Amadeus Training Catalogue

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Airlines Learning Services

13 February 2022
Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management ..................................................................................... 8

Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management ............................................................................................ 9

Altéa Departure Control - Operational Flight Updates ............................................................................... 10

Altéa Inventory ............................................................................................................................................ 11

Altéa Reservation and Ticketing ................................................................................................................ 12

Altéa Reservation Desktop Web ................................................................................................................ 13

Amadeus Altéa DC Aircraft Engineering and Business Database .............................................................. 14

Amadeus Altéa DC Aircraft Engineering and Business Database (Virtual) ................................................ 15

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules ..................................................................................................... 16

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules (Virtual) ....................................................................................... 17

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification .......................................................................................................... 18

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification (Virtual) ............................................................................................. 19

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control .................................................... 20

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control (Virtual) ....................................... 21

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Overview .............................................................................................................. 22

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Overview (Virtual) ................................................................................................. 23

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Business Rules & Departure Plan Simulation ....................................................... 24

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Business Rules & Departure Plan Simulation (Virtual) ......................................... 25

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification ........................................................................................................... 26

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) ............................................................................................. 27

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control ..................................................... 28

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control (Virtual) ....................................... 29

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Overview ............................................................................................................... 30

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Overview (Virtual) ................................................................................................. 31

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Wide Body Freighter Functionality (Cargo) ........................................................... 32

Amadeus Altéa Document Management for Altéa Departure Control (Virtual) .......................................... 33

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management - Advanced ................................................................ 34

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management - Advanced (Virtual) ................................................... 35

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management Certification ................................................................ 36

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management Certification (Virtual) .................................................. 37

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management - Advanced ................................................................ 38

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management - Advanced (Virtual) ................................................... 39

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management Certification ............................................................... 40

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management Certification (Virtual) .................................................. 41

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Seating Management ...................................................................................... 42

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Seating Management (Virtual) ......................................................................... 43

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification ........................................................................................................ 44

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) .......................................................................................... 45

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview ............................................................................................................ 46

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview (Virtual) .............................................................................................. 47

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links ......................................................................................................... 48

Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links (Virtual) ............................................................................................ 49

Amadeus Altéa Messaging Server (Virtual) ................................................................................................ 50

Amadeus Altéa Revenue Availability With Active Valuation (Virtual) ......................................................... 51

Amadeus Automatic SSR Handling ............................................................................................................ 52

Amadeus Automatic SSR Handling (Virtual) .............................................................................................. 53

Amadeus Availability Management ............................................................................................................. 54

Amadeus Availability Management (Virtual) ............................................................................................... 55

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management ...................................................................................... 56

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management (Virtual) ........................................................................ 57

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management for disruption, OCC, OPR display ................................ 58

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management for global, web and on-line distribution ........................ 59

Amadeus Code Share Certification ............................................................................................................ 60

Amadeus Code Share Certification (Virtual) ............................................................................................... 61

Amadeus Code Share Overview ................................................................................................................ 62

Amadeus Customer Service Point .............................................................................................................. 63

Amadeus Digital Awards ............................................................................................................................. 64

Amadeus Digital Awards (Virtual) ............................................................................................................... 65

Amadeus Document Management for ARD Web & SAPE (Virtual) ........................................................... 66

Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users ................................................................................................... 67

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users (Virtual) ...................................................................................... 68

Amadeus e-Retail Management ................................................................................................................. 69

Amadeus e-Retail Management (Virtual) .................................................................................................... 70

Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares .......................................................................................................... 71

Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares (Virtual) ............................................................................................. 72

Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fares ....................................................................................................... 73

Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fares (Virtual) ......................................................................................... 74

Amadeus Flex Pricer .................................................................................................................................. 75

Amadeus Flex Pricer (Virtual) ..................................................................................................................... 76

Amadeus Group Time Limits (Virtual) ......................................................................................................... 77

Amadeus Negotiated Space ....................................................................................................................... 78

Amadeus Negotiated Space Certification (Virtual) ..................................................................................... 79

Amadeus Office Management .................................................................................................................... 80

Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines .............................................................................. 81

Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines (Virtual) ................................................................. 82

Amadeus Passenger Name Manager (Virtual) ........................................................................................... 83

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Customer Management ................................................................ 84

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Customer Management (Virtual) .................................................. 85

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Inventory (Virtual) ......................................................................... 86

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Certification .......................................................................... 87

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Overview .............................................................................. 88

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines ...................................................................... 89

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines (Virtual) ......................................................... 90

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for New Users ...................................................... 91

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for New Users (Virtual) ........................................ 92

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification-Conversion from Amadeus Cryptic to Graphic .... 93

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification-Conversion from Amadeus Cryptic to Graphic (Virtual)

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Overview .................................................................................. 95

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification .............................................................................................. 96

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification (Virtual) ................................................................................. 97

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Rules Filing ............................................................................................... 98

Amadeus Revenue Integrity ....................................................................................................................... 99

Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules ..................................................................... 100

Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules (Virtual) ........................................................ 101

Amadeus Security Management ................................................................................................................. 102

Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa Airlines ................................................................. 103

Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa Airlines (Virtual) .................................................... 104

Amadeus Smart Flows (Virtual) .................................................................................................................. 105

Amadeus Time Limits (Virtual) .................................................................................................................... 106

Amadeus Train the Trainer for airlines ....................................................................................................... 107

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Electronic Miscellaneous Documents ......................................................................................................... 108

Inconsistent Journey Management ............................................................................................................. 109

Local Security Management ....................................................................................................................... 110

Seatmap Management ............................................................................................................................... 111

Ticketing Configuration Manager ................................................................................................................ 112

Ticketing in Amadeus (Cryptic) ................................................................................................................... 113

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA

Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management
As an agent, learn about automating key processes from customer acceptance to flight
departure that streamlines your activities for the best customer service.
In this e-Learning you will learn:
In this e-Learning
_ How you will learn:
to get started Using a set of simulations, learn how to accept
_ How
Whattois get
the started
Altéa suite? customers, manage special service requests (SSR),
_ What
How tois complete
the Altéa customer
suite? acceptance tasks modify flight itineraries, transfer customers and other
_ How to complete customer acceptance
baggage andtasks
seating tasks with Altéa Departure Control - Customer
_ How to complete customer baggage and seating
tasks Management (CM). Each lesson is presented in a
_ How to complete customer assistance and regrade sequence for you to complete, ending with a test
_ How to complete customer assistance and regrade
tasks requiring a passing score of 100%.
_ How to complete boarding tasks
_ How to complete boarding
_ How to complete disruption tasks

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 8 hours + 50 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
_ Airline Program Managers.
_ Departure Control System Project Members.
_ Airline trainers.
_ Airline check-in and gate agents.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) First, there are forty-nine mandatory e-Learning lessons. After
completion, there is an online test. After passing the test,
there is an instructor-led session available to request
enrolment. Finally, there are user guides available for

This course is also available in


What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (< 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Internet Explorer browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

The last few details...

_ Last update: July 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 8

Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management
As a Load Controller, discover how Amadeus helps you to manage passengers and baggage,
cargo, and fuel with precision, to boost productivity in your load control operations.
On this course, you will learn:
_ How
On thisAltéa
will learn: interacts with other Through a set of interactive e-Learning lessons, learn
_ How Altéa Flight Management interacts with other how Altéa Flight Management (FM) optimises load
_ How to navigate Flight Management
products planning for baggage and cargo, manages fuel
_ How to navigate
add flightFlight
data distribution, calculates the aircraft centre of gravity and
_ How to addnavigate
Flight Information
data screen issues documents and messages for flight departure.
_ How to navigate
read messages,
the Flightstatuses
and the
Centre of
_ How to graph
read messages, statuses and the Centre of
_ How to
Gravity graph
read the Joining Passengers display and
_ How toflight
the Joining Passengers display and
_ How to
modify flight
detailsan aircraft's weight, traffic load and
_ How tozeroidentify
aircraft's weight, traffic load and
_ How tozero
forecast buildfuel
a Dry
Operating Weight and Index
_ How to build
manage a Dry
Operating for Weight
a flight and Index
_ How to manage deadload
the load distribution
for a flight
_ How to manage the fuel load
for adistribution
_ How to manage fuel passenger
for a flight
and baggage figures
_ How to manage
update loadpassenger
and ramp andclear
baggage figures
_ How to update
depart aload
and ramp clear
_ How to depart a flight

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 hours + 30 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
Airlines, Ground Handlers

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Air Traffic Control (ATC), Baggage Handlers,
Business & Projects Managers, Help Desk & Support Agents,
Load Controllers, Operations Managers, Trainers

This course helps you use This course is also available in

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) English

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 9

Altéa Departure Control - Operational Flight Updates
As a ground handler, learn how to manage flight schedules for another airline when close to
the departure date.
You will learn:
_ How
You willtolearn:
create a flight date. Through a set of interactive videos learn how to
_ How to create a flight date.
period. manage flight dates, flight periods and block space
_ How to create
date using Altéa Departure Control - Operational Flight
_ How to update a flight
date size. Updates (OFU).
_ How to update a blockspace size.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 40 minutes English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Staff performing ground handling activities. _ Basic knowledge of Altéa DC-CM or Altéa DC-FM.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) There are four interactive lessons with a total duration of 40
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) minutes.

This course is also available in


What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (< 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organisation ID (IATA or Ground
Handler code) and password.

The last few details...

_ Please note that access to this course is restricted
to Amadeus customers.

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 10

Altéa Inventory
Through a set of interactive e-Learning lessons, learn how Altéa Inventory (INV) automates
schedules and re-accommodations, manages seating, handles special service requests and
automates waitlist clearance.
On this course, you will learn:
_ How
On thisto
navigate youAltéawill learn:
Inventory This course covers the following topics:
_ How to navigate
install andAltéa log inInventory
to Altéa Inventory _ Getting started with Altéa Inventory
_ How toAltéa
and logworks in to Altéa Inventory _ Creating Business Rules
_ How Altéa Inventory works with other systems _ Exchanging information within Altéa
_ How Altéa
to manageInventoryuserworks
access withto Altéa
other Inventory
systems _ Using Schedule Loader
_ How to manage
work withuser Messenger
access to Altéa Inventory _ Discovering other Altéa Inventory features
_ How
with Messenger
Rules and markets? _ Managing Automatic Special Service Requests
_ What are Business
flight groups? Rules and markets? _ Using Carrier Preferred Display
_ What
How toaregetflight
groups?with seating _ Using Amadeus Revenue Integrity
_ How to gethandlestarted
_ How to handle flight re-accommodations
_ How to handle
read there-accommodations
flight date inventory panel
_ How toAltéa
read Inventory
the flightinteracts
date inventory
with other
_ How Altéa
the AltéaInventory
suite sends
with otherinformation
products to a
_ How the control
Altéa suite
system sends passenger information to a
_ How the control
departure Altéa suite
system receives passenger information
_ Howa departure
the Altéa suite controlreceives
after flightinformation
_ How
from a departure
the Altéa suite controlsends
after flight
_ another
the Altéa
airportsuite sends passenger assistance lists
_ What
to another
is Schedule
airport Loader?
_ What
How tois load
new flight
_ How to load
update newflight
_ How to update
manageflight codeshare
_ How
Whattois manage
Automatic codeshare
Waitlist Clearance?
_ What
How tois manage
Automatic Automatic
Waitlist Clearance?
SSR Handling
_ How to manage
set up automatic
Automatic SSR
SSR handling
Handling replies
_ How to set up automatic SSR handling replies with a
_ Howrestriction
to set up automatic SSR handling replies with a
_ Howrestriction
quota to set up automatic SSR handling replies
_ How to setto aupSSRautomatic
family SSR handling replies
_ How to set
belonging to aupSSRautomatic
family SSR handling replies
_ How toa set
quota up restriction
automatic SSR handling replies
_ What a
without arequota
Preferred Display service flows?
_ What
How toaregetCarrier
with Revenue
Display Integrity
_ How to getuse started
the Revenuewith Revenue
search engine
_ How to use the Revenuerule editorIntegrity
to manage search
_ How toAmadeus
use the Timerule editor
manage business
a PNR rules
_ How Amadeus
to navigateTime Amadeus
Limits Time
_ How to navigate
create AmadeusAmadeus Time
Time Limits
_ How
the Amadeus
AmadeusTime TimeLimits
business rules
_ What
How toareread
AmadeusTime TimeLimits
_ How toGroup
readTimeAmadeus LimitsTime
Limits alogs
group PNR
_ How Group
to navigateTimeGroupLimits Time
set PNR
_ How
to navigate Group Time Limits and set multiple
time limits

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 6 hours English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
Airlines © 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 11
Altéa Reservation and Ticketing
As a reservation agent, learn how to make reservations in the Amadeus Global Distribution
System (GDS) using cryptic commands.
You will learn:
_ How
You willtolearn:
get started Through a set of interactive e-Learning videos learn
_ How
Whattois get
startedAir? what is the Amadeus GDS and how to create and
_ What isareAmadeus
PNR Mandatory
Air? elements? modify the elements of a Passenger Name Records
_ What are PNR Mandatory
Optional elements?
elements? (PNR) in order to issue a ticket using Altéa Reservation
_ What
How toare modify
PNR aOptional
PNR elements? (Cryptic).
_ How to modify
work with
itineraries and invoices
_ How to work
price with
and use
fares and invoices
_ How to price
use ticketing
and use fares
_ How to use ticketing
Amadeus Queues
_ How to use Amadeus Queues

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 hours English Fundamentals No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Fare Filing Agents, Help Desk & Support
Agents, Inventory / Revenue Managers, Reservation Agents,
Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential There are thirty mandatory e-Learning lessons with four
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) supplementary lessons. Also, there are user guides available
for download.

This course is also available in


What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Internet Explorer browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 12

Altéa Reservation Desktop Web
As a reservation agent, process efficiently and swiftly passenger requests, in any part of their
You will learn:
_ What
You willislearn:
ARD Web Through a set of interactive e-Learning, discover what
_ What
How tois navigate
ARD Web ARD Web Altéa Reservation Desktop Web (ARD Web) is and
_ How to navigate
display a ARD
flight Web how to display flights, create a Passenger Name
_ How to display
create aaPNR
flightwith mandatory elements Record (PNR) and sell ancillary services, search for
_ How to create
copy a aPNR
PNR with mandatory elements fares and price flights, issue and exchange documents
_ How to copy
createa an
PNR ancillary service and issue the using ARD Web.
_ How to create an ancillary service and issue the
_ How to reissue an e-ticket
_ How to reissue an e-ticket
_ How to reissue
use an EMD
an EMD to partially cover the price of a
_ How
to use an EMD to partially cover the price of a
_ How
new e-ticket
to refund an e-ticket
_ How to refund an e-ticket
_ How to refund
EMD Reports
_ How to display Sales Reports

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 hours + 15 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Fare Filing Agents, Help Desk & Support
Agents, Reservation Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) First, there are fourteen mandatory e-Learning lessons. After
completion, there is an instructor-led session available for
request enrolment. Finally, there are user guides available for

This course is also available in


What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (< 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 13

Amadeus Altéa DC Aircraft Engineering and Business Database
The Altéa Departure Control Aircraft Engineering and Business Database course describes
the process of constructing and maintaining carrier and aircraft weight & balance engineering
data using the Database Maintenance Tool (DBM).
On this course, you will learn about the:
_ Development
On this course, you
of appropriate
will learn about
engineering data. This course covers the following topics:
_ Development
Process of entering
of appropriate
such data aircraft
into the
database data. _ General engineering parameters
_ Process
the DBM.
of entering such data into the database _ Hold Data & ULD Configurations
_ Engineering/mathematical
using the DBM. functions within Flight _ General limitations
_ Engineering/mathematical
(FM) that are essential
the Flight _ CG limits & lateral imbalance
development of
Management (FM)
that are
to the _ Stabiliser trim
_ Data-building
development of philosophy.
aircraft database configurations. _ Service weight adjustments and potable water
_ Data-building
Testing and preimplementation
philosophy. acceptance _ Fuel tanks and distributions
_ Testing and
any regulatory acceptance
considerations. _ Cabin layouts
processes including any regulatory considerations. _ Aircraft business rules
_ Integration of DBM data with other Altéa applications
_ Flight creation process
_ Autoload
_ General load control business data

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 4 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for the development of engineering _ Be involved in the maintenance of carrier and aircraft
limitations data engineering records.
_ Airline staff responsible for importing and maintenance of _ Have a good understanding of aircraft weight and balance
carrier and aircraft data used for weight and balance functions limitations and their utilisation within the ramp, load control
of Flight Management. and flight operations environments.
_ Be familiar with IATA AHM565 documentation.
_ Complete the following e-Learning (3h)
Altea Departure Control - Flight Management awareness

