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heroes of

high fantasy

Rule of Three
Lou Fryer — ralph stickley


high fantasy

Rule of Three
Lou Fryer — ralph stickley

high fantasy

Credits Integrating the Adventure into a

Authors: Lou Fryer, Ralph Stickley Campaign
Layout & Typesetting: Ralph Stickley Rule of Three is designed to fit easily into any game world and
could simply begin when the party hears of a haunted house
Illustration: Justine Nortjé
and chooses to investigate. While the adventure takes place
Art Direction: Ralph Stickley in a variety of different locales, their relation to each other
Proofing: Lou Fryer geographically is intentionally kept vague to allow you to
integrate them into your setting with minimal work. Due to
Cartography: George Mason the wide-ranging nature of the adventure, it is entirely possible
to treat it more as a long-running sidequest, with each chapter
Instructions taking place spread out alongside your main campaign. Some
This adventure module is designed to be played at any level and suggested quest hooks to integrate the adventure into your world
in any campaign setting. The appendix includes statblocks for all are listed below.
of the monsters and NPCs within this adventure at ‘Beginner’,
‘Intermediate’, and ‘Advanced’ difficulty ratings. Beginner Hook #1 - The party encounters Magdak Lubogg, drowning
difficulty rating is considered level 1-5, intermediate is 6-10, his sorrows in a local tavern. Magdak is a brewer who recently
and advanced is any level 11 or higher. You are free to add more purchased the house for, what he now realizes was, a suspiciously
monsters than stated in each section of the encounter to make low price, hoping to follow his dream of opening an inn. Having
things more difficult if needed. been driven off by the ghost, he offers the party 100 / 300 / 900
gold pieces if they are able to get rid of it.
We’ve also included this beginner / intermediate / advanced
difficulty rating mechanic within the adventure itself. Various skill Hook #2 - Brennan is a party member’s great uncle. The family
checks will require higher or lower numbers depending on which is vaguely aware that Brennan was formerly an adventurer before
difficulty setting you’re running. It’s presented as follows: Make retiring to a life of unhappy solitude while still in his prime, but
a DC 10 (beginner)/15 (intermediate)/20 (advanced) Dexterity little more is known of him. The party is informed that Brennan
check to unlock the door. This way you can keep the adventure has recently died, and that the party member is named in his will
flowing nicely without flipping back and forth to determine the as the inheritor of his estate; apparently word reached him that
appropriate difficulty. the party member was following in his footsteps.
Hook #3 - The party stumbles across the Swamp (Part 2), Tower
Resources (Part 3) or Temple (Part 4), as part of another adventure.
Digital versions of the maps in this module can be found at www. Refer to the relevant section. Upon touching the keystone after We recommend that you have full poster-size defeating the relevant lich in that area, Brennan’s ghost appears
versions if you intend to use the maps with miniatures. to the party. Refer to the conversation in Part 1.7. Brennan
explains the significance of the item the party have obtained,
Overview and entreats them to find the other two parts and put an end to
Rule of Three is a mid-length adventure which should fill 5–8 the ritual.
average gaming sessions of 3–4 hours. NOTE: Using Hook #3 allows you to skip over the majority of
It begins when the party investigates a house haunted by an Part 1, if you are looking for a shorter overall campaign, at the
unstable and violent ghost. Once they work their way through the expense of a little scene-setting.
house, they learn that the ghost, Brennan, was once an adventurer,
whose party came to a tragic end half a century earlier. Back then,
while exploring some ancient ruins, a mysterious entity offered the
party’s three spellcasters immortality if they sacrificed the life of
one of their fellow party members. Brennan fled, leaving the rogue,
Cadmus, to their fate at the hands of the three spellcasters.
Now transformed into liches, each of the three spellcasters holds
part of a keystone necessary to enter the ruins where their shared
phylactery is kept. Kiara, the druid, dwells in a swamp, and plots
to restore the surrounding inhabited areas to their natural state.
Lanius, the wizard, works in his tower to create a race of part-
human part-animal mongrelfolk for future sacrifice. Zama, the
cleric, prays for guidance at her mountain monastery, having felt
a disconnect from her god since attaining lichdom.
Once all three keystones are assembled, the party can enter the
ruins where, after making their way through traps laid by the
three liches, they discover the shared phylactery - the still-living
body of Cadmus, writhing in perpetual torment for the last 50
years. When the ritual is disrupted, Cadmus’ broken spirit arises
as a wraith. Once all of his former party members are put to rest,
Brennan can finally join them in the peace of the grave.


Part 1: The Hanged Man

The party find themselves at the house of Brennan, a recently-
deceased adventurer. He died consumed with the guilt of his
greatest failure - he abandoned his friend and fellow adventurer,
Cadmus, to die at the hands of the rest of his party. The killers,
Zama, Kiara, and Lanius, used Cadmus’ death to attain lichdom,
and their continued existence is an eternal reminder of Brennan’s
failure. Until he has hope that his mistakes may be rectified - that
the liches might be killed - Brennan will remain an unstable
presence in the house and, until all three liches are destroyed for
good, he will never know peace.
Read the following when you are ready to begin:
The house looms over you, a crooked, lonely relic of faded grandeur.
The air is still, and thick with the threat of rain, yet a gale howls
beyond the door; an almost-human moan of despair, interspersed
with the rending and crashing of a house tearing itself apart. A cold
mist hugs the ground, twisting and curling in the still air, looming at
your peripheries, only to part and fade as you observe it closer.
The house is infested by physical and psychic manifestations
of Brennan’s regrets and shame which, subconsciously on the
ghost’s part, allow a loyal and cohesive fighting force to reach
Brennan himself - exactly the sort of people who stand a chance
of succeeding where he failed.

1. Entrance Hall
The entrance hall acts as a simple test of courage - enough to
discourage the majority of intruders from exploring any further.
When the party enters the entrance hall, read the following:
Through the heavy oak doors is a simple but well-appointed hall,
and the smell of mildew. In front of a cold, empty hearth is a small
table and bench, its cushioned seat threadbare and dusty. Mist pools
over the central rug, whose indistinct pattern was doubtless bright
and inviting at some point in the past. As you take in the scene, the
2. Cellar
The cellar has not seen much use recently. It is currently home to
mist rises and, for a flash, a horrifying face can be glimpsed, eyes
a ghoul, which was initially attracted by the necromantic energy
popping, bloated tongue bulging. “OUT!” it howls. “GET OUT!”
of the haunting, before getting distracted by the collection of
Each creature that can see or hear the apparition must succeed on fine wines.
a DC 10/12/15 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of
When the party enters the cellar, read the following:
the apparition for one minute, as well as making all subsequent
saving throws against being frightened while in the house with Wooden racks of dusty bottles line the walls of the vaulted cellar.
disadvantage. The cool, still air feels less malign down here, though a pungent
smell of decay makes it far from pleasant. A slurping, glugging
sound emanates from a dark corner, followed by the clink of a
discarded, empty bottle. A hunched, spindly form separates itself
from the shadows, and turns its orb-like eyes towards you with an
expression of delayed surprise.
Ghoul. The ghoul is quite drunk, but is dimly aware that, “ghosty
man upstairs big sad”, if engaged in conversation. While relatively
benign, for a ghoul, it still attempts to drag off and devour any
easy targets.
Wine. While some of the wine is a little past its best, there are
some good vintages here, including a number that would be
suitable for use in Cadmus’ hippocras recipe located in the
kitchen (area 4). A party member who wishes to find some
wine, with the intention of selling it, may make an Intelligence
(History) check: they are able to find a few particularly good
bottles, with a combined value of 5 gp x their total for the check.

high fantasy

3. Dining Room Note. The note was written by Cadmus, and reads, ‘A gift on your
This room was where Brennan’s party would gather to plan their birthday! Enjoy a few bottles of my famous hippocras, but don’t
adventures, and where Brennan’s memories of them are strongest, forget to share! I know it eats you up that you don’t know the secret
and so is infused with strong psychic energy. Other than the ingredient - maybe I’ll tell you next year, or maybe I’ll take the
immediate area around Brennan’s chair, where he continued to secret to my grave. Probably the latter, if I’m being entirely honest.
take his lonely meals, the room is untouched since the party last Enjoy the day, brother! Your loving friend, Cadmus’.
vacated it. Next to the note are the bottles of hippocras themselves, still
When the party enters the dining room, read the following: unopened as the last remnant Brennan has of his lost friend.
If a party member opens a bottle and drinks from it, they are
This room appears to have been used for eating, entertaining, and
able to identify the secret ingredient, bay, with a successful DC
planning. A mixture of utensils, drinking receptacles, and maps
15/20/25 Intelligence (Investigation) check, though doing so
are spread over the central table, which is surrounded by five
immediately triggers the ghost’s wrath (as a failed attempt to
mismatched chairs, ranging from a cushioned stool to an almost
recreate the recipe).
throne-like armchair. The furniture rises like an archipelago in a sea
of pale mist, and all are covered with a thick layer of dust, save for a Empty Bottles. These are Brennan’s failed attempts to recreate
corner of the table in front of a rough wooden chair, which seems to Cadmus’ recipe (see below). They bear labels such as ‘too sweet’,
have seen regular use. ‘too bitter’, and ‘never use cabbage water again’.
Chairs. Each of the chairs was used by a different member of Cookbooks. A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception)
Brennan’s party, and has been imbued with Brennan’s guilt-wracked check reveals that one of the books is markedly less dusty than
impression of their distorted personalities. The chairs include a the others (this can also be noticed by anyone who investigates
padded, richly-carved high-backed armchair (belonging to Zama), the books closely). This book contains a note marking a page with
a cushioned stool, designed to be sat on cross-legged (belonging a recipe for hippocras.
to Kiara), a reading chair with an adjustable, ink-spotted lectern The note reads ‘Alright, one clue - it’ll be more fun if I get to
attached to one arm (belonging to Lanius), a wooden chair with watch you struggle to wrap your remarkably meaty head around
a tasseled cushion, whose arms are marked where someone it anyway!
has absent-mindedly picked at them with a knife (belonging to
Cadmus), and a rough, wooden chair, which seems to have been Look in the garden, and I can be found
carved by an enthusiastic amateur (belonging to Brennan). At a curve in the coast, on the breath of a hound
In the hue of a horse, or a nook in a wall
When a creature touches one of the chairs, they must succeed Now I’ll leave on my laurels, standing tall
on a DC 15/20/25 Wisdom saving throw or be possessed by the
spiritual energy surrounding it, and develop an additional flaw, -Cadmus’
which remains in effect until Brennan is subdued: Recipe. The recipe itself calls for a linen bag containing a
• Armchair (Zama): “We do it my way, or we don’t do it at all.” cinnamon stick, ground ginger, cloves, grains of paradise, and
long pepper (all of which are available in the pantry), to be
• Stool (Kiara): “All lives are expendable, except my own.” simmered in good red wine until fragrant.
• Reading chair (Lanius): “I’m only safe if I keep those more The answer to the riddle, and Cadmus’ secret ingredient is ‘bay’.
powerful than me happy.” Hints may be doled out at the GM’s discretion, with a successful
• Picked-at chair (Cadmus): “Caution is for boring people.” DC 10/12/15 Intelligence check, such as ‘Look in the garden’, and
‘leave on my laurels’ suggesting the answer is a plant or herb.
• Rough wood chair (Brennan): “When push comes to shove,
I’m saving my own skin.” If the party deduces Cadmus’ secret ingredient, bay leaf (also
available in dried form in the pantry), they are able to recreate
Map. The map on the table depicts the ruins the party set off to
the recipe. A creature who drinks the hippocras has advantage on
explore, and where the incident that drove them apart took place.
saving throws against being frightened by the house’s effects.
4. Kitchen Failure. If the party attempts the recipe but fails to add the
The unstable spectral activity pervading the house, combined secret ingredient, Brennan rages against them for attempting to
with the numerous improvised weapons available in the kitchen, meddle. Mist curls up from the floor, and possesses knives, pans,
make for a dangerous combination. and other sundry kitchen equipment, hurling them about in a
storm of dangerous objects. Each creature in the kitchen must
When the party enters the kitchen, read the following: make a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 (2d6)/14
The kitchen seems to have seen little use for some time. Pots and (4d6)/28 (8d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much
pans line the upper shelves, coated in a film of greasy dust, and on a successful one.
the pantry alcoves are largely empty save for a good stock of spices,
dried herbs, and oils, neatly arranged, labelled and organised by a
meticulous chef. Shelf space is also given to a fairly large collection
of well-worn and stained cookbooks, and a large collection of wine
bottles at various levels of emptiness. Above the cold ashes of the
hearth is a relatively clean cauldron beside a few unopened bottles
of wine, and a yellowed scrap of paper, deeply lined from being read
over and over again.

high fantasy

5. Upstairs Landing • Lanius: Arcane energy sparks around the corridor. Each
The portrait-lined upstairs landing is a monument to Brennan’s creature in the corridor must succeed on a DC 15/20/25
lost friends. Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6)
lightning damage and be paralyzed. A paralyzed creature
When the party enters the upstairs landing, read the following:
may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns,
A collection of portraits watch you from their frames along either ending the condition on a success.
side of the corridor. A striking woman in the robes and mail of
• Zama: The portrait intones a terrible, blasphemous word in
a warrior priest, another with flowers woven in her hair, whose
a primordial tongue. Every living creature in the corridor
ears suggest some elven ancestry, a skinny youth seated amongst a
who can hear it must succeed on a DC 15/20/25 Wisdom
tottering pile of books and papers, a rakish character smirking as if
saving throw or take 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic
at a private joke, and an armored warrior, his hand resting on the
damage and become frightened of the portrait for one
hilt of a greatsword. In the mist-veiled light, there is a sombre cast
minute. In addition, if a creature is unable to move away
to their flaking faces.
from Zama’s portrait while frightened of it, they take 5
As they are approached, the portraits shift and warp into (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic damage.
Brennan’s exaggerated imaginings of how their subjects must
• Cadmus: A shambling corpse made of thick black
now appear; horrific, twisted, half-rotted corpses screaming
smoke emerges from the portrait and attacks the closest
accusations of failure and cowardice. The first time a creature
creature. It uses the same statistics as a zombie, with the
that can see a portrait comes within 10 feet of one, that creature
following changes:
must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Wisdom saving throw or take
5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic damage and become • It can only use its slam attack, which deals necrotic
frightened of the portrait for one minute. damage instead of bludgeoning.
In addition, once activated, each portrait also exudes a physical • It has 1 hit point.
manifestation, which affects the area around it, regardless of • When reduced to 0 hit points, the apparition bursts into
success or failure on the initial saving throw. Unless otherwise a cloud of smoke with a mournful cry of betrayal, and
stated, these effects remain until Brennan returns to sensibility: reappears within 5 feet of the portrait at the start of its
• Kiara: Fetid muck pours out of the portrait, turning the next turn.
corridor into difficult terrain. If a creature starts its turn on • Brennan: A tortured voice cries out in fear and pain, and
the ground in the corridor, they must make a DC 12/15/18 a rattling, spectral gust of wind rushes down the corridor.
Strength check. On a fail, they are restrained by the muck When a creature moves within 5 feet of the portrait, they
sucking at their feet. A restrained creature can be freed if it must make a DC 12/15/18 Strength check to resist being
or another creature within 5 feet takes an action to make a blown backwards by the wind. On a failed check, the creature
DC 12/15/18 Strength check and succeeds. is pushed back into the range of one of the previous portraits
(roll a d4 to determine which). If the check fails by 10 or
more, the creature is pushed back to the start of the corridor.
1: Kiara, 2: Lanius, 3: Zama, 4: Cadmus

