Rish DMCi Interface Definition

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Interface Definition

Touch Screen Demand Controller with TOD
Installation & Operating Instructions

Section Contents
1. Introduction
2. Communication Parameter selection
2.1 Address Setting
2.2 RS 485 Baud rate
2.3 RS 485 Parity & Stop bit selection
3. RS 485 ( ModBus ) Output
3.1 Accessing 3X register for Reading Measured values
3.2 Accessing 3X for reading Time of Day data
3.3 Accessing TOD zonewise data of last 31 days.
3.4 Accessing 4X register for reading & writing settings.
3.5 User Assignable Modbus Registers
4. Connection for Relay and Optional RS485 Output

DMAN-00IM-0578 REV A 09/16

This Instrument is a panel mounted 96 x 96mm DIN Quadratic Demand controller. It
measures important electrical parameters like AC voltage, AC Current, Frequency,
Power,Phase Angle, Power Factor, Demand and Energy(Active / Reactive / Apparent).The
instrument integrates accurate measurement of technology (All Voltage & Current
measurements are True RMS upto 56th Harmonic) with 320x240 Pixels touch screen TFT
LCD display.
This Instrument provides controlling action for 6 types of demands measured,It controls the
power demanded by a System(or part of it) by disconnecting non-priority loads before the
Demand exceeds Contracted Demand Limit.This prevents the consumption of excess
power or peaks,which generally result in high penalties.This instrument provides detailed
Demand Control Status of the system which explains the loads Shedding and relay
actions.It also provides the simulation feature which allows user to enter the load values
and verify the system conditions prior to installation.
This instrument can be configured and programmed at site for the following:PTPrimary,
PTSecondary, CTPrimary, CTSecondary (5Aor1A), 3 phase 3W or 3phase 4W system ,
Time Of Day metering, Demand controlling parameter.
An operation via standard RS 485 is possible.Through this optional interface all the above
mentioned parameters can be configured and programmed.for bus service it is essential
that device address,baud rate,parity should be configured properly.
This document specifies only the interface between a master device and instrument for
electrical variable through MODBUS over RS 485.

2.1 RS 485 Selection Setting

2.2 RS 485 Baud Rate

This option allows the user to set Baud Rate of RS 485 port. Four options: 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400 Bauds are displayed on screen. Touching radio button in front of particular option will
select that option.

2.3 RS 485 Parity & Stop bit Selection

This option allows the user to set Parity & number of stop bits. Four options: ODD PARITY WITH
EVEN PARITY WITH ONE STOP BIT are displayed on screen. Touching radio button in front of
particular option will select that option.

3. RS 485 ( ModBus ) Output :
THE DEMAND CONTROLLER supports MODBUS (RS485) RTU protocol( 2-wire ) .
Connection should be made using twisted pair shielded cable. All "A" and "B" connections are daisy chained
together. The screens should also be connected to the “Gnd” terminal. To avoid the possibility of loop currents,
an Earth connection should be made at one point on the network.Loop (ring) topology does not require any
termination load. Line topology may or may not require terminating loads depending on the type and length of
cable used. The impedance of the termination load should match the impedance of the cable and be at both
ends of the line. The cable should be terminated at each end with a 120 ohm (1/4 Watt min.) resistor.
RS 485 network supports maximum length of 1.2km. Including the Master, a maximum of 32 instruments can
be connected in RS485 network. The permissible address range for The Meter is between 1 and 247
for 32 instruments. Broadcast Mode (address 0) is not allowed.
The maximum latency time of an Meter is 200ms i.e. this is the amount of time that can pass
before the first response character is output.
After sending any query through software (of the Master), it must allow 200ms of time to elapse before
assuming that the Meter is not going to respond. If slave does not respond within 200 ms, Master
can ignore the previous query and can issue fresh query to the slave.
The each byte in RTU mode has following format:
8-bit binary, hexadecimal 0-9, A-F
2 hexadecimal characters contained in each 8-bit field of the message
Format of Data Bytes 4 bytes (32 bits) per parameter.
Floating point format ( to IEEE 754)
Most significant byte first (Alternative least significant byte first)
Error Checking Bytes 2 byte Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)
Byte format 1 start bit,
8 data bits, least significant bit sent first
1 bit for even/odd parity
1 stop bit if parity is used; 1 or 2 bits if no parity
Communication Baud Rate is user selectable from the front panel between 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps.
Function code :
03 Read Holding Registers Read content of read /write location ( 4X )
04 Read input Registers Read content of read only location ( 3X )
16 Presets Multiple Registers Set the content of read / write locations ( 4X )

Exception Cases : An exception code will be generated when Meter receives ModBus query with valid parity
& error check but which contains some other error ( e.g. Attempt to set floating point variable to an invalid value)
The response generated will be “Function code” ORed with HEX (80H ). The exception codes are listed below
01 Illegal function The function code is not supported by Meter
02 Illegal Data Address Attempt to access an invalid address or an
attempt to read or write part of a floating point value
03 Illegal DataValue Attempt to set a floating point variable to an invalid value

3.1 Accessing 3 X register for reading measured values:

Two consecutive 16 bit registers represent one parameter. Refer TABLE 1 for the addresses of 3X registers
(Parameters measured by the instruments). Each parameter is held in the 3X registers. Modbus Code 04 is used
to access all parameters.
Example :
To read parameter ,
Volts 3 : Start address= 04 (Hex) Number of registers = 02
Note : Number of registers = Number of parameters x 2
Each Query for reading the data must be restricted to 20 parameters or less. Exceeding the 20 parameter limit
will cause a ModBus exception code to be returned.
Query :
01 (Hex) 04 (Hex) 00 (Hex) 04(Hex) 00 (Hex) 02(Hex) 30 (Hex) 0A (Hex)
Device Function Start Address Start Address Number of Number of CRC CRC
Address Code High Low Registers Hi Registers Lo Low High
Start Address High : Most significant 8 bits of starting address of the parameter requested.
Start Address low : Least significant 8 bits of starting address of the parameter requested.
Number of register Hi : Most significant 8 bits of Number of registers requested.
Number of register Lo : Least significant 8 bits of Number of registers requested.
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent one parameter.)
Response: Volt3 (219.25V)
01 (Hex) 04 (Hex) 04 (Hex) 43 (Hex) 5B (Hex) 41 (Hex) 21 (Hex) 6F (Hex) 9B (Hex)
Device Function Byte Data Register1 Data Register1 Data Register2 Data Register2 CRC CRC
Address Code Count High Byte Low Byte High Byte Low Byte Low High
Byte Count : Total number of data bytes received.

