Accepted Abstracts Eraedta 2021
Accepted Abstracts Eraedta 2021
Accepted Abstracts Eraedta 2021
Congress Abstracts
Abstract Supplement
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Serum uric acid may predict the onset and progression
of kidney disease, and the occurrence of cardiovascular (CVM) and all-cause mortality
(ACM). Nevertheless, it is unclear which is the appropriate definition of hyperuricemia
in presence of chronic kidney disease and whether HU and renal impairment are
independent risk factor for mortality. Our goal was to study the relationship between
uric acid and chronic kidney disease in causing mortality.
METHOD: We retrospectively investigated a total of 21,963 patients from the URRAH
study database for whom data about cardiovascular and all-cause mortality were
available. Hyperuricemia was defined on the basis of the outcome specific cut-off
separately identified by ROC curves according to eGFR strata. The primary endpoints
were ACM and CVM, composite of the occurrence of fatal heart failure and fatal
cerebrovascular and cardiac events. We calculated the hazard ratios for eGFR, serum
uric acid, albuminuria, and their combination.
RESULTS: After a 9.8 -year follow-up, there were 1,582 (7.20%) cardiovascular events
and 3,130 (14.25%) deaths for all causes. The incidence of CVM and ACM increased in
parallel with reduction of eGFR strata and with progressively higher uric acid quartiles.
During 215,618 person-years of follow-up, the incidence rate for CVM, stratified on
the basis of eGFR (>90, between 60 and 90 and <60 ml/min) was significantly higher
in patients with HU and albuminuria (3.8, 22.1 and 19.1, respectively) as compared to
those with only one risk factor or none (0.4, 2.8 and 3.1, respectively, Figure 1). Serum
uric acid and eGFR significantly interact in determining cardiovascular and all-cause
mortality. For each SUA increase of 1 mg/dl the risk for CVM and ACM increased by
10% even after adjustment for potential confounding factors included eGFR and the
presence of albuminuria (Figure 2).
CONCLUSION: Hyperuricemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular and all-cause
mortality additively to eGFR strata and albuminuria, in patients at CV risk.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i2 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i3–i4, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
FC007 CKD DERIVED MUSCLE CELLS RETAIN PHENOTYPIC experimental wells and proliferated for 5 days or until confluent. Once confluent cells
CHARACTERISTICS OF UREIC SARCOPENIA: THE NEXT were differentiated through serum restriction to form mature myotubes (muscle fiber
STEP IN CELLULAR MODELLING FOR THERAPEUTIC like structures) for a minimum of 7 days. Sampling time points were taken throughout
SCREENING to allow for the analysis of markers of proliferation, myogenic capacity, maturation,
inflammation, protein synthesis and protein degradation. Further experiments were
Luke Baker1, Thomas O’Sullivan2, Kathrine Robinson2, Matthew Graham- conducted on mature myotubes, where myotubes from both donor groups were
Brown3,4, Robert Ashford5,6, Alice Smith1,4, Emma Watson3 exposed to either 0.4nM or 100nM of IGF-1 and p-Akt and protein synthesis
University of Leicester, Health Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2University of quantified to investigate the presence of anabolic resistance in CKD derived cells.
Leicester, Respiratory Sicences, Leicester, United Kingdom, 3University of Leicester, RESULTS: We report here that muscle cells derived from CKD patients have
Cardiovascular Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom, 4University Hospitals Leicester, John significantly higher levels of markers of proliferation (p = 0.041) and myogenic
Walls Renal Unit, Leicester, United Kingdom, 5University of Leicester, Cancer Studies, capacity (p = 0.034). Regarding myotube maturity, lower ratios of mature Myosin
Leicester, United Kingdom and 6University Hospitals Leicester, Leicester Orthopaedics, Heavy Chains were noted in CKD derived cells in comparison with CON derived cells
Leicester, United Kingdom (p = 0.012). On analysis of rates of protein synthesis and degradation in mature
myotubes, no differences were noted in the rate of protein synthesis or the p-Akt in
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Skeletal muscle wasting and dysfunction is a basal conditions (p > 0.05), however, significant elevations were noted in both protein
debilitating co-morbidity for people who suffer from kidney disease. To date research degradation rates (p = 0.014) and the mRNA gene expression levels of E3-ligases (p =
has sought to understand the mechanisms by which this occurs, in order to inform the 0.016). On analysis of the experimentation investigating anabolic resistance, a degree of
prescription of required interventions in order to counteract such effects. Though anabolic resistance was noted with inhibited p-Akt (p = 0.019) and protein synthesis (p
progress has been made through in-vivo physiology research, the lack of an in-vitro 0.001) noted in cells derived from CKD cells in comparison to CON cells, when
translational model which replicates the phenotype noted in this patient group has exposed to both doses of IGF-1.
hindered progression. The aim of the work presented was to systematically define a CONCLUSION: Here we describe for the first time a human derived, disease specific
human derived skeletal muscle model with cells derived from people with kidney model of uremic sarcopenia with many of the phenotypic traits noted in this
disease, in order to provide a test bed for the future screening of novel therapeutics and population being maintained, such as elevated protein degradation and anabolic
the investigation of the dynamic processes involved in the unwanted characteristics inhibition. This work not only provides a translational mechanistic insight into the
observed in this population. cellular underpinnings of uremic sarcopenia but will allow for the future screening of
METHOD: Skeletal muscle biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis of non- novel therapeutics, in order manipulate the dynamic processes which lead to the
dialysis dependent CKD patients (CKD; n=12) and Controls (CON; n=12), matched debilitations noted in CKD populations.
for age, sex, ethnicity and physical activity levels. Biopsy samples were subject to an
enzymatic digestion method to enable the isolation of the muscle derived cells required
for cellular experimentation. Once taken through the cell cycle, cells were plated into
i4 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i5–i6, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
increase antibiotic concentration in infected kidney cysts. However, benefits of this CONCLUSION: Treatment of kidney CI should last 28 days and include when
strategy have never been investigated in clinical practice. possible lipid soluble antibiotics.
METHOD: We undertook a monocentric retrospective study of CI in ADPKD patients
from 2000 to 2018. CI were classified as “definite” (microbiologically proven),
“probable” (clinical/biological and radiological signs) or possible (clinical/biological
signs). Determinants of treatment failure and recurrences were studied.
RESULTS: 139 CI (11 “definite”, 74 “probable”, 54 “possible”) were compiled among
90 patients. Median age was 53 years. 28/90 (31%) were kidney transplant recipients.
Escherichia coli was identified in 89/106 (84%) episodes. Treatment failure was
reported in 22/139 (16%), and found associated with cyst diameter >5cm (80% vs 36%,
P<0.01), cyst wall thickening (53% vs 12%, P<0.001), cyst septations (18% vs 1%,
P<0.01), intracystic gas (18% vs 1%, P<0.01), kidney abscess (35% vs 1%, P<0.001),
higher C-reactive protein level (210 [140-358] vs 145 [99-213] mg/L, P<0.01) or
documentation of Staphylococcus aureus and lugdunensis (P<0.001). Recurrence was
reported in 20/139 (14%) cases within 1-year follow-up. Recurrence rate was lower in
patients treated with lipid soluble antibiotics than with non-lipid soluble antibiotics
(HR=0.34 [0.12-0.97], p=0.045). Most importantly, cases with definite and probable CI
experienced significantly fewer recurrences when treated with longer treatment
duration: 81% for treatment <21 days, 47% for 21-27 days, but only 2% for 28 days
i6 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i7–i8, 2021
GENES & KIDNEY mild ADPKD/PCLD, we identified ALG6 as a new candidate gene. ALG6 bears a high
resemblance to other genes implicated in this phenotype in recent years. Through the
100,000 Genomes Project and collaborators we identified three additional patients with
kidney and/or liver cysts carrying a suspected deleterious variant in ALG6.
FC011 KIDNEYNETWORK: USING KIDNEY DERIVED GENE CONCLUSION: We present KidneyNetwork, a kidney specific co-expression network
EXPRESSION DATA TO PREDICT AND PRIORITIZE NOVEL that accurately predicts what genes have kidney-specific functions and may result in
GENES INVOLVED IN KIDNEY DISEASE kidney disease. Gene-phenotype associations of genes unknown for kidney-related
phenotypes can be predicted by KidneyNetwork. We show the added value of
Floranne Boulogne1, Laura Claus2, Henry Wiersma1, Roy Oelen1, Floor Schukking1, KidneyNetwork by applying it to exome sequencing data of kidney disease patients
Niek De Klein1, Shuang Li1, Harm-Jan Westra1, Bert Van der Zwaag2, Franka Van without a molecular diagnosis and consequently we propose ALG6 as a promising
Reekum2, Jan Halbritter3, Nine Knoers1, Genomics England Research candidate gene. KidneyNetwork can be applied to clinically unsolved kidney disease
Consortium4, Patrick Deelen1,2, Lude Franke1, Albertien M. Van Eerde2 cases, but it can also be used by researchers to gain insight into individual genes to
University Medical Center Groningen, Genetics, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2University better understand kidney physiology and pathophysiology.
Medical Center Utrecht, Genetics, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3University Hospital Leipzig, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This research was made possible through access to the data and
Internal Medicine, Leipzig, Germany and 4Genomics England, United Kingdom findings generated by the 100,000 Genomes Project;
FC011 Figure 1: Kidney Network performs better for kidney-related HPO terms than GeneNetwork. A) 27% of kidney-related phenotypes are predicted significantly better using
KidneyNetwork, as compared to GeneNetwork. B) Density plots of gene prediction scores within two of the most improved phenotypes, hypomagnesemia and tubulointerstitial fib-
rosis, show higher prediction values for genes annotated for the phenotype, while also predicting potential unknown candidate genes. The networks predicted using KidneyNetwork
show more and stronger correlations between the annotated genes than the networks predicted using GeneNetwork.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CKD aetiologies allows us to investigate whether this specific diagnosis impacts time course and magnitude of reduction was seen in patients <18 years at 64.5% (3.3)
outcome in CKD pregnancies. (N=38), and 18 years old at 59.8% (4.4) (N=16). The oxalate reductions observed in
METHOD: The ALPART network is an international 15-center network, which aims random spot urine samples were comparable to those observed from 24-hour urine
to include 200 COLA3-5 related disease pregnancies. In this intermediary analysis, we collections. The overall mean (SEM) percent reduction in urinary oxalate excretion
present data on 109 pregnancies from 68 women with COLA3-5 related disease. We from 24-hour collections was 63.8% (2.6) across all ages (N=40), 63.2% (3.5) in the
compared outcomes to a cohort of 457 CKD stage 1-2 patients (a similar CKD stage as <18 group (N=23) and 64.8% (3.9) in the 18 group (N=17). The overall mean (SEM)
our cohort) of diverse aetiology from a 2015 Italian study and 159,924 women from the percent reduction in plasma oxalate from baseline to Month 6 was 39.5% (3.7) across
general Dutch population. all ages (N=44), with similar reductions of 39.4% (4.6) and 39.7% (6.5) in patients <18
RESULTS: The main pregnancy and kidney outcomes are presented in Figure 1. Foetal (N=30) and 18 (N=14) years of age, respectively. eGFR was calculated for all patients
outcomes were better in COLA3-5 pregnancies than in pregnancies of women with 12 months of age and remained stable in both age groups during the 6 months of
CKD stage 1-2 of diverse aetiology. We saw less prematurity (17% vs 36% respectively) treatment with lumasiran. The 57 patients had a cumulative exposure of 27.1 patient-
and a higher mean birthweight of 3216 6 663 gram compared to 2768 6 680 in the years and 227 doses were given. Adverse events were reported in 86% of all patients,
Italian cohort. Maternal kidney outcomes should be interpreted with caution (>30% 88% of patients <18, and 82% of patients 18 years of age. All adverse events were
missing data): proteinuria (73%) and hypertension (30%) were more frequent in graded as mild or moderate in severity by the investigator. One patient had a serious
COLA3-5 pregnancies than the Italian cohort. In the ALPART cohort, 10% developed adverse event of viral infection that was not related to lumasiran. In all patients, the
severe hypertension. Median eGFR was not impacted by pregnancy and decline of most common adverse events related to lumasiran were mild, transient, injection site
eGFR before and after pregnancy were not significantly different between groups. reactions, experienced by 30% of all patients, 23% of patients <18 and 47% of patients
18 years of age. No treatment interruptions or discontinuations related to lumasiran
or deaths occurred.
CONCLUSION: Lumasiran reduced urinary and plasma oxalate to a similar degree in
pediatric and adult patients with PH1 enrolled in the Phase 3 studies ILLUMINATE-A
and ILLUMINATE-B. Reductions in urinary oxalate were similar between random
spot urine samples and valid 24-hour urine collections. Overall safety was comparable
between pediatric and adult patients.
i8 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i9–i11, 2021
PATHOLOGY MEETS CLINICS hypercoagulable state and thrombosis, and mice with plasminogen deficiency have
been shown to suffer from developing spontaneous thrombosis. However, the role of
plasminogen in hypercoagulable state and thrombosis in an experimental nephrotic
syndrome has not been investigated before.
FC015 LACK OF PLASMINOGEN RELATES TO A METHOD: We investigated the relationship between plasminogen and a
HYPERCOAGULABLE STATE IN MICE WITH EXPERIMENTAL hypercoagulable state in an inducible nephrotic mouse model with conditional
NEPHROTIC SYNDROME podocyte-specific podocin deletion (Nphs2Dipod * Plgþ/þ, n=12). The Nphs2Dipod mice
with constitutive plasminogen knockout were used as negative plasminogen control
Mengyun Xiao1, Stefanie Hammer2, Wissam A. Khalel2, Lisann Pelzl2, Bernhard (Nphs2Dipod * Plg-/-, n=15). All mice received a daily oral doxycycline administration
N. Bohnert3,4,5, Karina Althaus2, Tamam Bakchoul2, Andreas L. Birkenfeld3,4,5, for 2 weeks for NS induction. The last day of doxycycline treatment was set as day 0.
Ferruh Artunc3,4,5 Spot urine was collected daily for proteinuria and urinary plasmin activity
University Hospital Tübingen, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Tübingen, Germany, measurement. Citrate blood was collected from each mouse before induction of NS, 7
University Hospital Tuebingen, Center for Clinical Transfusion Medicine, Tübingen, days and 21 days after induction, respectively (Nphs2Dipod * Plgþ/þ mice, n=4/
Germany, 3University Hospital Tübingen, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Division timepoint; Nphs2Dipod * Plg-/- mice, n=5/timepoint). A global assessment of
of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Nephrology, Tübingen, Germany, 4University coagulation (extrinsic coagulation test, EX test) was examined by ClotProV R system.
Tübingen, Institue of Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases (IDM) of the Helmholtz Besides, fibrinolysis was tested by adding tissue plasminogen activator (TPA test).
Center Munich, Tuebingen, Germany and 5University Tübingen, German Center for RESULTS: According to the EX test, uninduced mice with plasminogen deficiency
Diabetes Research (DZD), Tuebingen, Germany showed a significantly reduced clotting time (CT, Plg-/- vs. Plgþ/þ, 42 6 1s vs. 54 6 4s,
p=0.0213), and decreased clot formation time (CFT, Plg-/- vs. Plgþ/þ, 82 6 5s vs. 206 6
28s p<0.0001) with a larger alpha-angle (Plg-/- vs. Plgþ/þ, 75 6 1 vs. 66 6 2 ,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Urinary excretion of the fibrinolytic enzyme p=0.0041). The maximum clot firmness (MCF) was significantly increased in
plasminogen has been identified as a characteristic feature of nephrotic syndrome (NS) uninduced plasminogen knockout mice (Plg-/- vs. Plgþ/þ, 45 6 0.5mm vs. 32 6 2.5mm
in both human and experimental mouse models. Lack of plasminogen may lead to a p<0.0001). According to the TPA test, uninduced Nphs2Dipod *Plg-/- mice had a faster
FC015 Figure 1. The parameters and visible results of extrinsic coagulation test (EX test) (a) and (TPA test)(b). The summary of results from EX test (c) and TPA test (d). Data
were presented as Mean 6 SEM. *indicated significance between different genotypes; # indicated significance among different time compared to the baseline values CFT: clot for-
mation time (s); MA: maximum amplitude (mm); ML: maximum lysis (%); LT: lysis time (s).
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
velocity of clot formation (a-angle, 75.6 6 0.2 vs. 66.5 6 1.6 , p=0.0254) and did not
show any clot lysis in contrast to uninduced nphs2Dipod * plgþ/þ mice. After induction
of NS, both Nphs2Dipod * Plg-/- mice and Nphs2Dipod * Plgþ/þ mice developed massive METHOD: Intravital multiphoton microscopy (MPM) of the glomerular vasculature
proteinuria to a comparable extent (Plg-/- vs. Plgþ/þ on day 21, 218 6 46mg/mg crea vs. and filtration barrier structure and function was performed in genetically engineered
203 6 28mg/mg crea), and plasminuria was detectable in nephrotic nphs2Dipod * plgþ/ mice combined with traditional urinalysis and histology-based phenotyping.
mice. With the ongoing loss of plasminogen in the urine, CT and CFT was Glomerular hemodynamic parameters (afferent and efferent arteriole (AA and EA)
significantly reduced in nephrotic Nphs2Dipod * Plgþ/þ mice. MCF was significantly diameters and single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR)) and podocyte
increased with a faster velocity of clot formation measured by both the EX and TPA calcium entry, as a measure of cell injury, were quantitatively visualized in the FSGS
test. Moreover, clot lysis was significantly reduced. In nephrotic nphs2Dipod *plg-/- mice model Pod-GCaMP5/Tomato TRPC6 transgenic mice (1.5 years of age), in which
at day 21, there was also a tendency towards a decrease in CT, CFT and an increased TRPC6 is overexpressed together with the calcium reporter GCaMP5 in podocytes.
velocity of clot formation. According to both EX and TPA test, there were no Single cell identification and fate tracking of cells of the renin lineage (CoRL) was
significant differences between the genotypes in nephrotic mice any more. performed over time using a second physiologic control mouse model, Ren1d-Confetti
CONCLUSION: The results highlight that loss of plasminogen in the nephrotic state mice that feature a multicolor CFP/GFP/YFP/FP reporter. Three groups of mice in
contributes to a hypercoagulable state with shortened clotting time, clot formation each model received treatment with either vehicle (CTRL), the ARB losartan (Los; 10
time, increased clot firmness, and most strikingly, loss of clot lysis. Changes in mg/kg/day), or sparsentan (120 mg/kg/day) for 6 weeks (FSGS model) or 2 weeks
nephrotic wild-type mice were similar to mice with constitutive plasminogen (control physiology model).
deficiency, indicating that loss of plasminogen plays a role in the hypercoagulable state RESULTS: Both Los and sparsentan treatment attenuated the acute ET þ Ang II-
of nephrotic syndrome. induced elevation of podocyte calcium by 80%, and the development of albuminuria,
and glomerulosclerosis and tissue fibrosis in the FSGS model. Notably, sparsentan
prevented the ET þ Ang II increases in podocyte calcium more than Los and was
significantly more effective in dilating both AA and EA (Fig. 1A, B), increasing SNGFR
FC016 SPARSENTAN IMPROVES GLOMERULAR BLOOD FLOW AND (Fig. 1C), increasing capillary blood flow (2-fold; p<0.0001 vs. CTRL), and decreasing
AUGMENTS PROTECTIVE TISSUE REMODELING IN MOUSE albuminuria (20%; p<0.05 vs. CTRL). Sparsentan also preserved p57þ podocyte
MODELS OF FOCAL SEGMENTAL GLOMERULOSCLEROSIS number by 50% compared to Los (p<0.0001 vs. Los). Similarly, pretreatment with
(FSGS) sparsentan was more effective in preventing glomerular arteriolar vasoconstriction
induced by acute ET þ Ang II iv injection compared to Los (p<0.05 vs. Los). Following
Georgina Gyarmati1, Urvi Shroff1, Audrey Izuhara1, Radko Komers2, a 2-week treatment in control healthy Ren1d-Confetti mice, sparsentan resulted in a
Patricia Bedard2, Janos Peti-Peterdi1 more robust increase compared to Los in the number of Confettiþ cells, clones, and
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States of America and 2Travere individual cells per clone in the glomeruli and AA (Fig. 1D-F). Renal tubule segments
Therapeutics, San Diego, United States of America also showed active cellular remodeling in response to sparsentan.
CONCLUSION: Serial MPM imaging directly visualized several mechanisms
underlying beneficial antiproteinuric and structural effects of sparsentan in both FSGS
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Preliminary preclinical and emerging clinical evidence and in the normal mouse kidney and differences between dual ETA/AT1 receptor
indicates strong antiproteinuric actions of dual endothelin type A (ETA) and antagonism of sparsentan and a mono-selective ARB. The sparsentan-induced
angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor antagonism with sparsentan. These glomerular hemodynamic pattern was driven by both AA and EA dilation resulting in
nephroprotective effects have been more pronounced in different experimental and an increase in capillary blood flow. Compared to Los, sparsentan was more effective in
clinical settings compared to current standard of care using an AT1 receptor blocker attenuating ET/Ang II-induced podocyte injury and in activation of resident
(ARB). Considering the broad spectrum of renal actions of endothelin (ET) and progenitor cells and tissue remodeling. These findings suggest multiple layers of renal
angiotensin II (Ang II), inhibition of both pathways using sparsentan is postulated to protective actions by dual ETA and AT1 receptor antagonism.
target multiple renal cell types via a variety of renoprotective mechanisms. The aim of
this study was to determine glomerular action of sparsentan as compared to the ARB
losartan (Los) by direct visualization of effects on renal hemodynamics and tissue
remodeling in the intact living kidney.
FC016 Figure 1: (A) AA diameter, (B) EA diameter, (C) SNGFR, (D-F) Confettiþ
cell and clone numbers in the glomeruli and AA. Statistical significance determined by
ANOVA *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, ****p<0.0001.
i10 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: First, we show robust functionality of threeplex smFISH in archived routine
FFPE kidney biopsy samples with single-mRNA resolution. As variations in sample
preparation can negatively influence mRNA-abundance, we established PPIB as an
FC017 DEEP-LEARNING ENABLED QUANTIFICATION OF SINGLE- ideal on-slide reference gene to account for different RNA-integrities present in biopsy
CELL SINGLE-MRNA TRANSCRIPTS AND CORRELATIVE samples. PPIB was chosen for its most stable expression in microarray dataset of
SUPER-RESOLVED PODOCYTE FOOT PROCESS various glomerular diseases determined by the Normfinder algorithm as well as its
To segment glomeruli and to label glomerular and tubulointerstitial cell subsets, we
Florian Siegerist1, Eleonora Hay1, Julien Dang2, Nassim Mahtal2, Pierre- established a combination of smFISH and immunofluorescence. As smFISH requires
Louis Tharaux2,3, Uwe Zimmermann4, Silvia Ribback5, Frank Dombrowski5, intense tissue digestion to liberate cross-linked RNAs, immunofluorescence protocols
Karlhans Endlich1, Nicole Endlich1 had to be adapted: For podocin, a small-sized single-step label approach enabled by
University Medicine Greifswald, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Greifswald, Germany, small nanobodies and for WT1, tyramide signal amplification was used.
Université de Paris, PARCC, INSERM, Paris, France, 3Georges Pompidou European For enhanced segmentation performance, we used deep learning: First, a network was
Hospital, Nephrology Division, Paris, France, 4University Medicine Greifswald, customized to recognize DAPIþ cell nuclei and WT1/DAPIþ podocyte nuclei. Second,
Department of Urology, Greifswald, Germany and 5University Medicine Greifswald, a UNet was trained to segment glomeruli in podocin-stained tissue sections. Using
Institute for Pathology, Greifswald, Germany these segmentation masks, we could annotate PPIB-normalized single mRNA
transcripts to individual cells. We established an ImageJ script to automatize transcript
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although high-throughput single-cell transcriptomic quantification.
analysis, super-resolution light microscopy and deep-learning methods are broadly As a proof-of-principle, we demonstrate inverse expression of WT1 and ACE2 in
used, the gold-standard to evaluate kidney biopsies is still the histologic assessment of glomerular vs. tubulointerstitial single cells. Furthermore, in the podocyte subset, WT1
formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples with parallel ultrastructural highly clustered whereas no significant ACE2 expression was found under baseline
evaluation. Recently, we and others have shown that super-resolution fluorescence conditions.
microscopy can be used to study glomerular ultrastructure in human biopsy samples. Additionally, when imaged with super-resolution microscopy, podocyte filtration slit
Additionally, in the last years mRNA in situ hybridization techniques have been morphology could be visualized The optical resolution was around 125 nm and
improved to increase specificity and sensitivity to enable transcriptomic analysis with therefore small enough to resolve individual foot processes. The filtration slit density as
single-mRNA resolution (smFISH). a podocyte-integrity marker did not differ significantly from undigested tissue sections
METHOD: For smFISH, we used the fluorescent multiplex RNAscope kit with probes proving the suitability for correlative podocyte foot process morphometry with single-
targeting ACE2, WT1, PPIB, UBC and POLR2A. To find an on-slide reference gene, podocyte transcript analysis.
the normfinder algorithm was used. The smFISH protocol was combined with a single- CONCLUSION: Here we present a modular toolbox which combines algorithms for
step anti-podocin immunofluorescence enabled by VHH nanobodies. Podocytes were multiplexed, normalized single-cell gene expression with single mRNA resolution in
labeled by tyramide-signal amplified immunofluorescence using recombinant anti- cellular subsets (glomerular, tubulointerstitial and podocytes). Additionally, this
WT1 antibodies. Slides were imaged using confocal laser scanning, as well as 3D approach enables correlation with podocyte filtration slit ultrastructure and gross
structured illumination microscopy. Deep-learning networks to segment glomeruli and glomerular morphometry.
cell nuclei (UNet and StarDist) were trained using the ZeroCostDL4Mic approach.
Scripts to automate analysis were developed in the ImageJ1 macro language.
10.1093/ndt/gfab138 | i11
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i12–i15, 2021
FC019 Figure 1: Principal component analysis (PCA) with the 5 proteins from the
HN classifier; NP = non-progressors, P = progressors.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: Glomerular proteomic profiling can be used to distinct progressors functions were identified. Gene ontology (GO) and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes
from non-progressors in HN. and Genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis were conducted, and the ligand-
receptor interaction among different cell populations were anlyzed.
RESULTS: 18 distinct cell clusters were identified in kidney from HTN patients.
Endothelial cells overexpressed LRG1, a pleiotropic factor linked to apoptosis and
inflammation, which was validated at proteome level in kidney from HTN, providing a
potential novel molecular target. In HTN patients, mesangial cells highly expressed
proliferation related signatures (MGST1, TMSB10, EPS8 and IER2) not detected in
renal diseases before. The upregualted genes in tubules of HTN were mainly
Rong Tang1, Ting Meng1, Wei Lin1, Yong Zhong1
participating in inflammatory signatures including IFN-c signature, IL-17 signaling
Xiangya Hospital, Central-south University, Nephrology, Changsha, P.R. China and TLR signaling. Specific gene expression of kidney-resident immune cells including
dendritic cells and CD8þ T cells revealed abnormal regulation associated with cell
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertensive nephropathy (HTN) is one of the leading adhesion and inflammation. Furthermore, the receptor-ligand interactions analysis
causes of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). HTN is characterized by injury to the indicated cell-cell crosstalks in kidney contribute to recruitment and infiltration of
glomerulus, arterioles and tubulointerstitium, yet the precise mechanisms and cell- inflammatory cells into kidneys, and fibrotic process in hypertensive renal injury.
specific gene expression changes are still unknown. This study used single-cell RNA CONCLUSION: In brief, our data identifies distinct cell-specific gene expression
sequencing (scRNA-seq) to explore novel molecular mechanisms and the gene targets profile, pathogenic signaling pathways and potential cell-cell communication in
for HTN. pathogenesis of HTN. These findings will provide a promising novel landscape for
METHOD: The gene expression profiles of human renal biospsy samples obtained mechanisms and treatment of HTN.
from subjects with HTN and pre-transplant healthy living controls were determined by
scRNA-seq technology. Then the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and their
FC020 Figure 1: Cell lineage analysis by single-cell RNA-sequencing in HTN and control subjects
10.1093/ndt/gfab132 | i13
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
FC020 Figure 2: DEGs and intercellular signaling in glomerulus from HTN and control subjects
FC020 Figure 3: DEGs and intercellular signaling in tubules from HTN and control subjects
i14 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
FC020 Figure 4: Immune cells subpopulation lineage analysis in HTN and control subjects
FC020 Figure 5: DEGs and intercellular signaling in immune cells from HTN and control subjects
10.1093/ndt/gfab132 | i15
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i16–i18, 2021
and 56 vs 79, with respective annualised rate ratios (95% confidence interval [CI]) of
0.76 (0.50, 1.16), 0.76 (0.48, 1.22) and 0.69 (0.42, 1.12) (Figure). In eGFR tertile 3, the
FC021 EFFICACY OF INTRAVENOUS FERRIC CARBOXYMALTOSE IN total number of CV hospitalisations and CV deaths was significantly lower in the FCM
PATIENTS WITH IRON DEFICIENCY FOLLOWING ACUTE group vs the placebo group (69 vs 107; rate ratio [95% CI] 0.60 [0.39, 0.93]), with a
HEART FAILURE, ACCORDING TO BASELINE EGFR: A nominally lower number of total HF hospitalisations with FCM vs placebo (44 vs 66;
SUBGROUP ANALYSIS OF THE AFFIRM-AHF TRIAL rate ratio [95% CI] 0.62 [0.38, 1.01]). In the time to first event analysis, FCM
significantly reduced HF hospitalisation or CV death vs placebo in eGFR tertile 3
Iain Macdougall1, Ewa A. Jankowska2, Marco Metra3, Gerasimos Filippatos4, (hazard ratio [95% CI] 0.64 [0.42, 0.98]). In eGFR tertiles 1 and 2, differences between
Bridget-Anne Kirwan5, Peter Van der Meer6, Frank Ruschitzka7, Vincent Fabien8, FCM and placebo arms for secondary endpoints did not reach statistical significance.
Sandra Waechter8, Javed Butler9, Stefan D. Anker10, Piotr Ponikowski2 The p-trend for treatment by baseline eGFR subgroup was non-significant for the
King’s College Hospital, Department of Renal Medicine, London, United Kingdom, primary outcome (0.941) and also for the secondary outcomes specified here.
Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Heart Diseases, Wrocław, Poland, CONCLUSION: In patients with iron deficiency who were stabilised after an episode
University and Civil Hospital, Department of Cardiology, Brescia, Italy, 4University of of acute HF, numerically fewer primary and secondary events, endpoints or outcomes
Athens, Department of Cardiology, Athens, Greece, 5SOCAR Research, Department of were consistently observed with FCM vs placebo across the eGFR tertiles. In addition,
Clinical Research, Nyon, Switzerland, 6University Medical Center Groningen, no significant interaction between kidney function and FCM efficacy was noted. Given
Department of Cardiology, Groningen, Netherlands, 7Universit€ atsSpietal Zürich, Klinik that this analysis was limited by small patient numbers following subgroup
für Kardiologie, Zürich, Switzerland, 8Vifor Pharma AG, Glattbrugg, Switzerland, stratification, further studies in larger cohorts with CKD may help to clarify the effect
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, United States of America and of IV FCM in this patient population.
Charité, Campus Virchow-Klinikum, Berlin, Germany
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
baseline to 73.2% at week 12. Overall, 64.4% (143/222) of patients reported 1 was 171.7 6 5.9 cm and 166.3 6 14.9 cm for Bard and placebo patients, respectively.
treatment-emergent AE (TEAE). The most commonly reported TEAEs (4% of Seventeen (74%) pediatric patients were on RAASi treatment.
patients) were diarrhea (5.0% [11/222]), nausea (4.5% [10/222]), and hyperkalemia Treatment of pediatric patients with Bard resulted in a significantly higher mean
(4.1% [9/222]). Serious TEAEs were reported by 20.3% (45/222) of patients; no serious change from baseline in on-treatment eGFR relative to placebo at Week 100 (13.8 mL/
TEAEs were related to study drug. min/1.73 m2; p = 0.017) and higher mean off-treatment eGFR relative to placebo at
Week 104 (14.6 mL/min/1.73 m2; p = 0.0035).
In pediatric patients treated with Bard, UACR remained generally unchanged relative
to baseline at Week 100 (geometric mean 6 SE to baseline ratio: 0.7 6 0.3), while
placebo patients had an increase in UACR (geometric mean 6 SE to baseline ratio: 2.1
6 0.9).
Pediatric patients generally continued along their baseline growth curves for height and
weight in both treatment groups. At Week 100, mean 6 SD changes from baseline in
body weight were 0.5 6 3.9 kg and 3.2 6 3.5 kg and those for height were 1.6 6 1.4 cm
and 4.3 6 5.1 cm for Bard and placebo patients, respectively. Changes in blood
pressure (BP) were similar across treatment groups.
As seen in the adult population, treatment with Bard resulted in transient increases in
mean aminotransferase levels in pediatric patients that remained below 3 x ULN for a
majority (8/11 [73%]) of patients and returned to baseline at Week 104, 4 weeks after
drug withdrawal (mean 6 SD change from baseline in ALT: 0.4 6 3.7 U/L; AST: -0.9
6 5.6 U/L). Increases in ALT did not coincide with increases in total bilirubin and no
Hy’s law cases were reported.
No serious adverse events (AEs) were reported in pediatric patients treated with Bard
and reported AEs were consistent with those observed in previous studies. One
placebo-treated pediatric patient and no Bard patients developed ESKD during the
CONCLUSION: In CARDINAL, the addition of Bard to RAASi in pediatric patients
with chronic kidney disease due to Alport syndrome appeared to preserve kidney
CONCLUSION: In this phase 3 open-label study in patients with moderate to severe function and very importantly from a safety standpoint, was safe and well-tolerated.
CKD-aP undergoing HD, DFK was generally well tolerated with an acceptable safety
profile. DFK demonstrated effectiveness based on reduction of itch intensity, and
improvements in sleep quality and itch-related QoL at week 12. The majority of
patients reported 3-point or 4-point improvement in WI-NRS and Sleep Quality FC024 SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF PATIROMER FOR
scores, with some reporting complete resolution. Findings from this open-label study HYPERKALAEMIA IN PATIENTS WITH STAGE 1-3A OR STAGE
provide insight into the potential real-world effectiveness of DFK in moderate to severe 3B-5 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: POOLED ANALYSIS OF
10.1093/ndt/gfab133 | i17
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(39.9%) and 58 (27.5%) patients with stage 3b–5 and stage 1–3a CKD, respectively. The CONCLUSION: This pooled analysis of three clinical trials clearly demonstrated the
most frequent AEs in stage 3b–5 and stage 1–3a CKD patients, respectively, were efficacy of patiromer to effectively treat HK in patients with CKD, regardless of early or
constipation (7.8% and 2.8%) and diarrhoea (4.0% and 1.9%); all cases were mild or advanced disease, the majority of whom were receiving guideline-recommended
moderate in severity. AEs leading to patiromer discontinuation occurred in 5.7% and RAASi blockade. Patiromer was well tolerated with mild gastrointestinal events in a
2.4% of stage 3b–5 CKD and stage 1–3a CKD patients, respectively. small percentage of patients, and very few discontinuations. Patiromer is an
appropriate choice for the control of HK in patients with CKD stage 3b–5.
i18 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i19–i20, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
analysis, age (hazard ratio (HR) 1.58, 95% CI: 1.31-1.92), dyspnea at presentation (HR valuable for clinical triage and optimising hospital capacity utilisation during the
1.61, 95% CI: 1.20-2.16), pneumonia (HR 1.76, 95% CI: 1.12-2.75) and admission to ongoing pandemic.
hospital (HR 4.13, 95% CI: 1.92-8.88) were identified as independent mortality risk
factors in the elderly hemodialysis population. Treatment with glucocorticoids reduced
the risk of death (HR 0.71, 95% CI: 0.51-0.98) in aged patients on hemodialysis.
CONCLUSION: Mortality is dramatically increased in elderly hemodialysis patients
affected by COVID-19. Age, dyspnea at presentation, pneumonia or hospitalization are
factors associated with a worse prognosis, after adjusting dialysis population to other
confounding factors. Treatment with glucocorticoids could be a therapeutic option for
Alexandre Candellier1,2, Eric Jean Goffin1, Priya Vart3,4, Marlies Noordzij3,
this specific population.
Miha Arnol5, Adrian Covic6, Paolo Lentini7, Shafi Malik8, Louis Reichert9,
Mehmet Sukru Sever10, Bruno Watschinger11, Kitty J. Jager12,
Ronald Gansevoort3
Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Research,
THERAPY - CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS AT TRIAGE Université catholique de Louvain, Department of Nephrology, Brussels, Belgium, 2Centre
ASSOCIATED WITH ADMISSION, READMISSION AND SHORT- Hospitalier Universitaire Amiens-Picardie, Department of Nephrology, Amiens, France,
University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Department of Internal
Medicine, Groningen, Netherlands, 4University Medical Center Groningen, University of
Sandip Mitra1, Anu Jayanti1, Priya Vart2, Armando Coca3, Maurizio Gallieni4, Groningen, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Groningen,
Marius Altern Øvrehus5, Karsten Midtvedt6, Samar Abd ElHafeez7, Netherlands, 5University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Department of Nephrology,
Ilaria Gandolfini8, Stefan Büttner9, Casper Franssen2, Marc Hemmelder10 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6University Hospital, ‘Grigore T. Popa’ University of Medicine,
Dept. of Renal Medicine, Manchester Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom, Nephrology Clinic, Dialysis and Renal Transplant Center, ’C.I. PARHON’ , Iasi, Romania,
2 7
Dept. Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, San Bassiano Hospital, Bassano del Grappa, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Vicenza,
Groningen, the Netherlands., 3Dept. of Nephrology, University Clinical Hospital of Italy, 8University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire and University of Leicester.,
Valladolid, Spain, 4Nephrology Unit, Dept. of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences “L. Department of Renal and Transplant, Leicester, United Kingdom, 9Rijnstate Hospital,
Sacco”, Universita di Milano, Italy, 5Dept. of Renal Medicine, St Olavs Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Arnhem, Netherlands, 10Istanbul School of Medicine,
Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 6Department of Transplantation Istanbul University, Department of Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 11Medical University of
Medicine, Oslo University Hospital-Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 7Epidemiology Vienna, Department of Nephrology, Vienna, Austria and 12Amsterdam University
Department- High Institute of Public Health-Alexandria University, Egypt , 8University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Public Health research institute,
Hospital Parma, Italy, 9Klinikum Aschaffenburg-Alzenau, Germany and 10Department ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Maastricht University Medical Center,
Maastricht, the Netherlands BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies examining kidney failure patients with
COVID-19 reported higher mortality in hemodialysis patients than in kidney
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) are at transplant recipients. However, hemodialysis patients are often older and have more
high risk of developing severe COVID-19 illness and often require high intensity care comorbidities. This study investigated the association of type of kidney replacement
and utilisation of hospital resources. During the ongoing pandemic, the optimal care therapy with COVID-19 severity adjusting for differences in characteristics.
pathway and triage for KRT patients presenting with varying severity of COVID-19 METHOD: Data were retrieved from the European Renal Association COVID-19
illness is unknown. We studied clinical factors and outcomes associated with Database (ERACODA), which includes kidney replacement therapy patients diagnosed
admission, readmission and short-term outcomes. with COVID-19 from all over Europe. We included all kidney transplant recipients and
METHOD: Data from the European Renal Association COVID-19 Database hemodialysis patients who presented between February 1st and December 1st 2020 and
(ERACODA) was analysed. This database includes granular data on dialysis patients had complete information reason for COVID-19 screening and vital status at day 28.
and kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19 from all over Europe. The clinical The diagnosis of COVID-19 was made based on a PCR of a nasal or pharyngeal swab
and laboratory features at first presentation of hospitalized and non-hospitalized specimens and/or COVID-19 compatible findings on a lung CT scan. The association
patients and those who returned for second presentation were studied. In addition, of kidney transplantation or hemodialysis with 28-day mortality was examined using
possible predictors of outcome in those who were not hospitalized at first presentation Cox proportional-hazards regression models adjusted for age, sex, frailty and
were identified. comorbidities. Additionally, this association was investigated in the subsets of patients
RESULTS: Among 1,423 KRT patients (haemodialysis; 1017/kidney transplant; 406) that were screened because of symptoms or have had routine screening.
with COVID-19, 25% (n=355) were not hospitalized at first presentation. Of them, RESULTS: A total of 1,670 patients (496 functional kidney transplant recipients and
only 10% (n=36), presented for a second time in the hospital. The median interval 1,174 hemodialysis patients) were examined. 16.9% of kidney transplant recipients and
between the first and second presentation was 5 days (Interquartile interval: 2-7 days). 23.9% of hemodialysis patients died within 28 days of presentation. In an unadjusted
Patients who re-presented had worsening of pulmonary symptoms, a fall in oxygen model, the risk of 28-day mortality was 33% lower in kidney transplant recipients
saturation (97% to 90%), and an increase in C-reactive protein (26 mg/L to 73 mg/L) compared with hemodialysis patients (hazard ratio (HR): 0.67, 95% CI: 0.52, 0.85).
between their attendances. Patients who re-presented after initial assessment were However, in an age, sex and frailty adjusted model, the risk of 28-day mortality was
older (72 vs. 63 years) and initially more often had pulmonary symptoms and 29% higher in kidney transplant recipients (HR=1.29, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.68), whereas in a
abnormalities on lung imaging compared with those who did not present for a second fully adjusted model the risk was even 43% higher (HR=1.43, 95% CI: 1.06, 1.93). This
time. The 28-day mortality rate of patients admitted at the second presentation was association in patients who were screened because of symptoms (n=1,145) was similar
similar to that of patients admitted at first presentation (26.5% vs. 29.7%, p=0. 61). (fully adjusted model HR=1.46, 95% CI: 1.05, 2.04). Results were similar when other
Among patients who were not hospitalized at first presentation (mortality 6%), age, endpoints were studied (e.g. risk for hospitalization, ICU admission or mortality
prior smoking, clinical frailty scale, and shortness of breath at first presentation were beyond 28 days) as well as across subgroups. Only age was found to interact
identified as predictors of mortality. significantly, suggesting that the increased mortality risk associated with kidney
CONCLUSION: KRT patients with COVID-19 and mild pulmonary abnormalities transplantation was especially present in elderly subjects.
and no signs of pulmonary insufficiency can be safely returned without hospitalization. CONCLUSION: In this study, kidney transplant recipients had a greater risk of a more
These patients should be advised to seek immediate contact when they develop severe course of COVID-19 compared with hemodialysis patients when adjusted for
respiratory distress. Our findings provide support for a risk-stratified clinical approach age, sex and comorbidities.
to admissions of KRT patients presenting with COVID-19. The study findings may be
i20 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i21–i22, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Alan Salama1, Janev Fehmi2, Marilina Antonelou1, Jonathan Barratt3, Grégoire Bon1, Perrine Jullien1, Christophe Mariat1, Eric Alamartine1,
Neil Ashman4, Aisling Carr5, Mary Reilly5, Stephen Keddie5, Luis Querol6, Nicolas Maillard1
Sonja Pikkuoeura2, Andrea Cortese5, Emilien Delmont7, Staffan Persson8, 1
CHU Saint Etienne, Néphrologie, Dialyse, Transplantation rénale, France
Aleksandar Radunovic4, Ian Simon David Roberts9, Alexander Davies2,
Simon Rinaldi2
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA Nephropathy is the most frequent primary
UCL, Department of Renal Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 2Nuffield Department glomerulonephritis worldwide, with a progression to End Stage Renal Disease in up to
of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Leicester 30% of cases within 20 years after diagnosis. The severity of this disease is nevertheless
University Hospital, United Kingdom, 4Barts Health NHS Trust, United Kingdom, 5UCL, extremely heterogenous with a majority of slow progression to late stages of Chronic
Neurology, United Kingdom, 6University autonoma de Barcelona, Neurology, Spain, Kidney Disease. The early stratification of risk to progress to ESRD is crucial. In this
Hospital La Timone, Marseille, France, 8Lund University, Sweden and 9Oxford aim, International IgA Nephropathy Network recently developped a risk prediction
University, Renal Pathology, United Kingdom tool (IINN tool) to allow an estimation of the probability to progress. The objective of
our study was to validate this prediction tool (i) in our French Caucasien retrospective
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recently a number of antigens have been identified as cohort (ii) on long term prognosis.
pathogenic antibody targets in cases of primary membranous METHOD: All biopsy-proven IgA Nephropathy patients from Saint Etienne
glomerulonephritis(MGN), including phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R), retrospective cohort for whom proteinuria, mean arterial pressure, CKD-EPI based
thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 7A(THSD7A), and NELL-1, while GFR estimate and adequate Oxford classification at diagnosis were available have been
exostosin is found in secondary (lupus associated) MGN. However, other as yet included for analysis. For each patient the estimate of risk to progress to ESRD and/or
undiscovered antigens are thought to exist. Although rare, there is a recognised 50% GFR decline was computed at 5, 10 and 15 years according to the IINN tool. For
association between chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuriopathy (CIDP) and each time of follow-up, risks were grouped and ranked by deciles, and the median
nephrotic syndrome. observed rate of event was compared to the median of predicted risk by decile, at 5, 10
METHOD: We investigated the link between CICP and MGN and the associations and 15 years of follow-up. Correlation between observed and predicted risk was
with Contactin-1(CNTN1), a node of Ranvier neuronal protein, as a potential common expressed as a Pearson correlation coefficient. A R2>0.8 was considered adequate to
autoantigen, by immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR and proteomic analysis of isolated validate the prognosis tool.
glomeruli. We tested sera from 468 patients with suspected immune-mediated RESULTS: A total of 468 patients have been included for analysis, with a median age of
neuropathies, 295 with idiopathic MGN, and 210 disease controls, for CNTN1 38.9 years old, a median proteinuria of 0.5g/day, a mean CKD-EPI of 81,6 mL/min/
antibodies. 1,73m2 and mean arterial pressure of 96.9mmHg at diagnosis. The cumulative number
RESULTS: We describe a series of 16 patients, all presenting with CIDP, nephrotic of events at 5,10, 15 years were respectively of 34, 54, 68. The median follow-up was 12
syndrome due to MGN, and with circulating and deposited anti-contactin-1 (CNTN1) years. The correlations between observed/predicted risks were R2 =0,990 [0,959 ; 0,998]
antibodies (IgG4 predominant in those tested) in the kidney. The onset and resolution at 5 years, R2 = 0,984 [0,930 ;0,996] at 10 years and 0,964 [0,851 ;0,992] at 15 years after
of both disorders had a close temporal relationship, and the majority of cases were diagnosis.
resistant to first-line therapies typically employed for inflammatory neuropathies, but CONCLUSION: In our study we validated the IINN tool to predict the risk to progress
achieved a good outcome with non-standard treatment. Importantly, four (1.4%) to ESRD and/or 50% eGFR decline (i) in a French Caucasian cohort and (ii) even after
further patients with isolated MGN identified from a serum bank of 295 idiopathic 5, 10 and 15 years after diagnosis, allowed by a particularly long follow-up.
MGN patients with no CIDP were also positive for anti-CNTN1 antibodies. CNTN1
protein was detected by mass spectroscopy within glomeruli from patients with
CNTN1 antibodies, but not in healthy kidney or anti-PLA2R associated MGN. CNTN1
mRNA was found in renal cortical tissue.
CONCLUSION: These data provide evidence that CNTN1 antibodies precipitate both
autoimmune neuropathy and MGN. The temporal correlation of these disorders, as
well as the presence of CNTN1 protein and antibodies in both peripheral nerve and
diseased glomeruli, supports a common antibody-mediated pathological process, and
defines a new antigenic target in MGN. CNTN1 antibodies have diagnostic and
therapeutic relevance, and may additionally serve as a means of monitoring disease
activity in both conditions. Other factors may explain presentation with isolated
neurological disease or MGN.
FC030 Figure: From left to right: Contactin 1 staining in patients with CIDP and
MGN at low and high power; and in healthy control kidney; RNA PCR for CTNT1 in
kidney extract, cultured podocytes, PBMC and brain.
i22 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i23–i25, 2021
CONCLUSION: Treatment with avacopan in patients with ANCA-associated
vasculitis with renal disease led to greater recovery in eGFR when compared to
FC032 THE EFFECT OF AVACOPAN, A COMPLEMENT C5A standard prednisone therapy, especially in patients with Stage 4 kidney disease (eGFR
RECEPTOR INHIBITOR, ON KIDNEY FUNCTION IN PATIENTS <30 mL/min/1.73 m2). Avacopan also led to more rapid improvement in the UACR
WITH ANCA-ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS WITH RENAL and urinary MCP-1:creatinine ratio than prednisone. Since albuminuria is an
DISEASE independent risk factor for progression of renal disease (in addition to eGFR decline),
the more rapid improvement in albuminuria with avacopan may also provide long-
David Jayne1, Peter Merkel2, Pirow Bekker3, Jeffrey McMahon3, Thomas term benefit. These findings have important implications for the health of patients with
J. Schall3, On behalf of The ADVOCATE Clinical Trial Investigators3 ANCA-associated vasculitis.
University of Cambridge, Department of Medicine, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Rheumatology Division, Philadelphia,
United States of America and 3ChemoCentryx, Inc., Mountain View, United States of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA)- FC033 LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP OF PATIENTS WITH ANCA-
associated vasculitis is a life- or organ-threatening condition in which patients ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS INCLUDED IN EUROPEAN
experience severe inflammation of small arteries. Renal involvement is common in VASCULITIS SOCIETY RANDOMIZED CLINICAL TRIALS
ANCA-associated vasculitis and is correlated with high morbidity and mortality. SINCE 1995: A SURVIVAL ANALYSIS
Current treatment regimens have limited efficacy for renal disease in patients
presenting with organ- or life-threatening ANCA-associated vasculitis. Beatriz Sanchez Alamo1, Laura Moi2, Mikkel Faurschou3, Thomas Hauser4,
Avacopan, a novel orally-administered antagonist of the complement fragment C5a Ingeborg M. Bajema5, Raashid Luqmani6, Alfred Mahr7, Maria Cid8,
receptor (C5aR), was evaluated through a Phase 3 trial in patients with ANCA Zdenka Hruskova9, Vladimir Tesar9, David Jayne10, Kerstin W.A. Westman1
vasculitis. Efficacy and safety results have been previously reported; this abstract Lund University, Nephrology, Lund, Sweden, 2Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois,
provides details of the effects on renal function in patients with renal involvement. Division of Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland,
METHOD: The ADVOCATE trial was a randomized, double-blind, active controlled, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Department of Rheumatology,
double-dummy, 52-week treatment Phase 3 trial of 331 patients with ANCA-associated København, Denmark, 4IZZ Immunologie-Zentrum, Zürich, Switzerland, 5Leiden
vasculitis. Patients were randomized 1:1 and received either a standard daily prednisone University Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Leiden, Netherlands, 6Nuffield
dosing with taper (i.e., starting at 60 mg / day tapered to 0 mg by Week 21), or daily Orthopaedic Centre, Rheumatology, United Kingdom, 7Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
avacopan. Background therapy included either: a) cyclophosphamide (oral or IV) followed Saint-Louis, Department of Internal Medicine, Paris, France, 8Hospital Clinic, Servicio de
by azathioprine, or, b) rituximab (four IV infusions). Patients with active glomerulonephritis enfermedades autoinmunes, Barcelona, Spain, 9General University Hospital in Prague
at baseline were included in this analysis. Kidney function was analyzed based on the and First Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Czech Republic and
following parameters, which were assessed at pre-specified time-points: changes in the urine Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Vasculitis and Lupus Service, United Kingdom
albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and
Urinary Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1):Creatinine ratio. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) is the most
RESULTS: At the baseline visit, 265 patients had renal disease. eGFR improved more common cause of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis globally and the most
in the avacopan group (n=131) compared to the prednisone group (n=134). At Week common finding in renal biopsies for those above 75 years of age. Patients with AAV
26, eGFR increased 5.8 mL/min/1.73 m2 (from a baseline of 44.6 mL/min/1.73 m2), have had an improved outcome after the introduction of immunosuppressive therapy.
compared to 2.9 mL/min/1.73 m2 in the prednisone group (from a baseline of 45.6 mL/ However, there is still an increased risk of end stage renal failure, complications to
min/m2), P=0.046. At Week 52, the increases in eGFR were 7.3 mL/min/1.73 m2 and therapy, comorbidities and death. The European Vasculitis Society (EUVAS) has run
4.1 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively, P=0.029. The improvement was most prominent in several prospective randomized clinical trials (RCT) since late -90’ies as an attempt to
subjects with Stage 4 kidney disease at baseline (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2), in improve the outcome for patients with a broad spectrum of AAV. The aim of the
whom eGFR improved 13.7 mL/min/1.73 m2 at Week 52 in the avacopan group (from current study was to analyze results from a 10-year follow-up of patients who have
a baseline of 21.1 mL/min/1.73 m2) compared to 8.2 mL/min/1.73 m2 in the participated in EUVAS’s randomized clinical trials to report on patient outcomes using
prednisone group (from a baseline of 21.6 mL/min/1.73 m2), P=0.005. In addition to current standard of care immunosuppressive treatment.
the differences in eGFR, a more rapid decrease in UACR was observed with avacopan; METHOD: Data on patient outcomes were collected from questionnaires to the
by Week 3 this difference was statistically significant, and at Week 4, a 40% decrease principal investigators of the original RCTS (74 centers from 17 countries in Europe):
from baseline occurred in the avacopan group vs no change from baseline in the MEPEX, NORAM, CYCAZAREM, CYCLOPS, IMPROVE, RITUXVAS and MYCYC.
prednisone group (P<0.0001). By Week 52, both groups showed a similar decrease in All patients were well characterized at inclusion in the trials respectively, as was the
UACR from baseline. The urinary MCP-1:creatinine ratio decreased 59% in the type and duration of induction therapy. Long-term follow-up data regarding
avacopan group by Week 13 vs 52% in the prednisone group, P=0.03, but there was a cumulative duration and type of immunosuppressive therapy, end stage renal failure
similar decrease in the two treatment groups by Week 52. (ESRF), renal transplantation, patient survival and comorbidities as cardiovascular
events, infections were recorded. Efforts have been made to control and validate the
collected data.
RESULTS: The current dataset comprises 858 patients, of whom 708 were eligible to
include in this study. We received questionnaires regarding patient outcomes from
70% of the cohort. The median age was 60 years at time of the diagnosis of AAV; 487
patients had GPA (57%) and 371 MPA (43%). The median follow-up time was 8.0
years (IQR: 2.9-13.6).
During the observation period, there were 305 deaths: 78 patients died within the first
year of follow up, 69 during the following 5 years, and another 158 patients after 5
years. The main causes of death were infections (25%), cardiovascular disease (14%)
and malignancies (13%), followed by pulmonary diseases, vasculitis, others, kidney
disease and gastrointestinal disease. Vasculitis were a major contributor to the causes of
death in 18% of the patients.
Median survival time for the whole cohort was 17.8 years (95%CI: 15.6 – 20.1). Survival
rate at 5 and 10 years was 81.6% and 66.5% respectively.
Advanced age, low estimated glomerular filtration rate and male sex were negative
prognostic factors for patient survival in the Cox model.
When we categorized the deaths according to their initial CKD stage, the highest
number of deaths was found in the group of patients with low eGFR i.e. an initial CKD
stage V (40%). The initial CKD stage, as shown in the Kaplan-Meier curve, was found
to have an important impact on the patient survival (LR: 144.4 p<0.001).
In our cohort, 159 patients (18.5%) reached ESRF, of whom 110 patients died (69%);
the main cause of death in this group was infection.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: In a series of over 800 patients with AAV, ten-year mortality was pts; 92/132 [69.7%] BEL to BEL pts); 49/255 (19.2%) pts had 1 treatment-related AE
predominantly associated with impaired renal function at onset, older age and male (25/123 [20.3%] PBO to BEL pts; 24/132 [18.2% ] BEL to BEL pts); 15/255 (5.9%) pts
gender, rather than subtype of disease. The main strength of this study is that we have had 1 serious AE (5/123 [4.1%] PBO to BEL pts; 10/132 [7.6%] BEL to BEL pts); and
a well-defined cohort of patients with AAV, all with well-defined induction treatments 1 death was reported in the PBO to BEL group.
and a long period of follow-up with the possibility to analyze possible prognostic The proportion of patients achieving PERR and CRR increased from OL baseline to OL
factors regarding outcomes. Further analyses are ongoing regarding comparative Week 28 in both groups (Table). The median (interquartile range [IQR]) for uPCR and
statistics, cumulative incidence of malignancies, renal transplantation and eGFR were maintained from OL baseline through to OL Week 28 (Table).
comorbidities. The data supports efforts to diagnose these patients at an earlier stage, The proportion of SLEDAI score <4 responders in BEL to BEL group tended to
when they have a higher eGFR and to tailor therapy for the individual patient. increase from OL baseline to OL Week 28, and decrease in the PBO to BEL group
Although newer treatment modalities are available, there is still a considerable (Table). SDI worsening (change >0) was experienced by 7 (2.9%) pts (4 [3.3%] PBO to
morbidity and mortality in the long-term. BEL; 3 [2.5%] BEL to BEL) compared with OL baseline.
There was no appreciable change in the number of patients receiving average daily
prednisone-equivalent doses of 5 mg or 7.5 mg from OL baseline to OL Week 28
CONCLUSION: BEL was well tolerated as an add-on to ST, with no new safety signals.
Efficacy among pts with LN randomised to BEL during the DB phase was maintained
during the OL phase.
STUDY FUNDING: GSK. Editorial assistance (GSK-funded): Olga Conn, PhD,
Fishawack Indicia Ltd., part of Fishawack Health, UK.
FC033 Figure: Patient survival with respect to CKD stages at entry into RCT
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lupus nephritis (LN) is the most common severe Maria Dall’Era1, Paola Mina-Osorio2, Vanessa Birardi2, Simrat Randhawa2
manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), occurring in up to 40% of 1
UCSF Medical Center, Rheumatology, San Francisco, United States of America and
patients (pts) with SLE over their disease course, and resulting in 10–20% of pts 2
Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc., Victoria, Canada
progressing to end-stage kidney disease.1-3 The BLISS-LN (GSK Study BEL114054;
NCT01639339) study demonstrated that the addition of intravenous (IV) belimumab
(BEL) to standard therapy (ST) in pts with active LN significantly improved renal BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Voclosporin is a novel calcineurin inhibitor with a
responses over 2 years compared with ST alone.4 Here we present additional safety and favorable metabolic profile and a consistent dose-concentration relationship,
efficacy data from the 6-month open-label (OL) extension phase of BLISS-LN. potentially eliminating the need for therapeutic drug monitoring.
METHOD: In this OL phase, eligible completers of the Phase 3 BLISS-LN study (those We have previously reported the primary endpoint of the Phase 3 AURORA trial
who received BEL or placebo [PBO] through Week 100 and completed Week 104 showing the addition of voclosporin to mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and a low-dose
assessments) received BEL 10 mg/kg IV plus ST every 28 days for 24 weeks. Endpoints glucocorticoid regimen results in significantly higher renal response (RR) rates at one
at OL Week 28 included: safety; Primary Efficacy Renal Response (PERR; defined as year of treatment compared to MMF and low-dose glucocorticoids alone in patients
urine protein:creatinine ratio [uPCR] 0.7; eGFR no more than 20% below OL with lupus nephritis (LN). For the primary endpoint, RR was defined as 0.5 mg/mg
baseline value or 60 ml/min/1.73m2; no rescue therapy); Complete Renal Response UPCR with stable renal function in the presence of low-dose glucocorticoids and no
(CRR; defined as uPCR <0.5; eGFR no more than 10% below OL baseline value or 90 use of rescue medication.
ml/min/1.73m2; no rescue therapy); uPCR; eGFR; the proportion of pts with Systemic Several studies have demonstrated that proteinuria represents the best single predictor
Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI) score <4; Systemic Lupus for long-term renal outcomes.1,2 Given the efficacy of voclosporin in terms of
International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology Damage Index proteinuria reduction, we conducted a sensitivity analysis evaluating RR with
(SDI); and corticosteroid use. Analyses were based on observed data and summarised additional UPCR targets.
relative to the OL baseline (last available value measured prior to dosing on or before METHOD: A total of 179 participants in the voclosporin (23.7 mg BID) arm and 178
the date of the first OL treatment dose). participants in the control arm from the AURORA trial were included in this analysis.
RESULTS: Of 257 pts (57.4 % of pts in BLISS-LN double-blind [DB] study) screened All participants received MMF (target 1 g BID) and low-dose oral glucocorticoids
and enrolled, 255 pts were treated (safety population: 123 pts switched from PBO to (initiated at 20-25 mg/day and tapered to 2.5 mg/day at 16 weeks).
BEL; 132 pts remained on BEL). In total, 254 pts were included in the efficacy analyses For this post hoc analysis, the UPCR component of RR was revised to include UPCR
(PBO to BEL: 122 pts; BEL to BEL: 132 pts). Mean (standard deviation) age was 35.9 targets at 0.2 mg/mg intervals above and below the original 0.5 target used for the
(10.3) years. primary endpoint in AURORA (i.e., 0.7 mg/mg or 0.3 mg/mg, respectively). Odds
In total, 3.5% of pts withdrew from the OL phase, mainly due to adverse events (AE; ratios for RR at six months and one year of treatment were analyzed using a logistic
2.0%). Overall, 168/255 (65.9%) pts experienced 1 AE (76/123 [61.8%] PBO to BEL regression model with terms for treatment, baseline UPCR, biopsy class, and MMF use
i24 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
at baseline and region. iptacopan results in a 49% reduction in proteinuria with no adverse safety findings
RESULTS: RR with UPCR 0.7 mg/mg was achieved by 46.9% of participants in the (ASN 2020 SU-OR39). The aim of this analysis was to determine whether iptacopan
voclosporin arm vs 32.0% of participants in the control arm at one year of treatment treatment altered eGFR slope in this same population.
(OR 2.07, p<0.0014) and 39.1% of participants in the voclosporin arm vs 24.7% of METHOD: Adults with biopsy-proven native C3G received open-label iptacopan for
participants in the control arm at six months of treatment (OR 2.10, p=0.0020). RR 12w (10-100mg bid during w1-3 then 200mg bid w4-12). All had proteinuria >1g/24h,
with UPCR 0.3 mg/mg was achieved by 28.5% of participants in the voclosporin arm low plasma C3, were receiving maximally tolerated stable ACEi/ARB and were
vs 15.7% of participants in the control arm at one year (OR 2.27, p=0.0023 and 22.9% vaccinated against N. meningitidis, H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae. On study
of participants in the voclosporin arm vs 14.0% of participants in the control arm at six completion, all patients received ongoing iptacopan in a long-term extension study
months of treatment (OR 1.90, p=0.0238; Table 1). (NCT03955445). Historical data were collected on eGFR (CKD-EPI) for the two-year
period prior to patients entering the study or since diagnosis where this was less than
two years, and were compared with those obtained in the IA following the
FC035 Table 1. Renal Response at One Year commencement of iptacopan. A generalized linear mixed model, with a common
intercept, a pre-treatment slope and a change in the slope following iptacopan
Control Voclosporin Odds Ratio vs Control treatment was used to predict the pre-post iptacopan change in eGFR over time.
(n=178) (n=179) RESULTS: 12 patients (10 male, 2 female; 11 C3GN, 1 DDD) participated in the IA.
Study baseline mean (SD) age was 26.1 (12.1) yrs, geometric mean (CV%) urine PCR
UPCR Threshold Percent of participants with renal response 397 (56) g/mol and eGFR 57.9 (65.5) ml/min/1.73m2. Complete data sets were
0.7 mg/mg 32.0% 46.9% 2.07 collected for all 12 patients; one patient entered the study immediately following biopsy
diagnosis. During the two years prior to the iptacopan treatment, the mean eGFR slope
0.5 mg/mg 22.5% 40.8% 2.65
was -14.8 ml/min/1.73m2/year (p=0.0016), consistent with the known natural history
0.3 mg/mg 15.7% 28.5% 2.27 of native C3G (Nephron 2020; 144: 272–280). Treatment with iptacopan was
Renal response defined as achievement of UPCR threshold with stable associated with a mean increase in eGFR of 3.1 ml/min/1.73m2 from baseline to 12w,
corresponding to a mean predicted eGFR preservation of 6.4 ml/min/1.73m2 over 12w
renal function (eGFR 60 mL/min or no decline >20% from baseline) in as a result of iptacopan administration (Figure 1, p=0.0459). Data collected in seven
the presence of low-dose glucocorticoids (in the 8 weeks prior to assess- patients who entered the extension study confirmed ongoing eGFR stability until 25
ment) and no use of rescue medication. weeks. There were no deaths or SAEs related to iptacopan and no AEs leading to
iptacopan discontinuation in this patient cohort.
FC036 Figure: Individual patient eGFR slopes (n=12) for up to 2 years prior to (blue
FC036 IPTACOPAN (LNP023): A NOVEL ORAL COMPLEMENT zone) and following (green zone) commencement of 12w course of iptacopan. Mean
ALTERNATIVE PATHWAY FACTOR B INHIBITOR SAFELY AND eGFR slope and 95% CI indicated by bold blue line and surrounding shadowed area.
Edwin Kwan Soon Wong1, Manuel Praga2, Carla Nester3,4, Moglie Le Quintrec5, CONCLUSION: 12 weeks treatment with iptacopan 200mg bid in patients with C3G
Erica Daina6, Giuseppe Remuzzi6, Angelo Trapani7, Yaqin Wang7, Junhao Liu7, resulted in statistically significant and clinically important improvement in eGFR slope
Guido Junge8, Matthias Meier8, Nicholas Webb8 with favourable safety and tolerability in addition to significantly reducing proteinuria.
Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Hospital 12 de Extended iptacopan treatment up to 25 weeks resulted in ongoing stability of eGFR,
Octubre, Madrid, Spain, 3Molecular Otolaryngology and Renal Research Laboratories, suggesting that this may result in clinically relevant prolongation of the time to or even
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States of America, 4Stead Family Children’s potentially prevention of the development of kidney failure.
Hospital, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States of America, 5Department of
Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Lapeyronie Hospital, 34295 Montpellier Cedex
5, France, 6Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Bergamo, Italy,
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, East Hanover, NJ, United States of America
and 8Novartis Pharma AG, Lichtstrasse 35, 4056 Basel, Switzerland
10.1093/ndt/gfab121 | i25
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i26–i28, 2021
TREATMENT & OUTCOME OF GLOMERULONEPHRITIS CONCLUSION: In a humanized mouse model of IgAN, hematuria bouts following
respiratory tract infections are caused by a neutrophil-mediated alteration of the
glomerular filtration barrier (podocyte damage, complement deposits and loss of
Collagen IV). These findings may help to unveil novel potential therapeutic approaches
FC037 NEUTROPHILS PLAY A KEY ROLE IN THE INITIATION OF to combat one of the key elements in the progression of IgAN and related conditions.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
FC039 RENAL OUTCOME AFTER RITUXIMAB IN ADULT-ONSET IGA renal manifestations and is well tolerated. IgAV patients show higher remission rates
VASCULITIS AND CRESCENTIC IGA NEPHROPATHY: A and a longer ESRD-free survival as compared to cIgAN patients.
10.1093/ndt/gfab117 | i27
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
lower estimated glomerular filtration rates compared to those with lower plasma and PD effects of BION-1301, serum levels of BION-1301, free APRIL (fAPRIL), anti-
APRIL levels.7 BION-1301 is a novel humanized blocking antibody targeting APRIL drug antibodies (ADA), neutralizing antibodies (NAbs), and Gd-IgA1 were quantitated
that has been evaluated in a Phase 1 study of healthy volunteers (HV). In Parts 1 and 2 using ELISA-based immunoassays. Serum levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM were measured
of the Phase 1 study in HV, we previously reported that BION-1301 was well-tolerated by immunoturbidimetry. UPCR was assessed from 24-hour urine collections.
with no serious adverse events (SAEs), a pharmacokinetic (PK) half life >30 days and RESULTS: In Part 3 of Phase 1 and the Phase 2 OLE trial to date, BION-1301 has been
demonstrated dose-dependent pharmacodynamic (PD) effects characterized by well tolerated in IgAN patients receiving a 450mg dose every two weeks for 12þ weeks
durable reductions in serum levels of free April (fAPRIL), IgA and Gd-IgA1, IgM, and with no SAEs observed. Consistent with PD responses previously reported in HVs,
to a lesser extent IgG8. Here we present interim results from Part 3 of the Phase 1 and durable reductions in serum levels of fAPRIL and immunoglobulins were also observed
the Phase 2 Open-Label Extension (OLE) trials that characterize the safety, PK and PD in IgAN patients. Clinically meaningful reductions in proteinuria were observed as
profile, and preliminary efficacy of BION-1301 in patients with IgAN. early as 12 weeks and were associated with the reduction in IgA. Additional data from
METHOD: The Phase 1 study (NCT03945318) comprises 3 parts. Parts 1 and 2 patients receiving long-term treatment will be updated.
assessed single- and multiple ascending doses of BION-1301 in HV from 10mg to CONCLUSION: BION-1301 is a novel humanized anti-APRIL monoclonal antibody
1350mg and 50mg to 450mg once every 2 weeks for one month, respectively. Part 3 is being developed as a potential treatment for patients with IgAN. BION-1301 offers
an ongoing, open-label, two cohort design in approximately 20 IgAN patients with disease modifying potential by directly targeting the underlying multi-hit immune
BION-1301 at a starting dose and regimen of 450mg once every 2 weeks for a total of 3 pathogenesis of IgAN, which is not addressed with the current standard of care
months. Key eligibility criteria for Part 3 include: (1) urine protein 0.5 g/24h or treatment. Promising early biomarker and clinical activity responses support the
baseline UPCR 0.5 g/g, (2) stable/optimized dose of ACE-I/ARB or be intolerant to continued development of BION-1301 in IgAN.
ACE-I/ARB, and (3) biopsy-verified diagnosis of IgAN within the past 10 years.
Patients completing Part 3 are eligible to enroll in the Phase 2 OLE study
(NCT04684745) to receive BION-1301 for up to an additional 2 years. To evaluate PK
i28 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i29–i31, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
FC043 SOLUBLE UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR (ODB) has been hypothesized to play a role in this process. However, there is a general
RECEPTOR (SUPAR) DETERMINES OUTCOMES IN CLINICAL lack of research on the long-term effects of acute kidney injury (AKI) on ODB and
AND EXPERIMENTAL SEPTIC ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY their total oxalate-degrading activity (ODA) in fecal microbiota. In this study, we
evaluated whether renal dysfunction could affect intestinal ODB and their total ODA
Christian Nusshag1, Changli Wei 2 , Eunsil Hahm1, Roman Szudarek3, in a rat model of glycerol-induced AKI.
Florian K€alble4, Claudius Speer4, Florian Uhle3, Jesper Eugen-Olsen5, Markus METHOD: The Male Wistar rats (200-300 g, n=20) on oxalate-free diet were
A. Weigand3, Martin Zeier4, Christian Morath4, Thorsten Brenner6, Jochen Reiser1 randomly divided into 2 groups. After 24-h of water deprivation, Group 1 (n=10)
Rush University Medical Center, Internal Medicine, RUSH Medical College, Chicago, received an intramuscular injection of 50% glycerol (10 ml/kg of body weight), and
United States of America, 3Heidelberg University Hospital, Anesthesiology, Heidelberg, Group 2 (n=10) served as control. The numbers of ODB (incubated in a highly
Germany, 4Heidelberg University Hospital, Nephrology, Heidelberg, Germany, selective Oxalate Medium and determined using culture method) and total fecal ODA
Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre, Clinical Research Centre, Hvidovre, were measured after injection on days 7 and 70. The method of redoximetric titration
Denmark and 6University Hospital Essen, Anesthesiology, Essen, Germany with a KMnO4 solution was adopted to evaluate total ODA in fecal microbiota; the
results were expressed as % of oxalate degradation per 0.01 g of feces.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sepsis is the main contributor to the development of Renal injury was assessed by histopathological examination, serum creatinine and daily
acute kidney injury (AKI) in critically ill patients. Plasma soluble urokinase proteinuria levels after removing the animals from the experiment on day 70. Cortical
plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a circulating risk factor for AKI and a new interstitial fibrosis was measured by computerized image analysis on sections stained
prognostic marker for renal outcome prediction. We analyzed the pathophysiological with picrosirius red. The median (Me) and the interquartile ranges (Q25; Q75) were
role and kinetic properties of suPAR in septic AKI in critically ill patients and in a calculated and compared using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney test. The Spearman
murine model of septic AKI. correlation coefficient was used to evaluate association between the examined
METHOD: 200 critically ill patients were enrolled prospectively after meeting Sepsis-3 parameters.
criteria. Serum suPAR levels were measured at 0, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 168-hour RESULTS: The obtained results demonstrated: 1) after glycerol injection on day 7, no
after enrollment (n=1440) and the need for RRT within 7 days (predefined criteria) was differences were found in the numbers of ODB and total fecal ODA between the
assessed as the primary outcome measure. Polybacterial sepsis was induced by cecal experimental and control groups: 5.9 (5.4-6.0) vs 6.0 (5.4-6.4) CFU/g, p=0.65 and 2.0
slurry injection in three mouse strains, respectively wild type (WT, N=16), uPAR- (0.1-5.0) vs 2.5 (2.0-9.0) %/0.01g, p=0.24, respectively; 2) after AKI initiation on day 70,
knockout (KO, N=15), and suPAR transgenic overexpression (OE, N=14). the numbers of ODB and total fecal ODA were significantly lower in Group I
RESULTS: No or mild AKI occurred in 62 patients (31.0%), moderate or severe AKI compared with control Group II (Fig. 1); 3) the higher percentage of renal interstitial
without the need for RRT in 102 patients (51.0%), criteria for RRT were met in 36 fibrosis was, the higher total fecal ODA occurred in the experimental rats (Fig. 2). In
patients (18.0%) and 7 patients (3.5%) died within the 7-day period. Compared to all addition, the number of ODB in feces in Group 1 had an inverse association with
other maximum AKI stages and AKI disease courses within 7 days, patients requiring serum creatinine (r=-0.52, p=0.006) and 24-h proteinuria levels (r=-0.86, p<0.0001).
RRT showed significantly higher suPAR levels at all time-points. Patients with suPAR
levels 12.7 ng/mL (highest quartile) had an unadjusted odds ratio (OR) of 9.73 (95%
confidence interval [CI], 4.31-21.98) and an adjusted odds ratio of 5.22 (95% CI, 2.16-
12.65) for the need for RRT; and 7.47 (95% CI, 3.54-15.74) and 4.44 (95% CI, 1.98-
9.97) for RRT or death within 7 days compared to patients with levels < 12.7 ng/mL.
Compared to KO mice, WT and OE mice showed a significantly greater impairment of
renal function, structure and tubular apoptosis 24 hours after induction of sepsis. The
inflammation levels with respect to Interleukin 6 were comparable between different
strains. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a survival benefit of KO mice over OE mice
within 24h (86.7% vs. 50.0%, p=0.033).
CONCLUSION: SuPAR distinguishes between divergent AKI stages/courses and the
need for RRT at any time within 7 days after sepsis diagnosis. Our experimental data
suggest that suPAR is a pathophysiological driver of septic AKI and may serve as a
target for future interventional strategies.
i30 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: AKI had the long-term negative effects on the quantitative and
qualitative characteristics of ODB in fecal microbiota in rats. Moreover, the results of
our study confirmed an increasing trend in total fecal ODA according to the
aggravation of renal interstitial fibrosis in rats.
FC044 Figure 2: Association between renal interstitial fibrosis and total fecal ODA
in the rats with glycerol-induced AKI.
10.1093/ndt/gfab119 | i31
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i32–i33, 2021
FC046 Figure 2: Incidence rates (per 1000 person years) stratified by pre-existing
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: Nosocomial AKI is an in-hospital complication common in older CONCLUSION: AKI occurs more frequently and more severely in patients with
adults with IRs rising continuously with age above the age of 70 years. IR of AKI are COVID-19 compared to other respiratory tract infections. It is associated with an
considerably higher in patients with cardiovascular comorbidities. A better increased risk for death, with the highest risk observed in COVID-19 patients. This
understanding of the patient population at risk is of great clinical relevance when underlines the augmented burden of AKI during the COVID-19 pandemic.
aiming to improve prevention strategies.
10.1093/ndt/gfab116 | i33
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i34–i36, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: We compared the predictive value of plasma NGAL, hepcidin-25, and
FC050 Table 1: Biomarkers for the prediction of AKI progression at 7 days NGAL:hepcidin-25 with those of serum creatinine (Cr), and urinary output and
urinary protein for primary endpoint major adverse kidney events (MAKE; acute
kidney injury [AKI] stages 2 and 3, persistent AKI > 48 hrs, acute dialysis, and in-
hospital mortality) and secondary-endpoint AKI in 100 cardiac surgery patients at
intensive care unit (ICU) admission. We performed ROC curve, logistic regression, and
reclassification analyses.
RESULTS: At ICU admission, plasma NGAL, plasma NGAL:hepcidin-25, and Cr
predicted MAKE (area under the ROC curve [AUC]: 0.77 [95% confidence interval
(CI) 0.60–0.94], 0.79 [0.63–0.95], 0.74 [0.51–0.97]) and AKI (0.73 [0.53–0.93], 0.89
[0.81–0.98], 0.70 [0.48–0.93]). For AKI prediction, NGAL:hepcidin-25 had a higher
discriminatory power than Cr (AUC difference 0.26 [95% CI 0.00–0.53]). Urinary
output and protein, plasma lactate, C-reactive protein, creatine kinase myocardial
band, and brain natriuretic peptide did not predict MAKE or AKI (AUC < 0.70). Only
plasma NGAL:hepcidin-25 correctly reclassified patients for MAKE or AKI (category-
free net reclassification improvement: 0.82 [95% CI 0.12–1.52], 1.03 [0.29–1.77]). After
adjustment to the Cleveland risk score, plasma NGAL:hepcidin-25 0.9
independently predicted MAKE (adjusted odds ratio 16.34 [95% CI 1.77–150.49], P =
0.014), whereas Cr did not.
CONCLUSION: NGAL:hepcidin-25 is a promising plasma marker for predicting
postoperative MAKE.
Saban Elitok1, Anja Haase-Fielitz2, Martin Ernst3, Michael Haase3,4 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Critically ill acute kidney injury (AKI) patients may
1 require treatment by extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) devices to
Hospital Ernst von Bergmann Potsdam, Department of Nephrology, Potsdam,
Germany, 2Heart Center Brandenburg, Department of Cardiology, Bernau, Germany, allow protective or ultraprotective mechanical ventilation and avoid hypercapnic
3 acidosis. Continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) and ECCO2R devices can be
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Medical Faculty, Magdeburg, Germany and
4 arranged in series to form a single extracorporeal circuit; such a circuit has been
Diaverum, MVZ Am Neuen Garten, Potsdam, Germany
proposed to be optimal, based carbon dioxide removal efficacy, if the ECCO2R device is
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and placed proximal to the CVVH device (Allardet-Servent et al, Crit Care Med 43:2570-
hepcidin-25 appear to be involved in catalytic iron-related kidney injury after cardiac 2581, 2015).
surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. We aimed to explore the predictive value of METHOD: We developed a mathematical model of whole-body, acid-base balance
plasma NGAL, plasma hepcidin-25, and the plasma NGAL:hepcidin-25 ratio for major during extracorporeal therapy using in-series ECCO2R and CVVH devices for
adverse kidney events after cardiac surgery. treatment of mechanically ventilated AKI patients. Equilibrium acid-base chemistry in
10.1093/ndt/gfab140 | i35
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
blood was assumed as reported previously (Rees and Andreassen, Crit Rev Biomed Eng
33:209-264, 2005). Published clinical data from Allardet-Servent et al of mechanically FC052 Table: Measured and Model Predicted Values of PaCO2 and [HCO3]
ventilated (6 mL/kg predicted body weight or PBW) AKI patients treated by CVVH
without ECCO2R were used to adjust model parameters to fit plasma levels of arterial
partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and arterial plasma bicarbonate PaCO2 (mmHg)/[HCO3] (mEq/L)
concentration ([HCO3]). The effects of applying ECCO2R at an unchanged tidal
volume and a reduced tidal volume (4 mL/kg PBW) on PaCO2 and [HCO3] were then Tidal Volume 6 mL/kg 6 mL/kg 4 mL/kg
simulated assuming carbon dioxide removal rates from the ECCO2R device measured PBW PBW PBW
in the clinical study (91 mL of CO2/min when ECCO2R was proximal and 72 mL of
Without With With
CO2/min when CVVH was proximal).
RESULTS: Agreement of model predictions with the clinical data was good, and model ECCO2R ECCO2R ECCO2R
predictions were relatively independent of the in-series position of the devices (see Clinical Data 47/22 37/22 48/23
Table). Total carbon dioxide removal from the CVVH device via ultrafiltration
predicted by the model was lower after applying ECCO2R at both the unchanged tidal Model (ECCO2R Proximal) 47/22 34/20 49/23
volume (25 mL of CO2/min when ECCO2R was proximal and 39 mL of CO2/min when Model (CVVH Proximal) 47/22 35/20 51/23
CVVH was proximal) and the reduced tidal volume (30 mL of CO2/min when
ECCO2R was proximal and 44 mL of CO2/min when CVVH was proximal). The CONCLUSION: The described mathematical model has quantitative accuracy. It
reduced removal of total carbon dioxide via ultrafiltration when ECCO2R was proximal suggests that overall acid-base balance when using ECCO2R and CVVH devices in a
resulted from the lower total carbon dioxide concentration in blood entering the single, combined extracorporeal circuit will be similar, independent of their in-series
CVVH device. Thus, independent of the in-series position of the devices, the position.
magnitude of this difference in total carbon dioxide removal by the CVVH device (14
mL of CO2/min) approximately cancels out the relative greater efficacy of the ECCO2R
device (19 mL of CO2/min).
i36 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i37–i40, 2021
FLUID, GFR & CO UDI was higher for L patients. For patients with eGFR 10-15 ml/min/1.73m2, UDI
occurred in L: 47%, M:27%, H:25%. For patients with eGFR 10-15 ml/min/1.73m2 the
figures were 51, 38 and 12% respectively.
Findings for the subgroup of patients with RBSA measurements were similar.
FC053 RATIO OF MEASURED GFR TO ESTIMATED GFR MAY *:p<0.05; **:p<001;***:p<0.001
malnutrition, inflammation and biochemical uraemia. It a marker of early ESKD, death
James G. Heaf1, Rafal Yahya1, Morten Dahl1,2 and unplanned dialysis initiation, independently of eGFR. Particular attention paid to
Zealand University Hospital, Medicine, Roskilde, Denmark and 2Zealand University patients with a low R may lower the incidence of unplanned dialysis requirement.
Hospital, Clinical Biochemistry, Køe, Denmark
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It has been suggested that, in patients with CKD stage
5, measured GFR (mGFR), defined as the mean of urea and creatinine clearance as
measured by a 24-hour urine collection, is a better measure of renal function than
estimated GFR (eGFR), based on the CKD-EPI formula. This could be due to reduced FC054 FUNCTIONAL SODIUM MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING OF
muscle mass in this group. Its use is recommended in the ERBP guidelines. Unplanned THE HUMAN KIDNEY
dialysis initiation (UDI) is associated with increased morbidity, mortality, and reduced
modality choice. It is generally considered undesirable. We hypothesized that the ratio Sandrine Lemoine1, Alireza Akbari1, Taylor Marcus1, Christopher McIntyre1
mGFR/eGFR (R) aids prediction of death and end stage kidney disease (ESKD), as 1
London Health Sciences Centre, Kidney Clinical Research unit, London, Canada
defined by permanent dialysis requirement or transplantation.
METHOD: All 24-hour measurements of urea and creatinine excretion were extracted
from the clinical biochemistry databases in Zealand. Data concerning renal diagnosis, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Maintenance of a cortico-medullary concentration
comorbidity, biochemistry, medical treatment, mortality and date of ESKD, were gradient (CMG) required for urine concentration, is one of most important tubular
extracted from patient notes, the National Patient Registry and the Danish Nephrology function. However, we are lacking of functional tubular parameters to explore this
Registry. Patients were included if their eGFR was <30 ml/min/1.73m2. The last function. The only tool available to assess it currently, is urinary osmolarity that is an
available value for each patient was included. indirect and nonspecific maker of CMG.
RESULTS: 1265 patients were included. In 519, body surface area (BSA) was available, In this study, we explore the ability of 23NaMRI in measuring 1) the dynamics of CMG
and the corrected ratio (RBSA) could be calculated. The urea clearance was 49 624% of for the first time compared to urinary osmolarity after a water load 2) the CMG in
creatinine clearance. R was median 0.88 (IQR 0.63-1.15), RBSA 0.87 (0.68-1.06). R was kidney disease.
not related to eGFR. Comorbidity was associated with lower R, e.g. atherosclerosis METHOD: We conducted an exploratory pilot study for 10 healthy controls with
(0.90 60.41 vs. 0.97 60.49*), heart failure (0.80 60.37 vs. 0.95 60.44*), pulmonary water load then 5 cardiorenal patients with kidney disease. 1) Healthy controls were
disease (0.80 60.37 vs. 0.94 60.44***), hepatic disease (0.67 60.41 vs. 0.92 60.43***), asked to be fasting since midnight. Urines sample were collected to measure fasting
but not diabetes mellitus. It was related to albumin (r=0.24***), C-reactive protein (- osmolarity and a first MRIscan were performed to acquire baseline anatomical and
0.22***) and biochemical markers of uraemia, e.g. bicarbonate (-0.19***). Medical sodium images. Once the baseline was completed, healthy participants were asked to
treatment data was available in 137 patients. R was higher in patients treated with ACE ingest water (15 mL/kg) within 15 minutes. Four subsequent sodium pictures were
inhibitors (1.20 60.50 vs. 1.01 60.36*) and diuretics (1.09 60.40 vs. 0.94 60.35*), but acquired an hour after water ingestion. Urine samples were obtained after each sodium
no other treatment groups. acquisition every 15 min during one hours. 2) Cardiorenal patients underwent an MRI
Patients were grouped as high R (H, >1.25), medium (M, 0.75-1.25) or low (L, <0.75). scan, provided a spot urine sample and have blood work collected.
R was not associated with prognosis at one year, but L patients had a significantly All MR experiments were carried out on a GE MR750 3T (GE Healthcare, WI). A
higher ESKD and mortality incidence at 3 months. For patients with eGFR 10-15 ml/ custom-built two-loop (18cm in diameter) butterfly radiofrequency surface coil tuned
min/1.73m2, ESKD incidence was L 22%, M 15%, H 5%, mortality 19, 5, and 2% for 23Na frequency (33.786 MHz) was used to acquire renal 23Na images.
respectively. Similar findings were seen in other groups, e.g. eGFR 15-20 ml/min/ RESULTS: Mean age of the 10 healthy controls was 41.8 6 15.3 years, mean body mass
1.73m2: ESKD 11, 2, and 0%; death 11, 5, and 1%. index (BMI) was 24.3 6 3.8 kg/m2. Mean water intake was 1092 6 233 mL, total water
excreted was 1250 6 301 mL . Mean age of the 5 cardiorenal patients was 76.6 6 12.2
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
years, mean BMI was 28.1 6 6.9 kg/m2. eGFR was 54 6 37 mL/min/1.73m2. Urinary the development database, using quantiles modeled as cubic splines with two linear
osmolarity was 498 6 145 mosm/L and medulla/cortex ratio was 1.35 6 0.11. parts joining at one age-knot of 40 years. The median quantile had a constant first part
Sodium imaging was successfully acquired in all volunteers. In the morning fasting, (slope of zero) and a second part with a negative slope of -0.88235 mL/min/1.73m2 per
medulla/cortex ratio was 1.55 6 0.11 regarding to a urinary osmolarity to 814 6 121 year. To maintain consistency, all quantiles were adjusted to show the same shape as
mosm/L. Mean 6 SD fasting urinary osmolarity dropped significantly to 73 6 14 the medium quantile. Above 65 years, the percentile values were extrapolated using the
mosm/L for maximal dilution, p=0.001. Mean medulla/cortex ratio dropped same mathematical model. We then calculated the percentage of results from the
significantly to 1.31 6 0.09 mosm/L for maximal dilution, p=0.002. Figure 1 displays internal and external validation cohorts that were within the 5th extrapolated
changes of 23NaMRI pictures before (A) then 1h (B), 1H15 (C), 1h30 (D) and 1h45 (E) percentile (P5) and 95th percentile (P95). A sensitivity analysis including the EKD only
after a water load. Urinary osmolarity and medulla/cortex ratio are significantly was performed.
correlated, r=0.54, p=0.0001. RESULTS: Individuals in the development cohort were younger than in the internal or
external validation cohort (47.3610.5 years vs. 68.862.9 years and 71.466.4 years;
respectively, both p<0.001). Individuals in the development cohort had a higher
mGFR than in the internal or external validation cohort (99.9616.4 mL/min/1.73m2
vs. 86.4614 mL/min/1.73m2 and 82.7615.5 mL/min/1.73m2; respectively, both p <
0.001). Among the 147 EKD from the internal validation cohort, none (0%) had mGFR
below the extrapolated P5 and12 (8.1%) had mGFR higher than the extrapolated P95.
Consequently, 135/147 (91.2%) of subjects were between P5-P95. (Figure 1).
Considering the whole external validation cohort (n=329), 5 subjects had mGFR lower
FC054 Figure: 23NaMRI pictures before (A) then 1h (B), 1H15 (C), 1h30 (D) and than extrapolated P5 (1.5%), 25 were above P95, leaving 299 (90.9%) with mGFR
1h45 (E) after a water load between P5 and the extrapolated P95.
François Gaillard1,2, Pierre Delanaye3,4, Jessica Van Der Weijden5, Geir Mjøen6,
Ingela Fehrman-Ekholm7, Laurence Dubourg8, Natalie Ebert9, Elke Schaeffner9,
Torbjorn Akerfeldt10, Karolien Goffin11, Lionel Couzi12, Cyril Garrouste13,
Lionel Rostaing14, Marie Courbebaisse15, Christophe Legendre16,
Maryvonne HOURMANT17, Nassim Kamar18, Laurent Weekers3,
Antoine Bouquegneau3, Martin De Borst5, Christophe Mariat19, Hans Pottel20, FC055 Figure 1: mGFR according to age in the development (round dots) and
Marco Van Londen5 external validation cohort (n=329) (triangle dots)
Assistance Publique Hopitaux de Paris - Bichat Hospital, Nephrology, Paris, France,
Université de Paris, Paris, France, 3Chu De Liège, Liège, Belgium, 4University Hospital of
Nimes, Nephrology, Nı̂mes, France, 5University of Groningen, Groningen, The CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that extrapolated percentiles of mGFR (calculated in
Netherlands, 6Oslo universitetssykehus Rikshospitalet, Nephrology, Oslo, Norway, individuals younger than 65) fits well with the distribution of mGFR in individuals
Karolinska University Hospital, Transplantation surgery, Huddinge, Sweden, 8Hospital older than 65. Extrapolation of percentiles to individuals older than 65 is useful to
Edouard Herriot, Physiology, Lyon, France, 9Charité – Universit€ atsmedizin Berlin, Public define age-adapted GFR thresholds for older individuals.
health, Berlin, Germany, 10Uppsala University Hospital, Clinical chemistry, Sweden, 11UZ
Gasthuisberg Campus, Nuclear medicine, Leuven, Belgium, Hospital Center University
De Bordeaux, Nephrology, Bordeaux, France, 13CHU Gabriel-Montpied, Nephrology, FC056 ESTIMATING ALBUMIN TO CREATININE RATIO FROM
Clermont-Ferrand, France, 14Chu Grenoble Alpes, Nephrology, La Tronche, France, PROTEIN TO CREATININE RATIO USING SAME DAY
European Hospital Georges Pompidou, Physiology, Paris, France, 16Hôpital Necker, MEASUREMENT: VALIDATION OF EQUATION
Nephrology and renal transplantation, Paris, France, 17Chu Nantes-Hotel Dieu,
Nephrology, Nantes, France, 18Hospital Center University De Toulouse, Nephrology and Guillaume Resimont1, Laura Vranken2, Etienne Cavalier2, Pierre Delanaye1,3
renal transplantation, Toulouse, France, 19Chu Nord Saint-Etienne, Nephrology, Saint- 1
Chu De Liège, Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation, Liège, Belgium, 2Chu De Liège,
Priest-en-Jarez, France and 20KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk, Public health, Kortrijk,
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Liège, Belgium and 3University Hospital of Nimes,
Department of Nephrology-Dialysis-Apheresis, Nı̂mes, France
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies of healthy individuals or candidates for living
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to the KDIGO, severity of chronic kidney
kidney donation, in various geographical areas and ethnic groups, describe a decline of
disease is defined by glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria. Furthermore, these
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with age. Most data on GFR are obtained from subjects
variables are used for estimating both cardiovascular and end-stage renal disease risk.
in the general population or from candidates for kidney donation who are younger
However, albuminuria is not always available, whereas proteinuria is, notably because
than 65 years. It is currently unknown whether the definition of normal GFR in
of the lower costs of proteinuria. Recently, Weaver & al. developed an equation that
subjects older than 65 years is similar to the definition in those younger than 65 years.
estimates urine albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) from protein/creatinine ratio (PCR).
Because the age of candidates for living kidney donation is increasing worldwide, lack
For retrospective analyses in clinical research, it might be interesting to be able to
of GFR references for older donors complicates the selection process. Moreover, older
estimate ACR from PCR. The objective of this paper is to assess the performance of
individuals are most likely to have a mildly decreased GFR that may be misinterpreted
Weaver & al. ‘s equation in our population.
as chronic kidney disease. In this study, we calculated percentiles of measured GFR
METHOD: In a University hospital, we retrospectively analysed measurement of ACR
(mGFR) from a large cohort of effective kidney donors (EKD) younger than 65 years,
and PCR obtained on the same day between May 2018 and March 2020. Different
and extrapolated them to subjects older than 65 years. Additionnaly, we collected
assays were considered to measure urine albumin, creatinine and protein (Roche Cobas
mGFR data from different centers within Europe from EKD and/or healthy people
from May 2018 to May 2019 and Abbott Alinity from May 2019 to March 2020). Only
(HP) from the general population older than 65 years. We tested if the distribution of
one (the first available) sample per patient was considered. Patients were then
mGFR of these older subjects fitted with the extrapolated percentiles.
categorized according to the KDIGO classification (A1-A2-A3). We then compared
METHOD: In this retrospective, observational, multi-center study, percentiles of
categorization of patients according to KDIGO between measured and estimated ACR.
mGFR in EKD were calculated from a development cohort of French and Belgian EKD
Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of
younger than 65 years (n=1983). From the French kidney donor study, 147 EKD older
estimated ACR versus measured ACR were calculated considering two different
than 65 years were considered as the internal validation cohort. In an external
thresholds: A1 versus A2/3 (ACR 30mg/g) or A1/A2 versus A3 (ACR 300mg/g).
validation cohort, data on mGFR of subjects older than 65 years, either EKD or HP
RESULTS: Comparison was done in 2633 and 2386 patients, with Cobas and Alinity,
from the general population (from Germany, Sweden (2), Norway, Netherlands and
respectively. Median age was 63 (IQR 19) and 64 (IQR 19) years old, 43 and 41% were
France, n=2459) were included. Data were fully anonymized and this retrospective
women and 74 and 78% were diabetic (albuminuria measurement is refunded for
study was approved by the respective ethics committees. Percentiles were derived for
i38 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
diabetic patients in Belgium) with Cobas and Alinity, respectively. Considering FC057 SALIVARY POTASSIUM FOLLOWS PLASMA POTASSIUM
measured ACR, patients were categorized in A1, A2, A3 in 65,6%, 25,5%, and 8,8%, DYNAMICS IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS
respectively with the Cobas assay. With the Alinity assay, the results were 64,2%,
25,5%; and 10,3%, respectively. Considering estimated ACR, patients were categorized Andras Deak1, Katarina Beli c1, Anna-Maria Meissl1, Katharina Artinger1,
in A1, A2, A3 in 64,7%, 25,7%, and 9,6%, respectively with the Cobas Assay. With the Kathrin Eller1, Bernd Rechberger1, Tobias Niedrist2, Wolfgang Graier3,
Alinity assay, the results were 62,5%, 25,8% and 11,7%, respectively. Regarding A1-A2 Roland Malli3, Helmut Bischof3, Sandra Burgstaller3, Alexander Avian4,
(30mg/g) threshold, sensitivity was 85% and 89%, specificity was 91% and 92%, Claudio Mori5, Alexander Rosenkranz 1, Alexander H. Kirsch1
positive predictive value was 83% and 85%, negative predictive value was 92% and 94% Medical University of Graz, Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine,
for Cobas and Alinity respectively. Regarding A2-A3 (300mg/g) threshold, sensitivity Graz, Austria, 2Medical University of Graz, Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical
was 93% and 98%, specificity was 98% for both, positive predictive value was 86% and Laboratory Diagnostics, Austria, 3Medical University of Graz, Gottfried Schatz Research
87%, negative predictive value was 99% and 99,8% for Cobas and Alinity respectively. Center (for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging) Division of Molecular Biology and
Values are presented in table 1. Biochemistry, Austria, 4Medical University of Graz, Institute for Medical Informatics,
CONCLUSION: We observed a good concordance between estimated and measured Statistics and Documentation, Graz, Austria and 5Vifor Pharma, Medical Affairs,
ACR. Particularly, no patient in category A3 with measured ACR was categorized A1 Glattbrugg, Switzerland
with the estimating equations. We also observed that concordance was good regardless
of our available assays. Thus, negative predictive value was excellent. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hyperkalemia is common in patients on hemodialysis
In conclusion, ACR should be measured when clinically needed, but an estimated ACR (HD) and in cardiorenal patients on RAAS inhibitors. Frequently, hyperkalemia is a
can reasonably be obtained from Weaver’s equation and may provide an accurate leading reason to withdraw potentially lifesaving therapy in cardiorenal patients. Out-
estimation for retrospective clinical research. patient monitoring of plasma Kþ levels due to preanalytical problems has proven
problematic. The present pilot-study examined salivary Kþ levels and kinetics based on
FC056 Table 1: Sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative plasma Kþ measurements in HD patients employing a novel class of genetically-
predictive value (NPV) for A1-A2 and A2-A3 thresholds for Roche Cobas and Abbott encoded fluorescent potassium-ion indicators, the GEPIIs (Bischof et al. Nat.
Alinity assays. Commun. 2017). HD patients represent a unique population in whom significant Kþ
derangements and rapid Kþ level changes predictably occur and where these
phenomena can be safely investigated.
KDIGO threshold Sensibility Specificity PPV NPV METHOD: Kþ assessments were performed in healthy individuals (n=20) and HD
ACRm/ACRe A1 versus A2/3 84,86% 90,63% 82,58% 91,96% patients (n=30). Study-related procedures were approved by the local Institutional
(Roche Cobas) Review Board. Healthy individuals were recruited on a voluntary basis and provided
only saliva samples. HD patients were recruited from our HD unit. Blood and saliva
ACRm/ACRe A1 versus A2/3 89,46% 91,51% 85,46% 93,97% samples for Kþ assessment were collected simultaneously during three consecutive HD
(Abbott Alinity) sessions (HD1-3) prior to and directly after each session (pre/post HD). Blood was
drawn in a standardized procedure directly from the HD access line and plasma Kþ
ACRm/ACRe A1/A2 versus A3 93,1% 98,5% 85,8% 99,3%
was measured immediately using standardized ion-selective electrodes (ISE). Saliva
(Roche Cobas) samples were gathered in a standardized procedure using a commercially available
ACRm/ACRe A1/A2 versus A3 98,4% 98,3% 86,7% 99,8% collection device (SuperSALTM). Of note, gaining adequate amounts of saliva from
chronic HD patients, who frequently suffer from xerostomia, has proven challenging in
(Abbott Alinity) some cases. The Kþ content of saliva samples was measured by ISE and GEPII-
technique. For the latter, samples were mixed with purified GEPIIs and were inserted
into a fluorescent plate-reader. Probes were illuminated at 430 nm and emission light
10.1093/ndt/gfab130 | i39
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
were collected at 475 nm and 525 nm, respectively. The ratio of the fluorescent session (HD1-3 pre/post) revealed however no or weak correlation of pre- and post-
intensities (F535/F480) after appropriate calibration is a direct measure of the Kþ dialytic saliva and plasma Kþ values (Figure 1E).
concentration sensed by GEPIIs. CONCLUSION: The GEPII-technique is an easy to use, reliable and suitable method
RESULTS: Kþ determination in saliva samples using the GEPII-technique and ISE for salivary Kþ determination in healthy individuals and in HD patients with accuracy
showed a strong agreement ((Figure 1A), Bias 0,71; 95% limits of agreement from -2.79 and precision comparable to that of ISE. Despite heterogeneous baselines, changes of
to 4.40). Pre-dialytic [Kþ]saliva of HD patients compared to healthy individuals, was [Kþ]saliva represent a sensitive marker of Kþ derangements as well as hyper- and
higher (40,6461,50 vs. 23,1560,76 mmol/l, p<0.05). As expected, each HD session normokalemia in HD patients. Although we observed that [Kþ]saliva dynamically
(HD1-3) led to a significant reduction in [Kþ]plasma, which is followed by a similar, follows [Kþ]plasma , an exact quantification - most likely due to the low number of cases
significant reduction of [Kþ]saliva (Figure 1B). Dynamics of plasma and salivary [Kþ] per HD sessions in this pilot-study – was not possible. Additionally, how closely
showed a very similar pattern: strong reduction during a HD session followed by a [Kþ]saliva tracks [Kþ]plasma in patients with hypokalemia was not addressed in this
marked increase in the dialysis-free period until the next session 48-72h later (Figure study. To confidently answer whether [Kþ]saliva measurement can potentially be used
1C). Although basal [Kþ]saliva shows individual variations, [Kþ]Saliva and [Kþ]plasma in the care of patients at increased risk of hyperkalemia, further studies in a larger
exhibited a tendency of linear association (Figure 1D). Correlation analysis in each HD number of patients need to be conducted.
i40 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i41–i43, 2021
SURVIVING CKD micro- and macrovascular disease in a contemporary type 2 diabetes population with
cardiovascular disease or high risk for cardiovascular disease, independent of specific
METHOD: Exploratory post-hoc analysis of the two cardiovascular outcome trials in
FC058 THE IMPORTANCE OF ADDRESSING MULTIPLE RISK patients with type 2 diabetes LEADER (NCT01179048; n=8638 with baseline and year
MARKERS IN TYPE 2 DIABETES: RESULTS FROM THE 1 assessment of at least one of the parameters of interest; patients randomised to the
LEADER AND SUSTAIN 6 TRIALS glucagon like peptide-1 receptor agonist [GLP-1 RA] liraglutide or placebo [1:1];
median observation time: 3.8 years) and SUSTAIN 6 (NCT01720446; n=3040 with
Emilie Zobel1, Bernt Johan Von Scholten1,2, Tine Hansen1, Frederik Persson1, baseline and year 1 assessment of at least one of the parameters of interest; patients
Søren Rasmussen2, Benjamin Wolthers2, Peter Rossing1,3 randomised to the GLP-1 RA semaglutide or placebo [1:1]; median observation time:
Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Gentofte, Denmark, 2Novo Nordisk A/S, Søborg, 2.1 years). We pooled all participants, including the active (liraglutide/semaglutide)
Denmark and 3University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark and placebo-treated groups. We categorised patients according to number of risk
markers with a clinically relevant change 1 year after randomisation and investigated
subsequent risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE: cardiovascular death,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The extent to which improvements in multiple risk nonfatal myocardial infarction and nonfatal stroke), expanded MACE (MACE plus
markers affect outcomes in type 2 diabetes is unclear. Our aim was to investigate coronary revascularisation and hospitalisation for heart failure or unstable angina
whether clinically relevant improvement in multiple risk markers confers lower risk of pectoris), cardiovascular death or nephropathy (new onset of macroalbuminuria or
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
doubling of the serum creatinine level and an estimated glomerular filtration rate cystatin C equations compared to those with lowBWz/lowBMI20 phenotype (p=0.044
[eGFR] 45 ml/min/1.73 m2, or the need for continuous renal-replacement therapy, for CAPA, p=0.040 for CKD-EPI_cystatin C). The logistic regression analysis revealed
or death from renal disease). We defined clinically relevant change as: body weight loss that hiBWz/hiBMI20 phenotype was related to lower risk of age and pulse pressure
5%, glycated haemoglobin reduction 1%, systolic blood pressure reduction 5 adjusted albuminuria (OR 0,35 (95%CI[0,12;0,93])
mmHg, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction 0.5 mmol/L, eGFR reduction CONCLUSION: Here we report that lower birth weight in females is associated with
0 ml/min/1.73m2 and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio reduction 30% of worse kidney function determined by cystatin C eGFR equations, while in males lower
baseline value. Numbers of risk markers with change were classified as: none (group birth weight z-score is a risk factor for albuminuria in adulthood. Postnatal growth
G0), 1 (G1), 2 (G2), 3 (G3) and 4 (G4). Cox regression analysed risk of each outcome catch-up is not related to worse kidney function. We identified the protective
and tested for trends; models were adjusted for continuous baseline levels of the risk phenotype (hiBWz/hiBMI20) for albuminuria in males and the unfavorable phenotype
markers and treatment group (liraglutide/semaglutide and placebo) and stratified by (hiBWz/lowBMI20) for kidney function in females. This suggests that lower birth
trial. weight and postnatal growth curve have a potential sex specific effect to kidney
RESULTS: The Table contains baseline characteristics of patients in each risk marker function and development of CKD in middle-aged Swedish subjects. Further studies
group. Compared to patients with no risk-marker improvement, patients with 2, 3 or are warranted to address early life factor prognostic accuracy in kidney function and
4 improved risk markers had reduced risk of expanded MACE [hazard ratio (95% outcomes prediction later in the lifetime.
CI): 0.80 (0.67-0.96); 0.80 (0.66-0.97); 0.82 (0.66-1.02)], cardiovascular death [0.66
(0.45-0.96); 0.67 (0.45-0.99); 0.60 (0.38-0.94)] and nephropathy [(0.71 (0.52-0.97); 0.48
(0.34-0.68); 0.43 (0.29-0.65)] (Figure). One improved risk marker conferred no risk
reduction. The trend of decreased risk for each additional risk marker improvement
was significant for expanded MACE (p=0.004), cardiovascular death (p=0.005) and
nephropathy (p<0.0001). We observed a stepwise higher number of patients on GLP-1
RA treatment in the groups with 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 risk marker improvements as follows:
Ida Maria Hjelm Soerensen1, Line Stattau Bisgaard2,3, Sasha Saurbrey Bjergfelt1,
30.5% in G0, 38.0% in G1, 48.8% in G2, 61.6% in G3 and 75.3% in G4.
Ellen Linnea Freese Ballegaard1, Tor Biering-Sørensen4, Nino Emanuel Landler4,
We observed similar results in separate analyses of the LEADER and SUSTAIN 6 trials. Klaus F. Kofoed5,6, Theis Lange7, Bo Feldt-Rasmussen1, Susanne Bro1,
CONCLUSION: In patients with type 2 diabetes, improvements in two or more risk Christina Christoffersen2,3
markers confer reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and nephropathy as compared 1
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Nephrology, Copenhagen, Denmark,
with none or one improved risk marker, most notably for nephropathy. Our findings 2
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen,
stress the importance of multifactorial intervention and underscore the benefit of Denmark, 3University of Copenhagen, Biomedical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark,
pleiotropic antidiabetic treatments. 4
Herlev and Gentofte University Hospital, Cardiology, Hellerup, Denmark,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Cardiology, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Radiology, Copenhagen, Denmark
and 7University of Copenhagen, Public Health, Copenhagen, Denmark
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The relation between chronic kidney disease and
FC059 EARLY LIFE FACTORS AND ADULT KIDNEY FUNCTION adverse cardiovascular events is well-established. It is also known that traditional risk
ESTIMATED BY CYSTATIN C AND CREATININE factors of cardiovascular disease such as smoking, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE EQUATIONS AND cholesterol and increased blood pressure, cannot fully explain the increased
ALBUMINURIA: A SWEDISH COHORT STUDY cardiovascular burden observed in patients with chronic kidney disease. In addition,
patients with chronic kidney disease do not demonstrate typical clinical symptoms of
Agne Laucyte-Cibulskiene1, Shantanu Sharma1, Peter M. Nilsson1, cardiovascular disease. Thus, good biomarkers for identifying patients at risk and a
Anders Christensson1 better understanding of the pathophysiology leading to cardiovascular disease in
1 patients with chronic kidney disease are needed. The objective of the present study was
Skåne University Hospital, Lund University, Malmö, Department of Clinical Sciences,
to investigate associations between plasma metabolites and prevalent cardiovascular
Malmo, Sweden
disease, as well as subclinical cardiovascular disease measured as coronary artery
calcification score (CACS), in patients with chronic kidney disease.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal functional capacity is influenced by factors METHOD: More than 200 metabolic biomarkers, including subclasses of lipoproteins
acting early in life, such as intrauterine environment, maturity, birth weight, length at as well as the lipid composition of these, were quantified using nuclear magnetic
birth, placental weight etc. Early life factors are responsible for the number of nephrons resonance spectroscopy in 725 patients and 174 controls from the Copenhagen
a person starts life with, and the consequence of a low nephron number is earlier Chronic Kidney Disease Cohort, a single-centre prospective, observational study of
kidney ageing and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Notably, most reports addressing non-dialysis patients with stage 1-5 chronic kidney disease. Associations between
early life factors in the context of adult kidney function use creatinine-based eGFR metabolites and prevalent cardiovascular disease and between metabolites and CACS
equations and/or albuminuria and lack longer follow-up (<30 years). Therefore, we were determined using multivariable logistic regression and linear regression,
aimed to identify early life factors associated with kidney function, determined by respectively. The statistical models were adjusted for traditional cardiovascular risk
different creatinine and cystatin C equations and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio factors and multiple testing. CACS was determined by CT-scannning and calcium
(UACR), more than 40 years later. scores were subsequently divided into categories of 0 (no calcification), 1-100, 101-400
METHOD: 94 women and 494 men, born 1923-50, who participated in The Malmo and > 400.
Diet and Cancer (MDC) study were analyzed. Perinatal data records including birth RESULTS: When comparing metabolite concentrations in patients with controls,
weight (BW), birth length, head circumference, gestational age, placenta weight (PW) patients presented with the expected pattern of dyslipidaemia in CKD. We found that
and mother related risk factors were collected from hospital and regional state archives. they had increased plasma triglyceride concentrations, mainly due to an increase in the
After a follow-up of 46 to 67 years study subjects underwent physical examination, triglyceride concentration in very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) particles, while the
blood pressure measurements and estimation of glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) concentration of cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles was decreased.
using 4 different equations: Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration Overall, 85 metabolites were significantly associated with prevalent cardiovascular
(CKD-EPI) 2012 creatinine and cystatin C formula (CKD-EPI_creatinine, CKD- disease in a model adjusted for eGFR, age and sex (p < 0.001). After further adjusting
EPI_cystatin C), cystatin C eGFR equation based on Caucasian, Asian, pediatric, and for diabetes, body mass index, smoking and cholesterol-lowering medication, the
adult cohorts (CAPA), the Lund-Malmö revised creatinine based eGFR equation significance was lost for all but six metabolites (p < 0.001). The consistent inverse
(LM_rev). Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) was measured in morning associations with metabolites were primarily involved in HDL metabolism (e.g. ApoA-
urine samples, albuminuria was defined as UACR P3 mg/mmol. Birth weight z-scores 1, HDL-C and HDL-2). This also applied to the concentration of total lipids in large
(gender specific BWz and combined BWz) acquired by using the equation as reported HDL particles, the concentration of phospholipids in large HDL particles and the the
by Marsal et al.(1996). Four growth mismatch phenotypes defined by combining low ratio of phospholipids to total lipids in very small VLDL particles. Of the 84
or high BW z-score (lowBWz or hiBWz respectively) with lower or higher body mass metabolites associated with prevalent cardiovascular disease, 71 were also associated
index at 20 years of age (lowBMI20 ir hiBMI20 respectively). with CACS in a similar pattern. Yet, in the model adjusted for all seven cardiovascular
RESULTS: Linear regression analysis of early life factors indicated that in females birth risk factors, only plasma glucose levels as well as the triglyceride content of larger LDL
weight was positively associated with kidney function measured by both CAPA and particles remained significant.
CKD-EPI_cystatin C. In the whole population, birth weight adjusted for gestational age CONCLUSION: In this study we identified metabolites associated with prevalent
and sex, together with prematurity were independently associated to CKD- cardiovascular disease and subclinical cardiovascular disease (CACS) in patients with
EPI_cystatin C, while BW/PW ratio was related to LM_rev. Logistic regression analysis CKD. For prevalent cardiovascular disease associations were mainly found for HDL
showed that only gender specific BWz and combined BWz shared the same odds ratios associated metabolites, while CACS was associated with an increase in the triglyceride
for age and pulse pressure adjusted albuminuria in males (OR 0,75 (95%CI [0,58; content of LDL particles and glucose. Further work needs to be done to establish
0,96]). While analyzing postnatal growth mismatch we found that females with whether these associations are merely a consequence of the cardiovascular burden or
hiBWz/lowBMI20 phenotype had significantly worse kidney function acquired by both whether there is a causal relation.
i42 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
of interest was all-cause mortality. All events were abstracted from hospital discharge
letters and death certificates by trained physicians based on a standardized endpoint
catalogue. Cross-sectional regression models (dependent variables: eGFR, logUACR)
adjusted for confounding variables (Table 1 legend) were fitted. Multi-variable
adjusted Cox proportional hazard regression analyses were conducted. Estimated risks
are expressed as cause-specific hazard ratios (HR) for all-cause mortality and kidney
events, with death of other causes as the competing event. Sensitivity analyses included
evaluation of all models stratified by the three most common causes of kidney disease
in GCKD: hypertensive nephropathy, primary glomerular disease, and diabetic
RESULTS: Over 6.5 years of follow-up, 473 kidney events and 582 deaths occurred
among 4,950 GCKD patients. Hundred-and-forty-eight deaths and 62 kidney events
occurred in 1,143 hypertensive nephropathy patients, 49 deaths and 118 kidney events
occurred in 935 primary glomerular nephropathy patients, and 170 deaths and 99
kidney events in diabetic nephropathy patients (Table 1). Overall mean age was 60.1
years (612.0), with 60.3% men. Median OPN levels were 29.2 ng/mL (IQR 21.2).
Cross-sectionally a 10% change in OPN was associated with 0.5% lower eGFR on
average (p<0.0001, 95% CI: -6.4 to -4.6) and a 7% change in UACR (p<0.0001, 95%
CI: 0.6 to 0.8) overall. Stratified by leading cause of kidney disease, results for eGFR and
UACR were of similar direction for all groups (Table 1 A). After adjusting for baseline
eGFR and UACR (Table 1 B), higher OPN levels were associated with a higher risk of
kidney events overall (HR 1.4, p<0.001, 95% CI 1.1-1.7). For patients with diabetic
nephropathy this risk was even higher (HR 2.2, p<0.01, 95% CI 1.4-3.6). Higher OPN
levels were also associated with higher risk of all-cause mortality overall (HR 1.5,
p<0.0001, 95% CI 1.3-1.8) as well as for diabetic nephropathy patients (HR 1.7,
p<0.01, 95% CI 1.2-2.4). HRs for the hypertensive nephropathy and primary
glomerular nephropathy groups showed mostly the same effect directions, but did not
reach significance after adjustment.
10.1093/ndt/gfab144 | i43
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i44–i46, 2021
PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PATHWAYS IN CKD inhibitor dapagliflozin significantly reduced albuminuria in patients with type 2
diabetes. Whether this effect persist in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
with and without diabetes is unknown. We therefore assessed and compared the effects
of dapagliflozin on albuminuria in patients with CKD with and without type 2 diabetes
FROM MENDELIAN RANDOMISATION STUDIES METHOD: We randomized 4304 patients with CKD and an eGFR of 25-75 ml/min/
1.73m2 and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) 200-5000 mg/g to
Xiaoguang Xu1, James Eales1, Xiao Jiang1, Eleanor Sanderson2, David Scannali1, dapagliflozin (10 mg once daily) or placebo. Change in albuminuria was a pre-specified
Andrew Morris1, Tomasz Guzik3, Fadi Charchar4, Michael Holmes5, exploratory outcome. We used regression in UACR stage, defined as a transition from
Maciej Tomaszewski1 macroalbuminuria (300 mg/g) to micro- or normoalbuminuria (<300 mg/g), and
1University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 2University of Bristol, United Kingdom, progression in UACR stage, defined as a transition from non-nephrotic (<3000 mg/g)
3University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4Federation University Australia and 5John to nephrotic range albuminuria (3000 mg/g), as additional endpoints. Subgroup
Radcliffe Hospital, United Kingdom analyses were performed according to baseline type 2 diabetes status.
RESULTS: Median (25th to 75th Percentile) UACR was 949 (477-1885) mg/g. In
patients with and without type 2 diabetes baseline median UACR was 1017 mg/g and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Obesity and kidney diseases are common complex 861 mg/g, respectively. Dapagliflozin, compared to placebo, reduced UACR by 29.3%
disorders with an increasing clinical and economic impact on healthcare around the (95% confidence interval [CI] 25.2, 33.1; p<0.001), with a 35.1% (95%CI 30.6, 39.4)
globe. We aim to examine if modifiable anthropometric indices of obesity exert reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes and 14.8% (95%CI 5.9, 22.9) reduction in
putatively causal effects on different measures of kidney health and disease. patients without type 2 diabetes (p for interaction <0.001). Among 3860 patients with
METHOD: We performed conventional observational and Mendelian randomisation UACR 300 mg/g at baseline, dapagliflozin significantly increased the likelihood of
(MR) study to examine if modifiable anthropometric indices of obesity exert putatively regression in UACR stage (hazard ratio [HR] 1.81; 95%CI 1.60, 2.05). The
causal effects on different kidney health and disease-related phenotypes. These analyses corresponding HRs for patients with and without type 2 diabetes were 2.06 (95%CI
were conducted using approximately 300,000 participants of white-British ancestry 1.78, 2.39) and 1.33 (95%CI 1.07, 1.66), respectively (p for interaction 0.001). Among
from UK Biobank and up to 480,000 participants of predominantly European ancestry 3820 patients with UACR <3000 mg/g at baseline, dapagliflozin significantly decreased
from genome-wide association studies. the risk of nephrotic range albuminuria (HR 0.41; 95%CI 0.32, 0.52). The
RESULTS: The Mendelian randomisation analysis indicated that increasing values of corresponding HRs for patients with and without type 2 diabetes were 0.39 (95%CI
genetically predicted BMI and waist circumference were causally linked to changes in 0.29, 0.51) and 0.50 (95%CI 0.30, 0.82), respectively (p for interaction 0.401).
renal function indices including reduced estimated glomerular filtration CONCLUSION: In patients with CKD with and without type 2 diabetes dapagliflozin
(PeGFRcystatineC=5.96 10-59 for BMI and PeGFRcystatineC=1.72 10-69 for waist significantly reduced albuminuria, with a larger reduction in patients with type 2
circumference) and increased blood urea nitrogen (PBUN=2.01 10-10 for BMI and diabetes. The similar effects of dapagliflozin on clinical outcomes in patients with or
PBUN=4.54 10-12 for waist circumference) in UK Biobank individuals. These without type 2 diabetes, but different effects on UACR suggest that part of
associations were replicated using data from CKDGen Consortium individuals dapagliflozin’s protective effect in patients without diabetes is mediated through
(PeGFRcystatineC=1.47 10-5 for BMI and PeGFRcystatineC=7.63 10-5 for waist pathways unrelated to UACR reduction.
circumference; PBUN=1.96 10-4 for BMI and PBUN=3.10 10-3 for waist circumference).
One standard deviation increase in genetically-predicted BMI and waist circumference
decreased the relative odds of kidney health index by 14% and 18% (OR=0.86; 95%CI:
0.82-0.92; P=9.18 10-6 for BMI and OR=0.82; 95%CI: 0.75-0.90; P=2.12 10-5 for waist FC064 A RENAL-CARDIO INFLAMMATORY AXIS MEDIATES
circumference). Approximately 13-16% of the causal effect of obesity indices on kidney CARDIAC DYSFUNCTION IN CKD VIA IL-33-ST2: A NOVEL
health was mediated by blood pressure. Obesity increased the risk of both acute and MECHANISM
chronic kidney disease of several aetiologies including hypertensive renal disease
(OR=1.79; 95%CI: 1.14-2.82; P=1.15 10-2 for BMI and OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.30-4.45; Alejandro Chade1, Michael Hall2, Deandra Fortenberry3, Drew Bossier3,
P=5.03 10-3 for waist circumference), renal failure (OR=1.51; 95%CI: 1.25-1.83; Gene Bidwell4
P=2.60 10-5 for BMI and OR=1.86; 95%CI: 1.43-2.42; P=4.16 10-6 for waist 1
University of Mississippi Medical Center, Physiology and Biophysics; Medicine; and
circumference) and CKD (OR=1.50; 95%CI: 1.16-1.96; P=2.44 10-3 for BMI and Radiology, Jackson, United States of America, 2University of Mississippi Medical Center,
OR=1.83; 95%CI: 1.28-2.63; P=9.49 10-4 for waist circumference) and diabetic Physiology and Biophysics; Medicine , Jackson, United States of America, 3University of
nephropathy (OR=1.92; 95%CI: 1.44-2.54; P=6.86 10-6 for BMI). Mississippi Medical Center, Physiology and Biophysics, Jackson, United States of
CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that obesity is causally linked to indices of America and 4University of Mississippi Medical Center, Neurology; Cell and Molecular
renal health and the risk of different kidney diseases. This evidence substantiates the Biology, Jackson, United States of America
value of weight loss as a strategy of preventing and/or counteracting a decline in kidney
health as well as decreasing the risk of renal disease. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We developed a swine model of chronic kidney disease
(CKD) that also display cardiac abnormalities associated with heart failure (HF).
Inflammation contributes to progressive renal dysfunction and increases
cardiovascular mortality of patients with CKD. Interleukin (IL)-33 is a tissue-derived
nuclear cytokine from the IL family. IL-33 constitutively expressed but upregulated and
released after cellular damage or necrotic cell death, acting as a pro-inflammatory
cytokine. We hypothesize that IL-33 plays a prominent mechanistic role in renal-
cardio pathophysiology in CKD.
METHOD: We induced CKD in 10 pigs via bilateral renovascular disease and
dyslipidemia. We developed a renally-targeted biopolymer-fused peptide inhibitor of
nuclear-factor kappa (NF-k)B (ELP-p50i) and show it blocks NFkB activity in vitro and
Niels Jong1, Glenn Chertow2, Fan Fan Hou3, John McMurray4, Ricardo Correa-
in vivo. NF-kB is a key pro-inflammatory transcription factor upregulated in CKD and
Rotter5, Peter Rossing6,7, David Sjöström8, Bergur Stefansson8, Robert Toto9,
closely interacts with IL-33. Pigs were observed for 6 weeks, renal (multi-detector CT)
Anna Maria Langkilde8, David C. Wheeler10,11, Hiddo Lambers Heerspink1,11
and cardiac structure and function (echo) were quantified, then randomized to single
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2Stanford intra-renal ELP-p50i or placebo (n=5 each), and studies repeated 8 weeks later. Blood
University, Stanford, United States of America, 3Division of Nephrology, Nanfang was collected to measure circulating TNF-a, IL-33 and its specific decoy receptor
Hospital, Southern Medical University, National Clinical Research Center for Kidney soluble (s) ST2 (ELISA). Heart weights were measured after euthanasia, and renal and
Disease, Guangzhou, China, 4University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 5National cardiac expression of ST2 and morphometric analyses were performed.
Medical Science and Nutrition Institute Salvador Zubir an, Mexico City, Mexico, 6Steno RESULTS: Loss of renal function in CKD was accompanied by increased heart weight,
Diabetes Center, Copenhagen, Gentofte, Denmark, 7Copenhagen University, left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, abnormal LV strain, renal/
København, Denmark, 8Late-stage Development, Cardiovascular, Renal and cardiac fibrosis, circulating TNF-a, IL-33 but unchanged sST2, and increased renal/
Metabolism (CVRM), Biopharmaceuticals R&D, AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden, 9UT cardiac ST2 expression. Most of these changes were improved after intra-renal ELP-
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, United States of America, 10University College p50i and accompanied by augmented sST2, suggesting that inhibition of renal
London, United Kingdom and 11The George Institute for Global Health, Newtown, inflammation can attenuate cardiac abnormalities via augmented clearance of IL-33
Australia (Figure).
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: Two-hundred and forty-six patients with biopsy proven ANCA vasculitis
were identified. Fifty percent (n=123), 46% (n=112) and 5% (n=11) were stratified as
low, medium and high risk respectively. Fifty-two percent (n=129) were male and
mean age at biopsy was 66.7612.2 years. This was similar across the risk categories.
Mean eGFR was lower in the high-risk category (High risk 8.666.1 ‘v’ Low risk
45.7626.0 ml/min/1.73m2, p<0.001) and proteinuria was higher (High risk 405 (IQR
170-767) ‘v’ Low risk 81 (IQR 41-155) mg/mmol, p<0.001). Thirty-seven percent
(n=91) were PR3 antigen positive, 2% (n=5) had dual positivity. In the high risk
category, 8 (73%) were PR3 or dual positive. Eighteen (n=7%) patients experienced
pulmonary haemorrhage; representation similar across all risk categories.
Those categorised as medium or high risk were more likely to receive plasma exchange
and/or haemodialysis at presentation (p<0.001) compared with the low risk category.
Overall, 16% (n=40) of patients relapsed with a trend to higher risk of relapse in the
low risk group (27% of these patients, p=0.05). Thirty seven (15%) patients developed
ESKD. Cox proportional hazard model for development of ESKD (Figure 1) shows that
those in high risk ‘v’ low risk category were more likely to reach ESKD (HR 124.8, 95%
CI 26.4-590.3, p<0.001). Patient survival was similar between risk categories.
CONCLUSION: A simple RRS, using routinely reported data, in patients with renal
biopsy proven ANCA vasculitis can help to predict development of ESKD. It may also
be predictive of future relapse in those with a lower RRS, most likely explained by
CONCLUSION: Our study supports a prominent role for renal inflammation as a reduced irreversible damage in this group. The RRS could inform monitoring and
driving force for precursors of HF in CKD, proposing a renal-cardio inflammatory axis treatment decisions.
possibly mediated by NF-kB-TNF-a-IL-33/ST2 interactions. TNF-a can stimulate IL- Whilst the numbers are small, a unique strength of this data is that it is based on a
33 as IL33 can activate NF-kB and TNF-a, extending this inflammatory loop in both complete national dataset making it less susceptible to bias from regional variations in
the kidney and heart. We show that a translational renal anti-inflammatory strategy via diagnostic and therapeutic practice.
targeted inhibition of renal NFkB inhibits this axis and improves renal and cardiac
function, which may guide to new treatments targeting renal inflammation in CKD. References
1. Brix SR et al. Development and validation of a renal risk score in ANCA-associated
glomerulonephritis. Kidney Int. 2018 Dec;94(6):1177–1188. doi: 10.1016/
10.1093/ndt/gfab136 | i45
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
alike. In COPD patients, higher urinary DKK3 was associated with rapidly declining CONCLUSION: In summary, the present study identified a strong pathophysiological
FEV1 (OR 3.36, P<0.0001), higher risk for exacerbation, lower 6-minute walking link between lung and kidney dysfunction, which is at least partially mediated by
distance, and higher all-cause mortality (HR 1.49, P=0.015). Importantly, higher DKK3. Urinary DKK3 allows identification of COPD patients at increased risk for
urinary DKK3 was also associated with declining eGFR during follow-up (OR 2.23, deteriorating pulmonary and kidney function as well as adverse outcomes. These
P=0.0005). Neither eGFR nor proteinuria were associated with lung or kidney patients might particularly benefit from preventive therapeutic strategies as a
dysfunction during follow-up. personalized-medicine approach.
i46 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i47–i49, 2021
BIG DATA & NEPHROLOGY METHOD: Nationwide observational cohort study using data from the Swedish Renal
Registry between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2016, with follow-up until June 1,
2017. Included individuals were receiving nephrologist care and had an eGFR between
10-20 ml/min/1.73m2. A randomized trial was emulated using the cloning, censoring
FC067 WHEN TO INITIATE DIALYSIS TO REDUCE MORTALITY AND and weighting method. Our primary analysis compared late (at an eGFR 5-7 ml/min/
CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS IN ADVANCED CKD: A 1.73m2 [eGFR5-7]), intermediate (eGFR7-10) and early (eGFR10-14) dialysis initiation to
NATIONWIDE COHORT STUDY validate our analytical methods by comparison with IDEAL. Our secondary analysis
compared fifteen dialysis initiation strategies with eGFR values ranging between 4 and
Edouard Fu1, Marie Evans2, Juan Jesus Carrero3, Hein Putter4, 19 ml/min/1.73m2 in increments of 1 ml/min/1.73m2. Study outcomes were 5-year all-
Catherine M. Clase5, Fergus Caskey6, Maciej Szymczak7, Claudia Torino8, cause mortality and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE; composite of
Nicholas Chesnaye9, Kitty J. Jager9, Christoph Wanner10, Friedo W. Dekker1, cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke). Adjusted hazard
Merel Van Diepen1 ratios [HR] and cumulative survival proportions were estimated using a dynamic
Leiden University Medical Center, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden, The marginal structural model.
Netherlands, 2Karolinska Institute, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and RESULTS: Among 10,290 individuals with advanced CKD (median age 73 years; 36%
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Karolinska Institute, Department of Medical women; median eGFR 16.8 ml/min/1.73m2), 3725 individuals initiated dialysis, 4160
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Sweden, 4Leiden University Medical Center, Department died and 2446 experienced MACE. In trial emulation, the 5-year mortality risk was
of Biomedical Data Sciences, Leiden, The Netherlands, 5McMaster University, 53.0% for eGFR5-7, 50.3% for eGFR7-10 and 49.7% for eGFR10-14. Compared with
Department of Medicine and Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, eGFR5-7, the 5-year absolute mortality risk difference was -2.7% (95% CI, -4.6% to -
Hamilton, Canada, 6University of Bristol Medical School, Population Health Sciences, 0.7%) for eGFR7-10 and -3.3% (95% CI, -5.2% to -1.3%) for eGFR10-14, with a HR of
Bristol, United Kingdom, 7Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Nephrology and 0.97 (0.94-0.99) and 0.96 (0.94-0.99), respectively. The 5-year absolute MACE risk
Transplantation Medicine, Wroclaw, Poland, 8Ospedali Riuniti, IFC-SNR, Clinical differences were -1.1% (95% CI, -3.8% to 2.1%) for eGFR7-10 and -3.6% (95% CI, -6.0%
Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Reggio to -1.0%) for eGFR10-14 compared with eGFR5-7, with a HR of 1.00 (0.97-1.04) and 0.96
Calabria, Italy, 9Academic University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, (0.97-1.00), respectively. When analysing fifteen eGFR thresholds, initiation at eGFR15-
Amsterdam Public Health research institute, ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical 16 was associated with the largest reduction in mortality (absolute difference, -5.9%
Informatics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 10University Hospital of Würzburg, [95% CI, -8.0% to -3.1%]; HR, 0.88 [95% CI, 0.85-0.92]) and MACE (absolute
Division of Nephrology, Würzburg, Germany difference, -4.5% [95% CI, -7.6% to -1.4%]; HR, 0.92 [95% CI, 0.89-0.97]), compared
with eGFR4-5. This -5.9% absolute risk difference translates to a mean postponement of
death of 1.8 months over 5-years of follow-up. However, dialysis would need to be
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is currently no direct evidence to inform a initiated on average 14 months earlier.
specific glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to initiate maintenance dialysis. Previous CONCLUSION: Early dialysis initiation was associated with a modest reduction in
studies are limited by the number of kidney function thresholds compared, immortal mortality and cardiovascular events. Such a reduction may not outweigh the burden of
time or lead time biases, or small sample sizes. The only randomised trial (IDEAL) longer dialysis treatment duration for the patient.
found no difference between early versus late start, but confidence intervals were wide.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
FC068 QUALITY OF LIFE OVER TIME IN OLDER MEN AND WOMEN RESULTS: We included 5151 QoL measurements in 1416 patients over a total of 1986
WITH ADVANCED CKD - RESULTS FROM THE EQUAL STUDY person years of follow-up. Overall, the physical component summary (PCS) declined
with 2.0 (95% CI 1.4-2.6) points and the mental component summary (MCS) by 2.4
Nicholas Chesnaye1, Yvette Meuleman2, Esther De Rooij2, Friedo W. Dekker2, (95% CI 1.8-3.0) points per year. Although women had overall lower QoL scores, figure
Marie Evans3, Fergus Caskey4, Claudia Torino5, Maciej Szymczak6, 1 demonstrates that PCS and MCS declined more than twice as fast in men (PCS: 2.4
Christiane Drechsler7, Christoph Wanner7, Kitty J. Jager1 per year, 95% CI 1.7 – 3.1, MCS: 2.9 per year, 95% CI 2.2 – 3.6) compared with women
ERA-EDTA Registry, Dept of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, (PCS: 1.1 per year, 95% CI -0.2 – 2.0, MCS: 1.5 per year, 95% CI 0.5 – 2.4). We
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Department of identified a non-linear interaction effect between sex and eGFR levels on QoL,
Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden, The Netherlands, 3Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska demonstrating a stronger negative effect of decreased eGFR on both PCS (p=0.02) and
University hospital, Clinical Intervention and technology, Stockholm, Sweden, MCS (p=0.04) in men compared with women. Subsequent adjustment for renal decline
University of Bristol, Population Health Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom, 5CNR-IFC, attenuated the difference in rate of QoL decline between men and women (difference
Clinical Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension & after adjustment; PCS: 1.1, 95% CI -0.1 – 2.2, MCS: 1.2, 95% 0.0 – 2.3). In univariable
G.O.M., Reggio Calabria, Italy, 6Wroclaw Medical University, Dept of Nephrology and analyses, higher serum haemoglobin was more beneficial to QoL in men compared to
Transplantation Medicine, Wroclaw, Poland and 7University Hospital Würzburg, women (p-value for interaction; PCS: p=0.03, MCS: p=0.01). Higher serum phosphate
Division of Nephrology, Würzburg, Germany had a strong harmful effect on both PCS and MCS in men, but not in women (PCS &
MCS: p<0.001). The presence of pre-existing diabetes had a negative effect on PCS and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Differences between the sexes are apparent in the MCS in men, but to a lesser extent in women (PCS: p=0.02, MCS: p=0.01).
epidemiology of CKD. Cross-sectional studies show that women consistently report a CONCLUSION: Despite the higher overall QoL reported by men, both their physical
poorer health-related quality of life (QoL) than men, however, longitudinal studies are and mental QoL declined approximately twice as fast compared with women. The
lacking. Here we investigate the sex-specific evolution of QoL over time in advanced faster decline in men was mediated in part by their lower levels of renal function, which
CKD. As a secondary aim, we explore the sex-specific determinants of QoL. had a stronger impact on their QoL as compared with women. Furthermore, in
METHOD: EQUAL is an observational prospective cohort study in stages 4 and 5 exploratory analyses we identified that high levels of phosphate, low levels of
CKD patients 65 years not on dialysis with an incident estimated glomerular haemoglobin, and pre-existing diabetes were more detrimental to QoL in men than in
filtration rate (eGFR) < 20 ml/min/1.73m2. Data on QoL (measured using the RAND- women.
36), clinical and demographic patient characteristics were collected between April 2012
and September 2020. QoL trajectories were modelled by sex using linear mixed models,
and joint models were applied to deal with informative censoring. We followed FC069 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AND ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: A
patients until death or dialysis initiation. DANGEROUS COMBINATION
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and atrial fibrillation
(AF) are both risk factors for bleeding, stroke and mortality. Whether the combination
of CKD and AF leads to higher risks of bleeding, stroke and mortality than CKD or AF
alone is not known. The aim of our study was to investigate the interaction between
CKD and AF and outcomes.
METHOD: We included 12,394 subjects referred to the University Medical Center
Utrecht (the Netherlands) from September 1996 to February 2018f for an out-patient
visit with classical risk factors for arterial disease or with symptomatic arterial disease
(Utrecht Cardiovascular Cohort Second Manifestation of Arterial disease (UCC-
SMART) cohort). Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for
bleeding, ischemic stroke or mortality were calculated with Cox proportional hazards
analyses. Presence of additive interaction between AF and CKD was examined by
calculating the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI), the attributable
proportion (AP) due to interaction and the synergy index (S).
RESULTS: Of the 12,394 patients, 699 patients had AF, 2,752 patients had CKD and
325 patients had both AF and CKD. Overall, 382 patients developed a first bleeding
event, 421 patients had a first ischemic stroke and 2203 patients died. Patients with
both CKD and AF had a 3.0-fold (95% CI 2.0-4.4) increased risk for bleeding, a 4.2-fold
(95% CI 3.0-6.0) increased ischemic stroke risk and a 2.2-fold (95% CI 1.9-2.6)
increased mortality risk after adjustment as compared with subjects without AF and
CKD (Table 1). Although bleeding and mortality risks were highest for the
combination of AF and CKD, we did not find interaction between AF and CKD.
However, we found an interaction between AF and CKD for ischemic stroke risk (RERI
1.88 (95% CI 0.31-3.46), AP 0.45 (95% CI 0.17-0.72) and S 2.40 (95% CI 1.08-5.32))
(Table 1).
i48 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
FC069 Table 1: Interaction between atrial fibrillation and chronic kidney disease PERSONS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: PARALLEL
Atrial Chronic Incidence rate Crude *Adjusted Alessandro Bosi1, Juan Jesus Carrero1, Jung-Im Shin2, Yunwen Xu1,
fibrillation kidney Morgan Grams2, Alexander Chang3, Bjorn Wettermark4, Franz Peter Barany5,
disease Alessandro Gasparini1
Karolinska Institute, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Solna,
per 1000 py HR (95%CI) HR (95%CI) Sweden, 2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Cardiovascular and
BLEEDING Clinical Epidemiology, Baltimore, United States of America, 3Johns Hopkins University,
No No 2.6 1 (ref) 1 (ref) School of Medicine, Baltimore, United States of America, 4Uppsala University,
Department of Pharmacy, Social Pharmacy, Uppsala, Sweden and 5Karolinska Institute,
Yes No 7.7 2.7 (1.7-4.4) 1.9 (1.1-3.2) Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Solna, Sweden
No Yes 5.7 2.1 (1.7-2.7) 1.5 (1.2-1.9)
Yes Yes 17.2 6.1 (4.3-8.7) 3.0 (2.0-4.4) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Many adverse drug events are preventable, such as
those potentially resulting from the prescription of nephrotoxic drugs to persons with
INTERACTION: RERI 0.62 (95% CI -0.75-1.99), AP 0.21 (95% CI -0.21-0.62) chronic kidney disease (CKD). We here quantify the extent of contemporary
and S 1.45 (95% CI 0.62-3.43) nephrotoxic medication use in patients with CKD.
ISCHEMIC STROKE METHOD: In two observational cohorts of Swedish (Stockholm CREAtinine
Measurements [SCREAM] project, Stockholm, Sweden) and U.S. (Geisinger Health
No No 2.9 1 (ref) 1 (ref) System, Pennsylvania) adults with confirmed CKD stages G3-G5 undergoing routine
Yes No 8.0 2.7 (1.7-4.4) 1.8 (1.1-3.1) care during 2016-2018, we explored the prescription (in U.S.) and dispensation (in
No Yes 6.1 2.1 (1.7-2.6) 1.5 (1.2-1.9) Sweden) of 115 different ambulatory drugs with proven or purported nephrotoxicity
during the 12 months following study inclusion. We evaluated the proportion of
Yes Yes 21.3 7.3 (5.3-10.0) 4.2 (3.0-6.0) participants receiving nephrotoxic drugs, ranked main contributors and identified
INTERACTION: RERI 1.88 (95% CI 0.31-3.46), AP 0.45 (95% CI 0.17-0.72) and clinical predictors.
RESULTS: In the Swedish cohort, there were 57880 patients (54.6% women) with
S 2.40 (95% CI 1.08-5.32) median age of 80.00 (inter-quartile range [IQR]: 73.0-86.0) years and eGFR 48.9
MORTALITY ([IQR]: 39.9-55.0) mL/min/1.73 m2. In the U.S. cohort, there were 16255 patients (59%
No No 14.5 1 (ref) 1 (ref) women) with median age of 76 years and eGFR 44 mL/min/1.73 m2. During
observation, 20% (Sweden) and 17% (U.S.) of patients received at least one nephrotoxic
Yes No 30.7 2.5 (2.0-3.1) 1.4 (1.1-1.8) drug. The top 3 potentially inappropriate nephrotoxic drugs identified were NSAIDs
No Yes 35.8 2.6 (2.4-2.8) 1.5 (1.3-1.6) (9% and 11% of participants in U.S. and Sweden received it), antivirals (2.0% and 2.5%)
Yes Yes 81.7 6.5 (5.6-7.6) 2.2 (1.9-2.6) and immunosuppressants (1.5% and 2.7%). Bisphosphonate use was common in
Sweden (3.3% of participants), but not in U.S. (0.5%). Conversely, fenofibrates were
INTERACTION: RERI 0.34 (95% CI -0.12-0.81), AP 0.15 (95% CI -0.04-0.35) common in U.S. (3.6%), but not in Sweden (0.13%). In adjusted analyses, patients with
and S 1.39 (95% CI 0.86-2.25) young age (<65 years old), women, or with CKD G3 were at higher risk of receiving
nephrotoxic medications in both cohorts (P>0.05 for all). Notably, patients aware of
*Adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, hypertension, stroke, myocar- their CKD (identified either by issued diagnosis or recent visit to a nephrologist), were
dial infarction, peripheral arterial disease, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, at lower risk of nephrotoxic drug use (OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.82-0.92 in Sweden and 0.89,
95% CI 0.81-1.01 in U.S.).
use of anticoagulant drugs (vitamin K antagonists and direct oral anti- CONCLUSION: In two geographically distinct health systems, one in five patients
coagulants), antiplatelet agents and hemoglobin levels with CKD received potentially inappropriate nephrotoxic medications, mainly
NSAIDs. Strategies to increase CKD awareness and physician’s knowledge of drug
nephrotoxicity may reduce inappropriate ambulatory prescriptions and prevent
CONCLUSION: The combination of CKD and AF is associated with high risks for iatrogenic kidney injury.
bleeding, ischemic stroke and mortality. There is a positive interaction between AF and
CKD for ischemic stroke risk, but not for bleeding or mortality.
10.1093/ndt/gfab122 | i49
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i50–i52, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: Results from three, double-blind phase 3 studies comparing roxadustat to RESULTS: In total, 4886 patients were randomised in placebo-controlled (2386
placebo (ALPS, ANDES, OLYMPUS) in patients with anaemia and stage 3-5 NDD roxadustat, 1884 placebo) and DA-controlled (323 roxadustat, 293 DA) studies.
CKD were pooled and evaluated alongside results of an open-label study comparing Baseline characteristics of patients treated with roxadustat vs placebo and roxadustat vs
roxadustat to DA (DOLOMITES) in the same population. Efficacy outcomes were DA were similar: baseline Hb (placebo, 9.10 vs 9.10 g/dL; DA, 9.55 vs 9.55 g/dL) and
compared in three regions (Europe, US, and other) in placebo-controlled studies (PCS) iron repletion (placebo, 59.9% vs 59.8%; DA, 56.3% vs 51.9%). Roxadustat was superior
and two regions (Western Europe/Israel and Central/Eastern Europe) in the DA- to placebo for Hb response without rescue therapy (80.2% vs 8.7%; difference of
controlled study (DCS). The primary efficacy endpoint in Europe was haemoglobin proportion [DOP], 71.50%; 95% CI, 69.40-73.51) and noninferior to DA (89.5% vs
(Hb) response, defined as Hb 11.0 g/dL that changed from baseline (CFB) by 1.0 g/ 78.0%; DOP, 11.51%; 95% CI, 5.66-17.36). Mean Hb CFB (Weeks 28-36) achieved
dL in patients with Hb >8.0 g/dL or as CFB 2.0 g/dL in patients with Hb 8.0 g/dL. superiority in pooled analysis vs placebo (LS mean, 1.91 vs 0.14; LSMD, 1.77; 95% CI,
The secondary efficacy endpoint was Hb CFB to Weeks 28-36 without rescue therapy 1.69-1.84; P<0.0001) and noninferiority vs DA (LS mean, 1.85 vs 1.84; LSMD, 0.02;
(intravenous iron, red blood cell [RBC] transfusion, or erythropoiesis-stimulating 95% CI, -0.13 to 0.16). Risk for MACE or MACEþ was similar for roxadustat vs
agent [ESA] for PCS; RBC transfusion or ESA [roxadustat only] for DCS). Incidence of placebo (MACE, 480 [20.1%] vs 350 [18.6%]; HR, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.96-1.27; MACEþ,
treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) was summarised descriptively in two 578 [24.2%] vs 432 [22.9%]; HR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.94-1.21) and vs DA (MACE, 38
regions in PCS (Europe and non-Europe) and two regions in DCS (Western Europe/ [11.8%] vs 41 [14.0%]; HR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.52-1.25; MACEþ, 54 [16.7%] vs 43 [18.1%];
Israel and Central/Eastern Europe). HR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.61-1.32).
RESULTS: A total of 4886 patients were randomised (2709 roxadustat; 1884 placebo; CONCLUSION: Roxadustat corrected Hb more effectively than placebo and
293 DA). A significantly greater proportion of patients in all regions who received comparably to DA in patients with anaemia and stage 3-5 NDD CKD. Cardiovascular
roxadustat had a Hb response without rescue therapy vs placebo (Europe: 77.9% vs safety was comparable between roxadustat and DA and placebo.
16.5%, difference of proportion [DOP] 61.4%, 95% CI: 56.5-66.2; US: 75.4% vs 8.3%,
DOP 67.2%, 95% CI: 62.7-71.6; and other: 83.4% vs 5.5%, DOP 78.0%, 95% CI: 75.4-
80.5) and a numerically greater proportion in both regions vs DA (Western Europe/
Israel: 93.9% vs 83.5%, DOP 10.4%, 95% CI: 1.2-19.6; Central/Eastern Europe: 86.5% vs
75.4%, DOP 10.9%, 95% CI: 3.6-18.3). Mean Hb CFB was significantly greater with
roxadustat vs placebo in Europe (2.01 vs 0.37 g/dL, LSMD 1.70, 95% CI: 1.55-1.84), US
(1.80 vs 0.21 g/dL, LSMD 1.67, 95% CI: 1.53-1.82), and other (1.80 vs 0.06 g/dL, LSMD
Patricia Carrilho1, Anna Lima1, Rita Manso2, Lucinda Nobrega3, Alexandra Lima
1.77, 95% CI: 1.64-1.89) (all P<0.0001) and similar vs DA in Western Europe/Israel
Santos3, Elisa Matos Soares4, Lurdes Bastos4, Pedro Fidalgo5,6
(1.64 vs 1.75 g/dL, LSMD -0.03, 95% CI: -0.30 to 0.23, P=0.80) and Central/Eastern 1
Europe (1.94 vs 1.88 g/dL, LSMD 0.03, 95% CI: -0.14 to 0.21, P=0.72). The range in Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, Nephrology, Amadora, Portugal,
incidence for select TEAEs (arteriovenous fistula thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, Hospital Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, Pathology, Amadora, Portugal, 3Hospital
nausea, and seizure) was: 0.3-8.4% for roxadustat and 0.2-4.3% for placebo in Europe; Professor Doutor Fernando Fonseca, Hematology, Amadora, Portugal, 4University of
0.8-10.8% for roxadustat and 0.1-7.0% for placebo in non-Europe; 0-12.1% for Porto, Pharmacy’s Faculty, Porto, Portugal, 5Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental,
roxadustat and 0-11.8% for DA in Western Europe/Israel; 0.4-6.3% for roxadustat and Nephrology, Carnaxide, Portugal and 6Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Intensive
0-3.4% for DA in Central/Eastern Europe. Care, Lisboa, Portugal
CONCLUSION: In patients with anaemia and stage 3-5 NDD CKD, roxadustat was
more effective than placebo for correcting Hb and generating Hb response without BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies using T2 MRI liver scans among Hemodialysis
rescue therapy in Europe, the US, and other countries. It was similarly effective as DA (HD) patients raised concern about the presence of iron overload in this population,
for correcting Hb and generating a Hb response without rescue therapy in Western regularly treated with intravenous (IV) iron.
Europe/Israel and Central/Eastern Europe. The incidence of select TEAEs was Histological evidence of tissue iron overload is scarce, since the majority of studies were
comparable and relatively low in all regions. performed in pre-erythropoiesis- stimulating agents (ESA’s) era, when blood
transfusions were common.
Primary objective: to quantify iron in the liver and bone marrow by biochemical and
histological analysis, in adult CKD stage 5-HD. Secondary objectives: To explore
association of clinical, laboratorial parameters, IV iron therapy and iron stores.
METHOD: After approval of local Ethical committee and informed consent from
families, liver biopsy and bone marrow aspirate were obtained in the first 24h post-
mortem from 21 chronic HD patients with anemia or under anemia treatment who
died in Hospital Fernando Fonseca.
Exclusion criteria: blood transfusion in the previous 2 weeks, acute or chronic liver
disease, HIV infection, known hematologic or oncologic disease.
Jonathan Barratt1, Nada Dimkovic2, Evgeny Shutov3, Wladyslaw Sulowicz4,
Clinical, laboratorial and anemia therapy data were retrieved from hospital registry and
Ciro Esposito5, Michael Reusch6, James Young7, Christophe Mariat8
outpatient HD centers.
University of Leicester, Leicester, Department of Respiratory Sciences, Leicester, United Biochemical liver iron content (LIC) was quantified by atomic absorption
Kingdom, 2KBC Zvezdara, Clinical Department of Renal Diseases, Belgrade, Serbia, 3City spectrophotometry. Histological semi-quantitative grading of iron storage was made in
Clinical Hospital, State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Moscow, Moscow, Russia, the liver and bone marrow using Scheuer’s and Gale’s criteria of grading Perls’ stain,
Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University, Department of Nephrology, Krakow, respectively.
Poland, 5 ICS Maugeri, University of Pavia, Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis, Pavia, Italy, RESULTS: Of 21 patients included, 10 (47,6%) were male, median (IQR) age 76.0
Astellas Pharma Europe B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands, 7Astellas Pharma, Inc., (67.5-85.5) years old, 18 (85.7%) white, 3 (14.3%) black, dialysis vintage was 47.0 (12.5-
Northbrook, United States of America and 8Université Jean Monnet, Service de 104.0) months. Charlson Comorbidity index was 10.0 (7.5-11.0), 7 (33%) patients had
Néphrologie, Dialyse et Transplantation Rénale, Laboratoire d’Explorations diabetes, and 11 (52.4%) used an arteriovenous fistula as vascular access. The cause of
Fonctionnelles Rénales, Saint-Etienne, France death was infection (n=9, 42.9%), cardiovascular (N=6, 28.6%), HD withdrawal (n=2,
9.5%) and unknown =3 (14.3%).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Roxadustat, an oral hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl Median (IQR) hemoglobin was 9.8 (8.5-11.4) g/dl and 11 (52.3%) patients had
hydroxylase inhibitor, induces a coordinated erythropoietic response by increasing hemoglobin <10 g/dl. Ferritin was 494.0 (136.0-850.5) ng/ml and TSAT 19.9 % (13.3-
endogenous erythropoietin levels and improving iron metabolism. This analysis was 26.0). 19 (90.5%) patients were receiving IV iron therapy. Median (IQR) IV iron
performed to examine the consistency of efficacy and cardiovascular safety results for administered in the previous 6 and 12 months before death was 800 (300-1250) mg
roxadustat vs placebo or darbepoetin alfa (DA) in patients with non-dialysis- and 1500 (650-2175) mg, respectively. All patients were on ESA therapy, median (IQR)
dependent (NDD) chronic kidney disease (CKD). dose 5000 (3000-9000) UI/week and erythropoietin resistance index was 9.6 (4.2-16.6).
METHOD: Results from three phase 3, double-blind studies comparing roxadustat Median (IQR) liver iron content determined by atomic absorption was 42.5 (22.9-69.7)
with placebo (ALPS, ANDES, OLYMPUS) with anaemia and stage 3-5 NDD CKD mmol/g.
were pooled and assessed for consistency with results of an open-label study comparing 9 patients (42.9%) had normal LIC (<36 lmol/g), while the remainder had mild to
roxadustat with DA (DOLOMITES) in predominantly European patients. The primary moderate overload.
efficacy endpoint was haemoglobin (Hb) response, defined as (a) Hb 11.0 g/dL that Median (IQR) Scheuer grade was 2 (1-3) and 13 (62%) of liver biopsies had increased
changed from baseline (CFB) by 1.0 g/dL in patients with Hb >8.0 g/dL or (b) Hb (Scheuer grade > 1) iron deposition at histology. Median (IQR) grade of Perls staining
CFB by 2.0 g/dL in patients with Hb 8.0 g/dL irrespective of and without rescue in the bone marrow was 3 (3-4) and 9 (45%) had increased (Gale’s grade >3) iron
therapy for placebo-controlled (assessed for superiority) and DA-controlled (assessed content in the bone marrow. Iron semi-quantitative scores in liver and bone marrow
for non-inferiority) studies, respectively. The secondary efficacy endpoint was Hb CFB had strong positive correlation (r=0.71, p<0.001).
to Weeks 28-36 using least squares mean difference (LSMD) without rescue therapy. There was a strong positive correlation between LIC and ferritin (r=0.86, p < 0.001)
The key safety endpoints of major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE, comprising and also TSAT (r=0.56, n=16, p=0.02).
death, myocardial infarction, and stroke) and MACEþ (MACE plus hospitalization Hemoglobin was negatively associated with LIC (r= -0.46, p=0.04), and with iron
with heart failure or unstable angina) were adjudicated in all studies. MACE and content in the bone marrow (p=0.04).
MACEþ for roxadustat vs placebo or DA were compared in the intention-to-treat LIC did not associate with ESA dose, C-reactive protein, dialysis vintage or other
sample using a Cox proportional hazards model. clinical parameters.
10.1093/ndt/gfab118 | i51
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i52 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i53–i56, 2021
BONES & OUTCOMES IN CKD TRAP5b (0.79, 0.83, and 0.79, respectively; p < 0.05, all). Calculated optimal diagnostic
cutoffs in the exploration cohort are shown in Table 1. Applying these cutoffs in the
validation cohort revealed high negative predictive values for both high (92 - 96%) and
low (82 - 90%) bone turnover. Positive predictive values were consistently low.
RENAL OSTEODYSTROPHY sufficient to rule out both high and low bone turnover in CKD. Biointact PTH shows
inferior performance, particularly in kidney transplant recipients.
Hanne Skou Jørgensen1,2, Geert Behets3, Etienne Cavalier4, Patrick D’Haese3,
Pieter Evenepoel1,5
KU Leuven, Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation; Nephrology and Renal
Transplantation Research Group, Leuven, Belgium, 2Aarhus University, Institute of
Clinical Medicine, Nephrology, Aarhus N, Denmark, 3University of Antwerp, Institute of
Pathophysiology, Biomedical Sciences, Wilrijk, Belgium, 4Université de Liège, Clinical
Chemistry, Liege, Belgium and 5University Hospitals Leuven, Medicine, Division of
Nephrology, Leuven, Belgium
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A transiliac bone biopsy is the gold standard for
diagnosing renal osteodystrophy, but is not recommended as part of routine clinical
workup due to its invasive nature. Suitable non-invasive alternatives have yet to be
established. The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic accuracy novel
biochemical markers of bone remodeling compared to that of biointact parathyroid
hormone (PTH) for bone turnover as evaluated by histomorphometry.
METHOD: Protocolled bone biopsies were performed in end-stage kidney disease
patients (ESKD, n = 80) and kidney transplant recipients (n = 119). Full-length (1-84)
PTH, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BsAP), intact N-terminal propeptide of type
I collagen (P1NP), and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoform 5b (TRAP5b) were
measured. Diagnostic performance was evaluated by area under the receiver operator
characteristics curve (AUC). Optimal diagnostic cutoffs were established in an
exploration cohort (n=100), and subsequently validated in a separate subset of patients
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Angelo Karaboyas1, Daniel Muenz1, Yunji Hwang2, William Goodman2, Pedro Barrera Baena1,2, Minerva Rodrıguez Garcıa2, Enrique Rodrıguez Rubio1,
Sunfa Cheng2, Pooja Desai2, Kathleen Fox2, Bruce Robinson1,3, Ronald Pisoni1 Lucıa Gonza lez Llorente1, Francesco Locatelli3, Jurgen Floege4, Markus Ketteler5,
Arbor Research Collaborative for Health, Ann Arbor, United States of America, 2Amgen, Gerard Michel London6, Jose Luis Gorriz Teruel7,8, Manuel Anibal A. Ferreira9,10,
Carmine Zoccali11, Alberto Ortiz12, Martine Cohen-Solal13,14, Miguel Angel Su
Inc., Thousand Oaks, United States of America and 3University of Michigan,
Department of Internal Medicine, Ann Arbor, United States of America Hevia15, Jesu s Marıa Fernandez Go mez15,16, Beatriz Martın-Carro1,
Carlos Go mez-Alonso , Cristina Alonso-Montes , Jorge B. Cannata-Andia1,18,
i54 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
FC080 VARIABILITY IN SERUM PHOSPHATE ASSESSED BY inflammation. Various variability markers have been investigated to study the
DIRECTIONAL CHANGE IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED association between P variability and its association with outcomes, however, the
MORTALITY directional trends have not been studied in depth. We aimed to study directional
changes and investigated its association with outcomes.
Xiaoling (Janice) Ye1, Karlien Ter Meulen2,3, Len A. Usvyat4, Frank Van Der METHOD: All adult incident HD patients treated in Fresenius Medical Care North
Sande2, Constantijn Konings3, Jeroen Kooman2, Peter Kotanko1,5, America (FMCNA) clinics between 01/2010 and 10/2018 were included in this retrospective
Frank Maddux4 cohort study. Serum P levels were averaged from month 1 to 6 after the initiation of dialysis
Renal Research Institute, Research, New York, United States of America, 2Maastricht (baseline). Baseline absolute and directional range (DR) of serum P were calculated. DR of P
University Medical Center, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 3Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, was calculated as: P min/max (t2) – P max/min (t1), with P (t1) and P (t2) represents the
The Netherlands, 4Fresenius Medical Care, Global Medical Office, Waltham, United timepoint when either the min P value or max P value was measured, whichever comes first,
States of America and 5Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, United States of America and with t2 happened after t1. It is positive when the minimum antedates the maximum,
otherwise negative. All-cause mortality was recorded between months 7 and 18. Cox
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prior studies showed that there is a wide variability proportional hazards models with spline terms were applied to explore the association
between serial pre-dialysis measurements of serum phosphate (P). Serum P vary can be between absolute and DR of P and all-cause mortality. Additionally, tensor product
due to changes in nutritional intake, underlying bone disorders, medication use or smoothing splines were computed to study the interactions of P with absolute P and DR of
P and their joint associations with outcomes, respectably.
FC080 Figure 1: Risk of death across levels of serum phosphate and absolute range.
Top: contour plot of the estimated hazard ratio of death in the next year as a joint
function of serum P and absolute range for patients with serum P and absolute range
fixed at their median values. Estimates of the joint effects are shown in a region with
sufficient data decided by posterior SDs. Bottom: absolute range slices at different
serum P ranges.
10.1093/ndt/gfab123 | i55
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: We studied 353,142 patients. The average age was 62.7 years, 58% were in general associated with increased mortality, the effects of an increase are most
male, 64% were diabetic. Baseline P was 4.98 mg/dL, median absolute range was 2.40 predominant in patients with higher levels of serum P, whereas a negative directional
mg/dL, median DR was 1.1 mg/dL. Across different levels of P, both higher levels of range are most predominant in patients with low serum P. This could be explained by
absolute range and DR of P were associated with higher risk of mortality (Figure 1, the fact that patients with lower levels of P are generally malnourished or inflamed,
Figure 2). The associations even seemed stronger in patients with lower levels of serum where a further reduction indicates nutritional deterioration.
P and with negative DR (Figure 1).
CONCLUSION: Lower levels of serum P are independently associated with an
increased risk of all-cause mortality. Whereas both a positive and negative DR of P are
FC080 Figure 2: Risk of death across levels of serum phosphate and directional range. Top: contour plot of the estimated hazard ratio of death in the next year as a joint function of
serum p and directional range for patients with serum P and absolute range fixed at their median values. Estimates of the joint effects are shown in a region with sufficient data decided
by posterior SDs. Bottom: absolute range slices at different serum P ranges.
i56 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i57–i61, 2021
PLANTS, COFFEE & MORE accelerated kidney disease progression and cardiovascular burden in CKD. Whilst the
effect of specific nutrients on uraemic toxin generation has been explored, few studies
have characterised the impact of diet quality on the gastrointestinal microbiome in the
CKD population. This study aims to explore the associations between dietary quality,
FC081 ULTRA-PROCESSED FOOD CONSUMPTION AND RISK OF protein-bound uraemic toxins and gastrointestinal microbiome in adults with CKD.
INCIDENT CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: THE LIFELINES METHOD: This was a baseline cross-sectional study of adults with stage 3 to 4 CKD
COHORT who were enrolled in a randomised controlled trial of prebiotic and probiotic
supplementation. Habitual dietary intake was measured using a 7-day diet history
Qingqing Cai1, Minjie Duan1, Louise H. Dekker1, Stephan Bakker1, Martin De method by a specialist Dietitian. Diet quality was assessed using food group analysis;
Borst1, Gerjan Navis1 protein intake, fibre intake, dietary protein:fibre ratio and adherence to plant-based
UMCG, Nephrology, Groningen, The Netherlands diet index (PDI) (overall PDI, healthy PDI, unhealthy PDI). Serum uraemic toxins
(free and total; IS and PCS) were determined by ultra-performance liquid
chromatography. Metagenomic sequencing was used to determine gastrointestinal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ultra-processed foods (UPF), that are widespread in microbiota richness, diversity, composition and functional capacity.
Western-style diet, are risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease, RESULTS: There were 68 CKD patients [66% male, median age 70 (IQR 58-75) years]
diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and all-cause mortality. The role of UPF in kidney with a mean estimated glomerular filtration rate of 34 6 11 mL/min/1.73m2. Greater
function decline, however, is still unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence to a hPDI was associated with lower levels of free PCS [-0.021 mmol/L (95%
associations of UPF consumption with incident CKD and estimated glomerular CI -0.042 to -0.001)], while a higher intake of dietary fibre intake was associated with
filtration rate (eGFR) decline. Additionally, we considered the heterogeneity of UPF by lower levels of free IS [-0.022 mmol/L (95% CI -0.043 to -0.001)]. Compositionally, the
identifying different patterns of UPF consumption. gastrointestinal microbiota of this cohort was dominated by members of the phyla
METHOD: The study was performed in a prospective general population-based cohort Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. Supervised analysis at the species level demonstrated that
in the Northern Netherlands. A total of 78 346 participants who were free of CKD at 21% of variance in gastrointestinal microbial composition could be attributed to
baseline were included in this study. The dietary information was assessed at baseline protein:fibre ratio (F=1.27, p=0.04). Further, a higher protein:fibre ratio was associated
using a 110-item food frequency questionnaire. The proportion (in weight) of UPF in with an increased relative abundance of unclassified members of order Oscillospirales.
the total diet was calculated and UPF consumption patterns were identified by Subdoligranulum formicile was correlated with dietary intake of vegetables and
principle component analysis (PCA). Multivariable logistic regression analyses were wholegrains while an unclassified Prevotella species was correlated with food items
used to evaluated the associations of the proportion of UPF consumption and UPF considered discretionary including sweet drinks, sweet desserts, animal fats and
patterns, respectively, with risk of incident CKD and a 20% eGFR decline. potatoes.
RESULTS: Average UPF consumption was 37.7% of total food intake in grams. After a CONCLUSION: The study suggests that habitual diets that are higher in fibre and
mean (SD) follow-up of 7.961.1 years, 2 072 participants developed CKD and 7 611 plant-based foods may positively influence uraemic toxin levels and gut microbiota
had a 20% eGFR decline. The consumption of UPF was independently associated diversity and composition in adults with CKD. These findings provide rationale for
with a higher risk of incident CKD (OR for an absolute increment of 10 % of UPF in well-designed dietary intervention studies targeting the production of uraemic toxins
the diet 1.07 [95% CI 1.01-1.13], P=0.026) and with a higher risk of 20% eGFR and exploring the impact on gut microbiome in the CKD population.
decline (OR10% increment 1.07 [95% CI 1.05-1.10], P<0.001). PCA revealed four
habitual UPF consumption patterns. The “warm savory snack” pattern was associated
with both incident CKD (OR 1.13 [1.04-1.23], P=0.003) and a 20% eGFR decline (OR
1.08 [1.05-1.11], P<0.001). The “sweet snack” pattern was associated with eGFR FC083 PROBIOTIC L.CASEI ZHANG SLOWS THE PROGRESSION OF
decline (OR 1.06 [1.03-1.09], P<0.001) only, whereas the “Dutch traditional” and the ACUTE AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE
“cold snack” were not associated with CKD or eGFR decline.
CONCLUSION: A higher UPF consumption was associated with higher risks of Rui Zeng1
incident CKD and eGFR decline in the general population. Different UPF Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and
consumption patterns were identified, with different impact on renal risk. The “warm Technology, Division of Nephrology, Wuhan, P.R. China
savory snack” pattern and the “sweet snack” pattern were associated with kidney
function decline. Our findings suggest that UPF need to be considered in designing BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The relationship between gut microbial dysbiosis and
future dietary strategies for CKD prevention. acute or chronic kidney disease is currently acknowledged to be a health concern which
is characterized by immune dysregulation and metabolic disorder. However, the
therapeutic strategies remain to be developed. In the present study, we examined the
protective effects and mechanisms of action of probiotic Lactobacillus casei Zhang (L.
casei Zhang) on bilateral renal ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)-induced injury in mice.
METHOD: We orally gavaged male C57BL/6 mice with or without L. casei Zhang and
probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus) for 4 weeks (1 109 CFU per day)
prior to being subjected to ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)-induced injury. Serum, colons
and renal samples were collected after 5 days and 28 days. The composition and
abundance of gut microbiota was investigated by using 16S rRNA. LC-MS
metabolomic analysis technology and GC-MS analysis technology were used to
Catherine McFarlane1,2, Rathika Krishnasamy2,3, Tony Stanton2, Emma Savill2,
investigate the metabolic alterations. To define the intra-renal cell subsets that are
Matthew Snelson4, Gabor Mihala5,6, Mark Morrison7, David W. Johnson3,8,
involved in L. casei Zhang-induced renoprotection, we performed single-cell RNA-
Katrina L. Campbell1,3,5
sequencing (scRNA-seq) of kidney samples dissected from L. casei Zhang pretreated
University of Queensland, School of Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, 2Sunshine Coast mice at day 5 after I/R along with samples from non-treated controls.
University Hospital, Birtinya, Australia, 3Australasian Kidney Trials Network, University of RESULTS: Compared to L.acidophilus, L. casei Zhang demonstrated superior capacity
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 4Monash University, Department of Diabetes, in restoring intestinal flora homeostasis, protecting intestinal mucosal barrier function
Melbourne, Australia, 5Griffith University, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Nathan, and improving the disrupted metabolomic profile. L. casei Zhang not only elevated the
Australia, 6Griffith University, Centre for Applied Health Economics, Nathan, Australia, short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in serum and kidney, but also significantly increased
University of Queensland, Diamantina Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Woolloongabba, nicotinamide, by which L. casei Zhang inhibited renal inflammatory response and
Australia and 8Princess Alexandra Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Brisbane, alleviated the damage of renal tubular epithelial cells (TECs) via interacting with
Australia SCFAs receptors on macrophages and TECs, and activating NADþ metabolism in
injured kidneys.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have CONCLUSION: These results show that oral administration of L. casei Zhang, by
significantly increased risk of cardiovascular mortality which is only partially explained altering SCFAs and nicotinamide metabolism, is a potential therapy to mitigate kidney
by Framingham risk factors. There is a growing body of evidence linking the gut- injury and slow the progression of renal decline.
derived uraemic toxins indoxyl sulphate (IS) and p-cresyl sulphate (PCS) with
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
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10.1093/ndt/gfab139 | i59
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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i62–i64, 2021
STOP DIABETES RESULTS: The recruitment period was 18 months and the median follow-up was 36
(IQR: 20-48) months, after which 27 patients (38.6%) reached the primary endpoint.
At baseline mean IL-6 levels in the whole cohort were 4.58 6 2.90, at 4 months 4.61 6
3.10 and at 12 months: 6.14 6 4.97. Patients were further divided into three groups
FC084 LIPOTOXICITY MEDIATED BY GPR43 ACTIVATION according to the tertiles of baseline IL-6 levels (tertile 1: 0.65–2.65 pg/mL; tertile 2:
CONTRIBUTES TO PODOCYTE INJURY IN DIABETIC 2.66–4.83 pg/mL and tertile 3: 4.84–13.30 pg/mL). There were no differences among
NEPHROPATHY THROUGH MODULATING ERK/EGR1 the groups in demographic characteristics, cardiovascular risk factors, serum creatinine
PATHWAY or proteinuria among the groups.
Correlation analyses for IL6 and other inflammatory parameters were carried out for
Jian Lu1, Jia Xiu Zhang1,2, Pei Pei Chen1, Xue Qi Li1, Bicheng Liu1, all subjects. The results showed that inflammatory parameters had a significant
Kun Ling Ma1 correlation between them. IL-6 levels correlated with TNFa (r: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.05 - 0.49
Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University, Nan Jing City, P.R. p= 0.02), C-reactive protein (r= 0.61; 95%CI: 0.44 - 0.74 p<0.01), and PTH (r: 0.30,
China and 2Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University, Nan Jing 95% CI: 0.03-0.54, p=0.03). However, in the univariate analysis only IL-6 tertiles were
City, P.R. China associated with the primary outcome (OR: 2.41; 95% CI 1.25-4.64, p=0.008).
Patients with the highest IL-6 levels (>4.84 pg/ml) experienced a significantly faster
evolution to endpoint (mean survival: 33.2 months, CI 95%: 25.2-41.3) than the other 2
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The G-protein-coupled receptor 43 (GPR43) is a post- groups.
transcriptional regulator involved in cholesterol metabolism. Our previous studies In the multivariate Cox regression analysis, the highest levels of IL-6 (Tertile 3) were
demonstrated that intracellular cholesterol accumulation contributed to podocyte significantly associated with the primary outcome (HR:3.86; 95%CI: 1.08-13.86) after
injury in diabetic nephropathy (DN). This study aimed to investigate possible roles of being adjusted for baseline serum creatinine and proteinuria.
GPR43 activation in lipid nephrotoxicity in DN and to explore its potential The time-dependent area under the ROC curve at two years of follow-up was 0.88
mechanisms. (95% CI: 0.79 - 0.97). The best cut-off IL-6 level was found at 4.68 pg/ml (sensitivity:
METHOD: The experiments were conducted by using diabetic GPR43 knockout mice 100%, specificity: 78.7%)
and cell culture model of podocytes. Renal pathological changes were checked by Generalized linear mixed model analysis showed no effect on subsequent IL-6 levels
periodic acid schiff staining, immunohistochemical staining and transmission electron either with RAS blockade monotherapy or dual blockade.
microscopy (TEM). The lipid deposition and free cholesterol contents in kidney tissues CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our results show that higher levels of IL-6 are
were detected by Oil Red O staining, BODIPY staining, and cholesterol quantitative independently associated with progression of DKD in patients with type 2 diabetes,
assay. The protein expressions of GPR43, LC3II, p62 and related molecules of LDLR and that treatment with RAS blockade does not influence these levels. Serum IL-6 may
pathway in kidney tissues and podocytes were detected by real-time PCR, be used as a noninvasive biomarker of progression to ESKD. Since our results show
immunofluorescent staining, and Western blotting. that higher IL-6 levels are associated with a worse renal prognosis, anti- inflammatory
RESULTS: There were decreased plasma level of LDL-cholesterol and cholesterol drugs that modulate IL-6 could be promising therapeutic agents to improve outcomes.
accumulation in kidney tissues of diabetic GPR43 knockout mice. In vitro study Further studies focusing on the potential applications of anti-IL6 treatment in DKD are
demonstrated that acetate, a stimulator of GPR43, increased LDLR-mediated warranted.
cholesterol uptake in podocytes, accompanied with reduced cholesterol autophagic
degeneration, characterized by inhibited LC3 maturation, p62 degradation, and
autophagosome formation. These may evoke synergistic effects attributing to cellular
cholesterol accumulation in podocytes. While genetic knockdown or pharmacological
inhibition of GPR43 inhibited this effect in podocytes. Furthermore, the activation of
GPR43 led to the activation of ERK1/2/EGR1 pathway in podocytes, whereas blocking
ERK1/2 activity or reducing EGR1 expression reversed cholesterol influx and the
inhibition of autophagy mediated by GPR43 activation in podocytes. Meanwhile,
deletion of the GPR43 improved autophagy and inhibited the ERK1/2-EGR1 pathway
of podocyte in diabetic mice in vivo.
CONCLUSION: Activation of the GPR43 mediated lipid nephrotoxicity contributes to
podocyte injury in DN, which was mainly through the activation of ERK/EGR1
pathways. These findings suggested that the GPR43 receptor could be a potential
therapeutic target for the prevention of DN progression.
FC085 Figure: Kaplan-Meier curves displaying the time to event (primary composite
FC085 SERUM INTERLEUKIN-6 LEVELS PREDICT RENAL DISEASE endpoint) for patients in different tertiles of baseline IL-6 levels. Note: Tertile 1: 0.65 - 2.65
PROGRESSION IN DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE pg/mL; Tertile 2: 2.66 – 4.83 pg/mL and Tertile 3: 4.83- 13.30 pg/mL.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
compare the proteome of histologically normal glomeruli from normoglycemic (NG), METHOD: In streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic aged mice (wild-type and
T2DM, and PTDM patients one year after kidney transplantation to identify novel apolipoprotein E (apoE) knockout) we analyzed the kidney levels of miR-155 and
early biomarkers detectable prior to the development of histologically visible diabetic markers of renal damage, inflammation and oxidative stress. In vitro, the expression of
nephropathy. miR-155, SOCS1 and STAT1 in mesangial, tubuloepithelial and macrophage cell lines
METHOD: We comparatively analyzed the proteome of histologically normal were modulated by silencing/inhibition or overexpression/mimicking experiments to
glomeruli from normoglycemic (NG) recipients, and recipients with pre-existing type 2 further determine the JAK/STAT pathway activation and expression of downstream
diabetes mellitus (T2DM), or post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM), in protocol target genes.
biopsies obtained one year after kidney transplantation. Glomerular cross-sections RESULTS: In vivo, type 1 diabetes significantly upregulated miR-155 expression in
were microdissected in core biopsies from 8 NG, 8 PTDM and 8 T2DM kidney kidneys from both wild-type and apoE knockout mice (1.8- and 4.5-fold vs respective
transplant recipients. Proteome was determined by liquid chromatography-tandem non-diabetic controls). The miR-155 levels directly correlated with parameters of renal
mass spectrometry. Relative differences in protein abundance and significantly damage (serum creatinine, albuminuria, kidney-to-body weight ratio and renal score)
dysregulated pathways were analyzed. and the mRNA expression of chemokines (Ccl2 and Ccl5) and pro-oxidant enzymes
RESULTS: Proteins related to immune response and inflammation, transport (Nox2 and Nox4), but inversely with antioxidant genes (Sod1 and Cat). In vitro, the
regulation and cell organization and communication, including the nephrin family, expression of miR-155 was increased in renal cells and macrophages exposed to
were more abundant in NG, as compared to the combined groups of diabetic patients. hyperglycemia and/or inflammatory conditions. Overexpression of miR-155 reduced
Proteins involved in cell morphogenesis and adhesion were less abundant in PTDM, as SOCS1 expression, enhanced STAT1 and STAT3 activation and pro-inflammatory
compared to T2DM. In contrast, CCT3, CCT4 and CNDP2 diabetic nephropathy cytokines and chemokines (Il6, Tnfa, Ccl2 and Cxcl10) expression. By contrast, miR-
markers, LDHB and tacrolimus binding protein FKBP1A were significantly 155 antagonist upregulated SOCS1 and had a protective effect on renal cells by
overrepresented in glomeruli from PTDM, as compared to T2DM patients. decreasing STAT1/3 phosphorylation and pro-inflammatory gene expression.
CONCLUSION: These data suggest that glomerular proteome profile differentiates Additionally, loss- or gain-of function experiments indicate a direct implication of
PTDM from NG and T2DM, and disruption of cell-cell interactions at molecular level SOCS1 in the regulation of miR-155 expression by STAT transcription factors.
represents an early event in PTDM development. CONCLUSION: Our study indicates a pro-inflammatory role of miR-155 in diabetic
kidney disease by downregulating renal expression of SOCS1. Therefore, antagonism of
miR-155 may have a renoprotective effect in diabetic nephropathy through SOCS1-
mediated feedback inhibition of JAK/STAT overactivation. Ongoing in vivo studies
with miR-155 inhibitor in experimental diabetes will clarify its role in the development
and progression of diabetic nephropathy.
10.1093/ndt/gfab143 | i63
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i64 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i65–i66, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
GO and KEGG analysis showed that the main function of the gene modules in both
datasets were related to the activation of inflammatory cells and chemokines pathway.
Through the screening of hub genes and the comparison of expression levels, CCL5,
CXCL1, CXCL6 and CXCL12 were finally obtained as candidate genes. Quantitative
PCR showed that the levels of CCL5 and CXCL1 was significantly increased in DN
group, CCL5 was negatively correlated with eGFR and positively correlated with
urinary protein level, while CXCL1 was negatively correlated with eGFR, but had no
significant correlation with urinary protein level. Multivariate Cox regression showed
that eGFR, urinary protein level, degree of renal fibrosis and urinary CCL5 were
independent risk factors of primary end point.
CONCLUSION: The activation of chemokine signal pathway in renal tissue is
involved in the progression of DN. Urinary CCL5 mRNA can independently predict
the prognosis of DN and may be served as a novel biomarker for the progression of
i66 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i67–i69, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
continued with new tubing and filter. More than one change of a system was never
necessary. In the other 71 sessions, dialysis had to be stopped with retransfusion 5
minutes until 1.5 hours before the scheduled end of therapy, and therapy was
considered as clinically sufficient. The frequency of clotting did not correlate with
dialysis time (Fig.1.). Regarding the venous access clotting happened in 14.6% of acute
CVC, in 12.6% of tunneled CVCs and in 9.4 % of AV-fistulas or -grafts, (Fig 2).
FC096 Figure 2: Mean interdialytic weight change at the first HD session of the
CONCLUSION: The ENDURE study tests the feasibility of starting patients on a novel
incremental HD regime. Early data suggest that control of systolic BP and IDWG are
comparable to patients who start dialysis at 3 times weekly. Further work is needed to
understand the impact of reducing dialysis frequency on BP control correlating the
findings with changes residual renal function and objective measures of fluid overload.
10.1093/ndt/gfab128 | i69
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i70–i72, 2021
PROTECT THE MEMBRANE PET dwell and at PET time points 1-hour and 4-hours were collected and immediately
processed. Additional effluent samples were obtained during unscheduled
hospitalization and in the event of an acute peritonitis. Effluent samples were collected
directly from the drainage bags into standard 9 ml additive-free sample tubes. For ex-
FC098 MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL EXOSOMES AMELIORATE MICE vivo stimulation, 100 ng/ml toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 agonist LPS and TLR2 agonist
PERITONEAL FIBROSIS INDUCED BY HUMAN PERITONITIS Pam3Cys were added to the effluent in the 9 ml collection tubes in duplicates and
DIALYSIS EFFLUENT incubated at 37 C for 24h. Unstimulated samples kept in parallel were used as controls.
IL-6 and TNF-a concentrations were measured with ELISA in the supernatants.
Kehong Chen1, Yani He1 RESULTS: Ex-vivo stimulation of peritoneal cells significantly increased the IL-6 and
Daping Hospital, Army medical University, Department of Nephrology, Chongqing, P.R. TNF-a release compared to unstimulated controls and resulted in a dwell-time
China dependent increase, with a significant lower cytokine released at the 1h PET time point.
To assess local inflammation IL-6 levels of crude effluent were determined. IL-6
concentrations remained stable over time on PD. Interestingly, we were able to show
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Peritoneal fibrosis is a severe complication of higher IL-6 levels in CAPD patients in comparison to APD. As chronic exposure to
peritoneal dialysis, but there are few effective therapies for it. The purpose of this study PD-fluids has been shown to dampen the peritoneal immune competence, consecutive
was to investigate the protective effect of exosomes secreted by mouse bone marrow peritoneal effluent bags, obtained from patients were analysed. In this subcohort of 183
mesenchymal stem cells on peritoneal fibrosis and to reveal the mechanism. 4h-PET effluents we found a decline in cytokine secretion with time on PD (IL-6 r=-
METHOD: Forty-two male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into a normal 0.27, p=0.00015, TNFa r=-0.25, p=0.00071). In a subgroup the ex-vivo cytokine release
group, a control group (2.5% glucose dialysate), a peritonitis-effluent group (The of effluent samples from patients with an acute peritonitis was assessed. IL-6 levels of
overnight 2.5% glucose dialysate of patients with peritonitis), a high glucose dialysate acute peritonitis effluent samples did not differ from the stimulated IL-6 levels of
group (4.25% glucose concentration), a peritonitis-dialysate þ exosome group, and a effluent samples without acute peritonitis (2.45 pg/mL vs 2.31 pg/mL, p=0.85, t-test)
high glucose dialysate þ exosome group. The mouse model of peritoneal fibrosis was suggesting that the assay seemingly represents the in-vivo host-defence cytokine release
constructed by intraperitoneal injection of human peritonitis effusion continuously for accurately.
42 days. The mice in the exosome treatment group received intraperitoneal injection of CONCLUSION: The study provides evidence of a correlation of declining local host
mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-exosomes twice. The level of peritoneal structural and defence and duration of PD-therapy. It supports the hypothesis of PD duration-
functional damage, inflammation, fibrosis and mesothelial cell damage of peritoneum dependent progressive impairment of the ability of the peritoneal immune cells to
were detected. Furthermore, the effect of MSC-exosomes was validated in vitro. secrete cytokines in response to a pathogenic stimulus and thereby dampening the
RESULTS: Peritoneal transport was significantly impaired and peritoneal thickness global peritoneal immuno-competence. This suggests the utility of this clinically
was significantly increased in the peritonitis-effluent group and the high glucose feasible ex-vivo induced cytokine-release assay in peritoneal effluent as a surrogate of
dialysate group after 42 days. The degree of peritoneal inflammation and fibrosis in the the functional peritoneal immune competence. Future analyses need to evaluate the
two groups was significantly higher than the control group. The results suggested that assay as a tool to predict common clinical outcomes and define reference values to
human peritonitis dialysis effluent could be used to construct a mouse model of facilitate stratification of patient populations, clinical staging and to guide novel
peritoneal fibrosis. Masson staining results showed that the fibrosis degree of therapeutic interventions.
peritonitis - effluent þ exosome group was significantly less than the peritonitis -
effluent group. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the expression levels of
mesothelial markers E-cadherin and ZO-1, neutrophil granulocytes (MPO) and
macrophages (F4/80), and fibrosis markers collagen I and a-SMA in the peritonitis - FC100 ASSOCIATION OF SINGLE AND SERIAL MEASURES OF
effluent þ exosome group were significantly lower than those in the peritonitis - SERUM PHOSPHORUS WITH ADVERSE OUTCOMES IN
effluent group. Similarly, the high glucose dialysate þ exosome group mice showed PATIENTS ON PERITONEAL DIALYSIS: RESULTS FROM THE
significantly lower levels of peritoneal inflammation and fibrosis than the high glucose INTERNATIONAL PDOPPS
dialysate group mice. In vitro experiments showed that exosomes could down-regulate
the secretion of IL-1, IL-6 and TGF- by renal tubular cells stimulated by high glucose Marcelo Lopes1, Angelo Karaboyas1, David W Johnson2,
dialysate, maintain the expression of mesenchymal cell marker (E-cadherin), and Talerngsak Kanjanabuch3, Martin Wilkie4, Kosaku Nitta5, Hideki Kawanishi6,
inhibit the mesenchymal marker (-SMA), suggesting that exosomes could inhibit the Bryce S. Foote7, Ronald Pisoni1
transdifferentiation of peritoneal mesenchymal cell-mesenchymal cells (MMT). Arbor Research Collaborative for Health, DOPPS, Ann Arbor, United States of America,
CONCLUSION: MSC-exosomes can alleviate peritoneal fibrosis by inhibiting University of Queensland, Department of Nephrology j Division of Medicine, Saint
peritoneal mesothelial cell-mesenchymal cell transdifferentiation. Lucia, Australia, 3Chulalongkorn University, Faculty of Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand,
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield Kidney Institute, Sheffield,
United Kingdom, 5Tokyo Women’s Medical University Hospital, Department of
Nephrology, Shinjuku City, Japan, 6Tsuchiya General Hospital, Nephrology, Hiroshima,
Japan and 7Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, Inc., Medical affairs, Boston, United States of
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: Our sample consisted of 5904 patients who were on PD. Those with higher METHOD: We enrolled 12 paediatric patients on PD. Half of them affected by FSGS
serum phosphorus levels were younger and had lower hemoglobin levels. Compared to and the others affected by other disorders (NO FSGS). Exosomes from mesothelial
patients with serum phosphorus 3.5 to <4.5 mg/dL, we found an all-cause mortality peritoneal cells were isolated by centrifugation and, using a biotinylated antibody and
hazard ratio (HR) of 1.62 (95% CI: 1.19, 2.20) for patients with serum phosphorus 7 streptavidin magnetic beads. Exosome size was determined by dynamic light scattering,
mg/dL. Strong associations were also observed using serial phosphorus measures and antigen profile of exosomes was assayed by western blot. Mass spectrometry data
[Table]. For example, compared to the reference group of AUC=0, the HR (95% CI) of were analyzed by unsupervised hierarchical clustering using multidimensional scaling,
death was 1.49 (1.10, 2.00) for AUC >1 to 2; and 1.67 (1.15, 2.41) for AUC >2. Akaike in order to identify outliers and dissimilarity between samples. The normalized data
Information Criteria (AIC) results showed that, among the 4 exposures, AUC was the were used to construct a co-expression network using the weighted gene co-expression
strongest predictor of all-cause mortality, and the single phosphorus measure was the network analysis (WGCNA). A weighted adjacency matrix was constructed, and
weakest predictor. Associations between serum phosphorus and adverse outcomes transformed into a topological overlap matrix, which measures the network
were generally stronger for CV death and MACE than for all-cause mortality [Table]. connectivity of all proteins. To identify the relationship between each module and each
CONCLUSION: As seen in HD patients, this analysis demonstrates that serum clinical trait, we used module eigengenes (MEs) and calculated the correlation between
phosphorus is a strong predictor of adverse outcomes in patients on PD. When MEs and the clinical traits. To identify the hub proteins of modules that maximize the
considering serial measurements of serum phosphorus, rates of adverse events began to discrimination between FSGS and NO FSGS samples, we applied T-test, and non-
rise at phosphorus levels >4.5 mg/dL. As recommended by KDIGO guidelines, serial linear support vector machine (SVM) learning. Finally, gene set enrichment analysis
measurements that consider a history of serum phosphorus excursions >4.5 mg/dL was done to build a functional proteins network based on their Gene Ontology (GO)
should be considered when assessing risks of adverse outcomes. annotations extracted from the Gene Ontology Consortium.
RESULTS: Our omic study demonstrated that SVM allowed a complete distinction of
the whole proteomic exosome mesothelial content of FSGS versus NO FSGS (100%
accuracy). Out of the 2490 identified proteins, 40% (995) were involved in endothelial
to mesenchymal transition /fibrosis and in the TGF-B pathway. The WGCNA analysis
highlighted a total of 40 proteins were that maximize the discrimination between FSGS
and NO FSGS patients (Figure 1A). Their expression profile is reported in a heatmap
diagram (Figure 1B).
FC101 Figure 1.(A) Volcano plot of univariate statistical analysis to PDE exosome
of FSGS and Non-FSGS samples and (B) heatmap of statistically significant proteins.
10.1093/ndt/gfab141 | i71
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: Our data demonstrated, for the first time, that mesothelial cells of treated with more biocompatible dialysis solution, reduce the length of time on PD and
FSGS are more prone to activate a pro-fibrotic machinery with exosomes having a personalize type and regimens of PD to minimize the risk of rapid loss of peritoneal
primary role in this process. Moreover, they indicated that identified FSGS-associated membrane.
element in mesothelial exosome protein could be employed as potential new
biomarkers of mesothelial integrity. Finally, results highlighted that FSGS should be
i72 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i73–i74, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i74 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i75–i76, 2021
DIALYSIS: HEART & VESSELS symptoms and adverse outcomes. Although there are medical therapies approved for
PAD, none of them has been specifically approved por PAD-ESKD. For example,
cilostazol is approved for PAD but its use is limited in PAD-ESKD patients. Surgical
interventions are challenging in these patients due to their specific vascular
FC106 HIGHER MAGNESIUM DIALYSATE CONCENTRATION calcification and show worse outcomes. Therefore, the aims of this study were to
SIGNIFICANTLY IMPROVE SURVIVAL AND CEREBRAL evaluate the effects of the investigational drug SNF472, a selective inhibitor of vascular
OUTCOME IN HD-PATIENTS WITH ATRIAL FIBRILLATION: calcification, on blood perfusion and limb functional recovery in a Vitamin D3 (VitD)-
LONG-TERM STUDY ON GERMAN NETWORK DATA induced rat model of arterial calcification and limb ischemia.
METHOD: Three consecutives daily subcutaneous (s.c) doses of VitD were
Karl August Brensing1, Anna Ochsmann1, Heyder Omran2, administered to 66 male Sprague Dawley rats to induce limb ischemia. Rats were
Gerhard Lonnemann3, Helmut Reichel4, Johannes Duttlinger5 randomized into four groups at day 5 after the start of VitD treatment (when all
Nierenzentrum Bonn, Dialysis Unit, Bonn, Germany, 2St. Marien Hospital Bonn, parameters were measured in a satellite group) and were treated for nine days with
Department of Cardiology, Bonn, Germany, 3Eickenhof Dialyse, Langenhagen, placebo s.c., placebo peroral (p.o.), SNF472 (40 mg/kg/day, s.c.) or cilostazol (40 mg/
Germany, 4Nephrologisches Zentrum Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen- kg/day, p.o.). An additional control group did not receive VitD (sham) and was
Schwenningen, Germany and 5Deutsche Nierenzentren eV, WiNe Institute, Düsseldorf, administered with placebo s.c. during these last nine days. Posterior limb blood
Germany perfusion was measured using laser Doppler imaging at baseline (before calcification
induction), day 4 (before treatment start) and day 13 (end of treatment). Walking
ability was evaluated by measuring Maximum Walking Distance (MWD) and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemodialysis (HD) patients with atrial fibrillation Maximum Walking Time (MWT) using a rat treadmill at baseline, day 4 and day 11.
(AF) are at high risk for cardio-vascular events, severe bleeding and rapid vascular/ Rats were sacrificed at day 13, and heart and femoral arteries were collected for calcium
valvular calcification. Thus, higher than low standard dialysate Mg (d-Mg) may analysis.
improve outcome by less arrhythmic or calcification impact, but clinical data are RESULTS: Administration of VitD induced heart and femoral artery calcification by
missing. Our study evaluated applied d-Mg, risk-factors and antithrombotic therapies day 5. This calcification was associated with decreased limb blood perfusion and
on long-term outcome in a large representative German HD-cohort. impairment of walking ability (both MWT and MWD) compared to sham. Treatment
METHOD: We used pseudonymized benchmarking data (2013-2018) of 16226 adult with SNF472 inhibited calcification progression in femoral arteries by 41% and in heart
chronic HD patients (informed consent) from DNeV dialysis network. Diagnoses were by 56% compared to placebo. The inhibition of calcification progression by SNF472 led
coded by “International Classification of Diseases (ICD)” and drugs via “Anatomical to a 29% increase in limb blood perfusion (p< 0.001) and a significant improvement in
Therapeutical Chemical (ATC)” codes. Risk scores (Carlson Comorbidity Index=CCI, walking ability (49% in MWD and 43% in MWT; p< 0.05) compared to placebo.
CHA2DS2-VASc and HAS-BLED) were tested for de-novo outcome prediction. Calcification inhibition in femoral arteries was positively correlated with both MWD
RESULTS: At baseline, 2752 (17%) HD-patients had coded AF. CHA2DS2-VASc (4.0/ and MWT (p< 0.0001). No effects of cilostazol were observed in tissue calcification,
SD1.5) and HAS-BLED (3.2/0.9) estimated high risk for embolism/bleeding. Standard limb blood perfusion or walking ability.
dialysate-Mg (sd-Mg; 0.5 mmol/L) was used by 1317 (48%), d-Mg 0.75 had 331 (12%), CONCLUSION: SNF472 attenuates the progression of vascular calcification and
d-Mg >1.0 had 134 (5%) and 970 (35%) patients changed from 0.5 to 0.75 during the improves blood perfusion and the functional parameters MWT and MWD in a rat
study period (change group). Median study time was 2.1 yrs (Range=R: 0.01–6 yrs.). model of PAD vascular calcification. These results support investigation of SNF472 as a
Overall 6-yr mortality was high (63%; Kaplan Meier median survival of 2.9 yrs. potential therapy for PAD-ESKD patients who have vascular dysfunction due to a high
Unchanged d-Mg levels were significantly (p<0.02) related to survival: Patients on sd- degree of arterial calcification.
Mg had lower median survival (2.7 yrs.) than on 0.75 (3.1 yrs; p<0.05) or >1.0 (3.4 yrs;
p=0.02). The change group had the same survival (3.1 yrs) as the 0.75 group (p<0.03
vs. 0.5). Cox-Regression (multivariate, sd-Mg=ref.) revealed d-Mg >1.0 (hazard
ratio=HR 0.74), d-Mg 0.75 (HR 0.79), serum albumin (HR 0.93), age (HR 1.04) and FC108 BASELINE AND CORONARY ARTERY CALCIFICATION
CCI (HR 1.06) as independently related to mortality (p=0.002). Sd-Mg had higher PROGRESSION MODULATES THE RISK OF DEATH IN
(p<0.05) cerebral adverse events (5.2%) than 0.75 (1.8%) and >1.0 group (3.7%). INCIDENT TO DIALYSIS PATIENTS
Apart from dialysis-related heparin-supply four main approaches regarding anti-
coagulation were identified: No therapy, VK-OAC, Heparin or only Aspirin/ Antonio Bellasi1, Luca Di Lullo2, Domenico Russo3, Carlo Ratti4, Mario
Clopidogrel (Asp/Clop): VK-OAC and Asp/Clop had same median survival (2.8 yrs) Gennaro Cozzolino5, Biagio Raffaele Di iorio6
both better (p<0.001) than no therapy (1.3 yrs) or Heparin (1.6 yrs), but VK-OAC had Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy, 2Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Naples, Naples, Italy, 4Carpi, Carpi, Italy,
higher bleeding rates (6.4%; p<0.001) than Asp/Clop (3.5%). Cerebral adverse events Milan, Milan, Italy and 6Avellino, Avellino, Italy
(3,8% in 6 yrs) were much lower than estimated and similar for all four regimes (R: 3.9-
4.4%). BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is estimated that Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
CONCLUSION: Use of higher d-Mg in HD-patients with AF significantly improved accounts for 5 to 10 million deaths annually, mainly due to cardiovascular (CV)
survival and cerebral outcome, is a feasible cost-effective approach and has more diseases. Although traditional CV risk factors are prevalent, other non-traditional CV
relative impact than well established survival risk-factors such as age, comorbidity risk factors such as vascular calcification (VC) are believed to contribute to this
(=CCI) and serum albumin. Our data warrant prospective trials comparing higher d- disproportionate CV risk burden in CKD subjects. We sought to investigate the
Mg levels with anti-thrombotic drugs and/or left atrial appendage occlusion for better association of Coronary Artery Calcification (CAC) progression with all-cause
evidence. So far, therapy of HD patients with AF should base on implementation of mortality in a cohort of patients new to hemodialysis (HD).
higher d-Mg, prefer Asp/Clop as best anti-thrombotic drugs and clearly avoid more METHOD: This is a post hoc analysis of the Independent study (NCT00710788)
harmful VK-OAC. originally designed to test the impact of 2 different phosphate binder regimens on
various hard as well as surrogate endpoint in HD subjects. A total of 412 (88.4% of the
Independent study cohort) underwent repeated CAC quantification according to the
Agatston methods at study inception as well as after 12 months of follow-up. The
square root method was used to assess CAC progression (CACP) and survival analyses
were used to check the association of CACP and all-cause mortality.
RESULTS: 412 middle age (65 years) men and women (51.2%) were considered.
Detectable CAC was present in about 2 out 3 patients (68.2%) at study inception. At 12
months of follow-up completion, about 1 out of 3 subjects (33.1%) experience a
significant CACP. CACP was associated with older age and use of calcium-based
phosphate binders. At study completion (median follow-up: 36 months) 106 patients
expired of all-cause. Age, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerotic CV events, baseline CAC
Firas Bassissi1, Miguel David Ferrer Reynes1,2, M. Mar Pérez1, Marc Blasco1,
extension were predictors of unfavorable outcome. Multivariable adjusted analysis
Joan Perello1,3, Carolina Salcedo1
confirmed an independent association of both baseline CAC (Hazard Ratio 1.29; 95%
Sanifit Therapeutics, Palma, Spain, 2University of the Balearic Islands, Grup de Nutrici
o Confidence Interval: 1.17-1.44) and CACP (HR: 5.16; 95%CI: 2.61-10.21) with all-
Comunitaria i Estrès Oxidatiu, Palma, Spain and 3University of the Balearic Islands, cause mortality. However, CACP diminished the risk associated with baseline CAC (p
Laboratori d’Investigacio en Litiasi Renal, Palma, Spain for interaction term 0.002) and use of calcium-free phosphate binders significantly
weakened the link between CACP (HR. 1.95; 95%CI: 0.92-4.16) and mortality
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a common co- CONCLUSION: Baseline CAC as well as CACP predict mortality in incident to HD
morbidity in end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) patients undergoing dialysis. The individuals. Nevertheless, CACP mitigates the risk associated with baseline CAC and
prominent vascular calcification in these patients is associated with severity of
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
calcium-free phosphate binders attenuates the association of CACP and mortality, vasculopathy during PD, i.e. disruption of endothelial cell junctions and cytoskeleton
suggesting that CACP modulation may impact survival in this population and induction of apoptosis.
Maria Bartosova1, Betti Schaefer1, Conghui Zhang1, Rebecca Herzog2,
David Ridinger3, Ivan Damgov1, Eszter Lévai1,4,5, Iva Marinovic1, Liting Wang1, Yuxia Zhang1, Rining Tang1
Christoph Eckert6, Philipp Romero7, Peter Sallay4, Akos Ujszaszi8, 1
Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University, School of Medicine
Markus Unterwurzacher2, Anja Wagner2, Georg Hildenbrand3, Bradley Warady9,
Franz Schaefer1, Sotirios G. Zarogiannis1,10, Klaus Kratochwill2, Claus Schmitt1
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndMT) of
University of Heidelberg, Center of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Heidelberg, valvular endothelial cells is the common pathophysiology of valvular calcification (VC)
Germany, 2Medical University of Vienna, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent among the patients of non-chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, there are few
Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 3Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, studies of valvular calcification in CKD. In our previous work, parathyroid hormone
Heidelberg, Germany, 4Semmelweis University, 1st Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, (PTH) was considered as an important player of EndMT in vascular diseases.
Hungary, 5MTA-SE, Pediatrics and Nephrology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, Meanwhile, the increasing serum level of PTH in CKD patients is closely related to VC,
University of Heidelberg, Institute of Pathology, Heidelberg, Germany, 7University of so whether PTH could induce valvular EndMT and the mechanism involved are
Heidelberg, Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, Heidelberg, worthy of further study.
Germany, 8University of Heidelberg, Division of Nephrology, Heidelberg, Germany, METHOD: 5/6 nephroectomy (5/6Nx) with high phosphorus diet was used to
Childrens Mercy Kansas City, Kansas City, United States of America and 10University of construct a VC model in rats with CKD. miRNA sequencing was used to find the
Thessaly, Department of Physiology, Larissa, Greece changes of miRNA in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) intervened by
PTH. The expression levels of miR-29a-5p, markers of EndMT and Notch1 pathway
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease patients (CKD) were determined by PCR, western blot and immunofluorescence. The activity of c-
have an exceedingly high cardiovascular risk. While vasculopathy is further accelerated secretase was determined by ELISA. VC was observed by VonKossa staining and
during peritoneal dialysis (PD), the pathophysiological role of reactive metabolites scanning electron microscope.
such as glucose degradation products (GDP) is uncertain. RESULTS: Firstly, we found PTH could induce valvular EndMT in VC among the rat
METHOD: Omental and parietal peritoneal tissues from 100 non-CKD individuals, with CKD, and VC could be alleviated by cinacalcet. As for the contribution of PTH on
107 children with CKD5, 60 children treated with neutral pH, low GDP, and 30 EndMT, in vitro, global microRNA(miRNA) expression profiling of HUVECs was
children treated with acidic pH, high GDP PD fluids underwent standardized digital examined in PTH versus control and miR-29a-5p was identified as the miRNA that
histomorphometry. Omental arterioles localized within the fat tissue, protected from was most notably decreased under PTH stimulation, which could be resumed by
direct PD fluid exposure were microdissected for multi-omics analysis. Key regulated PTHrP(7-34) (PTHR1 inhibitor). Overexpressing miR-29a-5p could inhibit PTH-
pathways were validated by quantitative immunostaining, with localization microscopy induced EndMT in vitro and valvular EndMT in vivo. The dual luciferase assay was
in peritoneal tissues of matched cohorts and in vitro in human umbilical vein verified that c-secretase activating protein (GASP) is the target of miR-29a-5p. miR-
endothelial cells. 29a-5p-mimics, si-GSAP and DAPT (c-secretase inhibitor) could inhibit PTH-induced
RESULTS: Arterioles from children with CKD5 exhibited reduced lumen to vessel c-secretase activation thus blocking Notch1 pathway activation to inhibit PTH-
ratio (L/V) and reduced endothelial telomere length compared to non-CKD induced EndMT in vitro. In vivo, Notch1 pathway activation was observed in VC
individuals; gene ontology analysis identified enrichment of arteriolar genes associated among the rats with CKD. Blocking Notch1 pathway activation by AAV-miR-29a and
with nuclear telomere cap complex and focal adhesion. Pathway analysis of arteriolar DAPT could inhibit vavular EndMT in rats with CKD. In addition, blocking Notch1
cross-omics identified top canonical pathways including telomere extension by pathway activation could also alleviate VC among the rats with CKD.
telomerase, actin cytoskeleton, integrin and tight junction signalling. CONCLUSION: PTH could activate valvular EndMT via miR-29a-5p/GSAP./Notch1
Peritoneal vasculopathy progressed with PD vintage and was more pronounced with pathway, and that could contributed to VC in rats with CKD.
high versus low GDP exposure (p<0.001). Compared to CKD5, low GDP-PD
upregulated 145/110 and downregulated 38/34 arteriolar genes/proteins, high GDP-PD
upregulated 684/137 and supressed 1560/55 genes/proteins (p<0.01). High GDP
milieu induced upregulation of arteriolar genes involved in cell death/apoptosis and
suppressed genes related to cell viability/survival, cytoskeleton organization and
immune response biofunctions. Vasculopathy associated canonical pathways
concordantly regulated on arteriolar gene and protein level with high GDP exposure
included cell death/proliferation, apoptosis, cytoskeleton organization, metabolism and
detoxification, cell junction signalling, and immune response.
Quantitative validation in PD cohorts with similar PD vintage, dialytic glucose
exposure and age (n=15 / group) verified increased proapoptotic activity and
cytoskeleton disintegration with high-GDP exposure; single-molecule-localization
microscopy demonstrated arteriolar endothelial zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) disruption.
Absolute and relative to endoluminal surface length, arteriolar endothelial cell counts
were inversely correlated with GDP exposure, with apoptosis marker caspase-3, TGF-ß
induced pSMAD2/3, interleukin-6, ZO-1 protein abundance and the degree of
vasculopathy. In vitro, exposure to GDP 3,4-dideoxyglucosone-3-ene dose-
dependently reduced nuclear endothelial lamin-A/C and membrane ZO-1 assembly.
Transendothelial electrical resistance was decreased. ZO-1 and sealing tight junction
claudin-5 protein abundance were decreased in cells after incubation with high GDP
compared to low GDP PD fluid and culture media. On nanoscale level GDP reduced
junction cluster formation in the membrane area.
CONCLUSION: Multi-omics analysis of omental arterioles from children without pre-
existing vasculopathy and life-style related confounders identified key mechanisms of
vascular aging in CKD5 and the major contribution of GDP to accelerated
i76 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i77–i78, 2021
FC111 Figure: Cumulative incidence and societal costs associated with dialysis
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
LMM showed that in the year preceding dialysis MCS decreased by 15.7 (95% CI: 11.9
to 19.5), PCS decreased by 12.0 (8.2 to 15.7), symptom number increased by 3.5 (2.5 to
4.6) and symptom severity increased by 5.3 (1.8 to 8.8). In the year following dialysis,
MCS increased by 1.9 (-2.7 to 6.5), PCS decreased by 2.1 (-6.9 to 2.8), symptom num-
ber decreased by 0.9 (-0.3 to 2.1) and symptom severity decreased by 7.6 (2.8 to 12.4).
CONCLUSION: Both mental and physical HRQOL, as well as symptom number and
severity, worsened considerably during the year preceding dialysis, but stabilized after
dialysis initiation. These results could aid nephrologists in informing older ESKD
patients who consider starting dialysis and improve the shared decision making
has been linked with comorbid conditions, and poorer mental and physical health-related HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS REDUCES THE RISK OF
quality-of-life (HR-QOL) in hemodialysis (HD) patients. The Skindex-10 questionnaire DIALYSIS HYPOTENSION
and a single itch-related question from the KDQOL-36 have been used to evaluate the
impact of pruritus in HD patients. In this analysis, we investigated the performance of the Claudia Torino1, Rocco Tripepi1, Giovanni Luigi Tripepi1, Francesca Mallamaci1,2,
single question and the Skindex-10 as predictors of HR-QOL in HD patients. Carmine Zoccali3, on behalf of the LUST Working Group4
METHOD: We analyzed data from 4940 HD patients from 17 countries enrolled 1
National Research Council, Institute of Clinical Physiology, Reggio Calabria, Italy,
during year 2 of phase 5 of the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study 2
GOM Bianchi-Melacrino-Morelli, Nephrology Unit, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 3Associazione
(DOPPS, 2013): Belgium, Canada, Germany, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Ipertensione Nefrologia e Trapianto Renale (IPNET), Reggio Calabria, Italy and 4LUST
(Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates), Italy, Japan,
Working Group
Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the UK, and the US. The Skindex-10 scores were
calculated as per Mathur et al. (2010): responses to each of the 10 questions (0-6 scale),
pertaining to how often patients were bothered by itchy skin in the past week, were BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lung ultrasound (US) is a reliable method for the
summed to create a total summary score (range 0-60, with 0 indicating not at all identification of patients with lung congestion in the hemodialysis population (JACC
bothered) and 3 subdomain scores [i.e., itching (disease) and its impact on mood/ Cardiovascular Imaging 2010;3:586-94) and a high number of US-B lines (an
emotional and social functioning]. The itch-related single question from the KDQOL- equivalent of B lines in the chest X-ray) is a powerful predictor of death and
36 asked: “During the past 4 weeks, to what extent were you bothered by itchy skin?” cardiovascular events in this population (JASN 24:639–646, 2013.) .US-B lines are
with response options including “not at all, somewhat, moderately, very much, strongly related with the Left Ventricular filling pressure (capillary wedge pressure)
extremely”. Itch-related measures were collected concurrently with HR-QOL and may also be potentially useful for the identification of patients with low blood
measures: Physical (PCS) and Mental (MCS) Component Summary scores, derived volume at risk for dialysis hypotension. With this background in mind, in the frame of
from the SF-12. We calculated the Spearman correlation coefficient between the the “LUng water by Ultra-Sound Guided Treatment (LUST) to Prevent Death and
Skindex-10 (total score and for each of its 3 domains) and the single question. We Cardiovascular Complications in High Risk ESRD Patients with Cardiomyopathy
used separate linear regression models to evaluate the predictive power of 1) the Trial” (NCT02310061) we investigated, as a secondary study end-point, whether the
Skindex-10 score, 2) the single itch question, and 3) both, on PCS and MCS outcomes, systematic use of lung US may mitigate the risk of dialysis hypotension.
based on R-squared values. METHOD: We included in this analysis 377 HD patients. In patients in the active arm
RESULTS: Skindex-10 scores varied across countries; the proportion of patients with a of the trial (n=197) dialysis ultrafiltration prescription was guided by lung US while in
very high Skindex-10 score (50) ranged from 12% in the GCC to only 2% in Italy, the control arm (n=180) ultrafiltration was prescribed on the basis of standard clinical
Russia and Sweden. Across all countries, 55% had a Skindex-10 score=0. For the single criteria. The duration of the trial was 2 years. Hypotensive episodes during dialysis
pruritus question, 37% answered that they were not at all bothered while 16% were very were pre-defined as a reduction in mean arterial pressure of >20%, associated with
much or extremely bothered by itchy skin. The correlation between the single question typical symptoms (light-headedness, sweating, nausea and/or vomiting). Incident rate
and Skindex-10 was 0.71 overall, 0.72 for the disease domain, 0.62 for the social domain, was expressed as number of hypotensive episodes/patient/year. Negative binomial
and 0.70 for the emotional domain. Patient characteristics were similar across categories regression (Biometrics. 2014;70:920-31) was applied to analyse the association between
of both pruritus measures. Regression analyses showed that every 10 points higher in the US-B lines and the incidence rate of dialysis hypotension. Since a high degree of lung
Skindex-10 score was associated with 1.2 point lower PCS (95% CI: -1.4, -0.9) and 1.5 congestion and/or a high variability in lung congestion over time may predispose to
point lower MCS (95% CI: -1.7, -1.3) scores. Similarly, the single question showed dialysis hypotension, in the active arm we also tested the relationship between the
increasingly poorer PCS and MCS scores with a greater degree of being bothered by average number of US-B lines and the standard deviation (SD) of the same parameter
pruritus: compared with patients not at all bothered by itchy skin, patients who were across the trial (2733 pre-dialysis lung US recordings) and the risk of dialysis
moderately bothered had 4.8 point lower PCS (-5.7, -3.9) and 4.3 point lower MCS (-5.3, - hypotension.
3.3) scores. The R-squared for PCS was 0.065 when using the single question and only RESULTS: During the trial, 890 hypotensive episodes occurred in the active arm and
0.033 when using the Skindex-10 as the predictor. R-squared was also higher for MCS 1292 in the control arm. The corresponding incidence rates were 3.15/patient/yr and
when using the single question (0.056) vs. Skindex-10 (0.052). When including both 4.73/patient/yr, respectively, with an Incident Risk Ratio of 0.66 (95% CI: 0.61-0.72,
pruritus measures, the predictive power for PCS did not improve compared to the single P<0.001) underlying a 34% reduction in the risk of this outcome. In the active arm, the
question (R2=0.065), while increasing only slightly (R2=0.063) for MCS. degree of lung congestion across the trial (average number of US-B lines) was positively
CONCLUSION: The single KDQOL-36 question about the extent bothered by itchy associated with a higher risk of dialysis hypotension because for each US-B line there
skin over the past 4 weeks was highly correlated with the Skindex-10 score and at least was a 6% excess (95%CI: 1%-12%, P=0.02) risk of the same outcome. The variability of
as predictive – if not more – of key HR-QOL measures as the Skindex-10. In daily US-B lines (SD) did not significantly associate with the risk of dialysis hypotension
clinical practice, utilizing 1 simple question about the extent patients are bothered by (P=0.09).
itchy skin can be a feasible and efficient way for routine assessment of pruritus to better CONCLUSION: Findings in this study show that lung US is a safe method to guide the
identify HD patients with not only CKD-aP but also poorer HR-QoL. prescription of dialysis ultrafiltration. Indeed, the systematic application of this
technique reduced the risk of dialysis hypotension by the 34%. The finding in the active
arm of the trial that a higher number of US-B lines underlies an excess risk of dialysis
hypotension suggests that special care should be applied to tailor ultrafiltration in
patients with lung congestion to minimize the risk of this outcome.
i78 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i79–i81, 2021
RESULTS: We enrolled 353,142 patients. The average age was 62.7 years, 58% were
FC115 HIGHER VARIABILITY OF SERUM PHOSPHATE IS male, 64% were diabetic. Baseline P was 4.98 mg/dL, median serum P CV was 0.19.
ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED MORTALITY RISK ONLY Baseline Alb was 3.61 g/dL. While we studied the joint effect of P variability with Alb
WHEN ASSOCIATED WITH HYPOALBUMINEMIA on outcome, the association between P variability and outcomes appeared to be
predominant in patients with low serum Alb levels (Fig. 1).
Karlien Ter Meulen1,2, Xiaoling (Janice) Ye3, Len A. Usvyat4, CONCLUSION: Higher P variability is associated with adverse outcomes but
Frank Van Der Sande2, Constantijn Konings1, Peter Kotanko3,5, Jeroen Kooman2, predominantly in patients with hypoalbuminemia. This suggests a major role for
Frank Maddux4 malnutrition and/or inflammation as explanatory factors for the association between P
Catharina Ziekenhuis, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, variability in outcome. A high P variability in this patient group can be interpreted as
Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2Maastricht University Medical Center, Department of an additional risk factor. When studying the relation between the variability of a single
Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 3Renal parameter with outcome, the possible underlying role of “third factors” should be
Research Institute, New york, United States of America, 4Global Medical Office, Fresenius explored, for which the methodology used in this abstract might provide an example.
Medical Care, Waltham, United States of America and 5Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, United States of America
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
FC116 Figure 1a: Landmark analysis with Kaplan Meier plots showing the adjusted time-scale multilevel regression model, which included all 461 participants,
association of weight change slope and all-cause mortality with a backward time-scale, showed that body weight constantly decreased in deceased
patients, while body weight was longitudinally stable in surviving patients (Fig 1b).
These trends of weight change have been soundly observed in sensitivity analyses.
CONCLUSION: In chronic haemodialysis patients, the higher rate of body weight loss,
such as a decrease in body weight by 1 kg (1.7%) per 6 months, was significantly
associated with higher mortality. Persistent loss of body weight is a significant
predictor of death among chronic dialysis patients.
Anna Bonenkamp1, Tiny Hoekstra1,2, Marc Hemmelder2,3, Anita Van Eck van der
Sluijs4, Alferso C. Abrahams4, Frans J. Van Ittersum1, Brigit Van Jaarsveld1
Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, Nephrology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Dutch
Renal Registry (RENINE), Nefrovisie Foundation, The Netherlands, 3Mumc+, Nephrology,
Maastricht, The Netherlands and 4UMC Utrecht, Nephrology, Utrecht, The Netherlands
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A growing number of patients suffers from End Stage
Kidney Disease(ESKD), causing a logistical and economic burden to the healthcare
FC116 Figure 1b: Marginal plots of time-scale mixed regression estimates of body system. Utilization of home dialysis is low in many countries worldwide, although
weight with a backward time scale for deceased and non-deceased patients home dialysis has several advantages including higher quality of life and possibly lower
costs. The aim of this study is to explore time trends in the use of home dialysis in the
RESULTS: Out of 461 patients in the cohort, 404 participants were analysed in the METHOD: Anonymized registry data from the Dutch Renal Registry (RENINE) were
landmark analysis. Of the participants, 168 (41.6%) were deceased, and 236 used for this study. All dialysis episodes of adult patients who started dialysis treatment
participants (58.4%) survived. Although baseline body weights and indices about body between 1997 through 2016 in the Netherlands were included, including those who
components such as a creatinine index were similar among the 4 groups, multivariate previously underwent kidney transplantation. Dialysis episodes shorter than 90 days
Cox-proportional hazard regression showed that the higher rate of body weight loss were excluded. The probability of starting home dialysis between 1997 through 2016
was associated with higher mortality. Hazard ratios were 2.02 (1.28–3.20), 1.77 (1.10– was evaluated in time periods of 5 years, using logistic regression analysis. Home
2.85), 1.00 (Reference), and 1.11 (0.67–1.83) for first quartile, second quartile, third dialysis was defined as start with peritoneal dialysis or home haemodialysis, or transfer
quartile (Reference), and fourth quartile group, respectively (P for trend was <0.001). to either within 2 years after dialysis start. A logistic multilevel model was used to
The association was also described using Kaplan-Meier plots, with the P-value of adjust for clustering at patient level. The cumulative incidence function of start of
general Log-rank test being 0.015 (Fig 1a). Marginal plots drawn with a multivariate home dialysis in incident patients was estimated with a competing risk model with
recovery of kidney function, kidney transplantations, and all-cause mortality as
i80 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
competing events. All analyses were stratified for age categories at dialysis start: 20-44 analysis. Dialysis withdrawal was an increasingly common cause of death, increasing
years, 45-64 years, 65-74 years and 75 years. from 13.5% in 2000 to 31.2% in 2019 (22.1% overall). In multivariable analysis,
RESULTS: A total of 33,340 dialysis episodes in 31,569 patients were evaluated. increasing age, female sex, increasing dialysis vintage, haemodialysis as treatment
Between 1997 and 2016, mean age at start of dialysis treatment increased from modality, and year of death were independent factors associated with death by dialysis
62.5614.0 to 65.5614.5 years in in-centre haemodialysis patients, whereas it increased withdrawal. Centre variation was large, even after correction for confounding factors
from 51.9615.1 to 62.5614.6 years in home dialysis patients. In patients < 65 years, (36.6% outside 95% control limits).
the probability of starting home dialysis was significantly lower during each 5-year CONCLUSION: Treatment withdrawal has become the main cause of death in the
period compared to the previous period, and kidney transplantation occurred more Netherlands among dialysis-dependent patients during 2000-2020. Large practice
often. In patients 65 years, incidence of home dialysis remained constant, whereas variations were observed between centres, even after correction for confounding
mortality decreased. factors. These findings emphasize the need for timely advance care planning and urge
CONCLUSION: In patients < 65 years, the overall probability of starting home treating health care professionals to better inform their patients when choosing to start
dialysis declined consistently over the past 20 years. The age of home dialysis patients dialysis or not.
increased more rapidly than that of in-centre dialysis patients, implying that pre-
dialysis education and organization of home dialysis must be adapted to the needs of
the elderly patient. These developments have a significant impact on the organisation
of home dialysis for patients with ESKD.
10.1093/ndt/gfab127 | i81
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i82–i84, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
parenchyma (PAR) was segmented and labelled on T2 and T1, renal cortex (COR)
only on T2. After imaging preprocessing, PyRadiomics was used to extract radiomic
features. After removal of shape features, 93 features were included and reduced using
LASSO regression to produce radiomic signatures. These were introduced in Machine
Learning (ML) models to test the association with outcomes. Results are reported as
AUC and a value of sensitivity and specificity.
RESULTS: Sixty patients were included in the study, and 67 graft biopsy – graft MRI
pairs were available for analysis. Demographic and clinical characteristics of enrolled
patients are depicted in table 1; histological diagnosis and main Banff histological
parameters from graft biopsies in table 2. Among ML models, three showed an
acceptable performance. T2 COR “firstorder_minimum/firstorder_range/
glrlm_run_entropy” for IFTA>50% (AUC=0.77, sensitivity=73%, specificity=71%), T1
PAR “firstorder_energy” for IFTA>25% (AUC=0.71, sensitivity=74%,
specificity=51%), T1 PAR “firstorder_energy/
gldm_small_dependence_low_gray_level_emphasis” for gþptc >0 (AUC=0.74,
sensitivity= 78%, specificity=68%); see figures 1–3. No acceptable prediction was
detected for ti >0.
CONCLUSION: Our study shows that TA-MRI feature signatures can predict the
degree of IFTA in graft biopsies, with an acceptable diagnostic performance. These
results suggest to further investigating TA-MRI from standard MRI sequences as
potential tool to assess graft chronic parenchymal injury. Moreover, since graft biopsy
results can be jeopardized by limited sample size, we hypothesize that evaluation of
IFTA through TA-MRI could provide more comprehensive information regarding the
10.1093/ndt/gfab146 | i83
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
whole parenchyma. To test this hypothesis, we are currently evaluating the association METHOD: From January 2013 to December 2019, we prospectively performed 114
of TA-MRI radiomic features and baseline eGFR and eGFR variation over time. 18FDG-PET/CT in 105 adult KTR who underwent per cause transplant biopsy for
suspected TCMR. Biopsy-proven polyoma-BK nephropathies (n=7) and
uninterpretable PET images (n=2) were excluded. PET/CT was performed 194619
minutes after administration of 243635 MBq of 18FDG, before any
immunosuppression change. The mSUVs were measured in both upper and lower
poles of the renal allograft. The acute Banff score was conventionally defined as the
sum (from 0 to 15) of g (glomerulitis), ptc (peritubular capillaritis), t (tubulitis), i
(inflammation in non-scarred cortex) and v (endarteritis). The Banff “total i” score
(from 0 to 3) corresponds to the total cortical inflammation, including scarred and
Laurent Weekers1, Pierre Lovinfosse2, Hans Pottel3, Antoine Bouquegneau1,
non-scarred cortex. Regression of mSUV against the acute Banff score was performed,
Catherine Bonvoisin1, Christophe Bovy4, Stéphanie Grosch4, Roland Hustinx2,
and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated. The distribution of mSUV
François Jouret1
between “total i” groups was assessed by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test
ULiège Academic Hospital (ULiège CHU), Division of Nephrology-Dialysis- followed by Dunn’s post hoc test.
Transplantation, Liege, Belgium, 2ULiège Academic Hospital (ULiège CHU), Department RESULTS: The mean age of the cohort was 51.5614.3 years, with M/F ratio of 67/38.
of Nuclear Medecine, Liege, Belgium, 3KU Leuven Campus Kulak Kortrijk, Department of The prevalence of biopsy-proven TCMR and borderline was 20.9% and 16.2%,
Public Health and Primary Care, Kortrijk, Belgium and 4ULiège Academic Hospital respectively. The mean mSUV of the 105-case cohort was 1.8260.45. The highest value
(ULiège CHU), Department of Pathology, Liege, Belgium of acute Banff score was 12, while 55.2% of biopsies were scored as 0. The distribution
of “Total i” score was: 0 (58.8%); 1 (20.6%); 2 (8.8%); 3 (11.8%). Regression showed a
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute T-cell mediated rejection (TCMR) is associated significant correlation between mSUV and acute Banff score (p<0.0001), with adjusted
with the recruitment of mononuclear leukocytes into the renal transplant, which R2 of 0.38. The mSUV value was significantly different between subgroups of “Total i”
corresponds to the core of the conventional Banff classification. The boosted (p, 0.0047), with 2.3360.76 in score 3 versus 1.6860.24 in score 1.
metabolism of these inflammatory cells can be assessed by positron emission CONCLUSION: 18FDG-PET/CT may help noninvasively assess the degree of allograft
tomography (PET) quantifying the renal uptake of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG). inflammation in KTR with suspected TCMR.
The correlation of biopsy-based Banff versus PET-based scores of acute inflammation
in the renal transplant is unknown.
i84 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i85–i86, 2021
Bone densitometry
Lumbar spine
Bone Mineral Density 1.1 (1 – 1.2)
Ana Carina Ferreira1,2, Marco Mendes1, Cecılia Silva1, Patrıcia Cotovio1, T-score -1.1 (-1.9 to -0.1)
^s Aires1,2, David Navarro1, Fernando Caeiro1, Rute Salvador3, Bruna Correia3,
Guadalupe Cabral3, Fernando Nolasco1,2, Manuel Anibal A. Ferreira1,2 Z-score -0.8 (-1.8 to 0.4)
Hospital Curry Cabral, Nephrology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Nova Medical School, Femural neck
Nephrology, Lisboa, Portugal and 3CEDOC, Tissue Repair and Inflammation Lab, Lisboa, Bone Mineral Density 0.86 (0.77 to 0.96)
T-score -1.4 (-2.2 to -0.6)
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal transplant and associated immunosuppression Z-score -0.7 (-1.5 to 0)
can influence bone volume. The aim of this study was to analyze the relations between Total femur
bone biopsy data and levels of bone-related molecules [phosphorus (Pi), Calcium (Ca), Bone Mineral Density 0.9 (0.8 to 1)
Magnesium (Mg), parathyroid hormone (PTH), bone alkaline phosphatase (bAP),
calcitonin, vitamin D (vitD), alpha-klotho, fibroblast grow factor (FGF) 23, sclerostin], T-score -1 (-2.1 to -0.4)
obtained 1-year after transplantation with bone densitometry findings in the same time Z-score -1 (-1.45 to 0.2)
point in renal transplanted patients.
METHOD: We performed a prospective cohort study of a consecutive sample of de
FRAX risk
novo single renal transplanted patients in our unit. At inclusion, demographic, clinical Osteoporotic fracture j hip fracture 3.5% (2.2 – 6.2)j 0.8% (0.2 – 2.7)
and transplant-related data were collected, X-ray of the pelvis and hands (Adrag~ao
score) and echocardiographic findings were recorded. All patients were submitted to a
laboratorial evaluation and a bone biopsy at baseline. Patients were followed for 12
months, after which performed laboratorial evaluation, 2nd bone biopsy,
echocardiogram, X-ray of pelvis and hands, bone densitometry (DXA) and non-
contrast cardiac CT. For this report we use the information of the 2nd analysis:
laboratorial information, bone histology information, as well the densitometry
evaluation. Continuous variables were presented as medians and categorical variables FC123 RENAL TRANSPLANTATION MITIGATES INCREASED
as frequencies. Associations between variables were performed using Wilcoxon rank- BIOLOGICAL (EPIGENETIC) AGE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY
sum test, Fisher exact test, Kruskal Wallis rank test or Spearman correlation test. DISEASE
Multivariate analysis was performed using linear regression models. STATA software
was used and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Ognian Neytchev1, Anna Witasp2, Louise Nordfors2, Abdul Rashid Tony Qureshi2,
RESULTS: We recruited 84 patients and, at the end of 12 months, we performed a 2nd Lars Wennberg3, Helen Erlandsson3, Thomas Ebert2, Colin Selman4, Paul Shiels1,
evaluation in 69 patients. Median age 53 years, 48 men, 53 caucasian (78.8%), median Peter Stenvinkel2
BMI 24.6, median dialysis vintage 55 months. Patients had a median cumulative 1
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
steroid dose of 5692.5 mg. Analyzing bone biopsies, we found that 28 patients had Institute of Cancer Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2Karolinska Institutet, Renal
adynamic bone disease; 6 had hyperparathyroid bone disease; 2 had osteomalacia and 3 Medicine M99, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Karolinska Institutet, Transplantation, Stockholm,
other abnormal mineralization; 8 patients presented only with osteoporosis. There was Sweden and 4 Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine,
no significant difference between bone volume / total volume pre transplant (18%) and College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences Institute of Cancer Sciences, Glasgow,
1 year after transplantation (19%). Using DXA technique, 14 patients were classified United Kingdom
has having osteoporosis, and all those had low volume at the bone biopsy. Nevertheless,
in 4 patients low bone turnover was also present. The positive predictive value dropped BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) shares important
from 100% to 57%, if we add the other abnormalities of bone, in addiction to the features of a dysregulated ageing process with other common “burden of lifestyle”
volume. DXA exam wasn’t a good tool to detect a normal bone volume, as the negative diseases, which aggregates into the diseasome of ageing. Typically, this is hallmarked by
predicted value dropped from 78% (normal volume, irrespective of turnover and an acceleration of epigenetic (DNA methylation-based) clocks. It remains to be
mineralization) to 37% (normal bone biopsy). Nevertheless, overall bone volume determined if current therapeutic interventions, such as renal transplantation or
assessed by a bone biopsy correlated well with densitometry findings. dialysis, can slow this clock, and thus the rate of biological ageing, in CKD. We
CONCLUSION: DXA exam isn’t a good tool to identify the bone quality. Nevertheless, therefore assessed the rate of biological ageing in CKD patients and whether these
once osteoporosis is detected the probability of the patient having low bone volume is therapies impact on it, by measuring epigenetic age before and 1 year after treatment.
high, but we still need a bone biopsy in order to exclude mineralization or turnover METHODS: Whole blood samples were taken from CKD 5 patients at baseline and 1 year
deviations. after renal transplantation (n=12) or dialysis (n=11; peritoneal dialysis n=7, haemodialysis
n=4) as well as from age and sex-matched population-based controls (n=24). DNA
methylation was measured using the Illumina Infinium Human Methylation 450K
BeadChip and epigenetic age was calculated using three independent DNA methylation
clocks: the Horvath, Hannum, and PhenoAge clocks. Additionally, a novel composite clock
incorporating these three clocks was evaluated. We then calculated the age acceleration
(difference between epigenetic and chronological age) for each clock and compared average
age acceleration between groups and across time points.
RESULTS: Incident dialysis patients displayed accelerated ageing versus
chronologically age-matched controls (p<0.001). We observed a PhenoAge age
acceleration difference in both the transplant (8.5 years, p=0.001) and dialysis (9.7
years, p<0.001) groups at baseline compared to control. After 1 year, we also observed
a decrease of the age acceleration in the transplant group (mean reduced by 4.4 years,
p=0.016), but not in the dialysis group (mean reduced by 0.7 years, p=0.668).
CONCLUSION: CKD 5 patients display an increased biological (i.e. epigenetic) age.
This age acceleration is mitigated one year after renal transplantation, but not in
patients undergoing dialysis. Neither therapy reverses high biological age.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
p=0.001) and cumulative steroid dose (b=0.18, p=0.004), and determinants of BAr
were age (b=-0.15, p=0.002), and BMI (b=0.33, p=0.002).
CONCLUSION: Bone turnover is normal in the majority of kidney transplant
recipients at 1 year post-transplant, despite a high prevalence of hyperparathyroidism.
Low levels of bicarbonate, phosphate, and calcidiol may contribute to delayed bone
mineralization in kidney transplant recipients.
Sara Sokooti Oskooei1, Sok Cin Tye2, Rianne M. Douwes1, Hiddo Lambers
Heerspink2, Stephan Bakker1
University Medical Center Groningen, Internal Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands
and 2University Medical Center Groningen, Clinical Pharmacology, Groningen, The
i86 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i87–i88, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Univariate Multivariate
Risk factor OR (95% CI) p-value OR (95% CI) p-
HLA-DSA pre-KT 5.26 (2.03-13.62) 0.001 3.39 (1.20-9.59) 0.021
AT1R-Ab pre-KT 7.86 (2.75-22.41) <0.001 5.31 (1.75-16.10) 0.003
ETAR-Ab pre-KT 1.56 (0.60-4.05) 0.36
MICA-Ab pre-KT 0.97 (0.23-4.14) 0.96
Positive EC-XM 0.81 (0.08-8.23) 0.86
Class I antibody- 0.97 (0.88-1.07) 0.53
verified epitope
mismatches FC129 Figure: Graft survival in patients with and without ABMR grouped
Class II antibody- 1.12 (1.01-1.25) 0.029 1.07 (0.95-1.21) 0.26 according to NKG2A- > or <30% at biopsy.
verified epitope
mismatches CONCLUSION: Graft survival is worse in ABMRþ compared with ABMR- KT
independently of DSA detection. Kidney transplant recipients with ABMR show
reduced peripheral absolute numbers of NK cells and NKG2A- NK cells regardless of
undetectable DSA. This NK cell phenotype associated with a worse medium-term graft
survival in cases with ABMR.
i88 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i89–i90, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
compared the efficacy and safety of ofatumumab vs. rituximab in children and young February 2013 and January 2019, 365 children with relapsing SSNS (mean age: 7.6 6
adults with SDNS (NCT02394119) and evaluated the risk of relapse following steroid 3.5 y) were recruited from 91 sites and randomised (1:1) according to a minimisation
and calcineurin-inhibitor tapering and withdrawal. algorithm based on background treatment (no background treatment; low-dose
METHOD: We randomly assigned 140 children and younger adults (age 2-24 years) prednisolone only; low-dose prednisolone and other immunosuppression; other
with SDNS maintained in remission with steroids and calcineurin-inhibitors to receive immunosuppression only). At the start of an URTI, children received 6 days of
intravenous ofatumumab (1.500 mg/1.73 m2; intervention) or rituximab (375 mg/m2; prednisolone 15 mg/m2 or matching preparation of placebo. Those already taking
control). Following infusions, oral drugs were tapered and withdrawn. Participants alternate day prednisolone rounded their daily dose using trial medication to the
were followed for 24 months. The primary outcome was relapse at one year, defined by equivalent of 15 mg/m2 or their alternate-day dose, whichever was the greater. The
protein-creatinine ratio 2000 mg/g or >3þ protein on urine dipstick for 3 primary outcome was the incidence of first URTI-related relapse (URR) following any
consecutive days. Cellular and safety data were also assessed. URTI over 12 months. Secondary outcomes were the overall rate of relapse, changes in
RESULTS: At 12 months, 36 patients (51.4%) relapsed in the rituximab arm and 37 background treatment, cumulative dose of prednisolone, rates of serious adverse
(52.8%) in the ofatumumab arm (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.06; 95% confidence interval [CI] events, incidence of corticosteroid adverse effects, change in Achenbach Child
0.55 to 2.06). At 24 months, 46 children relapsed in the rituximab arm (65.7%) and 53 Behaviour Checklist score and quality of life. Analysis was by intention to treat. The
in the ofatumumab arm (75.7%). In both arms, circulating B cell levels declined economic evaluation used trial data and a decision-analytic model to estimate Quality-
following treatment and recovered between 3 and 9 months. Higher pretreatment Adjusted-Life-Years (QALYs) and costs at 1-year, which were then extrapolated over
levels and faster recovery after decline of memory B cells predicted relapse. 16 years.
CONCLUSION: In children and younger adults with SDNS, ofatumumab is not RESULTS: 80 children completed 12 m follow-up without an URTI. Consent was
superior to the chimeric anti-CD20 antibody rituximab. Immune phenotyping data withdrawn for 32 children, 14 prior to an URTI, leaving a modified intention to treat
indicate that anti-CD20 therapies alter the course of the disease by interfering with analysis population of 271 children (134 and 137 in prednisolone and placebo arms
memory B cell populations and can be used to predict response to anti-CD20 respectively). There were 384 URTIs and 82 URRs in the prednisolone arm, and 407
treatment. URTIs and 82 URRs in the placebo arm. The number of patients experiencing a URR
was 56 (42.7%) and 58 (44.3%) in the prednisolone and placebo arms respectively
(adjusted risk difference: -0.024, 95% CI: -0.14 to 0.095; P=0.7). There was no evidence
that the treatment effect differed when data were analysed according to background
treatment. There were no significant differences in secondary outcomes between
treatment arms. A post-hoc subgroup analysis assessing primary outcome in 58
children of South Asian ethnicity (RR 0.66, 95% CI: 0.396 to 1.105) versus 213 of other
ethnicity (RR 1.11, 95% CI: 0.806 to 1.535) showed possible efficacy of intervention in
those of South Asian ethnicity (test for interaction P=0.09). Giving daily prednisolone
at the time of an URTI was found to increase QALYs and decrease overall costs, when
compared to standard care, a finding that was robust to sensitivity analysis.
CONCLUSION: In a large and methodologically-robust study, PREDNOS 2 has
shown that giving 6 days of daily low-dose prednisolone at the time of an URTI does
not reduce the risk of relapse of nephrotic syndrome in UK children, but could offer a
cost-effective use of health care resources. Further work is needed to investigate inter-
ethnic differences in treatment response, and the pathogenesis of individual viral
infections and their effect on nephrotic syndrome.
i90 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i91–i92, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i92 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i93–i94, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
submitted to Furosemide/Fludrocortisone test in our nephrology department. The MO004 PRIMARY BILIARY CHOLANGITIS PRESENTING WITH RENAL
urinary pH was evaluated hourly for 6 hours after the test began. The test was FANCONI SYNDROME: A FORGOTTEN PHENOTYPE
considered positive if the urinary pH did not decrease < 5.3.
RESULTS: The study included 21 patients (16 females, 5 males, mean age 41.52 6 Chaoxui Er1, John Sayer1
17.58 years), diagnosed with SLE (13 patients, mean age 30.23 6 10.34 years, eGFR Newcastle Freeman Hospital, Renal Medicine, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
81.61620.39 ml/min/1.73 m2), pANCA vasculitis (6 patients, mean age 60.83 6 6.14,
eGFR 40 6 12.64 ml/min/1.73 m2), Sjogren syndrome (one 44 year-old patient, eGFR BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Primary biliary cholangitits (PBC) is an autoimmune
39 ml/min/1.73 m2) and cryoglobulinemic vasculitis (one 69 year-old patient, eGFR 31 liver disease, leading to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. It is a rare disease affecting 1 in 3-
ml/min/1.73 m2). The test was positive for 4 patients out of 21 (3 females, one male; 4000 people and is more common in females. Symptoms may go unnoticed and
one with SLE, one with pANCA vasculitis, one with Sjogren syndrome and one with include itch and fatigue. Most patients have anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) as
cryoglobulinemic vasculitis). Although 2 patients developed hypokalemia defined as a well as raised gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
level of serum potassium lower than 3.5 mmol/l after the test and 1 patient augmented levels. First line treatment for PBC is ursodeoxycholic acid and is usually continued
previous hypokalemia, there was not a significant change in kalemia (3.93 6 0.32 lifelong. It improves liver biochemistry, histological progression of liver disease and
mmol/l before the test vs 3.95 6 0.49 mmol/l after the test, p=0.835). Although none of liver transplant-free survival. Renal complications of PBC include distal renal tubular
the patients developed metabolic alkalosis after the test, there was a significant increase acidosis (RTA), tubule-interstitial nephritis (TIN) and renal Fanconi syndrome.
in the level of serum bicarbonate (26.6 (2.2) mmol/l before the test vs 28.2 (2.7) mmol/l METHOD: We reviewed a case of PBC presenting with renal Fanconi syndrome.
after the test, p=0.005) and also in the level of serum pH (7.36 6 0.04 before the test vs RESULTS: A 48-year-old female was referred to the renal clinic due to progressive
7.38 6 0.04 after the test, p=0.018). None of the patients reported digestive or allergic decline in renal function since she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2007. She was
side effects. It was interesting that the patients with vasculitis responded with delay to also known to have AMA (>1:640) and previously had transient transaminitis. She was
the treatment and urinary acidification under the pH of 5.3 occurred after a mean clinically well with no major symptoms but reported that she had had a few episodes of
period of 3.2 hours in comparison to 1.5 hours in patients with SLE (p=0.014). urinary tract infection in the previous year. Her diabetes was managed with lifestyle
Regarding the histological data, both the patients with vasculitis were elders, with an modifications in the past until a few months ago when Metformin was introduced.
altered kidney function (both with a eGFR of 31 ml/min/1.73 m2) and severe tubular However, her HbA1c level had never been greater than 55 mmol/mol. Urine dipstick in
atrophy and interstitial fibrosis on kidney biopsy. The female patient with the clinic showed pH of 6, bloodþ, glucoseþþþ, proteinþþþ and ketone trace. The
cryoglobulinemic vasculitis also had positive titers for antinuclear antibody, anti Ro- severity of glycosuria was inconsistent with her glycaemic control. There was a
antibodies and anti-La antibodies. The patient with Sjögren syndrome was diagnosed disparity between her urine albumin/creatinine ration (ACR) of 18.8g/mol and
with nephrocalcinosis and the kidney biopsy was not effectuated. The youngest patient protein/creatinine ratio (PCR) of 124mg/mmol. Myeloma screen was negative and
with a positive test had preserved renal function, without tubular or interstitial lesions further urine analysis showed generalised aminoaciduria. She also had hypouricaemia,
on kidney biopsy, but with a pattern of membranous lupus nephritis and with intense intermittent hypophosphataemia and non-anion gap metabolic acidosis. These results
immunological activity (ANA, anti ds-DNA antibodies, anti RNP and Sm antibodies, are in keeping with renal Fanconi syndrome. Her eGFR was 48 ml/min/1.72m2 in
antiphospholipid syndrome). 2007 and was 21 ml/min/1.72m at the time of review. A renal biopsy was undertaken,
CONCLUSION: Incomplete DRTA was found in 4 out of 21 patients with and the appearances were suggestive of mild tubulo-interstitial nephritis; the glomeruli
autoimmune diseases, one with Sjogren syndrome and nephrocalcinosis, two with were unremarkable; there was mild chronic tubulo-interstitial damage. She was started
pANCA and cryoglobulinemic vasculitis with decreased eGFR and severe tubular on oral steroid, sodium bicarbonate and ursodeoxycholic acid. The course of steroid
atrophy and interstitial fibrosis and one young female with SLE. had a slight transitory beneficial effect on the renal function.
CONCLUSION: Distal RTA is the usual renal feature of PBC, occurring in 1/3 of cases
with advanced disease. In contrast, proximal RTA associating with renal Fanconi
syndrome occurs rarely. Like our case, the cases that have been previously reported
show that Fanconi syndrome occurred during the early phase of PBC in the absence of
marked hepatic abnormalities, and were associated with CKD.
Fanconi syndrome and TIN are renal features of mitochondrial cytopathies and are
perhaps a forgotten association of PBC. Antimitochondrial antibodies may play a role
in the onset of tubulo-interstitial nephritis and Fanconi syndrome.
i94 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i95–i100, 2021
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The smallest filtration unit of the kidney, the glomerulus, CONCLUSION: We generated a 3D co-culture model that better represents the
is composed of capillaries formed by glomerular endothelial cells (GEC), glomerular complexity of the glomerulus ex vivo. It is indicated that this model provides better
basement membrane and podocytes. Furthermore, glomerular mesangial cells (GMC) physiological conditions. By an insertion of patient-specific hiPSC-derived podocytes
between the capillary loops give structural support. It is known that loss of podocyte foot in the 3D co-culture we will investigate glomerular diseases in a personalized manner
processes is leading to a dysfunctional glomerular filtration barrier and is seen in glomerular in the future.
diseases like focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and other podocytopathies.
Indeed, it is hard to investigate podocytes in culture because podocytes are terminally
end-differentiated cells that do not proliferate, lack foot processes and cell type-specific
markers. Although conditionally immortalized human podocytes regained the capacity
of proliferation, marker expression and behaviour differ between cell lines. The
overarching aims of this study are to generate a 3D glomerular co-culture model that
better reflects the in vivo phenotype of glomerular cell types. We want to investigate MO006 CHANGES IN THE KYNURENINE PATHWAY LEAD TO
cell-cell contact, interaction and communication and extracellular matrix production ALTERATIONS IN NAD BALANCE AND BIOENERGETICS
in 3D glomerular co-cultures. Furthermore, patient-derived hiPSC-podocytes will be PARAMETERS IN GLOMERULAR CELLS IN VITRO AND
used in the glomerular co-cultures to investigate podocyte disease in a personalized CONTRIBUTE TO PROTEINURIA IN A ZEBRAFISH MODEL*
manner and to identify potential therapeutic targets.
METHOD: The hanging droplet method was used to produce 3D glomerular Patricia Bolanos-Palmieri1, Ahmed Kotb1, Heiko Schenk2, Heike Ba €hre3,
spheroids. Therefore, human differentiated immortalized podocytes, human GECs and Patricia Schroder4, Mario Schiffer5
human GMCs were inserted in a medium-droplet hanging from the lid of a petri dish 1
Translational Research Center, Medizinische Klinik 4 – Nephrologie und
and harvested at different time points. Fluorescent cell lines of the different glomerular Hypertensiologie, Erlangen, Germany, 2Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,
cell types were tracked in a time-lapse experiment to study if cell attachment and Nephrologie, Hannover, Germany, 3Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Research Core
spheroid formation undergoes a specific order and structure. Glomerular spheroids Unit Metabolomics, Hannover, Germany, 4MDI Biological Laboratory, Bar Harbor,
were further characterized regarding the expression of podocyte-specific markers and United States of America and 5Universit€
atsklinikum Erlangen, Medizinische Klinik 4 –
extracellular matrix synthesis by immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and Nephrologie und Hypertensiologie, Erlangen, Germany
qPCR and were compared to human cells isolated from glomeruli. Furthermore,
scRNA-sequencing analysis was performed in 2D mono-cultures of human GECs, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Tryptophan catabolism is carried out by the enzymes
GMCs and immortalized podocytes and on 3D co-cultures to see if this change in of the kynurenine pathway leading to the de novo synthesis of NAD and the
culture conditions leads to transcriptomic alterations. For the generation of patient- production of a series of bioactive metabolites. Kynurenine 3-Monooxigenase (KMO)
derived podocytes, skin fibroblast of patients with podocyte mutations (INF2 mutation is a key component of this pathway and it is one of the enzymes responsible for the
and WT1 mutation) and from healthy controls were reprogramed in iPSCs and degradation of kynurenine. The kynurenine metabolites participate in various cellular
differentiated into podocytes that keep the patient’s mutation. processes, so systemic dysregulation of tryptophan metabolism, marked by increased
RESULTS: First time-lapse experiments of glomerular co-cultures showed that human kynurenine in the circulation, has been linked to the onset and severity of a wide range
podocytes and human glomerular endothelial cells attach to each other (Fig. 1a) and of pathologies, such as chronic kidney disease and associated co-morbidities. Since the
histological sections revealed that the glomerular spheroids are encapsulated by a enzymes of the kynurenine pathway are expressed in the kidney and the metabolites
monolayer of cells (Fig. 1b). SEM allowed ultrastructural characterization of the 3D are cleared in the urine, we aim to describe the effects of changes in tryptophan
spheroid-like structures (Fig. 1c). TEM revealed cell protrusions of podocytes that were catabolism on glomerular cells, both in vitro and in vivo.
not seen in monocultures (Fig. 1d, e). We could also demonstrate production of METHOD: Modulation of KMO expression or enzymatic function was performed in a
extracellular matrix by the cells (Fig. 1f). Immunohistochemistry and qPCR showed transgenic zebrafish line that allows for the monitoring of a fluorescently labelled
expression of collagen-IV and laminin. During the reprogramming of patient-derived protein in the circulation as an indicator for proteinuria. Morpholinos targeting three
fibroblasts, size of the generated hiPSC decreased and the nuclei to cell body ratio enzymes of the kynurenine pathway were injected into fish embryos, leading to a
increased. HiPSCs formed colonies with distinct boarders and the proliferation rate knockdown of Afmid, Kmo and Kynu. Additionally, dechorionated larvae were treated
increased. Furthermore, generated hiPSC showed similar gene expression of with a Kmo inhibitor administered via the embryo rearing media, starting at 48hpf. In
pluripotency markers compared to a commercial hiPSC control cell line and podocytes all cases at 96hpf, circulating fluorescent protein levels were determined, larval
derived from these hiPSC expressed synaptopodin (Fig. 2). phenotype was scored based on the severity of the edema, and samples were collected
for metabolite analysis or fixed and prepared for imaging. Since the kynurenine
pathway results in the de novo production of NAD, and the enzyme KMO is located in
the outer mitochondrial membrane, cultured murine parietal epithelial cells as well as
immortalized human and mouse podocytes were incubated with a KMO inhibitor.
Changes in NADþ and NADH, as well as alterations in the mitochondrial membrane
polarization were assessed. Additionally, the oxygen consumption rate was measured
in order to determine if KMO inhibition leads to changes in the bioenergetics
parameters of glomerular cells in vitro.
RESULTS: The modification of Afmid, Kmo and Kynu expression levels by
morpholino mediated knockdown or inhibition of Kmo lead to the accumulation of
upstream kynurenine metabolites in the treated larvae, as was confirmed by mass
spectrometry analysis. Following our previous results, alteration of the kynurenine
pathway led to the development of yolk sac edema, pericardial effusion and loss of
protein from the circulation, accompanied by an enlargement of the Bowman’s space
and changes in nephrin expression in the glomerulus of the treated larvae. Under cell
culture conditions, KMO inhibition in immortalized podocytes led to a reduction in
cell size and focal adhesion proteins (podocalyxin). The NADþ/NADH ratio as well as
mitochondrial membrane polarity were also altered. Additionally, changes in spare
respiratory capacity, coupling efficiency and proton leak suggest that alterations in the
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
kynurenine pathway might impair the cell’s ability to adapt its bioenergetic profile in cells, the subtoxic concentration showed no significant effects in terms of reactive
response to stress. oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS) production, total glutathione levels
CONCLUSION: Taken together these results suggest that the modulation of (tGSH) or total antioxidant status (TAS). On the other hand, the EC50 showed
tryptophan catabolism through the kynurenine pathway may contribute to significant disruption of the oxidative status of the cell, with over 60 % depletion of
maintaining the structural integrity of glomerular cytoskeleton as well a flexible energy tGSH cell contents (p < 0.01) and a significant decrease of TAS (p < 0.05). However,
metabolism in podocytes. Moreover, the results from our in vivo model also suggest this effect was not accompanied by an increase, but rather by a significant decline in
that imbalances in kynurenine metabolites might ultimately impact the function of the ROS and RNS production of about 50 % below control (p < 0.0001). At the EC50, but
glomerular filtration barrier. not at EC01, it was also observed the disturbance of the mitochondrial and energetic
homeostasis, as showed by the increment of intracellular free calcium levels,
hyperpolarization of the mitochondrial membrane, and decay of the ATP levels (p <
0.0001). Cell death induced by gadolinium was characterized by typical morphological
changes of late apoptosis and necrosis, with a significant increase in propidium iodide
uptake and lactate dehydrogenase leakage (p 0.0001) at EC50. The presence of
neutral lipids-containing vesicles was observed in the cytoplasm of cells exposed to
Dorien Van Giel1,2, Jean-Paul Decuypere2, Djalila Mekahli2,3, Rudi Vennekens1
gadolinium using the fluorescent dye BODIPY, already noticeable at the subtoxic
VIB Center for Brain and Disease Research, Laboratory of Ion Channel Research, concentration. Cells exposed to gadolinium also showed increased expression of IL6,
Leuven, Belgium, 2KU Leuven, Department of Development and Regeneration - PKD though this effect was only significant at the EC01 (p < 0.05).
Research Group, Leuven, Belgium and 3University Hospitals Leuven, Department of CONCLUSION: Gadolinium showed marked cytotoxic potential at micromolar levels
Pediatric Nephrology, Leuven, Belgium in HK-2 cells. This cytotoxicity was characterized by increased oxidative stress
independent of ROS and RNS production and mitochondrial dysfunction followed by
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease cell death via late apoptosis and necrosis. At a subtoxic concentration, gadolinium was
(ADPKD) is an inheritable kidney disease characterized by the development of fluid- also able to elicit the accumulation of lipidic vesicles within the cells’ cytoplasm, and to
filled cysts in all nephron segments, leading to loss of renal function. Mutations in trigger a pro-inflammatory response. Although it is still unclear which amount of
PKD1 or PKD2, which encode polycystin-1 and polycystin-2, are the most common gadolinium is in fact released from the complexes commonly used as contrast agents,
cause of ADPKD. The molecular mechanisms underlying cystogenesis are poorly this study shows that gadolinium ion has direct nephrotoxic potential, with noteworthy
characterized but it is postulated that disturbed calcium homeostasis is a primary event manifestations at subtoxic concentrations.
in cystogenesis. The precise molecular players that cause this disturbance are still a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by Applied Molecular Biosciences
poorly explored area, especially in relevant human cell types. We therefore aim to Unit (UCIBIO), financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/04378/2020), by
characterize the profile of calcium-coupled receptors and channels in a human renal North Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N)/
epithelial cell model, to identify which receptors and channels are present and whether NORTE2020/Portugal 2020 (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000024).
their function is affected in ADPKD.
METHOD: Human urine-derived conditionally immortalized proximal tubule
epithelial cells (ciPTECs) of ADPKD patients and healthy controls were screened for
calcium-coupled GPCRs, using a GPCR agonist library on Fura-2 loaded cell
populations seeded in 96-well format using the Flexstation3 (Molecular Devices).
Validation of specific hits was done using single-cell measurements with a fluorescence
microscope and built-in perfusion system. The expression of TRP channels and STIM/
Agne Laucyte-Cibulskiene1,2, Liam Ward1, Thomas Ebert1, Guilia Tosti3,
Orai proteins was determined via qPCR.
Claudia Tucci3, Leah Hernandez1, Peter Stenvinkel1, Valeria Raparelli3,
RESULTS: From a library of 418 GPCR agonists a selective amount of calcium-
Karolina Kublickiene1
coupled GPCRs was found functionally active in ciPTECs. ciPTECs from both healthy 1
controls and ADPKD patients were found to functionally express purinergic -, Karolinska Institutet, Division of Renal Medicine, Department of Clinical Science,
histamine -, serotonin and dopamine receptors. Through qPCR we found expression of Intervention and Technology, , Stokholm, Sweden, 2Lund University, Skåne University
various TRP channels, including TRPML1, TRPC1/3, TRPM3/4/7, TRPV4 and Hospital, Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmo, Sweden and 3Sapienza University of
TRPA1, as well as high expression of STIM1/2 and Orai1/2/3. Rome, Department of Experimental Medicine, Rome, Italy
CONCLUSION: We describe the first thorough characterization of molecular players
involved in calcium signalling mechanisms in human renal epithelial cells, including BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study was performed on behalf of the GOING-
the profile of calcium-coupled GPCRs and the expression of TRP channels and STIM/ FWD Consortium.
Orai proteins, of further interest to investigate disturbed calcium dynamics in ADPKD. The importance of sex difference in the development of cardiovascular complications is
well appreciated, however, further studies are warranted to assess if sex specific
pathophysiological changes occur under uremic environment. Little is known about
the relationship between the uremic phenotype and novel cardiovascular biomarkers
like growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15), cartilage glycoprotein 39 (YKL-40), and
matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), and if they have a sex specific effects in relation to
inflammation, vascular remodelling, cardiovascular outcomes and all-cause mortality.
Therefore, we hypothesise that there is a sex specific relationship between GDF-15,
Nıcia Reis Sousa1,2, Alice Santos-Silva3, Susana Coimbra2,3, Maria Joa ~o Valente3
YKL-40, MMP9 and vascular outcomes defined as athero-/arteriosclerosis and vascular
Instituto Superior Politécnico de Benguela, Departamento de Ci^encias e Tecnologia da calcification.
Saude, Benguela, Angola, 2Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitario METHOD: ESKD patients (n = 231), males (n = 152) and females (n = 79), not
(CESPU), Instituto de Investigaç~ao e Formaç~
ao Avançada em Ci^encias e Tecnologias da receiving renal replacement therapy were selected from two ongoing prospective CKD
Saude (IINFACTS), Gandra, Paredes, Portugal and 3UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de cohorts from the Division of Renal Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Sweden.
Bioquımica, Departamento de Ci^encias Biol ogicas, Faculdade de Farmacia da Three putative CVD biomarkers, GDF-15, YKL-40 and MMP9 were analysed using
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits. Biomarker level/activity was
analysed in the context of gut microbiota derived TMAO, vascular calcification
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gadolinium-based contrast agents are widely used for (determined as CAC score on CT scans, aortic valve calcification (AVC) and medial
magnetic resonance imaging, and although they may be considered well tolerated at calcification on epigastric artery biopsies), inflammatory response, oxidative stress and
recommended dosing levels, recent evidences support the deposition of free all-cause mortality.
gadolinium in the tissues, and its slow release into circulation, resulting in long-term RESULTS: The levels of investigated biomarkers have not differed between female and
toxicity, which is aggravated in renal patients. The kidney, as the major excretion organ male patients with ESKD. However, GDF-15 correlated with TMAO in females from
of these agents, and particularly the proximal tubule, as a common location of more severe cohort that are not receiving renal replacement therapy yet, whereas in
xenobiotics’ bioaccumulation, may be key targets of gadolinium’s deleterious effects. males increased GDF-15 level was associated with higher Agatston score on CT-scans,
This study aimed at unveiling the nephrotoxic potential and the underlying inflammatory biomarker (IL-6) and oxidative stress biomarker 8-OHdG. None of
mechanisms of toxicity of gadolinium, using an in vitro model of normal human biomarkers was related to intimal medial calcification assessed in epigastric artery
proximal tubular cells (HK-2 cell line). biopsies. Comorbidity analysis revealed elevated GDF-15 levels in both females and
METHOD: HK-2 cells were exposed for 24 h to a wide concentration range of males, while increased MMP-9 levels were observed only in females with diabetes
gadolinium, in the form of trichloride hexahydrate, and cell viability was assessed to mellitus, but not with CVD. When assessing death of any cause in our cohorts, both
estimate the half maximal effective concentration (EC50) and the subtoxic deceased males and females had higher GDF-15 concentration (p = 0.01 and p < 0.001,
concentration eliciting 1 % of cell death (EC01). These ECs were further used to respectively), meanwhile only YKL-40 level was increased in deceased males (p = 0.02).
determine the effects of gadolinium on the cell’s oxidative status, mitochondrial CONCLUSION: In summary, here we report that in males GDF-15 and YKL-40 were
function, cell death mechanisms and lipid deposition, through variable colorimetric related to vascular calcification, inflammageing and oxidative stress, while in females
and fluorometric assays. Expression of the pro-inflammatory gene IL6 was also the relationship of GDF-15 with TMAO was observed. Higher MMP-9 level was seen
determined through quantitative PCR. in males without diabetes and in females with confirmed diabetes mellitus. YKL-40
RESULTS: Gadolinium induced cell death in a concentration-dependent manner, with increase in males and GDF-15 in both males and females were associated with all-cause
estimated EC01 and EC50 of 3 and 340 mM, respectively. When compared to control mortality. Our findings suggest that sex specific associations exist and those could have
i96 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
a potential to affect development of cardiovascular complications in patients with SV40 large T antigen. Ten to 12 days differentiated podocytes were used for
ESKD. experiments. Differentiated cells were either transfected with a miR-192 or control miR
mimic or pre-incubated with different inhibitors for components of both the canonical
and the non-canonical TGFb signaling pathways, followed by culture with or without
additional TGFb. Cell lysates were prepared to be used for Western Blot or qPCR
RESULTS: Treatment of immortalized human podocytes with TGFb decreased NPNT
expression on mRNA and protein level. After transfecting immortalized human
podocytes with a miR-192 mimic, a GEC-derived miR up regulated by TGFb
Alexandra Louise Møller1,2, Daniel G. K. Rasmussen1, Morten A. Karsdal1,
stimulation, we observed reduced NPNT expression, compared to control miR
Federica Genovese1
Nordic Bioscience A/S, Herlev, Denmark and 2University of Copenhagen, Biomedical Blocking TGFb receptor I signaling with the specific inhibitor SD208, caused higher
Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Copenhagen, Denmark NPNT protein abundance, while NPNT mRNA expression remained unchanged.
Targeting downstream parts of both the canonical and non-canonical TGFb pathways
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins by using inhibitors for single molecules of the respective arms of the intricate TGFb
is a hallmark of kidney fibrosis, which can lead to altered tissue homeostasis, kidney pathway showed ambiguous results. Suppression of either Smad2 and/or Smad3
failure, and ultimately death. Many different cell types are involved in this process, but tended to enhance NPNT protein levels, accompanied by mostly unaltered mRNA
fibroblasts are the main source of ECM proteins such as collagen type I (COL I), III expression. Blockade of different parts of the non-canonical TGFb pathway also up
(COL III), and VI (COL VI). Recently, it was suggested that a fragment of COL VI, regulated protein expression of NPNT. However, NPNT mRNA expression was more
released during collagen maturation, is a bioactive molecule (endotrophin; ETP) with variable. Therefore, regulation of podocyte NPNT might not be due to changes in
signaling potential, indicating that collagens are not just passive structural proteins. In mRNA transcription, but to modifications on posttranscriptional level.
this study, we investigated the effect of different pro-fibrotic stimulants on COL VI CONCLUSION: Treating immortalized human podocytes with TGFb or TGFb-
production and the effect of ETP itself on human kidney fibroblasts in the scar-in-a-jar induced miR-192 reduced NPNT expression on both the mRNA and protein level.
(SiaJ) cell model. More detailed analysis with inhibition of different parts of the canonical and non-
METHOD: Cells were seeded in 48-well plates at 30.000 cells/well and incubated for canonical TGFb pathways hint that both pathways are involved in NPNT expression.
24h in DMEM þ 10% FBS for adherence. Cells were then starved by incubating them Therefore, we suggest that the regulation of podocyte NPNT by TGFb is fine-tuned via
for further 24h in DMEM þ 0.4% FBS. To induce fibrogenesis, fresh medium was both the canonical and non-canonical pathways with additional modulation through
added at day 0 with 225/150 mg/mL Ficoll 70/400 and 1% ascorbic acid, containing TGFb dependent miRs.
either 7-, 0.7-, or 0.07 nM PDGF-AA, 8-, 0.8-, or 0.08 nM PDGF-BB, 4-, 0.4-, or 0.04
nM PDGF-CC, 7-, 0.7-, or 0.07 nM PDGF-DD, 0.9-, or 0.09 nM CTGF, 0.02 nM TGF-
b or 30 nM ETP. Medium was changed and collected on days 3, 6, 10, and 13.
Biomarkers of COL I (PRO-C1), III (PRO-C3), and VI (PRO-C6) formation were
assessed in the medium by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays developed at Nordic
RESULTS: The stimulation of kidney fibroblasts with PDGF-AA, -BB, -CC, and -DD
Giovanni Bertoldi1, Matteo Rigato1, Luca Sgarabotto1, Lisa Gianesello1,
caused an increase in PRO-C6 compared to the unstimulated cells at every time point
Verdiana Ravarotto1, Paul A Davis2, Lorenzo Calo 1
(P<0.0001). The increase in formation peaked at day 10, and a dose-dependent 1
increase in COL VI levels was observed with PDGF-DD treatment. Interestingly, University of Padova, Department of Medicine, Nephrology, Dialysis and
CTGF treatment did not enhance the synthesis of COL VI at any time point, and TGF- Transplantation Unit, Padova, Italy and 2University of California at Davis, Department
b treatment suppressed PRO-C6 levels compared to the untreated cells (not of Nutrition, Davis, United States of America
significant). The stimulation with 30 nM ETP caused an increase in PRO-C1
(P<0.0001) and PRO-C3 (P<0.0001) compared to the unstimulated cells on days 6, 10, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: COVID-19 is spreading globally with Angiotensin
and 13. The increase in collagen formation peaked at day 10 for both markers, with a Converting Enzyme (ACE)-2 serving as the entry point of SARS-CoV-2 virus. This
7.28-fold increase for COL I and a 4.13-fold increase for COL III. raised concerns how ACE2 and Renin-Angiotensin (Ang)-System (RAS) are to be dealt
CONCLUSION: The production of COL VI, an important mediator of fibrosis and with given their involvement in COVID-19’s morbidity and mortality. Specifically,
inflammation through its bioactive fragment endotrophin, shows a differential expression increased ACE2 expression in response to treatment with ACE inhibitors (ACEi) and
after stimulation of kidney fibroblasts with different pro-fibrotic growth factors. Ang II receptor blockers (ARBs) might theoretically increase COVID-19 risk by
Interestingly, members of the PDGF family induced COL VI production, whereas CTGF increasing SARS-CoV-2 binding sites. However, ACE2 is part of the protective
and TGF-b did not. Moreover, we confirmed that ETP itself could stimulate kidney counter-regulatory ACE2-Ang1-7-MasR axis, which opposes the classical ACE-AngII-
fibroblasts to produce more ECM proteins; hence COL VI may self-perpetuate fibrosis. This AT1R regulatory axis. We used Gitelman’s and Bartter’s syndromes (GS/BS) patients,
SiaJ model, combined with ECM formation biomarkers, could be used to elucidate the rare genetic tubulopathies, who have endogenously increased levels of ACE2, to
mechanisms behind acute and sustained matrix production profiles in vivo. provide more insight on these issues.
METHOD: 128 genetically confirmed GS/BS patients, living in Lombardia, Emilia
Romagna and Veneto, the Northern Italy hot spots for COVID-19, were surveyed via
telephone survey regarding COVID-19.
RESULTS: The survey found no COVID-19 infection and absence of COVID-19
symptoms in any patient. Comparison analysis with the prevalence of COVID-19 in
those Regions [8.96% (95% CI 8.96-8.99% vs 0.00% (95% IC 0.00-3.62%)] showed
statistical significance (p<0.01).
Nina Sopel1, Alexandra Ohs1, Mario Schiffer1, Janina Müller-Deile1
CONCLUSION: The results of the study contribute to suggest that increased ACE2 does
Universit€atsklinikum Erlangen, Medizinische Klinik 4 – Nephrologie und not increase risk of COVID-19 and that ACEi and ARBs by blocking excessive AT1R-
Hypertensiologie, Erlangen, Germany mediated Ang II activation, might favour the increase of ACE2-derived Ang 1-7. The GS/BS
patients’ increased ACE2 and Ang 1-7 levels and their characteristic chronic metabolic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The glomerular basement membrane (GBM), alkalosis might suggest for SARS-COV-2 a mechanism similar to that of chloroquine/
podocytes and glomerular endothelial cells (GEC) are composing the glomerular hydroxychloroquine effect altering ACE2 glycosylation which resulted, in previous studies,
filtration barrier (GFB) within the glomerulus. Both podocytes and GEC are essential in SARS-COV binding inhibition and block/inhibition of viral entry. Studies from our
components for the synthesis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the GBM. laboratory are ongoing to explore in GS/BS ACE2 glycosylation.
One ECM protein of the GBM, which is mainly produced by podocytes is
nephronectin (NPNT). An altered expression pattern of NPNT has been observed in
different kidney diseases. While NPNT was shown to be down regulated in
membranous glomerulonephropathy, its expression was elevated in diabetic
glomerulopathy, compared to healthy controls.
Using a morpholino-induced knockdown of npnt in zebrafish larvae, proteinuria,
Georgios Lioulios1, Asimina Fylaktou2, Aliki Xochelli2, Erasmia Sampani1,
podocyte foot process effacement and thickening of the lamia rara interna of the GBM
Ioannis Tsouchnikas1, Panagiotis Giamalis1, Dimitra Vasileia Daikidou1,
were observed. Mice that were intra peritoneally injected with a microRNA 378a (miR-
Zoi Mitsoglou1, Aikaterini Papagianni1, Maria Stangou1
378a) mimic showed a decrease in NPNT expression in the kidneys on both mRNA 1
and protein level, suggesting a regulatory effect of miR-378a on NPNT. In addition, in Ippokrateio - General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology, Aristotle
cultured human podocytes treatment with transforming growth factor beta (TGFb), as University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece and 2Ippokrateio - General Hospital of
well as transfection with miR-378a mimic down regulated NPNT mRNA and protein Thessaloniki, Department of Immunology, National Peripheral Histocompatibility
expression. Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
By blocking different parts of the TGFb pathway, we want to further investigate the
mechanisms by which TGFb mediates the regulation of NPNT in podocytes. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is characterized by
METHOD: Our main model for this study are immortalized human podocytes, which susceptibility to infections, high prevalence of cancer and cardiovascular disease and
are proliferating at 33 C and differentiating at 37 C due to a temperature sensitive poor response to vaccination. All of the above are potential consequences to
10.1093/ndt/gfab079 | i97
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
compromised immune function seen in ESRD and demonstrated by profound immune METHOD: The rat MCs treated with different concentrations of DHI (0, 50, 100, 200, 500,
cells phenotype changes, resembling the natural course of senescence; therefore termed 1000, and 2000 uL/L) for 12 h, then incubated with or without 100 ng/ml LPS for another 24
immunosenescence. Whereas alterations of T cells in ESRD have been largely studied, h. Subsequently, cell proliferation was determined by Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK8).
there are insufficient data regarding B cell immunity. In this study we evaluate the Furthermore, the rat MCs treated with low-dose DHI (250 uL/L), median-dose DHI (500
effects of hemodialysis (HD) on B cells, in terms of untimely expression of uL/L) and high-dose DHI (1000 uL/L) for 12 h or Ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate
immunosenescent phenotype. (PDTC) for 30 min before 24h treatment of LPS. Then the activation of NF-jB was detected
METHOD: B cells phenotype was analyzed by flow cytometry in 25 ESRD patients on by Western blot and immunofluorescence. The protein levels of ICAM-1, TGF-b1, iNOS
HD (M/F 15/10, Mean Age 59614.7yrs). Patients on HD with systemic diseases, and FN in rat MCs were detected by Western blot.
malignancy or recent (<3 months) episode of infection were excluded. Subpopulations,
including naı̈ve (IgDþCD27-), IgM memory (IgDþCD27þ), switched memory (IgD-
CD27þ) and late memory (IgD-CD27-) B cells were determined. Findings were
compared to 12 healthy controls of similar age.
RESULTS: In HD patients a severe B lymphopenia was observed; a decrease in B cells both
percentage (6.562.7% vs 11.964.5%, p<0.0001) and absolute number [88(53) vs 229(271)
cells/ll, p<0.0001]. Naı̈ve and late memory B cells proportions were similar between
patients and controls, however, absolute number was significantly lower in HD patients for
both subsets [55(54)vs118(216) cells/ll, p=0.006, and 7(7) vs 21(24) cells/ll, respectively,
p=0.001]. Switched memory B cells declined in HD both in terms of percentage [15.7(11.7)%
vs 25.7(18.9)%, p:0.03] and absolute number [13(10) vs 59(64) cells/ll, p=0.00].
CONCLUSION: Chronic hemodialysis results in B cell phenotype alterations similar
to normal aging. Switched memory B cells, the predictors of optimal antibody
responses are significantly reduced, and this may act as an additional factor to relative
immune deficiency of dialysis patients.
i98 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: The results of CCK-8 revealed that DHI significantly suppressed LPS- CD8þ cells. Proportions and absolute numbers of CD4þCD28null and
induced cell proliferation (shown in Fig.1). LPS stimulation resulted in a significant CD8þCD28null cells were estimated, and results were correlated to patients age and
increment of p65 contents in nucleus and a decrement of p65 contents in cytoplasm in time on HD. Patients with malignant or systemic disease were excluded, as those with
rat MCs compared with NC. PDTC and DHI exerted potent inhibitory effect on inadequate HD (KT/V<1,2), or recent (<3months) infection. Results were compared
increasing expression of p65 in nucleus and decreasing in cytoplasm compared with to those of 27 healthy controls, similar age, sex, and race.
LPS treatment group. The inhibitory effect on NF-jB nuclear translocation of DHI was RESULTS: HD patients had significantly reduced lymphocyte count (p<0.001),
in a dose- dependent manner (shown in Fig.2). The Western blot assay showed that the percentage and total count of CD3þ cells (p=0.04, p<0.0001, respectively) and CD4þ
protein level of IjB-a in cytoplasm treated by LPS decreased significantly compared cells (p=0.005, p<0.001, respectively). Percentage of CD4þCD28null and
with that in control (shown in Fig. 3) and this decrement was significantly reversed by CD8þCD28null cells were both increased in patients compared to controls (p=0.009,
PDTC and DHI. In addition, the protein expression of ICAM-1, TGF-b1, iNOS and p=0.01, respectively). However, although changes in CD8CD28null cells were evident
FN was also inhibited by PDTC and DHI (shown in Fig. 4). early, even in <2yrs, similar changes in CD4CD28null cells, appeared only after 2yrs
CONCLUSION: DHI significantly repressed LPS-induced cell proliferation and FN on HD, (p=0.004).
expression in rat MCs through inhibiting the activation of NF-jB signaling pathway Age of the patients had significant correlation with CD8þCD28null cells (r=0.4,
and protein expression of its downstream inflammatory mediators. The ameliorative p=0.001). In the older groups (>40yrs) patients had significantly increased
effects of DHI on MsPGN might be associated with this inhibition effect on NF-B CD3þCD28null, CD4þCD28null and CD8þCD28null cells, compared to older
signaling pathway. controls (p=0.002, p=0.003, p=0.01, respectively).
CONCLUSION: CD28 expression is significantly reduced on CD4þ and CD8þ cells
in HD patients. CD8þCD28null expression is significantly affected early, both by age
and HD, while CD28 expression on CD4þ seems to be more stable, as CD4þCD28null
cells increase in older patients, after long time on HD.
10.1093/ndt/gfab079 | i99
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO018 QUORUM SENSING MOLECULE INDUCES THE RECEPTOR- CONCLUSION: Treatment of 3OC12-HSL reduces endothelial cell viability, and this
INTERACTING PROTEIN KINASE 1-DEPENDENT APOPTOSIS effect is synergistical with LPS. 3OC12-HSL induces apoptotic cell death, through the
SYNERGISTICALLY WITH LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE IN activation of the RIPK1 pathway, moreover, it is amplified in combination with LPS.
i100 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i101–i105, 2021
Junpei Yoshikawa1, Nishio Saori1, Fumihiko Hattanda1, Daigo Nakazawa1, Pieter Schellekens1,2, Djalila Mekahli2,3, Rudi Vennekens4, Isabelle Meyts5,6,
Tatsuya Atsumi2 Dirk Kuypers1, Bert Bammens1
1 1
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, The Division of Rheumatology, University Hospitals of Leuven, Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Renal
Endocrinology and Nephrology, Department of Medicine 2, Sapporo, Japan and 2 Transplantation, Leuven, Belgium, 2KU Leuven, Department of Development and
Regeneration, GPURE, PKD Research Group, Laboratory of Pediatrics, Leuven, Belgium,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease University Hospitals of Leuven, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Leuven, Belgium,
(ADPKD) is characterized by the progressive development of kidney and liver cysts. KU Leuven, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, VIB Centre for Brain and
The major factors predicting disease progression in ADPKD are total kidney volume, Disease Research, Laboratory of Ion Channel Research, Leuven, Belgium, 5KU Leuven,
genotype, age, sex. Recently, several studies have suggested that dietary intervention Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Inborn errors of
might be a potential treatment to prevent ADPKD progression. On the other hand, it immunity, Leuven, Belgium and 6University Hospitals of Leuven, Department of
has been reported that low-birth weight infants because of maternal global nutrient Pediatrics, Pediatric Immunology, Leuven, Belgium
restriction are at increased risk for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic
syndrome and chronic kidney disease. However, little has been reported on BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
relationship between maternal undernutrition and cyst formation in ADPKD. (ADPKD), the most common monogenetic inherited kidney disease, has been reported
Therefore the purpose of this study is to clarify whether maternal undernutrition is to be associated with distinct cytopenias. The pathophysiological mechanism behind
associated with progression in ADPKD. this association and its clinical implications are unknown. Sparse and conflicting data
METHOD: We used Pkd1 conditional knockout mice (Pkd1flox/floxMx1-Cre mice). have suggested a tendency to greater vulnerability for cancer and infections in ADPKD
The offspring of dams given food ad libitum (control(CON)) and those subjected to renal transplant recipients as compared to their non-ADPKD counterparts.
nutrient restriction throughout pregnancy (food restriction (FR)) were examined. In Furthermore polycystin expression has been demonstrated in lymphocytes in vitro
FR, nutrient-restricted mothers were given about half amount of food by control mice with impact on lymphocyte function. From this background, cytopenia could be
during pregnancy. After delivery, food for children was given ad libitum. Mice were hypothesized to be directly induced by the molecular PKD defects and to impact on
injected with polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid for 6 consecutive days from postnatal day outcome in affected patients. The main interest of the current study is to confirm the
5 (P5) to P10 to inactivate Pkd1. We analyzed the phenotype of cystic kidneys by association between ADPKD and cytopenia in a well-defined clinical cohort of patients
kidney/body weight ratio (2KW/BW), and cystic index (CI) which was defined as the at the time of kidney transplantation. Furthermore, the impact of ADPKD and
percentage of areas occupied by cysts at P20, 35, 56. We carried out a series of analyses cytopenia on posttransplant outcomes is studied.
by kidney/body weight ratio, liver /body weight ratio or cystic index (CI) which was METHOD: Baseline (pre-transplantation) and follow-up data from all patients who
defined as the percentage of areas occupied by cysts. Elastica-Masson staining was underwent a first renal transplantation between 01/04/1964 and 01/09/2019 at the
performed for analyzing tissue fibrosis. The fibrotic index (FI) was expressed as the Leuven University Hospitals were retrieved from the renal transplantation database.
(fibrotic area/ total non-cystic area) 100 (%). For evaluation of glomerular RESULTS: 4103 patients were included: 611 ADPKD and 3492 non-ADPKD.
hypertrophy, glomerular area was measured in PAS-stained kidney sections using Immediately before transplantation, significant differences in total white blood cell
Image J software. The assay of renal function was performed by using UN-ML kit. We (6.33 þ/- 2.59 ADPKD versus 7.17 þ/- 2.21 non-ADPKD; p<0.0001), neutrophil (4.04
also performed western blotting of signaling pathway of proliferation by using whole þ/- 1.59 versus 4.54 þ/- 1.88; p<0.0001), lymphocyte (1.45 þ/- 0.05 versus 1.57 þ/-
kidneys. Data are shown as mean 6 SEM. Two-tailed Student’s t-test was performed 0.68; p<0.0001), basophil (0.041 þ/- 0.084 versus 0.046 þ/- 0.048; p<0.0001),
for comparing two groups. eosinophil (0.23 þ/- 0.24 versus 0.29 þ/- 0.33; p<0.0001) and thrombocyte counts
RESULTS: Food restriction of pregnant dams reduced birth weight. (FR 1.2660.16 g (203.00 þ/- 67.21 versus 230.18 þ/- 76.00; p<0.0001) between ADPKD and non-
vs CON 1.5560.11g). However, FR showed rapid gain weight. There was no significant ADPKD patients were observed. After multiple linear regression analysis, ADPKD
difference after P20. There were no difference between two groups in 2KW/BW, serum remained significantly associated with total white blood cell, neutrophil, monocyte and
blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels, CI of kidney and liver until P35. At P56, 2KW/BW thrombocyte counts.
was significantly greater in FR (4.5960.52%) than in CON mice (2.9160.98%; In terms of post-transplant outcomes, significant univariate differences between
p<0.01). CI of both kidney and liver was significantly higher in FR than in CON ADPKD and non-ADPKD transplant recipients in favor of the ADPKD patients were
(Kidney : FR58.162.04% vs CON46.363.04%; p<0.05) (Liver : FR11.161.41% vs observed for overall survival, time to first rejection and time to transplant failure. On
CON 4.8960.61%; p<0.001). BUN levels elevated in FR (FR 58.165.76mg/dL vs CON the contrary, a significantly faster onset of the first posttransplant malignancy and
46.365.11mg/dL; p<0.05) .FR showed glomerular sclerosis with PAS staining. Mean infection was observed in ADPKD as compared to non-ADPKD. Furthermore, the
Glomerular volume was significantly increased in FR compared with CON (P35: FR numbers of posttransplant infections and malignancies tended to be higher in the
56256419lm2 vs CON 32556433lm2; p<0.001, P56: FR 578061195lm2 vs CON ADPKD patient cohort, the number of transplant rejections was significantly lower.
