2023-03-28 Audit Report - Namada Ethereum Bridge v1.0

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Audit Report

Namada Ethereum Bridge

March 28, 2023

Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
License 3
Disclaimer 3
Introduction 5
Purpose of This Report 5
Codebase Submitted for the Audit 5
Methodology 6
Functionality Overview 6
How to Read This Report 7
Summary of Findings 8
Code Quality Criteria 9
Detailed Findings 10
1. Ethereum events are not correctly confirmed 10
2. Missing replay protection for signatures 10
3. Bridging tokens from Ethereum to Namada with an invalid amount of receiver
addresses will freeze escrowed funds 11
4. Oracle uses an unbounded queue which might lead to out-of-memory issues 11
5. Incorrect accounting of voting power for Ethereum events 12
6. The minimum number of block confirmations required to bridge ERC20 tokens from
Ethereum to Namada is not enforced 12
7. Slashable offense for voting on an unconfirmed event is not accounted as
misbehavior 13
8. Validator set update protocol transactions are not validated in the process proposal
phase 13
9. Unsafe use of selfdestruct 14
10. The total size in bytes of the transactions in a block proposal can exceed the block
byte size limit 14
11. Smart contract hub can upgrade contracts to an already used contract address 14
12. The minimum number of confirmations needed to trust an Ethereum branch should
be set to 100 15
13. Less than half of the available wrapped transactions from the mempool are
potentially included in a proposal 15
14. Include a check to ensure that a transfer is sent only if the slashed_amount is
greater than 0 16
15. Instance of potential integer overflow on arithmetic operations 16
16. Typographical error 17







This audit has been performed by

Oak Security



Purpose of This Report

Oak Security has been engaged by Heliax AG to perform a security audit of the Namada
Ethereum Bridge.

The objectives of the audit are as follows:

1. Determine the correct functioning of the protocol, in accordance with the project

2. Determine possible vulnerabilities, which could be exploited by an attacker.

3. Determine smart contract bugs, which might lead to unexpected behavior.

4. Analyze whether best practices have been applied during development.

5. Make recommendations to improve code safety and readability.

This report represents a summary of the findings.

As with any code audit, there is a limit to which vulnerabilities can be found, and unexpected
execution paths may still be possible. The author of this report does not guarantee complete
coverage (see disclaimer).

Codebase Submitted for the Audit

The audit has been performed on the following GitHub repositories:

The audit focussed on the code in the apps/src/lib/node/ledger directory and
relevant type definitions in shared/src/ledger/eth_bridge and
Commit hash: 57fc202ea33df5072c9286f5ccb339537b1be885

Commit hash: fe93d2e95ddb193a759811a79c8464ad4d709c12

The audit has been performed in the following steps:
1. Gaining an understanding of the code base’s intended purpose by reading the
available documentation.
2. Automated source code and dependency analysis.
3. Manual line by line analysis of the source code for security vulnerabilities and use of
best practice guidelines, including but not limited to:
a. Race condition analysis
b. Under-/overflow issues
c. Key management vulnerabilities
4. Report preparation

Functionality Overview
Namada is a sovereign proof-of-stake blockchain, using Tendermint BFT consensus, that
enables multi-asset private transfers for any native or non-native asset using a multi-asset
shielded pool derived from the Sapling circuit. Namada is a fractal instance in the Anoma
ecosystem. A custom Ethereum bridge is implemented to support transferring any fungible or
non-fungible asset from Ethereum to Namada.

How to Read This Report
This report classifies the issues found into the following severity categories:

Severity Description

Critical A serious and exploitable vulnerability that can lead to loss of funds,
unrecoverable locked funds, or catastrophic denial of service.

Major A vulnerability or bug that can affect the correct functioning of the
system, lead to incorrect states or denial of service.

Minor A violation of common best practices or incorrect usage of primitives,

which may not currently have a major impact on security, but may do so
in the future or introduce inefficiencies.

Informational Comments and recommendations of design decisions or potential

optimizations, that are not relevant to security. Their application may
improve aspects, such as user experience or readability, but is not strictly
necessary. This category may also include opinionated
recommendations that the project team might not share.