Data register 1 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of Data register 1 of the parameter requested.
Data register 1 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of Data register 1 of the parameter requested.
Data register 2 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of Data register 2 of the parameter requested.
Data register 2 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of Data register 2 of the parameter requested.
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent one parameter.)
TABLE 1 : 3 X register addresses (measured parameters)
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
30001 1 Volts 1 00 00   
30003 2 Volts 2 00 02   
30005 3 Volts 3 00 04   
30007 4 Current 1 00 06   
30009 5 Current 2 00 08   
30011 6 Current 3 00 0A   
30013 7 W1 00 0C   
30015 8 W2 00 0E   
30017 9 W3 00 10   
30019 10 VA 1 00 12   
30021 11 VA 2 00 14   
30023 12 VA 3 00 16   
30025 13 VAR 1 00 18   
30027 14 VAR 2 00 1A   
30029 15 VAR 3 00 1C   
30031 16 PF 1 00 1E   
30033 17 PF 2 00 20   
30035 18 PF 3 00 22   
30037 19 Phase Angle 1 00 24   
30039 20 Phase Angle 2 00 26   
30041 21 Phase Angle 3 00 28   
30043 22 Volts Avg 00 2A   
30045 23 Volts Sum 00 2C   
30047 24 Current Avg 00 2E   
30049 25 Current Sum 00 30   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
30051 26 Watt avg 00 32   
30053 27 Watt sum 00 34   
30055 28 VA avg 00 36   
30057 29 VA sum 00 38   
30059 30 VAr avg 00 3A   
30061 31 VAr sum 00 3C   
30063 32 PF avg 00 3E   
30065 33 PF sum 00 40   
30067 34 Phase angle avg 00 42   
30069 35 Phase angle sum 00 44   
30071 36 Frequency 00 46   
30073 37 Wh (Import) 00 48   
30075 38 Wh (Export) 00 4A   
30077 39 VARh(Import) 00 4C   
30079 40 VARh(Export) 00 4E   
30081 41 VAh 00 50   
30083 42 Ah 00 52   
30085 43 kW Demand ( Import ) 00 54   
30087 44 kW Max Demand (Import) 00 56   
30089 45 W Demand (Export) 00 58   
30091 46 W Max Demand (Export) 00 5A   
30093 47 kVAr Demand(Import) 00 5C   
30095 48 kVAr Max Demand(Import) 00 5E   
30097 49 kVAr Demand(Export) 00 60   
30099 50 kVAr Max Demand (Export) 00 62   
30101 51 VA Demand 00 64   
30103 52 VA Max Demand 00 66   
30105 53 A Demand 00 68   
30107 54 A Max Demand 00 6A   
30109 55 Wh Import Overflow count 00 6C   
30111 56 Wh Import 00 6E   
TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
30113 57 Wh Export Overflow count 00 70   
30115 58 Wh Export 00 72   
30117 59 VARh Import Overflow count 00 74   
30119 60 VARh Import 00 76   
30121 61 VARh Export Overflow count 00 78   
30123 62 VARh Export 00 7A   
30125 63 VAh Overflow count 00 7C   
30127 64 VAh 00 7E   
30129 65 Predictive Demand 00 80   
30131 66 Time remaining 00 82   
30133 67 Max system Voltage 00 84   
30135 68 Min system Voltage 00 86   
30137 69 - - -
30139 70 - - -
30141 71 Max System Current 00 8C   
30143 72 Min System Current 00 8E
  
30145 73 Wh Import depending on update rate 00 90   
30147 74 Wh Export depending on update rate 00 92   
30149 75 VArh Import depending on update rate 00 94   
30151 76 VArh Export depending on update rate 00 96   
30153 77 VAh depending on update rate 00 98   
30155 78 - - -
30157 79 - - -
30159 80 Relay Trip Indication 00 9E   
30161 81 Demand Prole number 00 A0   
30163 82 season number 00 A2   
30165 83 Day type 00 A4   
30167 84 zone number 00 A6   

TABLE 1 : Continued...

Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex

Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
30169 85 Prole rate 00 A8   
30171 86 RTC minute 00 AA   
30173 87 RTC Hour 00 AC   
30175 88 RTC date 00 AE   
30177 89 RTC month 00 B0   
30179 90 RTC Year 00 B2   
30181 91 current zone active Import energy 00 B4   
30183 92 current zone active Import cost 00 B6   
30185 93 current zone active Export energy 00 B8   
30187 94 current zone active Export cost 00 BA   
30189 95 current zone reactive Import energy 00 BC   
30191 96 current zone reactive import cost 00 BE   
30193 97 current zone reactive Export energy 00 C0   
30195 98 current zone reactive Export cost 00 C2   
30197 99 current zone apparent energy 00 C4   
30199 100 current zone apparent cost 00 C6   
30201 101 VL 1-2(Calculated) 00 C8   
30203 102 VL 2-3(Calculated) 00 CA   
30205 103 VL 3-1(Calculated) 00 CC   
30207 104 V1 THD(%) 00 CE   
30209 105 V2 THD(%) 00 D0   
30211 106 V3 THD(%) 00 D2   
30213 107 I1 THD(%) 00 D4   
30215 108 I2 THD(%) 00 D6   
30217 109 I3 THD(%) 00 D8   
30219 110 System Voltage THD (%) 00 DA   
30221 111 System Current THD(%) 00 DC   
30223 112 Reserved 00 DE
30225 113 I Neutral 00 E0   
30227 114 Run Hour 00 E2   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
30229 115 On Hour 00 E4   
30231 116 No. of interruption 00 E6   
30233 117 VRMS fundamental L1 00 E8   
30235 118 IRMS fundamental L1 00 EA   
30237 119 Watt fundamental L1 00 EC   
30239 120 VAR fundamental L1 00 EE   
30241 121 VA fundamental L1 00 F0   
30243 122 PF fundamental L1 00 F2   
30245 123 VTHD L1(%) 00 F4   
30247 124 ITHD L1(%) 00 F6   
30249 125 VRMS harmonics A L1 00 F8   
30251 126 IRMS harmonics A L1 00 FA   
30253 127 watt harmonics A L1 00 FC   
30255 128 VAR harmonics A L1 00 FE   
30257 129 VA harmonics A L1 01 00   
30259 130 PF harmonics A L1 01 02   
30261 131 Voltage HD harmonic A L1 01 04   
30263 132 Current HD harmonic A L1 01 06   
30265 133 VRMS harmonics B L1 01 08   
30267 134 IRMS harmonic B L1 01 0A   
30269 135 Watt harmonics B L1 01 0C   
30271 136 VAR harmonics B L1 01 0E   
30273 137 VA harmonics B L1 01 10   
30275 138 PF harmonics B L1 01 12   
30277 139 Voltage HD harmonics B L1 01 14   
30279 140 Current HD harmonics B L1 01 16   
30281 141 VRMS harmonics C L1 01 18   
30283 142 IRMS harmonics C L1 01 1A   
30285 143 Watt harmonics C L1 01 1C   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30287 144 VAR harmonics C L1 01 1E   

