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01 february 2011
Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Abbreviations and Glossary ............................................................................................1
1.2 How to Use this Document .............................................................................................3
1.2.1 Installation and Configuration ................................................................................3
1.2.2 Administration ........................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Technical Solution ..........................................................................................................4
1.4 Requirements ..................................................................................................................4
1.5 WinPDM description ......................................................................................................5
1.5.1 WinPDM terminology ............................................................................................5
1.5.2 WinPDM usage ......................................................................................................5
3 Operation................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 The WinPDM GUI ..........................................................................................................8
3.1.1 WinPDM Window .................................................................................................. 8
3.1.2 Colour coding .........................................................................................................9
3.1.3 Tabs ........................................................................................................................9
3.2 The Device Wizard ....................................................................................................... 11
3.3 The New Number Wizard .............................................................................................12
3.4 Open the WinPDM ........................................................................................................12
3.5 Site Management ..........................................................................................................13
3.5.1 Create a New Site .................................................................................................13
3.5.2 Open a Site ........................................................................................................... 13
3.5.3 Load a Site ............................................................................................................13
3.5.4 Delete a Site .........................................................................................................14
3.5.5 Import a Site .........................................................................................................14
3.5.6 Export a Site .........................................................................................................14
3.6 Numbers ........................................................................................................................15
3.6.1 Create New Numbers ...........................................................................................15
3.6.2 Save a Number to database ..................................................................................15
3.6.3 Manage Certificate for a VoWiFi Handset ...........................................................15
3.6.4 Edit Parameters ....................................................................................................19
3.6.5 Run a Template to set Parameter Values .............................................................. 20
3.6.6 Associate a Number with a Device ......................................................................20
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Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
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Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
4 Administration..................................................................................................................... 36
4.1 Data Backup ..................................................................................................................36
4.1.1 Backup WinPDM Database Files .........................................................................36
4.1.2 Restore WinPDM Database Files .........................................................................36
6 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 38
01 february 2011
Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
1 Introduction
The Portable Device Manager (WinPDM) provides a generic application for managing all
portable devices, charging racks and desktop chargers on one or more sites.
The WinPDM makes it possible to edit parameters, update software in the devices and upload
files. It can save parameters and software for individual sites in a database.
This document is intended as a guide for installation, maintenance and troubleshooting purposes
and is relevant for:
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Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
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Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
In order to simplify, for example an installation on a site, use the following steps.
1 Install the WinPDM on your computer, see 2.1 Software Installation on page 6.
2 Open and configure the WinPDM, see 2.2 Software Configuration on page 6.
3 Create a template with settings common for all devices of a certain device type at the
site, see 3.8.1 Create a Parameter Template on page 26.
During system setup it is likely that the personnel doing the installation and configuration
continues with the Administration tasks below to make the system fully functioning.
1.2.2 Administration
These tasks are intended for administration. This is the recommended order.
1 Create new Numbers, see 3.6.1 Create New Numbers on page 15, and run the template
on the Number(s), see 3.6.5 Run a Template to set Parameter Values on page 20.
2 Make individual settings for each Number. See 3.6.4 Edit Parameters on page 19.
3 If applicable, switch on the devices.
4 Connect the devices, one after the other, and associate them with the Numbers, see 3.6.6
Associate a Number with a Device on page 20. Different devices have different ways of
Note: The very first time a device is connected to the USB port, the Found New
Hardware wizard displays (not for all computers). Do the following: Select “No, not this
time” and click “Next” (twice).
More tasks are described in this document, such as how to import different types of files.
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Installation and Operation Manual
Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Note: Only one device at a time can be connected to WinPDM Windows Version.
Figure 1.
USB port
Figure 1. Connection to the WinPDM depends on device type.
Parameters can be edited for a single device and then sent to the device, but if many devices are
to be updated with new parameter settings it is also possible to create a parameter template and
run the Template on each Number.
Parameters can be uploaded from a connected device, edited and sent to the device again. If the
WinPDM shall store parameter settings in the site database or not, is selectable.
Devices can be upgraded with new software. A text and a status bar indicates that the connected
device is being updated with the new software.
1.4 Requirements
• Computer
- PC with Windows XP® Professional including Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Vista
- Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 6 or higher.
- Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher.
- Connection to device is dependent on device type, see respective device manual:
USB port. USB 1.1 required, USB 2.0 supported.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
This section gives a short description to give a basic understanding on how to use the WinPDM
with devices.