Have completed the following course:
_ Altéa DC-FM Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 3 hours of e-Learning
_ 4 days of classroom
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification [Classroom] What equipment do you need?
_ Users & passwords in PDT Admin GUI (DBM) of your
airline. Ask your LSS Administrator
_ Access to the Admin Gui of your airline in PDT

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 14

Amadeus Altéa DC Aircraft Engineering and Business Database
The Altéa Departure Control Aircraft Engineering and Business Database course describes
the process of constructing and maintaining carrier and aircraft weight & balance engineering
data using the Database Maintenance Tool (DBM).
On this course, you will learn about the:
_ Development
On this course, you
of appropriate
will learn about
engineering data. This course covers the following topics:
_ Development
Process of entering
of appropriate
such data aircraft
into the
database data. _ General engineering parameters
_ Process
the DBM.
of entering such data into the database _ Hold Data & ULD Configurations
_ Engineering/mathematical
using the DBM. functions within Flight _ General limitations
_ Engineering/mathematical
(FM) that are essential
the Flight _ CG limits & lateral imbalance, Stabiliser trim
development of
Management (FM)
that are
to the _ Service weight adjustments and potable water
_ Data-building
development of philosophy.
aircraft database configurations. _ Fuel tanks and distributions, Cabin layouts
_ Data-building
Testing and pre-implementation
philosophy. acceptance _ Aircraft business rules Flight creation process
_ Testing and
any regulatoryacceptance
considerations. _ Integration of DBM data with other Altéa applications
processes including any regulatory considerations. _ Autoload, General load control business data

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 4 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration. _ Have a good understanding of aircraft weight and balance
_ Airline staff responsible for the development of engineering limitations and their utilisation within the ramp, load control
limitations data. and flight operations environments.
_ Airline staff responsible for importing and maintenance of _ Be familiar with IATA AHM565 documentation.
carrier and aircraft data used for weight and balance functions _ Complete the following e-Learning (3h)
of Flight Management. Altea Departure Control - Flight Management awareness

Have successfully passed the following course:
_ Altéa DC-FM Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 3 hours of e-Learning
_ 8 half day sessions over a period of 8 days.
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom/Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones, a webcam
_ A large monitor (27 inch or greater) or two monitors
_ Users & passwords in PDT Admin GUI (DBM) of your
airline. Ask your LSS Administrator
_ Access to the Admin Gui of your airline in PDT

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 15

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules
This course describes business rules that define the behaviour of Amadeus Altéa Departure
Control Customer Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
and maintain
you will markets
learn howwithin
to: Market This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and maintain markets within Market _ Market management.
_ Create and maintain Flight Groups within the Altéa
Management. _ Flight groups.
_ Create and maintain
user interface.
Flight Groups within the Altéa _ Understanding the weighting concept.
_ Identify the impact
Administration user interface.
business rules have on the _ Advanced passenger information service rules.
_ Identify the
of Customer
impact business
rules have on the _ Customer acceptance rules.
behaviour of Customer Management. _ Baggage acceptance rules.
_ Boarding pass and baggage tag printing rules.
_ Transfer rules.
_ Onload / Regrade rules.
_ Flight information rules.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 9 hours + 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up the Customer Have successfully passed one of these courses:
Management Business Rules. _ Altea Departure Control - Customer Management
_ Airline trainers.
awareness e-Learning (8h50)
_ Have successfully passed the Altéa DC-CM Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 2 days of classroom training

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: June 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 16

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules (Virtual)
This course describes business rules that define the behaviour of Amadeus Altéa Departure
Control - Customer Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
and maintain
you will markets
learn howwithin
to: Market This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and maintain markets within Market _ Market management.
_ Create and maintain Flight Groups within the Altéa
Management. _ Flight groups.
_ Create and maintain
user interface.
Flight Groups within the Altéa _ Understanding the weighting concept.
_ Identify the impact
Administration user interface.
business rules have on the _ Advanced passenger information service rules.
_ Identify the
of Customer
impact business
rules have on the _ Customer acceptance rules.
behaviour of Customer Management. _ Baggage acceptance rules.
_ Boarding pass and baggage tag printing rules.
_ Transfer rules.
_ Onload / Regrade rules.
_ Flight information rules.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 9 hours + 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Have successfully passed one of these courses:
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up the Customer _ Altea Departure Control - Customer Management
Management Business Rules.
awareness e-Learning (8h50)
_ Airline trainers. _ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification course.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 2 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification for airlines in PSS _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
migration (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 17

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification
This course explains in detail the customer check-in and administration features of Amadeus
Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Navigate
On this course
the you
will learn
how to: user interface. This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate
Access each
the Customer
to process a user
for _ Monitoring the Regrade and Onload lists.
_ Access each
boarding. to process a customer for _ Using the Boarding monitor and activities.
_ Manage disruption
acceptance and boarding.
scenarios and their impact on _ Working with departure plan activities.
_ Manage Management.
disruption scenarios and their impact on _ Closing boarding and flight departure.
Customer Management. _ Working with flight disruptions (re-accommodation).

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 5 days English Certification No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline administrators performing customer service activities. _ A basic knowledge of Passenger Name Records (PNR).
_ Airline trainers. _ An understanding of customer acceptance business
methods at an airport.
_ Complete the following e-Learning (8.50h):

Altea Departure Control - Customer Management

awareness e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ Optional: 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ 5 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & The last few details...
_ This course is available on request only.
Departure Control [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 18

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification (Virtual)
This course explains in detail the customer check-in features of Amadeus Altéa Departure
Control - Customer Management.
On this course, you will learn how to :
_ Navigate
On this course,
the Customer
you will learn
how to : user interface. This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate
Access each
the Customer
to process a user
for _ Monitoring the Regrade and Onload lists.
_ Access each
boarding. to process a customer for _ Using the Boarding monitor and activities.
_ Manage disruption
acceptance and boarding.
scenarios and their impact on _ Working with departure plan activities.
_ Manage Management.
disruption scenarios and their impact on _ Closing boarding and flight departure.
Customer Management. _ Working with flight disruptions (re-accommodation).

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 5 days English Certification No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline administrators performing customer service activities. _ A basic knowledge of Passenger Name Records (PNR).
_ Airline trainers. _ An understading of customer acceptance business methods
at an airport.
_ Complete the following e-Learning (8.50h):
Altea Departure Control - Customer Management awareness

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ Optional 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules (Virtual) [Blended What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
Departure Control (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 19

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control
This course describes how to automate Departure Control by programming activities at
pre-determined times before and after departure of an aircraft (for example, the issuing of
post departure messages) using Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management.
During this course you will learn how to:
_ Create,
During thisdelete
will learn
a departure
how to: plan template. This course covers the following topics:
_ Create,
Set activities
modify a departure plan template. _ Identifying the market template levels.
_ Set
and update
and the
Departure Plan for a specific _ Creating templates.
_ Viewin and
the Customer
update theManagement
Departure Planuser
a specific _ Modifying templates.
flight in the Customer Management user interface. _ Adding and deleting activities.
_ Ignoring and replacing activities.
_ Deleting templates.
_ Adding dependencies.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 1 day English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up Customer Have successfully passed one of these courses:
Management activities. _ Altea Departure Control -Customer Management awareness
_ Airline trainers.
e-Learning (8h50)
_ Altéa DC-CM Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 8.5 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 1 day of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 20

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control
This course describes how to automate Departure Control by programming activities at
pre-determined times before and after departure of an aircraft (for example, the issuing of
post departure messages) using Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management.
During this course you will learn how to:
_ Create,
During thisdelete
will learn
a departure
how to: plan template. This course covers the following topics:
_ Create,
Set activities
modify a departure plan template. _ Identifying the market template levels.
_ Set
and update
and the
Departure Plan for a specific _ Creating templates.
_ Viewin and
the Customer
update theManagement
Departure Planuser
a specific _ Modifying templates.
flight in the Customer Management user interface. _ Adding and deleting activities.
_ Ignoring and replacing activities.
_ Deleting templates.
_ Adding dependencies.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 9 hours + 1 day English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Have successfully passed one of these courses:
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up Customer _ Altea Departure Control - Customer Management
Management activities.
awareness e-Learning (8h50)
_ Airline trainers. _ Altéa DC-CM Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 1 day of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules (Virtual) [Blended _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification for airlines in PSS _ Headsets with microphones

migration (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 21

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Overview
This course gives an overview of customer check-in and administration functions in Amadeus
Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Navigate
On this course
the you
will learn
how to: user interface. This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate
Access eachthe Customer
to process a user
for _ Altéa System Architecture.
_ Access each andapplication
boarding. to process a customer for _ Accessing and navigating the Customer Management
_ Create andand
acceptance maintain
Departure Plan Templates. user interface.
_ Create
Work withandMarket
Departure Plan
and Flight
Groups. _ Identifying and accepting customers.
_ Work
main business
Managementrules and
the Groups. _ Displaying customer-related information and
_ Identify the main rules within the customer history.
Administration GUI. _ Monitoring the Regrade and Onload lists.
_ Modifying baggage details and handling excess
_ Displaying theoretical seating and modifying seats.
_ Boarding monitor and boarding activities.
_ Working with templates and activities.
_ Creating Markets and flight groups.
_ Working with Customer Management business rules.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline program managers. _ Be familiar with either airport operations or check-in, or both.
_ Departure Control System project members. _ Complete theAltéa Departure Control - Customer
_ Airline trainers.
Management awareness e-Learning (8.50h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ Optional: 9 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 5 days of classroom training

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 22

Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Overview (Virtual)
This course gives an overview of customer check-in and administration functions in Amadeus
Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Navigate
On this course
the you
will learn
how to: user interface. This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate
Access eachthe Customer
to process a user
for _ Altéa System Architecture.
_ Access each andapplication
boarding. to process a customer for _ Accessing and navigating the Customer Management
_ Create andand
acceptance maintain
Departure Plan Templates. user interface.
_ Create
Work withandMarket
Departure Plan
and Flight
Groups. _ Identifying and accepting customers.
_ Work
main business
Managementrules and
the Groups. _ Displaying customer-related information and
_ Identify the main rules within the customer history.
Administration GUI. _ Monitoring the Regrade and Onload lists.
_ Modifying baggage details and handling excess
_ Displaying theoretical seating and modifying seats.
_ Boarding monitor and boarding activities.
_ Working with templates and activities.
_ Creating Markets and flight groups.
_ Working with Customer Management business rules.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline program managers. _ Be familiar with either airport operations,check-in or both.
_ Departure Control System project members. _ Complete the Altea Departure Control - Customer
_ Airline trainers.
Management awareness e-Learning (8.50h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 9 hours of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 5 days of virtual training (to be customised)

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification for airlines in PSS _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
migration (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 23

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Business Rules & Departure Plan Simulation
This course describes business rules that define the system behaviour of Amadeus Altéa
Departure Control - Flight Management.
During this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
During this
you markets
will learnwithin
how to:
Market This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and maintain markets within Market _ Market management.
_ Create and maintain flight group keywords within
Management. _ Flight group management.
_ Create
maintain flight group keywords within _ Rule weighting.
_ WorkGroup
Flight with the
weighting concept. _ Rule creation.
_ Work
business rules. _ Rule management.
_ Create
Identify and
the impact
verify mandatory
that business
rules have
rules.on the _ Administration Business Rules.
_ Identify the
of Flight
that business rules have on the _ Engineering Business Rules.
behaviour of Flight Management. _ Departure Plan Simulation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff and airline trainers responsible for setting up _ Have successfully passed the Amadeus Altéa Departure
Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management Business Rules. Control - Flight Management Certification course.

Be familiar with:
_ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 2 days of classroom training.
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
The last few details...
Related courses _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template &
_ Last update: May 2021
Departure Control [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 24

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Business Rules & Departure Plan Simulation
This course describes business rules that define the system behaviour of Amadeus Altéa
Departure Control - Flight Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
and maintain
you will markets
learn how
to: Market This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and maintain markets within Market _ Market Management.
_ Create and maintain flight group keywords within
Management. _ Flight Group Management.
_ Create
maintain flight group keywords within _ Rule weighting.
_ WorkGroup
Flight with the
weighting concept. _ Rule creation.
_ Work
business rules. _ Rule management.
_ Create
Identify and
the impact
verify mandatory
that business
rules have
rules.on the _ Administrator Business Rules.
_ Identify the
of Flight
that business rules have on the _ Engineering Business Rules.
behaviour of Flight Management. _ Departure Plan Simulation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration. _ Have successfully passed the Amadeus Altéa Departure
_ Airline staff and airline trainers responsible for setting up Control - Flight Management Certification course.
the Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management Business
Rules. Optional:
Be familiar with:
_ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 2 days of virtual training.
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
Departure Control (Virtual) [Virtual]
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual]
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 25

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification
This course describes in detail the load control process and the modules associated with load
control in Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management.
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Prepare
On this course,
for will
learn to:
through the load control This course covers the following topics:
_ Prepare flights for departure through the load control _ Altéa system architecture
_ Produce documentation relating to the load
process. _ Flight information
_ Produce
documentation relating to the load _ Deadload
_ Identify
control process.
Altéa DC-FM functionality for other system _ Load distribution
_ Identify Altéa DC-FM functionality for other system _ Passenger data
_ Understand Altéa DC-FM from the perspective of
users. _ Down-line port restrictions
_ Understand
such as freight
Altéa DC-FM
agent, ramp
from the
and supervisor.
of _ Offline - Online flight scenario
_ Perform
roles such the
as freight
role of agent,
load controller,
ramp agentramp
or _ Domain allocation
_ Perform
role of load
controller, ramp
and exercises.
agent or _ Load control supervisor
freight agent through demonstrations and exercises. _ Disruption management
_ Ramp sub applicatiion
_ Freight sub application
_ Documentation

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for designing and delivering end Be familiar with:
user training and implementation of Amadeus Altéa DC - _ Flight Management Departure Plan activities.
Flight Management. _ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

Complete the following e-Learning (3h)

_ Altea Departure Control - Flight Management awareness

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 3 hours of e-Learning
_ 5 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Business Rules & Departure Plan The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Simulation [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template &
_ Last update: December 2021
Departure Control [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 26

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual)
This course describes in detail the load control process and the modules associated with load
control in Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management.
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Prepare
On this course,
for will
learn to:
through the load control This course covers the following topics:
_ Prepare flights for departure through the load control _ Altéa system architecture
_ Produce documentation relating to the load
process. _ Flight information
_ Produce
documentation relating to the load _ Deadload
_ Identify
control process.
Altéa DC-FM functionality for other system _ Load distribution
_ Identify Altéa DC-FM functionality for other system _ Passenger data
_ Understand Altéa DC-FM from the perspective of
users. _ Down-line port restrictions
_ Understand
such as freight
Altéa DC-FM
agent, ramp
from the
and supervisor.
of _ Offline - Online flight scenario
_ Perform
roles such the
as freight
role of agent,
load controller,
ramp agentramp
or _ Domain allocation
_ Perform
role of load
controller, ramp
and exercises.
agent or _ Load control supervisor
freight agent through demonstrations and exercises. _ Disruption management
_ Ramp sub applicatiion
_ Freight sub application
_ Documentation

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Be familiar with:
_ Airline staff responsible for designing and delivering end _ Flight Management Departure Plan activities.
user training and implementation of Amadeus Altéa DC - _ Load control activities.
Flight Management. _ Airline business procedures.

