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User Manual: UM EN ILC 330/350

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User Manual
UM EN ILC 330/350

Order No.: 2699370

Installing and Operating the ILC 330 ETH,
ILC 350 ETH, ILC 350 ETH/M and ILC 350 PN
Inline Controllers

User Manual
Installing and Operating the ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH, ILC 350 ETH/M
and ILC 350 PN Inline Controllers


Designation: UM EN ILC 330/350

Revision: 05

Order No.: 2699370

This user manual is valid for:

Designation From Revision (HW) From Revision (FW) Order No.

ILC 330 ETH 01 4.6F/1.41 2737193
ILC 350 ETH 01 4.6F/1.11 2737203
ILC 350 ETH/M 02 4.6F/1.20 2985819
ILC 350 PN 02 4.6F/1.3F 2876928


UM EN ILC 330/350

Please Observe the Following Notes

In order to ensure the safe use of the product described, we recommend that you read this
manual carefully. The following notes provide information on how to use this manual.

User Group of This Manual

The use of products described in this manual is oriented exclusively to qualified electricians
or persons instructed by them, who are familiar with applicable standards and other regu-
lations regarding electrical engineering and, in particular, the relevant safety concepts.
Phoenix Contact accepts no liability for erroneous handling or damage to products from
Phoenix Contact or third-party products resulting from disregard of information contained
in this manual.

Explanation of Symbols Used

The attention symbol refers to an operating procedure which, if not carefully followed, could
result in damage to hardware and software or personal injury.
The note symbol informs you of conditions that must be strictly observed to achieve error-
free operation. It also gives you tips and advice on the efficient use of hardware and on
software optimization to save you extra work.
The text symbol refers to detailed sources of information (manuals, data sheets, literature,
etc.) on the subject matter, product, etc. This text also provides helpful information for the
orientation in the manual.

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We are constantly striving to improve the quality of our manuals.
Should you have any suggestions or recommendations for improvement of the contents
and layout of our manuals, please send us your comments.


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32823 Blomberg

Phone +49 - 52 35 - 30 0
Fax + 49 - 52 35 - 34 20 21
E-mail tecdoc@phoenixcontact.com


UM EN ILC 330/350

General Terms and Conditions of Use for Technical Documentation

Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to alter, correct, and/or improve the
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The same applies to any technical changes that serve the purpose of technical progress.
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Please note that the supplied documentation is product-specific documentation only and
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Although Phoenix Contact GmbH & Co. KG makes every effort to ensure that the informa-
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All information made available in the technical data is supplied without any accompanying
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not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the user.


UM EN ILC 330/350

Statement of Legal Authority

This manual, including all illustrations contained herein, is copyright protected. Use of this
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Up-to-date information on Phoenix Contact products can be found on the Internet at:

Make sure you always use the latest documentation.

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Table of Contents
1 Preface ....................................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Purpose of this Manual ...................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Hardware and Software Requirements .............................................................. 1-1

2 Description of the Inline Controller ..........................................................................................2-1

2.1 General Description of the Inline Controller .......................................................2-1
2.2 Possible Fields of Application of the ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH and the
ILC 350 ETH/M .................................................................................................. 2-2
2.3 Possible Fields of Application of the ILC 350 PN ............................................... 2-3
2.4 Unpacking the Inline Controller ..........................................................................2-4
2.5 Connection and Operating Elements ................................................................. 2-5
2.6 Diagnostic and Status Indicators........................................................................ 2-6
2.7 Mode Selector Switch ........................................................................................2-8
2.8 Reset Button (Concealed) ..................................................................................2-9
2.9 Parameterization Memory ................................................................................2-10
2.9.1 Using the Parameterization Memory ................................................ 2-10
2.9.2 Inserting the Parameterization Memory ............................................2-11
2.9.3 Parameterization Memory and Internet Explorer ..............................2-12
2.9.4 Internet Explorer FTP Function ........................................................ 2-13
2.9.5 Activation/Deactivation of the FTP Server ........................................ 2-14
2.9.6 Activation/Deactivation of the HTTP Server
(ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH, ILC 350 ETH/M) .................................2-14
2.10 Internal Circuit Diagram ...................................................................................2-15
2.11 Mounting and Removing the Inline Controller ..................................................2-16
2.12 Communication Paths ......................................................................................2-20
2.12.1 Ethernet ............................................................................................2-21
2.12.2 Serial PRG Interface (Mini-DIN Female Connector) .........................2-22
2.13 INTERBUS .......................................................................................................2-23
2.13.1 Local Bus .......................................................................................... 2-23
2.13.2 Remote Bus ......................................................................................2-23
2.14 Power Supply ................................................................................................... 2-24
2.14.1 Sizing of the Power Supply ............................................................... 2-24
2.14.2 Power Supply Connection ................................................................2-25
2.14.3 24 V Segment Supply / 24 V Main Supply ........................................ 2-27
2.14.4 24 V Segment Supply ....................................................................... 2-27
2.14.5 24 V Main Voltage ...........................................................................2-27
2.14.6 24 V ILC Supply ................................................................................2-27
2.14.7 Jumpers ............................................................................................2-27
2.15 Digital Inputs and Outputs ................................................................................2-28

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UM EN ILC 330/350

3 The Inline Controller Under PC WorX .....................................................................................3-1

3.1 Software Version ................................................................................................3-1
3.2 IP Address .........................................................................................................3-1
3.3 Setting the Real-Time Clock .............................................................................. 3-1
3.4 Download Changes
(ILC 330 ETH / ILC 350 ETH / ILC 350 ETH/M).................................................3-2
3.5 Function Blocks for Handling Files in the Parameterization Memory ................. 3-3
3.5.1 FILE_OPEN ........................................................................................3-4
3.5.2 FILE_CLOSE ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.5.3 FILE_READ ........................................................................................3-7
3.5.4 FILE_WRITE ...................................................................................... 3-9
3.5.5 FILE_REMOVE ................................................................................3-11
3.5.6 FILE_TELL ....................................................................................... 3-12
3.5.7 FILE_SEEK ......................................................................................3-13
3.5.8 FILE_NOTIFY ...................................................................................3-14
3.6 Function Blocks for TCP/IP Communication ....................................................3-17
3.6.1 IP_CONNECT .................................................................................. 3-18
3.6.2 IP_USEND ........................................................................................ 3-20
3.6.3 IP_URCV .......................................................................................... 3-21
3.6.4 Error Codes ......................................................................................3-22

4 System Variables and Status Information ...............................................................................4-1

4.1 System Variables ............................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.1 General Information ............................................................................ 4-1
4.1.2 Status Register for Local Digital Inputs and Outputs ..........................4-2
4.1.3 Status Register of an I/O Controller (Only ILC 350 PN) .....................4-3
4.1.4 INTERBUS Register of the ILC 350 PN ............................................. 4-3
4.1.5 Diagnostic Status Register ................................................................. 4-4
4.1.6 Diagnostic Parameter Register ........................................................... 4-5
4.1.7 IEC 61131 Runtime System ...............................................................4-6
4.1.8 Control Processor ............................................................................... 4-7
4.1.9 Battery, Real-Time Clock, Memory Card ............................................ 4-7
4.1.10 Power Supplies ...................................................................................4-8
4.1.11 Ethernet Status ...................................................................................4-8
4.1.12 Mode Selector Switch ......................................................................... 4-8
4.1.13 System Time ....................................................................................... 4-9
4.2 Status Information of a PROFINET IO Device (Only ILC 350 PN)...................4-10

ii PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Table of Contents

5 Technical Data and Ordering Data ..........................................................................................5-1

5.1 Technical Data ...................................................................................................5-1
5.2 Ordering Data..................................................................................................... 5-7
5.2.1 Modules ..............................................................................................5-7
5.2.2 Accessories ........................................................................................5-7
5.2.3 Software ............................................................................................. 5-7
5.2.4 Documentation ...................................................................................5-7

A Technical Appendix: Service and Maintenance...................................................................... A-1

A1 Error Causes and Remedies ............................................................................ A-1
A2 Updating the Inline Controller Firmware........................................................... A-1
A3 Connecting Unshielded Cables ........................................................................ A-2

B Index....................................................................................................................................... B-1

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iv PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05


1 Preface

1.1 Purpose of this Manual

This manual helps you to start up and operate the ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH,
ILC 350 ETH/M or ILC 350 PN Inline Controller.

1.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

– Inline Controller
– 32 MB or 64 MB parameterization memory
– Connecting cable for connecting the Inline Controller to a PC (RS-232)
– PC WorX automation software in the following versions:

ILC 330 ETH PC WorX version 5.10 or later Service Pack 1

(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2007 1.30 Service Pack 1)
ILC 350 ETH PC WorX version 3.03 or later
When using PC WorX 3.03 it is necessary to upgrade the data for the ILC 350 ETH from
the "Upgrade ILC 350 ETH" CD. The CD is supplied with the Inline Controller.
Upgrading is not required in later versions.
ILC 350 ETH/M PC WorX version 3.12 or later Service Pack 1
(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2005 1.10)
ILC 350 PN PC WorX version 5.00 or later
(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2006 1.20)

For the ordering data for hardware and software and additional documentation, please
refer to Section "Technical Data and Ordering Data" on page 5-1.

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UM EN ILC 330/350

1-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2 Description of the Inline Controller

2.1 General Description of the Inline Controller

The ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH, ILC 350 ETH/M and ILC 350 PN Inline Controllers
have the same appearance and numerous identical functions.
Main differences:
ILC 350 ETH/M: This Inline Controller meets the demands of the Germanischer Lloyd
(German Lloyd) and the Lloyds Register.
ILC 350 PN: When operating the ILC 350 PN via the Ethernet interface the PROFINET
protocol can additionally be used.
In the following, the term Inline Controller is used in general. Differences are particularly
mentioned in the individual sections.

The Inline Controller is a compact controller with integrated Ethernet and INTERBUS

IEC 61131 Control Performance

The Inline Controller is seamlessly configured and programmed according to IEC 61131
using the PC WorX automation software. PC WorX can be used locally on the serial
interface or via the network (Ethernet). The powerful processor can be programmed in all
five IEC 61131 programming languages and ensures quick control task processing.

Integrated Ethernet Connection

The integrated Ethernet connection (using twisted pair cable) provides for the Ethernet
connectivity. Throughout the Ethernet network the Inline Controller can be reached via
Ethernet and TCP/IP.
Integrated communication functions enable direct and effective data exchange via
Ethernet. The Ethernet TCP/IP protocol is used for universal possibilities to communicate
with the Inline Controller. Using the TCP/IP send and receive communication blocks
according to the IEC 61131-5 standard, information between Inline Controllers, e.g.,
necessary coupling variables, can be exchanged via Ethernet. This enables distributed,
modular automation solutions to be configured.
When using the INTERBUS OPC server, Inline Controller data is available in the Ethernet
network in a standardized format and can be used for the different visualization packages.
When operating the ILC 350 PN via the Ethernet interface the PROFINET protocol can
additionally be used.

