Managerial Accounting J 1 1
Managerial Accounting J 1 1
Managerial Accounting J 1 1
Fifth Edition
Fifth Edition
J Swanepoel
HOD: Centre for Accounting, University of the Free State
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vi Managerial Accounting
Absorption costing
Product costing
Figure 1
2 Managerial Accounting
A Company manufactures a product and presents you with the following information:
Production 1 000 units
Sales 800 units
Selling price per unit R1 000
1 How much profit did the company make?
2 What is the cost per unit manufactured?
1 As we can see from the information provided, the company manufactured 1 000 units and sold
800. 200 units are therefore unsold and represent closing inventory.
Management accounting
Management accountants require information that will assist them in decision-making and
performance evaluation activities, which involve:
l demand estimation
l relative product profitability
l relevant costing
l product and market expansion
l product performance evaluation
l estimation of selling prices.
The shift in emphasis from “cost accumulation” for financial accounting reasons to “relevant
information” for better profitability reasons has led to the emergence of management accounting as
a discipline. “Cost accounting” thus refers to cost-gathering for external financial accounting
purposes while “management accounting” refers to information-gathering for internal decision-
making purposes.
Management accounting
Variable costing
Performance analysis
Relevant costing
Limiting factors
Probability estimates
Cost estimates
Figure 2
Management accounting measures profit in terms of contribution; sets budgets, and analyses the
performance of a company by comparing the budgeted to the actual results.
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 5
Management accounting is
Standard Cost
variable Budgets volume
costing Performance profit
Figure 3
Note: Cost volume profit (CVP) analysis is a variable costing system that analyses expected
performance based on a changing level of sales activity. CVP answers the “what if?” question
on changes in sales level, and is the yard-stick for comparing the budget to flexed-budget to
actual results.
Cost behaviour
Managerial accounting is a very simple discipline used by companies to maximise profit. It requires
the analysis of costs into two simple categories, namely variable and fixed.
Variable costs
A variable cost is a cost that will be incurred every time a company increases or decreases the
production of an item.
Example: Company “A” purchases T-shirts which it dyes and then sells for R70 each. The cost of
the T-shirt is R40, while the cost of dyeing the T-shirt is R10 each.
In this example the R40 material cost is a variable cost, as is the cost of converting the T-shirt into the
saleable product.
Every time the company sells a T-shirt it will make a “profit” or “contribution” of R20. The word
“contribution” is the word used by management accountants to describe the incremental profit that
a company will make as the company sells one more unit of production.
6 Managerial Accounting
On the basis of the example above, we can draw a profitability graph as follows:
3 500 Sales
Units 50
Figure 4
The difference between the sales and variable costs represents profit or (more correctly),
Profitability can therefore be calculated as follows:
Sales – units 1 10 20 50
Sales 70 700 1 400 3 500
Material 40 400 800 2 000
Conversion 10 100 200 500
Profit (Contribution) 20 200 400 1 000
Fixed costs
Fixed costs are expenses incurred by a company that do not change as production increases or
decreases. A good example is rent. A company may pay rent for the premises it uses. Rent is a cost of
production but it is not dependent on sales. In the previous example, let us assume that our T-shirt
company rents space, for which it pays R200 rent per month.
1 What profit will the company make if it sells either 1, 10, 20 or 50 T-shirts in a single month?
2 How much profit does the company make per unit sold?
Profit statement
Sales – units 1 10 20 50
Sales 70 700 1 400 3 500
Material 40 400 800 2 000
Conversion 10 100 200 500
Fixed cost 200 200 200 200
Profit (180) – 200 800
Profit per unit (180) – 10 16
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 7
As you can see, the profit per unit changes every time sales change. It is therefore impossible to say
what the profit per unit is. In fact, the concept of profit per unit is meaningless. Management
accounting, however, describes the contribution per unit, and it is this measure that is used to
describe profit.
“Contribution” is the selling price of a product less all variable costs. Contribution describes the
concept of profitability as used by management accountants. It correctly describes the increase or
decrease in total profit as sales increase or decrease by 1 unit.
Sales – units 1 10 20 50
Sales 70 700 1 400 3 500
Material 40 400 800 2 000
Conversion 10 100 200 500
Contribution 20 200 400 1 000
Contribution per unit 20 20 20 20
In this example, an increase in sales from 1 to 10 units will result in a profit increase of
9 × R20 = R180
An increase in sales from 20 to 50 units will result in an increase in profit of
30 × R20 = R600
Diagrammatic representation
Total cost
Break even
10 50
(Diagram not to scale)
Figure 5
8 Managerial Accounting
The above diagram shows that the difference between “Sales” and “Total costs” equals “Profit”. The
increase in profit is however equal to the “Contribution”, ie R20 × increase in sales. At a sales level of
10 units, the company breaks even. An increase in sales by 40 units to 50 units will result in an
increase in profit equal to the contribution, ie 40 × R20 = R800, represented as
Units 1 10 20 50
Contribution 20 200 400 1 000
Fixed cost 200 200 200 200
Profit (180) – 200 800
Increase 9 × R20 10 × R20 30 × R20
= Contribution 180 200 600
What would you expect from a person who is employed as a management accountant?
A management accountant is a person who is predominantly involved in setting budgets and
evaluating the company or product performance once the actual results are available. The
performance analysis requires a reconciliation of the budget profit to the actual profit, using the
variable costing system.
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 9
(a) Management Accounting is about corporate planning and maximising profit. It starts with a
budget and then moves on to analyse the actual results to see whether the budget expectations
have been met. It thus determines where problems have occurred and how management can
plan for the future. A reconciliation of the budget profit to the actual profit should always be
carried out.
The process is therefore to reconcile
Budget profit – 10 000 units
To expected profit – 15 000 units
To actual profit – 15 000 units
Expected profit represents the profit the company would expect if it had correctly forecast the
actual sales volume.
There are two ways of arriving at the expected profit
l Do a budget for 15 000 units
l Increase the original budget of 10 000 units by adding the contribution for the increase in
sales of 5 000 units.
Budget method – income statement for 15 000 units
Profit Contribution
R’000 R’000
Sales 34 500 34 500
Production costs:
Material 12 000 12 000
Labour 7 500 7 500
Variable overhead 3 000 3 000
Fixed overhead 3 000
Gross profit 9 000
Variable selling 3 000 3 000
Fixed selling 2 000 –
Budget profit R4 000 R9 000
Units 15 000
Contribution per unit R600
Alternative method
10 000 Budget profit 1 000 000
Sales volume variance (5 000 × 600) 3 000 000
15 000 Expected profit 4 000 000
Sales price variation – 750 000
Materials – 600 000
Labour – 600 000
Manufacturing variable overhead –
Manufacturing fixed overhead –
Variable selling + 600 000
Fixed selling –
15 000 Actual profit 2 650 000
(b) A variable costing system is one where the fixed manufacturing costs for a particular period are
charged to the income statement as an expense for that period. Closing inventory is therefore
valued on manufacturing variable costs only, ie the valuation excludes all manufacturing fixed
costs. This system is representative of managerial accounting for decision-making.
Budget method – income statement
Production – 15 000 units
Sales – 13 000 units
Closing inventory – 2 000 units
R’000 R’000
Sales 29 250
Production costs:
Material 12 600
Labour 8 100
Variable overhead 3 000
Closing inventory (3 160)
Variable cost of sales 20 540 (20 540)
Fixed overheads (3 000)
Gross profit 5 710
Variable selling (2 400 × 13 / 15) 2 080
Fixed selling 2 000
Budget profit R1 630
The following example is intended as an overview of what happens when absorption costing is
used in the financial statements. You need to see the fundamental issues of absorption costing.
Background information
The fundamental difference between absorption costing and variable costing is the valuation
method used to value closing inventory.
12 Managerial Accounting
Variable costing
1 Budget variable cost of production
In the above example, the value of the closing inventory would be calculated as follows:
Material 8 000
Labour 5 000
Variable manufacturing overhead 2 000
R15 000
Units 10 000
Cost per unit R1 500
This method is used where actual costs approximate the budget costs, or the company uses a
standard variable costing system.
Absorption costing
1 Budget total cost of production method
Where the company uses the budget cost of production as the valuation method, it may have a
fully-integrated absorption costing system, or not.
The above actual results were prepared using the budget cost of production where the first set of
figures is not fully-integrated while the second set is a fully-integrated absorption costing
Material 8 000
Labour 5 000
Variable manufacturing overhead 2 000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 3 000
R18 000
Units 10 000
Cost per unit R1 800
Where the closing inventory is valued at budget absorption costing, the closing inventory is valued
3 000 × R1 800 = R5 400 000
However, where the company has a fully-integrated absorption costing system (per the second
set of figures) you will always have an under- or over-recovery balancing figure.
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 13
Fully integrated absorption costing means that all manufacturing fixed costs are treated as if they
were variable costs and are charged to production at the rate of (R3 000 000 / 10 000) R300 per
unit every time a unit is manufactured.
In this example, as we have produced 15 000 units, the fixed cost charged to production will be
15 000 × R300 = R4 500 000.
This is the reason for the fixed cost appearing as R4 500 000 in the financial accounts. The actual
fixed cost incurred was in fact R3 000 000, as can be seen from the first set of figures. This means
that we have over-charged R1 500 000 fixed cost into the financial statements; hence the
adjustment of R1 500 000 as an over-recovery.
Note: In both of the statements above, the value of the closing inventory is the same, ie closing
inventory × budget cost per unit = R1 800 × 3 000 = R5 400 000.
The reason for the adjustment of R1 500 000 in the second column is the fact that the
fixed cost is shown as R4 500 000 whereas the actual fixed cost is R3 000 000.
For variable costing, there are two ways of valuing inventory – budget or actual variable cost of
For absorption costing, there are also two ways of valuing closing inventory – budget or actual
variable plus fixed cost of production. There are, however, three possible ways of presenting the
information in the financial statements:
l Fully-integrated absorption costing (budget cost)
l Non-integrated absorption costing (budget cost)
l Actual cost absorption costing.
Why does one statement have an over-recovery of R1 500 000 while the other one does not?
The adjustment (under- or over-recovery) occurs because the company is using a fully-integrated
absorption costing system where the fixed cost has been charged to production at a pre-determined
rate of R300 per unit (ie budget R3 000 000 ÷ by 10 000 units).
Thus, there will always be an under- or over-recovery, due to:
(i) Actual volume being different to budget volume
(ii) Actual manufacturing overhead being different to budget overhead
14 Managerial Accounting
Does this mean that a company can have an absorption costing system without a
pre-determined absorption rate?
It does. All that is needed for an absorption costing system to be in operation is simply to value the
closing inventory at a value that includes fixed overhead costs. Refer to the chapter on variable/
absorption costing.
5 000 Fixed
Figure 6
On the basis of the above chart, we can draw the following conclusions:
(i) The fixed costs over the relevant range are R5 000 000, representing R3 000 000
manufacturing overhead and R2 000 000 fixed selling costs
(ii) The break-even point is 8 333 units (based on budget information)
(iii) Profits will increase by R600 per unit, above the budget level of 10 000 units.
The profit increase per unit is determined on the basis of contribution per unit, as follows:
Selling price per unit 2 300
Less: Material cost 800
Labour cost 500
Variable overhead 200
Variable selling 200
Contribution per unit R600
When the original budget was prepared, the management accountant would have pointed out that
at the budget sales and cost structure profit should increase or drop by R600 per unit above or below
the 10 000 unit sales budget.
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 15
Illustrative example
You have been given the following income statement:
Actual results of Power Plus Ltd
100 000
Sales 1 000 units
Production 1 500 units
Chapter 1: The meaning of management accounting 17
The above information is obviously incomplete; there are many other facts that you would need to
ascertain in order to answer the above questions.
Sales 1 000 units 100 000
Production 1 500 units
Variable costs 90 000
Less: Closing inventory 30 000
Cost of sales 60 000 60 000
Contribution 40 000
Fixed costs (45 000)
Loss R(5 000)
The company has in fact performed poorly, which indicates that we need to analyse the problem
areas carefully.
The questions we need to investigate are:
(i) Was a budget prepared, and how does it compare to the actual results?
(ii) Why were 500 more units produced than were sold?
(iii) What is the competition like?
(iv) What is the future demand for the product?
18 Managerial Accounting
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Companies analyse costs for inventory valuation, product analysis, decision-making and planning.
Before we go any further, however, it is very important that we answer the following questions:
1 Is it important that a company know what a product costs?
2 How should a company arrive at the selling price for a product?
The answer to the first question appears to be obvious. We need to know what a product costs so
that we can see whether we are making a profit. But what is meant by “profit”? The obvious answer
is “selling price per unit minus cost per unit, which is arrived at by dividing total production cost by
units produced”.
Well then, if a company produced 1 000 units, is the following correct?
Production/Sales 1 000 units
Per unit
Sales R12 000 R12
Material costs R4 000 R4
Variable labour R2 000 R2
Fixed costs R4 000 R4
Profit R2 000 R2
The cost per unit is R10, while the profit per unit is R2. Can one say that the company is making R2
profit per unit sold? No, certainly not. It is only correct to say that the profit is R2 per unit if the
company manufactures and sells 1 000 units. What happens if only 500 units were manufactured and
The fixed cost per unit is now R8, ie R4 000 divided by 500 units. The total cost is
R8 + R4 + R2 = R14.
Therefore, if the selling price is R12, the company makes a loss of R2 per unit!
Conclusion: For decision-making purposes, the accounting profit of R2 per unit determined on the
basis of the original data is meaningless. Wanting to know the full or total cost of a
product is equally meaningless for decision-making, because the cost per unit changes
every time production changes. However, the one thing that does not change as
production changes is a management accounting concept called contribution.
20 Managerial Accounting
Contribution is the difference between the selling price and all variable costs. In the
above example, it would be
Selling price R12
Material R4
Labour R2
Contribution R6
Costing terminology
Opportunity cost – The value of an opportunity foregone. Opportunity costs are important
because if we are confronted with a choice that requires giving up some
other opportunity, then the choice must compensate us for what we are
giving up. For example: A company currently sells a product that yields a
profit of R10. They now want to sell a new product, but if they do they will
have to stop selling the old product. The opportunity cost is therefore R10
and the new product will have to generate a profit higher than R10 if the
company is to make the change.
Sunk cost – A cost that has been incurred as a result of a past decision and which has a
zero value when making future decisions. For example, a company
purchased a car for R50 000, but now realise that it made a mistake and
want to sell it. The cost of R50 000 is a sunk cost, and the selling price is
dependent on what a buyer is willing to pay, which may or may not be
greater than R50 000.
Administration costs – Treated as a manufacturing overhead only if it relates to work being carried
out in the manufacturing process. In most instances, it is written off as a
period cost.
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 21
Controllable and Costs that allow a company to make a choice that will influence the
non-controllable outcome. For example, a company could have the choice of manufacturing
costs – equipment, rather than being given a machine, whether they like it or not.
Conversion costs – All costs other than direct material costs that are incurred in manufacturing
a product. The word “conversion” is normally associated with process
costing and refers to all costs other than material that are directly related
to the manufacturing process.
Fixed costs – Costs such as rent, depreciation, leasing charges, salaries etc that are
incurred by a company and do not increase or decrease as production or
sales change. A high proportion of costs are fixed.
Marginal, incremental Additional costs incurred in the production of one extra unit. These costs
or differential costs – are usually variable only.
Non-relevant costs – Costs that will not change, regardless of the production or sales decisions
Overhead costs or May be variable or fixed, but are not directly linked to the product
manufacturing manufactured. It may vary, but not necessarily with production. In an
overhead costs – absorption costing system, these costs are allocated to a unit of
production. Only manufacturing overheads may be included in the
valuation of closing inventory in an absorption costing system. Variable
costing would treat the cost as a period cost and write it off in the period
that it is incurred. Administration overheads or selling overheads must
never be associated with production.
Period costs – All costs that are not carried as part of inventory valuation and are written
off in the period that they are incurred.
Prime costs – All costs that can be directly identified with a unit of production. In reality,
the only prime cost is direct material. We do, however, tend to treat direct
labour as a prime cost, but only if the labour cost is truly variable. It is
possible, but exceptional, to treat other variable costs such as power as
prime costs.
Product costs – All costs that are identified with products manufactured. These costs are
used to value a product for inventory valuation purposes. It will differ
between variable and absorption costing.
Relevant costs – Costs that will be incurred in the future and are required for decision-
making purposes. It is dependent on future decisions.
Selling costs – May be variable or fixed, relate to sales and are written off in the period in
which it is incurred.
Semi-fixed costs – Costs that are fixed over a range of activity, but increase by a fixed amount
as production increases beyond a particular level, for example, the leasing
cost of a machine where 1 machine can only manufacture 1 000 units. If the
required production is 2 800 units, then the fixed cost will be three times
the fixed leasing cost of one machine (because three machines will be
needed). Also known as a “stepped cost”.
Semi-variable costs – Costs that have a fixed element as well as a variable element. Rent could be
classified as semi-variable in instances where the monthly rental is (say)
R10 000 plus 10% of gross sales revenue. Sometimes referred to as a
“mixed cost”.
Variable costs – May be related to production or to units sold. It refers to costs that are
incurred at a fixed amount per unit of output. If production increases, then
variable costs also increase in direct proportion. Manufacturing variable
costs may consist of material, labour or any other cost that increases as
production increases. Variable selling costs are also incurred at a fixed rate
but per unit sold; not per unit produced. A sales commission would be a
typical example of a variable cost.
22 Managerial Accounting
Absorption costing – The method used to value closing inventory that includes all manufacturing
costs, ie both variable and fixed. Financial accounting uses absorption
costing as the only method of inventory valuation. The fixed cost element
may be derived from actual fixed cost incurred, or it may be allocated as a
budget amount. If the fixed element is pre-determined, the system is called
fully-integrated absorption costing. In a fully-integrated absorption costing
system, the actual cost will differ from the allocated cost and a balancing
amount known as the under- (or over-)recovered fixed overhead must be
Job costing – The accumulation of all costs incurred in doing a job such as building a
house. The cost will include direct, indirect and overhead costs. The
overhead costs are allocated on a pre-determined basis. This method is
referred to as a fully-integrated absorption costing system, where the costs
are allocated from budgeted or expected costs.
Process costing – The method used to value inventory when a company manufactures a
product and at the end of a period some of the closing inventory is partially
manufactured. The valuation of this inventory may be done using variable
or absorption costing principles.
Standard costing – Another method of valuing closing inventory, but at a pre-determined rate
for both variable and fixed costs. When only pre-determined variable costs
are used, it is known as a standard variable costing system. When fixed
costs are also included, it is known as a standard absorption costing system.
Variable costing – The method used to value closing inventory using variable manufacturing
costs only (also referred to as direct or marginal costing). Fixed costs are
written off as period costs.
Cost centre – The area (or department) for which a person or manager is responsible.
Investment centre – This term defines the accountability for profit generation and also for
choices in what will/will not be purchased by way of capital expenditure in
running a business.
Profit centre – This term defines the accountability for the maximisation of profits from
assets placed under a manager’s control.
Direct labour – The cost of employees who work exclusively on a product being
manufactured. The most important characteristic is that direct labour, like
direct material, can be identified as a specific amount of time or cost per
unit. In other words, the cost varies with each unit produced.
Note: In practice, labour costs are generally fixed, and should not be
treated as a variable cost per unit. We do, however, tend to treat labour as
a direct cost of production in tutorial and examination questions. Tread
with caution.
Indirect labour – The cost of employees (such as supervisors) that cannot be directly traced
or linked to a specific unit of production. Such costs are treated as
manufacturing overhead costs. They may be variable, fixed or a mix of the
Direct material – represents the Rand value of material that is used in the manufacture of a
product. The quantity of material used in each unit of product output is
always the same.
Indirect material – The cost of the materials required for the manufacture of a product that are
not identified with the finished product, for example, cleaning materials,
materials required to repair production machinery, etc.
High-low cost Refers to the analysis of semi-variable costs where the variable and fixed
analysis – cost elements are arrived at by analysing the increase in cost in comparison
to the increase in production volume.
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 23
Relevant range – A limited level of activity under which costs are analysed as either fixed or
variable. For example, if I plan to manufacture at a level between 10 000
and 15 000 units only, the relevant range under which I would analyse how
costs behave would be costs incurred at a production level of between
10 000 and 15 000 units.
Financial Management
accounting accounting
Short-term Long-term
decision decision
Relevant costs
Relevant long-
Opportunity term costs
Return on
Figure 1
24 Managerial Accounting
It is important to understand that the system used to classify a cost is dependent on the objective of
the cost classification.
When we require a product cost for accounting purposes, or to value closing inventory, it is
customary to use an absorption costing system to determine such costs. This chapter concerns itself
with a fully-integrated financial accounting costing system that allows for the determination of a full
product cost, as well as a inventory valuation model. This model is known as a “fully-integrated
absorption costing system” in which all manufacturing costs, both variable and fixed, are allocated to
the cost of a product.
The problem of cost allocation to a product is that a company will have several production and
related service departments that require cost allocation. How, then, do we determine the cost of a
product that passes through several production departments? In addition, how do we allocate the
costs of the service departments to the production departments so that they may in turn be
allocated to a specific product?
The answer is to allocate the service costs to the production departments on a basis that closely
reflects the usage of the service cost by the specific production department. Costs are normally
allocated to a product on the basis of the most common activity in a particular production
department, for example labour hours, or machine hours.
Cost allocation
To assign an item of direct or indirect cost to a specific manufacturing or non-manufacturing
department based on a particular cost objective, eg, allocation of rent between manufacturing and
non-manufacturing departments.
Cost objective
The accumulation of costs relating to a specific department, organisation or job function that require
measurement, eg central warehousing costs of a retail outlet.
A company will have several cost objectives, such as:
1 Central warehousing cost
2 Redistribution of warehousing costs to various production departments
3 Redistribution of production department costs to individual products
Direct cost
A cost that can be specifically identified as belonging to a specific department or product
Indirect cost
A cost that is incurred by several departments or products, but is not directly identified with a single
cost objective, eg rent of a building that houses productive and non-productive departments.
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 25
Illustrative example 1
A company manufactures three products, A, B and C. The manufacturing costs for the year
ended 20X1 were as follows:
Products A B C
Actual production [units] 1 000 2 000 4 000
Direct costs R R R
Material 15 000 36 000 84 000
Labour (variable) 5 000 8 000 24 000
20 000 44 000 108 000
Other manufacturing costs: R
Rent 20 000
Depreciation 10 000
Other overheads 20 000
R50 000
The three products are manufactured in two separate production departments, X and Y. There
are also two service-related departments that support the manufacture of the three products.
The costs incurred by the company in the departments are as follows:
Production Service Total
X Y 1 2
Labour 6 000 12 000 4 000 5 000 27 000
Indirect material 6 000 4 000 4 000 2 000 16 000
Manufacturing overheads 3 000 4 000 – – 7 000
Service overheads – – 4 000 3 000 7 000
15 000 20 000 12 000 10 000 57 000
(a) If you can grasp the answer to this requirement, then you can start to understand and
appreciate what management accounting is all about and how a company can plan to increase
Why is it necessary to know the cost of a product? Is it to
(i) determine the selling price?
(ii) value closing inventory?
(iii) determine the profit of a product?
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 27
(i) No. The selling price of a product is dependent on demand, not on accounting cost. Do not
waste your time calculating the cost in order to arrive at a fair selling price. If you do, you
will eventually go bankrupt. The correct business equation is:
Selling price – required profit = Maximum cost
Not: Cost + Mark-up = Selling price
(ii) No. Closing inventory does not determine profit. The correct method of arriving at the value
of a product should be a system called variable costing (you will learn about it later). At
the moment, we are using absorption costing, which is required for financial accounting
statements only.
(iii) It is very important for a company to know which of its products is the most profitable and
which one is likely to yield the highest profit in the future. Companies should also discontinue
products that are making a loss. However, is this the reason why a company must determine
the cost of a product?
What is the cost per unit and the profit per unit?
Is the cost R8 per unit?
Is the profit R2 per unit?
Answer: No.
The cost of R8 per unit and profit of R2 per unit is only correct if we manufacture and sell 1 000
What if we manufactured and sold 1 200 units? In that case, the income statement would be as
Conclusion: There is no such thing as “cost per unit” or “profit per unit” for a product. Both
the cost and the profit change every time production quantities change.
The important concept that you will learn in future chapters is that there is a profit which is
constant (called “contribution”) and there is also a constant production cost known as “variable
cost”. In the above example the important information is:
Selling price R10
Variable costs R5
Contribution R5
This means that if a company produces 1 more (or 1 less) unit of production it will incur a cost
(or a saving) of R5 per unit and make a profit (or a loss) of R5 per unit. In the above example, we
conclude that, as sales have increased by 200 units, profit has increased by
200 units × contribution = 200 × R5 = R1 000
Therefore, the cost that is important is “variable cost” and the profit that is important is
To answer the question “Is it important for a company to determine the cost for each product
that it manufactures” one must first ask the question, “For what purpose do you need to know
the cost?”
If the answer to the second question is “to value the closing inventory in the income
statement”, then the answer to the first question is “yes”, and we must use the appropriate
financial accounting method, namely absorption costing.
If the cost is required in order to determine the selling price, then the answer to the first
question is “no”, as the selling price is determined by the demand.
If the cost is required to determine the profitability of a product, then we should calculate the
“variable cost” of the product and the profit should be defined as “contribution”.
Direct materials
Product A R15 000 / 1 000 = R15
B R36 000 / 2 000 = R18
C R84 000 / 4 000 = R21
Direct labour
Product A R5 000 / 1 000 = R5
B R8 000 / 2 000 = R4
C R24 000 / 4 000 = R6
30 Managerial Accounting
Product A [ 2,167 × 4 ] + [ 1,375 × 2 ] = R11,42
B [ 2,167 × 6 ] + [ 1,375 × 5 ] = R19,88
C [ 2,167 × 2 ] + [ 1,375 × 7 ] = R13,96
The costs calculated above can be used for financial accounting inventory valuation purposes, and
as a pre-determined rate to charge to production in the forthcoming year. See next section.
Illustrative example 2
Factory X has 3 production departments and two service departments, ie maintenance and
administration. The annual manufacturing-related costs are as follows:
Materials: R R
Production Department A 60 000
Production Department B 50 000
Production Department C 100 000
Maintenance 30 000
Administration 10 000 250 000
Salaries and wages:
Production Department A 120 000
Production Department B 60 000
Production Department C 40 000
Maintenance 40 000
Administration 100 000 360 000
Other overhead costs:
Water and electricity 40 000
Rent 160 000
Depreciation 60 000
Insurance 30 000
Security 80 000 370 000
R980 000
The company will allocate the non-direct costs as follows:
Cost Apportionment basis
Water and electricity Area occupied
Rent Area occupied
Depreciation Value of machinery
Insurance Value of machine
Security Area occupied
The values of the machinery and the area occupied by each department has been
determined as:
Dept A Dept B Dept C Maint Admin
Area occupied 30% 25% 25% 10% 10%
Value of machinery 50% 33,3% 16,6% – –
The benefits derived by the three production departments and the inter-service benefits are
as follows:
Service Dept Dept A Dept B Dept C Maint Admin
Maintenance 30% 40% 25% – 5%
Administration 20% 40% 30% 10% –
You are required to:
Allocate all costs to production departments A, B and C.
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 31
Step 1
Allocate indirect costs to the production and service departments
The above table of costs allocates the material and labour costs to specific departments because they
are directly identifiable with the department. Those costs that cannot be allocated directly to specific
departments, because they are incurred in respect of various departments, must be apportioned on
a common basis.
Step 2
Allocate service department costs to production departments
The allocation of service costs to production departments is done on the basis of the benefits they
have received.
Methods of allocating service department costs:
(a) direct allocation
(b) step allocation
(c) reciprocal allocation.
Service Production
Administration Maintenance A B C
Cost 138 000 98 000 309 000 210 000 225 000
Allocation (138 000) 13 800 27 600 55 200 41 400
– 111 800
Allocation (111 800) 35 305 47 074 29 421
Total overhead 371 905 312 274 295 821
Step 3
Allocate the total manufacturing department costs to the units of production manufactured
The four common bases for allocating the overhead production are:
(a) direct labour hours
(b) machine hours
(c) direct labour cost
(d) material cost.
Many overhead costs are time-related; consequently, the more common allocation method is the
“direct labour hours” or “direct machine hours” basis.
Assume in the above example that you are given the following additional information:
Manufacturing departments:
Total direct labour hours 100 000 50 000 200 000
Total machine hours 80 000 80 000 120 000
The company manufactures two products, ie Alpha and Beta. Both products pass through all
three manufacturing departments and require the following machine and labour hours.
Manufacturing department: A B C
Product Alpha
Labour hours 5 2 3
Machine hours 1 3 4
Product Beta
Labour hours 4 1 6
Machine hours 2 4 1
The company uses the reciprocal allocation method, and recovers the overheads in
departments A and C on the basis of labour hours, and in department B on the basis of
machine hours.
Overhead recovery rates
Departments A B C
Overhead costs 371 433 312 392 296 175
Direct labour hours 100 000 200 000
Machine hours 80 000
Recovery rate per hour R3,7143 R3,9049 R1,4809
Overhead allocation
Product Alpha – 20 units
Department A 20 × 5 (labour) × 3,7143 = 371,43
Department B 20 × 3 (machine) × 3,9049 = 234,29
Department C 20 × 3 (labour) × 1,4809 = 88,85
34 Managerial Accounting
Illustrative example
The Chicago Printing Company produced the following abridged income statement for the
financial year ended February 20X3.
Sales 80 000
Cost of sales:
Direct material 18 000
Direct labour 12 000
Manufacturing overheads 30 000
Profit 20 000
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 35
There is no one single method of determining the profit for each of the three jobs.
In fact, at best, the company should calculate the contribution (see chapter on cost-volume-profit
and variable costing later) for each job and leave it at that. It should then treat the manufacturing
overheads as general company costs.
Unfortunately, the fact is that most companies want the overheads to be allocated and a profit for
each job determined, however meaningless that figure may be.
Well then, if we must do it, we need to decide somehow what method to use to allocate the
manufacturing overheads to the three jobs.
Manufacturing overheads
As has been previously discussed in this chapter, if we want to allocate overhead costs to a particular
product or job we need to:
1 allocate costs to production and service departments
2 transfer the service department costs to the production departments
3 determine the most common activity in each production department (eg machine hours)
4 allocate costs to the products on the basis of activity consumption.
A B C Total
Sales 10 000 20 000 50 000 80 000
Direct materials 2 000 6 000 10 000 18 000
Direct labour 3 000 3 000 6 000 12 000
Manufacturing overheads 5 000 8 000 17 000 30 000
Profit R– R3 000 R17 000 R20 000
Cost allocation
Job A Labour 1 000 × R2 = R2 000
Machine 3 000 × R1 = R3 000
R5 000
Job B Labour 2 000 × R2 = R4 000
Machine 4 000 × R1 = R4 000
R8 000
Job C Labour 4 000 × R2 = R 8 000
Machine 9 000 × R1 = R 9 000
R17 000
Timing – One problem with what we have done above is that the overhead costs have been
allocated at the end of the year. In other words, we can only determine the profit on each
job at the end of the year. Clearly this is unacceptable, as we want to allocate the costs as
the jobs are completed. We cannot wait until the end of the financial year.
Illustrative example
Chicago printing has decided that in 20X4 it will charge the overhead to all future jobs on the
basis of a pre-determined rate. The company has estimated that next year’s overhead is likely
to increase to R40 000 (budget cost). It has also estimated that there will be an increase in
activity for both production departments as follows:
Budget overheads:
Production departments X Y Total
Anticipated activity
Labour hours 10 000 10 000
Machine hours 20 000 20 000
Allocated (budget) cost: R18 000 R22 000 R40 000
Pre-determined recovery rate R1,80 R1,10
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 37
Actual results
The following jobs were completed in 20X4
Jobs D E
Sales value R50 000 R60 000 R110 000
Direct materials R10 000 R15 000 R25 000
Direct labour R7 000 R8 000 R15 000
Jobs D E Total
Labour hours 7 000 5 000 12 000
Machine hours 10 000 15 000 25 000
Actual overhead cost incurred: R45 000
(a) Profit calculation
Job D E
Sales 50 000 60 000
Direct material 10 000 15 000
Direct labour 7 000 8 000
Overhead 23 600 25 500
Profit 9 400 11 500
Overhead allocation
Job D
Machine hours 10 000 × 1,10 = R11 000
Labour hours 7 000 × 1,80 = R12 600
R23 600
Job E
Machine hours 15 000 × 1,10 = R16 500
Labour hours 5 000 × 1,80 = R9 000
R25 500
charged to the jobs at a pre-determined rate, the actual overhead account must be transferred to
the applied overhead account and the difference charged to the income statement.
Overhead account
Actual overhead 45 000 Job D overhead charged 23 600
Over-recovery 4 100 Job E overhead charged 25 500
(To income statement) 49 100 49 100
Sales 110 000
Cost of sales:
Direct materials 25 000
Direct labour 15 000
Allocated overheads 49 100
89 100 89 100
Gross profit 20 900
Over-recovered overhead + 4 100
Actual profit R25 000
The allocation of overhead costs to the manufacturing and service departments and then to the
products is done for the purposes of
1 Calculating the profit on an individual job
2 Calculating the value of closing inventory in the income statement where a fully-integrated
absorption costing system is used.
Note: In the above example, the over-recovered overhead of R4 100 occurred because the actual
fixed cost was R45 000 but we recovered R49 100 in the income statement.
Important – students always forget this:
The under- or over-recovery balancing figure in the income statement will always represent the
difference between the actual fixed overhead cost incurred and the amount of fixed cost charged to
the income statement.
“Only the fixed cost”. In other words, the pre-determined recovery rate is for fixed-costs only and
does not apply to any other cost.
(d) Calculate the under-/over-recovered overhead from the Overhead (O/H) account and write it
off to the income and expenditure account.
Illustrative example
Gole Company uses a fully-integrated absorption costing system for recording overhead costs
and produced the following budgeted costs for a production level of 10 000 units:
Total Cost per unit
Raw materials 80 000 8
Direct labour 70 000 7
Fixed manufacturing costs 50 000 5
R200 000 R20
The actual results for the period showed that 12 000 units were produced. The actual costs
incurred were:
Raw materials R96 000
Direct labour R84 000
Fixed manufacturing costs R65 000
Overhead account
Actual overhead 65 000 Manufacturing 60 000
Under-recovery 5 000
65 000 65 000
Manufacturing account
Raw material 96 000 Finished goods 240 000
Direct labour 84 000
Overheads 60 000
240 000 240 000
40 Managerial Accounting
The actual volume was 2 000 units greater than budget, resulting in an over-recovery of
2 000 × R5 = R10 000
The budget expenditure was R50 000, compared to the actual expenditure of R65 000. This has given
rise to an under-recovery of R15 000.
Note: In the above example, the actual variable costs were the same as the budget variable costs.
What if they had been different? Does a change in variable costs affect the under-/over-
recovery of overheads?
The reason why it does not affect the income statement is because we charge the actual variable
cost, not the budget cost, to the income statement. We do this because we know what the variable
cost is at the time of production. So, there is no reconciling amount in the statements for variable
costs. The company will however wish to analyse how well it has performed in relation to the budget.
The reconciliation between the budget profit and the actual profit will explain any difference that
may exist in the variable cost expenditure.
If we charge the actual variable cost to production, why do we not do the same with fixed
overheads? Because we do not know what the fixed overhead is going to be, nor do we know what
the actual production is going to be, until we get to the end of an accounting period.
That is why we use a pre-determined fixed cost amount. In doing this, we know that at the end of the
accounting period, we will have to put through a reconciling figure.
Illustrative example 2
Gole Company uses a fully-integrated absorption costing system for recording overhead costs and
values the closing inventory at the standard cost, per the budget.
Sales 10 000 units 250 000
Cost of sales:
Material 80 000
Labour – variable cost 70 000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 50 000
Profit R50 000
Actual results
The company manufactured 12 000 units and sold 10 000 at the budget selling price of R25 per unit.
(a) As stated before, the under-/over-recovery represents the difference between the overhead
charged to the income statement and the actual overhead incurred, not “the difference
between the budget and the actual cost”.
Overhead charged
12 000 units × R5 = 60 000
Actual – 65 000
Under-recovery – 5 000
Recovery rate = R50 000 / 10 000 units = R5 per unit
The value of the closing inventory could have been shown at actual cost rather than at the
budget cost for material and labour – this is perfectly acceptable. As you will discover later,
there are different, but equally acceptable methods of valuing closing inventory.
Note 2
The under-recovery of R5 000 is shown as a negative of R5 000, because the fixed cost charged
was R60 000, although it should have been R65 000. The extra R5 000 will reduce the profit.
The R5 000 adjustment could have been shown above the profit line, however, ie as an
adjustment to the R60 000 charged. In this instance, the R5 000 would have been shown as an
increase of + R5 000 to the cost of sales. In other words, you can either increase the costs, or
decrease the profit.
Material saving
Actual cost 84 000
Budget 12 000 × R8 96 000
= Saving + 12 000
Labour increase
Actual cost 90 000
Budget 12 000 × R8 84 000
= Increase – 6 000
Fixed cost
Budget cost 50 000
Actual cost 65 000
= Increase – 15 000
+ 2 000 units × R5 = + R10 000
As you can see, the under-recovery of R5 000 is explained in the reconciliation statement with
reference to the expenditure and the volume variation.
Important: When we have a standard absorption costing system, the under- or over-
recovered overhead is shown as a volume variance (the difference between budget volume
and actual volume) and an expenditure variance, which is the difference between the
budget and actual cost. Refer to the chapter on standard costing.
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 43
Job costing
Job costing is essentially a bookkeeping exercise and is used by companies such as printing, furniture,
auditing and auto-repair firms, where the products or services are readily identified by individual
units receiving material, labour and overhead charges. Job costing is associated with a fully-
integrated absorption costing system.
Illustrative example
A company has the following opening balances:
Raw materials R50 000
Work-in-progress R200 000
Finished goods –
Salaries (accounts payable) CR R10 000
Work-in-progress is as follows:
Job No Materials Labour Overhead Total
1 50 000 60 000 10 000 120 000
2 45 000 30 000 5 000 80 000
R95 000 R90 000 R15 000 R200 000
During the current year the following took place:
(a) Purchase of raw material R200 000
(b) Started work on Jobs 3, 4 and 5
(c) Indirect labour cost for the year R20 000
(d) Factory overheads R60 000
(e) Direct labour cost
Job No Cost Hours
1 R10 000 5 000
2 R30 000 17 000
3 R20 000 8 000
4 R60 000 32 000
5 R30 000 16 000
(f) Salaries and wages paid during the current year amounted to R160 000
(g) Raw material issues
Job No Cost
1 R30 000
2 R10 000
3 R20 000
4 R50 000
5 R40 000
(h) Factory overhead is applied at the rate of R1,50 per direct labour hour
(i) Jobs 1 and 2 have been completed and invoiced for R250 000 and R200 000 respectively.
The other Jobs are still work-in-progress.
Note: Only the relevant job costing accounts are shown.
Raw materials
Balance 50 000 5 WIP 150 000
1 Purchases 200 000 Balance c/f 100 000
Balance 200 000 8 Cost of sales 313 000
4 Labour 150 000 Balance c/f 304 000
5 Materials 150 000
6 Overhead applied 117 000
Over-/Under-applied overhead
Income and expenditure A/C 37 000 7 Overhead control 37 000
Overhead control
2 Indirect labour 20 000 6 Overhead applied 117 000
3 Overhead 60 000
7 Over-applied (balance) 37 000
Debtors 450 000
Cost of sales
8 WIP 313 000
Job 1
Balance 120 000 Job completed 167 500
Labour 10 000
Materials 30 000
Overhead 7 500
Job 2
Balance 80 000 Job completed 145 500
Labour 30 000
Materials 10 000
Overhead 25 500
Job 3
Labour 20 000 Balance c/f 52 000
Materials 20 000
Overhead 12 000
Job 4
Labour 60 000 Balance c/f 158 000
Materials 50 000
Overhead 48 000
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 45
Job 5
Labour 30 000 Balance c/f 94 000
Materials 40 000
Overhead 24 000
Note: Indirect labour is treated as an overhead. Total overheads are applied to production at the
rate of R1,50 per direct labour hour.
Income and expenditure account
Sales 450 000
Opening inventory:
Raw materials 50 000
Work-in-progress 200 000
Current costs:
Raw materials 200 000
Labour 150 000
Overheads 117 000
Closing inventory
Raw materials (100 000)
Work-in-progress (304 000)
Cost of sales 313 000 313 000
Gross profit 137 000
Over-applied overhead + 37 000
Actual profit R174 000
Illustrative example
A company manufactures several products. The following budget has been prepared for one
of the products for the forthcoming year:
Sales R600 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw materials 200 000
Labour 200 000
Variable costs 100 000
Fixed costs 300 000
Loss (200 000)
46 Managerial Accounting
The raw material can be used in another product produced by the company. The current
replacement cost is R300 000. If the raw material is disposed of, it will cost the company
R50 000. If the product is discontinued, fixed labour costs of R20 000 will continue to be
(a) Short-term decision
The short-term decision must be based on current relevant costs, and is carried out by comparing the
available options and choosing the one with the lowest loss (or highest profit).
Shut-down Continued
Sales – 600 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material – 300 000
Labour 20 000 200 000
Variable costs – 100 000
Fixed costs 300 000 300 000
Loss (320 000) (300 000)
The relevant raw material cost is R300 000, as this material would be used in some other product if
this product were discontinued. The material would therefore have to be purchased at a cost of
R300 000. In this case, the disposal value is not relevant, as there is a better opportunity of using it
within the company.
This simple example shows that it is better to continue with the product in the short-term as the
company will make a greater loss if the product is discontinued. The assumption in this situation is
that the fixed costs of R300 000 will continue to be incurred. Refer to the chapter on “relevant
costing” for a detailed study of management accounting short-term decisions.
3 Overhead cost allocation is carried out for the purpose of determining the full cost of a
manufactured product only. It is not a management accounting requirement that costs be
allocated to a product; it is a financial accounting requirement.
4 A pre-determined fixed-cost recovery rate is required when a company has an absorption costing
system that wishes to charge the overhead cost to a product as it is manufactured or completed.
5 The under-/over-recovery of an overhead represents the difference between the overhead
charged to the financial accounts (ie actual production × pre-determined recovery rate), less the
actual cost incurred.
Note: Fixed costs only.
6 The under-/over-recovery can be broken down to represent both the expenditure and volume
elements. The expenditure is the difference between the budget fixed cost and the actual fixed
cost. The volume represents the difference between the budget volume and the actual volume
produced × the pre-determined recovery rate.
The following questions are intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been
introduced in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped these
Question 1
A company manufactures three products in two production departments. The company also has two
service departments. The company wishes to arrive at a pre-determined recovery rate for each of the
two production departments and has presented you with the following budget information which is
based on last year’s actual results, adjusted for inflation.
Products 1 2 3
Budget production units 12 000 5 000 8 000
Direct materials per unit R20 R40 R30
Direct labour per unit R10 R20 R20
Machine hours per unit – Dept A 10 20 15
Labour hours per unit – Dept B 20 8 5
Overheads: Manufacturing Service
Dept A Dept B X Y Total
Direct overheads R50 000 R80 000 R20 000 R10 000 R160 000
Other overheads:
Rent 40 000
Depreciation 20 000
Labour – indirect costs 30 000
R250 000
Additional information:
Value of machinery R110 000 R60 000 R20 000 R10 000
Employees 10 12 2 6
Floor-space 30% 50% 5% 15%
The company has a policy of allocating the service department costs on a step down basis. Service
department X will allocate its overheads on the basis of 50% to Department A, 30% to Department B
and 20% to Service Department Y. Service Department Y allocates 30% of its overheads to
Department A and the balance to Department B.
(b) Calculate the budgeted manufacturing overhead cost per unit of the three products.
(c) The actual production and sales in the forthcoming year were:
Product 1 10 000 units at a selling price of R40
Product 2 8 000 units at a selling price of R80
Product 3 14 000 units at a selling price of R70
The actual total overhead manufacturing cost was R270 000. All other costs were per budget.
(a) The general overheads will be allocated as follows:
Rent – Floor-space
Depreciation – Value of machinery
Indirect labour – Number of employees
Department A is machine-intensive. The recovery rate is therefore on the basis of machine
Total machine hours = (12 000 × 10 + 5 000 × 20 + 8 000 × 15) = 340 000
Department B is labour-intensive. The recovery rate is therefore based on labour hours.
Total labour hours = (12 000 × 20 + 5 000 × 8 + 8 000 × 5) = 320 000
Departments A B X Y
Direct overheads 50 000 80 000 20 000 10 000
Rent (floor-space) 12 000 20 000 2 000 6 000
Depreciation (machine value) 11 000 6 000 2 000 1 000
Labour (employees) 10 000 12 000 2 000 6 000
83 000 118 000 26 000 23 000
Allocate Department X 13 000 7 800 (26 000) 5 200
96 000 125 800 – 28 200
Allocate Department Y 8 460 19 740 (28 200)
104 460 145 540 – –
Department A machine hours 340 000
Rate per hour = 0,30723
Department B labour hours 320 000
Rate per hour = 0,45481
Products 1 2 3 Total
Sales 400 000 640 000 980 000 2 020 000
Cost of sales:
Materials 200 000 320 000 420 000 940 000
Labour 100 000 160 000 280 000 540 000
Overheads 121 700 78 240 96 320 296 260
Gross profit – 21 700 81 760 183 680 243 740
Overhead over-recovered + 26 260
Profit R270 000
– Expenditure
– Volume
Expenditure –
Budget R250 000
Actual R270 000
Under-recovery R20 000
Volume Products 1 2 3
Budget production 12 000 5 000 8 000
Actual 10 000 8 000 14 000
– 2 000 + 3 000 + 6 000
× rate 12,17 9,78 6,88
= – 24 340 + 29 340 + 41 280
Over-recovery = + R46 280
Expenditure under-recovery – 20 000
Volume over-recovery + 46 280
Rounding off – 20
Income – statement over-recovery R26 260
Question 2
Company A manufactured 2 000 units and incurred the following costs:
Raw material R40 000
Variable overheads R60 000
Fixed overheads R60 000
1 200 units were sold at a price of R100 each.
50 Managerial Accounting
(i) Variable costing income statement
Question 3
Using the information given in Question 2, show the overhead and manufacturing accounts, and
indicate how the under-/over-recovery can be explained.
Overhead account
Actual overhead 60 000 Manufacturing 70 000
Over recovery 10 000
70 000 70 000
Manufacturing account
Raw material 40 000 Finished goods 170 000
Variable overhead 60 000
Overheads 70 000
170 000 170 000
The over-recovery of R10 000 can be explained as follows:
The actual volume was 500 units greater than budget, resulting in an over-recovery of
500 × R35 = R17 500
The budget expenditure was R52 500, compared to the actual expenditure of R60 000. This has given
rise to an under-recovery of R7 500.
Practice questions
Question 2 – 1 25 marks 38 minutes
Fancy Dude Limited operates a factory consisting of three production departments (A, B and C),
together with four ancillary service departments (maintenance, steam supply, central stores and
transport). Department A covers 2 000 square metres and comprises three machines – a band-saw, a
lathe and a drill. There is no annual close-down.
You are given the following information from the cost records for the year ended 31 March 19X4.
Cost R450 000
Estimated life 5 years
Scrap value R50 000
Floor area 400 square metres
Hours clocked in the period 180 000
Idle time 20 000 hours
Therefore operating hours = 160 000 hours
Power consumed R25 000 (estimated)
Service departments
Maintenance Steam Stores Transport
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Foreman’s wages 32 10 30 45
Cleaner’s wages 16 5 26 18
Indirect materials 70 7 – 5
Insurance 2 15 28 72
Coal – 125 – –
Rent 10 5 15 20
130 167 99 160
Service department costs are to be apportioned to other departments as follows:
A B C Stores Transport
Maintenance 30% 25% 25% 10% 10%
Steam – 60% 40% – –
Stores 40% 20% 20% – 20%
Transport 20% 25% 25% 30% –
1 Let a, b, c and d represent the total overheads of maintenance, steam, stores and transport
Therefore a = 130
b = 167
c = 99 + 0,1a + 0,3d
d = 160 + 0,1a + 0,2c
Chapter 2: Systems for recording and controlling product costs 53
Therefore c = 99 + 13 + 0,3d
d = 160 + 13 + 0,2C
Therefore c = 174,362
d = 207,872
The company’s overhead absorption rates are revised annually, prior to the beginning of the year,
using an analysis of the outcome of the current year and the draft plans and forecasts for the
forthcoming year. The revised rates for next year are to be based on the following data:
General factory Service cost Production cost
overhead centres centres
1 2 A B
Budgeted overhead for next
year (before any re-allocation) R210 000 R93 800 R38 600 R182 800 R124 800
% of factory floor area – 5 10 15 70
% of factory personnel – 10 18 63 9
Estimated usage of services of
Service cost centre 2 in
forthcoming year – 1 000 hrs – 4 000 hrs 25 000 hrs
Budgeted direct labour hours
for next year (to be used to
calculate next year’s
absorption rates) – – – 120 000 hrs 20 000 hrs
Budgeted direct labour hours
for current year (these figures
were used in the calculation
of this year’s absorption – – – 100 000 hrs 30 000 hrs
(a) General Overhead analysis Production cost
factory (ignoring reciprocal centres
overhead allocations)
Service cost centres
1 2 A B
Primary allocation 210 000 93 800 38 600 182 800 124 800
Apportionment of general
factory over-head (Note 1) (210 000) 10 500 21 000 31 500 147 000
– 104 300 59 600 214 300 271 800
Charges by Service cost centre 1 (Note 2) (104 300) – 91 262 13 038
– 59 600 305 562 284 838
Charges by Service cost centre 2 (Note 3) (59 600) 8 221 51 379
– 313 783 336 217
Budgeted direct labour hours 120 000 20 000
Absorption rates R2,61 R16,81
1 General factory overhead is apportioned to service cost centres before re-allocation to
production centres, as indicated in Note (i) of the question.
2 Because reciprocal allocations are not made, the costs allocated to Service cost centre 1 are
re-allocated as follows:
R91 262 (63 / 72 × R104 300) to Production cost centre A
R13 038 (9 / 72 × R104 300) to Production cost centre B
3 Reciprocal charges are not made. Therefore the allocation is as follows:
4 000 / 29 000 × R59 600 = R8 221 to Production cost centre A
25 000 / 29 000 × R59 600 = R51 379 to Production cost centre B
(b) The difference may be due to the following:
(i) Changes in projected overhead expenditure compared with expenditure that was used
to determine the current year’s overhead rate.
(ii) Budgeted activity for the next year is greater than the current year for Production cost
centre A. If this is not matched by a corresponding increase in overhead expenditure,
then the hourly overhead rate will decline. Budgeted activity for Production cost centre
B is lower than the current year, thus resulting in an increase in the overhead rate.
Because fixed overheads do not change in relation to activity, the hourly overhead rate
will fluctuate whenever changes in activity occur.
(c) This question can be answered by using the simultaneous equation method, which is
illustrated below:
Let X = Total overhead of Service cost centre 1
Y = Total overhead of Service cost centre 2
â X = 104 300 + 1/30Y
(ie 1 000 / 30 000 hours of Service cost centre 2 overheads)
Y = 59 600 + 1/5X
(ie 18% out of a total of 90% of Service cost centre 1 overheads)
Rearranging the above equations
X – 1/30Y = 104 300 (1)
– 1/5X + Y = 59 600 (2)
Multiply equation (1) by 1 and equation (2) by 5
X – 1/30Y = 104 300
–X + 5Y = 298 000
56 Managerial Accounting
1 18 / 90 × R107 000 = R21 400 to Service cost centre 2 (18% out of 90%)
63 / 90 × R107 000 = R74 900 to Production cost centre A
9 / 90 × R107 000 = R10 700 to Production cost centre B
2 1 000 / 30 000 × R81 000 = R2 700 to Service cost centre 1
4 000 / 30 000 × R81 000 = R10 800 to Production cost centre A
25 000 / 30 000 × R81 000 = R67 500 to Production cost centre B
(d) The answer should include the following points:
(i) The overhead rate calculations do not distinguish between fixed and variable elements.
Such an analysis is necessary for decision-making purposes.
(ii) The majority of Service cost centre 1 costs are variable. It is preferable to determine an
activity measure which exerts most influence on the variable costs and apportion the
costs on the basis of this measure. The present method of apportionment appears to be
(iii) Service cost centre 2 is the maintenance department and the majority of costs are fixed,
suggesting that preventive maintenance is undertaken. The question does not make it
clear which hourly base (ie direct labour hours or machine hours) is used for allocating
overheads. Machine hours should be used for allocating variable costs, since these costs
are likely to vary with this activity base. Preventive maintenance should be apportioned
on the basis of the planned hours which the maintenance staff intends to allocate to
each department.
(iv) Production cost centre B is highly mechanised, suggesting that a machine hour rate
might be preferable to the present direct labour hour rate.
Process and joint
3 product costing
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l understand the principle that process costing is about valuing closing WIP
l calculate normal spoilage, abnormal spoilage and abnormal gain units
l determine equivalent units produced under FIFO and Weighted average methods
l allocate normal spoilage between closing WIP and units transferred out on a physical units
l differentiate between process costing and joint product costing
l calculate the value of WIP, transferred out production and abnormal loss using FIFO and
weighted average methods
l understand the principle that normal spoilage should be allocated to inspected units only
l value inventory and calculate the product profit for joint products using the physical
allocation method and relative sales value method of joint cost allocation
l explain the advantages and disadvantages of using different methods of joint cost
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
The valuation of products manufactured in a process is covered under IAS 2, as is the treatment of
joint product costs. However, when the costs are required for a short- or long-term decision, the
correct method is relevant costing under a variable costing system.
58 Managerial Accounting
(a) First-in, first-out
Under a FIFO valuation, the first unit in is the first out. The remaining units in closing inventory will
therefore have a value equal to the value of units manufactured in the current year.
Closing inventory value: 800 × R120 = R96 000
Illustrative example 1
A company manufactures a product that requires raw Material A at the beginning of the
process and Material B when the product is 70% complete and incurs conversion costs evenly
throughout the process.
Opening inventory –
Started production on 1 000 units during the period.
700 units were completed, while 300 units are 60% complete.
Material A cost R1 000
Material B cost R2 000
Conversion costs R4 000
You are required to:
(a) Calculate the value of the closing WIP and the value of the completed output.
(b) Calculate the value of the closing WIP, assuming that it was 80% complete, as well as the
completed production.
(a) As there is no beginning work-in-progress, the FIFO and weighted average methods of
determining the value of closing work-in-progress are one and the same.
The correct method of valuing closing WIP is to analyse the production into 3 categories,
Beginning WIP, Started and completed and Closing WIP.
60 Managerial Accounting
Started and completed refers to those units that were started and completed in the current
Equivalent unit calculation
Total Material Material Conversion
A B costs
Beginning WIP – – – –
Started and completed 700 700 700 700
Closing WIP 300 300 – 180
1 000 1 000 700 880
Beginning costs – – –
Current costs R1 000 R2 000 R4 000
Total costs R1 000 R2 000 R4 000
+ equivalent units 1 000 700 880
Equivalent cost per unit R1 R2,86 R4,55
Illustrative example 2
A company manufactures a product that requires raw Material A at the beginning of the
process and Material B when the product is 70% complete, and incurs conversion costs evenly
throughout the process.
Opening inventory 500 units 40% complete
Value – Material A R400
Conversion costs R1 040
Started production on 1 000 units during the period.
700 units were completed, while 300 units are 30% complete.
Current costs:
Material A cost R1 000
Material B cost R2 000
Conversion costs R4 000
You are required to:
(a) Using the FIFO method, value the Closing WIP as well as the completed production.
(b) Using the weighted average method, value the Closing WIP as well as the completed
(c) Assuming that the closing WIP was 300 units, 80% complete, value the Closing WIP using,
FIFO and weighted average.
Process diagram
Conversion costs
Mat A Mat B
Beginning WIP
Closing WIP
Figure 1
Note: FIFO valuation is concerned with current period production and current period costs.
Work done in the previous period and costs associated with the previous period
are therefore ignored when calculating the equivalent cost per unit to value closing
work-in-progress. Units completed and transferred out are made up of Beginning WIP +
Started and completed.
ie Beginning WIP 500
Started and completed 700
Total 1 200
Valuation of closing WIP R
Material A 300 × R1,00 = 300,00
Conversion costs 90 × R3,67 = 330,30
Completed units (1 200 ) Balance 7 809,70
Total [ 400 + 1 040 + 1 000 + 2 000 + 4 000 ] R8 440,00
Mat A Mat B
Figure 2
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 63
FIFO valuation
Equivalent unit calculation
Total Material Material Conversion
A B costs
Beginning WIP 500 – 500 300
Started and completed 700 700 700 700
Closing WIP 300 300 300 240
1 500 1 000 1 500 1 240
Beginning costs – – –
Current costs R1 000 R2 000 R4 000
Total costs R1 000 R2 000 R4 000
Equivalent units 1 000 1 500 1 240
Cost per unit R1 R1,33 R3,23
Valuation of closing WIP
Material A 300 × R1,00 = R300,00
Material B 300 × R1,33 = R399,00
Conversion costs 240 × R3,23 = R775,20
R1 474,20
A company incurs material costs only. These are added at the beginning of a manufacturing
process. 800 units were started at the beginning of the period at a total cost of R8 000.