6. Master Bedroom What do you need? “40 years ago, I was part of an adventuring
The master bedroom, as a solitary room with few memories band, much like yourselves. We made a bit of a name for ourselves,
associated with Brennan’s party, remains largely untouched by and maybe it went to our heads. It was all going so well, until we
the haunting. found the ruins. Heard there was some kind of power there we
could tap into. Think of all the good we could do with that. There
When the party enters the master bedroom, read the following:
was power there alright, but you know what they say about power...
While less dusty and cobwebbed than the rest of the house, the A voice spoke in our heads, promised us eternal life, for a price. For
bedroom has the same smell of damp and neglect. The blankets of a sacrifice. Zama led the way, and where Zama led, Kiara followed.
the four-poster are creased and rumpled, as if disturbed by a night Lanius, well, I think he was just more scared of them than he was
of fitful sleep. A banded chest sits at the foot of the bed by a large of me, and I suppose he was right. That just left me and Cadmus,
armoire, and opposite a simple washbasin, long bereft of water. and… I ran. Maybe I told myself Cadmus was running with me,
The room contains only a few objects from Brennan’s past. The but the truth is I was more concerned with my own skin. Zama
chest at the foot of the bed contains Brennan’s set of plate armor, might have held the knife, Kiara and Lanius might have said the
unceremoniously jumbled together and spotted with rust from words, but I killed Cadmus as much as they did. I abandoned my
decades of neglect. The armoire contains a variety of practical friends, and now all of them are lost.
clothing which would suit an active, adventuring lifestyle, as well Help me, please, help me end all of this. Help me put my
as a small number of outfits for formal, high society events, all of friends to rest.”
which are musty and a little moth eaten.
Who were your companions? “Zama was our leader. She was a
beacon, fiercely driven, strong in her faith. I think we were all half
7. Study in love with her, and half in awe. Kiara was a child of two worlds,
The study contains Brennan’s trophies from his adventuring life, and never really felt part of either. Lanius was a quiet one, though
where he would sit and reminisce on his past heroism. More no one could deny he was a genius - you could always count on him
importantly, it is the location of Brennan’s body. to see another approach to a situation. Cadmus and I would joke
When the party enters the study, read the following: that we were outclassed by the three of them - they were slinging
fireballs, transforming into bears, and calling down the fury of the
The walls of the study are lined with displays of weaponry and
gods, and we were expected to keep up with sword and dagger.
relics; faded, dusty monuments to a long-gone life of adventure.
Perhaps they saw themselves as apart from us as well.”
A writing desk is set up in front of the window, an unsheathed
greatsword resting on it. The figure in the chair is slumped forward, Where are they now? “I kept track of them the best I could. Maybe
still, cold, and lifeless. As you take in the scene, the pooling mist I thought I could go after them one day, as if I had the strength.
coalesces into a spectral figure. They split up soon after... everything. Zama seems to have returned
to the mountain monastery she trained in, Kiara was always more
“No.. can’t...don’t want… GET OUT!”
comfortable in nature - she’s hidden herself away in swampland,
The ghost of Brennan attacks with full force, primarily using Lanius was last seen heading towards a remote tower house we’d
its Animate Objects ability to fling weapons at the party in an explored years before.”
attempt to drive them out of the house. This is, in fact, a test of
What was the ritual? ”Near as I could tell, they each gave up a bit
the party’s mettle; should they gain the upper hand and defeat
of their souls to keep sealed in that place. They didn’t exactly keep
Brennan, he snaps out of his violent state with a cry for peace.
me around for my knowledge of the arcane.”
“I implore you, it’s a matter of grave import. You wish to be rid of
What happened to Cadmus? “I failed them and they died.”
me? No more than I do myself, I assure you. Help me, and I’ll be no
more trouble. To you, or anyone else. I have enough failure behind Brennan has his suspicions that Cadmus suffered a worse
me; at least help me die successfully.” fate than simple death at the hands of his companions, but is
unwilling to speak of it - such suspicions only bring more pain,
Brennan appears as a male human in his mid 60s, with the heavy
and do not change that task that needs to be done.
build of an old warrior gone somewhat to seed (if you are using
Hook #2, his race might be different, depending on the party How do we stop them? “We needed three parts of a keystone to
member he is related to). The party might ask questions similar to get into the ruin; they’ll each have taken one, I’ve no doubt - liches
the following: aren’t the most trusting of creatures. Once you’ve got them, you
need to get into the ruin and destroy their phylactery, and put an
end to this madness.”
Brennan tasks the party with finding all three parts of the
keystone, each in the possession of one of his former party
members, and gives directions to the ruins where the liches’
shared phylactery is located. Once the three parts are reunited
there, the party will be able to enter and destroy the phylactery,
killing the liches for good, and putting Brennan’s spirit to rest.

high fantasy

Part 2: The Hermit

Parts 2, 3, and 4 can be approached in any order. Refer to this
section when the party decides to pursue Kiara.

Approaching the Swamp

The exact location of the swamp, and therefore the party’s
route and any adventures along the way, are unimportant to
this adventure, and you are free to use whatever would make
most sense in your game world. Below are some suggestions
for regional effects the party might encounter as they approach
Kiara’s domain:
• Groups of zombies wander the area, entangled in weeds,
discolored by algae, and with the bloated look of having
decomposed in water. The zombies use crude tools (and
some, simply their hands) to dig channels of filthy water
spreading out from the swamp.
• Blighted, thorny vines choke the main thoroughfares,
making progress difficult.
• Kiara’s influence interferes with the usual flow of natural
energy. Any magical attempts to communicate with, or
influence, the natural world are made with disadvantage.
• Wildlife is more common, particularly scavenging creatures,
as well as generally larger and healthier than elsewhere;
Kiara’s influence keeps away any competition for food or
land from the civilized world. She also holds sway over the
creatures of the area, and they report to her with news of any
unusual activity.
When the party enters the swamp, read the following:
The ground underfoot gives way to mud, interspersed with greenish
pools. Crooked, twisting trees close in about you, their branches
hung with long beards of moss. Sound and light seem deadened
somehow, as you are enclosed by cool, grey-green damp. and is difficult terrain. Unless the party specifically attempts to
The swamp was the site of a battle around a century ago, and move stealthily (see below), it is likely that Kiara will become
bodies of the slain are easy to find under the muck - some areas aware of their presence before they can track her down, having
of boggy ground preserve them disturbingly well, while others been informed by the local wildlife that act as her spies. Once
reduce corpses to greening skeletons. Kiara is in the process informed, she receives regular updates from various creatures to
of raising all the reasonably well-preserved bodies as zombies, keep track of the party’s approximate location.
setting them to work digging out and expanding the swamp Moving Openly. If the party moves openly, Kiara ambushes them
in order to reclaim the land taken up by nearby settlements, to at an inopportune time, while they are separated or resting.
return it to a state of natural decay. Moving Stealthily. The party can attempt to move stealthily
In life, Kiara was the second-in-command, and an almost with a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity (Stealth) check. If at least half
motherly type, ensuring that the party’s camp always left no trace, the party succeeds, Kiara’s knowledge of their location remains
and encouraging others to live more in harmony with the natural vague and approximate (it takes magical means to disguise the
world. Now able to view and plan on an immortal timescale, party’s presence entirely from the heightened senses of Kiara’s
Kiara has concluded that compromise is a short-sighted aim, animal spies).
and no longer a feasible course of action; cutting out the rot of Tracking Kiara. A successful DC 15/20/25 Wisdom (Survival)
civilization entirely is the only way for the natural world to heal check allows the party to discover some evidence of Kiara’s
and thrive. movements and so avoid an ambush. Unless the party are able
to devise a particularly clever diversion or ambush, it is unlikely
Encountering Kiara they are able to surprise her in her own territory, but they can at
Once the party enters the swamp, it is no easy feat to track down least meet her on slightly more even footing.
the lich in her home territory. A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom
(Survival) check uncovers signs of zombie activity emanating Tactics. Once Kiara begins to encounter serious resistance
from a central point in the swamp, while use of detect magic or (when her hit points are reduced to around three quarters of her
similar magic suggests a concentration of necromantic activity maximum), she will retreat, leading to an extended chase through
in the same direction (though low-level necromantic magic the heart of the swamp.
pervades the entire area). The swamp is roughly 50 miles across,

The Chase To determine what happens as Kiara leads the party on a chase,
After their initial encounter, Kiara makes a fighting retreat further the GM can select from the following Encounter Table, or the
into the swamp, using her familiarity with the environment to events can be determined randomly by rolling:
inconvenience her pursuers. The ease or difficulty with which
1d6 Effect
the party overcomes these challenges should narratively inform
how easily they are able to keep pace with Kiara, rather than 1 Kiara summons 1d4 zombies, which rise from the water
determining if they are able to track her down. For a more to cover her escape.
challenging, or simply longer, experience, these sections could 2 Kiara misdirects, doubles back, or simply hides, in an
be exchanged for a chase using the rules in the core rulebook; attempt to ambush the party. Each party member must
this could be particularly suited to a group that would enjoy the make a DC 15/20/25 Wisdom (Perception) check to
challenge of surviving in hostile territory, in the event that they avoid being surprised.
lose such a chase and must track the lich down again.
3 Kiara summons a tangle of spiked, blighted vines and
After each chase, Kiara turns to fight once more (or the party roots, which worm their way out of the water ahead
catches up to her and forces the issue, depending on how of the party. Creatures attempting to pass through the
successful they are at overcoming the chase effect). These fights area must make a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
should be shorter than the initial combat, and leave Kiara some check, or take 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) piercing
resources for the final combat to be an exciting one; her aim is damage. If a party member fails their check, or the
to wear the party down before allowing a final confrontation, or party decides to make a diversion, Kiara is able to
to convince them that pursuing her is against their best interests. recuperate, and regains 10/15/20 hit points.
Ideally, she should flee once more after dealing some damage and
before the party is able to gain any kind of upper hand. 4 Kiara directs swarms of malign wildlife (such as crows
or stinging flies) to harry the party. Each party member
If the party is able to engineer some method of increasing their must make a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw or
speed, or is able to stop or hinder Kiara’s flight, do not roll on the take 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) piercing damage.
table, and instead move directly to their next combat encounter
with Kiara. 5 Kiara summons 1d4 + 1 zombies from the water, half of
which immediately attack, and half of which join her in
the next fight.
6 Kiara causes a bloom of snaring bog weed, which
slows the party and disguises her trail. A successful DC
12/15/18 Wisdom (Survival) check allows the party to
catch up. Otherwise, the party is diverted in picking up
her trail, and Kiara is able to recuperate, regaining an
expended 2nd/3rd/5th level spell slot.

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Kiara’s End Treasure

Once it becomes clear that the chase is not likely to throw off her The equipment Kiara is holding slowly dematerializes along with
pursuers (when her hit points are reduced to around one third of her body on her death, save for her piece of the keystone (a rough
her maximum), Kiara leads the party to a clearing, and turns to piece of opaline crystal which forms part of a sphere), worked
make a final stand. into the head of her gnarled, worm-eaten wooden staff. If the
When Kiara makes her final stand, read the following: party reacts quickly to grab it, they might also take possession of
The fleeing figure of Kiara breaks through the overgrowth into a the staff itself. As a spellcasting focus, the staff grants a +1/+2/+3
tangled clearing of ankle-deep, scummy water. Darker spots dotted bonus to spell attack rolls, and it can also be wielded as a
around the clearing mark pools of deeper muck. At the centre, quarterstaff with a +1/+2/+3 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
she turns to face you, the water roiling around her as she raises
her staff.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Kiara takes a lair
action to cause one of the following effects. Kiara can’t use the
same effect two rounds in a row.
• A swarm of malign wildlife (roll a d4: 1: crows, 2: stinging
flies, 3: leeches, 4: snakes) appears and harasses an area. All
living creatures in a 10 foot sphere within 90 feet of Kiara
must make a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw, or take
7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) damage. On results of 1-3, the
damage is piercing, on the result of a 4, it is poison.
• Pools of thick mud within 90 feet of Kiara bubble and surge
outwards. Any creatures on the ground, within 20 feet of
such a pool, must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Strength
saving throw or be pulled up to 20 feet towards the mud,
knocked prone and restrained. A restrained creature can be
freed if it, or another creature within 5 feet, takes an action
to make a DC 12/15/18 Strength check and succeeds. The
mud recedes when Kiara uses this lair action again, or when
she dies. Kiara can’t use this lair action again until she uses a
different one.
• A wall of thorny vines writhes out of the muck within 120
feet of Kiara. The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high,
and 5 feet thick, and it blocks line of sight. When the wall
appears, each creature in its area must make a DC 12/15/18
Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22
(4d10) piercing damage and be pushed 5 feet out of the
wall’s space. A creature can move through the wall, but for
every 1 foot a creature travels through the wall, it must spend
4 feet of movement. A creature in the wall’s space must make
a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw when it starts its
turn in contact with the wall, or moves into contact with it
on its turn, taking 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) piercing
damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
one. Each 10-foot section of wall has AC 5, 15 hit points,
vulnerability to fire damage, resistance to bludgeoning and
piercing damage, and immunity to psychic and poison
damage. The wall withers away when Kiara uses this lair
action again, or when she dies.
• A rotting zombie arises from the water. As an action, Kiara
is able to siphon its necromantic energy to rejuvenate herself,
dealing 10/15/20 damage to the zombie, and regaining
an equal number of hit points. If this damage reduces the
zombie to 0 hit points, it automatically fails its undead
fortitude saving throw.


Part 3: The Magician

Parts 2, 3, and 4 can be approached in any order. Refer to this
section when the party decides to pursue Lanius.