37566266lm2; p<0.001) . FR group showed significantly greater fibrosis in kidney While pre-transplantation lymphopenia was univariately associated with lower overall
(P35: FI 15.362.04% vs CON 11.161.41%; p<0.01,P56: FI 42.163.2% vs CON survival, none of the other post-transplant outcomes was associated with lymphopenia,
30.863.89%; p<0.001). In western blotting analysis, MAPK pathway and mTOR nor with any of the other blood cell counts. After multivariate Cox proportional hazard
pathway were suppressed in FR compared with CON at P20. In contrast, MAPK regression analysis, ADPKD remained significantly associated with time to first
pathway and mTOR pathway were upregulated in FR compared with CON at P56. rejection (p=0.0310; HR 0.632) and overall survival (p<0.0001; HR 0.512). None of the
CONCLUSION: Maternal undernutrition accelerates disease progression via kidney blood cell count variables retained significance in the multivariate outcome models.
fibrosis, MAPK and mTOR pathway. CONCLUSION: This large retrospective single center study confirmed the association
between cytopenia and ADPKD immediately before kidney transplantation.
Furthermore, ADPKD was also associated with differences in posttransplant outcomes.
In multivariate survival analysis, the impact of ADPKD on outcomes outweighed that
of other variables, amongst others the blood cell counts. From this, it is tempting to
speculate that ADPKD influences outcome through a disease-related impact on blood
cells, however many more factors are most probably involved. The hypothesis that
cytopenia could be an extra-renal manifestation of ADPKD, directly linked to its
genetic basis, and its impact on outcome warrant further investigation.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO021 ENHANCED MCP-1 RELEASE IN EARLY AUTOSOMAL This study aims to evaluate ex vivo through a molecular biology approach the OxSt
DOMINANT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE status of ADPKD patients under treatment with tolvaptan (Jinarc) and compare with
both a group of untreated young ADPKD subjects with preserved renal function
Peter Janssens1, Jean-Paul Decuypere2, Stéphanie De Rechter2, Luc Breysem3, (eGFR> 80 mL/min/1.73m2) and a cohort of healthy subjects as controls.
Dorien Van Giel2, Jaak Billen4, An Hindryckx5, Luc De Catte5, METHODS: In mononuclear cells of 9 ADPKD patients treated with tolvaptan, 9
Marcella Baldewijns6, Kathleen Claes7, Karl Martin Wissing1, untreated ADPKD patients with preserved renal function (eGFR> 80 mL/min/
Koenraad Devriendt8, Bert Bammens9, Isabelle Meyts10, Vicente Torres11, 1.73m2) and 9 healthy subjects we evaluated the state of OxSt in terms of protein
Rudi Vennekens12, Djalila Mekahli2 expression of p22phox, subunit of NADH/NADPH oxidase essential for the
UZ Brussel, Nephrology, Jette, Belgium, 2KU Leuven, Development and regeneration, production of superoxide; protein expression of Heme oxygenase (HO)-1, protective
Leuven, Belgium, 3KU Leuven, Radiology, Leuven, Belgium, 4KU Leuven, Laboratory from OxSt and anti-inflammatory and MYPT-1 phosphorylation, marker of Rho
Medicine, Leuven, Belgium, 5KU Leuven, Obstetrics and gynecology, Leuven, Belgium, kinase activation, deeply involved in OxSt signaling for the induction of
KU Leuven, Pathology, Leuven, Belgium, 7Ugent, Pathology, Belgium, 8KU Leuven, cardiovascular-renal remodeling;
Genetics, Belgium, 9KU Leuven, Nephrology, Belgium, 10KU Leuven, Pediatrics, Belgium, RESULTS: In patients with tolvaptan treated ADPKD, protein expression of p22phox
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Nephrology and Hypertension, United States of and phosphorylation state of MYPT-1 were significantly reduced compared to
America and 12KU Leuven, Cellular and molecular medicine, Belgium untreated young ADPKD subjects with normal GFR (p=0.01 and p=0.03, respectively).
Phosphorylation of MYPT-1 was significantly reduced in patients treated with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease tolvaptam vs untreated patients and also when compared to healthy controls (p=0.01
(ADPKD) is caused by mutations in either the PKD1 or PKD2 gene. While kidney for both). HO-1 levels of treated ADPKD patients were significantly higher both vs
failure typically occurs in adulthood, the disease starts in utero. The best change of untreated ADPKD patients with normal GFR (p=0.04) and vs healthy controls
preserving renal function long term might be the use of agents with few side effects as (p=0.01)
early as possible. For this approach, both better early prognostic stratification and CONCLUSIONS: Tolvaptan is reported to reduce the rate of GFR deterioration of 1.20
novel treatment options are needed. The pediatric phase of ADPKD, while kidney mg/mL/year compared to placebo. Several animal studies have demonstrated the
function is still normal and before significant tissue destruction has occurred could be ability of tolvaptan to reduce OxSt and increase HO-1. Our study showed “ex vivo” in
the best stage both to identify and study prognostic biomarkers as well as to identify humans that in ADPKD patients tolvaptan reduces the OxSt state compared to
novel targets for early treatment. Copeptin (a surrogate for vasopressin), epidermal untreated ADPKD with normal GFR and increases the antioxidant HO-1, in addition
growth factor (EGF) ( a measure for functional tubular mass) and monocyte to reduce Rho kinase activation, further supporting its renoprotective effect also in
chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) ( a chemoattractant for macrophages) are terms of OxSt inhibition.
associated with severity and hold prognostic value in adults but remain unstudied in This study confirms for the first time in humans that tolvaptan is effective on the
the early disease stage. Kidneys from adults with ADPKD exhibit macrophage reduction of intracellular OxSt and may impair the biochemical/molecular
infiltration, and a prominent role of MCP-1 secretion by tubular epithelial cells is mechanisms that contribute to the worsening of renal function, endothelial damage
suggested from rodent models. and hypertension.
METHOD: A monocentric cross-sectional study in a tertiary referral center was
performed. All consenting genotyped ADPKD patients attending the outpatient
pediatric ADPKD clinic of the university hospital of Leuven and age, sex and BMI MO023 FLANK PAIN HAS A MAJOR NEGATIVE IMPACT ON HEALTH-
matched healthy controls were included between June and October 2017. Plasma RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN ADPKD: THE CYSTIC I STUDY
copeptin, urinary EGF and urinary MCP-1 were evaluated. MCP-1 was studied in
mouse collecting duct cells, human proximal tubular cells and fetal kidney tissue. Jean Winterbottom1, Roslyn Simms2, Anna Caroli3, Emilie Cornec-Le Gall4,
RESULTS: 53 genotyped ADPKD patients and 53 controls were included. Mean (SD) Nathalie Demoulin5, Monica Furlano6, Esther Meijer7, Olivier Devuyst5,
age was 10.4 (5.9) vs 10.5 (6.1) years (P=0.543), and eGFR 122.7 (39.8) vs 114.5 (23.1) Ronald Gansevoort7, Yannick LeMeur4, Norberto Perico3, Roser Torra6,
ml/min/1.73 m2 (P= 0.177) in patients vs controls respectively. Outcome parameters in Albert Ong1
table. Plasma copeptin and EGF secretion were comparable between both groups. 1
Median (IQR) urinary MCP-1 (pg/mg creatinine) was significantly higher in ADPKD University of Sheffield Medical School, Academic Nephrology Unit, Department of
patients (185.4 (213.8)) compared to controls (154.7 (98.0)) (P= 0.010). Human Infection, Immunity & Cardiovascular Disease, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2University of
proximal tubular cells with a heterozygous PKD1 mutation and mouse collecting duct Sheffield Medical School, Academic Nephrology Unit, Department of Infection,
cells with a PKD1 knockout exhibited increased MCP-1 secretion triggered by fetal Immunity & Cardiovascular Disease, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 3Mario Negri Institute
bovine serum. Human fetal ADPKD kidneys displayed prominent MCP-1 for Pharmacological Research, Ranica, Italy, 4Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire
immunoreactivity and M2 macrophage infiltration. de Brest, Service de Néphrologie, Hémodialyse et Transplantation Rénale, Hôpital La
CONCLUSION: An increase in tubular MCP-1 secretion is an early event in ADPKD, Cavale Blanche, Brest, France, 5Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc (UCLouvain),
long before kidney function decline and in children with few kidney cysts. MCP-1 is a Université catholique de Louvain Medical School, Bruxelles, Belgium, 6Fundaci o
promising early disease severity marker and a potential treatment target. Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain and 7University Medical Center Groningen, Department of
Nephrology, Groningen, Netherlands
MO021 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: ADPKD is the most common inherited kidney disease
in man, a major cause of end-stage renal disease and is a significant medical and
Variable Median (IQR) P economic burden worldwide. However, the impact of this major disease on the quality
of life of patients with preserved kidney function has not been systematically explored.
uEGF (ng/mg) ADPKD 43.5 (40.0)
METHOD: The CYSTic I study was an observational, prospective study designed to
Control 42.0 (31.6) 0.714 study the natural history of ADPKD in adult patients with preserved kidney function
Serum Copeptin (pmol/L) ADPKD 5.2 (4.3) (eGFR 30 ml/min/1.73m2). 465 patients were recruited from six expert centres across
Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and UK) with baseline data
Control 5.8 (3.4) 0.319 recorded including HR-QoL (Health-Related Quality of Life) incorporating a Kidney
uMCP-1 (pg/mg) ADPKD 185.4 (213.8) Disease QOL short form questionnaire (KDQoL-SF v1.3), MRI for Total Kidney
Control 154.7 (98.0) 0.010 Volume (TKV) and DNA for genotyping. The cohort was stratified by baseline eGFR,
Ht-TKV or genotype and correlated with HR-QOL scores. Bivariate and multivariate
analyses were applied to examine the relationship between HRQoL and variables of
interest. KDQoL-SF scores were calculated using an online tool provided by the Rand
MO022 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF TOLVAPTAN ON RESULTS: Mean age of the participants was 44 years, 54.6% were female with a mean
OXIDATIVE STRESS IN PATIENTS WITH AUTOSOMAL eGFR of 77ml/min/1.73m2 and Ht-TKV of 849ml/m. 72.3% had PKD1 mutations.
DOMINANT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE (ADPKD) 32.5% of participants reported flank pain that was not significantly correlated with
eGFR, Ht-TKV or genotype. Of all the variables examined, flank pain showed
Matteo Rigato1, Giovanni Bertoldi1, Verdiana Ravarotto1, Gianni Carraro1, significant negative associations with the highest number of KDQoL-SF subscale scores
Lorenzo Calo 1 assessed (12/20).
University of Padova, Department of Medicine, Nephrology, Dialysis and CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that flank pain is common, likely to be under-
Transplantation Unit, Padua, Italy reported in routine care but has a major negative impact on patient-reported quality of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
(ADPKD) is the most frequent monogenic kidney disease, with approximately 12.5
million affected people worldwide, and it is responsible for over 10% of patients with
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) with an important impact on public health. It causes
progressive renal failure and other extrarenal manifestations, including endothelial
dysfunction and hypertension. These complications are both linked to reduced nitric
oxide levels related to excessive Oxidative Stress (OxSt) that different studies confirm
occurring in the early stages of ADPKD.
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MO024 THE ROLE AND MECHANISM OF DECOY RECEPTOR DCR2 withdraw therapy because of CKD’s progression to stage 5 after 2 years of therapy.
IN EMBRYONIC KIDNEY DEVELOPMENT CONCLUSION: Results of this observational study show that Tolvaptan therapy was
well tolerated and the incidence of liver damage was superimposed on that described in
Jia Chen1, Yani He1 the literature.
Daping Hospital, Army medical University, Department of Nephrology, Chongqing, P.R. It will be necessary to continue clinical observation over the time and apply
China Tolvaptan’s therapy to a larger population in order to assess its effects on disease
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Decoy receptor 2 (DcR2), a transmembrane receptor of
tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), has been regarded as
a hallmark of cell senescence. This study aimed to explore the role and the potential MO026 CLINICAL AND MUTATIONAL SPECTRUM OF CHILDREN
mechanism of DcR2 in the embryonic kidney development. WITH AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE AND AUTOSOMAL
METHOD: The 12.5d, 16.5d, 20.5d embryonic kidney and mature renal tissue (8w) DOMINANT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE
form WT and DcR2-KO mice were obtained. The ureteric buds, S-shaped bodies, renal
vesicles were observed by periodic Acid-Schiff staining. The expression of DcR2 were Ozum Tutal1, Bora Gulhan2, Emine Atayar3, Selcuk Yuksel4, Z. Birsin Ozcakar5,
detected by IHC. The co-expression of DcR2 and proximal tubular markers (AQP-1, Oguz Soylemezoglu6, Seha Saygili7, Mihriban Inozu8, Esra Baskin9, Ali Duzova2,
villin), distal tubular markers (AQP-2), senescent markers (P16, LaminB1), Mutlu Hayran10, Rezan Topaloglu2, Fatih Ozaltin2,3
proliferation markers (Ki-67, PCNA, Edu) were analyzed by confocal. 1
RESULTS: In WT kidneys, DcR2 were specifically expressed in the tubules and the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Ankara, Turkey,
percentage of DcR2 expression were higher than mature renal tissue. In addition, the Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara,
expression of tubular DcR2 were significantly decreased in DcR2-KO kidney than WT. Turkey, 3Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Nephrology,
The number of ureteric buds, S-shaped bodies, renal vesicles were decreased in DcR2- Nephrogenetics Laboratory, Ankara, Turkey, 4Pamukkale University Faculty of Medicine,
KO kidney than WT. And the cortex of DcR2-KO kidney were thinner and medullar Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Denizli, Turkey, 5Ankara University Faculty of Medicine,
were enlarger than WT. DcR2 were co-expressed with proximal tubular markers AQP- Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey, 6Gazi University Faculty of Medicine,
1 and villin, but not with distal tubular markers AQP-2. Furthermore, DcR2 were co- Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey, 7Istanbul University Cerrahpasa
expressed with senescent markers P16 and LaminB1, but not with proliferation Faculty of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 8Ankara City
markers Ki-67, PCNA, Edu. Hospital, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey, 9Baskent University Faculty
CONCLUSION: DcR2 is specifically expressed in proximal tubular cells in embryonic of Medicine, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey and 10Hacettepe
kidney, and DcR2 is involved in early renal development. The potential mechanism is University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Preventive Oncology, Ankara, Turkey
related to cell senescence participating in tissue remodeling and inhibiting cell
proliferation. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cystic kidney diseases are a heterogeneous group of
chronic renal disease. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is
generally diagnosed in utero or at birth due to mutations in PKHD1 gene. Autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common inherited kidney
MO025 TREATMENT WITH TOLVAPTAN IN ADPKD PATIENTS: disease commonly associated with mutations in PKD1 or PKD2. In this study, we
RESULTS FROM AN OBSERVATIONAL, MULTICENTRIC aimed to investigate clinical and genetic features of ARPKD and ADPKD in a group of
STUDY Turkish patients.
METHOD: A total of 69 children with genetically confirmed ARPKD (10 females, 11
Marco Galliani1, Elio Vitaliano1, Silvana Chicca1, Antonio Paone1, males) or ADPKD (28 females, 20 males) from seven pediatric nephrology centers were
Valentina Pistolesi2, Santo Morabito2, Luca Di Lullo3, Fulvio Floccari4, included in this study. Demographic features, family history, clinical and laboratory
Fulvio Marrocco4, Massimiliano Cioffi5, Nunzio Rifici5, Rossella Iacono6, findings at presentation and during 12 months intervals were collected.
Sandro Feriozzi6, Cynthia Pasquarelli7, Massimo Morosetti7, Eleonora Bernabei8, RESULTS: For ARPKD patients, the median age at diagnosis was 10.5 (IQR; 0.75-58.5)
Maria Teresa Ferrazzano8, Antonella Orossi9, Riziero Fini9, Silvia Lai10, months. Consanguinity between parents was present in 11 patients (52.4%). At the
Sandro Mazzaferro10, Pierluigi Fulignati11, Giuseppe Grandaliano11 time of diagnosis, 14 (66.7%) patients had eGFR<90 ml/min/1.73 m2. Mean duration
UOC Nefrologia, Dialisi e Litotrissia, Ospedale Sandro Pertini - ASL Roma 2, Roma, of follow-up was 4.163,7 years. At the last visit, median eGFR was 74 (IQR; 43-126)
Italy, 2UOSD Dialisi, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma, ml/min/1.73m2. A total of 6 patients (28,6%) underwent a renal replacement therapy
Italy, 3UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale Leopoldo Parodi Delfino - ASL Roma 5, (RRT), 3 of them died in infancy and 2 of them had renal transplantation during follow
Colleferro, Italy, 4UOC Dialisi Ospedale e Territorio, Ospedale San Paolo - ASL Roma 4, up. All patients had bi-allelic PKHD1 mutation.
Civitavecchia, Italy, 5UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale Santa Maria Goretti - ASL For ADPKD patients, the mean age at diagnosis was 5.564.6 years. At the time of
Latina, Latina, Italy, 6UOC Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale di Belcolle, Viterbo, Italy, 7UOC diagnosis 11 (22.9%) patients had eGFR<90 ml/min/1.73m2. Mean duration of follow-
Nefrologia e Dialisi, Presidio Ospedaliero G.B. Grassi - ASL Roma3, Lido di Ostia, Italy, up was 2,762.3 years. At the last visit, median eGFR was 114 (IQR; 98-135) ml/min/
UOCA Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale dei Castelli - ASL Roma 6, Ariccia, , 9UOC 1.73m2. Only one patient underwent a renal transplantation. A total of 42 patients
Nefrologia e Dialisi, Ospedale Fabrizio Spaziani - ASL Frosinone, Frosinone, Italy, (87.5%) had a heterozygous PKD1 mutation while 6 (12.5%) had a heterozygous PKD2
Dipartimento Medicina Translazionale e di Precisione, Sapienza Universit a di Roma, mutation. The rate of growth retardation, hypertension at diagnosis and progression to
UOC Nefrologia, Policlinico Umberto I, Roma, Italy and 11UOC Nefrologia, Fondazione chronic kidney disease (CKD) were higher in patients with PKHD1 mutation than the
Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, patients with PKD1 or PKD2 mutation (p < 0.001, p < 0.001 and p = 0.001,
Italy respectively). In kidney survival analysis, mutation type, growth retardation at
presentation, increased renal echogenity in ultrasonography were found as
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In recent years, treatment of ADPKD (Autosomal independent risk factors for progression to CKD.
Dominant Polycystic Kidney of the Adult) has been based on the antisecretive and CONCLUSION: Cystic kidney diseases are one of the most clinically and genetically
antiproliferative effect of several drugs. Tolvaptan, a vasopressin receptor antagonist, heterogenous diseases. Differentiating them and establishing the predictors for CKD
has been shown to slow disease progression in the face of side effects such as aquaresis development is important to provide appropriate management including choosing
and liver damage. Currently, the drug’s reimbursability is allowed in patients aged up appropriate donor in renal transplantation.
to 55 years, CKD 2-4 (GFR 25 ml/min) with evidence of rapid disease progression.
METHOD: We report the experience with Tolvaptan in 62 patients with ADPKD who
were recruited from 11 Nephrology Units in Lazio (Italy). MO027 ROLE OF ANGIOTENSIN II TYPE 1 RECEPTOR GENE
Baseline characteristics of patients are reported in Table 1. POLYMORPHISM IN PROGRESSION OF CHRONIC KIDNEY
Renal volume was evaluated by MRI (26 patients), CT scan (3 patients), or DISEASE AND ITS ASSOCIATION WITH HYPERTENSION
Rapid progression’s criteria were the following: Mayo Clinic classification, PRO-PKD DISEASE PATIENTS
score and the annual loss of GFR. Mean duration of Tolvaptan’s treatment was 522
days (range 56-867). Anand Sasidharan1, R Gnanasambandan2, Kevin T John Keeppallil3,
The Tolvaptan dosage used at the beginning of therapy was 60 mg/day in 95% of Elumalai Ramprasad3
patients; at the end of follow-up, 37% were still taking 60 mg/day, while 38.7% were 1
taking 90 mg/day and 16.1% were taking 120 mg/day. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Department of General
RESULTS: Median diuresis was 5-6 liters over 24 hours. A mean reduction in GFR of Medicine, Chennai, India, 2Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and
12.5% (which was maintained for the next 12 months) was observed after initiation of Research, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Chennai, India and 3Sri Ramachandra
therapy as a likely effect of tubulo-glomerular feedback. Institute of Higher Education and Research, Department of Nephrology, Chennai, India
Monthly blood tests were performed to monitor side effects (hyper/hyponatremia,
increased bilirubin and/or transaminases, etc.). BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney diseases
Therapy was withdrawn by 2 patients (3.2%) due to aquaresis, while it was (ADPKD) are the most common hereditary renal disorder that is characterized by the
discontinued in 3 patients (4.8%) according to clinicians’ decision due to hepatic development of hypertension, Chronic Kidney Disease and leads to morbidity and
damage (3-fold increase in transaminases and/or bilirubin normal values). No mortality. Hypertension is one of the most important traits of ADPKD patients. The
significant alteration in natremia was observed in any patient. An increase in CK was activation of rennin-angiotension system contributes to the early development of
observed in one patient, leading to momentary discontinuation of therapy. One patient hypertension and CKD progression in ADPKD. This study aimed to investigate the
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
AT1R gene polymorphisms and its involvement in CKD progression in ADPKD and
its relation to the presence of hypertension among the ADPKD.
METHOD: It was a case control study which included 85 patients with the diagnosis of
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease who came to the Nephrology OPD of
Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai and 94 healthy volunteers without diabetes,
hypertension and any kidney related disease as controls. Patients with other end stage
renal disorder were excluded from the study. Among the ADPKD patients, the
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages were
assessed based on Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) formula and KDOQI
CKD guidelines respectively (120). Further, the ADPKD patients were divided into two
groups such as early stages (CKD stages 1-3; n=45) and advanced (CKD stages 4 & 5;
n=40) stages. Furthermore the ADPKD cases were classified into two groups such as
hypertensive (n=70) and normotensive (n=15). All the study participants were tested
for AT1R A1166C polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP method. Allele frequencies and
genotypes were compared between groups. SPSS V16.0 used for statistical analysis and
p> 0.05 considered significant.
RESULTS: The study included a total of 85 (58.8% Male and 41.1% Female) patients
with ADPKD and 94 (62.7% Male and 37.2% Female) unrelated healthy individuals
included as control subjects. The mean age of control group were 53.3 6 12.4 yrs and
ADPKD group were 46.9 6 10.4 yrs and the difference is statistically significant
(P<0.001). Among the ADPKD, 40 (47%) subjects showed advanced CKD stage and MO027 Figure 3: The Genotype distribution between the non hypertensive &
45 (52.9%) subjects showed early stage and found statistical significant differences hypertensive groups among ADPKD cases.
(P<0.008) between the stages. Furthermore, based on the presence and absence of
hypertension in the ADPKD cases, there was no significant difference found between
the non hypertensive and hypertensive groups (p=0.734). AT1R A1166C
polymorphism was genotyped for 85 ADPKD patients and 94 unrelated healthy
individuals. The distribution of A1166C genotypes between the ADPKD patients and
control subjects was documented. Of the studied 94 control subjects the AA 87 MO028 AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE:
(92.5%), AC 7 (7.45%) and CC 0 (0%) and the genotypes of 85 ADPKD patients were REGISTRY OF NORTHERN CYPRUS
AA 78 (91.7%), AC 7 (8.24%) and CC 0 (0%). There was no significant association
observed between the ADPKD cases and controls in genetic model AA vs AC Simge Bardak1, Düriye Deren Oygar1, Ahmet Behlul1
(OR=1.11; 95% CI=0.37-3.32; p=0.844) and allelic model A vs C (OR=1.11; 95% DOKTOR BURHAN NALBANTOGLU GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL, NEPHROLOGY, NICOSIA,
CI=0.38-3.32; p=0.847). Similarly, between the CKD stages AA vs AC (OR=3.07; 95% Cyprus
CI=0.56-16.8; p=0.177) and allelic model A vs C (OR=2.13; 95% CI=0.40-11.3;
p=0.364) there was no significant association. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
CONCLUSION: Analysis for AT1R A1166C polymorphism revealed that there is no (ADPCK) is the most prevelant inherited kidney disease in adults, and the fourth
significant association between the ADPKD patients and controls. Similarly there was common cause for renal replacement therapy worldwide and preventive measures
no significant association between between the CKD stages (early & advanced) and should be taken to slow the decline in renal functions. From previous studies we
non hypertensive, hypertensive groups. Our study reveals that the AT1R gene already know that hereditary kidney diseases such as medullary kidney disease and
polymorphism does not have any impact on ADPKD, CKD progression and the tubular kidney diseases are frequent in Cyprus. In this study, we aim to find out the
hypertension induced ADPKD and /or CKD development. situation for ADPKC in North Cyprus and declare the overall magnitude of the
problem in our region.
METHOD: From January 2004 to January 2021, we collected data from all patients
with ADPCK irrespective of whether they were on RRT or not and who were followed
in nephrology departments within Northern Cyprus. Clinical and demographic data of
all the patients aged above 18 were collected. The affected families and their route of
inheritance were determined. Need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) and types of
RRT were noted. RRT rate and death rate were calculated.
RESULTS: We collected information from a total of 79 patients with the diagnosis of
ADPCK; 3 patients were excluded due to lost to follow up. There was no family history
in 11% of patients. Inheritence was maternal in 53% and paternal in 42% whereas both
maternal and paternal inheritence route were identified in 5%. 68 patients with family
history were grouped in 24 families (2.8 patients/ family). The demographic and
clinical data can be seen on Table 1. At some point during follow up 31 patients started
with RRT. Mean age for RRT was 55 years (23-81). 5 (16%) patients initiated RRT with
peritoneal dialysis, wheras 23 (74%) with hemodialysis, and 3 (10%) had preemptive
renal transplantation. At the end of follow up period we found out that 35% (11/31) of
patients who had RRT had transplantation, 32% (10/31) experienced peritoneal
dialysis whereas 77% (24/31) experienced hemodialysis. 18 out of 76 (24%) patients
died during the follow up period. The mean age of death was 71 years (53-81).
MO027 Figure 1: The genotype distribution between the Controls and ADPKD cases CONCLUSION: The prevalance of the disease when living patients were considered
was 1.3 cases/10000 inhabitants which is low when compared with other studies.
Hence ADPCK was not a common diagnosis in North Cyprus as other hereditary
kidney diseases. This may show that some patients are underdiagnosed in the
population. The frequency of patients without family history was high and also the
number of patients per family was low when compared with other studies; these
findings may also indicate an underdiagnosed problem. The patients were diagnosed
late at a mean age of 47 Hence we need to perform further studies on ADPCK in our
population since identifiying ADPCK patients and their families may help to adress the
needs adequately, to plan lifelong supportive measures and to decrease high mortality
rate of these patients.
MO027 Figure 2: The AT1R A1166C genotype distribution between early and
advanced stages of ADPKD patients
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MO028 Table 1: Demographic and clinical data of the patients with autosomal
dominant polycystic kidney disease
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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i106–i119, 2021
GENETIC DISEASES AND MOLECULAR GENETICS develop a single glomerulus which is attached to a pair of tubules. Like in mammals,
the glomerular filtration barrier consists of a fenestrated endothelium, the glomerular
basement membrane and interdigitating podocyte foot processes bridged by a slit
diaphragm. By using genetically modified zebrafish strains with fluorescently labeled
MO029 CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PATHOGENIC GENES podocytes, it is possible to study alterations of the glomerulus during the development
OF CONGENITAL SOLITARY KIDNEY WITH REPRODUCTIVE of renal disease like focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) directly in vivo. FSGS is
SYSTEM MALFORMATION* characterized by podocyte loss, the effacement of their foot processes as well as scarring
of the glomerulus. To study FSGS in zebrafish larvae, we induced podocyte detachment
Rongrong HU1, Lubin Xu1, Minting Chen1, Na Chen2, Tiantian Ma1, Peili Ji1, by the use of a zebrafish strain expressing the enzyme nitroreductase converting
Zhenzhen Liu3, Lan Zhu2, Limeng Chen1 metronidazole into a toxic substance specifically in podocytes. The aim of our study
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, was to collect glomeruli for the identification of mRNAs as well as miRNAs by
Department of Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China, 2Peking Union Medical College Hospital, RNA_Seq that are up- and down-regulated in the glomeruli of this FSGS-like disease
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, Department of Obstetrics and model.
Gynecology Department, Beijing, P.R. China and 3Peking Union Medical College METHOD: The transgenic zebrafish strain Cherry (Tg(nphs2:GAL4);
Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, Department of Ultrasound Tg(UAS:Eco.nfsB-mCherry); mitfaw2/w2; mpv17a9/a9) which expresses the
diagnosis, Beijing, P.R. China prokaryotic enzyme nitroreductase (NTR) fused to mCherry, a red fluorescent protein,
under the control of the podocyte-specific podocin (nphs2) promoter in a transparent
zebrafish strain, was utilized. After addition of metronidazole (MTZ) into the tank
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Congenital solitary kidney – one category of congenital water, MTZ is converted into a cytotoxin by NTR leading to dose-dependent apoptosis
anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) may combine with other system exclusively in podocytes. Cherry larvae were treated at 4 days post fertilization (dpf) for
malformations such as reproductive, cardiac, skeletal system, and so on. Our study 48 h with 80 mM MTZ. MTZ-treated and control larvae were homogenized at 6 dpf.
analysed the clinical characteristics among congenital solitary kidney patients and their The cell suspension was diluted, and red-fluorescent glomeruli were collected using a
reproductive system malformations. And further work about probable pathogenic micropipette and a microscope. Total RNA was isolated, and integrity was checked by
genes was explored. a Bioanalyzer. Libraries were generated with a MACE kit and True Quant small RNA
METHOD: The information of CAKUT patients who were indicated by Doppler seq kit by GenXPro. Constructs were amplified by PCR and sequenced on an Illumina
ultrasound was collected. The clinical and imaging features including reproductive Hiseq 2000. Normalization and statistical analysis for differential gene expression were
system abnormalities were retrospectively reviewed in patients with congenital solitary done using DESeq2.
kidney. In patients with Mayer-Rokitansky- Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, a RESULTS: Zebrafish larvae showed severe whole-body edema, proteinuria, loss of
disorder of congenital agenesis of uterus and vagina, whole exome sequencing was podocytes and an increased mortality rate after MTZ-treatment. The glomerular
performed. Rare variants in CAKUT-related genes were analysed. Trio analysis was histology resembled mammalian FSGS. We found that only the RNA of manually
conducted to identify de novo mutations. collected glomeruli had an excellent quality. Using RNA_Seq, we identified a total of
RESULTS: We identified 209 patients with congenital solitary kidney from July 20, 16941 genes. DESeq2 analysis showed 494 up-regulated and 473 down-regulated genes.
2017 to July 19, 2020 among 1160 CAKUT patients in Peking Union Medical College Gene ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of up-regulated genes revealed a total of 167
Hospital. There were 152 females. The average age of congenital solitary kidney that are significantly enriched in GO terms (e.g. metabolic processes, immune response
patients was 35.26618.42 years when they were diagnosed. 53.2% showed different and ion transport). Down-regulated genes were enriched in 14 GO terms and most of
degrees of proteinuria and hematuria. Serum creatinine elevating was proved 13.1% them are linked to normal glomerular function and the slit diaphragm. DESeq2
and 40% in women and men separately. Among 81 females who also had a analysis identified 200 miRNAs of 777 small RNAs. Some of these miRNA are already
gynecological ultrasound report, 88.9% combined with genital malformation, oblique described to be regulated in different glomerular diseases like FSGS, lupus nephritis,
vaginal septum syndrome 48.7%, the Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) IgA nephropathy and diabetic nephropathy.
syndrome 22.2%, malformed uterus 23.5%, vaginal atresia and other genital CONCLUSION: We analyzed isolated glomeruli from transgenic zebrafish larvae that
malformation 7%. Congenital heart disease, complete transposition of viscera, and developed a FSGS-like disease. By sequencing, we have found mRNAs and miRNAs
scoliosis were also found in some patients with congenital solitary kidney. that were significantly regulated after the onset of disease. Detailed knowledge of these
Furthermore, based on the whole exome data of 443 patients with MRKH syndrome, mRNAs and miRNA-based gene regulation will help to uncover the pathomechanism
seven function-lost mutations were confirmed. And also two De nove mutations as well as to develop therapeutics for the treatment of FSGS.
(NOTCH2 (NM_024408.3: c.703A>T(p.Thr235Ser), ESRRG (NM_001243512.1:c.-
169-8delT)), one homozygous patients with parents heterozygous
(NM_133433.3:c.8084C>T(p.Thr2695Me) were identified as possible pathogenic
CONCLUSION: We should be aware of reproductive system malformations in VASCULATURE IS RELATED TO INFLAMMATION IN HUMAN
CAKUT patients. Whole exome sequencing may suggest common pathogenic genes ATHEROSCLEROSIS.
between the two kinds of diseases.
Ernesto Martın-Nu n~ez1, Javier Donate-Correa1, Carla Ferri1, Vıctor G Tagua1,
Ainhoa Gonz alez-Luis1, Sergio Rodrıguez-Lopez1, Purificacio n Cerro-Lo pez1,
Angel Lopez-Castillo1, Alejandro Delgado-Molinos1, Eduardo Ontoria-Aguilera1,
Carmen Mora-Ferna ndez1, Juan F. Navarro-Gonz alez1
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se~
nora de Candelaria, Unidad de Investigaci
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Atherosclerosis, a vascular pathological process with an
important inflammatory component, underlies most of the cardiovascular diseases
(CVD). Deficiencies in the antiaging factor a-Klotho (KL) have been related to the
Anna Iervolino1,2, Tim Lange2, Sabrina Siccardi1,3, Florian Siegerist2, Francesca
appearance and progression of atherosclerotic damage associated with CVD. In
Pia Caruso1,4, Michele Ceccarelli1,4, Karlhans Endlich2,
addition, some studies have demonstrated that KL gene is expressed in human arteries
Giovambattista Capasso1,3, Nicole Endlich2
and that low vascular KL expression levels are related with clinical atherosclerotic
Biogem S.c.a.r.l., Department of Translational Nephrology, Ariano Irpino, Italy, disease. Among the epigenetic mechanisms that regulate the expression of the KL gene,
University Medicine Greifswald, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Greifswald, methylation of the CpG islands in the promoter region is one of the most studied. In
Germany, 3University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Department of Translational this pilot study, we propose that this mechanism participates in the regulation of
Medical Sciences, Napoli, Italy and 4University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of vascular KL expression and contributes to the deficiency in vascular KL levels observed
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (DIETI), Napoli, Italy in CVD. Moreover, we determined the influence of different inflammatory
components in the methylation status of KL promoter.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a powerful animal model METHOD: We developed a case-control study that included 25 patients with
to study glomerular morphology and the function of the permselectivity of the diagnosis of clinical atherosclerotic vascular disease undergoing elective vascular
glomerular filtration barrier. surgery and 15 cadaveric organ donors with no medical history of CVD, respectively.
Since zebrafish larvae develop quickly and can be bred to become transparent, in vivo Vascular fragments were retrieved from all subjects, and the degree of methylation of
observation of these animals is possible. At 48 hours post fertilization, zebrafish larvae the KL gene promoter was assessed by bisulfite sequencing. Additionally, vascular gene
expression in both groups was assessed by qPCR for KL, two DNA methyltransferases
(DNMT1 and DNMT3A), and three inflammatory-related loci (TNF, IL10 and
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
NFKB1). Serum concentrations of TNFa and IL10 were measured by ELISA Although the diagnosis can be suspected based on presenting features, the clinical
immunoassay, and complementary inflammatory parameters (CRP and neutrophil/ diagnosis of BS and GS can be challenging, as they are rare and phenotypically
lymphocyte ratio) by standardized routine methods. overlapping. As a consequence, the current clinical classification lacks of specificity and
RESULTS: The vascular tissue of patients in the case group presented a higher percent genetic testing represents the gold standard for the diagnosis. Driven by the rapidly
level of methylated positions in the KL promoter region (71.468.3% vs. 39.4612.3%, decreasing costs and turn-around time, next-generation sequencing technologies are
P<0.05), as well as a significant decrease in the expression of KL gene (a 40% reduction increasingly utilized in diagnostics and research of inherited tubulopathies, including
as compared to controls, P<0.05). Considering the whole study population, the BS and GS. Recently, sequencing of selected gene panels provided the advantage of
methylation degree was inversely related to the endogenous transcript levels of KL gene achieving high coverage of genes of interest at lower costs, providing high diagnostic
(r=-0.66, P<0.0001). Moreover, the expression of DNMT1 was significantly increased yield and new insights into the phenotypic spectrum of these rare disorders. However,
in the case group (P<0.05), as well as those of the proinflammatory genes TNF and whole-exome (WES) is not routinely performed for the molecular diagnosis of BS and
NFKB1 (P<0.0001 and P<0.05, respectively), being all of them directly associated with GS. The aim of our study was to assess the diagnostic performance of WES in BS and
the vascular methylation levels of KL gene (r=0.51, P<0.0001 for DNMT1; r=0.45, GS and to establish genotype-phenotype correlations.
P<0.001 for TNF; r= 0.37, P<0.05 for NFKB1). Furthermore, vascular expression of METHOD: We performed WES in all consecutive patients referred for genetic testing
DNMT1 and DNMT3A directly correlated with both inflammatory markers in this with a clinical suspect of BS or GS. Variant prioritization was carried out according to
tissue (P<0.0001, for all). Systemic levels of IL10 presented a direct association with the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics guidelines (ACMG). Parents
vascular KL gene expression (r=0.28, P<0.05), while inverse associations were and first-degree relatives were included, whenever available. Demographic, clinical and
observed with the methylation degree of KL gene (r=-0.38, P<0.05) and DNMT1 laboratory data were collected retrospectively, in order to establish genotype-
expression (r=-0,29, P<0.05). phenotype correlations.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the methylation of KL gene promoter in the RESULTS: We enrolled 50 patients (22 males, 46 Caucasians) with a clinical diagnosis
vasculature is a mechanism associated with the inflammatory response that would of BS (19), GS (24) or BS/GS (7). All the patients showed hypokalemic metabolic
partly explain its reduction during atherosclerotic injury. alkalosis at onset (serum bicarbonate=29.5 mEq/l 6 4.4, potassium= 2.7 mEq/l 6 0.6).
The median age at clinical diagnosis was 7 years (range 0-67 years). Three patients had
familial history of tubulopathies. WES showed pathogenic variants in 42/50 patients
(84%), thus establishing a conclusive diagnosis. Interestingly, a dedicated analytic
pipeline allowed us to identify copy number variations (CNVs) in 7/42 patients with a
confirmed genetic diagnosis. In detail, WES allowed us to confirm the clinical diagnosis
in 33/50 patients, with an improvement in classification in at least 14 cases (i.e. subtype
Bingbin Zhao1, Lei Zhang1, Xiaoxiao Shi1, Peili Ji1, Lubin Xu1, Limeng Chen1
I-V of BS). In 9 additional patients, genetic testing changed the clinical diagnosis: 6
State Key Laboratory of Complex Severe and Rare Diseases, Chinese Academy of patients with a clinical of BS turned out to have pathogenic variants in SLC12A3,
Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Department of Nephrology, resulting in GS; in 3 patients, genetic testing revised the clinical diagnosis indicating
Beijing, P.R. China inherited disorders outside the BS/GS spectrum (HELIX syndrome, Primary familial
hypoparatiroidism, Type 2 renal hypomagnesemia). Only 38% of patients with a
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Long-term oral prescription of thiazide diuretics, genetic diagnosis of BS showed nephrocalcinosis. Strikingly, this was present in 8% of
which can block the sodium chloride co-transporter (NCC) of the distal tubule, has patients with GS. On the other hand, hypomagnesemia, a distinctive feature of GS, was
been recognized to affect the function of the proximal tubule. But the underlying similarly distributed among BS and GS patients (45% vs. 68%, respectively). Finally,
mechanism is largely unknown. Gitelman syndrome (GS) is a recessively inherited salt- although patients with GS showed a median age at onset higher than patients with BS,
losing tubulopathy due to the loss-of-function mutation of NCC, which can be used as some overlap did exist, making differential diagnosis challenging at single-patient level.
a good model to understand the pathophysiological mechanism of thiazide-related CONCLUSION: The results of our study demonstrate that WES ensures a high
disorders. In this study, we summarized the clinical characteristics of proximal tubular diagnostic yield (84%) in patients with a clinical diagnosis of BS or GS, especially if
function in the cohort of patients with GS, and explore the possible mechanisms of coupled with analysis of CNVs. This approach showed to be useful in dealing with the
proximal tubular dysfunction secondary to distal tubular disorder. phenotypic heterogeneity typical of these rare disorders, improving differential
METHOD: Patients who were diagnosed with GS (confirmed by gene sequencing) in diagnosis by detecting phenocopies also outside the BS/GS spectrum, enabling
our hospital from August 1, 2005 to December 31, 2019 were enrolled, as well as the additional specific work-up, genetic counseling, and screening of at-risk relatives.
selected gender- and age-matched healthy controls. For patients whose SLC12A3 gene
was sequenced as a single heterozygous mutation, further whole exome sequencing was
performed to clarify the gene mutation. Clinical data including demographic
information, symptoms, and hematuria tests were collected. The hydrochlorothiazide
test was performed to assess the function of NCC. Characteristics of calcium and
phosphate metabolism and uric acid of patients were analyzed.
RESULTS: A total of 125 patients with genetic diagnosed GS were enrolled, and 33
patients (26.4%) were with only a single heterozygous mutation. Twenty-five patients
completed whole exome sequencing, and 9 patients (36%) were finally diagnosed with
Derralynn Hughes1, Gabriela Dostalova2, Kathy Nicholls3, Michael West4,
compound heterozygous mutations. Seven mutation sites were newly detected by ~¸ndel5, Ana Jovanovic6, Pilar Giraldo Castellano7, Bojan Vujkovac8,
Camilla Ta
whole exome sequencing, including 3 missense mutations, 1 splice-site point mutation
Tarekegn Geberhiwot9, Einat Almon10, Sari Alon10, Mali Szlaifer10,
and 3 intron mutations. Serum uric acid in GS patients was significantly higher than
Raul Chertkoff10, Ales Linhart11
that in healthy controls (347.5691.7 vs 309.9685.3lmol/L; P<0.001). The proportions 1
of men and women with hyperuricemia were 19.4% and 34.5%, respectively. Urinary University College London, 2General University Hospital in Prague, First Faculty of
fraction excretion of uric acid in the hyperuricemia group was significantly lower than Medicine, Charles University, 2nd Department of Internal Cardiovascular Medicine,
that of patients with normal serum uric acid. Compared with healthy controls, GS Prague, Czech Republic, 3Royal Melbourne Hospital, Australia, 4Dalhousie University,
patients had higher blood calcium level (2.4160.17 vs 2.3260.09mmol/L; P<0.001). Division of Nephrology , Department of Medicine, Canada, 5University of Bergen,
However, urinary calcium, parathyroid hormone (26.79614.21 vs 33.18611.58lmol/ Department of Clinical Medicine, Bergen, Norway, 6Salford Royal NHS Foundation
L; P=0.005), and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (15.8866.46 vs 19.5666.06 nmol/L; P=0.001) Trust, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine, Salford, United Kingdom,
were lower in GS patients. Lower blood magnesium level was associated with lower Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Unidad de Investigacion Traslacional - Instituto
parathyroid hormone level. de Investigaci
on Sanitaria Arag on, Zaragoza, Spain, 8General Hospital Slovenj Gradec,
CONCLUSION: In GS patients, low urinary calcium, high serum calcium and high Fabry Center, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, 9University of Birmingham, Institute of
serum uric acid levels were related with the compensation of proximal tubular Metabolism and Systems Research, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 10Protalix
function. Biotherapeutics, Karmiel, Israel and 11General University Hospital in Prague, Head of
Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Females with Fabry disease (FD) often develop
symptoms and disease complications later in life than males. However, they can
experience significant health declines, including renal function impairment.
Pegunigalsidase alfa is a novel PEGylated alpha-galactosidase A enzyme in
Francesca Becherucci1, Viviana Palazzo2, Luigi Cirillo1, Benedetta Mazzinghi1,
development for the treatment of patients with FD with potential pharmacokinetic
Samuela Landini2, Valentina Raglianti1, Paola Romagnani1
benefits. We previously reported that males with FD showed improvements in several
Meyer Children’s Hospital, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Florence, Italy and 2Meyer parameters including median (minimum, maximum) estimated glomerular filtration
Children’s Hospital, Medical Genetics Unit, Florence, Italy rate (eGFR) slope from -4.6 (-20.5, 4.8) to -1.1 (-18.6, 14.2) mL/min/1.73m2/year after
treatment with pegunigalsidase alfa.(Tondel et al. ASN 2020. PO0562. www.asn.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Bartter (BS) and Gitelman syndrome (GS) are Here we report a subgroup analysis of the safety and efficacy of
autosomal recessive rare inherited disorders characterized by hypokalemic metabolic pegunigalsidase alfa treatment in females with FD.
alkalosis and secondary hyperaldosteronism. The primary defect is a genetically METHOD: BRIDGE (PB-102-F30; NCT03018730) is a phase 3, open-label, switch-
determined impairment of sodium chloride reabsorption in the renal tubule, thus over study designed to assess the safety and efficacy of pegunigalsidase alfa in adults
resulting in salt loss, dehydration and acid-base homeostasis perturbations. with FD previously treated with agalsidase alfa for at least 2 years. Patients received
intravenous pegunigalsidase alfa at 1 mg/kg every other week for 12 months.
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i107
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: Twenty-two patients were enrolled in the study; of the 20 patients who compared with the ones harboring frameshift mutations leading to truncated Kir4.1
completed 12 months of study treatment, 7 were female. Females had a mean age of 46. channel (Figure. 1).
7 years (range: 26–59 years), and had the following median (minimum, maximum) Furthermore, computational modeling of wild-type NKCC2 and frameshift mutation
baseline measurements: residual enzymatic activity in leucocytes of 23.7% (16, 46) of Arg302Glyfs*3 variant clearly demonstrated that Arg302Glyfs*3 results in a loss of
the normal laboratory mean; plasma lyso-Gb3 of 12.9 (7.4, 23.2) nmol/L; eGFR of 87.7 large part of the protein, indicating that NKCC2-Arg302Glyfs*3 is practically
(55.3, 109.2) mL/min/1.73m2; and an annualized eGFR slope of 3.7 (-11.2, 1.5) mL/ nonfunctional (Figure. 2).
min/1.73m2/year. After 12 months of pegunigalsidase alfa treatment, the annualized
eGFR slope was 1.4 (-6.3, 4.1) mL/min/1.73m2/year, indicating an improvement from
baseline of 5.9 mL/min/1.73m2/year. In addition, plasma lyso-Gb3 had a reduction of
23.3% (-45.7, -17.3). Although all females had baseline mean residual enzyme activity
> 5% and were previously treated with agalsidase alfa, only 2 had stable kidney disease
(eGFR slope -3 mL/min/1.73m2/year), while 2 had moderately progressing kidney
disease (eGFR slope between -5 and < -3 mL/min/1.73m2/year), and 3 had fast
progressing kidney disease (eGFR slope < -5 mL/min/1.73 m2/year).( Wanner et al.
2018 Mol Genet Metab 124:189-203) After treatment all but 1 patient experienced
categorical improvement or remained stable; this patient had a decline of < 3 mL/min/
1.73m2/year and remained in the fast progressing disease category. Mean left
ventricular mass index in females increased from 66.9 g/m2 at baseline to 74.1 g/m2 at
month 12, but remained within normal ranges(47–77 g/m2).(Kawel-Boehm et al. 2015
J Cardiovasc Magn Reson 17:29) All females had at least 1 treatment-emergent adverse
event (TEAE), and all TEAEs were mild or moderate. The most common TEAEs
reported in female were nasopharyngitis (n=2), oropharyngeal pain (n=2), and
headache (n=2). None of these TEAEs were considered related to treatment. However,
2 females had injection site reactions and 2 developed transient, non-neutralizing anti-
drug antibodies to pegunigalsidase alfa treatment.
CONCLUSION: The current study included females with symptoms of Fabry disease
comparable to the disease presentation of males enrolled in this study. At baseline most
females had eGFR decline characterizing progressive or rapidly progressive kidney
disease. Most females showed improvements in disease status following 12 months of
pegunigalsidase alfa treatment, as previously reported for males enrolled in this study.
This long-term, controlled study suggests a potential benefit and a favorable safety
profile for pegunigalsidase alfa on renal function in females with FD previously treated
with agalsidase alfa. While this subgroup analysis should be interpreted with caution
due to the small number of patients, these findings may provide valuable insight for
future studies.
i108 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
increase the chronicity of GSDI-b with some complications. A mouse model MO038 SCARF EXPRESSION IN KIDNEY DISEASE
recapitulating the GDSI-b has been recently generated by inducing G6PT suppression
after tamoxifen injection. Here, we characterized the renal phenotype of TM-G6PT-/- Sol Carriazo1, Maria Dolores Sanchez-Nino2, Maria Vanessa Perez Gomez1,
mice model focusing on the molecular mechanisms that lead to renal dysfunction. Laura Castan ~eda-Infante1, Catalina Martin1, Guillermo Gonzalez-Martin1,
Finally, we evaluated the efficiency of Dapagliflozin, a selective inhibitor of SGLT2, on Elena Goma 1, Marina Gonzalez-Rivera1, Alberto Ortiz1
kidney functions in terms of therapeutic effect. Fundacion Jiménez Dıaz, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain and 2Instituto de Investigaci
METHOD: Machine learning approach to computer based evaluation of renal sanitaria, Fundaci
on Jiménez Dıaz Hospital, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain
morphology was used to analyze the renal sections from TM-G6PT-/- treated with or
without dapagliflozin. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the most common
Results: G6PT is expressed in all renal zones and a severe downregulation of G6PT risk factor for lethal COVID19 and the risk factor that most increases the risk of death
mRNA expression in whole kidney of TM-G6PT-/- mice can be observed. TM- of COVID19 patients. Additionally, acute kidney injury (AKI) is frequent in COVID19
G6PT-/- mice show tubular vacuolization and overall cellular dysfunction of PT due to and AKI increases the risk of death. However, the underlying cellular and molecular
a high glycogen accumulation. TM-G6PT-/- mice manifest glycosuria, phosphaturia mechanisms of such increased risk are unclear. SARS-CoV-2 and coronavirus-
and polyuria associated with a down regulation of main transporters of PT cells. The associated receptors and factors (SCARFs) are required for and/or regulate (in a
urine concentrating defect is due to a primarily role of G6PT in CNT/CD cells positive or negative manner) coronary cell entry and/or viral replication. We have now
confirmed by a downregulation of AQP2, main water channel along CD segments. studied changes in the expression of genes encoding for SCARF in the context of acute
This mouse model recapitulates the human GSD-Ib renal phenotype characterized by a and chronic kidney disease.
disfunction of PT but also CNT/CD cells. In order to evaluate whether targeting the METHOD: Data mining of in-house (experimental models of AKI -folic acid
glucose metabolism would improve the renal phenotype of these mice we limited nephropathy- and CKD -Unilateral ureteral obstruction- in mice) and publicly
glucose flux across the apical membrane of PT cells, applying the SGLT2-inhibitor available databases (Nephroseq, published single cell transcriptomics studies) of kidney
dapagliflozin to reduce new glycogen formation. After one month of treatment, tissue transcriptomics as well as the Protein Atlas database.
Dapagliflozin prevents glycogen accumulation in TM-G6PT-/- mice and ameliorates RESULTS: Out of 28 SCARF genes identified by Singh et al (Cell Reports 2020), 26
the main dysregulated markers of PT function. This finding was paralleled by an were represented in the experimental AKI database. Of them 7 (27%) were
improvement of the histological features of kidney morphology in dapagliflozin treated differentially expressed during AKI (FDR <0.05), 4 of them upregulated and 3
TM-G6PT-/- mice. downregulated (Figure 1.A). Additionally, 27 were represented in the experimental
CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that treatment with dapagliflozin CKD database. Of them 17 (63%) were differentially expressed during experimental
ameliorates intracellular glycogen storage and improves the renal functions in TM- CKD, 6 of them upregulated and 11 downregulated (Figure 1.B). Two genes were
G6PT-/- mice. consistently upregulated (Ctsl and Ifitm3) and two consistently downregulated
(Tmprss2 and Top3b) in both experimental AKI and CKD (Figure 1.A and B). They
encode cathepsin L, interferon induced transmembrane protein 3, transmembrane
MO037 EPIGENETIC REGULATION OF KLOTHO IN PERIPHERAL serine protease 2, DNA topoisomerase III beta, respectively. Single cell transcriptomics
BLOOD CIRCULATING CELLS IS ASSOCIATED CELLS IS databases localized Ctsl expression mainly to podocytes and tubular cells while protein
ASSOCIATED WITH SOLUBLE PROTEIN SERUM IN atlas showed clear tubular staining. The main site of Ifitm3 was endothelium in both
CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE datasets and it was also localized to leukocytes by single cell transcriptomics. Tmprss2
was mainly localized to tubular cells in both datasets while Top3b was widely expressed
Atteneri Pérez-Castro1, Ernesto Martın-Nu ~ez1, Javier Donate-Correa1,
n in parenchymal renal cells, endothelium and leucocytes in single cell transcriptomics.
Carla Ferri1, Vıctor G. Tagua1, Ainhoa Gonz alez-Luis1, Alejandro Delgado- Increased kidney expression of Ifitm3 and decreased expression of Tmprss2 and Top3b
Molinos1, Angel Lo pez-Castillo1, Sergio Rodrıguez-Lo pez1, Purificacio
n Cerro- were confirmed in diverse CKD datasets in Nephroseq.
Lopez1, Carmen Mora-Ferna ndez1, Juan F. Navarro-Gonz alez1
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se~
nora de Candelaria, Unidad de Investigaci
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The antiaging factor a-Klotho (KL) has been related to
cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including coronary artery disease, heart failure and
peripheral arterial disease. The soluble form of this protein (sKL), which is mainly
produced by the kidneys, have demonstrated to display different protective effects on
the cardiovascular system, e.g., prevention of vascular calcification, oxidative stress, or
cardiac fibrosis. Likewise, different clinical studies have pointed out that CVD is a state
of sKL deficiency, even when the renal function is still preserved. It has been
demonstrated that peripheral blood circulating cells (PBCCs) also express KL, but little
is known about its expression profile during CVD. The aim of this work is to
determinate if the expression of KL gene and its promoter methylation in PBCCs are
correlated with serum levels of the soluble protein, and if there exist any association
with the underlying inflammatory process that occurs during CVD.
METHOD: Forty-four patients diagnosed with clinical atherosclerotic vascular disease
(case group) and 15 subjects without CVD background (control group) were included
in the study. Whole blood and serum samples were obtained from all participants. We
performed gene expression analysis for KL expression in PBCCs by qPCR, as well as
for DNMT1 and DNMT3A (members of the DNA-methyltransferases family), TNF,
IL10 and NFKB1 (inflammatory parameters). We assessed the degree of methylation of
the KL gene promoter in these cells by bisulfite sequencing. Furthermore, we
determined circulating levels of sKL, TNFa and IL10 by ELISA immunoassay in serum
samples of both groups.
RESULTS: Results showed a lower expression of KL gene in PBCCs of patients with
CVD compared to controls (45% reduction, P<0.001), which was accompanied by a
higher degree of methylation of its promoter (36.766.3% vs. 15.964.8%, P<0.05). The
case group also presented significantly higher levels of DNMT1 and DNMT3A
transcripts in these cells (P<0.0001 for both), as well as higher values of
proinflammatory parameters (gene expression of TNF and NFKB1, and TNF/IL10
ratio; P<0.001 for all of them). Serum levels of sKL were decreased in the CVD group
compared to controls (a reduction of 57.5%, P<0.0001). KL expression in PBCCs
correlated directly with systemic levels of sKL (r=0.20, P<0.05), but inversely with
expression of DNMT1 (r=-0.33, P<0.01) and inflammatory parameters (r=-0.37,
P<0.01 for NFKB1 expression; r=-0.38, P<0.01 for TNF/IL10 expression ratio; and r=-
0.39, P<0.01 for serum TNFa/IL10 ratio). No significant associations were found
between inflammatory markers and methylation degree of KL gene promoter.
CONCLUSION: These results indicate an association between epigenetic regulation of
KL gene in PBCC and systemic levels of the soluble protein in CVD, which could be CONCLUSION: Both AKI and CKD are associated with differential expression of
influenced by the proinflammatory state present in these disorders. SCARF genes in kidney tissue, the impact of CKD appearing to be larger.
Characterization of these changes and their functional impact in kidney tissue and
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i109
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
beyond the kidneys may provide clues to the increased risk of severe or lethal slopes, predicted time to reach CKD stage 5 with and without tolvaptan therapy. Given
COVID19 in kidney disease patients. this was a retrospective review, eGFR were estimated during clinic visits whilst on
Kidney SCARF gene expression tolvaptan treatment, rather than after a drug washout period.
RESULTS: The cohort of patients included 20 from Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals
and 2 from Sunderland Royal Infirmary. The mean rate of eGFR decline prior to
treatment was -5.92 ml/min/1.73m2 per year for the cohort. Following tolvaptan
treatment, the average decline in eGFR was reduced to -2.57 ml/min/1.73m2 per year.
Therefore, tolvaptan lessened average eGFR decline within this cohort by 3.35 ml/min/
1.73m2 per year, gaining 7 years and 9 months delay until CKD stage 5. The majority
of patients (n=19) received full dose tolvaptan (90mg/30mg). At an individual level, 3
Eric Olinger1, Intisar Al Alawi1,2, Elisa Molinari1, Eissa Ali Faqeih3, Mohamed Al
patients failed to respond at all to tolvaptan, with no improvement in decline of GFR
Hamed4, Miguel Barroso-Gil1, Ian Wilson5, Genomics England Research
and 2 others had a very mild improvement only (change in eGFR slope of <0.5 ml/
Consortium6, John Sayer1,7,8
min/1.73m2 per year). 6 patients had a dramatic improvement in eGFR slope (>5 ml/
Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon min/1.73m2 per year).
Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Ministry of Health, National Genetic Center, Muscat, Oman, CONCLUSION: The real life use of tolvaptan seemed to give a dramatic improvement
Children’s Specialist Hospital, King Fahad Medical City, Section of Medical Genetics, in eGFR slopes, much more than the previously reported clinical studies have shown.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 4King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Department This may be in part due to patient selection and only including patients who tolerated
of Genetics, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 5Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, therapy, a “tolvaptan clinic” effect where great personal care is given to these patients
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 6Department of Health & Social Care, London, and to excellent compliance with medication. Reasons for both non-response and
United Kingdom, 7Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Renal exaggerated response need to be evaluated carefully to determine how individualisation
Services, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom and 8NIHR Newcastle Biomedical of tolvaptan therapy can be best used.
Research Centre, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
i110 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
interventricular septum thickness (IVSTd) and left ventricular posterior wall thickness MO043 HYPERURICEMIA IS RELATIVELY COMMON IN CHILDREN
(LVPWTd) during the preTx and postTx periods. Data were stratified by low renal WITH HNF1B MUTATION, BUT ITS UTILITY AS A CLINICALLY
involvement (LRI, ratios [g/g] urine protein-to-creatinine 0.5 or albumin-to- USEFUL MARKER FOR PREDICTING THE MUTATION IS
creatinine 0.3) and high renal involvement (HRI, ratios [g/g] >0.5 or >0.3, LIMITED
respectively). Ages at start of treatment (ageTx) and follow-up durations are expressed
as medians. Marcin Kołbuc1, Beata Bienias2, Sandra Habbig3, Mateusz Kołek4,
RESULTS: Compared with 1.1-year preTx data, eGFR decline was similar during 4.1- Maria Szczepanska5, Katarzyna Kilis-Pstrusin ska6, Anna Wasilewska7,
year postTx follow-up in 254 males, ageTx 30.8 years. eGFR slopes (preTx vs. postTx) Piotr Adamczyk8, Rafał Motyka9, Marcin Tkaczyk10, Przemysław Sikora2, Bodo
were -2.22 vs. -2.66 ml/min/1.73 m2/year (Ppre-post difference=0.24). The changing B. Beck11, Marcin Zaniew1
patterns among the 165 LRI males, ageTx 25.4 years (slopes preTx vs. postTx: -1.73 vs. University of Zielona Gora, Department of Pediatrics, Zielona Gora, Poland, 2Medical
-1.92 ml/min/1.73 m2/year; Ppre-post difference=0.66), and the 68 HRI males, ageTx University of Lublin, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Lublin, Poland, 3University
38.2 years (slopes: -2.93 vs. -4.31 ml/min/1.73 m2/year; Ppre-post difference=0.04), Hospital of Cologne, Department of Pediatrics, Cologne, Germany, 4University of
were statistically different (Pinteraction<0.01). IVSTd remained stable among 73 Warsaw, Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology, Warsaw, Poland,
males, ageTx 34.2 years, during 1.0-year preTx (slope=þ0.02 mm/year, P0>0.05) and Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical
4.1-year postTx follow-up (slopes=-0.02 mm/year, P0>0.05) (Ppre-post Sciences in Zabrze, Zabrze, Poland, 6Wroclaw Medical University, Department of
difference=0.83), where a P0 <0.05 indicates that the slope is significantly different Paediatric Nephrology, Wrocław, Poland, 7University Hospital, Department of Pediatric
from zero. LVPWTd increased preTx (slope=þ0.33 mm/year, P0=0.01) but stabilized Nephrology, Białystok, Poland, 8Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of
during postTx follow-up (slope=-0.09 mm/year, P0>0.05) in 87 males, ageTx 35.1 Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice, Katowice, Poland, 9University of
years (Ppre-post difference<0.01). Overall, patients with LRI had more stable cardiac Zielona G ora, Poland, 10Polish Mother’s Memorial Hospital Research
ora, Zielona G
ultrasound indices throughout follow-up. Institute, Department of Pediatrics, Immunology and Nephrology, Ł odz , Poland and
CONCLUSION: In males with classic FD, treatment with agalsidase beta appeared to University of Cologne, Institute of Human Genetics and Center for Molecular Medicine
stabilize eGFR decline in LRI males. Overall, IVSTd remained stable throughout Cologne, Cologne, Germany
follow-up and LVPWTd, increasing during pre-treatment follow-up, stabilized post-
treatment. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hyperuricemia is recognized as an important feature of
Funding: Fabry Registry, abstract: Sanofi Genzyme. HNF1B nephropathy, and could serve as a good marker of the disease facilitating
selection of patients for genetic testing. However, neither the casual relationship nor its
predictive value have been proven yet. We thus decided to assess this in a cohort of
MO042 PREVALENCE OF FABRY DISEASE CAUSING VARIANTS IN children with renal malformations with (mutþ) and without HNF1B mutations (mut-
METHOD: We performed a retrospective analysis of clinical and genetic results of
Mark Gilchrist1, Francesco Casanova1, Jessica Tyrrell1, Nicole Fife1, pediatric patients tested for HNF1B mutations, whose data were collected in a national
Katie Young1, Richard Oram1, Michael Weedon1 registry. Hyperuricemia was assessed by using the newest, age- and gender-dependent
1 reference values for serum uric acid (sUA) in children.
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
RESULTS: A total of 108 children were included into the study comprising 43 mutþ
patients, and 65 mut- subjects. Mean sUA was higher in mutþ than in mut- subjects (p
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage = 0.006), and hyperuricemia was more prevalent in those with HNF1B mutations
disorder resulting from deficiency of the alpha-galactosidase A enzyme. This leads to (42.5% vs. 15.4%, p = 0.002). Renal phenotype analysis revealed renal
the accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in multiple organ sites with prominent hyperechogenicity and multicystic dysplastic kidney disease were more frequent in
renal involvement, cardio and cerebrovascular disease, as well as neurological, mutþ patients, but no influence of any renal features/phenotypes on hyperuricemia
dermatological, and gastrointestinal pathology in affected individuals. Clinical was found. The two patient cohorts were different with regard to pancreatic anomaly
manifestations are highly heterogeneous with considerable variation depending on the (p < 0.001), glucose metabolism disorders (p = 0.003), hypomagnesemia (p < 0.001),
specific variant and even within families with the same variant. Prevalence estimates and hyperparathyroidism (p < 0.001). In a multivariate linear stepwise regression
from studies of case control cohorts range from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 140,000. We sought model, eGFR, fractional excretion of uric acid, impairments in glucose metabolism and
to determine the prevalence of Fabry disease causing mutations in an unbiased adult pancreatic anomaly were found to be independent predictive variables of sUA
population sample using the UK Biobank. (R2=0.67, F=13.27, p < 0.001). Mutation was not identified as a determinant of sUA.
METHOD: UK Biobank comprises approximately 500,000 participants with extensive After exclusion of patients with hyperglycemia and/or pancreatic malformations, the
phenotyping and genetic data linked to clinical care records. Exome sequencing data difference in hyperuricemia prevalence did not persist between mutþ and mut-.
from 200643 individuals from the UK Biobank were examined for variants in the GLA Potential of hyperuricemia for mutation prediction was tested in a model with
gene. Likely mutations were searched for in ClinVar and HGMD with subsequent hypomagnesemia and hyperparathyroidism, which showed an accuracy of 85%
review of supporting literature. We used ACMG guidelines to classify the pathogenicity (sensitivity: 83%, specificity: 86%). Adding hyperuricemia to the model did not
of variants. increase the accuracy (79%; sensitivity: 77%, specificity: 82%). Information gain, which
RESULTS: Eighty one coding variants were identified in GLA. Nine of these variants informs selective potential of each parameter, was the lowest for hyperuricemia (0.34
were rare (<1 in 10,000 individuals) and either protein truncating variants or compared with 0.99 and 0.63 for hyperparathyroidism and hypomagnesemia,
previously reported to cause Fabry’s disease. Thirty seven individuals, (14 males, 22 respectively).
females, 1 missing data) carried one of these GLA variants. The most common variant CONCLUSION: Hyperuricemia is relatively common in children with HNF1B
was the cardiac predominant phenotype causing N215S variant (18/37). 6/37 had the mutation, however its direct association with this molecular defect remains still
R363C variant, 4/37 had R356Q. The R112H, R301Q, I198T variants were each unproven. Its dependence on renal function and hyperglycemia diminishes the utility
identified in 2 individuals. There were single individuals with I232T, K240fs, and E66G as a clinically useful marker for predicting HNF1B disease.
Two male individuals (with I232T, K240fs variants) had HES codes compatible with a
known diagnosis of Fabry disease. The remaining 12/14 males did not have evidence of
an existing diagnosis of Fabry disease. No female participants had HES codes MO044 TARGETED NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING AND
indicating an existing diagnosis of Fabry disease. MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN AUTOSOMAL
The overall prevalence of Fabry disease causing variants in the UK Biobank is 1 in DOMINANT POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE, ALPORT
5,422. The N215 variant alone has a prevalence of 1 in 11,147. DISEASE AND FAMILIAL HAEMATURIA: GENETIC
CONCLUSION: Reported Fabry disease causing GLA variants are far more prevalent SPECTRUM AND CLINICAL UTILITY IN A SPANISH COHORT
in an unselected population sample than would be expected from the reported
prevalence of Fabry disease. This may be because some of the reported variants are not Isabel Galan Carrillo1, Liliana Galbis2, Vıctor Martınez Jiménez3, Juan
pathogenic, or are predominantly later-onset causing variants with reduced David Castro4, Fernanda Ramos1, Susana Roca5, Lidia Rodrıguez6, Juan Pin ~ero7,
penetrance. The true prevalence of Fabry disease may be substantially higher than Encarnacion Guillén6
current estimates. Reina Sofia Hospital, Nephrology, Murcia, Spain, 2Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital,
Biochemistry and Clinical Genetics, Murcia, Spain, 3Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital,
Nephrology, Murcia, Spain, 4Santa Lucia Hospital, Pediatrics, Cartagena, Spain, 5Santa
Lucia Hospital, Nephrology, Cartagena, Spain, 6Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital, Genetics,
Murcia, Spain and 7Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital, Pediatrics, Murcia, Spain
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i111
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: During 1-year activity, 114 individuals with diagnostic suspicion of MO046 NGS PANEL PERFORMANCE IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF
ADPKD, AS or FH have been evaluated by a coordinated clinical protocol with HEREDITARY RENAL DISEASE IN SOUTHERN SPAIN
periodic cases discussions. A customized Agilent panel was designed to capture 113
genes associated with several genetic diseases, including some related to PKD, AS or Marıa del Mar Del Aguila Garcıa1, Antonio M Poyatos Andu jar2, Ana
Familial Haematuria (FH): PKD1, PKD2, PKHD1, HNF1b, COL4A1, COL4A3, Isabel Morales Garcıa3, Margarita Martınez Atienza4, Susana Garcıa Linares2,
COL4A4 and COL4A5. Interpretation of sequence variants was performed according Rafael Jose Esteban de la Rosa5
to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) Guidelines. Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Servicio de An alisis Clınicos, Granada,
Sanger sequencing was performed to confirm variants identified by NGS and to Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Clınico San Cecilio, Laboratorio de Genética, Servicio de
segregate them in the families. Exon 1 of PKD1 gene was also sequenced by Sanger Analisis Clınicos, Granada, Spain, Hospital Universitario Clınico San Cecilio, Servicio de
method, due to the suboptimal capture of this region by NGS. Nefrologıa, Granada, Spain, 4Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Laboratorio de
RESULTS: We detected genetic variants in 63 patients (55.3%), pathogenic or probably Genética, Servicio de An alisis Clınicos, Granada, Spain and 5Hospital Universitario
pathogenic variants in 54 (47.8%). 31 patients had a variant in AS associated genes: 10 Virgen de las Nieves, Servicio de Nefrologıa, Granada, Spain
in COL4A3, 18 in COL4A4, 2 in COL4A1 and 1 in COL4A5. There were 13 pathogenic
variants, 12 probably pathogenic variants and 6 variants of uncertain clinical BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hereditary renal disease (HRD) is still underdiagnosed:
significance (VUCS). Among them, 27 had an AD inheritance, 1 AR and 3 were although we know aspects related to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
sporadic. All the patients with any variant had microhaematuria, a 68% had also (ADPKD), we know little about the incidence and prevalence of other entities such as
proteinuria, and mean eGFR at diagnostic was 63.79621 ml/min/1.73m2. 61% had Alport syndrome. Altogether, HRD can represent 15% of individuals undergoing renal
auditory disturbances and 11% ophthalmologic alterations. 4 of them had underwent replacement therapy (RRT) or could even be higher.
kidney biopsy previously, but 3 were not adequately diagnosed, so they were The advancement of genetics at the healthcare level let to achieve accurate and early
reclassified after the molecular diagnosis. In total, 16 kidney biopsies were avoided by renal diagnoses, as well as the incorporation of genetic counseling to families, all of
the genetic diagnosis. On the other hand, 29 patients had a variant in the ADPKD which will result in better management of the disease in its initial stages and the
associated genes: 24 in PKD1 and 5 in PKD2. There were 20 pathogenic variants and 4 possibility of offering reproductive options that avoid transmission to offspring.
probably pathogenic variants, and their inheritance was confirmed AD in 27 patients, Our objective is to know the performance offered by the implementation of the ERH
whereas new sporadic mutations were identified in 2 patients. 22 patients had big or panel through Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in our healthcare area.
enormous kidneys on sonography, although 7 had normal size. Hepatic cysts were METHOD: Observational-descriptive study of 259 probands (141 men / 118 women),
present on 5%. 19 patients had hypertension, with a mean age of diagnosis of 47614 mean age of 46 years (30 pediatric / 123 over 50 years), with chronic kidney disease and
years. Additionally, 1 patient was diagnosed on AR polycystic disease with suspected hereditary cause attended in the specialized consultation of our centers from
homozygosity PKHD1 pathogenic variant. Among all the scope, familial history was October 2018 to October 2020. The DNA extracted from leukocytes obtained by
clearly present in 43 patients, uncertain in 11, and not present in 9 patients. venipuncture was processed with Nephropathies Solution version 3 panel (SOPHiA
CONCLUSION: The multidisciplinary approach to hereditary kidney diseases, with Genetics) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. This panel covers the coding regions
the active participation of nephrologists and clinical geneticists, has allowed a and splicing junctions of 44 HRD-related genes such as nephrotic syndromes, polycystic
molecular diagnostic yield of 48% among patients with AS and ADPKD, employing kidney diseases, Bartter syndromes, Alport syndrome, CAKUT or tubulopathies (table 1).
NGS technology. This has led to a quicker diagnostic result in our region, the
reclassification of some patient’s diagnosis, a decrease in invasive diagnostic procedures MO046 Table 1: Genes included in the SOPHiA Genetics Nephropaties solution
(such as kidney biopsy) and the correspondent adverse events and cost savings. panel.
Additionally, the AD inheritance pattern in AS has been confirmed as the most
frequent in the region. The active participation of nephrologists in genomic medicine
teams results in a better characterization of the hereditary kidney diseases, helping in
the genetic variant interpretation and management of these patients and their families.
i112 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: Our NGS HRD panel a) offers an adequate diagnostic performance at presenting with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) and no evidence of nephrolithiasis or
the healthcare level, with definitive results in 1 out of 3 cases and has also allowed the nephrocalcinosis.
performance of many carrier studies among family members b) is able of diagnosing METHOD: Two white British brothers presented to a different regional centre over 20
the most frequent disease, ADPKD and Alport syndrome, as well as unresolved or years ago with ESKD of unknown aetiology. The UK 100,000 Genomes Project
poorly characterized cases, and c) opens the horizon for new diagnoses, all without provided a unique opportunity to make a molecular diagnosis using whole-genome
increasing costs by outsourcing services. All this makes the genetic study of renal sequencing linked to clinical records.
pathology a useful and efficient strategy. RESULTS: The older brother presented with ESKD aged 23 with bilateral small
These results encourage us to enhance the resources in this area that we consider to be kidneys and no evidence of nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis on ultrasound. He had
of strategic value. various musculoskeletal pains, ’cutaneous ectopic calcification’ and secondary
hyperparathyroidism, all of which improved post parathyroidectomy. Investigation of
his 17-year-old brother for consideration of kidney transplant donation revealed
progressive chronic kidney disease (CKD), microscopic haematuria, proteinuria (3g/
24hours) and hypokalaemia. There was no nephrocalcinosis or renal calculi on
ultrasound or cystoscopy. Renal biopsy showed tubulointerstitial changes with patchy
fibrosis and marked chronic inflammatory cell infiltrates. He had a history of enuresis,
polydipsia, delayed bone age and general developmental delay. ESKD by the age of 22
was complicated by hypertension and hyperparathyroidism requiring
Wesley Hayes1, Sander Garrelfs2, David Sas3, John Lieske4, Taylor Ngo5,
parathyroidectomy. Right knee pain with ’unusual osteochondral abnormality’ on MRI
John Gansner5, Tracy McGregor5, Yaacov Frishberg6
resulted in a supracondylar femoral osteotomy. Early serum and urine biochemistry
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom, 2Emma results were not available. A hemizygous nonsense variant p.Arg417Ter in CLCN5 was
Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, identified by whole-genome sequencing via the 100,000 Genomes Project. Sanger
Netherlands, 3Mayo Clinic, Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Hypertension, sequencing at the Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory confirmed this. This variant
Rochester, MN, United States of America, 4Mayo Clinic, Division of Nephrology and was predicted to be protein-truncating, was absent in the genome aggregation database
Hypertension, Rochester, MN, United States of America, 5Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, (gnomAD) and equivalent to a variant associated with Dent disease in other patients
Cambridge, MA, United States of America and 6Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Division therefore classified as a class 5 pathogenic variant according to ACMG guidelines.
of Pediatric Nephrology, Jerusalem, Israel Three male children with Dent disease have previously been reported with the
pathogenic variant p.Arg347Ter. A seven and a twelve year old from two different
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) is a rare genetic families in Japan had microscopic haematuria, proteinuria, elevated b2-microglobulin
disorder characterized by hepatic oxalate overproduction. Excess oxalate is excreted by and normal renal function. The twelve-year-old had mild hypercalciuria, but neither
the kidneys, leading to recurrent kidney stones, nephrocalcinosis, and progressive had a history of nephrolithiasis or nephrocalcinosis. A four-year-old Turkish boy
kidney disease. Patients with PH1 generally experience a slow decline in kidney manifested hypophosphataemia, nephrolithiasis and nephrocalcinosis. Unusually for
function over time that can be punctuated by abrupt worsening precipitated by Dent disease, he also had hypokalaemic hypochloraemic metabolic alkalosis and
infection, obstructing stones, or dehydration. Approximately half of patients with PH1 hyper-reninaemic hyperaldosteronism more characteristic of Bartter syndrome, but
progress to kidney failure by early adulthood, and nearly all by 60 years of age. with elevated b2-microglobulin more typical of Dent disease. None of these cases had
Lumasiran is an RNAi therapeutic indicated for the treatment of PH1 in all age groups. CKD but were all reported at a very young age.
In clinical trials, treatment with lumasiran resulted in substantial reductions in urinary CONCLUSION: Approximately 15% of patients with ESKD in Europe have an
and plasma oxalate in pediatric and adult patients, with an acceptable safety profile. unknown aetiology. Dent disease has a variable phenotype and screening of patients for
This analysis evaluates the change in kidney function of patients with PH1 with an low molecular weight proteinuria such as b2-microglobulin is not routinely performed.
eGFR of 30 mL/min/1.73m2 enrolled in clinical trials of lumasiran. Dent disease type 1 should be considered in patients presenting with unexplained renal
METHOD: We analyzed kidney function from 75 patients with PH1, age 12 months failure even without typical clinical features.
old, eGFR 30 mL/min/1.73m2, enrolled in 3 clinical trials of lumasiran (Phase 2
open-label extension, and Phase 3 ILLUMINATE-A and ILLUMINATE-B). In these
trials, eGFR was calculated with the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
Study equation in adults or the bedside Schwartz equation in children. The effect of
lumasiran on eGFR was assessed by baseline eGFR subgroup: 90, <90, 60 to <90, 45
to <60, and 30 to <45 mL/min/1.73m2.
Christin Hartig1, Ria Schönauer1, Sebastian Sewerin1, Anastasia Ertel1,
RESULTS: Of 75 patients available for analysis, 46 were treated with lumasiran from
Wenjun Jin1, Elena Hantmann1, Sophie Saunier2, Alexandre Benmerah2,
the start of the study through the Month 12 visit. eGFR remained stable in all eGFR
Jan Halbritter1
subgroups. Patients with eGFR 90 mL/min/1.73m2 at baseline (N=16) demonstrated 1
fluctuations in mean values by timepoint, with a mean change (95% CI) from baseline University Hospital Leipzig, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
of -1 (-8, 6) mL/min/1.73m2 at Month 12. In patients with eGFR <90 mL/min/1.73m2 Leipzig, Germany and 2Université de Paris, Imagine Institute, Laboratory of inherited
(N=30), no change in mean eGFR from baseline was observed at Month 12; the mean kidney diseases, INSERM UMR1163, Paris, France
change (95% CI) was 0 (-3, 3). When evaluating subgroups with impaired kidney
function, variations in the mean change were observed at Month 12 due to small BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nephronophthisis is an autosomal-recessive kidney
sample sizes. For patients with eGFR 60 to <90 mL/min/1.73m2 (N=22), the mean disease that accounts for a significant proportion of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in
change (95% CI) was -2 (-5, 1). For patients with eGFR 45 to <60 mL/min/1.73m2 childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Biallelic pathogenic variants in
(N=5), the mean change (95% CI) was 3 (-8, 14). For patients with eGFR 30 to <45 MAPKBP1, encoding the c-Jun N-terminale kinase (JNK)-binding protein 1, are
mL/min/1.73m2 (N=3), the mean change (95% CI) was 9 (7, 11). associated with development of Nephronophthisis and subsequent chronic kidney
CONCLUSION: Patients with PH1 had stable kidney function over time with disease (CKD) (Macia et al, AJHG, 2017). We recently characterized MAPKBP1 as
lumasiran treatment, regardless of kidney function at baseline. Given the progressive microtubule-associated protein that is able to localize to centrioles and the base of
kidney function decline that is characteristic of PH1, the eGFR stability observed primary cilia depending on dimerization via its C-terminal coiled-coil domain
during 12 months of treatment with lumasiran is encouraging. Kidney function will (Schönauer et al, Kidney Int, 2020). However, the physiological function of its N-
continue to be monitored for the duration of the lumasiran clinical trials. terminal WD40 and intermediate JNK-binding domain is still poorly understood. By in
vitro comparison of artificial domain deletions with known and novel patient variants,
we aim at pinpointing functional consequences of pathogenic MAPKBP1 in cilia and
cell cycle control.
METHOD: N-terminally GFP-tagged MAPKBP1 constructs with either full-domain
deletions or patient-derived variants were expressed in non-ciliated HeLa and ciliated
H69 cells for fluorescence microscopy studies. Furthermore, RNA-seq analysis using
primary patient cells was conducted to investigate differentially regulated molecular
pathways compared to healthy control individuals.
Gary Leggatt1,2,3, Christine Gast1,2, Rodney Gilbert1,4, Kristin Veighey1,2,3,
RESULTS: Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed inappropriate intracellular
Tahmina Rahman2, Sarah Ennis1
localization upon single or combined deletion of any MAPKBP1 protein domain.
University of Southampton, Human Development and Health, Southampton, United Compared to wild type, all deletion variants showed reduced intensity at the centrosome
Kingdom, 2Queen Alexandra Hospital, Wessex Kidney Centre, Portsmouth, United and ciliary base. Despite preserved dimerization ability, loss of the intermediate JNK-
Kingdom, 3University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Renal, binding domain (JBD) most effectively abolished centrosomal or ciliary targeting, whereas
Southampton, United Kingdom and 4Southampton University Hospital NHS loss of the N-terminal WD40-domain induced strongest mitotic aberrations. Unlike wild
Foundation Trust, Southampton Children’s Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom type, both, artificial and patient-derived truncating variants were able to enter the nucleus.
RNA-seq analysis using primary patient fibroblasts with varying C-terminal truncations
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemizygous variants in chloride voltage-gated channel will allow important insights into common gene expression profiles unveiling
5 (CLCN5) on chromosome Xp11.22 cause Dent disease type 1, characterised by low- consequences of aberrant intracellular trafficking.
molecular-weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria, nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, and CONCLUSION: In the present work, we demonstrate that all protein domains are
progressive renal failure. We describe a truncating pathogenic variant in two brothers indispensable for appropriate MAPKBP1 intracellular localization and function. Most
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i113
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
of clinically reported patient variants exhibiting C-terminal truncation of varying higher in the normal-to-mild RD group. Between the groups, there were no differences
lengths resulted in comparable intracellular behavior in presence of an intact N- in urine protein (0.12 [0.0–0.3] vs. 0.16 [0.08–0.29] g/day; P = 0.31) and DeGFR (98%
terminal WD40 domain. Surprisingly, deletion of the JNK-binding domain alone [88–123] vs. 106% [102–112]; P = 0.45), which was calculated as post-/pre-treatment
aggravated functional disturbances hinting at a prominent regulatory role of this annual eGFR change. Although both groups experienced the therapeutic effects of TV,
protein part interdepending with dimerization. Further insights into domain-specific the efficacy was poorer in the moderate-to-severe RD group (DTKV, 82% [76–85] vs.
functions will explain molecular disease mechanisms of MAPKBP1. 96% [86–97]; P = 0.001).
CONCLUSION: The efficacy of TV patients with moderate-to-severe RD in ADPKD
might be modest.
i114 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO053 GITELMAN’S SYNDROME AND PREGNANCY: TWO (IQR: 16; 49) months. Blood electrolytes levels, ALP, PTH and 24-hour-urine excretion
SUCCESSFUL CASE REPORTS of calcium were evaluated in all children. ALP Z-scores were calculated using age- and
sex-specific mean/standard deviation (SD) lab reference data. Bone mineral density
Chaofan Wang1, Xueyan Chen1, Xubin Yang1, Jinhua Yan1, Bin Yao1 with Z-score were measured in lumbar spine and whole body for all patients using a
The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Endocrinology and Metabolism, dual energy X-ray absorptiometry device. Molecular genetic analysis was performed in
Guangzhou, P.R. China all children using by next generation sequencing.
RESULTS: The median SD score of height at the first and last follow-up was -1.35
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gitelman’s Syndrome (GS) is a rare autosomal (IQR: -1.8; -0.87) and -1.51 (IQR: -2.0; -0.66) (p=0.6), respectively, short stature had
recessive hereditary salt-losing tubulopathy characterized by hypokalemic metabolic 33.3% (3/9) of patients at first and 44.4% (4/9) at last follow-up (p=0.7). Treatment
alkalosis with hypomagnesemia and hypocalciuria. Pregnancy in women with GS often with low doses of oral phosphate supplements did not led to normalization of serum
aggravates hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. However, there are few reports of phosphorus:1.05 (IQR: 0.97; 1.39) vs. 0.93 (IQR: 0.81; 1.27) mmol/l (p=0.13), PTH: 8.3
pregnancies in GS. Here, we report the course of two Chinese women who were (IQR: 5.8; 13.8) vs. 12.9 (IQR: 12.0; 16.0) pg/ml (p=0.34), Z-score in lumbar spine: -1.2
diagnosed as GS during pregnancy in 2019 and 2020 respectively. (IQR: -2.7; -0.1) vs. -1.8 (IQR: -2.8; -1.1) (p=0.48) and Z-score in total body: -2.1 (IQR -
METHOD: Case 1: A 21-year-old woman was referred to our hospital at 9 weeks 2.6; -1.5) vs. -2.4 (IQR: -3.0; -2.0) (p=0.37). Hypercalciuria had 88.8% (8/9) of children
gestation of her first pregnancy. She had complained of muscle weakness and cramps (0.15 (IQR: 0.12; 0.19) mmol/kg/day) at first follow-up and 44.4% (4/9) (0.09 (IQR:
for one year. Before the referral she was diagnosed as hypokalemia and treated by oral 0.08; 0.16) mmol/kg/day) in last examination (p=0.13). ALP blood levels were elevated
potassium supplementation. However, her symptoms became severer after pregnancy. in all patients (9/9) at first and most recent visit, but ALP Z-score were significant
Case 2: A 20-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital because of elevated plasma lower at last follow-up: 3.9 (IQR: 1.2; 5.1) vs. 0.57 (IQR: -0.36; 2.1) (p=0.04). There
glucose level and hypokalemia at 27 weeks gestation of her first pregnancy. The woman were significant correlations between doses of oral phosphate supplements and ALP Z-
was asymptomatic and denied history of chronic diseases. The laboratory examinations score (r=-0.68; p=0.04) and total body Z-score (r=0.78; p=0.03). There was no
were taken after admission. Genetic testing was conducted for pathogenic mutations in significant correlations between ALP Z-score and total body Z-score (r=-0.3) or lumbar
SLC12A3 (GS) and SLC12A1, KCNJ1, CLCKNB and BSND (Bartter syndrome 1-4). spine Z-score (r=-0.1).
RESULTS: Case 1: Initial biochemistry examinations revealed hypokalemia (2.3 mmol/ CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that treatment of HHRH with low
L, normal range 3.5-5.3 mmol/L) with inappropriate renal potassium wasting (urine doses (<20 mg/kg/day) of oral phosphorus supplements led to decreasing of ALP Z-
potassium 254 mmol/24h, normal range < 20 mmol/24h), alkalosis (arterial blood gas score in 7/9 (77.8%) and hypercalciuria in 5/9 (55.6%) of patients. However, that
pH 7.49), hypomagnesemia (0.55 mmol/L, normal range 0.67-1.04 mmol/L), therapy didn’t improve significantly height and severity of rickets, as well didn’t led to
hypocalciuria (urine calcium 1.6 mmol/24h, normal range 2.5-7.5 mmol/24h) and normalization of serum phosphorus in children with HHRH. It is therefore conceivable
elevated renin (276 pg/ml, normal range 4-24 pg/ml) and aldosterone (825 pg/ml, that higher daily doses of phosphate supplements are needed to normalize all clinical
normal range 10-160 pg/ml) levels. The blood pressure was normal-low (97/68 mmHg, and radiological features of disease.
12.9/9.0 kPa) and the renal ultrasound was normal. Homozygous mutations Lack of association between ALP Z-score and bone mineral density severity on
[c.179C>T (Thr60Met)] were identified. The woman’s father and sister had a radiographs limits the value of serum ALP as the indicator of rickets activity.
heterozygous c.179C>T, but had no electrolyte disorders. After the treatment of oral
potassium supplementation (KCl 3g tid) and spironolactone (40mg bid), her serum
potassium level increased to 3.4-4.0 mmol/L and muscle weakness was relieved. The MO055 THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON MOOD
woman delivered a healthy female infant weighing 2600 g at 39 weeks gestation via STATUS AND TREATMENT ADHERENCE IN PATIENTS WITH
cesarean section. Maternal serum potassium level remained normal and no symptoms FABRY DISEASE
reoccured after delivery. Case 2: Initial biochemistry examinations identified
hypokalemia (2.3 mmol/L, normal range 3.5-5.3 mmol/L) with inappropriate renal Mevlut Tamer Dincer1, Cebrail Karaca1, Betul Sarac2, Saffa Ahmadzada3,
potassium wasting (urine potassium 81 mmol/24h, normal range < 20 mmol/24h), Alev Bakir4, Selma Alagoz5, Ertugrul Kiykim3, Sinan Trabulus1, Nurhan Seyahi1
hypomagnesemia (0.49 mmol/L, normal range 0.67-1.04 mmol/L), hypocalciuria
(urine calcium 0.3 mmol/24h, normal range 2.5-7.5 mmol/24h) and elevated renin (54
Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Nephrology, _Istanbul,
pg/ml, normal range 4-24 pg/ml) and aldosterone (834 pg/ml, normal range 10-160 pg/ Turkey, 2Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Internal Medicine,
_Istanbul, Turkey, 3Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Pediatric
ml) levels. The blood pressure and renal ultrasound were normal. Heterozygous
mutations [c.179C>T (Thr60Met), c.658G>A (Gly220Ser)] were identified. The Nutrition and Metabolism, _Istanbul, Turkey, 4Halic University, Biostatistics and Medical
woman was treated by oral potassium supplementation (KCl 3g tid) and her serum Informatics, _Istanbul, Turkey and 5Istanbul Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology,
_Istanbul, Turkey
potassium level maintained normal during pregnancy. She had a normal delivery of a
healthy female infant weighing 3050 g at 40 weeks gestation. After delivery she
discontinued oral potassium supplementation and her serum potassium level ranged BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fabry disease is a rare metabolic disorder, lifelong
from 3.0-3.4 mmol/L without symptoms. enzyme replacement therapy with recombinant human alpha-galactosidase A
CONCLUSION: The outcome of mother and fetus of GS pregnancies appears (agalsidase) constituted the cornerstone of disease-specific therapy. COVID-19
favorable. Intensive monitoring of electrolyte levels and sufficient electrolyte pandemic and epidemic control measures including lockdowns impaired access to
supplementation are advised during pregnancy. health care services. We examined the effect of COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown
measures on mood status and management of Fabry disease patients.
METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional study between October 2020 and
December 2020. We used the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to
MO054 EFFICACY OF ORAL PHOSPHATE SUPPLEMENTATION IN evaluate the mood statuses of FD patients and the Morisky Medication Adherence
CHILDREN WITH HEREDITARY HYPOPHOSPHATEMIC Scale (MMAS-4) to assess patient adherence. We also examined age and sex-matched
RICKETS WITH HYPERCALCIURIA control group to compare mood status.
RESULTS: A total of 68 (Male 48.5 %, mean age 37.0) FD patients were under regular
Svetlana Papizh1, Larisa Prikhodina1, Ekaterina Nikolaeva2 follow-up in our institution, 59 of those patients were taking ERT every other week.
Research and Clinical Institute for Pediatrics at the Pirogov Russian National Research Two of our patients had reported having a COVID-19 infection, and both of them
Medical University, Department of hereditary and acquired kidney diseases, Moscow, recovered. 25 patients reported to miss an ERT for a median of one dose, 16 of these 25
Russia and 2Research and Clinical Institute for Pediatrics at the Pirogov Russian patients have reported that they did not come to the hospital because of infection fear.
National Research Medical University, Clinical genetics, Moscow, Russia Half of the patients had adopted home-based infusion; they arranged a nurse for home-
based infusion therapy by their own means. According to MMAS-4 FD patients had
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with good adherence to their therapy (Median score 0, range 0-2). Mood status of FD
hypercalciuria (HHRH; MIM #241530) is an autosomal recessive renal phosphate- patients and controls are shown in Table 1. Both HADS depression and anxiety scores
wasting disorder caused by mutations in the SLC34A3/NPT2c gene. HHRH were higher in the control group compared to FD patients. Additionally, abnormal
characterized by increased urinary phosphate excretion leading to hypophosphatemic scores were more prevalent for HADS depression scores in controls (Figure 1).
rickets, short stature and elevated serum 1,25(OH)2D levels which result in
hypercalciuria leads to nephrocalcinosis/urolithiasis due to enhanced intestinal calcium
absorption and reduced PTH-dependent calcium reabsorption in the distal renal
Treatment of HHRH involves administration of oral phosphate supplements alone to
normalize of serum phosphate, alkaline phosphatase activity (ALP), PTH levels, urine
calcium excretion for prevention of renal calcifications and progression of rickets.
Currently there is no consensus on the optimal dose of oral phosphate in patients with
HHRH. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of oral phosphate
supplements in Russian cohort of children with HHRH.
METHOD: 9 children (7M/2F) with homozygous (n=6) and compound heterozygous
(n=3) SLC34A3 mutations from unrelated families were examined. Treatment with
oral phosphate supplements was started at the median age of patients 12.0 (IQR: 9.0;
13.0) years. The median dosage of oral phosphate supplements was 14.1 (IQR: 13.8;
14.8) mg/kg/day based on elemental phosphorus. The duration of follow-up was 36.0
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i115
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
using clinical exome sequencing. According to the Human Gene Mutation Database
(HGMD) guideline, this variant is assessed as likely pathogenic. There was no mutation
in the FAN1 gene.
The second case was a 64-year-old female, she had hypertension for eight years, and
was referred to the nephrology clinic due to renal dysfunction. There was a history of
pharyngitis four times a year. There was no history of smoking and alcohol use. She
had been suffering from nocturia for eight years. She did not use alcohol, nephrotoxic
drugs, or herbal substances. There was no history of kidney disease in her family.
Serum creatinine on admission was 1.58 mg/dl and e-GFR was 35.2 ml/min/1.73m2.
Liver function tests, Hepatitis B, C and HIV serologies, and serum complement levels
were normal. Urinalysis, including microscopic examination, did not reveal any
abnormality. In 24-hour collected urine 143 mg proteinuria was detected. Kidney
biopsy revealed global sclerosis in glomeruli, nucleomegaly, intranuclear inclusions,
and hyperchromasia in tubules epithelial cells and endothelial cells. A pathological
diagnosis of KIN was made. The genetic analysis detected c.1972 C>T (p. Arg658Trp)
mutation in the FAN1 gene. According to the HGMD guideline this variant is classified
as an unknown significance. However, the clinical and pathological features of the
MO055 Figure 1. The percentage of the patients classified as abnormal according to the patient were compatible with KIN, we concluded this specific FAN1 mutation was
HADS-anxiety, HADS-depression scores, for each study group. HADS anxiety p=0.062 associated with the disease in our case.
HADS depression p=0.001. CONCLUSION: Despite similar clinical features and histopathological findings, we
found two different gene mutations in these two cases. It is especially interesting that
UMOD mutation which was associated with hyperuricemia and uric acid nephropathy
was associated with KIN. KIN should be included in the differential diagnosis of
patients without a definite diagnosis of CKD, the genetic examination should be carried
MO055 Table 1. Scores of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in the study
out to reveal the underlying mutation.
i116 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
amyloidosis in our region. This high prevalence may justify early genetic testing for the MO060 CYSTINURIA: DISEASE PRESENTATION, PROGNOSIS AND
specific mutation in non-AL and non-AA forms. QUALITY OF LIFE ANALYSIS OF A WEB-BASED COHORT
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i117
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Patienst reportes an average of 31 painful episodes of renal colic (min 0; max 200) in MO062 A RARE COMBINATION OF POLYCYTHEMIA VERA WITH A
their history. Of these episodes almost 6 ended with a stone expulsion (min 0; max 50), THROMBOPHILIA FACTOR V MUTATION IN A
while haematuria was reported by 12 patients (up to 20 episodes in a patient lifetime). HEMODIALYSIS PATIENT :CASE REPORT
A secondary stone composition in addition to cystine was reported by 5/18: calcium
oxalate in 100% of these cases, even with struvite and calcium phosphate. Faten Ghabi1,2, Toumi Salma1,2, Asma Amouri1,2, Hanen Chaker1,2,
Most of these patients (78%) received some nutritional recommendation: generally by Ikram Agerbi1,2, Najla Damak1,2, Khawla Kammoun1,2, Soumaya Yaich1,2,
nephrologist (50%), or dietician (23%), or urologist (18%). Indications were not easy to Mohamed Benhamida1,2
follow: a 0-100 visual scale about compliance showed a mean of 45 (SD 27). university hospital center hedi chaker, nephrology, Sfax, Tunisia and 2Medical school
The 78% were currently on drug therapy: most used therapy included citrate (45%), Sfax, Renal pathology reserch laboratory UR12ES14, Sfax, Tunisia
tiopronin (40%), or bicarbonate (10%). Drugs compliance is very low (26/100 scale SD
23.3). INTRODUCTION: Anemia is an almost constant complication in patients with end
Nobody in our cohort showed a GFR of less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. 4/18 reported a stage renal disease. In contrast, primary polycythemia is extremely rare, with only a few
positive family history of cystinuria, while 7/18 relatives with renal stones without a cases that have been reported in the literature. We report in this work a rare association
diagnosis. of thrombophilia and acquired polycythemia in a chronic hemodialysis patient.
CONCLUSION: Patients affected by cystinuria show a very poor quality of life, with OBSERVATION: This is a 47-year-old man, non-smoking, hypertensive, with CKD in
high levels of pain, fatigue, and emotional wellness. The diagnosis is delayed from the hemodialysis since 2015 secondary to undetermined nephropathy. The change in the
first event, and they are exhausted by an high frequency of pain stone passages. More patient’s condition on hemodialysis was marked by the occurrence of repeated
attention to quality of life aspects is needed in patients with this rare but life- thrombosis of these arteriovenous fistulas(AVFs), including exploration that revealed
threatening condition. a coagulation factor V mutation, hence his initiation of antivitamin K. The patient
initially presented with severe anemia at the start of the extra renal purification , the
average hemoglobin (Hb) level between 2015 and 2018 was 7.4 g / dl thus requiring the
MO061 IS THE PM290I MUTATION RELATED TO ORGAN use of iron supplementation (IV iron) and stimulating agents erythropoiesis (ESA). In
INVOLVEMENT OF FABRY DISEASE? february 2019, erythropoietin requirements were reduced due to the increase in Hb
levels and then stopped in April 2019. The Hb level continued to increase to reach 16.8
Francisca Silva1, Nicole Pestana1, José Dura ~es1, Nuno Guimar~
aes Rosa1, g / dl in february 2020 without receiving ESAs or iron supplements. From where an
Gil Silva1 etiological investigation was initiated to search for the origin of this polycythemia
1 going up to the genetic study for the JAK2V617F mutation which came back positive.
Hospital Dr. Nélio Mendonça, Funchal, Portugal
Furthermore, gas scans, chest x-rays and abdominal ultrasounds are normal, hence
polycythemia vera was retained in this patient. For fear of losing his AVF, the patient
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked hereditary disease. It underwent intermittent phlebotomies during dialysis associated with the prescription
results from mutations in the GLA gene, leading to deficient activity of the enzyme of IEC and his Hb level rose to 14.5g / dl.
alpha-galactosidase A and progressive accumulation of undegraded glycosphingolipids CONCLUSION: Primary erythrosis remains rare in dialysis, the pathophysiological
in cell lysosomes. Enzyme replacement therapy improved the natural course of this mechanism of which remains poorly understood. Iterative phlebotomies remain the
disease, but an early diagnosis is crucial for a successful treatment. solution sometimes coupled with the prescription of IEC.
METHOD: A screening study for GLA gene mutations was conducted for all patients
under dialysis, from a single centre. All the probands with a detectable mutation were
analysed individually. Data on the patient’s family and personal pathological history
were retrospectively collected, by consulting the clinical file. MO063 DESCRIPTION OF GENETIC VARIANTS IN A COHORT OF
RESULTS: 35 years-old female diagnosed with chronic proteinuric kidney disease in TOLVAPTAN ADPKD PATIENTS
the postpartum period. Despite optimal medical treatment the disease progressed, and
she started renal replacement therapy with peritoneal dialysis. Five years later she was Valentina Corradi1,2, Carlotta Caprara2, Ofelia Pegoraro2, Barbara Mancini3,
enrolled in a pilot screening study for FD and the heterozygous mutation c.870G>C Anna Giuliani1, Fiorella Gastaldon1, Davide Giavarina3,4, Claudio Ronco1,2,5
(p.Met290Ile; M290I) in exon 6 of the GLA gene was found. The proband didn’t meet AULSS 8 BERICA - Ospedale San Bortolo, UOC Nefrologia, Vicenza, Italy, 2International
the criteria for a definitive FD diagnosis, but she remained under follow-up at our Renal Research Institute of Vicenza, IRRIV, Vicenza, Italy, 3AULSS 8 BERICA - Ospedale
nephrology metabolic diseases consultation, as the mutation was described as San Bortolo, UOS Laboratorio di Genetica - UOC Medicina di Laboratorio, Vicenza, Italy,
pathogenic and associated with a classic FD phenotype. Later that same year, AULSS 8 BERICA, UOC Medicina di Laboratorio, Vicenza, Italy and 5University of
reassessment exams revealed a worsening left ventricle mass index, a new ischemic Padova, DIMED, Padova, Italy
cerebral lesion and a substantial increase in serum globotriaosylsphingosine (LysoGb3)
levels. These clinical changes led to the decision to initiate enzyme replacement BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
therapy. (ADPKD) is the most common inherited renal cystic disease. It is genetically
Until now there are only a few descriptions of this genetic variant in the scientific heterogeneous: 72-75% of ADPKD cases are related to mutations in the PKD1, 15-18 %
literature. A Portuguese study analysed a total of 11 FD patients and described 2 to PKD2 and the remaining 7–10% of affected are genetically unresolved (GUR).
patients with p.M290I mutation, without detectable Gb3 accumulation. Another study Recent years, new drugs have emerged as promising agents that may retard the
was designed to evaluate the genotype-phenotype relationship in 73 Chinese FD progression of ADPKD, such as Tolvaptan. In Italy Tolvaptan is available since 2016
patients. Contrary to other reports, the p.M290I mutation was not associated to the and commonly used since 2017 in ADPKD patients, which fulfill the criteria of “rapid
classic FD phenotype. A Swiss investigation with a similar design analysed 69 FD disease progression”, according to the European recommendations. High intra-
patients during their routine annual examinations. M290I mutant enzyme was found interfamilial variability in pedigrees was observed, despite the same germ-line
in a 48-year-old heterozygous female with a classic FD phenotype but with a low serum mutation. This could be explained by other clinical or genetic factors (environmental,
LysoGb3. A Spanish newborn screening identified one male patient with FD and the modifier genes, etc), that may affect disease severity. The aim of the study is to describe
p.M290I genetic variant but was unable to provide any information about the clinical the genetic variants in a cohort of Tolvaptan ADPKD patients (pts) referral to Renal
expression of this mutation, since the diagnosis was made between the third and fifth Genetic Disease Ambulatory of Nephrology Department.
days of life. The study describing the most patients carrying the M290I mutant enzyme METHOD: Patients with ADPKD and in Tolvaptan treatment were enrolled.
is Brazilian and screened a total of 25,223 dialysis patients. Among 89 FD-positive Diagnosis of ADPKD was made upon the revised Ravine’s criteria and Eligibility
patients, the p.M290I mutation was present in 22. However, the authors did not Criteria for Tolvaptan was made upon Italian indication for Tolvaptan prescription
provide detailed information about the clinical manifestations or a-Gal A activity and according to Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA) and European Medicines Agency
LysoGb3 levels of these patients. Finally, a recent Portuguese screening of 150 (EMA). We performed genetic analysis (PKD1, PKD2 and PKHD1 genes) to identify
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients found 25 patients with FD. Of these, one female mutations by NGS capture-based target enrichment kit (Sophia GeneticTM),
carried the GLA gene variant p.M290I, with a non-detectable LysoGb3 plasma level. sequencing on Illumina MySeq PlatformV R and Sanger Sequencing on 3500 Series
CONCLUSION: We describe a case of FD due to a previously known but still poorly Genetic Analyzer (Applied BiosystemsTM).
described GLA mutation, which offers strong evidence of its pathogenicity. To our RESULTS: Eighteen pts [median age 46 (IQR 39-48) yrs ], 12 male, were included in
knowledge, this is the first report of p.M290I mutation-associated disease activity the analysis. We manage to perform genetic analysis in all pts. Genetic analysis was
evidenced by elevated levels of serum LysoGb3. Despite the absence of classic FD essential in 4 patients without family history for Tolvaptan eligibility. Sixteen pts
symptoms such as neuropathic pain, cornea verticillata and angiokeratoma, the (88,9%) have mutations in PKD1, confirming what is already known from the
presence of severe multiple organ evolvement, characterized by renal failure, cardiac literature for rapid progressor subjects; 2 pts are characterized by PKD2 mutations,
disease and ischaemic stroke, strongly suggests a classic phenotype. Consequently, it is both truncating. In only one pt, concomitant with a PKD1 mutation, also a PKHD1
our opinion that the presence of a p.M290I GLA mutation should require a strict mutation was found. In order to better characterize the cohort it was decided to
ongoing patient follow-up, as it may cause clinically significant disease. subdivide the pts into 3 groups, by gene involvement and mutation type:
1st group: 12 Subjects with truncated PKD1 mutation (66.7%). In 7 pts (58,3%) the
mutations are within exons (5 and from exon 11 to 15 inclusive) that encode for
Immunoglobulin-like repeats or PKD domain of Polycystin 1 (PC1).
2nd group: 4 Subjects with non-truncated PKD1 mutations (22.2%). 3 pts (75.0%) are
characterized by missense variants, as previous studies highlighted (a higher percentage
of missense mutations in subjects with non-truncating mutations). In 2 pts (50%) the
i118 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
mutations are within exons (2 and 6) that encode for C-type lectin domain (CTLs) di METHOD: Studies are carried out in 23 families affected in which a genetic study has
PC1 and typical domain of extracellular protein. previously been the variant identified. For the survival analysis, the Kaplan-Meier test
3rd group: 2 Subjects with a PKD2 mutation (11.1%), both truncating. These data was performed. Data are expressed in terms of mean 6 SD, median and %.
confirmed the lower mutation rate of PKD2 compared to PKD1 and highlighted an RESULTS: The data described in Table 1 show that there is huge variability of access to
effective prevalence of truncation mutations in rapid disease progressors as previous RRT according to the type of variant found in the family. We found families in which
reported. the age at which kidney failure occurred ranged from 48.03 (28.38-67.68) years to
CONCLUSION: Although our cohort of patients is small, we manage to perform families in which RRT began with 78.04 (65.06-91.03).
genetic analysis in all pts reaching a detection rate of 100%. In 9 of 16 pts (56,3%) with We observed that those families that present a variant with a stop or frameshift codon
PKD1 mutation the presence of mutations in exons coding PKD domain in PC1 or suffer a loss of kidney function before those that present a missense variant. In the
Immunoglobulin-like repeats or typical domain of extracellular protein allows us to variants with a stop or frameshift codon, we observed that they ranged from 48.03
hypothesize that the resulting alteration of the polycystin-mediated cell recognition (28.38-67.68) for the variant c.7480G> T (p.Glu2494 *) to 73.75 (61.52-85, 98) in
and communication processes play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of ADPKD. variant c.9616C> T p.Gln3203 *. In those missense variants, the age of access to RRT
ranges from 62.17 (60.43-63.91) to 77.13 (71.56-82.71)
CONCLUSION: Advances in studies of the genes involved in ADPKD are expanding
the identification of new variants and the knowledge about their involvement in the
progression of the disease.
The correlation between genotype and kidney disease will provide a useful clinical
prognosis for ADPKD and will allow us to establish current and future treatments.
Carmen Garcıa Rabaneda1, Ana Isabel Morales Garcıa2, Marıa Luz Bellido Dıaz3,
Marıa del Mar Del Aguila Garcıa4, Antonio M Poyatos Andu jar5, Margarita Martınez
Atienza3, Rafael Jose Esteban de la Rosa6
Hospital Universitario Clınico San Cecilio, An alisis clınicos, Granada, Spain, 2Hospital
Universitario Clınico San Cecilio, Nefrologıa, Granada, Spain, 3Hospital Virgen de las
Nieves, Genética, Granada, Spain, 4Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, An alisis clınicos,
Granada, Spain, 5Hospital Universitario Clınico San Cecilio, Genética, Granada, Spain
and 6Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Nefrologıa, Granada, Spain
10.1093/ndt/gfab080 | i119
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i120–i132, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO066 CONGO RED DOT TEST AS A DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR RENAL and PCR in the NN (r=0.722, p<0.0001) and RA (r=0.605, p=0.013) was determined.
AMYLOIDOSIS IN PATIENTS WITH NEPHROTIC SYNDROME ROC-analysis showed that threshold value for the diagnosis of RA can be taken as
CRR=33.5% with sensitivity 68.8% and specificity 68.4% (Figure 1b). Despite the
Anastasiia Anpilova1, Maria Khrabrova2, Olga Galkina1, Aleksandr Rubel3, absence of differences in the CRR, polarization microscopy showed specific apple-
Yury Chernoff3,4, Alexei Smirnov1 green birefringence of aggregates bound with CR in the sample of patient with AL-
First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Research Institute of amyloidosis (Figure 2 a, b) contrary to the sample of patient with IgA-nephropathy
Nephrology, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2First Pavlov State Medical University of St. (Figure 2 c, d).
Petersburg, Department of Propaedeutic of Internal Diseases, Saint-Petersburg, Russia,
Saint Petersburg State University, Laboratory of Amyloid Biology, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia and 4Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Biological Sciences, Atlanta,
United States of America
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kinins plays a major role in immune response, where
kinin B2 receptor is constitutively expressed and kinin B1 receptor is induced under
inflammatory stimuli. Kinin B1 receptor deletion and blockage has been shown to have
beneficial effects in some models of renal diseases. Multiple acute renal insults, even if
followed by renal recovery, is a risk factor for the future development of chronic kidney
disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Our main objective was to
determine the importance of kinin B1 receptor in tubulointerstitial fibrosis induced by
ongoing cisplatin treatment.
METHOD: Male C57/Bl6 mice were divided in 3 groups, vehicle, cisplatin, cisplatin þ
MO066 Figure 1(a): The examples of the CRD test results
R715 (kinin B1 receptor antagonist). Animals has been treated with multiple doses of
cisplatin (7mg/kg i.p) once a week during 4 weeks and R715 (0.8mg/kg i.p) 48, 24 and 1
hour prior to cisplatin injections. We also used B1KO mice (C57Bl6 background) and
10.1093/ndt/gfab078 | i121
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
WT mice (littermates). Mice were euthanized after 30 days of last cisplatin injection.
Renal parameters, histology, real time PCR were performed to investigate renal injury,
inflammation and fibrosis.
RESULTS: Cisplatin treatment increases most of renal parameters, renal injury and fibrosis
markers. Deletion of B1 receptor exacerbates significantly creatinine (WT CIS 0,60þ0,03
B1KO 0,76þ0,01 mg/dL), urea (WT CIS 111,8þ5,638 B1KO CIS 240,8þ28,60 mg/dL), and
protein excretion (WT CIS 0,0058þ0,0011 B1KO CIS 0,0121þ0,0007 mg/24h). Association
of cisplatin with R715 increased creatinine levels (veh 0,43þ0,03 cisþR715 0,64þ0,04 mg/
dL), exacerbates urea (cis 95,51 þ 3,926 cisþR715 158,9þ14,40 mg/dL) and protein
excretion (cis 0,012þ0,002 cisþR715 0,018þ0,003 mg/24h). Renal injury markers such as
KIM-1 and TNF-a showed no significant differences. NGAL expression exacerbates (cis
2,53þ0,44 cisþR715 5,66þ1,34) and tubular injury score (cis 0,130þ0,021 cisþR715
0,191þ0,020) is higher in cisplatinþR715 group. Fibrosis markers a-SMA (cis 2,56þ0,43
cisþR715 4,67þ0,99), Col4 (cis 2,57þ0,39 cisþR715 5,14þ1,01) and Vimentin (2,69þ0,31 MO068 RENAL HISTOPATHOLOGY IN CANCER PATIENTS: RESULTS
cisþR715 4,62þ0,98) were exacerbated in cisplatin treatment associated with R715. OF A MULTICENTER STUDY
Picrosirius red staining were used to asses tubulointerstitial fibrosis, and we confirmed that
R715 treatment here also exacerbates fibrosis (cis 0,225þ0,025 cisþR715 0,345þ0,042). Monica Bolufer1, Clara Garcia Carro2, Amir Shabaka3, Cristina Rabasco4,
CONCLUSION: Here we show that both deletion and blockage of kinin B1 receptor has Juliana Draibe5, Maria Rosa Melero Martin6, Fabiola Alonso Garcia7,
deleterious effects in renal injury and fibrosis induced by ongoing cisplatin treatment. Anna Buxeda8, Paula Batalha9, Maria Teresa Visus10, Marıa José Soler1
Hospital Vall Hebron, Nephrology , Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital Clinico San Carlos ,
Nephrology , Madrid, Spain, 3Fundacion Alcorcon, Nephrology , Alcorcon , Spain,
Hospital de Cordoba, Nephrology , Cordoba, Spain, 5Hospital Bellvitge , Nephrology ,
Hospitalet de Llobregat , Spain, Hospital Gregorio Mara~ non , Nephrology , Madrid ,
Spain, 7Hospital Virgen Macarena , Nephrology , Sevilla , Spain, 8Hospital del Mar ,
Nephrology , Barcelona, Spain, Hospital Virgen del Rocio , Nephrology , Sevilla , Spain
and 10Hospital de Navarra , Nephrology , Pamplona , Spain
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Some decades ago, patients with cancer were not
submitted to invasive procedures because of their short life expectancy. This is one of
the main reasons why data about kidney histology in oncological patients with kidney
impairment is very scarce: kidney biopsies were not performed in this population.
However, renal biopsy is an especially useful diagnostic and prognostic tool in these
patients when they develop kidney injury. The aim of our study is to study clinical and
histological characteristics of patients with active solid organ malignancy that
underwent kidney biopsy in a multicenter cohort.
METHOD: We performed a multicenter collaborative retrospective study. Clinical,
demographical, and histological data from patients with an active neoplasia or in active
cancer treatment who underwent kidney biopsy were collected. Statistics: Quantitative
variables are expressed as meanþ/-SD (normal distribution) or median (IQ 25-75)
(non-normal distribution).Qualitative variables are expressed as percentage. Actuarial
survival curves were performed using Kaplan-Meier.
RESULTS: 94 patients with cancer who underwent a kidney biopsy during the study
period, from 9 hospitals were included.63.8% men, 36.2% woman and mean age 66 (SD
þ/- 10,95) years old. The indications for biopsy were acute renal failure (63.8%),
proteinuria (17%), and exacerbation of chronic kidney disease (11.7%).
At the time of the renal biopsy, 27.7% patients presented diabetes, 60.6% high blood
pressure, 10.6% were on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs treatment, and 74.5%
were receiving renin angiotensin system blockers. Malignances were lung (31.9%),
intestinal (13.8%) and prostate (8.5%), with 43.6% metastatic cancer.
As oncospecific treatment, 33% received chemotherapy, 30.8% immunotherapy (of
which 37.93% received more than 1 checkpoint inhibitor (CPI) and 24.13% had
immune-related adverse events), 22.4 % specific therapies, 17 % surgery, and 3.2%
conservative treatment.
Previously to kidney injury, 51.06% presented Cr> 1 mg / dL. At the time of kidney
biopsy, median creatinine was 2,63mg/dL [1,75-3,9 (IQ 25-75)], median urine protein/
creatinine ratio 795 mg/g [221-3182(IQ 25-75)]; 51.1% presented haematuria and
22.3% nephrotic range proteinuria; 8.5% eosinophiluria and 7.44% hemolytic anemia
and /or low platelet. At the time of renal biopsy, 8.5% presented ANCA and 5.31%
decrease in C3 / C4 serum levels.
The renal biopsy diagnosis was: 40.4% acute interstitial nephritis, followed by acute
tubular necrosis (9.6%), thrombotic microangiopathy (6.4%), membranous
nephropathy (5.3%) and IgA nephropathy (6.4%). 62.8% received corticosteroids
(28.81% pulses) for an average of 5.8 months [3.7-9.1(IQ 25-75)]. 12.8% required
kidney replacement therapy. 43.6% showed complete recovery of kidney function at
the end of follow-up. Average follow-up 22.59 months. 40.2% of patients died at the
end of follow-up and 72.34 % presented chronic kidney disease.
As expected, and maybe related to the heterogeneous cancer disease studied, the only
factor associated with mortality was the presence of the metastasis at the moment of
kidney biopsy (p=0.028).
CONCLUSION: Histological kidney diagnosis in patients with active cancer involves
various renal disorders, such as acute interstitial nephritis, thrombotic
i122 | Abstracts
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microangiopathy, membranous nephropathy and IgA nephropathy. Renal biopsy in into the mesangium accounts for the advancement from diffuse mesangial sclerosis
this group of patients provides valuable diagnostic and prognostic information. More (DMS) to nodular sclerosis (NS) and to the herniation of the tuft through the
studies are needed to expand the consensus in the diagnosis and treatment of glomerular vascular pole to the outside; the latter is associated with the outgrowth of
oncological patients with renal injury. glomerular capillaries into the peri-glomerular space leading to the destruction of the
juxtaglomerular apparatus. 2.The role of podocytes: Podocytes have frequently been
accused to play a central role in DN. This is correct, but in another way than generally
assumed. Damage to podocytes cannot be seen in DMS. The albuminuria regularly
seen during this stage derives, as previously suggested by others, from an increased
leakiness of the glomerular capillary endothelium based on a deranged glycocalyx.
Podocyte detachments start at the transition from DMS to NS, based on the loss of
Samsul Arefin1, Leah Hernandez1, Liam Ward1, Peter Stenvinkel1,
cross talk signals with the capillary endothelium: the increasing deposition of matrix
Karolina Kublickiene1
leads to the collapse of many capillaries. These podocytes contribute little to the further
Karolinska Institute, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention & Technology, progression of the damage: they are lost into primary urine or they undergo cell lysis.In
Division of Renal Medicine, Stockholm, Sweden addition to their role in increased matrix production, podocytes take an active role in
the formation of tuft adhesions to Bowman’s capsule (BC), starting the progression to
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 NS. Expansion of the matrix within the mesangium has led to expansion of the tuft
(SARS-CoV-2) has led to dramatic loss of lives due to COVID-19. Individuals with (frequently associated with nodules) towards Bowman’s capsule (BC) or towards the
chronic conditions, including patients with kidney failure and/or kidney transplants, urinary orifice. Podocytes on the surface of these expansions are in their majority
are affected more substantially due to multiple comorbidities and altered immune structurally intact, exhibiting an intact pattern of foot processes. These podocytes come
system. The first step of this infection process is the binding of SARS-CoV-2 with into contact with parietal epithelial cells and initiate DN-specific tuft adhesions to BC
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptor, followed by its priming by allowing the proliferation of glomerular capillaries into BC. There they deliver an
transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2). We hypothesized that the expressions of exudate into BC that spreads around the entire circumference of the glomerulus
ACE-2 and TMPRSS2 are increased in microvasculature, in addition to increased presenting as giant insudative spaces. Moreover, this process encroaches via the
circulating soluble ACE-2 levels in patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD); i.e. glomerulo-tubular junction onto the tubule constituting the major pathway of
prerequisites to explain to why ESKD patients are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 glomerular damage extending to the tubulointerstitium. 3. Tubulointerstitial
infection. Therefore, we assessed if there is a difference in the expression of ACE-2 and fibrosisIt is current opinion that the tubulointerstitial fibrosis may start from tubular
TMPRSS2 receptors in the resistance artery and subcutaneous adipose tissue, alongside damage resulting in an own, glomerular-independent pathway to nephron loss.
circulating soluble ACE-2 levels in ESKD patients versus controls. However, there is scant evidence for such a mechanism. Studying 162 glomerulo-
METHOD: A total of 210 participants were enrolled, representing 80 ESKD and 73 healthy tubular transitions, we did not see a tubular epithelial or interstitial damage in those
controls for soluble ACE-2 analysis, and 31 ESKD and 26 healthy controls for isolated biopsies without any evidence of a glomerulo-tubular damage transfer. The only exception
subcutaneous vasculature bioassay. Immunofluorescence techniques were performed for the consists of the well-known prominent thickening of the tubular basement membrane, which
detection and evaluation of ACE-2 and TMPRSS2 in isolated subcutaneous resistance artery may result in functional loss but does not lead to structural epithelial damage.
(200-300 mm of internal ^aCEe) and adipose tissue. Soluble ACE-2 protein concentration was CONCLUSION: We consistently found that tubulo-interstitial damage develops after
detected using commercially available ELISA kits. encroachment of the glomerular damage onto the tubule, leading first to a gradual
RESULTS: Soluble ACE-2 levels were significantly higher in ESKD (3.8 ng/mL, IQR degeneration of tubules which subsequently initiate the process of interstitial fibrosis.
2.4-5.5, n=80) vs control groups (2.7 ng/mL, IQR 2.1-3.7 ng/mL, n=73). There was no
difference in soluble ACE-2 between females and males in either group. Soluble ACE-2
was positively correlated with IL-6 (rho=0.257, p=0.02, n=80), while it was negatively
correlated with cholesterol (rho= -0.248, p=0.02, n=78) in ESKD patients. The
expression of ACE-2 receptor was observed both on endothelium and vascular smooth
muscle cells (VSMCs) in arteries from both groups. The expression was higher in
ESKD patients (19.1%, n=23) vs controls (15.4%, n=15). Patients with ESKD on ACE-
Liana Xhakollari1,2, Amra Jujic1,3, John Molvin1,3, Peter M Nilsson1,
inhibitor/angiotensin receptor blocker treatment showed higher expression of ACE-2
Hannes Holm1,3, Erasmus Bachus1, Margret Leosdottir1,3, Anders Grubb4,
vs. non-treatment group (treatment: 20.2%, n=12 vs non-treatment: 12.8%, n=11) in
Anders Christensson1,2, Martin Magnusson1,3
resistance artery. In subcutaneous adipose tissue the ACE-2 staining was not 1
statistically different among the groups (ESKD: 2.9%, n=10 vs controls: 3.6%, n=10). In Lund University, Clinical Sciences, Lund, Sweden, 2Skåne University Hospital,
addition, TMPRSS2 was expressed both on endothelium and VSMCs in resistance Nephrology, Malmö, Sweden, 3Skåne University Hospital, Cardiology, Malmö, Sweden
artery, however there was no difference in the expression (ESKD: 8.4%, n=23 vs and 4Skåne University Hospital, Clinical Chemistry, Lund, Sweden
controls: 10.2%, n=15) between the groups.
CONCLUSION: Soluble ACE-2 levels and ACE-2 receptor expression in the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The “Shrunken pore syndrome” is characterized by a
vasculature were higher in patients with ESKD as compared to controls. The ACE-2 difference in renal filtration between cystatin C and creatinine resulting in a low
receptor is present both in the endothelium and VSMCs from arteries in peripheral eGFRcystatinC/eGFRcreatinine-ratio, and studies have demonstrated a high risk for
microcirculation. This supports the suggestion that the uremic milieu induces an cardiovascular morbidity and mortality for patients with shrunken pore syndrome. In this
optimal environment for SARS-CoV-2 entrance in microcirculation with following observational study, we explored associations between shrunken pore syndrome and
consequence on the vasculature during the COVID-19. Similarly, TMPRSS2 proteins implicated in cardiovascular disease and inflammation in patients with heart failure.
expression was observed in vessels from both groups, while increased expression of METHOD: Plasma samples from 300 individuals HARVEST-Malmö trial hospitalized for
ACE-2 receptor was observed in those ESKD patients receiving ACE-inhibitor/ the diagnosis of heart failure (mean age 75 years; 30% female), were analyzed with a proximity
angiotensin receptor blocker treatment. Further studies are warranted to assess extension assay consisting of 92 proteins, to identify proteins associated with shrunken pore
possible sex differences in the target receptor expressions with further elaboration on syndrome. Shrunken pore syndrome was defined as eGFRcystatinC 60% of eGFRcreatinine.
specific treatment regime(s) for different comorbidities present in patients with ESKD. Proteins associated with shrunken pore syndrome in the initial age and sex-adjusted analyses
(Bonferroni-corrected p 5.4x10-4) were further adjusted for relevant covariates.
RESULTS: In multivariate analyses, Shrunken pore syndrome was associated with elevated
levels of six proteins; scavenger receptor cysteine-rich type 1 protein M130, tumor necrosis
factor receptor 1, tumor necrosis factor receptor 2, osteoprotegerin, interleukin-2 receptor
subunit alpha, and tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO (p<0.05).
CONCLUSION: In heart failure patients, shrunken pore syndrome was independently
Hermann Gröne1, Wilhelm Kriz2, Jana Loewen2, Elisabeth Groene3
associated with proteins linked to atherosclerosis and cell proliferation.
Institute of Pharmacology, Pharmacology, Marburg, Germany, 2Institute of Anatomy,
Anatomy, Mannheim, Germany and 3German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), M 220,
Heidelberg, Germany
10.1093/ndt/gfab078 | i123
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MO074 Figure 1: In a human ex vivo kidney fibrosis model,tilvestamab inhibits markers ofactivationin myofibroblasts and shows synergy with ACE inhibitors
A. Experimenta Iset up for investigation of anti-fibrotic efficacy of tilvestamab and enalapril in Precision cut Kidney slices.
B. Alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin (aSMA ) was sta ined by IHC in FFPE slides 96 hrs after drug administration
C. Secreted Collagen 1a1 were measured in supernatants 96 hrs after drug administration.
i124 | Abstracts
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develop non-progressive chronic kidney disease. Renal biopsy is the gold standard for METHOD: Eight weeks old male C57BL/6 mice underwent UUO operation. After 15
MN diagnosis. Several clinical and biochemical markers have been associated with the days, kidneys were dissociated and stained with a high dimensional single cell mass
risk of progressive loss of kidney function while contrasting results have been obtained cytometry 33 markers antibody panel. Data were analysed using JMP Genomics (v.8.2).
by the few studies which have examined the prognostic value of histologic findings. Precision Cut Kidney Slices (PCKSs) from explanted human kidney tissue were
In this study the clinical outcome of patients with PMN has been considered based on propagated in a bioreactor (Paish et al., 2019, FibroFind, UK). PCKS were incubated
the prognostic value of histological findings. for 72hrs in the presence of investigational drugs. Secreted collagen1a1 were quantified
METHOD: Forty-nine patients with PMN of our Nephrology Unit at Padova by ELISA. RNA was reverse transcribed to cDNA and used in qPCRs to measure
University Hospital from 2003 to 2018 were considered. 16 patients were excluded Col1a1 and aSMA. FFPE sections were stained for aSMA. High magnification images
from the study due to missing data. Age, comorbidities, proteinuria (g/day) and renal were taken of each slide and analysed for surface area covered by the stain.
function (eGFR, CKD-EPI) were collected. eGFR decline and decrease of proteinuria RESULTS: Expression pattern of AXL during development of kidney fibrosis in the
were used as clinical outcomes. The follow-up was considered from renal biopsy to the UUO model was investigated using a mass cytometry antibody panel designed for
last visit (in absence of GFR decline or decrease in proteinuria). identifying subpopulations of immune cells as well as cell populations of the fibrotic
Histological grading (0-3) was assigned to parameters (glomerulosclerosis (GS), stroma. Two predominant cell populations were affected by ligation; the mesenchymal
tubular atrophy (TA), interstitial fibrosis (IF), vascular hyalinosis (VH)) and were and the immune island. AXL was a marker characterising several of the key
evaluated separately or in combination (as GSTIV score). Morphometric analysis was populations that expanded upon ligation supporting a role for AXL in kidney fibrosis
used to quantify IF and expressed in percentage as the mean of area covered by pixel. pathogenesis.
Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher’s exact test and Mann-Whitney U-test In an ex vivo model of human PCKS, tilvestamab dose-dependently reduced the levels
where appropriate. Cox regression analyses (univariate and multivariate) were of aSMA. When combined with the lower of two doses of the ACE inhibitor enalapril,
performed to identify variables associated with both renal outcomes and p<0.05 was the lowest dose of tilvestamab synergized to reduce aSMA levels further as well as
considered as significant. reducing secreted Collagen 1a1.
ROC curves were used to determine interstitial fibrosis cut-off values predictive for CONCLUSION: AXL expression is induced in key cell populations during
both outcomes. Area under the curve (AUC) between 0.8 and 1.0 was considered as development of kidney fibrosis supporting AXL as a novel target in CKD. Tilvestamab
significant. Diagnostic accuracy was assessed by Specificity (Sp), Sensibility (Se), represents a promising strategy for the pharmacologic intervention of kidney fibrosis,
positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values and positive (LRþ) and negative and the potential synergy with current reno-protective therapies warrants further
(LR-) likelihood ratios. exploration.
RESULTS: Patients with no decrease of proteinuria had a greater degree of IF vs those
with a full response (p=0.006).
Univariate Cox analyses identified age 65 years (HR 4.92), pre-existing CKD (HR 12.98)
and IF (HR3.05) as significant predictors of renal function decline in all patients.
Multivariate Cox analysis confirmed these variables (age 65 years HR 3.05, CKD HR 6.35,
IF HR 3.03). In patients without CKD only IF was significantly associated with eGFR decline
in both Cox univariate and multivariate analysis (HR 4.34 and 5.05 respectively).
Silvana DeLorenzo1, Joseph Grande1
ROC analysis showed that IF threshold of 17.80% identified patients with eGFR 1
reduction (AUC 0.65, Se 0.50, Sp 0.79, PPV 0.75, NPV 0.45, LRþ 2.38, LR-0.63) and IF Mayo Clinic, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Rochester, United States of America
threshold of 18.04% the lack of proteinuria reduction (AUC 0.78, Se 0.70, Sp 0.83, PPV
0.67, NPV 0.80, LRþ 4.12, LR- 0.36). BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kruppel-like factors (KLFs) comprise a family of zinc-
CONCLUSION: Our study shows that IF could be used as a histologic predictor of finger transcription factors that play a critical role in development, proliferation, and
renal and proteinuria outcomes. Biopsy report should therefore also include regeneration following injury. There are over 17 members of this family; recent studies
quantitative IF data that could be helpful for the choice of a more appropriate have shown that KLF family members regulate podocyte differentiation, preservation
therapeutic approach. of the glomerular filtration barrier, and regulation of mitochondrial function. However,
a role for KLF11 in renal pathophysiology has not been previously established.
METHOD: Wild-type (WT) and KLF11 knockout (KO) mice were subjected to
unilateral ureteric obstruction (UUO), a well-established model of renal inflammation
and fibrosis; controls included mice subjected to manipulation of the ureter without
ligation. Kidneys were harvested after 9 days (n=8 animals per group).
Semiquantitative histopathologic analysis of renal atrophy, fibrosis, and inflammation
was performed in a blinded fashion. Gene expression analysis was performed on renal
cortex employing the Pathway Detect RNA array and RNASeq.
Linn Hodneland Nilsson1, Sturla Magnus Grøndal2, Magnus Blø1,
RESULTS: In UUO, renal atrophy was more severe in KLF11 KO mice than WT mice
Anna Boniecka1, Barbara VanderHoeven1, Lea Zoe Landolt3,4, Tarig Al-
(p<0.001). Deposition of collagen, as assessed by quantitative analysis of Sirus Red
Hadi Osman3,4, David Micklem1, Hans-Peter Marti3,4, James B Lorens2,
stained sections, was greater in KLF11 KO mice, compared to WT mice subjected to
Akil Jackson5, Gro Gausdal1
UUO; COL3A1 expression was also increased (p<0.05). Atrophy was associated with
BerGenBio ASA, Bergen, Norway, 2Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, an increase in F4/80þ (p<0.01) and CD206þ macrophages (p<0.05), but not CD3þ T
Bergen, Norway, 3Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, cells in KLF11 KO vs. WT mice. Induction of CC chemokines, including CCL2, CCL5,
Norway, 4Department of Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway and CCL7, CCL12, and CCL2 as well as CCR2 was significantly higher in KLF11 KO versus
BerGenBio Ltd, Oxford, United Kingdom WT mice subjected to UUO (all p<0.001). Expression of NF-kB (p<0.01) and TNF
alpha (p<0.01), but not IL-1 beta, IL-6, or IL-10 were significantly higher in KLF11 KO
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Interstitial fibrosis, characterised by the accumulation than WT mice with UUO. Expression of TGF-beta 1, Smad2, and Smad3 were also
of extracellular matrix in the cortical interstitium, is directly correlated with higher in KLF11 KO mice than WT mice with UUO (p<0.05).
progressive chronic kidney disease secondary to inflammatory, immunologic, CONCLUSION: Renal injury in UUO is exacerbated in KLF11 KO mice, compared to
obstructive or metabolic causes. An invariant histologic marker of this progression is WT mice. Injury is associated with increased macrophage influx and production of
the accumulation of fibroblasts, with the phenotypic appearance of activated pro-inflammatory chemokines. Future studies will determine how KLF11 deficiency
myofibroblasts expressing alpha smooth muscle actin (aSMA) within intracellular directs transcription of pro-inflammatory and pro-fibrotic genes.
contractile stress fibres. Once present, these myofibroblasts are prognostic indicators of
expansion of fibrotic matrix and progressive tubular atrophy, leading towards end-
stage disease.
The Receptor Tyrosine Kinase AXL is involved in a range of kidney pathologies, with OXIDATIVE STIMULI IN SYSTEMIC LUPUS
increased activity associated with Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and ERYTHEMATOSUS
tubular proliferation following podocyte loss. In mice treated with an angiotensin-
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, enhancement of AXL expression is localised to Corina-Daniela Ene1,2, Mircea Penescu1,2, Simona Roxana Georgescu3,4,
tubular segments within the medulla and there is evidence of parallel regulatory control Mircea Tampa3,4, Ilinca Nicolae4
of ACE and AXL. We have demonstrated enhanced expression of AXL and the 1
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nephrology, Bucures, ti, Romania,
mesenchymal marker, vimentin in diseased human kidney tissue secondary to diabetes 2
Nephrology Hospital Dr. Carol Davila, Nephrology, Bucures, ti, Romania, 3Carol Davila
or hypertension. University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Dermatology, Bucures, ti, Romania and 4Victor
Targeting AXL with a small-molecule inhibitor has previously been reported to Babes, Hospital, Research in Dermatology, Bucures, ti, Romania
attenuate fibrosis and reduce inflammation in the unilateral ureteric-outflow
obstruction (UUO) model of kidney fibrosis in mice (Landolt et al., 2019). Tilvestamab
is a novel function blocking humanized anti-AXL antibody. Tilvestamab blocks GAS6- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Interaction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) with
mediated AXL receptor activation in fibroblasts and renal tubule epithelial cells and lipids, proteins, nucleic acids and hydro carbonates promotes acute and chronic tissue
mediates AXL receptor internalization and degradation. damage, mediates immunomodulation and triggers autoimmunity in systemic lupus
In this study we aimed to further characterise AXL as a target in CKD and to erythematous (SLE) patients. The aim of the study was to determine the
investigate anti-fibrotic efficacy of tilvestamab. pathophysiological mechanisms of the oxidative stress-related damage and molecular
mechanisms to counteract oxidative stimuli in lupus nephritis.
10.1093/ndt/gfab078 | i125
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: Our study included 82 volunteers with SLE: 38 SLE volunteers with lupus intersection over union (IoU) and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) against the
nephritis (LN group) and 44 SLE volunteers without renal impairment (non-LN nephropathologist’s segmentation as ground truth.
group) and a control group of 40 healthy volunteers. LN was diagnosed by histological RESULTS: Over all classes (artery, arteriole, glomerulus) Cohen’s kappa was 0.86.
exam (optic microscopy, electronic microscopy and immunofluorescence). Disease
activity was measured by systemic SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI), urinary IoU was 0.716 for artery, 0.491 for arteriole and 0.829 for glomerulus.
protein/creatinine ration, anti-dsDNA, C3, C4 and urinary b2-microglobulin. MCC was 0.837 for artery, 0.664 for arteriole and 0.907 for glomerulus.
In the present paper, we evaluated in serum:
• elevated oxidative DNA damage levels and decreased enzymatic activity of OGG1 MO077 Figure: The figure shows the performance of our segmentation model on the
in LN group [8-OHdG (ng/mL): 4.3160.81 in LN group, 3.5860.68 in non-LN holdout set with Cohen’s kappa, intersection of union (IoU) and Matthews correlation
group (p<0.05); OGG1(pg/mL): 16.2163.31 in LN group, 20.8062.26 in non- coefficient (MCC).
LN group (p<0.001)];
• increased sRAGE in LN group [sRAGE (pg/mL): 1198.46 201.7 in LN group, CONCLUSION: We achieved good automatic segmentation of arteries, arterioles and
963.16 164.3 in non-LN group (p<0.05)]; glomeruli, even with severe pathological distortion on routine histopathological slides.
• decreased serum thiols in LN group [native thiols (lmol/L): 324.21619.32 in LN We will further improve this segmentation technology in order to enable the bulk
group, 355.92618.53 in non-LN group (p<0.01)]; analysis of these descisive tissue compartments in large clinicopathological repositories
• disulphide bonds formation [Disulphides (lmol/L): 31.9562.97 in LN group, of native kidney biopsies with TMA using supervised and unsupervised machine
25.6561.62 in non-LN group (p<0.01)]; learning algorithms.
• increased nitrotyrosination in LN group [3-Nitrotyrosine (lmol/L): 0.4060.11 in
LN group, 0.2960.04 in non-LN group (p<0.01)].
3-Nitrotyrosine levels, the decrease of total and native serum thiols, pentosidine levels, REJECTION (AMR) ON GLOMERULAR TRANSECTIONS
sRAGE level and OGG1 activity correlated with disease activity markers in both LN
and non-LN groups, while AGE correlated with disease activity only in non-LN group. Pietro A. Cicalese1, Syed A. Rizvi1, Candice Roufosse2, Ibrahim Batal3,
CONCLUSION: The cellular response to oxidative stimuli in SLE is concreted in the Martin Hellmich4, Angela Ernst4, Katharina Moos4, Marian Clahsen-van
amplification of oxidative degradation of lipids, proteins, nucleic acid, hydro Groningen5, Alexander Weidemann6, Chandra Mohan1, Hien V. Nguyen1, Jan
carbonates and in alteration of endogenous strategies for suppression /modulating Ulrich Becker7
oxidative stress. The defective DNA repair mechanism via OGG1 and the reduced 1
University of Houston, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Houston,
regulatory effect of sRAGE in activation AGE-RAGE axis in LN group versus non-LN TX, United States of America, 2Imperial College London, Department of Immunology
could explain alteration of renal architecture and development of renal injury. and Inflammation, London, United Kingdom, 3Columbia University, Department of
Pathology and Cell Biology, New York, NY, United States of America, 4University
Hospital of Cologne, Institute of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics, Köln, Germany,
MO077 AUTOMATIC SEGMENTATION OF ARTERIES, ARTERIOLES Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,
AND GLOMERULI IN NATIVE BIOPSIES WITH THROMBOTIC Kliniken der Stadt Köln, Medizinische Klinik I, Köln, Germany and 7University Hospital of
MICROANGIOPATHY AND OTHER VASCULAR DISEASES Cologne, Institute of Pathology, Köln, Germany
Brendon Lutnick1, Katharina Moos2, Surya V. Seshan3, Jesper Kers4, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) is among the
Joris Roelofs4, Martin Hellmich2, Savino Sciascia5, Pietro Antonio Cicalese6, most common causes for kidney transplant loss. The histological diagnosis is
Brandon Ginley1, Pinaki Sarder1, Jan Ulrich Becker7 hampered by significant intra- and interobserver variability. Training a deep learning
1 classifier for the recognition of AMR on glomerular transections as the most decisive
Department of Medicine, The State University of New York, Pathology and Anatomical
Sciences, Buffalo, United States of America, 2University of Cologne, IMSIE, Köln, compartment could establish a reliable and perfectly reproducible diagnostic method.
Germany, 3Weill Cornell Medicine, Department of Pathology, New York, United States METHOD: We identified 48 biopsies with AMR (all positive for donor-specific
of America, 4Amsterdam Medical Center, Department of Pathology, Amsterdam, The antibody) and 38 biopsies without AMR according to Banff 2017 from our archive.
Netherlands, 5University of Turin, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Center Photographs were taken from all non-globally sclerosed glomeruli on two PAS-stained
of Research of Immunopathology and Rare Diseases and SCDU Nephrology and level sections, yielding a total of 1,655 images as a training set. 1,503 images could be
Dialysis, Turin, Italy, 6University of Houston, Cullen School of Engineering, Houston, labeled by three experienced nephropathologists conclusively as AMR or non-AMR in
United States of America and 7University Hospital of Cologne, Institute of Pathology, a blinded fashion.We trained a DenseNet-121 classifier (pre-trained on ImageNet) with
Köln, Germany basic online augmentation. In addition, we implemented StyPathþþ, a data
augmentation algorithm that leverages a style transfer mechanism, addressing
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) manifest significant domain shifts in histopathology. Each sample was assigned a consensus
themselves in arteries, arterioles and glomeruli. Nephropathologists need to label generated by the pathologists.
differentiate TMAs from mimickers like hypertensive nephropathy and vasculitis RESULTS: Five-fold cross validation schemes produced a weighted glomerular level
which can be problematic due to interobserver disagreement and poorly defined performance of 88.1%, exceeding the baseline performance by 5%. The improved
diagnostic criteria over a wide spectrum of morphological changes with partial overlap. generalization ability of the StyPathþþ augmented model shows that it is possible to
As a first step towards a machine learning analysis of TMAs, we developed a computer construct reliable glomerular classification algorithms with scarce datasets.
vision model for segmenting arteries, arterioles and glomeruli in TMA and mimickers. CONCLUSION: We created a deep learning classifier with excellent performance and
METHOD: We manually segmented n=939 arteries, n=6,023 arterioles, n=4,507 reproducibility for the diagnosis of AMR on glomerular transections. We plan to
glomeruli on whole slide images (WSIs) of 34 renal biopsies and their HE, PAS, expand the training set, including challenging cases of differential diagnoses like
trichrome and Jones sections (19 TMA, 11 hypertensive nephropathy, 4 vasculitis with glomerulonephritis or other glomerulopathies. We are also interested in external
preglomerular involvement). As a segmentation model we used DeepLab V3, clinicopathological datasets to further validate our results.
pretrained on 61,734 segmented glomeruli from 768 WSIs. 58 randomly chosen WSIs
served as the intrainstitutional holdout testing set after training of the model on the
remaining slides. Automatic segmentation accuracies were reported as Cohen’s kappa,
i126 | Abstracts
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RATS ON HIGH SODIUM CHLORIDE DIET diagnosis, between 2013 and 2018. Several histopathological data were analysed,
including percentage of cellular, fibrocellular and fibrous crescents; presence of
Olga Beresneva1, Marina Parastaeva1, Galina Ivanova2, Aleksander Kulikov3, fibrinoid necrosis, interstitial hemorrhage, tubular atrophy ant interstitial fibrosis.
Anatoly Kucher4, Kirill Smirnov4, Mokhamad Khasun4, Ivan Kayukov,5 Clinical data such as need of dialysis at presentation and death, during a 2 year follow
First Pavlov St.-Petersburg State Medical University Institute of Nephrology Laboratory up period, were also examined.
of Clinical Physiology of the Kidney , Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2I. P. Pavlov Institute of The patients were classified accordingly to the histopathological Berden classification.
Physiology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 3First Pavlov St.- For statistical analysis purposes they were divided in two groups: mixed and non-
Petersburg State Medical University, Research and clinical research center, Department mixed.
of clinical physiology and functional diagnostics, head, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 4First Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and percentages, continuous
Pavlov St.-Petersburg State Medical University Institute of Nephrology, Saint Petersburg, variables as means and standard deviations, or medians and interquartile ranges (IQR)
Russia and 5First Pavlov St.-Petersburg State Medical University Institute of Nephrology for variables with skewed distributions. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Laboratory of Clinical Physiology of the Kidney, Saint Petersburg, Russia version 25 for Windows.
RESULTS: We observed 51 ANCA GN kidney biopsies: 68.5% (n=35) from mixed,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Increased salt intake has been linked to a number of 11.8% (n=6) from crescentic and sclerotic and 7.8% (n=4) from focal category. In
poor effects, such as myocardial remodeling [1], independently of blood pressure level. average, the biopsies contained 10.464.8 glomeruli. The percentage of fibrous
Yet, many aspects of this remodeling are not well understood. The aim of the study was crescents was significantly higher in mixed than non-mixed group (16.1618.6% vs
to find echocardiographic myocardial changes in Wistar rats on high sodium chloride 7.2617.9%; p=0.037). Although not statistically significant, the percentage of
(NaCl) diet, as well as to prove protective effects of diet, containing soy proteins. fibrocellular crescents was higher (10.3620.9 vs 6.2612.5; p=0.512) and the percentage
METHOD: 28 male Wistar rats (age of 2.5-3.0 months) were enrolled in the of cellular crescents was lower (15.4618.2 vs 34.3637.7; p=0.072) in mixed group. The
observational prospective study (4 month) and subdivided into several groups. 1) presence of fibrinoid necrosis (54.3% vs 87.5%; p=0.021) and fibrinoid necrosis with
Standard diet-Control group (C, n = 8, 20.16% protein of animal origin and 0.34% cellular crescents (34.3% vs 68.8%; p=0.022) were both lower in mixed category.
NaCl); 2) High salt diet (n = 10, 8% NaCl); 3) Low-protein diet (n=10, 10% soy protein There was no difference in the need of dialysis at presentation between both groups,
(SUPRO 760) and 8% NaCl). but the percentage of fibrous crescents was a predictor of dialysis induction at
Tail systolic blood pressure (BP) measurement, as well as echocardiographic admission in all cases [p=0.009; adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.053 (CI: 1.013–1.096)].
examination were performed in anesthetized rats. Statistical analysis was performed Deaths were significantly higher in mixed group (34.3% vs 6.3%; p=0.033).
with STATISTICA 10 software package. Fisher’s LSD test was used. The significance CONCLUSION: There are other morphological aspects that seem to be relevant in the
level was <0.05. All data are presented as mean 6 SEM. characterization of different histological classes of ANCA GN. Having more chronic
RESULTS: Keeping rats on a diet with 8% NaCl did not lead to significant changes in lesions, like the percentage of fibrous crescents, and a less frequency of acute lesions,
blood pressure (group 2 - 138.0 þ 5.0, group 3 - 134.0 þ 5.0 mm Hg), compared to C such as fibrinoid necrosis, proved to be relevant in the mixed group and may be
(135.0 þ 5.0 mm Hg). On the contrary, left ventricle back wall width in rats of group 2 associated to the higher mortality in this class. Besides, the percentage of fibrous
was significantly higher (1.83 6 0.09 mm, p <0.02), than in C (1.49 6 0.10 mm) or crescents was itself a predictor of the need of dialysis, which highlights the importance
animals from group 3 (1, 47 6 0.09mm). of assess other characteristics, in addition to those included in the current ANCA GN
The values of end systolic left ventricle size, interventricular septum width, mitral valve classification. However, further studies and larger samples are needed to evaluate better
systolic movement and tricuspid valve systolic movement in group 3 were the importance of other morphological features in this classification and their influence
significantly lower (1.67 6 0.08 mm, 2.18 6 0.13 mm, 2.70 6 0.23 mm), than in group on survival and renal outcome of these patients.
2 (3.26 6 0.33mm, p <0.037; 2.00 6 0.12mm, p <0.043; 2.67mm 6 0.15, p <0.0124;
3.56 6 0.34mm , p <0.0148, respectively). At the same time, left ventricular chamber
size and thickness of interventricular septum did not differ significantly. In C animals, MO081 THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D3 ON PODOCYTE
mitral valve movement (1.96 6 0.09 mm; p <0.0008) and tricuspid valve movement DIFFERENTIATION IN SITU AND IN VITRO
(2.35 6 0.07 mm; p<0.0012) were significantly lower than in rats of group 2 but not
differed much from the values found in group 3. Tim Lange1, Laura Kuhn1, Marie-Christin Böttcher1, Stefan Simm2,
CONCLUSION: High sodium containing diet does not necessarily lead to the Elke Hammer3, Lars Kaderali2, Uwe Völker3, Claudia Weber1, Karlhans Endlich1,
development of arterial hypertension in Wistar rats, but may cause heart remodeling, Nicole Endlich1
while soy proteins counteracts the development of left ventricle hypertrophy, even in 1
case of high sodium consumption. Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald,
Germany, 2Institute of Bioinformatics, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald,
Germany and 3Interfaculty Institute for Genetics and Functional Genomics, University
Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
GLOMERULONEPHRITIS – ARE THERE OTHER BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dedifferentiation of podocytes affects their complex 3
MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES THAT CAN BETTER D morphology and is the main initiator for the development of chronic kidney disease
DESCRIBE MIXED GROUP? (CKD). Unfortunately, there is no causal therapy for CKD until today. Thus,
inadequate and late treatment lead to end-stage renal disease which subsequently
Catia Figueiredo1, Patricia Valerio2, Teofilo Yan3, Helena Sousa4, M is4,
ario Go makes renal replacement therapy inevitable. To address this, new treatment options are
Fernando Nolasco4 of high significance for CKD patients. Recently, vitamin D3 (VitD) became a
Rainha Santa Isabel Hospital - Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo, EPE, Nephrology, Torres promising candidate, but it is controversially discussed. In the present study, we
Novas, Portugal, 2Sao Bernardo Hospital - Centro Hospitalar de Setubal, Nephrology, investigated the influence of VitD on podocyte differentiation and the related pathways
Setubal, Portugal, 3Amato Lusitano Hospital, Nephrology, Castelo Branco, Portugal and in situ and in vitro.
Curry Cabral Hospital - Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central, Nephrology, Lisbon, Portugal METHOD: We combined a podocyte dedifferentiation model (GlomAssay) with an
automated imaging procedure (Aquifer Imaging Machine). We analyzed cultured
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In 2010 a new histopatological classification for glomeruli from transgenic mice expressing cyan-fluorescent protein (CFP) under the
ANCA-associated GN (ANCA GN) was developed – the Berden classification. It is control of the nephrin promoter which were treated with VitD and itsanalogue
composed of four categories – focal, crescentic, sclerotic and mixed - based on the (calcipotriol). In this model, the decreasing CFP fluorescence is as a read out for
predominance (50%) of normal glomeruli, cellular crescents, and globally sclerotic podocyte (de)differentiation. Additionally, VitD-, calcipotriol- and VitD receptor
glomeruli, respectively. The mixed category, related to an intermediate renal outcome, (VDR) inhibitor (PS121912)-treated glomeruli were investigated by RNA-Seq and LC-
has no glomerular feature predominating. Our aim was to evaluate other MS/MS to reveal the molecular effects of VitD on podocyte differentiation.
histopathological characteristics that could be significant in the mixed group and their Furthermore, we treated cultured murine podocytes with VitD, calcipotriol and
impact on survival and renal outcome. PS121912 to elucidate the morphological and molecular changes by
METHOD: This is a multi-center retrospective observational study which included immunofluorescence staining, RT-qPCR and Western blot.
patients with ANCA GN who were submitted to kidney biopsy at the time of clinical
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: VitD- and calcipotriol-treated glomeruli showed a significantly higher (AAV). We have previously reported that severe deterioration of kidney function is
intensity of CFP fluorescence after 9 days, indicating higher level of nephrin compared associated with necrotizing and crescentic ANCA glomerulonephritis (GN), classified
to the control. This was verified by RT-qPCR and Western blot for nephrin and CFP. into Berden’s crescentic class or ANCA renal risk score (ARRS) high risk. However,
Additionally, we found an upregulation of VDR in VitD- and calcipotriol-treated tubulointerstitial inflammation associated with either histopathological subgrouping or
glomeruli compared to controls. By transcriptomic and proteomic analysis, we ARRS remains elusive. Furthermore, clinical and laboratory markers of AAV disease
identified molecular patterns that are specific for the different treated groups. Thus, we severity or deterioration of kidney function in association with inflammatory findings
observed differential gene expression in VitD- and Wnt-signaling pathway as well as in the kidney have not been described yet. Since aggressive immunosuppressive
regulated genes that are essential for the actin cytoskeleton, focal adhesion formation therapy is recommended for remission induction especially in severe cases of AAV, we
and the slit membrane. Beside this, cultured podocytes showed a significant here aimed to expand our current knowledge with regard to histopathological
upregulation of the slit membrane protein nephrin, VDR and CYP24A1 by VitD. This classification of tubulointerstitial injury and inflammatory findings analogous to the
is accompanied by an altered morphology of the podocytes due to a reorganization of Banff classification.
the actin cytoskeleton. METHOD: A total number of 50 renal biopsies with confirmed renal involvement of
CONCLUSION: Our results show that VitD influences podocyte differentiation in situ AAV were retrospectively included between 2015 till 2020 in a single-center
and in vitro by the regulation of specific signaling pathways. observational study. Renal biopsies were evaluated for either focal, crescentic, mixed or
sclerotic class (according to Berden et al.) and ARRS low, intermediate or high risk
(according to Brix et al.). Inflammatory and fibrotic tubulointerstital alterations were
evaluated analogous to Banff scoring system for allograft pathology.
RESULTS: We here show that distinct inflammatory lesions are associated with
glomerular findings classified into either histopathological subgrouping or ARRS.
Furthermore, interstitial inflammation and tubulitis correlate with disease severity and
decline of kidney function in AAV. Finally, we provide data that tubulointerstitial
injury and inflammatory findings correlate with short-term outcome in response to
Sanjin Kovacevic1, Svetolik Spasic1, Srdjan Lopicic1, Jasna Todorovic1,
aggressive immunosuppression and remission induction therapy.
Marko Dincic1, Marija Stanojevic1, Jelena Nesovic - Ostojic1
CONCLUSION: In summary, we here provide evidence that a systematic scoring of
Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Department of Pathophysiology, Belgrade, inflammatory and degenerative tubulointerstitial lesions correlate with severe renal
Serbia impairment and short-term response to remission induction therapy. Since aggressive
immunosuppressive therapy is recommended for remission induction especially in
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cadmium (Cd2þ) is toxic metal and environmental severe cases of AAV, systematic histopathological scoring of tubuloinsterstital lesions
pollutant. Accumulation of cadmium in the kidney results initially in proximal tubule could further improve our current knowledge of ANCA GN progression.
dysfunction. Although Cd2þ toxicity is well documented, all mechanisms that are
involved in the early stages of nephrotoxicity, especially considering low micromolar
concentrations of Cd2þ ions are still unknown. The Aim of this study was to investigate
the effects acute exposure to different peritubular micromolar concentrations of
cadmium (0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 lmol/L) on the peritubular cell membrane
potential in proximal tubular cells of frog kidney.
METHOD: The experiments were performed on isolated, doubly perfused kidneys of
Katarzyna Peczek1, Michal Nowicki1
Rana esculenta of both sexes. Aortic and portal vein were cannulated in order to 1
perfusate luminal and peritubular cell membraine. In controled conditions, Ringer Medical University of Lodz, Department of Nephrology, Hypertension and Kidney
solution was simultaneously used to perfusate both cell membraines. Cadmium Transplantation, Lodz, Poland
chloride (different concentrations: 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0 lmol/L) were added to
the peritubular perfusate separately, by switching the peritubular perfusate from the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: SIRT-1 is member of seven protein family that are
control Ringer solution to Ringer solution with addition of cadmium ions. Peritubular involved in the cellular response to inflammatory, metabolic, and oxidative stress. The
cell membrane potentials (PD) were measured with conventional 3 mol/L KCl sirtuin family is a group of class III histone deacetylases. The best known of the family
microelectrodes. is SIRT-1. It may induce organ protection through inactivation of apoptosis and anti-
RESULTS: The peritubular application of different micromolar Cd2þ concentrations inflammatory action.
led to a rapid, sustained, reversible hyperpolarization of the peritubular cell membrane: Sclerostin is a glycoprotein produced by the osteocytes and an inhibitor of Wnt
0.25 mmol/L, by 3.360.4 mV (n=8, p<0.001); 0.50 mmol/L, by 3.060.5 mV (n=11, signaling. Increased activity of sclerostin increases the resorption of bone tissue and
p<0.001); 1.0 mmol/L, by 2.960.6 mV (n=8, p<0.01); 2.0 mmol/L, by 4.260.4 mV inhibits osteogenesis. It has been hypothesized that by deacetylating histones SIRT-1
(n=13, p<0.01); 3.0 mmol/L, by 3.460.3 mV (n=14, p<0.001); 5.0 mmol/L, by could negatively regulate sclerostin gene. That mechanism requires a confirmation in
3.060.4 mV (n=10, p<0.001). After switching the perfusion from Ringer solution clinical setting.
with addition of cadmium ions to control Ringer, the peritubular membraine potential This exploratory study was designed to assess the influence of high doses of
returned to the average values that were maintained before the peritubular Cd2þ intravenous methylprednisolone on plasma SIRT-1 and sclerostin levels in patients
application (p>0.05). Comparing the effect of different Cd2þ concentrations, there was with primary glomerular disease.
no difference in the hyperpolarization of the peritubular cell membrane (p>0.05).Each METHOD: The study included 40 patients (25 M, 15 F; mean age 53.1614 years,
cell served as its own control. mean eGFR 58.9631.3 ml/min) in different stages of chronic kidney disease. 20
CONCLUSION: Different low micromolar concentrations of Cd2þ provoked rapid patients had eGFR below the median value of 46 ml/min. The main inclusion criterion
and sustained hyperpolarization of peritubular membrane potential that did not show was the clinical and histopathological diagnosis of primary glomerular disease and
concentration-dependent response. urine protein excretion >2.0 g/24h. The main biopsy-proven diagnoses were IgA
nephropathy (13 patients) and focal segmental glomerulonephritis (FSGS) (13
patients). The patients were hospitalized to receive scheduled intravenous pulses of
methylprednisolone 20-30 mg/kg/day for three consecutive days followed by oral
prednisone 0.8-1.0 mg/kg/day.
The blood was taken before the administration of methylprednisolone to assess SIRT-
1, sclerostin, calcium, phosphate and PTH and urine for was taken for the
measurement of calcium, phosphate and albumin to creatinine ratio. The same
laboratory tests were repeated after 4, 7 and 30 days of steroid therapy.
Björn Tampe1, Samy Hakroush2
RESULTS: Plasma SIRT-1 during increased significantly during steroid administration
University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology, (Fig.1). Plasma sclerostin did not change significantly during the study however a
Göttingen, Germany and 2University Medical Center Göttingen, Institute of Pathology, statistically significant correlation between the changes of SIRT-1 levels and sclerostin
Göttingen, Germany
i128 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
was found. In a multiple regression model the changes of plasma sclerotin induced by
steroid therapy explained the largest part of the variance of the respective changes of
plasma SIRT-1.
Histological features are summarized in Table 2. There were 7 (47%) with dominant
staining for C3 (6 with C3 glomerulonephritis, 1 Dense Deposition Disease) and 8
(53%) with dominant staining for Ig, of which 4 (31%) had mesangioproliferative, 4
(31%) membranoproliferative, 3 (23%) minimal change, 2 (15%) crescentic and 1 (8%)
exudative pattern in light microscopy (LM). Seven (47%) biopsies, which did not stain
for kappa or lambda light chains. The most common EM deposit location was
subendothelial (69%).
10.1093/ndt/gfab078 | i129
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO085 Table 2. Histological findings at diagnostic biopsy. MO087 PLASMALEMMAL VESICLE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN-1
Morphology, n (%) 14* (93) Björn Tampe1, Laura Schridde2, Samy Hakroush2
Crescentic, n (%) 2 (15) 1
University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology,
Minimal histology, n (%) 3 (23) Göttingen, Germany and 2University Medical Center Göttingen, Institute of Pathology,
Göttingen, Germany
Excudative, n (%) 1 (8)
Mesangioproliferative, n (%) 4 (31) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plasmalemmal vesicle-associated protein-1 (PLVAP or
Membranoproliferative, n (%) 4 (31) PV-1) is a major protein of diaphragm-bridged fenestrated endothelial cells found in
IF staining, n (%) 15 (100) capillaries of neuroendocrine glands and peritubular capillaries. In contrast to
peritubular capillaries, the glomerulus is known for its unique fenestrated endothelium
C3 dominant, n (%) 7 (47) without any diaphragm formation thereby ensuring free filtration. Here we aimed to
Ig dominant, n (%) 8 (53) investigate whether PLVAP is expressed in glomerular endothelial cells in various
glomerular diseases and whether PLVAP expression is associated with the formation of
Kappa, n (%) 6 (40) diaphragm-bridged endothelial cells.
Lambda, n (%) 6 (40) METHOD: A total number of 114 biopsy samples of glomerular diseases including
No kappa or lambda staining, n (%) 6 (40)** diabetic nephropathy, FSGS, IgA-Nephritis, ANCA-GN and Lupus–Nephritis were
analyzed immunohistochemistically for glomerular PLVAP expression. A fraction of
Any deposits on EM, n (%) 10 (77) PLVAP positive cases was subsequently investigated ultrastrucurally for the formation
Subendothelial, n (%) 9 (69) of diaphragm-bridged glomerular endothelial cells.
Subepithelial, n (%) 3 (23) RESULTS: One third of all cases showed at least one glomerulus with one single
circumferential PLVAP staining. Interestingly, the most prominent staining, affecting
Intramembranous, n (%) 4 (31) the entire glomerular tuft, was observed in diabetic nephropathy and ANCA-GN.
Mesangial, n (%) 5 (38) Ultrastructurally, such cases exhibited injured endothelium with focal detachment
from the glomerular basement membrane, loss of pore formation and frequently
*One biopsy lacked sufficient light microscopy material, **One frozen diaphragm-bridged fenestrations reminiscent of peritubular capillaries.
CONCLUSION: Our data show that injured glomerular endothelium is capable of
section biopsy was not dyed with kappa or lambda stains forming true diaphragm-bridged fenestrations, suggesting a possible role in preventing
glomerular protein leakage and limiting its detachment from the GBM.
CONCLUSION: MPGN was associated with a significant risk of underlying
monoclonal gammopathy, as many (25%) patients were diagnosed with concurrent
MGUS. When MPGN is observed, it should prompt investigations of the possible MO088 CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THROMBOTIC
underlying monoclonal gammopathy and possibly, hematological neoplasm. MICROANGIOPATHY
Ivan Kayukov,1, Olga Beresneva2, Marina Parastaeva2, Galina Ivanova3, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: TMA is a rare and severe endothelial lesion with
Mikhail Zaraiski4, Anatoly Kucher1, Kirill Smirnov1, Mokhamad Khasun1, thrombus formation and vascular occlusion with organ damage. It can be a
Alexei Smirnov5 complication of several clinical conditions. The aim of this study was to characterize
First Pavlov St.-Petersburg State Medical University Institute of Nephrology, Saint clinical and pathological findings of patients with confirmed kidney TMA.
Petersburg, Russia, 2First Pavlov St.-Petersburg State Medical University Institute of METHOD: We performed a retrospective observational descriptive study that
Nephrology Laboratory of Clinical Physiology of the Kidney, Saint Petersburg, Russia, analyzed all patients with TMA diagnosed by kidney biopsy, in two hospital centers,
Pavlov Institute of Physiology Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of physiology from January 2015 until December 2020. Clinical, laboratorial, pathologic
of cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 4Department of characteristics were analyzed as also therapeutic performed and kidney and patient
Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics with a Course of Molecular Medicine, First Pavlov State outcomes.
Medical University of St. Petersburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia and 5Pavlov University, RESULTS: Our sample had 14 patients, the majority female (n=11, 78%) with a mean
Research Institute of Nephrology, Director, Saint Petersburg, Russia age of 45610 years-old and 12 (80%) were Caucasian. Six (40%) had past medical
history of HTA, 2 (13%) had Multiple Myeloma, 4 (26%) transplant (3 kidney, 1 lung)
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is believed that high consumption of sodium and none had positive viral serology’s. Prodromal symptoms included diarrhea in 2
chloride (NaCl) leads to the development of arterial hypertension, which result in heart (13%) patients, neurological in 3 (20%) and previous infection in 3 (20%).
remodeling, however, NaCl can probably cause direct heart damage. We aimed to Mean laboratorial values were: Hemoglobin 7.8 g/dL, platelets 161.000/uL; LDH 586
evaluate the effects of high and normal NaCl containing diets on blood pressure (BP), UL; bilirubin 1.38 mg/dL, haptoglobin 1,55 g/L. Only 5 had schistocytes. ADAMTS13
myocardial remodeling, as well as on the level of nuclear transcription factor jB activity was >10% in all performed and in all, Coombs test were negative.
(NFjB) expression in myocardium and kidneys. C3 was consumed in 3 (20%) patients and C4 in 2 (13%) but complement phenotypic
METHOD: 49 spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were enrolled and subdivided study was normal in all performed patients. Auto-immune study revealed: 1 positive
into 2 groups: Group 1 (n=24) received standard diet (NaCl=0,34%); Group 2 (n=25) ANA, dsDNA negative in all but one with positive c1q antibody. One had positive
was on high sodium diet (NaCl=8%). In 2 months, systolic BP, myocardial and renal antiphospholipid syndrome (AFS) antibodies and one scleroderma antibodies.
mass indices, morphological changes, as well as NFjB expression in heart and kidneys Main kidney presentation was acute kidney injury in 8 (53%) patients, with mean
were assessed. Results are presented as mean 6 SD. eGFR 14ml/min/1,73m2. Mean proteinuria was 2,5 g/24h and half (50%) had
RESULTS: BP in group 2 did not change significantly (190 6 10 mm Hg, p> 0.05) hematuria.
compared to group 1, yet left ventricle muscle mass indices as well as, right and left Kidney biopsies had a mean of 11,85 glomerulus, of which 14% sclerotic, mean
kidney mass indices were higher. Hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes (CMC) was found in interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy score 1,7. Acute tubular necrosis was present in
group2: (area of the nucleus- 43.55 6 17.39 lm2 (p <0.001); area of CMC-21799.31 6 7 (46%) and inflammatory infiltrate in all, endotheliosis in 13 (86%), mesangiolysis in 3
579.89 lm2 (p <0.001), compared to group 1: (area of the nucleus- 36.14 6 4.67 lm2 (20%), arteriolar thrombus in 10 (66%), glomerular thrombus in 6 (40%), ischemic
(p <0.001); area of CMC-19011.13 6 571.8 lm2 (p <0.001). Also, perivascular fibrosis glomerulus in 12 (80%) and double-contour appearance in 7 (46%).
was found in group2 (area of perivascular connective tissue(APCT)- 4038.96 6 28.58 TMA etiologies were the following: 2 malignant hypertension, 2 proteasome inhibitor
lm2 (p <0.001), compared to group1 (APCT-3718.36 6 91.8 lm2, p <0.001). An (PI), 1 scleroderma, 1 lupus, 1 AFS, 2 calcineurin and mammalian target of rapamycin
increase in arterial wall thickness was noted in group 2 (15.71 6 6.28 lm, p<0,001), inhibitors, 2 antibody mediated rejection (AMR), 1 methylmalonic acidemia and 2
compared to group 1 (13.51 6 8 ,68 lm, p<0,001). The expression level of NFjB in undetermined.
myocardial tissue (n = 7) in group 2 was 33 times higher, and in kidney tissue (n = 5) Treatment performed encompassed: hypertension management, withdrawal od PI,
12 times higher than in group 1 (n = 8). changing immunosuppression, AMR treatment, cyanocobalamin, lupus induction
CONCLUSION: High consumption of NaCl induces NFjB activation in kidneys and treatment and eculizumab.
myocardium, and may cause myocardial remodeling, probably via NFjB - associated Kidney recovery was observed in 8 patients (53%). Patient survival at 6 months was
signaling pathways. 73%.
i130 | Abstracts
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CONCLUSION: These study results highlight the vast context of conditions that TMA because of intracranial haemorrhage (17 donors) or cerebral trauma due to accident
can appear. Most of them had only with mild or even absent clinical and laboratory (23 donors). Histomorphometric analysis was performed using “Olympus BX51”
features. Therefore, a high index of suspicion is required to diagnose TMA, allowing microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) coupled with “Olympus BX50” camera and the
targeted treatment to preserve of kidney function. “cellSens Standard” software (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Weibel-Gomez formula was
adapted to calculate glomerular volume.
RESULTS: No significant differences were found between mean kidneys length [115.8
(112.4-119.1) vs.115.5 (112.5-118.5) mm], glomerular volume [2.59 (2.24-2.93) vs 2.49
(2.15-2.84) lm3 x106 ], glomerular density [3.43 (3.07-3.80) vs 3.24 (2.87-3.61) n/
mm2] and interstitial capillaries density [233.58 (211.26) vs 217.80 (199.45-236.47) n/
mm2] of both kidneys harvested from the same deceased donor.
CONCLUSIONS: 1. Both kidneys harvested from the same deceased donor did not
differ significantly in kidney length, glomerular volume, glomerular density and
Marcin Adamczak1, Katarzyna Kwiecien1, Henryk Karkoszka1, Robert Krol2,
capillary density. 2. Our results justify to preimplantation biopsy of only one kidney
Andrzej Jan Wiecek1
and the results from the histomorphometric analysis may be used in the future also for
Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Department of Nephrology, Transplantation assessment of the second kidney.
and Internal Medicine, Katowice, Poland and 2Medical University of Silesia in Katowice,
Department of General, Vascular and Transplant Surgery, Katowice, Poland
MO090 Table 1: Transplant Kidney Biopsy Findings from Positive COVID-19 Cases
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
pathologies has been reported from renal biopsies taken from patients with native
kidneys following COVID-19 presentation. In comparison, biopsy-proven findings in
the setting of kidney transplantation and COVID-19 diagnosis are seldom described.
Our study aims to review early reported histological findings of transplant kidney
biopsies from patients testing positive for COVID-19.
METHOD: This is a secondary analysis of a larger study (PROSPERO registration
number: CRD42020218048) which reviewed the histopathological findings of kidney
biopsies in adults with concurrent COVID-19 infection. A systematic literature search
was conducted independently by two authors (HW, VJ) through ‘PubMed’, ‘Web of
Science’, ‘Embase’ and ‘Medline-ProQuest’ using the following keywords: “COVID-19
AND Kidney Biopsy”, “COVID-19 AND Renal Biopsy”, “SARS-CoV-2 AND Kidney
Biopsy” and “SARS-CoV-2 AND Renal Biopsy”. Articles were screened by three
authors (HW, VJ, RC) for relevance and duplicates were removed. The study selection
process was carried out as per the PRISMA guideline. In this analysis, we included all
research articles reporting biopsies in transplanted kidneys in adults over age > 18 who
tested positive with COVID-19 following a PCR swab test. We only included articles
published in the English language. All relevant articles published before November 1st
2020 were included in this review. Information regarding demographic data, co- MO091 Figure 1: B-Mode ultrasound shows diffuse hyperechogenic images associated
morbidities, renal presentation, renal parameters at time of COVID-19 diagnosis, with some reverberation artefacts (yellow arrows) in left kidney pelvis.
management, need for renal replacement therapy and outcomes were extracted from
selected articles.
RESULTS: Our review identified 11 cases reporting transplant kidney biopsies in
patients with positive COVID-19 status. These 11 cases were reported from 7 articles,
which were either single case reports or part of a case series. Mean age of the reported
cases was 43.6 years 6 10.7. Transplant kidney biopsies were taken from 4 female and
7 male patients, where 7 patients were of black ethnicity. The review involved 3 live
donor and 6 deceased donor transplanted kidneys, and 2 cases did not report type of
kidney transplant received. All of the documented cases presented with acute kidney
injury. 9 patients have essential hypertension or hypertension secondary to other co-
morbidities. Biopsy findings revealed 2 cases of acute T-cell mediated and antibody
mediated rejection, 2 cases of acute tubular injury, 5 cases of either FSGS or collapsing
FSGS and 1 report of post-transplant kidney infarction. Acute treatment received
involved different regimes. All 11 patients were eventually discharged from hospital,
where 2 patients required dialysis following discharge. Table 1 describes data from the
extracted cases.
CONCLUSION: There are multiple histological pathologies observed amongst
transplant kidney biopsies taken from patients admitted following COVID-19
diagnosis. Early results suggest aggressive medical treatment to manage inflammation,
transplant rejection and co-morbidities such as hypertension may optimize general and MO091 Figure 2: B-mode ultrasound shows diffuse hyperechogenic images associated
renal-specific outcomes. Collation of further cases is required to determine a clearer with some reverberation artefacts (yellow arrows) in right kidney pelvis.
association between COVID-19 and characteristics demonstrated from transplant
kidney biopsies. Reverberation artifacts give rise the suspicion of gas presence in kidney pelvises, usually
absent in case of staghorn calculi and encrusted pyelitis. CT confirmed the diagnosis of
bilateral emphysematous pyelitis due to the diffuse presence of gas within the renal
calyces, also extending to the ureters and bladder lumen (Fig. 3).
i132 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i133–i141, 2021
HYPERTENSION. EXPERIMENTAL investigate the impact of angioprotectin on the organism, rats were treated with
angiotensin II in the absence and presence of PLP. The blood pressure was used as
read-out of the effect of the treatment.
RESULTS: The incubation of angiotensin II with pyridoxal-5’-phosphate in vitro
MO092 THE ROLE OF CALCIUM IN UROMODULIN EXPRESSION AND caused in increased amount of angioprotectin. Since the first two amino acids aspartic
SECRETION FROM RENAL MEDULLARY EPITHELIAL CELLS acid and arginine of further peptides like angiotensin I, angiotensin (1-6) and
OF HYPERTENSIVE AND NORMOTENSIVE RATS cortistatin-17 were also metabolized to proline and glutamic acid, the underlying
mechanism is not specific for angiotensin II, but for aspartic acid and arginine. In
Philipp Boder1, Sheon Mary1, Lesley Graham1, Christian Delles1 accordance with this, the blood pressure of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR)
University of Glasgow, Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences, British Heart treated with PLP decreases after three days. The blood pressure of Wistar Kyoto rats
Foundation Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre, Glasgow, United Kingdom (WKY) treated with angiotensin II increases, whereas the blood pressure of WKY rats
treated with angiotensin II and PLP decreases to normal level.
CONCLUSION: Angiotensin II is obviously metabolized by pyridoxal-5’-phosphate
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Uromodulin (UMOD) is the most abundantly secreted (PLP) to angioprotectin. PLP decreases the blood pressure in spontaneously
protein found within the urine, primarily produced by medullary thick ascending limb hypertensive rats and in Wistar Kyoto rats. The first two amino acids aspartic acid and
(mTAL) epithelial cells of the kidneys. There is accruing genetic evidence implicating arginine are also metabolized to proline and glutamic acid in other peptides.
UMOD in blood pressure regulation and consequently hypertension. The molecular
signaling induced by calcium in the kidney and its influence on blood pressure are not
well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential role of
extracellular calcium and the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) in mTAL on UMOD MO094 SALT INFLUENCES UROMODULIN EXCRETION
production and secretion in TAL cells with the hope of defining novel clinical targets INDEPENDENT OF BLOOD PRESSURE
for the treatment of hypertension.
METHOD: Kidneys were harvested from normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and Sheon Mary1, Philipp Boder1, Giacomo Rossitto1, Lesley Graham1, Kayley Scott1,
stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive (SHRSP) female rats. To determine the effect Arun Flynn1, David Kipgen2, Delyth Graham1, Christian Delles1
of extracellular calcium on UMOD secretion, mTAL tubules were incubated in media Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom and
with and without 1mM calcium, nifedipine (10mM), NPS2143 (1 or 5 mM) and Department of Pathology, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, United
spermine (2mM). Extracellular and intracellular UMOD protein levels were detected Kingdom
by Western blot. Gene expression of Umod was determined by qRT-PCR.
RESULTS: Calcium increased mTAL tubule UMOD secretion in WKY and SHRSP. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Uromodulin (UMOD) is the most abundant renal
Nifedipine slightly decreased UMOD secretion in WKY without calcium. In both protein secreted into urine by the thick ascending epithelial (TAL) cells of the loop of
strains, NPS2143 increased calcium-induced UMOD secretion, with an enhanced Henle. Genetic studies have demonstrated an association between UMOD risk variants
effect in SHRSP. Stimulation of CaSR with spermine decreased UMOD secretion in and hypertension. Studies on UMOD overexpressing transgenic mice have shown that
WKY. Analysis of intracellular UMOD levels in these conditions demonstrated UMOD increases the tubular salt reabsorption via enhanced NKCC2 activity. We
increased accumulation when extracellular secretion was low, and vice versa. aimed to dissect the effect of salt-loading and blood pressure on the excretion of
Incubation of primary mTAL cells with calcium confirmed increased localisation of UMOD.
UMOD at the membrane compared to the cytosol, without any major differences in METHOD: Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive
cell morphology. The Umod mRNA level changes were not statistically significant (SHRSP) rats (n=8/sex/strain) were maintained on 1% NaCl for three weeks. Salt-
among conditions. loaded SHRSP were treated with nifedipine. Tubule isolation and ex vivo incubation
CONCLUSION: Trafficking of UMOD in the mTAL is influenced by the type of CaSR with nifedipine were used to assess its direct effect on TAL.
ligand and the biased nature of G-protein coupled CaSR signalling. Unravelling the RESULTS: Urinary UMOD excretion was significantly reduced after salt loading in
signalling events post-calcium will be necessary for identification of key regulators of both strains (figure). In salt-loaded SHRSP, nifedipine treatment reduced blood
UMOD secretion and provide new sites for therapeutic intervention in hypertension. pressure and urinary UMOD excretion. The reductions in urinary UMOD excretion
were dissociated from unchanged kidney UMOD protein and mRNA levels, however,
were associated with UMOD endoplasmic reticulum accumulation, thus suggesting
secretion as a key regulatory step. Ex vivo experiments with TAL tubules showed that
nifedipine did not have a direct effect on UMOD secretion.
CONCLUSION: Our data suggest a direct effect of salt on UMOD secretion
independent of blood pressure and a potential role of endoplasmic reticulum stress on
the control of UMOD secretion. The role of UMOD as a cardiovascular risk marker
deserves mechanistic reappraisal and further investigations based on our findings.
Michaela Lellig1, Juan. R Mun ~oz-Castan ~eda2,3,4,5, Juliane Hermann1,
Mariano Rodriguez2,3,4,5,6, Joachim Jankowski1,6,7, Vera Jankowski1,6
Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany, 2Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBIC),
Reina Sofia University Hospital/ University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain, 3School of
Medicine, Department of Medicine/ University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain,
ordoba, Spain, 5Spanish Renal
Nephrology Service, Reina Sofia University Hospital, C
Research Network (REDinRED)/ Institute of Health Carlos III, Department of Science and
Innovation/ Department of Health, Madrid, Spain, 6European Uremic Toxin Work
Group (EUTox) and 7School for Cardiovascular Diseases (CARIM), Maastricht University,
Maastricht, The Netherlands
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO095 THE FECAL ABUNDANCE OF SHORT CHAIN FATTY ACIDS IS Although confirmatory data in larger cohorts are required, our original observations
INCREASED IN MEN WITH A NON-DIPPING BLOOD unravel innovative pathophysiological pathways in the field of the circadian regulation
Justine Huart1, Arianna Cirillo2, Annie Saint-Remy1, Jean-Marie Krzesinski1,
Pascal De Tullio2, François Jouret2
University of Liège, Nephrology, Liège, Belgium and 2University of Liège, Metabolomics MO096 ROLE OF THE ENDOTHELIN SYSTEM IN THE INTERACTIONS
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gut microbiota (GM) has been involved in the Bastian Brune1, Johannes Korth2, Sebastian Dolff3, Benjamin Wilde2,
pathophysiology of hypertension (HT), possibly via its role in the production of short Winfried Siffert4, Andreas Kribben2, Oliver Witzke3
chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from diet carbohydrate fermentation. The absence of a 1
significant drop in night-time BP (also known as the non-dipping BP profile) measured University Hospital Essen, Department of Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery,
by 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring (24h-ABPM) has been associated with poor Essen, Germany, 2University Hospital Essen, Department of Nephrology, Essen,
renal and cardiovascular outcomes, independently of HT. The putative link between Germany, 3University Hospital Essen, Department of Infectious Diseases, West German
GM-derived metabolites and BP dipping status is still unknown. Centre of Infectious Diseases, Essen, Germany and 4University Hospital Essen, Institute
METHOD: We investigated a cohort of male volunteers who were prospectively for Pharmacogenetics, Essen, Germany
recruited and subjected to 24h-ABPM, stool sample collection and a medical
questionnaire. A patient was categorized as non-dipper if the ratio between night and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Arterial hypertension is one of the most common
day systolic BP was >0.9. The patients were categorized in two groups, i.e. NT or HT, diseases of the cardiovascular system worldwide and is still the cause of most deaths in
on the basis of the European Society of Hypertension criteria. Metabolomics analyses Germany. Data on interactions of the endothelin-system with the renin-angiotensin-
were conducted using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Fecal concentrations of acetate, and the sympathoadrenergic system in the regulation of systemic hemodynamics in
butyrate and propionate were obtained by integrating the signals at 1.93 ppm, 1.56 humans are lacking. In our present investigation we study the effects of Endothelin A-,
ppm and 1.05 ppm, respectively. Mann-Whitney test and Chi-square test were used to Alpha1- and Angiotensin II-type-1-receptor antagonization on the systemic pressor
compare continuous and categorical variables, respectively. effects of intravenous Endothelin-1-application in young, healthy men. In addition, we
RESULTS: Our 44-case cohort included 13 non-dippers (29.6%) and 31 dippers, with analyzed the effects of the genetic variations of the GNB3 C825T-polymorphism on
35 HT (79.4%) and 9 NT patients. Ten non-dippers (28.6%) and 25 dippers were HT. hemodynamic changes. GNB3 825CT/TT-allele-carriers are considered to have a
Nineteen HT patients were under anti-hypertensive medications (43.1%), including 7 higher risk for multiple diseases with structural, vascular degeneration, such as arterial
non-dippers and 12 dippers. The mean age and body mass index (BMI) of the cohort hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity.
were 50.869.5 years and 26.363.5 kg/m2, respectively. No significant difference in age, METHOD: 21 healthy male volunteers were included in this double- blind,
BMI, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, familial HT, personal history of diabetes, randomized, placebo-controlled cross-over study and were studied on four days.
cardiovascular or gastro-intestinal disorders was observed between dippers and non- Endothelin-1 (ET-1) (0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 ng/kg/min for 20 min each) was given intravenous
dippers. The relative quantification of fecal SCFAs showed higher amounts of acetate, 2.0 hours after oral application of either placebo or Doxazosin, 3.5 hours after oral
butyrate and propionate in the stools of non-dippers versus dippers (p=0.0252, application of Candesartan (Candesartan 8 mg) or in the presence of a continuous
p=0.0468, and p=0.0496, respectively; n=44 in toto) (Figure 1A). Similarly, the fecal infusion of the ET-A-selective antagonist BQ123 (60 lg/min). Blood pressure (BP) and
amounts of acetate, butyrate and propionate were higher in non-dippers versus dippers heart rate (HR) were recorded and total peripheral resistance (TPR) was measured
in patients without anti-hypertensive medications (p=0.0414, p=0.0108, and p=0.0602, using impedance cardiography. ET-1-dose-response curves were analyzed with
respectively; n=25 in toto) (Figure 1B). When focusing only on HT patients without ANOVA. Data are presented as mean 6 SD. Since we suspected an effect of the GNB3
any anti-hypertensive medications, a not significant trend for higher amounts of the 3 C825T-polymorphism we divided the overall collective into 2 sub-collectives according
main SCFAs was still found in the stools of non-dippers versus dippers (p=0.0556; to the GNB3 C825T-genotypes (n = 21, GNB3 825CC: n = 10, GNB3 825CT/TT: n =
n=16 in toto). 11). Our analyses considered the overall collective and compared the sub-collectives
intraday and interday.
CONCLUSION: Our pilot study highlights a putative link between GM-derived RESULTS: ET-1 increased systolic blood pressure (SBD) (p 0,01), diastolic blood
SCFAs and the BP dipping status, despite the BP status itself or the anti-hypertensive pressure (DBD) and mean arterial pressure (MBP) as well as total peripheral resistance
medications. No significant confounding factors were found between dippers and non- (TPR) (each p 0,001) with decreasing heart rate (HR5) (p 0,05). Elevation of blood
dippers in our cohort. The non-dipping BP profile is thought to reflect the disruption pressure existed in both sub-collectives (GNB3 825CC: SBD & MBD: p 0,01, DBP &
of the circadian BP rhythm. A circadian misalignment between peripheral and central TPR: p 0,05, GNB3 825CT/TT: DBD, MBD & TPR: p 0,01, SBP p 0,05).
clocks has also been described in the GM of jetlagged animals and patients, which may Antagonization of ETA-receptors reversed the effect in the overall collective as well as
in turn perturb the rhythmic secretion of metabolites. One may thus speculate that the in the sub-collectives. Both, Doxazosin, as well as Candesartan led to a decrease in
non-dipping BP profile may be linked to an altered homeostasis of GM-derived SCFAs. blood pressure, however, dose-response relationship was influenced more by doxazosin
i134 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
(DBD: p 0,001, MBD: p 0,01) than by candesartan (all values: p > 0,05). For both We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that beta blocker therapy prevents fetal gene
drugs, blood pressure and TPR remained elevated under maximum ET-1-application induction and pathological cardiac remodelling in experimental uraemia.
compared to baseline measurement. Blood pressure dependent heart rate changes were METHOD: Wistar rats (n=32) had subtotal nephrectomy (STNx) [Frontiers in
observed in the overall collective and in GNB3 825CC-allele-carriers under sole ET-1- physiology, 10: 1365, 2019] or sham surgery and were followed up for 10 weeks. The
therapy (p 0.05) (Fig. 1). Candesartan reversed the effect of ET-1 on the sub- animals were randomly allocated to metoprolol (10mg/kg/day) or vehicle. In vivo and
collectives (p > 0.05). GNB3 825CT/TT-allele-carriers showed no reduction in heart in vitro cardiac assessments were performed, and changes in myocardial fetal gene
rate under ET-1-application, but with accompanying candesartan therapy (p 0.01) expression were also studied.
(Fig. 2). The genotype collectives thus behaved oppositely to the drugs in this respect. RESULTS: Heart rate was significantly lower in metoprolol groups compared to
untreated groups demonstrating effective beta blockade (Fig 1A). Echocardiographic
LV mass was significantly higher in untreated STNx group compared to the metoprolol
group (896.4 vs 632.2g, P=0.0004). Similar changes were seen with heart weight to tibia
ratio (Fig 1B). There was no significant difference in blood pressure (BP) between
treated and untreated STNx animals (123 vs 119 mmHg, P=0.359) (Fig 1A). STNx
increased mRNA expression of fetal genes and there was a trend towards attenuation of
this increase with beta blocker therapy (Fig 1C).
CONCLUSION: Beta blocker therapy ameliorates uraemic pathological cardiac
remodelling irrespective of changes to BP. This benefit appears be associated with a
reduction of induced fetal gene expression. Further translational research on the
benefits of beta blockade in the treatment of uraemic cardiomyopathy is required.
10.1093/ndt/gfab106 | i135
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
of a significant drop in blood pressure (BP) overnight (i.e. non-dipping BP profile) has using GC-MS method. Fecal microbial community was analyzed using a combination
been associated with poor cardiovascular outcomes. The link between GM and non- of 16S rRNA gene and fecal metagenome sequence analysis.
dipping BP profile is unknown. RESULTS: Garlic supplementation during pregnancy and lactation protected against
METHOD: After informed consent, 16 male patients and their female partners (n=10) programmed hypertension in adult male offspring fed with HF diet. Garlic oil
were subjected to 24-hours ambulatory BP monitoring and were categorized in 2 supplementation caused a significant increase in plasma levels of acetate, propionate,
groups: HT (n=7; 6 men) and normotension (NT) (n=19). According to the and butyrate. NO bioavailability was augmented by garlic oil supplementation,
conventional night–day systolic BP ratio >0.9, 15 individuals (8 men and 7 women) represented by decreases of plasma levels of asymmetric and symmetric
were categorized as non-dippers. Metabolomics using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance dimethylarginine (ADMA and SDMA) levels, and increased plasma L-arginine-to-
was performed on stool samples, including the quantification of the 3 main SCFAs (i.e. ADMA ratio (AAR). HF intake associated with decreased a-diversity was quantified by
acetate, propionate and butyrate). Shannon diversity index. The Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) demonstrated the
RESULTS: Multivariate analysis (principal component analyses (PCA) and partial difference in the gut microbiota among the four groups existed (All p < 0.05),
least squares (PLS-DA)) of stool metabolomics were not able to statistically separate indicating that four groups had distinct enterotypes. Additionally, garlic oil
HT versus NT groups. However, this approach discriminated dippers versus non- supplementation increased abundance of genus Lactobacillus, but decreased genera
dippers groups in both male and female cohorts (Q2=0.87 and 0.98, respectively), as Turicibacter and Staphylococcus. Moreover, the linear discriminant analysis effect size
well as in the entire cohort (Q2=0.68). As previously described, fecal amounts of (LEfSe) algorithm analysis identified several microbial markers including genera
acetate, propionate and butyrate were higher in HT patients than in NT patients in the Lactobacillus, Staphylococcus, and Turicibacter.
entire cohort (p=0.027; p=0.015 and p=0.015, respectively). Fecal amounts of acetate, CONCLUSION: The beneficial effects of garlic oil were associated with increased renal
propionate and butyrate were also significantly higher in non-dippers versus dippers in mRNA expression and activity of H2S-generating enzymes, increased NO
the entire cohort (p=0.027; p=0.038 and p=0.036, respectively). Significant correlations bioavailability, increased plasma SCFA levels, and alterations of gut microbiota
between stool metabolomes and the 24h-mean BP levels were found in male and composition. Our data revealed associations between H2S-generating pathway in the
female cohorts (R2=0.63 and 0.79 respectively) as well as in the entire cohort (R2=0.54). gut and kidneys, NO system, gut microbiota, and microbiota-derived metabolites in
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this 26-patient cohort highlights significant hypertension programmed by HF intake and provided insight to garlic oil as a
correlations between stool metabolome and (i) BP levels and (ii) non-dipping BP hypertension reprogramming strategy for further translational research.
profile in both men and women.
You-Lin Tain1, Chien-Ning Hsu2 Evdokia Bogdanova1, Natalia Semenova2, Olga Galkina1, Irina Zubina1,
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University, College of Olga Beresneva1, Galina Ivanova3, Marina Parastaeva1, Vladimir Dobronravov1
Medicine, Pediatrics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. and 2Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial 1
Pavlov University, Nephrology Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2Almazov
Hospital, Pharmacy, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. National Medical Research Center, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Saint Petersburg,
Russia and 3Pavlov Institute of Physiology, Laboratory of cardiovascular and lymphatic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Perinatal high-fat (HF) diet programs high blood systems physiology, Saint Petersburg, Russia
pressure (BP) in adult offspring. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has shown benefits in
hypertension by restoration of nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability and alterations of gut BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Arterial hypertension (AH) causes a cardiac
microbiota. Garlic, a naturally dietary source of H2S donors, supplementation has remodeling and renal fibrosis which considered to be mediated by reactivation of fetal
shown benefits in hypertension. We aimed to examine whether maternal garlic oil and pro-fibrotic signaling pathways. Signal transduction of canonical Wnt (b-catenin
supplementation can prevent hypertension programmed by maternal and post- expression) evaluation in the settings of heart and kidney hypertensive alterations was
weaning high-fat diet in adult offspring and whether its protective effects are related to the subject of the study.
mediation of H2S-genetaing system, alterations of gut microbiota composition, and METHOD: Systolic blood pressure (BP), serum and urinary creatinine (Cr),
microbiota metabolite short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). proteinuria (uTP), inorganic phosphate (sPi), intact parathyroid hormone (PTH),
METHOD: Pregnant rats received either a normal diet (ND) or HF diet (D12331, intact fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), Klotho protein, were estimated in
Research Diets, Inc.) Garlic oil (GO) or vesicle was administered daily by oral gavage at spontaneously hypertensive rats after 1 (SHR1, n=6), 2 (SHR2, n=6), 4 (SHR4, n=6) b 6
100 mg/kg/day during pregnancy and lactation. Male offspring were weaned at 3 weeks (SHR6, n=6) months of exposure. Perivascular and interstitial fibrosis (Masson’s
of age, and onto either ND or HF diet to 16 weeks of age. Male offspring were assigned trichrome), and b-catenin expression (IHC) were analyzed by light microscopy of
to four groups (n=8/group): ND, HF, NDþGO, and HFþGO. Garlic supplementation myocardium and kidney tissues and calculated quantitatively. Statistical comparisons
during pregnancy and lactation protected against programmed hypertension in adult among groups were performed using Mann–Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis H-
male offspring fed with HF diet. All offspring were killed at 16 weeks of age. NO- test. The association between biochemical and morphological variables was estimated
related parameters were analyzed by HPLC. Plasma levels of SCFA were determined by Spearman’s correlation.
MO100 Figure 1: (a) Representative micro pictures of myocardium Massons’ trichrome stainand antibetacatenin IHC of SHR1 and SHR2 and b) correlation between areas of
myocardialbeta-catenlnexpression and perlvascular fibrosis, c) evaluated by Orbit Image Analysis
i136 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: In all groups BP increased compared to baseline values (p = 0.011). The BP 8669 vs. 7068 mmHg; (p<0.001) and the mean ACR was 29665 vs. 5.662.7 mg/
decline of renal function was obvious in SHR6 (vs SHR2, p=0.001). Klotho level g, (p<0.001) respectively. Around 20% hypertensives had albuminuria. Urinary
decreased in SHR2 vs SHR1 (p = 0.026) and in SHR4-6 vs SHR2 (p < 0.013). There potassium excretion was lower in hypertensives (51631 vs. 69631, mEq/g; p<0.02).
were no differences in sPi (p = 0.50), PTH (p = 0.63), FGF23 (p = 0.62) between The median urUMOD in hypertensive subjects was 3.38 (1.73-9.06) and in
experimental groups. Perivascular myocardial fibrosis was already increased in SHR2 normotensives 3.85(2.28-5.69) mg/g (P=NS).Multivariate analysis showed significant
(vs SHR1, p=0.026, Figure 1a), renal interstitial fibrosis - since 6mo exposure (p = inverse association between diastolic blood pressure and urinary uromodulin
0.012, Figure 2a). Both cardiac and renal fibrosis were associated with redistribution of excretion. An urURMOD cut-off of 2.9 (25th percentile in normotensives) showed
b-catenin in cardiomyocytes and tubular epithelial cells (Figure 1a, 2a: decrease in eGFR, urinary sodium & potassium excretions were significantly lower at low
membrane and increase in cytoplasm) without significant changes in tissue b-catenin uromodulin cut-off and this was seen in38%subjects.
expression. In heart b-catenin expression correlated with to perivascular fibrosis CONCLUSION: The glomerular involvement was found in 20% hypertensives as
(Figure 1 b). Renal b-catenin expression correlated with interstitial fibrosis (Figure 2b), evidenced by albuminuria. In general urinary uromodulin level was not different
but not with sCr (r=-0.03, p>0.05) b uTP (r=0.04, p>0.05). between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Association of low uromodulin cut-
off with lower eGFR, Naþ and Kþ excretion indicates simultaneous tubule glomerular
involvement in 38%.
Raquib Morshed1, Kazi Shahnoor Alam1, Babrul Alam1, Sajal Krishna Banerjee2,
MZ Hassan3, SR Chaudhury4, Maa Chowdhury1, Md M Iqbal1
National Institute of kidney Diseases & Urology (NIKDU), department of nephrology,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2BSMMU, Department of cardiology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 3BUHS,
Department of physiology & molecular biology, Dhaka, Bangladesh and 4NHFRI,
Department of Epidemiology & Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh
10.1093/ndt/gfab106 | i137
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Uromodulin-creatinine ratio(mg/g)
Variables Low (<2.29) Not low (2.29) p- MO103 PREDICTION OF CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES WITH
Age (years) 47.41611.25 49.40612.03 0.30 Foteini Iatridi1, Marieta Theodorakopoulou1, Charalampos Loutradis1,
SBP (mmHg) 138.24616.29 135.9562.65 0.44 Antonios Karpetas2, Athanasios Bikos3, Maria Eleni Alexandrou1,
DBP (mmHg) 84.82610.44 82.03612.49 0.15 Ioannis Tsouchnikas1, Christopher Mayer4, Anna-Bettina Haidich5,
Aikaterini Papagianni1, Pantelis Sarafidis1
BMI (kg/m2) 25.8463.85 24.7665.35 0.18 1
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology, Hippokration Hospital,
eGFR (ml/min/ 89.62617.74 96.37621.01 0.04 Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Therapeutiki Hemodialysis Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3Protypo
1.73 m2) Hemodialysis Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for
Health & Bioresources, Biomedical Systems, Vienna, Austria and 5Aristotle University of
Urine ACR(mg/g)* 8.18 (5.33, 2.43) 12.90 (6.17, 30.37) 0.77 Thessaloniki, Department of Hygiene, Social-Preventative Medicine and Medical
Urine Naþ- 111.14669.70 143.19697.33 0.03 Statistics, School of Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece
(mEq/g) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ambulatory-BP-monitoring (ABPM) is recommended
for hypertension diagnosis and management in hemodialysis subjects due to high
Urine Kþ- 47.06622.89 56.18628.04 0.03 accuracy and strong associations with outcomes. The agreement and prediction of
creatinine averaged intradialytic BP readings and home BP readings with ABPM and clinical
outcomes is not known. This study assesses in parallel the association of pre-dialysis,
(mEq/g) intradialytic, scheduled interdialytic and ambulatory BP recordings with cardiovascular
outcomes and mortality in this population.
Independent t test was done. METHOD: We prospectively followed for 49.1625.6 months 242 hemodialysis
patients with valid 48-hour ABPMs to examine the association of pre-dialysis,
*Median (IQR) and Mann-Whitney U test was done.
intradialytic, intradialytic plus pre/post-dialysis readings, scheduled interdialytic BP
(the average of out-of-dialysis day readings at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm) and 44-hour
ambulatory BP with outcomes. The primary end-point was a composite of
cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction, non-fatal stroke, resuscitation
after cardiac arrest, hospitalization for heart failure, coronary revascularization
MO102 LUNG ULTRASOUND-GUIDED DRY-WEIGHT REDUCTION procedure or peripheral revascularization procedure.
DECREASES AMBULATORY BLOOD PRESSURE LEVELS IN RESULTS: Cumulative freedom from the primary end-point was significantly lower
HYPERTENSIVE HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: LONG-TERM with increasing 44-hour SBP (group 1, <120 mmHg, 64.2%; group 2, 120 to <130
ANALYSIS OF A LUST SUB-STUDY* mmHg 60.4%, group 3, 130 to <140 mmHg 45.3%; group 4, 140 mmHg 45.5%;
logrank-p=0.016). Similar were the results for intradialytic (logrank-p=0.039),
Charalampos Loutradis1, Pantelis Sarafidis1, Robert Ekart2, Ioannis Tsouchnikas1, intradialytic plus pre/post-dialysis (logrank-p=0.044), and scheduled interdialytic SBP
Christodoulos Papadopoulos3, Vasileios Kamperidis4, Maria Eleni Alexandrou1, (logrank-p=0.030), but not for pre-dialysis SBP (logrank-p=0.570). With group 1 as the
Charles Ferro5, Aikaterini Papagianni1, Gérard London6, Francesca Mallamaci7, reference group, the Hazard Ratios of the primary end-point showed a gradual increase
Carmine Zoccali7 with higher BP levels with all BP metrics, except pre-dialysis SBP. An inverse
Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology, association of DBP levels with outcomes was shown with all BP metrics.
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2University Clinical Centre Maribor, Clinic for Internal Medicine, CONCLUSION: Averaged intradialytic and scheduled home BP measurements (but
Department of Nephrology, Maribor, Slovenia, 3Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle not pre-dialysis readings) display similar patterns of prognostic associations with 44-
University of Thessaloniki, 3rd Department of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4AHEPA hour ambulatory BP in hemodialysis patients and represent valid metrics for
Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1st Department of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, hypertension management in these individuals.
Greece, 5University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Renal
Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 6Manhes Hospital and FCRIN INI-CRCTC,
Manhes, France and 7CNR-IFC Clinical Epidemiology of Renal Diseases and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertension is highly prevalent and independently Chang Seong Kim1, Hong Sang Choi1, Tae Ryom Oh1, Eun hui Bae1, Soo
associated with adverse outcomes in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The main Wan Kim1
mechanism leading to BP elevation in these individuals is their inability to maintain 1
water homeostasis. This study examines the long-term effects of dry-weight reduction Chonnam National University Medical School, Internal Medicine, GWANGJU, Korea,
with a standardized lung-ultrasound-guided strategy on ambulatory BP in Rep. of South
hypertensive hemodialysis patients.
METHOD: This is the report of the 12-month trial phase of a randomized controlled BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertension is the leading risk factor for end-stage
trial in 71 clinically euvolemic, hemodialysis patients with hypertension. Patients were renal disease (ESRD). However, the association between repeated measurements of
randomized (1:1 ratio) in the active group (23 male and 12 female), following dry- high blood pressure and ESRD is not well-established. This study investigated whether
weight reduction guided by the total number of US-B lines prior to a mid-week dialysis the cumulative number of diagnoses of hypertension is a substantial risk factor for
session and the control group (24 male and 12 female), following standard-of-care ESRD.
treatment. A 48-hour ABPM was performed in all study participants at baseline and METHOD: The incidence of ESRD among 2,144,801 participants, identified from the
after 12 months. Korean National Health Insurance Service database, who did not have a history of
RESULTS: During follow-up more patients in the active compared to control group antihypertensive therapy and had documented blood pressure assessments for 4
had dry weight reduction (71.4% vs 22.2%; p<0.001). US-B lines -4.83613.73 vs consecutive years was determined retrospectively. Data were extracted from the
5.53616.01; p=0.005) and dry-weight (-1.6862.38 vs 0.5462.32; p<0.001) decreased database where events of hypertension were defined as systolic blood pressure 140
in the active and slightly increased in the control group. At 12 months, 48-hour SBP mmHg or diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg.
(136.19614.78 vs 130.31613.57; p=0.034) and DBP (80.7269.83 vs 76.8268.97; RESULTS: Over a median follow-up of 7.2 years, ESRD was identified in 1758 of the
p=0.008) were lower compared to baseline in the active but similar in the control 2,144,801 participants. In a multivariable Cox model adjusted for age, sex, smoking,
group. Changes in 48-hour SBP (-7.78613.29 vs -0.10614.75; p=0.021) were alcohol consumption, exercise, and history of diabetes and chronic kidney disease, a
significantly greater in the active compared to the control group. Comparisons for positive dose-dependent relationship between the cumulative number of diagnoses of
intradialytic, 44-hour, Day-1, Day-2 and day- and night-time BP were to the same hypertension and ESRD was found (adjusted hazard ratio for ESRD, 2.70 in 4
direction. The proportion of patients experiencing at least one episode of intradialytic cumulative number of diagnoses of hypertension compared to no history of
hypotension was numerically lower in the active group (71.4% vs 88.9%, p=0.065). hypertension). This association was maintained for the cumulative number of
CONCLUSION: A lung-ultrasound-guided strategy for dry-weight reduction can diagnoses of both systolic and diastolic hypertension.
effectively and safely decrease ambulatory BP levels during a 12-month follow-up CONCLUSION: The cumulative number of diagnoses of systolic or diastolic
period This method is a simple treatment approach to improve hypertension hypertension increases the risk of ESRD. Therefore, preventive treatment to avoid
management in hemodialysis patients. repetitive events of systolic or diastolic hypertension may be important to lower the
risk of ESRD in this clinical population.
i138 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO105 TELEMEDICAL SURVEILLANCE AND OPTIMIZED CONCLUSION: Our findings, though need to be confirmed by further studies,
TREATMENT OF BLOOD PRESSURE IN KIDNEY revealed an association between a higher state of anxiety and a higher blood pressure
TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS level in HD patients in COVID-19 pandemic era, which was remarkable particularly in
patients not taking a beta-blocker.
Wiebke Duettmann1, Marcel Naik1, Bianca Zukunft1, Danilo Schmidt2,
Petra Glander1, Bilgin Osmanodja1, Manuel Mayrdorfer1, Mira Choi1,
Friederike Bachmann1, Ulrike Weber1, Verena Graf1, Michael Dürr1,
Charité - Universit€
atsmedzin Berlin, Nephrology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine, WITH ATYPICAL HAEMOLYTIC URAEMIC SYNDROME AND
Berlin, Germany and 2Charité - Universit€atsmedizin Berlin, IT, Berlin, Germany MALIGNANT HYPERTENSION: THE GLOBAL AHUS
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease suffer often from Jean-Michel Halimi1, Imad Al-Dakkak2, Katerina Anokhina3, Gianluigi Ardissino4,
cardiovascular diseases, especially high blood pressure and its complications such as Christoph Licht5, Wai Lim6, Annick Massart7, Franz Schaefer8, Johan Van de
stroke and heart attack. After kidney transplantation, this condition persists and can in Walle9, Eric Rondeau10
addition harm the graft. However, outpatient care surveillance is not ideal to treat high 1
blood pressure sufficiently. mHealth solutions such as remote vital signs seem to have CHRU Tours, Service de Néphrologie-Hypertension Artérielle, Dialyses, Transplantation
the potential to fill in this gap. Rénale, Tours, France, 2Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Boston, United States of America,
METHOD: To optimize the monitoring of kidney transplant recipients (KTR), the Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Zurich, Sweden, 4Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
MACCS (Medical Assistant for Chronic Care Solution)-project offers participants an Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Center for HUS Control, Prevention and Management,
intensified control of home-measured vital signs via a smartphone app. Additionally, Milan, Italy, 5The Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Nephrology, Toronto, Canada,
well-being and medical adherence can be forwarded. A telemedicine team reviews daily Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Department of Renal Medicine, Perth, Australia,
incoming data and takes action, if necessary. A self-programed telemedicine dashboard Antwerp University Hospital, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Edegem,
visualizes the data. KTR receive their updated medication plan and medical support. Belgium, 8Heidelberg University Hospital, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Heidelberg,
The pilot phase of project started in February 2020 and is ongoing. A randomized Germany, 9Ghent University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics,
controlled trial will start in March 2021. The concept sticks to General Data Protection Ghent, Belgium and 10Hôpital Tenon, Urgences Néphrologiques et Transplantation
Regulation (GDPR) of European Union. Rénale, Paris, France
RESULTS: Currently, 335 KTR participate in the project with 26 (7.76%) dropouts
since beginning. Including the 26 dropouts, we received in total 15 973 blood pressure BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS) is a
(BP) values (mmHg) (systolic BP [SBP] mean 128.56, standard deviation [SD] 6103.7, rare disease that manifests as complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathy
maximum (max) 220, minimum (min) 60; diastolic BP [DBP] mean 78.51, SD 69.97, (TMA), which can lead to severe organ damage. Some patients with aHUS may present
max 120, min 60) and 27 481 heart rate (HR) values in beats per minutes (bpm) (mean with malignant hypertension (MHT); both conditions can result in TMA. The
70, SD 614, max 200, min 40). For 278 times, an adaption of antihypertensive therapy objective of this analysis was to characterise patients with aHUS and MHT.
took place. In total, 170/335 KTR were hospitalized, which made up for 338 METHOD: In this analysis, patients from the Global aHUS Registry (NCT01522183)
hospitalizations (1.99 cases per patient, max 6, min 1), which led to 3 8547 days in were included if they were diagnosed with MHT and were followed 90 days after
hospital (mean 9.34, SD 611.43, max 89, min 1). In 331 cases, the diagnosis (main or initial aHUS symptom presentation or diagnosis date; patients were excluded if they
secondary diagnosis) was related to hypertension, and 196 cases the diagnosis may be a withdrew from the registry or discontinued treatment with eculizumab due to a
hypertension-related complication, e.g. myocardial infarct. Evaluation regarding diagnosis other than aHUS. Demographics and clinical characteristics were evaluated.
significance is in process and requires further data. RESULTS: Seventy-one of 1903 registry patients were included in the analysis. Clinical
CONCLUSION: mHealth solutions including remote vital signs and telemedicine characteristics are presented in the table. Seventeen patients (24%) had a paediatric
personnel for regular evaluation have the potential to optimize blood pressure (<18 years) onset of disease, and 54 (76%) were adults at aHUS diagnosis; female
treatment. Acute onset of hypertensive crisis can be handled sufficiently at home and patients were slightly overrepresented (61%). Sixty-nine percent of patients were
thus reduce treatment at emergency rooms. Since severe complications of high blood reported to have MHT at around the same time as aHUS diagnosis (þ/-2 months),
pressure levels manifest after years, long-term results are required to conduct while 11% and 13% experienced MHT before and after aHUS diagnosis, respectively.
conclusions. aHUS triggering conditions were reported in 6/71 patients (8%) (Table).
Cardiovascular (27%) and gastrointestinal (21%) symptoms were the most commonly
reported extra-renal manifestations. Eight patients (11%) had a reported family history
of aHUS and 40 patients (56%) had a complement pathogenic variant or an anti-CFH-
MO106 A PROSPECTIVE STUDY ON ANXIETY AND BLOOD antibody. Thirty-three patients (46%) had a kidney transplant; of these, 20 were
PRESSURE LEVELS IN HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS DURING prescribed eculizumab in the peri- or post-transplant period.
Rezzan Eren Sadiog lu1, Merve Aktar1, Berker Duman2, Sim Kutlay1, Sule Sengul1,
Kenan Keven1, Gökhan Nergizoglu1, Kenan Ateş1, S¸ehsuvar Ertürk1
Ankara University School of Medicine, Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey and 2Ankara
University School of Medicine, Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey
10.1093/ndt/gfab106 | i139
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: In this analysis of patients with aHUS and MHT, the observed high m2 vs 2864 kg/m2), serum phosphate (3.960.7 mg/dL vs 3.760.8 mg/dL), CRP
prevalence of pathogenic variants in complement genes or anti-CFH antibodies, (median: 3.2 mg/L, IQR: 1.6-6.5 vs 3.2 mg/L, IQR: 1.6-6.5 vs 2.1 mg/L, 0.9-5.1 mg/L),
alongside the high proportion of patients with extrarenal manifestations and/or 24h urinary protein (median: 1.0 g/24h, IQR: 0.4-2.3 vs median: 0.5 g/24h, IQR: 0.2-1.0
requiring kidney transplant, indicate a high severity of presentation and poor g/24h) and lower serum albumin (4.160.5 g/dL vs 4.260.5 g/dL) and eGFR (34613
prognosis of aHUS associated with MHT. ml/min/1.73m2 vs 37614 ml/min/1.73m2 as compared to remaining patients (all
P<0.03). In a multiple logistic regression model, 24h proteinuria [odds ratio (OR):
1.31, 95% CI: 1.13-1.53, P<0.001] and BMI [OR: 1.08, 95% CI: 1.03-1.13, P=0.001]
resulted to be the first factors in rank explaining resistant hypertension followed by
diabetes (OR: 1.83, 95% CI: 1.18-2.85, P=0.008). Age, background CV comorbidities,
serum phosphate, serum CRP, albumin, and eGFR failed to be associated with resistant
hypertension after multiple data adjustment (P ranging from: 0.14 to 0.61). Of note, the
combination of 24h proteinuria, BMI and diabetes had a relevant discriminatory
power for resistant hypertension because the area under the ROC curve area of these
Marieta Theodorakopoulou1, Foteini Iatridi1, Charalampos Loutradis1,
risk factors was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.66-0.76) (P<0.001).
Maria Eleni Alexandrou1, Antonios Karpetas2, Georgios Koutroumpas3,
CONCLUSION: A rigorously defined phenotype of resistant hypertension has a 20%
Vasileios Raptis4, Charles Ferro5, Aikaterini Papagianni1, Pantelis Sarafidis1
prevalence in the CKD population. Proteinuria, high BMI and obesity are the main
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology, Hippokration Hospital, risk factors associated with this phenotype. Optimization of diabetes control, weight
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Therapeutiki Hemodialysis Unit, Thessaloniki, Greece, loss and pharmacotherapy targeting proteinuria may mitigate resistant hypertension in
Achillopouleion General Hospital, Hemodialysis Unit, Volos, Greece, 4Pieria the CKD population.
Hemodialysis Unit, Katerini, Greece and 5University Hospitals Birmingham, Department
of Renal Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom
i140 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO111 PATTERN OF CARDIAC AND RENAL RISK FACTORS morning urine and fasting blood sample was collected for glycemic profile, lipid profile,
PREVAILING IN HYPERTENSIVE SUBJECTS OF RURAL serum creatinine, eGFR (MDRD equation) and urine ACR estimations for identifying
COMMUNITY: PRIMARY RESULTS FROM AN ONGOING diabetes, dyslipidemia and nephropathy. Results from an early group are presented
RESULTS: From surveyed population consequative 300 hypertensive subjects with 100
Sajal Krishna Banerjee1, Md M Iqbal2,3,4, MAA Chowdhury3, Sarwar Iqbal5, normotensive subjects were analyzed. Male/female distribution was 66% and 34%. Age
S Islam1, MZ Hassan6, SR Chaudhury7, RM Hossain1, MN Islam8, MS Hassan5, in 75% was between 25-55 years and BMI overweight to obese in 45%. Etiology wise in
MI Arslan1 81% it was essential hypertension followed by diabetes 18% and nephropathies in rest.
BSMMU, 2NIKDU, Bangladesh, 3KDRG, 4NIKDU, Nephrology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Mean systolic BP was 147616 and diastolic BP 7169 mmHg. Comparison of
BIRDEM, 6BUHS, 7NHFRI and 8UHL hypertensive vs. normotensives showed FBS 6.763 vs. 5.861.0 mmol/l, (p<0.001).
Lipids as cardiac markers were TG 1706107 vs. 130676 g/dl, (p<0.001); Cholesterol
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertension is the leading entity of non 195650 vs. 180649 g/dl, (p<0.001); LDL 1706107 vs. 130676 g/dl, (p<0.04); and
communicable diseases (NCD). Some 15-30% adult population is identified suffering HDL 4267 vs. 4668 g/dl, (p<0.001). Renal parameters like eGFR was 88622 vs.
from hypertension at any given time worldwide. Complications of hypertension cause 98626 ml/min, (p<0.001); and ACR 996556 vs. 30687 mg/g, (p<0.04). These
severe functional deficit and a major decline in quality of life for the patient and family. comparisons showed fasting hyperglycemia with most of the lipids higher and HDL
This study was carried out to identify the presence and pattern of cardiac and renal risk lower in hypertensives. Renal parameters like eGFR was lower and albuminuria was
factors influencing major morbidity and mortality in hypertensive subject by significantly higher with similar urinary Na and K excretion in hypertensives. Other
performing relevant clinical and laboratory evaluations. cardio renal markers like Uric Acid and hCRP was similar in both groups. Pearson’s
METHOD: In this survey adult subjects were selected randomly from a defined rural correlations showed a positive correlation of systolic and diastolic BP with major
area. Their demographic, anthropometric and clinical information was recorded by components of cardiac, renal and metabolic risk factors.
WHO STEP wise approach surveillance-Instrument v.3.1. Information on prevailing CONCLUSION: It is found that hypertension is essential in nature among 81% of
NCDs and related risk factor were collected on a short questionnaire by face-to-face rural subjects. Nearly half of the study subjects are overweight. Dyslipidemia,
interview. Blood Pressure (BP) was measured by digital blood pressure monitor albuminuria and low GFR is more pronounced in hypertensives in comparison to the
(Omron) with standard sized cuff after 10-15 minutes of rest in sitting posture by normotensive counterparts. So, hypertension is mostly associated with adverse cardio-
taking mean of two readings. Systolic BP 140 and/or diastolic BP 90mmHg or renal risk markers.
subjects taking antihypertensive medications were considered for hypertension. Early
10.1093/ndt/gfab106 | i141
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i142–i146, 2021
NEPHROLITHIASIS AND URIC ACID female, median age 6.06 (range 0.3-31.4 years)), of 149 idiopathic CaOx UL (90/59 m/f,
age 8.5 (0.1-68.6)), of 51 PH 1 patients (31/21, age 12.33 (0.8-63.8)), of 5 PH 2 patients
(3/2, age
5.41 (4.3-12.9)) and of 14 PH 3 patients (8/6, age 8.5 (2.9-29.3)) were analyzed for all
MO112 SYSTEMIC OXALOSIS IN PRIMARY HYPEROXALURIA TYPE 3 necessary components. All patients were in stable kidney function (eGFR > 45 ml/
RESULTS: Uox was higher in the PH patients as compared to the non-PH UL or NC
Bernd Hoppe1, Cristina Martin Higueras2, Ulrike Herberg3, Johannes Birtel4, patients (p < 0.05). However, there was no statistical difference between the Uox in PH
Mark Born5 1 vs PH 2 or PH 3 patients, although, a clear effect of B6 medication was visible in PH1
1 patients. Urinary calcium excretion was lower (not significant) in PH patients as
German Hyperoxaluria Center, Bonn, Germany, 2University of La Laguna, Medicine, compared to NC/UL. There was no difference in ßCaOx when PH were compared to
San Cristobal de La Laguna, Spain, 3UKB University of Bonn, Pediatric Cardiology, Bonn, non-PH patients and it mostly remained in the normal range.
Germany, 4UKB University of Bonn, Opthalmology, Bonn, Germany and 5Pediatric
Radiology, Germany
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Primary Hyperoxaluria type 3 (PH3) is said to be the Urine value PH 1 PH 2 PH 3 NC UL Normal
less problematic form of PH and with low risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and Median Median Median Median Median
end stage renal disease. However, a recent OxalEurope registry evaluation reported
both urine and plasma oxalate levels in a comparable range as in PH1 and PH2 (Range) (Range) (Range) (Range) (Range)
patients. In addition, PH3 patients remain symptomatic with recurrent kidney stones, Oxalate 0.95 1.56 1.26 0.46 0.46 < 0.5
even in adulthood, and 24% of the 95 patients evaluated were on CKD 2 at last
follow up. Hence, it was speculated, that PH3 patients may also be on risk to develop
mmol/ (0.46- (0.73- (0.44- (0.13- (0.13-
systemic oxalate deposition. 1.73m2/d 4.58) 2.91) 2.31) 1.21) 1.32)
METHOD: We retrospectively analyzed the imaging procedures performed so far in Calcium 1.23 1.64 2.15 2.69 3.35 <4
patients regularly seen at the German Hyperoxaluria Center, which included: eye
exams; x-rays of the hand; bone MRI (3 Thesla of the left knee and proximal tibia); and mg/kg/d (0.39- (0.3- (0.51- (0.67- (0.42-
Speckle tracking echocardiography using 2D Cardiac Performance Analysis VC 7.95) 10.48) 6.04) 13.32) 17.01)
(TomTec Imaging Systems GmbH, Germany), which measures changes in global Citrate 2.175 4.85 2.84 2.55 2.2 >1.6
longitudinal strain (GLS), an index of left ventricular contractibility. The normal range
for GLS is 18%. All patients or parents signed an informed consent. mmol/ (0.09- (1.78- (1.92- (0.3- (0.7- (f), > 1.9
RESULTS: From the 49 PH3 patients registered at the German Hyperoxaluria center, 1.73m2/d 5.61) 5.78) 7.56) 11.6) 9.74) (m)
12 pediatric and 4 adult patients are seen on a regular basis, at least twice a year, and
the rest are followed in other centers. All the 16 patients were in stable kidney function
«CaOx 4.3 3.95 5.43 4.2 4.81 < 5.5
and in no less than CKD 2. Eye examination was performed in six patients and was rel-units (1.03- (1.85- (1.09- (1.1- (0.8- (f) < 8.4
normal in all. Four patients received an x-ray of the left hand, which was normal in 3, 18.9) 9.53) 6.04) 21.5) 25.8) (m)
but in one patient with a problematic clinical course (multiple stone removal
procedures, decline in GFR), tiny sclerosing areas, although no true metaphyseal
bands, were seen at caput MCP IV and the thumb. Therefore, MRI of the left knee and CONCLUSION: Urine ßCaOx is similar in PH and non-PH stone formers. Therefore,
proximal tibia was performed in this and another patient, which showed no signs of calculation of ßCaOx using computed programs is not a reliable parameter to define
systemic oxalate deposition. Speckle tracking echocardiography was done in 6 patients the definitively extreme CaOx supersaturation of urine from PH patients. This
and was abnormal in one (GLS – 17.3 and left ventricular hypertrophy) and borderline miscalculation is related to a rather lowish urinary calcium excretion in PH as
in the twin sibling (GLS – 18.6). The patient with the abnormal GLS also had salivary compared to other UL/NC patients. Therefore, we recommend not to use such
stones in the parotid gland, as were also found in his other, older sibling in a routine x- programs to express the risk of recurrent stone disease or nephrocalcinosis in PH.
ray of the jaw before orthodontic treatment.
CONCLUSION: Although this is currently only data of a small cohort of patients, the
parameters available so far show, that systemic oxalate deposition may also occur in
PH3. Based on our experience on PH1, we regard Speckle tracking echocardiography MO114 NEPHROLITHIASIS AS CAUSE OF KIDNEY FAILURE AND
as the best parameter to detect early systemic calcium-oxalate depositions. Hence the MAJOR CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES IN INCIDENT
reduction in global longitudinal strain, thus ventricular contractability, is a clear proof DIALYSIS PATIENTS
of such deposits. Of course, data in more patients are needed to elucidate the true risk
of systemic oxalate deposition and we are therefore currently screening all our PH3 Jingyin Yan1, Wolfgang Winkelmayer1, Jingbo Niu1
patients. 1
Baylor College of Medicine, Medicine-Nephrology, Houston, Texas, United States of
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Medicare coverage). Among those, 2207 (0.2%) had nephro-/urolithiasis as cause of vitro. Treatment with 6,7-DHC also protected both mice and rats from nephrolithiasis.
kidney failure, while 47% had diabetes, 30.4% had hypertension, 8.1% had GN, and Computational modelling have revealed 6,7-DHC interacts with MLKL and inhibits its
1.6% had cystic kidney disease listed. Persons with nephro-/urolithiasis tended to be phosphorylation by ATP which is a key event in necroptosis signaling cascade.
older, more likely to be female and non-Hispanic white, had lower rates of most CONCLUSION: All together our studies indicates that 6,7-DHC owns a novel
comorbidities, higher serum albumin and hemoglobin concentrations and lower BMI pharmacological inhibitory property towards MLKL and it could serve as a lead
and eGFR at dialysis initiation. The composite cardiovascular event rate (MI, stroke, molecule for further development of novel coumarin based MLKL inhibitors.
cardiovascular death; 721 events) was 74.4/1000 person years for nephro-/urolithiasis. Moreover, our findings also suggests that 6,7-DHC could be used as a therapeutic
Compared with those whose cause was nephro-/urolithiasis, persons whose cause of strategy for combating nephrolithiasis.
kidney failure was listed as diabetes had fully adjusted 57% (95% CI, 46%-69%) higher
hazards of MACE and those in whom it was attributed to hypertension the hazards
were 33% (95% CI, 24%-44%) higher. While no difference in the hazards of MACE was
observed compared with persons with glomerulonephritis (HR 0.97; 95% CI, 0.90-
1.05), those with cystic kidney disease had a 14% (95% CI, 7%-20%) lower hazards of
MACE than those with nephro-/urolithiasis. Qualitatively similar results were obtained
when examining the individual components of MACE as well as when considering
kidney transplant and non-cardiovascular death as competing risks. However,
Xiaohong Fan1, Wenling Ye1, Jie Ma1, Liang Wang2, Xuemei Li1
competing risk analysis substantially attenuated the magnitude of the associations with 1
diabetes and hypertension as reported cause of kidney failure. Limitations include Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China and 2Peking
heterogeneity of the underlying pathology among patients with nephro-/urolithiasis as Union Medical College Hospital, Ultrasound, Beijing, P.R. China
well as the possibility that some patients with nephro-/urolithiasis were not captured if
a different cause of kidney disease was listed. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Urinary stone disease (USD) has been associated with
CONCLUSION: Patients with kidney failure presumably from nephro- or urolithiasis increased risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in
have distinct cardiovascular risk profiles, with lower major cardiovascular event rates Western populations. However, the comparison of metabolic disorders between
compared with patients whose kidney failure was due to diabetes or hypertension, but unilateral and bilateral renal stones and their association with CKD have not been fully
slightly higher rates compared with those with cystic kidney disease. examined. It is also unclear whether there is an increased risk for kidney tubular injury
makers such as N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and alpha-1-microglobulin (a1-
MG) in different stone formers.
METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study of 10,281 participants in rural China
in 2014. All subjects underwent a renal ultrasound to detect USD; stone formers were
grouped into one or two sides of USD by ultrasound exams. CKD was defined as a
decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, <60mL/min/1.73m2) and/or
albuminuria (ACR30mg/g). Increased urine NAG and a1-MG were defined as the
Smita Prajapati1, Bhawna Tomar1, Anjali Srivastava1, Shrikant Ramesh Mulay1
values of NAG and a1-MG above the 75th percentile of the sample distribution.
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Pharmacology, Lucknow, India RESULTS: The mean age of the study population was 55.4610.0 years; 47.1% were
males. Among all participants, 4.9% (n=507) had unilateral renal stone, and 0.7% had
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intrarenal deposition of organic and inorganic bilateral renal stones. The proportion of CKD in non-stone formers, unilateral and
minerals attributes towards the pathogenesis of nephrolithiasis. Various current studies bilateral renal stones were 11.0%, 19.2%, and 29.7%, respectively (p for trend<0.001).
implicates crystal mineralization involves necroinflammation for the progression of Bilateral renal stone formers tend to have a higher proportion of hypertension and
crystal induced chronic kidney diseases (CKD). We hypothesized that 6,7- diabetes. In multivariate analyses after adjustment for multiple confounders, bilateral
dihydroxycoumarin (6,7-DHC) inhibits calcium oxalate (CaOx) induced necroptosis renal stones were significantly associated with an increased risk of decreased eGFR (OR
and ameliorates nephrolithiasis. 3.38; 95% CI 1.05-10.90), albuminuria (OR 3.01; 95% CI 1.76-5.13), CKD (OR 3.18;
METHOD: We used an in vitro unbiased high content screening for identifying 95% CI 1.88-5.36), increased NAG (OR 1.95; 95% CI 1.21-3.16) and a1-MG (OR 2.54;
natural compounds that inhibits CaOx induced necroptosis. Molecular docking and 95% CI 1.56-4.12) compared with non-stone formers.
molecular dynamic simulations were done to study the interaction between 6,7-DHC - CONCLUSION: In the present study, bilateral renal stone formers tend to have a
MLKL. Further, for in vivo studies mice and rats models of nephrolithiasis were used. higher proportion of metabolic disorders and are also associated with a higher risk of
Renal injuries, CaOx deposition and fibrosis were evaluated using histological analysis. CKD and kidney tubular injury. Further studies are needed to confirm the increased
Protein expressions were assessed using immunoblots. Data was analysed using one risk for ESRD.
way ANOVA.
RESULTS: An unbiased in vitro high content screening of a library of 24 natural
compounds identified 6,7-DHC as a potential candidate. Further, pretreatment with
6,7-DHC protected human and mouse cells from CaOx crystal mediated necroptosis in
MO116 Table: Associations of urinary stone disease with chronic kidney disease and markers of kidney tubular injury.
CKD, chronic kidney disease; ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; eGFR, estimate glomerular filtration rate; NAG,N-acetyl-ß-D-glucosaminidase;a1-MG,alpha-
1-microglobulin; Cr, creatinine.
Outcomes are expressed as dichotomous variables.
Adjust for age, sex, smoking, body mass index, mean arterial pressure, uric acid, hypertriton and diabetes or not
10.1093/ndt/gfab107 | i143
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO117 THE IMPACT OF GESTATIONAL AGE ON ANATOMICAL AND METHOD: This prospective study was conducted in the Department of surgery and
PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE UPPER URINARY radiodiagnosis and Imaging, Era Medical College and RML institute of Medical
TRACT DURING PREGNANCY Sciences , Lucknow over the study period, i.e., November 2016 to May 2018 . The
patients were those referred for non-contrast/contrast CT for the diagnosis/evaluation
Ciciu Elena1, Ana-Maria Pas, atu-Cornea1, Liliana-Ana Tuta1 of urolithiasis from the department of Surgery admitted for PCNL/ESWL/therapeutic
Ovidius University, Internal Medicine- Nephrology, Constanta, Romania ureterorenoscopy. DECT ratios of the various stones were noted and compared with
the post extraction analysis of stones for composition. A total of 100 patients were
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ureterohydronephrosis (UHN) is a common anatomical included in the study, and their DECT results were compared with the post-extraction
change during the evolution of pregnancy, especially after 20th week of pregnancy. Factors analysis (by infrared spectroscopy as the standard comparative method).
responsible for dilation of pyelocaliceal system are hormonal changes, progressive RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 41.15+/- 10.08 years with 64% being males.
obstruction and modification of the route of uterine and iliac vessels in the pelvic area. DECT was highly sensitive and specific in the diagnosis of various types of calculi
The main symptom of UHN is lumbar pain which is controlled in most of the cases by based on their dual-energy ratio. It was found to be 100% sensitivity and 97.2%
conservatory treatment.The aim of study was to o evaluate the stages of UHN during specificity for differentiating UA stones with level of agreement between chemical and
pregnancy depending on gestational age and to highlight the involvement of the pregnant DECT was almost perfect (k= .951) .However for hydroxyapatite stones was
uterus, as well as monitor the symptomatology and adequate management of these substantial (k=.889). Most of the stones belonged to non-UA category (72%), and only
anatomical and physiological changes, that can associate variable complications, with 28% were UA calculi. The sensitivity and specificity in differentiating a calcium oxalate
maternal-fetal risk, during pregnancy. from non-calcium oxalate calculus was 94.1% and 95.5%, respectively.
METHOD: We performed a descriptive, transversal study for examination of pregnant CONCLUSION: DECT highly sensitive and effective in characterizing chemical
women with symptomatic hydronephrosis. A total number of 104 patients, composition of the urinary stones and can help in determining the management plan
hospitalized in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Constanta County and reduce the unnecessary burden of surgical interventions.
Emergency Hospital, were included, with nephrological monitoring using biological
and imagistic examination for each pregnancy.
RESULTS: The frequency of UHN in our study was 58% (60 cases) from the total MO119 COMPUTER-DERIVED SOFTWARE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE:
number of 104 pregnant women. Regarding the gestational age, UHN was most RESULTS FROM A SHORT-TERM FOLLOW-UP ACCORDING
commonly seen in the third trimester in 44 cases, followed by second trimester with 14 TO KIDNEY STONE COMPOSITION IN KIDNEY STONE
cases and first semester with only 2 cases. The right UHN was seen in all cases and the FORMERS
left UHN was seen in only 68 % of the cases. Our data showed that grade III of UHN
reached a peak between 28 and 31 weeks of pregnancy and occurred in 37 (49%) Tamara Cunha1, Adrian Rodriguez2, Pietro Manuel Ferraro2
pregnant women. Analyzing the parity, it was observed that 56% of the primiparous 1
women developed UHN and 59% of the multiparous patients, showing us that the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Nephrology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and
association with parity is not statistically significant. The majority of our patients Universit
a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Nephrology, Roma, Italy
(96.66%) were symptomatic, and the most common accuse on presentation was the
lumbar pain. According to the visual analog scale (VAS) of the lumbar pain, the group BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Urinary supersaturation (SS) contributes to stone
could be distributed as follows: 17% with severe pain, 37 % with moderate pain and 13 formation, and its assessment in stone formers may be helpful in clinical practice. Several
% with mild pain. Eight pregnant women (13.33%) from our study developed UHN computer programs are available for SS calculation, including EQUIL2, JESS and Lithorisk1.
due to passage of ureteral stone, although, the majority got complicated with urinary The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in SS in 24-hour urine in patients with known
tract infection (asymptomatic bacteriuria, acute cystitis, acute pyelonephritis) and even stone composition before and after about three months of regular treatment.
acute kidney injury (4 cases- 6,66%).97% of the symptomatic UHN responded to METHOD: Patients who submitted their stone/s for composition analysis and had
antispastic and analgesic therapy, antibiotics and adequate hydration. From our study provided an adequate 24-hour urine collection (creatinine 15-20 mg/kg/24-hour)
group, only 2 patients (3,33%) with severe symptomatic UHN needed ureteral stent before and around 90 days under regular treatment were included. Stone composition
insertion, because initially they did not respond to medical, conservative treatment. was defined using morphoconstitutional and infrared spectroscopy. The treatment was
CONCLUSION: Uretrohydronephrosis is a common anatomical change in pregnancy and initiated in accordance with specific guidelines, and included dietary advices and
is depending on the gestational age. Parity did not influence the development of medications2. SS for calcium oxalate (CaOx), calcium phosphate (CaP) and uric acid
hydronephrosis in our study group. The most common symptom of ureterohydronephrosis (UA) using EQUIL2, JESS and Lithorisk were calculated at baseline and after about 90
during pregnancy is the lumbar pain, which can have different types of intensity (usually days on treatment. Continuous variables were reported as means (SD) while categorical
moderate to severe). Conservatory treatment during symptomatic, complicated variables were reported as frequencies and percentages. Baseline and follow-up SS
ureterohydronephrosis is efficient in most cases, otherwise urological interventions with urine values were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. 3D graphs were
ureteral stent insertion must be initiated, because are effective and safe. plotted using mean SS values of CaOx, CaP and UA obtained from each program
i144 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
before and after treatment, dividing the stones into 4 groups1: calcium oxalate describe the possible link between stone composition and cardiovascular disease and its
monohydrate (COM), calcium oxalate dihydrate (COD), calcium phosphate (CaP), differential effect among women and men.
and uric acid (UA). Ethical Committee approval was obtained. METHOD: Retrospective review of patients with known stone composition seen in a
RESULTS: 105 patients (61 men, 58%) were followed and provided 24h urine nephrolithiasis unit in the last five years. Anthropometric and clinical data were
collection. Of these, 101 (96%) were recurrent patients. The mean (SD) follow-up was gathered from the hospital records. Stone composition was defined as such if 50% of
94 (14) days. 48 (46%) of all calculi were made of CaOx, either COM or COD, 36 (34%) the stone was made from a single component. Cardiovascular disease included
of UA, and 21 (20%) of CaP. A significant reduction in SS values during treatment was coronary artery disease, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. Unadjusted and
observed in patients with COM (p<0.05) , COD (p<0.001), and UA stones (p<0.001) adjusted logistic regression analysis were applied to describe the potential relationship
with all programs. The reduction in SS values over time in patients with CaP stones between stone composition and cardiovascular disease.
was not significant (Table 1). Figure 1 shows 3D plots with SS before and after RESULTS: 337 patients were included in the study sample. Median age was 57 (IQR
treatment into 4 groups of stone formers. 47-67), 61.1% males. 58.2% suffered from recurrent stone disease and 28.5% from
family history of stone formation. 32.9% of patients had hypertension, 22,4%
diabetes and 13,1% chronic kidney disease. The most common kidney stone
MO119 Table 1. Changes in urinary supersaturation before and during follow-up, component was calcium oxalate (38.6%) followed by calcium phosphate (21.3%),
according to the type of the stone.
uric acid (14.2%), struvite (8%) and brushite (0.9%). Only uric acid as main stone
component was associated with cardiovascular disease among men but not women
Stone Type Urinary Supersaturation p- in our sample in univariate analysis. That relationship was lost in adjusted logistic
value regression analysis.
CONCLUSION: Calcium oxalate and phosphate were the most common components
UA stones UA SS of kidney stones. No relationship was found between stone composition and
(n=36) Baseline Follow-up cardiovascular disease in the study sample.
Equil2 4.72 (2.12) 1.04 (1.02) <0.001
Jess 0.72 (0.19) -0.15 (0.46) <0.001
Lithorisk 1.93 (0.86) 0.39 (0.40) <0.001
COM stones CaOx SS
(n=22) Baseline Follow-up
Equil2 5.76 (6.28) 2,72 (1.73) 0.008
Jess 0.62 (0.39) 0,38 (0.29) 0.006
Lithorisk 3.17 (4.02) 1.39 (0.98) 0.016
COD stones CaOx SS
(n=26) Baseline Follow-up
Equil2 7.61 (4.83) 4.48 (3.46) <0.001
Jess 0.86 (0.28) 0.59 (0.29) <0.001
Lithorisk 4.49 (3.17) 2.41 (1.95) <0.001
CaP stones Bru SS
(n=21) Baseline Follow-up
Equil2 1.28 (1.15) 0.93 (0.66) 0.085
Jess 0.31 (0.39) 0.18 (0.39) 0.191
Lithorisk 1.91 (1.71) 1.37 (0.96) 0.630
Mean (SD). COM: calcium oxalate monohydrate; COD: calcium oxalate FORMERS
dihydrate; CaP: calcium phosphate; Bru: brushite; SS: urinary supersatu- Fernanda Guedes Rodrigues1,2, Igor Pietrobom3, Milene Subtil Ormanji3,
ration; CaOx: calcium oxalate; UA: uric acid Priscila Ligeiro Gonçalves Esper3, Ana Cristina Matos3, Daniel Ribeiro da Rocha3,
Adriana Dos Santos Dutra1, Martin De Borst2, Ita Pfeferman Heilberg1,3
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO ~ PAULO, Nutrition Post Graduation Program, S~
CONCLUSION: EQUIL2, JESS and Lithorisk are suitable software currently used for
clinical and research purposes. SS values calculated by EQUIL2, JESS and Lithorisk Paulo, Brazil, 2University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen,
during follow-up showed a significant reduction among COM, COD and UA stone Department of Nephrology, Groningen, The Netherlands and UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL
~ PAULO, Department of Nephrology, S~
DE SAO ao Paulo, Brazil
formers. CaP stone formers did not show significant changes in SS over time.
References BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) has been
observed in stone-formers (SF). Although obesity is considered a protective factor for
1. Rodriguez A, Cunha TDS, Rodgers AL, Gambaro G, Ferraro PM. Comparison of bone health due to increased mechanical load, the role of muscle mass (lean) or body
supersaturation outputs from different programs and their application in testing fat remains controversial. Sclerostin, an antagonist of the Wnt signaling pathway, is
correspondence with kidney stone composition. J Endourol. 2020; doi: 10.1089/ secreted by osteocytes and its actions involve the inhibition of bone formation, FGF23
end2020.0894. stimulation, and increased urinary calcium and phosphorus excretion. Recent studies
2. Wollin AD, Kaplan AG, Preminger GM, Ferraro PM, Nouvenne A, Tasca A, also indicate its association with body composition. The aim of the present study was
Croppi E, Gambaro G, Heilberg IP. Asian J Urol. 2018; 5(4):235–242. to evaluate the relationship between BMD and body composition with serum sclerostin
levels in male SF.
METHOD: This is a retrospective study, based on medical records of SF with available
data of BMD and body composition, serum and urinary biochemistry and hormonal
measurements including sclerostin. BMD had been assessed at lumbar spine (L1-L4),
MO120 STONE COMPOSITION AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN femoral neck (FN) and total femur (TF) and body composition (fat and lean mass) in a
PATIENTS WIITH NEPHROLITHIASIS dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
RESULTS: Fifty-five male SF (37.2 6 9.3 years) were included. Patients were divided
Ana Lucıa Valencia1, Armando Coca1, Arturo Lorenzo3, Veronica Fidalgo1, into tertiles according to the percentage of body fat (T1, n = 19, 8.7-20.0 %; T2, n = 20,
Vicente Perez1, Lucila Fernandez1, Carmen Aller1, Sandra Sanz1, 20.1-26.0 %; T3, n = 16, 26.1-38.0 %). There was no statistical difference in BMD in any
Alicia Mendiluce1 of the sites between these tertiles. Higher urinary sodium and serum sclerostin were
Hospital Clinico de Valladolid, Nephrology and 3hospital Clinico de Valladolid, observed in T3 versus T1 (280 6 93 vs 199 6 75 mEq/day, p <0.05; 33.6 6 14.7 vs 24.7
Nephrology 6 8.3 pmol/L, p<0.05, respectively). There was an inverse association between serum
sclerostin and lean mass (b= -0.30, p=0.001) and direct association with fat mass
(b=0.40, p=0.001), urinary calcium and phosphorus (b=0.29, p=0.02; b=0.32, p=0.01).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney stone disease is widely prevalent in the general In a multivariate linear regression model, lean mass was an independent predictor of
population and has been associated with multiple comorbidities including BMD at L1-L4, FN and TF (b= 0.70, p<0.001; b=0.70, p<0.001; b=0.57, p=0.00,
hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. We aimed to
10.1093/ndt/gfab107 | i145
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
respectively) and at the TF there was also an inverse association between body fat and in the past. The reasons for such differences and changes over time are not clear.
PTH (b= –0.51, p= 0.03; b= –0.25, p= 0.03). METHOD: We analyzed the association between sex and the first symptomatic
CONCLUSION: These data suggest that male SF with a higher percentage of body fat incident kidney stone using data from three large, longitudinal cohorts. Incidence rates
had higher levels of serum sclerostin, which were directly associated with calciuria and for men and women overall and across categories of age and calendar time were
phosphaturia but not with BMD. In addition, lean mass was an independent predictor computed and hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) generated with
of BMD. Further studies are needed to determine long-term effects of serum sclerostin age-adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression models. Mediation analysis was
levels upon bone formation in SF. performed in order to estimate the amount of excess risk for men explained by
established risk factors, including BMI, waist circumference, history of high blood
pressure, history of diabetes, use of thiazides, dietary intakes of animal protein,
caffeine, fructose, potassium, sodium, oxalate, phytate, dietary and supplemental
intakes of calcium, vitamin C and vitamin D, sugar-sweetened beverages and total fluid
Pietro Manuel Ferraro1,2, Eric N Taylor3,4, Gary C Curhan3 RESULTS: The analysis included data from 268,616 participants, contributing
1 5,876,205 person-years of follow-up, during which 10,303 incident stone events were
Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Roma, Italia, U.O.S. Terapia
confirmed. The overall incidence rate of kidney stones was 271 and 158 per 100,000
Conservativa della Malattia Renale Cronica, U.O.C. Nefrologia, Dipartimento di Scienze
person-years for men and women, respectively. The age-adjusted HR for men
Mediche e Chirurgiche, Rome, Italy, 2Universit
a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italia,
compared with women was 2.32 (95% CI 2.20, 2.45). About 18% of the difference in
Dipartimento Universitario di Medicina e Chirurgia Traslazionale, Rome, Italy, 3Brigham
rates was explained by the risk factors included in the analysis. The risk of stones was
and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Channing Division of Network
consistently higher across categories of age among men compared with women. With
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Boston, United States of America and 4Maine
regard to calendar time, the risk remained higher among men, but tended to decrease
Medical Center, Division of Nephrology and Transplantation, Maine, United States of
over time while it increased among women, resulting in a relative risk reduction of 38%
for after 2009 compared with before 1990.
CONCLUSION: The risk of kidney stones is higher among men compared with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney stone disease is a highly prevalent condition. women. This difference is only partly explained by modifiable risk factors.
Men are at higher risk of developing stones compared with women, however recent
data suggest a changing epidemiology with women being relatively more affected than
i146 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i147–i197, 2021
CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY CONCLUSION: Overall, we applied single-cell RNA sequencing to IMN to uncover
intercellular interactions, elucidate key pathways underlying the pathogenesis, and
identify novel therapeutic targets of IMN.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) develop
bleeding and thromboembolic tendencies, so the indication for the use of
anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation (AF) is difficult. AF is the most common chronic
cardiac arrhythmia, and thromboembolism and ischemic stroke in particular are the
main complications. In recent years, new oral anticoagulants (rivaroxaban) have been
developed and have shown superiority over classic anti-vitamin K anticoagulants in
preventing the risk of stroke, systemic embolism and bleeding.
Aim is to evaluate the safety parameters of rivaroxaban in patients with stage 4 chronic
kidney disease (CKD) or a transient sustained decrease in glomerular filtration rate
(GFR) to 15–29 ml/min/1,73 m2 in the presence of atrial fibrillation (AF).
METHOD: Multicenter prospective randomized study that included patients from
cardiology departments in 2019. Of 5448 hospitalized patients, 109 (2%) patients with
AF and CKD stage 4 or a sustained decrease in GFR to 15-29 ml/min/1.73 m2 were
randomized in a 2:1 ratio to rivaroxaban 15 mg/day (n=73) or warfarin (n=36).
Primary endpoint: development of large, small and small clinically significant bleeding
according to the BARC (Bleeding Academic Research Consortium) and ISTH
(International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis) scales. The average follow-up
period is 12 months.
RESULTS: Patients taking warfarin were significantly more likely to develop minor MO124 Figure 1: Cell lineage analysis by comprehensive single-cell RNA-
bleeding according to BARC scales (n=26 (72.2%) versus n=31 (42.4%), p<0.01) and sequencing in IMN and control subjects
ISTH (n=22 (61.1%) versus n=27 (36.9%), p<0.01) and all clinically significant (minor (A) Schematic of the scRNA-seq pipeline. kidney (n=6) samples from patients with
clinically significant and major) bleeding according to the ISTH scale [n=10 (27.7%) IMN or healthy control subjects (n=2) were collected at the time of clinically indicated
versus n=8 (10.9%), p=0.03]. The number of readmissions was 32 (43.8% of patients) renal biopsy or live kidney donation, respectively. Kidney biopsies were enzymatically
in the rivaroxaban group, 17 (47.2% of patients) in the warfarin group (p=0.57), of disaggregated into single-cell suspensions and loaded onto a microfluidic device for cell
which 12 (37.5%) and 7 (41.1%) (in the rivaroxaban and warfarin groups, respectively) barcoding, cell lysis, reverse RNA transcription, and then scRNA-seq as well as various
- for urgent reasons (p=0.96). A significant improvement in the dynamics of creatinine analysis. (B)Seventeen distinct cell clusters were visualized by UMAP plotting, with
levels, GFR (according to CKD-EPI) in the rivaroxaban group was revealed. each cell color-coded for its associated subtypes. The color of the cells represented
CONCLUSION: The study provides evidence of a favorable safety profile for group origin. (C) UMAP plot of cell clusters from different subjects of IMN patients
rivaroxaban compared with warfarin in patients with AF and advanced CKD. and control. The color of cells reflected the individual origin. (D) Bar plots of the
percent contribution of cell clusters in kidneys from different subjects. Blocks
represented different subjects, and block height was in proportion to the number of
cells. (E) Heatmap of the top 20 most differentially expressed genes in each cluster to
identify mutually exclusive gene sets, which were then used to determine the cell
lineage of each cluster. Each column represented a cell cluster, and each row
corresponded to a marker gene for the individual cluster. Transcript abundance ranges
MO124 THE SINGLE-CELL TRANSCRIPTOMIC OF HUMAN from low (purple) to high (yellow). (F) Violin plot of selected marker genes that
IDIOPATHIC MEMBRANOUS NEPHROPATHY* identified the clusters generated by UMAP plotting. It was colored by different cell
Yong Zhong1, Qiaoling Zhou1 Abbreviations were as follows: PT, proximal tubule cells; LOH, loop of Henle cells PC,
Xiangya hospital,central south university, Nephrology, changsha, P.R. China principal cells; IC, intercalated cells; DT, distal tubule cells; EC, endothelial cells; Pod,
podocytes; MC, mesangial cell; DC, dendritic cells; Mac, macrophages; Mono,
monocytes; Fib, fibroblasts; Per, pericyte.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN) is an
organ-specific autoimmune disease of the kidney glomerulus. Although substantial
advances have been made in the understanding of the molecular bases of IMN in the
last 10 years, there remain largely unanswered questions.
METHOD: To define the transcriptomic landscape at the single-cell resolution, we
analyzed kidney samples from 6 patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy MO125 NON-AMYLOID TYPE OF MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OF
(IMN) and 2 healthy control subjects using single-cell RNA sequencing. RENAL SIGNIFICANCE: CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL
RESULTS: Based on transcriptional expression patterns, we identified all previously SPECTRUM AND LONG-TERM RENAL OUTCOME*
described cell types in the kidney. Also, we identified a novel population of the
epithelial cell which is mainly from IMN patients. GO enrichment analysis showed Maria Khrabrova1, Alexei Smirnov2, Vladimir Dobronravov2, Olga Kudjasheva3
that DEGs were enriched in the regulation of apoptosis and type I interferon signaling Pavlov University, Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, 2Pavlov University, Research
pathway in mesangial cells, while DEGs were enriched in the regulation of Institute of Nephrology and 3Pavlov University, Raisa Gorbacheva Memorial Research
programmed cell death, and various cytokine-mediated signaling pathway in Institute for Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Transplantation
endothelial cells and the regulation of protein modification in pericytes. KEGG
enrichment analysis revealed that DEGs were mainly associated with the IL-17 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance
signaling pathway, TNF signaling pathway, NOD-like receptor signaling pathway as (MGRS) is a clinically and morphologically diverse kidney damage caused by
well as MAPK signaling pathway in endothelial cells as well as pericytes DEGs of monoclonal immunoglobulin (IG) produced by a "small" B-cell clone. Non-amyloid
proximal tubules cells (PT) and PCs between IMN and control subjects were both type of MGRS is considered to be rare but associated with poor kidney outcome (KO).
enriched in IL-17 signaling, TNF signaling, NOD-like receptor signaling. Moreover, The analysis of the prevalence, clinical and morphological spectrum and long-term
the cell-cell crosstalk highlighted the extensive communication of mesangial cells, renal prognosis in different degrees of hematological response (HR) in patients with
which infers great importance in IMN. IMN with massive proteinuria displayed non-amyloid type of MGRS became the goal of this study.
elevated genes participating in the inflammatory signaling pathways that may be METHOD: In this one-center prospective study performed from 01.01.2011 till
involved in the pathogenesis of the progression of IMN. 01.03.2020 patients with MGRS were enrolled. Criteria of MGRS were following: i)
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
The five-year cumulative renal survival was 44% in the non-amyloid MGRS group and
did not significantly differ from renal AL-amyloidosis group when compared (Figure
MO125 Figure 4: Five-year cumulative renal survival in patients with renal AL-amyl
oidosis and in non-amyloid MGRS group.
i148 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO126 CLINICAL AND BIOMARKER CHARACTERISTICS OF <18 years). Complement biomarkers including, but not limited to, C3, C4, AP activity,
PATIENTS WITH C3G OR IC-MPGN ENROLLED IN TWO classical pathway activity, FD, Ba, Bb, sC5b-9, and C5 were measured in serum or
PHASE II STUDIES INVESTIGATING THE FACTOR D plasma prior to dosing. Spearman correlation coefficients (rs) were determined
INHIBITOR DANICOPAN* between biomarkers of complement, eGFR, and/or proteinuria.
RESULTS: A total of 35 patients were included in this analysis (13 from study 1 and 22
Carla Nester1, Steven Podos2, Jonathan Hogan3, Gerald Appel4, from study 2). The majority of patients were male (9 [69%] in study 1, 12 [55%] in
Andrew Bomback4, Koen Bouman5, Terry Cook6, Erica Daina7, Bradley Dixon8, study 2), with mean (SD) ages at baseline of 25.2 (7.63) years in study 1 and 24.3 (9.90)
Craig Langman9, Liz Lightstone10, Jane Thanassi11, Kara Rice11, years in study 2. Most patients had received prior angiotensin converting enzyme
MingJun Huang2, Samir Parikh12, Matthew Pickering13, John Sperati14, inhibitors/receptor blockers (12 [92%] in study 1, 19 [86%] in study 2), and/or
Howard Trachtman15, James Tumlin16, Jack F.M. Wetzels17, immunosuppressants (10 [77%] in study 1, 12 [55%] in study 2). Baseline clinical and
Giuseppe Remuzzi18 biomarker data are shown in Table 1. Baseline eGFR was moderately correlated with
Molecular Otolaryngology and Renal Research Laboratory, Iowa City, United States of proteinuria (uPCR24, rs=-0.40 [p=0.022]); baseline uPCR24 was also moderately
America, 2Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., New Haven, United States of America, correlated with Ba (rs=0.42 [p=0.016]) and FD (rs=0.53 [p=0.002]). Ba and FD
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Division of Nephrology, Philiadelphia, elevations showed strong correlations with lower eGFR (rs=-0.79 and -0.88,
United States of America, 4Columbia University Medical Center, Columbia, United respectively [p<0.0001]), as seen in Figure 1A and B. Reduced circulating C3 strongly
States of America, 5ZNA Nierkliniek, Antwerp, Belgium, 6Imperial College London, correlated with increased sC5b-9 (rs=-0.70 [p<0.0001]) and reduced C5 level (rs=0.80
London, United Kingdom, 7Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, [p<0.0001]), as seen in Figure 1C and D.
Milan, Italy, 8University of Colorado School of Medicine, Renal Section, Department of CONCLUSION: Data from two danicopan clinical studies in C3G patients show
Pediatrics, Aurora, United States of America, 9Feinberg School of Medicine, correlations with renal impairment and proteinuria were observed for some, but not
Northwestern University, Chicago, United States of America, 10Imperial College London, all, complement biomarkers. Factor Ba and FD are strongly associated with eGFR,
Centre for Inflammatory Disease, Dept of Immunology and Infection, Faculty of suggesting that these biomarkers cannot easily be used as markers of complement
Medicine, United Kingdom, 11Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Boston, United States of dysregulation or activity. Interpretation of changes in these complement proteins needs
America, 12The Ohio State University Medical Center, Division of Nephrology, to include not only the nature of the complement dysregulation and influence of the
Columbus, United States of America, 13Imperial College London, Division of complement therapeutic being tested, but also eGFR. Additional urinary biomarkers,
Immunology and Inflammation, Faculty of Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 14Johns biopsy findings, autoantibodies, and genetic variants are currently being analysed and
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, United States of America, 15NYU findings from this study will contribute to a better understanding of C3G and IC-
Grossman School of Medicine, New York, United States of America, 16Georgia MPGN.
Nephrology, Atlanta, United States of America, 17Radboud University Medical Center
Geert, Department of Nephrology, Nijmegen, The Netherlands and 18Istituto di Ricerche
Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan, Italy
MO126 Figure 1: Baseline (day 1) bioma rker correlat ions. Panel A Correlat ion
between eGFR and Ba; Panel B: Correlat ion between eGFR a nd FD; Panel C: Correlat
ion between C3 a nd sCS b-9; Panel D:
Correlat ion between C3 and CS. Dashed lines represent upper limit of norma l (ULN)
and lowe r limit of norma l (LLN);grey boxes denote norma l bioma rker ranges.
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i149
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i150 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
tendency towards lower MACE (0.84; 95% CI 0.67-1.04) and all-cause mortality (0.85; MO131 THE SHRUNKEN PORE SYNDROME IS ASSOCIATED WITH
95% CI 0.62-1.18). There were a median of 4 (interquartile range: 2-8) eGFR POOR PROGNOSIS AND LOWER QUALITY OF LIFE IN HEART
measurements during follow-up per patient to estimate their eGFR slopes. In adjusted
models, new users of SGLT2i had a slower rate of kidney function decline compared
with DPP4i (eGFR slope difference of 0.43 (95% CI 0.15-0.72) ml/min/1.73m2 per Liana Xhakollari1,2, Anders Grubb3, Amra Jujic2,4, Erasmus Bachus2, Peter
year). Results for the primary outcome were consistent across 7 pre-specified M Nilsson2, Margret Leosdottir2,4, Anders Christensson1,2,
subgroups, including eGFR (eGFR 60: HR 0.79 [95% CI 0.57-1.08]; eGFR <60: HR Martin Magnusson2,4,5,6
0.62 [0.38-0.99], p-value for interaction 0.40). Skåne University Hospital Malmö Sweden, Department of nephrology, Malmö,
CONCLUSION: In patients undergoing routine care, initiation of SGLT2i was Sweden, 2Lund University, Clinical Sciences, Malmö, Sweden, 3Skåne University Hospital,
associated with fewer cardiovascular outcomes and less rapid kidney function decline Clinical Chemistry, Lund, Sweden, 4Skåne University Hospital, Cardiology, Malmö,
compared with DPP4i initiation. Sweden, 5Lund University, Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicin, Sweden and
North West University, Hypertension in Africa Research Team, Potchefstroom, South
OF URINE OUTPUT IN AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The cardiorenal syndrome was studied in heart failure
POLYCYSTIC KIDNEY DISEASE (ADPKD) PATIENTS (HF) patients with respect to the “Shrunken pore syndrome” (SPS) that is characterized
TREATED WITH TOLVAPTAN by a difference in renal filtration between cystatin C and creatinine, resulting in a low
eGFRcystatin C/eGFRcreatinine-ratio.
Francisco-Jose Borrego-Utiel1, Enoc Merino Garcia1, Maria Luisa Garnica METHOD: 373 patients hospitalized for HF were retrieved from the HeARt and brain
Alvarez1, Clara Moriana Dominguez1 failure inVESTigation trial (HARVEST-Malmö). We used CKD-EPI formulas for
1 estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Presence of SPS was defined as
Hospital Universitario de Jaén, UGC Nefrologıa, Jaén, Spain eGFRcystatinC 60% of eGFRcreatinine. In Cox regression multivariate models,
associations between SPS, risk of death and risk of 30-day re-hospitalization were
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Tolvaptan was approved to treat autosomal dominant studied. Associations between SPS and impaired quality of life (QoL) were studied
polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) to slow the rate of kidney growth and renal using multivariate logistic regressions.
function decline. Tolvaptan blocks the V2 vasopressin receptor in renal collecting ducts RESULTS: SPS was associated with all-cause mortality (124 events; hazard ratio (HR)
and distal nephron causing intense polyuria. Few authors have analyzed what factors 2.35; confidence interval (CI95%) 1.17-4.71; p=0.016 and with 30-day re-
influence the volume of diuresis in patients taking tolvaptan. hospitalization (70 events; HR 1.82; CI95% 1.04-3.18; p=0.036). Analyses of QoL, based
METHOD: We have analyzed the influence of solute excretion and glomerular on a Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire overall score <50, revealed that SPS
filtration rate, besides age and gender as predictors of urine output, using multivariable was associated with increased risk of low health-related QoL (odds ratios (OR) 2.15
analysis. In concret, we have searched the importance of osmolar excretion as predictor (CI95% 1.03-4.49; p=0.042).
of volume of diuresis. CONCLUSION: The results of this observational study show for the first time an
RESULTS: We studied 24 h-urine samples from 18 ADPKD patients on treatment association between SPS and poor prognosis in HF. Further studies are needed to
with tolvaptan, who had received the three doses: 45/15, 60/30 and 90/30 mg. Each confirm the results in HF cohorts and experimental settings to identify
patient was represented once per dose, for a total of 54 urine samples (Table 1). pathophysiological mechanisms.
Tolvaptan increased urine volume, which was roughly doubled, and roughly halved
urine solute concentrations expressed by volume and calculated osmolality. By
contrast, solute concentrations expressed as ratios with creatinine remained constant as
did osmolality corrected with urinary creatinine, indicating that there was no change in MO132 IMPACT OF MONOCYTE CHEMOATTRACTANTS ON IN-
Urine volume was correlated with serum creatinine (Rho= -0.36, p= 0.008), urinary IN PATIENTS WITH COVID-19
creatinine (Rho = -0.29, p = 0.034) and GFR-MDRD4 (Rho = 0.44, p= 0.001). Urine
volume was correlated with calculated daily osmolar excretion in Osm/day (Rho = Senka Sendic1, Ladan Mansouri2, Sebastian Havervall3, Charlotte Thålin3,
0.76, p <0.001). Urine volume was not correlated with calculated urinary osmolality in Joachim Lundahl2, Stefan H. Jacobson1
mOsm/Kg (Rho= -0.04, p= 0.77) or as urinary osmolality/creatinine ratio (Rho= 0.23, Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Nephrology,
p= 0.1). Correlation of urine volume with osmolar excretion was lost when urine Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Karolinska Institutet, Clinical Science and
volume was removed from the predictor variable. Urine volume was additionally not Education, Södersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden and 3Karolinska Institutet, Department
correlated with urinary urea o sodium concentrations nor their solute/creatinine ratios, of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
and although it was correlated with urinary potassium concentration (Rho = -0.33,
p=0.014), it was not correlated with potassium/creatinine ratio. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at
We also performed a linear regression analysis searching predictors of urine volume. higher risk of severe complications and mortality due to Covid-19 than patients with
Only GFR and the osmolality/creatinine ratio were significant predictors of urine other known risk factors. The association between CKD and mortality persist in
volume (urine volume= 55.35 x GFR þ 4.74 x Osmolality/Cr; r2= 0.41, p<0.001) but analyses adjusted for covariates known to associate with worse Covid-19 outcomes,
individual solute assessments or tolvaptan dose did not predict urine volume. suggesting that CKD confers a risk beyond that associated to comorbid conditions. The
CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, urine volume after initiating tolvaptan in patients with mechanisms underlying the increased susceptibility to severe Covid-19 in CKD
ADPKD is influenced mainly by the degree of renal function. There might also be a remains unclear but morphologic and functional differences in monocytes have been
contribution of urinary solute load but it can not be studied using total solute excretion due associated with prolonged hospitalization in other cohorts of patients. The monocyte is
to collinearity. We propose that the urinary solute/creatinine ratio and osmolality/creatinine capable to contribute to the pathophysiology through different mechanisms. There is
ratio should be used to search for predictors of urine output in patients on tolvaptan. however insufficient information on factors that orchestrate different aspects of
monocyte function and how these factors relate to outcomes. Increased knowledge into
which features of monocyte function that contribute to risks in CKD patients with
Covid-19 is important to guide treatment strategies.
The aim of the present study was to examine the concentrations of monocyte
chemoattractant markers MCP-1 (Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1; CCL2) and
MIP-1a (Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-a; CCL3) in patients with Covid-19 and
normal or impaired kidney function and to compare that to CKD patients matched for
sex and eGFR, and sex matched healthy subjects. We analyzed the impact of these
monocyte chemoattractant markers on in-hospital and 30 days mortality by logistic
and multiple regression analyses. We related this to established risk factors for
morbidity and mortality in Covid-19 patients, e.g. CRP and IL-6.
METHOD: We prospectively included 110 patients with Covid-19 (mean age 59 yr.,
mean eGFR 75 ml/min/1.73m2) admitted to Danderyd University Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden, during the first pandemic wave in April to May 2020 and 33 sex
and eGFR-matched patients (mean age 51 yr., eGFR 52 ml/min/1.73m2) with CKD and
35 sex matched healthy subjects (mean age 47 yr., eGFR 101 ml/min/1.73m2).We used
Luminex assays to analyze MCP-1, MIP-1a and IL-6 and routine laboratory tests to
determine white blood cell count (WBC) and CRP.
RESULTS: Patients with Covid-19 had significantly lower concentrations of MIP-1a
MO125 Figure 1: Clinical and demographic data in patients with monoclonal (p<0.001), and higher IL-6 (p<0.001) and CRP (p<0.001) than patients with CKD
gammopathy of renal significance at the time of kidney biopsy. and healthy subjects (Kruskal-Wallis), there were no differences in MCP-1 between
groups. We found significant negative correlations between MCP-1 (p<0.05), MIP-1a
(p<0.05) and IL-6 (p<0.05) with eGFR in patients with Covid-19 (Spearmans rank
correlation). Logistic regression analysis (Odds ratio, OR, 95% Confidence Intervals
(CI)) and Cox proportional hazard models (Hazard ratio, HR), both adjusted for age,
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
showed significant associations between in-hospital mortality and WBC, CRP, IL-6, 89.1, 101.3) mL/min/1.73m̂2. According to CKD G class, 70% were I and 30% were II.
MCP-1 and MIP-1a (Table, Figure). Similar findings were observed also for 30 days The cohort was divided in two groups according type of surgery: 44% as RN and 56%
mortality. as PN. Differences between the two groups were detected for Gender (Radical M/F
ratio: 3.2; Partial M/F ratio: 1.8; p=0.4), basal eGFR (Radical Median:92.3 (88.0, 99.8)
mL/min/1.73m2; Partial Median:95.4 (90.1, 102.0) mL/min/1.73m2; p=0.01) and CKD
MO132 Table. Logistic regression analysis, odds ratio (OR) and Cox proportional G class (Radical I:64%, II:36%; Partial I:76%, II:24%; p=0.03). Two-way Anova for time
hazard ratio (HR) both adjusted for age with 95% CI of in-hospital mortality in patients
variation of eGFR according other parameters, enlightened a significative difference for
with Covid-19
the type of surgery (p<0.001): in particular, the analysis showed the presence of a
variation over time of the eGFR (p<0.001) that depends also on the surgery type
Logistic regression analysis Cox proportional hazard analysis (p<0.001). Post-hoc analysis showed the impact of the differences in term of eGFR
p-value OR 95% CI p-value HR 95% CI decay at different time points: at 6 months the radical nephrectomy groups had a mean
decay higher (p<0.001) by 19 mL/min/1.73m2.(13.2, 24.9), at 12 months (p<0.001) by
Lower Upper Lower Upper 19.6 mL/min/1.73m2.(14.9, 24.3), at 24 months (p<0.001) by 18 mL/min/
White BC =0.001 1.438 1.167 1.771 <0.001 1.251 1.128 1.387 1.73m2.(11.9, 25.2), at 36 months (p<0.001) by 15.4 (9.4, 21.4), at 48 months
CRP =0.01 1.008 1.002 1.015 0.004 1.008 1.003 1.013 (p<0.001) by 16,4 (10.4, 22.3) and at 60 months (p<0.001) by 15 (11.2, 18.7) mL/min/
1.73m2 (Figure 1)
IL-6 =0.05 1.007 1.000 1.013 0.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 CONCLUSION: Our study highlights that both RN than PN harbor a non negligible
MCP-1 <0.05 1.001 1.000 1.002 0.001 1.000 1.000 1.001 risk of post-operative CKD events even in normal renal function patients without renal
abnormalities at 5 years from the operations. However, RN patients display a different
MIP-1a =0.006 1.006 1.002 1.011 0.001 1.005 1.002 1.008
behavior in term of renal compensation in respect of PN. In fact, RN pts tend to replace
the acute loss of function derived from the absence of the contralateral kidney with an
increase of eGFR , whereas PN pts tend to remain stable over time without any effort of
hyperfiltration. A prospective comparison multicentric study with kidney living donor
is on going.
i152 | Abstracts
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checkpoint (group 4). Kidney biopsies were not performed because of increased risk or
for improvement of RI when changes in TT were performed.
Renal injury (RI) occurred on average after 8.9 months from the start of TT. We
compared the effects of the different therapeutic interventions on changes of renal
function between T0 (before TT) and T1 (during TT). We also documented changes in
oncologic therapeutic prescription due to renal injury and their effects at T2 (follow
up). Kidney biopsies were not performed because of increased risk or for improvement
of RI when changes in TT were performed.
A two way repeated measures ANOVA (group x time) was used to compare the effects
of the four groups on serum creatinine (sCr), creatinine clearance and proteinuria 24 h
(PU) at T0 and T1.
RESULTS: Mean basal sCr of pts taking antiVEGF was 0.95 mg/dl, eGFR (MDRD)
81.9 ml/min and PU 196 mg 24h. At T1 (8.37 months on average) sCr was 1.74 mg/dl,
eGFR 62 ml/min and PU 1777 mg 24h.
Mean basal sCr of pts taking tyrosine kinase inhib was 1.24 mg/dl, eGFR 55 ml/min
and PU 145 mg 24h. At T1 (13 months on average) sCr was 1.59 mg/dl, eGFR 46 ml/
min, and PU 916 mg 24h.
Mean basal sCr of pts taking mTOR inhib was 1.28 mg/dl, eGFR 57 ml/min and PU
150 mg 24 h. At T1 (6.3 months on average) sCr was 2.1 mg/dl, eGFR 31.7 ml/min and
Pu 345 mg 24 h.
Mean basal sCr of pts taking immune-checkpoint was 1.27 mg/dl, eGFR 59 ml/min
and PU 150 mg 24h. At T1 (months on average) sCr was 3.74 mg/dl, eGFR 30 ml/min
and PU 257 mg 24h.
A significant increase in sCr was observed when comparing T0 and T1 among the four
groups but only a statistical trend (P = 0.088) was found for the group by time
interaction thus not allowing us to speculate on potential differences between the
different pharmacological interventions.
Lower Creatinine clearance and higher PU, were found at T1 in pts on anti-VEGF
compared to those on immune-checkpoint inhibitors.
We generally observed an improvement of renal function after reduction of TT dose or
its temporary discontinuation (27.8%), but definitive interruption was required in
31.8% of cases. In 2 diabetics pts on tyrosine kinase inhib we observed persistent
nephrotic proteinuria and progressive worsening of renal function and beginning of
chronic hemodialysis neverthless discontinuation.
At the end of follow-up 5 pts reached end-stage renal disease (1 pt was taking
antiVEGF, 2 pts tyrosine kinase inhib, 2 immune-checkpoint) and 6 pts were dead (4
pts were taking antiVEGF and 2 pts tyrosin kinasi inhib).
CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that careful monitoring of renal function is
needed to optimize the use of TT, also considering that RI can be multifactorial.
Onconephrologists work with the aim of trying to ensure the continuity of anti-
tumoral therapy, knowing how far they can go to maintain a balance between kidney
MO134 Figure: Detection and spatial distribution of viral RNA using fluorescence
function (even sacrificing part of it) and patient survival. In conclusion, nephrologists
in situ hybridization
should be increasingly familiar with the diagnosis, management and treatment of renal
The first (overview) and second (targeted zoom) columns display positive signal for diseases and the complexity of this field may benefit from well-defined
viral RNA in different renal compartments, including proximal and distal tubules, multidisciplinary management by a dedicated team
glomeruli and vessels. nCoV2019-S RNA is in green; Lotus tetragonolobus lectin (LTL)
is in red; DAPI is in blue.
RESULTS: The mean age of our COVID-19 cohort was 68.2612.8 years, most of
whom were males (68.7%). Proteinuria was observed in 53.3% of cases, while acute
kidney injury occurred in 60% of cases. Acute tubular necrosis of variable severity was
found in all cases, with no tubular or interstitial inflammation. There was no difference
in acute tubular necrosis severity between the patients with COVID-19 versus control
samples. Congestion in glomerular and peri-tubular capillaries was respectively
observed in 56.3 and 87.5% of patients with COVID-19 compared to 20% of controls,
with no evidence of thrombi. The nCoV2019 N-Protein was detected in proximal
tubules and also at the basolateral pole of scattered cells of the distal tubules in 9/16
cases. In situ hybridization confirmed these findings. RT-PCR of kidney total RNA
detected SARS-CoV-2 N gene in one case. Electron microscopy did not show typical
viral inclusions.
CONCLUSION: Our immediate post-mortem kidney samples from patients with
COVID-19 highlight a congestive pattern of acute kidney injury, with no significant
glomerular or interstitial inflammation. Immunostaining and in situ hybridization
suggest that SARS-CoV-2 is present in various segments of the nephron.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) are
characterized by altered gut microbiota, impaired intestinal barrier function, and
experienced gut microbiota-derived metabolites related to systemic complications.
However, limited studies evaluated the microbial diversity and function in ESKD
patients previously.
METHOD: Compared to age- and gender-matched subjects without kidney disease, 82
ESKD patients in the discovery cohort and 58 ESKD patients in the validation cohort
were investigated for the microbial richness, biodiversity, gut dysbiosis, microbial
composition differences, and the functional changes by gut metabolic module analysis.
Bacterial derived free form protein-bound uremic toxins were analyzed by mass
spectrometry and their association with microbial richness in ESKD patients was
RESULTS: Compared to controls, an increased a-diversity and distinct b-diversity
were found in ESKD (Figure). The increase in a-diversity was correlated with protein-
bound uremic toxins, particularly hippuric acid. A higher microbial dysbiosis index
(MDI) was found in ESKD patients with the following enriched genera:
Facealibacterium, Ruminococcus, Fusobacterium, Dorea, Anaerovorax, Sarcina,
MO136 Figure: Linear regression and natural cubic spline models for the Akkermansia, Streptococcus, and Dysgonomonas. MDI at the genus level
relationship of change in UPCR to change in eGFR for all 1-year spans (N=34) successfully differentiated between ESKD and controls in the discovery cohort (area
included in the analysis (p<0.05). under the curve [AUC] of 81.9%) and the validation cohort (AUC of 83.2%).
Regarding functional enrichment analysis with gut metabolic modules, ESKD subjects
i154 | Abstracts
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presented with gut microbial function of increased saccharide and amino acid MO139 INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID CORRELATES WITH MONOCYTE TO
metabolism compared with matched controls. HIGH-DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN (HDL) RATIO (MHR) IN
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
progenitor cells with differentiating ability is still lacking. The aim of the study is to
investigate the IS mediated cell damage on differentiating neuronal progenitor cells
METHOD: The study was divided into 2 parts: clinical investigation and in vitro study.
The clinical investigation collected 36 participants (12 health controls and 24 ESRD
patients with cognitive impairment by MMSE<=24). The in vitro study used the
human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y cells with differentiating protocol by retinoic
acid (RA, with concentration 10%). Indoxyl sulfate was given at concentration at 0, 25,
50 and 100lM at initiation of retinoic acid given and the 7 days after retinoic acid was
given. Microscopic morphology, MTT assay, annexin V-PI dual stain, and western
blotting for cleaved-caspase 3, Bax, Bcl-2 and oxidative stress (DCFCA) were
RESULTS: Among the 36 participants, the concentration of IS was higher in the ESRD
patients with cognitive impairment (43365.26624291.55 vs 5212.00614621.82 mg/dL,
p=0.00). The serum concentration of IS was negatively correlated with the total MMSE
score (r=-0.446, p=0.006) and the categories of MMSE (orientation to time: r=-0.537,
p=0.001, calculation: r=-0.541, p=0.001; recall: r=-0.402,p=0.014). In in vitro study, the
cell viability was not influenced in undifferentiated and differentiated (retinoic acid
treated for 7 days) SH-SY5Y cells. When IS during the initiation of RA treatment, the
cell viability decreased 3 hours after IS was given. The annexin-V-PI dual stain
demonstrated that the early apoptotic cells with annexin-V stained increased in IS
treated cell with dose-dependent manner. The caspase 8 and cleaved caspase 3
increased at 6 hours after IS treated when RA given. The Bax increased after IS treated
at 6 hours. The Bax/Bcl2 ratio increased at the IS concentration 50lM. The DCFCA
increased after IS treated at 1 hour with dose-dependent manner, and the cell viability
was rescued by N-acetylcystein.
CONCLUSION: The serum IS was negatively correlated the MMSE and predictive to
cognitive impairment in our cohort with 36 participants (12 health control and 24
ESRD patients with MMSE <=24). The in vitro study demonstrated that IS induced
differentiating SH-SY5Y cells apoptosis by activating caspase-dependent cell death
after generating oxidative stress.
i156 | Abstracts
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performed a logistic regression model to identify independent risk factors for AKI and
actuarial survival analysis to establish risk factors for mortality in this population.
RESULTS: 759 patients were included, with a median age of 64 years. 59% were men
and baseline median creatinine was 0.80 mg/dL. Most frequent malignance was lung
cancer and 56% were receiving PD1. 15.5% developed AKI during the follow-up. Age
and baseline kidney function were identified as independent risk factors for AKI
related ICI. At the end of follow-up, 52.3% patients had died. Type of cancer (not
melanoma, lung or urogenital malignance), type of CPI (not CTLA4, PD-1, PD-L1 or
their combination) and the presence of an episode of AKI were identified as risk factors
for mortality.
CONCLUSION: 15.5% of patients under immunotherapy presented AKI. A single
AKI episode was identified as an independent risk factor for mortality in these patients
and age and baseline renal function were risks factors for the development of AKI.
Xiaoxiao Shi1, Ying Wang1, Jiaying Li1, Zhixin Chen1, Tiantian Ma1, Yubing Wen1,
Wei Ye1, Yan Qin1, Xuemei Li1, Yang Yu1, Limeng Chen1
State Key Laboratory of Complex Severe and Rare Diseases, Peking Union Medical
College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical
College, Department of Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China
MO140 Figure 3: The cell viability was rescued in IS-treated SH-SY5Y cells by
pretreated by N-acetylcystein.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: In the present study, a mobile Voice200ultraV R SIFT-MS instrument was MO144 OVERLAP SYNDROME OF ANTINEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC
made available by the Agilent SRA Division. The SIFT-MS allowed to quantify the ANTIBODY-ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS AND IGG4-RELATED
VOCs in CKD patients. The SIFT-MS uses a precise and controlled application of DISEASE: DISTINCT CLINICOPATHOLOGIC CLUES FOR
“soft” chemical ionization. PRECISE DIAGNOSIS
We enrolled 50 CKD patients, divided into two subgroups according to the estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR): eGFR 30 mL/min/1.73m2 (A) and eGFR <30 mL/ Peifen Liang1, Qianqian Han1, Bo Liu1, Qiongqiong Yang1
min/1.73m2 (B) compared to 18 healthy subjects (C). The anamnestic data and 1
Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Nephrology,
information about any comorbidities such as arterial hypertension, cardiovascular and Guangzhou, P.R. China
metabolic diseases, were collected for each patient. In order to reduce the possible
interferences in the exhaled composition induced by different lifestyles, all participants BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Both antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-
were instructed to perform hygienic procedures before the test execution. The exhaled associated vasculitis (AAV) and IgG4-related disease (IgG4-RD) are multi-system
was sampled through the use of a standard spirometry mouthpiece for single use, inflammatory disorders. The coexistent of both diseases present the possibility of a new
directly connected with the input probe to the MS detector of the instrument that was overlap syndrome which leads to different treatment and outcome. In this study, we
able to detect more than 30 VOCs. The processing of the sample was made through the aim to investigate the possibility and clinicopathologic clues to the diagnosis of this
direct use of an internal comparison library (Syft library). The SIFT-MS software overlap syndrome.
instantly calculates the absolute concentration of the target compounds by METHOD: A case of a 67-year-old man in our hospital who exhibited the
interpolating mass-to-charge ratios, reaction rate coefficients and branching ratios. clinicopathologic characteristics of both AAV and IgG4-RD was presented. The serial
RESULTS: Among all the VOCs analyzed, the most significant results are observed for alterations in serum parameters and treatment response of the case were followed up
ammonia and isoprene. In particular, the ROC curve of ammonia highlighted for the next 15 months. Then, a systematic literature review of the overlap syndrome
statistically significant differences between the three subgroups respectively A vs C was performed on PUBMED database from 1976 until January 2020.