30289 145 VA harmonics C L1 01 20   
30291 146 PF harmonics C L1 01 22   
30293 147 Voltage HD harmonics C L1 01 24   
30295 148 Current HD harmonics C L1 01 26   
01 28
30297 149 VRMS harmonic D L1   
30299 150 IRMS harmonic D L1 01 2A   
30301 151 watt harmonic D L1 01 2C   
30303 152 VAR harmonic D L1 01 2E   
30305 153 VA harmonic D L1 01 30   
30307 154 PF harmonics D L1 01 32   
30309 155 Voltage HD harmonic D L1 01 34   
30311 156 Current HD harmonic D L1 01 36   
30313 157 VRMS harmonics E L1 01 38   
30315 158 IRMS harmonics E L1 01 3A   
30317 159 watt harmonics E L1 01 3C   
30319 160 VAR harmonics E L1 01 3E   
30321 161 VA harmonics E L1 01 40   
30323 162 PF harmonics E L1 01 42   
30325 163 Voltage HD harmonics E L1 01 44   
30327 164 Current HD harmonics E L1 01 46   
30329 165 VRMS harmonics F L1 01 48   
30331 166 IRMS harmonics F L1 01 4A   
30333 167 watt harmonics F L1 01 4C   
30335 168 VAR harmonics F L1 01 4E   
30337 169 VA harmonics F L1 01 50   
30339 170 PF harmonics F L1 01 52   
30341 171 Voltage HD harmonics F L1 01 54   
30343 172 Current HD harmonics F L1 01 56   
30345 173 VRMS fundamental L2 01 58   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30347 174 IRMS fundamental L2 01 5A   

30349 175 Watt fundamental L2 01 5C   
30351 176 VAR fundamental L2 01 5E   
30353 177 VA fundamental L2 01 60
  
30355 178 PF fundamental L2 01 62   
30357 179 VTHD L2(%) 01 64   
30359 180 ITHD L2(%) 01 66   
30361 181 VRMS harmonic A L2 01 68   
30363 182 IRMS harmonic A L2 01 6A   
30365 183 watt harmonic A L2 01 6C   
30367 184 VAR harmonic A L2 01 6E   
30369 185 VA harmonic A L2 01 70   
30371 186 PF harmonic A L2 01 72   
30373 187 Voltage HD harmonic A L2 01 74   
30375 188 Current HD harmonic A L2 01 76   
30377 189 VRMS harmonic B L2 01 78   
30379 190 IRMS harmonic B L2 01 7A   
30381 191 watt harmonic B L2 01 7C   
30383 192 VAR harmonic B L2 01 7E   
30385 193 VA harmonic B L2 01 80   
30387 194 PF harmonic B L2 01 82   
30389 195 Voltage HD harmonic B L2 01 84   
30391 196 Current HD harmonic B L2 01 86   
30393 197 VRMS harmonic C L2 01 88   
30395 198 IRMS harmonic C L2 01 8A   
30397 199 watt harmonic C L2 01 8C   
30399 200 VAR harmonic C L2 01 8E   
30401 201 VA harmonic C L2 01 90   
30403 202 PF harmonic C L2 01 92   
30405 203 Voltage HD harmonic C L2 01 94   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30407 204 Current HD harmonic C L2 01 96   

30409 205 VRMS harmonic D L2 01 98   
30411 206 IRMS harmonic D L2 01 9A   
30413 207 Watt harmonic D L2 01 9C   
30415 208 VAR harmonic D L2 01 9E   
30417 209 VA harmonic D L2 01 A0   
30419 210 PF harmonic D L2 01 A2   
30421 211 Voltage HD harmonic D L2 01 A4   
30423 212 Current HD harmonic D L2 01 A6   
30425 213 VRMS harmonic E L2 01 A8   
30427 214 IRMS harmonic E L2 01 AA   
30429 215 watt harmonic E L2 01 AC   
30431 216 VAR harmonic E L2 01 AE   
30433 217 VA harmonic E L2 01 B0   
30435 218 PF harmonic E L2 01 B2   
30437 219 Voltage HD harmonic E L2 01 B4   
30439 220 Current HD harmonic E L2 01 B6   
30441 221 VRMS harmonic F L2 01 B8   
30443 222 IRMS harmonic F L2 01 BA   
30445 223 watt harmonic F L2 01 BC   
30447 224 VAR harmonic F L2 01 BE   
30449 225 VA harmonic F L2 01 C0   
30451 226 PF harmonic F L2 01 C2   
30453 227 Voltage HD harmonic F L2 01 C4   
30455 228 Current HD harmonic F L2 01 C6   
30457 229 VRMS fundamental L3 01 C8   
30459 230 IRMS fundamental L3 01 CA   
30461 231 watt fundamental L3 01 CC   
30463 232 VAR fundamental L3 01 CE   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30465 233 VA fundamental L3 01 D0   

30467 234 PF fundamental L3 01 D2   
30469 235 VTHD L3(%) 01 D4   
30471 236 ITHD L3(%) 01 D6   
30473 237 VRMS harmonic A L3 01 D8   
30475 238 IRMS harmonic A L3 01 DA   
30477 239 watt harmonic A L3 01 DC   
30479 240 VAR harmonic A L3 01 DE   
30481 241 VA harmonic A L3 01 E0   
30483 242 PF harmonic A L3 01 E2   
30485 243 Voltage HD harmonic A L3 01 E4   
30487 244 Current HD harmonic A L3 01 E6   
30489 245 VRMS harmonic B L3 01 E8   
30491 246 IRMS harmonic B L3 01 EA   
30493 247 watt harmonic B L3 01 EC   
30495 248 VAR harmonic B L3 01 EE   
30497 249 VA harmonic B L3 01 F0   
30499 250 PF harmonic B L3 01 F2   
30501 251 Voltage HD harmonic B L3 01 F4   
30503 252 Current HD harmonic B L3 01 F6   
30505 253 VRMS harmonic C L3 01 F8   
30507 254 IRMS harmonic C L3 01 FA   
30509 255 watt harmonic C L3 01 FC   
30511 256 VAR harmonic C L3 01 FE   
30513 257 VA harmonic C L3 02 0   
30515 258 PF harmonic C L3 02 2   
30517 259 Voltage HD harmonic C L3 02 4   
30519 260 Current HD harmonic C L3 02 6   
30521 261 VRMS harmonic D L3 02 8   
30523 262 IRMS harmonic D L3 02 A   

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30525 263 Watt harmonic D L3 02 0C   

30527 264 VAR harmonic D L3 02 0E   
30529 265 VA harmonic D L3 02 10   
30531 266 PF harmonic D L3 02 12
  
30533 267 Voltage HD harmonic D L3 02 14   
30535 268 Current HD harmonic D L3 02 16   
30537 269 VRMS harmonic E L3 02 18   
30539 270 IRMS harmonic E L3 02 1A   
30541 271 watt harmonic E L3 02 1C   
30543 272 VAR harmonic E L3 02 1E   
30545 273 VA harmonic E L3 02 20   
30547 274 PF harmonic E L3 02 22   
30549 275 Voltage HD harmonic E L3 02 24   
30551 276 Current HD harmonic E L3 02 26   
30553 277 VRMS harmonic F L3 02 28   
30555 278 IRMS harmonic F L3 02 2A   
30557 279 watt harmonic F L3 02 2C   
30559 280 VAR harmonic F L3 02 2E   
30561 281 VA harmonic F L3 02 30   
30563 282 PF harmonic F L3 02 32   
30565 283 Voltage HD harmonic F L3 02 34   
30567 284 Current HD harmonic F L3 02 36   
30573 287 maximum active Import demand date 02 3C   
30575 288 maximum active Import demand time 02 3E   
30577 289 maximum active Import demand 02 40   
30579 290 maximum active export demand date 02 42 
 

TABLE 1 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter 3P 4W 3P 3W 1P 2W
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30581 291 maximum active export demand time 02 44   

