careful with the logs and make sure you are using a
clean IP + correct geoloc before typing ID + password even
for test, VPN and socks are your best friends !
6.3 ID Verifications
Once you have found and carded your product, you may
receive an e-mail from the website few minutes after, they
may ask you for a verification like :
Through my smartphone :
1 - I launch my VM ( )
That’s it for this guide, I hope you liked it and enjoyed your
new skills. As you can see carding isn’t really difficult