Integrated INTERBUS Connection

The I/O level is connected to the Inline Controller using INTERBUS.
The Inline Controller can also be used as the head of an INTERBUS Inline station. It is
possible to connect an Inline local bus as well as a remote bus. In this way you can create
a complete INTERBUS system using the Inline Controller as the distributed control system.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.2 Possible Fields of Application of the ILC 330 ETH,

ILC 350 ETH and the ILC 350 ETH/M

The ILC 330 ETH / ILC 350 ETH / ILC 350 ETH/M Inline Controller can be used as a
distributed control system of an Inline station, which is connected to an Ethernet system.
Only one Inline local bus (Figure 2-1) but also a complete INTERBUS system with
maximum configuration as remote bus (Figure 2-2) can be connected to the Inline
1 P L C
S T P F A IL I1 I5 I9 Q 1 E U S
I2 I6 I1 0 Q 2 U M
R U N / P R O G I3 I7 I1 1 Q 3 U L
E T H I4 I8 I1 2 Q 4
1 0 /1 0 0

IN L IN E C O N T R O L 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2
1 0 0
IL C 3 5 0 E T H
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
O rd .N o .: 2 7 3 7 2 0 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

P R G IL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
R D Y / R U N
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 1
E th e rn e t
Figure 2-1 Connected Inline local bus

1 P L C
S T P F A IL I1 I5 I9 Q 1 E U S D
I2 I6 I1 0 Q 2 U M R C
R U N / P R O G I3 I7 I1 1 Q 3 U L R D
E T H I4 I8 I1 2 Q 4 L D
1 0 /1 0 0 R B -T

IN L IN E C O N T R O L 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 11 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
1 0 0
IL C 3 5 0 E T H
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
O rd .N o .: 2 7 3 7 2 0 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

P R G IL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
R D Y / R U N
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

E th e rn e t
re m o te b u s B A




D O 8
D 1

D I8
D 1

D I2
D 1

D I2

D I2

B A R D U L U S 1 D 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 D 1 D 1 D
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
D O 8 D O 8 D I2 D I2 D I2

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 2

Figure 2-2 Connected remote bus

In an Inline station meeting the GL (German Lloyd) requirements only Inline terminals
approved according to the GL must be used. The GL mark is imprinted on the terminals
approved according to the German Lloyd. More information on approved terminals can be
found on the Internet at www.phoenixcontact.com.

2-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.3 Possible Fields of Application of the ILC 350 PN

The ILC 350 PN Inline Controller can be used as a distributed control system of an Inline
station, which is connected to a PROFINET system. Only one Inline local bus (see
Figure 2-1) as well as components of a PROFINET network but also a complete
INTERBUS system with maximum configuration (see Figure 2-2) can be connected to the
ILC 350 PN.



ACT 100 FD 1
I1 I5 I9 Q1 E US D
I2 I6 I10 Q2 UM Ord. No. 28 32 32 6
I4 I8 I12 Q4
10/100 AO1

ILC 350 PN 11 22 11 22 11 22 11 22 11 22 11 22
100 Reset
Ord. No.: 2876928

1 11 11 11 11 11 1
Address 00A0451BDD US2
2 22 22 22 22 22 2
xxxxxxx (Seriennr.)

PRG IL 3 33 33 33 33 33 3

4 44 44 44 44 44 4

5 55 55 55 5

6 66 66 66 6








M12 DI8 M12

1 1
UM 2 2

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2










LNK 3 33 3 3 33 33 3 IN1 IN2

IN I1 I2

4 44 4 4 44 44 4

IN I3 I4
IB IL 24 DO 4

IB IL 24 DI 4

IN 01 02

IN7 IN8 03 04






Figure 2-3 ILC 350 PN in a system consisting of PROFINET and INTERBUS

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-3

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.4 Unpacking the Inline Controller

The Inline Controller is supplied in an ESD bag together with a package slip with installation
instructions. Please read the complete package slip carefully before unpacking the Inline

Electrostatic discharge
The Inline Controller contains components, which may be damaged or destroyed by
electrostatic discharge. Observe the ESD instructions according to EN 61340-5-1 and
EN 61340-5-2 when handling the Inline Controller.

To avoid possible damage to the Inline Controller, unpack and pack the controller in
accordance with the ESD regulations.

2-4 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.5 Connection and Operating Elements

1 0


6 9 5 9 A 0 0 3
Figure 2-4 Structure of the Inline Controller (example: ILC 350 ETH)

The Inline Controller consists of the following components:

1 Electronics base
2 Ethernet connection
3 Reset button
4 RS-232 interface
5 Connectors 1 to 3: input terminal points
6 Connector 4: output terminal points
7 Connector 5: terminal points for voltage supply
8 Mode selector switch
9 Card holder for parameterization memory
10 End plate

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-5

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.6 Diagnostic and Status Indicators

The diagnostic and status indicators are used for quick local error diagnostics.


I1 I5 I9 Q 1 E U S
S T P F A IL I2 I6 I1 0 Q 2 U L
I3 I7 I1 1 Q 3 U M
I4 I8 I1 2 Q 4
R U N / P R O G

1 0 /1 0 0 IL
L N K R D Y / R U N
1 0 0

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 8

Figure 2-5 Diagnostic and status indicators

Local Diagnostic and Status Indicators

Des. Color Meaning

ETH: State of the Ethernet Interface
LNK Green Connection established successfully (link)
ON: The Inline Controller is able to contact another network device.
ACT Yellow Data transmission (activity)
ON: Ethernet interface transmits or receives data
100 Green Transmission speed
ON: 100 Mbps
OFF: 10 Mbps (if LNK is ON)
PLC: Diagnostics of the Inline Controller
RUN Green Inline Controller running
OFF: IEC 61131 runtime system not ready to operate
Flashing: IEC 61131 runtime system successfully initialized.
Control function in READY/STOP state, program not processed.
ON: IEC 61131 runtime system successfully initialized and a program is running.
Control function in RUN state.
FAIL Yellow Failure
ON: A runtime error occurred in the IEC 61131 runtime system program.
OFF: No runtime error occurred in the IEC 61131 runtime system program.

2-6 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

Des. Color Meaning

IL: INTERBUS Diagnostics
RDY/RUN Green INTERBUS master ready to operate / data transmission active
(INTERBUS ready/running)
Flashing: INTERBUS master in READY or ACTIVE state
ON: INTERBUS master in RUN state
BSA Yellow Bus segment aborted
ON: One or more bus segments in the connected bus are switched off.
FAIL Red Failure
ON: One of the following errors has occurred:
- Bus error in the connected bus (remote bus/local bus)
- Controller error
PF Yellow Peripheral fault
ON: Peripheral fault on a device in the connected bus
(local bus or remote bus)
I/O: Digital Inputs and Outputs
I1 to I12 Yellow Inputs 1 to 12
ON: Corresponding input set
E Yellow Error
ON: Overload at one of the outputs 1 to 4
Q1 to Q4 Yellow Outputs 1 to 4
ON: Corresponding output set
PWR IN: Supply Voltage
(see also Section "Power Supply" on page 2-24)
US Green 24 V supply for segment circuit
ON: Supply voltage present
UM Green 24 V supply for main circuit
ON: Supply voltage present
UL Green 24 V supply UILC for generating the voltages UL and UANA
ON: Supply voltage present
(indication if 24 V supply voltage UILC present)

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UM EN ILC 330/350

2.7 Mode Selector Switch

The mode selector switch is used to define the operating state of the application program.
The RUN/PROG and STP positions have a toggle button function and the MRESET
position a pushbutton function. After releasing the button in the MRESET position, it is set
back to the STP position.

Table 2-1 Inline Controller operating modes

Operating Explanation
RUN/PROG The application program is in the RUN state.
The PC WorX software can be used for program and configuration
The monitoring and online functions can be used.
STP The application program is in the STOP state.
MRESET Retain data and the application program are deleted.
For reasons of safety, use the mode selector switch in the following
order for deleting the data:
• Hold in MRESET position for three seconds.
• Release for three seconds.
• Hold in MRESET position for three seconds.

R U N / P R O G

6 9 5 9 A 0 1 4

Figure 2-6 Mode selector switch

2-8 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.8 Reset Button (Concealed)

The reset button on the Inline Controller can only be operated with a pin. In this way, it is
protected against accidental activation. Pressing the reset button causes a complete reset
of the Inline Controller.


6 9 5 9 A 0 1 5

Figure 2-7 Reset button

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UM EN ILC 330/350

2.9 Parameterization Memory

2.9.1 Using the Parameterization Memory

A parameterization memory (compact flash card) is essential for operating the Inline
Controller. 32-Mbyte and 64-Mbyte parameterization memories are available.

Only use parameterization memories from Phoenix Contact:

– 32-Mbyte parameterization memory
IBS CF FLASH 32MB Order No. 2737070
– 64-Mbyte parameterization memory
IBS CF FLASH 64MB Order No. 2737054

Operation without parameterization memory is not permissible.

Only insert and remove the parameterization memory if the supply voltage of the Inline
Controller is disconnected.
The parameterization memory must not be removed during Inline Controller operation.

The parameterization memory is recognized during initialization of the Inline Controller.

Ensure that the parameterization memory has been inserted before switching on the
Inline Controller to enable the Inline Controller to use it.

Retentive (resident) memory blocks are used for the parameterization memory. Therefore,
data remains on the parameterization memory even if it is removed from the Inline
The programs and configurations for your project as well as user-specific files can be
stored on the parameterization memory. See Section "Parameterization Memory and
Internet Explorer" on page 2-12.

2-10 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.9.2 Inserting the Parameterization Memory

Insert the parameterization memory into the card holder provided with the female
connector to the front.

Make sure that when the parameterization memory is pressed lightly, it engages with a
click in the card holder.

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 7

Figure 2-8 Inserting the parameterization memory

One side of the parameterization memory has a labeling field. The file name of your project,
for example, can be entered in the labeling field.

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2.9.3 Parameterization Memory and Internet Explorer

To delete files or store user-specific files on the parameterization memory, proceed as


The FTP function of Internet Explorer must be activated. See Section "Internet Explorer
FTP Function" on page 2-13.

• In PC WorX, switch to the "Bus Configuration" workspace.

• Select the "# ILC 350 ETH 0.0" control system in the "Bus Structure" window.
• Select the "Extended Settings" tab in the "Device Details" window.
• Open Internet Explorer from this window by clicking on the "Open FTP folder on
device" button.

Figure 2-9 Extended Settings: Open FTP folder on device

The file structure, which is stored on the parameterization memory, is displayed in the
Internet Explorer window.

Data may only be copied or deleted on the parameterization memory. Do not edit any
files as Internet Explorer does not store modified data.
For the current state to be displayed, update the display after every action by means of
the "View...Update" command.

2-12 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.9.4 Internet Explorer FTP Function

• Enable these settings in Internet Explorer using the "Options...Internet

Properties...Advanced" command.

Figure 2-10 Internet Properties: Enable folder view for FTP sites

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-13

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.9.5 Activation/Deactivation of the FTP Server

To protect the Inline Controller against unauthorized access, it may be necessary to

deactivate the FTP server. The CPU_Set_Value_Request service with Var ID 0172hex is
available for this purpose. This service activates or deactivates the FTP server during
runtime of the firmware. The FTP server state set is stored retentively and mapped to the
ETH_SRV_FTP_ACTIVE system variable. These settings are restored when the Inline
Controller is rebooted again.
Value range for the CPU_Set_Value_Request service:

Var ID 0172hex
Value 0000hex Deactivate FTP server
0001hex Activate FTP server

Figure 2-11 Deactivation of the FTP server

2.9.6 Activation/Deactivation of the HTTP Server

(ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH, ILC 350 ETH/M)

To protect the ILC 330 ETH, ILC 350 ETH or ILC 350 ETH/M Inline Controller against
unauthorized access, it may be necessary to deactivate the HTTP server. The
CPU_Set_Value_Request service with Var ID 0173hex is available for this purpose. This
service activates or deactivates the HTTP server during runtime of the firmware. The HTTP
server state set is stored retentively and mapped to the ETH_SRV_HTTP_ACTIVE system
variable. These settings are restored when the Inline Controller is rebooted again.
Value range for the CPU_Set_Value_Request service:
Var ID 0173hex
Value 0000hex Deactivate HTTP server
0001hex Activate HTTP server

2-14 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.10 Internal Circuit Diagram

I1 Q 1 U S L o c a l b u s
I1 1 Q 2
I3 Q 3
I1 2 Q 4
B a tt.
2 4 V
R e s e t F L A S H 7 V

R T C 2 4 V

2 4 V
µ P IP M S


µ P
3 .3 V + 2 4 V (U S )
2 4 V
F P G A N V R A M 1 .5 V
+ 2 4 V (U M )
3 .3 V

1 .8 V
3 .3 V

5 V
R e s e t
3 .3 V

6 9 5 9 A 0 2 1

Figure 2-12 Internal circuit diagram


LED F L A S H Non-volatile read/write memory

RJ45 female connector N V R A M Non-volatile RAM

Transmitter D P M Dual-port memory

R e s e t
Reset button Mode selector switch

R e s e t Reset block Parameterization memory port

B a tt. Battery RS-232 interface

R T C Real-time clock S R A M Static RAM

µ P Microprocessor IP M S Bus master (IPMS)

F P G A Field-programmable gate array Clock generator for local bus clock

E T H Ethernet Converter

S D R A M Synchronous dynamic RAM

Optocoupler Digital output

Transistor Resistor

Digital input Protective circuit

Other symbols used are explained in the IB IL SYS PRO UM E user manual.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-15

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.11 Mounting and Removing the Inline Controller

For notes and instructions on mounting and removing Inline terminals, please refer to the
IB IL SYS PRO UM E user manual (for INTERBUS), the IL SYS INST UM E Inline
installation manual or the Inline system manual for your bus system.