The status of an issue can be one of the following: Pending, Acknowledged, or Resolved.

Note that audits are an important step to improving the security of smart contracts and can
find many issues. However, auditing complex codebases has its limits and a remaining risk is
present (see disclaimer).

Users of the system should exercise caution. In order to help with the evaluation of the
remaining risk, we provide a measure of the following key indicators: code complexity, code
readability, level of documentation, and test coverage. We include a table with these criteria

Note that high complexity or low test coverage does not necessarily equate to a higher risk,
although certain bugs are more easily detected in unit testing than in a security audit and vice

Summary of Findings
No Description Severity Status

1 Ethereum events are not correctly confirmed Critical Resolved

2 Missing replay protection for signatures Critical Acknowledged

3 Bridging tokens from Ethereum to Namada with an Major Resolved

invalid amount of receiver addresses will freeze
escrowed funds

4 Oracle uses an unbounded queue which might Major Resolved

lead to out-of-memory issues

5 Incorrect accounting of voting power for Ethereum Major Resolved


6 The minimum number of block confirmations Major Resolved

required to bridge ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to
Namada is not enforced

7 Slashable offense for voting on an unconfirmed Major Acknowledged

event is not accounted as misbehavior

8 Validator set update protocol transactions are not Minor Resolved

validated in the process proposal phase

9 Unsafe use of selfdestruct Minor Resolved

10 The total size in bytes of the transactions in a block Minor Resolved

proposal can exceed the block byte size limit

11 Smart contract hub can upgrade contracts to an Minor Acknowledged

already used contract address

12 The minimum number of block confirmations Minor Resolved

required to bridge ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to
Namada is not enforced

13 Less than half of the available wrapped Informational Resolved

transactions from the mempool are potentially
included in a proposal

14 Include a check to ensure that a transfer is sent Informational Acknowledged

only if the slashed_amount is greater than 0

15 Instance of potential integer overflow on arithmetic Informational Acknowledged

16 Typographical error Informational Resolved

Code Quality Criteria

Criteria Status Comment

Code complexity Medium -

Code readability and clarity Low-Medium Some parts of the codebase have
low-medium readability because of
confusing variable names and
missing code comments. Other
parts of the codebase could be

Level of documentation Low-Medium High-level documentation was

provided, while in-depth code-level
documentation was not present.

Test coverage Medium-High -

Detailed Findings
1. Ethereum events are not correctly confirmed
Severity: Critical

Events emitted by the Ethereum smart contracts must reach a certain amount of block
confirmations before validators vote to include them on Namada. An event is confirmed if the
difference between the heights of the current block and the block containing the event is
greater than or equal to the required amount of confirmations.

However, the PendingEvent::is_confirmed function in

apps/src/lib/node/ledger/ethereum_node/events.rs:206 considers a block
confirmed if the required amount of confirmations is greater than or equal to the block
height difference. Thus, if there are more block confirmations, the block is considered
unconfirmed and discarded from further processing. This leads to frozen funds in case of the
TransferToNamada event.


We recommend changing the implementation to self.confirmations <=

height.clone() - self.block_height.clone() to correctly identify Ethereum
events as confirmed.

Status: Resolved

2. Missing replay protection for signatures

Severity: Critical

Signatures of the current validators set are provided in the execution of the
upgradeContract function in contracts/contract/Governance.sol:42,
upgradeBridgeContract function in contracts/contract/Governance.sol:60
and addContract function in contracts/contract/Governance.sol:77. In all three
functions, messageHash gets calculated to validate the given signatures. There is no replay
protection for these functions though, which implies that an attacker can use previously
provided signatures to again upgrade/update the state of the contract given that the validator
set during the signature creation time is the same as the attack time. For example, an attacker
may replay a previous upgrade and then execute a message, which may lead to irrecoverable
state inconsistencies in the contract.


We recommend implementing replay protection for messages, such as adding a nonce to the
pre-image of messageHash.

Status: Acknowledged

The client has assessed that this is not an urgent issue and will be addressed at a later date,
as proposals need to be voted on via Namada governance.