02 46
30583 292 maximum active export demand   
30585 293 maximum reactive import demand date 02 48   
30587 294 maximum reactive import demand time 02 4A   
30589 295 maximum reactive import demand 02 4C   
30591 296 maximum reactive export demand date 02 4E   
30593 297 maximum reactive export demand time 02 50   
30595 298 maximum reactive export demand 02 52   
30597 299 maximum apparent demand date 02 54   
30599 300 maximum apparent demand time 02 56   
30601 301 maximum apparent demand 02 58   
30603 302 maximum current demand date 02 5A   
30605 303 maximum current demand time 02 5C   
30607 304 maximum current demand 02 5E   
30609 305 old maximum active import demand 02 60   
30611 306 old maximum active export demand 02 62   
30613 307 old maximum reactive import demand 02 64   
30615 308 old maximum reactive export demand 02 66   
old maximum apparent demand 02 68
30617 309   
30619 310 old maximum current demand 02 6A   

3.2 Accessing 3 X for reading Time of day data
Time of Day data can be read from 3X register only after setting the 4X register address 40083
(parameter no.41 in 4X register).For different values in 40083 different TOD data can be read. Setting
for 40083 address are mentioned in table 2.

TABLE 2 :TOD Data configuration

Value in
Type Of data in 3X register Reference
40083 Table

0 Normal measurement data Table 1

1 TOD summary data(per date total energy & cost up to last 30 Table 3
days & per month total energy & cost up to last 12 months )

2 TOD zonewise active import energy and cost per date up to last 31 days
Table 4
3 TOD zonewise active export energy and cost per date up to last 31 days
4 TOD zonewise reactive import energy and cost per date up to last 31 days
5 TOD zonewise reactive export energy and cost per date up to last 31 days
6 TOD zonewise Apparent energy and cost per date up to last 31 days
8 TOD summary data(Demand) Table 5
9 TOD zonewise active import demand per date up to last 31 days

10 TOD Zonewise active export demand per date up to last 31 days

Table 6
11 TOD Zonewise reactive import demand per date up to last 31 days
12 TOD Zonewise reactive export demand per date up to last 31 days
13 TOD Zonewise apparent demand per date up to last 31 days
14 TOD Zonewise current demand per date up to last 31 days

If value at 40083 is configured according to table 2, corresponding to data in 3X register
can be read for maximum 5 minutes. after that 40083 will automatically be configured as
0, and normal measured parameter will be held in 3X register.
For TOD data the units for energy and cost multiplier are decided on the setting
of PT primary value and CT primary value.
following table shows the units of energy and cost multiplier for the different range of CT
primary and PT primary.

Per day&Per Per day&Per

CTPR*PTPR(VLL)*ROOT 3 Per month Per month
Cost Zone Energy Zone Energy
(KW) Energy Unit
Multiplier Unit Unit
0 to <= 900 kWh 1 kWh 1

>900 to<=90000 kWh 1000 kWh 1

>90000 MWh 1000 kWh 1000

For example,suppose PT Primary value is set as 500 and CT primary Value is set as
5,then 5*500*1.732051=4330.127.This is less than 900KW,So per month energy ,per
day energy & per zone energy will be in KWh.also cost multiplier for all cost will be 1.
In other case,if PT primary value is set as 692800 and CT primary value is set
as1157,then 1157 *692800*1.732051=13888359273. This is greater than 90000 kW.So
per day and per zone energy will be in KWh & month energy will be in MWh.also cost
multiplier for month energy is 1000 i.e. if get value of cost as 5,cost should be 5000.

TABLE 3 :TOD Summary Data

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

TABLE 3 :Continued..

3.3 Accessing TOD Zonewise Data of last 31 days
For reading zone wise data proper value should be written at location 40083 as mentioned in
Table 2.
The Zonewise TOD Energy and Cost are stored on the location of particular date. For
example if today is 15 march 2016 then TOD energy & cost of today will be located at date 15
zone wise data (address 30337 to address 30359 of 3X register).Similarly data of 25 th
February will be located on date 25 zonewise data (address 30577 to address 30599 of 3X
register).following table shows respective 3X addresses to read

TABLE 4 : TOD Zonewise data (kWh(imp/exp)/kVArh(imp/exp)/kVAh)

TABLE 4 :Continued..

TABLE 4 :Continued..

TABLE 4 :Continued..

TABLE 5 : DEMAND Summary Data
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
(Register) No.
High Byte Low Byte

30003 1 Current date timezone 1kW import Demand 00 02

30005 2 Current date timezone 2 kW import Demand 00 04
30007 3 Current date timezone 3 kW import Demand 00 06
30009 4 Current date timezone 4 kW import Demand 00 08
30011 5 Current date timezone 5 kW import Demand 00 0A
30013 6 Current date timezone 6 kW import Demand 00 0C
30015 7 Current date timezone1 kW export Demand 00 0E
30017 8 Current date timezone 2 kW export Demand 00 10
30019 9 Current date timezone 3 kW export Demand 00 12
30021 10 Current date timezone 4 kW export Demand 00 14
30023 11 Current date timezone 5 kW export Demand 00 18
30025 12 Current date timezone 6 kW export Demand 00 1A
30027 13 Current date timezone 1kVAR import Demand 00 1C
30029 14 Current date timezone 2 kVAR import Demand 00 1E
30031 15 Current date timezone 3 kVAR import Demand 00 20
30033 16 Current date timezone 4 kVAR import Demand 00 22
30035 17 Current date timezone 5 kVAR import Demand 00 24
30037 18 Current date timezone 6 kVAR import Demand 00 26
30039 19 Current date timezone 1kVAR export Demand 00 28
30041 20 Current date timezone 2kVAR export Demand 00 2A
30043 21 Current date timezone 3 kVAR export Demand 00 2C
30045 22 Current date timezone 4 kVAR export Demand 00 2E
30047 23 Current date timezone 5 kVAR export Demand 00 30
30049 24 Current date timezone 6 kVAR export Demand 00 32
30051 25 Current date timezone 1 kVA Demand 00 34

TABLE 5 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30053 26 Current date timezone 2 kVA Demand 00 34

30055 27 Current date timezone 3 kVA Demand 00 36
30057 28 Current date timezone 4 kVA Demand 00 38
30059 29 Current date timezone 5 kVA Demand 00 3A
30061 30 Current date timezone 6 kVA Demand 00 3C
30063 31 Current date timezone 1 kA Demand 00 3E
30065 32 Current date timezone 2 kA Demand 00 40
30067 33 Current date timezone 3 kA Demand 00 42
30069 34 Current date timezone 4 kA Demand 00 44
30071 35 Current date timezone 5 kA Demand 00 46
30073 36 Current date timezone 6 kA Demand 00 48
30075 49 Date 1 kW import Demand 00 4A
30077 50 Date 2 kW import Demand 00 4C
30079 51 Date 3 kW import Demand 00 4E
...... .. ........ .. ..
30133 66 Date 30 kW import Demand 00 84
30135 67 Date 31 kW import Demand 00 86
30137 68 Date 1 kW export Demand 00 8C
30139 69 Date 2 kW export Demand 00 8E
30141 70 Date 3 kW export Demand 00 90
...... .. ........ .. ..
30195 97 Date 30 kW export Demand 00 C2
30197 98 Date 31 kW export Demand 00 C4
30199 99 Date 1 kVAR import Demand 00 C6
30201 100 Date 2 kVAR import Demand 00 C8

