Domurath 2009
Domurath 2009
Domurath 2009
Moving into urban areas demands concepts for the association with negative
impacts on city climate. High-density cities and quarters often cannot provide an
aesthetically appealing and healthy environment. Buffer and recreation areas could
just hardly be established on sealed underground. In face of these developments
facade greenery still lives a shadow existence beside common types of green spaces.
Today the potential of vertical vegetation could be better used because of the
possible combination of adapted hydroponic plant systems and modern high
performance construction materials to standardised modules.
People move together. In 1975 two-thirds of the world population lived in rural
areas, just one-third in cities. After decades of adaptation it is expected that 59.9% of the
world population will live in urban areas in 2025 (United Nations, 2005). While in 2000
both the number and the size of the so-called mega cities (>107 citizens) did quadruplicate
in comparison with 1975, the expectation for the year 2025 goes up to a quintuplication of
the number of inhabitants in metropolises (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, 2001).
In some respects, cities are good for the environment. They concentrate half the
world’s population on about 2% of the Earth’s land surface, and they are undeniably
centres of innovation and economic growth. On the other hand they are centres of
pollution, waste and heat. Particularly hydroponics has the potential to meet the
challenges of architecture, urban climate and so life quality in urban areas. In future
prospects it will be disclosed, how these new plant systems could be structured.
will have the impression of a complete green facade. By handing over new buildings and
constructions a green as requested object can be provided which also fulfils the mentioned
functions in its entirety.
The position of the panel on the facade could be almost freely selected. For
example buildings could be partly or at any height upward vegetated. For not limiting the
general functions of vertical vegetation it should be ensured, that the covered surface is as
wide and continuous as possible.
More advantages of a modular system lie in the fast and easy installation on the
ground and the possibility to substitute damaged plants by replacing just the relevant
components immediately. This flexibility could only be achieved with standardised
dimensions. These standardised components could be available at any time in sufficient
quantity. On custom-made projects the plant elements can only be removed and be
replaced later after reconditioning in a nursery.
There are no ready to go hydroponic systems for exterior facade greenery at the
moment. Some technical developments, which are noted in the next chapter, still have
been made. But some successful examples for vertical hydroponics for building surfaces,
which are artistically ambitious with a highly reconcilability value, can be given. They are
primarily used for prestige projects and not for the wide implementation on residential,
industry or business buildings.
One prominent example for such an ambitious project is the ‘vegetal wall’ of the
Musée du quai Branly in Paris. For the coverage of 800 m2 exterior wall and 150 m2
interior wall 15,000 plants from 150 species were placed in a hydroponic system. The
French botanist and garden artist Partick Blanc installed two layers of polyamide acrylic
felt over a 10 mm thick waterproof polyvinyl chloride sheet kept by a metal bearing
structure in front of the buildings surface (Lange, 2006; Musée du quai Branly, 2008;
Blanc, 2008).
Other available systems work entirely different. They use pre-cultivated panels
filled with growing medium instead of the felt. The living wall at the Vancouver
Aquarium in Canada designed by Sharp and Diamond Landscape Architecture Inc. and
the ‘Green Wall’ at the W Hotel Midtown, Atlanta, GA realized with ‘G-Sky’s Green
Wall’ Panels, are only two examples for such facade greenery systems.
An example for interior greenery is the work of the German planning agency
Indoor landscaping. A team of designers, interior designers and horticulturists developed
the ‘Green Wall’ system. By way of example Greens Walls are used at the Astra Business
Center in Luxembourg or headquarter of the HypoVereinsbank in Munich, Germany. The
system is constructed from a stainless steel substructure and pre-cultivated vegetation
panels of 40 × 60 cm (Anonymous, 2008). Each panel consists of three layers: a base
plate (polystyrene), growth medium (3 cm fully harded phenolic resin foam) and the
vegetation layer (tropical and subtropical shrubs like Ficus pumila or Soleirolia soleirolii)
(Anonymous, 2007).
constructers. Specifics on micro and city climate impacts, acoustic characteristics and
expected operating costs can be made with the performance tool.