AUC=0,756 p=0,001; B vs C AUC=0,942 p<0,001; A vs B AUC=0,797 p<0,001 RESULTS: Forty-two patients fully met both AAV and IgG4-RD criteria in the
(Figure 1). Youden index J between subgroups B and C defines the best cut-off =0,8704 literature. The median age was 60 years ranged from 31 to 73 years at diagnosis.
associated with the criterion ammonia concentration 4700 ppbv with sensitivity Twenty-eight (66.7%) patients were men. Serum IgG4 concentration increased in 41
=94,44% and specificity = 92,59%. (97.6%) patients (median:395 mg/dl; range:177-876mg/dl). Forty-one patients (97.6%)
tested positive for ANCA with 37 (90.2%) patients showing a specificity for MPO.
Kidney histology of 23 (69.7%) patients presented pauci-immune necrotizing or
crescentic glomerulonephritis and IgG4-relative tubulointerstitial nephritis.
Glucocorticoids combined with cyclophosphamide therapy was commonly prescribed
with a high remission rate within 3 months. Four common clinicopathologic features
of the overlap syndrome were identified from the case and literature.
CONCLUSION: AAV may overlap with IgG4-RD while presenting atypical
manifestations. Four common clinicopathologic characteristics could be used as
specific clues to the diagnosis of overlap syndrome.
The ROC curve of isoprene showed statistically significant differences between the
MO144 Figure 1: Pathological findings in the tubular basement membrane. A, By
three subgroups respectively B vs C AUC=0,669 p=0,050; A vs B AUC=0,691 p=0,014
immunofluorescence, granular tubular basement membrane staining for IgG is seen (
(Figure 2). These data allow us to define this a highly accurate test.
200). B, electron-dense without substructure deposits in the tubular basement
membrane ( 12000). C, electron-dense without substructure deposits and absorbs in
the tubular basement membrane ( 12000).
The same significant results were observed also with Anova one-way test that MO144 Figure 2: Pathological findings in the renal biopsy specimen. D, crescentic
highlighted an inversely correlation between the ammonia breath concentration and glomerulonephritis (MASSON, 200). E, CD38-positive plasma cells infiltrate in the
eGFR, and a direct correlation between isoprene and eGFR. renal interstitium ( 400). F, IgG4-positive plasma cells in the renal interstitium (
CONCLUSION: This preliminary data confirms the potential utility of SIFT-MS for 400). G, IgG-positive plasma cells in the renal interstitium ( 400).
the CKD diagnosis and the possible relation between the VOCs concentration and
CKD stage. This exam could be a new, non-invasive, fast-performing diagnostic
technique with real-time results useful for clinical management of CKD.
The study was inserted in the projects: “MioMen u: nuova filiera dell’agro-industria e
una cucina tracciata natura/benessere- Lazio Region” and “BioSynOL- Oil and
Legumes: biodynamic and synergistic crops for naturally fortified foods and innovative
products for health and sport – G.O.Tuscany Region”.
i158 | Abstracts
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MO145 CAROTID PLAQUE THICKNESS COMPARED WITH SEVERITY METHOD: This was a prospective observational study of outpatient adults referred for
OF CAROTID AND CORONARY ARTERY CALCIFICATION IN clinically indicated transthoracic echocardiograms at an academic hospital between
PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE STAGE 3 2016 and 2018. A left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) below 45% was required for
inclusion (HFrEF).
Sasha Saurbrey Bjergfelt1, Ida Maria Hjelm Soerensen1, Henrik Oeder Hjortkjaer2, Mediation is the process through which an exposure causes disease. We hypothesized
Nino Emanuel Landler3, Ellen Linnea Freese Ballegaard1, Tor Biering-Sørensen3, that some of the total effect of extracellular water (ECW) to intracellular water (ICW)
Klaus F. Kofoed2, Theis Lange4, Bo Feldt-Rasmussen1, Henrik Hegaard Sillesen5, (as assessed by bioimpedance) ratio on lung congestion (as assessed by lung
Christina Christoffersen6, Susanne Bro1 ultrasonography) is mediated by C-reactive protein (CRP), left atrium volum index
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Nephrology, Copenhagen, Denmark, (LAVI) or estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) – the mediators.
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Cardiology, Copenhagen, Denmark, RESULTS: Our study included 153 patients. The mean age and eGFR values of the
Gentofte Hospital, Cardiology, Hellerup, Denmark, 4University of Copenhagen, Public population at baseline were 67.1 years and 66.5 ml/min/1.73m2. The mean median
Health (Biostatistics), Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Copenhagen University Hospital, value for CRP was 25.6 (IQR 9.0-56.4) mg/L.
Rigshospitalet, Vascular Surgery, Copenhagen, Denmark and 6Copenhagen University Figure 1 depicts the structural equation models with the calculated magnitude of the
Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Clinical Biochemistry, Copenhagen, Denmark direct and indirect effects of ECW/ICW on the B-lines number in our population. In
this model, the fluid status has both direct and indirect effects on lung congestion.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) accelerates both Specifically, it has a direct effect on LAVI and eGFR, which in turn have a direct effect
atherosclerosis and arterial calcification. The aim of the present study was to explore on the number of B-lines. Therefore, the indirect effect mediated by LAVI and eGFR
whether maximal carotid plaque thickness (cPT max) was increased in patients with accounts for a significant proportion of 27.6% of the total effect of ECW/ICW on lung
CKD stage 3 compared to controls and associated with cardiovascular disease and congestion
severity of calcification in the carotid and coronary arteries.
METHOD: The study group consisted of 200 patients with CKD stage 3 from the
Copenhagen CKD Cohort and 121 age- and sex-matched controls. cPT max was
assessed by ultrasound and arterial calcification by computed tomography scanning.
RESULTS: Carotid plaques were present in 58% of patients (n=115) compared with
40% of controls (n=48), P=0.002. Among participants with plaques, cPT max (median,
interquartile range) was significantly higher in patients compared with controls (1.9
(1.4-2.3) versus 1.5 (1.2-1.8) mm, P=0.001. Cardiovascular disease was present in 9.4%
of patients without plaques (n=85), 23.2% of patients with cPT max 1.0-1.9 mm (n=69)
and 34.8% of patients with cPT max >1.9 mm (n=46), P=0.001.
Carotid and coronary calcium scores >400 were present in 0.0% and 4.0%,
respectively, of patients with no carotid plaques, in 19.1% and 24.2% of patients with
cPT max 1.0-1.9 mm, and in 47.5% and 52.6% of patients with cPT max >1.9 mm,
CONCLUSION: This is the first study showing that cPT max is increased in patients
with CKD stage 3 compared to controls and closely associated with prevalent
cardiovascular disease and severity of calcification in both the carotid and coronary
MO146 Figure 1: Path analysis illustrated by the structural equation model with
standardized coefficients of direct effects for HFrEF patients. Dashed lines represent
non-significant pathways (tested, but not included in the model) and solid lines
represent significant pathways (included in the model).
Although ECW/ICW has a direct effect on inflammation, this doesn’t have any effect
on renal function or lung congestion.
CONCLUSION: We show that eGFR and LAVI partly mediate the effect of ECW/
ICW on lung congestion in patients with HFrEF. While the deleterious effects of fluid
overload on lung congestion have long been recognized, this study provides evidence
for a relationship of significant magnitude linking fluid overload with decreased eGFR
and increased LAVI, which in turn lead to elevations in the B-lines number.
This work was supported by a grant of the Ministery of Research and Innovation,
CNCS-UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-0287, within PNCDI III
and by a grant of the “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
contract number 27505/2018.
MO145 Figure: Association between maximal carotid plaque thickness (cPT max)
and coronary artery calcium score. MO147 ASSOCIATION OF CHA2DS2-VASC SCORE WITH CAROTID-
According to carotid ultrasound findings, patients were divided into 3 groups: No FEMORAL PULSE WAVE VELOCITY IN CHRONIC KIDNEY
carotid plaques, cPT max 1.0-1.9 mm, cPT max >1.9 mm. Based on the distribution of DISEASE PATIENTS
calcium scores from noncontrast CT scanning of the coronary arteries, patients were
divided into calcium score categories of 0, 1-100, 101-400 and >400. Nina Vodosek Hojs1, Robert Ekart2, Sebastjan Bevc1, Nejc Piko2, Radovan Hojs1
University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic of Internal Medicine, Department of
Nephrology, Maribor, Slovenia and 2University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic of
Internal Medicine, Department of Dialysis, Maribor, Slovenia
MO146 RENAL FUNCTION MEDIATES THE EFFECT OF FLUID BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients suffer from
EXCESS ON LUNG CONGESTION IN PATIENTS WITH HFREF high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Arterial stiffness is an important
parameter for the evaluation of cardiovascular risk. Carotid-femoral pulse wave
Raluca Popa1, Radu Sascau2, Cristian Statescu2, Vlad Vasiliu3, velocity (cfPWV) is the gold standard measure for the assessment of arterial stiffness.
Andreea Neamtu3, Andreea Bucur3, Mehmet Kanbay4, Dimitrie Siriopol1 CHA2DS2-VASc score was originally used to predict cerebral infarction in patients
“Saint John the New” County Hospital, Nephrology, Suceava, Romania, 2“Grigore T. with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, it is also useful in predicting outcome in different
Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Cardiology, Iasi, Romania, 3“Dr. C.I. cardiovascular conditions, independent of the presence of AF. Therefore, the aim of
Parhon” Clinical Hospital, Nephrology, Iasi, Romania and 4Koc University School of our research was to assess the association of CHA2DS2-VASc score with cfPWV in
Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey CKD patients.
METHOD: Eighty-seven non-dialysis CKD patients from our outpatient clinic were
included. At the time of inclusion, medical history data and standard blood results
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Despite impressive improvements in treatment
were collected, CHA2DS2-VASc score was calculated, cfPWV measurements
strategies, heart failure (HF) morbidity and mortality remain substantially high
(SphygmoCor System) were done. Correlation between CHA2DS2-VASc score and
worldwide. Pulmonary congestion is considered the leading cause for hospital
cfPWV was assessed. Multiple regression analysis with cfPWV as dependent and
admissions and death among patients with HF. The aim of this study is to investigate if
CHA2DS2-VASc score, eGFR, urinary albumin/creatinine, haemoglobin, high
the effect of fluid status, as assessed by bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) on lung
sensitivity CRP, serum calcium, phosphate and intact PTH as independent variables
congestion is mediated by renal function, inflammation or cardiac function.
was performed. Additionally, patients were divided into two groups according to
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
median value of CHA2DS2-VASc score (group 1: CHA2DS2-VASc score 2, group 2: Currently, iptacopan is being evaluated in an ongoing adaptive seamless double-blind
CHA2DS2-VASc score >2). Data of both groups were compared by t-test or Mann- and placebo-controlled dose-ranging Phase 2 study (CLNP023X2203, Part 1 and Part
Whitney test. 2) in patients with biopsy-confirmed IgAN and elevated proteinuria [urine protein to
RESULTS: CHA2DS2-VASc score correlated with cfPWV (r=0.380, p=0.001). In creatinine ratio (UPCR) 0.75 g/g]. An interim analysis (IA) at 90 days of treatment
multiple regression analysis only CHA2DS2-VASc score was significantly associated in the Part 1 study showed that iptacopan administered up to 200 mg b.i.d for 90 days
with cfPWV (p=0.001). Data of both groups of patients divided according to median was safe, well tolerated and may be effective in reducing proteinuria. A further IA
value of CHA2DS2-VASc score are presented in table 1. cfPWV was significantly higher combining participants in Part 1 and Part 2 will be completed in early 2021 and the
in group 2 (13.4063.50 vs 10.4662.93, p=0.001). Groups of patients also differed pivotal phase 3 trial is to start in early 2021.
significantly in age, presence of diabetes, eGFR and serum phosphate. AIM: APPLAUSE-IgAN (NCT04578834; CLNP023A2301) is a multicenter,
CONCLUSION: CHA2DS2-VASc score is associated with cfPWV in CKD patients. randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel-group Phase 3 study which aims
Patients with a higher CHA2DS2-VASc score have stiffer arteries. to evaluate the efficacy and safety of iptacopan (LNP023) compared with placebo in
addition to supportive therapy on proteinuria reduction and slowing kidney disease
progression in primary IgAN patients.
METHOD: Adult patients diagnosed with primary IgAN (based on kidney biopsy and
elevated proteinuria [UPCR 1 g/day]) will be recruited. A run-in period will ensure
that patients have received ACEi/ARB at a maximally tolerated dose for at least 90 days
and receive required vaccinations at least 2 weeks prior to first dosing. Patients will be
randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either iptacopan 200 mg b.i.d or matching placebo for a
24-month treatment period.
Vlado Perkovic1, Brad Rovin2, Hong Zhang3, Naoki Kashihara4, Bart Maes5,
The trial will enroll approximately 450 participants, aiming for 430 with eGFR 30 mL
Dana Rizk6, Wenyan Wang7, Matthias Meier8, Dmitrij Kollins8,
/min/1.73m2 (main study population). About 20 participants with eGFR 20 to <30
Olympia Papachristofi8, Alan Charney7, Jonathan Barratt9,10
mL/min/1.73m2 (severe renal impairment population) will also be enrolled to explore
University of New South Wales, UNSW Research Grants and Contract Office, Level 3, PK and safety of iptacopan in this group, but will not be included in the efficacy
Rupert Myers Building South Wing, UNSW Kensington Campus, Kensington, Australia, analyses.
The Ohio State University, OSU Wexner Medical Center, Nephrology Division, Ground PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: 1) At IA (when approximately 250 patients have completed
Floor 395 W. 12th Avenue Columbus, United States of America, 3Renal Division, Peking the 9 months visit): To demonstrate superiority of iptacopan vs. placebo in
University First Hospital, Peking University, Institute of Nephrology, No.8 Xi Shi Ku Street, the reduction of proteinuria. The IA results may be submitted to support accelerated/
Xi Cheng District, Beijing , P.R. China, 4Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, conditional approval.
Kawasaki Medical School, 577 Matsushima, Kurashiki Okayama, Japan, 5Department 2) At final analysis (when approximately 430 patients have completed 24 months of
of Nephrology, AZ Delta Wilgenstraat 2, 8800 BE Roeselare, Belgium, 6Medicine/ active treatment): to demonstrate superiority of iptacopan vs. placebo in slowing
Nephrology, 703 19th Street South, 614 Zeigler Research Building, Birmingham AL kidney disease progression measured by the annualized total slope of eGFR decline
35294-0007, United Kingdom, 7Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, 1 Health Plaza, over 24 months.
East Hanover, United States of America, 8Novartis Pharma AG, Lichtstrasse 35, 4056 RESULTS: Recruitment will start in Q1 2021.
Basel, Switzerland, 9University: The Mayer IgA Nephropathy Laboratories, Lab 105, 107, CONCLUSION: This trial will evaluate the efficacy of iptacopan, a promising new
125 and 10NHS: The John Walls Renal Unit, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolen therapy for IgAN, in reducing proteinuria and slowing loss of kidney function over 2
Road, Leicester LE5 4PW, United Kingdom years.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary
glomerulonephritis worldwide. It is an autoimmune disease characterized by deposits
of IgA1-containing immune complexes in the glomerular mesangium leading to local
inflammation and subsequent decline in kidney function. Currently, there are no
targeted therapies for IgAN. The KDIGO guidelines (2012) recommend optimized
long-term supportive care including inhibition of the RAS (ACEi or ARB) as well as
lifestyle modification for blood pressure control and proteinuria reduction. Patients
who remain at high risk of progressive CKD despite maximal supportive care might be
considered for high-dose corticosteroids or immunosuppressants.
In recent years, mounting evidence has supported an important role for complement
activation in disease onset and progression of IgAN. The alternative complement
pathway (AP) and lectin complement pathway (LP) are found to be activated in 75- MO148 Figure: Study Design
90% and 17-25% of IgAN patients, respectively (Floege et al 2014, Maillard et al 2015).
Factor B (FB) is an essential component of C3- and C5-convertases. Iptacopan
(LNP023) is an oral, first-in-class, highly potent selective inhibitor of FB and thereby
blocks the activity of AP C3 and C5 convertases, inhibiting the AP as well as the
amplification of the classic and lectin complement pathways.
MO147 Table 1. Eighty-seven CKD patients were divided into two groups according to the median value of CHA2DS2-VASc score. Data are presented as
mean6SD or as absolute number of patients with a known condition.
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MO149 PREGNANCY AFTER LIVING KIDNEY DONATION, A Central Hospital between April 1 and May 31, 2020. Serum Na level of < 135 mEq/L
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF THE AVAILABLE EVIDENCE AND A was defined as hyponatremia, 135–145 mEq/L as normonatremia, and > 145 mEq/L as
REVIEW OF THE CURRENT GUIDANCE hypernatremia. Inflammation was assessed by serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels.
Univariate logistic regression analyses were used to assess associations between
Maria Pippias1,2, Laura Skinner2,3, Anna Varberg Reisæter4,5, hyponatremia at admission and need for oxygen or death during hospitalization. A
Daniel Abramowicz6, Marlies Noordzij7, Vianda Stel8, Kitty J Jager8 comparison of serum Na levels at admission and discharge was tested using a paired t-
University of Bristol, Department of Health Care Evaluation, Population Health test. Cross-sectional associations between serum Na and CRP levels at admission or
Sciences, United Kingdom, 2North Bristol NHS Trust, United Kingdom, 3University of days from onset to admission were analyzed using multivariate linear regression
Bristol, Translational Health Sciences, Bristol , United Kingdom, 4Oslo universitetssykehus analyses. A restricted cubic spline (RCS) curve incorporated in one of these
Rikshospitalet, Department of Transplantation Medicine, Oslo, Norway, 5Norwegian multivariate linear regression analyses was used to identify when serum Na levels were
Renal Registry, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 6Antwerp the lowest. In addition, we employed a mixed-effect model to examine the longitudinal
University Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Antwerp, Belgium, 7University Medical association between changes in serum Na and CRP levels during hospitalization.
Center Groningen, Department of Internal Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands and
Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC, European Renal Association-European Dialysis and
Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry, Department of Medical Informatics,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It was long believed that living kidney donation did not
infer a risk to the health or longevity of living kidney donors (LKD), though recently,
some studies have called this into question. The majority of LKD are women of
childbearing age, it is therefore vital that a clear picture of the risks associated with
pregnancy post-kidney donation is obtained. Furthermore, it is imperative that the
guidance pertaining to accepting an LKD of childbearing age is both comprehensive
and clear.
We performed a systematic review with the aim of identifying all original research
articles examining pregnancy outcomes, such as gestational hypertension and pre-
eclampsia in LKD, and to compare the quality and consistency of the guidelines,
consensus statements and expert opinions in this area.
METHOD: We searched Embase Ovid, MEDLINE Ovid, PubMed, society webpages
and guideline registries for English-language publications published up until 18th
December 2020. Article references and citation lists were also examined. The study was
performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines.
RESULTS: A total of 94 articles were screened. Nine cohort studies, two case reports,
and one congress abstract were identified. The four most recent published papers were
retrospective cohort studies, which included a combined number of 1,298 LKDs. All
four studies reported an increase in both the relative and absolute risk of pregnancy-
related complications. For example, the absolute risk of pre-eclampsia increased from
1-3% of pregnancies in LKD pre-donation to 4-6% of pregnancies in LKD post-
donation. This meant that LKDs had a lower absolute risk of pre-eclampsia pre-
donation, but after donation their risk of pre-eclampsia matched that of the general
population. None of these studies distinguished between early or late onset pre-
eclampsia. Participants were predominantly limited to Caucasian women. The lack of
an ideal ‘living donor comparator group’ hindered a full quantification (including
meta-analysis) of the pregnancy-related complications in LKD.
We identified seven clinical guidelines and consensus statements published since 2010.
These were broadly consistent in stating that the risk of pregnancy-related
complications in LKD was similar to the general population’s risk, and that potential
LKD should be informed of this risk. They were however inconsistent in their scope.
For example, only three guidelines recommended enquiring into prior pregnancy-
induced complications, and only two offered specific guidance on post-donation
pregnancy follow-up. The most striking inconsistency was the differing view as to
whether or not women who had not yet completed a family should be accepted as
LKD. For example, one guideline stated that ‘women should not be excluded from
donation solely on the basis of a desire to have children after donation’, whilst another
stated that ‘it seem(ed) advisable to have completed a planned family before donation’.
CONCLUSION: The relative risk of pregnancy-related complications in LKD
increases relative to the risk in non-LKD, though the increase in absolute risk remains
very low. Though multiple guidelines for living kidney donation were identified, their
advice for women of childbearing age was at times scant and inconsistent. The LKD of
the future is likely to differ from the LKD of yesteryear. As such more focus should be
placed on better identifying and individualising risk for LKD. Whilst the evidence
suggests that an LKD’s risk of complications in pregnancy remains low post donation,
one should keep in mind that a potential LKD’s personalised risk is unknown.
RESULTS: Ninety-eight patients were enrolled, of whom 53 (54%) were male and 39
(40%) had a smoking history. Mean (SD) or median (IQR) of age, eGFR, body mass
index (BMI), serum Na, and CRP at admission were 50 (17) years, 82 (20) mL/min/
1.73m2, 23.3 (5.5), 138 (3.7) mEq/L, and 1.8 (0.2–6.0) mg/dL, respectively. It took an
mean of 8.9 (3.7) days from onset to admission due to social disruption. According to
Keiko Tanoue1,2, Masamitsu Senda1, Kaku Tamura1,3, Kazuo Imai1,
government policies, during observation period, patients diagnosed with COVID-19
Mayu Nagura1, Sakiko Tabata1, Kazuyoshi Miyoshi1, Hanako Matsunobu1,
have to be hospitalized, even if they have minor or improving clinical symptoms.
Satoko Nakamura1, Toshimitsu Ito1
At admission, hyponatremia was observed in 11 (11.2%) patients; the rest of the
Self-Defense Forces Central Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, patients had normonatremia. Twenty-seven (27.6%) patients received oxygen, and 4
National Defense Medical College, Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, (4.1%) died during hospitalization. Hyponatremia at admission was significantly
Saitama, Japan and 3Self-Defense Forces Sasebo Hospital, Department of Internal associated with the need for oxygen (odds ratio: 41.2; 95% CI: 4.9–344; P=0.001) and
Medicine, Nagasaki, Japan death (odds ratio: 32.3; 95% CI: 3.0-347; P=0.004). Irrespective of hyponatremia at
admission, the serum Na levels at discharge were significantly higher than those at
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hyponatremia is associated with aggravation of admission (Fig. 1).
inflammation in COVID-19 patients. However, to the best of our knowledge, no study In both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses, serum Na levels were negatively
has used longitudinal data and investigated the association between hyponatremia and associated with serum CRP levels after adjustment for age, sex, eGFR, BMI, and
COVID-19. Therefore, we analyzed COVID-19 patients’ changes in serum sodium smoking history (P<0.001), which suggests that serum Na levels may reflect the
(Na) levels from admission to discharge. activity of COVID-19. Furthermore, the serum Na levels at admission were positively
METHOD: We conducted a retrospective, single-center, observational cohort study, associated with days from onset to admission after adjustment for age, sex, eGFR, BMI,
involving adult COVID-19 patients who were admitted to Japan Self-Defense Forces smoking history, and serum CRP levels (P=0.035), and the RCS curve showed that the
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serum Na levels tended to be the lowest around the 7th day after onset (Fig. 2). variables and t-tests were employed for pseudo normally distributed continuous
CONCLUSION: Hyponatremia in COVID-19 may occur secondarily, and a condition variables.
called “COVID-19-induced hyponatremia” might exist. RESULTS: Of the 53 participants, the median age was 59 years (26-89). 41.5% were
women. The median time on dialysis was 1.6 years.
According to the CFS, 6 patients were categorised as non-frail, 30 patients as
intermediately frail and 17 as frail.
Among frail participants, 41% were correctly perceived as frail by their nephrologist.
Among non-frail participants, 100% were correctly perceived as non-frail by their
Among those who were frail according to the CFS, those misclassified as intermediately
n Roman1, Clara Garcıa Carro1, Irene Agraz1, Néstor Toapanta1, frail or non-frail, were younger (median age of those misclassified 49 years vs 62 years
Juan Leo
of those not mis-classified, P=0.03) but did not differ by sex (P=1), time on dialysis
Ander Vergara Arana1, Alejandra Gabaldon2, Irina Torres Rodriguez1,
(P=0.39), presence of diabetes (P=0.30) or presence of vascular disease (P=1).
Roxana Bury1, Cinthia Baldallo1, Daniel Seron Micas1, Marıa José Soler1
CONCLUSION: In this study of adult patients undergoing chronic haemodialysis,
Vall dHebron Hospital, Nephrology and 2Vall dHebron Hospital, Pathology, Barcelona, perceived frailty correlated with measured frailty using the CFS less than 50% of the
Spain time. This suggests that clinical perception is not an accurate surrogate for frailty status
in this population group. Additionally, this study suggests that younger patients with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: COVID-19 infection is responsible for respiratory ESRD are less likely to be correctly perceived as frail. Such misclassification could
infection with variable clinical expression from its asymptomatic form to severe influence clinical decisions for treatment, including candidacy for kidney
pneumonia associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death. Risk factors transplantation.
related to higher mortality are age over 65 years, cardiovascular, pulmonary and kidney
disease, hypertension, and diabetes. There is limited scientific literature on COVID-19
infection and previous kidney disease, specifically in patients with glomerular and
tubular kidney disease. The aim of this study was to determine general characteristics,
analytical parameters and clinical evolution of patients with kidney disease who have
undergone kidney biopsy and who presented infection or high suspicion of infection by
COVID-19. Identify mortality and associated risk factors.
Francesco Trevisani1, Federico Di Marco2, Francesco Fiorio2, Monica Cattaneo3,4,
METHOD: we studied patients with high clinical suspicion of infection or confirmed
Erika Rijavec3, Michele Ghidini3
infection by COVID-19 from March 2020 to May 15, 2020 of all patients who 1
underwent percutaneous renal biopsy at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital between January San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Urology, Milan, Italy, 2Urological Research Institute
2013 and December 2019. (URI), Division of Experimental Oncology, Milan, Italy, 3Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda
RESULTS: 39 of the 553 patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection since Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Medical Oncology Unit, Milan, Italy and 4University of
March 2020. The average age was 63615 years and 48.7% were male. Hypertension Udine, Deparment of Medicine, Udine, Italy
was present in 79.5% of patients, chronic kidney disease without renal replacement
therapy in 76.9%, and cardiovascular disease in 64.1%. Nasopharyngeal swab was BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The optimal use of immune and target therapies, the
performed in 26 patients; older patients (p=0.01), patients with hypertension optimal use of standard chemotherapy (CT) is of paramount importance, especially for
(p=0.005), immunosuppression (p=0.01), use of RAS-blocking drugs (p=0.04) and patients affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD) who require dose adjustment
gastrointestinal symptoms (p=0.02) were more likely to be tested for COVID-19. 22 according to the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to avoid acute kidney injury (AKI)
patients required hospitalization and 15.4% died. In the bivariate analysis, mortality establishment. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) and platinum-based
was associated with older age (p=0.03), cardiovascular disease (p=0.05), chronic chemotherapy (CT) are options for the palliative treatment of metastatic non-small cell
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (p=0.05) and low hemoglobin levels (p=0.006). lung cancer (NSCLC). Recently, CT in combination with immune-checkpoint
Adjusted Cox regression showed that low hemoglobin levels (10.1261.89g/dL) at inhibitors has become the treatment of choice for this setting of patients. Therefore, it
admission had 1.81 greater risk of mortality [1.04-3.13; p=0.04]. is fundamental to investigate the potential nephrotoxic effects of both treatments and
CONCLUSION: Patients with COVID-19 infection and kidney disease confirmed by their potential additive effects on renal function.
kidney biopsy presented mortality of 15.4%. Swab test for COVID-19 was more likely Aim of our study was to compare the nephrotoxic effect of both ICIs and CT (cisplatin
to be performed in older, hypertensive, use of RAS-blocking drugs, immunosuppressed and carboplatin-based) in a consecutive cohort of patients affected by metastatic
patients and those with gastrointestinal symptoms. Low hemoglobin is a risk factor for NSCLC.
mortality. METHOD: A consecutive cohort of 126 patients treated in first-line for NSLCL was
enrolled in a single tertiary Hospital between 2018 and 2020. Inclusion criteria were:
age (> 18 years old), eGFR (> 15 ml/min/1.73), histological diagnosis of metastatic
NSCLC. Each patient underwent immunotherapy or CT according to clinical
conditions, comorbidities and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression status.
eGFR (using CKD-EPI formula 2009) was detected at baseline and after each cycle of
immunotherapy or CT (using cisplatin or carboplatin) in order to determine the
Ruth Fergie1, Jennifer McCaughan2, Peter Eves1, Siddesh Prabhavalkhar1,
correct renal status using the K-DIGO 2012 guidelines for AKI stages and CKD classes.
Girish Shivashankar1, Emma Cunningham3,4
Pts were subdivided into CKD categories G according to their eGFR values before and
Altnagelvin Hospital, Renal Unit, Altnagelvin, United Kingdom, 2Belfast City Hospital, after the treatment. AKI onset was evaluated by rise in creatine levels according to K-
Renal Unit, United Kingdom, 3Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, United Kingdom and DIGO criteria. Clinical stage according to cTNM (AJCC TNM system-2019) was
Queen’s University Belfast, Centre for Public Health, United Kingdom collected at baseline before the first treatment. Comorbidities (e.g., diabetes, blood
hypertension, overweight and obesity) were also included. Comparison between
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Frailty is a measure of physiological reserve and the numerical variables was performed using linear regressions; between groups using
ability to respond to physiological stress. Increasing frailty predicts adverse health Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test for numerical variables and Pearson’s Chi square test for
outcomes in patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) Despite this, frailty is not categorical variables. Log rank test was used to test differences between groups in terms
routinely measured in clinical practice where clinician perception of frailty is used to of AKI onset during the therapy.
inform decision making. RESULTS: Clinical and pathological characteristics are reported in table 1. From the
The Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) is a clinical judgement-based score that is a useful analysis, no significative differences were detected between Immunotherapy and CT
screening tool for frailty. Increasing frailty measured by CFS is predictive of adverse group for age, gender, basal serum creatinine, basal eGFR, basal BMI, diagnosis of
outcomes in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) including falls, diabetes, hypertension, basal CKD G group or overall AKI onset. Treatment cycles
worsening disability, care home admissions, hospitalizations and ultimately mortality. were significantly different between the two groups (p<0.001) with a short median
It has been widely used in the assessment of patients with COVID-19 to help inform number of cycles for the CT group. No significative difference in terms of decay of
decisions regarding ceiling of care. eGFR calculated as final-basal values was detected (p=0.8). AKI onset over cycles was
This study aimed to assess the correlation between clinician perception of frailty and significantly different between the two groups (p=0.02), observing a higher risk of
frailty as measured using the CFS. developing earlier AKI for CT group (cisplatin or carboplatin) (13,9%) with respect to
METHOD: Frailty was assessed for all patients undergoing in centre hospital immunotherapy (7,4%) (figure 1 and 2).
haemodialysis (n=53) in a single dialysis unit in Northern Ireland. A CFS score was
calculated for all patients by a clinician who routinely uses the CFS in clinical practice.
Patients with a score of 1-3 were classified as not frail, 4-5 as intermediately frail and 6-
9 as frail.
Nephrologists received basic education about frailty. They were then asked to
categorize their patients as non-frail, intermediately frail or frail.
The relationship between measured and perceived frailty was assessed using percent
agreement. Participant characteristics of frail patients who were misclassified as
intermediately frail or non-frail by clinicians were compared to those patients correctly
classified as non-frail by clinicians. Fisher’s exact test was employed for categorical
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inflammatory response, the severity of lung involvement and DIC. The same factors
and arterial hypertension were found to increase risk of mortality.
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patients with leptospirosis. MO159 CHA2DS2-VASC SCORE AS A PREDICTOR OF
METHOD: This is a retrospective study including patients with confirmed diagnosis of CARDIOVASCULAR MORTALITY IN CHRONIC KIDNEY
leptospirosis admitted to three reference hospitals in Fortaleza, northeast Brazil, in the DISEASE PATIENTS
period from 1985 to 2018. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were analyzed,
and the incidence of unfavorable outcomes were investigated: acute kidney injury Nina Vodosek Hojs1, Robert Ekart2, Sebastjan Bevc1, Nejc Piko2, Radovan Hojs1
(AKI) – defined according to KDIGO criteria, hemodialysis need and death. Patients University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic of Internal Medicine, Department of
were divided in groups according to the levels of sodium at hospital admission (< or Nephrology, Maribor, Slovenia and 2University Medical Centre Maribor, Clinic of
135mEq/L). Statistical analysis was done with the SPSS program version 23.0. Internal Medicine, Department of Dialysis, Maribor, Slovenia
RESULTS: A total of 319 patients were included. Hyponatremia was found in 163
cases (51%) at hospital admission. Patients’ mean age was 37615 years, and 84% were BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiovascular mortality is high in chronic kidney
male. The group with hyponatremia had higher frequency of some symptoms and disease (CKD) patients. Recognizing patients with higher cardiovascular risk might
signs, such as disorientation (8.1% vs 1.3%, p=0.047) and jaundice (76% vs 54%, help in their treatment. CHA2DS2-VASc score was originally used to predict cerebral
p<0.001). Higher levels of urea (130680 vs 94634mg/dL, p<0.001) and creatinine infarction in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). However, it is also useful in
(4.362.7 vs 3.062.6mg/dL, p<0.001) were observed at hospital admission, as well as predicting outcome in different cardiovascular conditions, independent of the presence
maximum levels of bilirubins, in the group with hyponatremia (p<0,05). Median lower of AF. Therefore, the aim of our research was to assess the role of CHA2DS2-VASc
levels of platelets during hospital stay were observed in the group of hyponatremia (45 score in cardiovascular mortality in CKD patients.
[26 – 110] vs 73 [42 – 157] x103/mL p=0.001). A higher frequency of complications was METHOD: Eighty-seven non-dialysis CKD patients from our outpatient clinic were
also observed in the group with hyponatremia: hemodialysis need (38% vs 20%, included. At the time of inclusion, medical history data and standard blood results
p<0.001) and AKI stage 3 (71% vs 46%, p=0.002). There was no difference regarding were collected and CHA2DS2-VASc score was calculated. Patients were followed for
mortality rate between the two groups (14.1% vs 10.1%, p=0.281). assigned time or until their death. Mean follow-up time was 1696.456564.60 days.
CONCLUSION: Hyponatremia in patients with leptospirosis, at hospital admission, is RESULTS: Descriptive statistics of our patients are presented in table 1. During follow-
associated with worse prognosis and can be an important parameter to guide clinical up 11 patients suffered from cardiovascular death. Univariate Cox regression analysis
care in this group of patients. showed that CHA2DS2-VASc score is a significant predictor of cardiovascular
mortality (HR: 2.19, CI: 1.42-3.37, p=0.001). In multivariate Cox regression analysis in
which CHA2DS2-VASc score, serum creatinine, urinary albumin/creatinine,
MO158 CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF COEXISTENT LIGHT haemoglobin, high sensitivity CRP and intact PTH were included, CHA2DS2-VASc
CHAIN CASE NEPHROPATHY AND LIGHT CHAIN score was an independent predictor of cardiovascular mortality (HR: 2.04, CI: 1.20-
MO159 Table 1. Descriptive statistics of 87 CKD patients presented as
Zishan Lin1, Xu Zhang1, Dan-Yang Li1, Xiaojuan Yu1,2, Xinan Cen3, Fude Zhou1, mean6SD or as absolute number of patients with a known condition.
Suxia Wang1, Minghui Zhao1,4
Peking University First Hospital, Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China, 2, 3Peking University CKD patients
First Hospital, Hematology, Beijing, P.R. China and 4Peking University First Hospital,
Nephrology, Beijing, (N=87)
Age (years) 60.29612.84
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several patients with multiple myeloma suffered from Sex - male/female 57/30
more than one type of kidney disease simultaneously, of which the most common
Arterial hypertension 85
pattern is coexistent light chain cast nephropathy and light chain deposition disease
(LCCNþLCDD). We investigated clinicopathological characteristics of LCCNþLCDD Diabetes 22
in comparison with pure LCCN and pure LCDD. Dyslipidaemia 43
METHOD: Forty-seven percent of the renal biopsies revealed a monoclonal j light
chain restriction, ranging from 31% in the pure LCCN group to 90% in the pure LCDD Smoking - past or current 39
group. Of note, more than half of the patients with LCCNþLCDD showed k light CHA2DS2-VASc score 2.4961.40
chain isotype, which was significantly different from patients with pure LCDD (56% vs. Serum creatinine (mmol/l) 260.406134.69
10%, p = 0.033). Compared with patients with pure LCDD, patients with
LCCNþLCDD usually presented atypical features of LCDD with less nodular eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 29.50622.54
glomerulosclerosis (p = 0.003) and less diffuse deposit distribution (p = 0.027). Urinary albumin/creatinine (mg/g) 935.7561426.71
Compared to patients with pure LCDD, patients with LCCNþLCDD had lower
hemoglobin (126.5 g/L vs. 82.0 g/L, p = 0.008), higher incidence of AKI (20% vs. 89%, p
Haemoglobin (g/l) 129.41618.50
= 0.003), lower percentage of urinary albumin excretion (%UAE) (68.9% vs. 5.1%, p = High sensitivity CRP (mg/l) 5.2769.14
0.003). There was no significant clinical difference between patients with Calcium (mmol/l) 2.2360.14
LCCNþLCDD and patients with pure LCCN.
Compared to patients with pure LCDD, patients with pure LCCN had lower Phosphate (mmol/l) 1.2360.35
hemoglobin (126.5 g/L vs. 87.0 g/L, p = 0.001), higher incidence of AKI (20% vs. 85%, p Intact PTH (pg/ml) 139.106110.52
< 0.001), higher incidence of hemodialysis at diagnosis (10% vs. 65%, p = 0.003),
higher serum creatinine (165.8 lmol/L vs. 627.0 lmol/L, p = 0.02) and lower incidence
of hematuria (6/10 vs. 4/26, p = 0.035).
RESULTS: Forty-seven percent of the renal biopsies revealed a monoclonal j light MO159 Table 2. Multivariate Cox regression analysis of factors related to
chain restriction, ranging from 31% in the pure LCCN group to 90% in the pure LCDD cardiovascular death in CKD patients.
group. Of note, more than half of the patients with LCCNþLCDD showed k light
chain isotype, which was significantly different from patients with pure LCDD (56% vs. Hazard ratio 95% confidence interval p
10%, p = 0.033). Compared with patients with pure LCDD, patients with
LCCNþLCDD usually presented atypical features of LCDD with less nodular CHA2DS2-VASc score 2.04 1.20-3.45 0.008
glomerulosclerosis (p = 0.003) and less diffuse deposit distribution (p = 0.027). Serum creatinine 1.00 0.99-1.01 0.384
Compared to patients with pure LCDD, patients with LCCNþLCDD had lower
hemoglobin (126.5 g/L vs. 82.0 g/L, p = 0.008), higher incidence of AKI (20% vs. 89%, p
Urinary albumin/creatinine 1.04 0.63-1.71 0.891
= 0.003), lower percentage of urinary albumin excretion (%UAE) (68.9% vs. 5.1%, p = Haemoglobin 0.95 0.90-1.00 0.051
0.003). There was no significant clinical difference between patients with High sensitivity CRP 0.90 0.74-5.27 0.245
LCCNþLCDD and patients with pure LCCN.
Compared to patients with pure LCDD, patients with pure LCCN had lower Intact PTH 1.00 0.99-1.01 0.639
hemoglobin (126.5 g/L vs. 87.0 g/L, p = 0.001), higher incidence of AKI (20% vs. 85%, p
< 0.001), higher incidence of hemodialysis at diagnosis (10% vs. 65%, p = 0.003), CONCLUSION: CHA2DS2-VASc score is a simple and quick way to identify
higher serum creatinine (165.8 lmol/L vs. 627.0 lmol/L, p = 0.02) and lower incidence cardiovascular risk in CKD patients.
of hematuria (6/10 vs. 4/26, p = 0.035).
CONCLUSION: Pathologically, patients with LCCNþLCDD were more likely to have
k light chain isotype and presented atypical features of LCDD including less nodular
glomerulosclerosis and less deposit distribution than patients with pure LCDD. In
clinical characteristics, patients with LCCNþLCDD and patients with pure LCCN
shared similar features. For patients with LCCD, especially those with k restriction,
nephrologists should carefully evaluate the kidney specimens to exclude the possibility
of combined LCCN.
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i165
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO160 COVID-19 INFECTION AND ACUTE TUBULOINTERSTITIAL However, our knowledge about alterations of specific T cell subpopulations, as well as
NEPHRITIS the further modifications occurring after dialysis initiation, is limited. The present
study aimed to investigate the changes of T lymphocyte subtypes in CKD patients due
Juan Carlos Leo n1, Irene Agraz1, Ander Vergara Arana1, Natalia Ramos Terrada1,
to Diabetic Nephropathy (DN-CKD) and compare to nonDN-CKD patients.
Clara Garcıa Carro1, Alejandra Gabaldon2, Roxana Bury1, Sheila Bermejo Garcia1, Furthermore, the effect of dialysis, was also estimated in both groups.
Daniel Seron Micas1, Marıa José Soler1 METHOD: In 30 DN-CKD, 30 nonDN-CKD patients and 25 healthy individuals,
Vall dHebron Hospital, Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain and 2Vall dHebron Hospital, cytometric analysis of T cell subpopulations was performed, including CD4þ, CD8þ,
Pathology, Barcelona, Spain CD4þCD28null, CD8þCD28null, Natural Killer cells and Tregs. Measurements were
performed at the day started (T0) on either hemodialysis (HD) or continuous
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 infection manifests as pneumonia associated with ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and repeated six months later (T6).
multiple organ failure, and death. Acute kidney injury is a risk factor for mortality. RESULTS: At time T0, CD4þ, NK cells and Tregs were significantly reduced (p=0.001,
There is limited scientific literature on COVID-19 infection and allergic p=0.01, p<0.0001, respectively), while CD28null cells were increased (p=0.005) in
tubulointerstitial nephritis, its clinical course and short- and long-term prognosis. CKD patients compared to controls. CD4CD28null and CD8CD28null (%) cells were
METHOD: We performed a retrospective study where medical records of 60 patients increased in DN-CKD compared to nonDN-CKD (p=0.03, p=0.02, respectively). At
with histological diagnosis of allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis from January 2009 to time T6, a significant increase in total CD28null cells were noticed in DN patients
November 2020. In these patients, we studied the incidence of COVID-19 infection, (p=0.05) but not in nonDN patients. More interestingly, DN-CKD patients who started
clinical characteristics and prognosis from March to the actual date. on HD showed a significant increase in CD4CD28null cells [from 30(14-100) to
RESULTS: Of 60 patients with allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis, 6 (10%) patients 52.7(15-203), p=0.02], CD8CD28null cells [from 130(47-400) to 212(25-1192), p=0.02]
were diagnosed with COVID-19. The first case, an 85-year-old woman with a history and NK cells [from 137(56-275) to 266(103-456), p=0.01], while those DN-CKD
of metastatic melanoma treated with nivolumab and allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis started on CAPD showed a significant reduction in the percentage of CD4CD28null
by immunobiological agents in 2018, diagnosed with mild COVID-19 infection in cells [from 9.8(2.9-19.8) to 6.9(1.3-þ18), p=0.05].
April 2020 without deterioration of renal function in controls at 3 and 6 months of CONCLUSION: Patients with CKD due to DN are more likely to have impaired T cell
follow-up. The second case, a 51-year-old woman with a history of large B-cell immunity, mainly regarding CD28null cells, which further deteriorates after initiation
lymphoma with plasmacytic differentiation and progression to multiple myeloma of of HD. Instead, CAPD method seems to ameliorate those changes.
lambda light chains and allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis due to chemotherapy since
2019, admitted for acute pyelonephritis and PRES syndrome secondary to first dose of
bortezomib complicated with COVID-19 nosocomial pneumonia and acute MO162 IMPACT OF THE IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE TREATMENT, X-
pancreatitis treated with corticosteroids and broad spectrum antibiotic therapy; she RAY EXPOSITION AND RENAL PATHOLOGY ON OVARIAN
died of abdominal refractory septic shock. The third patient, a 64-year-old man RESERVE IN YOUNG WOMEN
without prior renal impairment, was admitted for severe COVID-19 pneumonia and
acute kidney injury secondary to acute tubulointerstitial nephritis of uncertain etiology Rasała Julia1, Ciszewska Anna1, Małgorzata Kro l1, Mariusz Kusztal1, Koscielska-
that required orotracheal intubation and continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration Kasprzak Katarzyna1, Andrzej Tukiendorf2, Maciej Kanafa1, Augustyniak-
for a week who received methylprednisolone in bolus for 3 days and continued Bartosik Hanna1, Oktawia Mazanowska1, Krajewska Magdalena1
treatment with corticosteroid therapy with complete recovery of renal function and 1
improvement in proteinuria at 3 months of follow-up. The fourth patient, an 82-year- Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Nephrology and Transplantation
old woman with acute kidney injury AKIN 3 secondary to acute allergic Medicine, Wrocław, Poland and 2Wroclaw Medical University, Department of Public
tubulointerstitial nephritis related to ciprofloxacin complicated with severe COVID-19 Health, Wrocław, Poland
nosocomial pneumonia, who died despite ventilatory support and high-dose steroids
therapy and tocilizumab. The fifth patient, a 75-year-old with a history of metastatic BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cyclophosphamide treatment and X-ray exposition in the
lung adenocarcinoma treated with immunobiological agents and allergic area of the ovaries are proven to be the gonadotoxic factors in childbearing age women.
tubulointerstitial nephritis in 2018, admitted in march 2020 for mild COVID-19 Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is regarded as a biomarker for ovarian reserve.
pneumonia treated with steroids and hydroxychloroquine without deterioration of METHOD: The study included 167 consecutive premenopausal women attending
respiratory and kidney function. The sixth patient, an 86-years-old man with acute Nephrology Clinic who gave informed consent and met exclusion criteria (past ovarian
kidney injury AKIN 3 due to acute allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis secondary to surgical procedure, PCOS, eGFR <30ml/min, irregular menstrual cycles). Clinical
proton-binding inhibitors and nosocomial COVID-19 infeccion with improvement of (renal pathology, smoking, X-rays exposition, eGFR standardized MDRD4,
kidney function with steroids therapy only. contraceptives) and demographic characteristics, as well as previous and current
CONCLUSION: Our 6 patients with allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis and COVID-19 immunosuppressive therapies were recorded. Serum AMH levels were measured by
infection presented different spectrum of the disease. It seems that nosocomial COVID-19 Beckman Coulter’s Gen II enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit; AMH
infection in patients admitted with recent diagnosis of acute allergic tubulointerstitial levels were classified as low or normal/above age-adjusted reference levels (published
nephritis presented a worse clinical prognosis compared with long-term diagnosed acute norms).
tubulointerstitial nephritis. Further studies with a larger sample size are needed. Statistical analysis included both regressive and non-regressive relationships between
the studied clinical features. Due to the presumption of the remaining non-regression
relationships between clinical factors, an original taxonomic method by Marczewski &
Steinhaus was used instead of general linear modeling. Based on patient age, eGFR,
renal pathology an ‘optimal’ segregation of patients was performed following the
created classification tree (dendrogram).
RESULTS: Median age of the patients was 33 (range 18-44). Median AMH
concentration was 2,66 ng/ml; AMH levels were classified in 64 females as low
(median 1,015) and in 103 as normal/above age-adjusted reference (median 4,04). Sixty
one patients were treated with cyclophosphamide in the past and 45 underwent kidney
transplantation. 92 women suffered from glomerulonephritis, 44 from lupus nephritis,
12 from interstitial kidney disease, 5 from ADPKD and 14 from other kidney diseases.
Age, eGFR, pregnancies in the past as well as being the kidney transplant recipient were
the coefficients strongly correlated with AMH level. Presence of lupus nephritis was
correlated with lower levels of AMH in comparison to other renal diseases and in
contrast to cyclophosphamide. X-ray exposition measured in cumulative lifetime dose
was not correlated with AMH levels.
CONCLUSION: Although previous researchers suggested cyclophosphamide to be the
strong gonadotoxic factor, our statistical analysis approach shows that lupus as the
disease often treated with cyclophosphamide may be the lowering ovarian reserve
factor itself. Further studies on this subject are still necessary.
i166 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO162 Table. Characteristics of patients in clusters (mean6st. dev. and %) with
p-values (<0.05)
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i167
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
body cell mass index (BCMI), extracellular:intracellular water ratio (ECW/ICW), waist
circumference (WC), lab test exams and clinical variables were examined at baseline
and after 6 months. Statistical analysis: Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test; Data analysis: R
programming language and RStudio integrated development environment.
RESULTS: Population divided as follows: average age: 69.8 (þ/- 10.3); # : $ ratio: 2.4;
Hypertension: 57.28%; Diabetes: 19,41%; CKD classification: 3,88% stage 2, 87,37%
above stage 3. At time zero no pts were underweight and 51 % were overweight or
obese with difference condition of FM percentage (FM % average: 24.3 % $ and 18.1 %
#for CS pts vs 31.6 % $ and 18.2 % #for CT pts). Only 2.1% of pts had a PA of less
than 4 , considered a negative prognostic index (PA average: 5.6 for CS pts vs 5.5 for
CT pts) and 6.3 % of pts had a value of cell mass less than 8 kg/m2 indicative of reduced
lean mass (BCMI average: 10.4 kg / m2 for CS pts vs 11 kg / m2 for CT pts). An
increase in ECW/ICW ratio greater than 1 was more present in CT pts in respect to CS
pts (41.6 % vs 22.8 % and ECW/ICW average: 1.01 for CT pts vs 0.93 for CS pts) as
well as WC measurement associated with increased cardiovascular risk (WC average:
87 cm $ and 99 cm # for CS pts vs 97 cm $ and 104 cm # for CT pts).
After 6 months of diet, we observed a similar behavior between the CS and the CT
cohorts in terms of renal metabolites and eGFR profile. In fact, the 65% of onco-
nephrological and the 55% of nephrological pts displayed a significative decrease in
urea plasmatic levels (- 27,76 mg/dl) and eGFR improvement (þ 6,27 ml/min/1,73).
The nutritional status, as assessed by the MST, was preserved in both groups during the
study. In addition, all pts had an improvement in BMI (CS: 2.8 kg/m2; CT :1.3 kg/m2)
PA (CS: 2.8 ; CT: 1.3 ), BCMI (CS: 1.31 kg / m2; CT :0.38 kg / m2) and FFMI (CS; 0.1
$ and 0.1 #; CT; 2.9 $ and 1.1 #) and a decrease of WC (CS: - 1.3 cm; CT– 1,65), FM
percentage (CS: 0 %; CT – 2.7) and ECW/ICW (CS: 0.02; CT 0.03).
CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that LNP high calorie diet ameliorates the
nephrological scenarios, the metabolic complications, and the nutritional perspective
in uro-oncological pts with stage 2-5 CKD. A larger prospective study to validate these
results is on-going.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: SARS-CoV-2, isolated for the first time at the end of
2019, is the third human infecting Coronavirus found so far. Acute kidney injury (AKI)
is the most common presentation when kidney is involved. There is evidence that
kidney damage is determined through different pathological mechanisms. Has been
observed that pathological kidney lesions can be due to the direct cytopathic effect of
the virus on tubular cells or by pro-inflammatory cytokine storm. Aim of this
observation is to evaluate the clinical and pathological patterns of kidney damage
mediated by Coronavirus.
METHOD: We analysed kidney autopsies of 4 patients with COVID-19 infection,
hospitalized between March and April 2020, admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. The
tissue samples have been observed by light microscopy and immunofluorescence. RT-
PCR SARS-CoV-2 was performed in all cases.
CASE 1: female, 69 y; affected by obesity, previous ictus; smoking habit. Admitted for
MO165 CANCER, KIDNEY AND DIET: THE NUTRITIONAL COVID-related pneumonia. At onset creatinine 0.45 mg/dl. Progression of lung failure
MANAGEMENT IN ONCO-NEPHROLOGICAL PATIENTS. A and exitus after 3 days. Autopsy: diffuse alveolar damage. Renal autopsy: acute tubular
SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE necrosis; mild glomerular ischemia, lymphocyte T CD4þ parenchyma infiltration.
CASE2: male, 66 y; affected by hypertension with cardiac involvement. Admitted for
Arianna Bettiga1, Federico Di Marco1, Francesco Fiorio1, Riccardo Vago1, persistent fever. At onset creatinine 0.98 mg/dl. Nasopharingeal swab COVID-19
Umberto Capitanio1,2, Andrea Salonia1,2, Francesco Montorsi2, positive. Progression of lung failure and oligoanuric AKIn 3 (creatinine 4.5 mg/dl, urea
Francesco Trevisani2 239 mg/dl), dialysis dependent. Exitus after one week for diffuse alveolar damage and
1 sepsis.
Urological Research Institute (URI), Division of Experimental Oncology, Milan, Italy and
2 Renal autopsy: proximal and distal acute tubular moderate injury, mild diffuse
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Urology, Milan, Italy
glomerular ischemia, glomerular capillaritis, overlap chronic nephropathy.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Controlled low-normal protein (LNP) diet in CKD CASE 3: male 45 y; affected by obesity and diabetes. Admitted for COVID-related
patient is effective in controlling the progression of renal impairment. Oncological pneumonia with acute lung failure requiring ECMO. After one week developed AKIn 3
guidelines explain how a high protein level should be always required in patients (pts) dialysis dependent. Exitus for cardio-respiratory arrest. Renal autopsy: diffuse acute
affected by malignancies in order to compensate the cancer derived metabolism and tubular necrosis, glomerular capillaritis, overlap chronic diabetic nephropathy.
avoid catabolism. But what about the onco-nephrological pts? Aim of our study is to CASE 4: male, 51 y; affected by CKD grade IV, hypertension, previous ictus; drug
investigate the metabolic impact of a low-normal protein diet in a consecutive cohort abuser. Admitted for AKIn 2 and COVID-related pneumonia. After 3 days progression
of 103 nephrological pts affected or not by urological non-metastatic malignancies. of lung and renal failure requiring intubation and dialysis treatment. Exitus the day
METHOD: A consecutive cohort of 103 pts was enrolled in the Urological Department after for diffusive alveolar damage and lymphocytic myocarditis. Renal autopsy:
at San Raffaele Scientific Institute between 2018-2020. Inclusion criteria were: Age diffused acute tubular necrosis, glomerular ischemia with mild tuft collapsing, diffuse
(>18 years old), eGFR (< 90 ml/min/1.73), Malnutritional Screening Tool (MTS<2), infiltration of lymphocytes CD4þ.
Urological Cancer aggressiveness (no metastatic process), Informed consent (signed). In all cases light microscopy examination showed diffuse proximal tubular injury, with
We divided the total cohort in 2 matched subgroups; case (CS: onco-nephrological pts isomeric and non-isomeric vacuolar degeneration; collapsing tuft, and interstitial
with urological malignancies) and control (CT: nephrological pts) with a 2.1 ratio. Each inflammation. Virus RNA performed by RT-PCR on kidney tissue was positive in all
patient underwent an initial nephrological and nutritional evaluation and was patients. Moreover in some cases our patients showed multi-systemic organ
subsequently subjected to a conventional CKD LNP-diet (0,7-1 g/Kg/die: calories: 30- involvement: lung in 4 cases, heart in 1, liver in 1.
35 kcal per kg body weight/die) for a period of 6 months (þ/- 2 moths). The diet was CONCLUSION: Our observations show that the main pathological effect caused by
based on the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (CKD-EPI 2012 formula), Coronavirus is a direct cytopathic effect on the proximal tubules with variable degree of
comorbidities, nutritional status and hypermetabolic conditions. LNP-diets were damage until acute tubular necrosis (ATN). In addition to this pathway, other factors
integrated with aproteic food to maintain a relevant amount of high–biological value contributing to kidney damage include systemic hypoxia, microvascular capillaritis.
proteins, especially for oncological and advanced CKD pts. MTS, Body Mass Index Associated sepsis can worse overall and renal survival. Previous comorbidities,
(BMI), Phase Angle (PA), Fat Mass percentage (FM%), Fat-Free Mass Index (FFMI), especially obesity, diabetes, systemic hypertension and preexisting chronic renal
failure, are significant negative prognostic factors.
i168 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
mg/dl and severe metabolic encephalopathy. He received 4 sessions of hemodialysis
followed by an improvement in his kidney function with a creatinine level down to 3.2
mg/dl a month after his discharge and he remains off dialysis until now.
CONCLUSION: Around 400 cases are currently recognized worldwide, emphasizing
the under recognition of this autosomal recessive disease. Considering that the
homozygoty causing a complete APRT deficiency should range between 1/50 000 and
1/100 000 cases, this would translate in at least 80 000 cases worldwide. The variant
found in our patient has previously been described as disease causing for APRT
deficiency in four cases. Reviewing the phenotype of these cases we find differences in
terms of presentation and evolution, highlighting the variability in the APRT deficiency
phenotype and underlining the fact that no correlation between phenotype and
genotype was reported to date even for the same type of mutation. This case report
shows us that the initiation of an adequate therapy is necessary even at advanced stages
of the disease since it can improve our kidney outcome.
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i169
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
nephropathy. Failure of restitution of renal function with the need for maintenance discharged home on Azithromycin 500 mg daily x 3 days and Cefdinir 300 mg BID x 5
dialysis was reported much more frequently compared to the results of our cohort (up days.
to 67% vs. 8.3%)
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, the Slovenian cohort of patients with
histologically established anticoagulant-related nephropathy is the largest reported
series to date that received corticosteroid therapy in addition to conservative measures.
Our results indicate that steroids have a beneficial effect, likely exerted via suppression
of hemoglobin-associated oxidative stress and inflammation. However, considering the
polimorbidity of these patients, the benefit of additional steroid therapy must be
weighed against the potential risks of side effects, especially life-threatening infections.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of the study was to study the functional state
of the kidneys in patients with coronary artery disease in the long-term period after
coronary revascularization.
METHOD: There were 160 patients with coronary artery disease under observation
who underwent re-endovascular procedures (RE). The average age of the patients was
56.6 6 1.27 years. The study included patients with an eGFR of at least 60 ml / min,
determined by the serum creatinine concentration. A dynamic determination of the
serum creatinine concentration was carried out to isolate patients in whom the
postoperative REB was complicated by contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN). In the
present study, CIN was defined as an increase in serum creatinine concentration by
25% 24 or more hours after REB. In the future, all patients underwent dynamic
determination of serum creatinine concentration in terms of 3 months - 1 year -2
years. Patients received standard therapy for coronary artery disease: antiplatelet
therapy (in the case of stenting of coronary arteries - double therapy), bisoprolol,
valsartan, atorvastatin.
RESULTS: The results of the study showed that during 2 years of follow-up after
coronary revascularization, a progressive decrease in eGFR was observed. So, by the MO170 Figure 1: Sequence of chest radiographs, normal in November 2019 (A),
3rd month, eGFR decreased by -17.39 6 1.17%, by the end of the 1st year - by -43.62 6 before initial hospital admission - March 20, 2020 @ 02:10:10 (B), and just before
1.28%, by the end of the second year of observation - by -46.50 6 1.79%. At the same intubation in the Emergency Department following the second .admission - March 22,
time, the decrease in eGFR was significantly more pronounced in the group of patients 2020 @ 03:32:01 (C).
who had CIN in the early period after endovascular intervention (37 patients): (-39.82
6 2.02% by the end of the 3rd month, -54.61 6 2.94% by the end of the 1st year and - He cheerfully went home. Later that night he quickly developed worsening dyspnea.
60.10 6 3.99% by the end of the 2nd year of observation versus -10.65 6 0.57%, -40.32 He was readmitted about 18 hours post-discharge. Temperature 99.40F, blood pressure
6 1, 27% and -42.41 6 1.85% in patients with CIN-, respectively, p <0.001 for 161/101, pulse 100/min. He was tachypneic and pulse oximetry was 82% on room air.
intergroup comparisons of the relative dynamics of eGFR at all three time points). This improved to 93% on 4.5 LPM nasal cannula oxygen. Initial EKG was normal. New
CONCLUSION: Thus, the present study has demonstrated that in patients with pertinent laboratory data: Bicarbonate 17 mmol/L, phosphorus 5.5 mg/dL, calcium 7.2
coronary artery disease after revascularization, there is a significant decrease in the mg/dL, creatinine 1.1 mg/dL, BNP 31 pg/mL and lactic acid 1.2 mmol/L. PTT was 28.3
glomerular filtration function of the kidneys as early as 3 months after the sec. HIV-1 p24 AG, HIV-1 AB, HIV-2 AB, HbSAG and Hepatitis C AB were negative.
endovascular procedure. CKD progression continues for at least 2 years after Chest radiograph showed worsening bilateral infiltrates (Figure 1C). He very quickly
revascularization. One of the predictors of CKD progression is the development of CIN desaturated in the ED down to 81% despite high flow oxygen therapy. He was
in the early period after endovascular intervention. promptly intubated (Figure 2A). Oxygenation immediately improved. He was
transferred to the ICU on IV Vancomycin and IV Cefepime. He developed septic shock
and required IV Norepinephrine. With worsening chest radiographs, (Figures 2B &
MO170 “SWEET HYPOXIA” WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY: THE 2C), he was transferred to a tertiary medical center. On transfer, pertinent new data:
UNPREDICTABILITY OF ACUTE HYPOXIC RESPIRATORY creatinine 1.38 mg/dL, albumin 2.8 g/dL, Ferritin 2,573 ng/mL, LDH 534 u/L, CRP 6.0
FAILURE IN COVID-19 INFECTION - A COMMUNITY mg/L, INR 1.2, D-Dimer 1.04, procalcitonin 0.38 ng/mL, WBC 13.3 x 109/L. EKG
HOSPITAL EXPERIENCE showed sinus bradycardia. Urine Legionnaire AG and Strep. Pneumonia AG were
negative. IV Azithromycin 500 mg daily and IV Ceftriaxone 2 gm daily were
Macaulay Onuigbo1, Kolade Olabode1, Mohan Sengodan2 administered for 8 days. Chloroquine phosphate 500 mg 2x daily was added. IV
1 Norepinephrine was continued. IV fluids were withheld. The head of the bed was
The Robert Larner, M.D. College of Medicine at The University of Vermont, MEDICINE,
elevated to >300. DVT prophylaxis with SQ Enoxaparin and Vitamin C were
Burlington, United States of America and 2Aspirus Divine Savior Hospital, HOSPITAL
administered. New blood cultures remained negative. COVID-19 RT-PCR after 3 days
MEDICINE, Portage, United States of America
remained positive. He was extubated after 4 days and discharged home after 9 days
with normalized creatinine of 1.03 mg/dL.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Severe COVID-19 infection may result in hypoxemic CONCLUSION: We have for the first time demonstrated the sequential chest radiographic
respiratory failure necessitating invasive mechanical ventilation. We revisit the images of the progressive radiological trajectory of COVID-19 pneumonia. The place of
phenomenon of asymptomatic patients despite very low pulse oximetry readings, the non-invasive ventilation demands further study. The so-called “sweet hypoxia” or “happy
so-called “sweet hypoxia” or “happy hypoxia” or “silent hypoxemia”. We describe for hypoxia” or “silent hypoxemia” in COVID-19 is revisited – indeed, it is not exactly limited
the first time, the sequential chest radiographic images of the progressive radiological to COVID-19 patients. The need to mitigate lung barotrauma is mandatory. Finally,
trajectory of COVID-19 pneumonia. prognostication of pneumonia in COVID-19 is unpredictable. Too early premature
METHOD: Case Report. discharge from the hospital is strongly discouraged.
RESULTS: A 62-year old hypertensive obese Caucasian male, an ex-smoker, was
diagnosed with mild community-acquired pneumonia in mid-March 2020, following
evaluation for low grade fever. He had traveled to Florida and Texas in the previous
month. He tested positive for COVID-19 by RT-PCR. A week later, he was admitted to MO171 BARRIERS TO RENAL SUPPORTIVE CARE IN SINGAPORE: A
a Community Hospital with one day history of new shortness of breath and loose SURVEY BASED STUDY OF NEPHROLOGISTS,
stools. Vital signs were stable. Pulse oximeter was 96% on room air. He was fatigued GERIATRICIANS AND PALLIATIVE PHYSICIANS
with few bibasilar lung crackles. CBC was normal. Creatinine was 1.0 mg/dL.
Abnormal laboratory: sodium 131 mmol/L, AST 50 iu/L, ALT 96 iu/L. Chest Yan Ting Chua1, Santhosh Seetharaman2, Priyanka Khatri1
radiograph revealed new patchy left lower lobe airspace infiltrate (Figure 1B). EKG National University Hospital, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
showed regular sinus rhythm of 96/min, QT interval 445 msec and PVCs. Treatment Singapore, Singapore and 2Alexandra Hospital, Healthy Ageing Programme, Singapore,
included nasal cannula oxygen, IV fluids, IV Azithromycin and IV Ceftriaxone. He Singapore
improved the next day, requested discharge home, vital signs were stable, pulse
oximetry was 91% on room air, sodium had normalized at 137 mmol/L and he was BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal supportive care is a patient-centred approach to
management of advanced chronic kidney disease, especially in elderly patients.
i170 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Adoption of renal supportive care in Asian countries has been slow. This study aims to Hyponatremia was associated with dyspnea at admission and with higher levels of
investigate the barriers towards renal supportive care as perceived by physicians in LDH, neutrophil cells account and C reactive protein. However, no worse prognostic
Singapore. was associated with lower serum sodium. All patients recover sodium levels at
METHOD: An online survey was sent out to all practising and training nephrologists, discharge treated with salt supplementation and free water intake.
geriatricians and palliative physicians in Singapore public hospitals between October CONCLUSION: mild hyponatremia is a common electrolyte disorder associated with
1st and October 30th 2020. Responses were compiled and analysed. COVID19. Sing as low urine sodium and recover with water and salt ingestion, point
RESULTS: Out of 365 surveys sent, 75 nephrologists, 43 geriatricians and 28 palliative toward hydrosaline dehydration instead of SIADH as most common origin of
care physicians responded, accounting for a 40% response rate. Most of the hyponatremia.
participants managed 16 to 30 chronic kidney disease patients in a week. Older patients
aged >75 years accounted for at least 30% of the chronic kidney disease cohort
managed by 72% of respondents. Most agreed that renal supportive care aims to
improve quality of life in chronic kidney disease (97.9%) and can be implemented
alongside life-prolonging treatments such as dialysis (83.6%). However, only 51.4%
recognised a distinction between renal supportive care and palliative care. Fewer
Fausta Catapano1, Maria Cristina Galaverni2, Simone NIcoletti1,
nephrologists compared to geriatricians received prior palliative care training (54.7% vs
Elena Mancini1
93.0%) or were certified advanced care planning facilitators (33.3% vs 67.4%). All 1
respondents agreed that nephrologists should be aware of basic principles of palliative Nephrology, Dialysis and Hypertension Unit, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy and
care, and 89.7% felt that palliative care should be incorporated into nephrology Radiology Unit, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy
training. Most were comfortable holding discussions regarding dialysis withholding
and withdrawal (93.8% and 87.7% respectively), and managing symptoms of pain INTRODUCTION.: Spontaneous Renal Artery Dissection (SRAD) is a rare and often
(74.7%), breathlessness (87.0%) and anticipated symptoms after dialysis withdrawal unrecognized clinical entity, which only accounts for 1-2% of all arterial dissections.
(78.8%). Fewer physicians were comfortable with managing symptoms of pruritus Due to its rarity, it may be difficult to diagnose and treat.
(65.1%) and restless legs syndrome (56.2%). Majority (60%) did not feel confident in METHODS.: All patients affected by SRAD and admitted in our Unit in the last year
providing spiritual support as part of end-of-life care. Main barriers to renal supportive were included.
care included inadequate time during clinic consults to address the patients’ needs RESULTS.: Five patients presented with renal infarction due to SRAD were admitted
(87%), reliance on family members to make decisions (69.2%), inadequate palliative in our Unit in 2020. Patient Characheristics are shown in Table 1. At onset, all suffered
training during fellowship (67.1%) and inadequate community support services from abdominal pain and high blood pressure. In all patients renal function was
(55.5%). Some cited lack of awareness and acceptability of renal supportive care normal. Abdomen computed tomography angiography (CTA) was diagnostic in all
amongst patients and relatives in Singapore’s Asian cultural context. Most felt that patients (Figure 1). They were treated with antihypertensive drugs and systemic
encouraging advanced care planning discussions earlier in the course of chronic kidney anticoagulation followed by oral anticoagulants. At 3 month-follow-up, all patients
disease (80.8%), having dedicated renal supportive care services in hospital (78.1%) and became normotensive and partial or total renal artery recanalization were found
including palliative care rotation as part of training (69.2%) could potentially increase (Figure 2).
uptake of renal supportive care in Singapore.
CONCLUSION: Nephrologists, geriatricians and palliative physicians in Singapore
recognise the value of renal supportive care, but are faced with barriers such as patients’
and family’s resistance toward renal supportive care as well as inadequate palliative
training. A unique model of renal supportive care with the patient as well as family’s
involvement early in the decision-making process is likely to be better perceived in
Asian countries. Incorporation of palliative care training in the nephrology fellowship
curriculum should be considered.
Esmeralda Castillo-Rodrıguez1, Daniel Villa2, Marta Alvarez Nadal1,
Paula Regueiro Toribio2, Milagros Fernandez Lucas1
Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain and 2Hospital Ram
on y Cajal,
General physician, Madrid, Spain
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i171
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Patient Sex Age (years) Blood Pressure SRAD Comobidities Cerebral MRI/CT
1 F 61 150/100 Left segmental branch ante- Kidney stones negative
rior inferior and
Right renal artery
2 M 49 150/90 Right renal artery Severe cardiovascular familiarity, GIST negative
3 M 39 140/90 Left segmental antero-inferior Severe cardiovascular familiarity, negative
renal artery OFP ostium II
4 F 51 145/85 Left renal artery Dolicocolon Carotid-oftalmic aneurism
5 M 50 150/100 Right and left renal artery Family history for tumors negative
CONCLUSIONS.: In our experience, SRAD seems to be not very rare in young and MO174 Table 1: Demographic Data of SLE Patients and Healthy Controls
healthy patients with minimal comorbidities. Abdomen CTA is one of the “gold
standard” non invasive diagnostic method. In patient treated with conservative medical
Parameter SLE (n=60) Control (n=30) p
therapy renal outcome is favourable. More studies are necessary to find underlying
causes. value
Female/Male (n) 51 / 9 25 / 5
Age (years) 35 (18-65) 36 (23-52) 0.966
Body mass index (kg/m2) 26.8 (15.1-45.9) 24.5 (18.1-34.0) 0.376
Waist circumference (cm) 89 (62-120) 81 (63-104) 0.098
Ozge Yetginoglu1, Dilek Barutcu Atas2, Arzu Velioglu2, _Izzet Hakkı Arıkan2, Hip Circumference (cm) 106 (83-141) 102 (86-124) 0.344
Yusuf Yilmaz3, Fatma Alibaz Oner4, Haner Direskeneli4, Z. Serhan Tuglular2,
Ebru Asicioglu2 Waist/Hip circumference ratio 0.82 (0.71-0.97) 0.81 (0.64-0.96) 0.155
Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Duration of disease (years) 11 (0.3-40.0)
Turkey, Turkey, 2Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Internal Age at Diagnosis (years) 25 (12-52)
Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkey, 3Marmara University, School
of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Istanbul,
Turkey, Turkey and 4Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Internal
Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Istanbul, Turkey, Turkey
multi-organ, systemic autoimmune disease that is more common in women than men
and is typically diagnosed during the reproductive age. Although liver dysfunction is Jan Kampmann1, Jeff Granhøj1, Frans Brandt Kristensen1, Andreas Pedersen2,
not considered the main organ pathology in SLE, the frequency of liver dysfunction or Christian Backer Mogensen2, James G. Heaf3, Hans Mickley4
abnormal liver enzyme values may be observed in 50-60% of patients. Liver-related 1
Sygehus Sønderjylland, Sønderborg, Sønderborg, Denmark, 2Sygehus Sønderjylland,
complications may present as asymptomatic hepatomegaly, subclinical steatosis and
Aabenraa, Denmark, 3Roskilde Sygehus, Roskilde, Denmark and 4Odense University
abnormal liver enzymes. The most common causes are drug-associated liver injury,
Hospital, Odense, Denmark
lupus-associated hepatitis, and fatty liver disease. The aim of this study was to assess
fatty liver and liver fibrosis in SLE patients using the FibroScan method as well as
associated factors such as immunosuppressive medications. BACKGROUND AND AIMS:
METHOD: Sixty SLE patients and 30 healthy controls were included. Patients with BACKGROUND: Identifying acute myocardial infarction in patients with renal disease is
HBV, HCV or cirrhosis, malignancy, cardiac disease, or patients on dialysis were notoriously difficult due to atypical presentation and chronically elevated troponin.
excluded. All participants underwent FibroScan measurements. Demographic data and AIM: To generate an optimized troponin cut-off value for patients with impaired renal
cumulative doses of immunosuppressive medications were extracted from patient function and acute myocardial infarction via meta-analysis.
charts. Fasting blood was collected for analysis METHOD: Two investigators screened 2,580 publications from Medline, Embase,
RESULTS: Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study groups are shown in Pubmed, Web of Science and Cochrane library. Only studies that investigated
Tables 1. The prevalence of fatty liver disease was similar between SLE patients and alternative cut-offs according to renal impairment were included.
healthy controls (21.7% vs 26.7%, p= 0.597) and was associated with body mass index 15 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and results were included in a meta-analysis.
(BMI) (p= 0.026) and C-reactive protein (CRP) (p= 0.046) in multivariate analysis. Study characteristics and cut-off values were extracted. Study quality and risk of bias
Liver fibrosis was also similar between the two groups (26.7% vs 10.0%, p= 0.069). were assessed by using QUADAS-2 score. Six studies were included in the meta-
There was no relationship between cumulative drug doses including glucocorticoids analysis. To calculate the optimal cut off value in accordance to AUC for troponin T
with either fatty liver disease or liver fibrosis. Since the majority of SLE patients were and troponin I in patients with renal impairment a bivariat mixed effect model on the
female, we performed a subgroup analysis in female patients (n=51) and healthy sensitivity and specificity transformed by way of the inverse probit function similar to
controls (n=25). Fatty liver disease was similar between female SLE patients and the model implemented in the R-package diagmeta was employed.
healthy controls (23.5% vs 24.0%, p= 0.964). However, liver fibrosis in female patients RESULTS: Review: There was a considerable diversity in study design, study
with SLE was increased compared to the female healthy population (29.4% vs 4.0%, p= population and endpoint definition. The cut-off value for patients on peritoneal
0.011) and was associated with age (p= 0.034) and low-dose cumulative glucocorticoid dialyses was twice as high (144 ng/L) when compared to patients on hemodialysis (75
use (p = 0.034). Low-dose cumulative glucocorticoid use was defined as less than 17.45 ng/l). Asian studies suggested a substantially higher troponin cut-off when compared
g, which was the 75th percentile value. Only 1 out of 15 female patients with fibrosis to European and American studies. The risk of bias was low in the analyzed studies, yet
had high-dose cumulative glucocorticoid use (>17.45 g), while the remaining 14 several studies were considered to have a low applicability.
patients had used lower doses (<17.45 g). META-ANALYSIS: Cut-off value for troponin T in patients not in dialysis with eGFR <60
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of fatty liver was similar between SLE patients and ml/min/1.73m2, a troponin T value of 47.89 ng (23.95; 71.83) was found. In patients on
healthy controls, while liver fibrosis was increased in the female patient group as dialysis a troponin T value of 239.75 ng/l ( 69.27 ; 410.23) was demonstrated. The 99th
compared to controls. Furthermore, liver fibrosis was associated with age and low dose percentile of the upper reference limit for troponin T was 14 ng/l. Cut-off value for
cumulative glucocorticoid use. Interestingly, fatty liver did not precede liver fibrosis in troponin I: In patients not in dialysis with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m2 a troponin I value of
the majority of cases, contrary to what is observed in the general population. We 42.45 ng/l ( 33.83 ; 51.08 ) was demonstrated. The 99th percentile of the upper reference limit
hypothesized that liver fibrosis may be the result of subclinical inflammation and for troponin I ranged from 9-42 ng/l depending on the assays used. Troponin I cut-off for
autoimmunity associated with SLE itself and the use of steroids may prevent or prolong patients in dialysis could not be calculated due to limited data.
fibrosis formation in the liver. CONCLUSION: The new cut-off values could help to identify patients whose troponin
suggests acute myocardial infarction rather than renal function related troponin
elevation. The meta-analysis is based on only six studies in total. Further subdivision
according to eGFR would be desirable in order to optimize troponin cut-off values
i172 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
especially for dialysis patients. A differentiation on troponin cut-offs for HD and PD
patients may yield further benefits. Asian studies suggested a substantially higher Age Season n Mean (SD) SD Sig
troponin cut-off when compared to European and American studies. The factors
behind these findings may be worth investigating.
18-65 years Summer 8.823 288,9 (4,3) 0,000
Autumn 8.154 287,8 3,8
Winter 6.518 288,1 4,1
65-75 years Summer 3.889 290,5 4,4 0,000
Autumn 4.541 289,5 3,9
Winter 3.130 289,8 4,1
75-85 years Summer 2.702 290,5 5,2 0,000
Autumn 3.002 289,4 4,7
Winter 2.293 289,7 4,8
>85 years Summer 801 289,6 6,8 0,275
Autumn 754 289,1 6,2
Winter 629 289,5 6,4
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i173
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO178 DOES OBTAINING AN EXTRA CORE KIDNEY BIOPSY FOR significant difference in survival time, depending on the presence of heart disease as a
RESEARCH PURPOSES INCREASE THE RISK OF comorbidity (p =0.037). Conducted Cox regression analysis showed that HR - for heart
COMPLICATIONS? A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE disease, as a comorbidity, is 1.837 95% CI (1.020 - 3.306) and p = 0.043. The death rate
for patients with heart disease is about 2 times higher than patients without heart
Sheila Bermejo Garcia1, Clara Garcıa Carro1, Irene Agraz1, Richard Mast2, disease. Cumulative survival was higher in the group of patients without
Ander Vergara1, Juan Carlos Leo n1, Mo nica Bolufer1, Daniel Seron Micas1, Maria
cardiomyopathy - 64.2% (0.07) compared to the group of patients with
Jose Soler Romeo1 cardiomyopathy- 43.8% (0.07). Multivariate Cox regression analysis as significant
Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain and 2Hospital Vall d’Hebron, independent predictors of survival in patients with ABO confirmed the diuresis (p =
Radiology, Barcelona, Spain 0.029) and albumin (p = 0.006).
CONCLUSION: AKI survivors with high burden of comorbidities are at high risk for
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney biopsy (KB) is the “gold standard” to diagnose postdischarge death. Cardiomyopathy, as a risk factor, for two times increases the risk
nephropathies in our renal patients and it is a procedure with a low rate of of death. CCI score is significant independent high-risk prognostic factors for poor
complications. Obtaining material for kidney biopsy biobank requires the extraction of outcome in elderly patients with AKI. Remain the recommendation for individual
one more renal cylinder. The main objective of our study is to analyze the clinical approach, assessment and selection for the application of treatment taking into
characteristics of a cohort of patients with KB, the safety of the establishment of a renal account the overall condition in adult patients with acute renal injury.
biopsy biobank with the objective to obtain at least one core of kidney biopsy for
research purposes.
METHOD: Observational and prospective study of kidney biopsies performed in our MO180 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN PATIENT WITH CHRONIC
center from January 2019 and 2020. We started a collection of kidney biopsy samples CORONARY DISEASE AFTER CORONARY
to obtain a biobank at January 2019. Therefore, in patients who accepted, instead of REVASCULARIZATION
two cylinders, three cylinders were obtained during the procedure when possible.
Clinical and laboratory data of the patients were reviewed and we looked for risk Shavkat Muminov1, Durdona Saipova1
factors for complications, including the number of cylinders obtained in the procedure. 1
RESULTS: We reviewed a cohort of 221 patients in whom we performed a kidney Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute, Internal disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
biopsy at our hospital. Eight patients (3.6%) underwent trans-jugular renal biopsy,
which we have eliminated from the analysis. Of the remaining 213, 126 (59.2%) were BACKGROUND AND AIMS: to study of renal function in patients with coronary
men, the mean age was 56.8 (6 16.9) years, 122 (57.3%) patients had hypertension, 46 artery disease, depending on the method of revascularization and the initial state of the
(23%) were diabetics, 14 (6.5%) were under anticoagulant treatment and 35 (16.4%) kidneys.
were under antiplatelet treatment. Regarding the analytical values, the mean creatinine METHOD: There were 160 patients with coronary artery disease under observation
was 2.22 (6 1.9) mg / dl, protein / creatinine urine ratio 1119.6 [448.3-2957.9] mg / gr, who underwent re-endovascular procedures (RE). The average age of the patients was
44.6% (n = 95) had microhematuria, the median hemoglobin pre-KB was 12.1 (6 2.3) 56.6 6 1.27 years. Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG group) was performed in 21
g / dL, 254380 (6 8873) platelets, INR 0.98 (6 0.09), prothrombin time of 11.8 (6 patients with coronary artery disease and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI
1.16) seconds, systolic blood pressure was 135 (6 24.3) mmHg, diastolic blood group) - in 139 patients. The study included patients with an eGFR of at least 60 ml /
pressure was 76 (6 15.5) mmHg. The median kidney size was 11 (6 1.23) cm and min, determined by the serum creatinine concentration. Patients received standard
cortical size was 1.7 (6 0.65) cm. In 113 (53.1%) patients the right kidney was biopsied. therapy: antiplatelet therapy (double therapy), bisoprolol, valsartan, atorvastatin. All
69.5% (n = 148) of the patients 3 renal sample cylinders were obtained, 27.2% (n = 58) patients underwent dynamic determination of serum creatinine concentration in terms
2 cylinders and in 3.3% (n = 7) one cylinder. We did not found differences regarding of of 3 months - 1 year -2 years.
renal and cortical size in the patients according to the number of cylinders obtained. RESULTS: The CABG groups (21 patients) and the PTCA group (139 patients) who
We observed that patients in whom 3 cylinders were had a higher percentage of renal received standard therapy for coronary artery disease (group B). In the CABG and PCI
biopsy in the left kidney (p = 0.028). We evidenced minor complications in 13.6% (n = groups, the eGFR was 105.66 6 3.74 ml / min and 102.71 6 1.59 ml / min,
29) and 3.3% (n = 7) major complications. Patients with complications in KB were respectively. By the 3rd month of follow-up, the dynamics of eGFR in the groups, did
older (p = 0.039) and had a higher INR (p = 0.031). Patients with one renal cylinder Jin not differ (-16.36 6 3.30% and -17.55 6 1.25%, respectively), by the 3rd month eGFR
KB, presented a higher percentage of complications with 57.1% vs 17.2% two cylinders observation in the CABG and PTCA groups was also comparable, although it also
and 14.9% with three cylinder (p =0.014). We did not find differences in terms of differed in the baseline data (90.14 6 6.05 ml / min and 86.46 6 2.37 ml / min,
complications according to the laterality of kidney biopsy (right vs left). respectively, the differences with the baseline data in both groups - p < 0.001. By the
CONCLUSION: Kidney biopsy is a procedure with a low complication rate. Obtaining end the 1st year the following pattern emerged: in patients who underwent surgical
three renal biopsy cylinders for biobank has not shown an increase in the rate of revascularization, the decrease in eGFR was more pronounced than in patients who
complications, which remains similar than previously published reports. Our results underwent stenting of the coronary arteries (-51.80 6 3.51% versus -42, 39 6 1.35%, p
suggest that the complications are observed mainly in the first and/or second cylinder, <0.05), and the differences increased even more during the second year of observation
and in that case the third core is not performed. (-57.99 6 4.75% versus -44.76 6 1.89%, p <0.05). The second year of observation,
eGFR in the CABG group was lower than in the PTCA group (44.63 6 5.37 ml / min
versus 56.54 6 2.01 ml / min, p <0.05). This pattern can be explained that fact in the
CABG group were more patients with diabetes - 80.95% (17 patients out of 21)
MO179 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN ELDERLY- PROGNOSTIC VALUES compared with PTCA patients - 12.23% (17 patients out of 139, chi square 49.83, p <
OF COMORBIDITY AND THE AGE FOR THE SHORT AND THE 0.001). All patients divided into 2 subgroups depending on the degree of eGFR by the
LONG TERM OUTCOME 3rd month of observation: patients with eGFR by the 3rd month of observation more
than 20% (31 patients, group 1) and less than 20% (group 2 - 129 sick). Initially, eGFR
Zvezdana Petronijevikj1, Gjulsen Selim2, Biljana Gerasimovska2, Lada Trajceska2 in group 1 was lower than in group 2. The relative dynamics of eGFR during the
Clinic of nephrology, Intensive care unit, Skopje, Republic Of North Macedonia and entire observation period was greater in patients of group 1 compared with group
Clinic of nephrology, Intensive care unit, Skopje, Republic Of North Macedonia 2 (-43.58 6 1.72% versus -11.10 6 0.58% by the end 3rd month of observation, -61.30
6 1.44% versus -39.38 6 1.29% by the end of the first year and -68.78 6 2.56% versus -
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is defined by a rapid decline 41.14 6 1.85% by the end of the second year of observation, the reliability of the
in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), resulting in disturbance of renal physiological difference in the relative dynamics between the groups at all three observation points is
functions including impairment of nitrogenous waste product excretion, loss of water p <0.001).
and electrolyte regulation and loss of acid-base regulation. Coexisting disease and the CONCLUSION.: In patients with coronary artery disease who underwent coronary
structural and functional changes that occur during the aging process are disposing revascularization, there is a decrease in renal function after revascularization. The most
factors that increase the risk of AKI in elderly population. significant decrease was observed in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass
METHOD: 101 elderly patients ( 65) who filling out one of the criteria of definition grafting, as well as in patients with initially low filtration function of the kidneys.
of AKI according to Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO), were
included in the study. Patients were divided into 2 groups by age, group <75 and
group> 75 years old. In terms of outcome they were divided in group with short and MO181 ULTRASOUND ASSESSMENT OF KIDNEY SIZE AND ITS
90-day survival. The burden of the simultaneous presence of comorbid conditions was CORRELATION WITH BODY MASS INDEX IN HEALTHY
estimated through the Charles Comorbid Index. (CHI) VOLUNTEERS WITHOUT RENAL DISEASE
RESULTS: The mortality rate for the 90-day follow-up period after the AKI event was
45.5%. The intra-hospital mortality rate in adult patients with AKI was 22.8%.In our Nazma Mohammed1, Muzamil Latief2, Manzoor Parry3, Manjusha Yadla1
study the age was not confirmed as a risk factor for intra-hospital and 3-month 1
outcome in elderly patients with AKI. The presence of comorbid conditions estimated Government medical college and hospital, Secunderabad, Nephrology, Hyderabad,
through the Charles Comorbid Index (CHI), differed un-significantly between India, 2Government medical college Srinagar, Nephrology, Srinagar, India and 3Sheri
survivors and deceased patients with AKI (p = 0.39, p = 0.28 consecutive). Cox Kashmir institute of medical sciences, Nephrology, Srinagar, India
regression analysis confirmed the CCI score as a significant factor in survival in
patients with ABO. (p = 0.036).The risk of letal outcome increases by 16.3% with each BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal length as well as renal cortical thickness has been
increase in this unit score. Cox regression analysis confirmed heart diseases as a closely related to creatinine clearance in patients with chronic kidney disease. Our
significant prognostic factor for survival, increasing the risk of fatal outcome by about 2 primary aim was to establish a normal range of values for kidney length in our adult
times higher than patients without heart disease. Statistical analysis showed a population with normal renal function.
i174 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: This was a prospective observational study. Ultrasonographic assessment RESULTS: The cohort of crystalline light chain cast nephropathy consisted of 6 men
of renal parameters in 499 healthy volunteers between 18 to 80 years of age was done. and 2 women with a median age of 59.5 (range, 41-73) years. All patients suffered from
Volunteers with any known renal condition or any co-morbidity were excluded from advanced multiple myeloma (1 with ISS staging II, 7 with ISS staging III) and acute
the study population. Correlation between body mass index (BMI) and renal kidney injury with a median eGFR of 5.59 (range, 2.27-26.04) mL/min/1.73m2. All
parameters was assessed. patients except 1 required emergency dialysis at admission. Microhematuria was
RESULTS: Out of 499 volunteers 327 (65%) were males and 172(35%) were females. presented in 3 patients. Median proteinuria was 2.13 (rang, 0.83-3.59) g/24h and
17.8% volunteers were less than 30 years of age, 51.5% volunteers were in the age group median serum albumin was 38.2 (30.7-46.7) g/L. No one presented with nephrotic
of 30-60 years and 30.7 % were above 60 years of age. Mean BMI in males was 25.20 6 syndrome. Monoclonal immunoglobulin, detected in all patients on serum protein
3.96 kg/m2 whereas mean BMI in females was 24.08 6 3.28 kg/m2. In males the mean immunofixation electrophoresis, was k alone in 5 patients, j alone in 1 patient, IgG k
cortical thickness in right kidney was 13.68þ/- 2.47 mm and in left kidney cortical in 1 patient, IgA k in 1 patient.
thickness was 13.94 6 2.6 mm. In females right kidney cortical thickness was 12.63 6 The 8 patients were followed up with a median time of 8 (range, 2-24) months. Three
1.91 mm and left kidney cortical thickness was 13.40 6 2.37 mm. In the present study patients received VAD chemotherapy and 5 patients received bortezomib based
the right mean renal length was 9.9 6 40cm and left renal length was 10.19 6 0.97cm. regimens. At the time of last follow-up, 2 of 7 patients who needed emergency dialysis
In our study, there was positive correlation BMI with renal length. got rid of dialysis and the rest remained dialysis-dependent. Five patients died with a
CONCLUSION: Size of kidney has significant ethnic and geographic basis and there is median time of 5 (range, 2-19) months, 2 patients achieved partial remission and 1
a positive correlation between BMI and kidney size in our study population. patient achieved complete remission.
There was no significant difference in clinical features, treatments and main outcomes
between crystalline light chain cast nephropathy patients and ordinary light chain cast
nephropathy patients (Table 1). However, crystalline light chain cast nephropathy
patients had higher early mortality than ordinary light chain cast nephropathy patients
(50.0% vs 11.1%, p = 0.03).
CONCLUSION: Crystalline light chain cast nephropathy patients usually presented
with acute kidney injury requiring emergency dialysis. Although various types of
Zishan Lin1, Xu Zhang1, Xiaojuan Yu1, Suxia Wang1, Xinan Cen3, Fude Zhou1,
monoclonal immunoglobulin were detected, there was a dominance of the k isotype.
Minghui Zhao1
Compared to ordinary light chain cast nephropathy patients, crystalline light chain cast
Peking University First Hospital, Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China and 3Peking University nephropathy patients had higher early mortality.
First Hospital, Hematology, Beijing, P.R. China
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Light chain cast nephropathy is the most common
paraprotein-associated kidney lesion in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). Rarely,
light chain cast nephropathy could show crystalline appearance in patients with
multiple myeloma, also known as crystalline light chain cast nephropathy. We here
report the first retrospective study of crystalline light chain cast from a single centre.
Gaetano Alfano1, Francesco Fontana1, Cristina Bosica2, Annachiara Ferrari3,
METHOD: All native kidney biopsies were retrospectively studied in the Peking
Giacomo Mori2, Riccardo Magistroni1, Gianni Cappelli1
University First Hospital from 2000 to 2020. Newly diagnosed MM patients with were 1
enrolled. Patients with light chain cast nephropathy at least one cast with crystalline Policlinico di Modena Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena, Nefrologia,
appearance were identified as crystalline light chain cast nephropathy (Figure 1, n = 8), Modena, Italy, 2Policlinico di Modena Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Modena,
others were identified as ordinary light chain cast nephropathy (n = 18). Modena, Italy and 3Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Nefrologia, Reggio Emilia, Italy
MO182 Table 1. Comparing crystalline light chain cast nephropathy patients and ordinary light chain cast nephropathy
Features Crystalline light chain cast nephropathy (n = 8) Ordinary light chain cast nephropathy (n =18) p
Age (years) 59.5 (41.0, 73.0) 57.5 (43.0, 75.0) > 0.5
Male (%) 6 (75.0%) 10 (55.6%) 0.347
Hemoglobin (g/L) 89.5 (76.0, 118.0) 87.5 (72.0, 117.0) > 0.5
Proteinuria (g/24 h) 2.13 (0.83, 3.59) 1.8 (0, 23.5) > 0.5
Serum creatine (lmol/L) 218.0 (675.5, 1600.0) 441.6 (53.0, 1294.1) 0.196
eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2) 5.59 (2.27, 26.04) 9.62 (2.53, 61.98) 0.192
Emergency dialysis 7 (87.5%) 10 (55.6%) 0.114
Serum albumin (g/L) 38.2 (30.7, 46.7) 42.7 (35.6, 54.0) 0.177
Serum b2-microglobulin (mg/L) 8.45 (4.2, 16.2) 8.1 (2.9, 31.5) > 0.5
j/k 1/7 7/11 0.178
International Staging System staging (I/II/III) 0/1/7 3/4/11 0.339
Duration of follow up (months) 8 (2-24) 18 (3-120) 0.055
Bortezomib based chemotherapy 5 (62.5%) 16 (88.9%) 0.115
Independence from dialysis 2/7 2/10 0.771
ESRD 5 (62.5%) 11 (61.1%) > 0.5
Early mortality 4 (50%) 2 (11.1%) 0.03
Death 5 (62.5%) 12 (66.7%) > 0.5
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Italy. Extension of the observation period to 30th September 2020 allowed us to maintaining a balance between the effectiveness and safety of ACTs is extremely
determine the long-term effects of telemedicine on the rate of urgent-star dialysis, late important.
referral, and modalities of dialysis initiation. Aim is evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the use of direct oral anticoagulants
RESULTS: During 15 weeks of follow-up, 186 nephrological visits were performed (OAC) in CKD stages 1-3 in combination with AF.
(Table) They were subdivided into telemedicine visits (56.5%) and in-person visits METHOD: The study included 93 patients (38 men and 55 women) aged 41 to 86
(43.5%). Overall, mean age of patients was 71.7613.1 years with a prevalence of male years with CKD stages 1-3 and AF receiving therapy with OAC (rivaroxaban) and
(60.2%). Patients who received telemedicine visits had a statistically significant lower vitamin K antagonists (warfarin). The observation period was 12 months.
sCr (3.761.2 vs 4.561.5 mg/dl; P=0.0001) and higher eGFR level (14.766.02 vs RESULTS: An analysis of 75 patients with CKD of various stages and AF receiving
12.1665.8 ml/min; P=0.002) than patients followed in the ambulatory setting. A high rivaroxaban was performed, the control group consisted of 18 patients taking warfarin.
prevalence of patients with CKD stage 5 was monitored by in-person visits (P=0.0001). The average CHA2 DS2-VASc score in the OAC group was 4.161.8 points, in the
Patients followed by telemedicine had a clinical profile including a lower weight warfarin group - 4.261.3 points. There were also no significant differences between the
(P=0.007) and better control of metabolic acidosis (P=0.039) than the counterpart. groups in terms of the average score on the HAS-BLED scale (risk of developing
Changes in domiciliary therapy occurred more frequently in patients monitored in the hemorrhagic complications): 2.360.94 points in the OAC group, 2.560.6 points in the
ambulatory setting (P=0.036). Statistically significant differences were encountered in warfarin group. Among the comorbidities in the OAC group, 93.2% of patients had
the prescription of diuretics (P=0.002), sodium bicarbonate (P=0.043), arterial hypertension (AH), 24.5% had type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM); in the warfarin
antihypertensive drugs (P=0.001) and uric acid-lowering agents (P=0.046). During the group, 94.3% of patients had hypertension and 16.8% had type 2 diabetes. In 23.9% of
15-week period in 2019, 214 visits were performed (þ13% compared to 2020). The patients in the OAC group, minor bleeding was recorded. The largest number of
vast majority of these visits were conducted in the hospital setting (210 out of 214; hemorrhagic complications occurred in patients with stage 3 CKD: 18.9% of bleeding,
98.2%). The severity of CKD was similar between patients, without statistically which significantly (p<0.05) exceeds the number of bleeding in patients with a more
significant difference in the rate of patients in CKD stage III (P=0.7), stage IV (0.388) pronounced decrease in renal function. In 33.3% of patients with diabetes,
and stage V (P=0.593). hemorrhagic complications were recorded, which is significantly (p<0.05) more than
Implementation of telemedicine to in-person visits during COVID-19 pandemic did in the group of patients without diabetes - 21.4%. The greater number of hemorrhagic
not change the outcomes of patients. Short-term follow-up showed a similar rate in complications is most likely due to a more pronounced progression of the decline in
urgent-start dialysis (P=0.361), late referral (P=1), and HD (P=0.875) or PD initiation renal function compared with patients without diabetes: 71.4% of patients with
(P=0.661). Similar results were seen also at the end of the extended follow-up. diabetes showed a decrease in GFR by an average of 16.6 ml/min/1.73 m2 for 12
CONCLUSION: Implementation of telemedicine has been fundamental to maintain a months, which is significantly more (p<0.05) than in patients without diabetes (an
high level of care in CKD patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemedicine average of 5.7 ml/min/1.73 m2).
services in combination with in-person visits have contributed to the delivery of CONCLUSION: In patients with CKD stages 1-3 with non-valvular AF, the use of
clinical monitoring in a group of patients with severe and progressive CKD. No OAC is most effective and safe in preventing thromboembolic complications. At the
differences have been identified in terms of rate of unplanned dialysis, late referral, and same time, the progression of CKD against the background of diabetes when taking
modality of dialysis initiation. anticoagulants occurs faster than in its absence, regardless of the specific anticoagulant.
Patients with AF, DM and CKD are more likely to have hemorrhagic complications,
which requires more frequent monitoring and monitoring of the functional state of the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Both human and animal studies suggest that the gut
microbe-derived metabolite Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is strongly associated
with several autoimmune disease including Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic
arthropathy. TMAO has been previously studied as a discriminator between SLE
patients and healthy volunteers with higher reported TMAO levels in the SLE group;
this suggests that gut microbiota may enhance TMAO generation in response to
disease severity. The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic
validity of TMAO as a potential biomarker in lupus nephritis patients. To the best of
our knowledge this is the first study to investigate the gut microbe-derived metabolite
Trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in patients with lupus nephritis correlating to the
criteria of disease severity.
METHOD: A total of 90 subjects were included in this cross-sectional study and
divided into 3 equivalent groups; group I (lupus nephritis patients (LN)), group II (SLE
patients without nephritis (NN)), and group III (healthy controls). Serum
Trimethylamine Levels were assessed, compared between the study groups and
correlated to the clinical, laboratory and Histo-pathological criteria obtained from
kidney biopsies of the included patients.
RESULTS: Unpredictably, TMAO levels were found to be significantly higher in
healthy controls compared to the total SLE population (p=0.003), and to LN, and NN
groups individually (p=0.01). There was no significant statistical difference of TMAO
levels between (NN) and (LN) patients (p=0.62). TMAO levels correlated to Anti-
dsDNA titres (p=0.02) and Red Blood Cells count (p=0.02) among LN patients while
they haven’t shown any correlations to the other studied clinical-laboratory and
histopathological factors.
CONCLUSION: Contrary to the results of the previous studies, TMAO levels were
found to be higher in healthy controls rather than SLE patients and did not
discriminate between LN and NN patients as well as did not show significant
correlation to most studied criteria of disease severity. The possible confounding effect
of the dietary pattern and ingested drugs on the gut microbiome underestimate the
diagnostic and prognostic utility of TMAO as a potential marker in different diseases.
Further studies considering the dietary pattern of the included patients are still
Sherzod Abdullaev1, Rano Igamberdieva1, Olimkhon Sharapov1
Tashkent pediatric medical institute, Internal medicine, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) significantly alters the
pharmacokinetics of drugs, which in practice complicates the selection of adequate
anticoagulant therapy (ACT) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and CKD. At the
same time, in the vast majority of patients with AF and CKD, ACT is required to
prevent life-threatening thromboembolic complications. In such an environment,
i176 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
hemodyalisis (HD), group 2 (G2) represents deceased patients in HD and group 3 (G3)
represents deceased patients treated with a conservative approach.
The comorbidities were stratified according with modified Charlson comorbidity index
(mCCI) 5; the frailty according to Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) 5). The eGFR was
calculated through Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula
(CKD-EPI) at the time of admission. The nutritional status (based in Body Mass Index
and seric albumin), ferritine value as a marker of inflammation and the number of
hospitalizations during 2014-2020 were analyzed. Quantitative variables are described
with their mean and compared with Students T-test. A p-value <0.05 was considered
statistically significant. SPSS Statistics version 23 (Chicago, IL) was used for all
statistical analyses.
RESULTS: A total of 398 patients with CKD stage 4 and 5 presented with dyalitic
indication or conservative approach (CA) at time of admission were included: 72
(18.1%) were in CA group. Clinical characteristics are presented in Table 1.
MO185 Figure: Serum TMAO concentration in non-nephritis, nephritis, and
healthy controls.
MO185 Table 1: Spearman’s correlation between TMAO and other parameters G1 (n=159) G2 (n=159) G3
in nephritis and non-nephritis groups. (n=159)
Gender male (n) 86 99 35
Items TMAO in TMAO in Gender female (n) 73 68 37
Non-nephritis Nephritis Frailty 2,5 5,2 5,7
r P r P Charlson Index 3 4,3 5,7
Age - 0.17 0.28 0.03 0.88 Body Mass Index (Kg/m2) 25,7 22,8 23,2
Hb (gm/dL) - 0.11 0.48 0.20 0.24 Albumin (mg/dl) 258 436 386
RBC (106/mm3) - 0.13 0.41 - 0.38 0.02*
WBC(103/mm3) - 0.09 0.56 - 0.03 0.85 We analyzed the difference between patients who were still alive (G1) versus patients
who died during this observational period of seven years, accordingly with which
Lymphocytes (103/mm3) 0.25 0.11 - 0.08 0.65
treatment modality (CA or HD).
Platelet count (103/mm3) 0.26 0.09 0.09 0.59 We found no significant differences regarding gender and CKD etiology between
Serum Creatinine level (mg/dL) 0.05 0.75 0.07 0.66 groups. There were significant differences in age (G1: median age 77 vs G2:median age
76, p value < 0,001; G1: median age 77 vs G3:median age 82, p value <0,001).
Serum Na level 0.16 0.30 - 0.10 0.56 In our study, deceased population had a higher degree of frailty (G1: 2,5 vs G2:5,2, p
Serum K level - 0.05 0.77 0.10 0.55 value < 0,001; G1: 2,5 vs G3:5,7, p value 0,015), a higher Charlson comorbidity score
ANA 0.02 0.89 - 0.01 0.95 (G1:3 vs G2: 4,3, p value 0,000018; G1: 3 vs G3:5,7, p value <0,001), a poorer
nutritional status (Body Mass Index: G1:25,7 vs G2:22,8, p value < 0,001; G1:25,7 vs
Anti-ds DNA 0.20 0.20 0.29 0.02* G3:23,2, p value <0,001 and lower albumin levels: G1: 3,86 vs G2:3,23, p value 0,00001;
C3 0.06 0.69 0.04 0.80 G1: 3,83 vs G3:3,23, p value <0,001 ), higher ferritine levels (G1:258 vs G2:436, p value
<0,001; G1: 258 vs G3:386, p value < 0,001).
C4 0.15 0.33 0.01 0.94
The number of emergency admissions were higher in deceased groups (G1:0,3 vs
Urinary protein (mg/day) - 0.24 0.13 - 0.007 0.97 G2:1,2, p value < 0,001; G1:0,3 vs G3:0,8, p value < 0,001).
Count of WBCs or pus cells in urine - 0.05 0.78 - 0.06 0.74 CONCLUSION: We concluded that G2 and G3 had more comorbidities and more
frailty, as we expected.
Count of RBCs in urine - 0.26 0.09 -0.23 0.17 Knowledge of the factors associated with mortality could be of value in shared
SLEDAI-2K score - 0.15 0.36 - 0.02 0.89 decision-making and useful to help improve outcomes in CKD population.
Class of renal biopsy _ _ 0.12 0.48 In the absence of a model completely capable of predicting mortality among patients
who initiate hemodialysis versus patients undergoing conservative treatment, the
Number of glomeruli _ _ 0.09 0.59 analysis of these variables can contribute to a better selection of patients who will really
Activity index _ _ - 0.15 0.40 benefit from a conservative treatment approach. Further studies are needed to validate
a prognostic tool to choose the better treatment for elderly frail patients.
Chronicity index _ _ - 0.03 0.89
Cynthia Lim1, Jason Choo1, Jia Liang Kwek1, Hanis Abdul Kadir1, Ngiap
Chuan Tan2
Singapore General Hospital and 2SingHealth Polyclinics
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
associated with cardiovascular and kidney adverse effects, especially in older adults.
However, NSAIDs are still frequently prescribed to some at-risk groups. We aimed to
Joana Freitas1
evaluate the burden of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and pattern of NSAID
Centro Hospitalar Universit
ario do Porto, Nefrologia, Porto, Portugal prescription in the very-old and young-old.
METHOD: Cross-sectional study of older adults who received prescriptions over 3
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is years from a large healthcare cluster in Singapore. Individuals aged 65-79 years were
increasing worldwide including a significant number of frail elderly patients. This the “young-old” and those 80 years were the “very-old”. Prescriptions and traditional
reflects the need to create tools that could help the nephrologists to choose between the cardiovascular risk factors were retrieved from electronic records.
best renal replacement treatment and a conservative approach. The identification of RESULTS: Among 197,932 older adults (including 41,079 very-old), 49.9% received at
prognostic factors and their correlation with mortality could be crucial. least 1 NSAID prescription. Topical NSAIDs were more frequently prescribed among
The aim of this study was to identify and compare some variables that could be the 19,979 very-old with NSAID prescriptions (91.5% versus 82.9% of the young-old),
associated with mortality in CKD patients whether receiving hemodialysis or in a while oral non-selective (22.1% versus 38.5%) and selective NSAID (15.1% versus
conservative approach. 24.9%) were less frequently prescribed compared to the young-old (all p<0.001). The
METHOD: The authors realized a single center retrospective study in older ( very-old with NSAID prescriptions were more likely to have diabetes (38.2% vs.
75years) and frail patients admitted in Nephrology department between in the last 32.8%), hypertension (19.3% vs. 14.0%), chronic kidney disease (51.4% vs. 23.6%) and
seven years. Baseline characteristics were collected from electronic medical records. cardiovascular disease (7.0% vs. 3.8%) than the young-old with NSAID prescriptions
Three groups were characterized: group 1 (G1) represents non deceased patients in (all p<0.001).
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i177
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Table 1 shows that among the very-old, the odds of receiving oral non-selective content, the Edelman equation seems to adequately predict the course of serum [Naþ].
NSAIDs was significantly lower in those with cardiovascular disease, while the odds of However, the clinical use of the Edelman-based formulas may be hampered in subjects
receiving oral COX II inhibitors was significantly higher in female and hypertension. with higher weight and higher total body cation content, which may reflect increased
Among the young-old, the odds of receiving oral non-selective NSAID was lower in tissue Naþ storage. Our analysis underlines the importance of further research into the
those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease, while the odds role of osmotically inactive Naþ storage in osmoregulation.
of receiving oral COX II inhibitors was higher in female, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease and lower in diabetes and chronic kidney disease.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights that NSAIDs were frequently prescribed among
older adults with comorbidities that may predispose to NSAID-associated adverse
events. Physician education and policies are required to avoid potentially inappropriate
Michael Halpin1, Bonny Chen2, Richard Singer1,2
The Australian National University, School of Medicine, Acton, Australia and 2Canberra
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plasma exchange is a standard therapy for some anti
glomerular basement membrane disease and some types of renal transplant rejection.
Marjet Oppelaar1, Mart Vuurboom1, Eliane Wenstedt1, Liffert Vogt1, Rik Olde
As with other extracorporeal therapies, anticoagulation is usually required. This study
assessed the safety, efficacy and Calcium flux of an accelerated algorithm for regional
Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC, Nephrology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands citrate anticoagulation in membrane-based plasma exchange.
METHOD: This was an observational study in patients receiving citrate
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Treatment of dysnatremias is guided by formulas that anticoagulated, membrane-based, plasma exchange at the Canberra Hospital between
are based on the Edelman equation, including Adrogue-Madias’ and others. Edelman’s July 2017 and May 2020. Data was collected prospectively using an electronic medical
equation is the result of a unique study in which serum sodium concentration ([Naþ]), record and compared to data from our previously published algorithm which had used
total body exchangeable sodium (Naeþ) and potassium (Keþ) and total body water a slower blood pump speed.
(TBW) were measured in a highly heterogeneous population. Because these RESULTS: There were 134 plasma exchange sessions performed during the
observations resulted from steady state observations, the equation might not account observational period. Circuit clotting occurred in 4 sessions and 1 session was affected
for the recently uncovered highly dynamic Naþ body compartment where Naþ is by symptomatic hypocalcaemia. A systemic ionised calcium <0.96 mmol/L was seen
temporarily stored and released without affecting TBW. Various factors that influence in 19.4% of sessions, which was a similar frequency to that seen in our previous
this Naþ body compartment have been identified and we questioned as to what extent algorithm. A systemic ionised Ca <0.81 mmol/L occurred in 4 sessions (all
these factors affect associations between serum [Naþ] and [NaeþKe]/TBW. asymptomatic). This hypocalcaemia occurred towards the end of the sessions, after
METHOD: We performed a post-hoc analysis of original data published by Edelman. switching from albumin to fresh frozen plasma replacement fluid. Median treatment
In the linear regression model, effects of sex, edema (y/n), age and body weight (>/< time was 135 minutes, compared to 219 minutes in our previously published
median split) were examined. Serum [Naþ] was calculated by multiplying serum water algorithm. Mean net Ca gain/session was 7.7 6 2.3 mmol.
[Naþ] of the original data set by 0.93. Using piecewise regression, we analyzed CONCLUSION: An accelerated algorithm for regional citrate anticoagulation achieves
differences in slope and y-intercept for the regression between serum [Naþ] and substantial time savings while maintaining efficacy and safety. The 4 episodes of
increasing values of (NaeþKe)/TBW, in which the clinical characteristics from the systemic ionised calcium <0.81 mmol/L may have been due to recirculation of infused
subgroups were included as interaction factors . citrate but, probably more likely, are due to the additional citrate load imposed by use
RESULTS: Data was available for 85 measurements in 82 patients; 57 males and 25 of fresh frozen plasma in these sessions. Future algorithms need to better account for
females. The median age (range) age was 58 (27-90) years and median weight (range) the citrate load present in fresh frozen plasma.
was 59.6 (36.4 – 168.2) kilograms. Median serum [Naþ] (range) was 131.4 (103.4 –
150.2) mmol/L. The association between serum [Naþ] and (NaeþKe)/TBW was
different for high and low weight categories (figure 1A). Sex, age or presence of edema
did not alter the relationship. Piecewise regression showed a significant decrease in
slope in the regression between serum [Naþ] and (NaeþKe)/TBW above 149 mmol/L
(NaeþKe)/TBW (figure 1B).
i178 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO190 NORMATIVE DATA FOR GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE IN monitoring and alteration of RAASi therapy. However, less than half of the patients
HEALTHY KIDNEY DONOR POPULATION benefitted from an increase in RAASi therapy after normalisation of serum potassium,
and there was definitely scope for improving this component of the care pathway via
Ashish Bhoyar1, Vinant Bhargava1, Ashwani Gupta1, Anurag Gupta1, more direct multi-disciplinary interaction with the heart failure teams.
Vaibhav Tiwari1, A K Bhalla1, Manish Malik1, Devinder Singh Rana1
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Institute of Nephrology, New Delhi, India
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is estimated OUTCOME IN CARDIORENAL PATIENTS
traditionally from 24-hour urinary creatinine clearance. Creatinine is mainly filtered by
glomerulus. The collection of 24-hour urinary sample is a difficult task with many Suela Mumajesi1, Alma Idrizi1, Matilda Imeraj1, Vilma Cadri1, Nevi Pasko1,
patients fail to collect all the urine samples. As measuring GFR is cumbersome, Ariana Strakosha1, Nestor Thereska2, Myftar Barbullushi1
expensive, and not easily available in all centers, various equations are developed for 1
estimating GFR from creatinine like MDRD, CKD EPI creatinine. GFR obtained from Mother Teresa Hospital, Tirane, Albania and 2Amirica Hospital, Tirana, Albania
serum creatinine shows wide variation as muscle mass and dietary protein intake are
important determinants of serum creatinine concentration. Literature shows very few OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of asymptomatic
studies with GFR estimation with reference to age in Indian population. Hence, this hyperuricemia on long-term outcome including death, rehospitalization in cardiorenal
study is planned to develop age specific nomogram for GFR in healthy kidney donor patients.
population as well as to study agreement between GFR obtained by 99m Tc DTPA INTRODUCTION: Hyperuricemia is associated with progression of kidney failure,
three sample method and GFR estimated by 24-hour urinary creatinine. The aim of cardiovascular diseases and cardiorenal syndrome, which represents a significant
this stidy was to develop age-specific nomogram GFR in healthy kidney donor health burden. There is a growing interes on evaluation of serum acid levels(SUA) as a
population and to study the agreement between the GFR measured by Technetium- risk factor in cardiorenal syndrome, because of the evidences that xanthine oxidase
99m diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (99m Tc DTPA) and 24-hour urinary inhibitors are satisfactorily useful on cardio and renal protection.
creatinine method. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a descriptive cross–sectional study. A two-
METHOD: This study was conducted at Sir Ganga Ram hospital, New Delhi. All years follow up was conducted to determine the outcome in cardiorenal patients. Each
healthy individuals aged more than 20 years and less than 65 years, undergoing patient went through clinical examination with a standard valuation including the
evaluation as prospective kidney donor at our hospital were the part of this study. GFR determination of uric acid levels. 139 patients (pts) with chronic kidney disease stage 3
was measured by 99m Tc DTPA clearance using 3 sample method. GFR measured by from whom 119 had cardiorenal syndrome were included in the study. Statistical
DTPA method was used to develop nomogram. Creatinine Clearance was calculated analysis was performed by v2 test, Fisher’s exact test and binary logistic regression.
from 24-hour urinary creatinine by formula U x V/P where, U is urinary creatinine RESULTS: Hyperuricemia was founded in 65.5% of pts determined by acid uric levels
level, P is plasma creatinine level and V is total volume of urine. Nomogram was higher then 7.2 mg/dl and had a strong assosiation with cardiorenal
developed with respect to these 3 Age groups; namely, 20 to 40 years, 40 to 50 years syndrome,p=0.03.The average age was 56.7 6 12.5 years. Males were 62.2%% pts,
and 50 to 65 years p=0.031. Bivariate analysis revealed a strong relationship between hyperurcemia and
RESULTS: Total 100 kidney donors were included in this study. Enrolled subjects were cardiovascular components: hypertension p=0.047, diabetes mellitus p=0.021, sex
divided into 3 age groups; 20 to 40 years (n=28), 40 to 50 years (n=46) and 50 to 65 p=0.03, death p=0.051 and rehospitalization in 18 pts, p=0.02. Subsequently binary
years (n=26). Majority of the donors were females (n=80). The agreement between logistic regression showed that higher acid uric levels even there were not statistically
GFR obtained by 99m Tc DTPA and 24-hour urinary creatinine clearance methods correlated with mortality, were a significant predictor for all-cause death (Odds Ratio
was 92.6 vs. 94 ml/min, 80.4 vs. 76 ml/min and 76.3 vs. 70 ml/min in respective age [OR] 4.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.87–20.35, p = 0.073).
groups. CONCLUSIONS: Asymptomatic hyperuricemia was common and had a powerfull
CONCLUSION: In the younger age group (20 to 40 years), there is better agreement in significant association with cardiorenal syndrome.Higher SUA was unconventionally
GFR measured by 99m Tc DTPA method and 24-hour urinary creatinine clearance associated with long-term adverse outcomes in these patients, so our efforts should be
methods. focused in immediate identification and treatment of this old forbidden marker.
KEY WORDS: chromic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, etc
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO194 COVID-19 INFECTION IN PATIENTS RECEIVING CONCLUSION: AHUS is a critical complication in lung transplantation, shortly
IMMUNPSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY: EXPERIENCE OF A related with immunosuppressive therapy. Patients are at risk of end stage renal disease.
NORTH AFRICAN NEPHROLOGY CENTER Eculizumab treatment appears promising.
Rawnak Houli1, Samia Barbouch1, Cherni Nadia1, Hajji Mariem1, Amira Sakay1,
Fethi Ben hamida1, Harzallah Amel1, Taieb Ben abdallah1
charles nicolle teaching hospital, nephrology, tunis, Tunisia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Since its outbreak in December 2019,novel coronavirus
disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become one of physicians top concerns worldwide. Sara Cardoso Fernandes1, Ricardo Gomes2, Ana Messias3, Bernardo Do
Special attention is payed to immunocompromised patients with whom the virus is Sacramento Marques Da Costa1, Ma is1,4, Helena Viana1,4, Ana
rio Go
feared to be more aggressive . Our aim was to assess outcomes in patients receiving Carina Ferreira1,5, Fernando Nolasco1,5
immunosuppressive therapy who presented with severe acute respiratory syndrome 1
Centro Hospitalar Universitario Lisboa Central, Nephrology, 2Centro Hospitalar
coronavirus-2 (SARS- CoV-2) infection.
ario Cova da Beira, 3Hospital Garcia de Orta, Nephrology , 4Centro Hospitalar
METHOD: we monitored patients undergoing immunosuppressive regimens who
ario Lisboa Central, Laboratory of Renal Morphology and 5Nova Medical
presented with SARS- CoV-2 infection during a four months period from September to
December 2020 in the Nephrology department of Charles Nicolle’s Teaching Hospital.
The diagnosis was made through nasopharyngygeal swabs. Kidney transplant patients
were not included. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal manifestations of IgM gammopathy are less
RESULTS: we identified 9 patients who presented a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection common than those seen in patients with multiple myeloma. However, a wide
(details are shown in figure 1). Age varied from 32 to 67 years. Gender ratio was 0,8. Six spectrum of kidney diseases has been described in previous publications. We aim to
patients had hypertension and one patient had diabetes. Seven patients suffered from characterize kidney involvement in patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia
chronic kidney disease stage 4 (2 patients) and stage 5 (5 patients). Active smoking was and IgM-secreting B cell lymphoproliferative disorders.
noted in 4 patients. Indications for immunosuppressive therapy were vasculitis METHOD: We retrospectively studied 7 patients with a circulating monoclonal IgM
(5patients) , lupus nephritis (1 patient) , scleroderma (1patient), cryoglubulinemia (1 and renal histology showing evidence of monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits or
patient) and multiple myeloma (1 patient). Therapies used included corticosteroids lymphomatous infiltration. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were collected.
alone (2 patients) or in association with cyclophosphamide (6 patients) and in one case RESULTS: Of the 7 patients studied, four (57%) were male and the median age was 68
bortezomib.COVID-19 symptoms included fever (6 patients), fatigue (7 patients), joint years old (range 41-79). Among the 7 patients, 5 met criteria for Waldenström
pain (3 patients), dry cough (all patients)and diarrhea ( one patient). Medium duration Macroglobulinemia after bone marrow biopsy; none of them had hyperviscosity
under immunosuppressive treatment was of 42,1 days when COVID-19 diagnosis syndrome. Four patients presented with nephrotic syndrome and all had impaired
was made Among the patients, six had a mild COVID-19 presentation and displayed renal function and hypertension. Four patients had microscopic hematuria and only
favorable outcomes; whereas the remaining three had severe symptoms requiring high one patient showed no proteinuria. Mean serum creatinine levels were 2.9mg/dL. Renal
dose oxygen and died. As for the renal outcomes, we observed no detioration of kidney biopsy showed different patterns of renal injury, including typical intracapillary
function following the COVID-19 infection in any of the patients .All of the patients monoclonal deposits disease (5 patients), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
were treated with antibiotics, heparin and vitamins. with cryoglobulinemia (1 patient), AL-amyloidosis (1 patient) and interstitial
CONCLUSION: SARS- CoV-2 infection is a serious condition that can threaten lymphoplasmacytic infiltration with CD20þ lymphocytes associated with minimal
prognosis especially in patients receiving immunosuppressive drugs responsible for a change disease. Follow-up data were obtained in 4 patients: 3 underwent chemotherapy
weaker immune response. Further work on a larger group of patients is necessary to but only one achieved complete remission and 2 progressed to end-stage renal disease.
establish whether this group is more prone to contract the COVID-19 infection and CONCLUSION: Although rare, Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and IgM
have poorer outcomes. gammopathy are responsible for diverse manifestations of renal disease. A prompt
diagnosis is of utmost importance in order to ensure early start of therapy, which
should be directed at the underlying hematologic disorder, to improve renal survival.
i180 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
model adjusted for age and Charlson index, presenting an eGFR lower than 60 ml/min/
1.73m2 was an independent predictor for the combined event (HR 6.7 [95% CI 1.7-
26.7], p = 0.007) (Figure 2)
Yohana Gil Giraldo1, Patricia Mun ~oz Ramos1, Ana Sanchez1, Alicia Cabrera1,
Borja Quiroga1
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Nephrology , Madrid, Spain
CONCLUSION: Among patients with MGUS, the presence of eGFR lower than 60 ml/
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Monoclonal gammopathies of uncertain significance
min/1.73m2 is independently associated with a higher incidence of RRT and/or
(MGUS) are very prevalent, but neoplastic transformation barely reaches 1% per year.
Renal involvement in the course of a MGUS is a risk factor for complications. The
objective of our study is to determine the prognosis of MGUS that present renal
deterioration during their evolution.
METHOD: In the present retrospective cohort study, MGUS cases from our center MO199 DENOSUMAB: NOVEL APPROACH TO TREATMENT OF
were included. Baseline epidemiological and comorbidity data were collected OSTEOPOROSIS IN RENAL DISEASE
(including renal function and hematological parameters). At 6 and 12 months, data on
renal function and proteinuria were collected. During the follow-up, fatal events and Rosita Greco1, Agata Mollica1, Francesco Zincone1, Teresa Papalia1
the need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) were recorded as a combined endopoint. 1
Annunziata Hospital, Nephrology Dialysis And Transplantation, Cosenza, Italy
Associated factors to this combined endpoint were evaluated.
RESULTS: One hundred twenty patients (47% women, age 8169 years.) with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody to
diagnosis of MGUS were included. Of these, 61 (51%) had renal involvement at the
the receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL), an osteoclast
time of diagnosis and 16 (13%) had an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of
differentiating factor. It inhibits osteoclast formation, decrease bone resorption,
less than 60 ml/min/1.73m2 during follow up.
increase bone mineral density (BMD), and reduce the risk of fracture. There is no
Associated factors with presenting eGFR less than 60 ml/min/1.73m2 were
restriction of its use in patients with renal disease, for whom biphosphonates are
hypertension (p=0.001), peripheral vascular disease (p=0.05), age (p=0.05), Charlson
considered controindicated. The aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness in
comorbidity index (p<0.001), b2microglobulin (p = 0.002), baseline proteinuria (p
reducing facture risk and safety of Denosumab in patients with Osteoporosis and renal
<0.001) and baseline renal function (p <0.001).
METHOD: This is a prospective analysis of 17 patients with Osteoporosis (average T-
score below -2.5) admitted to our Nephrology Department for CKD in the last four
years. in Vasculitis, Renal Allograft Recipients. Patients with severe
Hyperparatiroidism were excluded. We estimated creatinine clearance (eGFR) using
Cockcroft-Gault and classified levels of kidney function using the modified National
Kidney Foundation classification of CKD. All patients were adequately supplemented
with calcium and vitamin D before and while taking Denosumab 60 mg every 6
months. The primary endpoint is the change in bone mineral density (BMD) at one
and two years. Secondary endpoints include changes in bone mineral metabolism
parameters (Ca, P, PTHi, 25-OH VitD), incidence of fractures, and renal/allograft
fuction at one and two years.
RESULTS: The mean age was 52.564 years and 8/17 (47%) were females. N.13
patients (76.5%) were renal transplant recipients (RTR) on standard triple
immunosoppression including steroids (prednisone 5 mg/day), CNI and MMF, with
average eGFR 65.7612.5 ml/min. N.2 patients (11.75%) were in hemodialysis. N.2
patients (11.75%) with Anca Vasculitis on steroid therapy and average eGFR 35.667.2
ml/min. All patients enrolled were with a BMD T-score of greater than -4.0 and less
than -2.5. Only 2 patients had a history of fractures confirmed by a radiology report.
Baseline parameters: calcium 9.860.32 mg/dl, phosphate 3.960.8 mg/dl, PTHi
137691.0 ng/L, 25-OH VitD 18.368.9 ng/mL. From baseline at 1 month there were an
increase in PTH and a decrease in calcemia in only 2 transplant recipients (CKD II and
IV), that improved with an increased dose of Vit D. There were no significant
difference in baseline bone mineral metabolism parameters to year 1 and 2 in all other
patients. We found no difference in eGFR and proteinuria from baseline to 1 and 2
years in RTR and ANCA vasculitis. Significant improvement in T-score was observed
at 1 year and 2 years (< -1) in all patients. No one discontinued therapy for adverse
During follow-up (median 41 [20-60] months), 34 patients (28%) presented the events.
combined event (8 required RRT and 28 died). The presence of an eGFR less than 60 CONCLUSION: Denosumab may have advantages in patients with kidney
ml /min/1.73m2 during the first year of follow-up was associated with the combined dysfunction, because not excreted by the kidney and there is no need for dose
event (p = 0.028) (Figure 1). In a multivariate model adjusted for age, sex and baseline adjustment. This prospective study showed a significant improvement in osteoporosis
CKD, the presence of a determination of eGFR lower than 60 ml/min/1.73m2 was an (at Dexa mean T-score -1), but particular attention should be paid to ensuring that
independent predictor for the combined event (HR 3.9 [95% CI 1.4-11.3], p = 0.009). patients are calcium and Vitamin D replete.
In patients without chronic kidney disease at baseline, 13 (22%) combined events were
reported. The incidence of a determination of eGFR lower than 60 ml/min/1.73m2 was
associated with the combined event during follow-up (p = 0.012). In a multivariate
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i181
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO200 COVID-19 PANDEMIC INCREASED ADVANCE CARE The documented reason for SZC use included hyperkalaemia secondary to dialysis
PLANNING DEMAND access failure, acute kidney injury, pharmacotherapy induced hyperkalaemia and pre-
emptive prescribing to allow time to create a new RRT access.
Alessandro Toccafondi1, Giuseppina Simone2, Marco Lombardi2, Pietro Thirty-three (56%) patients had their serum potassium level checked at start and 72hrs
Claudio Dattolo2 after treatment with SZC. The remaining patients had their biochemical profiles
Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Clinical Psychology, Firenze, Italy and 2Azienda USL checked more than 72 hours after starting SZC with inconsistent time frames and thus,
Toscana Centro, Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Firenze 2, Bagno a Ripoli , Italy were excluded from the further analysis.
In haemodialysis patients, the median serum potassium level at start of treatment with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Advance care planning (ACP) enables competent SZC was 5.7mmol/L (range 4.6mmol/L – 6.3mmol/L) while in PD patients the median
patients to define goals and preferences for future treatments and care, to discuss these potassium level 6.4mmol/L (range 4.4mmol/L – 6.4mmol/L). The mean decrease in
goals and preferences with relatives, and if appropriate to record these preferences. serum potassium was 0.73mmol/L (range 0.1mmolo/L – 3mmol/L) and 1.7mmol/L
After many years of political and social debates, in December 2017 the first advance (range 0.1 -1.6mmol/L) in HD and PD patients respectively.
directive and care planning legislation was approved in Italy. Nevertheless, citizens’ For patients not on RRT prior to treatment with SZC, and median serum potassium
awareness of these issues is scarce as well as the integration of the advance care level at start of treatment was 6.0mmol/L (range 5.5mmol/L – 6.7mmol/L). In these
planning process into clinical routine. The latest data reported to the Italian Parliament patients, a mean decrease in serum potassium of 1.1mmol/L (range 0.2mmol/L –
by the Ministry of Health indicated that advance directives have been completed by 2.4mmol/L) was observed.
62030 people, approximately 1.1% of Italian adult population. Twenty-three patients (70%) received 10g and ten patients received the 5g dose of SZC.
However, during the last months, the COVID-19 pandemic solicited taking steps Patients who had the 10g doses had a mean reduction in serum potassium of 1.0mmol/
towards promoting an advance care planning culture. Indeed, the need of proposing L (range 0.1mmol/L - 3.0mmol/L) and patients who received 5g doses had a mean
ACP to patients have been recently stressed both by medical associations and national reduction of 0.97mmol/L (range 0.2mmol/L – 1.9mmol/L) over the 72-hour period.
and local institutional documents. There were no reported side effects.
METHOD: Since November 2020, our nephrology unit adopted a protocol approved It was found that SZC was initiated by a range of specialities (see Figure 1). The
by Ethical committee by Physician Order of Florence, aimed to conduct ACP nephrology team accounted for the majority (45%) of prescriptions.
interventions with dialysis patients.
Firstly, all patients were informed about the possibility to taking part in one or more
advance care planning conversations with their nephrologist. Secondly, a semi-
structured guide to the conversation was created in order to support physicians in
conducting the ACP intervention. Finally, patients along with nephrologist and their
relatives, could documented their preferences for future treatments and care.
RESULTS: From November to March only one patient asked to receive an ACP
intervention. However, since COVID-19 spread in Italy last March, the number of
patients who demanded ACP raised up. In the period from April to July, 15 out of 110
hemodialysis patients treated in our center asked for an ACP intervention and filled-in
an advance directive. Specifically, no patients required an immediate discontinuation
of dialysis, nevertheless 80% of them stated that would not like to continue with
dialysis in case he/she was no longer able to self-determine (e.g. permanent loss of
capacity to communicate with others).
All patients except one have appointed a personal representative (usually their
partner). In the eventuality of cardiac arrest, 60% of patients asked for
cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Finally, all patients expressed the wish to spend the last
days of life at home.
CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic raised up the number of dialysis patients
who required to taking part in a advance care planning intervention. In this sense, the
pandemic can be an opportunity for consolidate advance care planning in Italy as well
as in other countries, where these interventions are not well known by people and not
yet regularly offered in the clinical routine.
Using a semi-structured interview for the ACP interview can help the nephrologist to Notably, the cardiology team initiated only one prescription.
discuss future care and end-of-life topics with their patients. CONCLUSION: Our data from clinical practice indicates that SZC is effective and
well-tolerated treatment in the management of hyperkalaemia. Our results also suggest
that the reduction in potassium level was not vastly different for patients started on the
MO201 ANALYSIS OF USAGE OF SODIUM ZIRCONIUM 5g dose vs the 10g dose but this requires further research with larger study sample
HOSPITALS Limitations of the study included small sample size and retrospective nature of the
Aaron Acquaye1, Tobi Babatunde-Ige1, Kristina Medlinskiene1, Stephanie Choo2,
Sunil Bhandari2
Hull Royal Infirmary, Pharmacy, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom and 2Hull Royal MO202 RITUXIMAB TREATMENT IN NEPHROLOGY
Infirmary, Renal Medicine, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RASS) Mouna Malki abidi1,2, Samia Barbouch1,2, Hajji Mariem1, Tasnim Mesbahi2,
inhibitor therapy is key to the management of several chronic long term conditions; Amel Harzallah1, Imen Gorsane1, Hedri Hafedh1, Hayet Kaaroud1, Rym Goucha3,
however, RAAS inhibitors can cause hyperkalaemia and thus limiting its use. Sodium Fethi Ben hmida1,2
zirconium cyclosilicate, was approved in the UK as part of the management of charles nicolle hospital, nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation, tunis, Tunisia, 2
hyperkalaemia in adults. Although the efficacy and safety of SZC has been research Laboratory LR00SP01, nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation, tunis,
demonstrated in clinical trials, there isn’t an abundance of data of its use in clinical Tunisia and 3mongi slim hospital, nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation, tunis,
practice. This study investigated the efficacy and safety of SCZ in the short-term Tunisia
management of hyperkalaemia in patients admitted acutely to hospital.
METHOD: This retrospective study analysed prescriptions and medical notes of BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The B cells have a central role in the pathogenesis of
patients who received SCZ treatment between June and December 2020 at Hull several renal pathologies. Rituximab, a monoclonal antibody directed against the CD20
University Teaching Hospitals. Eligible patients (>16years and received SCZ) were receptor expressed on the surface of B cells is an interesting alternative to conventional
identified from pharmacy dispensing data. Data collected included patient treatments of kidney pathologies.
demographics, prescribed medication that could affect serum potassium levels prior to METHOD: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study of the use of rituximab in
starting SZC, indication, dose of SCZ, potassium level at start and 72hrs after treatment nephrology patients.
and if the patient was on renal replacement therapy (RRT). In addition, speciality of RESULTS: We collected 25 patients including 12 women and 13 men. The mean age
the prescriber and reported adverse effects were noted. Data analysis was descriptive. was 33,5 [16-55] years. The rituximab was indicated for an extramembranous
RESULTS: During the study period, SZC was prescribed to 59 patients on 73 different glomerulopathy in 6 patients, a focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in 4 patients, a
occasions. Fifty-two (71%) were male, mean age was 58 years (range 17 – 88 years). minimal change disease in 4 patients, a lupus nephritis in 5 patients, and a
Twenty-two patients (37%) were on RASS inhibitors, six patients on a potassium granulomatosis with polyangiitis in 2 patients. Four kidney transplant patient received
sparing diuretic, and 21 on a beta-blocker before treatment with SZC. rituximab for the treatment of antibody mediated rejection in 3 cases and large cell
Thirteen patients (22%) were on a combination of at least two of these medicines. lymphoma in 1 case.
Nineteen patients (32%) were on haemodialysis and four patients (7%) were on The average time between the diagnosis of the renal disease and starting treatment with
peritoneal dialysis (PD) prior to treatment with SZC. rituximab was of 76 þ/- 46,5 months. And it was of 16 [ 0,7 ; 59,8] months after
transplantation in kidney transplant recipients.
i182 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Side effects have been observed in 11 cases (44%). A favorable response has been patients maintaining the dominant arm extended using the smartphone App Phyphox.
obtained in 10 cases (40 %), within an average of 2,27 months, with at least one relapse The tremor frequency spectrum was extracted by Fourier analysis.
in 4 cases. The follow-up time was 36,33 þ/- 31,67 months. RESULTS: The sleepiness score (ESS) was significantly increased in HD (ESS = 560.4)
CONCLUSION: Rituximab has been shown to be helpful in several cases of kidney compared to the healthy controls (ESS= 460.41) whereas was not significantly
disease. It may reduce the need for maintenance immunosuppression and help in some modified in CKD patients (3.246 0.32). The chronotype was also not significantly
cases that are refractory to other therapies. different among the various groups.
The mean score of the MoCA test was significantly lower in CKD, Tx, and HD groups
(CKD MoCA =24.560.3; Tx MoCA =25.460.6; HD MoCA =24.660.7) than controls
(MoCA score=2860.1). A different pattern of impairment in the cognitive domains of
MoCA was evidenced in the various groups using the CerebroViz projection and
UMAP tools.
MoCA score was inversely correlated with proteinuria (Pearson coefficient=-0.47;
Erasmia Sampani1, Asimina Fylaktou2, Maria Stangou2, Xaralampos Vagiotas3,
Efstratios Kasimatis2, Vasiliki Nikolaidou4, Dimitra Vasileia Daikidou2,
The higher frequencies of the physiological tremor (11-13 Hz) were significantly more
Nikolaos Antoniadis3, Aikaterini Papagianni2
represented in Tx patients compared to controls (p<0.05). Conversely, the lower
Ippokrateio - General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Nephrology, Greece, 2Ippokrateio - frequencies (1-4 Hz) were significantly less represented in the HD group compared to
General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Nephrology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3Ippokrateio - controls (p<0.05). The peak frequency was inversely correlated with age in all patients
General Hospital of Thessaloniki, Division of Organ Transplantation, Department of (Pearson coefficient= -0.45; p<0.05) and inversely associated with azotemia levels,
Surgery, Thessaloniki, Greece and 4Ippokrateio - General Hospital of Thessaloniki, immu- particularly in HD patients (Pearson coefficient=0.43; p<0.05).
nology department, Thessaloniki, Greece CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that CKD patients present altered cognitive and
motor control patterns, linked in part to the proteinuria level, suggesting a
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Disturbances in T cell immunity are frequently seen in pathogenetic role of endothelial dysfunction.
patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD), and the effect of long term hemodialysis The characteristic motor, sleepiness and cognitive patterns of HD patients might be
(HD) is still obscure, though extremely important, especially regarding T regulatory due to the arteriovenous fistula or the other peculiarities of these patients.
cells (Tregs, CD4þCD25þFoxP3þ) which seem to have a central role in immune These results might help identify new early markers of brain dysfunction in these
response and tolerance after renal transplantation. In the present study, we assessed the patients, with the possibility of delaying or reversing cognitive decay.
possible effect of HD vintage on Treg population.
METHOD: Cytometric analysis was performed in 66 patients with ESRD on HD, in
order to estimate CD4þ and CD4þCD25þFoxP3þ subtypes. According to HD
vintage, patients were classified into two groups, group A: recently commenced on HD,
and group B: on long term HD (12months and >12months, respectively).
RESULTS: In all 66 patients there was a negative correlation between time on HD and
lymphocyte count, both percentage (r=-0.34 p=0.005) and absolute lymphocyte
Björn Tampe1, Samy Hakroush2
number (r=-0.42 p<0.001) as well as CD4þ cells frequencies (r=-0.25 p=0.042) and 1
total numbers (r=-0.41 p=0.001). University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology,
Twenty eight patients (42%) were included in group A (HD vintage 963 months) and Göttingen, Germany and 2University Medical Center Göttingen, Institute of Pathology,
38 (58%) in group B, (HD vintage 99641 months). Compared to group A, patients in Göttingen, Germany
group B, showed a significant reduction in percentage of Tregs on total lymphocytes
(2.661.3% vs 1.960.9%, respectively, p<0.019) as well as absolute number of Tregs BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
(34614 l/L vs. 21611 l/L, respectively, p<0.001). impacted healthcare services for kidney disease patients. Lockdown and social
CONCLUSION: Long term HD may act as an additional factor reducing lymphocyte distancing were mandated worldwide, resulting in closure of medical services. The
count, especially Tregs in ESRD patients. This result, apart from direct affecting diagnosis of various kidney diseases may have been delayed during the COVID-19
immunity of patients, is mostly important for those preparing for renal pandemic because non-urgent tests and visits were postponed due to closure of medical
transplantation, or being on the waiting list. services during the lockdown. Based on previous reports, this afftects especially kidney
diseases requiring renal biopsy and histological analysis for diagnosis. We have
previously reported that during the lockdown period in March and April 2020, an
incidence-shift with a COVID-19 gap of no diagnosed antineutrophil cytoplasm
antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV) and ANCA glomerulonephritis (GN)
based on renal biopsy was followed by a postlockdown phase in subsequent months
with a compensatory increased incidence rate. This has been attributed to a decreased
Davide Viggiano1,2, Francesco Lorusso1, Ilenia Gravina1, Maria Serena Russo3,
number of renal biopsies during the lockdown period and a compensatory increased
Maurizio Brigante 4 , Veronica Buonincontri1, Giovambattista Capasso1,2
number in the postlockdown phase. We here expanded our analysis to evaluate the
University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Dept. Of Translational Medicine, Naples, Italy, effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on kidney diseases requiring renal biopsy.
BIOGEM, Ariano Irpino, Italy and 3Cardarelli Hospital, UOC Nephrology and Dialysis, Furthermore, we aimed to identify effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical
Campobasso, Italy outcomes in patients with kidney diseases, including ANCA GN. With multiple
vaccines currently undergoing human trials to combat this pandemic, there is an
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a systemic condition urgent need for a clear sense for patient populations most susceptible to shutdown of
because it modifies all organs’ function due to an imbalance in plasma volume, medical services. We here report the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on native
electrolytes, hormones, and proteins. kidney diseases requiring renal biopsy for diagnosis in a retrospective observational
Indeed, at the nervous system level, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), sleep disorders study from a tertiary hospital in Germany.
and depression often accompany CKD. MCI partially explains the low quality of life of METHOD: A total number of 209 renal biopsies performed on native kidneys of
CKD patients, comparable to that of metastatic cancer patients. patients hospitalized at the University Medical Center Göttingen in 2019 and 2020
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has a high prevalence in this cohort (27-62%). were included. Variables were tested for normal distribution using Shapiro-Wilk test.
Nevertheless, scattered literature data suggest that CKD patients can also have poor Non-normally distributed continuous variables are expressed as median and
motor control, evidenced by a higher risk of falls, postural instability, reduced gait interquartile range (IQR), categorical variables are presented as frequencies and
speed. In this cohort, few data are available regarding the motor circuits called central percentages. Statistical comparisons were not formally powered or prespecified. For
pattern generators, which control physiological tremor. Specifically, uraemic group comparisons, the Mann-Whitney U-test was used to determine differences in
encephalopathy accentuates physiological tremor, which is regulated by central and medians. Non-parametric between-group-comparisons were performed with Pearson’s
peripheral oscillators. Overall, subtle changes in motor control often accompany other Chi-square test. Data analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism (version 8.4.0 for
forms of MCI. MacOS, GraphPad Software, San Diego, California, USA).
Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the effects of chronic kidney disease on RESULTS: The lockdown period in March and April 2020 primarily affected patients
cognitive and motor functions using up-to-date technologies to record physiological admitted to the normal medical ward with a compensatory increased rate of renal
tremor and innovative data analysis. biopsies in the postlockdown phase. In addition, there was a shift towards more
METHOD: This retrospective case-control study enrolled 313 patients (139 controls, patients admitted with hemoglobinuria during the COVID-19 pandemic. This
79 CKD patients stage III-IV, 35 kidney transplant (Tx), 60 dialysis (HD) patients). phenomenon of an increased number of patients with hemoglobinuria during the
These groups were comparable for age and weight. Creatininemia, azotemia, LDL, COVID-19 pandemic was specifically observed in a subgroup with ANCA GN and
HDL, hemoglobin, and proteinuria were used for correlative analyses. We evaluated hypertensive nephropathy requiring renal biopsy.
the chronotype using the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) and the CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of identifying a
degree of sleepiness using the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). Cognitive impairment subpopulation susceptible to closure of medical services during the COVID-19
was assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (MoCA). Cognitive domains pandemic and diagnostic delay of specific kidney diseases. Therefore, the COVID-19
of the MoCA score were projected onto brain regions using CerebroViz library in R pandemic should be regarded as a risk factor especially in patients with diseases other
and a new transformation matrix derived from fMRI literature data. UMAP algorithm than COVID-19 primarily admitted to the normal medical ward.
was used to identify patients’ subgroups. The physiological tremor was recorded on
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i183
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Armando Coca1, Carla Burballa2, Francisco Javier Centellas Pérez3, Catarina Mateus1, Ana Rita Martins1, Eunice Cacheira1, Maria Augusta Gaspar1
Isabel Acosta-Ochoa1, Marıa Dolores Arenas2, Juan Pérez Martınez3, 1
Hospital de Santa Cruz / Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental, Nephrology, Lisbon,
Veronica Fidalgo1, Julio Pascual2, Agustin Ortega Cerrato3 Portugal
Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valladolid, Nephrology, Valladolid, Spain, 2Hospital
del Mar, Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain and 3Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Average life expectancy have been continuously
Albacete, Nephrology, Albacete, Spain increasing within the general population and, equally so, within Nephrology patients.
End-of-life (EOL) care is part of non-oncologic palliative care provided by Nephrology.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by Severe The aim of our study is to evaluate the quality of EOL care provided in Nephrology,
Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can lead to significant and to determine potential areas of improvement.
organ injury. CKD has been associated with increased mortality in previous epidemics, METHOD: Retrospective single-centre analysis of all nephrology and kidney
and male sex has been correlated with worse outcomes during COVID-19 in the transplant inpatients dying between January 2019 and June 2020. Clinical records were
general population. Our aim was to describe the differential effect of sex as a risk factor reviewed for evidence of recognition of end of life, resuscitation plans, acute
for in-hospital mortality among non-dialysis CKD subjects. interventions in the 48 hours previous to death, comfort care plans and symptoms
METHOD: Multicenter, observational cohort study including 136 adult patients with evaluation.
CKD and 136 age- and sex-matched controls who required admission for COVID-19 RESULTS: A total of 83 patients were included. 19.6% of patients had chronic kidney
in three academic hospitals in Spain. Viral infection was confirmed by real-time RT- disease, 60.2% were in haemodialysis, 14.5% were kidney transplanted patients and
qPCR and/or serologic testing in all cases. Disease severity on admission was classified 3.6% had acute kidney injury. 89.2% of the admissions were for acute events, 5% for
according to the WHO—China Joint Mission Report on COVID-19. The presence of symptom control and 4.8% for diagnosis.
CKD was defined as sustained eGFR <60 and >15 ml/min/1.73m2 within the 6 In 72.3% of admissions, EOL was recognised. Most patients were unable to discuss
months prior to COVID-19 hospitalization. Demographic and clinical data were EOL plans (67.5%), and the family was informed of the prognosis in only 61.4% of the
gathered from medical records. Outcomes were recorded during the following 28 days cases.
after admission. We applied Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for age, sex, At the time of dead: only 62.7% of patients had a clear resuscitation plan, 44.6% were
hypertension, diabetes and severe or critical disease at presentation. on antibiotics and 26.5% died with nasogastric tube. Within 48h of death: invasive
RESULTS: Due to the matched design, no differences were found regarding age and interventions were still being given in 42.2%, blood samples were taken in 69.9%;
sex between cohorts. CKD patients suffered more frequently from hypertension and imaging was performed in 36.1% and 48.2% had a haemodialysis session. Comfort
diabetes and presented higher 28-day mortality after hospital admission due to measure were provided to 53% and only 60.2% had evidence of symptom evaluation.
COVID-19 compared with age- and sex-matched controls (40.4 vs. 24.3%; P=0.004). In 44.6% stopped invasive measures in the last 48h.
adjusted Cox regression analysis among CKD patients, only age (HR: 1.087, 95% CI: Recognition of EOL was associated with having a clear resuscitation plan (p<0.001),
1.047-1.128) and male sex (HR: 1.883, 95% CI: 1.045-3.391) were independent comfort measures (p<0.001), evidence of symptom evaluation (p=0.004), stopping
predictors of 28-day mortality. Comparatively, among patients without CKD, only age invasive measures (p<0.001), having less imaging (p=0.270) and discussing prognosis
acted as an independent predictor for 28-day mortality (HR: 1.082, 95% CI: 1.033- with the family (p<0.001). Despite recognition of EOL, there was no difference in
1.133). None of the variables included in adjusted regression was able to predict ICU dying with nasogastric tube (p=0.404) or dying on antibiotics (p=0.134).
admission in any of the cohorts. In a multivariable analysis (binary logistic regression), EOL recognition was associated
CONCLUSION: Male sex is associated with increased mortality, but not with ICU with a clear resuscitation plan (Exp(B) 0.088, (CI 95%: 0.018-0.419) p=0.002), with
admission, after hospitalization due to COVID-19 among non-dialysis CKD patients. discussion of prognosis with family ( Exp(B) 0.061 (CI 95%: 0.011-0.337) p=0.001),
That effect was not observed among hospitalized controls without CKD. and with reduced body mass index (Exp(B) 0.870, (CI 95%: 0.763-0.991), p=0.037,); in
a model adjusted to the age.
CONCLUSION: In our cohort, patient for whom EOL was recognized had better EOL
care. In conclusion, there are still areas in which EOL care can be improved. Palliative
care should be an investment area for training within the Nephrology core curriculum
and awareness for EOL care is needed.
i184 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
creatinine (6.89 6 3.54 vs. 1.58 6 .81, mg/dl) (p<0.001) and ACR (824 6 917 vs. 320 baseline), one patient died for Sepsis, All patients with CRR or PRR showed a complete
6 753, mg/g),( p<0.001). B-2 microglobulin also positively correlated with systolic cardiological response (normal BNP and SIV). Adverse events during therapy: HZV
blood pressure (r=.295, p<.001), serum creatinine (r=.879, p<.001), serum phosphate nevralgy in 3. The 9 patients in PRR were treated with Lenalidomide. After median 6
(r=.175, p =.047), serum iPTH (r=.403, p<.001) , hCRP ( r=.193, p =.050) , treatment cycles 7/9 (77.7%) patients showed a CRR and CHR. Haemodialysis was
Triglycerides (r=.196, p =.023) and urine ACR in CKD patients. started in 2/9 (22.2%) patients. We decided to discontinue the therapy for adverse
CONCLUSION: Beta-2 microglobulin level was significantly higher in CKD with an events in 3 patients: breast cancer in one, transient troponin I increase and angina in an
increasing pattern towards advancing stages. The higher levels positively correlated other patient, pneumonia events in one. The pneumoniae infectious and anginal
with cardio renal and metabolic risk factors. Hence measuring Beta-2 microglobulin episodes regressed with drug discontinuation. Median follow-up time from diagnosis
regularly can help to take preventive measures early to manage patients at risk. of Renal Amyloidosis was 46 months. Median follow-up from the start of
Lenalidomide was 36 months. One patients died for breast cancer, but in CRR. All the
others patients with CRR (9/13, 69.2%), including the two who suspended
Lenalidomide for its toxic effects have been in remission for 30 months on average.
CONCLUSION: We conclude the following Lenalidomide therapy is very effective at
increasing the number of CRR. In addition, the two treatment regimens (induction
therapy with CyBorD and conditioning with Lenalidomide) kept patients in remission
for more than 30 months on average. Further studies on larger samples are needed to
Rosita Greco1, Cirino Botta2, Massimo Gentile2, Teresa Papalia3
validate the data.
AO Annunziata, Nephrology Dialysis And Transplantation Department, cosenza, Italy,
Annunziata Hospital, Hematology Department, Cosenza, Italy and 3Annunziata
Hospital, Nephrology Dialysis And Transplantation Department, Cosenza, Italy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Immunoglobulin light-chain (AL)amyloidosis is a rare
life-threatening disease caused by light chains that are toxic to vital organs such as the
kidneys. New therapeutic strategies with bortezomib and lenalidomide have improved
Natalia Chebotareva1, Anatoliy Vinogradov2, Wenjing Cao1, Alla Gindis3,
the prognosis. The aim of our study was to evaluate the long term efficacy of
Igor Alentov4, Natalia Sergeeva4
therapeutic protocol utilizing bortezomib in induction and in conditioning with 1
lenalidomide for PRR (partial renal response) AL renal Amyloidosis transplant- Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Nephrology, Moscow, Russia,
ineligible patients. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Therapy, Moscow, Russia, 3Sechenov First
METHOD: This is a prospective analysis of 16 transplant-ineligible patients with Moscow State Medical University, Labor, Moscow, Russia and 4Hertsen Moscow
histological diagnosis of renal amyloidosis admitted to our Nephrology Department Oncology Research Institute, Prediction of Conservative Treatment Efficiency, Moscow,
from 01/2010 to 01/10/2020. All patients have overt nephrotic syndrome at the Russia
diagnosis. Two/thirds of them have renal failure. The diagnosis of amyloid is based on
the kidney biopsy finding, by light microscopic examination, of amorphous BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The pathogenesis of primary focal segmental
extracellular Congo red positive deposits, which display characteristic dichroism and glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and minimal change disease (MCD) remains unknown to
apple green birefringence under polarised light. Bortezomib-based (BD) regimen is date. Some circulating permeability factors are discussed. This work assessed molecule
used (Bortezomib 1.3mg/m2 subcutaneously; Cyclophosphamide 200mg/m2 and candidates for permeability in serum samples of patients with nephrotic syndrome
Dexamethasone 40mg) for 9 cycles. Hematological and organ response were evaluated (NS).
according to the novel criteria of the International Society of Amyloidosis. The patients METHOD: Forty-one patients with chronic glomerulonephritis (CGN) were included
with partial renal response (PRR: decreased of 24 hour urine protein and serum in our study. Seventeen patients had FSGS, 7 patients had MCD, 5 patients had
creatinine > 50% over baseline) were treated with cycles of Lenalidomide (dose membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), 6 patients had IgA nephropathy,
adjustments for renal function, orally on days 1 trough 21 of each 28-days cycle) in and 6 patients had membranous nephropathy (MN). The laboratory data were
combination with dexamethasone and prophylactic anti-thrombotic treatment. compared with the clinical and histological features of nephritis. Serum levels of uPAR
RESULTS: The mean age was 6367 years and 7/16 (43.7%) were males. By and CLCF-1 were measured by ELISA.
immunohistochemistry the protein composition of the amyloid deposits was FLC k in RESULTS: The serum levels of plasminogen activator urokinase receptor (uPAR) were
6/16 and FLC lambda in 10/16. Periombelical fat aspirate was positive in 5 patients higher in FSGS patients before treatment than in patients with other morphological forms
(31.2%). At onset the mean proteinuria was 13.1 6 3.6 gr/24h with average MDRD of (MCD, IgA nephropathy, MN and MPGN). The levels of uPAR in serum did not correlate
37.2 ml/min (III stage CKD), average pro-BNP 420.1 and SIV 12.5 mm. At onset three with daily proteinuria, serum creatinine/eGFR, arterial hypertension, the number of
patients (18.7%) had confirmed multiple myeloma (Clone of plasma cells proliferation sclerosed glomeruli or tubulointerstitial fibrosis. No correlations were found between the
> 30% in the bone marrow). 3/16 patients died for cardiac arrhythmia at 3 and 4 levels of cardiotrophin-like cytokine factor 1 (CLCF-1) in serum and creatinine levels/
months after CyBorD cycles initiation. Therefore CyBorD regimen was completed in glomerular filtration rate, the percentage of sclerosed glomeruli or the severity of
13/16 patients. After 9 CyBorD cycles: 3/13 patients showed a complete renal response tubulointerstitial fibrosis. There were no significant differences between the histological
(CRR: MDRD > 90 ml/min, proteinuria/24h< 300 mg) and CHR (normal serum FLC variants of nephritis. However, we found correlations between CLCF-1 levels and
ratio); 10/13(76.9%) showed a PRR and PHR (dFLC decrease >50% compared to proteinuria (Rs = 0. 397, p = 0.015) and triglycerides levels (Rs = 0. 475, p = 0.003).
MO210 Figure 1: suPAR and CLCF-1 serum levels in patients with nephrotic syndrome
suPAR -soluble Plasminogen Activator Urokinase Receptor ; CLCF-1 • Cardiotrophin Like Cytokiue Factor I; MCD -minimal change disease; FSGS -focal segmental glomeni
losclerosis; MPGN -membranoproliferative glomenilouephritis; MN - membranous nephropathy.
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i185
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: The data indicate an increase in the serum uPAR levels of FSGS
before treatment. CLCF-1 levels in serum do not depend on histological forms of CGN,
kidney function or immunosuppressive treatment, but they correlate with proteinuria
and serum lipids in patients with NS.
MO210 Figure 2: suPAR and CLCF-1 serum levels in patients with nephrotic MO212 LATE EVIDENCE OF SARS-COV-2 INFECTION IN A PATIENT
syndrome depending on therapy WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY (AKI) AND MASSIVE DEEP
suPAR -soluble Plasminogen Activator Urokinase Receptor: CLCF-1 • Cardiotrophin VEIN THROMBOSIS (DVT) STARTING FROM A
Like Cytokine Factor I: MCD -minimal change disease:FSGS - focal segmental HEMODIALYSIS CENTRAL VENOUS CATHETER (CVC)
glomenilosderosis:MPGN -membranopro liferative glomenilonephritis:MN-
membranous nephropathy: I -blood samples were taken before treatment: II -blood Deborah Di Vico1, Katia Cersosimo1, Claudia Fofi1, Alessandra Moioli1, Marcello
samples were taken during the treatment. Andrea Tipaldi2, Stefano Grossi1, Paolo Mene’1
Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit,
Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Roma, Italy and 2Sant’Andrea Hospital,
Sapienza University of Rome, Interventional Radiology Unit, Dept. of Radiology, Roma,
ELECTRONIC CONSULTATION (ECONSULT) IN COVID-19 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: COVID-19 has heterogeneous clinical manifestations.
PANDEMIC SARS-CoV-2 related AKI and hypercoagulability are negative prognostic factors. The
incidence of thromboembolic events is about 30%, of AKI up to 20%. We report a
Juan Carlos Herrero Berron1, Carolina Lentisco1, Aniana Oliet1, Andrea Suso1, patient with severe AKI who required hemodialysis (HD) and developed a massive
Irene Onate Alonso1, Maria Sanchez1, Rosa Camacho1, Carmen Mon1, DVT developing from the femoral CVC, and belatedly testing positive for SARS-CoV-
Milagros Ortiz1, Olimpia Ortega1 2 in the absence of typical pulmonary involvement.
1 METHOD: A 53-year-old male with a clinical history of hypertension, type II diabetes
mellitus, in therapy with metformin and ace-inhibitor, was admitted to our E.R. with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Due to COVID-19 pandemic we must continue diarrhea, nausea and vomiting for about 2 days. Main signs: ideomotor slowdown, mild
attending in our hospital consultations and, at the same time, avoid transfers and visit hypohydration and reduced urine output (unrelevant sediment). Initial blood tests
that involve risks to our patients. For this reason, we implemented new forms of care. showed severe AKI with hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis and hyponatremia
Mainly electronic consultation (eConsult) using institutional email as way of contact (sCreatinine 18.76 mg/dl, BUN 161 mg/dl, Kþ 7.8 mmol/l, Naþ 128 mmol/L, HCO3-
between Primary Care Providers (PCPs) and nephrologist, trying to decrease in-person 9.8 mmol/l). Mild neutrophilic leukocytosis with lymphopenia was detected, with
visit. slightly increased inflammation indices (CRP 1.05 mg / dl, D-dimer 720 ng / ml). CT
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of the creation in June 2020 of a Nephrology scan: absence of typical SARS-CoV-2 signs, normal kidneys, no dilation of urinary
electronic consultation in our hospital. tract. SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test and the first molecular swab test were negative.
METHOD: Retrospective observational study of eConsults made to our department, After femoral CVC insertion, HD was needed for a few sessions. Broad range antibiotic
which serves a population of 200.000 people, with total of 9 primary care centers. The therapy was also set.
study period was June 10, 2020 to December 31, 2020. We have studied the number of On Day 3: a second SARS-CoV-2 PCR swab test resulted negative. He never
eConsults, response time, type of consult made, problem resolution and subsequent manifested fever or dyspnea.
follow up. On Day 6, despite an improvement of renal function (sCr 2.7 mg/dl), the patient,
RESULTS: Of 141 workdays, in 61 days (43%) there was eConsult, total 80 eConsults, although he walked, presented right leg pain with signs of DVT. Ultrasound and angio-
mean 1.3 and median 1 daily (range 1 to 3). All primary care centers used this CT scan documented peri-catheter DVT extended to the common femoral and
communication way, as well as 50 PCPs. Median response time for eConsult was 1 day external iliac vein and superficial femoral vein involvement, without pulmonary
(range 1-4). 55% patient was male, mean age 70.8 years (SD 13.9) (range 16-95 years). embolism. I.v. therapy with sodium heparin was therefore started with quite a difficulty
64% it was his first assessment for Nephrology. The most frequent causes of eConsult: in reaching the expected range.
increase of creatinine (41.3%), uncontrolled blood pressure (12.5%), sodium and On day 8, massive flittene appeared, the CVC was removed and a caval filter was
potassium disturbances (11.3%), treatment adjustment (11.3%) and changes in placed; marked neutrophilic leucocytosis and increased inflammatory indices (CRP
previous appointment (8.8%). After assessment eConsult, to 55% of patients was 11.50 mg/dl) was documented. Nevertheless, thrombosis has progressed to the entire
treatment adjustment, 22.5% were converted to an in-person visit, 11% they didnt need venous axis and the inferior cava. Through a tibial vein introducer local i.v. alteplase
any action but only 1 patient was referred to the emergency room. 44% patient is was also started. Just after, copious bleeding from the site of the removed CVC
subsequent follow up by PCPs, 39% by nephrologist, 15% joint assessment PCP and followed by haemorrhagic shock occurred and the patient was transferred to the ICU
nephrologist and 2% by other specialists. Only 2 patients (2.5%) made second (D-dimer 219800 ng/ml). The same day a third swab for SARS-CoV-2 resulted positive
eConsult. while a further CT-scan did not show signs of virus-like interstitial pneumonia. On the
CONCLUSION: The eConsult is an important help to PCPs to solve doubts quickly, following day (day 9) the patient underwent thrombus aspiration (AspirexV R S device)
avoid unnecessary the travels to hospital the patients, treatment adjustment above all in and fasciotomy of the right leg for a compartment syndrome.
control of hypertension an ionic disturbance, and guide in handling of chronic kidney RESULTS: Despite the continuation of heparin, PTT ratio was never >1.5, with an
disease. The diffusion and empowerment of this type of consultation in a next future extension of DVT and also involvement of the contralateral iliac vein, as well as a
may decrease, partly, the usual saturation of face-to-face visit and optimize the patient worsening of the clinical-laboratory picture and patient’s death on day 14. Serum
population being seen by nephrologist. complement, autoantibodies (ANA, ANCA, ENA, ANTI-dsDNA, anti-cardiolipin,
AMA, anti-B-glycoprotein) and factor V Leiden test were normal. All blood cultures
were found to be sterile.
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CONCLUSION: Our case confirms the heterogenicity of COVID-19 manifestations, MO214 EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF A POTASSIUM BINDER ON
often without pulmonary involvement. According to our experience from the onset of ARRHYTHMIA-RELATED CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES IN
the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 can also be found later in patients with already advanced PATIENTS ON CHRONIC HAEMODIALYSIS WITH
organ damage. In this case, in the absence of other possible factors, AKI and intestinal RECURRENT HYPERKALAEMIA: DESIGN AND RATIONALE
involvement may have been early signs of COVID-19, with a virus initially not FOR THE SODIUM ZIRCONIUM CYCLOSILICATE DIALIZE-
detectable in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Furthermore, the increased thromboembolic OUTCOMES STUDY
risk of COVID-19 should not be underestimated in the presence of risk factors as
external devices, also given the difficult management of anticoagulation target. Steven Fishbane1, Michel Jadoul2, Laura M. Dember3, Csaba Kovesdy4,
Anticoagulant prophylaxis in cases with doubtful symptomatology and CVC must be Ian Sabir5, Ayman Al-Shurbaji6, Fredrik Thoren6, Brian G. Katona7,
considered even in non-bedridden patients, due to the current risk of SARS-CoV-2 Nicolas Guzman7, John Xu7, Charles A. Herzog8
infection. Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Great Neck, New York, United States
of America, 2Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, UCLouvain, Brussels,
Belgium, 3Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States of America, 4University of Tennessee Health Science Center,
Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America, 5AstraZeneca, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 6AstraZeneca, Gothenburg, Sweden, 7AstraZeneca, Gaithersburg, Maryland,
United States of America and 8Hennepin Healthcare/University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i187
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MO215 DEPRESSIVE DISORDER IN LUPIC PATIENTS WITH LUPUS ALPS values compared to non-CKD patients. At variance, in patients with MCI, CKD
NEPHRITIS: DATA FROM A POPULATION OF 67 PATIENTS resulted in a significant increase of water diffusion in the glymphatic system compared
CONCLUSION: In this preliminary study, MCI and CKD exerted opposite effects on
Anna Mirela Stroie1, Balanescu Paul2, Mircea Penescu1, the diffusion of water within the glymphatic system: MCI was accompanied by a
Beldea Geanina Eugenia3 reduction of water diffusion whereas CKD by an increased diffusion in the glymphatic
Nephrology Hospital Dr. Carol Davila, Nefrologie II, Bucures, ti, Romania, 2Carol Davila spaces.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Statistica medicala, Bucures, ti, Romania and It is possible that small modification of water balance in CKD may be responsible for
Nephrology Hospital Dr. Carol Davila, Bucures, ti, Romania the increased diffusion of water in glymphatics in CKD. Further studies are needed to
verify whether this unexpected phenomenon may modify cognitive function with a
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Systemic lupus erythematosus is a multi-organ, multi- mechanism rather different from Alzheimer’s disease.
systemic autoimmune disease with significant burden on generally young patients.
Renal involvement is relatively frequent, recent studies cite a prevalence of 15-60% of
patients, and 25% develop end-stage renal disease after 10 years of disease onset. We MO217 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SERUM VITAMIN-D LEVEL WITH
studied the incidence of depressive disorders in a population of 67 patients with biopsy LUNG INVOLVEMENT AND OUTCOME IN COVID-19
proven lupus nephritis. Data about depression in patients with renal involvement of PNEUMONIA
lupus is still scarce. We identified variables associated with the development of
depressive disorders in lupus patients. Alireza Abrishami1, Nooshin Dalili2
METHOD: We concluded a single center transversal study to assess the incidence of 1
depressive disorder in patients with biopsy proven lupus nephritis. We used the self- Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Department of Radiology, Shahid
report Beck Depression/ Anxiety Inventory (BDI/ BAI), 1961/ 1990, translated in Labbafinejad Hospital, Tehran, Iran and 2Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Romanian and validated in the Romanian population to diagnose depression. We also Sciences, Chronic Kidney Disease Research Center, Shahid Labbafinejad Medical Center,
wanted to identify risk factors associated with depression in such patients. We used Tehran, Iran
EpiInfo for the statistical analysis and data was extracted from medical records.
RESULTS: We included in the study patients diagnosed with systemic lupus BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vitamin D deficiency has been reported as a key factor
erythematosus, and had renal biopsy between January 2008 – December 2018. Patients in the development of infectious diseases such as respiratory tract infections and
were followe-up until May 2020. Beck Depression/Anxiety Inventory was administered inflammatory processes like acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, the impact
a single time during the follow-up visit between (March 2019 – May 2020). In our of vitamin D on the severity and outcome of COVID-19 is still not fully known.
study group, 58 patients were female (86.5%). Median age at diagnosis of lupus disease Herein, we aimed to evaluate the prognostic role of serum vitamin D concentration on
was 29 years (min 10 years, max 62 years). Median duration of the disease until the the extent of lung involvement and final outcome in patients with COVID-19.
self-assessment inventory was 10 years (min 1.5 years, max 30 years). Median duration METHOD: Seventy-three subjects with confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 were
of corticosteroid treatment was 10.1 years (min 1.58 years, max 29). 1 patient had class investigated in this study. The patients had been admitted to our academic hospital
I, 2 had class II, 12 had class III, 32 had class IV, 12 had class V, 1 had class VI, 1 had from February 28, 2020 to April 19, 2020. Demographic and clinical data, serum
classes IIIþV, 1 had classes IVþV of lupus nephritis (ISN classification of lupus 25(OH)D levels, and findings of initial chest computed tomography were recorded.
nephritis). 13 patients had normal scores of the Beck Inventory (0-9 points), 7 had Linear and binary logistic regression, cox regression and ROC curve tests were used for
mild depression (10 - 15 points), 37 had moderate depression (16- 23 points), 10 had statistical analysis.
severe depression (24-63 points). We identified female gender (p=0.009), duration of RESULTS: The mean age of patients was 55.18 Å} 14.98 years old; 46.4% were male.
corticosteroid therapy (p=0.036), duration of the lupic disease (p=0.036) to be Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration was significantly lower in the deceased (13.83 Å}
independently associated with depression development. Other variables, such as 12.53 ng/ mL compared with discharged patients (38.41 Å} 18.51 ng/mL) (P < 0.001).
creatinine levels at the moment of the assessment, duration of maintenance therapy Higher levels of 25(OH)D were associated with significantly less extent of total lung
with mycofenolate mofetil or azathioprine, proteinuria, inflammatory markers were involvement (b = 0.10, P = 0.004). In addition, vitamin D deficiency [25(OH) D <
not associated significantly with depression. 25 ng/mL] was associated with a significant increase in the risk of mortality (hazard
CONCLUSION: We identified clinical variables associated with depression ratio = 4.15, P = 0.04).
development in patients with lupus nephritis. The study brings data useful for the CONCLUSION: This study suggests that serum vitamin D status might provide useful
clinician, helping doctors focus on the variables that predict depression in lupus information regarding the clinical course, extent of lung involvement and outcome of
patients and making screening for depressive disorders more focused on the patients patients with COVID-19. However, further studies with larger sample size are needed
with risk factors. to confirm these findings.
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10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i189
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
elsewhere with inadequate information and possible repetition were excluded. MO221 ONLY A SIMPLE CASE OF AKI IN AN ONCOLOGIC PATIENT?
RESULTS: Seventeen papers were identified from published literature including 10
case reports, two original research articles, one image and four conference abstracts Sofia Giuliana1, Roberta Ranieri1, Carolina Ruosi1, Angela Cervesato1, Luigi
and one research paper was identified from other source. From them, two case reports Pio Guerrera2, Teresa Troiani2, Alessandra Perna1, Giovambattista Capasso1,
were excluded because EPN occurred in non-Bangladeshi nationals; one image and Mariadelina Simeoni1
four conference abstracts were also excluded because of inadequate information for 1
University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Department of Translational Medical Sciences,
cases. Finally, a total of 10 papers (total 92 cases) were eligible for analysis, to which 28 Division of Nephrology, Naples, Italy and 2University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”,
unpublished but well documented cases were added. Among the total 120 cases, Department of Precision Medicine, Medical Oncology Unit, Naples, Italy
females were 92 (76.7%). Age of the patients ranged between 20 and 77 years. DM was
the commonest risk factor (118, 98.3%); 16 (13.3%) patients had chronic kidney disease
BACKGROUND: Nivolumab is a drug belonging to the class of Immune Checkpoint
and nine (7.5%) had renal stones. Patients presented with fever (112, 93.3%), loin pain/
Inhibitors (ICPI), the use of which has improved the prognosis for patients with
renal angle tenderness (96, 80%), dysuria (76, 63.3%), altered sensorium (21, 17.5%),
various advanced malignancies. These agents are associated with several "immune-
anorexia (93, 77.5%), vomiting (101, 84.2%), dehydration (77, 64.2%) and shock (18,
mediated" adverse effects, although the literature on Nivolumab renal toxicity is poor
15%). Patients had neutrophil leukocytosis (total white cell counts 11,700–54,200/cmm
and anecdotal. A rare immune-mediated renal adverse event is acute interstitial
of blood) and 22 (18.3%) patients had thrombocytopaenia. All patients had high
nephritis (AIN) that often imposes Nivolumab suspension.
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (36–117 mm/1st h) and C-reactive protein (24–199 mg/
CASE REPORT: We present the case of a 75-year-old woman with stage IV melanoma
L). Overall glycaemic status was poor [random blood glucose during admission was
(inguinal and external iliac lymph node metastases without localization of the primitive
6.8–35.5 mmol/L and glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) was 6.2–16.1%]. Fifty six (46.7%)
lesion). At diagnosis, renal function was normal by age (Creatinine 0.89 mg/dl; CKD
patients were complicated by acute kidney injury (AKI) and 32 (26.7%) patients had
EPI eGFR 71 ml/min/1.73 m2). After lymphadenectomy, an adjuvant treatment with
hyponatraemia. Diagnosis of EPN was confirmed by computed tomography scan. One
Nivolumab was initiated.
patient had EPN in ectopic right kidney, two patients had EPN along with
At 4-month follow-up, the patient was hospitalized for AKI (creatinine 2.6 mg/dl;
emphysematous cystitis and two patients were complicated with psoas abscess.
eGFR 17,3 ml/min/1.73 m2). Although, renal function decline was not accompanied by
According to Huang and Tseng classification, five (4.2%) patients had class 4 EPN, 35
signs of systemic immunoactivation, Nivolumab was suspended. In the following
(29.2%) patients had class 3, 66 (55%) patients had class 2 and 14 (11.7%) patients had
weeks, only a partial renal function recovery was observed, still limiting
class 1 EPN. Escherichia coli was the most common (67, 55.8%) organism identified on
immunotherapy reintroduction. Thus, the patient was referred to our Onconephrology
urine culture and 17 (14.2%) patients were complicated by bacteraemia. All patients
Outpatient Unit for a multidisciplinary approach. We performed a urinalysis with
were treated with resuscitative measures, intravenous antibiotics and other supportive
microscopy study of the sediment and observed rare dysmorphic red blood cells and
measures. Forty one (34.2%) patients required surgery/interventions [nephrectomy in
leukocytes. To exclude a glomerulopathy, a comprehensive screening for autoimmune
19 (15.8%), percutaneous drainage in two (1.7%), open drainage in 20 (16.7%)].
diseases and 24 hours proteinuria were also measured and found not significant (Table
Duration of hospital stay was 6–37 days. Nine (7.5%) patients died in hospital.
1). Renal ultrasound did not show any relevant alteration.
CONCLUSION: EPN occurred predominantly among female diabetic patients.
Clinical presentation included fever, loin pain, dysuria, vomiting, altered sensorium
and shock. Class 2 EPN was common. Almost half of all EPN cases developed AKI.
One-third EPN cases required surgical interventions including nephrectomy. In-
hospital mortality was 7.5%.
i190 | Abstracts
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treatment in oncologic patients on an ICPI complicated with AKI and with suspicion AS was diagnosed in 2014 by the presence of positive HLA-B27, and clinical and
of AIN at urinalysis. radiological manifestations of bilateral sacroiliitis without extra renal manifestations
Moreover, this case report thickens the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to treated by indometacin during periods of pain . A pure nephrotic syndrome was
oncologic patients not only when a conventional nephrotoxic chemotherapy has to be revealed with a 24h proteinuria of 12g / 24h.The patient’s Albumin levels were at 16g/l,
started, but also in case of ICIPs use. The nephrologist advice, in fact, could be useful in without HTA or hematuria, and with a correct renal function (Creatinine at 60mmol/
both preventing and treating severe renal complications such as AIN, also allowing the l). A renal biopsy showed a MN with type I polytypical. Light microscopy showed a
oncologic therapy maintenance. thickening of capillary loops, while IF staining revealed granular deposits of IgG along
the capillary wall. Investigations of further secondary MNs were negative, and the
patient was aPLA2R-negative.
RESULTS: A treatment by corticosteroids was initiated prior biopsy to her referral ,
which resulted in pain relief and urinary protein reduction (prot 24h 1.5g/24h). Given
her good response to this initial treatment, corticotherapy was maintained. As the
1, Nevena Grujic1, Bojan Stopic 1, Aleksandar Jankovi levels of inflammation and discomfort were low, the patient did not wish to be treated
Snezana Pesic c1,
by biotherapy.
Katarina Markovic2, Tatjana Damjanovic1, Radomir Naumovic3
CONCLUSION: This case suggests a secondary MN in association with AS.The
Zvezdara University Clinical Center, Clinical Department for Nephrology, Belgrade, discovery of new autoantibodies associated with AS opens up promising perspectives,
Serbia, 2Zvezdara University Medical Center, Clinical Department for Hematology, and could potentially lead to the characterization of biomarkers for screening and
Belgrade, Serbia and 3Medical Faculty, University Belgrade, Clinical Department for monitoring this disease. However, more studies are needed in order to improve our
Nephrology, Belgrade, Serbia understanding of the role played by possible immune complex diseases, (in particular
MN), in relation to this Ankylosing spondilitis.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney disease is a common complication in patients
with multiple myeloma and other plasma cell dyscrasias. This disease can be
manifested by various kidney disorders, which can evolve as either an acute or chronic
disorder. Cast nephropathy is the most common cause of severe acute kidney injury
(AKI) in patients with multiple myeloma. Among newly diagnosed patients, 20 to 50 %
have AKI or cronic kidney disease (CKD) at the time of diagnosis. Treatment of acute
Louise Donadello Tessarolo1, Gdayllon Cavalcante Meneses2, Gabriela Freire
renal failure consists of good supportive care and anti-myeloma therapy. Introduction
Bezerra3, Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior4, Elizabeth De Francesco Daher2, Alice
of novel agents has considerably improved outcome in patients with multiple myeloma
Maria Costa Martins3
and renal failure. The aim of this study was to identify the most common risk factors 1
(RF) for mortality in patients with MM and renal failure. Federal University of Ceara, Postgraduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciences,
METHOD: The study included 22 patients ( mean years 67 6 12 years, 12 men). Who Fortaleza, Brazil, 2Federal University of Cear
a, Medical Sciences Post-Graduate Program,
followed two years. We analyzed routine laboratory tests, Bence Jones protein, urinary Fortaleza, Brazil, 3Federal University of Cear
a, Pharmacology Post-Graduate Program,
protein excretion, and creatinine clearance. Plain radiography for the evaluation of Fortaleza, Brazil and 4University of Fortaleza, School of Medicine, Post-Graduation
skeleton lesions were performed for all patients. Programs in Public Health and Medical Sciences, Fortaleza, Brazil
RESULTS: Overall two years mortality of patients with MM was 38.1% with no
significant difference regard to patients’ age and gender. About 33% of patients BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leprosy may present important renal and endothelial
required renal replacement therapy and 19% remained on a chronic dialysis treatment abnormalities, and this can worse patients’ prognosis. However, renal and vascular
program. Renal biopsy was performed in 9.1% of patients (1 - FSGS, 1 - LCCD, light involvement in these patients has been poor investigated. The aim of this study was to
chain deposition disease). Bone marrow transplant (stem cell transplant) was investigate if higher systemic endothelial biomarkers levels are associated with renal
performed in 9.1% of patients. Of the associated comorbidities, 19% had DM, 81% had abnormalities and clinical aspects of leprosy.
hypertension, CVD 52.4%. Osteolytic changes at the time of diagnosis were present in METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study with leprosy patients before initiation of
52.4%. In older patients, kappa chains have been identified to a much more extent. multidrug therapy enrolled in January 2017 to December 2018 in Fortaleza, northeast
Survival is significantly lower in dialysis dependent patients with a two-year survival of Brazil. Leprosy-associated clinical and epidemiological data were collected. Two groups
30%. Binary logistic regression revealed that platelet decrease (OR = 0.982< CI 0.961– were constructed: Paucibacillary (PB) and Multibacillary (MB) for comparisons. Serum
1.003< p = 0.09) and increase of IgA significantly influenced mortality (OR = and urine samples were obtained for laboratory analysis. In urine the following
103,867< CI 0.459–23567.201< p = 0.09) can be considered as potential predictors of parameters were evaluated: creatinine, proteinuria and albuminuria. In serum the
mortality. Comorbidity DM, HTA, CVD were not the predictors for mortality in endothelial biomarkers were evaluated: VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, using ELISA assay.
patients with MM RESULTS: A total of 101 leprosy patients were included, with mean age of 48615
CONCLUSION: Multiple myeloma associated with high mortality rate and kidney years, and 71 (70%) were male. The multibacillary form occurred in 81 cases (80%),
disease. High percentage of patients required renal replacement therapy (33%) and where 22 had a Virchowian form. VCAM-1 was elevated in MB group and was
19% remained on a chronic dialysis treatment program. Among the estimated correlated with the bacteriological index (skin smear) (r = 0.372, p <0.01), duration of
parameters, the risk factors for mortality were significant decrease of platelet (p = 0.09) disease symptoms (r = 0.234, p = 0.04), and number of skin lesions ( r = 0.331, p
and increase IgA (p = 0.09). Survival is significantly lower in in dialysis dependent <0.001). Moreover, in MB patients who presented albuminuria >15 mg/g of
patients with a two-year survival of 30%. creatinine, VCAM-1 showed a significant correlation (r = 0.341, p <0.05) with
increased albuminuria and improve the correlation with number of skin lesions (r =
0.653, p=0.003).
CONCLUSION: Multibacillary leprosy patients present high systemic levels of
VCAM-1, associated with leprosy clinical features and increased albuminuria, an
important marker of kidney disease progression. Further prospective studies are
necessary to establish a cause-effect relation and evaluate the preventive role of these
Aldjia LAMRI1
biomarkers, aiming to improve clinical care.
University hospital of Beni Messous Algeria, Nephrology, Algiers, Algeria
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i191
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
difficult to distinguish between a SLE flare and CMV active infection, making the
diagnose challenging. It has also been described in the literature as an exacerbating SLE
We report the case of an Asian, 27-year-old woman, with a recent SLE diagnosis that
was admitted with a SLE flare while developing a CMV encephalitis. She was
previously admitted due to a nephrotic syndrome. Immunological studies revealed an
ANA title of 1:640 and a positive anti dsDNA Ab with diminished C3 and C4 levels,
nephrotic range proteinuria and a diagnose of SLE was made. Renal biopsy revealed
class IV lupus nephritis. She started high dose intravenous methylprednisolone (3
pulses of 500mg) and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) at a dose of 2g per day. She was
discharged taking 60 mg of oral prednisolone and the same dose of MMF. Two weeks
after being discharged, she was readmitted due to worsening anaemia (Hb 6.8 g/dL),
thrombocytopenia (Pl 27 000/mL) and deteriorating renal function with a sCr of 5.5
mg/dL with de novo haematuria. It was admitted a severe SLE flare and she was given
another 3 pulses of 500mg I.V methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide (CYC) was
started (1 pulse of 500mg I.V). At the same time, she started to complain of myalgias
and malaise, generalized hypotonia, developed fever, leukopenia with neutropenia and
seizures. Serum CMV viremia was 71 000 copies and CMV polymerase chain reaction
was positive in cerebrospinal fluid. She was started on I.V Ganciclovir, CYC was
suspended and clinical improvement was observed.
CONCLUSION: Studies about the risk of different treatment drugs and other risk
factors on the development of CMV disease in SLE are lacking. These studies will be MO226 Figure: No enhancement in a suspected gallbladder tumor in a dialyzed
useful for establishing guidelines on the institution of prophylaxis or pre-emptive patient: surgery was avoided
treatment of CMV infection in SLE patients. Protocols for screening and prevention in
this population should be implemented to account for this emerging problem. Given
the rising prevalence of CMV infection in the past few years, the authors recommend
that patients recently diagnosed with SLE while taking high doses of corticosteroids,
which appears to be a risk factor for CMV reactivation, should be routinely tested for MO227 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN KIDNEY DAMAGE AND
There should be a low threshold for suspicion, hence treatment should be started as GLOMERULOPATHIES
soon as possible given the high morbidity and mortality in severe cases.
Gianmarco Borriello1, Davide Viggiano2, Giovambattista Capasso3
university of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, department of translational medicine, naples,
MO226 A NEW DIAGNOSTIC TOOL FOR CKD PATIENTS: CONTRAST- , 2university of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ - Biogem, Ariano Irpino, department of trans-
ENHANCED ULTRASONOGRAPHY. A SINGLE CENTER lational medicine, naples, and 3university of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ - Biogem,
EXPERIENCE Ariano Irpino, department of translational medicine, naples, Italy
Mirela Liana Gliga1,2, Cristian Chirila3, Paula Chirila4, Adriana Gomotarceanu5, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) has been found to
Imola Torok6, Mihail Gheorghe Gliga7 be highly prevalent amongst patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). In this
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade”, cohort, the prevalence of MCI was estimated to be between 30% and 63%. Mild
Internal Medicine, T^argu Mures, , Romania, 2Diaverum Dialysis Center Tirgu Mures, cognitive impairment is an intermediate state between normal aging and dementia. An
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Science and Technology “George Emil Palade” individual suffering from MCI has difficulty in remembering, sustaining attention, or
of T^argu Mureş, Nephrology, 4Mures University County Hospital, 5TOPMED Medical decision making which can negatively affect their daily lives.
Center, Tg Mures, Romania, 6University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology The aim of this study was to verify the role of different glomerular diseases diagnosed
“George Emil Palade” Tg Mures, Romania, Republic Of North Macedonia and by kidney biopsy on the MCI through a retrospective study.
University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade” Tg METHOD: We recruited 45 patients with bioptic diagnosis of the following
Mures, Romania glomerular diseases: Focal Segmental Glomerulo Sclerosis (FSGS), minimal change
disease (MCD), membranous glomerular disease (MG), IgA nephropathy. The renal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) is a function was analyzed using clinical variables, while Cognitive functions using the
minimally invasive diagnostic tool available for diagnosing microvascular disturbances MoCA test. Patients were divided into two groups based on 24h proteinuria.
in tumors and many vascular pathologies. Unlike other radiological contrast agents, it RESULTS: The MoCA score was directly correlated to the uric acid levels (R=0.13;
is completely harmless for CKD patients and therefore it is used for the safe diagnosis p=0.03). The MoCa score in the group with higher proteinuria levels was significantly
of many diffuse or focal pathologies. lower than those of the group with lower proteinuria levels (p = 0.03). Finally, the
METHOD: We used CEUS examination in 50 CKD patients for the following MoCA score in subjects with FSGS or MCD is significantly higher compared the other
pathologies: 10 atypical cysts, 15 liver focal lesions, 2 splenic focal lesions, 3 renal groups (p<0.05).
infarcts, 12 kidney focal lesions and 8 other organ involvements. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that serum uric acid and proteinuria in glomerular
Examination was made using a VOLUSON E8 machine (GE Medical System diseases influence cognitive functions. Interestingly, uric acid plays a neuroprotective
Kreztechnik GmbH Tiefenbach 15, Austria) with a 3.5 MHz convex array abdominal role, as low levels of uric acid reduce the MoCA score. This result agrees with previous
transducer. 2.4 ml of microbubble contrast-agent was administered intravenously and observations of a protective role of uric acid on dopamine neurons. Conversely, the
recording of the results were made for 3-5 minutes after injection. extent proteinuria seems to negatively affect cognitive functions, suggesting a role of
RESULTS: Depending on the organ vascular characteristics, contrast enhancement the endothelial dysfunction. Finally, glomerulopathies with a lower degree of
and/or wash-out were suggestive for the final diagnosis. In liver lesions there are three inflammation (FSGS, MCD) have minor impact on cognitive functions.
phases and in kidneys, spleen, gallbladder, adenopathies there are two vascular phases.
We obtained a very good positive predictive value and sensitivity in detecting
CONCLUSION: According to The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for COMPLICATIONS
the Clinical Practice of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound they are used both for hepatic
and Non-Hepatic Applications. Being non-invasive and non-irradiating it could be the Vadim Stepanov1, Elena Prokopenko1,2, Aleksei Zulkarnaev1,
main diagnostic examination in CKD population in the future. Olga Vetchinnikova1, Andrey Yankovoy1
M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Kidney Transplantaion
Department, Moscow, Russia and 2Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Outpatient Department, Moscow, Russia
i192 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
nephrotic syndrome, 24-hour proteinuria 1g, nephritic syndrome, renal failure of METHOD: Retrospective case record based study of consecutive TB patients visiting a
unknown origin. The median duration of kidney disease was 9.5 (3.0; 26.6) months, Tertiary care hospital attached to a Medical College diagnosed by standard methods to
serum creatinine level - 135 (87; 197) lmol/l, eGFR (CKD-EPI formula) – 52.9 (26.6; demonstrate TB bacilli in sputum or affected tissue. CKD was diagnosed based on
83.7) ml/min/1.73 m2, 24-hour proteinuria – 2.8 (1.2; 5.4) g. All biopsies were estimated Glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml/min/m2 for at least three months.
percutaneous, ultrasound-guided and were performed under local anesthesia in prone Pattern of TB and adverse drug effects were studied. Statistical analysis was done on
position with a 16G needle. Medications that may increase bleeding risk SPSS version 20
(anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, and nonsteroidal anti–inflammatory drugs) was RESULTS: Over ten months, of 746 TB patients seen, 41(5.4%) had CKD, Stage 3b,4
stopped before PRB. Immediately after the biopsy, bed rest and vital signs monitoring and 5 in 7/41(17.1%), 11(26.8%), 23(56.1%) respectively. Among CKD 24(58.5%) had
was prescribed for 12 hours. In the absence of complications, a control kidneys Diabetes Mellitus, 1(2.4%) HIV and 37(90.2%) hypertension. Pattern of TB is shown in
ultrasound was performed 24 hours after biopsy; if complications were suspected, table 1. Adverse drug reactions were significantly higher in CKD 24/41(54.5% vs 17%
regarding to the local protocol. We prescribed prophylactic antibiotics to the patients in non CKD, P < 0.05). Mortality in CKD was 3/41(7.3%) and not significantly higher
with a hematoma volume > 100 ml. All biopsy specimens were sent to tertiary on multivariable analysis than in those without CKD.
laboratory of renal pathology and evaluated by light and immunofluorescence (IF) CONCLUSION: In this retrospective survey of TB patients CKD constituted 5.4%, was
microscopy; electron microscopy was not used in our study. Biopsy samples were associated with more adverse drug reactions but did not impact on mortality.
considered satisfactory for diagnosis if they contained five or more glomeruli. Pulmonary TB was the common pattern in CKD.
RESULTS: Post-biopsy complications included gross hematuria – 19 of 82 (23.5%)
patients, haematomas 100 ml – 17 (20.7%), haematomas > 100 ml – 8 (20.7%), pain
in the puncture site requiring the administration of analgesics – 2 (2.4%). No death,
infections, bladder obstruction or nephrectomy due to biopsy complications was
registered. One (1.2%) patient required blood transfusion. We identified renal
arteriovenous fistula which did not require special treatment in one (1.2%) patient 2
months after PRB.
We found no differences in the incidence of post-biopsy haematomas by gender, age,
or BMI. Haematomas were significantly more common in patients with higher mean
blood pressure and serum creatinine levels (Fig.1, A, B).
MO228 Figure 1: A - mean arterial blood pressure in patients with and without
haematomas after kidney biopsy; B -serum creatinine level inpatients with and without
haematomas after kidney biopsy.
In one case (1.2%) the biopsy was inadequate. The results of PRB were varied,
including unexpected findings. IgA nephropathy was found in 23 of 81 (28.4%)
patients, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis – in 21 (25.9%), membranous
nephropathy – in 9 (11.1%), pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis – in 6 Type of TB Site of TB (no.)
(7,4%), lupus nephritis – in 2 (2.4%), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis – in 2
(2.4%) - one with polyclonal Igþ/C3þ on IF and one - with monoclonal IgG kappaþ, (%)
C3 nephropathy – in 1 (1.2%), AL-amyloidosis – in 2 (2.4%), light chain deposit Pulmonary 28 (68.3 %)
disease – in 1 (1.2%), hypertensive nephropathy – in 1 (1.2%), diabetic nephropathy –
Extra Pulmonary 13(31.7 %) Milliary 3 (7.3 %)
in 3 (3.7%), tubulointerstitial nephritis – 5 (6.2%), thrombotic microangiopathy – in 2
(2.4%), diffuse nephrosclerosis – in 2 (2.4%), renal tuberculosis – in 1 (1.2%). Pleural & Prostate 1 (2.4 %)
According to the results of the biopsy, pathogenetic treatment was first prescribed to 43 Lymph node 3 (7.3 %)
of 81 (53.1%) patients, changed – in 17 (21%), treatment remained unchanged – in 8
(9.9%) cases. Thirteen (16%) patients were referred for additional examination by a Meningitis 2 (4.87%)
hematologist and rheumatologist. Genito urinary 1 (2.4%)
CONCLUSION: Biopsy of native kidney is a high diagnostic value and safe procedure Abdominal 3 (7.3%)
with a low risk of major complications. Treatment was changed significantly after
biopsy in 74% of patients in our study.
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i193
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Rawnak Houli1, Samia Barbouche1, Hajji Mariem1, Amira Sakay1,
Hiddo Lambers Heerspink1, Donald Kohan2, Richard Lafayette3, Adeera Levin4, Samarra Badrouchi1, Cherni Nadia1, Fethi Ben Hmida1
Hong Zhang5, Aland Glicklich6, Marianne Camargo6, Andrew King6, 1
charles nicolle teaching hospital, nephrology, tunis, Tunisia
Jonathan Barratt7
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2The University of BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Bortezomib is a proteasome inhibitor, whose efficacy in
Utah, Salt Lake City, United States of America, 3Stanford Health Care, Palo Alto, United the treatment of multiple myeloma has been proven over the last years. However, its
States of America, 4The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 5Peking side effects may cause concern for patients as well as physicians. We focused in this
University First Hospital, Beijing, P.R. China, 6Chinook Therapeutics, Seattle, United study on Bortezomib-induced neuropathy, one of the most frequent complications. We
States of America and 7University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom present 2 cases of peripheral sensory neuropathy and one intriguing case of central
neurological manifestation, all caused by Bortezomib administration.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common primary CASE 1: A 62-year-old man, with a history of diabetes and hypertension, was
glomerulonephritis globally and an important cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2019. He received 2 cycles of Bortezamib (2,5
Up to 40% of IgAN patients are at risk of progressing to end-stage kidney disease mg), Dexamethasone , and Cyclophosphamide. Each cycle included 4 doses of
(ESKD) and proteinuria is the strongest predictor of progression. There are no Bortezomib, and the cycles were 21 days apart. At the end of the second cycle the
approved therapies for IgAN, leaving an important need for new strategies to lower patient developed posterior cord syndrome with balance disorder and lower
proteinuria and preserve kidney function in high-risk patients. extremities paresthesia. Axonal sensitivo-motor polyneuropathy was confirmed by
Endothelin A (ETA) receptor activation drives proteinuria, along with kidney electromyography. A pharmacology investigation was conducted, and the symptoms
inflammation and fibrosis. Atrasentan, a potent and selective ETA antagonist, has been were attributed to Bortezomib toxicity. Evolution was favourable after change in
studied extensively in >5,000 patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease (DKD), protocol to Revlimide. No recurrence was noted.
demonstrating clinically significant and sustained reductions in proteinuria when CASE 2: A 64-year-old man with no prior history was diagnosed with multiple
administered on top of a maximum tolerated dose of RAS inhibitor (RASi). In a global myeloma in 2020. She received a protocol of 4 cycles, 21 days apart, of Bortezomib (2.1
Phase 3 outcome study in DKD (SONAR), atrasentan demonstrated a 35% reduced mg) ,Dexamethasone and Thalidomide . Three weeks after the first cycle, the patient
risk of the primary composite outcome of doubling of serum creatinine or end stage presented with confusion, gait disturbance and four-limb pyramidal deficiency
kidney disease (95% CI: 0.49, 0.88; P = 0.005). The most common adverse event was syndrome. Electromyography showed axonal sensitivo-motor polyneuropathy .In the
fluid retention. absence of other causes, Bortezomib toxicity was suspected and the patient underwent
Selective ETA blockade represents a promising approach to reduce proteinuria and an emergency epurative hemodialysis session, after which symptoms completely
preserve kidney function in high risk IgAN patients. disappeared. Bortezomib doses were then reduced. The evolution was favourable.
This is a presentation of a global, phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to CASE 3: A 50-year-old woman was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2018 with
determine the effect of atrasentan in IgAN patients at high risk of kidney function loss. Randall’s disease and quadri-pyramidal syndrome. She was put on 4 courses of
METHOD: Approximately 320 patients across North America, South America, Bortezomib 2.4mg Cyclophosphamide and Dexamethasone, 21 days apart. After 2
Europe, and Asia-Pacific with biopsy-proven IgAN will be randomized to receive 0.75 coursess, she presented a generalized tonic-clonic seizure preceded by headache,
mg atrasentan or placebo daily for 132 weeks. Patients will continue receiving a dizziness and followed by speech disturbances. Biological screening for metabolic
maximally tolerated and stable dose of a RAS inhibitor as standard of care. The study disorders and toxins was unremarkable. Cerebral MRI showed no abnormalities. Doses
will also include patients that are unable to tolerate RAS inhibitor therapy. Additional of Bortezomib were reduced during the following course. We then witnessed an
eligibility criteria include urine protein creatinine ratio (UPCR) 1 g/g and eGFR 30 improvement in speech and no recurrence of seizures.
mL/min/1.73 m2. Participants will have study assessments over two and a half years CONCLUSION: Bortezomib induced neuropathy is a serious and debilitating
with options for remote study visits using telemedicine and home health visits. The complication to which physicians must pay special attention. This side effect can be
primary objective is to evaluate the effect of atrasentan versus placebo on proteinuria at managed by dose reduction or change of molecules. Outcomes are often favourable.
Week 24. Secondary objectives include evaluating the change from baseline in eGFR,
safety, and tolerability, and quality of life.
i194 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO234 LIFE THREATENING MALIGNANT HYPERCALCEMIA IN RESULTS: After three months of supplementation, the changes in serum creatinine,
BREAST CANCER: CAN THE NEPHROLOGIST CHANGE THE uric acid, eGFR and urinary albumin excretion levels did not reach statistical
PATIENT DESTINY? significance. There was no difference between serum glucose, HbA1C and lipid profile
values before and after the n-3 PUFA supplementation in patients. Only serum
Matilde Pensabene1, Claudia Von Arx1, Sofia Giuliana2, Filomena Calabrese1, albumin significantly increased from 4.1060.26 to 4.2860.31 g/dL (p=0.016), and
Paola Capodanno3, Anna Maria Piscopo4, Ernesta Cavalcanti4, Arturo Cuomo3, systolic blood pressure decreased from 121.4614.5 to 116.6614.9 mmHg (p=0.001).
Giovambattista Capasso5, Michelino De Laurentiis1, Mariadelina Simeoni2 CONCLUSION: Short-term n-3 PUFA supplementation did not affect renal function
INT IRCCS Foundation “G.Pascale”, Experimental Clinical Oncology of Breast Cancer, and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes with chronic kidney disease.
Naples, Italy, 2University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Department of Translational
Medical Sciences, Division of Nephrology, Naples, Italy, 3INT IRCCS Foundation
“G.Pascale”, Intensive Care Unit, Naples, Italy, 4INT IRCCS Foundation “G.Pascale”, Dept
of Biochemistry Unit, Naples, Italy and 5Biogem Research Institute s.c.a.r.l, Molecular MO236 IGA NEPHROPATHY IN SOUTHERN MOROCCO
Biology and Genetics, Ariano Irpino, Italy
Sara Allibou1, Ramia BENHAMOU1, Wadi Ouhamou1, Meriem Chettati1,
BACKGROUND: Malignant hypercalcemia is a common complication in cancer Wafaa Fadili1, Inass Laouad1
patients and can be predictive of poor prognosis and advanced malignancy. Cancer- Mohammed VI University Hospital Center of Marrakesh, Cadi Ayyad University,
related mechanisms of hypercalcemia depends either on ectopic hypersecretion of Nephrology, marrakech, Morocco
humoral factors (PTH, PTH-like molecules, Vit D) by the tumoral mass, or on
osteolysis due to bone invasion. In consideration of the high renal and cardiac impact BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Originally described in 1968 by Jean Berger and Nicole
of severe hypercalcemia, its prompt recognition and treatment can be lifesaving. AKI is Hinglais, IgA nephropathy is the most common primary glomerulonephritis in
frequently associated with malignant hypercalcemia and recognizes a multifactorial developed countries. This immune complex nephropathy is associated with various
pathogenesis (direct renal vasoconstriction, volume depletion, tubule-interstitial glomerular histological lesions making classification difficult. Its prognosis was long
damage, etc.). Substitutive renal treatment can be necessary, but not always viable in considered favorable, although it remains the leading cause of end-stage renal disease
patients with poor physical performance and is a difficult choice in cancer patients with from chronic glomerulonephritis.
advanced malignancies. METHOD: It’s a retrospective descriptive study over 5 years from January 2015 to
CASE REPORT: We present the case of a 46 years old woman with an infiltrating non December 2019 of the data of 45 patients hospitalized in nephrology with IgA
special type (NST) carcinoma of the right breast (luminal B, ER 70%, PgR 60%, Ki67 nephropathy proven by anatomopathological study. Kidney biopsies were reread for
35%, HER2 1þ). Unfortunately, she quickly progressed after a neoadjuvant treatment the Oxford classification.
with Epirubicin/Cyclophosfamide (4 cycles) followed by Paclitaxel (10 cycles). A first RESULTS: Forty five patients had IgA nephropathy, predominantly male (SR = 1.2).
line hormonal treatment (Palbociclib, Letrozole and LHRH analogous) was then The mean age of our patients at diagnosis was 35.09 years 6 15.7 (6-66 years). Non-
started, but a further rapid disease progression was observed. A new biopsy showed a nephrotic proteinuria and microscopic hematuria, the main reasons for hospitalization,
muted and more aggressive cancer phenotype (high grade triple negative carcinoma were found in 73.1% and 78.1% of patients. Macroscopic hematuria has not been
with no PDL1 expression). Due to a rapid worsening of general conditions with described. Arterial hypertension was present during hospitalization in 15.6% of
cognitive impairment, the patient was admitted to the Oncology department. Blood patients, nephrotic syndrome was found in 14.6% of cases. Our study found that severe
test showed severe hypercalcemia (corrected calcium: 23.26 mg/dl) and severe acute renal failure was present in 21.9% of patients. Three patients were started on
hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis (blood pH 7.57; HCO-3 32 mmol/l; Kþ 2.6 mmol/l) hemodialysis.
associated to AKI (creatinine doubled to 1.42 mg/dl; eGFR 45 ml/min/1,73 mq). Lesions observed by light microscopy were classified according to the Oxford
Alkaline phosphatase and Vitamin D were normal and iPTH was < 2 pg/ml. ECG classification: M1 (46.9%), E1 (53.1%), S1 (59.4%), T1; T2 (21.9%; 6.3%).
showed a significant QTc prolongation to 550 msec. Imaging exams revealed lung Immunofluorescence performed in 96.7% of patients found deposits of IgA in all
metastasis, lung carcinomatous lymphangitis and bilateral pleural effusion, while Bone patients, IgM (19.4%), C3 (48.4%), IgG (12.9%) and C1q (6,5%). The aetiological
Scan showed a low caption limited to right ribs. Oncologists and Intensive Care assessment had demonstrated rheumatoid purpura in 14 patients (31.1%), b-
Physicians referred to our Nephrology and Dialysis Unit proposing Hemodialysis thalassemia in one patient and Berger’s disease in 66.6% of cases.
support. In consideration of the preserved diuresis, the advanced disease stage and the From a therapeutic standpoint, 78.1% of patients were placed on nephroprotective
unstable hemodynamics, our advice was instead for a conservative medical approach. ACE inhibitors or ARBs2, including 31.3% associated with corticosteroid therapy and /
An i.v. infusion of 4000 ml NaCl 0.9% þ KCl 60 mEq/24h; a continuous i.v. infusion of or immunosuppressants. Among patients treated with corticosteroid therapy, GFR
Furosemide 5mg/h were started and maintained for several days, leading to a significantly increased (65.5 [2-176] vs. 63.5 [6-138] mL / min / 1.73m2, p <0.001)
progressive and full renal function recovery (creatinine decreased to 0.7 mg/dl) and Progression to end-stage renal disease was noted in 6 patients (18.5%). Complete
metabolic alkalosis correction. However, corrected calcium remained largely over remission of proteinuria is noted in 62.2% of patients and GFR significantly increased
target, being 16.3 mg/dl. Sodium bicarbonate 80 mEq, Zoledronic acid 4 mg and (67.53 [2-270] vs 63.90 [6-169] MmL / min / 1.73m2, p <0.001) between M0 and the
Desametasone 4mg/day were administered and at day 16 even calcium was in normal last follow-up.
range. We realized that this was a favourable window for acting on the underlaying CONCLUSION: The evolving profile of IgA nephropathy, which has become
cause of malignant hypercalcemia, that likely was the aberrant secretion of non-dosable increasingly common in Morocco especially in children, remains extremely variable
PTH-like molecule(s). Thus, we suggested the Oncologist to start chemotherapy, and with progression to end-stage renal disease estimated in less than a third of cases.
they were allowed to treat the patient with Carboplatin/Gemcitabine. The patient was Corticosteroid therapy alone appears to be effective with a significant improvement in
successfully treated with stabilization of normocalcemia and is still alive. renal survival.
CONCLUSION: Malignant hypercalcemia is a life-threatening complication in
advanced malignancies. Our case report highlights the key role of the nephrologist in
treating a complex and fragile oncologic patient, achieving the full correction of several
severe renal disorders, hemodialysis avoidance and survival improvement. MO237 A SERUM COMPLEMENT ABNORMALITY REVEALED BY
MO235 EFFECT OF OMEGA-3 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACID Dahmane Rihem1, Mrabet Sanda1, Boukadida Raja1, Guedri Yosra1,
SUPPLEMENTATION ON GLYSEMIC CONTROL AND RENAL Fradu Asma1, Sahtout Wissal1, Azzabi Awatef1, Ben aicha Narjess1,
sahloul hospital, nephrology, Sousse, Tunisia
Mehmet Usta1, Alpaslan Ersoy2, Canan Ersoy3, Yavuz Ayar1, Gultekin Goksel4,
_Isminur Saka Karagoz5 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic and potentially
1 disabling disease of the central nervous system and is the leading cause of non-
University of Health Scienses, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa City Hospital, Nephrology, traumatic neurological disability in young adults. Beta interferons (IFN-b) are the
Bursa, Turkey, 2Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology, Bursa, Turkey, most-widely prescribed medications for this disease. Despite good overall long-term
Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases, Bursa, safety data with prolonged use of this group of drugs, they can rarely cause serious and
Turkey, 4University of Health Scienses, Faculty of Medicine, Bursa City Hospital, sometimes life threatening adverse effects. We report a case of thrombotic
Hemodialysis, Bursa, Turkey and 5University of Health Scienses, Faculty of Medicine, microangiopathy (TMA) in a patient treated with IFN-b-1a for 03 years. The serum
Bursa City Hospital, Biochemistry, Bursa, Turkey complement study revealed a decrease in Factor I.
METHOD: Case report
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-term RESULTS: A 28-year-old man was diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple
effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) supplementation on sclerosis in 2007. Subcutaneous IFNb-1a 44 lg was commenced three times a week in
glycemic control and renal function in type 2 diabetic patients with chronic kidney 2017. He had not had a relapse since 2012. In July 2020, he was admitted to intensive
disease. care unit for a status epilepticus associated with severe arterial hypertension and then
METHOD: Twenty-five diabetic patients received medication containing 2 g/day n-3 transferred to our department for management of malignant arterial hypertension with
PUFA orally in addition to standard treatments. Their estimated glomerular filtration acute renal failure.On examination, he did not present any neurological disorder but
rates (eGFR) were <80 mL/min/1.73 m2. Biochemical values were evaluated before had very unbalanced blood pressure under triple therapy. Biology had shown an
and 3 months after treatment. hemoglobin at 9, 7 g / dl; no thrombocytopenia with a collapsed haptoglobin, very high
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i195
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
LDH with absence of schizocytes, positive non-specific ANCA and proteinuria at 7g/ complications. Hence a study was done to assess the oral health condition, cytological
24hour. changes, and presence or absence of candida in patients with chronic renal disease
The renal puncture biopsy showed chronic vascular and glomerular TMA with IgG undergoing dialysis aged between 30 to 65 years and controls in South India.
and fibrinogen deposits. The course was marked by the rapid deterioration of renal METHOD: A cross sectional study was conducted among 80 adults with CKD and
function. The patient received flash corticosteroid therapy 10 mg / kg IV for 3 controls, attending KMC and MCODS, Mangalore. Oral manifestations and oral
consecutive days switched to oral corticosteroid therapy 0.5 mg / kg / day and received hygiene were assessed; Cytological smears were taken for morphometric analysis of
supportive treatment including plasma exchange and hemodialysis. He was discharged buccal mucosal cells from the subjects. Oral smears were cultured to check for the
after a prolonged admission. growth of fungal species in subjects and controls. Statistical analysis was done using
At follow-up 6 months later, he had not regained kidney function and remained on SPSS Version 13. Chi square test was used to compare categorical variables between the
hemodialysis and was still taking 3 antihypertensive treatments. A follow-up groups.
immunological workup showed a decrease in Factor I: 26,83 mg/l (32,3-87,5). RESULTS: There was a significant difference in oral hygiene status and cytological
The patient was diagnosed with drug-induced TMA favored by complement changes in patients with CKD. Oral Fungal Infection was found in 32% of our patients
abnormality. Treatment with Eculizimab is under discussion. on dialysis and oral lesions, defined as clinical signs associated with OFI such as
CONCLUSION: IFN-b are main therapies for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. erythematous oral stomatitis, membranous candidiasis, or angular cheilitis, were found
Serious complications are relatively rare and IFN-bs are generally considered to be safe. in 37% of the patients with OFI, while 5% of the patients without findings of fungal
Nevertheless, rare serious and/or life-threatening side effects have been reported such infection presented oral lesions associated with OFI (p=0.0002). Furthermore, patients
as TMA. This can, as in our patient, be favored by an abnormality of the serum with self-reported mouth dryness were three times more likely (p=0.02) to be
complement. Thus, a study on serum complement would be recommended before diagnosed with OFI.
IFN-b prescription. CONCLUSION: Hemodialysis patients are found to have significantly more OFI than
controls. Oral dryness and dental plaque formation also seem to be at risk of
developing OFI. Detection of oral lesions associated with OFI should be combined with
a histopathological diagnosis before antifungal treatment. The prevalence of oral
candida in these cases is alarming and can be a predictor of a poor prognostic index.
As medicine advances, oral health care professionals should have a holistic approach to
the management of patients with complex medical problems especially to diseases of
Roberta Ranieri1, Angela Cervesato1, Sofia Giuliana1, Carolina Ruosi1,
the renal system as it is pivotal in maintaining a stable internal environment and
Giovambattista Capasso1,2, Mariadelina Simeoni1
University of Campania “L.Vanvitelli”, Department of Translational Medical Sciences,
Division of Nephrology, Naples, Italy and 2Biogem Research Institute “Gaetano
Salvatore”, Ariano irpino, Italy
BACKGROUND : Renal complications in cancer patients are frequently associated
with chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted drugs.
Maria Elena Bracaccia1, Nicolo De Cicco1, Alessandra Moioli1, Simona Barberi1,
Inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor(anti-VEGF) advent has permitted a
Claudia Fofi1, Paolo Mene’1
significant survival improvement in metastatic patients, promising less renal 1
complications than conventional chemotherapy .Indeed, direct nephrotoxicity is not Rome, Azienda Ospedaliera Sant’Andrea, Rome, Italy
typical, but immune-mediated glomerular damage is increasingly reported as a
common complication of anti-VEGFs.The blockade of VEGF in podocytes BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Spectrum of acute severe respiratory syndrome
mightimpair the filtration barrierintegrity leading to proteinuria appearance.In Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ranges from mild to critical and probably mortality rate
addition, anti-VEGFs activate NFkb triggering pro-inflammatory cytokines. The lack is largely underestimated.
of integrity of the filtration membrane and the inflammatory milieu could probably Complications may represent different manifestation of a profound endothelial
lead to the exposure of normally unexposed antigens and consequently predispose, by a dysfunction and injury.
mimicry mechanism, to autoantibodies and immunocomplex formation/deposition Biopsies reveal macro and microvascular thrombosis involving larger and smaller
and renal damage occurrence. vessels. Different Authors described accumulation of inflammatory cells across
CASE REPORT: We report the case of a 59-year-old male with a history of vascular bed, viral inclusions and apoptotic bodies across vascular bed. Endotheliitis
adenocarcinoma of sigma-rectumand peritoneal carcinosis, who underwent several leads to loss of vessel integrity with bleedings and lumen restriction with tissue
cycles of chemotherapy. ischemia and necrosis. SARS-CoV-2 also can cause vasculitis and a systemic
In 2015, the patient presented with gastro-intestinal obstruction. A laparoscopic rectal inflammatory vascular disease with COVID-19-associated coagulopathy.
resection was first performed, followed by colostomy and two cycles of the FOL-FOX Several cases of vasculitis have been described during COVID-19 pandemy but in
protocol. Between 2016 and 2019, due to disease progression, the patient received literature, to our knowledge, there are few cases of patients developing vasculitis after
FOLFIRI protocol and, subsequently, the anti-VEGF Bevacizumab. During the SARS-CoV-2 infection.
treatment course, laboratory tests documented moderate proteinuria (1 g/day METHOD: A 59-year-old male patient in chronic haemodialysis with hypertension,
approximately) and normal kidney function. End of 2019,due to a creatinine rise to 1.6 chronic thrombocytopenia, uncertain history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and recent
mg/dl, Bevacizumab was suspended. COVID-19 pneumonia (1 month before) was admitted to our E.R. with psycho-motor
However, in the next three months the kidney function continued to worsen and slowdown, dyspnoea, profound hypotension, diffuse and extensive purpura especially
reached a level of 3.2 mg/dl. The patient was referred to our Nephrology Unit and on extremities and nose with petechiae and ecchymoses, thrombocytopenia,
admitted to the ward showing an increase of 24 h proteinuria to 2 g/day with stable widespread arthritis and myalgia and atrial fibrillation with high ventricular response.
high creatinine and normal renal ultrasound parameters. In the suspect of a Laboratory tests revealed leucocytosis with elevation of inflammatory markers (GB
dehydration, patient was infused with saline solution without any significant GFR 15.6 x 103/mL CRP 6.61 mg/dl, procalcitonin 2.64 ng/ml), thrombocytopenia (PLTs 55
improvement. Suspecting an anti-VEGF mediated glomerulopathy, we checked the x 103/mL), Hb 11.2 g/dl, increased amylase (444 UI/L) and lipase (608 UI/L),
patient for an autoimmunity panel and found a positivity for ANA anti- Ro, anti Mi-2 hyperkaliaemic metabolic acidosis, mild impaired blood clotting with normal
and ASMA. A renal biopsy was not performed because the patient did not release the fibrinogen and severe D-Dimer elevation (3453 mcg/ml), normal haptoglobin and
consent and a 2-month course of prednisone 25 mg/day was introduced and bilirubin.
successively tapered to a maintenance dose of 5 mg/day. A prompt improvement of the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test and three molecular swab tests (at admission and
kidney function (creatinine decreased to 1.5 mg/dl) and proteinuria (240 mg/24h)was during recovery) were negative.
observed and allowed a new oncological evaluation in order to start a new cycle of Contrast-enhanced chest-abdomen CT did not demonstrate relevant findings.
targeted-therapy. RESULTS: We suspected thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, COVID-19 related
CONCLUSION: Our case report suggests the need for an accurate investigation of the vasculitis or an autoimmune disease reactivation after SARS-CoV-2 or other
pathophysiological mechanisms of kidney damage linked to anti-VEGF agents. concurrent viral infections.
Moreover, based on our clinical experience, it appears that the multidisciplinary A peripheral blood smear excluded presence of schistocytes, HBV, HCV, HIV, c-
approach, with a key role of the nephrologist, to oncologic patients on anti-VEGF ANCA, p-ANCA, LAC anti-mitochondrial and ENA antibodies were negative, such as
agents complicated with renal damage, is fundamental for achieving a double goal: complement factor C4 (C3 at low limits). IgA immunoglobulins resulted increased
oncologic therapy maintenance and renal function preservation. (952 mg/dl).
We administered intravenous (IV) hydration, analgesic therapy, broad spectrum
antibiotics and Methylprednisolone 40 mg IV without benefit.
Three days after clinical conditions were critical with further neurological deterioration
and haemodynamic instability, consequently we started methylprednisolone 1 g/day IV
for three days, followed by oral prednisone 25 mg/die with rapid improvement of
MohanKumar Nedunchezhiyan1, Afza Anjum1, Nandita Shenoy1, Rohith Nayak1 clinical conditions and laboratory findings.
Manipal University, Nephrology, Mangalore, India A skin biopsy revealed a variable and discontinuous presence of C4d and IgM along
capillary walls and traces of IgG, supporting the hypothesis of an immune-mediated
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic Kidney Disease is an increasing health alarm vasculitic process.
worldwide with systemic signs like hematologic changes, bone metabolic error, and Patient was discharged in stable condition with Prednisone 25 mg/die per os.
compromised immune status presenting to a dental practitioner with oral
i196 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Later we learned that patient had been hospitalized again for severe anaemia, intercommunication system between Primary Care Physicians and external
thrombocytopenia and septic shock with fatal outcome. nephrology consultations, to FILTER consultations that did not require unnecessary
CONCLUSION: SARS-CoV-2 clinical spectrum appears to be extremely varied; the exposures and reducing the cost of healthcare and the waiting time among others.
direct cytolysis and the immune-mediated damage are among the most accredited Between June 2020 and December 2021, we received 372 cases referred from Primary
hypotheses on disease physiopathology, but molecular mimicry mechanisms may also Care for a first virtual assessment in the high-resolution nephrology clinic, clinical
be involved. Vascular endothelium can be considered among the first targets. Vasculitis recommendations were effectively issued regarding complementary tests, treatment . . .
are frequently described in literature during COVID, this case, instead, is an anecdotal and the need to refer to our Nephrology outpatient clinic for study and follow-up or
report of severe angiitis arising after swab negativization, underlying the possibility that not.
hyperinflammation can either cause an autoimmune syndrome de novo or trigger a RESULTS: Of the 372 patients evaluated VIRTUALLY, 38 were referred by Acute
flare-up of a pre-existing condition. Kidney Injury (AKI) of which 35 were discharged with follow-up by their Primary
Care Physician, 37 patients were referred by eGFR <30 ml / min / 1.73m2 being
discharged 29, 66 patients were referred by eGFR between 30-60 ml / min / 1.73m2,
being discharged 51 , 15 had Albumin / creatinine ratio (ACR ) between 30-300 mg /
gr discharging 100%, 22 cases were consulted for ultrasound renal abnormalities and
18 of them were discharged, 5 were referred for apparently non-urological hematuria,
not requiring nephrological follow-up in any case, the reason for referral "other causes"
had n = 102 of which the main reason was "loss of an appointment in consultation
during the pandemic", nephrectomy, kidney transplants with decompensation, family
history of hereditary kidney disease (PKD, Alport . . .) without follow up need in n=95
of cases
In Spain the activity of presential care in outpatient Nephrology consultations was
suspended in 47% of the services, carrying out activity through telephone calls in
98.9%, that is, in the majority of Spanish hospitals. In 16.5% of the centers,
telemedicine was the only form of external clinical visits. In 57% of the centers,
outpatient follow-up tests were stopped during the pandemic.
CONCLUSION: The actual COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that a
transformation and adaptation plan based on the optimization of resources, the
implementation of telemedicine and the reorganization of our healthcare activity is
necessary. The activity of presential care in outpatient Nephrology consultations was
suspended in 47% of the Spanish Nephrology services(1).
Humanity has demonstrated once again that it is capable of overcoming adversity,
readjusting to change. In our virtual consultation, we attended 372 cases of which 288
(66.6%) were discharged with recommendations to their Primary Care Physician.
Avoiding costs, unnecessary exposure of patients, relatives and healthcare personnel,
giving an almost "real time” response to the patient and avoiding unnecessary travels.
A model of care in external consultations that has come to stay in the future.
Marwa Omrane1, Amel Babchia1, Raja Jaballah1, Afef Mahersia1, Olfa Saidane1
Reginal hospital of Ben Arous, Hemodialysis, Ben Arous, Tunisia
10.1093/ndt/gfab092 | i197
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i198–i235, 2021
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Our previous study found a new regulatory T cell Satoka Shiratori-Aso1, Daigo Nakazawa1, Yusho Ueda1, Takashi Kudo1,
subpopulation, CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ regulatory T cells (CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Nishio Saori1, Utano Tomaru2, Akihiro Ishizu3, Tatsuya Atsumi1
Treg). This cell can maintain a stable immune regulatory function in the inflammatory 1
Hokkaido University, Department of Rheumatology, Endocrinology and Nephrology,
state. Through in vivo and in vitro experiments, we have confirmed that
Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, 2Hokkaido
CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg has an immunotherapeutic effect on T cell-mediated
University, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of
mouse models of autoimmune diseases such as colitis and collagen-induced arthritis
Medicine, Sapporo, Japan and 3Hokkaido University, Department of Medical
(CIA). Further experimental studies showed that CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg could
Laboratory Science Faculty of Health Sciences, Sapporo, Japan
reduce the kidney injury caused by autoantibodies and prolong the survival time of
lupus mice. However, the mechanism of CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg
immunotherapy in lupus nephritis is not clear. The purpose of this study was to BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-
explore the mechanism of CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg immunotherapy in mice with associated vasculitis (AAV) is characterized by systemic necrotizing vasculitis in small
lupus nephritis. vessels. The necrotic lesions consist of ANCA-mediated neutrophil extracellular traps
METHOD: (NETs) which represent a form of lytic cell death. The persistent NETs serve as
IN VITRO EXPERIMENTS: CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg or autoantigens against ANCAs and cause organ damage in a vicious cycle. Considering
CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg pretreated with PD-1 inhibitor were co-cultured with T dead cells are essentially cleared by phagocytic cells as a process of efferocytosis, why
or B lymphocytes of lupus mice under different in vitro culture condition. The the NETs persist in tissue remains unclear. During efferocytosis, macrophages engulf
expression levels of Akt and mTOR of Treg in each group were measured under apoptotic cells to prevent the leakage of intracellular components including toxic
immunoinflammatory conditions. To observe the effects and differences of Treg enzyme into the surrounding cells and these processes are regulated by the expression
groups on the activation, proliferation and differentiation of T or B cells and other of CD47 as a “don’t eat me” signal. In this study, we hypothesized that ANCA-
immunomodulatory effects. mediated NETs in AAV escape from efferocytosis via the up-regulation of CD47 and
IN VIVO EXPERIMENTS: CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg (2 106/mouse) and the persistent NETs amplify the disease.
CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg (2 106/mouse) pretreated with PD-1 inhibitor and PBS METHOD: Human data: Human kidney biopsy specimens from patients with AAV
were injected into NZM2328 lupus mice, respectively. After cell injection, urine protein was and minor glomerular abnormality (MGA, as a case control) were subjected to
measured weekly. Autoantibody expression in lupus mice was measured every two weeks. immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining for CD47. In vitro: The expression of CD47 on
The effects of Treg on the proliferation and differentiation of T/B cells in lupus mice were neutrophils was evaluated by flow cytometry (FCM). Human neutrophils from healthy
observed. The therapeutic effects of Treg on lupus mice were observed. donor were treated with ANCA-IgGs from MPO-AAV patients or control IgGs. For
RESULTS: Compared with CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg, the expression of Akt and the efferocytosis assay, macrophages were co-incubated with unstimulated, apoptotic,
mTOR increases in PD-1 inhibitors pretreatment cells. The activation, proliferation and ANCA-IgGs treated neutrophils in the presence of anti-CD47 monoclonal
and differentiation functions of T or B lymphocytes of lupus mice were significantly antibody (mAb) or a control antibody. The neutrophils were labeled with CFMDA cell
weakened by immunosuppression of PD-1 inhibitors pretreated Treg in vitro, tracker (fluorescent probe) and the efferocytosis was evaluated as neutrophil engulfed
indicating that CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg may inhibit Akt-mTOR signaling (CFMDA positive) macrophages using fluorescent microscopy. In vivo: Spontaneous
pathway through PD-1 in in vitro. crescentic glomerulonephritis-forming/Kinjoh (SCG/Kj) mice (8-week-old age) were
Compared with CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg, the activation, proliferation and treated with intraperitoneal injection of anti-CD47 mAb or a control antibody every 5
differentiation functions of T or B lymphocytes of lupus mice were significantly weakened days for two weeks. The severity of glomerulonephritis was assessed by the levels of
by immunosuppression of PD-1 inhibitors pretreated Treg in vivo. And its therapeutic effect serum creatinine, haematuria, mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory genes, and
on lupus mice was ineffective, indicating that CD4þCD126lowFoxp3þ Treg may inhibit histopathological findings. To address the immune response against the CD47
Akt-MTOR signaling pathway through PD-1 in vivo. blockade, the titre of MPO-ANCA and the number of splenic cell subset was assessed
by ELISA and FCM analysis, respectively.
RESULTS: Human data: The IHC analysis of human renal specimens revealed that the
positive area of CD47 of AAV was greater than that of MGA. In particular, the CD47-
overexpressed cells were seen in glomeruli with necrotic crescent formation. In vitro:
Mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of CD47 in ANCA-IgGs treated neutrophils (NETs)
was significantly higher than that in control IgGs treated neutrophils (ANCA-IgG;
442621.4 a.u. vs control IgG; 402610 a.u., p<0.05). In efferocytosis assay, apoptotic
neutrophils were engulfed by macrophages (efferocytosis rate/ apoptotic neutrophil;
20.563.8%, live neutrophils; 0.960.5%). The efferocytosis rate of ANCA-induced
NETs significantly decreased compared to apoptotic neutrophil, but anti-CD47 mAb
improved the efferocytosis of ANCA-NETs (efferocytosis rate/ anti-CD47 mAb;
19.164.2%, control antibody; 7.762.2%, p<0.05). In vivo: the renal histopathological
severity score, serum creatinine level of AAV mice treated with anti-CD47 mAb
decreased compared to that of AAV mice treated with a control antibody (anti-CD47
mAb; 0.9660.30 vs control antibody; 0.6160.32 mg/dL). Although there was no
significant difference in the number of splenic cells between anti-CD47 and control
antibody treated mice, CD47 blockade therapy significantly reduced serum MPO-
ANCA titre (28.5610.4 vs 45.2614.5 lg/mL) and renal mRNA expression (IFNa,
IFNc, MCP-1 and perforin) of AAV mice.
CONCLUSION: ANCA-mediated NETs might escape from efferocytosis through up-
regulation of CD47 and provoke necrotizing vasculitis. CD47 blockade could be a
potential novel therapeutic strategy for AAV.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Martina Uzzo1, Jennifer Scott2, Alice Guerini3, Jennifer O’brien4, Anna Ricchiuto5,
Kresimir Galesic6, Stefania Affatato3, Vladimir Stoyanov2, Rosanna Lacetera1,
Anna Juto7, Andreas Kronbichler8, Giorgio Trivioli9, Iva Gunnarsson7,
Marco Allinovi10, Gaetano La Manna11, Mario Gennaro Cozzolino5,
Annette Bruchfeld12, Federica Mescia13, Federico Pieruzzi1, Stephen Mcadoo4,
Renato A. Sinico1, Matija Crnogorac14, Francesco Scolari3, Mark Little2,
David Jayne13, Federico Alberici3
University of Milano-Bicocca and ASST Monza, Department of Medicine and Surgery,
Monza, Italy, 2Trinity College Dublin, Trinity Health Kidney Centre, Dublin, Ireland,
University of Brescia, Department of Medicine and Surgery, Brescia, Italy,
Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, Department of Renal
Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 5ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo, University of Milano,
Department of Health Sciences, Renal division, Milano, Italy, 6Dubrava University
Hospital, Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Zagreb, Croatia, 7Karolinska
University Hospital, Department of Medicine Solna, Division of Rheumatology,
Stockholm, Sweden, 8Medical University Innsbruck, Department of Internal Medicine IV
(Nephrology and Hypertension), Innsbruck, Austria, 9University of Firenze, Department
of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Firenze, Italy, 10Careggi University Hospital,
Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit, Firenze, Italy, 11University of Bologna,
Dialysis and Renal Transplant Unit, Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and
Specialty Medicine, Bologna, Italy, 12Linköping University Hospital, Department of
Health, Medicine and Caring Sciences, Linköping, Sweden, 13University of Cambridge,
Department of Medicine, Cambridge, United Kingdom and 14Agram Special Hospital,
Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Zagreb, Croatia
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i199
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role of P-gp and cellular source of IFN-c and assessed its contribution to towards CD8 lymphocytes and NK(T) cells (Figure 2). NK cells were solely present in
glucocorticoids resistance in NS. IgA nephropathy compared to healthy kidney (1.5% versus 0% in all healthy kidneys).
METHOD: We analyzed the frequency of pathogenic IL-17AþIFN-cþ Th17/1
lymphocytes and P-gp expression on their surface by flow cytometry in SSNS (n = 32;
mean age: 9.06 6 5.84) and SRNS (n = 28; mean age: 11.29 6 3.73) patients. We also
included 15 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. All patients were of biopsy proven
minimal change disease and all patients were treated with steroids. All patients were
recruited as per the criteria of ISKDC.
RESULTS: We found a significant IL-17AþIFN-cþ Th17/1 population (P < 0.001) in
steroid resistant NS (SRNS) as compared to steroid sensitive NS (SSNS) patients. IL-12
and IL-23 are significantly higher in SRNS as compared to SSNS patients which are
require for transition of pathogenic Th17 cells to IFN-c producers. Of the IL-
17AþIFN-cþ Th17/1 population 95.8% cells were expressed P-gp on their surface in
SRNS; however only 30.1% cells expressed P-gp in SSNS group (Figure 1). We also
observed that P-gp expression correlate positively with IL-17AþIFN-cþ Th17/1
population (r= 0.739, p< 0.001) significantly.
CONCLUSION: The above findings clearly show that higher expression of P-gp on IL-
17AþIFN-cþ Th17/1 cells associated with steroid resistance in nephrotic syndrome
through both IL-17A and IFN-c.
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i201
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO250 URINARY DICKKOPF-3 (UDKK3): A NEW BIOMARKER FOR RESULTS: Progreser cohort and Pronedi cohort did not differ in their clinical baseline
LONG-TERM CKD PROGRESSION AND MORTALITY?* characteristics except in proteinuria. At baseline, uDKK3 levels were not different
between different etiologies or both cohorts, median uDKK3 was 2199 (IQR: 658-7618)
Beatriz Sanchez Alamo1, Francisco Jose Garcia In ~igo2, Amir Shabaka1, Juan
pg/mg in the Progreser cohort and 3041 (IQR: 653-9777) pg/mg in the Pronedi cohort
Manuel Acedo2, Clara Maria Cases Corona1, Patricia Dominguez Torres1, (p:0.56). Median time of follow-up was 36 months. Forty-nine patients (19 %) in
Alberto Martinez-Castelao3, Juan F. Navarro-Gonz alez4, Jose Luis Gorriz Teruel5, Progreser cohort and 31 patients (31%) in Pronedi cohort reached the primary
Gema Maria Fernandez Juarez1 composite outcome. Baseline uDKK3 was significantly higher in patients who reached
Hospital Universitario Fundaci on Alcorc on, Nephrology, Alcorcon, Spain, 2Hospital primary outcome. In Cox multivariate model, after adjustment for potential
Universitario Fundaci on Alcorcon, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Alcorc on, confounders, the highest levels of uDKK3 were found to be an independent factor for
Spain, 3Bellvitges University Hospital, Nephrology, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain, renal progression in Progreser cohort (HR 1.83, CI95% 1.11-3.31) and in Pronedi
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se~ nora de Candelaria, Research Department, Santa cohort (HR 2.74, CI95% 1.09-6.98). Both in the Progreser and the Pronedi cohorts,
Cruz de Tenerife, Spain and 5Hospital Universitario Valencia, Nefrologıa, València, Spain uDKK3 levels above 5050 pg/mg, were associated with a lower eGFR, higher
proteinuria and were independently associated with a worse renal survival. uDKK3
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney fibrosis has been reported to be a key gradually increased in the following months, especially in patients with higher
progression hallmark of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It seems likely that a precise proteinuria. Treatment with RAAS-blockers did not modify uDKK3 after 4 or 12
biomarker of renal fibrosis extension would contribute to predict accurately the risk of months of treatment.
a decline in glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Previous studies have shown that the CONCLUSION: In this study, uDKK3 ratio identified patients at high risk for long-
assessment of urinary Dickkopf-3 (uDKK3), a stress induced tubular epithelial-derived term kidney disease progression regardless of the etiology of CKD. The hypothesis was
profibrotic glycoprotein, might be a potential tubulointerstitial fibrosis biomarker and generated in a cohort of patients with CKD of heterogeneous etiologies and was further
might identify patients at short-term risk of eGFR loss. We aim to evaluate uDKK3 as a confirmed in a cohort with overt diabetic nephropathy. The predictive role of uDKK3
potential biomarker for long-term CKD progression in a cohort with various etiologies persisted after adjusting by eGFR and proteinuria. uDKK3 is the first non-invasive
of CKD, and subsequently in an overt diabetic nephropathy cohort. We also tested the biomarker of renal fibrosis and might serve as a useful biomarker for kidney disease
role of treatment with RAAS blockers on the uDKK3 levels and if the treatment could progression. Therefore uDKK3 could be used by clinicians to optimize staging for renal
modify them. progression and monitor therapeutic efficacy of different measures to halt CKD
METHOD: We prospectively studied two independent cohorts consisted of 356 progression.
patients with stage 2-3 CKD. Progreser cohort comprised 255 patients with
heterogeneous etiologies of CKD and Pronedi cohort 101 patients with overt diabetic
nephropathy. The primary outcome was the time to the first event of the composite MO251 HIGHLY SENSITIVE FLOW CYTOMETRIC DETECTION OF
endpoint (>50% increase in serum creatinine concentration, end-stage kidney disease RESIDUAL B-CELLS AFTER RITUXIMAB IN ANTI-
[ESKD], or death). We divided patients into tertiles according to their baseline uDKK3 NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC ANTIBODY-ASSOCIATED
levels: less than 1092 pg/mg (Tertile 1, T1), between 1092-5050 pg/mg (Tertile 2, T2) VASCULITIS PATIENTS*
and higher than 5050 pg/mg (Tertile 3, T3). We used the cut point of T3 as an
exploratory cut-off. Cox regression models were used to adjust for potential effects of Y.K.O. Teng1, L. Van Dam1, Jelle Oskam1, S.W.A. Kamerling1, E.J. Arends1,
confounders or modifiers: age, gender, mean arterial pressure, body mass index (BMI), Edwin Bredewold1, M.A. Berkowska@lumc.nl2, J.J.M. Van Dongen2,
urine albumin/creatinine ratio, urine protein/creatinine ratio and serum creatinine. T.J. Rabelink1, Cees Van Kooten1
Mixed-effects models were adjusted to study longitudinal data. 1
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Internal Medicine - Section Nephrology,
Leiden, The Netherlands and 2Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Immunology,
Leiden, The Netherlands
MO250 Figure 1: Kaplan Meier Curves for combined primary outcome according to
baseline uDKK3 tertiles for PRONEDI (A) and PROGRESER (B) cohorts.
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MO252 PLA2R -VE MEMBRANOUS GLOMERULONEPHRITIS METHOD: Forty-six adult patients with primary or genetic FSGS were randomized
PATIENTS SHOWS MORE EFFECTIVE RESPONSE THAN into a double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 2 dose-ranging study designed to
PLA2R +VE ON TACROLIMUS PLUS LOW DOSE evaluate the safety and efficacy of CCX140. Changes of urinary protein excretion
PREDNISOLONE THERAPY* estimation (UPCR) from baseline to Week 12 were measured in four blinded treatment
groups (three active CCX140 doses of 5 mg once daily, 10 mg and 15 mg twice-daily
Akhilesh Kumar Jaiswal1, Narayan Prasad1, Vikas Agarwal2, Manas (BID) vs placebo). Starting at Week 12, all subjects including those in the placebo
Ranjan Behera1 group received the CCX140, 15 mg BID for an additional 12 weeks, and UPCR changes
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Nephrology, Lucknow, from Week 12 to Week 24 were assessed. There was a 4-week follow-up period from
India and 2Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Clinical Week 24 to Week 28 where no CCX140 was administered.
Immunology, Lucknow, India RESULTS: In the intent to treat (ITT) analysis of UPCR changes at Week 12 relative to
baseline, the 15 mg BID CCX140 group exhibited the greatest reduction of UPCR
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: PLA2R is an autoantigen present in glomerular (median reduction from baseline 0.9 g/g or approximately 30%, and approximately
podocytes of Membranous Nephropathy (MN) patients. Several drugs have been tried 25% reduction from baseline for the geometric mean), but that did not differ
which included nonspecific anti-proteinuric agents; corticosteroids, alone or with significantly from the placebo group (median reduction from baseline 0.45 g/g; or
alkylating agents; cyclosporine; intravenous Ig; mycophenolate mofetil; and rituximab. approximately 22%, and approximately 23% reduction from baseline for the geometric
There is no standard therapy for patients with frequent relapsing or steroid-dependent mean). Also, after crossover of the blinded portion of the trial to 15 mg BID active
MN. We propose the efficacy of low dose Tacrolimus (TAC) plus prednisolone and dosing, the previous placebo group did not appear to exhibit an additional reduction of
associated changes in anti-PLA2R in adult IMN. UPCR. CCX140 at all doses was well-tolerated, with no serious adverse events (SAEs)
METHOD: Total 101 membranous nephropathy patients were treated with during the blinded trial and a numerically lower rate of treatment-emergent adverse
combination of prednisolone 1mg/kg alt-day) and Tac 0.1mg/kg/day (trough 6-10 ng/ events in the CCX140 treatment groups.
ml first 6M and 4-6 ng/ml for next 3M) then both taper by 1/3 every month up to 12M. CONCLUSION: In the study, CCX140 did not demonstrate a therapeutically
Out of 101 patients; 15 diabetic; 7 lupus; 1HBV and 1 ankylosing spondylitis patients meaningful reduction in proteinuria relative to the control group after 12 weeks of
were excluded. Finally; 77 Patients were followed and evaluated for the anti-PLA2R blinded treatment. The study provides insights into the natural disease progression of
level at baseline; 3M; 6M; 12M and end of follow-up (17-61 ; median 38 months). CR; patients with primary or genetic FSGS as part of a clinical trial setting.
PR; relapse; and side-effects were recorded.Of the 77 patients; at 3M 60(77.92%; CR-37;
PR-23); at 6M 61(79.22%; CR-53; PR-8); at 12M 53(68.86%; CR-47; PR-6) achieved
remission. Eight (10.38%) relapsed and 16(20.77%) showed no response at 12M. At MO254 PREGNANCY OUTCOMES AND COMPLICATIONS IN
end of follow-up; out of 54 responsive patients 37(68.51%; CR-36; PR-1) remained in PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC GLOMERULONEPHRITIS*
remission and 17(31.48%) patients relapsed.
RESULTS: Out of 77 patients; 51 (66.3%) were anti-PLA2R positive. Remission rate Elena Prokopenko1,2, Aleksei Zulkarnaev1, Irina Nikolskaya2, Andrey Vatazin1,
was significantly low in PLA2Rþve than PLA2R-ve (36/51 vs 24/26; p=0.03) at 3M; Daria Penzeva1
(36/51 vs 25/26; p=0.009) at 6M and (31/51 vs 22/26; p=0.03) at 12M. PLA2R level was 1
decreased by 60.38% and 77.56% at 3M and 6M respectively (1A & 1B). There were M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Kidney Transplantaion
significant correlations between PLA2R level and 24h proteinuria at baseline; 3M and Department, Moscow, Russia and 2Moscow Regional Research Institute of Obstetrics
at 6M (1C). During therapy 4 patients develop cutaneous tenia; 1 osteonecrosis of the and Gynecology, Outpatient Department, Moscow, Russia
femur head; 1 corpus tunnel syndrome; 4 onset diabetes; 3 tremor; and 14 patients
experienced GI symptoms. The eGFR was decreased significantly (p=0.003) by 26.5% BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pregnancy in patients with chronic glomerulonephritis
at the end of therapy and was normalized after stopping Tac; and 5 non-responsive (CGN) is associated with higher risk of complications and unfavorable outcomes
patients had doubling of serum creatinine and progressively deteriorated eGFR. To compared to the general population. The aim of the study was to determine the
note; 4 females had pregnancy and successful delivery in our cohort of patients. incidence of pregnancy complications and outcomes in patients with preexisting CGN.
CONCLUSION: PLA2Rþve patients showed poor response compare to PLA2R-ve METHOD: 126 pregnancies in 119 women with CGN and CKD 1-4 stages: 1 st. – 86
patients. Remission with Tacrolimus and prednisolone therapy is comparable to patients, 2 st. – 17, 3 st. – 20, 4 st. – 3 and 20 pregnancies in 20 age-matching healthy
historical Ponticelli (Pred plus CYP) regimen. Successful pregnency was ovserved on women were included. Patients with secondary CGN, multiple pregnancy, pregnancy
Tac based regimen. after IVF were excluded. A kidney biopsy was performed in 18 of 119 (15.1%) women:
15 – before conception and 3 – after delivery. IgA-nephropathy was detected in 11 of
18 (61.1%) patients, MCD/FSGS – in 4 (22.2%), MPGN – in 3 (16.7%). The incidence
of unfavorable pregnancy outcome, preeclampsia (PE), preterm delivery, cesarean
section (CS), low birth weight (LBW < 2500 g), small for gestational age (SGA)
newborn (birth weight < 10th percentile), mean term of delivery, mean birth weight,
frequency of treatment in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and achieving of end-
stage kidney disease in mothers after delivery were evaluated.
RESULTS: CKD was first diagnosed during pregnancy in 34.1% women with CGN.
The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes, preterm delivery, LBW, SGA, and
treatment in the NICU did not differ between groups, while the frequency of PE and
CS were higher, and mean gestational age at delivery, birth weight were lower in the
CGN group compared to the healthy control (Table).
Severe PE was observed in 6 of 32 (18.7%) patients with PE and CGN. The incidence of
PE increased in advanced stages of CKD, but the differences were not significant: 19.8%
- in CKD1, 35.3% - CKD2, 35% - CKD3, 66.7% - CKD4, p=0.112. The frequency of PE
depended on the presence of baseline nephrotic-range proteinuria (NPU) and chronic
MO253 A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED arterial hypertension (AH): PE was observed in women w/o NPU and w/o AH in 8.3%
DOSE-RANGING STUDY (LUMINA-1 STUDY) TO EVALUATE cases, w/o NPU and with AH – in 39%, with NPU and w/o AH – in 44,4%, with NPU
THE SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF CCX140 IN SUBJECTS and with AH – in 43.8%, p=0.00048.
WITH FOCAL SEGMENTAL GLOMERULOSCLEROISS (FSGS)* Preterm delivery, CS and LBW were more common in women with chronic renal
failure, and their frequency increased with increasing severity of CKD: CKD1 – 3.5%,
Frank Cortazar1,2, John L. Niles3, Thomas J. Schall4, Peter Staehr5 21.2%, 3.5% resp.; CKD2 – 6.7%, 53.3%, 20%; CKD3 – 40%, 70%, 40%; CKD4 – 100%,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Boston, United States of 100%, 100% (p<0.0001, for all characteristics). We found differences in gestational age
America, 2New York Nephrology Vasculitis and Glomerular Center, Albany, United at delivery depending on the stages of CKD: in CKD1 it was 38.9 6 1.3 wks, CKD2 –
States of America, 3Massachusetts General Hospital, Vasculitis & Glomerulonephritis 38.2 6 2.1 wks, CKD3 – 36.3 6 3.5 wks, CKD4 – 32.4 wks (one child), p=0.00013. The
Center, Boston, United States of America, 4ChemoCentryx, Inc., Mountain View, United proportion of newborns requiring intensive care was higher in mothers with CKD3
States of America and 5ChemoCentryx, Inc., Translational Medical and Clinical (30%) and CKD4 (100%) compared with CKD1 (0%) and CKD2 (13.3%), p<0.0001.
Development, Mountain View, United States of America Five of 126 (4%) patients in CGN group achieved stage 5 CKD with average
postpartum follow-up period of 92.6 6 20.5 months; 4 women had CKD3 during
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Primary Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is pregnancy, one – CKD1. Now 2 patients are treated with regular hemodialysis, 3 - live
the most common primary glomerular disease in patients with end stage renal disease with kidney transplant.
in the United States. Current treatment regimens target reduction in proteinuria, but CONCLUSION: Chronic glomerulonephritis has a negative effect on pregnancy
may have limited response or exhibit disease recurrence. CCX140 is an orally- course, increasing the incidence of PE and CS and contributing to reduce gestational
administered selective small molecule inhibitor of the C-C chemokine receptor 2 age and birth weight. Incidence of preterm delivery, CS, LBW and proportion of
(CCR2) under investigation for the treatment reduction of proteinuria in patients with newborns treated in NICU were highest in patients with CKD 3-4.
The primary objectives of this study were to evaluate the safety and efficacy of CCX140
in patients with FSGS and a urine protein to creatinine ratio (UPCR) of 1 g/g.
Efficacy was assessed by the change in UPCR.
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i203
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
event (defined as 50% decline in eGFR, CKD Stage 5, dialysis or transplantation) was
required for the renal event analysis and similarly, at least 12 months follow-up was
required for the decline in eGFR analysis. For the relationship between proteinuria and
risk of renal events, 4 studies including 5 comparisons were identified, while 9 studies
including 10 comparisons were identified for the analysis of proteinuria vs eGFR
decline. Proteinuria change from baseline was calculated from the value closest to 6
months. If annualized change in eGFR was reported, these data were used, otherwise
annualized change in eGFR was calculated per year of follow-up. Methods as described
by Burzykoski & Buyse (2006) and Joffe & Greene (2008) were used for TL meta-
regression analyses; the resulting meta-regression line was displayed with an 80%
credible interval band (CB). Given the assumptions made in this analysis, a SWR
analysis was also performed; to compensate for potential underestimation of error
associated with the regression line, a 99.9% CB was applied in the SWR analysis.
RESULTS: For RASB treatment effects on renal events, a statistical association was
found with treatment effects on proteinuria with a TL slope estimate = 15.30 95% CI
(0.57, 38.79), R2 = 0.88 95% CI (0.22, 1.00); using the lower CI of 0.75 for the estimated
slope, a 30% treatment effect on proteinuria would be expected to result in at least a
25% reduction in the risk of renal events. As individual subject level data were not
available, the correlation between errors on treatment effects for proteinuria and
treatment effects for renal events were unknown, resulting in a wide CB on the meta-
regression line and a wide CI for the slope estimate. The SWR approach is not
hampered by lack of subject level data and gave a slope estimate of 3.5 95% CI (2.1, 5.0)
MO255 LONG-TERM MAINTENANCE TREATMENT WITH RITUXIMAB with R2 = 0.97, such that a 30% treatment effect on proteinuria would be expected to
IN ANCA-ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS: A RETROSPECTIVE result in at least a 64% reduction in the risk of renal events. For treatment effects on
COHORT STUDY annualized eGFR versus effects on proteinuria, the TL slope estimate was -5.1 95% CI
(-30.2, 35.0), R2 = 0.89 95% CI (0.15, 1.00); the corresponding SWR slope estimate was
Aglaia Chalkia1, Konstantinos Thomas2, Dimitrios Kourniotis1, -7.6, 95% CI (-12.3, -2.8) with R2 = 0.71. A 30% treatment effect on proteinuria would
Alexandros Panagiotopoulos2, Zoe Alexakou1, Margarita Mpora1, be expected to result in a 2.6 mL/min (TL analysis) to 3.9 mL/min slower decline (SWR
George Aggelis1, Dimitrios Vasilopoulos2, Dimitrios Petras1 analysis) in annualized eGFR.
Hippokration General Hospital, Athens, Greece, Nephrology Department, ATHENS,
Greece and 2National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine -
Clinical Immunology - Rheumatology Unit, 2nd Department of Medicine, Athens,
Greece, Joint Rheumatology Program, ATHENS, Greece
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is limited guidance and evidence for the ideal
duration of maintenance treatment in ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) with
rituximab (RTX). This study aimed to describe the efficacy and safety of long-term
maintenance treatment with RTX, in a cohort of patients with AAV.
METHOD: Retrospective, descriptive study of 62 patients with AAV. We included 42
patients, who received RTX maintenance treatment in a newly diagnosed or a relapsed
disease. We recorded the duration, dosage, and adverse events (infections, infusion-related
events, relapses, late onset leukopenia, malignancy and hypogammaglobulinemia).
RESULTS: 43 patients (average age 60.33 years, 49% women) received fixed interval dosing
with RTX maintenance 1000 mg every 6 months. The most frequent organ involvement
(74%) was lung and/or kidney. 33% (14/43) of the patients received RTX maintenance in a
relapsed disease. The RTX regimen was followed after induction treatment with rituximab
(47%), cyclophosphamide (33%), combination cyclophosphamide and rituximab (14%) or
methotrexate/MMF (6%). Median total duration of maintenance treatment was 24 months
(range 6-72 months). The most frequent adverse event was serious infections in 23% of the
patients, including SARS-CoV-2 in two patients, while four of these patients died. We also
recorded: hypogammaglobulinemia in 14%, malignancy in 5% and infusion-related events
in 2%. The rate of the major relapses in our cohort during RTX maintenance was quite low MO256 Figure 1: Trial Level (A, C) and Simple Weighted Linear Regression (B, D)
at 7% (3/43), the time between 24-60 months, and the rate of the major relapses dependent analyses of the relationship between treatment effects of RASB on proteinuria and (i)
on the induction treatment was quite the same: cyclophosphamide group vs rituximab renal events (A, B) and (ii) annualized change in eGFR (C, D)
group (7 vs 10%, p=0.786).
CONCLUSION: In our cohort long-term maintenance treatment in AAV with
rituximab maintains remission for longer time, with a quiet safety profile. This could
suggest that in selected patients, extended periods of rituximab treatment might be safe.
i204 | Abstracts
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or without the addition of BLM.
MO257 Figure: Depicted are the absolute pre-germinal center and memory B cell
counts at week 0 compared to week 4 of 19 SLE or LN patients treated with SOC with
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i205
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: A single dose of VIS649, up to 12.0 mg/kg, was safe and well tolerated
in healthy adults and was able to suppress free serum APRIL to the lower level of
quantification. Serum Gd-IgA1 decreased in parallel with total serum IgA and MO260 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL
recovered in a dose-dependent manner following reappearance of free APRIL in NETWORK TOOL TO PREDICT ESKD IN PATIENTS WITH
serum. These data support the further clinical development of VIS649 as a potential IMMUNOGLOBULIN A NEPHROPATHY (IGAN)
treatment for IgAN.
Francesco Paolo Schena1, Carlo Manno1, Vto Walter Anelli2, Tommaso Di Noia2,
Giovanni Luigi Tripepi3, Daniela Isabel Abbrescia4, MARIA STANGOU5,
Aikaterini Papagianni5, Maria Luisa Russo6, Rosanna Coppo6
university of bari, Emergency and Organ Transplantation, Bari, Italy, 2Polytechnic of
DIAGNOSIS IS CORRELATED WITH SEVERITY AND RENAL Bari, Electrical Information Engineering, Bari, Italy, 3CNR-IFC, Clinical Epidemiology and
PROGNOSIS Pathophysiology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Reggio Calabria, Italy, 4Schena
Foundation, Bari, Italy, 5Hippokration General Hospital, Aristotle University of
Samuel Wacrenier1,2, Jeremie Riou3,4, Pierre Jourdain2, Fanny Guibert2,5, Thessaloniki, Dept of Nephrology, Thessaloniki, Greece and 6Fondazione Ricerca
NICOLAS HENRY2,6, DJEMA Assia5, Jean Philippe Coindre1, Romain Crochette1, Molinette, Torino, Italy
Maud Cousin2, Anne Croue7, SUBRA Jean François2, Giorgina Piccoli1,
AUGUSTO Jean François2, Benoit Brilland2
1 BACKGROUND: During the last twenty years many tools, based on mathematical
Centre hospitalier du Mans, Service de Néphrologie, Le Mans, France, 2Centre hospital- models, have been developed to predict ESKD at the time of kidney biopsy in patients
ier universitaire d’Angers, Service de Néphrologie, Angers, France, 3Université d’Angers, with IgAN. The main limitation of these tools is the time frame to reach the ESKD.
Micro et Nanomédecines Translationnelles, MINT, UMR INSERM 6021, UMR CNRS 6021, Recently, we have developed a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) (KI 2020)
Angers, France., Angers, France, 4Université d’Angers, Methodology and Biostatistics which includes 6 variables at the time of kidney biopsy: age, sex, hypertension, serum
Department, Delegation to Clinical Research and Innovation, Angers, France, 5Centre creatinine, daily proteinuria and score of the renal lesions according to the MEST-C
hospitalier de Cholet, Service de Néphrologie, Cholet, France, 6Centre hospitalier de classification. The tool ( is based on two different artificial neural
Laval, Service de Néphrologie, Laval, France and 7Centre hospitalier universitaire networks of which the first predicts ESKD and the second one predicts the time to
d’Angers, Département de pathologie cellulaire et tissulaire, Angers, France reach this outcome.
AIM: of our study has been to analyze the causes of discordance to predict or not
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lymphopenia is commonly observed in various ESKD in a cohort of 1116 IgAN patients (VALIGA cohort and external cohort) with a
autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, where it has been median follow-up of 88 months (49-135). To our knowledge this is the first report
associated with disease activity or prognosis. However, in ANCA-associated vasculitis which analyzes the discrepant results of a toll to predict ESKD in IgAN patients.
(AAV) only few, small-scale studies have been targeted to this issue. Research has not METHOD: Demographic and laboratory data have been analyzed using means and
yet focused on ANCA-glomerulonephritis (ANCA-GN) patients. Thus, the aim of this standard deviations (SD) for continuous variables normally distributed, median in
study was to analyze the association between lymphocyte counts and outcomes in a presence of non-normally distribution. Categorical variables are expressed as
large cohort of ANCA-GN patients. percentages. The means have been compared by the Student’s test and the medians
METHOD: We used the Maine-Anjou AAV registry that retrospectively gathers data using the Mann-Whitney U test. All the data were collected and stored in a standard
on consecutive patients affected by AAV in four French Nephrology Centers, recorded Excel database. The statistical significance value p< 0.05 has been adopted.
since January 2000. We analyzed clinical, biological, and histological data at diagnosis RESULTS: Discordance to reach or not ESKD was found in 216 patients (19.4%). In 77
of ANCA-GN. Biological data, including lymphocyte counts, were collected before the patients with no prediction of ESKD, 25 patients with proteinuria > 0.5 g/day did not
administration of any immunosuppressive treatment. Risk factors for end-stage kidney receive therapy after kidney biopsy or were cared very late. Failure of therapy (RASBs
disease (ESKD) were analyzed. Event-free survival was also assessed. alone in 44 subjects and corticosteroids in 8 individuals) was observed in 52 patients.
RESULTS: Among the 145 patients included in the study, 53 (37%) patients presented In 139 patients who did not reach ESKD but our tool predicted this outcome,
with lymphopenia at ANCA-GN diagnosis. Lymphopenic patients were older (72 [63– interestingly, we found that 106 proteinuric patients (22 with GFR >50 ml/min/1.73
79] vs 66 [56–73] years old, p = 0.010), had a lower renal function at baseline (eGFR 13 m2 and 84 with GFR < 50 ml/min/1.73 m2) had an improvement of the clinical course
mL/min vs 26 mL/min, p = 0.002), and a higher proteinuria (1.86 [1.21–3.52] g/g vs (reduction of proteinuria and stabilization of GFR value) after corticosteroid therapy.
1.30 [0.75–2.65] g/g, p = 0.042). There was a trend for a higher BVAS (18 [14–22] vs 15 The remaining 33 patients benefited of RASB therapy. Among 84 patients with GFR<
[12–20], p = 0.076) in lymphopenic patients. Therapeutic management between the 50 ml/min/1.73 m2 36 had nephrotic proteinuria and were responsive to
two groups was similar. There was no difference in relapse rate between the two groups corticosteroids. These results suggest that we cannot rule out corticosteroid therapy in
but lymphopenic patients were more likely to require kidney replacement therapy patients with reduced GFR and proteinuria > 3 g/day. Furthermore, our tool predicts
(51% vs 25%, p = 0.003) and were more likely to die (34% vs 17%, p = 0.039). the time frame to reach ESKD and indicates the potential effect of some drugs (RASBs,
Lymphopenia was correlated with histological lesions and especially with the corticosteroids or their combination) to delay the outcome. We observed that
percentage of sclerotic glomeruli (p = 0.0027). ESKD-free survival and overall survival corticosteroids combined with RASBs delayed more than 10 years the time to reach
were lower in lymphopenic patients (p < 0.0001 and 0.0051 respectively). In ESKD.
multivariate Cox analysis, lymphopenia, but not death, was an independent risk factor CONCLUSIONS: Our tool predicted ESKD in a percentage higher than that observed
for ESKD (HR 4.47 (95% confidence interval: [2.06–9.72], p < 0.001). but, interestingly, it was found that a high number of patients benefited of
CONCLUSION: Lymphopenia correlates with severity of ANCA-GN at diagnosis and corticosteroids in combination with RASBs. Furthermore, our tool predicted time to
predicts poor renal outcome. In this view, lymphopenia could be used as a simple and reach ESKD and indicated the potential benefit of therapy to delay the crude outcome.
cost-effective biomarker to assess renal prognosis at ANCA-GN diagnosis. In fact, therapy delayed the outcome of more than 10 years when combination of
corticosteroids and RASBs was administered. Therefore, our tool shows to physicians
that their patients may delay the ESKD receiving corticosteroids alone or in
combination with RASBs. This approach is important because in many cases it is a
strengthen point to convince patients to accept the prescribed therapy. Moreover, this
report shows for the first time that predicted ESKD may be delayed administering
personalized therapy suggested by our tool. Essentially, in a high percentage of patients
the failure of our tool is not an error but the positive effect of therapy or misconduct of
patients management.
i206 | Abstracts
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METHOD: A telephone survey investigating the impact of COVID-19 on patients with (A) Fourteen distinct cell clusters identified by UMAP plotting, and clusters were
biopsy - proven LN was administered. Data extraction included diagnosis, disease colored and labeled distinctively. The color of cells represented the group origin. (B)
activity status, demographics, occupational exposure, adherence to social distancing UMAP plot of cell clusters from different subjects of IgAN patients (n=4) and control
advise, therapy, comorbidities, and laboratory tests. Covid-19 was classified as definite (n=1). The color of cells reflected the individual origin. (C) Bar plots represented
diagnosis of Covid-19 disease (presence of symptomatic Covid-19 infection, confirmed frequency of cell clusters in kidneys from different subjects. Blocks represented
by a nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 polymerase chain reaction test). Comparisons different subjects, and block height was in proportion to the number of cells. (D)
between patients with or without hospitalization were performed. Heatmap of top 20 specific marker genes for each cluster from kidney. Each column
RESULTS: 114 patients (median age 34,9 6 12,4 years) with LN were included in the represented a kind of cell cluster, and each row corresponded to marker gene for
study. All were on different doses glucocorticoids, 82 were taking hydroxychloroquine individual cluster. (E) Violin plot of selected marker genes that identified the clusters
and 30 took immunosuppressants. 31 patients (26 women, 5 men) developed generated by UMAP plotting. It was colored by different cell subtypes. Abbreviations
symptomatic COVID-19 infection - they have at least one symptom (chest pain, fever, were as follows: PTC, proximal tubule cells; LOH, loop of henle cells; PC, principal
asthenia, chills, cough, sore throat, dyspnea, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, cells; IC, intercalated cells; DTC, distal tubule cells; EC, endothelial cells; POD,
odynophagia, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, hypo-, ageusia, hypo-, anosmia) of COVID-19 podocytes; MES, mesangial cell; SMC, smooth muscle cells; DC, dendritic cells; MC,
and were PCR test positive. These 31 patients prior to their COVID-19 illness were macrophages; MON, monocytes; CC, cycling cells; FIB, fibroblasts.
treated with methylprednisolone, 16 - with cyclophosphamide, 8 - with azathioprine, 3
– with hydroxychloroquine. Six patients (4 men, 2 women) required hospitalization -
these were more frequently older and with comorbidities (cardio-respiratory illness,
hypertension and other) and active LN (3 –class IV LN, 2-class V LN, 1 class III LN
and 1 Class II LN, according the 2003 ISN/RPS classification). Adherence to therapy
and to social distancing advise was high. The median time from onset of symptoms to
hospital admission was 6 (3-11) days. The median length of stay was 12 days (8-20)
days. No deaths occurred.
CONCLUSION: Covid-19 is more frequent in the subgroup of LN patients without
Emmanuelle Charrin1, Dina Dabaghie1, Rik Mencke2, Ilke Sen3, Katja Möller-
therapy with hydroxychloroquine, which might play some protective role against the
Hackbarth1, Sonia Zambrano1, Hannes Olauson4, Jaakko Patrakka1
most harmful manifestations of Covid-19. Male sex, previous lung disease, serum 1
creatinine level, proteinuria, glucocorticoids use > 5 mg/day, were associated to Karolinska Institutet Campus Huddinge, Laboratory Medicine, Huddinge, Sweden,
hospitalization of patients with LN. University of Groningen, Pathology and Medical Biology, Groningen, The Netherlands,
Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna, Physiology and Pharmacology, Stockholm,
Sweden and 4Karolinska Institutet Campus Solna, Clinical Science, Intervention and
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Podocyte integrity is crucial for the maintenance of
glomerular function in health and disease. Numerous studies have reported that Klotho
Yong Zhong1, Xiangcheng Xiao1
overexpression, or treatment with recombinant Klotho, reduces glomerular and
Xiangya hospital,central south university, Nephrology, changsha, P.R. China tubular damage in mouse models of renal disease. However, the mechanism(s) of
action are not fully understood. Several recent studies have also reported that Klotho is
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The exact molecular mechanisms underlying IgA expressed in podocytes, where it protects against various types of injury. These findings
nephropathy (IgAN) remains incompletely defined. Therefore, it is necessary to further conflict with previous studies, which have shown that renal Klotho expression is
elucidate the mechanism of IgA nephropathy and find novel therapeutic targets. exclusively confined to proximal and distal tubular cells.
METHOD: Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) was applied to kidney biopsies METHOD: To address this discrepancy and enhance our understanding of the
from 4 IgAN and 1 control subjects to define the transcriptomic landscape at the putative glomeruloprotective effects mediated by Klotho, we examined the expression
single-cell resolution. Unsupervised clustering analysis of kidney specimens was used pattern of Klotho in human and mouse kidney by several different methods, and
to identify distinct cell clusters. Differentially expressed genes and potential signaling explored its protective effects by overexpressing full-length human Klotho directly in
pathways involved in IgAN were also identified. podocytes or in a distant organ (i.e. liver).
RESULTS: Our analysis identified 14 cell subsets in kidney biopsies from IgAN RESULTS: Data at the mRNA and protein levels all converged towards an absence or
patients, and analyzed changing gene expression in distinct renal cell types. We found very low expression of Klotho in podocytes. The generation of a podocyte-specific
increased mesangial expression of several novel genes including MALAT1, GADD45B, Klotho knockout mouse further demonstrated that its deletion did not affect
SOX4 and EDIL3, which were related to proliferation and matrix accumulation and glomerular structure or function. Moreover, Klotho deficiency did not worsen
have not been reported in IgAN previously. The overexpressed genes in tubule cells of glomerular injury in an experimental model of glomerulonephritis (anti-GBM).
IgAN were mainly enriched in inflammatory pathways including TNF signaling, IL-17 However, when Klotho was overexpressed in hepatocytes (Alb-cre;hKlothofl/þ - Alb-
signaling and NOD-like receptor signaling. Moreover, the receptor-ligand crosstalk hKL), serum Klotho increased drastically with no changes in Fgf23 or phosphate
analysis revealed potential interactions between mesangial cells and other cells in metabolism. In mice challenged with anti-GBM, renal histology and ultrastructure of
IgAN. Specifically, IgAN with overt proteinuria displayed elevated genes participating the filtration barrier was less severely affected in Alb-hKL compared to WT mice.
in several signaling pathways which may be involved in pathogenesis of progression of There were also significantly less albuminuria, podocyte loss and interstitial fibrosis in
IgAN. Alb-hKL mice compared to their WT littermates. In contrast, mice which
CONCLUSION: The comprehensive analysis of kidney biopsy specimen demonstrated overexpressed Klotho in podocytes (Pod-hKL) were not protected from renal injury.
different gene expression profile, potential pathologic ligand-receptor crosstalk, CONCLUSION: Taken together, these results strongly suggest that Klotho is not
signaling pathways in human IgAN. These results offer new insight into pathogenesis expressed in any substantial amounts in human or mouse podocytes, and that
and identify new therapeutic targets for patients with IgA nephropathy. membrane-bound Klotho does not play a role in podocyte biology. Importantly, our
results confirm a beneficial role for soluble Klotho in protecting podocytes against
injury, and in maintaining glomerular integrity and function.
Rezzan Eren Sadiog lu1, Saba Kiremitçi2, Merve Aktar1, S¸ule S¸engül1,
Derya Gokmen3, Serkan Akturk1, Kenan Keven1, Gökhan Nergizoglu1,
S¸ehsuvar Ertürk1, Kenan Ateş1, Arzu Ensari2, Sim Kutlay1
Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey,
Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Ankara, Turkey and
Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics, Ankara, Turkey
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i207
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
basis of the localization, pattern, extent and intensity of the C4d expression (min-max, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of
0-13). primary glomerulonephritis worldwide and is a frequent cause of end-stage renal
RESULTS: Of the patients (56 females, mean age 43614 years) with a median follow- disease. The best predictors of progression are histologic parameters. Nevertheless,
up time of 3563 months, mean proteinuria, eGFR, and albumin level were 4984 mg/ there is a pressing need to identify suitable noninvasive biomarkers in IgAN, to aid
day, 72.2 ml/min/1.73m2, 3.56 g/dL, respectively. Median G-C4d-S was 6 (IQR, 4-7) with diagnosis, treatment decisions, and prediction of the disease progression.
and it was negatively correlated with serum creatinine at diagnosis (r=-0.21, p=0.02). Our aim was to assess diagnostic value of urinary excretions of transferrin and IgG in
Glomerular staining (both focal and diffuse, higher than moderate in intensity) was prediction of morphological lesions in patients with IgAN.
positive in 78 (68.4%) of the patients. C4d on glomerular sclerotic area was positive in METHOD: 37 patients [19 female, age Me 33 (25; 48) years] with biopsy proven IgAN
43 (37%) patients and it was associated with lower eGFR at diagnosis. and without acute kidney injury, infectious diseases, severe heart failure, respiratory
Forty five patients achieved remission during the follow-up. Among the pathological insufficiency, cancer were included in the study. 24-hour urinary excretions of
features only glomerular C4d staining was associated to remission (p=0.02). There transferrin (uTr), IgG (uIgG) were measured by immunoturbidimetric method
were 20 (18.7%) patients who need renal replacement theraphy (RRT) and 7 deaths (Furuno CA-90, Furuno Electric Co., Ltd., Japan). Tubulointerstitial fibrosis (TIF) and
(6.1%) at the end of the cohort. Lower rate of C4d staining on tubular adsorption tubular atrophy (TA) were assessed semi-quantitatively (0-lesions absent; 1-mild focal
droplets and arteriols/arteries were found to be associated need for RRT (p=0.013, tubular and interstitial lesions; 2-moderate tubular and interstitial lesions; 3-diffuse
p=0.012, respectively). There were no significant relationship between mortality and tubular and interstitial lesions). All patients consistently were separated into two
C4d staining features. groups according to the degree of each morphological lesion (TIF or TA): “mild” (TIF
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we noted that significant number of patients had or TA grade 0 or 1) and “severe” (TIF/TA grade 2-3).
positivie C4d on glomeruli, arteiroles and tubular area. We indicated that C4d staining RESULTS: uTr, uIgG positively correlated (p<0,05) with TIF (r=0,38, r=0,43) and TA
at diagnosis could help to distinguish active glomerulonephritis. Additionally, it seems (r=0,38, r=0,45), respectively. We did not find correlations between uTr, uIgG and
to be essential to examine non-glomerular area of native kidney biopsies, as well. glomerulosclerosis.
Using ROC-analysis all patients were separated in two groups using uTr or uIgG
according to the degree of morphological lesions (“mild” or “severe) (Table 1,2;
Figure 1).
MO266 Figure: ROC curves of urinary transferrin and IgG excretions in prediction: A
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the importance of the C3 positive staining in glomeruli and that there could be
differences between clinical, serological and histological phenotypes in AAV
MO267 HIGHER FRACTIONAL EXCRETION OF TOTAL PROTEIN IS A METHOD: This study included 106 consecutive AAV patients with renal involvement
PREDICTOR OF PROGRESSION IN IDIOPATHIC in the period from 2007-2017. We performed renal biopsy on patients using automatic
MEMBRANOUS NEPHROPATHY 16 Gauge needle. Light, immunofluorescent and electronic microscopy were
performed. Category variables were analysed with Fisher Exact testom and continuous
Hideaki Kuno1, Go Kanzaki1, Rina Oba1, Saeko Hatanaka1, Takaya Sasaki1, with Kruskal-Wallis testom. Statistical difference was then analysed posthoc with Chi-
Yusuke Okabayashi1, Kotaro Haruhara1, Kentaro Koike1, Nobuo Tsuboi1, square test. Primary outcomes were combined outcome progression to end-stage renal
Takashi Yokoo1 disease, defined as persistent (more than three months) need for renal replacement
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, therapy or permanent reduction of EGFR to <15ml/minute (according to CKD EPI
Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo, Japan formula) and/or death (ESRDD), death (D) and ESRD alone, and disease relapse.
Kaplan Meyer survival analysis and multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and analysis were used to explore difference between phenotypes and finding significant
higher proteinuria are the most sensitive predictor of the development of progressive predictors regarding outcomes.
renal insufficiency in various glomerular diseases. On the other hand, the onset of RESULTS: The study included 106 AAV patients with renal involvement: 66 (61,1%)
idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN) shows insidious progression, and the MPA, 20 (18,5%) GPA, 20 (18,5%) RLV. There were 14 (13%) PR3-ANCA positive
prognosis varies significantly. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the renal outcome in patients, 57 (52,8%) MPO ANCA positive, 5 (4,6%) PR3-ANCAþMPO-ANCA and 32
MN, using only the severity of proteinuria. Fractional excretion of total protein (29,6%) ANCA negative patients. Average SCr was 316,5 lmol/l (IQR 207,0-548,5), 24-
(FETP), which was protein clearance divided by creatinine clearance (Ccr), may be a hour proteinuria median was 1,7g/24h (IQR 0,8-2,8). Histologicaly (Berden
better indicator of protein leak per functioning nephron. A recent study has also classification) 43 (39,8%) patients had crescentic, 19 (17,6%) focal, 34 (31,5%) mixed
reported that FETP accurately predicted transplant failure and was more sensitive and and 12 (11,1%) sclerotic class. Out of all, 48,5% MPA patients had C3 deposits in
specific than protein creatine ratio (PCR). Few studies, however, have analyzed the glomeruli compared to 25% GPA and 35% RLV though statistical significance was not
FETP to evaluate their relationship with renal function and histologic lesions in reached (p=0,1). Same applied for serological phenotypes: MPO-ANCA and ANCA
glomerular diseases. Thus, this study aims to assess the relationship between FETP and negatives had more C3 deposits but statistical significance was not reached (p=0,6).
the clinicopathological findings and whether FETP predicts outcome in iMN. When comparing histopathological classes there was strong tendency of crescentic
METHOD: This study included patients with iMN that underwent kidney biopsies class having more C3 deposits (p=0,076) compared to focal and mixed. In sclerotic
during the period from 2002 to 2020. We analyzed 24-h urinary protein excretion, class 50% had C3 deposits but C3 deposits can be ordinary found in sclerotic lesions so
FETP, and other clinicopathological findings at the kidney biopsy. The FETP was the interpretation is more challenging. Interestingly patients requiring haemodialysis
determined by the standard clearance technique based on 24-h urine collection: FETP had strong tendency of having more C3 deposits compared to those not needing
= (urinary total protein / serum total protein) / (urinary creatinine / serum creatinine) haemodialysis treatment (p=0,09).
100. A 30% decrease in eGFR or the occurrence of ESRD were the endpoints. The CONCLUSION: Glomerular C3 deposits in kidney tissue samples could prove to be a
multivariate factors affecting the prognosis were analyzed with the Cox proportional- useful tool for perhaps predicting the severity and the course of the disease. Though
hazards model, and the cumulative risk of risk factors was analyzed by Kaplan-Meier differences between various groups in our cohort didn’t have statistical significance,
curve. there was a tendency for MPA patients, those with MPO-ANCA and those with
RESULTS: A total of 153 subjects with MN were identified and were followed up for a crescentic class of having higher proportion of C3 deposits in glomeruli compared to
median of 5.4 years. (age 64.9613.6 [mean 6 SD] years, male 73.2 %, hypertension other groups. This could suggest more aCP activation in MPO positive AAV. Also
42.5 %, diabetes 10.5 %, nephrotic Syndrome 67.3 %, chronic kidney disease [CKD: there was strong tendency of patients requiring dialysis having higher proportion of C3
eGFR<60ml/min/1.73m2] 51.9 %, eGFR 61.6622.6 mL/min/1.73m2, urinary protein deposits compared to non-dialysis patients which could signify C3 deposition of being
excretion [u-TP] 4.363.6 g/day, PCR 5.464.5 g/gCr, FETP 0.1260.18 %, Selectivity the hallmark of more severe renal involvement in AAV patients. This data needs
Index [S.I] 0.2360.39, fractional excretion of IgG [FEIgG] 0.06560.170 %, further confirmation from future studies.
glomerulosclerosis [GS] 13.9613.7 %, interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy [IFTA]
12.2610.0 %). FETP was more significantly associated with clinical parameters than
PCR and FEIgG (Table.1). The high FETP group had a significantly worse renal MO269 INCREASED RISK OF DEATH IN PATIENTS WITH DOUBLE
prognosis during the follow-up periods than the low FETP group (Figure.1). Using Cox POSITIVE SEROLOGY OF ANTI-GLOMERULAR BASE
proportional hazards models, with FETP entered, and age, sex, eGFR,u-TP as MEMBRANE (ANTI-GBM) ANTIBODIES AND ANTI-
covariates, FETP predict the primary endpoint with a hazards ratio of 0.343 (P<0.05). NEUTROPHIL CYTOPLASMIC ANTIBODIES (ANCA)
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that FETP would be superior to PCR, the
standard measure of proteinuria, in predicting outcome in patients with iMN. FETP Karl Emil Nelveg-Kristensen1, Nicholas Carlson1, Christian Torp-Pedersen2,3,
could indicate the increased glomerular protein permeability and decreased glomerular Jon Waarst Gregersen4, Elizabeth Krarup5, Per Ivarsen6, Martin Egfjord1,
filtration function in iMN. Wladimir Szpirt1
Rigshospitalet, Nephrology, København, Denmark, 2North Zealand Hospital - Hillerød,
Cardiology, Hillerød, Denmark, 3Aalborg University Hospital South, Aalborg, Denmark,
Aalborg University Hospital South, nephrology, SLE and Vasculitis linic, 5Herlev
Hospital, Nephrology, Herlev, Denmark and 6Skejby Sygehus, Nephrology, Aarhus,
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
and ANCA. Double positive serology was associated with increased risk of death (ARR
2.10 [CI 1.20-3.65], P=0.009) (figure); however, there was no difference in risk of ESRD
(ARR 1.28 [0.66-2.50], P=0.46). MO270 Table 1. Univariable and multivariable Cox regression analysis for risk factors
Of all identified patients, only 32 (27%) were diagnosed with anti-GBM disease for not reaching remission
according to ICD10 code (1.2 cases/million/year). In patients with confirmatory
serology and ICD-10 code, 13 (40%) had double positive serology (46.2% PR3-ANCA Variable HR (95% CI) p
and 53.8% MPO-ANCA). In the subset of patients with confirmatory ICD-10 code, Univariable
double positivity was associated with male gender (63.2%, P=0.07), numerical lower
mean age (56.1 [SD 25.2], P=0.50), and increased mean anti-GBM concentration Age (older) 0.99 (0.96, 1.01) 0.5
(333.3 [SD 278.7] vs 150.7 [SD 146.5] P= 0.026). There was no difference in risk of Higher PLA2R Ab titer 1.00 (0.99, 1.00) 0.3
death or ESRD between the two groups.
CONCLUSION: Double positivity of anti-GBM and ANCA serology plausibly defines
Anti-PLA2R Ab negativization (vs absent) 0.44 (0.19, 1.00) 0.05
a distinct group of patients and is associated with a higher risk of death. While the Higher serum creatinine 0.64 (0.29, 1.42) 0.2
association between an ICD10-confirmed diagnosis of anti-GBM disease and anti- Lower serum albumin 2.44 (1.39, 4.30) 0.002
GBM serology is well established, the significance of serology alone remains uncertain.
Higher proteinuria 0.97 (0.91, 1.03) 0.3
Age (older) 0.97 (0.94, 1.00) 0.09
Higher serum creatinine 0.83 (0.44, 1.54) 0.5
Anti-PLA2R Ab negativization (vs absent) 0.40 (0.17, 0.97) 0.04
Higher proteinuria 1.04 (0.99, 1.10) 0.07
Lower serum albumin 3.02 (1.59, 5.74) 0.001
During the follow up period 6 (10%) patients died. Cardiovascular disease and
infections were the main causes of death. A total of 5 (9%) patients started RRT during
the study period. The mean renal survival time was 50.3 (95%CI 46.5, 54.0) months.
We found no difference in renal survival regarding anti-PLA2R Ab titer or
CONCLUSION: Negativization of anti-PLA2R antibodies in the first three months
MO270 PROGNOSTIC ROLE OF ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPASE A2 from diagnosis was a predictor for remission in patients with membranous
Gabriel Stefan1,2, Simona Stancu1,2, Otilia Popa1,2, Adrian Dorin Zugravu1,2, MO271 PROGNOSIS OF NON-PR3 ANCA-ASSOCIATED
Nicoleta Petre3,4, Gabriel Mircescu1,2 VASCULITIDES WITH RENAL INVOLVEMENT
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Nephrology, 2Dr Carol Davila
Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology, 3University of Medicine and Pharmacy Aurélien Chepy1, Hélène Behal2, KARRAS Alexandre3, Xavier Puéchal4,
Carol Davila, Pathology and 4Dr Carol Davila Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Benjamin Terrier4, David Jayne5, Thomas Quéméneur6, Mary-Jane Guerry6
Pathology 1
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Lille, Département de Médecine Interne et
Immunologie Clinique, Lille, France, 2Centre hospitalier universitaire de Lille,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The predictive value of anti-phospholipase A2 receptor Epidémiologie et Qualité des Soins, Department of Biostatistics, Lille, France, 3Hôpital
antibody (anti-PLA2R ab) levels at three-months from diagnosis in patients with Européen Georges Pompidou, Département de Néphrologie, Paris, 4Cochin Hospital,
membranous nephropathy (MN) is not proven. National Referral Center for Rare Systemic Autoimmune Diseases, Paris University,
METHOD: We retrospectively examined the renal outcome on 1 August 2020 of 59 Department of Internal Medicine, Paris , France, 5Cambridge University Hospitals,
adult patients (age 54 (44, 68) years, 69% male, serum creatinine 1.0 (0.9, 1.3) mg/dL) Vasculitis and Lupus Clinic, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom and
who were diagnosed with MN by kidney biopsy and had positive serum anti-PLA2R ab 6
CH Valenciennes, Internal Medicine, valenciennes, France
during 2016-2019.