TABLE 5 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30203 101 Date 3 kVAR Import Demand 00 CA

...... .. ........ .. ..
30257 128 Date 30 kVAR import Demand 01 0
30259 129 Date 31 kVAR import Demand 01 2
30261 130 Date 1 kVAR export Demand 01 4
30263 131 Date 2 kVAR export Demand 01 6
...... .. ........ .. ..
30319 159 Date 30 kVAR export Demand 01 3E
30321 160 Date 31 kVAR export Demand 01 40
30323 161 Date 1 kVA Demand 01 42
30325 162 Date 2 kVA Demand 01 44
30327 163 Date 3 kVA Demand 01 46
...... .. ........ .. ..
30381 190 Date 30 kVA Demand 01 7C
30383 191 Date 31 kVA Demand 01 7E
30385 192 Date 1 kA Demand 01 80
30387 193 Date 2 kA Demand 01 82
30389 194 Date 3 kA Demand 01 84
...... .. ........ .. ..
30443 221 Date 30 kA Demand 01 BA
30445 222 Date 31 kA Demand 01 BC
30447 223 month 1kW import Demand 01 BE
30449 224 month 2 kW import Demand 01 C0
...... .. ........ .. ..
30467 233 month 11 kW import Demand 01 D2

TABLE 5 : Continued...

Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex

(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30469 234 month 12 kW import Demand 01 D4

30471 235 month 1kW export Demand 01 D6
30473 236 month 2 kW export Demand 01 D8
...... .. ........ .. ..
30491 245 month 11kW export Demand 01 EA
30493 246 month 12 kW export Demand 01 EC
30495 247 month 1 kVAR import Demand 01 EE
30497 248 month 2 kVAR import Demand 01 F0
...... .. ........ .. ..
30515 257 month 11 kVAR import Demand 02 2
30517 258 month 12 kVAR import Demand 02 4
30519 259 month 1 kVAR export Demand 02 6
30521 260 month 2 kVAR export Demand 02 8
...... .. ........ .. ..
30539 269 month 11 kVAR export Demand 02 1A
30541 270 month 12 kVAR export Demand 02 1C
30543 271 month 1 kVA Demand 02 1E
30545 272 month 2 kVA Demand 02 20
...... .. ........ .. ..
30563 281 month 11 kVA Demand 02 32
30565 282 month 12 kVA Demand 02 34
30567 283 month 1 kA Demand 02 36
30569 284 month 2 kA Demand 02 38
...... .. ........ .. ..
30589 294 month 12 kA Demand 02 4C

TABLE 6: Demand Daily data
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30001 1 timezone1 date 1 Demand 00 00

30003 2 timezone2 date 1 Demand 00 02
30005 3 timezone3 date 1 Demand 00 04
30007 4 timezone4 date 1 Demand 00 06
30009 5 timezone5 date 1 Demand 00 08
30011 6 timezone6 date 1 Demand 00 0A
30013 7 timezone1 date 2 Demand 00 0C
30015 8 timezone 2 date 2 Demand 00 0E
30017 9 timezone3 date 2 Demand 00 10
30019 10 timezone4 date 2 Demand 00 12
30021 11 timezone5 date 2 Demand 00 14
30023 12 timezone6 date 2 Demand 00 16
30025 13 timezone1 date 3 Demand 00 18
30027 14 timezone2 date 3 Demand 00 1A
...... .. ........ .. ..
30033 17 timezone5 date 3 Demand 00 20
30035 18 timezone6 date 3 Demand 00 22
30037 19 timezone1 date 4 Demand 00 24
30039 20 timezone2 date 4 Demand 00 26
...... .. ........ .. ..
30045 23 timezone5 date 4 Demand 00 2C
30047 24 timezone6 date 4 Demand 00 2E
30049 25 timezone1 date 5 Demand 00 30
30051 26 timezone2 date 5 Demand 00 32
...... .. ........ .. ..

TABLE 6 : Continued...

Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex

(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30057 29 timezone 5 date 5 Demand 00 38

30059 30 timezone 6 date 5 Demand 00 3A
30061 31 timezone1 date 6 Demand 00 3C
30063 32 timezone2 date 6 Demand 00 3E
...... .. ........ .. ..
30071 36 timezone6 date 6 Demand 00 46
30073 37 timezone1 date 7 Demand 00 48
30075 38 timezone 2 date 7 Demand 00 4A
...... .. ........ .. ..
30083 42 timezone6 date 7Demand 00 52
30085 43 timezone1 date 8 Demand 00 54
30087 44 timezone2 date 8 Demand 00 56
..... .. ........ .. ..
30095 48 timezone6 date 8 Demand 00 5E
30097 49 timezone1 date 9 Demand 00 60
30099 50 timezone2 date 9 Demand 00 62
...... .. ........ .. ..
30107 54 timezone6 date 9 Demand 00 6A
30109 55 timezone1 date 10 Demand 00 6C
...... .. ........ .. ..
30119 60 timezone6 date 10 Demand 00 76
30121 61 timezone1 date 11 Demand 00 78
..... .. ........ .. ..
30131 66 timezone6 date 11 Demand 00 82
30133 67 timezone1 date 12 Demand 00 84

TABLE 6 : Continued...

Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex

(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

...... .. ........ .. ..
30143 72 timezone6 date 12 Demand 00 8E
30145 73 timezone1 date 13 Demand 00 90
..... .. ........ .. ..
30155 78 timezone6 date 13 Demand 00 9A
30157 79 timezone1 date 14 Demand 00 9C
..... .. ......... .. ..
30167 84 timezone6 date 14 Demand 00 A6
30169 85 timezone1 date 15 Demand 00 A8
...... .. ........ .. ..
30179 90 timezone6 date 15 Demand 00 B2
30181 91 timezone1 date 16 Demand 00 B4
..... .. ........ .. ..
30191 96 timezone6 date 16 Demand 00 BE
30193 97 timezone1 date 17 Demand 00 C0
....... .. ........ .. ..
30203 102 timezone6 date 17 Demand 00 CA
30205 103 timezone1 date 18 Demand 00 CC
...... .. ........ .. ..
30215 108 timezone6 date 18 Demand 00 D6
30217 109 timezone1 date 19 Demand 00 D8
...... .. ........ .. ..
30227 114 timezone6 date 19 Demand 00 E0
30229 115 timezone1 date 20 Demand 00 E2
...... .. ........ .. ..