Green is fashionable and stands for a new consciousness, but the public will not
pay any money for facilities which could interfere with a comfortable way of life. Such a
facility would be an unattractive, scruffy and tangly vertical vegetation. Because of that a
professional conception, implementation and constant maintenance is indispensable. To
ensure an economically justifiable constant maintenance in great heights or on building
parts with difficult access, operations have to be made by machines. These machines
should move and work over the vegetated area independently under the control of
qualified staff. The automat should realise cutting, leaf fertilising, pest management and
other services. Research institutes like the University of Applied Sciences Dresden are
developing such techniques in co-operation with companies.
A provider for hydroponic facade greenery should be able to react any time on the
requirements of facility management, to evaluate possible losses after storms and to
ensure safety to traffic without an ongoing presence. A remote sensing element should be
part of the system. At present infrared cameras can be implemented beside high resolution
optic techniques and conventional techniques. So the provider should be able to notice a
failure of the irrigation system before the plants begin to wilt. There are also new
developments in the field of stress monitoring with measuring the plant hormone
ethylene. A real time monitoring would be beneficial because the hormone is synthesised
within minutes on the spot of stress (biological, chemical, physical stress) (Brohm, 2008).
So it would be possible to evaluate losses for example after hail.
A modular system, which abstains from soil, could be much lighter than soil based
systems. This characteristic advantage could be exceptionally useful on new buildings, if
the module would be extruded on other building functions like fire protection, thermal
isolation to the point of taking building load.
In some states of the USA green spaces are already an integral part of fire
protection. Occupants are committed to keep the green areas intact. Because of the
continuous moisturerisation of the inert bearing medium (with fire-proof characteristics)
in hydroponic systems and the high water content of the plant cells a flash over of fire can
be avoided.
The mentioned positive effect on an equal building climate because of facade
greenery and the associated energy savings could be increased by the intelligent design of
the carrier element. Today common materials for the thermal isolation could be integrated
for that purpose. This would lead to material savings too. The difficulty lies in a durable
and dense connection between the panels. Only when a complete connection over decades
could be guarantied such a composite material could be established in a promising market
To develop a composite device to take building load, the combination of
hydroponic elements with high potential building materials seems promising. To
construct wide or high bearing structures little weight is a must. Mass savings and
therewith savings on the entailed energy can be achieved through light construction
techniques. This becomes more and more relevant under the focus of economical and
ecological point balances (Sobek, 1995). The design of high rise buildings in attention to
light construction principles is often based on tube-systems for primary structure and
gracefully built secondary structures, which minimises the elevation width and the depth
of the piles and bolt structures (Sobek et al., 2001). These structures could only be
achieved with the help of high potential building materials. Ultra High Performance
Concrete (UHPC) and Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) should be emphasised beside
conventional materials like high-strength steel, rust-proof steel sheet, titan and
aluminium. Particularly TRC recommends itself by a very thin material thickness, the
higher ability of flue absorption and the notice of collapse by small cracks. Such bonding
modules could also be heated through the implementation of carbon wires in the TRC. A
dry up of the plants during frost periods could be prevented with this technique.
The benefits of facade greenery in relation to the urban climate and the influence
of green spaces on life quality were studied enough. Urban planners, architects and
builders should not let this potential doze unused anymore.
The full efficiency of vertical vegetation can only be achieved by high leaf area
indices per facade unit. By the optimisation of the growing conditions plants could be
established considerably faster. Better growth control of hydroponics allows such high
improvements in efficiency and productivity. Facade modules could be pre-cultivated in
nurseries by the independence on soil und the comparatively little weight. These units
could constitute a dense stock on the building front immediately. The facade becomes
virid and fully efficient with the start of the operation. The technical design bears a very
high potential for a novel standard construction module by the implementation of modern
construction materials under the attention of light construction principles.
To achieve a wide acceptance of vertical plant systems a proper state of the
construction has to be guarantied. The services for that purpose have to be automated as
far as possible to offer them under acceptable conditions. The qualities of the services
have to be equal or even better than manual maintenance. A clear definition of the
requirements is needed for the development of such a care machine. The needed single
technologies are available. They only have to be brought together to a manageable unit.
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