The outcomes were: kidney survival defined as renal replacement therapy (RRT) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Immunosuppressive treatments have improved the
initiation; partial (proteinuria 0.5 to 3.5g/24h) or complete remission (proteinuria prognosis of anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides
<0.5g/24h and serum albumin 3.5g/dL) - whichever came first. (AAV), transforming these formerly fatal diseases into chronic conditions, with
Variables related to renal outcome were further evaluated in univariate and periods of remission and relapse.
multivariate Cox proportional hazard (CPH) models. Relapse prevention is based on remission-maintenance immunosuppressive treatment
RESULTS: Forty (69%) patients had negative anti-PLA2R ab at 3 months; there were with a usual duration of 18 to 24 months. Recent studies demonstrated that a
no differences regarding age, serum creatinine, serum albumin, proteinuria and prolonged - 48 to 54 months - maintenance treatment reduced the risk of relapse and
treatment when compared to the group with positive ab at 3 months. could reduce end-stage renal disease (Karras A 2017, Charles P 2020). However,
Fifty-seven (97%) patients received immunosuppressive treatment, cyclophosphamide- prolonged maintenance treatment may not be necessary for all patients. On the one
based regimens were the most frequent (87%), followed by cyclosporine (10%). hand, MPO-ANCA (vs PR3-ANCA) and decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate
Overall, 64% of the patients reached a form of remission. Cumulative remission rates (eGFR) have been associated with a low risk of relapse (Walsh 2012). On the other
were 34% after 6 months, 54% after 12 months, 68% after 18 months and 73% after 24 hand, treatment of AAV is not devoid of risk. Flossman et al showed that mortality
months. Only five patients (9%) relapsed during the study period. Median time to after the first year of treatment was mainly related to cardiovascular, infectious and
cumulative remission was 12.0 (95%CI 8.2, 15.7) months. neoplastic complications (Flossman 2011). Thus, it has been well demonstrated that
In the CPH models, negativization of the anti-PLA2R antibodies at three months was patients with renal AAV without PR3 ANCA have the lowest risk of relapse and the
an independent predictor for remission, however lower serum albumin was also highest mortality rate (Mahr A 2013).
retained as a risk factor for absence of remission (Table 1). This study aimed to determine: first, the risk of late relapse in AAV patients with renal
involvement and without PR3-ANCA after end of remission-maintenance treatment,
and second, risk factors for relapse in this population.
METHOD: Patients with renal involvement without PR3-ANCA recruited to
prospective, randomized trials of the European Vasculitis Study group (EUVAS):
CYCAZAREM, CYCLOPS, MEPEX, IMPROVE and the French Vasculitis Study
Group (FVSG): WEGENT were included in the analysis if their disease was in
remission at the end of relapse-prevention therapy. This consisted in azathioprine,
methotrexate or mycophenolate mofetil and was stopped after 18-24 months (around
24-27 months after diagnosis). Cumulative incidence of relapse was estimated using
the Kalbfleich and Prentice method, considering death as a competing event. Risk
factors for relapse were assessed using the Fine and Gray competing risk regression
RESULTS: 108 patients were included, 64 of whom (59.3%) were male, 79 were MPO-
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MO271 Figure 3: Cumulative incidence of relapse by eGFR level (1:<15 / 2 :15-30 / 3
:30-45 / 4:>=45 ml/min/1.73m2)
ANCA positive (73.1%) and 29 ANCA negative (26.9%). Average age at diagnosis was
59.6 þ/- 12.4 years. Relapse rate was 25.5% 60 months after cessation of maintenance
treatment (figure 1) of which 46.2% were renal relapses (figure 2). Lower GFR at
CONCLUSION: Even in this population of renal AAV without PR3-ANCA, there
diagnosis was correlated with a lower risk of relapse. For every 15-point decrease in
remains a risk of late relapse, after the end of a two-year conventional maintenance
GFR at diagnosis, the risk of relapse decreased by a factor of 0.72 (HR 95% CI: 0.59 to
regimen. Using additional criteria (such as eGFR at diagnosis < or > 45 ml/min/
0.88). Figure 3 represents the cumulative incidence of relapse by eGFR level. Relapse
1.73m2) could help select a group of patients who are at lower risk of relapse. Factors
risk did not appear to be impacted by the presence at diagnosis of systemic/
that potentially increase (ENT or eye disease) risk of relapse need to be explored
constitutional (HR: 0.70; CI 95%: 0.30-1.65; p: 0.47), lung (HR: 0.87; CI 95%: 0.40-1.86;
further. If these data are confirmed, sub-groups could be identified who could receive
p: 0.71), skin involvement (HR: 0.84; CI 95%: 0.29-2.39; p: 0.74), ear, nose and throat
only a short maintenance treatment, or perhaps none. These findings also need to be to
(HR: 1.53; CI 95%: 0.74-3.27; p: 0.28) or eye disease (HR: 1.58; CI 95%: 0.62-4.10; p:
be analysed following rituximab maintenance.
0.34). Presence of MPO-ANCA at diagnosis did not influence relapse-risk.
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CONCLUSION: Low serum C3 levels at diagnosis may be an independent prognostic
factor for ESRD progression in patients with AAV. This should be taken into account
in therapeutic and monitoring strategies.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: The peripheral blood was obtained from 21 IgAN patients (aged of 32.0
(27.0 36.0) y.o., male/female ratio as 14/7) and 18 donors (aged of 38.0 (30.0 46.0)
y.o., male/female ratio as 10/8). IgAN diagnosis was confirmed in patients’ biopsy
materials according to the Oxford classification (MEST-C score). The concentrations
of total IgE and IgG4 were determined using «IgE total-ELISA-BEST» kit («Vector-
Best», RF) and «Human IgG4 Platinum ELISA» kit («eBioscience», Austria)». Allergen-
specific IgE to 55 inhalation (domestic, epidermal, fungal, plant) or food allergens were
measured using «EUROLINE Atopy Screen IgE» immunoblot kit («Euroimmun»,
Germany). Statistical analysis was done in Statistica 8.0.
RESULTS: The increased level of total IgE (in 47,4% of cases) but not IgG4 was
established in sera of IgAN patients as compared to donors (p=0.004). Moreover,
proteinuria was lower in IgAN patients with a high IgE level as compared to normal
one (610 (220 910) mg/day vs 1545 (600 2200) mg/day, p=0.01) as well as there
were no any crescent formation. The investigation of allergen-specific IgE in IgAN
patients revealed a strong positive reaction to dust mite allergens of Dermatophagoides
pter. (22,75 (16,72 35,69) IU/ml – in 29% of cases) and Dermatophagoides farinae
(38,24 (12,19 65,88) IU/ml – in 43% of cases) correlated with the total IgE (R=0,57,
p=0,03) and IgM (R=0,54, p=0,04). The more concentration of specific IgE to dust mite
allergens was the lower the severity of segmental glomerulosclerosis (R= -0.55, p=0.04),
crescent formation (R= -0.56, p=0.03), proteinuria (R= -0.65, p=0.01) and haematuria
(R = -0.55, p = 0.04) were reported. A weak positive reaction was established to other
domestic (house dust, honey bee venom, common wasp venom, cockroach), epidermal
(cat), plant (sweet vernal grass, orchard grass, timothy grass, cultivated rye, alder, birch,
hazel, oak, common ragweed, mugwort, plantain) and food (carrot, sesame, hazelnut,
apple) allergens in 9–18% of IgAN patients.
CONCLUSION: The prevailing of specific IgE to dust mite allergens of
Dermatophagoides pter. and Dermatophagoides farinae but not to food or plant
allergens was determined in IgAN patients. The obtained data demonstrated that IgAN
pathogenesis in patients with latent sensibilization to dust mite allergens is
characterized by a milder disease course what allows to identify this cohort as possible
secondary form of IgAN.
MO277 Figure 1: Comparison of NLR between SLE group and control groups, LN
group and non-LN group, severely active group and mildly active group. *P< 0.05,
***P< 0.001
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MO278 IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE THERAPY VERSUS SUPPORTIVE been questioned. Because therapeutic decision making is crucial in these critically ill
CARE IN IGA NEPHROPATHY PATIENTS WITH STAGE 3 AND patients, we here aimed to identify determinants for PEX consideration in a
4 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE retrospective study from a single center tertiary hospital in a real-world population of
46 patients with severe AAV requiring intensive care treatment.
Gabriel Stefan1,2, Simona Stancu1,2, Adrian Dorin Zugravu1,2, Nicoleta Petre3,4, METHOD: A total number of 46 patients with biopsy-proven AAV at the University
Gabriel Mircescu1,2 Medical Center Göttingen were retrospectively included between 2015 till 2020. While
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Nephrology, 2Dr Carol Davila no formal approval was required for the use of routine clinical data, a favorable ethical
Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology, 3University of Medicine and Pharmacy opinion was granted by the local Ethics committee. Medical records were used to
Carol Davila, Pathology and 4Dr Carol Davila Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, obtain data on age, sex, diagnosis (MPO or PR3) and laboratory results (serum
Pathology creatinine, C-reactive protein/CRP, urinary albumin/creatinine ration). The estimated
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated using the Chronic Kidney Disease
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The use of immunosuppressive therapy for IgA Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation. A renal pathologist (SH) evaluated
nephropathy (IgAN) patients with stage 3 or 4 chronic kidney disease (CKD) is all biopsies. Within a renal biopsy specimen, each glomerulus was scored separately for
controversial. the presence of necrosis, crescents and global sclerosis. Consequently, the percentage of
METHOD: We performed a monocentric retrospective study on 83 consecutive IgAN glomeruli with any of these features was calculated as a fraction of the total number of
patients (age 41 [33-56] years, 72% male, eGFR 36.1 [25.4-47.5] mL/min) with stage 3 glomeruli in each renal biopsy. Apart from these categories, the degree of interstitial
or 4 CKD and proteinuria 0.75g/day who received uncontrolled supportive care fibrosis/tubular atrophy (IF/TA) was quantified. Based on these scorings,
(Supp) (n=36), corticosteroids (CS) (n=14) or CS combined with monthly pulses of histopathological subgrouping according to Berden et al (focal, crescentic, mixed or
cyclophosphamide (CSþCFM) (n=33) between 2010-2017. Patients were followed sclerotic class) and ARRS according to Brix et al (low, medium or high risk) were
until composite endpoint (doubling of serum creatinine, ESKD (dialysis or renal performed.
transplant) or death, whichever came first) or end of study (May 2018). RESULTS: The decision to consider PEX was more likely in patients with need for
RESULTS: Patients were followed for a median of 29 (95%CI 25.2, 32.7) months, and intensive care treatment and severe renal dysfunction. In contrast, short-term
12 (15%) patients experienced the composite endpoint. outcomes did not depend on clinical or laboratory characteristics assessed at
There were no differences between the three studied groups regarding age (Supp 46 admission. Histopathological analysis confirmed active disease reflected by increased
[33.5-61.0] vs CS 40 [33-47] vs CSþCFM 41 [34-48] years), eGFR (Supp 37.7 [27.5- glomerular necrosis and crescents, but these histopathological findings did not
49.2] vs CS 40.3 [32.5-54.6] vs CSþCFM 31.5 [22.7-44.3] mL/min), proteinuria (Supp associate with short-term outcome either. Interestingly, only increased global
1.9 [1.4-3.5] vs CS 1.3 [1.0-1.7] vs CSþCFM 1.7 [1.1-2.9] g/g creatinine), MESTC score glomerular sclerosis in renal biopsies associated with a detrimental short-term
(Supp 2.5 [1.5-4.0] vs CS 2 [0-2] vs CSþCFM 3 [2-3]), hypertension (Supp 94% vs CS outcome.
86% vs CSþCFM 94%) and therapy with renal angiotensin system inhibitors (Supp CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our study investigated determinants for the
83% vs CS 64% vs CSþCFM 67%). consideration of therapeutic PEX in patients with severe AAV requiring intensive care
Mean renal survival time for the entire cohort was 81.0 (95%CI 73.1, 89.0) months; we treatment. This aspect underscores the need for renal biopsy and requires further
found similar renal survival time between the three groups (Supp 79.0 (95%CI 66.5, investigation in a prospective controlled setting for therapeutic decision making
91.6) vs CS 69.3 (95%CI 47.7, 91.0) vs CSþCFM 73.7 (95%CI 66.0, 81.4) months, especially in patients with severe AAV requiring intensive care treatment, especially
p=0.4). important for treating intensivists.
In univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis adjusted for IgAN progression
factors, immunosuppressive therapy was not associated with better renal survival when
compared to supportive therapy (Table 1). MO280 VALIDATION OF AN ANCA ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS RENAL
CONCLUSION: Within the limitation of a retrospective study, we found no benefit RISK SCORE IN THE SOUTH WEST OF ENGLAND
from immunosuppressive therapy in patients with IgAN with stage 3 and 4 CKD as
compared to supportive care. Ailish Nimmo1, Arvind Singh2, Jena Hopkins2, Anna Rixon2, Spoorthy Sreerama2,
Christina Tran2, Saira Risdale1
Southmead Hospital, United Kingdom and 2Derriford Hospital, United Kingdom
EXCHANGE FOR TREATMENT OF SEVERE ANCA- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Determining the renal prognosis for patients with
ASSOCIATED VASCULITIS: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY ANCA associated vasculitis (AAV) is important in guiding treatment decisions,
FROM A SINGLE CENTER including balancing the risks and benefits of aggressive immunosuppression, and
informing patients of their likely trajectory. We examined the performance of the
Björn Tampe1, Samy Hakroush2 clinicopathologic risk stratification tool developed by Brix et al. 1 in determining renal
University Medical Center Göttingen, Department of Nephrology and Rheumatology, outcomes in a cohort of AAV patients in the South West of England.
Göttingen, Germany and 2University Medical Center Göttingen, Institute of Pathology, METHOD: A retrospective review of case notes of patients diagnosed with AAV between
Göttingen, Germany 2010 and 2020 from two renal units (Bristol and Plymouth) was performed. Patients were
followed up until 1st August 2020. Demographic details, kidney function at presentation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)- and initial treatment regime were collected alongside kidney biopsy data.
associated vasculitis (AAV) is a systemic vasculitis, most frequently presenting as The renal risk score divides patients into three groups determined as being at low,
microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) or granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA). medium and high risk of adverse renal outcomes based on (1) the percentage of normal
Pathogenic ANCAs trigger a deleterious immune response resulting in pauci-immune glomeruli on kidney biopsy, (2) the percentage of tubular atrophy and interstitial
necrotizing and crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN). Standard therapeutical regimens fibrosis on kidney biopsy and (3) eGFR at diagnosis.
include aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. Since some patients require RRT The outcome of interest was the development of end stage kidney disease (ESKD),
despite intensive immunosuppressive therapy, additional therapeutic plasma exchange defined as a dialysis requirement >3months or kidney transplantation. Patients were
(PEX) to deplete pathogenic ANCAs has been recommended but its value has recently censored for death.
MO278 Table 1. Effects of immunosuppressive therapy on renal survival (composite endpoint) in IgAN patients - Cox regression analysis
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RESULTS: In total 93 individuals were diagnosed with AAV over the study period; CONCLUSION: Healthy population showed low titer PLA2RsAb positive according
51% were female and the median age at diagnosis was 69 years [IQR 60-78]. ANCA to a lower cut-off. The validation showed relative high coefficient of variation on intra
subclass was MPO positive in 73% of cases, PR3 positive in 19% and ANCA negative in and inter-batch precision of low titer PLA2RsAb.
8%. At presentation, 42% had an eGFR below 15ml/min/1.73m2. With respect to risk
scores, 17% of individuals were low risk (n=16), 52% were medium risk (n=48) and
31% were high risk (n=29).
Median follow up was 3.2 years [IQR 1.3-5.9], over which time 18% of patients
developed ESKD (1 in the low risk group, 7 in the medium risk group and 9 in
the high risk group). A further 20% of patients died. A Kaplan-Meier survival curve
Jeremy Zaworski1, Cyrille Vandenbussche1, Pierre Bataille2, Eric Hachulla3,
(Figure 1) demonstrated worsening renal survival with rising risk group (Log-rank test,
Francois Glowacki4, Jean baptiste Gibier5, Maı̈té Daroux2,
p=0.05). At 1 year, 74 patients (80%) were alive and in these individuals renal survival
Anderson Rastimbazafy6, Laura Bitton5, Sarah Humez5, Thomas Guincestre7,
was 100% in the low risk group, 91% in medium risk group and 75% in the high risk
Raymond Azar8, Maxime Hoffmann9, Franck Bourdon10, Corinne Lemoine11,
Gerard Cardon12, Helene Behal13, Viviane Gnemmi5, Thomas Quemeneur1
centre hospitalier de valenciennes, nephrology, Valenciennes, France, 2Boulogne-sur-
Mer, nephrology, Boulogne-sur-Mer, France, 3Lille, médecine interne, Lille, France, 4Lille,
Nephrology, Lille, France, 5Institut de pathologie, Lille, France, 6Béthune, nephrology,
Béthune, France, 7Roubaix, nephrology, Roubaix, France, 8Nephrology, Dunkirk, France,
Hôpital privé la louver, Lille, France, 10Lille, Hôpital privé le bois, Lille, France, 11Bois-
Bernard, Nephrology, Bois-Bernard, France, 12Douai, Nephrology, Douai, France and
Biostatistique, Lille, France
Haoyuan Cui1, Chao Li1, Hang Li1, Lin Duan1, Yan Li1, Limeng Chen1, Xuemei Li1 HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS: PHASE 1, RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Nephrology Division, Beijing, P.R. China BLIND, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY
Jonathan Barratt1, Mohit Mathur2, Yusuke Suzuki3, Frank Engler4, Jill Yarbrough2,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Antibody to phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) was Susan Sloan2, David Oldach2
widely detected for a decade as a diagnostic marker of idiopathic membranous 1
nephropathy. Recently, several studies reported that a lower cut-off of serum PLA2R Leicester General Hospital, John Walls Renal Unit, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2Visterra
antibody (PLA2RsAb) could improve diagnostic efficacy. The recommend cut-off Inc., Waltham, United States of America, 3Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine,
ranged from 2.0 to 2.7 RU/ml which was considered largely improving the sensitivity of Department of Nephrology, Tokyo, Japan and 4Certara USA Inc., Princeton, United
the assay. Other reported that although sensitivity of the measurement might loss to States of America
some extent cut-off at 14 RU/ml might of the best clinical performance. However, the
lower cut-off was slightly higher than the minimum detection limit, that was 2.0 RU/ BACKGROUND AND AIMS: VIS649, a humanized immunoglobulin G (IgG2)
ml. There was no study evaluated the test efficiency of low titer antibody of the monoclonal antibody that binds to and blocks the biological actions of a proliferation-
measurement. inducing ligand (APRIL), is in clinical development as a potential treatment for
METHOD: The reference range of PLA2RsAb was validated by testing 40 serum from immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy (IgAN). In a Phase 1 study, VIS649 was
health volunteer, male/female ratio was 20/20. The samples for intra and inter-batch associated with dose-dependent reductions in serum IgA, IgG and IgM, which were
precision test were prepared by mixing low titer PLA2RsAb serum. The intra-batch reversible and showed a dose-response effect with respect to time-to-recovery. The aim
precision was performed by repeating six times of the validation sample in one plate. of the present analysis was to determine if VIS649 suppression of APRIL influences
The inter-batch precision was performed by repeating four times of validation samples antibody responses to tetanus and diphtheria toxoid vaccination.
in one plate on five days. METHOD: This was a Phase 1, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single
RESULTS: The medium age of male was 34 (31, 53) and 46 (31, 54) for female, ascending dose study of VIS649 in healthy adult male and female volunteers
respectively. PLA2RsAb was ranged from 2.0 to 4.3 RU/ml for male and 2.0 to 4.0 RU/ ( identifier: NCT03719443). In one cohort within the study,
ml for female. The average of intra-batch validation sample was 8.1 6 1.2 RU/ml. The participants were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to receive intravenous administration of
intra-batch precision was presented by coefficient of variation, that was 15%. The VIS649 6.0 mg/kg or placebo, followed by a vaccine composed of tetanus and
average of inter-batch validation samples were 4.0 6 0.4 RU/ml and 5.2 6 0.5 RU/ml, diphtheria toxoids (TENIVAC , Sanofi Pasteur Limited), in order to evaluate the effect
respectively. The inter-batch precision was 10% for both validation serum. of VIS649 on recipients’ ability to generate a vaccine booster response (exploratory
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endpoint). Participants received intravenous administration of study drug on Day 1,
were discharged from the institution on Day 2, received a single intramuscular dose of
vaccine at the Week 4 visit, and were followed for 16 weeks in total on an outpatient
basis. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals, and anti-tetanus toxoid and anti-
diphtheria toxoid IgG, IgM and IgA quantitative ELISA assays were performed.
Tetanus and diphtheria anti-toxoid IgG titers 0.1 IU/mL are generally considered to
be protective.
RESULTS: In the vaccination cohort, 15 participants were randomized and dosed with
study drug or placebo, of whom 14 completed the study, and one participant who
received VIS649 was lost to follow-up prior to receiving the vaccine. Both groups
(placebo and VIS649) demonstrated increased tetanus anti-toxoid IgG titers following
immunization, with a mean 7.9-fold increase in IU/mL at Week 6 for placebo
recipients and a mean 6.4-fold increase in IU/mL for VIS649 recipients (Figure). At
visits after Week 6, tetanus anti-toxoid IgG titers declined faster in the VIS649 group
than in the placebo group (consistent with the reduction in total IgG associated with
VIS649 administration) but remained above the protective threshold of 0.1 IU/mL for
all participants throughout the study. Similar trends were observed for diphtheria anti-
toxoid IgG titers, with a mean 5.5-fold increase in IU/mL at the Week 6 visit for
placebo recipients and a mean 5.1-fold increase for VIS649 recipients (Figure). There
was no evidence of tetanus- or diphtheria-toxoid elicited IgM responses in either the
placebo or VIS649 groups, consistent with the recall nature of the vaccination. In a post
hoc analysis, pre-existing serum tetanus/diphtheria anti-toxoid IgA titers fell between
Day 1 and Week 4 in the VIS649 group, consistent with the overall suppression of total
serum IgA, were boosted after vaccination in both groups, and declined faster in the
VIS649 recipients thereafter.
MO284 Figure 2: Correlation between IgA/C3 ratio and decline in EGFR at five years
CONCLUSION: Patients with higher IgA/C3 ratio had a higher drop in estimated
glomerular filtration rate at five years of follow-up. Validation in a larger sample is
warranted before this can be used clinically.
MO284 Table 1: Decline in eGFR at two and five years of follow- up between the
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to70 years groups, AUA was more often present in the 30 to 50 years groups (Figure MO286 DESIGN OF A PH1, MULTICENTER TRIAL TO INVESTIGATE
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN), the leading cause of primary
glomerulonephritis, is an autoimmune disease with no approved treatments.1
Progression to end-stage-renal disease occurs in up to 45% of IgAN patients, requiring
dialysis or kidney transplant to manage.2-4 A critical step in IgAN pathogenesis is the
production of galactose-deficient IgA1 (Gd-IgA1) leading to the generation of anti-Gd-
IgA autoantibodies and the formation of immune complexes that result in kidney
inflammation and damage.5 A Proliferation-Inducing Ligand (APRIL), a soluble factor
that regulates B cell differentiation, proliferation and survival of plasma cells, and IgA
class-switching is elevated in patients with IgAN6, 7. IgAN patients with high plasma
APRIL levels are reported as having higher levels of Gd-IgA1 and proteinuria and
lower estimated glomerular filtration rates compared to those with lower plasma
APRIL levels.7 BION-1301 is a novel humanized blocking antibody targeting APRIL.
MO285 Figure 1: Clinical presentation of IgA nephropathy (IgAN) in relation to age; The primary objective of Study ADU-CL-19 is to assess the short-term safety and
AKI, acute kidney injury; AUA, asymptomatic urinary abnormalities tolerability of BION-1301 in Healthy Volunteers (HV) and IgAN patients and to
secondarily assess the short-term pharmacokinetics (PK), pharmacodynamics (PD),
Mean renal survival time for the entire cohort was 70 (95%CI 65, 75) months; patients immunogenicity, and preliminary clinical activity of BION-1301. The primary
with AKI (40 (95%CI 27, 54) vs 75 (95%CI 69, 80) months, p<0.001), nephrotic objective of Study ADU-CL-24 is to characterize the long-term safety of BION-1301 in
syndrome (42 (95%CI 26, 57) vs 73 (95%CI 67,78 months, p<0.001)) at diagnosis had IgAN patients who completed treatment in ADU-CL-19 while secondarily assessing
significantly shorter renal survival time. the long-term PK, PD, immunogenicity, and preliminary clinical activity of BION-
In multivariate Cox regression analysis adjusted for IgAN progression factors, presence 1301.
of nephritic syndrome at diagnosis was associated with good renal outcome, while METHOD: The Phase 1 study (ADU-CL-19; NCT03945318) comprises 3 parts. Parts
clinical presentation as AKI or nephrotic syndrome were associated with poor renal 1 and 2 are double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled single and multiple
survival (Table 1). ascending dose designs in HV; both parts have been completed.
Part 3 is an ongoing multicenter (US and UK), multiple-dose, two cohort design in
approximately 20 patients with IgAN (10/cohort). Key eligibility criteria for Part 3
MO285 Table 1. Effect of clinical presentation at diagnosis on renal outcome - Cox includes: (1) urine protein 0.5 g/24h or baseline UPCR 0.5 g/g, (2) stable/optimized
regression analysis dose of ACE-I/ARB or intolerant to ACE-I/ARB, and (3) biopsy-verified diagnosis of
IgAN within the past 10 years. In Part 3, patients in Cohort 1 are receiving BION-1301
Univariate Multivariate at 450mg every 2 weeks for 3 months. The dose and schedule for Cohort 2 will be
determined by the Safety Review Team (SRT) based on data from the first 5 patients.
95%CI p 95%CI p
After 3 months of treatment, patients continue safety follow-up for approximately 6
Nephritic 1.24 (0.99, 1.55) 0.05 1.36 (1.08, 1.71) <0.01 months unless deciding to enroll in the open-label extension (OLE) study, withdraw
syndrome from the study, or are lost to follow up.
Study ADU-CL-24 (NCT04684745) is a Phase 2 Open-Label Extension (OLE) of Study
vs absent1 ADU-CL-19. Eligibility for the OLE study is restricted to those patients who completed
Nephrotic 0.56 (0.42, 0.74) <0.001 0.53 (0.39, 0.72) <0.001 at least 75% of their intended doses as well as the End of Treatment (EOT) visit in
syndrome Study ADU-CL-19. Patients who enroll directly from the ADU-CL-19 EOT visit are
not required to attend an additional screening visit. This is encouraged to maintain un-
vs absent2 interrupted dosing. Once enrolled in the OLE, patients receive BION-1301 at the same
Acute kidney 0.51 (0.40, 0.65) <0.001 0.66 (0.49, 0.88) <0.01 dose and regimen as assigned in the parent study for up to 2 years. The dose, route, and
regimen of BION-1301 may change after review of emergent safety, PK, PD and
efficacy data by the SRT.
vs absent3 RESULTS: Parts 1 and 2 of the Phase 1 study in HV are complete and the data were
Macroscopic 0.82 (0.62, 1.09) 0.1 0.95 (0.70, 1.28) 0.7 presented at ASN in 20208 Part 3 of the Phase 1 and the Phase 2 OLE study are
ongoing, and interim results from the first dose cohort in IgAN patients are being
hematuria presented in a separate poster at this meeting.
vs absent4 CONCLUSION: The design of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 OLE studies described in HVs
AUA vs absent5 1.15 (0.85, 1.55) 0.3 0.92 (0.67, 1.26) 0.6 and IgAN patients have enabled the generation of short- and long-term safety, PK, PD,
immunogenicity and preliminary efficacy data for BION-1301. The Phase 1 short-term
data will guide the design of future later-stage trials of BION-1301, while the long-term
Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, eGFR, MESTC score, RASI therapy, data from OLE will enable a greater understanding of the potential long-term risk/
immunosuppression therapy benefit profile of BION-1301 in IgAN patients.
Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, eGFR, MESTC score, RASI therapy,
Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, eGFR, proteinuria, MESTC score, OF INTERNATIONAL IGA RISK PREDICTION SCORE AND
Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, eGFR, proteinuria, MESTC score,
RASI therapy, immunosuppression therapy Sophia Mohammed1, Rajkumar Chinnadurai2, Arvind Ponnusamy2
Adjusted for age, sex, hypertension, eGFR, proteinuria, MESTC score, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom and 2Royal Preston Hospital,
Department of Renal Medicine, Fulwood, United Kingdom
RASI therapy, immunosuppression therapy
AUA, asymptomatic urinary abnormalities; CI, confidence interval; eGFR, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy is the most prevalent cause of
estimated glomerular filtration rate; MESTC, Oxford classification score glomerular disease worldwide. The international IgA risk prediction (IgAN) score is a
well validated tool to predict the risk of 50% decline in eGFR or end stage renal disease
(ESRD) at five years after biopsy in patients with IgA nephropathy. Also, the four
CONCLUSION: Although AKI and nephrotic syndrome are uncommon in IgAN at variable kidney failure risk equation (KFRE) is another validated tool used to predict
diagnosis, their presence seems to be associated with poor renal survival. the two- and five-year risk of progression to ESRD of all cause chronic kidney disease
(CKD 3-5).
Our aim is to compare the predictive utility of IgAN score and the KFRE in a real-
world cohort of Caucasian patients with long-term follow-up data.
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METHOD: All available patients with biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy in our centre METHOD: All patients with NS at our center between January 2013 and December
between January 2001 and December 2013 were included in this observational study. 2019 were included. Demographical and clinical data, and laboratory results were
Baseline (biopsy date) data relevant to the scores including demographics, laboratory collected, as well as all tests performed for cancer screening. Patients who presented
and the histopathological features were collated at the time of biopsy. Follow up data cancer the year before or 24 months after the diagnosis of NS were identified. We
on renal functions and renal outcome (50% decline in eGFR or reaching ESRD) were performed a logistic regression model to identify independent risk factors for cancer in
collected until an arbitrary end date 31/12/2018. this population.
RESULTS: We had a total of 115 patients recorded over this 13-year period. The RESULTS: During the study period, 47 patients presented with NS at our center. 38.3%
median age of our cohort at time of biopsy was 41 years. Men represented 71% of the were women and mean age was 57.28617.3 years. 46.8% patients presented high blood
cohort. At baseline 84% were hypertensive and 11% diabetic. 77% were on a renin- pressure and 23.4% type 2 DM. 5 patients presented HIV infection, and 4 hepatitis C.
angiotensin blocker, with 53% being on a statin. Out of the 115 patients, 74 were 51% reported smoking, and 19% of alcohol consumption. Mean creatinine at NS
eligible to undergo analysis. The percentage risk of reaching the endpoint (50% decline diagnosis was 2.4862.30 mg/dL, and proteinuria 10.966.7 g per day. Histologic
in eGFR or reaching ESRD) was calculated at 2 years and 5 years for all patients. These diagnosis were: MN (n=7), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (n=5), diabetic
results can be seen in table 1 and 2. At 2 years, 7 patients had reached the endpoint: 2 nephropathy (n=5), and focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (n=4). 9 out 47
patients had a >50% decline in eGFR, 3 patients received RRT and 2 patients patients presented cancer: 6 patients had a malignancy diagnosed the year before the
underwent transplantation. At 5 years, 14 patients had reached the endpoint: 3 patients NS onset (prostate carcinoma n=2, gastrointestinal carcinoma n=2, lung carcinoma
had a >50% decline in eGFR, 6 patients received RRT and 5 underwent n=1, and Hodgkin lymphoma n=1), and 3 patients one the year after the NS onset
transplantation. (thyroid carcinoma n=1, melanoma n=1, and multiple myeloma n=1). In the
CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that the KRFE tool underpredicts the risk of univariate analysis, patients with cancer were older (69.3612.1 vs 54.4617.2 years old,
reaching endpoint, compared to the IgAN. Our study has helped to compare the two p=0.018) and had more frequently alcohol consumption (33.3% vs 15.8%, p=0.0187).
tools, but further statistical validation is required using a larger cohort. There were no differences in terms of smoking, viral infections, renal function,
proteinuria or type of glomerulopathy. In multivariate analysis including these two
variables and gender, neither age nor alcohol intake were a risk factors for the presence
MO287 Table 1: Comparing KFRE and IgAN tool at 2 years after baseline. of cancer in patients with NS.
CONCLUSION: : 19.1% patients with NS presented also concomitant cancer in our
2 years Percentage Risk of cohort, without association to the type of glomerulopathy, age or known risk factors for
Reaching Endpoint (%) neoplasia such as alcohol, tobacco or viral infection. As our data showed, the presence
of cancer in patients with NS is considerable, so the development of screening
<1 1-5 5 - 20 > strategies to find occult malignancies in this group of patients is necessary since this
20 condition compromises renal outcome and life expectancy
No. of patients KFRE 48 18 6 2
at each %
No. of patients KRFE 0 4 3 0
reaching endpoint Aleksandar Jankovic1, Petar Djuric1, Ana Bulatovic1, Dragana Markovic1,
IgAN 0 0 3 4 Snezana Pesic 1, Nada Dimkovic2, Radomir Naumovic1,3
University Medical Center Zvezdara, Nephrology Department, Belgrade, Serbia,
Academy of Medical Sciences, Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, Serbia and
University of Belgrade, Medical Faculty, Belgrade, Serbia
MO287 Table 2: Comparing KFRE and IgAN tool at 5 years after baseline. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is well-known that interstitial changes in patients
with focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and minimal change disease (MCD)
5 years Percentage Risk of Reaching are linked with disease chronicity and progression. The aim of this study was to analyze
Endpoint (%) is there any connection between interstitial changes and outcome after “first line”
therapy in patients with FSGS/MCD.
<1 1-5 5 - 20 > 20 METHOD: From 2014 till 2019, biopsy proven diagnosis of FSGS/MCD was
No. of patients KFRE 37 15 15 7 established in 40 patients. Interstitial changes were classified in three groups as
following: 0-w/o changes; 1-mild changes; 2-severe changes. Patients with nephrotic
at each % syndrome (No=29) were treated with prednisolone (1mg/kg) and after six months we
IgAN 2 18 26 28 have registered therapy outcome as: CR-complete remission; PR-partial remission; EX-
death; NO-no effect.
RESULTS: Among treated patients (age 50.4615.3 years, 15 men), CR was achieved in
No. of patients KRFE 2 2 7 3 10 patients (34.5%) and 6 out of these 10 (60%) had no interstitial changes. Partial
reaching endpoint remission was observed in 11 patients (37.9%), in 4 patients (13.8%) therapy did not
IgAN 0 2 3 9 have any effect, and 4 patients (13.8%) deceased (table 1). All patients in EX and NO
group had interstitial changes. There were no significant difference in age, gender,
proteinuria, albuminaemia, creatinine and glycaemia levels between groups P except for
hemoglobin levels that were significantly lower in EX group than in others
P ( 15.144;
p=0.002) and urea levels that were significantly higher in EX group ( 138.057;
Arianne Aiffil Meneses1, Clara Garcıa Carro1, Nancy Daniela Valencia1, MO289 Table 1. Therapy effect according to presence of interstitial changes
Elena Valdés Franci1, Ma Dolores Sa nchez de la Nieta1, Mercedes Velo1,
Antolina Rodrıguez-Moreno1, Elena Ruiz1, Jesu s Domınguez Delgado-Palacios1,
Ana I. Sa nchez-Fructuoso1 Therapy effect
Clınico San Carlos Hospital, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain CR PR NO EX
Interstitial changes 0 6 (60%) 2 (18.2%) 0 0
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Association between nephrotic syndrome (NS) and 1 3 (30%) 7 (63.6%) 3 (75%) 3 (75%)
cancer is well known. However, it has been barely studied and scarcely sustained.
Membranous nephropathy (MN) has been identified often as a glomerular 2 1 (10%) 2 (18.2%) 1 (25%) 1 (25%)
paraneoplastic disease. Reported incidence of cancer at the time of biopsy or one year
CONCLUSION: Patients with FSGS/MCD respond well on standard
follow-up of MN is 10-20%. Incidence rates in other glomerulopathies are limited.
immunosuppressive protocol, particularly in absence of interstitial changes what may
Concomitant malignancy is associated with poor renal outcome in NS. Therapy for
increase the chance for achieving complete remission.
cancer is priority and immunosuppressives therapies should be restricted.
Furthermore, there is no consensus for cancer screening in patients with NS with or
without known risk factors for cancer, as smoking or alcohol consumption.
The aim of our study is to stablish the incidence of neoplasia in a cohort of patients of a
tertiary hospital of Spain who develop NS. We analyze clinical characteristics,
glomerular disease, type of malignancies, screening procedures and risk factors for
cancer in this population.
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MO290 CLINICAL DIFFERENCES AND OUTCOMES IN ANCA 0.9960.01 respectively; the mean number of ISs was 2.3960.89 and the mean annual
SEROLOGICAL PHENOTYPE – EXPERIENCE FROM RESULTS: Patients were followed over a mean follow-up of 64 months (range: 12-
CROATIAN REFERRAL CENTER 144). After RTX (mean dose: 1202.16372.4 mg) the rate of relapses was virtually
nullified (p<0.001). eGFR remained roughly stable (62.1619.8 ml/min/1.73 m2,
Matija Crnogorac1, Ivica Horvatic 2, Patricia Kacinari2, Miroslav Tisljar3,
p=NS), while proteinuria, albumin, CD19/CD20 and BMI all significantly improved (p
Ana Brechelmacher3, Petar Senjug3, Danica Galesic 3,
ranging from 0.01 to 0.001). The mean number of additional ISs was also reduced
Kresimir Galesic2 (0.4460.12; p<0.001) and RTX enabled discontinuation of steroids in 13/23 (56.5%)
Agram Special Hospital, Nephrology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2Dubrava University hospital, patients. No major adverse events related to therapy were recorded.
Department of Nephrology and dialysis, Zagreb, Croatia and 3Dubrava University hos- CONCLUSION: Findings from this large case-series with a remarkable very long
pital, Department of clinical pathology, Zagreb, Croatia follow-up reinforce the role of RTX as an efficient and safe weapon to improve
outcomes in adult patients suffering from SDNS.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: ANCA associated vasculitis (AAV) are usually
classified according to clinical presentation (Chapel-Hill consensus conference). There
is however suggestion by some authors that AAVs could be classified according to MO292 MALIGNANT DISEASE IS MORE COMMON WITH
ANCA specificity. We aimed to compare AAV patients in our cohort according to DETERIORATING KIDNEY FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH
serological phenotype. MEMBRANOUS NEPHROPATHY
METHOD: This study included 106 consecutive AAV patients with renal involvement
in the period from 2007-2017. We performed renal biopsy on patients using automatic Ivana Vukovic Brinar1,2, Karlo Kurtov3, Mario Laganovic1,2, Zivka Dika1,2,
16 Gauge needle. Light, immunofluorescent and electronic microscopy were Marijana Ćoric2,4, Lana Gellineo1, Margareta Fistrek Prlic1, Bojan Jelakovic1,2
performed. Category variables were analysed with Fisher Exact testom and continuous 1
with Kruskal-Wallis testom. Statistical difference was then analysed posthoc with Chi- University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Nephrology, Art.Hypertension,
square test. Primary outcomes were combined outcome progression to end-stage renal Dialysis and Transplantation, Zagreb, Croatia, 2University of Zagreb, School of
disease, defined as persistent (more than three months) need for renal replacement Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, 3Croatian Institute of Emergency Centre, Department of
therapy or permanent reduction of EGFR to <15ml/minute (according to CKD EPI Emergency Medicine Sisak Moslavina County, Sisak, Croatia and 4University Hospital
formula) and/or death (ESRDD), death (D) and ESRD alone, and disease relapse. Centre Zagreb, Department of Pathology and Citology, Zagreb, Croatia
Kaplan Meyer survival analysis and multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression
analysis were used to explore difference between phenotypes and finding significant BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Membranous nephropathy (MN) can be associated
predictors regarding outcomes. with tumor and present a paraneoplastic condition. Recently, development of tumors
RESULTS: The study included 106 AAV patients with renal involvement: 66 (61,1%) during the course of follow up is more in focus. It is especially interested whether
MPA, 20 (18,5%) GPA, 20 (18,5%) RLV. There were 14 (13%) PR3-ANCA positive patient with MN are prone to tumors, or tumors are condition indipendent of
patients, 57 (52,8%) MPO ANCA positive, 5 (4,6%) PR3-ANCAþMPO-ANCA and 32 membranous nephropathy or consequence of imunosupressive therapy (IS).
(29,6%) ANCA negative patients. Average SCr was 316,5 lmol/l (IQR 207,0-548,5), 24- METHOD: Retrospective data of all adult patients diagnosed with MN from 1987 to
hour proteinuria median was 1,7g/24h (IQR 0,8-2,8). Clinicaly PR3 positive AAVs had 2017 at the Department of Nephrology of University Hospital Centre Zagreb were
significantly more ENT (p<0,001) and skin (p=0,001) involvement, and ANCA analysed. Medical data regarding antropometric measeures and preexsisting comorbid
negatives had significantly less lung involvement (p<0,001), and less expressed disease at presentation and during follow up were derived from medical records and
constitutional symptom (p=0,031). Interestingly both MPO and PR3 positive AAV hospital informatic system. Furthermore, data regarding kidney function were used,
patients had approximately equal percentage of lung involvement. Both PR3 (p=0,021) namely serum creatinine (SCr), proteinuria. Renal function was assessed using CKD-
and MPO (p=0,009) positive AAVs had higher BVAS score compared to ANCA EPI equation. CKD stages, partial and complete remission were defined according to
negatives, while on average there was no significant difference between MPO, PR3 and KDIGO guidelines.
double positives. PR3 (p=0,007) and MPO (p=0,003) positive AAVs had higher CRP RESULTS: From 1987 till 2017 a total of 122 patients were diagnosed with MN. Eighty
levels than ANCA negatives, and PR3 AAVs had on average higher CRP than MPO nine (72.9%) were treated with imunosupressive therapy. Most commonly prescribed
AAVs though not statistically significant. There was strong tendency (p=0,087) to PR3 initial therapy was combination of corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide (N=66;
AAVs having more acute tubular damage than other groups and also strong tendency 74%). Three (0,02%) patients had history of tumor with median of 3y (min – max 1-4
(p=0,092) of having more crescentic formations than MPO AAVs and ANCA y) before glomerular disease presentation, two solid tumor, adenocarcinoma
negatives but similar to double positives. Though it was not statistically significant pulmonum and carcinoma prostatae, and one condition after allogenic haematopoetic
ANCA negatives had higher median of IFTA compared to other groups. PR3 AAVs transplantation due to acute myeloid leukemia. There was no difference in clinical
and double positives required significantly more often treatment with PLEX (p=0,042) presentation between those with positive history of malignant disease and others
and dialysis (p=0,04) compared to MPO positive AAVs and ANCA negatives. We then (proteinura 11.7 g/du (25-75C 3.4-15.7) vs. 5.8 g/dU (25-75C 3.4 – 8.5); p=0.232 and
grouped patients into ANCA positives and ANCA negatives. ANCA negative patients eGFR 57 ml/min/1,73m2 (25C-75C 14 – 59) vs. 81 ml/min/1.73m2 (25-75C 54 – 100);
were younger (p=0,02), expressed clinicaly more as RLV (p<0,001). BVAS score was p=0.066). During follow up 11 (9%) patients developed tumor, median age of pts 67 y
lower in ANCA negative group (p= 0,003). ANCA positive patients presented more (min – max 59 – 71); nine solid tumors most comonly of gastrointestinal origin
often with RPGN (p=0,027) and ANCA negatives with nephrotic syndrome. There was (pancreas, colon N=5 (45%)), then pulmonum (N=2(18%)) and urogenithal origin (ca
tendency of ANCA positives being treated with PLEX more often (p=0,074). In the renis and prostate N=2 18%). Also two hematological malignancies (B-ALL, B-NHL)
primary outcome analysis there were no statistically significant differences between occurred. Median time till confirmed malignant disease was 9 y (min – max 5 -24). At
serological phenotypes though for relapse rate (p=0,155) curve dynamics through the time of detecting the tumor six (54%) patients were in complete and partial
follow up time seems to show higher relapse rate for PR3 and double positive AAVs remission (4 and 2) and 2 (18%) patients had nephrotic syndrome. No difference was
after 2 years of follow up. observed in proteinuria between those with malignant condition and other MN
CONCLUSION: Serological classification of AAVs is an interesting way for patients (1,4 g/dU (25 – 75C 0.2 – 5.6) vs. 0,29 g/dU (25 – 75C 0.13 – 0.74); P=0.154).
overcoming the limitations of clinical classification. Apart from differences between MN patients with malignant disease during follow up had lower estimated glomerular
MPO, PR3 and double positive AAVs, it appears there are even more significant filtration rate (eGFR 45 ml/min/1,73m2 (25 – 75C 22 – 70) vs. 77 (25 – 75C 58 – 92);
differences between ANCA positive and negative ones. p=0.010). There was no difference in cummulative dose of cyclophosphamide between
those who developed tumor with others (24 g(25 – 75C13.5 – 30) vs. 27 g(25 – 75C 15
– 38)p=0.592).
CONCLUSION: Our data emphasize the need for long term follow up of patients with
MO291 RITUXIMAB IS EFFECTIVE AND SAFE IN ADULTS WITH membranous nephropathy despite accomplishing remission of MN and period
STEROID-DEPENDENT NEPHROTIC SYNDROME: A LONG- screening for malignant disease, especially in those with deteriorating kidney function.
i220 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
with crescentic glomerulonephritis (CGN) still have a severe kidney prognosis and MO294 COMPARISON OF TIP AND CELLULAR VARIANT OF
high mortality. Since neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an inflammatory PRIMARY FOCAL SEGMENTAL GLOMERULOSCLEROSIS
marker linked to worse outcomes in patients with malignancies, chronic kidney
Nikola Zagorec1, Ivica Horvati c1,2, Dino Kasumovic
1, Petar Senjug 3
disease, myocardial infarction, and other clinical settings, we aimed to assess if NLR
can predict kidney outcome and mortality in subjects with CGN. Matija Horac ek2, Marko Prazetina4, Marko Lucijani c5, Danica Galesic
METHOD: Eighty-four adults with biopsy-proven CGN between 1st Jan. 2008 and Ljubanovi c2,3, Kresimir Galesic1,2
31st Dec. 2017 [age 56 (95%CI 53 to 59) years, 50% males, eGFR 9.3 (95%CI 7.8-12.7) Dubrava University Hospital, Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Zagreb, Croatia,
mL/min] were retrospectively enrolled in this single-centre study. Subjects were University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, 3Dubrava University
followed for a median of 31 (95%CI 6 to 56) months, until 31st May 2018. Seven Hospital, Department of Pathology, Unit for Nephropathology and Electron Microscopy,
subjects with inadequate biopsy sample and insufficient data were excluded. Zagreb, Croatia, 4Dubrava University Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, Zagreb,
Demographic (age, gender), clinical and laboratory data at the time of biopsy were Croatia and 5Dubrava University Hospital, Department of Hematology, Zagreb, Croatia
obtained from medical records. Kaplan-Meier method was used to evaluate kidney and
patient survival. Variables related to kidney outcome were evaluated in a multivariate BACKGROUND AND AIMS: After membranous nephropathy, focal segmental
Cox proportional hazard (CPH) model. glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in
According to median NLR value (4.3, 95%CI 3.5 to 5.2) subjects were clustered in low European population. According to Columbia classification, there are five histological
NLR group (4.3; n=38 pts.) and high NLR group (>4.3; n=38 pts.). The primary variants of FSGS defined on light microscopy (tip, cellular, perihilar, collapsing and not
endpoints were time to renal replacement therapy (RRT) initiation and all-cause otherwise specified - NOS) and this classification has a prognostic significance. The
mortality. aim is to compare features and outcomes of tip and cellular variant of primary FSGS.
RESULTS: The most common CGN subtype was pauci-immune GN (76.3%; i.e. METHOD: All patients with FSGS were identified by a retrospective review of the
myeloperoxidase-ANCA vasculitis - 48.7%, PR3-ANCA vasculitis - 15.8% and ANCA- Registry of kidney biopsies at the Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Dubrava
negative vasculitis - 11.8%) followed by. anti-GBM antibody and immune complex University Hospital, Zagreb, from 2003 until 2020. Each kidney specimen was analyzed
related GN, with similar frequencies (11.8% each). According to kidney biopsy (KB) by light, immunofluorescent and electron microscopy and Columbia classification was
findings, half of the subjects had fibro-cellular crescents (55.3%), while cellular and applied by experienced nephropathologist. Patients with primary FSGS met following
fibrous crescents were found in 35.5% and 9.2%, respectively. Almost all subjects criteria: full nephrotic syndrome and diffuse podocyte foot process effacement in
received corticosteroids (97.4%) and 82.9% received cyclophosphamide. absence of secondary causes of FSGS. Laboratory findings were obtained for every
Baseline eGFR was lower in the high-NLR group (8.5 vs. 11.6 mL/min, p=0.04), but no patient at the time of biopsy and following outpatient visits. Complete remission was
other differences in laboratory findings at baseline between the two groups were found. defined as proteinuria < 0.3 g/day with normal kidney function and partial remission
In bivariate analysis, NLR was negatively associated with serum albumin (rs=-0.26, as proteinuria 0.3 - 3.5 g/day. Variables are expressed as median 6 IQR (interquartile
p=0.02). NLR was not associated with other inflammation markers, Charlson range) and frequencies. Statistical comparison between groups of patients with tip and
comorbidity score, nor with the type of crescents at KB. cellular variant of primary FSGS and disease outcome analysis were done.
During the follow-up period 53.9% started RRT and 19.7% died. There were no RESULTS: Out of 200 patients with FSGS, 59 (29.5 %) had primary form of disease.
differences regarding mortality between the two groups. Tip variant was the most common form of primary FSGS (22 patients, 37 %) followed
The mean kidney survival time was 47.6 (95%CI 33.5, 61.7) months. Kidney survival at by NOS (20, 34 %), cellular (13, 22 %), perihilar (2, 3.5 %) and collapsing (2, 3.5 %)
12, 24, 48 and 60 months were 44, 41, 38, and 33% respectively. In univariate time- variant. Demographic and clinical features with initial laboratory findings are shown in
dependent analysis (Figure) patients with low-NLR (68.95%CI 48 to 88 months) had Table 1. There were no significant differences between two groups in all analyzed
better kidney survival than those with high-NLR (25, 95%CI 13 to 38 months; log rank variables in Figure 1. All patients were treated by anti-RAAS agents and steroids.
p=0.004). Moreover, the kidney survival advantage remained (OR 1.06, 95%CI 1.002 to Median follow-up was 55 months (range 1 – 196 months), and followup data were
1.16) after adjusting for eGFR, proteinuria, C reactive protein, immunosuppressive unavailable for three patients. Figure 2 shows treatment regimens in both patient
treatment and CGN etiology. Lower eGFR-ul was also associated with poor kidney grouos with treatment outcomes. Remission rate was significantly higher in tip variant
survival (OR 0.96, 95%CI 0.88 to 0.97). (90 % vs. 41 %, p = 0.002). There was no difference in relapse rate between the two
CONCLUSION: In adults with biopsy-proven crescentic glomerulonephritis and groups (p = 0.717).
advanced kidney function decline, a higher neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio seems to CONCLUSION: There were no significant differences in clinical features and
predict worse kidney survival, but not the risk of mortality. laboratory findings at the time of clinical presentation between tip and cellular variant
of primary FSGS. Patients with tip variant had significantly higher remission rate than
patients with cellular variant.
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i221
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Treatment regimen Tip (22) Cellular Tolga Yildirim1, Berranur Kutahya2, Fatma Is2, Mehmet Erdevir2, Muge Uzerk
(13) Kibar1, Neriman Sila Koc1, Arzu Saglam3, Seref Rahmi Yilmaz1, Yunus Erdem1
Steroids alone* 7 (32 %) 2 (15 %) Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Hacettepe
University Faculty of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Ankara, Turkey and 3Hacettepe
Steroids þ cyclosporine* 11 (50 %) 10 (77 %) University Faculty of Medicine, Pathology, Ankara, Turkey
Steroids þ cyclophosphamide* 4 (18 %) 1 (8 %)
Mycophenolate (sec. line of therapy) 1 (4,5 %) 4 (31 %) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Compared to healthy controls, mean platelet volume
(MPV) is frequently higher in patients with Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) but
Cyclophosphamide (sec. line of therapy) 3 (14 %) 0 lower in amyloidosis patients. The cause of differing MPV levels in FMF patients with
Three or more lines of therapy 1 (4,5 %) 0 and without amyloidosis is not clear. We hypothesized that severe proteinuria and
Median follow-up in months (IQR) 57 (18 - 114) 42 (31 - 74) renal dysfunction in amyloidosis could be responsible from low MPV in contrast to
FMF patients without amyloidosis. We aimed to compare MPV levels of FMF patients
Remission on last follow-up** 18 (90 %) 4 (33 %) with amyloidosis and MPV values of patients with different glomerular diseases to
Complete/partial remission*** 9/9 4/1 understand if low MPV is unique to amyloidosis or MPV is similar in all glomerular
Relapsing disease 7 (37 %) 5 (42 %) diseases indicating that it is a consequence of proteinuria and/or renal dysfunction.
METHOD: We compared pre-biopsy MPV levels of patients with amyloidosis
secondary to FMF, to MPV levels of patients with membranous glomerulonephritis,
*first line of therapy; ** p = 0,002; ***p = 0,007 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and IgA nephropathy that all present with
proteinuria and renal dysfunction. Factors affecting MPV were also determined.
RESULTS: 703 patients (411 male, 292 female) were included in the study. Mean age
was 42.6614.3 years. There were 124 patients with amyloidosis, 224 patients with IgA
nephropathy, 188 patients with membranous glomerulonephritis and 167 patients with
FSGS. Patients with amyloidosis had lower MPV compared to patients without
amyloidosis (7.961.2 fL vs. 8.260.9 fL respectively, p=0.008). Patients with
amyloidosis had also significantly lower MPV compared to patients with each of the
MO295 RESULTS OF 30 YEARS OF RENAL BIOPSIES IN THE other diagnoses. MPV was negatively correlated with platelet count (r = - 0.351, p
GENERAL HOSPITAL OF CIUDAD REAL. WHAT HAS <0.001). There was no significant correlation of MPV with serum creatinine and
CHANGED? proteinuria.
CONCLUSION: This study is the largest study of MPV in patients with biopsy proven
Esperanza Moral Berrio1, Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1, Minerva Arambarri amyloidosis and confirms previous studies reporting low MPV in amyloidosis. This
Segura1, Lucıa Gonz alez Lo pez2, Agustın Carren~o Parrilla1, Paz Castro study indicates that low MPV in amyloidosis cannot be explained with severe
Fernandez1, Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Gloria Garcıa Conejo1, Sara Anaya proteinuria and renal dysfunction.
Fernandez1, Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1
Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain and
Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Pathological Anatomy, Ciudad Real, MO297 MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OF RENAL SIGNIFICANCE: A
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The renal biopsy (RB) has been performed in the Joana Tavares1, Marina Sofia Rodrigues Reis2, Filipa Silva1, Hugo Ferreira3,
General Hospital of Ciudad Real (HGUCR) since the year 1989. It allows kidney Teresa Chuva2, Ana Paiva3, Ana Marta Gomes2, Carla Moreira2, Maria
diseases to be diagnosed and treated and pronostics to be made. We will analyse the Teresa Santos4, Sandra Silva4, José Maximino Costa3
results of these 30 years as well as the evolution of the various parameters studied. 1
ario do Porto, Nephrology, 2Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova de
Centro Hospitalar Universit
METHOD: Descriptive study of the RB carried out in the HGUCR between 1989 and Gaia e Espinho, Nephrology, 3Instituto Portugu^es de Oncologia do Porto Francisco
2019. Age, sex, clinical syndrome (CS) at the time of the RB, number of glomeruli and Gentil, Nephrology and 4Hospital Pedro Hispano, Nephrology, Senhora da Hora,
histological diagnosis will be analysed. The patients are divided into 3 groups according Portugal
to age: children (<15), adults (15-65) and the elderly (>65). We will establish three
periods of 10 years: period A (1989-1998), period B (1999-2008) and period C (2009-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance
2019). The categorical variables are expressed as percentages and the quantitative
(MGRS) refers to any plasma cell or B cell clonal lymphoproliferation that has at least
variables average 6 standard deviation. Statistical analysis with SPSS 25.0.
one kidney lesion related to the monoclonal immunoglobulin productions plus, the
RESULTS: 898 RB have been performed, average number of glomeruli 16, 70% of the
underlying clone is not responsible for tumour complications. Plus, does not meet any
RB with more than 10 glomeruli. The average age of the patients was 53619 years old,
haematological criteria for specific treatment.
58% male. The most frequent CS was acute kidney failure (AKF) (35%), followed by
Although considered a non-malignant or smouldering hematologic condition, its
nephrotic syndrome (NS) (30.5%), asymptomatic urinary disorders (19%), chronic
effects on the kidney are not benign since it frequently evolves to end-stage renal
kidney disease (11%), nephritic syndrome (3.6%), haematuria (0.7%) and arterial
disease. There has been some reluctance in treating these patients but increasing
hypertension (0.7%). The most common in children were asymptomatic urinary
evidence has shown that renal outcomes are closely associated with the haematological
disorders (50%), in adults NS (34%) and in the elderly AKF (55.5%). The predominant
response to chemotherapy.
primary glomerulonephritis (GN): IgA nephropathy (IgAN) (15%), followed by
We aimed to evaluate the incidence of MGRS in the North of Portugal and to assess
membranous nephropathy (MN) (12%) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
patients’ characteristics, treatment and follow-up.
(11%). The most frequent secondary GN: vasculitis (11%) and lupus nephropathy
METHOD: We have, retrospectively, collected information of all patients with a
(10%). 164 RB were performed in period A, 370 in period B and 346 in period C. In all
biopsy proven MGRS diagnosis, from four Portuguese centers.
three periods the predominant sex was male and the average age increased: 48 years old
Demographic, clinical, laboratorial data and treatment were analysed. Follow-up was
in A, 51 years old in B and 56 years old in C. Together with the increase in age, the
made until dialysis start, death of until December 2020. Survival curves were analysed
indication of RB changes: NS in the first two periods and AKF in period C. The most
according to the treatment performed, the histological diagnosis, the type of chains, the
frequent pathology in period A: FSGS (17%), IgAN (16%) in period B and IgAN (15%)
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and proteinuria at the time of diagnosis.
followed by vasculitis (11%) in period C.
Baseline characteristics were reported as mean 6 standard deviation (SD) and median
CONCLUSION: In the HGUCR the most common biopsied kidney pathology is
(min-max) for continuous variables or as number (percentage) for categorical
IgAN, followed by MN. There has been an increase in the age of the patients as well as
variables. Survival curves were analysed using Kaplan–Meier method. Statistical
an increase in AKF and vasculitis. The KB constitutes a highly useful diagnostic test
calculations were performed using SPSS.
that allows us to establish prognostics and appropriate treatments.
RESULTS: Our study included 36 patients, with a mean age of 69 6 11 years old and
52,8% were males.
At baseline, the median value of serum creatinine (sCr) was 1,2 (0,4-6,3) mg/dL, which
represented a mean eGFR of 55,4 6 30,4 ml/min/1,73 m2 according to the CKD-EPI
formula. The nephrotic syndrome was the most common (72%) renal presentation.
The median proteinuria value was 8,0 (0,5-28) g per day and the mean albumin value
was 2,7 6 0,8 g/dL.
The mean value of monoclonal protein was 5,5 6 4,8 g/L with 62,5% of the patients
having an abnormal serum free light chain ratio. Table 1 describes the type of
gammopathy found, being the IgG/Kappa the most observed.
The immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL amyloidosis) and the monoclonal
immunoglobulin deposition disease (MIDD), mainly light chain deposition disease
i222 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
(LCDD) were the most frequent histological diagnosis (Table 2). Monoclonal
gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) was the most frequent
haematological diagnosis (Table 3).
Treatment was done in 75% of the cases and bortemozib-based regimens were the most
used. Three patients (8,3%) received a bone marrow auto transplant. Approximately
40% of the patients had complete haematological and renal response. Treatment
regimens and haematological and renal responses are summarized in Table 4 and 5.
Survival curves (Figures 1–2) were significantly higher in younger patients (p=0,039)
and both renal and global survival were better (p=0,023) in MIDD compared to AL
amyloidosis. No statistically significant differences were detected when analysing
according to treatment, type of chain, eGFR, proteinuria and serum albumin at
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i223
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: The localization of ApoA-I at the brush border of the tubular cells is a
specific feature of primary FSGS in relapse. This suggests that ApoA-I staining in
kidney biopsies, coupled with ApoA-Ib measurement in urine, could be used as a
diagnostic tool of primary FSGS relapse after kidney transplantation due to its highly
specific tubular distribution.
Haoyuan Cui1, Chao Li1, Hang Li1, Yu-bing Wen1, Limeng Chen1, Xuemei Li1
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Nephrology Division, Beijing, P.R. China
i224 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
(anti-PLA2R) antibodies in 70-80% of cases. We sought to investigate the utility of that have a preserved renal function and a negative work-up for secondary causes a
anti-PLA2R antibody as a non-invasive screening method for the diagnosis of primary positive anti-PLA2R antibody test highly predicts a diagnosis of primary MN.
MN in patients with nephrotic syndrome (NS).
METHOD: A total of 203 consecutive patients with NS admitted in the Nephrology
Department of Fundeni Clinical Institute, Bucharest, Romania, between January 2015 and
December 2019 were screened for anti-PLA2R antibodies by an ELISA assay (Euroimmun,
Lubeck, DE). A positive anti-PLA2R serology was defined as an ELISA value over 2 RU/ml.
Subsequently, all patients underwent kidney biopsy to confirm the histological diagnosis.
Loreto Fernandez Lorente1, Joaquin Manrique1, Maria Teresa Visus1,
RESULTS: Of the 203 patients with NS, 113 (55.7%) patients tested negative for anti-
Diana Izquierdo1, Itziar Castan
~o1, Maria Fernanda Slon Roblero1, Nerea Gomez1,
PLA2R antibodies, while 23 (11.3%) and 67 (33%) patients had an anti-PLA2R antibody
Gregorio Romero1, Carolina Purroy Iruzun1
titer of 2-20 RU/ml and >20 RU/ml, respectively. Mean age and serum creatinine of the 1
entire cohort were 53 6 13 years and 1.84 6 1.63 mg/dl, respectively, while median 24-h Complejo Hospitalario Navarra, Nephrology, Pamplona, Spain
proteinuria was 6.8 g/day (IQR: 4.8 – 10.6). Thirty patients (14.7%) were identified to
have a potential secondary cause of NS. Ninety-five patients (46.8%) had a histological BACKGROUND AND AIMS: B cell targeting agent Rituximab has been proven to be
diagnosis of MN, while 108 patients were diagnosed with other glomerular disorders. In effective and safe for the treatment of idiopathic membranous nephropathy (iMN) in
patients with anti-PLA2R antibody titer > 20 RU/ml, the most frequent histological previous studies with nearly 75% achievement of partial or complete remission of
diagnosis was MN (n=61, 91%) with 6 patients having other glomerular patterns of injury nephrotic syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate this treatment in a cohort of
(two FSGS, one minimal-change disease, one membrano-proliferative patients at Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra with relapsing disease.
glomerulonephritis, one diabetic nephropathy and one postinfectious glomerulonephritis) METHOD: This is a retrospective, cross sectional study including 12 patients with
(Figure 1). Of patients with intermediate anti-PLA2R antibody titer (2-20 RU/ml), 39% membranous nephropathy diagnosed by means of a kidney biopsy. All of them were
had MN and 61% had other glomerular disorders (Figure 1). Eighteen patients with MN treated before with different immunosuppressive regimens and had a relapse at the
had a positive work-up for secondary causes, eight patients (44%) having an anti-PLA2R time of the inclusion. All of them were treated with two iv infusions of Rituximab. In
antibody titer > 20 RU/ml. Additionally, patients with anti-PLA2R antibody titer > 20 this study we report patient clinical and immunological baseline characteristics and
RU/ml had a lower serum creatinine (1.5 6 0.89 mg/dl) than patients with intermediate treatment response at 12 months of follow up.
titer (1.89 6 1.21 mg/dl) and those with negative titer (2.03 6 1.98 mg/dl) (Figure 2). RESULTS: Between 2015-20 a total of 12 patients (41,6% women and 58,3% men)
When analyzing the diagnostic performance of anti-PLA2R antibodies in the entire were treated with two iv infusions of Rituximab with a total mean dose of 2gr. All of
cohort we identified an AUC of 0.83 (95%CI, 0.78-0.89; p<0.001), the cut-off titer of 20 them diagnosed previously of iMN, and 10/12 were PLA2r positive. Baseline laboratory
RU/ml having a sensibility, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative data showed serum creatinine levels 1,360,9 mg/dl, serum albumin 2969 g/L, 24
predictive value of 65%, 94%, 91% and 75%, respectively. The accuracy of anti-PLA2R hour- urinary protein excretion of 6,863,2 and serum PLA2R levels of 50,54663,2
antibodies for non-invasive diagnosis of primary MN was improved in the subgroup of RU/ml. Either complete or partial response (CR and PR) were achieved in 83,3% of the
patients that were younger than 60 years (AUC=0.88; 95%CI, 0.82-0.95; p<0.001, with a cases, however only 3/12 (25%) patients had a complete response at 12 months follow
PPV and NPV of 91% and 80%), had an estimated glomerular filtration rate over 60 ml/ up. All patients who responded had also a significative decrease PLA2r antibodies.
min (AUC=0.85; 95%CI, 0.77-0.93; p<0.001, with a PPV and NPV of 95% and 69%) or Three of the patients who did a PR were treated with an incomplete dose of iv
had a negative work-up for secondary causes of NS (AUC=0.88; 95%CI, 0.82-0.93; Rituximab (two infusions of 500mg).
p<0.001, with a PPV and NPV of 93% and 80%).
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i225
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: Rituximab was effective in our cohort of patients with iMN with CONCLUSION: Early identification of patients who mostly benefit from aggressive
achievement of 83,3% response at 12 months of follow up, however only 25% of immunosuppressive therapy is of clinical importance. Our observation that uACR
patients had complete response maybe due to incomplete dosing. Immunological levels at disease onset predict necrotizing and crescentic ANCA GN requires further
response was seen in all patients. Still, a longer follow up of these patients is needed in investigation for therapeutic decision especially in patients with severe deterioration of
order to evaluate Rituximab response. kidney function.
Imen El Meknassi1, Mrabet Sanda1, Guedri Yosra1, Zellema Dorsaf1, Miguel Uriol1, Aina Obrador Mulet1, Gemma Arrufat2, Ana Escriva2,
Azzabi Awatef1, Sahtout Wissal1, Toumi Salma1, Fradu Asma1, Ferdaous Sabri1, Mario Lado Fuentes1, José Luis Garcia1, Lucio Pallares3
Samira Ben Amor1, Achour Abdellatif1 1
Son Espases University Hospital, Nephrology, Palma, Spain, 2Son Espases University
Sahloul University Hospital, Department of nephrology, dialysis and renal transplanta- Hospital, Pharmacy, Palma, Spain and 3Son Espases University Hospital, Internal
tion, Sousse, Tunisia Medicine, Palma, Spain
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute post-infectious glomerulonephritis (APIGN) is a BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Systemic vasculitis(SV) is a life-threatening disease
reactive immunological disease. Its prevalence in industrialized countries is declining and, in some cases, refractory to intensive multi-immunosuppressant drugs.
contrasting with developed ones. It is uncommon in adults but the prognosis may be Complement hyperactivation has gained interest in the pathogenesis of the SV. We
reserved. The aim of our study was to evaluate the epidemiological, clinical and report the efficacy of the short course of C5-inhibitor (eculizumab) in refractory cases
histological features of APIGN as well as its prognosis. of lupus nephritis (r-LN) and refractory ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis (r-
METHOD: A retrospective and descriptive study was conducted in our department. AGN).
Were included all cases of histologically proven APIGN between December 2006 and METHOD: In this retrospective study, eight consecutive patients were assessed (r-
December 2017. LN:n=3 and r-AGN:n=5). All patients were previously treated with three or more
RESULTS: We had collected 38 cases. The mean age was 37.7 6 17.8 years. The sex drugs included: corticosteroids (n=8), mycophenolate (n=8), rituximab (n=7),
ratio was 1.92. Twelve (31.6%) patients were diabetic and four of them had already a immunoglobulins (n=5), therapeutic plasma exchange (n=4), cyclophosphamide
chronic kidney disease (CKD). APIGN was preceded by an infection in 27 cases with (n=1), and belimumab (n=1). Eculizumab was considered for use in off-label
an average interval of 10 6 5 days. The most common site of infection was the indication in patients with progressive renal deterioration (worsening creatinine,
respiratory tract (15 cases). At presentation, 27 patients had nephritic syndrome and 13 protein-to-creatinine ratio) or developing a high-risk lethal complication after the
had nephrotic-range proteinuria. Hematuria was observed in 97.4%, peripheral edema induction immunosuppressive therapy. The histologic lesson observed were: a) r-LN:
in 84.2% and hypertension in 73.7% of cases. Most patients (78.9%) had acute kidney Type VI (n=1), Type V(n=1), and type IV(n=1), and b) r-AGN: sclerotic (n=3), and
injury and 10 (26.3%) patients required dialysis. Renal biopsy had shown benign acute malignant hypertensionþ/-thrombotic microangiopathy (n=1), in one patient who
glomerulonephritis in 31 cases and malignant form in 7 cases. An underlying developed pulmonary hemorrhage no renal biopsy was performed.
nephropathy was found in 12 cases with mostly a diabetic nephropathy. RESULTS: Mean age (SD): 51(17)years. Median (p25-p75) of follow-up: 19(12-28)
Corticosteroids were used in 3 cases of benign APIGN and 5 cases of malignant form. months. Overall, 2(25%) of the patients needed chronic renal replacement therapy (one
During the follow-up, CKD was noted in 14(36.8%) patients including 7(18.4%) r-AGN patient who required urgent haemodialysis at presentation and one r-LN
patients who progressed to end-stage renal disease. Poor prognostic factors were within 12 months after the onset eculizumab). During the follow-up the
diabetes, the presence of an underlying nephropathy in the biopsy, acute kidney injury eGFR(mean(95%CI) changed from 28(16-40) to 30(20-41)mil/min/1.73m2(P = 0.51)
and the need for dialysis. and the median(p25-p75) protein-to-creatinine ratio decreased from 2.3(1.5-6.4) to
CONCLUSION: The APIGN is uncommon in adults, yet its prognosis may be 0.6(0.3-1.7) mg/mg(P= 0.028). The mean eculizumab cycle dose number was
reserved with progression to CKD. 5(95%CI:3-6), four patients required two cycles. Overall, the mean eculizumab dosage
required was 7162 mg (95%CI: 2969-11355). No major side effects were recorded.
CONCLUSION: The coadyuvant complement inhibition with eculizumab stabilized
renal function and decreased proteinuria in six out of the eight previously refractory
patients and represents a promising tool in treating lupus and ANCA vasculitis
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Alport syndrome, 1 thrombotic microangiopathy). There were significantly more cases MO307 POLYCLONAL FREE LIGHT CHAINS AS A PREDICTOR OF
of primary GN in the NS group (63.2% versus 28.3%, p<0.001), while the NRP group CKD PROGRESSION IN NONPROLIFERATIVE
had more secondary GN and non-GN cases. The most common cause of primary GN GLOMERULOPATHIES
is MCD in the NS group and IgAN in the NRP group. LN is the most common
secondary GN in both NS and NRP groups. There was no significant difference in age, Anna Churko1, Maria Khrabrova1, Alexei Smirnov1,2, Vassili Sipovski2,
gender and race between the NS and NRP group. The NS group had a significantly Iraida Panina1
higher proteinuria (10.865.5 versus 6.363.5, p<0.001) and lower serum albumin Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Department of propaedeutics of
(17.065.7 versus 28.067.6, p<0.001). The NRP group had significantly more patients internal diseases, Saint Petersburg, Russia and 2Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State
with abnormal renal function at the time of biopsy (83 (78.30%) versus 39 (51.32%) Medical University, Research Institute of Nephrology, Saint Petersburg, Russia
patients, p<0.001), a higher mean systolic BP (144.1626.3mmHg versus
134.2626.2mmHg, p=0.014) and a higher percentage of diabetes mellitus (38 (35.85%) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mechanism of the epithelial-mesenchymal
versus 15 (19.74%) patients, p=0.018) compared to the NS group. transition of kidney tubular cells leading to kidney fibrosis formation and CKD
CONCLUSION: The clinicopathological diagnosis between patients with NS and NRP progression is well described for monoclonal free light chains (FLC) in patients with
differ significantly. Patients with NRP are more likely to have secondary glomerular monoclonal gammopathies. As far as the interaction of FLC with megalin/cubulin
disease or non-glomerular disease, with abnormal renal function and higher prevalence receptors on proximal tubular epithelial cells is considered to be universal we
of hypertension and diabetes mellitus. hypothesize that polyclonal free light chains (pFLC) could have the same effect on
tubulointerstitial compartment in patients with primary glomerulopathies. This
retrospective study was performed to reveal the association of serum pFLC kappa
MO306 IGA NEPHROPATHY: A 20 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE SINGLE (pFLC-j) and lambda (pFLC-k) assessed by FreeliteV R with clinical and morphological
CENTRE EXPERIENCE parameters and CKD progression in patients with nonproliferative glomerulopathies.
METHOD: 36 patients with morphologically proven diagnosis of nonproliferative
Josh Storrar1, Fahmida Mannan1, Reuben Roy1, Rajkumar Chinnadurai1, glomerulopathies (minimal changed disease (n=11), membranous nephropathy (n=11) and
Smeeta Sinha1, Philip A. Kalra1 focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (n=14)) were included. Serum levels of pFLC-j and
pFLC-k were assessed by FreeliteV R (normal ranges: j=3.3-19.4 mg/l; k=5.7-26.3 mg/l; j/k
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Renal, Salford, United Kingdom ratio=0.26-1.65) at the time of kidney biopsy (KBx) in all cases. Patients with abnormal j/k-
ratio due to monoclonal gammapathies were excluded. Apart demographical parameters,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy is the most common glomerulonephritis serum creatinine, estimated GFR (eGFR) by CKD-EPI, serum albumin and 24-hour
worldwide. The clinical course is heterogeneous and not always easy to predict. As such, proteinuria were measured. Morphological findings defined by light microscopy were
determining which patients to treat with immunosuppression has been the cause of much measured semiquantitatively according to currently accepted criteria (0 - <10%, 1 - 10-25%,
debate. Over recent years there has been a focus on risk prediction to help with treatment 2 – 26-50%, 3 - >50% of tissue involved). Data are presented as median and interquartile
decisions (such as the widely validated International IgA Risk Prediction Tool). Here, we range (M (25%; 75%)) and mean and the standard error of mean (m6SEM) for
present a 20 year retrospective study from a single centre with the following aims: to describe semiquantitative parameters or %. Correlation between parameters was assessed by
the epidemiology of our cohort, to assess outcomes (such as progression to ESKD requiring Spearman’s coefficient. Progression of CKD was determined as decline of eGFR >15% from
RRT, mortality), and to determine if treatment choices have changed over time. the initial level at the end of follow-up. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to
METHOD: We collected all cases of IgA nephropathy from our biopsy database estimate the association of pFLC and other parameters with CKD progression. Differences
between January 2020 and December 2019. This totalled 525 biopsies. Of these, a were considered statistically significant at p <0.05. Median follow-up was 11 (1; 53) months.
number were excluded from analysis, including transplant biopsies and repeat biopsies RESULTS: Demographic and clinical parameters at the time of KBx are shown in the
in the same patient. After exclusion, the original 525 biopsies were narrowed down to Figure 1.
452 patients for analysis. We collected demographic data for each patient, along with
creatinine and proteinuria values over time, MEST-C scores, progression to ESKD,
mortality, use of RAAS blockade and immunosuppressants. Initial analysis was
performed using Excel. We plan to perform further multivariate Cox regression
analysis to determine if there are associations with progression to ESKD such as degree
of proteinuria, MEST-C scores and immunosuppression treatment.
RESULTS: We identified 452 patients with biopsy confirmed IgA nephropathy at our
centre between January 2000 and December 2019. 138 (30.5%) were female and 314
(69.4%) were male. The average age at time of biopsy was 45.7 years. Mortality over
this period was 19.2% (87 patients). 126 (27.9%) progressed to ESKD requiring RRT, 6
(1.3%) required temporary dialysis whilst 313 (69.2%) did not require RRT. With
regards to treatment, 329 (72.8%) were treated with RAAS blockade in comparison to
85 (18.8%) who were not (in 38 patients this was unclear). No immunosuppression was
used in 349 (77.2%), whilst a combination of prednisolone; IV cyclophosphamide and
prednisolone; and MMF and prednisolone was used in 97 (21.5%).
CONCLUSION: We present here a large single centre dataset of IgA nephropathy
patients over a 20 year period. We show that there remains a significant risk of
progression to ESKD over time. It is important to identify those patients most at risk of
progression early on in their disease course so that optimal treatment can be initiated.
Further analysis of this dataset will allow us to assess whether treatment strategies in
recent years has had a beneficial effect on outcomes, and also to assess the correlation Clinical and morphological parameters as well as correlation analysis data are
between MEST-C scores and treatment decisions. presented in the Figure 2.
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Univariant Cox regression shows that pFLC-k >N (Exp(b)=5.120; 95% CI: 1.011- The aim of this work is to highlight the particularities of CV in this case
25.924, p<0.05), both pFLC-j and pFLC-k >N (Exp(b)=6.646; 95% CI: 1.327-33.287, CASE PRESENTATION: We report a case of a 62-year-old woman followed since
p=0.02), j/k ratio (Exp(b)=4.656; 95% CI: 1.411-15.362, p=0.01), as well as percent of 2014 for CV type 1 IgG Lambda revealed by vascular purpura and nasal septal
sclerotic glomeruli (Exp(b)=1.039; 95% CI: 1.006-1.073, p=0.01), glomerular basement perforation. the etiological assessment was negative. Hepatitis C virus serology was
membrane segmental thickening (Exp(b)=3.129; 95% CI: 1.213-8.071, p<0.01), negative. A corticosteroid therapy at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day was started with partial
mesangial proliferation (Exp(b)=5.177; 95% CI: 1.146- 23.396, p=0.03), interstitial cell improvement. Then the cyclophosphamide at a dose of 150 mg/d was added with a
infiltration (Exp(b)=3.777; 95% CI: 1.258-11.340, p=0.02) and peritubular capillaritis fairly good clinical result but stopped for hemorrhagic cystitis.
(Exp(b)=5.177; 95% CI: 1.146- 23.396, p=0.03) were associated with CKD progression. Chlorominophene was started at a dose of 6 mg/d and then reduced to 4 mg/d for
CONCLUSION: In nonproliferative glomerulopathies increased level of pFLC, either leuconeutropenia but the peripheral arterial manifestations (acrocyanosis of the limbs
kappa or lambda, is associated with glomerular lesion, interstitial inflammation, and ears) were not treated.
tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis. Moreover, elevated levels of pFLC could be The evolution was marked by the appearance of renal failure (creatinine 482.33 umol/l)
proposed as a predictor of CKD progression in studied patient cohort. The associated with proteinuria at 1.32 g/24h. An outbreak of cryoglobulinemia was
mechanisms of kidney injury by pFLC requires further investigation. suspected.
Plasma exchange was discussed as a therapeutic alternative and the patient was
scheduled for a renal biopsy.
However, the patient became febrile with the appearance of a dry cough and the
MO308 COULD THE PRESENCE OF ANCAS IN IGA NEPHROPATHY presence of a biological inflammatory syndrome (CRP at 72). A SARS-CoV-2 PCR was
WITH CRESCENTS HAVE A CLINICAL IMPLICATION? completed which was positive. Therefore, she was put on antibiotic therapy
(Azythromycin and Cefotaxime) associated with vitamin therapy and anticoagulant
Zaira Castan ~eda Amado1, Alejandra Gabaldon2, Marıa Teresa Sanz3, treatment.
Roxana Bury1, Cinthia Baldallo1, Jose Zun ~iga1, Juan Carlos Leo n1, The patient was stable in terms of respiration and hemodynema, but her renal function
Cesar Sanchez1, Ander Vergara1, Sheila Bermejo1, Marıa José Soler1, worsened and progressed well under hydration. In addition, she presented with a
Daniel Seron Micas1, Irene Agraz1 slippage syndrome and she was died
Hospital Universitario Vall d’ Hebron, Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital CONCLUSION: The natural history of CV is not predictable and strongly depends on
Universitario Vall d’ Hebron, Pathological Anatomy, Barcelona, Spain and 3Hospital concomitant diseases and complications and response to treatment. The SARS Cov2
Universitario Vall d’ Hebron, Immunology, Barcelona, Spain infection can complicate its evolution. There is no association has been described
between them to our knowledge
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common
glomerulonephritis. The presence of ANCAs in this pathology represents a rare
coincidence. However, it is not clear if the presence of IgA or IgG ANCAs in these
patients could have clinical significance.
We aim to describe the presence of IgA and IgG ANCAs in patients diagnosed with
IgAN with crescents, and its possible clinical implications.
METHOD: Retrospective study from 2013 to 2020, it included all patients diagnosed
by kidney biopsy of IgAN with extracapillary proliferation. Outpatient follow-up time
was up to 24 months. Demographics and clinicopathologic data, ANCAs subtype,
characteristics of the biopsy and treatment at the time of diagnosis/follow up was
RESULTS: From 2013 to 2020, 17 adults were diagnosed with IgAN and extracapillary
proliferation. 5 patients presented ANCAs, 3 (17%) were IgA ANCAs and 2 (11%)
were IgG ANCAs. At diagnosis, the median age was 48 years old (27-75 years, sd. 15),
with 9 women (52%). At the time of diagnosis, the most common clinical presentation
was hypertension (71%). The laboratory analysis showed that median hemoglobin was
11.7 mg/dl (8.4-14.9 mg/dL, sd. 1.5), median creatinine was 2.2 mg/dL (0.55-5.7 mg/
dL, sd. 1.4) and median proteinuria was 3.5 g/mgCr (0.1-12 g/mgCr, sd. 3.5). 7 patients
(41%) presented extracapillary proliferation less than 25%, 7 patients presented it
between 25% and 50%, and 3 patients (17%) had it in more than 50%. 5 (30%) patients
presented fibrinoid necrosis. 1 (6%) patient needed renal replacement therapy upon
admission. In terms of treatment, all patients with ANCAs IgAN received endovenous
steroids and cyclophosphamide. The mean follow-up time was 6 months. Oral steroids
(59%) and mycophenolate (41%) were the most frequent treatments. At six months,
the median creatinine was 1.9 mg/dL (0.4-7, sd. 1.78) and the median proteinuria was
1.45 g/gCr (0.12-5.9, sd. 1.84 g/gCr). 3 patients developed end-stage chronic kidney
disease and requiring substitute renal therapy; 4 patients died. Statistical analysis did
not show differences in clinical characteristics, demographics, kidney function,
proteinuria, need for renal therapy replacement or mortality according to the presence
or subtype of ANCA. ANCA negative patients presented less than 25% of
extracapillary proliferation in renal biopsy (p = 0.04). ANCA positive patients
presented more fibrinoid necrosis than ANCA negative patients (p=0.01). Jose Maria Pen ~a Porta1, José Antonio Ferreras Gasco 1, Almudena Castellano
CONCLUSION: Given the limited size of our sample, our results do not allow us to be Calvo1, Ana Coscojuela Otto1, Paula Juarez Mayor1, Rafael Alvarez Lipe1
conclusive, showing no significant differences between the ANCA subtypes. However, Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Nephrology, Zaragoza, Spain
from the point of renal biopsy, it is observed that patients with negative ANCAs
present less extracapillary proliferation; and that patients ANCA positive presented BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lipid disorders are a characteristic manifestation that
more fibrinoid necrosis. accompanies the presentation of nephrotic syndrome (NS). The pathophysiology
underlying its origin is debated in the literature. It is important to collect large series of
patients to accurately characterize these manifestations.
MO309 SARS COV2 INFECTION COMPLICATING The aim of this study was to carry out an analysis of the lipid alterations detected in the
CRYOGLOBULINEMIC VASCULITIS WITH RENAL presentation of NS, as well as its evolution, in a large cohort of patients treated in the
INVOLVEMENT Nephrology Service of a tertiary referral hospital.
METHOD: 111 NS outbreaks corresponding to 71 patients seen in the last 12 years
Hanene Bouafif1,2, Hajji Mariem3, Samia Barbouch2, Hedri Hafedh1, were analyzed.
Imen Gorsane1, Fethi Ben Hmida1,4, Taieb Ben abdallah1 RESULTS: 53 patients had a single outbreak. 18 patients (25.35%) had 2 or more
1 outbreaks. 63.1% of the outbreaks affected males. Mean age 54.76 6 18.46 years (17-
Tunis, internal medecine, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Department of medecine A. Laboratory of
85). Charlson comorbidity index 2.62 6 2.43 points (0-8). The mean of drugs ingested
renal pathology LR00SP0, 3Tunis, Department of medecine A. Laboratory of renal path-
daily prior to NS was 4 6 3.88 (0-13) There were no significant differences between
ology LR00SP0, Tunis, Tunisia and 4Department of medecine A. Laboratory of renal
men and women regarding these three parameters. A renal biopsy was performed in
pathology LR00SP0, Tunisia
the first outbreak in 67 patients with the result of: 21 membranous nephropathy, 11
minimal change nephropathy, 17 mesangial glomerulonephritis, 8 focal segmental
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis (CV) leading to clinically glomerulosclerosis, 2 IgA nephropathy, 5 AA amyloidosis, 3 AL amyloidosis.
apparent skin lesions, and in some cases also to internal organ involvement such as 90.1% of the patients had high cholesterol levels (> 200 mg/dL). 73% of the patients
renal involvement. The SARS Cov2 infection in this field is very serious and in the case had high LDL cholesterol (> 160 mg/dL). 72.1% of the patients had triglycerides (TG)
of our patient the outcome was fatal. above normal levels (> 150 mg/dL). 47.75% of the patients had a high atherogenic
index (> 5).
i228 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
The mean levels at the presentation of NS were: total cholesterol 338.07 6 111.61 mg/
dL; HDL cholesterol 67.92 6 25.46 mg/dL; LDL cholesterol 227.76 6 99.28 mg/dL; TG
215.48 6 97.27; atherogenic index 5.12 6 2.47. There were no significant differences
regarding these variables and the various glomerular diseases. Patients with prior
dyslipidemia history, showed significantly lower cholesterol levels, 309.69 6 98.08 mg/
dL vs 363.53 6 115.55 mg/dL, perhaps because they were already taking statins (we do
not have this data).
There is a significant correlation between total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol with
serum albumin, but not between total cholesterol or LDL with proteinuria. There is a
correlation between TG with both albumin and proteinuria. There is a significant
inverse correlation between the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and total
cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The higher the NLR, the lower the cholesterol. It gives
the impression that the sicker/inflamed the patient is, the lower the ability to synthesize
cholesterol. In our series, patients with acute kidney injury (AKI) or previous chronic
kidney disease (CKD) had significantly lower cholesterol levels. AKI 306.84 6 105.24
mg/dL vs no AKI 354.04 6 110.50 mg/dL. CKD 293 6 124.15 mg/dL vs no CKD
347.07 6 106.27 mg/dL.
In multivariate analysis, the variables associated with the level of total cholesterol and
LDL cholesterol were serum albumin and the Charlson comorbidity index. Regarding
the triglyceride level, the associated variables were serum albumin and proteinuria.
In the evolution of the patients, both total cholesterol and triglycerides improved
significantly after reaching NS remission: final cholesterol 190 mg/dL; Final
triglycerides 141 mg/dL.
CONCLUSION: As in other series, we detected a high prevalence of lipid alterations in
our population of adult patients with NS. Hypoalbuminemia appears as the factor that
is independently associated with cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The lipid MO311 Figure 1: POx concentration in the healthy volunteers and the PGN patients
alterations improve in a parallel way as the NS picture does. stratified by the presence of NS.
MO311 Figure 3: The association between urinary protein and oxalate excretions in
the PGN patients with NS.
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with a larger cohort is needed to confirm this preliminary evidence and validate NS as a ( Fig. 2).
risk factor for oxalate metabolism violation in PGN patients.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney biopsy registry has been established in Georgia
in 2011 by Dialysis, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation Union of Georgia (DNT
Union) to address the natural history of kidney disease, describe the clinical features,
improve disease understanding and tracking, healthcare planning, patient care and
outcomes. This report is the first review of histological data over a period of 10 years
(2011-2020) covering the entire population of 3.7 million inhabitants and
demonstrates the current data on trends of kidney disease in Georgia.
METHOD: 1267 ultrasound-guided kidney biopsies were performed during the 10
years. Data were extracted from the DNT Union kidney biopsy registry as of 1st of
December 2020. Data on kidney function, urinalysis, treatment options and outcomes
were also included in biopsy registry database. After exclusion of transplant and re-
biopsies, kidney biopsies were analyzed for evaluation main trends in kidney biopsy
rates and diagnosis of glomerular and non-glomerular diseases in two groups divided
in 5-year time frames: the first group 2011-2015 and the second group 2016-2020. The
overall treatment outcome was evaluated as complete remission (CR), partial remission
(PR) and progression to ESRD. MO312 Figure 2: Major trends in outcome among patients with primary
RESULTS: Final cohort consisted of 1089 patients. Mean age was 39 years [SD 13 glomerulonephritis
years]. Fifty five percent of the cohort were male. The average annual biopsy incidence
was 455 biopsies in the first group and 634 cases in the second group. The most
common indication as clinical syndrome for performing the kidney biopsy was a CONCLUSION: The present data are an important contribution to the epidemiology
decrease of glomerular filtration rate GFR (35%), followed by nephrotic syndrome of kidney disease in Georgia. The incidence of glomerulonephritis generally increased
(30%) and nephritic syndrome (21 %) and in lesser degree asymptomatic urinary between 2011 and 2020, that may be related to changes in kidney biopsy policy.
abnormalities (14 %). Substantial decrease in numbers of kidney biopsies were registered in 2020 due to
The frequency of kidney biopsies increased significantly over the years (Fig.1). The pandemic issues. Membranous nephropathy was the most common primary
distribution of major histological groups of kidney disease in both groups is shown in glomerular disease according to the registry database. The prognosis regarding
the Table 1. As for comparison of the major trends among various histological progression to ESRD has improved.
patterns, there was 3,6 times more heredity kidney diseases diagnosed in the second
group, followed by tubulointerstitial nephritis with 3.3 times increase, acute tubular
necrosis 1.5 times increase and glomerulonephritis (primary and secondary) with 1.3
times increase. There was found statistically no changes in the incidence of vascular
kidney disease between two groups (p=0.005).
MO312 Table 1: Distribution of various types of kidney diseases in both time groups
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MO313 Table 1:
Variable Reference Values On Admission At delivery 10 days post-partum 20 days post-partum 6 months post-
Hemoglobulin(g/dl) 12-17 9,2 7,8 6,9 8,2 9,3
Platelet Count (103/ll) 150-440 147 136 84 109 199
Creatinine (mg/dL) 0-1,2 0,78 1,1 3,2 4,81 7,19
Albumin (mg/dL) 3,5-5,4 1,6 1,5 2,4 2,5 4,3
Alanine Aminotransferase (U/L) 10-40 U/L 12 9 14 18 27
Lactate Dehydrogenase (U/L) 0-248 U/L 141 319 376 340 232
Urine protein (mg/day) 0-150 11059 - - 18270 -
BACKGROUND: Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is one of the most important plasma properdin levels were found to show alternative complement activation and
complications in pregnant patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) causing clinical correlate with disease activity in pauci-immune crescentic GN patients. Few reports
deterioration. However, little is known about the pregnancy course in women with show that anti-complement therapies might be an option in these cases. Although our
Alport syndrome (AS). case’s kidney functions did not improve on eculizumab, we conclude that the
CASE: A 28-week pregnant, 22-year-old woman was admitted to our clinic because of polymorphisms in the complement genes may have induced crescent formation in the
widespread edema. Her medical history was notable only for hearing impairment. On presence of pregnancy and abnormal glomerular structure due to AS.
examination, vital signs were normal except for the blood pressure (150/90 mmHg). CONCLUSION: Here we presented a case with AS complicated by aHUS and
There were diffuse crackles at the lung bases, and 3þ pitting edema in both legs. Lab crescentic GN. Given this complex combination of rare causes of acute kidney injury,
results revealed heavy proteinuria with 11 gr/day and isomorphic erythrocytes with detailed clinical evaluation is of great importance in the evaluation of acute kidney
granular casts in microscopic urine examination. An emergency c-section was injury during pregnancy.
performed due to severe preeclampsia at 30 weeks’ gestation.
After delivery, her edema did not improve, serum creatinine and lactate dehydrogenase
levels elevated, anemia and thrombocytopenia developed (Table 1). Additional tests
revealed negative Coombs test, schistocytes on peripheral smear and normal
ADAMTS13 level. There was no pathology in serological studies.
She received four sessions of plasmapheresis therapy, and with the diagnosis of aHUS, Fausta Catapano1, Benedetta Fabbrizio2, Elena Mancini1
eculizumab therapy was started. Despite improving thrombocytopenia and anemia, 1
Nephrology, Dialysis and Hypertension Unit, Policlinico S. Orsola, Bologna, Italy and
serum creatinine levels continued to rise and her urine output decreased. A kidney 2
Department of Pathology, Policlinico S. Orsola, Italy
biopsy was performed (Figure 1). In the light microscopy, 11 of 15 glomeruli had
circumferential cellular crescents and 4 had partial cellular crescents. The sample had
no findings consistent with TMA. No staining was seen with IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q, j BACKGROUND AND AIM.: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common chronic
and k in immunofluorescence. primary glomerulonephritis leading to progressive renal failure in 1/3 of patients.
Although it is a limited non-systemic renal disease, many systemic diseases, such as
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), are sporadically associated with mesangial IgA
deposits. We investigate frequency and meaning of ANA positivity in IgAN.
METHODS.: All biopsy-proven IgAN patients followed in our Unit with ANA
positivity were selected. Data are compared by non parametric test (Wilcoxon signed-
rank test).
RESULTS.: 15/68 (22%) IgAN patients resulted ANAþ during a 9-year median follow-
up. 10 were females and five were male. Mean age was low. Renal function was normal
in 9/15. 24 h Proteinuria was non nephrotic in 15/16. In 10 patients there was low C3.
Patient characteristics are summarized in Table 1. At follow-up, renal function did not
change significantly (p=NS), however mean 24h-Uprot reduced (p=0.075) Table 2.
One male developed SLE, one female a lupus-like Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.
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The majority of patients received supportive treatment (87,9%, N= 29), mainly with
MO314 Table 2. Follow-up data in 15 IgA plus ANAþ patients. ACEi/ARB (N=31) and omega (15,2%, N=5). Immunosuppressive treatment included
mainly corticosteroids (51,5%, N=17), with other options being (12,1% N=4):
cyclophosphamide (N=2), ciclosporin (N=1) and MMF (N=1).
N. Therapy Follow-up (years) sCr (mg/dl) Uprot (g/ From the group of low/intermediate risk patients, only two (28,5%) received
immunosuppressive treatment with either oral or intravenous corticosteroids. On the
day) other hand, from the high-risk group, more than one third of patients (38,4%, N=10)
1 NONE 11 0.7 0.1 did not receive immunosuppressive treatment.
CONCLUSION: A better prediction of kidney outcomes and consequent better patient
2 STEROIDS 5 1 0.7
selection for IS therapy may be challenging in IgA nephropathy. In spite of the existent
3 STEROIDSþMMF 7 1.9 0.3 tools, it is still difficult to determine which patients benefit from immunosuppressive
4 STEROIDS 10 1 0.1 treatment. In this case series we stratified our patients by using the IgANPT identifying
who was at higher risk of progression to ESKD, in whom, a more aggressive treatment
5 ACE-I 15 0.8 0.1 could have potentially benefit avoiding kidney disease progression. It was also
6 STEROIDSþMMF 3 2.7 0.3 important to stratify patients at low-risk, in whom immunosuppressive treatment
7 ARB 3 0.7 0.8 could carry risk of adverse events with no additional advantage in kidney outcomes.
8 ACE-I 3 0.8 0.4
11 STEROIDSþMMF 4 0.8 0.5
^s Duarte1, Jo~
Ine ao Oliveira1, Cristina Outerelo1, Iolanda Godinho1, Marta
12 ACE-I 1 0.8 1.1 Sofia Henriques Pereira1, Paulo Fernandes1, Sofia Jorge1, Joana Gameiro1
13 ACE-I 20 1 0.1 1
Centro Hospitalar Universit
ario Lisboa Norte, Nephrology and Renal Transplantation,
14 STEROIDS 38 0.6 0.1 Lisbon, Portugal
15 STEROIDS 9 1.1 0.2
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Glomerular diseases (GD) account for about 20% of
9 (1-38) 1.0960.55 0.3960.30 chronic kidney disease causes. They are a heterogeneous group of diseases and current
MMF=Mophetil Mycophenolate; AZA= Azatioprine; ACE-i= ACE- treatment is still inadequate. Rituximab (RTX) is a chimeric antibody which binds
specifically to the B-cell surface antigen CD20 and has been applied in the treatment of
inhibitors; ARB, angiotensin II receptor blocker different GD. The authors present the single center experience of the use of RTX for
the treatment of GD as well as a literature review.
CONCLUSIONS.: Our data suggest that 1) in 22% of IgAN patients ANA positivity METHOD: We performed a retrospective analysis of all patients with biopsy-proven
could be detected; 2) ANAþ IgAN patients are mostly women with normal renal GD treated with RTX as first or second-line therapy between January 2010 and March
function and non nephrotic proteinuria; 3) after a median 9-year follow-up, ANAþ 2020. The protocol used was RTX 375 mg/m2 once a week for 4 weeks. Infusions were
IgAN patients, on therapy, presented a stable renal function and a reduced proteinuria; preceded by adequate premedication.
4) ANAþ IgAN patients could develop SLE. More clinical observations and studies are RESULTS: Nineteen patients with biopsy-proven GD received RTX therapy. Seven
needed for supporting the hypothesis that IgANþANA positivity could be part of a patients had membranous nephropathy (MN) (36.8%), 4 patients had focal segmental
new clinical entity of SLE patients. glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), 4 patients had lupus nephritis (LN) and 4 patients had
vasculitis (25.0% each). Five patients (26.3%) received RTX as first-line therapy and 14
patients (73.7%) as second-line therapy, namely long-term prednisolone (Pd) (n=15,
78.9%), calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) (n=6, 31.6%), cyclophosphamide (Cp) (n=7,
MO315 CLINICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF IGA 36.8%), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) (n=5, 26.3%) and methotrexate (MTX) (n=1,
NEPHROPATHY: A REPORT FROM A SINGLE CENTER 5.3%). Serum creatinine at diagnosis was 1.5 6 1.7mg/dL and the 24-h urine protein at
diagnosis was 4.9 6 4.5g. Mean follow-up time was 7.7 6 7.2 years. In MN, 2 patients
Anna Lima1, Afonso Santos1, Catarina Br as1, Rita Manso1, Pedro Campos1, (28.6%) had CR, 2 patients (28.6%) had PR and 3 patients (42.9%) had no response. In
Patrıcia Carrilho1, Miriam Karina Soto Rios1 FSGS, 2 patients (50.0%) presented CR, 1 patient (25.0%) had no response and the
Hospital Fernando Fonseca, Amadora, Portugal other one had renal deterioration. Two patients (50.0%) had a LN class IV with a CR
after RTX, 1 patient with LN class IIIC/V had no response and 1 patient with LN class
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is one of the most prevalent II had renal deterioration. In vasculitis, 3 patients (75.0%) presented CR and 1 patient
glomerulopathies worldwide with broad variable clinical presentation and extremely had PR. Mean serum creatinine after RTX was 1.6 6 1.4mg/dL and the mean 24-h
heterogeneous risk of progressive CKD and ESKD. It was recommended risk stratifying urine protein was 1.9 6 3.1g. Two patients (10.5%) presented infusion reactions and
patients in order to target immunosuppressive treatment to high-risk patients. The one patient had multiple respiratory infections. This patient had received previous
OXFORD MEST classification and, more recently, a new international risk-prediction immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide.
tool for IgAN (IgANPT) help to predict kidney outcomes and stratify patient risk, CONCLUSIONS: A total of 19 patients with biopsy-proven GD received RTX therapy
eventually aiding in treatment decision. Here, we analyzed a single center cohort of and 12 patients (63.2%) presented a complete or partial remission suggesting the
IgAN to investigate if treatment decisions were accurately accomplished using efficacy of RTX in different types of GD. In MN, our response rate was similar to
individualized risk from the IgANPT. studies such as GEMRITUX and MENTOR trial, which have shown remission in 60–
METHOD: A retrospective analysis of all kidney biopsies performed from January 70% of patients. In FSGS, 50% of patients had a stable and complete remission with
2010 to December 2019 in a Nephrology Department was performed and adult RTX therapy similar with a meta-analysis of five studies with 51 patients with FSGS.
patients with IgAN diagnosis were selected. The presence of IgA vasculitis and Two patients had refractory LN class IV and both had complete remission (50% of
Henoch-Schönlein purpura as well as lack of follow-up data were exclusion criteria. patients with LN). This is in line with a systematic review of case reports and case series
Clinical, laboratorial and pathological data were collected, including treatment and that reported sustained complete and partial response rates of 67% in LN class IV. In
kidney outcome. Risk of kidney progression decline was assessed by using the on-line our cohort, patients with vasculitis received RTX as first-line therapy and complete
web-based calculator of the IgANPT. remission was achieved in 75% of cases, which is in line with the results found in
RESULTS: A total of 33 patients met the study criteria, with median age at diagnosis of RITUXVAS and RAVE trial. Rituximab was safe and effective in achieving remission
58 (IQR 38 - 68) years-old, mostly male (84,8%, N=28) and all Caucasian. At biopsy in different types of immune-mediated glomerular diseases.
time 60,6% (N=20) had hypertension, only 15,5% (N=5) diabetes mellitus and 57,6%
(N=19) were under ACE inhibitors/ARBs. Median GFR at biopsy time was 57 (IQR 20
- 78,5) ml/min/1.73m2. More than half of the patients (57,6%, N=19) had GFR <60ml/ MO317 DETERMINANTS OF LENGHT OF HOSPITAL STAY (LOS) IN
min/1.73m2. All patients had proteinuria (UACR > 300mg/g), with 18,2% (N=6) in the NEPHROTIC SYNDROME PATIENTS
nephrotic range. Hematuria was present in almost all patients.
Overall MEST classification was: 51,5% (N= 17) with M1 score, 39,4% (N=13) E1, Simone Accarino1, Marco Colucci1, Ettore Pasquinucci1, Giuseppe Sileno1,
66,7% (N=22) S1 and 45,5% (N=15) had T 1 score (2 patients with T2). Crescents Vittoria Esposito1, MARTA ARAZZI1, Eleonora Cristini2, Ciro Esposito3
were present in 27,3% of the biopsies (N=9). Near one-half of the patients (45,5%, 1
ICS Maugeri, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Pavia, Italy, 2University of Pavia, Internal
N=15) presented IgA deposits on both mesangium and capillary wall.
Medicine and Medical Therapy, Pavia, Italy and 3ICS Maugeri, University of Pavia,
Around one-third of patients (30,3%, N=10) progressed to ESKD during follow up.
Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Pavia, Italy
According to the risk of kidney disease progression in 60-months calculated with
IgANPT, patients were stratified into low/intermediate risk in 21,2% (N=7) of cases
(mean predicted risk < 4,7%) and high risk in 78,8% (N=26) of cases (mean predicted BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Generalized edema, non responsive to oral diuretics, is
risk > 4,7%). Using the chi-squared test the high-risk group was associated with one of the main causes of hospital admission for nephrotic syndrome patients.
progression to ESKD(p=0,019). On the contrary none of the low-risk group progressed Although hospital length of stay (LOS) may vary widely, in 2017 the average LOS in
to ESKD. acute-care hospitals was lower than 8 days in OECD countries. The aim of the present
i232 | Abstracts
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study was to determine the factors commonly associated with a longer LOS in patients MO319 BEDSIDE URINE SEDIMENT EXAMINATION IN
admitted for edema due to nephrotic syndrome in the Nephrology Unit of ICS IMMUNOGLOBULIN A NEPHROPATHY PATIENTS
METHOD: In this retrospective study we reviewed the medical records of all patients
admitted for nephrotic syndrome between 2012-2020 in the Nephrology Unit of ICS Anna Popova1,2,3, Karlis Racenis1,2, Anna Jana Saulite1,2, Aiga Vasilvolfa1,2,3,
Maugeri. Inclusion criteria were the following: age between 18-85 years of age; severe Aivars Petersons1,2, Harijs Cernevskis1,2, Viktorija Kuzema1,2
edema non responsive to oral, low dose diuretics; patients with heart failure, serum Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Nephrology department, Riga, Latvia, 2Riga
creatinine > 3.5 g/dl or on dialysis treatment were excluded from the study. Patients Stradiņs University, Riga, Latvia and 3University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
were divided into two groups according to the length of stay: 7 days or 8 days.
Age, gender, serum protein concentration, creatinine, and hemoglobin; serum BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Urine sediment microscopy is mostly abandoned by
cholesterol and tryglicerides, urinary protein excretion rate; types of glomerular nephrologists nowadays, however it is an important diagnostic tool in kidney and
disease, weight loss were recorded. Student T tests and one-way Anova were performed urinary tract diseases. The aim of this study is to emphasize the benefits of urine
to evaluate the differences between the means. microscopy performed by a nephrologist.
RESULTS: 60 patients (42 male, 18 female) with a total number of hospital accesses of METHOD: A prospective cohort study at Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital
93 were enrolled in the study. Mean age was 66.8 6 13.07 years. Average LOS was 9.02 Nephrology center included patients with histologically confirmed diagnosis of IgA
6 7.4 days. Protein excretion rate was 6.7 6 3.6 g/24 hours at the admission and was nephropathy from 1st January 2020 till December 2020. Appropriately collected urine
not statistically changed at discharge. Mean total serum protein and creatinine samples were examined using manual microscopy within an hour after sample
concentration at the admission were 4.7 6 0.8 g/dl and 1.8 6 1.1 mg/dl respectively. collection and by automated urinalysis. Samples were centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 4
Patients with LOS < 7 days were younger (64 6 11.9 vs 69 6 13.6 years, p <0.05), had minutes, the supernatant urine was carefully decanted, 1 - 1,5 ml of the left urine was
a lower serum creatinine (1.55 6 0.92 vs 2.08 6 1.2 mg/dl, p>0.001) and a significantly mixed by gentle agitation and placed on a standard glass slide with a cover slip. Sample
higher total serum protein concentration (5.02 6 0.77 vs 4.65 6 0.76 g/dl, p< 0.001) examination was performed using low (magnification x10) and high power
and haemoglobin (12.6 6 1.8 vs 11.4 6 1.8 g/dl, p< 0.05) compared to patients with (magnification x40) using brightfield microscopy with a minimum of 10 fields.
longer LOS. Proteinuria was not significantly different between the two groups (6.27 6 RESULTS: A total of 37 patients (24 men, mean age 42.7 6 10.9 years) were included
3.36 vs 7.1 6 3.9 g/24 hours, p= NS). While serum cholesterol and tryglicerides were in the study. 59.5 % of patients (n = 22) had hematuria based on automated urine
higher in the group of patients with longer LOS, weight loss was similar in the two sediment analysis and 62.2 % (n = 23) of patients had hematuria based on manual
groups at discharge. Although the difference was not significant, the group with longer urine microscopy. 45.9 % of patients (n=17) had dysmorphic erythrocytes, 13.5 % of
hospitalization had a greater number of patients with a diagnosis of focal segmental patients (n = 5) had isomorphic red blood cells (RBC) and 40.5 % of patients (n = 15)
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) did not have RBC in urine samples by manual urine microscopy. 54.2 % (13/24) of men
CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that age, total serum protein concentration, and 30.8 % (4/13) of women had dysmorphic RBC in urine.
serum creatinine, higher lipids and probably the diagnosis of FSGS may affect the CONCLUSION: Manual urine sediment examination was more sensitive than
hospital length of stay of patients with nephrotic syndrome admitted for severe edema. automated analysis. Majority of IgA nephropathy patients have active urine sediment
A more aggressive diuretic treatment may be needed in elderly nephrotic syndrome with hematuria and dysmorphic RBC. Manual microscopy remains an effective and
patients with lower GFR and total serum protein concentration. reliable method that can be easily and quickly performed by nephrologists.
Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Esperanza Moral Berrio1, Maria Paz Castro Fern andez1, Meryem Sabah1, Fatimzahra Jabrane1, Hiba El oury1, Mohamed
Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Agustın Carren ~o Parrilla1, Amine Khalfaoui1, Nasreddine Chehab1, Ghizlaine Medkouri1
Alberto Martınez Calero1, Minerva Arambarri Segura1, Diego Sidel Tambo1, 1
Mohamed VI University of health sciences, Nephrology, Casablanca, Morocco
Patricia Sanchez Escudero1, Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1
Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The world is in midst of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) pandemic.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Management of ANCA-Associated Vasculitis (AAV) is METHOD: Studies of the COVID-19 pathophysiology show that its defining character
in constant update. The aim of the study is to describe our experience as a territorial is an overt inflammatory response, similar to cytokine release syndrome, causing a
reference center with this systemic disease and to analyze which factors have a dysregulated immune response. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is also a disease of
significant influence on the development of end-stage renal disease (ESRD). immune dysregulation contributing to multisystem compromise. There is very little
METHOD: Retrospective observational study. All the patients who developed AAV in literature to suggest that COVID-19 could potentially mimick SLE presentation. We
our center between 2010 and 2019 were included. Demographic variables (age, sex), describe the case of a female patient who presented with typical Covid19 clinical
renal function, other vasculitis related symptoms, induction and maintenance therapy, features, later diagnosed as a new-onset SLE.
response degree and follow-up were collected. Categorical variables are expressed as RESULTS: A 51-year-old female presented with fever, dyspnea, cough and
percentages and compared using Chi2 test. Quantitative variables are expressed as desaturation at the emergency room. Chest computed tomography scan showed
mean 6 standard deviation and compared using Mann-Whitney U test. Cox bilateral areas of ground-glass opacities in a peripheral distribution. She was admitted
regression was performed to determine independent predictors of ESRD. Kaplan- in a Covid-19 ICU. She then progressed to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome,
Meier was used to estimate ESRD-free survival. Statistical significance for a value of p< and worsening renal function with proteinuria and hematuria. Further investigations
0,05. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 25.0. showed bilateral pleural effusions, ascites, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, positive
RESULTS: 45 patients were analyzed, with an average age of 70 6 11 years. 62.2% were antinuclear and anti-double-stranded DNA antibodies, and low levels of C3 and C4.
men. Mean time of follow-up 36 6 31.6 months. 37.8% presented c-ANCA SARS-Cov-2 PCR was negative twice. After the establishment of the diagnosis, the
autoantibodies and 57.8% p-ANCA. Mean baseline serum creatinine level was 5.51 6 patient was transferred to the internal medicine department where she received
3.65 mg/dl and proteinuria 2.82 6 2.48 g/24h. 77.8% received cyclophosphamide as decongestive therapy, intravenous (IV) pulses of methylprednisolone, along with
induction immunosuppressive treatment whereas 13.3% rituximab. 50% received hydroxychloroquine. She improved sustainably and was discharged after two weeks.
azathioprine, 36.1% mycophenolate and 13.9% rituximab as maintenance treatment. CONCLUSION: A patient with new-onset lupus presented with clinical features
37.8% patients underwent plasma exchange therapy and 44.4% hemodialysis. typically seen in COVID-19 patients. The adequate management of the patient was
Complete remission was achieved by 13.3% of patients, while 57.8% partial remission. delayed due to the misguided diagnosis.
28.9% had absence of remission. 28.9% achieved ESRD. ESRD was associated with
undergoing hemodialysis (69.2% vs 30.8% p=0.033), to the type of response (complete
7.7% vs partial 23.1% vs no response 69.2%), baseline creatinine level (8.36 6 5.44 vs
4.35 6 1.64 mg/dl p=0.011), creatinine 6 months after induction treatment (4.3 6 2.05 MO321 THE USE OF INTRAVENOUS CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE AND
vs 2.04 6 0.77 mg/dl p=0.001) and at the end of follow-up (6.33 6 2.47 mg/dl vs 2.2 6 ORAL STEROIDS IN PRIMARY MEMBRANOUS
1.29 mg/dl p=0.001) and also to baseline proteinuria (4.21 6 3.12 vs 2.25 6 1.96 NEPHROPATHY WITH ADVANCED KIDNEY DISEASE
p=0.003), proteinuria 6 months after induction treatment (1.4 6 1.46 vs 0.58 6 0.73 g/
24h p=0.014) and at the end of follow-up (2.48 6 1.9 vs 1.12 6 1.64 p=0.001). Logistic Omar Ragy1, Patrick Hamilton2, Durga Kanigicherla3
regression only showed end of follow up serum creatinine level as an independent risk Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Manchester Royal
factor of ESRD (OR3.74 IC 95% 1.01-13.75 p=0.047). ESRD-free survival chance after 5 Infirmary, Renal, United Kingdom and 3Manchester Royal Infirmary, Renal, Manchester,
of follow-up was 67%. United Kingdom
CONCLUSION: Only serum creatinine level at the end of follow-up could be found as
an associated factor with ESRD. Greater number of patients would be needed in order BACKGROUND AND AIMS: International guidelines do not recommend specific
to obtain other factors leading to ESRD in patients with AAV. use of immunosuppression treatment in membranous nephropathy patients presenting
with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of <30ml/min/1.73m2. This is due to the
scant published evidence of effectiveness and uncertainty around toxic effects at this
stage. In this study, we sought to examine the safety and effectiveness of combined
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both lower limbs and she developed anuria. For the biology: creatinine = 11.3 mg/dl MO326 CORTICOSTEROIDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF
(clearance = 4.6 ml/min), urea = 50 mmol/l, Proteinuria = 2.5 g/24h and Hematuria = AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND
100/mm3. The cANCA type PR3 was positive. The diagnosis of rapidly progressive META-ANALYSIS OF REPORTED ADVERSE EVENTS IN
glomerulonephritis (RPGN) was suspected. RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIALS
She had microcytic hypochromic anemia of 6.9 g/dL and a low Prothrombin time (PT)
of 54%. The exploration concluded to an isolated Factor II deficiency (59%). Rupert Major1, Robert Grant2, Keith Nockels2, Mrinal Das2, Jürgen Floege3,
The Ear, Nose and throat (ENT) examination revealed nasal inflammation, sinusitis Jonathan Barratt2
and nasal crusting. The kidney ultrasound showed two kidneys of normal size. The University of Leicester, Health Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2University of
computed tomography showed bilateral maxillary sinusitis and there were no intra- Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom and 3University Hospital, Aachen, Nephrology and
alveolar hemorrhage. The Kidney biopsy could not be performed initially due to the Clinical Immunology, Germany
risk of bleeding.
On hospitalization, the patient presented a generalized tonic clonic seizures. The BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Systemic corticosteroids are commonly used to treat
exploration by a cerebral Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed signs of cerebral autoimmune diseases such as immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy. Corticosteroids
vasculitis and the electroencephalography (EEG) showed no focal abnormalities. The are associated with increased risk of adverse events such as weight gain,
association of ENT involvement, the cerebrovascular disease, the rapid evolution of the hyperglycaemia, hypertension, infection and bone fracture occur frequently and affect
creatinine, the positivity of the cANCA, the diagnosis of granulomatosis with safe long-term use. Adverse events of corticosteroids in clinical trials may have been
polyangiitis was established. historically under-reported. We aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-
The therapeutic management was to start symptomatic treatment: diuretics, antibiotic analysis of reported adverse events of corticosteroids in autoimmune diseases, with a
therapy, transfusions, hemodialysis initially and antiepileptic therapy. The particular focus on kidney pathologies.
immunosuppressive treatment was based on pulses of methylprednisolone followed by METHOD: Pre-registered protocol systematic review (Prospero ID:
full dose corticosteroid therapy, cyclophosphamide intravenous and sessions of plasma CRD42020206650). The following databases were searched from 1980 to 2020:
The evolution was characterized by clinical and biological improvement with OVID MEDLINE
creatinine = 1.3 mg/dl, a PT at 100% and a factor II at 70 % stable after stopping the Cochrane Library database of controlled trials (CENTRAL), to include:
plasma exchange in favor of the immunological cause of this deficit. NIH Clinical Trials Database (
CONCLUSION: The early diagnosis and treatment of RPGN is important even if the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (
biopsy cannot be performed. We reported a rare association between granulomatosis EU Clinical Trials Registry (
with polyangiitis and factor II deficiency. The normalization of the factor II after the Placebo-controlled trials in adults with any form of autoimmune disease receiving intravenous
treatment is in favor of the immunological cause of this deficit. or oral corticosteroids were included in the systematic review. Trial protocol major adverse
events and all-cause mortality were included as the current study’s main outcome.
RESULTS: After exclusion of duplicates between databases, 4490 OVID MEDLINE
and 4987 Cochrane abstracts were reviewed. In total, 110 published clinical trials were
MO325 YOU CAN BE DIAGNOSED AND CURED FOR LUPUS identified for inclusion in the study: 14 clinical trials were in kidney autoimmune
CYSTITIS AND LUPUS PODOCYTOPATHY DESPITE BEING A diseases, including 8 in IgA nephropathy. Results of their published adverse events,
POOR, VILLAGE TEENAGE GIRL IN ALBANIA including where appropriate meta-analysis, will be presented. Specific results of those
studies of kidney pathologies such as IgA nephropathy will be presented.
Erjola Likaj1, Myftar Barbullushi2, Larisa Shehaj2 CONCLUSION: This systematic review with a pre-registered protocol identified 110
UHC Mother Theresa, Tirana, Albania, Tirane, Albania and 2UHC Mother Theresa, clinical trials examining systemic corticosteroid use versus placebo in autoimmune
Tirana, Albania, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation diseases. These results will help to understand whether the risks of systemic
corticosteroids for autoimmune disease has been historically under-reported in the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We present the case of a 16 years old girl who was medical literature and whether a clear risk and benefit profile of corticosteroids in
admitted to our Emergency Unit in May 2019 for diarrhea, nausea, dysuria, foamy autoimmune disease can be assessed.
urine, urinary incontinence, malnutrition, polyserositis, and hypertension. Her medical
history started 8 months ago with diarrhea and urinary incontinence for which first
was hospitalized in the Gastroenterology unit and then in the Infectious Disease Unit. MO327 LUPUS NEPHRITIS IN MALES: PROSPECTIVE STUDY IN
There she was completed with colonoscopy, contrast CT scan and then was discharged SOUTH MOROCCO
with the diagnosis of Gastrocolitis. In January 2019 due to the persistence of symptoms
they did a specialized consultation in Athens, Greece. After a series of examinations the Sara Allibou1, Wadi Ouhamou1, Ramia Benhamou1, Meriem Chettati1,
patient was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa and antidepressant therapy was started. Wafaa Fadili1, Inass Laouad1
In February 2019, the patient was rehospitalized with nephritic grade proteinuria and 1
Mohammed VI University Hospital Center of Marrakesh, Cadi Ayyad University,
the kidney ultrasound showed stage four bilateral hydronephrosis and urinary bladder
Nephrology, marrakech, Morocco
with thick and trabecular walls. To exclude urological problems, an MRI was
performed which results in no obstructive problems. Arterial hypertension and lower
extremities edema were present. She was then transferred to our University Hospital BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Male systemic lupus erythematosus is rare and known
“Mother Teresa”, Nephrology Department for further examinations. During to have a poor prognosis. Renal involvement is one of its most severe and frequent
hospitalization her blood investigation showed severe anemia (HGB = 6.7gr / dl), manifestations, which can progress to end-stage renal disease.
kidney failure (creatinine = 1.5mg / dl, urea = 83mg / dl), elevated liver enzymes The aim of our study is to search for the clinical, biological, histological and therapeutic
(Alt:162u/ml, Ast:101u/ml), albuminemia: 2.9 g / dl, total proteinemia: 5.9g / dl. The parameters that predict a poor outcome in kidney patients followed for LN.
lipid profile showed cholesterolemia: 300mg / dl, triglyceridemia: 170mg / dl. METHOD: It’s a prospective descriptive study over 6 years from January 2014 to
Electrolytes were within normal limits. Coombs test resulted positive. Urinalysis December 2019 of renal nephritis in male patients, biopsied and followed up at the
showed microscopic hematuria with leukocyturia and grave albuminuria around16gr/ nephrology service in Mohamed VI University Hospital of Marrakech.
24 hours. Immunologic workup showed: AntiDna = 383.5U / ml, Ena profile SSA poz, RESULTS: We collected 10 male patients with LN. The mean age at diagnosis was 35 6 16.8
ANA þþþþ, C3 101, C4 18. Tumoral markers and hepatitis resulted in negativ. years. NL was inaugural in 87.5% of cases. The circumstances of discovery of NL were
METHOD: Renal biopsy was performed which resulted: Lupus Podocytopathy edematous syndrome with proteinuria in all of our patients. At the time of initial
RESULTS: The patient was diagnosed with a case of lupus cystitis with lupus presentation, 62.5% were hypertensive, 87.5% had microscopic hematuria, 62.5% had
podocytopathy. She was treated with methylprednisolone, immunosuppressive nephrotic syndrome, and 75% of patients had renal failure with a GFR of 55.87 6 43, 4 ml /
therapy, and Plaquenil. It was started with intravenous methylprednisolone 0.5 g / day min / 1.73m2 .
for 3 days and then switched to oral methylprednisolone 0.5 mg /kg /day. Antinuclear antibodies were positive in all our patients, anti DNA antibodies were positive
Mycophenolate mofetil was started with 1 gr increased to 2 grams. After 6 months of in 50% of cases, C3 hypocomplementemia was noted in 75% of cases. Anemia and
therapy Hydroureteronephrosis completely disappeared and 24 h urinary protein lymphopenia were found in 87.5% and 75% of patients, respectively.
became normal. The dose of therapy was tapered and switch to maintenance doses, Histologic examination of kidney revealed class IVA in 90% of cases, class V NL in 10% of
methylprednisolone 8 mg, MMF 500gr, and Plaquenil. Laboratory examinations Hgb: cases and a mixed class NL (IV -V) in one patient. Nine patients were treated with the
12gr / dl, Urea: 36mg / dl, Creatine: 0.6mg / dl, Alt: 23u / l, Ast: 26u / l. Urinalysis: combination of IV corticosteroid therapy and IV cyclophosphamide (NIH protocol). Only
albumin trace, RBC: 0, Wbc 8 / field. The autoimmune workup was normalized, one patient was treated with MMF as an attack treatment. The evolution was marked after a
AntiDna; C3, C4, Ana. In a realized ultrasound hydronephrosis was gone, kidney mean follow-up of 3 years by remission in only 37.5% of cases, deterioration of GFR in
structure was in normal parameters and bladder wall was in a normal structure. 62.5% of cases with end-stage renal desease in 37.5% of cases.
CONCLUSION: Disseminated Eritematous Lupus and its rare forms like Lupus A relapse was found in 50% of patients with recourse to rituximab in 2 patients with
Cystitis and Lupus Podocytopathies can be diagnosed, cured successfully, and followed refractory lupus nephritis. We identified during bivariate analysis proliferative
up in the best way despite you are a simple teenager in a village of Albania or a noticed histological class as predictor of poor renal evolution (p <0.05).
and famous actor or singer in the USA. CONCLUSION: The severity of the clinical, histopathological and prognostic picture in
lupus glomerulonephritis in males was confirmed by our study. The renal prognosis remains
poor, which could explain the need for intensive immunosuppressive therapy in these patients.
10.1093/ndt/gfab104 | i235
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i236–i243, 2021
Qiuyue Ma1, Viviane Gnemmi2, Anders Hans-Joachim1, Stefanie Steiger1 Badr Khbouz1, Pascal Rowart1, Laurence Poma1, Martina Bottner2,
LMU Hospital, Department of Medicine IV, Division of Nephrology, Munich, Germany Géraldine Bolen3, Souad Rahmouni4, Franziska Theilig2, François Jouret1
and 2CHU Lille, Centre de Biologie Pathologique, Service d’Anatomie Pathologique, Lille, 1
GIGA Cardiovascular sciences, Liege University , Nephrology unit , Liege, Belgium,
France University of Kiel, Anatomisches Institut, Kiel, Germany, 3University of Liège, FARAH,
department of Clinical Sciences, Liège, Belgium and 4GIGA Medical genomics, Liege
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) and disease (AKD) are University
major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Hyperuricemia (HU) is common
in patients with impaired kidney function. While there is no doubt that crystalline uric BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dual Specificity Phosphatase 3 (DUSP3) is a positive
acid (UA) causes acute and chronic UA nephropathy, urolithiasis and kidney stone regulator of the innate immune response in case of sepsis, but its role in the ischemic
disease, the pathogenesis of asymptomatic HU in AKI/AKD is incompletely damage is unknown. Here, we study (i) whether and where DUSP3 is expressed in the
understood. In animal studies, elevated serum UA levels may lead to endothelial renal parenchyma, and (ii) whether its genetic deletion in Dusp3 systemic knock-out
dysfunction, renin-angiotensin system activation and oxidative stress. However, such (Dusp3-/-) mice attenuates the I/R-associated inflammation and injury.
models do not mimic human HU. To overcome this issue, we established a model of METHOD: Experiment 1: Ten C57BL/6 male WT and Dusp3-/- mice underwent right
AKI/AKD with clinically relevant serum UA levels and hypothesized that nephrectomy and left renal ischemia for 30 minutes followed by a reperfusion of 48
asymptomatic HU improves the outcomes after AKI/AKD by restoring metabolic hours. Blood and kidneys were collected. Renal function was assessed upon I/R
activity and mitochondrial biogenesis in macrophages and tubular epithelial cells. biomarkers, i.e. blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (SCr). Expressions of
METHOD: Alb-creERT2;Glut9lox/lox and Glut9lox/lox control mice were injected with inflammatory and immune markers were comparatively quantified at both mRNA
tamoxifen and placed on a chow diet enriched with inosine. Hyperuricemic mice (real-time qPCR) and protein (immuno-blotting and –staining) levels in ischemic vs.
(serum UA 7 mg/dL) and mice without HU (serum UA 4-5 mg/dL) underwent non-ischemic kidneys in Dusp3 WT vs. KO mice.
uninephrectomy followed by unilateral ischemia-reperfusion (IR) to induce AKI/AKD. Experiment 2: Ten C57BL/6 male WT and Dusp3-/- mice were anesthetized. Renal
Serum and kidneys were collected on day 3 and 14 after AKI/AKD, and kidney Doppler ultrasound was performed to assess the renal resistivity index (RRI). The
function, tubular injury, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic activity expression of CD31 and VEGF vascular markers was quantified by the means of real-
(fatty acid oxidation) and macrophage infiltration were quantified using GFR time qPCR and and immuno-staining (FiJi software).
measurement, immunohistochemistry, colorimetric assays, electron microscopy, RT- RESULTS: Experiment 1: An immuno-reactive signal for DUSP3 was detected in the
PCR and flow cytometry. glomeruli (in co-localization with nephrin) and in Meca-32-positive endothelial cells of
RESULTS: We observed an increase in serum UA levels from 7 to 10 mg/dL in both outer and inner medulla of mouse non-ischemic WT kidneys. No significant
hyperuricemic mice on day 3 after IR-induced AKI/AKD that returned to 7 mg/dL immunoreactivity for DUSP3 was detected in Dusp3-/- kidneys. Following renal I/R, the
after 14 days (Figure left). While there was no difference in GFR between mRNA level of Dusp3 was increased 1.8-fold compared to baseline (p<0.001).
hyperuricemic and mice without HU with AKI/AKD on day 3, we found an improved Immunoblot quantifications showed a 77-fold increased expression of DUSP3 post
kidney function in hyperuricemic mice on day 14 (Figure middle). This was associated renal I/R. Serum levels of I/R biomarkers were significantly lower in Dusp3-/- compared
with significantly less tubular injury and inflammation as well as an increase in the to WT mice following renal I/R (BUN: 78.4633.7 vs. 258.96162.9mg/dL; SCr:
number of infiltrating anti-inflammatory M2-like macrophages as compared to mice 0.160.07 vs. 0.860.9 mg/dL; p<0.01). At mRNA levels, Dusp3-/- ischemic kidneys
without HU. Intrarenal mRNA expression level of the pro-oxidant heme-oxygenase-1 showed a significantly decreased expression level of CD11b, TNF-a, KIM-1, IL-6, IL-1b
was reduced in hyperuricemic mice. However, the expression of anti-oxidant enzymes and caspase-3 compared to controls. The numbers of PCNA-, F4-80- and CD11b-
(Nrf-1 and Sod) and metabolic genes associated with fatty acid oxidation (Cpt1, Pparg, positive cells were significantly reduced in Dusp3-/- vs WT renal parenchyma post I/R.
and Pgc1b) significantly increased as compared to mice without HU 14 days after AKI/ Experiment 2: The RRI non-invasively measured by ultrasound was lower in Dusp3-/-
AKD. In addition, HU increased the number of phospho-Histone-3 and intact group compared to controls (0.566 0.03 vs. 0.6660.02; p<0.001). The Dusp3-/- non-
proximal tubules and restored tubular mitochondrial morphology as indicated by an ischemic kidneys were characterized by a 1.8-fold increased surface of CD31-positive
increased mitochondrial aspect ratio (Figure right). cells compared to WT kidneys (p<0.001). At mRNA levels, the Dusp3-/- kidneys
CONCLUSION: Our data imply that asymptomatic HU improves kidney outcomes showed significantly increased basal levels of CD31 and VEGF compared to controls.
after IR-induced AKI/AKD because HU attenuates tubular injury and inflammation. CONCLUSION: The genetic deletion of DUSP3 is associated with (i) increased renal
In addition, we found that HU enhances the metabolic activity and anti-inflammatory vascular density, (ii) decreased RRI and (iii) nephroprotection against renal I/R injury.
M2-like macrophage polarization as well as restores mitochondrial biogenesis in
tubular epithelial cells, suggesting that HU acts as antioxidant by improving kidney
recovery after AKI/AKD.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The sympathetic nervous system regulates immune cell
dynamics. However, the detailed role of sympathetic signaling in inflammatory
diseases is still unclear because it varies according to the disease situation and
responsible cell types. Here, we focused on sympathetic signaling in macrophages and
sought to determine its detailed roles in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced systemic
inflammation and renal ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI).
METHOD: In vitro, RAW 264.7 cells and murine peritoneal macrophages were used to
determine the effects of b2 adrenergic receptor (Adrb2) signaling on LPS-induced
proinflammatory cytokine (tumor necrosis factor-a; TNF-a) production. We also
identified the critical gene that mediates the anti-inflammatory effect of Adrb2
signaling by RNA-sequencing.
In vivo, we examined the effects of salbutamol (a selective Adrb2 agonist) in LPS-
induced systemic inflammation and renal IRI. The involvement of macrophage Adrb2
signaling was confirmed by macrophage-specific Adrb2 conditional knockout (cKO)
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
mice and adoptive transfer of salbutamol-treated macrophages. We also performed CONCLUSION: Our study provides gene expression patterns specifically in STCs
single-cell RNA sequencing of renal tissue to analyze the renoprotective role of upon injury and repair at multiple time points and suggests that the STC phenotype is
salbutamol-treated macrophages in detail. a transient and reversible phenotype triggered by injury.
RESULTS: In vitro, norepinephrine, a sympathetic neurotransmitter, suppressed LPS-
induced TNF-a production in macrophages. This anti-inflammatory effect was also
induced by salbutamol and reversed by butoxamine (a selective Adrb2 antagonist) in a
dose-dependent manner, indicating the importance of Adrb2 in this process.
RNA sequencing of these macrophages revealed that T-cell immunoglobulin and
mucin-3 (Tim3) expressions were upregulated by the activation of Adrb2 signaling,
which partially mediated the anti-inflammatory phenotypic alteration in macrophages.
In vivo, salbutamol administration mitigated LPS-induced systemic inflammation and
Badr Khbouz1, François Lallemand2, Pascal Rowart1, Laurence Poma1,
protected against renal IRI; this protection was mitigated in macrophage-specific
Agnès Noel3, Jean-Marie Krzesinski4, Nor Eddine Sounni3, François Jouret1,4
Adrb2 cKO mice. Adoptive transfer of salbutamol-treated macrophages also protected 1
against renal IRI (Figure 1). Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that this protection GIGA - Research Center, Cardiovascular Sciences - University of Liège, Liège, Belgium,
was associated with the accumulation of Tim3-expressing macrophages in the renal Chu De Liège, Radiotherapy unit, Liège, Belgium, 3GIGA - Research Center, GIGA
tissue. Cancer, Liège, Belgium and 4Chu De Liège, Nephrology unit, Liège, Belgium
CONCLUSION: The activation of b2 adrenergic receptor signaling in macrophages
induces anti-inflammatory phenotypic alterations partially via the induction of Tim3 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Whole-body irradiation has been suggested to induce
expressions, which blocks LPS-induced systemic inflammation and protects against renal ischemic preconditioning (RIP) in rodent models, possibly via neo-angiogenesis.
renal IRI. First, we comprehensively investigate the pathways involved in kidney-centered
irradiation. Next, we assess the functional and structural impact of kidney-centered
irradiation applied before ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. Finally, we test whether
Sunitinib-mediated inhibition of the neo-angiogenesis prevents irradiation-associated
METHOD: Experiment 1: Unilateral irradiation of the left kidney (8.56 Gy) was
performed in male 10-week-old wild-type C57bl/6 mice (n=10). One month later, total
kidney RNA was extracted from irradiated and control (n=5) mice for comparative
high-throughput RNA-Seq (using BaseSpace Sequence Hub Illumina). Functional
enrichment analysis was performed using Database for Annotation, Visualization and
Integrated Discovery (DAVID).
Experiment 2: Two x-ray beams (225Kv, 13mA) specifically targeted both kidneys for a
total dose of 8.56Gy. The right kidneys were removed and harvested, and the left
kidneys undergo 30-minute ischemia followed by 48-hour reperfusion (n=8) at Days 7-
14-21-28 post irradiation.
Experiment 3: Following the same protocol of renal I/R at Day14, 3 groups of male 10-
week-old wild-type C57bl/6 mice were compared (n=8 per group):
1/ bilateral pre-irradiation;
2/ bilateral pre-irradiation and gavage with Sunitinib from Day2 to Day13;
3/ control group without irradiation or gavage.
RESULTS: Experiment 1: Comparative transcriptomics showed a significant up-
regulation of various signaling pathways, including angiogenesis (HMOX1) and stress
response (HSPA1A, HSPA1B). Expressions of angiogenesis markers (CD31, TGFb1,
HMOX1) showed an increase at both mRNA (real-time qPCR) and protein (immuno-
staining) levels in irradiated kidneys compared to controls (p<0.01).
Experiment 2: Following I/R, the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine
(SCr) levels were significantly lower in the irradiated animals compared to controls:
(BUN: 86.266.8 vs. 454.5627.2mg/dl; SCr: 0.160.01 vs. 1.760.2mg/dl, p<0.01). The
renal infiltration by CD11b-positive cells (187632 vs. 477620/mm2) and F4-80
macrophages (110622 vs. 212625/mm2) was significantly reduced in the irradiated
group. The real-time qPCR mRNA levels of the angiogenic markers, TGFb1 and CD31,
MO331 LINEAGE TRACING OF REGENERATING PROXIMAL TUBULE were significantly increased in the irradiated group compared to controls (p<0,01).
CELLS (STC) BY SINGLE CELL PROFILING IN ACUTE KIDNEY The CD31-immunostating (quantified by FiJi) was increased in irradiated mice
INJURY. compared to controls (p<0.01).
Experiment 3: One-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s test showed that,
Eleni Stamellou1,2, Mingbo Cheng3, Viktor Sterzer1, Katja Leuchtle1, following I/R, the serum levels of BUN and SCr were lower in irradiated group
Thiago Strieder1, Peter Boor2, Jürgen Floege1, Ivan G. Costa3, Marcus compared to controls (BUN: 106.1633.6 vs. 352.2654.3mg/dl; SCr: 0.360.13 vs.
Johannes Möller1 160.2mg/dl), and in irradiated group compared to the irradiated-exposed group to
1 Sunitinib (BUN: 106.1633.6 vs. 408.4654.9mg/dl; SCr: 0.360.12 vs. 1.560.3mg/dl;
Division of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, RWTH University of Aachen, Aachen, p<0.01). No difference was observed between the irradiated-exposed mice to Sunitinib
Germany, 2Institute of Pathology and Electron Microscopy Facility, RWTH University of and the controls.
Aachen, Aachen, Germany and 3Institute for Computational Genomics, Faculty of CONCLUSION: Renal irradiation induces the activation of signaling pathways
Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany involved in angiogenesis in mice. Renal pre-irradiation leads to RIP, with preserved
renal function and attenuated inflammation post I/R. Exposure to the anti-angiogenic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute tubular injury accounts for the most common drug Sunitinib post-irradiation prevents the irradiation-induced RIP.
intrinsic cause for acute kidney injury (AKI). The scattered tubular cell (STC)
phenotype was discovered as a uniform reaction of tubule cells triggered by injury. Our
group was the first to identify an inducible transgenic mouse (PEC-rtTA-mouse)
specifically labeling STCs with eGFP. Analysis of the transcriptional factors and MO333 TARGETING HIGH MOBILITY GROUP BOX 1 WITH
associated signaling pathways might reveal the function and role of STCs in AKI. INHIBITORS ATTENUATE ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN
METHOD: Here, we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of unilateral ischemia- POSTISCHEMIC KIDNEYS
reperfusion murine model of AKI 8, 24, 48 hours and 6 and 12 days after AKI
induction. Zhibo Zhao1, Julian Aurelio Marschner1, Chenyu Li1, Anders Hans-Joachim1
RESULTS: Genes expressing proximal tubular proteins and transporters were University Hospital of the Ludwig Maximilians University, Renal Division, Department
markedly downregulated during transition into the STC phenotype upon injury; but of Medicine IV, Munich, Germany
expression recovered over time and upon resolution and tubular cells re-differentiated
into proximal tubule cells. This provides evidence for the first time that the STC BACKGROUND AND AIMS: HMGB1 (high mobility group box 1) is released from
phenotype is a transient and reversible phenotype triggered by injury. Among cells in dying cells and hence works as a danger signal, which amplifies necroinflammation in
the STC phenotype, we could identify 2 sub-clusters; a highly proliferating sub-cluster postischemic acute kidney injury. If and to what extend small molecule HMGB1
that in the cell cycle analysis showed the highest proportion of cycling cells. The second inhibitors are capable to ameliorate the acute kidney injury is still unknown.
eGFP-positive cluster appeared very early after AKI and expressed a distinct set of METHOD: Mice underwent 17 min unilateral renal ischemia followed by reperfusion
genes (defined by 7 anchor genes). Some of the highly up-regulated genes are known (IR) for 4 or 7 days and were administered either 50 mg/kg glycyrrhizic acid, 80 mg/kg
markers of STCs hence confirming the specificity of our transgenic mouse line. ethyl pyruvate, or PBS i.p. 1h before surgery and once daily until day 7.
RESULTS: Administration of HMGB1 inhibitors consistently increased the glomerular
infiltration rate at day 4 and day 7, in parallel with a reduction of plasma creatinine and
10.1093/ndt/gfab084 | i237
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
circulating HMGB1 at day 7 of reperfusion. Histopathological analysis confirmed that MO335 URINARY CYTOKINES REFLECT THE ONGOING RENAL
HMGB1 inhibitors consistently attenuated tubule injury. In vitro, HMGB1 inhibitors INFLAMMATION IN THE DIAGNOSTIC OF ACUTE
protected primary murine tubular epithelial cells against H2O2-induced cell death. TUBULOINTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS: RESULTS OF A
CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that the treatment with glycyrrhizic acid or ethyl MULTIPLEX BEAD-BASED ASSAY ASSESSMENT
pyruvate ameliorates post-ischemic renal injury. This serves as a rationale to further
study the role of extracellular HMGB1 and its inhibition in different models of acute Laura Martinez Valenzuela1, Juliana Draibe1, Xavier Fulladosa1, Francisco Gomez
kidney injury. Preciado1, Ernest Nadal2, Maria Jove2, Oriol Bestard1, Josep Cruzado1,
Joan Torras1
Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain and 2Institut Catal
d‘Oncologia - L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
Ha Nee Jang1,2, Jin Hyun Kim2,3, Seunghye Lee1, Sehyun Jung1, Se-
Ho Chang1,2, Hyun-Jung Kim1,2
College of Medicine, Gyeongsang National University and Gyeongsang National
University Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Jinju,
Korea, Rep. of South, 2Gyeongsang National University, Institute of Health Sciences, MO335 Figure: Decision trees. Classificatory models of patients into ATN or ATIN
Jinju, Korea, Rep. of South and 3Gyeongsang National University Hospital, Biomedical based on the combination of the proposed biomarkers. Panel A shows Model 1,
Research Institute, Jinju, Korea, Rep. of South combining the urinary concentration of MCP1, CXCL11 and IL6. Panel B shows
Model 2, composed by the combination of the novel biomarkers with the blood
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Ischemia/reperfusion-induced AKI (IR-AKI) is a eosinophil count and the leukocyte urinary count.
major cause of AKI and progress to chronic kidney disease. But an effective therapeutic
intervention for IR-AKI is not established yet. Erythropoietin (EPO) is a potent
stimulator of erythroid progenitor cells and is significantly upregulated during hypoxia.
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are derived from the bone marrow or tissue-
resident cells and play major roles in the maintenance of vascular integrity and the MO336 RENAL CONTRAST-ENHANCED ULTRASOUND (CEUS) TO
repair of endothelial damage. So, we investigated if EPO-stimulated human EPCs could EVALUATE EARLY AND CHRONIC MODIFICATIONS OF
have the renoprotective effects in an IR-AKI mouse model. RENAL PERFUSION AND TO PREDICT RENAL DYSFUNCTION
METHOD: EPCs originated from human peripheral blood were cultured with EPO AFTER RENAL ISCHEMIA-REPERFUSION IN MICE
(10 IU/mL). Mice were assigned to sham, IR only groups, IR with EPC, and IR with
EPO-treated EPC. EPCs (5x105 cells, tail vein) were administered twice at 30 min prior Maxime Schleef1,2, Delphine Baetz1, Christelle Leon1, Bruno Pillot1,
to bilateral renal artery occlusion, and 5 min before reperfusion, with all mice sacrificed Gabriel Bidaux1, Laurent Juillard1,2, Fitsum Guebre-Egziabher1,2,
24 h after IR-AKI. Sandrine Lemoine1,2
RESULTS: Both EPCs and EPO-treated EPCs significantly attenuated the renal
dysfunction associated with IR-AKI, as well as tissue injury. Apoptotic cell death and
B13 Opera / Inserm U1060 Carmen, Bron, France and 2Hospital Edouard Herriot,
oxidative stress were significantly reduced in EPC and EPO-treated EPC mice. Nephrology Department, Lyon, France
Expression of PCNA, ICAM-1, MCP-1 and a-SMA were also significantly reduced in
EPC and EPO-treated EPC mice. Furthermore, the expression of NLRP3 and caspase-1 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal ischemia-reperfusion can lead to acute kidney
via the activation of NF-jB signaling pathways were significantly reduced in EPC and injury (AKI), increasing the risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) through
EPO-treated EPC mice. These results show more effective in EPO-treated EPC than inflammation and vascular lesions. Serum urea or creatinine level routinely used as
EPC alone and suggest EPO might be involved in the development of EPC. diagnostic indices of renal function are always delayed from the onset of the disease.
CONCLUSION: This study provides that inflammasome-mediated inflammation and Therefore, we currently lack reliable markers to early detect AKI, especially in animals.
fibrosis might be a potential target of EPC as a treatment for IR-AKI.
i238 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
We aimed to show that non-invasive renal contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) an important risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease (CKD). A
could be a reliable tool to assess early and chronic changes of renal perfusion after renal crucial aspect for successful renal recovery after AKI is an efficient proliferative
ischemia-reperfusion. response of surviving tubular epithelial cells (TECs). Recently, we established a murine
METHOD: Male C57BL6 mice underwent 15 minutes of unilateral renal ischemia by model in which the functional and histological recovery of a single kidney, injured by
clamping of the left renal vascular pedicle (n = 7), or a sham procedure (n = 3), under ischemia, is enhanced by removal of the unharmed contralateral kidney; a
inhaled general anesthesia by Sevoflurane. A renal ultrasound was performed on the phenomenon termed nephrectomy-induced recovery. The renal epithelial reparative
left ischemic kidney at baseline 1 week before the surgery, then, 20 minutes after response in this unique physiological model has not been investigated, yet can provide
reperfusion to assess early modifications of renal perfusion, and 1 month after new insights in unlocking the inherent regenerative potential of the renal epithelium.
reperfusion to follow chronic modifications. CEUS was performed in supine position METHOD: AKI was induced in R26RtdTomato and PAX2/Confetti mice by left
by using a high-resolution ultrasonic imaging system (VEVO 3100 Fujifilm unilateral ischemia/reperfusion (UIRI) for 21 min at 34 C, after which either right
Visualsonics, Toronto, Canada) with a MX550D probe fixed in place with an iron nephrectomy (Nx) or no Nx was performed 3 days later. Mice were euthanized 6 weeks
support, ensuring the constant imaging plane throughout acquisition. First, a and 28 days after UIRI, respectively. At week 6, kidneys were weighted and renal
continuous infusion of microbubbles (VS-11913, Fujifilm Visualsonics, Toronto, function was assessed by serum creatinine. At 28 days, renal tissue of Pax2/Confetti
Canada) was done through the tail vein, then a high mechanical index burst was given mice was collected to perform renal progenitor cell lineage tracing experiments by
to destroy microbubbles when the contrast enhancement had reached a steady state, immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy.
and finally, low mechanical-index imaging mode was used until, and 30 sec after the RESULTS: When nephrectomy was performed after UIRI, left kidney-to-body weight
contrast agent concentration reached the plateau. Images were recorded and were ratio did not change significantly over time, whereas, when no nephrectomy was
analyzed using the “destruction-replenishment” fitting model of the Vevo LAB performed, left kidney-to-body weight ratio gradually declined from 7,84 6 0,48 mg/dl
software (Fujifilm Visualsonics, Toronto, Canada). Renal perfusion was estimated by at day 3 till 3,26 6 0,51 mg/dl at week 6, indicating severe atrophy in the injured left
the total renal Blood Volume (rBV) parameter and was expressed as percentage of the kidney. This loss of renal mass was associated with a significant increase in serum
baseline value for each animal. Renal function was also assessed by serum urea creatinine (1,76 6 0,13 mg/dl) as compared to control (0,21 6 0,12 mg/dl), whereas
concentration 1 month after reperfusion, and the long axis lengths of both the kidneys with nephrectomy, renal function fully restored. Clonal analysis in PAX2/Confetti
were measured ex vivo after the mice were euthanized. mice revealed that nephrectomy after UIRI led to a significant increase in proliferating
RESULTS: Renal perfusion of the ischemic kidney measured by CEUS was (i.e. clonogenic) Pax2þ progenitor cells, resulting in more multicellular clones as
significantly decreased as soon as 20 minutes of reperfusion compared to baseline compared to un-nephrectomized controls.
(median 28,8% of baseline value; interquartiles [20,1 – 69,8%]). 1 month after CONCLUSION: Nephrectomy after UIRI overcomes chronic loss of renal mass and
reperfusion, renal perfusion recovered partially but was still significantly decreased function within the investigated 6-week time frame. This study is the first to
compared to baseline (median 79,9% of baseline value; interquartiles [52,8 – 99,9%]) demonstrate that nephrectomy stimulates clonal expansion of renal progenitor cells in
(Figure A). In sham operated mice, renal perfusion did not differ from baseline at 20 an injured kidney, beyond that observed for spontaneous repair after UIRI. Insight in
minutes or 1 month (p > 0.05). the signaling mechanisms may reveal new therapeutic approaches to incite the inherent
The renal function, assessed by serum urea, was mildly but significantly impaired 1 renal regeneration potential.
month after ischemia-reperfusion compared with sham (median serum urea 9,8 vs. 7,6
mmol/L) (p = 0.02), and this was consistent with the observed kidney atrophy in the
ischemic group when compared to the contralateral kidney (median long axis length
7,5 vs 10,8 mm) (p = 0.03).
Moreover, the decrease of renal perfusion 20 minutes after reperfusion was
significantly correlated with the impairment of renal perfusion 1 month after
Laura Marquez-Exposito1,2, Lucia Tejedor1,2, Laura Santos-Sanchez1,2, Floris
reperfusion (Pearson r = 0.836, p = 0.005) and with the serum urea level at 1 month
A. Valentijn3, Elena Cantero-Navarro1,2, Sandra Rayego-Mateos1,2,
(Pearson r = -0.710, p = 0.03) (Figure B-C).
Raul Rodrigues Diez1,2, Antonio Tejera-Mun ~oz1,2, Vanessa Marchant1,2,
CONCLUSION: Renal CEUS was able to detect early impairment of renal perfusion as
Ana Sanz2,4, Alberto Ortiz2,4, Roel Goldschmeding3, Marta Ruiz-Ortega1,2
soon as 20 minutes after 15 minutes of renal ischemia in mice, and perfusion was still 1
decreased 1 month after reperfusion, compared to baseline. This early impairment of IIS-Fundaci
on Jiménez Dıaz-Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Cellular Biology in Renal
perfusion was correlated with the chronic decrease of renal perfusion and renal Diseases Laboratory, Madrid, Spain, 2Red de Investigacion Renal (REDinREN), Madrid,
function 1 month after reperfusion. This was also associated with a significant kidney Spain, 3University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Pathology, Utrecht, The
atrophy. CEUS is an interesting non-invasive tool to assess renal lesions dynamically Netherlands and 4IIS-Fundaci on Jiménez Dıaz-Universidad Aut
onoma Madrid, Division
after ischemia-reperfusion. of Nephrology and Hypertension, Madrid, Spain
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with elevated
mortality and morbidity presenting higher frequency in aged patients. Different
mechanisms are activated in AKI, including tubular epithelial cell death (apoptosis and
regulated necrosis), inflammatory cell infiltration, impaired mitochondrial function,
and prolonged cell-cycle arrest (or cellular senescence). There is a strong connection
between pathways activated in AKI and development of cellular senescence, a process
implicated in regeneration failure and progression to fibrosis. However, the molecular
mechanisms in ageing-associated mortality are not completely understood. Our aim
was to investigate age-related molecular mechanisms of AKI.
METHOD: Experimental nephropathy by folic acid administration (FA, 125mg/kg)
was induced in young (3 months) and old (12 months) mice. Renal lesions and
mechanisms were evaluated at 48 hours (AKI acute phase).
RESULTS: AKI mortality was higher in old (50 %) than in young (15%) mice 4 days
after FA injection (pilot study). Tubular damage score (PAS evaluation) and KIM-1
tubular expression (renal damage biomarker) were also higher in old than in young
FA-injected mice after 48h. The number of infiltrating immune cells (mainly
neutrophils and macrophages) and gene expression levels of proinflammatory genes
(Lcn-2 and ccl2) were significantly higher in FA kidneys of old as compared to young
mice. Regulated necrosis (necroptosis), contrary to apoptosis, induces an inflammatory
response and necroinflammation, being macrophages the key effector immune cells of
this cell death pathway. Among some of the key necroptosis mediators, MLKL and
RIPK3 were higher in old FA kidneys. These data could indicate a magnification of the
inflammatory response to AKI in older mice. In contrast, expression of protective
factors was dramatically downregulated in old FA mice, including the mitochondrial
biogenesis driver PGC-1a, and the antiaging factor Klotho. Cellular senescence was
induced in FA kidneys, as indicated by increased levels of cyclin-dependent kinase
inhibitors p16ink4a and p21cip1, and of the DNA Damage Response marker yH2AX.
Importantly, p21 mRNA expression and nuclear staining for p21 and yH2AX were
increased in FA kidneys, and the fold increase was significantly higher in old than in
Lies Moonen1, Elena Lazzeri2, Anna Julie Peired2, Carolina Conte2,
young mice. Also, the expression of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)
Patrick D’Haese1, Paola Romagnani2,3, Benjamin Vervaet1
components (Tgfb1, Il-6, and Serpine-1) was significantly higher in old FA mouse
University of Antwerp, Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Wilrijk, Belgium, 2University of Florence, kidneys. Interestingly, also some infiltrating immune cells were p21/yH2AX positive,
Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences “Mario Serio”, Florence, suggesting molecular senescence in the immune cells (“immunesenescence”) and
Italy and 3Meyer Children’s University Hospital, Nephrology Unit, Florence, Italy inflammation in the ageing kidney (“inflammaging”) are involved in the aggravated
AKI response to FA in old mice.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a global health concern CONCLUSION: Our data indicate that in advanced age, exposure to toxic compounds
with an incidence of 13.3 million patients per year, and increasing. AKI is recognized as results in a more severe AKI response that might relate to an early inflammatory
10.1093/ndt/gfab084 | i239
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response characterize by more extensive necroptosis and activation of pathways related microscope, including unclear boundaries, damaged membrane structures,
to cellular senescence of resident kidney cells and infiltrating inflammatory cells. disappeared mitochondrial cristae, and fragmented mitochondria or abnormal giant
mitochondria in PT cells. The expression of cytochrome b was reduced by 52.0%
(P<0.0001), indicating the damages of mitochondrial respiratory chain. ATP levels
which reflected mitochondrial functions were also decreased after TDF treatment in
HK-2 cells with a time- and dose-dependent relationship.
CONCLUSION: TDF may down-regulate Npt expression, leading to decreased
intracellular phosphorus concentrations, mitochondrial dysfunctions, and finally
Line Stattau Bisgaard1,2, Pernille M Christensen1,2, Ernst-Martin Füchtbauer3,
kidney injury.
Lars Bo Nielsen4, Christina Christoffersen1,2
Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Department of Clinical Biochemistry,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Copenhagen University, Department of Biomedical Sciences,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Aarhus University, Department of Molecular Biology and
Genetics, Aarhus, Denmark and 4Aarhus University, The Faculty of Health Sciences,
Aarhus, Denmark
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury is a severe disease with detrimental
outcomes. The underlying ethiology is still elusive and besides dialysis, treatment
options are poor.
Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is mainly expressed in liver and in proximal tubular
epithelial cells in the kidney. In plasma, apoM associates with HDL particles via a
retained signal peptide. ApoM is a carrier of sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a small
bioactive lipid involved in e.g. angiogenesis, lymphocyte trafficking, and vascular
barrier function. Recently, it was shown that apoM/S1P protects against development
of liver and lung fibrosis. In urine, apoM is normally undetectable in both wild type
mice and healthy humans. However, lack of megalin receptors in proximal tubuli
induces loss of apoM into the urine. The biological function of kidney-derived apoM is
unknown, but it has been hypothesized that apoM might be secreted to the pre-urine to
sequester molecules, such as S1P, from secretion.
The aim of this study was to unravel the role of apoM in kidney biology and in acute
kidney injury.
METHOD: A novel kidney specific human apoM transgenic mouse (RPTEC-
hapoMTG), was generated by expressing human apoM under the control of the
proximal tubular epithelial cell specific Sglt2 promoter. The effect of kidney specific
apoM overexpression on acute kidney injury was accessed by inducing either cisplatin
or ischemia/reperfusion injury. Further, a stable cell line of HK-2 cells overexpressing
hapoM (HK-2hapoM-TG) was generated and the cells were cultured on transwells to
assess the secretion of apoM to respectively the apical and basolateral site.
RESULTS: hapoM was present in plasma from RPTEC-hapoMTG mice (mean 0.18
lM), indicating that kidney-derived apoM can be secreted to plasma. When assessing
the secretion of hapoM from proximal tubular epithelial cells in vitro, studies support MO340 Figure 1: Representative light micrographs and electron micrographs of
that apoM can be secreted to both the apical (urine) and basolateral (blood) mice kidney. (A1-C1) Renal cortex of a control mouse and TDF treated mice. The
compartment. No differences in kidney injury markers (plasma urea and creatinine) proximal convoluted tubules were edematous and their lining epithelium was
between RPTEC-hapoMTG and wild type (WT) mice subjected to cisplatin injections, destroyed (yellow arrow, H & E, X 200). Some glomeruli were shrunken. (A2-C2)
or in kidney injury score determined by histological evaluation was found. Similar, we Brush border cilia of proximal tubule epithelial cells (original magnification 15000).
could not detect any histological difference between RPTEC-hapoMTG and WT mice (A3-C3) Mitochondrial structure in the renal tubules (original magnification 30000).
after ischemia/reperfusion injury, and overexpression of hapoM did not affect kidney Disruption of mitochondrial cristae in the renal tubules of TDF treated mice was
gene expression of inflammatory markers (i.e. IL6, MCP-1) compared to WT mice. detected.
CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that apoM can be secreted to both the apical and
basolateral compartment, supporting a role for apoM in sequestering molecules from
secretion in urine.
Transgenic overexpression of apoM in proximal tubular epithelial cells of mice did not
protect against acute kidney injury.
Tiantian Ma1, Xiaoxiao Shi1, Bingbin Zhao1, Jiaying Li1, Peili Ji1, Limeng Chen1
Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Beijing, P.R. China
i240 | Abstracts
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MO341 VALUE OF THE CELL CYCLE ARREST BIOMARKERS IN THE AM might delay pathogenesis and progression of CKD. Here we focused on AKI as a
DIAGNOSIS OF PREGNANCY RELATED ACUTE KIDNEY promoter of CKD progression in order to examine the effects of AM histologically and
INURY histochemically in mice.
METHOD: Here we used two groups of female C57BL/6 mice: one that was aged 12
Hesham Kamal Habeeb Keryakos1, Osama El-Minshawy1, Mahmoud Khedr1, weeks and one that was aged 52 weeks. After the first blood collection (of
Ayman Yousuf2, Moustafa Abo Elela3, Fatma Kamel1 approximately 0.2 ml), the two age groups of mice were administered AM powder
Faculty Of Medicine - Minia University, Internal Medicine and Nephrology Department, mixed with sterilized 0.5% methylcellulose 400 (w/v) (the AM-administered group) or
El-Minya, Egypt, 2Faculty Of Medicine - Minia University, Obstetrics and Gynecology, El- sterilized 0.5% methylcellulose 400 (the control group), respectively. Two hours after
Minya, Egypt and 3Faculty Of Medicine - Minia University, Clinical Pathology the administration, 0.5 mg/ml cisplatin (20 mg/kg or 14 mg/kg) or 0.9% NaCl were
Department, El-Minya, Egypt injected intraperitoneally. Three days after injection, blood was collected and kidneys
were harvested. We measured blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (CRE) to
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pregnancy related acute kidney injury (PRAKI) is still a detect AKI, and assessed histological change in dissected kidney sections stained with
common serious problem in developing countries. Insulin-like growth factor-binding Hematoxylin-Eosin and Periodic acid-Schiff and histochemical change in sections
protein 7 (IGFBP7) and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) can identify stained with anti-CD3 and anti-CD68 antibodies. Generally, 20 mg/kg cisplatin was
critically ill patients at risk for the development of severe AKI. Aims: To identify main used to induce AKI in the experimental model.
causes and timing of PRAKI and to study the G1 cell cycle arrest biomarkers in cases RESULTS: Injection with 20 mg/kg cisplatin was shown to induce AKI pathology in
diagnosed with (PRAKI) as a diagnostic tool. young mice and shorten survival in old mice, and AM administration was unable to
METHOD: 80 pregnant women diagnosed with PRAKI were recruited from a single improve AKI pathology in young mice or survival in old mice. Next, we injected mice
hospital as well as 30 age-matched pregnant women with normal pregnancy in both age groups with 14 mg/kg cisplatin. We found that this dose significantly
participated in this study. A urine specimen was collected from all study participants increased serum BUN or CRE and caused histological damage in renal tubule epithelial
with established AKI within 24 hours of ICU admission to measure [TIMP- cells and glomeruli in old mice but not in young mice, which showed no pathological
2]*[IGFBP7]. change. And Astragalus treatment in advance almost totally prevented these
RESULTS: The incidence of PRAKI was 1.1%. The most common cause of PRAKI is pathological changes in old mice. The AKI generated in old mice with 14 mg/kg of
preeclampsia/eclampsia spectrum (61%). Most of the cases occur in the third trimester cisplatin was significantly normalized by pretreatment with AM. Next, histochemical
(60%) and postpartum period (23%). At a cutoff 0.33 ng/mL, the estimated sensitivity analysis of renal CD3- and CD68-positive cells revealed both were increased in the
and specificity of urinary [TIMP-2]*[IGFBP7] in predicting PRAKI is 100% (95% CI) murine AKI model induced by injection with 20 mg/kg cisplatin. Interestingly, in old
with NPV and PPV are 100%. mice, 14 mg/kg cisplatin-AKI increased CD3-positive cells but not CD68-positive cells.
CONCLUSION: Urinary [TIMP-2]*[IGFBP7] serves as a sensitive and specific These findings suggest that AM may improve daily minor disturbances, such as AKI,
biomarker in the diagnosis of PRAKI. that cause pathogenesis and progression of CKD especially in old age.
CONCLUSION: AM administration, at least in part, can reduce day-to-day AKI
occurrence, but is ineffective in young kidneys. However, sustained use of AM could
play a critical role in prolonging the activity of aged kidneys.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank the Education and Research Support Center,
Tokai University, for technical assistance. This work was supported by a grant from the
Japan Society for Promotion of Science JSPS KAKENHI KIBAN-C (Grant Number
16K09259) and by Tokai university general research organization grant.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Studies have shown that serum response factor (SRF) is
increased in chronic kidney injury, such as diabetic nephropathy, hyperuricemic
nephropathy and renal cell carcinoma. The objective is to explore the early diagnostic
value of SRF in acute kidney injury (AKI).
METHOD: AKI-related microarray data were analyzed, and the expression and
location of SRF were investigated in the early phase of AKI.
RESULTS: Bioinformatics results demonstrated that SRF was dramatically elevated 2-4
h after ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in mouse renal tissue. In I/R rats, SRF was mostly
expressed and located in renal tubular epithelial cells (TECs). SRF started to increase at
1 h, peaked at 3-9 h and started to decrease at 12 h after I/R. The areas under the ROC
curve of renal SRF mRNA, renal SRF protein, urinary SRF, serum SRF and serum
creatinine (Scr) were 87.9%, 83.0%, 81.3%, 78.8%, 68.8%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: SRF is remarkably upregulated in early (before 24 h) AKI and can
replace Scr as a potential new early diagnostic biomarker of AKI.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recent findings suggest that acute kidney injury (AKI),
which occurs frequently but is believed to be completely reversible, is an important
factor driving chronic kidney disease (CKD) pathogenesis or progression. We have
investigated Astragalus membranaceus (AM), which has been shown to have various
pharmacological effects on several organs (see
However, up to now, little evidence of its effectiveness against CKD has been provided.
We hypothesized that AM could target AKI and that sustainable prevention of AKI by
10.1093/ndt/gfab084 | i241
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO343 Figure 2:SRF was upregulated and localized in TECs in I/R rats
MO343 Figure 5:The ROC curve of renal SRF mRNA, renal SRF protein, urinary SRF,
serum SRF and Scr in early (before 24 h) AKI.
MO343 Figure 3:Scr level and renal SRF mRNA expression in I/R rats
MO343 Figure 6:SRF protein and mRNA expression was upregulated with the
extension of renal pedicles occlusion time.
Imane Failal1, Sanae Ezzaki1, Rania Elafifi1, Mohamed Zamd1, Naoufal Mtioui1,
Salma Elkhayat1, Ghizlaine Medkouri1, Mohamed Benghanem1,
Benyounes Ramdani1
CHU ibn rochd, nephrology, casablanca, Morocco
MO343 Figure 4:The protein level of SRF in kidney, urine and serum in vivo BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Postoperative acute renal failure (AKI) is a particular
form of acute failure with several triggers. Decreased renal blood flow and the resulting
ischemia seem to be the most common cause of kidney damage. The objective was to
study the incidence and risk factors associated with post-operative AKI.
METHOD: It was a retrospective, descriptive study spanning a 3-year period from
January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. The patients in this series were admitted to the
various surgical departments.
RESULTS: Our study included 618 cases of AKI. The incidence of postoperative AKI
was 8.73%. The average age of our patients was 40.4 þ/- 12.3 years, a male
predominance with a sex ratio of 1.2. The main history was diabetes found in 39%,
hypertension in 27.5% and an injection of contrast product a few days before the
intervention in 14.5%. General surgery topped the list in 49.5% of our patients,
followed by trauma in 25%, gyneco-obstetrics in 14.5%, and 11% for the rest of the
surgeries. The associated risk factors were: hypovolemic shock, diabetes, severe sepsis.
CONCLUSION: The occurrence of acute renal failure in the postoperative period
results from factors related to the field and surgery. Hence the need for early
identification of risk situations, in order to reduce the incidence of renal damage during
the perioperative period.
i242 | Abstracts
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Ravi Mishra1, HARSHIT SINGH2, Saurabh Chaturvedi3, Durga P Mishra3, TUBULOTOXICITY
Vikas Agarwal3, Mohan Gurjar4
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science, Lucknow India, Depatment Sébastien Sinaeve1, Cécile Husson2, Marie-Hélène Antoine2, Stéphane Welti3,
of clinical Immunology, Lucknow, India, 2Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Cony Decock4, Caroline Stevigny1, Joelle Nortier2
Medical Science, Lucknow India, Depatment of nephrology, Lucknow, India, 3Sanjay Université libre de Bruxelles-Faculty of Pharmacy, RD3-Pharmacognosy, Bioanalysis
Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science, Lucknow India, Depatment of and Drug Discovery Unit, Brussels, Belgium, 2Université libre de Bruxelles-Faculty of
clinical immunology, Lucknow, India and 4Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, Laboratory of Experimental Nephrology, Brussels, Belgium, 3Université Lille 2-
Medical Science, Lucknow India, Depatment of Critical Care Medicine, Lucknow, India UFR Pharmacie, Laboratoire des Sciences Végétales et Fongiques, Lille, France and
Université Catholique de Louvain, BCCM/MUCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
BACKGROUND : -: Intravenous administration of radiocontrast media is referred to
as contrast-induced kidney injury (CI-AKI).CI-AKI is described as the third most BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cisplatin is currently used as a first-line cancer
common cause of new AKI in hospitalized patients. The occurrence of CI-AKI is treatment, such as testicular, ovarian or pulmonary cancers. Their nephrotoxicity
reported up to 55% in these high-risk patients.: NGAL (Neutrophil gelatinase- remains a real problem. Acute kidney injury induced by cisplatin is located on
associated Lipocalin)and Cystatin C have been found an early and sensitive marker of proximal tubular cells, causing necrosis and possibly subsequent interstitial fibrosis and
acute kidney injury (AKI). chronic dysfunction. These severe side effects can lead to a cessation of the patient’s
AIMS: To evaluate biomarkers in plasma (P) and urine (U) after intravenous contrast treatment. Currently, there is no effective prophylactic action to reduce cisplatin
in adult ICU patients. nephrotoxicity, beside hyperhydration of the patient [1].
METHOD: Total of 36 patients recruited as per inclusion criteria. ICU patients who The aim of the present work is therefore to identify new prophylactic therapy. For this,
were >18 years with radiographic contrast for diagnostic or interventional computed natural products can be studied, in this case, the interest of potential new medicinal
tomography (CT scan), were included. After ethical approval, samples of 5 ml blood mushrooms extracts. Among 13 mushroom extracts, the methanolic extracts of
and 5 ml urine were collected before contrast exposure and at 4 h, 24 h, and 48 h after Ganoderma parvigibbosum Welti & Courtecuisse, Ganoderma tuberculosum Murrill
contrast exposure. NGAL and Cystatin C assay was done by ELISA, and urinary levels and their association were selected to study their effects on human proximal tubular
were normalized as per urine creatinine (UCr) values for each sample. In the present cells (HK-2) intoxicated with cisplatin.
study, CI-AKI is defined as a rise in SCr of 0.3 mg/dl within 48 hrs. Data presented in METHOD: HK-2 cells are grown in 75cm2 sterile flasks using DMEM low glucose
a mean or median analysis performed. (1mg/mL), supplemented with FBS (10%), L-Glutamin and a mix of Penicillin/
RESULTS: In this study, 30 CT scan episodes requiring intravenous contrast in 25 ICU Streptomycin. Dried mushrooms were grounded and extracted 3 times by methanol,
patients were included. Median age was 36 yrs and 13 (43%) were male. On day of evaporated extracts are stored at -20 C. A viability assay allowed to determine the work
inclusion, median SOFA score was 3; 16% In patients having CI-AKI, mean values concentration of extracts range have been done. After that, tests were performed after a
changes from pre-contrast to at 4 h, 24 h and 48 h after contrast are presented..Kinetics pretreatment of 1h with the extracts before adding cisplatin at a concentration of 20
of plasma (P) and urine (U) NGAL and Cystatin C levels (Mean6SD) with p value mM. Viability assays (CCK-8) and antioxidant activity (DPPH) were done in 96-well.
among patients having CI-AKI P NGAL (ng/ml), Before Contrast(BC)( The intracellular concentration of b-catenin and calcium, Caspase-3, p53, cytochrome
708.56201.76) , 04hrC(851.56332.05, p=0.07), 24hrC(1093.256225.03, p=0.02), C, IL-6, NFjB, the membranal expression of KIM-1 and finally the ROS production
48hrC(7886323.4, p=0.21), UNGAL (ng/mg of U Cr)BC(67.63648.09) , (H2DCFDA) were studied by flow cytometry.
04hrC(39.69619.79, p=0.07) , 24hrC(101.97690, p=0.12) , 48hrC(59.87656.85, RESULTS: Tests have shown that methanolic extracts of G. parvigibbosum and G.
p=0.73) , P Cystatin C (ng/ml) BC(4698.856574.71), 04hrC(4704.5761144.87) , tuberculosum (10 mg/mL) and their association (5 þ 5 mg/mL) prevented the loss of
p=0.02) , 24hrC(4428.8561135.73, p=0.03), 48hrC(4288.856435.8, p=0.17), U viability after a 24h incubation. They also have prevented the increase of cytochrome C
Cystatin C (ng/mg of UCr) BC(3 46.066224.7), 04hrC(219.66672.18, p=0.91), 24hrC and p53 after 24h. G. parvigibbosum and the association of the two mushrooms
(470.216536.28, p=0.99), 48hrC(633.616811.77, p=0.23). extracts have also prevented the increase of caspase-3 and intracellular b-catenin.
CONCLUSION: ROC curve analysis during pre-contrast exposure: NGAL, and Finally, G. parvigibbosum was the only to prevent the ROS overproduction. None of
Cystatin C), both plasma and urine level AUC was significantly higher in patients who them showed a scavenger activity, nor a prevention in the increase of IL-6 and NFjB or
develop CI-AKI and Post-contrast exposure Plasma levels AUC significantly higher the membrane expression of KIM-1.
than Urine levels. CONCLUSION: Ganoderma parvigibbosum appears to be therefore more beneficial
than Ganoderma tuberculosum and the association of the two mushrooms extracts by
acting also on the ROS overproduction. In conclusion, in this study, the extracts have
shown a significant activity on the prevention of the pro-apoptosis pathway rather than
a pro-inflammatory prevention. Further investigation will be performed to identify the
precise activity and chemical content of these extracts.
[1]. Bunel V. et al, Pharm Biol. 2015
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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i244–i269, 2021
AKI. CLINICAL. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND OUTCOME CONCLUSION: There was considerable centre-variation in LOS for patients with
HA-AKI across England. Further interrogation of patient and centre-level factors
underlying the observed variation is now necessary to better understand why this
variation exists and to inform development of future targeted quality improvement
MO347 CENTER VARIATION IN LENGTH OF STAY FOR PATIENTS interventions to address this.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Initial WHO guidance advised cautious fluid
administration for patients with COVID-19 due to concern about the development of
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, as the pandemic unfolded it
became apparent that patients who were admitted to hospital had high rates of AKI
and this initiated a change in local clinical guidelines during early April 2020. We
aimed to ascertain the impact of judicious intravenous fluid use on mortality, length of
hospitalisation and AKI.
METHOD: An observational cohort study of 158 adults admitted with confirmed
SARS-Cov-2 between 18th March and 9th May 2020 was conducted in a teaching
hospital and designated centre for infectious diseases, London, UK. Key clinical and
demographic data collected included clinical severity markers on admission,
biochemical and haematological parameters as well as radiological findings. Primary
outcomes were inpatient mortality, mortality at 6-weeks post discharge, length of
hospitalisation and intensive care (ICU) admission. We also measured requirement for
kidney replacement therapy (KRT) and AKI recovery rate at discharge. Using tests of
difference, we compared key outcomes between patients treated with varying fluid
regimens and then identified risk factors for AKI and mortality using multivariate
logistic regression with results expressed as odds ratios (OR) with corresponding 95%
confidence interval (CI).
RESULTS: The median age was 74.4 (IQR 59.90 - 84.35) years, 66% were male, 53%
white with hypertension and diabetes being the commonest co-morbidities. The
median duration of illness prior to admission was 7 days (IQR 2 – 10) with respiratory
Heidy Hendra1,2, Dinesha Sudusinghe1, James Greenan-Barrett3,
Melissa Chowdhury4, David Mathew1, Muhammad Umaid Rauf1, Efthimia Karra5, symptoms and fever most prevalent. The people who presented with AKI on admission
Umaira Aziz5, Ioannis D. Kostakis6, Tara Sood3, Lucy Lamb4,7, Philip Masson1,2, were more likely to receive fluids (34% vs 15%, p=0.02).
118 patients (75%) received fluids within 24-hours of admission with no difference in
Sally Hamour1,2
volume administered after local guidance change (p=0.78). Comparing patients
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Renal Unit, London, United Kingdom, receiving fluids with those who did not, we observed no difference in mortality
Royal Free Hospital, University College London Department of Renal Medicine, (p=0.97), duration of hospital stays (p=0.26) or requirement for ICU admission
London, United Kingdom, 3Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, Emergency (p=0.70). 18% died as an inpatient, and 52 patients were either admitted with or
Medicine Department, London, United Kingdom, 4Royal Free London NHS Foundation developed AKI.
Trust, Department of Infectious Diseases, London, United Kingdom, 5Royal Free London Of these 52 patients, 43 received fluids and 9 did not with no difference in KRT
NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology, London, United requirement (p=0.34), mortality (p=0.50) or AKI recovery (p=0.63). Peak AKI stage
Kingdom, 6Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust,, Department of Hepatobiliary was greater among participants who received fluids though stage of AKI at
Surgery and Liver Transplantation, London, United Kingdom and 7Royal Centre for presentation was also greater (p=0.04). Mortality rate in patients with an AKI is higher
Defence Medicine, Academic Department of Military Medicine, Birmingham, United compared to overall inpatient mortality (31% vs 18%). Of the 36 patients with AKI
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who were discharged home, 25 patients (69.4%) had renal recovery by the time of MO351 CENTRE VARIATION IN MORTALITY FOLLOWING HOSPITAL-
Increasing age and clinical severity on admission were associated with higher mortality
(see Figure 1). Older age was associated with 34 - 53 times higher risk of death Javeria Peracha1,2, David Pitcher1, Shalini Santhakumaran1, Jamie Day3,
compared with those aged 65 years (age 76 - 85 years: OR 34.26, 95% CI: 3.94 - James Fotheringham4, Retha Steenkamp1, James Medcalf1,5,
297.48, p=0.001; age > 85 years: OR 53.07, 95% CI: 5.23 - 539.03, p=0.001). Patients Dorothea Nitsch1,6,7, Graham Lipkin2, William McKane4
with NEWS2 >4 on admission has 5-fold increased risk of death than those with a UK Renal Registry, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham,
score 4 (OR 5.26, 95% CI: 1.32 - 20.92). Black ethnicity was associated with a 16-fold Department of Renal Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Getting It Right First
increased risk of developing AKI (OR 15.86, 95% CI: 1.67 - 150.99). Time, NHS Improvement and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, United
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine the impact of Kingdom, 4Northern General Hospital Sheffield Kidney Institute, Sheffield, United
fluid management on inpatient mortality as well as on renal-associated outcomes of Kingdom, 5Leicester General Hospital, John Walls Renal Unit, United Kingdom,
COVID-19 admission. Fluid administration regimen did not have an impact on University College Hospital, London, United Kingdom and 7London School of Hygiene
mortality, length of hospitalisation or ICU admission, nor did it affect renal outcomes. & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Given the high rates of AKI and KRT in COVID-19 disease, early fluid administration
is likely to be an important cornerstone of future management. Further adequately BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Routine monitoring of outcomes for patients with
powered prospective studies are required to identify whether early fluid administration Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is necessary to drive quality improvement in AKI care. In
can reduce renal injury. this study, we describe development of a case-mix adjusted 30-day mortality indicator
for patients with hospital acquired AKI (H-AKI), to facilitate identification of
unwarranted variation in outcomes across hospitals in England.
MO350 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY RELATED TO ENDOSCOPIC METHOD: We utilised a routinely collected national dataset of biochemically defined
RETROGRADE COLANGIO-PANCREATOGRAPHY IS AKI cases, linked with hospitals administrative and mortality data. 250,504 H-AKI
ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED INCIDENCE OF IN- episodes were studied in total, across 103 hospitals between January 2017 - December
HOSPITAL MORTALITY 2018. Standardised mortality ratios were calculated for each hospital using logistic
regression; adjusting for age, sex, primary diagnosis, comorbidity score, AKI severity,
Florica Gadalean1, Parv Florina2, Adalbert Schiller3, Flaviu Bob3, month of AKI, and admission method.
Cristina Gluhovschi3, Milas Oana3, Adelina Mihaescu3, Anca Simulescu3, RESULTS: Mean 30-day mortality rate was high at 28.6% and varied considerably
Alina Golea-Secara3, Lazar Chisavu3, Iulia Dana Grosu3, Luciana Marc3, between hospitals (22.3%-35.5%), with 23/103 trusts classed as outliers (95% control
Iulia Ratiu3, Adrian Goldis3, Bogdan Miutescu3, Andrei Riza3, Ligia Petrica3 limits). Patients with H-AKI had mortality rates more than 5 times higher than the
1 overall hospitalized population in 90/136 diagnosis groups and over 10 times higher in
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Nephrology,
60/136 groups. Increasing age, male sex, deprivation, higher comorbidity burden, more
Timis, oara, Romania, 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara,
severe AKI stage at detection, emergency admission and admission during winter
Cardiology, Timis, oara, Romania and 3University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor
months were all associated with a higher risk of death Presentation at hospitals with
Babes” Timisoara, Gastroenterology, Timis, oara, Romania
on-site specialist nephrology services and Asian or Black ethnicity, however, were
linked to a lower risk of death.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To date, endoscopic retrograde colangio- CONCLUSION: This is the largest multi-centre analysis of mortality for patients with
pancreatography (ERCP) represents a major advance in gastro-intestinal biochemically ascertained H-AKI to date, once again highlighting development of AKI
endoscopy. The ERCP is a safe and minimally invasive therapy for pancreatic-biliary as an important patient safety concern across hospital settings. Centres identified as
diseases. Adverse events (AEs) associated to ERCP are well described. However, little is having poor outcomes will need to carefully interrogate their AKI care pathways to
known about acute kidney injury (AKI) associated to ERCP. The aim of this study was understand and explore reasons underlying the observed variation to guide future
to evaluate the incidence of post-ERCP AKI and the risk factors for AKI development. quality improvement interventions.
The prognostic implication of ERCP-associated AKI in in-hospital mortality has been
also assessed.
METHOD: In this prospective observational study, we evaluated 396 patients who
underwent ERCP, from the 3rd January 2019 through the 27th January 2020. AKI was
defined as an increase in serum creatinine (SCr) 0.3 mg/dl or an increase in SCr
50% and/or by a decrease in urine output to 0.5 ml/kg/hour for 6 hours, in the first 48
hours following ERCP. Logistic uni- and multivariable regression methods were used
to determine predictors of AKI and in-hospital mortality. A two-tailed value <0.05 was
considered significant.
RESULTS: In the studied group, median age was 69 years, interquartile range [IQ
=17], 183 (46.21%) patients being males. ERCP-associated AKI was detected in 103
patients (26%). Univariable regression analysis showed that AKI was associated with
baseline eGFR (r=0.246, P<0.001), age (r=0.108, P=0.04), Charlson Comorbidity Index
(CCI) (r=0.239, P<0.001), and with the following pre-ERCP parameters: systemic
inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) (r=0.125, P=0.012), serum albumin (r= -
0.232, P<0.001), C-reactive protein (r=0.246, P<0.001), hematocrit (r= -0.130,
P=0.009), platelet count (r=-0.155, P=0.001), total bilirubin level (r=0.230; P<0.001),
alaninamino transferase level (r= -0.101, P=0.044), and alcaline phosphatase level
(r=0.286, P<0.001). In the multivariable regression analysis, the independent
predictors of AKI were: baseline eGFR (adjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.941, 95%
confidence interval (CI): 0.927–0.956, P<0.001), CCI score (OR=1.17, 95%CI: 1.05-
1.32, P=0.005), SIRS (OR=2.02, 95%CI: 1.009-4.036, P=0.047), total bilirubin
(OR=1.08, 95%CI: 1.036-1.123, P<0.001), and alcaline phosphatase (OR=1.002,
95%CI:1.001-1.002, P<0.001). AKI was associated with increased in-hospital mortality
(7.76 % versus 0.34 %, P<0.001). In our group, AKI was an independent predictor of
in-hospital mortality (OR=9.98 , 95% CI: 1.19-83.26, P=0.03).
CONCLUSION: In patients undergoing ERCP, AKI was a common complication and
an independent risk factor for in-hospital mortality. These findings highlight the
importance of early AKI and AKI-related risk factors recognition, in order to
minimise the risk for ERCP-associated AKI and to improve the post-ERCP outcome of
i246 | Abstracts
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development of acute kidney injury (AKI), and of their combination, on the long-term
cardiovascular outcomes, remain unclear.
METHOD: The present study was based on a post hoc analysis of the CIRCUS trial
database, a multicentre randomized study which gathered 969 patients with
anterior STEMI treated by primary percutaneous intervention (PPCI) within 12 hours
of symptoms onset. Uni and multivariate regressions were performed to identify if the
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at admission and the development of AKI
were associated with (1) cardiovascular death and heart failure (HF) at one year and (2)
sub-optimal treatment prescription at discharge.
RESULTS: A total of 822 patients were included. The mean baseline eGFR was 86 6
19 mL/min/1.73m2. AKI occurred in 97 patients (11.8%). Baseline eGFR <60mL/min/
1.73m2 was associated with HF (40.0 vs 16.8%, p<0.001) and with a sub-optimal
treatment at discharge (35.9 vs 18.9%, p=0.001). AKI was associated with
cardiovascular death (12.4 vs 2.8%, p<0.001), HF (50.5 vs 14.9%, p<0.001), and sub-
optimal treatment (35.8 vs 18.5%, p<0.001). The multivariate analysis showed that
AKI (OR=4.88, CI=2.89-8.27) and a lower baseline eGFR (OR=1.29 per 10mL/min/
1.73m2 decrease, CI=1.11-1.50) are independent predictors of cardiovascular death or
HF after anterior STEMI.
CONCLUSION: In anterior STEMI patients undergoing PPCI, the development of
AKI was the strongest independent predictor of poor clinical outcome at one year. The
study suggests the need for a tailored monitoring of STEMI patients with AKI or
baseline kidney dysfunction.
MO352 Figure: Forest plot for independent predictors of death or heart failure BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a common
event finding in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Indeed, CKD represents a relevant
Abbreviations: AKI, Acute kidney injury; CK, Creatinine kinase; GFR, estimated risk factor for developing dementia and MCI. Cholinesterase inhibitors, such as
glomerular Filtration Rate; TIMI, Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction score. rivastigmine, are among the few drugs approved for the treatment of dementia and
MCI. Rivastigmine is also used to treat vascular dementia because it protects
subcortical brain structures. Data are scanty regarding the use of rivastigmine in CKD
patients with MCI and are much needed to guide the therapy for MCI in this cohort of
METHOD: This retrospective case-control study compared the effects of rivastigmine
on cognitive functions in MCI patients with CKD (stage III-IV; n= 20) and without
CKD (n=21, control group), comparable for the extent of cognitive impairment
MO353 MACHINE LEARNING-BASED PREDICTION OF ACUTE (indexed by Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA), age (range 18-65 years), gender,
KIDNEY INJURY AFTER NEPHRECTOMY IN PATIENTS WITH weight, and comorbidities. Patients under treatment with rivastigmine and with a
RENAL CELL CARCINOMA baseline MoCA score available were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were ictus,
psychiatric or other neurological conditions, heart failure, liver failure, severe obesity,
Sejoong Kim1, Yeonhee Lee2, Seung Seok Han2 anemia, electrolyte disorders, cancer, dialysis, and other severe comorbidities.
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Internal Medicine, Seongnam-si, Korea, Laboratory test data (glycemia, cholesterol, hemoglobin, proteinuria, creatinine) were
Rep. of South and 2Seoul National University College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, used to characterize the two populations. MCI was defined as a MoCA score between
Seoul, Korea, Rep. of South 21-26. The cognitive screening was available at baseline (before treatment) and during
a follow-up in a range of three-six months after the start of the treatment. CKD was
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The precise prediction of acute kidney injury (AKI) defined by eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73m2.
after nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is an important issue because of its RESULTS: The follow-up timing for cognitive screening was not statistically different
relationship with subsequent kidney dysfunction and high mortality. Herein we between the two cohorts. The control group (MCI without CKD) showed a small,
addressed whether machine learning algorithms could predict postoperative AKI risk significant improvement in the MoCA score after treatment (baseline MoCA:
better than conventional logistic regression (LR) models. 22.960.5, follow-up MoCA: 23.560.5, p=0.02, t-test for paired data).
METHOD: A total of 4,104 RCC patients who had undergone unilateral nephrectomy At variance, the MCI-CKD group showed a significant improvement in the MoCA
from January 2003 to December 2017 were reviewed. Machine learning models such as score (baseline MoCA=2360.4, follow-up MoCA=24.360.4, p<0.05).
support vector machine, random forest, extreme gradient boosting, and light gradient Accordingly, the extent of improvement of MoCA score after rivastigmine was
boosting machine (LightGBM) were developed, and their performance based on the inversely correlated to the eGFR (r = -0.23).
area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, accuracy, and F1 score was CONCLUSION: A significant improvement in MoCA score accompanied treatment
compared with that of the LR-based scoring model. with rivastigmine in the CKD group. More extensive population studies are needed to
RESULTS: Postoperative AKI developed in 1,167 patients (28.4%). All the machine verify the greater efficacy of Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in this population.
learning models had higher performance index values than the LR-based scoring
model. Among them, the LightGBM model had the highest value of 0.810 (0.783–
0.837). The decision curve analysis demonstrated a greater net benefit of the machine MO355 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY INCREASES THE RISK FOR
learning models than the LR-based scoring model over all the ranges of threshold SUBSEQUENT HEART FAILURE HOSPITALIZATIONS
probabilities. The LightGBM and random forest models, but not others, were well
calibrated. Matthias Diebold1, Tobias Zimmermann2, Ivo Strebel2, Desiree Wussler2,
CONCLUSION: The application of machine learning algorithms improves the Stefano Bassetti3, Christian Mueller2, Tobias Breidthardt3
predictability of AKI after nephrectomy for RCC, and these models perform better 1
University Hospital Basel, Clinic for Transplantation Immunology and Nephrology,
than conventional LR-based models.
Basel, Switzerland, 2University Hospital Basel, Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel,
Basel, Switzerland and 3University Hospital Basel, Division of Internal Medicine, Basel,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common and associated
with increased mortality and morbidity. The impact of AKI on subsequent heart failure
remains largely unknown.
10.1093/ndt/gfab082 | i247
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: The Basics in Acute Shortness of Breath Evaluation Study (BaselV) one year after initial AKI-episode patients with suspected infection at the emergency
prospectively enrolled patients presenting the emergency department with acute department.
dyspnea. Two independent specialists adjudicated the final cause of dyspnea. Serum METHOD: We used data from the SPACE-cohort (SePsis in the ACutely ill patients in
creatinine concentrations were prospectively assessed throughout the hospitalization. the Emergency department), which consisted of all consecutive patients that presented
AKI was defined according to the serum creatinine criteria of the 2012 KDIGO clinical to the emergency department of the internal medicine with suspected infection in the
practice guideline. AKI adjudication occurred blinded to the cause of dyspnea. period between 2016 and 2018 at the University Medical Center Utrecht. Clinical and
Mortality and rehospitalizations were prospectively assessed during follow-up laboratory data were prospectively collected of all patients. AKI was defined according
(median:768 days [IQR:290-950]. Renal recovery was defined as a discharge to the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Outcomes were 1-year all-
creatinine<1.25x baseline creatinine. cause mortality and renal function. Hazards ratios were assessed using Cox regression
RESULTS: AKI occurred in 809 (40%) of 2021 patients and was associated with to investigate the association between AKI, 1-year mortality and renal function decline
increased all-cause (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] 1.33, 95%CI 1.13-1.55; p<0.01) and after AKI. HRs were adjusted for potential confounders including age, gender,
cardiovascular mortality (aHR 1.43, 95%CI 1.16-1.75; p<0.01). However, the impact of Charlson Comorbidity Index, immune status, smoking status, medication use
AKI on mortality was time-dependent with the highest impact on early 30-day (diuretics, proton-pump inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
mortality (aHR 2.47, 95%CI 1.62-3.76; p<0.01) (Figure 1A). AKI was not associated and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi)), disease severity, diagnosis in
with all-cause or cardiovascular mortality in patients achieving renal recovery (p=0.10 the emergency department. Decline of renal function after AKI episode at emergency
and p=0.30). In contrast, AKI displayed a time-independent association with department visit was defined as Serum Creatinine (SCr) level 30% above baseline.
subsequent hospitalisations for heart failure (hHF) (aHR 1.49, 95%CI 1.15-1.94; Survival in patients with and without AKI was assessed using Kaplan-Meier analyses.
p<0.01) (Figure 1B). The association with hHF was stronger for higher degrees of AKI RESULTS: Of the 3105 patients in the SPACE-cohort with suspected infection, we
(stage 2/3 aHR: 1.89; 95%CI 1.33-2.83; p<0.01). This association with hHF persisted in included 1716, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and had a baseline SCr measurement.
patients with non-cardiac dyspnea (aHR 2.43, 95%CI 1.05-5.59; p=0.04), even after Patients without SCr at baseline (401 patients), at emergence department visit (113
renal recovery (aHR 2.56, 95%CI 1.00-6.54; p=0.05). Again, in patients with non- patients), during follow-up (33 patients), on renal replacement therapy (66 patients) or
cardiac dyspnea the association of advanced AKI (stage 2/3) with hHF was even had a repeated emergency department visit (776 patients) were excluded. Of the 1716
stronger (aHR 4.25, 95%CI 1.59-11.36; p<0.01).
CONCLUSION: AKI independently increases the risk of hHF by almost 50%. This patients presenting with suspected infection patients (median age 62y, 52.9% male),
association persists in patients with non-cardiac dyspnea, even after renal recovery by 185 patients (10.8%) had an AKI episode. Mortality was 23.8% for the AKI group and
discharge. This suggests AKI to be a novel risk-factor for the development of clinically 20.4% for the non-AKI group. The adjusted HR for all-cause mortality at 1-year after
significant HF. presentation at the emergency department in AKI patients was 2.1 (95% CI 1.5 – 3.1).
Moreover, the cumulative incidence of renal function decline was 69.8% for patients
with AKI and 39.3% for patients without AKI. Patients with an episode of AKI had
MO356 THE INCIDENCE, MORTALITY AND RENAL OUTCOMES OF higher risks of developing renal function decline (adjusted HR 3.3, 95% CI 2.4-4.5) at
ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PATIENTS WITH SUSPECTED one year after initial AKI-episode at the emergency department.
INFECTION AT THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CONCLUSION: Acute kidney injury is common in patients with suspected infection
in the emergency department and is significantly associated with mortality and renal
Meriem Khairoun1, Jan Willem Uffen2, Gurbey Ocak3, Romy Koopsen2, function decline one year after AKI.
Saskia Haitjema4, Jan Jelrik Oosterheert2, Ronald Gansevoort5, Karin Kaasjager1
, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2, Department of Internal Medicine, Infectious Diseases,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 3, Department of Internal
Medicine and Nephrology, Sint Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, Nieuwegein, The
Netherlands, 4, Department of Central Diagnostic Laboratory, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, University, Utrecht and 5, Department of Internal Medicine and
Nephrology, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a major health problem
associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. The epidemiology of AKI in
hospitalized and critically ill patients at the Intensive Care Unit with severe infection
and sepsis has been well described, however data on mortality and clinical outcomes of
AKI at the emergency department in patients with suspected infection are scarce. In
this study, we investigated the incidence, mortality and renal outcomes after AKI up to
i248 | Abstracts
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MO357 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN HOSPITALIZED COVID-19 Nephrology, Kayseri, Turkey, 34Health Science University, Kocaeli Derince Education and
PATIENTS: A MULTICENTRE STUDY BY TURKISH SOCIETY Research Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Kocaeli, Turkey and 35Recep Uzmanı Tayyip
OF NEPHROLOGY Erdogan University, Faculty of Medicine, Deparment of Internal Medicine, Division of
Nephrology, Rize, Turkey
_Izzet Hakkı Arıkan1, Savas Ozturk2, Bulent Tokgoz3, Belda Dursun4,
Nurhan Seyahi5, Sinan Trablus5, Mahmud Islam6, Yavuz Ayar7, Numan Gorgulu8, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in coronavirus
Serhat Karadag2, Mahmut Gok9, Esra Akcali10, Feyza Bora11, Zeki Aydin12, disease-2019 (COVID-19) and the severity of AKI is linked to adverse outcomes. In
Eda Altun13, Elbis Ahbap Dal14, Mehmet Polat15, Zeki Soypacaci16, Ebru Gok this study, we investigated the factors associated with in-hospital outcomes among
Oguz17, Sumeyra Koyuncu3, Hulya Colak18, _Idris Sahin19, Murside hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and AKI.
Esra Dolarslan20, Ozant Helvacı21, Ilhan Kurultak22, Zehra Eren23, Hamad Dheir24, METHOD: In this multicenter retrospective observational study, we evaluated the
MELIKE BETUL OGUTMEN25, Dilek Guven Taymez26, Dilek Gibyeli Genek27, characteristics and in-hospital renal and patient outcomes of 578 patients with
Sultan Ozkurt28, Elif Ari Bakir29, Enver Yuksel30, Tuncay Sahutoglu31, Ozgur confirmed COVID-19 and AKI. Data were collected from 34 hospitals in Turkey from
Akin Oto32, Gulsah Boz33, Sengul Erkan34, Ekrem Kara35, Z. Serhan Tuglular1 March 11 to June 30, 2020. AKI definition and staging were based on the Kidney
Marmara University School of Medicine, Deparment of Internal Medicine, Division of Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Patients with end-stage kidney disease or
Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Haseki Training and Research Hospital, Department of with a kidney transplant were excluded. Renal outcomes were identified only in
Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Erciyes University School of Medicine, Deparment of discharged patients.
Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Kayseri, Turkey, 4Pamukkale University RESULTS: The median age of the patients was 69 years, and 60.9% were males. The
Medical School, Deparment of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Denizli, most frequent comorbid conditions were hypertension (70.5%), diabetes mellitus
Turkey, 5Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Department of Nephrology, (43.8%), and chronic kidney disease (41.5%). The proportions of AKI stages 1, 2, and 3
Istanbul, Turkey, 6Zonguldak Ataturk State Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Zonguldak, were 54.0%, 24.7%, and 21.3%, respectively. 291 patients (50.3%) were admitted to the
Turkey, 7University of Health Science. Faculty of Medicine, Bursa City Hospital, Division intensive care unit. Renal improvement was complete in 80.7% and partial in 17% of
of Nephrology, Bursa, Turkey, 8University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Bagcilar Training the patients who were discharged. Renal outcomes were worse in patients with AKI
and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 9Sultan 2. stage 3 or baseline CKD. The overall in-hospital mortality in patients with AKI was
Abdulhamid Han Training and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Istanbul, 38.9%. By multivariate Cox regression analysis, age (hazard ratio [HR] [95%
Turkey, 10Mersin University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Mersin, confidence interval (95%CI)]: 1.01 [1.0-1.03], p = 0.035], male gender (HR [95%CI]:
Turkey, 11Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Deparment of Internal Medicine, 1.47 [1.04-2.09], p = 0.029), diabetes mellitus (HR [95%CI]: 1.51 [1.06-2.17], p = 0.022)
Division of Nephrology, Antalya, Turkey, 12University of Health Sciences, Kocaeli Darica and cerebrovascular disease (HR [95%CI]: 1.82 [1.08-3.07], p = 0.023), serum lactate
Farabi Training and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Kocaeli, Turkey, dehydrogenase (greater than two-fold increase) (HR [95%CI]: 1.55 [1.05-2.30],
Golcuk Necati Celik State Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Kocaeli, Turkey, 14Sisli p = 0.027) and AKI stage 2 (HR [95%CI]: 1.98 [1.25-3.14], p = 0.003) and stage 3 (HR
Hamidiye Etfal Education and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Istanbul, [95%CI]: 2.25 [1.44-3.51], p = 0.0001) were independent predictors of in-hospital
Turkey, 15Nevsehir State Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Nevsehir, Turkey, 16University mortality. The in-hospital mortality rates across AKI stages by age, gender, and
of Katip Celebi, Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, diabetes mellitus were shown in the Figure.
Izmir, Turkey, 17University of Health Sciences, Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Education and CONCLUSION: Advanced-stage AKI is associated with extremely high mortality
Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey, 18University of Health among hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Age, male gender, comorbidities, which are
Sciences, Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Izmir, risk factors for mortality in patients with COVID-19 in the general population, are also
Turkey, 19Inonu University Faculty of Medicine, Deparment of Internal Medicine, related to in-hospital mortality in patients with AKI. Renal problems continue in a
Division of Nephrology, Malatya, Turkey, 20University of Health Sciences,Trabzon Kanuni significant portion of the patients who were discharged.
Education and Research Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Trabzon, Turkey, 21Yildirim
Beyazit University Yenimahalle Research and Training Hospital, Division of Nephrology,
Ankara, Turkey, 22Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nephrology,
Edirne, Turkey, 23Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University School of Medicine, Deparment
of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Antalya, Turkey, 24Sakarya University
Medical Faculty Education and Research Hospital, Deparment of Internal Medicine,
Division of Nephrology, Sakarya, Turkey, 25University of Health Sciences, Haydarpasa
Hong Xu1, Sara Garcia-Ptacek2, Martin Annetorp3, Annette Bruchfeld3,
Numune Education and Research Hospital, Division of Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey,
26 Tommy Cederholm4, Peter Johnson5, Miia Kivipelto3, Carina Metzner3,
Kocaeli State Hospital, Nephrology and Dialysis Department, Kocaeli, Turkey, 27Mugla
Dorota Religa3, Maria Eriksdotter2
Sıtkı Kocman University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Mugla, 1
Turkey, 28Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Karolinska Institutet, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, Huddinge, Sweden, 2Karolinska
Nephrology, Eskisehir, Turkey, 29Bahcesehir University Hospital, Department of Institutet, 3Karolinska University Hospital, 4Uppsala University and 5Capio Geriatrik
Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 30University of Health Sciences, Gaziyaşargil Training and Nacka AB
Research Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Diyarbakir, Turkey, 31Sanliurfa Mehmet
Akif Inan Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology Unit, Sanliurfa, Turkey, 32Istanbul BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Research regarding COVID-19 and acute kidney injury
University Istanbul Medical Faculty, Deparment of Internal Medicine, Division of (AKI) in older adults is scarce. We evaluated the risk factors and outcomes of AKI in
Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 33Kayseri City Training and Research Hospital, Division of hospitalized older adults with and without COVID-19.
MO357 Figure: The in-hospital mortality rate across acute kidney injury (AKI) stages by age (A), gender (B), and diabetes mellitus (C)
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: Observational study of patients admitted to two geriatric clinics in the In the prediction of AKI, machine learning (ML) techniques have been demonstrated
Stockholm Region of Sweden during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic from to improve on the predictive ability of existing models that rely on more conventional
March 1st to June 15th 2020. The difference in incidence, risk factors and adverse statistical methods. ML is a broad term which refers to various types of models:
outcomes for AKI between patients with or without COVID-19 were examined. Odds Parametric models, such as linear or logistic regression use a pre-specified model form
ratios (ORs) for AKI were obtained from logistic regressions. The hazard ratios (HRs) which is believed to fit the data, and its parameters are estimated. Non-parametric
for the risk of in-hospital death were calculated from Cox proportional hazard models, such as decision trees, random forests, and neural networks may have varying
regression models. complexity (e.g. the depth of a classification tree model) based on the data. Deep
RESULTS: We analyzed 316 older patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and 876 learning neural network models exploit temporal or spatial arrangements in the data to
patients for non-COVID-19 diagnoses. The mean age was 8369 years, 57% were deal with complex predictors.
women, and mean baseline kidney function as depicted by estimated glomerular Given the rapid growth and development of ML methods and models for AKI
filtration rate (eGFR) was 62623 ml/min/1.73m2. AKI occurred in 92 (29%) of patients prediction over the past years, in this systematic review, we aim to appraise the current
with COVID-19 vs. 159 (18%) without COVID-19. The severity of AKI was state-of-the-art regarding ML models for the prediction of AKI. To this end, we focus
significantly worse in patients with COVID-19 compared with non-COVID patients. on model performance, model development methods, model evaluation, and
The odds for developing AKI were higher in patients with COVID-19 (adjusted OR, methodological limitations.
1.70; 95% CI, 1.04-2.76), low baseline kidney function [4.19 (2.48-7.05), for eGFR 30 METHOD: We searched the PubMed and ArXiv digital libraries, and selected studies
<60 ml/min/1.73m2, and 20.3 (9.95-41.3) for eGFR <30ml/min/1.73m2], and higher that develop or validate an AKI-related multivariable ML prediction model. We
C-reactive protein (CRP) level (OR 1.81(1.11-2.95)). The risk of in-hospital death was extracted data using a data extraction form based on the TRIPOD (transparent
highest in patients with COVID-19 and AKI [adjusted HR 23.5, 95% CI (8.75-63.0)], reporting of a multivariable prediction model for individual prognosis or diagnosis)
followed by COVID-19 without AKI [9.10 (3.52-23.6)] and by patients without and CHARMS (critical appraisal and data extraction for systematic reviews of
COVID-19 and with AKI [6.38 (2.28-17.9)] after adjusting for patient demographics, prediction modelling studies) checklists.
vital signs, baseline kidney function and medications and using non-COVID patients RESULTS: Overall, 2,875 titles were screened and thirty-four studies were included. Of
with no AKI as reference. those, thirteen studies focussed on intensive care, for which the US derived MIMIC
CONCLUSION: Geriatric patients hospitalized with COVID-19 had a higher dataset was commonly used; thirty-one studies both developed and validated a model;
incidence of AKI compared with patients hospitalized with other diagnoses. AKI and twenty-one studies used single-centre data. Non-parametric ML methods were used
COVID-19 were associated with in-hospital death. Optimal management of AKI may more often than regression and deep learning. Random forests was the most popular
improve the outcome of COVID-19 in geriatric patients. method, and often performed best in model comparisons. Deep learning was typically
used (and also effective) when complex features were included (e.g., with text or time
series). Internal validation was often applied, and the performance of ML models was
usually compared against logistic regression. However, the simple training/test split
was often used, which does not account for the variability of the training and test
samples. Calibration, external validation, and interpretability of results were rarely
considered. Comparisons of model performance against medical scores or clinicians
were also rare. Reproducibility was limited, as data and code were usually unavailable.
Chien-Ning Hsu1, You-Lin Tain2
CONCLUSION: There is an increasing number of ML models for AKI, which are
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Deaprtment of Pharmacy, Kaohsiung, mostly developed in the intensive care environment largely due to the availability of the
Taiwan, R.O.C. and 2Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Department of MIMIC dataset. Most studies are single-centre, and lack a prospective design. More
Pediatrics, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. complex models based on deep learning are emerging, with the potential to improve
predictions for complex data, such as time-series, but with the disadvantage of being
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal function recovery after acute kidney injury less interpretable. Future studies should pay attention to using calibration measures,
(AKI) is associated with patient outcomes. The study objectives were to assess the external validation, and on improving model interpretability, in order to improve
patterns of AKI recovery within 6 months following discharge for AKI and subsequent uptake in clinical practice. Finally, sharing data and code could improve reproducibility
incidence of chronic dialysis. of study findings.
METHOD: A retrospective cohort of 234,867 hospitalized adult patients was examined
for AKI between January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2017 in the largest healthcare
delivery system in Taiwan. Renal function recovery at 3- and 6-month post discharge,
incident chronic kidney disease and chronic dialysis initiation were analyzed over 7
years of follow-up. Renal recovery was defined by < 1.5 baseline SCr (prior to the
hospitalization). Independent associations between renal function recovery patterns
and renal outcomes was assessed by Cox proportional hazard model controlling for
Ana Sanchez1, Alicia Cabrera1, Laura Salanova Villanueva1, Patricia Mun
potential confounders, and subdistribution hazard ratio (SHR) with [95% CI] was
Ramos1, Pablo Ruano1, Borja Quiroga1
analysed for competing risk of early death. 1
RESULTS: Among 3 months AKI survivors (n=24,132), 14.28% (n=3,430) did not HOSPITAL DE LA PRINCESA, NEPHROLOGY, MADRID, Spain
recovery back to baseline, and 16% of recovery did not sustain. Three distinct renal
function recovery continuums at 6 months post hospital discharge were: persistent BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a major risk factor for
non-recovery (10.18%), non-recovery (14.33%), and recovery (75.5%). Comparing to development and progression to chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of the present
survivors without AKI (n=50,387), the impact of renal recovery continuum on chronic study is to assess the incidence of infections after an admission for AKI.
dialysis initiation varied by patient’s baseline renal disease (SHR was 2.82 [95%CI, METHOD: In this retrospective study all patients who developed AKI during
2.42-3.28] in CKD, and 0.8 [95%CI, 0.27-2.38] for non-CKD. Persistent non-recovery hospitalization and were discharged from 2013 to 2014 were included. Factors
was significantly associated with a greater increased risk of chronic dialysis than non- associated to infections were evaluated. The mean follow-up after discharge was 39630
recovery in any patients with AKI. Comparing to patients with sustained AKI recovery, months.
risk of CKD onset increased 5-fold in persistent non-recovery and 3-fold risk in non- RESULTS: We included 1255 patients with a mean age of 75613 years, of which 692
recovery. (55%) were men. At baseline, 944 (75%) patients presented with hypertension, 379
CONCLUSION: The continuum of AKI recovery post 6 months is associated with (30%) with diabetes, 560 (44%) with hypercholesterolemia and 543 (43%) with CKD.
increased risk of chronic dialysis, particularly in patients with baseline CKD. These Mean baseline creatinine was 1,361,8 mg/dl (glomerular filtration rate [eGFR]
study results suggested that patients ever with AKI should receive close renal function estimated by CKD-EPI was 55625 ml/min/1,73m2). The peak level of creatinine
monitoring for post-discharge management. reached during AKI was 2,4761,97 mg/dl (eGFR 30618 ml/min/1,73m2). At
discharge, creatinine was 1,62 mg/dL and eGFR 53627 ml/min/1,73m2. Seven
hundred and seventy-three (62%) patients presented an eGFR inferior to 60 ml/min/
During follow-up, 681(54%) patients presented an infectious event. Urinary tract
infection was the most frequent infection (286 patients, 23%) followed by respiratory
infection (214 patients, 17%). Factors associated with infection were age (p<0,001),
Iacopo Vagliano1, Nicholas Chesnaye1,2,3, Jan Hendrik Leopold1, Kitty
hypertension (p=0,03), atrial fibrillation (p=0,014), functional dependence measured
J Jager1,2,3, Ameen Abu Hanna1, Martijn C. Schut1
by Barthel index (p=0,03), previous diagnosis of CKD (p=0,01), baseline eGFR
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam, (p>0,001) and eGFR at discharge (p=0,002). Survival analysis using Kaplan-Meier
The Netherlands, 2ERA-EDTA Registry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 3Amsterdam demonstrated an existing association between eGFR inferior to 60 ml/min/1,73m2 and
Public Health research Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands infections (LogRank 12,2, p<0,001, figure 1).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) has a substantial impact on
global disease burden of Chronic Kidney Disease. To assist physicians with the timely
diagnosis of AKI, several prognostic models have been developed to improve early
recognition across various patient populations with varying degrees of predictive
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
by a patient. Results of logistic regression models show that in-hospital mortality quickly (19 vs 48 days, log-rank test; p=0.01). In patients with uMCP-1 >1354 pg/mg-Cr,
increased as the stage of AKI events increased for both KDIGO-4 and AKIN-4 (Table they also died more quickly, but with no significance (25 vs 48 days, log-rank test; p=0.08).
1). Table 2 shows the same results using the original KDIGO and AKIN definitions. CONCLUSION: Urinary biomarkers NGAL and MCP-1 quantified at hospital
CONCLUSION: The results of both definitions (AKIN-4 and KDIGO-4) show a admission were associated with poor outcomes, mostly with needed of invasive
significant association with mortality, but KDIGO-4 has a larger odds ratio meaning respiratory support in ICU. Prediction cut-off values for invasive respiratory support
that AKI classification based on KDIGO-4 has a stronger association with mortality was useful to determine the survival prognosis.
than AKI classification based on AKIN-4. However, based on our results, splitting stage
1 to stage 1a and stage 1b does not seem to make a difference; hence, using KDIGO-4
as a replacement for KDIGO would not have a significant impact on capturing AKI
MO364 Table 1 Association between AKI-stages using KDIGO-4 and AKIN-4 and
in-hospital mortality Jose Maria Pen ~a Porta1, José Antonio Ferreras Gasco 1, Almudena Castellano
Calvo1, Ana Coscojuela Otto1, Paula Juarez Mayor1, Rafael Alvarez Lipe1
KDIGO-4 AKIN-4 Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Nephrology, Zaragoza, Spain
Odds ratio 95% CI Odds ratio 95% CI
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In recent years, up to five classification systems have
Intercept 0.018 0.010 - 0.030 0.027 0.016 - 0.044 appeared according to the severity of acute kidney injury (AKI), some based on relative
Age 1.006 0.999 - 1.013 1.006 1.000 - 1.013 increases in creatinine (RIFLE, AKIN, KDIGO) and others in absolute increases: the
Sex (Male) 1.272 1.042 - 1.552 1.298 1.075 - 1.567 kinetic method of creatinine (KC) and delta creatinine (DC) method. It is discussed in
the literature which methodology offers better diagnostic performance.
Stage 1a 4.689 2.978 – 7.156 10.381 8.254 – 13.049 The aim of this study was to analyze the concordance using the Kappa index of the 5
Stage 1b 11.863 9.284 – 15.179 22.753 17.780 – 29.178 classification systems in a cohort of patients with community-acquired AKI (CA-AKI)
treated in the Nephrology Service of a tertiary hospital.
Stage 2 39.794 30.614 – 51.956 24.281 16.536 – 35.821
METHOD: All the CA-AKI cases admitted to our service in the period: January 2010 -
Stage 3 62.884 45.227 – 88.237 37.448 16.062 – 94.035 December 2016 were analyzed.
RESULTS: 536 patients (59,9% male) of 73.13 6 13,6 years of age. Etiology of AKI:
prerenal 72.8%; renal 20.5%; obstructive 6.7%. 69.6% of patients were carriers of
MO364 Table 2 Association between AKI-stages using KDIGO and AKIN and previous chronic kidney disease (CKD-EPI glomerular filtration <60 ml/min). The
in-hospital mortality. table shows the Kappa index among the various classification systems. Agreement was
absolute (Kappa = 1) between the three systems based on percentage increase in
creatinine. When comparing KDIGO with CK and DC, the agreement was much lower
KDIGO AKIN (Kappa 0.35). Concordance between CK and DC was good (Kappa = 0.84). These last
Odds ratio 95% CI Odds ratio 95% CI two systems classify a greater number of stage 3 cases compared to KDIGO, while
Intercept 0.019 0.011 - 0.032 0.031 0.019 - 0.050 KDIGO classifies more cases as stage 1 (Stage 1: KDIGO 89, KC 27; DC 19; Stage 2:
KDIGO 56, KC 56; DC 54; Stage 3: KDIGO 391, CK 453; DC 463)
Age 1.006 0.999 - 1.012 1.005 0.999 - 1.011
Sex (Male) 1.22 1.002 - 1.486 1.248 1.036 – 1.504
Stage 1 9.725 7.702 – 12.30 14.671 12.144 – 17.759
Stage 2 39.72 30.548 – 51.865 24.482 16.677 - 36.112 RIFLE AKIN KDIGO Kinet. Creat. Delta
Stage 3 62.675 45.143 – 87.801 37.593 16.139 - 94.327 Creat.
RIFLE - 1 1 0,406 0,351
AKIN 1 - 1 0,406 0,351
PATIENTS WITH COVID-19 ADMITTED TO A REFERENCE Kinet. Creat 0,406 0,406 0,406 - 0,841
Delta Creat 0,351 0,351 0,351 0,841 -
Gdayllon Cavalcante Meneses1, Gabriela Freire Bezerra1, Lana Andrade Lucena
Lima1, Izabel Cristina Justino Bandeira1, Nicole Coelho Lopes1, Ma rcia
Maria Pinheiro Dantas2, Sandra Maria Brasileiro Mota2, Polianna Lemos Moura
Moreira Albuquerque2,3, Alice Maria Costa Martins1, Elizabeth De Francesco
Daher1, Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior3
a, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2Toxicological Assistance Center,
Federal University of Cear
Instituto Dr Jose Frota Hospital, Fortaleza, Brazil and 3University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney biomarkers improve early and specific AKI
detection and also poor outcomes in different clinical contexts. Kidney disease is an
important risk factor for poor outcomes in COVID-19. The aim of this study was to
evaluate association of early levels of kidney biomarkers with poor outcomes in
hospitalized patients with COVID-19.
METHOD: This is a prospective study conducted at the Instituto Dr. Jose Frota
Hospital, an important public reference hospital for COVID-19 in northeast Brazil.
Medical records with clinical, epidemiologic, laboratory and outcomes were collected.
The urinary NGAL, KIM-1, MCP-1 and nephrin were the kidney biomarkers
quantified at hospital admission. ELISA assays were used for analysis and biomarkers
urinary concentrations were adjusted for urinary creatinine. Data were expressed as
mean6 standard deviation or median.
RESULTS: A total of 69 patients collected urine and were included in this study. Male
gender was predominant (65%) and mean age was 56619 years. Regarding outcomes, the
group had 62% of death, 92% of ICU admission and 65% of invasive respiratory support in
ICU. Urinary NGAL and MCP-1 were significantly elevated in patients that needed invasive
respiratory support in comparison with non-invasive support: uNGAL (median=104
[IQR=74-153] vs 71 [31-79] ng/mg-Cr, p=0.013), and uMCP-1 (3055 [1127-5008] vs 1315
[574-2127] pg/mg-Cr, p=0.027). Urinary nephrin and KIM-1 was also elevated, however
with no statistical significance. Moreover, all urinary biomarkers were higher in ICU
admission group and death group, but with p>0.05. In ROC curve analysis for prediction of
invasive respiratory support, uNGAL had AUC=0.696 (0.565-0.827),p=0.012 and cut-off=78
ng/mg-Cr; uMCP-1 had AUC=0.676 (0.539-0.813), p=0.023 and cut-off=1354 pg/mg-Cr. In
survival analysis, patients with uNGAL >78 ng/mg-Cr had worse prognosis and died more
i252 | Abstracts
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CONCLUSION: KDIGO system is valid as a reference system with respect to AKIN were evaluated with the univariate and multivariate analyses.
and RIFLE. Systems based on absolute increases in creatinine tend to classify fewer RESULTS: A total of 147 patients were included in the analyses. Median age was 61
cases as mild and more cases as severe than systems based on relative increases in [interquartile range (IQR) 51-67], and 69.4% of the patients were male. Patients were
creatinine. It remains to be seen what is the practical significance of these discrepancies given a median of 8 (IQR 5-17) ICI cycles. Patients with melanoma (24.5%), non-small
in the clinical management of AKI patients. cell lung cancer (15%), and renal cell carcinoma (25.9%) comprised almost 2/3 of the
cohort and 72.8% of the patients were treated with nivolumab. Hypertension was the
most common comorbidity (38.1%), followed by chronic kidney disease (21.2%) and
type 2 diabetes (19.7%). Median Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) was 8 (7-9).
Median follow-up was 10.3 (IQR 6.3-19.4) months, and patients had median 9 (IQR 5-
18) serum creatinine measurements. During the follow-up, 28 patients (19%) had at
least one AKI episode with multiple AKI episodes in 3 patients (10.7%). The median
time to AKI development was 2.53 (IQR 1.39-6.19) months. Almost all AKI events
Alicia Cabrera1, Laura Salanova Villanueva1, Ana Sanchez1, Patricia Mun
were mild (grade 1 or 2 in 27/28) and reversible (25/28). In univariate analyses,
Ramos1, Pablo Ruano1, Borja Quiroga1
coronary artery disease (CAD) (p=<0.001), chronic kidney disease (CKD) (p=0.002),
Hospital de La Princesa, Nephrology department, Madrid, Spain previous nephrectomy (p=0.015), iodinated contrast exposure in the week before
immunotherapy (p=0.035), the use of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI), a frequent condition during (p=0.046) or proton pump inhibitors (PPI) (p=0.041) was associated with an increased
hospitalizations, leads to an increase morbidity and mortality. Cardiovascular events AKI risk. The association between diabetes (p=0.067), higher CCI (9 vs. 9, p=0.107),
are one of the most post-AKI studied complications, but the role of the baseline baseline lactate dehydrogenase levels (p=0.177), and performance status (ECOG 0 vs.
functional and structural cardiac alterations on prognosis has not been widely studied. 1, p=0.235) and AKI risk did not reach statistical significance. In multivariate
The aim of the present study is to evaluate the prognostic value of echocardiographic analyses, patients with CKD (OR: 3.719, 95% CI: 1.375- 10.057, p=0.010) or CAD (OR:
parameters in the incidence of cardiovascular events (CVE) after a hospitalization- 4.774, 95% CI: 1.803- 12.641, p=0.002) had increased AKI risk. Additionally, regular
acquire AKI. PPI use (OR: 2.734, 95% CI: .991- 7.542, p=0.052) had borderline statistical significance
METHOD: In this is retrospective observational cohort study 1255 patients who for AKI development. The development of AKI was not associated with decreased
presented AKI from 2013 to 2014 at our center were included. Baseline epidemiological survival (HR: 0.726, 95% CI: 0.409-1.291, p=0.276).
data, comorbidities and echocardiographic parameters were collected. After discharge, CONCLUSION: In this study, we observed AKI development under ICIs in almost
patients were followed (mean 49628 months) and post-AKI CVE were registered. In one in five cancer patients. The increased AKI rates in patients with CAD, CKD, or
addition, new performed echocardiograms after discharge were collected. Associated regular PPI use pointed out the need for better onco-nephrology collaboration in all
factors to CVE and the predictive role of echocardiographic parameters were analyzed. ICI-treated patients, with a particular emphasis in these high-risk patients.
RESULTS: Among the 1255 included patients, 676 (54%) had a registered
echocardiogram in the six months before the AKI episode. Of them, 231 patients
(38%) had left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH), 178 (30%) pulmonary hypertension
(PHT), 178 (30%) diastolic dysfunction and 138 (21%) systolic dysfunction. After
discharge (and prior to post-AKI CVE), 248 (20%) patients had a new echocardiogram
that revealed LVH in 108 patients (45%), diastolic dysfunction in 96 (42%), PHT in 68
(32%) and systolic dysfunction in 47 (19%).
Yulia Khruleva1, Olga Arisheva1, Elena Troitskaya1, Marina Efremovtseva1,
During follow-up, 484 (39%) patients had CVE. The presence of diastolic dysfunction,
Zhanna Kobalava1
systolic dysfunction, PHT and LVH in any moment were associated factors to the 1
incidence of CVE. An adjusted multivariate model showed that systolic dysfunction Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Internal Medicine, Moskva, Russia
(hazard ratio [HR] 1.44, 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.073-1.943, p=0.015), age
(HR 1.018, 95%CI 1.003-1.030, p=0.02), diabetes mellitus (HR 1.373, 95%CI 1.041- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Initial reports indicate a high incidence of abnormal
1.811, p=0.025), atrial fibrillation (HR 1.397, 95%CI 1.055-1.851, p=0.020) and diuretic liver tests and acute kidney injury (AKI) in the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-
intake (HR 1.580, 95%CI 1.171-2.131, p=0.003) were independent predictors of post- 19). However, outcomes in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and elevated
AKI CVE. aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels at admission and
CONCLUSION: The evaluation of cardiac structure and functionality valued by their associations with AKI are not well understood.
echocardiographic parameters can be a useful tool for stratifying CVE risk after an The aim of the study was to investigate the incidence of cytolysis at admission and its
AKI. Systolic dysfunction is an independent predictor of post-AKI CVE. contribution to the development of AKI, severity of COVID-19 and outcomes.
METHOD: A retrospective analysis of the register of patients hospitalized with
COVID-19 was performed (n=481). COVID-19 was defined as the laboratory-
confirmed infection and/or presence of the typical computer tomography (CT) picture.
We excluded patients with previously known liver disease, re-hospitalization, acute
surgical pathology, single serum creatinine measurement during hospitalization.
Abnormality in aminotransferases was defined as ALT and/or AST >40 U/L.
Definition of AKI was based on KDIGO criteria. P value <0.05 was considered
Deniz Can Güven1, Deniz Aral Ozbek2, Taha Koray Sahin2, Melek Seren Aksun2,
statistically significant.
Gozde Kavgaci2, Cebrayil Cebrayilov3, Tolga Yildirim3, Omer Dizdar1,
RESULTS: 462 patients were included (50.4% males, mean age 63616 years, mean
Sercan Aksoy1, Saadettin Kilickap1, Suayib Yalcin1, Mustafa Erman1,
Charlson index 362.4, 67% with hypertension, 48% with obesity, 25% with diabetes
mellitus). 26,4% (122) of patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU),
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Department of Medical Oncology, Ankara, 71,3% (87) of them were treated with mechanical ventilation. The median length of
Turkey, 2Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, stay was 11 [9;15] days, in the ICU – 4 [2;9] days. 20% (92) of patients died.
Ankara, Turkey and 3Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of At admission 43% (200) of the patients had abnormal level of aminotransferases.
Nephrology Elevated AST was more common than ALT, (39% (178) vs 29% (132)). The median
levels of AST and ALT at admission were 54.5[44;72] and 45.9[34;66] U/L in the group
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) became a with cytolysis and 26[19;33] and 19[11;27] U/L in the group without it, respectively.
vital part of cancer treatment. The ICIs seem to be safer than chemotherapy for kidneys The AKI incidence in the register was 24.8%. The 1st stage of AKI was observed in the
in clinical trials. However, recent observational studies from high-resource settings majority of the patients (46% - 1st stage, 36% - 2nd stage, 18% - 3rd stage. Patients in
pointed out the possible underreporting of renal adverse events like acute kidney injury ICU compared to non-ICU patients more often had AKI (50% vs 13%, p<0.001). In-
(AKI) in the clinical trials due to focusing only to the renal immune-related adverse hospital mortality was significantly higher in the group with AKI (54% vs 10% for
events. Additionally, clinical trials generally enroll a fitter population with lesser patients with and without AKI development, respectively, p<0.001).
comorbidities and include mostly treatment-naive patients making studies in real-life Groups with and without aminotransferases elevation were similar in age, gender,
cohorts imperative for evaluating the AKI rates during ICI treatment. From these presence of comorbidities, coagulation status, statins and frequency of antibiotic intake
points, we aimed to evaluate the AKI rates and predisposing factors in ICI-treated before admission. Increase in AST and/or ALT levels at admission showed no
patients. association with AKI severity. The higher incidence of elevated ALT or/and AST was
METHOD: This retrospective study has evaluated the data of adult metastatic cancer observed in ICU compared with non-ICU patients (59% vs 37%, p<0.001). Patients
patients treated with ICIs in Hacettepe University Cancer Center from 01.2014 to with elevation of aminotransferases at admission compared to patients without it had
12.2019. All patients other than the ones treated within the context of clinical trials or more severe lung injury by CT scan (22.4% vs 18.6%, with 50-75% lung injury; 5.5% vs
followed in other institutions after the first dose of ICIs were included. Baseline 0.4% with 75-90% lung injury, p=0.008 for the trend), higher ferritin (598[404;715] vs
demographics, cancer types, patient weight and heights, ICI type and the number of 391[189;587] mkg/l, p=0.03) and serum creatinine levels (91[78;118] vs 86[74;109]
cycles, serum creatinine and the estimated GFR values under treatment, regular mmol/l, p=0.008), higher rate of AKI development (29% vs 18%, p=0.005) and in-
medications, and comorbidities were recorded. AKI was defined by Kidney Disease hospital mortality (26% vs 15,4%, p=0.005). Elevated ALT and/or AST at admission
Improving Global Outcomes criteria. The predisposing factors to AKI development were the independent predictors for the development of AKI (OR 1.87 95%CI 1.17-
10.1093/ndt/gfab082 | i253
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
2.92, p=0.005) and in-hospital mortality (OR 1.89 95%CI 1.17-3.08, p=0.006). day. Early AKI was related to pre-renal causes and had a milder course. However, later
CONCLUSION: Syndrome of cytolysis is common among hospitalized patients with AKIs were more related to immunologic response and had significantly higher
COVID-19. Development of AKI and disease severity were associated with elevated mortality. Patients who died had significantly higher ferritin and d-dimer levels upon
levels of aminotransferases at admission, and are predictors for AKI development and their hospital admissions (p=0,000). Electrolyte disturbances, metabolic acidosis and
in-hospital mortality in this population. mortality were also higher in patients who developed AKI later. Hypernatremia (OR:
6,5, 95% CI: 3 – 13,9) and phosphorus disturbances (both hyperphosphatemia (OR:
3,3; 95%CI: 1,6 – 6,9) and hypophosphatemia (OR: 3,9; 95% CI: 2,0-7,9)) were related
to mortality.
CONCLUSION: Findings of this study suggest that AKI in COVID-19 is not of one
kind. When developed, AKI should be evaluated in conjunction with the disease stage
and possible etiologies
Menel Msehli1, Hela Jbali1, Mami Ikram1, Badreddine Ben kaab1, Fethi Ben
hamida2, Lamia Rais1, LILIA BEN FATMA1, ZOUAGHI KARIM1
Rabta Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Tunis, Tunisia and 2Charles Nicolle
Hospital, Laboratory Research of Kidney Pathology, tunis, Tunisia MO372 IN-HOSPITAL MORTALITY IN ACUTE CARDIAC DISEASES IS
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a complex disorder that
occurs in several clinical settings. During pregnancy, there are additional unique
Marina Efremovtseva1,2, Svetlana Avdoshina1,3, Zhanna Kobalava3
conditions that contribute to AKI. The clinical manifestations of Pregnancy related 1
acute kidney injury(PRAKI) range from a minimal elevation in serum creatinine to Moscow, Department of Internal Medicine, Moscow, Russia and 2Peoples’ Friendship
severe renal failure requiring renal replacement therapy and may be associated with University of Russia (RUDN University), Department of Internal Medicine, Moscow,
significant morbidity and mortality in young healthy women. This study aims to Russia
describe epidemiologic features, study clinical profile and outcomes of women with
PRAKI and identify risk factors related to requiring hemodialysis among patients. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Impaired renal function is a common finding in
METHOD: We performed a retrospective study over a 5-year period (2015–2019) in a patients with cardiac diseases and confers an adverse prognosis in this population. To
Tunisian intensive care unit. All patients presenting PRAKI were included. evaluate the incidence, phenotypes and prognostic value of cardiorenal interrelations in
RESULTS: Ninety-six cases of PRAKI were listed. The rate of AKI during pregnancy- patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) and non-ST-elevation acute
related hospitalizations was 16% .the average age was 31 6 5 years. coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS).
Most women were from urban areas (62%) but with insufficient prenatal care METHOD: we examined 278 patients with ADHF (85.3% had anamnesis of
(57%).Seventy-eight percent underwent cesarean section delivery. symptomatic HF with frequent hospitalizations, 20.1% had ejection fraction <35%)
PRAKI occurred in the postpartum in 79%of the cases. Oligo-anuria was the most and 288 with NSTE-ACS (64.9% developed myocardial infarction (MI)). In ADHF
common clinical feature of PRAKI, noted in 82% of our patients. group in comparison with NSTE-ACS the patients were younger (69.7610.2 vs
The leading etiological causes were pre eclampsia, eclampsia, postpartum haemorrhage 72612.1 years, p<0.01), there were more males (55.4 vs 36.5%, p<0.001), smokers and
and sepsis respectively, in 49%, 38%, and 24% of the cases. alcohol abusers (47.8 and 30.6% vs 8 and 5.6%, p<0.001). The comorbidities were
Hemodialysis was required in 23% of cases. In the adjusted regression analysis, factors more typical for ADHF group: atrial fibrillation 46 vs 24% (p<0.001), obesity 55.8 vs
associated with dialysis were insufficient prenatal care (p=0,010 ; O Ra=24,113), 30.9% (p<0.001), anemia 40.6 vs 25.3% (p<0.001), diabetes mellitus 33.1 vs 23.3%
HELLP syndrome (p=0,003 ; ORa=35,129), disseminated intravascular coagulation (p<0.01).
(p=0,007 ; OR=11,854), average duration of oliguria (p=0,001; ORa=3,025) , Failure Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury (AKI) were diagnosed
stage of RIFLE criteria while admitted (p=0,009; ORa=2,09) and length of ICU stay according to KDIGO 2012 Guidelines. AKI phenotypes were identified depending on
(p=0,042 ; ORa=1,118). time of development (community- or hospital-acquired), persistency (transient or
Renal outcome was favorable, with a complete renal function recovery for 72 patients persistent), history of CKD (AKI de novo or AKI on CKD).
(75%). Only four patients (4%) developed chronic renal failure. Mortality rate was 13%. RESULTS: Incidence of CKD in patients with ADHF and NSTE-ACS was 45 and
CONCLUSION: PRAKI is a dreaded complication of pregnancy with high morbidity 46.5%, CKD was first diagnosed on admission in 57.6 and 64.2% of patients
and mortality. Prevention of PRAKI requires an improvement of the sanitary respectively. In 7.6% cases of ADHF and 14.2% of NSTE-ACS groups the duration of
infrastructures with the implementation of an obligatory prenatal consultation in order impaired kidney function was unknown. No associations of existing CKD and in-
to prompt management of the underlying risk factors hospital mortality were detected.
Incidence of AKI in ADHF and NSTE-ACS groups was 43.5 and 37.2%. The hospital-
acquired AKI, AKI on CKD and persistent AKI were found in 52.9, 47.9 and 46.3% of
ADHF patients, and in 57.9, 58.9 and 50.5% in NSTE-ACS group respectively. In-
hospital mortality was higher in patients with AKI in ADHF and NSTE-ACS groups
(12.4 vs 5%, p<0.01 and 17.8 vs 3.3%, p<0.001). Mortality in patients with ADHF and
hospital-acquired persistent AKI de novo and community-acquired persistent AKI on
Ahmet Murt1, Mevlut Tamer Dincer1, Cebrail Karaca1, Sinan Trabulus1,
CKD was 41 and 29%, and in community-acquired transient AKI on CKD in the
Nurhan Seyahi1, Mehmet Riza Altiparmak1
NSTE-ACS group – 29%.
Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Nephrology, Istanbul, CONCLUSION: Different cardiorenal interrelations were revealed in 75.2% of patients
Turkey with ADHF and in 61.8% with NSTE-ACS. In patients with acute cardiac diseases high
in-hospital mortality is tightly associated with phenotypes of hospital-acquired
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidneys are among the affected organs in COVID-19 persistent AKI de novo and community-acquired persistent AKI on CKD in ADHF,
and there may be different etiologies resulting in acute kidney injury (AKI) in different and in community-acquired transient AKI on CKD in the NSTE-ACS.
stages of the disease. There have been previous studies focusing on incidence and
mortality of AKI in COVID-19 but none has made in depth analysis in relation to the
background pathophysiology. Based on previous observations, we hypothesized that all
AKIs seen in COVID-19 are not uniform and we aimed to analyze the etiologies and
prognosis of AKI among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in relation to the time of
COVID - 19
AKI during different phases of the disease.
METHOD: A total of 1056 patients were admitted to the designated COVID-19 clinics
Nilufar Jabayeva1, Aidyn Kuanyshbek2, Timur Kapyshev2, Timur Lesbekov3,
from March to July in 2020. 77 Patients who were younger than 18 years old and 7
Bolat Bekishev1, Tatyana Li2
kidney transplant patients were excluded from the study. 427 of the remaining patients 1
were confirmed by real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.). As eGFR National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, laborotory of extracorporeal hemocorrec-
below 60 mL/min/1,73 m2 was already shown to be related to mortality, these patients tion, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan, 2National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, ICU, Nur-
(44) were also excluded. As immunologic response is generally accepted to start with Sultan, Kazakhstan and 3National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, head of cardiac
the second week of COVID-19 course, patients were classified into three groups, those surgery, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
who had AKI on admission, those who developed AKI in the first week and those who
developed AKI starting from 7th day. Initial lymphocyte counts, creatinine levels, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In the rapidly changing conditions of life due to the
electrolytes, acid-base status and changes in the inflammatory markers were compared COVID - 19 pandemic, the medical society around the world have faced with the
between the groups. A comparison between patients who survived and who died was question of treatment previously unknown, multi-faceted and insidious infection. The
also performed. coronavirus infection has forced doctors to reconsider the tactics of intensive care
RESULTS: 89 of the 383 included COVID-19 patients developed AKI. 24% of those patients in critical condition. To date, overall mortality rate from COVID – 19 varied
who developed AKI died. Patients who developed AKI later had higher peak CRP and from 8.11 to 120.85 per 100.000 population (Johns Hopkins University mortality
D-dimer levels with lower nadir lymphocyte counts (p=0,000, 0,004 and 0,003 analyses). Mortality rate in extremely severe cases exceeds 60% - 78% (Yang et al.,
respectively). Additionally, patients who died had higher initial inflammatory marker Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 2020. Zhou et al., Lancet, 2020).
levels and lower lymphocyte counts than those who survived. Mortality of patients who We would like to share our clinical experience of extracorporeal blood purification
had AKI on hospital admission (13%) was similar to the overall COVID-19 mortality methods application to patients in ICU with various clinical manifestations, as well as
for inpatients, however it was as high as 44% for those who developed AKI after 7th the presence of comorbid pathology.
i254 | Abstracts
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METHOD: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 239 medical records of patients
hospitalized in the ICU of JSC NRCSC Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan because of severe
course of COVID 19. Period of hospitalization from 16.06.2020 to 29.09.2020, the total
number of beds - 97, in the ICU - 25. Laboratory Before After After After p
RESULTS: The total number of patients with COVID -19 - 239 patients. In ICU -67
patients. Patients required in renal replacement therapy (RRT) – 31 patients. data blood the 1st the 2nd the 3d value
Among patients on RRT males-28 (90.3%) - female-3 (9.67%). purification procedure procedure procedure
Mean age-60 years.
Distribution of the comorbid pathology.
Leukocyte 15.30 13.31 10.68 8.23 0.01
CRP 17.91 16.12 14.10 13.02 0.02
Il - 6 260.77 205.82 201.188 188.9 0.027
PCT 26.58 12.13 4.34 5.56 0.01
Creat 2.33 1.77 1.89 1.34 0.01
NO Comorbid pathology N = 31 Presepsin 2420.24 2788.81 1783.56 2063.41 0.18
Diabetes insipidus 10 (32,2%) General Mortality – 37 from 239 (15.5%)
Sepsis 5 (16.1%) Mortality in ICU – 37 from 67 (55.2%)
MODS 6 (19.3%) According to literature review, the mortality rate of patients with severe COVID - 19 in
the ICU (Fawad Rahim et al, Cureus . 2020 Oct 12;12(10):e10906. doi: 10.7759/
Acute kidney damage 2 (KDIGO 2018) 9 (29%) cureus.10906.) without the use of CRRT exceeds 70-77%.)
Acute kidney damage 3 (KDIGO 2018) 5 (16.1%) CONCLUSION: Our analysis had showed a positive effect of early use (1 day of
hospitalization) of extracorporeal methods of blood purification, on a decreasing of
Anuria 11 (35.48%)
inflammation indicators, as well as positive survival rate of patients with severe
Acute respiratory failure 3 24 (77.4%) COVID-19 course in ICU conditions.
ARDS 19 (61.29%)
Artificial lung ventilation 28 (90.32%)
COPD 3 (9.67%)
Hypertension 9 (29%) ENDEMIC NEPHROPATHY
Ischemic heart disease 6 (19.3%)
Stevan Glogovac1, Zorica Dimitrijevic1, Miomir Stojanovic1, Danijela Tasic1,
Obesity 9 (29%) Karolina Paunovic1, Miomir Prokopovic2, Stanimir Ljubenovic1,
Cytokine storm 19 (61.29%) Branislav Apostolovic3, Milan Pertovic2, Branka Mitic1
ECMO 15 (48.38%) Clinical Center Nis, Nephrology, Nis, Serbia, 2General Hospital, Nephrology, Leskovac,
Serbia and 3KBC Zemun, Nephrology, Beograd-Zemun, Serbia
LVAD 1 (3.22%)
Gastric ulcer 1 (3.22%) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The general significance of Balkan endemic
nephropathy (BEN) is the association with upper tract urtohelial cancer (UTUC). In
Indications for RRT: acute respiratory failure in the absence of heart failure or fluid published papers studying these two entities, there is large difference between the
overload; presence of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) (detected by high-resolution CT); obtained results. By UTUC research, obtained results are the most diverse in relation to
PaO2 / FiO2 300 mm Hg Duration:> 6-24 hours per column with a blood flow rate the period and region of research.
of 80-120 ml/min. In addition, indications for the urgent start of extracorporeal The aim of the research is to show the discrepancy between the results of the research
treatment are: of UTUC of Jablanica district in relation to the observation period and the type of
• signs of severe coronavirus infection (respiratory rate 30 per minute and / or METHOD: The research period lasted from 1978-2017. During the analysis of the
blood oxygen saturation 93% and / or PO2/FiO2 index 200 mmHg; frequency of UTUC, we used the operative material of Urology Department, Health
• detection of lung lesion progression using one of the imaging methods 10% per Care Center, Leskovac , and Urology Clinic, Clinical Center, Nis, Clinical Center, Nis.
day; For practical reasons, this period was devided into two periods, the first (1978-1997)
and the second (1998-2017). In order to make classification of settlements we used the
• progressive increase in the level of inflammatory markers (CRP, IL-6, etc.).
data of the Institute of Nephrology and Hemodialysis in Nis (A-endemic regions, B-
hypo-endemic, C-non-endemic urban, D-non-endemic rural regions). Data on the
The duration of hospitalization in the ICU – 12.54 days. total number of Jablanica region population were obtained on the basis of the censuses
Combinations and duration of the procedures. from 1991 and 2011. The average annual incidence rate (AAIR) was calculated per 100
000 people. Finally, we jointly observed groups A and B (endemic areas) C and D (non-
endemic areas) for UTUC.
RESULTS: The average annual incidence rate (AAIR) in the period of 1978-2017 in
endemic settlements of Jablanica region was (11.82), while in hypo-endemic was (4.49)
and non-endemic (0.83). The data demonstrated that inhabitants of endemic
Name of the procedure (n) Duration (in settlements has 14.24 times higher UTUC frequency in comparison to non-endemic
settlements in time span of research.
Our research in Jablanica region also demonstrated unexpectedly high frequency of on
HP HA330 þ CVVHF/CVVHDF 2þ1þ1 (n=33) > 1224 x UTUC not only in endemic settlements with BEN (Kutles village- 1 tumor per 99.63
HP Cytosorb̀ þ CVVHF/CVVHDF 1þ1þ1(n=5) > 24 x and AAIR 40.15), but also in some of the non-endemic area (Brejanovac village-1
tumour per 98.75 people and AAIR of 40.50; Rudare village-1 tumour per 139.50
HP HA330IIþ CVVHF/CVVHDF 2þ1þ1 (n=31) > 1224 x people and AAIR of 28.67; Bogojevce village-1 tumour per 187.63 people and AAIR
PE þ CVVHF/CVVHDF 2þ1þ1(n=7) > 624 x 21.32). This occurrence of UTUC frequency in some non-endemic settlements refers to
HP 2þ1þ1(n=14) > 3-6 x the first observed period until no occurrence was recorded in the second observed
There is a higher UTUC frequency in endemic settlements of 11.37 in the first period
Footnote: combinations and duration of use are in accordance with the (A- AAIR 21.95), while in hypo-endemic (B-AAIR 11.82) is 3.64 higher incedence. In
recommendations of Ronco C. et al. (2020). non-endemic settlements (C,D-AAIR 1.09) there is 1.63 higher incidence in
comparison to the second period.
Laboratory data - Leukocyte, CRP, Interleukine, procalcitonin, Creatinin, presepsin in Observing the periods, there is a higher UTUC frequency of five times in endemic
dynamics. settlements (A, B) of Jablanica region in the first period comparing to the second.
The linear trend of UTUC in the 40-year period demonstrates a slow decrease (y= -
0.0797x þ 4.2846; r2 = 0.2028) in Jablanica region. In the same observed period, linear
trend of BEN is in corelation of decreased linear trend of UTUC (y= -0.164xþ6.0669;
r2 =0.748).
CONCLUSION: A forty-year study of UTUC in the Jablanica region showed a
discrepancy between the results in relation to the observation period and the type of
settlement, which coincides with the generally accepted view that epidemiology is the
most fascinating part of BEN.
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In endemic settlements, in the second observed period, the frequency of UTUC was In a multivariable logistic regression model, baseline CKD (eGFR<60mL/min/
registered five times lower than in the first, which coincides with the decrease in the 1.732m2; odds ratio, 95%CI: 5.32,1.72-15.90), Prolonged bypass time (1.73,1.21-2.48;
frequency of BEN in these settlements. per hour), intraoperative PRBC transfusion (2.33,1.08-5.03) and elevated 24-hour post-
operative Neutrophil/Lymphocyte ratio>18 (3.00, 1.07-8.35) were associated with an
increased risk of AKI.
AKI after CPB resulted in greater hospital (23.6 versus 14.6 days, p<0.001) and ICU
stay (8.1 versus 3.3 days, p<0.001) and a 6-fold increase in 30-day mortality after
adjusting for age and sex (HR, 95 CI: 6.40, 2.38-17.25). (see Figure 1 Kaplan Meier
survival estimates for AKI)
CONCLUSION: The occurrence of AKI following CPB is comparable to that reported
in the literature and is associated with poor short-term outcomes. Larger multicentre
prospective studies to predict risk, identify interventions to reduce mortality and assess
long term complications of AKI following CPB in Caribbean countries are needed.
Paolo Albrizio1, Silvano Costa1, Annalisa Foschi1, Ivo Angelo Antonio Milani1,
Stefano Rindi1, Manuela Zucchi1, Fabio Milanesi1
Voghera Hospital - ASST Pavia, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Voghera, Italy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Italy and Lombard hospitals particularly, were hard
affected by Covid-19 pandemic, mostly during spring and autumn, seasons
characterized by two lockdown periods which were however, partly different as rules.
During first lockdown in fact, by hospital decision, all ambulatorial activity was closed,
including nephrological one. This did not happen during second lockdown period.
How the different choices about hospital activity affected nephrological patients is the
aim of this study.
METHOD: we evaluated all nephrological advices requested by first aid units of our 3
hospitals, all located in Lombardy, to our Nephrology Unit, splitting out data in 3
periods (I lockdown, summer and II lockdown) and comparing with 2019. Data
collected were: number of advices requested by day, age, sex, previous regular
nephrological follow-up, Covid-19 diagnosis, nephrological diagnosis after
nephrological advice and outcome.
MO375 Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier survival estimates for AKI RESULTS: as shown in table 1, during I lockdown period, with hospital decision of
suspending our nephrological ambulatorial activity, we suffered an incremented rate of
patients approaching local first aid units compared to 2019 same period with an
increased rate of acute kidney injury, mostly for dehydration, and with a higher rate of
patients requiring hospitalization. All these differences resulted statistically significant
vs 2019 same period (figure 1). On the other side, no statically significant difference
i256 | Abstracts
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was found during the other two examined periods, including the II lockdown, while all MO379 EVALUATION OF NEUTROPHIL-LYMPHOCYTE RATIO IN
our ambulatories were fully operating. PROGNOSIS OF SEVERE ACUTE RENAL INJURY
CONCLUSION: Covid-19 pandemic affected also the nephrological population with
an increased rate of first aid units’ accesses, acute kidney injury events and Lei Chen1, Limin Wei1
hospitalization comparing to 2019. However, these differences were detectable only the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi‘an Jiaotong University, Dialysis Department of
during the I lockdown period characterized by the suspension of all ambulatorial Nephrology Hospital, Xi’an, P.R. China
activity, including our Unit. The absence of statistically significant differences during
summer and primarily during II lockdown period demonstrates the importance of BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recently, more and more attention has been paid to
nephrological ambulatorial activity in management of renal diseases and in prevention the predictive value of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in various diseases. As a
of acute events. novel marker for inflammatory response, NLR has been proved to be useful for the
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MO380 INCREASED PREVALENCE OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AND 52.5 ml/min for stage 3. Mean serum creatinine at admission was 1.17 mg/dl in NO
MORTALITY IN COVID-19 HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS AKI group, 1.43 mg/dl for total AKI group divided in1.22 mg/dl for stage 1, 1.4 mg/dl
for stage 2 and 2.25 mg/dl for stage 3.
Umberto Maria Morosini1, Greta Rosso1, Guido Merlotti1, Andrea Colombatto1, Among evaluated comorbidities, only diabetes (p=0,048) and cognitive impairment
Angelo Nappo1, Marco Quaglia1, Gabriele Guglielmetti1, Danila Azzolina2, (p=0,001) were associated with a significant increased risk for AKI development.
MARITA MARENGO3, Giuseppe Castellano4, Vincenzo Cantaluppi1 ICU admission rate was 5% for NO AKI group and 18% for total AKI group divided in
University Hospital Maggiore della Carita, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation 14% for stage 1, 22% for stage 2 and 44% for stage 3.
Unit, Novara, Italy, 2University of Eastern Piedmont, Department of Translational Mean length of hospital stay for NO AKI group was 7.22 days vs 15.08 days for total
Medicine, Vercelli, Italy, 3ASL CN 1, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Cuneo, Italy and AKI group divided in 13.67 for stage 1, 15.83 for stage 2 and 21.82 for stage 3.
Universita degli studi di Foggia, Nephrology, Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Unit, Of note, all different therapies administered to COVID-19 patients did not correlate
Foggia, Italy with AKI incidence.
Mean eGFR at discharge was 76 ml/min for NO AKI group vs 66 ml/min for total AKI
group divided in 68.7 ml/min for stage 1, 59.3 ml/min for stage 2 and 59.3 ml/min for
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In 2020, SARS-CoV-2 pandemic had a devastating stage 3. Mean serum creatinine at discharge was 1.14 mg/dl for NO AKI group vs 1.45
impact on individuals and on national health systems worldwide. Although being mg/dl for total AKI group divided in 1.28 mg/dl for stage 1, 1.58 mg/dl for stage 2 and
primarily a lung disease, COVID-19-associated systemic inflammation and activation 2.05 mg/dl for stage 3.
of coagulation/complement cascades lead to multiple organ dysfunction including
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).
Our aim is to evaluate AKI prevalence and mortality in hospitalized patients during
COVID-19 pandemic in a 500-bed University Hospital.
METHOD: Observational study on 945 COVID-19 patients (March-May 2020). Data
collection from Board Hospital Discharge and serum creatinine (Lab database). AKI
stratification in accordance to KDIGO criteria and evaluation of outcome in the
different subgroups. The same methodology was adopted to assess AKI prevalence and
outcome in 2018-2019.
RESULTS: 351/945 (37.14%) of all hospital admissions for COVID-19 showed AKI
further sub-classified as follows: 173 (18.3%) stage 1, 112 (11.9%) stage 2 and 66 (6.9%)
stage 3: the control NO AKI group was 594/945 (62.86%). COVID-associated AKI
prevalence was higher than that observed in 2018 (total AKI 17.9%, stage 1 10.7%, stage
2 4.5%, stage 3 2.7%) and 2019 (total AKI 17.2%, stage 1 10.1%, stage 2 4.5%, stage 3
During COVID-19 pandemic, in-hospital mortality was 27% for NO AKI group, 28%
for total AKI group, further subdivided 24% for stage 1, 45% for stage 2 and 42% for
stage 3 group, respectively. Mortality was different from that observed during 2018
(NO AKI 3.77%, total AKI 15.2%, stage 1 9.69%, stage 2 17.24%, stage 3 18.9%) and
2019 (NO AKI 3.56%, total AKI 18.35%, stage 1 10.6%, stage 2 20.1%, stage 3 24.3%).
In COVID-19 patients, mean age of NO AKI group was 64.6 ys vs. 71.7 ys of total AKI
group divided in 71.6 ys for stage 1, 74.3 ys for stage 2 and 67.9 ys for stage 3,
respectively. Mean eGFR at admission was 74.2 ml/min for NO AKI group, 61.3 ml/
min for total AKI group divided in 64.3 ml/min for stage 1, 57.8 ml/min for stage 2 and
i258 | Abstracts
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CONCLUSION: COVID-19 pandemic is associated with an increased AKI prevalence RESULTS: Median age was 80 years (IQR: 70-86). 58.8% of patients were males. The
in hospitalized patients (2-fold increase in all KDIGO stages). AKI associated with an most common symptom on admission was fever (68.8%), followed by cough (57.7%).
increased risk of mortality: of note, AKI stage2-3 had a strong impact on mortality in The majority of subjects presented with severe COVID-19 on admission (75.7%).
comparison to NO AKI group (OR 2.59 and 2.11, respectively). The presence of eGFR During 28-day follow-up, 87 patients (32%) developed Stage 1 AKI, 17 subjects (6.3%)
>60 ml/min and serum creatinine < 1.2 mg/dl at admission were associated with a developed Stage 2 AKI and 12 patients (4.4%) developed Stage 3 AKI.
lower risk of AKI development: reduced eGFR levels were observed at discharge AKI was more frequent (61 vs 24.3%) and more severe (Stage 2 AKI: 10.3 vs 2.2%;
particularly in AKI stage 2-3. The length of hospital stay and risk of ICU admission Stage 3 AKI: 6.6 vs 2.2%) among CKD patients. In adjusted logistic regression analysis,
depended on AKI incidence and severity. only disease severity and baseline eGFR were independent predictors for AKI in
COVID-19 lead to an increased burden for Nephrologists due to increased AKI COVID-19 patients that required hospitalization.
prevalence: a nephrological follow-up is needed to avoid progression from AKI to CONCLUSION: CKD patients suffer AKI more frequently and of higher severity
chronic kidney disease (CKD). during COVID-19. Baseline eGFR, along with COVID-19 severity, are strong predictor
factors of AKI in this setting.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
decrease by at least 50%. Using logistic regression with conditional backward selection, MO383 COVID - 19 AND AKUTE KIDNEY INJURY- A SINGLE CENTER
we determined which variables that were associated with a partial recovery or a EXPERIENCE
hyperkalemia (>5 mmol/L). Patients on dialysis treatment were excluded. Patients
were followed until either discharge or death, whichever came first. Ana Bulatovic1,2, Jelena Bjedov1,2, Vesna Maslarevic Radovic1, Nada Dimkovic1,
RESULTS: In 1519 patients with AKI, the majority (n=687 (45%)) had prerenal AKI, Radomir Naumovic1,2
followed by AKI on chronic (defined as chronic kidney disease combined with any type KBC“ZVEZDARA”, Nephrology, Beograd, Serbia and 2University of Belgrade - Faculty of
of AKI) (n=536 (35%)), renal (n=166 (11%)) and postrenal AKI (n=130 (9%)). At Medicine, Beograd, Serbia
admission, 30% of patients had any hyperkalemia, whereas 7% had severe
hyperkalemia. Normokalemia was seen in 60% of the patients while 10.5% had BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The new coronavirus disease (COVID 19) has become
hypokalemia. The more hyperkalemia, the higher level of sCr at admission, the more a worldwide health emergency with a wide spectrum of clinical presentation, from
acidosis and the less proteinuria. Proteinuria was most pronounced in patients with common cold symptoms to multiorgan failure. A great number of medical centers have
mild hyperkalemia and normokalemia. In-hospital partial renal recovery was seen in reported that patients with COVID-19 have developed acute kidney injury. The kidney
63% of the patients, while 38% had a modest recovery. Mortality during hospitalization is a target organ for SARS - COV2 because of ACE2 receptor, the binding site for this
was 4%; most of these patients had normokalemia (58%), followed by mild (18%) and virus, is expressed in kidney tissue. The potential mechanisms for kidney injury are
moderate hyperkalemia (15%). In the prerenal and postrenal groups, most patients had direct kidney injury, inflammation, activation of coagulation and complement
a partial renal recovery (76% and 73% respectively). In patients with renal and AKI on cascades. Data from centers worldwide reported a wide range of AKI incidence, from
chronic the proportions were lower (40% and 51%, respectively). 0,5% in China to 46% in USA. The aim of this study was to analyze incidence, risk
CONCLUSION: This study provides data from a large, contemporary AKI patient factors and outcomes of AKI in hospitalized patients with COVID 19 who were treated
cohort under nephrology care. Severe potassium disturbances are common and short- from 01.04. to 01.06.2020. at Nephrology Department of University Clinical Center
term outcomes differ substantially in patients of variable AKI level and etiology. These Zvezdara, which was at the time transformed into COVID hospital.
findings have important implications for prognostic evaluation upon admission and METHOD: This retrospective observational study included 51 patients who had
further resource planning. normal kidney function before the infection with SARS COV2, and 7 of them
developed dialysis non-dependent AKI. Analysis included data collection from the
patients’ history including demographic, clinical and administrative data. Statistical
analysis has been performed using SPSS software version 20 (IBM Corporation, New
York, USA).
Hyperkalemia Renal recovery RESULTS: Out of 51 patients 7 (13.7%) developed AKI, mean age was 59 þ 16 years
(K5 mmol/L) (30% sCr decrease) and 53% were male. Diabetes mellitus was present in 27 of patients with AKI,
hypertension in 6/7, obesity in 3/7, coronary artery disease in 1/7 and 1 of 7 patients
P-value OR 95% CI P-value OR 95% CI
was smoker. These risk factors except obesity (p= 0.05) didn’t vary significantly
Upper Lower Upper Lower between two groups (AKI and non AKI patients with COVID-19). Our results showed
Age <0.001 1.022 1.012 1.032 <0.05 1.010 1.002 1.018 significant correlation between AKI development and obesity (p= 0.05, OR 4.75),
Charlston index score (p=0.01), D dimer score (p=0.01), and CT COVID score
sCr <0.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 <0.001 1.001 1.001 1.002 (p=0.03). Regarding the outcome, COVID 19 patients with AKI showed 7-fold higher
admission risk for fatal outcome (p= 0.046).
CRP <0.001 0.997 0.995 0.999 <0.05 1.002 1.000 1.003 CONCLUSION: Obesity, higher D dimer values, worse CT findings and higher
Charlston comorbidity score index were associated with acute kidney injury in patients
ACR 0.088 1.000 1.000 1.001 <0.01 0.999 0.999 1.000 with COVID 19. AKI proved to be significant risk factor for fatal outcome in patients
Prerenal <0.01 0.629 0.466 0.849 <0.001 3.256 2.436 4.352 with SARS COV2 infection.
AKI (ref)
Renal AKI 0.085 0.633 0.376 1.065 - - - -
Postrenal - - - - <0.01 2.370 1.406 3.997 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AND IN-HOSPITAL MORTALITY IN
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common among patients
with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and a major risk factor associated with mortality
in hospitalized patients. Previously abnormal urine tests were reported to have a high
incidence in COVID-19. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of urine tests changes
and their impact on the outcomes in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
METHOD: A retrospective analysis of the register of patients with COVID-19 was
performed. COVID-19 was defined as the laboratory-confirmed infection and/or
presence of the typical computer tomography (CT) picture with typical clinical signs.
We excluded patients with re-hospitalizations, urinary tract infection, and single serum
creatinine (SCr) measurement during hospitalization. Urine tests were performed
within the first 24 h after hospitalization. Erythrocyturia was defined as the presence of
>3 red blood cells (RBC) per high-power field. Definition of acute kidney injury (AKI)
was based on KDIGO criteria. Patients were identified as having in-hospital AKI, if
AKI developed during hospitalization. P value <0.05 was considered statistically
RESULTS: In final analysis we included 495 patients. Mean age was 64 [53;74], 51%
(244) were males, mean Charlson index 3 [1;3], 66% with hypertension, 48% with
obesity, 24% with diabetes mellitus (DM) and 6% with chronic kidney disease (CKD).
MO382 Figure: Logistic regression with conditional backward selection showing 25% of patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit (ICU), 17.8% (88) were
variables that were associated with a hyperkalemia and renal recovery. treated with mechanical ventilation at some point during hospitalization. Patients were
hospitalized on the 664 day of illness at mean. The mean length of stay was 11 [9;14]
days, in the ICU - 4 [2;7] days. 19.4% patients died in hospital. The incidence of AKI
was 22%, 47% patients had the 1st stage of AKI, 41% - the 2nd and 20% - the 3rd. In-
hospital AKI was observed in 8.3% (41) of patients. Among discharged patients AKI
was registered in 13%, of those who died in 60% (p<0.0001).
52% (256) of patients had erythrocyturia and/or proteinuria and/or leukocyturia in
urine test and admission: 35% of patients had proteinuria, 17% - hematuria and 19% -
leukocyturia. The most prognostically significant associations of urinalysis changes
were identified for erythrocyturia, which was present in 82 patients at admission, their
mean RBC count in urine was 18.5 [7;52]. The presence of erythrocyturia at admission
was independent of age, gender, presence of hypertension, DM, obesity, blood test
changes, pre-admission drug intake, included oral anticoagulants. Patients with
erythrocyturia at admission had higher level of SCr at admission (101[83;140] vs
88[74;109] mmol/l, p=0.003), were more likely to develop AKI compared to patients
i260 | Abstracts
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without AKI (31.2% vs 12.4%, p<0.001, respectively), had higher prevalence of in- MO386 MASS SCREENING AND THE LOW RATES OF ACUTE KIDNEY
hospital AKI (17% vs 6.5%, p=0.002) and more severe course of AKI (the 1st stage – INJURY AMONG COVID-19 PATIENTS IN HONG KONG
31% vs 54%, the 2nd - 43% vs 32%, the 3rd – 26% vs 14%, p=0.02). They also more
often had CKD (13,4% vs 4.4%, p=0.001), more severe lung injury by CT scan during Kam Wa Chan1, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung2, Owen Tak-Yin Tsang3, Tak Chiu Wu4,
hospitalization (15.6% vs 5.5% with 75-90% lung injury, p=0.005, for the trend), were Eugene Yuk-Keung Tso5, Kwok Cheung Lung6, Chung Man Lam3, Gary Chi
more frequently hospitalized in ICU (39% vs 22%, p=0.001), and had higher level of in- Wang Chan1, Sunny Sze-Ho Wong5, Kam Yan Yu2, Johnny Wai-Man Chan4,
hospital mortality (32% vs 17%, p=0.002). Sydney Tang1
Erythrocyturia at admission was predictor for development of in-hospital AKI (odds The University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P.R.
ratio (OR) 2.94 with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 1.35 to 6.15, p=0.002) and in- China, 2The University of Hong Kong, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, P.R. China,
hospital mortality (OR 2.28, 95% CI of 1.28 to 3.97, p=0.002). Princess Margaret Hospital, Department of Medicine & Geriatrics, Hong Kong, P.R.
CONCLUSION: Erythrocyturia at admission is a common finding in hospitalized China, 4Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, P.R. China,
patients with COVID-19, and is associated with severity of disease and adverse United Christian Hospital, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, P.R. China and
outcomes in this population. Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Department of Medicine, Hong Kong, P.R.
CKD PATIENTS – A SINGLE-CENTER PILOT STUDY health surveillance, including mass screening and early hospitalization is less well-
characterized. We assessed renal involvement of COVID-19 patients in Hong Kong,
Ileana Peride1,2, Andrei Niculae1,3, Corina Adriana Balas3, Ana-Maria Nechita2, including the association with risk factors, length of hospitalization, critical
Ionel Alexandru Checherita1 presentation and mortality.
1 METHOD: Linked electronic records of all confirmed patients from 5 major
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nephrology, Bucures, ti, Romania, designated hospitals were extracted. Primary outcome was the incidence of in-hospital
Sf. Ioan Clinical Emergency Hospital, Nephrology, Bucures, ti, Romania and 3Sf. Ioan AKI. Secondary outcomes were AKI-associated mortality, incident RRT, intensive care
Clinical Emergency Hospital, Bucures, ti, Romania admission, prolonged hospitalization and disease course (defined as >90th percentile
of hospitalization duration and duration from symptom onset to discharge,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Since the beginning of 2019, once COVID-19 respectively), and change of eGFR. Patients were further stratified into being
pandemic was declared, there is a keen interest in understanding the impact of SARS- symptomatic or asymptomatic.
CoV-2 infection on chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, regarding the influence on RESULTS: Patients were characterized by young age (median:38.4, IQR:28.4-55.8 years
CKD progression and the suitable therapy options, as most of the indicated old) and short time (Median:5, IQR:2-9 days) from symptom onset to admission.
medications are contraindicated for a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) below 30 ml/ Among the 591 patients, 22 (3.72%) developed AKI and 4 (0.68%) required RRT. AKI
min, and, in addition, there is a little experience in dialyzed patients. The aim of our increased the odds of prolonged hospitalization and disease course by 2.0 and 3.5 folds,
single-center pilot study is to determine the influence of SARS-CoV-2 infection on respectively. Estimated GFR 24 weeks post-discharge reduced by 7.51 and 1.06 ml/min/
CKD patients’ (dialyzed or not) outcome and hospitalization rate. 1.73m2 versus baseline (at admission) in the AKI and non-AKI groups, respectively.
METHOD: We evaluated the patients diagnosed with COVID-19, admitted in our The incidence of AKI was comparable between asymptomatic (4.8%) and symptomatic
Department between October and December 2020. The inclusion criteria were: age > (3.7%) patients.
18 years old, diagnosis of CKD – predialysis and hemodialyzed patients. The exclusion CONCLUSION: The overall rate of AKI among COVID-19 patients in Hong Kong is
criteria were: patients without pre-existing CKD. All included subjects signed the low, which could be attributable to a vigilant screening program and early
patients’ consent. To all included patients we performed the following tests: total blood hospitalization. Among patients who developed in-hospital AKI, the duration of
count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, ferritin, serum hospitalization is prolonged and kidney function impairment can persist for up to 6
free iron, serum creatinine, urea, uric acid, calcemia, total proteins, electrolytes and months post-discharge. Mass surveillance for COVID-19 is warranted in identifying
acid-base balance, urinary exams (including urine culture), coagulation and lipid asymptomatic subjects for earlier AKI management.
profile, quantitative D-dimer, IL-6, procalcitonin, and imaging tests (CT, pulmonary
Rx, abdominal ultrasonography). The patients were monitored by the infectious
disease medical team that adjusted the therapy according to the patients’ lab and
imagistic results. The specific treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection included primary MO387 CLINICAL PERFORMANCE, HEMOCOMPATIBILITY AND
anti-interleukin receptor monoclonal antibody drugs (such as Anakinra, Tocilizumab), SAFETY OF A NEW DIALYZER WITH A MODIFIED
corticotherapy (dexamethasone), anti-retroviral therapy (remdesivir, favipiravir) only POLYSULFONE MEMBRANE
in hemodialyzed patients or in those presenting an eGFR > 30 mL/min, antibiotics,
antifungal drugs, and oxygen-therapy. Usually, anti-interleukin receptor monoclonal Manuela Kempkes-Koch1, Manuela Stauss-Grabo2, Ansgar Erlenkötter3,
antibody consisted in 7 doses, administrated every 48 hours. The dose of all other Lena Rauber3, James Kennedy3, Adelheid Gauly2, Hans Schmidt-Gürtler4
recommended drugs was adapted according to the patients’ eGFR. PHV-Dialysis Center, Goslar, Germany, 2Fresenius Medical Care, Global Medical Office,
RESULTS: A total of 63 patients were admitted in our Department and were under our Bad Homburg, Germany, 3Fresenius Medical Care, Global Research & Development, St.
care, presenting medium or severe forms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. After applying the Wendel, Germany and 4Zentrum für Nieren-, Hochdruck- und
inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 38 patients were considered eligible: 21 male Stoffwechselerkrankungen, Hannover,
patients (mean age 63.52 6 13.82 years), and 17 female patients (mean age 67.24 6
12.83 years). 31.57% represented the percentage of death during the hospitalization BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemodialyzers containing membranes made from a blend
(due to the severity of the disease, 4 patients died within 24 hours) in patients of polysulfone and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) are widely used. PVP makes the membrane
presenting heterogenous comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pre- material more hydrophilic to reduce interactions with plasma proteins and platelets. A
existing glomerulonephritis and/or oncological pathologies; we also noticed that female modified spinning technique has been established to stabilize the PVP on the blood-side
gender represented 58.33% of the deceased patients. The mean hospitalization period surface in the polysulfone dialysis membrane in the new dialyzer FX CorAL 600.
in the deceased patients was 6.42 6 5.38 days – 4 6 3.21 days in female gender, and 9.8 The objective of the present study was to prove for this new dialyzer non-inferiority of
6 6.30 days in male gender. performance in comparison to established dialyzers. Further, hemocompatibility and
CONCLUSION: Most of our patients, although diagnosed with medium and severe safety of the dialyzers were explored.
forms of SARS-CoV-2 infection, presented a favorable evolution, and an adequate METHOD: In a multicenter, prospective, randomized, crossover study adult patients
response to the specific medication. We observed that most of the deceased cases were on online hemodiafiltration (HDF) were enrolled. They were treated for one week each
female patients, and compared to the male deceased subject, female deceased patients with on-line HDF in post-dilution mode, and in randomized order with the dialyzers
presented a lower period of hospitalization. Therefore, probably female CKD patients FX CorAL 600, FX 600, and FX CorDiax 600 (all Fresenius Medical Care, Bad
with comorbidities and diagnosed with COVID-19 are more predisposed to an Homburg, Germany). Blood samples were taken on the midweek session before start,
unfavorable prognosis. Further and larger clinical trials are necessary to validate the at the end to analyze removal rate and at 60 min to determine clearance of ß2-
impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on mortality in CKD patients. microglobulin, myoglobin, urea, creatinine and phosphate. Further a pattern of
hemocompatibility parameters and safety was evaluated. Assuming no carry over
effect, linear mixed models were used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: The mean age of the 49 enrolled patients was 66.3613.6 years, 76% were
male. Treatments were performed in post-dilution mode with a mean blood flow > 300
mL/min and a substitution volume >19 L.
The removal rate of ß2-microglobulin was 74.4, 70.4, and 73.1% for the FX CorAL 600,
FX 600, and FX CorDiax 600 dialyzer, respectively. FX CorAL 600 proved to be
statistically significantly non-inferior to FX 600 (p=0.0006) and to FX CorDiax 600
(p=0.036). The removal rate of FX CorAL 600 was by 4.0% (confidence interval 0.4 –
7.5%) significantly higher than with FX 600. The difference to FX CorDiax 600 was not
significant. The clearance of ß2-microglobulin and myoglobin and the removal rate of
myoglobin were significantly higher with the new dialyzer FX CorAL 600 than with the
FX 600, and comparable to the FX CorDiax 600. Performance for small molecules was
similar for all dialyzers.
10.1093/ndt/gfab082 | i261
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
The complement factors C3a and C5a increased early in the treatment with a peak at 15 MO389 PREDICTORS OF COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED ACUTE KIDNEY
min, without differences between the three dialyzers for C3a, and for C5a with significantly INJURY IN PATIENTS WITH ACUTE CARDIAC DISEASES
lower increase at 15 min with FX CorAL 600 than for FX 600 (p=0.007); the difference of
increase between FX CorAL 600 and FX CorDiax 600 was not significant (p=0.515). The Marina Efremovtseva1, Svetlana Avdoshina1, Maria Markova1, Zhanna Kobalava1
course of sC5b9 was similar for all three dialyzers, with significantly lower increase at 15 min Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), Department of Internal
for both FX CorAL 600 (p=0.009) and FX CorDiax 600 (p=0.026) as compared to FX 600 Medicine, Moscow, Russia
and similar increase at 60 min for both FX CorAL 600 (p=0.573) and FX CorDiax 600
(p=0.386) as compared to FX 600. The area-under-the-curve for the course of sC5b-9 with BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common and serious
FX CorAL 600 was significantly lower than with FX 600 (p=0.044) and comparable to FX problem associated with poor prognosis. The aim of the study was to reveal the
CorDiax 600 (p=0.092). The leukocyte count showed a decrease in the first 15 min of the prevalence and predictors of community-acquired AKI in patients with acute cardiac
treatment, which recovered afterwards, similarly for all treatment phases with the different diseases.
dialyzers. Further, the dialyzers did not differ with respect to adverse events. METHOD: 566 patients (278 with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), 288
CONCLUSION: All three dialyzers showed good performance, with higher removal with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS), 46% male, 71611 years
rates for middle molecules with the new dialyzer FX CorAL 600 compared to the FX (M6SD), smokers 26%, arterial hypertension 91%, previous myocardial infarction
600. Hemocompatibility profiles were mostly similar, with lower activation of C5a and (MI) 45%, diabetes mellitus (DM) 28%, atrial fibrillation 35%, chronic kidney disease
of sC5b9 with FX CorAL 600 compared to FX 600. The new dialyzer provides (CKD) 46%, previous hospitalization with ADHF 36%, ejection fraction (EF) <35%
comparable performance levels capable of delivering adequate treatment and good 15%, blood pressure (BP) 142630/83616 mmHg) were examined. AKI was diagnosed
tolerability for the patient. according 2012 KDIGO Guidelines. Community-acquired AKI was identified in
patients with elevated serum creatinine levels on admission, which decreased during
MO388 DEVELOPMENT OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY DURING A RESULTS: : Incidence of AKI in all patients, patients with ADHF and NSTE-ACS was
RHABDOMYOLYSIS EPISODE: DIFFERENCES IN LONG- 40, 43.5 and 37.2%. In-hospital mortality in patients with AKI was higher than in those
TERM KIDNEY FUNCTION with stable kidney function (14.9 vs 3.6%, p<0.001). Community-acquired AKI was
present in 18% of patients (20.5 and 15.6% in ADHF and NSTE-ACS respectively), in-
Sara Nun~ez Delgado1, Miren Iriarte-Abril1, Ju
lia Farrera-Nu
n~ez1, Sergi Pascual- hospital mortality was 16.7% (10.5 and 24.4% respectively). The risk assessment scale
Sanchez1, Laia Sans-Atxer1, Adriana Sierra-Ochoa1, Clara Barrios-Barrera1, M for community-acquired AKI was developed based on independent predictors of AKI,
Dolores Arenas-Jiménez1, Julio Pascual1, Eva Rodrıguez Garcıa1 using binary logistic regression and ROC analysis (AUC 0.860, 95% CI 0.821-0.898).
1 Independent variables included in the model, and the corresponding points (pts) are
Hospital del Mar, Nephrology Department, Barcelona, Spain
listed below: clinical and demographic characteristics (male gender - 6 pts, alcohol
abuse - 7 pts, DM - 1 pt), present on admission (MI - 5 pts, AHF/ADHF - 9 pts, systolic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute renal failure (AKI) associated to rhabdomyolysis BP <120 - 10 pts, <110 - 15 pts, <90 mmHg - 27 pts; state of kidney function on
conditions a worse prognosis in short-term, its implication in the long-term renal admission: serum creatinine >98 and >128 mkmol/L - 14 and 22 pts, GFRCKD-EPI <45
function has been less evaluated. and <15 ml/min/1.73 m2 - 7 and 14 pts; glucose level >7 mmol/L - 4 pts), outpatient
METHOD: Retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis defined intake of ACE inhibitors - 4 pts, absence of spironolactone in outpatient therapy - 1 pt.
by creatinine kinase > 5000 IU/L between 2015-2019. Basal and 12-month renal Diagnostically significant risk score for predicting AKI was >30 pts, the risk prediction
function was evaluated. AKI was classified as either non-severe (AKI-KDIGO 1/2) or model showed sensitivity 89%, specificity 66%.
severe (AKI-KDIGO 3). CONCLUSION: Community-acquired AKI is common in patients in acute
RESULTS: Eighty-seven patients were included, 25 (28.74%) had some degree of chronic cardiovascular events, is associated with high mortality, and often is underdiagnosed.
kidney disease (CKD) on admission. 56 (64.37%) had AKI on admission, 17 of which were Usage of risk assessment scale in clinical practice may help to detect patients with high-
severe (6 required hemodialysis). The patients with AKI had more cardiovascular disease risk of AKI on admission. Baseline kidney function and blood pressure level are main
(CVD) and worse analytical parameters on admission (table). Patients with severe AKI predictors of AKI in patients admitted with acute cardiac diseases.
showed no difference in CVD from those with non-severe AKI but were younger and had
more hyperkalemia. There were no significant differences between patients with severe AKI
who required hemodialysis and those who did not. Inpatient mortality was 8%, higher in
patients with AKI but without differences according to severity. MO390 THE RISK FACTORS AND CLINICAL OUTCOMES
In 45 patients kidney function was available 12 months after the episode, loss of eGF ASSOCIATED WITH ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN PATIENTS
was -4.90 6 14.35 ml/min-1.73m2 (p=0.007). There was no difference between WITH COVID-19
patients who developed AKI and those who did not (-4.10 6 14.4 vs. -5.39 6 14.57 ml/
min-1.73m2; p=0.67), nor between non-severe and severe AKI (-5.50 6 14.76 vs. -5.12 Hormat Rahimzadeh Eshkalak1, Hossein Farrokhpour2, Sina Kazemian2,
6 15.08ml/min-1.73m2; p=0.98). Of the 33 patients without previous CKD, 5 Maryam Rahbar3, Mahnaz Montazeri4, Samira Kafan5, Ahmad Salimzadeh6,
developed CKD, with greater decrease in eGF than those who did not (-22.69 6 6.04 Mohammad Talebpour7, Fazeleh Majidi8, Atefeh Gannatalipour9,
vs. -2.63 6 13.92 ml/min-1.73m2; p=0.003). Female sex (60% vs. 12%; p=0.031) and Effat Razeghi10,11
previous basal eGF (72.22 6 4.37 vs. 95.6619.97 ml/min-1.72m2; p=0.016) were Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Department of Nephrology
related to this deterioration. Disease, Sina Hospital, Tehran, Iran, 2Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
CONCLUSION: After an episode of rhabdomyolysis, the loss of eGF is similar in Iran, Students’ Scientific Research Center (SSRC), Tehran, Iran, 3Tehran University of
patients who develop AKI compared to those who do not. Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Department of Nephrology Disease, Tehran, Iran,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Department of Infectious Diseases,
Tehran, Iran, 5Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Department of
Pulmonary Diseases, Tehran, Iran, 6Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran,
Rheumatology Research Center, Tehran, Iran, 7Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran, Department of Surgery, Tehran, Iran, 8Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Research Development Center, Tehran, Iran, 9Tehran University
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Research Development Center, 10Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Nephrology Research Center, Center of Excellence in
Nephrology, Tehran, Iran and 11Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran,
Department of Nephrology Disease,Sina Hospital
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney involvement, ranging from mild hematuria and
proteinuria to acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with coronavirus disease-2019
(COVID-19), is a recent finding with various incidence rates reported among
hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Current evidence on AKI rate in patients
hospitalized with COVID-19 and its associated risk factors is limited, especially in Iran.
METHOD: In this retrospective cohort study, we enrolled adult patients referred to the
Sina hospital, Iran, from 20 February to 14 May 2020, with either a positive PCR test or
a highly susceptible chest computed tomography features (CT) consistent with
COVID-19 diagnosis. AKI was defined according to the kidney disease improving
global outcomes (KDIGO) criteria, and patients were stratified based on their AKI
staging. We evaluated the risk indicators associated with AKI during hospitalization
besides in-hospital outcomes and recovery rate at the time of discharge.
RESULTS: : We evaluated 516 patients with a mean age of 57.6616.1 years and a male
to female ratio of 1.69 who were admitted with the COVID-19 diagnosis. AKI
development was observed among 194 (37.6%) patients, comprised of 61.9% patients
in stage 1, 18.0% in stage 2, and 20.1% in stage 3. Out of all patients, AKI occurred in
58 (11.2%) patients during the hospital course, and 136 (26.3%) patients arrived with
i262 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
AKI upon admission. AKI development was positively associated with all of the in- Table-2. Mean PNI of the patients who survived was higher than patients who were
hospital outcomes, including intensive care unit admissions, need for invasive exitus.
ventilation, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute cardiac injury, acute CONCLUSION: AKI in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 was associated with
liver injury, multi-organ damage, and mortality. Patients with stage 3 AKI showed a high mortality. Of all patients with AKI, only 18.4% survived.
significantly higher mortality rate, ARDS, and need for invasive ventilation than other
stages. After multivariable analysis, male sex (odds ratio (OR):11.27), chronic kidney
disease (OR: 6.89), history of hypertension (OR:1.69), disease severity (OR; 2.27), and
high urea levels (OR: 1.04) on admission were independent risk indicators of AKI
development. Among 117 (28.1%) patients who experienced AKI and survived, only 33 Dischargedn= 9 Deadn=40 p
(28.2%) patients made a recovery from the AKI, and 84 (71.8%) patients did not Age 78.366.6 74.8613.4 0.451
exhibit full recovery at the time of discharge.