Complete the following e-Learning (3h)

_ Altea Departure Control - Flight Management awareness

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 3 hours of e-Learning
_ 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
Departure Control (Virtual) [Virtual]
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 27

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control
This course describes how to automate Departure Control by programming activities in Flight
Management at predetermined times before and after the departure of an aircraft.
During this course you will learn how to:
Access this
you the
will Altéa
learn Administration
how to: user This course covers the following topics:
_ Access and navigate the Altéa Administration user _ Managing the Departure Plan Template.
_ Work with the Plan Template
interface. _ Creating, modifying and deleting templates.
_ Work with the application
Plan Template
to create and _ Understanding the impact of the Departure Plan
maintain template
Management application
levels and
to create
and and to delete Template on the Flight Management application.
and modify
maintain template
a template
and activities,
a specific
and to
and modify a template containing a specific set of
_ Search, view and update the Departure Plan for
a specific
_ Search, flight
view in
Flight the
Departure application.
Plan for
a specific flight in the Flight Management application.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 1 day English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up Flight Management Have successfully passed the Amadeus Altéa DC Flight
activities. Management Certification course.
_ Airline administrators.
Be familiar with:
_ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 1 day of classroom training
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
The last few details...
Related courses _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification [Classroom]
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 28

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Departure Plan Template & Departure Control
This course describes how to automate Departure Control by programming activities in Altéa
DC - Flight Management at predetermined times before and after the departure of an aircraft.
During this course you will learn how to:
Access this
you the
will Altéa
learn Administration
how to: user This course covers the following topics:
_ Access and navigate the Altéa Administration user _ Managing the Departure Plan Template.
_ Work with the Plan Template
interface. _ Creating, modifying and deleting templates.
_ Work with the application
Plan Template
to create and _ Understanding the impact of the Departure Plan
maintain template
Management application
levels and
to create
and and to delete Template on the Flight Management application.
and modify
maintain template
a template
and activities,
a specific
and to
and modify a template containing a specific set of
_ Search, view and update the Departure Plan for
a specific
_ Search, flight
view in
Flight the
Departure application.
Plan for
a specific flight in the Flight Management application.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 1 day English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Have successfully passed the Amadeus Altéa DC - Flight
_ Airline staff responsible for setting up Flight Management Management Certification course.
_ Airline administrators. Optional:
Be familiar with:
_ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 1 day of virtual training
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 29

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Overview
This course explains load control and the weight & balance processes as well as the
administration features of Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Prepare
On this course
learn how
to: the load control This course covers the following topics:
_ Prepare flights for departure through the load control _ Introduction and system architecture.
_ Produce documentation relating to the load
process. _ Flight information.
_ Produce
documentation relating to the load _ Deadload.
_ Handle
control process.
flight disruptions. _ Load distribution.
_ Handle
Create departure
flight disruptions.
plans used for system _ Fuel information.
_ Create departure
using theplans
for system
Management _ Passenger distribution.
application. using the Plan Template Management
automation _ Departure control.
_ Set up mandatory Administration and Engineering
application. _ Disruption management.
_ Set up mandatory
rules used Administration
to define the system's
and Engineering
working _ Departure Plan Template.
business rules used to define the system's working _ Amadeus Business Rules for Flight Management.
parameters. _ Departure Plan Simulation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline business analysts. An understanding of load control processes and/or airport
_ Airline scoping analysts. ramp operations.
_ Airline Departure Control project team members or testers
requiring an overview of Altéa Departure Control - Flight Optional:
Management. _ Watch the Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management
awareness e-Learning (3 hours).

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 5 days of classroom training.
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
The last few details...
Related courses _ This course is only available on request
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 30

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Overview (Virtual)
This course explains load control and the weight & balance processes as well as the
administration features of Amadeus Altéa Departure Control Flight Management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Prepare
On this course
learn how
to: the load control This course covers the following topics:
_ Prepare flights for departure through the load control _ Introduction and system architecture.
_ Produce documentation relating to the load
process. _ Flight information.
_ Produce
documentation relating to the load _ Deadload.
_ Handle
control process.
flight disruptions. _ Load distribution.
_ Handle
Create departure
flight disruptions.
plans used for system _ Fuel information.
_ Create departure
using theplans
for system
Management _ Passenger distribution.
application. using the Plan Template Management
automation _ Departure control.
_ Set up mandatory administration and engineering
application. _ Disruption management.
_ Set up mandatory
rules used administration
to define the system's
and engineering
working _ Departure Plan Template.
business rules used to define the system's working _ Amadeus Business Rules for Flight Management.
parameters. _ Departure Plan Simulation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline business analysts. An understanding of load control processes and/or airport
_ Airline scoping analysts. ramp operations.
_ Airline Departure Control project team members or testers
requiring an overview of Altéa Departure Control Flight Optional:
Management. _ Watch the Altea Departure Control - Flight Management
awareness e-Learning (3 hours)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 5 days of virtual training.
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps).
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile).
_ Headsets with microphones.

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 31

Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Wide Body Freighter Functionality (Cargo)
This course describes in detail the load control process for Wide Body Freighter Functionality
in Amadeus Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management.
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Navigate
On this course,
to: GUI This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate
Build ULDswithin
full Wide
GUIMain Deck _ Freighter functionality in Altéa DC-FM, Principally
_ Build ULDs
using the full Wide Body Main Deck Deadload Screen, Deadload details Panel and Load
_ Manually
Loading functionality.
distribute the Load on the Main and Lower Distribution Screen
_ Manually distribute the Load on the Main and Lower _ Accept Passengers Groom/Courier/Attendant
_ Accept Passengers (Grooms/Couriers/Attendants)
Decks. _ Create ULD - Pallet
_ Accept
relevant documentation,
Loadsheet, LIR, _ DGSL
_ Produce
CPM documentation,
and UCM Loadsheet, LIR, _ Temperature and Ventilation
VGLIR, LDM, CPM and UCM _ Documentation
_ Messages
_ Ground Stability

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff responsible for designing and delivering end You need to be familiar with:
user training and implementation of freighter functionalities in _ The Altéa DC-FM application.
Amadeus Altéa DC-Flight Management. _ Flight Management Departure Plan activities.
_ Load control activities.
_ Airline business procedures.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 2 days of classroom training for airline agents who have
passed the Altéa DC-FM certification
Related courses _ or 5 days of classroom training including an Altéa DC-FM
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification [Classroom] certification

The last few details...

_ This course is chargeable.
_ To schedule a customized session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 32

Amadeus Altéa Document Management for Altéa Departure Control
This course explains how to set up device and print management for Altéa carriers using
On this course you will learn how to:
for will
how to: and printing at This course covers the following topics:
_ Set
up devices for ground handling and printing at _ Concepts used in Device Administration.
_ Set
the airport.
up predefined print formats and associate _ Completing the 5-step fixed-registration process.
_ Set up predefined print formats and associate _ Determining the printing flows to retrieve various print
them. devices.
_ Setting up shared printers (host sharing).
_ Completing the 4-step auto-registration process.
_ Creating a location description and zones to utilise
them in Customer Management.
_ Identifying and adding available format associations.
_ Viewing print queues within the queue application.
_ Security and access for Document Manager.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 6 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ Airline/Airport experience with regards to printers/CUTE
In particular, those working in:

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Document Management _ 2 sessions of 3-hour virtual training.

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 33

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management - Advanced
This course delivers a deep insight into the Amadeus Altéa Inventory management solution
for Inventory Controllers (Revenue Managers), notably for experts already using the product,
and builds confidence to better understand and use the product functionality.
On this course, you will learn in depth how to:
_ Implement
On this course,
you will inventory
learn in depth
how to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Altéa system architecture
calculate availability
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Messenger viewer
_ Investigate
calculate availability
a Schedule change _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept
_ Investigate
Perform a Voluntary
a Schedule Re-accommodation
change _ Flight date inventory and class controls
_ Perform
Review Aircraft
a Voluntary
Re-accommodation _ Availability Publication
_ Review
Identify and
some potential challenging _ Queue monitoring
_ Identify and resolve some potential challenging _ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation (for
situations INV)
_ Aircraft library and Flight date seat map
_ Re-accommodation processing
_ Solving potential problems

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff with Inventory Management experience. _ Be certified on one of the courses below:
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Inventory Management Certification
Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 3 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management
_ Last update: November 2020
Certification [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 34

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management - Advanced
This course delivers a deep insight into the Amadeus Altéa Inventory management solution
for Inventory Controllers (Revenue Managers), notably for experts already using the product,
and builds confidence to better understand and use the product functionality.
On this course, you will learn in depth how to:
_ Implement
On this course,
you will inventory
learn in depth
how to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Altéa system architecture
calculate availability
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Messenger viewer
_ Investigate
calculate availability
a Schedule change _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept
_ Investigate
Perform a Voluntary
a Schedule Re-accommodation
change _ Flight date inventory and class controls
_ Perform
Review Aircraft
a Voluntary
Re-accommodation _ Availability Publication
_ Review
Identify and
some potential challenging _ Queue monitoring
_ Identify and resolve some potential challenging _ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation (for
situations INV)
_ Aircraft library and Flight date seat map
_ Re-accommodation processing
_ Solving potential problems

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff with Inventory Management experience. _ Be certified on one of the courses below:
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Inventory Management Certification
Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 3 days of virtual trainings

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management _ Headsets with microphones

Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: November 2020

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 35

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management Certification
This course explains in detail the Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Inventory Management solution
for Inventory Controllers and Revenue Managers.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Implement
On this course,
you will inventory
learn howmanagement
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Altea system architecture.
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Messenger viewer.
_ Follow Schedule
calculate availability.
changes. _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
_ Follow
a Voluntary
Re-accommodation. _ Flight date inventory and class controls.
_ Perform
Use Aircraft
a Voluntary
library. Re-accommodation. _ Availability Publication.
_ Use Aircraft library. _ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation (for
_ Aircraft library and Flight date seat map.
_ Re-accommodation processing.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to Inventory Management. _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45min):
_ Any other airline staff willing to know how to use Inventory Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altéa Inventory
systems should watch the Altea Inventory awareness
e-Learning (6h).
_ Schedule Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altea Optional:
Inventory: Schedule Management Certification' instead. _ Complete the following training:
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 4 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification [Classroom] The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 36

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management Certification
This course explains in detail the Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Inventory Management solution
for Inventory Controllers and Revenue Managers.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Implement
On this course,
you will inventory
learn howmanagement
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Altea system architecture.
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Messenger viewer.
_ Follow Schedule
calculate availability.
changes. _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
_ Follow
a Voluntary
Re-accommodation. _ Flight date inventory and class controls.
_ Perform
Use Aircraft
a Voluntary
library. Re-accommodation. _ Availability Publication.
_ Use Aircraft library. _ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation (for
_ Aircraft library and Flight date seat map.
_ Re-accommodation processing.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to Inventory Management. _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45min):
_ Any other airline staff willing to know how to use Inventory Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altéa Inventory
systems should watch the Altea Inventory awareness
e-Learning (6h).
_ Schedule Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altea Optional:
Inventory: Schedule Management Certification' instead. _ Complete the following training:
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users (Virtual)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 4 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 37

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management - Advanced
This course delivers a deep insight into the Amadeus Altéa Inventory management solution
for Space Controllers or Schedule Managers, notably for experts already using the product,
and builds confidence to better understand and use the product functionality.
On this course, you will learn in depth how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
in depthfeatures
how to:to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Queue monitoring.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Schedule Entry Table (SET).
_ Identify andand
Reservation resolve
some Control.
potential challenging _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Identify and resolve some potential challenging _ Flight date seat map.
situations. _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and
_ Solving potential problems.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 4 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are experienced with schedule distribution. _ Be certified on one of the courses below:
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Schedule Management Certification
Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 4 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Certification [Classroom]
_ Last update: November 2020

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 38

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management - Advanced
This course delivers a deep insight into the Amadeus Altéa Inventory management solution
for Space Controllers or Schedule Managers, notably for experts already using the product,
and builds confidence to better understand and use the product functionality.
On this course, you will learn in depth how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
in depthfeatures
how to:to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Queue monitoring.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Schedule Entry Table (SET).
_ Identify andand
Reservation resolve
some Control.
potential challenging _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Identify and resolve some potential challenging _ Flight date seat map.
situations. _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and
_ Solving potential problems.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 4 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are experienced with schedule distribution. _ Be certified on one of the courses below:
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Schedule Management Certification
Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 4 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: November 2020

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 39

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management Certification
This course explains in detail the features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution: schedule,
seating, re-accommodation for Space Controllers or Schedule Managers.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
how to:features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Flight date seat map.
Reservation and Departure Control. _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to schedule distribution. _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45min):
_ Any other airline staff willing to know how to use Inventory Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altéa Inventory
systems should watch the Altea Inventory awareness
e-Learning (6h).
_ Inventory Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altea Optional:
Inventory: Inventory Management Certification' instead. _ Complete the following training:
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 5 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification [Classroom] The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 40

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management Certification
This course explains in detail the features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution: schedule,
seating, re-accommodation for Space Controllers or Schedule Managers.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
how to:features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Flight date seat map.
Reservation and Departure Control. _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to schedule distribution. _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45min):
_ Any other airline staff willing to know how to use Inventory Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altéa Inventory
systems should watch the Altea Inventory awareness
e-Learning (6h).
_ Inventory Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altea Optional:
Inventory: Inventory Management Certification' instead. _ Complete the following training:
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users (Virtual)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 41

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Seating Management
This course explains in detail the seating features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course,
and maintain
you willseat
how used
to: across Altéa This course covers the following topics:
_ Create andand
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Altéa system architecture.
Reservation and Departure Control. _ Messenger viewer.
_ Aircraft library.
_ Seat map designer.
_ Seat Business rules.
_ Find Best seat.
_ Reseating.
_ Chargeable Seating.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to schedule distribution. _ Attend one of the following courses depending on your job
_ Airline staff needing a basic, overall understanding of role:
seating management Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification (during PSS migration)
Amadeus Altea Inventory: Schedule Management Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 2 days classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification [Classroom] _ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 42

Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Seating Management (Virtual)
This course explains in detail the seating features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course,
and maintain
you willseat
how used
to: across Altéa This course covers the following topics:
_ Create andand
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Altéa system architecture.
Reservation and Departure Control. _ Messenger viewer.
_ Aircraft library.
_ Seat map designer.
_ Seat Business rules.
_ Find Best seat.
_ Reseating.
_ Chargeable Seating.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who are new to schedule distribution. _ Attend one of the following courses depending on your job
_ Airline staff needing a basic, overall understanding of role:
seating management Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (during PSS migration)
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Schedule Management Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 2 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended _ Headsets with microphones

Virtual] The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 43

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification
This course explains in detail the features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution: schedule,
seating, re-accommodation and inventory management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course
fully you
will learn
or how
guidedto: features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Amadeus System architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
based on or a customer's
guided value and full _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
reaccommodation based on a customer's value and full _ Automatic and manual schedule changes and
_ Create and maintain seat maps used across Altéa
itinerary. publication.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map design.
_ Implement and
Reservation advanced
Control. _ Automatic and manual reaccommodation, and
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
airline inventory and automatic flight selection.
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Flight date inventory leg and segment views.
calculate availability. _ Class controls.
_ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 7 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline's operational agents, supervisors, Help desk agent _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45 mins):
and trainers. Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altea Inventory
_ Schedule Managers should attend
'Amadeus Altea Inventory: Schedule Management
Certification'. Optional:
_ Inventory Managers should attend _ Complete the following training:
'Amadeus Altea Inventory: Inventory Management
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
Certification'. New Users
_ For an overview of how to use Inventory systems, watch the
Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (6 hours)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 min of e-Learning before training
_ 7 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification [Classroom] The last few details...
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 44

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual)
This course explains the Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution features: schedule, seating,
re-accommodation and inventory management.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
how to:features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Amadeus System architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
based on ora customer's
guided value and full _ Markets, flight groups and business rules.
reaccommodation based on a customer's value and full _ Automatic and manual schedule changes and
_ Create and maintain seat maps used across Altéa
itinerary. publication.
_ Create andandmaintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map design.
_ Implement and
Reservation advanced
Control. _ Automatic and manual reaccommodation, and
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
airline inventory and automatic flight selection.
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and _ Flight date inventory leg and segment views.
calculate availability. _ Class controls.
_ Inventory interaction with RMS and Reservation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 45 minutes + 7 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45 mins):
_ Airline's operational agents, supervisors, Help desk agents Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altea Inventory
and trainers.
_ Schedule Managers should attend
'Amadeus Altea Inventory: Schedule Management
Certification'. _ Complete the following training:
_ Inventory Managers should attend
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
'Amadeus Altea Inventory: Inventory Management
New Users (Virtual)
_ For an overview of how to use Inventory systems, watch the
Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (6 hours)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 7 days of virtual sessions
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links for airlines in PSS _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
migration (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 45

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview
This course gives an overview of the features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution:
scheduling, seating, re-accommodation and inventory management.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
how to:features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Flight date inventory and class controls.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Implement and
Reservation advanced
management _ Flight date seat map.
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and manual.
calculate availability.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 45 minutes + 4 days English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline's operational agents, business analysts, reservation _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45 mins):
control agents, inventory control specialists, revenue Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altea Inventory
management specialists.
_ Schedule Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altéa
Inventory: Schedule Management Certification'.
_ Inventory Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altéa
_ Complete the following training:
Inventory: Inventory Management Certification'.
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
_ For an overview of how to use Inventory systems, watch the
New Users
Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (6 hours)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 4 days of classroom sessions
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Overview [Classroom] The last few details...
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management _ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management
_ Last update: January 2022
Certification [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 46

Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview (Virtual)
This course gives an overview of the features of Amadeus Altéa Inventory solution:
scheduling, seating, re-accommodation and inventory management.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Manage
On this course,
fully automated
you will learn
or guided
how to:features to handle This course covers the following topics:
_ Managecreation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided features to handle _ Altéa system architecture.
_ Work with
schedule creation
fully automated
and publication.
or guided _ Messenger viewer.
_ Work with fully automated
mode basedor guided
on customer value and _ Markets, flight groups and business rules concept.
full itinerary.
re-accommodation mode based on customer value and _ Flight creation and publication.
_ Create
full itinerary.
and maintain seat maps used across Altéa _ Flight date inventory and class controls.
_ Create andand maintain
seat Control.
maps used across Altéa _ Aircraft library and seat map designer.
_ Implement and
Reservation advanced
management _ Flight date seat map.
_ Implementinadvanced
order to control
inventory and _ Re-accommodation processing: automatic and
calculate availability.
techniques in order to control airline inventory and manual.
calculate availability.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 45 minutes + 4 days English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline's operational agents, business analysts, reservation _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45 mins):
control agents, inventory control specialists, revenue Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altea Inventory
management specialists.
_ Schedule Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altéa
Inventory: Schedule Management Certification'. Optional:
_ Inventory Managers should attend 'Amadeus Altéa _ Complete the following training:
Inventory: Inventory Management Certification'. Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
_ For an overview of how to use Inventory systems, watch the
New Users (Virtual)
Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (6 hours)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 4 days of virtual sessions
Related courses
_ Amadeus Code Share Overview [Classroom] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 47

Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links
This course gives a global picture of the process flow, links and interactions between Altéa
Administration, Altéa Inventory and Altéa Departure Control (Customer Management and
Flight Management) from flight creation to departure control.
On this course, you will learn the links and interaction
On this course, you will learn the links and interaction This course covers the following topics:
_ Altéa Administration.
between: _ Review of the Inventory, Administration and
_ Altéa Administration.
Inventory. Departure Control architecture.
_ Altéa Inventory.
Customer Management. _ Seat map build reflecting database management
_ Altéa Customer
Flight Management.
Management. (DBM) data and flight creation in Altéa Inventory.
_ Altéa Flight Management. _ Review of the relevant Inventory and Departure
Control Business Rules.
_ Review the Departure Plan activities related to
Departure Control.
_ Flight build in Customer Management and Flight
_ Identification of the data exchange between
Departure Control, Inventory and the Passenger Name
Record (PNR).
_ Working with common flight disruption scenarios
inpacting Departure Control and PNR.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline administrators, functional analysts and testers Have successfully passed one of the courses below:
needing to know how the different Altéa products link with _ Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification
each other. _ Amadeus Altea DC-CM Certification
_ Amadeus Altea DC-FM Certification

_ Complete the following e-Learning (20'):
How Altea Inventory interacts with other systems

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 20 mins of e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) _ 5 days of classroom training divided as follows:
_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share 3 days full flight life cycle, 2 days disruptions

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification [Classroom] _ This course is available on request only.
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification [Classroom]
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 48

Amadeus Altéa Inventory-DCS Links (Virtual)
This course gives a global picture of the process flow, links and interactions between Altéa
Administration, Altéa Inventory and Altéa Departure Control (Customer Management and
Flight Management) from flight creation to departure control.
On this course, you will learn the links and interaction
On this course, you will learn the links and interaction This course covers the following topics:
_ Altéa Administration.
between: _ Review of the Inventory, Administration and
_ Altéa Administration.
Inventory. Departure Control architecture.
_ Altéa Inventory.
Customer Management. _ Seat map build and flight creation in Inventory.
_ Altéa Customer
Flight Management.
Management. _ Review of the relevant Inventory and Departure
_ Altéa Flight Management. Control Business Rules.
_ Review the Departure Plan activities.
_ Flight build in Customer Management and Flight
_ Identification of the data exchange between
Departure Control, Inventory and the Passenger Name
Record (PNR).
_ Working with common flight disruption scenarios
inpacting Departure Control and PNR.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline administrators, functional analysts and testers Have successfully passed one of the courses below:
needing to know how the different Altéa products link with _ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification
each other. _ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification

_ Complete the following e-Learning (20'):
How Altea Inventory interacts with other systems

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 20 minutes e-Learning
_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 5 days of virtual training divided as follows:
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM) 3 days full flight life cycle, 2 days disruption
_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-FM Certification (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Headsets with microphones
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 49

Amadeus Altéa Messaging Server (Virtual)
This course describes how to correctly set up the Messenger viewer in Amadeus Altéa
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Construct
On this course
will learn
Ruleshow to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Construct
Establish Subscriptions
the Dispatch Rules
for users _ Message publication process and main actors
_ Establish
Enforce Message
for users
where necessary involved.
_ Enforce
Historywhere necessary _ Category trees.
_ Retrieve Messenger History _ Dispatch rules.
_ Subscriptions.
_ Message duration rules.
_ Delegation.
_ History.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 minutes + 2 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Complete the 5min How to work with Messenger e-Learning.
_ Altéa Inventory Administrators or airline administrators.
_ Have passed the Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification
_ Knowledge of airline business processes, in particular
message and task handling.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Administration _ 5 min e-Learning
_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 2 hours of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ Headsets with microphones

Certification [Classroom] The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Seating Management _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 50

Amadeus Altéa Revenue Availability With Active Valuation (Virtual)
This course gives a basic understanding of how to use Altéa Revenue Availability with Active
Valuation (RAAV). An application that allows airlines to customise availability in different
contexts, by creating strategies reflecting their various business scenarios.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Analyse
On this course,
the Flight
you will
how to:and AU controls. This course covers the following topics:
_ Analyse
Recall the the
and/ RMS
AU controls.
Feeds. _ Revenue controls: Yields and Bid Price Vector.
_ Recall
INV Business
/ RMS Feeds.
process _ Revenue Availability process.
_ Explain
the Revenue
Price).Calculation process _ Active valuation fundamentals.
_ Work
and elements
with Active
Valuation Strategies
Price). (Search / _ Managing strategies.
_ Work /with
/ Delete)
Simulations (Search
/ _ Active valuation simulators.
reports)./ Update / Delete) and Simulations (analyzing
Create _ Dynamic Limits.
_ Manage several different business cases and verify
reports). _ Reacting to competition.
_ Manage
several different business cases and verify _ Associated business rules.
_ Describe
their impacts.the Competition Module process.
_ Describe the Competition Module process.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines implementing RAAV. _ Have attended at least one of the Inventory trainings.
_ Airline Revenue Analysts. _ A basic knowledge of PNR creation / manipulation in Altéa
_ Inventory control specialists. Reservation.
_ Trainers.
_ Complete the Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (6

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 3 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
Certification (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended _ Headsets with microphones

Virtual] The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 51

Amadeus Automatic SSR Handling
This course explains how to use advanced features to automate the handling of SSRs
(Special Service Requests).
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
the necessary
you will learn
to automatically
to: respond This course covers the following topics:
_ each SSRthe necessary
request and rules
to automatically
whether to submit
it to _ Explaining the pre-requisites for Automatic SSR
to inventory
SSR quota
and define whether to submit it to Handling.
_ Set
an inventory
quotas quota
of authorised
check. SSRs per cabin and per _ Examining the two Automatic SSR Handling levels:
_ Set quotas of authorised SSRs per cabin and per _ 1) Static Confirmation
flight. _ 2) Automated SSR Confirmation Standard Rule
_ Understanding how SSRs work with other Amadeus
products that are linked to Automatic SSR Handling.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 30 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
Airlines _ Complete the Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning
_ A basic understanding of the Amadeus reservation system.
In particular, those working in: _ Knowledge of airline business processes in one, or more, of
Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Help Desk & the following areas: Schedules; Inventory
Support Agents, Reservation Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share This course consists in 2 e-Learning videos:
_ How to manage Automatic SSR Handling
_ How to set up Automatic SSR Handling replies

The last few details...

_ For an overview of how to use Inventory systems, please
watch the Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning.
_ To schedule a customised session with an instructor, please
_ Last update: September 2020

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 52

Amadeus Automatic SSR Handling (Virtual)
This course explains how to use advanced features to automate the handling of SSRs
(Special Service Requests).
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
the necessary
you will learn
to automatically
to: respond This course covers the following topics:
_ each SSRthe necessary
request and rules
to automatically
whether to submit
it to _ Explaining the pre-requisites for Automatic SSR
to inventory
SSR quota
and define whether to submit it to Handling.
_ Set
an inventory
quotas quota
of authorised
check. SSRs per cabin and per _ Examining the two Automatic SSR Handling levels:
_ Set quotas of authorised SSRs per cabin and per _ 1) Static Confirmation
flight. _ 2) Automated SSR Confirmation Standard Rule
_ Understanding how SSRs work with other Amadeus
products that are linked to Automatic SSR Handling.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 90 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
Airlines _ Complete the Altea Inventory awareness e-Learning (2h20)

In particular, those working in: _ A basic understanding of the Amadeus reservation system.
Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Help Desk & _ Knowledge of airline business processes in one, or more, of
Support Agents, Reservation Agents, Trainers the following areas: Schedules; Inventory

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share This virtual course has been replaced by 2 e-Learning videos
Related courses _ How to manage Automatic SSR Handling
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview [Classroom] _ How to set up Automatic SSR Handling replies
_ Amadeus Code Share Overview [Classroom]
What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 53

Amadeus Availability Management
This course describes how to use Amadeus Availability Management to differentiate your
availability offer in line with your customer and market segmentation. By applying revenue
management controls at channel level, availability information can be tailored to individual
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Create
On this course,
and maintain
you willpoints-of-sale.
learn to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up flight
and maintain
groups. points-of-sale. _ Creating and maintaining Point-of-Sale keyword
_ Set
up markets.
flight groups. definitions to target standard Amadeus users, internet
_ Define
class suppression, polling, AVS-driven users and users in reverse access.
_ Construct
and functional
class suppression,
access control
AVS-driven _ Achieving desired distribution levels by creating and
_ Read
rules, and
history and
rules.items. modifying class suppression rules, setting up
_ Read
history authorisation.
and restore historical items. AVS-driven rules, and maintaining polling rules for
_ Request access authorisation. dynamic availability.
_ Retrieving and reading the history.
_ Certification test

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2.5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes
and Amadeus availability and schedule displays.
In particular, those working in:
Reservation Agents, Trainers Optional:
Have successfully passed one of the below courses:
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 2.5 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 54

Amadeus Availability Management (Virtual)
This course describes how to use Amadeus Availability Management to differentiate your
availability offer in line with your customer and market segmentation. By applying revenue
management controls at channel level, availability information can be tailored to individual
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Create
On this course,
and maintain
you willpoints-of-sale.
learn to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up flight
and maintain
groups. points-of-sale. _ Creating and maintaining Point-of-Sale keyword
_ Set
up markets.
flight groups. definitions to target standard Amadeus users, internet
_ Define
class suppression, polling, AVS-driven users and users in reverse access.
_ Construct
and functional
class suppression,
access control
AVS-driven _ Achieving desired distribution levels by creating and
_ Read
rules, and
history and
rules.items. modifying class suppression rules, setting up
_ Read
history authorisation.
and restore historical items. AVS-driven rules, and maintaining polling rules for
_ Request access authorisation. dynamic availability.
_ Retrieving and reading the history.
_ Certification test

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2.5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration. _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes
and Amadeus availability and schedule displays.

Have successfully passed one of the below courses:
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users
_ Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 2.5 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management (Virtual) _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
[Blended Virtual]
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 55

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management
This course explains how to use Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management to
configure the content of your biased display in the most profitable way for your Availability
display worldwide, your website display or in disruption scenarios.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
and maintain
you willpoints
learn how
of sale.
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up and
and modify
points of sale. _ Creating and maintaining point of sale definitions in
_ Set
up andCarrier
markets. Display rules in accordance with the product options used.
_ Construct Carrier
with thePreferred
product options
rules in Flex _ Setting up and modifying market definitions.
Pricer. and Automatic
accordance with the product
Flight Selection
options Availability, Flex _ Constructing Carrier Preferred rules reflecting either
Pricer. and Automatic Flight Selection the airline's distribution policy for the entire world
and/or the airline website for the airline's disruption
_ Reading the history.
_ Dealing with product access.
_ Certification test.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff configuring CPD for their Availability display _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes,
worldwide, their website display and in disruption scenarios. Amadeus availability and schedule displays.
_ Complete the What are Carrier Preferred Display service
flows e-Learning (5 min)

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ 5 minutes of e-Learning
_ 3 days of classroom training
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer [Classroom]
The last few details...
_ Amadeus Availability Management [Classroom]
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 56

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management (Virtual)
This course explains how to use Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management to
configure the content of your biased display in the most profitable way for your Availability
display worldwide, your website display or in disruption scenarios.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
and maintain
you willpoints
learn how
of sale.
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up and
and modify
points of sale. _ Creating and maintaining point of sale definitions in
_ Set
up andCarrier
markets. Display rules in accordance with the product options used.
_ Construct Carrier
with thePreferred
product options
rules in Flex _ Setting up and modifying market definitions.
Pricer. and Automatic
accordance with the product
Flight Selection
options Availability, Flex _ Constructing Carrier Preferred rules reflecting either
Pricer. and Automatic Flight Selection the airline's distribution policy for the entire world
and/or the airline website for the airline's disruption
_ Reading the history.
_ Dealing with product access.
_ Certification test.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration. _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes,
_ Airline staff configuring CPD for their Availability display Amadeus availability and schedule displays.
worldwide, their website display and in disruption scenarios. _ Complete the What are Carrier Preferred Display service
flows e-Learning (5 min)

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended _ 5 minutes of e-Learning
_ 3 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer (Virtual) [Virtual]
The last few details...
_ Amadeus Availability Management (Virtual) [Virtual]
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 57

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management for disruption, OCC,
OPR display
This course explains how to use Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management to
configure the content of your biased display in the most profitable way for Disruption / OCC
operation control center / OPR optimized passenger recovery scenarios at the airport.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
and maintain
you willpoints
learn how
of sale.
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up and
and modify
points of sale. _ Creating and maintaining point of sale definitions in
_ Set
up andCarrier
markets. Display rules for accordance with the product options used.
_ ConstructOCC/OPR
Carrier Preferred
Display rules for _ Setting up and modifying market definitions.
_ Read theOCC/OPR
disruption, history. displays. _ Constructing Carrier Preferred Display rules for
_ Read
history. access. diruption, OCC/OPR displays.
_ Request product access. _ Reading the history.
_ Deal with product access.
_ Certification test.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2.5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff configuring CPD in disruption scenarios. _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes,
Amadeus availability and schedule displays.
_ Complete the What are Carrier Preferred Display service
flows e-Learning (5 min)

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Flex Pricer [Classroom] _ 5 min of e-Learning
_ Amadeus Availability Management [Classroom] _ 2.5 days of classroom training

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 58

Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management for global, web and
on-line distribution
This course explains how to use Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management to
configure the content of your biased display in the most profitable way for your Availability
display worldwide and your website display.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
and maintain
you willpoints
learn how
of sale.
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
Set up and
and modify
points of sale. _ Creating and maintaining point of sale definitions in
_ Set
up andCarrier
markets. Display rules in accordance with the product options used.
_ Construct Carrier
with thePreferred
product options
rules in and _ Setting up and modifying market definitions.
Flex Pricer. with the product options availability and
accordance _ Constructing Carrier Preferred rules reflecting either
Flex Pricer. the airline's distribution policy for the entire world,
groups and/or the airline websites.
_ Reading the history.
_ Dealing with product access.
_ Certification test.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2.5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff configuring CPD for their Availability display _ Have a basic understanding of airline distribution processes,
worldwide and their website display. Amadeus availability and schedule displays.
_ Complete the What are Carrier Preferred Display service
flows e-Learning (5 min)

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ 5 min of e-Learning
_ 2.5 days of classroom training
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer [Classroom]
The last few details...
_ Amadeus Availability Management [Classroom]
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 59

Amadeus Code Share Certification
This course describes fully the Amadeus Codeshare solution that provides simplified
codeshare flight management with full schedule integration.
On this course, you will learn how to create and update
On this course,
learn howflights.
to create and update This course covers the following topics:
codeshare tables and codeshare flights. _ Codeshare agreement types
_ Codeshare terminology
These tables are used by Amadeus Altéa Inventory
_ Message flow
when atables
These schedule
are used
or schedule
by Amadeus
is sent
_ Booking class mapping table
from your
when a schedule
scheduleor planning
partner airlines
is sent
_ Codeshare flight table
to automatically
from your schedule
or update
partner airlines
_ Codeshare disclosure in Altéa Reservation
to automatically create or update your codeshare
_ Functionality agreement
_ Codeshare seat map and seat management of code
share flights
_ Inventory management of code share flights
_ Amadeus Codeshare portal
_ Codeshare re-accommodation

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who will be responsible for setting up and _ Attend one of the following courses depending on your job
maintaining codeshare relationships. role:
Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification (during PSS migration)
Amadeus Altea Inventory: Schedule Management Certification

_ Complete the How to manage codeshare flights e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 3 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Inventory Management _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ Last update: January 2022