Approaching the Tower

The exact location of the tower, and therefore the party’s route
and any adventures along the way, are unimportant to this
adventure, and you are free to use whatever would make most
sense in your game world. Below are some suggestions for
regional effects the party might encounter as they approach
Lanius’ domain:
• Strange, mutated corpses can be found discarded around the
area, part human and part animal. These are Lanius’ failed
experiments, who were either dumped dead or dying away
from the tower, or abandoned and left to wander off and die
on their own.
• Groups of mongrelfolk patrol the area, looking for any
humanoids, or reasonably-sized animals, that could be useful
in Lanius’ experiments. Most of them began life as animals
who were magically mutated, and retain an animalistic
character and level of intelligence. Should the party be
defeated by a mongrelfolk patrol, they will be knocked
unconscious and brought to the tower’s cells (area 5).
• Traps litter the area, primarily in the form of disguised
pits and nets - devices designed to capture rather than kill.
They do not appear to be concentrated in any particular
area or terrain, suggesting that whoever set them is not
fussy about what kind of quarry they capture. Should the
party be captured by such a trap, they will be detained by
the next patrol of mongrelfolk and brought to the tower’s
cells (area 5).
Lanius remains somewhat conflicted about his undeath; he is
aware that a phylactery is fueled by the sacrifice of humanoids at
regular intervals. While the shared phylactery he and the other
liches created is unusual, he still suspects that additional sacrifices
will be required at some point in the future, even if that point is
centuries away. He is currently experimenting with ‘augmenting’
captured animals with humanoid features (and vice-versa) in the
hope of creating something close enough to humanoid that the
ritual sacrifice will still work. Lanius fully expects that he and
the other liches will live forever, so the short term harm such
experimentation causes will easily be balanced in the long run.
Assuming the party is not captured, tracking a mongrelfolk patrol
is the easiest way to locate the tower, which can be achieved
with a successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Survival) check. At
the GM’s discretion, Dexterity (Stealth) checks, opposed by the
mongrelfolk’s Wisdom (Perception) checks may be required to
avoid a combat encounter.

high fantasy

The Tower 2. Guard Room
The main entrance of the tower is guarded by a small garrison of
1. Cells Lanius’ more successful mongrelfolk.
The basement is used to hold animal and human subjects until
they can be used in Lanius’ experiments. When the party enters the guard room, read the following:
When the party enters the cells, read the following: A quartet of mismatched figures sits around a table in the middle
of the entry chamber, keeping half an eye on the door, but mostly
This cellar has been converted into a rough jail. Two large alcoves interested in a noisy game of dice. They appear an odd fusion of
have been closed off with rusted iron bars and their doors held with humanoid and animal, as though grown, sewn and melded together
weighty padlocks. The sodden, stinking straw scattered on their from spare parts.
floors suggests multiple occupants since they were last cleaned.
Metal cages, crates, and traps are piled in a jumbled heap against 4 mongrelfolk sit around the central table playing with a set of
one wall, and the murmured complaints of their inhabitants can knucklebone dice, though the lack of any items of value to wager
be heard. means that, in practice, they mostly roll dice and ridicule each
other when the numbers are low. If combat breaks out here, a few
Locks. The cages and cells are kept closed with heavy padlocks, mongrelfolk from the quarters (area 3) might venture down to
designed to keep wild animals contained. The locks can be picked investigate.
with a successful DC 12/15/18 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools, or broken with a successful DC 15/20/25 Strength check. 3. Mongrelfolk Quarters
Orts also carries a ring of keys on his belt (see ‘Patrols’). Most of the mongrelfolk stay here while waiting to rotate out to
Cages. The piled cages are filthy, and barely large enough to guard duty, or for patrol assignments further afield.
contain a Small or Medium sized beast. Most are empty, though When the party enters the mongrelfolk quarters, read the
one contains a lynx (panther), another is crammed with 5 following:
ravens, and one contains the decomposing corpse of a small deer.
Rough pallets and bunks covered in piled rags, and resembling
Patrols. A mongrelfolk named Orts attends to the cells once a nests more than beds, are clustered against the walls. A musty smell
day, delivering water, and a bowl of the same slop the mongrelfolk hangs in the air, part animal musk, and part unwashed, mildewing
are fed. He is a rather meek soul, who was bullied by the other cloth. A handful more strange figures sit listlessly, one of them
mongrelfolk into taking all of their shifts on guard duty, so is the rocking gently, another scratching incessantly.
sole jailer. Like most of the mongrelfolk in the tower, Orts sees
himself as a failure, having fallen short of Lanius’ expectations. 6 mongrelfolk lounge around in this area, sitting or lying on
He worships Lanius, and is always fruitlessly searching for a way their rough bunks. These individuals are held in even less esteem
to gain his approval, despite being treated as less than dirt on the than those on guard duty, and are little more than servants, or
few occasions his existence is acknowledged. potential subjects for further experimentation. If combat breaks
out here, a squealing mongrelfolk runs upstairs to get word to
Cells. The two cells are used to house larger animals, and Lanius, forgetting about the trapped staircase in its haste.
humanoid prisoners. They are both unoccupied at the moment
(unless the party were captured). They are strewn with damp Trapped Stairs. The stairway up to the library is trapped to
straw, and a successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence (Investigation) discourage the mongrelfolk from wandering up and disturbing
check reveals an improvised shiv crafted by a previous prisoner Lanius at work.
hidden in a straw pile. This can be used as a dagger, and is also
skinny enough to be used as a lockpick, though any checks using
it are made with disadvantage. On any attack using the shiv, or
any failed lockpicking attempt, roll a d20: on a roll of 5 or less, the
shiv breaks and is useless.

high fantasy
Shockdown 4. Library
This room holds both Lanius’ library, and observation cells for
Hybrid trap (setback, hinder)
closer examination and indoctrination of the most promising
A magical crystal in the doorframe at the top of the stairs experimental subjects.
shocks anyone who approaches, sending them straight back to
When the party enters the library, read the following:
the bottom.
This room is mostly free of the musky odor of the lower levels,
Trigger (Creature Detector). Any creature, not accompanied by though it does have its own whiff of neglect and dry decay. Rows
Lanius, that gets within 10 feet of the crystal triggers the trap. of shelves are piled with books in various states of disarray,
Effect (Elemental Blast). The crystal shoots out a fork of surrounding a desk covered with scattered notes and a large jar of
lightning in a 20-foot line down the stairs. Each creature in the greenish fluid. Towards the back of the room are a pair of heavy
area must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw, wooden doors with tiny, iron-barred windows.
or take 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) lightning damage and Cells. The two cells serve dual purposes. Primarily, they are used
become paralysed for 1 minute. A paralysed creature can make to contain Lanius’ strongest subjects, where they are magically
a DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving throw at the end of each indoctrinated to obey him unquestioningly. However, the cells
of its turns, ending the condition on a success. are also used to research the physical limitations of the least-
In addition, the stairs themselves flatten into a slide, sending promising and most expendable subjects in fights with larger
any creature on the stairs down to the bottom. All creatures on subjects, or simple torture sessions.
the stairs must make a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw to One contains the vivisected remains of such an unfortunate
avoid sliding to the bottom. Paralysed creatures automatically mongrelfolk, strapped to an upright table.
fail this saving throw.
The other contains a bulky mongrelfolk restrained in a chair and
Travelling up the stair slide requires a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity forced to stare at a flickering glyph on the wall. This is a magical
(Acrobatics) check or a DC 15/20/25 Strength (Athletics) means of indoctrination, and affects anyone who looks at it.
check to climb the walls.
The stairs return to normal as soon as no creature is in contact Indoctrination Glyph
with them. Magical trap (moderate, subdue)
Countermeasures. A creature can spot the crystal with a A flickering, glowing glyph is inscribed on the wall of the cell,
successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception) check and affecting the minds of those who look at it.
detect magic reveals an aura of evocation magic on the crystal.
Trigger (Look Into). A creature that looks at the glyph while
Once discovered, a successful DC 15/20/25 Intelligence
within 20 feet of it triggers the trap. A creature can avoid
(Arcana) check or dispel magic (DC 12/15/18) can disable
looking at the glyph, but they have disadvantage on any ability
the trigger.
checks made to find or disable the trap.
A successful DC 15/20/25 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
Effect (Spell Effect). The triggering creature must succeed on a
tiny gaps at the joins of the stairs, suggesting that they might
DC 15/20/25 Wisdom saving throw or become transfixed by
move somehow. Hammering at least four pitons or similar
the glyph. While transfixed, they are unable to look away, move,
objects into the joins can prevent the stairs from turning into a
or take any other action. If physically forced to look away from
slide (or vice versa). Hammering each piton takes an action.
the glyph, or if their vision is obscured, a transfixed creature takes
The trap will not be triggered by a creature carrying ‘the master 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic damage. A transfixed
flesh’, as it recognises it as Lanius’. creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on a success, though if they fail they take 5
Treasure (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic damage as admonishment for
A few of the bunks conceal hoarded items and cached food, attempting to fight the indoctrination. If a transfixed creature takes
hinting towards the mongrelfolk’s bestial origins. damage other than psychic damage, they can immediately repeat
the saving throw with advantage, ending the effect on a success.
Each round after the first that a transfixed creature spends
staring at the glyph introduces additional effects, which remain
in effect until Lanius is killed:
• 2nd round: The creature develops an additional flaw: “I am a
worthless animal, Lanius gives my life meaning.”
• 3rd round: The creature’s perception of its own body is
distorted; it sees ever-shifting mutations where there are
none. The creature is poisoned until it finishes a long rest, or
is cured by lesser restoration or similar magic.
• 4th round: If the creature attempts to attack Lanius, it must
make a DC 12/15/18 Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it
takes 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) psychic damage.

Countermeasures. A creature that succeeds on a DC 12/15/18
Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes the glyph and is aware
of the trap. Detect magic reveals an aura of enchantment magic
emanating from the glyph.
The glyph can be deactivated with dispel magic (DC 12/15/18)
or with a successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence (Arcana) check.
Alternatively, the glyph can be altered to change the object of
transfixed creatures’ loyalty with a DC 20/25/30 Intelligence
(Arcana) check.
Notes. The notes hint at Lanius’ attempts to create humanoids
from animals, blended through magic and surgery with ‘the
master flesh’, hoping to reduce the need for humanoid sacrifice to
the phylactery. More recently, it seems curiosity has taken over,
and he is more interested in tinkering with extreme mongrelfolk
forms, and in creating an unquestioningly loyal workforce.
Jar. The jar contains ‘the master flesh’; a number of strips of
Lanius’ own desiccated flesh, which he is using to replicate and
grow additional body parts to graft together the various animal
and humanoid anatomy he is able to lay his hands on.
Trapped Stairs. The stairway up to the laboratory is trapped to
prevent access. With the trapped stairs to the library designed to
repel careless mongrelfolk, it is assumed that only a determined
attacker would attempt to force entry into the laboratory, so more
deadly force is used.

Do Not Disturb
Magical trap (deadly, harm)
Hidden crystals unleash an explosion of lightning against any
who attempt to gain access to the upper level.
Trigger (Creature Detector). Any creature not accompanied
by Lanius that gets within 10 feet of the door to the laboratory
triggers the trap.
Effect (Elemental Blast). A 20-foot cube of lightning explodes
from the crystals. Each creature in the area must make a DC
12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 (4d6)/28 (8d6)/56
(8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
successful one.
Countermeasures. A creature can spot a crystal with a
successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception) check and
detect magic reveals an aura of evocation magic on the crystals.
Once discovered, a successful DC 15/20/25 Intelligence
(Arcana) check or dispel magic (DC 12/15/18) can disable a
crystal. If a creature fails the check by 5 or more, the trap is
There are 5 crystals in total, and each one destroyed reduces the
lightning damage inflicted by the trap by 1d6/2d6/4d6.
The trap will not be triggered by a creature carrying ‘the master
flesh’, as it recognises it as Lanius’.

high fantasy

5. Laboratory Lair Actions

Lanius spends almost all his time in the laboratory, tinkering with On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Lanius takes a lair
his latest creation. action to cause one of the following effects. Lanius can’t use the
When the party enters the laboratory, read the following: same effect two rounds in a row.
The rafters of this room are clustered with snaking, looping • The experimental subject strapped to the table receives a
tubes, some sparking, some leaking an acrid, green fog. A series jolt of energy and grabs blindly around itself with multiple,
of cylindrical tanks dot the outer perimeter, in which can be powerful limbs. Each creature within 10 feet of the table
glimpsed twisted, unfinished creatures, floating in greenish murk. must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw
Dominating the centre of the room, at the confluence of the tubes, or be restrained. A restrained creature can be freed if it, or
a hulking pile of flesh lies on a table, with heavy straps attached another creature within 5 feet, takes an action to make a DC
to what passes for its many, shapeless limbs. Behind it, a wizened, 12/15/18 Strength check and succeeds.
robed figure glances up at your intrusion with mild interest in its • A powerful surge of electricity sparks from the tubes
fleshless face. overhead, forming a 5-foot-wide line between two solid
If engaged in conversation, Lanius attempts to convince the party surfaces in the laboratory that Lanius can see. Each
that his work is for the greater good; a few mongrelfolk deaths creature in that line must make a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity
now while he perfects the formula, in order to spare the ‘real’ lives saving throw or take 10 (3d6)/21 (6d6)/49 (14d6)
which would otherwise need to be sacrificed to the phylactery. lightning damage.
While his primary goal is to remove the threats to himself • Gas is vented from the tubes overhead in a 20-foot-radius
and his work by whatever means necessary, should he gain an sphere, centred on a point Lanius can see. Its area is lightly
upper hand, he switches tactics and tries to take at least some obscured. It lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round.
of the party members alive; strong stock is always needed in his Each creature that enters the cloud, or starts its turn there,
experiments. must make a DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving throw or be
Experiment. The hulking, brutish creature strapped to the table poisoned until the end of its next turn. While poisoned this
is Lanius’ latest distraction from his original aim; an attempt to way, a creature is incapacitated.
create a living weapon loyal only to him. While not ready for
action yet, it can still jolt around with a semblance of life with the
application of electricity. The equipment Lanius is holding slowly dematerializes along with
his body on his death, save for his piece of the keystone (a rough
Tanks. The 10 tanks each contain an unfinished experiment. If
piece of opaline crystal which forms part of a sphere), worked
one is opened or smashed, there is a 50% chance that the creature
into the handle of his sharply-pointed, metal wand. If the party
within is viable enough to lash out before expiring. It makes
reacts quickly to grab it, they might also take possession of the
a single attack against a random creature within 5 feet of the
wand itself, which functions as a spellcasting focus and grants a
tank, +5/+8/+12 to hit, dealing 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10)
+1/+2/+3 bonus to spell attack rolls.
bludgeoning damage on a hit.
A tank can be smashed or opened as an action. In addition, if
a creature makes a melee attack within 5 feet of a tank, and the
attack misses by 5 or more, the tank is smashed.


Part 4: The High Priestess

Parts 2, 3, and 4 can be approached in any order. Refer to this
section when the party decides to pursue Zama.

Approaching the Temple

The exact location of the mountain temple, and therefore the
party’s route and any adventures along the way, are unimportant
to this adventure, and you are free to use whatever would make
most sense in your game world. Below are some suggestions
for regional effects the party might encounter as they approach
Zama’s domain:
• Zama’s influence interferes with the flow of divine magic and
life forces. Healing magic and long rests only restore half the
usual hit points.
• Groups of skeletons patrol the area, keeping an eye on the
immediate surroundings. Zama occasionally inhabits one
of these skeletons as her vessel to gain a more immediate
picture of the situation, granting it the Zama possessed
template (see sidebar in Appendix A, B, or C).
• If the party travel openly, or engage with any skeletal patrols,
their progress is hindered by falling rocks and landslides
as the mountain begins to quake. Zama is aware of their
Zama has returned to the monastery where she trained in her
youth. The driving force behind her decision to become a lich was
to eternally serve her god and, having made such an enormous
sacrifice for her faith, was disappointed by the lack of similar
fervor in her fellows. She has since restructured, purging any of
her faith who fell short of her exacting standards, which is to say
all of them, and raising their corpses as undead servants to help
her carry out the necessary functions of worship.
She currently worships and broods in the sanctum, protected by
wards. These wards can be overcome by various sacrifices - it is
Zama’s hope that any who can overcome them will understand
the tremendous sacrifice she herself undertook in service of her
faith (as she sees it), and can be swayed to her point of view.
The path up to the monastery is fairly obvious and easily
traversable, though rough and rocky. It used to be reasonably
well-traveled by (and thus well-maintained for) pilgrims and their
various attendants, though such traffic stopped quickly after the
lich took up residence.
Zama is able to temporarily possess any skeleton she controls,
using its senses, controlling its actions, and giving it access to her
spells. This power may be used at the GMs discretion, though she
should primarily use it to get a measure of the party, and speak
with (or perhaps ‘at’) them in advance of meeting in person. See
the Zama possessed template sidebar in Appendix A, B, or C for
more information.