Inspection takes place at the 50% complete stage and the closing work-in-progress is currently
75% complete. The production details are as follows:
Normal spoilage 200
Completed units 400
Closing WIP 200
(a) Total units Equivalent units
Normal spoilage 200 200
Started and completed 400 400
Closing WIP 200 200
800 800
Total cost R8 000
Cost per unit R10
Value of closing WIP: 200 × R10 + (2/6 × 200 × 10) = R2 666
Value of output (balancing figure): R8 000 – R2 666 = R5 334
It is important to note that as closing WIP has gone past inspection it must receive a
proportionate allocation of the spoilage value.
As closing WIP has not gone past inspection it cannot receive an allocation of normal spoilage.
(a) Always calculate the normal spoilage and include the correct spoilage figure in the
“Equivalent units” column.
(b) Never allocate spoilage to closing work-in-progress if it has not gone past the
inspection point.
Only one calculation is required, and that is for normal spoilage. If the good units are known, and the
normal spoilage is calculated, then the abnormal loss will be the balance of the input units.
Assume that the normal loss is 20% of input. This means that from 100 units input
80 = Good output
20 = Normal spoilage
if 8 000 units are introduced then
8 000 units = 6 400 Good output
= 1 600 Normal spoilage
Suppose the 8 000 units introduced produce only 6 000 good output units. What is the calculation of
normal spoilage?
8 000 units input = 6 000 Good output
= 1 600 Normal spoilage (20% of 8 000 units)
= 400 Abnormal spoilage
There are two methods that can be used to determine the normal spoilage:
1 Use the % of input method.
2 Use the % of good output method.
2 000 × 10% = 200
Total loss = 560
Abnormal loss = 360 (2000 – 1440)
66 Managerial Accounting
8 000 units started, produced 6 000 good units and had costs of R80 000. Normal loss is
calculated as 20% of input.
Good units (6 000 × R10) 60 000
Normal spoilage (1 600 × R10) 16 000
Total cost inventoried 76 000
R76 000
Cost per unit = R12,67
6 000
Abnormal loss (400 × R10) 4 000
Assume that in a given process all costs (conversion) are incurred evenly throughout the process.
Spoilage is discovered at the 25% completed stage and closing WIP is 25% complete and has
gone past inspection (no further spoilage).
Physical Conversion costs
units equivalent units
Normal spoilage 200 50
Transferred out 400 400
Closing WIP 200 50
800 500
Conversion costs incurred equal R12 000
In this illustration, spoilage is discovered when the closing WIP has reached the stage where 25% of
the process is completed. Obviously, as units transferred out and closing WIP have both contributed
to the spoilage, each should be charged with a proportion of the spoilage costs, but a question arises,
namely “What is the correct method of allocating the normal spoilage value?” Is it to be based on the
total good output of 600 units, or should it be based on the equivalent units of output, ie 450 units?
Correct allocation
Unit cost R24 (R12 000 ÷ 500)
Transferred out 9 600 (400 × R24)
Spoilage 800 (50 × R24 = 1 200 × 4 / 6)
R10 400
Closing WIP 1 200 (50 × R24)
Spoilage 400 (1 200 × 2 / 6)
R1 600
In other words, the normal spoilage of R1 200 cannot be allocated to transferred out units in the
ratio of 400 : 450 because the number of physical units in the WIP will not incur any further spoilage.
The 200 units have been inspected and as there will be no further inspection, all 200 units will
eventually be transferred out.
Summary of costs
Closing work-in-progress:
Materials xxx
Conversion costs xx xxx
Abnormal spoilage xx
Completed and transferred (balancing figure) xxxx
Total costs accounted for xxxx
Note: Opening work-in-progress plus production started and completed in the current period
equals the total units transferred out.
Production started and completed, plus normal spoilage, plus abnormal spoilage/(gain), plus closing
work-in-progress equals total production units put in to production in the current period.
Note: Always have a good look at the method used to calculate the normal spoilage. If you are told
that normal spoilage is calculated as (say) “10% of good units completed”, all you have to do
is determine how many units were completed and multiply the figure by 10%.
In this example it would be 35 100 units × 10% = 3 510 units. The key phrase is “Spoilage as a % of
good output”. In all other situations, the spoilage must be calculated on a normal input basis as in this
Process diagram
Transferred in costs Material
Conversion costs
The above diagram reveals that beginning WIP went through 60% of the process in the current
period (from 40% complete to end) and only incurred part of the conversion costs and all of the
material costs. Closing WIP went through 75% of the process in the current period (from beginning to
75% complete) and only incurred part of the conversion costs and all of the transferred in costs.
First-in, first-out
Calculating normal spoilage:
Spoilage must be based on the number of input units inspected. Care must be taken regarding the
position of opening and closing inventory. If inventory passed the inspection point during the period
it will form part of the input units.
Units inspected
Units in opening inventory 10 000
Input units 40 000
Units in closing inventory
(did not pass the inspection point) 4 000 36 000
Input units that contributed to spoilage 46 000
Summary of costs
Closing work-in-progress:
Transferred in 4 000 × R1,25 5 000
Conversion costs 3 000 × R0,89 2 670
7 670
Abnormal spoilage 6 300 × R2,14 13 482
Completed and transferred
(balancing figure) 182 848
204 000
Summary of costs
Closing work-in-progress:
Transferred in 4 000 × R1,20 4 800
Conversion costs 3 000 × R0,90 2 700
7 500
Abnormal spoilage 6 300 × R2,10 13 230
Completed and transferred (balancing figure) 183 270
204 000
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 71
Allocation of normal spoilage on a physical units basis, where closing WIP has
gone past inspection – FIFO and weighted average
One department only
Beginning WIP 10 000 units 60% completed
Started work on 55 000 units
Transferred out 50 000 units
Normal spoilage 5 000 units 10% of good output
FIFO basis
Equivalent units: Total Conversion costs
Beginning WIP 10 000 4 000
Started and completed 40 000 40 000
Normal spoilage 5 000 2 500
Closing WIP 10 000 8 000
65 000 54 500
Total cost R150 000
Cost per unit R2,75
Allocation of spoilage
Value of spoilage 2 500 × 2,75 = 6 875
To be allocated between started and completed units and closing WIP
Started and completed 6 875 × 40 000 / 50 000 = R5 500
Closing WIP 6 875 × 10 000 / 50 000 = R1 375
Summary of costs
Closing WIP R
Conversion costs 22 000
Spoilage costs 1 375
23 375
Transferred out (balancing) 136 625
Total costs R160 000
72 Managerial Accounting
Summary of costs
Closing WIP R
Conversion costs 21 200
Spoilage costs 1 325
22 525
Transferred out (balancing) 137 475
R160 000
Abnormal gain occurs because normal spoilage was lower than expected.
A company expects a normal spoilage of 400 units from an input of 2 000 units, ie normal spoilage is
20% of input. If good output was (say) 1 800 units, then we have the following:
Output 1 800
Normal spoilage 400 (20% of 2 000)
Abnormal gain (200)
2 000
The calculated abnormal gain of 200 is just a book entry to balance the WIP account and recognise
the abnormal gain in the income and expenditure account.
It is also important to note that the calculated abnormal gain must be treated as having gone all the
way to completion. The abnormal gain could not have been thrown out at the 50% stage if that is
where the inspection point is.
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 73
Beginning WIP 10 000 units 40% completed
Transferred to finished goods 60 000 units
Spoilage 5 000 units
Closing WIP 30 000 units 80% complete
Units started in current period 85 000 units
Inspection point 50% stage
Material is added at the beginning of the process and conversion costs are incurred evenly
throughout the process.
The expected spoilage factor is 10% of input
Beginning WIP costs:
Material R10 000
Conversion costs R8 000
Current costs:
Material R102 000
Conversion costs R150 000
You are required to:
Using the FIFO method of valuing inventory, show the WIP account as well as the abnormal
gain or loss account.
Process diagram
Conversion costs
Opening balance 18 000 Finished goods 196 195
Materials 102 000 (Balancing figure)
Conversion 150 000 Closing balance 87 615
Abnormal gain 13 810
(4 500 × R3,069) R283 810 R285 375
Balance b/d 87 615
Abnormal gain
Income and expenditure 13 810 Work-in-progress 13 810
Losses through evaporation are difficult to deal with as there is no specific inspection point at which
they can be identified. You could say that inspection takes place throughout the process and losses
are incurred at every point in the process. Very often, evaporation losses are expressed within a
range as follows: “The manufacturing process will result in evaporation losses of between 10% and
In such cases, it is appropriate to calculate the loss at the maximum allowed of 20%. If the losses are
less than 20% but greater than 10%, no abnormal loss or gain is allowed and the losses are said to be
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 75
Beginning WIP 9 024 liters (40% complete)
Transferred out at the end of the period 49 860 liters
Liters added at the beginning of the period 68 000
Closing WIP 9 964 liters (60% complete)
Normal loss through evaporation is 10% of input
Material is added at the beginning of the period
Conversion costs are incurred evenly
Beginning WIP costs:
Materials R10 000
Conversion costs R5 000
Current costs:
Materials R50 000
Conversion costs R20 000
The calculation of spoilage through evaporation is difficult because spoilage does not occur at a
specific point in the process but throughout the process.
Summary of costs
Closing work-in-progress 10 220
Abnormal spoilage
Material 11 400 × 0,74 = 8 436
Conversion 5 700 × 0,33 = 1 881 10 317
Joint costs – Joint costs are costs that are incurred in the production of 2 or more joint
products that cannot be linked to any specific joint product (costs incurred
simultaneously). Joint costs are not allocated to by-products or to waste.
Separable costs – These are costs that can be identified or allocated to an individual product and are
incurred after split-off.
By-product – A product that is manufactured from a joint product process but has a relatively
low sales value. Joint production costs are not generally allocated to by-products.
Waste/Scrap – Product manufactured in a joint product process but with a low or zero saleable
value. Companies sometimes incur costs to get rid of waste or scrap.
Note: It is possible that over time the marketability of a product may change; therefore, the
classification of joint product/by-product or waste can change. It is possible that a product
that is considered waste today could, with technological changes, become a product with
high saleable value and hence be re-classified as a joint product.
Company A produces three joint products from a common process.
Joint costs = R140 000
Product X yields 4 000 units and sells at R12 per unit at split-off.
Product Y yields 8 000 units, incurs R50 000 separable costs, and sells for R20 per unit.
Product Z yields 2 000 units, incurs R20 000 separable costs, and sells for R25 per unit.
(a) Physical units method
Units Joint cost allocation
Product X 4 000 40 000
Product Y 8 000 80 000
Product Z 2 000 20 000
14 000 R140 000
Profit calculation:
Product Sales units Sales value Total costs Profit GP%
X 4 000 48 000 40 000 8 000 17
Y 8 000 160 000 130 000 30 000 19
Z 2 000 50 000 40 000 10 000 20
R48 000
Profit calculation
Product Sales units Sales value Total costs Profit GP%
X 4 000 48 000 26 047 21 953 46
Y 8 000 160 000 136 822 23 178 14
Z 2 000 50 000 47 131 2 869 6
R48 000
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 79
Profit calculation
Product Sales units Sales value Total costs Profit GP%
X 4 000 48 000 35 745 12 256 26
Y 8 000 160 000 131 915 28 085 18
Z 2 000 50 000 42 340 7 660 15
R48 000
Product Sales value Total cost Separable cost Allocated joint cost Profit
X 48 000 39 072 – 39 072 8 928
Y 160 000 130 240 50 000 80 240 29 760
Z 50 000 40 688 20 000 20 688 9 312
R258 000 R210 000 R48 000
Illustrative example
Company A manufactures two joint products, X and Y.
The joint product cost of manufacture is R10 000 and 1 000 units of product X together with
4 000 units of product Y are manufactured.
The company can sell both products at the split-off point. Product X has a saleable value of R10
per unit and product Y a value of R5 per unit. Alternatively, the company can process both
products beyond split-off point as follows:
Product X Incremental/Separable costs
Labour R5 per unit
Materials R2 000
Product X can then be sold at R14 per unit
Product X Incremental/Separable costs
Labour R10 000
Materials R30 000
80 Managerial Accounting
The manufacturing process for product Y will produce two new products:
Product Y1 3 000 units will be produced and sold at R20 per unit
Product Y2 1 000 units will be produced and sold at R12 per unit
The company is faced with the following options:
Sell at split-off:
Income Product X 1 000 × R10 = R10 000
Product Y 4 000 × R5 = R20 000
Total income R30 000
The joint product costs of R10 000 are not relevant to the decision.
The company may choose to process either or both products X and Y in order to increase the
incremental income.
We therefore need to calculate the incremental expenditure and income which will be compared to
the income at the split-off point.
Product X – process further:
Sales value 1 000 × 14 14 000
Incremental costs:
Labour 1 000 × 5 – 5 000
Materials – 2 000
Net profit R7 000
As we can sell the product at split-off for R10 000, we should not process it further as we will be
worse off.
Alternative calculation for product X R
Incremental revenue [ 14 000 – 10 000 ] + 4 000
Incremental costs – 7 000
Net decrease in profit – R3 000
Conclusion: If we process product X beyond split-off point we will be R3 000 worse off.
Separable costs:
Labour – 10 000
Conversion costs – 30 000
Net income R32 000
Income at split off – 20 000
Differential increase + R12 000
Product Y should therefore be processed further as the company will be better off by R12 000.
Alternative analysis:
Incremental income [ 72 000 – 20 000 ] 52 000
Incremental labour – 10 000
Incremental conversion costs – 30 000
Incremental profit R12 000
The value of the by-product is 2 000 × R2 = R4 000
There are two acceptable methods of treating the value of the by-product.
1 As a reduction to the joint product costs
2 As a separate income item
82 Managerial Accounting
Physical basis
Products Total X Y
Joint cost 96 000 64 000 32 000
Closing inventory (38 400) (32 000) (6 400)
Cost of sales R57 600 R32 000 R25 600
Closing inventory of X R64 000 × 5 000 / 10 000 = R32 000
Closing inventory of Y R32 000 × 1 000 / 5 000 = R6 400
Closing inventory
Product X 69 818 × 5 000/10 000 = R34 909
Product Y 26 182 × 1 000/ 5 000 = R5 236
Total X Y
Joint cost 96 000 69 818 26 182
Closing inventory (40 145) (34 909) (5 236)
Cost of sales R55 855 R34 909 R20 946
Physical basis
Products Total X Y
Joint cost 100 000 66 667 33 333
Closing inventory (40 000) (33 333) (6 667)
Cost of sales R60 000 R33 334 R26 666
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 83
Closing inventory
Product X 72 727 × 5 000 / 10 000 = R36 364
Product Y 27 273 × 1 000 / 5 000 = R5 455
Products Total X Y
Joint cost 100 000 72 727 27 273
Closing inventory (41 819) (36 364) (5 455)
Cost of sales R58 181 R36 363 R21 818
Applying the same principle as in the above example, we need to decide whether the value of the by-
product should be treated as a reduction in the joint-product cost, or whether it should be treated as
a sales item only.
(b) Assuming that only the R2 000 sold is accounted for, we then have
Physical basis
Products Total X Y
Joint cost 98 000 65 333 32 667
Closing inventory (39 200) (32 667) (6 533)
Cost of sales R58 800 R32 666 R26 134
The closing inventory of the by-product, ie 1 000 units, may in this situation be shown as zero
or at its net realisable value of R2 000.
Net realisable value basis
Sales value R200 000 R75 000
Closing inventory
Product X 71 273 × 5 000 / 10 000 = R35 637
Product Y 26 727 × 1 000 / 5 000 = R5 345
Products Total X Y
Joint cost 98 000 71 273 26 727
Closing inventory (40 982) (35 637) (5 345)
Cost of sales R57 018 R35 636 R21 382
The closing inventory of by-product Z is again shown at zero value or at a net realisable value
of R2 000.
The following questions are intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been
introduced in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following
Question 1
A company manufactures a product which passes through two production departments.
Department 1
Material is added at the beginning of the process. Conversion costs are incurred evenly.
Beginning WIP 400 units 40% complete
Value of Beginning WIP – Material R800
Conversion costs R640
In the current period 1 200 new units were started.
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 85
Department 2
Production from Department 1 is introduced at the beginning of the process in Department 2.
Further material is added at the 30% stage. Conversion costs are incurred evenly.
Beginning WIP 300 units 60% complete
Value of Beginning WIP – Transferred in costs R1 860
Material R900
Conversion costs R720
R3 480
Department 1 – Equivalent units
Total Materials Conversion
Beginning WIP 400 – 240
Started and completed 1 000 1 000 1 000
Closing WIP 200 200 40
1 600 1 200 1 280
Beginning WIP = 400, started production on a further 1 200 new units. Total units must therefore be
1 600. Transferred out, 1 400 units. 400 must have come from Beginning WIP. Started and completed
must therefore be 1 000 units. Closing WIP is the balancing figure.
Costs Total Materials Conversion
Beginning WIP R1 440
Current R8 760 R3 000 R5 760
R10 200
Closing WIP
Material 200 × R2,50 = 500
Conversion costs 40 × R4,50 = 180
Transferred out (balancing figure) R9 520
Total cost R10 200
86 Managerial Accounting
In this case the Started and completed units are the balancing figure
Beginning WIP = 300. We transferred 1 400 units, Therefore total units is 1 700
Closing WIP = 250. Therefore Started and completed is the balancing figure of 1 150 units
Costs Total Transferred in Materials Conversion
Beginning WIP R3 480
Current R21 420 R9 520 R4 900 R7 000
R24 855
Equivalent units 1 400 1 400 1 395
Cost per unit R6,80 R3,50 R5,02
Closing WIP
Transferred in 250 × R6,80 = 1 700,00
Material 250 × R3,50 = 875,00
Conversion costs 125 × R5,02 = 627,50
3 202,50
Completed (balancing figure) 21 697,50
R24 900,00
Question 2
A company operates a FIFO process costing system. Raw Material A is added at the beginning of the
process, Material B is added at the end and conversion costs are incurred evenly throughout the
Normal spoilage is 10% of input and is discovered at the 50% stage.
Beginning WIP 20 000 units 40 % complete
Started work on 200 000 units
Spoilage 40 000 units
Closing WIP 50 000 units 60 % complete
Required: Show the equivalent unit calculation for the current period.
Total Material Material Conversion
Beginning WIP 20 000 – 20 000 12 000
Started and completed 110 000 110 000 110 000 110 000
Normal spoilage 20 000 20 000 – 10 000
Abnormal spoilage 20 000 20 000 – 10 000
Closing WIP 50 000 50 000 – 30 000
220 000 200 000 130 000 172 000
Transferred out = 20 000 + 200 000 – 40 000 – 50 000 = 130 000 units
Started and completed = 130 000 – 20 000 = 110 000
Normal spoilage 20 000 + 110 000 + 50 000 = 180 000 = 90%
100% = 200 000
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 87
Question 3
Assume the figures above, except for spoilage, which was only 13 000 units.
Required: Show the equivalent unit calculation for the current period.
Total Material Material Conversion
Beginning WIP 20 000 – 20 000 12 000
Started and completed 137 000 137 000 137 000 137 000
Normal spoilage 23 000 23 000 – 11 500
Abnormal spoilage – 10 000 – 10 000 – 10 000 – 10 000
Closing WIP 50 000 50 000 – 30 000
220 000 200 000 147 000 172 000
Transferred out = 20 000 + 200 000 – 13 000 – 50 000 = 157 000 units
Started and completed = 157 000 – 20 000 = 137 000
Normal spoilage 20 000 + 137 000 + 50 000 = 207 000 = 90%
100% = 230 000
Normal spoilage is therefore 230 000 – 207 000 = 23 000
Abnormal gain is the balancing figure
Practice questions
Question 3 – 1 15 marks 25 minutes
Topstar Ltd uses a FIFO process costing system to value its production and you have been given the
following information for the month of May:
Beginning work-in-progress 60% complete 5 000 units
Value of Beginning work-in-progress
Materials R50 000
Conversion costs R40 000
During the current period 50 000 new units were started. At the end of the month 40 000 units were
complete and transferred to finished goods.
Closing work-in-progress 70% complete 8 000 units
Current period costs:
Material R750 000
Conversion costs R1 115 000
The manufacturing process is inspected when the product is 50% complete and a normal spoilage
factor of 20% of normal input is allowed.
Material is added at the beginning of the process while conversion costs are incurred evenly
throughout the process.
(a) Equivalent units
Total Material Conversion
Opening WIP 5 000 – 2 000
Started and completed 35 000 35 000 35 000
Transferred out 40 000
Normal spoilage 10 000 10 000 5 000
Abnormal spoilage – 3 000 – 3 000 – 3 000
Closing WIP 8 000 8 000 5 600
55 000 50 000 44 600
vii Allocated to units transferred out R 1 450 000 R 525 000 R 925 000
Share of Normal Spoilage R 223 837
Value of opening WIP R 90 000
R 1 763 837
Note: The proportion of normal spoilage allocation is based on physical units, ie Started and
complete plus closing WIP. The Beginning WIP is ignored as it went past inspection in the
last period.
Variable Fixed
(a) Equivalent units – Dept 1 Total Material overhead overhead
Opening WIP 2 000 – 1 200 1 200
Started and completed 20 100 20 100 20 100 20 100
Transferred out 22 100
Normal spoilage 3 000 3 000 1 800 1 800
Abnormal spoilage 900 900 540 540
Closing WIP 4 000 4 000 3 200 3 200
30 000 28 000 26 840 26 840
Good production
Allocated to units transferred out R 721 500 R 402 000 R 106 500 R 213 000
Share of Normal Spoilage R 73 667
Value of opening WIP R 47 200
R 842 367
Variable Fixed
(c) Equivalent units – Dept 2 Total Trf in Material overhead overhead
Opening WIP 1 300 – – 390 390
Started and completed 13 700 13 700 13 700 13 700 13 700
Transferred out 15 000
Normal spoilage 3 560 3 560 3 560 1 602 1 602
Abnormal spoilage 540 540 540 243 243
Closing WIP 2 300 2 300 2 300 920 920
21 400 20 100 20 100 16 855 16 855
i Calculation of Normal spoilage – Dept 1
Units inspected
Opening WIP 2 000
Input 28 000
Closing WIP (Deduct if not inspected) – 28 000
Units inspected 30 000
ix Allocated normal spoilage R 200 129 R 135 693 R 35 600 R 20 826 R 8 010
xi Allocated to units
transferred out R 912 811 R522 191 R137 000 R183 170 R 70 450
Share of Normal Spoilage R 200 129
Value of opening WIP R 77 400
R1 190 341
Variable Fixed
(a) Equivalent units – Dept 1 Total Material overhead overhead
Opening WIP 3 000 – 900 900
Started and completed 27 800 27 800 27 800 27 800
Transferred out 30 800
Normal spoilage 4 800 4 800 2 400 2 400
Abnormal spoilage – 600 – 600 – 600 – 600
Closing WIP 6 000 6 000 1 800 1 800
41 000 38 000 32 300 32 300
i Calculation of Normal spoilage – Dept 1
Units inspected
Opening WIP –
Input 38 000
Closing WIP 6 000 32 000
Units inspected 32 000
Normal spoilage 15% 4 800
ii Units that contributed to spoilage – Dept 1
Opening WIP –
Started and completed 27 800
27 800
Closing WIP –
To carry cost of NL 27 800
The basis of allocating the joint costs from Department B to the joint products is on the net realisable
value basis.
Department B units Department C units
Beginning work-in-progress 60% complete 5 000 –
Transferred in 45 000 10 000
Closing work-in-progress 80% complete 10 000 –
Beginning work-in-progress:
Transferred in costs R50 000 –
Conversion costs R10 000 –
Transferred in costs R450 000 ?
Conversion costs R150 000 R50 000
Department B’s conversion costs are 2/3 variable. Department C’s conversion costs are all variable.
You are required to:
(a) Show the calculation of equivalent unit cost for Department B using the FIFO method.
(15 marks)
(b) Determine the value of the closing work-in-progress for Department B, the abnormal spoilage
value, and the costs allocated to Bistro and Poplen at split-off. (15 marks)
(c) Discuss the arguments in favour of variable costing and those in favour of absorption costing. Why
do the profits of an entity increase when inventory holdings are increasing under absorption
costing, in comparison to variable costing? (10 marks)
(a) Calculation of Normal spoilage
Units inspected
Opening WIP –
Input 45 000
Closing WIP – 45 000
Units inspected 45 000
Transferred Conversion
Equivalent units Total in costs
Opening WIP 5 000 – 2 000
Started and completed 25 000 25 000 25 000
Transferred out 30 000
Normal spoilage 9 000 9 000 4 500
Abnormal spoilage 1 000 1 000 500
Closing WIP 10 000 10 000 8 000
50 000 45 000 40 000
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 97
Absorption costing
(1) Fixed factory overhead is a necessary cost of production and units produced should bear all
such costs. It is consistent with the concept that the cost of an asset should consist of all
necessary costs to get it into the proper form, location and working condition.
(2) Absorption costing is required by generally accepted accounting principles.
Increase in profits
If production is greater than sales, ie inventory holdings are increasing, then (under absorption
costing) we will carry forward certain fixed costs to the next accounting period. This has the
effect of decreasing the total cost of sales and thus increasing profits. Under variable costing,
we write-off all fixed costs in the period incurred. Therefore, in relation to absorption costing,
profits recorded will be lower when inventory value increases.
The budget for the year ending 30 June 19X1 includes the following data:
Joint Separable cost
Process Product Product By-product
Variable cost per tonne of input (R) 5 11 2 1
Fixed costs for year (R) 5 000 4 000 8 000 500
(a) A B C Total
Final production 3 600 4 000 380
Production % 90% 80% 95%
Therefore joint product input 4 000 5 000 400 9 400
Joint product % 94%
Therefore distillation input 10 000
The cost of the joint distillation process is as follows:
10 000 tonnes at R5 variable cost 50 000
Fixed cost 5 000
55 000
By-product Z sales: 380 tonnes at R5 1 900
Variable cost: 400 tonnes at R1 (400)
Fixed cost (500)
Profit 1 000 1 000
R54 000
Chapter 3: Process and joint product costing 99
The question is silent as to how the joint product costs are to be allocated to Products A and B.
Joint costs will be apportioned on the net realisable value and on a units-produced basis.
Net realisable basis
(i) and (ii)
A B Total
Sales 86 400 58 000 144 400
Separable variable costs 44 000 10 000 54 000
Separable fixed costs 4 000 8 000 12 000
Realisable value 38 400 40 000 78 400
Joint costs 26 449 27 551 54 000
Profit R11 951 R12 449 R24 400
(b) A B C Total
Previous output 3 600 4 000 380
Previous joint product yield 4 000 5 000 400 9 400
Less: 10% = – 400 – 500 – 40 – 940
New joint product yield (ie reduce by 10%) 3 600 4 500 360 8 460
Input ÷ 94% 9 000
The calculation of the revised joint costs is as follows:
Variable costs (9 000 × R5) 45 000
Fixed costs 5 000
Plant overhead 17 000
67 000
Joint product costs 67 000
By-product Z sales: 342 tonnes at R5 1 710
Variable cost: 360 tonnes at R1 (360)
Fixed cost (500)
Profit 850 850
R66 150
The joint cost of R66 150 is now apportioned to Products A and B on the physical basis
A B Total
Joint costs 29 400 36 750 66 150
Separable variable costs 39 600 9 000 48 600
Separable fixed costs 4 000 8 000 12 000
Total costs R73 000 R53 750 R126 750
Joint cost A: 66 150 × 3 600 / 8 100 = 29 400
Joint cost B: 66 150 × 4 500 / 8 100 = 36 750
100 Managerial Accounting
(c) A B
(tonnes) (tonnes)
Revised yield from joint process 3 600 4 500
Evaporation beyond split-off point 360 (10%) 900 (20%)
Revised output of final product 3 240 3 600
Original production 3 600 4 000
Lost output imported 360 400
Imported cost
A 360 tonnes × R25 = 9 000
B 400 tonnes × R15 = 6 000
Production costs per (b) above 73 000 53 750
Imported cost 9 000 6 000
Revised total costs 82 000 59 750
Sales 86 400 58 000
Profit R4 400 R(1 750)
Net profit = R2 650
(d) (i) Comparing proposal (i) with the answers to (b) and (c), the differential costs are calculated
as follows:
A B C Total
Yield from joint process 3 800 4 300 360 8 460
Final output 3 420 3 440
Sales demand 3 600 4 000
Required imports 180 560
Differential costs
Additional variable cost in joint process (2% × 45 000) 900
Additional variable cost after split-off point (A = 200 × 11) 2 200
(B = 200 × 2) (400)
Savings in imports of A (180 – 360 at R25) (4 500)
Additional import cost of B (560 – 400 at R15) 2 400
Additional costs 600
Therefore proposal (i) should be rejected.
(ii) With proposal (ii), the by-product residue is apportioned to Products A and B in proportion
to their output from the joint process (ie A = 360 × 3 600 / 8 100 = 160; B = 360 × 4 500 / 8 100
= 200)
Revised yield from joint process 3 760 4 700
Final output 3 346 3 713
Sales demand 3 600 4 000
Required imports 254 287
Previous imports in (c) 360 400
Saving in imports 106 113
The differential costs are as follows:
Increase in fixed costs (5% × 4 000) + (5% × 8 000) – 600
Increase in variable costs (A = 160 × 11) – 1 760
(B = 200 × 2) – 400
Loss of contribution from By-product Z (1 710 – 360 per part (b)) – 1 350
Savings in import costs (A = 106 × 25) 2 650
(B = 113 × 15) 1 695
Net gain from the proposal R235
Variable and
absorption costing
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l explain the difference between variable and absorption costing
l prepare an income statement using variable and absorption costing, and explain why
the profits are different
l reconcile an absorption costing income statement from one year to the next
l explain the arguments for and against variable and absorption costing
l account for under- and over-recovered overheads
l calculate the fixed cost for a period using the under- or over-recovered overhead as a
reconciling figure
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
This chapter takes a look at the two methods used to value closing inventory of production, and the
effect that they have on the financial statements.
Variable costing is sometimes called “marginal” or “direct” costing while absorption costing is
sometimes more correctly referred to as “full” costing.
Variable costing has for a long time been accepted as a technique of internal reporting to
management. However, absorption costing has been more widely accepted for external reporting to
shareholders, creditors and other outside interest groups, as it reflects the total cost of production,
not just the variable costs.
The most fundamental point of controversy between variable and absorption costing is the question
of whether fixed manufacturing costs are costs of the product produced, or of the period in which
they are incurred. Variable costing treats the fixed manufacturing costs as period costs, while
absorption costing treats them as product costs.
The product cost approach method assigns the fixed costs to the product, instead of allocating the
costs to the period, because it is the product that generates the revenue. The time period is purely
incidental to the operations of the firm – the only important time factor is “When did the sale take
place?” The production costs are therefore matched with the revenue in the period of the sale.
Arguments in favour of variable costing
(a) Variable costing is more useful to internal management decision-making as it does not include
fixed costs which do not change with volume. Thus, the impact of management decisions is
more correctly observed where volume is changing.
(b) Fixed factory cost is more closely related to the ability to produce than to the production of
specific units. Since fixed cost would be incurred regardless of production, and since it relates to
the capacity to produce for a period of time, it should be charged to the income and
expenditure account as a period cost.
Arguments in favour of absorption costing
(a) Fixed costs are a necessary cost in producing any product and as such should be charged to
(b) Absorption costing is required by generally accepted accounting principles as well as the
Commissioner of Inland Revenue.
102 Managerial Accounting
It has been argued by the proponents for absorption costing that external reporting must be
consistent and that absorption costing is the only system that gives this consistency. They argue that,
if a company changed its method of valuing inventory from year to year, this consistency would be
I contend that variable costing is in fact more consistent, as closing inventory is always valued at
variable cost from year to year.
A further argument in favour of absorption costing is that it allows for inter-company comparisons.
This statement is very controversial; I believe that we should never compare two companies that
produce the same product, because of the following possible differences:
(i) One may be labour-intensive while the other may be capital-intensive.
(ii) One may rent or lease its assets while the other may own its assets.
(iii) The age of assets used may be different.
(iv) Cost structures may be different due to the physical location of the company.
(v) The companies may have different trading markets.
(vi) Capital structure may be different.
(vii) Management is different.
A further contention by the advocates for absorption costing is that the users of financial statements
need to be assured that the statements have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting standards. This would imply that absorption costing is generally accepted while variable
costing is not. Perhaps to the blind, it is.
Any system that reports inconsistent profits when sales remain the same should be
Absorption costing is certainly inconsistent in its profit reporting while variable costing is consistent
(see example below). The absorption costing experts would also contend that variable costing
understates the true value of inventory, while absorption costing reflects the true value more
accurately. That would of course depend on what the definition of value is. One could for example
argue that the selling price reflects the true value more accurately.
Nevertheless, if the argument is that the balance sheet value must be correct, then I would question
why share values, debt values and fixed assets all reflect values that have no resemblance
whatsoever to their true market values.
Then there is the question of the matching concept. Absorption costing states that the expenses
incurred in the normal course of business in bringing the product or service to its present location
and condition should be matched to the revenue received when the inventory is sold. The debate
here is whether fixed overheads such as rent have been incurred for the purpose of producing a
particular product or because we have chosen to be in a line of business that requires the payment
of rental for the premises. The point is that we cannot control the rental cost according to units
produced. It is a period cost that must be paid in the period incurred. Imagine telling the landlord
that he can only have half of his rent as the other half is sitting in inventory, so he can only have the
balance when we are able to match that cost to the revenue! Ridiculous!
A company manufactured 2 000 units and sold 1 000 units.
Per unit
Selling price R100
Production costs:
Material R20
Labour R20
Variable overheads R10
Total fixed overheads R40 000
Sales 1 000 units 100 000
Production 2 000 units
Raw materials 40 000
Labour 40 000
Variable overheads 20 000
100 000
Closing inventory (50 000)
Cost of sales 50 000 50 000
Contribution 50 000
Fixed overheads 40 000
Profit R10 000
(Information per above example)
Sales 1 000 units 100 000
Production 2 000 units
Raw materials 40 000
Labour 40 000
Variable overheads 20 000
Fixed overheads 40 000
140 000
Closing inventory (70 000)
Cost of sales 70 000 70 000
Profit R30 000
The biggest argument against absorption costing is that it is inconsistent in the profit that it reports,
even when sales remain constant over a two-year period.
A company manufactures a product with the following selling and cost structure:
Per unit
Selling price R100
Production costs:
Material R20
Labour R20
Variable overheads R10
Total fixed overheads R40 000
Over a three-year period the production and sales of the product are as follows:
19X1 19X2 19X3
Production 2 000 1 000 2 000
Sales 1 000 2 000 2 000
19X1 19X2 19X3
Sales 100 000 200 000 200 000
Production costs:
Opening inventory – 70 000 –
Material 40 000 20 000 40 000
Labour 40 000 20 000 40 000
Variable costs 20 000 10 000 20 000
Fixed costs 40 000 40 000 40 000
140 000 160 000 140 000
Closing inventory (70 000) – –
Cost of sales 70 000 160 000 140 000
Profit R30 000 R40 000 R60 000
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 105
The above statements show that a shareholder has no consistent basis for analysing his company’s
performance. When sales double, the profit only increases by R10 000, yet in the following year
when the sales are exactly the same, the profit increases by R20 000. The argument of matching the
expenses to the income clearly yields inconsistent profit figures that are totally meaningless to the
shareholder. Any kind of ratio analysis performed using the above figures would yield misleading
Variable costing looks at the increase or decrease in profit as a result of the increase or decrease in
contribution over a relevant range. The reported contribution will always be consistent with units
sold and the bottom line profit is shown as contribution less fixed costs.
Information per above example under absorption costing.
You are required to:
Produce the income statement over the three-year period under variable costing.
19X1 19X2 19X3
Sales 100 000 200 000 200 000
Production costs:
Opening inventory – 50 000 –
Material 40 000 20 000 40 000
Labour 40 000 20 000 40 000
Variable costs 20 000 10 000 20 000
Closing inventory (50 000) – –
Cost of sales 50 000 100 000 100 000
Contribution 50 000 100 000 100 000
Fixed costs 40 000 40 000 40 000
Profit R10 000 R60 000 R60 000
The above statement shows that the contribution per unit sold is R50 per unit. When sales increase
from 1 000 units to 2 000 units, the profit increases by R50 000, regardless of the value of closing
inventory. Variable production costs are matched to sales as these can be reduced if we produce less.
The fixed costs are written-off in the period incurred, as they represent period costs that will be
incurred regardless of production levels. Variable costing is more clearly illustrated in the diagram
below, where profit is seen to increase due to an increase in contribution.
value Increase in profit
= Contribution
costs Variable
Variable costing profit statement
Sales 600 000
Production costs:
Variable 400 000
Fixed 300 000 700 000
Less: Closing inventory 200 000
Cost of sales 500 000 500 000
Profit R100 000
Accounting period
Variable costs R200 000 R200 000
Fixed costs R300 000
Sales 600 000
Production costs:
Variable 400 000
Fixed 300 000 700 000
Less: Closing inventory 350 000
Cost of sales 350 000 350 000
Profit R250 000
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 107
Accounting period
Variable costs R200 000 R200 000
Fixed costs R150 000 R150 000
R350 000
Conclusion: If production is greater than sales, then absorption profit is greater than variable
Variable costing profit statement
Sales 1 200 000
Production costs:
Variable 200 000
Fixed 300 000
Opening inventory 200 000
Cost of sales 700 000 700 000
Profit R500 000
Absorption costing profit statement
Sales 1 200 000
Production costs:
Variable 200 000
Fixed 300 000
Opening inventory 350 000
Cost of sales 850 000 850 000
Profit R350 000
Conclusion: If production is less than sales, then absorption profit is less than variable profit.
108 Managerial Accounting
A printing company has budgeted on an overhead cost for the forthcoming financial year of
R1,5 million. The company recovers the overhead on the basis of machine hours. Budget machine
hours for next year have been set at 10 000 hours.
Company Zee budgeted on incurring fixed manufacturing costs of R1,5 million. Machine hours were
budgeted at 10 000 hours. The company recovers the fixed overhead on the basis of machine hours.
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 109
Actual results
The company completed 10 jobs that used up 9 500 machine hours. A further 3 jobs used up 1 500
machine hours, but were incomplete at the end of the year.
Sales value of completed jobs R4 300 000
Materials purchased R1 800 000
Labour cost R1 000 000
Manufacturing overhead – fixed R1 450 000
Closing inventory
Raw materials R50 000
Incomplete jobs:
Material R350 000
Labour R240 000
Overhead R225 000
R865 000
Prepare the income statement
Pre-determined recovery rate R1 500 000 / 10 000 = R150 per machine hour
Overhead allocated R150 × (9 500 + 1 500) = R1 650 000
Actual overhead R1 450 000
Over-recovered R1 650 000 – R1 450 000 = R200 000
Income statement
Sales 4 300 000
Costs incurred:
Material 1 800 000
Labour 1 000 000
Overheads charged 1 650 000
4 450 000
Closing inventory 865 000
Cost of sales 3 585 000 3 585 000
Gross profit 715 000
Plus: Over-recovery adjustment 200 000
Profit R915 000
110 Managerial Accounting
The over-recovery adjustment has been made after the gross profit figure as an increase to gross
Alternative solution
Sales 4 300 000
Costs incurred:
Material 1 800 000
Labour 1 000 000
Overheads charged 1 650 000
Less: Over-recovery adjustment – 200 000
4 250 000
Closing inventory 865 000
Cost of sales 3 385 000 3 385 000
Profit R915 000
We have assumed that the pre-determined overhead rate is based on the fixed manufacturing
overhead only. What if the company was unable to distinguish between the variable and the fixed
(b) Closing inventory is valued at budget absorption cost – ie standard absorption costing system
The standard absorption costing system is very similar to the fully-integrated absorption costing
system, and the fixed overhead is charged to the actual income statement in exactly the same way.
The main difference is that the actual cost of overhead is charged to the income statement. The
closing inventory is valued using the budget cost structure for both variable and fixed costs. Refer to
the chapter on “Standard costing”.
Company Zee budgeted on incurring fixed manufacturing costs of R1,5 million. Machine hours were
budgeted at 10 000 hours. The company recovers the fixed overhead on the basis of machine hours.
Actual results
The company completed 10 jobs that used up 9 500 machine hours. A further 3 jobs used up 1 500
machine hours, but were incomplete at the end of the year.
Sales value of completed jobs R4 300 000
Materials purchased R1 800 000
Labour cost R1 000 000
Manufacturing overhead – fixed R1 450 000
Closing inventory
Raw materials R50 000 Standard cost R45 000
Incomplete jobs
Material R350 000 Standard cost R315 000
Labour R240 000 Standard cost R200 000
Overhead 1 500 machine hours
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 111
Prepare the actual income statement
Pre-determined recovery rate R1 500 000 / 10 000 = R150 per machine hour
Closing inventory value – overhead = R150 × 1 500 = R225 000
Income statement
Sales 4 300 000
Costs incurred:
Material 1 800 000
Labour 1 000 000
Actual overheads 1 450 000
4 250 000
Closing inventory 785 000
Cost of sales 3 465 000 3 465 000
Profit R835 000
Closing inventory value = R45 000 + R315 000 + R200 000 + R225 000 = R785 000
Company Zee values the closing inventory at actual absorption costs.
Actual results
The company completed 10 jobs that used up 9 500 machine hours. A further 3 jobs used up 1 500
machine hours, but were incomplete at the end of the year.
Sales value of completed jobs R4 300 000
Materials purchased R1 800 000
Labour cost R1 000 000
Manufacturing overhead – fixed R1 450 000
Closing inventory
Raw materials R50 000
Incomplete jobs
Material R350 000
Labour R240 000
Overhead 1 500 machine hours
Prepare the income statement.
Actual overhead R1 450 000
Actual production 11 000 machine hours
Overhead value of closing inventory = R1 450 000 / 11 000 × 1 500 = R197 727
112 Managerial Accounting
Income statement
Sales 4 300 000
Costs incurred:
Material 1 800 000
Labour 1 000 000
Actual overheads 1 450 000
4 250 000
Closing inventory 837 727
Cost of sales 3 412 273 3 412 273
Profit R887 727
Closing inventory = 50 000 + 350 000 + 240 000 + 197 727 = R837 727
Illustrative example
You are given the following information:
Budget production 1 000 units
Budget sales 1 000 units
Budget sales 500 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 80 000
Labour: Variable 80 000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 100 000
Manufacturing costs 260 000 260 000
Manufacturing profit 240 000
Fixed administration costs 20 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Budget profit R140 000
(a) Fully-integrated absorption costing
The valuation of closing inventory in a fully-integrated absorption costing system is
Actual variable costs of production × closing inventory in units + pre-determined recovery rate
× closing inventory in units
Fixed cost in the income statement is shown as applied overhead cost. An adjustment is made
for the under- or over-recovered overhead.
Some may argue that all costs should be at budget cost. Where all costs are shown at budget
cost, you have a standard absorption costing system.
Pre-determined recovery rate
R100 000 / 1 000 units = R100 per unit
Applied overhead = R100 × 1 200 = R120 000
Actual fixed overhead = R132 000
Under recovered overhead = R132 000 – R120 000 = R12 000
Income statement
Actual sales 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000
Applied manufacturing overhead 120 000
348 000
Closing inventory (116 000)
Cost of sales 232 000 232 000
Gross profit 248 000
Under-recovered overhead – 12 000
236 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Actual profit R131 000
Income statement
Actual sales 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000
Manufacturing overhead 132 000
360 000
Closing inventory (120 000)
Cost of sales 240 000 240 000
Gross profit 240 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Actual profit R135 000
Income statement
Actual sales 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000
Manufacturing overhead 132 000
360 000
Closing inventory (104 000)
Cost of sales 256 000 256 000
Gross profit 224 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Actual profit R119 000
Note: The explanation of standard costing is done in depth in a later chapter; nevertheless a
few explanatory notes are in order.
1 The reconciliation between the budget profit and the actual profit is a very useful
explanation of how well the company has performed. The problem, however, is that an
absorption costing system will result in the fixed manufacturing cost being treated as a
variable cost. As a result, you will have an under-/over-recovery of fixed manufacturing cost
which is shown in the reconciliation as an overhead volume and expenditure variance.
2 The sales volume represents the difference between the budget volume and the actual
volume of units sold. In this case it is – 200 units. It is multiplied by the budget profit per unit
which is arrived at by taking the manufacturing profit minus all other variable non-
manufacturing costs divided by budget units sold.
ie R240 000 – R80 000 = R160 000 / 1 000 units = R160
3 The expenditure variances reflect the difference between the actual costs incurred and the
expected costs at a production level equal to units produced multiplied by the budget rate
per unit. They do not reflect the difference between the budget cost and the actual cost. A
full explanation of variance analysis is carried out in the chapter on “Standard costing”.
Illustrative example
You are given the following information:
Budget production 1 000 units
Budget sales 1 000 units
Budget sales 500 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 80 000
Labour: Variable 80 000
Fixed manufacturing overhead 100 000
Manufacturing costs 260 000 260 000
Manufacturing profit 240 000
Fixed administration costs 20 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Budget profit R140 000
116 Managerial Accounting
(a) Variable costing system
Closing inventory valuation
Raw material R120 000 / 1 200 = R10 per unit × 400 = R40 000
Labour R10 8000 / 1 200 = R 9 per unit × 400 = R36 000
Closing inventory R76 000
Income statement
Actual sales 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000
Manufacturing overhead 132 000
360 000
Closing inventory (76 000)
Cost of sales 284 000 284 000
Gross profit R196 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Actual profit R91 000
Income statement
Actual sales 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000
Manufacturing overhead 132 000
360 000
Closing inventory (64 000)
Cost of sales 296 000 296 000
Gross profit 184 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000
Actual profit R79 000
Reconciliation of budget to actual profit (Variable)
Units R
1 000 Budget profit 140 000
– 200 Sales volume (– 200 × R260 (Contribution)) – 52 000
800 Standard profit 88 000
Sales price + R100 × 800 + 80 000
Material variance (80 × 1 200) – 120 000 – 24 000
Labour variance (80 × 1 200) – 108 000 – 12 000
Manufacturing overhead – 32 000
Fixed administration 20 000 – 25 000 – 5 000
Variable selling (80 × 800) – 80 000 – 16 000
800 Actual profit R79 000
Note: The difference between the reconciliation done under a standard variable costing system,
compared to an absorption costing system, lies in the sales volume variance and the fixed
manufacturing cost variance only.
The sales volume variance is multiplied by the budget contribution, ie sales minus all variable costs
(manufacturing and non-manufacturing).
The fixed manufacturing cost variance for variable costing is simply the difference between the
budget and the actual cost. Once again – we will deal with standard variable costing systems when
we get there.
Absorption Variable
Sales 1 000 units 100 000 100 000
Opening inventory 200 units 16 000 8 000
Production 1 200 units 96 000 96 000
Closing inventory 400 units (32 000) 80 000 (16 000) 88 000
Gross profit 20 000 12 000
Administration and selling costs 10 000 10 000
Profit R10 000 R2 000
118 Managerial Accounting
Cost structure
Variable manufacturing R40
Fixed manufacturing R40
Absorption profit R10 000
Increase in inventory:
200 units × R40 (R8 000)
Variable profit R2 000
Note: In the above example, it has been assumed that the cost structure has not changed. It is
however possible that the cost structure from one accounting period to the next does in fact
Where cost structures have changed, the difference between absorption profit and variable
profit is the increase or decrease in the fixed cost component of opening inventory,
compared to closing inventory.
Absorption Variable
Sales 1 000 units 100 000 100 000
Opening inventory 200 units 14 000 8 000
Production 1 200 units 96 000 96 000
Closing inventory 400 units (32 000) 78 000 (16 000) 88 000
Gross profit 22 000 12 000
Administration and selling costs 10 000 10 000
Profit R12 000 R2 000
You will notice that all the figures are exactly the same, except for the closing inventory valuation.
Under absorption costing, the closing inventory was valued as follows:
Closing inventory valuation – absorption costing
Raw material R120 000 / 1 200 = R100 per unit × 400 = R 40 000
Labour R108 000 / 1 200 = R 90 per unit × 400 = R 36 000
Manufacturing overhead R132 000 / 1 200 = R110 per unit × 400 = R 44 000
Closing inventory R120 000
Under variable costing, the closing inventory was valued as follows:
Closing inventory valuation – variable costing
Raw material R120 000 / 1 200 = R100 per unit × 400 = R40 000
Labour R108 000 / 1 200 = R 90 per unit × 400 = R36 000
Closing inventory R76 000
The only difference is the fixed cost of R4 400 in the absorption costing figures.
Similarly, we have the following for a comparative standard absorption costing and a standard
variable costing system:
Actual income statement
Absorption Variable
Actual sales 480 000 480 000
Manufacturing costs:
Raw material 120 000 120 000
Labour: Variable 108 000 108 000
Manufacturing overhead 132 000 132 000
360 000 360 000
Closing inventory (104 000) (64 000)
Cost of sales 256 000 256 000 296 000 296 000
Gross profit 224 000 184 000
Fixed administration costs 25 000 25 000
Variable selling costs 80 000 80 000
Actual profit R119 000 R79 000
Standard variable costing shows a value of R64 000, ie it excludes the R40 000 manufacturing
The reconciliation between the two statements is as follows:
Absorption profit R119 000
Less: Fixed cost in closing inventory – R40 000
Variable profit R79 000
Reconciliation example
Ace Ltd uses a fully-integrated absorption costing system. Fixed costs have been budgeted at
R500 000 for the forthcoming months and production is budgeted at 10 000 units per month.
The pre-determined overhead recovery rate has been set at R50 per unit.
Actual results for the months of May and June 20X1
May June
Units sold 8 000 12 000
Units produced 12 000 9 000
Production costs:
Variable R600 000 R450 000
Fixed overheads R500 000 R500 000
Unit selling price R120 R120
May June
Sales 960 000 1 440 000
Production costs:
Opening inventory – 400 000
Variable cost 600 000 450 000
Fixed overhead 600 000 450 000
Closing inventory (400 000) (100 000)
Cost of sales 800 000 1 200 000
Normal gross profit 160 000 240 000
(Under-)/over-recovered 100 000 (50 000)
Profit R260 000 R190 000
May profit 260 000
Over recovery (100 000)
Normal gross profit 160 000
Sales increase:
4 000 × R20 unit profit 80 000
June normal gross profit 240 000
Under-recovery (50 000)
June profit R190 000
122 Managerial Accounting
(a) Absorption costing
Northwood Corporation – Income statement for the year ended 1st April 20X4
Sales (60 000 × 200) 12 000 000
Beginning inventory (5 000 × R100) 500 000
Production (80 000 × R100) 8 000 000
Available 8 500 000
Ending inventory (25 000 × R100) 2 500 000
Cost of goods sold 6 000 000
Adjustment for under-recovery of fixed costs (20 000 × R10) 200 000 6 200 000
Gross margin 5 800 000
Variable selling expenses 600 000
Fixed (100 000 × R5) 500 000
Profit R4 700 000
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 123
Company A’s budget for the forthcoming year is as follows:
Sales 100 000 units 4 000 000
Cost of sales:
Materials 500 000
Depreciation 300 000
Labour 800 000
Overheads 400 000 2 000 000
Budget profit R2 000 000
A cost-volume-profit graph was also produced, showing the following relationships between
total costs and production volume.
Volume (units) Total costs
80 000 R1 800 000
100 000 R2 000 000
120 000 R2 200 000
The cost-volume-profit graph has not been prepared in this example, but we have sufficient
information to enable us to calculate the fixed costs over the relevant range as well as the variable
cost per unit.
The question requires that an income and expenditure account be prepared in a form that is
consistent with the CVP graph. This raises the question “What is the format or the underlying
principle of CVP graphs?”
The underlying principle is that fixed costs are treated as period costs and profit increases on a per
unit basis equal to the difference between the selling price and the variable costs per unit, ie profit
increases by the contribution per unit.
To be consistent with the CVP graph, you must calculate the profit on a
variable costing basis.
The cost of sales expenses does not tell us which costs are variable, fixed or semi-variable. However,
the information relating to the volume and total costs gives us the following answer:
Volume Costs
120 000 R2 200 000
80 000 R1 800 000
Difference 40 000 R 400 000
Variable cost per unit R10, fixed costs R1 000 000, ie depreciation is a fixed cost plus a proportion of
the other costs.
5 000
4 000
3 000
2 000
1 000 Fixed
80 100 120
’000 units
Figure 2
Not required
Absorption costing basis
Sales 80 000 units 3 200 000
Production costs:
Materials 500 000
Depreciation 300 000
Labour 800 000
Overheads 400 000
2 000 000
Less: Closing inventory 400 000
Cost of sales 1 600 000 1 600 000
Profit R1 600 000
In this example, both the opening fixed cost per unit and the closing fixed cost per unit are the
same. Therefore the reconciliation of absorption to variable profit will be:
Absorption profit R xx xxx
Plus: 500 × R40 R20 000
Variable profit R xx xxx
Note: If inventory is decreasing, then variable profit will be greater than absorption profit.
Where the value of the fixed cost per unit in the opening and closing inventory is different, the
reconciliation figure is the increase or decrease in the value of the fixed cost itself.
Example: Opening inventory: 1 000 units R100 000
Value is based on: Material R35 000
Labour R25 000
Fixed overhead R50 000
Closing inventory 500 units R80 000
Value is based on: Material R22 000
Labour R38 000
Fixed overhead R20 000
In this example, the opening fixed cost per unit is valued at R50 per unit, while the closing
inventory is valued at R40 per unit.
Therefore the reconciliation of absorption to variable profit will be:
Absorption profit R xx xxx
Plus: 500 × R60 R30 000
Variable profit R xx xxx
Once again, notice that the value of fixed cost in the absorption costing accounts is decreasing –
therefore the variable profit will be higher than absorption profit.
6 The CVP graph shows that fixed costs do not change as production/sales increases – fixed cost is
the same over the relevant range. As sales increase, total sales value, as well as all variable costs,
Sales – variable costs = contribution
An increase in sales will lead to an increase in contribution. Profit is therefore measured as
CVP analysis is therefore the same as a variable costing system.
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
A company budgeted on producing and selling 10 000 units. At this level, profit was budgeted at
R300 per unit as shown below.
Selling price per unit 1 200
Cost per unit:
Direct material 220
Direct labour 80
Fixed production overhead 300
Variable selling 100
Fixed selling 200
Profit R300
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 127
(a) Year 1 Year 2
Sales 14 400 000 13 200 000
Opening inventory – 1 800 000
Direct materials 3 300 000 1 980 000
Direct labour 1 200 000 720 000
Fixed production overheads 4 500 000 2 700 000
Closing inventory – 1 800 000 7 200 000 – 600 000 6 600 000
Gross profit 7 200 000 6 600 000
ದ Under-/+ Over-recovery + 1 500 000 – 300 000
Variable selling – 1 200 000 – 1 100 000
Fixed selling – 2 000 000 – 2 000 000
Profit 5 500 000 3 200 000
(b) Year 1 Year 2
Sales 14 400 000 13 200 000
Opening inventory – 900 000
Direct materials 3 300 000 1 980 000
Direct labour 1 200 000 720 000
Closing inventory – 900 000 3 600 000 – 300 000 3 300 000
Contribution 10 800 000 9 900 000
Fixed production overheads – 3 000 000 – 3 000 000
Variable selling – 1 200 000 – 1 100 000
Fixed selling – 2 000 000 – 2 000 000
Profit 4 600 000 3 800 000
Practice questions
Question 4 – 1 35 marks 53 minutes
A company produced the following budget:
Production/Sales 4 000 units
Sales value R300 000
Cost of sales:
Variable costs R160 000
Fixed costs R100 000
Profit R40 000
Actual results:
Produced 4 500 units, sold 3 800
Sales R304 000
Cost of sales:
Variable costs 189 000
Fixed costs 90 000
Less: Closing inventory (45 500) 233 500
Profit R70 500
Absorption/variable costing
A company budgeted on producing and selling 10 000 units. At this level, the profit was budgeted at
R20 per unit as shown below.
Selling price per unit 100
Cost per unit:
Direct material 30
Direct labour 35
Fixed overheads 15
Profit 20
The actual results were as follows:
Sales 12 000 units at R90 per unit
Production 15 000 units
Cost of production:
Direct materials R450 000
Direct labour R555 000
Fixed overheads R160 000
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 129
Use the same information as in PART B, except that the actual results were
Sales 12 000 units at R90 per unit
Production 8 000 units
Cost of production:
Direct materials R256 000
Direct labour R280 000
Fixed overheads R140 000
(a) Current accounting system
The company is currently operating on a standard absorption costing system. In any accounting
statement, you must always look at the closing inventory value and ask how the value was
arrived at.
In this instance, the value is R65 per unit.
R45 500 / 700 units (closing inventory) = R65 per unit
This value is determined by absorption costing, variable costing, or standard absorption/variable
If it is absorption costing, then (189 000 + 90 000) / 4 500 = R62
Therefore, it is not absorption costing. It cannot be variable costing either, as the value would
be even lower.