Before mounting or removing the Inline Controller, ensure that the power supply is
switched off and cannot be switched on again by unauthorized persons.

An Inline station is set up by mounting the individual components side by side. No tools are
required. Mounting the components side by side automatically creates potential and bus
signal connections between the individual station components.
The modules are mounted perpendicular to the DIN rail.

Mounting location As all other terminals of the Inline product range the Inline Controller has IP20 protection
and is designed for use in a closed control cabinet or control box (terminal box) with IP54
protection or higher.

DIN rail The Inline Controller is mounted on a 35 mm standard DIN rail.

Fix the DIN rail on which the Inline Controller is mounted several times, especially in the
area around the Inline Controller. This makes it easier to remove the Inline Controller.

End clamp Mount end clamps on both sides of the Inline station. The end clamps ensure that the Inline
station is correctly mounted. End clamps fix the Inline station on both sides and keep it from
moving from side to side on the DIN rail. Phoenix Contact recommends using
CLIPFIX 35-5 end clamps (Order No. 3022276).

End plate The mechanical end of an Inline station is the end plate. It has no electrical function. It
protects the station against ESD pulses and the user against dangerous contact voltage.
The end plate is supplied together with the Inline Controller and does not need to be
ordered separately.

When mounting or removing, the Inline Controller must be tilted. This means that no
Inline terminal must be installed directly to the right of the Inline Controller during
mounting and removing. The terminal must be removed prior to mounting or removing
the Inline Controller. Otherwise, the locking clips and jumper contacts are damaged.

Mounting position Mount the Inline Controller horizontally (as shown in Figure 2-13). The specified
temperature range (see "Ambient Conditions" on page 5-6) is only guaranteed if the Inline
Controller is mounted in this position.

2-16 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

Mounting When mounting the Inline Controller, proceed as shown in Figure 2-13:
• Disconnect the power to the station.
• Place the Inline Controller onto the rail from above (detail A) and press down firmly
(detail B).
• Then attach all the electronics bases required to build the station. Observe the
information given in the above user manuals.

Ensure that all featherkeys and keyways on adjacent terminals are interlocked.

• Once all the bases have been snapped on, plug the connector into the appropriate
First, place the front connector shaft latching in the front snap-on mechanism (detail
Then press the top of the connector towards the base until it snaps into the back snap-
on mechanism (detail C2).


C 2

C 1
6 9 5 9 A 0 0 9

Figure 2-13 Snapping on the Inline Controller

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-17

UM EN ILC 330/350

Removing When removing the Inline Controller, proceed as shown in Figure 2-15:
• Disconnect the power to the station.

Unlike other Inline terminals the Inline Controller is removed by swiveling it from the DIN
rail. This requires to remove the Inline terminal to the right prior to removing the Inline
Controller. The right connector of the Inline Controller must also be removed.
Remove the third and fourth connector to access the right base latch.
It is therefore recommended to remove all connectors prior to removing the Inline
• Remove all the connectors of the Inline Controller.

• Lever up each connector by pressing on the back connector shaft latching

(Figure 2-15, detail A1).

When using extended double signal connectors (long connectors), please ensure that
you do not bend the connectors back too far, as you may break the front snap-on

• Remove the connectors (Figure 2-15, detail A2).

• If Inline terminals are installed next to the Inline Controller (see Figure 2-14):
• Remove the following connectors:
– All connectors of the terminal directly connected (A1 to A4)
– The adjacent connector of the following terminal (B1)
• Remove the directly adjacent Inline terminal (A).

Observe the information given in the above user manuals.

A 1 ... A 4 B 1

1 P L C
S T P F A IL I1 I5 I9 Q 1 E U S
I2 I6 I1 0 Q 2 U M
R U N / P R O G I3 I7 I1 1 Q 3 U L
E T H I4 I8 I1 2 Q 4
1 0 /1 0 0

IN L IN E C O N T R O L 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2
1 0 0
IL C 3 5 0 E T H
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
O rd .N o .: 2 7 3 7 2 0 3

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

P R G IL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
R D Y / R U N
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

IL C 3 5 0 E T H A B 6 9 5 9 A 0 1 7

Figure 2-14 Connectors to be removed if terminals are installed next to the Inline

• Insert a tool in the base latches of the Inline Controller one after the other and pull
gently upward (Figure 2-15, detail B). Pull out the Inline Controller from the rail (details
C1, C2).

2-18 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

A A 1 B C C 2

A 2
C 1 6 9 5 9 A 0 1 0

Figure 2-15 Removing the Inline Controller

Replacing the Inline If you want to replace an Inline Controller within an Inline station, proceed as described
Controller above (removing and mounting). Make sure that the terminal to the right is not installed
when removing and mounting the Inline Controller. Only reinstall this terminal once the
Inline Controller is mounted.

Particularly ensure that all featherkeys and keyways on adjacent terminals are

Observe the following when replacing an Inline Controller:

– If you want to use the parameterization settings and projects of the Inline Controller to
be replaced, insert its parameterization memory into the new Inline Controller.
– Enter the new MAC address when using the BootP server.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-19

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.12 Communication Paths

The communication path to the Inline Controller must be determined before

communication with the Inline Controller can take place.
The following communication paths are available on the Inline Controller:

(A) Ethernet 10/100Base-T(X)

(B) PRG The serial interface (COM 1 to COM 4) of your PC is directly
connected to the Inline Controller.


6 9 5 9 A 0 0 4

Figure 2-16 Communication paths: (A) Ethernet (B) PRG

2-20 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.12.1 Ethernet

A standardized Ethernet interface is available for connecting the Ethernet network. The
Ethernet network is connected via an RJ45 female connector.

Use an Ethernet cable according to CAT5 of IEEE 802.3.

Planning and installation of your Ethernet network must be carried out according to the
IAONA "Industrial Ethernet Planning and Installation Guide" (see Internet at

The pin assignment of the interface is as follows:

T r a n s m it d a ta + T + 1 R J 4 5 fe m a le c o n n e c to r
T r a n s m it d a ta - T - 2 8 -p o s .
R e c e iv e d a ta + R + 3
- 4
- 5 1 0 /1 0 0 B A S E -T (X )
R e c e iv e d a ta - R - 6 8
- 7
- 8 6 9 5 9 A 0 1 8

Figure 2-17 Ethernet interface

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 5

Figure 2-18 Connecting the Ethernet cable to the Inline Controller

A crossover twisted-pair cable is required for direct connection of the Inline Controller to
another Inline Controller or to a PC.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-21

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.12.2 Serial PRG Interface (Mini-DIN Female Connector)

This serial interface (also: programming interface) providing the Ethernet interface enables
communication with the Inline Controller from a PC. A connecting cable is required for
direct connection of the Inline Controller to a PC with PC WorX 3. Connect the connecting
cable to the programming interface of the Inline Controller (designation "PRG") and the
serial interface of the PC (COM1 to COM4).


1 2
2 3
4 5

6 9 5 9 A 0 0 6

Figure 2-19 Connecting cable between PC and Inline Controller

Ordering data:
Connecting cable for connecting the Inline Controller to a PC (RS-232) for PC WorX,
length 3 meters (Order Des. PRG CAB MINI DIN, Order No. 2730611).

2-22 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller


Observe the information in the "Configuring and Installing the INTERBUS Inline Product
Range" user manual IB IL SYS PRO UM E when creating an Inline system (local bus
and/or remote bus).

2.13.1 Local Bus

The local bus is automatically created by directly connecting I/O modules to the Inline

2.13.2 Remote Bus

Connect the remote bus to the Inline Controller using one of the following branch terminals.
They only differ in the scope of supply.
– IBS IL 24 RB-T (Order No. 2727941)
– IBS IL 24 RB-T-PAC (Order No. 2861441; including accessories)

The first branch terminal must be placed directly behind the Inline Controller. In terms
of topology, it opens a remote bus.
If additional branch terminals are used behind the first branch terminal, they must be
installed directly one after the other (see also notes in the terminal-specific data sheet).
In terms of topology, the additional branches are remote bus branches with the branch
terminal being the first device in the corresponding remote bus branch.
Note that isolated connection and disconnection is only possible with remote bus
branch interfaces and local bus interfaces. Isolated connection and disconnection
is not possible with the remote bus.

The connected remote bus as well as the connected remote bus branches may have
further branches. Up to 16 bus levels (i.e., 15 branches) are permitted.
1 P L C
S T P F A IL I1 I5 I9 Q 1 E U S D
I2 I6 I1 0 Q 2 U M R C
R U N / P R O G I3 I7 I1 1 Q 3 U L R D
E T H I4 I8 I1 2 Q 4 L D
1 0 /1 0 0 R B -T

IN L IN E C O N T R O L 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2 11 2 2
1 0 0
IL C 3 5 0 E T H
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
O rd .N o .: 2 7 3 7 2 0 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

P R G IL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
R D Y / R U N
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

L o c a l b u s
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

E th e rn e t
R e m o te b u s
6 9 5 9 A 0 1 1

Figure 2-20 Bus configuration with remote bus and local bus

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-23

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.14 Power Supply

2.14.1 Sizing of the Power Supply

Use a power supply unit suitable for the currents in your application. The selection depends
on the bus configuration, the resulting maximum currents and the type of supply (separate
supply of UILC, UM and US, or supply from one power supply unit).

A power supply without a fall-back characteristic curve must be used for correct
operation of the Inline Controller (see Figure 2-22).
When the Inline Controller is switched on, an increased inrush current is temporarily
triggered. The Inline Controller behaves like a capacitive load when it is switched on.

Some electronically controlled power supplies have a fall-back characteristic curve (see
Figure 2-21). They are not suitable for operation with capacitive loads.
A primary switched-mode power supply unit (without fall-back characteristic curve) from
the QUINT POWER range (see INTERFACE catalog from Phoenix Contact) is
recommended for Inline Controller operation.

O v e r lo a d ra n g e
O v e r lo a d ra n g e
U w ith o u t fa ll-b a c k
U o u t
w ith fa ll-b a c k o u t
[V ] c h a r a c te r is tic c u rv e
[V ] c h a r a c te r is tic c u rv e
2 4
2 4

Io u t
Io u t IN
IN [A ]
[A ]
~~ 1 . 5 x IN
~~ 1 . 1 x IN ~~ 2 . 4 x IN
6 2 1 9 A 0 7 0 6 2 1 9 A 0 7 1

Figure 2-21 Overload range with fall-back Figure 2-22 Overload range without fall-back
characteristic curve characteristic curve

2-24 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.14.2 Power Supply Connection

Supply the Inline Controller using external 24 V direct voltage sources. The permissible
voltage ranges from 20.4 V DC to 30 V DC (ripple included).
The power consumption of the Inline Controller at 24 V typically is 4.8 W (no local bus
devices connected).