TABLE 6 : Continued...
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30239 120 timezone6 date 20 Demand 00 EC

30241 121 timezone1 date 21 Demand 00 EE
30243 122 timezone2 date 21 Demand 00 F0
..... .. ........ .. ..
30251 126 timezone6 date 21 Demand 00 F8
30253 127 timezone1 date 22 Demand 00 FA
..... .. ......... .. ..
30263 132 timezone6 date 22 Demand 01 4
30265 133 timezone1 date 23 Demand 01 6
...... .. ........ .. ..
30275 138 timezone6 date 23 Demand 01 10
30277 139 timezone1 date 24 Demand 01 12
..... .. ........ .. ..
30287 144 timezone6 date 24 Demand 01 1C
30289 145 timezone1 date 25 Demand 01 1E
...... .. ........ .. ..
30299 150 timezone6 date 25 Demand 01 28
30301 151 timezone1 date 26 Demand 01 3A
...... .. ........ .. ..
30311 156 timezone6 date 26 Demand 01 36
30313 157 timezone1 date 27 Demand 01 38
...... .. ........ .. ..
30323 162 timezone6 date 27 Demand 01 42
30325 163 timezone1 date 28 Demand 01 44
...... .. ........ .. ..

TABLE 6 : Continued...

Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex

(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte

30335 168 timezone6 date 28 Demand 01 4E

30337 169 timezone1 date 29 Demand 01 50
30339 170 timezone2 date 29 Demand 01 52
30341 171 timezone3 date 29 Demand 01 54
30343 172 timezone4 date 29 Demand 01 56
30345 173 timezone5 date 29 Demand 01 58
30347 174 timezone6 date 29 Demand 01 5A
30349 175 timezone1 date 30 Demand 01 5C
30351 176 timezone2 date 30 Demand 01 5E
30353 177 timezone3 date 30 Demand 01 60
30355 178 timezone4 date 30 Demand 01 62
30357 179 timezone5 date 30 Demand 01 64
30359 180 timezone6 date 30 Demand 01 66
30361 181 timezone1 date 31 Demand 01 68
30363 182 timezone2 date 31 Demand 01 6A
30365 183 timezone3 date 31 Demand 01 6C
30367 184 timezone4 date 31 Demand 01 6E
30369 185 timezone5 date 31 Demand 01 70
30371 186 timezone6 date 31 Demand 01 72

3.5 Accessing 4 X register for Reading & Query :
Writing Settings:
Device Address 01 (Hex)
Each setting is held in the 4X registers. ModBus code Function Code
03 is used to read the current setting & code 16 is 03 (Hex)
used to write/change the setting. Refer TABLE 7 for Start Address High 00 (Hex)
4X Register addresses. Start Address Low 0A (Hex)
Example: Reading System type Number of Registers Hi 00 (Hex)
System type: Start address = 0A (Hex) Number of Registers Lo 02 (Hex)
Number of registers = 02
Note: Number of registers = Number of Parameters x 2 CRC Low E4 (Hex)
CRC High 09 (Hex)
Start Address High : Most significant 8 bits of starting
address of the parameter requested.
Start Address low : Least significant 8 bits of starting
address of the parameter requested.
Number of register Hi : Most significant 8 bits of
Number of registers requested.
Number of register Lo : Least significant 8 bits of
Number of registers requested.
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent
one parameter.)
Response: System Type
(3phase 4 wire = 3)
Byte Count : Total number of data bytes received.
Data register 1 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of Device Address 01 (Hex)
Data register 1 of the parameter requested. Function Code 03 (Hex)
Data register 1 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of 04 (Hex)
Data register 1 of the parameter requested. Byte Count
Data register 2 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of Data Register1 High Byte 40 (Hex)
Data register 2 of the parameter requested. Data Register1Low Byte 40 (Hex)
Data register 2 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of
Data register 2 of the parameter requested. Data Register2 High Byte 00 (Hex)
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent Data Register2 Low Byte 00(Hex)
one parameter.)
CRC Low EE (Hex)
CRC High 27 (Hex)

Example : Writing System type
System type : Start address = 0A (Hex) Query:( Change System type to 3phase 3wire = 2 )
Number of registers = 02
Device Address 01 (Hex)
Byte Count : Total number of data bytes received. Function Code 10 (Hex)
Data register 1 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of
Data register 1 of the parameter requested. Starting Address Hi 00 (Hex)
Data register 1 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of Starting Address Lo 0A(Hex)
Data register 1 of the parameter requested. Number of Registers Hi 00 (Hex)
Data register 2 High Byte : Most significant 8 bits of
Data register 2 of the parameter requested. Number of Registers Lo 02(Hex)
Data register 2 Low Byte : Least significant 8 bits of Byte Count 04 (Hex)
Data register 2 of the parameter requested.
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent Data Register-1High Byte 40 (Hex)
one parameter.) Data Register-1 Low Byte 00(Hex)
Data Register-2 High Byte 00(Hex)
Data Register-2 Low Byte 00(Hex)
CRC Low 66 (Hex)
CRC High 10 (Hex)

Start Address High : Most significant 8 bits of starting
address of the parameter requested. Device Address 01 (Hex)
Start Address low : Least significant 8 bits of starting Function Code 10 (Hex)
address of the parameter requested.
Number of register Hi : Most significant 8 bits of Start Address High 00 (Hex)
Number of registers requested. Start Address Low 0A(Hex)
Number of register Lo : Least significant 8 bits of Number of Registers Hi 00 (Hex)
Number of registers requested.
(Note : Two consecutive 16 bit register represent Number of Registers Lo 02(Hex)
one parameter.) CRC Low 61 (Hex)
CRC High CA (Hex)

TABLE 7 : 4 X register addresses
Address Parameter Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter Read / Write Default Value
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
40005 2 Energy Resolution R/Wp 00 04 1
40007 3 System Voltage R 00 06 288.675
40009 4 System Current R 00 08 5
40011 5 System Type* R/Wp 00 0A 3
40015 7 Reset Parameters Wp 00 0E 0
40019 9 RS 485 Set-up Code R/Wp 00 12 5
40021 10 Node Address R/Wp 00 14 1
40033 16 PT primary R/Wp 00 20 500
40035 17 CT Primary R/Wp 00 22 5
40037 18 System Power R 00 24 4330.125
40039 19 Energy Digit Reset Count R/Wp 00 26 7
40041 20 Register Order/Word Order R/Wp 00 28 0
40043 21 CT Secondary R/Wp 00 2A 5
40045 22 PT Secondary R/Wp 00 2C 500
40071 35 Password R/W 00 46 1
40079 39 Low Current Noise Cut Off R/Wp 00 4E 0
40081 40 Energy Update Rate R/Wp 00 50 1
40083 41 TOU data& energy type Wp 00 52 0
40097 48 Serial Number R 00 60 -*
40099 49 Model Number R 00 62 3482
40101 50 Modbus Version Number R 00 64 -#
40103 51 Display version number R 00 66 -#

*Note: for 1 phase 2 wire system type is read only & value is 1
Note: As per latest version. *Note: As per printed on sticker.