Therefore, it must be standard absorption costing = (160 000 + 100 000) / 4 000 = R65
(a) Variable costing
Budget profit 10 000 × R20 = R200 000
Actual profit: R
Sales 1 080 000
Cost of sales:
Direct materials 450 000
Direct labour 555 000
Less: Closing inventory (195 000) 810 000
Fixed cost 160 000
Profit R110 000
Reconciliation: R
Budget profit 200 000
Plus: Sales volume variance (2 000 × R35) 70 000
Standard profit 270 000
Sales price (120 000)
Direct materials –
Direct labour (30 000)
Fixed overhead expenditure (10 000)
Actual profit R110 000
132 Managerial Accounting
Reconciliation: R
Budget profit 200 000
Plus: Sales volume variance (2 000 × R20) 40 000
Standard profit 240 000
Sales price (120 000)
Direct materials –
Direct labour (30 000)
Fixed overhead volume (R15 × 5 000) 75 000
Fixed overhead expenditure (10 000)
Actual profit R155 000
Variable costing basis
Actual profit: R
Sales 1 080 000
Cost of sales:
Direct materials 256 000
Direct labour 280 000
Inventory transfer (4 000 × 65) 260 000 796 000
Fixed cost 140 000
Actual profit R144 000
Reconciliation: R
Budget profit 200 000
Plus: Sales volume variance (2 000 × R35) 70 000
Standard profit 270 000
Direct materials (16 000)
Sales price (120 000)
Fixed cost 10 000
Actual profit R144 000
At a management meeting held at the beginning of the financial year, the accountant produced a
cost-volume-profit graph for the year showing that the company should make a profit of R200 000 if
it produced at its normal activity level of 110 000 units and sold 100 000 units. The increased
production is necessary to raise current inventory holding.
Cockroach Ltd operates a full absorption costing system. All under- or over-recovery of fixed
overheads is written-off to the income and expenditure account at the end of the first half of the
year and at the end of the financial year. Overhead recovery is based on normal activity of 55 000
units for each six-monthly period. The company’s manufacturing and trading results for the first and
second half of the current financial year, showing the quantities of production and sales in units, are
summarised below.
1st 6 months 2nd 6 months
Opening inventory 10 000 25 000
Production 60 000 40 000
70 000 65 000
Less: Closing inventory 25 000 20 000
Sales 45 000 45 000
The managing director is unhappy as reported profits show a positive profit for the first six months
and a loss for the second six months, yet 45 000 units were sold in each period. He also believes that
profit should have been 90% of R200 000 as the company sold 90% of budgeted sales.
(a) Cost-volume-profit and break-even point
Cost analysis: Variable Fixed
Manufacturing cost 5,40 10,80
Selling cost 0,90 0,90
Fixed manufacturing cost 10,80 × 110 000 = R1 188 000
Fixed selling and distribution 0,90 × 100 000 = R90 000
Break-even point
Fixed costs R1 278 000
Contribution R14,78
R1 278 000
Break-even = 86 468 units
R’000 Sales
2 108
Total costs
1 908
1 278
100 000
Units 86 468
Figure 3
(c) The profits shown above were calculated using absorption costing. The difference of R216 000 is
explained by the under- and over-recovery of fixed costs.
Note: If the sales in Period 1 had been different to those in Period 2, the reconciliation
between Period 1’s reported profits and Period 2’s would be:
Reported profit: Period 1 R......
Less: Over-recovery R......
Normal profit: Period 1 R......
Difference in sales from Period 1 to Period 2 × profit per unit R......
Normal profit: Period 2 R......
Less: Under-recovery R......
Reported profit: Period 2 R......
(d) Variable profit calculation
Period 1 Period 2
Sales (units) 45 000 45 000
Contribution (45 000 × 14,78) 665 100 665 100
Fixed manufacturing overheads (594 000) (594 000)
Fixed selling and distribution (45 000) (45 000)
Profit 26 100 26 100
(e) Difference in reported profits
The difference between the profits shown in (b) and (d) above is due to the increase/decrease
in inventory.
Period 1 Period 2
Absorption profit 188 100 (27 900)
Increase in inventory (15 000 × 10,80) (162 000)
Decrease in inventory (5 000 × 10,80) 54 000
Variable profit 26 100 26 100
The company’s manufacturing and trading results, showing quantities only, for Periods 2 and 3 are
summarised below:
Period 2 Period 3
(units) (units)
Opening inventory 5 000 11 000
Production 17 000 13 000
22 000 24 000
Less: Closing inventory 11 000 6 000
Sales 11 000 18 000
The managing director of Rumbles Ltd, who has recently returned from a course on marginal costing,
has calculated that as sales have increased by 7 000 units in Period 3, the company’s profits should
increase by R56 000. However, the results produced by the accountant show that profits in Period 2
were R34 000, while those of Period 3 were R24 000. The managing director is somewhat surprised!
(a) Absorption costing statement
Period 2 Period 3
Sales 220 000 360 000
Cost of sales:
Opening inventory 90 000 198 000
Cost of production 306 000 234 000
Less: Closing inventory 198 000 108 000
Cost of sales 198 000 198 000 324 000 324 000
Normal profit 22 000 36 000
(Under-) /over-absorbed fixed overhead 12 000 (12 000)
Profit 34 000 24 000
Cost of opening inventory, closing inventory and production
Variable cost R12 (90 000 / 15 000)
Fixed cost R6
(b) (i) The profits shown in (a) above were calculated using absorption costing. The difference of
R10 000 is explained by:
1 Increase in sales × profit per unit (7 000 × R2 = R14 000)
2 Under- and over-recovery of fixed costs
Reconciliation of Period 2 and Period 3 profits
Period 2 Period 3
Normal profit 22 000 (7 000 × 2) 36 000
´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´ ´
(Under-)/over-absorbed fixed overhead 12 000 K L (12 000)
Profit 34 000 K L 24 000
(ii) The managing director is using variable costing techniques. An increase in sales of 7 000
units should yield an increase in contribution of R 56 000 (7 000 × R8).
Variable profit calculation
Period 1 Period 2
Sales (units) 11 000 18 000
Contribution 88 000 144 000
Fixed cost 90 000 90 000
Profit/(Loss) (2 000) 54 000
(iii) Profits have not increased by R56 000 because absorption costing charges a fixed cost of
R6 per unit to inventory. In Period 1, inventory increased by 6 000 units; as a result,
absorption costing overstated its inventory value and resultant profit by R36 000 in
comparison to the values shown by variable costing.
In Period 2, inventory levels decreased by 5 000 units. Absorption costing in this period
reduced the value of the inventory by R30 000 (R6 × 5 000) and thus reduced profit by
R30 000 in comparison to the values shown by variable costing.
Period 1 Period 2
Absorption profit 34 000 24 000
Fixed cost included in inventory (36 000) 30 000
Variable profit (2 000) 54 000
Income statement of Ndileka (Pty) Ltd for the month ending 31 May 19X0
Products Abes Babes Total
Sales quantity 2 000 1 000
R’000 R’000 R’000
Sales value 600 400 1 000
Production costs:
Material 160 100 260
Labour 80 50 130
Overheads 180 70 250
Gross profit 180 180 360
Selling expenses 200
Profit 160
138 Managerial Accounting
Cost analysis
Total overhead – R250 000
Variable 20% R50 000
Fixed 80% R200 000
Abes: R160 000 / 2 000 = R80 per unit
Babes: R100 000 / 1 000 = R100 per unit
Abes: R80 000 / 2 000 = R40 per unit
Babes: R50 000 / 1 000 = R50 per unit
Abes: R600 000 / 2 000 = R300 per unit
Babes: R400 000 / 1 000 = R400 per unit
Selling expenses
Variable 10% of R1 000 000 = R100 000
Fixed (R200 000 – R100 000) = R100 000
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 139
The established selling price procedure is to add a profit mark-up of 50% to the full factory cost of
the company’s products. In 20X2, Eagle-Eye experienced a considerable drop in the demand for its
products due to a down-turn in the economy. This resulted in a higher under-absorption of fixed
factory overheads and a resultant loss. The actual selling price of the company’s products and all
costs of production incurred were according to the budget. The budget and actual fixed cost of
production for 20X2 was R800 000.
The summarised income and expenditure account for 20X2 is shown below:
Actual income and expenditure account 20X2
Units R R
90 000 Sales revenue 1 620 000
10 000 Opening inventory of finished goods 120 000
Direct costs 600 000
100 000 Factory overhead 600 000
1 320 000
20 000 Less: Closing inventory of finished goods 240 000
Factory cost of goods sold 1 080 000 1 080 000
Gross profit 540 000
Less: Fixed factory overhead under-absorbed 400 000
140 000
Administrative costs: Fixed 120 000
Selling costs: Variable per unit sold 180 000
Loss (160 000)
You are provided with the following information for the 20X3 financial year:
1 In 20X3 all variable production costs increased by 10%.
2 Fixed factory overhead and administrative fixed costs remained unchanged.
3 Variable selling costs increased by 5% per unit.
4 Eagle-Eye took the decision to increase the factory fixed overhead absorption rate to R6 per unit.
This decision was taken as management was of the opinion that a major cause of the loss in 20X2
was the low overhead absorption rate which led the company to quote selling prices which were
5 The selling prices for 20X3 were varied in line with the established procedures so as to reflect a
mark-up of 50% on full factory cost. The new selling prices were also charged on the inventory of
finished goods held at the beginning of 20X3.
6 Closing inventory was valued on a FIFO basis.
The sales for 20X3 were 5 000 units lower than for 20X2 but management was happy that a profit,
which was attributed to the increase in the absorption rate, was achieved. Closing inventory,
however, increased to 40 000 units, which is a concern to management. Management has now
decided to reduce the inventory levels at the end of the 20X4 financial year to the physical level held
at the beginning of 20X2.
The Managing Director has instructed the Accountant to prepare a budget for 20X4 on the
assumption that all costs and recovery rates as well as unit sales and selling price per unit remain at
the 20X3 level. The Accountant prepared a budget statement based on full absorption costing as
shown in the statement above which the Managing Director refuses to accept, saying:
“How is it possible that we are showing a loss for 20X4 when we plan to sell the same number of
units next year as were sold in 20X3?”
Chapter 4: Variable and absorption costing 141
(a) 20X2 cost analysis
Direct costs per unit = R600 000 / 100 000 = R6
Variable overhead per unit
Factory overhead 600 000
Fixed cost under-recovery 400 000
Total 1 000 000
Fixed cost 800 000
Variable cost 200 000
Divided by number of units 100 000
= R2 per unit
Selling variable costs = R180 000 / 90 000 = R2
20X3 costs:
Direct costs R6 × 1,1 = R6,60
Variable overhead R2 × 1,1 = R2,20
Selling variable cost R2 × 1,05 = R2,10
Selling price R
Direct costs 6,60
Variable overhead 2,20
Fixed factory 6,00
Factory cost 14,80
Mark-up × 50% 7,40
Selling price 22,20
Company performance
The company has shown a profit of R216 500 on an absorption costing basis. However, as
closing inventory has increased by 20 000 units, R120 000 (ie R6 × 20 000) fixed cost
expenditure has been capitalised.
On a variable costing basis, the profit would have been shown as R96 500 ie
R216 500 – R120 000.
Absorption profit – R139 500
Variable profit + R 40 500
Difference R180 000
The difference in recorded profit is due to the inventory holding decreasing by 30 000 units.
Inventory decrease 30 000 units
Fixed cost per unit × R6
Fixed cost w/o in income statement R180 000
Sales 85 000
Opening inventory – 40 000
Closing inventory + 10 000
Production 55 000
Fixed cost recovery
55 000 × R6 = 330 000
Budget 800 000
Under-recovery 470 000
(c) Break-even
Fixed costs:
Factory overhead 800 000
Administration 120 000
920 000
Sales 22,20
Direct costs 6,60
Variable overhead 2,20
Variable selling 2,10
Contribution 11,30
144 Managerial Accounting
= 91 150 units
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l explain why using only unit-based cost drivers to assign overheads may produce distorted
l explain the advantages and disadvantages of activity-based costing (ABC)
l explain why ABC is preferable to absorption costing but may be inappropriate for decision-
making purposes
l compute product costs using activity-based costing
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
ABC takes the view that all costs are variable in the long-term and links the activity that causes the
variability to the cost. ABC recognises that there are many activities or “cost-drivers” causing costs to
be incurred. The system has a framework that is similar to that of a conventional absorption costing
146 Managerial Accounting
Overheads are allocated to products by dividing the activity cost by the period cost driver volume
and then multiplying the determined rate by the units of activity used by a product. A typical ABC
cost system will involve the following steps:
Step 1 Determine the activities that relate to the overheads
Step 2 Quantify the activity cost
Step 3 Determine the cost drivers associated with the activity
Step 4 Determine the cost driver rates by dividing the activity cost by the cost driver volume
Step 5 Apply the rates determined in step 4 to a product
Certain activities within a production department will be related to a specific volume of production
and will be recovered in the same way as a conventional absorption costing system, eg labour or
machine hours.
Activities Cost drivers
Purchase requests Number of requests
Material procurement Number of supplier orders
Number of items
Material handling Number of movements
Set-up Number of set-ups
Maintenance Number of maintenance hours
Machinery Number of machine hours
Fitting Number of labour hours
Quality control Number of inspections
Pricing Number of orders
Number of customers
Customer vetting Number of customers
Size of orders
Expediting delivery Number of deliveries
Administration Number of staff
ABC focuses attention on the underlying causes of costs; consequently, it not only is used to calculate
a more accurate product cost; it also provides a method of managing overhead costs. By identifying
the activities such as marketing, manufacturing and invoicing it becomes easier to understand why a
cost is being incurred and how best to control it.
ABC treats the volume-related overheads in exactly the same way as a conventional absorption
costing system but differs in the treatment of non-volume-related overheads. Benefits will therefore
only be derived where the non-volume-related overheads are substantial. While it can be said that
there is a high similarity between the conventional absorption costing and ABC systems, ABC is
superior as the cost allocation to the underlying products is more relevant.
Production Volume-based
departments overhead rates
cost +
Activity-based costing
Activity-based cost driver
cost pools rates
Overhead Products
Illustrative example 1
A company manufactures two products, King and Queen. You are given the following information:
King Queen
Production – units 10 000 10 000
Sales – units 6 000 8 000
Closing inventory – units 4 000 2 000
Selling price per unit 1 000 750
Material cost per unit 100 300
Variable cost per unit 300 200
Overhead costs
Manufacturing – total R3 000 000
Other – total R2 000 000
The company has three accountants, ie a variable costing accountant, an absorption costing
accountant and an ABC accountant.
The variable costing accountant values the closing inventory at variable cost and charges the
overheads in total to the income statement.
The absorption costing accountant allocates 1/3 of the manufacturing overhead costs to product King
and the balance to product Queen. The other overheads are allocated equally to the two products.
The ABC accountant has identified the following activities:
Manufacturing overheads
King Queen Overhead
Machine hours 160 000 80 000 R1 200 000
Labour hours 120 000 60 000 R1 800 000
R3 000 000
Other overheads
King Queen Overhead
Activity A 250 000 50 000 R1 500 000
Activity B 25 000 25 000 R500 000
R 2000 000
148 Managerial Accounting
(a) Variable costing
King Queen
Material cost per unit 100 300
Variable cost per unit 300 200
Cost per unit 400 500
Absorption costing
King Queen Total
Manufacturing overhead 1 000 000 2 000 000 3 000 000
Other overheads 1 000 000 1 000 000 2 000 000
2 000 000 3 000 000
Production – units 10 000 10 000
Allocation per unit R200 R300
King Queen
Material cost per unit 100 300
Variable cost per unit 300 200
Overhead 200 300
Cost per unit 600 800
The problem with absorption costing is that the cost will not remain the same as production
changes. An increase in production will lead to a decrease in cost per unit. If production is
reduced the cost per unit will increase.
ABC costing
Recovery rates
Machine hours R1 200 000 / 240 000 = R5 per hour
Labour hours R1 800 000 / 180 000 = R10 per hour
Activity A R1 500 000 / 300 000 = R5 per activity
Activity B R500 000 / 50 000 = R10 per activity
King Queen
Material cost per unit 100 300
Variable cost per unit 300 200
Overhead 350 150
Cost per unit 750 650
Activity-based costing is exactly the same as absorption costing as the cost calculated above will
change as production increases or decreases. ABC will give you the incorrect cost per unit for
decision-making purposes.
This logic is incorrect, because if there are limiting factors of production, using the profit per
unit concept in making decisions will always lead to incorrect and unprofitable conclusions,
because overhead costs are not variable and do not move with the relevant activity.
Consequently, the cost per unit will change as production levels change. If there are limiting
factors of production, the production levels will change and so will the cost per unit.
Illustrative example 2
Megapede Ltd manufactures three products which pass through two production departments,
ie A and B. The company also has three service departments, namely Receiving, Packing and
Maintenance. The overhead costs for the two production sections and three service
departments are as follows:
Production Service
A B Receiving Packing Maintenance
R380 000 R450 000 R210 000 R190 000 R420 000
Production Department A has been identified as being labour-intensive while Department B is
machine-intensive. Overheads are traditionally recovered in Department A on the basis of
labour hours and in Department B on the basis of machine hours. The overheads are allocated
to the production departments on the basis of estimated usage as follows:
Department A Department B
Receiving 40% 60%
Packing 55% 45%
Maintenance 30% 70%
Details of product usage time and related inputs are as follows:
Department A Department B
Total Total
Product Annual output labour hours machine hours
X 5 000 10 000 20 000
Y 20 000 40 000 60 000
Z 40 000 80 000 160 000
130 000 240 000
Megapede Ltd is interested in analysing the overhead cost per unit of product manufactured
on an ABC basis and has extracted the following information:
Manufacturing cost analysis
Department A Department B
Labour-related R130 000 –
Machine-related – R120 000
Set-up-related R80 000 R270 000
Inspection-related R170 000 R60 000
R380 000 R450 000
Cost driver analysis
Annual cost driver volume per product
Cost driver: X Y Z
Set-ups 20 60 10
Number of inspections 90 90 120
Maintenance hours 1 000 2 000 3 000
Number of raw material orders 40 80 80
Number of external orders 120 80 20
(a) Traditional method – absorption costing
In an absorption costing system as shown in chapter 2, overhead costs are allocated to the
production departments on a basis that the accountant feels is equitable. In this example,
production costs have already been allocated. The only other overhead costs that need to be
allocated are the Service Department costs.
The basis of allocation has been determined on an appropriate percentage basis according to
each Service Department cost. Once the costs have been allocated to the Production
Department, the accountant determines the basis of recovering the overhead costs. As
Department A is labour-intensive, the company will allocate overhead costs on the basis of
labour hours. Department B is machine-intensive; therefore overhead costs will be allocated on
the basis of machine hours.
Production departments A B Total
Manufacturing costs 380 000 450 000 830 000
Receiving 40 : 60 84 000 126 000 210 000
Packing 55 : 45 104 500 85 000 190 000
Maintenance 30 : 70 126 000 294 000 420 000
Total overhead allocated 694 500 955 500 1 650 000
Recovery basis:
Labour hours 130 000
Machine hours 240 000
Recovery rate per hour R5,34 R3,98
We now need to allocate the overheads on the pre-determined basis to each of the three
products as follows:
Products X Y Z
Labour hours per unit 2 2 2
Machine hours per unit 4 3 4
Cost per unit:
Product X (2 × R5,34) + (4 × R3,98) = R26,60
Product Y (2 × R5,34) + (3 × R3,98) = R22,62
Product Z (2 × R5,34) + (4 × R3,98) = R26,60
In a fully-integrated absorption costing system, the overhead costs would be recovered in the
forthcoming year on the basis calculated above. This means that next year, once we know the
actual overhead costs, we would have an under- or an over-recovery of overheads.
(b) Activity-based costing system
An activity-based costing system is exactly the same as a traditional absorption costing system,
apart from the fact that the overhead costs are allocated to each product on the basis of
multiple activities or cost drivers.
Cost analysis
Cost driver Department A Department B Total activity
manufacturing manufacturing cost
Labour 130 000 R130 000
Machine 120 000 R120 000
Set-up 80 000 270 000 R350 000
Inspection 170 000 60 000 R230 000
380 000 450 000
Receiving R210 000
Packing R190 000
Maintenance R420 000
Total overhead costs R1 650 000
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 153
As you see, there is a substantial difference in the cost per unit depending on which method you
use. However, the main reason for the difference is because of the recovery methods used. Is
one method better than the other method?
Yes, ABC more accurately reflects the cost per unit. But, the question you need to ask is: “Do we
need to know the cost per unit?” For decision-making purposes, the answer is “NO.” Only
variable costing gives the correct costing data to make decisions.
Can we use this cost data to decide which products are making a loss and should be
discontinued? Again, the answer is “NO.” Only variable costing can give you the correct data to
decide which products are unprofitable.
As ABC is exactly the same as absorption costing, it suffers from the same problem as traditional
absorption costing when used in a fully-integrated absorption costing system.
Illustrative example 3
Continuation of Illustrative example 2
The actual results for Megapede Ltd in the following year are as follows:
The company produced 10 000 units of product X, 30 000 units of product Y and 30 000 units of
product Z.
Closing inventory at the year-end was 2 000 units of X; 5 000 units of product Y, and 5 000 units of
product Z.
Actual overhead costs incurred by the company
Department A manufacturing overheads R480 000
Department B manufacturing overheads R450 000
Receiving department R170 000
Packing department R160 000
Maintenance department R550 000
R1 810 000
154 Managerial Accounting
(a) Absorption costing – cost statement
Actual overheads recovered
Product X 10 000 × R26,60 = R260 600
Product Y 30 000 × R22,62 = R678 600
Product Z 30 000 × R26,06 = R781 800
R1 721 000
Cost statement
Allocated overhead
Product X R260 600
Product Y R678 600
Product Z R781 800
R1 721 000
Closing inventory
Product X 2 000 × R26,60 = R53 200
Product Y 5 000 × R22,62 = R113 100
Product Z 5 000 × R26,06 = R130 300
R296 600 (R296 600)
Cost of sales R1 424 400
Under-recovered overhead R89 000
Actual cost of sales R1 513 400
Cost statement
Allocated overhead
Product X R764 800
Product Y R998 100
Product Z R451 500
R2 214 400
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 155
Closing inventory
Product X 2 000 × R76,48 = R152 960
Product Y 5 000 × R33,27 = R166 350
Product Z 5 000 × R15,05 = R75 250
R394 560 (R394 560)
Cost of sales R1 819 840
Under-recovered overhead R404 400
Actual cost of sales R1 415 440
At a production level and sales of 200 blue pens and 400 “Other pens” the following would happen:
Sale of blue pens 200 × R7,80 1 560
Sale of “Other pens” 400 × R12,35 4 940
Variable cost ([ 200 × 2 ] + [ 400 × 3 ]) (1 600)
Fixed cost (5 000)
Loss (R100)
Conclusion: ABC can and will give the incorrect decision when the selling price is determined by
supply and demand, and cannot be derived from cost alone. The only time that ABC
may give the correct information for decision-making is when a cost-plus formula gives
a selling price that is less than the market is prepared to pay for the product.
Company B
1 The company’s main product is “Other pens”. The company should establish the selling price that
will result in the highest possible profit up to a sales level of 1 000 pens.
2 If it cannot use up all the available production capacity, it should sell blue pens at a selling price
higher than R2. Company B can in fact compete with Company A in the blue pen market at a
selling price less than the current market price of R6,50.
Illustrative example
Adams Ltd manufactures three products. The latest financial statements show the following:
Product X Product Y Product Z
Production/Sales 8 000 10 000 12 000
Machine hours 6 000 3 000 6 000
Selling price/unit R20 R15 R10
Variable cost/unit R10 R8 R4
Fixed cost/unit R7,50 R3 R5
Profit R2,50 R4 R1
The fixed costs have been allocated to each product on the basis of machine hours. Demand
for next year at current selling prices is
X 10 000 units
Y 12 000 units
Z 18 000 units
158 Managerial Accounting
The machines are currently operating at full capacity. ABC consultants have determined that
the fixed cost for the current year should have been
X R9
Y R5,40
Z R2
You are required to:
(a) Produce a budget for the forthcoming year using ABC.
(b) Produce a budget for the forthcoming year that will accurately maximise profit.
As previously stated, a company should never calculate the total cost per unit in order to make profit
maximising decisions. Regrettably, in practice many companies do, and as a result they end up
making very bad decisions.
When a company sells more than one product and wants to maximise profit, it should firstly
determine the optimal selling price, followed by the variable costs of production. In most instances,
the variable cost of production will be the direct material costs, as all other costs, even labour, tend
to be fixed. To maximise profit, the company must choose the products that yield the highest
If the company has one or more limiting factors of production, it will maximise the contribution per
limiting factor in order to maximise company profit.
What if a company uses an absorption or an activity-based costing system and it wishes to
maximise profit?
No company should use these two systems, they should use variable costing. If, however, the
company believes that only full-costing gives it the correct profit-maximising answer, then it will
attempt to maximise profit per unit.
What if there is a limiting factor?
Then the company will (in error) attempt to maximise profit per limiting factor. The reason why the
company is comfortable with this is because it believes that all costs vary with some activity – this is
particularly true of ABC costing.
(a) Activity-based costing
Product X Y Z
Sell R20 R15 R10
Variable cost R10 R8 R4
Fixed cost R9 R5,40 R2
Profit R1 R1,60 R4
ABC would encourage the company to maximise the sale of product Z, followed by Y, and finally
X. As “machine hours” is a limiting factor, ABC would now calculate the profit per machine hour.
Profit R1,00 R1,60 R4,00
Hours 0,75 0,3 0,5
Profit per hour R1,33 R5,33 R8,00
Maximise 3 2 1
Product X hours = 6 000 / 8 000 = 0,75
Product Y hours = 3 000 / 10 000 = 0,3
Product Z hours = 6 000 / 12 000 = 0,5
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 159
Product Y 12 000 units × 0,3 3 600
Product X 10 000 units × 0,75 7 500
Product Z 7 800 units 3 900 balance
15 000
Income statement
Product X Y Z
Sales – units 10 000 12 000 7 800
R R R Total
Sales – value 200 000 180 000 78 000
Variable costs 100 000 96 000 31 200
Contribution 100 000 84 000 46 800 230 800
Fixed costs 150 000
Profit R80 800
160 Managerial Accounting
The logical business decision would be for Company A to manufacture blue ballpoint pens, and for
Company B to manufacture the exotic colour variations, and so maximise profit. Does that mean that
Company B should not manufacture blue pens?
Whether Company B should manufacture blue pens or not will depend on its spare capacity. If it is
able to manufacture the exotic colours using up 100 % of available capacity, then it should not
manufacture blue pens. If, however, it is manufacturing below full capacity, then it should
manufacture blue pens as long as the Company is able to generate a positive contribution. The
opportunity cost of buying from a supplier such as Company A should also be considered.
Variable costing will always be superior to ABC as it is decision-based and seeks to maximise
contribution, which in turn will maximise corporate profit. ABC ignores opportunity costs and will
therefore lead to invalid decisions where other contribution-maximising options exist.
In the example quoted above, the important question that needs to be asked is: “What will the
marginal cost of one additional blue pen be?” ABC cannot answer that question, as the system
operates on a batch costing system that gives the average absorption unit cost per batch.
John purchased a cow from a farmer for R2 500. He sold the meat for R2 300 and the hide for
R300. How much profit did he make on the hide?
ABC will attempt to allocate costs according to cost-drivers in the above example, in order to show a
profit for the meat and hide sales. A more accurate assessment of the above problem would be to
ask “What is John’s main line of business? Is it selling meat, or hides, or both?”
If his main activity is selling meat, then he should attempt to maximise his contribution on meat sales
and evaluate the sales of hide on a marginal or opportunity cost basis. If he is not in the market for
hides, then he should sell them at split-off point, if there is a market for the raw product. He may,
however, evaluate the hide option on a joint product basis, in which he would compare the
incremental costs to the incremental revenues. The strategic decision nevertheless remains
identifying what you are in the market for, and maximising those incomes. Spare capacity should
then be evaluated on a marginal contribution basis, not on an absorption costing profit basis.
Japanese businessmen determine the selling price for a product on the basis of what the market will
bear. Having decided on the selling price, they then focus on the costs of producing the product in
the long-term, and make their strategic decision on the basis of cost reduction. Any decision made on
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 163
a cost-plus basis will invariably give the wrong signal. The problems identified in using ABC for pricing
and strategic decision-making can be listed as follows:
l Overhead costs change from one period to another for a multiplicity of reasons and cannot be
defined as being static. Yet, ABC treats the cost consumption as constant.
ABC ignores the differential marginal overhead cost of manufacturing a product when a company
is working at full capacity, compared to the overhead cost of one that is operating below
capacity. In practice, a company operating at near full capacity will incur considerable marginal
costs to manufacture the marginal unit, whereas companies operating below capacity will incur
low or zero incremental overhead costs.
l ABC does not differentiate between costing for internal and public use.
The ABC cost+ basis of arriving at a product selling price is appropriate for “cost-plus” contracts
such as are used by building contractors, where detailed costing information is necessary. For
internal costing, management should be more concerned with the competitor’s cost structures.
If we assume that all competitors have identical plant layouts and efficiencies, then all companies
should be quoting at the same price. If they are not, then an ABC system may assist them to
improve their quotes, ie by ensuring that low-volume products are allocated a higher proportion
of overhead costs. In practice however, company structures and efficiencies, investment bases,
plant layout, organisational structure, degree of specialisation and size of business all differ from
business to business.
The fact that ABC is superior to a traditional absorption costing system is without doubt. The relevant
question, however, is whether ABC is superior to decision-based or opportunity-based systems.
ABC has contributed to improving operational efficiencies by focusing on production methods and on
the gap between theory and practice. Its ideas have broadened our understanding of cost behaviour,
and it remains to be seen how acceptable the system will become. Management needs to recognise
that business decisions are complex, and that costs should not be determined by using a mechanical
system such as ABC to make major strategic decisions about pricing and the choice of products to be
Practice questions
Question 5 – 1 40 marks 60 minutes
(a) In the context of activity-based costing (ABC), it was stated in “Management Accounting –
Evolution not Revolution”, by Bromwich and Bhimani, that “Cost drivers attempt to link costs to
the scope of output rather than the scale of output thereby generating less arbitrary product
costs for decision making”.
You are required to explain the terms “activity-based costing” and “cost drivers”. (20 marks)
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 165
(b) XYZ Ltd manufactures four products, namely A, B, C and D, using the same plant and processes.
The following information relates to a production period:
Material Direct Machine Labour
cost labour time cost
Product Volume per unit per unit per unit per unit
A 500 R5 ½ hour ¼ hour R3
B 5 000 R5 ½ hour ¼ hour R3
C 600 R16 2 hours 1 hour R12
D 7 000 R17 1½ hours 1½ hours R9
Total production overhead recorded by the cost accounting system is analysed under the
following headings:
Factory overhead applicable to machine-oriented activity is R37 424
Set-up costs are R4 355
The cost of ordering materials is R1 920
Handling materials R7 580
Administration for spare parts R8 600
These overhead costs are absorbed by products on a machine hour rate of R4,80 per hour,
giving an overhead cost per product of:
A = R1,20 B = R1,20 C = R4,80 D = R7,20
However, investigation into the production overhead activities for the period reveals the
following totals:
Number Number Number
Number of material of times material of spare
Product of set-ups orders was handled parts
A 1 1 2 2
B 6 4 10 5
C 2 1 3 1
D 8 4 12 4
(a) Activity-based costing is a system of allocating production overheads to products manufactured
in a manner that is more equitable than the traditional method of using a single allocation base
such as labour hours. ABC recognises that manufacturing techniques have moved away from
labour-intensive production to capital-intensive production, in recent years. As a result, there
has been a significant shift away from direct variable costs of manufacturing to indirect fixed
Another significant change in the modern-day production process is the shift away from single
product manufacturing to multi-product manufacture. ABC recognises that low-volume
products require a higher proportion of manufacturing support costs such as those for machine
set-up, inspection, packaging, ordering, selling etc than high-volume products.
The system of activity-based costing analyses costs in order to reflect the higher manufacturing
costs of low-volume products, in contrast to the traditional method that would simply smooth
over all overhead costs on an equal basis to all products manufactured, which results in a
tendency to under-cost low-volume products, and over-price high-volume products. A direct
consequence of allocating overheads evenly to all product lines is that a company quoting on a
cost-plus basis may out-price itself on the high-volume products and sell low-volume products
that make a loss.
166 Managerial Accounting
When a product is manufactured, costs will be incurred as value is added to the manufacturing
process. If one had to break down the manufacturing process into the different activities that
are taking place, each activity would constitute a “cost centre”. A “cost driver” is the event that
causes a cost to be incurred and charged to an activity or cost centre.
For example, if a company manufactures paint, product scheduling is very important as the
machines need to be cleaned and re-set every time a new colour is manufactured. In this
instance, the number of set-ups becomes the cost driver for scheduling the production of paint.
Other examples of cost drivers are:
the number of purchases in a purchasing department
the number of customer orders in a dispatch department
the number of inspections in a quality control department.
Set-up-related costs
Cost per set-up = R256,18 (R4 355 / 17)
Spare parts
Cost per part = R8 600 / 12 = R716,67
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 167
You have ascertained that the “cost drivers” to be used are as listed below for the overhead costs
Cost Cost driver
Set up costs Number of production runs
Stores receiving Requisitions raised
Inspection/quality control Number of production runs
Materials handling and dispatch Orders executed
The number of requisitions raised on the stores was 20 for each product and the number of orders
executed was 42, each order being for a batch of 10 of a product.
(a) Overhead costs
Machine departmental costs 10 430
Set up costs 5 250
Store receiving 3 600
Inspection/quality control 2 100
Materials handling 4 620
R26 000
Machine hours
Product Machine hours Total hours
A 120 × 4 480
B 100 × 3 300
C 80 × 2 160
D 120 × 3 360
1 300
Total costs
Product A B C D
Direct cost per unit R68 R71 R44 R81
Overhead cost per unit R80 R60 R40 R60
R148 R131 R84 R141
× number of units 120 100 80 120
R17 760 R13 100 R6 720 R16 920
Overhead costs arrived as follows:
Products A B C D
Cost per hour 20 20 20 20
Hours 4 3 2 3
80 60 40 60
Chapter 5: Activity-based costing 169
Stores receiving
Stores requisitions 20 × 4 = 80
Cost per requisition R3 600 / 80 = R45
Each product had 20 requisitions, therefore total cost per product
= 20 × R45
= R900
Or simply R3 600 / 4 = R900 per product
Inspection/quality control
Same as set-ups; therefore R2 100 / 21 = R100 per production run
A 6 × 100 = 600
B 5 × 100 = 500
C 4 × 100 = 400
D 6 × 100 = 600
21 R2 100
Cost from (a) 148,00 131,00 84,00 141,00
Cost from (b) 136,10 132,60 99,80 141,07
– 11,90 + 1,57 + 15,80 + 0,07
Based on an absorption costing system, ABC shows a higher cost for products B, C and D, while a
simple absorption costing system shows a higher cost for product A. Use of either one or the
other absorption costing system will impact on inventory valuation and on sales price if the
cost+ method is used. Selling prices should be based on demand/price relationships, not cost
price. It must be remembered that where a cost price system is used, the cost is only correct at
one specific production level. If that production level changes, the cost per unit will also change,
even in an ABC system.
The managing director is concerned that product Z is only breaking-even, and is of the opinion that it
should be dropped as the demand for the other two products has increased and there is no point in
carrying a product that is only breaking-even.
The accountant is not so sure that product Z should be dropped; he has analysed the manufacturing
cost allocation to the three products. Based on activity-based costing, he has determined that the
correct manufacturing fixed cost allocation for the quarter ended 30 June 19X0 should have been:
Product X R9
Product Y R5,40
Product Z R2
(a) Break-even
Selling fixed costs
X R1 × 8 000 = 8 000
Y R1 × 10 000 = 10 000
Z R1 × 12 000 = 12 000
30 000
(d) Reconciliation
ABC profit R122 326
Variable profit R135 000
12 674
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Cost classification
Costs are often classified on a functional basis or on a behavioural basis. Functional cost classification
refers to a cost allocation to departments such as manufacturing and administration. This type of
cost classification is used for external reporting.
Behavioural cost classification refers to the way costs change in relation to changes in the volume of
activity, eg fixed and variable costs. This type of classification is necessary for internal decision-
making, such as the evaluation or elimination of a product division. Management will want to know
which costs will be eliminated in total, partially, or will remain unchanged, in order to evaluate the
effect on the company of closing down an unprofitable division or product. Although costs behave in
many different ways, the main classification categories are:
1 Fixed
2 Variable
3 Semi-fixed
4 Semi-variable
5 Mixed.
Fixed costs
Fixed costs are costs that do not change with increases or decreases in activity level (production)
within the “relevant range”. For example, rent is a fixed cost whether production is increasing or
decreasing. It is important to note that the relevant range criteria must be applied. In other words, as
soon as production exceeds the current capacity, it becomes necessary to increase the production
facilities, which will result in increased rent.
176 Managerial Accounting
Total fixed costs
Activity level
Relevant range
Figure 1
The total fixed cost may be related to the cost per unit of production. In such a situation, the cost per
unit will decrease as activity increases.
Production (units) 10 000 20 000 25 000
Fixed cost R100 000 R100 000 R100 000
Cost per unit R10 R5 R4
Variable costs
Variable costs are costs that increase directly and proportionately with the level of activity. The ratio
between the change in the cost and the change in the level of activity is always constant.
Activity level
Figure 2
The total variable cost will increase as activity increases, while the variable cost per unit will remain
Production (units) 10 000 20 000 25 000
Variable cost R50 000 R100 000 R125 000
Cost per unit R5 R5 R5
Semi-fixed costs
Semi-fixed costs increase with increased levels of production, but by intermittent (or stepped) jumps
rather than continuously.
Activity level
Figure 3
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 177
Semi-variable costs
Semi-variable costs are costs that increase with production, but not on a proportionate basis. They
can be classified into costs that increase at a decreasing rate and costs that increase at an increasing
rate. Semi-variable costs that increase at a decreasing rate are often referred to as learning curve
Activity Activity
Figure 4
Mixed costs
Mixed costs are often referred to as semi-variable costs. Mixed costs cannot be described by a single
cost behaviour pattern and include elements of fixed and variable costs. It is necessary to
differentiate between the fixed and variable cost element for decision-making purposes.
R Total cost
Activity level
Figure 5
Most indirect costs, as well as labour costs, exhibit mixed cost characteristics.
Many examination questions bring mixed costs into a question by showing the cost structure at two
different levels of activity. Never assume that certain costs are variable simply because the name
thereof (such as labour) implies that they are variable.
You are given the following cost budget at two different levels of activity.
Units Units
60 000 80 000
Direct materials 600 000 800 000
Labour 400 000 500 000
Production overheads 380 000 440 000
Rent 120 000 120 000
Power 200 000 260 000
Differential Variable
Units Units units unit cost
60 000 80 000 20 000
Direct materials 600 000 800 000 200 000 10
Labour 400 000 500 000 100 000 5
Production overheads 380 000 440 000 60 000 3
Rent 120 000 120 000 – –
Power 200 000 260 000 60 000 3
Direct materials
Variable cost R10 per unit
At 60 000 unit level variable costs = R10 × 60 000 = R600 000 no fixed cost
Variable cost R5 per unit
Fixed cost R400 000 – (R5 × 60 000) = R100 000
Production overheads
Variable cost R3 per unit
Fixed cost R380 000 – (R3 × 60 000) = R200 000
Fixed cost of R120 000
Variable cost R3 per unit
Fixed cost R200 000 – (R3 × 60 000) = R20 000
Month Cost Activity
2 R150 000 30 000
4 R90 000 15 000
Difference R60 000 15 000
R60 000 divided by 15 000 = R4 per unit
Variable cost R4 per unit
Fixed cost = R150 000 – (30 000 × 4)
= R30 000
Assuming that in month 7 we expect the activity level to be 32 000 units, the estimated total costs
Variable 32 000 × R4 128 000
Fixed 30 000
Total cost R158 000
There are two problems associated with the high/low shown in the example above.
(i) The highest and lowest values may not necessarily be representative of the population.
(ii) The two values taken are extremes and may fall outside the average cost expectation.
Output 1 000 units = Total cost R5 000
Output 2 000 units = Total cost R8 000
An increase in volume has a resultant increase in cost, not vice-versa.
Output = independent variable
Total cost = dependent variable
It is possible that costs are affected not only by an increase in output but also by an increase in
labour hours, in which case
Output = independent variable
Labour hours = independent variable
Total cost = dependent variable
180 Managerial Accounting
When the relationship between a dependent variable and one independent variable is analysed, the
analysis is called a “simple linear regression”. If more than one independent variable is considered,
the analysis is called “multiple regression”. This chapter will examine simple linear regression only.
Usually the independent variable is denoted by x and the dependent variable by y.
The general least squares linear equation is denoted as:
y = a + bx
y = calculated value of the dependent variable
a = intercept of the regression line (fixed cost)
x = independent variable
b = slope of the regression line (variable cost)
a and b are constants
For multiple regressions, the equation would look as follows:
y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3
where b1 could represent the variable cost for labour hours x1
b2 could represent machine hours
b3 could represent units of production
The objective of a regression analysis is to determine from a sample of data the cost structure (ie
variable and fixed costs) that best fits our sample.
The true regression line could deviate from our estimate because:
(i) the fixed cost could be different
(ii) the slope or variable cost could be different.
Cost Estimate1
Figure 6
In the above diagram, Estimate1 represents the regression equation from the given data. The dotted
lines represent possible deviations around the mean estimate.
The following example illustrates the steps required to do a regression analysis of cost data from a
given sample.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 181
You are given the following information:
Month Direct labour Production Overtime
cost (units) (hours)
1 R100 000 490 120
2 R70 000 250 300
3 R130 000 650 60
4 R110 000 600 50
5 R120 000 550 200
6 R110 000 450 200
7 R90 000 320 100
8 R100 000 350 80
9 R90 000 380 50
10 R78 000 190 150
Assuming the above data is within the relevant range.
You are required to:
Show the steps you would take in analysing the information using simple linear regression
analysis methods.
Step 1
Economic plausibility
The first criterion that must be satisfied before a regression analysis is carried out is that of economic
plausibility. In our example, we must ask “Is it plausible that the direct labour costs vary with
production?” If so, then an analysis of the correlation may be carried out. “Is it plausible that labour
costs vary with the number of overtime hours?” In our example it is highly unlikely, therefore we
should not use overtime hours as a possible independent variable.
A high correlation between the dependent variable and the independent variable merely indicates
that the two variables move together. No conclusions about cause and effect are warranted.
Knowledge of the production operation will help to identify possible independent variables. The
regression analysis will then support or refute our observations, based on the degree of correlation
between the dependent and independent variables.
Step 2
Scatter diagram
A scatter diagram is plotted once you have determined the independent measure to be used in the
regression analysis. In our example, the independent variable is units of production. A graph is then
drawn plotting the direct labour costs on the y axis and the production activity on the x axis.
The scatter diagram should give a visual confirmation of whether a linear or non-linear relationship
exists. It also helps to identify data which may be discarded as exceptional.
Cost Cost
Note: If you are given the scatter diagram in an examination look out for stepped costs, a definite
change in the slope of the variable costs, and the relevant range.
Step 3
Using simultaneous equations, determine the fixed and variable costs
The objective is to find the values of a and b in the prediction equation, y = a + bx. The value of a =
fixed cost and of b = variable cost is determined by substituting in the following normal equations.
1 y = na + bx
2 xy = ax + bx2
Where n = number of observations
The line of best fit y = a + bx found by this method is called the regression line of y on x.
Units Direct labour cost
x y xy x2
’000 ’000
490 100 49 000 240 100
250 70 17 500 62 500
650 130 84 500 422 500
600 110 66 000 360 000
550 120 66 000 302 500
450 110 49 500 202 500
320 90 28 800 102 400
350 100 35 000 122 500
380 90 34 200 144 400
190 78 14 820 36 100
4 230 998 445 320 1 995 500
Substituting into the two simultaneous equations we get:
998 000 = 10a + 4 230b (1)
445 320 000 = 4 230a + 1 995 500b (2)
a = 99 800 – 423b (1)
445 320 000 = 4 230 (99 800 – 423b) + 1 995 500b (2)
b = 112,34178
a = 52279,42
Within the relevant range the fixed costs are R52 279 and the variable cost is R112,34178 per unit.
If the company is budgeting to produce 580 units in the forthcoming month, then the estimated
costs can be calculated as follows:
Total costs = 52 279 + (580 × R112,34178)
= R117 437,23
Step 4
Correlation or goodness of fit
Regression analysis is not a technique that can be used in any situation. One must be careful that the
assumptions underlying the regression are valid for the particular cost analysis.
It is important to state once again that “We are trying to obtain a linear relationship of a non-linear
cost function over the relevant range”. In other words, we can only obtain an approximation of how
the costs should behave over the relevant range.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 183
R Regression line
Activity (Production)
Figure 8
Perfect correlation
The above diagram shows a situation where all observed total costs in relation to increased activity
lie on the regression line. They are perfectly correlated with a zero variation. The difference in costs
between the observed cost y and the mean cost of the population y is explained by the variation in
production. In other words, the mean is a constant figure regardless of activity level, while the actual
costs will be above or below the mean as activity increases or decreases.
Regression line
y y1
Cost y
Activity (production)
Figure 9
y y y1
100 000 99 800 107 326
70 000 99 800 80 364
130 000 99 800 125 301
110 000 99 800 119 684
120 000 99 800 114 067
110 000 99 800 102 833
90 000 99 800 88 228
100 000 99 800 91 598
90 000 99 800 94 969
78 000 99 800 73 624
Substituting in the equation
(y1 – y)2 / N
r2 =
(y – y)2 / N
we get
r2 = 0,844
r = 0,919
The co-efficient of determination is actually the ratio of the variance of the regression line about the
mean value of R99 800 to the total variance of the actual data points about the mean.
The co-efficient of determination of 0,844 indicates that of the total variance of direct labour costs
about the mean of R99 800, 84% of the fluctuation can be explained by knowing the number of units
produced during a particular month.
Step 5
Standard error of estimate
We have calculated the estimated fixed costs for future predictions, but we also know that in
calculating the fixed and variable costs we used a sample of data. If we duplicated the exercise using
different sample data, we would get a different fixed and variable cost estimate.
The values of a and b are estimates based on a sample. In statistical analysis we compute the
standard deviation and the co-efficient of variation to help indicate the degree of dispersion about
the mean. In the same way we need to compute the dispersion of the observed values of y around
the regression line.
The measure of the dispersion is termed the standard error of estimate and is calculated using one of
the two following equations.
(y – y1)2
Se =
y2 – a y – b xy
Se =
The denominator n – 2 is called the “degrees of freedom”. The figure 2 is subtracted because, based
on our sample of observations, we estimated the values of the a and b regression co-efficients.
From our example we get Se = 7 758
The standard error of the estimate can be used to make probabilistic estimates about future costs.
For example, the estimated total cost for a production run is calculated as
52 279 + (580 × R112,34178)
= R117 437,23
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 185
To help gauge our confidence in the above prediction, we adjust our value by the standard error.
Approximately 68% of the points should lie within the band plus/minus one standard error.
Therefore total cost = R117 437,23 plus/minus R7 758
If we require a 95% confidence of the estimate, then from t- value tables the adjustment is
determined as follows:
Number of observations 10
Constants 2
Therefore n – 2 = 8
From t- value tables t.025 (95% confidence) column and reading across at 8 observations, we get a
factor of 2,306.
Therefore 95% confidence for a production of 580 units
= R117 437,23 plus/minus (2,306 × R7 758)
= R117 437,23 plus/minus R17 890
Thus we can be 95% confident that total cost will lie in a band of R99 547 to R135 327.
Step 6
Significance of a relationship
The variable cost estimate of R112,34178 per unit implies that, for every unit of output produced,
the total cost increases by R112,34. It is possible that the relationship represented occurs by chance
and that there in fact is no relationship. If there is no relationship then the slope of the regression
line would be zero.
To test for the significance of a relationship, we determine if the value of “b” (the variable cost) is
significantly different to zero. If it is significantly different to zero, then we infer that a relationship
between the independent and the dependent variables exists.
Test that B =/ 0 (null hypothesis)
Calculate the standard error of the “b” co-efficient
Sb =
x2 – x x
where Se = standard error of estimate. The denominator describes the dispersion of x values around
their mean.
In our example
Sb =
1995 500 – 423 × 4 230
Sb = 17,08421
We now use our calculated Sb to compute the number of standard errors our sample value “b” is
from zero.
b 112,34
= = 6,58 = t – value
Sb 17,08
Therefore, “b” is 6,58 standard errors from B = 0, and we conclude that the deviation does not occur
by chance and that the co-efficient is a good estimate of the population. A deviation greater than
two standard errors is usually regarded as representing a significant relationship between the
Most examination questions do not require you to calculate the figures in steps 3 and 4 above as it is
very time consuming and the calculations too repetitive.
186 Managerial Accounting
The more likely type of question is that in which you are given all the statistical information and are
required to comment on the significance of the information. In such cases the steps to be followed as
detailed above are
(a) test for economic plausibility
(b) does the scatter graph show a linear relationship?
(c) test for correlation
(d) test for significance of a relationship.
Values of t
Degrees of 80% 90% 95% 98% 99%
df t.100 t.050 t.025 t.010 t.005 df
1 3,078 6,314 12,706 31,821 63,657 1
2 1,886 2,920 4,303 6,965 9,925 2
3 1,638 2,353 3,182 4,541 5,841 3
4 1,533 2,132 2,776 3,747 4,604 4
5 1,476 2,015 2,571 3,365 4,032 5
6 1,440 1,943 2,446 3,143 3,707 6
7 1,415 1,895 2,365 2,998 3,499 7
8 1,397 1,860 2,306 2,896 3,355 8
9 1,383 1,833 2,262 2,821 3,250 9
10 1,372 1,812 2,228 2,764 3,169 10
11 1,363 1,796 2,201 2,718 3,106 11
12 1,356 1,782 2,179 2,681 3,055 12
13 1,350 1,771 2,160 2,650 3,012 13
14 1,345 1,761 2,145 2,624 2,977 14
15 1,341 1,753 2,131 2,602 2,947 15
16 1,337 1,746 2,120 2,583 2,921 16
17 1,333 1,740 2,110 2,567 2,898 17
18 1,330 1,734 2,101 2,552 2,878 18
19 1,328 1,729 2,093 2,539 2,861 19
20 1,325 1,725 2,086 2,528 2,845 20
21 1,323 1,721 2,080 2,518 2,831 21
22 1,321 1,717 2,074 2,508 2,819 22
23 1,319 1,714 2,069 2,500 2,807 23
24 1,318 1,711 2,064 2,492 2,797 24
25 1,316 1,708 2,060 2,485 2,787 25
26 1,315 1,706 2,056 2,479 2,779 26
27 1,314 1,703 2,052 2,473 2,771 27
28 1,313 1,701 2,048 2,467 2,763 28
29 1,311 1,699 2,045 2,462 2,756 29
inf 1,282 1,645 1,960 2,326 2,576 inf
df t.100 t.050 t.025 t.010 t.005 df
The t-value describes the sampling distribution of a deviation from a population value divided by the
standard error.
Degrees of freedom (df) appear in the first column. The probabilities indicated as sub-values of t in
the heading refer to the sum of a one-tailed area under the curve that lies outside the point t.
For example, in the distribution of the means of samples of size n = 20, df = n – 2 = 18, then 0,010 of
the area under the curve falls in one tail outside the interval t± 2,552.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 187
Learning curves
“Learning” in individuals performing a task takes place when workers continuously perform a
repetitive task. Efficiency increases as the same task is performed repetitively and the time required
to do the job decreases exponentially. Learning will continue at the same rate until conditions
change or a steady state condition is reached. The rate of learning is specified as a percentage
associated with the learning curve. This rate of learning is usually related to average times to produce
units at a doubling of output.
Learning is calculated on the average time of cumulative production, not on the total time.
See example below.
Assume it takes 40 hours to assemble a computer, and it has been determined that an 80%
learning curve is appropriate for estimating assembly time when output doubles.
You are required to:
Calculate the average unit time and the marginal unit time for the assembly of 16 computers.
Average and total times at doubling points
Production Cumulative Average Total Total Average
production time time time unit time
1 1 40 40 40 40
1 2 32 64 24 24
2 4 25,6 102,4 38,4 19,2
4 8 20,48 163,84 61,44 15,4
8 16 16,384 262,14 98,3 12,3
Average time : Previous average × 80%
Total time : Average time × Cumulative production
Marginal total time : Current total time – Previous total time
Marginal average unit time : Marginal total time ÷ Production
The above tabulation can be expressed graphically as follows:
hours per
unit of
Steady state
1 2 4
Figure 10 Cumulative quantity. In units
188 Managerial Accounting
Learning curve
While the doubling points help to explain learning curves, practicality requires that the information
should be available at any level of output.
Note: Learning is often measured in batches of production; it is therefore important that you do the
calculations based on batches and not in single units.
Illustrative examples
Example 1
Learning is measured in the average production line.
Cumulative Marginal Total Average
1 70 70 70
2 28 98 49
The average is based on a 70% learning curve.
Example 2
Cumulative Total Average Marginal
1 70 70 70
2 126 63 56
The learning curve is 90%.
Example 3
A company manufactures a product and a budget has been prepared on the assumption that
the company will produce and sell 300 units.
Unit selling price R200
Costs per unit:
Variable labour R100
Fixed R50
The budget assumes that production will take place in batches of 100 units and the average
production time per unit is 5 hours. No learning has been assumed.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 189
The managing director believes that the budget does not reflect the correct cost structure as
he believes that learning does take place and that an 80% learning curve should be applied.
(a) Batch of 100 units takes 500 hours
Average time if 300 units (3 batches) are produced = 70,7%
Average time for 300 units is: 500 × 70,7% = 353,5 hours
Total time for 300 units: 353,5 × 3 = 1060,5 hours
Variable labour cost 1060,5 × 20 = R21 210
Fixed cost R50 × 300 = R15 000
Profit statement
Sales 60 000
Production costs
Variable 21 210
Fixed 15 000
Cost of sales 36 210
Profit 23 790
Mathematical method
Note: It is not necessary at most educational institutions to calculate aspects of the learning curve
using mathematical methods. Before you proceed, find out if you need to study this section.
The mathematical learning curve relationship can be expressed as:
y = axb
190 Managerial Accounting
y= cumulative average time per unit when x units are produced
a= time required to produce the first unit
x= cumulative number of units produced
b= measure of learning
The log transformation of the above equation is
log y = log a + b.log x
log (learning %)
b is determined as b =
log 2
Using the information given in our example, and assuming we want to compute the cumulative
average time to produce three units, the calculation is carried out as follows:
log 0,80 9,9031 – 10
b = = = – 0,322
log 2 0,301
Calculate the estimated labour cost to assemble the 15th computer at an hourly cost of R20.
Using the equation y = axb
Average time for 14 units y = 17,1
Average time for 15 units y = 16,73
Total time for 14 units: 14 × 17,1 = 239,4 hours
Total time for 15 units: 15 × 16,73 = 250,95 hours
Actual time for unit 15: 250,95 – 239,4 = 11,55 hours
at a cost of R20 per hour, the assembly cost for computer 15 is computed as:
R20 × 11,55 = R231
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 191
Step 1
Average time for 4 computers = 32,4
Average time for 10 computers = 28,2
Step 2
Solve 2 simultaneous equations where
log y = log a + b log x
log (32,4) = log a + b log(4) (1)
log (28,2) = log a + b log(10) (2)
1,5105 = log a + b.6021 (1)
1,4502 = log a + b (2)
Subtracting 0,0603 = – 0,3979 b
Therefore b = – 0,1515
Step 3
log (learning %)
Substituting in the equation b =
log 2
log x
– 0,1515 =
– 0,0456 = log x
9,9544 – 10 = log x
0,9 = x
or 90% learning curve
The learning effect as discussed in this chapter only applies to direct labour costs and those variable
overhead costs which use a direct function of labour hours of input.
Refer to the chapter on “Budgeting” for an example of the application of learning curves on
manufacturing budgets and cash budgets.
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
A company manufactures a product and a budget has been prepared on the assumption that the
company will produce and sell 300 units.
Unit selling price R200
Costs per unit:
Variable labour R60
Variable overheads R60
Fixed R50
The budget assumes that production will take place in batches of 100 units. No learning has been
192 Managerial Accounting
The managing director believes that the budget does not reflect the correct cost structure as he
believes that learning does take place in batches of 100 units and that an 80% learning curve should
be applied. The variable overheads vary directly with labour hours.