Only use power supplies that are suitable for operation with capacitive loads (increased
inrush current) (see Section "Sizing of the Power Supply" on page 2-24).

1. Connect the power supply to the connector for power supply as shown in Figure 2-23.
2. Plug the connector onto the Inline Controller.
3. Switch on the power supplies.
4. The UL, UM and US LEDs light up and, after about 10 seconds, the RUN and
RDY/RUN LEDs start flashing.
The Inline Controller is now fully initialized.
If the LEDs do not light up or start flashing, there is a serious fault on the Inline Controller.
Please contact Phoenix Contact.


1 2

1 2
1 1
+ U
1 .1 2 .1 S
1 1

2 2
+ -
1 .2 2 2
2 .2 U IL C
- 3 3 - M

1 .3 3 3
2 .3
4 4

1 .4 4 4
2 .4

6 9 5 9 A 0 1 2

Figure 2-23 Power supply connection

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-25

UM EN ILC 330/350

Terminal Assignment Remark

Connector 5 Power Connector
1.1 24 V DC 24 V segment The supplied voltage is directly routed to the potential jumper.
(US) voltage
supply Protect the supply voltage externally according to the
connected load (local bus devices) with 8 A, maximum.
Make sure the external fuse blows in any case.

1.2 24 V DC 24 V supply The 7.5 V communications power (UL) for the ILC and the connected local
(UILC) bus devices is generated from this voltage. The 24 V analog power (UANA)
for the local bus devices is also generated.

Protect the supply voltage externally according to the

connected load (local bus devices) with 2 A, maximum.
Make sure the external fuse blows in any case.

2.1, 2.2 24 V DC 24 V main The main voltage is routed to the local bus devices via the potential jumpers.
(UM) voltage
supply Protect the supply voltage externally according to the
(main power) connected load (local bus devices) with 8 A, maximum.
Make sure the external fuse blows in any case.

1.3 LGND Reference The potential is the reference ground for the communications power.
potential for
logic ground
2.3 SGND Reference The reference potential is directly forwarded to the potential jumper and is,
potential for at the same time, ground reference for the main and segment supply.
1.4, 2.4 FE Functional Functional earth ground must be connected through the power supply. The
earth ground contacts are directly connected to the potential jumper and FE springs on
(FE) the bottom of the housing. The Inline Controller is grounded when it is
snapped onto a grounded DIN rail. Functional earth ground is only used to
discharge interference.

The maximum total current flowing through the potential jumpers is 8 A.

2-26 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

2.14.3 24 V Segment Supply / 24 V Main Supply

The segment supply and main supply must have the same reference potential. An
electrically isolated architecture is not possible.

2.14.4 24 V Segment Supply

There are several ways of providing the segment voltage at connector 5:

1. You can provide the segment voltage separately at terminal points 1.1 and 2.3 (GND)
(see Figure 2-23 on page 2-25).
2. You can jumper connections 1.1 and 2.1 (or 2.2) to ensure that the segment circuit is
supplied from the main circuit.
3. You can create a switched segment circuit with a switch between terminal points 1.1
and 2.1 (or 2.2).

The 24 V segment supply has protection against polarity reversal and surge voltage.
It does not have short-circuit protection.
The user must provide short-circuit protection. The rating of the preconnected fuse must
be such that the maximum permissible load current of 8 A is not exceeded (total current
at UM and US).

2.14.5 24 V Main Voltage

The 24 V main supply has protection against polarity reversal and surge voltage.
It does not have short-circuit protection.
The user must provide short-circuit protection. The rating of the preconnected fuse must
be such that the maximum permissible load current of 8 A is not exceeded (total current
at UM and US).

2.14.6 24 V ILC Supply

The 24 V ILC supply has protection against polarity reversal and surge voltage. These
protective elements are only used to protect the power supply unit.
The rating of the preconnected fuse must be such that the maximum permissible load
current of 2 A is not exceeded.

2.14.7 Jumpers

Terminals 1.3 and 2.3 on connector 5 can be jumpered if the communications power and
the segment power are not to be electrically isolated.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-27

UM EN ILC 330/350

2.15 Digital Inputs and Outputs

Twelve 24 V DC inputs are available. Eight of the twelve inputs are fast inputs (high-speed
I/Os) (from version 01/4.6F/1.11 or later). In addition, twelve 24 V DC outputs are available.
The fast inputs I1 to I8 locally ensure shortest response times. The fast inputs can be used
as interrupt inputs. If a defined edge change occurs at one of the inputs, an IEC 61131
freely programmable event task can be called.
Inputs I9 to I12 are standard inputs.

1 .1
1 2

2 .1
1 - 4
1 1

1 .2 2 2
2 .2

1 .3 3 3
2 .3

1 .4 4 4
2 .4

1 .5 5 5
2 .5

1 .6 6 6
2 .6

6 9 5 9 A 0 1 3

Figure 2-24 Assignment of the terminal points of connectors 1 to 4

2-28 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Description of the Inline Controller

Table 2-2 Terminal point assignment

Terminal Point Assignment Remark

Connector 1 Input Terminal Points
1.1 I1 Input 1
2.1 I2 Input 2
1.2, 2.2 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.3, 2.3 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination
1.4 I3 Input 3
2.4 I4 Input 4
1.5, 2.5 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.6, 2.6 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination
Connector 2 Input Terminal Points
1.1 I5 Input 5
2.1 I6 Input 6
1.2, 2.2 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.3, 2.3 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination
1.4 I7 Input 7
2.4 I8 Input 8
1.5, 2.5 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.6, 2.6 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination
Connector 3 Input Terminal Points
1.1 I9 Input 9
2.1 I10 Input 10
1.2, 2.2 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.3, 2.3 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination
1.4 I11 Input 11
2.4 I12 Input 12
1.5, 2.5 24 V Supply voltage UM for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.6, 2.6 GND Ground contact for 3-wire termination

The inputs are supplied with 24 V DC from the main supply (UM).

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 2-29

UM EN ILC 330/350

Table 2-2 Terminal point assignment (Forts.)

Terminal Point Assignment Remark
Connector 4 Output Terminal Points
1.1 O1 Output 1
2.1 O2 Output 2
1.2, 2.2 GND Ground contact for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.3, 2.3 FE Functional earth ground for 3-wire termination
1.4 O3 Output 3
2.4 O4 Output 4
1.5, 2.5 GND Ground contact for 2 and 3-wire termination
1.6, 2.6 FE Functional earth ground for 3-wire termination

The outputs are supplied with 24 V DC from the segment supply (US).

The outputs have protection when the ground connection is interrupted and must be
wired accordingly.

IL C 3 5 0 ... L IL C 3 5 0 ... L

6 9 5 9 B 0 1 6

Figure 2-25 Basic wiring of an output with a load (L)

2-30 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

3 The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

3.1 Software Version

Using the Inline Controllers requires the following PC WorX version:

ILC 330 ETH PC WorX version 5.10 or later Service Pack 1

(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2007 1.30 Service Pack 1)
ILC 350 ETH PC WorX version 3.03 or later
When using PC WorX 3.03 it is necessary to upgrade the data for the ILC 350 ETH from
the "Upgrade ILC 350 ETH" CD. The CD is supplied with the Inline Controller.
Upgrading is not required in later versions.
ILC 350 ETH/M PC WorX version 3.12 or later Service Pack 1
(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2005 1.10)
ILC 350 PN PC WorX version 5.00 or later
(Part of the AUTOMATIONWORX Software Suite 2006 1.20)

Information on installing and using PC WorX can be found in the quick start guide for the
PC WorX version used. The quick start guide can be downloaded free of charge at
www.phoenixcontact.com and is supplied with the software.

3.2 IP Address

BootP is activated by default upon delivery for communication with the Inline Controller
via Ethernet.
The first setting of the IP address can additionally be carried out with the PC WorX
software manually via the serial interface or by means of a BootP server.
It is possible to change the IP address later via the serial interface or Ethernet using the
PC WorX software.

For setting the IP address using PC WorX, please proceed as explained in the quick start
guide for the PC WorX version used.

3.3 Setting the Real-Time Clock

Set the time and date for the internal system clock of the Inline Controller using the
Controller "Device Details" window in PC WorX.

For setting the real-time clock, please proceed as explained in the quick start guide for
the PC WorX version used.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

3.4 Download Changes

(ILC 330 ETH / ILC 350 ETH / ILC 350 ETH/M)

The ILC 350 ETH Inline Controller version 4.6F/1.20 or later with processor ARM_L_40
and the Inline Controllers ILC 330 ETH and ILC 350 ETH/M support the "Download
Changes" function.
The "Download Changes" function can be used to download project modifications to the
control system(s) where they can be activated without stopping the running PLC.

For detailed information on this function, please refer to the PC WorX online help.

When downloading changes to one or more control systems, please observe the following:
Specify if the system is to ensure the real-time behavior of the PLC prior to starting the
download process.

Figure 3-1 Ensure real-time behavior

If the "Ensure real-time for Download Changes" checkbox is enabled in the "Download"
dialog box (recommended standard settings), the system will attempt to "Download
Changes" without affecting the real-time conditions of the tasks executed on the control
If downloading changes is not possible, e.g., the data volume to be copied is too large, an
error message is output. In this case, disable the "Ensure real-time..." option (i.e., real-time
violations permitted) in order for all changes to be executed. (In this context, please note
the background information in the real-time behavior section in the online help.)

If real-time violations are permitted, first ensure that your PLC application is running
within safe limits. Note that any real-time violation may lead to unexpected
consequences in the automation system as user tasks may not be processed for a short
period. Therefore, check the level of risk before disabling this option.

3-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

3.5 Function Blocks for Handling Files in the

Parameterization Memory

The function blocks are used to access files from within the application program. Some of
the blocks support multiple instantiation. This means that it is possible to work with a
number of different files within the same project. The blocks perform the standard functions
that are required for typical file-access operations.
The FILE_NOTIFY block is available in addition to the blocks for typical file-access
operations. This block can be used to detect files that have been modified in a directory
containing user files. These modifications may include:
– Deletion of one or more files
– Writing of one or more new files
– Modification of one or more existing files
Both modifications made to this directory via FTP (remote) and modifications made locally
via function blocks or firmware services can be detected.

All file operations are subject to the following restrictions:

No directory hierarchies are supported. All file operations only affect the root directory of
the parameterization memory.

Table 3-1 Overview of function blocks

Function Block Short Description

FILE_OPEN Opens a file with a specific name
FILE_CLOSE Closes a file with a specific handle
FILE_READ Reads from a file with a specific handle
FILE_WRITE Writes to a file with a specific handle
FILE_REMOVE Deletes a file with a specific name
FILE_TELL Determines the current position of the file pointer in a file
FILE_SEEK Moves the current file pointer to a new position
FILE_NOTIFY Displays files that have recently been created, deleted or modified

Technical Properties (Limit Values)

– The string for a file name (for opening, deleting, and monitoring modifications) must
not exceed 80 characters in length.
– Up to 64 files can be monitored for modifications.
– Maximum number of instances for function blocks:
FILE_NOTIFY: 1 instance
Others: 8 instances
– Minimum scan time for FILE_NOTIFY: 1 second

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-3

UM EN ILC 330/350


The FILE_OPEN block is used to open a file in the parameterization memory with a specific

F IL E _ O P E N

E x e c u te D o n e

N a m e H a n d le

E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 2 6

Figure 3-2 FILE_OPEN block

Assign a STRING variable containing the name of the file to be opened to the "Name"
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input. The file is opened.
If the file to be opened does not exist, it is created on the data carrier. The file is opened
with read and write access rights. If "Done" is set to 1 and "Error" = 0, a valid file handle is
present at the "Handle" output.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
When using the block, please note:
– This block can activate up to eight instances at the same time. This means that only
eight different files can be opened at the same time.
– The same file may not be opened more than once.
– The file to be opened must not be write-protected, because files are always opened
with read and write access rights.
– The variable in which the file name is entered must be a STRING data type.
– The file name must not exceed 80 characters in length.
– The status of the "Done", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a falling
edge is detected at the "Execute" input.