CONCLUSION: We found that male sex, history of chronic kidney disease, Gender (male/female) 5/4 23/17 1.000
hypertension, disease severity, and high serum urea were independent risk factors PNI 32.467.2 25.266.3 0.049
associated with AKI in patients with COVID-19. Also, higher stages of AKI were
WBC 10.465.6 16.8610.4 0.017
associated with increased risk of mortality and in-hospital complications. Our results
indicate a necessity for more precise care and monitoring for AKI during Neutrophil 8.365.8 14.369.2 0.011
hospitalization in patients with COVID-19, and lack of AKI recovery at the time of Lymphocyte 1.26 (0.55-1.80) 0.64 (0.40-1.33) 0.159
discharge is a common complication in such patients.
NLR (Neutrophil/ 5.59 (3.48-10.47) 19.7 (10.5-28) 0.025
Lymphocyte Ratio)
MO391 RISK FACTORS OF ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN SEVERE Hemoglobin (g/dL) 10.661.8 10.862.3 0.877
LDH 213 (164-312) 683 (293-1379) <0,001
Wee Leng Gan1, Boon Huei Kong1 AST 16 (12-34) 43 (26-87) 0.012
Hospital Bukit Mertajam., Department of General Medicine., Penang., Malaysia Troponin T 0.042 (0.024-0.078) 0.109 (0.056-0.0583 0.050
Procalcytonin 0.195 (0.145-0.253) 0.945 (0.310-2.448) 0.070
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is associated with poor
outcome in severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) during Coronavirus Disease 2019 Ferritin 240 (99-872) 690 (456-1238) 0.048
(COVID 19) pandemic. This study aim at detetction of risk factors for AKI among D-dimer 604 (425-1895) 4083 (1898-6376) 0.003
patients admitted for SARI at our Center for COVID 19 screening. CRP 19.3 (14.2-35.7) 142.0 (85.6-259.3) <0.001
METHOD: Restrospective study by reviewing admission notes from March 2020 until
December 2020 at our district center. Patient aged more than 18 year old who admitted
for SARI as defined by World Health Organisation and AKI as defined by Kidney
Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO) guideline were included. Chronic
kidney disease and End stage Renal Failure as defined by KDIGO were excluded.
RESULTS: A total 230 ( 56%) patients out of 410 patients with SARI had AKI during
hospitalisation. The mean age was 72 years old (SD 13.8), 130 (56.5%) were male and
100 ( 43.5%) were female. SARI patients with AKI took mean 5 days ( SD 0.9) to be Before treatment After treatment p
admitted at our center from the first day of illness. The mean body mass index (BMI) PNI 32.167.2 25.266.3 <0.0001
was 27.2 kg/m2 . The mean arterial pressure was 52.1 ( SD 3.7) mmhg upon admission.
The mean neutrophils lymphocytes ratio ( NLR ) was 22.4 (SD 2.4). The independant WBC 12.368.5 16.8610.4 0.011
Risk factors for AKI in SARI are Male gender ( OR 0.95; 95% CI 0.35-2.6), smoking ( Neutrophil 10.167.7 14.369.2 0.012
OR 0.72 ;95% CI 0.23- 2.3), ischaemic heart disease (OR 0.48; 95% CI 0.06-3.8),
Lymphocyte 0.80(0.51-1.41) 0.64(0.40-1.33) 0.973
diabetes mellitus ( OR 1.15; 95% CI 0.39-3.38) and hypertension ( OR 1.58; 95% CI
0.58-4.25). Hemoglobin (g/dL) 11.462.47 10.862.3 0.008
CONCLUSION: Non modifiable risk factors for AKI in SARI include male gender and NLR 11.2(4.3-19.2) 19.7 (10.5-28) 0.013
advance age. The modifiable risk factors for AKI in SARI are over weight, smoking,
ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus and hypertension. NLR play a role in CRP (mg/dL) 110.5 (35.8-147.9) 142(85.6-259.3) 0.009
predicting AKI among SARI patients. Delay hospitalisation and hypoperfusion Creatinin (mg/dL) 1.4961.21 2.1961.53 0.033
predispose to AKI in SARI. Early recognition of risk factors is crucial in preventing LDH 398 (282-592) 683 (293-1379) 0.011
deterioration of kidney function in SARI patients during the inital screening for
COVID 19 infection. Troponin T 0.057(0.021-0.234) 0.109 (0.056-0.583) 0.004
Procalcitonin 0.275 (0.140-2.220) 0.945 (0.310-2.448) 0.327
Ferritin 514 (239-1210) 690 (456-1238) 0.026
MO392 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS WITH D-dimer 2451 (997-4955) 4083 (1898-6376) 0.045
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Preliminary reports indicate that AKI (acute kidney
injury) seem to be associated with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severity
and outcomes. Although the reported incidence of AKI among hospitalized
patients with COVID-19 varies widely, AKI among hospitalized patients is
associated with poor prognosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical
characteristics and outcomes in our COVID-19 patients who developed AKI during
intensive care unit hospitalization.
METHOD: In our retrospective, observational study COVID-19 PCR positive 49
patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 pnumoniae in intensive care unit and
developed AKI were evaluated with demographics, laboratory data, treatment and
outcome. The prognostic nutritional index (PNI), which is calculated using the serum
albumin concentration and total lymphocytic count were also evaluated. All patients
were treated with favipiravirþlow molecular weight heparin; laboratory tests were
recorded before and after favipiravir treatment.
RESULTS: Of 49 patients; 28 were male. A total of 9/49 (18.4%) patients survived. All
patients were treated with favipiravir; laboratory tests were recorded before and after MO392 Figure 1: Clinical and laboratory findings of patients after favipiravir treatment.
favipiravir treatment. The clinical parameters of patients are shown in Table-1 and
10.1093/ndt/gfab082 | i263
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO392 Figure 2: Laboratory findings of the non-survived patients before and after
favipiravir treatment (n=40).
MO393 ACUTE RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY IN CRITICAL ILL constant production rate by roughly 100 mmol/l every day. This rise leads to the
OCTOGENARIAN OR OLDER PATIENTS: PROGNOSTIC corresponding bisection of the estimated eGFR nearly every day (100 => 50 => 25 =>
FACTORS AND RENAL OUTCOMES 13 => . . . ml/min). The curvilinear eGFR decline will never become zero even after >
2 weeks. The new kinetGFR can identify a complete anuria already after one day (24 h).
Jimena Del Risco1, Joaquim Casals1, Evelyn Hermida-Lama1, Luis F. Quintana1,
Miquel Blasco1, Gaston Pin ~eiro1, Esteban Poch1, Ali-cia Molina Andujar1
1 100 50
Hospital Clınic de Barcelona, Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain kinetGFR ¼ 50 24 ¼ 0:0 ml=min
24 0
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: a growing number of octogenarians or older patients
are being admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). The aim of this study was to assess This is already at the critical day (t2).
factors associated with acute renal replacement therapy (ARRT) requirement in these RESULTS: The retrospective look at the anonymized data from 20 patients with AKD
patients and the impact of ARRT on the 90-day ICU mortality. Also we aimed to allowed for comparing the former KeGFR with the new two-point kinetGFR estimate.
identify prognostic factors associated with mortality risk in the group of patients that For worsening kidney function, the average eGFR2 was 18 ml/min (þ 12) and the
required ARRT. KeGFR estimate was not different with 19 ml/min (þ 17). The new 2-point kinetGFR,
METHOD: retrospective study of octogenarian or older patients admitted to the ICUs however, was 13 ml/min (þ 11) and 28 % less than eGFR2 at the critical day (t2). For
of Hospital Clınic de Barcelona from June 2007 to April 2019. Patients on chronic improving kidney function, the eGFR2 was 15 ml/min (þ 4) and the KeGFR was
dialysis treatment or kidney transplant, and patients with limitation of therapeutic already much higher at 27 ml/min (þ 3). The new 2-point estimate of the kinetGFR
support or admitted for less than 48 hours were excluded. was in between at 21 ml/min (þ 7).
RESULTS: 217 patients were included in the study, of which 36.4% required ARRT. CONCLUSION: In AKD, the difference between eGFR and presumably true GFR was
Use of vasoactive drugs and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score on the higher the more rapidly kidney function declined. The new kinetGFR estimate
admission were higher in ARRT patients (p=0.009 and <0.001). Basal estimated appears clinically more plausible than the former KeGFR estimates.
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was lower in the ARRT cohort (p<0.001). Hospital
and ICU length of stay were longer in the ARRT cohort (p<0.001). Ninety-day
mortality was 58.2% in the ARRT cohort and 55.8% in the control cohort, without
statistical differences. In the survival analysis, only female sex and non-renal SOFA
6.5 were significantly associated with mortality (p= 0.005 and 0.002 respectively) in
the ARRT cohort.
Yosra Elouaer1, Yosra Guedri1, Mohamed Riadh Troudi1, Awatef Azzabi1,
CONCLUSION: mortality was not significatively increased in the octogenarian
Sanda Mrabet1, Wissal Sahtout1, Asma Fradi1, Narjes Ben Aicha1,
population that required and got ARRT respect to those who did not require it. Scores
Dorsaf Zellama1, Abdellatif Achour1
like SOFA can help in the process of decision making about initiation of ARRT. 1
SOUSSE, Tunisia
i264 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
in 12% of dialysis’ sessions. These events were dominated by hypotension, occurring in s-AKI was independently associated with an increased hazard of
hypoglycaemia, extracorporeal circuit coagulation, death and chest pain in 13.8%, intrahospital death (HR: 1.36; 95% CI: 1.09–1.51), compared to the non-NOAF group.
4.8%, 2.6%, 2.1% and 0.7% of cases, respectively. The cessation of dialysis sessions was CONCLUSION: A clinically significant number of patients hospitalized for s-AKI
noted in 22 sessions (11.1%). have NOAF, and it is associated with poor hospital outcomes.
Concerning the evolution of patients: 33.1% of patients recovered normal renal
function, 23.9% of patients maintained renal failure, 22.2% of patients died and 20.8%
of patients were lost from seen or the duration of their follow-up was less than three
months not making it possible to conclude as to the chronicity of the renal
CONCLUSION: ARI is a common and serious pathology. Dialysis is an important
evolutionary step. It is associated with a high risk of progression to chronic renal failure
and mortality. Optimal management of ARI is required.
Boby Pratama Putra1, Felix Nugraha Putra2
Medical doctor, Blitar, Indonesia and 2Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga,
Surabaya, Indonesia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) procedure is
increased as incremental end-stage liver disease patients’ prevalence. Acute kidney
Sandra Maria Brasileiro Mota1, Polianna Lemos Moura Moreira Albuquerque1,2,
injury (AKI) is one of most common post-OLT complications that is associated with
Gdayllon Cavalcante Meneses3, Francisco Marcio Tavares Holanda1,
poor renal outcomes and increased mortality risk although the results are still
Mariana Oliveira Brizeno1, Alvaro Rolim Guimaraes3, Alice Maria Costa Martins3,
inconclusive. This study aims to measure the risk of deterioration of renal outcomes
Geraldo Bezerra da Silva Junior2, Elizabeth De Francesco Daher3
and mortality risk due to AKI incidence in post-OLT patients.
Toxicological Assistance Center, Instituto Dr Jose Frota Hospital, Fortaleza, Brazil, METHOD: We did comprehensive searching using predefined terms in online
University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil and 3Federal University of Cear
a, Fortaleza, databases of Pubmed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, and The Cochrane Library, to include
Brazil all relevant studies from 2000-2020. We included all cohort studies that reported AKI
incidence in post-OLT patients and accessed the risk of 3-month renal replacement
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent and potentially therapy (RRT) need, 1-year chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression, and 1-year
fatal complications of snakebites. Coagulation disturbances are observed and have a mortality rate. We used The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for cohort study for accessing bias
high probability to be involved in AKI pathogenesis. Novel endothelial inflammation risk. We conducted analysis to pooled risk ratio (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI)
biomarkers are capable of predicting disease severity and could be used in the setting of using random-effect heterogeneity test.
snakebites. RESULTS: We included 10 cohort studies met our inclusion criteria. The AKI
METHOD: This is a prospective study conducted at the Instituto Dr. José Frota, a incidence significantly both increases the need of RRT in post-OLT patients (pooled
reference hospital for toxicological assistance in Fortaleza, Northeast Brazil. Blood and RR = 8.41. 95% CI = 2.82 to 25.09, p = 0.0001, I2 = 0%) then leads the CKD progression
urine samples were collected from patients admitted after snakebite accident, without in one year (pooled RR = 6.76. 95% CI = 2.03 to 22.51, p = 0.002, I2 = 84%). The post-
comorbidities, in 3 different time-points post-bite: on admission (until 8h post-bite), OLT patients who suffered from AKI has significant incremental 1-year mortality risk
12 to 16h, and 24-48h. The samples were stored in microtubes, frozen in a freezer (- (pooled RR = 7.27. 95% CI = 4.34 to 12.18, p<0.00001, I2 = 5%).
80 C) until performance of the laboratory tests. To measure the novel biomarkers the CONCLUSION: The incidence of AKI in post-OLT patients significantly increase the
following ELISA kits were used: Angiopoietin-1 (R&D Systems–Duoset DY623), deterioration of renal outcomes and mortality risks. However, further trials are needed
Angiopoietin-2 (R&D Systems–Duoset DY623) and Vascular cell adhesion protein 1 to establish the causalities.
(VCAM-1) (Abcam–ab47355). All procedures were conducted according to the
manufacturer’s guidelines. AKI was defined according to Kidney Disease Improving
Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. Patients were divided in 2 groups: with and
without AKI.
RESULTS: A total of 26 patients were included in the study:23 (88.5%) victims of
Bothrops accident and 3 (11.5%) Crotalus accidents. AKI was observed in 11 cases. The
Jayannan J1, Kevin T John Keeppallil2, Georgi Abraham1
2 groups did not differ in age, gender, electrolytes levels, creatine kinase (CK), 1
hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. There were significant differences regarding the Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of General Medicine,
levels of angiopoietin 1 (16.3968.1 vs 4.3567.36; p=0.0054) and VCAM-1 (12936528 Pondicherry, India and 2Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research,
vs 811.36234; p=0.0175), both in the second sample (12-16h after bite). The analysis of Department of Nephrology, Chennai, India
ROC curve revealed that angiopoietin 1 (AUC: 0.8182, 95% CI0.63–0.99, p=0.0064)
and VCAM-1 (AUC: 0.77, 95% CI0.57–0.97, p=0.0182) presented good accuracy for BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury is a global health problem. This
AKI prediction in the studied population. study aims to determine the risk factors for poor outcome and to describe the clinical
CONCLUSION: Endothelial inflammation biomarkers (VCAM-1 and angiopoietin 1) profile, etiology & outcomes of patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) admitted to
have good accuracy for snakebites-associated AKI diagnosis. The time 12-16h after the the Critical Care Unit from a tertiary care centre in South India.
bite had the best result in predicting AKI in this setting. METHOD: It was a prospective cohort study conducted in a tertiary care hospital in
South India from December 2016 to Novemeber 2019. All patients in the ICU were
screened for enrolment in AKI using RIFLE criteria with creatinine, GFR and urine
output daily for a period of seven days.
RESULTS: A total of 152 patients were taken for final analysis after exclusions. The
mean age of the subjects was 44.15 years. Majority of the study subjects (55.9%)
belonged to 26 – 50 years of age. Majority of the study subjects were females (51.3%)
and the rest were males. Sepsis was found to be present in 52% (79) of the study
Zorica Dimitrijevic1, Branka Mitic1, Sonja Salinger2, Goran Paunovic1,
subjects followed by Gastrointestinal loss 36.2% (55), crush injury 9.03% (15), snake
Stevan Glogovac1, Danijela Tasic1
bite 3.3% (5), poisoning 4.6% (7) and acute liver failure 1.3% (2). It was found that
Clinical Center Nis, Clinic for nephrology, Nis, Serbia and 2Clinical Center Nis, Clinic for 62.5% (95) of the study subject’s AKI had resolved after appropriate management.
cardiovascular disease, Nis, Serbia Among the rest of the study subjects,27.6% required haemodialysis for recovery, 3.3%
had persistence of AKI, 3.9% progressed to CKD and 2.6% died. The latter three
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mortality of septic patients with acute kidney categories were considered as poor outcomes of AKI. In our study, 29.8%people who
injury (s-AKI) prevails high. Atrial fibrillation is commonly observed in the setting of had systemic hypertension and 28.2%people who had diabetes mellitus had poor
systemic inflammation or infection. The study aimed to assess the incidence and outcome. It was found that in our study, sepsis and GI loss both contributes to poor
predictors of new-onset atrial fibrillation (NOAF) in this population and its impact on outcome of AKI in univariate regression analysis whereas Gastrointestinal loss alone
intrahospital mortality. contributes to poor outcome of AKI with multivariate regression analysis.
METHOD: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 462 patients admitted to our CONCLUSION: In conclusion, even though sepsis is the commonest cause of AKI,
unit for s-AKI between January 2016 and December 2020. NOAF was defined as AF Gastrointestinal loss independently contributes to poor outcome of AKI. Majority of
discovered during hospitalization in patients with sinus rhythm on admission. Subjects the people recovered from AKI spontaneously with conservative management. Few
were classified into NOAF (n=68) and non-NOAF groups (n=364). There were no people required dialysis for recovery of AKI & very few people progressed to CKD.
major differences in sepsis severity between groups, and all patients underwent
intermittent hemodialysis as a renal replacement treatment modality.
RESULTS: The NOAF incidence in the whole s-AKI population was 14.7%. In a
univariate analysis, age (72.4 in patients with NOAF vs. 62.1 years in patients without
NOAF, respectively; p=0.018), male gender (33.5 vs. 14.6%; p= 0.004), history of
coronary disease (23.5 vs. 6.1%; p=0.07) and vasopressor medication use (19.0 vs. 8.2%;
p = 0.002) were associated with NOAF. 116 (25.1%) patients died during the
hospitalization, while 346 patients (74.9%) were discharged from the hospital. NOAF
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microangiopathy (TMA).Vasculitic changes in vessels were rarely reported. A cut-off point of 24 was required for the Best predictive capacity for severe AKI, with
CONCLUSION: Oligo-anuric presentation and prolonged kidney dysfunction were sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative likelihood ratio of 34%, 94%, 5.5 and 0.7
frequent in post snake bite AKI. ATN was the common histological finding respectively.
CONCLUSION: In our population, RAI score requires a cutoff point much higher
than that originally described to predict the development of severe AKI. Losing its
discriminatory capacity.
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MO403 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN ELDERLY: EPIDEMIOLOGICAL, inflammatory infiltrate (Figure 1, 2). By Immunofluorescence, 27 glomeruli were
CLINICAL AND ETIOLOGICAL FEATURES negative for all eight tested antibodies (IgA, IgM, IgG, F, C3, C1q, kappa and lambda
light chains). On the basis of these histological findings, Nivolumab-induced Acute
Mouna Malki abidi1,2, Rajaa Aoudia1,3, Soumaya Chargui1, Imen Gorsane1, Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis was diagnosed. Nivolumab was discontinuated. Patient
Mouna Jerbi4, Hanen Gaied4, Taieb Ben abdallah1, Rym Goucha4, was treated by steroids and she achieved almost complete renal function recovery
Fethi Ben hamida1,2 (Figure 3).
charles nicolle hospital, nephrology, dialysis and renal transplantation department, CONCLUSIONS.: CPIs can induce a long-term Acute Kidney Injury. Histological
tunis, Tunisia, 2research Laboratory LR00SP01, nephrology, dialysis and renal trans- features are characterized by Acute Tubulo-Interstitial Nephritis. Steroids can improve
plantation, tunis, Tunisia, 3 and 4mongi slim hospital, nephrology, dialysis and renal renal outcome. In patients treated with CPIs a multidisciplinary management between
transplantation department, marsa, Tunisia oncologists and nephrologists is desirable for monitoring renal function at basal, after
drug administration and in the long-term follow-up.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in the elderly
due to physiologic renal aging and underlying pathologies. Few studies focused on AKI
in Tunisian elderly. The aim of our study was to highlight the epidemiological, clinical, MO405 RISC FACTORS FOR CARDIAC SURGERY-ASSOCIATED
etiological, therapeutic, and progressive characteristics of AKI in elderly. ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY IN A TERTIARY REFERRAL
METHOD: We conducted a descriptive retrospective study of AKI in patients HOSPITAL
admitted to our department over a period of 04 years from 01/01/2014 to 31/12/2017.
RESULTS: We collected 40 patients including 25 women and 15 men with a sex ratio Alvaro Lucas1, Ali-cia Molina Andujar2, Eduard Quintana3, Gaston Pin ~eiro2,
of 1.66. The mean age was 74 [65-87] years. We noted the presence of pre-existing Esteban Poch2
chronic kidney disease in 58% of cases, diabetes in 50% of cases and hypertension in 1
University of Barcelona, Barcelona, 2Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain and 3Cardiac
73% of cases. Polypharmacy was found in 40% of cases. AKI was symptomatic in 80%
surgery, Barcelona, Spain
of cases and found on a routine check-up in 20% of cases. Mean creatinine was 612þ/-
334 mmol/l.
AKI was pre-renal in 37% and parenchymal in 63% of cases. Iatrogenic origin was BACKGROUND AND AIMS: cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CS-
found in 33% of cases. Renal biopsy was performed for diagnostic purposes in 6 cases. AKI) is a frequent complication that confers significant increase in morbility and
Haemodialysis was necessary in 50% of cases. Etiopathogenic treatment was initiated mortality. It is still unclear how to identify patients at high risk to develop it, in order to
in 73% of cases. Intra-hospital mortality was 10%, recovery of renal function (RF) was apply to them early preventive strategies to avoid AKI. The study aimed to explore risk
partial in 40 % of cases and total in 20 % of cases. Follow-up time was 16 þ/- 23.2 factors associated to CS-AKI.
months. And at the last news, recovery of renal function (RF) was partial in 7 cases and METHOD: to analyze the association between demographic, pre-operative and
total in 10 cases, 6 patients kept a chronic renal failure (CRF), among them 3 cases had intraoperative variables with all grades-AKI, we collected baseline characteristics, type
and end-stage of CRF. of surgery, aortic time of clampage and extracorporeal circulation time, hemodinamic
CONCLUSION: AKI is a frequent pathology in the elderly and its severity is linked to variables during surgery, Euroscore II, Clevelant Clinic Score and Leicester
mortality and the transition to chronicity. Iatrogenic causes are frequent and cardiosurgery score. The post-operative variables included monitorization of the first
preventable in this population, hence the major interest of prevention. 24 h in the Intensive Care Units (ICU), consistent in: use of vasoactive drugs, total
diuresis, use of furosemide, need of transfusions and need and duration of renal
replacement therapy (RRT). Creatinine was collected for all the admision days in order
to calculate the incidence of AKI. Also mortality and need of RRT at 30 th day was
INHIBITORS (CPIS) NEPHROTOXICITY The inclusion criteria were: patients over 18 years old who underwent cardiac surgery
with extracorporeal circulation. Only valve substitution (VS), Coronary Artery Bypass
Fausta Catapano1, Elisa Persici1, Giulia Ubaldi1, Francesca Romani1, Graft (CABG) or a combination of both procedures (not including endocarditis
Elena Mancini1 surgery) were included. Patients who were already in dialysis or suffered an AKI just
Nephrology, Dialysis and Hypertension Unit, Bologna, Italy before the surgery were not included in the study.
RESULTS: we included 130 patients who underwent heart surgery intervention in
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The approved therapeutic indication for immune Hospital Clınic de Barcelona from 1st January to 31 st March 2015. 61,5% were men
checkpoint inhibitors (CPIs) are rapidly expanding; however the immune-related and the majority of them was 60 - 75 years old (46.9%), with hypertension (80.8%),
toxicities associated with CPIs can limit its efficacy. without diabetes (68.5%), with stage 2-Chronic Kidney Disease (53.1%). Main surgical
CASE REPORT.: A 52 year-old female diagnosed with left ocular melanoma and procedure was CABG (50.8%), followed by valve substitution (36.1%) and combination
treated for 14 months with nivolumab developed non-oliguric, stage 3 (KDIGO), Acute of both (13.1%). 73,1% of the procedures were done electively and 26.9% urgently. Out
Kidney Injury (AKI) and mixed proteinuria (0.6 g/day), then was transferred in our of the 130 patients, 60 (46.2%) suffered an AKI (36 AKIN 1, 16 AKIN 2 and 8 AKIN3).
Unit. As known causes of AKI were excluded, kidney biopsy was performed. By Optical The majority of the episodes (55.2%) started between 24 and 48 hours after the
Microscopy, there were 33 normal glomeruli; arteries and arterioles were normal. The intervention and 7 patients required RRT. AKI was not associated with mortality or
main damage was interstitial and characterized by tubulitis, tubular necrosis, non- need of renal replacement therapy at 30 days (OR 1.853, p= 0.397).
isometric citoplasmatic vacuolization and diffuse, acute and chronic, CD4þ,
i268 | Abstracts
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Regarding risk factors for CS-AKI, basal eGFR <60 ml/min, history of hypertension, acute cardiovascular diseases due to increased risk of severe adverse events associated
age and the clevelant/leicester and euroscore were preoperative risk factors associated with development of cardiorenal syndrome.
with CS-AKI in our cohort (OR 5.571 p=<0.001; OR 2.621 p=0.043; OR 1.036 The aim of the study to explore the role of biomarkers in early diagnosis of AKI and
p<0.001; OR 1.453 p=0.045; OR 1.062 p<0.001; OR 1.351 p=0.006 respectively). their prognostic values in patients with acute cardiac diseases.
Leicester cardiosurgery score >30 was the score who showed the best association with METHOD: 109 patients (51 with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF), 58 with
AKI (OR 5.167, p<0.001). Intraoperative significant risk factors that were identified non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) were examined. Biomarkers
were: ischaemia time over 70 minutes (OR 2.876, p=0.004), and the need to use of HF (NT-pro BNP in serum) and kidney damage (cystatin C in serum; neutrophil
phenylephrine (3.064, p=0.015); whereas the need to use nitroglycerin was identified as gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) and
a protector (OR 0.441, p=0.031). interleukine-18 (IL-18) in the urine) were estimated. Mann-Whitney test and
CONCLUSION: previous eGFR<60 ml/min, age, hypertension, use of phenylephrine multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed, p <0.05 was considered
during surgery and long ischaemia time are the main factors associated with CS-AKI. statistically significant.
Scores like Leicester score can help physicians to identify people at risk and apply RESULTS: Patients with vs without AKI had higher levels of NGAL (3446308.8 vs
preventive strategies. 37.9665.1 ng/ml, p <0.001) and KIM-1 (0.77460.36 vs 0.40260.59 ng/ml, p <0.01) in
all groups. Patients with NSTE-ACS with vs without AKI had higher level of NT-
proBNP (12857.163108.8 vs 1013462479, p<0.001), no difference was detected in
ADHF group. In course of ROC analyses NGAL and KIM-1 showed the best
prognostic values (AUC value 0.948 and 0.760). The cut points for NGAL >60.1 ng/ml
(sensitivity 87%, specificity 92%) and KIM-1 > 0.519 ng/ml (sensitivity 87%,
specificity 67%) were detected, coefficient of association u was 0,781 and 0,555
respectively. Simultaneous detection of two markers of structural kidney damage
Zohreh Rostami1, Sepehr Shafei1, Eghlim Nemati1, Behzad Einollahi1,
(increase of NGAL and/or KIM-1) in high-risk patients permits to diagnose 95% of
Afsaneh Rostami2
AKI cases at admission. Patients with AKI and diagnostically significant levels of
Nephrology and Urology Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, biomarkers had higher prevalence of CKD (p<0.01), acute heart failure, ADHF
Nephrology, Tehran, Iran and 2allameh tabataba’i university, social planning, Tehran, (p<0.05) vs those without increase of biomarkers, in-hospital mortality in this group
Iran was 29,8%.
CONCLUSION: Positive combined biomarker test is an independent and strong
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury is an important finding in predictor of AKI in patients with acute cardiac diseases, and its implementation in
COVID-19 patients that can even result in renal replacement therapy. AKI complicates clinical practice improve the early diagnostics of AKI when markers of kidney function
COVID-19 management by making volume management and administering agents are still at normal levels.
with renal clearance challenging tasks. Various reasons have been proposed for the
development of acute kidney injury in COVID-19 patients, including multi-organ
failure and pre-renal causes, drug toxicity, tubular injury, and invasion of proximal
tube podocytes by SARS-CoV-2. Although the development of AKI is not uncommon
in COVID-19 patients, several inconsistencies in the literature exist regarding
incidence rate and risk factors of acute kidney injury among hospitalized patients. This
Ana Bulatovic1,2, Verica Todorov Sakic1, Petar Djuric1, Jelena Bjedov1,2,
can be attributed to ethnical variations and methodological differences of studies.
Aleksandar Jankovic1,2, Radomir Naumovic1,2, Nada Dimkovic3
Herein we report AKI incidence in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Baqiyatallah 1
Hospital in Iran and investigate associate factors that can lead to AKI and renal Zvezdara University Medical Center, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia,
replacement therapy in COVID-19 patients. University School of Medicine, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia and 3Medical
METHOD: In this cross-sectional study, we investigated medical records and Academy, Serbian Medical Assosiation, Beograd, Serbia
laboratory data of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Baqiyatallah Hospital in Tehran,
Iran, from September 2020 until the end of November. COVID-19 infection was BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) secondary to urinary
confirmed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and only patients with Positive PCR obstruction is a common urological-nephrological problem. In this retrospective study,
for COVID-19 were included. Furthermore, patients with missing data and unknown our goals were to describe the etiology, management and outcomes of patients with
past medical history were excluded from this study, and a total of 459 patients were obstructive nephropathy who were hospitalized at Nephrology Department during
selected. The KDIGO criteria for acute kidney injury were used for evaluating kidney 2019.
injury in COVID-19 patients. ICU admission and dialysis were according to the METHOD: AKI was defined by the RIFLE classification. Diagnosis of obstruction was
Ministry of Health and Medical Education on ICU admission and renal replacement defined by ultrasound imaging, intravenous pyelography and CT scan.
therapy in COVID-19 patients. RESULTS: During 2019 AKI secondary to urinary obstruction was diagnosed to 64
RESULTS: Of 459 patients with the criteria who were admitted to the hospital (244 patients. 73% of them were male, average age 65 6 16 years. About 60% of the patients
male, 213 female, with an average age of 59.57 with SD 14.3), 75 patients (16%) had bilateral hydronephrosis, chronic kidney disease and anuria duration longer than
developed acute kidney injury in the course of the disease. The mortality rate in 24h. The following desobstructive procedures were applied: urinary catheterization to
patients with AKI (44%) was significantly higher than other patients (9%). The 33 patients, percutaneous nephrostomy tube to 14 patients, double-J stent to 7 and
development of the AKI was significantly associated with the risk of ICU admission other procedures to 10 patients. The most common causes of obstruction were
and the severe forms of the disease. Furthermore, it was observed that the patients who malignancy and benign prostatic hyperplasia 60%, calculosis 17%, and other causes
developed AKI was significantly older and male gender, diabetes (DM), Hypertension 20% such as neurogenic bladder and retroperitoneal fibrosis. As many as 30% of
(HTN), and Previous history of Chronic kidney disease(CKD) was also significantly patients required acute hemodialysis treatment, of which 6% remained on a chronic
associated with developing AKI in COVID-19 patients. Chronic heart failure and program in period of three months. Out of all, 30% of patients had a partial recovery of
ischemic heart disease increased the odds of developing AKI, but it was not significant kidney function, while 20% had complete recovery. The most common complication
enough to come up with a conclusion. It was observed that from 75 patients who was infection and bleeding. The univariate logistic regression, adjusted for age and
developed AKI, 22 patients (29%) required renal replacement therapy. Of 22 patients hemodialysis treatment, has shown that significant independent predictors for chronic
who need dialysis, 14 patients did not survive (mortality rate=63%). The previous kidney disease progression were anuria duration >24h (RR 2.21; 95% CI 0.014-1.03;
history of kidney disease increases the risk of dialysis due to AKI, while no significant p=0.05), polyuria duration (RR 2.11; 95% CI 1.112-3.98; p=0.02) and duration of
association was found between age, gender, DM, HTN, and heart disease with the need hospital treatment (RR 9.16; 95% CI 2.102-39.94; p=0.03). The most significant
for dialysis. predictor of death was duration of hospital treatment (RR 9.16; 95% CI 2.102-3.399;
CONCLUSION: Results of our study indicate that acute kidney injury can be a major p=0.003). Multivariate logistic regression did not shown significance any of the above
obstacle in managing COVID-19 patients. Patients with older age, previous history of risk factors.
CKD, HTN, and DM should be admitted to the hospital and monitored closely to CONCLUSION: Given that third of patients with obstructive nephropathy require
prevent unfortunate outcomes of this disease. acute HD, 6% remain in chronic HD, and almost one third require rehospitalization,
close cooperation between a nephrologist and urologist is required. Rapid
desobstructive procedures and careful monitoring after desobstruction is warranted.
Requirement of regular screening remains opened for obstruction in vulnerable
10.1093/ndt/gfab082 | i269
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i270–i278, 2021
AKI. CLINICAL. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT RRT. Secondary outcomes were in-hospital mortality and ratio-defined subclinical AKI
characterized by increased odds for AKI-RRT or in-hospital mortality. We compared
biomarkers’ area-under-the-curve of the receiver-operating-characteristic and
performed cross-validated reclassification statistics and regression analysis adjusted to
MO408 OBSTRUCTIVE NEPHROPATHY - STILL PREVALENT Cleveland risk score/EuroScore, cross-clamp time, age and volume of packed red blood
DISEASE cells.
RESULTS: Patients with AKI-RRT (n=13) had 13.7-times higher NGAL and 3.3-times
Ana Bulatovic1,2, Verica Todorov Sakic1, Petar Djuric1, Jelena Bjedov1,2, lower hepcidin-25 concentrations resulting in 46.9-times higher NGAL:hepcidin-25-
Aleksandar Jankovic1,2, Radomir Naumovic1,2, Nada Dimkovic3 ratio early after surgery compared to patients without AKI-RRT (Figure 1). The
Zvezdara University Medical Center, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia, NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio had higher discriminatory power compared with NGAL for
University School of Medicine, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia and 3Medical risk of AKI-RRT and in-hospital mortality (area-under-the-curve difference 0.087, 95%
Academy, Serbian Medical Assosiation, Beograd, Serbia CI, 0.036 to 0.138, P<0.001; 0.082, 95% CI, 0.018 to 0.146, P=0.012). The
NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio, but not NGAL, was independently associated with AKI-RRT
(adjusted OR per 1-SD higher lnNGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio, 1.524, 95% CI, 1.046 to
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) secondary to urinary 2.222, P=0.028). The NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio increased category-free net-
obstruction is a common urological-nephrological problem. In this retrospective study, reclassification-improvement for AKI-RRT (0.690, 95% CI, 0.146 to 1.234, P=0.013)
our goals were to describe the etiology, management and outcomes of patients with and in-hospital mortality (cfNRI 0.744, 95% CI, 0.201 to 1.288, P=0.007).
obstructive nephropathy who were hospitalized at Nephrology Department during NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio-positive subclinical AKI was associated with increased AKI-
2019. RRT (OR 10.02, 95% CI, 1.59 to 63.39; P<0.001) and in-hospital mortality rates (OR
METHOD: AKI was defined by the RIFLE classification. Diagnosis of obstruction was 41.07, 95% CI, 4.31 to 391.40; P<0.001).
defined by ultrasound imaging, intravenous pyelography and CT scan.
RESULTS: During 2019 AKI secondary to urinary obstruction was diagnosed to 64
patients. 73% of them were male, average age 65 6 16 years. About 60% of the patients
had bilateral hydronephrosis, chronic kidney disease and anuria duration longer than
24h. The following desobstructive procedures were applied: urinary catheterization to
33 patients, percutaneous nephrostomy tube to 14 patients, double-J stent to 7 and
other procedures to 10 patients. The most common causes of obstruction were
malignancy and benign prostatic hyperplasia 60%, calculosis 17%, and other causes
20% such as neurogenic bladder and retroperitoneal fibrosis. As many as 30% of
patients required acute hemodialysis treatment, of which 6% remained on a chronic
program in period of three months. Out of all, 30% of patients had a partial recovery of
kidney function, while 20% had complete recovery. The most common complication
was infection and bleeding. The univariate logistic regression, adjusted for age and
hemodialysis treatment, has shown that significant independent predictors for chronic
kidney disease progression were anuria duration >24h (RR 2.21; 95% CI 0.014-1.03;
p=0.05), polyuria duration (RR 2.11; 95% CI 1.112-3.98; p=0.02) and duration of
hospital treatment (RR 9.16; 95% CI 2.102-39.94; p=0.03). The most significant
predictor of death was duration of hospital treatment (RR 9.16; 95% CI 2.102-3.399;
p=0.003). Multivariate logistic regression did not shown significance any of the above
risk factors.
CONCLUSION: Given that third of patients with obstructive nephropathy require
MO410 Figure 1: Urinary NGAL:hepcidin-25 ratio over time separated by status of
acute HD, 6% remain in chronic HD, and almost one third require rehospitalization,
acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy
close cooperation between a nephrologist and urologist is required. Rapid
desobstructive procedures and careful monitoring after desobstruction is warranted.
NGAL:hepcidin-25 ratio immediately after end of surgery was available in all 198
Requirement of regular screening remains opened for obstruction in vulnerable
CONCLUSION: The urinary NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio appears to early identify high-
risk patients and outperform NGAL after cardiac surgery. Also, the urinary
NGAL:hepcidin-25 ratio can detect subclinical AKI. Confirmation of our findings in
MO410 URINARY NGAL:HEPCIDIN-25 RATIO VERSUS URINARY other cardiac surgery centers is now needed.
Saban Elitok1, Anja Haase-Fielitz2, Martin Ernst1, Michael Haase3,4
Hospital Ernst-von-Bergmann, Department of Nephrology, Potsdam, Germany, 2Heart
Center Brandenburg, Department of Cardiology, Bernau, Germany, 3Otto-von-Guericke Ekaterina Parshina1, Aleksei Zulkarnaev2, Pavel Kislyy1, Roman Chernikov3,
University Magdeburg, Medical Faculty, Magdeburg, Germany and 4Diaverum, Kidney Svetlana Mikhailova1
Care Center, Potsdam, Germany 1
Saint-Petersburg State University Hospital, Dialysis department, Saint-Petersburg,
Russia, 2Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Surgical Department of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement Transplantology and Dialysis, Moscow, Russia and 3Saint-Petersburg State University
therapy (AKI-RRT) is strongly associated with mortality after cardiac surgery, Hospital, Endocrine surgery department, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
however, options for early identification of patients at high-risk for AKI-RRT are
extremely limited. Early after cardiac surgery, the predictive ability for AKI-RRT even
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Surgery is the most effective and the only definitive
of one of the most extensively evaluated novel urinary biomarkers, neutrophil
treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). We aimed to assess the prevalence
gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), appears to be only moderate. We aimed to
of acute kidney injury (AKI) among patients underwent surgery for PHPT, to
determine whether the discriminatory power and reclassification indices of
determine the possible risk factors.
NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio (urinary concentrations of NGAL divided by that of
METHOD: A retrospective cohort study included 290 patients who underwent
hepcidin-25) within 60 min after end of surgery compare favorably to NGAL alone for
successful selective parathyroidectomy (PTx) for PHPT. We did not include patients
identification of high-risk patients after cardiac surgery. We also aimed to determine
who underwent re-operative surgeries. AKI was defined according to KDIGO-2012
whether an increased NGAL:hepcidin-25-ratio can detect subclinical AKI (no serum
creatinine- or urine output-based criteria for AKI).
RESULTS: In our cohort, 106 patients (36,6%) met AKI criteria after PTx. Most of the
METHOD: This is a prospective substudy of the BICARBONATE trial, a multicenter
patients developed AKI stage 1. In univariate analysis preoperative serum PTH level
parallel-randomized controlled trial comparing perioperative bicarbonate infusion for
(h=0,0004) aa well as degree of its decrease before/after PTx (h<0,0001), preoperative
AKI prevention to usual patient care. At a tertiary referral center, 198 patients at
serum total calcium level (h=0,0158), size of the parathyroid adenoma (h=0,0184),
increased kidney risk undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were
presence of proteinuria (RR=1,9 [95%CI: 1,19; 3,54], h=0,0061), hypertension
included into the present study. The primary outcome measure was defined as AKI-
(h=0,019) and anemia (h=0,0313), older age (RR=1,32 [95%CI: 1,03; 1,72], h=0,0265)
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
were significant risk factors of AKI development. In multivariate analysis age (OR 1,05 patients with AKI was much higher than that in patients without AKI (53.3% versus
[95%CI: 1,02; 1,08] per a year, h=0,002), body-mass index (OR 1,07 [95%CI: 1,02; 1,13] 17.5%, P < 0.001). The risk factors of AKI in patients with HLH were
per each kg/m2, h=0,005), anemia (yes/no OR 3,38 [95%CI: 1,38; 8,2], h=0,008), hyperphosphatemia (P<0.001, OR 5.448, 95%CI 2.951-10.059) , vasopressor(P<0.001,
preoperative PTH (OR 1,03 [95%CI: 1,01; 1,05] per each pmol/l, h=0,002), proteinuria OR 3.485, 95%CI 2.114-5.746), heart failure (P=0.044, 0R 2.336, 95%CI 1.022-5.340),
(yes/no OR 3,45 [95%CI: 1,34; 8,93], h=0,011), use of ACE inhibitors/ARBs (yes/no gastrointestinal symptoms (P=0.043, OR 1.877, 95%CI 1.021-3.453), increased heart
OR 2,84 [95%CI: 1,58; 5,12], h=0,001) were discovered as independent predictors of rate (P=0.005, OR 1.017, 95%CI 1.005-1.029), elevated total bilirubin level(P<0.001,
AKI. OR 1.004, 95%CI 1.002-1.007), and hypoproteinemia (P=0.034, OR 0.939, 95%CI
Considering the most significant risk factors we developed two regression models for 0.886-0.995).
AKI risk assessment: the model 1 for patients with preserved kidney function CONCLUSION: The incidence of AKI was higher in patients with HLH, and the risk
(estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR 60 ml/min/1,73 m2) and the model 2 for of death was significantly higher in HLH patients with AKI. A variety of risk factors are
those with decreased kidney function (eGFR less than 60 ml/min/1,73 m2) – tab. 1 and related to the occurrence of HLH-induced AKI. Identifying and correcting them early
2. Both models were statistically significant: v2=25,39, df=5, h<0,001, RN2=0,341 for in clinical diagnosis and treatment may reduce the incidence of AKI in patients with
the model 1, v2=19,355, df=3, h<0,001, RN2=0,428 for the model 2. The proposed HLH and improve the prognosis of them.
models had good discrimination to predict AKI with area under the receiver operating
characteristic curves (AUC-ROC) of 0,792 [95%CI: 0,691; 0,894], h<0,001 for the
model 1 (normal kidney function) and 0,84 [95%CI: 0,73; 0,951], h<0,001 for the
model 2 (decreased kidney function). Optimal cut-off values for predicted probability
of AKI to define high-risk individuals were > 0,57 (Youden’s index 0,525) for the Variables B SE Wald P OR 95%CI
model 1 and > 0,439 (Youden’s index 0,589) for the model 2. Vasopressor 1.249 0.255 23.959 <0.001 3.485 2.114-5.746
CONCLUSION: We observed high prevalence of AKI in patients after PTx for
primary HPT. Developed risk models predict AKI with adequate accuracy. Risk factors Heart failure 0.849 0.422 4.049 0.044 2.336 1.022-5.340
of AKI should be considered when planning PTx, special attention should be paid to Edema 0.226 0.231 0.961 0.327 1.254 0.798-1.971
modifiable ones.
Gastrointestinal 0.630 0.311 4.103 0.043 1.877 1.021-3.453
DIC 0.535 0.309 3.003 0.083 1.708 0.932-3.129
Admission heart rate 0.017 0.006 8.020 0.005 1.017 1.005-1.029
PLT ( 109/L) -0.010 0.005 3.421 0.064 0.990 0.980-1.001
WBC ( 109/L) -0.052 0.076 0.463 0.496 0.950 0.818-1.102
Baseline Scr (umol/L) 0.004 0.005 0.481 0.488 1.004 0.993-1.014
Cys-C mg/L -0.183 0.288 0.404 0.525 0.833 0.473-1.465
Phosphorus (mmol/L) 1.695 0.313 29.367 <0.001 5.448 2.951-10.059
Potassium (mmol/L) -0.246 0.182 1.814 0.178 0.782 0.547-1.118
Total bilirubin (umol/L) 0.004 0.001 15.183 <0.001 1.004 1.002-1.007
Albumin (g/L) -0.063 0.030 4.492 0.034 0.939 0.886-0.995
Triglyceride (mmol / L) 0.029 0.034 0.724 0.395 1.029 0.963-1.099
Sodium (mmol/L) -0.029 0.021 1.898 0.168 0.972 0.933-1.012
APTTs 0.002 0.004 0.373 0.542 1.002 0.995-1.009
Fibrinogen (g / L) 0.093 0.133 0.492 0.483 1.098 0.846-1.424
PCT ng/ml 0.015 0.013 1.438 0.230 1.015 0.990-1.041
Urine protein 3.792 0.435
þ- 0.027 0.391 0.005 0.945 1.028 0.477-2.213
þ -0.060 0.352 0.029 0.865 0.942 0.472-1.878
þþ 0.254 0.425 0.357 0.550 1.289 0.560-2.967
þþþ 1.289 0.801 2.587 0.108 3.629 0.755-17.453
PLT, platelet; WBC, white blood cell; Scr, serum creatinine; Cys-C, cysta-
tin C; APTT, activated partial prothrombin time ;PCT, procalcitonin; B:
Partial regression coefficient; SE: Standard error; OR: Odds ratio; CI:
Confidence interval
Siwen Wang1, Jia Yang1, Chen Xuelian1, Jiaojiao Zhou1, Lichuan Yang1
West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Division of Nephrology, Chengdu, P.R. MO413 EFFECTS OF CHRONIC, LONG-TERM ACE-INHIBITOR
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a
syndrome characterized by overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines and
Pierangela Presta1, Davide Bolignano1, Giuseppe Coppolino1,
hemophagocytosis. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is the most common complication of
Mariateresa Zicarelli1, Filiberto Serraino2, Pasquale Mastroroberto2,
HLH in the kidney, which is a strong predictor of poor prognosis. In this retrospective
Giorgio Fuiano1, Michele Andreucci1
study, we aimed to find the risk factors of AKI in patients with HLH. 1
METHOD: We screened all adult patients with HLH admitted to West China Hospital Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro,
of Sichuan University from January 2009 to June 2019. Patients in this study were Italy and 2Cardiac Surgery Unit, “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro,
secondary HLH according to the HLH diagnostic criteria revised by the Histocyte Italy
Society in 2004. Patients with HLH were excluded from the study if they had a
functioning kidney transplant, received renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the past BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) may trigger organs
month, suffered from end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or had the renal malignant damage, including kidney injury, due to a massive cytokine release. In this
tumor. We collected basic information, clinical manifestations, and laboratory data of observational, prospective study, we have analyzed the possible impact of chronic
patients from electronic medical records. treatment with ACE-Inhibitors (ACE-I) on the inflammatory response and renal
RESULTS: A total of 600 patients with confirmed diagnosis of secondary HLH are function after CPB.
included in our analysis. There are 199(33.2%)HLH-induced AKI patients, among METHOD: Sixty-nine patients undergoing major cardiac surgery with CPB were
whom 37.2%, 32.7%, and 30.2% are classified as AKI I, II, and III, respectively, enrolled. Patients were stratified according to long-term (>6 mo.) ACE-I use (n=38) or
according to the 2012 KDIGO (Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes) not (n=31). The primary endpoint was to analyze the changes in their IL-1 alpha, IL-
guideline. Overall hospital mortality is 176(29.3%), and the number of deaths in 1beta, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, TNF alpha, EGF and VEGF plasma levels.
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Secondary (renal) endpoints were: postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI), recovery of PHPT group (41,5 [Q1-Q3: 30; 51] years vs 59 [Q1-Q3: 50,8; 67] years, respectively,
baseline GFR values and the absolute changes in renal function indexes. p<0,0001), had higher mean baseline estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (91,1
RESULTS: After CPB, IL-1alpha, IL-1beta, IL-4 and TNF-alpha remained stable 6 18 vs 78,8 6 18,6 ml/min/1,73 m2 respectively, p=0,0001) and had less comorbidity
overtime, while a significant decrease in IL-2 plasma levels was noticed in the ACE-I index (p<0,0001). Hypertension encountered much more often in PHPT group vs
group (p=0.01). IL-6 and IL-8 plasma levels increased after surgery and tended to thyroid group (69% and 22,5%, respectively, v2 p<0,0001). Duration of surgery also
decrease after 48h. IL-10 plasma levels showed a similar variation, but both their rise differed between groups: 25 min [Q1-Q3: 20; 40] min in PHPT group vs 50 [Q1-Q3: 31;
and decrease were more pronounced in patients under ACE-I treatment (p=0.007). 62,5] min in thyroid group, p<0,0001.
Finally, VEGF and EGF showed a marked initial decrease with a tendency to
normalization 10 days after surgery (p for trend ranging from 0.01 to 0.001) (Figure 1-
The occurrence of AKI within 2 days after surgery, the rate of GFR recovery and the
absolute changes in renal function indexes were not statistically different between
groups (Figure 3).
CONCLUSION: Chronic, long-term ACE-I treatment may influence the
inflammatory response following CPB. On the other hand, this drug class apparently
has neutral impact on perioperative renal outcomes.
i272 | Abstracts
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Jonathan Cha vez1, Pablo Maggiani-Aguilera1, Andres De la Torre-Quiroga1,
Emna Chaabouni1, Hela Jbali1, Najjar Mariem2, Mzoughi Khadija3, Alejandro Martınez-Gallardo Gonzalez1, Ramo n Medina-Gonza lez1, Andrea Luna-
Zouaghi Mohamed karim1 Ramos2, Luz Alcantar-Vallin1, Guillermo Garcıa-Garcıa1
La Rabta, Nephrology, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Charles Nicolle Hospital, Nephrology Charles 1
Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde, Universidad de Guadalajara
Nicolle, Tunis, Tunisia and 3Habib Thameur Hospital, cardiology, Tunis, Tunisia Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud CUCS, Nefrologıa, GUADALAJARA, Mexico
and 2Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde, Universidad de Guadalajara
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coronary angiography (CAG) necessitates Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud CUCS, Nefrologıa, Guadalajara, Mexico
administration of iodinated contrast, which may precipitate an acute deterioration in
renal function (contrast-induced nephropathy). BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Based on the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury
Previous work on contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) has identified contrast volume (AKI) it is plausible that certain early interventions by the nephrologist could influence
as a risk factor and suggested that there is a toxic contrast dose above which the risk of its trajectory. In this study, we investigated the impact of 5 early nephrology
CIN is markedly increased. interventions on starting kidney replacement therapy (KRT), AKI progression and
The focus of this study is to provide a critical appraisal of this modifiable risk factor. death.
METHOD: We prospectively enrolled 158 patients who CAG with or without METHOD: In a prospective cohort at Hospital Civil of Guadalajara, we followed-up
percutaneous coronary intervention from December 2017 to February 2018 at a for 10 days AKI patients in whom a nephrology consultation was requested. We
cardiology department . analyzed 5 early interventions of the nephrology team (fluid adjustment, nephrotoxic
CIN was defined as an increase in serum creatinine level >25% or 0.5 mg/dL after 48 withdrawal, antibiotic dose adjustment, nutritional adjustment and removal of
hours postcardiac catheterization. hyperchloremic solutions) after propensity score and multivariate analysis for the risk
Toxic contrast dose was defined as a ratio volume of contrast media to estimated of starting KRT (primary objective), AKI progression to stage 3 and death (secondary
glomerular filtration rate (V/eGFR) > 2 . Multivariable regression was conducted to objectives).
evaluate the effect of exceeding the toxic contrast dose on CIN. RESULTS: From 2017 to 2020 we analyzed 288 AKI patients. The mean age was 55.3
RESULTS: Of 158 patients (females = 36.1%, mean age 60.0 6 11 years) who years, 60.7% were male, AKI KDIGO stage 3 was present in 50.5% of them, sepsis was
underwent CAG , 15 (9,5%) developed CIN . the main etiology 50.3%, and 72 (25%) patients started KRT. The overall survival was
The volume administered of contrast was not related to the existence of postprocedure 84.4%. Fluid adjustment was the only intervention associated with a decreased risk for
CIN (96,6635,9 ml vs 102,5633,7ml , p=0,16). However , it was associated with a starting KRT (OR 0.58, 95% CI 0.48-0.70, p = <0.001) and AKI progression to stage 3
higher incidence of CIN in patients with chronic renal failure (90619,1 ml vs (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.49-0.71, p = <0.001). Receiving vasopressors and KRT were
116,6673,7ml , p=0,008) . associated with mortality, but neither of these interventions reduced these risks.
The mean V/eGFR value was 1,260,7.Nine percent of patients exceeded the toxic CONCLUSION: In this prospective cohort study of AKI patients, we found for the first
contrast dose. time that early nephrologist intervention and fluid prescription adjustment was
After adjusting for other known predictors of CIN, a V/eGFR ratio > 2 remained associated with a reduction in the risk of starting KRT and progression to AKI stage 3.
significantly associated with CIN (odds ratio 4.7, 95% confidence interval 1.28-17.7,
CONCLUSION: Low incidences of CIN suggest that a reduced dose of contrast agent
is safe in high-risk patients with impaired renal function. A ratio volume of contrast
media to estimated glomerular filtration rate > 2 is a significant and independent
predictor of CIN after CAG.
10.1093/ndt/gfab083 | i273
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
after CRRT it had significantly higher average values of total calcium (2.12 6 0.016 vs MO419 THE ROLE OF SHORT-TERM, HIGH-DOSE ATORVASTATIN
2.11 6 0.017, p = 0.023) and lower average values of pH (7.29 6 0.02 vs 7.32 6 0.015, p FOR PREVENTION OF CONTRAST-INDUCED ACUTE KIDNEY
= 0.040) and creatinine (463.97 6 36.24 vs 486.0 6 36.25, p = 0.001) in relation to the INJURY (CI-AKI) IN PATIENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR
NA group. No significant difference was found in relation to invasive mechanical DISEASES UNDERGOING COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY WITH
ventilation, vasopressors therapy, SAPS II score, oliguria / anuria, recovery of renal INTRAVENOUS CONTRAST ADMINISTRATION
function, the length of hospital stay and mortality (p> 0.05) (Table 1). Compared to
treatment parameters, the RCA group had a significantly lower number of procedures Andrey Vasin1, Olga Mironova1, Viktor Fomin1
(4.33 6 2.80 vs 5.81 6 1.28, p = 0.027) and ultrafiltration rate (2.79 6 0.19 vs 3.14 6 I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Russia
0.33, p = 0.015) and significantly longer hemofilter lifespan compared to NA group
(24.64 6 0.48 vs 18.10 6 0.58, p = 0.000). Although the prevalence of bleeding was BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Computed tomography with intravenous contrast
higher in the NA group, no significant difference was found between the groups (37.5% media is widely used in hospitals. The incidence of CI-AKI due to intravenous contrast
vs 28.20%, p = 0.498), as well as in the infusion of red blood cell (33.3% vs 37.5%, p = media administration in high-risk patients remains not studied as well as CI-AKI after
0.768), fresh frozen plasma (28.2% vs 50%, p = 0.742) and platelets (35.89 vs 31.25, p = intraarterial contrast media administration is. According to other researchers, the use
0.123). The overall citrate accumulation (CA> 2.25) rate was 5.12% in the RCA group of statins in the prevention of AKI after intra-arterial administration of a contrast agent
(Table 2). The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis using the log-rank test (Mantel-Cox test) is currently considered an efficient preventive measure. The aim of our study is to
for comparing the hemofilter lifespan between RCA and NA regime found a significant assess the incidence of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients with
difference in survival between the groups (v2 = 3,789, p = 0,049) (Figure 1). Multiple cardiovascular diseases during CT scan with intravenous contrast media and analyze
regression model for testing risk factors SAPS II score, Oxiris membrane, UF, lactate, the efficacy and safety of various statin dosing regimens for prevention of CI-AKI.
hemoglobin concentration, platelet count, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time and METHOD: A randomized controlled open prospective study is planned. Statin naive
Prothrombin Time on hemofilter survival has shown a significant linear relationship patients with cardiovascular diseases will be divided into 3 groups. Patients in the first
without statistical significance in both RCA groups (R=0.544 ; F=1.575) and NA group will receive atorvastatin 80mg 24 hours and 40mg 2 hours before CT scans and
(R=0.757; F=1.171) (Table 3). 40 mg after. The second group – 40 mg 2 hours before CT scans and 40 mg after. A
third group is a control group. Exclusion criteria were current or previous statin
treatment, contraindications to statins, severe renal failure, acute coronary syndrome,
administration of nephrotoxic drugs. The primary endpoint will the development of
CI-AKI, defined as an increase in serum Cr concentration 0.5 mg/dl (44.2 mmol/l) or
25% above baseline at 72 h after exposure to the contrast media.
RESULTS: We assume a higher incidence of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in
the group of patients not receiving statin therapy (about 5-10%). At the same time, it is
unlikely to get a significant difference between statin dosing regimens. Risk factors such
as age over 75 years, the presence of chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and
chronic heart failure increase the risk of contrast-induced acute kidney injury.
CONCLUSION: Despite the significantly lower incidence of CI-AKI with intravenous
contrast compared to intra-arterial, patients with CVD have a greater risk of this
complication even with intravenous contrast. Therefore, the development of
prevention methods and scales for assessing the likelihood of CI-AKI is an important
problem. As a result of the study, we expect to conclude the benefits of statins in CI-
AKI prevention and the optimal dosage regimen. This information will help us to
reduce the burden of CI-AKI after CT scanning in statin naive patients with
cardiovascular diseases in everyday clinical practice. ID: NCT04666389
i274 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: Data of 78 patients (62 males, 79.5%) undergone liver transplantation of less than 200ml/ hour at six-hours post-transplant.
(2007-2011) were retrieved. CONCLUSION: The findings of our study suggest that longer duration of graft
RESULTS: The following clinical investigations were performed: ischemic time, history of previous cardiac operation and transfusion of more than four
blood units can independently predict the chance of developing AKI following heart
transplant. Therapies, which target these modifiable risk factors, may offer protection
• AKI developed in 40 patients (51.3%), of these 30 patients developed AKI stage 1, against this complication.
5 patients AKI stage 2 and 5 AKI stage 3. Patients with AKI stages 2&3 presented
more deteriorated pre-tx liver function as suggested by higher MELD score
(AKI2&3 20 [16-25] vs no AKI-AKI1 15 [11-18]; p=0.008), higher bilirubin
(AKI2&3 5.7 mg/dl [3.5-10.8] vs no AKI-AKI1 2.8 mg/dl [1.2-4.9]; p=0.009) and
INR (AKI2&3 1.9 [1.6-2.5] vs no AKI-AKI1 1.4 [1.3-1.6]; p<0.0001) at transplant,
despite superior renal function (serum creatinine in AKI2&3 0.7 mg/dl [0.5-0.8]
vs no AKI-AKI1 0.9 mg/dl [0.7-1.1].
MO422 Table 1: Comparison of baseline demographic and clinical data and
transplant characteristics in patients with and without post-transplant AKI
• Patients with AKI2&3 experienced greater ischemia-reperfusion injury based on
functional recovery of the transplanted liver (higher peak AST in the first 7 days
post-LT p=0.029, and higher peak ALT level p=0.062).
• The evaluation of IL-6 levels at transplant, 1- and 12-days post- LT were per-
formed in 21 patients, 8 with AKI and 13 with no AKI.
AKI patients demonstrated a progressive increasing of IL-6 after liver transplantation
Abbreviations: IABP: intraaortic balloon pump; BMI: body mass index
(AKI 34.4-37.8-88.2 ng/ml vs no AKI 30.5-21.6-23.3 ng/ml).
CONCLUSION: Patients who experienced greater ischaemia-reperfusion injury of the
liver graft developed more frequently AKI. Patients with AKI experienced an increased
release and circulation of IL-6, that probably is involved in AKI development with
interesting implications in future therapy. MO422 Table 2: Table 2. Comparison of perioperative treatments and
complications in patients with and without post-transplant AKI
of CIN, whereas it has the potential to mitigate the incidence of CIN in patients with on the Kidney Disease International Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria using Scr.
chronic renal failure. This low cost intervention could be considered when referring a KDIGO 1 was subclassified according to the International Club of Ascites (ICA).
patient for cardiac catheterization. RESULTS: Of the 57 patients undergoing LT, 50 (88%) developed AKI according to
the KDIGO criteria in the first week after LT. Twenty-one patients without AKI and
with KDIGO 1-A (37%) were summarized as the no AKI/mild AKI group, whereas 36
patients with KDIGO 1-B, 2 and 3 (63%) were summarized as the severe AKI group.
MO422 ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY AFTER HEART TRANSPLANTATION , Before the intra - operative insult only PENK was significantly higher in patients that
INCIDENCE AND PREDICTIVE FACTORS developed severe AKI, median 55 [P25-75(44,25 – 94,55)] in no AKI/mild AKI versus
90,16 [P25-75(64,70 – 135,76)] pmol/l in severe AKI p 0,021, an AUC 0,685 (CI 0,536
Nooshin Dalili1 – 0,833), with a cutoff 55 pmol/l, sensibility of 0,86 and specificity 0,52, accuracy 0,75
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Labbafinejad Medical Center ,CKDRC , to severe AKI. Scr levels in pre-op. were non- significantly higher in severe AKI;
Tehran, Iran p=0,088. The CYS in the pre-op was similar within the groups. Pos-operative 48 hours
after LT, PENK was significantly higher in severe AKI, median 81 [P25-75(61,25 –
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Abruptly decreased kidney function is one of the 101,50)] versus 161,45 [P25-75(122,85 – 294,03)] in severe AKI - p <0,0001 an AUC
common scenarios after heart transplantation and the risk factors for renal dysfunction 0,83 (CI 0,72 - 0,94) with a cutoff 119,05 pmol/l, sensibility of 0,80 and specificity 0,90,
in this population can be various. The purpose of the present study was to determine accuracy 0,84 to severe AKI. Scr levels in post-op achieve an AUC 0,77 (CI 0,63 - 0,92)
the incidence and predictors for renal dysfunction among 126 patients in early with a cutoff 1,49mg/dl, sensibility of 0,94, specificity 0,67 and accuracy 0,82. In a
postoperative heart transplantation period between January 2015 and November 2019. multivariate linear regression analysis adjusted for age, anestesia time, urine output
METHOD: The study was conducted at the department of cardio-thoracic intensive and fluid balance, the PENK only was independently associated of severe AKI in pre-
care unit of an affiliated teaching hospital. 126 patients had cardiac transplantation op. with OR 4,40 (CI 1,40 – 13,88) – p0,001 and the post-op. with OR 44,64 (CI 5,40 –
surgery during four years. Information from these patients collected on a daily basis 368,5) – p<0,0001.
using standardized forms. CONCLUSION: PENK is a promisor filtration biomarker and showed a better acuracy
RESULTS: Out of 126 heart transplant recipients 58.7 % (n=74) developed AKI and to severe AKI in pre-operative than standard AKI diagnostic by Scr. Prediction of
10% (n=13) required renal replacement therapy after transplant. After performing severe AKI in pre-operative period by PENK can help the management of these
univariate analysis, predictors of AKI were: age, duration of anesthesia, cold ischemia patients in the future.
time, Voluven (Starch) dose, pre-operative BUN, creatinine and serum albumin, level
of liver function tests, and Hemoglubin at three-days post-transplant and urine output
10.1093/ndt/gfab083 | i275
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO423 Figure 2: Bar chart severe AKI and the diagnostic by cutoff by Scr and
PENK in pre-operative.
i276 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Francesco Trevisani1, Federico Di Marco1, Giuseppe Rosiello1, Francesco Florio1, MO425 Figure 1: Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
Alessandra Cinque1, Arianna Bettiga1, Umberto Capitanio1, Andrea Salonia1, Pearson’s Chi-squared test
Francesco Montorsi1 CONCLUSION: Our study highlights that both radical (55%) than partial (21%)
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Urological Department, Milano, Italy nephrectomies harbor a non-negligible risk of post-operative AKI even in normal renal
function patients without renal abnormalities. In addition, the impact of RN in normal
renal function patients shows a dramatic incidence of AKI in the 50% of cases,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a major postoperative
suggesting that nephron sparing surgeries techniques should be always indicated to
complication in renal surgery for cancer, both in radical than in partial nephrectomy.
preserve renal function also in patients with an eGFR> 80 ml/min/1,73. A prospective
One of the most intriguing arguments is to understand if normal renal function
comparison multicentric study with kidney living donor is on going.
patients without renal urinary abnormalities can develop post-operative AKI after
renal surgery. Aim of our study was to compare the AKI incidence in the two major
renal surgeries approaches (radical and partial nephrectomies) in a selected cohort of
patients with normal renal function. MO426 HANTA HEMORRHAGIC FEVER WITH RENAL SYNDROME
METHOD: We performed a retrospective study of 216 patients who underwent radical CAUSED BY HANTAAN SEROTIPE IN BALKAN PENINSULA -
(RN) or partial nephrectomy (PN) due to the presence of a kidney mass from 2000- AN UNESPECTED FINDING
2020 in a tertiary care Institution. Inclusion criteria: 1) Age> 18; 2) eGFR >;80 ml/
min/1,73 using CKD-EPI formula 2012 3) absence of urinary abnormalities 4) presence Gabriela Elena Lupusoru1,2, Ioana-Georgiana Ailincai2, Andreea
of two kidneys at time operation. The following data were considered: age, gender, Gabriella Andronesi1,2, Mircea Lupusoru3, Lavinia Maria Bernea2, Andreea
body mass index (BMI), TNM staging, hypertension, diabetes. Serum creatinine values Ioana Berechet2, Mihaela Banu4, Danut Andronesi5, Gener Ismail1,2
were collected before surgery (t 0), at 48 hours after surgery and at dismissal. GFR was 1
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Nephrology
estimated at each time point using creatinine-based estimated glomerular filtration rate Department, Bucharest, Romania, 2Fundeni Clinical Institute, Nephrology Department,
(eGFR) formula: CKD-EPI. We evaluated eGFR variation from the pre-surgical value Bucharest, Romania, 3“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest ,
to 48 h post and at dismissal. eGFR categories were created according to the KDIGO Physiology Department, Buharest, Romania, 4“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and
guidelines for G categories. Comparisons between groups were performed using Pharmacy, Bucharest , Morphological Sciences Department, Bucharest, Romania and
Kruskal-Wallis ranks sum test for numerical variables and Pearson’s Chi square test for 5
Fundeni Clinical Institute, General Surgery and Liver Transplant Department,
categorical variables. Logistic regression was used to identify variables ODDS Ratio for Bucharest, Romania
AKI onset after surgery.
RESULTS: Clinical and pathological characteristics are reported in table 1. The cohort
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hantavirus infection is a zoonosis rare in the Balkan
was composed by 216 patients with median Age 55 (IQR: 47, 64), M/F ratio 2.4,
Peninsula but with increasing frequency and geographic spread, causing two major
median BMI 25.8 (IQR: 23.3, 28.4), median eGFR 94.3 (IQR: 89.1, 101.6). According to
syndromes, depending on the viral serotype: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
CKD G classes, 79% were stage 1 and 2 1 were stage 2. The cohort was divided in two
(HFRS) and cardiopulmonary syndrome (CPS). Because there is no specific treatment
groups according to the type of surgery: 51% as RN and 49% as PN. Differences
or vaccine for this condition, the key for minimizing the progression to chronic kidney
between the two groups were detected for Gender (Radical M/F ratio: 3.3; Partial M/F
disease, secondary hypertension or death is early diagnosis and prompt therapy. This
ratio: 1.8; p=0.4), basal eGFR (Radical Median:92.9 (88.1, 101.0); Partial Median:95.3
paper presents a case of HFSR in which needle kidney biopsy played a major role in
(90.7, 102.4); p=0.03) and CKD G class (Radical I:64%, II:36%; Partial I:78%, II:22%;
diagnosis and draws attention on this zoonosis that might be highly underdiagnosed in
p=0.02). Logistic regression for AKI onset showed as significant parameter (p<0.001)
Balkan Peninsula.
only the type of surgery observing for Radical Nephrectomy and ODDS Ratio of 4.6
METHOD: A 26-year-old female with no medical history was admitted in our
(Confidence Interval: 2.6,8.5). The proportions of patients who developed AKI were
department with acute kidney injury (AKI), nephritic syndrome with nephrotic range
21% for PN and 55% for RN (Figure 1).
proteinuria, high blood pressure, hepatic cytolysis, severe thrombocytopenia, anemia
and leukocytosis, elevated LDH, normal haptoglobin, positive Coombs test (Table 1).
Immunological testing (C3, C4, ANA, ANCA, antiGBM), viral infection markers
(hepatitis B/C, HIV, Epstein-Barr, Cytomegalovirus), IgA/M/G were all negative and
ADAMTS13 activity was normal.
Abdominal sonography showed both kidneys of normal size and shape.
A kidney biopsy was performed. The biopsy specimen showed macroscopic features of
hemorrhage in the renal medulla. In immunofluorescence the staining was negative for
IgA, IgG, IgM, C1q, C3c, k and k chains, albumin and fibrinogen. Light microscopy
10.1093/ndt/gfab083 | i277
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(LM) revealed normal glomeruli and arterioles, dilated proximal tubules with collecting ducts. We present a young woman, with a history of hyperuricaemia, who
resorption droplets at the apical pole and erythrocytes in the lumen, important was treated with allopurinol for acute UAN during her first pregnancy. She also
interstitial hemorrhage in the medulla, with no inflammation or interstitial fibrosis. continued allopurinol treatment during her second pregnancy for prevention of further
The electron microscopy (EM) showed segmental foot process effacement, acute UAN. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first case report of biopsy-confirmed
endotheliosis of the peritubular capillaries, rare plasmocytes and macrophages in the acute UAN during pregnancy.
interstitium (Figure 1). The aspect of hemorrhagic interstitial nephritis suggested CASE REPORT: A 20 year old woman, who was 13 weeks pregnant, was admitted
Hantavirus infection. Serological testing revealed both IgM and IgG antibodies for the with AKI.
Hantaan serotype (HTNV). The final diagnosis was HTNV hemorrhagic interstitial Past medical history included chronic kidney disease (CKD) and gout since the age of
nephritis with intrinsic AKI and secondary hypertension. 17. She had an extensive family history of CKD and gout (without diagnosis, despite
genetic testing). She had been on daily allopurinol 300mg, but this was stopped 8 weeks
prior by her rheumatology team due to concerns about teratogenicity. At that time
serum creatinine was at her baseline of 100 lmol/L (normal range 50-120 lmol/L) and
MO426 Figure 1: A, B: LM, Toluidine Blue staining. Normal glomerulus. Resorption serum uric acid had been 740 lmol/L (normal range 140-360 lmol/L).
droplets in the proximal tubular cells. C, D: LM, Toluidine Blue staining. Extensive On admission, she felt well and was euvolemic. Serum creatinine was now 352 lmol/L
interstitial hemorrhage in medulla, tubulitis. E: EM. Interstitial extravasation of and her serum uric acid level was 1720 lmol/L, with an elevated urine uric acid to
erythrocytes. F: EM. Endothelial swelling, foot process effacement. creatinine ratio of 1.1. She underwent renal biopsy, which showed significant
RESULTS: The patient was treated with oral methylprednisolone 16mg/d for 2 weeks, deposition of uric acid crystals in the renal tubules, confirming a diagnosis of acute
with progressive tampering of the dose and removal after 2 months. She received UAN. She was given intravenous fluids. The uncertainties of allopurinol use in
antihypertensive and antiproteinuric treatment with ramipril. The evolution was good, pregnancy were discussed with her, and she was restarted on allopurinol 200 mg daily.
with creatinine and liver enzymes returning to normal. Over the next 3 weeks, serum uric acid decreased to 470 lmol/L and serum creatinine
CONCLUSION: HFRS belongs to a group of rare zoonoses in Balkan Peninsula, the to 116 lmol/L. She was maintained on allopurinol during her pregnancy and delivered
most involved serotypes being Dobrava and Puumala. This case had positive serology a healthy baby girl.
for HTNV usually being found in China and Russia, but our patient didn’t travel She was advised against further pregnancies due to increased risk of maternal and fetal
abroad before she got ill, so we can’t consider the case as being an imported infection. complications. However, three years later she presented at 15 weeks’ gestation. After a
That highlights a possible underdiagnosis of the disease in this region and also the need discussion regarding the potential teratogenic effects of allopurinol versus the risk of
to re-evaluate geographic distribution of different strains and changes in ecological recurrent severe AKI due to acute UAN if it was again discontinued, she chose to
aspects given that they may pose a major risk to public health. The disease begins with continue allopurinol. The pregnancy proceeded without complication.
flu-like symptoms and progresses to AKI with severe thrombocytopenia, anemia and Her daughters are now 8 and 5 years old. They do not have any congenital
coagulation disorders, being easily mistaken for haemolytic uremic syndrome. In a malformations, though both have mild to moderate learning difficulties.
region with sporadic cases, we face diagnosis difficulties related especially to the DISCUSSION: Allopurinol is approved for the treatment of hyperuricaemia outside of
absence of initial diagnosis suspicion, so we emphasize the need to include this pregnancy, but given it interrupts purine synthesis there is a biologically plausible
pathology in the differential diagnosis algorithm of diseases evolving with concern regarding teratogenicity. However, in our patient with long-standing
thrombocytopenia, anemia, hepatic cytolysis and renal injury. hyperuricaemia it was the discontinuation of allopurinol that precipitated AKI due to
the resultant crystal formation when serum uric acid reached very high levels.
Biopsy confirmation of acute UAN was vital in this case, given the possibility of
missing an alternative diagnosis and the risks of giving empirical allopurinol therapy.
MO427 SAFE USE OF ALLOPURINOL TO TREAT ACUTE URIC ACID Once the diagnosis for her severe AKI was confirmed, it was clear our patient would
NEPHROPATHY IN PREGNANCY: A CASE REPORT benefit from uric acid lowering therapy.
Our patient had two healthy girls despite using allopurinol from week 16 in her first
Fahd Khan1, Aizaz Ali2, Jamie Willows1, Didem Tez1 pregnancy and throughout her second pregnancy. Unfortunately, both girls have mild
1 to moderate learning needs, though it is unprovable whether allopurinol was causative
James Cook University Hospital, Renal Directorate, United Kingdom and 2Shifa as no study has followed up long term outcomes after foetal exposure during
International Hospital pregnancy.
i278 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35 (Supplement 3): i279–i282, 2021
CKD. LAB METHODS, GFR MEASUREMENT, URINE Munich Wistar Frömter rats (MWF) and to test the feasibility of the innovative
linescan approach. In order to validate this method in conditions known for reduced
PROTEOMICS and increased SNGFR, it was applied to ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) and low-dose
dopamine treated conditions, respectively.
RESULTS: The glomeruli connected to S1 proximal tubules extending at least 100 lm
from the exit of the Bowman’s space were chosen for the measurement. A linescan path
MO428 25-HYDROXYVITAMIN D AND TUBULAR DYSTROPHY IN starting from the urinary pole and crossing many times the tubular lumen orthogonally
PATIENTS WITH CKD STAGES 1-3* to the cellular wall was hand drawn. The linescan was acquired soon after a i.v. bolus of
low-molecular weight fluorescent marker was injected. The tubular length, the mean
Olga Galkina1, Evdokia Bogdanova1, Irina Zubina1, Elena Levykina1, diameter and the transit time of the fluorescent marker within two lines of interest
Anastasiia Anpilova1, Vassili Sipovski1, Iraida Panina2, Yurii Kovalchuk3, (called cross1 and cross2) were measured to obtain the SNGFR. SNGFR measured in
Alexei Smirnov1 control rats was comparable with previous reported data both at MPM and
Pavlov University, Nephrology Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2Pavlov micropuncture. Significantly higher values compared to control were obtained in 3 lg/
University, Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Saint Petersburg, Russia kg/min dopamine-treated rats. In IRI-treated rats the SNGFR was reduced about 35%
and 3Pavlov University, Saint Petersburg, Russia compared to the controls.
CONCLUSION: The results achieved with our linescan method were quite similar to
those obtained with conventional micropuncture, suggesting that the two methods
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to a recent data the 25-hydroxyvitamin D
overlap for the normal, dopamine and IRI treatment. Our results show that linescan
(25OHD) level is known to be reduced in advanced stages of CKD presumably due to i)
approach is a promising and cheap alternative to the fast full frame acquisition for the
catabolic activity of CYP24 in damaged tubules and ii) increase in renal excretion of
investigation of SNGFR in health and disease, offering results comparable to
25OHD/Vitamin D binding protein complex. The association of the 25OHD level with
conventional micropuncture with unprecedent temporal resolution.
different types of tubular damage in early stages (1-3) of CKD is not well investigated.
METHOD: The cross-sectional study included 100 patients (37 male; age 38 (30-50)
yrs.) with biopsy proven primary glomerulopathy (membranoproliferative
glomerulonephritis (n=9); minimal change disease (n=10); membranous nephropathy MO430 MASS-SPECTROMETRIC IDENTIFICATION OF POST-
(n=11); focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (n=20); IgA nephropathy (n=50)) and CKD TRANSLATIONAL GUANIDINYLATED PROTEINS IN THE
stages 1-3 (median eGFR was 64 (33-90) ml/min/1.73 m2). Patients with AKI, CONTEXT OF SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
infectious diseases, heart failure, respiratory failure and cancer pathology were
excluded. The levels of proteinuria, intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) (Beckman Juliane Hermann1, Ute Raffetseder2, Michaela Lellig1, Joachim Jankowski1,
Coulter), 25OHD (Abbott) were estimated in all patients. In all cases the following Vera Jankowski1
types of tubular damage were analyzed by light microscopy of kidney tissue 1
Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), RWTH-Aachen University,
(hematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, Masson’s trichrome, Congo red, and Aachen, Germany and 2Dep. of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, RWTH-Aachen
Jones’ silver) and calculated semi-quantitatively (0 – <10%; 1 – 10-25%; 2 – 26-50% University, Aachen, Germany
and 3 – >50% of tissue sample): granular dystrophy, hyaline-drop dystrophy, hydropic
dystrophy, foamy degeneration and atrophy. The association between clinical and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: With continuous identification of post-translational
morphological variables was estimated by Spearman’s coefficient and multiple linear
modified isoforms of proteins, it is becoming increasingly clear that post-translational
regression analysis.
modifications limit or modify the biological functions of native proteins are majorly
RESULTS: The patients had a lack or deficiency of 25OHD [Me (Q1-Q3): 13.1 (7.6-
involved in development of various chronic disease. This is mostly due to technically
19.3) ng/ml]. There was no correlation between serum 25OHD and PTH (r = -0.03, p =
advanced molecular identification and quantification methods, mainly based on mass
0.86). Proteinuria was negatively associated with level of 25OHD (r = -0.56, p = 0.012).
spectrometry. Mass spectrometry has become one of the most powerful tools for the
The level of 25OHD was associated with granular (r = -0.39, p <0.05) and hyaline-drop
identification of lipids.
(r = -0.39, p <0.05) tubular dystrophy. In multiple regression analysis the 25OHD level
METHOD: In this study, we used sophisticated high-resolution mass-spectrometric
was the independent predictor of the severe hyaline-drop tubular dystrophy (b = -0.33
methods to analyze the soluble ligand of receptor Notch-3, namely the Y-box protein
6 0.11, p = 0.046) when adjusted for proteinuria (b=0.2260.11, p=0.062).
(YB)-1, in serum from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients. In addition,
CONCLUSION: In patients with CKD stages 1-3 decline in serum 25OHD is
kidneys of lupus-prone (MRL.lpr) mice were analyzed by mass-spectrometric imaging
associated with the severity of tubular dystrophy. 25OHD level may be useful in
techniques to identify the underlying pathomechanisms. Serum YB-1 was isolated by
laboratory diagnosis as a risk factor of tubular damage in early stages of CKD.
chromatographic methods, afterwards digested by trypsin and analyzed by matrix
assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS). The kidneys
were fixed in paraffin, then kidney sections were deparaffinized, tryptic digested and
MO429 A NOVEL METHOD LINESCAN-DRIVEN FOR SNGFR analyzed by mass-spectrometric imaging techniques. Mass-spectrometry of
MEASUREMENTS AS ALTERNATIVE TO HIGH FULL FRAME extracellular YB-1 in SLE patient serum revealed post-translational guanidinylation of
MULTIPHOTON MICROSCOPY ACQUISITION two lysine’s within the highly conserved cold shock domain (CSD) of the YB-1 protein
(YB-1-2G). Patients with increased disease activity and those with active renal
Vincenzo Costanzo1,2, Luciano D’Apolito1,3, Donato Sardella4, Anna Iervolino1, involvement (lupus nephritis, LN) had a higher degree of dual-guanidinylation within
Sebastian Frische4, Gaetano La Manna2, Giovambattista Capasso1,3, the CSD. Of note, at least one of these modifications was present in all analyzed LN
Francesco Trepiccione1,3 patients, whereas single-guanidinylated YB-1 was present in only one and double
Biogem A. C. S. R. L., Ariano Irpino (AV), Italy, 2Alma Mater Studiorum - University of modification in none of the control individuals. Mass-spectrometric imaging analyses
Bologna, Department of Specialistic, Diagnostic and Experimental Medicine, Bologna, specifically localized YB-1-2G and increases Notch-3 expression in kidney sections
Italy, 3University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Department of Translational Medical from MRL.lpr mice.
Sciences, Naples, Italy and 4Aarhus University, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus, RESULTS: The data from this study clearly demonstrate the high potential of high-
Denmark resolution mass spectrometric methods as well as mass spectrometric imaging
techniques to identify pathomechanisms of diseases like SLE/LN.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Renal micropuncture, which requires the direct access
to the renal tubules, has been for long time the technique of choice to measure the
single nephron glomerular filtration rate (SNGFR) in animal models, but this approach
is challenging by virtue of complex animal preparation and numerous careful steps.
The introduction of intravital multiphoton microscopy (MPM) permitted to improve
the study of renal functions exploiting the high laser penetration and the optical
sectioning capacity. Previous MPM studies measuring in vivo the SNGFR relied on fast
full frame acquisition during the filtration process obtainable with microscope
resonant scanners, which represent optional expensive equipment able to reach very
high acquisition speed. In this work we propose an innovative linescan-based MPM
method to calculate SNGFR in rodents doable without using the fast acquisition rate
offered by resonant scanners.
METHOD: An in vivo MPM approach was used to measure the SNGFR in control
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO431 LIPIDOMIC ANALYSIS IN A NON-DIABETIC RAT MODEL measured one time and in 10 PMN patients treated IST – in dynamic, from 2 to 5
WITH HYPERFILTRATION AND ALBUMINURIA REVEALS times. Statistical comparisons among groups were performed using Mann–Whitney U-
DYNAMIC CHANGES IN THE PROSTAGLANDIN E2 PATHWAY test and Kruskal-Wallis H tests. The association between variables was estimated using
DURING ONSET OF ALBUMINURIA AS A POTENTIAL Spearman’s coefficient. Sensitivity and specificity of the methods were calculated.
CAUSATIVE MECHANISM RESULTS: The correlation coefficient between IIF and ELISA was 0.82 (p <0.005).
There were more PLA2R-Ab-positive cases detected by ELISA, both before treatment
Eva Mangelsen1, Michael Rothe2, Juliane Bolbrinker1, Aikaterini Kourpa3, (ELISA - 80%, IIF - 67%) and among patients treated with IST (ELISA - 63%, IIF -
Daniela Pana kova 3,4, Reinhold Kreutz1,4, Angela Martina Schulz1
50%). In control group, ELISA showed no positive results for PLA2R-Ab (specificity
Charité – Universit€
atsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Clinical Pharmacology and was 100%). The levels of proteinuria and eGFR were associated with autoantibodies
Toxicology, Berlin, Germany, 2LIPIDOMIX GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 3Max Delbrück Center determined by ELISA, both quantitative and semi-quantitative (proteinuria: r = 0.69, p
for Molecular Medicine, Electrochemical Signaling in Development and Disease, Berlin, = 0.001; eGFR: r = -0.38, p = 0.035) but not by IIF (proteinuria: r=0.33, p=0.061; eGFR:
Germany and 4German Centre for Cardiovascular Research, Berlin, Germany r=-0.26, p=0.082). The levels of PLA2R-Ab measured by ELISA correlated with the
course of disease in patients treated with IST, while IIF did not show any dynamics is
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We recently identified prostaglandin reductase 2 some cases.
(Ptgr2) and the prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) pathway as potential causative mechanism in CONCLUSION: Both quantitative and semi-quantitative ELISA were considered to be
the Munich Wistar Frömter (MWF) non-diabetic rat model of chronic kidney disease. more preferable methods since the obtained results correlate with renal dysfunction
MWF is characterized by early onset of spontaneous albuminuria during a critical time and allow to assess the concentration of PLA2R-Ab in the course of disease more
window between 4 and 8 weeks of age, that associates with hyperfiltration, due to low accurately, that may contribute to timely correction of treatment and improvement of
nephron number, and podocyte injury. Ptgr2 plays an important role in the outcome.
prostaglandin metabolism, in which PGE2 is metabolized by 15-prostaglandin
dehydrogenase (15-PGDH) to 15-keto-PGE2. The latter is terminally degraded by
prostaglandin reductases (PTGRs) 1, 2, and 3 to 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2. MO433 IDENTIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF PEPTIDIC FEATURES
Recently, we detected elevated glomerular levels of PGE2 and 15-keto-PGE2 in MWF IN CKD PATIENTS AND UNRAVELLING OF A POTENTIAL
compared to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with no albuminuria. The aim of INFLAMMATION INDUCER
the present study was to characterize in detail the renal PGE2 metabolic pathway in
MWF by lipidomic analysis during the time window of albuminuria onset. Giulia Ilaria Bagarolo1, Laura Stricker,2, Christian Hemmers,2, Sonja Vondenhoff,2,
METHOD: Male MWF and SHR rats were studied at week 4 and 8, respectively; 24 h- Vera Jankowski,2, Heike Bruck3, Joachim Jankowski,2,4
urine was collected in metabolic cages. In addition, plasma and kidney tissues 1
including kidney cortex and isolated glomeruli were obtained from anesthetized rats. RWTH Aachen University Hospital, IMCAR, Aachen, Germany, 3Helios Klinikum Krefeld,
Lipidomic analysis was done by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Rheumatology, Diabetology and
mass spectrometry. Statistical analysis was performed by unpaired, two-tailed Student’s Endocrinology, Krefeld, Germany and 4Maastricht University, CARIM, Maastricht, The
t-test, or otherwise the Mann-Whitney test. Netherlands
RESULTS: Urinary PGE2 was significantly lower (p<0.01), while urinary 15-keto-
PGE2 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGE2 levels were significantly increased in MWF BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is causing serious
compared to SHR at week 4 (p<0.01, respectively). All three analytes were significantly cardiovascular diseases. Creatinine quantification and eGFR estimation are suboptimal
decreased in urine of MWF with increased albuminuria at week 8 (p<0.05 vs. SHR). approaches for the diagnosis of CKD, especially at early stages. Therefore, there is a
The urinary metabolic ratio of 15-keto-PGE2/13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 as a strong need for identification of mediators for CKD diagnosis and prediction of disease
surrogate for PTGRs activities was significantly increased at week 4 (p<0.01), whereas progression. In this study we follow a cohort of renal healthy patients (controls) and
it was significantly decreased in MWF vs. SHR at week 8 (p<0.05). Plasma levels of CKD patients (cases) for two years, defining three time points (baseline, after 12
PGE2 and 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 did not differ between strains at both time months and after 24 months), with the aim of identifying and characterizing mediators
points, while 15-keto-PGE2 was below the detection limit. Glomerular levels of PGE2 of disease which could be an indication for the development and progression of CKD
and 15-keto-PGE2 were increased in MWF at week 4 and 8 (p<0.01, respectively). In and its outcome.
contrast, 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 was only significantly higher at week 4 METHOD: By the employment of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-
compared to SHR (p<0.01). In isolated glomeruli, the metabolic ratios of PTGRs were MS) we analyzed the plasma samples from the patients and identified the mediators1 :
similar between the strains at week 4, but significantly increased in MWF compared to lysine (K), an angio-associated migratory cell protein (AAMP) peptide and an
SHR at week 8 (p<0.01, respectively). In kidney cortex, 15-keto-PGE2 and 13,14- amiloride-sensitive oxidase (AOC1) peptide, which were consistently and differentially
dihydro-15-keto-PGE2 were increased in MWF at week 4 (p<0.05 and p<0.01, expressed in cases and controls at all time points.
respectively), whereas PGE2 levels were comparable to SHR. No difference for cortical Correlation analyses between the mediators and clinical markers were performed using
levels of PGE2 and its metabolites was observed at week 8. the software R-Studio (RStudio Team (2020). RStudio: Integrated Development for R.
CONCLUSION: This study provides the first insights into age-dependent dynamic RStudio, PBC, Boston, MA URL
changes in the PGE2 pathway that support potential causality for the onset of The AAMP peptide was subsequently tested in a fibroblasts cells culture to investigate
albuminuria in the setting of non-diabetic hyperfiltration due to low nephron number. whether it was an inflammation inducer, its action was investigated at four different
Notably, the increased glomerular levels of PGE2 and its downstream metabolites in 4- concentrations (0.1nM, 1nM, 100nM, 1000nM). Cells were stimulated for 48h and
week-old MWF point towards an early activation of this pathway, i.e. before relative expression of two inflammation markers (CCL2 and IL6) was measured
albuminuria occurs. This finding corroborates the hypothesis that glomerular PGE2 through PCR.
signaling is relevant in the early stages of hyperfiltration and suggests this pathway as a RESULTS: Correlation analyses revealed that the AAMP peptide showed from modest
target for future therapeutics to modify the manifestation and progression of renal to strong relations with clinical markers such as creatinine, hemoglobin, blood urea
disease. nitrogen, homocysteine, fibrinogen and parathyroid hormone.
Results showed that the peptide after 48h of stimulation did not cause an increase in
the expression of gene CCL2 at any concentration, but caused a strong increase of gene
IL6 (interleukin-6), a cytokine promoting inflammation and B cells maturation.
MO432 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INDIRECT CONCLUSION: In conclusion, angio-associated migratory cell peptide, might be
IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE AND ENZYME-LINKED involved in CKD by inducing inflammation and driving the development of
IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAYS FOR ANTI-PLA2R ASSESMENT cardiovascular consequences such as atherosclerosis.
IN PATIENTS WITH PRIMARY MEMBRANOUS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This project has received funding from the European
NEPHROPATHY Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764474.
Olga Galkina1, Evdokia Bogdanova1, Irina Zubina1, Elena Levykina1,
Alexei Smirnov1
Pavlov University, Nephrology Research Institute, Saint Petersburg, Russia References
1. Gajjala Prathibha R., Bruck Heike, Noels Heidi, Heinze Georg, Ceccarelli Francesco,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Antibodies to M-type phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R- Kribben Andreas, Saez-Rodriguez Julio, Marx Nikolaus, Zidek Walter, Jankowski
Ab) are considered to be a promising biomarker for laboratory diagnosis of primary Joachim, Jankowski Vera, Novel plasma peptide markers involved in the pathology
membranous nephropathy (PMN) and may be useful in the evaluation of the response to of CKD identified using mass spectrometric approach. J Mol Med (Berl), 2019.
therapy and CKD prognosis. The aim of the study was to compare two immunoassay 97(10): p. 1451–1463
methods – indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) for the
determination of circulating PLA2R-Ab in patients with PMN.
METHOD: The study included 54 patients aged 55 (40-63) yrs. (M: F [33:21]) with
PMN before treatment (n=16) and treated with immunosuppressive therapy (IST)
(n=38), and apparently healthy individuals of the corresponding gender and age
(n=10). Proteinuria and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were determined
in all participants. The levels of PLA2R-Ab were determined by IIF and quantitative/
semi-quantitative ELISA (EURUIMMUN AG test, Germany). In 16 PMN patients
without treatment and 28 PMN patients treated with IST the level of PLA2R-Ab was
i280 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO434 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH CONCLUSION: A successful fusion of MALDI MSI data and different histological and
THE STATE OF THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA AND immunohistochemical staining datasets of a whole organ is performed.
Komilakhon Olimkhonova1
Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute, Internal disease, Tashkent , Uzbekistan MO436 PLASMA OXALATE VALUES IN PATIENTS WITH END-STAGE
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In view of the fact that the human microbiota varies Ella Metry1, Sander Garrelfs1, Michiel Oosterveld1, Aegida Neradova2,
depending on many factors, including comorbid pathology, it seems reasonable to Joost Bijlsma2, Fred Vaz3, Jaap Groothoff1
investigate the gut microbiota in patients with chronic kidney disease and its likely 1
relationship with markers of systemic inflammation. Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Pediatric Nephrology, Amsterdam, The
To reveal the relationship between some biomarkers of inflammation with changes in Netherlands, 2Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Nephrology, Amsterdam, The
the composition of the intestinal microbiota in patients with chronic kidney disease. Netherlands and 3Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Department of Clinical
METHOD: The study included 85 patients with CKD C 2-4. The average age of the Chemistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
patients was 52 6 4 years (48 men and 37 women). The control group consisted of 30
healthy volunteers aged 50 6 3 years, 15 men and 15 women, comparable to the main BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) are
group in terms of sex and age. Blood samples were taken using standard methods. GFR known to have higher plasma concentrations of metabolic waste products than healthy
was assessed using the CKD-EPI formula (2011). In addition, biomarkers such as individuals. Patients with Primary Hyperoxaluria (PH), a rare congenital cause of
interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) were evaluated. ESKD, suffer from hepatic overproduction of the metabolic end product oxalate.
Bacteriological examination of feces was carried out in the bacteriological Plasma oxalate (POx) levels are determined in the diagnostic and therapeutic work-up
laboratory.Markers of systemic inflammation were assessed based on an increase in the for PH. Remarkably, correct interpretation of these values is hampered by the absence
level of leukocytes (> 11 109 / L), C - reactive protein (> 5.0 mg / L) by of knowledge concerning POx levels in patients with ESKD due to common causes.
immunoturbodimetric method, fibrinogen (> 4.0 g / L), as well as interleukin 6 by METHOD: In this observational study, we obtained POx values in patients with ESKD
enzyme immunoassay. Differences between groups were considered statistically due to another cause than PH, to establish reference values in this patient group. We
significant at p0.05; correlation analysis was performed using Spearman’s collected blood samples from 120 adults with eGFR < 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 who
nonparametric rank correlation method. required maintenance hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis at the Amsterdam UMC.
RESULTS: Analysis of fecal matter showed a deficiency of Bifidobacterium bacteria RESULTS: While there was a wide variation in POx levels in patients with ESKD, the
(<108 CFU) in the examined patients. In addition, the examined patients showed an median was 50 umol/L and lowest values were twice the upper reference limit that
increase in the number of Echerichia (> 108 CFU). According to the results of the applies to healthy individuals (6.7 umol/L).
study, in the group of CKD patients, the level of inflammatory markers was higher CONCLUSION: This study shows that POx levels of 50 umol/L are not necessarily
(CRP-55%, IL-6-60%, leukocytes 62%) than in the control group (CRP-45%, IL-6-40%, suggestive for PH which contradicts the current literature. This study could lead to a
leukocytes 38% ). paradigm shift in the diagnostic and therapeutic work-up for patients with ESKD.
In men, the IL-6 index was higher than in women. The results of the study
demonstrated that in patients with CKD, an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota is
combined with an increased level of CRP, IL-6, and leukocytes. MO437 RENAL RESISTIVE INDEX IS INDEPENDENTLY ASSOCIATED
CONCLUSION: The study of markers responsible for pro-inflammatory effects in the WITH THE RENAL BLOOD FLOW IN HYPERTENSIVE
body showed that indicators such as IL-6, CRP, fibrinogen showed a significant PATIENTS
correlation with the composition of the microbiota in patients with CKD.
Arkadiusz Lubas1, Arkadiusz Zegadło2, Anna Grzywacz1, Stanisław Niemczyk1
Military Institute of Medicine, Internal Diseases, Nephrology and Dialysis, Warsaw,
MO435 MULTIMODAL IMAGING FOR MOLECULAR TISSUE Poland and 2Military Institute of Medicine, Radiology, Warsaw, Poland
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Renal Resistive Index (RRI) measured in
Michaela Lellig1, Kai Brehmer2, Mathias Hohl3, Thimoteus Speer4, intrarenal arteries is considered a marker of cardiovascular damage, and its value can
Stefan Schunk4, Herbert Thiele2, Joachim Jankowski1,5,6, Vera Jankowski1,6, express the amount of renal perfusion. However, some experimental investigations
Juliane Hermann1 don’t confirm this association. Moreover, in recent works, End Diastolic Velocity
Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), RWTH Aachen University, (EDV) was used as a better than RRI marker of kidney damage. The study aimed to
Aachen, Germany, 2Institute of Mathematics and Image Computing, University of investigate relations between different ultrasound Renal Doppler parameters (RRI,
Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany, 3Clinic for Internal Medicine-Cardiology, Angiology and acceleration (ACC), acceleration time (ACT), and EDV) with the Renal Blood Flow
Internal Intensive Care Medicine, Saarland University, Homburg, Germany, (RBF) estimated in contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CE-MDCT).
Department of Internal Medicine IV, Nephrology and Hypertension, Saarland METHOD: In 25 patients (14F, 11M; age 58.9 619.0; eGFR 56,9 627.4 mL/min/
University Hospital, Homburg, Germany, 5School for Cardiovascular Diseases (CARIM), 1.73m2) with hypertension and suspected renal artery stenosis, ultrasound Color
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands and 6European Uremic Toxin Work Doppler examination of intrarenal segmental arteries (GE Logiq P6) was performed.
Group (EUTox) Then CE-MDCT (GE Discovery 750 HD) of renal arteries with RBF assessment was
completed. Renal Doppler parameters (RRI, ACC, ACT, and EDV) and RBF were
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: MALDI mass spectrometric imaging (MALDI MSI) is evaluated for each kidney separately. Finally, 31 kidneys without a narrowing of
a powerful histologic tool for the analysis of biomolecules in tissue samples. MALDI supplying arteries were considered for statistics.
MSI measurements result in a high sensitivity and accuracy of spatial distribution of RESULTS: Mean values of intrarenal Doppler parameters were calculated: RRI = 0.699
biomolecules in tissue samples. For more detailed analysis of MALDI MSI data and 60.113; ACC = 7.41 62.75 [m/s2]; ACT = 35.8 68.4 [ms]; EDV = 13.68 68.41 [cm/s].
correlation between the molecular and microscopic levels, a combination of MALDI CE-MDCT RBF = 218.04 671.92 [ml/s/100g]. Only RRI and EDV correlated
MSI data and histological staining is essential. By combining MALDI MSI data and significantly with RBF (r = -0.544; p=0.002 and r=0.428; p=0.018, respectively). The
histological data, much more information are obtained than by analyzing both retrograde multivariable regression analysis included all investigated ultrasound renal
methods individually. Therefore, MALDI MSI datasets and histological staining were Doppler parameters showed an independent association only between RRI and RBF (b
fused to a 3D model presenting a biomolecule distribution of the whole organ and = -0.544; R2 = 0.27, p < 0.002).
provides more information than a single tissue section. We have developed, established CONCLUSION: Only Renal Resistive Index measured in intrarenal segmental arteries
and validated an algorithm for an automatic registration of MALDI data with different is independently related to the Renal Blood Flow from investigated ultrasound renal
histological image data for cross-process evaluation of multimodal datasets to create Doppler parameters. Although End Diastolic Velocity is positively correlated with RBF,
3D models. This multimodal imaging approach simplifies and improves molecular this association is not superior to Renal Resistive Index.
analyses of tissue samples in clinical research and diagnosis.
METHOD: The datasets for fusion and creation of a 3D model consist of mass
spectrometric data, histological and immunohistochemical staining methods. MO438 STUDY OF IMMUNOLOGICAL STATUS IN PATIENT OF CKD
Histological tissue sections of a whole mouse kidney were prepared. For MALDI MSI IN PREDIALYSIS STAGES
data, organ sections were analyzed by using a Rapiflex mass-spectrometer.
RESULTS: A mathematical registration was used to achieve a perfect superposition of the Komilakhon Olimkhonova1
individual histological sections of mass spectrometric data. It is feasible to combine mass 1
spectrometric data, histological and immunohistochemical datasets in high numbers and Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute, Internal disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
reconstruct the measured mouse kidney. By using different imaging methods, a variety of
information about tissue structure as well as tissue changes and protein distributions can be BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is known that inflammation is an important factor
obtained. The fusion of the data also offers a virtual incision of the organ from arbitrary associated with the variability of the clinical picture in patients with chronic diseases.
angle and level. The algorithms are adapted to take the data fusion automatically offering a However, the question remains not completely clear: are immunological changes
high-throughput approach for clinical diagnostics and the possibility to involved artificial predictors of less stable control of the course of CKD.
intelligence in its interpretation in research. The aim of this study was a comprehensive assessment of the immunological status in
patients with pre-dialysis stages of CKD.
10.1093/ndt/gfab088 | i281
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: 80 patients (46 men and 36 women) with CKD in the outcome of RESULTS: In patients with CKD, violations were observed in almost all links of
nephropathies of diabetic and nondiabetic etiology, admitted to the Republican immunological reactivity, first of all, a significant decrease in indicators of natural
Medical Scientific and Practical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, were resistance (CD16 þ, PS, PI) (p <0.05). The results of immunological monitoring
examined. Chronic pyelonephritis without exacerbation was diagnosed in 31 patients, showed a predominant violation of cellular defense mechanisms (CD3 þ, CD4 þ, CD8
chronic glomerulonephritis - in 29, diabetic nephropathy - in 25 polycystic kidney þ) (p <0.05), a multiple increase in inflammatory cytokines Il-4, TNF-a, IL-6 (p
disease - in 6 patients. Glomerular filtration was calculated based on serum creatinine <0.05), in the absence of activation of humoral link and inadequacy of elimination
concentration using the CKD-EPI formula (2011). A complex of immunological mechanisms (CEC, p <0.05).
studies was performed. Immunotyping of lymphocytes was performed by flow CONCLUSION: Our study showed that the immunological parameters were
cytofluorometry with the characterization of the main markers of immunocompetent characterized by insufficient activation of the first line of defense of natural resistance,
cells. as well as specific mechanisms - an imbalance of the cellular and humoral links of
immunity, hyperactivation of cytokine regulation in the absence of effector functions.
i282 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i283–i299, 2021
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Brown bears (Ursus arctos) hibernate for 5-6 months
during winter, but in spite of kidney insufficiency, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and
inactivity they do not seem to develop atherosclerosis or cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Antibodies against phosphorylcholine (anti-PC) are associated with protection in MO440 Figure: ROC curves for serum and mRNA PBCs expression levels of Klotho
atherosclerosis, CVD and uremia. Potential underlying protective mechanisms include predicting sCVD.
anti-inflammatory effects, inhibition of cell death, promotion of T regulatory cells,
clearance of dead cells and inhibition of oxidized Low density lipoprotein (OxLDL)-
uptake in macrophages in atherosclerotic plaques. PC is an important antigen on
nematodes, parasites, some bacteria, dead and dying cells and OxLDL.
METHOD: Paired serum from 12 brown bears sampled during winter and summer MO440 KLOTHO AS A BIOMARKER OF SUBCLINICAL
were analyzed for metabolic parameters and for IgM, IgG, IgG1/2 and IgA anti-PC by CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE:
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Differences in antibody levels between A PROOF-OF-CONCEPT STUDY*
winter and summer were determined by paired Students t test or Wilcoxons signed
rank test (when not normally distributed). Carla Ferri1, Javier Donate-Correa1, Ernesto Martın-Nu ~ez1, Nayra Pérez-
RESULTS: As expected, marked differences in metabolic parameters were found Delgado1, Ainhoa Gonza lez-Luis1, Carmen Mora-Ferna ndez1, Juan F. Navarro-
comparing median summer vs winter values; Cholesterol 5.9 vs 11.3 mmol/L; p<0.001, Gonzalez1
triglycerides 1.9 vs 3.7 mmol/L; p<0.001, glucose 5.4 vs 7.7 mmol/L; p<0.05, S- 1
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se~
nora de Candelaria, Unidad de Investigaci
creatinine 76 vs 203 mmol/L; p<0.001, urea 12.1 vs 2.9 mmol/L; p<0.002. When CRUZ DE TENERIFE, Spain
determined as arbitrary units (AU; median set at 100 at summer), marked and
significant differences were observed between summer and winter.
CONCLUSION: Anti-PC (strikingly so for IgA and IgG1) are significantly raised BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of
during hibernation as compared to levels during summer. We hypothesize that these mortality among chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Reductions in serum Klotho
changes contribute to the protection of arteries, but also kidneys and other organs, levels are related to the prevalence of CVD in CKD patients. However, it is unclear
during the metabolic vulnerable hibernation period. Our observation may represent a whether circulating Klotho, and its expression in peripheral blood cells (PBCs), are
natural immunization with microorganisms, preventing atherosclerosis during a associated with subclinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (sCVD) in these
period of severe kidney insufficiency and could have therapeutic implications for subjects. In this proof-of-concept study, we analyzed in a group of CKD patients the
patients with chronic kidney disease. relationship between Klotho and two markers of sCVD: ankle-brachial index (ABI)
and carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT).
METHOD: Gene expression in PBCs and serum levels of Klotho and inflammatory
cytokines (TNF, IL6 and IL10) were measured in 103 CKD patients (stages 3-4), older
than 18 years of age, and without known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Biochemical data were obtained following standardized clinical methods. The presence
of sCVD was defined as ABI < 0.9 and/or CIMT 0.9 mm. Patients with ABI values
1.3 were excluded.
RESULTS: Patients with sCVD presented lower serum and PBCs expression levels of
Klotho (P<0.001 for both). Stratified analysis showed that upper tertiles of both serum
and PBCs expression levels of Klotho presented significantly higher ABI (P<0.001 for
both Klotho determinations) and lower CIMT (P<0.001 for serum levels and P<0.01
for KL expression in PBCs), which resulted in a lower prevalence of sCVD (P<0.001
for both determinations of Klotho).
Correlation analysis showed that both serum and PBCs mRNA Klotho levels were
positively correlated with ABI (r=0.556, P<0.0001; and r=0.373, P<0.0001,
respectively) and inversely correlated with CIMT (r=-0.541, P<0.0001; and r=-0.437,
P<0.0001, respectively). Among inflammatory markers, only serum IL6 levels
presented significant associations with sCVD, being inversely related with ABI (r=-
0.568, P<0.0001) and positively associated with CIMT (r=0.558, P<0.0001).
Multiple regression analysis with ABI and CIMT as dependent variables demonstrated
that both Klotho variables, together with serum IL6, were positively and significantly
associated with ABI (adjusted R2=0.511, P<0,0001) and CIMT (adjusted R2=0.445,
P<0,0001) values, independently of traditional and emergent cardiovascular risk
Multivariate logistic regression, using the presence/absence of sCVD as the dependent
variable, showed that circulating Klotho, and its expression in PBCs constituted
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
independent protective factors for sCVD [OR (95% CI): 0.993 (P=0.002) and 0.231 complications and increased mortality in CKD stage 3-4 patients (Figure A). Moreover,
(P=0.025), respectively]. Receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis pointed to the we showed that higher serum calprotectin was associated with increased vascular
prognostic ability for sCVD of serum Klotho (area under the curve [AUC]: 0.817, 95% calcification levels in CKD stage 5 patients (Figure B). In vitro, calprotectin promoted
CI: 0.736–0.898, P<0.001) and its gene expression in PBCs (AUC: 0.742, 95% CI: calcification of human VSMCs (p<0.0001) (Figures C-D) and in mouse aortic rings
0.647–0.836, P<0.001). (p<0.0001) (Figure E-F). Interestingly, these effects were significantly attenuated by
CONCLUSION: The reductions in serum soluble and PBCs expression levels of paquinimod, a calprotectin inhibitor (Figures C-F).
Klotho in CKD patients are independently associated with the presence of sCVD. CONCLUSION: Circulating calprotectin is a novel predictor of CV outcome and
Further research exploring whether therapeutic approaches to maintain or elevate the mortality in CKD patients. Calprotectin also shows calcification-inducing properties
Klotho level could reduce the impact of CVD in CKD patients is warranted. and its blockade by paquinimod alleviates its effects. Future experiments will consist in
deciphering the signalling pathways involved in the regulation of calcification by
calprotectin and evaluating in vivo the therapeutic potential of paquinimod on the
development of medial vascular calcification lesions associated with CKD.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular calcification, leading to aortic stiffening and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic hypokalemia causes kidney fibrosis with cystic
heart failure, is decisive risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) mortality in patients with lesions and arterial hypertension. In contrast, potassium-rich diet lowers blood
chronic kidney disease (CKD). Promoted by bone mineral disorder and systemic pressure. The acute effects of hypo- and hyperkalemia on heart and kidney are not well
inflammation in CKD patients, vascular calcification is a complex mechanism understood.
involving osteochondrogenic differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) METHOD: Wild-type mice were fed with low (LK), normal (NK) and high (HK)
and abnormal deposition of minerals in the vascular wall. Despite intensive research potassium diet for 4 and 20 days. Kidneys were examined for site of acute injury,
efforts in recent years, available treatments have limited effect and none of them inflammation and fibrosis. Blood analysis of electrolytes and kidney parameters were
prevent or reverse vascular calcification. The aim of this study was to analyse the serum analyzed. Echocardiography and ECG were used to assess heart function. Further,
proteome of CKD stage 3-4 patients in order to unravel new molecular changes KCNJ10 knockout mice were used to investigate kidney damage in a genetically
associated to CV morbid-mortality and to decipher the role of novel candidates on induced hypokalemia model.
vascular calcification to provide potential new therapeutic agents. RESULTS: Proximal tubule injury as detected by KIM-1þ staining and yH2AXþ DNA-
METHOD: In this study we used serum samples from two independent cohorts: 112 damage was observed after 4 and 20 days of LK diet. Injury was associated with strong Ki-67þ
CKD stage 3-4 patients with a 4 years follow-up for CV events and 222 CKD stage 5 proliferation of proximal tubule cells. No injury was detected in mice on NK and HK diet. After
patients exhibiting a broad range of calcification degree determined by histological 20 days of LK diet, F4/80þ inflammation and aSMAþ extracellular matrix accumulation, typical
quantification in the epigastric and/or iliac artery. Serum proteome analysis was for fibrosis, were observed. LK mice developed polyurie, volume depletion, loss of body weight
performed using tandem mass-spectrometry in a subcohort of 66 CKD3-4 patients and and high BUN. Lower cardiac output and signs of myocardial stress was seen in
validation of protein candidates was performed using ELISA in the two full cohorts. echocardiography and ECG. Consistent with WT mice on LK diet, KCNJ10 knockout mice
Human primary vascular smooth muscle cells and mouse aortic rings were used for developed same pattern of kidney injury. Nine months after deletion of KCNJ10, cysts were
calcification assays. Calcium content was quantified using QuantiChrom calcium assay observed in the proximal tubule in outer medzulla.
kit and calcium deposition was visualized by Alizarin Red and Von Kossa staining. CONCLUSION: Acute hypokalemia causes kidney injury and myocardial stress.
RESULTS: Among 443 proteins detected in the serum of CKD3-4 patients, 134 Cystic lesions originate from late proximal tubule. Hypokalemia should be corrected
displayed significant modified abundance in patients with CV events (n=32) compared rapidly to stop progression into kidney fibrosis.
to patients without (n=34). One of the most prominent changes was increased level of
calprotectin (up to 8.6 fold, P<.0001). Using ELISA, we validated that higher serum
calprotectin levels were strongly associated with higher probability of developing CV
i284 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Martin Gritter1, Rosa Wouda2, Stanley Ming Hol Yeung3, Liffert Vogt2, Martin De
Borst3, Joris Rotmans4, Ewout Hoorn1 Maren Bettina Pfenning1, Jessica Schmitz1, Kevin Schulte2, Carsten Hafer3,
Erasmus Medical Center, Internal Medicine, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2Amsterdam Abedalrazag Ahmad Khalifa1, Anke Kulschewski4, Thorsten Feldkamp5, Jan
UMC, locatie AMC, Internal Medicine, The Netherlands, 3University Medical Center T Kielstein3, Wilfried Gwinner6, Ulrich Kunzendorf2, Sebastian Dietrich2, Jan
Hinrich Bra €sen1
Groningen, Internal Medicine, Groningen, The Netherlands and 4Leiden University
Medical Center, Internal Medicine, The Netherlands Hannover Medical School (MHH), Nephropathology Unit, Institute of Pathology,
Hannover, Germany, 2University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Christian-Albrechts-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A high potassium (Kþ) diet is part of a healthy lifestyle University, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Kiel, Germany, 3Academic
and reduces blood pressure. Indeed, salt substitution (replacing NaCl by KCl) reduces Teaching Hospital Braunschweig, Medical Clinic V, Nephrology, Rheumatology and
the incidence of hypertension. Furthermore, emerging data show that high urinary Kþ Blood Purification, Braunschweig, Germany, 4University Hospital Oldenburg, Clinic for
excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with better Nephrology and Hypertension, Oldenburg, Germany, 5Nephological Center of Lower
kidney outcomes. This suggests that higher dietary Kþ intake is also beneficial for Saxony, Klinikum Hann. Münden, Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology,
patients with CKD, but a potential concern is hyperkalemia. Thus, there is a need for Kidney Transplant Center, Hann. Münden, and 6Hannover Medical School (MHH),
data on the effects of KCl supplementation in patients with CKD. Department of Nephrology, Hannover, Germany
METHODS: The effect of KCl supplementation (40 mEq/day) was studied by
analyzing the 2-week open-label run-in phase of an ongoing randomized clinical trial BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Macrophages and monocytes are main players in
studying the renoprotective effects of 2-year Kþ supplementation in patients with innate immunity. In renal diseases, their role is poorly understood. Our multicentric
progressive CKD and hypertension. The aims were to (1) analyze the effects of KCl cross-sectional study aimed to study the prevalence of macrophages and monocytes in
supplementation on whole-blood Kþ (WBKþ) and acid-base balance, (2) identify various human native kidney diseases. For this, we used precise pixel-based digital
factors associated with a rise in WBKþ, and (3) identify risk factors for hyperkalemia quantification of their densities in renal biopsies and correlated our findings with
(WBKþ > 5.5 mEq/L) . clinical data.
RESULTS: In 200 patients (68 6 11 years, 74% males, eGFR 32 6 9 mL/min/1.73 m2, 84% METHOD: We included 324 patients, who underwent a diagnostic renal biopsy.
on renin-angiotensin inhibitors, 39% with diabetes mellitus), KCl supplementation increased Additional normal kidney samples from 16 tumour nephrectomies were used as
urinary Kþ excretion from 73 6 24 to 106 6 29 mEq/day, urinary chloride excretion from 144 controls. According to the diagnosed diseases, we established 17 patient groups.
6 63 to 174 6 60 mEq/day, WBKþ from 4.3 6 0.5 to 4.7 6 0.6 mEq/L, and plasma Biopsies were stained for CD68þ-macrophages using automated
aldosterone from 294 to 366 ng/L (P < 0.01 for all). Plasma chloride increased from 104 6 4 to immunohistochemistry (Ventana Ultra) and selected groups were further subtyped for
106 6 4 mEq/L, while plasma bicarbonate decreased from 24.4 6 3.4 to 23.6 6 3.5 mEq/L and CD14þ-monocytes and CD163þ-M2-macrophages (67 cases, pauci-immune
venous pH from 7.36 6 0.03 to 7.34 6 0.04 (P < 0.001 for all); urinary ammonium excretion glomerulonephritis (PIGN), IgA-nephropathy (IgAN) and control samples). Digitized
did not increase (stable at 17.2 mEq/day). KCl supplementation had no significant effect on sections (Leica) were analysed using the open-source software QuPath to quantify cell
plasma renin (33 to 39 pg/mL), urinary sodium excretion (156 6 63 to 155 6 65 mEq/day), densities (positively stained areas displayed as percentages of ROI) in renal cortex,
systolic blood pressure (134 6 16 to 133 6 17 mm Hg), eGFR (32 6 9 to 31 6 8 mL/min/1.73 medulla and extrarenal tissue, respectively. Detailed clinical and laboratory data at
m2) or albuminuria (stable at 0.2 g/day). Multivariable linear regression identified that age, timepoint of biopsy were available for all patients. Additional data for follow-up were
female sex, and renin-angiotensin inhibitor use were associated with an increase in WBKþ, achievable in 158 cases.
while diuretic use, baseline WBKþ, and baseline bicarbonate were inversely associated with a RESULTS: Renal disease samples presented higher mean macrophage densities
change in WBKþ after KCl supplementation (Table 1). The majority of patients (n = 181, 91%) compared to control cases (CD68: cortex 1.2 vs. 0.2%, p<0.001, medulla 0.8 vs. 0.04%,
remained normokalemic (WBKþ 4.6 6 0.4 mEq/L). The 19 patients who did develop p<0.001; CD163: cortex 3.2 vs. 0.5%, p<0.001, medulla 2.3 vs. 0.6%, p<0.05), but
hyperkalemia (WBKþ 5.9 6 0.4 mEq/L) were older (75 6 8 vs. 67 6 11 years), had lower CD14þ-density did not differ between patients and control samples. The highest
eGFR (24 6 8 vs. 32 6 8 mL/min/1.73 m2), lower baseline bicarbonate (22.3 6 3.6 vs. 24.6 6 cortical CD68þ-density occurred in PIGN (1.98%) and in medulla in ascending
3.3 mEq/L), higher baseline WBKþ (4.8 6 0.4 vs. 4.2 6 0.4 mEq/L), and lower baseline urinary infections (1.86%). The lowest cortical CD68þ-densities were measured in thin basal
Kþ excretion (64 6 16 vs. 73 6 25 mEq/day, P < 0.05 for all). membrane syndrome / Alport-syndrome (0.56%) and in medulla in immunotactoid
and fibrillary glomerulopathy (0.26%). Chronic kidney disease displayed lower
percentages of CD68þ-densities (cortex: 1.15%; medulla: 0.49%) compared to acute
MO443 Table 1: Factors associated with change in whole-blood Kþ kidney injury (cortex: 1.84%, p<0.001; medulla: 1.08%, p<0.001) and acute on chronic
kidney injury (cortex: 1.81%, p<0.001; medulla: 1.43%, p<0.001). We detected a
correlation of CD68þ- and CD163þ-infiltration with kidney function (eGFR) in cortex
and medulla at the time of biopsy (CD68: r=-0.51 for cortex, r=-0.60 for medulla;
Variable Unstandar- 95% CI Standar- CD163: r=-0.71 for cortex, r=-0.73 for medulla; p<0.001) and follow up (CD68: r=-
dized b dized b 0.41 for cortex, r=-0.34 for medulla, p<0.001; CD163: r=-0.46 for cortex, r=-0.50 for
Female sex 0.1 0.01, 0.3 0.1 medulla, p<0.05). Older patients (>64 years) showed a higher medullary M2-
infiltration (1.81% vs. 4.34%, p<0.005). The eGFR at the time of biopsy inversely
Age, years 0.01 0.002, 0.01 0.2 correlated (p<0.05) with cortical CD68þ-density in IgAN (r=-0.39), PIGN (r=-0.53),
Diabetes mellitus 0.08 -0.03, 0.2 0.1 membranous glomerulonephritis (MGN; r=-0.70), focal segmental glomerulonephritis
(r=-0.63), and hypertensive nephropathy (HNP; r=-0.44). At follow-up, this
Renin-angiotensin 0.2 0.008, 0.3 0.1
correlation (p<0.05) was still present in PIGN (r=-0.43), MGN (r=-0.58), and HNP
system inhibitor use (r=-0.77). In PIGN, cortical CD163þ-density and eGFR were associated (p<0.001) at
b-blocker use 0.08 -0.03, 0.2 0.1 timepoint of biopsy (r=-0.51) and follow-up (r=-0.51). Particularly, cANCA-vasculitis
showed a strong correlation between eGFR and cortical CD68þ- as well as CD163þ-
Diuretic use -0.1 -0.2, -0.01 -0.2 densities at time of biopsy (CD68: r=-0.78; CD163: r=-0.75, p<0.001) and also for
eGFR, mL/min/1.73 m2 -0.005 -0.01, 0.002 -0.1 follow-up (CD68: r=-0.48; CD163: r=-0.68, p<0.05).
Whole-blood bicarbonate, -0.03 -0.05, -0.01 -0.2 CONCLUSION: Macrophages may promote progression of human renal diseases,
whereas monocytes do not correlate with eGFR-decline. Especially, in cANCA-
mEq/L vasculitis CD163þ- infiltration is associated with renal outcome. Additional studies are
Whole-blood Kþ, mEq/L -0.3 -0.4, -0.1 -0.3 needed to investigate, whether macrophages can serve as predictive markers or
therapeutical targets in native renal diseases.
24-hour urinary Kþ -0.002 -0.004, 0.001 -0.1
excretion, mEq/24h
CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients with advanced CKD remains
normokalemic upon KCl supplementation, despite low eGFR, diabetes mellitus, or the
use of renin-angiotensin inhibitors. This short-term study illustrates the feasibility of
investigating the renoprotective potential of increased Kþ intake or KCl-enriched salt
in patients with CKD and provides the characteristics of patients in whom this is safe.
Our study also shows that KCl supplementation causes a tendency towards metabolic
acidosis, possibly by preventing an increase in ammoniagenesis. Longer-term studies
are required to study the anti-hypertensive and renoprotective potential of Kþ
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i285
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO445 BRAIN AND GUT AXIS IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: association between renal function, in terms of estimated glomerular filtration rate
FOCUS ON SPECIFIC BIOMARKERS, AND TIGHT JUNCTION (eGFR) categories, and diagnosis of HFpEF and LVDD was assessed with multivariable
PROTEINS logistic regression analyses, adjusted for cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors. The
association between renal function, in terms of creatinine and cystatin C levels, and
Leah Hernandez1, Liam Ward1, Thomas Ebert1, Samsul Arefin1, echocardiographic parameters, including E/e’ ratio, LAVI (Left atrial volume index),
Olof Heimbürger1, Franz Peter Barany1, Lars Wennberg2, Peter Stenvinkel1, LVMI (left ventricular mass index), and E/A (early (E) to late (A) ventricular filling
Karolina Kublickiene1 ratio, was assessed with multivariable linear regression analyses, adjusted for age, sex,
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) were reported and
(CLINTEC), Division of Renal Medicine, Huddinge, Sweden and 2Karolinska Institutet, the corresponding 95% confidence interval (95%CI).
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology (CLINTEC), Division of RESULTS: 777 participants were included, mean age 62.9 (SD: 9.3) years, 67.3% were
Transplantation Surgery, Huddinge, Sweden female. Hundred and fifty-six (20.1%) participants had mild renal dysfunction (eGFR:
60-89 ml/min/1.73 m2), and 24 (3.1%) moderate renal dysfunction (eGFR: 30-59 ml/
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive min/1.73 m2). HFpEF and LVDD was more common in participants with moderate
systemic disease that affect the microvascular permeability of the blood-brain barrier renal dysfunction (13% and 33%, respectively) than in those with normal renal
(BBB) and intestinal barrier leading to increased morbidity, mortality and central function (6% and 16%, respectively). In the multivariable regression model.
nervous system symptoms. In this study we examined the relationship of blood brain participants with both mild and moderate renal dysfunction had a higher likelihood of
and intestinal barrier dysfunction in relation to uraemic environment and increased being diagnosed with HFpEF (OR: 2.82, 95%CI: 1.32 to 5.91; and OR: 5.37, 95%CI: 1.11
risk of developing neurologic complications and mortality. In addition, potential to 19.88, respectively), LVDD (OR: 2.08, 95%CI: 1.28 to 3.36; and OR: 2.92, 95%CI:
proteins conferring the junctional communications were assessed. 1.04 to 7.55, respectively), compared with participants with a normal renal function.
METHOD: The study included serum samples from 216 prevalent haemodialysis However, no significant association between creatinine or cystatin C with E/e’, LAVI,
(HD), 80 peritoneal dialysis (PD) and 80 healthy subjects. Permeability of the BBB was LVMI, and E/A ratio was found after adjustment for age, sex, and cardiovascular risk
evaluated by measuring serum concentrations for brain-specific biomarkers S100B, and lifestyle factors.
NSE (neuron specific enolase), BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), GFAP (glial CONCLUSION: Mild renal dysfunction is related to both LVDD and HFpEF,
fibrillary acidic protein) using ELISA. TMAO (trimethylamine-N-Oxide) as a surrogate however, this might be partly explained by a higher age in patients with renal
of gut generated uraemic toxins was analysed by mass spectrophotometry. dysfunction. Further studies are warranted to determine if preventive cardiac treatment
Subcutaneous fat tissues with identified microvessels from 10 kidney transplant in patients with early renal dysfunction will benefit clinical outcomes.
recipients and 11 donors were examined for expression of tight junction proteins
claudin-5, occludin and JAM-1 (junction adhesion molecule-1) by
immunohistochemical staining.
RESULTS: HD and PD groups showed elevated cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine, MO447 PROTEIN ARGININE METHYLTRANSFERASE 3 INHIBITS
hsCRP and lower BMI, and P-albumin compared to healthy controls. BDNF serum RENAL INTERSTITIAL FIBROSIS THROUGH ENHANCING
concentrations were lower in both HD (14.0 ng/mL, IQR 8.7-19.2) and PD (17.9 ng/ RENAL ASYMMETRIC DIMETHYLARGININE LEVELS
mL, IQR 14.4-23.4) vs controls (20.2 ng/mL, IQR 16.7-25.7). Similarly, S100B serum
concentrations were lower in both HD (31.6 pg/mL, IQR 9.4-186) and PD (49.4 pg/mL, Feng Yang1, Ming Wu1, Chaoyang Ye1
IQR 9.8-118) vs control (87.3 pg/mL, IQR 13.3-749). Conversely, NSE serum 1
Department of nephrology, Shanghai Shuguang Hospital affiliated to Shanghai
concentrations were higher in both HD (5.3 ng/mL, IQR 4.4-6.6) and PD (4.0 ng/mL, University of Traditonal Chinese Medicine, Department of nephrology, Shanghai, P.R.
IQR 3.6-4.7) vs controls (3.5 ng/mL, IQR 2.9-4.3). Finally, TMAO serum concentration China
were also higher in both HD (6.4 ng/lL, IQR 4.0-11.2) and PD (3.8 ng/lL, IQR 2.2-6.3)
vs controls (0.4 ng/lL, IQR 0.3-0.6). No significant sex differences in biomarker
concentration were found, except for TMAO in healthy controls. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mammalian Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 3
Immunohistochemistry studies of endothelial tight junction proteins in microvessels, (PRMT3) catalyzes the monomethylation and dimethylation of the Arginine residues
within the subcutaneous fat tissues, showed reduced expression of claudin-5 (5%), of proteins. The role of PRMT3 in renal fibrosis is currently unknown. We aimed to
occludin (6%) and JAM-1 (5%) in kidney transplant patients vs donors (7%, 8% and study the role of PRMT3 in renal fibrosis and explored its underlining mechanisms.
8%, respectively), and ongoing studies are indicating a trend for altered expression of METHOD: Sham or Unilateral Ureter Obstruction (UUO) operation was performed
tight junction proteins after ex vivo stimulation with TMAO. in Prmt3 wild-type (WT), heterozygous (Het) and homozygous (Homo) mutant mice,
CONCLUSION: We report that CKD5 patients showed disruption of BBB and which were sacrificed at day 14. A single dose of aristolochic acid (5mg/kg) was
intestinal barrier resulting in altered circulating serum levels of brain-specific injected in WT or HE mice, which was sacrificed at day 42.
biomarkers, secondary to a disruption in the tight junction protein markers in RESULTS: A strong interstitial fibrosis was observed in WT UUO mice as shown by
microvasculature of adipose tissue. These findings imply that it is important to Masson staining, and heterozygous or homozygous deletion of Prmt3 gene further
continuously monitor cognitive function(s) in CKD. Further studies are needed to enhanced interstitial fibrosis in mouse kidneys. The expression of collagen-I in mouse
assess direct effect of TMAO on tight junction proteins which confer vascular kidneys were analyzed by Western blotting. UUO operation increased the expression
permeability. of collagen-I in WT mouse kidneys, which were further increased by genetic deletion of
Prmt3 gene in a dose-dependent manner. A mild renal interstitial fibrosis was observed
in AAN mice, which was enhanced by heterozygous deletion of Prmt3 gene. Western
blot analysis showed that aristolochic acid increased the expression of collagen-I in WT
mice, which was further increased in Prmt3 Het mutant mice. Mechanismly,
MO446 THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN RENAL FUNCTION AND LEFT asymmetric dimethylarginine levels were elevated in UUO or AAN mouse kidneys as
VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION AND HEART compared with its controls as shown by immnohistochemistry staining or ELISA.
FAILURE WITH PRESERVED EJECTION FRACTION Renal ADMA levels were not elevated in Prmt3 mutant UUO or AAN mice. Moreover,
renal injection of ADMA in UUO kidneys blocked the enhanced renal interstitial
Robin Vernooij1,2, Anne-Mar Van Ommen3, Frans Rutten2, Marianne Verhaar1, fibrosis in Prmt3 Het mutant mice as shown by Masson staining and Western blot
Michiel Bots2, Hester Den Ruijter3 analysis of collagen-I.
University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, CONCLUSION: Prmt3 inhibits renal interstitial fibrosis through enhancing renal
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Julius ADMA levels.
Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, The Netherlands and 3University
Medical Center Utrecht, Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology, Utrecht, The
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Impaired kidney function increase the risk of
cardiovascular disease. However, it remains unclear whether this crosstalk between
organs already exists at early stages in the disease trajectory and whether this risk varies Laurent Metzinger1
with age and other factors. We aim to investigate the association between renal 1
Amiens, UR-UPJV 4666 HEMATIM, Amiens, France
dysfunction and early structural and functional cardiac abnormalities in a cohort of
participants referred to a cardiology outpatient department. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The gene program is controlled at the post-
METHOD: We included participants from HELPFul (i.e. HEart failure with Preserved transcriptional level by the action of small non-coding RNAs known as microRNAs
ejection Fraction in patients at risk for cardiovascular disease), a case-cohort study at (miRNAs), short, single-stranded molecules that control mRNA stability or
Dutch cardiology outpatient clinics, who were aged 45 years and older without history translational repression via base pairing with regions in the 3’ untranslated region of
of cardiovascular disease. A random sample of participants enriched with cases their target mRNAs. Recently, considerable progress has been made to elucidate the
(defined as an early filling (E) to early diastolic mitral annular velocity (e’) (E/e’) ratio roles of miRNAs in vascular pathogenesis and develop the use of miRNAs as
of 8 measured with echocardiography) was included in our study. Routine care biomarkers, and innovative drugs. We demonstrated during the last decade that
measurements, including echocardiography and laboratory testing at the outpatient miRNAs miR-126 and miR-223 are implicated in the course of chronic kidney disease
clinic were collected for all participants. An expert panel decided on presence or (CKD) and cardiovascular damage. miR-223 expression is enhanced in vascular
absence of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and left ventricular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) subjected to an uremic toxin and also in aortas of a
diastolic dysfunction (LVDD), guided by available international guidelines. The murine model of CKD.
i286 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
As restenosis is a common complication of angioplasty, in which neointimal in a Spanish population of patients with ADPKD. The prediction of future GFR with
hyperplasia results from migration of VSMCs into the vessel lumen we measured the the Irazabal equation is acceptable as a group, although it shows a loss of precision at
effect of miR-223 modulation on restenosis in a rat model of carotid artery after the individual level, especially in patients with higher GFR at baseline.
balloon injury. We over-expressed and inhibited miR-223 expression using adenoviral
vectors, coding a pre-miR-223 sequence or a sponge sequence, used to trap endogenous
microRNA, respectively. We demonstrated that inhibiting miR-223 function
significantly reduced neointimal hyperplasia by almost half in carotids. Thus down- MO450 ANEMIC PATIENTS WITH ELEVATED RED CELL
regulating miR-223 could be a potential therapeutic approach to prevent restenosis DISTRIBUTION WIDTH (RDW) ARE LIKELY TO HAVE FASTER
after angioplasty. FUTURE CKD PROGRESSION
We also correlated miR-126 and miR-223 expression with clinical outcomes in a large
cohort of CKD patients, in collaboration with the University Hospital of Ghent Hiroshi Tanaka1
(Belgium) and Ambroise Paré Hospital, France. We evaluated both miRNA’s link with 1
Mihara Red Cross Hospital, Department of Medicine/Division of Nephrology, Mihara,
all-cause mortality and cardiovascular and renal events over a 6-year follow-up period.
Hiroshima, Japan
The serum levels of miR-126 and miR-223 were decreased as CKD stage advanced, and
patients with higher levels of miR-126 and miR-223 had a higher survival rate. Similar
results were observed for cardiovascular and renal events. In conclusion, CKD is BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Elevation in red cell distribution width (RDW), a
associated with a decrease in circulating miR-126 and miR-223 levels in CKD patients. marker of size variance in red blood cells, recently has been reported to predict future
We will also present links between several uremic toxin concentrations and miRNA cardiovascular event. RDW elevation has also been reported to be associated with faster
concentration in the patients of this cohort. CKD progression. It is not known whether the elevation of RDW is merely a sequela of,
Finally, anemia is a common feature of CKD that is associated with cardiovascular or truly a predictor of, the decline in kidney function.
disease and poor clinical outcomes. A mixture of uremic toxins accumulates in the METHOD: A hospital-wide study with all the laboratory data for a period of 4 years
blood of CKD patients during the course of the disease, and there is good evidence that and 2 months was conducted. All the adult patients in whom an eGFR slope was
they modulate erythropoiesis, explaining at least partly anemia. The exact molecular obtained over 731 days or more with haemoglobin (Hb) measurements of at least twice
mechanisms implicated are however poorly understood, although recent progresses over 731 days or more were included. Hb and RDW values were classified according to
have been made to identify key components in the CKD process. We will present the timing of measurement: first-year measurements during the period vs last-year
results on the effect of uremic toxins on erythropoiesis, having an impact on cell values. The effects of Hb and RDW on the annual decline in eGFR (mL/min/1.73m2/
metabolism during this process. year) were analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed with R 3.6.0 on Ubuntu.
Taken together, our findings could be of interest to both researchers and clinicians RESULTS: A total of 4,611 patients (M:F = 2124:2487, age 18-105 (median 68) years)
working in the field since they might shed new light on the molecular mechanisms were included. The first-month Hb and RDW were 7.5 20.2 (median 13.6) g/dL and
involved in the CKD process. 10.5 34.6 (median 12.6). eGFR was 3.4 195 (median 69.3) mL/min/1.73m2.
MicroRNAs implicated in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with the highest tertile in the first-year RDW had significantly faster decline in
Pr. Laurent Metzinger, UR-UPJV 4666 HEMATIM, CURS, Université de Picardie Jules eGFR than the rest (-1.74 vs -1.51, P=0.04), while patients with the highest tertile in the
Verne, CHU Amiens Sud, Avenue René La€ennec, Salouel, F-80054, Amiens, France. last-year RDW had virtually identical eGFR decline compared with the rest. Patients
Tel: (þ33) 22 82 53 56, Email: with higher RDW (>=median) and lower Hb (< median) had significantly faster
decline in eGFR than the rest (-1.8464.11 vs -1.4762.95, P =0.002).
CONCLUSION: Anemic patients with elevated RDW are likely to have faster CKD
progression in the future.
Francisco-Jose Borrego-Utiel1, Rafael Jose Esteban de la Rosa2, Enoc Merino
Garcia1, Aurora Polo Moyano2, Clara Moriana Dominguez1, Ana Isabel Morales Stefan Schunk1, Juliane Hermann2, Triem Sarah1, Michaela Lellig2, Eunsil Hahm3,
Garcıa2, Juan Antonio Bravo Soto2 Peter Boor2, Jochen Reiser3, Joachim Jankowski2, Danilo Fliser1,
1 Vera Jankowski2, Thimoteus Speer1
Hospital Universitario de Jaén, UGC Nefrologıa, Jaén, Spain and 2Hospital “Virgen de 1
las Nieves”. Granada, UGC Nefrologıa, Spain Saarland University, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Homburg/Saar, , 2RWTH
Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, Germany and 3Rush University Medical Center,
Chicago, United States of America
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Mayo Clinic classification (MCC) is used in
patients with ADPKD to identify those who may experience a more rapid deterioration
of glomerular filtration rate (GFR). It has been developed in the American population BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and chronic kidney
but has not been validated in other populations. Our objective was to analyze whether diseases (CKD) are highly prevalent in Western populations and account for a
the CCM predictive model is valid in an ADPKD population from southern Spain and substantial proportion of mortality. We found that apolipoprotein C-3 (ApoC3), a
whether it can identify populations with different renal survival. constituent of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, induces alternative NLRP3 inflammasome
METHOD: We selected patients with ADPKD with measurements of height-adjusted activation in human monocytes and thus causes sterile inflammation. The aim of the
total renal volume (HtTKV) performed with CT or MR and with GFR CKD-EPI> 15 present study was to screen ApoC3 for the presence of posttranslational protein
mL / min / 1.73 m2. We estimated the GFR at the end of the follow-up using the modifications and to assess its relevance in vitro, in vivo, as well as in a prospective
Irazabal equation and the rate of GFR deterioration, bias and precision were calculated. cohort of CKD patients.
We analyzed the predictive power of BC using survival analysis using the Kaplan- METHOD: ApoC3 was subjected to proteomic analysis. The proinflammatory
Meier technique and using Cox regression models. properties of ApoC3 were assessed in human monocytes and in humanized mice.
RESULTS: We included 128 patients, aged 44 6 13 years and a follow-up time of 79 6 Moreover, posttranslationally modified ApoC3 was quantified in prospective cohort of
45 months (median 88), at the end of which 22 (17.2%) patients had a GFR <10 mL / 543 patients with various etiologies of CKD and linked to kidney and cardiovascular
min / 1.73 m2 or were included in renal replacement therapy. The distribution of outcomes.
patients according to the CM classification was: 1A 4.7%, 1B 28.1%, 1C 33.6%, 1D RESULTS: We identified posttranslational guanidinylation of lysine residues of ApoC3
22.7%, 1E 10.9%. Age decreased progressively: 1A 58 6 11, 1B 48 6 14, 1C 46 6 13, (gApoC3) in patients after acute myocardial infarction and in patients with CKD.
1D 40 6 8, 1E 30 6 7 (p <0.001). In contrast, HtTKV increased significantly: 1A 275 gApoC3 accumulates in kidneys and hearts after injury as determined by 2D-
6 52, 1B 486 6 191, 1C 887 6 410, 1D 1222 6 510, 1E 1324 6 800 mL / m (p proteomic analyses. In human monocytes, guanidinylation enhanced the binding of
<0.001). While the initial GFR was not different between classes, the GFR at the end of ApoC3 to the cell surface and exerted substantially stronger pro-inflammatory effects
the follow-up decreased significantly: 1A 59 6 36, 1B 63 6 29, 1C54 6 35, 1D 48 6 26, as compared native ApoC3. In humanized mice, gApoC3 strongly induced kidney
1E 44 6 33 mL / min / 1.73 m2 (p <0.001). The GFR variation rate was significantly fibrosis and abolished the regeneration after vascular injury. In a prospective clinical
different according to the MCC classes: 1A 1.31 6 6.80, 1B -2.48 6 3.12, 1C -4.13 6 trial of 543 patients, higher gApoC3 blood levels as determined by mass spectrometry
4.33, 1D -4.70 6 2.66, 1E -6.18 6 3.03 mL / min / 1.73 m2 / year (p = 0.008). The final were associated with increased mortality as well as cardiovascular and renal events
GFR predicted with the Irazabal equation was not significantly different from the real during a long-term follow-up.
one. The absolute bias of the final GFR estimated with the MC equation was 2.6 6 16.0 CONCLUSION: The present study provides evidence from preclinical models and a
mL / min / 1.73 m2 and the relative bias was 38.7 6 110, and it was not significantly prospective clinical trial that gApoC3 plays an important role in the development of
different in the MCC classes. The P10 precision was low, with values of 65.1%, 51.7% organ injury in patients with CKD, myocardial infarction and other clinical conditions.
and 50% for classes 1C, 1C and 1E respectively. The rate of deterioration of the GFR The clinical study represents one of the largest trials, in which the association of a
was underestimated in classes 1C, 1D and 1E. In the renal survival analysis with the specific PTM and clinically relevant outcomes was assessed. These findings highlight
Cox regression analysis, we found that the MCC classification is a predictor of survival, gApoC3 as a pathophysiologically relevant factor in development of organ dysfunction.
with classes 1D and 1E having the worst prognosis.
CONCLUSION: The MCC classification is capable of identifying populations that will
suffer a more rapid deterioration of the GFR and constitutes a marker of renal survival
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i287
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Dorine Bresters2, Els Jol-van der Zijde1, Eiske Dorresteijn4, Marloes Louwerens3, Javier Donate-Correa1, Ernesto Martın-Nu ~ez1, Carolina Herna
n ndez-Carballo1,
Carlijn Jordans1, Arjan Lankester1, Gertjan Lugthart1, Anne De Pagter1, Roos Van Carla Ferri1, Miguel Arévalo-Go mez2, Ainhoa Gonza lez-Luis1, Sergio Rodrıguez-
Rooij-Kouwenhoven1, Ram Sukhai1 Lopez1, Purificacion Cerro-Lo pez1, Angel Lo
pez-Castillo1, Carmen Mora-
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Willem-Alexander Children’s Hospital, depart- ndez1, Juan F. Navarro-Gonza
Ferna lez1
ment of pediatrics, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2Princess M
axima Center for Pediatric 1
Hospital Universitario Nuestra Se~
nora de Candelaria, Unidad de Investigaci
Oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), depart- CRUZ DE TENERIFE, Spain and 2Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
ment of internal medicine, Leiden, The Netherlands and 4Erasmus University Medical
Center, Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mineral metabolism imbalances and inflammation are
related to the development of vascular calcification (VC). Fibroblast growth factor-23
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an important sequela (FGF23) is the main regulator of phosphate homeostasis and various studies have
of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), but data regarding CKD after shown the existence of an association between elevated levels of FGF23 and the
pediatric HSCT are limited. appearance of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We conducted a case-control study to test
METHOD: In this single center cohort study, we evaluated eGFR dynamics, the hypothesis that serum and vascular levels of FGF23 are associated with the
proteinuria and hypertension in the first decade after HSCT and assessed risk factors presence of VC. In addition, we determined the influence of inflammation in these
for chronic kidney disease in 216 pediatric long term HSCT survivors, transplanted levels.
between 2002 and 2012. METHOD: One hundred and thirty-three patients diagnosed with clinical
RESULTS: The eGFR decreased from median 148 to 116 ml/min/1.73m2 between pre- atherosclerotic disease undergoing elective vascular surgery, and 20 cadaveric organ
HSCT and ten years after HSCT. CKD, defined as an eGFR <90 ml/min/1.73m2 and/ donors with no medical history of CVD, were included in this study. Serum levels of
or proteinuria (KDIGO stage G2 or A2) occurred in 21% of patients. In intact FGF23 (iFGF23), together with tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFa), interleukin
multivariate analysis, hematological malignancy as HSCT indication (HR 5.5, 95% CI (IL)10, were determined by ELISA. Vascular fragments of aorta, carotid and femoral
1.2-25) and cytomegalovirus reactivation (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-5.4) were independent arteries were obtained for assaying the gene expression of FGF23, TNF, IL10 and
risk factors for CKD. One third of patients with CKD had both an eGFR <90 ml/min/ RUNX2 by qPCR. Immunohistochemical procedures were employed to determine
1.73m2 as well as proteinuria, one third had isolated eGFR reduction and one third vascular protein levels of FGF23, TNFa and IL10. VC was diagnosed by imaging
only had proteinuria. Hypertension was observed in 27% of patients with CKD techniques and confirmed by histological procedures including von Kossa staining.
compared to 4.4% of patients without CKD. Tubular proteinuria was present in 7% of RESULTS: Case group presented a higher prevalence of hypertension,
the subgroup of patients (n=71) in which b2-microglobulinuria was measured. hypercholesterolemia and reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate, with no
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, a significant proportion of pediatric HSCT recipients differences regarding other parameters. Serum iFGF23 and TNFa/IL10 ratio were
developed chronic kidney disease within ten years after HSCT. Our data stress the higher in the case group (P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively). Vascular expression of
importance of structural long term monitoring of eGFR, urine and blood pressure after FGF23 was detected in 58.6% of CVD patients vs 35% of donors, with mean expression
HSCT to identify patients with beginning CKD who could benefit most from levels significantly higher in the first group (P<0.01). Vascular expression of TNF/IL10
nephroprotective interventions. was also increased (P<0.001) in CVD patients. FGF23 immunoreactivity was detected
in 84% of CVD patients and only in 35% of controls. Immunoreactivity for FGF23 and
TNFa/IL10 ratio were significantly higher in CVD patients (P<0.001 and P<0.0001,
Stratified analysis according to serum iFGF23 levels showed a higher prevalence of VC
in the upper tertiles. Patients with VC presented increased levels of all the FGF23
variables including serum [1.5 (1.2-1.6) vs. 1.4 (0.9-1.5) pg/mL, P<0.01], vascular
mRNA [26.1 (14.3-67.4) vs. 18.8 (8.8-312.9) log AU, P<0.01] and vascular
immunoreactivity [4.6 (3.8-4.9) vs. 3.7 (3.1-4.1) log mm2, P<0.05]. Moreover, FGF23
immunoreactivity was detected in 92.3% of fragments with VC and only in 53.6% of
those without VC. Serum TNFa/IL10 and RUNX2 mRNA levels were also higher in
this group (P<0.01 for both).
Correlation analysis showed associations of serum iFGF23 with serum TNFa (r=0.375,
P<0.001), neutrophil/lymphocyte (r=0.142, P<0.05), vascular RUNX2 mRNA (r=0.55,
P<0.05), and vascular FGF23 immunoreactivity (r=0.281, P<0.05) in the CVD group.
Vascular FGF23 expression correlated with RUNX2 mRNA (r=0.315, P<0.05) and
FGF23 immunoreactivity (r=0.254, P<0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that
iFGF23 levels were determined by UAE, HDL, FGe, calcium and TNFa levels (adjusted
R2= 0.473, P<0.0001) and that vascular FGF23 mRNA expression was determined by
TNFa, PCR, glucose and age (adjusted R2= 0.795, P<0.0001). Multivariate logistic
regression, with VC as dependent variable, showed that both iFGF23 and vascular
mRNA constitute independent risk factors for the existence of VC [OR (95% CI): 1.05
and 1.12, P<0.05 for both].
CONCLUSION: Patients with atherosclerosis and VC present significantly higher
serum concentrations of FGF23, as well as higher immunoreactivity and gene
expression levels in the vascular wall compared to patients without VC. Moreover, both
serum and vascular mRNA levels of FGF23 are associated with the inflammatory
status. Whether the increase in systemic and vascular FGF23 can directly promote or
favor the calcifying process in the vascular bed is currently an issue under discussion.
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the final common outcome of progressive kidney disease. We hypothesized that after CONCLUSION: Significant inverse associations between lipid profile and small water-
multiple renal insults, the mechanisms of adaptive repair could be less effective soluble or protein-bound uremic toxins in advanced CKD highlight the complexity of
generating a progressive accumulation of extracellular matrix and a progressive the uremic environment. Our data suggest that not all URS interactions with
deterioration of kidney function. conventional CV risk markers may be pathogenic.
METHOD: We used 8 weeks old male Wistar rats and we analyse their evolution
during 9 months. Animals were subdivided into 4 experimental groups: Control group:
SHAM operated rats, saline solution, i.p.; “CDDP5-I/R60-I/R60” group: 5 mg/kg
cisplatin i.p., after renal function normalization, 60-minute ischemia-reperfusion (I/ MO456 DOES PHOSPHORUS EXCRETION PER NEPHRON AFFECT
R60) on left kidney, and 2 weeks later 60-minute ischemia-reperfusion (I/R60) on right THE PROGNOSIS OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE?
kidney; “5/6 RMR” group: 5/6 renal mass reduction; “UNX” group: nephrectomy.
Blood and urine were collected at: day 0 (basal); day 4 (AKI development); day 8 Takayuki Fujii1, Junya Koshizaka1, Nobuaki Yamauchi1, Takahiro Matsunaga1,
(normalized renal function after AKI and induction of renal ischemia); day 9 (1 day Mayu Morimoto1, Noriko Terasaki1, Hiroaki Tanaka1, Satoshi Suzuki1
after ischemia); day 13, day 20 and monthly thereafter. Renal function was analyzed by 1
Seirei Sakura Citizen Hospital, Kidney center, Sakura, Japan
sCr, creatinine clearance, blood urea nitrogen and proteinuria determination using
colorimetric methods. Tissue samples were stained with Massons trichrome and Sirius
Red at days 13, 20, 56, 165 and 270 and renal fibrosis was quantified using Image J BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Serum phosphorus is an important factor associated
program. with mortality and cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients as well as in non-dialysis
RESULTS: The addition of several AKI episodes induces a progressive accumulation of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and healthy individuals. One observational
extracellular matrix. In addition, the “CDDP5-I/R60-I/R60” group presented an initial study reported that elevated phosphorus is a risk factor for end-stage renal disease and
reduction in renal function that remained stable in the last 6 months of the study. On is linked to reduced renal function, even within the normal range. Although the
the contrary, we observed a spontaneous and progressive decline of kidney function in mechanism is unknown, an excessive load of phosphorus to the kidney is presumed to
the “5/6 RMR” group, which nevertheless presented a significant lower degree of cause renal damage via phosphorus-containing nanoparticles. In this study, we
interstitial fibrosis than the “CDDP5-I/R60-I/R60” group. examined the association between phosphorus excretion per nephron and the
CONCLUSION: We have generated a new in vivo experimental model of AKI to CKD prognosis of CKD.
transition combining nephrotoxic and ischemic AKI. We demonstrate that after METHOD: A single-center, retrospective cohort study was conducted in 276 patients
recurrent episodes of AKI, kidneys show progressive interstitial fibrosis which however with CKD category G3 to G5 who were admitted to our hospital and received an
does not correlate with a progressive decline of renal function. inpatient educational program on CKD between June 2016 and November 2019 and
who could be followed up for at least 1 year or started on dialysis within 1 year after
hospitalization. Phosphorus excretion per nephron was defined as daily phosphorus
excretion divided by creatinine clearance (Ccr), and its association with the annual rate
of decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was investigated for each CKD
category. For statistical analysis, multiple regression analysis was performed using the
following covariates: age, sex, presence/absence of diabetes mellitus, mean arterial
blood pressure, amount of daily urine protein, serum phosphorus level, and use of a
Sam Hobson1, Jetty De Loor2, Karolina Kublickiene1, Pieter Evenepoel2,
renin-angiotensin system inhibitor.
Peter Stenvinkel1, Thomas Ebert1
RESULTS: There were 108 patients with CKD G3, 106 patients with CKD G4, and 62
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, patients with CKD G5. Daily phosphorus excretion was 442 mg in G3, 350 mg in G4,
Stockholm, Sweden and 2Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Department of Immunology and 350 mg in G5 patients. Phosphorus excretion per nephron was 8.4 mg/Ccr in G3,
and Microbiology, Laboratory of Nephrology, Leuven, Belgium 14.0 mg/Ccr in G4, and 24.2 mg/Ccr in G5 patients. It increased with the progression
of renal damage. In G4 patients, phosphorus excretion per nephron was significantly
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) have an negatively correlated with the rate of decline in eGFR (p = 0.004); however, no
extremely high incidence of cardiovascular (CV) diseases, partly driven by insufficient correlation was found between the two in G3 and G5 patients (p = 0.09 and p = 0.16,
clearance of uremic toxins. ESKD patients have a characteristically adverse lipid profile, respectively). Multiple regression analysis showed that phosphorus excretion per
however data investigating the relationship between uremic toxins and lipid profile, nephron was not a significant worsening factor for renal function in G3, G4, and G5
potentially contributing to increased CV risk, is scarce. To determine if uremic patients (p = 0.09, p = 0.36, and p = 0.41, respectively). On the other hand, serum
retention solutes (URS) associate with an adverse lipid profile in ESKD, we studied a phosphorus level was a significant worsening factor for renal function in G3 and G5
large, trinational cohort with a detailed lipid profile, as well as a comprehensive panel patients (p = 0.03 and p = 0.01, respectively).
of uremic toxins. CONCLUSION: No association was found between phosphorus excretion per
METHOD: Total, high density lipoprotein (HDL), non-HDL, low density lipoprotein nephron and the rate of the subsequent decline in renal function.
(LDL), and remnant cholesterol, as well as triglyceride, levels were associated with a
panel of 15 uremic retention solutes in a combined cohort of 591 European, adult
patients with advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) from UZ Leuven, Belgium
(n=150), Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden (n=235) or University of Leipzig MO457 PREVALENCE OF NON-ALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER DISEASE
Medical Center, Leipzig, Germany (n=226). Total and HDL cholesterol, as well as IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A CASE-
triglycerides, were quantified at each study center, whereas non-HDL cholesterol, LDL CONTROL STUDY
cholesterol, and remnant cholesterol were calculated. In all subjects of this trinational
study, a selected panel of solutes, including CMPF, TMAO, aromatic amino acids and Therese Adrian1, Mads Hornum1, Ida Maria Hjelm Soerensen1, Ellen
corresponding end-products of endogenous and microbial metabolism, was centrally Linnea Freese Ballegaard1, Susanne Bro1, Joergen Tobias Kühl2, Per
quantified in a single lab by liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry. Ejlstrup Sigvardsen2, Andreas Fuchs2, Klaus F. Kofoed2, Filip K. Knop3, Bo Feldt-
Univariate correlations were assessed using non-parametric Spearman’s rank Rasmussen1
correlation method. To identify independent associations between solutes and lipid 1
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Nephrology, Copenhagen OE, Denmark,
profile, multivariate linear regression models were used with adjustment for age, sex, as 2
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Cardiology and 3Herlev and Gentofte
well as markers of inflammation, protein energy wasting, renal function, diabetes and
Hospital, Center for Clinical Metabolic Research
RESULTS: In total, 189 patients in CKD stage 3-5 not on renal replacement therapy
(RRT), as well as 402 subjects on RRT, were included. All URS except phenylalanine BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most
significantly differed between patients on RRT vs. not on RTT. In univariate analyses, common liver disease and is characterised by hepatic accumulation of lipids. NAFLD
URS negatively correlated with most lipid markers, including LDL and HDL represents a wide spectrum ranging from mild steatosis over non-alcoholic
cholesterol. In contrast, the amino acids tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine were steatohepatitis with and without fibrosis to overt cirrhosis. Patients with NAFLD have
positively correlated with a large majority of lipid markers. After combining URS a high risk of developing cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD). So
concentrations based on molecule size, similar associations were observed for the far, there is scarce evidence of the prevalence of NAFLD among patients with CKD.
respective groups, i.e. small water-soluble molecules, protein-bound molecules, and The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of moderate to severe steatosis
amino acids. After adjustment for age, sex, presence of diabetes, dialysis treatment, in a cohort with patients with different stages of CKD not on dialysis.
inflammation, protein energy wasting, and renal function, significant associations were METHOD: A total of 291 patients from the Copenhagen Chronic Kidney Disease
lost for URS and total cholesterol or HDL cholesterol, excluding total cholesterol and Study were included. For comparison, 866 participants with normal kidney function
phenylacetyl glutamine. However, high triglyceride levels were independently from the Copenhagen General Population Study were identified as controls. Blood
predicted by p-cresyl sulphate, tryptophan, indole-3 acetic acid, phenylalanine, TMAO, samples, clinical demographics, information about smoking and alcohol were collected.
small water-soluble molecules combined, and protein-bound molecules combined. Hepatic liver fat fraction was evaluated in all participants by computed tomography
Non-HDL cholesterol was independently predicted by phenyl glucuronide, TMAO, (CT). Liver attenuation density <48 Hounsfield Units was used as cut-off value for
phenylacetyl glutamine and small water-soluble molecules combined, while remnant moderate to severe steatosis corresponding to 10% liver fat after transformation of the
cholesterol was independently associated with 10 out of the 15 URS, as well as small CT attenuation.
water-soluble molecules combined and amino acids combined. Furthermore, LDL RESULTS: The prevalence of moderate to severe steatosis was 7.9% and 10.7% among
cholesterol independently associated with tryptophan, TMAO, phenylacetyl glutamine patients with CKD and controls, respectively. Data of the continuous Hounsfield Units
and protein-bound molecules combined.
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i289
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
showed lower values among patients with CKD compared with the control group. No MO459 RENAL FUNCTION AMONG PATIENTS WITH NEW
significant association between liver fat fraction and CKD stage was found. Pooled data DIAGNOSIS OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION - RESULTS FROM THE
from both cohorts showed that adjusted odds ratios (OR) for steatosis were strongly NATIONWIDE FINACAF- STUDY
significant among persons with diabetes (OR 3.1, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6-5.9),
overweight (OR 14.8, 95% CI 4.6-47.9) and obesity (OR 42.0, 95% CI 12.9-136.6), Heini Jyrkila€1,2,3, Kati Kaartinen1,4, Leena Martola1,4, Olli Halminen5, Jari Haukka3,
respectively. Miika Linna5, Pirjo Mustonen6, Jukka Putaala4,7, Saga Ita €inen-Strömberg4,8,
CONCLUSION: In the present cohort of 291 patients with CKD, kidney function was Janne Kinnunen4,7, Elis Kouki4,8, Alex Luojus4,9, Paula Tiili2,4,7,
not associated with the prevalence of hepatic steatosis as assessed by CT scan. Juha Hartikainen10,11, KE Juhani Airaksinen12,13, Mika Lehto4,8
Helsinki University Hospital, Abdominal Center, Department of Nephrology, Helsinki,
Finland, 2Helsinki University Hospital, Heart and Lung Center, Helsinki, Finland,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki, Finland, 4University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland, 5Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and
Management, Espoo, Finland, 6Central Finland Health Care District, Department of
Internal Medicine, Jyv€ a, Finland, 7Helsinki University Hospital, Department of
Neurology, Helsinki, Finland, 9Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, 10Kuopio
University Hospital, Heart Center, Department of Cardiology, Kuopio, Finland,
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 12Turku University Hospital,
Department of Cardiology, Turku, Finland and 13University of Turku, Turku, Finland
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public health
problem with increasing number of patients due to obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and
aging. CKD is an independent risk factor for atrial fibrillation (AF) and the incidence
of AF in patients with CKD is two- to threefold higher compared to the general
population. Relationship between CKD and AF is bidirectional, and the incidence of
impaired renal function is higher in patients with AF. Both AF and CKD are associated
with increased risk of stroke and systemic thromboembolism, and also bleeding. The
Finnish AntiCoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation (FinACAF) is a nationwide study among
AF patients conducted as a retrospective register-based linkage study combining data
from several Finnish health care registers. We aimed to characterize demographics and
comorbities of AF patients included in FinACAF according to stages of renal function.
Maria Vanessa Perez Gomez1, Elena Goma -Garcés1, Maria Soledad Pizarro
Sanchez1, Carolina Gracia-Iguacel1, Santiago Cano1, Pablo Cannata-Ortiz1,
Jinny Sanchez-Rodrıguez1, Ana Sanz1, Maria Dolores Sanchez-Nino1,
Alberto Ortiz1
1 MO459 Figure 1:Mean age by cohort entry year.
Hospital Universitario Fundaci
on Jiménez Dıaz, Madrid, Spain
eGFR= estimated glomerular filtration rate
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Growth differentiation factor-15 (GDF15) is a member
of the TGF-b superfamily. Increased serum GDF15 has been associated with increased
risk of CKD progression. However, no prior study had addressed the significance of
urinary GDF15 in adult CKD.
METHOD: We have now assessed serum and urinary GDF15 in a prospective cohort
of 84 patients who underwent kidney biopsy and then were followed for 29617
RESULTS: There was a statistically significant correlation between serum and urine
GDF15 values. However, while serum GDF15 values increased with decreasing
glomerular filtration rate, urinary GDF15 did not. Immunohistochemistry located
kidney GDF15 expression mainly to tubular cells and kidney GDF15 staining
correlated with urinary GDF15 values. Urine GDF15 was significantly higher in
patients with a histological diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy than in diabetic patients
without diabetic nephropathy. This was not the case for serum GDF15. Both serum
and urine GDF15 were associated with patient survival in multivariate models.
However, when both urine and serum GDF15 were present in the model, lower urine
GDF15 predicted patient survival [B coefficient (SEM) -0.395 (0.182) p 0.03], and
higher urine GDF15 predicted a composite of mortality or renal replacement therapy
[0.191 (0.06) p 0.002] while serum GDF15 was not predictive. Decision tree analysis
yielded similar results. The AUC of the ROC for urine GDF15 as a predictor of
mortality was 0.95 (95% CI 0.89-1.00, p <0.001). MO459 Figure 2:Mean eGFR by cohort entry year.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, urine GDF15 is associated with kidney histology eGFR= estimated glomerular filtration rate
patterns, mortality and need for renal replacement therapy in biopsied CKD patients.
METHOD: FinACAF- study collects data from 411 000 patients covering all Finnish
AF patients from 1 January 2004 to 31 December 2018. Using national unique personal
identification number, individual patients’ data from ten nationwide population
registries and six regional laboratory databases (282 000, 77% of the patients) are
linked together. Inclusion criteria of this substudy were all patients who had new ICD-
10 AF diagnosis (code I48) between January 2010 and December 2018 and measured
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) within the proximity of AF the diagnosis.
RESULTS: Of the whole study cohort, 128 538 were included in this substudy. The
i290 | Abstracts
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mean age at the time of AF diagnosis was 73 years (range 18 to 107 years) and 48.9 % of carbamylation. It will be further explored whether fecal levels of SCFAs are affected in
the patients were female. The age of AF patients increased (Figure 1) and eGFR parallel and could be potential targets to restore gut dysbiosis and uremia.
decreased (Figure 2) in various stages of glomerular filtration at the cohort entry during
2010-2018 are shown in Figures 1 and 2. Prevalence of various comorbidities and the
mean age at the baseline are shown in the Table. Most of the comorbidities were more
common in patients with lower eGFR levels. MO461 FGF19 IMPROVES GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN CKD MICE
MO459 Table. Prevalence of various comorbidities and mean age at entry to the Emilie Bres1,2, Bérengère Benoit2, Claudie Pinteur2, Denis Fouque1,2,
Hubert Vidal2, Laetitia Koppe1,2
eGFR eGFR eGFR eGFR eGFR Hospices Civils de Lyon, Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud, Department of Nephrology,
Variable Total PIERRE BENITE, France and 2Univ. Lyon, CarMeN lab, INSERM U1060, INRAE, Université
90 60-89 30-59 15-29 <15
Claude Bernard Lyon 1, PIERRE BENITE, France
Age, years (mean) 60.1 74.2 80.6 81.9 74.4 73.0
Hypertension (%) 70.4 80.9 87.6 91.5 93.0 80.7 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with high
Diabetes (%) 15.8 16.6 23.6 34.5 44.1 18.9 cardiovascular mortality rate, especially because of altered glucose metabolism and
insulin resistance. Fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19), an intestinal postprandial
Hyperlipidemia (%) 13.4 19.0 21.7 20.8 21.4 18.5
hormone, has been shown to improve metabolic disturbances and insulin resistance. In
Heart failure (%) 10.1 15.8 30.2 49.0 41.6 19.2 CKD, postprandial secretion of FGF19 seems blunted in hemodialyzed patients but the
Coronary artery disease (%) 16.3 25.7 36.5 42.7 39.8 26.8 role and regulation of FGF19 in this population is unknown. The aim of our study is to
ascertain if FGF19 can improve glucose homeostasis in a mouse model of CKD
TIA (%) 4.6 7.4 9.1 8.3 6.4 7.2 induced by 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy.
Stroke (%) 8.0 11.5 14.6 16.3 14.7 11.7 METHOD: Four weeks post-surgery, CKD mice or sham mice were treated during 18
Other vascular disease (%) 3.3 5.0 9.1 14.9 20.7 6.0 days with subcutaneous injections of placebo or human recombinant FGF19 (0.01mg/
kg of body weight). The effect on metabolic disturbances was estimated in vivo by
Pulmonary embolism (%) 1.5 1.9 3.0 4.1 2.9 2.1 glucose tolerance test (GTT, 1g/kg/body weight).
Other venous thrombosis (%) 5.3 6.6 8.5 9.2 10.3 6.9 RESULTS: Fasted hyperglycemia was observed in CKD groups compared to sham
mice (151.3 þ/- 10.6mg/l and 170.7 þ/- 10.9mg/L, p < 0.001 in sham and CKD mice,
Cancer (%) 11.8 18.2 22.6 25.7 24.6 18.1
respectively) and FGF19 tended to improve fasting glycemia in CKD mice (158.9 þ/-
Dementia (%) 1.0 3.6 6.5 8.2 4.0 3.9 18mg/L, p<0.09). The GTT area under the curve (AUC) was significantly decreased in
Psychiatric disease (%) 21.2 15.4 17.9 21.8 19.9 17.5 CKD-FGF19 group compared to CKD placebo (P < 0.0001) and control groups (P =
0.0063). Urea blood level was significantly higher in CKD groups (9.6 þ/- 1.4 mmol/L
eGFR= estimated glomerular filtration rate (mL/min/1.73m2), TIA= tran- and 25.5 þ/- 5.6 mmol/L in sham and CKD, respectively) and was not affected by
FGF19 treatment (24.8 þ/- 5.8 mmol/L, p = 0.91).
sient ischemic attack CONCLUSION: Our results show that FGF19 could contribute to improve glucose
intolerance observed in CKD and suggest that this hormone could be a novel
CONCLUSION: During 2010-2018 the mean age of new AF patients increased in therapeutic target for reducing mortality associated with CKD. The comprehension of
Finland, and simultaneously the renal function decreased. Also, patients with impaired the molecular and cellular events through which FGF19 exerted its benefits needs
glomerular filtration rate had more often comorbidities increasing the risk of however further studies.
thromboembolism and bleeding. The findings emphasize appropriate control of these
risks in AF patients, especially with reduced renal function.
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i291
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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Changes over time in eGFR and albuminuria provide
better accuracy than baseline values for end-stage risk prediction in CKD patients,
whereas no studies have evaluated the impact of changes in renal, cardiac, and BP
parameters on cardiovascular (CV) outcome.
METHODS: We prospectively evaluated 249 hypertensive CKD patients with available
baseline and 2-year echocardiography and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
(ABPM). Outcome was a composite of death or any non fatal CV event. Predictors of
outcome were tested by multivariable regression analysis. The accuracy of prediction
models that included baseline and 2-year changes (D) in cardiac, renal and BP
parameters was assessed by ROC analysis.
RESULTS: During a follow-up period of 71 months, 69 CKD patients (28%)
experienced a major CV event or died. By multivariable Cox regression analysis
baseline nighttime pulse pressure (PP) (HR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.04), left ventricular
mass (LVMi) (HR 1.03, 95% CI 1.02 to 1.04), ejection fraction (EF) (HR 0.96, 95% CI
0.90 to 0.97), D nighttime PP (HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01 to 1.07), D LVMi (HR 1.02, 95%
CI 1.00 to 1.04), and DEF (0.93, 95% CI 0.89-0.97) were associated with outcome. A
model that includes 2-year changes in LVMi, EF, proteinuria, and nighttime PP was
more accurate than a model that only evaluated baseline values (Dc-statistic 0.08, 95%
CONCLUSION: Despite being highly prevalent in the elderly, NS is associated with a CI 0.02 to 0.13, P=0.006; net reclassification improvement -NRI- 0.24, P= < 0.0001).
more favorable renal disease course as compared with other conditions. Therapeutic CONCLUSION: Estimation of 2-year changes in renal, cardiac, and BP parameters
efforts to delay CKD progression in older populations should go beyond just improve the predictive accuracy of adverse CV outcome in CKD patients followed in
optimizing blood pressure control and focus more on concomitant diseases. tertiary care.
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RESULTS: At baseline, 66% of the patients were men, with a median age of 72 years RESULTS: In the entire cohort of patients, MHR appeared to be positively correlated
(interquartile range or IQR, 64–79 years); 61% of the patients were diabetic, and 54% of with ten-year risk (q=0.469; P <0.0001) (Figure 1) and lifetime risk of myocardial
them were hypertensive. The median values for estimated glomerular filtration rate infarction, stroke, or CV death (q=0.428; P <0.0001) (Figure 2). Furthermore, patients
(eGFR) was 12 mL/min/1.73m2 (IQR, 8–18), serum potassium 4.5 mmol/L (IQR, 4.1– with higher MHR levels had a significantly smaller number of years of CVD-free life
5.1) and urinary potassium/creatinine ratio (UK/Cr) 27 mmol/gCr (IQR, 20–38). Over expectancy (q=-0.364; P <0.0001) (Figure 3).
a median follow-up period of 2.6 years (IQR 0.2–4.5), the number of all-cause deaths
was 87. There were 171 cases of cardiovascular events and 860 cases of CKD
progression. After adjusting for the eGFR, serum potassium level, proteinuria, renin–
angiotensin system inhibitors, diuretics and other potential confounders, UK/Cr was
found to be neither significantly associated with all-cause mortality nor with adverse
cardiovascular events. However, a low UK/Cr was associated with an increased risk of
CKD progression (adjusted hazard ratio [95% confidence interval] for the first, second
and third quartiles, compared with the fourth quartile, were as follows: 2.09 [1.43-
3.06], 1.33 [0.96-1.86] and 1.05 [0.75-1.46])
CONCLUSION: A low UK/Cr might be an independent risk factor for poor renal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most
prevalent complication of Diabetes Mellitus and patients with both diseases are more
exposed to atherosclerosis injury and premature death from cardiovascular disease
CVD is worsened by inflammation, oxidative stress, lipid accumulation and high-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) reduction: patients with altered lipid metabolism
more often present monocyte profile changes, with an altered pro-inflammatory
phenotype leading to a significant risk of plaque formation and atherosclerosis. The
alteration of the balance between monocyte and HDL, represented by the Monocyte/
HDL ratio (MHR), is an easy way to evaluate the inflammatory status and to study
appropriate strategies to treat high-risk patients.
METHOD: We evaluated 150 consecutive diabetic patients with CKD hospitalized in
the Unit of Nephrology and Dialysis of the Policlinic G. Martino of Messina, Italy, with
a history of CVD. We used the SMART-REACH SCORE, a model created to estimate
life expectancy without recurrent cardiovascular events for individuals with a history of
CVD. We performed a retrospective analysis of the MHR status of our patients to
study its correlations with the 10-year risk and lifetime risk for myocardial infarction,
stroke or vascular death, recurrent CVD events and free life-expectancy if standard
care is provided.
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CONCLUSION: We highlight the state of the knowledge on SARS-CoV-2-dependent
mechanisms for AKI and list the potential management options for prevention of AKI
worsening and the imminent possibility of CKD. Finally, we aim to provide a better
understanding of why Coronavirus induce AKI and, subsequently, progression to CKD
in the coming years and further discuss the acute as well as long-term renal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hyperkalemia (HK) (serum K>5.0 mEq/L) is a chronic Rafael Del Pozo Alvarez1, Teresa V azquez1, Dolores Martınez Esteban1,
condition in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with high Daniel Gaitan Roman2, Alicia Moreno Ortiz2, Domingo Hern andez1
morbidity and mortality, and it is a frequent reasons for renin angiotensin aldosterone Hospital Regional Universitario de M
alaga (Carlos de Haya), Nephrology Department,
inhibition (RAASi) discontinuation. Patiromer is a non-absorbed, sodium-free, Kþ Malaga, Spain and 2Hospital Regional Universitario de M
alaga (Carlos de Haya),
binder that has been shown to reduce serum Kþ in patients with HK, and thereby Cardiology Department, M alaga, Spain
enable RAASi therapy, which is supported by randomized trial evidence. The
description of patiromer utilization in patients with moderate to advanced CKD in the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neprilysin inhibition (NEPi) combined with a renin-
real-world setting in Europe is lacking. The objective of this analysis was to describe angiotensin system (RAS) blocker has been shown to play an important role among
predictors of patiromer initiation and time to discontinuation among CKD patients patients with heart failure (HF), whose main cause of inpatient admission is
using contemporary (April 2018-October 2020) data from German participants in congestion, reducing effectively HF hospitalization and cardiovascular death. These
CKD Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (CKDopps). benefits stem from NEPi being a natriuresis and diuresis factor while RAS, which
METHOD: We identified 136 patiromer users (116 with matching K measurement) activates subsequently, staying blocked. Thanks to this, sacubitril/valsartan is a
during the observation period. Patients with eGFR <60ml/min/1.73m2 and a serum promising tool targeting patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and HF, which
potassium 4mEq/L who never initiated patiromer during the follow up were used as a frequently coexist and lead one to the other, challenging their management. There is
comparison. We used the most recent lab and drug use information available within evidence NEPi-RASb may be beneficial in this population but long-term outcome still
the 6-month period prior to baseline, which was defined as either first use of patiromer, lacks. The primary aim is to analyse potential improvement in HF and advanced CKD.
April 1, 2018, or entry into the PDOPPS study. The median time between the most Secondary, to evaluate the tolerability and safety profile in this population.
recent Kþ measurement and baseline was 45 days for non-patiromer users and 4 days METHOD: A prospective observational study, conducted from October 2016 to
for patiromer users. Logistic regression models were used to test associations between December 2020. Twenty-five patients were included meeting the following criteria:
patient factors and whether the patient was in the patiromer initiation group or the diagnosis of HF plus reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and New York
comparison group. Time on patiromer was estimated using a Kaplan-Meier curve, Heart Association (NYHA) functional class of II-IV with indication of sacubitril/
censoring for death, dialysis, transplantation, or loss of follow-up. valsartan, and CKD stages 3-4. All of them were followed periodically by a
RESULTS: Patiromer was prescribed to 2 patients in 11 clinics, one patient in 19 Nephrologist at our Department.
clinics, and zero patients in 57 clinics. Patients prescribed patiromer had lower eGFR RESULTS: The male:women ratio was 4:21, with a mean age of 73.2 6 5.9 years. All
(23.2 [15.8, 28.6] vs 36.9 [27.7, 46.3]ml/min) and higher serum K levels (5.6 [5.4, 6.1] patients had diagnosed hypertension, 32% type 2 diabetes, and 92% dyslipidemia. By
vs 4.6 [4.3, 5.0]ml/min). There were no major differences according to patiromer use in December 2020, seven patients had completed three-year follow-up, whereas 17 were
other demographic, clinical, and biochemical characteristics. Despite the differences in followed successfully through one year of treatment. Six patients died during the study
serum K, use of RAAS inhibitors was similar in patiromer users (83%) versus non- (50% due to cardiovascular event, none due to renal malfunction), another
users (80%). Thirty three percent of patiromer users were prescribed polystyrene discontinued treatment due to hypotension, and no patient started renal replacement
sulfonate (SPS) before patiromer initiation. In a multiple logistic regression models therapy. The median of the studied time of treatment was 31 months (IQR 23.5 - 35).
(including serum K, CKD stage, gender, age, prescription of RAASi, diabetes, coronary Cardiac and renal characteristics are listed in Table 1. At first year a significant
artery disease, heart failure), patiromer use was strongly associated more advanced improvement in LVEF was found (p=0.018). Although it is observed a tendency to this
CKD stage (independently of high serum K), with odds ratios of initiation >3 for CKD enhancement at second and third years, statistical analysis was not significative,
stage 4 or 5 versus CKD stage 3. Among new users, 90% of patients had active arguably because a limited sample. Nonetheless, the number of visits to the Emergency
prescription at 30 days and about one-half had active prescription at one year (Figure). Department (ED) regarding congestion symptoms were significantly reduced at these
CONCLUSION: The main predictors of Patiromer initiation were advanced CKD periods. More interesting, kidney function improved at first year when comparing
stage and hyperkalemia. Treatment decisions did not appear to be based on other serum creatinine (p=0.043) and eGFR (p=0.008), and this improvement stays in the
patient or clinical characteristics. Patiromer was often prescribed to patients already long term at second and third years (p=0.019, p=0.046 respectively).
receiving alternative HK treatment (SPS), suggesting use for chronic hyperkalemia There were no significant changes in potassium nor in blood pressure, still urine
rather than response to acute event. Further analysis with a larger population and protein excretion was significantly higher at third year (p=0.043), understandable
measurements of Kþ before and after patiromer initiation may improve the possibly due to hyperfiltration mechanisms and diabetic nephropathy progression.
understanding of its pharmacoutilization in moderate to advanced CKD. CONCLUSION: Sacubitril/valsartan showed a long-term improvement in cardiac and
kidney function, explaining a reduction in the number of visits to ED due to congestion
and eventually a better quality of life. Besides, the improvement in kidney function
cannot be totally understood in the context of enhanced LVEF at first year as this effect
fades with time. Future research should explore this line.
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i295
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Fatima Dzgoeva1
MO472 A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF POTENTIAL BIOMARKERS FOR North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian
EARLY DIAGNOSIS IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE Federation, Department of Internal Medicine @5, fflºalbradraÅ, Russia
Irina Lousa1, Maria Jo~ ao Valente1, Susana Rocha2, Sofia D. Viana3,4, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: BACKGROUND AND AIMS: .: Vascular calcification
Ine^s Preguiça3, Filipe Mira5, Rui Nogueira5, Susana Coimbra1,6, (VC) due to bone-mineral metabolism disorders is a predictor of high cardiovascular
Cristina Catarino1, Petronila Rocha-Pereira7, Elsa Bronze-da-Rocha1, Maria do mortality in patients with late-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) . The established
Sameiro Faria1,8, Rui Alves5, Idalina Beira ~o9, Flavio Reis3, Luıs Belo1, bone-vascular axis in CKD, which relates to interactions between changes in the bone
Alice Santos-Silva1 and vascular systems that have similar mechanisms, allows bone metabolism inhibitors
UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de Bioquımica, Departamento de Ci^encias Biol ogicas, to act as potential risk factors for VC. Morphogenetic protein osteoprotegerin (OPG)
Faculdade de Farm acia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2LAQV, REQUIMTE, and glycoprotein sclerostin are opposite inhibitors of bone metabolism: OPG inhibits
Laboratorio de Quımica Aplicada, Departamento de Ci^encias Quımicas, Faculdade de osteoclastogenesis, sclerostin has an inhibitory effect on osteoblastogenesis. Although
Farmacia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3iCBR, CIBB, Faculdade de both proteins are recognized as high-risk factors for remodeling the heart and large
Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4ESTESC-Coimbra Health arteries in patients with CKD, the mechanisms and possibilities for correcting these
School, Pharmacy, Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 5Centro changes are not fully clear.
Hospitalar e Universitario de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 6Instituto de Investigaç~ao e of the study was to investigate the mechanisms of the relationship between OPG and
Formaç~ao Avançada em Ci^encias e Tecnologias da Sa ude (IINFACTS), Cooperativa de sclerostin in the development of cardiovascular complications due to calcification of
Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitario (CESPU), Gandra, Paredes, Portugal, 7Centro the aorta and large arteries in the late stages of CKD.
de Investigaç~ao em Ci^encias da Sa ude, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilh~
a, METHOD: METHOD: The cross-sectional study included 105 patients with stage 3-5
Portugal, 8Clınica de Hemodi alise de Felgueiras, Felgueiras, Portugal and 9Centro CKD [49 men; 64.0 (23.0-76.0)years]. The glomerular filtration rate determined using
Hospitalar Universitario do Porto, Porto, Portugal the CKD-EPI equation was 38.4 (8.6–92.3) ml / min / 1.73 m2. The general clinical
examination included assessment of hematopoiesis (hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin
and transferrin), determination of total protein and albumin levels, cholesterol,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The conventionally used biomarkers for chronic
electrolytes (sodium, potassium) in the blood, and indicators of nitrogen metabolism
kidney disease (CKD) diagnosis are not very sensitive for early diagnosis. Their values
(creatinine, urea). Parameters of bone-mineral metabolism – parathyroid hormone
become clinically significant only when kidney damage is advanced, and a substantial
(PTH), calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase of blood serum-were evaluated. The
filtration capacity has been lost. The reliance on these biomarkers may result in a long-
level of morphogenetic protein OPG and glycoprotein sclerostin was determined using
time lapse in diagnosis, compromising the earlier use of successful therapeutic
commercial ELISA kit from Biomedica (Austria) by enzyme immunoassay. The
interventions to prevent CKD progression and reduce the risk of other common
morphofunctional features of the aorta and large arteries were studied by duplex
scanning using the Doppler effect. We determined the peak systolic velocity of blood
The study of earlier and more sensitive biomarkers for CKD diagnosis is an important
flow in the aortic arch (Vps-peak systolic velocity) , which indirectly indicates the state
medical need. Potentially new biomarkers reflecting different pathophysiological
of the aortic wall and its lumen. Echocardiography with Doppler imaging was
processes underlying CKD, such as changes in renal function, tubulointerstitial injury,
performed on the "ALOKA 4000" device. The LV myocardial mass index (LVMI), LV
inflammation and fibrosis, have been proposed. The use of a panel of biomarkers is
hypertrophy variants, LV systolic and diastolic function were determined.
likely to be synergetic in detecting CKD, since there are several different mechanisms
RESULTS: Cardiovascular damage, which manifests itself in the form of various
by which CKD can initiate.
variants of left ventricular hypertrophy, aortic rigidity, arteriosclerosis and vascular
Our aim was to identify markers of renal damage/dysfunction and evaluate their
calcification, and directly correlated with the severity of renal failure, was detected in
sensitivity for CKD detection, in patients at the earlier stages of the disease, stages 1
86% of the examined patients with stage 3-5 CKD. The level of OPG and sclerostin in
and 2.
the blood serum increased with the progression of renal failure from the 3rd to the 5th.
METHOD: This study included 32 healthy controls and 29 CKD patients at stages 1
The main associations with Vps changes were high OPG levels [OR = 2.39 95%
and 2, categorized according to the KDIGO guidelines, using the CKD-EPI equation
confidence interval (95% CI) (1.34–4.86) for levels ranging from 5.98 to 9.26 pmol / L
based on serum creatinine to estimate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Causes of
and OR = 5.54 95% CI (2.64–13.5) for levels 9.26 pmol / L; P <0.0001] and high
CKD in the studied patients were diabetes mellitus (n = 19), polycystic kidney disease
sclerostin levels [OR = 2.64 95% CI (1.42–5.16) for levels ranging from 0.744 to 1.211
(n = 1) and of unknown cause (n = 7) or other (n = 2).
ng / ml and OR = 3.69 95% CI (1.76–7.31) for a level 1.211 ng / ml; P = 0.0001].
Circulating levels of creatinine and b-trace protein (BTP), as markers of renal function;
Thus, the logistic regression model showed that the risk of aortic calcification was
interleukin 6 (IL-6), as a marker of inflammation; tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase 1
significantly increased when both OPG (5.98 pmol / L) and sclerostin (0.744 ng /
(TIMP 1), as a marker of tubulointerstitial injury; pro B-type natriuretic peptide
ml) levels were high [ uncorrected model: OR = 11.93 (4.54–25.2); P <0.0001; on the
(proBNP), as a marker of cardio-renal dysfunction; and cell-free DNA (cfDNA), as a
marker of cellular damage, were evaluated.
i296 | Abstracts
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model adjusted for generally recognized cardiovascular disease risk factors: OR= 5.55 higher values in the clinical group than in the control group: BNP (p<0.001), cystatin
(1.43–1914); P = 0.02]. C (p<0.001). Figures 1 and 2 shows flowcharts of the used inputs and outputs and how
CONCLUSION: The results suggest that bone metabolism inhibitors, OPG and they are implemented in the ANFIS networks. There are two ANFIS networks since
sclerostin, are independently associated with aortic calcification with potential additive there are two outputs. ANFIS networks shold determine which input has the strongest
effects in patients with stage 3-5 CKD. The risk of vascular calcification was influence on the given outputs nased on root mean squre errors or prediciton
significantly increased when OPG and sclerostin levels were high accuracy.Based on the training error (trn) one can determine the inputs influence on
the given output. Checking error (chk) is used to track the results validity. In other
words the checking errors could track training error. It was found that BNP (pg/mL)
has the most influence on the - EPI creatinine-cystatin C formula. Serum sodium (Na)
has the most influence on the ejection fraction (EF).
Danijela Tasic1, Katarina Djordjevic2, Slobodanka Galovic3, Milos Milovancevic4,
Gordana Kocic5, Sonja Radenkovic5, Zorica Dimitrijevic1, Nina Jancic1, Bff ffKfffflff1, Fatima Dzgoeva2
Tamara Vrecic1, Andriana Jovanovic1 1
North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian
University of Nis Faculty of medicine, CC Clinic of nephrology, Nis, Serbia, 2Belgrade, Federation, Raaelha arełehcnda b ubyerjºjubb @1, fflºalbradraÅ, Russia and
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Physics Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Belgrade, ,,VINCA" North Ossetian State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian
Institute of Nuclear Sciences - National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Federation, Department of Internal Medicine @5, fflºalbradraÅ, Russia
Serbia, 4Nis, University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Nis, Serbia and
University of Nis, Faculty of medicine, Nis, Serbia BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Clinical studies in recent years have revealed a close
relationship between hormonal disorders in women with CKD and the duration and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Potassium excretion is a secretory phenomenon and quality of life, bone mineral and related disorders of the cardiovascular system. In
levels are often abnormal in patients with heart failure. An abnormal sodium serum individual studies, there is a tendency to improve the indicators of mineral and bone
level is the most common electrolyte disorder and independent predictor of metabolism and the state of the cardiovascular system in hormonal or other drug-
readmission for heart failure and post discharge death. Since different factors could induced correction of hormonal dysfunctions in women.
affect balance of Potassium in Cardiorenal syndrome, in this study soft computing was - Aims to study the effect of estrogen deficiency on bone and mineral metabolism in a
used to predict most important factors for the detection of the severity of systolic heart population of women suffering from CKD stages III-V
failure by ejection fraction (EF), and a subclinical phase of the cardiorenal disease by METHOD: The study included 52 women who met the clinical criteria for the possible
EPI creatinine-cystatin C formula (Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology appointment of hormone therapy (both replacement and combined oral
Collaboration). contraceptives) for the purpose of a detailed examination of the state of their
METHOD: The balance of potassium in Cardiorenal syndrome is analyzed by soft cardiovascular system and bone-mineral metabolism in dynamics (with an interval of
computing approach namely adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system or ANFIS. 10-12 months) in order to assess the degree of influence of estrogen-deficient
RESULTS: The clinical group consisted of 79 patients, 40 of whom were men (50.63%) conditions on the course of such common complications of CKD as cardiovascular
and 39 of whom were women (49.37%), in the average age of 70.72 6 9.26 years. After diseases and pathology of the bone system. The age of the patients ranged from 26 to
comparing serum electrolytes (Naþ, Kþ) did not differ significantly in the clinical 61 years (mean age-50.6569.17 years). The duration of CPN averaged 77.02 months..
group from those of the control group. The tested biomarkers showed significantly The stages of CKD were determined according to the K/DOQI (2012) criteria, and the
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
glomerular filtration rate was calculated using the CKD-EPI formula. The following MO478 FACTORS ASSOCIATED IN RAPID PROGRESSION OF
parameters were evaluated: the concentration of sclerostin, osteoprotegerin, fibroblast CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A MULTICENTRE,
growth factor 23 (FGF-23), parathyroid hormone, total calcium, phosphorus, alkaline RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY
phosphatase, creatinine, and urea. Follicle-stimulating hormone( FSH), luteinizing
hormone(LH) and estradiol were determined by solid-phase chemiluminescent Fei Yee Lee1,2, Farida Islahudin1, Hin-Seng Wong2,3, Sunita Bavanandan4, Nurul
enzyme immunoassay (commercial sets of Alkor-Bio, St. Petersburg). Serum Ain Mohd Tahir1, Mohd Makmor-Bakry1
concentrations of sclerostin, sRANKL (soluble RANKL), and osteoprotegerin were Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Faculty of Pharmacy, Malaysia, 2Ministry of Health
determined by the enzyme-linked immunoassay using Biomedica gruppe test systems. Malaysia, Clinical Research Centre, Malaysia, 3Selayang Hospital, Ministry of Health
RESULTS: The examined patients showed hormonal dysfunctions (82%), Malaysia, Department of Nephrology, Malaysia and 4Kuala Lumpur Hospital, Ministry
accompanied by changes in the content of sex hormones: the concentration of estradiol of Health Malaysia, Department of Nephrology, Malaysia
was below normal: 123.4672.5 pmol/l and 150.0-450.0 pmol/l, respectively, in patients
and in normal (p<0.01), which confirms the presence of estrogen deficiency in the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Identification of risk factors linked with rapid chronic
examined patients . Concentrations of FSH and LH exceeded the norm in the group of kidney disease (CKD) progression is beneficial in shaping preventative and
patients as a whole: 91.6646.1 IU/l and 3.0-8.0 IU/l FSH content in patients and management strategies for maximal benefits out of the existing resources and capacity
normal; 51.8632.1 IU/l and 3.0-10.0 IU/l LH in patients and normal. In the group of of care. To this end, the study aims to investigate the factors associated with rapid
patients as a whole, an increase in the level of sclerostin to 28.5 6 9.2 pmol/l was progression of CKD in the Asian population.
detected ( norm 12633.45 pmol/l), an increase in the level of osteoprotegerin to METHOD: This multi-centre, retrospective cohort study recruited adult CKD patients
6.960.4 pmol/l (norm 2.7 pmol/l). Positive and negative correlations were found of 18 years in two tertiary hospitals with a history of at least two years of Nephrology
between the levels of morphogenetic proteins, sex hormones, and characteristic CKD clinic follow-up and with index eGFR, defined by the first identified estimated
parameters of hormonal dysfunctions glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) during the study period, of 30 ml/min/1.73 m2.
CONCLUSION: Pre-and postmenopausal women with CKD have hormonal eGFR was calculated via CKD-EPI equation. Patients with less than three nephrology
dysfunctions, including disorders of sexual and reproductive function, menstrual cycle, CKD clinic visits and outpatient eGFR values during the study period were excluded.
decreased fertility, increased risks of miscarriage at its onset, the basis of hormonal Demographic data, clinical information, laboratory data and medication history were
dysfunctions is the absence of LH peaks and changes in the concentration of estradiol collected from the electronic medical records from January 2018 to March 2020.
depending on the phase of the cycle, hypoestrogenemia. It is assumed that there is a Annual slopes of eGFR change were quantified using linear regression of outpatient,
pathogenetic link between hormonal dysfunctions and disorders in the system of bone non-emergency eGFR values, with a decline of >5ml/min/1.73m2/year defined as rapid
metabolism regulatory proteins in patients with CKD. CKD progression. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify factors associated
with rapid CKD progression, in which variables with p 0.05 were considered as
factors associated with rapid progression of CKD, followed by the examination of
MO477 SERUM C-REACTIVE PROTEIN AND PROCALCITONIN multicollinearity and correlation between the factors, and the use of the Hosmer-
LEVELS IN HEMODIALYSIS AND INTRADIALYTIC Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test, classification tables and area under the receiving
ALTERATIONS operator characteristic (ROC) curve. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Version 23.
Makrouhi Sonikian1, Aggeliki Barbatsi1, Eugenia Karakou3, Theodoros Chiras1, RESULTS: Among the 357 patients, 199 (55.7%) were men, median age was 61 years,
Jacob Skarakis5, Pagona Sklapani6, Nikolaos Trakas3 while 105 (29.4%) patients had rapid CKD progression. The factors associated with
1 rapid CKD progression after adjusting for possible confounding factors were Category
Sismanoglio General Hospital, Athens, Nephrology Department, Marousi, Greece,
3 A3 albuminuria (adjusted Odds Ratio [aOR] 2.217, 95% confidence interval [CI]:
Sismanoglio General Hospital, Athens, Biochemistry Department, Marousi, Greece,
5 1.241, 3.961), and adjustments to antihypertensives (aOR 1.158, 95% CI: 1.034, 1.296).
DEMO S.A,Pharmaceutical Industry, Research and Development Department, Kryoneri,
Multicollinearity and interaction terms were not found, while the Hosmer-Lemeshow
Greece and 6Mitera-Ygeia Hospital, Department of Cytology, Marousi, Greece
test (p=0.675), classification table (overall correctly classified percentage =69.8%) and
area under the ROC curve (62.9%) were supportive of the model’s fitness.
INTRODUCTION: C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) are widely CONCLUSION: Rapid CKD progression was observed among one-third of CKD
used as markers of inflammation and infection in general population and in chronic patients in our practice setting. Category A3 albuminuria and adjustment to
hemodialysis (HD) as well. However, in dialysis (D) patients, serum CRP and PCT antihypertensives were factors of rapid CKD progression. Maladaptation from
levels may be elevated even in the absence of inflammatory or infectious disease and adjustments to antihypertensives might cause medication-related problems that might
diagnostic process is a challenge in such cases. We studied HD patients’ laboratory accelerate the progression of CKD. An alternative explanation is that adjustments were
profile concerning CRP and PCT. necessary because of poorly controlled hypertension which is a well-known risk factor
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied 25 stable HD patients, M/F=22/3, aged for progressive CKD. Furthermore, with worsening kidney failure, hypertension
68(44-89) years, dialyzed thrice weekly for 55(6-274) months with a dialysate flow rate becomes more difficult to control hence also necessitating medication adjustments.
of 700 ml/min, with a residual daily diuresis less than 200 ml, Kt/V values of 1,4460,3 The findings could guide identification of CKD patients for enhanced pharmaceutical
and no signs of infection. Patients were classified in two groups. Group A included 10 care and monitoring, especially when antihypertensives are adjusted, and during
patients on pre-dilution online hemodiafiltration (HDF). Group B consisted of 15 transition from hospitalisation to outpatient care.
patients on conventional HD with low-flux polysulfone membrane. Twenty healthy
subjects formed a control group C. Serum CRP and PCT levels were measured in
duplicate in A and B groups before and at the end of mid-week dialysis sessions and
RESULTS: Pre-D serum CRP values in the total of patients were higher than those in RENAL DISEASE : EVIDENCE FROM A TUNISIAN COHORT
healthy controls (10,89619,29 vs 2,5461,28 mg/L-p=0,004). Compared with group C,
pre-D CRP values were higher only in B group (15,98624,54 mg/L-p=0,001) but not in Boukhtioua Mariem1, Mami Ikram1, Tlili Syrine2, Ghabi Hiba2, Hela Jbali2,
A group (4,0963,33 mg/L-p=NS). There was a significant difference in pre-D serum Lilia Ben Fatma2, Karim Zouaghi2, Fethi Ben Hmida3
CRP values between A and B groups (p=0,028). At the end of D session serum CRP Rabta Hospital, Nephrology, dialysis and transplantation department, Tunis, Tunisia,
values showed a tendency to increase in both groups A (5,1664,81 mg/L) and B Rabta Hospital, Nephrology, dialysis and transplantation department, Tunisia and
(17,00627,00 mg/L) but differences were not significant. Charles Nicolle Hospital, Internal Medicine M8 department, Tunisia
Pre-D serum PCT values in the total of patients were higher than those in healthy
controls (0,8260,9 vs 0,2960,55 ng/ml-p<0,001). Compared with group C, pre-D BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is associated with a high
PCT values were higher in both A group (0,5260,15 ng/ml-p<0,001) and B group incidence of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The relationship between
(1,0161,13 ng/ml-p=0,006). There was no significant difference in pre-D serum PCT hypertension and diabetic nephropathy is complex and blood pressure (BP) control is
values between A and B groups (p=0,261). At the end of D session serum PCT values an important management strategy in the prevention of its onset and progression .The
decreased in A group (0,3260,11 ng/ml-p<0,001) and increased in B group aim of this study was to determine whether blood pressure control delays the
(1,1261,21 ng/ml-p=0,014). progression of DN and prevents macrovascular complications in patients with diabetes
CONCLUSIONS: In patients on both conventional low-flux HD and online HDF pre- mellitus.
D serum CRP and PCT levels were higher than those in healthy subjects. Dialysis METHOD: Hypertension guidelines advocate treating systolic blood pressure to less
modality and membrane flux did not affect post-D serum CRP values, but post-PCT than 130 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure to less than 80 mmHg for patients with
values decreased in online HDF. PCT usefulness might be limited in dialysis with high- diabetes mellitus and overt nephropathy.The relationship between blood pressure and
flux membranes. Cut-off values have to be established for both markers to eliminate progression of nephropathy was studied in 120 diabetic and hypertensive patients with
confusion in diagnosis of inflammatory and infectious diseases in hemodialyzed established diabetic nephropathy. We divided hypertensive patients with stage 1 to 3
patients. CKD already treated with antihypertensive therapy into 2 groups: those with BP <
130/80 mmHg were designated as Group A (n=66) and those with BP> 130/80 as
Group B (n=54). Serum creatinine level as well as urinary albumin excretion were
measured at 3 months,6 months, one year,2 years and at last visit during follow-up.The
GFR was calculated using the Modification of diet in renal disease formula.The kidney
disease outcome was defined as time to end-stage renal disease. The cardiovascular
outcome was defined as time to myocardial infarction, stroke,ischemic stroke,
hospitalization for heart failure, or revascularization.
i298 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: During the mean follow up period of 33,8 6 11,7 months, the primary end patients with normal birth weight was 65.23 (31.23-84.73) ml/min/1.73m2, among
point of end-stage renal disease occured in 9 patients (7 patients in Group B versus 2 LBW – 68.93 (24.59-98.9) ml/min/1.73m2, so there were no differences in kidney
patients in groupe A) while 11 hypertensive patient experienced a cardiovascular function between the two groups (p=0.64). The median (IQR) level of serum FGF-23 in
event. The decline rate in GFR was significantly more important in groupe B patients with normal birth weight was 1.75 (0.68- 2.5) pmol/l, in LBW children was
(p<0,05). However, little difference existed between the two groups in urinary albumin 1.85 (0.78 -3.1) pmol/l. Analysis of serum level of FGF-23 in relation to weight at birth
excretion. Blood pressure control was not associated with improved cardiovascular revealed no statistical differences in patients with LBW and those with normal birth
outcomes when comparing the two groups. weight (p=0.719), and the Spearman rank correlation was insignificant as well (r=-0.08,
CONCLUSION: The results of our study indicate that an uncontrolled hypertension is p=0.560).
associated with a rapid progression of kidney impairment in diabetic patients with CONCLUSION: FGF-23 is an important biomarker of CKD-MBD. FGF-23 does not
overt nephropathy but no relationship with the incidence of cradiovascular events was depend on the birth weight although LBW is considered as a risk factor for CKD.
seen in our population. However, further investigations and studies in this area are needed to make the right
conclusions regarding the association between this bone biomarker and birth weight.
10.1093/ndt/gfab090 | i299
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i300–i324, 2021
RESULTS: Median follow-up time was 4 years. At time of analysis, 362 patients died, 241
experienced KF, and 382 KFþAKI. Overall, we identified 55 urine metabolites whose levels
were significantly and reproducibly associated with adverse kidney outcomes and/or mortality.
Cause-specific and subdistribution hazard analyses showed almost identical results. Higher
levels of the amino acid C-glycosyltryptophan in urine were associated with higher risk for all
three endpoints (KF: hazard ratio 1.43, 95% confidence interval [1.27;1.61], KFþAKI: 1.40
[1.27;1.55], mortality: 1.47 [1.33;1.63]). The cumulative incidence function of KF was higher for
each quartile of urine C-glycosyltryptophan levels and the effect were most pronounced in the
highest quartile (see Figure). The replicated metabolites belong to different biochemical classes,
and those belonging to the phosphatidylcholines pathway showed enrichment. Members of this
pathway contributed to the improvement of the prediction performance for KF observed when
multiple metabolites were added to the well-established kidney failure risk equation by Tangri.
CONCLUSION: This comprehensive screen of the association between urine
metabolite levels and adverse kidney outcomes and mortality identified and replicated
55 urine metabolites associated with adverse kidney events, potentially providing new
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
insights into the mechanisms of kidney disease progression. The study represents a MO484 ADVERSE OUTCOMES ASSOCIATED WITH ORAL
valuable resource for future experimental studies of biomarkers of CKD progression. ANTITHROMBOTIC USE IN PATIENTS WITH MODERATE-TO-
An increased risk of AKI risk was associated with the prescription of oral
anticoagulants (adjusted HR [95%CI]: 1.91[1.48; 2.46]) but not the prescription of
antiplatelets (1.24[0.98; 1.56], Figure 1B). No significant interactions were found
between oral anticoagulants and eGFR or antiplatelet agents.
Kidney failure was not associated with the prescription of oral antithrombotics of any
type (Figure 1C). No significant interactions were found with eGFR and antiplatelet
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i301
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: This study confirms the risk of AKI in CKD patients prescribed oral MO486 INSIDE CKD: MODELLING THE IMPACT OF IMPROVED
anticoagulants. It also highlights the potential aggravating effect of combining SCREENING FOR CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN THE
anticoagulants and antiplatelet on the risk of bleeding in this population. AMERICAS AND ASIA-PACIFIC REGION
Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez1, Alyshah Abdul Sultan1, Marcelo Costa Batista2,
Claudia Cabrera3, Joshua Card-Gowers4, Steven Chadban5, Glenn Chertow6,
MO485 PREVALENCE OF ANALGESICS USE AND ASSOCIATED Eiichiro Kanda7, Guisen Li8, Stephen Nolan1, Lise Retat4, Navdeep Tangri9,
AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Universidade
ANALYSIS* Federal de S~ ao Paulo, Brazil, 3AstraZeneca,
ao Paulo, Nephrology Division, S~
BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4HealthLumen, London, United
Emilie Lambourg1, Lesley Colvin1, Greg Guthrie2, Heather Walker1,2, Kingdom, 5Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Renal Medicine, Camperdown, Australia,
Samira Bell1,2 6
Stanford University School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Palo Alto, United
University of Dundee, Division of Population Health and Genomics, Dundee, United States of America, 7Kawasaki Medical University, Medical Science, Okayama, Japan,
Kingdom and 2Ninewells hospital, Renal Unit, Dundee, United Kingdom 8
Sichuan Academy of Medical Science, Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, Chengdu,
P.R. China, 9University of Manitoba, Chronic Disease Innovation Center, Winnipeg,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pain is one of the commonest symptoms in patients Canada and 10Indiana University School of Medecine, Division of Nephrology,
with chronic kidney disease (CKD), with a large proportion undertreated. Managing Indianapolis, United States of America
chronic pain in CKD patients is problematic due to the altered pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic related to the reduced renal clearance making it challenging for BACKGROUND AND AIMS: With an estimated global prevalence of 10%, chronic
physicians to find appropriate pain management strategies. The aim of this systematic kidney disease (CKD) and its associated complications place a substantial strain on
review was to estimate the overall prevalence of different types of analgesia in patients healthcare systems worldwide, which is compounded by the burden of undiagnosed
with CKD and investigate their safety. CKD. Early CKD diagnosis followed by guideline-recommended interventions can
METHOD: The population comprised of all adult patients with CKD defined as an improve patient outcomes and reduce associated healthcare-related costs, particularly
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 60mL/min/1.73m2 which included by delaying or preventing the development of complications and progression to kidney
CKD-non dialysis (CKD-ND), kidney transplant recipients (KTR), patients undergoing failure. Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) can be used to screen for CKD,
dialysis and those receiving palliative care. Analgesics investigated included opioids, but adherence to screening recommendations is suboptimal in routine care. Inside
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), gabapentinoids and acetaminophen. CKD aims to model the global clinical and economic burden of CKD using country-
All studies reporting a prevalence of analgesic use and/or exploring the association between specific, patient-level microsimulation models. We used the Inside CKD
analgesic consumption and adverse outcomes were included. Medline, Embase, microsimulation to model the potential clinical and economic impacts of routine
CENTRAL, CINAHL and the grey literature were searched up to December 2020. measurement of UACR followed by appropriate intervention in patients aged 45 years
Random-effect meta-analyses were conducted using a Generalised Linear Mixed Model and over in the US and Canada.
approach to estimate the overall prevalence of analgesics use in the CKD population, METHOD: The Inside CKD microsimulation model was used to model the clinical and
displayed in forest-plots. Evidence gathered from studies investigating the adverse economic impacts associated with measurement of UACR with subsequent appropriate
outcomes related to analgesics consumption was synthesised in ‘harvest plots’. intervention during routine primary care visits versus current practice in individuals
RESULTS: Sixty-three studies reporting a prevalence of analgesic use in patients with aged 45 years and over. The model covers the period 2020–2025. In preliminary
CKD were included. The overall prevalence of analgesic consumption was 42% (95% analyses, virtual populations representing the general populations of the US and
CI, 35-50%) in the general CKD population and 70% (95% CI, 62-68%) among those Canada were constructed using published country-specific data, including
experiencing chronic pain. Seventeen studies reported a prevalence of opioid use with demographics, prevalence of CKD and comorbidities (type 2 diabetes, uncontrolled
36% (95% CI, 23-51%) of patients with CKD receiving at least one opioid prescription hypertension and heart failure), incidence of complications (heart failure, myocardial
while 16% (95% CI, 11-22%) were on chronic opioid therapy. The chronic use of infarction, stroke and acute kidney injury) and costs associated with CKD. The model
oxycodone, tramadol, propoxyphene, fentanyl and hydromorphone were 3.6%, 2.0%, also included parameters relating to the proportion of patients who visit a primary care
1.3%, 1.1% and 0.05% respectively. NSAIDs usage was estimated to 20% (95% CI, 15- physician at least once a year, the proportion of patients who agreed to UACR
25%) among patients with CKD (ibuprofen 4.6%, diclofenac 1.7%) and 8% (95% CI, 5- measurements, and the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of UACR measurements.
12%) took NSAIDs chronically, with a higher prevalence among dialysis patients (17%) The modelling is being expanded to additional countries in the Americas and the Asia-
compared with CKD-ND (7%) and KTR (5%) (p<0.01). Prevalence of gabapentin and Pacific region.
pregabalin use was estimated at 10% and 3.5% respectively, on pooling of 3 studies. RESULTS: Preliminary results from the US and Canada show that over the 2020–2025
Finally, five studies yielded an overall prevalence of 24% for acetaminophen use. period routine measurement of UACR during primary care visits followed by
Twenty studies assessing the association between analgesic use and adverse outcomes appropriate intervention could prevent progression to CKD stages 3b–5 in
were included (Figure 1). Five of them demonstrated an association between opioid use approximately 1.3M patients in the US and 160 000 in Canada, compared with current
and increased mortality, in all CKD subgroups; and three out of four studies reported clinical practice, with linear increases in the cumulative numbers of prevented cases
more hospitalizations in opioid-users.Four studies highlighted an increased risk of (Figure). Associated savings in healthcare costs in 2025 are projected to be
gastro-intestinal bleeding associated with NSAIDs consumption and three studies approximately US$16B in the US and C$2.5B in Canada, corresponding to a reduction
found a significant association between gabapentin use and neurologic adverse events. in cost for that year of 4.4% and 7.4%, respectively, compared with current clinical
CONCLUSION: Preliminary results from the Inside CKD microsimulation model in
the US and Canada show that routine measurement of UACR with subsequent
intervention in primary care would prevent progression to CKD stages 3b–5 in a
substantial number of patients compared with current screening practices, and could
therefore decrease associated healthcare costs considerably. This analysis is being
extended to further countries in the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region.
MO485 Figure: Harvest plot summarizing current evidence on adverse outcomes related
to analgesic consumption in the CKD population. Number above bar: 1= CKD-ND, 2=
dialysis, 3=KTR. Height of bar is proportional to the log of the study’s sample size.
CONCLUSION: Only 70% of CKD patients experiencing chronic pain received an
analgesic, suggesting that pain remains a significant public health burden. Despite
limited evidence, opioids, NSAIDs and gabapentinoids seem to be associated with
major adverse events. Their use requires cautious prescription, consideration of
optimal dosage, and the development of therapeutic patient education to promote risk
awareness. More evidence is warranted to better understand the adverse outcomes
associated with long-term analgesic consumption and provide safe pain management
strategies for patient with CKD.
i302 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
range for greatest survival was between 139-146 mmol/L [HR 1.02 (1.00-1.03) and HR
1.19 (1.02-1.38) respectively, while for CV mortality, the optimal range was much
narrower at 134-143mmol/L [HR 1.16 (1.02-1.23) and HR 1.09 (1.01-1.89)
respectively] (Figure 1). The impact of serum Naþ on mortality was modified by
baseline kidney function (p value < 0.001 for interaction). In stratified analysis, the
impact of serum Naþ on all-cause mortality was greatly attenuated among patients
with GFR< 60 ml/min/m2, than above. This pattern was replicated in analyses of CV
CONCLUSION: This study supports the view that hypernatraemia and
hyponatraemia are better tolerated with poorer kidney function. The risk thresholds
for mortality were much narrower for CV death than all-cause death suggesting that
these thresholds be taken into account to inform decision making and therapeutic
FUNDING SOURCE: Health Research Board (HRB-SDAP-2019-036), Midwest
Research and Education Foundation (MKid)
MO487 Figure 1: The relationship between serum sodium levels (mmol/L) and all-
cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients both with and without CKD
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i303
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
LTCs. Strategies should be developed to prevent hospitalisations in these high-risk high symptom burden before and after adjusting for demographics and major
groups. comorbidities. Multiple linear regression accounting for clustering at the clinic level
Hospitalisation Events by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) status and number of Long- was used to examine associations between high symptom burden and physical and
term conditions (LTCs) in UK Biobank mental component summary (PCS and MCS, respectively) scores, with lower scores
Hospitalisation Events by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) status and number of Long- indicating poorer quality of life.
term conditions (LTCs) in SAIL RESULTS: Patients (mean age 68613 years, 40% women, mean eGFR at baseline
30.4612.2 mL/min/1.73m2) were very much to extremely bothered by a number of
symptoms, the prevalence of three of which - washed out or drained, nausea or upset
stomach, and lack of appetite – significantly increased in more advanced CKD stages
before and after adjusting for confounders (Figure). Nearly one in four patients
reported a high symptom burden, which was more prevalent in women, those with
obesity, anemia, or albumin<3.5 g/dL; it was also more common in France than in the
US and Brazil. In adjusted models, as compared to patients with low symptom burden,
Peter Barrett1,2, Fergus McCarthy2,3, Marie Evans4, Marius Kublickas5,
those with high symptom burden had a worse quality of life with PCS and MCS scores
Ivan Perry1, Peter Stenvinkel4, Karolina Kublickiene4, Ali Khashan1,2
14.6 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 15.7 to 13.5) and 7.2 (95% CI, 8.3 to 6.1)
University College Cork, School of Public Health, Cork, Ireland, 2University College Cork, points lower, respectively.
INFANT, Cork, Ireland, 3University College Cork, Department of Obstetrics & CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate a high symptom burden even in
Gynaecology, Cork, Ireland, 4Karolinska Institute, CLINTEC, Stockholm, Sweden and nondialysis CKD stages 3-5 with a substantial impact on physical and mental health-
Karolinska University Hospital, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Stockholm, related quality of life. Several symptoms, particularly fatigue, and gastrointestinal
Sweden symptoms, appeared to worsen with increasing CKD stage, independent of patient
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gestational diabetes (GDM) is increasingly common
worldwide. GDM is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and
cardiovascular disease in women. It is uncertain whether GDM is independently
associated with long-term risk of maternal kidney disease. We aimed to examine the
association between GDM and maternal chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage
kidney disease (ESKD) and to determine whether this depends on progression to overt
METHOD: A nationwide retrospective cohort study was designed using data from the
Swedish national registers. Women were included if their first delivery occurred
between 1 January 1987 and 31 December 2012. Previous GDM was the main exposure
variable, and this was stratified according to whether women developed T2DM after
pregnancy. We estimated the risk of CKD, ESKD and different CKD subtypes
(tubulointerstitial, glomerular, hypertensive, diabetic, other/non-specific). Cox-
proportional hazard regression models were used with time-dependent covariates. We
adjusted for a wide range of confounders including maternal age, country of origin,
maternal education, parity, antenatal BMI, gestational weight gain, smoking during
pregnancy and preeclampsia.
RESULTS: There were 1,121,633 women included, of whom 15,595 (1.4%) had a MO490 Figure: Prevalence of being very much to extremely bothered by any symptom
diagnosis of GDM. Overall, GDM-diagnosed women were at increased risk of CKD in moderate to advanced by CKD stage
(aHR 1.81, 95% CI 1.54-2.14) and ESKD (aHR 4.52, 95% CI 2.75-7.44). Associations
were strongest for diabetic CKD (aHR 8.81, 95% CI 6.36-12.19), hypertensive CKD
(aHR 2.46, 95% CI 1.06-5.69), and glomerular CKD (aHR 1.86, 95% CI 1.37-2.51). MO491 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SERUM URIC ACID LEVEL AND
However, these associations were largely explained by progression to post-pregnancy CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE INCIDENCE STRATIFIED BY SEX
T2DM. Among women who had GDM þ subsequent T2DM, strong associations were IN MIDDLE-AGED ADULTS
observed with CKD (aHR 21.70, 95% CI 17.17-27.42) and ESKD (aHR 112.37, 95% CI
61.22-206.38). By contrast, women who only experienced GDM (and no future T2DM) Shingo Nakayama1,2,3, Michihiro Satoh2, Takahisa Murakami2,4,
were not at significantly higher risk of CKD (aHR 1.11, 95% CI 0.89-1.38) or ESKD Yukako Tatsumi5, Tomoko Muroya2,3,6, Takuo Hirose1,7, Takayoshi Ohkubo5,8,
(aHR 1.58, 95% CI 0.70-3.60). Takefumi Mori1, Atsushi Hozawa3, Hirohito Metoki2,8
CONCLUSION: Women who experience GDM are at increased risk of CKD and 1
ESKD if they develop T2DM. However, GDM-diagnosed women who do not develop Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Division of Nephrology and
overt T2DM in later life have a similar risk of CKD/ESKD to those with uncomplicated Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, 2Tohoku Medical and
pregnancies. Pharmaceutical University, Division of Public Health, Hygiene and Epidemiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, 3Tohoku University, Department of Preventive
Medicine and Epidemiology, Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Sendai, Japan,
Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Division of Aging and Geriatric
MO490 SYMPTOM BURDEN AND ITS IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE Dentistry, Department of Oral Function and Morphology, Sendai, Japan, 5Teikyo
IN PATIENTS WITH MODERATE TO ADVANCED CKD University School of Medicine, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Tokyo, Japan,
Izumi Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine, Sendai, Japan, 7Tohoku University
Elodie Speyer1, Charlotte Tu2, Jarcy Zee2, Ricardo Sesso3, Antonio Lopes4, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Endocrinology and Applied Medical
Junichi Hoshino5, Carole Ayav6, Ronald Pisoni2, Roberto Pecoits-Filho2,7, Science, Sendai, Japan and 8Tohoku Institute for Management of Blood Pressure,
Benedicte Stengel1 Sendai, Japan
Université Paris-Saclay, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Université Paris-
Sud, Inserm, Equipe Epidémiologie Clinique, Villejuif, France, 2Arbor Research BACKGROUND AND AIMS: While previous studies have reported the association
Collaborative for Health, Ann Arbor, United States of America, 3Universidade Federal de between serum uric acid (SUA) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) incidence, the sex
S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Federal University of differences in this association remain controversial. Therefore, we examined the
Bahia, Bahia, Brazil, 5Nephrology Center, Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, association between SUA levels and CKD incidence in middle-aged adults stratified by
Epidémiologie Clinique, Inserm CIC-EC, CHU de Nancy, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France sex using data from a large-scale health check-up.
and 7School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil METHOD: We analyzed information from the JMDC database, which included the
annual health check-up data of Japanese employees and their dependents aged <75
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It is generally considered that the early stages of CKD years. Among those individuals, we analyzed data from 138,511 individuals without
are asymptomatic, and that CKD becomes apparent once kidney function is CKD, kidney disease, or a history of cardiovascular disease at baseline. CKD was
significantly impaired, but large-scale studies in real-world non-dialysis CKD patients defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and/or
under nephrology care are still scarce. We evaluated symptom burden and its impact proteinuria. We divided the participants into 9 and 7 groups according to SUA levels
on quality of life in patients with moderate to advanced CKD. for men and women, respectively. A Cox model was applied to assess the adjusted
METHOD: 4423 patients with CKD Stage 3 to 5 from Brazil (N=548), France hazard ratios (HRs) for CKD incidence in each SUA level group using an SUA
(N=2691), and the US (N=1184) enrolled in the Chronic Kidney Disease Outcomes concentration of 4.0–4.9 mg/dL as the reference after adjusting for age, body mass
and Practice Patterns Study (CKDopps) from 2013-2019 completed the Kidney Disease index, current or ex-smoker, current or ex-drinker, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia,
Quality of Life (KDQOL) questionnaire at baseline to assess how much they were systolic blood pressure, use of anti-hyperuricemic drugs, and baseline eGFR.
bothered by 13 symptoms. Response options ranged from “not at all” to “extremely” RESULTS: The mean participant age was 44.1 years, and 29.6% were women. The
bothered. From these Symptoms/Problems of Kidney Disease items, a score was mean SUA levels were 5.9 mg/dL and 4.1 mg/dL in men and women, respectively.
calculated, ranged from 0 to 100, and analyzed in 3 categories: low (90), intermediate During the mean follow-up period of 4.68 years, 12,589 participants developed CKD.
(66-90), or high symptom burden (<66). Poisson regressions were used to estimate The age-standardized incidence rates for CKD were 17.88/17.80 per 1000 person-years
prevalence ratios for each symptom and to study associations between CKD stage and a in men/women with SUA concentrations of 4.0–4.9 mg/dL, 209.76 per 1000 person-
i304 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
years in men with SUA 11.0 mg/dL, and 73.38 per 1000 person-years in women with measurement-based sensitivity was 72.1% (range 1.1%-100%, Fig. 1). Sensitivity and
SUA 9.0 mg/dL. The fully adjusted HRs (95% confidence interval [CI], P value) for specificity were especially high for angiotensin-II receptor blockers (92%-96%; 99-
CKD incidence in the groups with SUA concentrations of <4.0, 10.0–10.9, and 11.0 100%), calcium channel blockers (85-100%; 91-100%), and metoprolol (90%; 98%
mg/dL compared with those with SUA of 4.0–4.9 mg/dL among men were 1.13 (1.01– respectively) commonly prescribed and important medications for blood pressure
1.26, P=0.030), 1.98 (1.32–2.97, P=0.0010), and 3.74 (1.68–8.35, P=0.0013), control and cardiovascular risk reduction in CKD patients. MMPs showing sensitivity
respectively. In women, the fully adjusted HRs for CKD incidence in the groups with <80% included several substances found in over-the-counter (OTC) analgesic
SUA concentrations of <4.0, 8.0–8.9, and 9.0 mg/dL were 1.08 (1.01–1.16, P=0.032), medications, suggesting that their use is not always reported. While self-reported use of
2.39 (1.07–5.35, P=0.034), and 3.20 (0.80–12.8, P=0.10), respectively. Similar results the OTC analgesics acetaminophen and ibuprofen was <3% each, their corresponding
were observed when we performed the sensitivity analysis excluding 8,411 individuals drug metabolites indicated higher usage (acetaminophen: 10-26%; ibuprofen: 10-18%,
with hypertensive treatment from the main analysis. The HRs for the outcomes caused depending on the number of evaluated drug metabolites). Typical examples of
by the onset of eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or proteinuria separately were similar to medication co-prescriptions (e.g., trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole) were detected
those for the main results. as the combined presence of their drug metabolites in urine. This result validates the
CONCLUSION: The results of the present study demonstrated an increased risk of abstraction of single substances from combination medications and this urine-based
CKD in men with SUA concentrations of <4.0 and 10.0 mg/dL and <4.0 and 8.0 metabolomic approach.
mg/dL in women compared to those with SUA concentrations of 4.0–4.9 mg/dL after
adjusting for various covariates. Both high and low SUA levels were risk factors for
CKD in middle-aged men and women. Hyperuricemia was demonstrated to cause
renal injury due to the intraluminal deposition of uric acid crystals in the renal
collecting duct. Hyperuricemia may also induce endothelial dysfunction, activation of
the renin-angiotensin system, and induction of inflammation and stimulation of
vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation by the induction of cyclooxygenase-2.
However, as uric acid is one of the most important antioxidants in human plasma, low
SUA levels may increase the risk of CKD incidence through decreased antioxidant
activity. These mechanisms are implicated in the pathogenesis of CKD caused by high
and low SUA levels. In addition, the SUA levels and ranges associated with increased
risks of CKD incidence differed by sex.
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i305
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: We included 36,511 participants (56% women) with confirmed CKD G3-5,
median age 81 years, and eGFR 46 ml/min/1.73 m2. During 3-year-median follow-up,
patterns of transient and chronic hyperkalemia were observed in 15% and 4% of
patients with CKD G3a, increasing to 50% and 17% of patients with CKD G5. Factors
associated with chronic hyperkalemia were younger age, male sex, more severe CKD
category, presence of diabetes or heart failure, use of renin-angiotensin system
inhibitors, and use of potassium binders. Major cardiovascular events (MACE)
occurred in 13,104 (36%) patients and 13,570 (37%) died. In time-dependent models,
independent of identified confounders and of time-updated potassium values,
compared with the normokalemic pattern, patients with transient (HR 1.37, 95% CI
1.29-1.46) or chronic (HR 1.17, 95% CI 1.04-1.32) hyperkalemia patterns were at
higher risk of MACE. Transient hyperkalemia pattern (HR 1.43, 95% CI 1.35-1.52) and
time-updated elevated potassium, but not a state of chronic hyperkalemia (HR 1.07,
95% CI 0.95-1.20), predicted the risk of death.
CONCLUSION: Chronic hyperkalemia occurs in 4-17% of patients with CKD G3-5.
We did not observe a clear dose-response for the association between hyperkalemia
pattern (normal, transient, chronic) with either MACE or death. There was modest
incremental information in the previous potassium pattern, beyond potassium
measured at a single time point.
MO494 Figure: Modelled annual healthcare costs associated with CKD in the UKa
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a debilitating and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Blood pressure (BP) control and renin-angiotensin-
costly condition, affecting approximately 10% of people globally. Progression of CKD aldosterone system (RAAS) blockade are key measures to slow CKD progression, and
is associated with an increased incidence of adverse renal and cardiovascular outcomes, the achievement of targets for these measures vary greatly across countries. We sought
and premature mortality, as well as increased requirement for renal replacement to evaluate to what extend this might explain international variations in kidney failure
therapies (RRTs), which are associated with significant healthcare costs and resource incidence.
use. The trajectories of CKD prevalence, progression, outcomes and the related costs METHOD: We used data from the CKD Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study
are therefore critical considerations for public health and policy planning. Using (CKDopps), a cohort study of adult patients recruited from national samples of
country-specific, patient-level microsimulation, Inside CKD aims to model the global nephrology clinics. Patients with CKD G3 or G4, from Brazil (n=498), France
clinical and economic burden of CKD from 2020 to 2025. (n=2702), Germany (n=2314), and the US (n=905) were included. Those neither with
METHOD: We used the Inside CKD microsimulation to model the economic burden hypertension nor with albuminuria were excluded (n=103). We assessed systolic BP
of CKD in Europe. A virtual general population was developed for each country using and RAAS inhibitor prescription at baseline, and their association with time to kidney
national survey data and relevant data from published literature. Data inputs included failure, defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 15 ml/min/1.73m2
country demographics, the prevalence of CKD and RRT, comorbidities and or kidney replacement therapy initiation. Death was treated as a competing event. Cox
complication rates, as well as associated healthcare costs. CKD stages were defined proportional-hazards model was used to estimate cause-specific hazard ratios (cs-HR)
according to Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) 2012 and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for kidney failure according to country, before and
recommendations and patients were categorized according to estimated glomerular after adjusting for systolic BP and RAAS inhibitor prescription, as well as
filtration rate and albuminuria status. RRT modelling was calibrated against historical demographics, and known risk factors for CKD progression.
trends from country-specific renal registries. Model validation and calibration were RESULTS: Median age (years) ranged from 67 in Brazil to 75 in Germany; and mean
conducted following established methods for health economic modelling. Here, we baseline eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2), from 27 in Germany to 33 in France. Prevalence of
report the initial results from the UK analysis, with further analyses currently diabetes ranged from 20% in France to 36% in Brazil, and that of stage A3 albuminuria
underway for additional European countries. (>300 mg/g), from 31% in Brazil to 44% in the US. Mean systolic BP (mm Hg) ranged
RESULTS: The UK analysis revealed that annual healthcare costs associated with CKD from 132 in Brazil to 143 in France, and the percentage of patients prescribed RAAS
will increase linearly from £12.51B to £13.99B between 2020 and 2025. The largest inhibitor, from 58% in the US to 81% in Germany. After median follow-up of 4.0 (2.6-
absolute increase in cost was observed in CKD stage 3b (£0.75B); however, CKD stage 5.0) years, 1897 participants progressed to kidney failure and 522 died before meeting
5 had the largest relative increase in cost with an approximately three-fold increase this outcome. Two-year crude cumulative incidence of kidney failure was the lowest in
(£0.14B to £0.41B). By 2025, costs associated with CKD will increase across all age France (14%), where patients were recruited at an earlier CKD stage, and similar across
categories (18–34, 35–64 and 65þ years); the 35–64 age group had the largest absolute Germany (25%), the US (26%), and Brazil (27%); that for all-cause death, the lowest in
increase in costs with an increase of £1.14B (£2.02B to £3.16B). The largest relative Brazil (2.5%), followed by France (3.4%), the US (4.4%), and Germany (4.6%).
increase in cost was observed in the 18–34 age category, with a three-fold increase in Sequential adjustment for demographics and progression risk factors, in particular
costs (£0.09B to £0.27B). baseline eGFR and albuminuria, significantly reduced the gap between France and the
CONCLUSION: Initial results from Inside CKD demonstrate that CKD poses a other countries (Figure). Despite the associations of systolic BP (cs-HR 1.14, 95%CI
significant economic burden over the next 5 years. CKD stages 3b and 5 were 0.95-1.38 for 120-129; 1.18, 95%CI 0.95-1.46 for 130-139; and 1.46, 95%CI 1.23-1.74
associated with the most pronounced cost increases, likely due to increased prevalence for 140 versus <120 mm Hg) and RAAS inhibitor prescription (cs-HR 0.81, 95%CI
for stage 3b and greater treatment cost for stage 5. Notably, the largest increase in CKD 0.70-0.95 at 6 months of follow-up) with kidney failure, adjustment for these two
costs was observed in the 35–64-year-old ‘working’ population. Further policy treatment targets only marginally changed comparisons across studied countries.
interventions aimed at early diagnosis and proactive management should be CONCLUSION: In CKD patients under nephrology care, BP control and RAAS
considered to slow disease progression, improve patient outcomes and reduce the inhibitor prescription were associated with lower risk of kidney failure and
economic burden associated with CKD. substantially varied across countries. Despite this variation in practice, BP control and
RAAS inhibitor prescription appear to explain little of the differences in risk of kidney
failure by country.
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MO495 Figure: Sequentially adjusted cause-specific hazard ratios (cs-HR) of kidney BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Many studies are available that reported a higher risk
failure associated with country. of COVID-19 disease among patients on dialysis or with kidney transplantation, and
the poor outcome of COVID-19 in these patients. Patients in conservative therapy for
Abbreviations : BMI, body mass index ; BP, blood pressure ; BR, Brazil ; DE, Germany; chronic kidney disease (CKD) have received lower attention, therefore little is known
eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate ; FR, France; RAAS, renin-angiotensin- about how COVID-19 may affect this population. The aim of this study was to analyse
aldosterone ; Ref, reference; US, United States. the COVID-19 incidence and mortality in CKD patients followed up in an integrated
healthcare program, living in a small area of Northern Italy.
METHOD: The study population included CKD patients from the Emilia-Romagna
Prevention of Progressive Renal Insufficiency (PIRP) project, followed up in the 4
MO496 PRESCRIPTION OF DIRECT ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS TO nephrology units (Ravenna, Forlı, Cesena and Rimini) of AUSL Romagna (Italy) and
PATIENTS WITH MODERATE TO ADVANCED CKD : TOO alive at 1.01.2020. All patients were in conservative therapy and none of them had
LITTLE OR JUST RIGHT? initiated dialysis or received kidney transplantation. The hospital discharge database
was used to identify patients hospitalized with COVID-19 up to 31.07.2020, and the
Sophie Liabeuf1, Solène M. Laville2, Brian Bieber3, Charlotte Tu3, mortality database was used to assess mortality among patients with COVID-19 at the
Benedicte Stengel2, Michelle Wong3, Viviane Calice-Siva4, Danilo Fliser5, same date. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify predictors of COVID-
Bruce Robinson3, Roberto Pecoits-Filho3, Ziad Massy2 19 disease, and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to identify predictors of COVID-19
Amiens University Hospital, Pharmacology Department, Amiens, France, 2Université mortality. Excess mortality of 2020 compared to mortality in 2015-19 in the PIRP
Paris-Saclay, UVSQ, Inserm, Clinical Epidemiology Team, CESP (Centre de recherche en cohort was also estimated.
Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations), Villejuif, France, 3Arbor Research Collaborative RESULTS: COVID-19 incidence among CKD patients was 4.09% (193/4716 patients),
for Health, Ann Arbor, United States of America, 4Pro-rim Foundation, Joinville, Brazil while in the general population it was 0.46% (5,195/1,125,574). COVID-19 was more
and 5Saarland University Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine IV, likely in CKD patients with older age (Odds Ratio=1.038), cardiovascular
Homburg, France comorbidities (OR=2.217), COPD (OR=1.559) and less likely in patients living in the
province of Ravenna (OR=0.468), that was hit later by the first wave of pandemic
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Prescription of anticoagulants in patients with chronic compared to the other areas of AUSL Romagna. Baseline eGFR was lower in CKD
kidney disease (CKD) is challenging, since these patients are at high risk of patients with COVID-19 (31.7 vs. 35.8 ml/min/1.73 m2), but this difference did not
thromboembolic episodes, but are also prone to bleeding events. Based on a number of reach statistical significance (p=0.066). As of 31.07.2020, the crude mortality rate
pivotal trials, four direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) have been approved for use in among CKD patients with COVID-19 was 44.6% (86/193), compared to 4.7% (215/
non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF) since 2010. These DOACs have now supplanted 4523) in CKD patients without COVID-19 and to 14.5% (4289/29670) in the general
vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) as first-line treatment in non-CKD patients. Following population with COVID-19 of the Emilia-Romagna region. Factors associated with
post-hoc analyses of randomized clinical trials of DOACs in CKD patients performed mortality of CKD patients with COVID-19 were older age (p=0.034) and the period of
between 2011 and 2016, a 2018 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes COVID-19 onset (p=0.003). The highest crude mortality rate (71.4%) was found in
Controversies Conference stated that although there is not enough evidence to CKD patients for whom COVID-19 onset occurred between 8 and 21 March. The
recommend DOACs in patients with advanced CKD, these medications are safer than excess mortality of January-July 2020 with respect to the average mortality of January-
VKAs and not inferior for stroke preventing in patients with AF and an estimated July 2015-19 in the PIRP cohort was þ17.7%, corresponding to 77 excess deaths.
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) between 30 and 50 ml/min/1.73 m2. Here, in a study March-April was the period with the highest excess mortality (þ69.8%), while in
of stage 3 to 5 CKD patients, we sought to describe multinational prescription patterns January-February a 15.9% lower mortality was observed with respect to the
for oral anticoagulants in general and for VKAs vs. DOACs in particular. corresponding months of the five previous years.
METHOD: We analyzed data from the international CKD Outcomes and Practice CONCLUSION: In our study, including a cohort of regularly followed up CKD
Patterns Study (CKDopps) of non-dialysis CKD patients 18 years of age with an patients, the risk of COVID-19 disease and of COVID-19 related mortality was
eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 at study enrollment. Participants were selected from comparable, or even somewhat higher, to that observed in patients on dialysis and
national samples of nephrologist-run CKD clinics in Brazil, France, Germany, and the those who received kidney transplantation. The incidence of COVID-19 in CKD
USA between January 2013 and April 2019. The CKDopps is ongoing, and at least 3 patients was higher in the areas of AUSL Romagna earlier affected by the pandemic
years (for the USA, Germany, and Brazil) or 5 years (for France) of prospective follow- wave, whereas mortality rates were similar across all areas. CKD patients represent a
up are planned. We assessed prescription patterns for oral anticoagulants regardless of population very vulnerable to COVID-19 disease, and their protection should be highly
indication at baseline and during follow-up. prioritized in the models of care and prevention measures.
RESULTS: Of the 8154 patients enrolled, 7092 had drug prescriptions data available at
baseline, and 1080 (15%) of these had at least one prescription of an oral anticoagulant.
At baseline, VKAs were the most frequently prescribed oral anticoagulants (n=984, MO498 INSIDE CKD: MODELLING THE CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC
91%), and only 97 of the 1080 patients (9%) were on DOACs (91 on a direct factor Xa IMPACTS OF TARGETED URINARY ALBUMIN-TO-
inhibitor and 6 on a direct thrombin inhibitor). This low DOAC prescription rate was CREATININE RATIO SCREENING IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES
observed in France, the USA, Brazil and Germany. There was an upward trend in
DOAC prescription (relative to VKAs) over the course of the study. Over a median Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez1, Alyshah Abdul Sultan1, Johan Arnlöv € 2
[interquartile range] follow-up period of 3 years [1.5-4.5], 287 incident oral Claudia Cabrera3, Joshua Card-Gowers4, Luca De Nicola5, Jean-Michel Halimi6,
anticoagulant prescriptions were reported, 177 started on VKAs and 110 started on 7
Francesco Saverio Mennini , Juan F. Navarro-Gonza lez , Stephen Nolan1, Albert
DOACs. Among the patients receiving a VKA at baseline, only 44 switched to a John Power10, Lise Retat4, Laura Webber4, Michael Xu4
AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Karolinska
CONCLUSION: In an international sample of non-dialysis CKD patients (eGFR
Insitutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Stockholm, Sweden,
<60 mL/min/1.73 m2), we observed low prescription of direct oral anticoagulants (9%) 3
AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4HealthLumen,
at baseline, relative to vitamin K antagonists (91%) across countries included in the
London, United Kingdom, 5University Luigi Vanvitelli, Department of Advanced Medical
analysis. However, there was an upward trend in DOAC prescriptions (relative to
and Surgical Sciences, Naples, Italy, 6University Hospital of Tours, Service de
VKAs) over the course of the study. In view of the risk of significant adverse events
Néphrologie-Hypertension, Dialyses, Transplantation rénale, Tours, France, 7University
associated with VKAs, the prescription of DOACs should be encouraged - particularly
of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Department of Economics and Finance, Rome, Italy, 8University
for CKD stage 3 patients and future studies of risk/benefit comparing VKAs and
Hospital Nuestra Se~
nora de Candelaria, Nephrology service, Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
DOACs are necessary in CKD patients.
Spain and 10North Bristol NHS Trust, Bristol, United Kingdom
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i307
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
interventions can improve patient outcomes, particularly by delaying or preventing MO499 CKD-MBD BIOMARKERS AND CKD PROGRESSION: AN
progression to kidney failure. This may result in a reduction in the costs associated ANALYSIS BY JOINT MODELS
with managing CKD. Elevated albuminuria is a strong predictor of risk of
complications and death in patients with CKD, and measurement of urinary albumin- Graziella D’Arrigo1, Francesca Mallamaci1,2, Patrizia Pizzini1, Maria
to-creatinine ratio (UACR) is an important diagnostic and prognostic tool. However, Carmela Versace1, Giovanni Luigi Tripepi1, Carmine Zoccali3, Of behalf of Mauro
adherence to screening recommendations is suboptimal in routine care. Inside CKD Working Group1
aims to model the global clinical and economic burden of CKD using country-specific, IFC-CNR, Section of Epidemiology and Physiopathology of Renal Disease and
patient-level microsimulation models. We used the Inside CKD microsimulation to Hypertension , Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2Grande Ospedale Metropolitano BMM,
model the potential clinical and economic impacts of routine UACR measurement Nephrology, Dialysis, and Transplantation Unit, Reggio Calabria, Italy and
with appropriate intervention in primary care settings in UK patients aged 45 years Associazione per le Ricerche su Ipertensione, Nefrologia e Trapianto Renale, IPNET,
and over. This analysis is being expanded to further European countries. Reggio Calabria, Italy
METHOD: We used the Inside CKD microsimulation to model the clinical and
economic impacts of measuring UACR with subsequent appropriate intervention BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Biomarkers of the Chronic Kidney Disease – Bone
during routine primary care visits in all individuals aged 45 years and over, versus Mineral Disorder (CKD-BMD)-including serum phosphate, calcium, PTH, 1,25
current practice (i.e. screening in patients with diabetes, hypertension or cardiovascular vitamin D, alkaline phosphatase and FGF23- have been implicated in CKD progression
disease). The model covers the period 2020–2025. First, a virtual population in follow up studies focusing on single measurements made at baseline only. The
representing the general population of the UK was constructed using data from the relationship between the time trend of these biomarkers over the course of CKD and
2016 Health Survey for England, covering demographics, prevalence of CKD and renal outcomes has never been tested.
comorbidities (type 2 diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension and heart failure) and METHOD: In this study we applied the joint model, an approach combining the
incidence of complications (heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke and acute mixed linear model (MLM) and Cox’s regression analysis, to investigate the
kidney injury). The model also included parameters relating to the direct and indirect longitudinal relationship between repeated measurements (median 3, interquartile
costs associated with CKD (e.g. cost of renal replacement therapy), the proportion of range 2-5) of serum phosphate, calcium, PTH and alkaline phosphatase and a
patients who visit a primary care physician at least once a year, the proportion of composite renal outcome measure (eGFR reduction >30%, dialysis or transplantation)
patients who agree to UACR measurements, and the diagnostic sensitivity and cohort of 729 stage 2-5 CKD patients (average eGFR = 36613 ml/min/1.73 m2) over a
specificity of UACR measurements. 2.4 year follow up. Data were adjusted for traditional and CKD specific risk factors in
RESULTS: Preliminary results from the UK show that over the 2020–2025 period, models including also baseline serum 1,25 vitamin D and FGF23.
routinely measuring UACR in all patients aged 45 years and over during primary care RESULTS: On univariate MLM analyses, serum PTH was the sole CKD-BMD
visits could prevent progression to CKD stages 3b–5 in approximately 327 000 patients, biomarker which significantly changed over time [b=0.030 (95% CI from 0.018 to
compared with current clinical practice, with a linear increase in the cumulative 0.041), p<0.001]. In the multivariate mixed linear sub-model of the Joint Model,
number of prevented cases over the 5 years (Figure). Associated savings in costs related repeated measurements of PTH were related directly with male gender (P=0.033),
to the management of CKD and its complications are projected to be approximately alkaline phosphatase (P<0.01) and systolic BP (P=0.004) and inversely with calcium
£300M in 2025, corresponding to a 1.9% reduction from current clinical practice. (P<0.001), baseline eGFR (P<0.001), and CRP (P<0.045). In the survival analysis sub-
CONCLUSION: Preliminary results from this Inside CKD microsimulation model model of the joint model, the longitudinal series of PTH valuesover time were directly
show that implementation of routine measurement of UACR in primary care settings related to the incidence rate of renal events [HR (1 ln increase in PTH)=3.358 (95% CI
in the UK could prevent a substantial number of patients progressing to CKD stages from 2.628 to 4.293), p<0.001] and this was also true after data adjustment for a series
3b–5 and has the potential to reduce the associated healthcare-related costs of potential confounders [HR (1 ln increase in PTH)=2.25 (95% CI from 1.524 to
considerably. This analysis is being extended to other European countries. 3.321), p<0.001]. In this analysis, also serum phosphate, baseline FGF23, proteinuria,
baseline 1.25 vit D, calcium, and haemoglobin were significantly related to the
incidence rate of renal events and these relationships were all independent of the
baseline eGFR.
CONCLUSION: In this longitudinal study in stage 2-5 CKD patients investigating the
links of CKD-MBD biomarkers with a composite renal outcome, PTH was the sole
variable to show a linear increase overtime and to be directly related with the same
outcome. Even though stable over-time, also the longitudinal series of serum
phosphate (in a direct fashion) and calcium (in an inverse fashion) values were related
to the same outcome as it were baseline FGF23 and 1.25 vit D. Findings in this
longitudinal study further underscore the potential relevance of CKD-MBD
biomarkers as risk factors for CKD progression.
MO498 Figure: Figure. Cumulative numbers of CKD cases prevented from progressing BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Analyses in a large clinical trial in hypertensive patients
to CKD stages 3b-5 over the 2020-2025 period by routine measurement of UACR with (SPRINT) and in the Cardiovascular Health study cohort coherently showed that the
subsequent intervention in primary care in the UK. difference between the GFR as estimated by serum cystatin and creatine (eGFRDiff)
associates with frailty and predicts a lower risks for adverse outcomes including frailty,
falls, cardiovascular events and mortality. Whether eGFRdiff in CKD patients
associates with frailty metrics like the physical component summary (PCS) of the SF-
36 and cardiovascular (CV) and kidney outcomes has not been studied.
METHOD: In a cohort of 757 with stages 2-5 CKD we tested the relationship between
eGFRDiff with PCS (n=582) and in the whole cohort investigated the relationship
between the same indicator with the incidence rate of two combined endpoint: non
fatal CV events/death and renal events (dialysis/transplantation/eGFR reduction
>30%)/death over a median follow up of 35.6 months (inter-quartile range 21.3-
RESULTS: The eGFRDiff was strongly related to PCS (rho=0.25, P<0.001) and physical
functioning (rho=0.26, P<0.001) emerged as the strongest correlate of eGFRDiff among
PCS sub-domains. At baseline, eGFRDiff had a median value of 7.0 ml/min/1.73m2
(interquartile range: 2.2-13.0 ml/min/1.73m2) and h P=0.001), serum phosphate (b=-
0.11, P=0.003), and BMI (b=-0.08, P=0.043) had an independent relationship with the
eGFRDiff. During follow-up, 118 patients had fatal (n=29) and non fatal (n=89) CV
i308 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
events and 13 died of causes other than CV. Overall, 131 patients had the combined probabilities of cardiovascular and renal events with statistical significances (p<0.001
endpoint of non fatal CV event/death. Furthermore, 246 patients had renal outcomes and p<0.001, respectively). In the fully adjusted model, having lower eGFR slopes were
and 276 patients had the combined end-point renal events/death. On univariate Cox associated with HRs (95%CIs) for cardiovascular and renal events of 1.71 [1.08-2.70]
regression analyses, 1 unit increase in eGFRdiff associated with a 3% reduction of the and 1.79 [1.09-2.93], respectively.
HR of non fatal CV events/death (hazard ratio: 0.965, 95% CI: 0.951-0.978, P<0.001) CONCLUSION: These data suggest not only current eGFR but also eGFR trajectory is
and a 2% reduction of the HR of renal events/death ( 0.979, 95% CI: 0.969-0.990, an independent risk factor for cardiovascular and renal events in CKD patients.
P<0.001). Data adjustment for potential confounders (age, gender, smoking, diabetes,
cardiovascular comorbidities, antihypertensive therapy, BMI, systolic BP,
haemoglobin, albumin total cholesterol, 24h urinary protein, phosphate, and C-
reactive protein) did not materially modify the eGFRdiff- non fatal CV events-death
(HR: 0.958, 95% CI: 0.939-0.977, P<0.001) as well as the eGFRdiff- renal events-death
(HR: 0.984, 95% CI: 0.971-0.997, P=0.014).
CONCLUSION: The eGFRDiff, a new biomarker of frailty, associates with the Physical
Ellen Linnea Freese Ballegaard1, Jonas Bjerring Olesen2, Anne Lise Kamper1,
Component summary of SF36 and predicts cardiovascular events, progression to
Bo Feldt-Rasmussen1, Gunnar Gislason2,3, Christian Torp-Pedersen4,
kidney failure and death independently of other risk factors in CKD patients.
Nicholas Carlson1,3
Considering eGFRDiff as a marker of patients’ functional status may be helpful to 1
nephrologists as an indicator of poor prognosis. Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Nephrology, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Copenhagen University Hospital Herlev and Gentofte, Cardiology, Hellerup, Denmark,
The Danish Heart Foundation, Copenhagen, Denmark and 4North Zealand Hospital,
Cardiology, Hillerod, Denmark
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Net benefit of anticoagulation in patients with eGFR
<30 ml/min/1.73 m2 and atrial fibrillation remains uncertain. The aim of this study
was to evaluate the use, efficacy and safety of anticoagulation therapy in patients with
eGFR<30 ml/min/1.73m2 (including dialysis treated patients) and atrial fibrillation.
Boby Pratama Putra1, Felix Nugraha Putra2
METHOD: In a retrospective cohort study, all patients with atrial fibrillation and
Medical doctor, Blitar, Indonesia and 2Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, eGFR<30 ml/min/1.73 m2 were identified in nationwide Danish registers between
Surabaya, Indonesia 2008 and 2018. Cumulative incidences of stroke and major bleeding stratified on
anticoagulation treatment were computed using the Aalen-Johansen estimator. One-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Latest classification of hypertension based on year risks of stroke and major bleeding were calculated with comparison of treatment
ambulatory blood pressure measurement was normotension (NT), white coat vs. no treatment based on Cox regression models adjusted for age, sex and dialysis
hypertension (WCHT), masked hypertension (MHT), and sustained hypertension status with G-computation of one-year risks standardized to the distribution of risk
(SHT). Recent studies suggest that WCHT, MHT, and SHT increase risk of target factors in the sample. Major bleeding was defined as any diagnosis of bleeding leading
organ damage, particularly albuminuria, although the results were still inconsistent. to hospitalization.
Albuminuria is not only the sign of early glomerular damage in CKD patients, but also RESULTS: A total of 2,452 patients with eGFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2 and de novo atrial
the signs of hypertension progression and predictors for cardiovascular events fibrillation were identified. Mean age was 78.8 years, 51.3% were male and 20%
mortality. This study aims to compare the albuminuria risk among NT and WCHT, received dialysis therapy. Anticoagulation therapy was initiated in 877 patients
MHT, also SHT in CKD patients. (35.8%), with warfarin accounting for 58.6% of all prescriptions.
METHOD: We searched the literature comprehensively in online databases of Overall, one-year standardized risk of bleeding was 10.6% (95% confidence interval
Pubmed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, and Cochrane Library to include all relevant studies (CI) 8.7%-12.7%) and 8.2% (95% CI 6.9%-9.5%) in patients with and without
using predefined terms until December 2020. We included studies that analyzed the anticoagulation, while the risks of stroke were 3.6% (95% CI 2.6%-4.5%) and 5.1%
albuminuria risk and compared the log2 urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) (95% CI 4.1%-6.1%), respectively.
among NT and WCHT, MHT, or SHT in CKD patients. We used the Newcastle- In subgroup analyses of patients dependent vs. non-dependent on dialysis, the
Ottawa Scale for Observational Study checklist for evaluating bias risks. Analysis of the standardized one-year risk of bleeding was 13.3% (95% CI 9.0%-19.8%) vs. 10.4% (95%
studies was conducted to provide pooled Odds Ratio (OR) for albuminuria risk and CI 8.6%-12.4%) in patients with anticoagulation and 9.0% (95% CI 6.5%-12.0%) vs.
standard mean difference (SMD) for log2 ACR comparison with 95% Confidence 7.8% (95% CI 6.5%-9.2%) in patients without anticoagulation. While the risk of stroke
Interval (CI) with random-effect heterogeneity test. was 3.5% (95% CI 0.8%-6.7%) vs. 3.5% (95% CI 2.5%-4.9%) in patients with
RESULTS: We included 7 observational studies met our inclusion criteria. WCHT anticoagulation and 5.7% (95% CI 3.5%-7.8%) vs. 4.9% (95% CI 3.7% vs. 6.3%) in
increases albuminuria risk although not statistically significant (pooled OR = 1.72, patients without anticoagulation. Cumulative incidences of major bleeding and stroke
95%CI 0.97 to 3.07, p = 0.06, I2 = 75%), while MHT and SHT significantly increase are shown in the figure.
albuminuria risk with pooled OR respectively 1.62 (95%CI 1.03 to 2.53, p = 0.04, I2 = CONCLUSION: Use of anticoagulation was associated with increased risk of bleeding
82%) and 3.17 (95%CI 1.66 to 6.05, p = 0.0005, I2 = 94%). Controlled hypertension and reduced risk of stroke in patients with eGFR<30 ml/min/1.73 m2 and atrial
significantly protects CKD patients against albuminuria risk based on log2 ACR fibrillation. Randomized controlled trials are needed to establish the benefit and harm
comparison with WCHT (SMD = 0.52, 95%CI 0.38 to 0.67, p<0.00001, I2 = 0%), MHT of anticoagulation in this population.
(SMD = 0.34, 95%CI 0.19 to 0.49, p<0.0001, I2 = 39%), and SHT (SMD = 0.63, 95%CI
0.31 to 0.95, p=0.0001, I2 = 76%).
CONCLUSION: White coat hypertension, masked hypertension, and sustained
hypertension increase albuminuria risks in CKD patients. However, further studies are
needed to determine the causality.
Bjørn Steinar Lillås1,2, Tor Hatlestad Qvale1, Blazej Konrad Richter2,3,4, Bjørn
Egil Vikse1,2
Haugesund Hospital, Department of Medicine, Haugesund, Norway, 2University of
EVENTS AND ENDSTAGING KIDNEY DISEASE IN CKD Bergen, Clinical medicine, Bergen, Norway, 3Haugesund Hospital, Department of
PATIENTS Radiology, Haugesund, Norway and 4Stavanger University Hospital, Department of
Radiology, Stavanger, Norway
Maiko Kokubu1, Takayuki Uemura1, Masaru Matsui1
Nara Prefecture General Medical Center, Department of Nephrology, Nara, Japan BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Low birth weight is associated with increased risk of
kidney disease due to lower nephron endowment leading to hyperfiltration and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Growing evidence has shown the eGFR level is an subsequent nephron loss. Nephron number is thought to associate with kidney size.
established predictor of cardiovascular events, but the association of eGFR trajectory We compared kidney size measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with
with cardiovascular and renal events remained limited. ultrasonography and measured glomerular filtration rate (mGFR) in adults with
METHOD: We conducted a retrospective cohort study on 276 CKD patients in whom normal versus low birth weight.
at least two measurements of eGFR levels to calculate eGFR slope were confirmed. METHOD: Healthy individuals aged 42-52 years with Low birth weight (LBW – 1100-
Patients were divided into two groups according to the below and above cut-off values 2300g) and normal birth weight (NBW - 3500-4000g) were invited. GFR was measured
of eGFR slopes for outcomes using ROC curve. Outcomes are cardiovascular events using plasma clearance of iohexol. Kidney volume was measured on MRI images using
defined as heart failure requiring hospitalization, revascularization for IHD and PAD, axial T2 images and coronal T1 images with fat saturation without contrast
stroke or sudden death, and renal events defined as ESRD or baseline eGFR decline of enhancement, calculations were performed according to the ellipsoid formula - p/6 x
> 30%. Length x Width x Depth. Ultrasonographic imaging was done using a dorsal approach.
RESULTS: In total, the median (IQR) age of participants was 68 (5677) years and In the maximal longitudinal view the parenchymal area was calculated subtracting the
176 (64%) were male. The median (IQR) levels of baseline eGFR were 33 (2048) mL/ area of a manual tracing around the renal pelvis from the area of a manual tracing of
min/1.73m2 with the median eGFR slope of -5.2(-0.85-9.5) mL/min/1.73m2/yr. the whole kidney. Volume and area from the two kidneys were added and total value
During the study period, 92 cardiovascular events and 89 renal events occurred. Crude was used for analyses. Kidney size measurements were compared between the two
Kaplan-Meier analysis showed participants with lower eGFR slopes had higher groups of LBW vs NBW, and analysis using Pearson’s correlation coefficient R between
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kidney volume and measured GFR and parenchymal area was performed. reduced physical HRQOL during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the
RESULTS: We included 102 individuals (54 LBW, 48 NBW). Total kidney volume was pandemic on this vulnerable patient group extends beyond increased mortality risk,
302 6 51 ml for female NBW vs 258 6 48 ml for female LBW (p=0.002). For men, and awareness of mental health problems during the pandemic is essential. More in-
total kidney volume was 347 6 51 ml vs 340 6 65 ml (p=0.7). Measured GFR was depth investigation on disease-related COVID-19 concerns and its implications for the
significantly associated with kidney volume with R=0.52 (p<0.001) for women and CKD population is needed.
R=0.39 (p=0.007) for men. Kidney parenchymal area measurements using
ultrasonography showed similar results with an R=0.77 between the MRI and the
ultrasonography measurement and similar differences for sex and birth weight were
CONCLUSION: Healthy middle-aged females born with LBW have smaller kidneys
than healthy middle-aged females born with NBW, no difference were seen for males.
Kidney volume associate with measured GFR.
Eliane Wenstedt1, Liffert Vogt2
Amsterdam UMC, Internal Medicine, section of Nephrology, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands and 2Amsterdam UMC, location AMC, Internal Medicine, section of
MO505 IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SYMPTOMS OF Nephrology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney disease is thought to be linked to inflammation.
Pro-inflammatory parameters like C-reactive protein (CRP), endothelin-1, and TNF-a
inversely associate with kidney function cross-sectionally and some have predictive
Carlijn Voorend1, Mathijs Van Oevelen1, Margot Nieberg1, Yvette Meuleman2,
value for longer-term kidney outcomes. Given the recently argued pro-inflammatory
Casper Franssen3, Hanneke Joosten4, Noeleen Berkhout-Byrne1, Alferso
effect of sodium, we questioned whether sodium consumption has a role in the
C. Abrahams5, Willem Jan W. Bos1,6, Marjolijn Van Buren1,7
relationship between pro-inflammatory parameters and renal outcomes.
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Internal Medicine, Leiden, The Netherlands, METHOD: Our research question was investigated using the Jackson Heart Study,
Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Epidemiology, Leiden, The Netherlands, which is a large prospective cohort study involving n=5301 Afro-Americans residing in
University Medical Center Groningen, Nephrology, Groningen, The Netherlands, Jackson, Mississippi, US. Spot urine sodium was used to estimate 24-hour sodium
Maastricht University Medical Center+, Geriatric Medicine, Maastricht, The excretion with the Kawasaki formula, serving as a proxy for sodium consumption, and
Netherlands, 5UMC Utrecht, Nephrology, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 6St. Antonius was available for n=1831 participants (depicting a random sample of the total
Hospital, Internal Medicine, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands and 7Haga Hospital (Leyweg), population) that had a median follow-up of 8 years. Multiple linear regression was used
Internal Medicine, Den Haag, The Netherlands to assess the relationship between sodium consumption and pro-inflammatory
parameters. The parameters available for this cohort involved endothelin-1, high-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Older patients with advanced chronic kidney disease sensitivity CRP, and leukocyte subsets (monocytes, neutrophils, and lymphocytes).
(CKD) are at increased risk for a severe course of the coronavirus disease-2019 Models were adjusted for potential confounders, involving sex, age, body mass index,
(COVID-19) and vulnerable to mental health problems. We aimed to investigate estimated potassium intake, smoking status, and presence of diabetes. Subsequently,
prevalence and associated patient (demographic and clinical) characteristics of mental linear regression analyses between pro-inflammatory parameters and baseline
wellbeing (health-related quality of life [HRQoL] and symptoms of depression and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR CKD-EPI) and change during follow-up
anxiety) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in older patients with advanced were carried out with and without adjustment for sodium consumption as a
CKD. confounder, to explore the possibility of a causal mediating pathway.
METHOD: An ongoing Dutch multicentre prospective cohort study enrols patients of RESULTS: Increased sodium consumption significantly associates with increased
70 years with an eGFR <20 mL/min/1.73m2 from October 2018 onward. With serum endothelin-1 levels in both unadjusted and adjusted models (Table 1). There
additional questionnaires during the pandemic (May-June 2020), disease-related was no association between sodium consumption and leukocyte subsets. There was a
concerns about COVID-19 and general anxiety symptoms were assessed cross- negative association between sodium consumption and CRP (Table 2). CRP was not
sectionally, and depressive symptoms, HRQoL, and emotional symptoms associated with eGFR at baseline (p=0.20) or eGFR change from baseline (p=0.20).
longitudinally. Endothelin-1 was inversely associated with eGFR at baseline (beta -0.06, p<0.001) and
RESULTS: The 82 included patients had a median age of 77.5 years (inter-quartile with eGFR change from baseline (beta 2.3 p=0.03). However, when these models were
range 73.9-82.1), 77% was male and none had tested positive for COVID-19. Cross- corrected for sodium consumption, endothelin-1 was no longer a significant predictor
sectionally, 67% of the patients reported to be more anxious for COVID-19 because of (beta -0.01 p=0.4 for eGFR at baseline) or was inversed (beta -0.1; p=0.001 eGFR
their kidney disease, and 43% of the patients stated that their quality of life was reduced during follow-up).
due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Figure 1). Higher COVID-19-related stress was CONCLUSION: In this prospective cohort of Afro-Americans, increased sodium
associated with a lower education level (p=0.036), and patients who reported to feel consumption is associated with increased circulating endothelin-1 levels. If this
more down due to COVID-19 were more often female (p=0.020). Anxiety scores were relationship proves to be causal (as suggested by animal sodium loading studies), this
higher among females compared to males (median 4.0 [IQR 3.0-9.0] versus 2.0 [0.0- implies that sodium consumption may (at least partly) be underlying the relationship
6.0], p=0.020), and weakly associated to a decline in eGFR (correlation coefficient between endothelin-1 and worse renal outcomes.
0.197, p=0.023).
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Mariarosa Maiorana1,2, Francesco Iannuzzella2, Paolo Giorgi Rossi2,
Marta Ottone2, Mariacristina Gregorini2 Barbara Cancho Castellano1, Nicolas-Roberto Robles Perez-Monteoliva1,
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy and 2AUSL Reggio Emilia, Francisco Javier Felix Redondo2, Luis Lozano2, Daniel Fernandez-Berges2
Reggio Emilia, Italy Hospital Universitario de Badajoz, Nephrology, Badajoz, Spain and 2INUBE.
Universidad de Extremadura
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The improvement in the survival rates of cancer
patients due to the new oncological and biological agents has led to an increase in those BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To evaluate the relationship between chronic kidney
who develop kidney diseases. disease (CKD) diagnosed by the hematocrit, urea and gender (HUGE) equation and
It is now well known that chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cancer are connected in the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events and cardiovascular mortality in a
several ways. Nevertheless, although emerging evidence suggests that the risk of renal sample of Spanish general population.
impairment in cancer patients is high and increasing, the overall incidence and METHOD: The sample consisted of 2,668 subjects (mean age, 50.6614.5 years; 54.6%
prevalence of CKD in this population are still uncertain. The purpose of the study is to were female). Of them, 55 patients have a HUGE score > 0. The median follow-up was
provide data on the prevalence and incidence of CKD in patients included in the 81 (75-89) months. Serum creatinine, urea and haematocrit were analyzed after
Cancer Registry of the province of Reggio Emilia, Italy, since January, 1st to December, overnight fast. The HUGE formula score was calculated for all subjects.
31st 2016. RESULTS: Event-free survival was 98.4 % at three years and 97.1% at five years of
METHOD: single-center, observational and retrospective study. For all patients follow-up for patients with a HUGE score < 0. For patients with a estimated HUGE
included, data on sex, age, ethnicity, serum creatinine and related eGFR, type and score higher than 0 survival was 88.9% at three years and 87.0 at five years of follow-up.
number of tumors, diagnosis of diabetes mellitus were collected. The main cancer sites (p<0.0001). Cardiovascular death survival was 94.4 % at three and 88.0 at five years of
considered were breast, colorectal, lung, pancreas, stomach, prostate, lymphomas and follow-up for patients with a HUGE score higher than 0. For patients with a estimated
leukemias. An eGFR 60 ml/min1.73m2 was indicative of a normal kidney function, HUGE. score lower than 0 survival was 99.3% at three years, and 99.0% at five years of
while an eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m2 as kidney impairment. All the eGFR data were follow-up. (p<0.001).
calculated not only with the CKD-EPI formula, now recognized as the reference CONCLUSION: A significantly increased cardiovascular risk was associated to the
formula for estimating eGFR in the general population, but also with the Wright diagnosis of CKD through HUGE formula. This effect on survival could be detected
formula which seems to provide the best estimate in cancer patients. despite of a very small sample of CKD patients. This relationship was close to those
RESULTS: 4254 patients with a cancer diagnosis were identified between January 1st obtained using MDRD estimated GFR in a bigger sample of patients. HUGE formula
and December 31st 2016; of these, 171 patients were excluded due to lack of data. Of may be a useful tool for diagnosing CKD and to evaluate the cardiovascular risk of
the remaining 4083 patients, 776 (19%) had at least an eGFR value <60 mL/min/ these patients.
1.73m2 prior to cancer diagnosis and 497 patients (11.7%) were identified as affected by
CKD. The incidence of new-onset CKD in the following 24 months since cancer
diagnosis was 4.4% (186 patients) [95% CI 3.9-5.3] using CKD-EPI formula; using
Wright formula, we identified 140 (3.4%) [95% CI 2.9-4.0] new cases of CKD in the MO509 DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ALCOHOL
same period. For both cohorts of patients (pre-existing CKD and CKD diagnosed after CONSUMPTION AND THE RISK OF DEVELOPING CKD:
cancer diagnosis), descriptive analyzes were conducted related to demographic and RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY
clinical data. Referring to the CKD-EPI formula, in patients with pre-existing CKD
(497 patients, 11.7%), the mean age was 81 years (SD 6 8.4), 53.7% were men, 18.3% Yusaku Hashimoto1, Takahiro Imaizumi1,2, Akihiro Hori3, Sawako Kato1,
had a known diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 3.6% of these patients had 2 or more Yoshinari Yasuda1, Shoichi Maruyama1
cancer diagnosis in the study period. 44.3% were alive at the end of the follow-up Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nephrology, Aichi, Japan, 2Nagoya
(December 31st, 2018). Using Wright formula, 504 (11.8%) patients with CKD already University Hospital, Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research, Aichi, Japan
present at the time of cancer diagnosis were identified; these patients had an average and 3Kumiai Kosei Hospital, Takayama, Japan
age of 82 years (SD 6 8.4) and in 55.4% of cases were men; 18.8% had type 2 diabetes
mellitus and 3.8% had 2 or more cancer diagnosis. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Drinking habits are one of the most important
CONCLUSION: The ROCK study is the first large cohort study that allows a clearer modifiable lifestyle factors to prevent the development of chronic kidney disease
estimation of the frequency of CKD in Italian cancer patients. Knowledge of the (CKD). Previous studies showed that it was inversely associated with the risk of
prevalence of CKD in cancer patients is essential for proper clinical and therapeutic developing CKD, but the dose-response relationship between alcohol consumption
management and implementation of preventive strategies. and the development of CKD is still controversial. In the present study, we aimed to
examine whether the amount of alcohol consumed at one time is associated with
new onset of CKD in general population.
METHOD: Study subjects were 11,162 Japanese aged 45 to 74 years, with an
estimated glomerular filtration rate 60 mL/min/1.73m2, no proteinuria, no past
history of cardiovascular disease, COPD or liver disease. The drinking status was
obtained by self-administered questionnaires. We categorized the study subjects
into four groups based on the amount of alcohol consumption: <20g/time of
ethanol equivalent (lowest); 20-40g/time (low intermediate); 40-60g/time (high
intermediate); >60g/time (highest). We set non-drinkers as a reference category.
The primary outcome was the incidence of CKD, defined as 25% reduction of eGFR
and to less than 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and/or a dipstick urinalysis score of 11 or
greater (equivalent to 30 mg/dL) during the follow up period. We employed Cox
proportional hazards regression models to examine the dose-response relationship
between baseline alcohol consumption and the risk of CKD. Trend tests were
performed using Cox proportional hazards regression models that treated alcohol
consumption as a continuous linear term.
RESULTS: Lowest and low intermediate groups were significantly associated with a
decreased risk of CKD (hazard ratio [HR] 0.84; 95% confidence interval [CI], and
0.71–0.99; HR 0.79; 95% CI, 0.66–0.96, respectively) compared to non-drinkers.
MO507 Figure: Progression rate of CKD based on eGFR reduction in cancer site High intermediate group was associated with a decreased risk of CKD (HR 0.92;
evaluatedn CKD’s stage distribution at cancer diagnosis for every cancer site evaluated 95% CI, 0.70–1.21), and highest group was associated with an increased risk of
Breast cancer Colorectal cancer Lung cancer Pancreas cancer Stomach cancer Prostate CKD (HR 1.28; 95% CI, 0.84–1.95), but these associations did not reach statistical
cancer Lymphomas Leukemias CKD’s stage distribution for single cancer site evaluated significance. There was no dose-response relationship between baseline alcohol
consumption and risk of CKD (P-trend = 0.30).
CONCLUSION: A J-shape association was observed between self-reported alcohol
intake and the incidence of CKD. Moderate alcohol consumption at one time may
help reduce the risk of CKD.
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MO510 OLFACTORY AND GUSTATORY DYSFUNCTION AMONG estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 15–59 ml/min/1.73 m2 and/or by an
PATIENTS WITH KIDNEY IMPAIRMENT International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code, and confirmed by a second eGFR
value or ICD code 90–365 days apart (index date). Individuals had to be 18 years old
Api Chewcharat1, Elizabeth Phipps1, Khushboo Bhatai1, Sagar Nigwekar2 at index and have 365 days of continuous insurance coverage prior to the index event
Mount Auburn Hospital, Medicine, Cambridge, United States of America and (baseline period). Those with diabetes mellitus, CKD stage 5 or end-stage kidney
Massachusetts General Hospital, Nephrology, Medicine, Boston, United States of disease prior to the index date, or who experienced kidney failure (acute or
America unspecified), kidney transplant or dialysis at baseline, were excluded from the analysis.
Patient demographics, clinical characteristics, comorbidities and medications were
assessed at baseline.
RESULTS: Of the 64 million individuals in the Optum Clinformatics Data Mart during
the analysed time period, 504,924 satisfied the selection criteria. Median (interquartile
range) age was 75 (68–81) years, 60% were female, 63% were white and 10% were
black. The proportions of individuals with CKD stage 3 and 4 at index were 95% and
5%, respectively. At baseline, eGFR values were available for 62% of individuals;
median (interquartile range) eGFR was 53 (47–57) ml/min/1.73 m2. A urine albumin-
to-creatinine ratio was recorded in 6% of individuals, of whom 73%, 21% and 6% had
normal-to-mildly increased (<30 mg/g), moderately increased (30 to 300 mg/g)
and severely increased (>300 mg/g) albuminuria, respectively. The most common
baseline comorbidities were hypertension (85% of individuals), hyperlipidaemia (68%),
hypothyroidism (26%), anaemia (25%), pulmonary disease (24%) and coronary artery
disease (24%). Heart failure, atrial fibrillation and peripheral artery disease were
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Poor appetite and food aversion are common in recorded in 16%, 15% and 14% of individuals, respectively. The most frequently used
chronic kidney disease patients. Olfactory and gustatory function changes might be medication classes at baseline were statins (47% of individuals), beta blockers (44%),
attributed to poor appetite among this population. Nevertheless, the associations nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (36%) and angiotensin-converting
between impaired kidney function and olfactory and gustatory dysfunction are less enzyme inhibitors (34%). Angiotensin receptor blockers and mineralocorticoid
clear. Moreover, the prevalences of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction among patients receptor antagonists were used by 21% and 4% of individuals, respectively. The
with impaired kidney function have not been reported. speciality of the diagnosing provider was reported on 26% of claims for the index event,
METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional study among 3,529 US adults aged 40 the most common being family or internal medicine, followed by nephrology.
years old in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2013- CONCLUSION: This analysis contributes to the characterisation of a real-world
2014. We calculated the prevalences of olfactory and gustatory dysfunction among population with non-diabetic CKD treated in routine clinical practice in the US. A
patients with impaired kidney function aged 40 years old by using analytic survey large cohort of individuals with moderate-to-severe CKD was identified. The majority
weights and design factors. We also examined the association between impaired kidney were elderly with multiple serious cardiovascular and pulmonary comorbidities and
function and olfactory and gustatory dysfunction as well as the association between frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Overall, the analysis highlights
olfactory and gustatory dysfunction and nutritional markers among patients with the urgent need for improving early diagnosis, prevention and effective treatment of
impaired kidney function using weighted multivariable linear regression and logistic CKD.
RESULTS: The prevalences of olfactory impairment and gustatory dysfunction among
impaired kidney function participants were 25% and 14%, respectively. After adjusting MO512 THE RENAL CONSEQUENCES OF LUNG TRANSPLANTATION
for confounders, impaired kidney function was significantly associated with higher IN ADULT CYSTIC FIBROSIS PATIENTS.
odds of olfactory dysfunction (OR = 1.29, 95% CI [1.03, 1.60]; p=0.04) but not
gustatory dysfunction (OR = 1.41, 95%CI [0.96, 2.09]; p=0.08). Among impaired Etienne Novel1, Solenne Pelletier1, Laetitia Koppe1, Raphaele Nove Josserand1,
kidney function population, olfactory dysfunction was significantly associated with Quitterie Reynaud1, Denis Fouque1, Isabelle Durieu1
lower serum albumin and grip strength but not serum total cholesterol, LDL- 1
Lyon Sud Hospital Center, Pierre-Bénite, France
cholesterol or protein-energy malnutrition. However, gustatory dysfunction was not
significantly associated with any nutritional markers among the impaired kidney
function population. (Figure 1) BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cystic fibrosis patients are at high risk for chronic
CONCLUSION: Impaired kidney function was associated with higher odds of kidney disease (CKD), because of chronic aminoglycoside exposure, high protein and
olfactory but not gustatory dysfunction. Among those with impaired kidney function, dietary salt intake, and Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes. Lung transplantation also
only olfactory but not gustatory dysfunction was associated with lower serum albumin entails a high renal burden in the long run because of calcineurin inhibitors exposure.
and grip strength. We aimed at studying kidney function by gold standard glomerular filtration rate
(mGFR) before and 1 year after lung transplantation, as well as identify risk factors for
kidney function impairment.
METHOD: Patients from the Cystic Fibrosis reference center in Lyon, France were
MO511 BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS OF A NON-DIABETIC CKD systematically referred to the nephrology department before lung transplantation.
COHORT IN A US CLAIMS DATABASE mGFR (iohexol or inulin clearance) was performed before and 12-18 months after lung
transplantation. Risk factors for a worse nephrological outcome (i.e. post
Christoph Wanner1, Johannes Schuchhardt2, Chris Bauer2, Stefanie Lindemann3, transplantation mGFR < 60mL/min/1.73m2) were searched for.
Meike Brinker4, Sheldon Kong5, Frank Kleinjung6, Andrea Horvat-Broecker4, RESULTS: 28 patients (10 males), mean age 32 yr, underwent pre transplantation
Tatsiana Vaitsiakhovich6 mGFR. Three died following lung transplantation and two progressed to end stage
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik 1, Schwerpunkt Nephrologie, Würzburg, Germany, renal disease rapidly thereafter. 23 patients benefited from both pre and post
MicroDiscovery GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 3Bayer AG, Medical Affairs & transplantation mGFR.
Pharmacovigilance, Berlin, Germany, 4Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany, 5Bayer Mean mGFR was 105621mL/min/1.73m2 and 67619 mL/min/1.73m2 before and
Pharmaceuticals, Whippany, United States of America and 6Bayer AG, Berlin, Germany after transplant respectively. Factors associated with a worse renal outcome in both
univariate and multivariate analysis were age at transplantation (p=0.03) and the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major global health occurrence of acute kidney injury in the post-operative period (p=0.005). Cumulated
problem, affecting an estimated 850 million people worldwide. Non-diabetic CKD aminoglycoside exposure and time spent under cardiopulmonary bypass were not
accounts for up to 70% of the CKD burden, which includes morbidity and mortality associated with renal outcome.
due to CKD progression to kidney failure and due to cardiovascular disease. This CONCLUSION: Lung transplantation is associated with a high renal burden in adult
analysis uses real-world evidence to provide insights into the baseline clinical Cystic Fibrosis patients. We advise a clinical referral to a nephrologist as part of the
characteristics of individuals with non-diabetic CKD treated in routine clinical systematic evaluation in lung transplantation candidates even if GFR is in the normal
practice. range.
METHOD: The Optum Clinformatics Data Mart was used to identify individuals with
non-diabetic CKD (enrolled in the database between January 1, 2008 and December
31, 2018), based on common diagnosis, procedure and laboratory codes. To be eligible
for inclusion, individuals were required to have CKD stage 3 or 4, as identified by
i312 | Abstracts
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glucocorticoids the most frequent medication. However, 26.8% of nephrotic range
patients were not prescribed any FSGS-related medications.
MO513 Figure 1: Annual all-cause medical costs per patient. A) FSGS and matched
MO513 CLINICAL AND ECONOMIC BURDEN OF FOCAL SEGMENTAL non-FSGS cohorts. B) Nephrotic range and non-nephrotic FSGS patients.
GLOMERULOSCLEROSIS (FSGS) IN THE UNITED STATES: A CONCLUSION: FSGS is associated with significant clinical and economic burdens
RETROSPECTIVE, OBSERVATIONAL COHORT STUDY with total annual medical costs > 7-fold higher than matched controls that were driven
by outpatient costs. The presence of nephrotic range proteinuria substantially and
Kam Kalantar-Zadeh1, Christine Baker2, J Brian Copley2, Daniel Levy2, significantly increased the economic burden. New treatment modalities leading to
Stephen Berasi2, Nihad Tamimi3, Jose Alvir2, Suneel Udani4 lower rates of proteinuria may help improve patient outcomes while reducing HCRU
University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Irvine, United States of America, and their associated costs.
Pfizer, New York, United States of America, 3Medicopharma Solutions Ltd., Canterbury,
Kent, United Kingdom and 4Chicago Glomerular Disease Institute, Chicago, United
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The burden of disease associated with FSGS has not PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY (PROVALID)
been well characterized, especially with regard to health care resource utilization
(HCRU) and related costs. The aim of this study was to evaluate all-cause HCRU and Stefanie Thöni1, Felix Keller1, Sara Denicolo1, Susanne Eder1, Laszlo Rosivall2,
estimate associated costs in patients with FSGS compared with a matched non-FSGS Andrzej Jan Wiecek3, Patrick Mark4, Peter Rossing5, Hiddo Lambers Heerspink6,
cohort; a secondary aim was to evaluate the impact of nephrotic range proteinuria on Gert Mayer1
these outcomes. 1
Medical University of Innsbruck, Department of Internal Medicine IV (Nephrology and
METHOD: Data were from the Optum ClinformaticsV R Data Mart Database. Patients
Hypertension), Innsbruck, Austria, 2Institute of Translational Medicine, Semmelweis
with 1 claim (1st claim = index event) for FSGS between April 2016 and December University, International Nephrology Research and Training Center, Budapest, Hungary,
2018 were identified based on ICD-10-CM codes and matched 1:2 (FSGS:controls) on 3
Medical University of Silesia, Department of Nephrology, Transplantation and Internal
index date, age, sex, and race to non-FSGS controls; continuous enrollment 6 months Medicine, Katowice, Poland, 4University of Glasgow, Institute of Cardiovascular and
pre- and 12 months post-index was required. FSGS nephrotic range (either UPCR Medical Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 5University of Copenhagen, Steno
>3000 mg/g or ACR >2000 mg/g) and non-nephrotic subpopulations were also Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Gentofte, Denmark and 6University Medical Center
identified. Quan-Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) and individual comorbidities at Groningen, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Groningen, The
baseline, and 12-month post-index all-cause HCRU and associated costs (per patient Netherlands
per year [PPPY]) as well as medication prescriptions related to FSGS treatment were
compared between the matched cohorts and between the FSGS subpopulations; t-tests
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: PROVALID is a prospective, observational,
were used for continuous variables and chi-square tests for categorical variables.
multinational cohort study in 4000 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Our aim was
RESULTS: 844 patients with FSGS were matched with 1688 non-FSGS controls; 57.4%
to determine the incidence rate of renal and cardiovascular endpoints, as well as all-
male, 56.9% white, mean (SD) age 54.7 (18.4) years. Mean (SD) CCI was higher in the
cause-mortality in different European countries and to identify risk factors associated
FSGS cohort relative to matched controls (2.72 [2.12] vs 0.55 [1.29]; P < .0001), with
with the investigated outcomes.
prevalence of most individual comorbidities higher in the FSGS cohort. Only 308 FSGS
METHOD: Potential risk factors associated with the investigated outcomes were
patients (36.5%) had UPCR or ACR tests with available results during the review
identified by calculation of the incidence rate ratio. Crude and adjusted incidence rates
period; 112 (36.4%) were in the nephrotic range and 196 were non- nephrotic (63.6%).
for every country were estimated using generalized linear (poisson) regression models
The FSGS cohort was characterized by higher rates of all-cause HCRU across resource
and corresponding 95 % confidence intervals were computed. Incidence rates were
categories (all P < .0001) (Table 1); outpatient visits was the most frequently used
adjusted for different risk factors including age, sex, estimated GFR, albuminuria,
category (99.1% vs 69.0%), followed by prescription medications. Among patients who
HbA1c, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, BMI and cardiovascular
used these resources, units of use were significantly higher in FSGS vs matched controls
and renal comorbidities; among these several show significant impact on outcomes.
except for length of stay (Table 1). Readmission rates following 1st post-index
The renal outcome was a composite of a sustained decline in the estimated GFR of at
hospitalization were higher in the FSGS cohort vs matched controls at 30 days (16.1%
least 40%, a sustained increase in albuminuria of at least 30 % including the
vs 6.0%; P < .05) and 365 days (39.1% vs 22.9%; P < .05). Glucocorticoids were the
progression from normo- to micro- or macroalbuminuria, end-stage kidney disease, or
most frequently prescribed FSGS-related medication in both cohorts, with a higher rate
death from renal causes. The cardiovascular composite endpoint was death from
in FSGS vs matched controls (50.6% vs 23.3%; P < .0001); other FSGS-related
cardiovascular causes, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke.
medications were infrequently prescribed (< 14%). Inpatient, outpatient, and
RESULTS: 3461 participants of four European countries (Austria 18 %, Hungary 41 %,
prescription costs were higher in the FSGS cohort vs matched controls (all P < .0001)
Netherlands 26 % and Scotland 15 %) with a mean follow up time of 3.9 years were
resulting in mean total annual medical costs of $59,753 vs $8,431 PPPY (P < .0001)
included into this study. Participants from Poland were excluded due to missing
that were driven by outpatient costs (Fig. 1A). Nephrotic range proteinuria was
follow-up data. In total, 9.2 % and 6.4 % participants reached the renal and
associated with higher all-cause inpatient, outpatient, and prescription costs vs non-
cardiovascular composite endpoint, respectively. 7.0 % of the participants died within
nephrotic patients (all P < .0001; Fig. 1B), resulting in higher total costs ($70,481 vs
this timeframe.