(a) Batch of 100 units will cost
Variable labour R60 × 100 = 6 000
Variable overhead R60 × 100 = 6 000
R12 000
Learning curve factor for 3 batches of production = 70,7%
Average cost for 300 units is: R12 000 × 70,7% = R8 484
Total cost for 300 units (3 batches): R8 484 × 3 = R25 452
Fixed cost R50 × 300 = R15 000
Profit statement
Sales 60 000
Production costs
Variable 25 452
Fixed 15 000
Cost of sales 40 452
Profit 19 548
Practice questions
Question 6 – 1 35 marks 52 minutes
Kinetics Ltd manufactures a product used in the motor industry, but has found that monthly demand
for the product fluctuates greatly, depending on the demand for motor vehicles. The company
manufactures to order and it is sometimes necessary to have extra machines when demand is
particularly high.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 193
Kinetics Ltd is machine-intensive but also has a very large labour force. The company is concerned
about manufacturing costs and has asked you to analyse the cost structure and report on the
manufacturing cost per unit. Your initial analysis has produced the following data:
Machine hours Labour hours
Sample size 21 28
Co-efficients of regression equation:
Constant R125 000 R186 000
Independent variable R7,65 R15,80
of correlation 0,90 0,86
of determination 0,81 0,74
Standard error of estimate (Se) 18 265 26 280
Standard error of regression
Co-efficient for independent variable (Sb) 2,50 1,98
True t statistic for 90%confidence interval (n – 2)d / f 1,729 1,706
250 250
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Machine hours ’000 Labour hours ’000
Figure 11
The above figures are based on a monthly production run at different levels of production. Orders
have been placed for the forthcoming quarter as follows:
Quarter 3
Month Units Machine hours Labour hours
1 4 000 6 000 4 000
2 18 000 24 000 6 000
3 32 000 45 000 10 000
Kinetics Ltd is interested in taking on a special order in months 1 and 2, and has requested that you
advise them on the estimated cost per unit on the special orders.
Special order
Month Units Machine hours Labour hours
1 12 000 17 000 5 000
2 4 000 6 000 4 000
194 Managerial Accounting
(a) Comparison of statistical evidence
Regression analysis is fundamentally a method of using a sample of past cost behaviour information
to estimate how the entire population of costs actually behaves. The technique establishes the fixed
cost value of the population within a relevant range and estimates the variable cost per unit.
A linear regression analysis exercise can only be carried out within a relevant range where:
(a) Future circumstances are likely to be similar to those under which the historical data was
(b) All cost data has been adjusted to current prices.
(c) The error terms are normally distributed around the regression line.
Regression analysis compares cost to volume of output, or costs to an identifiable resource input
such as labour hours.
The cost is dependent on the volume of output.
to 1. In the given data, “Machine hours” shows a better correlation than “Labour hours” and is
therefore a better predictor.
Learning curves
The first machine took 800 hours to manufacture; the second machine took 320 hours to
manufacture. What is the learning %?
Learning curves
The first machine took 1 000 hours to manufacture. The first two machines took 1 800 hours to
manufacture. What is the learning %?
Machines Average Hours
1 1 000 1 000
2 1 000 × 0,8 800
4 800 × 0,8 640
8 640 × 0,8 512
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 197
Average 1st machine 800 hours
Total 2 machines 1 120 (800 + 320)
Average 2 machines 560
Learning curve 70%
ie 800 × 70% = 560
Average 1st machine 1 000 hours
Average 2 machines 900 (1 800 / 2)
Learning curve 90%
If the order is for 200 units or fewer, it will need to be done during period 5, which already has a
work-load of:
Department R 2 560 direct labour hours
Department S 1 400 direct labour hours
For this order, a sub-contractor has quoted R160 per unit for the work that would be done by
Department S.
Because of the sub-contractor’s apparently competitive prices and the fact that Department S has
been operating at rather low levels, the company is wondering whether it should close Department S
and have the sub-contractor do the work that Department S normally does.
1 Workings
Department R Department S
Normal labour hours available 4 000 3 000
Existing work load 2 560 1 400
Special order
(100 units) 100 × 12 1 200 100 × 6 600
Total 3 760 2 000
Special order (200 units) 200 × 6 × 70%
200 × 12 × 80% 1 920 840
Less 100 order 1 200 720 Less 100 order 600 240
Total 4,480 2,240
Overtime hours
480 × R50 × 50% = R12 000
R12 000 ÷ 200 = R60 per unit premium
Note: Normal time has already been charged. The above calculation is just the premium.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 199
Recommended price
(i) 100 units at R306,60 each
(ii) 200 units at R248,37 each.
(b) Order for 600 units incremental to, but combined with, the order for 200 units, making 800
units in all.
Basis: No capacity restraints, fixed overheads already recovered and no profit on the 600 units.
200 units per
(a)(ii) 800 units
Department R 480 R720 × 0,8 × 0,8 460,80
Direct labour 240
Variable overhead
Department S
Direct labour 126 R210 × 0,7 × 0,7 102,90
Variable overhead 84
R930 R563,70
Cost of 800 units as above at R563,70 450 960
Cost of 200 units as above at R930 186 000
Therefore 600 units 264 960
Material @ R270 × 600 162 000
426 960
An incremental order for 600 units with no capacity restrictions, fixed overhead already
recovered and no profit could be charged at R711,60 each or R426 960 for the 600 units.
200 Managerial Accounting
(c) (i) When the sub-contractor should be used for this order instead of Department S
R per unit
Sub-contractor’s price 160
Department S’ variable cost:
Direct labour 6 × R30 180
Variable overhead 6 × R20 120
First 100 units 300
200 units R300 × 0,7 210
400 units R210 × 0,7 147
800 units R147 × 0,7 102,9
For the present order the sub-contractor would be cheaper, and therefore could be used
on the 100 or 200 units orders but not on the 800 unit order.
(ii) Circumstances warranting closing Department S and using the sub-contractor
l if the fixed costs of R120 000 (R40 × 3 000) could be eliminated
l if the contribution from Department S is less than R120 000 per year (3 000 hours ×
R40 per hour fixed overhead)
l if normal orders are for 200 units or less for work similar to the special order
l if the contractor is willing to enter into a long-term contract based on the R160 per
unit or its equivalent, his quality of work is good and his delivery is reliable.
(b) Draw a graph of Babel Ltd’s costs versus output to provide a better analysis of costs than
regression estimates in (a), estimate the point at which variable costs change and estimate the
linear cost relationships over the relevant ranges (8 marks)
(c) Use your answer from (b) to provide an analysis of costs from January to June, set out in
spreadsheet format (ie rows and columns). Divide the rows into relevant cost categories to
explain observed costs, and treat any residual amounts as unexplained differences. (10 marks)
(d) Discuss the difficulties which may be encountered in preparing and using statistical cost
estimation in practice. (10 marks)
(a) Units Cost
6 000 78 000
9 000 105 200
Marginal 3 000 27 200
Variable costs – 27 200 / 3 000 = R9,07
Fixed costs – 78 000 – (6 000 × 9,07) = R23 580
costs 180
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Output (’000) units 10,7
Figure 12
Normal total
Month Output units Costs
(000’s) R’000
January 9 105,2 (115,2 – 10)
February 14 172,0 (182,0 – 10)
March 11 125,4
April 8 96,0
May 6 78,0
June 12 140,4
202 Managerial Accounting
Variable costs = = 9,06 per unit ie R9,10
Fixed costs = 105,2 – (9,06 × 9) = 23,66 ie R23 700
(W2) R’000 Units (000s)
February 172,0 14
March 125,4 11
46,6 3
Variable costs = = 15,53 per unit ie R15,50
Fixed costs = 172 – (15,53 × 14) = – 45,42 ie – R45 400
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 203
Based on standards for comparable work, the company’s cost estimates per unit for variation 1 of
the contract are:
Direct materials: 15 meters at R80 per meter
Direct labour:
Dept AR 8 hours at R30 per hour
Dept AS 100 hours at R36 per hour
Dept AT 30 hours at R24 per hour
Variable overhead: 25% of direct labour
Fixed overhead absorption
Dept AR R50 per direct labour hour
Dept AS R30 per direct labour hour
Dept AT R20 per direct labour hour
The three departments differ in their work composition. Dept AR is highly automated and its output,
predominantly machine-controlled, is little influenced by operator efficiency. By contrast, output in
Departments AS and AT is almost exclusively influenced by operator skills.
(a) Variation 1
Assumption: The number of labour hours is given per unit, based on an initial order of 200
units. It is assumed that learning is based on the initial batch of 200 units.
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 205
Variation 3
Batches Batches x y%
Initial order no 1 200 units 1 1 1,0 100
Subsequent order no 2 100 units 0 ,5 1,5 1,5 87,6
Subsequent order no 3 100 units 0,5 2 2,0 80
Subsequent order no 4 80 units 0 ,4 2,4 2,4 76
The solution will be carried out by calculating the cumulative selling prices as the order size
increases, and then subtracting the selling price for the previous order.
Order no 1
Unit selling price = R11 906 per unit (see variation 1).
Order no 2
Cumulative orders 300 × R10 678,40 = R3 203 520
Previous order 200 × R11 906,00 = R2 381 200
Order 2 100 R822 320
Selling price per unit R822 320 ÷ 100 units = R8 223,20 per unit
Order no 3
Cumulative orders 400 × R 9 926,00 = R3 970 400
Previous orders 300 × R10 678,40 = R3 203 520
Order 3 100 R766 880
Selling price per unit R766 880 ÷ 100 units = R7 668,80 per unit
Order no 4
Cumulative orders 480 × R 9 530,00 = R4 574 400
Previous orders 400 × R 9 926,00 = R3 970 400
Order 4 80 R604 000
Selling price per unit R604 000 ÷ 80 units = R7 550 per unit
Order no 2 Order no 3 Order no 4
cumulative 300 cumulative 400 cumulative 480
Conversion costs R R R
Direct labour
AR × R30 240,00 240,00 240,00
AS 87,6hrs × R36 3 153,60 (80 hrs) 2 880,00 (76 hrs) 2 736,00
AT 26,28hrs × R24 630,72 (24 hrs) 576,00 (22,8 hrs) 547,20
4 024,32 3 696,00 3 523,20
Variable overhead 25% 1 006,08 924,00 880,80
Fixed overhead
AR at R50 400,00 400,00 400,00
AS at R30 2 628,00 2 400,00 2 280,00
AT at R20 525,60 480,00 456,00
8 584,00 7 900,00 7 540,00
Direct materials cost 1 200,00 1 200,00 1 200,00
Profit 3% on R1200 36,00 36,00 36,00
10% on R8584 858,40 (R7900) 790,00 (R754) 754,00
10 678,40 9 926,00 9 530,00
Chapter 6: Cost classification and estimation 207
(b) (i) A standard costing system sets a uniform time and labour cost that will enable
management to compare the original budget and flexed budget to the actual cost.
Introducing the effect of the learning curve into the standard would mean that unit costs
would keep changing, which would frustrate those responsible for meeting the
budgeted costs. Implementation would also be difficult.
(ii) Changing standards would cause workers to have a negative attitude as they may
interpret the system as a way of making them work harder to meet a standard that they
may feel is unfair. Future budgeted input information from the workers could also be
negative when easy standards are set, as they fear that management will tighten
standards anyway.
(iii) Learning curve applications are inappropriate where the labour cost per hour is low and
labour turnover is high. It must be remembered that once a steady state is attained, no
further reduction in costs will occur.
7 analysis
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l define what is meant by cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis including break-even analysis
l explain the difference between the economist’s and accountant’s cost-volume-profit graph
l calculate the break-even point, margin of safety and incremental contribution
l reconcile budget profit to actual profit and discuss why CVP represents a variable costing
l carry out multi-product break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
B Total
0 Activity (units)
Figure 1
Total Variable
costs costs
Fixed costs
Figure 2
Key ratios
Profit Volume (PV) ratio =
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales (B/E sales) revenue =
PV ratio
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales volume =
Contribution per unit
Sales – B/E sales
Margin of safety ratio =
Profit ratio =
Break-even analysis
The number of units needed to be sold in order to “break-even” will be the total costs divided by the
contribution required to break-even. This must be an amount which equals the fixed costs.
Target profit
When a company wishes to achieve a certain profit during a period, we need to consider whether the
profit required is fixed or varies with each unit sold. If the profit required is fixed, we treat it in the
same way as we would a fixed cost. If the profit required is variable, we treat it in the same way as
we would a variable cost.
Margin of safety
The margin of safety is a measure by which the budgeted volume of sales is compared with the
volume of sales required to break-even. It is the difference in units between:
(a) budgeted sales volume, and
(b) break-even sales volume,
and it is sometimes expressed as a percentage of the budgeted sales volume. (It may also be
expressed as the difference between the budgeted sales revenue and break-even sales revenue,
expressed as a percentage of the budgeted sales revenue.)
– Fixed costs
= Profit
per the cost-volume-profit chart.
Illustrative example 1
A company has produced the following budget information:
Production/Sales 100 000 units
Sales 5 800 000
Manufacturing costs:
Direct materials 2 000 000
Labour costs 1 000 000
Overhead costs 500 000
Manufacturing profit 2 300 000
Non-manufacturing costs:
Rent 400 000
Accounting 200 000
Marketing 300 000
Salaries 500 000
Other costs 100 000
Profit R800 000
Budgeting information
Manufacturing labour costs are 80% variable.
Overhead costs are 40% variable.
Marketing costs are 40% variable.
Other costs are 20% variable with production units.
All other costs are fixed, except for direct materials.
The actual results for the company are as follows:
The company produced 120 000 units and sold 110 000 units at the budget selling price.
Variable manufacturing costs, including materials, are 5% higher.
Fixed manufacturing costs are 10% higher.
All other costs were per the budget cost structure.
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 213
(a) Analysis of cost structure
Variable per unit Fixed R
Sales 58 5 800 000
Manufacturing costs:
Direct materials 20 2 000 000
Labour costs 8 200 000 1 000 000
Overhead costs 2 300 000 500 000
Rent 400 000 400 000
Accounting 200 000 200 000
Marketing 1 ,20 180 000 300 000
Salaries 500 000 500 000
Other costs 0 ,20 80 000 100 000
Contribution R26 ,60
Fixed costs R1 860 000
Profit R800 000
Contribution: R
Sales 58
Direct materials 20
Labour costs 8
Overhead costs 2
Marketing 1 ,20
Other costs 0 ,20
Contribution 26 ,60
214 Managerial Accounting
Profit Volume ratio: =
26,60 × 100 000
= = 0,4586 or 45,86%
5 800 000
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales revenue: =
PV ratio
1 860 000
= = R4 055 822
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales volume: =
Contribution per unit
1 860 000
= = 69 925 units
Sales – B/E sales
Margin of safety ratio: =
= 0,30 or 30%
Profit ratio: =
800 000
= = 0,1379 or 13,79%
5 800 000
Fixed costs:
Labour 200 000
Overhead costs 300 000
Rent 400 000
Accounting 200 000
Marketing 180 000
Salaries 500 000
Other costs 80 000
Profit R800 000
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 215
Increase in
5 000 profit / contribution
4 055 Total costs
Decrease in
profit / contribution
Variable costs
1 860
Fixed costs
Margin of safety
Figure 3
(a) Actual income statement
Sales 110 000 × 58 6 380 000
Manufacturing costs:
Direct materials 2 520 000
Labour costs 1 208 000
Overhead costs 582 000
4 310 000
Closing inventory – 300 000
Cost of sales 4 010 000 (4 010 000)
Manufacturing profit 2 370 000
Non-manufacturing costs:
Rent 400 000
Accounting 200 000
Marketing 312 000
Salaries 500 000
Other costs 104 000
Profit R854 000
Direct materials:
120 000 × R20 × 105% = 2 520 000
Variable 120 000 × R8 × 105% = 1 008 000
Fixed 200 000
1 208 000
Manufacturing overheads:
Variable 120 000 × R2 × 105% = 252 000
Fixed 300 000 × 110% = 330 000
582 000
Variable 110 000 × R1,20 = 132 000
Fixed 180 000
312 000
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 217
Variable 120 000 × R0,20 = 24 000
Fixed 80 000
104 000
Closing inventory:
10 000 × (20 + 8 + 2) = R300 000
Profit Volume ratio: =
25,10 × 110 000
= = 0,4328 or 43,28%
6 380 000
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales revenue: =
PV ratio
Fixed costs: = 200 000 + 330 000 + 400 000 + 200 000 + 180 000 + 500 000 +
80 000 = 1 890 000
1 890 000
= = R4 366 913
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales volume: =
Contribution per unit
1 890 000
= = 75 299 units
Sales – B/E sales
Margin of safety ratio: =
6 380 000 – 4 366 913
6 380 000
= 0,316 or 31,6%
Profit ratio: =
854 000
6 380 000
= 0,1339 or 13,39%
218 Managerial Accounting
Example 1
You have been given the following cost analysis:
20X1 20X2
Sales 1 000 000 1 200 000
Material cost 170 000 204 000
Labour 100 000 104 000
Manufacturing overhead 300 000 336 000
Rent 50 000 50 000
Salaries 100 000 100 000
Marketing 180 000 198 000
Profit 100 000 208 000
(a) Sales units given
20X1 20X2 Marginal Variable
Units 1 000 1 200 200 per unit
Sales 1 000 000 1 200 000 200 000 1 000
Material cost 170 000 204 000 34 000 170
Labour 100 000 104 000 4 000 20
Manufacturing overhead 300 000 336 000 36 000 180
Rent 50 000 50 000
Salaries 100 000 100 000
Marketing 180 000 198 000
Profit 100 000 208 000 18 000 90
Contribution R108 000 R540
The increase in sales revenue must be for the incremental sales of 200 units. Any increase in
costs incurred in 20X2 must be an increase in variable costs, as all fixed costs remain the same
by nature. In practice, it is possible that there has also been an increase in the general price
levels. The calculations above assume that the cost structure for 20X2 is the same as the 20X1
cost structure.
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 219
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales volume: =
Contribution per unit
440 000
= 815 units
Fixed expenses
Break-even sales volume: =
PV ratio
440 000
= R814 815
Example 2
A company produced a CVP chart at its monthly meeting showing that the company would
break-even at a sales level of R400 000. At a sales level of R600 000, the company will make a
profit of R80 000.
It is very important to be aware of the profit volume ratio, or ratio of contribution to sales. Bear in
mind that, as sales change and fixed costs remain constant, only “contribution” will change. The
following relationship is important:
Sales 400 000 600 000 200 000 100%
Variable costs ? ? 120 000 60% K
Contribution ? ? 80 000 40% K
Fixed costs ? ? – –
Profit – 80 000 80 000 40% K
The above tabulation shows that as sales increase by R200 000, so the contribution and resultant
profit will increase by R80 000.
From the diagram below, we note that the shaded area represents the increase in company profit. As
fixed costs have not changed, the profit has in fact increased by the contribution per unit. This is why
management accountants always show contribution as profit.
The PV ratio is constant at all sales levels and is calculated as
80 000
= 40%
200 000
Profit =
R’000 increase in
500 Total
Sales value or
Figure 4
At break-even
Sales 400 000 100%
Variable costs 240 000 60%
Contribution 160 000 40%
Fixed costs 160 000 (balancing figure)
Profit –
If sales drop to R350 000, the contribution will be R140 000 and, as fixed costs are R160 000, the
company will make a loss of R20 000.
222 Managerial Accounting
Example 3
The budget income statement of Company Z is as follows:
Sales 20 000 units R’000
Sales 1 800
Manufacturing costs 1 100
Gross profit 700
Administration and selling costs 400
Profit 300
30% of the administration and selling costs are variable. The company has a break-even point
of 12 500 units.
Administration and selling costs
Fixed – R400 000 × 70% = R280 000
Variable – R400 000 × 30% = R120 000 / 20 000 = R6 per unit
At break-even, profit equals zero
Therefore change in sales = 7 500 units [ 20 000 – 12 500 ]
change in profit = R300 000 = contribution [ 300 000 – 0 ]
contribution per unit = R300 000 / 7 500 = R40 per unit
total variable cost = [ R1 800 000 / 20 000 ] – R40 = R50
manufacturing variable cost = R50 – R6 (selling) = R44
Cost analysis at 20 000 units
Total per unit
Sales 1 800 000 90
Variable manufacturing 880 000 44
Fixed manufacturing 220 000 n/a Balancing figure
Gross profit 700 000
Variable administration and selling 120 000 6
Fixed administration and selling 280 000 n/a
Profit 300 000 R40 Contribution
Budget at 24 000 units
Sales 2 160 000 [ R90 × 24 000 ]
Variable manufacturing 1 056 000 [ R44 × 24 000 ]
Variable administration and selling 144 000 [ R6 × 24 000 ]
Contribution 960 000 [ R40 × 24 000 ]
Fixed manufacturing 220 000
Fixed administration and selling 280 000
Profit 460 000
OR: Increased sales = 4 000 units
Contribution × R40
Increased contribution R160 000
Current profit R300 000
Budget profit R460 000
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 223
Alternative solution
Current B/even Marginal
Sales – units 20 000 12 500 7 500
R’000 R’000 R’000
Sales 1 800 1 125 675
Manufacturing costs 1 100
Gross profit 700
Administration and selling costs 400
Profit 300 – 300
Break-even sales = R1 800 000 / 20 000 × 12 500 = R1 125 000
A company manufactures a single product, and the management accountant has produced the
following budget:
Production and sales are expected to be 1 000 units.
Sales @ R500 each 500 000
Variable costs 300 000
Contribution 200 000
Fixed costs 100 000
Profit 100 000
You are required to:
(a) Break-even (i) Determine the break-even volume.
(ii) Determine the margin of safety.
(b) Profit targets
(i) Determine how many units must be sold to earn a profit of R160 000.
(ii) Determine how many units must be sold to earn a profit equal to 20% of sales
(iii) Determine how many units must be sold to earn an after-tax profit of R55 000,
assuming that the tax rate is 45%.
(iv) Determine how many units must be sold to earn an after-tax profit of R22 000 plus
11% of sales after tax, assuming that the tax rate is 45%.
(c) Pricing decisions
The company has recently conducted a market survey that revealed three possible
(i) If advertising was increased by R20 000, sales would increase from 1 000 units to
1 200 units.
(ii) A selling price decrease to R450 would increase sales by 300 units. Fixed costs
would, however, increase by R20 000.
(iii) A decrease in selling price by R60 and an increase in advertising by R20 000 will
increase sales by 500 units.
Fixed costs will, however, increase by R20 000.
Should the company maintain its current price and advertising policies or should it select one
of the three alternatives described above?
(a) Break-even
Fixed costs
(i) The break-even point is determined as
Contribution per unit
Fixed costs = R100 000
Contribution per unit = R200 000 ÷ 1 000 = R200
Break-even R100 000
= = 500 units
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 225
(iv) Required profit is R22 000 after tax plus 11% of sales
22 000
= R40 000 before tax
Sales = R500 × 11% = R55 after tax
Before tax = R55 / 0,55 = R100
100 000 + 40 000
Required sales = = 1 400 units
200 – 100
Company A produced a CVP graph at its monthly meeting showing that the company expected
a profit of R90 000 at a sales level of 9 000 units for the month of May.
Budget profit per unit:
Sales 40
Variable cost 20
Fixed cost 10
Profit 10
The actual production and unit sales for the month of May was 10 000, showing an actual
profit of R98 000.
Performance analysis should always be done on a variable costing basis, and it is important to
reconcile the budget profit to expected profit at the actual sales level, and then to actual profit.
Budget profit at 9 000 units:
R Per unit
Sales 360 000 40
Variable costs 180 000 20
Contribution 180 000 20
Fixed costs 90 000
Profit 90 000
Budget profit 90 000
Sales variance 20 000 (+ 1 000 × R20)
Standard/Expected profit 110 000
Unfavourable performance (12 000)
Actual profit R98 000
We conclude that the company has outperformed expectations in terms of sales levels and bottom-
line profit.
We however also report that there is an unfavourable performance of R12 000 that requires
investigation. According to the CVP chart, the company should have made a profit of R110 000 if it
sold 10 000 units. The reason for the unfavourable performance of R12 000 could be any one of the
following: a lower selling price, higher costs or inefficiencies of production.
Company B produces a product whose variable cost is R6 per unit; its selling price is R10 per unit.
Fixed costs are R20 000 over a relevant range of 4 000 to 10 000 units.
The above example can be illustrated by drawing a Profit Volume diagram as illustrated below. The
break-even position is where the company sells 5 000 units, while the margin of safety is the excess
sales above break-even sales. The distance between the PV line and the x axis represents the
contribution. For every marginal unit sold, the Company’s profit increases by the incremental
228 Managerial Accounting
contribution gained. Conversely, for every unit of sale lost, the Company’s profit will decrease by an
amount equal to the contribution. The PV graph could be described as the Contribution Volume
R’000 30
20 Relevant range
Margin of safety
Loss 2 4 6 8 10 1
B/E point
Figure 5
Company A sells three products with the following selling prices, costs and sales mix.
Unit sales 1 000 2 000 3 000
Unit selling price R20 R15 R10
Unit variable costs R10 R8 R6
Specific fixed costs R8 000 R7 000 R5 000
General fixed costs amount to R14 000
(a) Budget income statement
A B C Total
Sales 20 000 30 000 30 000
Variable costs 10 000 16 000 18 000
Contribution 10 000 14 000 12 000
Specific fixed costs 8 000 7 000 5 000
Product profit 2 000 7 000 7 000 16 000
General fixed costs 14 000
Company profit R2 000
(b) A B C
Selling 20 15 10
Variable cost 10 8 6
Contribution 10 7 4
Specific fixed costs R8 000 R7 000 R5 000
All three products are generating a contribution towards general fixed costs, therefore we
should continue to produce them. What would happen if we allocated the general fixed costs to
each product on an equal basis?
Product A would now show a loss of R2 700, and one might argue that it is therefore not viable.
Whether we should be producing product A or not will depend on several factors, such as
capacity constraints and customer demand. Nevertheless, we do have a problem in determining
the overall company break-even point on a per product basis.
Note: Although we have calculated a break-even per product, we have done so based on
specific fixed costs only, and have ignored the general fixed costs. In practice, you will
probably not have the specific fixed cost, in which case you have to calculate the overall
break-even per (c) below.
(c) A B C
Contribution R10 R7 R4
Sales mix 1 : 2 : 3
1 2 3
Equivalent unit contribution = (10 × ) + (7 × ) + (4 × )
6 6 6
= R6
Alternative solution:
A R10 × 1 = 10
B R7 × 2 = 14
C R4 × 3 = 12
Total contribution 36
34 000
Break-even = = 944,4
Sensitivity analysis
The variable inputs of cost-volume-profit analysis are sales volume, selling price, variable cost and
fixed costs (production, administration and selling). Any change of any of these inputs will have a
direct effect on profitability. If, for example, the selling price of a product were to drop by (say) R1
per unit, the effect could have a major impact on profitability. Management is therefore interested in
determining which variable or combination of variables will have the biggest impact on profitability.
In practice, companies would use a computer programme to simulate changes in the variables and
analyse their effect on profitability. The following example illustrates the technique, but has its
limitations on multi-variable manipulation.
The following budget was produced by the accountant for the forthcoming year:
Sales – units 100 000
Sales value 1 800 000
Variable cost 800 000
Fixed cost 400 000
Profit 600 000
The company desires a minimum profit of R400 000 for the following year.
(a) Calculate the sensitivity of the budget profit to changes in the input variables, ie sales
volume, selling price, variable costs and fixed costs.
(b) Assuming that the minimum profit requirement of R400 000 was not given in the
example, re-calculate the sensitivity on all the variables.
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 231
(a) Sales volume
Set the profit and fixed cost. Determine the contribution, followed by the sales, at the budget
profit volume ratio (or contribution per unit).
Sales 1 440 000 [ 800 000 / 10 × 18 ]
Variable costs 640 000 [ 800 000 / 10 × 8 ]
Contribution 800 000
Fixed costs 400 000 K Given
Profit 400 000 K Given
Selling price per unit R1 800 000 / 100 000 = R18
Variable cost per unit R800 000 / 100 000 = R8
Contribution per unit = R18 – R8 = R10
Unit sales = R1 440 000 / 18 = 80 000 units
Expected volume 100 000 units
Potential decline 20 000 units
As a percentage of current sales = 20 000 / 100 000 = 20%
Selling price
Keep all variables static, except for selling price. Start with minimum profit of R400 000.
Sales volume 100 000
Sales 1 600 000 (Balancing figure)
Variable costs 800 000 K (Per budget)
Contribution 800 000 K
Fixed costs 400 000 K (Per budget)
Profit 400 000 K Given
Selling price per unit = R1 600 000 / 100 000 = R16
Existing selling price = R18
Percentage potential decline 2/18 = 11,1%
Variable cost
Sales volume 100 000
Sales 1 800 000 L (Per budget)
Variable costs 1 000 000 (Balancing figure)
Contribution 800 000 K
Fixed costs 400 000 K (Per budget)
Profit 400 000 K
Illustrative example 1
A manufacturing company has the following cost structure:
Variable cost per unit R8
Annual fixed costs:
Production Fixed costs
1 – 20 000 R320 000
20 001 – 60 000 R380 000
60 001 – 80 000 R400 000
80 001 – 100 000 R500 000
(a) Production is set at 50 000 units per year, and selling price at R15 per unit. An order has
been received from America at a required selling price of R10 per unit. How many units
have to be sold for the company to show an overall profit of R6 000 per annum?
(b) Current sales is 60 000 units per year. By how much may advertising costs be increased to
bring sales up to 80 000 units and still earn a net profit of 10% of total sales if the selling
price is held at R15 per unit?
(a) Current Required increase
Sales 750 000 180 000 100% R10
Variable cost 400 000 144 000 80% R8
Contribution 350 000 36 000 20% R2
Fixed costs 380 000 ?
Profit (30 000) 36 000
The required contribution to yield a net profit of R6 000 is a marginal increase of R36 000. At a
contribution of R2 per unit, sales will have to increase by 18 000 units. This means that sales will
increase to 68 000 units and fixed cost will increase by a further R20 000.
Required sales R36 000 ÷ 2 = 18 000 units
Increased fixed costs R20 000 ÷ 2 = 10 000
Increased sales 28 000
Current 50 000
Total units 78 000
No further increase in fixed costs.
The required American sales is 28 000 units.
234 Managerial Accounting
(b) At a sales level of 80 000 units, total sales will equal R1 200 000 and the required net profit will
be R120 000.
Sales 1 200 000
Variable costs 640 000
Contribution 560 000
Fixed costs 400 000
Profit 160 000
Required profit 120 000
Maximum advertising 40 000
Illustrative example 2
Variable costs for a particular product are as follows:
Materials 40,00
Labour 15,00
Variable overhead 5,00
Selling price is R80 each, and the expected total annual sales revenue is R1 200 000. Budgeted
fixed costs are R150 000. In the forthcoming year, labour costs will increase by 10%; material
by 5%; variable overhead costs by 4%, and fixed costs by 2% from the beginning of the year.
You are required to:
(a) Calculate the new selling price if the PV ratio is to be maintained.
(b) Calculate the sales volume required in the forthcoming year if the selling price remains
the same and profit is to be maintained.
(a) PV ratio = = 25%
Revised variable costs
Material 42,00
Labour 16,50
Variable overheads 5,20
Revised selling price = 63,70 ×
= R84,93
(b) Revised contribution per unit
R80 – R63,70 = R16,30
Current profit (15 000 × 20) – 150 000 = R150 000
= 18 589 units
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 235
The following questions are intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been
introduced in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following
Question 1
You are given the following information pertaining to a company:
Variable expenses R30 000
Profit volume ratio 0,40
Profit ratio 0,10
Units sold 5 000
PV ratio =
40 Contribution
100 Sales
Sales = 100
Variable cost = 60
Contribution = 40
Sales = 50 000
Contribution = 20 000
15 000
B/E volume = = 3 750
50 000 – 37 500
Margin of safety ratio = = 0,25
50 000
Question 2
You are given the following information pertaining to a company:
Fixed expenses R135 000
Profit R90 000
Break-even value R300 000
Margin of safety ratio 0,40
Units sold 20 000
Contribution = 135 000 + 90 000 = 225 000
Margin of safety ratio =
40 Sales – 300 000
100 Sales
Question 3
You are given the following information pertaining to a company:
Sales R500 000
Margin of safety ratio 0,20
Profit ratio 0,06
Units sold 200 000
Profit ratio = 0,06
Profit 500 000 × 0,06 = 30 000
Margin of safety ratio = 0,20
Question 4
You are given the following information pertaining to a company:
Contribution R1 800
Profit volume ratio 0,18
Break-even volume 36 800
Units sold 40 000
You are required to calculate the following:
– Sales
– Variable expenses
– Fixed expenses
– Profit
– Break-even value
– Margin of safety value and ratio
PV ratio 18
Contribution = 1 800
Sales = 10 000
Variable expenses = 8 200
10 000
Selling price per unit = = 0,25
40 000
Break-even value 36 800 × 0,25 = 9 200
238 Managerial Accounting
Question 5
You are given the following information pertaining to a company:
Profit R660
Break-even volume 40 000
Profit ratio 0,33
Units sold 100 000
Profit ratio =
Sales = 2 000
660 33
Sales 100
Practice questions
Question 7 – 1 30 marks 45 minutes
Berrow Ltd is in the process of preparing budgets for the next financial year. The company sells two
products, the Exe and the Axe. The following budgets have been drawn up for the two products:
Axe Exe
Sales – units 8 000 4 000
Sales revenue 160 000 200 000
Variable material and labour costs (120 000) (124 000)
Fixed production overheads (allocated on labour hours) (19 800) (36 000)
Fixed administration overheads (allocated on sales value) (3 200) (4 000)
Profit R17 000 R36 000
The products are manufactured using identical processes; therefore, all production facilities are
readily interchangeable. The fixed administration overheads can only be avoided if neither product is
produced. Avoidable fixed production overheads are estimated to be R15 000 for Axe and R24 000
for Exe. As Exe has been more difficult to promote during recent years, the company plans to
continue with the policy of allowing an average of three months’ credit to its customers. Axe is sold
entirely on a cash basis. Bad debts for Exe are expected to amount to 2% of sales revenue. Berrow
does not hold inventories, and has a cost of capital of 24% per annum.
Berrow Ltd
1 Axe Exe
Selling price 20 50
Less: Variable costs:
Material and labour (15) (31)
Finance costs – (3)
Bad debts – (1)
Contribution per unit R5 R15
240 Managerial Accounting
Finance costs: The finance cost of R3 per unit has been included because Axe is sold for cash
whereas it takes 3 months to receive the cash from sales of Exe. There is therefore
an opportunity cost due to the timing, equal to 24% of selling price per unit over 3
= R50 × 24% × 3 / 12 = R3
Note: Working capital costs are not usually included in management accounting
decisions. In this case, they have been included only because they are
mentioned in the question.
Bad debts: As for finance costs, bad debts constitute is a working capital problem. They have
only been included because they are mentioned in the question. As all of Axe is
sold for cash, there are no bad debts. For Exe, however, the cost is R50 × 2% per
unit = R1.
R24 000
Exe: = 1 600 units
63 000 + 60 000
12 000 =
Average contribution
What mix of Axe and Exe will yield an average contribution of R10,25?
Let proportion of Axe = a% proportion of Exe = 1 – a%
Therefore [R5 × a%] + [R15 × (1 – a%)] = R10,25
5a + 15 – 15a = 10,25
10a = 4,75
a = 0,475 or 47,5% of Axe
Exe = 100 % – 47,5%
= 52,5 %
Axe = 12 000 × 47,5% = 5 700 units
Exe = 12 000 × 52,5% = 6 300 units
Actual R
Sales Axe 6 250 × 20 125 000
Exe 4 750 × 50 237 500
Material and labour costs 241 000
[ 6 250 × 15 + 4 750 × 31 ]
Finance costs 4 750 × 3 14 250
Bad debts 4 750 × 1 4 750
Contribution 102 500
Separable fixed costs 39 000
Joint fixed costs 24 000
Profit R39 500
8 000 Axe Budget profit 37 000
4 000 Exe
Sales volume + 2 500
– 1 750 Axe × R5 = – 8 750
+ 750 Exe × R15 = + 11 250
Expected profit 39 500
6 250 Axe
4 750 Exe Actual profit 39 500
The sales volume can be broken down into a sales quantity variance as well as a sales mix variance,
per standard costing.
242 Managerial Accounting
Not required
Budget Standard mix Actual
Axe 8 000 7 333 6 250
Exe 4 000 3 667 4 750
12 000 11 000 11 000
Production time
Budget income and expenditure account for the year ended 31/12/19X1
Sales 160 000 units 1 600 000
Manufacturing cost of sales:
Raw materials 320 000
Direct labour 240 000
Indirect labour 80 000
Overhead costs (fixed and variable) 560 000 1 200 000
Gross profit 400 000
Selling expenses (variable) 160 000
Fixed administration costs 80 000
Budget profit R160 000
The actual results for the financial year ended 31/12/19X1 revealed the following:
(a) Sales volume increased to 180 000 units at an average selling price of R9,80.
(b) A special order was received at a selling price of R6 per unit. No selling expenses were incurred
in filling the order of 30 000 units.
(c) Raw materials were purchased at a discount of 5% due to the bulk purchases made.
(d) All other expenses incurred were as budgeted.
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 243
At a Board meeting, the Accountant produced the following abridged income and expenditure
Actual income and expenditure account for the year ended 31/12/19X1
Sales 210 000 units 1 944 000
Manufacturing costs:
Production 250 000 units 1 625 000
Less: closing inventory (40 000 × R7,50) 300 000 1 325 000
Gross profit 619 000
Selling expenses 180 000
Fixed administration costs 80 000
R359 000
The Managing Director was somewhat surprised to see such a high reported profit and comments
“Something is very wrong with this statement. We budgeted on a profit per unit of R1, the selling
price was less than budgeted and the special order sales were made at a below cost price of only R6.
How is it possible that the profits have sky-rocketed to R 359 000? I want a full explanation of these
vast differences.”
Report to the Managing Director
The original budget presented at the meeting held on 02/01/19X1, together with the cost-volume-
profit graph was based on the following:
Selling price per unit 10
Manufacturing variable costs 5
Selling expenses 1
Contribution per unit R4
Fixed costs: R
Overheads 400 000
Administration 80 000
R480 000
Sales in units have increased from 160 000 to a total of 210 000 units. The expected profit at this
level is therefore 90 000 × R4 = R360 000. This figure must be adjusted for the decreased sales price
and lower cost of raw materials.
Budgeted profit at 210 000 unit level per CVP 360 000
Sales 180 000 × (10 – 9,80) price reduction – 36 000
Sales 30 000 × (10 – 6) price reduction – 120 000
Raw materials – discount 25 000
250 000 × (R2 × 5%)
Selling expenses on special order
Not incurred (30 000 × R1) 30 000
Expected profit R259 000
The above profit is consistent with the original cost-volume-profit graph, given the adjustments to
the sales, raw materials and selling expenses.
The above statement may be re-stated as follows (not required)
Margin of safety = 0,25
Sales – B/E sales
0,25 =
0,25 = 1 600 000 – B/E sales
1 600 000
B/E sales = R1 200 000 or 120 000 units
Sales units 120 000 160 000 40 000
Value 1 200 000 1 600 000 400 000
Total costs 1 200 000 1 440 000 240 000
Profit – 160 000 160 000
The differential total costs of R240 000 are variable, as there is no change in fixed costs when
production/sales changes.
Variable costs = 240 000 ÷ 40 000 = R6
Material 2,00
Direct labour 1,50
Indirect labour (assumed variable) 0,50
Variable overheads 1,00
Selling expenses 1,00
Fixed costs
At 160 000 units
Total cost 1 440 000
Variable cost (960 000) (6 × 160 000)
Fixed cost 480 000
For the year ending 30 June 19X5, budgeted fixed overheads are R1 050 000.
Grade A labour is paid at R8,75 per hour, while Grade B labour is paid at R5,25 per hour.
246 Managerial Accounting
The sales department has produced the following sales budget for the year ending 30 June 19X5:
Sales price
Units per unit
Alpha 16 000 R98,00
Beta 28 000 R54,25
Gamma 15 000 R89,25
Upon seeing the draft sales budget, the Works Manager draws attention to the fact that a maximum
of 50 000 hours of Grade A labour and 120 000 of Grade B labour will be available, and overtime will
not be possible.
The Directors decide that the sales targets set in the draft sales budget should be accepted, provided
that it is profitable to do so. To achieve this, the company will (where necessary) sub-contract work
to maximise profits. The following quotations were obtained from an outside supplier who is
prepared to sub-contract the manufacture of completed units: Alpha R61,25 per unit; Beta R27,30
per unit, and Gamma R81,375 per unit.
Alpha Beta Gamma
Selling price 98,00 54,25 89,25
Variable cost 56,00 19,60 76,125
Contribution 42,00 34,65 13,125
Production time
Grade A (hours) 1,5 1,1 0,5
Grade B (hours) 0,5 1,5 4,5
Grade A 62 300 24 000 30 800 7 500
Grade B 117 500 8 000 42 000 67 500
Limiting factor – Grade A labour only.
Contribution per limiting factor
Alpha R42 divided by 1,5 = R28
Beta R34,65 divided by 1,1 = R31,50
Gamma R13,125 divided by 0,5 = R26,25
maximise Beta, followed by Alpha, then Gamma
Chapter 7: Cost-volume-profit analysis 247
Alpha Beta Gamma
Variable cost of in-house manufacture 56,00 19,60 76,125
Cost of sub-contracting 61,25 27,30 81,375
Extra cost 5,25 7,70 5,25
Hours saved by sub-contracting 1,5 1,1 0,5
Extra cost per hour saved 3,5 7 10,5
Priority for buying out 1st 2nd 3rd
manufacture in-house 3rd 2nd 1st
OR Alpha Beta Gamma
Selling 98 54,25 89,25
Cost 61,25 27,30 81,375
Profit 36,75 26,95 7,875
Hours saved per unit if you buy out 1,5 1,1 0,5
maximise hours saved by manufacturing next best 1,5 × 31,50 1,1 × 28 0,5 × 31,50
Equals 47,25 30,8 15,75
Total 84,00 57,75 23,625
Contribution per hour ÷ 1,5 ÷ 1,1 ÷ 0,5
Equals R56 R52,50 R47,25
buy out 1st 2nd 3rd
In-house production Units Grade A hours
Gamma 15 000 7 500
Beta 28 000 30 800
Alpha 7 800 11 700
50 000
Buy from outside
Alpha 8 200 units
Budgeted profit
Contribution Alpha 7 800 units R327 600
Beta 28 000 units R970 200
Gamma 15 000 units R196 875
Contribution on Alpha bought out R301 350
Fixed costs R(1 050 000)
Profit R746 025
Budgeting and
budgetary control
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l define budgeting and discuss its role in planning, control and decision-making
l identify and discuss the key features that a budgeting system should have to encourage
managers to engage in behavior that is in line with company objectives
l describe the various stages of the budget process
l prepare the master budget components, including the cash budget
l discuss the link between budgetary control and variance analysis
l discuss the need for flexible budgeting, and calculate the necessary income and expenditure
for specific flexed budgets
l describe zero-base budgeting
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Budgets are accounting plans that normally serve the purpose of quantifying the objectives of the
firm and provide a basis for control and performance evaluation.
Budgets form a basis for quantifying company plans, which fall into three categories:
(a) Operating plans: Operating plans are directed at the production and investment objectives of
the firm.
(b) Administrative plans: These form the objectives of the development and maintenance of the
company’s structure.
(c) Strategic plans: These plans deal with the long-term company objectives in relation to
competitors, company growth and philosophy.
250 Managerial Accounting
5 Goal orientation: Budgets should reflect plans to achieve company goals, rather than
departmental goals which are in conflict with overall company profitability. This problem is often
highlighted in the inter-departmental transfer of products or services.
Long-term planning
Long-term planning is concerned with defining the company objectives, which may be profit
maximisation; increase in market share of products sold, or increase in shareholder wealth. The
company objectives may also incorporate non-financial aspects such as employee job satisfaction;
improving company image, or environmental issues.
Long-term planning involves the identification of resources such as available finance generated from
operations or from shareholders and money-lenders, and the strategic use of those resources. A
strategic long-term plan will require the company to review past performance and identify its
strengths and weaknesses. Management will need to take a forward look, say five to ten years
ahead, and decide where it wants to be in terms of asset base, labour force and market share, as well
as non-financial issues such as staff training and corporate image.
Strategic planning is a complex process which involves taking a view of the company, the future it
is likely to encounter and then attempting to organise the structure and resources of the company
A full discussion of strategic planning and appraisal is beyond the scope of this book
The most common problem encountered in long-term planning is the short-term implementation of
such plans. When managers are motivated and remunerated on the basis of short-term
performance, they will be reluctant to take on a project that will yield short-term losses, even though
the project may be very profitable in the long-term. Management may see the long-term plans as
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 251
vague and therefore seek to maximise short-term profits. (Refer to Divisional performance analysis).
Another problem encountered in long-term planning is the assumption that historical data can be
extrapolated to the future. Unknown economic and political changes often make future strategies
void within a short time.
Important: Refer to the chapter on Performance analysis of companies and divisions.
Planning Control
Monitoring of
Strategic plan actual activity
Short-term objectives
Short-term plan
Budgets Comparison to actual
Short-term plan Corrective action
Figure 1
When line management resists the budget imposed on them, they may reduce overall efficiency,
resulting in dysfunctional behaviour. This will lead to a manager trying to find ways around the
budget, as he may feel that the controls set are too tight and performance is difficult. Managers may,
at times, manipulate the accounting data in order to improve the accounting measure of
performance such as return on investment, without actually improving the department or division’s
The budgeting process should, where possible, be structured in such a manner that it
l sets appropriate standards of performance
l defines good performance and provides a means of measuring such performance, and
l stipulates how rewards are to be linked to results.
Defined, quantitative targets are more likely to motivate management to perform well, even if they
are difficult, as long as they are accepted by management. Budgets will motivate workers if they
represent a set of definite, quantitative goals, together with regular feedback on the attainment of
the standards. It is therefore essential that management is involved in setting standards and budgets.
Behavioural considerations
Companies often use budgets to motivate workers by offering bonuses based on actual managerial
performance in making budget or beating it. It follows that budgets can and do have a significant
behavioural effect and it is important that the budgeting systems are structured in such a way that
the effect is largely positive.
Aligning company and worker goals will produce a positive motivational force and cause corporate
goal-congruence. If the budgeting system creates a negative reaction in workers, who may see the
system as unfair and inequitable, you will create a subversive spirit leading to dysfunctional
behaviour in conflict with corporate goals. Companies should strive for a budgetary system that will
achieve complete goal-congruence between the workers and the company. How the ideal budgetary
system should be created is debatable, but the system should (where possible) have the following
l communication of corporate objectives and budgetary guidelines to all people responsible for
budget preparation
l determination of the success factors of the company
l full participation by all line management, with a commitment to meet corporate goals
l preparation of the sales budget
l preparation of budgets for all major operating activities
l negotiation of budgets and standards
l co-ordination and review of budgets
l acceptance and communication of all budgets by managers who will bear responsibility
l frequent feedback of actual performance against budget targets
l flexible budgeting capabilities
l monetary and non-monetary incentives.
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 253
Master budget
Figure 2
Financial budget
l Capital expenditure budget
l Budgeted statement of financial position (balance sheet)
l Budgeted statement of changes in financial position
Operating budget
The operating budget is composed of the income statement elements. A manufacturing business
budgets for both manufacturing and non-manufacturing activities. We will discuss the various
elements of the operating budget of a manufacturing firm shortly.
Sales budget
The sales budget is the first budget to be prepared, and it is usually considered the most important
budget because so many other budgets are directly related to sales and are therefore largely derived
from the sales budget.
Production budget
The production budget is dependent on the expected sales, together with required inventory levels
of finished goods. The production plan must take the opening inventory levels into account, and
specify the timing of production.
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 255
The following illustration is used to show you that there are several inter-dependent budgets that a
company is required to complete, such as
l sales budget
l finished goods budget
l production budget
l direct materials inventory budget
l direct materials purchase budget
l labour budget.
A company is also required to prepare budgets for manufacturing overhead, marketing expenses,
and administration expenses, as well as any other cost that it is likely to occur in a particular
budgeting period. In most examination questions however, you will only be exposed to the income
and expenditure budget as shown below, and (on the odd occasion) to the cash budget.
In practice, a budget is not only prepared on an annual basis but also on a bi-annual, quarterly or
even on a monthly basis. The following illustration is for a company that prepares a budget every six
Illustrative example
You have been presented with the following information for a company that manufactures and sells
two products, the Mondi and the Hilton.
Sales budget
1st half of the year – Sell 1 000 units of Mondi and 2 000 units of Hilton
2nd half of the year – Sell 1 500 units of Mondi and 1 200 units of Hilton
1st half of the following year – Sell 1 200 units of Mondi and 2 500 units of Hilton
Selling price is R120 per unit of product Mondi and R150 for product Hilton
Production requirements
Quantity per unit of product
Resource Price Mondi Hilton
Material A R2/kg 20 kgs
Material B R5/kg 10 kgs
Direct labour R20/hour 2 hours 2,5 hours
The company has a policy of holding sufficient opening inventory of finished products to meet 50% of
the sales for the following six months.
Direct materials
The company has a policy of holding sufficient opening inventory of Material A and Material B to
meet 50% of the material required for the production of both Mondi and Hilton in the following six
months. You are to assume that the production in the 1st half of the following year is 1 500 units of
Mondi and 2 000 units of Hilton.
You are required to prepare the following budgets for each half of the current year, as well as for
the whole year:
l sales budget
l finished goods budget
l production budget
l raw materials inventory budget
l raw materials purchases budget
l labour budget
l budget income statement.
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 257
Sales budget
First half Units Price Value
Mondi 1 000 R120 R120 000
Hilton 2 000 R150 R300 000
R420 000
Second half Units Price Value
Mondi 1 500 R120 R180 000
Hilton 1 200 R150 R180 000
R360 000
Whole year Units Price Value
Mondi 2 500 R120 R300 000
Hilton 3 200 R150 R480 000
R780 000
Note: The above figures have been calculated on the basis of 50% of the sales for the next six
months, eg opening inventory for Mondi for the 1st half of the year is 1 000 × 50% = 500.
Labour budget
1st half 2nd half Total
Budget production 1 250 1 350 2 600
Direct labour hours 2 2 2
Total hours 2 500 2 700 5 200
Hourly rate R20 R20 R20
Direct labour cost R50 000 R54 000 R104 000
1st half 2nd half Total
Budget production 1 600 1 850 3 450
Direct labour hours 2,5 2,5 2,5
Total hours 4 000 4 625 8 625
Hourly rate R20 R20 R20
Direct labour cost R80 000 R92 500 R172 500
Budget income statement – 1st half of year
Sales 420 000
Opening inventory – Finished product 140 000
Opening inventory – Materials 65 000
Material purchases 138 250
Labour 130 000
473 250
Closing inventory – Finished product (120 000)
Closing inventory – Materials (73 250)
Cost of sales 280 000 (280 000)
Profit 140 000
Budget income statement – 2nd half of year
Sales 360 000
Opening inventory – Finished product 120 000
Opening inventory – Materials 73 250
Material purchases 153 250
Labour 146 500
493 000
Closing inventory – Finished product (173 000)
Closing inventory – Materials (80 000)
Cost of sales 240 000 (240 000)
Profit 120 000
Budget income statement for the year
Sales 780 000
Opening inventory – Finished product 140 000
Opening inventory – Materials 65 000
Material purchases 291 500
Labour 276 500
773 000
Closing inventory – Finished product (173 000)
Closing inventory – Materials (80 000)
Cost of Sales 520 000 (520 000)
Profit 260 000
260 Managerial Accounting
Illustrative example
Budgeted sales for a company are as follows:
January 10 000 @ R10 per unit
February 12 000 @ R10 per unit
March 16 000 @ R10 per unit
20% of all sales are for cash. The balance of sales is on credit. 20% of credit sales are paid for in the
month of sales, 50% the following month, and 25% the month thereafter. Bad debts are budgeted at
5% of credit sales.
January February March
January – cash (20%) 100%
January – credit (80%) 20% 50% 25%
February – cash (20%) 100%
February – credit (80%) 20% 50%
March – cash (20%) 100%
March – credit (80%) 20%
Cash budget
January February March
January – cash 20 000 20 000
January – credit 80 000 16 000 40 000 20 000
February – cash 24 000 24 000
February – credit 96 000 19 200 48 000
March – cash 32 000 32 000
March – credit 128 000 25 500
Total cash receipts 36 000 83 200 125 500
Further information
70% of production requirements for any particular month are manufactured in the month required,
while the balance is manufactured in the previous month.
Material cost per unit is R5. 60% of the material required for production in a particular month is
purchased in the previous month. Material purchased is paid for as follows:
70% in the month acquired, and the balance the following month. Assume that sales for April and
May will be 20 000 units.
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 261
1 Production budget – units
January February March April May
Sales 10 000 12 000 16 000 20 000 20 000
Production 70%J + 30%F 70%F + 30%M 70%M + 30%A 70%A + 30%M
January 7 000
February 3 600 8 400
March 4 800 11 200
April 6 000 14 000
May 6 000
Production required 10 600 13 200 17 200 20 000
2 Material purchases budget
December January February March April
Production – units ? 10 600 13 200 17 200 20 000
Value – R 53 000 66 000 86 000 100 000
December January February March
January purchases 60% 40%
31 800 21 200
February purchases 60% 40%
39 600 26 400
March purchases 60% 40%
51 600 34 400
April purchases 60% 40%
60 000 40 000
R31 800 R60 800 R78 000 R94 400
3 Payments budget
Payment: 70 / 30
December N/A 9 540
January 42 560 18 240
February 54 600 23 400
March 66 080
Cash out-flow R52 100 R72 840 R89 480
Final cash budget
January February March
Sales 36 000 83 200 125 500
Materials (52 100) (72 840) (89 480)
Balance b/f – (16 100) (5 740)
(16 100) (5 740) 30 280
262 Managerial Accounting
Labour and variable overhead – learning curve
Quarter 1
Batch 1 2 000 × R40 = R80 000
Quarter 2
Cost of one batch R80 000
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R64 000 2 batches – cumulative
2 batches – cumulative cost ×2
= R128 000
Less: Batch 1 cost R80 000
Therefore cost of second batch R48 000
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 263
Quarter 3
Cost of one batch R80 000
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R64 000 2 batches – cumulative
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R51 200 4 batches – cumulative
4 batches – cumulative cost ×4
= R204 800
Less: 2 batches – cumulative cost R128 000 R64 000 × 2
Therefore for quarter 3 R76 800
Quarter 4
Cost of one batch R80 000
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R64 000 2 batches – cumulative
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R51 200 4 batches – cumulative
Learning curve 80% × 80%
Average cost R40 960 8 batches – cumulative
8 batches – cumulative cost ×8
= R327 680
Less: 4 batches – cumulative cost R204 800 R51 200 × 4
Therefore for quarter 4 R122 880
Thereafter the price stabilises, therefore the cost per batch is R122 880 / 4 = R30 720
Income and expenditure account 20.1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Sales 60 60 120 240 480
Labour and variable 80 48 76,8 122,88 327,68
Material 10 10 20 40 80
Fixed 20 20 20 20 80
Planning and set-up 1 1 2 4 8
Total 111 79 118,8 186,88 495,68
Flexible budgeting
The master budget is constructed on the basis of a particular level of expected sales and inventory
policies. The actual sales and production more often than not are different to budget, which makes a
comparison of the original budget to the actual results invalid. When the original budget was
constructed and presented to the company managers, the management accountant would also have
presented the financial consequences for a range of alternative scenarios.
A good example of a change in the actual sales compared to budget is the Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP)
graph. The CVP graph shows the cost structure for the company within the relevant range and the
expected increase or decrease in profits if the actual sales are different to budget. If we wish to
compare the actual performance to budgeted performance, we would construct a flexible budget in
accordance with the company cost structure and compare it to the actual results.
Note: The CVP chart and performance analysis are variable costing concepts and cannot be done on
an absorption costing basis. However, if we wish to analyse the actual results on an
absorption costing basis we can do so, but the results will not be consistent with CVP
assumptions and will not reflect a correct analysis of performance.
If we compare the flexible budget to the actual results when analysing performance, does that
mean that the original budget is irrelevant?
The original budget is very important, as it is based on the expected sales and if the actual sales are
different to the expected sales we would want to know why. A correct analysis of performance must
start with the original budget, reconcile to the flexible or standard budget followed by analysis of
variances to arrive at actual profit.
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 265
The XYZ Company produced the following budget at the beginning of the financial year:
Budget production and sales in units 10 000
Sales 900 000
Direct materials 300 000
Direct labour 200 000
Variable overheads 100 000
Fixed overheads 200 000
Budget profit R100 000
The actual results for the year were as follows:
Actual production and sales in units 11 000
Sales 957 000
Direct materials 341 000
Direct labour 209 000
Variable overheads 122 000
Fixed overheads 190 000
Actual profit R95 000
Budget Flexed budget Actual Variances
Sales units 10 000 11 000 11 000
Sales 900 000 990 000 957 000 –33 000
Direct materials 300 000 330 000 341 000 –11 000
Direct labour 200 000 220 000 209 000 +11 000
Variable overheads 100 000 110 000 122 000 –12 000
Fixed overheads 200 000 200 000 190 000 +10 000
Profit R100 000 R130 000 R95 000 R–35 000
Reconciliation statement
Budget profit 100 000
Sales volume variance 30 000
Standard profit 130 000
Variances (35 000)
Actual profit R95 000
The above statement shows that the expected profit for a sales level of 11 000 units is R130 000;
thus a total variance of R35 000 requires explanation. A complete variance analysis and reconciliation
is shown in the Standard Costing chapter.
Caution is required in preparing a flexible budget where the production is either higher or lower than
actual sales. This aspect, as well as absorption costing systems, is dealt with in detail in the Standard
Costing chapter.
266 Managerial Accounting
Zero-base budgeting
Zero-base budgeting (ZBB) is an integration and formalisation of the underlying financial planning
techniques such as management team development, incremental cost-benefit analysis, and project
accountability through compulsory and systematic reviews.
