MG 260
MG 260
MG 260
A nickel-iron type electrode for welding cast iron in all positions. This electrode produces welds with higher
strength and ductility than straight nickel electrodes. Deposits are machinable, but harder and more resistant to
abrasion than high-nickel welds.
Welding cast irons and nodular iron and joining these irons to steel and other ferrous and non-ferrous
materials. Also for heavy sections of high-strength and engineering-grade cast iron. Commonly used to weld
high-phosphorus irons and steels, ductile iron and high-nickel alloy cast iron.
Specifications AWS A5.15 Class ENiFe-CI
Typical Tensile Strength Up to 70,000 psi (486 N/mm2)
Polarity AC or DC reverse (electrode +)
Diameter Amperage
3/32” (2.4mm) 40-95
1/8” (3.2mm) 70-125
5/32” (4.0mm) 110-160
3/16” (5.0mm) 125-190
Preheat cast iron parts to 600°F (315°C). Steels and other materials usually do not require preheat unless they
are complicated and contain excessive stresses. Use stringer beads or narrow weave beads. Remove slag
between passes when making multiple layers. Maintain preheat temperature during entire welding operation;
when completed allow part to cool slowly.
N94 W14355 Garwin Mace Dr. Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 262-532-4677 • 800-558-8524 • 260 10/22/13