$36,099 PPPY; P < .0001). A higher proportion of nephrotic range patients were
prescribed FSGS-modifying medications (73.2% vs 54.1%; P = 0.001), with
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The adjusted incidence rate for the renal endpoint ranged from 14.5 to 25.3 (per 1000
patient-years) with no significant differences between countries. On average, the MO515 Table 2: Clinical profile and its correlation with constipation in CKD
incidence rate was lower in Scotland (IR, 14.5; 95 % CI, 8.7 to 22.5) and in the Stage3-5
Netherlands (IR, 15.7; 95 % CI, 10.9 to 21.8) compared to Hungary (IR, 25.3; 95 % CI,
20.7 to 30.6) and Austria (IR 21.3; 95 % CI, 16.2 to 27.5). Clinical profile CKD CKD CKD p
The adjusted incidence rate for the cardiovascular endpoint ranged from 7.0 to 20.3
and was significantly lower in Hungary (IR, 7.0; 95 % CI, 5.1 to 9.3) and the Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 value
Netherlands (IR, 7.6; 95 % CI, 4.4 to 12.2) compared to Austria (IR, 16.7; 95 % CI, 12.4 Diabetes 28 23 36 <0.001
to 22.1) and Scotland (IR, 20.3; 95 % CI, 13.8 to 28.9).
Hypertension 41 56 79 <0.001
The adjusted incidence rate for all-cause-mortality ranged from 4.2 to 15.9 and was
significantly lower in the Netherlands (IR, 4.2; 95 % CI, 2.2 to 7.6) compared to Cardiovascular disease 08 06 14 0.804
Scotland (IR, 15.9; 95 % CI, 10.9 to 22.6). No significant difference in the incidence Hypothyroidism 03 07 05 0.625
rates between Austria (IR, 9.8; 95 % CI, 7.0 to 13.4) and Hungary (IR, 9.3; 95 % CI, 6.8
to 12.4) was found. Non-ambulant 0 01 05 0.358
CONCLUSION: After adjustment for known risk factors, incidence rates of Medications:
cardiovascular endpoints, as well as all-cause-mortality still vary significantly between Opioid 05 22 18 0.003
four European countries. This may be due to manifold reasons. Further analysis of the
national therapeutic practice pattern within the PROVALID cohort may provide Iron supplements 23 58 45 0.083
additional information. Calcium supplements 18 27 19 0.779
Potassium binders 0 05 02 0.749
Phosphate binders 08 14 21 0.184
PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTORS Tricyclic antidepressants 01 04 03 0.086
Sourabh Sharma1, Neha Sharma1, Kailash Sharma1 CONCLUSION: Constipation measured using Rome IV criteria affects around two-
Gaur Hospital, Nephrology, Sriganganagar, India third of CKD stage 3-5 patients. Diabetes, hypertension and opioid use has been found
to be significantly associated with constipation.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Among various gastrointestinal disorders, constipation
is one of the most common symptom in chronic kidney disease (CKD). However it is
often neglected by nephrologists as self-limiting condition. Constipation impacts MO516 A STRUCTURED EXPERT ELICITATION TO INFORM AND
quality of life in multiple ways and increases socio-psychological burden. Constipation VALIDATE MORTALITY EXTRAPOLATIONS FOR A COST-
and associated risk factors have been poorly studied and most studies are retrospective. EFFECTIVENESS ANALYSIS OF DAPAGLIFLOZIN
METHOD: We enrolled CKD stage 3 to 5 patients on regular follow-up with
nephrologist from June 2018 to June 2020, at a tertiary care centre in North India. Bartholomeus Willigers1, Mario Ouwens2, Andrew Briggs3, Oliver Darlington4,
Constipation was defined using Rome IV criteria (Functional constipation) which Purav Bhatt5, Eric Wittbrodt6, Marvin Sinsakul6, Hiddo Lambers Heerspink7,
is composed of six constipation related symptoms, and diagnosis of constipation is Carol Pollock8, Roberto Flavio Silva Pecoits Filho9, Navdeep Tangri10,
established by presence of two or more symptoms for at least 3 months. Patients were Csaba Kovesdy11, David Wheeler12, Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez1
also asked to maintain a 7 day prospective stool diary. It consisted of seven day written 1
AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2AstraZeneca,
prospective chart of stool form and frequency. Patients were instructed to record when BioPharmaceuticals Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3London School of Hygiene &
each bowel movement happened and to mark stool form type for each movement as Tropical Medicine, Health Services Research and Policy, London, United Kingdom,
described in words and pictures on Bristol Stool Form Scale (BSFS). Opioid induced 4
HEOR Ltd, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 5AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical,
constipation was defined as per Rome IV criteria. The diagnostic criteria is similar to Wilmington, United States of America, 6AstraZeneca, BioPharmaceuticals Medical,
functional constipation, but with requisite that new or worsening symptoms occurred Gaithersburg, United States of America, 7University of Groningen, Faculty of Medical
when initiating, changing or increasing opioid therapy. Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands, 8University of Sydney, Faculty of Medicine and
RESULTS: Two hundred twenty five patients were studied out of which 59 (26.2%) Health, Camperdown, Australia, 9Pontifical Catholic University of Paran a, School of
patients were in CKD stage3, eighty one (36%) patients were in CKD stage4 and 85 Medicine, Curitiba, Brazil, 10University of Manitoba, Max Rady College of Medicine,
(37.8%) patients were in stage5. Out of 85 CKD stage5 patients, 23 (27%) were on Winnipeg, Canada, 11University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Division of
dialysis. Mean age of patients was 49.1 years. Out of 225 patients, 135 (60%) were male. Nephrology, Memphis, United States of America and 12University College London,
Constipation symptoms and diagnosis reported in each stage has been depicted in Department of Renal Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Table 1. Clinical correlates of constipation has been depicted in Table 2.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Elevated albuminuria in patients with chronic kidney
disease (CKD) is associated with increased risks of CKD progression, cardiovascular
events and all-cause death. In the DAPA-CKD study, dapagliflozin significantly
MO515 Table 1: Constipation symptoms and diagnosis reported in each stage (Rome IV criteria)
i314 | Abstracts
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reduced the risk of all-cause death in patients with elevated albuminuria compared þthresholds for optimal survival were between 4.2-5.4 mmol/L. Similarly, mortality
with placebo (hazard ratio: 0.69; 95% confidence interval 0.53–0.88). To assess the cost- patterns were greatly attenuated for patients who were managed in the outpatient and
effectiveness of new treatments, decision makers require survival estimates over a general practice locations (p-value interaction <0.001) than the emergency room or
longer period than that of a typical clinical trial, usually over a lifetime time horizon. A inpatient settings (Figure 1).
formal elicitation process is currently underway to obtain estimates of long-term
survival of patients with albuminuric CKD from clinical experts. Their responses will
be used to validate extrapolations of all-cause mortality data from DAPA-CKD, which
could inform cost-effectiveness analyses for dapagliflozin.
METHOD: Targeted literature searches were conducted to collate data on all-cause
mortality in patients with CKD and elevated albuminuria. Clinical trials and
observational studies were included if they involved non-dialysis-dependent patients
with CKD aged 18 years and over, had more than 500 participants per study arm and
reported incidence of all-cause death and/or all-cause mortality/survival Kaplan–Meier
(KM) curves. To estimate long-term survival, KM curves were extrapolated to 20 years
by calculating standard mortality ratios (SMRs) using age- and sex-adjusted general-
population lifetable data. Study and patient characteristics and mortality data from
relevant studies were provided to clinical experts to inform their judgements in a
formal elicitation process. After receiving training on the elicitation process, six leading
disease area experts were invited to complete the elicitation survey using an Excel-
based tool, which consisted of 10 calibration questions, and three questions regarding
the survival of patients in the placebo arm of the DAPA-CKD study at 10 and 20 years.
The elicited estimates will be weighted and aggregated using Cooke’s method.
RESULTS: Literature searches identified 13 relevant articles (seven clinical trials and
six observational studies), with a range of 1094 to 5674 participants. Mean age varied
across studies (range: 55–70 years). Where reported, median follow-up was 9–144
months, and mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at baseline was 22.4–
56.3 mL/min/1.73 m2. Five studies exclusively included patients with type 2 diabetes
(T2D). The incidence of all-cause death was reported in nine studies and was 1.5–9.4
deaths per 100 patient-years, with the highest incidence observed in a study reporting
data for patients with CKD stage 4 and 5 (8.0 and 9.4 deaths per 100 patient-years,
respectively). Nine studies provided KM curves; from these, estimated survival at 2
years ranged from 86% (study population mean age 67 years, eGFR < 15 mL/min/
1.73 m2) to 98% (study population mean age 58 years, mean eGFR 46.2 mL/min/
1.73 m2). The SMR-extrapolated survival at 10 and 20 years was 36–80% and 2–69%,
respectively. The ranges defined by the expert judgements collected to date for survival
at 10 and 20 years are in line with the variability of the extrapolated KM survival
curves. The elicitation process is ongoing and therefore, to avoid biasing the
judgements that remain to be collected, preliminary results are not reported here.
Results of the expert elicitation will be presented in full at the congress.
CONCLUSION: Initial results from the survey calibration questions suggest that the
expert elicitation process provides expert judgements that are both informative and
precise. The elicitation of survival estimates for patients with CKD and elevated
albuminuria at 10 and 20 years will provide greater insight than extrapolated data
alone, and will increase the validity of long-term survival projections for dapagliflozin
cost-effectiveness analyses.
MO517 Figure 1: The relationship between serum potassium levels (mmol/L) and all-
MO517 EFFECT MODIFIERS OF SERUM POTASSIUM AND cause by location of medical supervision.
MORTALITY IN THE IRISH HEALTH SYSTEM: THE NATIONAL CONCLUSION: Risk thresholds for optimal survival for serum Kþ vary according to
KIDNEY DISEASE SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM (NKDSS) CKD and location of medical supervision in real-world clinical cohorts. Better
understanding of these thresholds and effect modifiers are essential for inform decision
Leonard Browne1, Austin Stack1,2 making and therapeutic interventions.
University of Limerick, School of Medicine, Limerick, Ireland and 2University Hospital FUNDING SOURCE: Health Research Board (HRB-SDAP-2019-036), Midwest
Limerick, Department of Nephrology, Limerick, Ireland Research and Education Foundation (MKid), Vifor Pharma.
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prevalence, progression, outcomes and the related costs are therefore critical ANOVA or non-parametric tests, p < 0.05 is the level of statistical significance.
considerations for public health and policy planning. Using country-specific, patient- RESULTS: Eighty-eight patients were included (63.6% women, mean age: 61.8614.0
level microsimulation, Inside CKD aims to model the global clinical and economic years), 76.1% were on CKD stage 4 or 5. The estimated annual social cost of CKD was
burden of CKD from 2020 to 2025. 2231,12 US$ (95% CI, 1676,09-2793,93 US$). The direct cost accounted for 99,5% (direct
METHOD: We used the Inside CKD microsimulation to model the economic burden medical cost: 91,2%, direct non-medical cost: 8,3%), and the indirect cost accounted for 0,5
of CKD in the Americas and Asia-Pacific region. We developed a virtual general % of the social cost. Hospitalizations, diagnosis and treatments represented the main
population for each country using national survey data and relevant data from expenses of the direct medical cost (32,2%, 29,7%, 32,2% respectively). The social cost
published literature. Data inputs included country demographics, the prevalence of components were not significantly different between CKD stages.
CKD and RRT, comorbidities and complication rates as well as associated healthcare CONCLUSION: The cost of CKD in its early stages still lower than the cost of renal
costs. CKD stages were defined according to Kidney Disease Improving Global replacement therapy, which brings the light on the necessity of secondary prevention of
Outcomes (KDIGO) 2012 recommendations and patients were categorized according CKD to postpone or prevent the progression toward ESRD.
to estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria status. We calibrated the RRT
modelling against historical trends from country-specific renal registries. We
conducted model validation and calibration using established methods for health
economic modelling. Here, we report the results from the US and Canada analyses,
with further analyses currently underway for additional countries in the Americas and
Asia-Pacific region.
Marianna Napoli1, Gabriele Donati1, Lorenzo Gasperoni1, Fulvia Zappulo1,
RESULTS: Initial results for the US and Canada revealed that, between 2020 and 2025,
Valeria Aiello1, Anna Scrivo1, Marco Busutti1, Marco Ruggeri1, Federica Di
annual healthcare costs associated with CKD will increase linearly from US$232.3B to
Filippo1, Sarah Lerario1, Claudia Bini1, Francesco Tondolo1, Carlo Stefanini1,
US$376.2B in the US and from C$21.4B to C$34.1B in Canada (this figure does not
Giorgia Comai1, Gaetano La Manna1
include complication costs). In the US, the largest absolute increase in cost was 1
observed in CKD stage 3a ($98.4B); however, CKD stage 4 had the largest relative IRCCS S.Orsola University Hospital, Nephrology Dialysis and Renal Transplantation
increase in cost with an approximately three-fold increase (US$7.30B to US$23.3B). In Unit, Bologna, Italy
Canada, the largest absolute increase in cost was observed in CKD stage 3a (C$5.84B);
whereas CKD stage 5 had the largest relative increase in cost with an approximately BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several chronic medical conditions appear to increase
five-fold increase (C$0.27B to C$1.41B). By 2025, costs associated with CKD will the risk of severe COVID-19. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients have a high risk
increase across all age categories (18–34, 35–64 and 65þ years) in both countries. In of symptomatic infection and severe respiratory symptoms because of chronic
the US, the 35–64 age group had the largest absolute increase in costs with an increase inflammation, uremic toxins accumulation, endothelial dysfunction and an impaired
of $74B (US$58.3B to US$132B). The largest relative increase in cost was observed in immune response. Even though the presence of one or more comorbidities increases
the 18–34 age category, with approximately a three-fold increase in costs (US$3.76B to the risk of mortality, information of the outcome of COVID-19 in CKD patients is not
US$10.2B). In Canada, the 65þ age group had the largest absolute increase in costs yet available. The aim of the study is to present the incidence and outcome of COVID-
with an increase of C$7.9B (C$16.4B to C$24.3B). Both the 18–34 and 35–64 age 19 in patients referring to our Nephrology Unit considering CKD patients, dialysis
categories had the largest relative increase in costs, with an approximately two-fold patients and kidney transplant recipients.
increase (C$0.25B to C$0.49B and C$4.77B to C$9.31B, respectively). METHOD: This study is prospective single centre carried out considering patients
CONCLUSION: Initial results from Inside CKD demonstrate that CKD poses a referring to the Nephrology Unit of St. Orsola University Hospital in Bologna with
significant economic burden over the next 5 years. CKD stage 3a was associated with COVID 19 diagnosis from 15THMarch to 30THMay 2020.
the most pronounced cost increases in both the US and Canada, likely due to the RESULTS: Our cohort included 52 patients admitted to our Nephrology Unit because
increased prevalence of this stage. In the US, the largest increase in CKD costs was of Sars Cov2 infection confirmed by positive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
observed in the 35–64-year-old ‘working’ population, whereas the largest increase in reaction on nasopharyngeal swab. The mean age was 67.2 6 13.8 years (range, 33-88
Canada was observed in the 65 years old and over population. Further policy years). Demographic, clinical and radiological features in Table 1. Forty-eight patients
interventions aimed at early diagnosis and proactive management should be (92.3%) underwent chest TC. The main findings were: several bilateral interstitial
considered to slow disease progression, improve patient outcomes and reduce the pneumonia (39 patients, 81.2%), monolateral peripheral ground-glass opacities (6
economic burden associated with CKD. patients, 12.5%), no signs of pneumonia (3 patients, 6.2 %). Clinical course is highly
variable: 18 patients (34.6 %) were asymptomatic, 23 patients (44 %) had a mild course
requiring low flux oxygen therapy and 11 patients (21%) presented severe pneumonia
and respiratory distress that requires ventilatory support in intensive care unit. Forty
patients (70%) had hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin dual therapy, 3 patients (6%)
had antiviral therapy in addiction. Sixteen patients (31%) with P/F <150 mmHg were
treated with Tocilizumab. Heparin Therapy, to prevent the thromboembolic risk of
Sars-Cov2 infection, was administered according to the body weight in forty patients
(70%);, but not in patients in warfarin therapy (12 patients, 30%). Twenty-six patients
(50%) needed antibiotics for bacterial infections combined to the Sars-Cov2 infection.
Steroid therapy was added in 40% of cases. The average time of negativization for Sars
Cov2, tested with two nasopharyngeal swab specimens made seven days apart, was
31615 day. Fifty-one patients, 98% of diagnosed cases, required hospitalization with
an average stay of 35 6 26 days. Thirty patients (25%) died. Mean age of non-survivors
MO518 Figure: Modelled annual healthcare costs associated with CKDa was 72 6 11years while mean age of survivors was 646 11years. No differences in pre-
existing comorbidities were observed between survivors and non survivors; oxygen
saturation on presentation was statistically lower in non survivors.
CONCLUSION: CKD is an independent risk factor for COVID-19 associated in-
MO519 THE COST OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE BEFORE RENAL hospital mortality. The mortality rate (25%), much higher than in general population
REPLACEMENT THERAPY IN MOROCCO: A COST OF (1.8-8%) may be explained by the older age of patients and the presence of more
ILLNESS STUDY pathological conditions, especially cardiovascular disease.
i316 | Abstracts
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MO520 Table 1. Demographic, clinical and radiological features.
METHOD: This retrospective study included 88 patients who were hospitalized at the METHOD: A total of 158 adults, with a history of type 2 diabetes for>10 years were
Nephrology department in Zvezdara University Clinical Center which was recruited. At baseline, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR), eGFR and cIMT
transformed into a COVID hospital at the time. These patients were treated from were evaluated. All patients were followed for a period of 7 years with fatal or nonfatal
01.04.2020. to 01.06.2020. and 37 (42%) of them had CKD, while 51 (58%) had no CV events as the primary endpoint. By adopting the Fine and Gray model, which takes
signs of kidney disease. We analysed data collection from the patients’ history, into account the competitive risk of death, we assessed the associations between CV
including age, sex, comorbidities, symptoms, blood and radiology findings, therapy and events and various candidate prognostic factors collected at baseline.
outcome. We compared outcome (fatal and need for mechanical ventilation) between In multiple Cox Fine and Gray models, we included all variables that were correlated
CKD and non CKD group and also analized dialysis as a risk factor for adverse with the study outcome in univariate analysis, (full model with 9 variables). The
outcome. Statistical analysis has been performed using SPSS software version 20 and prognostic performance of the full model was compared with that of a simpler (nested)
OR was calculated using Logistic Regression. model based only on three prognostic variables (simplified model).
RESULTS: We analysed 88 patients, a mean age of 62þ15 years, 59.1% males. Out of To compare the data fitting of the 2 models, we used 2 log likelihood (2 log L)
88 patients, 37 had CKD, while 27 of them were on hemodialysis and 2 on peritoneal statistics. The calibration and the discrimination abilities of both models were assessed
dialysis (CAPD). At the end of follow-up, 46 patients (52.3%) was discharged home, 27 by Hosmer-Lemeshow test and by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve,
(30.7%) was transferred to another hospital and 14 (15.9%) died. Regarding influence respectively.
of CKD on COVID-19 patients’ outcome it was shown that patients with CKD had 3- RESULTS: During the follow-up period (median 57.5 months, range 7–84 months), 75
fold higher chances for discharge than for the fatal outcome (p=0.05) and 4-fold less patients experienced CV events (33 fatal, 42 nonfatal), and 13 died of causes other than
risk for use of the mechanical ventilation (ns) as compared to non CKD patients. We CV. In univariate competitive risk analysis, hemoglobin (SHR 0.85, 95% CI 0.74–0.98,
also found that ESRD and chronic dialysis affect outcome with statistical significance P = 0.02), female sex (SHR 0.50, 95% CI 0.30–0.82, P = 0.006), eGFR (SHR 0.98, 95%
(p=0.01) in a way that it doubles the risk for the adverse outcome. CI 0.97–0.99, P <0.0001), serum albumin (SHR 0.43, 95% CI 0.26–0.74, P = 0.002),
CONCLUSION: Patients with CKD, especially those with ESRD had significantly and HDL cholesterol (SHR 0.97, 95% CI 0.95–0.99, P = 0.02) were inversely associated
higher risk for the lethal outcome and higher chances to require the mechanical with the incident rate of CV events, whereas the duration of type 2 diabetes (SHR 1.03,
ventilation. 95% CI 1.00–1.06, P = 0.04), background CVD (SHR 5.47, 95% CI 2.45–12.23, P
<0.0001), UACR (SHR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00–1.01, P <0.0001), and cIMT (SHR 7.45, 95%
CI 3.46–16.04, P <0.0001) were directly related to the same endpoint. In a multivariate
Fine and Gray model including all 9 univariate correlates of CV events (full model),
only history of CVD (SHR 5.86, 95% CI 2.15–13.36, P <0.0001), eGFR (SHR 0.99, 95%
CI 0.98–0.99, P = 0.009), UACR (SHR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00–1.01, P <0.0001), and cIMT
(SHR 3.92, 95% CI 1.24–12.35, P = 0.02) remained significantly associated to the study
outcome. In the simplified model only history of CVD (SHR 6.47, 95% CI 2.69–15.55,
Stefanos Roumeliotis1, Aikaterini Stamou2, Athanasios Roumeliotis1,
P <0.0001), UACR (SHR 1.01, 95% CI 1.00–1.01, P <0.0001), and eGFR (SHR 0.98,
Stylianos Panagoutsos3, Graziella D’Arrigo4, Giovanni Luigi Tripepi4,
95% CI 0.97–0.99, P <0.0001) maintained an independent relationship with CV
Vassilios Liakopoulos1
AHEPA Hospital, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Greece, Division of The data fitting of the two models did not significantly differ (v2 = 9.48, 6 Df, P = 0.15)
Nephrology and Hypertension, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Thessaloniki, and the assessment of the areas under the ROC curves (Figure 1) confirmed that the
Greece, 2AHEPA Hospital, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Greece, Department two models had almost identical accuracy to predict the study outcome (full model
of Microbiology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3Univeristy Hospital of Alexandroupolis, School of 87%, 95% CI 0.81–0.92, P <0.001, simplified model 84%, 95% CI 0.78–0.90, P <0.001).
Medicine, Democritus University of Greece, Department of Nephrology, Moreover, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed that the simplified model was better
Alexandroupolis, Greece and 4Institute of Clinical Physiology, Clinical Epidemiology and calibrated than the full model, because the P value of this test in the simplified model is
Physiopathology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, CNR-IFC of Reggio Calabria, farther from statistical significance (v2 = 9.24, P = 0.32) than that of the full model (v2
Reggio Calabria, Italy = 11.09, P = 0.20).
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i317
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(p<0.0001). Estimating glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was lower during the
hospitalization compared to the follow-up: 81 [62; 92] versus 87 [66; 98] mL/min/
1.73m2 (p=0.0222). At follow-up, a decreased renal function was observed in 10/72
(14%) of patients, with 50% of them presenting decreased renal function before
COVID-19 hospitalization and others developing severe AKI and/or proteinuria
during hospitalization.
CONCLUSION: In most hospitalized patients with COVID-19, proteinuria and eGFR
significantly improved after hospital discharge. Only patients who developed severe
AKI and/or heavy proteinuria will require a specific follow-up by nephrologists.
i318 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
of necessity (mean BMQ CIN: 2.460.6 and ETEL: 2.360.4) or concerns about MO526 REAL-WORLD EVIDENCE ON CLINICAL OUTCOMES IN NON-
potential side-effects (mean BMQ CIN: 3.160.6 and ETEL: 3.560.7). ETEL patients DIABETIC CKD
were less likely than CIN patients to experience GI symptoms in the prior month:
nausea (11% vs. 49%), vomiting (11% vs. 24%), and diarrhea (15% vs. 33%). Overall, Christoph Wanner1, Johannes Schuchhardt2, Chris Bauer2, Stefanie Lindemann3,
the adapted patient questionnaires showed good internal consistency for MARS Meike Brinker4, Sheldon Kong5, Frank Kleinjung3, Andrea Horvat-Broecker4,
(Cronbach’s a=0.99) and BMQ-Necessity and BMQ-Concerns scales (CIN: a=0.74 and Tatsiana Vaitsiakhovich3
ETEL: a=0.81) but lower consistency for TIS (a=0.3 for both CIN and ETEL). University Hospital Wuerzburg, Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
Nephrologists and nurses had been practicing for a mean of 17 yrs. Nephrologists and Wuerzburg, Germany, 2MicroDiscovery GmbH, Berlin, Germany, 3Bayer AG, Berlin,
nurses viewed ETEL to have more efficacy, lower risk of side effects, lower risk of non- Germany, 4Bayer AG, Wuppertal, Germany and 5Bayer Corporation, Hanover, United
adherence, lower burden for patients compared to CIN according to the TRS. States of America
According to HPPS, the top 3 treatment attributes for ETEL preference vs. CIN among
nephrologists were encouraging patient adherence (93%; n=14/15), minimizing patient BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents a global
burden (87%; n=13/15) and having fewer side effects (80%; 12/15). Similar for nurses, public health problem, with significant morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular
encouraging patient adherence (88%; n=15/17) and minimizing patient burden (94%; disease during CKD progression and due to kidney failure. Although non-diabetic
n=16/17) were top attributes for ETEL preference as well as improving patient quality CKD accounts for up to 70% of the global CKD burden, its clinical consequences are
of life (82%; 14/17). Based on PCS, the majority of nephrologists agreed that compared poorly understood, and data are needed to help identify individuals at high risk of
to CIN, ETEL will ensure high adherence (100%), achieve better PTH control (93%; adverse outcomes. This analysis uses real-world evidence to provide insights into
14/15), reduce treatment burden for patients (87%; 13/15), improve patient’s quality of clinical characteristics, care and outcomes in individuals with non-diabetic CKD in
life (80%; 12/15), and improve effectiveness without increasing side-effects (80%; 12/ routine clinical practice.
15); they also agreed that ETEL created more work for nursing staff (80%; 12/15). Two METHOD: Individual-level data from the US administrative claims database, Optum
thirds of nephrologists (n=10/15) agreed that ETEL would be more efficacious than Clinformatics Data Mart, from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2018 were analysed.
CIN. Adults with non-diabetic CKD stage 3 or 4 and 365 days continuous insurance
CONCLUSION: In this pilot study, CIN patients self-reported high adherence and coverage were included and followed until insurance disenrollment, end of data
both calcimimetic groups did not perceive medications to be concerning or intrusive. availability or death. Individuals with diabetes mellitus, CKD stage 5 or end-stage
Nephrologists and nurses showed preference for ETEL than CIN. The questionnaires kidney disease (ESKD) prior to the index date, or who experienced kidney failure
were validated and will be administered in a large study. (acute or unspecified), kidney transplant or dialysis in the baseline period, were
excluded from the analysis. Study outcomes, captured in the database, were defined
using common clinical coding systems. Primary outcomes were hospitalisation for
MO525 CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN NEOPLASIA PATIENTS, THE heart failure (HHF), a kidney composite of ESKD/kidney failure/need for dialysis, and
ANALYSIS OF A LARGE CANCER DATABASE worsening of CKD stage from baseline. Individual CKD stage was assigned based on
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) values (priority) or the respective
Mircea Ciorcan1, Lazar Chisavu2, Florica Gadalean 3 , Adelina Mihaescu 3 , International Classification of Diseases code at index and during follow-up. Further
Flaviu Bob 3 , Serban Negru4, Valeriu Boruga4, Oana-Marina Schiller5, prespecified kidney outcomes included individual components of the kidney
Iulia Dana Grosu 3 , Luciana Marc 3 , Flavia Chisavu6, Razvan Dragota Pascota7, composite, acute kidney injury, and absolute and relative change in eGFR from
Adalbert Schiller 3 baseline. Event-based outcomes were assessed by time-to-first-event analysis.
1 Summary statistics for time-course analysis of metric outcomes were generated on a
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Fundamental Clinical
quarterly basis.
Abilities, Timisoara, Romania, 2University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”
RESULTS: In total, 504,924 of 64 million individuals in the Optum Clinformatics Data
Timisoara, Nephrology, Timisoara, Romania, 4Oncohelp Medical Center Timisoara,
Mart satisfied the selection criteria. Over a median follow-up of 744 (interquartile
Oncology, Timisoara, Romania, 5Avitum BBraun Romania Timisoara, Nephrology,
range 328–1432) days, the incidence rates of primary outcomes of HHF, the kidney
Timisoara, Romania, 6Emergency Hospital for Children Louis T¸urcanu Timisoara,
composite and worsening of CKD stage from baseline were 3.95, 10.33 and 4.38 events/
Pediatric Nephrology, Timisoara, Romania and 7Timiş County Emergency Clinical
100 patient-years (PY), respectively.
Hospital, Nephrology, Timisoara, Romania
The incidence rates of the components of the kidney composite outcome, namely
ESKD/need for dialysis, kidney failure (acute and unspecified) and need for dialysis
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Neoplasia is considered a risk factor for the were 1.78, 9.53 and 0.49 events/100 PY, respectively. Kidney failure events were driven
development of CKD, for many reasons: aggressive and repeated therapeutic mainly by acute kidney injury, with an incidence of 8.61 events/100 PY.
interventions, malnutrition, hyperuricemia and the disease per se. Taking into account In individuals with at least one available eGFR value at baseline and one value during
the improved cancer survival due to novel therapeutic interventions, the possibility of follow-up (n=295,174), the incidence rates of relative decreases in eGFR of 30%,
cancer patients with CKD to reach advanced CKD stages is increasing. The 40% and 57% from baseline were 1.98, 0.97 and 0.30 events/100 PY, respectively; in
information about cancer patients and CKD is still scarce. This paper tends to fill the this cohort, more rapid eGFR decline was associated with increased risk of HHF and
gap by analyzing the relation between cancer patients and CKD in a large cancer the kidney composite outcome. In individuals with a baseline eGFR value and at least
database from western Romania. one follow-up eGFR value and an available urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio
METHOD: 5831 patients (3365 female, average age 62.6 þ/- 10.4 years, median age 64 (n=25,824), time-course analysis of eGFR showed that eGFR decline mostly occurred
years) with neoplasia from a large cancer database in Western Romania have been randomly in individuals with moderately-to-severely increased albuminuria (30 mg/g).
assigned to this study. Serum creatinine at inclusion was used to estimate baseline GFR by CONCLUSION: This analysis generates real-world evidence on clinical outcomes in a
the CKD-Epi formula. During the 2-year follow-up, serum creatinine was repeatedly cohort of individuals with non-diabetic CKD treated in routine clinical practice in the
determined in order to estimate GFR (at least 2 determinations). CKD was defined as eGFR US. Despite known limitations of claims databases (e.g. low availability of some
< 60ml/min/1.73m2 persistent for more than 3 months. For our assessment, we used the laboratory data, limited individual follow-up time and tactical coding), individuals with
available personal and medical data from the analyzed database. For comparison, we used moderate-to-severe non-diabetic CKD are shown to be at high risk of serious clinical
the CKD epidemiology data in the general population of Romania. outcomes. This highlights the high unmet medical need, and urgency for new
RESULTS: GFR < 60ml/min/1.73m2 was identified at inclusion in 11.88% of the cases. treatments and targeted interventions for patients with non-diabetic CKD.
The prevalence of CKD according to GFR criteria was 14.49% after the first year of
follow-up, significantly higher if compared to the general population (8.8% - 2008)
(p<0.0001). In the second year, the prevalence increased to 14.98% (with 3%) and the
average decrease of eGFR was 4.7ml/min/year. MO527 REFERRAL CRITERIA TO NEPHROLOGY AND MATCHING
In the examined database, patients with breast cancers (1317 cases), lung (551), uterus DEGREE WITH THE CONSENSUS DOCUMENT FOR CHRONIC
(427), prostate (431) and colonic cancers (498) were dominant. The prevalence of CKD KIDNEY DISEASE DETECTION AND MANAGEMENT
was dependent of the type of cancer, being significantly higher in patients with renal
cancer (48,71%), urinary bladder cancers (34,1%), multiple myeloma (20%), liver Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Lorena Herra ez Garcıa2, Maria Paz Castro Fern andez1,
carcinoma (20%) and pancreatic cancers (19.6%). The prevalence of CKD was Esperanza Moral Berrio1, Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Diego Sidel Tambo1,
significantly lower in patients with rectum cancers (9.9%), testicle cancers 8.8% and in Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Patricia Sanchez Escudero1,
patients with brain tumors (7.1%). Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1, Agustın Carren ~o Parrilla1
The influence of CKD on the survival of cancer patients could not be estimated due to Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain and
the short follow-up time. Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real, Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, Ciudad
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of CKD in patients with neoplasia is higher than in Real, Spain
the general population and increasing in time, but according to our results, the rate of
decrease of the kidney function is not high. The prevalence of CKD is dependent of the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Consensus document of the Spanish Society of
type of cancer being higher in renal, urinary bladder, liver, pancreatic cancers and Nephrology and many Primary Care (PC) related societies for chronic kidney disease
multiple myeloma and lower in testicle cancers and in brain tumors. Taking in account (CKD) detection and management provides to the PC doctor referral criteria (RC) to
the increasing survival of cancer patients, the probability to reach ESKD is increasing nephrology clinic. The aim of the study is to describe the referrals to our center
also and that could influence the profile and needs of patients admitted to renal nephrology clinic and evaluate the influencing factors for RC adequacy.
replacement therapy. METHOD: Retrospective observational study. We included the referred patients to our
nephrology clinic from October 2019 to May 2020. We recollected demographic
variables, as well as comorbidity, renal function, RC adequacy and follow-up.
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i319
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Categorical variables are expressed as percentages and compared using Chi2 test.
Quantitative variables are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation and compared
using t-student test. Cox regression was performed to determine independent
predictors for RC adequacy. Statistical significance for a value of p< 0,05 or CI 95%.
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 25.0.
RESULTS: 238 patients, 55.5% male. Average age 63 6 17 years, being 34% older than
75 years. 67.6% had at least 3 cardiovascular risk factors. 85.3% were referred from PC
with 57.1% of them from a rural center. There was adequation to the RC on 55%. The
most frequent RC was CKD progression (37.4%). Mean serum creatinine at the time of
referring was 1.91 6 0.59 mg/dl with a glomerular filtration rate 34 6 11 ml/min/
1.73m2 and 329.43 6 992.01 mg/g or mg/24h of albuminuria. From the 45% of those
who did not had RC adequacy 51.4% had CKD III stage and 21.5% had false refractory
hypertension (controlled or under-treated). Mean time of follow-up was 5 6 1.7
months. RC adequacy was related with being referred from PC (59.6% vs 28.6%
p=0.001), smoking (65.9% vs 49% p=0.012), time of referring creatinine (1.54 6 0.86 vs
1.18 6 0.39 p=0.001) and albuminuria (43406 6 1009.7 vs 136.13 6 637.16 p=0.019)
and end of follow-up albuminuria (265.84 6 516.82 vs 81.67 6 250.7 p=0.007). RC
adequacy was associated with receiving follow-up on nephrology clinic (80.2% vs
19.8% p=0.001). Logistic regression showed that being referred from PC (OR 3.64 IC
95% 1.03-12.8 p=0.044) and a worse renal function at the referring (OR 2.49 IC 95%
1.19-5.24 p=0.015) were associated with RC adequacy.
CONCLUSION: The experience in our center shows that there is not an adequacy on
the current RC from the Spanish Society of Nephrology in almost half of the patients. MO529 PREVALENCE AND DETERMINANT FACTORS OF
That proportion decreases when patients are referred from PC close to 40%. CKD DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC
progression is the main reason for referral with most of patients being elderly and with KIDNEY DISEASE : A MOROCCAN CROSS-SECTIONAL
a high cardiovascular risk. The need for greater dissemination of RC can be inferred STUDY
from the significant number of inappropriate referrals, encouraging us to propose their
review. Amina Chrifi Alaoui1, Mohammed Omari1, Noura Qarmiche1, Omar Kouiri2,
Basmat Amal Chouhani2,3, Tarik Sqalli Houssaini2,3, Nabil Tachfouti1,3,
Samira Ei Fakir1,3
faculty of medicine and pharmacy of Fez, Department of epidemiology, clinical
MO528 INFLUENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES ON SURVIVAL research and biostatistics, FEZ, Morocco, 2Hassan II university hospital, Department of
RATES IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS IN A COHORT OF THE UZBEK nephrology and hemodialysis, fez, Morocco and 3faculty of medicine and pharmacy,
POPULATION Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University of Fez, Laboratory of epidemiology and health
sciences’ researches (ERESS), fez, Morocco
Olimkhon Sharapov1,2, Sherzod Abdullaev1
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Internal Disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Chronic kidney disease (CKD), like many chronic
Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Nephrology and Kidney illnesses, is invariably associated with various psychiatric conditions and poorer quality
transplantation, Nephrology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan of life. This study aims to assess the prevalence of depression and anxiety among CKD
patient and their determinant factors.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mortality rate of patients on hemodialysis is 6.3- METHOD: this is a cross sectional single center study in a Moroccan university
8.2 times higher than in the general population. The presence of cardiovascular hospital. Patients aged 18 years old and followed for more than one year were
comorbidity worsens the prognosis and survival in this category of patients. According included. The data was collected using a questionnaire for sociodemographic and
to various sources, the mortality rate in patients with CVD is 3 times higher than in clinical information and the Hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) to assess
patients without CVD. The aim of our study was to study the effect of comorbidity of depression and anxiety prevalence. After the description of the population’s
the CVD on survival in patients with end-stage CKD receiving programmed characteristics, the statistical analysis aimed to assess the association between
hemodialysis among the population of Uzbekistan. depression and anxiety disorders and the estimated glomerular filtration rate before
METHOD: We conducted a multicenter prospective cohort study of 165 patients and after adjustment on several confounding factors.
among the Uzbek population. The study took place in 3 different dialysis centers in the RESULTS: 88 patients were included (63.6% of them were women, the mean age was
country for 30 months (from January 2018 to July 2020). All patients received 61.8614.0 years), 21 were on stage 3, 46 were on stage 4, and 21 were on stage 5 of the
programmed hemodialysis due to ESRD. All patients were of Uzbek nationality, there CKD. The median of depression sub-score was 5.00[2.00; 10.0], the median of anxiety
were 90 men, 75 women. The average age was 48.1 6 14.1 years. The duration of sub-score was 6.00[4.00; 9.00], and the median of the global score was 11.0[7.00; 20.0],
hemodialysis at the time of inclusion of patients in the study ranged from 6 to 165 22.0% of included patients had depression and 22.0% had anxiety. Both depression and
months. The main primary diseases were glomerulonephritis (46%), diabetes mellitus anxiety scores were associated to eGFR before and after adjustment (p= 0.001,
(27%) and urolithiasis (8%). 56% (n = 92) of patients (52 men and 40 women) had p<0.001and p=0.04, p=0.03 respectively).
CVD and 44% (n = 73) of patients (38 men and 35 women) had no CVD. The main CONCLUSION: This study showed that depression and anxiety are strongly related to
CVDs were hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure and various the CKD progression, which should motivate both doctors and nurses to improve their
arrhythmias. All patients were observed during the observation period, at the end of psychological care toward CKD patients.
which the outcome was noted: patients either died or continued to receive
hemodialysis. The survival rate was determined using the Kaplan-Meier method. The
95% confidence interval was determined using the Greenwood method.
RESULTS: After 30 months of follow-up, 43.6% (n = 72) of all observed patients died, MO530 IS THERE A ROLE FOR SCALES IN RENAL REPLACEMENT
56.4% (n = 93) patients survived (of which 11 underwent kidney transplantation). The THERAPY DECISION MAKING PROCESS?
average age of the deceased (53.6 6 1.6) was significantly higher than that of patients
continuing to receive HD (45.6 6 1.5). The average duration of hemodialysis in Marina De Cos Gomez1, Maria Rosa Palomar Fontanet1, Enrique Toledo
survivors (33.0 6 5.4) was higher than in the dead (28.6 6 3.9). The study of the Martinez2, Maria Kislikova1, Jaime Mazon Ruiz1, Mara Serrano Soto1, Vicente
Celestino Pin~era Haces1, Emilio Rodrigo1, Carlos Antonio Salas Venero3, Juan
further fate of patients, depending on the presence or absence of cardiovascular
Carlos Ruiz San Milla n 1
diseases, showed that among the deceased patients, 68.1% (n = 49) of patients were
patients who had CVD, while among those who survived, 53.7% ( n = 44) had no CVS University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla-IDIVAL, Nephrology, Santander, Spain,
pathologies. Among those continuing to receive programmed hemodialysis, there were University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla-IDIVAL, General Surgery, Santander, Spain
31.7% more patients without CVD than among patients with diagnosed CVD. In and 3University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla-IDIVAL, Microbiology, Santander, Spain
dialysis patients with CVD who died within the period of 30 months of prospective
observation was 39.6% higher than in patients without CVD. The survival rate of BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Optimal care of patients with advanced CKD is key for
patients with CVD was 0.44 [95% CI 0.34-0.55], while in patients without CVD it was reducing their morbidity and mortality. An accurate evaluation of these patients is
0.67 [95% CI 0.55-0.78]. necessary to improve their treatment and prepare them for renal replacement therapy
CONCLUSION: The concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular system affects the (RRT) when appropriate. Beyond laboratory values, an integral evaluation of this
survival rate of patients with end-stage CKD on hemodialysis. Dialysis patients of the group is essential, and it must cover a number of aspects, including physical, psychical,
population of Uzbekistan who do not have concomitant cardiovascular pathology have functional and social among others. The aim of this study is to evaluate the
a 33% higher survival rate than patients without CVD. performance of a group status scales regarding these areas in our advanced CKD Unit
and its potential utility in the eligibility decision making process.
METHOD: We performed a retrospective study including patients evaluated in our
clinic from 1st January 2019 to December 31th 2020. According to protocol, referrals to
our unit occurred when patients presented eGFR (CKD-EPI) < 25 ml/min (after
confirmation in two consecutive measurements). Scales and initiation of RRT election
i320 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
process were performed when eGFR (CKD-EPI) was below 20 ml/min. 8 scales were MO531 IMPACT OF INFLAMMATORY MARKERS IN COGNITIVE
performed to evaluate anxiety and depression, cognitive impairment, instrumental IMPAIRMENT IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS
activities decline, frailty, malnutrition, social status, comorbidity and self-report
situation. Scales were conducted separately (in an interview with one of the advanced Merita Rroji (Molla)1, Larisa Shehaj1, Myftar Barbullushi1
CKD nurses) and did not influence nephrologist eligibility decision. Information about UHC “Mother Tereza”, Department of Nephrology, Tirana, Albania
patients was extracted from the prospectively maintained database at our center.
RESULTS: During the period of study 699 patients were evaluated. Clinical BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cognitive impairment is an increasingly identified
characteristics and RRT eligibility results are shown in Table 1. Scales results in RRT major cause of chronic disability and is commonly found in patients with chronic
candidates and conservative treatment candidates are shown in Table 2. 128 patients kidney disease (CKD). Knowledge of the link between kidney dysfunction and
had subsequent scales after 1 year follow up; paired comparison showed higher rates of impaired cognition may enhance our understanding of risk factors impacting cognitive
instrumental activities decline (18% vs. 25%, p 0.002), greater comorbidity (7.21 vs. dysfunction. Our study aimed to evaluate the relation between serum inflammatory
8.52, p < 0.001) and worse self-report subjective assessment (63.41 vs. 67.05, p < markers and the risk of cognitive decline among adults with CKD.
0.0019). There were not statistically significant differences in the other scale parameters METHOD: Forty-six patients predialysis patients CKD stage 5 (mean age 55.6611.5
analyzed. During the period of observation, 12.1% patients died. Multivariate cox years old) accepted to participate in the study. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment
regression analysis evaluating risk of death including scales (after adjustment by age) (MoCA) scale was administered to patients. Patients with a MoCA global score of 24/
showed a significant relation between and malnutrition (HR 7.98 CI95% (2.24-18.47), 30 were considered cognitively impaired. Descriptive analysis was done for the socio-
p = 0.001) and comorbidity (HR 1.29 CI95% (1.05-1.60) p = 0.017). demographic and clinical variables. We measured high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
(hs-CRP), ferritin level, albuminemia, and fibrinogen in baseline plasma samples.
RESULTS: The mean total MoCA score for all the patients was 22.9 63.8 points.
Thirty-seven patients, 57.7%, were evaluated with CI, where 74.6 % with Mild CI
(MCI) and 25.4% with severe CI (SCI) under 20 points). MoCA subscale analysis
revealed that the mean score for visuospatial/executive domain and attention were the
lowest with 5.4161.1 /8max and 2.9361.75/6 max, and scores for orientation were the
highest 5.9260.57/6 max. At baseline, higher levels of each inflammatory marker were
associated with poorer age-adjusted performance. In analyses adjusted for baseline
cognition, demographics, comorbid conditions, and kidney function, participants in
the highest tertile of hs-CRP, the highest tertile of fibrinogen, and the highest tertile of
ferritin had an increased risk of impairment in attention compared to participants in
the lowest tertile of each marker (p=0.043, p=0.047, p=0.029, respectively. The high
level of ferritin was evaluated as a risk of impairment visuospatial/executive ability, and
no relationship of inflammatory markers was observed with impairment of orientation
p=0.01. hs-CRP and ferritin and low albumin level were independently associated with
longitudinal global cognitive function (p=0.04, p=0.02, p=0.49 respectively).
CONCLUSION: In CKD patients, we have a relatively high risk for cognitive
impairment. Our results extend the findings from prior studies by showing that
inflammatory markers used in routine practice contribute and are independently
associated with longitudinal changes in some domains of cognitive function in patients
with CKD going in parallel with the inflammatory mechanisms that have been
implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular and Alzheimer’s dementia.
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i321
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
60 g/day), none of exercise habits and snacking were strongly associated with the
prevalence of proteinuria (skipping breakfast, adjusted odds ratio 1.45 [1.26, 1.68]; MO533 Table 1: AUC values to predict for positive COVID-19 status following hip
current smoking, 1.35 [1.14, 1.59]; alcohol amount (ethanol over 60 g/day), 1.35 [1.08, fracture in patients living with CKD
1.69]; none of exercise habits, 1.29 [1.07, 1.57]; snacking, 1.23 [1.04, 1.46]). In addition,
among the history of medical history, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and dyslipidemia Predictor AUC Value 95% Cl
were significantly associated with the prevalence of proteinuria (diabetes mellitus,
adjusted odds ratio 2.39 [1.93, 2.96]; hypertension, 1.83 [1.53, 2.17]; 1.22 [1.03, 1.45]). Clinical Frailty Scale 0.94 0.87-1.00
CONCLUSION: Among the unhealthy life-behaviors, skipping breakfast is the most Charlson’s Co-morbidity Index 0.92 0.86-0.99
impact factor for the presence of proteinuria.
Chronic Kidney Disease Frailty Index Laboratory Score 0.88 0.81-0.95
Estimated VO2 Peak 0.86 0.79-0.92
MO533 WHICH PARAMETERS BEST PREDICT POSITIVE COVID-19 Karnofsky Performance Status Scale 0.84 0.77-0.91
Nottingham Hip Fracture Score 0.77 0.70-0.84
Henry Wu1,2, Reinier Van Mierlo3, Kirsty Challen4, George McLauchlan5, ASA Physical Status Classification System Score 0.74 0.67-0.81
Ajay Dhaygude1,2, Sandip Mitra1,6, Andrew Nixon1,6 Abbreviated Mental Test Score 0.65 0.58-0.72
University of Manchester, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences, MANCHESTER,
United Kingdom, 2Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of
Renal Medicine, PRESTON, United Kingdom, 3Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, Department of Physiotherapy , PRESTON, United Kingdom,
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Emergency
Medicine, PRESTON, United Kingdom, 5Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation MO534 VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC
Trust, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, PRESTON, United Kingdom and KIDNEY DISEASE OF UNCERTAIN ETIOLOGY IN
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Renal Medicine, WILGAMUWA, SRI LANKA
MANCHESTER, United Kingdom
Rivindi Godawita1, Ayesha Nayanamali2, Renuka Silva3, Nishantha Nanayakkara4
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are 1
University of Peradeniya, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, Kandy, Sri Lanka,
at greater susceptibility of sustaining hip fractures compared to those without CKD 2
National Hospital, Nephrology and Transplant Unit, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 3Wayamba
due to higher falls risk. Post-trauma clinical outcomes for patients living with CKD University of Sri Lanka Makandura Premises, Department of Applied Nutrition, Sri
are exacerbated by frailty, co-morbidities and sarcopenia. Patients living with CKD Lanka and 4National Hospital - Kandy, Nephrology and Transplant Unit, Kandy, Sri
may require lengthy hospitalization following hip fracture, considering the Lanka
additional indications for extensive treatment and rehabilitation. A long hospital stay
may bring greater risks of contracting COVID-19, given the magnitude of this
current global pandemic. Complications from COVID-19 significantly increase BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vitamin D deficiency (VDD) is a common, well known
mortality risks for older patients living with CKD after acute trauma, as a association in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). However, there are no published studies
considerable proportion will have a poor baseline health and functional status. Our on the prevalence of VDD among CKDu (Chronic Kidney Disease of uncertain
study aims to determine the most useful clinical and laboratory assessment tools to etiology) patients. This study aims to study on Vitamin D status of CKDu patients.
predict for a positive COVID-19 status following hospitalization with hip fracture in METHOD: This was a cross sectional survey conducted in Wilgamuwa area, in
patients living with CKD. Mathale located in Central province of Sri Lanka. Among the 39 GN (Grama
METHOD: Patients with CKDG3b-5 admitted from home to a tertiary hospital in Niladahri) divisions at Wilgamuwa, GN divisions where the CKD prevalence was high
North West UK with hip fracture between Feb and Dec 2020 were included. Each areas were taken for the study. Data were collected by using clinical examination and
patient included in this study received at least one COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab interviewer administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS statistical software
during their hospitalization. Parameters assessed on hospital admission for each RESULTS: A total of 150 patients living in a CKDu endemic area in Sri Lanka was
patient included Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS), Charlson’s Co-morbidity Index (CCI), studied during the study period. Majority (n=118, 78.7%) of the CKDu patients were
Chronic Kidney Disease Frailty Index Laboratory Score (CKD FI-LAB), Estimated VO2 males. Mean age (years) was 56.7567.89 and 54.3467.87 for females and males
Peak, Karnofsky Performance Status Scale, Sernbo Score, Nottingham Hip Fracture respectively. More than half of the patients were middle aged outdoor workers.
Score, ASA Physical Status Classification System Score and Abbreviated Mental Test According to the BMI (Body mass index) results, majority (n= 87, 58%) of the CKDu
Score. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve analyses were performed to patients were in the healthy weight category. More than one third of the patients were
evaluate the ability of individual parameters to predict for a positive COVID-19 status in the underweight category. VDD ( < 20ng/mL) was reported in 22.88% (n=27) of the
following hip fracture in patients living with CKD. Events of 30-day mortality were total males and 68.75% (n=22) of the total females. Vitamin D insufficiency (20-30ng/
recorded. mL) was identified among 45.76% (n=54) males and 25% (n=8) females. Rest of the
RESULTS: 92 patients met study inclusion criteria. The mean age was 84.667.8 years males (31.35, n=37) and females (6.25%, n=2) had normal vitamin D level (>30 ng/
and the female:male ratio was 1.6:1. 7 patients (7.6%) were on long-term dialysis and mL). As a summary the mean Vitamin D level was 24.85 67.93 ng/mL. There was a
the mean eGFR amongst non-dialysis patients was 36.5613.8 ml/min/1.73m2. The significant different in the prevalence of VDD between gender groups (p = 0.004).
median length of hospitalization was 17 days. 22 patients (23.9%) tested positive for VDD is more common (82%) during the early stages of CKDu while less common
COVID-19. Area under a Curve (AUC) values from ROC analyses are shown in Table during the late stage. However, there is no any significant association between the
1. The difference in 30-day mortality rate between patients who tested positive for prevalence of VDD and CKDu stage (p=0.183).
COVID-19 and those who tested negative was þ6.8% (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: VDD is more commonly encountered complication in during the
CONCLUSION: Frailty and co-morbidity assessment tools (CFS, CCI and CKD FI- early stages of CKDu and it was significantly high in male CKDu patients compared to
LAB) displayed the best predictive ability for positive COVID-19 status following hip females.
fracture in patients living with CKD. A continuous, holistic multi-disciplinary team
approach during hospitalization for comprehensive geriatric assessment and MO534 Table: Prevalence of VDD in early and late stages of CKDu
optimization of medical co-morbidities may improve outcomes, in anticipation of a
potential lengthy hospital stay. To improve prognosis, research efforts should
continue to explore avenues on reducing COVID-19 rates within this patient Vitamin D Normal
deficiency Vitamin
Early Stage of CKDu(eGFR>45 ml/min/1.73m2) 32 (82%) 7 (17.9%)
Late Stage of CKDu(eGFR>45 ml/min/1.73m2) 79 (71.2%) 32 (28.8%)
i322 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Characteristic All Results
Participants for all
Age mean (sd) 355 63 (17)
Age category n (%) 355
<40 36 (10)
40-49 41 (11)
50-59 65 (18)
>60 213 (60)
Female n (%) 355 213 (60)
Hypertension n (%) 355 201 (58)
Diabetes n (%) 354 135 (38)
MO534 Figure: Gender wise prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency
eGFR mean (sd) 355 81 (30)
eGFR <60 n (%) 355 90 (25)
CKD stage n (%) among persons 90 -
Keniel Chrysostom1, Lori-Ann Fisher1, Everard Barton2, Adedamola Soyibo1, with eGFR < 60
Grethlyn West3, Georgette Skerritt3, Kyaw Hoe1 Stage 3 (estimated GFR 30-59) n (%) 73 (81)
University of the West Indies, Nephrology, Kingston, Jamaica, 2Caribbean Institute of Stage 4 (estimated GFR 15-29) n (%) 10 (11)
Nephrology, Kingston, Jamaica and 3Ministry of Health & Social Services, Glendon
Hospital, St. Johns, Montserrat Stage 5 (estimated GFR <15) n (%) 7 (8)
10.1093/ndt/gfab087 | i323
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Elevated plasma total homocystiene (tHcy) levels are
associated with atherosclerotic diseases in coronary, cerebral and peripheral blood
i324 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i325–i336, 2021
CKD. ANAEMIA baseline at 1 and 3 months. Bar heights represent mean change and error bars
represent standard deviations of the sample. FDI: Ferric derisomaltose.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: High dose intravenous (IV) iron is commonly used in MO538 Figure 2: Change in cystatin C and creatinine relative to baseline in the two
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but it remains unclear whether any short treatment arms, stratified by age and diabetes mellitus.
or long term impact on renal function exists. Studies using iron sucrose, a second
generation IV iron compound suggest effects on proteinuria while evidence with third
generation iron products revealed no impact on estimated glomerular filtration rate CONCLUSION: This post-hoc analysis of data from the Iron & Heart study indicates
(eGFR). These newer iron compounds have compact iron-carbohydrate cores, that high dose FDI did not cause any significant detriment in the short-term to renal
potentially limiting the nephrotoxic effects of labile free iron. function compared to placebo. This complements the safety profile of high dose third
As a part of the Iron & Heart study, we examined the impact of high dose ferric generation IV iron products and improves our understanding of their use in patients
derisomaltose (FDI), a third generation IV iron product, in patients with non-dialysis with CKD at their approved doses. There was a good correlation between cystatin C
dependent CKD and iron deficiency on markers of renal injury and function using and creatinine, which was not affected by various sub-groups such as age or presence of
both established (serum creatinine, eGFR, 24-hour excretion of protein) and novel diabetes mellitus. The analysis confirms the role of cystatin C as a robust biomarker of
methods (Cystatin C, Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)). measuring renal function at least when compared to other established methods.
In addition, correlations between the different markers of renal dysfunction were
examined alongside the impact of various confounders including age and diabetes
mellitus on the reliability of such markers. MO539 HEMATOLOGIC EFFICACY OF VADADUSTAT FOR ANEMIA IN
METHOD: This was a multicentre randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled PATIENTS WITH KIDNEY FAILURE ON DIALYSIS
study involving three tertiary renal centres in the United Kingdom. Patients with CKD
stages 3b-5 (non-dialysis), a serum ferritin <100 micrograms/L and/or transferrin Wolfgang Winkelmayer1, James A. Tumlin2, Steven Fishbane3, Youssef Farag4,
saturation <20% and a haemoglobin value of 110 – 150 g/L were enrolled. The Dennis Vargo4, Wenli Luo4, Mark Koury5
participants were randomized 1:1 to receive either 1000 mg of FDI or placebo. Cystatin 1
C, NGAL, serum creatinine eGFR and 24-hour urinary excretion of protein were Baylor College of Medicine, Nephrology, Houston, United States of America, 2Emory
measured at baseline and then repeated at 1- and 3- months. Changes in the levels of University School of Medicine, Lawrenceville,, United States of America, 3Hofstra
these were analysed both in terms of their absolute values and percentage change from Northwell Health School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
baseline. Pearson’s coefficient (r) was calculated as a measure of correlation between Great Neck, NY, United States of America, 4Akebia Therapeutics, Inc., Cambridge, United
changes in the follow-up values, and the level of statistical significance was set at less States of America and 5Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, United States of
than 0.05. America
RESULTS: 54 patients were randomized; 26 to FDI and 28 to placebo. Patients in the
two treatment arms were similar in age, gender, the prevalence of diabetes, baseline BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vadadustat is a small-molecule inhibitor of hypoxia-
eGFR and urinary protein excretion (200mg vs 350mg/24hr in the FDI and placebo inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase being developed for treatment of anemia associated
groups respectively, p = 0.2713). Compared to baseline levels, serum creatinine, with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The vadadustat phase 3 program includes four
cystatin C and NGAL did not change significantly in either arm (figure 1). There were efficacy and cardiovascular safety outcome trials of vadadustat versus the
no significant changes in urinary protein excretion both within and between groups erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA) darbepoetin alfa. Here we describe detailed
(median change in urinary protein excretion: FDI: -10mg and -39mg/24hr; placebo: results on hematologic efficacy in two of the four phase 3, randomized, open-label,
0mg and 0mg/24hr at 1- and 3- months respectively, p>0.05) There was a significant sponsor-blind trials (the INNO2VATE trials) in adult patients with dialysis-dependent
correlation between changes in cystatin C levels and serum creatinine (r = 0.6994, (DD) CKD and anemia, where vadadustat met prespecified noninferiority criteria
p<0.0001) during follow-up. This correlation persisted when patients were stratified by compared with darbepoetin alfa with respect to cardiovascular safety and correction/
an age of 65 years and presence of diabetes (figure 2). Changes in Cystatin C levels did maintenance of hemoglobin (Hb) target concentrations.
not correlate well with changes in NGAL. METHOD: The mean screening Hb range for the incident DD-CKD trial
(NCT02865850) was 8.0-11.0 g/dL; for the prevalent DD-CKD trial (NCT02892149), it
was 8.0-11.0 g/dL in the United States (US) and 9.0-12.0 g/dL for non-US. Patients in
the incident and prevalent DD-CKD trials had initiated dialysis within <16 weeks with
limited or no prior ESA exposure and >12 weeks with established ESA treatment prior
to screening, respectively. Vadadustat starting dose was 300 mg/day for all patients,
whereas initial darbepoetin alfa dose depended on each patient’s prior dose or product
label. Both vadadustat and darbepoetin alfa doses were titrated according to
prespecified dosing algorithms to achieve target Hb concentrations (US: 10-11 g/dL;
non-US: 10-12 g/dL) during the primary evaluation period (PEP; weeks 24-36) and the
secondary evaluation period (SEP; weeks 40-52). Herein, we present topline results
from PEP and SEP endpoints, as well as other, more detailed hematologic erythrocyte
RESULTS: A total of 3923 patients (369 with incident DD-CKD and 3554 with
prevalent DD-CKD) were randomized 1:1 to vadadustat or darbepoetin alfa.
Vadadustat was noninferior to darbepoetin alfa in achieving target-range Hb
concentrations (primary efficacy endpoint) among patients who were new to, or
established on, dialysis. The respective proportions of patients (vadadustat vs.
darbepoetin alfa) with an average Hb value within the geography-specific target range
in the PEP and SEP were 43.6% versus 56.9% and 39.8% versus 41.0% in the incident
MO538 Figure 1: Percentage change in Creatinine, Cystatin C and NGAL relative to trial and 49.2% versus 53.2% and 44.3% versus 50.9% in the prevalent dialysis trial. The
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
proportion of patients who achieved an Hb increase >1.0 g/dL from baseline to week
52 was assessed only for the incident trial and was 84.0% (95% CI: 77.8%, 89.0%) for Table. Incidence Rates of Adjudicated MACE, MACEþ, and ACM Events/100 PEY in
vadadustat versus 89.9% (95% CI: 84.7%, 93.8%) for darbepoetin alfa. Patients Receiving Roxadustat
Hematologic erythrocyte parameters at time points within the PEP and SEP are
presented in Table 1. In the incident trial, reticulocyte count was slightly increased Achieved Hb Immediately Prior to Eventa Preliminary ROR of Hba.b
from baseline at 28 and 52 weeks for vadadustat, whereas for darbepoetin alfa, <10 g/dL 10 to <12 g/dL 12 to <13 g/dL 13 g/dL 2 g/dL/ >2 g/dL/
reticulocyte count was slightly decreased or unchanged in both trials. Erythrocyte PEY¼759.9 PEY¼2835.7 PEY¼664.3 PEY¼129.9 4 weeks 4 weeks
mean corpuscular volume and erythrocyte mean corpuscular Hb showed increases by PEY¼4247.6 PEY¼142.3
week 52 for both groups. MACE 17.4 5.1 5.0 6.2 7.2 2.8
CONCLUSION: Vadadustat demonstrated similar profiles across erythrocyte MACEþ 24.7 7.5 7.2 10.0 9.8 9.8
ACM 13.2 3.0 2.9 1.5 4.8 0.7
parameters compared with darbepoetin alfa in the treatment of anemia associated with a
CKD in adults in both incident dialysis and prevalent dialysis settings. Adjudicated events by Hb level that occurred during the treatment period and within 7 days of
the last dose of study medication in randomised subjects who took any dose of roxadustat.
Preliminary Hb ROR was defined as the maximum change at every moving 4-week window.
Total PEY for the ROR >2 g/dL per 4 weeks category includes a union of all windows that contain
ROR >2 g/dL; the complement set is defined as the PEY for ROR 2 g/dL per 4 weeks category.
Subjects with more than one event in each category were only counted once.
Incidence rate/100 PEY ¼ 100 x number of subjects with events/PEY.
Abbreviations: ACM, all-cause mortality; Hb, haemoglobin; MACE, major adverse cardiovascular
events; MACEþ, MACE plus heart failure and unstable angina requiring hospitalisation; PEY,
patient-exposure years; ROR, rate of rise.
i326 | Abstracts
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from baseline through week 52 for vadadustat and trended down from baseline for might reduce CV events in this patient population. This study aimed to evaluate the
darbepoetin alfa. Trends in erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume and erythrocyte impact of anaemia and other risk factors on long-term CV risk in haemodialysis (HD)
mean corpuscular Hb were largely unremarkable by week 52 in both treatment groups. patients with CKD. A secondary aim was to establish a CV risk equation for this
CONCLUSION: Vadadustat demonstrated similar profiles across erythrocyte patient population.
parameters compared with darbepoetin alfa in the treatment of adults with anemia in METHOD: This retrospective study used data from the Phase 3 AURORA study
CKD not on dialysis, whether ESA-untreated or ESA-treated at study entry. (NCT04042350) of 2776 ESRD patients aged 50–80 years receiving regular HD/
haemofiltration, for a mean 3.2 year follow up.3 The primary endpoint of our analysis
was time to first major adverse cardiovascular event (CV MACE; non-fatal stroke, non-
fatal myocardial infarction, and CV mortality; n=804). Secondary endpoints included
time to non-fatal stroke (ischaemic or haemorrhagic; n=98), coronary revascularisation
therapy (n=300) and all-cause mortality (n=1296), and development of a CV risk
equation. Ferritin and transferrin baseline values were determined for this analysis
using the original frozen AURORA study patient samples (>10 years old). Statistical
Tadao Akizawa1, Kiyoshi Nobori2, Yoshimi Matsuda2, Kentaro Taki3,
analyses were performed using univariate and multiple Cox regression models. For
Yasuhiro Hayashi4, Takanori Hayasaki4, Hiroyasu Yamamoto6
each outcome a full model was estimated and then simplified by approximation with
Showa University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2Bayer fewer factors. This was done using linear regression against the linear predictor of the
Yakuhin Ltd, Research & Development, Osaka, Japan, 3Bayer Yakuhin Ltd, Medical full Cox regression model. In a stepwise manner, the least contributing variable was
Affairs & Pharmacovigilance, Tokyo, Japan, 4Bayer Yakuhin Ltd, Medical Affairs & removed until the subset of variables approximated the full model to 95%. Model
Pharmacovigilance, Osaka, Japan and 6The Jikei University School of Medicine, performance was measured using the C-statistic, and internally validated using
Department of Internal Medicine, Tokyo, Japan bootstrap.
RESULTS: Incidence rates for CV MACE, non-fatal stroke, coronary revascularisation,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) are the and all-cause mortality were 9.36, 1.11, 3.57, and 13.73 per 100 patient-years,
standard of care for anaemia due to chronic kidney disease (renal anaemia). respectively. Certain established risk factors among HD patients, such as age, gender,
Molidustat, a novel hypoxia-inducible factor prolyl hydroxylase (HIF–PH) inhibitor previous history of CVD, diabetes mellitus, smoking, blood pressure, high phosphate
for the treatment of renal anaemia, could offer an alternative to ESAs. Molidustat was and C-reactive protein levels, and low albumin levels, were also findings for this study,
evaluated in the “molidustat once daily improves renal anaemia by inducing although non-fatal stroke was underpowered to show significance (Table). Elevated
erythropoietin (MIYABI) program”, comprising five phase 3 studies. The present study haemoglobin levels (127 g/L) demonstrated a protective effect on the risk of all-cause
investigated the safety and efficacy of molidustat in Japanese patients with renal mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 0.916, p=0.010 for 127 g/L [upper quartile] versus 107 g/L
anaemia undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD) and previously treated with ESAs or not. [lower quartile]), but were also associated with an increased risk of coronary
METHOD: This was a 36-week, open-label, single-arm, phase 3 study in Japanese revascularisations (HR 1.164, p=0.011 for 127 g/L versus 107 g/L). Haemoglobin levels
patients 20 years with renal anaemia undergoing PD and not expected to start 107 g/L were associated with an approximately 9% increased annual risk of mortality
maintenance haemodialysis. Molidustat was administered once daily at a starting dose (HR 1/0.916=1.092). Elevated ferritin and transferrin levels were significant and
of 75 mg. Doses were titrated every 4 weeks based on the patient’s haemoglobin (Hb) independent risk factors for CV MACE (HR [95% CI] 1.130 [1.025, 1.246] and 1.202
response to the previous dose during visits to maintain the Hb level within the target [0.987, 1.464], respectively), and all-cause mortality (HR [95% CI] 1.088 [1.008, 1.174]
range of 11.0 g/dL to < 13.0 g/dL (Japanese guidelines). The primary efficacy and 1.402 [1.198,1.641], respectively), but further analyses of iron metabolism markers,
outcome was the responder rate, defined as the proportion of patients who meet all of such as hepcidin, are needed to draw meaningful conclusions. The age of the samples
the following criteria: (1) mean Hb level during the evaluation period in the target may have also impacted the results. Risk prediction models were developed, and the
range from week 30 to week 36; (2) 50% of Hb values within the target range during predictive ability was 0.66–0.68 (C-statistic).
the evaluation period; (3) no rescue treatment before the end of the evaluation period. CONCLUSION: This analysis confirmed that this cohort is representative of a HD
Other outcomes included mean Hb level during the evaluation period and its change population. Moreover, elevated haemoglobin levels were associated with increased
from baseline, Hb level at each visit and the number of treatment-emergent adverse survival, concomitantly with coronary revascularisation. Elevated ferritin and
events (TEAEs). transferrin levels were identified as potential risk factors for CV MACE and all-cause
RESULTS: Overall, 51 patients received molidustat (49 ESA-treated; 2 ESA-untreated) mortality, but further studies are required to better understand their value in
and 36 (70.6%) completed treatment. Mean age was 63.3 years, mean body weight was estimating CV risk. Risk predication models were developed and performed well but
62.4 kg and 62.7% were male. Mean baseline Hb level was 11.19 g/dL and mean require validation against an independent patient cohort.
duration of peritoneal dialysis was 2.8 years. Over the study period, mean treatment
duration was 200.8 days with a mean dosage of 93.8 mg/day.
The responder rate (95% confidence interval [CI]) during the evaluation period was
54.9% (40.3, 68.9). The proportions of patients meeting criterion (1), (2) or (3) were
54.9%, 58.8% and 92.2%, respectively. The mean (95% CI) for mean Hb level during
the evaluation period was 11.18 (10.83, 11.54) g/dL and the mean (95% CI) for the
change in mean Hb level during the evaluation period from baseline was 0.00 (–0.41,
0.41) g/dL. Mean Hb level stayed in the target range from week 12–36.
Of the 15 patients who did not complete treatment, 9 discontinued because of a TEAE,
4 initiated rescue treatment and 2 progressed to maintenance haemodialysis. Overall,
98.0% of patients experienced 1 TEAE during the study; most TEAEs were mild
(49.0%) or moderate (37.3%) in intensity. The most common TEAEs were
nasopharyngitis (35.3%), constipation and medical device site infection (11.8% each).
No deaths were reported, and major adverse cardiovascular events occurred in 2.0% of
CONCLUSION: In this phase 3, single-arm, open-label study, over 70% of patients
completed the study and more than half of the patients met the responder criteria.
Molidustat maintained Hb in the prespecified range ( 11.0 g/dL to < 13.0 g/dL) and
was well-tolerated over the 36 weeks of treatment. Molidustat offers a potential
alternative to ESAs in patients with renal anaemia undergoing PD.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at
higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), which can also lead to end-stage renal
disease (ESRD).1 As anaemia is an independent risk factor for CVD,2 treating anaemia
10.1093/ndt/gfab085 | i327
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i328 | Abstracts
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MO545 INSIDE ANEMIA OF CKD: ESTIMATING THE IMPACT OF METHOD: This was a multicentre double blinded randomized placebo-controlled trial
POLICY INTERVENTIONS ON ANAEMIA OF CKD IN THE USA in three tertiary renal centres in the United Kingdom. Patients with CKD stages 3b-5
BY MICROSIMULATION MODELLING (non-dialysis) and iron deficiency without anaemia (serum ferritin <100 micrograms/
L and/or transferrin saturation <20%) were enrolled. The participants were
Lise Retat1, Laura Webber1, Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez2, Claudia Cabrera3, randomized 1:1 to receive either 1000 mg of FDI or placebo and followed up at 1- and
Susan Grandy4, Naveen Rao2, Purav Bhatt4, Jill Davis4, K-H Yu5, Rachel Lai5, 3-month intervals. Biomarkers of inflammation (CRP, IL6, IL8 and IL10), oxidative
Navdeep Tangri6, Jay Wish7 stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and F2-isoprostane) and cardiac stress
HealthLumen, London, United Kingdom, 2AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Cambridge, (NT-proBNP) were analysed. Endothelial function was investigated through
United Kingdom, 3AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4AstraZeneca, biomarkers (E-selectin and P-selectin) and pulse wave velocity measurements.
BioPharm Medical, Wilmington, United States of America, 5FibroGen, San Francisco, Statistical analysis using repeated measure ANOVA with baseline, 1 month and 3-
United States of America, 6University of Manitoba, Chronic Disease Innovation Center, month data was performed with statistical significance inferred at p<0.05.
Winnipeg, Canada and 7Indiana University School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, RESULTS: A total of 54 patients were randomized to receive FDI (n=26) or placebo
Indianapolis, United States of America (n=28). The two groups were comparable for baseline characteristics. Both pro and
anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL2, IL6 and IL10) were not affected by FDI at any study
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anaemia is a common complication in patients with point, nor there was any statistical difference was exhibited in CRP (FDI vs. placebo: 1-
chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with increased mortality, month: 4.2 (2.7) vs. 6.9 mg/L (18.3), p=0.6; 3-months: 7.5 (6.8) vs. 10.3 mg/L (23.0);
cardiovascular complications, reduced quality of life and increased use of healthcare p=0.46). Markers of oxidative stress were not significantly altered following FDI
resources. Mathematical modelling based on robust epidemiological and clinical data is treatment or in comparison to placebo. A non-significant trend for a decrease in F2-
a useful approach for predicting the future burden of disease and the impact of isoprostane measurements was noted during the first month following FDI infusion
different intervention scenarios; this is important for health service planning. This compared to placebo (-77% vs. -66%; p=0.83). FDI caused a greater reduction in NT-
analysis uses a microsimulation model, Inside ANEMIA of CKD, to predict the effects proBNP compared to placebo (FDI: baseline: 422 (881.9) ng/l; 1-month: 242.5 (209.1)
of a hypothetical intervention scenario that reduces the prevalence of anaemia of CKD ng/l; placebo: baseline: 485.2 (1268.1) ng/l; 1-month: 436.4 (1383.4) ng/l), but this was
on related healthcare costs in the USA from 2020 to 2025. not statistically significant (p=0.37). Pulse wave velocity was not affected in either
METHOD: A virtual cohort representing the US population was created within the group while measurements of P-selectin remained unaltered. There was a statistically
Inside ANEMIA of CKD microsimulation model framework using demographics and significant increase in E-selectin at both follow-up points following infusion with FDI
epidemiological data drawn from the US Census Bureau, the Centers for Disease compared with placebo (1-month: p=0.03; 3 months: p<0.001).
Control and Prevention, and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. CONCLUSION: High dose third generation iron treatment of CKD patients with iron
In the cohort, virtual individuals were ascribed an age–sex-stratified CKD status deficiency did not lead to either a pro-oxidant or a pro-inflammatory signal. The
(defined by estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria levels, as per decrease in markers of oxidative stress following administration of FDI may represent
international guidelines) and anaemia status (defined by haemoglobin level as mild, the anti-oxidant effects following alleviation of iron deficiency. Although there was no
moderate or severe, as per WHO criteria) based on US prevalence data. Key increase in inflammatory markers there was an increase in E-selectin which might
comorbidities (type 2 diabetes, heart failure and hypertension) were also assigned, impact vascular function, as upregulation of selectins can be a sign of inflammation or
reflecting US-specific population statistics. Healthcare costs related to CKD and atherosclerosis but the unaffected pulse wave velocity and the reduction in NT pro-
anaemia of CKD were taken from the published literature. The study modelled the BNP are reassuring. Overall, the data confirm that high dose FDI therapy is
effects on healthcare costs of a hypothetical intervention scenario in which the mechanistically safe. Further larger studies are needed to confirm these findings and
prevalence of moderate and severe anaemia is reduced by 20% per year from 2020 to the longer term impact on cardiac and vascular function of high dose FDI
2025 compared with no intervention (baseline). In each scenario (i.e. intervention or administration.
baseline), the modelling analysis estimated healthcare costs related to CKD and
anaemia (including inpatient, outpatient, pharmacy costs) for patients with moderate
or severe anaemia of CKD. The model did not adjust for the potential costs of the MO547 ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SERUM INDICES OF IRON
RESULTS: Preliminary results predict that, with the hypothetical intervention, there PATIENTS WITH PREDIALYSIS CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE
could be 1.40 million fewer patients with moderate or severe anaemia of CKD in the
USA in 2025 compared with no intervention (1.45 million versus 2.85 million). This Takeshi Hasegawa1,2, Takahiro Imaizumi3, Kenta Murotani4, Takayuki Hamano5,
represents a 49% reduction in cases of moderate or severe anaemia of CKD in 2025 Masafumi Fukagawa6
with the intervention versus no intervention. The intervention is projected to lead to a 1
reduction of approximately US$18 billion in annual direct healthcare costs in 2025 for Showa University, Showa University Research Administration Center (SURAC), Tokyo,
patients with moderate or severe anaemia of CKD compared with no intervention Japan, 2Showa University, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, School of
(US$26 billion versus US$44 billion). Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3Nagoya University Hospital, Data Coordinating Center,
CONCLUSION: The Inside ANEMIA of CKD microsimulation model predicts that a Department of Advanced Medicine, Japan, 4Kurume University, Biostatistics Center,
hypothetical intervention which reduces the prevalence of moderate and severe Japan, 5Nagoya City University, Department of Nephrology, Graduate School of
anaemia of CKD would reduce direct healthcare costs. This suggests that interventions Medical Sciences, Japan and 6Tokai University School of Medicine, Division of
effective at reducing the prevalence of anaemia of CKD would help to reduce the Nephrology, Endocrinology and Metabolism, Japan
economic burden on healthcare services.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD)
have a greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) events than the general
population. Anaemia is the most frequent comorbidity in pre-dialysis CKD patients
MO546 THE SHORT-TERM EFFECT OF HIGH DOSE THIRD and is associated with an increase in CVD events. Iron deficiency is the most frequent
GENERATION INTRAVENOUS IRON ON PATIENTS IN cause of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) resistant anaemia in CKD patients
PATIENTS WITH CKD AND IRON DEFICIENCY ON OXIDATIVE and is modifiable by therapeutic intervention. However, the optimal ranges of iron
STRESS, INFLAMMATION, ENDOTHELIUM AND markers are uncertain in predialysis CKD patients. Therefore, we aimed to investigate
MYOCARDIAL STRESS the association between serum indices of iron metabolism and the incidence of CVD
events in patients with predialysis CKD using the CKD-Japan Cohort (CKD-JAC) data.
Xenophon Kassianides1, Adil Hazara1, Philip A. Kalra2, Iain Macdougall3, METHOD: We prospectively followed 1550 CKD patients aged 20-75 years with an
Sunil Bhandari1 estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for a mean of 4.21
Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the Hull York Medical School, years. We set serum transferrin saturation (TSAT) and ferritin levels as the main
Academic Renal Research Department, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom, 2Salford exposures to be tested. Our main outcome measures were any of the CVD events
Royal NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Manchester, Renal Department, including fatal or non-fatal myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure (CHF),
Manchester, United Kingdom and 3King’s College Hospital, Department of Renal angina pectoris, arrhythmia, aorta dissection, cerebrovascular disorder, and peripheral
Medicine, London, United Kingdom artery diseases identified at each facility and adjudicated by the independent cardiac
function evaluation committee. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intravenous (IV) iron administration in patients with models were employed to examine the association between serum TSAT or ferritin
chronic kidney disease (CKD) may lead to both pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory levels with time to events. Death was considered as a competing risk with the Fine and
effects and thus secondarily compromise, potentially causing adverse cardiovascular Gray model. All models were stratified by facilities and adjusted for potential
outcomes. In-vitro and in-vivo studies suggest that these effects correlate with the confounders as follows: age, sex, systolic blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, history of
amount of labile free iron circulating following infusion of iron. Third generation IV CHF, haemoglobin, serum calcium, serum phosphorus, intact parathyroid hormone,
irons (e.g. ferric derisomaltose (FDI)) have been developed with more compact iron- eGFR, proteinuria, ESAs, iron supplementation, renin-angiotensin system inhibitors,
carbohydrate cores, enabling higher doses to be delivered in a single sitting with lower and beta-blockers. We also applied the multivariable fractional polynomial interaction
labile iron generation. (MFPI) approach to investigate whether TSAT levels are the effect modifier of the
The Iron & Heart study was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial set out association between iron supplementation and the outcomes.
to examine the effect of high dose third generation iron (FDI) on the functional RESULTS: In the overall cohort, 208 (13.4 %) patients developed CVD events
capacity of patients with CKD and iron deficiency. A pre-specified secondary (including 97 CHF) during the follow-up period (26.6 events/1000 person-year). The
mechanistic endpoint was the effect of FDI on markers of oxidative stress, incidence rate of CVD events was the highest in the TSAT < 20% category (33.0
inflammation, endothelial function and cardiac stress. events/1000 person-year). Compared to patients in the TSAT > 40% category, those in
10.1093/ndt/gfab085 | i329
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
the TSAT < 20% category demonstrated an increased risk of CVD events (adjusted
hazard ratio (AHR): 1.86, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.06-3.26) and CHF events
(AHR: 2.82, 95% CI: 1.15-6.89), respectively. Meanwhile, there was no association
between serum ferritin levels and the risk of developing CVD or CHF events. MFPI
analyses showed a reduced risk of CVD in patients receiving iron supplementation
only in patients with TSAT <20% (P for interaction=0.02).
CONCLUSION: Maintaining TSAT >20% could be effective to reduce the risk of
developing CVD events (especially CHF) in patients with predialysis CKD. Our
analyses also suggest that iron-deficient patients with predialysis CKD may benefit
from iron supplementation for reduced risk of CVD events.
i330 | Abstracts
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RESULTS: Preliminary results predict that, with the hypothetical intervention, there MO551 A COST-OFFSET ANALYSIS OF THE ROXADUSTAT
could be approximately 435,000 fewer patients with moderate or severe anaemia of DIALYSIS-DEPENDENT GLOBAL PHASE 3 PROGRAM: A
CKD in Canada in 2025 compared with no intervention (approximately 497,000 versus CANADIAN HEALTHCARE PERSPECTIVE
932,000). The intervention is projected to lead to a reduction of C$4.4 billion in annual
direct healthcare costs in 2025 for patients with moderate or severe anaemia of CKD John Schneider1, Shawn Davies1, Amanda Howarth1, Juan Jose Garcia
compared with no intervention (C$9.1 billion versus C$13.5 billion), assuming that all Sanchez2, Naveen Rao2, Susan Grandy3, Purav Bhatt3, Deborah Wong4,
eligible patients are diagnosed and treated. Anna Parackal4, K-H Yu5, Rachel Lai5, Andrew Briggs1
CONCLUSION: The Inside ANEMIA of CKD microsimulation model predicts that a Avalon Health Economics, United States of America, 2AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical,
hypothetical intervention which reduces the prevalence of moderate and severe Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Wilmington, United
anaemia of CKD would produce reductions in direct healthcare costs. This suggests States of America, 4AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Mississauga, Canada and
that interventions effective at reducing the prevalence of anaemia of CKD would help FibroGen, San Francisco, United States of America
to reduce the economic burden on healthcare services.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a costly public health
issue, which affects 13.4% of the population globally. Anaemia is a common
MO550 INDOXYL SULFATE AFFECTS ERYTHROPOIESIS DURING complication in patients with CKD resulting in reduced health-related quality of life
THE COURSE OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A and high healthcare costs. The objective of this analysis was to estimate the direct
MOLECULAR STUDY medical care cost offsets of the investigational agent roxadustat for the treatment of
anaemia in patients with dialysis-dependent (DD) CKD from a Canadian healthcare
Eya Hamza1, Hakim Ouled-Haddou1, Nicolas Jankovsky1, Yohann Demont1,2, perspective.
Benjamin Brigant3,4, Ziad Massy5,6, Stéphane Burtey 7,8, Gabriel Choukroun4,9, METHOD: Data from the roxadustat global phase 3 program were used to estimate the
Loı̈c Garçon1,2, Laurent Metzinger1, Valérie Metzinger-le Meuth1,10 incidence of rescue therapy or iron supplementation use (i.e. intravenous iron,
1 erythropoiesis-stimulating agents [ESAs] or red blood cell transfusions) and major
HEMATIM UR-UPJV 4666, C.U.R.S University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France,
2 adverse cardiovascular events (MACEþ) for roxadustat compared with ESAs in DD
Service Hématologie Biologique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Amiens-
patients with anaemia of CKD. MACEþ included myocardial infarction, stroke,
Picardie, Amiens, France, 3NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
unstable angina requiring hospitalization, congestive heart failure (CHF) requiring
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Trondheim, Norway, 4UR-UPJV7517, MP3CV,
hospitalization, cardiovascular death and other death. Published Canadian cost data
C.U.R.S University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France, 5Inserm U-1018, Team 5,
were used to estimate event costs. Drug acquisition costs for roxadustat and ESAs were
Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations, Versailles Saint-
not considered. A hypothetical cohort of 10,000 Canadian adult DD patients (90%
Quentin-en-Yvelines University (Paris-Ile-de-France-Ouest University), Villejuif, France,
6 undergoing haemodialysis, 10% undergoing peritoneal dialysis) with treatable anaemia
Division of Nephrology, Ambroise Paré Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de
was modelled to determine net medical care cost offsets annually and cumulatively
Paris, Paris, France, 7C2VN, Aix Marseille Univ, INSERM, INRAE, Marseille, France, 8Centre
compared with ESAs over a 4-year time horizon.
de Néphrologie et Transplantation Rénale, AP-HM, Hôpital de la Conception, Marseille,
RESULTS: Preliminary results for patients with DD CKD show that, compared with
France, 9Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation, Centre Hospitalier
ESAs, roxadustat could produce sizeable net medical care cost offsets resulting from
Universitaire (CHU) Amiens-Picardie, Amiens, France and 10INSERM UMRS 1148,
reductions in rescue therapy or iron supplementation use, specifically red blood cell
Laboratory for Vascular Translational Science (LVTS), Bobigny, France
transfusions, and from reductions in MACEþ, specifically CHF hospitalizations. For
the entire cohort of patients with DD CKD, cumulative medical care cost offsets for
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global health roxadustat were an estimated $162,609 for rescue therapy or iron supplementation use
condition characterized by a progressive deterioration of renal function due to high and $1,027,070 for MACEþ compared with ESAs.
serum levels of uremic toxins. Anemia is a major trouble in CKD patients that CONCLUSION: This analysis provides evidence that treatment with roxadustat in DD
contributes to a faster deterioration of renal failure, leading to cardiovascular disease patients with anaemia of CKD could result in considerable medical care cost offsets for
and increasing morbimortality. Erythropoietin (EPO) is known to contribute to CKD- roxadustat compared with ESAs.
associated anemia. Thus, accumulation of uremic toxins in blood impairs EPO
synthesis, leading to a subsequent impairment of erythropoiesis in the bone marrow.
Very few molecular clues explain why erythropoiesis is affected in CKD or explain why
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) are not efficient in some patients with CKD. MO552 PHARMACOLOGICAL HIF PROLYL HYDROXYLASE
The current study aims to characterize the impact of one of the most representative INHIBITION IMPROVES EXERCISE ENDURANCE CAPACITY
uremic toxins, Indoxyl Sulfate (IS), in CKD-related anemia. IS is a protein-bound IN CKD MICE
uremic toxin derived from the tryptophan dietary metabolism which is difficult to
remove by dialysis. Our study demonstrates the molecular effects of IS on the growth Koji Takemura1, Hiroshi Nishi1, Takaaki Higashihara1, Masaomi Nangaku1
and the differentiation of red blood cells in an erythroid cell line and in primary cell The University of Tokyo Hospital, Division of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Tokyo,
cultures CD34þ. Japan
METHOD: Firstly, we examined in vitro the time-courses of IS under clinically
relevant concentrations of IS (250 mM -1 mM) in a human leukemic cell line in which BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Erythropoietin (EPO) and hypoxia-inducible factor
proliferation is induced by EPO, the UT7/EPO cell line. Cell apoptosis, proliferation, (HIF) stabilizers (prolyl hydroxylase (PH) inhibitors) are efficient therapeutic
differentiation and cell cycle analysis were assessed by the MACSQuant flow modalities against anemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Compared to EPO and
cytometry. Erythroid gene expression analysis was assessed by RT-qPCR (Quantstudio EPO receptor system, extra-renal action of PH inhibitors has still not been fully
7 flex). The ratio A260/280 assessed the quality of nucleic acids. Western blotting investigated. Previous reports caution us about the actual misuse of PH inhibitors in
experiments were performed to study protein expression. Human primary CD34þ doped athletes, but the drug nonhematopoietic effects of PH inhibitors on skeletal
cells were obtained from mobilized peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) of muscles remain controversial both in healthy subjects or in patients with CKD.
healthy subjects and were isolated by magnetic microbeads separation on MACS METHOD: To study direct pharmacological effects of PH inhibitors on skeletal
columns. muscles, one of PH inhibitors, roxadustat, was administered via oral gavage to healthy
RESULTS: IS at 250 mM and 1 mM increased apoptosis of UT7/EPO cell line at 48h 8-week-old C57BL6 mice. Plasma EPO levels and HIF-targeted gene expression were
compared to control condition. On the other hand, we found no significant effect of IS analyzed after a single administration. Exercise ability was assessed by treadmill
on the phenotype of UT7/EPO, when using CD235a (Glycophorin A), as a marker for exhaustion test after a single dose or chronic 5-week treatment. Roxadustat was also
the detection of the erythroid cell lineage. administered for 2 weeks to CKD mice with 2-week 0.2% adenine diet. Endurance
Ki67 cellular levels, a cell proliferation marker, was not altered between control and IS capacity was similarly assessed after 2-week roxadustat treatment.
experiments. This indicated that IS did not affect proliferation in UT7/EPO. At 48h, at RESULTS: Even a single administration of roxadustat increased plasma EPO levels and
the clinically relevant concentration of IS (250 mM), we observed an increase of the cell gene expression downstream of HIF in skeletal muscles. Healthy mice treated with
phase cycle Sub-G1. The analysis of erythropoiesis related genes shows that HIF2a was roxadustat for 5 weeks showed higher blood haemoglobin (Hb) levels and improved
deregulated with IS (250 mM). Finally, in the Epo-EpoR signalling pathway, we studied exercise endurance in treadmill exhaustion test, which was blunted by hemodilution
the activation of the Jak2/Stat5 proteins. procedure. Adenine-fed CKD mice showed lower blood Hb levels and worse endurance
Results in human primary CD34þ cells confirmed the apoptotic effect of IS observed capacity compared to control mice. Roxadustat treatment improved endurance
in UT7/EPO. capacity in CKD mice without significant increase in blood Hb levels compared to
CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that IS, a representative protein-bound uremic control mice.
toxin, could affect cell viability, apoptosis and the cell cycle. This study suggests clues to CONCLUSION: Treatment with HIF-PH inhibitor, roxadustat, improves exercise
develop new therapies for CKD-associated anemia. endurance principally via pharmacological erythropoiesis. However, roxadustat shows
potential effects independent of erythropoiesis on endurance capacity in CKD.
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MO553 INSIDE ANEMIA OF CKD: MICROSIMULATION MODELLING addition, using a generalized linear mixed model, we divided the HF patients into three
OF THE FUTURE COST BURDEN OF ANAEMIA OF CKD IN groups with eGFR 60, 30–60, and <30, and examined whether the severity of CKD
CANADA was related to the Hb change and physical function.
RESULTS: The median age of the subjects in this study was 77 years (interquartile
Lise Retat1, Laura Webber1, Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez2, Claudia Cabrera3, range 72–82). Changes in Hb during hospitalization were independent determinants of
Susan Grandy4, Naveen Rao2, Purav Bhatt4, Deborah Wong5, Anna Parackal5, physical function (leg strength, b: 0.158, P < 0.001; gait speed, b: 0.023, P < 0.001;
Jay Wish6, Navdeep Tangri7 6MWD, b: 13.039, P < 0.001), even after accounting for factors related to severity of
Health Lumen , 2AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Cambridge, United Kingdom, HF. Moreover, the group with more severe CKD showed significantly lower physical
AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4AstraZeneca, BioPharm function, although Hb improved (P < 0.001) with respect to leg strength and 6MWD
Medical, Wilmington, United States of America, 5AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, compared with the group with lower CKD stage.
Mississauga, Canada, 6Indiana University School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, CONCLUSION: Hb change during hospitalization was an independent determinant of
Indianapolis, United States of America and 7University of Manitoba, Chronic Disease physical function in patients with HF. Patients with a more severe CKD showed lower
Innovation Center, Winnipeg, Canada leg strength values and 6MWD even if Hb improved.
i332 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
attendance/performance, but they did not advocate use of any specific instruments. No 3238 IU and 20 lg, respectively. During their initial course of therapy, three-quarters
HRQoL product labelling information was identified. of patients had either an increase or decrease in ESA dose. Less than 10% of patients
Based on the conceptual model, the literature review results and age group coverage, switched ESAs, while approximately one-third discontinued within 2 years of
five instruments were selected for critical appraisal: PedsQL, PedsQL Infant Scales, initiation. At 3 and 6 months post-ESA initiation, only 64.7% of the sample had a
PedsQL Multidimensional Fatigue Scale, PedsQL v3.0 End Stage Renal Disease documented Hb measurement despite continuing ESA treatment; this proportion was
module, and EQ-5D-Y. Between them, these instruments provided complete coverage further reduced to 60.0% by 12 months after initiation.
of the impact of fatigue and headaches, and partial coverage of the effects on physical The Hb target was maintained by 88.7%, 74.6% and 49.4% of patients at 3, 6 and 12
functioning, activities of daily living, emotional functioning and social functioning. months, respectively. Mean ferritin levels were 167.3 ng/mL at initiation and 198.7 ng/
None of these instruments measured the impact of shortness of breath, and there was mL at 12 months (among the 85% and 48% of the sample, respectively, with recorded
no coverage of the consequences for work or the family’s/caregivers’ HRQoL. data). Mean TSAT was 22.1% at initiation and 25.6% at 12 months (among the 67%
CONCLUSION: Anaemia of CKD affects many HRQoL domains for paediatric and 38%, respectively, with recorded data).
patients and their caregivers. While current PRO/ObsRO instruments partially address Approximately three-quarters of patients (77.3%) received iron therapy concomitantly
these impacts, no single instrument in our assessment measured all symptoms and with ESA treatment; in the UK, most of these received IV iron, while in Germany and
domains of interest to patients and caregivers. Multiple instruments should be included Spain, a majority received oral iron (Table). Blood transfusions were more common in
in clinical studies to capture symptoms and HRQoL important to patients, and Spain (24.2%) than in Germany (5.1%) or the UK (8.4%). Approximately one-fifth of
adequate measurement of the effects of anaemia on work or the family’s/caregivers’ patients required dialysis.
HRQoL might require development of a new instrument. CONCLUSION: Initiation of ESAs to treat anaemia among patients with NDD-CKD
in Germany, Spain and the UK follows current guidelines. However, recommendations
to regularly monitor Hb were not routinely followed or were poorly documented. As
most patients with NDD-CKD anaemia were treated at home, oral therapies may be of
benefit to these patients
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
1. KDIGO 2012 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of years). The mean Hb was 11.8 61.9 g/dL. Important cardiovascular comorbidities in
Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney Int Suppl. 2013;3:1–150 patients with anemia were arterial hypertension (86.7%), obesity (65.5%), Diabetes
2. Ogden L et al. J Kidney Care 2018;3:S3–S8 Mellitus (DM) (52%) and dyslipidemia (46%). In univariate analysis, mortality was
3. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney associated with anemia (36.9 vs 13.0%, p<0.001), obesity (30.1 vs 21.8%, p<0.001) and
Int Suppl. 2012;2:1–64 DM (30.1 vs 21.1%, p<0.001). Of the patients with anemia, 738 met the criteria for
CKD progression. In univariate analysis, CKD progression was associated with anemia
(49.6 vs 43.9%, p=0.002), male gender (49.5 vs 43.6% p= 0.001); DM (49.6 vs 44.8 %
MO557 EFFICIENCY OF FERRIC CARBOXYMALTOSE IN NON- p=0.009) and hypertension (47.9 vs 42.3% p=0.0018). In multivariate logistic
DIALYSIS CKD PATIENTS AND ITS IMPACT ON KIDNEY regression analysis, anemia emerged was an independent predictor of CKD
FUNCTION: A PROSPECTIVE OBSERVATIONAL STUDY progression (OR 1.435, CI 95% 1.21-1.71, p<0,001). Comparing hb values intervals (hb
10g/dl; hb10-12 g/dL; hb 12 g/dL), in the multivariate logistic regression analysis,
Marisa Rold~ao1, Rachele Escoli1, Hern^ ani Gonçalves1, Karina Lopes1 hb 10g/dl was not associated with CKD progression and hb value between 10-12 g/dL
1 was associated (OR 1,486, CI 95% 1.23-1.80, p<0,001), when compared with the group
Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo, Nephrology, Torres Novas, Portugal with hb 12g/dL. In multivariate logistic regression analysis, the independent
predictors of mortality were: older age (OR per 1 year increase: 1.048, 95% CI 95%
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Iron deficiency anemia occurs in the vast majority of 1.04-1.06, p<0.001); arterial hypertension (OR 0.699 CI 95% 0.51-0.96, p=0.0029);
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The aim of this study was to investigate obesity (OR 0.741, CI 95% 0.60-0.91, p=0.004) and hb value (OR per 1 g/dL decrease:
the efficacy of ferric carboxymaltose (FCM) iron deficiency anemia’s treatment in non- 1.301, CI 95% 1.23-1.38, p<0.001). Cardiovascular events were correlated with Hb
dialysis CKD patients and to clarify its impact on kidney function. levels between 10-12 g/dL (univariate analysis: OR 2.021, CI 95% 1.27-3.22, P=0.003),
METHOD: Prospective observational study of non-dialysis CKD stage 3 to 5 patients, but not with the group with hb10 g/dL (univariate analysis: OR 1.837, CI 95% 0.96-
with anemia and iron deficiency treated with FCM from 01 January 2019 to 31 June 3.51, P=0.066), having the group with hb 12g/dL was reference. Anemia was strongly
2020. FCM was administrated as a single IV infusion of 500mg or 1000mg. Baseline associated with hospitalizations (multivariate logistic regression analysis: OR per 1 g/
clinical, analytical and demographic data were recorded. FCM efficacy was evaluated dL of Hb decrease: 1.256 CI 95% 1.12-1.32 p<0.001), and this strong association was
by comparing hemoglobin (Hb), serum ferritin and transferrin saturation index also observed on the groups with hb hb10 g/dL (multivariate logistic regression
(TSAT) 24 6 8 weeks after the infusion with analytical values at baseline. Renal analysis: OR 3.591 CI 95% 32.67-4.84 p<0.001) and between 10-12 g/dL (multivariate
function was also assessed at baseline and at 24 6 8 weeks using estimated glomerular logistic regression analysis: OR 1.678 CI 95% 1.40-2.02, p<0.001)
filtration rate (eGFR), calculated by CKD-EPI formula. Statistical analysis was executed CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that anemia, at first consultation, increases the
using SPSS (Version 23 for Mac OSX). risk for rapid CKD progression and global mortality. This study could guide us on the
RESULTS: The average age of 71 patients was 77.31 6 9.68 years, 29 (40.8%) were development of futures studies in order to prove if anemia correction can slow the
male, 46 (64.8%) were diabetic and 41 (57.8%) had congestive heart failure. Sixteen progression of CKD.
(22.5%) patients had CKD stage 3, 41 (57.7%) stage 4 and 14 (19.7%) stage 5. Twenty-
five (35.2%) patients were treated with 1000mg of FCM. At baseline, average
hemoglobin level (Hb) was 10.16 6 1.12g/dL, serum ferritin 83.25 6 96.55mg/L, TSAT
14.48 6 6.72mg/dL and eGFR 24.216 13.09ml/min/1.73m2. At 24 6 8 weeks, Hb MO559 ASCEND-ND: STUDY DESIGN AND BASELINE
showed an increase of 1.31 6 1.49 g/dL (p=0.001) and TSAT 10.68 6 10.40% CHARACTERISTICS
(p=0.001). Serum ferritin showed also an increase of 4.75 6 180.53mg/L but did not
reach statistical significance. The increase in Hb was observed uniformly across all Vlado Perkovic1, Allison Blackorby2, Borut Cizman2, Kevin Carroll3,
stages of CKD. A Pearson correlation revealed a positive correlation between the Alexander Cobitz2, Richard Davies2, Tara DiMino2, Vivekanand Jha4,5,6,
variation of Hb and eGFR during the study follow-up period (r=0.310, p=0.008). A Kirsten Johansen7, Renato Lopes8, Lata Kler2, Iain Macdougall9,
subgroup analysis was performed, patients were classified in 2 groups according to John McMurray10, Amy Meadowcroft2, Gregorio Obrador11, Scott Solomon12,
FCM dose. At baseline, there was no age, comorbidities or eGFR difference among Lin Taft2, Christoph Wanner13, Sushrut S Waikar14, David Wheeler15, Andrzej
groups. Patients treated with 1000mg had lower Hb (p=0.03) and serum ferritin Jan Wiecek16, Ajay Singh12
(p=0.01). At 2468 weeks both groups showed increases in Hb (p=0.001) and TSAT University of New South Wales, Medicine Department, Sydney, Australia,
(p=0.001). Patients treated with 1000mg showed also a significant increase in ferritin GlaxoSmithKline, Collegeville, United States of America, 3KJC Statistics, Cheadle Hulme,
(p=0.004). The Pearson correlation confirmed a positive correlation between the United Kingdom, 4George Institute for Global Health, New Delhi, India, 5Imperial
variation of Hb and eGFR in the group of patients treated with 1000mg (r=0.467, College, Faculty of Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 6Manipal Academy of Higher
p=0.019) but not in the group treated with 500mg. Education, Manipal, India, 7Hennepin Healthcare, University of Minnesota, Nephrology
CONCLUSION: FCM was effective in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in non- Division, Minneapolis, United States of America, 8Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke
dialysis CKD stage 3 to 5 patients. In our population, the increase of Hb levels Health, Durham, United States of America, 9King’s College Hospital, Renal Unit, London,
correlated with an improvement in eGFR in patients treated with higher doses of FCM, United Kingdom, 10Glasgow University, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical
suggesting a positive impact of FCM on kidney function. Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11Universidad Panamericana, School of Medicine,
Mexico City, Mexico, 12Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Renal Division, Boston, United
States of America, 13University of Würzburg, Division of Nephrology, Würzburg,
Germany, 14Boston Medical Center, Nephrology, Boston, United States of America,
University College London, Department of Renal Medicine, London, United Kingdom
OUTCOMES OF CKD: A PATIENT-LEVEL, RETROSPECTIVE, and 16Medical University of Silesia, Department of Nephrology, Endocrinology and
Sara Fernandes1, Beatriz Donato1, Adriana Paix~ ao Fernandes1, Luıs Falca
Mario Raimundo1, Ana Cortesa ~o Costa1, Catarina Teixeira1, So
nia Silva1, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Anemia Study in Chronic kidney disease (CKD):
Edgar Almeida1 Erythropoiesis via a Novel prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor (PHI) Daprodustat-Non-
1 Dialysis (ASCEND-ND; NCT02876835) trial is evaluating the efficacy and safety of
Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Nephrology, Loures, Portugal daprodustat when compared with darbepoetin alfa in CKD patients with anaemia not
requiring dialysis. We report the trial design as well as key baseline characteristics of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anemia is a well-know complication of Chronic participants.
Kidney Disease (CKD) and it seems to contribute for deterioration of kidney function. METHOD: Eligible patients from 39 countries were adults with CKD stages 3–5 who
Experimental data suggest that anemia produces hypoxia of tubular cells which leads to were able to provide informed consent and demonstrated adherence to daprodustat
tubulointerstitial damage resulting on CKD progression. Other mechanism described placebo tablets and study procedures during the run-in period. Patients were eligible if
is that red blood cells have antioxidant properties that prevent the damage of (1) they were not using erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) and had a screening
tubulointerstitial cells and glomerulosclerosis from oxidative stress. There aren’t many haemoglobin (Hb) 8 to 10 g/dL or if (2) they were receiving ESAs with screening Hb of
observational studies that evaluated the association between anemia and progression of 8 to 12 g/dL. Patients were required to be iron replete [transferrin saturation (TSAT)
CKD. Therefore, our aim was to evaluate the association of anemia and CKD >20% and serum ferritin >100 ng/mL] at screening. Participants were randomised to
progression and its association outcomes in an outpatient ND-CKD population. daprodustat or darbepoetin alfa (1:1) in an open-label (sponsor-blind) trial design with
METHOD: We conduct a retrospective, patient-level, cohort analysis of all adult ND- blinded endpoint assessment. An IDMC conducts regular reviews of unblinded safety
CKD patients evaluated in an outpatient nephrology clinic over a 6 years period. The and efficacy data and makes recommendations for additions or adjustments. An
follow up time was at least 12 months. Anemia was defined according to the WHO external, independent and blinded Clinical Events Classification (CEC) group, led by
definition (hemoglobin [hb] < 13.0 g/dL in men and 12.0 g/dL in women). Progression the Duke Clinical Research Institute, in collaboration with George Clinical, adjudicate
of CKD was defined by one of the following criteria: decline in eGFR (CKD-EPI) predefined events.
superior to 5 ml/min/1.73 m2/year; duplication of serum creatinine or the need renal During the study, both groups had randomised treatment adjusted using a protocol-
replacement therapy. Demographics and clinical data were also accessed. defined algorithm targeting a Hb range of 10 to 11 g/dL. Participants also followed
RESULTS: Out of 3008 patients referred to the nephrology clinic, 49.9% had anemia protocol-defined iron management criteria to ensure they remained iron replete.
(mean age 71.9615.9 years; 50.4% male; 92% white; mean follow-up time of 2.361.2 Additionally, an anaemia rescue algorithm was in place to minimise the risk of
i334 | Abstracts
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extended periods of inadequate Hb response and to ensure consistent application of
rescue therapy across the study. Beta Exp(B) 95%CI p
The co-primary endpoints are mean change in Hb between baseline and Evaluation
Constant –2.54 0.08 - 0.006
Period (EP; Weeks 28 to 52, inclusive) and time to first adjudicated major adverse
cardiovascular event (MACE; composite of all-cause mortality, non-fatal myocardial eGFR 0.05 1.05 1.01 to 1.10 0.02
infarction, and non-fatal stroke). The study has more than 99% power for the Hb non- Serum Hep-25 0.02 1.02 1.00 to 1.03 0.05
inferiority (NI) test with an NI margin of -0.75 g/dL for the treatment difference of Nagelkerke R2 = 0.24
mean change in Hb between baseline and EP, and approximately 90% power to exclude Variables entered in the first step: estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum
the NI margin of 1.25 for time to first adjudicated MACE, for daprodustat compared hepcidin-25 (Hep-25), percentage of medullary sideroblasts, reticulocyte index, and
with darbepoetin alfa. Conditional on both co-primary endpoints achieving NI at the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
one-sided 2.5% level, statistical testing will progress to evaluate MACE and the
principal secondary endpoint of CKD progression for superiority. These tests will be
multiplicity adjusted.
RESULTS: A total of 3872 patients were randomised (median age 67 years, 56%
female; 55% white, 28% Asian, and 10% black). The median baseline Hb was 9.8 g/dL,
serum ferritin was 274 ng/mL, TSAT 30%, and eGFR 18 mL/min/1.73 m2. Among
randomised patients, 54% were ESA non-users, 57% reported a history of diabetes
mellitus and 36% a history of cardiovascular disease. Median blood pressure was 135/ MO561 PREFERENCES OF DIALYSIS-DEPENDENT PATIENTS FOR
74 mmHg. Sixty percent of participants were taking angiotensin converting enzyme TREATMENT OF ANAEMIA OF CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE IN
inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers, while 57% were taking lipid modifying AUSTRALIA AND CANADA: A DISCRETE CHOICE
agents at baseline. The trial is expected to complete during 2021. EXPERIMENT
CONCLUSION: ASCEND-ND will define the efficacy and safety of daprodustat
compared with darbepoetin alfa in the treatment of patients with anaemia associated Simon Fifer1, Bronwyn West1, Juan Jose Garcia Sanchez2, Eric Wittbrodt3,
with CKD not requiring dialysis. Purav Bhatt4, Susan Grandy4, Naveen Rao2, Rita Karamy5, Deborah Wong6,
Anna Parackal6, Farhad Khan7, Karthik K Tennankore8, David W Johnson9
CaPPRe, Sydney, Australia, 2AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Cambridge, United
MO560 IS SERUM ERYTHROPOIETIN CORRELATED WITH IRON Kingdom, 3AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Gaithersburg, United States of America,
METABOLISM AND INFLAMMATION IN NON-DIALYSIS AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Wilmington, United States of America, 5AstraZeneca,
CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS WITH ANEMIA? BioPharm Medical, Sydney, Australia, 6AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Mississauga,
Canada, 7AstraZeneca, BioPharm Medical, Gothenburg, Sweden, 8Dalhousie University
Cristina-Stela Capusa1,2, Ana-Maria Mehedinti1,2, Ana Stanciu3, Gabriela- & Nova Scotia Health Authority, Department of Medicine, Halifax, Canada and
Adriana Talimba1, Liliana Viasu3, Gabriel Mircescu1,2 Princess Alexandra Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Brisbane, Australia
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania,
“Dr. Carol Davila” Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anaemia is a common complication of chronic kidney
and 3“Dr. Carol Davila” Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Laboratory, Bucharest, disease (CKD) and is associated with reduced quality of life, cardiovascular
Romania complications, early mortality and a high economic burden for patients. Current
treatment options for anaemia of CKD include subcutaneous (SC) or intravenous (IV)
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) with or without supplementary iron and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Both the relative erythropoietin (Epo) deficiency and blood transfusions. New oral therapies for anaemia, such as hypoxia-inducible factor
its relationship with serum hemoglobin (Hb) are widely postulated in chronic kidney prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, are in development and may have advantages for
disease (CKD), but the influence of chronic inflammation and iron status on serum patients compared with ESAs. It is therefore crucial to understand the treatment
Epo levels is still a matter of debate, with yet divergent reported results. Therefore, we attributes that patients consider most important. This study aimed to investigate
aimed to assess the determinants of serum Epo in non-dialysis CKD patients. patient preferences for potential anaemia of CKD treatments in adults with dialysis-
METHOD: Fifty-two adults with CKD and anemia (defined as Hb <12g/dL), in stable dependent (DD) CKD in Australia and Canada.
clinical condition, never treated with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA) entered METHOD: Adult patients with DD CKD completed a discrete choice experiment
this cross-sectional, single-center study. Diabetes mellitus, active infectious and (DCE) online survey. In each scenario, patients were asked to choose between three
inflammatory diseases, malignancy, anemia of other causes than CKD, current hypothetical treatment alternatives (‘oral pill’, ‘subcutaneous injection’ and
immunosuppressive therapy, iron supplementation and blood transfusions in the ‘intravenous injection’) with differing levels of attributes and an opt-out option (none
previous six months were exclusion criteria. The subjects were mostly men (56%), of these treatments/current treatment) to treat anaemia of CKD. Treatment attributes
elderly (two thirds over 60 years), with advanced CKD [71% in CKD stages G4-G5, focused on administration (where, how often and by whom), purchasing (where it is
median estimated glomerular filtration rate – eGFR 14.5 (95%CI 16 to 25) mL/min], collected and the cost per month), additional benefits (e.g. whether it reduces ‘bad’/
moderate anemia [Hb 9.8 (95%CI 9.2 to 9.9) g/dL], and mild to moderate LDL cholesterol), side effects (chance of hospitalization from a heart attack or stroke
inflammation [C-reactive protein 6 (95%CI 9.2 to 18.4) mg/L]. due to the medicine) and the need for rescue therapy (IV iron or blood transfusion).
Serum Epo was assessed by ELISA (AbcamV R 119522). Complete blood count,
The attributes and their levels were derived from existing market research, the
reticulocyte index, peripheral blood smear, bone marrow aspiration (Perls’ stain), literature and expert opinion. A mixed multinomial logit model, which allows for
serum ferritin, and transferrin saturation, were used to investigate anemia and iron preference heterogeneity, was used to quantify the overall value of such treatments and
metabolism. Parameters of kidney disease (CKD etiology, eGFR and proteinuria), the relative importance of each of the defining attributes. Australian patients were
demographic data (age, gender), C-reactive protein, serum albumin, and serum divided into those who were eligible for reduced prescription charges under the
hepcidin-25 (Hep-25, BachemV R commercial ELISA kit) were also analyzed.
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, such as the elderly or those on low incomes (referred
RESULTS: The median serum Epo of the whole cohort was 4.8 (95%CI 5.1 to 9.9) mU/ to as concessions), and those who were not (general patients). Prescription charge
mL. According to median Epo, subjects were clustered in Group 1 (below median, G1) concessions did not apply for Canadian patients.
and Group 2 (above median, G2). Estimated GFR and serum Hep-25 were lower in G1 RESULTS: This preliminary analysis included 61 patients with DD CKD from
than in G2 [10.6 (95%CI 9.7 to 20.8) vs. 26 (95%CI 19.1 to 32.8) mL/min, p=0.004, and Australia (n = 22) and Canada (n = 39). The majority of patients were receiving
62.6 (95%CI 51.0 to 85.1) vs. 95.4 (95%CI 77.0 to 108.5) ng/mL, p=0.03, respectively]. haemodialysis (Australia, 72.7%; Canada, 61.5%), and more than half received their
All the other investigated parameters were similar in the two groups. dialysis in a clinic or hospital (Australia, 54.5%; Canada, 76.9%); 50% of the Australian
In bivariate analysis (Spearman rank correlation), serum Epo was positively associated patients were concessions. In both countries, patients were likely to choose a new
only with eGFR (rs=0.40, p=0.003). Marginal associations with the percentage of bone treatment alternative over the opt-out, with the greatest preference for oral treatment
marrow sideroblasts, as marker of the iron available for erythropoiesis (rs=0.25, among Australian general and Canadian patients, all else being equal. For Australian
p=0.08), erythrocyte mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (rs=0.26, p=0.07), concession patients, cost per month was the most important attribute across all
and reticulocyte index (rs=0.24, p=0.09) were observed. Conversely, serum Epo was not treatment options; the risk of side effects (i.e. hospitalization from a heart attack or
related to hemoglobin, indices of iron stores (e.g. serum ferritin and iron content in stroke) was the second most important attribute, with patients preferring treatments
bone marrow macrophages), inflammation and nutritional status (e.g. C-reactive with the lowest possible risk. For Australian general and Canadian patients, the risk of
protein and serum albumin). side effects and the cost per month were the two most important attributes, and had
In a model of multiple linear regression which explained 14% of serum Epo variation, similar levels of importance. Patients in both countries were also concerned about the
eGFR was the only determinant: Beta 0.14 (95%CI 0.05 to 0.23), p=0.004. Also, a binary risk of needing rescue therapy, and valued reductions in the amount of ‘bad’/LDL
logistic multiple regression model predicting serum Epo lower or higher than the cholesterol.
median retained the eGFR as an independent predictor, while serum hepcidin showed CONCLUSION: Results from this DCE study showed that the risk of side effects and
only borderline significance: the costs of treatment are the most important attributes for hypothetical anaemia of
CONCLUSION: Kidney function is the main determinant of endogenous CKD treatment for patients with DD CKD. Australian general and Canadian patients
erythropoietin level in moderately anemic patients with advanced CKD, ESA or iron showed a preference for oral therapy over SC or IV injection, all other factors being
naive, while serum hepcidin-25 seems to exert a limited influence. equal. These findings may help to guide clinicians when selecting treatments for
10.1093/ndt/gfab085 | i335
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
anaemia of CKD for their patients, and may provide useful information when assessing glomerular filtration rate 24 (11;36) mL/min, 78% in the very high-risk category
the value of new or future treatments. according to KDIGO, 90% with hypertension and 40% with diabetes mellitus] were
included. The study was approved by Ethics Committee of the UMF “Carol Davila”
Bucharest. Pregnancy and breast feeding, anemia of other cause, history of
erythropoietin therapy, high-degree inflammation, active malignancies,
glomerulonephritis or liver diseases, immunosuppressive therapy, hemoglobin <7g/dl,
ferritin > 500 ng/ml and/or transferrin saturation > 50%, baseline flow mediated
dilatation (FMD) < 7%, antioxidant supplements and active smoking were exclusion
criteria. The effect on endothelial function was clinically assessed by comparing FMD
Ana-Maria Mehedinti1,2, Liviu Iosif3, Irina Stoian3, Iuliana Andreiana1,2, Cristina-
at 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after 2 infusions: first, the comparator (250 mL
Stela Capusa1,2, Gabriel Mircescu1,2
0.9% saline), and 24 hours apart, FCM (1000 mg in 250 mL 0.9% saline). FMD was
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nephrology Department, measured using a Doppler ultrasound system according to guidelines
Bucharest, Romania, 2“Dr. Carol Davila” Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology recommendations. Wilcoxon paired test was used to test the post- and pre-infusion
Department, Bucharest, Romania and 3“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and differences.
Pharmacy, Biochemistry Department, Bucharest, Romania RESULTS: Flow mediated vasodilatation and blood pressure at baseline was similar
before each intervention. Neither comparator nor FCM infusion had any effect on
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anemia is highly prevalent in CKD, and most acute changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Arterial reactivity was not
frequently is caused by iron deficiency. Intravenous iron therapy is often and efficiently acutely affected after FCM [DFCM 0.01 (-0.35;0.15) versus saline solution 0.001 (-
used, even in non-dialysis CKD patients. Still, experimental data suggested that 0.4;0.5), p=0.9].
intravenous iron could alter endothelial function, rising concerns related to the CONCLUSION: A single high dose of ferric carboxymaltose did not acutely impaired
possible cardiovascular long-term effects. In this regard, we clinically assessed the acute endothelial function evaluated by flow mediated vasodilatation, in a CKD non-dialysis
impact of a high dose of iron ferric carboxymaltose (FCM), a commonly used iron cohort.
formulation, on endothelial function in CKD iron-naive non-dialysis patients.
METHOD: In this prospective crossover single center study, forty CKD iron-deficient
non-dialysis patients [median age 66.5 (56;73) years, 62% female, median estimated
i336 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i337–i350, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
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pharmacological inhibition of aging signal was shown to block IFITM3-induced VSMC without differences in later groups. Osteoblast SOST expression was also higher in SO6
calcification. These findings demonstrate for the first time that M2 macrophage- vs SO2 (Figure).
mediated IFITM3 contributes to vascular calcification through a mechanism involving
transmitting Senescence signalling.
CONCLUSION: Collectively, our present study demonstrated that the functional
importance of M2 macrophage-IFITM3 dependent vascular calcification and provided
a novel mechanistic insight to the macrophage senescence in CKD.
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i339
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Health Care GE) were performed and data collected in the peritransplantation period METHOD: Bone biopsies with prior tetracycline labeling of sufficient quality for a full
of kidney transplant (KT) patients from May 2019 to May 2020, following our current histomorpometric analysis were included (n = 205). Mean age of participants was
clinical bone and transplant protocols. Based on the individual risk of fracture and 56613 years, 67% were men, and 22% had diabetes mellitus. Diagnostic accuracy of
current Spanish Society of Rheumathology/Nephrology guidelines, antirresorptive static histomorphometric parameters for bone turnover was evaluated by area under
treatment (bisphosphonates or denosumab) was added on top of calcium and vitamin the receiver operator characteristics curve (AUC) statistics, against the full set of static
D supplements. We hereby present preliminary results of the control IMI performed 6 and dynamic histomorphometric parameters. The cohort was randomly split to allow
months after KT. calculation of optimal diagnostic cutoffs in an exploration cohort (n=105), with
RESULTS: Baseline IMI was performed in 45 patients, 62% men, 56614 y/o, and a subsequent validation in a separate subset of patients (n=100).
BMI of 24.963.5 kg/m2, reasonably controlled for classical serum bone mineral RESULTS: All histomorphometric parameters were significantly different across
parameters. 70% were on dialysis prior to KT, 20% were diabetic, and 33.3% of women categories of low (24%), normal (60%), and high (16%) bone turnover (p < 0.01), and
suffered from early menopause. 15.9% had a history of previous fragility fracture, 13% all were significant predictors of both high and low bone turnover (Figure 1).
had a parent history of hip fracture, and 14% fell more than twice during the last year. Calculated optimal cutoffs and their sensitivities and specificities in the validation
Mean baseline FRAX ( for a cohort are shown in Table 1.
major osteoporotic fracture and hip were 4.3% and 2.3%, respectively. Baseline lumbar, Diagnostic accuracy was very good for high turnover, as the combination of presence
femoral neck, hip and ultradistal radius DXA T-score were respectively -0.9, -1.7, -1.5, of fibrosis with ObPm>5.4%, OcPm>1.5%, and OAr>2.4% provided a correct
-2.0 SD. Mean BMSi was 78.567.6. Osteopenic/osteoporotic patients had a diagnosis in 94% of patients, with positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive values
significantly lower BMSi than those who were not (76.3 vs 83; r = 0.37; p = 0.012). A of 80% and 96%, respectively. Using the same predefined combination, an accuracy of
statistically significant positive correlation was observed between BMSi and the 80% was achieved for low turnover (no fibrosis, ObPm1.9% OcPm0.9% and
trabecular bone score [(TBS), r = 0.346 ; p = 0.036). On a visual-analogic scale of pain, OAr1.6%), with a PPV of 71% and a NPV of 82%.
puncture was rated on average 1.161.6 over 10 (82% 0-2). 37.2% of patients began CONCLUSION: Static histomorphometric parameters provide an acceptable
bisphosphonates (alendronic acid) and 9.3% denosumab. Control IMI was performed alternative for the diagnosis of high and low bone turnover. In the absence of successful
at 6 months in 24 patients, with a mean BMSi of 76.9610.5. Mean difference between tetracycline labeling, the proposed cutoffs may provide a suitable alternative for the
baseline and 6 months BMSi in this subgroup was 1.18611.5. The group of patients evaluation of bone turnover in renal osteodystrophy.
treated with antiresorptives showed on average an increase in BMSi at 6 months,
compared with a decrease in the control group (þ5.2 vs -5.3; p = 0.054).
CONCLUSION: IMI is a technique with excellent tolerance that may offer
complementary information on bone quality in the global assessment of bone
resistance. IMI may allow the detection of EARLY changes in bone resistance in
corticosteroid-treated KT patients with/without antiresorptives added to prophylactic
treatment with calcium and vitamin D.
i340 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
days incubation with high level Ca/P, fiber tube and vesicle structure of M-mig showed
rupture or fragmentation and the expression of M-mig surface integrin a5b1 increased.
Pre-treatment with integrin a5b1 antagonist or block by integrin a5 antibody
significantly reduced the calcifying M-mig formation. Further investigation showed
that M-mig induced stray mice artery microcalcification while M-migintegrin a5-
exhibited a reduce microcalcification.
CONCLUSION: Our finding revealed an association between microcalcification and
integrin a5b1 signalling in the fiber tube and vesicle structure of M-mig and provide a
new insight into vascular calcification in CKD.
Merita Rroji (Molla)1, Saimir Seferi1, Majlinda Cafka2, Erjola Likaj1, Vilma Cadri1,
Myftar Barbullushi1
UHC “Mother Tereza”, Department of Nephrology, Tirana, Albania and 2UHC “Mother
Tereza”, Deaprtment of cardiology, Tirana, Albania
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mortality rate is extremely high in chronic kidney
disease (CKD), primarily due to the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD).
Increased pulse pressure (PP), defined as the difference between inappropriately
elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) and reduced diastolic blood pressure (DBP) at
any value of mean arterial pressure (MAP), is a surrogate measure of increased arterial
stiffness of central elastic arteries (aorta and its major branches). CKD-MBD anomalies
leading to calcification contribute to increased arterial stiffness and pulse pressure. This
study aimed to evaluate the relationship of pulse pressure parameter with valve
calcification and abdominal aortic calcification in hemodialysis patients and its impact
on cardiovascular mortality.
METHOD: We performed a prospective case series study with 3 years follow- up. Plain
X-ray images of the lateral lumbar spine from all subjects were studied to obtain images
of the lower abdominal aorta using semiquantitative scores as described by Kauppila et
al. Cardiac valve calcifications were evaluated by two-dimensional echocardiography
with an HDI 5000 Sono CT echocardiographic machine with a 3.3-MHz multiphase
array probe in subjects lying in the left decubitus position an according to the
recommendations of the European Association of Echocardiography. The patient was
evaluated as having vascular calcification if he had the presence of calcification in at
least one of the site examined: a mitral valve, aortic valve or abdominal aorta.
RESULTS: We studied 85 chronic stable hemodialysis patients. Mean age and
meantime is therapy was 49.9612.4 years and 51.5628.7 months, respectively. Mean
pulse pressure was 55.72614.2 mmHg. Fifty-nine patients (69.4%) were identified with
aortic abdominal calcification, and the mean Kauppila score was 4.91 6 4.05. Sixty
patients (70.5%) had at least one valve calcified, while thirty-three patients (38.8%) had
both valves calcified. Univariate analysis revealed that every 1 mmHg increase in pulse
pressure was associated with increased cardiovascular calcification risk p=0.020. In
multivariate analysis, after adjustment for age, gender, diabetes mellitus, cholesterol,
and triglyceride serum levels, the association also remained strong, where every
increase of 1 mm Hg in pulse pressure was associated with increased risk for
cardiovascular calcification (HR 1.02, 95% CI (1.00-1.03), p= 0.038). Besides, pulse
pressure was an independent predictor for cardiovascular mortality (HR 1.03, 95% CI
(1.02-1.05), p=0.002).
CONCLUSION: Pulse pressure may identify hemodialysis patients with subclinical
cardiovascular calcification who need further evaluation. Wide pulse pressure is
MO569 MACROPHAGE PROMOTE VASCULAR CALCIFICATION VIA associated with increased cardiovascular mortality.
Xiaodong Zhu1, Yuqiu Liu1, Xin Yang1, Yaping Fang1, Xiao liang Zhang1 MO571 PRACTICE PATTERNS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF
Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital, Southeast University, School of Medicine,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have a David E. Henner1, Beatrice Drambarean2, Teresa M. Gerbeling3, Jessica
predisposition to develop vascular calcification due to dysregulated homeostatic B. Kendrick4, William T. Kendrick5, Lisa Koester Wiedemann6, Thomas Nickolas7,
mechanisms. Macrophages can promote vascular calcification by releasing diverse Anjay Rastogi8, Anis A. Rauf9, Brenda Dyson10, Michael C. Singer11,
extracellular vehicles including the newly found migrasomes (M-mig). Our previous Pooja Desai12, Kathleen Fox12, Sunfa Cheng12, William Goodman12
research had found that M-mig provide nucleating foci for calcific mineral formation Berkshire Medical Center, Division of Nephrology, Pittsfield, Massachusetts, United
and initiating bone mineralization process. However, the specific mechanism by which States of America, 2University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System, Chicago,
M-mig influence the formation of vascular calcification remains incompletely Illinois, United States of America, 3Dialysis Center of Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, United
understood. States of America, 4University of Colorado, Division of Renal Diseases and Hypertension,
METHOD: To study calcifying M-mig, we exposed M-mig to high Ca/P (Ca/P=3 Aurora, Colorado, United States of America, 5Eastern Nephrology Associates, Greenville,
mmol/L calcium/2 mmol/L phosphate) and/or with LPS for 1, 3, 5,7 days. The North Carolina, United States of America, 6Washington University School of Medicine,
expression of M-mig surface integrin a5b1 was determined by fluorescence staining. Division of Nephrology, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America, 7Columbia
To block the M-mig-integrin a5b1 mediated calcification, we modulated the University Irving Medical Center, Division of Nephrology, New York, New York, United
expression of integrin a5 using siRNAs to produce M-migintegrin a5- or using 20 nM States of America, 8UCLA School of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Los Angeles,
ATN-161 (small peptide antagonist of integrin a5b1) or integrin a5 antibody under California, United States of America, 9Nephrology Associates of Northern Illinois,
high Ca/P stimulation. The stray mice artery co-cultivate with M-mig integrin a5- under Oakbrook, Illinois, United States of America, 10Mississippi, United States of America,
high level Ca/P. Then the calcifying M-mig were assessed by TEM, Fluo-3 staining and Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Detroit,
calcium content assay. Michigan, United States of America and 12Amgen, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California,
RESULTS: We discovered that Ca/P-stimulated macrophages released M-mig capable United States of America
of mineralization. Amorphous calcium phosphate mineral deposit the surface or
internal of M-mig. The M-mig exhibited increased Ca/P mineral content, implying BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The 2017 Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
aggregate larger calcifying M-mig that develop over time. Significantly, following a 7 (KDIGO) Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorder (CKD-MBD) guidelines
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i341
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
inform clinical practice for the management of secondary hyperparathyroidism MO572 BONE BIOPSY AND MINERAL METABOLISM,
(SHPT) internationally; however, many recommendations lacked high or moderate CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE AND PATIENT SURVIVAL IN
clinical evidence as defined by KDIGO. An expert panel was convened to establish END-STAGE RENAL PATIENTS
clinical consensus for the current management of SHPT in the United States (US).
METHOD: The panel comprised 10 US healthcare providers (HCPs; [6 nephrologists, Ana Carina Ferreira1,2, Patrıcia Cotovio1, Ine^s Aires1,2, Marco Mendes1,
1 surgeon, 1 nurse practitioner, 1 pharmacist, 1 dietician]) and 1 patient. HCP panelists David Navarro1, Cecılia Silva1, Fernando Caeiro1, Rute Salvador3, Bruna Correia3,
participated in a modified Delphi process over 3 phases, addressing 126 questions Guadalupe Cabral3, Fernando Nolasco1,2, Manuel Anibal A. Ferreira1,2
based on a review of the literature and published guidelines. The threshold for Hospital Curry Cabral, Nephrology, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Nova Medical School,
consensus was 66%. In phases 1 and 2, panelists anonymously completed electronic Nephrology, Lisboa, Portugal and 3CEDOC, Tissue Repair and Inflammation Lab, Lisboa,
surveys considering a ‘typical’ patient with SHPT unless otherwise specified. In phase 1, Portugal
panelists answered 126 questions based on their own knowledge and experiences. In
phase 2, panelists were reminded of their answers to closed-ended questions that did BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder
not achieve consensus in phase 1 and were asked if they would change their responses (CKD-MBD) is frequent in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, increasing
in light of the most common response. For open-ended questions, they were asked if morbid-mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and
they agreed with summary statements that captured the most common answers. Phase phenotype of bone disease before transplantation; and to correlate FGF23, klotho and
3 was an unblinded virtual meeting where panelists reviewed the consensus reached in sclerostin serum levels with bone histomorphometric parameters and CV disease. The
phases 1 and 2, and through active discussion, resolved those questions that had not secondary aim was to correlate bone biopsies data with other bone related parameters,
reached consensus. The patient completed a separate electronic survey, which as PTH, bone alkaline phosphatase, 25-hidroxivitamin D3, calcitonin, calcium,
complemented key points in the HCP survey, and provided perspective during the phosphorus, and magnesium.
virtual meeting. METHOD: We performed a prospective cohort study of a sample of ESRD patients
RESULTS: All 11 panelists completed the entire modified Delphi process. Sixty-three listed for renal transplant. All patients were submitted to renal transplant and were
out of 126 (50%) and 116/126 (92.1%) questions reached consensus or addressed followed for 12 months. Patient and graft survival were recorded. At inclusion,
practice-specific information not requiring consensus by the end of phase 1 and 2, demographic and clinical data were collected, laboratorial evaluation; bone biopsy and
respectively; all questions reached consensus by the end of phase 3, including X-ray of the pelvis and hands (Adrag~ao score) were performed. Continuous variables
modification of 2 questions and the addition of 1 question. The panel unanimously are presented as medians and categorical variables as frequencies. Associations between
agreed that SHPT treatment is often started too late and suggested additional markers variables were performed using Wilcoxon rank sum test, Fisher and Kruskal Wallis
for early identification of patients requiring treatment are needed. Serum levels of test. Multivariate analysis was performed using logistic regression. STATA software
calcium, phosphate, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) should be monitored starting at was used and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
CKD stage G3a at intervals of every 6 months, 3–6 months for CKD G3b, and at least RESULTS: We included 84 patients. Median age 53.5 (IQ range: 40.5 – 61.5) years, 59
every 3 months at CKD G4 and above. Thresholds for interventions could not be men (70.2%), 65 caucasian (77.4%). The median left ventricular mass index was 108.5
defined in absolute terms for all patients due to patient-and practice-specific factors. (92 – 129) g/m2, with 32 patients presenting left ventricular hypertrophy and 19 valve
However, in patients on dialysis, serum levels of phosphate > 5.5 mg/dL (1.8 mmol/L) calcifications. Median Adrag~ao score was 1 (0 – 2). We diagnosed adynamic bone
and calcium > 9.5 mg/dL (2.4 mmol/L), warrant increased monitoring and disease in 15 patients; hyperparathyroid bone disease in 19 patients; osteomalacia in 1
consideration of therapeutic interventions. Serum intact PTH > 300 pg/mL (32 pmol/ patient and mixed renal osteodystrophy in 3 patients. At the end of 12 months, 4
L) typically indicates a need for SHPT treatment, with a consensus preferred target of patients died, 5 had graft failure (non-primary function) and 4 had a cardiovascular
150–300 pg/mL (16–32 pmol/L); patients on dialysis were considered out of PTH event. Sclerostin was found to be a risk factor for low bone volume; whereas low
target at 8 times the upper limit of normal (> 520 pg/mL [55 pmol/L] intact PTH). phosphorus, low FGF23 and high bAP risk factors for abnormal mineralization. High
HCPs were concerned about vascular calcification in all patients with CKD 3a–G5D. turnover was mainly present in patients with high bAP and phosphorus and low
The panel reached consensus on the use of several SHPT interventions, including a sclerostin levels. The presence of valve calcifications was associated with low volume
consensus preference for the intravenous calcimimetic etelcalcetide over the oral and with low or high turnover disorder. FGF23 appears as an important independent
calcimimetic cinacalcet in appropriate in-center dialysis patients requiring PTH- factor for vascular calcifications [as well age (p=0.009), BMI (p=0.02), presence of
lowering therapy; cinacalcet was agreed to be first-line therapy in appropriate patients diabetes (p=0.01)], and for cardiovascular events. Sclerostin emerged as a risk factor for
on home dialysis (Table 1). Factors such as formularies and dialysis center protocols vascular calcifications and lower levels of sclerostin were associated with patient
were recognized to influence therapeutic choices. survival at the end of 12 months.
CONCLUSION: Ten US HCPs reached consensus on many aspects of SHPT CONCLUSION: From the bone-derived hormones, sclerostin and FGF23 seem to act
management, further defining therapeutic strategies and highlighting the need to be as risk factors for vascular calcifications and worse outcomes.
proactive. While the panel expressed evidenced-based preferences for certain therapies,
factors such as cost and dialysis center protocols may affect decision making.
i342 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
follow-up. Our findings may shed light on long-term maintenance therapy RESULTS: We recruited 84 patients in a 28 month-period. At the end of 12 months, 69
management in renal transplant patients with bone disease if supported by future patients performed a 2nd evaluation. Median age 53 years, 48 men, 53 caucasian,
studies. median dialysis vintage 55 months. We observe a significant reduction on phosphorus,
magnesium, PTH, calcitonin, sclerostin, bone alkaline phosphatase and FGF23. Both
calcium and alpha-klotho serum levels increase, with no significant changes in vitamin
D levels. 68% of the patients presented renal osteodystrophy at the 2nd bone biopsy,
and we observed a significant increase in the development of low turnover bone
disorder, with no major changes in volume or mineralization. Changes in alpha-klotho,
bAP and sclerostin (from T0 to T1) were important determinants of changes in
turnover, mineralization and volume, respectively. Despite not being statistically
significant, we were able to observe an improvement in the cortical bone porosity.
Vascular calcifications and echocardiographic findings weren’t different comparing to
the baseline (Median Adrag~ao score was 1 in both evaluations, and valve calcifications
were present in 22% and 23% of patients, with no changes in LVMI). The median
Agatston score was 48.5, being the median adjusted percentile of 82%. FGF23 and
sclerostin were found to be independent risk factors for extra-osseous calcifications, as
well as low bone volume, cortical porosity and osteoid volume. Adrag~ao score and
valve calcifications correlated well with the increased severity of coronary calcifications
determined by Agatston score (absolute and percentile).
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, renal transplantation improves two of the three
components of CKD-MBD (biochemical and bone disorders), slowing the progression
of vascular calcifications. FGF23, sclerostin and bAP seemed to be key parameters in
understanding the bone changes observed in post transplant period, and these
hormones also interfere with extra osseous calcification severity. Adrag~ao score seems
to be a good tool to access vascular calcifications in renal transplanted patients.
Mi-yeon Yu1, Jong Wook Choi2, Sang-Woong Han1, Chang Hwa Lee1, Joon-
Sung Park1
Hanyang University College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul,
Korea, Rep. of South and 2Konkuk University School of Medicine, Research Institute of
Medical Science, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, Rep. of South
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i343
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
increased fracture risk, even in the presence of normal BMD. We determined BMSi in matched healthy controls were recruited. Serum vitamin K2 and osteocalcin both intact
ESRD patients and investigated its association with BMD and serum markers of and undercarboxylated were measured. Transthoracic echocardiography was done for
mineral metabolism. valvular calcification and thickening, and carotid duplex was done for carotid intimal
METHOD: 15 Adult patients with ESRD, scheduled for a living-donor kidney medial calcification and thickening.
transplantation, were included in this cross-sectional study. Laboratory analyses RESULTS: Hemodialysis patients have higher median serum vitamin K2 (p<0.001),
included calcium, phosphate, PTH 1-84 and alkaline phosphatase. BMSi was higher undercarboxylated osteocalcin (p<0.001). Only older age, duration of
determined by RPI with the OsteoProbe RUO in the tibia. Bone mineral density was hypertension, and duration of established cardiovascular disease are associated with
measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry. carotid media-intimal calcification. Old age is a strong predictor of carotid media
RESULTS: Patients with bone mineral strenght index above median had higher bone intimal thickening. Female sex is associated with valvular thickening.
mineral density of the right hip and total body than patients below median (p = 0.04). CONCLUSION: Functional vitamin K deficiency is present in maintenance
Alkaline phosphatase was lower in patients with BMSi below the median (47 (35-71) hemodialysis patients and serum osteocalcin is not associated with cardiovascular
U/L vs. 103 (53-318) U/L, p = 0.009). There was a trend towards a significant calcification.
relationship between length and BMSi (p = 0.09).
CONCLUSION: We identified for the first time an association of BMSi with BMD and
alkaline phosphatase in patients with ESRD. Our findings of an association of BMSi
MO578 Table1. Simple regression analysis for prediction of carotid intima-
media thickness:
with BMD are in accordance with findings in other populations with increased fracture
OR 95% CI P
MO577 EXPANDING THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF FERRIC Age (years) 1.072 1.024-1.123 0.003*
HTN Duration (years) 1.168 1.045-1.305 0.006*
DIALYSIS-DEPENDENT CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE DM Duration (years) 1.241 0.979-1.572 0.075
PATIENTS: A META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED eCVD Duration (years) 1.525 1.027-2.265 0.036*
i344 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
any medications were the control group. Serum total Ca level varied significantly MO580 HYPOPROTEIC DIET SUPPLEMENTED WITH
between groups (p=0,0006, Kruskall-Wallis test), being higher in patients KETOANALOGUES IN PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED DIABETIC
supplemented with cholecalciferol - fig.1. Meanwhile, iPHT (p=0,171), serum KIDNEY DISEASE – EFFECTS ON MINERAL BONE
phosphorus (p=0,563) and alkaline phosphatase levels did not differ in these three DISORDERS
groups. Fraction of patients with normocalcemia was the lowest in cholecalciferol
group (v2, h=0,0018) - fig. 2. Liliana Garneata1,2, Carmen-Antonia Mocanu1, Tudor Petrisor Simionescu2,
Andreea Elena Mocanu2, Gabriel Mircescu1,2
“Carol Davila" Univesity of Medicine and Pharmacy, Internal Medicine and
Nephrology, "Dr C Davila” Hospital of Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania and 2“Dr Carol
Davila” Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i345
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
history of at least one cardiovascular event 61.5% had a starting etelcalcetide dose of
5 mg and the median weekly dose was 7.5 mg (range: 2.5-15 mg).
On Diabetic Group: mean PTHi, Ca2þ and P before calcimimetic start was
respectively 8446479,30 pg /mL , 9,9560,97 mg/dl , 5,0260,99 mg/dl. In non diabetic
patients: mean PTHi, Ca2þ and P before calcimimetic start was: 793,366534,41 150
pg /mL, 9,3360,70 mg/dl, 5,961,17 mg/dl
CONCLUSION: Results of our study show that after 1 year of etelcalcetide treatment,
levels of PTHi are lower more in non-diabetic patients, ( M12: 4736340,08 vs
253,13 þ 98,87 p:0.042) despite scientific evidence currently supporting hypothesis
that osteoblastic activity is reduced by AGES and ABD risk is increased in diabetic
nephropathy. Therefore, etelcalcetide could be used safely in diabetic patients and
could even protect from the risk of development ABD. However, further studies are
required to validate this hypothesis.
Results are shown in the following table:
MO582 Figure 1: Bar diagram showing relation of different phosphorus levels with
progression of disease
METHOD: This one year, prospective, randomised controlled, open labelled study was
conducted among three equally allocated treatment groups in 120 screened early CKD
patients.Group1 Dietary phosphorus modificationn40; Group2 calcium-based
phosphate bindersn40 and Group3 non calcium-based phosphate bindersn40.Three
monthly dietary assessment, MDRD e-GFR, phosphorus, calcium, iPTH, Alkaline
phosphatise and six monthly FGF23, 2D Echocardiography, X ray of chest and
abdomen were performed. Association of three categories of phosphorus level up to 3.9
mg/dl, 4 to 5mg/dl and >5mg/dl, rate of progression of all parameters and correlation
with FGF 23among all three groups were studied.
RESULTS: At baseline, all clinical and biochemical parameters were equally
distributed with a controlled nutritional phosphate among all groups. There was no
significant difference of FGF23 in all the three categories of phosphorus level among all
groups. Association of serum phosphorus at the level of 5 mg/dl was there with iPTH
and e-GFR at one year. Over one year there were significant decline in serum
phosphorus levels in Group1 p 0.02, Group2 p 0.00,Group3p 0.05;FGF23 was declined
significantly only in group3p 0.00.Correlation of FGF23 was positive and negative with
iPTH r 0.19,p 0.03 and e-GFR r-0.30, p 0.00respectively but not with phosphorus p0.13
i346 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: Serum phosphorus levels up to 5mg/dl has no effect on FGF 23 at
early CKD stages. Although different treatment groups have significant phosphorus
reduction, non-calcium phosphate binder has major impact on FGF23 reduction.
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i347
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
order to identify the levels of PTH that overcome PTH resistance iii) to conform metabolism. Results must not be extended to higher or lower levels of PTHi compared
normal upper limit of PTHi levels in hemodialysis patients recommended by K-DIGO to those considered in the study for which there is a clear evidence of increase in the
guidelines. relative risk of mortality.
METHOD: In twenty-five hemodialysis patients,following variables were
recorded:biochemical variables,DXA derived variables(including TBS),FRAX-tool
derived HRs.The relationship of variables with TBS-derived and LumbarTscore-
derived bone types was tested by univariate analysis. The association of
TBS,LumbarTscore and fracture HRs with PTHi was tested by univariate analysis and
regression curve fitting(maximizing R2).
RESULTS: Using univariate analysis,the predictive variables of lumbarT-score derived
and TBS-derived bone types are different.By curve fitting regression TBS vs PTHi had a
Junlan Yang1, Xiao liang Zhang1, Lina Wang3
sinusoidal pattern with higher values,correlating to PTHi values in the 4th quartile(462 1
pg/ml (341 -696)corresponding to the normal levels recommended by K-DIGO Institute of Nephrology, Zhong Da Hospital,, Southeast University School of Medicine,
guidelines.In the same range of values,LumbarT-score vs PTHi for BMD-derived bone Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R. China and 3Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of
type has a progressively increasing trend for osteopenia and osteoporosis,with a Public Health, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P.R. China
statistically significant difference(P0.008).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Commonly used phosphorus-lowering drugs include
calcium-containing phosphate-binding agents and non-calcium-containing
phosphate-binding agents, the latter mainly including lanthanum carbonate (LC). In
recent years, some studies have explored the effect of lanthanum carbonate compared
with calcium carbonate on serum calcium. However, the results are different.
Therefore, we conducted this review to systematically review and meta-analyze
evidence on the efficacy of lanthanum carbonate and calcium carbonate (CC) and the
risk of cardiovascular calcification in hemodialysis (HD) patients, and to provide
reference for phosphorus-lowering drugs in HD patients.
METHOD: The Cochrane library, PubMed, Web of Science, Chinese journal full-text
database (CNKI), WANGFANG DATA and Sino Med were searched between January
1946 and December 2020. The literatures with respect to the randomized controlled
clinical trial comparing lanthanum carbonate and calcium carbonate in HD patients
were selected. The two evaluators independently collected the data according to the
retrieval strategy, screened the literatures according to the inclusion criteria and
exclusion criteria, and summarized the literatures that met the criteria. The risk ratio
(RR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were used to represent the counting data. The
standard deviation from mean (SMD) and 95%CI were used to represent the
continuous variables. Forest plots, sensitivity analysis, Egger regression test and TSA
were used to summarized the test performance characteristics.
RESULTS: Of 388 original titles screened, data was extracted from 9 studies included
625 participants (Table 1). There was moderate-certainty evidence from 9 trials (625
participants) that LC can significantly reduce the progression of coronary artery
calcification than CC (SMD= -0.59, 95%CI -0.94 to -0.25, P< 0.01) (Figure 2). The
serum phosphorus level in the LC group was significantly lower than that in the CC
group (SMD= -1.35, 95%CI: -2.33 to -0.36, P< 0.01), and the serum calcium level was
significantly reduced (SMD= -1.03, 95% CI: -1.83 to -0.23, P= 0.012). The fibroblast
growth factor 23 (FGF-23) level in the LC group was significantly lower than that in the
CC group (SMD= -4.80, 95%CI: -7.96 to -1.64, P= 0.003). The Egger regression test of
coronary artery calcification score (CACS) showed no potential publication bias
(P= 0.72).
i348 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO585 Table 1. Characteristics of included studies.
Study (year) Sample size Mean age (LC/CC, years) Dialysis vintages (LC/CC) DN (LC/CC, %) Outcomes Follow-
(LC/CC) up
Ohtake, T. (2013) 26/26 67.8066.31 124.4647.5months 42.9 abcde 6 months
Wei, Y.(2014) 32/32 50.3569.42/50.1869.31 48.1166.31/47.9866.26months —— acde 3 months
Yu, M. (2015) 26/26 55.66615.34/59.53614.85 10.2168.53/15.33611.75 months 15/20 abcde 12 months
Zhang, C. (2015) 30/30 48.8767.48/49.9066.71 45.63616.63/42.20614.39 months 0/0 acdef 12 months
Peng, F. (2016) 35/21 57.2064.20/58.4063.40 25.8614.8/28.3611.9 months 26/28 abcdef 36 months
Li, H. (2017) 54/54 51.2865.76/50.2464.67 22.1564.75/23.1164.23 months —— abcdef 36 months
Zhang, C. (2017) 46/46 48.1768.91/51.0169.46 56.774617.542/60.732 100/100 acdef 12 months
615.762 months
Fujii, H. (2018) 53/55 65614/63613 —— 52/41.8 ab 18 months
Gao, Y. (2019) 16/17 56.8615.8 —— —— ab 24months
DN: diabetic nephropathy, (a) CACS, (b) cardiovascular events, (c)serum phosphate, (d) serum calcium, (e) iPTH, (f) FGF-23.
MO586 RISK OF OSTEOPOROSIS IN OBESE PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 (corresponding chronic kidney diasease (CKD) stage 3T) was defined as 35-70 pg/ml,
DIABETES: A SYSTEMIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS for eGFR corresponding CKD 4T – as 70-110 pg/ml, for CKD 5T – as 70-150 pg/ml.
RESULTS: In our cohort normal iPTH level was observed only in 13% cases, whereas
Yen-Chung Lin1 84% of the patients had hyperparathyroidism. iPTH inversely correlated with eGFR
Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (q= -0,454 [95%CI: -0,55; -0,34], h<0,0001 – fig.1) and its level differed significantly
between groups with different CKD stage (h<0,0001, Kruskall-Wallis test) – fig.2.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study is to evaluate the alterations in However, fraction of patients with target iPTH did not differ in recipient groups with
bone marrow density and other surrogate markers for osteoporosis in obese patients normal and decreased eGFR (p=0,118). Hypercalcaemia was observed in 29% cases;
with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) who received Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) there was a weak correlation of serum total Ca level with iPTH (q= 0,282 [95%CI: 0,15;
versus medical treatment as control. 0,4], h<0,0001) and AP (q=0,181 [95%CI: 0,05; 0,31], h=0,006) – fig.3.
METHOD: We searched four electronic databases and reference lists of relevant Hypophosphatemia was seen much more frequently during the first year after
studies for eligible research published before December, 2019. After quality assessment, transplantation than in long-term period (30,3% vs 6,4% respectively, h=0,0002).
eligible studies were synthesized for relevant outcomes, including lumbar spine bone Serum P level varied significantly in groups with different eGFR (p<0,0001, Kruskall-
mineral density (L-spine BMD) change, total hip BMD change, osteocalcin level, C- Wallis test), increasing in parallel with declining of transplant function – fig.4. The
terminal telopeptide (CTX) level and parathyroid hormone (PTH) level. percentage of patients within a target range of AP amounted to 54%, above the target
RESULTS: Three randomized clinical trials and two observational studies concerning range – 40,7%. In total, only 6,8% of our cohort had all laboratory parameters within
307 total obese T2DM patients were included. Follow-up ranged from 12 to 60 months. the target range.
Patients underwent RYGB surgery were associated with both higher L-spine BMD loss
(mean difference: -2.90, 95% CI: -2.99-2.81, p<0.00001 )and total hip BMD loss
(mean difference: -5.81, 95% CI: -9.22-2.40, p=0.0008). As to biochemical markers of
bone metabolism, we found signifcantly higher osteocalcin level in medical treatment
(control) group compared with RYGB group (mean difference: 11.16, 95% CI:
8.5713.75, p<0.00001). However, higher CTX level and PTH level were noted in
medical treatment group (control) compared with RYGB group (mean difference: 0.29,
95% CI: 0.110.48, p=0.002; mean difference: 1.56, 95% CI: 0.842.27, p<0.0001).
CONCLUSION: RYGB surgery is associated with negative impact on bone metabolism
and increase the risk of osteoporosis in obese patients with T2DM. We suggest that
clinicians acknowledge the adverse effects of surgery and keep monitoring bone
mineral components in post-RYGB populations. Further studies regarding the optimal
amount of peri-operative and post-surgical supplementation should be evaluated.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mineral and bone disorders (MBD) are common after
successful kidney transplantation in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We
aimed to evaluate the prevalence of biochemical abnormalities among recipients of
kidney transplant.
METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study of 236 patients underwent successful
kidney transplantation in our clinic between 2007 and 2019. Median age was 49 [Q1-
Q3: 39; 58] years, mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 51,1621,8 ml/
min/1,73 m2. Most of the patients received hemo- or peritoneal dialysis treatment, pre-
emptive transplantation was performed in 6% cases. For those previously received
dialysis, median duration of any type of dialysis was 21 [Q1-Q3: 11; 36] months.
Median time after transplantation reached 42 [Q1-Q3: 19; 75] months. We evaluated
serum intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), total calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and
alkaline phosphatase (AP) levels. Target ranges were defined according to National
guidelines on CKD-MBD as follows: 2,1 - 2,5 mmol/l for total Ca, 0,87 – 1,49 mmol/l
for P; normal AP level is defined considering a gender (53-128 ð/l for men, 42-98 ð/l
for women). Target iPTH level for optimal and slightly decreased transplant function
10.1093/ndt/gfab086 | i349
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO587 Figure 2:
PTH level in groups of transplant recipients with different CKD stage (h<0,0001,
Kruskall-Wallis test). Horizontal lines show significant differences between two groups
(h<0,0001 for all comparisons).
MO587 Figure 4:
Serum P level in groups of transplant recipients with different CKD stage (h<0,0001,
Kruskall-Wallis test). Corrected p-values (q) are shown for significant differences
between two groups.
CONCLUSION: We observed a high prevalence of biochemical abnormalities in
kidney transplant patients confirming that transplantation itself does not cure mineral
and bone disorders in CKD patients.
MO587 Figure 3: Correlation between serum total calcium of transplant recipients
with PTH level (left side) and alkaline phosphatase level (right side).
i350 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i351–i360, 2021
CKD. NUTRITION, INFLAMMATION AND OXIDATIVE undetermined. Here we aimed to investigate the clinical utility of TMAO and its
dietary determinants for graft failure prediction in renal transplant recipients (RTRs).
STRESS METHOD: We included 448 RTRs who participated in the TransplantLines Cohort
Study. Cox proportional-hazards regression analyses were performed to study the
association of plasma TMAO with graft failure. Net Benefit, a decision analysis
method, was performed to evaluate the clinical utility of TMAO and dietary
MO588 DECREASED IL-15 PRODUCTION INDUCED BY information in the prediction of graft failure.
HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA AS A POSSIBLE MECHANISM OF RESULTS: Among RTRs (age 52.7 6 13.1 years; 53% males), baseline median TMAO
AGED-RELATED SARCOPENIA* was 5.6 (3.0–10.2) mmol/L. In multivariable regression analysis, the most important
dietary determinants of TMAO were egg intake (Std. b = 0.10 [95%CI, 0.01;0.19];
Elena Alcalde-Estévez1, Ana Asenjo-Bueno2, Gemma Olmos1,3, Diego Rodrıguez- P=0.03), fiber intake (Std. b = -0.13 [95%CI, -0.22, -0.05]; P =0.002), and fish and
Puyol3,4,5, Susana Lo pez-Ongil2,3, Maria Piedad Ruiz-Torres1,3 seafood intake (Std. b = 0.11 [95%CI, 0.02,0.20]; P=0.01). After a median follow-up of
Universidad de Alcal a: Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Biologıa de 5.3 (4.5–6.0) years, graft failure was observed in 58 subjects. TMAO was associated
Sistemas, Alcala de Henares, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Prıncipe de Asturias, with increased risk of graft failure, independent of age, sex, BMI, blood pressure, lipids,
Fundacion para la Investigaci on Biomédica, Meco, Spain, 3Instituto Reina Sofıa de albuminuria and eGFR (Hazard Ratio per 1-SD increase of TMAO, 1.62 (95%
Investigacion Nefrol
ogica (IRSIN) y Red Renal (REDinREN) del ISCIII, Madrid, Spain, confidence interval (CI): 1.22; 2.14, P<0.001). A TMAO and dietary enhanced
Universidad de Alcal a: Facultad de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, Medicina y prediction model offered approximately double Net Benefit compared to a previously
Especialidades Médicas, Alcala de Henares, Spain and 5Hospital Universitario Prıncipe reported, validated prediction model for future graft failure, allowing the detection of
de Asturias, Servicio de Nefrologıa, Meco, Spain 21 RTRs per 100 RTRs tested with no false positives versus 10 RTRs respectively.
CONCLUSION: A predictive model for graft failure, enriched with TMAO and its
dietary determinants yielded a higher Net Benefit compared with an already validated
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The loss of muscle mass and function, termed
model. This study suggests that TMAO and its dietary determinants are associated
sarcopenia, is an aging-related condition associated to some important diseases such as
with an increased risk of graft failure and that it is clinically meaningful.
chronic kidney disease (CKD). Hyperphosphatemia has been related to both
pathologies. A chronic subclinical inflammation and a dysregulated immune system
function are associated to aging affecting to multiple pathways in the skeletal muscle,
and this fact has been linked to the development of sarcopenia. Interleukin-15 (IL-15)
is a skeletal muscle-derived cytokine which promotes muscle regeneration. The aim of
this work was to analyze the role of hyperphosphatemia on the IL-15 production of the
skeletal muscle and its implication in aging-related sarcopenia.
METHOD: Cultured C2C12 myoblasts were used for in vitro experiments. Cells were
treated with 10 mM beta-glycerophosphate (BGP) as a phosphate donor for 2, 4, 6, 8
and 24 hours. IL-15 mRNA levels were assessed by RT-qPCR. Three groups of C57BL6
male mice were used for the in vivo studies: 5-months-old mice (young), 24-month-old
mice fed with a standard diet containing 0.6 % of phosphate (old) and 24-month-old
mice fed with a hypophosphatemic diet, containing a 0.2% of phosphate (oldþlowPi),
for the last three months before sacrifice. Muscle force was measured by a grip test.
Serum phosphate levels were analyzed with a commercial kit. Quadriceps muscle
samples were collected to evaluate in them the IL-15 mRNA expression by RT-qPCR.
RESULTS: C2C12 cells treated with BGP show a significant decrease in the IL-15 mRNA
expression. On the other hand, in vivo studies showed that old mice had an increase in
serum phosphate concentration and a reduction in forelimb strength and muscle mass,
compared to young mice. Old animals fed with the hypophosphatemic diet displayed lower
levels of phosphate serum linked to an improvement in the muscle mass and function. IL-15
expression of quadriceps muscle was reduced in old mice compared to young mice, whereas
those values were increased in old mice fed with the low phosphate diet. Furthermore, there
was a negative correlation between IL-15 expression levels and serum phosphate
concentrations and a positive correlation between IL-15 and forelimb strength and muscle
mass, suggesting that a decreased IL-15 expression affects muscle function.
CONCLUSION: High extracellular phosphate concentrations decrease IL-15 mRNA
expression in myoblasts, and it is correlated with low IL-15 mRNA expression in the
quadriceps muscle isolated from old mice. This reduction was associated to a decreased
muscular strength and muscle mass, whereas the dietary restriction of phosphate
improved these features. These results point to a role of hyperphosphatemia in the
impaired immune system function, disrupting the skeletal muscle function, and this
could be involved in aging and CKD-related sarcopenia.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
supplementation as a long-term intervention. The aims of this study were to evaluate in age (77.5 vs. 68, p=0.068), comparing with patients without sarcopenia. The group of
the feasibility and acceptability (including symptoms and adherence) of long-term the sarcopenic patients had lower BMI (24.4 vs. 28.4 Kg/m2, p=0.008) and height (65.9
synbiotic supplementation in adults with chronic kidney disease (CKD), as well as vs. 77.6, p=0.01), although BMI > 30 Kg/m2 (1 vs. 9, p=0.052) and visceral obesity (7
explore the perspectives of these patients on nutrition supplementation for gut health, vs. 19, p=0.084) were not significantly different between the two groups. Moreover, we
including strategies to optimise adherence in practice. observed that patients with sarcopenia tended to have lower albumin levels (2.9 vs. 3.7,
METHOD: SYNERGY II was a double-blind randomised controlled trial in adults p=0.034) and higher LDL levels (135 vs. 67.5, p=0.04). Regarding mortality, 18 patients
(>18years) with stage 3-4 CKD over 12 months. The intervention comprised of daily (41,9%) died during follow-up and the frequency of sarcopenia was significantly higher
prebiotic powder (2 x 10g/day resistant starch) and probiotic supplementation (single among non-survivors (68.8% vs. 25.9%, p=0.006). In the univariate logistic regression,
sachet of 6g/day multi strain 4.5x1011CFU) or placebo control (waxy maize powder for every decrease of one unit in the SMI, mortality increased by 10% (p=0.012).
and a sachet of maltodextrin). Adherence to nutrition supplementation was defined as CONCLUSION: Sarcopenia is common in patients with non-dialysis dependent CKD,
participants consuming >80% of the prescribed sachets/powder. Symptoms were particularly in advanced stages, and is strongly associated with mortality in this
monitored via Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) and Bristol Stool Score population. Our study highlights the importance of early diagnosis and
(BSS). Semi-structured interviews were conducted in person or by telephone with a implementation of therapeutic strategies to minimize the adverse outcomes in CKD
sample of 30 participants at the completion of the intervention. The interviews patients.
explored experiences and perspectives regarding frequencies, timing and difficulties
experienced with each aspect of the intervention and overall perceptions of the
intervention as a strategy to improve gut health.
RESULTS: Sixty-eight participants [66% male, median age 70 (IQR 58-75) years] were
consented and randomised to either intervention or control groups, with a mean
estimated glomerular filtration rate of 34 6 11 mL/min/1.73m2. A total of 56
participants (82%) completed the 12-month intervention with no differences in
Stefan Schunk1, Triem Sarah1, Rafael Kramann2, Peter Boor2,
withdrawals between groups (p=0.6). One participant from each group withdrew at
Emmanuel Ampofo1, Danilo Fliser1, Thimoteus Speer1
week 2, citing palatability of the study product as the reason for withdrawal. Overall 1
adherence to study supplementation was excellent in both intervention and placebo Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany and 2RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
groups [median intake 92.1% (85.9-95.2%) placebo versus 89.5% (84.4-94.5%) Germany
synbiotic; P=0.4)]. Overall, there was no significant change from baseline to end of
study visit for mean BSS (3.6 6 1.4 to 3.6 6 1.4 placebo versus 3.6 6 1.1 to 4.1 6 1.2 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and chronic kidney
synbiotic, P=0.13), mean bowel movements (1.3 6 0.6 to 1.6 6 0.9 placebo versus 1.3 disease (CKD) are highly prevalent, aggravate each other, and account for substantial
6 0.6 to 1.8 6 1.0 synbiotic, P=0.70) or GSRS [1.3 (1.1 - 1.9) to 1.3 (1.1 - 1.5) placebo mortality. Both conditions are characterized by activation of the innate immune
versus 1.1 (1.1 - 1.5) to 1.3 (1.1 - 1.5) synbiotic, P=0.83]. Acceptability components system. The alarmin IL-1a is expressed in a variety of cell types promoting (sterile)
described by participants were appreciating convenience and improving health and systemic inflammation. The aim of the present study is to examine the role of IL-1a in
well-being. Participants discussed the following feasibility components: integrating mediating inflammation in the setting of cardiorenal diseases.
easily into lifestyle and social accountability. Tablets or capsules were the preferred METHOD: We assessed the expression of IL-1a on the surface of monocytes from
supplement formulation with a probiotic drink made from a SCOBY (synbiotic culture patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and patients with CKD and
of bacteria and yeast) the least preferred. determined its association with atherosclerotic CVD events during follow-up in an
CONCLUSION: Among adults with stage 3-4 CKD, synbiotic supplementation is a explorative clinical study. Furthermore, we assessed the inflammatory effects of IL-1a
well-tolerated and acceptable form of nutrition supplementation. People with CKD in several organ injury models in Il1a-/- and Il1b-/- mice and investigated the
would prefer nutrition supplements to be formulated as a tablet or capsule, which is an underlying mechanisms in vitro in monocytes and endothelial cells.
important consideration when translating into clinical practice. RESULTS: IL-1a is strongly expressed on the surface of monocytes from patients with
AMI and CKD compared to healthy controls. Higher IL-1a surface expression on
monocytes from patients with AMI was associated with a higher risk for atherosclerotic
CVD events, which underlines the clinical relevance of IL-1a. In mice, IL-1a, but not
IL-1b, mediates leukocyte-endothelial adhesion as determined by intravital
microscopy. IL-1a promotes accumulation of macrophages and neutrophils in
inflamed tissue in-vivo. Furthermore, IL-1a on monocytes stimulates their homing at
sites of vascular injury. A variety of stimuli such as free fatty acids or oxalate crystals
Beatriz Donato1, Adriana Paixa ~o Fernandes1, M ario Raimundo2, Luis Falcao2,
nia Velho3, Ana Primitivo4, Sara Fernandes2, Catarina Teixeira2, Ana induce IL-1a surface expression and release by monocytes, which then mediates their
~o Costa2, So nia Silva2, Edgar Almeida2 adhesion to the endothelium via IL-1 receptor-1. Besides, IL-1a promotes expression of
the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) on endothelial cells thereby fostering
Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Nephrology, Loures, Portugal, 3Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, the adhesion of circulating leukocytes. IL-1a induces inflammatory injury after
Nutrition, Loures, Portugal and 4Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, Radiology, Loures, Portugal experimental AMI and abrogation of IL-1a prevents the development of CKD in
oxalate or adenine-fed mice.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sarcopenia is common in chronic kidney disease CONCLUSION: IL-1a represents a key mediator of leukocyte-endothelial adhesion
(CKD) and it has been reported a correlation between the increased prevalence of and inflammation in cardiorenal diseases. Inhibition of IL-1a may serve as a novel
sarcopenia and worsening kidney function. Computed tomography (CT) is the gold anti-inflammatory treatment strategy.
standard for studying sarcopenia because of its capacity to identify quantitative and
qualitative changes in muscle mass. Our major aim was to evaluate the prevalence of
sarcopenia ant its association with renal function, in non-dialysis CKD patients, using
a diagnostic criterion that has not been applied before in this population.
METHOD: We conducted a longitudinal retrospective analysis on a cohort of non-
dialysis CKD patients who visited an outpatient Nephrology clinic between January
2012 and December 2012 and continued follow-up until December 2018. We selected
those who underwent a CT scan as part of their clinical workup and simultaneously
Anita Saxena1, Amit Gupta2, Trisha Sachan1, Vishwas Kapoor4, Anup Kumar5,
had a serum creatinine determination within 90 days of the scan. CT images were
Sachin Sharma6
obtained and evaluated for body composition analysis by one investigator blinded to 1
clinical data. Images were selected by radiologists at the third lumbar vertebra (L3). Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Nephrrology, LUCKNOW,
Segmentation of tissue cross-sectional areas was conducted according to the following India, 2Apollo Medics, Nephrrology, Lucknow, India, 4Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate
Hounsfield unit thresholds: -29 to 150 for skeletal muscle, -190 to -30 for subcutaneous Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, LUCJNOW, India, 5Sanjay
and intramuscular adipose tissue and -50 to -150 for visceral adipose tissue. Skeletal Gandhi Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Bioinformatics and Biostatistics,
muscle area (SMA) was normalized for stature to calculate the skeletal muscle index Lucknow, India and 6Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences,
(SMI). Sarcopenia was defined as SMI lower than 41 cm2/m2 in women and 43 cm2/m2 Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, LUCKNOW, India
in men with body mass index (BMI) < 25 kg/m2 and < 53 in men with BMI > 25 kg/
m2, as described by Martin et al, based on the International Consensus of Sarcopenia. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: High phosphorus intake is known to cause renal and
Visceral obesity was defined as visceral fat area > 130 cm2. Diagnosis and classification vascular calcification and renal tubular injury and albuminuria. Dietary phosphorus
of CKD were based on the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes criteria and the restriction is therapeutic for controlling disordered phosphorus homeostasis and for
glomerular filtration rate was estimated from the serum creatinine levels using the improving cardiovascular outcomes in CKD. However, early restriction of dietary
CKD Epidemiology Collaboration equation. phosphorus is not advocated Aim: To evaluate if early control of dietary phosphorus
RESULTS: Out of the 521 non-dialysis CKD patients referred to the nephrology clinic, ameliorates proteinuria, prevents decline in glomerular filtration rate and prevents
43 patients met the inclusion criteria. Mean age was 71.0 6 14.6 years, 55.8% were increase in FGF-23
male and 97.7% were caucasian. The mean follow-up time was 4.3 6 2.3 years. Most METHOD: One year longitudinal study on 79 CKD patients in stages 1 and 2. eGFR,
patients had CKD stages 3 to 5 (67.4%) and the mean GFR was 45.4 6 32.6 ml/min/ serum creatinine , phosphorus, calcium, FGF-23, soluble a-Klotho iPTH FGF 23, blood
1.73m2. In our entire cohort, 16 patients were sarcopenic (37.3%; median age: 77.5 pressure, were evaluated and compared with 35 controls. 3 days dietary intake was
years; 9 female and 7 male) and a high prevalence of sarcopenia was observed in stages taken using standard methodology on first visit, 6 and 12 months. CKD patients were
3 and 4 of CKD (54,5% and 50%, respectively). There was a non-significant difference grouped based on dietary phosphorus intake: Group 1 (n 42): normal phosphorous
i352 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
intake (<1000mg/day) and Group 2 (n=37; 17 in CKD 1; 20 CKD 2): high
phosphorous intake (>1000mg/d). Patients in Group 2 were educated on high and low
phosphorus foods and counselled to avoid fresh and frozen and processed meat, eggs,
nuts and seeds, chocolates, packaged food, phosphorus-containing food additives and
counselled to adopt a plant-based diet, for low phosphorus availability/absorption diet
with directed diet plan. Lentils and pulses, milk and milk products (hard cheese, ice-
creams, custards, cottage cheese, pudding, yoghurt), bran and whole wheat cereals were
restricted up to 1-2 servings a day Data were analysed using SPSS.
RESULTS: At baseline there was no significant difference in the GFR (group1
85.00618.64 ml/min vs group 2 82.53616.30ml/min), serum creatinine between
groups. In group2 ; GFR, sKlotho, serum phosphorus and FGF-23 correlated
significantly with dietary phosphorus intake. In group 2, FGF-23, Serum phosphorus,
dietary protein and phosphorus intake were significantly higher and sKlotho was
significantly lower than group 1. There was significant difference in serum phosphorus
(p 0.000), iPTH, (p 0.004), FGF23 (p0.000), Klotho (p0.000), urinary protein (p0.000),
dietary protein (Group 1 37.5763.40; Group 248.7965.86 p 0.000) and phosphorus
(Group 1868.96669.99 mg/d and Group 2 1312.266137.57 mg/d p 0.000) intake and
dietary phosphorous to protein ratio (p 0.000) between groups 1 and 2.. After dietary
intervention in group 2 GFR increased from 80.93615.34 to 84.11615.38 in six
months and to 87.43618.27 ml/min at 12 months p 0.012, and urinary protein
declined to 22.0163.39 mg/mL. FGF 23 declined from 60.6766.26 to 58.0067.07 to
53.2969.48 pg/mL at 12 months. Urinary phosphorus excretion increased from
574.376214.22 to 624.646137.67 at 12 months. Dietary phosphorus protein to ratio
reduced from 27.1664.35 to24.7564.34 p 0.000 at 12 months MO594 Figure 1: Flow-chart of the study.
CONCLUSION: CKD patients should be cautioned and counselled on their first visit
on the impact of dietary phosphorus intake on the progression of CKD and Abbreviations: FORD, Free Oxygen Radical Defence; FOR7; Free Oxygen Radicals Test;
development of CVD. IPAQ, International Physical Activity Questionnaire; PREDJMED, Prevention con
dieta Mediterranea; SF-36, Short-Form 36items health survey.
The study was inserted in the projects: "MioMenu: nuova filiera dell’agro-industria e
MO594 POTENTIAL BENEFICIAL EFFECT OF EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE una cucina tracciata natura/benessereLazio Region" and "BioSynOLOil and Legumes:
OIL WITH HIGH MINOR POLAR COMPOUNDS CONTENTS IN biodynamic and synergistic crops for naturally fortified foods and innovative products
NEPHROPATHIC PATIENTS: PRELIMINARY DATA for health and sport - G.O. Tuscany Region".
10.1093/ndt/gfab089 | i353
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
aging and CKD, it has been described a decline lung function, however, relationship
between high serum levels of phosphate and lung damage has not been described yet.
The aim of this work was to evaluate if phosphate could induce inflammation in lung,
studying the mechanisms implied.
METHOD: In vitro studies were performed on a cell line from human lung fibroblasts
(Wi-38) which were treated with a phosphate donor termed b-glycerophosphate (BGP,
10 mM) and also with endothelin 1 (ET-1, 10 nM) at different times. To assess
inflammation, the expression of several cytokines such as TNF-a,IL-1b, IL-6 and MCP-
1 were measured by real time PCR. mRNA expressions of prepro-ET-1 and
endothelin-converting enzyme-1 (ECE-1) were also analyzed by real time PCR.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was evaluated by confocal microscopy in
live cells using the fluorogenic probe CellROX as oxidative stress reagent.
RESULTS: Treatment with BGP induced a significant rise of the pro-inflammatory
cytokines expression, TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6 and MCP-1, on lung fibroblasts. Moreover,
MO594 Figure 3: Results of Sf.36 questionnaire. BGP was able to regulate ET-1 system, as we found a significant increase of mRNA
expressions not only of prepro-ET-1 but also of ECE-1, reaching a peak around 2 and 6
hours, respectively. Later, it was checked whether ET-1 could induce inflammation
CONCLUSION: The consumption of EVOO with high MPCs content would seem to itself in lung fibroblasts. Cells incubated with ET-1 show similar results as BGP,
exert an anti-inflammatory (due to high content of oleocanthal) and antioxidant (due increasing expressions of all cytokines, TNF-a, IL-1b, IL-6 and MCP-1.ET-1 response
to high content of hydroxytyrosol, oleacin and oleuropein aglicone) action in CKD was earlier than BGP, around at 2 hours with ET-1 instead of at 8 hours with BGP. In
patients. Therefore, once again it is highlighted how the diet therapy plays a pivotal order to elucidate a possible mechanism, ROS production was assessed after BGP
role in the clinical management of CKD patients and that it allows an improvement of treatment. BGP induced ROS production at 15 min in lung fibroblasts.
their quality of life. CONCLUSION: BGP induces the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines as well as
the system of synthesis of ET-1, besides to rise ROS production.ET-1 itself also
increases pro-inflammatory cytokines expression. ET-1 could contribute to the
MO595 FREQUENCY OF INTAKE OF DIETARY FIBER SOURCES NOT inflammation observed in lung fibroblast after BGP treatment. We propose oxidative
ASSOCIATED WITH HYPERKALEMIA IN HEMODIALYS stress as a potential mechanism implied, as it is well known that ROS can mediate in
PATIENTS IN A MULTICENTER STUDY inflammation and in the ET system. However, more studies are necessary to confirm
this role. All in all, these results relate hyperphosphatemia with a higher inflammation
Rafaela G. Dos Santos1, Juliana Malinovski2, Nat alia Scatone1, Jorgiane De in lung fibroblasts which could decline lung function in chronic diseases associated to
Oliveira2, Andrea Sczip1, Jyana Moraes2, Marcos Vieira2, FABIANA NERBASS2 aging as CKD.
Centro de Tratamento de Doenças Renais, Brazil and 2Fundaç~
ao Pr
o-Rim, Brazil
usually have a low intake of food groups rich in dietary fiber to avoid hyperkalemia. REPEATED SPOT URINE SAMPLING
However, dietary potassium is not associated with serum potassium or hyperkalemia in
recent studies, and higher intake of fiber food groups such as fruits and vegetables is Gina Ginos1, Liffert Vogt1, Petra Frings-Meuthen2, Martina Heer3, Rik Olde
associated with lower mortality and other complications in HD populations. This Engberink1
multicenter cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the frequency of intake of dietary 1
Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Department of Nephrology, Amsterdam
fiber sources, its determinants, and the relationship with hyperkalemia in HD patients. Cardiovascular Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Institute of Aerospace
METHOD: Prevalent HD patients from four dialysis clinics in Southern Brazil were Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Köln, Germany and 3Institute of Nutritional
invited to participate (at least 80% of eligible patients from each clinic). Patients were and Food Sciences, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
interviewed by the researchers and answered a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ)
with the main dietary fiber sources (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains cereals BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In daily clinical practice, individual-level sodium (Na)
and seeds) with seven frequency possibilities (from never to more than twice a day). To intake is often estimated by measuring Na excretion in a single 24h urine collection,
estimate the weekly frequency of intake, answers were transformed into a score. Every but long-term Na balance studies indicate that 7 consecutive 24h urine collections are
score point corresponded to one time per week (ex.: score 7 = seven times per week). needed. However, this approach is not feasible in clinical settings. In this study, we
The sum of the five scores was calculated to determine the total score. Demographical investigate whether the use of repeated spot urine sampling is an appropriate
and laboratory data were obtained from medical records. Univariate analysis was used alternative for repeated 24h urine collections.
to assess total score associations, and the variables with P<0.20 were included in the METHOD: We performed a post-hoc analysis of a metabolic ward study in 8 healthy
regression analysis model. male adults who consumed a 7-day diet with a fixed amount of Na (200 mmol/d).
RESULTS: 305 HD patients were included (male: 51%; age: 52.2 6 14.7 years old; HD Urine was collected in four daily intervals: 7-13h, 13-19h, 19-23h and 23-7h. After
vintage: 46 (19 – 82) months; hyperkalemia: 29%). Median (interquartile) FFQ scores reaching steady state, we estimated Na intake with 1 and 3 consecutive 24h urine
were: fruits: 6 (2-14); vegetables: 6 (3-10); legumes: 3 (1-7); whole-grain: 0 (0-1) and collections and 3-day spot urine sampling, using the Kawasaki formula with measured
seeds: 0 (0-0). Total score was 19 (14-28) and correlated with age (r=0.15; P=0.01), HD 24h urine creatinine excretion.
vintage (r=-0.22; P=<0.001) and body mass index (BMI) (r=0.15; P=0.007). Patients RESULTS: ON: day 5, mean 24h Na excretion matched intake, indicating that steady
with diabetes had a higher total score (22 (15-31) versus 18 (13-27) P=0.03). Only the state was achieved (Fig A). Mean and standard deviation of absolute differences
vegetables score correlated with serum potassium (r=0.17; P=0.03) and no difference between estimated and measured Na intake (DNa) for each method were: 18.8 614.6
was found between dietary fiber food groups scores and total score with hyperkalemia. mmol (3 x spot urine 7-13h), 32.3 618.7 mmol (3 x spot urine 13-19h), 74.6 630.0
The linear regression analysis model also included gender and education (years at mmol (3 x spot urine 19-23h), 28.2 619.8 mmol (3 x spot urine 23-7h), 29.8 623.9
school) (all with P<0.20 in the univariate analysis). The independent predictors of mmol (1 x 24h urine) and 22.9 611.3 mmol (3 x 24h urine) (Fig B). With the exception
dietary fiber total score were age (OR=0.1 (95%IC 0.01-0.20);P=0.04), HD vintage of the 19-23h spot urine collection period, the accuracy of 3-day spot urine sampling
(month) (OR=-0.03 (95%IC -0.06 - -0.01);P=0.02) and years at school (OR=0.27 did not significantly differ from accuracy of 1 and 3 consecutive 24h urine collections.
(95%IC 0.85-0.46);P=0.005). When combining the pre-night and morning spot urine collections (19-7h), the
CONCLUSION: The usual frequency of intake of fiber sources was low, and its accuracy of the estimation did not improve (DNa 28.7 619.6 mmol).
independent determinants were age, HD vintage and education. The lack of association CONCLUSION: 3-day spot urine sampling did not perform significantly different
with hyperkalemia suggests that other dietary sources and clinical factors should be than 1 and 3 24h urine collections for estimation of individual-level Na intake.
considered to manage hyperkalemia in this population. Adequately powered studies need to confirm whether repeated spot urine sampling is
an accurate and low burden alternative to repeated 24h urine collections.
i354 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO597 Figure: (A) Mean 24h Na excretion during 7-day diet. (B) Comparison of
absolute differences between measured and estimated Na intake (DNa). Estimates are
based on 3-day spot urine samples for each collection period (blue), 1 (green) and 3
(red) consecutive 24h urine collection. Data are mean and standard deviation.
10.1093/ndt/gfab089 | i355
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
adjusted these estimates by the differences in post HD weight between sessions to make MO600 DIFFERENCES IN BODY COMPOSITION, MUSCLE
both estimates comparable. We depicted the comparison between the estimated V- STRENGHT AND BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN CKD
UKM versus the TBW-BCM in a scatter- and Bland-Altman (BA) plot (Figure). For PATIENTS WITH AND WITHOUT PROTEIN ENERGY WASTING
the purpose of error investigation we studied the computed bias (V-UKM minus (PEW)
TBW-BCM) as a function of body mass index (BMI) and stray capacitance (td) in a BA
Guillermina Barril1, Angel Nogueira1, Graciela Alvarez1, Paula Romasco1,
plot. We then calculated the difference between Vant and V-UKM and illustrated the
comparison in a scatter and BA plot. Yohana Gil1, Almudena Nun ~ez1, Carmen Sanchez Glez1, Natalia Tromborelli1
RESULTS: In a cross-sectional design, we studied 161 stable prevalent HD patients Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain
(61.3614.7 years, 98 (60.9%) males, height of 167.5610.7 cm) prior to their treatment.
The regression plot showed slight agreement (R2= 0.69) and the Bland-Altman plot no BACKGROUND AND AIMS: PEW sometimes produces irreversible alterations in
systematic trends or proportional error in the main analysis (Figure 1a and b). Neither nutritional status, and early diagnosis could mark the sindrome reversibility.
BMI or td explained bias and variance in the bias between both estimates. Vant and V- Aim.-To establish the prevalence of PEW in an advanced CKD unit in a sample of 325
UKM plots showed agreement (R2 of 0.68) with a mean bias of -2.365.1 and no patients with CKD and to establish the differences in nutritional parameters, body
proportional error. composition and muscle strength.
METHOD: The patients treated in Advanced CKD Unit (ACKD) nutritional status
monitoring is performed every 3 months, will be assessed through a cross-sectional ,
with the frequency being able to increase if malnutrition is detected in the screening.
The ISRNM criteria are applied to diagnose PEW, and the patients are classified
according to whether or not they have PEW and the differences in nutritional
parameters are analyzed: albumin, transferrin, CRP, linphocytes, Hb, body
composition with Akhern HD-01 monofrequency BIA and anthropometric
measurements and muscular strength with dynamometer (baseline).
RESULTS: We have evaluated 325 patients with CKD xage 70.88 6 12.55 years, 66.8%
217pac are men with xCKD-EPI of 19.19 6 9.28ml / min / 1.73m2 PEW prevalence
8.9% (29 patients) aged 74.06 6 12.79 years, with no significant difference between
sexes with and without PEW (18/215 men and 11/108 women). We found significant
differences between the groups with PEW vs without PEW in protein intake (nPNA)
0.73 6 0.21 vs 0.93 6 0.26, p0.003, albumin 3.74 6 0.66 vs 4.21 6 0.41, CRP 1.20 6
2.09 vs 0.68 6 1.20, p0.05, Hb 11.33 6 1.52 vs 11.90 6 1.50, p0.023, transferrin 199.71
6 48.38 vs224.95 6 48.85, p0.013.
Data on anthropometric and body composition measures as showing in the table. The
values of biochemical parameters and body composition in patients with PEW are
striking, as some are close to the low limit of normality, which suggests the possible
reversibility if action is taken on time.
CONCLUSION: The monitoring of nutritional status in a protocolized way provides
low prevalences of PEW and allows its early detection, which favors its reversibility
with the appropriate intervention.
i356 | Abstracts
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MO601 THE ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND mean value of AOPP increased concomitantly with intima-media thickness (P < 0.05).
MORTALITY IN GERIATRIC PATIENTS WITH CKD 3B-5 Furthermore, AOPP mean value was relatively higher in patients with atherosclerotic
STAGES plaques (P < 0.05) compared to those without plaques. Vit-E treatment stabilized the
levels of AOPP but had no effect of atherosclerotic progression.
Elina Borkhanova1, Adelya Maksudova2 CONCLUSION: AOPPs were proved to be effective markers of oxidative stress and
UK “Clinica Dialysa”, UK “Clinica Dialysa”, Kazan, Russia and 2Kazan State Medical their high levels help to predict the progression of the atherosclerosis process. As a
Univercity, Hospital Therapy Department, Kazan, Russia powerful antioxidant, Vit-E stabilized the AOPP levels.
10.1093/ndt/gfab089 | i357
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: We value 199 CKD patients by setting the EBW/TBW cut-off points using In univariate time-dependent analysis, patients with zero mGPS had better kidney
Inbody S10 multifrequency bioimpedance with global ROC curve and for advanced survival than those with the score of one and two (99.9 (95%CI 96.9, 102.9) vs 92.1
CKD (ACKD) and HD analyzing differences according to age ranges (<65,65,1-75 and (95%CI 85.2, 99.0) vs 78.1 (95%CI 60.4, 95.4) months, log rank p=0.02). However, the
>75 years) and differences in nutritional parameters (visceral proteins, MIS scale and kidney survival differences were not present after adjusting for CKD progression risk
body composition). factors (HR 1.12 (95%CI 0.78, 1.62), p 0.5).
RESULTS: We have evaluated 199 patients with ACKD, 143 male and 56 female, 74 in CONCLUSION: The inflammation-based mGPS score was associated with eGFR
CKD xage72.27 ?11.98years and 125 in HD, xage 70.76 ?12.73 years. Overall EBW / decline in CKD patients. Therefore, could prove useful in improving risk stratification
TBW ratio: AUC 0.657, p0.006, cut-off point 0.3965 60% sensitivity, 64% specificity. of CKD patients.
Advanced CKD: AUC 0.648, p0.071, cutoff point 0.397, 64% sensitivity, 61%
specificity. HD: AUC 0.706, p0.012, cutoff point 0.391, 71% sensitivity, 63% specificity.
The results in relation to age strata and MIS with 5 as the cut-off point in the table. No
greater hydration in men than in women overall.
The nutrition-inflammation parameters according to the cut-off point are different:
Advanced CKD: age 0.001, albumin 0.024, prealbumin 0.013, trasferrin 0.078, CRP
0.432. HD: albumin 0.014, prealbumin 0.001, transferrin 0.939, lymphocytes 0.030,
Angel Nogueira1, Graciela Alvarez2, Guillermina Barril1
CRP 0.342, age 0.000. 1
CONCLUSION: 1. We have found slightly higher cut-off points between ACKD and Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain and 2Hospital
hemodialysis in the assessed sample. 2. The EBW / TBW ratio appears higher in Universitario de la P^rincesa, Nephroogy, Madrid, Spain
patients > 65 years in both ACKD and HD, in contrast to what is observed in the
healthy population. 3. A greater malnutrition appairs in a greater hyperhydration in BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There are differents factors that will influence the
HD and ACKD. functional capacity of ACKD patients, among them the nutritional condition.
AIM: to assess the functional capacity of ACKD patients with the Short Physical
Performance test Battery (SPPB), and its relationship with the malnutrition-
MO604 Table 1: Differences according HD and ACKD inflammation binomium.
METHOD: We have evaluated 216 ACKD patients, 66.2% (143) male. xage 70.85
?12.01 years, being female older than male (72.58 ?13.19 vs 69.96 ?11.32, p = 0.129). We
have determine plasma proteins indicators of nutritional status such as albumin,
MIS EBW/TBW Age Total prealbumin and CRP as a marker of the status of inflammation. And we have applied
< 65 65 – 75 > 75 malnutrition inflamation score (MIS).
RESULTS: In the univariate analysis, we found an association between the
ACKD MIS<5 EBW/TBW 0,397 3 8 3 14 functionality determined with the test and the age (RR95% 0.866 p = 0.000), sex
>0,397 1 4 4 9 (RR95% 0.387 p = 0.005). albumin (RR95% 2,222 p = 0.035), prealbumin (RR95%
MIS>5 EBW/TBW 0,397 4 3 3 10 1.065 p = 0.018), CRP (RR95% 0.733 p = 0.022) and the state nutritional value
determined with the MIS scale (RR95% 0.791 p = 0.000). We donot any found any
>0,397 0 4 14 18 association with DM, transferrin and total lymphocytes. Albumin values were
Total EBW/TBW 0,397 7 11 6 24 established as 3.8g / dl, and CRP at 1g / dl, obtaining 4 groups: (G1: alb> 3,7-PCR <1,
G2: alb> 3,7-PCR> 1, G3: alb <3,7-PCR <1 and G4: alb <3,7-PCR> 1 ).
>0,397 1 8 18 27 The table shows the results of the relationship between groups and the limitations
HD MIS<5 EBW/TBW 0,391 7 4 1 12 determined with SPBB. Group 1 was the most numerous, also being the one with the
>0,391 1 1 5 7 best nutrition-inflammation profile, observing that in this group 68 patients (78.2%)
presented minimal / no limitations.
MIS>5 EBW/TBW 0,391 7 2 2 11 CONCLUSIONS: 1. The nutritional-inflammation status will influence the functional
>0,391 5 11 11 27 capacity of the patient with ERCA.
Total EBW/TBW 0,391 14 6 3 23 2. The SPPB test, in addition to being a good choice to evaluate the functional capacity
of patients with ACKD, can provide guidance on the nutritional status of patients.
>0,391 6 12 16 34 3. Maintaining a good nutritional status will also have a positive influence on the
functional capacity of ACKD patients.
Gabriel Stefan1,2, Simona Stancu1,2, Adrian Dorin Zugravu1,2, Cristina- G1: G2: G3: G4: *p
Stela Capusa1,2 Alb>3.8 Alb>3.8 Alb<3.8 Alb<3.8
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila, Nephrology and 2Dr Carol Davila * CRP<1 * CRP>1 * CRP<1 * CRP>1
Teaching Hospital of Nephrology, Nephrology
Severe limitations 66.7% (8) 0,0% (0) 25% (3) 8.3% (1) 0.012
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The modified Glasgow prognostic score (mGPS), based Moderates 64.9% (24) 27% (10) 0,0% (0) 8.1% (3)
on combination between albumin (sAlb) and C-reactive protein (CRP), has been Limitations
derived from oncology and validated in multiple diseases. Since chronic kidney disease
Mild Limitations 83.3% (65) 7.7% (6) 6.4% (5) 2.6% (2)
(CKD) progression is related to inflammation, we aimed to evaluate the relationship
between the mGPS and CKD outcome. M?mal Limitations 78.2% (68) 10.3% (9) 5.7% (5) 5.7% (5)
METHOD: The present retrospective unicentric cohort study included 547 CKD * P<0.05 (sig.) (Fisher test)
patients (age 60.2 years, 53% male, eGFR 42.0 mL/min, mean change -2 mL/min/year)
admitted between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2012.
The mGPS assessment: zero points if CRP 10 mg/L and sAlb 3.5 g/dL; one point if
CRP >10 mg/L and sAlb 3.5 g/dL, two points if CRP >10 mg/L and sAlb <3.5 g/dL.
Patients records were reviewed from the CKD diagnosis to one of the four outcomes:
end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), death, loss to follow-up, or until July 31, 2017.
RESULTS: The mGPS score was 0 for 420 (78%), 1 for 110 (19%), and 2 for 17 (3%)
patients. Rapid progression defined as a sustained decline in eGFR of more than 5 mL/
Leila Azouaou toualbi1, Medina Arab2, Chahine Toualbi3, Khelfi Abderrezak4,5,
min/year was found in 17% of the studied patients. More patients with rapid CKD
Henni Chader6, Abdelghani Benoui7, Atmane Seba8
progression were found in the group with the highest mGPS (30% vs 17%, vs 16%, 1
p=0.05). university algiers 1,CHU nephrology hussein dey, medecine , nephrology, algiers alge-
In the multivariate analysis, mGPS was associated with the eGFR slope (OR 1.42 ria, Algeria, 2university algiers 1,, 3, medecine ,surgy , 4, 5university algiers 1,, toxicology,
(95%CI 0.29, 2.55), p 0.01). Moreover, mGPS was negatively correlated with baseline , medecine , nephrology, 7university algiers 1,, medecine , nephrology and 8university
eGFR (OR -3.74 (95%CI 7.8, 0.33), p 0.05) and positively with albuminuria (0.87 algiers 1,CHU nephrology hussein dey, medecine , nephrology, Algeria
(95%CI 0.51, 1.23), p 0.001).
During the study period, 130 patients (24%) died and 109 (20%) reached ESKD. The BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Oxidative stress represents a risk factor for
mean kidney survival time was 8.1 (95%CI 7.9, 8.4) years. Kidney survivals at 12, 24, cardiovascular complications . The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of
36, 48, 60, and 72 months were 96, 95, 89, 86, 83 and 82%, respectively. vitamin E on cardiovascular complications in hemodialysis patients.
i358 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: a study including 420 patients on hemodialysis and 360 controls.
Treatment with Vit E at a rate of 300 mg / day for 2 years. All patients benefited from a
blood sample of oxidative stress markers as well as paraclinical explorations in search
of cardiovascular complications.
RESULTS: The study grouped together 780 cases. We find that there is a significant
relationship between cardiovascular complications and Advanced Oxidation Protein
Product (AOPP), Low Density Oxidized Lipoprotein (LDLox), Malondialdehydes
(MDA) and Gluthations), we did not find any correlation with nitrogen monoxide
(NO) and myeloperoxidases (MPO) .Concerning gluthations (IU / ml ) we observe that
the mean values clearly increased after treatment (P-value <0.05) . The mean value of
MDA mmol / l significantly decreased after treatment .we note that the cardiovascular
complications have decreased (11.03% versus 16.04%) with the decrease in certain
markers of oxidative stress. (p > 0.05)
CONCLUSION: Regarding cardiovascular complications, we have certainly noticed a
drop in their frequency after treatment with vit E without the difference being
MO608 Figure 1: Total intuitive eating and subscales scores pre and post
intervention (n=23). [*p-value derived obtained with Wilcoxon test].
10.1093/ndt/gfab089 | i359
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
collected information of 564 patients about age, weight, height, BWI, glomerular CONCLUSION: In the General University Hospital area, the patients in ESRD have a
filtration rate, use of oral nutrition supplements and albumin, protein, phosphorous high BWI, which can impair the renal disease. Also, we found that BWI decrease in end
and potassium biochemical levels. All of patients were had a GFR below 45 mL/min/ stages of ESRD worsening the nutritional status before start the renal replacement
1,73m2 and any of them have been started a renal replacement therapy when the data therapy. About albumin, the worst levels were found at stage 4 of the kidney disease
was collected. A descriptive and frequency analysis has been carried out with all the and older patients have more risk of present low albumin levels. The mean values of
parameters obtained. The T of Student for a related sample test was used due to the albumin show that most of our patients meet one of three conditions to diagnose PEW.
normality of the data and the participants condition of intervention – control. The protein level was lower at the 5 stage of the disease, and as the albumin, the older
RESULTS: The results indicate that the mean values for ESRD patients in our area are: patients show lower values of this parameter. Concerning phosphorous and potassium
age (75,3612,5 years old), weight (74,7615,6 kg), height (1,660,1 m), IMC (28,865,4 the patients at the end stage of renal disease present higher values of both of them due
kg/m2), glomerular filtration rate (19,969,1 mL/min/1,73m2), albumin (3,760.5 g/dL), possibly to the impaired renal function. About the use of nutritional supplements, a
protein (6,860,7 g/dL), phosphorous (4,261,1 mg/dL) and potassium (4,660,5 mEq/ low percentage of patients used this as nutritional therapy, but mean levels of
L). 41 patients (7,3%) used oral nutrition supplements. We found statistical biochemical parameters such as albumin, protein, phosphorous and potassium were
significance between the stages 4 and 5 of kidney disease and albumin (p-value 0.03 higher than the patients who did not use them. However, we did not find statistical
and 0.04) and potassium (p-value 0.04 and 0.04) levels. Only at stage 4 we found significance between the use of ONS and better status of biochemical parameters.
statistical significance between the levels of protein (p-value 0.04) and phosphorous (p- We can say that older patients in end stage of renal disease have a higher risk of
value 0.04). Also were found increased levels of albumin (3,73 vs 3,7 mg/dL), proteins malnutrition in comparison with young patients due to a decrease in BWI, albumin
(6,87 vs 6,8 mg/dL), phosphorous (4,4 vs 4,3 mg/dL) and potassium (4,8 vs 4,6 mg/dL) and protein levels. To conclude, the nutritional treatment to these patients should
in the group who use oral nutrition supplements, however, we did not reach statistical consist, on the one hand, the decrease of the BWI to prevent a quickly loss of renal
significance between groups. About correlations, we found that the albumin levels have function and, on the other hand, prevent the malnutrition, especially in the older
a statistical significance with age, protein, phosphorous and potassium levels, but not patients with lower BWI.
with BWI.
i360 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 35 (Supplement 3): i361–i364, 2021
MO611 CARDIOPULMONARY RESERVE EXAMINED WITH Thomas Wilkinson1, Eleanor Gore1, Jared Palmer1, Luke Baker1, Emma Watson2,
WITH AND WITHOUT CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE; A Leicester, Department of Health Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom and 2Leicester,
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom
Eva Pella1, Marieta Theodorakopoulou1, Afroditi Boutou2, Maria BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Individuals living with CKD are characterised by
Eleni Alexandrou1, Dimitra Bakaloudi1, Aristi Boulmpou3, adverse changes in physical function. Knowledge of the factors that mediate
Christodoulos Papadopoulos3, Aikaterini Papagianni1, Pantelis Sarafidis1 impairments in physical functioning is crucial for developing effective interventions
1 that preserve mobility and future independence. Mechanical muscle power describes
Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2G. Papanikolaou Hospital, Department of Respiratory Medicine, the rate of performing work and is the product of muscular force and velocity of
Thessaloniki, Greece and 3Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, contraction. Muscle power has been shown to have stronger associations with
Third Department of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece functional limitations and mortality than sarcopenia in older adults. In CKD, the role
of mechanical muscle power is poorly understood and is overlooked as a target in
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) often many rehabilitation programmes, often at the expense of muscle mass or strength. The
present with reduced physical activity and exercise performance due to a number of aims of this study were to 1) explore the prevalence of low absolute mechanical power,
factors relevant to co-existing disturbances of the cardiac, nervous and muscular low relative mechanical power, and low specific mechanical power in CKD; and 2)
systems. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) is widely applied in daily clinical investigate the association of mechanical power with the ability to complete activities of
practice used for clinical evaluation of exercise intolerance and related symptoms (i.e. daily living and physical performance.
dyspnea, fatigue), as well risk stratification, and other applications in several medical METHOD: Mechanical muscle power (relative, allometric, specific) was calculated
fields. using the sit-to-stand-5 (STS5) test as per previously validated equations. Legs lean
METHOD: This is a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies which used CPET mass was derived from regional analyses conducted using bioelectrical impedance
technology in adult patients with CKD to examine cardiopulmonary reserve in analysis (BIA). Physical performance was assessed using two objective tests: usual gait
individuals with versus individuals without CKD. The primary outcome was peak speed and the ‘time-up-and-go’ (TUAG) test. Self-reported activities of daily living
oxygen uptake (VO2peak). Literature search involved PubMed, Web of Science and (ADLs) were assessed via the Duke Activity Status Index (DASI). Balance and postural
Scopus databases; manual search of article references and of grey literature was also stability (postural sway and velocity) was assessed using a FysioMeter. Sex-specific
performed. Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was applied to evaluate the quality of retrieved tertiles were used to determine low, medium and high levels of relative STS power and
studies. its main components.
RESULTS: From an initial 4944 literature records, we identified 29 studies fulfilling the RESULTS: 102 participants with non-dialysis CKD were included (mean age: 62.0
inclusion criteria; of these, 25 studies with complete data including 2213 participants (614.1) years, n=49 males (48%), mean eGFR: 38.0 (621.5) ml.min.1.73m2). The
were included in final meta-analysis. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was significantly mean estimated relative power was 3.1 (61.5) in females and 3.3 (61.3) in
lower in CKD patients compared to controls without CKD (standardized-mean- males. Low relative power was found in 35/102 (34%) patients. Relative power was a
difference, SMD:-1.40, 95%CI[-1.68, -1.13]) (Figure). Oxygen consumption at significant independent predictor of self-reported ADLs (via the DASI) (B=.413,
anaerobic threshold (VO2AT) (SMD:-1.06, 95%CI[-1.34, -0.79]), maximum workload P=.004), and performance on the TUAG (B=-.719, P<.001) and gait speed (B=.404,
(weighted-mean-difference, WMD:-58.26, 95%CI[-74.14, -42.38]) and respiratory P=.003) tests. Skeletal muscle mass was not associated with the DASI or any of the
exchange ratio (RER) (WMD:-0.02, 95%CI[-0.05, 0.01]) were also impaired in CKD objective function tests
patients compared to non-CKD individuals. In 3 studies comparing patients with CKD CONCLUSION: Patients presenting with low muscle power would benefit from
versus patients with heart failure without CKD VO2peak was higher in the former participation in appropriate interventions designed to improve the physiological
(WMD:6.60, 95%CI[3.02, 10.18]). Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of components accounting for low relative muscle power. Assessment of power can be
these findings. used to tailor renal rehabilitation programmes as shown in Figure 1. Incorporation of
CONCLUSION: VO2peak and other commonly analyzed CPET variables were lower power-based training, a novel type of strength training, designed by manipulating
in CKD patients compared to controls, indicating reduced functional cardiopulmonary traditional strength training variables and primarily movement velocity and training
reserve in the former. In contrast, CKD patients performed better when compared intensity may present the best strategy for improving physical function in CKD.
patients with heart failure.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO613 EFFECT OF 12 WEEK TRAINIG ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON a target in less than 2s, the custom software provides both visual (the target explodes)
PATIENT ON A LOW PROTEIN DIET and auditory (positive sound) feedback as a reward (success).
The three outcome measures (Exergame-slowness, frailty, and cognitive performance)
Durdona Saipova1 were analyzed. Exergame-slowness was computed as an average of the ranges of ankle
Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute, Internal disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan angular velocity measured by wearable sensors. Linear regression analysis was
conducted for the three outcome measures to examine correlations between each
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Symptoms such as fatigue, muscle weakness and outcome measure. Binary logistic regression model was conducted, and its area-under-
impaired nutritional status are common in CKD and lead to decreased exercise curve (AUC) was calculated to determine the ability of Exergame-slowness to identify
tolerance. CF. An independent t-test was conducted to compare the differences of Exergame-
The aim of the study was to study the effect of 12-week training on physical activity in slowness for CF and non-CF conditions. Significance was defined at the 2-sided p <
patients with pre-dialysis stages of CKD on a low-protein diet. 0.05 level.
METHOD: The study included 119 patients with CKD C3 and C4 stages. Clinical data RESULTS: Five out of 28 participants were identified with CF. Significant correlations
included anthropometric data: body mass index (BMI), mid-thigh circumference and were observed between Exergame-slowness and frailty (p = 0.004, R = -0.531),
mid-shoulder circumference, laboratory data: urea, creatinine, electrolytes, albumin, Exergame-slowness and cognitive performance (p = 0.023, R = 0.437), and frailty and
total protein, hemoglobin. All patients underwent instrumental research methods: cognitive performance (p = 0.015, R = -0.463). The model was significantly reliable (p =
ECG, EchoCG, cardiopulmonary stress test. The patients included in the study were 0.012) and its AUC was 0.90. Results indicated that Exergame-slowness was
offered three dietary options - with a low protein content (0.6 g / kg / day;) and a significantly higher (lower velocity) for participants with CF than for those with non-
limited protein content (0.6-0.8 g / kg / day;), and low protein diet with keto analogs (1 CF (CF: 27.41 6 3.58 degree/s, non-CF: 34.25 6 5.24 degree/s, p = 0.010).
tab / 5 kg body weight / day). The physical exercise program was designed for CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the feasibility
independent home use and included cardiovascular exercises (primarily walking, and accuracy of intradialytic-exergame with wearable sensors, as a practical tool for
morning exercises) and strength training exercises with dumbbells 1 and 3 kg. The routine screening CF assessment in hemodialysis patients. The results of this study
training frequency was at least 3 times a week and had a duration of at least 20–30 indicate that speed of ankle rotation, measurable using a wearable sensor during a
minutes. The patients kept exercise diaries, which were reviewed by the doctor at each simple intradialytic cognitive-demanding exercise, can be used as a practical digital
subsequent visit. The training exercise was adjusted depending on the self-perception biomarker for screening CF in hemodialysis patients.
of the patients; if necessary, the training time was increased to 60 minutes.
RESULTS: The 1 group 24% of patients received a diet with a low protein content, the
second group consisted of 40% of patients, the third group consisted of 37% of patients
receiving a diet with a limited protein content. The male to female ratio, mean
glomerular filtration rate, daily proteinuria and BMI did not differ significantly
between groups. In the dynamics of 12 weeks of training, an increase in the mid-thigh
and upper arm circumference was recorded. The study of physical activity of patients
with different types of diet showed that in patients of the 1st group, even with a low
nutritional status in the dynamics of 12 weeks of training, there was an improvement in
such physical indicators as the circumference of the mid-thigh and upper arm, and also
a slight improvement in the BMD. When comparing the groups of patients who
received and did not receive ketoanologs (groups 2 and 3, respectively), physical
training for 12 weeks instilled a significant improvement in indicators such as mid-arm
circumference and maximum oxygen consumption(peak VO2). However, in the group
receiving keto analogs, there was a significantly greater improvement in maximum
oxygen consumption (peak VO2).
CONCLUSION: Regular dosed exercise has a positive effect on physical fitness in CKD
patients on a low-protein diet. Correction of nutrition with keto analogs improves the
cardiorespiratory status of patients.
AMONG HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS USING A GAME-BASED Archontissa Kanavaki1, Jared Palmer2, Courtney J Lightfoot2,
INTRADIALYTIC EXERCISE WITH WEARABLE SENSORS Thomas Wilkinson3, Roseanne E Billany4, Alice Smith2
University of Leicester, Leicester Kidney Lifestyle Team, Health Sciences, United
Catherine Park1, Fadwa Al-Ali2, He Zhou3, Abdullah Hamad2, Talal Talal4, Kingdom, 2University of Leicester, Health Sciences, United Kingdom, 3University of
Rania Ibrahim2, Bijan Najafi1 Leicester, Health Sciences and 4University of Leicester, Cardiovascular Sciences, United
Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Surgery, Houston, United States of America, Kingdom
Hamad General Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Doha, Qatar, 3BioSensics LLC,
Newton, United States of America and 4Hamad Medical Co, Diabetic Foot and Wound BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with non-dialysis chronic kidney disease
Clinic, Doha, Qatar (CKD patients) require specialised management, including routine clinical visits,
laboratory measures, and medication adjustments. Inevitably, the COVID-19
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Assessing and monitoring cognitive frailty (CF; pandemic has resulted in changes to delivery of care in a bid to prevent virus
coexistence of physical frailty and cognitive impairment) are critical for hemodialysis transmission in this clinically vulnerable group. The extent of the impact of any
patients. For administering physical frailty and cognitive assessments, however, clinical changes in support provision for patients is largely unknown. The study aimed to
settings need to address challenges (e.g., cost, human and technical resources, patient’s capture the views of CKD patients, family or other significant person in their lives
fatigue, etc.). This study aims to investigate the feasibility and accuracy of a novel (SO), and nephrology healthcare professionals (HCPs) on how patients’ healthcare
intradialytic cognitive-demanding exercise program based on wearables, called, needs were and could be supported during this time.
intradialytic-exergame for screening CF in hemodialysis patients. METHOD: CKD patients, their SO (e.g., family member, friend) and HCPs from 10
METHOD: Individuals diagnosed with diabetes and end-stage renal disease requiring secondary care sites across England were invited to take part in a bespoke online
hemodialysis (n=28, age: 61.36 6 6.85 years, 54% female) participated. All participants survey, as part of the DIMENSION-KD portfolio adopted study. Participants
were assessed for physical frailty using the Fried frailty phenotype method and responded to yes/no and free-text questions about their satisfaction with available
cognitive impairment using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The Fried healthcare support (CKD, SO) and patients’ need for additional support (CKD, SO,
frailty phenotype method assesses physical frailty, which ranges between 0 and 5 based HCP). Thematic analysis was applied to the free-text responses.
on five criteria (unintentional weight loss, weakness, slowness, exhaustion, and low RESULTS: 230 CKD patients (mean age 63.8, SD 13.8 years), 67 SO (74% spouses),
physical activity). CF was determined with a frailty phenotype greater than or equal to and 59 HCP of various specialties completed the survey between August and December
1 and a MMSE score less than or equal to 24. 2020. 84% of CKD participants felt they could get the support they needed. The most
The intradialytic-exergame system consists of an inertial wearable sensor and an frequent explanation (25%) was that direct contact with a member of their renal team
interactive software installed on a standard laptop. A clinician attaches one wearable was available when needed. Other explanations included 1. being monitored by the
sensor to each foot after the participant sits or lies down on a bed (Figure A). While renal team, 2. continuation of regular appointments and having additional treatment
undergoing hemodialysis treatment, the participant performs 15 non-weight-bearing when necessary, 3. an accessible local General Practice (GP), and 4. a particularly
cognitively-demanding dorsiflexion and plantarflexion exercises for each foot. For each “helpful” nephrologist or “good relationships” with their doctors. All SO felt the patient
exercise, the laptop’s screen displays a target (solid yellow circle) and a cursor (solid red could get the help they required. Their explanations were in line with those of CKD
square), which the participant points down for a dorsiflexion motion or up for a patients, i.e., readily available contact and access to the renal team (25%), followed by
plantarflexion motion (Figure B). When the participant successfully puts the cursor in good relationship or highly positive experience with member(s) of the renal team,
the target, the target disappears, and a new target appears in a different location on the regularity of contact/ appointments, and GP accessibility. When asked about additional
screen (dashed yellow circle shown in Figure B). If the participant moves the cursor to healthcare information and support they would like, “none” was the most common
response by CKD patients (28%), followed by the need for reliable information around
i362 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
COVID-19 and renal conditions, access to local GP, and a reliable point of contact MO617 EFFECTS OF 12 WEEK PHYSICAL EXERCISES ON ECHO-
when kidney condition deteriorates. Similarly, for many SO there was no need for GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS IN PATIENTS WITH CKD
additional support, whilst the most often suggested type of support was provision of
reliable information on COVID-19 and renal health. For HCP, accessible service and Durdona Saipova1
guidance (36%) and psychosocial support for patients (25%) were most frequently Tashkent Medical Pediatric Institute, Internal disease, Tashkent , Uzbekistan
cited types of additional support that would benefit patients.
CONCLUSION: An accessible point of contact for renal care and continuation of BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Structural and functional changes in the cardiovascular
regular monitoring of some form emerged as key factors in CKD patient support across system in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) will lead to decreased exercise
the three stakeholder groups. Some needs raised, such as limited access to GP, are tolerance, decreased quality of life, and, ultimately, premature death.
relevant to local primary or secondary healthcare services, while practices adopted by The aim of this study was to study morphometric changes in the left ventricle of the
some renal teams, such as a number for patients to ring when needed, seemed to offer heart depending on the direction of therapeutic physical training.
reassurance and satisfaction among patients and their SO. METHOD: The study involved 60 patients with CKD stage C3. The average age of the
patients was 54.2 6 3.40 years. The average level of GFR for the sample as a whole was
79.1 6 9.4 ml / min / 1.73 m2. The control group (CG) consisted of 20 people (10 men
and 10 women) comparable to the main group in terms of gender and age. The
MO616 GAIT SPEED AND BODY COMPOSITION IN HAEMODIALYSIS examination of patients included a general examination, assessment of complaints,
PATIENTS collection of anamnestic data, anthropometry with calculation of BMI
cardiopulmonary stress test, echocardiography.
Barbara Cancho Castellano1, Cristina Lo pez Arnaldo1, Jorge Alberto Rodriguez According to the data of the cardiopulmonary stress test, 3 groups were formed on the
Sabillon1, Rafael Arago
n Lara2, Alvaro
Alvarez pez1, Rosa Maria Diaz
Lo basis of the predominant manifestation of any physical quality in the course of
Campillejo1, Julia n Valladares Alcobendas1, Marıa Victoria Martın Hidalgo therapeutic training: group 1 (n = 20) - with a respiratory orientation of the training
Barquero1, Rosa Marıa Ruiz Calero Cendrero1, Nicolas-Roberto Robles Perez- process; 2nd group (n = 20) - with a focus on cardio loads; 3rd group (n = 20) -
Monteoliva1 development of predominantly endurance.
Badajoz University Hospital, Nephrology, Badajoz, Spain and 2Badajoz University RESULTS: Of all groups of patients with CKD, the LVMM indicator reached the
Hospital, Internal Medicine, Badajoz, Spain highest values in men in group 2 (with a cardio-load orientation of the treatment-
training process), as well as in women in group 3 (predominantly endurance
development). It is this orientation of the training process that has the greatest effect on
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Gait speed is a predictor of disability, mobility the increase in the mass of the left ventricular myocardium in patients with CKD. The
limitation and mortality. Buchner et al. the first to observe a non-linear relationship 2nd group of patients with CKD stage CKD had the highest values of LVTD in diastole
between leg strength and normal gait speed. This relationship was explained as small both among men and women. In addition, men in this group had the highest RTI per
changes in physiological capacity. The objective of this study is to assess the systole. In patients of the 2nd group, undergoing mainly cardio load, the change
relationship between gait speed and body composition in haemodialysis. concerned a slightly more pronounced increase in the wall thickness of the left
METHOD: Cross-sectional study in 40 subjects with CKD in hospital haemodialysis, ventricle.
70.5613.03 years, 62.5% male. 40% Diabetic Nephropathy, 10% Glomerulopathies, In the 3rd group of patients with CKD stages C3, both men and women had the
7.5% Nephroangiosclerosis, 2.5% Chronic Tubule-Interstitial Nephropathies, 32.5% maximum values of TMV in diastole, as well as LVTD in systole. Types of
Unknown, 2.5% Others. 35% arteriovenous fistula, 10% arteriovenous graft, 55% physiotherapy exercises with a predominance of endurance in physical exertion are
central venous catheter. Haemodialysis type: 40% High Flux, 45% Online distinguished by the most pronounced signs of left ventricular myocardial
postdilutional Haemodiafiltration, 10% Acetate Free Biofiltration. Gait seed was hypertrophy.
measured on the middle day of the week, predialysis. CONCLUSION: The present study has shown that patients with pre-dialysis CKD
Body composition was estimated by monofrecuency bioimpedance measurement (50 have decreased maximal and submaximal exercise tolerance. Analysis of the data
KHz) on the middle day of the week, posthemodialisis. obtained made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of adaptation of the cardiovascular
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS 13.0. system of patients with CKD stages CKD to a specific type of therapeutic training and
RESULTS: Average gait speed 0.660.38 m/s, median 0.65 (IQR 0.18) m/s, range (0, to determine the quantitative values of echocardiographic parameters in patients with
1.23) m/s. The prevalence of a gait speed less than or equal to 0.8 m/s was 67.5%, while CKD.
32.5% of the patients presented a gait speed less than or equal to 0.8 m/s. Gait speed
was lower among diabetics (0.7760.3 vs 0.4660.39, p=0.0074). A positive and
significant correlation was observed between gait speed and phase angle. No
correlation was observed between gait speed and body fat. A positive linear relationship MO618 BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION ON
or dependence was observed between gait speed and muscle mass and cell mass. In PHYSICAL REHABILITATION IN PATIENTS UNDERGOING
relation to body water, a negative linear relationship is observed with the EW/IW ratio. DIALYSIS IN THE LAST 24 YEARS
Table 1.
Camila Salazar1, Maryorie Sandoval1, Paula Moscoso1, Cristian Salazar2
MO616 Table 1. Gait speed and body composition in Haemodialysis patients. Universidad Austral de Chile, Physiotherapy, Valdivia, Chile and 2Universidad Austral
de Chile, Administration Institute, Valdivia, Chile
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) exposed
r Pearson Sig. to renal replacement therapy (RRT) have many consequences, both physical and
Phase angle 0.6455 0.0000 psychological. Dialysis patient rehabilitation is a way to improve the well-being and
quality of life of users, but it is an area that has not been commonly explored and where
Exchange Na/K -0.4576 0.003 there is much to know. The participation of the Physiotherapist in the rehabilitation of
Total body water(L)% -0.18250.0198 0.25970.9144 these patients has increased mainly in the last period. The present study aims to carry
Extracellular water EW(L)% -0.18870.6648 0.24350.0000 out an analysis of how the scientific field has behaved in relation to rehabilitation in
Intracellular water (L)% 0.61880.6638 0.00000.0000 patients undergoing dialysis, exploring the existing bases for new studies and knowing
EW/IW -0.6072 0.0000 how it has varied between the years 1996 to 2020.
METHOD: The present study is a bibliometric analysis. Through this type of study, it
Fat Free Mass (kg) 0.26 0.09 is possible to analyze the scientific production and how is the activity on some subject.
Muscle Mass(kg) 0.56 0.0002 It allows, among others, the development of research topics that are little studied, in
Fat Mass(kg)% 0.07-0.0326 0.660.8417 addition to evaluating the countries, institutions and authors in a certain period. A
Body cell mass index 0.5707 0.0001 search for scientific articles was carried out using the web of science (WOS) page,
obtaining 236 articles. The search key was TS = (“rehabilitation”) AND TS = (physical
CONCLUSION: There is a dependent relationship between gait speed and diabetes in exercise or haemodialysis or renal dialysis or peritoneal dialysis) AND TS =
haemodialysis patients. The decrease of the phase angle, the increase of the ratio EW/ (hemodialysis) NOT TS = (fistula). In the same WOS platform, a filter was carried out
IW changes with the decrease the cell mass index are inversely related to the gait speed where only articles, reviews and conference articles were included, excluding editorial
in haemodialysis patients. These items and the gait speed, which provide information material, book chapters and early accesses, articles that are in the range of years
on the state of vulnerability of the patient, could be markers of frailty. between 1990 and 1995 were also excluded. These years were chosen because it was
observed that from 1996 an increase in the trend on the subject under study can be
observed. With this filtration the articles decrease to 191 results. The Scimat and
Bibliometrix biblioshiny softwares were used for their analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 191 records were compiled among which we have been able to
identify different bibliometric indicators that allow us to know the scientific
performance and how it has behaved over the years. Figure 1 shows a descriptive graph
obtained from biblioshiny bibliometrix where it was shown the annual scientific
production of the documents, with dates that fluctuate between 1996 and 2020. It is
observed that the scientific production on this issue of rehabilitation in dialysis patients
10.1093/ndt/gfab091 | i363
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
through the years has been developing exponentially since 1996. However, there are MO619 GOODRENAL: HOLISTIC PATIENT CARE INTRADIALYSIS
years in which production decreased significantly. It was also found the authors who PROGRAM IN HEMODIALYSIS THROUGH A VIRTUAL
have published the most, the journals and their categorizations, and the network of HEALTH PLATFORM
collaborations that exist between authors from different countries, being the United
States the pioneer country in scientific production. Finally, emerging studies on the Eva Segura-Ortı1, Naomi Clyne2, Alicia Garcia-Testal3, Evangelia Kouidi4,
subject were found. Amaryllis Van Craenenbroeck5, Carla Avesani6, Patricia Mesa-Gresa7, José
Antonio Lozano-Quilis8, Bengt Lindholm6, Paula Moscoso9, Maycon
Moura Reboredo10, Andreas Lauer1
Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Univerisities, Physiotherapy, Alfara del
Patriarca, Spain, 2Sk€
ane University Hospital, Nephrology, Lund, Sweden, 3Hospital de
Manises, Nephrology, Manises, Spain, 4Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Laboratory of
Sports Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece, 5Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,, Department of
Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Leuven, Belgium, 6Karolinska Institute,
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology; Division of Renal
Medicine, Baxter Novum, Stockholm, Sweden, 7Universistat de València, Psychobiology
department, Valencia, Spain, 8Universitat Politècnica de Valéncia, DSIC, Valencia, Spain,
Universidad Austral de Chile, Physiotherapy, Valdivia, Chile and 10Federal University of
Juiz de Fora, School of Medicine, Juiz de Fora, Brazil
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is wide evidence that weak points of the care of
end-stage Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients in hemodialysis include three aspects
that are suitable for intervention: exercise, nutrition and psychological support.
Evidence shows that exercise for patients on hemodialysis results in increased
functional capacity and strength and improved health-related quality of life and
survival. Additionally, earlier studies have shown the benefits of psychological
MO618 Figure 1: Annual productivity of scientific articles interventions and the positive effect of educational programs on nutritional status for
patients on hemodialysis. Despite the well-known benefits of exercise, these programs
are not being implemented in the routine clinical care of hemodialysis patients. Thus,
CONCLUSION: In this study we have addressed different points to show and the GoodRENal project aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among hemodialysis
publicize the issue of rehabilitation in dialysis patients, with its greatest contributors in patients using a holistic pedagogical approach that, addressing adult learners, combines
recent years. We can say that many studies are still missing to be able to have a solid exercise, nutrition and psychological well-being as well as cognitive functioning.
base in the rehabilitation of these patients, who are increasing more every day in the METHOD: GoodRENal is a project funded by the European Community, Erasmus þ
world population. Although, we have compiled a significant number of studies, it is program (336.327 euros). The project will last 3 years, from September 2020 to August
probably not all of them, studies that complement the information are needed with 2023 and the Partners of the consortium include institutions from five European
other search engines. This study can serve as a starting point for future research, which countries: Spain (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Hospital de Manises, Univesitat
is necessary in the field of dialysis, although the production rate has increased over the de Valéncia, Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia), Sweden (Skane University Hospital
years it is still quite low, it is important that new authors appear who can work among and Karolinska Institutet), Greece (Aristotles University of Thessaloniki) and Belgium
them to advance and thus obtain knowledge that allows us to help and benefit patients (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven). Other supporting institutions are located in the UK,
around the world. In addition, we have considered it very important to mention and Chile and Brazil.
suggest so that Latin American countries can become more interested in this topic, RESULTS: The project will develop a virtual platform comprising three aspects of care:
since they are part of the countries that produce the least, however, their population on physical activity/exercise, nutrition, psychological well-being/cognition. In summary,
dialysis increases progressively over the years. the project outputs will be: 1. A didactic content on a modular platform with an
educational program for integrated treatment in patients on hemodialysis; 2. A
guideline to promote a healthy lifestyle among patients on hemodialysis for healthcare
providers; 3. A guideline to promote a healthy lifestyle among patients on
hemodialysis for patients, and their formal- and non-formal carers. At the present
stage exploratory questionnaires regarding physical activity/exercise-nutrition-
psychological well-being/cognition have been developed in consensus with all the
partners. Data from this first exploratory study regarding needs and barriers of the
stakeholders (patients, health professionals, carers) will be presented at the ERA-EDTA
CONCLUSION: GoodRENal aims at improving the overall health, and thus the
health-related quality of life, of patients on hemodialysis through a holistic and
pedagogical approach that will target especially improvements of patient reported
outcomes including quality of life.
i364 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i365–i370, 2021
DIABETES. BASIC RESEARCH participants without diabetes and with diabetes type 1 (T1D), and type 2 (T2D). In
addition, the effect of different treatments for T2D on KPV was investigated.
METHOD: KPV was estimated in 35,703 UKBB participants (52% women, age = 45-
82 years) with a deep-learning-based segmentation of both kidneys (Dice = 0.956, error
MO620 ANTIFIBROTIC EFFECTS OF SGLT2 INHIBITION IN THE < 4%). The cohort was classified into Control, T1D and T2D subjects using an
KIDNEY AND PROXIMAL TUBULAR CELLS* algorithm developed on UKBB clinical data (Eastwood et al 2016). Individuals with
T2D were further divided into groups related to treatment: Lifestyle (no
Dora Balogh1,2, Judit Hodrea1,2, Adam Hosszu1,2, Tamas Lakat1,2, pharmaceuticals, i.e. light treatment, mean disease duration of 6.2 years), Metformin
Adar Saeed1,2, Lilla Lenart1,2, Laszlo Wagner3, Attila Szabo2,4, Andrea Fekete1,2 (metformin as the only pharmaceutical, i.e. intermediate treatment, mean disease
Semmelweis University, Diabetes Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, 2Semmelweis duration of 8.3 years), and Other (more potent treatment, combination of
University, 1st Department of Pediatrics, Budapest, Hungary, 3Semmelweis University, pharmaceuticals, mean disease duration of 14.1 years). KPV was studied as a function
Department of Transplantation and Surgery, Budapest, Hungary and 4Semmelweis of age in the different groups, divided according to sex. The statistical difference in
University, MTA-SE Pediatrics and Nephrology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary mean KPV between groups was tested. For each group, the association between KPV
and age was assessed by linear regression. Comparison of line slopes was conducted to
investigate whether age-related patterns in KPV differed statistically between groups.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a major cause of RESULTS: The moving average curve of KPV vs age, in controls and subjects with
chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease, therefore identification of novel T1D and T2D, is shown in Fig 1A (with a 15-year sliding window). The corresponding
therapeutic strategies that reduce the risk of DKD is a research priority. Recent large curve for different T2D treatment groups is depicted in Fig 1B. Fig 2A-D presents
clinical trials suggest that improved renal outcomes by sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 results for the comparison of KPV and regression line slope between the subject
inhibitors (SGLT2i) are partly beyond their glucose lowering effects. Enhanced glucose groups. According to Fig 1A and 2A, KPV is usually higher in subjects with T1D and
reabsorption in diabetes leads to tubular hypoxia triggering fibrotic response. T2D than in controls. As shown in Fig 1B and 2B, T2D subjects with longer disease
Hyperglycemia is in strong association with increased protein O-GlcNAcylation, a duration and on pharmaceutical treatment (Metformin or Other) are generally more
post-translational modification contributing to renal fibrosis. Considering the proximal prone to large KPV than subjects with adapted lifestyle as treatment. The decreasing
tubular involvement in DKD pathogenesis and the key role of SGLT2 in glucose KPV pattern with age is faster in T2D subjects than controls but not significantly
metabolism, here we investigated the effects of SGLT2i on tubular hypoxia and O- different between T1D subjects and controls (Fig 1A and 2C). Women in group Other
GlcNAcylation. also show a pattern of steeper age-related decline in KPV compared to remaining
METHOD: Diabetes (D) was induced by streptozotocin (65 mg/bwkg, ip.) in adult, women with T2D treatment (Fig 1B and 2D).
male Wistar rats. Following the onset of diabetes rats were treated for six weeks with
dapagliflozin (DþDAPA, 1 mg/bwkg/day, po.). Metabolic parameters and renal
function were evaluated. Novel urinary biomarkers of extracellular matrix remodeling
(Pro-C3, uC3M, tumstatin) and profibrotic growth factors (TGF-b, CTGF, PDGF)
were determined. Histological evaluation of glomerular damage (PAS),
tubulointerstitial fibrosis (Masson’s trichrome, Picrosirius red) and fibronectin
accumulation were performed. The effect of hyperglycemia was tested in human
proximal tubular epithelial cells (HK-2) kept under normal glucose (5.5 mM), high
glucose (35 mM) or high mannitol (osmotic control, 35 mM) conditions for 24 hours.
HG cells were treated with 10 mM DAPA. O-GlcNAc, O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT)
and O-GlcNAcase (OGA) were measured. To test the effect of hypoxia cells were
treated with 10 mM DAPA and were placed in a hypoxic chamber (1% O2) for 2 hours.
Hypoxic injury was investigated using three different methods (qRT-PCR, Western
blot, immunofluorescence analysis). HIF-1a, EPO, VEGFA and profibrotic factors MO621 Figure 1: KPV mean average curves vs age in (A) controls, T1D, and T2D
were measured. subjects, and (B) T2D subjects with different treatments (Lifestyle = no
RESULTS: DAPA decreased blood glucose levels (D: 3762.7 vs. DþDAPA: 1865.6 pharmaceuticals, Metformin = metformin only, Other = other treatments)
mmol/L; p<0.05) and improved renal function (creatinine clearance: D: 3.860.4 vs.
DþDAPA: 8.961.0 mL/min; p<0.01). In parallel, novel urinary biomarkers of
extracellular matrix remodeling, profibrotic growth factor expressions and extensive
fibrotic tissue accumulation were reduced in the kidney. DAPA minimized
hyperglycemia-induced total protein O-GlcNAcylation in HK-2 cells. Hypoxia-
induced HIF-1a elevation was suspended by DAPA treatment. Moreover, DAPA
treatment prevented HIF-1a translocation to the nucleus, thereby confirming abolished
HIF-1a activation. EPO, VEGFA and profibrotic factor levels were also increased in
hypoxia and DAPA prevented EPO, TGFB and PDGF elevation.
CONCLUSION: These data highlight the role of ameliorated O-GlcNAcylation and
diminished tubular hypoxia as important benefits of SGLT2i treatment. Our results
support the link between glucose toxicity, tubular hypoxia and fibrosis, a vicious trio,
which seem to be targeted by SGLT2i. All these mechanisms are important parts in the
puzzle of the complex system behind the protective effect of SGLT2i.
OTKA-FK124491-K135398, 2017-1.3.1-VKE-2017-00006, 2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020-
6183169273, 2020-4.1.1.-TKP2020-6183069269
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO621 Figure 2: KPV distributions in (A) subjects with different diabetes status,
and (B) T2D subjects with different treatments. Distributions of line slopes of KPV vs
age in (C) subjects with different diabetes status, and (D) T2D subjects with different
treatments. Mean value and standard deviation of distributions are represented by
horizontal lines inside boxes and box widths, respectively. Significant p values
indicated by bold font and *
i366 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
test or unpaired t-test was performed for statistical analysis. *** P < 0.001, ** P < 0.01, METHOD: Female db/db mice were injected with a renin-encoding adeno-associated
* P < 0.05. (IS = indoxyl sulfate, HA = hippuric acid, KA = kynurenic acid, Cr = virus construct (reninAAV) to induce hypertension and uninephrectomized (UNx) at
Creatinine). 7-8 weeks of age. At 12 weeks of age, daily dosing with vehicle, lisinopril, empagliflozin,
or the combination (combo) was initiated. Blood glucose (BG) was measured every
third week, while urine albumin-to-creatinine (ACR) and KIM1 were measured in spot
CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that OAT function is compromised in murine urine samples collected before termination at 24 weeks of age. Cystatin C was
long-term DN. Renal clearance of IS, HA and KA may be a marker of tubular function measured in terminal plasma, while terminal kidney samples were collected for 3D
in DN. Future studies should focus on correlations with histology and validation in light sheet microscopy and 2D histology: Glomerulosclerosis scoring was performed by
other species. AI-assisted automized scoring, whereby glomeruli were given scores from 0 (normal
glomerulus) to 4 (glomerulus with global glomerulosclerosis), and morphometric
quantification of kidney collagen 3, CD11b, and KIM1 load was performed.
References RESULTS: In reninAAV UNx db/db mice, 12 weeks treatment with empagliflozin and
combo reduced fed BG (12.361.5 and 13.160.9 mM, vehicle: 18.061.9 mM) and
1. Gilbert RE. Proximal Tubulopathy: Prime Mover and Key Therapeutic Target in
HbA1c (5.560.2 and 5.860.2%, vehicle: 7.460.03%). Treatment with lisinopril and
Diabetic Kidney Disease Diabetes. 2017;66(4):791–800.
combo reduced urine ACR (811061320 and 25086346 mg/mg, vehicle: 26,13861820
2. Falke LL, Dendooven A, Leeuwis JW, Nguyen TQ, van Geest RJ, van der Giezen DM
mg/mg) and KIM1-to-creatinine (7.561.1 and 3.960.6 ng/mg, vehicle: 24.863.2 ng/
et al. Hemizygous deletion of CTGF/CCN2 does not suffice to prevent fibrosis of the
mg), while treatment with empagliflozin alone worsened urine ACR (41,52364670 mg/
severely injured kidney Matrix Biol. 2012;31(7-8):421–31.
mg). Glomerular hypertrophy as assessed by 3D imaging was reduced in reninAAV
UNx db/db mice combo treated animals compared to vehicle (glomerular volume:
MO623 EFFECT OF PLANTAR ELECTRICAL NERVE STIMULATION 1.46*10564.3*103 and 1.65*10564.3*103 mm3), while treatment with empagliflozin
DURING ROUTINE HEMODIALYSIS PROCESS ON THE DAILY alone worsened glomerular hypertrophy (1.83*105 mm3). The total number of
PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN ADULTS WITH DIABETES AND END- glomeruli per kidney was not affected by treatments. Compared to vehicle treatment,
STAGE RENAL DISEASE - A RANDOMIZED DOUBLE- lisinopril and combo treatment reduced the fraction of score 3 þ 4 glomeruli (% GS
BLINDED CONTROLLED TRIAL 3 þ 4 glomeruli: 0.3860.06 and 0.2760.03%, vehicle: 0.5460.05%) Glomerulosclerosis
index (GSI) was also reduced by lisinopril and combo treatment (GSI: 2.2960.10 and
Ram kinker Mishra1, Fadwa Al-Ali2, Abdullah Hamad2, Rania Ibrahim2, 2.0460.05, vehicle: 2.6260.09). Treatment with empagliflozin alone worsened GSI
Mincy Mathew2, Bijan Najafi1 (2.9560.11). Whereas treatments did not significantly affect collagen 3, lisinopril and
1 combo treatment reduced CD11b (total CD11b mass: 0.2560.03 and 0.2460.04 mg,
Interdisciplinary Consortium on Advanced Motion Performance (iCAMP), Michael E.
vehicle: 0.5760.07 mg) and KIM1 (total KIM1 mass: 0.2560.06 and 0.1760.09 mg,
DeBakey Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, United
vehicle: 2.0160.37 mg), whereas empagliflozin did not affect CD11b and KIM1.
States of America and 2Department of Nephrology, Hamad General Hospital, Doha,
CONCLUSION: Responses to the combination treatment with lisinopril and
empagliflozin showed improvement of urine and histological markers of DKD.
Together, these data confirm the translatability of the ReninAAV UNx db/db mouse
BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity among patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) is model of DKD in type 2 diabetes.
a long-standing clinical problem. While exercise could be beneficial, post-dialysis
fatigue, limited time availability, and severe frailty to travel often lead to poor
adherence to conventional exercise programs. To address this gap, we proposed testing
an alternative therapy using intradialytic plantar electrical nerve stimulation (IPENS) MO625 INHIBITION OF SGLT-2 CANNOT RESCUE NEPHRIN
provided during the routine hemodialysis process. EXPRESSION IN DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY
METHODS: Participants were randomized into either an intervention group (IG:
n=16, age=57.663.6 years, BMI=29.761.5 kg/m2, female=31%) or a control group Ahmed Kotb1, Bernd Klanke1, Jens Kroll3, Mario Schiffer1
(CG: n=15, age=63.561.6 years, BMI=29.961.6 kg/m2, female=41%). The IG received University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension,
1-hour IPENS during routine hemodialysis process (3 sessions/week) for 12 weeks. The Erlangen, Germany and 3Medizinische Fakult€ at Mannheim, Arbeitsgruppe Vascular
CG was provided with an identical but non-functional device for the same period. Signaling Abteilung für Vaskul€
are Biologie und Tumorangiogenese, Mannheim,
Participants and therapy-providers were blinded to the group allocation. Daily life Germany
physical activity (e.g., cumulative postures including sitting, standing, lying, and
walking; walking characteristics including step count, number of unbroken walking BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Early glomerular damage in diabetes is induced by high
bout, and postural transitions including sit to stand and stand to sit) was monitored blood glucose level (hyperglycemia) which affects the glomerular filtration barrier and
remotely at baseline and 12-week for a period of 48h using a validated pendant sensor. leads to proteinuria. Podocyte-specific proteins like the transmembrane protein
To determine the effect of intervention, we estimated Cohen’s effect size d. In addition, nephrin form the slit diaphragm that is important for proper function of the
time effect, group effect, and timegroup effect were estimated using general linear glomerular filtration barrier. Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) specific
model. proteins are involved in glucose reabsorption in the kidney and maintain the normal
RESULTS: All participants in the IG tolerated the IPENS and completed all therapy glucose level in the blood. Recent studies showed remarkable success of SGLT2-
sessions, indicating the feasibility. In the IG, we observed significant increase in time inhibition in patients with diabetic nephropathy. Therefore we wanted to study if
spent in standing (Cohen’s d=0.8, p=0.039) and walking (Cohen’s d=0.82, p=0.034), hyperglycemia induced reduction of nephrin expression is affected bySGLT-2
number of walking episodes (d=0.88, p=0.024), and number of postural transitions inhibition. Therefore we induced hyperglycemia in zebrafish larvae by knockdown of
(d=0.93, p=0.018) with a decrease in the average duration for sit to stand transition Pancreatic duodenal homeobox 1 (Pdx1) transcription factor and treated zebrafish
(d=0.87, p=0.032) compared to the CG. larvae with Empagliflozin. In parallel we treated Bl/6 mice with streptozotozin and
CONCLUSIONS: This is an ongoing study and our target sample is 100 eligible treated them with Empagliflozin. We then analyzed nephrin expression in both model
participants. This study provides earlier results on IPENS therapy’s feasibility and systems.
effectiveness as an alternative to exercise programs to improve daily life physical METHOD: Zebrafish is an ideal model to study glomerular diseases, because the
activity among people undergoing routine hemodialysis process. If the results were zebrafish larvae develops a pronephros with high homology to the human glomerulus.
held at a larger sample, we could recommend routine In order to inhibit SLGT-2 after Pdx1-knockdown, we treated both control and
diabetic zebrafish larvae with 10mM Empagliflozin from 1dpf to 5dpf. We used a
zebrafish line that expresses a fluorescent Vitamin D binding plasma protein Tg(l-
MO624 COMBINATION TREATMENT WITH LISINOPRIL AND fabp:DBP:eGFP) to measure proteinuria by measuring the GFP signal in both retinal
EMPAGLIFLOZIN IMPROVES BIOCHEMICAL AND and glomerular vessels of 120 hpf larvae. Immunohistochemistry against nephrin was
HISTOLOGICAL MARKERS OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY IN performed using a specific zebrafish antibody.
Pdx1 knockdown induces a glomerular phenotype We found that Pdx1 knockdown
Mette Viberg Ostergaard1, Michael Christensen1, Thomas Secher1, Jacob Lercke
larvae developed pericardial edema and proteinuria two hallmarks for kidney dis-
Skytte1, Urmas Roostalu1, Casper Gravesen Salinas1, Frederikke
ease. To investigate the efficiency of the glomerular filtration barrier, we measured
Emilie Sembach1, Jacob Jelsing1, Lisbeth N Fink1, Niels Vrang1
the clearance of the GFP-vitamin D-binding protein by measuring fluorescence
Gubra, Hørsholm, Denmark activity of the retinal blood vessel plexus and in glomerular vessels. We found that
GFP signal in the retinal (Eye assay) and glomerular (Cryosections) vessels was
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Emerging treatments of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) markedly decreased after Pdx1 knockdown indicating a leakage of the filtration bar-
include SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 receptor agonists that are nephroprotective rier compared to control injected larvae. In contrast to control, Pdx1 knockdown
beyond their blood glucose lowering effects. Despite this progress, patients with resulted in significant changes of the morphology of the glomerulus. Pdx1 knock-
diabetes are still at risk of developing DKD, and drug discovery remains impeded by down glomeruli display a dilated Bowman’s space and capillaries. Immunostaining
the lack of reproducible rodent models exhibiting features of human DKD. To confirm with a specific antibody for zebrafish nephrin, a podocyte-specific protein essential
the translatability of an advanced mouse model, we tested standard of care in the for blood filtration, revealed that the expression of nephrin was significantly
setting of type 2 diabetes and hypertension. decreased in podocytes of Pdx1 knockdown larvae in contrast to podocytes of the
control larvae.
10.1093/ndt/gfab093 | i367
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
SLGT-2 inhibitor could not rescue the diabetic glomerular phenotype In order to MO627 ASSOCIATION OF OXIDIZED LDL CHOLESTEROL WITH
investigate the SLGT-2 inhibitor effect on the diabetic phenotype, we treated dia- MORTALITY AND PROGRESSION OF PROTEINURIC
betic zebrafish larvae with Empagliflozin. 5 dpf Empagliflozin treated larvae still DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE
continuously develop pericardial edema. In addition, Empagliflozin treated larvae
showed low GFP signal in the retinal vessels (Eye assay) compare to control, con- Stefanos Roumeliotis1, Athanasios Roumeliotis1, Aikaterini Stamou2,
firming that Empagliflozin treated larvae still have a leaky glomerular filtration Dimitrios Divanis1, Marios Theodoridis3, Stylianos Panagoutsos3,
barrier. Vassilios Liakopoulos1
A confirmatory experiment with SLGT-2 inhibitor treatment of mice after STZ 1
AHEPA Hospital, School of Medicine, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki, Division of
induced diabetes showed similar results. Nephrology and Hypertension, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Thessaloniki,
Greece, 2AHEPA Hospital, School of Medicine, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki,
CONCLUSION: Despite the promising effects of SLGT-2 inhibitor treatment in Department of Microbiology, Thessaloniki, Greece and 3University Hospital of
patients with diabetic nephropathy the early effects on nephrin expression are not Alexandroupolis, School of Medicine, Democritus University of Thrace, Department of
addressed and remain an unchanged problem by this novel treatment option. Nephrology, Alexandroupolis, Greece
MO626 Figure: ACE2 mRNA expression and activity. ACE2 mRNA expression in
the kidney (A), lung (B) and heart (C). ACE2 enzymatic activity in the kidney (A), lung MO627 Figure: Kaplan-Meier curves for mortality or at least 30% decline in eGFR
(E) and heart (F). and/or progression to end stage renal disease, requiring renal replacement therapy in
patients with high and low circulating levels of oxLDL (according to the median value
of 66.22 U/L).
CONCLUSION: ACE2 is increased in the kidney and the lung, and decreased in the
heart of diabetic mice. Ramipril treatment restores ACE2 levels. The results suggest
that ACE inhibitors do not increase ACE2 expression and the activity decrease exerted CONCLUSION: Circulating ox-LDL might play an important role in the progression
in the lung may be protective against COVID-19 infection. of proteinuric DKD.
i368 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Samar Ahmed1, Emad Samaan2, Dina Abdallah Ibrahim3, Nagy Sayed-Ahmed4,
Hussein Sheashaa5 Carlo Alberto Ricciardi1, David Long2, Luigi Gnudi3
1 1
Faculty of Medicine - Suez Canal University, Nephrology, Ismailia, Egypt, 2Mansoura king’s College London, Section Vascular Biology and Inflammation, School of
Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University , Mansoura, Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences, British Heart Foundation Centre for Research
Egypt, Nephrology, Mansoura, Egypt, 3Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Pathology, Egypt, Excellence, Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College of London., London,
Mansoura Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, United Kingdom, 2University College London, Developmental Biology & Cancer Dept
Mansoura, Egypt, Nephrology, Egypt and 5Urology & Nephrology Center, Mansoura UCL GOS Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom and 3king’s College
University, Egypt, Egypt London, Section Vascular Biology and Inflammation, School of Cardiovascular
Medicine & Sciences, British Heart Foundation Centre for Research Excellence, Faculty of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Impaired autophagy in the kidney resulted in podocyte Life Sciences & Medicine, King’s College of London.
loss and massive proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy. Improvement of autophagy by
activation of mTORC1 and reduction of AMPK and Sirt1 may be a novel therapeutic BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nogo-B is an endoplasmic reticulum protein present as
option for the suppression of diabetic nephropathy. a full length and circulating soluble isoform (sNogo-B) corresponding to the first
METHOD: This experimental work was carried out on 48 adult male Sprague dawely 200aa of the N-terminus. Nogo-B is expressed in glomerular endothelial cells (GECs)
rats. The total duration of the study was 10 weeks. All investigation and intervention and is downregulated in the diabetic glomeruli; its repletion, ameliorates diabetic
were carried out at 3 time points, 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 10 weeks. The rats were randomly glomerulopathy. However, the precise biological role of Nogo-B and its soluble form in
divided into healthy control group (n = 12) and 3 induced diabetic groups (n = 12 GEC is not well understood.
each), the three groups were the non-treated, treated with rapamycin and treated with We hypothesise that sNogo-B could modulate VEGFA/VEGFR2 signalling, and
rapamycin and metformin. To study autophagy, we use electron microscopy and vascular remodelling resulting in improved GECs health and vascular remodelling
immunohistochemical staining of kidney tissue with LC3 antibody (vessel repair/new vessel formation). We predict that this effect may be mediated by
RESULTS: Diabetic rats treated with rapamycin alone or rapamycin and metformin changes in VEGFA/VEGFR2 signalling; a critical signalling pathway which regulates
showed lower level of proteinuria and almost normal serum creatinine through all blood vessel function in physiology and disease.
intervals of the study. Also, their Kidney tissue showed increased autophagosomes and METHOD: For this experiment we used human conditionally immortalised GECs.
high expression of LC3 compared to diabetic rats. There are no significant differences Cells were used after differentiation at 37 . GECs were infected with adenovirus vector
between both treated groups in terms of induction of autophagy during the experiment expressing sNogo-B or identical vector lacking sNogo-B cDNA (control vector). Cells
period. were serum starved (4 hours, FBS 2%) and exposed to VEGFA (50 ng/ml) for 5’ 10’ 15’
CONCLUSION: we concluded that using a small dose of rapamycin for short duration min and VEGFR2 phosphorylation assessed with western immunoblotting.
in early diabetic rats is beneficial in halting the course of diabetic nephropathy, adding RESULTS: VEGFA-Mediated VEGFR2 phosphorylation was upregulated in wild-type
metformin to rapamycin aiming to potentiate its effect on autophagy seems to be less GECs after 15 min VEGFA incubation (P<0.05) n=4. sNogo-B overexpression upregulated
beneficial. the sNogo-B protein level in the supernatant by 10 fold and prevented VEGFA/VEGFR2
phosphorylation in human immortalized glomerular endothelial cells(P<0.05).
CONCLUSION: sNogo-B prevents the VEGFA mediated VEGFR2 phosphorylation in
GECs. Upregulation of VEGFA/VEGFR2 signalling has been implicated in diabetic
MO629 XANTHINE OXIDASE INHIBITOR ATTENUATES RENAL glomerulopathy. sNogo-B inhibition of VEGFA/VEGFR2 signalling opens new
OXIDATIVE STRESS AND ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION investigations looking at the potential role of sNogo-B as therapeutic target in diabetic
BACKGROUND AND AIM: Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis
of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Xanthine oxidase (XO) contribute to reactive oxygen
10.1093/ndt/gfab093 | i369
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
species (ROS) production, and XO inhibitor, febuxostat has been reported to the brought to increase of this morbid condition. Nowadays, with a galloping rise, we have
protection of kidney diseases. However, the mechanism of renoprotective effects for a prevalence of 11,1 % of DM in the adult population and nearly 22% of hemodialysis
febuxostat remained unclear. We investigated the renoprotective mechanism patients whose primary diagnosis is diabetes. Despite this, data of EUROSTAT put us
associated with purine salvage pathway of febuxostat against DN. in the first place for mortality due to diabetes. It’s time to act!
METHOD: Glomerular endothelial cells (GEnCs) exposed to high glucose (HG) were METHOD: We analyzed the number of diabetic patients in Albania second the IDF
treated with or without febuxostat for 72 hours, and then the changes of purine salvage data and the number of diabetic nephropathy patients hospitalized during this decade
pathway and the phosphorylation of 5’ AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and its in our Departement of Nephrology according the Statistical Department of UHC
related signaling pathway were evaluated. "Mother Theresa".
RESULTS: Cell survival was significantly decreased in HG-treated GEnCs, and RESULTS: In 2010 there were 4.5% diabetics in the adult population in Albania and in
febuxostat treatment enhanced cell survival in a dose-dependent manner. The 2019 there were 9%, so doubling of numbers. Diabetic nephropathy is increasing too
expressions of xanthine/hypoxanthine, and the levels of xanthine oxidoreductase were and now is our everyday clinical practice challenge, in 2010 there were 54 patients
significantly increased in HG-treated GEnCs, and these findings were attenuated by hospitalized for DN and its complications and in 2019 this number increased to 164
febuxostat. The AMP/ATP ratio was inhibited in in HG-treated GEnCs and enhanced patients. Diabetics on hemodialysis are now more and more present with their
by febuxostat treatment. Febuxostat treatment enhanced phosphorylation of AMPK, problems and difficulties that need not only nephrologists but a multidisciplinary
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-a, PPAR-gamma coactivator approach. Diabetic nephropathy in 2011 had only 11,3% of the hemodialytic pie and
(PGC)-1a, and dephosphorylation of the Forkhead box O (FoxO)3a in HG-treated now is reaching 17,2% of the primary cause of ESRD in our hemodialytic population,
GEnCs. Febuxostat treatment also suppressed NADPH oxidase expressions and their regarding ERA EDTA registry, but our 2020 numbers rise to 22%. We are below the
catalytic subunits and oxidative stress in HG-treated GEnCs. AMPK inhibition using European and North American data but in incident patients it is becoming the second
small interfering RNA blunted the antioxidative effects of febuxostat in HG-treated predominant cause of renal failure, after the hypertensive nephrosclerosis, reaching
GEnCs. 25%-27%. Mortality in this population is a crucial point, we stand first in Europe with
CONCLUSIONS: Febuxostat attenuated HG-induced oxidative stress through the 110 deaths/ million inhabitants despite the reimbursement range is three-fold
activation of purine salvage pathway and AMPK–PGC-1a–NADPH oxidase signaling. compared to 10 years ago An increasing number is translated into increased
problems especially in vascular access, cardiovascular problems, diabetic foot
problems, glycemic control, etc.
CONCLUSION: Nephrology Units and Hemodialysis Units too are being invaded by
diabetics Caring about the glycemic levels, type of hypoglycemia drugs, time and
dosage, eating or not during the hemodialysis session, are every session challenges.
Cardiovascular problems with frequent hypotensions, coronary heart disease, and
cardiac heart failure are other difficult to manage fields. But the most important and
Erjola Likaj1,2, Larisa Shehaj1,2, Alma Idrizi3, Myftar Barbullushi3
continuous care is that of vascular access, the "Achille’s Heel" of our patients. Results
UHC Mother Theresa, Tirana, Albania, 2, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation and from our studies reveal diabetes like the second cause of arteriovenous fistulas failure,
UHC Mother Theresa, Tirana, Albania, Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation after the age of patients so we are reinforcing the whole medical chain for referring
patients in the fourth stage of CKD for the creation of permanent vascular access,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetes mellitus was prevalent in nearly 0.8 % of the especially diabetics.
adult population and assent in our modest hemodialytic population in 1990. Changing
of lifestyle and nutrition, increase in longevity, aging population, and stress have
i370 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i371–i380, 2021
DIABETES. CLINICAL STUDIES eGFR>15ml/min/1.73m2. Our aims are to analyse the changes in metabolic and renal
parameters in chronic diabetic patients after 12 months of treatment in real life
practice with semaglutide.
METHOD: Retrospective observational study. Inclusion criteria: Patients over 18 years
MO633 GLYCAEMIC MARKERS IN PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 old with DM2 and eGFR(CKD-EPI)>15 ml/min/1.73m2. We selected cases with
DIABETES UNDERGOING HAEMODIALYSIS EVALUATED BY eGFR<60 ml/min/1,73m2 and/or albuminuria/Creatinineu (albu/creatu)>30 mg/g
LONG-TERM CONTINUOUS GLUCOSE MONITORING* treated with semaglutide in real life practice for 12 months. Our main objectives were
to assess the changes in HbA1c and weight. Secondary objetives to analyse evolution of
Tobias Bomholt1, Marianne Rix1, Thomas Peter Almdal2, Filip K. Knop3, albuminuria (albu/creatu), eGFR(CKD-EPI), blood pressure (BP), lipidic profile and
Susanne Rosthøj4, Niels Søndergaard Heinrich5, Morten Jørgensen1, adverse events. Statistics anlysis: we used descriptive, student’s t, McNemar (paired
Anders Larsson6, Linda Hilsted7, Bo Feldt-Rasmussen1, Mads Hornum1 data), method by steps forward; SPSS v 19.0.
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Nephrology, Copenhagen, Denmark, RESULTS: We included 122 patients, 62% males, mean age 51,43 6 33 years, time of
Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Endocrinology, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, DM2 12.3 6 3.4 years, body mass index (BMI) 35.8 6 4.79, 25% had retinopathy,
Gentofte Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Endocrinology, Gentofte, Denmark, 93.4% hypercholesterolemia and 97% were hypertensive, 18% were active smokers.
University of Copenhagen, Section of Biostatistics, Copenhagen K, Denmark, 5Steno Mean Albu/Creatu: 349.49 6 863.16 mg/g and mean eGFR (CKD-EPI): 50.32 6 31.47
Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Complication Research, Gentofte, Denmark, 6Uppsala ml/min/1.73m2. Previous cardiovascular events: 36.5% myocardial infarction, 41%
University, Medical Sciences, Clinical Chemistry, Uppsala, Denmark and 7Rigshospitalet, congestive hearth failure, 10% peripheric arteriopathy and 6% strokes. 42.6% were
University of Copenhagen, Clinical biochemistry, Copenhagen Ø, Denmark already on iSGT2 who were kept and 64.8% were switched from other GLP-1ar. After
12 months of treatment with semaglitude HbA1c reduced -0.74 6 0.41% obtaining a
mean objective <7% (from 7.5761.36 to 6.8360.85, p<0.0001). Patients decreased
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The reliability of haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) as a weight in -6.95 6 6.0 Kg (from 98.48616.6 to 91.53616.42 p<00001) more than -5%
glycaemic marker in patients receiving haemodialysis (HD) remains unknown. To of total body weight in 69% of cases. Albuminuria reduced in -162,21 mg/g 6 365,77
assess accuracy, we compared HbA1c and fructosamine levels with interstitial glucose (from 349.496863.16 to 187.2876897.39 p<0.0001, 53% reduction). eGFR(CKD-EPI)
levels measured by continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) in patients with type 2 remained with a low increased of 2,2 ml/min/1.73m2. Systolic and Diastolic BP
diabetes receiving HD. decreased -9.85 6 13.34 mmHg (from 129.95611,27 to 120.09609 p < 0.0001) and -
METHOD: The HD group (maintenance HD and type 2 diabetes) comprised 30 patients 5.92 6 7.43 mmHg (from 77.0568.95 to 71.1267.83 p< 0.0001) respectively. LDL-
who completed the study period of 17 weeks; the control group (type 2 diabetes and an cholesterol and triglyceridemia decreased in -10.79 6 28.21.09 mg/dl (p <0.0001) and
estimated glomerular filtration rate >60 mL/min/1.73 m2) comprised 36 individuals. CGM -29,15 mg/dl 6 91,47 (p <0.0001) respectively. 5 % of patients on insulin had
(Ipro2 , Medtronic) for periods up to seven days was performed five times (with four weeks mild hipoglycemic episodes. Our patients needed 25% less units of rapid insulin
intervals) during a 16-week period. HbA1c and fructosamine were measured at week 17. (p<0.01). Semaglutide was stopped in 5% of cases (65% because digestive intolerance).
The mean sensor glucose from CGM was compared with the measured HbA1c, its CONCLUSION: Chronic kidney diabetic patients with grade 3 albuminuria after 12
estimated mean blood glucose (eMBGA1c) and fructosamine levels. months of treatment in real life practice with semaglutide improved their glycemic
RESULTS: In the HD group, the mean sensor glucose from CGM was 1.4 (95% confidence control (mean final HbA1c <7%), with 25% less needs of rapid insulin. 69% of them
interval [CI]: 1.0–1.8) mmol/L higher than the eMBGA1c, whereas the difference was 0.1 decreased their total body weight in > 5%. We observed 53% reduction of albuminuria
mmol/L (95% CI: -0.1–[0.4]; P<0.001) in the control group. Adjusted for the mean sensor and better control of blood pressure.
glucose, HbA1c was -7.3 (95% CI: -10.0–[-4.7]) mmol/mol lower in the HD group than in
controls (P<0.001), whereas no difference was detected for fructosamine (P=0.64).
CONCLUSION: HbA1c evaluated by CGM underestimates mean blood glucose levels
in patients receiving maintenance HD; fructosamine appears to be more accurate.
CGM-assessed blood glucose could complement or replace HbA1c in patients where MO635 PRO-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES IL-6 AND IL-17 DISPLAY
HbA1c underestimates blood glucose levels. A PARTICULAR MOLECULAR PATTERN IN ASSOCIATION
ALBUMINURIA IN HIGH RISK PROGRESSION CHRONIC dysfunction have intricate mechanisms in diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Pro-
KIDNEY DIABETIC PATIENTS inflammatory cytokines are involved in the initiation and progression of DKD through
mediating the inflammatory response, both at glomerular and proximal tubular level.
Beatriz Aviles1, Maria Dolores Garcıa de Lucas2, Luis Perez Belmonte3, miRNAs are able to modulate cellular and biochemical functions, thus intervening in
Anabel Jiménez Milla n4, Francisco Rivas Ruiz5 the pathogenesis of DKD.
1 The aim of the study, performed on patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM), was to
Hospital Costa del Sol, Nephrology, Marbella, Spain, 2Hospital Costa del Sol, Internal
evaluate selective pro-inflammatory cytokines in relation to biomarkers of podocyte
Medicine, Marbella, Spain, 3Hopsital Regional University School of Medicine, Internal
lesion and of PT dysfunction. Particular molecular pathways, such as specific miRNA
Medicine, Malaga, Spain, 4Hospital Puerto Real, Endocrinology, Cadiz, and 5Hospital
profiles operating in this relation, have also been studied.
Costa del Sol, Research Unit, Marbella , Spain
METHOD: A number of 126 patients with type 2 DM, staged by albuminuria [39
normoalbuminuric – urinary albumin/creatinine ratio UACR)<30mg/g; 45
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Semaglutide has shown safety and efficacy in type 2 microalbuminuric–UACR-30–300mg/g; 42 macroalbuminuric–UACR>300mg/g],
diabetic patients (DM2) in extensive clinical studies including patients until
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
and 23 healthy control subjects were included in a cross-sectional study. All patients interventions to prevent disease progression and premature death.
were evaluated concerning biomarkers of podocyte injury (nephrin, podocalyxin, METHOD: We have analyzed the prevalence of DKD according to lab criteria and the
synaptopodin) and of PT dysfunction [Kidney injury molecule-1(KIM-1), N-acetyl- rate of identification of DKD and/or chronic kidney disease (CKD) on 516,578 hospital
beta-D-glucuronidase (NAG), alpha 1- microglobulin]. Also, serum and urinary levels care electronic medical records (EMR) in a tertiary hospital-based population using
of specific interleukins (IL-6, IL-17), serum cystatin C, and eGFR were determined. Savana ManagerV R.
Serum and urinary miRNAs (miRNA-21, miRNA-124, miRNA-146a, miRNA-192) RESULTS: Out of 24,129 T2DM patients, 15,304 met inclusion criteria. DKD was
were assessed by RT-PCR. defined as eGFR<60 ml/min/1.73m2 or urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR)
RESULTS: The biomarkers of podocyte lesion and of PT dysfunction were increased, >30 mg/g or urinary protein to creatinine ratio (UPCR) >0.3 g/g after excluding acute
even in normoalbuminuric type 2 DM patients. Serum and urinary IL-6 and IL-17 kidney injury (AKI). A total of 4,526 (29.6%) T2DM patients had DKD according to
showed increased levels in type 2 DM patients, across all groups studied. The model lab criteria. However, the terms “CKD” or “DKD” were only present in 33.1% and 7.5%
provided by univariable regression analysis showed that IL-6 and IL-17 correlated of the 4,526 EMR, with a hidden prevalence of CKD and DKD of 66.9% and 92.5%,
directly with biomarkers of podocyte injury (nephrin, podocalyxin, synaptopodin), of respectively. Less severe kidney disease (lower UACR or UPCR, higher eGFR values),
PT dysfunction (KIM-1, NAG, alpha 1-microglobulin), as well as with UACR. female sex, and lack of insulin prescription were associated with the absence of “DKD”
Negative correlations have been identified regarding eGFR. or “CKD” terms in EMR (p<0.001) in the patients fulfilling laboratory criteria for
In multivariable regression analysis, serum IL-6 correlated directly with synaptopodin, DKD. However, while younger age (<70 years) was associated with a missing CKD
NAG, and negatively with eGFR (p<0.00001, R2=0.805); serum IL-17 correlated diagnosis, older age (70 years) was associated with a missing DKD diagnosis in EMR.
directly with synaptopodin, NAG, KIM-1, UACR, and negatively with eGFR CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the prevalence of DKD among T2DM patients
(p<0.00001, R2=0.941); urinary IL-6 correlated directly with synaptopodin, NAG, and according to laboratory data is higher than prevalence based on specific diagnosis
negatively with eGFR (p<0.00001, R2=0.889); urinary IL-17 correlated directly with written in EMR. This could imply underdiagnosis of DKD, especially in patients with
synaptopodin, nephrin, NAG, and negatively with eGFR (p<0.00001, R2=0.905). less severe disease who may benefit the most from optimized therapy
Also, important associations were found between specific interleukins and miRNAs. In
univariable regression analysis, IL-6 and IL-17 correlated directly with miRNA-21 and
miRNA-124, and negatively with miRNA-146a and miRNA-192. The models provided
by multivariable regression analysis showed that urinary IL-6 correlated directly with
urinary miRNA-21, and negatively with urinary miRNA-192 (p<0.00001, R2=0.886). MO638 ANEMIA IN DIABETIC PATIENTS REFLECTS SEVERE
Urinary IL-17 displayed direct correlations with urinary miRNA-21, and negative TUBULOINTERSTITIAL INJURY AND ASSISTS CLINICALLY IN
correlations with urinary miRNA-192 (p<0.00001, R2=0.860). Serum IL-6 correlated PREDICTING DIAGNOSIS OF DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY
directly with serum miRNA-21, miRNA-124, and indirectly with serum miRNA-146a,
miRNA-192 (p<0.00001, R2=0.862). Serum IL-17 showed direct correlations with Soichiro Yokota1, Kenji Ito1, Maho Watanabe1, Koji Takahashi1, Naoko Himuro1,
serum miRNA-21, miRNA-124, and negative correlations with serum miRNA-192 Tetsuhiko Yasuno1, Katsuhisa Miyake1, Kosuke Masutani1, Hitoshi Nakashima1,
(p<0.00001, R2=0.745). Yori Inoue1, Noriko Uesugi2
CONCLUSION: In the early stages of DKD, there is an association of pro- 1
Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology,
inflammatory cytokines with specific miRNAs, and with biomarkers of podocyte injury Deparatment of Internal Medicine, Fukuoka, Japan and 2Fuculty of Medicine, Fukuoka
and of PT dysfunction. IL-6 and IL-17, as well as dysregulated miRNA-21, miRNA- University, Department of Pathology, Fukuoka, Japan
124, miRNA-146a, and miRNA-192 display a particular molecular pattern, in relation
to complex mechanisms that can initiate and maintain the chronic inflammatory
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is currently a leading cause
response in DKD. Routine detection of these interleukins may provide biomarkers to
of end-stage kidney disease worldwide. Kidney biopsy is generally performed in
refine the diagnosis of early renal involvement in the course of type 2 DM,
diabetic patients to discriminate between DN and non-diabetic kidney disease
independently of albuminuria and level of renal function.
(NDKD), and to provide more specific treatments. In addition to conventional
predicting factors of DN, recent studies suggested the predictive value of anemia in the
diagnosis of DN, however detailed pathophysiology and the significance of anemia in
renal pathology are not fully understood. This study aimed to investigate the impact of
anemia on renal pathology and clinical course in patients who underwent kidney
METHOD: We reviewed 81 patients (60.4 6 13.7 years, 54 men and 27 women) with
type 2 diabetes who underwent percutaneous kidney biopsy in Fukuoka University
Hospital from January 2001 through March 2020. DN was diagnosed by mesangial
Mohamed Taha1
expansion or nodular glomerulosclerosis observed under a light microscope, and
Faculty Of Medicine - Minia University, internal medicine, El Minya, Egypt immunofluorescence assisted in differentiating NDKD from DN. Anemia was defined
as hemoglobin level <13 g/dL in males and <12 g/dL in females in accordance with the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic kidney disease is the most common cause of World Health Organization standards. Laboratory and pathological findings, and
ESRD. There is poor correlation between the degree of renal fibrosis and current clinical courses were investigated.
screening markers. A noninvasive imaging technique is needed to assess the degree RESULTS: According to their pathological findings, patients were classified into two
of structural changes in the kidney. groups: isolated DN (DN group, n=30) and NDKD alone or concurrent DN (NDKD
METHOD: Forty adult diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease as well as 20 group, n=51). There were 11 types of NDKD. Of these, membranous nephropathy was
age- and sex-matched adult healthy controls were recruited from Nephrology the most common (23.5%), followed by IgA nephropathy (17.6%), and crescentic
Department of our University Hospital. All patients underwent renal MR-DWI and glomerulonephritis (13.7%). In multiple logistic regression analysis, absence of severe
ADC mapping on a 1.5-T scanner (Philips Achieva) using phased array body coil. hematuria (odds ratio (OR) 11.66, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.68 - 89.9) and
RESULTS: Among the studied 40 diabetic patients, five groups of patients were presence of anemia (OR 11.38, 95% CI 2.51 - 51.52) were significantly related with the
resulted 8 patients for each and the ADC values were inversely correlated with diagnosis of DN. Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) and net reclassification
advancement in renal parenchymal affection, ie, in late stages of the disease the improvement (NRI) analyses revealed improved predictive performance by adding
ADC values were lower than in early stages. The mean ADC values of renal anemia to the conventional factors (AIC 100.152 to 91.844; NRI 27.0%). The tissues of
parenchyma in patients with diabetic kidney disease were considerably lower than patients in the DN group demonstrated more severe interstitial fibrosis and tubular
that of healthy controls with normal renal function (2.16 0.3x102 3 mm2/s vs atrophy (IF/TA) than the NDKD group (p<0.05) regardless of the rate of global
2.46 0.1x102 3 mm2/s with p< 0.001). glomerulosclerosis (figure), and IF/TA was related to the prevalence of anemia (odds
CONCLUSION: ADC value is a possible noninvasive technique in evaluating the ratio: 7.31, 95% confidence interval: 2.33 - 23.00) in multivariate regression analysis.
stage of renal dysfunction with assessment of disease progression. These results suggest DM-associated severe IF/TA (compared with NDKD) impaired
erythropoietin production, resulting in earlier anemia, independent of glomerular
injuries and renal function. Furthermore, the renal prognosis was significantly better in
the NDKD group than in the DN group using Log-rank test (p<0.05).
CONCLUSION: DN is associated with anemia because of severe IF/TA regardless of
MO637 THE HIDDEN PREVALENCE OF DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE renal function, and anemia helps clinician discriminate clinically between isolated DN
i372 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO639 Figure 1: Comparison of serum IL-1b among the T2DM group, the T2DN
group and the controls.
MO638 Figure a: The percentage of glomeruli which showed global sclerosis in the
DN group (black line) and NDKD group (gray line); the error bar means standard
deviation. Figure b: The distribution of the grade of tubulointerstitial damage in the
DN group (black dots) and NDKD group (gray dots) *Result of v2 test is statistically MO639 Figure 2: Comparison of serum HS among the T2DM group, the T2DN
significant (p<0.05) group and the controls.
Liqiong Jiang1
Affiliated Suzhou Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, nephrology, Suzhou, P.R.
Petr Vasilev1, Alexander Shishkin1, Nikolai Erofeev2, Mikhail Erman3, Ivan Pchelin1
Saint Petersburg State University, Department of Academic Course in Internal
Medicine, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 2Saint Petersburg State University, Department of
Physiology, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia and 3Saint Petersburg State University, Department
of Pediatrics, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia
10.1093/ndt/gfab094 | i373
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
used in the diagnosis of diabetic microangiopathy, but the limiting factor is the lack of pacemakers and changes of basal vascular tone pattern. It causes an increase in the role
a unified algorithmic approach to the data interpretation. This work aimed to analyze of neurogenic modulation of the micro-vascular bloodstream. These data can be an
changes in the amplitude indicators of the low-frequency part of the LDF signal additional argument in favor of the further development of improving laser Doppler
spectrum in patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes and to identify flowmetry using for the tasks of early (preclinical) non-invasive diagnosis of
their correlations with the glomerular filtration rate. microvascular disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, as well as for
METHOD: The study included 42 patients (20 men and 22 women) with type 2 monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy.
diabetes mellitus chronic kidney disease (stage C3-C4). The age of patients was 58-77 The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 19-315-90080.
years (66 years on average). The duration of diabetes was more than 5 years (on
average 7 years). All patients had diabetic nephropathy with a decrease in glomerular
filtration rate, chronic kidney disease stage C3-C4. Laser Doppler flowmetry was done
using the "LAZMA MC-1" system ("Lazma", Russia). Each patient had a 10-minute
LDF registration. The sensor was placed on the skin of the rear of the foot. After
recording the LDF curve, the special software has calculated amplitudes of endothelial,
myogenic, neurogenic, respiratory, and pulse flux motions. Then we assessed the
amplitude contribution of every frequency range to the total power of the local flux
motion region. The next step was a correlation analysis with the estimated glomerular
Oleksandr Susla1, Zoriana Litovkina1, Olha Bushtynska1
filtration rate. For statistical analysis, we used the GraphPad Prism 8 (GraphPad 1
Software, USA). I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
RESULTS: All examined patients had amplitude peaks in the neurogenic, myogenic,
respiratory, and pulse ranges. There were no significant correlations between the BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to population registries, the survival of
glomerular filtration rate and the amplitudes of myogenic and neurogenic flux motions diabetic patients with end-stage-renal disease (ESRD) remains low today. In this
(p>0.05) (Fig. 1). However, there was a significant positive correlation between the context, it is reasonable to develop new therapeutic strategies based on advances in
contribution of myogenic flux motions to the low-frequency range and glomerular science of the important role of magnesium (Mg) and L-carnitine deficiency (via
filtration rate (p<0.01), and a negative one – for the contribution of neurogenic flux inflammation and endothelial dysfunction) in mechanisms of cardiovascular
motions (p<0.01) (Fig. 2). In six observations there was a tendency to a decrease in the remodeling, high morbidity and mortality rates. Thus, the purpose of the present study
contribution of endothelial flux motions as the glomerular filtration rate decreased. was to evaluate the effect of Mg and L-carnitine supplementation on 3-year survival
and development of the cardiovascular complications in diabetic hemodialysis (HD)
METHOD: 48 type 2 diabetic ESRD patients were included in this prospective cohort
study (male/female, 29/19; age, 59.960.6 years; HD duration, 34.864.8 month;
diabetes mellitus duration, 174.767.1 month). The study was performed in accordance
with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki last revision. Depending on the
treatment programme, patients were divided into two groups: the 1st (main) group
(n=24) in addition to basic treatment (hypoglycemic, antihypertensive therapy,
according to indications - correction of anemia, hyperparathyroidism,
hyperphosphatemia) was treated by combination of magnesium aspartate (0.5 g/day
orally) and L-carnitine (1 g/day parenterally after each HD session (three times
weekly); the 2nd (comparison) group (n=24) was only on the basic therapy. Complex
treatment lasted 12-months; administration of L-carnitine was performed
continuously throughout the year, while magnesium aspartate – by three 2-months’
courses/year. The follow up period in both groups was 36 months. Quantitative data
are expressed as means6SEM, qualitative ones – as %. Kaplan-Meier method and Log-
rank test were used to estimate survival of HD patients, v2-test – to compare the
frequency values.
RESULTS: The cumulative proportion of survivors at the end of follow-up was 60.4%;
however, after 36 months, the survival rate of diabetic HD patients who received a
combination of magnesium aspartate and L-carnitine as part of their modified
treatment was significantly higher (75 vs. 45.8%; Log-rank=2.07, p=0.038) compared to
patients who were on basic therapy (Figure). Survival time in main and comparison
groups was 31.961.7 and 26.462.2 months respectively. It is noteworthy, that
throughout the year (from 10 to 22 months), no completed events were recorded in
subjects who underwent Mg and L-carnitine supplementation.
CONCLUSION: (1) The combined use of magnesium aspartate and L-carnitine in
addition to the basic 12-month treatment provides an effective reduction of
cardiovascular complications and promotes 3-year survival of diabetic HD patients. (2)
The results obtained substantiate the advisability of using repeated courses of Mg and
L-carnitine administration 1 years after the end of the primary modified treatment to
improve the prognosis in these ESRD patients.
CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed that laser Doppler flowmetry has the
potential to diagnosis the nature of the dysfunction of individual microcirculation
modulation mechanisms. In patients with chronic kidney disease of the C3-C4 stage
decreasing the glomerular filtration rate correlated with decreasing the contribution of
myogenic flux motions and increasing the contribution of neurogenic flux motions to
the total power of the low-frequency part of the LDF signal amplitude-frequency
spectrum. These changes can be explained within the framework of the existing MO641 Figure: 3-year survival in diabetic HD patients with different treatment
understanding of the pathogenesis of diabetic microangiopathy, namely, damage to the programs.
smooth muscle layer of the wall of arterioles and venules with damage to myocyte
i374 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
The results of a 3-year prospective follow-up determined a significant decrease the (57%) patients were on dialysis and 12 (13%) had a functioning transplant. Reasons for
incidence of adverse cardiovascular events, in particular myocardial infarction (4.2 vs. admission included infection (n=21), to undergo a procedure eg arteriovenous fistula
29.2%; v2=5.40, p=0.020), stroke (4.2 vs. 33.3%; v2=5.98, p=0.014), or progression of creation (n=21), AKI (n=10) and fluid overload (n=8).
heart failure (15 vs. 50%; v2=7.85, p=0.005), in diabetic ESRD patients receiving
complex pathogenetic treatment with the inclusion of magnesium aspartate and L-
MO643 Table 1: Type of diabetes and insulin regimen of patients admitted under
nephrology care
DIABETES MELLITUS Type 1 Type 2 Drug induced/
(n=33) (n=52) post transplant
Eirini Papadopoulou1,2, Marieta Theodorakopoulou1, Charalampos Loutradis1,
Georgios Tzanis1, Glyceria Tzatzagou3, Kalliopi Kotsa4, Ioanna Zografou2,
Apostolos Tsapas5, Asterios Karagiannis2, Pantelis Sarafidis1 Once daily 0 6 1
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology, Hippokration Hospital, Twice daily 5 31 2
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Second Propaedeutic Basal bolus 27 15 2
Department of Internal Medicine, Hippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece,
Papageorgiou Hospital, First Department of Internal Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece, CSCI 1 0 0
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, First Department of Internal Medicine, AHEPA
These 90 patients accounted for 113 admissions with a median LOS of 5 (2-9) days. In
Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece and 5Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Second
46 (41%) admissions, there was at least one episode of hypoglycaemia and in 95 (84%)
Department of Internal Medicine, Thessaloniki, Greece
at least one episode of hyperglycaemia. During 12 (13%) admissions, there were neither
hypo nor hyperglycaemic episodes.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Increased blood-pressure-variability (BPV) is Insulin self-prescribers were younger (56612.7 ‘v’ 6069.7 years, p=0.04) and more
associated with increased cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in patients with type 2 likely to experience hypoglycaemia than those who did not self-prescribe (p=0.03).
diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors There was no significant increase in hyperglycaemia nor in median LOS between the
decrease the incidence of cardiovascular events, renal events, and death in this groups. Episodes of hypoglycaemia were more likely with a lower mean fasting blood
population. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of dapagliflozin on short-term BPV sugar (fbs), regardless of self-prescription of insulin (1163.8 ‘v’ 1365.1mmol/L,
in patients with T2DM. p=0.02)
METHOD: This is a secondary analysis of a double-blind, randomized, placebo- CONCLUSION: Most patients with DM admitted under the care of nephrology, self-
controlled trial in 85 patients with T2DM (NCT02887677). Subjects were randomized prescribe insulin. These patients are more likely to have an episode of hypoglycaemia
to oral dapagliflozin 10mg once daily or placebo for 12 weeks. All participants and hypoglycaemia is more likely to occur if the fbs is <13mmol/L. It is unclear how
underwent 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring with the Mobil-O-Graph our experience differs from that of other specialties. However, reducing renal function,
NG device at baseline and study-end. Standard deviation (SD), weighted SD (wSD), eg in the setting of dialysis or AKI, and uncertainties regarding the carbohydrate
coefficient of variation (CV), average real variability (ARV) and variation independent content of hospital food may play a role in predisposing to hypoglycaemia. In order to
of mean (VIM) were calculated with validated formulae for the 24-h and the daytime facilitate safe management of DM in the inpatient nephrology wards, whilst preserving
and nighttime periods. patients’ autonomy, attention should be paid to the fbs level and self-prescription of
RESULTS: Dapagliflozin reduced 24-h brachial BP compared to placebo. From insulin should be permitted within a narrow range of the patients’ regular dosing
baseline to study-end 24-h brachial BPV indexes did not change with dapagliflozin regimen.
(SBP-ARV: 11.5163.45 vs 11.0563.35; p=0.326, SBP-wSD: 13.5963.60 vs 13.4863.33;
p=0.811) or placebo (SBP-ARV: 11.4763.63 vs 11.0563.00; p=0.388, SBP-wSD:
13.8564.38 vs 13.9763.87; p=0.308). Similarly, no significant changes in BPV indexes
for daytime and nighttime were observed in any group. At study-end, no differences
between the groups were observed for any BPV index. Deltas (D) of all indexes during
follow-up were minimal and not different between-groups (SBP-wSD: dapagliflozin: -
0.1163.05 vs placebo: 0.1264.20; p=0.227).
Ersilia Satta1, Carmine Romano2, Tersa Della Corte3, Ilaria Raiola4,
CONCLUSION: This study is the first to evaluate the effects of an SGLT-2 inhibitor on
Carmelo Alfarone5, Guido Gembillo6, Gianluca Latte5, Mario Polverino8,
short-term BPV in patients with T2DM, showing no effect on dapagliflozin on all BPV
Sandro Gentile9
indexes studied. 1
Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Napoles, Italy,
Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Salerno, Italy,
Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, 4Nefrocenter
research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Naples, , 5Nefrocenter
research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Naples, Italy, 6Unit of
Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University
of Messina, Messina, Italy, 8Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Naples, Italy and
Department of Internal Medicine, University Campania L Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy
Ailsa Doak1, Karen Stevenson1, Colin C. Geddes1, Kate Stevens1
The Glasgow Renal and Transplant Unit, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: After the official coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic
Glasgow, United Kingdom
declaration by the WHO, Italy had the second-largest number of confirmed cases, after
China. The Italian government introduced progressive infection-mitigation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Co-existence of diabetes mellitus (DM) and kidney measurements, thus dramatically reducing social interactions and preventing virus
disease is common. In-patient hypo- and hyperglycaemia are associated with adverse spread. During the summer, infection containment measures progressively loosened
outcomes and, for hypoglycaemia, an increased length of inpatient stay (LOS). NICE until, due to an unjustified interpretation of some permissions and the excessive
and the National Patient Safety Agency recommend in-patients with DM previously utilization of public transportation at school reopening, the contagion rate
established on insulin be allowed to self-prescribe to reduce hypo and hyperglycaemia. progressively increased until causing a severe challenge for our NHS again. Aim of the
It is unclear how this occurs in clinical practice in patients under nephrology care. study: to assess the efficiency of our previously described protocol in 18 Campania
We sought to describe glycaemic control and diabetes management in patients region-located Nefrocenter Consortium DCs as further adapted to new knowledge
admitted to our nephrology service. under the new ubiquitous contagion conditions and to identify SARS-CoV-2-infection
METHOD: All patients admitted to the Glasgow Renal and Transplant Unit between mortality rate and risk factors.
