CHSJ 48 02 04 2022
CHSJ 48 02 04 2022
CHSJ 48 02 04 2022
Original Paper
Prediction of Preterm Birth with Serial Measurements
of Ultrasound Markers
1Ph.D. student, Doctoral School, University of Medicine and Pharmacology of Craiova, Romania
and Gynecology Department,
University of Medicine and Pharmacology of Craiova, Romania
3Medical Informatics Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacology of Craiova, Romania
4Immunology Department, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania
5Department of Hematology, Faculty of Pharmacy,
ABSTRACT: To compare the ability of cervical length (CL), anterior cervical angle (ACA), and cervical consistency
index (CCI) to predict premature birth. Methods. This prospective study involved 85 pregnant women who gave birth
prematurely and a control group of 31 pregnant women who gave birth at term. The study was performed in the
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Municipal Clinical Hospital Filanthropia Craiova between January 1, 2019, and
January 1, 2022. Cases were examined using transvaginal ultrasonography (TVU) in the second and third trimesters
of pregnancy, and cervical length (CL), Anterior Cervical Angle (ACA), and Cervical Consistency Index (CCI) were
measured. Results. The mean value from the three measurements at all three parameters was statistically significant
with preterm birth (p<0.05). Cervical length <25mm, was highly significant in the prediction of preterm labor with a
sensitivity of 99%, specificity of 61%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 78%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 97 %,
and a positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 2.54 and negative likelihood ratio (LR-) of 0.02. CCI also remains, despite low
specificity and PPV values, a potential predictive parameter in the prediction of preterm birth, with a sensitivity of 73%,
NPV of 92% and a LR+of 1.32 and LR- of 0.6 also correlated with CL, CCI being more difficult to interpret as an
independent predictive parameter. Conclusions. CL remains the standard parameter for predicting the preterm birth,
but in combination with other parameters, the prediction rate can increase significantly.
KEYWORDS: cervical length, anterior cervical angle, cervical consistency index, preterm birth.
interventions and of optimal decision
Introduction management [2].
It is estimated worldwide that 1 in 10 children It seems that a "short cervix" measured in the
are born prematurely, and approximately 1 second trimester of pregnancy by vaginal
million children are born prematurely each year ultrasound, may represent an increase in the
[1]. probability of premature birth if we refer to
Therefore, the prediction of premature birth is singleton pregnancies.
extremely important both for the impact that But the detection and monitoring of this
premature birth has on a personal level and in marker in the second trimester may allow the
terms of economic and health impact. administration of a specific treatment, thus
There is currently no single safe test to predict reducing this increased likelihood [3].
premature birth, but it has been found that a There are also situations in which in the
combination of tests can do this, or at least second trimester the cervix may have a normal
include the pregnant woman in a risk group, length or maybe at the lower limit, which has
benefiting from a series of prophylactic been recommended at 25mm [4,5].
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution-
162 10.12865/CHSJ.48.02.04
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License, which permits unrestricted use,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium, non-commercially, provided the new creations
are licensed under identical terms as the original work and the original work is properly cited.
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 48, No. 2, 2022 April-June
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Ioana Victoria Camen et al. - Prediction of Preterm Birth with Serial Measurements of Ultrasound Markers
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Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 48, No. 2, 2022 April-June
During visits 2 and 3, the prevalence of CL 87.05% at visits 2 and 3, compared to 0% cases
<25mm was higher than in pregnancies that gave in pregnancies that gave birth at term.
birth at term (75.29% vs. 0% and 12.9%, Also, the percentage of cases that had a CCI
respectively). <65%, increased from the first visit, 8.23%, to
ACA>100° had increasing values, starting 67.05%, and 28.23% at visits 2 and 3, compared
from 8.23% at the first visit, at 67.05%, and to 0% cases in pregnancies that gave birth in term
(Table 3).
Table 3. Correlation between serial transvaginal CL, ACA, CCI measurements, and preterm birth.