high fantasy

1. Temple Zama. If the bell is struck, or if they encountered a possessed
This building served as a public place of worship where pilgrims skeletal patrol on their way to the temple, Zama is aware of the
and travelers were permitted to worship and meditate. With the party’s presence here. When only one skeleton remains, she
exception of important guests or long-term visitors, few were calls for an end to the fighting, seeing promise in the party,
allowed further into the complex than this. It is still occasionally and wondering if they have the will to undergo the necessary
visited by worshippers who have not yet heard about the lich’s sacrifices to face her. This skeleton, or any possessed skeleton in
presence. subsequent areas can impart ‘Zama’s lesson’ for each sacrifice.
When the party enters the temple, read the following: Zama’s lesson: “Faith can be painful, and requires sacrifice, but it
can open doors.”
A haze of incense hangs heavy in the air of the temple. Brightly
painted statues, draped with garlands, line the walls. One stands Door. The door to the courtyard is magically sealed, and will only
sentry beside the only other door, hand outstretched as though open when a hand is placed on the statue (see below), though it
expecting tribute. An enormous, tarnished copper bell hangs on a can be broken down with a DC 15/18/21 Strength check.
raised dais at one end of the room. Half a dozen skeletons, their Sacrifice. The statue, its palm held out as though expecting
bones smeared with streaks of ash and ochre, attend to the shrines, an offering, is an initial test of faith to access the rest of the
but pause at your approach. temple complex.
6 skeletons are stationed in the temple, with instructions to not When a living humanoid places their hand on the statue’s, it is
let any living creatures pass through to the rest of the complex. held in place, and a thin spike pierces through their palm, dealing
When alerted, one of them moves to the bell and picks up the 11 (2d10)/22 (4d10)/44 (8d10) piercing damage. The creature
hammer to strike it. is unable to wield a weapon or shield in the affected hand,
Bell. The large bell was used to mark time, and to summon and has disadvantage on spell attacks which require a somatic
pilgrims to ceremonies. Corrupted by Zama’s influence, it is now component. These effects last until the creature completes a long
a potent magical weapon. If the bell is struck with the hammer rest. Restorative magic which specifically regrows tissue, such as
as an action, all creatures within 60 feet of it that can hear it must regenerate also ends the effects.
make a DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving throw. On a failed A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
save, a creature takes 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) thunder damage that the statue has a small hole in its palm, from which a spike
and 5 (1d10)/11 (2d10)/22 (4d10) necrotic damage, and is might emerge. A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Medicine)
deafened for 1 minute. On a successful saving throw, a creature check allows a party member to intuit the effects of a spike of
takes half damage and is not deafened. A deafened creature may those dimensions piercing one’s hand.
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the
effect on a success. The tolling of the bell can be heard up to 300 Once this effect is triggered, the door to the courtyard opens.
feet away, and reverberates for 18 seconds, after which it can be
struck again. 2. Courtyard
When the party enters the courtyard, read the following:
The low buildings of the temple complex ring a central fountain
on three sides. On the fourth, a winding path leads further up the
mountain to a secluded residence, alongside a broad set of steps leading
up to a far grander building, surrounded by a cloud of twisting shadow.
Zama’s lesson: “Darkness must give way to light when the
righteous are willing to make sacrifices.”
Ward. The entry to the sanctum is barred by an area of twisting
black shadow, emanating from the door to a 25-foot-radius (which
immediately recedes 5 feet, if the sacrifice was made in the temple).
A creature takes 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) necrotic damage for
every 5 foot traveled in the shadow, as well as 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28
(8d6) necrotic damage if it starts its turn there.
While the shadow remains, the door is also magically locked. The
lock can be dispelled with a DC 18/22/25 Intelligence (Religion)
check, or the door can be broken down with a DC 18/22/25
Strength check.
The area of shadow recedes by 5 feet for each sacrifice performed
in the temple complex; statue spike in the temple, armor in the
living quarters, blood in the garden, and magic in the high priest’s
chambers (which may count as 2 sacrifices).
1 skeleton meanders in this area, occasionally listlessly dipping a
bucket into the fountain. It will defend itself if attacked, but will
not attack unprovoked without Zama’s influence. It will impart
‘Zama’s lesson’ if the party approaches the ward.

high fantasy

3. Living Quarters Sacrifice. A wickedly sharp, curved knife is located next to the
This suite of sparse chambers was home to the monks who disturbed earth of one of the vegetable patches.
lived here. A living creature can complete this sacrifice by using the knife to
When the party enters the living quarters, read the following: inflict 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) slashing damage to themselves,
spilling their blood onto the earth. Their maximum hit point total
A series of near-identical rooms line the corridor of this crescent-
is reduced by the damage taken until they complete a long rest.
shaped building, each with a rather uncomfortable-looking bed,
a desk, and a washbasin. A few contain small idols of favorite A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Nature) check recognises
gods. In one, an armor rack stands, draped with a set of faded what must be done to complete the sacrifice, and its effects.
monastic robes.
Zama’s lesson: “Sacrifice is surrendering yourself to a higher
5. High Priest’s Chambers
Zama briefly occupied these chambers on her return, though she
power. To give up what makes you you, and to don the mantle of
has recently vacated them, preferring to remain sequestered in
something greater.”
the sanctum.
Sacrifice. A creature can don the robes on the armor stand in
When the party enters the high priest’s chambers, read the
Zama’s old room, doffing their own armor to replace it. As long
as the armor stays there, and the creature continues to wear
the robe, it counts as a sacrifice and reduces the area of shadow While not exactly luxurious, this suite of rooms is, nonetheless,
blocking the sanctum. comfortable. A table and chairs are set out for private meetings,
and a simple bed occupies the smallest room. The walls above
The robe carries a curse, and reduces the wearer’s AC to 10,
and around the private shrine have been defaced with a complex,
regardless of other modifiers.
looping pattern daubed in crusted blood.
A successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence (Religion) check
Zama’s lesson: “These were the high priest’s chambers, and these
recognises the curse on the robes, and what must be done to fulfil
his bones. I revered him once, but he was a creature of compromise,
the sacrifice.
who saw status and power as its own end, rather than a tool to
4 skeletons can be found in their former rooms. Each is parroting serve our faith. He was unwilling to sacrifice even a little of his
their old daily routine - meditating, making an offering at their power in service of something greater, and so lost it all.”
personal shrine, or lighting incense. Each will defend itself
1 skeleton occupies the chambers, that of the former high priest,
individually if attacked, but they will not come to each other’s aid,
his bones inscribed with swirling patterns as though painted
or attack unprovoked without Zama’s influence. One can impart
for a religious festival. It can impart ‘Zama’s lesson’ if the party
‘Zama’s lesson’ if the party approaches the armor stand.
approaches the shrine.
Treasure Sacrifice. Transcribing the pattern daubed on the wall of the
shrine expends magical energy.
A successful DC 15/20/25 Wisdom (Perception) check reveals
a loose brick in the wall of Zama’s old room. Within is hidden a A successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence (Arcana) check
tightly rolled letter written while she was training here, and never recognises the nature of the symbols, and what must be done to
sent, in which she details a crisis of faith, and a determination to complete the sacrifice. A creature capable of casting spells can
never again shy away from what needs to be done in service of spend one minute copying the pattern, expending 2/4/6 levels of
her cause (See Appendix D). spell slots in the process.
The creature can choose to carve the pattern into their own
4. Garden flesh, which deals 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) slashing damage
The garden served as a space for meditation, both through quiet in addition to expending the spell slots, but this counts as
reflection and through work in the form of growing food for the two sacrifices for the purposes of reducing the area of shadow
monastery. blocking the sanctum.
When the party enters the garden, read the following:
No Spellcasters?
A winding path weaves its way through neatly ordered plots chosen,
you suspect, for their culinary applications as much as their visual If there are no spellcasters in the party capable of transcribing
appeal. Towards the cliff edge, overlooking the mountains, a mound the symbol, the effect can be substituted for gaining one level of
of freshly tilled soil waits for planting. Small shrines dot the path, exhaustion.
with attendant skeletons fighting to keep their flames lit in the face
of the mountain breeze.
Zama’s lesson: “Sacrifice is giving of yourself for others. The farmer
gives their labor that others might eat, the priest gives their life that
others might be saved.”
4 skeletons tend to the shrines in this area, keeping their candle
lit, cleaning the idols, and refreshing the food offerings. Each will
defend itself individually if attacked, but they will not come to each
other’s aid, or attack unprovoked without Zama’s influence. One can
impart ‘Zama’s lesson’ if the party approaches the disturbed earth.

6. Sanctum • Zama fills the chamber with a veil of magical darkness.
The sanctum is the centre of worship, and where Zama spends Creatures with darkvision cannot see through the darkness
most of her time. and nonmagical light can’t illuminate it. If any light in the
area was created by a spell of 2nd level or lower, the spell that
When the party enters the sanctum, read the following:
created the light is dispelled. Zama is able to see through the
A grand stairway, lined with pillars, ascends to an enormous statue darkness.
of a serene figure, hand raised in blessing. At its base, a robed
• The statue briefly animates, slamming down a massive fist.
corpse rises to its feet, the pinpoints of its eyes gleaming in the dim,
One creature within 30 feet of the statue, that Zama can see,
hazy light.
must make a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw, taking
Zama hopes that the party’s recent experiences with the nature 16 (3d10)/33 (6d10)/66 (12d10) bludgeoning damage on a
of sacrifice and faith have opened their eyes to her reasons failed save, or half as much on a successful one.
for attaining lichdom. In truth, she is in denial; she has felt
disconnected from her god ever since becoming undead and, Treasure
having lost everything from her former life, is enraged at the The equipment Zama is holding slowly dematerializes along with
thought that it was all for nothing. her body on her death, save for her piece of the keystone (a rough
piece of opaline crystal which forms part of a sphere), worked
Lair Actions into the head of her jagged, flanged mace. If the party reacts
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Zama takes a lair quickly to grab it, they might also take possession of the mace
action to cause one of the following effects. Zama can’t use the itself, which can be used as both a weapon and a holy symbol
same effect two rounds in a row. dedicated to a warrior deity. As a holy symbol, the mace grants a
• Grasping, spectral hands appear in a 20 foot radius centred +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and, when wielded as a weapon, it
on a point on the ground that Zama can see, within 120 grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
feet of her. That area becomes difficult terrain. A creature
that enters the area, or starts its turn there, must make a
DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving throw or be restrained.
A restrained creature takes 10 (3d6)/21 (6d6)/42 (12d6)
necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. A restrained
creature can be freed if it, or another creature within 5 feet,
takes an action to make a DC 12/15/18 Strength check and
succeeds. The hands retreat when Zama uses this lair action
again, or when she dies. Zama can’t use this lair action again
until she uses a different one.

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Part 5: Death
Once the party has collected all three keystones, they are able to
gain entry to the ritual site. Refer to this section when the party
decide to put an end to the liches once and for all

Justice Delayed…
The adventure assumes that the party seeks out the ritual site as
a matter of priority, once they are able, and get there before the
liches fully reform. If the party delays, it is entirely possible that
the newly-reconstituted liches seek them out and attempt to
reclaim their keystones, leaving at least one behind at a time to
ensure access to the ritual nexus.
The entrance to the dungeon is an arched doorway of pale,
white stone, speckled with moss. In the centre of the doorway
is a hemispherical depression. When the three pieces of
the keystone are placed in its immediate vicinity, they snap
together, forming a glowing silver sphere which fills the
depression, and the door grinds open.

1. Entryway Into the Pit. A creature that reaches the bottom of the funnel
The entryway carries a warning to those who would venture must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Dexterity saving throw or fall
further into the dungeon. into the pit, taking 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage and landing
prone. Prone creatures have disadvantage on this saving throw.
When the party enters the entryway, read the following:
Grease. Greasy fluid exudes from the outer perimeter of the
With a grating of stone, the door closes itself behind you, leaving
upper surface, hindering attempts to escape. Any creature
you in twilight. Before you is an unassuming archway into the
attempting to move in the area must succeed on a DC 12/15/18
darkness of the ruins. Above it are carved the words ‘Thief! You will
Dexterity check or fall prone.
go no further. Leave this place and return what you have stolen,
and your deaths can be made swift.’ Restraining Vines. A creature that ends its turn restrained
by the Lashing Vines takes 11 (2d10)/22 (4d10)/44 (8d10)
2. Kiara’s Chamber piercing damage and is dragged 10 feet towards the bottom
This chamber houses an enormous, magical plant conjured by of the pit.
Kiara, designed to trap and hold any creatures who enter the
Paralysing Thorns. Thin vines hang down the sides of the
dungeon for use in future sacrifices.
pit. A creature that touches a vine must make a DC 12/15/18
When the party enters the chamber, read the following: Constitution saving throw or be paralysed for one minute.
The flagstones of the previous chamber give way to a smooth, flat, A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
greyish surface covering the floor of this circular room, like the taut turns, ending the effect on a success.
skin of a drum. Pool. The pool of amber liquid at the bottom of the pit is 5 feet
deep. A creature submerged in the liquid follows the normal
Lich Pitcher rules for drowning, but is knocked unconscious and is stable
A huge pitcher plant fills the area beneath the room. When it when it drops to 0 hit points, as the magical liquid filling its
detects vibrations caused by moving creatures, it tips them into lungs keeps it in stasis.
a deep chamber, the bottom of which is filled with fluid which Countermeasures. Creatures can deal with the trap’s elements
will keep creatures in stasis, if imbibed. Paralysing thorns line in multiple ways.
the walls of the chamber, and lashing vines attempt to draw
more creatures in. Trigger. A successful DC 15/20/25 Wisdom (Perception)
check reveals that the floor of the chamber is organic in nature.
Trigger (Weight Sensitive Surface). Two or more Medium If a creature succeeds the check by 5 or more, they also notice
or larger creatures standing on the upper surface of the plant the hidden flap in the center of the floor.
(which occupies the entirety of the chamber, except for a
5-foot-wide ring around the outside) triggers the trap. With this information, a successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence
(Nature) check identifies the structure as being similar to a
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. pitcher plant, and that it is likely triggered by pressure to the
Active Elements. The Lich Pitcher is primarily a sloped floor upper surface (they might also be able to intuit other features,
depositing creatures in the pit at its center, but also has lashing such as the tipping floor, and grease).
vines that emerge from the pit to hinder escape and drag Trapdoor. The trapdoor can be forced closed with a successful
creatures in. DC 15/20/25 Strength (Athletics) check. Once closed, it
Tilting Floor (Initiative 20). This element activates only once, can be kept in place if pierced with a strong, sharp object
the first time the trap acts. The floor slopes down towards (AC 14/16/18). If not kept in place, it will reopen again on
a central hole, turning into a funnel that is difficult terrain. initiative 20.
Each creature on any portion of the upper surface of the plant Restraining Vines. Reducing a vine to 0 hit points disables
must succeed on a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw or it. Each vine has AC 14/16/18; 9/18/36 hp; vulnerability to
fall prone. fire damage; resistance to piercing damage; and immunity to
Open the Pit (Initiative 20). This element activates only once, poison and psychic damage.
the first time the trap acts. A flap at the center of the floor Paralysing Thorns. A successful DC 12/15/18 Intelligence
opens, revealing a 50-foot deep pit. (Nature) check identifies the paralysing effect of the vines.
Lashing Vines (Initiative 10). Four vines snake up from the A creature aware of their nature can use either Dexterity or
bottom pit and attempt to ensnare creatures. Each vine can Constitution to avoid their paralysing effect, and has advantage
make an attack against a creature in the pit, or within 20 feet on the saving throw.
of the opening of the pit: +6/+8/+10 attack bonus, grappled
(escape DC 12/15/18) on a hit.
Dynamic Elements. A creature that starts its turn on the tilted
upper surface moves 20 feet down it, towards the pit.
Constant Elements. Creatures drop into the pit when they hit
the bottom of the tilted upper surface. Greasy fluid hinders
efforts to remain upright. The grasping vines constrict
their victims.
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3. Lanius’ Chamber Lich Fear. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of the
Lanius designed this chamber to fool any would-be adventurers locket must make a saving throw against the Lich Fear, unless
into thinking they had found the liches’ shared phylactery, and they are immune.
dissuade them from exploring further. Illusory Bolts. Any creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of
When the party enters the chamber, read the following: the locket is targeted by an attack: +6/+8/+10 attack bonus; 7
(2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) psychic damage on a hit.
A grand, circular colonnade surrounds an altar at the centre of this
chamber. Atop it, illuminated by a dust-specked shaft of light, is an Countermeasures. The trigger and active elements of the trap
ornate amulet, set with a deep red jewel. can be thwarted by particular countermeasures. Additionally,
creatures can escape the trap by locating a secret door.
False Phylactery
Trigger. The locket has an aura of illusion magic when viewed
Magic trap (dangerous, harm) with detect magic. A spellcaster can disrupt the enchantment on
the locket with a successful DC 15/20/25 spellcasting ability
In the center of this chamber is an altar with a large, jewelled
check; dispel magic (DC 15/20/25) also disables the trap. This
locket atop it. When a creature touches the locket, it begins to
can be done before or after the trap activates.
float, creating around itself an illusory lich that induces fear in
nearby creatures. Additionally, it attacks with bolts of illusory Destroying the locket also disables the trap. While floating
energy, dealing psychic damage to creatures they hit. Creatures at the heart of the illusory lich, the locket has AC 14/16/18;
can leave through the door they entered, or search for a secret 9/18/36 hp, immunity to poison and psychic damage, and
door which allows them to progress. resistance to all other damage types. A creature can attempt
to grab the locket with a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity (Sleight of
Trigger (Touch Object). Touching the locket triggers the trap.
Hand) check. The locket’s resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. and slashing damage is removed while it is not floating. The
Active Elements. The False Phylactery creates an illusory lich locket struggles and attempts to return to the heart of the
that scares creatures and attacks them with phantasmal bolts illusory lich. Each turn it is being held, the creature holding it
of energy. must make a DC 12/15/18 Strength check, or lose their grip
on the locket.
Lich Fear (Initiative 20). An illusion of a lich manifests
around the locket, its features a shifting medley of Kiara, Lich Ilusion. Once activated, the illusory lich can be dispelled
Lanius, and Zama. All creatures within 30 feet of the locket with dispel magic (DC 12/15/18). A creature that succeeds on
must succeed on a DC 15/20/25 Wisdom saving throw or a DC 15/20/25 Intelligence (Investigation) check recognizes
become frightened. A creature frightened this way must that the lich is an illusion. Once a creature knows the lich isn’t
take the Dash action and move away from the locket area by real, it is immune to Lich Fear and resistance to the psychic
the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is damage from the Illusory Bolts.
nowhere to move. A party member that knows the lich is an illusion can use
If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn’t have an action to try and convince one of their allies of the fact.
line of sight to the illusory lich, the creature can make a DC If the party member succeeds on a DC 12/15/18 Charisma
12/15/18 Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, this (Persuasion) check, their ally also recognises that the lich is
effect ends for that creature. an illusion.