See chapters 3 Operation on page 8 and 4 Administration on page 36, for a detailed description.
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• Initial startup
• Definition files
• Language
In the Start menu, select All Programs > WinPDM > WinPDM.
Note: Windows Firewall may alert you of “MwpCSI”, “PMServer”, “UspCSI”, “CuspCSI” and
The first time the WinPDM is started, a Create site dialogue appears.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
How to import parameter definition files is described in 3.9.2 Import a Package File on page 29
and 3.9.3 Import Parameter Definition files on page 30.
For general information about file handling, see 3.9 File management on page 29.
The default language is english, and stored as a default translations file in your installation
directory at installation:
C:\Program Files\ASAB\WinPDM\Client\default-translations.xml.
This file can be copied and edited to create a new language and can then be imported from the
Select language dialogue, see figure 2.
Note: For adding a new language to a device, see 3.9.10 Delete Language File for Devices on
page 33 and 3.9.6 Upload a Language to Devices on page 31.
2 Click the “Import...” button. In the Import files window, find and select the language file
(.xml) to be imported and click “Open”.
3 In the Available languages: drop-down list, select which language to use.
4 Click “OK”.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
3 Operation
The WinPDM window consists of three areas: Menu, Toolbar and Work Area. The Toolbar has
three tabs: Devices, Numbers, Templates. When one of these tabs is selected the available
device types are shown in the left hand pane of the work area. The right hand pane shows the
devices, Numbers or templates that have already been configured.
Search Field
In the upper part of the Work area there are search fields where different search criteria can be
selected depending on which tab that is displayed. The search field is colour coded green or red
depending on if there are possible matches to the search criteria or not.
By default the lists are sorted by the first column. To sort the list by any other column, click the
column heading. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again. The sort order is
indicated by an up or down arrow in the column heading.
By default the list in each tab shows all available Devices, Numbers or Templates. It is possible
to filter the list by selecting a device type in left pane.
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• If the version number is shown in red, WinPDM has found no parameter definition files
supporting that device type.
• If the version number is shown in dark red, the parameter definition file is compatible, but
does not have exactly the same version as the device.
In the parameter and template editing windows, the following colour coding is used:
3.1.3 Tabs
Devices Tab
The view shows all devices configured at the site in a detailed list. The following information
can be displayed (see also figure 4 on page 10):
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Numbers Tab
The view shows all Numbers configured at the site in a detailed list. The following information
can be displayed:
• Number – the unique identifier of the Number. The identifier is unique for that device
• Device type – the device model the Number is intended for.
• Parameter version – shows the version of the parameters in the Number.
• Device ID – the unique identifier of the device that the Number is associated to.
• Online – shows if the device the Number is uploaded to is connected to the PC
running WinPDM. The symbol indicates a connected device.
• Status – shows the parameter synchronization status. A Number can also be queued
for synchronization. Several different indications are used, for example
Synchronizing, Synchronized, etc.
When the Number is offline, the database status is shown; Synchronized or Not
• Saved – shows if the Number’s parameters have been stored in the database. The
symbol indicates that the parameters have been stored.
• Last run template - indicates which template that was last run for that Number.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Templates Tab
The view shows all templates configured at the site in a detailed list. The following information
can be displayed:
• Associate with Number, see also 3.6.6 Associate a Number with a Device on page 20.
• Run template, see also 3.6.5 Run a Template to set Parameter Values on page 20.
• Edit parameters, see also 3.6.4 Edit Parameters on page 19.
• Do nothing
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• Store in database
• Edit parameters, see also 3.6.4 Edit Parameters on page 19.
• Run template, see also 3.6.5 Run a Template to set Parameter Values on page 20.
• Do nothing
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Note: There is a subtle but important difference between loading and opening a site. When a site
is opened, the Site management dialogue closes and it is possible to start working with the
devices in the site; when a site is loaded, the Site management dialogue stays open, making it
possible to continue with site management tasks, such as creating and deleting sites.
Figure 4.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
When importing a site, numbers with parameters and devices are imported. Templates, software
and definition files are not imported.
1 In the File menu, select “Site Management”.
2 Click “Import...”.
3 Find and select the Site file (.ste) to be imported. Click “Open”.
4 In the Input dialogue, enter a name for the site and click “OK”.
5 Click “Close”
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3.6 Numbers
Note: To be able to edit certificates, the VoWiFi handset must be online in WinPDM.
