Teks MC
Teks MC
Teks MC
Dear Speaker
الحمد هلل رب العالمين وبه نستعين على أمورالدنيا والدين الصالة والسالم على أشرف
Firstly let’s thank to Allah SWT Who has been giving us the mercy and the blessing until
we can meet in this place. _Alhamdulillah_
Peace and salutation may always be upon to the most honorable messenger our prophet
Muhammad SAW. Who has brought the Islamic religion for human race.
And I stand here as master of ceremony allow me to read our agenda tonight.
1. Opening
2. Reading of the holy qur’an
3. Speech presentation
4. Announcement
5. Closing
For the first agenda is opening, lets open our agenda tonight by reading Al-
And for the second agenda is the reading of the holy qur’an, for the reader I call
Mr/Mrs…..for him to come forward.
And for the third agenda is speech presentation.
For the first speaker I call mr/mrs…..for him to come forward
And for taking conclution I call Mr/mrs….for him to come forward.
And for the fourth agenda is announcement.
For the first announcement come from supervisor for him to come forward.
For the last agenda is closing. Lets close our agenda by reading Alhamdallah…
That’s all, that I deliver to you tonight. I bag your pardon for mistakes. Thanks for your
attention. And I say..
Wasaalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh..
َياّأّيَه ا اْلُم اَل ِح ُظْو َن اْلِكَر ام
ىِف هذه اْل َنا ة اْل ِد ة ,ا ِبَنا َنْش ُك اهلل اىل اَّلِذي َقْد َأ َطاَنا ِن ًة َك ِث ًة ِه َد ا ًة ىَّت َن ِت َاْن ِم ىِف هِذِه
ْع ْع َم ْيَر َو َي َح ْس َت ْيَع ْجَنَت َع ُر َتَع ُم َسَب َب ْيَع َه َي
اْلُغْر َف ِة الّش ِر ْيَف ة( .احلمد هلل)
الَّصاَل ُة َو الَّس اَل ُم َعَلى َح ِبْيِبَنا اْلُم ْص َطَف ى حممد صلى اهلل عليه وسلم .اَّلِذ ى َقْد ُأْخ ِر َج الناس ِم ن ُظُلَم اِت اَجْلْه ِل ِاىَل