In operation, the program centres on creating and evaluating “decision packages”. These documents
are self-contained, detailed descriptions of activity-level operating systems.
2 Give them guidance about what is involved in creating a workable budget. If they have never been
involved before, they will need to know what goes into the existing budget. Some basic training is
essential to avoid the whole exercise getting out of hand.
3 Have all necessary basic information available so that managers do not have to re-invent the
4 Invite each manager to consider three ways of running his cost centre and provide a justification
for each, with priority ratings.
5 The first level must be the minimum that he believes is necessary to carry out the job at all. For
example, a buying department might simply place orders without ever seeking quotations of any
sort. The function would be accomplished, although the cost would be higher. Against this, the
cost of the buying department itself would be reduced.
6 The second level constitutes the standard operating level, ie the level at which the manager has
been (or would be) operating if he were at his “normal” level of staffing.
7 The third level is the expansion and diversification level. This gives the manager the opportunity
of saying what he would like to do if he were given the resources to do it. He would almost
certainly have to be able to show that the benefits of an expanded service would be of greater
value than the cost involved in providing them. To take the same example as above, the buyer
who is fighting for his life to place orders and has no time to seek quotations might well justify an
expansion in order to make greater net savings.
8 In every case where a manager wants to make a change, whether upwards or downwards, he
must interact with other related managers and comment meaningfully on the impact that such
changes would have on other cost centres. One great advantage of this is that managers would
have a greater understanding of the way in which the whole organisation works in an integrated
9 Each manager at the next level would review the three propositions of his subordinate managers
and add his report to each one. He, of course, would have the benefit of being able to see how
each relates to the other as well as to cost centres outside his own control.
2 The major difficulty is securing co-operation from employees at the inception stage.
3 Conversion to ZBB may have to be handled by a team of outside consultants, which could create
4 Abrupt imposition of ZBB can arouse panic, as certain managers fear evaluation and drastic
procedural change to their job.
5 Start-up costs are likely to be high in both time and value, as training sessions are necessary.
6 Inadequate training of line management.
7 Identification of departments where the technique can be used.
8 Fear that jobs within a department may be lost or departmental status may be reduced.
9 Defining the minimum or lowest practical level of operating.
10 Evaluating and priority-rating functions or departments that have little or no similarity.
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
The working capital of Twinmate at the end of June 19X1 shows the following:
Raw materials 50 880
Finished production 43 200
Debtors (includes bad debts) 79 200
173 280
Creditors 26 880
Bank overdraft 40 000
Net working capital 106 400
May June July August September October
Sales – units 800 1 000 1 000 1 200 1 200 800
Sales – value 96 000 120 000 120 000 144 000 144 000
May 45% 30% 15%
June 45% 30% 15%
July 45% 30% 15%
August 45% 30%
September 45%
(45% represents 50% of debtors less 10% for discount)
(15% represents the balance net of bad debts {100 – 50 – 30 – 5 = 15})
May June July August September October
Debtors – May (15%) 14 400
Debtors – June 36 000 18 000
July 54 000 36 000 18 000
August 64 800 43 200
September 64 800
Sales cash-flow 104 400 118 800 126 000
Closing inventory (next month) (Note 1) 600 720 720 480 480
Current month (Note 2) 400 400 480 480 320
Production 1 000 1 120 1 200 960 800
1 Closing inventory is represented by 60% of next month’s sales.
2 Current month represents 40% of current month’s sales.
Material cash-flow
May June July August September October
Material required
(R120 × 40% × production) 48 000 53 760 57 600 46 080 38 400
Purchased Total payment
June 24 000 + 26 880 = 50 880
July 26 880 + 28 800 = 55 680
August 28 800 + 23 040 = 51 840
September 23 040 + 19 200 = 42 240
R50 880 is purchased in June, paid in July.
R55 680 is purchased in July, paid in August.
R51 840 is purchased in August, paid in September.
R42 240 is purchased in September, paid in October.
270 Managerial Accounting
Variable costs
May June July August September
Production 1 120 1 200 960
Value: Production × R120 × 20% 26 880 28 800 23 040
Cash-flow statement
July August September
Opening balance (40 000) (31 360) (15 040)
Sales 104 400 118 800 126 000
Material (50 880) (55 680) (51 840)
Variable costs (26 880) (28 800) (23 040)
Fixed costs (18 000) (18 000) (18 000)
Closing balance (31 360) (15 040) 18 080
Practice questions
Question 8 – 1 45 marks 68 minutes
John Berger, Managing Director of Siberian Instruments Ltd, feels that the time has come for a price
increase of R10,00 on the company’s only product, the “Tech-Mouse”. “Our costs have gone up 32%
since our last price increase,” he said, “and I think that justifies a price hike now. We’re almost down
to the break-even level and for the first time in 20 years we can’t pay a dividend to the
The product is sold directly to industrial users at a price of R172. The factory cost estimates at the
time of the last price increase and at present are shown in the following table:
Then Now
Materials 17,50 20,40
Direct labour 32,50 40,00
Factory overhead 65,00 91,60
Total factory cost R115,00 R152,00
The product specifications have not been changed since the previous price increase. Wage rates have
gone up by 30%, but some labour has been saved as a result of method changes that have been
effected during this period. The raw material is available in abundant supply and the cost increases
have been kept low by using multiple suppliers.
Factory overhead is recovered on the basis of total labour cost, and reflects estimated costs at
current volume. The rate is brought up to date once a year. The overhead cost files at the time of the
increase and at present show the following:
Then Now
Overhead rate (per R1 of direct labour cost) R2,00 R2,29
Estimated monthly direct labour cost R120 000 R110 000
Estimated monthly variable overhead cost R36 000 R31 900
All of the company’s sales people are on salary and all selling and administrative costs are regarded
as fixed. Even so, they have gone up in total from R40 000 a month to R50 000 a month.
Dave Pierce, Siberian’s Sales Manager, is against any price increase. “We have a tough enough time
now,” he said. “Our competitors’ list prices are about the same as ours, but my guess is that they’re
doing a little unofficial price-cutting. Our market share on this product has fallen from about 50% to
maybe 40%. If anything, we should be offering a few deals of our own, not raising prices.”
Chapter 8: Budgeting and budgetary control 271
The factory is currently under-utilised at a level that represents 55% of direct labour capacity. If
required, the company can employ factory workers at the current hourly rate to bring the factory to
full labour capacity, which cannot be extended.
Dave Pierce has done a market survey on available opportunities which reveals the following
Export sales
A market exists for the sale of up to 2 000 units per month of the existing product on the overseas
market at a reduced selling price of R120, which will not affect the local customers.
New product
Dave believes that the company has the expertise to manufacture a new product that uses raw
material that is available in abundant supply. The product can be sold on the lucrative do-it-yourself
market. He has estimated the following selling price demand relationships per month:
Selling price Demand
R180,00 1 000 units
R160,00 2 000 units
R145,00 4 000 units
Report to Managing Director of Siberian Instruments Ltd
Having examined the current operations of your company, as well as potential opportunities, I
believe that the profitability of the company can be improved as shown below.
272 Managerial Accounting
Total overhead 110 000 × 2,29 = 251 900
Variable overhead 31 900
Fixed overhead 220 000
31 900
Variable overhead × 91,60 = 11,60
251 900
Total fixed costs
Total overheads (2 750 × R91,60) 251 900
Less: Variable overheads 31 900
Fixed overhead 220 000
Administrative and selling costs 50 000
Total fixed costs 270 000
270 000
Monthly break-even = 2 700 units
Margin of safety
2 750 – 2 700
= 1,82%
2 750
At the current level of sales, the company is financially vulnerable and must consider other
Labour is a limiting factor of production. The total available labour in Rand value is
R110 000 ÷ 0,55 = R200 000.
The company should therefore attempt to maximise the contribution per the limiting factor (labour
Reduction by 20%
New sales 2 750 × 80% = 2 200 units
Total labour usage ( R40 × 2 200) = R88 000
Contribution = R100 + R10 = R110
Contribution per limiting factor = 110 ÷ 40 = R2,75
Decrease of selling price by R10
Current sales = 2 750 units
Increase by 30%
New sales 2 750 × 130% = 3 575 units
Total labour usage = R143 000
Contribution = 100 – 10 = R90
Contribution per limiting factor = 90 ÷ 40 = R2,25
Export market
Selling price R120
Variable costs R72
Contribution R48
Contribution per limiting factor = R48 ÷ 40 = R1,20
Total labour usage – up to = R80 000
New product (based on the average monthly demand over a 12-month period)
Demand 1 000 2 000 4 000
Material cost 35 35 35,00
Labour cost 40 32 25,60
Variable cost 10 10 10,00
Total variable cost 85 77 70,60
Selling price 180 160 145,00
Contribution 95 83 74,40
Limiting factor 40 32 25,60
Contribution per limiting factor 2,375 2,594 2,91
Labour usage 40 × 1 000 32 × 2 000 25,6 × 4 000
= 40 000 = 64 000 = 102 400
Note that the contribution per limiting factor at a level of demand of 4 000 units taking the increased
fixed cost of R10 000 per month into account is
R10 000 ÷ 4 000 ÷ 25,60 = 0,10 less or R2,81
Order of preference
Contribution Sales Labour
per limiting units usage
New product 2,91 4 000 102 400
Existing product at increased selling price to R182,00 2,75 2 200 88 000
190 400
Balance export market 1,20 240 9 600
274 Managerial Accounting
Given that the estimated demand versus selling price structure is correct, the company will maximise
its profits as follows:
Sales Contribution Total
units per unit contribution
New product 4 000 74,40 297 600
Existing product at R182 2 200 110,00 242 000
Export 240 48,00 11 520
551 120
Fixed costs – 270 000
New fixed costs – 10 000
Total profit per month 271 120
Annual profit × 12 = R3 253 440
Based on the above calculations, the monthly profit has increased from R5 000 per month to
R271 120. I am of the opinion that the estimated statistics on the new product could be over-
optimistic and I would recommend that in the short-term the company should continue to sell at the
current selling price and explore sales of the new product by initially entering the market at the 1 000
unit level; thus minimising the risk of loss due to incorrect market assessments. In the short-term,
any sales on the export market will generate a positive contribution and such contribution should be
maximised given the available capacity.
In the medium- to long-term, the company should pursue its increased sale of the new product as a
high contribution of R2,91 per limiting factor is attainable due to the learning effect. A risk in this
strategy is the possible error in the estimation of the learning, which will reduce the contribution per
R1 of labour.
The recommended increase in the selling price of the existing product is also very risky as market
share will be further reduced. This may play into the hands of the competitors. It does, however,
offer a high contribution per R1 labour cost. A reduction in the sales price will increase market share
and may be a good strategy in the short-term.
3 The following are the actual production costs for the year ended 28 February 20X1 at 78 000
hours (80% of maximum capacity):
Exe Zet
R per unit R per unit
Imported raw material: R2,50 per kg 3,75 6,25
Labour: R20 per hour 5,00 4,00
Production overheads: R7,50 per machine hour 1,50 3,00
Total production costs 10,25 13,25
Production overheads, of which 40% are fixed, are not expected to increase during the year
ending 28 February 20X2.
4 All foreign exchange arrangements regarding the group’s import requirements are made by the
corporate head office, which then allocates the available foreign currency to the companies in the
Enquiries made at corporate head office indicated that the foreign currency allocated to Burtie
Ltd for the year ending 28 February 20X2 could be as follows:
Increase of 26% on last year 0,50
Same amount as last year 0,20
Decrease of 10% on last year 0,30
5 Changes in costs and sales for the year ending 28 February 20X2 are expected to be as follows:
(a) Imported raw materials: 20% increase in landed cost per kilogram compared to 20X1.
(b) Wages: 25% increase in hourly rate compared to 20X1.
(c) Administrative overheads: 2,5% increase on 20X1 cost of R80 000.
(d) The demand for the products for the year is estimated to be as follows:
l Exe: 80 000 units at a selling price of R17,15 per unit.
l Zet: 180 000 units at a selling price of R18,55 per unit.
6 The marketing division prepared the following variable budget with regard to the monthly selling
expenditure for the year ending 28 February 20X2:
Combined sales Selling expenses
Units R
15 000 41 250
20 000 45 000
24 000 48 000
7 Burtie Ltd was asked to tender for a government department order for a product which is the
same as product Zet, with the exception of a slightly different final finishing. Although this is only
a once-off order, it could pave the way for further orders in the future. The Managing Director
would therefore like the tender to be successful and wants the company to tender at the lowest
price possible without adversely affecting the company’s net income.
The tender has the following implications:
(a) 20 000 units of the product will have to be delivered evenly throughout the year.
(b) An additional machine costing R17 000 will have to be purchased for the final finish of the
(c) An existing foreman earning R50 000 per year will have to supervise the production of the
product. It is estimated that, although he will spend 30% of his time on supervision of the
government contract, his total hours will remain the same as at present.
8 The company has an effective tax rate of 50%.
9 Burtie Ltd is confident that it will be exempt from the surcharge on imported raw materials.
276 Managerial Accounting
(a) Possible limiting factors
(i) Machine hours: Maximum capacity 78,000 divided by 80% = 97 500 hours
Required for 20X2 production
Exe 0,2 × 80 000 = 16 000
Zet 0,4 × 180 000 = 72 000
88 000
Machine hours not a limiting factor
1 R2,50 × 20% + R2,50 = R3,00
Exe usage 20X1: R3,75 divided by R2,50 = 1,5
Zet usage 20X1: R6,25 divided by R2,50 = 2,5
20X2 Exe 1,5 × 3 × 80 000 = 360 000
20X2 Zet 2,5 × 3 × 170 000 = 1 275 000
278 Managerial Accounting
(b) 1 By accepting the special order, we will have to drop the sales of Zet by 20 000 units. The
future effect on our current Zet customers must therefore be considered.
2 The marketing expenses will be reduced by R15 000. If this amount represents commission
payments, then the company must consider the effect on its employees.
3 The company is at full capacity with regard to labour hours. If labour hours cannot be
increased, then the company should consider quoting a high tender price as its profits will
not be affected if the tender is lost. The company is only just above break-even and it would
be advisable to attempt to increase selling price.
(a) Zero-base budgeting is a procedure that requires every manager to justify in detail the nature
and level of his entire budget, relative to the functions required for the effective achievement of
specified objectives. It also entails defining a minimum level of expenditure, below which a
function cannot be performed adequately or at all (often between 55% – 75% of current levels)
and justifying in terms of cost-benefit the incremental levels requested (hence the name “zero-
base budgeting”). Thus, every manager is forced to examine possibilities of lower levels of
expenditure than the current ones. The key to zero-base budgeting lies in:
(a) Identification and definition of functions required.
(b) Definition of objectives of each function.
(c) Effective costing of each function.
(d) Identification, formulating and costing of alternatives and different levels of performance.
(e) The priority-rating of these.
(f) Progressive implementation.
The major problem with zero-base budgeting is that it is very time- consuming. However, it does
not have to be applied throughout the organisation. It can be applied selectively to those areas
about which management is most concerned.
(b) The benefits of this method over traditional methods of budgeting are claimed to be:
1 Traditional budgeting tends to extrapolate the past by adding a percentage increase to
current year costs. This becomes very much a preservation of the status quo, as the
relationship between costs and benefits for a particular activity is rarely questioned. Zero-
base budgeting represents a move towards allocation of resources by need and benefit.
2 Zero-base budgeting creates a questioning attitude rather than one which assumes that
current practice represents value for money.
3 Zero-base budgeting focuses attention on outputs in relation to value for money.
4 Zero-base budgeting leads to increased staff involvement, which may lead to improved
motivation and greater job interest.
(c) It is preferable to introduce zero-base budgeting selectively rather than introducing it “across
the board”. The approach should initially be applied to those activities where immediate
280 Managerial Accounting
benefits are likely. This might lead to a greater acceptance by the users. Care should be taken in
selecting the activities to which zero-base budgeting is to be applied. It is best suited to non-
manufacturing activities and non-profit making organisations. When the system is introduced,
meetings and seminars should be arranged explaining the principles of zero-base budgeting.
Because zero-base budgeting is costly and time-consuming, there are strong arguments for
selective ad hoc applications which are likely to yield benefits. It is unlikely that a universal
application of zero-base budgeting in an organisation can be justified.
(d) The problems that might be met in introducing zero-base budgeting include:
(i) The implementation of zero-base budgeting might be resisted by staff. Traditional
incremental budgeting tends to protect the empire that a manager has built. Zero-base
budgeting challenges this empire; therefore there is a strong possibility that managers
might resist the introduction of such a system.
(ii) There is a need to combat a feeling that current operations are efficient.
(iii) The introduction of zero-base budgeting is time-consuming.
(iv) Lack of top management support.
Abe Trading Company: cash budget
June July August
Opening balance 6 000 5 040 (2 460)
Cash sales 20 000 25 000 27 000
Credit sales (see Workings) 73 640 76 200 84 000
99 640 116 240 108 540
Purchases 73 600 67 200 74 880
Fixed costs 11 000 11 000 11 000
Variable costs 10 000 10 500 11 700
Capital expenditure 20 000
Balance 5 040 (2 460) 10 960
June July August
April debtors 4 000
May debtors
80% R11 200 (less 5%) 10 640
10% 1 400 1 400
10% 1 400 1 400
R14 000
June July August
Sales 100 000 105 000 117 000
Cost of sales 66 667 70 000 78 000
Opening inventory 50 000 60 000 60 000
Closing inventory 60 000 60 000 60 000
Increase inventory 10 000 – –
Purchases 76 667 70 000 78 000
Less: 4% 3 067 2 800 3 120
73 600 67 200 74 880
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Example – Budget
Sales 1 000 units 10 000
Cost of sales:
Material 2 000
Labour – variable 1 800
Fixed overheads 2 500
Selling – variable 700
Selling – fixed 1 000
Profit 2 000
The key elements in the above budget are the sales units/value and the profit. Any change in sales
will have an effect on profit. To maximise profit, a company should attempt to maximise sales units
where sales price is a given, or maximise a combination of sales/contribution, where the market is
284 Managerial Accounting
While preparing the budget, the management accountant would have considered what effect actual
sales of both a greater and a smaller number of units than the budget sales of 1 000 units would have
on the budgeted profit. He would also have asked the question “What if sales are as low as 800 units
or as high as 1 200 units?”
1 000 units Budget profit 2 000
200 × R5,50 Sales volume variance 1 100
1 200 units Expected profit (or standard profit) 3 100
Based on the budget or “standard”, the expected actual profit would be equal to R3 100. In terms of
performance the sales department has done well to sell 200 units more than budgeted, which should
lead to an increase in profit of R1 100. It could be asked why the sales budget was not set at 1 200
units, because, although there is a favourable sales variance, it could be indicative of poor or
conservative budgeting.
The first “standard costing variance” ie the “sales volume variance” has now been identified, but at
this point a logical explanation of expected profit based on the budget was given. The same
reconciliation will be done when reporting on the performance of a company that does not have a
standard costing system.
Chapter 9: Standard costing 285
What if the actual income statement is as follows and a report explaining how the company
performed is required?
Sales 1 200 units R
Sales 10 800
Material 2 280
Labour 2 400
Fixed overheads 2 600
Selling – variable 1 080
Selling – fixed 1 200
Profit 1 240
Ideal standards
Ideal standards reflect the minimum operating costs under ideal conditions. Such standards seldom
represent a target as they are seen as being impossible to achieve and so demotivate workers.
Ideal standards can provide long-term goals where performance improvements are seen as an
objective to be achieved over a longer period.
Annual budget
Sales units 100 000
Production 100 000
Sales 500 000
Cost of sales:
Raw material 150 000
Labour 100 000
Variable overheads 80 000 330 000
Contribution 170 000
Fixed costs 100 000
Budget profit R70 000
Assuming that actual production and actual sales are 80 000 units, the first step is to reconcile the
budgeted profit to the standard profit.
Reconciliation of budget profit to standard profit
Budget sales 500 000
Less: Cost of sales 430 000
Budget profit 70 000
Less: Volume variance 34 000 (20 000 units × contribution R1,70)
Standard profit R36 000
In other words, the difference between the budget and the standard profit is due to a drop in
production/sales of 20 000 units (a sales volume variance of R34 000 calculated on a profit basis).
Selling price R5
Variable cost of sales R3,30
Contribution/profit R1,70
288 Managerial Accounting
Standard profit is
actual units sold × standard selling price per unit, minus
actual units sold × standard cost per unit
Figure 1
Actual results
Now let us consider the actual results and complete the reconciliation of standard profit to actual
Actual profit statement
Sales/Production 80 000 units
Sales 410 000
Cost of sales:
Raw material 130 000
Labour 100 000
Variable overheads 70 000 300 000
Contribution 110 000
Fixed costs 100 000
Budget profit R10 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 289
Comparative statements
Actual Standard Variance
Sales/Production 80 000 80 000
Sales 410 000 400 000 + 10 000
Cost of sales:
Raw materials 130 000 120 000 – 10 000
Labour 100 000 80 000 – 20 000
Variable costs 70 000 64 000 – 6 000
Fixed costs 100 000 100 000
Profit R10 000 R36 000 – R26 000
At a sales level of 80 000 units, the company should expect a profit of R36 000. As the profit was only
R10 000, the total variance is a negative R26 000.
The variance calculated above, with the exception of the sales variance of R10 000, represents the
total variance per cost category. In other words, it is not necessary to use a formula to calculate the
variances. All standard questions require the above comparison.
The profit of R0,70 in the sales volume variance above comes from the original budget of 100 000
units where the profit is shown as R70 000. Profit per unit is therefore R70 000 / 100 000 = 70c.
Note: When reconciling under an absorption costing system, all variances are the same as variable
costing, except sales volume variance and fixed production overheads. If actual production
were different to actual sales, the actual profit would also be different.
Why is there a difference in the sales volume and fixed cost variance?
The difference exists because, if the company operates an absorption standard costing system, it is
(in effect) operating a “fully-integrated absorption costing system” which means that the fixed
manufacturing cost per unit is charged to production at the “standard rate”. Fixed cost is therefore
treated in essence as a “variable” cost which leads to profit per unit varying with every unit sold. The
difference between budgeted fixed cost and actual fixed cost is adjusted by the under- /over-
recovered fixed cost, which in standard costing is shown as
Fixed volume variance
Fixed expenditure variance
Note: Revise chapter 2 to fully understand the effect of under-/over-recovery and how it breaks
down into a volume and expenditure reconciliation of budget cost to actual cost.
Very important:
If a company uses a standard costing system (variable or absorption) then all inventory
accounts must be at a standard value all the time.
At std At std
cost Actual
Variances production
Figure 2
Chapter 9: Standard costing 291
Budget 1 000 units
R Standard/unit
Material 5 000 R5 (at say R2 per kg)
Variable costs 20 000 R20
Fixed costs 10 000 R10 (absorption costing only)
R35 000
inventory accounts. Adjustments to standards could happen at any time during the year but will
normally happen if permanent changes to the standard occurred. An annual revision is common
practice in order to consider future cost.
Inventory value should always resemble current costs as close as possible. Inventory may not be
valued at future expected costs. In terms of IAS 2, inventory must be valued at the lowest of cost or
net realisable value.
A Company produced the following budget:
Budget sales/production 100 000 units
Sales 500 000
Cost of sales:
Raw materials 150 000
Labour 100 000
Variable overheads 80 000
Contribution 170 000
Fixed costs 100 000
Profit 70 000
Actual results:
Sales 80 000 units
Production 120 000 units
Sales value R410 000
Actual costs:
Raw material R195 000
Labour R150 000
Variable costs R105 000
Fixed costs R100 000
You are required to:
Reconcile the budget profit to actual profit
(i) under variable costing; and
(ii) under absorption costing.
(i) Variable costing
Assuming that there are no opening inventory of WIP or finished inventory, the company has
transferred 40 000 units from WIP to unsold finished inventory.
Standard costing systems require that all ledger accounts be at standard at all times.
Therefore, one cannot say that the actual cost for 80 000 units is 2/3 of total actual cost. The
first step is to calculate the value of 40 000 units at the standard unit cost of R3,30 (assuming a
variable costing system, ie fixed costs are written-off in the period in which they occur). The
balancing figure then becomes the actual cost of goods sold.
Chapter 9: Standard costing 293
It may be argued that the resultant cost is not a true actual cost of sales, but remember that
standard costing systems do not allow for apportionment of variances or extra costs to the
forthcoming period.
Work-in-progress account
Material 195 000 To finished goods 396 000
Labour 150 000 (120 000 × R3,30)
Variable costs 105 000 Variances 54 000
450 000 450 000
Finished goods
WIP 396 000 COS 264 000
C/F 132 000
396 000 396 000
B/F 132 000
Actual income statement
Sales (80 000 units) 410 000
Cost of sales:
Raw material 195 000
Labour 150 000
Variable costs 105 000
450 000
Closing inventory (132 000)
Cost of sales 318 000 318 000
Contribution 92 000
Fixed costs – 100 000
Actual loss – R8 000
Finished goods
WIP 516 000 COS 344 000
C/F (40 000 × 4,30) 172 000
516 000 516 000
B/F 172 000
Actual income statement
Sales (80 000 units) 410 000
Cost of sales:
Raw material 195 000
Labour 150 000
Variable costs 105 000
Fixed costs 100 000
550 000
Closing inventory (172 000)
Cost of sales 378 000 378 000
Actual profit R32 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 295
Lower production
When production is lower than units sold, the comparison of standard or budget to actual results is
very simple.
Assume the same information given in the previous example with the following actual costs:
Sales 80 000 units
Production 60 000 units
Sales value R410 000
Raw material R97 500
Labour R75 000
Variable costs R52 500
Fixed costs R100 000
(i) Variable costing
The difference between sales and production is 20 000 units. As all accounts are at standard,
the extra sales came from inventory at standard cost.
Actual income statement
Sales (80 000 units) 410 000
Cost of sales:
Opening inventory (20 000 × R3,30) 66 000
Raw material 97 500
Labour 75 000
Variable costs 52 500
Cost of sales 291 000 291 000
Contribution 119 000
Fixed costs 100 000
Actual profit R19 000
Comparative costs
Actual Standard Variance
Production 60 000 60 000 –
Raw material 97 500 90 000 – 7 500
Labour 75 000 60 000 – 15 000
Variable costs 52 500 48 000 – 4 500
R198 000
Per unit R3,30
Chapter 9: Standard costing 297
Comparative costs
Actual Standard Variance
Production 60 000 60 000 –
Raw material 97 500 90 000 – 7 500
Labour 75 000 60 000 – 15 000
Variable costs 52 500 48 000 – 4 500
Fixed costs 100 000 60 000 – 40 000
Materials cost variance
Price Usage
Mix Yield
Figure 3
298 Managerial Accounting
The standards
(i) Material cost per unit of input – The price
(ii) Material required per unit of output – The usage
(iii) Cost per unit of output – The cost per unit
eg Cost of raw Material A = R10 per kg
One unit of output requires 2 kg of Material A
Cost per unit = R10 × 2 = R20
(iv) When more than one raw material is required in the production process, the usage is analysed
into the mix and the yield.
eg Two raw materials are used in the production of Product Z.
2 kg of Raw Material A
3 kg of Raw Material B
l The mix = 2 kg A + 3 kg B
l The yield = 5 kg = 1 unit of Product Z
The variances
The variances consist of an analysis of the actual results compared to the original budget. They
represent what can go wrong.
(i) The material price variance
The material price variance analyses the difference between the budget cost of the material
input and the actual cost.
(ii) The material usage variance
The material usage variance analyses the difference between the budget material required per
unit of output and the actual usage of material.
(iii) The material mix variance
Where two or more raw materials are used in production, the material mix variance measures
the financial effect of changing the budget mix to a new actual mix.
(iv) The material yield variance
Where two or more raw materials are used in production, the material yield variance
measures the actual product output from the total input of the materials used, compared to
the expected output from the same actual input of raw materials.
The direct materials cost variance or (total materials cost variance) is the difference between the
total ACTUAL cost of materials charged to production and the standard cost of the direct materials
specified for such production.
Budget Actual
Production 100 000 units 80 000 units
Direct materials R150 000 R130 000
Standard per unit R1,50
On the basis of the above budget, we calculate the standard cost per unit as R1,50 (R150 000 /
100 000).
As previously indicated, you cannot compare the budget cost of R150 000 to the actual cost of
R130 000, because the production volume is different.
The standard cost of actual production, or the “flexed budget” is
80 000 units × R1,50 = R120 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 299
When the above situation occurs, there are two ways of dealing with the cost variances:
1 Only calculate a materials price variance which is based on actual purchases and a materials usage
variance which is based on actual usage.
2 Calculate the total materials variance by making an adjustment to the increase/decrease in
inventory at the standard cost.
A Company purchased 100 000 kg raw materials at a cost of R180 000. The Company used 75 000 kg
of material purchased to produce 80 000 units.
Company standards
Cost per unit R1,50
Usage per unit 0,75 kg
Therefore 1 kg = Standard cost of R2,00
Input (kg) × Price (kg) = Cost per unit
0,75 × R2,00 = R1,50
Method 1
Ledger accounts
(3) Price variance due to a difference between actual purchase price of R1,80 and a standard price
of R2,00. This variance can also be arrived at as the balancing figure in the inventory account.
(4) Balance of inventory carried forward 25 000 kg × R2,00 = R50 000 AT STANDARD.
(5) Finished inventory, and once again the transfer must be at a standard value of R1,50 (ie 80 000
units manufactured) 80 000 × R1,50 = R120 000.
(6) Balancing figure in this account of R30 000 is the usage variance.
Method 2
Actual purchases 100 000 kg @ R180 000
Actual usage 75 000 kg
Value R180 000 – (25 000 × 2,00) = R130 000
Total variance
Standard cost 120 000
Less: Actual cost (130 000)
Total variance + 10 000
Price variance + 20 000
Usage variance – 30 000
Production 100 000 units
Raw materials cost R150 000
Raw materials usage 80 000 kg
Cost per unit R1,50
Usage per unit 0,75 kg
Cost per kg R2,00
Actual results:
Production 110 000 units
Purchases 100 000 kg
Cost of purchases R220 000
Usage 110 000 kg
In this example there has been a run-down of inventory (ie 110 000 kg transferred from inventory to
WIP). The total transfer of 110 000 kg at standard was made at a value of R220 000.
Chapter 9: Standard costing 301
Price variance
The standard cost per kg of raw material is R2,00
Therefore, 100 000 kg should cost R200 000
Actual cost R220 000
Unfavourable price variance R20 000
As closing inventory must always be stated at standard cost, the actual cost of producing 110 000
units is
Cost of materials R220 000
From opening inventory R 20 000
R240 000
Not required
Total variance
Actual cost (220 000 + 20 000) = R240 000
Standard R165 000
Total variance – R75 000
Usage variance:
Used 110 000
Should use 75 / 100 × 110 82 500
– 27 500
× 2,00
– R55 000
Budget production 100 000 units
Budget raw material cost R250 000
Raw material usage
“A” 100 000 kg R150 000
“B” 50 000 kg R100 000
Actual results:
Production 80 000 units
Raw materials purchased and used:
“A” 90 000 kg at the standard cost per kg
“B” 30 000 kg at the standard cost per kg
(There is no price variance as actual purchases were made at the standard cost per kg)
From the budget, the standards are as follows:
Cost: Raw material “A” R1,50 per kg
Raw material “B” R2,00 per kg
Usage: “A” 1 kg per unit of output
“B” ½kg per unit of output
Unit cost = R2,50
Usage variance
If we hade known that the production was going to be 80 000 units the budget would have been:
Usage Standard cost Total cost
Material “A” 80 000 kg × R1,50 120 000
Material “B” 40 000 kg × R2,00 80 000
200 000
Usage variance in terms of kg, input is
Standard usage Actual usage
“A” 80 000 – 90 000 = – 10 000 kg
“B” 40 000 – 30 000 = + 10 000 kg
In terms of value
“A” – 10 000 × R1,50 = – R15 000
“B” + 10 000 × R2,00 = + R20 000
Total usage variance + R5 000
Without using equations the question that must be asked when calculating the materials usage
variance is:
Knowing the actual output in units, what should the material input have been to achieve that
Compare the calculated “standard input” to the actual usage, which then indicates whether the
variance is favourable or unfavourable in terms of raw material input. To quantify the variance, it
must be multiply by the standard unit cost, because the price variance has been eliminated.
You are given the following budget information:
Production 10 000 units
Inputs Quantity % Total cost
A 2 000 kg 10 8 000
B 6 000 kg 30 6 000
C 12 000 kg 60 6 000
20 000 kg R20 000
Actual results:
Production 8 000 units
Inputs Quantity
A 2 000 kg at R4,10 per kg
B 4 400 kg at R0,90 per kg
C 8 000 kg at R0,40 per kg
14 400 kg
Total cost: R15 360
Standards from budget information
Standard cost per unit R2
Usage 2 kg
Input costs
A R4 per kg
B R1 per kg
C R0,50 per kg
Usage per unit
A 0,2 kg
B 0,6 kg
C 1,2 kg
2,0 kg
Usage variance
The usage variance is calculated by asking the question: “Knowing that the actual production was
going to be 8 000 units, what would the budget cost have been?”
Answer: R16 000 (R2 × 8 000 units)
As the price variance is eliminated in the raw material account the actual input must be re-calculated
at standard:
ie 2 000 × R4 = 8 000
4 400 × R1 = 4 400
8 000 × R0,50 = 4 000
R16 400
Usage variance R16 000 – R16 400 = – R400
Mix variance
This requires a comparison of how the raw materials were mixed with how they should have been
The reconciling figure is total actual usage of 14 400 kg
Standard usage Actual Standard cost
10% A 1 440 – 2 000 = – 560 × R4 = – 2 240
30% B 4 320 – 4 400 = – 80 × R1 = – 80
60% C 8 640 – 8 000 = + 640 × R0,50 = + 320
14 400 14 400 – – R2 000
Yield variance
The actual total input of 14 400 kg yielded an output of 8 000 units.
In terms of unitary standard, a total input of 14 400 kg should have yielded
14 400 / 2 = 7 200 units
Therefore, production was 800 units more than budgeted. To express the favourable variance in
monetary terms simply multiply 800 units by the standard cost per unit of R2, ie
800 × R2 = + R1 600
Chapter 9: Standard costing 305
Figure 4
The standards
(i) Labour cost per hour – The rate
(ii) Labour required per unit of output – The efficiency
(iii) Cost per unit of output – The cost per unit
eg Cost of labour = R30 per hour
One unit of output requires 5 hours of labour
Cost per unit = R30 × 5 = R150
(iv) When a company measures the hours that a worker clocks in versus the hours that he is
actually operating (productive hours) we have a time usage standard.
l The capacity usage
The variances
The variances represent an analysis of the actual results compared to the original budget. They
represent what can go wrong.
(i) The rate of pay variance
The rate of pay variance analyses the difference between the actual cost of labour and the
expected cost for the same number of actual hours at the budget rate.
(ii) The efficiency variance
The efficiency variance measures the cost of the actual productivity in comparison to the
expected productivity cost for the actual hours worked.
Note: Do not compare the budget production cost to the actual labour production cost.
(iii) The capacity usage variance
This variance is seldom calculated as it requires a recording of the clocked-in hours as well as
the recording of the operating or productive hours. The clocked-in hours represent the time a
worker is physically at work, while the operating hours represent the productive hours.
Note: The capacity usage variance is not a measure of inefficiency, it is a measure of
operating time, which may or may not have been avoidable. The capacity usage
variance measures the financial cost of lost productive hours or unplanned hours
lost, when the actual productivity ratio was lower or greater than the budget
productivity ratio.
Labour variances are similar to material variances as the rate variance (price for material) and the
efficiency variance (yield for material) is evaluated. The capacity usage variance is seldom calculated
in practice, due to the difficulty in differentiating between clocked-in hours (total hours expected to
be at work) and operating hours (hours physically involved in production). For example, an employee
may be expected to clock in for an 8-hour day, but he is only productive for 7 hours due to tea
breaks, setting up and cleaning time. When the capacity usage variance is not calculated, the
efficiency standard of (say) 2 hours per unit of output will contain an element of non-productive
306 Managerial Accounting
The following labour budget was produced based on budget sales of 10 000 units:
Labour hours 100 000
Rate R20 per hour
Actual results:
Actual production 8 000 units
Actual labour hours 95 000
Actual cost R1 520 000
(a) Standards
Hours per unit = 100 000 / 10 000 = 10 hours
Budget cost per unit = 10 × R20 = R200
Total variance
The company produced 8 000 units at a labour cost of R1 520 000. In producing 8 000 units,
what should the budgeted labour cost be?
Answer: 8 000 × R200/unit = R1 600 000
Therefore total variance = R1 600 000 – R1 520 000
= + R80 000
Rate of pay variance
Actual cost = R1 520 000
Expected cost = 95 000 × R20/hour = R1 900 000
Therefore favourable variance of R1 900 000 – R1 520 000 = R380 000
Efficiency variance
Produced 8 000 units in 95 000 hours
How many units should have been produced in 95 000 hours?
Answer –95 000 / 10 hours = 9 500 units
The company has under-produced by 9 500 – 8 000 = 1 500 units
Efficiency variance therefore = – 1 500 × R200/unit
= Unfavourable R300 000 variance
Efficiency variance
Actual production 8 000 units
Actual operating hours 95 000 – 10 000 = 85 000 hours
Clock hours 100 000 @ R20
Operating hours 80 000 @ R25 (R20 × 100 000 / 100 000 × 80%)
Operating hours per unit 80 000 / 10 000 = 8 hours
Cost per unit R200 (8 × 25)
Total variance
Expected cost R1 600 000 (200 × 8 000 units)
Actual cost – R1 520 000
+ R80 000
Rate of pay: + R380 000, per above.
Actual production 8 000 units
Actual productive hours 85 000 hours
How many units could be produced in 85 000 hours?
Answer – 85 000 / 8 = 10 625 units
Variance 8 000 – 10 625 = – 2 625 units
Value – 2 625 × R200/unit = – R525 000
Rate of pay + 380 000
Capacity usage + 225 000
Efficiency – 525 000
Total + 80 000
Total labour variance
Once again, the first step is to express the original budget in terms of a standard for the actual
production of 80 000 units.
If it was known that the actual production was going to be 80 000 units, then the budget cost or
standard cost would be:
80 000 units × R5,70 = R456 000
Therefore, total variance is: 456 000 – 584 000 = – 128 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 309
Rate variance
The rate variance is calculated by comparing the average standard cost per clocked-in hour.
Standard cost per average clocked-in hour = R31,66
Actual clocked-in hours 20 000
Actual cost R584 000
Therefore, standard cost 20 000 × R31,66 = R633 333
Variance: 633 333 – 584 000 = + R49 333
Efficiency variance
The efficiency variance is an expression of how well or badly the workers have performed during the
actual operating hours. The concern is not with how many hours they were physically at work, but
with their productivity during actual operations.
The actual results show that in total the workers clocked 20 000 hours. However, these 20 000
clocked-in hours are irrelevant. Of the 20 000 clocked-in hours, they were productive for 14 000
operating hours, during which time they produced 80 000 units.
Therefore, Actual operating hours 14 000
Actual production 80 000 units
The efficiency variance then is calculated by asking the question, “Knowing that the actual operating
hours would be 14 000, how many units should have been produced?”
80 000 units –97 222,22 = – 17 222,22 × R5,70 (Standard unit cost) = – R98 167
Rate variance + 49 333
Efficiency variance – 98 167
Capacity usage variance – 79 166
Total variance – R128 000
The above example could also be done by calculating the variances for each category of labour.
There would therefore be three variances, ie rate, efficiency and capacity variances.
Note that as there are three different categories of labour and the actual labour mix is different from
the standard, a further variance, ie the labour mix variance can be calculated. This variance leads to
undue complication, especially where there is a different capacity usage ratio to that budgeted.
Labour efficiency
1 The quality of raw materials used differed from the specification, resulting in excessive operating
2 The labour mix was different to budget.
3 Poor training and lack of supervision.
4 Machine inefficiencies.
5 Operations not being performed in accordance with standard procedures.
Expenditure Efficiency
Figure 5
Chapter 9: Standard costing 311
The standards
(i) Variable cost per hour or per unit – The rate
(ii) Hours required per unit of output – The efficiency
(iii) Cost per unit of output – The cost per unit
eg Cost of variable overhead = R20 per hour
One unit of output requires 4 hours of variable overhead
Cost per unit = R20 × 4 = R80
The variances
The variances represent an analysis of the actual results compared to the original budget. They
represent what can go wrong.
(i) The expenditure variance
The expenditure variance analyses the difference between the actual cost of variable overhead
and the expected cost for the same number of actual hours at the budget rate.
Note: Where the variable cost is a function of units produced, ie the expenditure is incurred
only where the specific product is manufactured, then the variance is the difference
between actual cost and expected cost for the actual production.
(ii) The efficiency variance
The efficiency variance measures the cost of the actual productivity in comparison to the
expected productivity cost for the actual variable hours worked.
Note: As with labour, one does not compare the budget production cost to the actual
variable production cost.
You are given the following budget information:
Total variable overhead variance
On the basis of the budget, we establish that the standard cost per unit is:
Indirect labour R10
Packaging costs R2
Indirect labour
Standard cost (R10 × 6 000) 60 000
Less: Actual cost 58 500
Total variance + R1 500
Packaging costs
Standard cost (R2 × 6 000) 12 000
Less: Actual cost 10 000
Total variance – expenditure 2 000
Efficiency variance
The company produced 6 000 units in 6 500 hours. The budget sets a standard production rate of 1
unit per hour, so the expected actual production would be 6 500 units.
Therefore, Actual production 6 000 units
– Standard production – 6 500 units
Variance – 500 units
× Standard rate R10
Efficiency variance – R5 000
You are given the following information:
Original budgeted production 10 000 units
Budget fixed costs R100 000
Budget operating hours 5 000
Actual production 12 000 units
Actual fixed cost R130 000
Actual operating hours 6 000
As fixed cost under a variable costing system is treated as a period cost, the standard cost for a
production level of 12 000 units does not change, ie standard cost R100 000.
There is only one variance, namely the expenditure variance
Standard cost R100 000
Actual cost R130 000
Expenditure variance – R30 000
Expenditure Volume
Figure 6
The standards
(i) Fixed cost for the period – The period cost
(ii) Budget units of output – The volume
(iii) The pre-determined recovery rate – The budget cost per unit
eg Budget fixed cost = R3 000
Budget production volume = 1 000 units
Cost per unit = R3 000 / 1 000 = R30
The variances
The variances represent an analysis of the actual results compared to the original budget, ie they
represent what can go wrong.
314 Managerial Accounting
You are given the following information:
Production 100 000 units
Fixed costs R150 000
Production 120 000 units
Fixed costs R160 000
The total variance is calculated in exactly the same manner as any cost variance. It is the difference
between the standard cost at the actual production level and the actual cost.
Standard cost (120 000 × R1,50) R180 000
Actual cost R160 000
Total variance + R20 000
Expenditure variance
When considering the expenditure variance under a variable or absorption standard costing system,
the calculation of the expenditure variance is the same. It is simply the difference between the
budget fixed cost and the actual fixed cost.
Budget fixed cost R150 000
Actual fixed cost R160 000
Expenditure variance – R10 000
Volume variance
The volume variance represents the under- or over-absorption of fixed costs, ie if actual production is
above budget, then there has been an over-absorption of fixed costs which needs to be adjusted as
the recovery rate was based on a lower production volume.
Budget production 100 000 units
Actual production 120 000 units
(over absorbed) Volume variance + 20 000 units
Standard unit cost × R1,50
Volume variance + R30 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 315
Expenditure variance – R10 000
Volume variance + R30 000
Total variance + R20 000
Figure 7
The above sub-variances of the volume variance are to a large extent obsolete as they are
meaningless and serve no purpose in improving productivity and budget control.
As the practical usage of the sub-variances is negligible in a real world situation, the calculation and
discussion of these variances is not considered necessary.
Sales variances
The major difference between cost variance analysis and sales analysis is that for cost variances the
comparison is between the standard costs (revised or flexed budget) and the actual costs, while for
sales variance analysis the comparison is between the original budget and the actual results.
The analysis is carried out either on a sales value (turnover) basis or net profitability (contribution)
Price Volume
Quantity Mix
Figure 8
The standards
(i) The budget selling price per unit – The price
(ii) The budget sales in units – The volume
316 Managerial Accounting
(iii) When a company sells more than one product the sales volume is further analysed.
l The quantity
l The mix
eg budget sales
Product F 1 000 R50 000
Product G 2 000 R200 000
3 000
The price is R50 for product F and R100 for product G
The volume is 3 000 units
The quantity is 3 000 units at the budget mix
The mix is 1F : 2G
The variances
The variances represent an analysis of the actual results compared to the original budget. They
represent what can go wrong.
(i) The price variance
The price variance analyses the difference between the actual selling price for a product and
the budget selling price for the actual units sold in total.
(ii) The volume variance
When only one product is being sold, the volume variance represents the difference between
the budget units to be sold and the actual units sold, valued at the budget contribution per
unit (variable costing) or budget profit per unit (absorption costing).
(iii) The quantity variance
When more than one product is sold by the company, the quantity variance represents the
difference between the budget sales units and the actual units at the budget mix. The value is
calculated at the budget contribution per unit (variable costing) or budget profit per unit
(absorption costing).
(iv) The mix variance
Where more than one product is sold by the company, the mix variance represents the
difference between the actual units sold at the budget mix and the actual units sold at the
actual mix. The value is calculated at the budget contribution per unit (variable costing) or
budget profit per unit (absorption costing).
The volume variance is sub-divided into a quantity and mix variance only when a company sells more
than one product. The reason why it is important to calculate the sub-variances is that such analyses
show which individual product sales have improved or decreased compared to budget expectations.
You are given the following information:
Budget: Sales 100 000 units
Production 100 000 units
Sales value R500 000
Cost of sales R400 000
Budget profit R100 000
Actual: Sales 80 000 units
Production 80 000 units
Sales value R440 000
Cost of sales R280 000
Actual profit R160 000
You are required to:
Calculate all relevant sales variances.
Chapter 9: Standard costing 317
Sales variances on the basis of sales value
Total sales variance R
Actual sales 440 000
Budget sales 500 000
– R60 000
Price variance
Standard selling price R5 per unit
Actual sales 80 000 units
Standard value R400 000
Actual value R440 000
As we have derived a greater total revenue, we have a positive variance of R40 000.
Volume variance
Due to the actual volume being different from the budgeted volume,
Actual sales 80 000 units
Budgeted sales 100 000 units
Variance – 20 000 units
Value × R5
= – R100 000
Volume variance
Actual volume 80 000 units
Budget volume 100 000 units
Variance – 20 000 units × R1 = – R20 000
Reconciliation of budget sales to actual profit
Budget sales 500 000
Less: Cost of sales 400 000
Budget profit 100 000
Less: Volume variance 20 000
Standard profit 80 000
Plus: Favourable variances
Cost of sales 40 000
Sales price 40 000
Actual profit R160 000
Note: The budget sales to standard profit can be reconciled in two different ways, ie:
1 Budget sales to standard sales. This method requires an adjustment of a volume variance on
the basis of sales value, because costs have not been deducted.
2 Budget sales to budget profit to standard profit. This method requires that costs based on
budget sales level be deducted to arrive at the budget profit. This means that any adjustment
following the budget profit figure for the volume variance can only be done on the volume/
contribution basis.
You are given the following budget information:
Sales: R
“A” 1 000 units at R5 5 000
“B” 4 000 units at R4 16 000
R21 000
Costs: (all variable)
“A” 1 000 units at R3 3 000
“B” 4 000 units at R2 8 000
Profit R10 000
Actual profit statement R
“A” 4 000 units at R6 24 000
“B” 6 000 units at R3 18 000
R42 000
“A” 4 000 units at R2 8 000
“B” 6 000 units at R3 18 000
Profit R16 000
Variances on a value basis
Price variance
“A” (6 – 5) 4 000 = + 4 000
“B” (3 – 4) 6 000 = – 6 000
– 2 000
Volume variance
“A” 4 000 – 1 000 = + 3 000 × R5 = + R15 000
“B” 6 000 – 4 000 + 8 000
= + 2 000 × R4 =
+ R23 000
Mix variance
“A” 4 000 – 2 000 = + 2 000 × R5 = + R10 000
“B” 6 000 – 8 000 = – 2 000 × R4 = – 8 000
10 000 10 000 + R2 000
Quantity variance
“A” 2 000 – 1 000 = + 1 000 × R5 = + R5 000
“B” 8 000 – 4 000 = + 4 000 × R4 = + R16 000
10 000 5 000 + R21 000
Profit basis
Price variance
“A” (6 – 5) × 4 000 = + 4 000
“B” (3 – 4) × 6 000 = – 6 000
– 2 000
Volume variance
“A” + 3 000 × R2 = + R6 000
“B” + 2 000 × R2 = + R4 000
+ R10 000
Mix variance
“A” + 2 000 × R2 = + R4 000
“B” – 2 000 × R2 = – R4 000
Quantity variance
“A” + 1 000 × R2 = + R2 000
“B” + 4 000 × R2 = + R8 000
+ R10 000
The quantity variance is the same as the volume variance, except that the mix variance element is
not taken into account. In other words, the assumption is that the total actual sales were made on
the basis originally budgeted for, in this example a 1:4 ratio.
320 Managerial Accounting
Quantity Mix
Figure 9
Assume that a company has produced a budget as well as a cost-volume-profit graph which
highlights the following relationships:
Sales/Production (units) 5 000 10 000 15 000
Sales 50 000 100 000 150 000
Cost “A” 10 000 20 000 30 000
Cost “B” 20 000 20 000 20 000
Cost “C” 15 000 20 000 25 000
Profit R5 000 R40 000 R75 000
The production of one unit requires the following:
Input Output
Raw material 5 kg 3 kg
Labour 5 hours 4 hours
(1 hour idle-time)
If the input cost is R5 per kg of raw material and R30 per labour hour, then the output standard cost
is R25 for raw material and R150 for labour.
When calculating the equivalent units of production under a process standard costing system only
the actual production matters. Normal spoilage and abnormal spoilage are not important.
322 Managerial Accounting
The budget for Company A states the following:
1 unit of output for product X requires the following inputs:
Raw material 5 kg standard cost R5 per kg
Conversion costs 5 hours standard cost R30 per hour
The material is added at the beginning of the process and conversion costs are incurred evenly
throughout the process. The inspection point is at the 50% complete stage.
Beginning WIP 1 000 units 50% complete
Started and completed 2 000 units
Normal spoilage 500 units
Abnormal spoilage 400 units
Closing WIP 1 000 units 80% complete
Actual material cost R97 500 Input 19 500 kg
Actual conversion costs R555 000 Input 18 500 hours
Units Material Conversion costs
Beginning WIP 1 000 – 500
Started and completed 2 000 2 000 2 000
Normal spoilage 500 – –
Abnormal spoilage 400 – –
Closing WIP 1 000 1 000 800
4 900 3 000 3 300
The variances are calculated on the production of 3 000 units for materials and 3 300 units for
conversion costs.
Note: Standard costing represents a FIFO system, as standard costing represents current costs only.
The normal and abnormal units spoiled are calculated as shown in the chapter on process
costing. However, the equivalent units for each cost category column are always zero.
They are always zero because the equivalent actual production of good units only is
calculated. Normal spoilage has already been included in the unit standard cost. Abnormal
spoilage will be shown in the variances. Part of the material usage and labour efficiency can
be explained by referring to the number of units abnormally spoiled.
In this example, all variances are based on actual production of 3 000 for material and 3 300
for all other costs.
Changes in standards
Standard costing, by its nature, implies current attainable standards or current costing. When
standards are revised, it becomes necessary to update the raw material inventory account, WIP
account and the finished goods account. These adjustments must however be carefully considered. If
the adjustments in standard reflect future changes, then no adjustment should be made to
inventory. If the standard must be changed because of changes in the current period and inventory is
therefore under- or over-valued, the necessary adjustments must be made against the variance
account and the inventory accounts, so that inventory will be reflected at close to its actual cost.
Company A has the following inventory-holding:
Raw materials Standard price
A 1 000 units R4
B 500 units R2
Work-in-progress: 500 units ½ complete at a standard cost of R10 per unit
Finished goods: 1 000 units at a standard cost of R10 per unit
The following adjusting journal entry must be made:
Raw material Dr 1 500
Work-in-progress Dr 500
Finished goods Dr 2 000
Variance account Cr 4 000
Adjustment due to a change in standards.
Raw materials:
A 1 000 × R1 = R1 000
B 500 × R1 = R500
R1 500
WIP: 500 × ½ × R2 = R500
Finished goods: 1 000 × R2 = R2 000
The variance account is to be written off in the current year’s income and expenditure account.
Comprehensive example
The best way of dealing with journal entries and ledger accounts is to go through a comprehensive
324 Managerial Accounting
Maranatha Limited produces rubber sandals and employs a standard costing system. The budget for
the forthcoming year as presented by the Management Accountant is as follows:
Production Expenditure Average month
Product Kg Annual budget Kg Value
A 1 200 R36 000 100 R3 000
B 6 000 R540 000 500 R45 000
C 2 400 R168 000 200 R14 000
– Dept A R38 592 R3 216
– Dept B R67 200 R5 600
Fixed overheads – unit based R86 400 R7 200
Variable overheads:
– Related per unit R54 000 R4 500
– Related to operating hours R64 800 R5 400
Total cost R1 054 992 R87 916
Total units to be produced: 60 000 per annum, ie 5 000 per month
The budget is based on – (i) working 240 days in the year
(ii) 8 clocked-in hours per day
(iii) non-productive time of 10%
The total units produced represent 3 different types of sandals, each type being identical in respect of
cost and production time.
Budgeted production Type X 12 000
Type Y 18 000
Type Z 30 000
Total budget production 60 000
As at the year ended 31 December 19X1, the relevant accounts showed the following balances:
Kg Value
Raw material in inventory R
Product A 30 900
Product B 310 27 900
Product C 105 7 350
Work-in-progress Units Value
Type X 500 (All 50% complete in R4 396
Type Y 500 respect of materials, R4 396
Type Z 1 000 labour and overheads) R8 792
Total 2 000 R17 583
Chapter 9: Standard costing 325
Sales in January
Price Value
Type X 1 600 25,00 40 000
Type Y 1 500 21,50 32 250
Type Z 2 000 19,50 39 000
5 100 R111 250
Calculation of actual units produced
Equivalent units
Beginning WIP 2 000 1 000
Started and completed 3 000 3 000
Closing WIP 1 000 500
6 000 4 500
Total units produced in January 4 500
Usage variance
The usage variance is due to the difference between the actual usage to produce 4 500 units and the
budget usage to produce 4 500 units.
800 kg at standard gives us 5 000 units
Therefore 720 kg at standard will give us 4 500 units
Actual kg used 760
Chapter 9: Standard costing 327
(Standard quantity in standard mix to produce actual production – actual quantity in actual mix) ×
standard price.
Standard Actual Variance Standard price Variance
Product A 90 – 75 = + 15 × 30,00 = + 450
Product B 450 – 485 = – 35 × 90,00 = – 3 150
Product C 180 – 200 = – 20 × 70,00 = – 1 400
720 760 – 4 100
Mix variance
(Standard cost of actual mix in standard proportions at standard prices – standard cost of actual mix
in actual proportions at standard prices)
Standard Actual
Product A 1 95 – 75 = 20 × 30,00 = 600
B 5 475 – 485 = – 10 × 90,00 = – 900
C 2 190 – 200 = – 10 × 70,00 = – 700
760 760 – 1 000
Mix variance – 1 000
Yield variance – 3 100
Usage variance – 4 100
Price variance + 1 280
Total – R2 820
Journal entries
Raw material Dr 42 020
Accounts payable Cr 42 020
(being 360 kg of raw material purchased)
Raw material Dr 1 280
Material price variance Cr 1 280
(being favourable price variance on purchase of 360 kg raw material)
Work-in-progress Dr 59 900
Raw material Cr 59 900
(being transfer of 760 kg of raw material used in January production)
Finished goods (inventory) Dr 62 000
Mix variance Dr 1 000
Yield variance Dr 3 100
Work-in-progress – Variances Cr 4 100
Work-in-progress – Cost Cr 62 000
Being transfer of finished output of 5 000 units.
328 Managerial Accounting
Labour variances
Actual Hours Rate Total
Dept A Dept B
Total variance
Standard cost of producing 5 000 units = R8 816
Therefore, cost per unit R1,7632
Efficiency variance
(Standard hours produced – actual operating hours) × standard labour cost rate
(Actual units produced – units we should have produced for the given operating hours) × standard cost
rate per unit.