Certificate(s) is used for authorizing a VoWiFi handset to access a WLAN system using the
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
There are two types of certificates: Root certificate and client certificate.
The root certificate contains a public key and can be downloaded to the VoWiFi handset via
WinPDM. The client certificate contains both a public key and a private key and can be
downloaded to the VoWiFi handset via the WinPDM.
The VoWiFi handset uses the root certificate to check if the WLAN system is trusted. If the
system is trusted, the handset sends the client certificate to show that it is authorized to access
and log on the system.
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Edit Certificate
3 Root certificate and client certificate can be edited. If needed, click the “Root” tab or the
“Client” tab for switchting to the corresponding certificate view.
4 Click the corresponding “Edit“ button to edit the certificate.
5 Locate the certificate file and click “Open“.
6 If the certificate is protected, an Enter Password dialouge appears. Enter the password
and then click “OK”.
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A Confirm Certificate windows appears, see figure 13 on page 17. The following information is
• The algorithm of the certificate
• The validity status of the certificate
• The validity period of the certificate
• The issuer of the certificate
• The authorized users of certificate (issued to).
Additional settings are required for selecting which certificate the handset shall use. See
Configuration Manual, Alcatel-Lucent OmniTouch 8118/28 WLAN Handset,
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Remove Certificate
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The Edit Parameters dialogue shows the set of parameters for the Device/Number. The
parameters are organized in a tree structure in the left pane, with the parameters in the current
node in the right pane. Clicking the icon will give a short description of selected parameter.
Note: If Edit parameters was selected in the Device Wizard window (see figure 7 on page 11) or
in the New Number Wizard window (see figure 8 on page 12), continue from step 4.
Note: When you save the parameters, they are automatically sent to the device if it is connected.
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If a template has been created for a device type, it can be used to set the parameter values for a
range of devices, or a single device.
Note: If Run template was selected in the Device Wizard window (see figure 7 on page 11) or in
the New Number Wizard window (see figure 8 on page 12), continue from step 4.
Before being able to synchronize parameters between WinPDM and devices, it is necessary to
associate a Number with a device. It is possible to enter several Device IDs in advance and to
associate them with a Number at a later moment.
Note: If Associate with number was selected in the Device Wizard window (see figure 7 on page
11), continue from step 3.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Figure 7.
3 Select the device you want to associate with in the list and click “OK”.
If the selected device is online, it will immediately be updated with the selected Number. If the
selected device is not online, it will be updated the next time it is online.
Note: If an online device is deleted, it will stay in the list as online but not saved.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
3.7 Devices
A device can be a DECT cordless telephone developed to work together with the WinPDM. See
the user manual for respective device.
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
Before connecting a device to the WinPDM, make sure the connection is set up according to the
instructions in the device´s Configuration Manual. If such a manual does not exist the
instructions can be found in the device´s User Manual, or in some case the Installation Guide.
If a range of new devices are to be added to a site, the easiest way is to:
1 Create a template with all common parameter settings for the site. See 3.8.1 Create a
Parameter Template on page 26.
2 Add a range of Numbers and run the template. See 3.6.1 Create New Numbers on page
15 and 3.6.5 Run a Template to set Parameter Values on page 20.
3 Edit the parameters and change individual settings. See 3.6.4 Edit Parameters on page
4 Connect the physical devices, one after the other, and associate them with the Numbers
in the site database. See 3.6.6 Associate a Number with a Device on page 20.
A single device can be added in the same way.
When a device is connected, it is synchronized with the associated Number in the WinPDM.
When a device is being synchronized, parameters that have been changed in the device are
uploaded to the WinPDM, and parameters that have been changed in the WinPDM are sent to
the device. If a parameter has been changed in both the device and the WinPDM, the setting
made in the WinPDM will take precedence.
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If a device shall be replaced with a new device, it is possible to transfer its associated Number to
a new device. The new device must be of the same device type as the old one.
It is possible to enter several new Device IDs in advance into WinPDM for later association.
In order to simplify input when handling many devices, it is possible to use a bar code reader.
The bar code reader should send a carriage return after each item, but it is not necessary. If
carriage return is not sent, it is necessary to click “Create” after each read item.
It is possible to assign a Number to a device that has not yet been assigned a Number in
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4 In the Assign number to device dialogue, enter a new prefix (optional) and a new
Number. Click “OK”.
Figure 9.