Premature Premature
Term birth
birth birth Prevalence Prevalence
32.0-33.6 34.0-35.6 of parameter of parameter ANOVA
Parameter gestational
gestational gestational in premature in term
week week birth (%) birth (%)
(Mean±SD) (Mean±SD)
Cervical length (mm) <25mm
Visit 1 (18.0-22.6 gestational week) 20.85±5.04 22±4.16 34±3.47 72.94 3.22 0.00
Visit 2 (28.0-31.6 gestational week) 21±3.40 21.1±4.67 32.4±2.71 75.29 0 0.00
Visit 3 (32.0-35.6 gestational week) 21.45±3.78 20.7±3.76 29.2±5.28 75.29 12.90 0.00
Anterior cervical angle (degrees) >100° 0.00
Visit 1 (18.0-22.6 gestational week) 94±3.42 95.6±4.14 90.3±2.62 8.23 0 0.00
Visit 2 (28.0-31.6 gestational week) 101.3±3.56 101.5±4.84 92.4±2.64 67.05 0 0.00
Visit 3 (32.0-35.6 gestational week) 105.5±3.97 106.28±4.63 95.2±2.52 87.05 0 0.00
Cervical consistency index (%) <65% 0.00
Visit 1 (18.0-22.6 gestational week) 74.6±7.9 80.2±7.14 82.5±4.43 10.58 0 0.00
Visit 2 (28.0-31.6 gestational week) 72.7±8.58 79.5±7.34 81.2±9.05 16.47 0 0.00
Visit 3 (32.0-35.6 gestational week) 70.9±9.92 76.5±8.6 74.3±9.87 28.23 0 0.173
Sensitivity, specificity, predictive positive and birth before 37 gestational weeks, are given in
negative value, as well as positive and negative Table 4.
likelihood ratios for the prediction of preterm
Table 4. Predictive accuracy for preterm birth based on serial CL, ACA, and CCI measurements.
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Ioana Victoria Camen et al. - Prediction of Preterm Birth with Serial Measurements of Ultrasound Markers
Premature birth is an important problem for
modern obstetrics because it is a major cause of
increased neonatal mortality and morbidity, and
the installation of long-term neurological and
systemic problems.
The etiology of preterm birth is not yet fully
clarified, so the identification of risk factors as
well as the establishment of the risk of premature
birth has great importance for establishing correct
obstetrical management [13].
Figure 3. Pregnancy at 30.6 gestational weeks.
CL=16.3mm, funneling.
The evaluation of the measurement of the
length of the cervix is used to identify pregnant
women at risk of premature birth, this
measurement being a tool for predicting it.
In clinical practice, a cervical length of 25mm
has been chosen as a "cut-off" for establishing a
normal cervix or a shortened cervix when the
value falls below 25mm [14,15].
A large study conducted by Thain et al. in
2020 showed that in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of
pregnancy there is a shortening of the length of
the cervix in patients who gave birth prematurely
Figure 4. The anterior uterocervical angle at 27.6 In our study, in agreement with other studies
gestational weeks. [17-19], the average value resulting from the
three measurements showed that there is a
significant difference between CL and premature
birth, the p-value of the Student test <0.05.
Also, cervical length <25mm (Figure 2, 3), is
highly significant in prediction of preterm labor
with sensitivity 99%, specificity 61%, PPV 78%,
NPV 97% and a LR+of 2.54 and LR-of 0.02.
Along with cervical length, which is the
standard for women with threatened preterm
birth, anterior cervical angle measurement can be
considered as an additional predictor of
premature birth risk, as shown by Daskalakis et
Figure 5. Pregnancy at 28.3 gestational weeks. al. in their study [20].
AP’ 19.6mm; CCI=57.8%.
But there is a weak database on the use of this
parameter in the management of threatened
preterm labor [21,22].
In the study performed, the mean anterior
cervical angle (Figure 4) between the group with
premature birth and the one with term birth
showed the same significant difference, the p-
value of the Student test <0.05 (preterm lot
101.43°±3.95 vs. term lot 92.73°±2.48), mean
ACA at the three visits showing a significant
difference (p-Anova <0.05).
Anterior cervical angle, despite low
Figure 6. Pregnancy at 28.3 gestational weeks.
specificity and positive predictive value, may be
AP 33.9mm. significant in predicting preterm birth with a
sensitivity of 100%, NPV of 100%, a LR+of 1.41,
and LR-of 0.00, especially in correlation with
cervical length.
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Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 48, No. 2, 2022 April-June
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