We produced 4 500 units
According to the budget, 5 000 units should have been produced in 144 hours
5 000
per hour = 34,72 units per hour
Therefore, standard hours produced = 4 500 ÷ 34,72 = 129,6
Number of units we should have produced
5 000
= 132 × = 4583,33 units
Therefore, (129,6 – 132) × 61,22 = – R147
(4 500 – 4583,33) × 1,7632 = – R147
Chapter 9: Standard costing 329
Rate of pay variance – 246
Efficiency variance – 147
Capacity usage variance – 1 616
Total variance – R2 010
Journal entries
Work-in-progress Dr 9 944
Labour (accounts payable) Cr 9 944
(being cost of labour for the months of January 19X2)
Labour variance Dr 2 010
Work-in-progress Cr 2 010
(being total variance for the month of January)
Rate of pay variance Dr 246
Efficiency variance Dr 147
Capacity usage variance Dr 1 616
Labour variance Cr 2 010
(being analysis of total variances)
Finished goods Dr 8 816
Work-in-progress Dr 8 816
(being transfer of finished output of 5 000 units × 0,894)
Expense variance
(Actual operating hours × standard cost rate) – actual cost
(132 × 37,50) – 4 825 = 4 950 – 4 825 = R125
Reconciliation of variances
Expenditure variance + R200
Expenditure variance + R125
Efficiency variance – R90
Total variance + R235
Journal entries
Work-in-progress Dr 8 675
Variable overheads payable Cr 8 675
(being variable overheads for the month of January 19X2 charged to
Work-in-progress Dr 235
Variable overhead variance Cr 235
(being total variance for the month of January 19X2)
Variable overhead variance Dr 235
Efficiency variance Dr 90
Expenditure variance Cr 325
(being analysis of total variances)
Finished goods Dr 9 900
Work-in-progress Cr 9 900
(being transfer of finished goods output at standard)
Total variance
Standard cost 4 500 × 1,44 = R6 480
Actual cost – R6 100
Variance + R380
Chapter 9: Standard costing 331
Expenditure variance
Budget – Actual
R7 200 – R6 100 = + R1 100
Volume variance
Actual volume 4 500 units
Budget volume 5 000 units
– 500 units
– 500 units × 1,44 = – R720
Journal entries
Work-in-progress Dr 6 100
Fixed overhead (accounts payable) Cr 6 100
(being fixed overheads for the month of January 19X2 charged to
Work-in-progress Dr 380
Fixed overhead variance Cr 380
(being total variance for the month)
Fixed overhead variance Dr 380
Fixed overhead volume Dr 720
Expenditure variance Cr 1 100
(being analysis of total variances)
Finished goods Dr 7 200
Work-in-progress Cr 7 200
(being transfer of finished goods output of 5 000 units × 0,144)
Sales variances
Calculation of total variances
Sales standard Sales Standard Total Standard
Type Quantity price value cost cost profit
X 1 000 24,00 24 000 17,583 17 583 6 417
Y 1 500 21,00 31 500 17,583 26 375 5 125
Z 2 500 19,00 47 500 17,583 43 958 3 542
5 000 103 000 87 916 15 084
Sales actual Actual Standard Total Actual
Type Quantity price value cost cost profit
X 1 600 25,00 40 000 17,583 28 133 11 867
Y 1 500 21,50 32 250 17,583 26 375 5 875
Z 2 000 19,50 39 000 17,583 35 166 3 834
5 100 111 250 89 674 21 576
Volume variance
(Standard value for actual sales at standard prices) less (standard value for standard sales at
standard prices)
Actual Standard
Type X 1 600 × 24,00 1 000 × 24,00
Type Y 1 500 × 21,00 – 1 500 × 21,00 = + R4 900
Type s 2 000 × 19,00 2 500 × 19,00
-Mix variance
Standard value for actual sales at standard price and actual mixture less standard value for actual
sales at standard price and standard mixture.
Actual mix Actual at standard
Type X 1 600 – 1 020 = + 580 × 24,00 = 1 450
Type Y 1 500 – 1 530 = – 30 × 21,00 = – 78
Type Z 2 000 – 2 550 = – 550 × 19,00 = – 1 100
5 100 5 100 + 2 840
Quantity variance
Standard value of actual sales in standard proportions and price less standard sales at standard
Actual at Standard Standard
standard mix sales price
Type X 1 020 – 1 000 = + 20 × 24,00 = + 480
Type Y 1 530 – 1 500 = + 30 × 21,00 = + 630
Type Z 2 550 – 2 500 = + 50 × 19,00 = + 950
5 100 5 000 + 2 060
Actual Standard
mix profit
Type X 1 600 × 6,4138 = 10 267
Type Y 1 500 × 3,4168 = 5 125
Type Z 2 000 × 1,4168 = 2 834
5 100 18 226 B
Actual at Standard
standard mix profit
Type X 1 020 × 6,4168 = 6 545
Type Y 1 530 × 3,4168 = 5 228
Type Z 2 550 × 1,4168 = 3 613
5 100 15 386 C
Standard Standard
sales profit
Type X 1 000 × 6,4168 = 6 417
Type Y 1 500 × 3,4168 = 5 125
Type Z 2 500 × 1,4168 = 3 542
5 000 15 084 D
Price variance A –B
= 21 576 – 18 226 = + R3 350
Volume variance B –D
= 18 226 – 15 084 = + R3 142
Mix variance B –C
= 18 226 – 15 386 = + R2 840
Quantity variance C – D
= 15 386 – 15 084 = + R302
Journal entries
Cost of sales Dr 89 674
Finished foods Cr 89 674
(being 5 100 units sold in January at standard cost )
Debtors Dr 111 250
Sales Cr 111 250
(being budgeted sales of 5 000 units for January)
Sales Dr 8 250
Sales variance account Cr 8 250
Total variance for the month of January
Sales variance account Dr 8 250
Price variance Cr 3 350
Quantity variance Cr 2 840
Mix variance Cr 2 060
(being analysis of total variances on a sales value basis)
334 Managerial Accounting
Ledger accounts
Raw materials
Balance 36 150 Work-in-progress 59 900
Accounts payable 42 020 Balance c/d 19 550
Price variance 1 280
79 450 79 450
Balance b/d 19 550
Balance 17 583 Finished goods and variance 62 000
Raw materials 59 900 Finished goods and variance 9 900
Labour 9 944 Finished goods and variance 7 200
Variable overhead 8 675 Finished goods and variance 8 816
Fixed overhead 6 100 Material variance 4 100
Variable overhead variance 235 Labour variance 2 010
Fixed overhead variance 380 Balance c/d 8 792
102 817 102 817
Balance b/d 8 792
Finished goods
Units Value Units Value
Balance 1 000 17 583 Cost of sales 5 100 89 674
Work-in-progress 5 000 62 000 Balance c/d 900 15 825
Work-in-progress 8 816
Work-in-progress 7 200
Work-in-progress 9 900
105 499 105 499
Balance b/d 900 15 825
Accounts payable
Raw materials 42 020
Labour (WIP) 9 944
Fixed overhead (WIP) 6 100
Variable overhead (WIP) 8 675
66 739
Price variance
Raw materials 1 280
Mix variance
Finished goods 1 000
Variance yield
Finished goods 3 100
Labour variance
Accounts payable 2 010 Variances 2 010
Rate of pay variance
Labour variance 246
Chapter 9: Standard costing 335
Efficiency variance
Labour variance 147
Expenditure variance 90
Capacity usage variance
Labour variance 1 616
Fixed overhead volume variance
Fixed overhead 720
Fixed overhead variance
Variances 380 Work-in-progress 380
Expenditure variance
Fixed overhead 1 100
Variable overhead 325
1 425
Variable overhead variance
Variances 235 Work-in-progress 235
Cost of sales
Finished goods 89 674
Sales 111 250
Debtors 111 250
Preferred method:
Income and expenditure reconciliation statement
Budget profit 15 084
Sales volume variance
Sales mix 302
Sales quantity 2 840 3 142
Standard profit 18 226
Sales price variance 3 350
21 576
Plus: Favourable cost variances
Expenditure variance 1 425
Materials price variance 1 280 2 705
Less: Unfavourable cost variances 24 281
Volume variance 720
Capacity usage variance 1 616
Efficiency variance 237
Rate of pay variance 246
Yield variance 3 100
Mix variance 1 000 6 919
R17 362
336 Managerial Accounting
Closing inventory
Material 19 550
Work in progress 8 792
Finished goods 15 825 (44 167) (93 888)
R17 362
Chapter 9: Standard costing 337
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced in
this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
Actual results
The company produced 12 000 units and sold 8 000 units. The following expenses were incurred:
Raw material 13 000 kg cost R234 000
Labour 25 200 hours cost R390 600
Fixed costs R180 000
Selling price per unit was R105
(a) (i) Actual profit – absorption costing
Sales 8 000 units R840 000
Cost of sales: Production 12 000 units
Materials R234 000
Labour R390 600
Fixed cost R180 000
R804 600
Closing inventory 4 000 units R280 000
Cost of sales R524 600 R524 600
Actual profit R315 400
338 Managerial Accounting
Sales volume – absorption 2 000 units × R30 = R60 000
Sales volume – variable 2 000 units × R50 = R100 000
Sales price R5 × 8 000 = R40 000
Material price (R20 × 13 000) – R234 000 = + R26 000
Material usage (12 000 – 13 000) × R20 = – R20 000
Labour rate 25 200 × R15 – R390 600 = – R12 600
Labour efficiency [ (12 000 × 2) – 25 200 ] × R15 = – R18 000
Fixed volume + 2 000 × R20 = R40 000
Fixed expenditure R200 000 – R180 000 = R20 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 339
Practice questions
Question 9 – 1 20 marks 30 minutes
Absorption/Variable costing
A company budgeted on producing and selling 10 000 units. At this level, the profit was budgeted at
R20 per unit as shown below.
Selling price per unit 100
Cost per unit:
Direct material 30
Direct labour 35
Fixed overheads 15
Profit 20
Cost of production:
Direct materials R450 000
Direct labour R555 000
Fixed overheads R160 000
Same information as for PART A, except that the actual results were:
Sales 12 000 units at R90 per unit
Production 8 000 units
Cost of production:
Direct materials R256 000
Direct labour R280 000
Fixed overheads R140 000
(a) Variable costing
Budget profit 10 000 × R20 = R200 000
Actual profit: R
Sales 1 080 000
Cost of sales:
Direct materials 450 000
Direct labour 555 000
Less: Closing inventory (195 000) 810 000
Fixed cost 160 000
Profit R110 000
Budget profit 200 000
Plus: Sales volume variance (2 000 × R35) 70 000
Standard profit 270 000
Sales price (120 000)
Direct materials –
Direct labour (30 000)
Fixed overhead expenditure (10 000)
Actual profit R110 000
Budget profit 200 000
Plus sales volume variance (2 000 × R20) 40 000
Standard profit 240 000
Sales price (120 000)
Direct materials –
Direct labour (30 000)
Fixed overhead volume (R15 × 5 000) 75 000
Fixed overhead expenditure (10 000)
Actual profit R155 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 341
Variable costing basis
Actual profit
Sales 1 080 000
Cost of sales:
Direct materials 256 000
Direct labour 280 000
Inventory transfer (4 000 × 65) 260 000 796 000
Fixed cost 140 000
Actual profit R144 000
Budget profit 200 000
Plus: Volume variance (2 000 × R35) 70 000
Standard profit 270 000
Direct materials – 16 000
Sales price – 120 000
Fixed cost 10 000
Actual profit R144 000
All sales made in South Africa are paid a 10% commission based on the selling price. Sales to Australia
are subject to a transport cost of R4 per unit.
342 Managerial Accounting
Closing inventory
Raw materials 45 000 kg
Finished production 10 000 units
All units in South Africa were sold at R10 per unit above budget. The Australian sales were made at the
budget selling price. 50% of all units sold were exported to Australia. Datar operates a standard variable
costing accounting system.
(a) Budget production/Sales
100 000 × 120% = 120 000
South Africa = 120 000 × 75% = 90 000 units
Australia = 120 000 × 25% = 30 000 units
Fixed costs
120 000 × R10 = R1 200 000
Contribution South Africa Australia
Sales R160 R130
Material 6 × 8 48 48
Labour 5 × 10 50 50
Variable 5 × 4 20 20
Commission 160 × 10 % 16 –
Transport – 4
Contribution R26 R8
Chapter 9: Standard costing 343
(b) Budget
Sales South Africa 90 000 × 160 = 14 400 000
Australia 30 000 × 130 = 3 900 000
18 300 000
Material 120 000 × 48 = 5 760 000
Labour 120 000 × 50 = 6 000 000
Variable 120 000 × 20 = 2 400 000
Fixed 120 000 × 10 = 1 200 000
Commission 90 000 × 160 × 10% = 1 440 000
Transport 30 000 × 4 = 120 000
Commission 1 440
Transport 120
Contribution 2 580
Fixed cost 1 200
Profit 1 380
Materials closing inventory – 760 000 – 715 000 = 45 000 × R8 = R360 000
Finished production – 10 000 × (R48 + R50 + R20) = R1 180 000
344 Managerial Accounting
Sales mix
50 000 – 75 000 = – 25 000 × 26 = – 650 000
50 000 – 25 000 = + 25 000 × 8 = + 200 000
– 450 000
Sales quantity
75 000 – 90 000 = – 15 000 × 26 = – 390 000
25 000 – 30 000 = – 5 000 × 8 = – 40 000
– 430 000
Sales price
South Africa + R10 × 50 000 = + 500 000
Material price
Actual cost – R6 042 000
Standard 760 000 × R8 + R6 080 000
+ R38 000
Chapter 9: Standard costing 345
Material usage
715 000 kg produced 110 000 units
715 000 kg / 6 kg should yield 119 166,66 units
– 9 166,66 units
× R48
– R440 000
Labour rate
Actual – R5 665 000
Standard 515 000 × R10 + R5 150 000
– R515 000
Labour efficiency
Actual production 110 000 units
Standard (515 000 – 20 000) / 5 99 000 units
+ 11 000 units
× R50
+ R550 000
Variable expenditure
Actual – R2 106 000
Standard 495 000 × 4 + R1 980 000
– R126 000
Variable efficiency
Actual production 110 000 units
Standard 495 000 / 5 99 000 units
+ 11 000 units
× R20
+ R220 000
Fixed cost Actual + R1 000 000
Budget – R1 200 000
+ R200 000
Actual 50 000 × 170 × 10% – R850 000
Standard 50 000 × 16 + R800 000
– R50 000
Actual – R250 000
Standard 50 000 × 4 + R200 000
– R50 000
346 Managerial Accounting
Budget profit 1 380
Sales mix – 450
Sales quantity – 430
Standard profit 500
Variances Favourable Unfavourable
Sales price 500
Material price 38
Material usage 440
Labour rate 515
Labour capacity usage 200
Labour efficiency 550
Variable expenditure 126
Variable efficiency 220
Fixed cost expenditure 200
Commission 50
Transport 50 + 127
Actual profit 627
The actual sales and costs incurred by the KwaZulu-Natal division for the current year were as
External sales 11 000 units @ R295
Internal sales 2 000 units @ R270
Actual production 14 000 units
(a) Budget profit
External sales 10 000 × R300 3 000 000
Less: Selling and distribution 10 000 × R30 300 000
Net external sales 2 700 000
Internal sales 5 000 × R270 1 350 000
Total sales 4 050 000
Cost of sales 15 000 × 150 2 250 000
Head office 15 000 × 30 450 000
Budget profit R1 350 000
Actual profit
External sales 11 000 × R295 3 245 000
Internal sales 2 000 × R270 540 000
3 785 000
348 Managerial Accounting
Manufacturing costs
Material 720 720
Labour 577 500
Variable overhead 259 000
Fixed overhead 685 000
2 191 820
Less: Closing inventory
Finished inventory 1 000 × R150 150 000
Raw materials 5 600 × 9 50 400 2 041 820
1 743 180
Head office costs 450 000
Selling/distribution 440 000
Actual profit R853 180
Budget profit 1 350 000
External sales volume + 1 000 × 140 (Note 1) 140 000
Internal sales volume – 3 000 × 120 (Note 1) (360 000)
Standard profit 1 130 000
Sales price variance (55 000)
Raw material price (65 520)
Raw material usage 25 200
Labour rate (52 500)
Labour efficiency 35 000
Variable expenditure 3 500
Variable efficiency 17 500
Fixed volume (45 000)
Fixed expenditure (10 000)
Head office –
Selling and distribution (130 000)
Actual profit 853 180
(c) The transfer price is based on the market price rule, with an allowance to reflect the fact that
selling and distribution costs are not incurred on internal transfers. The manager of the
supplying division may find that using a market-related price may not be in the best interests of
the company when he cannot sell all that he produces in the open market. In this situation, the
manager of the KwaZulu-Natal division has lost sales of 2 000 units.
The variable cost of manufacturing the product is
Raw materials 45
Labour 40
Variable production 20
350 Managerial Accounting
Any price above R105 will generate a positive contribution. Negotiation should take place
between a price of R105 and the current price of R270. At an average selling price of R187,50
the contribution generated would be
5 000 × 82,50 = 412 500
compared to the current 2 000 × 165 = 330 000
The KwaZulu-Natal division should at least drop its price to meet that of the outside supplier, as
long as the price is above R187,50 (which is likely to be considering that the KwaZulu-Natal
division is selling 11 000 units at R295 each).
Standard cost per unit at the budget level of 2 000 sales units
Material: Metal 3 units @ R2,00 6
Welding 1 unit @ R3,00 3
Manufacturing overhead
Variable 10% higher than budget cost
Fixed 5 000
Selling and administration 11 500
The company operates a standard variable costing system. The opening inventory of 400 units of
finished product was valued at current standards.
There was no opening or closing inventory of raw material in the month of September.
(a) Valuation of opening inventory of 400 units
The company uses a variable standard costing system. We therefore need to analyse the
manufacturing costs to determine the variable cost per unit.
Budget cost analysis:
Sales 1 400 units 2 000 units
Profit – R6 000
Differential sales of 600 units has resulted in an increase in profit of R6 000.
Contribution therefore equals R6 000 / 600 = R10 per unit
Material variances
Metal 6 500 × R2 = 13 000 – 13 000 = nil
Welding 3 250 × R3 = 9 750 – 7 475 = + 2 275
Mix Actual Budget Variance Price
Metal 6 500 3 7 312 ,5 + 812,5 ×2 = + 1 625
Welding 3 250 1 2 437 ,5 – 812,5 ×3 = – 2 437 ,50
9 750 9 750 – 812 ,50
Budget 4 input units = 1 output unit
Actual output 2 000 units from an input of 9 750
Input of 9 750 should yield 9 750 / 4 = 2 437,5 units
Yield variance: 2 000 – 2 437,5 = – 437 ,5
× unit cost (6 + 3) ×9
= –3 937 ,5
Labour variances
Standard 1 200 × 22 = 26 400
Actual – 25 200
+ 1 200
Standard 2 000 × 0,5 hours = 1 000 hours
Actual 1 200 hours
Variance – 200 hours
Rate × R22
Variance – R4 400
Manufacturing overhead
Variable Standard 2 000 × 4 = 8 000
Actual 8 800
– 800
Fixed Budget 8 000
Actual 5 000
3 000
(c) Sales
He seems to be doing well as a sales manager, although we know nothing about how sales are
expected to respond to changes in seasonal or other variables. He has boosted the volume by
200 units and the selling price by R1 which has resulted in a positive selling price variance of
R2 200, and a sales volume variance of R2 000.
354 Managerial Accounting
The decision to buy the welding rods at a cheaper price has resulted in a saving of R2 275 on the
price, but the negative mix and yield variance strongly suggests that the quality of the welding
rods has had a huge detrimental effect on profits. The negative yield of almost R4 000 requires
investigation as it could be due to the poor quality of raw materials.
The significant negative efficiency variance once again raises serious questions about the quality
of raw materials used, as the efficiency and material yield variances are often related. It is
unusual to see a favourable labour variance which requires an explanation.
Manufacturing overheads
The negative expenditure variance of R3 000 may have been outside the control of Mr Warrick’s
Selling and administration
As with the manufacturing overhead, it is possible that the unfavourable variance could be due
to the fixed cost element which could have been out of his control.
1 The supplier of the raw material for the Castel raised prices by 10% during the period under review.
The company uses a FIFO pricing system and 6 600 units of output were manufactured from raw
material bearing the increased price.
2 The company operates a five-day, 42,5 hour week. In the second week of the period, the direct
workforce withdrew its labour for three days. No wages were paid to the 60 members of the
direct labour force during this period. However, to make up for lost production, an extra two
Saturdays and one Sunday were worked, at double-time rates.
3 The proceeds from the sale of waste amounted to R1 500, which is included in the sales income
figure. Normally waste has no sales value and is ignored in the standard revenue/cost calculations.
Chapter 9: Standard costing 355
Sales variances
Volume variance 56 000 – 64 000 = – R8 000
Price variance R2 000
(of which R1 500 is due to the sale of waste)
Usage variance
Actual production at standard usage and cost R20 900
Actual production at actual usage and standard (24 772 – 1 452) R23 320
– R2 420
Rate variance
Due to overtime 60 × 3 × 8,5 = 1 530 hours
It is assumed that an equal number of hours
were worked at overtime rates
Therefore 1 530 hours × R1,70 = – R2 601
Efficiency variance
Standard production for normal operating hours
42,5 × 60 × 4 = 10 200 units
Actual production 9 500 units
Therefore efficiency variance = –700 units
Therefore 700 × R1,70 = – R1 190
Expenditure variance
Budgeted – Actual 10 200 – 10 928 = – R728
Volume 700 units × R1 = – R700
356 Managerial Accounting
Report to Management
Income and expenditure statement for four weeks ended . . .
Original Revised Actual
budget units budget units results units
Production 10 200 9 500 9 500
Sales 8 000 7 000 7 000
Closing inventory 2 200 2 500 2 500
Sales value 64 000 56 000 58 000
Cost of production:
Direct materials 22 440 20 900 24 772
Direct labour 17 340 16 150 19 941
Fixed overhead 10 200 9 500 10 928
49 980 46 550 55 641
Less: Closing inventory 10 780 12 250 12 250
Cost of sales 39 200 34 300 43 391
Profit R24 800 R21 700 R14 609
The above statement shows that there was a drop in sales volume amounting to 1 000 units, which
gave rise to a drop in profit of R3 100, ie 1 000 units × standard profit of R3,10. The purpose of the
revised budget shown in the statement is to eliminate the effect of the reduction in volume so that a
more realistic appraisal of performance may be made.
The performance variance, being the difference between the revised budget and the actual results,
and amounting to – R7 091 profit, is reconcilable as follows:
Sales price variance + R2 000
Direct materials price variance – R1 452
Direct materials usage variance – R2 420
Direct labour rate variance – R2 601
Direct labour efficiency variance – R1 190
Fixed overhead expenditure variance – R728
Fixed overhead volume variance – R700
– R7 091
The sales price variance is attributable to the sale of waste, which brought in R1 500, and to an
increase of R500 in the sales value. The direct materials price variance is attributable to the 10%
increase in the price of raw materials, while the rate of pay variance was due to the three days
worked at overtime or double-time rates. It must be noted that, as the company is using an
absorption costing system, we have a volume variance amounting to – R700, as actual production
was less than budget. There is insufficient information to analyse the material usage variance and the
labour efficiency variance.
Decisions under
10 risk and uncertainty
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l calculate and explain the meaning of expected values
l define certainty, uncertainty and risk
l calculate the standard deviation and co-efficient of variation
l explain the meaning of the expected value criterion and conditions required
l calculate the value of perfect and imperfect information
l calculate the probability as area under the curve
l draw a decision tree and evaluate the expected value
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
If a budget must be compiled, but the quantity of material available is uncertain and the following
are given
Material available 100 000 kg probability 30%
150 000 kg probability 50%
180 000 kg probability 20%
the budget should be compiled at each level of material available. Once all three budgets are
complete, multiply the three budget amounts by the probability given above to arrive at the
expected budget. Regrettably this is seldom done. Most of the time an expected value of material
availability is calculated based on the probabilities given and one budget is constructed at that level.
358 Managerial Accounting
Company A is attempting to predict future profit from a new project and the following probability
distribution has been prepared:
State Probability Profit
1 0,10 – R150 000
2 0,40 – R20 000
3 0,40 R40 000
4 0,10 R 300 000
Expected value R23 000
Required: Should the company accept the new project?
The answer to the above example depends on the company’s attitude to risk. The expected value of
R23 000 is a long-term expectation and assumes that the returns remain the same over a long period
of time. The short-term returns will range from the negative return of R150 000 to the high positive
of R300 000. There are three identifiable attitudes to risk:
(i) risk aversion
(ii) indifference towards risk
(iii) risk taker.
If the company is averse to risk, it may take the view that, as there is a 50% chance that the project
will yield a negative return, it will not accept the project. In fact, the company may have a policy that
it will only accept projects that have a minimum of 80% probability of yielding a positive return.
If the company is indifferent to risk, it will look at the expected return of R23 000 and make a
decision on whether the return is reasonable. Given two projects with the same expected return but
different risk profiles, an indifferent investor will not take the risk into account.
If the company is a risk taker it will look at the highest possible return and assess whether the risk is
acceptable in terms of the return. The above project has a 10% chance of yielding a return of
R300 000. The company may well feel that it is worth taking a risk for such a high return.
A risk taker will be more concerned with the possibility of making a profit of R300 000 rather than
the long-term expected return of R23 000.
Value Value
Figure 1
When a probability distribution is discrete, one cannot calculate a mean value or area under a curve.
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 359
You have won a car and there is a 40% chance that it will be red, a 30% chance that it will be white
and a 30% chance that it will be blue. Clearly the outcome is discrete and you cannot get a “mean”
It is important that you analyse information given to determine whether a continuous distribution is
possible. Sometimes it is difficult to assess, in which case you must form an opinion about whether
you believe that the information could be interpreted as continuous.
You have applied for a foreign currency allocation to purchase imported raw materials and are
uncertain of the amount that will be allocated; however, you have been given the following possible
Probability Outcome
30% R 80 000
50% R160 000
20% R220 000
Is the outcome discrete or continuous? Given the nature of the information, the distribution can be
viewed as continuous, as the allocated amount could be between R80 000 and R220 000. The mean
value of R148 000 is therefore a long-term possibility. What about in the short-term? In the short-
term, the expected value of R148 000 is an acceptable estimate, but the standard deviation as well as
the probability as measured by the area under the curve must be determined.
Company A estimates that the annual cash-flow for the next three years is R1 000 000 annually. How
good is this point estimate, or how confident is the forecaster of a R1 000 000 return?
The degree of uncertainty can be defined and measured in terms of the forecaster’s probability
distribution (the probability estimates associated with each possible outcome), eg:
Given an upswing in the economy R1 200 000
Normal economic conditions R1 000 000
Downturn in economy R800 000
If estimates of the probabilities of these events were known, a weighted average cash-flow estimate
and a measure of the degree of confidence in this estimate can be determined.
Measuring risk
Risk can be defined in terms of probability distributions as:
The tighter the probability distribution of expected future returns, the smaller the risk of a given
360 Managerial Accounting
occurrence Project A
Project B
Cash-flows: R
Figure 2
According to this definition, Project A (above) is less risky than Project B, because the actual return
for Project A should be closer to the expected return than is true for Project B.
Standard deviation
Standard deviation is the conventional measure of the dispersion of a probability distribution and is
calculated as follows:
(a) Calculate the expected value of the distribution:
Expected value R = (RiPi)
(e) The standard deviation is found by obtaining the square root of the variance:
Standard deviation = = (Ri – R)2 Pi
Project A has an expected return of R100 000 and a standard deviation of R18 900. Project B has an
expected return of R180 000 and a standard deviation of R38 000. Calculate the co-efficient of
18 900
Co-efficient of variation for A = = 0,1890
100 000
38 000
Co-efficient of variation for B = = 0,2111
180 000
Project A has a lower risk profile than Project B. Does that mean that Project A is a better investment
than B? Not necessarily. Project A offers a lower expected return than Project B. Assuming that the
invested amount was the same for both projects, Project B appears to be a better investment as it
offers a higher return. Project B however also has a higher risk (although it is marginal). An investor
may conclude that the marginal extra risk offered by B is more than compensated for by a far higher
average (or mean) return.
The important factor is to understand that the co-efficient of variation expresses the risk per Rand of
return which is helpful in comparing two projects but not conclusive in deciding which one is better.
The missing piece in the puzzle is the investor’s attitude to risk.
3 standard
3 standard deviations
Figure 3
362 Managerial Accounting
50% of the area under the curve lies to the left of the mean and 50% to the right. This means that
there is a 50% chance that the profit will be higher or lower than the mean.
The equation Z =
calculates the number of standard deviations that a particular point lies from the mean.
The mean value of a distribution is R8 000. The standard deviation is R1 600. What is the probability
that the profit will be greater than R10 000?
8 000 10 000
Figure 4
The answer is represented by the shaded area under the curve that shows a value greater than
R10 000. The equation is, however, restricted to analysing a point in question in comparison to the
mean. That does not pose a problem, because we know that there is a 50% probability that profit will
be greater than R8 000.
If, for example, we determine that the probability of profit lying between R8 000 and R10 000 is (say)
30%, then the probability of profit being greater than R10 000 is 20%.
X–u 10 000 – 8 000
Z = = = 1,25
1 600
This means that the area between 8 000 and 10 000 represents 1,25 standard deviations. The next
step is to convert the 1,25 standard deviations to a percentage (%). Reading from the tables of area
under the curve (see end of chapter) we get a value of 0,3944 which means that the area under the
curve from 8 000 to 10 000 is 39,44%.
Therefore, the probability that profit will be greater than R10 000 is
50% – 39,44% = 10,56%
4 The assumption of normality also permits us to calculate the probability that an outcome will be
greater or less than a certain amount, through use of cumulative probability distributions.
5 Normal distribution is widely assumed because many distributions do fit this pattern.
Dixy Hats expects to make the following profits next year:
State Probability Profit (R’000)
1 0,1 4 000
2 0,2 5 000
3 0,4 6 500
4 0,2 8 000
5 0,1 9 000
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 363
(a) State Profit × P Profit – Mean (Profit – Mean)2 P(Profit – Mean)2
1 400 – 2 500 6 250 625 000
2 1 000 – 1 500 2 250 450 000
3 2 600 0 0 0
4 1 600 1 500 2 250 450 000
5 900 2 500 6 250 625 000
Mean 6 500 2 = 2 150 000
= 1 466,3
If the above activity is undertaken a sufficient number of times, it will be expected to produce
(on average) a profit of R6 500 000. However, if the company was going to undertake this
activity once only, it will run the risk of making a profit of only R4 000 000 (10% probability) or
R5 000 000 (20% probability). Whether it is prepared to take the chance will depend on the
company’s attitude to risk.
In the case of non-recurring decisions, the expected value represents the best single figure
estimate of the outcome that can be made on the basis of subjective probabilities. It will be
useful for a preliminary assessment of the project, but it cannot be considered a result that will
be attained in the form of a long-run average.
Standard deviation 1 466,3
Co-efficient of variation = = = 0,2256
Expected sales 6 500
Companies with low CVs have less risk perRand of sales than companies with high CVs.
(b) Exceed R6 900 000
X–u 6 900 – 6 500
Z = = = 0,2728
1 466,3
From the table of normal values, Z = 0,2728 represents a probability of 0,1075 from the mean,
therefore 0,5 – 0,1075 = 0,3925 or 39,25%.
Fall below R4 750 000
4 750 – 6 500
Z = = 1,1935
1 466,3
Per tables: 0,3837 from the mean
Therefore: 0,5 – 0,3837 = 0,1163 or 11,63%
Fall between R4 750 and R6 900 = 100 – 39,25 – 11,63 = 49,12%
(c) Between R6 500 000 and R8 000 000
8 000 – 6 500
Z = = 1,0230 per tables = 0,3468 or 34,68%
1 466,3
364 Managerial Accounting
Decision trees
A decision tree is a diagram that starts by showing the choices available, followed by consequences
that have a probability distribution. Choices do not have a probability distribution.
Example – On your way to work you come to a set of traffic lights. You may choose to go straight or
you may choose to go an alternative route by turning left. As a result of your choice
there will be certain consequences.
If you go straight there is a 60% probability that you will encounter a traffic jam. If there
is no traffic jam, there is a 90% chance that you will get to work on time. There is,
however, a 10% probability that a taxi will cut in front of you, causing an accident.
If you turn left at the robot, there is a 50% probability that there will be road works.
There is a 40% probability that there will be no road works, in which case you will get to
work on time. There is a 10% probability that there will be no road works, but there will
be a traffic jam.
Traffic jam
Traffic jam
Figure 5
The second part of analysing probability distributions in the form of a decision tree is to evaluate the
values of the outcome (ie the probabilities). Most business questions require that you analyse cost
data, ie variable and fixed costs, and arrive at a Rand value for the final outcome.
Finally, you need to integrate the outcome value and the probability in order to arrive at a value for
the choices available at the beginning of the decision tree. This is called “backward induction”, which
simply means the evaluation of each option.
Many decisions in practice involve multi-alternatives with varied probability distributions. The
outcomes become possible depending on the previous states or decision points. Decision tree
analysis is a useful analytical tool for clarifying alternative courses of action, with a multitude of
outcomes. A decision tree is a diagram showing decision points, alternatives and possible outcomes
with assigned probabilities.
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 365
Alternative 1
Event 2
Alternative 2
Decision trees 0,8
Figure 6
The decision point box represents a choice available to a decision-maker. For example, if we have an
opportunity to expand our business, we would draw a box with two alternative choices, ie expand or
not expand. Alternatives flowing from a decision point do not have a probability distribution.
If we decide to expand our business, we will be faced with expected profit outcomes that may be
described in the form of a probability distribution.
Probability distributions are represented by drawing a circle with different probability distributions,
as shown in the diagram above. Circles represent points where different states may affect the
consequences of prior decisions.
The advantage of using decision trees and the expected value technique is that it recognises that
there are several possible outcomes and evaluates them separately, allowing the different outcomes
to be considered. The calculations are also simple, and we are able to choose the optimising
alternative by discarding those alternatives that have a lower value.
There are, however, several disadvantages to using this technique, as follows:
l The expected value as calculated from the probability distribution is only correct if the project is
repeated many times. Expected values do not represent the financial once-off outcome.
l The mechanical expected value calculation ignores the decision-makers’ attitude towards risk.
The investors may be risk-takers or risk-averse, which is ignored in a decision tree.
l The forecasting technique requires an estimate of the outcomes which are subject to a high
degree of error. The probability distributions are also very subjective and inaccurate.
l The expected value ignores the dispersion of possible outcomes about the mean.
Illustrative example 1
A company is considering drilling for oil in the Cape. The probability of finding oil is dependent
on whether or not an initial exploration study is undertaken.
If no study is undertaken, and the company decides to drill, there is a 12% chance that oil will
be discovered, generating a total income of R50 million. The cost of drilling will be R8 million.
If a study is undertaken at a cost of R200 000, there is a 10% chance that the study will be
favourable. Should the study show favourable results, the probability of finding oil is 95%. The
total income generated from the discovery of oil is R50 million at an R8 million cost of drilling.
If the study is undertaken, and the results show that there is a low likelihood of oil existing,
the company may choose to drill, but the probability of discovering oil is only 5%.
0,95 Oil
+ R50m
0,05 No oil
Positive 3 nil
0,10 R39,5
0,05 Oil
+ R50m
Study Drill
(R0,2m) 0,95 No oil
Negative 4 Abandon
1 nil
0,90 R0
0,12 Oil
+ R50m
(R8) 0,88 No oil
No study 2
Figure 7
The decision tree shown above has the outcome values at every point. It is acceptable (and I would
recommend) that you do not clutter the diagram with values. Show the values separately with a
conclusion in the final value.
1 Decision Point 2: No study
Expected return R50m × 0,12 = R6m
Cost – R8m
Net return – R2m
2 Decision Point 3: Positive study
Expected return R50m × 0,95 = R47,5m
Cost – R8,0m
Net return R39,5m
3 Decision Point 4: Negative study
Expected return R50m × 0,05 = R2,5m
Cost – R8,0m
Net return – R5,5m
Choice available: Abandon with an expected return of zero or drill with an expected loss of
– R5,5m. Therefore select the zero value.
4 Decision Point 1: Should the study be undertaken?
Expected return Probability Expectation
(2) above R39,5 0,1 3,95
(3) above (abandon) R0 0,9 –
Less: Cost 0,20
Expected return 3,75
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 367
The study should be carried out and drilling should be done if the study results are positive. The
procedure used is referred to as “backward induction” or “roll-back”, where we start at the right-
hand side and roll back towards the left. The sequence of decisions is to choose the option that yields
the highest positive or zero return and move back to account for the probability distribution that
gave rise to that choice.
One factor that has not been considered is the investor’s attitude to risk. It is possible that the
probability expectations are too low in terms of his aversion to risk.
0,75 High
1 600 000
Large plant
R1 300 000
400 000
0,25 Low
0,4 ’000
R1 300 0,75 High
1 000 000
Do not
Figure 8
Note: The R200 000 research and development cost is already included in the terminal present
value figures.
368 Managerial Accounting
The analysis proceeds by working backwards from the final outcomes through each of the decision
Decision 1: Should the company invest or not?
Decision 2: Should the company build a large or small plant?
Proceeding backwards, we find the net present value of investing in the product development is
R400 000.
The project is desirable.
Note: This example is different to the previous example as the expected values are given as NPV.
This means that the cost of undertaking the research has already been accounted for in
arriving at the NPV.
There are two decision trees to be evaluated. The first one is to calculate how many units the
customer is likely to order. We have no control over how the customer will make his decision. All we
know is that if he orders 5 000 units, our profit will be R3 million, while an order for 8 000 units will
result in a profit of R4 million.
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 369
Customer order
Order size: 5 000 units
2 000 – 2 000 × [ 2 000 – 1 000 ] + 3 000 × [ 500 – 1 000 ] = + 500 000
5 000 – 5 000 × [ 2 000 – 1 000 ] = + 5 000 000
8 000 – 5 000 × [ 2 000 – 1 000 ] = + 5 000 000
+ 500 000 × 0,3 = 150 000
+ 5 000 000 × 0,5 = 2 500 000
+ 5 000 000 × 0,2 = 1 000 000
3 650 000
+ 5 000 000
5 000
+ 5 000 000
8 000
3,85 + 4 300 000
+ 8 800 000
Figure 9
The customer will therefore order 8 000 units as it maximises his profit
370 Managerial Accounting
+ R5mil
Product B
4,65 3,2 0,6
+ R2mil
0,7 + R5mil
3,2 0,3
– R1mil
4,65 Product C
0,7 + R1,5mil
4,65 0,3
+ R12mil
Figure 10
Product A
The demand for product A from the customer is 8 000 units.
The profit is therefore R4 million.
Product B
Expected value
5 000 000 × 40% = R2 000 000
2 000 000 × 60% = R1 200 000
R3 200 000
Product C
Expected value
Local market
5 000 000 × 70% = R3 500 000
– 1 000 000 × 30% = – R 300 000
R3 200 000
Export market
1 500 000 × 70% = R1 050 000
12 000 000 × 30% = R3 600 000
R4 650 000
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 371
The options are evaluated using the backward induction method. The highest value is Product C,
export market.
However, in practice it would be very foolish to choose this option, as the company will either make
a profit of R1 500 000 or a profit of R12 000 000, but the probability of making a profit of R12 million
is only 30%.
If we are, however, looking at the long-term and the information is the same every year, only then
would we choose Product C, export market.
A better short-term option is Product A as it has a guaranteed profit of R4 million.
l Subjective probabilities
A subjective probability is one where the decision-maker has no basis from past experience on
which to estimate the probabilities of various outcomes. The assignment of probabilities is
therefore a matter of individual judgement, which varies from person to person.
l Objective probabilities
Objective probabilities are based on historical evidence or experience. Tossing a coin is an
objective probability.
l Unconditional probabilities (Marginal probabilities
The outcome of any event is in no way conditioned or affected by the preceding event.
l Mutually exclusive events
Where one, and only one, outcome can occur at a time. The probabilities of events that are
mutually exclusive can be added and must always total 1.
l Collectively exhaustive events
A list which contains all of the possible outcomes for a given action is said to be collectively
exhaustive. Events may be both mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. The sum of the
probabilities must be 1.
l Statistical independence
The occurrence of one event will not affect the probability of the occurrence of the second event.
l Statistical dependence
Statistical dependence is present if the probability of one event is affected by or dependent upon
the happening of some other event.
Addition of probabilities
The probability of one event occurring in a given set of mutually exclusive events is:
P(X or Y) = P(X) + P(Y)
Example 1
Event X has a probability of 30% and Event B has a probability of 50%. Both events are mutually
The probability that either A or B will occur is:
0,30 + 0,50 = 0,80 or 80%
What is the probability of throwing a dice twice and getting a 5 followed by a 3?
Event A = 5 on first throw = P(A) =
Event B = 3 on second throw = P(B) =
1 1 1
P(A) and(B) = × =
6 6 36
Dependent events
When two events are dependent on each other, their joint probability is influenced by the way in
which the first probability affects the second probability.
Given a pack of cards, what is the probability of drawing two consecutive aces, assuming that the first
card drawn is not returned to the pack?
The probability of drawing the first ace is
The probability of drawing a second ace is
(as there are now only three aces because the first is not returned to the pack, which also affects the
total available cards in the pack)
4 3 12
Solution: = × =
52 51 2 652
The above probability is often called a conditional probability and is written P(B/A), ie Probability of
B, given A.
Under conditional probabilities, the distribution of Event A and Event B or both occurring is denoted
P(A and B) = P(A) P(B/A)
The formula P(A and B) = P(B) P(A/B) is equivalent to the above equation.
Practice question: I recommend that you attempt Question 12 – 3 PART B before proceeding.
374 Managerial Accounting
Practice questions
Question 10 – 1 30 marks 45 minutes
Bermuda Ltd is to quote for a contract to supply 10 000 units of a certain product to a large group
with branches throughout the country.
It knows that the group will accept the lowest bid and, from past experience and good intelligence
within the industry, estimates the following probabilities of bids at various levels (in multiples of R5
Price bid Probability of bids at
R that price
45 0,05
50 0,10
55 0,20
60 0,25
65 0,25
70 0,10
75 0,05
Bermuda Ltd expects its out-of-pocket costs for these items to be R32 per unit.
In arriving at its out-of-pocket costs, Bermuda Ltd has estimated an amount per unit for servicing the
items for one year, as required by the terms of the contract.
If it obtains the contract, there are a number of ways in which it can satisfy this servicing
(i) It could sub-contract to AB Limited, which is willing to undertake the work in all areas or any
individual area and has quoted the prices shown in the table below.
Area No of units to be Price quoted
serviced under the
contract R
Gauteng 3 000 18 000
Western Cape 4 500 20 000
KwaZulu-Natal 2 500 13 500
(ii) For the Western Cape area only, it could sub-contract to CD Limited, which has quoted
R18 000 plus a charge for service calls above a certain level.
These charges and the assessed probability of their occurrence are
Calls made CD limited charge Probability of
R occurrence
750 or fewer – 0,40
751 – 900 900 0,30
901 – 1050 2 200 0,20
1 051 or more 3 500 0,10
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 375
(iii) For the KwaZulu-Natal area only, it can use its own organisation, but would need to take on
extra staff.
The cost of this staff and the probability of needing each level of extra staff are assessed as:
Cost of extra staff Probability of needing
R that level
4 500 0,20
7 000 0,35
11 000 0,45
If sub-contractors are used, they will buy spares from Bermuda Ltd at an average price of R2
per unit to be serviced.
The out-of-pocket cost of these spares to Bermuda Ltd is R1,50 per unit.
Tutorial note: This is a fairly straightforward question involving the use of expected values for
decision making. In PART A, cumulative probabilities should be used. The company will not get the
contract if there are lower bids; the probability of not getting the contract is therefore the
cumulative probability of there being bids at a lower price, and the probability of getting the contract
is 1 minus this figure. In PART B, the expected net cost of each option must be determined (after
allowing for the contribution on spares purchased by outside contractors.) but for the final part, you
need to be aware of the limitations of expected values.
It has been assumed that if Bermuda Ltd and another company both bid the same price, the former
will be awarded the contract.
Price bid Probability of acceptance Contribution Expected
(1 – cumulative probability per unit contribution per unit
(R) of bids at lower prices) (R) (R)
45 1,00 13 13,00
50 0,95 18 17,10
55 0,85 23 19,55
60 0,65 28 18,20
65 0,40 33 13,20
70 0,15 38 5,70
75 0,05 43 2,15
The expected contributions will be greatest if a price of R55 is bid. It must be borne in mind, of
course, that at this price there is an estimated 15% chance of not getting the contract. There is also a
good chance that if a higher price were bid, the contract would still be obtained.
Examine the three areas in turn
The only alternative is AB Limited, at a cost of R18 000 less the contribution Bermuda will earn on the
spares, ie R1 500 (3 000 units × R2 – R1,50).
376 Managerial Accounting
Western Cape
The choice is between AB Limited and CD Limited and, initially, the contribution from spares can be
AB Limited R
Fixed charge of 20 000
CD Limited:
Fixed charge of 18 000
Expected additional charge
Charge Prob R
900 0,3 270
2 200 0,2 440
3 500 0,1 350 1 060
19 060
From the above, it can be seen that the contract should be given to CD Limited, at an expected cost
of R19 060 less the R2 250 contribution on spares.
Here the choice is between AB Limited and the company’s own staff.
AB Limited
Fixed charge of 13 500
Less: Contribution from
sale of spares (2 500 @ 50c) 1 250
12 250
Own staff
Expected cost of extra staff
Cost Prob R R
4 500 0,20 900
7 000 0,35 2 450
11 000 0,45 4 950
8 300
Variable cost of required spares
(2 500 @ R1,50) 3 750
12 050
The company should therefore use its own staff.
North (AB) 16 500
South (CD) 16 810
KwaZulu-Natal (own staff) 12 050
45 360
situation, there is a 0,30 probability of CD Limited being more expensive than AB Limited in the
Western Cape, and a 0,45 probability of the company’s own staff being more expensive in
(ii) The quality of service obtainable from AB, CD and the company’s own staff and (in particular)
the more direct control over the latter.
(iii) The financial stability of AB and CD and hence their ability to complete the year’s contract.
(iv) The ability of the company to dispense with any extra staff taken on in the KwaZulu-Natal area
or use them elsewhere in the organisation.
(v) The timing of the relevant cash-flows.
PART B 20 marks
Cilic Gardens Ltd is contemplating the manufacture of pool equipment and must decide whether to
build a large or a small plant.
There is a 0,6 probability that the demand for the equipment will be strong and a 0,4 probability that
the demand will be weak. If demand is strong and a large plant is built, a profit or R10 million will
result. However, if demand is weak but the plant large, profits will amount to R1 million. If Cilic
Gardens Ltd builds a small plant and demand is weak, profits of R4 million will be made.
If demand is strong and Cilic Gardens Ltd has a small plant, the likelihood of competition is greater. It
is estimated that there is a 75% chance that the company will come up against competition under
378 Managerial Accounting
these circumstances. In such a case, Cilic Gardens Ltd could either build another separate small plant
in a different area, or expand the existing plant. If Cilic Gardens Ltd decides not to invest in further
plant, profits of R6 million are expected, regardless of whether there any competition.
If there is competition, however, either form of expansion is expected to yield a 0,7 probability of a
profit of R8 million and a 0,3 probability of no change in the status quo. If there is no competition,
building the separate plant would yield a profit of R9 million with a 0,8 probability and a profit of
R7 million with a 0,2 probability. Expanding the existing plant is expected to result in a profit of
R7,5 million.
(a) Outcome 10 years 11 years 12 years
Production 5 000 × 0,1
6 000 × 0,3 6 500 6 500 6 500
7 000 × 0,6
Contribution ×5 ×5 ×5
Total contribution 32 500 32 500 32 500
P.V. factor 6,71 7,13 7,52
Value 218 075 231 725 244 400
Probability 0,2 0,50 0,30
Present value expectation 43 615 115 862,50 73 320
Net present value (NPV) 232 797,50 – (234 000) = – R1 202,50
Lola Ltd should not acquire the machine.
Probability of machine lasting eleven years = 70%
Probability of machine lasting twelve years = 30%
Strong demand (0,6) + 10
plant Weak demand (0,4)
6,4 Small
plant +8
6,22 0,7
0,3 +6
demand +8
(0,6) plant 0,7
Expand 0,3 +6
Competition No expand
No +6
7,7 Build +9
8,6 separate 0,8
competition 0,2 +7
+ 7,5
No expand
The company should choose to build the large plant. Had the question required an analysis of the risk
factors, one would argue in favour of the small plant, as the returns carry a lower risk.
The company’s production manager has estimated the variable costs per unit of making Wholefood
Waffles, and the probabilities of those costs being incurred, as follows:
Batch size: 200 units 300 units 600 units 600 units
Probability if Probability if Probability Probability
annual sales are annual sales are if annual if annual
either 600 000 either 600 000 sales are sales are
Cost per unit or 1 000 000 or 1 000 000 600 000 1 000 000
(cents) units units units units
20 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5
25 0,1 0,5 0,1 0,2
30 0,8 0,3 0,6 0,3
Chapter 10: Decisions under risk and uncertainty 381
(c) Introduction
Most business decisions take place in an uncertain environment. The impact of this uncertainty
in decision-making involves two distinct aspects, ie:
(i) The decision-maker’s estimation of the uncertainty of various outcomes.
(ii) The attitude of the decision-maker to risk-taking.
The methods of analysis referred to in (a) deal with these aspects in the following ways:
(i) Expected values
All outcomes are considered.
Each outcome is given an importance in proportion to its likelihood.
The results are averages and are therefore unlikely to be achieved if the project is only
repeated a small number of times.
It is assumed that the probabilities and data used in calculations are known with
certainty, when in fact they are likely to be subjectively determined.
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Costing terms
(a) Relevant cost
A relevant cost is a future cash-flow arising as a direct consequence of the decision under review.
Only relevant costs should be considered in decision-making, because it is assumed that in the long
run future profits will be maximised if the “cash profits” of the company, ie the cash earned from
sales minus the cash expenditures incurred to sell the goods, are also maximised.
Costs which are not relevant include:
(i) past sunk costs, or money already spent
(ii) future spending already committed by separate decisions
384 Managerial Accounting
Qualitative aspects
1 Consideration of competitors’ economies of scale
2 Consideration of inhibited future expansion due to the tying-up of available capacity
3 Reduction in dependence on outside supplier
4 Internal quality control, rather than relying on outside suppliers to control standards
5 Risk of destroying long-term relationships with suppliers, which may prove to be harmful and
6 Technology change often makes internal production more costly than purchasing from outside.
Company A produces a component used in the production of one of the company’s main
products. The costs are budgeted as follows:
Per unit 10 000 units
Materials 3 30 000
Labour 8 80 000
Variable overhead 6 60 000
Depreciation 3 30 000
Allocated general overhead 8 80 000
R28 R280 000
The components can be purchased from an outside supplier at a cost of R20 per unit.
Cost analysis: Production Differential cost Total differential cost
cost per per unit per 10 000 units
unit Make Buy Make Buy
Materials 3 3 30 000
Labour 8 8 80 000
Variable overhead 6 6 60 000
Depreciation 3 –
Allocated general overhead 8 –
Outside purchase price 20 200 000
Total cost R28 R17 R20 R170 000 R200 000
Difference in favour of
continuing to make: R3 R30 000
Depreciation is not a relevant cost; it is a sunk cost.
On a quantitative analysis, it is more beneficial to manufacture internally than it would be to
purchase from outside.
Special orders
A special order is one that will not affect a company’s current sales to its regular customers. Special
orders are often seen as sales on the export market. The problem of defining a special order as an
export is that if the sale is made at a low selling price, the product may yet find itself back on the
local market at a cheaper price than the local product.
Special orders take place when a buying company wishes to buy a product below full cost. At first
glance, it may appear that accepting a special order at less than full cost can only contribute a loss to
the company’s overall profitability. However, under certain conditions, special orders in fact increase
the company’s overall profitability.
The following qualitative aspects must be considered:
(a) The potential effect of the special-order sales on the firm’s sales at normal prices, eg if a
manufacturer sells 10 000 washing machines to a chain of discount stores in order to use up
excess capacity, the sales to regular dealers may fall because the ultimate customers buy from
the discount chain instead of the regular dealers.
(b) Special orders may require capacity in excess of existing available time. The fulfilling of the
special order may result in the more profitable regular orders being turned away. The issue is
that potential lost sales must be incorporated into the analysis of the special order.
(c) Special order for a market that does not compete with the firm’s regular sales. The special order
may be packaged under a private label that does not compete with the firm’s brand name, or it
may be sold in a foreign market where the product is not sold.
(d) Price must cover variable costs, costs associated with production and shipping the special order,
plus some contribution margin.
(e) Opportunity cost of tying up the plant must be considered.
(f) Effect on commissions paid to company staff.
(g) The accommodation of sales to existing customers.
(h) Future long-term contracts from the company requesting a special-order price.
(i) Market factors – how will the special order affect our competitor’s attitude to pricing?
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 387
The following budgeted income statement is for a manufacturer who has received a special
order to sell 30 000 units of a product at R11 per unit. Existing planned sales are 80 000 units.
Plant capacity is 100 000 units and there is no inventory of finished goods.
Budget income statement
Per unit Total
Sales (80 000 units) R16 R1 280 000
Manufacturing costs:
Materials 5 400 000
Direct labour 2 160 000
Overhead (half variable) 6 480 000
Total manufacturing costs 13 1 040 000
Gross profit 240 000
Selling, general and administrative costs (half variable) 80 000
Net income R160 000
The variable portion of selling, general and administrative expenses is for commission.
Commission would not have to be paid for the special order.
Incremental analysis Per unit Total
Revenue (30 000 units) R11 R330 000
Manufacturing costs:
Materials 5 150 000
Direct labour 2 60 000
Variable overhead 3 90 000
10 300 000 R300 000
Profit 30 000
Loss in sales:
10 000 units contribution 60 000
Less: Commission 5 000 (R55 000)
Net loss (R25 000)
By accepting the special offer, sales to existing customers would have to be reduced by 10 000 units
due to limiting factors of production. The resultant loss of R55 000 makes the acceptance of the
special offer unattractive.
When evaluating a business decision or when answering an examination question that requires your
opinion on how a business should be structured you should consider the following:
First milestone
The first objective of a business should be to break even. If a company cannot break even in the
short- to medium-term, it is probably a bad investment. You should therefore always determine the
break-even point and the margin of safety. Companies with a low fixed cost structure or low
overheads will be less risky than companies with high fixed costs. In an examination question asking
for advice on how a company is performing, focus your answer on an analysis of its cost structure, ie
its fixed costs and contribution per unit.
Medium-/Long-term objective
Once a company has established itself and has passed the break-even point, the company will look to
changing its cost structure so that the contribution per unit increases.
Invariably, this means moving from a “low fixed cost, high variable cost” cost structure to a “high
fixed cost, low variable cost” cost structure. It therefore becomes important at this point to
determine the production point of indifference, ie where the total cost of a capital-intensive
company = the total cost of a labour-intensive company.
“Two alternative decisions” focuses on companies calculating the point of indifference between
these two cost structures. In the long-term, a company will aim at minimising the variable costs of
production, and therefore maximise contribution.
Long-term objective
The long-term objective should be to maximise return on investment. Companies should therefore
aim at increasing sales and reducing variable costs. Targeting fixed costs is counter-productive. Fixed
costs are the engine-room of the company and represent the manufacturing assets that generate
sales/profit. If the overheads are too high, it is because the sales are too low. Target sales, and the
costs will look after themselves. Most companies, when faced with difficult times, tend to target
fixed costs such as salaries and the infrastructure of the company, which often leads to a slow death.
It is better to target variable costs which will increase contribution and sales rather than a cost
reduction. Always focus on sales.
The example below evaluates two production options, high fixed costs, low variable costs vs the
option of low fixed costs and high variable costs. In examinations, you must focus on the overall
1 Effects of different cost structure
2 Break-even point
3 Point of indifference
4 Long-term cost structure
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 389
Company X is planning to produce a product and may choose a manual method or an
automated method. The costs of production are as follows:
Manual Automated Differential
Fixed costs:
Equipment lease 15 000 42 000 27 000
Rent 10 000 10 000 –
Maintenance contract 5 000 8 000 3 000
R30 000 R60 000 R30 000
Manual Automated Differential
Variable costs per unit:
Materials 4 4 –
Labour 6 5 1
Overheads 2 1 1
R12 R10 R2
Selling price is R15 per unit.
Break-even point Manual Automated
Fixed costs 30 000 60 000
Contribution R3 R5
B/E units 10 000 12 000
The manual production method only contributes R3 towards profit after break-even, compared to R5
for the automated system. However, a lower break-even point favours the manual method.
The next step is to determine the production level at which we are indifferent between the manual
and automated methods.
Let x = number of units.
Indifference point
Total cost of manual method = total cost of automated method.
Total fixed cost of manual + total variable cost of manual = total fixed cost of automated + total
variable cost of automated.
30 000 + 12x = 60 000 + 10x
30 000 = 2x
15 000 = x
Indifference point is 15 000 units
= 30 000
= 15 000 units
390 Managerial Accounting
At 15 000 units, both methods incur identical production costs and therefore yield the same profit.
The lower fixed costs make the manual method more profitable up to 15 000 units. Beyond 15 000
units, the automated method is more profitable.
Limiting factors
Production constraints are often imposed upon a firm by inadequate supplies of raw materials,
skilled labour, machine time or factory space. When sales demand exceeds production capacity, it is
necessary to identify which product maximises profits on the basis of contribution per limiting factor.
Note: Always look out for potential limiting factors in an examination question and document your
findings. Decision-related questions often ask for production advice and have limiting factors
of production as a constraint.
How to evaluate management accounting information for all questions and in particular
where there is a limiting factor
Step 1
Sort out the information given by evaluating fixed costs and variable costs, both budget and actual.