Certification [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 60

Amadeus Code Share Certification (Virtual)
This course describes fully the Amadeus Codeshare solution that provides simplified
codeshare flight management with full schedule integration.
On this course, you will learn how to create and update
On this course,
learn howflights.
to create and update This course covers the following topics:
codeshare tables and codeshare flights. _ Codeshare agreement types
_ Codeshare terminology
These tables are used by Amadeus Altéa Inventory
_ Message flow
when atables
These schedule
are used
or schedule
by Amadeus
is sent
_ Booking class mapping table
from your
when a schedule
scheduleor planning
partner airlines
is sent
_ Codeshare flight table
to automatically
from your schedule
or update
partner airlines
_ Codeshare disclosure in Altéa Reservation
to automatically create or update your codeshare
_ Functionality agreement
_ Codeshare seat map and seat management of code
share flights
_ Inventory management of code share flights
_ Amadeus Codeshare portal
_ Codeshare re-accommodation

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Attend one of the following courses depending on your job
_ Airline staff who will be responsible for setting up and role:
maintaining codeshare relationships. Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (during PSS migration)
Amadeus Altéa Inventory: Schedule Management Certification

_ Complete the How to manage codeshare flights e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 3 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 61

Amadeus Code Share Overview
This course gives an overview of Amadeus Codeshare that provides simplified codeshare
flight management with full schedule integration.
On this course, you will gain an overall understanding
of how
On this to
gain codeshare
an overall understanding
tables and This course covers the following topics:
of how to create
flights.and update codeshare tables and _ Codeshare terminology and codeshare agreement
codeshare flights. types.
_ Message flow.
Codeshare tables are used by Amadeus Altéa
_ Codeshare tables.
Inventory when
Codeshare tables
a schedule
are used or
_ Codeshare re-accommodation.
message sent
Inventory whenfroma schedule
your schedule
or schedule
system or
_ Inventory management of codeshare flights.
partner airlines
message sent from
to automatically
your schedulecreate
or update
partner airlines
to automatically create or update your
codeshare flights.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 45 minutes + 1 day English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff requiring a basic overall understanding of _ Complete the following e-Learning lesson (45 mins):
Amadeus Code Share. Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) for Altea Inventory

_ Complete the How to manage codeshare flights e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 45 mins of e-Learning before training
_ 1 day of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Overview [Classroom] The last few details...
_ Amadeus Code Share Certification [Classroom] _ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ We recommend Code Share Administrators to attend '
Amadeus Code Share Certification'.
_ Last update: January 2022

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 62

Amadeus Customer Service Point
A self-paced learning on how to use Amadeus Customer Service Point (ACSP).
You will learn:
_ What
You willislearn:
ACSP As an Amadeus customer, submit an inquiry on an
_ What
How tois navigate
ACSP ACSP Amadeus product using Amadeus Customer Service
_ How to navigate
set up your ACSP
ACSP account Point (ACSP). Through a set of interactive videos learn
_ How to setopenupanyour
account how to open, verify and close inquiries including both
_ How to open an a work
orderrecord work orders (WO) and incidents (IR).
_ How to open a work recordorder
_ How to open
record status
_ How to check
verify and
a record
an incident record
_ How to verify and close an a work
_ How to verify and close a work order

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 20 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Help Desk & Support Agents, Operations Managers, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Customer Service Point 9 interactive lessons with a duration of 20 minutes.

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer or tablette.
_ A high-speed internet connection.

The last few details...

_ Please note that access to this course is restricted
to Amadeus customers.

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 63

Amadeus Digital Awards
This course describes how to configure the Amadeus Digital Awards Cash to Miles
conversion rules through the FareXpert based Cash to Miles conversion module. Digital
Awards allows frequent travelers to book air travel and settle the price of a ticket either in
currency, or in miles, or a combination of both.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
the Award
you willConverter
learn howandto: the Miles & Cash This course covers the following topics:
_ Describe
logic. the Award Converter and the Miles & Cash _ Product overview Digital Awards suite (Converter
_ Access
slider logic.
to the 'Cash to Miles conversion' module in Engine, Award converter and Miles & Cash slider)
_ Access to the 'Cash to Miles conversion' module in _ FareXpert Cash to Miles conversion module: how to
_ Create, duplicate, edit a conversion rule for
FareXpert. get access, and how to create cash to miles conversion
_ Create, duplicate,
and redemption
edit a conversion
booking classes.
rule for rules (various use case scenarios).
_ Create adhoc
commercial and promotions
redemptionfor booking
_ Createtier
in form offordiscounted
selected frequent
traveller tier (adjustment
levels in form factors)
of discounted
or more mileage
availability (matching
redemption (adjustment criteria).
factors) or more flight
_ Differentiate
availability (matching
the conversion
criteria). process of fares from the
_ Differentiate
for taxes. the conversion process of fares from the
_ Create
one for taxes.
specific conversion rules for marginal fares
_ Create
conversion rules for marginal fares
and Ancillary Services.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline Fares and Pricing administrators, loyalty programme _ Basic knowledge of fares distribution and pricing,
administrators, online booking tool administrators. booking flows, website fare displays (fare family concept) and
loyalty programmes.

_ During a full PSS migration including e-Retail Engine, Flex
Pricer, and Digital Awards, airlines should attend e-Retail and
Flex Pricer courses first.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 3 days of classroom training
_ Amadeus FareXpert
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Related courses
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer [Classroom] _ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 64

Amadeus Digital Awards (Virtual)
This course describes how to configure the Amadeus Digital Awards Cash to Miles
conversion rules through the FareXpert based Cash to Miles conversion module. Digital
Awards allows frequent travelers to book air travel and settle the price of a ticket either in
currency, or in miles, or a combination of both.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
the Award
you willConverter
learn howand
to: the Miles & Cash This course covers the following topics:
_ Describe
logic. the Award Converter and the Miles & Cash _ Product overview Digital Awards suite (Converter
_ Access
slider logic.
to the 'Cash to Miles conversion' module in Engine, Award converter and Miles & Cash slider)
_ Access to the 'Cash to Miles conversion' module in _ FareXpert Cash to Miles conversion module: how to
_ Create, duplicate, edit a conversion rule for
FareXpert. get access, and how to create cash to miles conversion
_ Create, duplicate,
and redemption
edit a conversion
booking classes.
rule for rules (various use case scenarios).
_ Create adhoc
commercial and promotions.
redemption booking classes.
_ Create
conversion process of fares from the
_ Differentiate
for taxes. the conversion process of fares from the
_ Create
one for taxes.
specific conversion rules for marginal fares
_ Create
conversion rules for marginal fares
and Ancillary Services.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS or standalone migration _ Basic knowledge of fares distribution and pricing,
_ Airline Fares and Pricing administrators, loyalty programme booking flows, website fare displays (fare family concept) and
administrators, online booking tool administrators. loyalty programmes.

_ During a full PSS migration including e-Retail Engine, Flex
Pricer, and Digital Awards, airlines should attend e-Retail and
Flex Pricer courses first.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 3 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus FareXpert
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
Related courses _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Headsets with microphones
_ Access to the Amadeus FareXpert filing platform

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 65

Amadeus Document Management for ARD Web & SAPE (Virtual)
This course explains how to setup the standalone print emulator in the Altea Admin GUI and it
covers the installation of Amadeus Peripheral Manager, SAPE including the launch of ARD
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Determine
On this course,
will learn
in to:
Altea Administration This course covers the following topics:
_ Device Administration
the concepts used in Altea Administration _ Auto-registration of printing devices i.e Laser or Dot
_ Complete
for Device Administration
the 4-steps auto-registration process to Matrix
_ Complete
the 4-steps
the Amadeus host process to _ Peripheral manager & SAPE installation
_ Install
print documents
Amadeus through
the Amadeus
Manager host
and SAPE
_ Install Amadeus
Print Emulator)
Peripheral Manager and SAPE
_ Request access
(Standalone Print Emulator)
to Altea Administration
_ Request access to Altea Administration

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2.5 hours English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Knowledge about printing solutions
_ Airline Administrators, IT Support or Helpdesk agents in
charge of print devices configuration for ARD Web or Web

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Document Management _ 2.5 hours of virtual sessions

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
New Users (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ For a customised or dedicated session, please contact your
Amadeus training consultant:
_ Last Update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 66

Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users
This course describes how a booking engine works and interacts with the reservation system
whether as a standalone solution or integrated into an external website.
During this course you will learn how to:
_ Use the
During thisonline
you willengine
learn how to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Use
the online
Site Manager
booking engine _ Overview of e-Retail Engine concepts and
_ Configure
Manager the different search flows terminology
_ Differentiate
Follow the stepsbetween
of thethe
search flows _ Implementation process
_ Follow
List thethe
steps digital
of the solutions
Workflow available
Manager _ Schedule driven and Fare driven booking flows
_ List
the different
the troubleshooting
solutions available
tool _ Introduction to Site Manager
_ Navigate through the troubleshooting tool _ Basic Site Manager exercises
_ Enhancing the offerings of a site
_ Options to customise a site
_ Light overview on how to integrate e-Retail with an
external website (Connectors)
_ Troubleshooting tools
_ Booking insurance in-Retail Engine

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Staff managing an airline's direct online sales channel _ Basic knowledge on GDS (not a must)
( _ Be familiar with an online booking tool

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 3 days of classroom training
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer
The last few details...
Related courses _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer [Classroom]
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 67

Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users (Virtual)
This course describes how a booking engine works and interacts with the reservation system
whether as a standalone solution or integrated into an external website.
During this course you will learn how to:
_ Use the
During thisonline
you willengine
learn how to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Use
the online
Site Manager
booking engine _ Overview of e-Retail Engine concepts and
_ Configure
Manager the different search flows terminology
_ Differentiate
Follow the stepsbetween
of thethe
search flows _ Implementation process
_ Follow
List thethe
steps digital
of the solutions
Workflow available
Manager _ Schedule driven and Fare driven booking flows
_ List
the different
the test
and validation
tool called _ Introduction to Site Manager
_ Navigate
HTML shooter
through the test and validation tool called _ Basic Site Manager exercises
the HTML shooter _ Enhancing the offerings of a site
_ Options to customise a site
_ Light overview on how to integrate e-Retail with an
external website (Connectors)
_ Use the test and validation tool called the HTML
_ Booking insurance in-Retail Engine

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Staff managing an airline's direct online sales channel _ Basic knowledge on GDS (not a must)
( _ Be familiar with an online booking tool
_ Airlines in PSS or standalone migration

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 3 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
_ Access to Amadeus specific URL's which might require
firewall settings on the customer side

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 68

Amadeus e-Retail Management
Amadeus e-Retail Management allows airlines to manage their own websites. This course
describes how to use Content- and Market-Management to personalize and contextualize the
booking flow and therefore improve the end-user experience of an airline's website.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
you will learn
and create
how to:and manage This course covers the following topics:
_ Access Site-Manager and create and manage _ Introduction to e-Retail management.
_ Define rules in Site-Manager to control the
content. _ Concept of rules and rulesets.
_ Define rules inand
context of content.
to control the _ Content management.
_ List the steps and
personalisation of the
of content.
manager during the _ Market-Management.
_ List the steps
of the deployment manager during the _ Management of e-Retail parameters.
_ Use Market-Management
publication process. to customise the booking _ The web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
_ Use depending
on the point to
of customise
sales. the booking (WebDAV) tool.
flow depending on the point of sales. _ The Administration module.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline website administrators, implementation managers, Have successfully passed the following course:
product managers, trainers. _ Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 1 day of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 69

Amadeus e-Retail Management (Virtual)
Amadeus e-Retail Management allows airlines to manage their own websites. This course
describes how to use Content- and Market-Management to personalize and contextualize the
booking flow and therefore improve the end-user experience of an airline's website.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
you will learn
and create
how to:and manage This course covers the following topics:
_ Access Site-Manager and create and manage _ Introduction to e-Retail management.
_ Define rules in Site-Manager to control the
content. _ Concept of rules and rulesets.
_ Define rules inand
context of content.
to control the _ Content management.
_ List the steps and
personalisation of the
of content.
manager during the _ Market-Management.
_ List the steps
of the deployment manager during the _ Management of e-Retail parameters.
_ Use Market-Management
publication process. to customise the booking _ The web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning
_ Use depending
on the point to
of customise
sales. the booking (WebDAV) tool.
flow depending on the point of sales. _ The Administration module.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Have successfully passed the following course:
_ Airline website administrators, implementation managers, _ Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users.
product managers, trainers.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 1 day of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users (Virtual) [Virtual] _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
_ Access to specific Amadeus URL's which might require
firewall settings on the customer side

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 70

Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares
This course explains how to use Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares to create discounts
based on existing published, private and negotiated fares.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
you will
to: type codes, This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
type codes,
based on and
types. _ Dynamic Fare Overview.
fare type codes, international and domestic fare types. _ Create Promotion Fares.
_ Create Vendor Aggregate.
_ Create Promotion Fares with Rule Conditions.,
ATPCO CAT 15 Private Fares and Amadeus

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ Basic knowledge of fares and fare filing.
_ Amadeus PNR creation.
In particular, those working in:
Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Fare Filing Optional:
Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers _ Amadeus Farexpert Negotiated Fares

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus FareXpert _ 1 day of classroom training

The last few details...

Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform is
a set of applications (modules) which enable real-time filing
into the Amadeus database. For productivity and consistency
purposes, all applications have been grouped under this
platform. Every FareXpert based module addresses a specific
filing need and thus targets potentially very different
audiences. It is therefore key to cleary identify to which
FareXpert module reference is being made. The Amadeus
FareXpert Dynamic Fares training course is covering the
FareXpert based Promotions module.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: Aug 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 71

Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares (Virtual)
This course explains how to use Amadeus FareXpert Dynamic Fares to create discounts
based on existing published, private and negotiated fares.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
you will
to: type codes, This course covers the following topics:
_ Create
type codes,
based on and
types. _ Dynamic Fare Overview.
fare type codes, international and domestic fare types. _ Create Promotion Fares.
_ Create Vendor Aggregate.
_ Create Promotion Fares with Rule Conditions,
ATPCO CAT 15 Private Fares and Amadeus

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Basic knowledge of fares and fare filing.
_ Amadeus PNR creation.

_ Amadeus Farexpert Negotiated Fares

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus FareXpert _ 1 day of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer with Java V7.1 or above compatible
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform is
a set of applications (modules) which enable real-time filing
into the Amadeus database. For productivity and consistency
purposes, all applications have been grouped under this
platform. Every FareXpert based module addresses a specific
filing need and thus targets potentially very different
audiences. It is therefore key to cleary identify to which
FareXpert module reference is being made. The Amadeus
FareXpert Dynamic Fares training course is covering the
FareXpert based Promotions module.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 72

Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fares
This course explains how to use Amadeus FareXpert (Negotiated Fares module) to create
Negotiated Fares contracts and assign them to agents for displaying, pricing and ticketing.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
and modify
you will
how to: Fares. This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and modify Single
Global Negotiated
Negotiated Fares.
Fares. _ Negotiated Fares Overview.
_ Create and modify Global Negotiated Fares. _ Create and modify Rule Definitions with net/selling
fare only options.
_ Create and update Vendor Aggregates.
_ Select a rule and set the Distribution and Ticketing
_ Choose a rule and create Rule Conditions.
_ Select a rule and set its Booking Code Exceptions.
_ Set up Routings.
_ Select a rule, routing and set the fares.
_ Set up and maintain Location Aggregates.
_ Create, modify and discontinue fares using Global

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ Basic knowledge of fares and fare filing.
_ Amadeus PNR creation.
In particular, those working in:
Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Fare Filing
Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus FareXpert _ 4 days of classroom training

The last few details...

Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform is
a set of applications (modules) which enables real-time filing
into the Amadeus database. For productivity and consistency
purposes, all applications have been grouped under
this platform. Every FareXpert based module addresses a
specific filing need and thus targets potentially very different
audiences. It is therefore key to clearly identify to
which FareXpert module reference is being made. The
Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fare training course is
covering the FareXpert based Negotiated Fares module.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 73

Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fares (Virtual)
This course explains how to use Amadeus FareXpert (Negotiated Fares module) to create
Negotiated Fares contracts and assign them to agents for displaying, pricing and ticketing.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course
and modify
you will
how to: Fares. This course covers the following topics:
_ Create and modify Single
Global Negotiated
Negotiated Fares.
Fares. _ Negotiated Fares Overview.
_ Create and modify Global Negotiated Fares. _ Create and modify Rule Definitions with net/selling
fare only options.
_ Create and update Vendor Aggregates.
_ Select a rule and set the Distribution and Ticketing
_ Choose a rule and create Rule Conditions.
_ Select a rule, set Booking Code Exceptions.
_ Set up Routings.
_ Select a rule, routing and set the fares.
_ Set up and maintain Location Aggregates.
_ Create, modify, discontinue fares.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Basic knowledge of fares and fare filing.
_ Amadeus PNR creation.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus FareXpert _ 4 days of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer with Java V7.1 or above compatible
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform is
a set of applications (modules) which enables real-time filing
into the Amadeus database. For productivity and consistency
purposes, all applications have been grouped under
this platform. Every FareXpert based module addresses a
specific filing need and thus targets potentially very different
audiences. It is therefore key to clearly identify to
which FareXpert module reference is being made. The
Amadeus FareXpert Negotiated Fare training course is
covering the FareXpert based Negotiated Fares.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 74

Amadeus Flex Pricer
This course outlines how to use Flex Pricer in airline-direct distribution channels (Web '.com',
NDC, Call-Center) and how to access the FareXpert based Fare Families module.
On this course, you will:
_ Learn
On this course,
Flex Pricer
you concepts
will: and architecture This course covers the following topics:
_ Learn
Pricer concepts
Fare Families
and architecture
(CFF), _ Display modes: itinerary, One-Way display
_ Create and
Fare Families
Fare Families
(FF) using
the _ How to access the Airlines Fare Families module
Markets, FareXpert
Fare Families
filing platform
(FF) using the which is based on the Amadeus FareXpert filing
_ Understand
Amadeus FareXpert
filing platform
of updates in FareXpert platform
_ Understand
Site Manager
interdependancy of updates in FareXpert _ How to create a Commercial Fare Family, a market,
and Site Manager and a Fare Family
_ How to use Location-, Vendor-, and Market
Aggregates within FareXpert
_ How updates in FareXpert impact Site Manager

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Staff in charge of an airline's website who are decision _ Basic understanding of Fares and Fare filing.
takers on which fares should be filed and promoted through _ Understanding of an airlines website e-Retail or another
the direct online distribution channel. providers solution.
_ The course is key for those staff members having to use
FareXpert to create CFF, markets and FF. Optional:
_ Note: Flex Pricer and/or the FareXpert based Fare Families
modules can be used in an airline direct (online) channel, and
in other contexts such as: ARD Web, NDC, Amadeus Group

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 2 days of classroom training
_ Amadeus FareXpert
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer The last few details...
_ Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform
Related courses is a set of applications enabling real-time filing into the
_ Amadeus Digital Awards [Classroom] Amadeus database. Each FareXpert based module addresses
a specific filing need and targets potential different audiences.
The Flex Pricer training course is covering the FareXpert
based Airlines Fare Families module.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 75

Amadeus Flex Pricer (Virtual)
This course outlines how to use Flex Pricer in airline-direct distribution channels (Web '.com',
NDC, Call-Center) and how to access the FareXpert based Airlines Fare Families module.
On this course, you will:
_ Learn
On this course,
Flex Pricer
you concepts
will: and architecture This course covers the following topics:
_ Learn
Pricer concepts
Fare Families
and architecture
(CFF), _ Display modes: itinerary, One-Way display
_ Create and
Fare Families
Fare Families
(FF) using
the _ Access Fare Families module based on the Amadeus
Markets, FareXpert
Fare Families
filing platform
(FF) using the FareXpert filing platform
_ Understand
Amadeus FareXpert
filing platform
of updates in FareXpert _ Commercial Fare Family, market, Fare Family
_ Understand
Site Manager
interdependancy of updates in FareXpert _ How to use Location-, Vendor-, and Market
and Site Manager Aggregates within FareXpert
_ How updates in FareXpert impact Site Manager

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Basic understanding of Fares and fare filing
_ Staff in charge of an airline's website who are decision _ Understanding of an airlines website e-Retail or another
takers on which fares should be filed and promoted through providers solution
the direct online distribution channel.
_ The course is key for those staff members having to use Optional:
FareXpert to create CFF, markets and FF. _ Note: Flex Pricer and/or the FareXpert based Fare Families
modules can be used in an airline direct (online) channel, and
in other contexts such as: ARD Web, NDC, Amadeus Group

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus e-Retail _ 2 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus FareXpert
_ Amadeus Flex Pricer What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
Related courses _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus e-Retail Engine for New Users (Virtual) [Virtual] _ Headsets with microphones
_ Access to the Amadeus FareXpert filing platform

The last few details...

_ Important to note: The Amadeus FareXpert filing platform
is a set of applications enabling real-time filing into the
Amadeus database. Every FareXpert based
module addresses a specific filing need and targets potential
different audiences. The Flex Pricer training course is
covering the FareXpert based Airlines Fare Families.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 76

Amadeus Group Time Limits (Virtual)
This course helps you to understand and configure Amadeus Group Time Limits (GTL), a
web-based tool integrated into the Amadeus Revenue Integrity Desktop.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
the functional
you will learn
the product. This course covers the following topics:
_ Explain
Identify the main
aspects of
the product. _ Amadeus Group Time Limits Workflow.
_ Identify
Create and
the main
the GTL business
settings. rules. _ Configuring GTL compliance rules.
_ Create and maintain the GTL business rules. _ Configuring Amadeus Group Time Limits.
_ Define Recalculation and Re-accommodation
_ Amadeus Group Time Limits business rules.
_ Time Limits Override and waive.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 46 minutes + 3 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Revenue Integrity analysts. _ Complete the Amadeus Group Time Limits e-Learning
_ Revenue managers. (46mins)
_ Trainers.
_ A good understanding of Passenger Name Records (PNR),
booking flows and business rules creation.
_ Have completed the Amadeus Time Limits course.

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Time Limits (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] _ 46mins Amadeus Group Time Limits e-Learning
_ 3 hours of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 77

Amadeus Negotiated Space
This course describes how to use Amadeus Negotiated Space to best define blocked space
and assign it to preferred travel agents, while retaining full synchronisation with your inventory
system. This is an essential feature for your distribution to cruise lines, tour operators and
other consolidators.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Set
On this
and maintain
you willpoints
learn of
to:for handling tables This course covers the following topics:
_ Setblock
up and
maintain points of sale for handling tables _ Creating and maintaining handling records.
_ Define
and blockavailability
management. and sell options. _ Setting up and modifying the Point of Sale.
_ Define
Create availability
and maintain andNegotiated
sell options.
Space handling _ Creating and modifying Amadeus Negotiated Space
_ Create
and maintain Negotiated Space handling blocks.
_ Create
table parameters.
and modify Negotiated Space blocks. _ Reading the history.
_ Create
read the
history. Space blocks. _ Running dashboards or reports.
_ Retrieve
Run dashboards
and readorthereports.
history. _ Requesting access to the product.
_ Run
access authorisation.
or reports.
_ Request access authorisation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline Group or Negotiated Space Managers _ You are required to have a basic understanding of Amadeus
availability, PNR functions, airline sales
and revenue management.

Have attended some of the below courses:
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users
_ Amadeus Altea Inventory Certification
_ Amadeus Availability Management
_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Airline Distribution _ 3 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Availability Management [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management
_ Last update: November 2020
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification [Classroom]
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users [Classroom]

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 78

Amadeus Negotiated Space Certification (Virtual)
This course describes how to use Amadeus Negotiated Space to best define blocked space
and assign it to preferred travel agents, while retaining full synchronisation with your inventory
system. This is an essential feature for your distribution to cruise lines, tour operators and
other consolidators.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Set
On this
and maintain
you willpoints
learn of
to:for handling tables This course covers the following topics:
_ Setblock
up and
maintain points of sale for handling tables _ Creating and maintaining handling records.
_ Define
and blockavailability
management. and sell options. _ Setting up and modifying the Point of Sale.
_ Define
Create availability
and maintain andNegotiated
sell options.
Space handling _ Creating and modifying Amadeus Negotiated Space
_ Create
and maintain Negotiated Space handling blocks.
_ Create
table parameters.
and modify Negotiated Space blocks. _ Reading the history.
_ Create
read the
history. Space blocks. _ Running dashboards or reports.
_ Retrieve
Run dashboards
and readorthereports.
history. _ Requesting access to the product.
_ Run
access authorisation.
or reports. _ Certification test.
_ Request access authorisation.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ A basic understanding of Amadeus availability, PNR
_ Airline Group or Negotiated Space Managers functions, airline sales and revenue management.

Have attended some of the below courses:
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification
_ Amadeus Availability Management
_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Carrier Preferred Display Management (Virtual) _ 3 days of virtual training
[Blended Virtual] What equipment do you need?
_ Amadeus Availability Management (Virtual) [Virtual]
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 79

Amadeus Office Management
As a security administrator, control office security access across all Amadeus systems.
On this course, you will learn:
_ How
On thisto
will learn: Through a set of interactive lessons learn how to
_ How to manage offices
terminals manage offices, terminals, printers, printer-sets and
_ How to manage terminals
printers certificates using the web-based interface Amadeus
_ How to manage printers
printer Sets Office Management (AOM).
_ How to manage printer
_ How to manage certificates

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 hours English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
Airlines, Ground Handlers

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Help Desk &
Support Agents, Security Administrators, Trainers

This course helps you use This course is also available in

_ Amadeus Office Management (AOM) English

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

The last few details...

To get access to AOM, you will need to complete a 2-days
instructor-led training and successfully pass the test.

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 80

Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines
The Amadeus Office Management (AOM) application allows you to create and maintain
Amadeus office identifiers and office profiles for your airline according to your needs. This
course describes how to search, update and delete office configurations using the application.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Configure
On this course
you will
the to:
Amadeus This course covers the following topics:
_ Configure agency
using secured
to the Amadeus
and controlled _ Office ID and Office profile creation, configuration
Reservation System using secured and controlled and maintenance.
environments. _ Office Deletions.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline security administrators. _ Familiarity with airline business processes and task
_ Practical knowledge of ticketing and refund processes.
_ Basic knowledge of Amadeus Information System pages.

_ Complete the Amadeus Security Management e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Office Management (AOM) _ 2 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
Airlines [Classroom]
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 81

Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines (Virtual)
The Amadeus Office Management (AOM) application allows you to create and maintain
Amadeus office identifiers and office profiles for your airline according to your needs. This
course describes how to search, update and delete office configurations using the application.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Configure
On this course
you will
the to:
Amadeus This course covers the following topics:
_ Configure agency
using secured
to the Amadeus
and controlled _ Office ID and Office profile creation, configuration
Reservation System using secured and controlled and maintenance.
environments. _ Office Deletions.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 2 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Familiarity with airline business processes and task
_ Airline security administrators. distribution.
_ Practical knowledge of ticketing and refund processes.
_ Basic knowledge of Amadeus Information System pages.

_ Complete the Amadeus Security Management e-Learning

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Office Management (AOM) _ 2 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting
What equipment do you need?
Related courses _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa _ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
Airlines (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 82

Amadeus Passenger Name Manager (Virtual)
This course explains how to manage your name elements firming policies in a way that
matches your sales strategies.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course,
rules toyou
will learn
how to:
actions and/or This course covers the following topics:
_ Create rules
to define
that will
be triggered
a name _ Product overview.
notification in PNRs.
that will be triggered by a name _ Creation of Point Of Sale, markets and flight groups.
modification in PNRs. _ Creation and administration of rules for individual and
group PNRs.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ You need a basic understanding of airline distribution
_ Airline administrators dealing with revenue integrity, processes, and Amadeus Availability Display, and PNR.
reservation and/or inventory

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential This course consists of 2 modules:
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ Module 1: Virtual class - 2.5 hours
_ Amadeus Retailing Platform _ Module 2: Virtual class - 2.5 hours

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 83

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Customer Management
This course explains how to set up the customer ranking rules to prioritise customers during
the onload/seating regrade process on the Amadeus Retailing Platform.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Working
On this course
with you
will learn
how process
to: - Process This course covers the following topics:
_ Working Value
with customer
(PCV). ranking process - Process _ How to access the Amadeus Retailing Platform.
_ Navigating
Customer Value
the (PCV).
PCV user interface. _ The purpose of customer ranking.
_ Navigating
Constructing the
PCV user interface.
onload and regrade rules. _ The customer ranking process.
_ Constructing
Positioning andacceptance
setting theonload
regrade rules.
and _ Process Customer Value calculation (business
_ Positioning
the results
and setting
in Altéa
ranking parameters
Control and process, parameters).
verifying Management.
results in Altéa Departure Control _ Using Market and Flight Group Management.
Customer Management. _ Applying Global PCV.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline administrators responsible for setting up Customer _
Management onload/regrade procedure.

Have successfully passed one of these courses:

- Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management awareness
e-Learning (8h50)
- Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification course.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ Amadeus Retailing Platform _ 1 day of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules [Classroom] _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 84

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Customer Management
This course explains how to set up the customer ranking rules to prioritise customers during
the onload/seating regrade process on the Amadeus Retailing Platform.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Working
On this course
with you
will learn
how process
to: - Process This course covers the following topics:
_ Working Value
with customer
(PCV). ranking process - Process _ How to access the Amadeus Retailing Platform.
_ Navigating
Customer Value
the (PCV).
PCV user interface. _ The purpose of customer ranking.
_ Navigating
Constructing the
PCV user interface.
onload and regrade rules. _ The customer ranking process.
_ Constructing
Positioning andacceptance
setting theonload
regrade rules.
and _ Process Customer Value calculation (business
_ Positioning
the results
and setting
in Altéa
ranking parameters
Control and process, parameters).
verifying Management.
results in Altéa Departure Control _ Using Market and Flight Group Management.
Customer Management. _ Applying Global PCV.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 day English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration Have successfully passed one of these courses:
_ Airline administrators responsible for setting up Customer _ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management
Management onload/regrade procedure.
awareness e-Learning (8h50)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification course.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) _ 8.50 hours of e-Learning
_ Amadeus Retailing Platform _ 1 day of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Business Rules (Virtual) [Blended _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Amadeus Altéa DC-CM Certification for airlines in PSS _ Headsets with microphones

migration (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 85

Amadeus Process Customer Value for Inventory (Virtual)
This course describes the Process Customer Value (PCV) application that is accessed via the
Amadeus Airline Retailing Platform and used by processes within Amadeus Altéa Inventory,
and Amadeus Reservations. The purpose of PCV for Inventory is to enable the passenger
ranking on a waitlist confirmation.
On this course, you will learn how to set up the waitlist
On this course,
you will
learn how
to set
up the
in This course covers the following topics:
line with yourProcess
confirmation airline business
Value (PCV) rule in _ How to create and maintain business rules for
line with your airline business objectives. qualifying and ranking passengers.
_ Demonstration of PCV with business scenarios.
_ Prioritisation for auto waitlist clearance process.
_ Exercises on creating and validating rules in an
automated waitlist scenario

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 25 minutes + 2 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ A basic understanding of the Amadeus reservation.
_ A basic understanding of Amadeus Altéa Inventory.
_ Complete the following e-Learning:
What is Automatic Waitlist Clearance? (10min)
How is Process Customer Value (PCV) determined (15min)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Inventory and Code Share _ 25min of e-Learning: Automatic Waitlist Clearance + PCV
_ 2 hours of virtual session
Related courses
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory Certification (Virtual) [Blended What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Altéa Inventory - Schedule Management _ Access to Zoom/Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones
Certification [Classroom]
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 86

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Certification
This course allows you to use efficiently the cryptic window of the Amadeus Reservation
Desktop Web to perform some actions not available in the graphical user interface.
On this course, you will:
_ Learn
On this course,
how to use you cryptic
will: entries to access content This course covers the following topics:
_ Learn how viatoAltéa
use cryptic
entries to access content _ Amadeus Information Pages and Online Help
_ Focus onvia
distributed Passenger
Altéa Reservation.
Name Record (PNR) creation, _ Amadeus AIR: availability, schedule, timetable
_ Focusandon tickets
Name Record (PNR) creation, _ Connectivity/access levels
_ Handle
pricing andthetickets
and modification of e-tickets and _ Amadeus PNR: creation, modification, split, history
_ Handle theMiscellaneous
issuance and Documents
of e-tickets and _ Amadeus Itinerary: display and print
Electronic Miscellaneous Documents (EMD). _ How to use Amadeus Queues
_ Amadeus Frequent Flyers Profiles
_ Amadeus Fares and Pricing
_ Amadeus Ticketing
_ Electronic Miscellaneous Documents
_ Displaying and interpreting sales reports
_ Refunding e-tickets and EMDs
_ e-ticket and EMD management

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 10 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
Airlines Watch the following e-Learning courses:
Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) awareness
In particular, those working in: Ticketing in Amadeus - Cryptic awareness
Help Desk & Support Agents, Reservation Agents

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential _ 10 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Overview _ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 87