June and August 2020 were identified. In those with a previous diagnosis of DM, METHOD: Dialysis patients did so too during that period according to the expected
demographic data were collected including reason for admission and use of insulin. shifting prevalence over time (mean 6 SD: 853 6 30 per month; range 825 to 873) 6
Self-prescription of insulin, blood sugar levels and episodes of hypo (BM <4mmol/L) (11.8% in April, and 14.8% in November vs. a pre-COVID-19 12.0% rate in January).
and hyperglycaemia (BM >14mmol/L) were identified. Analysis was undertaken in RESULTS: More patients got infected in November (10.19%) than in April (0,24%),
SPSS v and 22 patients of the 89 from the SARS-CoV-2 November positive subjects required
RESULTS: One hundred and sixty-seven patients with a diagnosis of DM were hospitalization for moderate-severe symptoms (24.72%), with death unavoidably
admitted over the three month period. coming in 19 (86.36% of hospitalized and 21.35% of infected patients) compared to the
The remaining results refer only to the 90(54%) patients established on insulin before only one recorded in April (0.12%). The pandemic’s two periods showed a strong
the index admission. Mean age was 5867.1 years, 56% (n=50) were male and 77% association between mortality rate and often co-existing comorbidities, primarily
(n=69) self-prescribed insulin throughout admission. Table 1 shows type of DM and represented by arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and chronic
regular insulin regimen. Mean HbA1C pre-admission was 6866.4mmol/mol. Fifty-one kidney disease (CKD).
10.1093/ndt/gfab094 | i375
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis are both common
human diseases. Diabetic nephropathy is characterized by the presence of pathological
quantities of urine albumin excretion, diabetic glomerular lesions, and loss of
glomerular filtration rate in diabetics. Little evidence has been reported on
relationships between BMD and albuminuria.
The aim of this study is to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) in
postmenopausal women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with and without
diabetic nephropathy.
METHOD: We retrospectively analyze the BMD of the lumbar spine and femur using
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in 84 postmenopausal women with T2DM with (39)
and without (45) diabetic nephropathy. The serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, total
alkaline phosphatase, and urine albumin excretion were measured in all participants.
Diagnosis of albuminuria was based on albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR).
RESULTS: Age, body mass index (BMI) and time since menopause were not
significantly different between the two groups. The T-scores of basal BMD at L4 were
significantly lower in patients with diabetic nephropathy (-0,94 6 0,40) compared to
patients without nephropathy. No significant differences in serum creatinine were
detected between two groups of patients. Our data suggest that ACR was negatively
associated with lumbar spine and femoral neck BMD.
CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that postmenopausal women with diabetic
nephropathy have a lower BMD and are at increased risk of osteoporosis in the lumbar
spine compared with postmenopausal women without diabetic nephropathy. ACR was
negatively associated with lumbar spine and femur neck BMD. One of the explanations
that has been proposed for the association between albuminuria and osteoporosis is
that albuminuria is associated with reduced bone blood flow, resulting in a decreased
rate of bone remodeling and the development of osteoporosis.
i376 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Aurélie Sannier1, Valentin Maisons2, Mickael Bobot3, Francois Vrtovsnik1, Catarina Almeida1, Leonor Silva2, Tiago Costa2, Daniela Lopes1, Victoria Faria1,
Noemie Jourde-Chiche3, Christophe Barba1, Laurent Daniel4, Nathalie Rioux- Elena Suarez2, Rafaela Verıssimo2, Rute Caçola2, Pedro Gil2, Luıs Andrade2
Leclercq5, Cécile Vigneau5, Jean-Michel Halimi2, Jonathan Chemouny5,6,7 1
Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia Espinho, Nephrology, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Bichat-Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris, France, 2Chru Hôpitaux De Tours, Tours, France, and 2Centro Hospitalar Vila Nova Gaia Espinho, Internal Medicine, Vila Nova de Gaia,
hopital de la conception, Marseille, France, 4Hospital Timone, Marseille, France, 5CHU Portugal
Rennes - Pontchaillou Hospital, Rennes, France, 6IRSET, Rennes, France and 7University
Rennes 1 - Ufr Médecine, Rennes, France BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors,
the most recent glucose lowering oral agents, prevent glucose and sodium reabsorption
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Kidney Biopsies (KB) performed in patients with at proximal tubules. These drugs have the potential of nephroprotection by their
Type-2 diabetes (T2D) usually aim at differentiating diabetic nephropathy (DN) from glucose lowering effects, but also through direct renal effects, such as reducing
other kidney diseases. However, KB could also help refining patients’ prognosis, both intraglomerular pressure and suppressing the production of pro-inflammatory and
in terms of renal survival, and in terms of patient survival. In 2010, the Renal Pathology pro-fibrotic factors. Several randomized control trials have demonstrated these effects
Society developed a pathological classification of DN, but the prognostic value of the with slowing chronic kidney disease progression. The aim of our study was to evaluate
described items , is still imperfectly documented. We aimed to assess the prognostic the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on estimated glomerular filtration rate throughout five
performances of these items to predict renal and patient survival. years of treatment.
METHOD: Native KBs with diabetic and/or hypertensive nephropathy (DN/HN) METHOD: This was a retrospective observational and longitudinal study that included
performed in patients with T2D in four French centers were analyzed and scored patients diagnosed with DM2 and treated with an iSGLT2 in a Diabetic Clinic.
according to the classification developed by the Renal Pathology Society. Clinical and Demographic and clinical variables were collected, including HbA1c, disease duration
biological data was collected from the patients’ records. Survival analyses were and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Patient glucose-control therapy as well as
performed for renal survival (time to first dialysis or preemptive transplantation) and RAAS inhibitor drugs were gathered. The estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
death after dichotomization of continuous data). For each of the analyses, we first by the formula CKD-EPI and albuminuria, using the urinary albumin-to-creatinine
established a model comprising clinical data only. We then assessed the benefit of ratio, were evaluated at the iSGLT2 introduction date and at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60
adding each of the pathological item to the clinical model. Finally, we performed a months of treatment. Categorical variables are presented as frequencies and
backward stepwise analysis to identify items predictive of renal and/or patient survival. percentages, and continuous variables as means or medians for variables with skewed
RESULTS: We analyzed 165 biopsies with DN/HN from patients with T2D and with at distributions. All reported p values are two-tailed, with a p value of 0.05 indicating
least 12 months of follow-up (unless they reached an endpoint during the first year). statistical significance. A paired Student’s t-test or paired-sample test were performed
Among them, 73 (44%) were male, 155 (94%) had hypertension, 53 (34%) hematuria, for continuous variables and a chi-squared test was performed for categorical variables.
22 (15%) had proliferative diabetic retinopathy (DR), 33 (23%) had non-proliferative RESULTS: A total of 205 patients, 54,6 % male, mean age 65,4 years, median baseline
DR, 90 (62%) had no DR (20 had missing data). Mean (SD) age was 63 (11), median HbA1c 8,4% and median duration of DM2 14 years were studied. Of all patients, 94,1%
[IQR] eGFRCKD-EPI was 29 [18;45] ml/min/1.73m2, urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio had at least 1 CVRF, 71,2% hypertensive, 83,4% dyslipidemia, 48,8% obese, and 25,4%
was 0.38 [0.14;0.83] g/mmol, HbA1c was 7 [6.2;8.2] % and diabetes duration before KB had past/current smoking habits. Regarding glucose-control therapy 17,1% were
was 10 [5;19] years. The median [IQR] follow-up was 33 months[18;57]. During the treated with one drug class and the remaining patients were treated with 2 or more
follow-up, 43 (26%) patients died and 69 (42%) required renal replacement therapy classes. Among the patients 82,0% of them were taking metformin and 51,2% were on
(RRT). The percentage of ischemic glomeruli, and presence of more than one area of insulin therapy. Also, 56,6 % were on a RAAS inhibitor. Overall, 129 (62,9 %) patients
arteriolar hyalinosis (ah=2), were predictive of renal survival and improved the received dapaglifozin therapy (5 or 10mg) and 76 (37,1%) empaglifozin (10 or 25mg).
predictive value of the model when added to clinical parameters. Presence of at least Regarding albuminuria at baseline, 37 patients had normal albuminuria (<30mg/g), 18
one convincing Kimmelstiel–Wilson lesion (nodular glomerulosclerosis or Class III patients had moderate albuminuria (30-300mg/g) and 6 patients had severe
DN) was predictive of death and similarly improved the predictive model (See figure). albuminuria (>300mg/g). As for eGFR, 15,6 % patients had an eGFR between 30 and
CONCLUSION: Pathological findings on KB, as classified by the Renal Pathology 60 and 84,4% patients had an eGFR greater than 60 ml/min/1,73m2. These clinical
Society, carry significant prognostic value in patients with T2D and DN/HN. Vascular features were similar between the patients that received either SGLT2 inhibitor, with
lesions (presence of arteriolar hyalinosis and less than 7% of ischemic glomeruli) the exception of obesity being more prevalent in the dapaglifozin group (55,8 % vs
predicted the need for RRT, while nodular glomerulosclerosis was predictive of 36,8%, p=0,009). Assessing the eGFR during the 5 years of treatment, a significant
death. decrease was noticed in the first 6 months from an 82,3 to 78,6 ml/min/1,73m2
(p=0,002), followed by a significant increase in the second semester to 82,9 ml/min/
1,73m2 (p<0,001). Thereafter there is a slight increase in eGFR throughout the years,
to a maximum of 84,1 ml/min/1,73m2 at 24 months and after a slow reduction to
80,6ml/min/1,73m2 in the end of the 5 years of SGLT2 inhibitor use.
CONCLUSION: This observational study shows that after an initial reduction in eGFR
during the first 6 months of treatment, the use of iSGLT2 after five years slowed the
decrease in eGFR, similar to what randomized control trials have demonstrated,
promoting a renoprotective effect on type 2 diabetic patients.
MO646 Figure: Upper and middle panels: Survival free of dialysis or preemptive
transplantation according to (A) eGFRCKD-EPI below (red) or over (blue) 30 ml/min/ MO647 Figure: Kidney function throughout five years of treatment with SGLT2
1.73m2, (B) UPCR below (red) or over (blue) 0.2 mg/mmol, (C) Hematuria absent inhibitors
(red) or present (blue), (D) Arteriolar hyalinosis 0-1(red) or 2 (blue), (E) Proportion of
ischemic glomeruli below (red) or over (blue) 7%, (F) Adjusted Cox regression analysis
for survival without dialysis of preemptive transplantation.
Lower panel: Patient survival according to (G) eGFRCKD-EPI below (red) or over (blue)
30 ml/min/1.73m2, (H) Nodular glomerulosclerosis absent (red) or present (blue), (I)
Adjusted Cox regression analysis for patients’ survival.
10.1093/ndt/gfab094 | i377
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO648 SERUM SOLUBLE UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR viz, IL 18/cr. Cystatin/Cr and NGAL/Cr. were 0.65, 0.64 and 0.51 respectively.
RECEPTOR IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETIC KIDNEY DISEASE Angiotensinogen/Cr and IL18/Cr showed correlation with log albuminuria r-0.3 p 0.00
and r-0.28 p 0.00 respectively; NGAL with log e-GFR (r-0.28 p0.00).Multivariate
Gabriela Elena Lupusoru1,2, Ioana-Georgiana Ailincai2, Bogdan logistic analysis showed Odds of contracting nephropathy is 7.5 times having higher
Marian Sorohan1,2, Andreea Gabriella Andronesi1,2, Mircea Lupusoru3, values of Log Angio/Cr.
Danut Andronesi4, Dana Manda5, Andra Caragheorgheopol5, Gener Ismail1,2 CONCLUSION: Urinary Angiotensinogen has higher diagnostic value than ACR and
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Nephrology Department, e-GFR followed by IL 18 and Cystatin to diagnose DN at the pre-albuminuric stages
Bucharest, Romania, 2Fundeni Clinical Institute, Nephrology Department, Bucharest, but not urinary NGAL.
Romania, 3Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Physiology Department,
Bucharest, Romania, 4Fundeni Clinical Institute, General Surgery and Liver Transplant
Department, Bucharest, Romania and 5“C.I.Parhon” National Institute of
Endocrinology, Research Department, Bucharest, Romania
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of
end-stage renal disease worldwide, associated with significant cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality. Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) is a novel
biomarker associated with inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and kidney disease.
There is a lack of studies that investigate the role of suPAR in patients with DKD. Our
aim was to assess the level of serum suPAR and to evaluate its association with kidney
function, proteinuria and histological lesions in patients with DKD.
METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional study on 75 patients with DKD evaluated
in our department between 2019 and 2020. Inclusion criteria were: age> 18 years,
diagnosis of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, DKD and absence of malignancy,
autoimmune disease, infectious disease and liver disease. Demographical, clinical and
laboratory parameters were collected at the time of admission. A subset analysis was
performed on 28 patients with biopsy- proven diabetic nephropathy (DN) to
investigate the association of serum suPAR with histological lesions. Kidney function
was evaluated based on serum creatinine and estimated with CKD-EPI formula,
proteinuria was reported as 24h proteinuria and albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) and
serum suPAR levels were measured with a solid-phase ELISA kit. The detection range
of the kit was 12 -360 pg/ml (7.8- 500).
RESULTS: Among the 75 patients, mean age was 57.9612.2 years, male was the
dominant gender (65.3%), mean BMI was 30.765.5 kg/m2, most patients had
hypertension (97.3%) and 22.7% were active smokers. Sixty six out of 75 patients (88%)
had type 2 diabetes and the median duration of diabetes was 180 months (120- 240).
Median values of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), 24h proteinuria and MO649 Figure 1: (a, b, c & d): - Box plots Showing median values, range and
ACR were 24.3 ml/min (15- 36), 4.8 g/24h (1.9- 7.1) and 2000 mg/g, respectively. significance of various biomarkers such as Urine Cystatin-C/urine Creatinine,
Median serum level of suPAR at the time of evaluation was 2857.2 pg/ml (1916.4- Angiotensinogen/Urine Creatinine, IL-18/Urine Creatinine, & NGAL/Urine
3700.1). Its level was positively correlated with duration of diabetes (r= 0.278, p= 0.01), Creatinine levels between Controls (ACR<30 & e-GFR<120) & Cases Groups (i).
eGFR (r= 0.634, p< 0.001), 24h proteinuria (r= 0.490, p< 0.001), ACR (r= 0.524, p< Hyper filtration: ACR<30 & e-GFR120, (ii). Normoalbuminuria: ACR<30 & e-
0.001) and negatively correlated with urine specific gravity (r= -0.284, p= 0.01). In the GFR<120 and (iii). Microalbuminuria: ACR30 & e-GFR>120
subset analysis on 28 patients with biopsy-proven DN, median suPAR level was 2474
pg/ml (1782-3745) and was positively correlated with DN class (r= 0.493, p=0.008) and
interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) score (r= 506, p=0.006), but not with
interstitial inflammation, arteriolar hyalinosis or arteriolosclerosis.
CONCLUSION: Our study showed a high serum level of suPAR in patients with DKD
and its association with duration of diabetes, urinary specific gravity, kidney function
and proteinuria. We also found a positive correlation with severity of glomerular
lesions and IFTA.
i378 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Dr Sanjay Bhat1, Anupma Kaul2, Priyanka Rai1, Rohit Srivastav1
Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Surgery, Lucknow, India and Alba Maroto1, Ester Domenech1, Maria Marques Vidas1, Paula Lo pez1, Jose’
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Nephrology, Lucknow, India M. Portoles1
Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda University Hospital, Majadahonda, Spain
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is a rare but
life-threatening acute suppurative infection of the kidney among diabetics. There is no BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The use of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors
current consensus on management of EPN. (SGLT2i) is associated with increase of hemoglobin (Hb) levels and this effect has been
METHOD: A prospective observational study was conducted at Department of related to improvement of tubulointerstitial hypoxia and increase on EPO production.
General Surgery at RML institute of Medical sciences , Lucknow as well as at Eras Chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated anemia is mainly due to decreased EPO
Lucknow medical college, Lucknow from 2015-2018 to look for clinical, microbial synthesis. The aim of this study was to assess if the degree of Hb increase induced by
profile and treatment outcome of diabetic patients with emphysematous SGLT2i is higher on T2DM patients with decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate
pyelonephritis. (eGFR).
RESULTS: A total of 76 Diabetic patients diagnosed with pyelonephritis were METHOD: We analyzed the changes on Hb after 12 months of SGLT2i treatment in
identified, of which 15 patients were diagnosed with EPN (26.3%). The mean age of the T2DM patients with different degrees of eGFR. All patients were on maximum
patients was 58.466.5 years. Mean duration of diabetes was 5.3 6 3.3 years. 12 (82%) tolerated RAA system blockade, and none was on erythropoiesis or iron therapy.
of the 15 patients with DM had a glycosylated hemoglobin A1C level higher than 7.5. RESULTS: 62 patients were include, age 67,6 6 12,3 years, 72.6% males, eGFR CKD
Renal dysfunction at presentation was seen in 11 (73.3%) patients. Among the EPI 62,9 6 21 (21-108) ml/min/1.73m2. Type of SGLT2i was dapagliflozin (46.8%),
unilateral involvement, left kidney was more affected. Escherichia coli in 11 (73.3%), canagliflozin (30,5%) and empagliflozin (22,6%). 7 patients discontinued SGLT2i
Klebsiella sp. in 1 (6.6%), Pseudomonas in 1 (6.6%), and 1 each with polymicrobial and therapy and 62 were finally include in the analysis. Treatment with SGLT2i induced
fungal UTI respectively. Of 15 EPN patients, 13 (86.6 %) survived and 1 (6.6 %) increase of Hb levels ( KHb 0,57 mg/dl SE 0,17 95% CI 0,25-0,93, p 0,001)
expired. 2 of them underwent nephrectomy both survived. All patients with Stage I, II independently of eGFR (aR2 0.02 p ns) In the multivariate analysis, initial eGFR, and
and IIIa EPN (n = 12) were managed with antibiotics with or without PCD. In EPN basal Hb were the main determinants of the Hb increase induced by SGLT2i treatment
Stage IIIb/IV (n = 3), all the 3 (20 %) patients were managed with antibiotics and PCD (aR2 0,29). eGFR (60 vs >60 ml/min/173) or type of SGLT2i did not modified KHb
and later 2 (13.3%) needed nephrectomy. Only time to diagnosis, altered sensorium, CONCLUSION: We conclude that SGLT2 inhibitors induce increase on Hb level
shock at presentation and thrombocytopenia were associated with poor outcome in independently of eGFR, in patients with preserved renal function, by mechanisms that
EPN patients (P < 0.05) Multiple logistic regression tests showed shock (P = .04) and are yet to be determined.
and disturbance of consciousness (P = .05) on hospital admission as being the
independent factors for poor outcome.
CONCLUSION: EPN in diabetics needs high index of suspicion, timely diagnosis and
good multidisciplinary approach with adequate antibiotics and surgical management
for better patient outcomes.
10.1093/ndt/gfab094 | i379
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO654 REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE AFTER 20 MONTHS USING SGLT2 RESULTS: In table 1 the basal characteristics of this population are shown.
INHIBITORS Analysis of the complete population showed a significant decrease of proteinuria
(Initial mean proteinuria was 1636þ/-1513 mg/24h vs final mean proteinuria of
Renata Carvalho1, Ba rbara Ribeiro1, Joana Medeiros1, José M
ario Bastos1, 1320þ/-1480mg/24h, p=0.015).
Raquel Vaz1, Sofia Homem Melo Marques1, Anto nio Rmalheiro1
Furthermore, the analysis by groups depending on initial proteinuria revealed that
Hospital de Braga, Nephrology, Portugal both groups had a significant reduction of proteinuria after 6 months:
Group 1 ( proteinuria < 1g/24h) presented initial mean proteinuria of 689þ/-1050
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) develops in almost half
mg/24h vs final proteinuria of 648þ/-957mg/24h. p=0.033
of diabetic patients and is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). SGLT2
Group 2 ( proteinuria >1g/24h) presented initial mean proteinuria of 2917þ/-
inhibitors (SGLT2i) have consistently shown to confer kidney protection in patients
1046mg/24h vs final proteinuria of 2244þ/-1600mg/24h. p=0.015
with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The recent KDIGO guidelines suggest their use as a first
A second exam depending on initial GFR was carried out, proving that those with
line medication along with metformin. After the study CREDENCE was published, in
lower initial GFR maintained a significant decreased of proteinuria after 6 months of
mid-2019, DKD patients at the Nephrology outpatient department of the Hospital of
Braga were started on SGLT2i. We aimed at assessing these patients’ clinical and
CONCLUSION: In our cohort, against our hypothesis, we didnt observe lower
laboratory data after the introduction of the new drug.
reduction of proteinuria when we started the treatment with proteinuria above 1 g/24h.
METHOD: We collected data on age, gender, weight, blood pressure (BP) values, the
We can consider that the effect of SGLT2i doesn’t decreased in patients with higher
use of renin-angiotension-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi), kidney function,
initial proteinuria. Therefore, we should always consider and offer this therapeutic
glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), glycosuria, proteinuria and albuminuria at baseline and
option to our ND patients.
during the two next patient assessments. Data was analyzed using SPSSV R.
RESULTS: Twenty-nine DKD patients who started SGLT2i between May 2019 and
August 2020 were followed. Mean age was 71.2613.5 years, 22 patients were male and
their mean weight was 86.9613.9 kg. They had had T2D for a mean of 15.9610.3 years
and a significant percent had end organ damage: 34% had diabetic retinopathy, 24%
complaints suggestive of neuropathy, 51% had documented heart failure and 27% had
cerebral vascular disease. Most were hypertensive with a mean BP of 156619/
83611mmHg and 72.4% were taking RAASi. One third were treated with insulin.
Most patients were started on canagliflozin (n=28) and one patient started
empagliflozin. After starting the drug, patients were evaluated at a mean time of
141655 days and had a second reevaluation at a mean time of 254672 days. On the
first evaluation they showed a significant reduction in the mean systolic BP to
140615.1mmHg (p=0.001). Glycated hemoglobin decreased from a mean of 7.461.3%
to 7.161.1% although this difference was not significant (p=0.4). Protein-creatinine
urinary ratio was significantly reduced from a median value of 1.48 (IQR 0.24-1.85) to
0.93 (IQR 0.40-1.56). Mean serum creatinine increased significantly from baseline until
the first evaluation at 1.9660.49 to 2.2760.66mg/dL (p=0.00) but remained stable on
the second evaluation (2.2960.79mg/dL). Seventy percent of the patients developed
significant glycosuria (urinary concentration >500mg/dL) after starting SGLT2i.
When asked about adherence, most non-glycosuric patients admitted not having
started the drug.
CONCLUSION: Despite having a weak effect in the reduction of HbA1c, SGLT2i are
an exciting drug for kidney protection in DKD. Patient adherence is easy to assess
based on glycosuria. In our experience and based on this criterion drug compliance was
acceptable (at least 70%) and we were able to reinforce instructions among non-
compliant patients. Some of the benefits of SGLT2i were evident soon after they were
started such as the improvement in BP and proteinuria. The initial increase in plasma
creatinine was expected due to reduction in intraglomerular pressure and
hyperfiltration and was noticeable only on the first assessment. We expect to continue
SGLT2i use DKD patients.
i380 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i381–i391, 2021
Yokohama city, Kanagawa, Japan and 4Daiko Biomedical Engineering Research Medical care-Germany) allow RCA for liver support therapy with dialysis system
Institute, Nagoya city, Aichi, Japan 4008HV R and blood flow over 200ml/min. The aim of this study was to compare the
extracellular fluid volume (ECFV). We have developed a method for calculating UDiV monitor using priming heparin (5000UI unfractionated heparin) with predilution (25
from serum uric acid levels before and after hemodialysis based on a uric acid kinetic ml/min) in a 4 hour IHD strategy in patients with high risk for bleeding.
model (Shinzato T, Int J Artif Organs 2020). Urea is evenly distributed throughout the Randomization was stratified on vascular access. Sixty adult patients were randomly
body fluids. Therefore, the total body fluid volume (TBFV) can be calculated by using allocated to one IHD-RCA session or SIHD in a one ICU unit university center from
the same method as the calculation of UDiV for the serum urea level. The remaining 2019 to 2020. Bleeding risk was defined by nephrologist and inclusion need well-
body fluid volume, which is TBFV minus UDiV, is considered to reflect the functioning fistula or double-lumen catheters with a protocol blood flow higher than
intracellular fluid volume (ICFV). In this study, we clarified the relationship between 200 ml/min. The primary end point was the percentage of successful study period,
the amount of change over time in UDiV and ICFV calculated by the uric acid kinetic defined as no premature interruption of a 4 hour hemodialysis session. Secondary end
model and the amount of change over time in the actual body weight of hemodialysis points included dialysis adequacy (KT/V), dialysis circuit bubble trap status and
patients. dialyzer membrane status by visual inspection. The study was declared in ClinicalTrial
METHOD: Subjects were 1,101 patients with chronic maintenance hemodialysis. NCT03562754.
UDiV and ICFV before and after dialysis were calculated for two time points, RESULTS: Two patients from IHD-RCA were excluded of analysis because of early
December 2019 and June 2020. vascular access failure. Causes of bleeding risk were activ bleeding in 25(43%), recent
RESULTS: The amount of change in UDiV per body during the dialysis session surgery or organ biopsy in 31(53%) and Stroke in 2 sessions. 10(17%) patients were
showed a very good correlation with the amount of body weight change during the treated by IHD for AKI3 and other for chronic hemodialysis. 24(41%) patients have
same dialysis (UDiV change = 0.950 x body weight change - 0.158, R-square 0.90, p < fistula, and the mean blood flow was significantly higher in SIDH group vs IHD-RCA
0.0001). The amount of change in ICFV during the 6 months from December 2019 to (294 vs 263 ml/min, p<0.001). All sessions were performed with FX800 dialyzer
June 2020 showed a good correlation with the amount of change in post-dialysis body (Polysulfone, hollow-filter 1.8M2, FMC).
weight during the same period (ICFV change = 0.270 x post-dialysis body weight No statistically significant difference was observed for primary end point between
change þ 0. 240, R-square 0.21, p <0.0001). group with 96% (27/28) of success for IHD-RCA and 83% (23/28) for SIHD (p=0.09).
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the body fluid volume calculated by the uric For secondary end point, no statistically significant difference was observed for KT/V
acid kinetic model has high accuracy. delivery between group (1.69 vs 1.61, p=0.27) but score was statistically significant
different between groups for visual inspection of fiber bundles (p<0.01) and dialysis
circuit bubble traps aspect ( p<0.01 ) with higher score for SIHD.
CONCLUSION: No statitically significant difference was observed between 2 groups
for 4-hour heparin-free hemodialysis sessions but we observed lower session failure
with IHD-RCA. We confirm efficacy of Prometheus device for IHD-RCA in this
population. Moreover, we report a low risk of 4-hour heparin-free session failure with
SIHD without systemic anticoagulation using double lumen access, priming heparin,
high blood flow, predilution and Polysulfone High-flux dialyser in comparison with
other studies.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: Six synthetic, PVP containing, dialyzers (FX CorAL, FX CorDiax cardiovascular outcomes, induces acceleration of atherosclerosis and abnormal bone
[Fresenius Medical Care]; Polyflux, THERANOVA [Baxter]; ELISIO [Nipro]; xevonta metabolism [2,3]. Optical monitoring of the uremic marker molecules in the spent
[B. Braun]) were investigated in the present study. The content of PVP on blood-side dialysate has been proposed [4] to estimate on-line concentration and removal of
surface was determined with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The amount of uremic toxins, allowing to assess total removed solute and removal rate of uremic
elutable PVP was measured photometrically after 5h recirculation. The level of platelet toxins. Although several studies have been published covering the on-line optical
loss was evaluated in an ex vivo recirculation model with human blood. monitoring of the spent dialysate, there is scarce knowledge about relation between
RESULTS: Highest PVP content on the blood-side surface was found for the spent dialysate and blood concentrations for protein-bound uremic solutes.
polysulfone-based FX CorAL (26.3%), while the polyethersulfone-based The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between protein bound uremic
THERANOVA (15.6%) had the lowest PVP content. Elution of PVP was highest for toxin IS concentration in blood and spent dialysate during hemodialysis (HD) and
the autoclave steam sterilized THERANOVA (9.1 mg/1.6m2 dialyzer) and Polyflux (9.0 hemodiafiltration (HDF) with different treatment settings, with the potential of
mg/1.6m2 dialyzer), while the lowest PVP elution was found for the INLINE steam evaluating uremic toxins’ levels in blood by assessing uremic toxins’ concentration in
sterilized FX CorAL and FX CorDiax (< 0.5 mg/1.6m2 dialyzer, for both). Highest spent dialysate.
platelet loss was found for xevonta (þ164.4% compared to the reference) and the METHOD: 22 ESKD patients (16 male and 8 female, 55617 years) on chronic HDF
lowest for the FX CorAL (-225.2%) among the polysulfone-based dialyzers; among the were enrolled into the study (fistula N=15, graft N=7). For each patient 4 midweek
polyethersulfone-based dialyzers, THERANOVA (þ95.5%) had the highest and dialysis sessions (length 240min, HD: N=1, Qb=200ml/min, Qd=300ml/min, 1,5m2;
ELISIO (-52.1%) the lowest platelet loss. HDF: N=3, median (interquartile range) Qb = 298 (296-356) ml/min, Qd= 795 (500-
CONCLUSION: PVP content and elution differs between commercially available 800) ml/min, Vsubst = 21.8 (15-24.5) L, 1,8m2 and 2,2m2) were included. During each
dialyzers and was found to be linked to the membrane material and sterilization dialysis session, blood samples were taken at 0 min (start) and 240 min from the
method. The amount of non-eluted PVP on the blood-side surface may be an arterial blood line, and dialysate samples were taken at 7 min and 240 min from the
important determinant for the hemocompatibility of dialyzers. outlet of the dialysis machine. After sample processing, serum total, serum free and
spent dialysate IS concentrations were determined by HPLC. Regression analysis was
carried out.
RESULTS: Median (interquartile range) IS concentrations in blood were 10.02 (6.68 -
14.68) mmol/L for free IS, 101.33 (56.99- 125.66) mmol/L for total IS, and 3.74 (2.35-
MO659 INITIAL EXPERIENCE OF PERCUTANEOUS 5.93) mmol/L in dialysate at the beginning of dialysis, and 6.07 (3.58- 9.00) mmol/L,
ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA CREATION 56.70 (28.91-80.67) mmol/L, 1.94 (1.15-2.98) mmol/L at the end of dialysis, respectively.
There was a strong correlation between IS concentration in blood and dialysate at the
Lamprini Balta1, Panos Kitrou2, Georgia Andriana Georgopoulou1, beginning and at the end of dialysis even without data normalization by treatment
Marios Papasotiriou1, Evangelos Papachristou1, Dimitrios Karnabatidis2 settings (Fig. 1), with the strongest correlation between free IS concentration and IS in
University Hospital of Patras, Department of Nephrology, Patra, Greece and 2University dialysate at 240 min (R2 = 0,976) and at the beginning of dialysis (R2 = 0,962).
Hospital of Patras, Department of Interventional Radiology, Patra, Greece
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The Study delves into the clinical efficacy and
advantages of centrifugal double filtration plasmapheresis on severe lupus nephritis
(LN) by comparing it with membranous double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP).
MO660 INTERRELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROTEIN BOUND UREMIC METHOD: A retrospective analysis was performed on 56 patients who were diagnosed
TOXIN INDOXYL SULFATE CONCENTRATION IN BLOOD AND with severe LN and had received DFPP treatment from May 2016 and January 2020. Of
SPENT DIALYSATE DURING HEMODIALYSIS TREATMENT them, 38 were given centrifugal DFPP and had their plasma centrifuged in a blood cell
separator, and 18 were given membranous DFPP and had their plasma centrifuged in
Joosep Paats1, Annika Adoberg2, Jürgen Arund1, Ivo Fridolin1, Kai Lauri1,3, an MPS07 plasma separator. An EC20W plasma component separator was used as the
Liisi Leis2, Kristjan Pilt1, Risto Tanner1, Merike Luman1,2 secondary filter to reprocess the separated plasma of all of them. The two DFPPs were
1 compared for differences in clinical efficacy, vascular access, dosage of anticoagulant,
Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Health Technologies, Tallinn, Estonia,
2 treatment cost and adverse events in patients with severe LN.
North Estonia Medical Centre, Centre of Nephrology, Tallinn, Estonia and 3SYNLAB
€ Tallinn, Estonia RESULTS: Of the 56 severe LN patients (including 43 females and 13 males), the
Eesti OU,
median of age of onset was 29 years old, the SLEDAI (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Disease Activity Index) was 18.666.0 points and the serum creatinine was
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Indoxyl sulfate (IS) is a representative of the protein- 402(294,553) umol/L, and all patients had acute kidney injury and 51 of them (91.1%)
bound uremic retention solutes [1]. Among CKD patients, high serum levels of IS are required renal replacement therapy (RRT). A total of 142 DFPPs were performed,
associated with high cardiovascular and all-cause mortality – IS is linked to including 97 centrifugal DFPPs and 45 membranous DFPPs. After treatment and at
i382 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Month 3 of follow-up visit, patients in both the centrifugal DFPP group and the can be seen in both pre- and post-HD measurements of arms and whole body. The aim
membranous DFPP group had ANA, AdsDNA titer, quantitative urinary protein, of the study was to investigate whether this variation between access and non-access
urinary red blood cell count and serum creatinine significantly dropped and sides could affect single-side whole body measurements.
hemoglobin significantly increased over those before treatment, the differences in METHOD: Pre- and post-HD bioimpedance measurements with two 8-point devices
which between the two groups, however, were not statistically significant. The (InBody 770 and Seca mBCA 514) were performed in 11 HD patients with functioning
centrifugal DFPP group had a more significant drop in complements C3 and C4 after AV access in the arm (8 male, pre-HD 75.4 6 13.6 kg, post-HD 72.8 6 13.5 kg). Values
treatment. Comparison of the data before and after a single DFPP treatment showed of resistance at 5 kHz (R5) in the arm and whole body (R5 of arm þ trunk þ leg on the
that the membranous DFPP group had a more significantly longer prothrombin time, same side) were extracted. Whole-body extracellular water (ECW) was calculated using
but there were no differences in partial prothrombin time, fibrinogen and platelet whole-body R5 by the Xitron equation* to evaluate how measuring only one side of the
change between the two groups. At Month 3 of follow-up visit, 31 of the 51 RRT body can affect the fluid volume calculation.
patients (60.8%) (including 34 given centrifugal DFPP and 17 given membranous RESULTS: The R5 of the arm on the access side was lower compared with the non-
DFPP) were released from dialysis, including 23 given centrifugal DFPP and 8 given access side both pre- and post-HD (P < 0.01), measured by InBody. The same was seen
membranous DFPP. In the membranous DFPP group, all patients had the vascular with the Seca but did not reach statistical significance (Table 1). The estimated whole-
access built via the central venous catheter, while in the centrifugal DFPP group, 6 body ECW was higher on the access side for InBody (P < 0.01). With Seca, the same
patients (15.8%) had the vascular access built by puncturing into the artery or vein. The trend was seen but remained non-significant. While the difference in ECW between
dosage of the anticoagulant, the low molecular weight heparin, to the centrifugal DFPP both arms reported by InBody was small, the impact on calculated whole-body ECW
group was significantly lower than that to the membranous DFPP group (11746243 vs was much larger with a difference between sides of 0.50 6 0.82 L pre HD and 0.55 6
41066399IU, P<0.001), and in the centrifugal DFPP group, 29 patients (76.3%) were 0.81 L post HD.
given 4% citric acid alone for anti-coagulation. No blood coagulation occurred. In CONCLUSION: InBody appears to pick up the difference in fluid status between the
terms of treatment consumables, the membranous DFPP group had a significantly access and non-access side with greater precision than Seca. The large contribution of
higher cost than the centrifugal DFPP group (RMB4340.26237.0 vs 5677.060.0, the arm to whole-body resistance amplifies the impact of the presence of an AV access
P<0.001). Two patients (4.4%) in the membranous DFPP group developed skin on whole-body ECW estimations based on single-side wrist-to-ankle bioimpedance
ectasis, epistaxis or aggravated alveolar hemorrhage after treatment, and four patients measurements. Eight-point bioimpedance devices (like the tested InBody and Seca)
(4.1%) in the centrifugal DFPP group developed perioral numbness, numbness in distal measure both sides of the body, so, choice of measurement side does not enter the
extremities or tetany during treatment, which was alleviated after calcium picture.
CONCLUSION: Centrifugal DFPP differed little from membranous DFPP in clinical
efficacy in severe LN patients, but had lower anti-coagulation requirements, cost less
on treatment consumables, and caused no severe adverse events, so it can be used as an
important means to treat severe LN.
MO662 Table 1. Comparison of arm and whole-body resistance between access and non-access sides, measured with InBody and Seca in 12 hemodialysis
patients. Estimated extracellular water was calculated using Xitron equation.
Rx resistance at x kHz. Values are mean 6 standard deviation; groups were compared by paired t-test.
ECW: extracellular water, ECWXitron: extracellular water calculated by the Xitron equation*, which predicts the fluid volume by one-side wrist-to-ankle
measurement (Xitron technology,
2 pffiffiffiffi Inc., San Diego,
2CA,2 USA).
=3 KB qECW
*ECW ¼ kECW L R0W , where kECW ¼ 10001
DB . W is body weight [kg], L is height [cm], R0 is represented by the resistance value at 5kHz [X],
KB is a factor correcting relative proportions of the leg, arm, trunk and height, qECW is the resistivity of extracellular volume [X cm], DB is body density
10.1093/ndt/gfab099 | i383
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO663 THE UTILITY OF SMART SCALES TO MONITOR BODY RESULTS: Sixteen patients were included (13 males, mean age 72615 years). Four
COMPOSITION IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS patients (25%) died. Factors associated to mortality were dialysis vintage (p=0.01), the
presence of infiltrates in chest X-ray (p=0.032), serum C-reactive protein (p=0.05) and
Lucia Cordero1, Marta Rivero Martınez1, Paula Jara Caro Espada1, lactate dehydrogenase (p=0.02) at one week, the requirement of oxygen therapy
Elena Gutiérrez1, Evangelina Mérida1, Lucia Aubert1, Justo Sandino Pérez1, (p=0.02) and the use of anticoagulation (p<0.01). At admission, post-dialysis
Claudia Yuste1 interleukin-6 levels were higher (p<0.01) in non-survivors and these patients differed
Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain from survivors in the reduction of interleukin-6 levels during the dialysis session
despite using a PMMA filter (survivors vs non survivors (25 [17-53]% vs -3 [-109-12]
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Overhydration (OH) is an independent predictor of %, p=0.04).
mortality on hemodialysis (HD). The gold standard to assess OH is BCM monitor CONCLUSION: In hemodialysis COVID-19 patients, a positive balance of
from FreseniusV R , however BCM is a hospital hold device limiting its use. New smart interleukin-6 during the session was associated to higher mortality.
scales have emerged as household devices reporting daily body composition data.
OBJECTIVE: To determine if Renpho ES-CS20MV R could be useful on a 52 HD patient
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The air contamination from the dialysis circuit into the
BCM Total Body Water estimated 33.4 6 5.7 patient’s body is an unsolved serious problem. Recently, Automatic priming function
Predialysis Overhydration 1.7 6 1.5 of dialysis machines is widely used. There are rarely any air bubbles left in the
extracorporeal circuit after automatic priming of the dialysis machines. To use this
Ultrafiltration during HD session 1.8 6 0.9
method, the arterial and venous sides of the extracorporeal circuit are connected to
Urea distribution volume 31.7 6 5.7 create a closed circuit so that dialysate can circulate and overflowed through a line
Extracelular Water 9.12 6 11.8 from this closed circuit. However, air bubbles may enter when disconnecting the closed
extracorporeal circuit and attaching the needles. We tried to solve this problem by
Intracelular Water 17.1 63.4 simply connecting the arterial and venous needles to the extracorporeal closed circuit
before the process of automatic priming process. To prime the whole extracorporeal
circuit with needles, we had made a brand-new suitable cap of the needle, which is
tightly connected with a needle and has an open end. (Fig) This special cap allows the
needle to be incorporated into the closed circuit prior to the automatic priming
process, allowing the dialysis machine to completely remove the air during priming
MO664 DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT OF INTERLEUKIN-6 DURING process. The purpose of this study is to present the details of this new method and
HEMODIALYSIS AND MORTALITY IN COVID 19 compare its effectiveness in preventing air bubble contamination between the
traditional method and this new method.
Patricia Mun~oz Ramos1, Martin Giorgi1, Yohana Gil Giraldo1, Antonio De Santos1,
METHOD: A prospective, non-randomized, comparative study was conducted to
Almudena Nu n~ez1, Guillermina Barril1, Borja Quiroga1
verify whether air remained grossly visible after the needle was connected to the
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain extracorporeal circuit.
The traditional method: DCS-100NX (Nikkiso Co Ltd, Tokyo Japan) was used for
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The impact of the newly discovered severe acute extracorporeal circuit priming. After the automatic priming was finished. Nurses
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing coronavirus disease-19 disconnect the arterial and venous side of the extracorporeal circuit and connect both
(COVID-19) in hemodialysis patients remains poorly characterized. Some ends to the needles by hands. The nurse operates the dialysis machine to blow the small
hemodialysis techniques reduce systemic inflammation but their impact on COVID-19 amount of dialysate out of the needle and tried to remove the air. It takes nearly
has not been addressed. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate factors 2minutes in each case. We examined the extracorporeal circuits consecutively.
associated to mortality in COVID-19 hemodialysis patients, including the impact of New cap-based method: The needles were connected to the closed circuit with the new
reducing interleukin-6 using a cytokine adsorbent filter. cap and auto-primed by the dialysis machine N100. Automatic priming, including the
METHOD: This is a prospective single-center study including 16 hemodialysis needle were performed consecutively.
patients with COVID-19. All were dialyzed using a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) In each method, we thoroughly checked for any remaining macro bubbles with the
filter. Interleukin-6 levels were obtained before and after the first admission naked eye. Since bubbles in the extracorporeal circuit on the arterial side are likely to be
hemodialysis session and at one week. Also we collected serum samples from 8 patients supplemented by the air trap chamber, only bubbles on the venous side were
of our unit as controls: 4 in online hemodiafiltration (OLHDF) and 4 in high-flux compared.
hemodialysis Baseline comorbidities, laboratory values, chest X-ray and treatments RESULTS: The study was conducted in October 15th to 24th 2020 at the Yokohama
were recorded and compared between survivors and non-survivors. Minami Clinic.
i384 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
The traditional method: We checked 50 extracorporeal circuits consecutively. There ferritin levels. Solute kinetics measurements showed higher myoglobin clearance
were bubbles in the venous side of the extracorporeal circuits 29 times out of 50 times. during SDHDF (45.95611.0 mL/min) compared to SDHD1 (20.1165.2 mL/min,
New cap-based method: 10 consecutive automatic priming, including the needle was p<0.01) or to SDHD2 (21.3963.55 mL/min, p<0.01). Likewise, there was a slight
performed. DCS-100NX was used as the dialysis machine. There were no bubbles increase in b2-microglobulin removal in SDHDF (64.92610.4 mL/min) compared to
visible to the naked eye in the arterial and venous side of the circuit. SDHD1 (59.78617.0 mL/min, p<0.01) or to SDHD1 (53.0167.71 mL/min, p<0.01),
STATISTICAL RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference of the bubble whereas there were no significant differences in urea and creatinine clearances. On the
count between the traditional method and new cap-based method. (p=0.0001, other hand, predialysis osteometabolic (serum PTH, calcium, phosphate, alkaline
Pearson’s chi-square test) phosphatase, sodium, potassium, glucose and glycated hemoglobin), inflammatory
CONCLUSION: All visible bubbles were removed automatically by simply connecting (serum c-reactive protein and interleukin-6) or nutritional (serum albumin, total
the needles using this brand-new cap before a process of automatic priming. This easy- protein and lipid profile) parameters did not change significantly during the study. Left
to-use and highly effective cap could be considered an essential device for hemodialysis ventricular mass index, left atrial volume index and global longitudinal strain, assessed
treatment like seat belts in automobiles. by echocardiography at the end of all 3 periods, were similar, as well as brain
natriuretic peptide and homocysteine serum levels. Additionally, there were no
significant changes in any quality of life features evaluated by Kidney Disease Quality
of Life-Short Form, or symptoms assessed by Edmonton Symptom Assessment System
Revised Renal, throughout the full course of the study.
CONCLUSION: In spite of mild increase of predialysis mean arterial pressure and
hemoglobin levels along with greater removal of middle molecular weight solutes, no
others clinical, laboratory, echocardiographic or quality of life findings differed
significantly during the three periods. Together, these data do not provide evidence of
clinically meaningful benefit from on-line hemodiafiltration over high-flux
hemodialysis, both performed six times a week.
Olimkhon Sharapov1,2
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Internal Disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and
Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Nephrology and Kidney
transplantation, Nephrology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Until recently, for various reasons in Uzbekistan, it was
often necessary to reuse disposable dialyzers for hemodialysis procedures. On June 13,
2018, a Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was issued on
measures to improve the effectiveness of the provision of nephrological and dialysis
care to the population of our country. Thanks to this, funding and provision of all
nephrological and dialysis centers have sharply increased, as well as the country’s
transplant service has been re-established. Since the end of 2018, dialyzers are used
MO666 INVESTIGATIONS INTO DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES exclusively once in all dialysis centers in our country. We were interested in
BETWEEN SHORT DAILY HIGH-FLUX HEMODIALYSIS AND comparatively studying the survival rate of dialysis patients during one year, before and
SHORT DAILY ON-LINE HEMODIAFILTRATION after the transition to the use of single dialyzers in our center.
METHOD: We conducted a prospective observation of 120 (63 men and 57 women)
Natalia Melo1, Lucio Isoni1, Rossana Simoes1, Ludimila Allemand1, patients with end-stage CKD and receiving programmed hemodialysis at our dialysis
Daniel Vasconcelos2, Juliane Lauar1, Istenio Pascoal1 center in Tashkent. Our observation took place for 2 years: from the beginning of 2018
1 to the end of 2019. The study took place in 2 stages, 1 year each: at the first stage,
alise - CBN&D, Brasilia, Brazil and 2University of
Centro Brasiliense de Nefrologia & Di within 1 year (from the beginning to the end of 2018), the survival rate of the observed
Brasılia, Brasilia, Brazil patients receiving hemodialysis with repeated use of disposable dialyzers was assessed.
At the second stage (after the transition to one-time use of dialyzers throughout the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Short daily hemodialysis (SDHD) has improved country), also for 1 year (from the beginning to the end of 2019), all the patients we
outcomes observed in conventional thrice-weekly hemodialysis (CHD). Analogously, observed received hemodialysis sessions with a single use of dialyzers. All patients were
short daily hemodiafiltration (SDHDF) has also improved outcomes observed in diagnosed with end-stage CKD. The average age of the patients was 49.7 6 14.1 years.
conventional thrice-weekly hemodiafiltration (CHDF). Furthermore, while high- The average duration of hemodialysis was 29.4 (6-252) months. All patients underwent
volume CHDF has been proclaimed to be superior to CHD, there have been no studies hemodialysis sessions with identical apparatus and dialyzers of the same manufacturer.
comparing SDHDF to SDHD. We performed a comparison of clinical, laboratory, The primary diseases in the patients were glomerulonephritis (n = 44, 36.7%), type 2
echocardiographic and quality of life features in dialysis patients treated by SDHD or diabetes (n = 38, 31.7%), urolithiasis (n = 13, 10.8%), polycystic kidney disease (n = 7,
SDHDF. 5.8%), lupus (n = 5, 4.2%) and others (n = 13, 10.8%). Survival was assessed using the
METHOD: Twelve patients (mean age 60.8615.4 years; 7 males; AVF 7, AVG 1, Kaplan-Meier method, the confidence interval was determined by Greenwood.
Catheter 4) on regular in-center SDHD program were studied in a longitudinal, RESULTS: During the entire period (24 months) of observation, out of 120 patients,
prospective, non-randomized, single-subject A-B-A design comparing high-flux 26.7% (n = 32) patients died, 73.3% (n = 88) survived (of which 10 patients underwent
SDHD to post-dilution on-line SDHDF. Patients had been for at least 6 months on kidney transplantation). We will assess the survival rate depending on the periods of
SDHD (105-150min, 6x/week; SDHD1) and were clinically stable before conversion to dialyzer use.
SDHDF (105-150min, 6x/week, mean total convective volume of 63.5765.44 L per During 1 year of follow-up (the period of repeated use of disposable dialyzers), 19.2%
week) for 6 months. Following that, all patients were switched back to SDHD for (n = 23) patients died, 80.8% (n = 97) survived and continued to receive hemodialysis,
another 6 months (SDHD2). Data were collected at the end of each period. Dialysis of which 2 (1.7%) patients underwent a kidney transplant and knocked out of
parameters throughout the study were matched and set as follows: high-flux observation. The main cause of death was cardiovascular complications (sudden
polysulfone dialyzers (BBraun Xevonta Hi 23V R ), blood flow 300–350 mL/min, dialysate
cardiac death, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc.), as a result of which 69.6% (n = 16) of
flow 500 mL/min and ultra-purified water (Aquaboss heat disinfection osmosis). The patients died. The survival rate for 1 year was S (t) = 0.815 [95% CI, 0.745-0.885].
results were expressed as mean 6 standard deviation. Each patient served as his/her Over the next 12 months (single use period), out of 95 patients continuing to receive
own control. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. hemodialysis, 9.5% (n = 9) patients died, 82.1% (n = 78) patients survived. 8.4% (n = 8)
RESULTS: Slightly higher predialysis mean arterial pressure (MAP) levels were of the observed patients underwent kidney transplantation. 55.6% (n = 5) of all
observed during SDHDF (102.51611.28 mmHg) compared to SDHD1 (MAP deceased patients died from cardiovascular complications. The survival rate at 1 year
95.569.82 mmHg, p<0.01) or to SDHD2 (97.61611.19 mmHg, p=0.03), without was S (t) = 0.901 [95% CI, 0.839-0.962].
significant differences in intradialytic blood pressure variability. Similarly, there was an CONCLUSION: Compliance with the standards for hemodialysis, in particular, the
increase in predialysis hemoglobin levels (Hb) during SDHDF (Hb 12.3961.2 g/dL), single use of disposable dialyzers for hemodialysis sessions leads to a decrease in the
compared to SDHD1 (Hb 11.3061.09 g/dL, p=0.02) or to SDHD2 (Hb 11.2361.84 g/ lethality of dialysis patients. The transition from multiple to single use of disposable
dL, p<0.01), although there were no significant differences in erythropoietin- dialyzers in one dialysis center in Uzbekistan showed a significant increase in survival
stimulating agent or iron supplementation weekly doses, transferrin saturation rates or by 10.6%.
10.1093/ndt/gfab099 | i385
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
treatment options are needed, yet pharmacologic interventions remain limited. Several
extracorporeal treatments are currently explored concerning their potential to improve
the clinical course and outcome of critically ill patients with COVID-19. The SeraphV R
100 MicrobindV R Affinity adsorber (Exthera Medical, CA, USA) has recently been
introduced for the elimination of several pathogens from the blood and an emergency
authorization in patients with COVID-19 was granted by the FDA. Bacteria, viruses
(including the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein), fungi and toxins have been shown to
bind to the immobilized heparin on the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene
beads of the device in a similar way to the interaction with heparan sulfate on the cell-
surface and are thereby removed from the bloodstream. Here we report the interim
analysis of the COVID-19 patients treated with the SeraphV R 100 MicrobindV R Affinity
filter (COSA) registry. The goal of the registry is to gather data regarding the safety and
efficacy of the SeraphV R 100 in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.
MO668 EXTRACORPOREAL REMOVAL OF MYOGLOBIN IN symptom onset, without any difference between survivors and non-survivors. Overall,
PATIENTS WITH RHABDOMYOLYSIS AND SEVERE ACUTE a mortality of 27% was reported. Serious comorbidities (as preadmission
KIDNEY INJURY: COMPARISON OF HIGH AND MEDIUM CUT- immunosuppressive therapy, lung fibrosis or CKD5T) were reported in all of the non-
OFF MEMBRANE AND AN ADSORBER CARTRIDGE survivors. Invasive ventilation was needed in 67% of these patients when Seraph
treatment was initiated. A non-significant trend towards higher Ferritin levels in non-
Alexander Jerman1, Milena Andonova1,2, Vanja Persi c1,2, Jakob Gubensek1,2 survivors (2000 (1963 – 8326) vs. 989 (644 – 2000), p=0.09) was reported. All
1 treatments were well tolerated, three clotting events were reported.
UMC Ljubljana, Dept. of nephrology, Ljubljana, Slovenia and 2Faculty of Medicine, CONCLUSION: Viral SARS-CoV-2 RNA is frequently (up to 78%) seen in the blood
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia of critically ill COVID-19 patients and correlates with the severity of the disease. The
SeraphV R 100 can bind to viral spike protein, proinflammatory cytokines may be
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Severe rhabdomyolysis often causes acute kidney reduced by the device and hemodynamic stabilization has been reported during the
injury (AKI). If severe, AKI significantly reduces myoglobin removal through the SeraphV R 100 treatment of COVID-19 patients. Platelets can be hyperactivated in
kidneys. Given molecular size of myoglobin, extracorporeal removal using newer association with SARS-CoV-2 proteins and thus presumably trigger the
hemodialysis membranes and adsorption techniques is possible, although its role on hypercoagulation and thrombosis. In this context, the removal of SARS-CoV-2
clinically significant outcomes is not yet fully established. We aimed to compare the proteins to prevent hyperactivated platelets appears to be a sensible approach.
efficacy of high cut-off (HCO) membrane, medium cut-off (MCO) membrane and All reported deaths were associated with serious preexisting comorbidities,
CytosorbV R adsorber on myoglobin removal.
immunosuppression, dialysis dependent renal failure, or a combination of these
METHOD: In this retrospective study we included 15 patients with AKI and factors. Hence, SeraphV R 100 treatment may be most beneficial in COVID-19 courses of
concomitant rhabdomyolysis with severely increased myoglobin (>20.000 mg/L), who patients without multi organ failure. More clinical data is needed to describe possible
underwent at least one extracorporeal procedure with the intention of extracorporeal benefits of the SeraphV R 100 in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.
myoglobin removal. There were 28 procedures performed: 13 HCO (TheraliteV R,
Cytosorbents) procedures. Serum myoglobin and albumin levels were recorded from
the time frame of up to 12 hours prior to and up to 12 hours after the index procedure
and reduction rates (RR) for myoglobin were calculated. Albumin levels were
compared before and after procedure as a safety parameter.
RESULTS: Treatment duration differed significantly and was the longest for
CytosorbV R adsorber (median 11 h) and the shortest for MCO membrane (median 5 h).
Pre-treatment serum myoglobin levels were comparable across the groups. Reduction
in myoglobin during procedure was significant for HCO and MCO and borderline
significant in adsorber group, with respective median RR of 0.64, 0.54 and 0.50 (p =
0.83). Routine albumin substitution was implemented only in HCO group, but serum
albumin levels were stable in all subgroups.
CONCLUSION: In this preliminary observational study we found comparable
effectiveness of a novel MCO and ‘standard’ HCO dialysis membrane for serum
myoglobin removal in patients with severe AKI. Cytokine adsorber showed borderline
effectiveness, but the number of procedures in this group was small. MCO dialysis is
associated with lower costs and no need for albumin supplementation and therefore
might be the optimal mode of treatment of severe rhabdomyolysis-associated AKI. For
patients with multiorgan failure requiring cytokine removal and severe
myoglobinemia, hemoadsorption can reduce cytokine and myoglobin levels
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The COVID-19 pandemic has serious impact on health BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The myeloma cast nephropathy is largely associated
and economics worldwide. Despite the recent advent of SARS-Cov-2 vaccines, with the production of intact immunoglobulin and free light chains (FLC) by a plasma
cells monoclone. The use of high-flux hemodiafiltration (HDF) contributes to a
i386 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
decrease in the concentration of FLC. However, it is not always possible to achieve the MO671 COMPARASION OF EXPENDED HEMODIALYSIS USING A
required substitute volume with acute kidney injury (AKI) emergency treatment. An MEDIUM CUT-OFF DIALYZER VERSUS
alternative to HDF could be the usage of membranes with a medium cut-off (expanded HEMODIAFILTRATION: AN OBSERVATIONAL PROSPECTIVE
hemodialysis (HD), Expanded HD). The aim of this study was to compare the degree STUDY
of reduction in FLC concentration using conventional HD, HDF and Expanded HD.
METHOD: The study includes patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma who Tijana Azasevac1,2, Violeta Knezevic1,2, Gordana Strazmester Majstorovic1,2,
presented indications for HD therapy start. Procedures were performed on a daily basis Mira Markovic1, Vladimir Veselinov1, Nevena Eremic Kojic2,3, Dejan Celic1,2,
from the moment when indications for HD therapy were identified. The duration of Igor Mitic1,2
the first three procedures was 2 hours. Consistently for each patient the first procedure Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Clinic of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology,
was carried out using a standard low-flow filter, the second - using a high-flow dialyzer Novi Sad, Serbia, 2University of Novi Sad, Faculty of medicine Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
and HDF (substitute volume 9 liters for 2 hours), the third - using a Theranova 400 and 3Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Centre for Laboratory Medicine, Novi Sad,
filter (Baxter, Germany). The concentrations of FLC (kappa and lambda) and albumin Serbia
were determined every 30 minutes of each treatment. Chemotherapy was prescribed
according to the local clinical recommendations in combination with the ongoing renal BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Expended hemodialysis (HDx) with medium cut-off
replacement therapy. (MCO) membrane enables efficient depuration of middleweight uremic toxins, which
RESULTS: The study included 7 patients with cast nephropathy, mean age 6868 years. play significant roles in inflammation and cardiovascular morbidity. Hemodiafiltration
Average concentration before treatment: kappa FLC 8766727 lg/ml (norm 3.25-15.81 (HDF) is known for good removal of middle molecules but it requires more technical
lg/ml), lambda FLK 846112 lg/ml (norm 3.23-28.05 lg/ml), albumin 3461 g/l resources and well-functioning dialysis access.
(norm 40-50 g/l). After 2 hours of treatment, there was a decrease in kappa FLC The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of depuration of uremic toxins with a
concentration with HDF (-34633%, p=0.01) and with Expanded HD (-31612%, high-flux dialyzer during HDF session and with a MCO membrane (TheranovaV R ) in
p<0.001), but not with conventional HD (-167, p=0.79, Fig 1). The lambda FLC HDx session and its impact on quality of life (QoL) in hemodialysis patients.
concentration also decreased with HDF (-41629%, p=0.01) and with Expanded HD (- METHOD: In an open, single-centre, prospective observational clinical study, 28 adult
28622%, p=0.01), but not with conventional HD (-3612, p=0.65, Fig 2). Albumin stable HD patients without residual renal function were assigned to be treated by on-
concentrations did not change significantly with any of the treatments. line HDF (HDF group) with the APS-21H dialyzer (polysulfone membrane, 2.1 m2,
Asahi Kasei Medical Co., Japan) or by HDx (HDx group) with the Theranova 400 (1.7
m2) and Theranova 500 (2.0 m2) dialyzers (Baxter International Inc, USA). The study
was conducted during 2019-2020 and completed after 12 months period. All patients
were receiving maintenance high-flux membrane HDF treatment at least six months
before they were enrolled in the study. Groups of patients were matched in age, sex,
BMI, dialysis length and underlying disease. Complete blood count (CBC), renal
function and inflammation, electrolytes, liver function tests, iron and nutritional status
were evaluated at the beginning of the study and after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Pre and
postdialysis levels for urea, creatinine, albumin, calcium, phosphorus, C-Reactive
Protein, kappa and lambda free light chains (FLC), vitamin B12, b2 microglobulin
levels were determined in each patient quarterly and reduction rate (RR) for uremic
toxins were calculated. Furthermore single-pool Kt/V, dose of erythropoietin therapy
(EPO) and vascular access were evaluated during the study, while bioimpedance
analysis using Body composition monitor (Fresenius Medical Care, Germany) and
QoL using SF-36 questionnaire (Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form-
KDQOLTM-36) were evaluated at the end of observation period. The values have been
reported as mean 6SD.
RESULTS: There were 28 patients (14 in each group) mean age of 54.24 years
(57.7169.65 in HDx group vs 59.8167.99 in HDF group). Median dialysis vintage was
4.77 years (5.33 in HDx group vs 6.46 in HDF group, p=0.55). Vascular access was
native arteriovenous fistula in 23 patients, arteriovenous graft in 2 patients and
tunnelled dialysis catheter in 3 patients (p=0.98). Kt/V was similar in both groups
(1.5760.31 vs 1.4560.24, p=0.9), as well as weekly dose of EPO (4533.361922.3 vs
MO670 Figure 1: Changes in the blood kappa-LC concentration during Expanded 4233.361971.8, p=0.67). Patients in HDF group had a significantly higher interdialysis
HD, HDF and Conventional HD treatments, % fluid overload (2,4861,37 in HDx group vs 3,6461,33 in HDF group, p=0.04), without
difference in relation to the systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, as well as
others BCM parameters. There were not significant differences in examined
parameters of CBC, renal function and inflammation, electrolytes, liver function tests,
iron and nutritional status at the beginning and at the end of the study. RR of small and
middle molecules are presented in Table 1. Serum albumin level has decreased from
37.8 g/dL to 36.4 g/dL in 12 months during HDx treatment with maximal change of
serum albumin level of -3.7% during that period (Figure 1). Evaluation of Kidney
Disease Quality of Life Short Form at the end of study period in both groups is shown
in Figure 2.
CONCLUSION: Expanded HD, as well as high-flow HDF, helps to reduce the FLC
concentration in patients with cast nephropathy without loss of albumin, which may
have a positive effect on the multiple myeloma prognosis. Further studies are needed
regarding possibilities of using Expanded HD in the complex therapy for patients with
AKI in myeloma cast nephropathy.
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i388 | Abstracts
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Percent Hadia Hebibi1, David Attaf2, Magali Ciroldi3, Laure Cornillac2, Charles Chazot4,
Anxiety score HADS-P >=8 34.8 Bernard Canaud5,6
Depression score HADS-P >=8 21.7 NephroCare Villejuif, Val de marne, Villejuif, France, 2Fresenius Medical Care FRANCE,
Fresnes, France, 3NephroCare Villejuif, Villejuif, France, 4Nephrocare Ile de France,
Fresnes, France, 5Université Montpellier, Montpellier, France and 6Fresenius Medical
Care, Bad Homburg vor der Höhe, Germany
MO673 Table. Frequency and Association of Anxiety and Depression to
Demographic Data
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several studies showed that DHHD improved survival
Anxiety Score HADS-P >=8 Test of Association and quality of life and allowed a lower cost for health system. The aim of this study was
Count Row N % p-value Remark to describe our first experience of DHHD in our dialysis center.
Age 20-35 2 66.7% 0.061 ns METHOD: We included 9 dialyzed patients trained on Nx StageV R machine (Fresenius
Medical Care) from February to December 2020. Data was retrospectively obtained
36-50 4 40.0% through review of our medical electronic records (EuclidV R ).
51-69 9 22.5% RESULTS: Among 9 patients trained, 8 were installed at home, with an average follow
up of 7 months. 6 patients were dialyzed in self hemodialysis facilities. The mean age
70 & above 9 56.3% was 45 years (28-71), 6 women, BMI: 24 kg/m2 (21-30), dialysis vintage: 5 years and 7
Sex Female 17 42.5% 0.132 ns patients are on transplant list. The Charlson score was: 5 (4-8), 5 patients had a
Male 7 24.1% residual diuresis> 500 ml/d. The average training duration was 5 weeks (4-8). Our
training program targeted the self-puncture of AVF and the self-assembly of the
Marital status Single 5 41.7% 0.740 ns machine by the patient. 100% of AVF were cannulated through Buttonhole technique.
Married 19 33.3% 6 patients were dialyzed 6 times a week and only one patient needed anticoagulants.
Educational Grade School 2 50.0% 0.208 ns The blood pressure improved on the first days of DHHD (# 50% of drugs for 50% of
patients). Hemoglobin level maintained between 10-12 g/dl with # EPO. The mineral
attainment High School 3 20.0% metabolism status was improved for all patients, with stopping of binders in one case.
College 15 34.1% DHHD reduced symptoms like fatigue, cramping and post-dialysis recovery for all
patients, and allowed for patients a better socio-professional integration. A medico-
Postgraduate 4 66.7% economic analysis is conducted.
Duration of <1 year 4 57.1% 0.027 sig CONCLUSION: DHHD improved blood pressure, anemia, mineral status and quality
treatment 1-3 yrs 3 13.6% of life. Through economy in medicaltransport and better socio-professional integration
DHD provides savings for the health system
4-6 yrs 12 52.2%
7 yrs or more 5 29.4%
Hemoglobin <100 7 36.8% 0.314 ns
>115 4 21.1% CASES
Albumin <3.4 6 40.0% 1.000 ns
Neva Bezeljak1,2, Vanja Persic 1,2, Darja Krevh Golubic 3, Igor Vidmar2,3,
3.4-5 10 37.0% Milena Andonova1,2, Alexander Jerman1, Barbara Vajdi c Trampuz1,2,
KT/V < 1.2 5 33.3% 1.000 ns Ana Zupunski Cede1,2, Vladimir Premru1,2, Jakob Gubensek1,2
>= 1.2 19 35.2% University Medical Centre, Centre for Acute and Complicated Dialysis, Department of
Nephrology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Ljubljana,
Depression score Slovenia and 3University Medical Centre, Department of Pediatric Surgery and Intensive
Age 20-35 1 33.3% 0.762 ns Care, Ljubljana, Slovenia
36-50 1 10.0%
51-69 9 22.5% BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemoadsorption with CytosorbV R cartridge is one of
attainment High School 3 20.0% was coupled with continuous veno-venous hemodialysis (CVVHD, Prismaflex system,
College 8 18.2% Gambro) in pre-filter (ST60 set, Gambro) position. In children <10 kg body weight (2
infants), the extracorporeal circuit was prefilled with a 1:1 mixture of packed red blood
Postgraduate 2 33.3% cells and saline, with heparin added. Automated regional citrate anticoagulation was
Duration of <1 year 1 14.3% 0.546 ns used, blood flow was 30-100 ml/min and dialysate flow 500 ml/h.
RESULTS: The youngest child was 10 days old 1.9 kg premature female with acute
treatment 1-3 yrs 3 13.6% liver failure due to gestational alloimmune liver disease. CVVHD was started for
4-6 yrs 7 30.4% hyperammonemia and concomitant CytoSorbV R for severe hyperbilirubinemia (335
7 yrs or more 4 23.5% umol/l). Procedure was discontinued after 6 hours due to uncontrollable sepsis and
hemodynamic collapse. We managed to normalize ammonia values and reduce
Hemoglobin <100 5 26.3% 0.842 ns bilirubin concentration (116 umol/l). Further treatment was withdrawn as a result of
100-115 6 19.4% irreversible multiorgan failure.
>115 4 21.1% One month old 2.5 kg female patient was treated in PICU due to necrotizing
enterocolitis and refractory septic shock with multiorgan failure. Oliguric acute kidney
Albumin <3.4 4 26.7% 1.000 ns injury (AKI) required CVVHD and later on Cytosorb V R was added as an attempt to
3.4-5 6 22.2% limit severe hyperinflammatory condition. During 19 hours of treatment the need for
vasopressor support was increasing and metabolic acidosis was deepening. The patient
KT/V < 1.2 3 20.0% 1.000 ns required a short resuscitation a couple of hours into the procedure due to bradycardia
>= 1.2 12 22.2%
10.1093/ndt/gfab099 | i389
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
which resulted in catheter and CVVHD circuit thrombosis. Dialysis was discontinued METHOD: From March till December 2020. Department for hemodialysis in Novi
as urgent surgery was necessary. The patient later died of uncontrolled septic shock. Sad did 184 renal replacement therapy (RRT) procedures (proc) on 65 Covid 19
Three years old 17 kg male was admitted with meningococcal septic shock, requiring positive pts.
initiation of veno-arterial ECMO. CytosorbV R with CVVHD was started and attached RESULTS: There were 73,85% men and 26,15% women (p < 0,01), with average (avs.)
to the ECMO circuit. A significant decline of interleukine-6 (IL-6) was achieved age of 65,8 years (SD 9,20). Most of them were admitted directly to the Intensive care
without any procedure-related side effect and treatment was discontinued after 68 unit, 64,62% (p < 0,01). The length of stay in hospital ranged from 2 - 61 days (avs.
hours as patient’s clinical status notably improved. The patient survived. 15,86; SD 11,19). The most common comorbidities were hypertension (86,1%),
Five years old 20 kg female patient, actively treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia, diabetes (33,8%), coronary disease (30,8%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
was admitted with E. coli sepsis. Septic shock was unresponsive to conventional (21,5%). Most common indication for RRT was acutisation of chronic kidney disease
treatment therefore she was started on CytosorbV R with CVVHD as oliguric AKI also (CKD) 43,08% (p < 0,01) followed by pre-existing end stage renal disease (ESRD)
developed. Two consecutive procedures were preformed, the first for 31 and the second 29,23% and AKI 27,69%. RRT was started 1 - 31 days after the admittance (avs. 8,51;
for 37 hours. Level of IL-6 decreased (from > 5000 ng/L to 1000 ng/L) and lactate level SD 7,33). 57 intermittent hemodialysis proc (30,98%) were done on 13 pts (14,06%)
normalized. We achieved reduction in vasopressors and oxygen need during both who were hemodynamicly and respiratory stable. The decision to initiate CRRT was
procedures and patient’s overall status greatly improved. made upon the renal indications, the presence of ARDS or significant volume load. A
CONCLUSION: Although significantly increasing the volume of extracorporeal total of 127 CRRT proc (69,02%) were done on 57 pts (87,5%). The most of them were
circuit, the use of CytosorbV R cartridge within CVVHD circuit is technically feasible CVVHDF (74,02%) and the rest CVVHD (25,98%). Most commonly used membrane
even in critically ill children with low body weight, if principles of pediatric renal was oXiris 47,24% (p < 0,001) followed by EMIC2 25,98%, Kit 8 17,32% and ST-150
replacement therapy are considered. More efficacy and safety data on CytosorbV R 9,45%. Most CRRT proc (89,76%) were done with heparin as an anticoagulant and 10
utilization are necessary before inclusion in routine clinical practice. Treatment proc (7,87%) in 5 pts using citrate. 3 proc (2,36%) in 2 pts were done without using
outcome is highly dependent on primary disease and severity of patient condition. anticoagulant. The procedurès duration had to depend on the number of devices, the
number of pts requiring CRRT and the number of available trained medical workers.
The average achieved length of proc was 712 min. (11 h and 52 min.) (SD 435,07).
Most patients had 1 (49,12%; p< 0,001) or 2 (30,69%) CRRT proc, up to 9 (avs. 2,23;
MO676 COMPLEMENT ACTIVATION BY DIALYSIS MEMBRANES AND SD 1,95). The average achieved ultrafiltration was 2716,41 ml (SD 1016,82). In 23 pts
ITS ASSOCIATION WITH SECONDARY MEMBRANE (40,35%) 26 CRRT proc (20,47%) had to be stopped earlier, because of circuit clotting
FORMATION AND SURFACE CHARGE (9,45%; p < 0,001), deterioration of hemodynamic instability/respiratory insufficiency
(7,09%), device malfunction (2.36%) and RRT need for another pts (1,58%). ARDS has
Pascal Melchior1, Ansgar Erlenkötter2, Adam Zawada1, Dirk Delinski1, developed 42 pts (64,61%). The need for vasoactive support had 41 pts (63,08%). 51 pts
Christian Schall3, Manuela Stauss-Grabo4, James Kennedy1 (78,46%) requiring RRT died.
1 CONCLUSION: Comparing group of pts who survived with group of those who died,
Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, Global Research and Development,
greater number of pts with ESRD was in the first group. In survivor group, RRT was
Product Engineering Center Dialyzers & Membranes, Product Development, St. Wendel,
started earlier with greater number and shorter duration of proc. In the group of pts
Germany, 2Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, Global Research and
who died, there were more ARDS and vasoactive support need. They had a higher
Development, Product Engineering Center Dialyzers & Membranes, Biosciences –
levels of CRP, leukocyte count and the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio.
Biotechnology, St. Wendel, Germany, 3Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH,
Process Technology, Filter Production, St. Wendel, Germany and 4Fresenius Medical
Care Deutschland GmbH, Global Medical Office, Clinical and Epidemiological Research, MO677 Table 1. Characteristic of groups of pts who survived and the group of
Bad Homburg, Germany pts who died
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Activation of the complement system may occur survived (No 14) died (No 51) p
during blood-membrane interactions in hemodialysis and contribute to chronic 64,14(SD 11,77) 66,27(SD 8,45)
Age 0,45
inflammation of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Hydrophilic
modification with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) has been suggested to increase the sex M 10 (71,43%) 38 (74,51%) 0,91
biocompatibility profile of dialysis membranes. In the present study we compared fF 4 (28,57%) 13 (25,49%)
complement activation of synthetic and cellulose-based membranes, including the
polysulfone membrane with a-tocopherol-stabilized, PVP-enriched inner surface of No of comorbidities 2,86 (SD 0,86) 2,43 (SD 1,06) 0,84
the novel FX CorAL dialyzer, and linked the results to their physical characteristics. Indication AKI 0 (0%) 18 (35,29%) 0,00
METHOD: Eight synthetic and cellulose-based dialyzers (FX CorAL, FX CorDiax CKD ac 2 (14,29%) 26 (50,98%)
[Fresenius Medical Care]; Polyflux, THERANOVA [Baxter]; ELISIO, SUREFLUX
[Nipro]; xevonta [B. Braun]; FDX [Nikkisio Medical]) were investigated in the present ESRD 12 (85,71%) 7 (13,73%)
study. Complement activation (C3a, C5a, sC5b-9) was evaluated in a 3h ex vivo Los in hospital (days) 16,83(SD 9,29) 15,63(SD 11,66) 0,37
recirculation model with human blood. Albumin sieving coefficients were determined 2,43(SD 1,95) 10,18(SD 7,39)
Los before RRT (days) 0,00
over a 4h ex vivo recirculation model with human plasma as a surrogate of secondary
membrane formation. Zeta potential was measured as an indicator for the surface Los before RRT (only 3(SD 2,27) 10,43(SD 7,42) 0,007
charge of the membranes. CRRT) (days)
RESULTS: The FX CorAL dialyzer induced the lowest activation of the three 4,38(SD 3,38) 1,88(SD 1,36)
complement factors (C3a: -39.4%; C5a: -57.5%; sC5b-9: -58.9% compared to the No of proc 0,008
reference). Highest complement activation was found for the cellulose-based Duration of proc(min.) 464,17(SD 27,36) 744,46(SD 456,48) 0,03
SUREFLUX (C3a: þ154.0%) and the FDX (C5a: þ335.0%; sC5b-9: þ287.9%) membranes oXiris1EMIC2 15 (42,86%) 78 (84,78%) 0,00
dialyzers. Moreover, the FX CorAL dialyzer had the nearest-to-neutral zeta potential (-
2.38 mV) and the lowest albumin sieving coefficient decrease over time. Albumin Kit81ST-150 20 (57,14%) 14 (15,22%)
sieving coefficient decrease was associated with complement activation by the UF/proc (ml) 2799,06(SD 457,88) 2702,91(SD 1111,24) 0,14
investigated dialyzers.
Anuria Y 8 (57,14%) 20 (39,22%) 0,37
CONCLUSION: Our present results indicate that the surface modification
implemented in the FX CorAL dialyzer reduces secondary membrane formation and N 6 (42,56%) 31 (60,78%)
improves the biocompatibility profile. Further clinical studies are needed to investigate vasoactive support Y 0 (0%) 41 (80,39%) 0,00
whether these observations will result in a lower inflammatory burden of hemodialysis
patients. N 14 (100%) 10 (19,71%)
ARDS Y 1 (7,14%) 44 (86,27%) 0,00
N 13 (92,86%) 7 (13,73%)
WBC (* 10¹9/l) 6,91 (SD 2,63) 11,82 (SD 8,63)
CENTER NLR 7,48(SD 3,92) 17,78(SD 14,25)
PLR 266,41(SD 162,52) 334,60(SD 322,35) 0,48
Gordana Strazmester Majstorovic1,2, Violeta Knezevic1,2, Tijana Azasevac1,2, 114,68(SD 141,80) 192,34(SD 107,23) 0,039
Mira Markovic1, Vladimir Veselinov1, Igor Mitic1,2 CRP (mg/l)
1 PCT (ng/ml) 3,81(SD 4,98) 12,67(SD 26,58) 0,28
Clinical center of Vojvodina, Clinic for nephrology and clinical immunology, Novi Sad,
Serbia and 2University of Novi Sad, Medical faculty Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The incidence of Acute kidney injuri AKI during Covid
19 infection is 3 – 15%, up to 50% for patients (pts) with Acute respiratory distress
syndrome ARDS.
i390 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO678 DISTRIBUTION OF PERIPHERAL BLOOD T CELL RESULTS: Proportions of helper T (CD3þCD4þ), cytotoxic T (CD3þCD8þ), and
SUBTYPES IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH follicular helper T (CD3þCD4þ CXCR3-CXCR5þ) cells were similar in both
MEDIUM CUT-OFF MEMBRANES AND HIGH- membranes. The use of MCO decreased the ratios of peripheral CD3þT (p=0.07) and
FLUX MEMBRANES Th1 (CD3þCD4þCXCR3þCCR6þ) (p<0.0001) cells while increasing the ratio of NK
cells (p=0.03). In addition, the shift of the immune balance towards an increase in
Nuri Baris Hasbal1, Mustafa Sevinç2, Vuslat Yilmaz3, Taner Basturk4, Elbis Ahbap Th17 (CD3þCD4þCXCR3-CCR6þ) (p=0.005) and Th2 (CD3þCD4þCXCR3-
Dal5, Tamer Sakaci2, Perin Nazif Ozcafer2, Bengt Lindholm6, Abdulkadir Unsal7 CCR6-) (p <0.0001) cell ratios with HF.
Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Sisli Hamidiye CONCLUSION: : The results can be interpreted as the prevention of a Th1 dominant
Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Istanbul University, inflammation seen with HF. Therefore, it suggests that the use of MCO may reduce T
Aziz Sancar Institute of Experimental Medicine, Neuroscience, Istanbul, Turkey, 4Health cell based inflammation in peripheral blood.
Sciences University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Sisli
Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey, 5Sisli
Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Nephrology, Turkey, 6Intervention and
Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Division of Renal Medicine and Baxter Novum,
Department of Clinical Science, Stockholm, Sweden and 7Health Science University,
Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology, Istanbul, Turkey
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mortality in end stage renal disease is higher than in
the general population. In addition, there is also an increase in mortality that cannot be
explained by known risk factors. In this context, researchers have been determining on
these additional risk factors for years. Although inflammation is a proven risk factor,
further studies are still needed. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of
membranes on the distribution of T cell subgroups in peripheral blood mononuclear
cells (PBMC) that play an important role in inflammation. MO678 Figure 1: Distribution of T cells and subtype of T cells (TH1 and TH2) in
METHOD: Twenty-five patients were enrolled in the study, and patients received peripheral blood.
hemodialysis treatment first with MCO membrane (MCO) for 3 months and then with
high-flux membrane (HF) for another 3 months. Peripheral blood samples were taken
from the patients just before the hemodialysis procedure at 0 (starting with MCO), 3rd
(switching to HF) and 6th (end of study) months. PBMC’s were separated by ficoll
density gradient centrifugation and stored in liquid nitrogen. Frozen cells were stained
with fluorescently labeled monoclonal antibodies and were utilized with flow
cytometry device. Data were analyzed using FlowJo7.6.5 programs.
10.1093/ndt/gfab099 | i391
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i392–i408, 2019
DIALYSIS. PERITONEAL DIALYSIS (fast peritoneal solute transfer rate, PSTR), without the need for excessive use of high
glucose. Randomized trials have demonstrated these benefits but are insufficiently
powered to investigate a clear impact on survival. We aimed to establish international
prescription practices and their relationship to clinical outcomes.
MO679 EFFECTS OF ALANYL-GLUTAMINE SUPPLEMENTED PD METHOD: The Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (PDOPPS)
FLUID ON THE PLASMA METABOLOME AND GUT is an international prospective cohort study in collaboration with the International
MICROBIOME IN EXPERIMENTAL PD* Society for Peritoneal Dialysis. The current analysis was drawn from A/NZ, Canada,
Japan, UK, and US in PDOPPS phases 1-2 (2014-2019). Patient demographics,
Jitka Lachova1,2, Rebecca Herzog1,2, Florian Wiesenhofer2, Klaus Kratochwill1,2 comorbidities, lab measurements, clinic blood pressure, membrane function (both
Zytoprotec GmbH, Vienna, Austria and 2Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria solute transport rate and ultrafiltration capacity), dialysis prescription details, urine
and 24-hour ultrafiltration volumes were captured at study enrollment. Mortality and
permanent transfer to HD (HDT) events were collected during study follow-up
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is associated with [median (IQR) = 1.1 yrs (0.6, 1.7)]. Linear and logistic models were used to analyze the
morphological and also functional changes to the peritoneum limiting the long-term association between icodextrin and blood pressure. Cox regression, stratified by
use. PD and CKD lead to vasculopathy, disrupt the endothelial and peritoneal barrier, country, was used to analyze the association of icodextrin with time from study
but also influence the gut microbiome. Microbial dysbiosis in return is speculated to enrollment to (a) death and (b) HDT, and adjusted for demographics, 13
drive inflammation as an additional risk factor for cardiovascular disease. New PD- comorbidities, transplant waitlisting, serum albumin, urine volume, facility size and %
fluids that could slow or prevent these processes are needed. Alanyl-glutamine APD use, study phase, while accounting for facility clustering.
(AlaGln) has immunomodulatory and cytoprotective properties and has been shown to RESULTS: Icodextrin was prescribed in 1,929 (35%) of 5,432 patients studied, but this
also improve endothelial barrier functions. Our aim is to investigate the effects of proportion differed by country, being >44% in all except the US, where it was 17%,
AlaGln-supplementation to PD-fluid on the gut microbiome and plasma and effluent and by facility within countries. Patients on icodextrin were more likely to have
metabolome and their interplay. coronary artery disease and diabetes, have lower residual 24-hour urine volume and
METHOD: Mice (C57/BI6N) underwent a subtotal nephrectomy (5/6 nephrectomy) function, use less high glucose, have faster PSTR and reduced ultrafiltration capacity,
to induce uraemia. Chronic exposure to PD-fluid was performed for 9 weeks via and have been on PD longer (PD vintage: median 1.19, IQR 0.50-2.76). Despite this,
subcutaneously implanted peritoneal catheters. Mice were exposed daily to 2 ml of patients using icodextrin achieved equivalent ultrafiltration to those using glucose at
commercially available glucose-based PD-fluid (3.86% glucose) without or with the every level of residual urine volume (see figure). The low use of icodextrin in the US
addition of 8 mM AlaGln. Uremic and healthy mice, kept in parallel were used as was more than compensated for by much greater use of high glucose and overall higher
controls. All mice were fed standard chow and tap water ad libitum. On the last day, ultrafiltration volumes at each level of urine volume. Icodextrin use was not associated
blood and an effluent (after a 30 minute dwell) were collected and faecal matter was with blood pressure (effects: 0.90 mmHg, 95% CI: -0.68, 2.47), mortality (Hazard ratio
collected from 3 different sites of the gut (ileum, caecum and colon). The plasma and [HR] 1.01, 95% CI: 0.83, 1.23) and HDT (HR 1.05, 95% CI: 0.90, 1.23).
effluent metabolome were analysed using a targeted approach. 180 metabolites were CONCLUSION: There are important national and facility differences in the
analysed with a mass spectrometry based kit (Biocrates) in both samples types. prescription of icodextrin, with the US a clear outlier, with less icodextrin and more
Following microbial DNA isolation, the microbiome has been analysed by 16S rRNA high glucose use, resulting in higher ultrafiltration volumes. These practices and the
sequencing. The experiment was approved by the local animal ethics committee. targeting of patients with less efficient membranes for fluid removal may mask any
RESULTS: Significantly elevated creatinine values in mice following 5/6 nephrectomy potential survival advantage associated with icodextrin.
confirmed their uremic status. Significantly different plasma and effluent levels of alanine
and glutamine were found in mice exposed to AlaGln supplemented PD-fluid. A
correlation analysis of the plasma revealed the uremic status of the mice as main driver of
differences whereas the effluent metabolome was mainly changed by PD fluid exposure.
Plasma of uremic mice also showed significantly increased levels of a toxic non-
proteinogenic amino acid symmetric dimethyl arginine (SDMA) and citrulline.
Microbiome analysis yielded over 2800 amplicon sequence variants. Microbiome
composition was location specific and influenced by the different treatments. The
microbiome data were also correlated with over 130 metabolites in both plasma and PD
effluent. Our data showed increased abundance in bacterial family Pseudomonadacea in
caecum of uremic mice and positive correlation with the plasma level of trans-tetra-
hydroxyproline. Mice exposed to conventional PD fluid had higher abundance of the
bacterial class Clostridia in the colon compared to mice with no PD exposition.
CONCLUSION: CKD itself and PD-fluid exposure both affect the gut microbiome and
the AlaGln-supplementation effects are likely reflected at the level of microbial
diversity and functional interaction with metabolites. As next step specific cellular and
molecular mechanisms of these effects are analysed. Preservation of mesothelial and
also endothelial cellular barrier function could be a clinically important benefit for
patients treated with PD, by preventing increased PD-associated pathomechanisms.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i393
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
the intensified prevention program, false omission rate, peritonitis risk reduction, MO683 EXPRESSION OF PARACELLULAR JUNCTION COMPONENTS
overall cost-savings, number needed to treat. AND TRANSCELLULAR TRANSPORTERS IN HEALTH, CKD5
We considered the following scenario based on previous cost-effectiveness analysis on AND PERITONEAL DIALYSIS
peritonitis risk prevention:
Iva Marinovic1, Maria Bartosova1, Eszter Lévai1,2,3, David Ridinger4,
Number of patients involved in the program: 22,900 Betti Schaefer1, Conghui Zhang1, Rebecca Herzog5,6, Peter Sallay3,
Cost saving for any prevented peritonitis: 250 US $ Karel Vondrak7, Felix Bestvater8, Michael Hausmann4, Klaus Kratochwill5,6,
Monthly cost of organizational intervention: 25500 US $ Sotirios G. Zarogiannis1,9, Claus Schmitt1
Effect size of the organizational intervention: 1.3 1
Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University of Heidelberg, Pediatric
Cost for intensive care prevention for each patient: 35 $ Nephrology, Heidelberg, Germany, 2MTA-SE, Pediatrics and Nephrology Research
Risk threshold for selecting patients for intensive care prevention: 18% Group, Budapest, Hungary, 3Semmelweis University, 1st Dept. of Pediatrics, Budapest,
Hungary, 4Kirchhoff Institute for Physics, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany,
RESULTS: Given the action threshold selected, 5.3% of patients entered the intensified Christian Doppler Laboratory for Molecular Stress Research in Peritoneal Dialysis,
intervention program (PPV=9.5%); the false omission rate was 2.2%. Cost savings for Medical University of Vienna, Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
the intensified healthcare where generated when the effect size of the intensified Vienna, Austria, 6Division of Pediatric Nephrology and Gastroenterology,
intervention exceeded 1.4 (figure 1A). For that effect size the number needed to treat Comprehensive Center for Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna, Department of
for each prevented peritonitis was NNT=23.4. Overall, 162 peritonitis/month could be Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 7Motol University Hospital,
prevented in the whole network (peritonitis with no intervention=592; Peritonitis after Department of Pediatrics, Prague, Czech Republic, 8German Cancer Research Center
intervention=430). When a less conservative threshold was selected, 12.2% of patients (DKFZ), Light Microscopy, Heidelberg, Germany and 9Faculty of Medicine, University of
entered the intensified prevention program (PPV=7.3%), generating a false omission Thessaly, Department of Physiology, Larissa, Greece
rate=1.9%. Cost savings were never generated (i.e. the intensified program needed
investment to be sustained) but with the same effect size of 1.4 additional 24 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Tight junction (TJ) proteins have been suggested as
peritonitis/months could be saved in the whole network (peritonitis with no molecular correlates for peritoneal semi-permeability and dialytic transport function in
intervention=592; Peritonitis after intervention=406). The number needed to treat for patients on peritoneal dialysis. Junction abundance in healthy individuals, in those
the intensified program was NTT=30.4 (figure 1B). with CKD5 and in patients on PD has not been described yet, the relation with
peritoneal solute transport is unknown.
METHOD: Junction and transporter expression was analysed in multi-omics data sets
from microdissected omental arterioles in children with normal renal function, CKD5
and on PD with low and high glucose degradation product (GDP) content (n=6/
group). Parietal peritoneal tight junction proteins CLDN-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-15, the adapter
protein of claudins to actin cytoskeleton protein, zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), the
tricellular junction protein tricellulin (TriC), and transcellular transporters for sodium
(ENaC), glucose (SGLT-1) and phosphate (PIT-1) were quantified in 40 non-CKD
individuals, 20 children with CKD5 and 20 and 15 children on low- and high-GDP PD
by quantitative, digital immunohistochemistry. Findings were correlated to 2-hour
peritoneal equilibration test data obtained within 6 months of biopsy sampling (n=23).
Primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were used to study the
effects of single PD compounds on transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) and
molecular size-dependent paracellular transport capacity. Co-stained monolayers were
visualized by confocal microscopy. Single junction molecule localization and clustering
were analysed by super resolution microscopy.
RESULTS: Transcriptome and proteome pathway enrichment analysis of arteriolar
junction and membrane protein demonstrated regulation in CKD5 versus health, and
differential regulation by low- and high-GDP PD versus CKD5. In the parietal
peritoneum all junctions and cellular transporters were expressed in endothelial and
mesothelial cells. Pore forming CLDN-2, -4 and -15 were localized also in
submesothelial immune cells. Parietal peritoneal junction abundance was age-
dependent and also modified by CKD5 and PD. Mesothelial and endothelial
abundance of the selective cation/water channel CLDN-2 increased in patients on low-
and high-GDP PD fluids. Adaptor protein ZO-1 was upregulated in low GDP-PD
versus CKD5, while sealing proteins CLDN -3 and -5 were downregulated. D/P
creatinine, D/P phosphate, D/D0 glucose were similar in CKD5 and PD groups. D/P
creatinine correlated with mesothelial CLDN-15, with arteriolar CLDN-2 and TriC and
with endothelial ENaC. D/P phosphate correlated with endothelial CLDN-15, D/D0
glucose with mesothelial CLDN-4 and arteriolar CLDN-2. Capillary ZO-1 correlated
with 24-h ultrafiltration standardized to body surface area and dialytic glucose
exposure. In vitro, TER was decreased by low pH, glucose and 0.5mM methylglyoxal
after 5h. Alanyl-glutamine (AlaGln) dose-dependently increased TER, and reduced
10kDa and 70kDa solute at 24mM, increased the abundance of ZO-1 and CLDN5 at
cell-cell contacts, and on nanoscale clustering of the pore-forming CLDN2 and
CONCLUSION: Abundance of parietal peritoneal sealing and pore forming junctions
CONCLUSION: Cost-effectiveness simulating tool provides a rational evaluation
and transcellular solute transporters varies with cell type and age and is differentially
framework for AI-based referral to peritonitis preventive programs. This tool can be
regulated by PD and associated with dialytic transport function. Our preliminary
easily adapted for any healthcare program based on patient risk score.
analyses illustrate the role of junctions and cellular transporters for solute transport
across the peritoneal mesothelial and endothelial cell barrier. In-depth understanding
of specific molecular functions should provide targets for modulation to improve
efficacy of PD.
i394 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
diabetes-like damage of vessels of the peritoneal membrane, eventually leading to RESULTS: Normalized anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG titer in the four groups is illustrated in
technique failure. Patients undergoing dialysis generally, have a high risk of Figure 1A. The mean IgG/protein levels in Group 3 and Group 4 are 86-fold (p=0.023)
cardiovascular events. It is currently unclear if there is a mechanistic link between and 220-fold (p=0.0003), respectively, above the mean IgG/protein levels in COVID
peritoneal membrane failure and cardiovascular risk. In vitro and in vivo studies have negative patients (Group 1 and 2 combined). The discrimination between patients with
shown that cytoprotective additives (e.g. dipeptide alanyl-glutamine (AlaGln) or kinase and without COVID-19 is excellent (AUC 0.938). At a threshold of 0.0024%, the
inhibitor lithium chloride (LiCl)) to PDF reduce peritoneal damage. Here, we sensitivity and specificity are 89.6% and 97.9%, respectively (Figure 1B). Using same
developed an experimental model for investigating effects of such additives on threshold as Figure 1B, in Group 3, 9 out of 11 patients had a positive IgG response in
secretome-mediated signalling between cell-types of the peritoneal membrane which all samples. In 5 patients, IgG levels decreased over time. The mean normalized total
are relevant in the cardiovascular context. antibody/protein levels in Group 3 and Group 4 are 7.3-fold and 24-fold above those in
METHOD: For modelling the peritoneal membrane in vitro, mesothelial (MC) and COVID negative patients (combined Group 1 and 2; both p<0.001). Distribution
endothelial cells (EC) were co-cultured in transwell plates. MC were grown in the pattern, ROC analysis, and dynamic change over time of total SARS-CoV-2 antibodies
upper compartment and primary microvascular cells were grown in the lower are like those of IgG (Figure 1D-F).
compartment. MC were exposed to PDF with or without cytoprotective compounds (8
mM AlaGln in glucose-based PDF 3.86% or 10 mM LiCl in icodextrin-based PDF),
while EC below were kept in medium. Cell damage was assessed by quantification of
lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH) release, neutral red uptake and cell morphology.
Proteome and secretome profiles were analysed for both cell-types in co-culture or
separately with an isobaric-tag labelling approach with a multiplexed liquid
chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach. Prior to analysis of the
secretome a bead-based equalizer approach based on a combinatorial peptide ligand
library (CPLL) was performed to enrich low abundant proteins.
RESULTS: EC injury after PD-fluid exposure of MC was decreased with the addition
of AlaGln or LiCl, showing a link between the individual cell outcomes. Proteome
analysis revealed perturbation of major cellular processes including regulation of cell
death and cytoskeleton re-organization, which characterize PDF cytotoxicity. Selected
markers of angiogenesis, oxidative stress, cell junctions and transdifferentiation were
counter-regulated by the additives. Co-cultured cells yielded differently regulated
pathways following PDF exposure compared to separate culture. We were able to
identify and quantify 334 secreted proteins in the co-culture system. The secretome
analysis showed variation in several clinically relevant proteins and important
extracellular processes such as extracellular matrix reorganization, vesicle transport or
collagen deposition. Comparison to previously published abundance profiles of
omental arteriolar proteins from paediatric PD patient and age-matched controls
confirmed overlapping protein regulation between endothelial cells in vitro and in vivo.
CONCLUSION: This study shows that harmful effects of PDF-stressed MC also affect
EC and elucidates potential mechanisms by which cytoprotective additives may
counteract the signalling axis between local peritoneal damage and systemic CONCLUSION: Covid-19 serology tests can provide much information including
vasculopathy. An in vitro co-culture system may be an attractive approach to simulate diagnosis, immune response, local seroprevalence, et al. Currently, most of serology
the close proximity of different cell types in the peritoneal membrane for testing direct tests are done using blood-related specimens. To our knowledge, this is the first study
and indirect effects of cytoprotective additives. Characterisation of PD-induced reporting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in spent PD dialysate. Presence of SARS-CoV-2
perturbations may allow identifying molecular mechanisms linking the peritoneal and antibodies in spent PD dialysate of peritoneal dialysis patients potentially provides a
cardiovascular context, offering therapeutic targets to reduce current limitations of PD new way to perform frequent serology tests for this high-risk group. As USA is moving
and ultimately decreasing cardiovascular risk of dialysis patients. fast on national vaccination at this moment, using test strip developed for PD effluent
to quickly and frequently check SARS-CoV-2 antibody in PD effluent could be used to
monitor the vaccination efficiency while avoiding clinic visit.
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i395
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
significant deference between the two groups (Log Rank p<0.001) with Group B creatinine ratio was used to classify PET categories. The study endpoint was five years
(QS>34) achieving better survival. When the survival was adjusted for age, sex, for stable transporters, and at the time of two category rise in the PET test for increased
Diabetes, PD modality the result remains the same. Trying to find among the total of transporters.
our patients the possible risk factors for mortality, using Cox Regression analysis, their RESULTS: Baseline demographics, diabetes frequency, residual renal function (RRF),
QS score (representing their training level for PD) was statistically significant (HR non-phosphate baseline laboratory, parathormone levels, and PD modalities were
0,931 {0.892, 0.971}, p=0.001) independent risk factor, as well as age and PD modality, similar between the increased transporters (n=48) and the stable transporters (n=93).
for our patient survival. Additionally, Group B (QS>34) had statistically significant a Significantly more patients were using renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
smaller number of peritonitis episodes (p<0.001) and presence of peripheral edema blockers in stable transporters and high-glucose dialysates in increased transporters
(p<0.001). (p=0.03 and p<0.01). Icodextrin, calcitriol, calcium-based phosphate binder use, and
CONCLUSION: In our study we concluded that continuous and monitored training of the number of peritonitis episodes were similar between the groups. Increased
peritoneal dialysis patients has a significant effect on their survival and the frequency of transporters reached the endpoint in 3.9(60.7) years. Increased transporters had a
peritonitis appearance. higher baseline phosphate than stable transporters (p=0.02). The frequency of patients
with an RRF and groups’ mean RRF in ml were similar at the endpoint (p=0.37,
p=0.13). Increased transporters had a significantly higher baseline and endpoint CaXP
than stable transporters (p<0.01 and p=0.02). Baseline weekly peritoneal Kt/V and
MO687 FREE WATER TRANSPORT AND ABSOLUTE DIP OF peritoneal creatinine clearance (PCrCl) were similar at baseline. Increased transporters
DIALYSATE SODIUM CONCENTRATION: EARLY CLINICAL had significantly lower endpoint peritoneal Kt/V and insignificantly lower endpoint
PARAMETERS FOR PERITONEAL FIBROSIS IN PD PCrCl than stable transporters (p<0.01 and p=0.05). DUF was negative for increased
PATIENTS? transporters and positive for stable transporters. Age, diabetes, peritonitis episodes,
RAAS blocker use, and PD modality were insignificant in Cox regression analysis. A
Marisa Rold~ao1, Rachele Escoli1, Hern^ ani Gonçalves1, Francisco Ferrer1, CaXP of >55 was related to 2.51-fold, and high-glucose dialysates were associated with
Karina Lopes1 a 2.93-fold increased risk for a rise in transport status (p=0.01 and p<0.01). Mean
Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo, Nephrology, Torres Novas, follow-up was 7.0 (63.9) years for stable transporters and 5.6 (62.0) years for
increased transporters. Technical survival was significantly higher in stable
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Reduction of peritoneal salt and water removal is an transporters (p=0.03).
important cause of shortened patient and technique survival in peritoneal dialysis CONCLUSION: Our study revealed a CaXP of >55 is a risk factor for a significant
(PD). The aim of this study was to longitudinally analyze changes in fluid and solute increase in transport status, presumably due to peritoneal calcification.
transport parameters in PD patients during the first year of treatment, using peritoneal The peritoneal Kt/V, PCrCl, and UF rates declined accordingly. The high-glucose
equilibration test (PET). dialysates are associated with a high risk in analyses. However, it is not possible to
METHOD: Retrospective observational study of incident PD patients who underwent determine whether these solutions are the cause or the result of Type I membrane
4-hour 3.86% glucose PET with additional measurement of ultrafiltration at 1 hour, 1 failure.
month after PD initiation and 12 months later. Parameters of peritoneal transport such
as dialysate-to-plasma ratio of creatinine (D/Pcreat), ultrafiltration at 1 and 4 hours,
small-pore ultrafiltration (SPUF), free water transport (FWT), sodium removal and
absolute dip of dialysate sodium concentration (DDNa) at 1 hour (as an expression of
sodium sieving), were calculated. Serum cancer antigen 125 (CA-125) was also
assessed. Clinical, analytical and demographic data were analyzed. Statistical analysis
was performed using SPSS (Version 23 for Mac OSX).
RESULTS: The average age of 16 incident PD patients was 58.69 6 8.51 years, 10
(62.5%) were male and 5 (31.8%) were diabetic. Ten patients (62.5%) were on
automated peritoneal dialysis (APD). One month after PD initiation, membrane
characteristics were: D/P = 0.684 6 0.589, total UF at 4h = 0.696 6 0.283L, UF at 1h =
0.487 6 0.162L, SPUF = 0.303 6 0.359L, FWT = 0.207 6 0.738L, %FWT = 51.855 6
11.828%, sodium removal = 38.048 6 16.087mmol/L and DDNa = 11.125 6
3.34mmol/L. Average serum CA-125 was 51.206 6 22.6U/mL. A paired sample t-test
was performed to compare these parameters 1 and 12 months after PD initiation and
revealed a statistically significant increase of 0.116 0.196L (p=0.042) on SPUF and
18.607 6 7.1mmol/L (p=0.019) on sodium removal. DDNa showed a decrease of 2.5 6
0.743mmol/L (p=0.005) and % FWT of 11.782 6 12.831% (p=0.002). FWT also
showed a decrease of 0.168 6 0.019L, total UF at 4h of 0.206 6 0.142L and UF at 1h of
0.114 6 0.243L, however did not reach statistical significance. D/Pcreat remained
stable. CA-125 showed a mild decrease of 3.644 6 22.364U/mL although not
statistically significant. Pearson correlation revealed a positive correlation between the
variation of total UF at 4h and the variation of FWT (r=0.553, p=0.026) and DDNa
(r=0.503, p=0.047), but not with SPUF, sodium removal, D/Pcreat or CA-125, during
the study follow-up period.
MO688 Figure 1: Study Groups’ Calcium Phosphate Product, Peritoneal Creatinine
CONCLUSION: The reduction of FWT through aquaporins and, particularly, the
Clearance, Peritoneal Kt/V, Delta Ultrafiltration, and Technical Survival
reduction of DDNa as a sodium sieving measure, appear to be the first functional
Ca: Calcium, P: Phosphate, CrCl: Creatinine Clearance, DUF: Delta Ultrafiltration
changes in peritoneal membrane, suggesting that fibrosis may begin soon after PD
Stable Transporters: No significant change in the peritoneal equilibration test category
initiation. Our results indicate that FWT and DDNa can be used to access fibrotic
in five years
peritoneal alterations earlier than other conventional parameters such as D/Pcreat.
Stable Transporter Endpoint: At the end of five years
Increased Transporters: At least two categorical increases in the peritoneal
equilibration test within five years
Increased Transporter Endpoint: At the time of two categorical increases in the
peritoneal equilibration test
DUF= Mean Endpoint UF – Mean Baseline UF
i396 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
of this study was to explore the association between PSQI score and all-cause mortality
in dialysis patients.
METHOD: Fifty-one hemodialysis and 58 peritoneal dialysis patients were enrolled in
this study. PSQI score >5 and 5 indicated "poor sleepers" and "good sleepers",
respectively. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality. Kaplan-Meier survival
curve, restricted cubic splines (RCS) regression analysis and Cox proportional hazards
regression analysis were performed.
RESULTS: The median PSQI score was 7.0 (4.0-10.0). Sixty-seven (61.5%) patients had
poor SQ. Compared with good sleepers, poor sleepers had significantly lower levels of
hemoglobin [74.0 (61.0, 85.0) vs. 78.0 (68.0, 97.0), P = 0.03] and serum bicarbonate
(18.0 6 4.5 vs. 20.0 6 3.7, P = 0.022). The follow-up time was 69.1 6 29.9 months. The
survival curve showed no difference in patients with PSQI >5 and those with PSQI 5
(P=0.292, Figure 1). RCS analysis showed that 7 was the cutoff value at which the effect
of PSQI score on mortality changed. A PSQI score of more than 7 increased the risk of
all-cause mortality (Figure 2). Compared to patients with PSQI 7, survival was
significantly worse in those with PSQI >7 (P=0.009, Figure 3). By multivariate Cox
proportional hazards analysis, PSQI total score was the independent risk factor of all-
cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] = 1.20, 95% confidence interval [CI]= 1.05-1.36, P =
0.007). Patients with a PSQI score > 7 had a 2.96-fold increased risk of all-cause
mortality (HR = 2.96, 95% CI=1.15- 7.61, P = 0.025).
MO689 Figure 3: Kaplan–Meier analysis of dialysis patients with PSQI 7 and >7.
The patients with PSQI >7 had significantly worse survival rate than those with
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i397
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
and may be responsible for atherosclerosis, morbidity, and mortality in ESRD patients. transplantation. It is known that the ultrafiltration (UF) capacity of PD is much lower
Elevated level of ICAM-1, IL-1beta, TNF-a and IFN-G may be responsible for chronic than that of HD, which explains the higher incidence of overhydration in PD patients,
inflammation in PD patients. which increases morbidity and mortality in this group of patients, being the second
cause of change to HD. Due to this limitation, it is essential to know and fully exploit
all the factors that influence the UF in PD. The net UF in DP is the result of 4 forces: 1)
the osmotic force, the strongest and only one that is deliberately controlled; 2)
intraperitoneal pressure (IPP) modulated by intraperitoneal volume (IPV), UF volume
itself, posture, BMI, physical activity, etc.; 3) capillary hydrostatic pressure, modulated
by the degree of fluid overload, and 4) capillary oncotic pressure proportional to
hypoalbuminemia, in turn related to fluid overload. The IPP with typical values of 10-
16 cm H2O, should not exceed 18 cmH2O, this excess leads to the development of
mechanical, infectious and functional complications, among them, a decrease in UF.
Elevated IPP is a little known cause of UF failure and, due to its easy diagnosis and
application, it should be ruled out in cases of overhydration in PD. Another parameter
to consider when favoring UF in PD is the residence time of the dialysate solution in
the abdominal cavity through the APEX time calculation (functional test derived from
the classic peritoneal balance test). In the present study, we intend to define the role of
IPP and APEX time as diagnostic and adjunctive evaluation techniques to optimize UF
in PD patients. We determined the correlation of IPP and APEX time with
MO690 Figure 2: Cytokines level in Serum of patients with CAPD, CAPD ultrafiltration and biochemical variables in PD patients.
peritonitis and Recurrent/Relapae peritonitis by ELISA(values are in pg/ml and ng/ METHOD: Pilot, observational, cross-sectional, analytical study.
ml)(*P<0.05) RESULTS: Thirty patients were included, 10 (33%) patients on PD in the IPD modality
and 20 (66.7%) in the CAPD modality. Of which mostly men (53%). The mean residual
uresis of the general population was 534.33 ml. The average UF with a 1.5% solution is
238.1, for a 2.5% solution the average UF is 296.2 and for a 4.25% solution the average
UF is 535 ml. No statistically significant mean differences were found between both
groups. (p 0.05). The average IPP in the supine position was 13.1 cmH2O, the sitting
position was 22.8 cmH2O, and the vertical 25.4 cmH2O, the variability of the PIP in
the prone position at 15.8 cmH2O is striking. No statistically significant differences
were found between the averages of the analysis groups (p 0.05). The average
calculated APEX time was 42.4 minutes. When performing the correlation of UF with
IPP, APEX, Dif. Na, D/P and D/Do, as well as the correlation between APEX time and
time in DP. Being able to determine that there is no correlation between the different
variables. No statistically significant differences were found. (p 0.05).
CONCLUSION: It is the first study in Mexico that evaluates the usefulness of APEX
and IPP time in Adult patients on CAPD and IPD. It was determined that
Intraperitoneal Pressure does not influence Ultrafiltration levels. In our study we
demonstrated that the APEX time, an index of the optimal ultrafiltration residence
time, was not correlated with the UF volumes. Therefore, the adequacy of peritoneal
MO690 Figure 3: Cytokines level in Dialysate of patients with CAPD, CAPD dialysis must not only be based on functional tests, it must be personalized and be
peritonitis and Recurrent/Relapae peritonitis by ELISA(values are in pg/ml and ng/ based in conjunction with clinical, biochemical, nutritional parameters and functional
ml)(*P<0.05) tests.
MO690 Figure 4: mRNA expression (Fold change) of TLR-4, TLR-2, TNF-a IFN-
gamma IL-1beta, IL4 and IL-10 in patient’s subgroups
i398 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO692 Table 1. Oxalate balance pattern according to anuria status in the PD patients.
Oxalate balance pattern All (n = 62) PD patients with preserved PD patients with P-value
diuresis (n = 41) anuria (n = 21)
POx, mg/L 3.8 [2.2-4.3] 3.9 [3.0-4.9] 3.8 [2.7-5.5] 0.69
UOx, mg/d 33.8 [16-47.2] 33.8 [16-47.2] - -
PDEOx, mg/d 13.2 [11.1-14.7] 13.5 [10.6-20.9] 12.0 [11.0-13.1] 0.02
Overall oxalate removal level, mg/d 31.4 [13.1-55.2] 53.1 [29.6-62.6] 14.1 [11.9-25.0] <0.0001
ROxCL, L/week/1.73m2 36.9 [4.8-72.1] 36.9 [4.8-72.1] - -
PerOxCL, L/week/1.73m2 29.6 [11.5-45.2] 40.6 [15.0-53.8] 20.1 [11.2-35.7] 0.009
ROxCL was correlated with residual diuresis (r=0.71, p<0.001) and, accordingly, UOx excretion and overall oxalate removal level (r=0.8, p<0.0001).
However, neither residual diuresis nor overall oxalate removal level was associated with POx concentration in the PD patients (r=-0.03, p=0.98 and
r=0.09, p=0.52, respectively). In the partial correlation test, only PerOxCL was found to be an explanatory factor for POx concentration in the PD patients
regardless of their age and gender (r=-0.47, p<0.0001).
Nevertheless, little evidence is available on oxalate balance in peritoneal dialysis (PD) each variable was studied using Kaplan-Meier analysis and the log-rank test. All tests
patients. The present study aimed to evaluate the separate contribution of residual were assessed at a statistical significance of p<0.05.
renal and peritoneal oxalate clearances to oxalate balance in PD patients. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients were enrolled. Three patients refused to participate in
METHOD: We performed a cross-sectional observational study involving 62 PD the study, and one patient was excluded because they had a medical reason. Therefore,
patients with the average age of 50.5613.5 years and PD vintage of 37624 months. 33 patients (age: 74.8 6 5.9 years) were finally included in the present study. The
Plasma oxalate (POx) concentration, levels of daily urinary (UOx) and peritoneal median follow-up time was 39 months (interquartile range: 28–49 months), during
dialysis effluent oxalate (PDEOx) excretion were evaluated. POx concentration was which 19 (57.6%) deaths occurred.
measured spectrophotometrically using MAK315 kit (Sigma, Spain); UOx and PDEOx Death during follow-up was significantly associated with lower 6MWD (234.6.96115.8
concentrations were determined using an oxalate oxidase/peroxidase reagent vs. 351.96105.8 m), lower serum albumin (Alb, 2.760.6 vs. 3.260.4 mg/dL), and lower
(BioSystems, Spain). In addition, oxalate transport status (4-hour D/P oxalate ratio), Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index (GNRI, 79.769.9 vs. 88.567.1) than those who did
renal oxalate clearance (ROxCL) and peritoneal oxalate clearance (PerOxCL) were not die (died vs. not died group, respectively). No other variables were significantly
calculated. different between the groups. The cut-off value, discriminating those at high risk of
RESULTS: Among the examined PD patients were 41 (66%) patients with preserved mortality, for the 6MWD was 338m, Alb was 3.0 ml/dL, and GNRI was 83.7. In the
diuresis and 21 (34%) patients with anuria. The anuric PD patients had lower PerOxCL Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log-rank test, 6MWD, Alb, and GNRI were
and, accordingly, peritoneal and overall oxalate removal levels compared with the significantly associated with all-cause mortality.
patients with preserved diuresis (Table 1). CONCLUSION: This is the first study, to our knowledge, to show that lower 6MWD
CONCLUSION: The results of our research demonstrated an important role of the scores were associated with all-cause mortality in older adults on PD, suggesting that
residual renal function in oxalate balance in PD patients. However, the decline in RRF objective exercise tolerance measures may be useful for the risk stratification of older
could partially (but not completely) contribute to the increase in POx in PD patients. adults undergoing PD. Although the results were obtained from a small sample size,
Thus, PerOxCL but not ROxCL could significantly affect oxalate balance in PD this study has clinical significance because older adults on PD are rare. The 6MWD is a
patients. useful measurement that reflects exercise tolerance, has good reliability, has low cost,
and is easily applicable. The results of this study support those of previous studies in
other groups showing that 6MWD and nutritional status significantly predicted
prognosis. Therefore, low exercise tolerance and malnutrition may represent an
important therapeutic target in this population.
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i399
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
profile of osmotic agent concentration in tissue (interstitial fluid) can be approximated MO695 THE ASSOCIATION OF CIRCULATING CD14++CD16+
by exponential function with the penetration depth KS. The model yields an equation MONOCYTES, NATURAL KILLER CELLS AND REGULATORY
for L/L0 to be solved numerically, but an approximated closed formula also works well T CELLS SUBPOPULATIONS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR
for typical dialysis conditions. DISEASE IN A COHORT OF PERITONEAL DIALYSIS
RESULTS: The model predicts that swelling of peritoneal tissue depends on factors PATIENTS
such as tissue stiffness, tissue width, solute penetration depth, and transport
parameters for tissue and capillary wall, and on the forces that induce fluid transport: Anila Duni1, Olga Balafa2, George Vartholomatos3, Margarita Oikonomou2,
intraperitoneal pressure and the increment of osmolality of dialysis fluid over plasma Paraskevi Tseke5, Athanasios Kitsos6, Ioanna Theodorou2, Haralambos Pappas2,
osmolality. Examples of L/L0 yielded by the model - with use of glucose 1.36% dialysis Rigas Kalaitzidis7, Michael Mitsis8, Evangelia Ntounousi9
fluid and for two levels of ip hydrostatic pressure (Pip) - are shown. In Figure, left University Hospital of Ioannina, Department of Nephrology, Ioannina, Greece,
panel, for L0 = 1 cm representing human abdominal muscle, and solute diffusional University Hospital of Ioannina, Department of Nephrology, Ioannina, Greece,
penetration KS=KD=0.055 cm, or lower, as due to diffusion against fluid flow, University Hospital of Ioannina, Laboratory of Haematology - Unit of Molecular
KS=KD/2=0.027 cm, is plotted versus the tissue stiffness; the dialysis fluid with glucose Biology, Ioannina, Greece, 5Alexandra General Hospital, Renal Unit, Athina, Greece,
1.36% is applied (osmolality increment of 60 mmol/L at the beginning of peritoneal University Hospital of Ioannina, Department Of Nephrolgy, Ioannina, Greece,
dwell, Waniewski et al, 1996) and Pip is 15 mmHg. As stiffness of abdominal and University Hospital of Ioannina, Department of Nephrolgy, Ioannina, Greece,
bowel muscles may be expected around 300 mm Hg, swelling might be up to 15%; it University of Ioannina, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Ioannina, Greece
decreases with lower ip hydrostatic and osmotic pressures. Hypothetical dialysis at Pip and 9University of Ioannina, Department of Nephrology, School of Medicine, Ioannina,
= 0 (isobaric with interstitial fluid) would reduce swelling by factor 2, see Figure, right Greece
panel. The depth of osmotic agent penetration into the tissue impacts tissue hydration
and swelling, see Figure 1 for L/L0 with twice reduced KS. The model and its BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) is
approximation by the closed formula provide practically the same outcomes for clinical characterized by elevated expression of the proinflammatory and pro-atherogenic
peritoneal dialysis, see Figure 1, but some discrepancy between them may occur for CD14þþCD16þ monocytes subset. The role of lymphocyte subpopulations including
thin tissue, as rat abdominal wall. The approximate formula for L/L0 works well if KS natural killer (NK) cells and CD4þCD25þ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the
is much shorter than L0. Nevertheless, for high degree of swelling a nonlinear theory modulation of inflammation and immunity and subsequent cardiovascular
should be constructed. implications have received increasing attention. The role of immune cell
subpopulations remains to be determined in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. The aim
of this pilot study was to investigate potential correlations between blood levels of
CD14þþCD16þ monocytes, NK cells and Tregs with phenotypes of established
cardiovascular disease (CVD), including coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart
failure (HF) in a cohort of PD patients.
METHOD: 29 stable PD patients (mean age 66.96 years 614.5, 62% males) were
enrolled. Exclusion criteria were a history of malignancy, autoimmune disease, active
or chronic infections and a recent (< 3 months) cardiovascular event. Demographic,
laboratory and bioimpedance measurements data (overhydration, extracellular and
total body water and their ratios) were collected. The analysis of peripheral blood
immune cell subsets was performed using flow cytometry (FC). Additionally, in 7 PD
patients the distribution of the immune cells was evaluated by FC at two time points:
T0 (before initiation of PD - CKD stage G5) and T1 (after PD start).
RESULTS: The median dialysis vintage was 34.5 (range 3.2-141) months. Overall, PD
patients had 527 6 199 monocytes and 1731 6 489 lymphocytes while mean
percentage of CD14þþCD16þ monocytes was 9.3 66.36% (normal range 2-8%), NK
cells 16.6610.3% (normal range 5-15%) and Tregs 2.161.76% (normal range 1-3%).
There was no correlation of either of these cell subpopulations with age, PD vintage,
inflammation markers (CRP, fibrinogen, albumin, hsTroponin-I), overhydration
markers or comorbidities. Only increased NK cells were associated with the presence of
HF in PD (24.87 vs 14.92%, p 0.047). In multiple regression analysis, NK cells levels
were strongly associated with the presence of edema (beta coef=13.7, p<0.001) and
CAD (beta coef=7.1, p=0.046). At T0 mean percentage of CD14þþCD16þ
monocytes, NK cells and Tregs were 9.7 64.5%, 17.1 63.84% and 2.386 1.26%
respectively whereas at T1 mean percentage of CD14þþCD16þ monocytes was 13.3%
68.4, NK cells 19.866.47% and Tregs 1.560.6%. Paired t-test of cell subpopulations
(T0 vs T1) showed that only the Tregs were significantly decreased (p =0.018), while
the other subpopulations did not differ and remained increased.
CONCLUSION: Our study is the first to evaluate the potential association between
specific immune cell subsets and cardiovascular disease in long-term PD patients.
Increased NK cells levels directly correlate both with the presence of HF and CAD in
PD patients. Longitudinal results suggest that CD14þþCD16þ and NK cells remain
increased after PD start, while Tregs decrease further. The state of pro-inflammation
and immune deregulation appear to persist after initiating PD. Future research is
required to evaluate the role of immune cells subsets as potential tools to identify
patients who are at the highest risk for complications and to guide interventions that
may improve clinical outcomes.
i400 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: This was a single-center, retrospective descriptive study. We included a the patient fulfilled six out of eight criteria for diagnosis of HLH. The patient was
cohort of incident and prevalent adult PD patients in the PD Unit between January – managed with Anti Tubercular Treatment along with Dexamethasone and he showed a
December of 2020. Patients without a follow-up < six months and who started PD at gradual improvement in overall clinical and laboratory parameters.
another center were excluded. Patients were assigned according to their first PD CONCLUSION: Secondary HLH may occur after Tuberculous peritonitis in patient of
protocol in two groups – Group A: Incr_Dial protocol (continuous ambulatory PD: ESRD on CAPD. Refractory peritonitis with hyperferritenemia, cytopenias,
less than four dwells daily, less than 2 L dwell volumes, less than seven days a week hypertriglyceridemia should raise the suspicion for HLH. Timely identification and
treatment, or some combination of these; automated PD: without a long dwell, less treatment of HLH may improve patient outcomes.
than 10 L daily delivered by cycler and day dwells, treatment for less than 7 days a week
or some combination of these); Group B: Full_Dial protocol. Statistical analysis was
performed using SPSS 20.0. Statistical significance level p <0.05.
RESULTS: Among 84 PD patients, 68% underwent incremental PD (Group A) and
31% underwent conventional full-dose PD (Group B). The mean age was 55.9615.4
years, 60.7% were male and 32.5% diabetic. There were no statistically significant
differences between the two groups regarding: demographic characteristics,
comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency or ischemic heart disease)
and drugs (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers
and/or loop diuretics). The median Incr_Dial duration to achieve PD full dose was 10.2
months (IQ 5.1-17).
At the beginning of PD, there was no statistically significant difference in diuresis
between both groups (A: 1.79L vs B: 1.2L, p=0.07), however after 6 months of PD there
was a superior urinary output in Group A (A: 1.67L vs B: 1.1L, p=0.037). Group A
(Incr_Dial) was also associated with a superior renal clearance of creatinine at the
beginning (A: 81 L/sem/1.73m2 vs B: 56.8L/sem/1.73m2, p=0.021) and after 12 months
(A: 70.7L/sem/1.73m2 vs B: 26.3 L/sem/1.73m2, p<0.01); and superior Kt/V renal/
week at the beginning (A: 1.48 vs B: 1.02, p=0.02) and after 12 months (A: 1.28 vs B:
0.49, p<0.001).
There are no differences between mortality (A: 1.9% vs B: 12%, p=0.094), peritonitis-
free time (A: 158 days vs B: 236 days, p=0.133) and the numbers of peritonitis per year
(A: 0.32 vs B: 0.5, p=0.940). However, the rate of hospital admissions per year was
lower in Group A (A: 0.22 vs B: 0.70, p=0.001).
CONCLUSION: Incremental PD is a safe strategy of renal replacement therapy to start
PD. In our PD population, it showed similar patient survival rates and a significantly
less hospital admissions. Incremental PD was also beneficial for preserving RRF when
compared to full-dose PD.
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i401
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: In the present study the degree of nutrition at the beginning of CONCLUSION: In our study, APD and CAPD patients had similar technical survival
treatment had no significant effect on the outcome of peritoneal dialysis treatment. regardless of the peritoneal transport characteristics. However, CAPD was found to be
Therefore, patients should not be discouraged for peritoneal dialysis on the basis of a factor for peritonitis. Thus, it may be appropriate to initiate the PD treatment with
BMI. APD modality and evaluate patients to switch modalities with PET only in case of
peritoneal dialysis inadequacy.
Hasan Haci Yeter1, Omer Faruk Akcay1, Galip Güz1 Vincenzo Antonio Panuccio1, Silvia Lucisano1, Rocco Tripepi2, Giovanni
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology, Ankara, Turkey Luigi Tripepi2, Francesca Mallamaci1,2
Grande Ospedale Metropolitano “Bianchi Melacrino Morelli”, Nephrology, Dialysis and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The PD modality is usually modulated according to the Transplantation Unit, Reggio Calabria, Italy and 2Institute of Clinical Psychology,
PET and dialysis adequacy during follow-up but, initial modality choice generally National Research Counsil, Reggio Calabria, Italy
depends on patient preferences and lifestyle regardless of patients’ baseline transport
status. However, the relationship between baseline transport status, the PD modality BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The knowledge of the impact of peritoneal dialysis
chosen, and technical survival is not well established. Peritonitis is one of the leading (PD) program in terms of hospitalization rate can provide solid guidance for
causes of technical failure, hospitalization, and death in PD. While obesity, low nephrologists for management purpose. In a historical cohort of adult PD patients, we
albumin levels, exit-site infections, and nasal staphylococcus carriage are well-defined examined the hospitalization rates and causes of hospital admissions.
risk factors for peritonitis, some suggest CAPD could be another risk factor due to METHOD: One hundred ninety-one consecutive PD patients between January 1st
increased daily connection to PD. Many studies indicated that CAPD and APD have 2000 to December 31st 2018 were enrolled. The maximum follow up was 194 months.
similar technical survival rates. In this study, we aimed to identify the impact of the Their mean age was 65615 years, 110 were males, 56 had co-morbidities and 67 were
baseline transport status on technical survival of CAPD and APD. We also investigated diabetics. The median PD vintage was 35 months (interquartile range 20-63 months).
peritonitis risk of modalities considering all defined risk factors. RESULTS: During the follow-up, 163 out of 191 patients (85%) underwent hospital
METHOD: This is a retrospective, single-center, cohort study of incident adult PD admission for a total of 356 hospitalizations [57 hospitalizations per 100-person-years].
patients followed-up between January 2010 and January 2020. One hundred and The most frequent cause of admission was infection (20 hospitalizations per 100-
thirty-six patients, followed-up for at least three years, were included. Patients with person-years) mainly due to peritonitis (12 hospitalizations per 100-person-years)
malignancy and who had less than 1.7 Kt/V per week were excluded. Peritonitis is followed by cardiovascular diseases (17 hospitalizations per 100-person-years).
defined according to the "International Society Peritoneal Dialysis" guideline. Hospitalizations due to miscellaneous causes were 21 per 100-person-years. In the
According to the baseline PET, patients were divided into two groups as follows; 1) whole group, high NYHA score [Incidence Rate Ratio (IRR): 1.52, 95%CI 1.21-1.89,
high or high average transporters and 2) low or low average transporters. Risk factors P<0.001], residual diuresis <500 ml/die (IRR: 1.43, 95%CI 1.13-1.82, P=0.002),
for peritonitis, five years, and overall technical survival of both modalities according to malnutrition (IRR: 1.47, 95%CI 1.08-1.99, P=0.01) and older age (>65 years) (IRR
baseline transport status were determined. 1.26, 95%CI 1.02-1.56, P=0.03) and were associated to all-cause hospitalizations. In an
RESULTS: The mean age was 35.5612 years, and the median follow-up time was 47 analysis by hospitalization type, the factors related to admission for infection diseases
(36-178) months. Sixty-six (48%) of the patients were female. Patients’ first-year Kt/V was malnutrition (IRR: 1.91, 95%CI 1.16-3.03, P=0.005) and high NYHA score (IRR:
per week was 2.1860.4, and the mean ultrafiltration was 0.960.4 liters. 26 (19%) of the 1.52, 95%CI 1.03-2.22, P=0.02). As expected, hospitalizations due to cardiovascular
patients had diabetes mellitus, 57(42%) patients had hypertension, and 27 (20%) of the causes were strongly related to older age (>65 years) (IRR 2.02, 95%CI 1.35-3.03,
patients had a history of hemodialysis of more than three months. 89 (65%) of the P<0.001), diabetes (IRR 2.13, 95%CI 1.43-3.18, P<0.001), high NYHA score (IR 2.14,
patients were performing CAPD, 59 (66%) of whom were low or low-average 95%CI 1.43-3.21, P=0.001], residual diuresis <500 ml/die (IRR: 1.65, 95%CI 1.06-2.55,
transporters. 47(35%) of patients were performing APD and 28(60%) of whom were P=0.02) and previous cardiovascular events (IRR: 1.50, 95%CI 0.98-2.25, P=0.05).
high or high-average transporters. During the follow-up, a total of 71 peritonitis CONCLUSION: Analyzing the causes and the rate of hospitalization in PD patients
episodes were observed, and the incidence of peritonitis was 0.13 episodes/year. allows more accurate management of these high risk category of patients and
Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that CAPD, low education level (being contributes to a more efficient organization of a renal department.
primary school graduate or illiterate), HD treatment before PD, and bathing less than
once per week were associated with peritonitis risk. However, multivariate analysis of
associated factors demonstrated that only CAPD was a significant risk factor for
peritonitis [odds ratio:2.360 (95% confidence interval:1.075-5.180), p=0.03]. Kaplan-
Meier survival analysis showed that low or low-average transporters and high or high-
average transporters had similar technical survival rates in both CAPD or APD at the
end of three years (figure 1). Similar rates were found in overall survival.
i402 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: A total of 211 patients were included in the analysis. Of these, 24.5% patients. In PD patients, the most common cause of all hospitalisations was peritonitis
underwent surgical procedures and 75.5% percutaneous insertion. Mean follow-up was (23%). In ICHD patients, the most common cause was access-related (33%).
23.3 6 25 months (2 to 96 months). About half (53.1%) of the patients were diabetic, CONCLUSION: PD was associated with a higher hospitalisation rate, a shorter time to
aged 64.2613 years. In 32 patients (15%) a preventive hernia repair with a first hospitalisation and more hospitalisations compared to ICHD. One explanation
simultaneous catheter implantation were performed. Patients who underwent a might be that the threshold for admission to hospital is lower for PD patients
preventive hernia repair were significantly older than other patients (69.4611.1 years compared to ICHD patients.
versus 63.2613.1 years, P=0.013).
During the study period, 203 of 211 patients were treated by PD. Thirty three (16.1%)
have developed 38 new hernias. Patients suffering from a new hernia during PD were
predominantly male, with longer dialysis vintage than patients without new hernia
formation (35.3622.8 months versus 23622.9, respectively. P=0.001). Five of 33
patients suffered multiple hernias, including recurrent hernias at the same site. Most
common types were inguinal and umbilical (44.7% each other), while only few were
incisional or ventral. None of our patients suffered from a pericatheter one. The overall
rate of new hernias development was 0.09/patient/years. Neither age, comorbidities,
obesity nor polycystic kidney disease did not increase the rate of hernia formation
Joyce Pinto1, Malgorzata Debowska1, Rafael Gomez2, Jacek Waniewski1,
during the course of PD treatment. There was no significant association between type
Bengt Lindholm3
of catheter insertion procedure (surgical/percutaneous) and infections, leakages or 1
catheter function. Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Warszawa, Poland, 2RTS SAS,
Leak incidence in diabetic patients was significantly higher in comparison with Cali, Colombia and 3Karolinska Institute, Baxter Novum and Renal Medicine,
nondiabetic patients (8% versus 1%, P=0.021). Infectious complications were not Stockholm, Sweden
different between diabetic and not diabetics patients (5.4% among diabetic patients
versus 2% nondiabetic, P=0.29). BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In dialysis patients, urine volume is an easy-to-obtain
CONCLUSION: Our findings show that male gender and prolonged peritoneal marker of residual kidney function but information is lacking of its potential value as
dialysis duration are the main risk factors for the appearance of hernias in the course of an estimate of the renal contribution to total clearance of small solutes. We explored
PD therapy. Our data also confirm previous observations that the placement of PD whether correlations of urine volume with different estimations of the residual renal
catheter using a paramedian incision approach significantly reduces the incidences of function for urea, creatinine, and phosphorus, could be used to assess renal solute
exit site and incision hernias. We suggest that early diagnosis of latent asymptomatic clearances and renal mass removal for investigated solutes.
hernias and hernia repair prior to starting PD can improve technique survival. METHOD: In an observational study of 94 non-anuric (urine output 100 mL per 24
hours) patients (54% men, median age 59 [45 - 68] year, BMI 25.8 [21.4 - 27.7] kg/m2)
undergoing automated (n = 59) or continuous ambulatory (n = 35) peritoneal dialysis
(PD), we evaluated renal, peritoneal and total (renal plus peritoneal) solute removal (g/
week) and clearance (L/week) in relation to urine volume (L/day). Urine volume, renal
clearances, ratio of urine solute to serum solute concentration, removed mass of each
solute and the ratio of mass removed by urine (renal clearance) over total mass
removed by urine and dialysate (total clearance) for urea, creatinine and phosphorus
were estimated from 24 h collections of urine and dialysate and determination of solute
concentrations in serum, urine and dialysate. Statistical dependence between variables
was tested using Spearman’s correlation coefficient (rho). Data are expressed as median
Anita Van Eck van der Sluijs1, Anna Bonenkamp2, Vera Van Wallene1,
with interquartile range.
Tiny Hoekstra2, Birgit Lissenberg3, Friedo W. Dekker4, Frans J. Van Ittersum2,
RESULTS: Median 24-hour urine output was 560 [323 – 938] mL. Renal mass removal
Brigit Van Jaarsveld2, Alferso C. Abrahams1
for urea, creatinine and phosphorus was 10.1 [4.5 – 17.1], 3.5 [1.8 – 5.6] and 1.0 [0.4 –
UMC Utrecht, Nephrology and Hypertension, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2Amsterdam 1.7] g/week, respectively. The average contribution of residual renal removal to the
UMC, locatie VUmc, Nephrology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Amsterdam UMC, loca- total mass removed was 28% [17% - 41%] for urea, 56% [30% - 72%] for creatinine and
tie VUmc, Epidemiology and Data Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 4Leiden 44% [24% - 58%] for phosphorus. Serum creatinine correlated weakly and negatively
University Medical Center (LUMC), Clinical Epidemiology, Leiden, The Netherlands with urine volume (rho = -0.26, p < 0.05), but no such relationship was observed for
urea and phosphorus. Only urine concentration of creatinine correlated weakly with
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: End stage kidney disease (ESKD) and dialysis urine volume with rho = -0.28 and p < 0.01. Urine concentration over plasma
treatment are associated with high morbidity, frequently resulting in hospitalisation. concentration did not correlate with urine volume for any solute. Renal urea clearance
However, studies comparing hospitalisation between different dialysis modalities (20.1 [11.4 - 35.7] L/week) correlated positively with creatinine renal clearance (43.0
report conflicting results. Some studies report an equal number and length of hospital [18.9 - 75.1] L/week), (rho = 0.92), and with phosphorus renal clearance (17.3 [7.6 -
admissions, while others conclude that peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients are more likely 32.9] L/week), (rho = 0.89, p < 0.001; Fig. 1A), while renal creatinine clearance
to be hospitalised. In addition, most studies only analyse data of patients that remain correlated positively with phosphorus renal clearance (rho = 0.86, p<0.001). Urine
on their initial dialysis modality. However, a transition from one dialysis modality to volume correlated positively with urea, creatinine and phosphorus clearances at rho
another, e.g. from PD to in-centre haemodialysis (ICHD), certainly occurs in current 0.78, 0.63 and 0.73, respectively (all p< 0.001), and with renal removal of mass of urea,
dialysis practice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare hospitalisations creatinine, and phosphorus with rho= 0.83, 0.68 and 0.74 (Fig. 1B), respectively; all
between PD and ICHD patients, taking into account transfers between dialysis p<0.001.
METHOD: The retrospective Dutch nOcturnal and hoME dialysis Study To Improve
Clinical Outcomes (DOMESTICO) collected hospitalisation data of ESKD patients
who started dialysis treatment between 2012 and 2017. Eligible patients had a
minimum dialysis duration of 3 months. For baseline comparison, groups were defined
based on the dialysis modality (i.e. PD or ICHD) 3 months after dialysis initiation.
Primary outcome was hospitalisation rate, which was analysed with a multi-state
model that attributed each hospitalisation to the dialysis modality the patient was
treated with at that the time. Secondary outcomes were time to first hospitalisation,
number of hospitalisations and length of hospitalisation. Time to first hospitalisation
was analysed with Cox regression analysis, with dialysis modality as a time-varying
covariate. Number of hospitalisations was analysed with negative binomial regression,
and length of stay with Poisson regression. All analyses were adjusted for potential
confounders. MO703 Figure 1: Dependencies between renal clearances of phosphorus and urea
RESULTS: In total, 252 PD and 443 ICHD patients from 31 Dutch dialysis centres (panel A), and renal phosphorus removal and urine volume (panel B).
were included. Baseline characteristics of the groups were comparable, apart from a
lower dialysis vintage and a slightly lower comorbidity score in the PD group. Patients
transferred more often from PD to ICHD (33%), than from ICHD to PD (11%) during CONCLUSION: In PD patients, solute renal clearances and renal mass removal for
a median follow-up period of 22.0 months [IQR 11.1-36.4]. The crude hospitalisation urea, creatinine and phosphorus may be predicted from urine volume. Among renal
rate for PD was 2.3 (65.0) and for ICHD 1.4 (63.2) hospitalisations per patient-year. clearances for urea, creatinine, and phosphorus two of them may be assessed based on
Using a multistate model, the adjusted hazard ratio (HR) for hospitalisation rate was measurements of the third one.
1.1 (95%CI 1.02-1.3) for PD compared to ICHD patients. Cox regression analysis
showed a significant difference in time to first hospitalisation with an adjusted HR of
1.3 (95%CI 1.1 - 1.6) for PD compared to ICHD patients in the first year after dialysis
initiation. After the first year, the time to first hospitalisation had an adjusted HR of 1.9
(95%CI 1.4–2.5) for PD compared to ICHD patients. The number of hospitalisations
was significantly higher, while the length of stay was non-significantly higher for PD
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i403
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO704 THE PROGNOSTIC IMPACT OF WEIGHT GAIN AFTER CONCLUSION: Sleep disturbances are common in PD patients and are associated
PERITONEAL DIALYSIS with decreased quality of life. Therefore, they must be taken into account in the
therapeutic measures recommended in order to improve the quality of life of these
Win Hlaing Than1,2, Jack KC Ng1, Gordon CK Chan1, Winston Fung1, Cheuk patients and reduce morbidity and mortality.
Chun Szeto1,2
Carol & Richard Yu Peritoneal Dialysis Research Centre, Department of Medicine &
Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, P.R. China and 2Li Ka
Shing Institute of Health Sciences (LiHS), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of
Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong, P.R. China
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The prevalence of obesity has increased over the past PERIOTONEAL CHOICE IN INCIDENT PATIENTS: A
decade in patients with End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD). Obesity at the initiation of REGIONAL EXPERIENCE
peritoneal dialysis (PD) was reported to adversely affect clinical outcomes. However,
there are few studies on the prognostic relevance of weight gain after PD. Vincenzo Antonio Panuccio1, Giovanna Parlongo1, Rocco Tripepi2, Giovanni
METHOD: We reviewed the change in body weight of 954 consecutive PD patients Luigi Tripepi2, Paola Cianfrone3, Agata Mollica4
from the initiation of dialysis to 2 years after they remained on PD. Clinical outcomes 1
including patient survival, technique survival, and peritonitis rate in the subsequent Grande Ospedale Metropolitano, Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation Unit,
two years were reviewed. Reggio Calabria, Italy, 2Institute of Clinical Psychology, National Research Counsil,
RESULTS: The mean age was 60.3 6 12.2 years; 535 patients (56.1%) were men and Reggio Calabria, Italy, 3Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria “MATER DOMINI” - Policlinico
504 (52.8%) had diabetes. After the first 2 years on PD, the average change in body Universitario "Magna Grecia”, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Catanzaro, Italy and
weight was 1.26 5.1 kg; their body weight was 63.0 6 13.3 kg; body mass index (BMI) Azienda Ospedaliera di Cosenza - Ospedale dell’Annunziata, Nephrology, Dialysis and
24.4 6 4.4 kg/m2. The patient survival rates in the subsequent two years were 64.9%, Transplantation Unit, Cosenza, Italy
75.0%, and 78.9% (log rank test, p = 0.008) for patients with weight loss 3 kg during
the first 2 years of PD weight change between -3 and þ3 kg, and weight gain 3 kg, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Effective outpatient organization is essential in the
respectively. The corresponding technique survival rates in the subsequent two years management of patients with chronic kidney disease. Although peritoneal dialysis (PD)
were 93.1%, 90.1%, 91.3%, respectively (p = 0.110), and the peritonitis rates were has many advantages it is still not popular.
0.761.5, 0.661.7, and 0.661.1 episodes per patient-year, respectively (p = 0.3). When METHOD: The aim of this study was to evaluate patient and center-related factors
the actual BMI after the first 2 years of PD was categorized into underweight, normal that affect the final choice of peritoneal dialysis (PD) versus hemodialysis (HD) in the
weight, marginal overweight, overweight, and obesity groups, the patient survival rates Calabrian region (Italy). We analyzed 2 annual regional surveys performed by
in the subsequent two years were 77.3%, 75.2%, 73.3%, 74.3%, and 75.9%, respectively nephrologists (2017 and 2018) in incident dialysis patients. Collected factors included:
(p= 0.005), and technique survival 98.0%, 91.9%, 88.0%, 92.8%, and 81.0%, respectively early and late referral to the dialysis program, pre-dialysis participation in outpatient
(p= 0.001). After adjusting for confounding clinical factors by multivariate Cox visits, first dialysis access [peritoneal catheter (PC), central venous catheter (CVC),
regression models, weight gain 3kg during the first 2 years of PD was an arteriovenous fistula (AVF)], final dialysis treatment (HD or PD) and the care giver.
independent protective factor for technique failure (adjusted hazard ratio [AHR] 0.049; RESULTS: The study sample included 296 incident patients (63% males) aged 66615
95% confidence interval [CI] 0.004-0.554, p = 0.015), but was an adverse predictor of years. Time to referral influenced the type of first dialysis access. Among patients with
patient survival (AHR 2.338, 95%CI 1.149-4.757, p = 0.019). In contrast, weight loss early referral, 35% initiated dialysis by a PC, 34% by AVF and 31% by CVC, while
3kg during the first 2 years of PD did not predict subsequent patient or technique among those with late referral, only 5% started dialysis by a PC, 15% by AVF, and the
survival. majority (80%) by CVC (P<0.001). Time to referral was also associated with pre-
CONCLUSION: Weight gain during the first 2 years of PD confers a significant risk of dialysis visits (34%, 33% and 34% versus 5%, 22% and 73%, respectively, P<0.001).
subsequent mortality but appears to be associated with a lower risk of technique failure. When evaluating clinical suitability for treatment modality, 54% of early referrals and
The mechanism of this discordant risk prediction deserves further study. 45% of late referrals were eligible for PD. The choice of dialytic modality was again
related to time to referral: 38% with early referral chose PD compared to 15% of those
with late referral (P<0.001). Furthermore, in patients who participated in the pre-
dialysis program, 38% started PD versus 11% of patients that did not participate
(P<0.001). The role of the caregiver remains uncertain.
CONCLUSION: These data confirm that a more attentive and dedicated organization
of the pre-dialysis outpatient program would contribute to a greater expansion of the
Dahmane Rihem1, Chaker Hanen1, Toumi Salma1, Zini Olfa1, Mseddi Fatma1,
Kammoun Khawla1, Yaich Soumaya1, Ben Hmida Mohamed1
Hedi chaker Hospital, nephrology, SFAX, Tunisia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sleep disturbances are more common in patients with INFECTIOUS PERITONITIS IN PATIENTS ON AUTOMATED
chronic renal failure and on dialysis than in the general population. They affect their PERITONEAL DIALYSIS
mental health and quality of life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sleep
disorders of patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD). Nadia Cherni1, Samia Barbouch1, Meriem Hajji1, Nada Sallemi1,
METHOD: We report the results of a descriptive cross-sectional study in 27 patients Mondher Ounissi1, Hafedh Hedri1, Fathi Ben Hamida1
on PD in order to assess the quality of sleep in these patients and its relation with 1
Charles Nicolle Hospital, Medicine A, Tunis, Tunisia
mental health and quality of life. Sleep quality was performed using the Pittsburgh
Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) to assess origin and extent of sleep disorders. Anxiety-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is a renal
depressive disorders were assessed using the HAD (Hospital anxiety and depression)
replacement therapy that offers patients various advantages such autonomy and
scale. The quality of life (QOL) measurement was performed by the SF36 and KDQoL.
comfort. Peritoneal dialysis-related infectious peritonitis (IP) is the most common and
RESULTS: We included 15 men and 12 women with an average age of 45.74 years (21–
severe complication of APD. It is the main cause of technique failure and transfer to
77). Eleven patients were on automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) and 16 patients on
hemodialysis and can even be life-threatening. Given the seriousness of this
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The mean duration of dialysis was
complication, it is necessary to establish preventive strategies and adapt the therapeutic
45.77 6 25 months. Poor quality of sleep was reported in 14 patients. The mean PSQI
management.The aim of this study was to determine the microbiological and clinical
was 7.22 6 4.87. The most affected components were sleep duration and usual sleep
profile of IP, to specify its causes its rate and outcome in patients treated by DPA at the
efficiency. Depression was objectified in 22.22% of patients and 26% of patients had
unit of Charles Nicolle hospital in Tunis between January 2000 and December 2018.
METHOD: We conducted a single-center descriptive retrospective study in the
Impaired quality of sleep was associated with decreased quality of life. The components
peritoneal dialysis (PD) unit of Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis. We identified the
of the physical dimension of quality of life: limitation due to physical condition,
episodes of IP occurring in patients treated with APD during the period from January
physical pain were significantly lower in dialysis patients with good quality of sleep
2000 to December 2018. We studied the clinical, biological and evolutionary aspects of
(p=0.014, p= 0.033 respectively)
The mental dimension component of QOL of SF36: relationship to others, limitation
RESULTS: APD was used in 85% of patients treated at our PD unit during the study
due to mental condition was also lower in patients with sleep disturbances (p=0.039,
period. 322 episodes of IP occurred in 183 patients, that was an IP rate of 0.1 episodes/
p= 0.036 respectively).
patient-year. 58% of patients treated with DPA have not presented IP. The mean age of
Symptoms and problems, as well as the effects and the burden of kidney disease were
the patients who presented PI was 43 years þ/- 15(Extreme: 17-77) with a sex-ratio of
not associated with poor quality of sleep. Impaired sleep quality was also not
1.23. 74% of patients had a professional activity. 98% of patients had co-morbidities
significantly associated with depression or anxiety in our series.
dominated by hypertension (88%), dyslipidemia(73%) and diabetes(16%) with a
median Charlson score of 2[2-3] (Extremes: 2-9). Their average Body Mass Index was
24kg/m2þ/-5. 33% of the patients were smokers. The average training duration before
i404 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
starting APD was 13daysþ/-5. The IP were evenly distributed according to seasons the association between serum EDPs and abdominal aortic calcification (AAC) in PD
(27% occurred in autumn, 26% in spring, 25% in summer and 22% in winter). IP were: patients remain limited.
a 1st episode in 55% of cases, a new episode in 30% of cases, a relapse in 10% of cases, a METHOD: 126 eligible PD patients were included and first grouped by the presence of
recidivism in 3% of cases and a recurrence in 2% of cases. Fever was present in 34% of AAC by an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan. Patients with AAC were then
patients, abdominal pain in 75% of them. The dialysate was cloudy in 98% of cases. The grouped into severer and non-severer group according to the annularity of
median number of leukocytes in the PD fluid was 380/mm3(Range: 15-8000)with a calcification. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to analyze the association
mean% of neutrophils of 73%þ/- 27. Dialysate culture was positive in 60% of cases, between EDPs and AAC or severer AAC. Nomograms were generated to evaluate
negative in 38% of cases and contaminated in 2% of cases. Among the positive cultures, individualized risk of AAC and severer AAC.
only one was fungal (Candida albicans). Bacterial IP were distributed as follows: 64% RESULTS: Serum EDPs were significantly elevated in PD patients compared with
Cocci Gramþ dominated by Staphylococcus aureus (48%), 34% Bacillus Gram- healthy controls (interquartile ranges: 37.65-55.02 versus 24.23-39.20 ng/mL;
(mainly Klebsiella pneumoniae (21%) and Pseudomonas (21%)), 2 cases of Bacillus p<0.001), and gradually increased as AAC worsens. Moreover, EDPs had the most
Gramþ (Corynebacterium afermentans and Lactobacillus) and 2 cases of excellent discriminatory power to differentiate AAC compared with other mineral
polymicrobial culture (Cocci Gramþ and Bacillus Gram-).IP was of unknown cause in metabolism markers. After adjustment for potential variables, higher EDPs were
48% of cases, related to an asepsis lack in 19% of cases, the orifice infection in 18% of associated with greater risk of developing AAC (Odds ratio: 1.056, 95%CI: 1.010-1.103)
cases and tunnelitis in 2% of cases. The other causes were essentially endogenous. and severer AAC (Odds ratio: 1.062, 95%CI: 1.004-1.123). Receiver operating curve
Probabilistic antibiotic therapy was effective in 34% of cases. An adaptation according analysis (ROC) revealed that a combination of EDPs substantially improved the
to the microbiological results was carried out in 19% of cases. Hospitalization was accuracy of diagnostic performance for AAC and severer AAC. Nomogram
required in 10% of patients. 20% of peritonitis was refractory. Catheter ablation was demonstrated exceptional ability in recognizing PD patients with susceptibility to AAC
performed in 14% of patients.IP caused the death of 8 patients and represented 37% of or severer AAC.
the causes of transfer to hemodialysis. CONCLUSION: Serum EDPs can predict the presence and severity of AAC in PD
CONCLUSION: IPs are a turning point for the survival of the patient and the patients, indicating the possible roles to recognize PD patients at risk for developing
technique. Knowing the microbiological profile of these infections will make AAC and severer AAC.
therapeutic interventions precocious and effective in order to preserve the prognosis of
patients in APD at the short and long term.
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i405
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO711 COMPARISON OF PERITONEAL DIALYSIS EFFICACY residual diuresis, isquemic cardiopathy and left ventricle mass index, NT-proBNP >
MARKERS IN DIABETIC AND NON-DIABETIC PATIENTS 1600 pg/mL was associated with patient overhidratation (exp (B) 1,44, 95% CI 0,15-
Jo~ao Carv~ao1, Adriana Paixa ~o Fernandes2, Rita Verıssimo3, Rita Calça3, Ana
No statistical difference was observed considering nutritional parameters, peritoneal
Rita Martins3, Patricia Matias3, Patricia Branco3 transport, dialysis efficacy and NT-proBNP.
Hospital Central do Funchal, Nephrology, Funchal, Portugal, 2Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, CONCLUSION: In this population, higher levels of NT-proBNP were associated with
Nephrology, Loures, Portugal and 3Hospital Santa Cruz, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa overhydration status and left ventricular dysfunction. Therefore, BIA and NT-proBNP
Ocidental, Nephrology, Carnaxide, Portugal may be complementary to clinical evaluation of PD patients. BIA results can be
affected by malnutrition with loss of cell mass according to some studies. In our
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the leading cause of end- population NT-proBNP is not affected by nutritional status and therefore can also be
stage kidney disease. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is an effective and convenient modality of used as a congestive marker in malnourished patients. Longitudinal application of BIA
renal replacement therapy, however in diabetic patients, higher technique failure is could be a useful clinical tool to evaluate adequacy in PD patients.
feared. This cross sectional study aimed to investigate if diabetic patients are good
candidates for peritoneal dialysis in terms of dialysis efficacy and volume overload
management when compared with non-diabetic patients.
METHOD: We conducted a cross-sectional study including 60 patients with end-stage
kidney disease currently in peritoneal dialysis. Echocardiography was performed using
HDI 5000, allowing M-mode, two-dimensional measurement. Peritoneal equilibration MO713 ENCAPSULATING PERITONEAL SCLEROSIS IN KIDNEY
test exam was used to evaluate transport rate and dialysis efficacy. A multifrequency TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS
bioimpedance (BIA) analyzer was used. Overhydration (OH) was defined as an extra-
cellular water (ECW)/total body water (TBW) over 15%. Clinical and biochemical Imen Ouertani1, Azzabi Awatef1, Sahtout Wissal1, Ben Aicha Narjes1,
variables were also explored. Mrabet Sanda1, Ferdawes Sabri1, Zellema Dorsaf1, Guedri Yosra1,
RESULTS: A total of 60 patients completed evaluation. Overall, 60% (n=36) were Abdelatif Achour1
males with a mean age of 55,8 6 15,3 years, BMI 25.9 6 3.9 kg/m2, 31,7% (n=19) had 1
DM. Median PD vintage was 21 months, automated PD 30%, 8.3% (n=5) were anuric Sahloul Hospital, Nephrology department, Sousse, Tunisia
and 10% (n=6) were overhydrated. The median serum N-terminal pro b-type
natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level was 1071 pg/mL. Left ventricule (LV) mass BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a life-
index and LV ejection fraction were 129.0 6 51.1 g/m2 and 62.8 6 13.0%, respectively. threatening complication of long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD). Causative factors are
The median excess volume overload was 0.9L. the chronic exposure to bioincompatible PD and peritonitis episodes. Pro-
Patients were divided in 2 groups (diabetic and non-diabetic). No differences were inflammatory state and oxidative stress associated with chronic uremia may further
found between the 2 groups in terms of time in PD, peritoneal transportation, dialysis accelerate these pathomechanisms. Clinical symptoms are, essentially, signs of
efficacy, diuresis, hemoglobin, albumin, normalized protein catabolic rate, hydration intestinal obstruction. Treatments commonly used are corticosteroids, tamoxifen,
status, weight, body mass index, arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, LV immunosuppressants like azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), or mTOR
ejection fraction, LV mass index, CA-125 value, clinical signs of fluid overload, systolic inhibitors which has fibrinolytic properties and may help with reducing inflammation.
and diastolic blood pressure. However, diabetic patients were younger (51,6 versus In the last ten years, the incidence of SEP in kidney transplant recipients has increased,
58,0; p=0,02), more likely to have peripheral arterial disease (42,1 versus 7,3%, p=0,03), but few cases have been reported. Given the rare nature of this pathology, we decided
ischemic heart disease (52,6 versus 7,3%, p<0,001) and had higher levels of NT- to publish the cases of two EPS happening after kidney transplantation (KT).
proBNP (5932 versus 4216 pg/mL, p=0.04). CASE REPORT: We report the cases of two male patients aged 46 and 25 with a
However, when using a multivariable analysis, in a model adjusted to age, residual history of chronic renal failure, who benefited of continuous ambulatory peritoneal
dialysis, efficacy of dialysis, diabetic patients did not have a significant difference in dialysis (CAPD) for three years. The first patient was switched to haemodialysis (HD)
volume overload, dialysis efficacy and markers of cardiac dysfunction when compared for sub-dialysis, with one episode of peritonitis and one episode of catheter infection.
with non-diabetic patients. The second patient had three episodes of peritonitis complicated by asymptomatic
CONCLUSION: In this population, diabetes was associated with higher levels of NT- EPS, hence its transfer to HD. Our two patients presented, at 30 and 40 days post KT,
proBNP, however it did not translate in higher fluid overload, lower dialysis efficacy or an episode of acute intestinal obstruction with abdominal scans fitting with a
worst cardiac dysfunction, when compared with non-diabetic patients. We conclude mechanical bowel obstruction on an encapsulating peritonitis without signs of
that PD is able to control hydration status, dialysis efficacy and cardiac dysfunction in complication. Both patients were on corticosteroid therapy (15 and 17.5 mg/day)
diabetic patients with similar efficiency as in non-diabetic patients. combined with MMF and Calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) (Tacrolimus). Medical
measures were not effecient. Surgical treatment was then considered. During the
operation, a classical picture of EPS was found characterized by a thin cocoon-like
sclerotic membrane encasing the small bowel. A complete resection of the
encapsulating sclerotic membrane and total adhesiolysis were performed, with an
immediate improvement on the clinical level. No recurrence was noted for both
patients at 5 and 24 months respectively.
MO712 EVALUATION OF VOLUME OVERLOAD STATUS MARKERS IN CONCLUSION: The specificities of our patients compared to the reported cases were
PERITONEAL DIALYSIS PATIENTS the short duration of the PD and the relatively young age. In fact, some studies
demonstrated an increased incidence of EPS in younger patients. In addition, this
Jo~ao Carv~ao1, Adriana Fernandes2, Rita Verıssimo3, Rita Calça3, complication has declared itself despite corticosteroid therapy. Some case reports have
Ana Rita Martins3, Patricia Matias3, Patricia Branco3 demonstrated an increase in the incidence of SEP in kidney transplant patients,
Hospital Central do Funchal, Nephrology, Funchal, Portugal, 2Hospital Beatriz Ângelo, suggesting the possible implication of CNIs which have a profibrotic effect and may
Nephrology, Loures, Portugal and 3Hospital Santa Cruz, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa promote peritoneal matrix accumulation.
Ocidental, Nephrology, Carnaxide, Portugal
i406 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
analyzer. Correlation analysis was performed. constituted the control group.
RESULTS: The MPV/platelet ratio decreased significantly from 3.99% at placement to RESULTS: In the HD group, 14 patients (46.6%) were PPD positive, and ın the PD
3.50% at the first PET (median values, Wilcoxon test p<0.001). Neither group 16 patients (53.3%) were PPD positive. In the PPD-positive HD patients 64.2%
anthropometric data, nor creatinine clearance, nor BUN clearance, nor Kt/V (renal, (9/14), and in the PPD-positive PD patients 62.4% (10/16) had an induration of 10 mm
peritoneal, total), nor erythrocyte sedimentation rate, nor C reactive protein were or greater. In the control group, 21 of 30 patients (70%) were PPD positive.
associated to MPV/platelet ratio. Only D/P urea and D/P creatinine were significantly Comparison of both HD and PD groups with the control group showed signifcant
correlated to MPV/platelet ratio (D/P urea r=0.223, p=0.01; D/P creatinine r=0.199, diferences in PPD reactivity (p<0.01). Albumin levels were signifcantly high in the
p=0.03). Slow transporters presented a significantly lower MPV/platelet ratio than control groups (p<0.01), and cholesterol levels were signifcantly high in the PD and
average transporters (median values, 3.49% versus 3.83%, Mann-Whitney test p=0.03). the control groups (p<0.05). Transferrin levels were signifcantly high in the PD
CONCLUSION: Peritoneal dialysis is reducing significantly the MPV/platelet ratio. (p<0.01). The lymphocyte counts were signifcantly high in the control group
Differences in MPV/platelet ratio are reflected in the peritoneal transport status at 6 compared to the HD patients (p<0.05). The lymphocyte subset percentages CD19
months after dialysis start. The reduction of the MPV/platelet ratio might respect a were high in the control groups (p<0.05), and CD16/56 was signifcantly high in the
reduced platelet and endothelial activation even in the abdominal space. PD groups (p<0.05). All the parameters were also similar between PPD-positive and -
negative same groups.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of PPD positivity was lower in the PD and HD
groups. The PPD test responses were not related to the peripheral lymphocyte counts,
subsets and malnutrition parameters.
10.1093/ndt/gfab101 | i407
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
vaginal duct and a left inguino-scrotal leak. Surgical correction of the anatomical defect coronary artery disease was observed in 58,8%, 29,4% and 15.7% of patients. In our
was performed without incident, with subsequent return of the patient to CAPD. study, 82.35% started on automated PD (APD) and 17,6% on continuous ambulatory
CASE 2 PD (CAPD). The rate of mortality was 53%.
A 78-year-old man, 15 days after the start of the technique, consulted for bilateral Switching modality from PD to hemodialysis occurred in 29,4% of cases. A univariate
scrotal edema. A CT-peritoneography was performed, which showed that the leak of logistic regression identified a coronary artery disease as significantly associated with
peritoneal fluid to the scrotum was due to bilateral inguinal hernia. Subsequently, increased mortality (HR=2,1 [1-2,1, IC 95%](p=0.035)).
inguinal hernioplasty of the surgical defect was performed without complications. CONCLUSION: Elderly patients on dialysis face many issues but can have continued
CONCLUSION: Genital edema, as a complication of patients with CAPD, appears in success with PD when they have adequate care and support. The control of the
approximately 4-10% of them. CT-peritoneography is the diagnostic technique of morbidities such as coronary artery disease is important to decrease the rate of
choice. mortality in patients using this modality of dialysis.
To do this, 150 ml of nonionic iodinated contrast, with a concentration of 300 mg/ml,
are diluted in approximately 2 liters of dialysis solution, which are introduced into the
peritoneal cavity of the patient 2 h before performing the CT.
Subsequently, a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis including the perineum is
performed, in the supine position and craniocaudal direction.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has
now spread to the entire world as a highly contagious pandemic. The disease has
proved to be more serious in populations with underlying diseases like kidney diseases,
diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases. People with end-stage renal disease are known for
their weakened immune systems and vulnerability to different types of infections.
Recent studies have shown high prevalence and poor prognosis of severe acute
MO718 Figure 1: 3D reconstruction of CT-peritoneography. respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in hemodialysis patients,
but its effect on peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients is still unknown.
The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical, biological, and scannographic
particularities and the prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients on PD.
METHOD: We conducted a monocentric descriptive study including all the confirmed
cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the PD unit of the Nephrology department in
Charles Nicolle Hospital. The first confirmed case was in March 2019 and our study
period ended in January 2021. We used Real-Time Reverse Transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction (RT- PCR) to confirm SARS-CoV-2 infection after nasopharyngeal
RESULTS: Eight patients were included: 7 men and 1 woman. The mean age was 40.25
years-old [22-60]. All the patients were hypertensive, 2 of them were diabetics and 3 of
Sonia Achouch1, Samia Barbouch2, Meriam Hajji1, Nadia Cherni1, them had cardiac pathologies: coronary heart disease in 2 patients and atrial fibrillation
Mondher Ounissi3, Imen Gorsane1, Hafedh Hedri4, Rim Goucha2, in the other patient. One patient had history deep vein thrombosis. All the patients
Taieb Ben Abdallah 5, Harzallah Amel 5, Fethi Ben Hmida6 were on automated PD with an average duration of PD of 40.56 months [1-84]. Two of
Tunisia, nephrology and research department, tunis, Tunisia, 2Tunisia, nephrology and them had history of peritonitis. Regarding the revealing symptoms of COVID-19, all
research department, Tunisia, 3Tunisian, nephrology and research department, tunis, the patients suffered from asthenia, a deterioration of general condition was observed
Tunisia, 4Tunisia, nephrology and research department, Tunis, Tunisia and 6Tunisia, in 7 patients, dry cough was also present in 7 patients, 4 patients described muscle and
nephrology and research department, tunisia, Tunisia body aches, 3 patients reported diarrhea and vomiting, dyspnea was observed in 2
patients, only one patient reported loss of taste and smell, and fever was present in only
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) is now often being initiated in one case.Two patients had low peripheral oxygen saturation (70% and 88%). All the
older patients. The benefits of this modality of dialysis have been well demonstrated in patients had lymphopenia with an average of 557 [900-280]. C-reactive protein was
the literature. The aim of our study was to analyse the epidemiological and clinical high in 6 patients with an average of 84.7 mg/l. Chest computed tomography (CT) scan
profile of the elderly patients and to determine predictive factors of mortality was practiced in 3 patients, it was positive in all of them with average extent of damage
METHOD: It was a retrospective study including 51 case defined as patients 65-year- of 60%. Four patients were admitted in hospital and one of them in the intensive care
old, treated by PD in the Internal Medicine Department of the Charles Nicolle hospital unit (ICU) for high oxygen needs. All the patients received azithromycin, and vitamin
during the period between 1986 and 2020. C and D and zinc supplementation. A preventive dose of heparin was prescribed in 5
RESULTS: Fifty one patients were enrolled in the study. Their mean age was 71,6 6 patients. No patient required intubation. No patient had thromboembolic
5,4 years [65 - 86]. There were 32 men (62, 7%) and 19 women (37,2%) . The method complications. Six patients fully recovered since more than one month. Regarding the
of initiation was the PD in 53, 84%. Diabetic and vascular nephropathy was the first other two patients we have a follow-up of only one week since the beginning of
cause of End-Stage Renal Disease in 56% and 19,6%. The mean Charlson score was 5,5 symptoms, one of them is pauci-symptomatic and the other one is still admitted in the
6 1,4 [3-9]. The mean age when using PD was 70.8 6 6 years [54-86]. Autonomous ICU.
and active patients were detected in 29.4%. Diabetes mellitus, hypertension and CONCLUSION: According to our findings, patients on PD are not at increased risk
for severe illness from COVID-19 or other adverse outcomes.
i408 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i409–i429, 2021
Zhe Wang1
The Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Blood purification, Tianjin,
P.R. China
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i410 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
kidney disease (CKD). However, effective treatment for CAC is lacked at present.
Previous studies have shown that endothelial cells (ECs) participated in vascular
calcification through endothelial-to-osteoblast transition. DAPT, N-[N-(3,5-
difluorophenacetyl)-l-alanyl]- S-phenylglycine t-butyl ester, could inhibit the activity
of c-secretase and block the activation of the Notch1 pathway. In this study, we
investigated the function of DAPT in alleviating the CAC process by blocking
endothelial-to-osteoblast transition via inhibition of the Notch1 pathway.
METHOD: We administered 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy and a 10-week high-phosphate
diet (P, 2.0%) to construct a rat model of CKD. DAPT and AAV-129-5p was
administered orally and injected abdominally to rats respectively in the treatment
groups at the beginning of the high-phosphate diet. In vivo, it was performed to detect
the expression levels of EndMT and Notch1 pathway markers in the coronary arteries.
In vitro, the effect of high PTH levels on the endothelial-to-osteoblast transition and
the role of the miR-129-5p/Notch1 signaling pathway were studied in human coronary
artery endothelial cells (HCAECs).
RESULTS: In vivo, endothelial-to-osteoblast transition accompanied with the Notch1
pathway activation was found in HCAECs upon stimulation of PTH, characteristic
MO723 Figure 8: Comparison of dapagliflozin versus controls on acute kidney with up-regulated endothelial markers (CD31, CD34) and down-regulated
injury mesenchymal markers (CD44, CD10, a-SMA, FSP1) and ostoblast markers (Runx2,
Osterix). miR-129-5p was responsible for regulating Notch1; c-secretase was time-
dependently and concentration-dependently activated by PTH, which further affected
the transcription of downstream regulators (HES1, HEY1). DAPT arrested HCAECs
migration through decreasing c-secretase activity, thus inhibiting endothelial-to-
MO724 IS INDIVIDUALIZED DIALYSATE SODIUM REASON FOR osteoblast transition. In vivo data showed that serum c-secretase activity decreased in
BETTER SURVIVAL IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS? rats intraperitoneally injected with DAPT (10mg/kg) once a week after 5/6
nephrectomy. DAPT intervention or overexpression of mir-129-5p inhibited coronary
Natasha Eftimovska-Otovikj1, Natasha Petkovikj2, Olivera Stojceva-Taneva3 endothelial-to-osteoblast transition by blocking the activation of the Notch1 pathway.
1 Notably, DAPT retarded CAC and MI without obvious negative effects on rats heart
General City Hospital 8th September, department of nephrology and dialysis, Skopje, function.
Republic Of North Macedonia, 2General City Hospital 8th September, department of CONCLUSION: DAPT is a promising agent for protecting against PTH-induced
cardiology, Skopje, Republic Of North Macedonia and 3Private dialysis center Diaverum, endothelial-to-osteoblast transition via inhibiting the Notch1 pathway in HCAECs,
dialysis center, Skopje, Republic Of North Macedonia thus alleviating CAC.
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i411
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: The mean coronary calcium scoring was 354.6 6 765.8 in the mild group,
768.2 6 594.0 in the moderate group, and 4034.9 6 2981.0 (P<0.001). The mean
extent of invasion in the corneal limbus and center was significantly higher in the
severe group than in the mild and moderate groups (P<0.001). Ejection fraction and
corrected calcium*phosphate were significantly higher in the severe group than in the
mild and moderate groups (P<0.001 and P=0.036). The CCC score was positively
associated with the coronary calcium scoring, the extent of invasion in the corneal
limbus and center, and parathyroid hormone level. The extent of invasion in the
corneal limbus and center was also positively associated with the coronary calcium
scoring. The CCC score was only negatively associated with ejection fraction.
CONCLUSION: Our study showed that CCC score and the extent of invasion in the
corneal limbus and center can predict the risk of cardiovascular disease in MHD
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10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i413
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO729 LUNG ULTRASOUND GUIDED DRY-WEIGHT REDUCTION RESULTS: From 2 dialysis centres, a total of 46 HD patients were enrolled in the study
DECREASES CARDIAC CHAMBERS DIMENSIONS AND (65.2% male, mean age 71 6 12.6 years, mean dialysis vintage 4 6 3.9 years), which
IMPROVES VENTRICULAR DIASTOLIC FUNCTION IN resulted in 89 dialysis sessions to analyse. Mean systolic BP after start of dialysis was
HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: LONG-TERM ANALYSIS OF A 133.2 6 20.7 mmHg and mean UF volume was 1817.5 6 801.5 mL. 23 sessions showed
LUST SUB-STUDY a hypotensive gradient from the start till the end of dialysis, and 13 sessions progressed
with an increase of more than 10 mmHg. When the 8 kHz curve was plotted according
Charalampos Loutradis1, Christodoulos Papadopoulos2, Vassilios Sachpekidis3, to the 3 BP groups, a more plane increase in thoracic bioimpedance signal was
Robert Ekart4, Barbara Krunic5, Dorothea Papadopoulou6, Aikaterini Papagianni1, observed in the group with a normal tension course (Figure 1).
Francesca Mallamaci7, Carmine Zoccali7, Pantelis Sarafidis1
Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Nephrology,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Hippokration Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 3rd
Department of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3Papageorgiou Hospital, Department
of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4University Clinical Centre Maribor, Clinic for
Internal Medicine, Department of Dialysis, Maribor, Slovenia, 5University Clinical Centre
Maribor, Clinic for Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Maribor, Slovenia,
Papageorgiou Hospital, Department of Nephrology, Thessaloniki, Greece and 7CNR-IFC
Clinical Epidemiology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Reggio Calabria, Italy
i414 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
questionnaire to ask the patients’ general condition was collected. Intradialytic
hypotension over three months was observed. We analyzed several factors including
skeletal muscle mass which would have association with intradialytic hypotension over
three months by multivariate logistic regression model.
RESULTS: Tertile subgroups divided by the ratio of skeletal muscle to body weight
defined as skeletal muscle index were compared. Patients in low skeletal muscle index
had a higher rate of intradialytic hypotension (41%) while that of intermediate group
was 20% and high group was 5%. Patients in low skeletal muscle mass index group was
female-dominant, more obese, more diabetic and had lower handgrip strength than
higher skeletal muscle index group. In patients who had higher skeletal muscle mass to
body weight, the risk of Intradialytic hypotension was decreased (HR: 0.80 [95% CI
0.75-0.88], adjusted HR: 0.73 [95% CI 0.64–0.84]). Comparing tertile groups by skeletal
muscle index, patients in the group of higher skeletal muscle mass index showed lower
rate of intradialytic hypotension during hemodialysis, which was similar in inverse
probability of treatment weighted analysis. Confounders were age, gender, diabetes
mellitus, heart failure, ischemic heart disease, the ratio of ultrafiltration amount to
body weight and skeletal muscle index. Model including skeletal muscle index and
clinical parameters showed highest AUC area (0.877 [95% 0.823-0.930]) when the
model including clinical parameters only (AUC area: 0.807 [95% CI 0.735-0.879]) or
with each bioimpedance index (skeletal muscle mass to squared height, AUC area:
0.843 [95% CI 0.823-0.931]; the ratio of extracellular water to total water, AUC area:
0.809 [95% CI 0.736-0.883]; the ratio of intracellular water to total water, AUC area:
0.811 [95% CI 0.738-0.885] and phase angle, AUC area: 0.812 [95% CI 0.738-0.886]).
CONCLUSION: This study showed correlation between skeletal muscle mass by body MO731 Figure 3: Coefficient plot of variables including skeletal muscle to weight
weight and intradialytic hypotension. It especially suggested that skeletal muscle mass and clinical parameters in multivariate logistic regression model to explain intradialytic
to weight would be a good predictor of intradialytic hypotension and would be helpful hypotension
to decide appropriate dry body weight in hemodialysis.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Right ventricular dysfunction (RVD) has been shown
to predict mortality in patients with kidney failure. It has been proposed that RVD in
these patients is mediated by inflammatory and fibrotic mechanisms, which may be
enhanced by hemodialysis (HD). The present study aimed to investigate the potential
associations between RVD and circulating biomarkers of myocardial inflammation and
fibrosis with all-cause mortality in HD patients.
METHOD: We performed a retrospective single-centre cohort study of prevalent
patients admitted in a chronic HD program for more than 3 months. Clinical
characteristics and echocardiographic parameters were assessed in all patients. Pre-
dialysis blood samples for measurement of inflammatory (e.g., C reactive protein,
interleukin-1, interleukin-18) and fibrotic (e.g., soluble suppression of tumorigenesis-2
[sST2], galectin-3, C-terminal pro-peptide of procollagen type I and N-terminal pro-
peptide of procollagen type III) biomarkers were collected. Right ventricular
dysfunction (RVD) was defined using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion
(TAPSE) <1.7 cm or pulsed Doppler peak annular velocity (S) <9.5 cm/s. The ability
of sST2 to discriminate between mortality was assessed using AuROC curve.
RESULTS: We enrolled 48 patients (mean age 74 [64–79] years, 62.5% males) followed
over a period of 1.4 years. Mortality was higher 45.5% (log-rank, p=0.003) in patients
with RVD as diagnosed by S’ than in patients without RVD. No difference in mortality
was observed for RVD defined by TAPSE. There were no differences in the
morphology and function parameters of the left ventricle between patients with and
Continuous variables are presented as Median (Inter Quartile Range), p- without RVD. From all biomarkers measured only sST2 was associated with RVD.
Value by Mann-Whitney U test. Indeed, an age- and sex-adjusted analyses showed that doubling of sST2 was inversely
associated with a decreased in S(estimate=-2.03, 95% CI [-3.04 to -1.00] cm/s;
Categorical variables presented as number (Percentage), p-Value by P=0.002). Mortality was increased in patients with sST2 40.45 ng/mL compared to
Chi-Square test patients with sST2 <40.45 ng/mL (66.7% vs. 18.9%, log-rank; p=0.004). Crude analysis
MRSA- Methicillin resistant Staph.Aureus status, OR-odds ratio, CI-confi- showed that patients presenting with S’ <9.5 cm/s and sST2 40.45 ng/mL exhibited
higher mortality (log-rank; p=0.001) than patients with S’ >9.5 cm/s and sST2
dence interval <40.45pg/mL.
i416 | Abstracts
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CONCLUSION: Albeit preliminary these findings suggest that an excess of sST2 may remains elusive. We sought to investigate the clinical utility of SudocanV R , a device that
be involved in RVD and on its effect on mortality in HD patients. The myocardial pro- quantify dysautonomia, in the prediction of IDH.
remodeling effect of sST2 among HD patients with RVD warrants further METHOD: We conducted a prospective monocentric study in adult HD patients from
investigation. July 2019 to February 2020. Dysautonomia was assessed by the measurements of hand
and foot Electrochemical Skin Conductance (ESC) by SudocanV R , before and after the
end of HD. A pathological hand ESC was defined by an ESC value < 40 ls in
Caucasian or < 30 ls in afro-American and Caribbean patients, and a pathological foot
MO735 INTERPLAY BETWEEN GDF-15 AND LEFT VENTRICULAR ESC by a value < 50 ls in Caucasian or < 30 ls in afro-American and Caribbean
ON DIALYSIS Arterial blood pressure (BP) was monitored before, every thirty minutes and after the
end of the HD session. The primary end point was the incidence of IDH, according to
Susana Coimbra1,2, Cristina Catarino2, Maria do Sameiro Faria2,3, the NKD/K-DOQI definition, during the 3 month-period study.
José Pedro Lopes Nunes4,5, Susana Rocha6, Maria Joa ~o Valente2, RESULTS: A total of 176 HD patients (64 614 years old) were enrolled. Mean pre-
Petronila Rocha-Pereira2,7, Elsa Bronze-da-Rocha2, Nuno Bettencourt3, dialysis hand and foot ESC were 45620 lS and 54622 lS, respectively. Thirty-five and
Ana Beco3, Sofia Homem Melo Marques3, José Gerardo Oliveira8,9, 40% of patients had a pathological ESC at the hand and foot, respectively. Forty-Six
José Madureira10, Vasco M.P. Miranda11, Luıs Belo2, Alice Santos-Silva2 IDH occurred during the study period. Logistic regression showed that a pathological
1 hand ESC was associated with an increased risk of IDH [OR=0.39, IC95% (0.15-0.97),
Instituto de Investigaç~
ao e Formaç~ao Avançada em Ci^encias e Tecnologias da Sa ude
p= 0.04]. The cumulative risk incidence of IHD during the study was 2.17 [IC95%
(IINFACTS), Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universit ario (CESPU), Gandra,
2 (1.21-3.89), p= 0.01] and 1.89 [IC95% (1.06-2.38), p= 0.03], with a pathological hand
Paredes, Portugal, UCIBIO, REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de Bioquımica, Departamento de
and foot ESC, respectively.
Ci^encias Biol
ogicas, Faculdade de Farm acia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal,
3 CONCLUSION: A pathological hand ESC, as assessed by a simple, non-invasive test,
Clınica de Hemodi alise de Felgueiras, Felgueiras, Portugal, 4Departamento de
such as SudoscanV R , is associated with an increased risk of IDH.
Cardiologia, Centro Hospitalar Universit ario de S~
ao Jo~ao, Porto, Portugal,
Departamento de Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal, LAQV, REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de Quımica Aplicada, Departamento de
Ci^encias Quımicas, Faculdade de Farm acia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal,
Centro de Investigaç~ao em Ci^encias da Sa ude, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilh~
Portugal, Clınica de Hemodi alise do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 9CINTESIS, Faculdade de HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS BY LUNG ULTRASOUND IN
Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, NefroServe, Clınica de COMPARISON WITH BIOIMPEDANCE
Hemodialise de Barcelos, Barcelos, Portugal and 11Clınica de Hemodi alise de
Gondomar, Gondomar, Portugal Anastasiia Putintceva1, Irina Zdanova1, Ekaterina Tsukanova2, Julia Fadeeva3,
Ashot Esayan4
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of Federal State Public Enterprise Nikiforov’s All-Russian Center for Emergency and
mortality and morbidity in chronic kidney disease (CKD), especially in end-stage renal Radiation Medicine of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, Dialysis, Saint-Petersburg,
disease (ESRD) patients. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a common Russia, 2Federal State Public Enterprise Nikiforov’s All-Russian Center for Emergency and
cardiovascular complication in CKD. Growth differentiation factor (GDF)-15 increases Radiation Medicine of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, Functional diagnostics,
in tissue injury and inflammatory states associated with cardiometabolic risk. GDF-15 Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 3Limited Liability Company “Helix Severny”, Functional diag-
and N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) are both synthesized by nostics, Saint-Petersburg, Russia and 4Faculty of Postgraduate Education, First Pavlov
cardiomyocytes and may be associated with cardiorenal dysfunction. Our aim was to State Medical University of St. Petersburg, Nephrology and Dialysis, Saint-Petersburg,
study the association of GDF-15 with LVH in ESRD patients on dialysis. Russia
METHOD: This study included 196 ESRD patients on dialysis (hemodiafiltration and
high-flux hemodialysis). Left ventricular mass (LVM) was evaluated through BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of study was to compare the lung ultrasound
echocardiographic studies, corrected for body surface area and the values are presented (LUS) and bioimpedance analysis (BIA) as methods to assess the hydration (fluid)
as LVM index (LVMI). LVH was defined by a value of LVMI > 115 g/m2 in men and status in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.
> 95 g/m2 in women. Patients were divided into two groups - LVH (n=131) and non- METHOD: The comparative analysis was performed in 87 MHD patients aged 24 to
LVH (n=65). LVMI, clinical and analytical variables (age, body mass index, dialysis 82 years (43 women, and 44 men). Patients with cardiac pacemakers and permanent
vintage, dialysis adequacy, GDF-15, NT-proBNP and pentraxin (PTX) 3 were catheters as vascular access were excluded from the study. Extravascular lung water
evaluated. (EVLW) in MHD patients was assessed simultaneously by LUS (Acuson X150
RESULTS: ESRD patients with LVH presented significantly higher levels of NT- ultrasound system with a CH5-2 curvilinear transducer, Siemens) and by the
proBNP and GDF-15, and a trend towards higher PTX3 values. In LVH patients, GDF- bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) (Bodystat Multiscan 5000) with frequency range of
15 correlated positively and significantly with NT-proBNP and PTX3; LVMI correlated 5-1000K Hz. Both LUS and BIS were performed before and 30 minutes after the
positively and significantly with pro-BNP and PTX3 levels; pro-BNP correlated hemodialysis (HD) session in the second and third sessions of the week. Ultrasonic
significantly and positively with PTX3. measurements were performed by summing LUS comets or B-lines along four
CONCLUSION: Our data show that in ESRD patients on dialysis with LVH, GDF-15 anatomical lines (parasternal, mid-clavicular, anterior, middle, and posterior axillary
is raised and shows a strong association with NT-proBNP, PTX3 and LVMI. Further lines) from II to V intercostal spaces on the right and from the II to IV intercostal
studies are needed to clarify if the rise in GDF-15 is a cause or a consequence of LVH spaces on the left. The quantitative assessment of B-lines (B-lines score, BLS) was
development. performed according to Picano E. et al. [2006]: normohydration – zero degree (<4 B
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by Applied Molecular Biosciences lines) with the absence of EVLW, overhydration (OH) – 1st degree (5-14 BLS), 2nd
Unit-UCIBIO, financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/04378/2020), by degree OH (15-30 BLS), and 3d degree OH – >30 BLS with an insignificant, moderate
North Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N)/ and severe amount of EVLW, respectively. The body hydration status assessment
NORTE2020/Portugal 2020 (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000024) and by REQUIMTE- technique by BIS was based on the overhydration (OH) index, the total body water
Rede de Quımica e Tecnologia-Associaç~ao in the form of a researcher (S. Rocha) – volume, extra- and intracellular water, and the body composition.
project Dial4Life co-financed by FCT/MCTES (PTDC/MEC-CAR/31322/2017) and Patient’s fluid status classified as normohydration (1.0-1.0 L), moderate OH (>1.0-
FEDER/COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031322). <2.5 L), and severeOH (>2.5 L), and dehydration (<1.0 L) [Henry C. Lukaski et al.,
2019]. The LUS do not allow assessing the state of dehydration, therefore, the
normohydration by LUS was the sum of normo- and dehydration by BIS. We used
SPSS Statistics 21.0 software for statistical processing of the data. To assess the
MO736 ELECTROCHEMICAL SKIN CONDUCTANCE BY SUDOSCAN: correlation between BLS and OH indicators, we used Spearman’s rank correlation
A NEW TOOL TO PREDICT INTRA-DIALYTIC HYPOTENSION coefficient. The statistical significance level was assumed to be 0.05.
RESULTS: Data of the body fluid status using LUS and BIS before and after HD-
Pauline Reach1, Maxime Touzot2, Yannis Lombardi2, Catherine Maheas2, session fully coincided in 33 of 87 MHD patients, partially coincided in 20 patients
Emmanuelle Sacco3, Audrey Fels3, Hélène Beaussier3, Pablo Antonio Urena before and in 25 patients after HD-session. LUS and BIS didn’t coincide completely in
Torres4, Gilles Chatelier5, Christophe Ridel2, Mathieu Zuber1 only 9 patients. Statistically significant correlation was revealed between BLS and OH
1 before (Rs=0.336; p<0.01), and after (Rs=0,317, p<0,01) HD session. A positive
Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-Joseph, Neurologie, Paris, France, 2Aura Paris Plaisance,
correlation between BLS and OH data was revealed in 53 patients, whose results were
Dialyse et Aphérèse thérapeutique, Paris, France, 3Groupe Hospitalier Paris Saint-
almost identical before (Rs=0,488, p<0.01), and in 58 patients after (Rs=0,658, p<0.01)
Joseph, Centre de recherche Clinique, Paris, France, 4Aura Saint-Ouen, Dialyse, Saint-
HD session.
Ouen, France and 5Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, CIC 1418, Paris, France
CONCLUSION: BIS remains the gold standard for the assessment of over-, normo-
and dehydration in MHD patients. LUS is a simple and adequate technique for
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is a common assessing the hydration status in MHD patients, and it is comparable to BIS in
complication in hemodialysis (HD) patients. It is associated with multiple risk factors assessing over-, as well as normohydration. However, the LUS doesn’t allow diagnosing
including cardiac dysfunction and alterations of the peripheral autonomic nervous the body dehydration.
system. To which extent, dysautonomia may contributed to the occurrence of IHD
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i417
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO738 CLINICAL IMPACT OF ORAL ANTICOAGULATION THERAPY figure 1) with a significant correlation for platelet count and platelet function (r=0.42,
i418 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
CONCLUSION: Diphosphonates can inhibit the progression of vascular calcification
in CKD patients, and it hasn’t obvious effect on blood calcium, blood phosphate, and
serum parathyroid hormone. Etidronate is the most promising therapeutic agent.
Author Year Country Population Number Age (x6s, yr) Treatment group Comparison Duration of Outcome Study
(Treatment group/ group follow-up (m) evaluated design
Comparison group)
Hashiba 2004 Japan Hemodialysis 18 (8/10) 63.962.76 Etidronate 200mg on No treatment 12 ACA by CT RCT
patients the days of dialysis for
6 months
Nitta 2004 Japan Hemodialysis 56 (35/21) 62.568.29 Etidronate 200mg No treatment 12 CACs by CT Non-RCT
patients daily for 14 days every
3months for 6 months
Hashiba 2006 Japan Hemodialysis 21 (12/9) 64.962.43 Etidronate 200mg on No treatment 23 ACA by CT RCT
patients the days of dialysis for
23 months
Ariyoshi 2006 Japan Hemodialysis 14 (8/6) 66.667.9 Etidronate 400mg No treatment 12 CACs by CT RCT
patients daily for 6 months ACS by CT
Toussaint 2010 Australia CKD stages 3- 50 (25/25) 62.6611.8 Alendronate70mg/ Placebo 18 AVC by CT RCT
4 weekfor 18 months
Torregrosa 2010 Spain Kidney trans- 101 (52/49) 48.9614.8 Risedronate 35mg/ Vitamin D and 12 VCS by X-ray RCT
plant week & Vitamin D and Calcium
recipients Calcium
Okamoto 2014 Japan Kidney trans- 12 (5/7) 52.969.3 Alendronate 35mg/ No treatment 24 ACI by CT RCT
plant week for 24 months
Abbreviations: ACA, aortic calcification area; CT, computed tomography; CACs, coronary artery calcification score; ACS, aortic calcification score; AVC,
aortic vascular calcification; VCS, vascular calcification score; ACI, aortic calcification index.
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Oleksandr Susla1, Zoriana Litovkina1, Ihor Mysula1, Anatoliy Gozhenko2 Olczyk Piotr1, Mariusz Kusztal1, Tomasz Gołe R biowski1, Letachowicz Krzysztof1,
I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University, Ternopil, Ukraine and 2Ukrainian Katarzyna Madziarska1, Anna Szymczak1, Krajewska Magdalena1
Scientific Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Odesa, Ukraine Wroclaw Medical University, Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine, Wrocław,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The processes of cardiac valve calcification (CVC) in
diabetic hemodialysis (HD) patients are not fully understood. In this context, it is BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A significant deterioration of cognitive function in
reasonable to complex and comprehensively research the activity of chronic hemodialysis patients is observed in elderly and non-elderly patients. One of possible
inflammation and magnesium (Mg) imbalance as cardiovascular risk factors in end- explantation is significant changes in the circulatory system caused by regular lower
stage renal disease (ESRD). The main purpose of the current study was to determine cerebral regional saturation of oxygen (rSO2) during dialysis. We aimed to identify the
the relationship of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) and Mg levels with the factors affecting the cerebral rSO2 in HD patients during session.
presence and severity of CVC in diabetic patients with ESRD. METHOD: 27 patients out of 80 hemodialysed in center patients were recruited for the
METHOD: We enrolled 136 patients undergoing HD (male/female, 78/58;age, study (exclusion criteria: significant vision defect, fistula in the dominant hand,
53.961.0 years; HD duration, 47.664.2 month) in this observational cross-sectional previous stroke, other neurological diseases impaired cognitive functions). The mean
study. The study was performed in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration age of the patients was 51 618 y, BMI 25.565, dialysis vintage was 2.3 y; 6 with DM
of Helsinki last revision. Depending on the presence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and 22 with HT. During the study, each patient completed battery of cognitive function
(T2DM) all subjects were divided into two groups: the 1st one – non-diabetic patients tests (MOCA, Beck’s Scale) including computer based assessment validated for elderly
(n=88); the 2nd one – diabetic patients (n=48). Presence of CVC was detected by (Cognifit), arterial stiffness surrogates (PWV, Aix75 using IEM Mobil-O-Graph) and
ultrasound. The mitral (MVC) and aortic (AVC) valve calcification degree were scored the saturation (rSO2) of frontal lobes were measured (INVOS 5100c system). Patient
as follows: 1, no calcification; 2, valve thickening without calcification; 3, valve annulus regular passive or active (reading, crosswords solving, electronic games) behaviour
or cusps calcification. Serum content of TNF-a as one of the key proinflammatory during sessions was noticed.
cytokine was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Serum Mg RESULTS: Factors showed correlations with rSO2 are displayed in table. Lack of
concentration was estimated by biochemical method. Data are expressed as correlations between rSO2 and HD vintage, diabetes or BMI was observed. Patients
means6SEM. Used nonparametric statistics methods: Mann-Whitney U-test, v2-test, mentally active during dialysis showed significant (p<0.05) higher rSO2 (60 vs 53%
Spearman’s rank R correlations. left, 58 vs 49% right), Cognifit score (368 vs 233) and PWV (6,3 vs 9,3 m/s) when
RESULTS: In diabetic HD patients TNF-a content was higher (13.8661.34 vs. compared to passive patient behavior (sleeping, watching TV).
8.7360.60 ng/L; Z=3.04, p=0.002) whereas Mg concentration (0.8760.02 vs. CONCLUSION: Significant differences in cerebral oxygenation in hemodialysis
1.0060.02 mmol/L; Z=4.91, p<0.001) – lower compared to non-diabetic ones, and in patients correlated with cognitive functions. In HD patients, cerebral rSO2 was affected
2nd group indices of TNF-a and Mg were related (Rs=-0.68, p<0.001). CVC was by multiple factors, including non modifiable factors: arterial stiffness, age and
detected in 66.6% of T2DM patients with predominance of calcification of both valves modifiable factors – active mental activity during session and smoking. Furthermore,
(35.4%) over isolated MVC (20.8%) and AVC (10.4%). Combined MVC and AVC in this is the first report describing lower levels of rSO2 in HD patients with significant
the 2nd group was observed 2.6 times more often (v2=8.78, p=0.003) than in the 1st central arterial stiffness (Figure).
one. For the first time it was established that in diabetic patients with ESRD the
presence of CVC closely associated with indices of TNF-a (Rs=0.51, p<0.001) and Mg
(Rs=-0.57, p<0.001). The MVC as well as AVC degree were related with the content of
TNF-a (Rs=0.49, p<0.001; Rs=0.52, p<0.001) and Mg concentration (Rs=-0.47, Spearman MOCA Beck Cognifit PWV AiX75 smoking Mental
p<0.001; Rs=-0.50, p<0.001) respectively. significant Scale score activities
CONCLUSION: (1) T2DM in HD patients is characterized with an increase of serum
TNF-a activity and simultaneous decreased of Mg content. (2) In diabetic patients with correlations
ESRD, both MVC and AVC are closely linked with the TNF-a accumulation and Left lobe rSO2 0,45 Ns 0,54 -0,65 -0,55 -0,40 0,47
hypomagnesemia. (3) Chronic inflammation and Mg deficiency can be important Right lobe rSO2 0,44 Ns 0,48 -0,59 -0,49 -0,42 0,43
factors of CVC progression and very high cardiovascular risk in diabetic HD patients.
i420 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Maria Paz Castro Ferna ndez1, Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Rustam Iskhakov1, Natalya Belavina2, Ekaterina Ivanova3, Nataliya Klochkova2,
Esperanza Moral Berrio1, Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Gloria Garcıa Conejo1, Eugene Zeltyn-Abramov2
~o Parrilla1, Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Marina Ugarte Camara1,
Agustın Carren 1
Moscow City Clinical Hospital 52, ICU, Moscow Russia, Russia, 2Moscow City Clinical
Patricia Sanchez Escudero1, Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1 Hospital 52, Laboratory of Cardionephrology, Moscow Russia, Russia and 3Moscow City
Ciudad Real University General Hospital, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain Clinical Hospital 52, Nephrology, Moscow Russia, Russia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Impairment in the diastolic function is strongly BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Presently, the dilemma of what to do with a
associated with heart failure and cardiovascular disease in patients with end-stage renal functioning arterio-venous fistula (AVF) in post-kidney transplantation patients is a
disease (ESRD), with a high prevalence of 50-65% and unobvious early symptoms. subject of debate. One of the arguments in favor of AVF closure is symptomatic
Hence, it is of great importance to explore serum biomarkers for early assessment of congestive heart failure (CHF) due to AVF-induced cardiomyopathy. The subject of
diastolic disfunction in patients with ESRD, providing evidence for performing an early the study was the evaluation of the dynamics of some morpho-functional cardiac
intervention. When myocardial cell membrane integrity becomes damaged, cardiac parameters in post-kidney transplantation patients with AVF-induced CHF before and
troponin is released into the circulation, inducing an elevation of serum cardiac after AVF closure.
troponin in asymptomatic patients on dialysis. We analyzed the relationship between METHOD: The results of prospective single center study are presented. 13 post
high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I biomarker (hs-cTnI) and left ventricular diastolic transplantation patients with severe AVF-induced CHF (III-IV f.c. NYHA) were
dysfunction (LVDD) in a cohort of asymptomatic patients on haemodialysis at our enrolled. Echocardiography (Echo), Doppler evaluation of AVF flow (Qa) and
center. calculation of cardiopulmonary recirculation (Qa/CO) were performed simultaneously
METHOD: Cross-sectional study. We include patients on haemodialysis in our center. (split-protocol) at baseline together with estimation of creatinine plasma level. All
Demographic variables (age, sex), associated comorbidity, hs-cTnI levels, and patients underwent surgical closure of AVF. In 8 weeks after the closure, an assessment
echocardiographic parameters were collected. Statistical analysis was performed with of CHF, Echo and creatinine plasma level were carried out in all enrolled patients.
SPSS 25.0. Categorical variables are expressed as percentages and compared using Chi2 Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 13 software (T-test).
test. Quantitative variables are expressed as mean 6 standard deviation, and T-student, RESULTS: The average age – 44 613 y, males 54%. All patients bore an upper arm
Anova or U-mann Whitney was used to compare them. Logistic regression analysis proximal AVF. The average flow of AVF (Qa) – 3.4 61.4 L/min, average Qa/CO – 49
was performed to determine independent predictors of LVDD. Statistical significance 615%, Qa/CO was more than 30% in 92% of patients. The median of AVF vintage was
for a value of p <0.05. 5 y (IR 3;10). In 8 weeks after AVF closure, complete clinical resolution of CHF,
RESULTS: 80 patients, with an average age of 67.44 6 13 years. 57.5% were men. reduction of volumetric heart parameters, decrease of sPAP, improvement of diastolic
86.3% had high blood pressure (HBP), 52.5% were diabetic, 75% dyslipidemic, and function were observed. There was no significant difference in the serum creatinine
51.2% had overweight/obese body mass index. 32.5% had previous history of ischemic value (1.85 60.66 mg/dL vs 1.97 60.95 mg/dL, p >0.05). The results of Echo data
heart disease, 41.3% had moderate/severe left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH), 8.8% left before and after AVF closure are presented in Table 1.
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) <55% and 37.5% LVDD. Mean hs-cTnI was 31.27 CONCLUSION: The surgical closure oh high flow AVF in post-kidney transplantation
6 59.37 ng/L. LVDD was related to age (71 6 10 years vs 65 6 14 years p = 0.049), patients with AVF-induced CHF was resulted in significant improvement of morpho-
HBP (96.7% vs 3.3% p = 0.036), moderate/severe LVH (63.3% vs 36.7% p = 0.002), functional cardiac parameters. The CHF due to AVF-induced cardiomyopathy should
heart rate (HR) (66.96 6 8.6 vs 77.28 6 43.63 p = 0.036) and hs-cTnI (47.48 6 81.97 be considered as one of the indications to AVF closure in post-kidney transplantation
ng/L vs 21.54 6 38.06 ng/L p = 0.005). We divide the hs-cTnI into quartiles, with mean patients.
hs-cTnI levels 4.83 6 1.92 ng/L in Q1, 9.86 6 1.68 ng/L in Q2, 20.67 6 4.26 ng L in Q3 CO, cardiac output; CI, cardiac index; LV EDVi, left ventricular end-diastolic volume
and 89.73 6 98.49 ng/L in Q4. We observed statistical significance for age (Q3 71 6 10 index; LV ESVi, left ventricular end-systolic volume index; LAVi, left atrial volume
ng/L vs 60 6 17 ng/L p = 0.040), HBP (Q4 141.60 6 16.68 ng/L vs Q1 123.90 6 25, 98 index; RAVi, right atrial volume index; TAPSE, tricuspid annular plane systolic
ng/L p = 0.025), overweight/obesity (p = 0.001) and LVEF <55% (p = 0.015). The excursion LVMi, left ventricular mass index; sPAP, systolic pulmonary arterial
logistic regression showed that HR (OR 0.94 95% CI 0.89-0.99 p = 0.025), LVH severity pressure; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; ð/A ratio, E - peak early mitral inflow
(OR 5.16 95% CI 1.74-15.25 p = 0.003), and hs-cTnI > 20 (OR 4.11 95% CI 1.38-12.18 wave velocity, A - peak late mitral inflow wave velocity.
p = 0.011) are independent risk factors for LVDD.
CONCLUSION: hs-cTnI levels could be a biomarker of LVDD in asymptomatic
patients on haemodialysis. New studies with a greater number of patients would
increase the evidence for this claim, in order to carry out early intervention and
MO745 Table 1 Results of Echo monitoring before and after AVF closure
Parameters Before AVF After AVF P value change (%) Mean Confidence
closure M (6SD) closure M (6SD) Difference (MD) Interval 95%
CO, l/min 6.90 62.28 5.02 61.42 p = 0.0003 -27.2 -1.88 -3.030 to -0.730
CI, l/min/m2 3.7061.04 2.72 60.72 h = 0.0003 -26.5 -0.98 -1.704 to -0.256
LV EDVi, ml/m2 95 613 73 612 p = 0.00007 -23.1 -22.0 -32.13 to -11.87
LV ESVi, ml/m2 42 614 34 610 p = 0.0390 -19.0 -8.0 -17.85 to 1.85
LAVi, ml/m2 56 615 37 66 p = 0.0004 -33.9 -19.0 -28.25 to -9.75
RAVi, ml/m2 43 613 24 69 p = 0.0009 -44.2 -19.0 -28.05 to -9.95
TAPSE, sm 1.8 60.2 1.9 60.1 p = 0.0835 þ5.5 þ0.1 -0.03 to 0.23
LVMi, g/ m2 165 637 148 632 p = 0.0302 -10.3 -17.0 -45.00 to 11.00
sPAP, mmHg 56 615 29 64 p = 0.000031 -48.2 -27.0 -35.89 to -18.11
LVEF, % 55 615 54 69 p = 0.7652 -1.8 -1.0 -11.01 to 9.01
ð/A ratio 1.9 60.3 0.8 60.4 p = 0.00002 -57.9 -1.1 -1.39 to -0.81
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i421
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Few studies have focused on the imbalance of the
autonomic nervous system during hemodialysis (HD), although it seems to be an
important factor for the maintenance of blood pressure.
The aim of this work was to assess the impact of hemodialysis (HD) and glucose
injection upon entropy of heart rate and blood pressure during HD session in end stage
renal disease (ESRD) patients with and without diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2.
METHOD: 21 patients without DM (NDO), in age 54,95 þ/-13,08 y.o., and 10 DM
patients, in age 69,70 þ/- 8,27 y.o., were studied during HD. 30 minutes after dialysis
begins, 40% glucose solution was administered in the amount of 0.5g/kg body dry-
weight (constant rate of 1 mL/s). The cardiovascular signals were extracted from the
recordings using PortapresV R system. The analysis was performed using Amplitude
Aware Permutation Entropy (AAPE). The parameters of AAPE were set as d=7, A=0.5.
All statistical analysis were performed on significance level a=0.05. The comparisons
between groups were conducted with Mann-Whitney test with Holm corrections. The
comparisons in time points were performed using Friedman test with post-hoc
(Wilcoxon test with Holm corrections). The calculations of AAPE and all statistical
analysis were performed with Matlab R2020a and R.
RESULTS: The results are presented in table.
i422 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i423
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
December 2020. Two authors abstracted the data independently. Risk ratios were MO751 OXIDATIVE STRESS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC RENAL
derived using random-effects meta-analysis. FAILURE AND CARDIOVASCULAR COMPLICATIONS
RESULTS: Of the initially identified 520 studies, 5 and 3 observational studies on CKD
and HD patients respectively were found reporting AF recurrence rates. During a mean Leila Azouaou toualbi1, Chahine Toualbi2, Khelfi Abderrezak3, Medina Arab4,
(SD) follow-up of 25.5 (9.8) months, CKD patients had a higher risk of AF recurrence Wafa Ballouti5, Henni Chader6, Abdelghani Benoui7, Atmane Seba8
compared to patients without CKD (RR 2.34, 95% CI 1.36-4.02, p<0.01). The university algiers 1, CHU nephrology hussein dey, medecine, nephrology, algiers alge-
heterogenicity test showed there were significant differences between individual studies ria, Algeria, 2Béjaı̈a, medecine ,surgy , Béjaı̈a, Algeria, 3university algiers 1, toxicology,
(I2 = 91%, 95% CI 82.2%-95.6%, p<0.01). In a mean (SD) follow-up of 40.3 (20.8) algiers algeria, Algeria, 4university algiers 1, CPMC, medecine, biochimy, algiers algeria,
months, HD patients may be at a higher risk of AF recurrence compared to healthy Algeria, 5university algiers 1, medecine , biochimy, algiers algeria, Algeria, 6university
non-dialysis AF patients (RR 1.21, 95% CI 0.64-2.30, p=0.55). Heterogeneity analysis algiers 1, Department of pharmacology, algiers algeria, Algeria, 7university algiers 1,
showed the studies were heterogeneous (I2 92.3%, 95% CI 80.8%-96.9%, p <0.01). medecine , nephrology, algiers algeria, Algeria and 8university algiers 1, medecine ,
CONCLUSION: Our meta-analysis suggests patients with CKD and patients on HD nephrology, algiers algeria, Algeria
are more likely to have AF recurrences after catheter ablation compared to AF patients
who are otherwise healthy. However, more robust evidence from randomized BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The atherosclerosis process is highly accelerated in
controlled trials comparing catheter ablation and pharmaceutical rhythm therapy are patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Oxidative stress is considered as one of
urgently needed to guide therapy in this difficult to treat population. the pro-atherogenic factors involved in accelerating the atherosclerosis process of the
carotid artery. The aim of the present study was to determine the relationship between
oxidative stress markers and the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in CKD
METHOD: The study was conducted on 220 patients with CKD and 40 controls, and
the disease stage was scored between 2 and 5D. Blood samples were taken and
myeloperoxidases, malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, glutathione, and oxidised low-
density lipoprotein were measured. Furthermore, we studied the correlations between
these biomarkers and clinical and para-clinical cardiovascular complications.
RESULTS: The average age of patients was 60.5 years. The oxidative stress markers
MO749 Figure 1: Risk ratio of AF recurrence after catheter ablation in CKD average 6 SD levels in CKD groups compared to the control were as follows:
patients. RR – Risk Ratio; eGFR – estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate myeloperoxidase (49.89 61.98 vs. 38.45 61.98 UI/ml), malondialdehyde (5.2 60.12 vs.
3.26 60.03 mmol/l), nitric oxide (56.82 61.06 vs. 42.19 62.1 mmol/l), glutathione
(42.21 61.3 vs. 79.4 62.6 IU/ml), and oxLDL (15.57 61.07 vs. 1.72 60.82 mmol/l).
While the glutathione level decreased significantly in advanced CKD stage (p < 0.05),
the concentrations of all the other biomarkers increased significantly in accordance
with CKD score (p < 0.05). Patients with high IMD (> 1 mm) had higher values of the
prooxidant markers (NO, oxLDL, MDA, MPO) but lower antioxidant marker values
(glutathione), compared to other patients with lower IMD
CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular diseases, mainly atherosclerosis, can be diagnosed
indirectly by measuring oxidative stress markers. Furthermore, theses markers can be
used to predict the progression of CKD, for better management of the disease.
i424 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
back (19.65%). It resounded on the patient’s daily activity in 55.17%, and sleep in
41.3%, the treatment was essentially based analgesics in 58.6% of cases, these analgesics
were level 1 in 47.1% cases and level 2 in 52.9% of cases. This is taken daily in 28.5% of
patients, common in 42.8% and 28.5% rare among of them, the disappearance of pain
was achieved in 65.51% of cases. In perdialyse, the intensity of the pain does not change
in 79.4% of patients.
Pain was favored by advanced age and age dialysis (advanced age (p = 0.043) and age
dialysis (p = 0.01).)
CONCLUSION: Chronic pain is a major problem in hemodialysis by its high
prevalence, its significant intensity and its impact on life daily patient. However its
management remains inadequate. Regular assessment of pain using a well-codified
questionnaire is necessary to improve the care of dialysis patients.
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i425
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: Of 666 eligible studies, nineteen studies met the inclusion criteria. These fatal electrolyte disorder. New effective strategies for managing hyperkalaemia have
included clinical observational studies (n=16) and randomized controlled trials (n=3). recently become available. However, as yet, there is insufficient experience in routine
In general, most of the identified studies had small sample size and short term of follow clinical practice in HD.
up. Studies use different definitions of fluid overload and vascular stiffness. Measures of The aim of our study was to report the prevalence of chronic hyperkalaemia and
relative fluid overload like the ratio of extracellular fluid/intracellular fluid, fluid analyse the effects of different treatment strategies on potassium management, ratio of
overload/extracellular fluid, and/or extracellular fluid/total body fluid were used as a adherence and gastrointestinal symptoms in our HD population.
representative of fluid status. Pulse wave velocity and augmentation index were used METHOD: A 12-week, prospective, single-centre study in HD patients with chronic
interchangeably as vascular stiffness measures. The accumulated findings were hyperkalaemia (>5.5 mmol/l). Three study phases were established: Phase 1 — dietary
inconsistent and inconclusive. There was no consensus whether intradialytic fluid advice (DA); Phase 2 — calcium polystyrene sulfonate resins (CPSRs); and Phase 3 —
volume changes affected vascular stiffness. In the majority of the observational studies, patiromer. In each phase, we analysed sociodemographic data, related biochemical
a decrease in pulse wave velocity or augmentation index correlated with a decrease in data, treatment adherence and compliance (Simplified Medication Adherence
blood pressure after fluid correction by HD treatment. The randomized clinical trials Questionnaire [SMAQ]), gastrointestinal symptoms (Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating
used different methods and technologies for the correction of fluid overload, thereby, Scale [GSRS]), HD characteristics and usual medical treatment.
results were conflicting. RESULTS: 29.2% hyperkalaemia (46% mild); 13 patients (61.5% female); mean age
CONCLUSION: Current literature is insufficient to justify whether fluid overload 63.8 6 14.1 years and 46.4 6 41.6 months on HD. Serum K values decreased
changes have a direct effect on vascular stiffness in HD patients. The findings were significantly (*p <0.05) only in phase 3 (–0.75 mmol/l), with a higher percentage of
conflicting which limits the comparisons of studies and generalization of findings. patients reaching optimal K range. Compared with CPSRs, patiromer yielded
These knowledge gaps urge the need for further clinical studies to enhance the significantly better overall GSRS scores: abdominal pain (3.7 versus 2.5), constipation
understanding and to improve the quality of research in this topic. This includes (7.1 versus 5.3), indigestion (6.2 versus 5.6); and also better treatment compliance. No
standardized definitions and methodologies as well as longer term of follow up. significant changes were found in any other biocbhemical data, HD characteristics or
usual medication over the course of the study.
CONCLUSION: Chronic hyperkalaemia is a highly prevalent disorder on our HD
unit. Compared to dietary advice and traditional potassium binders; patiromer was
MO755 SPONTANEOUS SOFT TISSUE HEMATOMAS IN ESRD effective in managing chronic hyperkalaemia, leading to improvement in
PATIENTS WITH SYMPTOMATIC SARS-CO-V2 INFECTION – gastrointestinal symptoms and treatment adherence with no associated severe adverse
THE EXPERIENCE OF AN EMERGENCY NEPHROLOGY AND effects. Thus, considering our results, we shall consider patiromer a first-line treatment
DIALYSIS DEPARTMENT for chronic hyperkalaemia in our patients with HD.
Vicent Esteve Simo 1, Irati Tapia Gonzalez1, Ursula Vadillo1, Claudia Guzman1,
Miquel Fulquet Nicola s1, Fatima Moreno Guzm an1, Vero
nica Duarte Gallego1,
Monica Pou Potau1, Anna Saurina Solé1, Diana Oleas1, Manel Ramırez de
Arellano Serna1
Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Nephrology, Terrassa, Spain
MO757 Figure1: Comparison risk of cardiovascular mortality between
anticoagulation and no anticoagulation dialysis patients with atrial fibrillation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on (p>0.05).
haemodialysis (HD) have an increased risk of hyperkalaemia, a serious and potentially
i426 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO758 DIAGNOSTIC ACCURACY OF ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC 24) of all patients with CVD in this group. The second place is occupied by angina, it
METHODS OF ESTIMATION OF LEFT VENTRICULAR was found in 18.5% (n=5) cases among patients with CVD. Combined CVS
HYPERTROPHY IN A HAEMODIALYSIS POPULATION pathologies were less common in the rural group. A total of 8 patients (29.6% of all
CVD cases) had several CVDs.
Sofia Skampardoni1, Philip A. Kalra2, Darren Green2 CONCLUSION: ardiovascular diseases in the urban population (62.5%) occur
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom and 2Salford Royal NHS Foundation almost one and a half times more often than in the rural population (44%). Combined
Trust (Formerly Hope Hospital), United Kingdom CVD pathology occupies a leading place in the structure of CVD in patients with CKD
5D, both urban and rural.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Left ventricular hypertrophy is common in end stage
renal disease (ESRD) and haemodialysis. Its association with cardiovascular outcomes
has been demonstrated. In this study we evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of
electrocardiographic methods of calculating LVH compared to Real Time 3-
Dimensional Echocardiogram (RT3DE) which we used as a surrogate gold standard
METHOD: This study was performed as a post-hoc analysis of a sub-group of patients
enrolled into the Salford Kidney Study (SKS). Patients included into this analysis are
from the sub-group of SKS previously known as the CRISIS-HD cohort. All adult
haemodialysis patients at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, UK or one of its
satellite units are considered for inclusion.
In this study we examined the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and
negative predictive value of Sokolow – Lyon and Romhilt –Estes methods in
comparison to RT3DE.
RESULTS: The final sample comprised 44 patients. The vast majority were Caucasian
(39 patients). The mean age of the patients was 62 6 13 years and mean time on
dialysis 5.1 6 2.9 years. The sensitivity of both ECG methods for diagnosis of LVH was
very low. This was the case for the whole sample and also for individual groups.
Romhilt – Estes was marginally better than Sokolow – Lyon and that was especially the
case for male patients.
CONCLUSION: Our study shows that ECG methods for assessment of LVH that rely
on voltage criteria have very low sensitivity and unreliable specificity compared to
RT3DE and also conventional M –Mode echocardiography. As a result, they could not
be reliably used as a quick and inexpensive method of LVH estimation in clinical
practice in the case of haemodialysis patients.
Olimkhon Sharapov1,2, Botir Daminov1,2 Gabriele Donati1, Angelodaniele Napoletano1, Anna Scrivo1, Lorenzo Gasperoni1,
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Internal Disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and Fulvia Zappulo1, Agnieszka Prygocka1, Vera Minerva1, Gaetano La Manna1
Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Nephrology and Kidney 1
IRCCS S.Orsola University Hospital, Nephrology Dialysis and Renal Transplantation
transplantation, Nephrology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Unit, Bologna, Italy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to recently published WHO data, kidney BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dialysis per se represents an independent risk factor
disease has been the 10th leading cause of death in the world over the past 20 years. for peripheral arterial obliterating disease and in particular for critical ischemic limb.
The lethality of dialysis patients with cardiovascular pathology is 3 times higher than Conventional by-pass surgery or endovascular revascularization frequently did not
that of patients without CVD. This is especially pronounced in developing countries. avoid major limb amputation in dialysis patients or are excluded for wild calcificating
Uzbekistan is a country with a population of 34 million and has an equal urban and atherosclerosis. Extracorporeal LDL-apheresis by means of Heparin-induced LDL
rural population. In this regard, it is of interest to comparatively study the structure of Precipitation (H.E.L.P.) is proposed in some cases in combination to the traditional
CVD in patients with CKD stage 5D of the rural and urban population of Uzbekistan. clinical approach.
METHOD: We examined 165 (90 men and 75 women) patients with CKD stage 5 METHOD: Here we describe the case of a 83-year old patient who undergoes thrice
receiving dialysis in urban and rural areas of Uzbekistan. The patients were divided weekly hemodialysis from 1 year and who is affected by COPD, ischemic cardiopathy,
into 2 groups depending on their permanent place of residence and the medical center previous stroke and had a Charson score of 6. He was also affected by dry necrosis of
where they receive hemodialysis. 104 (51 men and 53 women) patients were included the second toe and parcel of the third toe of the right foot. The patient was not affected
in the Urban group and 61 (39 men and 22 women) patients were included in the Rural by diabetes. Lower limb arteriography showed right tibial artery obstruction anterior to
group. The average age of the urban population was 49.7 6 1.38 years, the rural the distal and dorsal third and severe stenosis with short sub-obstruction in
population was 45.5 6 1.83 years. All patients underwent programmed hemodialysis subarticular area of the left popliteal artery. The plan foot x-ray excluded osteomyelitis.
according to the standard scheme for 4 hours 3 times a day (12 hours/week). The The vascular surgery consultant found the arterial lesions not suitable for
average duration of hemodialysis in the Urban group was 37.0 6 4.77 months (M 6 revascularization advising monitoring and dressing of lesions. Nonetheless the patient
m) and 16.6 6 2.4 months in the Rural group. The main causes of CKD 5D in both complained of pain and opioid analgesics were administered. Cardioaspirin and
groups were glomerulonephritis (Urban-36.5%, Rural-62%) and type 2 diabetes atorvastatin were also administered. The patient was considered eligible for (H.E.L.P.)
(Urban-31.7%, Rural-18%). apheresis for the rescue of his limb. The patient underwent 8 sessions of H.E.L.P.
RESULTS: CVD comorbidity occurred in 55,8% (n=92) of all 165 examined patients, apheresis once a week for eight weeks in a non-dialysis day. His vascular access was a
of which 52 were men and 40 were women. The most common CVDs in all groups permanent cuffed hemodialysis catheter. H.E.L.P. consists firstly in plasma separation,
were hypertension (51%, n=84), coronary heart disease, presented as angina (28%, then apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins and fibrinogen are precipitated at a pH-
n=47), heart failure (14%, n=23) and various types of arrhythmias (5%, n=8). 77% value of 5.12 by the addition of a mixed acetate-heparin buffer to plasma. Before
(n=127) of patients had anemia due ESRD. In the group Urban(n=104), 62.5% (n=65) returning the plasma to the patient, the excess heparin is adsorbed and the pH
had CVD. The main CVD was Hypertension. It was found in 92% (n=60) of patients normalized by a bicarbonate dialysis. A total of 3 litres of plasma per session was
with CVD in this group. Less (65%, n=42) were patients with angina. Heart failure was treated. Each session lasted 3 hours and was carried out in the Dialysis ward. Blood
detected in 31% (n=20) of patients. Arrhythmia was diagnosed in only 5% (n=5). A samples were obtained directly before and immediately after each H.E.L.P. apheresis
large number of combined CVD have been identified. 69% (n=45) of all patients with for laboratory measurements.
CVD had a combined CVDs in different combinations. The most common RESULTS: A C-reactive protein of 4 mg/dL reflected systemic inflammation. At
combination was hypertension þ angina (n = 26). It accounted for almost 58% of all baseline (prior to H.E.L.P. apheresis), fibrinogen was 394 mg/dL, LDL cholesterol was
combined cases. Only 28% (n=17) of all cases with hypertension had "isolated" 122 mg/dL, lipoprotein(a) was 50.5 mg/dL. Total cholesterol was fairly normal even
hypertension. The main combination with hypertension was hypertension þ angina before H.E.L.P. apheresis with concentrations of 170 mg/dL. The pre vs post H.E.L.P.
(43%, n=26), 11% (n=11) of patients had hypertension þ angina þ heart failure, a values were significantly reduced for all the parameters considered (p<0.0001). The
combination in the form of hypertension þ angina þ arrhythmia had 3% (n=3) median reduction rate (RR) per session for fibrinogen was 63.8% (range 57.1-75.3%),
patients. Relatively fewer (n = 27, 44%) CVD were found in the Rural group. The most for lipoprotein(a) 66.1% (range 54.6-76.5), for LDL-cholesterol 50.8% (range 40-
frequent CVD was also a hypertension. Patients with hypertension made up 89% (n = 59.3%), for total cholesterol 40.7% (range 35.4-43.5%) (Figure 1). C reactive protein
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i427
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RRs was 61.2% (range 56.2-63.2%). Nonetheless, in the period between the H.E.L.P. METHOD: canine valvular interstitial cells (VICs), valvular endothelial cells (VECs)
apheresis a rebound was observed: for fibrinogen it was 64.9% (range 52.5-73.4%), for and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were used in this study. CKD
total cholesterol 29.2% (range -4 – 54.3%), for LDL cholesterol 36.4% (range -20 – mice (C57b and Tek-EGFP-PolyA) was build by 0.2% adenine-diet for 6 weeks and HP
68.8%), for lipoprotein(a) 69.1% (range 44.1-73.9%). After the 8 sessions of H.E.L.P. diet/NP diet for 10 weeks.
apheresis, fibrinogen RR was 21%, LDL cholesterol RR was 75.4%, total cholesterol RR RESULTS: As for VICs, HP induced qVICs transfer into aVICs, not oVICs, which was
was 64%, lipoprotein(a) RR was 17%. After 6 months the patient underwent minor characterized with upregulated level of smoothelin and viemitin. There was no calcium
amputation of the second toe of the right foot, the third toe healed completely. The accumulation was observed, suggesting that VICs do not have the ability to synthesize
lesions of the foot before and after 1 year after HELP are showed in Figure 2. calcium crystals under pure HP intervention. As for VECs, aVICs activated by HP
induced VECs EndMT in a transwell-assay, which was characterized with decreasing
protein levels of endothelial markers (CD31, vWF, VE-cadherin) and increasing
protein levels of mesenchymal makers (a-SMA, FSP1, N-cadherin). Then, IL-8 was
found as the main factor releasing from VICs to induce VECs EndMT. In vitro, the
concentration of IL-8 in the lower chamber could reach 2-4ng/ml. Reparixin was used
to inhibit IL-8 receptor of VECs, which could relive aVICs-induced EndMT. In vivo,
the expression of valve CXCL-2 (the mouse IL8 functional homolog) was increased in
HP-diet compared with NP-diet, though the serum level of CXCL-2 was similar
between two groups. AAV9-sm22a-CXCL-2 and Reparixin could inhibit VECs EndMT
by inhibiting VICs relasing CXCL-2 and inhibiting VECs IL-8 receptor in CKD mice of
Tek-EGFP-PolyA respectively. Then, IL-8 was found to induced VECs EndMT by
miR-214-3p/PTEN/Akt pathway. Inhibiting EndMT by blocking IL-8/miR-214-3p
could alleviate ECM accumulation.
CONCLUSION: HP could induce qVICs transfer into aVICs, and aVICs could cause
VECs EndMT via IL-8/miR-214-3p/PTEN/Akt pathway. Both take part in ECM
accumulation in CKD-induced VC.
i428 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO762 Table 1: Inflammatory and calcium phosphorus metabolism parameters
according to ABI values
CONCLUSION: Patients with peripheral arterial disease (ABI <0.9) had higher PLR
and SII values
10.1093/ndt/gfab097 | i429
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i430–i441, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO765 Figure 1: Five-year functional secondary patency (the period from the
beginning of the AVF using to the complete loss of its function) in the general
population of HD patients.
The use of CVC is a known risk factor of CVS development. We analyzed the
relationship of CVS risk with multiply CVC placements and catheter dwell time using
the Cox proportional hazards regression model (fig. 2). In the univariate model, a
greater No of CVCs as well as longer time in place increased the risk of CVS. In the
multivariate model (v2=105.516, df=2, p<0.0001), catheter dwell time was no longer
associated with an increased risk of CVC, while the mean number of inserted catheters
remained an important risk factor.
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i431
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of both symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of NPV value) – table 1. “Indirect dialysis signs” also have very low screening efficacy (Se
CVS in HD patients is high. Patients with vascular access dysfunction should be and Sp) and prognostic values – table 2.
carefully examined to identify the asymptomatic CVS. The mean No of
catheterizations is a more important risk factor of CVS than longer catheter dwell time.
i432 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO768 VASCULAR ACCESS FOR PEDIATRIC HEMODIALYSIS METHOD: In a retrospective review of a quality improvement project, we compared
PATIENTS IN CATALONIA: ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM THE cumulative 6-month CLABSI infection rates before and after transition from Tego
CATALAN RENAL REGISTRY (1997-2018) connectors to ClearGuardHD caps. CLABSI events, reported to National Healthcare
Safety Network (NHSN), were expressed as CLABSI events per 100 patient-months.
Ramon Roca-Tey1, Maria Gema Ariceta Iraola2, Héctor Rıos2, Jordi Comas3, All adult patients (age >18 years) receiving hemodialysis via a tunneled central
Jaume Tort3 catheter were included in the study from February 2018-August 2020. The study
Hospital de Mollet, Nephrology, Mollet del Vallès, Spain, 2Hospital Vall d’ Hebron, cohort was comprised of 13 outpatient dialysis units in a healthcare system with
Pediatric Nephrology, Barcelona, Spain and 3Health Department of Catalonia, Registre locations throughout the Northern Midwest and Southeastern United States. The date
de Malalts Renals de Catalunya (RMRC), Organitzaci o Catalana de Trasplantaments of change from Tego to ClearGuardHD was phased throughout the different units over
(OCATT), Barcelona, Spain the study period with events recorded 6 months pre- and post-intervention. Patients
receiving home dialysis therapies were excluded from the study.
BACKGROUND: The vascular access (VA) is the life-line for children with kidney RESULTS: The cumulative 6-month CLABSI event rate decreased by 75.7%; Tego
failure (KT) on hemodialysis (HD). The European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (0.465/100 patient-months) vs. ClearGuardHD caps (0.113/100 patient-months). A
Dialysis Working Group suggested that children requiring HD start with a functioning total of 17 CLABSI occurrences were reported within 3,654 patient-months with Tego
arteriovenous fistula (AVF) but a tunnelled catheter (TC) can be placed instead where use. However, only 4 CLABSI occurrences were reported within 3,527 patient-months
a short period on HD is anticipated before kidney transplantation (KT) (NDT 2019; 34: during ClearGuardHD use.
1746–1765). CONCLUSION: ClearGuardHD caps reduced the rate of CLABSI among
AIMS: To analyze the type of VA used by incident and prevalent KF pediatric patients hemodialysis patients and are superior to Tego connectors. These findings support
(pts) treated with HD in Catalonia prior studies. Implementation of ClearGuardHD caps may help eliminate CLABSI-
METHOD: Data from the Catalan Renal Registry of KF pts younger than 18 years of associated morbidity among individuals requiring maintenance hemodialysis therapy.
age undergoing kidney replacement therapy (KRT) were examined for a 22-year
RESULTS: The modality of KRT used by incident KF pediatric pts has changed
significantly over time: the percentage of children who started KRT through HD
decreased progressively from 89.9% during the 1984-1989 period to 38.2% during the
2014-2018 period and, conversely, the percentage of children who started KRT by
using pre-emptive KT increased progressively from 5.1% to 42.6% between the same
periods (for both comparisons, p<0.001). During 2018, 18 children started KRT (rate:
12.8 per milion of population, pmp) by using pre-emptive KT (n=8, 44.4%), peritoneal
dialysis (n=5, 27.8%) or HD (n=5, 27.8%).
From 1997 to 2018, 112 KF pediatric pts started KRT by using HD (mean age 9.466,0
yr, male 58.9%, glomerular disease 36.8%). Most children started HD through an AVF
during the 1997-2001 period (56.5%) but this percentage decreased over time and no
children used an AVF for starting HD during the 2012-2018 period. On the contrary,
the percentage of children starting HD through a TC increased progressively from
8.7% to 72.2% between the same periods (for both comparisons, p<0.001). No
significant changes over time were recorded regarding untunnelled catheter (UC)
utilization from 34.8% (1997-2001 period) to 27.8% (2012-2018 period) (p=0.57).
Considering two age groups (0-6 vs 7-18 years), VA distribution was the following (%):
23.3 vs 76.7 for UC, 47.2 vs 52.8 for TC and 26.3 vs 73.7 for AVF (p=0.058). Regarding
KF presentation, UC was used mainly to initiate HD in crashlanders (53.3%) and AVF
was used mainly to start HD in children with steady kidney disease progression
(63.2%) (p=0.003).
The KRT modality of using prevalent KF pediatric pts has also changed significantly
over time: pts on HD decreased from 34.9% (n=15, mean age 13.5 yr) in 1997 to 4.7%
(n=5, mean age 11.6 yr) in 2018 and, conversely, pts with a kidney graft increased from
62.8% (n=27, mean age 13.7 yr) to 92.4% (n=98, mean age 11.2 yr) during the same
period (for both comparisons, p<0.001). The percentage of children dialyzed through MO770 BARE METAL STENTS IN HD PATIENTS WITH CENTRAL
an AVF decreased progressively from 1997 (100%) to 2018 (0%) (p<0.001). All VEIN STENOSES: TO STENT OR NOT TO STENT, THAT IS
prevalent HD pts were dialyzed through a catheter in 2018. THE QUESTION.
The KT rate increased significantly from 5.4 pmp (n=6) in 1997 to 17.1 pmp (n=24) in
2018 (p=0.007). The median time on HD (months) prior to the first KT decreased Aleksei Zulkarnaev1, Vadim Stepanov1, Ekaterina Parshina2,
progressively from 23.1 during the 1984-1989 period to 6.6 during the 2014-2018 Mariya Novoseltseva1
period (p<0.001). Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute, Surgical department of transplanta-
CONCLUSIONS: 1) The VA profile of pediatric population treated with HD in tion and dialysis, Moscow, Russia and 2Saint Petersburg State University Hospital,
Catalonia has radically changed over time. 2) Since 2012, AVF has practically Surgical department of transplantation and dialysis, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
disappeared as the VA in the incident and prevalent pediatric population on HD. 3)
Almost all children treated by HD since 2012 were dialyzed through a catheter due to BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to the current KDIGO guidelines,
the short waiting time before receiving a kidney graft. 4) The high KT rate was a angioplasty should be preferred procedure for treatment of CVS instead of the bare
determining factor in choosing the AV type in the pediatric population treated with metal stents or self-expanding stent-grafts placement. However, bare stents are still
HD in Catalonia. significantly more affordable than stent grafts. Aim: comparative analysis of the results
of isolated balloon angioplasty (BA) and combined technique (BA with a stent
placement in HD patients with central vein stenosis (CVS).
METHOD: A retrospective study included 62 patients with functional AVF and
confirmed CVS: subclavian, brachiocephalic veins, vena cava inferior, or multiple
lesions. In 39 patients, stents were not used; isolated balloon angioplasty (BA) was
MO769 COMPARISON OF HEMODIALYSIS CONNECTORS CAPS VS performed. In 23 patients we used bare metal stents during the first endovascular
ASSOICATED BLOOSTREAM INFECTION RATES FOR RESULTS: The use of stents leads to increase of primary patency (the time interval
HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS between the first and second endovascular interventions) – fig. 1A; HR (BA only vs.
stenting) 2.064 [95% CI 1.252; 3.404], p = 0.0017. The use of stents allows to increase
Connie Hemeyer1, Marshall Moreland1, Elsa Olson2, Peter Fitzpatrick1, secondary patency (the time interval between the first endovascular intervention and
Latonya Hickson1 the complete cessation of the use of AVF): HR=2.03 [95% CI 1.232; 3.347], p = 0.0021;
1 fig 1B.
Mayo Clinic Florida, Nephrology and Hypertension, Jacksonville, FL, United States of
America and 2Mayo Clinic Rochester, Nursing, Rochester, MN, United States of America
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i433
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i434 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: PH was diagnosed in 3/6 patients: mutations were detected on
chromosome 2. Malabsorption secondary to short bowel syndrome and chronic
pancreatitis could be assumed as causes of SH in 3 patients. Patient 1 underwent 2
combined liver-kidney transplantation: the first failed by arterial grafts thrombosis and
the second by renal primary non-function but the liver was still functioning, he died on
HD after 12 years. Patient 2 underwent liver and kidney transplantation and she is
nowadays dialysis-free. The median pOx pre-dialysis and before diagnosis was 165 [98-
259] umol/L (Table 1).
Patients on chronic HD underwent median of 3 [2-5] AVF interventions. Nine AVFs
were distal and 4 were proximal. The most frequent complication was AVF thrombosis
despite ASA treatment: half of the cases showed secondary AVF non-function, the
other half of AVFs failed to mature. Six tunneled cuffed permanent catheters (TCCs) as
definitive vascular access were successfully placed in the 5 patients on chronic HD.
Warfarin therapy was started to avoid TCCs thrombosis. The median survival of TCCs
was 9.5 [3-48] months. All the patients had a history of deep venous thrombosis
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge this is the first case series of multiple AVF failures
in patients with hyperoxaluria. In our experience TCCs show longer survival then AVF
in this group of patients, even if it could not be excluded the role of warfarin in
favoring this result. Even though a link between hyperoxaluria and thrombosis is well
established, the exact underlying mechanism is still uncleared. The role of PD as
dialysis technique of “first choice” should be enhanced also when residual renal
function is abolished. In ESRD patients with urolithiasis, diagnosis of Hyperoxaluria
should be ruled out before AVF placement.
Patients Proximal Distal AVF Primary Secondary DVT Median pOx Therapy
AVF AVF failure (n) failures (n) failures (n) (min-max) (umol/L)
1 1 2 3 1 1 2 78 [68-231] B6 vitamin
2 4 1 5 1 4 1 64 [37-259] B6 vitamin
3 2 0 2 2 0 2 78 [55-99] B6 vitamin, Bicarbonate, Calcium, Ossalactis
4 2 1 3 2 1 1 98 [98-98] B6 vitamin,
5 0 0 N.A. - - 0 50 [50-50] B6 vitamin, Calcium, Ossalactis
6 0 0 N.A. - - 0 N.A. B6 vitamin, Citrate
MO773 THE VASCULAR REALITY BEHIND ULTRASOUND VASCULAR Most patients were considered appropriate candidates for arteriovenous fistula creation
MAPPING: WHICH FACTORS PREDICT THE BEST (207, 82%), whereas 45 (18%) were assigned to PTFE graft. Obesity and male sex were
CANDIDATES FOR RADIOCEPHALIC ARTERIOVENOUS found to be predictors for being a good candidate for radiocephalic arteriovenous
FISTULA? fistula in a multivariate logistic regression model adjusted for age, hypertension, and
diabetes (OR 3.21, CI 95% 1.63-6.32, p-value 0.001 and OR 2.09, CI 95% 1.07-4.08, p-
Rui Barata1, Tiago Pereira1, Joana Marques1, Miguel Bigotte Vieira1, value 0.031, respectively). Figure 1 presents the arterial indicators analyzed during
Fernando Nolasco1 ultrasound mapping, including both upper limbs.
Hospital Curry Cabral, Nephrology, Lisboa, Portugal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular accesses (VA) are key components for
efficient hemodialysis. Arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are recommended over
arteriovenous graft (AVG), but deciding the type and location of a VA is challenging.
Preoperative vascular mapping before surgical creation of VA, especially trough
ultrasound (US), is helpful in this decision, contributing to improve AVF e AVG
Our study aims to identify patient factors associated with appropriate arterial US
parameters that predict feasibility for radiocephalic fistula creation.
METHOD: We analyzed a cohort of chronic kidney disease patients who underwent
US vascular mapping for preoperative planning of dialysis access from 2019 to 2020, in
a tertiary referral center. Patients were characterized based on its demographical
characteristics, and the presence of diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and smoking.
Arterial indicators were analyzed by ultrasound techniques in both upper arms, MO773 Figure 1: PWV - pulse wave velocity
including radial, ulnar and brachial arteries. Those indicators included arterial
diameter, calcification, doppler wave form, and pulse wave velocity.
Continuous variables were recorded as means (6SD) for normally distributed data and CONCLUSION: Our results show that obesity and male sex are predictors for
as medians (interquartile ranges) for nonnormally distributed data. Comparisons were radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula creation. While female sex has long been known to
made using t tests or Wilcoxon rank sum tests as appropriate. Categorical variables be a risk factor for VA failure, possibly because of worse arterial indicators, an
were examined by frequency distribution and recorded as proportions. Comparisons association between obesity and higher probability of distal AVF creation has not been
were made using the x2 test. Unadjusted and adjusted multivariate logistic regression established yet. Comparison between arterial indicators in obese and nonobese patients
models were fitted to identify predictors for a good candidate for radiocephalic shows that obese patients generally have better arterial indicators, especially higher
arteriovenous fistula. pulse wave velocities, and less arterial calcification.
RESULTS: A total of 252 patients were included. The mean age was 65616 years, 144 Given that some studies show an association between obesity and shorter fistula
(57%) were male, 211 (84%) where white, 40 (16%) were black, and 1 (0.4%) was asian. survival (due to higher secondary failure rate), our results may come as. A possible
Most had arterial hypertension (205, 81%), 98 (39%) had diabetes mellitus, 89 (35%) explanation for this difference is that obesity may exert a physical protective effect of
were smokers, and 72 (29%) were obese. The majority of patients were attending for the forearm vascular bed against iatrogenic damage (blood sampling and vessel
the first VA (186; 74%). cannulation). Besides that, factors other than vascular indicators may contribute to
ulterior VA failure, like the proinflammatory state in obese patients and its consequent
myointimal hyperplasia.
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i435
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
However, our conclusions are based on preoperative findings, and not on VA CONCLUSION: Our study revealed that black race is an independent factor for PAV
outcomes, especially its patency and complications. Moreover, which further help to creation even after adjusting for classic risk factors as age, DM or HT. Long known
determine the better location for a VA creation, were not evaluated in this study. insidious factors, such as poor socioeconomic status or poor access to medical care,
have been pointed as justifiers to this disparity. However, facing the PAF-associated
risks, we believe that further work must be done to clarify potential involved
anatomical factors and potential reversible factors. Those patients have been described
throughout the literature as presenting with higher risk of VA failure and severe
MO774 PREDICTIVE FACTORS FOR PROSTHESIC ARTERIOVENOUS peripheral arterial disease. In parallel we found that radial and ulnar arteries diameters
FISTULA OPTION BY DUPLEX DOPPLER ULTRASOUND and radial pulse wave velocity (PWV) in DDU were significantly lower in PAV-
VASCULAR MAPPING submitted patients, suggesting distal arterial compromise and stiffness. Our work has
some limitations: neither vein parameters nor VA outcomes were analysed. However, it
Joana Marques1, Tiago Pereira1, Rui Barata1, Miguel Bigotte Vieira1, introduces a relationship between the black race and worse arterial indexes, and their
Fernando Nolasco1 impact on the choice of type of VA, as they seem not to be good candidates for AVF.
Hospital Curry Cabral - Centro Hospitalar Universit
ario de Lisboa Central, Nephrology
Department, Lisboa , Portugal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular access (VA) remains the lifeline for
hemodialysis (HD) patients. Arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) are recommended over
prosthesic arteriovenous fistula (PAF). However, the choice of the type of VA still
reflects local practice differences and patient-specific demographic and clinical factors.
Duplex Doppler ultrasound (DDU) has been shown to be useful in evaluation of both
structural and functional aspects of the peripheral vessels, and is emerging as the
Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Maria Paz Castro Ferna ndez1, Nancy
preferred method for VA planning. Our aim was to find predictive factors for PAF
Giovanna Uribe Heredia2, Agustin Carreno1, Sara Anaya Fernandez1,
creation in our population, i.e. when AVF was not feasible.
Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Patricia Sanchez Escudero1,
METHOD: We retrospectively analysed a cohort of chronic kidney disease patients
Gloria Garcıa Conejo1, Maria del Pilar Romero Barrag an1,
who underwent DDU vascular mapping for preoperative planning of HD access at a
Maria del Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos2
tertiary referral centre from 2019 to 2020. All the exams were performed by the same 1
DDU operator. Demographic, clinical and DDU characteristics were studied. Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Nephology, Ciudad Real, Spain and
Continuous variables were recorded as means (6SD) for normally distributed data or Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara, Cardiology, Guadalajara, Spain
as medians (interquartile ranges) for non-normally distributed data. Comparisons were
made using t tests or Wilcoxon rank sum tests as appropriate. Categorical variables BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Clinical practice guidelines recommend an
were evaluated by frequency distribution and recorded as proportions. Comparisons arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the preferred vascular access for hemodialysis. Patency
were made using the x2 test. Unadjusted and adjusted multivariate logistic regression of the arteriovenous access is important for effective hemodialysis. However,
models were fitted to identify risk factors to PAF creation due to not being a good maintaining the patency of the AVF remains a challenge. We determined those
candidate for AVF. independent prognostic factors for the patency of the AVF at the time of its creation.
RESULTS: A total of 252 patients were included. The mean age was 65616 years, 144 METHOD: Cross-sectional study; We include all AVFs performed at the HGUCR in
(57%) were male, 211 (84%) where white, 40 (16%) were black and 1 (0.4%) was asian. the last 2 decades. Demographic variables (age, sex), etiology of CKD and associated
Two hundred and thirty seven (94%) patients were right-handed and 186 (74%) were comorbidity were collected. We determine the factors involved in the primary patency
being evaluated for the first vascular access. The majority had arterial hypertension of AVFs. Statistical analysis with SPSS 25.0. Categorical variables are expressed as
(HT) (205 (81%)); 98 (39%) had Diabetes Mellitus (DM), 89 (35%) were current or percentages and are compared using the Chi2 test. Quantitative variables are expressed
past smoker and 72 (29%) were obese. Most patients were considered appropriate as mean 6 standard deviation and the Mann Whitney Student-T/U was used to
candidates for AVF (207, 82%), whereas 45 (18%) were assigned to PAF. Figure 1 compare them. Statistical significance for a value of p <0.05.
compares the DDU’s arterial indexes of each group. In a multivariate logistic regression RESULTS: 622 AVFs performed in 482 patients were reviewed. 86.8% were
model adjusted for age, sex, HT, DM and obesity, black race was found to be a autologous. The mean age was 65.4614 years; 66.6% were male. The most frequent
predictor of being a candidate for PAV creation (OR 2.46; CI 95% 1.05-5.71; p-value etiologies of CKD were diabetic nephropathy (30.2%), unknown (18%), and
0.036). glomerulonephritis (16.6%). 91.2% had arterial hypertension (HBP) and diabetes
mellitus (DM) 47.9%. 48.7% received antiplatelet therapy and 15.6% anticoagulation
prior to the creation of the AVF. 27% presented primary failure. The univariate
analysis showed statistical significance for the qualitative variables HTA (p=0.002),
treatment with statins (p<0.01) and antiplatelet (p<0.01), and for the quantitative
variables fibrinogen (p=0.048), serum phosphorus (p=0.001), CRP (p=0.004),
triglycerides (p=0.05), ferritin (p=0.006) and age (p=0.05). When performing a
multivariate analysis using logistic regression, HTA (OR: 0.46 95% CI 0.22-0.95 p =
0.036), high phosphorus levels (OR: 1.22 95% CI 1.08-1, 49 p = 0.004) and statin
treatment (OR: 0.58 95% CI 0.36-0.96 p = 0.004) are predictors of primary VA failure.
CONCLUSION: In our study, HTA and antiplatelet therapy prior to the creation of
the VA behave as protective factors for primary failure, with high phosphorus levels
being an independent factor for primary failure of AVFs.
Irati Tapia Gonzalez1,2, Vicent Esteve1,2, Sara Iban ~ez1,3, Sandra Rubio1,
Fatima Moreno Guzman2, Miquel Fulquet Nicola s2, Veronica Duarte Gallego2,
Mo nica Pou Potau2, Anna Saurina Solé2, Manel Ramırez de Arellano Serna2
Hospital Terrassa. Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Functional Unit Vascular Access, Terrassa
(Barcelona), Spain, 2Hospital Terrassa. Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Nephrology, Terrassa
(Barcelona), Spain and 3Hospital Terrassa. Consorci Sanitari Terrassa, Vascular Surgery,
Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain
i436 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHODOLOGY: A 15 months prospective study. After surgery, all patients were MO778 ASSOCIATION OF ADVANCED GLYCATION END PRODUCTS
randomized to hand grip group (HG) or control group (CG). HG performed a training (AGE) AND INDOXYL SULPHATE WITH ARTERIO-VENOUS
program using a hand grip device. CO received usual care. Demographics data, upper FISTULA NON-MATURATION
limb muscle strength (ULMS), Doppler ultrasound (DUS), measurements (outflow
vein (OV) diameter and humeral artery blood flow rate (BFR), DUS and clinical AVF Mansi Singh1, Himansu Mahapatra1, Lokesh Sharma2, Lalit Pursnani1,
maturation as well as VA related complications (hematoma, stenosis, thrombosis, Muthukumar B1, Neeraj Inamdar1, Navjot Kaur1, Anamika Singh1,
pseudoaneurysm, aneurysm) were assessed at 4 and 8 weeks postoperatively. Chandra Krishnan1
RESULTS: 29 patients. 16 HG, 13 CO. 69% men. Mean age 80,562,9 years. 41,4% ABVIMS, DR. RML Hospital, Nephrology, New Delhi, India and 2ABVIMS, DR. RML
Radiocephalic AVF. Demographic data, ULMS and DUS measurement at baseline Hospital, Biochemistry, New Delhi, India
were similar. A significant increase was observed in ULMS only in HG at the end of
study (18,866,5 vs 21,367,1Kg, p=0,005). DUS measurements statistically increased BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The main hindrance in adequate utilization of
for both groups (OV diameter: CG 2,9 6 0,6 vs. 5,8 6 1,4mm; HG 2,9 6 0,8 vs. 7,2 6 Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is its high rates of primary failure. Its etiology is multi
2,2 mm; humeral artery BFR: CG 132,96 30,3 vs. 1310,2 6 691,8ml/min; HG 128,16 factorial and several uremic toxins are under investigation. Here we explore the
28,9 vs. 1530,7 6 708,9 ml/min) at the end of study. HG group obtained highest potential influence of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGE) and Human Indoxyl
clinical (CG 21,4% vs HG 78,6%;p=0,018) and DUS maturation (CG 27,8% vs HG Sulphate (HIS) on AVF non maturation.
72,2%; p=0,011) at 4 weeks and highest clinical (CG 20% vs HG 80%;p=0,007) and METHOD: This one year prospective observational study included single stage AVF in
DUS maturation (CG 25% vs HG 75%; p=0,002) at 8 weeks, significantly. Despite no consecutive CKD 4 and 5 patients. At baseline, demographic, biochemical (including
significant differences, the number of complications was lower in the HG, mainly AGE and HIS levels) and doppler ultrasound of upper limb were done followed by
significant stenosis (CG 60% vs HG 40%; p=0,428). AVF construction. At 12 weeks, AVF was assessed for clinical maturation (usage of
CONCLUSIONS: The hand grip device is a useful, safety and easy to use training fistula with 2 needles for 75% of dialysis sessions during 15 day period); accordingly
device to improve the AVF maturation in elderly patients. This device results a novel divided in to matured or non-matured groups. Demographic and biochemical
therapeutic option for the AVF maturation in elderly patients. Further studies are parameters between both groups were compared; ROC and correlation of AGE and
required to support these outcomes in this population. HIS were analyzed.
RESULTS: Of 129 AVF, 67.4% were matured and 32.5% non-matured. Overall mean
age was 40.9 year, male predominance (77.5%) and more non-matured AVF among
diabetes. The mean value of AGE and IS was 0.18 mg/ml and 0.18mg/ml respectively;
but difference was non significant between two group. AGE levels were further
MO777 HISTOLOGICAL AND IMMUNOPHENOTYPICAL VESSEL showing positive correlation with CRP (p 0.01, r 0.21) and venous diameter (p 0.02, r -
CHANGES IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE 0.22). There were significant positive correlation between AGE and HIS (p<0.00, r 0.5)
but not with other parameters. AUC of AGE and HIS were 0.48 and 0.5 respectively
Aikaterini Lysitska1, Nikiforos Galanis2, Ioannis Skandalos3, and association could not be demonstrated between all studied parameters and AVF
Eustathios Mitsopoulos1, Nikolaos Antoniadis4, Aikaterini Papagianni5, outcome.
Maria Stangou5 CONCLUSION: Study cohort showed high incidence of primary failure without any
G.H. Papageorgiou, Nephrology , THESSALONIKI, Greece, 2Aristotle University, association of AGE and HIS with clinical AVF non maturation.
Thessaloniki, Greece, 3G.H. Agios Pavlos, Surgical, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4Aristotle
University, G.H. Hippokration , Transplant Surgery, THESSALONIKI, Greece and 5Aristotle
University, G.H. Hippokration, Nephrology , Thessaloniki, Greece
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i437
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
METHOD: We use the Crit-LineV R monitor to record SaO2 at 1 Hz frequency, and analysis with SPSS 25.0. Categorical variables are expressed as percentages and are
video recording to capture periods of wakefulness for the entire treatment session compared using the Chi2 test. Quantitative variables are expressed as mean 6 standard
(3.560.5hr). We developed a recurrent-based time-series analysis to characterize the deviation and the Mann Whitney Student-T/U was used to compare them. We
desaturation and arousal in SaO2. For each patient, we compute four metrics, namely: performed a kaplan-Meier analysis determining primary, assisted and overall survival.
(i) the probability of recurrence for any given state (recurrent rate, RR), (ii) systemic Statistical significance for a value of p <0.05.
predictability (determinism, DET), (iii) occurrence of laminar state (LAM), and (iv) RESULTS: 622 AVFs performed in 482 patients were reviewed. 86.8% were
permutation entropy to quantify complexity. These four quantities were used to detect autologous. The mean age was 65.4614 years; 66.6% were male. The most frequent
episodes of SAS in patients while undergoing HD treatments. etiologies of CKD were diabetic nephropathy (30.2%), unknown (18%), and
RESULTS: We study 16 HD patients with arterio-venous vascular access. Their age glomerulonephritis (16.6%). 91.2% had arterial hypertension (HBP) and diabetes
was 54611 years, 63% were males and 69% were African Americans. SaO2 was mellitus (DM) 47.9%. 48.7% received antiplatelet therapy and 15.6% anticoagulation
measured during two HD sessions per patient. The mean SaO2 was 94.362.1%. We prior to the creation of the AVF. 27% presented primary failure. In the survival analysis
observe distinguishable patterns in which periods of awake and asleep are using the Kaplan Meier test, the mean time to perform angioplasty in dysfunctional
differentiated. Figure 1 shows a typical SaO2 annotated with the period of awake and AVFs was 14.661.37 months and to perform a thrombectomy 17.661.31 months. The
asleep (shaded area in Fig. 1A), during which the four metrics decrease during the overall survival of AVFs was 41.962 months. When assessing the type of AVF, we
corresponding period where the patient is asleep (Fig. 1B-C). Figure 1D-E shows the observed a longer survival for autologous (31.561.8) vs prosthetic (21.863.6) (p = 0.03
consistency of the metrics in all 16 patients, in which DET and entropy are analyzed log Rank 4.73).
around the onset of sleep. We observe monotonically decreasing trends around the CONCLUSION: In our study, autologous AVFs have better survival compared to
episode of sleep, suggesting that these results are sensitive to the sleep states, and prosthetic ones. Of the AVFs created, primary survival at one year (requiring
potentially to an episode of intradialytic SAS. angioplasty) was 64%, assisted primary survival (requiring thrombectomy) was 42%,
and overall survival 24%.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In case of prolonged bleeding at the vascular access site
after hemodialysis, a nurse must compress the bleeding site longer than usual. This
situation causes the risk of intravascular thrombosis and consumes valuable time of
both patients and staff. Therefore, effective hemostatic agents are desired. Nowadays,
chitosan is considered as one of the strongest hemostatic substance. Nipro Corporation
and Artisan-lab co., Ltd found the cationic cellulose could clot blood faster than
chitosan in the activated clotting time (Figure). After carefully examining its safety and
MO779 Figure 1: (A) Sa02 tor a representative patient, the shaded areas annotate efficacy, it was approved as medicine by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and
the moments of sleep. (B) Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA, e.g.,RR, DET, and Welfare. Then, a trial to verify its clinical efficacy as a hemostat was conducted in the
LAM) and (C) permutation entropy calculated with rolling window procedure from Toshin Clinic. In our clinic, the timer is set on the hemodialysis machine after the
the time series (A). Normalzed entropy (D) and determinism (E) averaged around the needles are removed and pressure is started after hemodialysis. We examined how long
onset of sleep for all 16 patients. the timer should be set to be able to sufficiently stop bleeding in case cationic-cellulose
pads are used.
METHOD: Of the 150 hemodialysis patients treated at the Toshin clinic; patients who
CONCLUSION: Our preliminary analysis suggests that DET, LAM, RR, and entropy agreed to this trial were enrolled. We set a timer for 5 minutes initially using cationic-
may contain characteristic properties that could be used to detect the onset of cellulose pads for hemostasis, and was shortened in the next trial by 1 minute if the
intradialytic SAS, which are characterized by the high-frequency oscillatory patterns in bleeding had been stopped. If the patient did not consent, the timer was not shortened
SaO2. Further studies are needed to identify SAS-related desaturation and arousal further. from April 15th to December 31st in 2020. We checked the bleeding evidence
detected in the SaO2 measurement. The predictive power of these features and their of the puncture sites at the timing of immediately after relieving their compression. At
relationships to clinical outcomes warrants further investigation. their following hemodialysis session, we also checked the existence of adverse effects at
their puncture sites, such as contact dermatitis or infection.
RESULTS: Ten patients (9 men and 1 woman, Age 58.5y 613.1) agreed to participate
in this study. In the case of stable hemostasis, we continued to shorten the time by 1
minute each time, and added 1 minute in case of bleeding. After searching for the
MO780 SURVIVAL STUDY OF ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULAS CREATED shortest time to achieve stable hemostasis, we confirmed hemostasis an average of 14.2
IN A HIGH RESOLUTION HOSPITAL times in all cases. The average time to set for the timer was 3.0 6 0.94 minutes (2-5
minutes). Two patients refused to shorten the time set for the timer, the hemostasis
Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Maria Paz Castro Fern andez1, time were 5 and 4minutes respectively. The hemostasis time in all the other cases was
Nancy Giovanna Uribe Heredia2, Agustın Carren ~o Parrilla1, Sara Anaya equal or less than 3 minutes. In one case, the hemostasis time was reduced to 3 minutes
Fernandez1, Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Gloria Garcıa Conejo1, Marina Ugarte with a cationic cellulose pad, compared to 30 minutes with The Neoplaster hemostatic
Camara1, Casimiro Valle Dominguez1, Maria del Pilar Romero Barraga n1, pad (Nipro Corporation) which is made with the carboxymethyl cellulose. Of the 142
Maria del Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1 case compressions performed, 1 case resulted in bleeding and required 2 minutes of
Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain and additional compressions. All cases did not have any adverse effects such as redness,
Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara, Cardiology, Guadalajara, Spain itching or pain of their hemostatic pad attached sites.
DISCUSSION: This study showed that the average time to set for the timer, when
using cationic cellulose pad was 3 minutes on average, without any adverse effects.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Clinical practice guidelines recommend an
Cationic cellulose pads can stop bleeding safely, quickly and stably. At present,
arteriovenous fistula (AVF) as the ideal vascular access for hemodialysis. Autologous
clinically available strong hemostatic agents are too expensive to be applied for many
AVFs have higher primary, assisted primary and overall survival, associated with lower
patients. But the cost to get the cationic-cellulose to make hemostatic pads may be
morbidity and mortality compared to prosthetic AVFs. However, primary failure of
reduced enough to be distributed to many hemodialysis patients because this material
AVFs function is not uncommon, above all due to the vascular pathology of patients on
is mass-produced for hair conditioner, shampoo, and toothpaste.
hemodialysis (HD). We determined the survival rates in a series of vascular accesses
CONCLUSION: The average time set for the timer was estimated around 3 minutes
created in a high-resolution hospital.
using the cationic cellulose pad. The cationic cellulose pad can save precious time and
METHOD: Cross-sectional study; We include all AVFs performed during the last 20
efforts of both patients and staff through its quick hemostasis.
years. Demographic variables (age, sex), etiology of CKD and associated comorbidity
were collected. We determine the primary, assisted and global survival times. Statistical
i438 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO781 Table 1. The activated clotting time for various substances (Unit:
second) Total Arteriovenous Tunnelled p
fistula catheter
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Average standard Value of Gender Male 29(36) 13(72) 16(62) ns
deviation t-test Age 84 (81-90) 83 (81-90) 84 (81-90) ns
Kaolin 102 103 99 105 98 101.4 2.88 Hypertension 44(100) 18(100) 26(100) ns
Chitosan 328 265 320 369 177 320.5 42.77 0.0019 Diabetes 25(56,8) 12(66,7) 13(50) ns
Cationic 56 44 58 59 68 57 8.6 0.0011 Peripheral 8(18,2) 6(33) 1(8) 0,03
cellulose arteriopathy
The same amount of each substance was measured and added in a Ischemic heart disease 18(41,9) 10(59) 8(31) 0,06
test tube. Ejection fraction 59 55 61 ns
Student t-test was conducted for the clotting time of kaolin. Follow-up time > 6m 34(42) 15(83) 19(73) ns
Vascular access unit 44(100) 13(72) 26(100) ns
Vascular Access (%) ns
Arteriovenous ˚stula 26(61) ns
Tunnelled catheter 18(39) ns
MO782 VASCULAR ACCESS IN ELDERLY PATIENTS Vascular Access at the time ns
of beginningHemodialysis
Elena Burgos Garcıa1, Andres Villegas1, Fredzzia Graterol1, Jordi Soler Majoral1, Arteriovenous ˚stula 15(34) ns
Judit Cacho1, Lucia Martinez2, Manuela Lleida2, Jordi Bonal1 Tunnelled catheter 29(65,9) ns
Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Nephrology, Badalona, Spain and 2Hospital Germans Exitus 12(27) 8(47) 4(15) 0,037
Trias i Pujol, Angiology and endovascular surgery, Badalona, Spain
Survival 20 16 30 ns
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The arteriovenous fistula (AVF) continues to be the
first-line vascular access (AV) in the hemodialysis population. However, it is disputed
whether the profitability and survival in the elderly patient are the same as in the CONCLUSION: In our population, male sex and catheter at the beginning of
younger patient. Thus, there are authors who propose the tunnelled catheter as the best hemodialysis have a significant association with exitus. AVF should be considered as
option in this group of patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the the first choice vascular access even in the subgroup of patients over 80 years old
characteristics of vascular access in incident patients over 80 years of age at our center.
METHOD: A retrospective analysis was performed included incident hemodialysis
patients >80 years between 2017-2020. Epidemiological and vascular access
complications related, as well as first permanent vascular access survival were analysed.
A Pearson’s correlation coefficients were employed to determine the correlation MO783 CENTRAL VEIN STENOSIS IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS
between the exitus and other variables and Regression models of mixed effects of WITH PAST CENTRAL VEIN MANIPULATION
covariance (ANCOVAs) were created to determine the effect of these with the exitus.
RESULTS: Demographic characteristics of forty-four patients included are shown in Pedro Reis Pereira1, Cıria Sousa1, Natalia Silva1, Jose Francisco1,
Monica Fructuoso1, Teresa Morgado1
Table 1. Significant differences in sex and comorbidities (diabetes, ischemic heart
disease, peripheral vascular disease and hypertension) were found. A total of 26 Centro Hospitalar De Tr
as-Os-Montes E Alto Douro, E.P.E., Vila Real, Portugal
patients (62%) had a fistula at the time of beginning hemodialysis, all of them with pre-
surgical mapping and monitoring, only 15 (34%) of them being working. The most BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Central vein stenosis (CVS) is frequently observed in
prevalent type of vascular access (VA) was the left humerus-cephalic (21%). 12 (27%) hemodialysis patients. Risk factors for CVS include prior ipsilateral central venous
patients were exitus during the 36 months after the beginning of hemodialysis, with catheterization (CVC) and cardiac rhythm device (CRD) insertions. Though it may
significant differences between groups. The variables catheter, male, and type of VA have clinical manifestations, CVS is often asymptomatic and, therefore, not diagnosed.
showed a significant correlation with the exitus (-0.345, -0.347, -0.347 and -0.309 The aim of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of CVS in a population of
respectively). The multivariate analysis showed a significant association between hemodialysis patients, as well as underlying risk factors, clinical manifestations and
gender and catheter as vascular access at the beginning of hemodialysis with the exitus impact in patients’ vascular access.
(p<0.05) even after being adjusted for age and AVF. METHOD: We retrospectively evaluated all venous angiographies of prevalent
patients in our hemodialysis units from 2013 to 2018. In patients with proved CVS, we
evaluated history of prior short term and long term upper ipsilateral CVC and CRD
insertions. We also analyzed symptoms associated CVS as well as the rate of loss of
vascular access for hemodialysis related to the presence of CVS.
Total Arteriovenous Tunnelled p RESULTS: The prevalence of CVS in prevalent patients in hemodialysis during the
fistula catheter period of our study (n=209) was 14%. We identified 31 upper CVS in 29 patients
undergoing venous angiography. Left brachiocephalic vein was the most commonly
Gender Male 29(36) 13(72) 16(62) ns affected site (45.1% of cases), followed by the right brachiocephalic vein (19.3%), left
Age 84 (81-90) 83 (81-90) 84 (81-90) ns subclavian vein (16.1%), right subclavian vein (12.9%) and superior vena cava (6.4%).
Hypertension 44(100) 18(100) 26(100) ns The majority of patients with CVS (95%) had previous history of ipsilateral CVC
(previous short-term CVC in 40%, pervious short term and long-term CVC in 27%
Diabetes 25(56,8) 12(66,7) 13(50) ns and previous long-term CVC in 33%). Loss of vascular access for hemodialysis due do
Peripheral 8(18,2) 6(33) 1(8) 0,03 CVS was observed in 26% of patients with CVS.
CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of patients in hemodialysis presents CVS.
The majority of patients with CVS had a previous history of ipsilateral central venous
Ischemic heart disease 18(41,9) 10(59) 8(31) 0,06 catherization. A significant proportion of patients with CVS had a previous history
Ejection fraction 59 55 61 ns central venous catherization uniquely with short term CVC, highlighting the
importance of the risk of vascular lesion, even during short periods of catherization.
Follow-up time > 6m 34(42) 15(83) 19(73) ns The presence of CVS is associated with a significant rate of loss hemodialysis vascular
Vascular access unit 44(100) 13(72) 26(100) ns access.
Vascular Access (%) ns
Arteriovenous ˚stula 26(61) ns
Tunnelled catheter 18(39) ns
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i439
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Amira Saii1, Toumi Salma1, Beya Fendri1, Hanen Abid1, Rania Lahouimel1, Francesca Partipilo1, Francesco Detomaso1, Stefania Pietanza1,
Ikram Agerbi1, Najla Dammak1, Hanen Chaker1, Khaoula Kamoun1, Giuseppe Gernone1
Soumaya Yaich1, Mohamed Ben hmida1 1
ASL BA - Nephrology and Dialysis Unit - “S. Maria degli Angeli” and “S. Giacomo”
hospital hedi chaker sfax nephrology department, UR12ES14 renal pathology research Hospitals, Putignano-Monopoli, ASL BA, Putignano (BA), Italy
laboratory, Sfax Faculty of Medicine, sfax, Tunisia
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Infections and thrombosis of central venous catheter
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular calcification has now been recognized as a (CVC) in hemodialysis patients are the major causes of catheter loss resulting in
major problem in dialysis patients because of its strong influence on the prognosis of hospitalization and increased costs. Interdyalitic catheter lock solutions, usually
this population. Several reports have shown the strong relationship between vascular heparin, avoid these complications. Among the many, sodium bicarbonate has been
calcification and clinical outcomes including cardiovascular events and arteriovenous proved as effective and safe catheter lock solution due to its antimicrobial and
fistula (AVF)survival. antithrombotic properties. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of two
The aim of this study is to evaluate the severity of vascular calcifications in our different CVC lock solution: sodium heparin versus sodium bicarbonate, to prevent
hemodialysis patients and to determine its impact on the AVF survival. catheter–related thrombosis and infection in hemodialysis patients
METHOD: It is a transversal descriptive and analytical study including chronic METHOD: They were enrolled, in a 12 months case-control study, 17 hemodialysis
haemodialysis patients in our unit of the nephrology department. patients with tunneled hig-flux CVC (femoral or internal jugular). Each patient was
A lateral lumbar spine radiograph was taken: the aortic arch calcification(ACC) score evaluated in its common treatment for CVC dysfunction (Qb, CVC that works in
(VCS) was calculated according to the score validated by Kauppila and Schousboe. The reverse branches during the hemodialysis session, use of urokinase or extra lock with
overall VCS ranged from 0 to 24. sodium heparin or 4% citrate) and infection (WBC count, C reactive protein -CRP,
RESULTS: Our study included 55 patients divided into 31 men and 24 women with a bloodstream culture, exit-site infection -ESI) during standard sodium heparin CVC
sex ratio of 1.29. The mean age was 49.54 6 12.66 years. The mean duration in HD was lock solution (hep-lock), for the first 6 months, and then, during sodium bicarbonate
96.166 73 months. 76.8% of the patients have hypertension, 26.8% are diabetic and lock solution (10 mEq/10 ml, bic-lock) for following 6 months. aPTT, PLT, Hct and
14.3% are smokers. AVF failure was noted in 34 patients (60.7%). albumin are also montly evaluated. Type and anticoagulant dose during hemodialysis
We divided our population in 3 groups: G1:23 patients with a low VCS (41.1%), G2: 15 sessions were unchanged over the study as well as any antiplatelet/anticogulant home
patients with a moderate VCS (26.8%) and G3: 17 patients with a severe VCS (30.4%). therapy.
Patients in G2 and G3 were more frequently diabetics (p=0.05): over 50% of patients in RESULTS: Fifteen patients on 17 completed the study and the main results are
G3 were diabetic and the mean duration in HD was longer: 133 months in G3, 102 reported in table 1. There were no significant differences between patients on
months in G2 and 74 months in G1 with a significant difference p=0.03. demographics and number of catheter days treatments for both study periods. The
We noted that AVF failure was more frequent in patients in G2 and G3 (65.7%) blood flow was similar in either study phases and stable during the hemodialysis
patients) versus patients in G1 (39.13%) with a significant difference (p=0.01) sessions (Qb 225613 ml/m’ at 2-hours vs 225615 ml/min at start of dialysis), even the
CONCLUSION: vascular access dysfunction is one of the leading causes of morbidity use of reverse branches was similar. Hep-lock showed a lower usage of extra lock drug
and mortality in haemodialysis patients We have demonstrated throw this study the in comparison with Bic-lock (0,4% vs 3,1%, p<0,05), data confirmed also for
relation between the presence of higher AAC grade and the poor survival of AVF in Urokinase (1,9% vs 3,4%, p=0,274). None bloodstream are registred while ESI and
our patients. WBC count show no significant differences between two study periods. No HD
So, an identification of these ACC by a simple lateral lumbar spine radiograph would catheter was loss during the study due to thrombosis or infection. Finally, Hct, CRP
allow the clinician to implement more rigorous and planned monitoring for such and Albumin was found slightly lower on Bic-lock phase.
AVFs. CONCLUSION: There is no CVC ideal lock solution and although sodium
bicarbonate is inexpensive and readily avalaible our data shows better CVC
performances with sodium heparin.
Abdulla Al-Sayyari1
King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Many patients start HD with central venous catheter
(CVC) which has multiple complications This study aims at identifying the physicians’
perspectives regarding the reasons of delayed AVF creation
METHOD: This is a cross-sectional questionnaires-based survey designed at
discovering the physicians’ opinions and perception about the reasons for the delay in
the creation of permanent vascular access and patient’s factors, physicians factors, and
hospital factors leading to this delay,
RESULTS: There was a total of 212 participants, of whom 131 (61.8%) were of
consultant level.
The three most important factors associated with delay in AVF creation were “denial of
kidney disease or the need of AVF” (76.4%), “dialysis fears and practical concern”
(75.9%) and “the patient refusing to undergo AVF surgery” (73.1%). Significantly fewer MO787 USE OF THE PREVENTIVE HAEMOSTASIS IN SURGICAL
consultants (42.7%) than below consultants (45.7%) pointed out that “patient COMPLICATIONS OF VASCULAR ACCESS
noncompliance with nephrology appointments” was a significant factor (p=0.046).
The most important physicians & hospital factors was “insufficient conduction of pre- Simone Corciulo1, Bianca Covella1, Luigi Rossi1, Carlo Lomonte1
dialysis care and education about AVF initiation to the patient (63.7%) Miulli General Hospital, Nephrology, Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
The respondents were asked to choose one of four possible factors that they felt was the
main factor in delaying AVF creation. Over two thirds (68.4%) chose the patient factor BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is currently the
as the main factor There was no significant difference in this response whether the recommended vascular access type and its preservation is required to ensure a safe
respondents were consultants or below consultants (p=0.8)) treatment for HD patients. Nevertheless, reinterventions are often needed to treat life
CONCLUSION: The most agreed on factors associated with AVF creation delay are threatening complications such as eschars, aneurysms, high flow.These surgical
the denial of the need for dialysis, fear of dialysis and practical concern, insufficient procedures are at high risk of bleeding, time-consuming and technically demanding.
conduction of pre-dialysis care and education about AVF initiation to the patient, and Here we describe our approach by using preventive hemostasis to treat different types
late referral to a nephrologist. a validated approach to patients’ selection and referral to of AVF complications, such as aneurysmectomy, high flow fistula correction,
vascular access creation that could be applied on different types of patient in different ulcerectomy.
regions is required . METHOD: The technique consists of a few steps. First, regional anesthesia is
performed by brachial plexus nerve block and intravenous antibiotic prophylactic
i440 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
therapy is administered. Then, an inflatable tourniquet is placed on the arm, applicable to surgical treatment of vascular access complication.
proximally to the elbow joint, after wrapping the site with a soft gauze to prevent
postoperative discomfort and bruising due to accidental pinch of the skin. The arm is
then elevated to allow passive exsanguination and a 5” Esmarch bandage is applied
from the hand to the tourniquet cuff. The methodical application of the Esmarch
bandage requires an assistant to hold the arm properly in the upright position. Once
the bandage is applied, the tourniquet is inflated to complete the exsanguination of the
extremity. The inflation pressure has to be adapted to patient systolic pressure,
generally a ’suitable’ pressure for an upper limb tourniquet is 250-300 mmHg. Lastly,
the Esmarch bandage is unwrapped and, after sterile surgical draping, it is possible to
proceed to skin incision.
RESULTS: From Jan 2019 to Dec 2020, we enrolled 9 patients with AVF complications
treated with the preventive emostasis. The mean age of the patients was 62 years
(range, 45-80 years). Table 1 shows types of AVFs and complications, performed
revisions, outcomes, short and long term complications. The tourniquet average time
of application was 29 þ 7,7 min. Preventive hemostasis ensures absence of blood loss,
even during high flow access revision. In one patient, a moderate subcutaneous
hemorrhage occurred 8 hours after the end of the surgical procedure, requiring further
revision. No vascular or soft tissue complications were reported except for temporary
CONCLUSION: Our experience shows that preventive haemostasis offers several
advantages for surgeons and patients, allowing a clear operative field and avoidance of
application of clamps, prevents blood loss, and reduce the need for blood transfusion.
Furthermore, reperfusion injury risk is minimized. The only complication occurred
suggests the recommendation to suture skin incision after removing the tourniquet to
reduce risk of postoperative bleeding. In conclusion, the technique is reliable and safely
10.1093/ndt/gfab103 | i441
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i442–i443, 2021
MO788 ERYPTOSIS AND PARATHORMONE IN PATIENTS WITH END Khaled Abouseif1, Hussein Abdallah1, Marwa Abdulhady2, Shaimaa Zaki
faculty of medicine ain shams university, internal medicine and nephrology, cairo,
Aya Hefny1, Fatima El-Tahir1, Abeer Fikry2, Ali M Shendi1 Egypt and 2elsheikh zayed specialized hospital, nephrology , Egypt
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Nephrology Unit, Egypt and 2Faculty of
Medicine, Zagazig University, Clinical Pathology department, Egypt BACKGROUND AND AIMS: End stage renal disease (ESRD) is chronic
inflammatory condition which affects iron parameters. Serum soluble transferrin
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Eryptosis (Red cell apoptosis) has been recognized as receptor (sTfR) is a reliable indicator for assessing iron status in inflammatory
one of the mechanisms that mediate anaemia in patients with chronic kidney disease conditions. This study evaluates the usefulness of serum sTfR in iron deficiency anemia
whether pre or on dialysis. Phosphorus (Ph) and parathormone (PTH) can be detection in prevalent hemodialysis patients.
considered as uremic toxins which are associated with renal anaemia, and both were METHOD: This case-control study included 40 ESRD patients on conventional
suggested to be associated with shortened red blood cell (RBC) life span. We aimed to hemodialysis with CRP>10, 40 ESRD patients with CRP<10 and 8 apparently healthy
assess the relation between each of PTH and phosphorus levels and eryptosis in a controls. Serum sTfR was measured for all patients and controls.
cohort of patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) treated by haemodialysis. RESULTS: STFRs predicts iron deficiency anemia in prevalent hemodialysis patients at
METHOD: We studied a cohort of 85 patients with ESRD on conventional cut off value 12.5 mg/l with area under curve 0.949, sensitivity 88.75, specificity 100,
hemodialysis for at least 3 months. Blood was drawn prior to the mid-week dialysis PPV 100% and NPV 47.1%. The prevalence of STFRs in patients with CRP<10 was
session. Patients are dialysed on Fresenius 4008s machines. The percent of Annexin V- 85%, while in patients with CRP>10 was 92.5% (P-value 0.288). Patients who have
binding RBCs was assessed by flow cytometry in fresh blood samples and was used to elevated STFRs have risk 1.22 times to have iron deficiency anemia if CRP <10 (odds
indicate the percent of Eryptotic RBCs. Data were represented as median (interquartile ratio: 1.22) and 3.14 times if CRP>10 (odds ratio: 3.14). There was significant
range). difference on comparing patients with CRP<10, CRP>10 and control as regard
RESULTS: The study included 85 patients on prevalent hemodialysis for a median of 8 haemoglobin and STFR with P-value 0.0001 and 0.0001 respectively. Post Hoc analysis
(3-12) years, 52.9% females. Hypertension was the most common cause of ESRD showed significant difference between the patients with CRP<10 and control also in
(49.4%). The median hemoglobin was 10.9 (9.3 - 13) gm/dl and most patients received patients with CRP>10 and control as regard haemoglobin and STFR (p value
erythropoietin therapy (83/85) at a median dose of 8000 (4000 – 8000 units/weak). The <0.0001). on comparing patients with CRP<10 with patients with CRP>10 there was
median percent of Annexin V- binding RBCs was 2.3 (1.4 – 4.7%). On multilinear significant difference in STFRs p value 0.0001 despite no significant difference in
regression analysis, only PTH was independently associated with the percent of haemoglobin (p value 0.642) and classic iron markers (s.iron, TIBC, TSAT) with p
Annexin V- binding RBCs (standardized b= 0.630; 95.0% CI: 0.001 – 0.003; p<0.001). value 0.701, 0.192, 0.382 respectively. Serum STFRs was negatively correlated with
Patients were then stratified according to the PTH level into: low PTH (< 150 ng/dl; s.iron and Kt\v in patients with CRP <10 (r -0.372, P-value 0.018) and (r-0.416, p value
25/85, 29.4%), target PTH (150 – 600 ng/dl; 33/85, 38.8%) and high PTH (> 600 ng/dl; 0.008) respectively.
27/85, 31.8%) groups. The 3 groups differed significantly in the percent of Annexin V- CONCLUSION: Serum soluble transferrin receptor is a highly sensitive and specific
binding RBCs (1.2 (0.7-1.7); 2.5 (1.8-3.6) and 4.8 (3.2-5.6) % respectively; p<0.001) marker of iron deficiency anemia in hemodialysis patients especially with high CRP
(Figure). The percent of Annexin V- binding RBCs was similar in patients with high level.
(>5.5) and target (<5.5 mg/dl) Ph levels (p=0.318). It was higher in patients with
above-target CaXPh product (>55) than those with target CaXPh product (<55 mg2/
dl2) (5 (2-5.4) % vs 2.3 (4.1 – 1.2) %), yet this was not statistically significant (p=0.068).
CONCLUSION: Patients with ESRD treated by hemodialysis express high rates of
eryptosis. Parathormone excess in those patients may result in further eryptosis
enhancement, and this represents a potential pathogenic mechanism linking
hyperparathyroidism with the anemia of CKD. Larger interventional studies are thus
warranted to further explore the association between parathormone and eryptosis.
MO788 Figure 1: The per cent of annexin V-binding RBCs stratified by the PTH
level. Results expressed as median (interquartile range).*P < 0.05 vs High PTH group;
** P < 0.05 vs both High and target PTH groups.
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Marisa Rolda~o1, Rachele Escoli1, Hern^ ani Gonçalves1, Francisco Ferrer1, Caterina Vita1, Davide Bolignano1, Pierangela Presta1, Mariateresa Zicarelli1,
Karina Lopes1 Irma Figlia2, Paola Cianfrone1, Valentina Arcidiacono1, Alessandro Comi1,
Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo, Nephrology Giuseppe Coppolino1, Giorgio Fuiano1, Michele Andreucci1
Magna Græcia University, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Catanzaro, Italy and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Anemia resistant to recombinant human Ospedale Civile, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Cetraro, Italy
erythropoietin (EPO) is a risk factor for mortality in dialyzed patients with chronic
kidney disease. Identifying the causes of hyporesponsiveness may help overcome this BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several evidences demonstrate that chronic dialysis
resistance. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors of EPO treatment alters troponin levels, even in the absence of an acute myocardial event,
hyporesponsiveness in a prevalent population of patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD). although the underlying causes remain largely unclear. In this small pilot study, we
METHOD: Cross-sectional study involving 50 prevalent DP patients. To evaluate the aimed at analyzing high sensitivity troponin T (HsTnT) in a cohort of dialysis patients
dose–response effect of EPO therapy, we used the erythropoietin resistance index to identify the potential clinical predictors.
(ERI), calculated as the average weekly weight-adjusted dose of EPO (U/Kg per week) METHOD: HsTnT levels were measured together with common laboratory and
divided by the average hemoglobin level (g/dL), over a 3-month period. Patients were clinical parameters in 39 chronic dialysis patients (middle age: 65612 aa; 82% M; 30 in
classified in two groups according to ERI: ERI 10 and ERI > 10. We compared hemodialysis and 9 in peritoneal dialysis). The patients underwent also a complete
clinical, analytical and demographic data among groups. Body composition and fluid echocardiography assessment.
volume were evaluated by bioimpedance using the body composition monitor (BCM). RESULTS: HsTnT levels were higher than normal reference values (median 46.1 ng/L
Logist regression analysis was performed to identify predictors of EPO IQR 33.5-84.3),but showing no differences between hemodialysis and peritoneal
hyporesponsiveness. Statistical analysis was executed using SPSS (Version 23 for Mac dialysis patients (p=0.19). At correlation analyses, HsTnT were strongly associated
OSX). with beta2-MCG (R=0.43; p=0.008), Hemoglobin (r=-0.47; p=0.002) and, in particular,
RESULTS: The average age of 50 prevalent DP patients was 52.04 6 15.98 years, 29 with some echocardiography parameters such as ejection fraction (R=-0.29; p=0.05), E/
(58%) were male, 29 (58%) were diabetic and 31 (64%) were treated with angiotensin- E’ratio (R=0.56; p=0.006) and LAVI (R=0.41; p=0.05) Figure 1.
converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB). Average
hemoglobin level (Hb) was 10.99 6 0.81g/dL and average ERI was 7.64 6 7.25. Eleven
patients (22%) had hyporesponsiveness to EPO therapy (ERI>10). There was no age,
gender, cause of chronic kidney disease or PD modality difference among groups.
There was also no difference in the use of ACEIs or ARBs. Hyporesponsive patients
had lower body mass index (BMI) (22.94 6 2.89 vs 26.74 6 4.53Kg/m2, p=0.01) and
lower lean tissue index (LTI) (9.96 6 1.94 vs 16.23 6 18.51Kg/m2, p=0.02), but not fat
tissue index (FTI). Weekly creatinine clearance (peritoneal plus urinary), but not Kt/V,
was also significantly lower in this group (68.76 6 37.29 vs 87.84 6 35.35L/1.73m2,
p=0.028). Hyporesponsive patients had lower urine volume (0.73 6 0.63 vs 1.39 6
0.67L, p=0.005) and residual kidney function (3.43 6 3.04 vs 6.13 6 3.69mL/min/
1.73m2, p=0.044). The proportion of patients with fluid overload, defined as
overhydration (OH)/extracellular water (ECW) > 15%, was significantly higher in this
group (p=0.04). No difference was observed in albumin, c-reactive protein, serum iron,
serum ferritin, transferrin saturation index or parathormone among groups. In a logist
regression analysis, BMI [(OR) 0.56 (CI: 0.364-0.849)] and LTI [(OR) 0.315 (CI: 0.130-
0.767)] were predictors of hyporesponsiveness to EPO therapy.
CONCLUSION: Lower BMI and lower LTI were predictors of resistance to EPO
therapy in our study. Body composition, fluid status and residual kidney function seem
to be the main factors influencing the response to EPO therapy in prevalent patients on
PD, emphasizing the importance of strategies oriented to preserve residual kidney CONCLUSION: In a small cohort of dialysis patients, high HsTnt levels were at the
function in these patients. crossroad between the severity of functional heart dysfunction and anemia. Larger
studies are advocated to further clarify the role of HsTnT as a potential biomarker
reflecting the anemic cardiorenal syndrome which characterizes uremic subjects.
10.1093/ndt/gfab095 | i443
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i444–i453, 2021
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease mineral and bone disorder
(CKD-MBD) is characterized by abnormalities in serum calcium, phosphorus, and
parathyroid hormone (PTH) and associated with morbidity and mortality. Previous
publications from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS) have
demonstrated country differences in the prevalence and treatment of CKD-MBD
among hemodialysis patients in participating European countries. We aim to compare
the distribution of CKD-MBD related labs and treatments across countries in a
contemporary population of European hemodialysis patients.