Virtually all questions require an analysis of the cost structure. Have headings, eg fixed costs, variable
costs, high/low, absorption costing, variable costing. You will invariably be given information on a
variable costing or absorption costing basis that requires you to sift through the information and
show the costs as variable costs or fixed costs.
Step 2
Identify maximum production capacity for machinery or labour and show whether there is a limiting
factor. Headings should read “Potential limiting factor – machine hours”, (or labour hours or
material, etc). You must also conclude whether there is a limiting factor for each cost analysed.
Step 3
When there is a limiting factor, you must determine the contribution per unit, followed by the cost
per limiting factor.
Step 4
Do the budget.
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 391
Step 5
Evaluate possible alternative information that may change the contribution per unit determined in
Step 3 above.
Where buying-in is an option, the contribution per limiting factor must be evaluated slightly
Assuming that the contribution per unit = contribution per limiting factor, it is very clear that the
company will maximise profit by producing (first) product A, followed by product B, followed by
product C. In fact, product A yields a contribution which is double that of B.
Now, what if product A and product B can be bought-in and sold such that the company will make
the following contribution?
Contribution from buy-in R35 R5 N/A
If you look at product A, you can see that the difference between producing the product ourselves
instead of buying it in is marginal. If we make the product ourselves, we will make a contribution of
R40; if we buy in, we still make a very good contribution of R35. The difference is only R5.
However, when you look at product B you will notice that there is a big difference between
manufacturing the product and buying it in. There is a R15 difference; therefore a company would
prefer to manufacture product B and buy in product A.
When there is an option to buy in, the correct method of calculating the contribution per limiting
factor on the internal production decision is to calculate the contribution per differential limiting
Internal contribution R40 R20 R10
Buy-in contribution R35 R5 –
Differential contribution R5 R15 R10
A company manufactures three products as follows:
Product costs per unit
Manufacturing costs:
Material 100 200 150
Labour 200 180 300
Variable overheads 100 50 100
Total variable costs R400 R430 R550
392 Managerial Accounting
Selling price: R600 R800 R900
Demand (units) 1 000 500 600
Material usage (kg) 2 4 3
Labour time (hours) 10 9 15
Material available: 4 000kg
Labour time: 25 000 hours
The products can also be imported from America at the following prices:
Cost R450 R600 R700
(a) Step 1 – Identify the limiting factor or factors.
Material required to meet demand:
(1 000 × 2) + (500 × 4) + (600 × 3) = 5 800kg
Therefore, material is a limiting factor.
Labour hours required to meet demand:
(1 000 × 10) + (500 × 9) + (600 × 15) = 23 500 hours
Therefore, labour is not a limiting factor.
Step 2 – Calculate the contribution per limiting factor.
Selling price 600 800 900
Less: Variable costs 400 430 550
Contribution R200 R370 R350
When multiple limiting factors exist (say raw material and labour hours) the solution is
determined using linear programming techniques.
600 units C × 350 210 000
1 000 units A × 200 200 000
50 units B × 370 18 500
Total contribution 428 500
Current contribution 200 370 350
Outside contribution 150 200 200
Differential contribution 50 170 150
Material usage 2 4 3
Differential contribution per kg R25 R42,50 R50
Produce in order 3 2 1
Material available
4 000 kg
Produce 600 units of C (1 800)
2 200
Produce 500 units of A (2 000)
Produce 100 units of B (200)
Import 900 units of A
600 units C × 350 210 000
500 units B × 370 185 000
100 units A × 200 20 000
415 000
Import 900 units A × 150 135 000
Total contribution R550 000
Note: If you took the solution to (a) as optimal, and purchased 450 units of B from America,
the profit would be
Contribution (a) 428 500
Import 450 B × 200 90 000
Total contribution R518 500
394 Managerial Accounting
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
A company produces two products, the standard costs of which are as follows:
Product A B
Material A at R5/kg 10 15
Material B at R10/kg 30 10
Labour grade 1 at R1/hr 6 12
Labour grade 2 at R3/hr 18 24
Variable overhead 24 10
Fixed overhead 10 10
Unit cost R98 R81
Fixed overhead of R4 000 per month is allocated to products on the estimated demand (and
therefore sales and production) during the month.
Monthly demand for each product is 200 units.
1 Product A B
Selling price 110 100
Variable costs 88 71
Contribution 22 29
Grade 2 labour hours 6 8
Contribution/hour 3,66 3,625
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 395
To maximise profits
Produce and sell 200A × 22 = 4 400 using 1 200 hours
100B × 29 = 2 900 using 800 hours
7 300 2 000
Less: Fixed costs 4 000
3 300
2 If grade 1 labour time is halved, new contributions are
Product A B
Selling price 110 100
Variable costs 85 65
Contribution 25 35
Grade 2 labour hours 6 8
Contribution/hour 4,16 4,375
To maximise profits
Produce and sell 200B × 35 = 7 000 using 1 600 hours
66A × 25 = 1 650 using 396 hours
8 650 1 996
Less: Fixed costs 4 000
Profit before hire charge 4 650
Maximum hire charge 1 350
Original profit 3 300
3 Special order will require 300 hours of grade 2 labour, ie will produce 50 less units of A.
Contribution lost on A – 50 units × R25 = R1 250
Minimum charge is
Variable cost R97,00
1 250
Profit required 62,50
Practice questions
Question 11 – 1 40 marks 60 minutes
The Lennox Company manufactures a single product. The following summarised income statement
representing the current year’s results has been presented at a management meeting:
Income statement for the year ended 30 August 19X2
R’000 R’000
Sales 100 000 units 4 500
Opening inventory 60 000 units 2 100
Material 600
Labour 400
Variable overhead 200
Fixed overhead 900
4 200
Less: Closing inventory 20 000 units 700
3500 3 500
Fixed administration costs 500
Profit 500
396 Managerial Accounting
The managing director is very disappointed with the results, because the company sold the same
number of units as in the previous year yet the profits are down. “How is it possible that profit has
dropped, yet the selling price and all costs have remained at the same level as last year?” he asked.
In the current year ended 30 August 19X2, Lennox produced at a level that represented 80% of
maximum capacity. Management wishes to increase company profitability in the forthcoming year
and is considering a strategy that will increase sales by up to 20%. The marketing department is of
the view that a 10% decrease in selling price will result in a 20% increase in sales.
Two options are available to create sufficient production capacity:
Option 1 Replace the existing machinery with new machinery; this will double the current
maximum production capacity. All production and administration costs will remain
unchanged, except for fixed production costs, which will increase by R400 000.
Option 2 Work an extra shift. Production capacity will increase to double the number of units
produced in the 19X2 financial year. Labour costs will however increase by R3 per unit
on ALL units produced.
The production manager is concerned that the proposed changes may not have the desired effect
and believes that the company should consider a third option, namely that no production changes
should be made. “The selling price should remain unchanged and the company should operate at
100% of capacity”. He also believes that the Financial Accountant should have another look at the
financial statements presented at the meeting, as he does not believe that they are a true reflection
of profitability.
Lennox has also been approached by an overseas company requesting a quote for a specialised
product that is similar to the product manufactured by Lennox but requires specialised labour input.
The company has requested two separate quotes, one for 2 000 units and the other for 4 000 units.
The overseas order will be manufactured in batches of 1 000 units and Lennox believes that there
will be labour savings equal to an 80% learning curve based on the production of the first batch. The
labour cost for the first batch will be five times the normal labour cost per unit. All other costs per
unit will remain unchanged. Lennox has a pricing policy of charging 150% of incremental costs on
special orders. You may assume that the special order will not affect current production as it will be
carried out after hours.
(a) Valuation of closing inventory R700 000 ÷ 20 000 = R35 per unit
Current production costs
600 000 + 400 000 + 200 000 + 900 000 = R2 100 000
Current production
Sales 100 000
Opening inventory – 60 000
Closing inventory + 20 000
Production 60 000
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 397
Selling price 40,50 (4 500 000 ÷ 100 000) × 90%
Material 10,00 (600 000 ÷ 60 000)
Labour 6,67 (400 000 ÷ 60 000)
Variable O/H 3,33 (200 000 ÷ 60 000)
Contribution 20,50
Break-even 1 800 000 ÷ 20,50 = 87 805 units
Maximum production
Current production = 60 000 = 80%
Maximum production 75 000 = 100%
New production 75 000 × 2 = 150 000 units
Break-even point – 2 shifts option 2
Fixed costs
Manufacturing 900 000
Administration 500 000
1 400 000
Selling price 40,50
Material 10,00
Labour 6,67
Variable 3,33
Extra labour 3,00
Contribution 17,50
Break-even 1 400 000 ÷ 17,50 = 80 000 units
Maximum production
Current production = 60 000 units
New production 60 000 × 2 = 120 000 units
398 Managerial Accounting
Income statement – two shifts for the year ending 30 August 19X3
R’000 R’000
Sales 120 000 @ R40,50 4 860
Opening inventory 20 000 units @ R20 400
Production 105 000 units
Material @ R10 1 050
Labour @ R9,67 1 015
Variable overhead @ R3,33 350
Less: Closing inventory 5 000 units @ R23 (115) 2 700
Contribution 2 160
Fixed manufacturing 900
Administration 500
Profit 760
Chapter 11: Relevant costs 399
Continue as is
Production is limited to 75 000 units at 100% capacity.
Opening inventory = 20 000
Closing inventory = 5 000
sell = 15 000
+ production 75 000
Total sales 90 000
(a) Revised budget for February 20X9
Sales Alpha 16 500
Beta 43 200
Zeta 112 200
Total sales 171 900
Cost of sales:
Raw materials:
Components 12 660
Microchips 32 400
Labour 33 750
Fixed costs 13 500
Standard cost of sales 92 310 92 310
Standard profit 79 590
(i) Budgeted quantity of microchips
Alpha Beta Zeta Total
Microchips per unit 16 12 8
Budgeted production × 75 × 150 × 225
Total required 1 200 1 800 1 800 4 800
Maximum available 4 800 × 75% = 3 600
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Every company has one or more factors of production that are in limited supply, as well as sales
A company produces two products, A and B, with unlimited demand. Production is, however, limited
by machine hours and the raw material used in the manufacture of the two products:
Input per unit of output
Product Machine hours Raw material (kg) Contribution per unit
A 5 3 R4
B 2 6 R5
Maximum available: 3 000 hours 6 000 kg
404 Managerial Accounting
On the basis of contribution alone, the company should manufacture Product B as it yields a higher
contribution per unit.
However, as we have previously discussed, when limiting factors exist, the decision must be based on
contribution per the limiting factor. In the above example, both machine hours and raw materials are
limiting factors.
The following steps must be carried out under the graphic linear programming method:
1 Identify the objective function. The objective will be to either maximise profit or minimise cost.
2 Identify all the limiting factors. These are known as constraints. They are represented on the
graph as straight lines between the maximum x axis production and the maximum y axis
production. Any number of limiting factors may exist.
3 Plot all limiting constraints on the graph and identify the feasible region, ie the area or points
showing a possible optimal solution.
4 Draw the objective function on the graph to identify the point where the optimal solution exists.
5 Read the number of units to be produced as identified under step 4 above off the graph, or solve
the equations identified as forming part of the optimal solution.
Chapter 12: Linear programming 405
Example 1
A company has two departments, Machining and Finishing. The company produces two pro-
ducts, A and B, each of which requires processing in each department.
The daily capacities of the Machining department is 1 200 minutes and the Finishing
department is 1 400 minutes. 10 units of A, or 5 units of B, can be processed each hour in the
Machining department. 6 units of A, or 12 units of B, can be processed each hour in the
Finishing department. In addition, the supply of raw material used only in Product B (3 kg per
unit) is limited to 270 kg per day.
The contribution per unit for Product A is R2,00, while for Product B it is R2,50.
1 Determine what the goals/objectives are in this decision situation. In this case, it is maximisation
of the daily contribution.
2 Isolate the variables relevant to the achievement of the objective. These are:
(a) the number of units of Product A produced daily (say A)
(b) the number of units of Product B produced daily (say B).
Note that these variables, known as the decision variables, are both
(i) controllable, and
(ii) result in a plan of action when their values are known.
3 Develop the functional relationships that will relate the variables to the objective function. This is
the actual model or method.
(a) The objective function
Maximise profit: 2A + 2,50B
The objective function is seldom given in an examination as the contribution for products A
and B as given in this example. You will be required to analyse the cost information into the
variable cost and fixed cost components and from there determine the contribution. It is
possible that a question will present the production costs on an absorption costing basis and
you will be required to analyse the costs to arrive at the contribution per unit.
(b) The constraints
Machining department : 6A + 12B 1 200
Finishing department : 10A + 5B 1 400
Materials : 3B 270
The formulation of the limiting factor equations must be in terms of the limiting quantity of time
or kilograms for material. The equation must be formulated in terms of the limit.
Example: If the limiting factor is Machining hours and there are 2 products (A and B) being
manufactured, the equation will read
Hours per unit of A + hours per unit of B = maximum hours
Never: Units of A + units of B = maximum hours
In the above example, the question states that there are only 1 200 minutes available in the
Machining department and that 10 units of A or 5 units of B can be processed each hour.
406 Managerial Accounting
Product B
200 Finishing
Final solution
Objective Machining
0 50 100 150 200 250
Product A
Figure 1
(d) The area bounded by the inequality lines and the axes is known as the area of feasible solutions.
The optimal solution always lies on one of the corners of the feasible area polygon.
The dashed lines on the graph represent the iso-profit lines or the objective function. The line
may be plotted in one of two ways.
1 Assume that the profit is (say) R200
We have: 2A + 2,5 B = 200
Therefore: if B = 0, A = 100, and
if A = 0, B = 80
Therefore, on the Product A axis, plot a point at a production level of 100 units, and on the
Product B axis, a point at a production level of 80 units. Draw a line connecting the two
points. Any line parallel to the derived iso-profit line will maximise the profit where it crosses
the last point on the feasible area.
Chapter 12: Linear programming 407
2 Product A has a contribution of R2,00 while Product B has a contribution of R2,50 per unit. The
slope of the iso-profit line must therefore favour Product B. The ratio in units of Product A to
Product B where profits are equal is 2,5 units of A to 2 units of B. Therefore, any multiple
multiplied by 2,5 units of A and 2 units of B will result in the same profit, ie
25 units of A to 20 units of B
50 units of A to 40 units of B
100 units of A to 80 units of B
Note: The slope is always in reverse. In the above example it will be
2,50 units of A to 2 units of B
It is interesting to note that the slope of the limiting equations is also in reverse.
ie for the Machining department, the equation reads 6A + 12B
The ratio of A units to B units is 12 : 6, or 2 to 1 (see diagram, 200 units of A to 100 units of B).
Final solution
In the above graph, the iso-profit line last touches the point where the Finishing and Machining
constraints meet, therefore the equations providing the final solution are:
10A + 5B = 1 400
6A + 12B = 1 200
Solving, we get (long-term solution): A = 120 units
B = 40 units
Contribution: (120 × 2) + (40 × 2,5) = R340
Note: The contribution is R314,28569 when no rounding-up takes place.
Shadow prices
In the context of linear programming, the shadow price of a scarce resource is the increase in value
of the objective function if one more unit of the resource were made available. More generally, it is
the marginal contribution which each scarce resource can make towards the recovery of fixed costs
and profit.
In the above example, assume that one additional minute of machine capacity becomes available.
The effect would be that the Machining limiting factor line would move away from the origin, thus
increasing the production of both products A and B, as follows:
The shadow price of the limiting factor (machine time) is R0,1667.
Similarly, the shadow price for finishing time is R0,10.
In this example, material is not a limiting factor; therefore it cannot have a shadow price or marginal
contribution. In other words, if one more kilogram of material were made available, it would have no
effect on the total contribution, as the material is currently under-utilised.
Non-critical resources have a zero shadow price
408 Managerial Accounting
Critical equations
Product A Product B Limit
Machining time 6 12 1 200 Shadow
Finishing time 10 5 1 400 price
Contribution R2 R2,50 equations
Example 2
Assume that Products A and B can be bought-in at a price that will yield a contribution of
R1,50 for Product A and R1,00 for Product B. The existing limiting factors do not change.
Demand equals 200 units for Product A and 150 units for Product B.
You are required to:
Determine the new product mix, given the above information, and the total contribution.
The internal contribution for Products A and B is R2,00 and R2,50 respectively.
The slope of the objective function therefore favours internal production of Product B. Outside
purchases yield a lower contribution, with a preference for Product A.
Production will favour Product B over Product A.
Objective function: Product B R1,50 to Product A R0,50
Product B
New solution
0,50A + 1,50B
New objective function
Drawing the new iso-profit lines on the graph above reveals that the optimal point has moved to
where the following two equations meet:
3B = 270
6A + 12B = 1 200
B = 90 units
A = 20 units
Product Internal production × Contribution Total
A 20 2,00 = 40
B 90 2,50 = 225
External purchase
A 180 1,50 = 270
B 60 1,00 = 60
Current contribution is R340. Ninety-nine kilograms of raw material are available. As the special
order only requires 90 kg, raw material is not a limiting factor.
The optimal solution remains at the intersection of the Machining and Finishing time constraints
The shadow price of Machining time is R0,1667 per minute
The shadow price of Finishing time is R0,10 per minute
Chapter 12: Linear programming 411
Lost contribution
Machine 200 × 0,1667 = R33,34
Finishing 140 × 0,10 = R14,00
Loss of contribution 47
Material costs 900
Machining time 1 000
Finishing time 1 400
Minimum selling price R3 347
Product independence
The assumption that products are independent means that the demand for one product will not
affect the demand for another product.
However, when the products are complementary, the increase or decrease in demand for one
product will directly affect the demand for the second product.
When the products are substitutes, the increase in demand for one product will have the opposite
effect on the substitute product.
Linear programming models assume that the product variable can be sold at the same price up to the
demand constraint. It is more likely that demand is related to selling price, other than in a perfect
market. It is further assumed that the input costs per unit of product output are the same, regardless
of the level of production. It is common for certain unit costs, such as labour, to change with
production levels. The classification of costs into fixed and variable costs also changes with increased
levels of production. This means that the contribution per unit will change as the output increases.
The assumption that products and resources are divisible seldom holds true. The production of a
fraction of a unit is often impossible and creates a problem when a “product” represents a major
contract with a high fractional value. The acquisition of input costs, such as labour or raw materials,
are seldom divisible, as labour cannot be timed or fixed at will.
Accuracy of information
The final solution is as accurate as the information for the model.
412 Managerial Accounting
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
Lumaret (Pty) Ltd manufactures two products, Alpha and Beta. The current selling and cost structure
for the two products is as follows:
Alpha Beta
Selling price R39 R37
Direct materials:
Material X 5 kg R16
Material Y 2 kg R10
Direct labour at R4 per hour R8 R12
Fixed overheads R5 R29 R5 R27
Profit per unit R10 R10
The fixed overhead recovery rate of R5 per unit of Alpha and R5 per unit of Beta is based on the
company producing and selling 1 800 units of each of the two products, which is the maximum sales
volume that the market can absorb. Due to the current economic import restrictions, Lumaret has
been allocated an import quota amounting to R40 000 for the purchase of raw materials. Both of the
raw materials used in the manufacture are imported. The size of the premises used by Lumaret
places a restriction on the maximum annual labour hours available; amounting to 6 000 hours per
Lumaret (Pty) Ltd is considering certain options available to enable the company to improve its trading
position. The following opportunities are being considered at present:
1 The company could purchase a machine with a life of 5 years for R75 000, which would reduce the
labour time per unit of production by half. The machine would be purchased by paying 5 equal
annual installments free of interest.
2 The company could purchase Alpha from an outside supplier for R33 per unit. There is no restriction
on the number of units of Alpha that can be purchased from the local supplier. (Assume the
machine mentioned in 1 is not purchased.)
Let A = Alpha units
B = Beta units
Iso-profit line for
Option 2: 19A + 21B
Iso-profit line for
Option 1: 15A + 15B
2A + 3B = 6 000 Iso-profit line for
B = 1 800 Option 3: 9A + 15B
A 2 A = 1 800
16A + 10B = 40 000
0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
’000 B
Figure 3
Solution: intersection of
A = 1 800
2A + 3B = 6 000
Therefore A = 1 800 units
B = 800 units
Contribution for A = R10 + FC R5
= R15
B = R10 + FC R5
= R15
Total fixed costs = R5 × 3 600 units
= R18 000
Profit statement
Product A 1 800 × R15 = 27 000
Product B 800 × R15 = 12 000
Contribution 39 000
Less: Fixed costs 18 000
Profit R21 000
ISO-profit line of 19B + 21B shows that the solution occurs where
16A + 10B = 40 000
B = 1 800
Therefore: Produce 1 800 units of B, and
1 375 units of A
Profit statement
Product A 1 375 × R19 = 26 125
Product B 1 800 × R21 = 37 800
Contribution 63 925
Less: Fixed costs 18 000
Cost of machinery 15 000
Profit R30 925
Outside contribution –6 –
Differential contribution 9 15
2A + 3B = 6 000
B = 1 800
Therefore B = 1 800
A = 300
Purchase A = 1 500
Profit statement
Product B 1 800 × R15 = 27 000
Product A 300 × R15 = 4 500
Product A 1 500 × R6 = 9 000
Contribution 40 500
Less: Fixed costs 18 000
Profit R22 500
The company will maximise profits by purchasing the machine.
Chapter 12: Linear programming 415
Practice questions
Question 12 – 1 40 marks 60 minutes
Casting Ltd produces two products, the B2 and the A40. Budgeted data relating to these products on
a unit basis for January 19X0 is as follows:
B2 A40
Selling price 200 190
Materials 60 30
Direct labour 20 25
Selling and administration 40 30
The selling and administration costs are 50% variable. The fixed portion has been calculated based on
last month’s sales of 300 units of B2 and 400 units of A40.
Each unit of product incurs costs of machining and assembly. The total capacity available has recently
been increased by modifications made to the machinery. In January 19X0, the capacity is budgeted to
be 1 000 hours of machining and 1 500 hours of assembly.
The capacity cost is fixed at R12 000 and R20 000 respectively for the month, regardless of the level
of usage attained.
The number of hours required in each of these departments to complete one unit of output is as
B2 A40
Machining 1,0 2,0
Assembly 2,5 2,0
In terms of special controls recently introduced by the Government, selling prices are fixed at the
above prices. The maximum demand for either product in January 19X0 is 500 units.
(a) Let B = Number of units of B2 produced and sold
Let A = Number of units of A40 produced and sold
The LP model is as follows:
Sales 200 190
Variable costs:
Material 60 30
Labour 20 25
Selling 20 15
Contribution 100 120
416 Managerial Accounting
1 000
units 900
B + 2A < 1 000
A < 500
B < 500
2,5B + 2A < 1 500
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
A40 units
Figure 4
At the optimum point (C on the graph) the output mix is calculated as follows:
B + 2A = 1 000
2,5B + 2A = 1 500
B = 333,3
A = 333,3
333 units of B2 at a contribution of R100 per unit = 33 300
333 units of A40 at a contribution of R120 per unit = 39 960
Total contribution 73 260
Selling and administration (20 × 300 + 15 × 400) 12 000
Less: fixed costs (R12 000 + R20 000) 32 000
Profit 29 260
Chapter 12: Linear programming 417
(b) If we obtain additional machine hours, the line B + 2A = 1 000 will shift to the right. Therefore, the
revised optimum point will increase along the line 2,5B + 2A = 1 500 up to point F on the graph.
Similarly, if assembly capacity is increased, the line 2,5B + 2A = 1 500 will move upwards along
the line B + 2A = 1 000 until point E on the graph is reached.
Calculation of shadow prices
Limiting constraints – Assembly 2,5 B + 2 A= 1 500 L
Machining B + 2 A= 1 000 L
Objective 100 B + 120 A L
New limiting equations
Let A = Assembly time
Let M = Machine time
2,5A + M = 100
2 A + 2M = 120
A = R26,67
M = R33,33
If the assembly time is increased, the contribution will increase by R26,67 per hour.
If the machine time is increased, the contribution will increase by R33,33 per hour.
The assembly time can be increased by a maximum of 250 hours. At this level, the limiting factor
will reach point E, which becomes the new contribution maximising point.
At E: Units Assembly hrs Total hrs
B = 500 × 2,5 = 1 250
A = 250 × 2 = 500
1 750
Existing – 1 500
Hours 250
The machine time can be increased by a maximum of 200 hours. At this level, the limiting factor
will reach point F, which becomes the new contribution maximising point.
At F: Units Assembly hrs Total hrs
B = 200 × 1 = 200
A = 500 × 2 = 1 000
1 200
Existing – 1 000
Hours 200
(c) A change in the selling price of B2 will lead to a change in the contribution of B2 and a resultant
change in the slope of the objective function.
Increase in price of B2
An increase in the selling price of B2 will cause the slope of the objective function to move in
line with the slope of the assembly capacity constraint.
Current objective function: 100B + 120A
Slope of assembly constraint: 2,5B + 2A
A change in the objective function to a slope equal to the assembly constraint will cause the
optimal solution to lie between B and C on the above graph.
418 Managerial Accounting
An increase in the sales price of Product B2 by R51 will shift the optimal solution to point B on
the graph.
Similarly, a downward change in the selling price of B2 in line with the slope of the machine
constraint will change the solution from point C to point D.
× B + 120A = 60B + 120A
A drop in the selling price of B2 by just under R40 will move the optimal solution to D.
(d) The assumptions underlying the calculations in (a) and (b) are:
1 linearity over the whole output range for costs, revenues and quantity of resources used
2 divisibility of products (it is assumed that products can be produced in fractions of units)
3 divisibility of resources (supplies of resources may only be available in specified multiples)
4 the objectives of the firm (it is assumed that the single objective of a firm is to maximise
short-term contribution)
5 all of the available opportunities for the use of the resources have been included in the LP
(b) Formulate (but do not attempt to solve) the initial simplex tableau using
X4 : as slack for Process 1
X5 : as slack for Process 2
X6 : as slack for any sales limit
Describe the meaning of “slack”. (7 marks)
Chapter 12: Linear programming 419
X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Solution
X2 0 1 0,83 0,33 0 – 0,67 506,7
X5 0 0 0,33 – 0,67 1 – 1,67 586,7
X1 1 0 0 0 0 1 200
Z 0 0 66,67 66,67 0 266,7 181 333,8
(8 marks)
(a) Objective function: 400X1 + 200X2 + 100X3
Limiting equations
2X1 + 3X2 + 2,5X3 1 920 Process 1
3X1 + 2X2 + 2X3 2 220 Process 2
X1 200 Alpha sales
(b) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 Solution
X4 2 3 2,5 1 0 0 1 920
X5 3 2 2 0 1 0 2 200
X6 1 0 0 0 0 1 200
– 400 – 200 – 100 0 0 0 0
Slack variables represent unused resources and unused sales potential.
Interpretation of column X3
Column X3 refers to product Gamma for which production is zero.
However, if the company decides to produce a unit of Gamma, the consequences will be
as follows:
Produce 0,83 units of Beta less and thus decrease contribution by
R200 × 0,83 = R166,67
Produce one unit of Gamma and increase contribution by R100
The net effect is to reduce the overall contribution by R66,67
Process 2 time would increase by 0,33 hours
(d) (i) Increase in contribution by R66,67 × 20 = R1 333,40
Increase production of Beta by 20 × 0,33 = 6,6 units
Use up 20 × 0,67 = 13,4 hours of Process 2 time
(ii) Increase in contribution by R266,70 × 10 = R2 667
Reduce Beta output by 0,67 × 10 = 6,7 units
Use up 10 × 1,67 = 16,7 hours of Process 2 time
(iii) Reduce contribution by R66,67 × 10 = R666,70
Reduce production of Beta by 0,8333 × 10 = 8,3 units
Increase Process 2 time by 0,33 × 10 = 3,3 hours
Alpha Beta
Material X at R5/kg 10 20
Labour at R2/hour 20 10
Variable machine costs at R3/hour 12 9
Variable costs 6 6
48 45
Selling price 60 60
Demand 1 000 1 000
Material is restricted, owing to import restrictions, to 5 000 kg monthly.
The machine hour capacity of the company is 6 000 hours monthly.
There is no opening or closing inventory.
1 Let A = No of Alpha, and B = No of Beta
(i) Material 2A + 4B = 5 000
(ii) Machine 4A + 3B = 6 000
(iii) A < 1 000
(iv) B < 1 000
A = 1 000
B 4A + 3B = 6 000
B = 1 000
12A + 15B
4A + 10B
2A + 4B = 5 000
0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
Figure 5
2 New constraints
(i) Material 2A + 4B = 4 800
(ii) Machine 4A + 3B = 5 950
The intersection will remain unchanged for the optimum solution
From (i) 4A + 8B = 9 600
(ii) 4A + 3B = 5 950
A = 940
B = 730
422 Managerial Accounting
The Production Manager believes that Sky Blue is not as profitable as a substitute product, Jeena,
which does not require any additional fixed cost investment and has the following cost structure per
kilogram pack:
Sales 7,25
Cost of sales:
Raw material A 1,50
Raw material B 1,40
Labour 1,00
Variable manufacturing overhead 1,50
Contribution 1,85
The production of a kilogram pack of Jeena requires ten minutes of labour and ten minutes of
machine time.
The Managing Director has rejected the Production Manager’s suggestion on the grounds that fixed
costs of R1,50 per kilogram pack must be allocated to Jeena, thus making it a poor alternative.
1 Calculation of contribution
Objective function
Let Cloud White = x
Let Sky Blue = y
Objective function = 1,50 x + 1,10 y
Limiting factors
Labour 10x + 5y 24 000
Machine 5x + 12y 18 000
Material 0,5x + 0,7y 3 500
424 Managerial Accounting
7 000
6 000
4 000
2 000
10 x + 5y = 24 000
1 000
1 000 2 000 3 000 4 000 5 000
Sky Blue
Figure 6
Optimum output mix is at intersection of
10x + 5y = 24 000
5x + 12y = 18 000
x = 2 084,21 units
y = 631,58 units
Monthly profit Contribution
Cloud White 2 084 × R1,50 3 126,00
Sky Blue 631 × R1,10 694,10
3 820,10
Less: Fixed cost 3 000,00
Profit R820,10
2 In the context of linear programming, the shadow price of a scarce resource is the increase in
value of the objective function if one more unit of the resource were made available. It is the
marginal contribution which each scarce resource can make towards the recovery of fixed costs
and profit. If a new product opportunity became available, eg Jeena in the question, it would only
be accepted if its selling price could cover both the market prices of the inputs plus the shadow
prices, representing the contribution sacrificed if one unit of the input is transferred to the new
3 Calculation of shadow prices per minute of labour and machine time (ie the limiting factors).
Let S1 = shadow price per labour minute
Let S2 = shadow price per machine minute
Therefore 10S1 + 5S2 = 1,50
5S1 + 12S2 = 1,10
Solving S1 = 0,131578
S2 = 0,0368421
Substitute product Jeena makes a contribution of R1,85 per the question.
Chapter 12: Linear programming 425
As the contribution of Jeena is greater than the marginal cost of time given up by Sky Blue, it
would be more profitable to produce Jeena. When one is looking at production alternatives, the
important factor is the contribution yielded per limiting factor, not the overall profit of a product
as suggested by the Managing Director.
The following additional information on the actual results presented above is available:
1 Material costs
Yam requires a raw material that is imported from Brazil and is available in limited quantities. The
cost of the raw material is R10 per kg. The cost allocated to Yam in the current year was R200 000.
Patch has been advised that next year the imported raw material will be increased by 10 000 kg.
2 Variable manufacturing
Yam is machine-intensive, while Kite is more labour-intensive.
Yam Kite
Labour hours per unit 10 20
Machine hours per unit 18 9
Total manufacturing labour hours can be increased by a maximum of 60%. Machine hours have
been operating at 80% of available capacity.
3 Selling costs
The selling costs represent both a fixed and a variable component. In the current year, the fixed
component was 40%. Yam incurred twice as much variable cost per unit as Kite.
426 Managerial Accounting
In preparing the budget for the forthcoming year, you have been given the following information:
1 All variable costs and selling prices for both products will remain unchanged. Fixed manufacturing
costs will increase by 10% while fixed selling costs will decrease by 40%.
2 The production department has changed the manufacturing process for both the Yam and the
Kite as follows:
(a) The labour time for Yam will increase by 2 hours while the labour time for the Kite will
decrease by 4 hours.
(b) The machine time for Yam will decrease by 3 hours.
3 The demand for both products is expected to increase by 100%.
(a) 1 Materials
Yam – current imported raw material used
R200 000 / 10 = 20 000 kg
Increase 10 000 kg
Available 30 000 kg
2 Variable overheads
Current labour hours (10 × 4 000) + (20 × 4 000) = 120 000
Increase + 60% 72 000
Available next year 192 000
3 Variable overheads
Machine hours
Current machine hours (18 × 4 000) + (9 × 4 000) = 108 000 = 80% capacity
Therefore 100% capacity equals 108 000 / 80% = 135 000 hours
Required machine hours
Machine time per unit – Yam 18 – 3 = 15
Kite 9 – 0 = 9
Therefore 15 × 8 000 = 120 000
9 × 8 000 = 72 000
192 000
4 Selling costs
Fixed 200 000 × 40% = 80 000
Variable 200 000 × 60% = 120 000
Yam 80 000 2
Kite 40 000 1
120 000
6 Limiting factors
Material 5Y = 30 000
Labour time 12Y + 16K = 192 000
Machine time 15Y + 9K = 135 000
428 Managerial Accounting
16 Labour
time Objective function
15 100Y + 30K
14 Machine time
13 15Y + 9K = 135 000
12 limited Labour time
to 8 000 12Y + 16K = 192 000
11 units
10 Material
Machine 5Y = 30 000
time Demand limited to 8 000 units
Objective function
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ’000
Figure 7
7 Profit is maximised per the diagram at the intersection of the machine time and raw material
limiting factors.
Material 5Y = 30 000
Machine time 15Y + 9K = 135 000
Yam = 6 000 units
Kite = 5 000 units
1 Both products are manufactured in separate departments which have their own labour forces.
The labour cost per unit varies depending on the level of production.
In the month of September, the production levels and labour costs were as follows:
Alto: 350 units R24 000
Beet 500 units R30 000
2 The overhead costs relate to two machines used in the production of both the Alto and Beet. 20%
of overhead costs are fixed for Alto and 50% for Beet. Manufacturing time required per unit of
output for each product is:
Machine 1 Machine 2
Alto 15 minutes 24 minutes
Beet 19 minutes 11 minutes
430 Managerial Accounting
3 Administration costs are fixed and have been allocated on the basis of occupied space.
4 Selling and distribution costs are fixed for Alto but variable for Beet.
A B S1 S2 S3 S4 Z
A 1 0 0 0 1 0 800
S1 0 0 1 – 1,52 – 7,8 0 4 063,55
S4 0 0 0 – 0,08 + 1,2 1 645,55
B 0 1 0 0,08 – 1,2 0 654,55
0 0 0 6,4 24 0 28 364,00
Where: A = units of Alto
B = units of Beet
S1 = Machine 1
S2 = Machine 2
S3 = Alto demand
S4 = Beet demand
You are required to interpret all figures appearing in columns S2 and Z. (8 marks)
(a) 1 Labour High – Low
Alto Production Cost
400 26 000
350 24 000
Marginal 50 2 000
Variable cost = 2 000 / 50 = R40
Fixed cost = R26 000 – (400 × 40) = R10 000
Chapter 12: Linear programming 431
2 Overheads
Alto Beet
Overhead cost 50 000 20 000
Fixed cost 20% 10 000 50% 10 000
Variable cost 40 000 10 000
Units 400 400
Variable cost per unit R100 R25
5 Material costs
Alto Beet
Current 40 000 20 000
Units 400 400
Cost per unit R100 R50
+ 40% R140 + 60% R80
6 Selling prices
Alto Beet
Current 128 000 80 000
Units 400 400
Price per unit R320 R200
+ increase 25% R80 +12,5% R25
R400 R225
1 900
Machine 1
15A + 19B = 28 500 Sales Beet
B = 1 300
Sales Alto
A = 800
function Machine 2
120 A + 80 B 24A + 11B = 26 400
Figure 8
The diagram above indicates that the profit maximising point is where the two machine
limiting factors intersect.
15A + 19B = 28 500
24A + 11B = 26 400
Solving, we get
A = 646,39 units or 646 units
B = 989,69 units or 990 units
Chapter 12: Linear programming 433
(b) Products Alto and Beet both made a loss in the month of October. The important factors for
October are:
1 Contribution
Alto Beet
Selling price 320 200
Material 100 50
Labour 40 20
Overheads 100 25
Selling – 20
Contribution 80 85
Average contribution = R80 + R85 / 2 = R82,50
2 Fixed costs
Alto Beet
Labour 10 000 20 000
Overheads 10 000 10 000
Administration 15 000 15 000
Selling 10 000 –
45 000 45 000
Total fixed costs = R90 000
3 Break-even
90 000
= 1 090 units
or 545 units of each product.
434 Managerial Accounting
(c) Column Z
800 represents production and sales of Alto
4 063,55 represents Machine 1 excess time
645,45 represents unsatisfied Beet demand
654,55 represents production and sales of Beet
28 364 represents contribution at production maximisation point
Column S2
– 1 ,52 represents Machine 1 time required
– 0 ,08 represents Beet demand satisfied from the 645,45 units
0 ,08 represents units of Beet produced
6 ,4 represents shadow price of Machine 2 time
After studying this chapter you should be able to:
l describe the objectives of transfer pricing
l describe how to set a transfer price where the transferring division sells to an external
market, and where it sells to a receiving division only
l calculate the lowest and highest transfer price that is in line with overall company
l explain why cost-plus transfer pricing will not maximise group profits
l discuss the main objectives of setting a transfer price
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
Where goods or services are transferred between divisions, a transfer-pricing system is required to
allow for the profit independence of each division. One of the primary obstacles to meaningful
divisional performance measurement is the transfer of goods or services between divisions. Many
products transferred between divisions are not readily marketable and, as a result, it becomes
difficult to establish a fair price that ensures company-wide maximisation of profit as well as
divisional autonomy. If inter-divisional transfers are minimal, the transfer price has little effect on the
measurement of segment performance. However, if the transfers are substantial, the transfer price
will have a dramatic effect on reported performance.
The main objectives of establishing a transfer price should be to
l Ensure that divisional performance assessments are not affected by a transfer price that will
disadvantage a division.
l Encourage a division to make decisions that will maximise divisional profits as well as overall
company profits, ie be in line with company objectives.
l Promote divisional autonomy without prejudice to the group.
It is difficult to establish a transfer price that will allow for divisional autonomy and at the same time
be in line with group profit maximisation, as the two objectives often work against one another. A
further problem in arriving at an equitable transfer price is that some products produced cannot be
sold on an open market while others can. When a company is able to sell its products on the open
market it will be faced with a perfect or imperfect price structure.
The general rule in recommending a suitable transfer price should be to arrive at the lowest
and highest transfer price that will be in line with overall group objectives.
There are many methods of arriving at a transfer price, and only the more important methods are
mentioned below:
(a) Market price
A market price is considered ideal where a market exists for the product being transferred. The
transfer price becomes the going market price. The nature of the market (competitive or
imperfect) will determine whether a unique market price exists. When there is an appropriate
outside market, the market price is sometimes reduced to make allowances for the reduced
selling effort.
436 Managerial Accounting
correct in theory, the practical use has lead to much controversy in its application. This chapter
will nevertheless look at resolving the transfer pricing problem where production constraint
exists on an opportunity cost basis.
Department A Department B
Variable Variable
manufacturing manufacturing
cost R5 cost R8
Figure 1
Does the product yield a profit? Yes, the company will make a profit of R7 per unit.
At this point there is no transfer price problem as the company is not divisionalised.
What if Company X sold its product on an imperfect market and was faced with the following
demand/selling price relationships?
Demand Selling price
5 000 R24
7 000 R22
10 000 R20
12 000 R18
15 000 R15
The company would now evaluate the above combinations of Demand/Selling price, determine the
profit-maximising selling price and sell at that price.
Demand Selling Variable Contribution Total
price cost contribution
5 000 R24 R13 R11 R55 000
7 000 R22 R13 R9 R63 000
10 000 R20 R13 R7 R70 000
12 000 R18 R13 R5 R60 000
15 000 R15 R13 R2 R30 000
Company X will choose to sell 10 000 units at a selling price of R20 per unit. Once again, there is no
transfer price problem as the company is not divisionalised.
As far as the group structure is concerned, nothing has changed. The cost structure remains the same
and the total profit remains the same. This means that the decisions about how many units to sell
and the selling price have not changed, and the Division in Johannesburg should sell 10 000 units at
R20 each.
Divisionalisation does however create the problem of deciding how to split the profit between the
two divisions. Note once again that the total profit does not change.
In the first example above, where there is only one selling price, ie R20, and assuming that the
company sells 10 000 units and makes a profit of R70 000 (10 000 × [ 20 – 13 ]) the problem that we
have to resolve is how much of the R70 000 goes to Division A and how much goes to Division B.
When you are called to give an opinion on a transfer price, you are in fact required to determine:
(a) how many units should be sold to maximise group profits
(b) the lowest transfer price in line with objectives
(c) the highest transfer price in line with objectives
(d) your opinion on a fair transfer price.
Assuming that the final product is sold in a perfect market and that the two divisions have decided to
transfer and sell 10 000 units, the overall group profit will be 10 000 [20 – 8 – 5] = R70 000. The
lowest transfer price will be set at R5. The highest transfer price will be when Division A gets all the
profit, ie R70 000 / 10 000 = R7 + incremental cost of Division A = R12.
A transfer price “in line with objectives” refers to the transfer price that will ensure that the optimal
number of units is sold in order to maximise group profits.
At the lowest transfer price, Division B makes all the profit while at the highest transfer price,
Division A makes all the profit. We may therefore recommend a transfer price of (say) R8,50.
Situation where the final product is sold in an imperfect market (per the example above)
(a) Establish how many units the group should sell.
Answer: As in the above calculations, the answer is 10 000 units.
(b) Lowest transfer price in line with objectives.
Answer: R5
(c) Highest transfer price in line with objectives
Unlike our previous example of simply taking the profit of R70 000 divided by 10 000 units and
adding it to the variable cost of Division A, ie R70 000 / 10 000 = R7 + R5 = R12, the technique is
different, because, as the selling price from Division A increases it is possible that the number of units
that Division B decides to sell will not be in line with objectives of the group.
Example – If Division A chose to set a transfer price of R10 per unit, the following decision would be
made by Division B:
Quantity Selling TP + VC = Total profit to
price Division B
5 000 24 – (10 + 8) = 30 000
7 000 22 – (10 + 8) = 28 000
10 000 20 – (10 + 8) = 20 000
12 000 18 – (10 + 8) = –
15 000 15 – (10 + 8) = – 45 000
Chapter 13: Transfer pricing 439
At a transfer price of R10, Division B will choose to sell only 5 000 units, which is the worst possible
choice from a group perspective.
Calculate the differential contribution, ie look at the “next best scenario” if Division B does not sell
10 000 units.
Maximum contribution 70 000 10 000 units
Next best 63 000 7 000 units
Differential contribution 7 000 3 000 units
R7 000 / 3 000 units = Maximum contribution of R2,3333
Maximum transfer price is therefore R5 + R2,3333 = R7,3333
Transferring division
Receiving division
Perfect Imperfect
market market
Perfect Imperfect
Receiving division Receiving division
market market
Figure 2
Illustrative examples
Example 1
Transferring division has no external market, receiving division sells product in an imperfect
Establishing a solution methodology for transfer price questions
Examples 1, 3 and 4 are very typical of examination questions. Note that the cost information in
these examples is very simple; you can expect the cost data in exams to be more complex.
440 Managerial Accounting
The following strategy for establishing a transfer price will work for all questions. It is however
possible that some steps are not relevant for a given situation. Remember that the first objective is
to determine the number of units that should be sold in line with group objectives.
Step 1
Look at the transferring division and establish how many units it would like to sell in its normal
outside market (if it has one) and how many units it would like to sell to the receiving division.
Step 2
From the perspective of the receiving division, establish how many units they would like to sell to
maximise profit.
Step 3
If the transferring division has enough production capacity to satisfy its requirements as well as those
of the receiving division, move to calculate the lowest and highest transfer price in line with group
If it does not have sufficient production capacity, establish the production/sales combinations that
are available from a group perspective.
Step 4
Establish the transfer price. This step is different for every scenario (see examples below).
Division A processes product Beta at a variable cost of R4 per unit. No incremental fixed costs
or opportunity costs are incurred. Division B completes the production of product Beta at a
variable cost of R6 per unit and fixed cost of R200 000.
Market demand for the product is as follows:
Price per unit (R) Quantity (units)
50 8 000
43 10 000
33 15 000
28 18 000
25 20 000
Step 1 – Transferring division
The transferring division does not have an external market for the product and would like to sell as
many units as possible above the variable cost of R4 per unit.
Why is it necessary to arrive at the marginal revenue between the optimal production plan and the
next best?
It would seem logical that the highest transfer price is VC plus Profit ÷ Optimal production units.
Applying this logic we get
Division A variable cost 4,00
Division B profit R145 000 ÷ 15 000 9,67
Transfer price 13,67
If we used this as the transfer price, the choices available to Division B would be as follows:
Division B would, in this situation choose to sell 8 000 units rather than the optimal 15 000 units.
At a transfer price of R7, we have the following:
As can be seen, Division B is indifferent between selling 15 000 units or 10 000 units at a R7 transfer
price. The correct highest transfer price would be R6,99.
Example 2
The transferring division sells its products in a perfect market, while the receiving division sells in
an imperfect or perfect market.
When a perfect market exists for a product, the selling division is a price-taker and cannot influence
the market price by either dumping its product on the market or refusing to supply the market.
442 Managerial Accounting
In this situation, the correct transfer price is the market price less any saving that the transferring
division may make in selling directly to a receiving division.
Example 3
The transferring division sells its product in an imperfect market, while the receiving division sells
its product in a perfect market.
Division A sells product Zeta on the open market and incurs a variable production cost of R5
per unit. The division has the capacity to produce 22 000 units only.
The market demand at different selling prices is as follows:
Price per unit (R) Demand
13 5 000
10 10 000
8 15 000
Assume that demand between 5 000 and 10 000 units can be sold at R10, and in excess of
10 000 units at R8 per unit.
Division B manufactures a product that requires 1 unit of Zeta in the manufacturing process to
produce product Gamma. Division B incurs further variable manufacturing costs of R10 per
unit and fixed costs of R20 000.
One unit of Gamma is sold for R20.
When the transferring division sells in an imperfect market, the transfer price must be such that the
transferring division is no worse off if it transfers some of its product to the receiving division or sells
it on the open market. However, it is important that the sales strategies of the two divisions
maximise overall group profit.
Step 1 Desired external sales by Division A
Selling price Demand Cost Sales Profit/Cont
13 5 000 25 000 65 000 40 000
10 10 000 50 000 100 000 50 000
8 15 000 75 000 120 000 45 000
Division A will choose to sell 10 000 units to the external market as it makes the highest contribution
at this level. Division A would like to transfer 12 000 units to Division B.
Example 4
Transferring and receiving divisions sell their products in an open imperfect market
Information per above example, except that Division B can sell on the open market as follows:
Price per unit (R) Demand
27 8 000
25 10 000
22 12 000
Step 1 Establish the profit-maximising sales strategy for Division A
As previously calculated, Division A wishes to sell 10 000 units as it will maximise its external
profit at this level.
Chapter 13: Transfer pricing 445
What if the production capacity for Division A was only 15 000 units?
Step 1 Establish desired sales level for Division A
Step 2 Establish desired sales level for Division B
Step 3 Establish the profit-maximising sales strategy for the group
Test 1 Division A sells 5 000 units on the open market and 10 000 units to Division B.
Division A
(open market) Division B Profit
Units 5 000 10 000
Sales R65 000 R250 000
Variable costs R25 000 R100 000
Transfer costs (variable) – R50 000
Fixed costs – R20 000
Profit R40 000 R80 000 R120 000
446 Managerial Accounting
Test 2 Division A sells 10 000 units on the open market and 5 000 units to Division B.
Division A
(open market) Division B Profit
Units 10 000 5 000
Sales R100 000 R135 000
Variable costs R50 000 R50 000
Transfer costs (variable) – R25 000
Fixed costs – R20 000
Profit R50 000 R40 000 R90 000
The company will therefore choose to sell 5 000 units on Division A’s open market and 10 000 units
to Division B.
Example 5
The transferring division has no external market, while the receiving division sells the final product
on a perfect market.
This example is quite tricky as there are opportunity costs, as well as incremental fixed costs.
This situation may occur when a division manufactures a partly processed product, or a specialist
product. I have introduced opportunity costs and stepped costs into this example, which you would
not normally encounter in a transfer price question.
Note: Most transfer price questions give the information in a manner that requires you to separate
the fixed cost from the variable cost. You may, for instance, be given the information in an
absorption costing format where you are required to determine the contribution before you
can decide on an appropriate transfer price.
Product Alpha is sold by Division B at a price of R130 per unit on a perfectly competitive
market. The product is processed in Division A, then transferred to Division B where it is
completed and sold.
Division A’s monthly manufacturing costs are as follows:
Volume (units)
0 – 100 101 – 300 301 – 600
Variable cost per unit R25 R25 R30
Fixed cost – R3 500 –
Opportunity cost – R50 R80
Variable costs increase due to overtime.
Chapter 13: Transfer pricing 447
Opportunity cost relates to losses of contribution from not producing other products.
The fixed cost increase of R3 500 relates to any production above 100 units. Division A cannot
produce above 600 units.
Division B’s manufacturing costs:
Division B would have to invest R8 000 monthly on fixed equipment. The variable cost to
complete each unit of production is R15.
Company-wide decision computation
0–100 101–300 301–600
Division A direct costs 25 25 30
Division B direct costs 15 15 15
Division A opportunity costs – 50 80
40 90 125
Selling price 130 130 130
Contribution per unit R90 R40 R5
Sales volume
Incremental 100 200 300
Total contribution 9 000 8 000 1 500
Division A fixed costs (3 500)
Division B fixed costs (8 000)
Incremental net profit 1 000 4 500 1 500
Net profit for 100 units: R1 000
Net profit for 300 units: R1 000 + R4 500 = R5 500
Net profit for 600 units: R1 000 + R4 500 + R1 500 = R7 000.
(b) The optimal production level for Division A will be the level that maximises overall company
profits, ie 600 units.
Example 6
Assume the same information as in the above example, except that Division B has the
following selling price/demand relationships:
Selling price Demand
R140 100
R138 300
R130 600
Company-wide decision computation
Selling price R140
Division A cost
Direct cost (R25 × 100) = R2 500
Division B costs
Direct cost (R15 × 100) 1 500
Fixed cost 8 000
Total cost 12 000
Sales value 14 000
Profit R2 000
Division B cost
Direct cost (R15 × 300) 4 500
Fixed cost 8 000
Total cost 33 500
Sales value R138 × 300 41 400
Profit R7 900
Example 7
When both the transferring and the receiving divisions sell on an imperfect market and the
divisions’ cost structures change with incremental production
Note: This type of question is seldom (if ever) examined.
Assume that two divisions have the following manufacturing costs and sales revenue:
Division A Division B
Total Total
manufacturing Total manufacturing Total
Units cost revenue cost revenue
10 10 20 50 75
20 16 36 100 140
30 22 50 150 203
40 30 60 200 265
50 39 69 250 326
60 49 77 300 381
70 60 84 350 435
80 72 92 400 488
90 85 95 450 540
Division A can either sell to the external market or transfer to Division B who will sell to the
external market. The total costs of Division B exclude the manufacturing costs of Division A.
(a) The problem with this type of question is that as the costs of Division A are increasing at a
disproportionate rate to production, you cannot determine the optimal strategy as before.
The correct method is to analyse the overall marginal cost to the company versus the marginal
revenue as follows:
Division A Division A Division B
Production marginal marginal net marginal
cost revenue revenue
10 10 20 25
20 6 16 15
30 6 14 13
40 8 10 12
50 9 9 11
60 10 8 5
70 11 7 4
80 12 6 3
90 13 5 2
The net marginal revenue of Division B is arrived at by subtracting the total revenue from the
manufacturing costs and calculating the marginal increase.
Chapter 13: Transfer pricing 451
On the basis of the above tabulation, the desired sales strategy is:
Marginal revenue Marginal cost
1 Sell 10 to Division B 25 10
2 Sell 10 to Division A’s outside market 20 6
3 Sell 10 to Division A’s outside market 16 6
4 Sell 10 to Division B 15 8
5 Sell 10 to Division A’s outside market 14 9
6 Sell 10 to Division B 13 10
7 Sell 10 to Division B 12 11
8 Cease production 11 12
9 Cease production 10 13
The company would desire to produce only 70 units, as above this level, marginal costs are
higher than marginal revenue.
At a production level of 70 units, 40 should be sold to Division B, and 30 left for Division A to sell
on the outside market.
Transfer prices should be based on marginal cost + opportunity cost to the company. Where an
intermediate market exists, the market price should be used (less internal cost savings).
Where a division’s marginal costs and opportunity costs change with the level of production, a
schedule must be completed for the differing levels of output.
If the divisions are decentralised with full autonomous decision-making powers, the company may
produce at sub-optimal levels. It is recommended that in situations where inter-divisional transfers
are substantial, top management should arbitrate on transfer pricing decisions between divisions to
ensure maximum company profit.
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter. Do not proceed to the next chapter until you have grasped the following question.
Z Limited is a company that is organised into two profit centres, P and Q. At the moment, both profit
centres sell all their output to external customers.
Monthly data for both profit centres is as follows:
Output per month 9 000 units 4 000 units
Sales price per unit R40 R80
Material costs per unit R20 R18
Other variable costs per unit R5 R12
Fixed costs per month R120 000 R180 000
P and Q are both working at full capacity. The Manager of Q has become worried about the variable
costs of units produced in the department, and is aware that it would be possible to receive the
output of department P instead of buying raw materials from outside suppliers at a cost of R18. One
unit of output from P would be further processed, at an incremental cost of R1 per unit of P’s output,
and used as a substitute material for 2 units of Q’s output.
The Manager of P has suggested that the transfer price for 2 000 units of P should be the market
price of R40 per unit. The Manager of Q objects, because this is higher than the cost of raw materials
purchased from outside suppliers. As an arbitrator from Head Office, you are aware that if P
withdrew 2 000 units from sales to the outside market, the outside market price for the remaining
output would rise to R43 per unit.
(b) Suggest a possible range for a transfer price which should be satisfactory to the managers of
both divisions.
(c) List three main objectives managers should consider when establishing a transfer price and
describe why the objectives often conflict with each other.
(a) The incremental cost of transfer would be as follows:
Sales revenue to P from 9 000 units (× R40) 360 000
Sales revenue to P from 7 000 units (× R43) 301 000
Loss of contribution from transferring 2 000 units 59 000
Purchase costs saved by Q (4 000 × R18) 72 000
13 000
Costs of conversion of P’s output (2 000 × R1) 2 000
Marginal contribution per month R11 000
The transfer of 2 000 units is justified because it will increase total company profits by R11 000
per month.
9 000 7 000 R
R R Variable cost 2 000 × 25 = 50 000
Sales 360 000 301 000 Variable cost 2 000 × 1 = 2 000
Variable cost 225 000 175 000 52 000
Contribution 135 000 126 000 Outside contribution 72 000
Saving + 20 000
(b) The transfer price should not be R40, because the Manager of Q would prefer to pay
R18 × 2 = R36 on external purchases rather than R40 plus R1 on transfers from P.
The lower limit of transfers from P is the lost revenue of R59 000 for 2 000 units transferred, ie
R29,50 per unit. Alternatively: Lost contribution R9 000 / 2000 = R4,50 + Variable costs R25 =
R29,50. The cost of Q must not exceed R18 × 2 minus R1, ie R36 – 1 = R35 per unit, if Q is to
profit from the transfer arrangement. A negotiated price above R29,50 but less than R35 per
unit of P’s output is recommended, as this will divide the marginal contribution of R5,50 per unit
(R11 000 / 2 000 units) between the profit centres P and Q.
transfer price is that some products produced cannot be sold on an open market, while others
can. When a company is able to sell its products on the open market, it will be faced with a
perfect or imperfect price structure.
The general rule in recommending a suitable transfer price should be to arrive at the lowest and
highest transfer price that will be in line with overall group objectives.
Practice questions
Question 13 – 1 35 marks 52 minutes
Klooftrim is a large divisionalised company selling a variety of catering products. Division A, a
company within the Klooftrim Group, manufactures a single product which it sells on the open
market and to Division B.
The agreed transfer price policy within the group is market price where such price is determinable, or
a negotiated price that will maximise the overall group profit. The production capacity of Division A is
50 000 units per annum. Division A sells its product on a market that is price-sensitive, and the
average annual budget for 19X4 is as follows:
Division B’s manager is unhappy with the suggested transfer price, and has requested that Head
Office intervene in order to set a more reasonable transfer price.
Customer demand for Division B’s products is also price-sensitive and the demand/price relationships
per annum are as follows:
Selling price R135 R107 R95 R76
Demand 10 000 20 000 35 000 50 000
Head Office has appointed you to evaluate the effect that the proposed transfer price has on the
overall group profits, and recommend a transfer price.