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Overview
This course allows you to use efficiently the cryptic window of the Amadeus Reservation
Desktop Web to perform some actions not available in the graphical user interface.
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Use
On thiscryptic
you will
to access
learn to:content distributed via This course covers the following topics:
_ UseReservation.
cryptic entries to access content distributed via _ Amadeus Information Pages and Online Help.
Altéa Reservation. _ Availability, schedule and timetable display.
_ Passenger Name Record (PNR) creation and
_ Introduction to Amadeus Queues.
_ Amadeus Fare Quote.
_ PNR pricing.
_ Issuing and revalidating tickets.
_ Voluntary and involuntary reissue.
_ Full and partial refund.
_ Electronic Miscellaneous Documents (EMD).
_ Managing electronic documents.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline staff using Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Complete the following e-Learning courses:
_ Airline business developers and testers. Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) awareness
Ticketing in Amadeus - Cryptic awareness

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential _ 5 days of classroom training

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 88

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines
This course explains how to support your customers' reservation and ticketing agents in
solving their daily issues. It concentrates on the functional and technical system settings that
agents need to verify before contacting the Second-level Help Desk.
On this course you will learn how to:
course available
you will learn
to Help
to: for identifying This course covers the following topics:
_ Use
available to Help Desks for identifying _ Incident handling and reporting
_ Describe
and solvingthe
distribution system architecture _ The distribution system architecture
_ Describe
Assist endthe
with central
functionality and _ Office IDs and Office profiles
_ Assist end
users with central system functionality and _ Extended Ownership Security
_ Describeproblems
database the Amadeus system processing and _ Transaction security
_ Describe the Amadeus
flows system processing and _ Amadeus Air
_ Respond accurately
communication flows to specific system responses _ Ticketing
_ Respond
Identify problems
to the
appropriate _ Amadeus Pricing and Shopping
_ Identify problems and assign them to the appropriate
_ Follow the procedures for reporting and escalating
_ Follow the procedures for reporting and escalating

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline Help Desk agents _ For airlines newcomers:
_ Trainers - Complete the Altéa Reservation and Ticketing Helpdesk
learning path (3 hours)
- Successfully pass the Awareness test available in that
learning path (1 hour)

_ For airlines in PSS migration:

- Complete Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web
Certification for New Users
- Complete the Amadeus Incident Management e-Learning (1

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Customer Service Point _ For airlines newcomers:
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential - 3 hours of e-Learning + online Awareness test
- 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users [Classroom]
_ For airlines in PSS migration:
_ Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa
- 1 hour of Amadeus Incident Management e-Learning
Airlines [Classroom] - 5 days of virtual training

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: August 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 89

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines (Virtual)
This course explains how to support your customers' reservation and ticketing agents in
solving their daily issues. It concentrates on the functional and technical system settings that
agents need to verify before contacting the Second-level Help Desk.
On this course you will learn how to:
course available
you will learn
to Help
to: for identifying This course covers the following topics:
_ Use
available to Help Desks for identifying _ Incident handling and reporting
_ Describe
and solvingthe
distribution system architecture _ The distribution system architecture
_ Describe
Assist endthe
with central
functionality and _ Office IDs and Office profiles
_ Assist end
users with central system functionality and _ Extended Ownership Security
_ Describeproblems
database the Amadeus system processing and _ Amadeus Air
_ Describe the Amadeus
flows system processing and _ Ticketing
_ Respond accurately
communication flows to specific system responses
_ Respond
Identify problems
to the
_ Identify problems and assign them to the appropriate
_ Follow the procedures for reporting and escalating
_ Follow the procedures for reporting and escalating

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline Help Desk agents _ For airlines newcomers:
_ Trainers - Complete the Altéa Reservation and Ticketing Helpdesk
_ Airlines in PSS migration
learning path (3 hours)
- Successfully pass the Awareness test available in that
learning path (1 hour)

_ For airlines in PSS migration:

- Complete Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web
Certification for New Users
- Complete the Amadeus Incident Management e-Learning (1

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Customer Service Point _ For airlines newcomers:
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential - 3 hours of e-Learning + online Awareness test
- 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for
New Users (Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ For airlines in PSS migration:
_ Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa
- 1 hour of Amadeus Incident Management e-Learning
Airlines (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] - 5 days of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customized session, please contact:© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 90
Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for New Users
This course provides hands-on experience on Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Web
(ARD Web) to New Users who do not have cryptic knowledge.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Use
On thisthe
you will
learn how of
to:Altéa Reservation This course covers the following topics:
_ Use theWebgraphical
(ARDW).environment of Altéa Reservation _ Understanding the ARDW environment and
_ Improve
Desktop Web
(ARDW).service with best practices. architecture.
_ Improve customer service with best practices. _ Requesting an availability, informative
pricing, schedule and timetable display.
_ Creating a Passenger Name Record (PNR).
_ Modifying a PNR and interpreting its history.
_ Working with Queues.
_ Displaying fare information and pricing PNRs.
_ Issuing, revalidating and reissuing e-tickets.
_ Issuing, reissuing and managing EMDs.
_ Displaying sales reports.
_ Refunding and voiding documents.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline help desk agents. _ Complete the following e-Learning video:
_ Airline trainers. Altea Reservation Desktop Web awareness (3h)
_ Airline reservation and ticketing agents.
_ Complete the following e-Learning:
Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) (3h)
Ticketing in Amadeus - Cryptic (1h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 3 hours of e-Learning
_ 5 days of classroom training

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customized session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 91

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification for New Users
This course provides hands-on experience on Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Web
(ARD Web) to New Users who do not have cryptic knowledge.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Use
On thisthe
you will
learn how of
to:Altéa Reservation This course covers the following topics:
_ Use theWebgraphical
(ARDW).environment of Altéa Reservation _ Understanding the ARDW environment and
_ Improve
Desktop Web
(ARDW).service with best practices. architecture.
_ Improve customer service with best practices. _ Requesting an availability, informative
pricing, schedule and timetable display.
_ Creating a Passenger Name Record (PNR).
_ Modifying a PNR and interpreting its history.
_ Working with Queues.
_ Displaying fare information and pricing PNRs.
_ Issuing, revalidating and reissuing e-tickets.
_ Issuing, reissuing and managing EMDs.
_ Displaying sales reports.
_ Refunding and voiding documents.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Complete the following e-Learning video:
_ Airline help desk agents. Altea Reservation Desktop Web awareness (3h)
_ Airline trainers.
_ Airline reservation and ticketing agents. Optional:
_ Complete the following e-Learning:
Altea Reservation and Ticketing (Cryptic) (3h)
Ticketing in Amadeus - Cryptic (1h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 3h of e-Learning
_ 5 days of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 92

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification-Conversion
from Amadeus Cryptic to Graphic
This course provides hands-on experience on Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Web to
Airlines migrating from an Amadeus cryptic environment.
On this course you will learn how to:
in course
and outyou
of, and
will learn
how ato:User Account. This course covers the following topics:
_ Log
in andAvailability,
out of, andSchedule
manage,anda User
Account. _ Amadeus Air Availability.
_ Request Availability, Schedule and Timetable _ Passenger Name Record.
_ Create, modify and delete Passenger Name Records
displays. _ Fares and Pricing.
_ Create, modify and delete Passenger Name Records _ Electronic Ticketing.
_ Access the Queue system.
(PNRs). _ Electronic Miscellaneous Documents.
_ Access
Use the theFare
and Pricing features. _ Sales Reports.
_ Use
Fare Quotereissue
and Pricing
and refund
_ Issue,
Use e-ticket
reissue andfeatures.
refund e-tickets.
_ Use
and refund Electronic
features. Miscellaneous
_ Issue, reissue
and refund Electronic Miscellaneous
_ Display Sales
Documents (EMDs).
_ Display Sales Reports.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline help desk agents. _ Provide more than 2 years of significant experience of
_ Airline trainers. Amadeus cryptic environment and Reservation & Ticketing
_ Airline reservation agents. processes.
_ Airline ticketing agents. _ Be certified on a previous Amadeus cryptic course or pass
_ Airline Implementation Team. the pre-course Evaluation (pass mark; 85%).
_ Complete the following e-Learning video:
Altea Reservation Desktop Web awareness (3h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 3h of e-Learning
_ 5 days of classroom training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Train the Trainer for airlines [Classroom] The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 93

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Certification-Conversion
from Amadeus Cryptic to Graphic (Virtual)
This course provides hands-on experience on Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Web to
Airlines migrating from an Amadeus cryptic environment.
On this course you will learn how to:
in course
and outyou
of, and
will learn
how ato:User Account. This course covers the following topics:
_ Log
in andAvailability,
out of, andSchedule
manage,anda User
Account. _ Amadeus Air Availability.
_ Request Availability, Schedule and Timetable _ Passenger Name Record.
_ Create, modify and delete Passenger Name Records
displays. _ Fares and Pricing.
_ Create, modify and delete Passenger Name Records _ Electronic Ticketing.
_ Access the Queue system.
(PNRs). _ Electronic Miscellaneous Documents.
_ Access
Use the theFare
and Pricing features. _ Sales Reports.
_ Use
Fare Quotereissue
and Pricing
and refund
_ Issue,
Use e-ticket
reissue andfeatures.
refund e-tickets.
_ Use
and refund Electronic
features. Miscellaneous
_ Issue, reissue
and refund Electronic Miscellaneous
_ Display Sales
Documents (EMDs).
_ Display Sales Reports.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 hours + 5 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline help desk agents. _ Provide more than 2 years of significant experience of
_ Airline trainers. Amadeus cryptic environment and Reservation & Ticketing
_ Airline reservation agents. processes.
_ Airline ticketing agents. _ Be certified on a previous Amadeus cryptic course or pass
_ Airline implementation teams. the pre-course Evaluation (pass mark; 85%).
_ Complete the following e-Learning video:
Altea Reservation Desktop Web awareness (3h)

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ 3h of e-Learning
_ 5 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Train the Trainer for airlines [Classroom] What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 94

Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Web Overview
This course uses Amadeus Altéa Reservation Desktop Web (ARD Web) to access content
distributed via Altéa Reservation, showing how reservation and ticketing agents can work
more efficiently and improve customer service.
On this course, you will learn to:
_ Use
On thisAltéa
you will learn
to: Web to access This course covers the following topics:
_ Use Altéa
via Altéa
Web to access _ Signing in and out.
content distributed via Altéa Reservation. _ Requesting an availability, informative
pricing, schedule and timetable display.
_ Creating a Passenger Name Record (PNR) with
mandatory and optional elements.
_ Modifying a PNR and interpreting the PNR history.
_ Displaying fare information and pricing PNRs.
_ Issuing, revalidating and reissuing e-tickets.
_ Working with EMD.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline staff using ARD Web. _ Previous reservation and ticketing experience.
_ Airline Help Desk agents using ARD Web. _ Watch the eLearning (3h): Altea Reservation Desktop Web
_ Airline business developers and testers.

This course helps you use The last few details...

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) _ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ We recommend you to complete the following elearning
paths to learn how to use Amadeus Altea Reservation
Desktop Web (3h): Altea Reservation Desktop Web
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 95

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification
This course helps you to understand, configure and operate Amadeus Revenue Accounting
baseline modules, as a solution for real-time revenue recognition during all document life
cycles (from sales to usage and interline billing).
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Understand
On this courseintegrated
you will learn
to: in Altéa and This course covers the following topics:
_ main core modules.
integrated ARA architecture in Altéa and _ Accounting
_ Work
its mainoncore
related to each module. _ Sales
_ Work
Set uponABR
to each
to ARAmodule.
baseline modules. _ Taxes
_ Set
rules related
for antoeffective
ARA baseline
modules. _ Usage
_ Apply best practices for an effective configuration. _ Exchange and refund
_ Agency Memo
_ Task handling module
_ Online reporting
_ GSA commission
_ Codeshare
_ Proration
_ Interline

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 10 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Revenue accounting airline agents, subject-matter experts. _ Familiarity with airline business processes.
_ Business Process Outsourcing providers. _ Practical knowledge of ticketing processes.
_ Implementation managers, product managers. _ Complete the Ticketing in Amadeus - Cryptic e-Learning (1

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 10 days of classroom training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules _ For any course not held at Amadeus Sophia Antipolis, a
laptop and a VPN connection to Amadeus are required.
The last few details...
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 96

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification (Virtual)
This course helps you to understand, configure and operate Amadeus Revenue Accounting
baseline modules, as a solution for real-time revenue recognition during all document life
cycles (from sales to usage and interline billing).
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Understand
On this courseintegrated
you will learn
to: in Altéa and This course covers the following topics:
_ main core modules.
integrated ARA architecture in Altéa and _ Accounting
_ Work
its mainoncore
related to each module. _ Sales
_ Work
Set uponABR
to each
to ARAmodule.
baseline modules. _ Taxes
_ Set
rules related
for antoeffective
ARA baseline
modules. _ Usage
_ Apply best practices for an effective configuration. _ Exchange and refund
_ Agency Memo
_ Task handling module
_ Online reporting
_ GSA commission
_ Codeshare
_ Proration
_ Interline

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 1 hour + 10 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines migrating to Amadeus Revenus Accounting _ Familiarity with airline business processes.
_ Revenue accounting airline agents, subject-matter experts. _ Practical knowledge of ticketing processes.
_ Business Process Outsourcing providers. _ Complete the e-Learning (1h): Ticketing in Amadeus -

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 1h of e-Learning
_ 10 days of virtual training
Related courses
_ Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
(Virtual) [Virtual]
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 97

Amadeus Revenue Accounting Rules Filing
This course helps you to understand and operate the Accounting Rules Filing module of
Amadeus Revenue Accounting. This one-week course does not include a certification test.
On this course you will learn how to:
this courseAccounting
you will learn
how architecture,
to: This course covers the following topics and use cases:
_ UnderstandandAccounting
rules machanisms
module architecture,
in Amadeus _ Overview of Accounting architecture and rules
Revenue Accounting
processes and rules machanisms in Amadeus mechanism
_ File accounting
Revenue Accountingrules for each use case in Amadeus _ ABR rules filing for the following use cases :
_ File accounting
Accountingrules for each use case in Amadeus _ Sales
_ Set up Accounting
Revenue ABR rules related to each use case (i.e _ Refund
_ Set up ABRin Amadeus
rules related
to eachAccounting
use case (i.e _ Exchange
_ Apply bestinpractices
transaction) AmadeusforRevenue
ABR rules filing _ Flown
_ Apply best practices for accounting ABR rules filing _ FCS
_ Expiration
_ Agency Memo
_ GSA commission
_ Codeshare
_ Interline

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airline staff who wish to get familiar with Amadeus Revenue _ Successfully pass the Amadeus Revenue Accounting
Accounting Rules Filing but who will not use or administrate Certification training.
the system on a daily basis. _ Familiarity with airline business processes.
_ Revenue accounting airline agents, subject-matter experts. _ Practical knowledge of ticketing processes.
_ Business Process Outsourcing providers.
_ Implementation managers, product managers.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 5 days of classroom training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification [Classroom] _ For any course not held at Amadeus Sophia Antipolis, a
laptop and a VPN connection to Amadeus are required.

The last few details...

_ This course is chargeable as non baseline.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 98

Amadeus Revenue Integrity
As an analyst, learn how Revenue Integrity enforces airline booking policy and minimises
speculative booking practices and therefore reduces distribution costs from non-productive
bookings and maximises available inventory for travellers ready to purchase tickets.
On this course, you will learn:
_ How
On thisto
get started
you will
Revenue Integrity Desktop Through a set of interactive e-Learning lessons, how to
_ How
new Revenue
with Revenue
Desktop manage Amadeus Time Limits (ATL), how Group Time
_ What are the new Revenue Integrity Desktop Limits (GTL) processes a group PNR, how to create
_ How to use the Revenue Integrity search engine
changes? business rules, and how to read logs using Amadeus
_ How to use the Revenue
rule editorIntegrity
to managesearch
enginerules Revenue Integrity (ARI).
_ How to use
editor toTime
business rules
_ How to work with Amadeus
Group Time Time
_ How to work with Group Time Limits

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 hour + 20 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Business & Projects Managers, Fare Filing
Agents, Help Desk & Support Agents, Inventory / Revenue
Managers, Reservation Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use This course is also available in

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential English
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD)
_ Amadeus Revenue Integrity What equipment do you need?
_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 99

Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules
This course helps you to understand, configure and operate the Amadeus Sales Auditing
module (ASA). This optional Amadeus Revenue Accounting module audits all sales,
exchanges, and refund transactions performed by Amadeus, other GDS travel agencies,
airline ATO/CTOs or GSA sales agents.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Understand
On this courseand
will the
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Understand
Learn how toand
up its
ASA module.
Business Rules to _ Audit of issuance, exchange and refund transactions
_ Learn
to set up
its Amadeus Business Rules to (Audit of Tickets and EMDs).
_ Work
meet your
on business
tasks. _ Sales Audit Amadeus Business Rules.
_ Work on ASA-related
reports generated the ASA module. _ Sales Audit tasks and related Agency Memo creation.
_ Work on reports generated by the ASA module. _ Sales Audit reports.
_ Protation Optimization Tool (optional)
_ Interline Auditing (optional)

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days + 1 day English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Revenue accounting and Sales Auditing airline agents, _ Familiarity with airline business processes.
subject-matter experts. _ Successfully pass the Amadeus Revenue Accounting
_ Business Process Outsourcing providers. Certification training.
_ Implementation managers, product managers.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 3 days of Sales Auditing classroom training
_ 0.5 day of Protation Optimization Tool training (optional)
Related courses _ 0.5 day of Interline Auditing training (optional)
_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification [Classroom]
What equipment do you need?
_ For any course not held at Amadeus Sophia Antipolis, a
laptop and a VPN connection to Amadeus are required.