Once a creature succeeds on their Wisdom saving throw to Secret Door. If creatures can locate and unlock a secret door,
resist the Lich Fear, they are immune to it for 1 hour. they can escape the chamber. To locate the door, a creature
must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception)
Illusory Bolts (Initiative 10). The illusory lich sends out eight check to notice an inconsistency in the pattern on the floor,
bolts of energy. For each bolt of energy, it makes an attack suggesting a moving panel. Once the door has been found,
against a random living creature within 30 feet of the locket: it can be unlocked with a successful DC 15/20/25 Dexterity
+6/+8/+10 attack bonus, 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) psychic check using thieves’ tools.
damage on a hit.
Dynamic Elements. Tampering with the locket increases the
trap’s power.
Locket. Each unsuccessful ability check made to disable the
locket increases the damage of the Illusory Bolts by 1d6, to
a maximum of 5d6/7d6/11d6, and increases the DC of the
Wisdom saving throw to resist or end the Lich Fear by 1, to a
maximum of 15/20/25.
Constant Elements. The Lich Fear and Illusory Bolts affect each
creature that ends its turn within 30 feet of the locket.

4. Zama’s Chamber Necrotic Restraint. A creature that ends its turn restrained
Zama designed this chamber as a last line of defense to destroy by the Necrotic Restraint takes 7 (2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6)
any intruders before they make it to the ritual nexus. necrotic damage.
When the party enters the chamber, read the following: Countermeasures. The trap’s trigger and active elements can be
thwarted by particular countermeasures.
This room is ringed by five statues, their subjects now familiar
to you from your adventures. The stone faces of Kiara, Lanius, Trigger. A successful DC 12/15/18 Wisdom (Perception)
Brennan, and Cadmus stare towards the middle of the space, where check reveals a rune of detection on the ceiling that reacts to
the larger figure of Zama holds court. the presence of living creatures. The rune can also be found
with detect magic, which also reveals an aura of evocation
Poisonous Reception magic around the statues. A successful DC 15/20/25
Intelligence (Arcana) check or dispel magic (DC 12/15/18)
Hybrid trap (deadly, harm)
disables the trap.
There are five statues arrayed around the chamber. The trap
Necrotic Restraint. A restrained creature can be freed with a
activates when a living creature enters the area, causing magical
successful DC 12/15/18 Strength check, which deals 3 (1d6)/7
bonds of necrotic energy to erupt and grapple creatures,
(2d6)/14 (4d6) necrotic damage to the creature attempting
dealing damage to them. In addition, poison gas spouts from
the check.
the mouths of four of the statues; once the gas reaches a certain
potency, the fifth statue ignites it. Open the Doors. The doors’ lock has been enhanced with
arcane lock, which can be found with detect magic. As an
Trigger (Creature Detector). Any living creature that ventures
action, a creature can pick the lock on the doors with a
15 feet into the chamber triggers the trap.
successful DC 15/20/25 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools.
Initiative. The trap acts on initiative 20 and 10. The doors can be pushed open as an action with a successful
Active Elements. The trap consists of magical restraints made DC 15/20/25 Strength check.
from necrotic energy, and poison gas which fills the room from Poison Gas. The gas can be disabled by blocking the flow from
pipes in the mouths of the statues. the statues’ mouths, but heavily damaging a statue leaves the
Necrotic Restraint (Initiative 20). This effect activates only gas vents open. When all four gas-expelling statues are blocked
once, the first time the trap acts. Each living creature within 30 up or disabled, the trap deactivates.
feet of the triggering creature must succeed on a DC 12/15/18 Attack. Reducing a statue to 0 hit points (AC 16/18/20; 9/18/36
Wisdom saving throw or become restrained and take 7 hit points; resistance to fire, piercing, and slashing damage;
(2d6)/14 (4d6)/28 (8d6) necrotic damage. The triggering immunity to poison and psychic damage), or making a
creature makes the save with disadvantage. successful DC 15/20/25 Strength check to break one increases
Locked Doors (Initiative 20). This effect activates only once, the Poison Gas damage by 1d6/2d6/4d6.
the first time the trap acts. The exits and entrances to this room Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, DC 15/20/25. A creature
slam shut and are locked in place by magic. can use thieves’ tools to disable the gas in one of the statues,
Poison Gas (Initiative 10). Poison gas floods the room. Each reducing the Poison Gas damage by 1d6/2d6/4d6. The same
creature inside must make a DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving method can be used to prevent the fifth statue from opening
throw, taking 3 (1d6)/7 (2d6)/14 (4d6) poison damage on a its mouth and sparking the gas before the gas reaches its
failed save, or half as much on a successful one. maximum damage.

Dynamic Elements. The longer the poison gas remains in Strength check, DC 12/15/18. A creature can block up the statue
the room, the more lethal it becomes. After it hits a certain with a cloak or similar object, reducing the Poison Gas damage
concentration, it ignites. by 1d6/2d6/4d6. Once a party member succeeds on the check,
someone must remain within 5 feet of the statue to keep it
Increased Potency. The damage from the Poison Gas element blocked up.
increases by 3 (1d6)/7 (2d6)/14 (4d6) each round after it
activates, to a maximum of 4d6/8d6/16d6. Once the gas
reaches its maximum damage, the next time it would activate,
the fifth statue’s mouth opens, activating a sparking mechanism
which ignites the gas. Each creature in the chamber must
succeed on a DC 15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14
(4d6)/28 (8d6)/56 (16d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one.
Once the gas has been ignited, the process starts again, with
the gas dealing 3 (1d6)/7 (2d6)/14 (4d6) poison damage on its
next turn.
Constant Elements. The Necrotic Restraint affects each creature
that ends its turn restrained.

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5. Ritual Nexus Altar. On the altar is a knife, made of the same solid smoke as
This chamber houses the soul well, home to the mysterious entity Cadmus’ bindings.
to which the liches sacrificed Cadmus, and the body of Cadmus Figure. The suspended figure is Cadmus, who has remained
himself, suspended in perpetual torment to fuel their shared preserved on the point of death since the ritual took place some
phylactery. 50 years ago. They are unaware of any activity outside the pillar
When the party enters the ritual nexus, read the following: of light, and the shadowy bindings keeping them in place cannot
be broken.
A column of blinding, almost solid light dominates the chamber.
It emanates from a circular pit ringed by columns, putting you in Removing the dagger is the only way to end the ritual, killing
mind of both a temple and the bastion roots of an enormous tree. Cadmus and thus destroying the liches’ phylactery.
Half-heard voices echo from the depths of the well. Suspended in A living creature that makes physical contact with the pillar
the light is a humanoid figure bound by hazy shadows and writhing of light surrounding Cadmus must make a DC 15/20/25
in silent agony, a dagger seemingly made of solid smoke transfixing Constitution saving throw, taking 11 (2d10/22 (4d10)/44
their chest. (8d10) damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful
Light. The light is an avatar for a nameless, extra-planar entity one. Half of the damage is necrotic and half is radiant. A creature
which is powered by souls. It offers those who approach it the that fails its saving throw also flinches back, and is unable to grasp
option to gain lichdom in exchange for sacrificing a living the dagger to remove it.
humanoid, and gains power from both the sacrifice and the When the dagger is removed, read the following:
fragment of the lich’s soul shed as part of the ritual.
The dagger moves with some resistance, the darkness seeming to
When the party approaches the well, the entity puppeteers grasp at Cadmus’ writhing form before giving up its grip. For a
Cadmus’ body to speak to them; Cadmus’ anguished face split second, Cadmus’ face relaxes, almost returning to an easy
contrasting with the calm and unearthly voice composed of those smile, before they spasm once more. A torrent of inky black shadow
of the three liches’ combined. Focussing on the most powerful pours from them, billowing out to form the hazy figure of a corpse
spellcasters in the party, the entity offers them the chance to gain surrounded by twisting darkness.
all the power they could possibly desire, should they take the
knife from the altar and sacrifice a member of their own party. Cadmus stops writhing and looks momentarily at peace, before
their tormented spirit takes the form of a wraith and attacks
the party.

Lair Actions Conclusion
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the wraith takes a When the wraith is defeated, read the following:
lair action to cause one of the following effects. The wraith can’t
use the same effect two rounds in a row. The twisted creature stops dead, convulses as it begins to lose its
form, and then it is gone, dissipating like morning fog. The pillar
• The light pillar pulses, and tempting whispers of power of light flares with a terrible howl of anguish - three broken souls’
creep into the minds of those nearby. Every living creature screams of pain and fear mingle with countless others from the
within 30 feet of the light who can see it must make a DC depths below. The shadows retreat into the pit, and the light goes
15/20/25 Wisdom saving throw or become transfixed by the out. Whatever entity dwelt there is gone, and you are left blinking in
light until the end of their next turn. A transfixed creature the darkness. With a final thud, Cadmus’ body comes to rest on the
is incapacitated, and must spend their movement moving floor of the chamber - dead, simply dead, at last.
at half their speed towards the light, by the shortest route.
This effect ends immediately if the creature takes damage. If With the liches’ phylactery ritual destroyed, and Cadmus put to
a creature makes physical contact with the light, they take 11 rest, Brennan is now released from his earthly bonds and is at
(2d10/22 (4d10)/44 (8d10) damage. Half of the damage is peace. The faint image of him appears, kneeling beside Cadmus’
necrotic, and half is radiant. corpse. He brushes their face with a ghostly hand, turns to the
party with a grateful bow of the head, and is gone.
• The light pillar flares in a searing burst. Every creature who
can see it must make a DC 12/15/18 Constitution saving The nameless entity that lurked in the well of light has retreated.
throw or be blinded for one minute. A creature can repeat Unused to failure, it will lurk licking its wounds in its home plane
this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the for many ages, before attempting to return.
effect on a success. If the party followed either of the first two adventure hooks, they
• Grasping tendrils of shadow issue forth from the light. Up can collect on what is owed to them:
to two creatures within 60 feet of the pillar must make a DC Hook #1 - Magdak Lubogg is delighted that Brennan has vacated
15/20/25 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained (escape the house, and is able to transform it into the tavern of his
DC 15/20/25). The tendrils retreat when the wraith uses this dreams. He enthusiastically pays the party their due, and insists
lair action again, or when it dies. The wraith can’t use this lair that they never have to pay for a drink and the newly-opened
action again until it uses a different one. Three Liches Tavern, so long as he tends the bar there.
Hook #2 - The party member now has full legal ownership of the
house. It is in a state of some neglect, but is structurally sound.
With a little elbow grease, it can become a very comfortable
residence for a small band of adventurers.

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Appendix A: Beginner Monsters

Etherealness. Brennan enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Brennan (Ghost) Material Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on the Material Plane
Medium undead, any alignment
while he is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet he can't
Armor Class 12 affect, or be affected by, anything on the other plane.
Hit Points 70 (20d6)
Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. Horrifying Visage. Creatures within 60 feet of Brennan,
other than undead, that can see him must succeed on a DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened for 1 minute. A
4 (-3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons success. If a target's saving throw is successful, or the effect ends
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison for it, the target is immune to Brennan's Horrifying Visage for
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, the next 24 hours.
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
Object Possession. Brennan possesses up to four Small or
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
smaller objects of his choice, that are in the Material Plane,
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
within 60 feet of him that are not being worn or carried. Each
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
object remains possessed until Brennan relinquishes possession
Ethereal Sight. Brennan can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane of it, leaves the Material Plane, or the object is more than 60
when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. feet away from him. Brennan can independently move each
possessed object up to 40 feet in any direction immediately
Incorporeal Movement. Brennan can move through other
after using this ability, or as an action on subsequent turns.
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5
While possessed, objects can be suspended in the air.
(1d10) force damage if he ends his turn inside an object.
Additionally, after possessing objects, Brennan can choose to
Actions make one Fling Object attack as a bonus action.

Multiattack. Brennan can use his Horrifying Visage. He then Brennan can never possess more than 4 objects at once. If
attacks with his Blood-Chilling Touch. Alternatively, Brennan Brennan uses this ability again, while possessing objects, he
can make two Fling Object attacks. must choose any number of objects to relinquish in order to be
able to possess any others.
Blood-Chilling Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) necrotic damage. Legendary Actions
Fling Object (Requires Possessed Object). Ranged Weapon Brennan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Attack: +6 to hit, range 50 ft. (measured from the object’s options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
space), one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 4) damage if the object is Small, a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Brennan
or 6 (1d4 + 4) damage if the object is Tiny. The damage type regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
depends on the shape of the object. If the object has sharp
Fling. Brennan makes one Fling Object attack.
points, it deals piercing damage, if it has a cutting edge, it
deals slashing damage, otherwise the object deals bludgeoning Deathly Strafe (Costs 2 Actions). Brennan moves up to half
damage. Weapons and pieces of ammunition always deal the his flying speed. If he passes through another creature's space,
type of damage that they would deal when wielded normally. A he can make an attack with his Blood-Chilling Touch against
flung object is no longer possessed. the first hostile creature he passes through.


