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Faculty of Business Administration
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
bridge the burgeoning gap between demand In addition, the substantial opportunity in
and supply by primarily focusing on primitive health and restoration of functional
secondary and tertiary prevention of diseases. health is best addressed by Ayurveda.
Ayurveda can be the treatment of choice for non-emergency medical care
Here it’s important to understand the consideration and mixes together the basics of
difference in Herbal, Ayurved, and Natural: their economic status, their psychology,
• Ayurvedic Medicine society, and social anthropology. It, in short,
Ayurvedic medicine is a system of tries to recognize the decision of the buyer
healing that originated in ancient India. In either individually or collectively. It examines
Sanskrit, Ayur means life or living, and Veda the uniqueness of individual customers such
means knowledge, so Ayurveda has been as their behavioral variables and
defined as the “knowledge of living” or the demographics in an effort to identify the state
“science of longevity.” of people’s requirements.
• Herbal Medicine Consumer behavior is the study of
Herbal medicine, hereinafter referred how individual customers, groups or
as products, are formulated, using various organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of
permissible ingredients to form the base in ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their
which one or more herbal ingredients are used needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the
to provide defined medical benefits called as consumers in the marketplace and the
“Herbal medicine”. underlying motives for those actions.
• Natural Medicine Meaning and Definition: Consumer
A number of the big name drugstore behavior is the study of how individual
and high-end cosmetic companies are cruelty- customers, groups or organizations select,
free, but their products usually comprise buy, use, and dispose of ideas, goods, and
mostly of synthetic ingredients. An organic services to satisfy their needs and wants. It
ingredient is by definition natural, and vegan refers to the actions of the consumers in the
cosmetic products are necessarily cruelty-free. marketplace and the underlying motives for
The size of the global Ayurvedic those actions.
market is expected to almost treble from $3.4 Importance of Consumer Behaviour to
billion in 2015 to $9.7 billion by Marketers. It is important for marketers to
2022. Increasing awareness of the benefits of study consumer Behaviour. It is important for
Ayurvedic products, government initiatives to them to know consumers as individual or
encourage their usage, rising purchasing groups opt for, purchase, consumer or dispose
power to drive demand for Ayurvedic of products and services and how they share
products in India their experience to satisfy their wants or needs
1.2. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR (Solomon, 2009).
The behavior of the consumer is 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
considered to be the study of why, when, 2.1. The objective of Research:
where and how people prefer or prefer not to • First and the prime objective of this
buy a particular product. It takes into research work is to know the
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
research. Analysis of five stages of consumer personal experiences and beliefs, external
decision-making process indicates that impact search involves a wide search of information
of family members on the consumer decision- which includes addressing the media and
making process of purchasing imported health advertising or feedbacks from other people
food products was significant. (Rose and Samouel, 2009).
The author further explains this by the Once the relevant information about
fact Chinese tradition of taking care of young the product or service is obtained the next
and old family members have long been stage involves analyzing the alternatives.
developed and marriage is considered to be Kotler and Keller (2005) consider this stage
extremely important in Chinese tradition. This as one of the important stages as the
reflects in the findings of the study that the consumer considers all the types and
purchase of imported health food products alternatives taking into account the factors
made by a person for the people outside the such as size, quality and also price.
family is declined significantly by both male Backhaus et al (2007) suggested that
and female Chinese after they get married. purchase decision is one of the important
Five Stages Model of the consumer stages as this stage refers to the occurrence of
decision-making process has also been a transaction. In other words, once the
studied by a number of other researchers. consumer recognized the need, searched for
Although different researchers offer various relevant information and considered the
tendencies towards the definitions of five alternatives he/she makes a decision whether
stages, all of them have common views as or not to make the decision. Purchasing
they describe the stages in similar ways. decision can further be divided into a planned
One of the common models of the purchase, partially purchase or impulse
consumer decision-making process has been purchase as stated by Kacen (2002) which
offered by Blackwell et al (2006). According will be discussed further in detail in the next
to him, the five stages of the consumer chapters.
decision-making process are Finally, the post-purchase decision
followings: problem/need recognition, involves the experience of the consumer
information search, evaluation of about their purchase. Although the
alternatives, purchase decision made and importance of this stage is not highlighted by
post-purchase evaluation. Each stage is then many authors Neal et al (2004) argues that
defined by a number of researchers varying this is perhaps one of the most important
slightly but leading to a common view about stages in the consumer decision-making
what each stage involves. For example, process as it directly affects the consumers’
according to Bruner (1993) first stage, need purchases of the same product or service from
recognition occurs when an individual the same supplier in the future.
recognizes the difference between what they The most noteworthy writers that
have and what they want/need to have. This serve as academic advocates of The Five-
view is also supported by Neal and Questel Stage Model of consumer decision making
(2006) stating that need recognition occurs include Tyagi (2004), Kahle and Close
due to several factors and circumstances such (2006) Blackwell et al. (2006), and others.
as personal, professional and lifestyle which It is important to note that The Five-Stage
in turn lead to the formation of the idea of Model is not the only model related to
purchasing. consumer decision-making, and there are also
In the next stage, consumer searches a range of competing models that include
information related to the desired product or Stimulus-Organism-Response Model of
service (Schiffman and Kanuk, 2007). The Decision Making developed by Hebb in
information search process can be internal and 1950s, Prescriptive Cognitive Models, The
external. While internal search refers to the Theory of Trying (Bagozzi and Warsaw,
process where consumers rely on their 1990), Model of Goal-Directed Behaviour
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
(Perugini and Bagozzi, 2001) and others. All the Literature Review chapter of this work.
of these models are analyzed in great detail in
Demographic Data of Respondents
Demographic Variable Frequency
Joint 61
Family Type
Nuclear 39
Male 22
Female 78
18-25 7
26-35 57
Age Group
36-55 35
56-65 2
Job 13
Business 26
Profession 47
Other 15
< 20000 9
21000-40000 12
41000-60000 41
>60000 38
61% of respondents belong to the 26% of respondents are having their business,
nuclear family and 39% respondents belong and 13% are Job doer. Monthly income of
to Joint family. 22% of respondents are male respondents. 41% of respondents belong to
and 78% are female. The age group of 41000-60000 PM group, 38% of respondents
respondents, 57% respondents belong to the have income above 60000 PM, 12% of
age group of 26-35 Years, 35% belong to 36- respondents have 21000-40000 PM, whereas
55 yrs, 7% belong to 18-25 yrs, and only 2% only 9% of respondents have monthly income
belong to 56-65 yrs age group. 47% of of 20000.
respondents are having their own profession,
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
and feature. 7% of respondents’ reply that that packing is adding cost in the product
packing of products is useful for the usages of price.
products, while only 2% of respondents reveal
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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Chopra P. and Baxi B. O., Med. Res. Chronicles., 6(3), 180-191 2019
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