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 100

Amadeus Sales Auditing Certification and optional modules (Virtual)
This course helps you to understand, configure and operate the Amadeus Sales Auditing
module (ASA). This optional Amadeus Revenue Accounting module audits all sales,
exchanges, and refund transactions performed by Amadeus, other GDS travel agencies,
airline ATO/CTOs or GSA sales agents.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Understand
On this courseand
will the
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Understand
Learn how toand
up its
ASA module.
Business Rules to _ Audit of issuance, exchange and refund transactions
_ Learn
to set up
its Amadeus Business Rules to (Audit of Tickets and EMDs).
_ Work
meet your
on business
tasks. _ Sales Audit Amadeus Business Rules.
_ Work on ASA-related
reports generated the ASA module. _ Sales Audit tasks and related Agency Memo creation.
_ Work on reports generated by the ASA module. _ Sales Audit reports.
_ Protation Optimization Tool (optional).
_ Interline Auditing (optional).

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 3 days + 1 day English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines migrating to Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ Familiarity with airline business processes.
including the Sales Auditing module. _ Successfully pass the Amadeus Revenue Accounting
_ Revenue accounting and Sales Auditing airline agents, Certification training.
subject-matter experts.
_ Business Process Outsourcing providers.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 3 days of Sales Auditing virtual training
_ 0.5 day of Protation Optimization Tool training (optional)
Related courses _ 0.5 day of Interline Auditing training (optional)
_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting Certification (Virtual)
What equipment do you need?
[Blended Virtual]
_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customized session, please contact:
_ Last update: December 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 101

Amadeus Security Management
As a security administrator, control user authentication and access control across all
Amadeus systems.
On this course, you will learn:
_ What
On this course,
is Amadeus
you will
learn:Management Through a set of interactive videos learn about user
_ What
How tois create
access Management access, user responsibility, partnerships with other
_ How to create
access organisations by using Amadeus Security Management
_ How to remove
access (ASM).
_ How
user access
_ What
How toarecreate
_ How to create
_ How to remove partnerships

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 hour + 10 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
Airlines, Ground Handlers

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Help Desk & Support Agents, Security
Administrators, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Security Management 7 interactive lessons with a duration of 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Related courses This course is also available in

_ Local Security Management [e-Learning] English
_ Amadeus Office Management [e-Learning]
What equipment do you need?
_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

The last few details...

To get access to ASM, you will need to complete a 4-days
instructor-led training and successfully pass the test.

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 102

Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa Airlines
Amadeus Security Management (ASM) provides authentication, access control and security
administration across Amadeus products. This course describes the configuration of user
access rights to allow users to work in the primary Altéa applications on the Amadeus Airline
Retailing Platform.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Navigate
On this course,
you the
will Amadeus
learn howSecurity
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate through
the Amadeus Security _ Organisation and User Management
_ Define the security
Management application.
setup for an airline. _ Reports and templates for massive actions
_ Define
apply security
setup forelements
an airline.
to allow access _ Reviewing the authentication process flow.
_ applications
and apply security elements to allow access _ Navigating ASM.
to applications _ Identifying the tasks of the airline administrator.
_ Defining data within the different applications.
_ Creating and managing roles specific to your
_ Allocating and duplicating roles, ACLs and
preferences to consumers according to their job
_ Removing access rights, offices and organisational
_ Managing partnerships between organisations.
_ Deleting roles, offices and organisation units.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 4 days English Certification No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ Airline security administrators _ Familiarity with airline business processes and task
_ Complete the e-Learning video (1h): Amadeus Security
Management awareness
_ Complete the Local Security Management e-Learning
(30mins) if your airline uses it.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Security Management _ 4 days of classroom training

Related courses The last few details...

_ Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines _ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines _ Last update: October 2021


© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 103

Amadeus Security Management Certification for Altéa Airlines (Virtual)
Amadeus Security Management (ASM) provides authentication, access control and security
administration across Amadeus products. This course describes the configuration of user
access rights to allow users to work in the primary Altéa applications on the Amadeus Airline
Retailing Platform.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Navigate
On this course,
you the
will Amadeus
learn howSecurity
to: This course covers the following topics:
_ Navigate through
the Amadeus Security _ Organisation and User Management
_ Define the security
Management application.
setup for an airline. _ Navigating ASM.
_ Define
apply security
setup forelements
an airline.
to allow access _ Access Rights management.
_ applications
and apply security elements to allow access _ Managing partnerships between organisations.
to applications _ Deleting roles, offices and organisation units.
_ Practical exercises.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

Yes - pass mark: 85% 1 hour + 4 days English Certification Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Airlines in PSS migration _ Complete the Amadeus Security Management awareness
_ Airline security administrators
e-learning (1h)

_ Familiarity with airline business processes and task
_ Complete the Local Security Management e-Learning (30
mins) if your airline uses it.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Revenue Accounting _ 1 hour of e-Learning
_ Amadeus Security Management _ 4 days of virtual training

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Help Desk for Airlines _ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
(Virtual) [Blended Virtual]
_ Amadeus Office Management Certification for Airlines _ Headsets with microphones

(Virtual) [Virtual] The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: October 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 104

Amadeus Smart Flows (Virtual)
This course explains how to use, create, modify and share Smart Flows using both
Command-based and Advanced language mode.
On this course, you will learn how to:
_ Create
On this course,
a Smart
will learn
using how
to: mode This course covers the following topics:
_ Create a Smart Flow using Command-based
Advanced language
mode _ Smart Flows Overview
_ Create a Smart Flow using Advanced language _ Smart Flows Language
mode _ Creating Smart Flows using Command-based mode
_ Creating Smart Flows using Advanced Language
_ Sharing Smart Flows

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 2 days English Advanced Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ Knowledge of Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing cryptic
commands is mandatory
In particular, those working in:
Administrators, Help Desk & Support Agents, Reservation Optional:
Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers _ A basic understanding of scripting methodology
_ A basic understanding of Regular Expressions
_ A basic understanding of HTML

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential _ 2 days of virtual training
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD)
This course is also available in
Related courses English
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Overview
What equipment do you need?
_ High-speed internet connection (>25 Mbps)
_ Amadeus Reservation and Ticketing Cryptic Certification
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams via internet (not mobile)
[Classroom] _ Headsets with microphone.

The last few details...

_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: September 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 105

Amadeus Time Limits (Virtual)
This course helps you to understand and configure Amadeus Time Limits (ATL), a web-based
tool integrated into the Amadeus Revenue Integrity Desktop.
On this course you will learn how to:
this course
the functional
you will learn
the product. This course covers the following topics:
_ Explain
Identify the main
aspects of
the product. _ Amadeus Time Limits Workflow.
_ Identify
Create and
the main
the business
rules. _ Configuring Ticketing time limits compliance.
_ Create and maintain the business rules. _ Configuring Amadeus Time Limits.
_ Define Recalculation Configuration.
_ Amadeus Time Limits business rules.
_ Computation rules.
_ Exemption rules.
_ Extension rules.
_ List Management.
_ Production updates.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 30 minutes + 3 hours English Fundamentals Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
_ Revenue Integrity analysts. _ Complete the Amadeus Time Limits e-Learning (30 mins)
_ Revenue managers.
_ Trainers. Optional:
_ Knowledge of airline distribution processes and Amadeus
Availability, PNR and Ticketing features.

Related courses How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Group Time Limits (Virtual) [Blended Virtual] _ 30 mins Amadeus Time Limits e-Learning
_ 3 hours of virtual training

What equipment do you need?

_ High-speed internet connection (> 25 Mbps)
_ Access to Zoom or MS Teams on a fixed-line or via internet
(not mobile)
_ Headsets with microphones

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: April 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 106

Amadeus Train the Trainer for airlines
This course introduces the Amadeus training techniques external trainers need to know and
practice in order to deliver trainings on Amadeus solutions.
On this course you will learn how to:
_ Use
On thistips
and techniques
you will learnto how
to: the pedagogical This course covers the following topics:
_ Use tips of and
techniques to master the pedagogical _ The training cycle.
_ Write measurable
aspects of training. training objectives and present _ Training objectives.
_ Write measurable
in a clear,
and engaging
and present
manner. _ Training structure.
_ Design and
information in deliver
a clear,structured
concise andandengaging
training _ How people learn.
_ Design to and meet
and interactive
and training _ Verbal and non-verbal communication.
sessions to meet participant objectives and _ Learning styles.
_ Identify different behavioural styles and adapt training
expectations. _ Handling questions.
_ Identify accordingly.
different behavioural styles and adapt training _ Difficult situations.
_ Give and
sessions accordingly.
receive feedback to build on strong points _ Visuals aids.
_ Give
and receive
and improve
to build
on strong points _ Our internal dialogue.
and identify and improve weaker points.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 3 days English Fundamentals No

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Optional:
_ People who have little or no experience in delivering _ No specific experience in delivering training is required,
training. although a general interest in education and learning is
_ Experienced trainers wishing to refresh their skills. helpful.

How the course is organised

_ During the course you will deliver two training sessions of 20
minutes each.
_ You will receive impartial and constructive feedback on your
delivery of the training sessions.

The last few details...

_ This course is available on request only.
_ To schedule a customised session, please contact:
_ Last update: May 2021

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 107

Electronic Miscellaneous Documents
As a reservation and ticketing agent, learn how to manage Electronic Miscellaneous
Documents (EMD) using the Amadeus Central System.
You will learn:
_ What
You willislearn:
an EMD Through a set of interactive videos and games learn
_ What
How tois issue
an EMD
an EMD how to issue, reissue and refund EMDs using cryptic
_ How to issue
ticket with a residual value using commands and Amadeus Ticket Changer (ATC).
_ How to reissue
Ticket Changer
a ticket with
(ATC)a residual value using
_ How to manually
Amadeus Ticket Changer
a ticket with a Penalty EMD
_ How to manually
refund a ticket
anda an
with a Penalty EMD
_ How to refund a ticket and an EMD.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 hour English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ A basic knowledge of the Amadeus Central System.

In particular, those working in: Optional:

Administrators, Fare Filing Agents, Help Desk & Support _ Some knowledge of ticketing concepts.
Agents, Reservation Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential There are five interactive lessons with a duration of 1 hour.
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD)
This course is also available in

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 108

Inconsistent Journey Management
As an analyst, learn how to forecast and manage revenue in real-time with greater accuracy
and therefore reduce distribution costs from non-productive bookings using an internet
On this course, you will learn:
_ What
On this course,
are the Duplicate
you will learn:
Segment Manager Through a set of e-Learning lessons, learn what the
_ What are the Duplicate Segment Manager Duplicate Segment Manager configurations are, how to
_ How to navigate Duplicate Segment Manager
configurations? read and interpret logs, how non-compliant PNRs are
_ How to navigate
interpret Duplicate
Duplicate Segment
Segment Manager
Manager logs detected and which segments will be targeted for
_ How to interpret
create Duplicate
logs action, and how to create business rules using
_ How to create Duplicate Segment Manager business Amadeus Revenue Integrity (ARI).
_ How Duplicate Segment Manager processes a PNR
_ How Duplicate Segment Manager processes a PNR

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 0 hour + 45 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Fare Filing Agents, Help Desk & Support
Agents, Reservation Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use This course is also available in

_ Amadeus Revenue Integrity English

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 109

Local Security Management
As a local security administrator, control user authentication and access control on your
Amadeus product.
On this course, you will learn:
_ What
On this course,
is Local you
will learn:
Management? Through a set of interactive e-Learning lessons, learn
_ What
How tois create
Local Security
users in Management?
Local Security Management about user access, Digital DNA authentication, and
_ How to create
manage users
in in
Management creating agreements using Local Security Management
_ How to manage
register devices
users infor
DNA Management (LSM).
_ How to register devices for Digital DNA
_ How to create agreements in Local Security
_ How to create agreements in Local Security
_ What is guest authentication?
_ What is guest authentication?

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 30 days English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
Airlines, Ground Handlers

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Help Desk & Support Agents, Security
Administrators, Trainers

This course helps you use This course is also available in

_ Amadeus Security Management English

Related courses What equipment do you need?

_ Amadeus Office Management [e-Learning] _ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

The last few details...

To get access to ASM, you will need to complete a 4-days
instructor-led training and successfully pass the test.

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 110

Seatmap Management
As a ground handler, create seat maps for airlines using Atléa Departure Control.
On this course, you will learn:
_ How
On this to
a seat
will learn:
map. Through a set of interactive videos learn how to create
_ How to create a seat map. a seatmap using Amadeus Retailing Platform -
Seatmap Management.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 5 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:
_ Agents performing ground handling activities at the airport.

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Altéa Departure Control - Customer Management (CM) There is one interactive lesson with a duration of 5 minutes.
_ Altéa Departure Control - Flight Management (FM)
_ Amadeus Retailing Platform This course is also available in

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 111

Ticketing Configuration Manager
As a ticketing manager, learn how to regulate and control your ticketing agreements and
conditions using a graphical interface.
On this course, you will learn:
_ What
On this course,
is TCM?you will learn: Through a set of interactive e-Learning videos learn
_ What is TCM?
the Online application? what is TCM and what are TCM's sub-applications,
_ What
How tois identify
the Online
an airline's
preferences for e-ticket how to identify rule types, how to modify rule conditions
_ How to options.
identify an airline's preferences for e-ticket and how to modify interline ticketing agreements using
_ How to
display options.
allow or restrict issuance of infant tickets. Ticketing Configuration Manager (TCM).
_ How to allow or restrict
mandatory of infant
FOID tickets.
at time of
_ How to allow or disallow mandatory FOID at time of
_ What is the Interline sub-application?
_ What
How tois identify
the Interline
the interline
agreements between a
_ How to identify
carrier and
the interline
an interline
partner. between a
_ How to identify
validating carrier and
an airline's
an interline
partner.conditions for
_ How toGDSidentify
airline's distribution conditions for
specific GDS and countries.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 30 minutes English Awareness No

Is this the course for you?

This course is for:

In particular, those working in:

Administrators, Help Desk & Support Agents, Reservation
Agents, Ticketing Agents, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential There are eight lessons with a duration of 30 minutes.
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD)
_ Amadeus Retailing Platform This course is also available in

What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 112

Ticketing in Amadeus (Cryptic)
As a reservation agent, learn how to manage ticket issuance using the Amadeus central
You will learn:
_ How
You willtolearn:
issue a ticket Through a set of interactive videos and games learn
_ How to issue
a and
ticketread a TST how to issue, reissue and refund e-tickets and
_ How
Whattois display
an EMDand read a TST Electronic Miscellaneous Documents (EMDs) using
_ What
How tois reissue
an EMDa ticket with a residual value using cryptic commands.
_ How to reissue
Ticket Changer
a ticket with
(ATC) a residual value using
_ How to manually
Amadeus Ticket Changer
a ticket with a penalty EMD
_ How to manually
refund a ticket
anda an
with a penalty EMD
_ How to refund a ticket and an EMD.

Certification: Duration: Language: Level: Prerequisites:

No 1 hour English Awareness Yes

Is this the course for you? Things you need for this course
This course is for: Prerequisites:
Airlines _ A basic knowledge of the Amadeus Central System.
_ A basic knowledge of the airline travel industry and ticketing
In particular, those working in: concepts.
Administrators, Fare Filing Agents, Help Desk & Support
Agents, Inventory / Revenue Managers, Reservation Agents,
Space Controllers / SKD Managers, Ticketing Agents, Traffic
Operators, Trainers

This course helps you use How the course is organised

_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Essential There are six interactive lessons with a duration of 60
_ Amadeus Reservation Desktop Web (ARD) minutes.

This course is also available in


What equipment do you need?

_ A computer, laptop or tablet.
_ A high-speed internet connection (> 1MB).
_ The Google Chrome browser or alternatively the Microsoft
Edge browser.
_ An Amadeus login (LSS), organization ID (IATA code) and

© 2022 Amadeus IT Group SA | 113

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