Kiara (Blight Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Decomposing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw,
Speed 30 ft. or become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, a creature
must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the start
of each of its turns, or take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. Once a
9 (-1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
creature succeeds on the saving throw, the effect ends for it.
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +5, Wis +6
Skills Nature +5, Perception +6, Survival +6 Legendary Actions
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Kiara can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Damage Resistances necrotic
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Damage Immunities poison
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Kiara regains
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16 Cantrip. Kiara casts a cantrip.
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan
Decomposing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Kiara uses her
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Decomposing Touch.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Kiara fails a saving throw,
Rot Absorption (Costs 3 Actions). Kiara draws life energy
she can choose to succeed instead.
from creatures around her, that aren’t undead or constructs,
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is causing the victims’ flesh to wither. Creatures within 30 feet of
destroyed, Kiara gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit Kiara must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within take 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. Kiara regains a number of hit
5 feet of the ritual nexus. points equal to half the total damage dealt.
Spellcasting. Kiara is a 6th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
attacks). Kiara has the following druid spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray, thorn whip
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, hold person, moonbeam
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, protection from energy,
sleet storm
Turn Resistance. Kiara has advantage on saving throws against
any effect that turns undead.

high fantasy

Lanius (Apocryphal Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) creature. Hit: 7 (2d6) cold damage, and the target must succeed
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16) on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or be paralyzed for 1
Speed 30 ft. minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) Legendary Actions
Saving Throws Con +4, Int +6, Wis +5
Lanius can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Skills Arcana +9, History +6, Perception +5
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Lanius regains
Damage Resistances necrotic
spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Cantrip. Lanius casts a cantrip.
paralyzed, poisoned
Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Lanius uses his
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Paralyzing Touch.
Languages Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish,
Infernal, Sylvan Frightening Apocrypha (Costs 3 Actions). Lanius
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) telepathically focuses a stream of forbidden knowledge on
one creature he can see within 20 feet of him. The target
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Lanius fails a saving throw,
must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, or become
he can choose to succeed instead.
frightened for 1 minute. While frightened, the creature has
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when he is disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
destroyed, Lanius gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 throws against Lanius’ wizard spells. The frightened creature
hit point and becoming active again. The new body appears can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
within 5 feet of the ritual nexus. ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw
is successful, or the effect ends for it, the target has advantage
Spellcasting. Lanius is a 6th level spellcaster. His spellcasting
on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
Lanius’ spells until the next time it fails to save against one of
attacks). Lanius has the following wizard spells prepared:
them, and is immune to Lanius’ Frightening Apocrypha for the
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, prestidigitation next 24 hours.
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic, fireball
Turn Resistance. Lanius has advantage on saving throws
against any effect that turns undead.


Zama (Profane Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Commanding Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage,
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32) plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on
Speed 30 ft. a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, or be charmed by Zama for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
14 (+2) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3)
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +5, Wis +6 Legendary Actions
Skills Religion +5, Perception +6, Survival +6
Zama can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Damage Resistances necrotic
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zama regains
Damage Immunities poison
spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
paralyzed, poisoned Cantrip. Zama casts a cantrip.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Commanding Warhammer (Costs 2 Actions). Zama attacks
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
with her Commanding Warhammer.
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Profane Sermon (Costs 3 Actions). Zama speaks a portion of
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Zama fails a saving throw,
an unholy sermon. Creatures within 30 feet that can hear her,
she can choose to succeed instead.
other than undead, must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is throw, taking 4 (1d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
destroyed, Zama gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit as much on a successful one. Additionally, undead creatures
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within within 30 feet, that can hear Zama, regain 4 (1d8) hit points.
5 feet of the ritual nexus.
Spellcasting. Zama is a 6th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
attacks). Zama has the following cleric spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person,
spiritual weapon
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic
Turn Resistance. Zama has advantage on saving throws against
any effect that turns undead.

high fantasy

Cadmus (Wraith) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 13 creature. Hit: 22 (5d8) necrotic damage, and the target must
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
5 (-3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant If a creature is slain by this attack, its spirit rises on the next
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; turn as a specter in the space of its corpse, or in the nearest
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from unoccupied space. The specter is under Cadmus’ control.
nonmagical attacks Cadmus can have no more than 7 specters under their control
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison at a time.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, Necrotic Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) necrotic damage.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant Create Specter. Cadmus targets a corpse within 10 feet of
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) them that has been dead for no longer than an hour, and died
violently. The target's spirit rises as a specter in the space of
Incorporeal Movement. Cadmus can move through other its corpse, or in the nearest unoccupied space. The specter is
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. They take under Cadmus’ control.
5 (1d10) force damage if they end their turn inside an object.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Cadmus has
Legendary Actions
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception) Cadmus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
checks that rely on sight. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Cadmus
regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
Shift. Cadmus flies up to half their fly speed, without
provoking opportunity attacks.
Hateful Lash. Cadmus makes a Necrotic Lash attack.
Create Specter (Costs 2 Actions). Cadmus uses their Create
Specter ability.


Ghoul Skeleton
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 13 (chain shirt scraps)
Hit Points 22 (5d8) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3)
Damage Immunities poison Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, radiant
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Damage Immunities poison, necrotic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Languages Common Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but
can't speak
Actions Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Skeletal Appearance. While the skeleton is lying still, it is
Hit: 4 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. indistinguishable from a mundane skeletal corpse. It can still be
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other
than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Actions
saving throw, or be stunned until the end of its next turn. Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Medium humanoid (mongrelfolk), any alignment Reactions
Armor Class 11 (natural armor)
Brace Pike. When a creature enters its reach, the skeleton can
Hit Points 19 (3d8 + 6)
make a pike attack against it.
Speed 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Zama Possessed Template
12 (+1) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
A skeleton can become a vessel for Zama to inhabit. Zama
Skills Deception +2, Perception +2 controls the skeleton’s actions and can perceive through its
Senses passive Perception 12 senses, as well as speak through the skeleton using her voice. It
Languages Common keeps its statistics, with the following changes:
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Ability Scores. INT 15 (+2), WIS 17 (+3), CHA 16 (+3)
Prominent Deformities. The mongrelfolk has up to 4
features from the mongrelfolk deformity table (Appendix D), Saving Throws.Con +5, Int +5, Wis +6
determined randomly by rolling a d4 and d20 each, or chosen Skills. Religion +5, Perception +6, Survival +6
by the GM. Languages. Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
Actions Spellcasting. The Zama possessed is a 6th level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
Multiattack. The mongrelfolk makes two attacks: one with its spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
bite, and one with its claw or dagger.
Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray, thorn whip
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, hold person, moonbeam
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage. 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, protection from energy,
sleet storm
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1)
piercing damage.

high fantasy

Specter Zombie
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 8
Hit Points 18 (4d8) Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Speed 20 ft.
1 (-5) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 15 (+2) 2 (-4) 7 (-2) 1 (-5)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Saving Throws Con +4, Wis +0
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Damage Immunities poison
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Condition Immunities poisoned
nonmagical attacks Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 8
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, can't speak
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Cadaverous Appearance. While the zombie is lying still, it is
Languages the languages it knew in life
indistinguishable from a mundane decomposing corpse. It can
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
still be detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.
Draining Form (1/Turn). If the specter moves through
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit
another creature's space on its turn, it can force that creature
points, it must make a Constitution saving throw, with a DC
to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
the creature takes 10 (3d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point
from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage. On a
point instead.
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and its
hit point maximum isn’t reduced. This reduction lasts until the
creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces
its hit point maximum to 0. The specter can't use its Draining Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Form and Life Drain against the same target on the same turn. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Incorporeal Movement. The specter can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the specter has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.


Appendix B: Intermediate Monsters

Etherealness. Brennan enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Brennan (Ghost) Material Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on the Material Plane
Medium undead, any alignment
while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet he can't
Armor Class 14 affect, or be affected by, anything on the other plane.
Hit Points 88 (16d8 + 16)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. Horrifying Visage. Creatures within 60 feet of Brennan,
other than undead, that can see him must succeed on a DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 15 Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened for 1 minute. A
8 (-1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
Saving Throws Con +4 each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; success. If a target's saving throw is successful, or the effect ends
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons for it, the target is immune to Brennan's Horrifying Visage for
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison the next 24 hours.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Object Possession. Brennan possesses up to four Medium or
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
smaller objects of his choice, that are in the Material Plane,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
within 60 feet of him that are not being worn or carried. Each
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
object remains possessed until Brennan relinquishes possession
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
of it, leaves the Material Plane, or the object is more than 60
Ethereal Sight. Brennan can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane feet away from him. Brennan can independently move each
when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. possessed object up to 40 feet in any direction immediately
after using this ability, or as an action on subsequent turns.
Incorporeal Movement. Brennan can move through other
While possessed, objects can be suspended in the air.
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5
Additionally, after possessing objects, Brennan can choose to
(1d10) force damage if he ends its turn inside an object.
make one Fling Object attack as a bonus action.
Actions Brennan can never possess more than 4 objects at once. If
Multiattack. Brennan can use his Horrifying Visage. He then Brennan uses this ability again, while possessing objects, he
attacks with his Blood-Chilling Touch. Alternatively, Brennan can must choose any number of objects to relinquish in order to be
make two Fling Object attacks. able to possess any others.

Blood-Chilling Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., Legendary Actions
one target. Hit: 21 (5d6 + 4) necrotic damage.
Brennan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Fling Object (Requires Possessed Object). Ranged Weapon options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Attack: +7 to hit, range 50 ft. (measured from the object’s a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Brennan
space), one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 4) damage if the object is regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Medium, 8 (1d6 + 4) damage if the object is Small, or 6 (1d4
+ 4) damage if the object is Tiny. The damage type depends Fling. Brennan makes one Fling Object attack.
on the shape of the object. If the object has sharp points, it Deathly Strafe (Costs 2 Actions). Brennan moves up to half
deals piercing damage, if it has a cutting edge, it deals slashing his flying speed. If he passes through another creature's space,
damage, otherwise the object deals bludgeoning damage. he can make an attack with his Blood-Chilling Touch against
Weapons and pieces of ammunition always deal the type of the first hostile creature he passes through.
damage that they would deal when wielded normally. A flung
object is no longer possessed.

high fantasy

Kiara (Blight Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Decomposing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34) target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw,
Speed 30 ft. or become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, a creature
must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the start
of each of its turns, or take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. Once a
9 (-1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3)
creature succeeds on the saving throw, the effect ends for it.
Saving Throws Con +6, Int +7, Wis +8
Skills Nature +7, Perception +8, Survival +8 Undead Beast Shape (2/Day). Kiara magically polymorphs
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant into a beast with a challenge rating of 6 or less, and can remain
Damage Resistances necrotic in this form for up to 9 hours. While in this form, Kiara
Damage Immunities poison resembles a decomposing, undead version of that beast. Kiara
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, can choose whether her equipment falls to the ground, melds
paralyzed, poisoned with her new form, or is worn by the new form. Kiara reverts to
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 her true form if she dies or falls unconscious. Kiara can revert
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan to her true form using a bonus action on its turn.
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) While in a new form, Kiara retains her game statistics and
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Kiara fails a saving throw, ability to speak, but her AC, movement modes, Strength, and
she can choose to succeed instead. Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form. Additionally,
she gains the special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions, and
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is reactions (except class features, legendary actions, and lair
destroyed, Kiara gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit actions) of her new form. Kiara can’t cast spells with somatic
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within components in her new form.
5 feet of the ritual nexus.
The new form's attacks count as magical for the purpose of
Spellcasting. Kiara is a 9th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell Additionally, when Kiara hits with a melee weapon attack in
attacks). Kiara has the following druid spells prepared: her new form, the target takes an additional 14 (4d6) necrotic
Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray, thorn whip damage and must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
throw, or become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, a
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, thunderwave creature must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at
2nd level (4 slots): gust of wind, hold person, moonbeam the start of each of its turns, or take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage.
Once a creature succeeds on the saving throw, the effect
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, protection from energy, ends for it.
sleet storm
4th level (3 slots): blight, polymorph Legendary Actions
5th level (2 slots): antilife shell, contagion Kiara can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Turn Resistance. Kiara has advantage on saving throws against and only at the end of another creature's turn. Kiara regains
any effect that turns undead. spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Cantrip. Kiara casts a cantrip.
Decomposing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Kiara uses her
Decomposing Touch.
Shapechange (Costs 2 Actions). Kiara uses her Undead
Beast Shape.
Rot Absorption (Costs 3 Actions). Kiara draws life energy
from creatures around her, that aren’t undead or constructs,
causing the victims’ flesh to wither. Creatures within 30 feet of
Kiara must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or
take 11 (3d6) necrotic damage. Kiara regains a number of hit
points equal to half the total damage dealt.


Lanius (Apocryphal Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) creature. Hit: 7 (2d6) cold damage, and the target must succeed
Hit Points 93 (17d8 + 17) on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or be paralyzed for 1
Speed 30 ft. minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
9 (-1) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) Legendary Actions
Saving Throws Con +5, Int +8, Wis +7
Lanius can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Skills Arcana +12, History +8, Perception +7
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Lanius regains
Damage Resistances necrotic
spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Cantrip. Lanius casts a cantrip.
paralyzed, poisoned
Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Lanius uses his
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
Paralyzing Touch.
Languages Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish,
Infernal, Sylvan Frightening Apocrypha (Costs 3 Actions). Lanius
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) telepathically focuses a stream of forbidden knowledge on
one creature he can see within 20 feet of him. The target
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Lanius fails a saving throw,
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, or become
he can choose to succeed instead.
frightened for 1 minute. While frightened, the creature has
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when he is disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
destroyed, Lanius gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 throws against Lanius’ wizard spells. The frightened creature
hit point and becoming active again. The new body appears can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
within 5 feet of the ritual nexus. ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw
is successful, or the effect ends for it, the target has advantage
Spellcasting. Lanius is a 9th level spellcaster. His spellcasting
on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell
Lanius’ spells until the next time it fails to save against one of
attacks). Lanius has the following wizard spells prepared:
them, and is immune to Lanius’ Frightening Apocrypha for the
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, prestidigitation next 24 hours.
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic, fireball
4th level (3 slots): confusion, dimension door
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold, scrying
Turn Resistance. Lanius has advantage on saving throws
against any effect that turns undead.

high fantasy

Zama (Profane Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Commanding Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage,
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34) plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on
Speed 30 ft. a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, or be charmed by Zama for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
15 (+2) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 17 (+3)
Saving Throws Con +6, Int +7, Wis +8 Bane of Life (1/Day). Zama presents her holy symbol and
Skills Religion +7, Perception +8, Survival +8 speaks a baleful command, chastising the living. Each creature
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant within 30 feet of Zama, other than constructs, fiends, and
Damage Resistances necrotic undead, must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, or
Damage Immunities poison be frightened for 1 minute, or until it takes any damage. If a
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, creature with a challenge rating of 2 or lower fails its saving
paralyzed, poisoned throw against this effect, it immediately drops to 0 hit points.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 A frightened creature must spend its turns moving as far away
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal from Zama as it can. As its action, the creature can only use
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Dash actions, or to try to escape an effect that prevents it from
Legendary Resistance (2/Day). If Zama fails a saving throw, moving. If it has nowhere to move, the creature can use the
she can choose to succeed instead. Dodge action.

Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is Legendary Actions
destroyed, Zama gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit
Zama can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
5 feet of the ritual nexus.
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zama regains
Spellcasting. Zama is a 9th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell
Cantrip. Zama casts a cantrip.
attacks). Zama has the following cleric spells prepared:
Commanding Warhammer (Costs 2 Actions). Zama attacks
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
with her Commanding Warhammer.
1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, shield of faith
Profane Sermon (Costs 3 Actions). Zama speaks a portion of
2nd level (4 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, an unholy sermon. Creatures within 30 feet that can hear her,
spiritual weapon other than undead, must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic throw, taking 9 (2d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
as much on a successful one. Additionally, undead creatures
4th level (3 slots): banishment, guardian of faith within 30 feet, that can hear Zama, regain 4 (1d8) hit points.
5th level (2 slots): geas, insect plague
Turn Resistance. Zama has advantage on saving throws against
any effect that turns undead.


Cadmus (Wraith) Legendary Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Cadmus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Armor Class 14 options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Hit Points 195 (26d8 + 78) a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Cadmus
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Shift. Cadmus flies up to half their fly speed, without
6 (-2) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) provoking opportunity attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Hateful Lash. Cadmus makes a Necrotic Lash attack.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
Create Specter (Costs 2 Actions). Cadmus uses their Create
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
Specter ability.
nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Incorporeal Movement. Cadmus can move through other
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. They take
5 (1d10) force damage if they end their turn inside an object.
Specter Servants. Cadmus’ Life Drain and Create Specter
abilities can both create specters under their control. Cadmus
can have no more than 11 total specters under their control
at a time.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Cadmus has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 36 (8d8) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
If a creature is slain by this attack, its spirit rises on the next
turn as a specter in the space of its corpse, or in the nearest
unoccupied space. The specter is under Cadmus’ control.
Necrotic Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 18 (4d8) necrotic damage.
Create Specter. Cadmus targets a corpse within 10 feet of
them that has been dead for no longer than an hour, and died
violently. The target's spirit rises as a specter in the space of
its corpse, or in the nearest unoccupied space. The specter is
under Cadmus’ control.

high fantasy

Ghoul Skeleton
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, lawful evil
Armor Class 12 Armor Class 14 (rusted chain shirt)
Hit Points 22 (5d8) Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3)
Damage Immunities poison Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning, radiant
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned Damage Immunities poison, necrotic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Condition Immunities poisoned
Languages Common Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but
can't speak
Actions Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Skeletal Appearance. While the skeleton is lying still, it is
Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage. indistinguishable from a mundane skeletal corpse. It can still be
detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other
than an elf or undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw, or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can Multiattack. The skeleton makes two weapon attacks.
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
the effect on itself on a success.
Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
Mongrelfolk Reactions
Medium humanoid (mongrelfolk), any alignment
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) Brace Pike. When a creature enters its reach, the skeleton can
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18) make a pike attack against it.
Speed 20 ft.
Zama Possessed Template
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) A skeleton can become a vessel for Zama to inhabit. Zama
controls the skeleton’s actions and can perceive through its
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +2, Perception +2
senses, as well as speak through the skeleton using her voice. It
Senses passive Perception 12
keeps its statistics, with the following changes:
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Ability Scores. INT 16 (+3), WIS 18 (+4), CHA 17 (+3)
Prominent Deformities. The mongrelfolk has up to 4 Saving Throws. Con +6, Int +7, Wis +8
features from the mongrelfolk deformity table (Appendix D), Skills. Religion +7, Perception +8, Survival +8
determined randomly by rolling a d4 and d20 each, or chosen
Languages. Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
by the GM. Instead of a d20, roll a d10 and add +10 to the
result for the first two features generated. Spellcasting. The Zama possessed is a 9th level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with
Actions spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
Multiattack. The mongrelfolk makes three attacks: one with its Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
bite, one with its claw, and one with its spear. 1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, shield of faith
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. 2nd level (4 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person,
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. spiritual weapon
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic
Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
4th level (3 slots): banishment, guardian of faith
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or 5th level (2 slots): geas, insect plague
range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.


Specter Zombie
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10) Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Speed 25 ft.
1 (-5) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 9 (-1) 1 (-5)
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +1
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Damage Immunities poison
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Condition Immunities poisoned
nonmagical attacks Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled, can't speak
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages the languages it knew in life Cadaverous Appearance. While the zombie is lying still, it is
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) indistinguishable from a mundane decomposing corpse. It can
still be detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.
Draining Form (2/Turn). If the specter moves through
another creature's space on its turn, it can force that creature Grasping Horde. If a creature is grappled by more than one
to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, creature with this ability, it has disadvantage on ability checks
the creature takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point to escape the grapple.
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage. On a Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points,
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and its it must make a Constitution saving throw, with a DC of 5 + the
hit point maximum isn’t reduced. This reduction lasts until the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit.
creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
its hit point maximum to 0. The specter can't use its Draining
Form and Life Drain against the same target on the same turn, Actions
and can't use its Draining Form on the same creature more
Multiattack. The zombie makes two slam attacks.
than once per turn.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Incorporeal Movement. The specter can move through other
Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(escape DC 11). Until this grapple ends, the zombie can't use its
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
slam attack against another target.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the specter has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

high fantasy

Appendix C: Advanced Monsters

Etherealness. Brennan enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Brennan (Ghost) Material Plane, or vice versa. He is visible on the Material Plane
Medium undead, any alignment
while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet he can't
Armor Class 15 affect, or be affected by, anything on the other plane.
Hit Points 121 (22d8 + 22)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. Horrifying Visage. Creatures within 60 feet of Brennan,
other than undead, that can see him must succeed on a DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 Wisdom saving throw, or be frightened for 1 minute. A
8 (-1) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
Saving Throws Con +5 each of its turns, ending the frightened condition on itself on a
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; success. If a target's saving throw is successful, or the effect ends
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons for it, the target is immune to Brennan's Horrifying Visage for
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison the next 24 hours.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Object Possession. Brennan possesses up to six Medium or
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
smaller objects of his choice, that are in the Material Plane,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
within 60 feet of him that are not being worn or carried. Each
Languages Common, Elvish, Dwarvish
object remains possessed until Brennan relinquishes possession
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
of it, leaves the Material Plane, or the object is more than 60
Ethereal Sight. Brennan can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane feet away from him. Brennan can independently move each
when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa. possessed object up to 40 feet in any direction immediately
after using this ability, or as an action on subsequent turns.
Incorporeal Movement. Brennan can move through other
While possessed, objects can be suspended in the air.
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5
Additionally, after possessing objects, Brennan can choose to
(1d10) force damage if he ends its turn inside an object.
make one Fling Object attack as a bonus action.
Actions Brennan can never possess more than 6 objects at once. If
Multiattack. Brennan can use his Horrifying Visage. He then Brennan uses this ability again, while possessing objects, he
attacks with his Blood-Chilling Touch. Alternatively, Brennan must choose any number of objects to relinquish in order to be
can make two Fling Object attacks. able to possess any others.

Blood-Chilling Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., Legendary Actions
one target. Hit: 26 (6d6 + 5) necrotic damage.
Brennan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Fling Object (Requires Possessed Object). Ranged Weapon options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Attack: +9 to hit, range 50 ft. (measured from the object’s a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Brennan
space), one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 5) damage if the object is regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Medium, 11 (2d6 + 5) damage if the object is Small, or 7 (1d4
Fling. Brennan makes one Fling Object attack.
+ 5) damage if the object is Tiny. The damage type depends
on the shape of the object. If the object has sharp points, it Deathly Strafe (Costs 2 Actions). Brennan moves up to half
deals piercing damage, if it has a cutting edge, it deals slashing his flying speed. If he passes through another creature's space,
damage, otherwise the object deals bludgeoning damage. he can make an attack with his Blood-Chilling Touch against
Weapons and pieces of ammunition always deal the type of the first hostile creature he passes through.
damage that they would deal when wielded normally. A flung
object is no longer possessed.


Kiara (Blight Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Decomposing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (5d6) necrotic damage, and the
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw,
Speed 30 ft. or become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, a creature
must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the start
of each of its turns, or take 17 (5d6) necrotic damage. Once a
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4)
creature succeeds on the saving throw, the effect ends for it.
Saving Throws Con +8, Int +8, Wis +9
Skills Nature +8, Perception +9, Survival +9 Undead Beast Shape (2/Day). Kiara magically polymorphs
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic; bludgeoning, into a beast with a challenge rating of 8 or less, and can
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons remain in this form for up to 9 hours. While in this form, she
Damage Immunities poison resembles a decomposing, undead version of that beast. Kiara
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, can choose whether her equipment falls to the ground, melds
paralyzed, poisoned with her new form, or is worn by the new form. Kiara reverts to
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 her true form if she dies or falls unconscious. Kiara can revert
Languages Common, Druidic, Elvish, Sylvan to her true form using a bonus action on her turn.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) While in a new form, Kiara retains her game statistics and
Circle of Rot. Whenever an undead creature is destroyed ability to speak, but her AC, movement modes, Strength, and
within 60 feet of Kiara, she regains a number of hit points equal Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form. Additionally,
to twice the destroyed creature's CR. she gains the special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions, and
reactions (except class features, legendary actions, and lair
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Kiara fails a saving throw, actions) of her new form. Kiara can’t cast spells with somatic
she can choose to succeed instead. components in her new form.
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is The new form's attacks count as magical for the purpose of
destroyed, Kiara gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit overcoming resistances and immunity to nonmagical attacks.
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within Additionally, when Kiara hits with a weapon attack in her new
5 feet of the ritual nexus. form, the target takes an additional 17 (5d6) necrotic damage
Spellcasting. Kiara is a 13th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting and must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell become poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned, a creature
attacks). Kiara has the following druid spells prepared: must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw at the start
of each of its turns, or take 17 (5d6) necrotic damage. Once a
Cantrips (at will): guidance, poison spray, thorn whip creature succeeds on the saving throw, the effect ends for it.
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, fog cloud, thunderwave
Legendary Actions
2nd level (3 slots): gust of wind, hold person, moonbeam
Kiara can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, protection from energy, below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
sleet storm and only at the end of another creature's turn. Kiara regains
4th level (3 slots): blight, polymorph spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

5th level (2 slots): antilife shell, contagion Cantrip. Kiara casts a cantrip.

6th level (1 slot): move earth, wind walk Decomposing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Kiara uses her
Decomposing Touch.
7th level (1 slot): plane shift, reverse gravity
Shapechange (Costs 2 Actions). Kiara uses her Undead
Turn Resistance. Kiara has advantage on saving throws against Beast Shape.
any effect that turns undead.
Rot Absorption (Costs 3 Actions). Kiara draws life energy
from creatures around her, that aren’t undead or constructs,
causing the victims’ flesh to wither. Creatures within 30 feet of
Kiara must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or
take 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. Kiara regains a number of hit
points equal to half the total damage dealt.

high fantasy

Lanius (Apocryphal Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Paralyzing Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage, and the target must
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or be paralyzed
Speed 30 ft. for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) Legendary Actions
Saving Throws Con +7, Int +9, Wis +8
Lanius can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Skills Arcana +14, History +9, Perception +8
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
and only at the end of another creature's turn. Lanius regains
slashing from nonmagical weapons
spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Cantrip. Lanius casts a cantrip.
paralyzed, poisoned
Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Lanius uses his
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 18
Paralyzing Touch.
Languages Common, Elvish, Draconic, Dwarvish,
Infernal, Sylvan Frightening Apocrypha (Costs 3 Actions). Lanius
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) telepathically focuses a stream of forbidden knowledge on
one creature he can see within 20 feet of him. The target
Arcane Dismantlement. Whenever Lanius successfully dispels
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or become
or counters a spell with dispel magic, counterspell, or a similar
frightened for 1 minute. While frightened, the creature has
spell, he can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against a DC
disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
equal to the spell's level + the spell save DC of the spell's caster.
throws against Lanius’ wizard spells. The frightened creature
On a success, Lanius recovers an expended spell slot equal to,
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
or less than, the dispelled spell's level.
ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Lanius fails a saving throw, is successful, or the effect ends for it, the target has advantage
he can choose to succeed instead. on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against
Lanius’ spells until the next time it fails to save against one of
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when he is
them, and is immune to Lanius’ Frightening Apocrypha for the
destroyed, Lanius gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1
next 24 hours.
hit point and becoming active again. The new body appears
within 5 feet of the ritual nexus.
Spellcasting. Lanius is a 13th level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell
attacks). Lanius has the following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mage hand, prestidigitation
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, dispel
magic, fireball
4th level (3 slots): confusion, dimension door
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, scrying
6th level (1 slot): disintegrate, globe of invulnerability
7th level (1 slot): plane shift
Turn Resistance. Lanius has advantage on saving throws
against any effect that turns undead.


Zama (Profane Lich) Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Commanding Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage,
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54) plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on
Speed 30 ft. a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or be charmed by Zama for 1
minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Con +8, Int +8, Wis +9 Restore Undeath. Zama touches a willing undead creature,
Skills Religion+8, Perception +9, Survival +9 within 5 feet of her, and expends a spell slot to channel negative
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant energy. The target regains 8 (1d8 + 4) hit points, plus an
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic; bludgeoning, additional 4 (1d8) hit points for each slot level above 1st of the
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks expended spell slot.
Damage Immunities poison Bane of Life (2/Day). Zama presents her holy symbol and
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, speaks a baleful command, chastising the living. Each creature
paralyzed, poisoned within 30 feet of Zama, other than constructs, fiends, and
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 undead, must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw, or
Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal be frightened for 1 minute, or until it takes any damage. If a
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) creature with a challenge rating of 3 or lower fails its saving
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Zama fails a saving throw, throw against this effect, it immediately drops to 0 hit points.
she can choose to succeed instead. A frightened creature must spend its turns moving as far away
Rejuvenation. If the ritual nexus is still active, when she is from Zama as it can. As its action, the creature can only use
destroyed, Zama gains a new body in 4d10 days, regaining 1 hit Dash actions, or to try to escape an effect that prevents it from
point and becoming active again. The new body appears within moving. If it has nowhere to move, the creature can use the
5 feet of the ritual nexus. Dodge action.

Spellcasting. Zama is a 13th level spellcaster. Her spellcasting Legendary Actions

ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell
Zama can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
attacks). Zama has the following cleric spells prepared:
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time,
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy and only at the end of another creature's turn. Zama regains
1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, shield of faith spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.

2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, Cantrip. Zama casts a cantrip.
spiritual weapon Commanding Warhammer (Costs 2 Actions). Zama attacks
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic with her Commanding Warhammer.