Factory reset means that the device parameters will be set to factory default settings. The
Number in the database that is associated with the device will not be affected.
• Device ID
• Device type
• Parameter version
• Software version
• Last known number
• Online status
• File upload information
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
3.8 Templates
Templates are a collection of user defined parameter values. These templates can be used to
create common settings to be used on several devices of a certain device type.
Note: Templates created in one site are also selectable in the other sites used in WinPDM.
3 Select device type and parameter version, enter a name for the template, and click “OK”.
The view switches to the Edit Template parameter view.
Note: If you cannot find your device type and/or parameter version in the list, WinPDM needs
to be updated with new parameter definition files, see 3.9.3 Import Parameter Definition files
on page 30.
Figure 11.
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4 Select the parameters you want to be saved in the template by selecting the checkbox to
the left of each parameter. Change the parameters to the desired values.
5 Click “OK”.
Note: When the Edit template window is opened from the "Use as template" command, an extra
drop-down list, "Select" is shown in the bottom left corner. This setting decides which
parameters that shall be copied from the Number. If "All parameters" is selected, the
synchronization time will be longer.
It is also possible to create a template from a device that is online but not stored in the database.
The template will contain all parameters for the device except for those that are Number
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Import and export of templates and numbers are described in 3.10 Import and Export on page
33. Import of language files (.xml) for WinPDM are described in 2.2.3 Language settings for
WinPDM Menues on page 7.
The parameter definition file holds the definitions of all parameters for a specific version of a
Number’s parameter set. Updated software and new parameter definition files for devices and
Numbers can be added to the WinPDM, see 3.9.3 Import Parameter Definition files on page 30.
Both definition files and device software include parameters and are indicated by a version
A package file may include different types of files, such as software files, parameter definition
files and/or template files. If the package does not include a certain file, it can be imported
seperately. See 3.9.3 Import Parameter Definition files on page 30, 3.9.4 Import new Software
for Devices on page 30, and/or 3.10.2 Import Templates on page 33.
If template(s) has been imported, it can be viewed by clicking “Close“ and then selecting the
Template tab.
4 Click “Close”.
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Tip: Parameter definition files (.def) are mainly included in package files (.pkg) distributed by
your supplier, see 3.9.2 Import a Package File on page 29.
Tip: Software files (.bin) are mainly included in package files (.pkg) distributed by your
supplier, see 3.9.2 Import a Package File on page 29.
1 In the File menu, select “File management”.
2 Select the Software tab and click “Add”.
3 Select the software files to be imported and click “Open”.
Only files with a corresponding extension are shown, such as .bin and .pkg.
4 Click “Close”.
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Note: To select the language to be used in the WinPDM, see 2.2.3 Language settings for
WinPDM Menues on page 7.
For adding a new language to a device, a language file (.lng) distributed by your supplier must
be imported to the WinPDM and then uploaded to the device.
4 If needed; import the language file (.lng) to be used by clicking “Import...”, locate the
file, and click “OK”.
5 In the Available files: drop-down list, select which language to upload.
6 Click "OK".
01 february 2011 31
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5 If needed; import the software file to be used by clicking “Import...”, locate the file and
click “OK”.
6 In the Available files: drop-down list, select the software to be uploaded.
7 Select software to be used and click “OK”.
The software will be downloaded to the device. A progress bar in the Status column for
the device shows the progress of the download.
To cancel the upgrade, click Device > “Cancel upgrade” in the menu. Alternatively,
right-click the device in the device list and select “Cancel upgrade”.
The device will restart automatically after a successful download.
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Note: This applies to language files (.lng) for devices. Language files (.xml) for the WinPDM
menues are not deleted.
The purpose of exporting and importing Numbers and templates is to be able to move Numbers
and templates to another site or to use at a later time.
The parameter configuration in Numbers can be exported to a file. This file can be used by the
supplier to pre-program devices before delivery to the customer, and to share Numbers and
Templates with other WinPDMs.
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It is possible to configure Numbers for a site and export the settings to a file. One or several
Numbers can be selected.
The exported file can then be used when producing new devices for the customer.
Only Numbers stored in the database can be exported.
By default, when a device logs in, it is automatically enabled and saved in the WinPDM
database. The Automatically enable new devices function shall normally be enabled.
In order to be able to establish PTT calls between devices, the PTT feature must be configured in
the WinPDM by entering a PTT prefix and a PTT list number.
