November - 2023
November - 2023
November - 2023
Wage Type Indic. For Number Amt/Unit Addit. Amount Annual Value
2000 Hourly Rate LSG 27.35 12.00 328.20
Gross Remuneration
/10E Total Gross (EBeschV) 328.20 328.20
SBRL Gross Tax, Regular 328.20 328.20
RBGL PI Gross MJ, Reg. 262.76 262.76
Statutory Deductions
RANL Pension Insurance, Reg. 10.75 10.75
/55E Statutory Net (EBeschV) 317.45
Bank Transfer 269.13 EUR
Bank Details: STEFFIN KANNAMPUZHA NELSON IBAN: DE67 7605 0101 0014 8456 48
Indicator: (E) Non-Recurring Payment, (L) Liable to Employment Tax, (S) Liable to Social Insurance, (G) Overall Gross Amount, (Z)
Gross Amount Liable for SP Gross
Statement according to § 108, paragraph 3, clause 1 of the German Industrial Code