METHOD: DOPPS is an international prospective cohort study of hemodialysis
patients 18 years of age. Patients are enrolled randomly from a representative sample
of dialysis facilities within each nation at the start of each study phase. The current
analysis includes n=1,701 patients from 91 facilities in the initial prevalent cross section
of Europe DOPPS phase 7 (2019-present; Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden,
UK). Results from Belgium should be considered preliminary as initial questionnaire
RESULTS: The % of patients with a high PTH (>600 pg/mL) ranged from 6% in Italy ETELCALCETIDE AND CINACALCET ON LEVELS OF IPTH,
to 24% in the UK, with 12-17% having high PTH in all other countries. Mean serum FGF-23, KLOTHO PROTEIN, SCLEROSTIN, CA AND P IN
total calcium ranged from 8.7 in Germany to 9.1 mg/dL in the UK (Table). Mean DIALYSIS PATIENTS WITH SECONDARY
serum phosphorus varied from 4.5 in Belgium to 5.3 mg/dL in Germany. Dialysate HYPERPARATHYROIDISM. RESULTS FROM A PROSPECTIVE
calcium of 2.5 mEq/L was predominant in Germany, Sweden, and the UK while 3.0 RANDOMIZED TRIAL
mEq/L was the most common prescription in Belgium, Italy, and Spain. Calcimimetic
prescription ranged from 13% in the UK to 32% in Spain. Etelcalcetide prescription Evgeny Shutov1,2, Galina Kotlyarova2, Ksenia Lysenko2, Galina Ryabinskaya3,
ranged from 1% in the UK to 12% in Spain and 14% in Italy. Active vitamin D Sergey Lashutin2
prescription ranged from 27% in Belgium to 75% in Sweden. Nearly all vitamin D 1
Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Proffessional Education, Moscow, Russia,
prescriptions were administered intravenously in Spain versus about half in Italy; in all nephrology, Moscow, Russia, 2Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin, Moscow, Russia,
other countries, the route of active vitamin D administration was primarily oral. nephrology, Moscow, Russia and 3Clinical Hospital named after S.P. Botkin, Moscow,
Patient age and dialysis vintage varied by country, potentially contributing to some of Russia, laboratory, Moscow, Russia
the observed country differences in MBD marker levels and treatment practices.
CONCLUSION: CKD-MBD related abnormalities in PTH, serum phosphorus and
calcium remain common in European dialysis patients, with prevalence varying BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism is
considerably by country. Substantial international variation in CKD-MBD treatments one of the main tasks in the correction of mineral and bone disorders (MBD) in
was also observed in prescription of vitamin D and calcimimetics. Uptake of the patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the results of therapy for
secondary hyperparathyroidism are still unsatisfactory. In our prospective randomized
relatively new calcimimetic, etelcalcetide, varied considerably by country. A detailed
controlled trial were evaluated the effect and safety of 26 weeks of treatment with
understanding of the effect of treatment variation on CKD-MBD marker levels and
etelcalcetide (intravenous route of administration) compare with cinacalcet (oral
patient outcomes is needed to provide important insights for the European HD
administration) on CKD-MBD parameters in patients on program hemodialysis with
community in optimizing management of secondary hyperparathyroidism.
secondary hyperparathyroidism.
METHOD: The study group included 50 stable patients receiving hemodialysis with
secondary hyperparathyroidism (PTH > 300 pg/ml) and corrected Ca level greater
than 2.2 mmol/L, who were randomized in a 1: 1 ratio for treatment with etelcalcetide
(n = 25) or cinacalcet (n = 25) for 26 weeks. All patients were monthly evaluated the
levels of P, Ca, intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP); the
levels of FGF 23, Klotho protein and sclerostin were assessed once in 3 months. The
dose of both drugs was adjusted according to the serum iPTH level. The nature,
frequency, and severity of treatment-emergent adverse events were assessed.
RESULTS: Therapy with cinacalcet and etelcalcetide led to a significant decrease in the
level of iPTH in the blood serum from 613.1 6 235.1 to 302.2 6 205.1pg/ml (p< 0.01)
and from 671.2 6 272.3 to 358,6 6 292.5 pg/ml (p <0.01), by 49.2% and 53.4%,
respectively. A significant decrease in the levels of corrected Ca was noted in both
groups: in the etelcalcetide group from 2.20 6 0.12 to 2.06 6 0.18 mmol/L (p <0.05),
in the cinacalcet group from 2.25 6 0.12 to 2.04 6 0.21 mmol/l (p <0.05). There was
no significant change in the P levels. The alkaline phosphatase level significantly
decreased in the cinacalcet group from 178.7 6 116.8 to 78.9 6 34.1 U/L, p <0.05) and
in the etelcalcetide group from 170,3 6 115.7 to 87.1 6 30.8 U/L, p <0.05. There was a
significant increase in Klotho protein levels by the end of the study from 17.9 6 5.0 to
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
57.1 6 39.3 (p <0.05) and from 17.6 6 3.7 to 91.6 6 56.2 pg/ml (p <0.05),
respectively, in the cinacalcet and etelcalcetide group. Changes in FGF-23 and
sclerostin by 6 months reached statistically significant changes only in the etelcalcetide
group, a decrease from the FGF-23 level from 42.7 6 22.2 to 23.0 6 12.3 pg/ml and an
increase in the level of sclerostin from 1, 59 6 0.31 to 2.20 6 0.33 ng/ml (p <0.05).
During the study, 2 patients in the cinacalcet group dropped out due to dyspeptic
symptoms and 1 patient in the etelcalcetide group dropped out due to hypocalcemia.
CONCLUSION: Etelcalcetide and cinacalcet are effective PTH-lowering drugs with a
comparable safety profile. Treatment with etelcalcetide, in contrast to cinacalcet, was
associated with significant increases in sclerostin and decreases in FGF-23, which may
have beneficial effects on outcomes and requires further study.
10.1093/ndt/gfab096 | i445
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
preparation (Group EþCa), or control groups (Group C) in 124 subjects undergoing improving CKD-MBD parameters compared with non-calcium phosphate binders
maintenance hemodialysis. Moreover, we also showed that active vitamin D was useful (sevelamer) in DD-CKD patients. The parameters compared in this study are changes
in correcting hypocalcemia induced by calcimimetics, but the oral calcium preparation in serum phosphate (P), serum calcium ions (Ca), fibroblast growth factors-23
was superior for suppression of hyperphosphatemia. In this post hoc analysis, we (FGF23), intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-hydroxyvitamin D (calcidiol), and
evaluated vascular calcification markers, fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (calcitriol). Bias risk was accessed by using the revised
calciprotein particles (CPPs), in patients using etelcalcetide (n = 77) extracted from the Cochrane Risk-of-bias (RoB-2) tool. Analysis was performed to provide standard mean
registrants of the DUET trial. difference (SMD) with 95% confidence interval (CI) using random-effect heterogeneity
METHOD: Serum levels of FGF23 and CPPs were measured at baseline, 6 weeks and test.
12 weeks after start of the trial. Skewed data (FGF23 and CPPs) were transformed to RESULTS: Ten RCTs with total of 1,139 participants were included in this analysis.
natural logarithm to achieve normal distribution prior to statistical analysis. The The sucroferric oxyhydroxide decreases FGF23 although not statistically significant
changes in log CPPs and log FGF23 were estimated in a linear mixed model with each (SMD = 0.22. 95% CI = -0.49 to 0.05, p = 0.11, I2 = 52%), but ferric citrate (SMD = -
treatment group, time point, and interaction of the treatment group and time point as 0.92. 95%CI = -1.56 to -0.29, p = 0.004, I2 = 69%) and the overall estimate (SMD = -
the fixed effects. We compared these changes between treatment the groups using a 0.45. 95% CI = -0.82 to -0.09, p = 0.02, I2 = 79%) showed significant FGF23 decline
linear mixed model and also the Tukey-Kramer method to correct for multiplicity. compared with sevelamer. The sucroferric oxyhydroxide showed no significant
Additionally, we exploratory examined the correlations among changes of FGF23, improvement of calcidiol (SMD = 0.08. 95%CI = -0.02 to 0.17, p = 0.13, I2 = 0%) and
CPPs and other biomarkers related to bone mineral metabolisms, iPTH, Ca, P, and calcitriol (SMD = 0.02. 95% CI = -0.08 to 0.12, p = 0.74, I2 = 0%) compared with
calcium-phosphate product, tested by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. selevamer. There is also no significant improvement of iPTH in sucroferric
RESULTS: The decreases at the 12-week time point after the trial start in log FGF23 oxyhydroxide subgroup (SMD = -0.14. 95%CI = -0.43 to 0.14, p = 0.32, I2 = 85%),
were estimated -1.13 pg/mL in Group EþCa and -0.10 pg/mL in Group EþD in a ferric citrate subgroup (SMD = -0.02. 95%CI = -0.16 to 0.12, p = 0.80, I2 = 0%), and
linear mixed model, respectively. Similarly, the decreases in CPPs were estimated -1.60 pooled group analysis (SMD = -0.10. 95%CI = -0.27 to 0.07, p = 0.27, I2 = 75%).
AU in Group EþCa and -0.82 AU in Group EþD, respectively. Changes of both Besides, this study also suggests no significant improvement comparison of serum P
FGF23 (P = 0.017) and CPPs (P < 0.001) in Group EþCa significantly decreased (SMD = -0.09. 95%CI = -0.19 to 0.02, p = 0.12, I2 = 38%) and Ca (SMD = 0.04. 95%CI
compared with those in in Group EþD by Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test at = -0.12 to 0.20, p = 0.61, I2 = 57%).
12 weeks after the trial start, while both changes in CPPs and FGF23 could not reach CONCLUSION: There is no significant efficacies differences between iron-based and
the significant differences between two groups at 6 weeks after the trial start (Figure 1). non-calcium phosphate binders for improving serum phosphate, serum calcium ions,
Reductions in FGF23 positively correlated with reductions in calcium (q = 0.42, P < iPTH, calcidiol, and calcitriol in dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease patients,
0.01) and phosphate (q = 0.48, P < 0.01) at 6 weeks after the trial start, and in calcium except for the FGF-23 parameter. However, further trials are needed to establish the
(q = 0.30, P < 0.01) and phosphate (q =0.70, P < 0.01) at 12 weeks after 6 weeks of the juxtaposition.
trial start), but there was no correlation with reductions in iPTH at any time point.
Reductions in CPPs positively correlated with reductions only in phosphate at 6 weeks
after the trial start (q = 0.47, P < 0.01) and at 12 weeks after 6 weeks of the trial start (q
= 0.54, P < 0.01).
CONCLUSION: In this analysis, vascular calcification markers were significantly BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
decreased in Group EþCa compared to those in Group EþD. Further studies should mineral, bone, and calcific cardiovascular abnormalities are associated to adverse
be needed, our study suggests that oral calcium preparation may have an advantage clinical outcomes, including fractures, cardiovascular events and mortality. Vitamin D
against vascular calcification rather than active vitamin D for the correction of hormonal system along with alteration levels that occur in calcium, phosphate, PTH,
hypocalcemia induced by etelcalcetide in hemodialysis patients with SHPT. FGF23/Klotho are the main responsible of the bone and vascular metabolism changes,
particularly in hemodialysis (HD) patients that experienced the very negative clinical
consequences (decreased bone mass, increased fragility fractures and vascular
calcification). In the setting of a comparative effectiveness study, we investigated the
effect of oral calcitriol on fractures in HD patients taking into account a series of
AND NON-CALCIUM PHOSPHATE BINDERS FOR IMPROVING METHOD: We conducted a secondary analysis of the VIKI database, a cross-sectional
MINERAL AND BONE DISORDER PARAMETERS IN DIALYSIS- study involving 387 HD patients from 18 Italian dialysis centers. Routine biochemistry
DEPENDENT CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE PATIENTS: A and bone biochemical markers such as vitamin K levels, VKDPs, vitamin 25(OH)D,
META-ANALYSIS OF RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIALS ALP, PTH, Ca, P, osteocalcin (BGP), Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) were assessed. The
presence of Vertebral Fractures (VF) and Vascular Calcification (VC) was determined
Boby Pratama Putra1, Felix Nugraha Putra2 through spine radiograph. Reduction of >20% of vertebral body height was considered
1 a VF. The severity of the vertebral fractures was estimated as mild, moderate and severe
Medical doctor, Blitar, Indonesia and 2Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, (reduction: 20-25%, 25-40% or >40%, respectively). VC were quantified by measuring
Surabaya, Indonesia the length of calcific deposits along the arteries (mild 0,1-5 cm, moderate 5,1-10 cm
and severe >10 cm).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hyperphosphatemia is a serious complication in RESULTS: 177 out 387 patients (45.7%) were treated with oral calcitriol. Oral
chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients that serves as the main risk factor of CKD– calcitriol-treated and untreated patients did not differ as for Ca, P, PTH, Albumin,
mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) progression. Previous studies suggested that BGP, MGP, and ALP. The prevalence of VF was significantly lower in patients
iron-based phosphate binder showed better improvement in CKD-MBD parameters receiving oral calcitriol than in those untreated (48.6% vs 61%, P=0.015), whereas the
although the results were still inconclusive. This study aims to juxtapose the efficacies presence of aortic and iliac calcifications was similar between the two groups (aortic:
between iron-based and non-calcium phosphate binders for improving CKD-MBD 81.9% vs 79.5% respectively, P=0.552; iliac: 52.0% and 59.5%, P=0.167). No significant
parameters in dialysis-dependent (DD)-CKD patients. between-groups differences were observed in terms of calcification severity. In a
METHOD: We did comprehensive searching to screen all relevant literature until multivariable logistic regression analysis, after adjustment for all potential
November 2020 in online databases of Pubmed, EMBASE, ScienceDirect, and The confounders, oral calcitriol was associated with a marked reduction (-40.2%) of the
Cochrane Library. We included all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) accessing the odds of fractures (OR: 0.598, 95% CI: 0.363-0.985, P=0.043) (see Table).
efficacies of iron-based phosphate binders (sucroferric oxyhydroxide, ferric citrate) in CONCLUSION: A significant association was found between oral calcitriol and lower
i446 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
VF rate in HD patients. Such an effect remained significant also after data adjustment MO800 EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF CINACALCET IN CHINESE
for a large series of potential confounders. Further prospective and interventional MAINTAINANCE HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS WITH
studies are needed to confirm these findings. DIFFERENT STAGES OF SECONDARY
10.1093/ndt/gfab096 | i447
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
CONCLUSION: Oral cinacalcet HCl was effective and safe in reducing iPTH in
patients receiving HD with mild-to-severe SHPT.
i448 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: After 3 years in haemodialysis he underwent a kidney transplant from a MO803 THE UTILITY OF BONE HEALTH INDEX SDS SCORES IN
cadaveric donor. His transplanted kidney worked fairly well until the patients was 31 MEASURING BONE DENSITY IN CHILDREN WITH END
year old when he developed graft dysfunction (serum creatinine from 2.7 to 5 mg/dL in STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE
a very short period). There was a concomitant increase in serum phosphate levels (8.3
mg/dl) and iPTH that progressively increased to 1032 pg/ml despite a traditional Shazia Adalat1, Moira Cheung1
therapy. Evelina London Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom
RESULTS: At age 32, the patient returned to haemodialysis treatment thrice weekly
with a concomitant a progressive worsening of hyperparathyroidism with bone pain . BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) is well
Cinacalcet at a dosage of 30 mg daily treatment was initiated, then it was increased to recognised in patients on dialysis. Lower DXA-BMD predicts incident fractures in
120 mg daily without any benefit. Two years later, being the clinical situation without patients with CKD 3a-5D. However while bone age (BA) Xrays are routinely
any improvement and being the patient scarcely compliant to the therapy and because performed to assess delays in bone age and density, DXA scans are not available widely.
a further enlargement of parathyroid glands was observed, a Parathyroidectomy (PTX) We compared the utility of bone density findings using automated measurements
was advised. performed on routine BA Xrays and DXA scans.
Nevertheless, PTX was not performed because of patient’s refusal. Furthermore, METHOD: In our tertiary paediatric renal unit, patients on renal replacement therapy
despite Erythropoietic Stimulating Agent (ESA) therapy, he developed severe anemia are reviewed within a joint dialysis/endocrine clinic by an nephrologist and
that required regular and frequent blood transfusions. iPTH increased to 4500 pg/ml endocrinologist,with annual radiological bone health assessment using hand and wrist
[Fig.1] with a parallel rise in alkaline phosphatase >600 UI/L [Fig.2]. A Computed Xray using Bone XpertTM software. This automates assessment of BMD on hand Xrays,
Tomography scan showed multiple bone-thickening lesions. He thus initiated correcting for delays in bone age and calculates bone health index standard deviation
Etelcalcetide 5 mg e.v. 3 times a week, after the HD session but without any benefit. score (BHI-SDS) using measurements of cortical thickness and mineralisation of
The dosage was then increased to 7.5 mg but the patient gradually became frail and metacarpal bones. In any patient with abnormal BMD on BA Xray or uncontrolled
developed pancytopenia and low-grade fever. Hematological evaluation with bone hyperparathyroidism, DXA was performed (measured as whole body (minus head)
marrow biopsy was performed in December 2019. Bone marrow histology showed and in lumbar spine (L1–L4)). DXA-BMD Z scores were automatically calculated using
severe fibrosis [Myelofibrosis (MF) grade 3] with normal bone marrow cytogenetics. normative data. A review of the results obtained was performed to compare these
Blood samples for mutations in JAK-2, CALR, and MPL and BCR-ABL rearrangement investigations of bone mineralisation status in our paediatric dialysis patients.
were negative. There was no evidence for a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) or RESULTS: 14 patients with ESRD on renal replacement therapy had both BHI-SDS
metastatic lesions. and DXA BMD Z scores measured. Median chronological age was 12.6 years at DXA
densitometry (range 5.1-16.3 years) with median BA of 11.5 years (range 4.4-14.8
years). All patients where BA Xray was performed had evidence of renal
osteodystrophy radiographically. Median BHI-SDS was -1.2 (range -3.56 to 1.5).
Median lumbar spine Z-score was -0.5 (range-3.6-2.9) and median WBMH Z-score
was -1.2 (range -2.6-1.5).
Pearson correlation coefficients with BHI-SDS were 0.77 and 0.8 respectively. Only 4/
15 (27%) who had DXA performed had reported low BMD. Only one had objectively
measured loss of vertebral height on vertebral fracture assessment. However there were
two patients with undiagnosed scoliosis and one patient with an anterior wedge shaped
fracture identified on DXA. These patients were referred for orthopaedic management.
CONCLUSION: The utility of BHI- SDS to measure bone density in paediatric
patients with ESRD has not been reported. There appears to be good correlation
between BHI SDS scores and DXA scan Z score measurements in paediatric patients
with ESRD on renal replacement therapy. The advantages of using BHI SDS is that it is
less expensive, more easily performed, more widely available and takes into account the
delay in bone age often found in these children.
BHI-SDS is a measure derived from assessment of the peripheral skeleton, in contrast
to DXA, which measures bone health in the total skeleton or spine. BHI-SDS appears
to be a useful initial measure to quantify bone density in patients with radiological
changes consistent with renal osteodystrophy in the peripheral skeleton. However all
children with low BHI-SDS should proceed to DXA scan as this may detect spinal
abnormalities in addition.
10.1093/ndt/gfab096 | i449
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Crucially, to guarantee the homogeneity and quality of the data, we only considered representative patient. Figure 1(a) shows the longitudinal data for the aforementioned
HD patients with SHPT with available PTH values at baseline and at least at one time clinical parameters. Using a subset of the data (1 year was used), we extracted causal
point during follow up. relationships between the clinical (Fig. 1(b)). As shown in Fig. 1(c), some of the
relationships are physiologically consistent with current knowledge of the PTH, Ca,
and PO4 disturbances on CKD-BMD, vascular calcification being one of the axes. Also,
NLR is a measure of inflammation, which is also known to promote vascular
calcification. Further, potential pathways were also detected, namely the direct or
mediated effects of Alb and PTH on PP (as shown in Figs. 1(b)-(c)). Using these
pathways, a dynamic model describing these interactions can be used to prescriptive
investigate the impact of the dynamics on the progression of calcification.
Alhaji Cherif1, Jakob Voelkl2,3, Peter Kotanko1,4 Niansong Wang1, Gengru Jiang2
1 1
Renal Research Institute, Research Division, New York, United States of America, The Sixth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of
atsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3JKU Johannes Kepler Universit€
Charité – Universit€ at Nephrology, Shanghai, P.R. China and 2Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai
Linz, Linz, Austria and 4Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, United Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Department of Nephrology, Shanghai, P.R.
States of America China
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular calcification (VC) is common sequelae in BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this analysis based on the real-world
chronic and end-stage kidney diseases (CKD/ESKD), and is associated with multiple database was to observe the effect of paricalcitol on the safety profile in Chinese
risk factors, including disturbed bone metabolism and mineral disorders (CKD-BMD), hemodialysis (HD) patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) under
uremia, leading to increased morbidity and mortality. The mechanism involves routine clinical practice.
multiple physiological processes and is not well understood. The study aims to develop METHOD: From the Better Life for Future database, a total of 668 Chinese
a causal pathway-based physiological model describing patient-specific drivers of hemodialysis patients from 104 dialysis centers between January 2015 and May 2019
vascular calcification. were included in the analysis set. Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), total serum
METHOD: We develop a causal pathway-based physiological modeling that utilizes calcium (Ca), phosphate (P), dosage of intravenous (IV) paricalcitol (ZemplarV R ) were
clinical data to identify patients with high risks of progression of VC and analyzed and discussed via retrospective analysis of the database during the treatment.
cardiometabolic diseases to provide multifactorial intervention strategies targeting the RESULTS: Patients were divided into five groups according to the duration of follow-
risk factors. We investigate the response of pulse pressure (PP, a proxy for pulse wave up. Median iPTH levels decreased from 1183 pg/ml at baseline to 676 pg/ml at the final
velocity) to parathyroid hormones (PTH), calcium (Ca), phosphate (PO4), calcium- visit, or 30.88% (p < 0.0001). Serum Ca levels shown significantly increased just in the
phosphate product (CaPO4), neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and albumin (Alb). group of Month 12–24 (P=0.0479) (Table 2). The incidence of hypercalcemia for three
Pulse pressure may account for both cardiac and vascular conditions (e.g., atrial consecutive blood draws was significantly lower than the incidence of hypercalcemia
fibrillation, aortic insufficiency, arterial stiffness or arteriovenous malformation, aortic for at least once or two draws in all groups (Table 3). Subgroup analyses of patients
valve stenosis, cardiac insufficiency or cardiac tamponade). with hyperphosphatemia showed a rapid phosphate reduction, within the first few
RESULTS: We demonstrate the causal pathway of PTH, Ca, PO4, NLR, and Alb on weeks, along with the reduction in the iPTH level (Figure 1).
PP, and find that there are likely paths from PTH, Ca, PO4, CaPO4, NLR to PP, where
the strength of the relationships vary from patient to patient. Figure 1 shows a
i450 | Abstracts
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MO806 Figure 1: Changes of iPTH and P from baseline to last measurement in the
subgroup of hyperphosphatemia (Mean 6 SD); (Hyperphosphatemia, P>1.78 mmol/l)
*p=0.0479, there was a statistically significant increase in serum Ca levels in the group of Month 12–24 (P<0.05).
MO806 Table 3. Events of elevated serum calcium (>2.5 mmol/L) from baseline to last visit (n, %)
10.1093/ndt/gfab096 | i451
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Chenghui Tao1
Bone Resorption Markers 1
the Peoplo’s Hospital of Fengdu County, Nephrology, Chongqing, P.R. China
CTX (ug/L) 1 þ/- 0.5 3.3 þ/- 1.4 <0.0001
TRACP5b (U/L) 1.3þ/- 0.5 2.1 þ/- 1.0 0.0006 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This is an observational study to assess effectiveness of
paricalcitol for treating secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) patients with long-
term maintenance hemodialysis, via changes in biochemical indexes, such as Calcium
Inflammatory Markers (Ca), Phosphate (P) and Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), and size of parathyroid gland
Albumin (g/L) 38 þ/- 4.0 41 þ/- 1.6 0.007 (PG).
METHOD: This single-centre and small sample study included 11 Long-term
IL-6 (pg/mL) 589þ/- 90 7.7 þ/- 19 0.06 maintenance hemodialysis patients with SHPT, who were undergoing SHPT treatment
IL-8 (pg/mL) 0.1 þ/- 0.1 0.1 þ/- 0.1 0.9 with paricalcitol in the Blood Purification Centre of Fengdu people’s hospital,
Chongqing, China, from December 2018 to October 2019. We collected biochemical
TNF (pg/mL) 24 þ/- 64 0 þ/-0 0.1
indexes including Ca, P and iPTH, and imaging parameters of PG via ultrasonography
(volume and number), evaluating variations between baseline and Month 11 of post-
Adipokines treatment.
RESULTS: Compared to baseline, the maximum diameter lines (Fig 1) of PG
Adiponectin (ug/mL) 9.3 þ/- 4.3 11.6 þ/- 5.2 0.2 decreased significantly (mean 15.727 mm vs 10.936 mm, P=0.005) after 11 months’
treatment, though the minimum diameter lines (Fig 2) decreased without statistical
Continued difference (mean 6.727 mm vs 5.255 mm, P=0.089). The number of glands was less in
i452 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Month 11 than that of baseline (mean 2.455 vs 2.182, P=0.277) and iPTH declined
significantly (mean 1045.109 pg/ml vs 610.934 pg/ml, P=0.001). The overall effective
rate of paricalcitol was 90.9% after 11 months’ treatment. Moreover, there were no
significant changes in serum calcium and phosphorus levels during the whole
10.1093/ndt/gfab096 | i453
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i454–i483, 2021
DIALYSIS. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND OUTCOME RESULTS: The CG sample included 43 patients with a mean age of 75.8 years; 22
women (51%); mean Kt/v 1.53; mean Hb 11.5 and mean time on HD 60.46 months.
The GI sample included 47 patients with a mean age of 73.53 years; 18 women (38%);
mean Kt/v 1.47; mean Hb 11.3 and mean time on HD 63.34 months.
MO809 DOES LISTENING TO LIVE MUSIC DURING HEMODIALYSIS The results show that after the intervention, IG vs CG increased the mean score (pm)
SESIONS AFFECT THE QUALITY OF LIFE?* in all the scales significantly.
The End time and GI interaction showed a mean score increase of 15.78 (p <0.001) for
Miriam Serrano1, Alicia Garcia-Testal2, Inmaculada Rico-Salvador2, the Symptoms/problems scale; 14.96 (p <0.001) scale Effects of kidney disease; 16.36
Conrado Carrrascosa Lo pez1, Rafael Ortiz Ramo n3, Javier Villalo
n Coca3, (p <0.001) on the Kidney disease burden scale; 14.78 (p <0.001) on the Sleep scale;
Pilar Royo-Maicas2, Rafael Garcia-Maset2 25.46 (p <0.001) on the Vitality scale; 29.57 (p <0.001) on the Emotional well-being
Polytechnic University of Valencia, València, Spain, 2Hospital de Manises, servicio de scale; 41.92 (p <0.001) on the Pain scale and 23.39 (p <0.001) on the General Health
nefrologia, Manises, Spain and 3Hospital de Manises, Manises, Spain scale.
CONCLUSION: Live classical music intervention during hemodialysis sessions
improves self-perceived HRQL in patients with chronic kidney disease on HD
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis
(HD) treatment have a health-related quality of life (HRQoL) lower than the reference
values of the Spanish population.
Previous studies have shown through music therapy reduce levels of pain, anxiety and
depression in chronic kidney disease patients on hemodialysis.
This study presents an intervention with classical music performed live during HD
sessions. It is the first time to study the effect of classical music heard live on HRQL.
METHOD: Randomized clinical trial by groups. 90 patients agreed to participate. They
were randomized into an intervention group (IG) and a control group (CG). The IG
listened to 30/45 minutes of live classical music in two of the three weekly HD sessions
for 1 month. The CG followed his usual treatment.
Different individual scales of the quality of life test in kidney diseases (KDQOL-SF)
were analyzed, in two times, baseline (Start) and after (End) the musical intervention in
both groups.
The analysis was performed using a mixed linear regression model for repeated
measures with independent variables (age, sex, months in HD, Kt/v, Hemoglobin
(Hb)) and dependent variables (individual KDQOL-SF scale scores).
MO809 Table 1. Temporal evolution of the analyzed scales of the KDQOL-SF questionnaire for the control group (CG) and the intervention group (IG).
Mean (SD)
Variable Group Pre-intervention Post-intervention Estimate* (CI 95%): Group time interaction p-value
Symptoms/problems GC 64,63 (18,27) 63,07 (16,88) 15,78 (10,00 - 21,56) <0.001
GI 66,31 (17,97) 80,54 (13,09)
Kidney disease effects GC 42,51 (21,05) 39,31 (18,60) 14,96 (9,16 - 20,76) <0.001
GI 45,88 (24,11) 57,64 (19,10)
kidney disease burden GC 29,79 (14,99) 26,59 (15,79) 16,36 (7,76 - 24,96) <0.001
GI 30,31 (25,60) 43,48 (23,99)
Sleep quality GC 51,80 (22,14) 49,94 (23,32) 21,59 (15,13 - 28,05) <0.001
GI 50,47 (26,03) 70,21 (22,56)
Physical function GC 29,76 (26,79) 28,25 (27,03) 26,08 (19,32 - 32,84) <0.001
GI 30,31 (26,23) 54,89 (27,17)
Physical role GC 25,00 (40,08) 29,65 (40,18) 46,41 (28,09 - 64,72) <0.001
GI 26,06 (38,64) 77,12 (39,29)
pain GC 43,60 (34,78) 36,04 (31,49) 41,92 (29,04 - 54,79) <0.001
GI 42,44 (31,84) 76,809 (30,87)
General health GC 33,72 (13,23) 31,86 (13,00) 11,96 (7,14 - 16,78) <0.001
GI 30,42 (20,79) 40,53 (19,62)
Emotional well-being GC 54,60 (23,83) 51,07 (24,36) 29,57 (21,13 - 38,01) <0.001
GI 53,61 (30,73) 79,66 (20,88)
Emotional role GC 70,54 (45,54) 55,81 (47,54) 43,09 (22,92 - 63,26) <0.001
GI 58,15 (46,86) 86,52 (31,59)
Social function GC 61,62 (28,53) 50,87 (28,66) 43,20 (32,40 - 54,00) <0.001
GI 52,39 (31,67) 84,84 (23,15)
Vitality GC 28,95 (24,21) 23,48 (21,14) 25,46 (18,62 - 32,30) <0.001
GI 35,00 (27,28) 55,00 (24,71)
Overall Health (Total) GC 44,41 (18,68) 39,53 (15,88) 23,39 (15,26 - 31,52) <0.001
GI 45,31 (24,92) 63,83 (19,95)
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Susana Rocha1, Maria Joa ~o Valente2, Susana Coimbra2,3, Cristina Catarino2, Guobin Su1,2,3, Valeria Saglimbene4,5, Germaine Wong4, Marinella Ruospo5,
Petronila Rocha-Pereira2,4, José Gerardo Oliveira5,6, José Madureira7, Joa ~o Patrizia Natale4,5, Jonathan Craig6, Jörgen Hegbrant7, Juan Jesus Carrero3,
Carlos Fernandes8, Maria do Sameiro Faria2,9, Vasco M.P. Miranda10, Luıs Belo2, Giovanni Strippoli4,5
2 2
Alice Santos-Silva , Elsa Bronze-da-Rocha 1
National Clinical Research Center for Kidney Disease, State Key Laboratory of Organ
LAQV, REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de Quımica Aplicada, Departamento de Ci^encias Failure Research, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Department of
Quımicas, Faculdade de Farm acia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 2UCIBIO, Nephrology, Guangzhou, P.R. China, 2Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese
REQUIMTE, Laborat orio de Bioquımica, Departamento de Ci^encias Biol ogicas, Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,
Faculdade de Farm acia da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3Instituto de Department of Nephrology, Guangzhou, P.R. China, 3Karolinska Institutet, Department
Investigaç~ao e Formaç~ ao Avançada em Ci^encias e Tecnologias da Sa ude (IINFACTS), of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Stockholm, Sweden, 4The University of
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universit ario (CESPU), Gandra, Paredes, Sydney, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney, Australia, 5University of Bari,
Portugal, Centro de Investigaç~ ao em Ci^encias da Sa ude, Universidade da Beira Interior, Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, Bari, Italy, 6Flinders University,
Covilh~a, Portugal, 5Clınica de Hemodi alise do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 6CINTESIS, College of Medicine and Public Health, Adelaide, Australia and 7Lund University,
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 7NefroServe, Clınica Department of Nephrology, Lund, Sweden
de Hemodialise de Barcelos, Barcelos, Portugal, 8NefroServe, Clınica de Hemodi alise de
Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 9Clınica de Hemodi alise de Felgueiras, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A healthy lifestyle promotes cardiovascular health and
Felgueiras, Portugal and Clınica de Hemodi alise de Gondomar, Gondomar, Portugal reduces cardiac-related mortality in the general population, but its benefits in patients
treated with hemodialysis are uncertain. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic inflammation plays an important role in the association of a modified American Heart Association (AHA) healthy lifestyle score,
progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The and its individual components, with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in a large
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region (-174G/C) of multinational cohort of patients treated with long-term hemodialysis.
interleukin-6 (IL6) gene regulates the levels of this cytokine, which have been METHOD: Based on the AHA’s recommendations for cardiovascular prevention, a
associated with a poor outcome in several pathologies. Our aims were to determine, modified healthy lifestyle score was derived from non-smoking, being physically active,
according to the genotype distribution of this polymorphism, the association between higher body mass index (BMI, obesity paradox of higher BMI being protective of death
the inflammatory mediators, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), IL6, and in dialysis patients), healthy diet, and well-controlled systolic blood pressure for
pentraxin 3 (PTX3), shown to be increased in ESRD, and to estimate the risk for all- participants in the DIET-HD study, a multinational cohort study of adults on
cause mortality over a period of one year. hemodialysis. Hazard ratios (aHR) were estimated to evaluate the association between
METHOD: 289 ESRD patients on hemodialysis (high-flux hemodialysis and the healthy lifestyle score [low (0 -3 points) as the referent, medium (4-6), and high (7-
hemodiafiltration) were included in this study. Real-Time PCR TaqMan SNP 10)] and cardiovascular and all-cause mortality by using cox model.
genotyping assays were used to assess allelic frequencies of IL6 (rs1800795). We RESULTS: 5483 out of 9757 (56%) patients with complete lifestyle data were followed
evaluated the circulating levels of PTX3, hsCRP and IL6 using commercially available for a median of 3.8 years (17450.9 person-years). There were 2,163 deaths, of which
kits. Deaths occurring along 1-year follow-up period were recorded, and the all-cause 826 cardiovascular-related. Compared with patients with a low lifestyle score (963,
mortality hazard ratio (HR), according to IL6 polymorphisms in this patient cohort 18%), the aHRs (95%CI) for all-cause mortality among those with medium (3,621,
were determined by Cox regression analysis. A p < 0.05 value was considered 66%) and high (899, 16%) were 0.70 (0.63-0.78) and 0.57 (0.49-0.66), respectively.
statistically significant. Cardiovascular death was 17% [aHR, 0.83 (0.68-0.99] and 30% (0.70, 0.55-0.90) lower
RESULTS: In all IL6 (-174G>C) genotypes, hsCRP was positively and significantly in patients with medium and high lifestyle score, respectively. Results were consistent
correlated with IL6. For hsCRP and PTX3, a positive correlation with significance was in stratified or complete-case analyses, and after excluding early deaths. Risk
only found for the GG genotype. All genotypes showed positive correlations between reductions were largely driven by being a non-smoker, physically active and having a
IL6 and PTX3 circulating levels, although only the GG genotype achieved a significant higher BMI. 20% of deaths were attributed to a medium/low lifestyle score (population
value. The Cox regression survival analysis for all-cause mortality in ESRD patients, attributable fraction; 95% CI 12-28%).
using as reference the heterozygous patients for IL6 polymorphism, showed that CC CONCLUSION: A healthier lifestyle, especially non-smoking, regular physical activity,
patients presented a significant higher mortality risk, with a HR of 3.275 [1.165 to and a higher BMI, is dose-dependently associated with lower all-cause and
9.204]. Moreover, the median survival time of CC patients (100 [54 - 138] days) was cardiovascular mortality in hemodialysis patients.
lower than that presented by the GG genotype patients (211 [83 - 290] days, p < 0.05
vs. CC) and by the heterozygous patients (291 [72 - 332] days, p = 0.157 vs. CC).
CONCLUSION: We observed different correlation profiles between inflammatory
biomarkers within each IL6 (-174G>C) genotype. The association of the CC genotype
of the IL6 polymorphism with a poorer outcome and shorter survival time for ESRD
patients was also observed. However, further studies are required and must consider
the underlying individual genetic background, since the inflammatory state appears to
be influenced by IL6 polymorphisms, which, in turn, might be determinant for disease
progression and outcome.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: This work was supported by Applied Molecular Biosciences
Unit-UCIBIO, financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/04378/2020), by
North Portugal Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N)/
NORTE2020/Portugal 2020 (Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000024) and by REQUIMTE-
Rede de Quımica e Tecnologia-Associaç~ao in the form of a researcher (S. Rocha) –
project Dial4Life co-financed by FCT/MCTES (PTDC/MEC-CAR/31322/2017) and
FEDER/COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031322).
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i455
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO812 THE COMPARISON OF HIGH-DOSE HAEMODIAFILTRATION (RRT) is an important decision that determines the quality of life and survival. A single
WITH HIGH-FLUX HAEMODIALYSIS (CONVINCE) STUDY: therapy option might not be adequate across a patient’s entire lifespan and a majority
BASELINE CHARACTERISTICS AND PROOF OF PRINCIPLE of patients change from one RRT modality to another to adapt RRT to clinical and
OF THE CONVECTION VOLUME DELIVERED psychosocial needs. Transitions should be considered as an expected progression in the
patient’s treatment options.
Robin Vernooij1,2, Mei-Man Lee3, Mark Woodward4,5,6, Jörgen Hegbrant7, In these circumstances, there are new questions about the best sequence of techniques.
Bernard Canaud8,9, Krister Cromm8, Marietta Torok10, Kathrin Fischer11,12, METHOD: This observational study examined a cohort of all incident patients from
Claudia Barth13, Giovanni Strippoli14,15, Peter J. Blankestijn1, Michiel Bots2 the Madrid Registry of Renal Patients (REMER), who initiated RRT between January
University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, 2008 and December of 2018. This study used the proportional hazards models and
Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University, Julius competitive risk models to examine the impact of transitions between RRT modalities
Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3The George on survival.
Institute for Global Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4University of We performed an intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis, according to the initial RRT chosen
Oxford, The George Institute for Global Health, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5University of and an as treated (AT) analysis, by RRT received (Only HD, Only PD, PD then HD or
New South Wales, The George Institute for Global Health, Sydney, Australia, HD then PD).
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Epidemiology, Baltimore, United States of RESULTS: A total of 8,971 patients started RRT during this period in Madrid (6.6
America, 7Lund University, Department of Nephrology, Clinical Sciences, Lund, Sweden, Million population): 7,207 on hemodialysis (HD), 1,401 on peritoneal dialysis (PD)
Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, Global Medical Office, Bad Homburg and 363 received a pre-emptive kidney transplantation (KTX). Incident HD-patients
v.d.H, Germany, 9Montpellier University, School of Medicine, Montpellier, France, were older and had more comorbidities. They presented higher mortality (HD group
Diaverum, Corporate Medical Office, Malmö, Sweden, 11Charité Universit€ atsmedizin 40.9% vs PD group 22.8% vs 8.3% KTX group, p <0.001) and less access to a transplant
Berlin, corporate member of Freie Universit€ at Berlin, Humboldt-Universit€
at zu Berlin, (HD group 30.4% vs DP group 51.6%; p <0.001). Transitions between dialysis
Germany, Berlin Institute of Health, Center of Internal Medicine and Dermatology, techniques define different groups of patients with different clinical outcomes. Those
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 13B. Braun Avitum AG, who change from HD to PD do it earlier (66% in less than 6 months), are younger and
Medical Scientific Affairs, Melsungen, Germany, 14University of Bari Aldo Moro, behave like those treated only with PD. Those who change from PD to HD do so later
Department of Emergency and Organ Transplantation, Bari, Italy and 15University of (1.5 years on average), are older (61.6 vs 53.5 years) and present higher mortality and
Sydney, School of Public Health, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia less access to kidney transplantation than the group who initiates in HD and transfer to
PD. Survival analysis by competitive risks is essential for integrated RRT models,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Although high-dose haemodiafiltration (HDF) has especially in groups such as PD patients, where 58.6% of the patients were considered
shown some promising survival advantage compared with high-flux haemodialysis as lost follow-up (received a KTX after during the first 2.5 years on PD). This analysis
(HD), the evidence remains controversial. In view of these discrepant results, a reflects how patients who change dialysis modality share more characteristics with the
definitive trial is required to determine whether high-dose HDF is superior to high-flux second technique than the original one.
HD. The comparison of high-dose HDF with high-flux HD (CONVINCE) study will CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that transitions between RRT-techniques describes
assess the benefits and harms of high-dose HDF versus conventional high-flux HD in different patients, who associate different risks, and should be analyzed in an integrated
adults with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Here we provide information on the manner to define improvement actions. This approach should be incorporated into the
baseline characteristics of the included patients and evaluate whether the patients analysis and repports of renal registries.
randomised to HDF were able to reach a high-dose convection volume.
METHOD: This international, prospective, open label, randomised, controlled trial is
aiming to recruit 1800 ESKD adults treated with high-flux HD in 9 European
countries. Patients will be randomised 1:1 to high-dose HDF versus continuation of
conventional high-flux HD. High-dose HDF is defined as a convection volume per
session of 23 L (range 61 L). The trial is designed with a follow-up time for each
patient of at least 24 months and will assess all-cause mortality, cause-specific
mortality, cardiovascular events, hospitalisation, patient-reported outcomes, and cost-
effectiveness. For this study we tabulated the baseline characteristics for all randomised
participants by treatment groups. For the patients randomised to HDF, we calculated
the proportion of the patients reaching a convection volume of 23L. session on the
first visit after baseline (i.e. 3 months) and compared baseline and treatment
characteristics with the patients with a convection volume of <23L/session.
RESULTS: CONVINCE has recruited, until the start of January 2021, 1139 patients in MO813 Figure 1: (1A) Cumulative incidence curve until change of technique for
eight European countries. The mean age was 62.4 (SD: 13.2) years and 62% (n=709) those patients who switch from peritoneal dialysis to hemodialysis and from
patients were men. The mean dialysis vintage was 5.0 (6.1) years. The mean systolic hemodialysis to peritoneal dialysis. (1B) Kaplan-Meier cumulative incidence curve of
blood pressure (BP) was 141 (22) mmHg, the diastolic BP was 73 (14) mmHg, and the all-cause mortality according to RRT sequence. The HR adjusted for age, sex and
body mass index (BMI) was 27.6 (5.7) kg/m2. Approximately one-third the patients diabetic nephropathy is shown, with TXR being the reference technique (HR = 1).
had diabetes mellitus and 21% had a history of coronary heart disease at baseline. Of
the patients randomised to HDF, over 85% achieved a convection volume of 23L/
session. There were no apparent differences in baseline and treatment characteristics
between the patients who reached a convective volume of 23L/session versus those
who did not: the vascular access was, respectively, a fistula (82% vs 81%), catheter (13%
vs 14%), and graft (5% vs 5%) access. MO814 RISK PREDICTION OF COVID-19 INCIDENCE AND
question of benefits and harms, regarding survival, hospitalisation, patient-reported COHORT: IMPLICATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT IN
outcomes, and cost-effectiveness of high-dose HDF compared with high-flux HD in OUTPATIENT SETTINGS
patients with ESKD. This first analysis shows that achievement of high-dose HDF is
feasible for most patients and, most importantly, could be maintained during the Mathias Haarhaus1,2, Carla Santos1,3, Michael Haase1,4, Pedro Mota Veiga5,6,
present trial period. Carlos Lucas1, Fernando Maca rio1
Diaverum AB, Malmö, Sweden, 2Division of Renal Medicine, Department of Clinical
Sciences, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden,
Cardiovascular Research and Development Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Porto, Portugal,
Medical Faculty, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany,
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, School of Education, Viseu, Portugal and 66 NECE
MO813 ANALYSING TRANSITIONS IN THE INTEGRATED MODEL OF Research Unit in Business Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilh~
a, Portugal
SYSTEM BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Experiences from the first wave of the 2019
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic can aide in the development of future
Beatriz Gil-Casares Casanova1,2, Jose Portoles3, Paula Lo pez3, preventive strategies. To date, risk prediction models for COVID-19-related incidence
Fernando Tornero Molina1, Maria Marques Vidas3, Jose Luis Rojo Alvarez2 and outcomes in haemodialysis (HD) patients are missing.
Hospital Universitario del Sureste, Department of Nephrology, Arganda del Rey. METHOD: We developed risk prediction models for COVID-19 incidence and
Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Department of Communications Signal mortality among HD patients. We studied 38 256 HD patients from a multi-national
Theory and Telematic and Computing Systems, Fuenlabrada. Madrid, Spain and dialysis cohort between March 3rd and July 3rd 2020. Risk prediction models were
Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Department of Nephrology, Majadahonda. developed and validated, based on predictors readily available in outpatient
Madrid, Spain haemodialysis units. We compared mortality among patients with and without
COVID-19, matched for age, sex, and diabetes.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Every year 83,000 Europeans and 6,500 Spanish CKD RESULTS: During the observational period, 1 259 patients (3.3%) acquired COVID-
patients require dialysis or transplantation. The choice of renal replacement therapy 19. Of these, 62% were hospitalised or died. Mortality was 22% among COVID-19
i456 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
patients with odds ratios 219.8 (95% CI 80.6-359) to 342.7 (95% CI 60.6-13595.1), the future, we consider that is important to perform multicenter studies focused on
compared to matched patients without COVID-19. Since the first wave of the patients-outcomes. We also think that it’s important to understand the patient and
pandemic affected mostly European countries during the study, the risk prediction family perspective in terms of quality of life and symptom burden associated to each
model for incidence of COVID-19 was developed and validated in European patients treatment option.
only (N=22 826, AUCDev 0.64, AUCVal 0.69). The model for prediction of mortality
was developed in all COVID-19 patients (AUCDev 0.71, AUCVal 0.78). Angiotensin
receptor blockers were independently associated with a lower incidence of COVID-19
in European patients.
CONCLUSION: We identified modifiable risk factors for COVID-19 incidence and
outcome in HD patients. Our risk prediction tools can be readily applied in clinical
practice. The current study can aid in the development of preventive strategies for
future waves of COVID-19.
^s Sala1, Jo~
Ine ao Oliveira1, Joana Freitas1, Joana Tavares1, Josefina Santos
Lascasas1, Andreia Campos1, Ana Castro1, Anto nio Cabrita1
Centro Hospital Universit
ario do Porto, Nephrology, Portugal
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: With the geriatric population increasing, the patients
reaching stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) are older, frailer and have multiple
comorbidities. Technological advances in renal replacement therapy (RRT) and easier
access to dialysis resulted in an expansion on geriatric dialysis population.
Conservative management (CM) is an option that should be considered in this
population, where is crucial to balance the survival and quality of life. Beside mortality,
with this study we aim to evaluated patient-outcomes (hospitalization, falls and
functional capacity) in older and frailer stage 5 CKD patients receiving hemodialysis
(HD) and in CM.
METHOD: We conducted a single center retrospective study in older ( 75years),
frailer (Clinical Frailty Scale – CFS 5) and with multiple comorbidities (modified
Charlson comorbidity index – mCCI 5 and) stage 5 CKD patients, admitted in our
Nephrology department between January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2020. The eGFR was
calculated through Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula
(CKD-EPI) at the time of decision or at the time of starting HD. The comorbidities
were stratified using the mCCI and frailty was assessed with CFS at the time of decision
in CM group (CMG) and at the start of HD (HDG). We evaluated hospitalizations,
falls, CFS one-year later and survival in each group. Survival analysis was performed
using the Kaplan–Meier method and was calculated at the beginning of RRT or eGFR
15ml/min/1.73m2 in CMG. Differences between the two groups were tested with
Mann-Whitney U method.
RESULTS: A total of 76 patients with indication to start RRT were included: 61.8%
(n=47) initiated HD and 38.2% (n=29) were in CM. The reasons for CM decision were
deterioration of clinical condition (n=11), expected survival less than 6 months (n=8),
patient option (n=5) and cognitive impairment (n=5). Clinical characteristics are
presented in Table 1. The CMG was older [median, IQR: 88 (85.5-90.5) vs 80 (77.0 –
83.0), p < 0.001] and had a lower BMI [23.44 (21.08 - 25.08) vs 26.23 (23.26 – 29.20),
p=0.006]. Both groups did not differ significantly in terms of sex, CKD etiology,
comorbidity or frailty. A total of 66 patients died at the end of the study [CMG 100%
(n= 29) vs 78.7% HDG (n=37)]. The overall survival has higher on the HDG compared
to the CMG with a median survival rate of 503 days (Fig 1). One-year survival rate was
53.5% in HDG vs 24% CMG (p <0.001). The median (IQR) of number of
hospitalizations per patient was greater in the HDG [4 (1.5-6.5) vs 3 (0.5-5.5) CMG]. In
HDG 17% patients had at least one fall vs 3.4% in CMG. In both groups there was a
general deterioration associated to a higher CFS at one-year follow up (p=0.003 HD
group vs p=0.015 CMG).
CONCLUSION: In our study, hemodialysis was associated to improved survival in
older and frailer stage 5 CKD patients compared to CM. However, this group had more
hospitalizations, falls and poor functional status. These outcomes have a crucial impact
on quality of life in this population and should be consider at the time of treatment
decision. One of the limitations of our study was small sample size in both groups. In
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i457
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO816 PULSE PRESSURE IS AN INDEPENDENT PREDICTOR OF METHOD: We searched the Cochrane Kidney and Transplant Register of Studies up
THE RISK OF RECURRENT ALL-CAUSE HOSPITALIZATION to 29 July 2019 using search terms relevant to this review. Studies in the Register are
IN CHRONIC HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS identified through searches of CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and EMBASE, conference
proceedings, the International Clinical Trials Register Search Portal and
Ariella Mermelstein1, Alhaji Cherif1, Hanjie Zhang1, Xiaoling (Janice) Ye1, We included individual and cluster randomised controlled trials
Peter Kotanko1, Jochen Raimann1 (RCTs), cross-over trials, and quasi-RCTs that compared aldosterone antagonists with
Renal Research Institute, Research Division, New York, United States of America placebo or standard care in patients with CKD requiring dialysis. We used a random-
effects model meta-analysis to perform a quantitative synthesis of the data. We used
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pre - and peri-dialytic systolic blood pressures (SBP) the I2 statistic to measure heterogeneity among the trials in each analysis. We indicated
have been linked to heightened cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hemodialysis summary estimates as a risk ratio (RR) for dichotomous outcomes with their 95%
(HD) patients. High pulse pressure (PP) is clinically associated with increased arterial confidence interval (CI). We assessed the certainty of the evidence for each of the main
stiffness and atrial fibrillation, while low PP is associated with cardiac insufficiency. We outcomes using the GRADE (Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development,
studied the relationship between PP and all-cause hospitalization in patients and Evaluation) approach.
undergoing maintenance HD. RESULTS: We included 16 trials (14 parallel RCTs and two cross-over trials) involving
METHOD: This retrospective cohort study was performed in HD patients from a total of 1,446 patients. Among included studies, 13 trials compared spironolactone to
January 2015 to May 2020. To be included in the study, patients were required to be 18 placebo or standard care and one trial compared eplerenone to a placebo. Most studies
or older, dialysis vintage of at least a year, and must have received treatment within the had an unclear or high risk of bias. Compared to control, aldosterone antagonists
first 30 days after dialysis initiation. We developed Cox proportional hazards models reduced the risk of all-cause death for patients with CKD requiring dialysis (9 trials,
with spline corrected terms for recurrent all-cause hospitalizations. 95% confidence 1,119 patients: RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.30 to 0.67; moderate certainty of evidence).
interval (CI) were also computed. Further, we stratified the patient population into 4 Aldosterone antagonist also decreased the risk of death due to cardiovascular disease (6
SBP categories, namely: SBP < 120, 120 SBP < 150, 150 SBP < 180, and SBP trials, 908 patients: RR 0.37, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.64; moderate certainty of evidence) and
180 mmHg, and investigated the mediating effects of SBP on hospitalization risk. cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity (3 trials, 328 patients: RR 0.38, 95% CI
RESULTS: We studied 2453 HD patients (age 58.9616.1 years, 58% male) dialyzed 0.18 to 0.76; moderate certainty of evidence). While aldosterone antagonists had an
between January 2014 and October 2018 in Renal Research Institute facilities. We apparent increased risk of gynaecomastia compared with control (4 trials, 768 patients:
observe that PPs between 45 and 70 mmHg were associated with lower risk of RR 5.95, 95% CI 1.93 to 18.3; moderate certainty of evidence), the elevated risk of
recurrent hospitalization (Figure 1a), possibly driven by the behavior of SBPs between hyperkalaemia due to aldosterone antagonists was uncertain (9 trials, 981 patients: RR
120 to 180 mmHg (Figure 1c-e). No statistically significant association was seen 1.41, 95% CI 0.72 to 2.78; low certainty of evidence).
between PP and hospitalization for patients with SPB <120mmHg and >180mm CONCLUSION: Based on moderate certainty of the evidence, aldosterone antagonists
(Figures 1b-d). A decreasing trend with PP greater than 90mmHg is noted but could reduce the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death and morbidity due to
rendered negligible, and a statistical artifact caused by a case mix at these unusually cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease but increase the risk of gynaecomastia in
high levels. The lack of significant associations between inflammatory (NLR) and patients with CKD requiring dialysis.
nutritional (Albumin and phosphorus) factors renders PP a significant and
independent predictor of recurrent hospitalization adding to the current knowledge in
the field.
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MO818 Table 1: Characteristics (given as mean6SD or percentage) in incident
dialysis patients according to their survival status
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Univariate Multivariate
PREDICTS ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY IN HEMODIALYSIS Age 0.990 0.381 0.992 0.967-1.018 0.563
Dialysis vintage 0.996 0.228 0.995 0.987-1.002 0.156
Robert Ekart1,2, Gasper Keber2, Nina Vodosek Hojs3, Eva Jakopin3, Nejc Piko1, Pulse pressure before HD 1.005 0.646 1.014 0.990-1.039 0.256
Sebastjan Bevc2,3, Radovan Hojs3
Hemoglobin 0.982 0.128 0.989 0.963-1.016 0.410
Slovenia, 2UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR, FACULTY OF MEDICINE, Maribor, Slovenia and CRP 0.994 0.434 0.994 0.979-1.010 0.484
UKC MARIBOR, CLINIC FOR INTERNAL MEDICINE, DEPARTMENT OF NEPHROLOGY, Serum albumin 1.127 0.051 1.047 0.907-1.209 0.528
Maribor, Slovenia Overhydration before HD 1.05 0.636
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Several factors may be responsible for the increased
ECW before HD 1.062 0.077
mortality in dialysis patients, but volume overload is considered among the main ICW before HD 1.089 0.018 1.102 1.010-1.202 0.029
mechanisms of this association. Volume status is usually estimated using clinical ECW/ICW before HD 0.314 0.369
criteria, i.e., patien’s signs and symptoms, peridialytic blood pressure measurements,
and intradialytic hemodynamic instability. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) is another Overhydration after HD 0.973 0.722
way to measure volume status in dialysis patients. BIA can measure overhydration ECW after HD 1.053 0.162
(OH), extracellular water (ECW), intracellular water (ICW) and ECW/ICW ratio. ICW after HD 1.037 0.136
The aim of our study was to analyze the role of BIA parameters before and after
hemodialysis (HD) on all-cause mortality. ECW/ICW after HD 0.423 0.404
METHOD: Eighty-three patients (mean age 64.2 years; 51 men) on maintenance HD
were included. BIA was performed and blood pressure was measured before and after
the HD session. Patients were followed for assigned time, until transplantation or
death. The mean follow-up time was 11816564 days.
RESULTS: Descriptive statistics of our patients are shown in Table 1. During the
follow-up period, 6 (7.2%) patients were transplanted and 39 (47%) patients died.
Univariate Cox regression analysis showed that only ICW before HD was a significant MO821 OXYGEN EXTRACTION RATIO AND MORTALITY RISK IN
predictor of all-cause mortality (HR=1.089; 95%CI: 1.01-1.17, p=0.018). OH, ECW, HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENT: A MULTICENTRE STUDY
ECW/ICW ratio before and after HD and ICW after HD were not associated with
survival. In multivariate Cox regression analysis including ICW before dialysis, age, Silverio Rotondi1, Lida Tartaglione 2 , Maria Luisa Muci 2 , Nicola Panocchia3,
dialysis vintage, pulse pressure before HD, hemoglobin, CRP and serum albumin, ICW Antonio Gesuete4, Teresa Papalia5, Luigi Solmi 2 , Sandro Mazzaferro6
before dialysis was an independent predictor of all-cause mortality (HR=1.102; 95%CI: 1
Sapienza, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of
1.01-1.20, p=0.029) (Table 2). Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Policlinico universitario A. Gemelli, Nephrology, Rome, Italy, 4Casa
CONCLUSION: ICW before HD predicts all-cause mortality in HD patients. Sollievo della sofferenza, Nephrology, San Giovanni Rotondo, , 5Azienda ospedaliera di
Cosenza, Nephrology, Cosenza, Italy and 6Sapienza, Department of Public Health and
Infectious Diseases, Sapienza University of Rome, rome, Italy
MO820 Table 1. Descriptive statistics of 83 HD patients presented as mean6SD BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients on haemodialysis (HD) suffer a very high rate
of cardiovascular mortality with some evidence suggesting a possible association with
decreasing blood oxygen saturation (SO2) during sessions. The ratio between arterial
SO2 (SaO2) and central venous SO2 (ScvO2) or Oxygen Extraction Ratio (OER),
HD patients which represents an estimate of the amount of oxygen claimed by peripheral tissues
(N=83) and of the haemodialysis related hypoxic stress, might represent a new prognostic
Dialysis vintage (months) 60 658 factor.
METHOD: We evaluate the relationship between OER values and mortality risks in
BP syst before HD (mmHg) 150621 HD patients in a prospective multicentre observational study. We enrolled chronic HD
BP diast before HD (mmHg) 78613 patients with permanent central venous catheter (CVC) and no fistula, in whom ScvO2
measurement is at hand and SaO2 is available with a peripheral oxymeter. OER
Pulse pressure before HD (mmHg) 72622
([(SaO2ScvO2)/SaO2]100) was measured before and after HD at enrolment (HD
BP syst after HD (mmHg) 153632 OER sessions) in each patients, and a one-year follow-up was planned to record the
BP diast after HD (mmHg) 78615 number of deaths.
RESULTS: In 101 patients (age 71.5 6 14 years on dialysis for 47 6 38 months),
Pulse pressure after HD (mmHg) 74627 during 9 6 6 months of follow up, we recorded 35 deaths. Patients were then divided
Overhydration before HD (L) 2.0861.78 into two groups, above or below the median value of pre-HD OER, which was 30%. In
ECW before HD (L) 18.1364.22 these groups, the average incidence of deaths was 12% (24 deaths) and 5,5% (11 deaths)
respectively (p<0.05), with significantly different survival curves (Kaplan-Meier log
ICW before HD (L) 18.9264.55 rank test = 0.04, fig). No difference in mortality was evident if we divided patients
ECW/ICW before HD 0.9760.14 according to the median intradialytic change in OER value.
CONCLUSION: Patients with pre-HD OER > 30% have a higher mortality risk, most
Overhydration after HD (L) 0.2962.07
probably secondary to reduced capability to respond to HD related oxygen
ECW after HD (L) 16.4663.85 requirements. OER is novel biomarker to identify patients at greatest clinical risk.
ICW after HD (L) 19.5565.94
ECW/ICW after HD 0.8760.17
Hemoglobin (g/L) 111612
CRP (mg/L) 10.16617.35
Serum Albumin (g/L) 38.962.85
i460 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO822 POLYPHARMACY NEGATIVELY AFFECTS HEALTH-RELATED MO822 Figure 1: Physical Component Summary (PCS) scores (A), Mental
QUALITY OF LIFE IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS Component Summary (MCS) scores (B), number of symptoms (C) and self-rated
health (D) per number of medications for crude results
Julia Colombijn1, Anna Bonenkamp1, Anita Van Eck van der Sluijs2,
Alferso C. Abrahams2, Joost Bijlsma1,3, Brigit Van Jaarsveld1,4
Amsterdam University Medical Centres, Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2UMC Utrecht, Nephrology and Hypertension, Utrecht,
The Netherlands, 3Dianet Dialysis Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 4Diapriva
Dialysis Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dialysis patients are often prescribed a large number of
Rita Verıssimo1, Luıs Leite de Sousa1, Catarina Mateus1, Pedro Fidalgo1,
medications to improve metabolic control and manage co-existing comorbidities.
André Weigert1
However, several studies suggest that a large number of medications can also 1
detrimentally affect their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Therefore, this study Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Ocidental - Hospital de Santa Cruz, Nefrologia, Carnaxide,
aims to provide insight in the association between the number of medications and Portugal
various aspects of HRQoL in dialysis patients.
METHOD: A multicentre study was conducted among dialysis patients from Dutch BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is known to have
dialysis centres three months after initiation of dialysis as part of the ongoing significant morbi-mortality worldwide. Patients with CKD and in particular those with
prospective DOMESTICO study. The number of medications, defined as the number ESRD normally carry a large burden of comorbidities and the beginning of
of concomitantly prescribed types of drugs, was obtained from electronic patient hemodialysis leads to a higher risk of decompensation. In fact, annual mortality rates
records. Primary outcome was HRQoL measured with the Physical Component among hemodialysis patients is 10 to 30 times higher than those of the general
Summary (PCS) score and Mental Component Summary (MCS) score (range 0-100) of population. Various studies have demonstrated that incident patients experience the
the Short Form 12. Secondary outcomes were number of symptoms (range 0-30) higher mortality rate within the first 3 to 4 months of dialysis. Predicting early
measured with the Dialysis Symptoms Index and self-rated health (range 0-100) mortality is important to help the decision of initiating hemodialysis versus
measured with the visual analogue scale of the EuroQol-5D-5L. Data were analysed conservative care. Therefore we conducted a case control study to evaluate early
using linear regression and adjusted for possible confounders, including age, sex, mortality predictors in incident hemodialysis patients in our hemodialysis center.
dialysis modality, and comorbidity. Analyses for MCS and number of symptoms were METHOD: This is a retrospective case–control study, which to evaluate early mortality
performed after categorising patients in tertiles according to their number of predictors in incident hemodialysis patients from January 2013 to December 2018.
medications because assumptions of linearity were violated for these outcomes. Descriptive statistics were calculated and expressed as mean (6standard deviation
RESULTS: A total of 162 patients were included. Mean age of patients was 58 6 17 [SD]) or median (intraquartile range [IQR]) for parametric and non-parametric
years, 35% were female, and 80% underwent haemodialysis. The mean number of continuous variables and count (%) for categorical variables, respectively. We
medications was 12.2 6 4.5. Mean PCS and MCS were 36.6 6 10.2 and 46.8 6 10.0, compared variables between survivors and non-survivors at 3 months after initiation of
respectively. The mean number of symptoms was 12.3 6 6.9 and mean self-rated hemodialysis by using Student’s t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, or Fisher’s exact test
health 60.1 6 20.6. In adjusted analyses, PCS was 0.6 point lower for each additional where appropriate. Multivariate logistic regression was used to calculate the adjusted
medication (95%CI -0.9 – -0.2; p=0.002). MCS was 4.9 point lower (95%CI -8.8 – -1.0; odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the variables associated with
p=0.01) and 1.0 point lower (95%CI -5.1 – 3.1; p=0.63) for the highest and middle early mortality.
tertiles of medications, respectively, compared to the lowest tertile. Patients in the RESULTS: From a total of 559 incident hemodialysis patients, 43 cases were identified
highest tertile of medications reported 4.1 more symptoms compared to the lowest (7.7%), and three controls were obtained for each case. From the 172 pts in the study
tertile (95%CI 1.5 – 6.6; p=0.002) but no significant difference in the number of mean (SD) age was 72.4 years (614), 58.1% were male, and the most common
symptoms was observed between the middle and lowest tertile. Self-rated health was etiologies of CKD were unknown etiology (22.1%, n=38) and diabetic nephropathy
1.5 point lower for each medication (95%CI -2.2 – -0.7; p<0.001). (16.9%, n=29). 34.4% (n=59) were dependent of assistance in daily living activities,
CONCLUSION: After adjustment for comorbidity and other confounders, a higher median (IQR) Charlson Comorbidity Index was 8 (6.10). The non survivors compared
number of medications was associated with a lower PCS, MCS, and self-rated health in to the survivors were older (78.8 6 9.2 vs 70.3 6 14.7, p < 0,001), had more AKI or
dialysis patients and with more symptoms. This suggests that it may be relevant to acute-on-chronic CKD (18 (41.9%) vs 18 (14%), p <0,001), emergency start of
weigh expected therapeutic benefits of medication against their possible harmful effects hemodialysis (29 (67.4%) vs 48 (37.2%), p= 0.001), more catheter use as vascular access
on HRQoL. An unfavourable balance between expected benefits and impact on (38 (88.4%) vs 92 (71.3%), p=0.024), congestive heart failure (30 (69.8%) vs 32 (24.8%),
HRQoL might be ground to deviate from clinical guidelines, especially for patients with p < 0.001), ischemic cardiomyopathy (20 (46.5%) vs 30 (23.3%), p=0.004), COPD (13
a limited life-expectancy and for whom a kidney transplant is unattainable. (30.2%) vs 11 (8.5%), p<0.001), peripheral vascular disease (14 (32.6%) vs 20 (15.5%),
p=0.015), Charlson comorbidity index (10 (8-11) vs 7 (6-9), p<0.001), dependence of
assistance in daily living activities (22 (51.2%) vs 37 (28.7%), presence of nephrology
appointments for >3 months before ESRD (23 (53.5%) vs 102 (79.1%), p=0.01), eGFR
(12.3 (6.1) vs 9.1 (4.2), p<0.001), serum albumin (3.1 (2.9-3.5) vs 3.5 (3-3.8), p=0.002).
A multivariable analysis was performed and the most suitable model to predict early
mortality was age (p=0.003, OR 1.07, 95% C.I. 1.023-1.121), emergency start of
hemodialysis (p<0.001, OR 8.35, 95% CI 3.385-20.606), congestive heart failure
(p=0.004, OR 3.65, 95% CI 1.519-8.776), peripheral vascular disease (p=0.035, OR 2.97,
95% CI 1.081-8.134). Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit performed well (X2 6.67 DF
8; p =0.57), Nagelkerke R2 0.46; AUROC (95% CI) 0.86 (0.80-0.92).
CONCLUSION: The percentage of early mortality in our population (7.7%) was
compatible with national and European rates. Our model identifies as independent
mortality predictors age, emergency start of hemodialysis, congestive heart failure and
peripheral vascular disease with an AUROC 0,86. This could help identify patients that
could benefit from a more conservative care.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected the
care of patients on chronic hemodialysis (HD). It has been reported that older adults
and those with comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease and chronic kidney disease are prone to develop severe disease and poorer
outcomes. By virtue of their average old age, multiple comorbidities,
immunosuppression and frequent contact with other patients in dialysis facilities,
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i461
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
chronic HD patients are at particular risk for severe COVID-19 infection. The aim of ESKD patients, the absolute survival gain can vary greatly between individuals. Our
this study was to compare clinical presentation, laboratory and radiologic data and results indicate that the effects of HDF on survival can be predicted using a
outcomes between HD and non-HD COVID-19 patients and find possible risk factors combination of readily available patient and disease characteristics, which could guide
for mortality on HD patients. shared decision-making.
METHOD: A single center retrospective cohort study including patients on HD
hospitalized with a laboratory confirmed COVID-19 infection, from March 1st to
December 31st of 2020 and matched them to non-dialysis patients (non-HD) (1:1).
Data regarding patient baseline characteristics, symptoms, laboratory and radiologic
results at presentation were collected, as well as their outcomes. Categorical variables
are presented as frequencies and percentages, and continuous variables as means or
medians for variables with skewed distributions. A paired Student’s t-test was
performed on parametric continuous values or Mann-Whitney for non-parametric
continuous variables. Chi-squared test was performed for comparing categorical
variables. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for mortality on HD
patients. A p-value of less than 0,05 indicated statistical significance.
RESULTS: A total of 34 patients HD patients were included, 70,6% male, mean age of
76,5 years, median time of dialysis of 3,0 years. Among them 85,3% were hypertensive,
47,1% diabetic, 47,1% had cardiovascular disease, 30,6% pulmonary chronic disease
and 23,5% cancer. The most frequent symptoms were fever (67,6%), shortness of
breath (61,8%) and cough (52,9%). At admission, 55,9% of patients needed oxygen
supply, one required mechanic ventilation and was admitted to intensive care unit.
Regarding laboratory data, the most common features were lymphopenia in 58,9%
(median- 795/uL), elevated LDH in 64,7% (median- 255 U/L), raised C-reactive
protein in 97,1% (median-6,3 mg/dlL, raised D-dimer in 95,8% (median 1,7 ng/mL),
and all patients presented high ferritin (median 1658 ng/mL) and elevated Troponin T
(median 130ng/mL). The majority presented with radiologic changes, particularly
bilateral infiltrates in 29,4%. Concerning clinical outcomes, the median hospitalization
time was 11 days and 13 patients (38,2%) developed bacterial superinfection. Mortality
rate was 32,4%. When matched to 34 non-HD patients there was no statistical
significant differences in sex, age and comorbidities. The HD group had a tendency to
more ventilator support need (p=0,051), higher ferritin and troponin levels (p=<0,001
for both), whereas the non-HD group presented with greater levels of transaminases MO825 Figure 1: Histograms for the distribution of (A) predicted gain in median
(p= 0,017). There was o significant difference in hospitalization time (median of 11 vs 7 survival for hemodiafiltration (HDF) versus hemodialysis (HD) in months, (B)
days, p=0,222) neither in mortality (median of 32,4 vs 35,3%, p=0,798). When the predicted gain in median survival per year for HDF versus HD in days, (C) predicted
logistic regression was performed, only bacterial superinfection was a predictor for gain in median survival for HDF with a convection volume of 23L per 1.73m2 (body
mortality on hemodialysis patients (p=0,004). surface area-adjusted), i.e. high-volume HDF, in months, and (D) predicted gain in
CONCLUSION: Our study compared outcomes for COVID-19 patients on chronic median survival per year for high-volume HDF in days, in the pooled data.
HD to non-dialysis patients and showed no difference in hospitalization time nor in
death rate. In spite of these results, the mortality in patients on chronic HD is still not
negligible, with up to 32% of in-hospital mortality. Bacterial superinfection is a
predictive risk factor for mortality. Hence the importance of interventions to mitigate
the burden of COVID-19 in these patients, by preventing its spread, particularly in
hemodialysis centers.
i462 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
are needed to aid diagnosis. Nephrologists perceived that on average 34% of their HD close-contact settings, such as close-range conversations).
patients experienced CKD-aP, and that 55% of them had moderate-severe symptoms. CONCLUSION: We found that Japanese patients on HD had a lower prevalence of
However, most nephrologists (79%) do not use any itch scales in clinical practice and SARS-CoV-2 antibodies compared to those in the United Kingdom. Serological testing
71% agreed a consistent international scale to diagnose CKD-aP is needed. 80% of identified HD patients with asymptomatic disease. Avoiding the ‘three Cs’ is very
nephrologists agreed diagnosis of CKD-aP is usually patient-driven, indicating there is important in minimizing the risk of COVID-19 among HD patients.
a reliance on patients mentioning their symptoms. Less than half of nephrologists
(46%) agreed that CKD-aP was easy to diagnose by clinical observation alone. The lack
of targeted treatment guidelines and approved therapies for CKD-aP leads to an
inconsistent, fragmented approach to management. Analysis of prescription data
captured in the PRFs of 1435 HD patients with CKD-aP showed treatment in current
clinical practice relies on incremental add-on therapy. The majority of patients (85-
90%) receiving second- or subsequent lines of therapy for CKD-aP were prescribed
combinations of different treatments. Commonly prescribed (off-label) medications
for CKD-aP included antihistamines, moisturizers/emollients, corticosteroids and
gabapentinoids. However, there was no single standard of care for the treatment of
Daniele Marcelli1, Olga Rybakova2, Valery Shilo2, Luisa Wohn1, Claudia Barth1
CKD-aP, highlighting the uncertainties nephrologists face relating to best treatment 1
practice. Most nephrologists (72%) agreed that treatment options are very limited for B. Braun Avitum, Medical Scientific Affairs, Melsungen, Germany and 2B.Braun Avitum
patients with bothersome CKD-aP, and the survey responses indicated a high unmet Russland, Moscow, Russia
need for novel treatments. The majority of nephrologists felt a major improvement was
needed over current treatments, particularly in terms of improved efficacy for BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pregnancy in dialysis patients is rare but challenging
reduction of itch intensity (62%) and the ability to improve the patient HRQoL (57%). for nephrologists and obstetricians, because pregnancy has a significant maternal and
CONCLUSION: This real-world international survey study of nephrologists showed fetal risk in these patients. Although intensified hemodialysis is effective to achieve
that CKD-aP is a frequent, but under-diagnosed condition affecting many HD patients, favorable clinical outcomes, the evidence concerning reliable parameters for the
with a lack of effective treatment options. Furthermore, there is an urgent need to optimal dialysis prescription is scarce. Herein, we report the management on
develop guidelines to assist in the diagnosis of CKD-aP and new targeted treatment hemodialysis and outcome of pregnancies occurring in the B. Braun dialysis network in
options that are both effective and well tolerated. Russia.
METHOD: We performed retrospective analysis of all pregnancy cases in B. Braun
dialysis chain in Russia from 2013 to 2020. Cases were reported by the involved Renal
Care Centers by a common questionnaire. All patients were treated with B. Braun
Dialogþ, AV set Dialog þ, SolCart bicarbonate cartridge and Xevonta dialyzers.
RESULTS: 13 pregnancies were reported, all achieved without infertility treatment: 1
was interrupted by voluntary termination of pregnancy, 9 resulted with living birth (6
females and 3 males) after a mean of 24 gestational weeks (7 cesarean and 2 vaginal
deliveries), 2 with stillbirth and 1 with spontaneous abortion after 8 gestational weeks.
Mothers with positive pregnancy outcome were significantly younger (27.965.1 vs.
Takayasu Taira1
36.365.6 years), without differences in dialysis vintage, previous successful or
Yokohama Dai-ichi Hospital, Nephrology, Yokohama, Japan unsuccessful pregnancies and during follow-up blood pressure was well controlled.
Females newborns had borderline significant greater body weight (1.960.6 vs. 1.160.1
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Strategies to minimize the risk of transmission of kg, p=0.076). 5 newborns had respiratory distress syndrome, 1 jaundice.
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in hemodialysis (HD) patients have CONCLUSION: : Prompt increase of treatment frequency and time on high-flux/HDF
been rapidly implemented worldwide (Nature 16: 311, 2020). Serological testing of 356 dialysis were associated with successful pregnancy outcome. Considering that
HD patients revealed that 129 (36.2%) patients were positive for SARS-CoV-2 cardiovascular system and endogenous metabolism dynamically alter during
antibodies. Out of these 129 patients, 52 (40.3%) patients were asymptomatic (JASN pregnancy, various clinical parameters, i.e. body weight and blood pressure, should be
31:1969, 2020). In this study, we investigated the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 closely monitored to modify dialysis settings accordingly. Female gender of the
antibodies in HD patients who were managed per Japanese Society for Dialysis- newborn seems to be associated with a better outcome. This study shows the safety of
Therapy guidelines in the context of COVID-19. high-flux hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration treatments in pregnancy and the benefit
METHOD: Study (1): A total of, 55 patients that underwent HD (41 males, 14 females; of enhanced prescription in dialysis time and frequency.
mean age: 66.3612.8 years, HD duration: 72.2668.4 months) between August 1 and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The authors express their gratitude to the entire medical
December 14, 2020, were included. We measured SARS-CoV-2 antibodies with a fully multidisciplinary team from B. Braun Russia Renal Care Centers and other local
automated cobas e801 analyzer using an ElecsysV R Anti-SARS-CoV-2 medical institutions directly and indirectly involved in the treatment of each case
electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (Roche Diagnostics) to qualitatively detect described.
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in human plasma. The ElecsysV R assay uses a modified double-
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i463
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO828 Table1. Vascular access and dialysis parameters prescription in the 12 pregnant patients are reported in the table below.
MO828 Table 2. Pre-dialysis blood pressure, anti-hypertensive prescription, hemoglobin levels and EPO dose are reported in the following table:
that 58.8% of COVID19 patients were transported by the same transport company,
while this company transports only 20.4% of hemodialysis patients (p=0.005) (Figure
A). As such, 22.7% of patients transported by this company became infected (OR 6.93,
95% CI 2.49-20.34, p=0.0002).
CONCLUSION: Institutional transport was the most significant risk factor for SARS-
CoV-2 infection among hemodialysis patients at our center. After stringent prevention
measures we were able to prevent transmission during transport in the second wave of
the COVID19 pandemic.
i464 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
31 HD patients admitted to ICU, 19 (61%) died.
CONCLUSION: Despite the fact the HD population represents only a small fraction of
the total population, they represent a sizable proportion of the total COVID-19 positive
cases and a significant percentage of the total COVID-19 related mortality. This study
highlights the increased susceptibility of HD population to COVID-19 infection, which
is associated with high rate of mortality, although lower than mortality rates reported
in Europe and the united states. 5,6
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6. - Jager KJ, Kramer A, Chesnaye NC et al. Results from the ERA-EDTA Registry indi-
cate a high mortality due to COVID-19 in dialysis patients and kidney transplant
recipients across Europe. Kidney Int. 2020;98(6):1540–1548. doi:10.1016/
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this study was to compare the prognosis of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) between dialysis and non-dialysis patients.
MO830 COVID-19 INFECTION IN HEMODIALYSIS POPULATION METHOD: In this retrospective observational study, we examined consecutive patients
with naı̈ve localized HCC, who were treated with radiofrequency ablation (RFA)
between February 2000 and December 2017. The patients were categorized into two
Ali AlSahow1, Ahmed AlQallaf2, Hamad Bahbahani2, Anas Alyousef3, subgroups based on whether they were on maintenance dialysis (Dialysis Group,
Yousif Bahbahani4, Bassam Alhelal5, Heba AlRajab6, Abdullah Almuhaiteeb3, n=458) or not (Non-dialysis Group, n=13), and were followed until December 2019.
Heba Shalaby1, Mohamed Elabbadi6, Mohammad Elsebaei3, Emad Abdallah5, The primary endpoint was overall survival using Kaplan-Meier analysis. As for
Medhat Ayoub4, Aissar Abou Trabeh4, Mariam AlSarraji4, Abdullah AlAwadhi4 propensity score matching, we matched 13 pairs of cases by using age, sex, Child-Pugh
Jahra Hospital, Nephrology, Al Jahra, Kuwait, 2Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah Hospital, score, tumor size, number of tumors and HCV positivity. We also compared causes of
Nephrology, Kuwait, 3Al-Amiri Hospital, Al Kuwayt, Kuwait, 4Mubarak Al-Kabeer death between the 2 groups.
Hospital, Jabriya, Kuwait, 5Adan Hospital, Hadiya, Kuwait and 6Farwaniya Hospital, RESULTS: The study cohort were aged 69.969.1 years and included 328 male patients
Kuwait, Kuwait (70%). Hepatitis B was positive in 37 patients (7.9%), C in 322 (68.4%) and co-infection
of HBV and HCV was detected in 3 (0.6%). Ninety-five (20.2%) were heavy alcohol
drinkers. In Dialysis Group, patients were younger (p=0.004), total bilirubin, AST, ALT
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A third novel coronavirus leading to severe respiratory
levels were significantly lower and PT level was significantly higher. In the entire
infection (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China
cohort, overall survival was comparable between Dialysis Group and Non-dialysis
in December 2019; 1 as of January 2021, more than 90 million person infected and
Group (5-year survival rate 55.2% vs 52.7%, respectively; p =0.144). In the propensity
more than 2,000,000 died worldwide. 2 Hemodialysis (HD) patients are at risk of
score matching analysis, however, Dialysis Group showed significantly worse overall
COVID-19 infection but reported infection rates are variable. 1 We report results of
survival than Non-dialysis Group (5-year survival rate 52.7% vs 92.3%, respectively; p
prospectively collected data on HD patients who contracted COVID-19 infection in
=0.018). During the observational period, 255 (54%) patients died. As for causes of
death, liver-related death occurred in 44% in Dialysis Group and 67% in Non-dialysis
METHOD: Demographics, comorbidities, and mortality data for HD patients who got
Group, whereas cardiovascular death was 22% in Dialysis Group and 5% in Non-
infected with COVID-19 in Kuwait from 1/March/2020 to 31/July/2020 were collected
dialysis Group. Procedure-related major complication in the first RFA session of each
and analyzed.
patient was 0% in Dialysis Group.
RESULTS: Kuwait population during that same period was 4,600,000 (63% Males and
CONCLUSION: Prognosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was poorer in dialysis patients
37%Females). 3 Total number of HD patients was 2000 (representing only 0.04% of the
compared to non-dialysis ones, which may be explained by a higher rate of non-liver-
total population with 52% Males and 48% Females). Total number of COVID-19 cases
related death in dialysis population. Since RFA, per se, has been safely preformed in
confirmed by PCR from nasopharyngeal swab was 66,957. Total number of infected
dialysis patients, prognostic improvement may be expected by treating HCC in dialysis
HD patients was 141 (representing 7% of the total HD population and 0.2% of the total
patients as aggressively as in non-dialysis cases.
number of people infected with COVID-19 in Kuwait). All COVID-19 positive cases
were treated for free in ministry of health hospitals
Mean age for HD patients with COVID-19 was 57 (54 for males and 62 for males). DM
was present in 70%, HTN in 95%, CV disease in 61%, respiratory illness in 20.5%, and
ICU admission was required for 31 patients (22%), with 80% requiring intubation and
assisted ventilation. Conventional HD was switched to CRRT in 61 patients (43%).
Steroids were used for 23%, convalescent plasma in 1 patient, lopinavir/ritonavir in 7
patients, tocilizumab in 3 patients.
Total number of mortality due to covid-19 infection in Kuwait was 447 (0.7% of the
total cases). 4 Total mortality in HD population during that period for any reason was
100 (5% of the total HD population), however, total mortality due to COVID-19
infection was 30% of the total mortality in the HD population (and 7% of the total
COVID-19 related mortality in the country). Patients who died were older with mean
age of 63 vs 56 for survivors and had respiratory illness more frequently (27% vs 18%)
and 60% were males. Of those who were switched to CRRT, 21 of 61 (34%) died. Of the
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i465
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The health crisis linked to the COVID-19 epidemic has
required lockdown measures in France and changes in practices in dialysis centers. The
objective was to assess the depressive and anxiety symptoms during lockdown in
hemodialysis patients and their caregivers, to assess their coping strategies during this
period and to assess the symptoms of depression, anxiety and post traumatic stress
beyond confinement.
METHOD: We sent, during lockdown period, between April and May 2020, self-
questionnaires to voluntary subjects (patients and caregivers), treated by hemodialysis
MO832 SYMPTOM BURDEN AND QUALITY OF SLEEP IN or who worked in hemodialysis in one of the 14 participating centers in France. We
MAINTENANCE HAEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS analyzed their perception of dialysis sessions (beneficial or worrying), their stress level
(VAS rated from 0 to 10), their anxiety and depressive symptoms (HADS). Factors
Jasna Trbojevic Stankovic 1,2, Sasa Milosevic 3, Branislav Andric3, associated with stress, anxiety and depression were analyzed with multiple logistic
Edvin Hadzibulic4, Fatmir Bird-ozlic 4, Zoran Marjanovic 2, Snezana Pesic5 regression models. We will look for associations between coping strategies, participant
1 characteristics and symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression using chi-square tests.
Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2Clinical Hospital Center “Dr Dragisa A second questionnaire was sent out in October to collect symptoms of depression,
Misovic”, Department of Hemodialysis, 3General Hospital Krusevac, Department of anxiety and post-traumatic stress beyond confinement. Symptoms will be described
Nephrology and Hemodialyis, 4General Hospital Novi Pazar, Department of Nephrology and factors associated with stress, anxiety and depression will be analyzed with
and Hemodialyis and 5Clinical Hospital Center “Zvezdara”, Department of Nephrology multiple logistic regression models.
and Metabolic Disorders with Dialysis RESULTS: 669 patients and 325 caregivers agreed to participate. 70% of participants
found it beneficial to come to dialysis during confinement. The proportions of subjects
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The number of patients with end-stage renal disease is with a stress level 6 linked to the epidemic, confinement, fear of contracting COVID-
growing rapidly worldwide and their survival on haemodialysis (HD) is increasing as a 19 and fear of infecting a loved one were respectively 23.9%, 26.2%, 33.4% and 42%.
result of technique and treatment improvements. Nevertheless, longer survival and 39.2% presented with certain (13.7%) or doubtful (19.2%) anxious symptoms. 21.2%
increasing complexity of the comorbid disorders contribute to a series of symptoms presented a certain (7.9%) or doubtful (13.3%) depressive symptomatology. Age,
which affect patients’ physical and mental health. In the present study we aimed to gender, history of psychological disorders and perception of dialysis sessions were
examine the symptom distress and quality of sleep in patients treated with chronic HD. associated with levels of stress, anxiety and depression. 685 subjects participated in the
METHOD: In this cross-sectional study, we recruited 304 (179 males and 125 females, second part of the study (68.9% of the participants of the first part). Analyzes of this
age range 20 - 85 years, time on dialysis 3 - 324 months) out of 372 HD patients from data are in progress.
five centres. All patients were under stable condition, without any severe acute CONCLUSION: During the lockdown period, in France, the majority of hemodialysis
comorbidities, and able to understand and fill-in the self-administered questionnaires. patients and caregivers found it beneficial to come to dialysis. One in 3 subjects had
Standard laboratory parameters and Kt/V were determined in all patients. Quality and anxiety symptoms and one in 5 subjects had depressive symptoms. It will be interesting
patterns of sleep were assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), while to investigate if there was an association between the coping strategies implemented by
physical and emotional symptoms and their severity were evaluated by the Dialysis the participants and their level of stress, anxiety and depression during confinement
Symptom Index (DSI). Other relevant demographic and clinical data were obtained and to analyze the evolution of the anxiety-depressive symptoms over time.
from patients’ medical records. The results were analyzed with independent sample T
test and v2 statistic.
RESULTS: The average PSQI was 7.6264.44, average symptom burden 15.49612.85,
and average symptom severity 23.38618.78. Almost two thirds of the patients (63.8%)
had poor sleep quality. The average sleep duration, latency and efficiency were
6.8561.75 hours, 36.01634.99 minutes and 81.51621.57% respectively. Nearly half of
the patients (45%) used sleep medications. MO834 LOWER POST DIALYSIS POTASSIUM AND HIGHER
Women, unemployed and diabetic patients had significantly worse quality of sleep ULTRAFILTRATION RATE ARE INDEPENDENT PREDICTORS
than men (8.4164.33 vs. 7.0864.43; p=0.001), employed (7.7564.47 vs. 4.3861.89; OF ALL-CAUSE MORTALITY IN DIALYSIS PATIENTS
p<0.01) and nondiabetic (8.8964.59 vs. 7.3664.40; p=0.041) patients respectively.
Other demographic (age, level of education, marital status, smoking habit), clinical Elvana Rista1, Vilma Cadri2, Ilir Akshija3, Endri Harja4
(body mass index, comorbidities, dialysis vintage, shift, and adequacy, type of Hygeia Hospital, Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation, Tirana, Albania, 2University
membrane and vascular access) and standard laboratory parameters were not Hospital Center “Mother Theresa”, Department of Nephrology, Tirana, Albania,
significantly associated with sleep quality. University Hospital Center “Mother Theresa”, Department of Statistics, Tirana, Albania
Poor sleepers had significantly higher symptom burden (17.81612.97 vs. 11.4269.78; and 4Villa Maria, Department of Cardiac Surgery, Tirana, Albania
p<0.01) and symptom severity (27.67619.73 vs. 15.81614.16; p<0.01). The most
prevalent and at the same time the most bothersome symptoms were difficulty BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dialysis is a life-saving procedure for the end-stage
becoming sexually aroused (63.2%), feeling tired or lack of energy (60.5%), decreased kidney disease, but mortality in this category of patients is still high. The survival of
interest in sex (57.6%), feeling nervous (57.2%) and dry skin (53.3%). Shortness of these patients is much lower compared to the general population. Factors affecting this
breath (p=0.011), dizziness (p=0.005), restless legs (p=0.011), tingling in feet (p=0.005), survival has been studied for years and still continue to be an important part of current
lack of energy (p=0.001), cough (p=0.001), dry mouth (p=0.017) and bone/joint pain studies. While ultrafiltration rate is known to be associated with mortality in prevalent
(p=0.016) were significantly more prevalent in poor sleepers. dialysis patients an important predictor of survival is the control of potassium profile.
CONCLUSION: Patients on HD experience high number of symptoms and often have The aim of our study was to assess the hemodynamic and biochemical data, and to
poor quality of sleep which may affect their well-being. These results support the likely identify any significant association between post-dialysis potassium and all-cause
importance of routine symptom assessment in dialysis centres to guide systematic mortality.
symptom management and provide appropriate psychosocial and clinical support. METHOD: This is a prospective study of 308 patients on maintenance dialysis,
followed for seven years, ending 2019. All patients are dialysis dependent for ESKD and
getting treatment in a single-center.
Hypokalemia was defined as a serum potassium level < 3.5 mEq/L and high
ultrafiltration rate (UFR) > 13 ml/kg/h. Other hemodynamic and metabolic data were
also evaluated
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The survival rate was analysed by Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox regression analysis. SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population undergoing dialysis treatment in Lazio
RESULTS: A total of 308 patients were enrolled in this study. Mean age was 52 6 15.6 Region.
years; 62.3% of pts were male; BMI 24.764.2. Of these, 55 patients (17.9%) died during METHOD: A cohort of patients treated in the dialysis units of Lazio Region was
the follow-up period. Our data showed the presence left ventricular hypertrophy enrolled. Prevalent dialysis patients at 1/1/2020 and incident patients during the period
(p=0.010), peripheral artery disease (p<0.0001), diastolic disfunction (p<0.01) and 01/01/2020-08/01/2020 were included. The LRDTR collects information on dialysis
ultrafiltration rate during dialysis >13ml/kg/h (p=0.002) were the most important patients from the start of chronic dialysis treatments with biannual update and
predictors of mortality. Metabolic abnormalities, low albumin (p<0.0005), immediately informing about the end of dialytic treatment (death, renal transplant,
hyperphosphatemia (p=0.011), post-dialysis potassium (p=0.037) were significantly etc). Infection was traced in the LRDTR from March 2020 to 08/13/2020. The
associated with higher mortality. information on vital status was obtained from LRDTR and the mortality Lazio registry
Logistic regression analysis of the metabolic data identified post-dialysis potassium up to 10/30/2020. Poisson models, crude and adjusted for sex and age, were used to
(OR 0.242, 95% CI 0.074 – 0.793, p=0.019), and logistic regression analysis of the estimate incident rate of infection and mortality rate on dialysis patients and on
hemodynamic data identified ultrafiltration ratio (OR 0.149, CI 0.033 – 0.673, p=0.013) dialysis patients who have developed SARS-CoV-2 infection, and respective confidence
as independent predictors of all-cause mortality. intervals of 95% (CI95%).
CONCLUSION: Lower post dialysis potassium levels and higher ultrafiltration rate are RESULTS: During the study period, the estimate of the number of patients undergoing
independently associated with higher all-cause and CV mortality in prevalent dialysis treatment was 5196 in Lazio Region, 65% were males with mean age of 70
hemodialysis patients. Therefore the potassium profile and the UFR of the dialysis years. Thirty-seven patients were infected with SARS-CoV-2: 70% males, mean age 73
patients needs close monitoring and optimal control. The individualization of the years. These patients were treated in 24 different dialysis units. The cumulative
dialysis prescription is recommended for each patient and it has an important role in incidence rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection was 0.71% (95% CI 0.52-0.98) and the
preventing the occurrence of complication with immediate and long term effects. adjusted incidence rate was 3.3 *100,000 Person Days (PD) (95% CI 2.4-4.7). The
Management of dialysis patients should focus especially on reducing the risk of distribution of positive swabs by month was: 21 in March 7 in April, 6 in May, 1 in
hypokalemia, not only that of hyperkalemia. June, 2 in July. Twenty-seven patients had symptoms while 10 patients, who have had
contact with infected individuals, had positive swabs in absence of symptoms. Infected
and hospitalised dialysis patients were 78%. Of the 29 hospitalized patients: 6 were in
sub-intensive care, 16 in intensive care, of these 7 needed intubations, 9 underwent
non-invasive ventilation. The adjusted cumulative mortality rate in dialysis patients
was 6.8% (95% CI 6.0-7.6), the same measure for SARS-CoV-2 infected patients was
37.4% (95% CI 19.8-70.4) with an average follow-up of 205 PD. The adjusted mortality
rate was 3.3 * 10,000PD (95% CI: 2.9-3.7) among dialysis patients and 21.2*10,000PD
(95% CI: 11.1-40.7) among infected dialysis patients.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights a greater susceptibility of dialysis patients to
SARS-CoV-2 infection, with a rate three times higher than that observed in the general
Narayan Prasad1, Manas Ranjan Patel1, Dharmendra Bhadauria1,
population (source: Civil Protection Department). Mortality risk for dialysis patients
Anupama Kaul1, Ravi Sankar Kushwaha1
with SARS-CoV-2 infection is about 6 times higher than in the dialysis patients it
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Nephrology, Lucknow, suggesting a major impact of infection on this fragile population.
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MO840 ADAPTIVE DESIGN METHODS IN DIALYSIS CLINICAL TRIALS METHOD: We performed a secondary analysis of 35 peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients
– A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW (age: 64611 years; 74% males; 17% diabetics) who participated to the Exercise
Introduction to Enhance Performance in Dialysis (EXCITE) trial, a 6-month
Conor Judge1,2,3, Robert Murphy1, Catriona Reddin1, Sarah Cormican1,2, randomized, multicenter trial testing whether a simple, personalized walking exercise
Andrew Smyth1, Martin O’Halloran1,3, Martin O’Donnell1 program at home, managed by dialysis staff, improves functional status in adult
National University of Ireland Galway, Medicine, Galway, Ireland, 2Wellcome Trust HRB patients on dialysis. The main study outcomes included change in physical
Irish Clinical Academic Training (ICAT), Galway, Ireland and 3Translational Medical performance at 6 months, assessed by the 6-minute walking test (6MWD) and the five
Device Lab NUIG, Galway, Ireland times sit-to-stand test (STS), and in quality of life, assessed by the Kidney Disease
Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SF) questionnaire. Data are summarised as
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Adaptive design methods are intended to improve median and interquartile range (IQR).
efficiency of clinical trials, and relevant to evaluating interventions in dialysis RESULTS: Out of 35 PD patients, 14 resulted to be allocated to the active arm and the
populations. We sought to quantify the use of adaptive design clinical trials in dialysis. remaining 21 to the control arm of the trial, and all completed the 6-month active
METHOD: We completed a full text systematic review and adhered to the Preferred phase of the trial. At baseline, the two groups did not differ as for age, gender, smoking,
Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Our diabetes, and NYHA class (p ranging from 0.41 to 1.00) as well as for baseline values of
review utilised included a novel machine learning classifier and full text systematic 6MWD (active group, median 344 m, IQR: 307-440 m versus control group, median
review. We searched MEDLINE (Pubmed) and performed a detailed data extraction of 302 m, IQR: 263-425m, P=0.12) and STS test (active group, median 18.2, IQR: 17.1-
trial characteristics and a narrative synthesis of the data. 18.8 sec versus control group, median 20.2, IQR 16.2-27.1, P=0.25). During the 6
RESULTS: 50 studies, available as 66 articles, were included after full text review. 31 month period, there was a 34.0 m median increase of 6MWD (IQR: from 16.3 to 61.3
studies were conducted in a dialysis population and 23 studies had renal replacement m) in the active group and only a modest increase of the same test in the control group
therapy as a primary or secondary outcome. Group sequential designs were the most (median: 14.0 m; IQR: from -39.5 to 38.5 m) and the between arms difference was
common type of adaptive design method used in dialysis randomized clinical trials and statistically significant (P=0.034). No between arms difference was found in the STS
in general adaptive designs usage is increasing over time. Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) test change (P=0.70). At 6 months, the quality of social interaction in the kidney
was studied in 27 (54%) of trials, End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) was studied in 22 disease component of the KDQOL-SF remained stable in patients of the active arm
(44%) of trials and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) was studied in one trial (2%). The (median change from baseline: 0.0, IQR: from -5.0 to 17.5) whereas it decreased in
most common country of lead author was the United States of America in n=20 (40%) patients in the control arm (median change from baseline: -5.8, IQR: from – 20.0 to -
of studies. 26 (52%) studies were supported by public funding. 41 studies (82%) did not 1.3) (between-arms difference, P=0.032).
report their adaptive design method in the title or abstract and would not be detected CONCLUSION: The results of this multicentre trial involving PD patients show that a
by a standard systematic review involving title and abstract searches. simple, personalized, home-based, low-intensity exercise program is feasible in PD
CONCLUSION: Adaptive design methods are infrequently used in dialysis patients and it may improve physical performance and quality of life in this high risk
randomized control trials. category of patients.
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i469
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO843 PREVALENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF HYPERTENSION IN CONCLUSION: Interdialytic weight gain in our HD patients is excessive &
HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS contributing to HTN. Patients must restrict salt & fluid intake & dialysis centers must
regularly & frequently assess dry weight, ensure thrice weekly schedule & 4 hours per
Ali AlSahow1, Anas Alyousef2, Bassam Alhelal3, Heba AlRajab4, session are met, so excess fluid is completely removed. Also, high sodium & high
Yousif Bahbahani5, Hani Nawar1, Mostafa Mohammed Elsayed calcium baths need to be avoided.
Mohammed Ibrahim2, Mohamed Elabbadi4, Vivian F Kamel5, Emad Abdallah3,
Rajeev Kumar6, Ebrahim AlSahu7
Jahra Hospital, Nephrology, Al Jahra, Kuwait, 2Al-Amiri Hospital, Nephrology, Al
Kuwayt, Kuwait, 3Adan Hospital, Nephrology, Hadiya, Kuwait, 4Farwaniya Hospital,
Nephrology, Kuwait, Kuwait, 5Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital, Nephrology, Jabriya, Kuwait,
Dr.BRA IRCH, Oncology, New Delhi, India and 7Jahra Hospital, Medicine, Al Jahra,
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertension (HTN) is common in hemodialysis Rebecca Winzeler1, Patrice Max Ambühl1
(HD) patients & diagnosed by pre-dialysis BP >140/90 mmHg. Causes include high 1
Institute of Nephrology, Zurich, Switzerland
salt intake, volume overload, & loss of residual kidney function. Therapy includes
achieving correct dry weight with each session, restricting interdialytic sodium & fluid
intake & medications. We review its prevalence, factors associated with it & its BACKGROUND AND AIMS: COVID-19 is an infectious disease that can result from
management in our patients. infection with the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The disease, was first described in
METHOD: Demographics, HD prescription & medications data collected for patients Wuhan at the end of 2019 and the first case in Switzerland was discovered in February
from 5 dialysis centers. 2020. This analysis gives an overview of dialysis patients in Switzerland that were tested
RESULTS: A total of 1585 files reviewed. Males were 51.8% & mean age was 59. Mean COVID-19 positive.
age significantly higher for females (61 vs 57). ESKD cause was DM in 51% & HTN in METHOD: All dialysis centers reported their cases with COVID-19 to the Swiss
35%. However, of files reviewed, adequate data on comorbidities in 1390 patients (table dialysis registry srrqap. All patients reported to the registry between March 5 (1st
1), 69% had DM, 92% had HTN, 47% had CVD & 31% had BMI > 25 (which was dialysis patient with COVID-19) and June 30, 2020 were included in this analysis and
significantly more frequent in females). HTN was more likely in older patients, comparisons were made with COVID-19-free dialysis patients (from 2019).
diabetics & females with odds of HTN in females nearly twice the odds of HTN in RESULTS: On March 5, 2020, the first dialysis patient was infected with COVID-19 in
males & odds of HTN with DM is 2.27 times odds of HTN without DM & one-year Ticino. The number of infected dialysis patients increased rapidly over the months of
increase in age would increase odds of HTN by nearly 4%. Mean pre-HD BP for those March and April, with the majority of patients in the cantons of Vaud (23.5%), Ticino
with HTN was 143/76 mmHg & for those without HTN was 136/75 mmHg. HD (22.3%) and Geneva (18.8%) and together making up almost 65% of the COVID-19-
frequency was thrice weekly in 94% & HD duration was > 3.5 hours in only 77% of infected dialysis patients in Switzerland. COVID-19 cases represented 2.4% of all
patients. HDF used in 81.5%. Mean interdialytic weight gain (IDWG) was 2.8 kg, with prevalent patients on dialysis (as of 31.12.2019).
no difference according to gender or presence of DM or HTN (Table 2). Higher IDWG Twenty-seven (12 female, 15 male) out of 93 dialysis patients died, which corresponds
associated with age < 65, Calcium bath of 1.75 & Sodium bath > 138 with 0.638 kg to a mortality rate of 29%. Mortality was highest in patients from Switzerland (together
higher IDWG with calcium of 1.75 compared to calcium of 1.25. Higher IDWG was with the Netherlands), and lowest in Romania with 8.5% (K. Jager and A. Kramer,
associated with higher BP. Mean volume of fluid removed per session was 2.74, which submitted for publication, 2020).
was less than mean IDWG, with no difference according to gender or DM, however, it Mortality was associated with advanced age in dialysis patients. In contrast to the
was higher in the higher dialysate sodium group, & lower in the shorter session group general population, male sex, diabetes and hypertension were no major risk factors for
(with trend towards statistical significance). CCB used to treat HTN in 62% followed mortality in our cohort.
by bB in 52%. Number of patients with HTN on 1 drug 21%, 2 drugs 27%, 3 drugs CONCLUSION: Although dialysis patients from Switzerland in general have a better
23%, 4 drugs 20% & 9% missing data. Number of antihypertensives did not correlate survival compared to those from other European countries, infection with COVID-19
with IDWG. in Switzerland results in the highest mortality compared to other European countries
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MO843 Table 2. Factors relevant to mean IDWG.
in this population. In addition, male sex, diabetes and hypertension seem not to be
associated risk factors in our dialysis population.
With Without p-
COVID-19 COVID-19 value
(n=93) (n=4619)
Age, years 70.0 6 15.5 68.9 6 14.7 0.103
Male gender, % 65.6 65.2 0.898
Body mass index, kg/m2 27.3 6 5.4 25.9 6 5.7 0.228
Dialysis vintage, years 5.5 6 12.7 4.0 6 4.0 0.624
Dialysis duration per week (h) 11.4 6 1.4 11.5 6 1.4 0.749
Kt/V 1.55 6 0.39 1.59 6 0.41 0.259
Hemoglobin, g/dL 10.9 6 1.4 11.1 6 1.4 0.506
Ferritin, ng/mL 507 6 416 510 6 434 0.448 MO844 Figure 1: Probability of death in dialysis patients in Switzerland
Calcium, mmol/L 2.21 6 0.19 2.22 6 0.19 0.822
Phosphate, mmol/L 1.50 6 0.46 1.62 6 0.48 0.769
PTH, ng/L 317.6 6 238.2 369.2 6 328.4 0.148
Comorbidities, n 2.9 6 2.3 2.6 6 2.0 0.047
CCI* 4.6 6 2.2 4.5 6 2.2 0.536 MO845 EUROQOL EQ-5D-3L IN DIALYSIS POPULATION IN
Hypertension, % 88.2 83.1 0.209
Diabetes Mellitus, % 43.5 37.7 0.273 Mauricio Sanabria1, Jasmin Vesga2, Angela Rivera3, Juan Guillermo Ariza4
Iron substitution, % 78.8 72.7 0.207 Baxter Renal Care Service Latinamerica, Research, BOGOTA D.C., Colombia, 2Baxter
Renal Care Services Colombia, Research, Bogota, Colombia, 3Baxter Healthcare
EPO substitution, % 81.2 79.7 0.732 Corporation, Medical, Deerfield Il, United States of America and 4Baxter Healthcare
Corporation, Medical, Bogota DC, Colombia, Colombia
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i471
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO845 Figure 1: EQ VAS score according therapy , sex, age amd dialysis vintage.
CONCLUSION: The quality of life reported by the patients and health status in
haemodialysis was similar to peritoneal dialysis.
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10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i473
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Continued had been asymptomatic raising doubts about whether there could have been false test
COVID COVID All results or an undetectable immune response.
negative positive patients
N= 57 N= 6 N= 63
Age Mean 51.08 57,6 51.66
Gender F (m) % 58(42) 50(50) 57(43) PATIENTS IN QATAR: A NATIONWIDE COHORT STUDY
Tarek Abdellatif1, Abdullah Hamad1, Mohamad Alkadi1, Essa Abuhelaiqa1,
Latin % 98 100 98 Muftah Othman1, Rania Ibrahim2, Tabaseem Akl1, Fadumo Yasin1, Sahar Aly1,
Black % 2 0 2 Musab Eljaali1, Hassan Almalki1
Reason of HD Hamad general hospital, Nephrology, Doha, Qatar and 2Hamad general hospital,
Diabetes nephropaty % 35 50 36 Doha, Qatar
Hypertensive % 25 0 22 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients on maintenance dialysis are more susceptible
nephropaty to COVID-19 and its severe complications. We studied outcomes of COVID-19
GMN % 26 50 29 infection in dialysis patients in the state of Qatar. Our primary outcome was to
determine the mortality rate of dialysis patients with COVID-19 infection and
PKD % 5 0 5 associated risk factors. Our secondary outcomes were to assess the severity of COVID-
Other % 9 0 8 19 in dialysis patients and its related complications such as the incidence of hypoxia,
Vintage on HD (m) mean 29 (3-108) 12 ( 6-18) (3-108) critical care unit admission, need for mechanical ventilation or inotropes, incidence of
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and length of hospital stay.
METHOD: This was an observational, analytical, retrospective, nationwide study. We
included all adult patients on dialysis who tested positive for COVID-19 (PCR assay of
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of patients infected by SARS-CoV-2 was 9% with a nasopharyngeal swab) during the period from February 1, 2020 to July 19, 2020.
mortality of 17% (1 patient), validating that strict patient control and prevention Patient demographics and clinical features were collected from a national electronic
measures become a great support to avoid massive spread between patient prone to medical record. Laboratory tests were evaluated upon diagnosis and on day 7.
acquire this infectious disease. RESULTS: There were 76 out of 1068 dialysis patients who were diagnosed with
COVID-19 (age 56613.6, 56 hemodialysis and 20 peritoneal dialysis, 56 males). Eleven
patients (15%) died during study period. Mortality due to COVID-19 among our
dialysis cohort was 100 times higher than that in the general population for the same
period (15% vs. 0.15%; OR 114.2 [95% CI: 1.53 to 2.44]; p<0.001). Univariate analysis
for risk factors associated with COVID-19-related death in dialysis patients showed
minor but statistically significant increases in risks with age (OR 1.07), peak WBC peak
level (OR 1.189), AST level at day 7 (OR 1.04), fibrinogen level at day 7 (OR 1.4), D-
Sofia Homem Melo Marques1, Martin Balboa1, Manuel Tomé2, Ana Beco1,
dimer level on day 7 (OR 1.94), and peak CRP level (OR 1.01). A major increase in the
Maria do Sameiro Faria1
risk of death was noted with atrial fibrillation (OR, 8.7; p=0.008) and hypoxia (OR: 28;
alise de Felgueiras, Felgueiras, Portugal and 2School of
CHF - Clınica de Hemodi p=0.001). High severity of COVID-19 illness in dialysis manifested as 25% of patients
Medicine, Braga, Portugal required admission to the intensive care unit, 18.4% had ARDS, 17.1% required
mechanical ventilation, and 14.5% required inotropes for intractable hypotension or
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: SARS-CoV-2 represents a challenge for hemodialysis shock. The mean length of hospital stay was 19.2610.4 days. Laboratory tests were
(HD) patients due to their multiple comorbidities, disturbed immune defenses in the remarkable for severely elevated ferritin, fibrinogen, CRP, and peak IL-6 levels and
setting of kidney disease and increased age. Furthermore, sharing collective spaces decreased albumin levels on day 7.
during HD sessions increases the risk of contamination. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to be conducted at a national level in Qatar
In March 2020, the first COVID-19 cases in Portugal occurred in Felgueiras, a exploring COVID-19 in a dialysis population. Dialysis patients had a high mortality
municipality belonging to the district of Porto. The HD unit that serves this population rate of COVID-19 infection compared to the general population. Dialysis patients had
has 69 in-center patients and, from March 2020 until January 2021, has had 14 severe COVID-19 course complicated by prolonged hospitalization and high need for
COVID-19 cases. We describe our experience concerning patient management and critical care, mechanical ventilation and inotropes. Special care should be done to
their clinical characteristics. prevent COVID-19 in dialysis patients to avoid severe complications and mortality.
METHOD: Clinical and laboratory data were collected. We aimed at assessing the
impact of the infection in hemoglobin, alanine transaminase, several electrolytes -
potassium, phosphorus, sodium and calcium - as well as the normalized protein
catabolic rate (nPCR) comparing results from the month before infection with those of
the month after cure. Statistical analysis used SPSSV R and variables were compared MO851 INCIDENCE AND MORTALITY OF CORONAVIRUS DISEASE
using paired-samples t-test. (COVID 19) IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS
RESULTS: We used a dedicated room and staff for COVID-19 patients, disinfection
protocols and specific routes. Transportation was done with a maximum of 3 patients Nevena Grujic1, Snezana Pesic 1, Radomir Naumovic1,2
in a 9-seater vehicle, all patients used masks, practiced social distancing, were asked for Zvezdara Hospital, Nefrology, Belgrade, Serbia and 2University of Belgrade, Faculty of
symptoms and had their temperature measured on each HD session. SARS-CoV-2 medicine, Belgrade, Serbia
infection was established by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction on nasal
and oropharyngeal swabs. Of the 14 cases, 3 occurred in March, 5 from October until BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In December 2019, an outbreak of coronavirus disease
Christmas and 6 from then onwards, accounting for approximately 20% of the unit’s 2019 (covid 19) due to SARS Cov2 began in China and spread worldwide.
patients. Of these, 2 were asymptomatic, 6 had predominantly respiratory symptoms, 1 Hemodialysis patients represent a unique group of patients, mostly elderly,
had fever and 1 had gastrointestinal symptoms. Three were hospitalized, 2 died due to imunocompromised, with numerous comorbidities. Patients with end stage renal
COVID-19 and 1 died 1 month after cure due to advanced cancer. Mean age of these disease are thought to be at increased risk of disease, severe disease and death from
patients was 70613.2; 5 were females and 6 had diabetic nephropathy. Only 7 patients Covid 19 infection. In addition, dialysis centers are a suitable place for an outbreak of
had post-COVID-19 results for comparison. The mean hemoglobin value before the epidemic. All of the above represents a group of hemodialysis patients particularly
COVID-19 was 10.561.7g/dL and did not change significantly after COVID-19. susceptible to infection and the development of serious disease.
Although phosphorous dropped from a mean 3.860.9mg/dL to 3.261.3mg/dL, this METHOD: We reviewed data of all maintenance hemodialysis patients in
difference did not reach significance (p=0.43). All other electrolytes remained stable. hemodialysis centar of Zvezdara Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia. We include all patients
nPCR dropped from 1.2360.47 to 0.9560.37 although not a significant difference with COVID 19 infection in period between April 1 2020 and January 10 2021.
(p=0.24). Five patients were tested for IgG/IgM antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 one RESULTS: Of 232 patients undergoing hemodialysis, 68 (29,31%) were infected
month after cure using ElecsysV R qualitative immunoassay and 4 tested positive.
with Sars-Cov-2. 46 (67,64%) patients were males and 22 (32,35%) females. The age
CONCLUSION: COVID-19 is a problem for HD patients where the percent of cases is range of the patients was 35 to 87 years, the mean age was 65,25. The underlyind
larger than in the general population. Our 3 first cases and the 4 last cases shared the cause of terminal renal failure in 25 patients was hipertensiv nefroangiosklerosis, 14
same HD shift and occurred in the same period confirming that, despite all protective diabetic nephropathy, 10 opstructiv nephropathy, 9 polycystic kidney disease, and
measures, sharing the facilities in close proximity is a risk factor. Respiratory 10 other cause of kidney failure. The average of hemodialysis duration was 70,70
symptoms predominated but were only severe requiring hospital admission in 3 months. The average durations of disease was 15 days. Mortality has been estimated
patients. Mortality represented 14% and the 2 patients whose death was attributable to at 33,82% (23 patients). Among patients who died 8 (34,78%) were females, and 15
COVID-19 had an increased burden of comorbidities and were old. Seroconversion (65,21%) males.
was high 1 month after the disease. The only patient who tested negative for antibodies
i474 | Abstracts
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CONCLUSION: The mortality among hemodialysis patients diagnosed with Covid 19 MO853 SEROLOGICAL RESPONSE AND FACTORS INVOLVED AFTER
is high. Hemodialysis patients typically present with multiple comorbidities and are A VACCINATION PROTOCOL FOR HEPATITIS B VIRUS IN A
considered to be a high-risk group for infections. Hemodialysis patients with Covid-19 HEMODIALYSIS UNIT
may have prolonged hospital stays and unfavorable prognoses and should be closely
monitored. Maria Paz Castro Ferna ndez1, Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1,
Nancy Giovanna Uribe Heredia2, Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Agustın Carren ~o
Parrilla1, Sara Anaya Fernandez1, Casimiro Valle Dominguez1, Gloria Garcıa
Conejo1, Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1
Ciudad Real University General Hospital, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain and
Guadalajara University General Hospital, Cardiology, Guadalajara, Spain
HEMODIALYSIS DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The population with chronic kidney disease (CKD)
FONDAZIONE POLICLINICO A. GEMELLI’S EXPERIENCE presents an increased risk of infection by hepatitis B virus (HBV). Usually, the
protective immunological response rate (considering HBV titer > 10 mIU/mL) is 90–
Federica Urciuolo1,2, Nicola Panocchia1,2, Alessandro Naticchia1,2, 95% after the 4th dose of vaccine; In CKD the immune response is lower and correlates
Viola D’Ambrosio1,2, Silvia Barbarini2,3, GianMarco De Luca1,2, Rocco Baccaro1,2, with the degree of CKD. In dialysis, this response is variable, less than 50% with three-
Massimo Liberatori1,2, Giuseppe Grandaliano1,2 dose regimens and higher with four doses. Cardiovascular risk factors have been
1 implicated in the response rate to vaccination.
Fondazione Policlinico Universitaro A. Gemelli IRCCS, UOC Nefrologia, Dipartimento di
The objective of this work is to analyze the efficacy of the HBV vaccine in hemodialysis
Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, Rome, Italy, 2Universit
a Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
patients and to identify cardiovascular factors as predictors of response.
Dipartimento Universitario di Medicina e Chirurgia Traslazionale, Rome, Italy and
3 METHOD: Retrospective observational study. We evaluated the response to a 4-dose
Ospedale Vito Fazzi, Dipartimento di Nefrologia e Dialisi, Lecce, Italy
vaccination protocol (0-1-2-6 months), determining the levels of HBVA 3 months after
the last dose. Demographic variables (age, sex), associated comorbidity, etiology of
BACKGROUND AND AIM: COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 19) is an acute CKD, among others, were collected. Statistical analysis with SPSS 25.0. Categorical
respiratory disease caused by SARS CoV 2 virus. The correlation between SARS-CoV2 variables are expressed as percentages and have been compared using the Chi2 test.
infection and comorbidities is complex; patients with multiple comorbidities present The quantitative variables are expressed as mean þ/- standard deviation and the T-
often with the most severe symptoms that could potentially lead to death. Patients student was used to compare them. Statistical significance for a value of p <0.05.
undergoing hemodialysis are generally frail and immunodeficient. This leads to a RESULTS: 89 patients were included; 68.5% are male, with an average age of 65 years.
greater risk of contracting infectious diseases. In the literature, the estimated incidence 85.4% had arterial hypertension, and 39.3 were diabetic, the most frequent cause of
of SARS-CoV2 infection is 3.24% in chronic hemodialysis patients. CKD being renal vascular disease (20.8%), diabetic nephropathy (26.4%) and
METHOD: Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli is a COVID hospital. During the interstitial (9%). The immune response to HBV vaccination was 79.2%. When making
pandemic patients from several dialysis centers converged in our hospital. FPG has two statistical comparisons between the qualitative variables, we have not observed
dialysis centers, one for outpatients and one for inpatients. Patients admitted for differences between serological response and DM or sex; We did find a trend towards
COVID-19 infection have been treated in three different settings: 1. isolation room significance when comparing the serological response with the variable HT and
within the dialysis center; 2. Bedside; 3. In a COVID-19 dialysis center. We etiology of CKD (polycystic kidney disease), pNS. The comparison of means between
retrospectively collected data of patients treated from March 2020 to January 2021 and quantitative variables when performing the Student’s T-test did not show differences
analyzed the SARS-CoV2 incidence in our center’s chronic hemodialysis patients. for any of the study variables.
RESULTS: 66 hemodialysis patients affected by COVID-19 have been treated in our CONCLUSION: In our center, HBV vaccination on dialysis achieves a response rate of
hospital from March 2020 to January 2021, 60 patients undergoing chronic dialysis and 79.2%. HT may condition the immune response to vaccination in HD patients,
6 patients diagnosed with acute kidney injury (AKI) stage III non-intensive care unit. although significance was not reached. Hereditary pathology has been the one that has
Among chronic patients, 64 underwent chronic hemodialysis and 2 patients underwent shown the best serological response with respect to the rest of etiologies, perhaps
peritoneal dialysis. Median age was 68.19 (46 males, 20 females), all patients had associated with greater residual renal function.
multiple comorbidities: 37.8% of patients had diabetes mellitus; 72.7% cardiovascular
diseases and 16.6% a positive clinical history for cancer. Among the 6 AKI cases, 3
patients regained total kidney function; the other 3 had to continue renal replacement
therapy. The mean hospital stay length was 18.5 days with a mean time of COVID-19
infection of 21.23 days. The overall mean Charlson Comorbidty Index was 6.21.
Among the 66 treated patients, 43 were diagnosed with COVID-19-related pneumonia,
14 had the infection, no pulmonary involvement, but presented with other MO854 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN CHRONIC HEMODIALYSIS
complications, and 5 patients resulted positive although asymptomatic. Among the 116 PATIENTS: ABOUT 71 CASES
hemodialysis outpatients, only 4 presented with SARS-CoV2 infection, 3 were contacts
of a positive family member and 1 resulted positive during a hospital stay for Imen Chemli1, Amel Ayed2, Ayed Sinda 3 , Meriem Ben salem4, Manel Ben salah4,
Clostridium Difficile infection. All patients required hospitalization. 14 (21%) patients Insaf Handous4, Ahmed Letaief4, Mouna Hamouda4, Sabra Aloui4, Habib Skhiri4
died. Among the deceased patients, the mean age was 76.90 years (9 males, 3 females), hospital of Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, nephrology, Monastir, Tunisia, 2Monastir,
mean Charlson Comorbidity Index was 7.3, mean hospital stay length was 9 days. nephrology, Monastir, Tunisia and 4hospital of Fattouma Bourguiba Monastir, nephrol-
Among patients who survived the disease the mean age was 76.92 years (34 males, 14 ogy, monastir, Tunisia
females), mean Charlson Comorbidty Index was 5.87 and mean hospital stay length
was 19.47 days. Statistical significance was reached for age (p value 0.005) and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: physical activity is generally impaired in the chronic
Charlson Comorbidty Index (p value 0.39), but not for mean hospital stay length (p hemodialysis patient. Studies confirm the benefit of maintaining or improving physical
value 0.13). All COVID-19 patients were treated with bicarbonate hemodialysis and a activity in these patients. For this reason, our study aims to assess physical inactivity in
Theranova 400 BaxterV R filter. This filter was chosen for its efficiency on medium-size
chronic hemodialysis patients using a physical activity score: DIJON score and to
molecules removal (between 25 kDa and 60 kDa) that may be associated with identify the factors linked to a decrease in physical activity .
inflammation. Bedside treatments were performed using the GeniusV C Fresenius
METHOD: this is a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study carried out at the
system. Each treatment lasted 180 minutes, in order to reduce the time of exposure to hemodialysis center of Fattouma Bourguiba hospital in Monastir. We used the DIJON
COVID-19 of medical staff and the risk of virus spread on one hand, but still ensuring questionnaire to measure physical activity: daily activities, sports or leisure. The
an optimal and complication-free treatment to patients. reference values for the level of physical activity are 0-10 (low), 10-20 (medium); and
CONCLUSION: Our experience seems to confirm the national data collected so far, 20-30 (high).
both in terms of patients’ outcomes and mortality rate. Our study confirms that age is a RESULTS: our study included 71 patients. The middle age was 46.62 þ - 15.34 years.
risk factor for mortality. How to properly manage chronic hemodialysis patients 69% of patients were male. The overall physical activity level was high at 22.75 þ -1.99
affected by COVID-19 remains a challenging and burdensome question. However, in 28.2% of patients, medium at 13.75 þ -3.65 in 33.8% of patients and low at 5.56 þ -
there is the need of new flexible solutions that guarantee the patients and the medical 2.91 in 38% of hemodialysis patients. Analysis in multiple linear regression showed
staff’s safety on one hand and a personalized management on the other. that the variables that explained the DIJON score in our population are in order of
contribution: pre-dialytic uremia (b = 0.433; t = 2.99; p = 0.005), cardiac diseases(b =
0.305; t = 2.074; p = 0.044), the KT/V ratio (b = -. 858; p = -1.915; p = 0.063), the PRU
(b = 1.21; t = 1.885; p = 0.066) , anemia (b = 0.211; t = 1.704; p = 0.096), comorbidity
evaluated by Charlson score (b = -. 461; t = -1.414; p = 0.165).
CONCLUSION: our results showed that the level of physical activity is linked to many
factors, some of which are modified. So, prescribing an adapted and personalized
program will improve the prognosis and the quality of life of our patients.
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i475
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
SPECULATIVE VERSUS DEFINITIVE CAUSES OF CKD IN THE Ioannis Griveas1, Antonis Schinas1, Anthoula Balitsari1,
INDEX CASE Gerasimos Asimakopoulos1, Evangelos Pratilas1
Army Share Fund Hospital 417 (NIMTS), Nephrology, Athens, Greece
Abdulla Al-Sayyari1
King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Our Nephrology Department during spring period on
the first wave of COVID-19 was the referral Dialysis Unit for Covid-19 positive
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: CKD is common in Saudi Arabia. This study evaluates hemodialysis (HD) patients in the district area of Athens, Greece. We used
and compares the prevalence and clinical characteristics of Saudi dialysis patients with hemoperfusion (HP) as a therapeutic option in our patients. The aims of this study are
a positive family history of kidney disease to those without such a history and to assess to report characteristics, rates and outcomes of all patients affected by infection with
certainty of the CKD diagnosis by their physicians. SARS-CoV-2 undergoing HD and were treated under our care focusing on the impact
METHOD: This is a cross-sectional survey-based study on adult Saudi hemodialysis of HP on them.
patients in six dialysis centers in four Saudi cities. The first part of the survey recorded METHOD: This is an observational study. Our Dialysis Unit has been assigned as a
the demographic variables and the degree of diagnostic certainty (completed by the referral unit for Covid-19 positive HD patients. Patients divided to 2 groups: first group
physicians) and the second part (completed by the patients) recorded first degree of patients underwent HD sessions with Hemoperfusion (A) and the second one
family history of kidney disease. received HD sessions without any other extracorporeal blood purification method (B).
RESULTS: A total of 1080 patients were included. The prevalence of positive family We used resin-directed hemoadsorption cartridges (HA-330 and HA-130)
history (FH) was 21.5%. The number of relatives affected was 285, (41%) were parents manufactured by the Jafron Biomedical Company, China. We registered all the data
and (57%) were siblings. More relatives of female patients had ESRD than in relatives regarding the clinical course of our patients population. Age, primary cause of end
of male patients (80.2% and 68.9% respectively) (p=0.0001). There were significantly stage renal disease, weight, clinical presentation, HD history, outcome, days of
more patients with “unknown” or “hypertensive” diagnostic labels among the patients hospitalization.
with FH of kidney disease than in the group without a family history (p=007 and 0.005 RESULTS: Group A 13 patients (4 males) have been enrolled in this group with mean
respectively). Dialysis vintage was significantly shorter and CKD vintage was age of 74 years old. 5 of them were presented asymptomatic at admission and 7 of them
significantly longer in positive FH patients (4.9 66.4 yrs.) than in patients without FH admitted with or developed during their stay pleural effusions. 4 of them were
(5.9 65.8yrs) (p=0.03). The duration since the diagnosis of CKD was made was asymptomatic without effusions during the whole hospital stay. 12 patients received
significantly longer in patients with FH of kidney disease (7.567.7 yrs.) than in patients HP for 3 hours in our Dialysis Unit during the planned HD session and one patient
without (2.064.5) (p=0.0001). Of all the diagnoses given to the patients, more than half received Hemoperfusion in ICU during CRRT. 6 patients had one session of
(57.8%) were either “unknown” (33%) or only speculative in nature (25.3%). In those Hemoperfusion (with HA130, 4 patients and with HA 330, 2 patients). 6 patients had 2
with a diagnostic label, the diagnosis was thought to be definitive in only 62.2% of the sessions (7 days interval) either with HA 130 both sessions (3 patients) or with HA 330
cases. followed 7 days after with HA 130 (3 patients). The patients that admitted in ICU
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of FH of kidney disease was 21.5%, and it was more started HP the third day of her admission. The pattern was as follows: We used HA330
prevalent with patients with “unknown” or “hypertension” (13%) diagnostic labels. in 3 consecutive days during CRRT. In Day 10 we used HA130 and in Day 13 HA330.
HP was performed for 3 hours. 24 days was the average hospitalization stay before
starting HP for the 12 patients in boards. 9 patients discharged from the hospital after
43 days of hospitalization (range: 35-56 days). 30 days were the mean hospitalization
stay for the diceased ones. We did not observe any side effects with HP cartridges
(hypotension, reduction of platelets, bleeding).
Group B 9 patients (7 males) with mean age of 75 years old did not receive HP during
their hospitalization. All of them were presented symptomatic. 8 out of 9 patients died
after 6 days of hospitalization (range: 1-14 days), 2 of them in ICU.
CONCLUSION: To sum up, HP seems to be a helpful, safe an quite efficient tool in the
battle against Covid-19 in HD patients. Despite the method is unspecific, our lack of
Nahla Teama1, Reem Elsharabasy1, Heba Soliman2, Magdy ElSharkawy3
strong evidence, our views are with the opinion that is an reliable alternative therapy.
Ain Shams University, Faculty of Medicine, Nephrology, Cairo, Egypt, 2Mansheit El However, the real impact of HP on the patient’s clinical course (time of initiation,
Bakry Hospital, Nephrology, Cairo, Egypt and 3Ain Shams University, Faculty of therapeutic protocols, tools to evaluate response) has yet to be determined. The above
Medicine, Nephrology, Cairo, Egypt notice does not minimize the great interest for the method that renal community
should give.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hypertension prevalence among ESRD patients range
from 76% to 90%. Sodium & volume overload is among the main mechanisms.
Increasing theduration of dialysis time, either by longer session hours or increased
sessions, aiming at reducing the dry weight to achieve euvolemia, may be beneficial for
individuals who failed to achieve target BP or ideal volume status during standard HD
prescription hours.We aim to study the effect of increasing hemodialysis session time
on blood pressure control.
METHOD: This observational study was conducted on 50 adult clinically stable
hypertensive prevalent HD patients on thrice weekly maintenance HD. Patients with
secondary causes of hypertension and Patients with decompensated medical conditions
were excluded from our study.Patients were divided into 2 groups:(A) 25 patients who
received longer session hemodialysis session (4.5hour) and (B) 25 patients HD who
received the usual 4 hours session.
Revision of antihypertensive medications&dosages,dry weight was reassessed regularly,
andthey were instructed to restrict their salt intake as much as possible aiming at BP
<140/90mmHg.they werefollowed up for a period of 6 months assess changes of pre-
dialysis blood pressure to monitor response.
RESULTS: Patients in both groups were age matched, with male sex predominance
(64%in groupA&56% in groupB). Patients in both groups underwent their HD sessions
mostly through AVF (68% and 92% for group A and B respectively). Ultrafiltration
volume declined significantly with longer HD sessions compared to conventional
sessions (p-value <0.001 vs 0.523).
Longer HD session time session was associated with highly significant decline in mean
SBP, (p-value <0.001). Longer HD session time session was associated with highly
statistically significant decline in mean DBP, (p-value <0.001). The decline in mean
perdialysis SBP & DBP was -17.27 &-9 mmHg, respectively and the rate of decline of
postdialysis SBP & DBP was -6.45 & -12.38 mmHg, respectively at 6th month
compared to values in 1st month of follow up period.
CONCLUSION: Longer HD session duration is associated with better improvement in
UF volume, mean SBP&DBP, pre-dialysis SBP&DBP and post-dialysis SBP&DBP as
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Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
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Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: We conducted a retrospective study including 31 patients who are
hemodialysis (HD) in our center and who benefited from an AVF confection during MO861 Table 1. Primary indications for CRRT implementation -Survival rate
2019 and 2020.
The threshold ratios found in the literature from which the risk of AVF early failure is Indication Number of Survivors/
significant are NLR> = 2.5 and PLR> = 150. These values have been considered the
references in our work. patients (%) Survival rate
RESULTS: The average age of our patients is 50 years (20-84 years). The sex ratio is (%)
equal to 1,38 (18 men and 13 women). 20 patients started HD when they were under Oliguria (less than 30 ml/h) 41 (44.5%) 10/41 / 24.3%
60 years old and 11 patients after the age of 60.
We noticed smoking, obesity, hypertension and diabetes respectively in 16%, 45%, or Anuria (0 ml/8h)
77%, and 32% of our patients. The causal nephropathy is respectively undetermined in Acidosis 16 (17.3%) 2/16 / 12.5%
10 cases, interstitial in 7 cases, diabetic in 6 cases, glomerular in 5 cases and vascular in
3 cases.
Fluid overload 11 (11.9%) 9/11 / 81.8%
The type of AVF is proximal in 19 cases (61%) and distal in 12 cases (38%). Electrolytic Disorders 22 (23.9%) 18/22 / 81.2%
The AVF failure occurred in 19%. The causes of AVF early failure are respectively a Intoxications 2 (2.1%) 0/2 / 0%
thrombosis in 3 cases, a stenosis in 2 cases and non maturing AVF in one case. The
mean NLR is 4,47 (1,09 -17). The mean PLR is 193 (80-397). 74% of our patients have a
NLR 2,5 and 26% less than 2,5. 61% of the patients have a PLR 150 and 39% less
than 150. All the patients with an AVF failure have a NLR 2,5 however only 5
persons have a PLR 150.
Among the 6 patients with an AVF failure, the AVF is proximal in 5 cases and distal in MO862 COVID-19 INFECTION IN HEMODIALYSIS
We divided our population in two groups: group1 patients with an AVF failure (6
patients) and group2 who don’t have an AVF failure (25 patients). Afterwards, we have Ioannis Griveas1, Antonis Schinas1, Anthoula Balitsari1,
studied the correlations between these 2 groups with the NLR interval and PLR Gerasimos Asimakopoulos1, Evangelos Pratilas1
interval. Army Share Fund Hospital 417 (NIMTS), Nephrology, Athens, Greece
We didn’t find any significant correlation between the occurrence of AVF
failure with the NLR interval (p=0,11) and PLR interval (p=0,22). We tried to find BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Our Nephrology Department during spring period on
values of NLR and PLR for which we found a correlation with the AVF failure using the first wave of COVID-19 was the referral Dialysis Unit for Covid-19 positive HD
the ROC curve. The best cut off to predict AVF failure is 3,45 for NLR and 204 patients in the district area of Athens, Greece. The aims of this study are to report
for PLR. characteristics, rates and outcomes of all patients affected by infection with
CONCLUSION: We demonstrate throw this study that a high preoperative SARS-CoV-2 undergoing HD and treated under our care
NLR and PLR can predict the early AVF less. These data may serve as a METHOD: This is an observational study. Our Dialysis Unit has been assigned as a
foundation to develop future research on the role of anti-inflammatory referral unit for Covid-19 positive HD patients. We registered all the data regarding the
medications in the prevention of AVF failure think that required a larger series clinical course of our patients population. Age, primary cause of end stage renal
and more prolonged follow up. disease, weight, clinical presentation, HD history, outcome, days of hospitalization.
RESULTS: 22 Covid-19 positive HD patients were treated under the care of our facility
during the period 8 April 2020-17 June 2020. 16 patients were symptomatic at
admission and 13 patients admitted with or developed during their stay pleural
MO861 THE PROGNOSIS OF PATIENTS RECEIVING CONTINUOUS effusions. 12 patients (8 male) of our group died during their hospitalization. 3 out of
RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY (CRRT) AFTER 12 were admitted to Intensive Care Unit (ICU). 6 patients were septic, 4 had
CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY DEPENDS ON THE respiratory failure and 2 developed cardiovascular events. 14.5 days were the mean
INDICATION FOR ITS INITIATION hospitalization days (range: 1-38 days) for the diceased ones.
2 out of 3 patients that admitted to ICU had quick deterioration, incubated and stayed
Nikolaos Schizas1, Maria Smyrli2, Aikaterini Dedeilia3, Vasilios Patris1, in ICU for 48 hours. The third one with severe cormobidities (multiple myeloma,
Ilias Samiotis1, Panagiotis Dedeilias1, Michail Argiriou1 cancer of bladder) developed respiratory failure after 8 days of hospitalization,
General hospital of Euaggelismos, Cardiovascular and Thoracic Department, Greece, incubated, became septic and died after 20 days in ICU.
General hospital of Euaggelismos, Nephrology Department “Antonios G Billis, Greece Mean age of our patients was 74.5 years. It has to be pointed out that 13 patients were
and 3National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Greece over 75 years old. Mean age was higher in those who died compared with those who
were discharged with double negative Covid-19 tests (79 vs 74,5 years old respectively).
Median dialysis vintage for our patients was 63 months and for the diceased ones was
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy is required in
89 months. Average weight of our patients was 69 kgrs. Weight of diceased patients
2.6% to 5% of patients who have undergone cardiovascular surgery. Although its
was 63 kgrs. 11 out of 22 patients and 5 out of 12 diceased patients were diabetic. 14
implementation is frequent, several aspects of this therapeutic measure still remain
patients were hypertensive and 16 had official cardiovascular backround. 10 out of total
22 patients under our care discharged after 43 days of hospitalization (range:35-56
METHOD: The data of all patients who were surgically treated during a 3-year period
(2017-2019) at a single cardiovascular department were collected and the cases in
CONCLUSION: As a conclusion our data provide clues regarding out experience of
which continuous renal replacement therapy was used were identified. From this
caring HD patients with COVID-19. Mortality was high. It seems that despite the fact
group, the data of those that received dialysis for the first time were analyzed.
that immune response of this population has not been clearly clarified, age,
RESULTS: In about 5% of patients renal replacement was inevitable, and the mortality
cormobidities and above all end-stage renal disease by its self is a significant and
rate among them reached 57.6%. The mean duration of renal therapy was 8.4 days. The
unpredictable risk factor for clinical outcome of HD patients with COVID-19
investigation of laboratory parameters in different stages revealed certain aspects about
the expected outcomes. The survival rate varied significantly in relation to the
indication for CRRT. Fluid overload and electrolytic disorders were associated with
high survival rate, while oliguria or anuria, acidosis or intoxications were linked to
CONCLUSION: Despite CRRT being associated with high mortality rates, it is the AFTER COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN A HEMODIALYSIS CENTER:
only option for life-threatening conditions in clinical practice. The indication for A SUCCESSFUL PREVENTIVE PROTOCOL
CRRT is a key factor for the prognosis, decision-making and the overall management
of a patient. Vahideh Yavari1
Dr. Yavari Nephrology Day Clinic, Branch of Research, Shiraz, Iran
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: COVID-19 has exerted a lot of pressure and concern
on Hemodialysis ward managers. Being successful in patient education and,
simultaneously, protecting the personnel and patients with in-time provision of
sanitation and prevention protocols are mandatory to survive the pandemic. The aim
of this study was to assess the success of our preventive measures in the dialysis center
after application of our self-developed protocols.
METHOD: Crude and age-adjusted mortality rates of two time frames, i.e. 4th January
to 5th December 2019 and the same period in 2020 (before and after the start of
pandemic) were compared. The data were processed with SPSS software version 26.
RESULTS: During 4th January to 5th December 2019, the crude all-cause-morality
rate of our hemodialysis center was 20.23% (51 out of 252 patients). Likewise, between
4th January 2020 to 5th December 2020, the crude all-cause-morality rate was 18.25%
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i479
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(46 out of 252 patients). Same result was yielded after age adjustment of the morality and Beck depression inventory (BDI) scores with LH, FSH in both the genders. In
rates. males there was positive correlation between SF 36 scores and testosterone level (r=
CONCLUSION: Tailoring effective and timely preventive measures along with tireless 0.366), and in females positive correlation between SF 36 score and progesterone level
education of patients can control all-cause-mortality and possibly COVID-19 excess in women HD patients (r= 0.549) was seen. There was a negative correlation between
mortality rates in dialysis centers. BDI score and progesterone level in women (r=0. -510) and negative correlation
It seems that our preventive protocols which included strict patient and personnel between BDI score and testosterone in men (r= -0.371).
screening, early referral to infectious specialist, clear isolation-sanitation protocols of CONCLUSION: QOL as assessed by SF 36 in patients on HD is low. There was
COVID-19 positive cases and repeated patient and personnel education have been positive correlation between SF 36 scores and testosterone level in males and between
successful in surviving the pandemic till present. SF 36 score and progesterone in females.
Marwa Omrane1, Amel Babchia1, Raja Jaballah1, Afef Mahersia1, Olfa Saidane1 PATIENTS
Regional hospital of Ben Arous, Hemodialysis, Ben Arous, Tunisia
Ioannis Griveas1, Antonis Schinas1, Anthoula Balitsari1,
Gerasimos Asimakopoulos1, Evangelos Pratilas1
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Non-adherence to treatment is a major problem in 1
Army Share Fund Hospital 417 (NIMTS), Nephrology, Athens, Greece
patients with end stage renal disease and contributes to the significant increase in
morbidity, mortality and health costs.
METHOD: The objective of this work was to assess adherence to treatment BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Soluble urokinase plasminogen receptor (suPAR) is a
prescriptions protein in the blood that has been described to reflect the severity status of systemic
for hemodialysis patients and to identify the predictive factors of poor compliance. inflammation. At the same time an elevated level of suPAR has been independently
This is a cross-sectional study of 59 patients on chronic hemodialysis. Adherence to associated with incident chronic kidney disease. We investigated the association
treatment was evaluated by the adherence assessment test. between admission suPAR levels and severity and outcome of Hemodialysis (HD)
RESULTS: The mean age of our patients was 51.8 years, with an M/F sex ratio of 1.26. patients with Covid-19 infection.
The socio-economic level was considered low in 83% of cases. The mean duration of METHOD: In an observational study of adult HD patients hospitalized for Covid-19,
hemodialysis was 81.6 months [6 months-252 months]. Causal nephropathy was we measured suPAR levels in plasma samples. The time table for those measurements
dominated by vascular nephropathy (13 cases). Forty-two patients had high blood were as follows: at the beginning of admission, after hemoperfusion (HP) session for
pressure. A total of 23.9% of patients were good observers, 59.5% had minimal those patients that received them, and just before discharge.
compliance problems, and 16.7% were poor observers. Statistical analysis has shown RESULTS: Of the 17 patients (7 were male), 13 patients received HP (mean age: 74
that poor adherence to treatment is associated with male gender, low socioeconomic years old). The median suPAR level was 12.94 ng/ml. For those who undertook HP
and intellectual level, the presence of comorbidities, increased medication, number of median suPAR level was 10.55 ng/ml at the end of each session (p=NS). 3 patients had
medications taken per day, and less knowledge of the pathology and risks as side effects suPAR level below 7 ng/ml. 2 of them survived without developing pleural effusions. 7
of drugs. patients discharged from the hospital with median suPAR level 12.94 ng/ml which did
CONCLUSION: Treatment adherence is unsatisfactory in our population of patients not differ significantly from the median suPAR level of the diceased ones (13.68 ng/
on maintenance hemodialysis. Therapeutic education targeting the expected benefit of ml).
the treatments, their mode of action, their side effects as well as a simplification of the CONCLUSION: Admission of suPAR levels in HD patients hospitalized for Covid-19
intake would improve long-term adherence in patients. do not seem to be predictive for their clinical course in general. Chronic Kidney
Disease backround and its relation to suPAR levels independently of patients’
inflammation status may be the key component for our notice. Despite that, in patients
where low levels of suPAR combined with absence of pleural effusions the prognosis
Muzamil Latief1, Manzoor Parry2, Farhat Abbas3, Manjusha Yadla4 BIOMARKER IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS
Government medical college Srinagar, Nephrology, Srinagar, India, 2Sheri Kashmir Abdulla Al-Sayyari1
institute of medical sciences, Nephrology, Srinagar, India, 3Government medical college 1
Srinagar, Pathology, Srinagar, India and 4Government medical college and hospital, King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Secunderabad, Nephrology, Hyderabad, India
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The mean platelet volume was found to be an
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hormonal abnormalities in haemodialysis (HD) important biomarker in certain medical conditions. We evaluate its significance in
patients contribute to quality of life including sexual dysfunction. Whereas Short Form patients on chronic hemodialysis
36 (SF 36) questionnaire deals with the holistic assessment of the quality of life in METHOD: Adult stable patients on chronic hemodialysis for at least six months were
patients, it is directly impacted by sexual dysfunction or erectile dysfunction in males. included. MPV together with certain demographic ( age, sex, BMI, dialysis vintage,
In this study we assessed the sex hormone levels in HD patients and its correlation with cause of CKD, medication taken, mode of dialysis, type of vascular access) and
quality of life (QOL). laboratory parameters (Hb, albumin, Kt/V, PTH, CRP serum lipids) were measured
METHOD: In this single center cross-sectional study, 100 patients (50 males and 50 and recorded
females) on maintenance HD for more than 6 months were included in the study. In The correlation between these parameters and MPV was evaluated using Pearson
female patients’ sex hormones that included Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle correlation coefficient and the MPV in the absence or presence of the demographic
Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Prolactin, Estrogen, Progesterone was assessed in parameters was calculated independent t test
midweek early morning blood sample. In male patients LH, FSH and Testosterone RESULTS: One hundred and twenty- three patients were studied. The mean age was
were assessed in midweek early morning samples. QOL assessment was done using SF 60.06 18.4 and 48.7% were male and diabetes was the cause of CKD in 56.3% ; 72.6%
36 questionnaire. were on hemodialysis and 27.4% on hemodiafiltration , 52.1% used AV fistula and
RESULTS: Mean age of our study populations was 33.76þ/- 7.86 years with male 47.9% used permcath as vascular access; 50.9% were on aspirin Comparing the mean
female ratio of 1:1 and mean body mass index of 20.52 6 2.89 kg/m2. Presumed MPV above and below the 50th percentiles in different parameters revealed no
chronic interstitial nephritis in was the most common cause of end-stage renal disease significant differences. No significant correlation was found between MPV and
(76%) in our study followed by Diabetic Kidney disease (21%). In males, mean serum duration on dialysis, age, weight, BM, erythropoietin dose per week, PTH, hemoglobin,
LH, FSH and Testosterone were 8.58 6 3.56 mIU/ml, 8.9 6 4.05, 217.46 6 96.44 ng/dl albumin, CRP, number of admissions in the preceding year yea, LDL or HDL. However
respectively with 70% patients having testosterone deficiency. In females, mean serum , there was a mild positive correlation with triglyceride level (Pearson coefficient = 0.2
LH, FSH, Prolactin, estrogen and Progesterone levels were 8.616 3.86 mIU/ml, 8.08 6 (P=0.02).
3.70 mIU/ml, 12.35 6 5.70 ng/ml, 84.56 6 27.39 pg/ml and 0.31 6 0.22ng/ml CONCLUSION: No significant correlation or association was found between the MPV
respectively. Mean SF 36 score in our study was 55.37þ/-12.22, in males 54.82þ/-12.81 and any of the clinical demographic or laboratory parameter measured except that
and in females 55.93þ/-11.70. The prevalence depression was 53% (50% in males and there was a mild positive correlation with triglyceride level.
56% in females) in our study. There was no significant correlation between SF 36 scores
i480 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Katy Burns1, Durga Kanigicherla1,2, Patrick Hamilton1,2,3
Manchester Institute of Nephrology and Transplantation, Manchester University NHS Rosa Marıa Ruiz Calero Cendrero1, Marıa Victoria Martın Hidalgo Barquero1,
Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Manchester Academic Health Science Eva Vazquez Leo1, Marıa Antonia Ferna ndez Solıs2, Marıa Cruz Cid Parra3,
Centre (MAHSC), The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom and OlgaMaria Sanchez4, Silvia Gonz-lez Sanchidria n5, Miguel Angel Su arez
Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, Division of Cell Matrix Biology and Santisteban6, Javier Deira Lorenzo5, Nicola s Roberto Robles Pérez1
Regenerative Medicine, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Infanta Cristina Hospital, Badajoz, Spain, 2Fresenius Medical Care, Villanueva de la
Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom Serena, Spain, 3Fresenius Medical Care, BADAJOZ, Spain, 4Fresenius Medical Care -
Centro de dialisis, Mérida, Spain, 5Hospital Universitario de C
aceres, C
aceres, Spain and
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intravenous drug users (IVDU) face significant Hospital Virgen Del Puerto Plasencia, Plasencia, Spain
challenges when requiring long-term therapies such as dialysis and pose management
dilemma to clinicians. Many patients present late, complicated by erratic lifestyles and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemodialysis patients are high-risk patients for severe
complex mental health needs, often requiring urgent renal replacement therapy (RRT). forms of SARS-Cov 2. Extremadura has two provinces Badajoz(B) and Caceres(C) with
Decisions regarding modality can be difficult due to the lack of evidence for outcomes one million of people. The incidence was small in the first part of the pandemic (2,6%)
in this cohort. We investigated the clinical outcomes of patients with history of IVDU compared with the national incidence, and it was higher in C than in B (5,6% vs 1,1%)
in our service who presented with ESRD. The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of COVID-19 disease in the
METHOD: A single-centre retrospective analysis of ESRD patients with a background population of Extremadura’s hemodialysis patients and to study the clinical evolution,
of IVDU. Incidence of hospital and ICU admission, length of stay and frequency of treatment and mortality in patients with confirmed infection with Polymerase chain
culture positive sepsis following the initiation of RRT were investigated. Primary reaction(PCR) during the second wave.
outcome was days admitted versus days spent in the community, frequency of life- METHOD: Multicenter, retrospective, observational study of hemodialysis patients
threatening sepsis and tunnelled catheter replacement. Data was collected from the with COVID-19 disease between August and December of 2020. There were 683
date of first RRT (earliest April 2015 and latest November 2019) to last follow-up in hemodialysis patients in this period distributed in 5 hospital units and 7 out of hospital
September 2020 or patient death. An admission was included when the patient was Units.
admitted for at least an overnight stay in hospital. Admission days calculated do not RESULTS: Incidence: 6,8% (46 infected of SARS-Cov 2), with almost one patient in
include attendance for outpatient haemodialysis. Bacteraemia’s were included when a each center (the highest with 16,1%) and higher incidence in B than in C (8,1% vs
report confirming a positive culture associated with clinical features of infection; paired 4,1%). Males (58,7%), media age, (69,3611,9) and median renal replacement therapy
samples were counted as a single episode. time 29 months (RIC 47,4). The most frequent CKD was diabetic nephropathy (16%),
RESULTS: Six patients initiated RRT during the study period and included four males but 35% of the patients have diabetes, 86% hypertension and 56% cardiovascular
and two females. Mean age of 46.6 years (32-54 years). Cause of ESRD was Amyloid illness. Treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II
AA in 5) and IgA nephropathy in 1). Mean follow-up was 677 days till censor (range receptor blockers 40% and with vitamin D 62,8%. There were 42% patients who had
313 to 932 days). There was an average of nine inpatient admissions (range 3 to 17) contacted with positive people of hemodialysis unit and 37% with positive people
averaging 280 inpatient days (range 29 to 637 days) across the cohort. At last follow- outside. 67% have symptoms: the most frequent cough and fever (46%). Hospitalized
up, three patients died with an average time to death of 833 days from initiation of RRT patients: 41,6%, all of them with bilateral pneumonia. All had lymphocytopenia and
(range 664 to 932 days). Four patients required at least one admission to the Intensive high acute phase reactants: D -dimer 1195 ng/ml (RIC 1545), Ferritin 950,12ng/ml
Care Unit (ITU) with an average length of stay of 10.3 days (range 1 to 47 days). All (RIC 533,6) IL-6 30,11pg/ml (RIC 41,13) C-reactive protein 28 mg/l (RIC 62,10)
patients experienced at least two episodes of culture positive sepsis with a total of 72 Procalcitonin 0,42 ng/ml (RIC 0,44), all increased in the hospitalized period without
bacteraemia’s across the cohort (range 2 to 41). Four patients required tunnelled significant differences. Median hospitalized time was 10 days (RIC 11). Nine patients
catheter replacement ranging from 2 to 7 catheters. Results are summarised in Table 1. died (19,5%), 3 of them in intensive unit care with 15 days median. Most of them
CONCLUSION: IVDU patients represent a challenging patient population to manage needed antibiotic therapy, steroids and anticoagulation, 5 convalescent plasma and 5
with limited options available for RRT. This study highlights these difficulties tocilizumab. We stopped isolated room dialysis when they had negative PCR (56%) or
particularly with the use of tunnelled catheters for haemodialysis. Our results indicate IgG positive (54%), median insulation 17 days (RIC 7). We havent found differences in
RRT in IVDUs is associated with frequent and prolonged hospital stays with multiple hospitalized vs no hospitalized patients in age, gender, renal replacement therapy time,
bacteraemia’s, ICU admissions and significant mortality. Clinicians are faced with a etiology, DM, hypertension or cardiovascular illness and treatment, nor in relation
significant ethical dilemma as tunnelled catheters represent both a lifeline for with mortality.
continued survival and a perfect access to recreational drugs. If patients are to be CONCLUSION: We have observed an increase in the incidence of infection in this
offered haemodialysis via tunnelled access, more intensive and earlier multidisciplinary period compared with the first period of the pandemic, parallel to the increases in the
planning and counselling needs to be employed to ensure patients are aware of the incidence of the general population in Extremadura (more in B than in C). The
significance of the associated risks. Psychological therapy and social care input would mortality is high but similar to other publications. We have to do screening due to the
be essential to help reduce morbidity and mortality. possibility of asymptomatic patients that could have contributed to expand the
infection. The high number of hospitalized patients and the need of isolated rooms
dialysis for infections patients is a challenge for the organization of hemodialysis units
but having positive serologic reduce the isolation time.
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i481
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(PLR) ratios of 11 chronic hemodialysis patients with a positive SARS-CoV-2 TMA administration. In addition to heparin withdrawal and treatment with alternative non-
PCR test during the second wave of the pandemic in our hospital (August-December heparin anticoagulation (fondaparinoux), 7 patients needed plasma treatment. 11
2020). We collected the length of hospital stay, the diagnosis of pneumonia (yes/no) patients on HD were transferred to peritoneal dialysis (PD), and 3 patients recovered
and the final state of the infection (cure or death). The patients were divided into two renal function. Overall mortality was 52%, and it was below 30% in hemodialysis
groups taking the median serum chloride as the cut-off point (1: <97 mEq / L and 2:> patients.
97mEq / L) CONCLUSION: HIT should be considered in patients at risk. It is necessary to abolish
RESULTS: The mean age was 57 6 13 years and 36.36% (N = 4) were women. All heparin treatment and use alternative method (PD) or alternative anticoagulation.
patients required hospital admission and mean hospitalization time was 19 6 13 days. Hemodialysis patients have better prognosis than other comparable patients
3 patients (27.3%) died. The medians of the parameters were the following: serum
chloride 97 mEq / L (IQR 94-99); CRP 29.04 mg / L (IQR 8.53-76.13); NLR 4.13 (IQR
2.67-8.48) and PLR 244.06 (IQR 208.08-320). 81.8% (N = 9) had COVID-19
pneumonia. Group 1 patients (Chloride <97 mEL / L) had a higher incidence of
pneumonia (p = 0.049) (Figure 1) and a greater tendency to be admitted to the
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) (p = 0.029). Despite not reaching statistical significance,
Guillermo Ferrer Garcıa1, Luis Guillermo Piccone Saponara1, Patricia Sanchez
there was also a higher mortality in patients with lower chloride levels.
Escudero1, Maria Paz Castro Ferna ndez1, Nancy Giovanna Uribe Heredia2,
Eliana Olazo Gutierrez1, Agustın Carren ~o Parrilla1, Sara Anaya Fernandez1,
Gloria Garcıa Conejo1, Marina Ugarte Camara1, Carmen Vozmediano Poyatos1
Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real, Nephrology, Ciudad Real, Spain and
Hospital Universitario Guadalajara, Cardiology, Guadalajara, Spain
Olimkhon Sharapov1,2
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Internal Disease, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and
Republican Specialized Scientific Practical Medical Center of Nephrology and Kidney
transplantation, Nephrology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ana Bulatovic1,2, Vesna Maslarevic Radovic1, Katarina Markovic3,
Jelena Bjedov1,2, Petar Djuric1, Aleksandar Jankovic1,2, Marina Paunovic4,
Tatjana Damjanovic1,2, Verica Stankovic Popovic1,2, Radomir Naumovic1, BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to the ERA-EDTA, mortality from
Nada Dimkovic5 cardiovascular complications (CVC) among CKD patients on programmed
1 hemodialysis (HD) is about 30 times higher than in the same age groups in the general
Zvezdara University Medical Center, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia,
2 population. More than 50% of deaths in patients with end-stage renal failure (ESRD)
University School of Medicine, Nephrology and Dialysis, Beograd, Serbia, 3Zvezdara
receiving renal replacement therapy are due to cardiovascular (CV) causes. The ratio of
University Medical Center, Hematology, Beograd, Serbia, 4Zvezdara University Medical
the remaining causes varies from country to country. In this regard, it is of interest to
Center, Laboratory Diagnostic, Beograd, Serbia and 5Medical Academy, Serbian
study the causes of death of patients with ESRD in Uzbekistan.
Medical Assosiation, Beograd, Serbia
METHOD: We prospectively followed the course of 200 patients with end-stage CKD
who received programmed hemodialysis in three different centers of the Republic of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a Uzbekistan for 24 months (from January 2018 to January 2020). All patients received
potentially fatal adverse reaction after administration of unfractionated or fractionated hemodialysis according to the same scheme - 12 hours a week, through an
heparin, which underlies the generation of antibodies to the heparin complex and arteriovenous fistula in the forearm. During this period, 72 patients died (40 men and
platelet factor 4 (PF4). It occurs in 5% of patients treated with unfractionated heparin 32 women). The average age of the deceased was 53.6 6 1.6 years (M 6 m). The main
and 0.5 - 1.5% fractionated heparin. The aim of the study is to determine the incidence primary disease was chronic glomerulonephritis. It was 45.8% (n = 33) of all dialysis
and outcome of hemodialysis patients with HIT over 4-years period. patients. Diabetes mellitus ranked second - 27.8% (n = 20). Other causes were
METHOD: This retrospective study analyzed patients who were tested for evidence of urolithiasis - 9.7% (n = 7), pyelonephritis - 5.6% (n = 4), ADPKD - 4.2% (n = 3),
positive anti-heparin antibody in the period from 2015 to 2020 in Zvezdara University vasculitis - 4.2% (n = 3 ), lupus - 2.7% (n = 2). To identify the cause of death, the
Medical Center. The diagnosis was confirmed by the 4T clinical scoring system, a medical history and the results of the pathological examination were analyzed.
positive antiheparin-PF4 ELISA test and a positive platelet aggregation test with RESULTS: Among the deceased, 68.1% (n = 49) of patients had cardiovascular diseases
heparin. in their medical records, while 31.9% (n = 23) did not have CVD. 43.1% (n = 31) of
RESULTS: During observation period, total of 64 tests were performed, out of which patients died during the first year of follow-up, the remaining 56.9% (n = 41) died
23 patients were positive. Out of them, 14 patients were on HD, 7 patients (geriatric, within 2 years. The main cause of death of patients was sudden cardiac death, which
surgery and cardiology departments) received therapy due to peripheral thrombosis, accounted for 61.1% (n = 44) of all deaths. 18.1% (n = 13) of patients died as a result of
AIM or arrhythmia and 2 patients during 2020 due to SARS-CoV-2 bilateral acute respiratory failure. In 6.9% (n = 5) cases, the cause of death was acute myocardial
pneumonia. All patients treated at nephrology, started hemodialysis (HD) with infarction. Death due to hepatic coma and stroke accounted for 5.6% (n = 4) of patients
unfractionated heparin, while others were treated with LMWH. 4T scoring showed who died. 2 (2.7%) patients died as a result of acute bleeding(figure 1).
that 64% of patients had a moderate risk of developing HIT, while high risk was
assessed in 36% of patients. Thrombotic complications in the form of deep venous
thrombosis had 53% of patients and pulmonary thromboembolism had 17,5 % of
patients. The greatest decrease in Tr was the most commonly observed between 10th
and 14th day (61% of patients) and 39% from 4th to 10th day from start of heparin
i482 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
We report throw this work the experience of our unit of HD with the covid-19
infection and its outcomes on our patients.
METHOD: We conducted a prospective study since the beginning of the pandemic.
We have collected 26 HD patients reached of COVID 19 disease.
RESULTS: The sex ratio of our population was equal to 1,36 with female
predominance. The mean age of our patients was 61, 31 614,17 years. The co-
morbidities noted among these patients were respectively hypertension, diabetes, heart
diseases and obesity in 19, 17, 10 and 10 cases. The causal nephropathy was
respectively diabetic, undetermined, glomerular and interstitial nephropathy in 13, 9, 2
and 2 cases. The major symptoms associated to the COVID 19 were respectively
dyspnea, cough, asthenia, fever and chills, digestive manifestations, chest pain in 22, 19,
19, 15, 10, and 6 cases. 7 patients have been exposed to covid-19 infested person.
Symptoms appeared within an average of 4,3 6 2 days. Oxygen saturation was less
than 92% in 65% of the cases during hospitalization. 84% of the patients are
hospitalized including one among them who required the stay in a resuscitation unit
and intubation. The scannographic lesions of covid were estimated to more than 50%
in 8 cases and less than 50% in 4 cases. A biological inflammatory syndrome has been
noted in all of the patients with a mean CRP at 117þ/-127 mg/l and the mean
leucocytes count at 1024866592 elt/mm3. Lymphopenia was noted in 14 cases with
When analyzing the structure of death of the examined patients, depending on the lymphocytes count less than 1500 elt/mm3. The ratio of neutrophils / lymphocytes was
presence or absence of cardiovascular pathology, it was revealed that the main cause in more than 2,5 in 12 cases. The treatment was based on oxygen, corticosteroids,
both groups was also sudden cardiac death. But, at the same time, in patients with antibiotics, vitamins and anticoagulation for hospitalized patients (22 patients). The
CVD, sudden cardiac death was 63% (n = 30) of all causes of death, while in patients mean number of HD sessions realized per patient during hospitalization was 4 6 2,3
without CVD, it was 59% (n = 14) the cause of all deaths. Acute respiratory failure as a HD sessions. The perdialytic complications noted were alteration of the state of
cause of death was detected more in patients without CVD. 29% (n = 7) of patients consciousness in 3 cases and heart failure in 5 cases. The outcomes of our patients were
died from this complication, while in patients with CVD this indicator was 13% (n = marked by death in 38% and a recovery in 62% of the patients. Thus, the forms
6). All cases of acute myocardial infarction (n = 5) were observed in patients with CVD observed in our series are respectively moderate, severe, pauci-symptomatic and
(10%). Deaths due to stroke and coma were also more common in patients with asymptomatic in 12, 10, 2 and 2 cases.
CVD(figure 2). CONCLUSION: We highlight throw this study the severe consequences of COVID-19
on HD patients in whom mortality reached 38%. Until the pandemic is controlled and
a vaccine or a treatment are valid, we highlight the importance of the compliance with
confinement and develop home dialysis among our population.
10.1093/ndt/gfab098 | i483
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i484–i493, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
antianemic preparations whereas GPs prescribed more frequently analgesics and drugs
used in diabetes), they also had similarities (frequencies of beta blocking agents,
calcium channel blockers and lipid modifying agents).
Similarly, the interviews highlighted that despite the unique technical nature of a large
part of nephrologists’ practice (nephropathy aetiology, dialysis and kidney
transplantation, nephrotoxicity) another part was similar to GPs’, including the long-
term holistic care of patients with multiple comorbidities as well as diet and lifestyle
advices. This appears to blur the perimeter of the role of each professionals regarding
CKD care and favours an increased presence of nephrologists, as suggested by the
quantitative prescription analysis. In turn, as interviews revealed, some GPs expressed
a fear of losing their patients and regretted a decreased communication from
specialists. Nephrologists’ description of the role of GPs ranged from a strict addressor
to nephrologists, to an intermediary support to reduce uncertainties, to a constant
partner with transfer of therapeutic objectives.
CONCLUSION: Combining the crossed point of view of GPs and nephrologists and
robust prescription data, this study highlights an overlap in the roles and practices and
suggests a competition in the control of therapeutic strategies that might hinder an
optimal care trajectory for patients. Development of integrated renal care network
could address these obstacles
MO878 THE DYNAMICS OF THE COLLABORATION BETWEEN MO878 Figure 1: Total number of drug prescription for 2015 incident dialysis patients
10.1093/ndt/gfab100 | i485
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
including at least nephrology and geriatric expertise, informing nephrology treatment CI 0.47 to 0.91; p=0.01) see Table 2. Main cause of hospitalization was cardio-
decisions and follow-up interventions amongst which comprehensive geriatric cerebrovascular (Table 3). We observed no differences in hospitalization duration or
assessment. survival.
i486 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with end-stage kidney disease on dialysis are
susceptible to severe COVID-19 infections. However, during the pandemic, many renal
patients were unable to ‘shield’ fully due to the ongoing need to attend the dialysis unit
for treatment. With a significant proportion of our haemodialysis population coming
from socially deprived and ethnic minority background (38%), we aimed to explore
patients’ understanding and experience of COVID-19 pandemic.
METHOD: This was a cross-sectional survey of patients receiving in-centre
haemodialysis from one centre in England conducted during July 2020, three months
after the first UK national lockdown. The questionnaire consisted of 18 questions
exploring patients’ awareness of COVID-19 pandemic, understanding of ‘shielding’,
use of face covering, and their experience of haemodialysis treatment as well as
accessing healthcare during COVID-19 pandemic. Those with language barriers were
offered assistance and verbal translation by haemodialysis nurses, if possible, to
complete the questionnaire.
RESULTS: In total, 232 patients (of a total of 479 in-centre dialysis patients, 48%
response rate) completed and returned the questionnaire. Of these, 29 (12.5%) patients
required help with the questionnaire due to language barrier. Mean age was 62 (SD 16)
years, 63% were male, 53% were from ethnic minorities and 45% were from the most
deprived area (MDI Decile 1). A third of the respondents lived with 3 or more adults at
home and a quarter lived with one or more child.
Majority of the patients (97%) were aware of COVID-19 pandemic, and most received
information on COVID-19 from the news (87%). Dialysis staff (43.1%), family and
friends (32.6%), internet (31%) and general practitioners (20.3%) were also key sources
of information. Despite this, 17.2% of the patients did not know about ‘shielding’.
MO881 LUNG ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND BIOIMPEDANCE IN Even though 3 in 4 patients stated that they were ‘always’ or ‘often’ able to ‘shield’,
ASSESSMENT OF VOLUME STATUS OF HEMODIALYSIS when prompted with scenarios, significant number of patients in fact felt that they were
PATIENTS: A COMPARISON BETWEEN BOTH METHODS unable to shield when travelling to dialysis (56%), during dialysis (35%) or when
shopping (17%). Majority of the patients (89%) said that they wore face covering and
Catia Figueiredo1, Marisa Rolda ~o1, Ana Rita Valerio Alves1, Hern^ ani Gonçalves1, 28% self-isolated from the rest of household during the first peak of pandemic. 83%
Flora Sofia1, Karina Lopes1 practised ‘social distancing’ at dialysis units but 5% did not and 6% felt unable to do so.
1 Almost a quarter of the patients (23%, 54 patients) felt unwell during the first wave of
Rainha Santa Isabel Hospital - Centro Hospitalar Médio Tejo, EPE, Nephrology, Torres
Novas, Portugal COVID-19. Majority (50%) of them sought medical help by informing the dialysis
unit, whilst 26% contacted their GP and 38% attended emergency departments. Of
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Assessment of volume status is an important these 54 patients, 35% had difficulties accessing medical help, especially from primary
prognostic factor in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Several methods have been suggested care. One in four patients felt that their dialysis experience had changed during the
to estimate it: bioimpedance analysis, brain natriuretic peptide levels (BNP) and lung pandemic: 10% increased use of private taxis or used different travel services, 3.5%
and inferior vena cava (IVC) ultrasonography (US), which are emerging as a valuable reported increased travel time, 8% dialysed at a different unit, 5% experienced longer
technique in this field. Our aim was to evaluate effectiveness of lung US in assessment waiting time to start dialysis sessions and 4% had dialysis frequency reduced . Almost
of volume status in chronic HD patients and compare it with the gold standard a third (29%) of the patients knew of someone in the dialysis unit who had COVID-19
bioimpedance technique. infection during the first wave of pandemic.
METHOD: Cross-sectional study of 58 prevalent HD patients. Several analytical data CONCLUSION: COVID-19 posed significant challenges for patients receiving in-
were analyzed, including BNP, albumin and sodium levels. Lung and IVC US were centre haemodialysis. Despite their high susceptibility to severe COVID infection,
performed to assess the presence and distribution of B-lines and the diameter and significant number of patients was not aware of ‘shielding’ or able to ‘shield’ effectively.
respiratory collapsibility of IVC, respectively. FreseniusVR body composition monitor Some also experienced difficulties accessing medical help and a quarter reported
(BCM) was the bioimpedance technique used. It defines hyperhydration as relative change of transport or dialysis arrangement during the pandemic.
fluid overload (RFO) >15%. Both US and BCM were performed at the same day,
immediately before the middle week HD session. Categorical variables are presented as
frequencies and percentages, continuous variables as means and standard deviations,
or medians and interquartile ranges (IQR) for variables with skewed distributions.
Statistical analysis was performed using SPSSV R version 25 for Windows.
RESULTS: The average age was 75.361.6 years and 56.9% were male. The average MO883 FATIGUE IS THE PREDOMINANT PATIENT-REPORTED
time in HD was 36.664.1 months. Half of the patients (n=29) presented B-lines in lung OUTCOME MEASURE IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS:
US. The diameter of IVC was significantly higher in this group of patients, both RESULTS OF A MULTICENTER CROSS-SECTIONAL EPROMS
inhaling (1.360.4 vs 0.960.4; p=0.001) and exhaling (2.060.4 vs 1.660.5; p<0.001). STUDY
Similarly, most patients with B-lines at lung US presented collapsibility of IVC < 50%
(n=25; 89.3%). Abdallah Guerraoui1, Anne Kolko-Labadens2, Mathilde Prezelin-Reydit3,
Although not statistically significant, the RFO was higher in patients with presence of Philippe Chauveau3, Catherine Lasseur3, Marie Lino-Daniel1, Julie Haesebaert4,
B-lines compared to those who did not present it (10.2610.6% vs 5.466.9%; p=0.061). Agnes Cailette-beaudoin1
Considering the mean RFO value in patients with B-lines, we observed that its presence 1
Calydial, Nephrology-Dialysis, Vienne, France, 2AURA Paris, Nephrology-Dialysis, Paris,
was significantly higher in patients with RFO > 10% compared to those with RFO < France, 3Aurad-aquitaine, Nephrology-Dialysis, Gradignan, France and 4Universitaire
10% (58.6% vs 31%; p=0.035). Besides, patients with RFO > 10% also presented higher Lyon, HESPER, Lyon, France
BNP (9878634646 pg/mL vs 394568634 pg/mL; p=0.009) and lower albumin levels
(3.460.5 vs 3.760.4; p= 0.039) than other group.
CONCLUSION: Lung US seems to be a valuable tool to diagnose overhydration earlier BACKGROUND AND AIMS: End Stage renal disease (ESRD) and hemodialysis are
than BCM, which currently defines hyperhydration as RFO >15%. In this study we associated with a decrease in quality of life (QOL). Self-reported QOL symptoms are
verified that patients with lower levels of RFO (>10%) already presented signals of not always prioritized by the medical team, potentially leading to conflicting priorities
fluid overload, such as presence of B-lines at lung US, higher BNP and lower albumin with patients. Electronic patient-reported outcome measures (ePROMs) allow
levels. These findings support the benefit of lung US in guiding fluid removal and may physicians to better describe these symptoms. The objective was to describe the
change the practice in our HD unit to probe the ideal dry weight for chronic dialysis prevalence of symptoms self-reported by HD patients.
patients. METHOD: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in three HD centers.
Patients were included if they were 18 years old or over and treated with HD for at least
three months in a center. Data were collected by the patient via a self-administered
ePROMs questionnaire. Data included patient characteristics, post-dialysis fatigue and
intensity, recovery time after a session, perceived stress, impaired sleep the day before
the dialysis session, current state of health, and the one-year change.
RESULTS: In total, we included 173 patients with a mean age of 66.2 years, a mean 6
10.1093/ndt/gfab100 | i487
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Shun Yoshikoshi1, Yuta Suzuki1,2,3, Shohei Yamamoto1,4, Manae Harada2, MO884 Figure 1: Multivariable-adjusted restricted cubic splines examining the
Keigo Imamura1, Haruka Ito1, Takumi Noda1, Sachi Yamabe1, Atsushi Yoshida2, association of quadriceps isometric strength with sleep disturbance
Kentaro Kamiya1, Atsuhiko Matsunaga1
Kitasato University Graduate School, Rehabilitation Sciences, Sagamihara, Japan,
Sagami Circulatory Organ Clinic, Sagamihara, Japan, 3National Institute of Public
Health, Wako, Japan and 4National Center for Global Health and Medicine,
Epidemiology and Prevention, Shinjuku, Japan
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The muscle strength of patients on hemodialysis (HD) GERMAN HOME DIALYSIS PROGRAMM - A PILOT STUDY
is lower than that of community-dwelling older adults. Because decreased muscle
strength, especially quadriceps isometric strength (QIS), has been reported to be a risk Severin Schricker1, Moritz Schanz1, Tina Oberacker1, Silke Merz1,
factor for increased mortality rate among patients undergoing HD, the prevention and Martin Kimmel2, Dominik M. Alscher1, Markus Ketteler1
correction of decreased QIS are very important in this population. Although some 1
Robert-Bosch-Hospital, Nephrology, Stuttgart, Germany and 2ALB FILS KLINIKEN
factors associated with decreased QIS among patients on HD have been reported, these GmbH, Nephrology, Göppingen, Germany
factors remain unclear because patients on HD have many comorbidities with
increasing age and prolonged HD vintage. In community-dwelling older adults, sleep
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Telemedicine is advancing. However, studies that
disturbance is reported to be a factor associated with reduced muscle strength. In
examine the integration into home dialysis care are still scarce. This multicenter,
addition, the prevalence of sleep disturbance is higher in patients on HD. Therefore, it
Germany-wide prospective observational pilot-study investigated the effects,
is necessary to investigate these associations in this population. We examined the
acceptance and usability of an app as a new care concept compared to conventionally
association between QIS and sleep disturbances among patients receiving HD.
cared-for patients.
METHOD: This cross-sectional study included 211 outpatients undergoing HD three
METHOD: Here, we employed the “DiaApp”, a tablet based documentation,
times a week. To evaluate QIS, a handheld dynamometer (ltas F-1; Anima, Tokyo,
communication, information and supply ordering system developed by the PHV – a
Japan) was used. Patients were asked to sit on a bench with their hip and knee flexed at
non-profit dialysis network in Germany with around 7,000 patients. During a pilot
an angle of 90 . They performed isometric voluntary contraction of the quadriceps for
rollout phase of the app between 2018 and 2019, 25 patients participated in four
a maximum of 5 seconds, thrice, for both legs. The average of the right and left
dialysis practices. Participants were free to choose between app use (app) and the
maximal QIS divided by the dry weight (%DW) was used in the analysis. Sleep
previous paper-based documentation (control). We collected prospective data on
disturbances were measured using the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS), a self-
demographics, adverse events as well as questionnaires regarding quality of life (KDQL
administered questionnaire consisting of eight questions, each scored from 0 to 3. The
v1.3), affinity for technology (TA-EG), satisfaction with the app (UTAUT), and self-
total scores range from 0 to 24, with higher scores indicative of worse sleep quality.
confidence in dealing with chronic illness (SES6G). Furthermore, 5 app users were
Clinical characteristics, including age, sex, body mass index, HD vintage, comorbidity
interviewed in a qualitative interview over 90 min about their attitude towards
score, serum albumin, C-reactive protein, and the Mini-Mental State Examination,
technology, illness and the app.
were investigated. Multiple linear regression analysis and multivariable-adjusted
RESULTS: Of the 25 participants, 13 used the app (52%). App users tended to be
restricted cubic splines with four knots were used to examine the association between
younger, more likely to be male (60.0%) and on peritoneal dialysis (n=15, 60.0%).
QIS and sleep disturbances.
Median age and dialysis vintage for app users and controls were 51 (38-60; 0) vs. 59
RESULTS: The median age was 68 (interquartile range: 59–76) years, and 62% of the
(37-64; 1) years and 51.5 (34-68; 3) vs. 38 (28-66; 5) months, respectively. Mean follow-
patients were men. In multiple linear regression analysis, the AIS score was extracted as
up durations were 6.5 months and 12 months. All participants continued to use the
a significant factor related to QIS after adjusting for clinical characteristics (regression
app. One exit site infection (app), 3 hospitalizations (peritonitis and shunt revision,
coefficient: -0.45, 95% confidence interval: -0.84 to -0.05, p = 0.028). In the
controls; inguinal hernia, app) and no serious app-related adverse event occurred.
multivariable-adjusted restricted cubic splines, a nonlinear relationship was found
App users exhibited small trends (n.s.) towards lower quality of life (median SF-12
between QIS and the AIS score even after adjusting for clinical characteristics. In
physical composite app: 43, IQR 40-48 controls: 47, IQR 38-50; SF-12 mental
addition, it was shown that QIS decreased significantly as the AIS score increased up to
composite median app: 53, IQR 35-55; controls: 56, IQR 42-59;) greater self-confidence
6, which is the cutoff value for discriminating sleep disturbances (Figure).
in managing chronic illness (SESG6 Score app: 7.33, IQR: 6-8.83; controls:7.17, IQR 6-
CONCLUSION: Higher AIS scores were independently associated with decreased QIS
7.83) and higher affinity for technology (in all four TA-EG dimensions). App users
among patients on HD. Future studies should investigate the causality between QIS
were more likely to have completed a master’s degree, while non-users mostly had a
and sleep disturbance in patients undergoing HD.
bachelor’s degrees (Chi-square 14.183, df 6, p=0.028). Overall, the educational level of
participants was high. There was a tendency (n.s.) for actual app users to have slightly
lower performance expectations (median control arm 5.5 vs. app arm 5.88 on a Likert
scale 1-7), a slightly higher assessment of their own and other available resources
(supportive conditions median control arm 6 vs. app arm 6.67 on a Likert scale 1-7).
In the qualitative interviews, all app users surveyed stated that they regularly used
digital offerings in all areas of their lives. Therefore, expectations were similar to other
apps to be more efficient in terms of time, material and effort than paper-based
documentation. The attitude towards the app was that towards an auxiliary tool, “it
should simply work”, and found it to be useful. Patients disliked the necessity of a
dedicated (in this case a tablet) device for running the app. Information about the
disease was more likely to be outside of the app in e.g. the internet.
CONCLUSION: In this study, we found no significant differences between app users
and controls. No adverse events occurred. Via trends and interviews, the picture
emerges that an upcoming, younger generation of dialysis patients appreciates the
i488 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
advantages of flexible home dialysis procedures and, as in other areas of life, expects MO887 THE IMPACT OF A MULTI-DISCIPLINARY CLINIC ON THE
simple, digital and thus resource-saving options for self-management and OUTCOMES OF INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS IN A
communication. At the same time, such applications are also subject to the REGIONAL HOSPITAL IN SINGAPORE
expectations of digital user experiences from other areas of life. This poses enormous
challenges for the often-costly development of such applications by non-commercial Boon Cheok Lai1, Mayank Chawla2, Shashidahar Baikunje2, Lee Ying Yeoh2,
providers and limited number of target audiences. Marie Tan3, Elianna K.g3
Sengkang General Hospital, Renal Medicine, Singapore, Singapore, 2Sengkang General
Hospital, Renal Medicine and 3Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore
10.1093/ndt/gfab100 | i489
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO888 QUALITY OF LIFE AND QUALITY OF SLEEP IN RESULTS: The sample included a total of 160 patients: 102 non-dialysis CKD patients,
MAINTENANCE HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: REPORTS FROM 40 hemodialysis, 8 peritoneal dialysis and 10 kidney transplant patients. Their mean
TWO HEMODIALYSIS CENTERS IN IRAN age was 66.74 615.36 years, 57.5% were males and 42.5% diabetics. The mean number
of daily medications was 8.75 63.38, mean frequency of blood tests per year 6.86 66.4
Samaneh Hashemi1, Roya Rezaee2, AmirHossein Saeedi2, Hazhir Hojati2, and mean number of hospital admissions per year 0.79 61.43. The mean total annual
Reza Yahyavi Sahzabi2, Fatemeh Maghsudi3 cost of CKD per patient across all categories was assessed at 19,900,164 627,893,591
Abadan University Of Medical Sciences, Internal medicine, 2Abadan Faculty of Lebanese Pounds (1 $USD= 1515 LP in 2019). Statistical analysis showed a higher total
Medicine, Medical School and 3Abadan Faculty of medical science, Public health cost among dialysis patients compared to other categories of CKD (p<0.001), higher
cost of medications in transplant patients (p<0.001) and higher cost of technique
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Patients with End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) modality in peritoneal dialysis patients (p<0.001). These differences are summarized
usually tend to have lower Quality of Life (QoL) compared to the general population. in Figure 1.
The purpose of this study was to determine the QoL and quality of sleep in patients on CONCLUSION: Similar to previous studies from other countries, this cost of illness
maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) and its relation with medical factors. analysis showed a high burden of dialysis annual costs compared to non-dialysis CKD
METHOD: This descriptive-analytical study was performed on 145 patients on MHD and transplant patients. It revealed as well a great burden of medications’ costs at the
in two hospitals affiliated to Abadan University of Medical Sciences. Patients’ QoL was level of dialysis and transplantation. It is thus crucial that governments and health
assessed via KDQOL-SF questionnaire. For sleep quality, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality policies in low- and middle-income countries target interventions that prevent end-
Questionnaire (PSQI) was used. Demographic information of patients, type of vascular stage kidney disease, reduce medications’ costs and most of all create programs that
access, history of dialysis, and frequency and duration of each dialysis session were encourage kidney transplantation.
collected. The average results of related laboratory tests in the last six months, were also
recorded for each patient.
RESULTS: Of 145 MHD patients, 81 (55%) were men and 64 were women. Most
patients (53%) were between 30 and 60 years old. Illiteracy was present in 48 (33%)
patients. Unemployed patients accounted for 70% of patients (99) and most of the
participants (83.44%) lived in the city. Of 145 patients, 102 (70.34%) were married, 20
(13.79%) were single, and the rest were widows. The mean dialysis adequacy of patients
was 1.14, and 53% had dialysis adequacy less than 1.2. The average quality of life score
was 66.00 613, suggesting a high QoL in this group of patients. literacy was
significantly associated with QoL score (P<0.001). Likewise, there was significant
association between QoL score and income level (p <.001), the effect of Kidney disease
on life (p <.001), working status (p <.009), social functioning (p <.046), and marital
status (p <.001). The quality of social interactions was significantly associated with
residence location (p <.001). On the other hand, the presence of Kidney disease
burden, sexual dysfunction, unemployment, role emotional and role physical, was
associated with low QoL scores. We found a significant relationship between
hemoglobin level and cognitive function (p <.001, r= .075). In addition, significant
relationships between phosphorus levels and physical function (p=.021) and role
emotional (P:0.04) were observed. Seemingly, phosphorus levels were inversely related
with sexual function in our patients (p <0.001, r= - .013). Our data also suggested that
serum calcium levels may have an impact on the patients’ social function (p=.038). The
mean score of sleep quality was 7.0064.00. Most of the patients (61%) had a PSQI>5,
MO889 Figure 1: Cost of illness of different CKD categories
indicating a poor sleep quality. High sleep quality (PSQI<5) is significantly associated
with low age and high-income level. There was also a significant relationship between Note. 1 US dollar=1515 Lebanese Pounds (LBP) in 2019. HD=Hemodialysis.
the average sleep quality and general health (p <0.001, r= -0.206), social function PD=Peritoneal Dialysis.
(p= 0.018, r=-0.208), and energy fatigue (p <0.001, r= -0.309).
CONCLUSION: Our study showed that a wide range of determinants, including
demographic, socioeconomic and disease-related factors can significantly influence the
QoL and sleep quality in ESKD patients undergoing hemodialysis. Among them,
modifiable factors including laboratory test results, socioeconomic determinants and
psychosocial status should be addressed and accordingly treated and solved. Hence, an
improvement in both the QoL and sleep quality of maintenance hemodialysis patients
will be expected.
KEYWORDS: Hemodialysis, Quality of life, Sleep quality, Sociodemographic
Turahan Turan1, Matthias Keil2, Marjelka Trkulja2, Raquel Ribeiro2,
Carsten Hornig2, Thorsten Bruce2
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, International Business Information Systems,
Frankfurt am Main, Germany and 2Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH, Bad
Homburg v. d. H., Germany
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Dialysis units face an increasing shortage in qualified
healthcare professionals (HCPs). Multiple studies1,2 have suggested that staffing
shortages and the clinic work environment affect both patient and organizational
Mabel Aoun1, Elie Helou2, Ghassan Sleilaty3, Dania Nehme Chelala1
outcomes, resulting in higher workloads and more stressful work environments. This
Faculty of Medicine, Saint-Joseph University, Nephrology, Beirut, Lebanon, 2Faculty of may lead to staff disengagement, burnout, absenteeism, voluntary turnover, reduced
Medicine, Saint-Joseph University, Urology , Beirut, Lebanon and 3Faculty of Medicine, patient satisfaction and potentially adverse patient outcomes.
Saint-Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon Nurses have a significant role in the delivery of haemodialysis (HD) therapy for end-
stage renal disease patients. While supporting patients in navigating their everyday
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is the 12th leading lives, including HD therapy, nurses balance a variety of challenges related to care and
cause of death worldwide and a high societal burden. Cost-of-illness studies of CKD coordination. This study analyses how four main categories of dialysis technologies
are scarce in developing countries. Identifying factors associated with the highest cost (HD machines, digital technologies, water treatment systems, and other medical
can help decision makers adapt health policies and sustain kidney health services, devices) can reduce the complexity in daily haemodialysis process steps, relieving nurse
especially in limited resources’ settings. This study aims to estimate the cost of illness of workload and thus freeing up more time for patient care.
CKD in Lebanon, from the early stages of CKD until dialysis and kidney transplant and METHOD: This observational study was conducted in three phases. First, we analysed
identify cost components related to the highest financial burden. the process steps in a typical working day in a haemodialysis care facility, mapping
METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study of all CKD patients who presented to two them to the best practice standards3. In a second phase, we analysed the data via a
nephrology clinics during the first two weeks of November 2020. The sample size Delphi panel of 19 experts (international multidisciplinary team). The initial mapping
required for the study to be representative was 154 patients. The medical and was discussed in 10 moderated rounds (2 moderators) to quantify the process step
administrative records were reviewed to collect the demographics and CKD improvements resulting from four main categories of modern HD technologies: HD
characteristics of patients as well as the direct medical costs (medications, diagnostic machines (HDM), digital technologies (DT), water treatment systems (WT), other
tests, hospitalizations, inpatient care, outpatient care), direct non-medical costs medical devices including motorized chairs/beds & digital weighing scales
(transportation) and indirect costs (productivity losses) for one year between 1st June (Miscellaneous). In phase 3 an assessment was performed to determine how modern
2019 and 1st June 2020. Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the costs between HD technologies and the combination of the four main categories (Setup B) could
different CKD stages and categories. The study got the approval of the ethics potentially improve daily process steps versus a conventional dialysis clinic set-up
committee of Saint-Joseph University. (Setup A).
i490 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
RESULTS: A total of 146 daily process steps were identified over the course of a single wave as far as inflammatory markers IL6 (51.9 6 44.8 vs 55.45 6 40.52 pg/mL; ns) and
HD session. Table 1 shows, how the four main categories of dialysis technologies C-reactive protein (4.74 6 3.8 vs 6.70 6 5.44 mg/L; ns) as well as the hospital stay
individually contribute to improving the number of process steps, when applying (21.1610 vs 24.4.8610 days; ns) and in-hospital mortality (28.1% vs 18.2%; ns).
modern technologies (Setup B) versus a conventional setup (Setup A). Additional Overall, 354 bedside treatments were performed; mean session time and mean weekly
process step improvements were identified that result from the specific combinations sessions were 3.64 6 0.40 hours, and 3.4 6 0.45 HD/week, with no differences between
of the four technology categories. The maximum improvement that can be achieved FW and SW patients.
through a combination of all 4 categories is 95 out of 146 process steps. Overall, the CONCLUSION: Our data show that the higher spread of Sars-cov2 during the second
biggest contributors to process step improvements were HD machines (39 steps wave has infected younger and less comorbid HD patients, with no significant
improved) followed by digital technologies (25 steps improved). In terms of technology differences in clinical and laboratory parameters. Our organizational model based on
combinations Digital Technologies and Water Treatment Systems lead to the highest the HD bedside with the Genius system, allowed a personalized treatment with efficacy
number of process step improvements. In Setup A, a total of only 10 out of 146 process and safety for the patients and staff.
steps were improved, while in Setup B 95 out of 146 process steps were improved.
Hence, the net improvement achieved with Setup B vs. Setup A was 85 process steps.
This equates to a 58% improvement of total number of process steps.
CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that a 58% net improvement in daily process
steps could be achieved versus a conventional setup. These findings suggest that
investments in modern technologies may reduce the complexity in dialysis clinics,
Laurynas Rimsevicius1, Feliksas Jankevicius2, Ausra Motiejuniene Bilotiene2,
easing stress levels, improving the overall working environment, and freeing up more
Marius Miglinas1
time for patient care. Changes in the work environment in renal care facilities have 1
been observed to have several beneficial effects: a higher job satisfaction, lower stress Vilnius University, Nephrology Center, Vilnius, Lithuania and 2Vilnius University
and burnout levels, reduced intention to leave and higher staff retention can be Hospital Santaros Klinikos , Vilnius, Lithuania
achieved1,2. Further studies are required to validate the findings of this analysis.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Many countries across Europe experience the second
1) Applebaum D et al. J Nurs Adm (2010); 40: 323-328. wave of CoVid-19 pandemic. Lithuania is a country situated on the eastern shore of the
2) Hayes B et al. J Nurs Manag (2015); 23: 588-98. Baltic Sea. Until January 15, Lithuania had 165560 confirmed positive cases, 100495
3) EDTNA/ERCA Nurses Best Practice Guidelines. recoveries, and 2376 deaths.
education/publications. Accessed: 10th Jan 2021 METHOD: In this abstract, we describe reorganization in dialysis service in Vilnius,
the capital and largest city of Lithuania, with urban population of 700,275 inhabitants.
RESULTS: At the pandemic start in March 2020, Vilnius had 3 public nephrology
departments each running a hemodialysis unit, and 4 private hemodialysis centers,
with total of 250 end-stage kidney disease patients. Vilnius University Hospital
Santaros Klinikos, as the main hospital in the country and national CoVid-19
coordinator, restructured dialysis service in city area. Chronic hemodialysis programs
in public hospitals were cancelled and patients were shifted to private centers. In the
threat of infection and multiple outbreaks in two hospitals, nephrology units were
closed and CoVid-19 negative nephrology patients were located in a satellite hospital in
other city, whilst all city hospitals served as CoVid-19 centers. In Santaros Klinikos, we
treated severe CoVid-19 patients who needed chronic or acute dialysis, while
asymptomatic and mild to moderate-symptom patients carried their dialysis
procedures in isolated shafts and/or facilities in private centers. In cases with
unsatisfactory self-isolation, isolation sites were located in hotels or other premises
provided by the municipal administration. Transportation to dialysis center was
provided by municipality as well. Rapid antigen testing was set in a case of suspected
outbreak or for all outpatient hemodialysis patients in some centers in circumstances of
high community transmission. During the pandemic, we had ongoing transplant
activities, continued wait-listing for kidney transplant and increased peritoneal dialysis
program. Most peritoneal dialysis patients were trained at home by a mobile nurse
team, also home visits we carried instead of inpatients visits. We started CoVid-19
vaccination during the first week of January for all dialysis patients and transplant
recipients who had no contraindications and gave informed consent.
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the rapid release and adoption of recommendations
and action plan helped to identify and locate CoVid-19 outbreaks in dialysis facilities.
Dialysis service reorganization is needed to maintain ongoing treatment for chronic
patients who vitally depend on renal replacement therapy. Private dialysis centers and
municipality should assist with physical resources operating the patients flow. The
MO891 HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS AMID COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A growth of peritoneal dialysis program serves as a significant subsidiary factor when
COMPARISON BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND WAVE patients need more social distancing. Vaccination data and outcomes in end-stage
renal disease patients is coming soon.
Carlo Lomonte1, Piero Lisi2, Simone Corciulo2, Elisabetta Manno2,
Bianca Covella2, Luigi Rossi2, Annalisa Teutonico2, Pasquale Libutti2, Vito Pepe2
Miulli General Hospital, Nephrology, Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy and 2Miulli General
Hospital, Nephrology, Acquaviva delle Fonti, Italy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Data about HD patients and how to best dialyze them
during the COVID-19 pandemic are scarce. The aim of the study is to describe the Imane Failal1, Sanae Ezzaki1, Marouane Sayeh1, Salma Elkhayat1,
organizational model and clinical outcomes of patients confirmed COVID-19 needing Ghizlaine Medkouri1, Benyounes Ramdani1
renal replacement therapy, admitted in a COVID Hospital in Southern Italy during the 1
CHU ibn rochd, nephrology, casablanca, Morocco
first and second pandemic wave.
METHOD: All the consecutive patients requiring chronic HD, during the first and
second wave were considered. Due to local resources, we have implemented an BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Physical activity is often reduced in chronic
organizational model based on the HD bedside with Genius system. The machine was hemodialysis patients. Studies having evaluated hemodialysis reveal a significant
prepared in the Dialysis Unit and then transferred to the COVID Hospital. After sedentary lifestyle. which is associated with excess mortality. Conversely, the benefits in
treatment, the monitor was sterilized and carefully cleaned with chlorine wipes and re- terms of morbidity and mortality from physical activity are numerous. The fight
transferred into the dialysis Unit to be prepared for the next dialysis. Demographic against sedentary lifestyles in hemodialysis patients must be one of the objectives of
data, clinical symptoms at presentation, and laboratory results were extracted by the healthcare teams. For this reason, our study aims to assess physical inactivity using a
electronic medical record. Patients hospitalized during the first wave (FW) and second physical activity score from DIJON in chronic hemodialysis patients and to identify the
wave (SW) were compared. factors linked to a decrease in physical activity in them and to propose programs aimed
RESULTS: From March 10 through December 31 2020, we enrolled a cohort of 40 at to encourage PA as well as exercises adapted to the hemodialysis patient.
patients (37.5% F), with COVID-19 infection requiring HD; 11 (27.5%) during first METHOD: This is a descriptive and analytical cross-sectional study conducted during
and 29 (72.5%) during second wave. The phenotype and clinical symptoms at the the month of January 2020, in the nephrology and hemodialysis department of CHU
admission were not different between two groups. Compared to FW, the SW patients IBN ROCHD. We used the Dijon questionnaire translated into Arabic to measure the
were younger (70.169.5 vs 77.365.9 years; p<0.03) with lower dialysis vintage (35618 PA taking into account daily, sports or leisure activities. The PA level benchmarks are
vs 60648 months; p<0.05), and lower Charlson Comorbidity Index scores (2.8 6 1.8 0–10 (low), 10–20 (medium), and 20–30 (high).
vs 5.09 6 2.0; p<0.05). No differences were observed between the first and second RESULTS: Our study included 71 patients. The average age was 46.5 years with
10.1093/ndt/gfab100 | i491
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
extremes ranging from 16 to 93 years, there is a slight male predominance with a sex kidney disease and especially those on the hemodialysis program have an increased risk
ratio of 1.1. Initial nephropathy was undetermined nephropathy in 53.5%, glomerular of severe morbidity and mortality caused by the novel coronavirus.
in 29.5%, diabetic in 7% and hypertensive in 1.4%. The age of the periodic hemodialysis AIM OF STUDY: was to determine the prognosis and mortality risk in hemodialysis
treatment in our patients varied from 1 month to 44 years, with an average duration of patients hospitalized for symptomatic COVID-19 infection, using the ALAMA age
17.3 years. 91.5% of patients had an arteriovenous fistula as a vascular approach, 8.4% score and the COVID-GRAM critical illness risk score.
of patients were dialyzed on a catheter. METHOD: Prospective and retrospective study that included 74 patients undergoing
The overall level of physical activity was high only in 4.5% of patients, while it was low chronic hemodialysis, hospitalized in the Constanta County Emergency Clinical
in 61.3% and moderate in 34% of patients.The study of the relationship between the Hospital between March 2020 - December 2020, confirmed with SARS-CoV 2
decrease in physical activity and different demographic, clinical and paraclinical infection by RT-PCR testing.
parameters had revealed that the decrease in physical activity was significantly RESULTS: Out of the total number of 74 hospitalized patients (64.58% M, 35.41% F;
correlated with seniority on hemodialysis, gender, l he advanced age, the different mean age = 66.64 years), having moderate and severe forms of the disease. 56.25%
degrees of anemia, and the cardiovascular affections, on the other hand no significant needed conventional oxygen therapy, 22.9% non-invasive mechanical ventilation and
correlation was found between the decrease in physical activity and hypocalcemia, 12.5% intubation and ventilation. All patients underwent specific treatment according
hyperphosphatemia, and hyperparathyroidism. to the national protocols, updated with the rapid changes and increasing informations
CONCLUSION: Our results show that the level of physical activity is linked to many regarding the disease management. The mean duration of hospitalization was 12.33
parameters, some of which can be modified. Prescribing an adapted and personalized days. 94.7 % of patients had additional risk factors (diabetes mellitus-47.56%, arterial
program would improve the prognosis related to co-morbidities and the quality of life hypertension-87.3%, COPD – 7.8%, systemic aterosclerosis – 35.4%,
of our patients. immunosuppression – 11.6%, malignant tumors – 4.8% ). Mean ALAMA score was
more than 85 years (p<0.01) and mean COVID-GRAM critical illness risk score was
202 (92.1% risk for critical illness). Fatal outcome affected 37.8% of the patients, mainly
due to severe respiratory failure, myocarditis, arrhythmias and stroke.
CONCLUSION: Hemodialysis patients with SARS-CoV 2 infection have an
unfavorable evolution and a reserved prognosis with a high risk of death, depending
especially on the need for ventilatory support. 6.25% of the patients followed had post-
COVID syndrome (disseminated intravascular coagulation, severe bacterial infections,
enterocolitis), but these long-term complications of the survivors will need further
Ezzeldin Shalaby1, Hisham Abdelmawgoud2
Cairo university, Department of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology, Cairo, Egypt
and 2Almokatem Insurance Hospital, Head of Nephrology Department, Cairo, Egypt
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: One of the major challenges of our century seems to be
the SARS-COV2 virus pandemic that has resulted, at least until now, in over 2 million
deaths worldwide. Multiple observational studies showed that patients with chronic
i492 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO897 ANXIETY AND DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS IN CHRONIC Finally, the environmental burden of the HD procedures may be significantly reduced,
HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS with a CO2 EE saved up to 6.6 ton/year patient (equal to 3 round-trip flights Venice-
Sanae Ezzaki1, Imane Failal1, Rania Elafifi1, Salma Elkhayat1, CONCLUSION: Home HD enable patients and their families to substantially improve
Ghizlane Elmedkouri1, Benyounes Ramdani1 their quality of life, provide a safe and effective dialysis treatment for the patients,
CHU ibnrochd, nephrology, CASABLANCA, Morocco contribute to operational efficiency of the healthcare system, and reduce both the
economical impact and the environmental burden of hemodialysis. In conclusion, we
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hemodialysis is experienced as a vital need and is a believe both HHDs are exellent solution, in particular NHHD for active young patients,
heavy strain that is causing psychological distress expressed by anxiety and depression. and AHHD for fragile patients without a caregiver, resulting in a better management
The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression in and outcome.
chronic hemodialysis patients.
METHOD: This is an observational cross-sectional study, carried out within the unit
CASABLANCA CHU ibnrochd of hemodialysis in January of 2020 of 71 chronic
hemodialysis patients, in collaboration with a psychiatrist, the scale of anxiety and
depression (HAD) has been used to diagnose and assess the severity of anxiety and
depression in this population.
RESULTS: Our study included 71 chronic hemodialysis adult patients, the average age
of our patients was 46.5 years, ranging from 16 to 93 years, with a sex ratio M / F 1.1,
seniority average hemodialysis is 17.3 years; patients are single, married, widowed,
divorced in 66%, 26%, 5% and 3% of cases, 72.5% of our patients are without
None of the patients is followed by a psychiatrist or under antidepressant or anxiolytic
during the study, 46% of our patients have anxiety and depression with a male
predominance in 56% of cases, anxiety was found in 15% of patients, 1 case of major
anxiety, the average score of anxiety is 10 6 2, depression was found in 36% of cases
and 1 case of major depression, the average depression score was 11 6 2.
CONCLUSION: Anxiety and depression are common in patients on periodic
hemodialysisThese results emphasizes the importance of collaboration between
nephrologists and psychiatrists in order to offer hemodialysis patients psychological
support and guarantee a better quality of life.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Belluno is a mountainous province of 3610 Km2, with a MO899 PRURITUS IN CHRONIC HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS ANDS
low population density (56 people/Km2), and an high ISTAT old age index of 228. ITS IMPACT ON QUALITY OF LIFE
Four HemoDialysis (HD) Centers assist 112 patients, who spend up to 8 hours/week by
ambulance to arrive at the HD Center, with a CO2 estimated emission (EE) up to 6.6 Faten Ghabi1,2, Salma Toumi1,2, Asma Amouri1,2, Hanen Chaker1,2,
ton/year patient. The cost of in-Center HD may reach up to 61.000 e/year patient. Ikram Agerbi1,2, Najla Dammak1,2, Khawla Kammoun1,2, Soumaya Yaich1,2,
Giving these premisis, we consider as first choice either Peritoneal Dialysis or Home Abdelrahmen Masmoudi3, Mohamed Benhmida1,2
HD (HDD), otherwise than in-Center HD. HHD can be Not assited HHD (NHHD), university hospital center hedi chaker, nephrology, Sfax, Tunisia, 2Medical school Sfax,
performed by the patient himself, or Assisted HHD (AHHD), the new HHD service Renal pathology reserch laboratory UR12ES14, Sfax, Tunisia and 3university hospital
which involves a nurse assistance at home. Both HHDs enables patients to stay at center hedi chaker, Dermatology service, Sfax, Tunisia
home, may improve patient’s quality of life, reduce the HD costs (32.000-34000 e/year
patient), and may reduce the environmental burden of the healthcare procedures (CO2 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Pruritus is a common symptom in chronic
EE of 0-2.3 ton/year patient). hemodialysis patients, its intensity varies from patient to patient and which plays a
METHOD: One patient have undertaken NHHD and other two the AHHD. Patient 1, major role in impairing their quality of life. Its pathophysiology is poorly understood
on NHHD, is a 50 year old (y.o.) male, on HD since 9/2013. His Past Medical History and its management remains a challenge.
(PMH) encompasses End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) due to IgA Nephropathy, a The main objective of our study is to estimate the frequency of pruritus in our
previous kidney transplant, and hypertensive cardiopathy. Patient 2, on AHHD, is a population and its impact on their quality of life.
88y.o. woman, on HD since 01/2020. Her PMH includes ESRD due to multiple MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study involving 53 patients
myeloma, and hypertension. Patient 3, on AHHD, is a 95y.o. male on HD since 09/ carried out in the dialysis unit of the CHU Hédi chaker in sfax. The DLQI
2009. His PMH includes ESRD due to hypertensive nephropathy, atrioventricular (Dermatology Life Quality Index), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and the
block with pacemaker, hepatopathy. verbal analogue scale to specify the intensity of pruritus were used to assess the impact
HHD is performed utilising: the NxStage System (FreseniusV R ) for NHHD, and the
of pruritus on quality of life.
Dialog iQV R System (B.BRAUNV R ) for AHHD. The HD prescription plans 2 hours
RESULTS: The mean age of our patients was 48 6 28 years with a predominance of
treatment for 6 times/week for NHHD, and 4 hours treatment for 3 times/week for men (60%). The mean duration on hemodialysis was 5.4 years. The prevalence of
AHHD. pruritus was 28% of cases. Pruritus affects 75% of the body surface in 90% of patients,
The total amount of the economical resoureces employed for HD comprise: HD an intensity greater than or equal to 5 in 93.33% of cases on an intensity scale of 0 to
equipment, healthcare-worker, and ambulance transportation (Figure). 10, the impact was moderate on the quality of life according to the DLQI in 66.66% of
The EE of CO2 have been determined using a calculator ( The EE the cases, 86.66% of the patients presented a nocturnal recrudescence of the pruritus,
of CO2 for in-Centre HD comprise both those caused by patients and nurses (Figure). and an alteration of the quality of sleep was present in 73.33% of the cases according to
We assumed the same fuel consumption of a diesel Van for the ambulances one. We the PSQI.
assumed that nurses use a diesel compact car to commute. The Comparison of the groups with (G1) or without pruritus (G2) showed the
RESULTS: All patients reported a significantly improved quality of life because they predominance of hyperposphoraemia in the first group with averages of 1.92mmol / l
were able to avoid many hours of travel to reach the HD Center. Moreover, the patient and 1.4mmol / l respectively in G1 and G2
on NHHD, appreciated an increased subjective wellness, a greater independence in CONCLUSION: Pruritus remains the most frequent complaint for hemodialysis
setting the daily work and personal appointments, and a wider freedom in the eating patients, which in our patients was linked mainly to hyperposphoraemia requiring
and drinking habits. optimization of phosphorus chelators and hemodialysis measures.
The economical resources that may be riallocated by the Healthcare System are up to
30.000 e/year patient.
10.1093/ndt/gfab100 | i493
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i494–i501, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Hospitalization Hazard ratio (HR) 95% CI p-value Further in-depth examinations should be verify our findings, determining whether
estimate therapeutic measures targeting cFLC balance, such as hemodiafiltration and expanded
dialysis, would be helpful to reduce the “inflammunity” process, characterizing
Lower limit Upper limit dialyzed patients.
EPORI>5 1.301 1.160 1.458 <0.001
EPORI>6 1.316 1.174 1.476 <0.001
EPORI>7 1.370 1.219 1.540 <0.001
EPORI>8 1.468 1.300 1.658 <0.001
CONCLUSION: In the modern hemodialysis era, higher EPORI cut-off values were PHOSPHORUS LEVELS AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN
associated with a progressive higher risk of mortality and of hospitalization. The HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS
modification of the EPORI predictors that are susceptible to improvement, such as the
nutritional and inflammation status, may contribute for a better prognosis in this Sylwia Małgorzewicz1,2, Ewelina Puchalska-Reglin ska3, Lucyna Konieczna4,
population. Katarzyna Krzanowska5, Alicja Debska-Slizien1
Medical University of Gda
nsk, Nephrology, Transplantology and Internal Diseases,
Gdansk, Poland, 2Medical University of Gda nsk, Clinical Nutrition, Gdansk, Poland, 37
Szpital Marynarki Wojennej, Dialysiis Unit, Gdansk, Poland, 4Medical University of
Gdansk, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gda nsk, Poland and 5Uniwersytet
nski Collegium Medicum, Department of Nephrology, Krak ow, Poland
A BRIDGE BETWEEN INFLAMMATION, IMMUNE SYSTEM BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Vascular calcification is highly prevalent in dialysis
DYSFUNCTION AND MORTALITY RISK patients. The most common postulated cause, apart from calcium and phosphorus
disorders, is sub-clinical vitamin K deficiency. It results in the failure of the GLA-
Antonio Lacquaniti1, Susanna Campo1, Teresa Casuscelli Di Tocco1, matrix protein (MGP) to undergo carboxylation. The lack of functional carboxylated
Paolo Monardo1 MGP may contribute to increased vascular calcification. Aim: We assessed the
Papardo Hospital, Nephrology and Dilsysi Unit Internal Medicine Department, relationships between vitamin K, MGP, calcium, phosphorus levels and nutritional
Messina, Italy status in hemodialysis patients.
METHOD: The study included 58 hemodialysis patients in stable clinical condition
(mean age 64.1 6 15.6 yr) . We determined plasma levels of: vitamin K1 and K2 (LC-
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Uremic toxins, poor removed by conventional MS method), GLA -matrix protein (ucMGP and cMGP), osteocalcin (ELISA methods),
hemodialysis (HD), represent independent risk factors for mortality in end-stage renal parathyroid hormone (iPTH), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), CRP and routine
disease (ESRD). biochemistry. Echocardiography was performed and BMI was calculated. Nutritional
Middle uremic toxin molecules were associated to pathological features of uremia, such status was assessed by SGA and s-albumin – malnutrition was diagnosed based SGA
as immune dysfunction and inflammation. These two entities are not mutually 5 and s-albumin 38g/l. FFQ-6 was used to dietary assessment. Patients with HPT
exclusive, but they could represent two sides of the same coin. ESRD-associated (n=17; 32%) were treated by active vitamin D/paricalcitrol and calcium carbconicum.
inflammation is closely related to the activation of innate immune system. Free light RESULTS: Malnourished patients (n=11; 20%) presented statistically significantly
chain (FLC) may be a specific assessment of inflammation, representing a direct higher CRP, age and lower phosphorus, iPTH, BUN, creatinine, cholesterol and
function of adaptive immunity through B-cell lineage production rather than a general potassium. Also, malnourished patients presented significantly higher ucMGP and
marker of inflammation. lower cMGP and lower both vitamin K forms in comparison to well-nourished
While several studies have assessed the relation between FLCs and mortality risk in (ucMGP 18.9 vs 13.2 ng/dl; p=0.0005; cMGP 150.1 vs 332.4 ng/dl; p=0.0002). Diet in
chronic kidney disease (CKD), FLCs, as uremic toxins in non-multiple myeloma both groups malnourished and well-nourished not differ significantly, though
dialyzed patients, were marginally analyzed. malnourished patients ate less amount of nutrients. Additionally, phosphorus level
The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the clinical impact of FLCs levels in positively correlated with Kt/V, SGA and vitamin K2 (R Spearman =- 0.3;p=0.01,R
HD patients, during a 2-years follow-up analysing the relations with biomarkers of Spearman = 0.4;p=0.05;R Spearman = 0.3; p=0.001, respectively).
inflammation, such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT), main CONCLUSION: Vitamin K deficiency, as expressed by high ucMGP levels is
lymphocytes subsets, such as CD4þ and CD8þ T cell count and high mobility group associated with nutritional status. Low albumin and chronic inflammation might
box (HMGB) -1 levels, as expression of the innate immune system. The potential link increase risk of calcification in spite relatively low iPTH and phosphorus levels.
between FLCs levels and mortality risk was assessed.
METHOD: 190 patients on chronic hemodialysis at the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit
of Papardo Hospital in Messina, Italy, were enrolled and followed for 2 years. Inclusion
criteria were: age >18 years, absence or <200 ml/die residual diuresis, j/k ratio within
the renal reference range (0.37–3.1).
Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was performed to estimate the cut-
off points of HMGB-1 and cFLC. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional MO904 DIETARY PATTERNS IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS:
multivariate hazards model were used for clinical outcome. RELATIONSHIP WITH CLINICAL AND NUTRITIONAL
RESULTS: HD patients were characterized by high FLC levels. jFLC values were 182.3 PARAMETERS
(IQR: 140.2 – 216.1) mg/L, whereas kFLC levels were 108.2 (IQR: 72.7 – 143.2) mg/L.
The median combined (c) FLC concentration was 182.9 mg/L (IQR = 207.8 – 330.2), Cristina Garagarza1,2, Ana Valente1, Cristina Caetano1, Ine ^s Ramos1,
which was extremely greater than the median reported in the general population Joana Sebastia ~o1, Mariana Pinto1, Telma Oliveira1, Anibal Ferreira3,4,
(normal range = 9.3 – 43.3 mg/L) and in CKD patients [68.9 mg/L (IQR = 49.4 – Catarina Sousa Guerreiro2
100.9)]. Nephrocare Portugal, Nutrition Department, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Faculdade de Medicina
No differences in cFLC levels were revealed according to dialysis techniques. da Universidade de Lisboa, Laborat ao, Lisboa, Portugal, 3Nephrocare
orio de Nutriç~
HD patients showed significant reduction of CD4þ and CD4þ/CD8þ ratio. High Dialysis Unit, Vila Franca de Xira, Nephrology Department, Lisboa, Portugal and
HMGB1 levels were detected in HD patients (161.3 6 39.7 ng/ml) and positively 4
Faculdade de Ci^encias Médicas, Nova Medical School, Lisboa, Portugal
related to PCT and cFLC (r = - 0.38; p < 0.001), with an inverse relation to CD4þ/
CD8þ ratio. BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nutritional recommendations for hemodialysis (HD)
cFLC positively correlated with b2 microglobulin, hemoglobin, and HMGB1. patients focus on the achievement of a sufficient energy and protein intake without
Conversely, an inverse correlation was revealed with surrogate markers of exceeding phosphorus, potassium, sodium and/or fluids intake limits. This study
inflammation, such as CRP, procalcitonin, neutrophil counts. aimed to identify different dietary patterns of HD patients and analyze their
There were 49 deaths during the follow-up. The majority (23/49) of deaths were relationship with clinical and nutritional parameters.
attributed to cardiovascular disease, the remainder to infection and malignancy. METHOD: This was a longitudinal prospective multicenter study with 582 HD
cFLCs and sHMGB-1 levels in this group were significantly elevated. By ROC analysis, patients from 37 dialysis centers. Dry weight, Kt/V, serum potassium, phosphorus,
HMGB-1 levels > 100.9 ng/mL and cFLC > 223.4 mg/l were associated with a calcium, sodium, creatinine and C-reactive protein were measured. Dietary intake was
significantly lower survival rate (p < 0.02 by log-rank test) than for patients with lower obtained using the Food Frequency Questionnaire. Dietary patterns were derived from
levels when using Kaplan-Meier analysis. After adjusting for confounding factors, by principal component analysis based on 20 food groups which were adjusted for total
Cox proportional hazards method, the difference remained statistically significant (p = energy intake. Linear regression was used to analyze patterns and the variables of
0.02) interest. All statistical tests were performed using SPSS 26.0 software. A p-value lower
CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated an independent relation between high cFLC than 0.05, was considered statistically significant.
levels and mortality in HD patients. cFLCs represent a potential biomarker of RESULTS: Patients’ mean age was 67.8617.7 years and median HD vintage was 65
“inflammunity”, a physiopathological process playing a pivotal role in ESRD, based on (43-104) months. Three different dietary patterns were identified: “Western” (31.3% of
a vicious circle between inflammation and immune dysfunction.
10.1093/ndt/gfab102 | i495
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
the patients) with high intake of soft drinks, home-made fried potatoes, caffeinated
drinks, red and processed meat, and low intake of fruit and vegetables soup;
“Mediterranean” (33.5% of the patients) with high intake of vegetables, beans, fish,
olive oil, eggs, and low intake of milk and milk products. Finally, “Low animal protein”
(35.2% of the patients) with high intake of whole grain bread, cookies and sweets,
vegetables soup and low intake of white bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. Regarding
clinical parameters, the Mediterranean pattern was predictor of a higher dry weight
(p=0.001), higher creatinine (p=0.032) and lower serum calcium (p=0.024), whereas
Western pattern predicted higher phosphorus (p=0.006), sodium (p=0.014) and
creatinine (p=0.001). Low animal protein pattern predicted lower creatinine levels
(p=0.011). After adjusting for age, gender, presence of diabetes, HD vintage and Kt/V,
serum calcium was the only parameter which remained statistical significant within the
Mediterranean pattern. Comparing the nutritional parameters studied, the
Mediterranean pattern was the strongest predictor of a higher intake of protein (%)
(p<0.001), folate (p<0.001), vitamin B12 (p<0.001), vitamin B6 (p<0.001), vitamin C
(p<0.001), vitamin D (p<0.001), potassium (p=0.015) and omega 3 fatty acids
(p<0.001) and a lower intake of carbohydrates (%) (p<0.001), calcium (p<0.001) and
sodium (p=0.006).
CONCLUSION: Three different dietary patterns were identified in these HD
population. The pattern which was closer to the well-known Mediterranean diet was MO905 Figure 1: Time trends of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in HD patients
associated with a better nutritional intake profile, which, at least theoretically, are with COVID-19. A) IL-6 showed a trend to decrease in the first week after the
associated with better clinical outcomes. diagnosis of COVID-19, reaching statistical significance in PLD group. B) IL-10
presented a significant increase in the first week after the diagnosis of COVID-19 in
HDx group. C) IL-8 circulating levels, as well as D) sTLR4 levels, did not present
significant modifications during the study. Expanded hemodialysis (HDx): black lines;
Protein-leaking dialysis (PLD): red lines.
* = p<0.05 vs T0
i496 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Ersilia Satta1, Carmine Romano2, Tersa Della Corte3, Carmelo Alfarone3,
Petrini Plyntzanopoulou1, Marios Papasotiriou2, Athina Drakou3, Guido Gembillo4, Sandro Gentile5
Panagiotis Politis4, Christos Andriopoulos4, Evangelos Papachristou2, 1
Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Naples , Italy,
Theodora Papachrysanthou4 2
Nefrocenter research srl, and Nyx Sturtup, Naples, Italy, 3Nefrocenter research srl, and
Konstantopouleio General Hospital, Department of Nutrition and Diet, Athens, Greece, Nyx Sturtup, Via xxIV May Cava dei Tirreni, Naples, Italy, 4Unit of Nephrology and
University Hospital of Patras, Department of Nephrology, Patras, Greece, 3Henry Dialysis, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Department of Clinical
Dunant Hospital Athens, Department of Nephrology, Athens, Greece and 4Nephroiatriki and Experimental Medicine, Messina, Italy and 5Department of Internal Medicine,
Dialysis Unit, Department of Nephrology, Athens, Greece University Campania L Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cardiac valve calcification (CVC) is a common BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In patients with kidney impairment, the progression to
disorder in patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD) and is a predictor of end-stage renal diseases (ESRD) can lead to a gradual loss of independence with
cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Several risk factors are related to CVC worsening quality of life. Proper nutritional management and daily exercise can help
in patients with ESKD which include higher age, dyslipidemia, hypertension and patients live with their condition in a more propositive way.
diabetes as well as inflammation, bone mineral disease and malnutrition. Moreover, METHOD: We performed a multicentric study on the habits of 222 hemodialyzed
visceral adiposity is associated with disturbed lipid metabolism and proinflammatory patients, belonging to 4 different dialysis centers. Through self-administered
activity which could predispose for CVC. Furthermore, sarcopenia and dynapenia is a questionnaires, we collected information about patients attitudes and behavior that
state common in patients with ESKD. Thus, the aim of this cross-sectional study is to affect their daily activities and self-care.
investigate the relationship of adiposity, components of sarcopenia and malnutrition RESULTS: Through the use of the Council for Nutritional Appetite Questionnaire, we
with cardiac valves calcification in patients on chronic hemodialysis. assessed that 60,81% of patients had a risk of weight loss of 5% in the next six months
METHOD: Adult patients that were on maintenance hemodialysis were eligible for (Table 1 Baseline Characteristics). The Malnutrition Inflammation Score indicated that
entering the study. Recruitment took place from March 2019 to September 2020. 39,63% had a mild malnutrition and 12,16% a severe malnutrition; the serum albumin
Exclusion criteria included, patients with less than 6 months on hemodialysis, patients was between 3-5 and 3,9 g/dL in 42,79% of patients, 3,0 – 3,4 g/dL in 18,01% of
with cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, severe infection, cardiac valve disease prior to patients, <3 g/dL in 3,15% of the whole cohort. For the bioimpedance analysis (BIA)
dialysis initiation, history of parathyroidectomy and intravenous albumin the Body Cells Mass Index (BCMI) values were indicative in 60% of patients of a
administration 3 months prior to nutritional assessment. Calcification of heart valves normal nutritional status (Figure 1), parameters that remained superimposable in the
and systolic and diastolic function was assessed by using two-dimensional pre and post-dialysis BIA. The ECM/BCM ratio indicated in pre-dialysis that 27% of
echocardiography. Nutritional assessment was made using the Geriatric Nutritional patients present a state of dehydration and, on the contrary, 73% an edematous state,
Risk Index. Conicity Index, Waist to Height Ratio, the Visceral Adiposity Index, the vice-versa in the post-dialysis the dehydration status rises to 48% and the edematous
Lipid Accumulation Product, the Height to Waist Phenotype were also calculated. state falls to 52% (Figure 2). For the BIA a phase angle of less than 4 was found in
Waist, calf and mid arm circumference measurement was performed in the end of a 18% of patients, a critical value linked to a higher mortality risk. 56% of patients
midweek dialysis session. Muscle strength was based on a measurement of hand grip showed a value between 4 -5 while 26% values between 6 and 10 .
strength using a hydraulic hand dynamometer in the non-fistula hand prior to dialysis
session. Dynapenia was considered for values < 16 kg in females and < 27kg in males.
Serum biochemistry parameters such as total protein, albumin, calcium, phosphate,
total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, CRP and iPTH were also measured.
RESULTS: Overall, 130 patients were included in the study with a mean age of
66612.47 years (68.5% males) and an average dialysis duration of 4.3764.95 years. No
cardiac valve calcification was found in 34.6%, while both aortic and mitral valve
calcification was found in 41.5% of patients. Calcification only of the aortic (AVC) or
mitral (MVC) valve was found in 14.6% and 9.2% respectively. Compared to non AVC
group, AVC group had significantly higher age, higher prevalence of diastolic
dysfunction, CRP values and CRP/albumin ratio and lower albumin to total proteins
ratio. Patients with MVC showed significantly higher prevalence of diastolic
dysfunction, higher levels of iPTH, CRP/albumin ratio and lower albumin to total
proteins ratio. Adiposity, nutritional, anthropometric indices and sarcopenia
parameters such as creatinine index, muscle power and physical performance status
did not show any difference between all CVC groups. Increased age [OR (95%CI):1.06
(1.00-1.12) p=0.05], diastolic dysfunction [OR (95%CI): 3.07 (1.05-8.92); p=0.04],
CRP/albumin ratio were associated with increased risk of AVC, whereas the CRP/
albumin ratio appeared as the most powerful risk factor for mitral and for any CVC
[OR (95%CI): 3.41 (1.40-8.28); p=0.007, OR (95%CI): 7.98 (2.62-24.98) p<0.001,
respectively]. ROC analysis indicated that increased values of CRP/albumin ratio are
strong positive predictors of AVC [AUC, 95%CI 0.66 (0.56-0.75) p=0.002], MVC
[AUC, 95%CI 0.642 (0.545-0.74) p=0.005] and calcification of any valve [AUC, 95%CI
0.71 (0.615-0.806) p<0.001].
CONCLUSION: Adiposity, nutritional, anthropometric indices and sarcopenia did
not show to correlate with CVC in patients with ESKD on hemodialysis. Factors, such
as diastolic dysfunction and notably increased CRP/albumin ratio were strong
predictors of CVC.
MO908 Figure 1: Body Cell Mass Index (BCMI) bioimpedentiometry of the total
10.1093/ndt/gfab102 | i497
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
i498 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
hospitalization 14.6 6 11.5 days). Deceased patients died within the first 12 days of MO912 INMUNE STATUS ON HAEMODIALYSIS PATTIENTS
hospitalization (6.8 6 4.1 days). AFFECTED WITH COVID19 INFECTION
CONCLUSION: COVID19 lockdown induced a weight reduction on HD patients due
to decrease in total body water. COVID19 infection increased this reduction, inducing Justo Sandino Pérez1, Alberto Utrero-Rico2, Claudia Yuste1,
greater loss on lean and fat tissue composition. Moreover, COVID19 impact on body Elena Gutierrez-Solis1, Enrique Morales1, Evangelina Mérida1,
composition was magnified with the length of hospitalization. Cecilia Gonzalez-Cuadrado2, Marta Chivite-Lacaba2, Esther Mancebo2,
Estela Paz-Artal2, Paula Jara Caro Espada3
Hospital 12 De Octubre, Nephrology, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital 12 De Octubre,
Immunology department (Instituto de investigaci
on Hospital 12 de Octubre), Madrid,
Spain and 3Hospital 12 De Octubre, Nephrology (Instituto de investigaci
on Hospital 12
de Octubre), Madrid, Spain
(HD) seem more likely to develop severe COVID19 disease. Over the course of COVID
Davide Bolignano1, Pierangela Presta1, Giuseppina Crugliano1, Marta Greco2, disease, we observed a poor tolerance to HD sessions with a marked tendency of
Francesco Dragone2, Daniela Foti2, Michele Andreucci1, Giuseppe Coppolino1 clinical deterioration over them.
1 The objective is to evaluate changes on immunological system over HD session on
Magna Græcia University, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Catanzaro, Italy and 2Magna
patients affected with COVID19 compared with patients without COVID19.
Græcia University, Pathology Lab, Catanzaro, Italy
METHOD: Fourteen HD patients were studied including 9 confirmed COVID19
infection and 5 healthy controls. Predialysis and postdialysis blood samples were
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Iron deficiency is pervasive among hemodialysis (HD) compared to study alterations on immune status. We identified cytoKines by Luminex
patients; however, although transferrin saturation (TSAT) of <20% and/or serum (CCL2, CXCL10, IL1Ra, IL10, IL12p70, TNFa, IL17Ra, IL6, IL7) and adaptive
ferritin of <200 ng/mL should express iron scarcity, in HD patients high ferritin levels lymphocyte subsets (CD4/CD8 naı̈ve, CD4/CD8 MC, CD4/CD8 MP, CD19, CD56).
could be related to inflammation rather than reflecting optimal iron stores. Omentin-1 Monocyte subsets (CD14þCD16-, CD14þCD16þ, CD14-CD16þ) were detected
is an anti-inflammatory adipokine that is also involved in regulation of iron from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as well as immune activation
metabolism through binding with lactoferrin. In this pilot study, we aimed at (CD11b, HLA-DR, CD86) and migration factors (CCR2, CCR5). The supernatant of
evaluating serum levels of Omentin-1 in a small HD population, in order to determine isolated CD14þ cells after 4-hour stimulation with LPS where analysed by Luminex to
its possible relationships with iron status. measure cytokines (CCL2, CXCL10, GM-CSF, IL10, IL12p70, IL17Ra, IL6, IL7, TNFa).
METHOD: Omentin-1 was measured by ELISA in serum samples of 33 chronic HD RESULTS: Patients with COVID19 presented predialysis: (1) higher plasmatic levels of
patients before a single mid-week HD session and at 1h, 2h and 3h after dialysis start. IL12p70, TNFa e IL7, (2) lymphopenia and neutrophilia, (3) higher percentage of
Common biochemical and clinical parameters were also recorded. intermediate monocytes and lower of non-classical, (4) lower membrane expression of
RESULTS: Serum omentin-1 levels were statistically higher in HD patients than in CCR2, HLA-DR y CD86 over Cd14þ cells, and (5) higher production of CCL2, GM-
matched healthy controls (763 [367-1423] vs. 371 [228-868] ng/mL; p=0.03). CSF, IL10, IL12p70 y IL17Ra by LPS stimulated monocytes compared with patients
Omentin-1 levels were broken down after the first hour of HD (reduction ratio: without COVID19. When analysed the fold-change between pre and postdialysis
4565%) and tended to get back to baseline after the third hour (p=0.04). Correlation values, patients with COVID19 infection present a: (a) higher plasmatic levels of IL6,
analyses showed omentin-1 levels to be directly associated with serum iron (R=0.380; IL1Ra, CCL2 e CXCL10, (b) reductions of total lymphocites, (c) higher membrane
p=0.03), ferritin (R=0.843; p<0.001), TSAT (R=0.661; p<0.001), serum amylase expression of CCR2, CD33 y CD86 on CD14þ cells, and (d) higher production of
(R=0.454; p=0.01), ALT (R=0.380; p=0.03) and inversely with serum phosphate (R=- TNFa, GM-CSF, IL10, IL17, IL6 e IL7 by LPS stimulated monocytes compared with
0.403; p=0.02), troponin (R=-0.443; p=0.01) and transferrin (R=-0.390;p=0.04). At patients without COVID19. No differences on lymphocite subset were found.
ROC analyses, Omentin-1 levels showed a remarkable capacity to discriminate HD CONCLUSION: The clinical deterioration on COVID19 infected patients over HD
patients with iron deficiency (TSAT<20%) with an AUC of 0.830 (95%CI 0.658 to session could be related with monocyte activation and pro-inflammatory cytokines
1.000; p=0.002. best cut-off value: 478.8 ng/mL; sens. 75%; spec. 85%). Of note, such secretion.
discriminatory capacity was even better than that of serum ferritin (AUC 0.739; 95%CI
0.528 to 0.950; p for differences between AUCs=0.04; Figure 1)
CONCLUSION: Findings from this pilot study demonstrate that HD patients have
altered Omentin-1 values probably because this protein is involved in the maintenance
of iron equilibrium. Larger studies are needed to confirm whether Omentin-1 might be
proposed as a new tool in the assessment of iron deficiency and in the management of
Alvarez Lopez1, Barbara Cancho Castellano1, Cristina Lo pez Arnaldo1,
Rosa Maria Diaz Campillejo1, Elena Garcia de Vinuesa Palo1, Rafael Arago n Lara2,
Jorge Alberto Rodriguez Sabillon1, Julia n Valladares Alcobendas1, Isis Cerezo
Arias1, Marıa Victoria Martın Hidalgo Barquero1, Rosa Marıa Ruiz Calero
Cendrero1, Nicolas-Roberto Robles Perez-Monteoliva1
Badajoz University Hospital, Nephrology, Badajoz, Spain and 2Badajoz University
Hospital, Internal Medicine, Badajoz, Spain
10.1093/ndt/gfab102 | i499
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
RESULTS: 42.5% of the subjects presented a degree of fragility 5, severely fragile MO914 INTRADIALYTIC RESISTANCE TRAINING HAS POSITIVE
The results are shown in the Tables 1 and 2. INDEPENDENTLY OF THEIR NUTRITION STATUS
i500 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO915 DIETARY ADVICE IN HEMODIALYSIS PATIENTS: IMPACT OF non-randomised trials. All studies investigated nocturnal haemodialysis (one with the
A TELEHEALTH APPROACH DURING THE COVID-19 additional of short daily), three were in-centre and two were at home. Range of
PANDEMIC duration for the included studies was 2-18 months. Outcomes of interest measured
included lean body mass, protein and carbohydrate intake, body mass index, dry lean
Ana Valente1, Joana Jesus1, Ana Dinis1, Andre Correia1, Joana Breda1, mass and water soluble vitamin levels. Of these trials, only one reported a statistically
Joana Godinho1, Telma Oliveira1, Cristina Garagarza1 significant increase in an outcome of interest (lean body mass). One study also
Nephrocare Portugal, Nutrition Department, Lisboa, Portugal reported cross-sectional data highlighting Vitamin-C deficiency in half of their
nocturnal haemodialysis population.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Telehealth technologies are being implemented widely CONCLUSION: There is insufficient high-quality evidence assessing the effect of
and can be used to provide education and self-management support to help and sustain extended haemodialysis on nutritional parameters. Further research is required to
lifestyle changes, namely in patients with chronic diseases. The purpose of this study understand the impact of novel dialysis prescriptions on these clinical parameters.
was to assess the effect of a telehealth-delivered nutritional intervention, via the
telephone, in maintenance hemodialysis (HD) patients during the coronavirus
METHOD: This was a multicenter observational prospective longitudinal study of a CITRATE COMPARED TO ACETATE DIALYSATE
cohort of 156 patients in maintenance HD from 15 dialysis units conducted during the
COVID-19 pandemic. We assigned patients to receive dietary counselling, through a Jose Jesus Broseta Monzo1, Luis Carlos Lo pez Romero2, Diana Rodrıguez1,
phone call, according to their biochemical and nutritional parameters (potassium Elena Guillen Olmos1, Pilar Sa nchez-Pérez2, Julio Hernandez Jaras2
>5.5mEq/L; phosphorus >5.5mg/dL or <3.5mg/dL; interdialytic weight gain 1
percentage (%IDWG) >4.5%). Dry weight, %IDWG, body mass index, potassium, Hospital Clınic of Barcelona, Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation,
phosphorus, calcium, calcium/phosphorus product, normalized protein catabolic rate, Barcelona, Spain and 2Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe, Department of
albumin and hemoglobin were recorded at baseline and 1 month after the nutrition Nephrology, València, Spain
counselling. A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistical significant.
RESULTS: The prevalence of patients with hyperkaliemia and hyperphosphatemia BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The relation between inflammation and cardiovascular
decreased significantly after the dietary advice (50% vs. 34.6% and 36.5% vs. 19.2%, disease is well established. Dialysis patients are at a higher risk of cardiovascular death,
respectively). A statistical significant reduction in serum potassium (mEq/L) [median: mostly attributed to cardiovascular disease. This study evaluated the potential benefits
6.2 (IQ:6.0-6.5) vs. 5.7 (IQR:5.3-6.1)] and phosphorus (mg/dL) [median: 6.5 (IQR: 6.1- of citrate (CD) vs. acetate dialysate (AD) regarding the patients’ inflammatory status.
7.2) vs. 5.5 (4.7-6.1)] was observed in patients receiving counselling for hyperkalemia METHOD: Single-center, cross-over, prospective study, with a follow-up of a total of
and hyperphosphatemia. In addition, there was a statistical significant decrease in the 24 dialysis sessions, 12 with each dialysate. Blood samples were taken on the twelfth
prevalence of patients with hypophosphatemia (28.8% vs. 18.6%). There was also a dialysis session with each type of dialysate. Every patient acted as its own control. The
significant decrease in the %IDWG [(median: 4.8% (IQR: 4.2-6.8) vs. 4.4% (IQR: 3.8- pre-dialysis parameters analyzed were procalcitonin (PCT), high-sensitivity C-reactive
6.2)], although no statistically significant differences were observed in the prevalence of protein (hsCRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
patients with high %IDWG. Regarding the person contacted by telephone, data showed RESULTS: Pre-dialysis hsRCP [AD: 4,32 (1,27 – 12,16) vs. CD: 4,08 (0,98 – 8,65) mg/
statistically significant differences in potassium (mEq/L) [patient – median: 6.2 L, p = 0,031], PCT [AD: 0,44 (0,28 – 0,74) vs. CD: 0,38 (0,29 – 0,44) ng/mL, p = 0,037],
(IQR:6.1-6.4) vs. 5.7 (IQR: 5.4-6.0); caregiver – mean: 6.3 6 0.3 vs. 5.7 6 0.7] and and IL-6 [AD: 13,7 (7,85 – 29,03) vs. CD: 11,8 (5 – 27,13) pg/mL, p = 0,029] are
phosphorus (mg/dL) [patient –median: 6.5 (6.1-7.2) vs. 5.6 (4.9-6.1); caregiver – mean: significativly higher after twelve dialysis sessions with AD vs. CD.
6.760.8 vs. 5.161.5] values when the contact was with the patient or the caregiver. In CONCLUSION: Even in the medium term, the use of citrate instead of acetate as the
relation to hypophosphatemia (mg/dL) (mean: 2.460.7 vs. 3.060.9) and %IDWG dialysate acidifier, reduces the measured inflammatory parameters and could therefore
[median: 4.6% (IQR: 4.1-7.1) vs. 4.1% (IQR: 3.5-6.6)], the main statistically significant be considered a more biocompatible dialysate option.
differences were only observed when the contact was done directly with the patient. No
differences were seen whenever the contact was with the nursing homes.
CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that telehealth-delivered dietary interventions can MO918 INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS IN HEMODIALYSIS:
improve clinical and nutritional parameters in HD patients. Therefore, it may be an INTERSET OF NEUTROPHIL TO LYMPHOCYTE AND
effective strategy to promote a continuous nutritional monitoring in these patients, at PLATELETS TO LYMPHOCYTE RATIOS
least, when or where the face-to-face option is a critical factor.
Rania Lahouimel1,2, Toumi Salma1,2, Hanen Abid1,2, Emna Kharrat1,2,
Amira Saai1,2, Ikram Agerbi1,2, Najla Dammak1,2, Hanen Chaker1,2,
MO916 THE EFFECT OF EXTENDED HAEMODIALYSIS ON Khaoula Kammoun1,2, Soumaya Yaich1,2, Mohammed Benhmida1,2
NUTRITIONAL PARAMETERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW university hospital centre hédi chaker, nephrology, Tunisia and 2sfax faculty of medi-
cine, renal pathology research laboratory UR12ES14
Alireza Majlessi1, Daniel March1, James Burton1
University of Leicester, Cardiovascular Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Infectious complications represent the leading cause of
death among the dialysis population, prompting early diagnosis and increased
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Individuals who receive haemodialysis have a high vigilance. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte and platelets-to-lymphocyte ratios are newly
mortality rate, up to 20% within one year of starting dialysis and just under 50% at 5 emerging as more accessible and simple markers for the detection of the onset of
years. One of the risk factors that contributes to this high mortality rate is the infections. The objective of our study is to prove the value of these markers in the
nutritional status of haemodialysis patients; improving this will be a key element of risk diagnosis of infections in hemodialysis patients.
mitigation. Extended haemodialysis may improve nutritional outcomes through better METHOD: This is a cross-sectional study spread over one year including 85 chronic
clearance and reduced dietary restrictions and medications. The aim of this systematic hemodialysis patients with duration of at least 6 months. patients with hemopathies,
review is to provide an up to date assessment of trials of extended haemodialysis tumors, or with a history of hospitalization during the 3 months before the study were
reporting the following nutritional outcomes: Lean body mass, body mass index, excluded. CRP was used as a biomarker of infections and N / L; P / L ratios were
protein intake and energy intake, nutritional status assessed by the subjective global calculated to study the correlation between the two biomarkers. Based on the literature
assessment and PEW scores, and circulating markers of appetite. reviews, the threshold of the N / L ratio and the P / L ratio admitted for our stydy were
METHOD: No limits on language were set, and databases were searched from respectively : > = 2.5 and > = 150.
inception to December 2020 using a predefined search strategy. Inclusion criteria were; RESULTS: The mean age of our patients was 49 6 19 years with a predominance of
randomised and non-randomised trials of extended haemodialysis (defined by >15 women (55%) .The average duration in hemodialysis was 67.2 months. An infectious
hours per week of total haemodialysis time), with a comparator group which received complication was noted in 22% of our patients whose distribution was as follow: 4% as
conventional in-centre haemodialysis (usually <=12 hours per week of hemodialysis a pulmonary infection with 3 coronavirus cases, 6% a sepsis, one case of abscess of the
time). The following databases were searched: Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane nephrectomy compartment.The median value of the CRP was 37610mg/l We found a
Controlled Register of Trials (CENTRAL), the Web of Science Core positive correlation between the 2 ratios associated (RNL and RPL) and infection with
Collection,PROSPERO,, the ISCRTN Registry and Conference (p = 0.03) . We noted throw this study that patients with both high ratios RPL> 150
Proceeding Citation Index, National Health Service Centre for Reviews and and RNL> 2.5 have significantly elevated values of CRP.
Dissemination: Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and Database of Abstracts of CONCLUSION: N/L and P/L ratios are easy-to-calculate markers that are of great
Reviews of Effects (DARE). Additional internet searches (i.e Google Scholar) were also benefit to the hemodialysis population. We have shown through this study the
conducted. Search results were compiled in Endnote and studies were screened for title existence of a positive correlation between the N/L and P/L ratios and the occurrence
and abstract. of infections in hemodialysis patients. We therefore encourage the use of this ratios to
RESULTS: Searches identified 9251 records. After removing duplicates 6190 records be included as markers to detect infections occurence.
were screened for title and abstract against inclusion criteria, leaving 22 papers for full
text screening. A further 17 records were removed following full text screening. Of the
remaining 5 papers, one was a randomised controlled trial and four were prospective,
10.1093/ndt/gfab102 | i501
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i502–i503, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
Dorra Amor1, Sahtout Wissal2, A Ellouz1, Ameni Abderrahman1, Awatef Azzabi2, Ahmed Abo omar1, Gamal Saadi2
Mayssa HadjBrahim2, Sanda Mrabet2, Asma Fradi2, Narjes Ben Aicha2, 1
Faculty of medicine, Tanta university, Nephrology unit, internal medicine department,
Dorsaf Zallema2, Ferdaous Sabri2, Asma Omezzine1, Yosra Guedri2, tanta, Egypt and 2cairo universty, Nephrology unit, internal medicine department, cairo,
Abdeltif Achour2 Egypt
Sahloul Hospital Sousse, Biochemestry Laboratory, Sousse, Tunisia and 2Sahloul
Hospital Sousse, Nephrology, Sousse, Tunisia BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Transplantation is the first successful modality of renal
replacement therapy (RRT) for irreversible chronic kidney disease (CKD; stage 5).
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Due to unavailability of the generic tacrolimus, Identifying additional factors associated with poor long-term prognosis after
commonly used in renal transplant patients in Tunisia, all renal transplant switched to transplantation may provide clues regarding the pathophysiological mechanisms
the Brand. No previous studies have assessed the pharmacokinetic differences of this involved in allograft failure and identify high-risk patients who may benefit from
generic tacrolimus compared to the brand. The aim of the present study was to additional monitoring or interventions. Successful kidney transplantation results in a
evaluate the effect of this switch on the tacrolimus dose (D) and on the dose-adjusted substantial decrease in b2M levels, but a delayed decrease or increasing levels after
tacrolimus trough blood concentrations (C0/D) in Tunisian renal transplant recipients. transplantation may serve as a marker of acute rejection or inflammation. Several
METHOD: For the 255 renal transplant monitored in biochemestry department of reports show that elevated sCD30 levels, pre and post transplantation are associated
Sahloul University hospital, 808tacrolimus trough concentration (C0) were collected with a poor prognosis for long term kidney graft survival. These studies found higher
from october 2018 to February 2020 and were divided to 406 C0 determination before CD30 levels in allograft recipients and a good predictor of impending acute rejection.
switch and 402 after switch. The dose and the post-transplantation period was The aim of the work is to study the prognostic outcomes of transplanted kidney using
recorded for each C0. CD30 and b2-Microglobulin
RESULTS: The generic tacrolimus doses used were significantly higher compared to METHOD: prospective study was conducted in nephrology unit –internal medicine
the brand: 0,12 mg/kg [0,02-0,6] vs 0,11 mg/kg [0,02-0,22] p<0,001 and this was department at Tanta and Kasr El Ainy university ,over 1 year.20 patients subjected to
reported in different post graft periods: 0,17 [0,03-0,22] vs 0,13 [0,06-0,22] p<0,001in primary Tx.participated in this study.Cd30 and day -1,2weeks and 3
the 3 first months after the transplantation and 0,11 [0,02-0,48] vs 0,08 [0,02-0,22] months,with clinical follow up after 1 year to detect graft survival
p<0,001 above.The C0/D were significantly lowe runder the the generic tacrolimus RESULTS: At day -1,level of cd30 was higher in rejection group than the other patient
compared to the brand 48,34ng/ml per mg/kg/day [11,58-210,00] vs77,35ng/ml per group.2 weeks post transplantation ,level of cd30 was higher in rejection group than the
mg/kg/day[19,38-221,67]; p<0,001 and this was reported in different post graft other patient group and at 3 monthes post transplantation level of cd30 was higher in
periods: 71,12ng/ml per mg/kg/day [6,80, 451,56] vs80,9750ng/ml per mg/kg/day rejection group than the other patient group,and these differences are statistically
[17,33-458,80] p=0,017 in the 3 first months after the transplantation and 71,12ng/ml highly significant.(p values :0.003 ,0.005 and 0.002 respectively)
per mg/kg/day [6,80, 451,56] vs80,9750ng/ml per mg/kg/day [17,33-458,80] p=0,017 Successful transplantation leads to significant decrease in serum cd30 at 2 weeks post
above. Dose needed to reach target tacrolimus C0 seems to be higher with the generic tx.(P1 <0.005) and at 3 monthes post tx. (P1<0.001) although in rejection group,
tacrolimus compared to the brand. significant decrease in cd30 was at 2 weeks post tx.only(P1<0.005) and at 3 monthes
CONCLUSION: Approval of a generic is dependent on bioequivalence testing in serum cd30 began to rise again with( P1 0.157). At day -1,level of b2microglobulin was
healthy adult volunteers after a single dose, however studies on renal graft recipient higher in rejection group than the other patient groupwith statistically significant
populations after chronic use are needed to assed bioequivalence in this special difference (p. 0.01).2 weeks post transplantation ,level of b2microglobulin was higher
population. in rejection group than the other patient groupbut statistically not significant(p. 0.18 )
and at 3 monthes post transplantation level of b2microglobulin was higher in rejection
group than the other patient group but statistically non significant(p. 0.18 ).
Successful transplantation leads to significant decrease in serum b2microglobulin at 2
weeks post tx.(P1 <0.002) and at 3 monthes post tx. (P1<0.001) although in rejection
group ,significant decrease in b2microglobulin was at 3 monthes post
tx.only(P1<0.005) and at 2 weeks no significant decrease(p1 0.15)
CONCLUSION: pre transplantation high Cd30 and b2M is associated with poor
outcome.failure of decrease of cd30 and b2M post Tx. also associated with poor
outcome or infection. Successful transplantation leads to significant decrease in serum
cd30 and b2M. which can be used as predictors of graft survival with better sensitivity
and specificity than serum creatinin.
10.1093/ndt/gfab112 | i503
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 36 (Supplement 1): i504–i530, 2021
C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
cTNI and GDF-15 were measured on stored serum samples obtained pretransplant.
Information about patients was extracted from the prospectively maintained database
of renal transplant recipients at our center.
RESULTS: Receptors had a median age of 54.1 and were 67.4% male. 22% were
diabetic before the transplant, whereas 9.5% and 8.1% had prior history of coronary
and peripheral artery disease. 16.5% transplants were performed preemptively. Median
GDF-15 was 5346.4 (IQR= 4071.83-6786.32) pg/ml and median cTNI was 5.6 (IQR=
3.11-10.67) ng/l. After follow up, 77 (21.45%) patients died. During this period,
incidence of cerebrovascular accident, acute coronary syndrome and mayor adverse
cardiovascular events (MACE) was 6.38%, 12.68% and 20.56% respectively. Patients
were stratified in tertiles according to GDF-15 and cTNT levels. In the univariate
analysis, higher levels of GDF-15 significantly related to overall mortality,
cardiovascular mortality, cerebrovascular accident, acute coronary syndrome and
major adverse cardiovascular events. Higher cTNI related to cardiovascular mortality,
acute coronary syndrome and MACE, but not overall mortality (Log Rank p=0.4).
(Fig 1).
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i505
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
patients did not (64.6%). Figure 1 shows the primary outcome in the different types of median patient survival after late re-transplantation was 32 years. There were fewer
VHD, AS was the valve with more VHDp after KT. deaths after rapid re-transplantation than late re-transplantation, but given the small
Statistical evaluation revealed that recipients with VHDp had a higher body mass index number of cases in the former, this difference did not reach statistical significance (p =
(BMI) (27.4 6 6.3 vs 24.3 6 3.8 kg/m2, p=0.04) and worse PTH control (427.0 6 309.3 0.3). There was no association between the timing of re-transplantation and an
vs 186.2 6 140.6 pg/ml, p=0.02) at the moment of the KT. Also, patients with VHDp increased risk of graft failure (HR 0.30 [0.04 – 2.2]). While four rapid re-transplants
reached a worse nadir glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (44.1 6 17.5 vs 56.0 6 13.9 ml/ did not share any incompatibilities between donors, four did share at least one HLA
min/1.73m2, p=0.01) during the follow-up, needed more time to reach their nadir GFR type I incompatibility, and one shared an incompatibility of HLA class I and class II.
(4 [2-13] vs 1.2 [1.0-4.7] months, p<0.001) and required more furosemide dose at that There were no T-cell mediated rejections (TCMR), and there was only one AMR in the
time (72.7 6 21.7 vs 15.8 6 5.6 mg/day, p=0.02). rapid rapid re-transplantation group, whereas there were six TCMRs and fifteen AMRs
At the end of follow-up, 213 KT recipients had died, 16 with preKT-VHD (33.3% of all in the late re-transplantation group (p = 0.03 and p = 0.4, respectively).
patients with VHD) and 197 without preKT-VHD (14.3% of all cases without VHD). CONCLUSION: Rapid re-transplantation appears to be safe and does not entail
There was a statistical significant association between preKT-VHD status and all-cause increased rejection risk, nor it diminishes long-term graft survival when compared to
mortality after KT (log rank < 0.001). However, there wasn’t statistical association late re-transplantation.
between preKT-VHD status and death-censored graft survival (log rank = 0.2).
CONCLUSION: VHD has a significant impact on increased pos-KT mortality but it is
not associated with graft survival. More than one third of recipients with preKT-VHD
presented deterioration after KT. We found that increased preKT BMI and PTH, nadir
GFR after KT, time to reach this nadir GFR and diuretic dose at that time are related
with VHD progression.
i506 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
METHOD: Clinical, laboratory and dietary data from the TransplantLines Biobank
and Cohort Study (NCT03272841), comprising 424 KTR were analyzed. Exhaled H2
concentration was measured using a model DP Quintron Gas Chromatograph.
Diarrhea was classified according to the Bristol Stool Form Scale (BSFS) and stool
water content was measured using a freeze-drying method. Dietary intake was assessed
using a validated self-administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Possible
determinants of exhaled H2, such as sex, age, eGFR, mycophenolate mofetil and
tacrolimus use, and several other clinical, biochemical and nutritional factors, were
studied using univariable linear regression. All variables with a p<0.05 were included
in a multivariable linear regression model run backward to identify the determinants of
exhaled H2 production.
RESULTS: KTR (55.4613.2 years, 60.8% male, mean eGFR 49.8619.1 mL/min/1,73
m2) were divided into three groups according to median exhaled H2 concentration
(G1, 1.0-6.9 ppm, n=151; G2, 7.0-19.9 ppm, n=139; G3, 20.0 ppm, n=134). Hence,
signs of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (exhaled H2 20 ppm) were identified in
31.6% of KTR. Seventy-six patients (33.0%) had diarrhea according to BSFS. Exhaled
H2 correlated with stool water content (r=0.24, p=0.04) and increased risk of diarrhea
(OR = 6.03, 95% CI 1.6-22.1, p<0.01). In multivariable linear regression analyses,
polysaccharide intake was independently associated with exhaled H2 (std. b=0.24,
p=0.01), whereas the other factors were not significant.
CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that higher fasting exhaled H2 is associated
with increased risk of diarrhea in KTR with polysaccharide intake as an independent
determinant of exhaled H2. The present results suggest that diarrhea in KTR may
reflect an altered small bowel gut microbial composition, at least partly under dietary
Elena Cuadrado Pay an1, Alicia Molina-Andujar1, Natalia Tovar2, Natalia Castrejo n
de Anta3, Ignacio Revuelta1, David Cucchiari1, Federico Cofan Pujol1,
1 2 2 2
Nuria Esforzado , M.Teresa Cibeira , Laura Rosin ~ol , Joan Bladé ,
Fritz Diekmann1, Carlos Fern andez de Larrea2, Luis F. Quintana3
Hospital Clınic Barcelona, Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, Barcelona, Spain,
Hospital Clınic Barcelona, Hematology, Barcelona, Spain and 3Hospital Clınic
Barcelona, Pathological anatomy, Barcelona, Spain
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i507
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO930 BURDEN OF DISEASE IN INCIDENT DIALYSIS PATIENTS Bogdan Marian Sorohan1,2, Andreea Ioana Berechet1, Bogdan Obrisca1,2,
WAIT LISTED FOR KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION 2008 – 2016 Ileana Constantinescu2,3, Ionut Maruntelu3, Dorina Tacu4, Catalin Baston2,4,
IN GERMANY Ioanel Sinescu2,4, Gener Ismail1,2
Fundeni Clinical Institute, Nephrology, Bucharest, Romania, 2Carol Davila University of
Martin Wagner1,2, Wolfgang Arns3, Katherine Rascher4, Heyke Cramer1, Medicine and Pharmacy, General Medicine, Bucharest, Romania, 3Fundeni Clinical
Mathias Schaller4, Dieter Bach1, Gero Von Gersdorff4 Institute, Immunogenetics, Bucharest, Romania and 4Fundeni Clinical Institute, Center
KfH-Board of Trustees for Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation, Neu-Isenburg, Germany, of Uronephrology and Renal Transplantation, Bucharest, Romania
University Hospital Würzburg, Department of Medicine I - Nephrology, Würzburg,
Germany, 3Cologne Merheim Medical Center, Department of Nephrology and BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Angiotensin II type 1 receptor antibodies (AT1R-Ab)
Transplantation, Cologne, Germany and 4University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine are associated with graft rejection and poor graft outcomes in kidney transplantation
and University Hospital Cologne, Internal Medicine II - QiN-group, Cologne, Germany (KT). It has been shown that AT1R-Ab have a negative impact on both short-term and
long-term graft function, even in the absence of rejection, but this has not been
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Only a subset of all patients on dialysis is eligible for confirmed by other studies. Our aim was to assess the frequency of pretransplant
kidney transplantation (KTx) due to the large variation of mortality risk. It has been AT1R-Ab and to determine their influence on graft function and survival at 1 year
shown that the burden of disease is increasing over the last years in patients at dialysis after KT.
inception. Moreover, the number of available kidney grafts is decreasing, resulting in a METHOD: We performed a prospective, observational cohort study in 67 adult KT
prolonged time on the waiting list. In our study we describe the burden of disease and recipients, transplanted between October 2018 and October 2019. Clinical, biological
3-year mortality in a sample of incident dialysis patients in Germany, stratified by KTx and immunological data of the recipients, age, gender and type of donor, transplant
status, including trends over time. and immunosuppression parameters were collected at the moment of transplantation.
METHOD: The QiN (Quality in Nephrology) dataset is a registry-based observational A cut-off > 10 U/mL was used for AT1R-Ab detection.
study in which >90% of all patients treated in dialysis centers of the non-profit kidney RESULTS: Among the 67 recipients mean age was 41.3 6 10.3 years, male gender was
care provider KfH are enrolled. In our analyses we included all adult patients beginning predominant (59.7%) and the main known cause of end-stage renal disease was
dialysis treatment between 2008 and 2016. Primary outcome was 3-year all-cause death glomerular disease. Six patients out of 67 (9%) had a previous kidney transplant. The
up until Dec 31, 2019. Patients were stratified by last available KTx- status: (a) KTx donor mean age was 50 6 15.5 years and 65.7% of patients received the kidney graft
within 3 years, (b) on dialysis - on waiting list, (c) on dialysis - in evaluation for KTx, from a cadaveric donor. Pretransplant AT1R-Ab were detected in 7 out of 67 patients
(d) on dialysis - KTx never planned, (e) on dialysis - KTx status missing. The burden of (10.4%) and none of the patients had specific antibodies against human leucocyte
disease was assessed by the AROii score (Floege et al. 2015), a predictive model antigen. After 1 year of follow-up, median estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
including patient characteristics, laboratory variables and dialysis parameters. of the recipients was 54 ml/min/1.73 m2 (40.6 – 65.9), 10.4% of patients developed
RESULTS: Of a total of n=25987 incident patients analyzed, 3.2% underwent KTx delayed graft function, 7.5% had graft failure and no cases of biopsy proven graft
within 3 years, 10.6% were listed for KTx, and 13.4% were in evaluation. In 49.5% KTx rejection or death was reported. Patients with pretransplant AT1R-Ab had a significant
was never planned and in 23.3% KTx status was missing. These groups differed reduced graft function at 1 year after KT compared to those without antibodies [35
significantly in median AROii score, reflecting their burden of disease at dialysis (29.8- 55.2) vs 56.1 (41.3 – 66.5) ml/min, p=0.02]. After multivariate linear regression
inception: KTx never planned or missing (AROii score 10) as compared to KTx (AROii analysis, pretransplant AT1R-Ab were an independent determinant of eGFR at 1 year
score 1), listed (AROii score 3) and in evaluation (AROii score 4) (p<0.001). after KT (b: -14.066; 95% CI: -27.44 - -0.68; p=0.04). Cox regression analysis was used
Similarly, 3-year observed mortality (n=8059 [31%]) differed widely across KTx strata to assess the association of AT1R-Ab along with other clinical, biological and
(log rank p<0.001), ranging from 11% in listed patients to 44% (HR 5,982; [5.335; immunological parameters with graft failure. Neither the univariate (HR= 2.07, 95%
6.707]) in those with missing KTx status (figure). In the period 2008-2019 the number CI: 0.23-18.52, p=0.51) nor the multivariate (HR= 1.36, 95% CI: 0.10-14.09, p=0.80)
of KTx within 3 years decreased, but the proportion of patients on the waiting list and Cox regression models showed that pretransplant AT1R-Ab were an independent
the proportion of patients in evaluation increased. In all patients on dialysis the burden predictor for graft loss.
of disease at dialysis inception increased over time across KTx strata (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: We showed that pretransplant AT1R-Ab are an independent
CONCLUSION: About three quarters of patients started dialysis with a very high determinant of graft function but do not influence the graft survival at 1 year after
mortality risk and at least half of them were considered ineligible for KTx. Patients transplantation in a prospective low immunological risk cohort of kidney transplant
listed or in evaluation for KTx in Germany have become sicker over the last decade. recipients.
With decreasing numbers of KTx in Germany the time on the waiting list is prolonged.
Longer waiting times and the increasing burden of disease result in advanced risk at the
time of transplantation.
i508 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO932 POPULATION DENSITY AND U.S. KIDNEY reduce the high incidence of PTDM by influencing just modifiable risk factors,
TRANSPLANTATION DURING THE FIRST YEAR COVID-19 including obesity and the associated IR. The aim of this work is to determine the effect
PANDEMIC of precisely determined physical activity and lifestyle changes on IR and other risk
factors for PTDM in patients after KT.
Ekamol Tantisattamo1,2, Natnicha Leelaviwat3, Natchaya Polpichai4, METHOD: This is a prospective controlled analysis, which included 44 patients after
Natsuki Eguchi1,5, Natsumon Udomkittivorakul6, Hwakyung Seo1,7, primary KT in the Martin Transplant Center. Half consisted of a study group (n = 22)
Chawit Lopimpisuth6, Busara Songtanin6, Sakditad Saowapa3, whose patients were assigned to perform regular physical activity. The primary goal
Possawat Vutthikraivit8 was to complete at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical exertion per week.
Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Kidney Transplantation, Department of They performed an aerobic or combined (aerobic þ anaerobic) type of sports activity.
Medicine, University of California Irvine School of Medicine, Orange, California, United Monitoring was provided by a sports tracker (Xiaomi Mi Band 3 compatible with Mi
States of America, 2Multi-Organ Transplant Center, Section of Nephrology, Department Fit mobile application). The other half was made up of a control group. The exclusion
of Internal Medicine, William Beaumont Hospital, Oakland University William criterion at that time was already diagnosed with diabetes mellitus or a pre-diabetic
Beaumont School of Medicine, Royal Oak, Michigan, United States of America, 3Faculty condition. IR was assessed using the HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment for
of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 4Faculty of Insulin Resistance) index from fasting blood glucose and insulinemia values. Each
Medicine Songklanagarin Hospital, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand, patient underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (oGTT) at the end of follow-up.
Division of Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation, Department of Surgery, University of Patients in both groups have the same immunosuppressive protocol. The duration of
California Irvine School of Medicine, Orange, California, United States of America, follow-up was 6 months.
Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 7School of RESULTS: In the observed group we univariately found in the 3rd and 6th month of
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of California Irvine, Irvine, monitoring significantly lower waist circumference (P = 0.0437, P = 0.0372), better
California, United States of America and 8Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, graft function (P = 0.0036, P = 0.0137), lower value glycemia (P = 0.0016, P = 0.0003),
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand C-peptide (P = 0.0447, P = 0014) and lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) at 6 months
(P = 0.0444) compared to the control group. We confirmed a statistically significantly
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic leads lower IR at 6 months (P = 0.0202) and fasting blood glucose at 3 and 6 months (P =
to poorer health outcomes and more utilizing of healthcare resources. Kidney 0.0227) by multivariate analysis in the observed group. After the end of the follow-up,
transplant (KT) can lead to worsening transplant outcomes with COVID-19 and trend we identified statistically significantly fewer patients with a negative oGTT result in the
of KT in the United States decreases. Given a highly contagious disease, high control group (P < 0.0001), significantly more patients with impaired glucose
population density may contribute to not only higher rate of the disease, but also lower tolerance, fasting hyperglycemia (P = 0.0078) and diagnosed with PTDM (P = 0.0212).
rate of KT. We aim to examine the association of the number of COVID-19 cases and In the control group, we found a statistically significant increase in glycemia at 30 (P =
change in the number of KT with the interaction of population density in the United 0.0034) as well as at 120 minutes (P = 0.0011) during oGTT compared to the observed
States. group.
METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted by using publicly available data of CONCLUSION: In our study, we confirmed a significant effect of regular physical
COVID-19 cases and KT in the United States were retrieved from the Centers of activity in preventing the development of IR and associated pre-diabetic conditions
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Organ Procurement and and PTDM.
Transplantation Network/Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (OPTN/SRTR),
respectively. The association of the cumulative COVID-19 cases of 47 states in the
United States where KT occurred between January 1, 20202 and January 6, 2021 with
difference in the number of KT between year 2019 and 2020 (DKT) was examined by
using multiple linear regression.
RESULTS: During the study period, a total of 20,136,895 COVID-19 cases were
detected in the United States and 326,535 patients died. From all 47 states, 23,002 and
20,554 adult KT were performed in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Mean COVID-19
cases and deaths were 428,4456457,344 and 6,9486 6,911, respectively among the 47
states. Mean DKT2019 - 2020 were 526 81. Every 10,000 COVID-19 cases was associated
with a decrease in 1.06 KT in year 2020 compared to year 2019 (bcoeff 0.00011, p
<0.0001, 95% CI 0.00006, 0.00015). However, after adjusted for the number of KT in
2019, COVID-19 cases (< or median cases of 317,545), population density (< or
median density of 114 people/mile2), and the interaction term between COVID-19
cases and population density, the states with high rate of COVID-19 (317,545 cases/
year) and high population density (114 people/mile2) had a decrease in 12.4 KT;
whereas, there was 4.5 KT decrease in states with low COVID-19 rate and low
population density (bcoeff 0.1024705, p 0.000, 95%CI 0.066272, 0.1386691, p interaction -
CONCLUSION: The number of KT in 2020 has decreased independent to the number
of 2019 KT and population density. However, a decrease in the number of KT was MO933 Figure 1: Development of HOMA-IR index during the study period.
lower in the states with low COVID-19 rate and low population density compared to HOMA-IR: Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance; M: Month
those with high COVID-19 rate and high population density. Distribution of
healthcare resources and utilization including KT in the states with low COVID-19
cases and low population density may be one of the strategies to continue KT, which is
life-saving therapy and better survival benefit compared to being on dialysis in end-
stage kidney disease population with a high mortality risk.
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i509
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
(74.1 6 68.4 mg/L vs 160.7 6 74.4 mg/L, p <0.0001), D-dimer (967.3 6 949.0 lg/L vs
2810.1 6 1807.7 lg/L, p <0.0001) and the frequency of procalcitonin increase (29.5 vs
86.4%, p <0.001). The independent factors of adverse outcome (Cox model) were high
levels of comorbidity index (p <0.006) and procalcitonin (p <0.006), as well as the
IMV use (p <0.0001). It was not possible to establish differences in Groups 1 and 2
depending on the use of individual drugs (Corticosteroids, Baricitinib, Monoclonal Ab
IL-6/IL-17/IL-1b, antiCOVID plasma) as well as their combinations.
CONCLUSION: The frequency of SARS-CoV-2 infection in RTR was more than 2
times lower in summer compared to spring and autumn, which suggests a seasonal
nature of this infection. The course of the disease was characterized by high hospital
and general mortality. High values of the comorbidity index, procalcitonin and the
IMV use were independent predictors of the fatal outcome.
i510 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
MO936 KIDNEY RE-TRANSPLANTATION: NOT TOO OLD FOR A Melek E et al have shown that doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive study that, through
SECOND CHANCE the resistance index (RI), has traditionally been used for the early diagnosis of acute
graft rejection (AR); however, it is influenced by extrarenal systemic factors. Naesens et
Clara Pardinhas1, Rita Leal1,2, Francisco Caramelo3, Teofilo Yan4, al published that in 321 kidney transplant recipients, RI wasnt associated with
Carolina Figueiredo1, Luıs Rodrigues1,2, Maria Guedes Marques1,2, histological findings of AR in protocol biopsies.
Catarina Roma ~ozinho1,2, Lidia Santos1,2, Arnaldo Figueiredo5, Rui Alves1,2 Elastography is another ultrasonographic modality for the evaluation of the kidney
Coimbra University and Hospital Center, Nephrology, Portugal, 2Faculty of Medicine, graft, which measures the stiffness/elasticity of the tissue expressed in Kpa
University of Coimbra, Nephrology Universitary Clinic, Portugal, 3Faculty of Medicine, (kilopascals).
University of Coimbra, Biostatistical lab and medical informatics, Portugal, 4Hospital Stock in 2011 and Kim BJ in 2018 published studies where they showed that increased
Amato Lusitano, Nephrology , Portugal and 5Coimbra University and Hospital Center, stiffness was correlated with the diagnosis of kidney graft rejection.
Urology The aim of this study was to describe the association between elastography with
microvascular inflammation determined by Banff for diagnosis of renal allograft
subclinical rejection.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A growing number of end-stage renal disease patients
METHOD: Observational, analytical and cross-sectional study that included kidney
waiting for a kidney transplant (KT) are older than 50 years old. Consequently, many
transplant patients who underwent protocol biopsy and renal elastography at the
kidney transplant recipients will be in need of dialysis or re-transplantation at an older
Central Military Hospital in Mexico City between January 2018 and December 2020.
age. For young patients, re-transplantation offers an advantage over dialysis but in the
The demographic and biochemical characteristics, degree elastography stiffness and
elderly these benefits are not well established. For selected older recipients, with
Banff 2017 lesions were determined. The sample calculation, determination of
rigorous cardiovascular and neoplastic evaluation, immunosenescence might actually
correlation degree and ROC curve elaboration were performed.
provide an advantage in graft outcomes. Our aim was to compare major clinical
RESULTS: We included 146 patients. 56.8% were men; the most common causes of
outcomes between patients older and younger than 60 years old at re-transplantation,
CKD were undetermined and chronic glomerulonephritis with 52.7% and 17.1%
and between first and second KT for recipients older than 60 years old.
respectively. 47.3% were hypertensive at biopsy time and 1.4% had chronic heart
METHOD: We performed a retrospective, longitudinal study, that included all
failure. The most common immunosuppression schemes were FK/MPA/steroid and
patients submitted to a second KT between January 2008 and December 2019,
FK/mTOR-i/steroid with 60.3% and 13%, respectively. The mean GFR was 65.31 ml/
excluding patients with more than 2 grafts or multi-organ transplant. We defined two
min which shows graft good function. The mean stiffness in the elastography was 15.73
groups according to recipient’s age at re-transplant, older and younger than 60 years-
Kpa. The rest of baseline data are shown in Table 1.
old, and compared major clinical outcomes such as biopsy proven acute rejection,
death-censored graft survival and patients’ survival. Afterwards, we selected KT
patients older than 60 years, and compared the same outcomes for patients with first
and second KT. Follow-up time was defined at 1st June 2020 for functioning grafts or
at graft failure (including death with a functioning graft).
MO937 Table 1. Baseline demographic data of study population.
RESULTS: We included 109 patients with a second KT, 13 (12%) older than 60-years-
old (group 1), with a mean age of 62.85 6 2.9 years, and 96 (88%) younger than 60-
years-old (group 2), with a mean age of 40.4 6 10.6 years. Group 1 recipients were all n Mean Standard deviation
male (100% vs 59.4%; p=0.004) and had higher body mass index (2562.8 vs 22.563.6
kg/m2, p=0.016). Recipients from the group 1, waited less time for their second KT (SD)
(37.7621.8 vs 64.8658.8 months; p=0.003), but had older donors (59.5613.5 vs Age (years) 146 37.08 12.628
45.9611.5 years old; p<0.001), and significantly more expanded-criteria donors
(76.9% vs 26%; p<0.001). HLA mismatch and PRA (%) were similar for both groups.
Body Mass Index (BMI) 146 25.70 3.715
Regarding biopsy proven acute rejection, there were no events for older patients Postransplant time (months) 146 55.18 59.380
compared to 21 patients (22%) for the younger group (p<0.05). Death censored graft Tacrolimus level (ng/mL) 109 6.16 2.797
survival was similar for both groups (logrank test p=0.124) with similar 1 year and 5
years graft survival (group 1: 91.7%, 82.5% versus group 2: 90.1%, 85.2% p=0.944). We Everolimus level (ng/mL) 36 3.66 2.024
found no difference in patients’ mortality at follow up between both groups (logrank Cyclosporine level (ng/mL) 19 81.50 41.362
test p=0.0124). Focusing on differences between re-transplantation (group 1, N=13) Proteinuria (mg/day) 146 636.66 1707.071
and first kidney transplant (group 2, N=390) in patients older than 60-year-old, there
were more males in group one, but we found no other differences in recipient and Creatinine to biopsy (mg/dL) 146 1.50 1.634
donor demographic characteristics, or waiting time for kidney graft (38622 versus GFR at biopsy (ml/m2SC) 146 65.31 23.980
47625 months, p=0.17). As expected, PRA was significantly higher in group 1 (25
629% vs 3.7611%, p=0.018) but there were no differences in HLA matching. At
Elastography stiffness (Kpa) 146 15.73 6.874
follow-up, the mean time post-transplant for group 1 was 47639.68 and for group 2 Banff IFTA (%) 146 19.58 14.815
was 63 639.9 months (p=0.144). There were no differences regarding acute rejection
episodes (0% vs 3.1%; p=0.521) or death censored graft survival was similar at 1 and 5 Had rejection 36.3% of the biopsies, the most frequent chronic AMR C4d- with 15.1%
years (group 1: 91.7%, 82.5% versus group 2: 93.4%, 86.3% p=0.983). and active AMR C4d- 8.9%.
CONCLUSION: In carefully selected patients, advanced age should not be a When analyzing the ROC curves, the Banff 2017 lesions AUC values that correlated
contraindication to kidney re-transplantation. Immunosenescense might lead to lower better with graft stiffness were: v=0.607, i=0.594, g=0.578, C4d deposit=0.519,
acute rejection rates and older donors might be used with less restrictions. In our study, ptc=0.498. Figure 1.
major clinical outcomes were comparable to their younger counterparts with a second
graft and to older patients with a first graft.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The most common cause of renal graft failure is
chronic dysfunction in 24.7% and the most common etiology of this is clinical or
subclinical rejection. The incidence of subclinical rejection varies from 15 to 50% (25%
in protocol biopsies in the first year after transplantation and 35% after two years). CONCLUSION: Intimal arteritis, inflammation, and glomerulitis are the Banff lesions
best associated with elastography graft stiffness in protocol biopsies. Prospective
studies are recommended in patients with acute graft dysfunction to find an adequate
elastography cut-off value that allows another tool for fast and non-invasive diagnosis
of renal graft rejection.
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i511
MO938 PATIENT SURVIVAL AFTER LIVING DONOR KIDNEY Belgium, Division of Intensive care, Brussels, Belgium, 9Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc,
DONATION Brussels, Belgium, Institut de Recherche Expérimentale et Clinique, Brussels, Belgium
and 10Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium, Department of Abdominal
Marcel Naik1, Kayo Sakurayama1, Lukas Lehner1, Klemens Budde1, Surgery and Transplantation, Brussels, Belgium
Fabian Halleck1
1 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Recurrence of anti-glomerular basement membrane
Charité, Medical Department, Division of Nephrology and Internal Intensive Care
Medicine, Berlin, Germany (anti-GBM) glomerulonephritis in the kidney graft is a rare event, described in limited
case reports and registry analysis. The aim of this study was to evaluate in a large
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Living donor kidney transplantation [LDKT] is cohort of patients with detailed data collection and long follow-up the risk of
associated with best patient survival and life quality among kidney replacement recurrence of anti-GBM disease and graft loss caused by recurrence, the risk factors
therapies in case of chronic kidney disease. Yet, numerous previous studies have associated with clinical recurrence and the long-term patient and graft survival.
reported inconsistent results. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of METHOD: Multicenter retrospective study. Inclusion criteria: patients with anti-GBM
recipient and donor characteristics on LDKT recipients in our center. glomerulonephritis transplanted with a kidney between 1977 and 2015. Exclusion
METHOD: All LDKT recipients from 01.01.1997 to 18.03.2020 were analyzed criteria: systemic vasculitis (except ANCA), lupus erythematosus and
retrospectively. Based on the biological relationship between recipient and donor, cryoglobulinemia. Clinical recurrence was defined as reappearance of signs of
recipients were grouped into “related” (biologically related) and “unrelated” (not glomerulonephritis along with histological signs of proliferative glomerulonephritis
related). Endpoints of this study were patient survival, death-censored graft survival and linear IgG staining on kidney biopsy, with or without anti-GBM antibodies.
and graft survival including death analyzed by Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients were included. Clinical recurrence in a first kidney
Independent risk factors were estimated with Cox-regression. transplant occurred in only one patient five years after transplantation -a prevalence
RESULTS: Among 946 LDKT recipients we identified n=548 related and n=398 rate of 1.9%- in the context of cessation of immunosuppressive drugs. The graft was
unrelated recipients. Over a median observation time of 6.3 years 9.1% (86) of grafts lost due to recurrence. Histological recurrence with linear IgG staining on kidney
failed and 10.8% (102) of recipients died. Rates of graft failure and deaths were 8.8% biopsy in the absence of histologic signs of proliferative glomerulonephritis was
and 7.1% in related recipients and 9.5% and 15.8% in unrelated recipients, respectively. observed in four patients, in the context of cellular rejection. Two patients lost their
Kaplan-Meier-analysis showed 5, 10 and 15 year overall patient survival of 93.8%, kidney graft from severe acute rejection; the others fully recovered. Patient survival was
85.6% and 76.0%; death-censored graft survival of 94.7%, and 87.3% and 79.8%; graft 100%, 94% and 89% at 5, 10 and 15 years, respectively. Overall, death-censored first
survival including death were 89.8%, 76.3% and 62.7%. There was a significant graft survival rates were 88%, 83% and 79% at 5, 10 and 15 years, respectively.
difference between subgroups in patient survival (p<0.001) and graft survival CONCLUSION: Recurrence rate of anti-GBM glomerulonephritis after
including death (p<0.001) but not in death-censored graft survival (p=0.280). (figure transplantation is very low, and associated with graft loss. The long-term patient and
1, 2, 3) In the multivariate analysis we observed recipient age in years (Hazard Ratio graft survival rates are excellent.
[HR]:1.08; p<0.001) and donor age in years (HR:0.97; p=0.008) to be independent risk
factors for patient mortality. The occurrence of a delayed graft function (HR:2.52;
p<0.001) as well as recipient age in years (HR:1.04; p<0.001) were risk factors for graft
survival including death, while delayed graft function (HR:4.05; p<0.001) was the only
independent risk factor for death-censored graft survival.
CONCLUSION: LDKT recipients without a biological relationship to their donors
have an inferior patient survival and graft survival including death. The donor
relationship as well as delayed graft function, recipient age and donor age should be
taken into account during patient evaluation. Recipients subjected to these
characteristics should be informed about their individual risks and carefully monitored
long term. Further evaluations are needed particularly including the effects of
immunosuppressive medication.
i512 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
ACUTE REJECTION (N=20, 18,.%) NO REJECTION (N=89, 81.7%) p
Receptor age (years) (mean 6 sd) 36.2 6 12 44,7 6 11 <0.01
cPRA (%) (mean 6 sd) 38.6 6 27 20.9 6 24 <0.05
HLA mismatch (mean 6 sd) 3.5 6 1.2 3.7 6 1.4 0.499
First graft acute rejection (N,%) 11, 56% 19, 21% <0.01
OR 4.7, 95%CI [1.5 - 14.7]
First graft nephrectomy (N,%) 12, 60% 29, 33% <0.05
OR 3.1, 95%CI [1.1 - 8.4]
First graft survival(months) (mean, 95%CI) 44.7 [22.4-66.5] 81.9 [62.5-101] <0.01
Primary dysfunction (N,%) 3, 17% 8 ,11% <0.05
HLA mismatch (mean 6 sd) 3.4 6 0.9 3.5 60.9 0.88
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i513
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
MO942 Table 1: Recipient, donor and perioperative characteristics. HLA: human leukocyte antigen; SAP: systolic arterial pressure; DAP: diastolic arterial pres-
sure. Quantitative variables are displayed in mean6std (Kruskal-Wallis test); qualitative variables in n (%) (Pearson X2 test).
1st decade (n=724) 2nd decade (n=972) 3rd decade (n=1385) p-value
Recipient characteristics Age (years) 41.3614.0 44.0613.6 49.8613.2 <0.001
Weight (kg) 62.2612.7 64.5613.0 70.2613.6 <0.001
Pre-transplant dialysis time (m) 39.0639.1 50.7645.2 48.7630.8 <0.001
HLA compatibility 2.561.0 2.661.2 2.261.3 <0.001
Donor characteristics Age (years) 31.0613.8 40.2616.5 52.0614.1 <0.001
Weight (kg) 52.4623.7 71.6613.1 74.2614.3 <0.001
Expanded criteria donor 115 (15.9) 434 (44.7) 1052 (76.0) <0.001
Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.260.5 1.060.4 0.960.4 <0.001
Perioperative characteristics Cold ischemia time (h) 21.466.4 14.367.4 14.966.4 <0.001
Reperfusion SAP (mmHg) 136.8617.1 127.0619.6 120.6618.8 <0.001
Reperfusion DAP (mmHg) 79.869.9 75.8613.3 70.0614.1 <0.001
MO942 Table 2: Multivariate analysis including the variables statistically significant on the univariate analysis (binary logistic regression). Statistically signifi-
cant results (p<0.05) are highlighted in yellow.
i514 | Abstracts
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Abstracts
“A: naı̈ve” (HB negative), “B: HBc-positive” (non-active HB) and “C: HBsAg-positive”
(chronic HB). Primary endpoints included patient and graft survival analyzed with
Kaplan-Meier and log-rank test. Regression analysis was applied to determine
independent risk factors for the occurrence of primary endpoints.
RESULTS: In 2487 kidney transplant patients, serologic markers were retrievable. We
identified n=2198 HB naı̈ve, n=218 non-active HB and n=75 chronic HB pts. Overall
29.1% (A:27.7%, B:37.6%, C:45.3%) pts died and 20.3% (A:19.1%, B:27.5%, C:37.3%)
pts suffered from graft failure. The 5-year pts survival (Fig. 1) was A: 87.0%, B: 82.8%,
C: 82.2%. The 10-year pts survival was A: 71.7%, B: 61.1%, C: 64.5% and the 20-year
pts survival was A: 43.1%, B: 26.1%, C: 40.9% (p=0.01). Kaplan-Meier-analysis showed
a 5-year graft survival (Fig. 2) of 87.7% in the naı̈ve, 86.1% in non-active HB and 84.3%
in chronic HB group. The 10-year graft survival was A: 77.3%, B: 64.9%, C: 76% and
the 20-year graft survival was A: 59.7%, B: 52.2%, C: 33.4% (p<0.001). The overall 5-
year pts and graft survival (Fig. 3) was A: 78.7%, B: 74.2%, C: 68.6%. The 10-year pts
and graft survival was A: 59.8%, B: 46.4%, C: 51.8%. The 20-year overall rate was A:
30.8%, B: 26.4%, C: 14.9% (p<0.001).
MO943 Figure 3: Patient and graft survival plots (p<0,001) and number of patients at
risk (at 0, 1825, 3650, 5475, 7300 days) in each HB group
Regression analysis (Table 1) showed that anti-HBs positivity (100 IE/l) was a
protective factor for graft failure and death (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: HB leads to earlier graft loss and inferior patient survival. Beside the
already known negative effect of chronic HB infection, also in patients with non-active
HB infection overall survival was significant worse to HB naı̈ve patients. Thus, non-
MO943 Figure 2: Graft survival plots (p<0.001) and number of patients at risk (at 0,
1825, 3650, 5475, 7300 days) in each HB group
10.1093/ndt/gfab110 | i515
Abstracts Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
active HB status is an important risk factor for overall transplant outcome. Next, MO945 SERUM AND URINE LEUCINE RICH ALPHA-2-
influence of antiviral and immunosuppressive regimens and incidence of HB- GLYCOPROTEIN-1 IS ASSOCIATED WITH KIDNEY
reactivation are to be analyzed. TRANSPLANT INJURY AND FAILURE