Division A cost analysis
R Variable Fixed
Direct material 12 12 –
Direct labour 8 8 –
Manufacturing overhead 20 8 12
Administration cost 5 – 5
Selling and packing expense 5 4 1
50 32 18
Division B incurs incremental variable costs of R25 per unit, and fixed costs of R500 000.
456 Managerial Accounting
Transfer price
First 15 000 units
R450 000 – R180 000 = R270 000 ÷ 15 000
= R18
R18 + variable cost R32 = R50
To: Chairman of the Board
The current company policy is to allow a division to set its own transfer price at market price when
such a price is available, or to set a transfer price that is in line with maximising group profit.
When a division such as Division A sells its product on an imperfect market, it is difficult to arrive at a
market price because such prices will vary with demand.
Division A should establish the market selling price that will maximise its external sales. At the
moment, Division A will maximise its profit by selling 30 000 units at a market price of R65 per unit.
At this level of sales, Division A can only transfer 20 000 units to Division B.
Should Division A transfer at the market price of R65, Division B will not purchase any units. Division
A cannot use the R65 as a market price as it cannot increase its sales at R65. Any selling price above
R32 will increase Division A’s profits.
My investigation has however revealed that the optimal sales split between Divisions A and B is for
Division A to sell 15 000 units and Division B to sell 35 000 units. To encourage Division A to sell
35 000 units to Division B we must ensure that Division A’s profits are, at worst, R450 000.
The suggested transfer price that is in line with company objectives is as follows:
First 15 000 units R50
Balance of 20 000 units between R32 and R54
At these transfer prices, Division A will make a profit of R450 000 on the first 30 000 units sold. For
the balance of 20 000 units, I would suggest a price above the variable costs, but only marginally so,
as the company cannot sell on the external market. A mark up of 20% to +/– R38 should be
acceptable. At this price, the divisional and company profits would be as follows:
Division A Division B Company
External sales units) 15 000 35 000
Internal sales (units) 35 000 –
R’000 R’000 R’000
Sales external 1 200 3 325 4 525
Sales internal 1 510 – 1 510
2 710 3 325 6 035
Variable costs 1 600 875 2 475
Transfer costs – 1 510 1 510
Fixed costs 540 500 1 040
Profit 570 440 1 010
Yours faithfully
The Motos division currently sells its motors on the open market, which has the following demand/
price relationship for a normal month:
Quantity supplied Market price per unit
500 R360
700 R360
1 000 R305
Motos can manufacture up to 1 200 motors when manufacturing at full production capacity. The
division’s cost structure at two different production levels are as follows:
Production 500 units 900 units
Manufacturing costs: R’000 R’000
Materials 75 135
Labour 35 55
Packaging 5 7
Total manufacturing costs 115 197
Sales and distribution 5 7
Administration 10 10
Total costs 130 214
Arima’s incremental variable cost for each vacuum cleaner over and above the cost of each motor is
R150. If the project is undertaken, the division will also incur fixed costs of R40 000 per month. Arima
has received an order for the supply of 700 vacuum cleaners per month at a selling price of R560 per
cleaner. The buyer is prepared to purchase a reduced number of 500 vacuum cleaners per month in
the short-term at R580 each, but has suggested that it will look for alternative suppliers if it is unable
to purchase 700 cleaners per month in the long-term.
Motos has communicated to the manager of Arima that it is prepared to sell as many motors as it
wishes at the present market selling price of R360. Arima has suggested that Motos is far too greedy
and that it is prepared to pay relevant variable costs plus 20% for the purchase of 700 units. Motos
will not incur any sales and distribution costs on sales made to Arima.
(a) Motos costs
500 units 900 units 400 units V/C F/C
Step 2 – Arima
Sales Selling Total Arima Motos Profit
demand price revenue costs costs
500 580 290 000 115 000 102 500 72 500
700 560 392 000 145 000 143 500 103 500
Arima costs: R150 variable per unit + R40 000
Motos’ costs charged to Arima are taken as variable incremental costs only
Material R150
Labour R50
Packaging R5
Conclusion: Arima will wish to sell 700 units to maximise its profits.
Games Ltd will wish to maximise sales and profit and will attempt to maximise the revenues of
both Arima and Motos.
Step 3
If Motos sells 700 units on the external market, it will only have 500 units available to sell to
Choices available
1 Motos: Sell 500 external Profit 50 000
Arima: Sell 700 units Profit 103 500
Total 153 500
2 Motos: Sell 700 external Profit 80 000
Arima: Sell 500 units Profit 72 500
Total 152 500
The best combination that maximises company profits is for Motos to sell 500 units to the
external market and 700 units to Arima.
As it would be in the interests of Games Ltd that Motos sells 500 units on the external market,
the correct minimum transfer price would be:
First 200 units R355 (market price less R5 sales and distribution)
Balance 500 units R205 (variable cost)
Or: Profit lost R80 000 – R50 000 = R30 000 which must be made up
Therefore R30 000 ÷ 200 = R150 + Variable costs R205 = R355
The upper limit is determined by looking at the differential profit of Arima.
Profit at 700 units 103 500
Profit at 500 units 72 500
Difference 31 000
= 31 000 ÷ 200 = 155 per unit
Upper limit
First 200 units R355
Balance 500 units R155 + R205 = R360
(c) Motos has asked for a transfer price of R360 per unit as this is the market price. Clearly this
price is not acceptable beyond 700 units, as Motos is unable to sell more than 700 units at that
price. Any price above variable cost will increase Motos’ profit, which should be pointed out to
the management of Motos.
Arima has suggested a transfer price of cost + 20%, based on average cost of 500 unit
production. This suggestion will yield the following cost structure:
Variable cost of production R205
Mark-up 20% 41
Suggested transfer price R246
The transfer price suggested by Arima appears reasonable. An attempt should be made to
increase the manufacturing capacity of Motos as the company will (on current demand) have a
problem meeting future market requirements. Consideration should also be given to what
effect a drop in sales by Motos will have on its clients.
The recommended transfer price in my opinion should be based on
1 Market price up to 700 units
ie R360 for the first 200 units.
2 The 15% required return on sales should be dropped for internal transfers and a negotiated
price between R205 and R355 (possibly a mid-price of R280) accepted.
You have been requested to recommend a transfer price and have been given the following
1 Last year, Brooks manufactured and sold 10 000 solar units at a profit of R300 each.
Selling price 1 000
Direct material 370
Direct labour 80
Variable manufacturing overhead 80
Fixed manufacturing overhead 100
Variable selling 20
Fixed selling 50
Profit R300
2 The production capacity of Brooks is 25 000 solar units, if it works an overtime shift.
3 All variable costs for the forthcoming year will remain at the same level as last year.
4 Fixed manufacturing overhead and fixed selling costs will be the same at a production level of
10 000 units, 10% lower if production is 8 000 units and 10% higher if production is 13 000 units.
5 All units produced for Dunn will incur no selling costs. All other costs will remain the same.
6 The external market selling price/demand relationship for the forthcoming year is as follows:
Selling price Demand
R920 13 000
R1 000 10 000
R1 050 8 000
7 If Brooks’ production exceeds 13 000 units, it will have to work an overtime shift which will
increase the cost per unit manufactured during overtime hours by R90 per unit.
1 The manufacturing costs of the geyser (excluding the solar panel to be manufactured by Brooks)
depend on the number produced. At a production level of 10 000 units per annum, the cost per
geyser is R800. At a lower production level of 5 000 units per annum the cost is R1 100 per unit.
2 The final product for the forthcoming year will consist of one solar unit manufactured by Brooks
plus one geyser manufactured by Dunn.
3 The selling price/demand relationship for each solar-geyser is as follows:
Selling price Demand
R1 700 8 000
R1 600 10 000
R1 450 12 000
Note: Sales for Brooks and for Dunn can only be made at the demand levels shown above.
(a) Brooks’ cost analysis
Variable costs
Up to 10 000 units Above 13 000 units
Direct material 370 370
Direct labour 80 80
Variable manufacturing overhead 80 80
Variable selling 20 20
Overtime – 90
Total variable 550 640
Fixed cost
Manufacturing overhead 100 × 10 000 = 1 000 000
Fixed selling 50 × 10 000 = 500 000
1 500 000 at 10 000 units
8 000 units R1 500 000 × 90% = R1 350 000
13 000 units R1 500 000 × 110% = R1 650 000
Units Costs
10 000 8 000 000
5 000 5 500 000
Differential 5 000 2 500 000 variable cost
Dunn’s profit
Note: Variable cost from Brooks excludes the variable selling but includes the overtime cost of
R90 per unit, assuming Brooks will sell 13 000 units on the outside market.
Variable cost = R640 – 20 = 620
At 8 000 units Or contribution
Variable cost R500 + R620 = R1 120
Selling price R1 700
Contribution R580
Total contribution 580 × 8 000 = 4 640 000 4 640 000
Less: Fixed cost 3 000 000
Profit 1 640 000
At 10 000 units
Variable cost R500 + 620 = R1 120
Selling price R1 600
Contribution R480
Total contribution 480 × 10 000 = 4 800 000 4 800 000
Less: Fixed costs 3 000 000
Profit 1 800 000
At 12 000 units
Variable cost R500 + R620 = R1 120
Selling price R1 450
Contribution R330
Total contribution 330 × 12 000 3 960 000 3 960 000
Less: Fixed cost 3 000 000
Profit 960 000
Improving ROI
l Increase sales volume
l Increase selling price
l Reduce costs
l Reduce total assets (do not replace PPE)
Important fundamental principle. Trace this principle through this chapter and link it to other
chapters and tutorial questions. You must understand this principle.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a framework and ideas that will enable you to evaluate the
performance of a company or division and form an opinion of how well a particular company has
Performance evaluation cannot take place in a vacuum; it must be preceded by a company or
division setting a standard of performance against which performance can be evaluated. This
performance standard is known as a “budget”. The budget is a short-term plan that comes from
management’s assessments of its long-term objectives in terms of a strategic plan. It is not my
intention to do a detailed study of strategic planning; nevertheless, it is necessary to examine some
aspects of strategic planning so that you have an idea of what a company should be attempting to
achieve in terms of a budget and subsequent performance analysis. Before we look at what strategic
planning entails, I want to once again set the foundation for “performance analysis”.
and meaningful, while the financial reconciliation focuses on internal performance over a relevant
Strategic planning
Strategic planning is a process of evaluating a company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats (SWOT) from an external and internal perspective. By defining the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats facing a company, management is able to define the long-term objectives,
which can be translated into short-term plans.
From an internal perspective, a company will look at its strengths and weaknesses, ie those
attributes that the company is good at or bad at.
Manufacturing – capital/labour
Figure 1
Economic environment
Figure 2
Political considerations
Chapter 14: Performance analysis of companies and divisions 467
External opportunities and threats are important as they help a company to evaluate its position in
the market without becoming complacent or arrogant.
Competition Are there any competitors? If not, what is the threat of new entrants into our
market? If there is no competition, have we become complacent and in doing so
have we invited competition? What is the existing level of competition?
Suppliers What kind of negotiating power do we have with our suppliers? Do we have a
single or multiple suppliers? Do we import? If so, how reliable are the suppliers?
Customers Do we have a market niche? Do we sell on an open competitive market? What
negotiating strengths do our customers have?
Market What kind of market? Do we export? Is that an opportunity or a threat? What
substitute or competing products are available in the market?
SWOT analysis is an aid to highlight opportunities and limitations in an organisation in terms of its
long-term goals and objectives. It can be used to re-direct the company in terms of a changing
environment. Within the context of unprecedented technological changes, it is vital that companies
regularly reassess “how they do business” and modify operations as the business world, customers,
markets and suppliers change.
Long-term Short-term
Threats Threats
External External
Opportunities Opportunities
Figure 3
Step 1: Read the question and identify all information that can be classified as a strength,
weakness, opportunity or threat to the company, either in the short- or in the long-term.
Step 2: Within the context of the question, state the objective of performance analysis and your
initial assessment of the company in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or
threats (both short- and long-term).
Step 3: Evaluate the numerical information, calculate and explain the relevance of
Return on investment
Residual income
468 Managerial Accounting
Advantages of divisionalisation
l Improvement in the quality of decision-making and management. The chain of command is
reduced and decisions are specific.
l Business units become more responsible, because decisions are made by people more familiar
with the problems.
l Most businesses operate under conditions of active competition, high inflation and employee
strikes, in which decisions have to be made timeously. Decentralised decision-making ensures
that problems are resolved as they occur.
l Decentralisation frees management from the day-to-day running of the business and enables it
to devote more time to long-term planning.
l Management is more motivated and achieves a higher level of self-fulfillment.
l Divisional managers can be encouraged to act as entrepreneurs and to exercise initiative.
l Participation in decision-making is likely to be greater, with important team-building spin-offs.
l Unprofitable activities will quickly be identified and eliminated or turned around.
Disadvantages of divisionalisation
l Divisionalisation inevitably results in duplication of activities such as computer systems,
purchasing departments, etc.
l Divisionalised decision-making often leads to managers making decisions which are not
congruent with overall company policy.
l It is difficult to design performance measures based on divisional profit, especially where
divisions are inter-dependent of one another.
l Divisions may compete against each other to the detriment of the company.
l Inexperienced managers may make mistakes that could otherwise be avoided.
l Greater staff numbers may result.
l A divisional structure may create unwanted competition between the divisions that could create
Performance analysis
Performance Performance Inter-company /
of division of manager -division comparisons
Long-term Internal – Strengths – Strengths Type of business
Analytical – Weaknesses – Weaknesses Labour-/Capital-intensive
Finance –
External – Threats – Threats Debt/Equity
– Opportunities – Opportunities
Short-term – ROI – Controllable ROI Comparative ROI
Financial – Residual Inc – Controllable RI Comparative RI
– Net profit % – Net profit % Comparative market share
– Market share – Market share Comparative sales growth
– Sales growth – Sales growth Comparative NP %
Return on investment
“Return on investment” (ROI) is a financial accounting measure used to compare companies in the
same business class or for inter-divisional comparisons. Return on investment is defined as a
measure of operating profit divided by assets employed in deriving the profit.
Earnings 100
Return on investment = Investment × 1
“Investment” should be equal to “property, plant and equipment plus current assets less assets not
employed in the main line of business”. Investment assets are clearly excluded. Investment should
reflect the operating assets directly related to the main line of business only. Most text books and
analysts do not include current liabilities as part of investment. I believe that current liabilities should
be included as they form part of net operating assets, but for the purposes of this text book, I will
exclude current liabilities. However, when an exam question defines investment as net assets, you
must include current liabilities.
Chapter 14: Performance analysis of companies and divisions 471
Definition of assets
Assets must relate to those assets that appear in the Statement of Financial Position and that are
used in the normal line of business.
Net assets at beginning of year R100
Depreciation R20
Net assets at end of year R80
Net assets for the year would be shown as ½ (100 + 80) = R90
Current liabilities
Some companies include current liabilities in the definition of assets, while other companies leave
them out. There are good arguments for inclusion, as well as for exclusion. I suggest that in
examination questions where investment is not defined, you should state in your answer that you
are defining investment as property, plant and equipment plus current assets.
Goodwill is an asset and it has value. As with any other asset, we need to ask the question: “Does the
asset loses value?” If the asset is clearly losing value, then it should be written down to its fair value
and the impairment loss recognised in the period it originated.
Investments (simple)
If the investments were not used to generate the earnings, then the investment must not be
Deferred tax
Normal taxation is never included, as the ROI is based on earnings before tax. Deferred tax must
therefore also be excluded.
Definition of earnings
“Earnings” represents the income from the main line of business. It excludes income from
investments, but includes non-cash-flow items that represent assets losing value. Interest paid is also
472 Managerial Accounting
excluded, as interest is incurred as a result of a finance decision. In other words, a company can
avoid incurring interest cost by simply using equity as a finance option.
Tax is also excluded, as it makes comparisons from one year to the next difficult, because tax rates
Note: If the question says that the company calculates ROI on the basis of earnings after tax, then
you must clearly follow the instructions.
Earnings from operations
Depreciation – Include
Goodwill impairment – Include
Research and development – Include
Marketing – Include
Foreign exchange gain/loss – Include
Note: Goodwill, research and development and marketing must be included as expenses only if we
believe that the asset has lost value equal to the write-off.
The biggest problem associated with ROI is that we show an asset base “investment” at carry
value, which may or may not have a bearing on the true market or replacement value of the
You have been presented with the following statement of financial position and income
Statement of Financial Position
Ordinary share capital 100 000
Retained income 30 000
Ordinary shareholders equity 130 000
Long-term debt 120 000
Current liabilities 40 000
290 000
Represented by:
Property, plant and equipment 150 000
Goodwill 30 000
Investments 30 000
Current assets 80 000
290 000
Chapter 14: Performance analysis of companies and divisions 473
Income statement
Turnover 150 000
Cost of sales (67 500)
Gross profit 82 500
Interest income 3 000
Interest expenditure (12 000)
Depreciation (20 000)
Income before tax 53 500
Taxation (15 000)
Income after tax 38 500
No assets were purchased or sold during the current year. Goodwill was raised at the
beginning of the current financial year and has been valued at R30 000.
To calculate the ROI, we need to evaluate the assets and liabilities of the company to assess which
assets must be included and at what value. We also need to determine the income before tax that
reflects the earnings from normal business operations.
Property, plant and equipment: As we have not been told the basis used by the company to
determine the appropriate asset value for the ROI calculation, we will use the average asset basis.
The closing value of property, plant and equipment is R150 000. Depreciation of R20 000 has been
written-off during the financial year. As there were no purchases or sales of any other assets, we
must use the average asset value for the year.
Closing balance R150 000
Depreciation for the year R20 000
Therefore opening balance R170 000
Therefore average asset value is (R170 000 + R150 000) / 2 = R160 000
Note: When a company does not replace its property, plant and equipment on a regular basis, we
find that the “net asset value” will decrease substantially over time, which will lead to an
increase in ROI even if the company is performing poorly, because the denominator drops as
asset values decrease. It is therefore appropriate to compensate for this problem by using
the market value, or the replacement value or historical cost as an alternative value. If, for
example, an exam question tells you that the company uses the replacement value of assets
to determine ROI, the R160 000 would not have been appropriate.
Assuming that the investment of R30 000 is not part of normal operations, ie it is an investment
outside the normal business operations, such as Treasury bills or share investments in another
industry, they will not be included.
Long-term liabilities
Long-term liabilities are part of the capital structure of the company. Long-term liabilities and
ordinary shareholders equity are interchangeable. Assets are financed from debt and equity. The
assets are then used to derive operating income.
474 Managerial Accounting
Property, plant and equipment 160 000
Goodwill 30 000
Current assets 80 000
Total Assets 270 000
Income before tax 53 500
Interest expense + 12 000
Interest income – 3 000
Operating income 62 500
Return on investment =
62 500
= = 23,15%
270 000
An increase in sales to (say) R170 000 will have the following effect
170 000
= 63%
270 000
A decrease in investment can easily be achieved by simply not increasing the property, plant and
equipment from year to year. As depreciation continues to be charged annually, the overall
investment figure will decrease by R20 000. The long-term effects for the company will however be
very bad, as assets become run down. A general decrease in working capital, ie better asset
utilisation, will also improve the ROI.
62 500
Current profitability ratio = = 42%
150 000
When sales remain unchanged, the company can target the cost of sales in order to improve the
earnings from operations. At the moment, the cost of sales is 67 500 / 150 000 = 45% of sales. A
decrease in cost of sales to R60 000, ie 5% of turnover, will result in earnings increasing to R70 000,
while the profitability ratio increases to 47%.
70 000
= = 47%
150 000
If sales increase as a result of a drop in the selling price, the profitability ratio may still improve, as
long as the contribution ratio has a favourable effect on the overall earnings.
Chapter 14: Performance analysis of companies and divisions 475
An increase in sales should result in an improvement in the ratio, because fixed costs will remain
unchanged and a sales increase will result in an increase in contribution.
Assume current
Sales 150 000 100%
Variable costs 37 500 25%
Fixed costs 30 000
Gross profit 82 500
We therefore conclude:
To increase return on investment a company must target
l increase in sales value
l increase selling price
l reduce cost of sales
l reduce assets employed.
The return on investment can be further broken down into the Du Pont analysis as follows:
ROI Multiplied
Residual income
“Residual income” (RI) is a profitability measure that looks at the earnings derived from operations
per ROI above, and then charges a notional charge for the assets utilised against the earnings.
The notional charge represents the company’s required return for the assets utilised.
Investment R1 000
Earnings R120
ROI = 120 / 1 000 = 12%
Assuming that the company requires a return of 20% for assets utilised, the residual income would
be calculated as
Earnings 120
Notional interest charge (200) [ 1 000 × 20% ]
Residual income (80)
We therefore say that the company has performed poorly, as it has a negative residual income. In
other words, it has not yielded the required return of 20%.
In practice, the notional interest rate used is often the WACC. Because of this confusion, it has
become fashionable to use a new term, called “economic value added” or EVA, when calculating the
residual income.
A company invested in a new machine at a cost of R150 000. The life of the machine is 3 years
and the market value at the end of that period is zero. Wear-and-tear is allowed by the
Receiver at R50 000 per annum. Depreciation will also be allowed in equal amounts over
3 years.
The income and expenditure account over the next 3 years is projected as follows:
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Operating income 100 000 130 000 170 000
Interest – 20 000 – 12 000 – 10 000
Depreciation – 50 000 – 50 000 – 50 000
Earnings before tax 30 000 68 000 110 000
Tax 9 000 20 400 33 000
Earnings after tax 21 000 47 600 77 000
The tax rate is 30%
WACC is 18%
Required return before tax is 30%
(a) NPV calculation
NPV Tax 18%
calculation effect Cash-flow PV PV
Year 0 Investment – 150 000 1 – 150 000
Year 1 Cash-flow 100 000 0,7 70 000 0,8475 59 325
Year 2 Cash-flow 130 000 0,7 91 000 0,7182 65 356
Year 3 Cash-flow 170 000 0,7 119 000 0,6086 72 423
Year 1 Wear-and-tear 50 000 0,3 15 000 0,8475 12 713
Year 2 Wear-and-tear 50 000 0,3 15 000 0,7182 10 773
Year 3 Wear-and-tear 50 000 0,3 15 000 0,6086 9 129
Net present value 79 719
The investment yields a positive net present value (NPV) and is therefore a good investment.
478 Managerial Accounting
Note: The notional interest has been based on the value of investment at the beginning of the
financial year. It could be argued that the average investment amount per the ROI
calculation is equally (or more) appropriate.
Because it is important that long-term goals are targeted, divisional managers should not be
evaluated on a single ratio alone. Performance measures should include several key indicators, both
financial and non-financial in nature. Secondly, managers should be evaluated for those expenditures
which are under their control only.
Important: Assessment of managerial performance must also take into account economic factors.
A target of (say) 15% ROI may not be appropriate in recessionary times while in boom
times it may be too low.
A distinction is necessary between a “profit centre” and an “investment centre” when evaluating
There is general agreement that controllable contribution and controllable profit are appropriate
means of performance for a profit centre, as the principal financial measure is profit itself. The
controllable contribution is useful for short-term decision-making as it looks at costs and revenues
that respond to short run volume changes. It is unsatisfactory from a performance evaluation
viewpoint, as it excludes fixed costs. Controllable operating profit is a better measure of the
divisional manager’s performance, while net profit is a good measure of divisional performance. One
of the problems of evaluating a manager on the basis of controllable contribution or profit is that he
may develop the skill of “playing the game” by improving short-term returns at the expense of long-
term company profit.
In an attempt to counteract non-congruent managerial interests, companies have devised the return
on investment (ROI) measure and the residual income (RI) measure.
ROI offers a valuable investment performance measure as it considers the employment of assets as
well as the profit generated from those assets. It is also used extensively to compare inter-divisional
performance which is generally questionable.
The return on investment performance measure takes account of all assets invested in the division.
The accounting information is the same as conventional financial reporting, and the objective of
maximising return on investment is consistent with profit maximisation where investment is a fixed
Residual income shows the excess of income after charging the cost of investment. It is an absolute
profit performance (controllable residual income) and divisional performance (net residual income
before or after tax).
Residual income provides a better management target than ROI, as the measure is neutral and does
not cause managers to make decisions that will be detrimental to the group. This is due to the fact
that residual income states a profit figure, not a rate of return.
Whether RI or ROI is used as the predominant performance measure, both are equally problematic in
setting standards.
capital screening rate, but a new investment would be rejected if it lowered the existing return. The
rejection would be detrimental to the company if the projected return is above the cost of capital.
In the event of ROI being used as a performance measure, we need to be aware of its limitations. We
must be aware that ROI will fluctuate over time and that a more appropriate measure would be to
evaluate performance over time. It is also very dangerous to compare the ROI of divisions within the
group, as their operations and assets employed are unlikely to be comparable. When a division is
defined as an “investment centre”, performance should be monitored over a long period, and not on
an annual basis.
Advantages of ROI
l It is generally accepted.
l The measure is understood and measurable.
l It encourages managers to expand or take on projects that will increase ROI and discard those
that reduce ROI.
Disadvantages of ROI
l Profit is affected by accounting policies which may be outside of the control of the divisional
manager, such as
(a) depreciation policy
(b) transfer price policy
(c) allocation of Head Office overheads
(d) control over creditors and debtors.
l Net profit measure includes arbitrary allocations of corporate overheads, which are beyond the
control of divisional managers.
l The use of “contribution measure” instead of “net profit” is acceptable as it does not include
fixed costs. The contribution measure is disadvantageous in situations where the divisional
manager can influence the capital investment input amount. By increasing capital expenditure,
rather than labour input, the division would in effect be reducing the variable cost input base and
increasing the contribution (ie depreciation is not included in the contribution calculation).
l Maximising return on investment may lead to divisional managers disregarding the interests of
the company as a whole, and selecting projects which will increase the divisional return on
l Lack of consensus in defining net income and investment.
l Long-term profitability can be adversely affected, as ROI can be increased by avoiding projects
that yield a return that is lower than current ROI yet higher than the cost of capital.
l ROI ignores non-financial criteria.
The controllable residual income measure is a preferable measure, as an interest charge equal to the
cost of capital multiplied by controllable investment is charged against the controllable operating
profit. When applying this measure, managers are encouraged to act in the best long-term interests
of the company. Residual income measures encourage goal-congruence.
When evaluating a divisional manager, you cannot allocate all corporate income and expenditure to
the divisions. Only the income and expenditure that the manager is directly responsible for should be
allocated. The same applies to assets; only those that the manager is directly responsible for should
be accounted for. Clearly this is difficult, and the analysis of a division is therefore often done,
instead of the analysis of the divisional manager.
Illustrative example
Division A is currently achieving a ROI of 38%, while Division B is achieving a ROI of 10%. The target
WACC for both divisions is 25%. You have been requested to evaluate the following new investment
Division A Division B
New investment required R2 million R1 million
Controllable earnings 520 000 200 000
Return on project 26% 20%
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of evaluating the divisional managers of Divisions A and B
on a ROI basis.
Division A
Division A has a current return on investment of 38%. If the divisional manager is evaluated on ROI,
he will reject the investment, as it will have the effect of reducing his current ROI of 38%. The ROI of
the new investment is 520 000 / 2 million = 26%. (Note: You could argue that the assets should be
less than R2 million if taken as average investment over the year and that the return would in fact be
higher than 26%.)
The project should, however, be accepted, as it offers a return above WACC of 25% and therefore
has a positive NPV.
If the manager’s performance is evaluated on a residual income basis, we get
Controllable earnings 520 000
Less: (R2 million × 25%) interest (500 000)
Residual income 20 000
Division B
Division B has a current return on investment of only 10%. If the manager wishes to improve his ROI,
he will accept the project, as it offers a ROI of 20% (or higher), which improves the current ROI of
Residual income is more in line with overall group objectives than ROI, and managers will act in their
personal best interests as well as those of the group/company when performance is evaluated on
residual income basis.
The same conclusion is obtained when evaluating the disposal of assets against taking on new
Illustrative example
The following information relating to two divisions in the same industry has been made
Statement of Financial Position
Division A Division B
R’000 R’000
Land and buildings 29 000 20 890
Plant and equipment 15 000 3 000
Vehicles 900 600
Inventory 2 000 5 000
Debtors 3 000 500
Cash 100 10
Investment 50 000 30 000
Income statement
Revenue 17 500 9 300
Variable overheads 2 000 1 000
Production overhead 3 000 2 000
Depreciation 1 000 300
Leases – 1 000
Head Office allocated costs 500 500
Profit 11 000 4 500
(a) Division A Division B
R’000 R’000
Profit 11 000 4 500
Add back: H/O allocation 500 500
Controllable profit 11 500 5 000
Controllable investment 50 000 30 000
11 500 5 000
ROI = × 100 × 100
50 000 30 000
= 23% 16,67%
(c) Inter-divisional comparisons require that all assets and income are placed on the same basis so
that like is compared to like. Clearly, whatever adjustments are carried out, the resultant
comparative figures will always be questionable.
Statement of Financial Income statement
Division A Division B Division A Division B
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Closing balance 50 000 30 000 11 500 5 000
Adjustment to land
and buildings:
Division A + 14 500
(29 000 × 150 / 100) – 29 000 + 3 214
Division B
(20 890 × 150 / 130) – 20 890
Adjustment to Division B from
absorption to variable costing – 3 000 – 3 000
Fixed asset at replacement
value + 15 900 – 1 000
Equivalent asset value
from leasing + 3 600
Replacement value 80 400 33 814 10 500 2 000
Notional interest (16 080) (6 763)
Residual income (5 580) (4 763)
10 500
ROI Division A × 100 = 13,1%
80 400
2 000
ROI Division B × 100 = 5,9%
33 814
486 Managerial Accounting
Both ROI and RI have been criticised for, amongst other things,
l an overemphasis on short-term results
l a concern with quantitative aspects only
l questionable choice of investment basis
l incorrect inter-divisional comparisons
l encouraging dysfunctional objectives.
An emphasis on short-term goals will lead to a lack of long-term planning, which could have
disastrous consequences for the division and, indeed, the group. It is unfortunate that managers are
rewarded for their short-term successes and are seldom around to see the inevitable long-term
consequences. It must once again be emphasised that both qualitative and quantitative reasons are
necessary to create a balance assessment of performance.
In terms of broad principles one would, however, conclude that in the event that a divisional
manager is not authorised to make capital investment decisions, or cannot influence the investment
in working capital, return on investment is a satisfactory performance measure. When divisional
managers can significantly influence the investment in working capital, the residual income method
is more appropriate. In situations in which divisional managers are aware of the opportunity cost of
corporate funds, the use of residual income measures means that divisional profits and company
profits are maximised.
The following question is intended to reinforce the important concepts that have been introduced
in this chapter.
J plc’s business is organised into divisions. For operating purposes, each division is regarded as an
investment centre, with divisional managers enjoying substantial autonomy in their selection of
investment projects. Divisional managers are rewarded via a remuneration package which is linked to
a return on investment (ROI) performance measure. The ROI calculation is based on the net carry
value of assets at the beginning of the year. Although there is a high degree of autonomy in
investment selection, approval to go ahead has to be obtained from group management at the Head
Office in order to release the finance.
Division X is currently investigating three independent investment proposals. If they appear
acceptable, it wishes to assign each a priority in the event that funds may not be available to cover all
three. Group finance staff assesses the cost of capital to the company at 15%.
(a) Divisional viewpoint – Return on investment
Project A Years
1 2 3 4
Net asset value at beginning of year 60 45 30 15
Net cash-flow 21 21 21 21
Depreciation 15 15 15 15
Net profit 6 6 6 6
ROI 10% 13,33% 20% 40%
Project B Years
1 2 3 4
Net asset value at beginning of year 60 45 30 15
Net cash-flow 25 20 20 15
Depreciation 15 15 15 15
Net profit 10 5 5 0
ROI 16,67% 11,1% 16,67% –
Project C Years
1 2 3 4
Net asset value at beginning of year 60 45 30 15
Net cash-flow 10 20 30 40
Depreciation 15 15 15 15
Net profit (5) 5 15 25
ROI (8,3%) 11,1% 50% 166,67%
As the divisional managers are rewarded on the basis of return on investment, they will choose
the investment that gives them the highest ROI, in order to maximise their remuneration
Divisional managers will have to decide whether they are looking for short- or long-term
rewards. In the short-term, managers would choose Project B as this gives them the highest
ROI. Project C would be rejected as it has a negative ROI of 8,3% in the first year.
However, if the managers are looking to long-term rewards, they will choose Project C, because
of its high returns in Years 3 and 4.
If divisional managers were evaluated on the basis of residual income, it is likely that the
manager would choose Project B in the short-term and Project C in the long-term.
Company viewpoint – Net present value evaluation
Discount rate 15%
Project A Investment – R60 000
Cash-flow 21 000 × 2,855 + R59 955
+ R45
Project B Investment – R60 000
Cash-flow 25 000 × 0,87 + R21 750
Cash-flow 20 000 × 0,76 + R15 200
Cash-flow 20 000 × 0,66 + R13 200
Cash-flow 15 000 × 0,57 + R8 550
– R1 300
Project C Investment – R60 000
Cash-flow 10 000 × 0,87 + R8 700
Cash-flow 20 000 × 0,76 + R15 200
Cash-flow 30 000 × 0,66 + R19 800
Cash-flow 40 000 × 0,57 + R22 800
+ R6 500
The company would prefer Project C, as it yields the highest positive net present value of
R6 500.
(b) Measurement and evaluation of divisional performance requires a clear distinction between
short-and long-term performance evaluation. The long-term divisional performance should be
related to the long-term return on investment, ie the discounting of future cash-flows at the
target weighted average cost of capital.
Short-term performance measurements are required to evaluate the personal performance of
management and are often used to determine salary and bonus payments. The problem with
this type of assessment is that managers may concentrate on short-term operating decisions
that will enhance their performance to the detriment of long-term objectives.
When evaluating short-term performance, it is important to use more than one measure
to ensure that management remains in line with corporate objectives. The following
measurements help to focus on overall performance, not only financial measures:
l increase in sales volume
l market share of product sales
l manufacturing efficiency
l product quality and customer satisfaction
l new products
l employee relations.
Reconciling the short-term decision to the long term NPV method is difficult, and conflict is
inevitable. Attempts have been made to devise a system that yields short-term results that are
not in conflict with their long-term counterparts, but all have associated problems.
The residual income approach does in fact equal the NPV method when looked at over the life
of the project, but in the short-term managers are likely to make decisions that are not
congruent with overall company objectives.
Chapter 14: Performance analysis of companies and divisions 489
Practice questions
Question 14 – 1 35 marks 52 minutes
Kruise (Pty) Ltd is the Head Office of four divisions known as Lorton, Lever, Morley and Zareena.
Lorton and Lever operate in the home appliances sector, but Lever is more capital-intensive. Morley
and Zareena operate in the chemical industry, which is more risky than the home appliances sector.
All finance requirements are raised by Head Office, which in turn charges the divisions with interest
as appropriate. Head Office also does the invoicing, debt collection and payments for all divisions.
Kruise (Pty) Ltd has recently paid a dividend of R160 per share. There are 100 000 shares in issue,
currently trading at a price of R800 per share. The ordinary shareholders equity is R4,8 million. Long-
term debt in the Statement of Financial Position amounts to R20 million and Head Office pays
R3,6 million after tax annually for long-term interest. Kruise (Pty) Ltd has recently raised long-term
debt for Lorton at a rate of 12% per annum after tax.
The results for the divisions for the year ended 31 August 19X1 are as follows:
Lorton Lever Morley Zareena
R’m R’m R’m R’m
Sales 44,2 26,0 70,0 22,6
Cost of sales 24,3 10,0 49,0 11,3
Gross profit 19,9 16,0 21,0 11,3
Exchange loss – – 1,4 –
Depreciation 6,5 7,0 2,0 2,5
Interest 4,2 1,0 2,0 –
Head Office charge 1,2 1,2 2,4 ,8
Profit before tax 8,0 6,8 13,2 8,0
Taxation 4,0 3,4 6,6 4,0
Profit after tax 4,0 3,4 6,6 4,0
Net assets (at year end) 52 28 14 5
1 Measurement and evaluation of divisional performance requires a clear distinction between
short- and long-term performance evaluations. Long-term divisional performance should be
related to the long-term return on investment, ie the discounting of future cash-flows at the
target weighted average cost of capital.
Short-term performance measurements are required to evaluate the personal performance of
managers, and are often used to determine salary and bonus payments. The problem with this
type of assessment is that managers may concentrate on short-term operating decisions that will
enhance their performance to the detriment of long-term objectives.
When evaluating short-term performance, it is important to use more than one measure to
ensure that management remains in line with corporate objectives. The following measurements
help to focus on overall performance and not only financial measures:
l increase in sales volume
l market share of product sales
l manufacturing efficiency
l product quality and customer satisfaction
l new products
l employee relations.
The comparison of inter-divisional performance is also a dangerous practice, as no two divisions
are structured identically, own the same assets or necessarily sell the same products.
Performance comparisons will be meaningless when
l the age of the assets is different, thus the depreciation allowance will be different
l one division is labour-intensive, while another is capital-intensive
l one division owns its production or building facilities, while another leases or rents
l products are sold in different markets with different pricing strategies
l different inventory valuation methods are used
l different expenditure accrual bases are used.
It is important that no division employ a short-term profit-maximising strategy to the detriment of
the company as a whole. An example would be where a division charges a transfer price that will
decrease the overall company profitability. Where possible, the performance of the autonomous
division should be evaluated on all income and expenditure under the direct control of the
manager. Allocated costs and decisions should be isolated when determining division
substantially in nominal terms. Where assets are not replaced regularly, the return will tend
towards infinity.
l Taxation may have different timing differences which will distort performance evaluation.
Inter-divisional comparisons
1 Lorton and Lever are in the same industry and could, within limits be compared to one another.
l Comparative size of divisions.
l Gross profit percentages are different due to sales in different markets.
l Lorton has a higher interest charge.
l Lever’s assets are much older than Lorton’s.
l Lever is more capital-intensive than Lorton.
2 Morley and Zareena can also (within limits) be compared one to another.
l Morley exports, Zareena does not.
l Gross profit and cost structure are different.
l Morley’s assets appear to be financed by debt, while Zareena has been financed via equity.
l Head Office does more work for Morley than for Zareena.
l Comparative size of divisions.
l Zareena’s assets are much older than Morley’s.
Lorton Lever Morley Zareena
R’m R’m R’m R’m
Controllable profit 8,6 4,8 9,0 4,4
55,25 × 17,82 (9,8)
31,50 × 17,82 (5,6)
15,00 × 17,82 (2,7)
6,25 × 17,82 (1,1)
Residual income (1,2) (0,8) 6,3 3,3
Note: As Morley and Zareena are more risky than Lorton and Lever, the WACC should be adjusted
to reflect business risk, to (for example) 14% for Lorton and Lever and (say) 20% for Morley
and Zareena.
Remaining life of assets
Lorton 52 / 6,5 = 8 years Morley 14 / 2 = 7 years
Lever 28 / 7 = 4 years Zareena 5 / 2,5 = 2 years
Lorton has marginally outperformed Lever, based on return on investment. However, considering
that Lever is more capital-intensive and that the average age of its assets is only 4 years, its return on
assets is very flattering. We note, however, that based on residual income, which represents long-
term performance, both divisions have failed to yield a return above WACC. One should also argue in
favour of a WACC below 17,82% as both divisions have lower business risk than the other two
divisions in the group.
We would expect the return on assets of both Morley and Zareena to be higher than that of Lorton
and Lever, due to higher business risk. Although Zareena has performed better than Morley on the
basis of return on assets, we again note that the average age of the assets is only 2 years in
comparison to 7 years for Morley. There is no doubt that Morley has done far better than Zareena in
real terms.
(a) Division A Division B
19X2 19X1 19X0 19X2 19X1 19X0
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
Property, plant and equipment 1 500 1 400 1 500 360 280 300
Net current assets 360 300 250 100 130 75
Net assets 1 860 1 700 1 750 460 410 375
Net profit 540 350 70 170 100 45
H/O costs 220 220 220 100 100 100
760 570 290 270 200 145
Interest (20%) – 372 – 340 – 350 – 92 – 82 – 75
Residual income 388 230 60 178 118 70
(v) Net profit percentage (based on profit before Head Office costs)
Division A Division B
19X2 19X1 19X0 19X2 19X1 19X0
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
760 570 290 270 200 145
1 500 1 200 800 1 000 880 800
= 51% = 48% = 36% = 27% = 23% = 18%
(vi) Asset turnover
Division A Division B
19X2 19X1 19X0 19X2 19X1 19X0
R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000 R’000
1 500 1 200 800 1 000 880 800
1 860 1 700 1 750 460 410 375
0,8 0,7 0,5 2,2 2,1 2,1
(b) Division B is doing better on ROI and asset turnover. The advantage that Division B has over
Division A is that it appears to own few assets and therefore has a low asset base. This has the
effect of distorting performance and highlights the problems that arise with ROI (and residual
income) when the asset base is low. Division A appears to be in a strong position with reference
to sales growth, market share and net profit percentage. This example shows that, when various
measures are taken into account, a clearer picture of comparative performance emerges.
What is the biggest problem you encounter when writing exams?
Students all give the same answer, ie:
l lack of time to answer the questions
l poor examination technique.
Time management
You seldom have enough time in an examination. The problem, however, is not a lack of time. In fact,
if you were given an extra hour or two, the chances are that you could still do with more time.
Let us agree – There is never going to be enough time to complete the exam. Now that this is resolved,
what becomes important is to know how you can manage your exam time better, in order to
MAXIMISE your mark.
Why do examiners not give you more time? Because the examiner assumes that you are very well
prepared and if you are, then time is not a problem. But (as you know) you will never be as prepared as
you would like to be, so lack of time will always be a problem. Secondly, examinations, particularly
accounting-related exams, try to place a certain amount of time pressure on the student, as in a work
environment you do not have all the time in the world to do the work and you are therefore required to
perform in the exam with a certain amount of time constraint.
Given our experience in setting examination questions for nearly 20 years, you can be assured that ALL
reasonably prepared students should pass a 60-minute question within 40 minutes. If you cannot pass
a question within 40 minutes, you will never pass it, not even if you had 120 minutes. You either know
how to do it or you do not. If your knowledge of a particular topic is very good, it is impossible to get
less than 75% because of a lack of time.
“Rubbish!”, you may say. Well, read on!
Examination technique
Let me ask you – Do you have poor exam technique?
– What is exam technique?
– If you do have poor exam technique, how long have you known this?
– If you have known this for a long time, then why have you not done something
about it?
Most university students have been writing exams for at least 10 years, so how is it possible that they
have poor exam technique?
It is easy to tell you what you should or should not do when writing exams, but you will never get it
right if you go through the whole exercise of good exam technique just before the exam. Why not?
Assume that you have never driven a car, and that you went to the best driving instructor in the
world and said to him: “I have a driving exam in a few hours’ time. Please show me how to drive the
car and give me all the tips that I require to pass the exam.” He can certainly sit you in the car and
show you how the pedals work and how to change gears, etc., but – guess what? You will still fail.
What is missing? Practice.
Most students practice how to write exams when they sit down and the examiner says, “You may start
writing”. You have no chance if you have not practised examination technique. The art of practicing is
far more than just sitting down with a time constraint and practising writing an exam. Practice starts
496 Managerial Accounting
with study methods, tutorial questions, learning from tutorial solutions, etc. When you eventually sit
down to write your final exam, you should know in advance
l how to read a question
l how to identify what scores marks
l how to plan your answer
l how to answer the question.
Good examination technique should start at the beginning of the year.
What are the elements that lead to maximising your final mark and developing better study
Knowing this, when you attend lectures, or when you study, you MUST
l identify the fundamental principles
l UNDERSTAND the logic of the principles.
Do not simply learn how to do the correct solution to a question. Rather try to understand the logic
behind the solution. Always ask, “What is the principle in this solution and WHY is it done this way?”
Sometimes it appears that the solution is done one way in a particular question and in a different
way in another question. Ask yourself “Why?”, because there must be a logical reason.
2 What you should listen out for in lectures, and how you should read a text book
The key to good learning methods is not knowing how to do a question but understanding why a
particular topic exists and understanding the logic behind the topic. Consider “absorption costing”. You
already know what absorption costing is about. Does that mean that you fully understand the
fundamental principle of absorption costing? Not necessarily. Very often, you will read a statement and
say to yourself, “Yes, I understand that, I see how it works.”
The reality, however, is that you have a very superficial understanding of the principle; a very single
dimensional understanding. Your limited understanding is soon exposed when you get a tutorial
question and all of a sudden you have no idea how to do it. Why can you not do it? You cannot do it
because a single principle is very often multi-faceted.
The only way to fully understand a principle is to do several tutorial questions that expose the different
facets of the underlying principle. Until you have questioned the logic of a principle by studying (in
depth) the text books and tutorial questions, you have zero knowledge.
When doing a tutorial question, play Devil’s advocate. Ask yourself how the solution would change if
the information was changed to “such and such”. For example, if, instead of giving you fixed cost per
unit, what if you got the total under-recovered overhead, how would you determine the total fixed
Step 1: When you read or go to a lecture, keep asking “WHY?”
Step 2: Ask “WHY?”
Step 3: Ask “WHY?”
Never learn from a book or solution without asking “WHY?” If you do not ask “WHY?” you could
easily fall into the trap of looking at a solution and saying “Oh, I see how it is done. Next time I see
this I know what to do”. REALLY? What if the information has been changed slightly next time you
see it? Will you still know what to do, or will you say, “This is not fair! I have never seen it done this
When you see an example in a book or lecture, ask yourself “Why is it like this? What is the purpose
of this topic?” Once you can answer these questions and understand the principles, then you are on
the right track. Regrettably, at school you were taught to learn without understanding. NOW you
need to start learning with understanding. You will find that it is more time-consuming to learn with
a critical mind but (on the plus side) if you understand the principles, you will never forget how to do
Do you want to be an accountant? If your answer is “Yes”, then the requirement for a good
accountant is one that can think, can see the bigger picture, has an enquiring mind and is always
thinking of other ways to solve a problem. DEVELOP LATERAL VISION. A lousy accountant is one that
memorises as much as possible and fills his or her head with mush!! The more you learn, and the
more you memorise without understanding, the bigger your problem and the lower your exam
It is possible to get a question on a topic that you have learned very well, and it is equally possible that
the question is very difficult or very different to what you are accustomed to. However, the underlying
principles have not changed; therefore, if you know how to look for them and how to do them, you will
do well. It is not getting the question right that matters, it is applying as many principles as possible that
If the question is unfair, difficult, too long, or (horrors of horrors!) the examiner has messed up, what
are your chances of passing? It sometimes happens that an examiner has not been entirely fair, or the
question is ambiguous or there is a major error in the question. When the examiner marks the scripts,
he will have to sort out the problem somehow. He will not fail everyone because of the problem, but
will be more generous in awarding marks for the easy sections, or will award bonus marks. If you make
sure you get the easy principles correct, you will maximise your mark.
Remember, the name of the game is to accumulate as many easy marks as possible and not necessarily
to get the question right. See below on how to answer a question.
So, when all is said and done, what must you do to have a good study technique?
l Read a chapter to get an overall view of what it is about.
l Read it again to identify the underlying or fundamental principles.
l List the principles.
l Learn the principles and keep asking “WHY?”, “WHY?”, “WHY?”.
Note: You will always find that, when you have finished studying a topic, think that you know it and
try to do a tutorial question, you just cannot succeed. This will be addressed under the next
l A 60-minute question will take you about 120 to 150 minutes to complete, so do not worry about
the fact that it takes you so long to complete a tutorial question. However, you must spend as
much time as possible trying to do the question.
Do not wait for the solution to learn how to do it. The reason why it is so important to do a tutorial
question properly and spend a lot of time studying the solution is because it is very possible that the
principles you thought you understood when you read the text book actually went over your head, or
you missed the point altogether.
The tutorial question has exposed your lack of knowledge, so you must now go back to the text and
determine why you missed the boat. In other words, go back to the text to understand more clearly
what the principle really is.
Remember: If you do not attempt tutorial questions in “examination mode” ie neatly, with proper
headings and workings, you will never have good exam technique.
Often your answer is such that the examiner marks many figures and has no idea what you are
doing because you have not communicated what you are doing and why.
Often markers will remark that they get the impression that a student thinks that it is up to the
examiner to sort his workings out for him. “After all,” the student seems to think, “I am under
3 Do not make mistakes in the first page of your solution. If you write 3 pages and you get 21/40,
the chances are that most of the 21 marks (about 15) appear in the first page of the solution.
That is why it is so important that the first page is perfect.
All the easy/obvious marks are awarded for simple workings. Do not make a mistake on the
first page. If you get something that is very simple wrong, you will be heavily penalised, and the
chances are that you will fail the question.
When marking a script, the examiner wants to know if a student wrote neatly, in a manner that
anybody can follow and if he or she got the easy workings correct. If the student got the easy
marks, then examiners tend to find themselves wanting to pass that student and doing
everything to award extra marks.
4 If you have been asked to give an opinion about something, it is important that you first state
the underlying principle before giving your opinion.
For example, if a question asks you, “Do you think that activity-based costing is appropriate for
this company?”, your answer should first explain what activity-based costing is about, why some
companies may choose to use the system, followed by whether or not it is appropriate for the
company in question.
In other words, the examiner wants to know what knowledge you have about ABC – he is
actually not particularly bothered about your opinion!
5 Does your work look professional?
If you want to become an accountant, you had better make sure that your work looks
professional. Is it neat, logical, easy to read? If the answer is “No”, quit now, do not waste your
time. You must project a professional image. Learn how to do this by practising.
Important: When doing tutorial assignments do them and present them as you would in an
examination. Be neat, use headings, be logical. What your tutorials look like is what your exam
paper will look like.
6 Create a good impression:
Have you ever seen a person walk through a door and found yourself liking or disliking that
person without even saying a word to them? Yes? Well, guess what? When an examiner opens
your script, he immediately takes a liking or a dislike to it. If your work looks like a dog’s
breakfast, the examiner will give you the least possible marks. Believe it, it is true! It is all about
projecting a positive impression about your knowledge.
If, on the other hand, your script creates a good impression, you are going to get extra marks
that you probably do not fully deserve, and you will always be given the benefit of the doubt.
So, do yourself a favour and neaten up your solution.
“But I do not have time to be neat!” Take some good advice – concentrate on presenting a neat
script and do not necessarily try to complete a question. Just make sure that what you have
written is neat, presentable and correct. Better to do only 2/3 of a question correctly than to
finish a question that is full of errors.
7 Answer all the questions:
You must (as much as it is humanly possible) attempt all the questions. Remember – the first
page of your solution scores more marks than the last page. This being so, it is better to leave a
question unfinished and start a new question rather than finish a question and leave out the last
question. You can get +/– 18/40 for half a solution. Finishing a question seldom brings huge
rewards. How many times have you finished a question and got 80% or better? Hardly ever?
Well, was it worth spending so much extra time on the question?
502 Managerial Accounting
Read the information provided carefully.
Read the “Required” section.
Choose which question you will answer first.
Reread the information relating to that question.
Identify the items in the question that will score marks.
Plan your answer in order to maximise marks.
Due to the specialised nature of the manufacturing process, the company uses highly-skilled labour
which is not freely available. Management has a permanent workforce that it nurses to ensure
production does not suffer from strikes or inefficiencies.
The following information regarding Burtie Ltd was gathered by a junior accountant and presented to
you. The inexperienced lad only made rough notes on certain areas and did not bother to fully highlight
all aspects.
504 Managerial Accounting
1 The company produces two products which are used in the manufacturing industry, namely Exe
and Zet.
Exe is sold to retailers in the pharmaceutical sector. Exe is used as part of the manufacturing
process of chemotherapy drugs and is in a high demand.
Zet is sold to tyre manufacturers and serves as a bonding and sealing agent to make a more
durable tyre. Several manufactures have enquired about future supply, but Burtie has current
agreements which restrict supplies to other tyre manufacturers.
2 Details of production factors available for the year ended 28 February 2012 are as follows:
3 The junior accountant summarised the actual production costs for the year ended 28 February
2012 at 78 000 machine hours. This represented usage of 80% of maximum capacity:
Exe Zet
R per unit R per unit
Imported raw material: R25 per kg 37,50 62,50 Kg
Labour: R200 per hour 50,00 40,00 Hrs 99
Production overheads: Hrs
R75 per machine hour 15,00 30,00
Total production costs 102,50 132,50
4 As stated earlier, all foreign exchange arrangements regarding the group’s import requirements
are made by the corporate Head Office, which then allocates the available foreign currency to the
companies in the group.
Enquiries made at corporate Head Office indicated that the foreign currency LIMITING
allocated to Burtie Ltd for the year ending 28 February 2013 could be as follows: FACTOR?
Increase of 26% on last year 0,50 EXPECTED
Same amount as last year 0,20 VALUE 9
Decrease of 10% on last year 0,30
Chapter 15: Examination technique 505
5 Estimations of changes in costs and sales for the year ending 28 February 2013 are expected to be
as follows:
(a) The costs of imported raw materials are expected to increase by 20% on
the landed cost per kilogram compared to 2012 INCREASE
(b) The labourers are constantly receiving offers from other manufacturing
companies. To incentivise them not to leave, management indicated that
hourly wage rates would increase by 25% compared to 2012
(c) The administrative overheads should increase by 2,5% on the 2012 cost of
R80 000. This is a small increase resulting from proper planning
(d) The sales team has reviewed the marketing strategy and the demandC A L C U L A T E
for the products for 2013 is estimated to be as follows: CONTRIBUTION
M U S T• B E
• Exe: 80 000 units at a selling price of R171,50 per unit FACTOR 9999
FACTOR • Zet: 180 000 units at a selling price of R185,50 per unit
6 The marketing division prepared the following variable budget with regard to the monthly selling
expenditure for the year ending 28 February 2013:
Combined sales Selling expenses
(units) (R)
15 000 412 500
HIGH / LOW 999
20 000 450 000
24 000 480 000
7 Burtie Ltd was asked to tender for a government department order for a
product which is the same as product Zet, with the exception of a slightly NOT IN
different final makeup. Although this is only a once-off order, it could pave the 1ST
way for further orders in the future. The managing director would therefore
like the tender to be successful.
The tender has the following implications:
(a) 20 000 units of the product will have to be delivered evenly throughout the year.
(b) An additional machine, costing R170 000, will have to be purchased for the final finish of the
(c) An existing foreman earning R50 000 per year will have to supervise the production of the
product. It is estimated that, although he will spend 30% of his time on supervision of the
government contract, his total hours will remain the same as at present.
8 The company has an effective tax rate of 28%.
9 Burtie Ltd is confident that it will be exempt from the surcharge on imported raw materials.
(a) Prepare a budgeted income statement for the year ending 28 February 2013 showing:
1 Budgeted net income for the year without the government contract (34) MOST
2 Budgeted net income for the year should the tender be successful (6)
Show the following as part of your answer:
The quantity of each of Exe and Zet that must be produced in each case.
The tender price for the delivery of the product to the government department,
where the tender is at the lowest price possible without adversely affecting the
company’s net income.
(b) Discuss any other qualitative factors that may be taken into account in determining
the final tender price. (5)
506 Managerial Accounting
Suggested solution
(a) 1 (from note 2 in question)
Machine hours
Maximum capacity 78 000 divided by 80% = 97 500 hours 99
2 (from note 3 in question)
Calculation of usage and hours
Raw material
Exe usage (2012: R37,50 divided by R25 = 1,5 kg) 9
Zet usage (2012: R62,50 divided by R25 = 2,5 kg)
Labour hours
Exe usage (2012: R50 divided by R200 = 0,25 hours) 9
Zet usage (2012: R40 divided by R200 = 0,2 hours)
Machine hours
Exe usage (2012: R15 divided by R75 = 0,2 hours) 9
Zet usage (2012: R30 divided by R75 = 0,4 hours)
(From note 2 in question)
Potential limiting factors
Machine hours
Required for 2013 production
Exe: 0,2 × 80 000 = 16 000
Zet: 0,4 × 180 000 = 72 000
88 000 99
Machine hours available = 97 500 hours; therefore machine hours is not a limiting factor.
Labour hours
Maximum available 54 000 hours
Required for 2013 production
Exe 0,25 × 80 000 = 20 000
Zet 0,2 × 180 000 = 36 000
56 000 999
Labour is a limiting factor
Raw material
Required for 2013 production
Exe: 1,5 × 80 000 = 120 000
Zet: 2,5 × 180 000 = 450 000
570 000 99
(From note 4 in question)
Chapter 15: Examination technique 507
99 Therefore sell and produce: 80 000 Exe 20 000
170 000 Zet 34 000
54 000
Tender price
Reduction in income R
Zet 20 000 × 185,50 (3 710 000)
Reduction in costs
Variable selling 20 000 × 7,50 + 150 000 999
Increased costs
Additional machine (170 000)
Minimum tender price 3 730 000
(b) 99999
1 Accepting the special order means that the company will have to drop the sales of Zet by
20 000 units. The future effect on its current Zet customers must therefore be considered.
2 Marketing expenses will be reduced by R150 000. If this amount represents commission
payments, then the company must consider the effect on its employees.
3 The company is at full capacity in terms of labour hours. If labour hours cannot be increased,
then the company should consider quoting a high tender price, as its profits will not be
affected if the tender is lost. The company is only just above break-even and it would be
advisable to attempt to increase the selling price.