3-4 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

Table 3-2 FILE_OPEN function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block opens or creates a file.
Name STRING Input Name of the file to be opened or created.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Handle UINT Output File handle of the file opened or created.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred when opening/creating the file.
TRUE: An error occurred when opening/creating the file.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of error that occurred when opening/creating the file:
0: No error information available.
2: The maximum number of files is already open.
4: The file is already open.
5: The file is write-protected or access was denied.
6: File name not entered.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-5

UM EN ILC 330/350


The FILE_CLOSE block is used to close a file in the parameterization memory with a
specific handle.

F IL E _ C L O S E

E x e c u te D o n e

H a n d le E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 2 7

Figure 3-3 FILE_CLOSE block

Assign the valid handle of an open file to the "Handle" input.

Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input. The file is closed.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a falling edge is
detected at the "Execute" input.

Table 3-3 FILE_CLOSE function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block closes the file.
Handle UINT Input File handle of file to be closed.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred when closing the file.
TRUE: An error occurred when closing the file.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of error that occurred when closing the file:
0: No error information available.
1: Invalid file handle.
20: File could not be closed.

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The Inline Controller Under PC WorX


The FILE_READ block is used to read data from a file that was opened previously.

F IL E _ R E A D

E x e c u te D o n e

H a n d le L e n g th R e a d

B u ffe r B u ffe r

M a x L e n g th E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 2 8

Figure 3-4 FILE_READ block

Assign the valid handle for the file from which data is to be read to the "Handle" input.
Create a data buffer of sufficient size for the "Buffer" output. The data buffer for the data to
be read can be declared in a number of ways. The type of data buffer can be defined by
the user, e.g., a byte array. Strings cannot be used directly as data buffers. If the data read
is to be processed further as a string, it must first be saved in an array and then converted
into a string using the BUF_TO_STRING function block.
Enter the number of bytes to be read at the "MaxLength" input.
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
Following successful execution, the data is copied to the buffer and the number of
characters read is indicated at the "LengthRead" output. The number of characters read
may be smaller than "MaxLength" if the end of the file was reached before the number of
characters indicated was processed.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-7

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Table 3-4 FILE_READ function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block reads data from file.
Handle UINT Input File handle of file from which data is to be read.
Buffer ANY Output Data buffer for data to be read.
MaxLength UDINT Input Number of characters to be read.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Length UDINT Output Number of characters read.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred during reading.
TRUE: An error occurred during reading.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of error that occurred when reading the file:
0: No error information available.
1: Invalid file handle.
10: End of file reached.
12: Number of characters to be read is greater than the data buffer.
22: No data could be read.

3-8 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX


The FILE_WRITE block is used to write data to a file that was opened previously.


E x e c u te D o n e

H a n d le L e n g th W r itte n

B u ffe r B u ffe r

L e n g th E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 B 0 2 9

Figure 3-5 FILE_WRITE block

Assign the valid handle for the file to which data is to be written to the "Handle" input.
Create a data buffer of sufficient size, which contains the data to be written, for the "Buffer"
input. The data buffer for the data can be declared in a number of ways. The type of data
buffer can be defined by the user, e.g., a byte array. Strings cannot be used directly as data
buffers. If a string is to be saved in a file, the string must first be saved in an array using
the STRING_TO_BUF function block.
Assign the number of bytes to be written to the "Length" input.
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
If the function could not be executed successfully, the number of bytes written will be
indicated at the "LengthWritten" output. It is the same as the number of characters to be
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "LengthWritten", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until
a falling edge is detected at the "Execute" input.

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Table 3-5 FILE_WRITE function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block writes data to file.
Handle UINT Input File handle of file to which data is to be written.
Buffer ANY Output Data buffer containing data to be written.
Length UDINT Input Number of characters to be written.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Length UDINT Output Number of characters written.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred during writing.
TRUE: An error occurred during writing.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of error that occurred when writing:
0: No error information available.
1: Invalid file handle.
11: No memory is available for writing the data.
12: Number of characters to be written is greater than data buffer.
23: No data could be written.

3-10 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX


The FILE_REMOVE block is used to delete a file with a specific name.

F IL E _ R E M O V E

E x e c u te D o n e

N a m e E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 3 0

Figure 3-6 FILE_REMOVE block

Before deletion, the file to be deleted must be closed using the FILE_CLOSE function
Assign a STRING variable containing the name of the file to be deleted to the "Name" input.
The file name must not exceed 80 characters in length.
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a falling edge is
detected at the "Execute" input.

Table 3-6 FILE_REMOVE function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block deletes the file.
Name BOOL Input Name of the file to be deleted.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred during deleting.
TRUE: An error occurred during deleting.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of error that occurred when deleting the file:
0: No error information available.
2: The maximum number of files is already open.
3: File could not be found.
5: The file is open or write-protected or access was denied.
6: File name not entered.
21: File could not be deleted.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-11

UM EN ILC 330/350


The FILE_TELL block is used to determine the current position of the file pointer in a file.

F IL E _ T E L L

E x e c u te D o n e

N a m e P o s titio n

E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 3 1

Figure 3-7 FILE_TELL block

In order to determine the current position of the file pointer (relative offset from start of file),
the valid handle for the file is assigned to "Handle".
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
The current position of the file pointer can be read at the "Position" output following
successful execution.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "Position", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a
falling edge is detected at the "Execute" input.

Table 3-7 FILE_TELL function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block determines the current position of the file pointer.
Handle UINT Input File handle of file whose position is to be determined.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Position DINT Output Current position in the file.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred when determining the position.
TRUE: An error occurred when determining the position.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of the error that occurred when determining the position:
0: No error information available.
1: Invalid file handle.

3-12 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX


The FILE_SEEK block is used to move the current file pointer to a new position.

F IL E _ S E E K

E x e c u te D o n e

H a n d le E rro r

P o s itio n E rro rID

M o d e
7 0 1 8 A 0 3 2

Figure 3-8 FILE_SEEK block

Assign the valid handle of the file to be processed to the "Handle" input. Write the relative
offset to be used to move the file pointer to the "Position" input. Enter the reference to be
used to move the pointer at the "Mode" input (see table).
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a falling edge is
detected at the "Execute" input.

Table 3-8 FILE_SEEK function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: Block sets the new position of the file pointer.
Handle UINT Input File handle of file in which the position is to be set.
Position DINT Input New position in file.
Mode UINT Input Positioning mode
0: Positioning relative to start of file.
1: Positioning relative to current position.
2: Positioning relative to end of file.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred when setting the position.
TRUE: An error occurred when setting the position.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of the error that occurred when setting the position:
0: No error information available.
1: Invalid file handle.
13: Invalid positioning mode.
24: The position could not be set.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-13

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The FILE_NOTIFY block is used to display the files, which have recently been added,
deleted or modified.


E x e c u te D o n e

O p tio n N a m e

S iz e

R e a s o n

E rro r

E rro rID
7 0 1 8 A 0 3 3

Figure 3-9 FILE_NOTIFY block

Parameterize the block using an option string at the "Option" input. The possible options
are indicated in Table 3-10. Only one instance of this block can be used.
Activate the block on a rising edge at the "Execute" input.
Execution of the function block is complete when the "Done" output is set to 1. This is the
case if the monitoring condition set at the "Option" input is true.
The name of the file to be modified can be read as a string at the "Name" output.
The size of the file to be modified (in bytes) can be read at the "Size" output.
If an error occurred during execution, the value at the "Error" output = 1.
"ErrorID" indicates the number of the cause of the error.
The status of the "Done", "Error", and "ErrorID" outputs is maintained until a falling edge is
detected at the "Execute" input. If the monitoring condition set is true for a number of files,
the block is reset as soon as "Done" changes to 1 following a rising edge at "Execute". The
next file name can then be read from "Name".

3-14 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

Table 3-9 FILE_NOTIFY function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

Execute BOOL Input Rising edge: The function of the block is activated.
Option STRING Input The operating options are set using this string. The possible options are
indicated in Table 3-10. The string must not exceed 80 characters in length.
Done BOOL Output FALSE: The function block was not executed.
TRUE: The function block was executed.
Name STRING Output The string pending following the edge at "Done" indicates the file name of a
file that has changed. The file name must not exceed 80 characters in length.
Size UDINT Output Size of modified file in bytes. This value can be used, e.g., when reading the
file subsequently.
Reason DWORD Output This flag indicates the reason for the modification. Possible reasons include:
1: Addition of a new file.
2: Deletion of an existing file.
4: Modification of an existing file.
Error BOOL Output FALSE: No errors occurred when executing the function.
TRUE: An error occurred when executing the function.
ErrorID UINT Output Error number of the error that occurred when executing the function:
0: No error information available.
25: Too many instances open (> 1).
30: Incorrect length of option string (0 or > 80 bytes).
31: Incorrect length of FILENAME (0 or > 80).
32: Incorrect or missing entry for MAXFILES (< 1 or > 64).
33: Incorrect entry for SCANTIME (< 1000 or > 1,000,000).
34: Too many files in directory (> MAXFILES).
35: Block resources conflict
(e.g., insufficient memory)

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-15

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Table 3-10 Options for the option string

Option Meaning
/MAXFILES Number of files to be monitored. The permissible value range is between 1 and 64.
Memory usage increases along with the number of MAXFILES.
/SCANTIME Cycle time during which a specific directory is scanned for modifications.
Value entered in seconds. The minimum cycle time is 1 second.
/FILENAME Name of a specific file group to be monitored. This option can be called a number of times to monitor
different file names and file extensions.
The file name must not exceed 80 characters in length. Only printable characters may be used. The
following special characters are relevant for the file name mask:
? Wildcard for a variable character in a constant character string
Example: "Test_?_200?.log".
* Wildcard for a variable character string in a constant character string
Example: "LogFile*".
If the /FILENAME option is not used, all file names and extensions will be monitored.

Example for option string A typical option string may have the following structure:
/MAXFILES=20 /SCANTIME=5000 /FILENAME=test_?.txt /FILENAME=*.log
In this example, up to 20 files can be monitored.
The default directory is scanned every 5 seconds for file modifications.
Files with "log" or "txt" extensions are monitored.
Only modifications to "txt" files starting with the character string "test_" are detected. In
addition, all files with the extension "log" are monitored.

Example of possible error The size of the modified file written to SIZE may not be correct. This may be the case if,
for example, a large file has been copied to the parameterization memory via FTP and the
FILE_NOTIFY block has been parameterized with a SCAN_TIME of 1 second. In this case,
the block immediately indicates that a new file has been created and provides information
about the current size of this file. However, as the file is still being written, the size indicated
does not tally with the actual size of the file.

3-16 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

3.6 Function Blocks for TCP/IP Communication

The functions blocks are used to implement Ethernet communication between two
communication partners. For this reason the previous IEC 61131-5 function blocks have
been extended by a TCP/IP mode.
Possible applications include:
– Communication between two Phoenix Contact control systems
(e.g., ILC - RFC, ILC - FC, ILC - ILC) and
– Communication between a Phoenix Contact control system and any other TCP/IP-
capable device (e.g., ILC - PC, ILC - PLC).
Implement all time and connection monitoring functions in the application program.
The Inline Controller supports 16 TCP/IP connections to another communication partner.
The function blocks are valid for:
Order Designation From Hardware Version From Firmware Version
ILC 330 ETH 01 4.6F/1.41
ILC 350 ETH 01 4.6F/1.11
ILC 350 ETH/M 02 4.6F/1.11
ILC 350 PN 02 4.6F/1.3F

Table 3-11 Overview of function blocks

Function Block Short Description

IP_CONNECT Connection establishment between two communication partners
IP_USEND Transmitting data to a communication partner
IP_URCV Receiving data from a communication partner

A description of the communication blocks can be found in the PC WorX online help.
This user manual only describes the extensions of the TCP/IP function blocks.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-17

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This block is used to establish a connection between two communication partners via an
IP connection.