The PTT prefix defines the prefix number to call for the PTT conference:
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The PTT list number defines the list number in the group to use for the PTT conference.
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4 Administration
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Note: The Unite Host Router may be used for other programs on your computer.
5 Unite Host Router may have left configuration files. If you want to remove these files
you can remove that folder.
6 Open the installation folder for the Unite Host Router, C:\Program Files\ASAB, and
remove the “Unite Host Router” folder manually.
Figure 14.
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6 Troubleshooting
When troubleshooting the WinPDM, it is always a good idea to examine the log files, since they
provide additional information that may prove useful. When reporting an error to your supplier,
always include the appropriate log file.
To run the WinPDM, the computer must confirm to the requirements listed in 1.4 Requirements
on page 4. If you do not have the correct software versions installed, contact your system
To install the WinPDM, you must have administrator rights on the computer. Contact your
system administrator if you are not able to install the WinPDM.
Firewall issues
Windows Firewall may alert you of “PMServer”, “CuspCsi”, “UspCsi”, “MwpCsi” and
“CuspSerialCSI”. You can ignore these security alerts, it will not affect the WinPDM, but then
the alerts will appear every time the WinPDM is started. A better way is to select “Continue
blocking” or “Unblock”.
If a device does not show up in WinPDM, make sure the device is properly connected, or try
disconnecting and reconnecting the device.
If a connected device does not show up as connected in the Devices view, the USB port may not
be configured correctly.
In Windows XP, open Windows Control Panel and select “System”. In the Hardware tab, select
“Device Manager”.
In Windows Vista, open Windows Control Panel. Select System and Security > Hardware and
Sound. Under Devices and Printers, select “Device Manager”.
If the device does not show up in the list (as an USB port), check the connection and reinstall
the drivers and/or software for the device.
• A device might have software with a parameter set that is newer than the version recognised
by the WinPDM. The WinPDM will then be unable to send parameters to the device. The
symbol in the Parameters column for the selected device indicates that the synchronization
between the device and the WinPDM was not successful.
If this is the case, the WinPDM should be updated with new software and definition files
provided by your local supplier. See 3.9.3 Import Parameter Definition files on page 30.
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Parameter Conflict
If a device is detected and the same Number has been used by another device in the system there
will be a parameter conflict. A window dialog appears, asking the user to decide whether to use
the Number settings in WinPDM or the Number settings in the device.
One typical situation when this parameter conflict will occur is if a device’s hardware has been
For example:
A replacement device has first been registered1 with the same Number as the damaged device.
When the replacement device is connected to the WinPDM, the WinPDM will warn for a
parameter conflict.
If “Device” is chosen in this situation, the phonebook belonging to the damaged device and
located in WinPDM will be deleted (and replaced with the empty phonebook in the replacement
For more information about device replacement, see the User Manual or Configuration Manual
for respective device.
Figure 15.
1.See the devive’s User Manual and Configuration Manual for more information how to register it.
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7 Related Documents
01 february 2011 40
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Portable Device Manager (PDM), Windows version
A.1 General
Shortcut Description
Ctrl + H Open the File management window.
Ctrl + Tab Switch tab
Alt + F4 Close the application
A.2 Devices
Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Add a new device
Enter Upgrade the selected device(s)
Delete Delete the selected device(s)
Ctrl + F Find a device
Ctrl + Enter Open the Properties window for the selected device
A.3 Numbers
Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Add a new Number
Enter Edit the selected Number
Ctrl + C Copy the selected Number
F2 Rename the selected Number
Ctrl + S Save the selected Number to the database
Delete Delete the selected Number from the database
Ctrl + F Find a Number
A.4 Templates
Shortcut Description
Ctrl + N Add a new template
Enter Edit the selected template
Ctrl + C Copy the selected template
F2 Rename the selected template
Delete Delete the selected template
Ctrl + F Find a template
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Assign a Number 24
Associate a Number 20
colour coding 9
database 1
description of selected parameter 19
error 37
Factory reset 25
File management 29
firewall 6, 37
Import and Export 33
Language file 1
Languages 31
Messenger 1
Number 1, 5
Package file 1, 5
Parameter definition file 5
parameter definition file 1, 29
parameters 4
Portable device 1
Properties 25
replace 24
RS232 1
security alert 37
site database 4, 13, 23, 35
software 9–10, 32
Tabs 5
USB port 1, 4, 37
WiFi 1
01 february 2011 43
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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