3. Bridging tokens from Ethereum to Namada with an invalid

amount of receiver addresses will freeze escrowed funds
Severity: Major

ERC-20 tokens are transferred from Ethereum to Namada using the transferToNamada
function in contracts/Bridge.sol. The appropriate Namada receiver addresses are
provided with the function parameter address[] calldata _tos. After transferring the
specified tokens to the Bridge contract for escrow, an event TransferToNamada is
emitted and processed by Namada validators. However, if the amount of _tos receiver
addresses does not match the length of the other parameters _froms and _amounts, the
event is discarded. Escrowed ERC-20 tokens for this specific token transfer transaction are
locked and the user can not withdraw funds.


We recommend validating the function parameters _froms, _amounts, and _tos to assert
the same lengths of the arrays.

Status: Resolved

4. Oracle uses an unbounded queue which might lead to

out-of-memory issues
Severity: Major

In apps/src/lib/node/ledger/ethereum_node/oracle.rs:33 in the Oracle

struct the sender attribute is of type UnboundedSender. Its unbounded nature might
cause an out-of-memory termination of the process in case the reader side of the channel
cannot consume events as fast as the producer creates them. There might be a possibility of
an attack in which a large number of events on the Ethereum side are crafted with the
intention of exhausting the memory of the node.


We recommend replacing UnboundedSender with a bounded alternative.

Status: Resolved

5. Incorrect accounting of voting power for Ethereum events

Severity: Major

186, the voting power for events gets accounted for cumulatively rather than per event to
check whether sufficient votes are provided for Ethereum events by Namada validators.

This allows malicious validators to successfully add invalid events. For example, an event
crafted without actually locking funds in the Ethereum smart contract could be used to mint
new funds on the Namada chain.


We recommend checking that the voting power of every seen Ethereum event is greater than
⅔ of the total votes.

Status: Resolved

6. The minimum number of block confirmations required to bridge

ERC20 tokens from Ethereum to Namada is not enforced
Severity: Major

Transferring ERC20 tokens to Namada by using the transferToERC function in the

contracts/Bridge.sol contract emits the TransferToNamada event. This event
includes the number of block confirmations that must be reached on the Ethereum chain
before validators vote to include them on Namada. This number is provided by the function
parameter uint256 confirmations and must be at least the protocol-specified minimum
number of confirmations, initially set to 100. However, this aforementioned invariant is not
enforced in the RawTransfersToNamada::decode function in
apps/src/lib/node/ledger/ethereum_node/events.rs:288. As a result, a user
can circumvent the protocol-specified minimum number of confirmations, which might be
exploited to double-spend funds.


We recommend validating the number of confirmations required for the

TransferToNamada event to assert the required minimum.

Status: Resolved

7. Slashable offense for voting on an unconfirmed event is not

accounted as misbehavior
Severity: Major

When applying slashing validators in

apps/src/lib/node/ledger/shell/mod.rs:525, EvidenceType gets matched
with the SlashType. Voting on unconfirmed events is considered a slashable offense
according to the provided documentation, but it is not accounted for as one of the variants of
EvidenceType. This allows validators to vote on unconfirmed events. This issue may be
abused by malicious validators to double-spend funds.


We recommend adding the logic for slashing for the voting on unconfirmed events.

Status: Acknowledged

The client has assessed that it is not possible to determine if a validator has voted on an
unconfirmed event, and will be adjusting the specs accordingly.

8. Validator set update protocol transactions are not validated in the

process proposal phase
Severity: Minor

Transactions in newly proposed blocks are validated by all validator nodes in the
Shell::process_proposal in
apps/src/lib/node/ledger/shell/process_proposal.rs to ensure valid
transactions. However, contrary to properly validating protocol transactions of type
ProtocolTxType::EthereumEvents, transactions of type
ProtocolTxType::ValidatorSetUpdate are not currently validated.


We recommend adding appropriate validation logic for transactions of the type


Status: Resolved

9. Unsafe use of selfdestruct
Severity: Minor

Using selfdestruct in contracts/contract/Bridge.sol:160 is not safe because

ERC20 funds would be lost if those funds were not withdrawn before executing the
selfdestruct function. There is no inherent protection that makes sure all funds are
withdrawn from the contract before selfdestruct so there is a risk of human error of
misplacing an ERC20 token address within the _tokens param of withdraw function.