Figure 3-10 IP_CONNECT function block

Table 3-12 IP_CONNECT function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

EN_C BOOL Input When setting this input to TRUE, the block attempts to establish a
connection to the IP address specified at the PARTNER input. A connection
can only be established if the block is called on both communication partners
followed by a communication establishment request of both communication
FALSE The connection has been aborted.
TRUE The connection has been established or maintained.
PARTNER STRING Input This input specifies the communication partner to be used for
For this purpose, enter the partner IP address followed by several optional
Use the syntax given below the table.
VALID BOOL Output This output indicates if a valid communication connection has been
established. After connection establishment the output is set to TRUE. The
output remains in the TRUE state as long as the connection is established.
The return ID of the communication connection must be transferred to the
IP_USEND and IP_URCV function blocks. For this purpose, you can directly
connect the ID output of the IP_CONNECT function block to the ID input of
the IP_USEND function block and to the ID input of the IP_URCV function
ERROR BOOL Output Rising edge: An error has occurred. The error code can be read at the
STATUS output during the cycle with the rising edge.
STATUS INT Output Error codes of the error occurred.
ID INT Output Unique designation for the communication connection. In the event of
several existing communication connections, you can use the ID parameter
to distinguish the connections from one another. ID is only valid if output

3-18 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

Syntax for Entering TCP-Based Communication at the PARTNER Input (Example)

Note that the entry is case-sensitive. Enter only one space between the parameters.
If you do not enter the parameters, the default values will be used.
Minimum configuration:
Maximum configuration:
/ACTIVE /PORT=502 /IP= /CONTO=3000 /RCVTO=5000
/PASSIVE /PORT=502 /IP= /CONTO=3000 /RCVTO=5000

When using TCP/IP connections between a control system and another TCP/IP-capable
device, one partner must be active and the other partner must be passive.

Parameter Meaning
A communication partner is expected to establish the connection.
If no IP address is entered for a device configured "PASSIVE", this device responds to the
first connection request that comes in.
If an IP address is entered, the device only responds to the request of the device with the
address specified.
The Inline Controller establishes the connection.
PORT=xxxx Port address of the communication partner (decimal, 1 ≤ port ≤ 65535)
IP=www.xxx.yyy.zzz IP address of the communication partner.
If no IP address is entered in "PASSIVE" mode, the connection to the first partner that logs
on is accepted.
CONTO=xxxx Connect timeout (in ms)
The default value for connection establishment confirmation is 3000 ms. After this time
another attempt to establish a connection (reconnect; close socket/open socket) is
automatically carried out.
The time can be changed using this parameter.
RCVTO=xxxx Receive timeout (in ms)
The default value is 5000 ms. If no telegram is received within this time, the IP_URCV
function block indicates an error.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-19

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3.6.2 IP_USEND

This function block is used to transmit data to a communication partner via an IP

connection. The IP_USEND block enables transmission of 1460 bytes, maximum. The
IP_CONNECT block must be used to establish a communication connection prior to
transmitting data.





SD_1 SD_1

Figure 3-11 IP_USEND block

Table 3-13 IP_USEND function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

REQ BOOL Input Positive edge: Data transmission start. The block is blocked during the entire
data transmission process. It cannot be stopped or reset.
ID INT Input During connection establishment using the IP_CONNECT block each
communication connection is assigned a unique ID. This ID is used to inform
the IP_USEND transmit block to which communication device data is to be
transmitted. You can directly connect the ID input to the ID output of the
IP_CONNECT function block.
R_ID STRING Input This input is only used for UDP. It is irrelevant for TCP/IP.
DONE BOOL Output This output indicates if the function block successfully and completely sent the
data to be transmitted. Successful data transmission can only be evaluated
during the cycle with the rising edge at this output.
ERROR BOOL Output Rising edge: An error has occurred. The error code can be read at the
STATUS output during the cycle with the rising edge.
STATUS INT Output Error code of the error occurred.
SD_1 ANY Input/output Block transmit buffer.
The variables at transmit buffer SD_1 must have the same size as the
variables at receive buffer RD_1 of the corresponding IP_URCV block.
The IP_USEND block enables transmission of 1460 bytes, maximum.
The number of bytes to be transmitted is entered in the first word of the SD_1
transmit buffer (observe Intel format). This data word is not transmitted. Data
is transmitted in the other words.
Data is transmitted as byte stream. There is no Intel/Motorola conversion.

3-20 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

The Inline Controller Under PC WorX

3.6.3 IP_URCV

This function block is used to receive data from a communication partner via an IP
connection. The IP_URCV function block enables reception of 1460 bytes, maximum.





RD_1 RD_1

Figure 3-12 IP_URCV block

Table 3-14 IP_URCV function block inputs and outputs

Name Data Data Direction Description

EN_R BOOL Input This input is used to prepare the block for data reception.
TRUE Data can be received.
FALSE Data cannot be received.
ID INT Input During connection establishment using the IP_CONNECT block each
communication connection is assigned a unique ID. This ID is used to inform
the IP_URCV receive block from which communication device data is to be
received. You can directly connect the ID input to the ID output of the
IP_CONNECT function block.
R_ID STRING Input This input is only used for UDP. It is irrelevant for TCP/IP.
NDR BOOL Input This output indicates if the function block successfully and completely
received the data to be transmitted. Successful data transmission can only be
evaluated during the cycle with the rising edge at this output.
ERROR BOOL Output Rising edge: An error has occurred. The error code can be read at the
STATUS output during the cycle with the rising edge.
STATUS INT Output Error code of the error occurred.
RD_1 ANY Input/output Block receive buffer.
The variables at receive buffer RD_1 must have the same size as the
variables at transmit buffer SD_1 of the corresponding IP_USEND block.
The IP_URCV function block enables reception of 1460 bytes, maximum.
The firmware enters the number of data received in the first word of the
receive buffer. Data is received in the other words.
As long as the input EN_R = TRUE, receiving of data is possible.
If a data block has been received, the NDR output is set for the period of one
data cycle.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 3-21

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3.6.4 Error Codes

The following error codes are available at the STATUS output. Not all error codes apply to
each function block.

Table 3-15 Error codes for TCP/IP at the STATUS output

Error Code Description

ERR_TRANS_NO_SOCKET 0010hex Socket initialization failed.
ERR_CONNECTION_LOST 0031hex The connection was aborted.
ERR_TIMEOUT 0033hex General timeout, receiver is no longer responding or transmitter has not
completed transmission.
ERR_STRING_TOO_LONG 0040hex Partner string on IP_CONNECT block is too long (255 characters, maximum).
ERR_INVALID_IP 0041hex The specified IP address is invalid or could not be interpreted correctly.
ERR_INVALID_PORT 0042hex Port number not permissible.
ERR_NO_FREE_ 0053hex All available connections are being used.
ERR_FB_EXISTS 0065hex A different block instance already operates on this connection.

3-22 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

System Variables and Status Information

4 System Variables and Status Information

4.1 System Variables

4.1.1 General Information

This section describes the special program functions of the PC WorX software that are
available for the Inline Controller.
The Inline Controller has a register set, which is used for diagnostics and easy control of
the bus system. The diagnostic data is stored in the diagnostic status register and the
diagnostic parameter register. These registers are available to the application program as
system variables (system flags, global variables).
Operating states, error states, and additional information about the INTERBUS system can
be evaluated in the application program.

For additional information on diagnostics, please refer to the following user manual:
– INTERBUS Diagnostics Guide
IBS SYS DIAG DSC UM E Order No. 2747293

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 4-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

4.1.2 Status Register for Local Digital Inputs and Outputs

The following system variables can be used to read the local digital input and output states
and to write the local digital output states.

Table 4-1 System variables of the status register for local digital inputs and outputs

System Variable Type Meaning

ONBOARD_INPUT WORD State of all local inputs
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT0 BOOL State of local input IN1
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT1 BOOL State of local input IN2
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT2 BOOL State of local input IN3
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT3 BOOL State of local input IN4
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT4 BOOL State of local input IN5
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT5 BOOL State of local input IN6
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT6 BOOL State of local input IN7
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT7 BOOL State of local input IN8
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT8 BOOL State of local input IN9
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT9 BOOL State of local input IN10
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT10 BOOL State of local input IN11
ONBOARD_INPUT_BIT11 BOOL State of local input IN12
ONBOARD_OUTPUT_BIT0 BOOL State of local output OUT1
ONBOARD_OUTPUT_BIT1 BOOL State of local output OUT2
ONBOARD_OUTPUT_BIT2 BOOL State of local output OUT3
ONBOARD_OUTPUT_BIT3 BOOL State of local output OUT4
ONBOARD_OUTPUT_OVERLOAD_0_3 BOOL One local output overloaded

4-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

System Variables and Status Information

4.1.3 Status Register of an I/O Controller (Only ILC 350 PN)

Table 4-2 Status register variables of an I/O controller

System Variable Type Meaning
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS WORD Configuration status of the I/O controller
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_READY BOOL The variable is set if the I/O controller was initialized
without errors. Up to now, no desired configuration has
been loaded by PC WorX.
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_ACTIVE BOOL The variable is set if the desired configuration for the I/O
controller has been loaded.
In this state the I/O controller attempts to cyclically
establish a connection to all devices of the desired
configuration (under the PROFINET symbol).
As for the inaccessible devices: Cyclically at an interval of
approx. 5 ms, the I/O controller repeatedly attempts to
establish a connection.
A connection cannot be established, e.g., if the
corresponding device is ready to operate but no correct
device name has yet been assigned to it.
PNIO_CONFIG_STATUS_FAULT BOOL The variable is set if an error occurred during
download/evaluation of the desired configuration.
PNIO_FORCE_FAILSAFE BOOL Setting this variable sets all the application relationships to
a safe state.

4.1.4 INTERBUS Register of the ILC 350 PN

There may be several INTERBUS masters in each PROFINET I/O system. This is why the
registers of an INTERBUS master are directly available as process data. The naming
conventions for the system variables of local INTERBUS masters (as, e.g., with the
ILC 350 ETH) are also directly used.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 4-3

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4.1.5 Diagnostic Status Register

Information about the operating state of the Inline Controller is stored in the diagnostic
status register. Every bit in the diagnostic status register is assigned a certain Inline
Controller state.
The following system variables can be used to read the diagnostic status register

Table 4-3 System variables of the diagnostic status register

System Variable Type Meaning
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_USER BOOL User error/parameterization error
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_CTRL BOOL Error on the Inline Controller/hardware fault
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_DTC BOOL Diagnostic routine is active
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RUN BOOL Data transmission is active
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_ACT BOOL Selected configuration ready to operate
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RDY BOOL Inline Controller ready to operate
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RES BOOL Standard function has been processed negatively
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_SYNCRES BOOL Synchronization error occurred
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_WARN BOOL Defined warning time exceeded
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_QUAL BOOL Defined error density exceeded
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_HI BYTE Master diagnostic status register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_STATUS_REG_LOW BYTE Master diagnostic status register, low byte

4-4 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

System Variables and Status Information

4.1.6 Diagnostic Parameter Register

The diagnostic parameter register provides additional information on the error indicated in
the diagnostic status register. The following information is stored in the
diagnosticparameter register:
– Error location
– Error code

1 5 8 7 0 1 5 8 7 0

3 1 0 A 5 0
S e g m e n t n u m b e r P o s itio n in th e s e g m e n t E rro r c o d e
E x a m p le : d e v ic e n u m b e r 3 .1 E x a m p le : a d d r e s s o v e r la p , c o d e 0 A 5 0 h e x

6 2 1 9 A 0 4 0 6 2 1 9 A 0 4 1

Figure 4-1 Error location in the diagnostic parameter Figure 4-2 Error code in the diagnostic parameter
register register

Special case: If an interface error cannot be located, the value 128 is indicated in the
diagnostic parameter register, i.e., bit 7 is set.