TABLE 7 : continued...
Address Parameter Read / Write Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter Default Value
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
40105 52 Weekend R/Wp 00 68 0
40107 53 Holiday no. R/Wp 00 6A 1
40109 54 Holiday date R/Wp 00 6C 0
40111 55 Holiday month R/Wp 00 6E 0
40113 56 Alternate day no. R/Wp 00 70 1
40115 57 Alternate day date R/Wp 00 72 0
40117 58 Alternate day month R/Wp 00 74 0
40119 59 Profile 1 R/Wp 00 76 1
40121 60 Profile 2 R/Wp 00 78 1
40123 61 Profile 3 R/Wp 00 7A 1
40125 62 Profile 4 R/Wp 00 7C 1
40127 63 Season no. R/Wp 00 7E 1
40129 64 Season start date R/Wp 00 80 0
40131 65 Season start month R/Wp 00 82 0
40133 66 Day type no. R/Wp 00 84 1
40135 67 Time zone no. R/Wp 00 86 1
40137 68 Timezone minute R/Wp 00 88 0
40139 69 Timezone hour R/W 00 8A 0
40141 70 Timezone profile no. R/Wp 00 8C 0
40143 71 Timezone demand profile R/Wp 00 8E 0
40149 74 Phase no. for harmonic setup* R/Wp 00 94 1
40151 75 Harmonic A R/Wp 00 96 3
40153 76 Harmonic B R/Wp 00 98 5
40155 77 Harmonic C R/Wp 00 9A 7
40157 78 Harmonic D R/Wp 00 9C 9
40159 79 Harmonic E R/Wp 00 9E 11
40161 80 Harmonic F R/Wp 00 A0 13
*Note: for 1 phase 2 wire Harmonic set up values are not present, default value will be 0.
TABLE 7 : continued...
Address Parameter Read / Write Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter Default Value
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
40163 81 RTC minute R/Wp 00 A2 -
40165 82 RTC Hour R/Wp 00 A4 -
40167 83 RTC date R/Wp 00 A6 -
40169 84 RTC month R/Wp 00 A8 -
40171 85 RTC year R/Wp 00 AA -
40173 86 Brightness R/Wp 00 AC 42
40175 87 Contrast R/Wp 00 AE 9
40203 101 Red colour code of phase 1* R/Wp 00 CA 160
40205 102 Green colour code of phase 1* R/Wp 00 CC 82
40207 103 Blue colour code of phase 1* R/Wp 00 CE 45
40209 104 Red colour code of phase 2* R/Wp 00 D0 0
40211 105 Green colour code of phase 2* R/Wp 00 D2 0
40213 106 Blue colour code of phase 2* R/Wp 00 D4 0
40215 107 Red colour code of phase 3* R/Wp 00 D6 128
40217 108 Green colour code of phase 3* R/Wp 00 D8 128
40219 109 Blue colour code of phase 3* R/Wp 00 DA 128
40221 110 Demand window type R/Wp 00 DC 2
40223 111 Demand Integration period R/Wp 00 DE 15
40227 113 Demand Control parameter R/Wp 00 E2 1
40229 114 Predictive Demand interval R/Wp 00 E4 60
40231 115 Contract Demand R/Wp 00 E6 4330.254
40237 118 Demand Trip limit 1 R/Wp 00 EC 90
40239 119 Demand Trip limit 2 R/Wp 00 EE 80
40241 120 Demand Reset limit R/Wp 00 F0 60
40245 122 Relay 1 configuration R/Wp 00 F4 0

*Note: for 1 phase 2 wire R,G,B values are not present, default value will be 0.

TABLE 7 : continued...
Address Parameter Read / Write Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter Default Value
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
40247 123 Relay 2 configuration R/Wp 00 F6 0
40249 124 Relay 3 configuration R/Wp 00 F8 0
40251 125 Relay 4 configuration R/Wp 00 FA 1
40253 126 DM control R/Wp 00 FC 1
40255 127 Relay 1 function R/Wp 00 FE 1
40257 128 Relay 2 function R/Wp 01 0 2
40259 129 Relay 3 function R/Wp 01 2 2
40261 130 Relay 4 function R/Wp 01 4 3
40263 131 Relay 1 limit R/Wp 01 6 100
40265 132 Relay 2 limit R/Wp 01 8 100
40267 133 Relay 3 limit R/Wp 01 A 80
40269 134 Relay 4 limit R/Wp 01 C 60
40279 139 Demand profile 1 Trip limit 1 R 01 16 90
40281 140 Demand profile 1 Trip limit 2 R 01 18 80
40283 141 Demand profile 1 Reset limit R 01 1A 60
40285 142 Demand profile 2 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 1C 90
40287 143 Demand profile 2 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 1E 80
40289 144 Demand profile 2 Reset limit R/Wp 01 20 60
40291 145 Demand profile 3 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 22 90
40293 146 Demand profile 3 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 24 80
40295 147 Demand profile 3 Reset limit R/Wp 01 26 60
40297 148 Demand profile 4 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 28 90
40299 149 Demand profile 4 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 2A 80
40301 150 Demand profile 4 Reset limit R/Wp 01 2C 60
40303 151 Demand profile 5 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 2E 90
40305 152 Demand profile 5 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 30 80

TABLE 7 : continued...
Address Parameter Read / Write Modbus Start Address Hex
Parameter Default Value
(Register) No. High Byte Low Byte
40307 153 Demand profile 5 reset limit R/Wp 01 32 60
40309 154 Demand profile 6 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 34 90
40311 155 Demand profile 6 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 36 80
40313 156 Demand profile 6 Reset limit R/Wp 01 38 60
40315 157 Demand profile 7 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 3A 90
40317 158 Demand profile 7 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 3C 80
40319 159 Demand profile 7 Reset limit R/Wp 01 3E 60
40321 160 Demand profile 8 Trip limit 1 R/Wp 01 40 90
40323 161 Demand profile 8 Trip limit 2 R/Wp 01 42 80
40325 162 Demand profile 8 Reset limit R/Wp 01 44 60
40333 166 Auto Reset no. R/Wp 01 4C 0
40335 167 Auto Reset Date R/Wp 01 4E 0
40337 168 Auto Reset Month R/Wp 01 50 0
40339 169 Demand Synchronization R/Wp 01 52 0

KWh & MWh write one of the following to this address.
1=Energy in Wh. 2=Energy in KWh.
3=Energy in MWh.

This address is used to set the System type.

Write one of the following value to this address
2: 3 Phase 3 Wire 3: 3 Phase 4 Wire.
Writing any other value will return error .
For 1 phase 2 wire this address is read only and displays
value 1.

This address is used to reset different parameters.

Write specific value to this register to reset the
corresponding parameter. Writing any other value
will return an error. Following are the values to reset
various data.
0: Energy Reset 1: Demand Reset
2: System Max Values Reset 3: System Min Values Reset
4: Run hour & On hour 5: No. of Interruption Reset
7:Time Of Day data reset 8: Reset all data
9:Factory Reset
This address is used to set the baud rate, Parity, Number of stop
bits. Refer to TABLE 8 for details.

Low Noise
Cut Off

a in 3 X register.
Refer table 3 for details.

ation of model
model no. is 3490.

Time zone
profile no.
before setting timezone hour and minute profile rate must be
40143 Time zone This address allows to read or write the demand profile no. of
Demand profile timezone specified in 40135.

