Wood Technology-Lesson 15
Wood Technology-Lesson 15
Wood Technology-Lesson 15
Previous Knowledge
The students have already completed a spice rack holder and are familiar with the finishing process
involved. The students are now applying the finishing touches to the clock face.
Previous Skills
The students will be familiar with using different hand tools and machines within the MTW room.
Teacher Observation
The students work well in groups relating to the stage of which they are in with their project.
Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson and why you have selected these KEY*
teaching, learning and assessment strategies- a justification for the lesson.
In todays, lesson I will recap on our previous learnings and then list the learning intentions RL
for today’s lesson. I will then go over the health and safety aspects involved when applying a
finish to a piece. I will then explain to the students how we are going to drill the hole for the
clock mechanism. The students will then take a critical self-evaluation worksheet and
complete in class or as part of homework. At the end of class, we will then go over the key
learnings from today’s lesson as a recap activity. NL
1.9 demonstrate principles of craft excellence through the design and realisation of tasks and artefacts
0-5 Min The teacher greets the students The students arrive at class and O
as they arrive at the room and take their respective piece with
gets the students to take out them to their bench. The
their equipment. The teacher students answer when their
then takes the roll call. name is called.
5-10 Min The teacher gets the student’s The students discuss safety CL
attention and explains the precautions on the pillar drill and
learning intentions for today’s then how to apply a finish to O
lesson. The teacher will recap on their clock face. Students go into
health and safety when using their respect groups. (PBL-
the pillar drill and then using a Piaget)
PowerPoint discuss the
application of varnish to the
clock along with relevant health
and safety to be conducted. The
students will discuss in groups
and answer the teachers’
questions. (Questioning-
Socrates) (Think-Pair-Share)
10-30 Min The teacher gets the students to Students observe demo and CL
begin working on their piece at discuss the health and safety
the different stations involved. MA
10-30 Min The teacher will walk around the The students continue work on
room visually inspecting each their piece gluing, varnishing,
students work and helping any and preparing their pieces for
students. the final steps.
35-39 Min The teacher will revisit todays Students recap on learning L
learning intentions and hand out intentions. (Questioning-
the self-evaluation sheet to be Socrates)
completed for homework
35-39 Min The teacher instructs the Students pack up and tidy
students to begin tidying away around their desks and the
pieces and equipment and begin room.
sweeping the floor.
40 Min Once the room is clean and the Students leave the room in an
class has finished the teacher orderly manner.
allows the students to leave the
*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.
SolidWorks Model
Self-Evaluation Sheet
Extra Worksheet