Table 4-4 Error code (example: 0A50hex)

Error Code: Type: Description and Remedy

0A50 USER Error when assigning a process data item. Input or output
address assigned more than once.
Remedy: Always assign just one process data item to each
input/output address.
Add_Error_Info: PDRL_Index of the incorrect PDRL entry.

The diagnostic parameter register is rewritten whenever an error occurs. The diagnostic
parameter register contains value "0" if no errors are detected.

Table 4-5 System variable of the diagnostic parameter register

System Variable Type Meaning

MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_REG WORD Error location (for a bus error) or error code
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_REG_HI BYTE Diagnostic parameter register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_REG_LOW BYTE Diagnostic parameter register, low byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG_HI BYTE Extended diagnostic parameter register, high byte
MASTER_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG_LOW BYTE Extended diagnostic parameter register, low byte

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 4-5

UM EN ILC 330/350

4.1.7 IEC 61131 Runtime System

There is a separate group of system variables for the IEC 61131 runtime system.

Table 4-6 System variables of the IEC 61131 runtime system

System Variable Type Meaning

PLCMODE_ON BOOL PLC status ON: The runtime system on the Inline Controller is
ready to operate.
PLCMODE_RUN BOOL PLC status RUN: The application program is running.
PLCMODE_STOP BOOL PLC status STOP: The application program is currently not
PLCMODE_HALT BOOL PLC status HALT: The application program was stopped at an
unspecified point.
PLCDEBUG_BPSET BOOL Breakpoint set: At least one breakpoint has been set in the
application program.
PLCDEBUG_FORCE BOOL Variable(s) forced: At least one variable is being continuously
overwritten (forced) by PROGRAM WORX.
PLCDEBUG_POWERFLOW BOOL Powerflow ON: In "Powerflow" mode, you can see which parts of
your application program are being processed. This bit indicates
whether "Powerflow" mode is active.
PLC_TICKS_PER_SEC INT System ticks per second: This variable shows how many pulses
the system clock of the Inline Controller delivers per second.
PLC_SYS_TICK_CNT DINT Number of system ticks: This variable shows the total number of
pulses delivered by the system clock since the last startup.
PLC_TASK_AVAILABLE INT Number of available PLC tasks
PLC_TASK_DEFINED INT Number of tasks used
PLC_TASK_1 Record, Information on task 1
elements = 17
: : :
PLC_TASK_16 Record, Information on task 16
elements = 17

4-6 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

System Variables and Status Information

4.1.8 Control Processor

The system variables listed below show the states of the diagnostic status register on the
control processor of the Inline Controller.

Table 4-7 System variables of the control processor

System Variable Type Meaning

COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_PON BOOL Power ON (COP): The control processor is ready to operate.
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_RT_ERR BOOL A runtime error (out of real time) has occurred on the control
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_FAT_ERR BOOL A fatal error has occurred on the control processor. Division by
zero, for example, leads to a fatal error.
COP_DIAG_STATUS_REG_WARN BOOL A warning has been issued on the control processor.
COP_DIAG_PARAM_REG WORD Diagnostic parameter register of the control processor
COP_DIAG_PARAM_2_REG WORD Extended diagnostic parameter register of the control

The system variable listed below shows a status information for the control processor of
the Inline Controller.

Table 4-8 System variable of the control processor (firmware version 1.1 or later)

System Variable Type Meaning

COP_CPU_LOAD_WARNING BOOL The load limits of the control processor have been reached.

4.1.9 Battery, Real-Time Clock, Memory Card

Table 4-9 System variables of the battery, real-time clock and memory card

System Variable Type Meaning

RTC_BATTERY_LOW BOOL Low capacity of the real-time clock battery.
RTC_DATA_INVALID BOOL Data of the real-time clock invalid.
FLASHCARD_PRESENT BOOL The Phoenix Contact compact flash card is inserted.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 4-7

UM EN ILC 330/350

4.1.10 Power Supplies

Table 4-10 System variables of the power supplies

System Variable Type Meaning

POWER_SUPPLY_MAIN_OK BOOL The 24 V main power supply is OK.
POWER_SUPPLY_INPUTS_OK BOOL The 24 V power supply for the local inputs is OK.
POWER_SUPPLY_OUTPUTS_0_3_OK BOOL The 24 V power supply for the local outputs is OK. (Bits 0 to 3)

4.1.11 Ethernet Status

Table 4-11 System variables of the Ethernet status (firmware version 4.6F/1.11 or later)

System Variable Type Meaning

ETH_PORT1_LINK BOOL The external Ethernet port is connected.
ETH_PORT1_100MBIT BOOL The baud rate of the external Ethernet port is 100 Mbps.
ETH_PORT1_FULL_DUPLEX BOOL A full duplex connection is connected to the external Ethernet
ETH_PORT2_LINK BOOL The internal Ethernet port is connected.
ETH_PORT2_100MBIT BOOL The baud rate of the internal Ethernet port is 100 Mbps.
ETH_PORT2_FULL_DUPLEX BOOL A full duplex connection is connected to the internal Ethernet
ETH_SRV_FTP_ACTIV BOOL The Ethernet FTP service is activated.

4.1.12 Mode Selector Switch

Table 4-12 System variables of the mode selector switch

System Variable Type Meaning

KEY_SWITCH_RESET BOOL The mode selector switch is in the MRESET position.
KEY_SWITCH_STOP BOOL The mode selector switch is in the STOP position.
KEY_SWITCH_RUN BOOL The mode selector switch is in the RUN position (not supported
in the first version of the ILC 350 ETH).
KEY_SWITCH_RUN_PROG BOOL The mode selector switch is in the RUN_PROG position.

4-8 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

System Variables and Status Information

4.1.13 System Time

Table 4-13 System variables of the system time

System Variable Type Meaning

RTC_HOURS INT System time (hours)
RTC_MINUTES INT System time (minutes)
RTC_SECONDS INT System time (seconds)
RTC_DAY INT System time (day)
RTC_MONTH INT System time (month)
RTC_YEAR INT System time (year)

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 4-9

UM EN ILC 330/350

4.2 Status Information of a PROFINET IO Device

(Only ILC 350 PN)

The "~PNIO_DATA_STATE" byte that contains the corresponding status bits is available
for every PROFINET IO device. Only if this bit is set, an I/O device provides valid data.
Please hide non-written bits in the control program by using a link to the corresponding bit
mask. These variables can be linked as process data.

Table 4-14 Variables for the status information of an I/O device

Variable Type Meaning
~PNIO_DATA_STATE BYTE Status of an I/O device
PNIO_DATA_VALID BOOL Only if this bit is set, the I/O device supplies valid data and
all other process values are valid.
PNIO_APPL_RUN BOOL Application on the I/O device running.
PNIO_NO_DIAG BOOL If this bit is set, no device diagnostics is present.

PNIO_DATA_VALID For PROFINET IO, it might be a standard situation during operation that an I/O device
within the network cannot be accessed (e.g., undocking devices).
There may also be applications that cannot be implemented by means of INTERBUS. It
can, for example, be ensured that operation of all other I/O devices will not be affected in
the event of a device failure.
Therefore the application program must know whether an I/O device supplies valid data or
not. For this reason, the "PNIO_DATA_VALID" process data item exists on each device.

PNIO_APPL_RUN Indication of this bit may be interesting if future control systems are used as I/O devices.
In this case, the bit indicates whether the control program runs on the I/O device or not.

PNIO_NO_DIAG If this bit is set, an additional implementation step of the basic system enables reading the
device diagnostics from the I/O device using a special function block, provided that
additional information on the error occurred is required in the control program.

4-10 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Technical Data and Ordering Data

5 Technical Data and Ordering Data

5.1 Technical Data

General Data
Dimensions 182 mm x 141.1 mm x 71.5 mm (75 mm with switch)
Weight 500 g, approximately
Connection data of Inline-connector
Connection method Spring-cage terminals
Conductor cross-section 0.2 mm2 to 1.5 mm2 (solid or stranded), AWG 26-14

General Supply

Use a power supply without fall-back characteristic curve (see Section "Sizing of the Power Supply" on page 2-24).

24 V Main Supply UM
Connection method Spring-cage terminals
Nominal value 24 V DC
Tolerance -20% / +20%
Ripple ±5%
Current consumption at nominal voltage (typical) 6 mA + 7 mA for each input set
Current consumption at nominal voltage (maximum) 8A
Continuation Through potential routing
Safety equipment
Surge voltage Input protective diodes (can be destroyed by permanent overload)
Pulse loads up to 1500 W are short circuited by the input protective diode.
Polarity reversal Parallel diodes against polarity reversal; in the event of an error the high
current through the diodes causes the preconnected fuse to blow.

Provide an external fuse for the 24 V area. The power supply unit must be able to supply 4 times (400%) the nominal current of the external
fuse, to ensure that the fuse blows safely in the event of an error.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 5-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

24 V Segment Supply US
Connection method Spring-cage terminals
Nominal value 24 V DC
Tolerance -20% / +20%
Ripple ±5%
Current consumption at nominal voltage (typical) 10 mA + 10 mA for each output set + load
Current consumption at nominal voltage (maximum) 8A
Continuation Through potential routing
Safety equipment
Surge voltage Input protective diodes (can be destroyed by permanent overload)
Pulse loads up to 1500 W are short circuited by the input protective diode.
Polarity reversal Parallel diodes against polarity reversal; in the event of an error the high
current through the diodes causes the preconnected fuse to blow.

This 24 V area must be externally protected. The power supply unit must be able to supply 4 times (400%) the nominal current of the
external fuse, to ensure that the fuse blows safely in the event of an error.

24 V Supply UILC
Connection method Spring-cage terminals
Nominal value 24 V DC
Tolerance -15% / +20%
Ripple ±5%
Permissible range 20.4 V DC to 30 V DC
Current consumption at nominal voltage (typical) 200 mA
Safety equipment
Surge voltage Input protective diodes (can be destroyed by permanent overload)
Pulse loads up to 1500 W are short circuited by the input protective diode.
Polarity reversal Serial diode in the lead path of the power supply unit; in the event of an error
only a low current flows. In the event of an error, no fuse blows in the external
power supply unit.

Observe the current consumption of the Inline terminals

Observe the logic current consumption of each device when configuring an Inline station. It is specified in every terminal-specific data
sheet. The current consumption can differ depending on the individual terminal. The permissible number of devices that can be connected
therefore depends on the specific station structure.

Protection of the external power supply unit

Ensure protection of 2 A by fuses through the external power supply unit.

5-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Technical Data and Ordering Data

7.5 V Communications Power (Potential Jumper)

Nominal value 7.5 V DC
Tolerance ±5%
Ripple ±1.5%
Maximum output current 2 A DC (protected externally)
I [A]





-25 -15 -5 +5 +25 +35 +45 +55 TA [°C] 7062A020
I [A] Logic current in A
TA [°C] Ambient temperature in °C

24 V Analog Supply (Potential Jumper)

Nominal value 24 V DC
Tolerance -15% / +20%
Ripple ±5%
Maximum output current 0.5 A DC
Safety equipment Electronic short-circuit protection

Number of I/O points 8192, maximum
Number of data words 512, maximum
Number of bus segments 254, maximum
Transmission speed 500 kbps or 2 Mbps

This speed is automatically set according to the connected Inline terminals. Only use terminals with a uniform transmission speed in the
entire connected Inline system (local bus and remote bus).