Phase no. 3P4W 3P3W 1P2W
1 L1 L 12 L1
2 L2 L 23 -
3 L3 L 31 -

This address allows to read or set the value of Red
40203 Red Color component of color used to display phase 1 parameters.
Code for L1 The valid range is 0 to 255.
Green Color This address allows to read or set the value of Green
40205 component of color used to display phase 1 parameters.
Code for L1 The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Blue
Blue Color
40207 component of color used to display phase 1 parameters.
Code for L1 The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Red
Red Color component of color used to display phase 2 parameters.
Code for L2 The valid range is 0 to 255.
Green Color This address allows to read or set the value of Green
40211 Code for L2
component of color used to display phase 2 parameters.
The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Blue
Blue Color
40213 component of color used to display phase 2 parameters.
Code for L2 The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Red
Red Color component of color used to display phase 3 parameters.
Code for L3 The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Green
Green Color component of color used to display phase 3 parameters.
40217 Code for L3 The valid range is 0 to 255.
This address allows to read or set the value of Blue
40219 Blue Color component of color used to display phase 3 parameters.
Code for L3 The valid range is 0 to 255.

Address Parameter Description
40221 Demand This address is used to set Demand window type,Write one of the following
Window Type values to this address:
1: Fixed
Writing any other value will return error .

40223 Demand This address is used to set Demand integration period between 1 to 60 minutes.
Integration Writing any other value will return an error.

40227 Demand Control This address is used to set the demand control parameter,
Parameter Write one of the following Values to this address.
1:Import kW Demand 2:Export kW Demand
3:Import kVAr Demand 4:Export kVAr Demand
5:VA Demand 6:A Demand
Writing any other value will return an error.
40229 Predictive This address is used to set the Predictive demand interval between 15 sec.to
Demand Interval 50% of demand integration period specified in address 40223.
It should be in seconds.

40231 Contract This register address is used to configure contract demand,Any Value between
Demand 5 to 120% of full scale can be set ,writing any other value will return an error.

40237 Demand Trip This address is used to set Demand Trip limit1 in % of contract demand .Any
Limit 1 value between 10 to 100 can be written to this address.
writing any other value will return an errror.

40239 Demand Trip This address is used to set Demand Trip limit 2 in % of Trip limit 1,Any value
Limit 2 between 50 to 99 can be written to this address.
writing any other value will return an errror.

40241 Demand Reset This address is used to set Demand reset limit in % of Trip limit 2,Any value
Limit between 10 to 99 can be written to this address.
writing any other value will return an errror.

Address Parameter Description
40245 Relay 1 This address is used to set configuration for relay 1 write one of the value to
configuration this address.
0: De-energized on trigger 1:Energized on trigger
Writing any other value will return an error .

40247 Relay 2 This address is used to set configuration for relay 2 write one of the value to
configuration this address.
0: De-energized on trigger 1:Energized on trigger
Writing any other value will return an error .

40249 Relay 3 This address is used to set configuration for relay 3 write one of the value to
configuration this address.
0: De-energized on trigger 1:Energized on trigger
Writing any other value will return an error .
40251 Relay 4 This address is used to set configuration for relay 3 write one of the value to
configuration this address.
0: De-energized on trigger 1:Energized on trigger
Writing any other value will return an error .
40253 DM Control This address is used to configure Demand control type,Write one of the value
Type to this address
0: Disable control 1:Basic DM control
2:Basic DM control with TOD 3:Advance DM control
4:Advance DM control with TOD
Writing any other value will return an error .

40255, Relay 1,2,3,4 This address is used to configure relay function in Advance DM control mode
40257, function &Advance DM control with TOD mode.write one of the following values to this
40259, address.
40261 1:Predictive Demand 2:Demand 3:Restore
Writing any other value will return an error.

40263, Relay 1,2,3,4 This address is used to set relay limit in % of Trip limit 1,Any value between
40265, Limit 5 to 100 can be written to this address.
40267, writing any other value will return an errror.

Address Parameter Description
40279 Demand This address is used to read Demand Profile1 Trip limit1 in % of
Profile1 contract demand .
Trip limit 1

40281 Demand This address is used to read Demand Profile1 Trip limit 2 in % of
Profile1 Trip limit 1.
Trip limit 2

40283 Demand This address is used to read Demand Profile1 Reset limit in % of
Profile1 Trip limit 2.
Reset limit

40285,40291, Demand This address is used to set Demand Profile Trip limit1 in % of contract demand.
40297,40303, Profile 2,3 Any value between 10 to 100 can be written to this address.
40309,40315, ,4,5,6,7,8 writing any other value will return an errror.
40321 Trip limit 1

40287,40293, Demand This address is used to set Demand ProfileTrip limit 2 in % of Trip limit 1,Any
40299,40305 Profile 2,3 value between 50 to 99 can be written to this address.
40311,40317, ,4,5,6,7,8 writing any other value will return an errror.
40323 Trip limit 2

40289,40295, Demand This address is used to set Demand Profile reset limit in % of Trip limit 2,Any
40301,40307, Profile 2,3 value between 10 to 99 can be written to this address.
40313,40319, ,4,5,6,7,8 writing any other value will return an errror.
40325 Reset limit

40333 Auto reset This address is used to select auto reset no. of which data is to be read
no. from or written to addresses 40335 & 40337.

40335 Auto reset This address is used to read or write the value of date of the Auto reset no.
Date specified in address 40333.

Address Parameter Description
40337 Auto reset This address is used to read or write the value of month of the Auto reset no.
Month specified in address 40333.

40339 Demand This address is used to Sync. the Demand integration period with Utility,
Synchronization To synchronize demand enter 1.Demand synchronization is available only
in Fixed window.

TABLE 8 : RS 485 set -up Code

3.6 User Assignable Modbus Registers
This instrument contains 20 user assignable registers in the address range of 0x2200 (38705) to
0x2226 (38743) for 3X registers (see TABLE 9).
Any of the parameter addresses (3X register addresses TABLE 1) accessible in the instrument can
be mapped to these 20 user assignable registers.
Parameters (3X registers addresses) that reside in different locations may be accessed by the single
request by re-mapping them to adjacent address in the user assignable registers area.
The actual address of the parameters (3X registers addresses) which are to be accessed via address
0x2200 to 0x2226 are specified in 4X Register 0x2200 to 0x2213. (see TABLE 10)

TABLE 9: User Assignable 3X Data registers

TABLE 9 : Continued...

TABLE 10: User assignable mapping register(4X registers)

TABLE 10 : Continued...

Assigning parameter to User Assignable Registers:
To access the voltage2 (3X address 0x0002) and Power Factor1 (3X address 0x001E) through
user assignable register assign these addresses to 4x register (TABLE 10 ) 0x02200 and
0x02201 respectively .

Assigning Query(Continued...)

Reading Parameter data through User Assignable Registers:

In assigning query Voltage 2 & Power Factor 1 parameters were as signed to 0x 2200 &
0x2201(TABLE 10) which will point to user assignable 3x registers 0x2200 and 0x2202 (TABLE 9).
So to read Voltage2 and Power Factor1 data reading query should be as shown on next page.

Response :(Volt2 =219.30/Power Factor1=1.0)


4. Connection for Relay and Optional Rs485 Output
(rear view of instrument):

1. Relay1& Relay 2 Output and Relay 3 & Relay 4 Output

NO Com NO Com NO Com NO Com

Relay 1 & Relay 2 Relay 3 & Relay 4

2. Relay1& Relay 2 Output and Relay 3 & Relay 4 Output+RS485 Output

NO Com NO Com NO Com NO Com B A Gnd

Relay 1 & Relay 2 Relay 3 & Relay 4 RS 485


Demand Controller

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