4th level (3 slots): banishment, guardian of faith Unholy Healing (Costs 2 Actions). Zama uses her Restore
Undeath ability.
5th level (2 slots): geas, insect plague
Profane Sermon (Costs 3 Actions). Zama speaks a portion of
6th level (1 slot): create undead, harm an unholy sermon. Creatures within 30 feet that can hear her,
7th level (1 slot): plane shift, regenerate other than undead, must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
throw, taking 9 (2d8) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
Turn Resistance. Zama has advantage on saving throws against as much on a successful one. Additionally, undead creatures
any effect that turns undead. within 30 feet, that can hear Zama, regain 4 (1d8) hit points.

high fantasy

Cadmus (Wraith) Legendary Actions

Medium undead, neutral evil Cadmus can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Armor Class 15 options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Hit Points 246 (29d8 + 116) a time, and only at the end of another creature's turn. Cadmus
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover) regains spent legendary actions at the start of their turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Shift. Cadmus flies up to half their fly speed, without
7 (-2) 20 (+5) 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) provoking opportunity attacks.
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Hateful Lash. Cadmus makes a Necrotic Lash attack.
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Create Specter (Costs 2 Actions). Cadmus uses their Create
nonmagical attacks Specter ability.
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
Medium undead, chaotic evil
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Armor Class 13
Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant Hit Points 36 (8d8)
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Speed 30 ft.
Incorporeal Movement. Cadmus can move through other STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. They take 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)
5 (1d10) force damage if they end their turn inside an object. Damage Resistances necrotic
Damage Immunities poison
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Cadmus fails a saving
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
throw, they can choose to succeed instead.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Specter Servants. Cadmus’ Life Drain and Create Specter Languages Common
abilities can both create specters under their control. Cadmus Challenge 2 (450 XP)
can have no more than 11 total specters under their control
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the
at a time.
ghoul must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw,
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Cadmus has or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception) saving throw, the creature is immune to the ghoul’s Stench for
checks that rely on sight. the next 24 hours.
Turning Defiance. The ghoul, and any ghouls within 30 feet of
it, have advantage on saving throws against effects that would
Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one turn undead.
creature. Hit: 54 (12d8) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point Actions
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage.
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
If a creature is slain by this attack, its spirit rises on the next
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage. If the target is a creature
turn as a specter in the space of its corpse, or in the nearest
other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
unoccupied space. The specter is under Cadmus’ control.
saving throw, or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can
Necrotic Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
one creature. Hit: 22 (5d8) necrotic damage. the effect on itself on a success.
Create Specter. Cadmus targets a corpse within 10 feet of
it that has been dead for no longer than an hour, and died
violently. The target's spirit rises as a specter in the space of
its corpse, or in the nearest unoccupied space. The specter is
under Cadmus’ control.

Osseous Phalanx. As a bonus action, the skeleton can push
Mongrelfolk its pike through the ribcage of another willing skeleton. The
Medium humanoid (mongrelfolk), any alignment
impaled skeleton takes no damage, but is considered grappled
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) by the pike-wielding skeleton until either skeleton ends the
Hit Points 68 (9d8 + 27) condition on its turn as part of its movement. Until this grapple
Speed 30 ft. ends, as long as the impaled skeleton is not destroyed, the pike
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA wielding skeleton has three-quarters cover.
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
Skills Athletics +6, Deception +2, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Multiattack. The skeleton makes two weapon attacks.
Languages Common
Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
Prominent Deformities. The mongrelfolk has up to 4
features from the mongrelfolk deformity table (Appendix D), Reactions
determined randomly by rolling a d4 and d20 each, or chosen Brace Pike. When a creature enters its reach, the skeleton can
by the GM. Instead of a d20, roll a d10 and add +10 to the make a pike attack against it.
result for the first two features generated.
Zama Possessed Template
A skeleton can become a vessel for Zama to inhabit. Zama
Multiattack. The mongrelfolk makes three attacks: one with its controls the skeleton’s actions and can perceive through its
bite, one with its claw, and one with its handaxe. senses, as well as speak through the skeleton using her voice. It
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. keeps its statistics, with the following changes:
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) piercing damage. Ability Scores. INT 17 (+3), WIS 19 (+4), CHA 18 (+4)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Saving Throws. Con +8, Int +8, Wis +9
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.
Skills. Religion +8, Perception +9, Survival +9
Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Languages. Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4)
piercing damage. Spellcasting. The Zama possessed is a 13th level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with
Skeleton spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:
Medium undead, lawful evil Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, thaumaturgy
Armor Class 15 (rusted chain shirt)
1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, shield of faith
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft. 2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, spiritual weapon
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel magic
16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 4 (-3) 4th level (3 slots): banishment, guardian of faith
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant 5th level (2 slots): geas, insect plague
Damage Resistances piercing and slashing damage from
nonmagical attacks 6th level (1 slot): create undead, harm
Damage Immunities poison, necrotic 7th level (1 slot): plane shift, regenerate
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive perception 9
Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but
can't speak
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Legendary Durability (3/Day). If the skeleton fails a saving
throw, it can choose to reroll the saving throw.
Skeletal Appearance. While the skeleton is lying still, it is
indistinguishable from a mundane skeletal corpse. It can still be
detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.

high fantasy

Specter Zombie
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 13 Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 132 (24d8 + 24) Hit Points 133 (14d8 + 70)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Speed 25 ft.
1 (-5) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 6 (-2) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Skills Perception +4 Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +3
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant Damage Immunities poison
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder; Condition Immunities poisoned
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
nonmagical attacks Languages understands the languages it knew in life, but can't speak
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, grappled,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, unconscious Cadaverous Appearance. While the zombie is lying still, it is
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 indistinguishable from a mundane decomposing corpse. It can
Languages the languages it knew in life still be detected by a detect evil and good spell, or similar magic.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Grasping Horde. If a creature is grappled by more than one
Draining Form (3/Turn). If the specter moves through creature with this ability, it has disadvantage on ability checks
another creature's space on its turn, it can force that creature to escape the grapple.
to make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points,
the creature takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point it must make a Constitution saving throw, with a DC of 5 + the
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage. On a damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit.
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage, and its On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.
hit point maximum isn’t reduced. This reduction lasts until the
creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces Actions
its hit point maximum to 0. The specter can't use its Draining
Form and Life Drain against the same target on the same turn, Multiattack. The zombie makes two slam attacks.
and can't use its Draining Form on the same creature more Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
than once per turn. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is
Incorporeal Movement. The specter can move through other grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple ends, the zombie
creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 can't use its slam attack against another target.
(1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). When the specter fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the specter has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, or its hit point
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Appendix D: Mongrelfolk Deformities
When randomly determining a feature for a mongrelfolk, roll example, if you roll result 2 for legs twice, both legs end in hooves.
a d4 and a d20. The d4 determines which part of the body is A mongrelfolk can't have more than two of the same feature with
affected, and the d20 determines the exact effect. If you just want a mechanical effect.
to generate purely cosmetic traits, simply roll a d10 instead of a If two features are mutually exclusive, or you roll more than two
d20. To only generate traits with mechanical effects, add +10 to of the same feature with a mechanical effect, reroll the feature
the result of the d10. you generated last until you get a feature that does not conflict
When rolling for features randomly, it is possible that you will with any other. It is up to you to decide whether to reconcile two
roll the exact same feature twice; if you do, the feature applies features with each other, or find them to be mutually exclusive.
twice, if possible. Numeric bonuses stack with themselves. For

D20 \ D4 1. Head 2. Torso 3. Arms 4. Legs

1 Vertical pupils Shaggy fur along the neck Humanoid hands in an Vestigial extra leg
and shoulders unusual configuration, such
as outward facing palms or
zygodactylous fingers (two
back and two front facing,
like a parrot).
2 A patch of quills Strongly hunched back Vestigial animal limb Hooves
protruding from one
forearm, in addition to the
humanoid hand
3 Insectoid mandibles Protruding spinal ridge Bird-like talon for a hand Shaggy fur covering
one lower leg
4 A single, crooked Dorsal fin Large paw and shaggy fur One lizard-like foot
antler or horn along one forearm
5 A set of vestigial antennae Vestigial insect legs, One arm has an additional One leg, covered in thin,
extending from the torso elbow joint chitinous exoskeleton with
an insectoid foot
6 Elongated, flexible neck White, hairless albino skin Large feathers growing from A reduced number of large,
one forearm fleshy toes
7 Split lower jaw Bloated pot belly Humanoid, non- Blunt, shovel-like claws
functioning, non-arm tissue
(such as teeth, ears or digits)
grow out of the upper arm
and shoulder
8 Needle-like teeth Fur-covered tail One hand's fingers are Knees bend backwards
miniature tentacles
9 Tentacle pseudopods Disproportionately Fleshy membrane connects One leg ends in two feet
surrounding the mouth long torso wrist to torso
10 Lipless mouth with exposed Newborn-sized limbs One hand is unusually Splayed, grasping toes
teeth and gums. protrude from the chest heavy with thick fingers
fused together like a mitten
11 Single cyclopean eye. Open lesions. The Crooked arm. The Withered leg. If the
The mongrelfolk has mongrelfolk has mongrelfolk has mongrelfolk takes a Dash
disadvantage on attack rolls disadvantage on saving disadvantage on attack rolls action, it must succeed on a
against targets 30 feet or throws against diseases, made with its affected arm. DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
farther away. This feature has being poisoned, and check, or fall prone at the
no effect if the mongrelfolk effects that deal necrotic or end of its movement. If
also has additional, or poison damage. the mongrelfolk has this
compound, eyes. deformity twice, its speed is
reduced by 5 feet.

high fantasy

12 Prehensile tongue. The Scaly tail. The mongrelfolk Oversized arm. The Exceptionally muscular
mongrelfolk can pick up has advantage on Dexterity mongrelfolk can ignore legs. The mongrelfolk's
objects and attempt to checks and saving throws the two-handed property walking speed increases
grapple Tiny creatures using made to resist being of a weapon it wields in by 10 feet.
its tongue, instead of a free knocked prone. its oversized hand. When
hand. The tongue can grasp rolling for damage for the
or grapple targets up to 10 claw of the oversized hand,
feet away. Its Strength score, the mongrelfolk rolls the
for the purpose of lifting and damage dice one additional
dragging loads, is 4. time and adds it to the total.
13 Additional/compound Tough hide. The Third arm. The mongrelfolk Sensitive leg follicles.
eyes. The mongrelfolk has mongrelfolk's armor class can wield items in two The mongrelfolk has
advantage on Wisdom increases by 1. hands and still have a hand tremorsense out to a range
(Perception) checks that free to make a claw attack. of 30 feet.
rely on sight. Additionally, it
gains a +2 bonus to ranged
attack rolls.
14 Muzzled face. The Bone spikes. While the Elongated Arm. The Digitigrade legs. The
mongrelfolk has advantage mongrelfolk is grappled, it mongrelfolk's reach mongrelfolk's long jump
on Wisdom (Perception) can use a bonus action to increases by 5 feet for melee is up to 20 feet and its
checks that rely on deal 2d6 piercing damage to attacks made with the high jump is up to 10 feet,
hearing or smell. Its bite the grappler. elongated arm. without a running start.
attack deals 1d6 damage,
rather than 1d4.
15 Additional head. The Pseudopod tentacles. Tentacle. Instead of a claw Additional leg. The
mongrelfolk has advantage When the mongrelfolk attack, the mongrelfolk mongrelfolk has advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) makes a weapon attack makes a tentacle attack on Strength checks and
checks, and on saving against a creature, it can that functions the same saving throws to resist being
throws against being attempt to grapple it as a way, except that it deals moved or knocked prone.
blinded, charmed, deafened, bonus action (escape DC bludgeoning damage and If the mongrelfolk has this
frightened, stunned, or = 10 + the mongrelfolk's the target is grappled on feature twice, its walking
knocked unconscious. Strength modifier). a hit (escape DC = 10 + speed increases by 5 feet.
the mongrelfolk's Strength
modifier). Until the grapple
ends, the mongrelfolk can’t
attack another target with
its tentacle.
16 Gills. The mongrelfolk Exceptionally muscular Pincer. The mongrelfolk's Webbed toes. The
can breathe in both air frame. The mongrelfolk has claw attack with this arm mongrelfolk has a swim
and water. advantage on Strength and deals 1d8 bludgeoning speed equal to half its
Constitution saving throws. damage, instead of 1d4 walking speed.
slashing damage.
17 Reflective eyes. The Wings. The mongrelfolk has Abnormally long fingers. Snaking lower body. The
mongrelfolk has darkvision a flying speed of 40 feet. The mongrelfolk has mongrelfolk gains a constrict
out to a range of 60 feet. advantage on Dexterity attack. It can choose to make
(Sleight of Hand) checks one constrict attack in place
and Dexterity checks using of both its bite and claw.
thieves’ tools. The attack functions the
same way as a claw attack,
except that it deals 2d4
bludgeoning damage rather
than 1d4 slashing damage,
and the target is grappled
on a hit (escape DC = 10 +
the mongrelfolk's Strength
modifier). Until the grapple
ends, the target is restrained,
and the mongrelfolk can’t
constrict another target.


18 Venomous fangs. The Stinger. The mongrelfolk Climbing pads. The Climbing pads. The
mongrelfolk's bite attack can choose to make a stinger mongrelfolk gains a climb mongrelfolk gains a
deals an extra 1d4 poison attack in place of either speed equal to half its climb speed equal to half
damage. Additionally, as a claw or bite attack. The walking speed. its walking speed. If the
an action, or as part of its stinger functions identically If the mongrelfolk has the mongrelfolk has the same
multiattack in place of its to the mongrelfolk's bite, same feature on its legs, it feature on its arms, it can
bite, the mongrelfolk can except that it deals 1d6 can climb difficult surfaces, climb difficult surfaces,
force a creature within 10 poison damage in addition including upside down including upside down
feet of it to make a Dexterity to the regular damage. on ceilings. on ceilings.
saving throw (DC = 10 + the
mongrelfolk's Constitution
modifier). On a failed
save, the target takes 1d4
poison damage.
19 Flexible Vocal Organs. Embedded maw. When the Electrostatic hand. The Padded feet. As long as
The mongrelfolk can mimic mongrelfolk makes a bite mongrelfolk can innately the mongrelfolk is not
any sound it has heard, attack against a creature it cast the shocking grasp wearing footwear, it has
including voices. A creature is grappling, or is grappled cantrip. Its spellcasting advantage on Dexterity
that hears the sound can tell by, it can choose to have ability for this is Wisdom. (Stealth) checks made to
they are imitations with a the bite deal 2d8 damage, move silently.
successful DC 12 Wisdom rather than 1d4.
(Insight) check.
20 Bat ears. The mongrelfolk Rubbery hide. The Charred hand. The Dragon-like legs.
has advantage on Wisdom mongrelfolk regains 3 hit mongrelfolk can innately The mongrelfolk has
(Perception) checks points at the start of each of cast the produce flame resistance against damage of
based on hearing and has its turns. If the mongrelfolk cantrip. Its spellcasting the type associated with the
blindsight out to a range takes acid or fire damage, ability for this is Wisdom. scale color.
of 30 feet. It can’t use its this trait doesn't function at
blindsight while deafened. the start of its next turn. 1-2: Black, Acid
3-4: Blue, Lightning
5-6: Green, Poison
7-8: Red, Fire
9-10: White, Cold

high fantasy

Appendix E: Documents
Cadmus’ Riddle

Lanius’ journal

Does the soul make the man, or the man the soul ?
Savages compare the esh of men to pork - the meat is
The soul is the thing...
Regrettably, my goal of an entirely animal-based prox
to wait. Until the process can be rened further, som
element will be required. It may be no consolation to
their sacrice will not be in vain. Who knows how lo
of us shall remain, and how high the tally of sacric
The few suffer now, in service of the many.
They do not suffer alone. I give of myself, also. The m
makes all of them my children.
To see my own esh, the master esh, fuse with the subje
blossom anew is poetry. I wonder if, as with the stat
the marble block, these forms simply awaited the scu
As breaking down subjects becomes more efcient, add
options reveal themselves. Rather than simply attem
humanity, I can improve it…
Iteration six proved far too truculent. 3 previous it
sacriced detaining it. Their parts will not go to wa
Iteration eight strikes the balance of ferocity and
still retaining enough cognitive function to wield
I am certain it will never quote philosophy, it is at lea
halting speech.
It is a blinkered view to assume the human form to b
superior, I see that now. Why assume the limits of sim
symmetry? Only in pursuing the alternatives can on
The forms await. The sculptor thrills to meet them.

high fantasy

Zama’s letter


high fantasy


high fantasy


high fantasy

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A party of heroes shattered by betrayal. When the ghosts of the past refuse to rest, will you help
put right a decades' old wrong?
This multi-part variable difficulty adventure is designed to be played at any level, and can be easily
tailored to fit any fantasy campaign setting. It can serve as an extended side-quest, or as the basis
for a longer campaign.


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