Transmission reliability CR check (hamming distance: 4)

Protocol EN 50254

Number of Devices in the INTERBUS System

Total number of bus devices 512, maximum
Number of remote bus devices 254, maximum
Number of PCP devices 62
Number of remote bus levels 16, maximum

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 5-3

UM EN ILC 330/350

Network Interface
Type Ethernet
10Base-T and 100Base-TX
Speed 10 Mbps (10Base-T), 100 Mbps (100Base-TX)
half duplex, full duplex, auto negotiation

This speed cannot be set manually. It is set automatically by means of auto negotiation.

Connection method CAT5 twisted pair cable

RJ45 female connector

Inline Local Bus

Interface Inline local bus
Electrical isolation No
Number of devices 63, maximum, limited by the maximum current consumption from the
communications power and analog supply


Interface Inline data jumpers
Electrical isolation Yes
Number of devices See technical data for "INTERBUS" and "Number of Devices in the

Diagnostic Interface
Connection method 6-pos. MINI-DIN female connector (PS/2)
Interface type RS-232
Transmission speed 9600 baud
Electrical isolation No

PROFINET IO Scope of Functions (ILC 350 PN)

Device function PROFINET IO Controller
PROFINET IO specification Version 1.3
Number of PROFINET IO devices 50, maximum, depending on the update times of the inputs and outputs
Update time of inputs and outputs 1 ms, minimum
Performance specifications 20 PROFINET IO devices, when there is an update time of 8 ms

5-4 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Technical Data and Ordering Data

Digital Inputs
Number 12
Input design According to EN 61131-2 Type 1
Definition of switching thresholds
Maximum low-level voltage 5 V DC
Minimum high-level voltage 15 V DC
Nominal input voltage 24 V DC
Permissible range -0.5 V < UIN < +30 V DC
Nominal input current at 24 V 7 mA, typical; 15 mA, maximum
Hardware filter times (typical)
Inputs I1 to I8
Signal change 0 -> 1 5 µs
Signal change 1 -> 0 2 µs
Inputs I9 to I12
Signal change 0 -> 1 500 µs
Signal change 1 -> 0 700 µs
Permissible cable length to the sensor 30 m (to ensure conformance with EMC Directive 89/336/EEC)
Use of AC sensors AC sensors in the voltage range < UIN are limited in application
(depending to the input design)

Digital Outputs
Number 4
Output design Protected outputs according to EN 61131-2
Nominal output voltage 24 V DC
Nominal output current 500 mA

Diagnostic and Status Indicators

IEC 61131 runtime system (PLC) RUN, FAIL
Ethernet (ETH) LINK, ACT, 100
Digital inputs and outputs I1 to I12, E, Q1 to Q4
Supply voltages US, UM, UL

IEC 61131 Runtime System ILC 330 ETH ILC 350 ...
Programming system PC WorX PC WorX
Speed 0.5 ms for 1 K instructions, typical 0.5 ms for 1 K instructions, typical
Shortest cycle time (for cyclic task) 1 ms 1 ms
Program memory 750 kbyte, 1 Mbyte,
63 K instructions in IL, typical 85 K instructions in IL, typical
Data memory 1,5 Mbytes 2 Mbytes
Memory for retentive data 64 kbytes NVRAM 64 kbytes NVRAM
Number of control tasks 16 16

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 5-5

UM EN ILC 330/350

Real-Time Clock
Precision 1 minute/week, maximum
Power reserve 120 days

Ambient Conditions
Degree of protection IP20 (EN 60529:1991)
Permissible temperature (operation) -25°C to +55°C
Permissible temperature (storage/transport) -25°C to +85°C

This temperature range is only guaranteed if the Inline Controller is mounted horizontally.

Permissible humidity (operation/storage/transport) 10 % to 95 % according to DIN EN 61131-2

Permissible air pressure (operation/storage/transport) 70 kPa to 106 kPa (up to 3000 m above sea level)
Vibration 5g

Conformance With EMC Directive 89/336/EEC

Noise Immunity Test According to EN 61000-6-2
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) EN 61000-4-2/ Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-2 6 kV contact discharge
8 kV air discharge
Electromagnetic fields EN 61000-4-3 Criterion A
IEC 61000-4-3 Field strength: 10 V/m
Fast transients (burst) EN 61000-4-4/ Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-4 Supply lines: 2 kV
Signal/data lines: 2 kV
Surge test EN 61000-4-5 Criterion B
IEC 61000-4-5 Signal/data lines: 1 kV
Supply lines: 0.5 kV
Conducted interference EN 61000-4-6 Criterion A
IEC 61000-4-6 Test voltage 10 V

Noise Emission Test According to EN 61000-6-4

Noise emission of housing EN 55011 Class A

The latest approvals can be downloaded at www.download.phoenixcontact.com.

5-6 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Technical Data and Ordering Data

5.2 Ordering Data

5.2.1 Modules

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

Inline Controller, ILC 330 ETH 2737193 1
complete with accessories (connectors and labeling fields)
Inline Controller, ILC 350 ETH 2737203 1
complete with accessories (connectors and labeling fields)
Inline Controller, meets the demands of the Germanischer Lloyd (German ILC 350 ETH/M 2985819 1
Lloyd) and the Lloyds Register,
complete with accessories (connectors and labeling fields)
Inline Controller for PROFINET, ILC 350 PN 2876928 1
complete with accessories (connectors and labeling fields)

5.2.2 Accessories

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

Parameterization memory (compact flash card) 32 MB IBS CF FLASH 32MB 2737070 1
Parameterization memory (compact flash card) 64 MB IBS CF FLASH 64MB 2737054 1
Connecting cable for connecting the Inline Controller to a PC (RS-232 cable) PRG CAB MINI DIN 2730611 1
QUINT POWER power supplies See latest INTERFACE catalog from Phoenix Contact

5.2.3 Software

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt
PC WorX automation software See latest AUTOMATIONWORX catalog from Phoenix Contact
Configuration and diagnostic software for Ethernet networks in the FL SWT 2831044 1
automation environment
(Factory Manager)

5.2.4 Documentation

Description Type Order No. Pcs./Pkt

"Configuring and Installing the INTERBUS Inline Product Range" user IB IL SYS PRO UM E 2743048 1
"Automation Terminals of the Inline Product Range" user manual IL SYS INST UM E 2698737 1
INTERBUS Diagnostics Guide IBS SYS DIAG DSC UM E 2747293 1
PC WorX 3 Quick Start Guide PC WORX 3 QS UM E 2828727 1
Quick Start Guide for PC WorX version 5.00 or later UM QS EN PC WORX 2699862 1

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT 5-7

UM EN ILC 330/350

5-8 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

Technical Appendix: Service and Maintenance

A Technical Appendix: Service and Maintenance

A1 Error Causes and Remedies

Table A-1 Installation error causes and remedies

Error Cause Remedy
No outputs can be set. – The voltage supply US is absent – Connect the voltage supply.
(see diagnostic LED)
The devices connected to the Inline – The voltage supply US is absent – Connect the voltage supply.
Controller cannot be read. (see diagnostic LED)
The IEC 61131 program is not – Mode selector switch in STP – Set mode selector switch to RUN/
running. position. PROG position.
The serial interface is not operating. – The connector pin assignment of – Use the PRG CAB MINI DIN
the connecting cable or of the connecting cable for the Inline
connector adapter used is Controller, Order No. 2730611.
The devices on the remote bus – The IBS IL 24 RB-T (-PAC) Inline – Insert the terminal as the first
cannot be started up. terminal is not installed directly Inline terminal directly next to the
after the Inline Controller. Inline Controller.
The diagnostic LED of a device is – The device has not been – Check the connection to the
flashing quickly. assembled correctly. previous module (bus contacts).

A2 Updating the Inline Controller Firmware

The firmware (integrated software on the Inline Controller) can be updated using the
Ethernet interface. Such firmware updates are exclusively used for adding new functions
that are implemented within the scope of continuous product improvement. No firmware
update is required for normal system operation.

Please contact your nearest Phoenix Contact representation, if necessary.

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT A-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

A3 Connecting Unshielded Cables

Unshielded cables are used to connect the I/O devices and the supply voltage to the Inline
Connect these cables to the relevant Inline connectors using the spring-cage connection
method. You may connect cables with diameters of 0.2 mm2 to 1.5 mm2.

ig i
ta l
In p

6 4 5 2 B 0 3 2

Figure A-1 Connecting unshielded cables

Wire the connectors as required for your application.

When wiring, proceed as follows:
• Strip 8 mm off the cable.

Inline wiring is normally done without ferrules. However, it is possible to use ferrules. If
using ferrules, make sure they are properly crimped.

• Push a screwdriver into the slot for the appropriate connection (Figure A-1, detail 1),
so that you can plug the wire into the spring opening.
Phoenix Contact recommends the SFZ 1-0,6x3,5 screwdriver (Order No. 1204517).
• Insert the wire (Figure A-1, detail 2). Remove the screwdriver from the opening. This
clamps the wire.
After installation, the wires and the terminal points should be labeled.

A-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05


B Index
Basic wiring of an output.......................................... 2-30 Inline local bus .................................................... 2-2, 2-3
BootP ......................................................................... 3-1 INTERBUS............................................................... 2-23
BootP server ............................................................ 2-19 IP address
Set........................................................................ 3-1
C IP20 ......................................................................... 2-16
Card holder ................................................................ 2-5
Communication path................................................ 2-20 L
Connecting cables .................................................... A-2 Local bus ................................................................. 2-23
Connecting unshielded cables.................................. A-2
Connection elements ................................................. 2-5 M
Connectors ...................................................... 2-5, 2-17 MAC address ........................................................... 2-19
Control box .............................................................. 2-16 Mode selector switch .......................................... 2-5, 2-8
See also terminal box Mounting ......................................................... 2-16, 2-17
Control cabinet......................................................... 2-16 Mounting location..................................................... 2-16
Mounting position..................................................... 2-16
Default upon delivery ................................................. 3-1 O
Diagnostic indicators.................................................. 2-6 Operating elements ................................................... 2-5
Digital inputs ............................................................ 2-28
Digital outputs .......................................................... 2-28 P
DIN rail..................................................................... 2-16
Parameterization memory....................... 2-5, 2-10, 2-19
Power supply ........................................................... 2-24
E Connect.............................................................. 2-25
Electronics base .............................................. 2-5, 2-17 Power supply without fall-back characteristic curve 2-24,
End clamp................................................................ 2-16 5-1
End plate.......................................................... 2-5, 2-16
Error causes ............................................................. A-1 R
Error diagnostics........................................................ 2-6 Real-time clock .......................................................... 3-1
Ethernet ................................................................... 2-21 Remote bus ............................................................. 2-23
Ethernet connection................................................... 2-5 Removing........................................................ 2-16, 2-18
Ethernet interface .................................................... 2-21 Replacing................................................................. 2-19
Reset button ....................................................... 2-5, 2-9
F RS-232 cable ........................................................... 2-22
Fall-back characteristic curve .................................. 2-24 RS-232 interface........................................................ 2-5
Fields of application ........................................... 2-2, 2-3
FTP function ............................................................ 2-12 S
Serial PRG interface ................................................ 2-22
H Sizing of the power supply....................................... 2-24
Hardware requirements ............................................. 1-1 Sizing the power supply........................................... 2-24
Software requirements............................................... 1-1
Status indicators ........................................................ 2-6

6959_en_05 PHOENIX CONTACT B-1

UM EN ILC 330/350

System variables ....................................................... 4-1

Terminal box ............................................................ 2-16

Updating the firmware............................................... A-1
Upgrade ............................................................. 1-1, 3-1

B-2 PHOENIX CONTACT 6959_en_05

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