We recommend removing the selfdestruct function and using a reclaimETH function

which explicitly withdraws all native funds and transfers them to the _to address.

Status: Resolved

10. The total size in bytes of the transactions in a block proposal can
exceed the block byte size limit
Severity: Minor

Tendermint expects the application to check whether the size of all transactions exceeds the
byte limit RequestPrepareProposal.max_tx_bytes, which by default is set to
1048576 bytes. If so, the application must remove transactions at the end of the list until the
total byte size is at or below the limit. However, the current implementation of
Shell::prepare_proposal in
apps/src/lib/node/ledger/shell/prepare_proposal.rs:48-57 does not
enforce this limit. Therefore, if the transaction byte size limit surpasses the limit, Tendermint
will reject the block.

For more details, see requirement number 2 in Tendermints' formal requirements.


We recommend limiting the transactions within a proposed block accordingly to prevent

surpassing the byte limit RequestPrepareProposal.max_tx_bytes.

Status: Resolved

11. Smart contract hub can upgrade contracts to an already used

contract address
Severity: Minor

The contracts/Hub.sol contract holds references to the addresses of the latest contract
version. Contracts are upgraded to a newer address with the upgradeContract function.

However, the current implementation does not verify if the Hub contract already uses the new
contract address. Even though there is no immediate security implication, upgrading to an
already used contract address should be prevented, similar to how it is implemented in the
addContract function.


We recommend checking for duplicate addresses and preventing such contract upgrades.

Status: Acknowledged

12. The minimum number of confirmations needed to trust an

Ethereum branch should be set to 100
Severity: Minor

According to the specs, TransferToNamada events may include a custom minimum

number of confirmations, which must be at least the protocol-specified minimum number of
confirmations but is initially set to 100. However, MIN_CONFIRMATIONS in
apps/src/lib/node/ledger/ethereum_node/oracle.rs:19 is currently set to 50,
deviating from the specs.


We recommend changing the value of MIN_CONFIRMATIONS to 100 to comply with the


Status: Resolved

13. Less than half of the available wrapped transactions from the
mempool are potentially included in a proposal
Severity: Informational

A block proposer anticipates including half of the available wrapped transactions from the
mempool in a new block proposal. However, the Shell::build_mempool_txs function in
apps/src/lib/node/ledger/shell/prepare_proposal.rs:136-148 first takes
half of the transactions in txs: Vec<Vec<u8>> and then filters the transactions to only
include TxType::Wrapper transactions. In case there are non-wrapper transactions in this
batch of taken transactions, the block will include less than half of the anticipated wrapped
transactions from the mempool.


We recommend filtering TxType::Wrapper transactions first and then taking half of the
transactions to include in the block proposal.

Status: Resolved

14. Include a check to ensure that a transfer is sent only if the

slashed_amount is greater than 0
Severity: Informational

In apps/proof_of_stake/src/lib.rs:881 the transfer method is called

regardless of the amount being slashed.


We recommend checking if the slashed_amount is greater than 0 before calling

transfer in apps/proof_of_stake/src/lib.rs:881.

Status: Acknowledged

15. Instance of potential integer overflow on arithmetic operations

Severity: Informational

When calculating the validator_voting_power in

186 there is no check for arithmetic overflow. In the event of an overflow, events that should
be part of ethereum_events::VextDigest will otherwise be ignored. However, this
event seems unlikely to ever happen, since the total voting power is greater than the sum of
the validator voting powers.


We recommend adding checks for arithmetic overflow in the AddAssign implementation to

prevent FractionalVotingPower from overflowing.

Status: Acknowledged

The client mentioned that this specific code path is not active anymore.

16. Typographical error
Severity: Informational

In shared/src/ledger/gas.rs:13, the enum variant

TransactionGasExceedededError has a spelling mistake.


We recommend replacing the variant with TransactionGasExceededError.

Status: Resolved


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