Insurance Questions For IRDA Assistant Manager Exam 2023
Insurance Questions For IRDA Assistant Manager Exam 2023
Insurance Questions For IRDA Assistant Manager Exam 2023
Q16. Which section of IRDA Act, of 1999 deals with Q22. Where is the headquarters of Niva Bupa Health
salaries & allowances of members of authority? Insurance located?
(a) 5 (a) Mumbai
(b) 6 (b) New Delhi
(c) 7 (c) Bengaluru
(d) 8 (d) Nashik
(e) 9 (e) Gurugram
Q49. Which of the following terms/ expressions is not Q55. _______ is the person who pays the premiums of the
used in the Insurance sector? policy-
(a) Refraction (a) Proposer
(b) Casualty (b) Nominee
(c) Actuary (c) Beneficiary
(d) Claim (d) Insurer
(e) Brokerage (e) Any of the above
Q71. Which among the following scheme is not related to Q77. What is insurance?
Insurance? (a) A contract between two parties to protect against
(a) PMJJBY financial loss
(b) A financial product that offers protection against loss
or damage
(e) APY (c) A type of loan
(d) An investment vehicle for growing wealth
Q72. The place where bankers meet and settle their (e) None of the above
mutual claims and accounts is known as:
(a) Treasury Q78. What is the main difference between whole life
(b) Clearing House insurance and term life insurance?
(c) Collecting Centre (a) Whole life insurance provides coverage for the
(d) Board room
policyholder's entire life while term life insurance
(e) Meeting House
provides coverage for a specified period of time.
Q73. Retirement plan offers the benefits of both (b) Whole life insurance provides a fixed sum assured
investment and insurance cover. It allows for a maximum while term life insurance provides a decreasing sum
deduction of up to _____________ every year from an assured.
investor's total taxable income. (c) Whole life insurance has a higher sum assured while
(a) Rs. 1.5 lakh term life insurance has a lower sum assured.
(b) Rs. 2.5 lakh
(d) Whole life insurance has a lower premium while term
(c) Rs. 3.5 lakh
(d) Rs. 4.5 lakh life insurance has a higher premium.
(e) Rs. 5.5 lakh (e) None of these
Q103. Which of the following is responsible for Q109. What is the term used to describe the maximum
investigating and settling claims made by policyholders? amount of money an insurance company will pay for a
(a) Insurer
(b) Insured
(a) Premium
(c) Regulator
(b) Deductible
(d) Insurance broker
(c) Liability
(e) Claims adjuster
(d) Coverage limit
Q104. Which of the following is a type of insurance that (e) Claim
covers damage to property caused by natural disasters,
such as earthquakes or hurricanes? Q110. What is the term used to describe an event or
(a) Liability insurance situation that is not covered by an insurance policy?
(b) Property insurance (a) Exclusion
(c) Health insurance (b) Endorsement
(d) Life insurance (c) Rider
(e) Natural disaster insurance (d) Premium
(e) Deductible
Q105. Which of the following is a type of insurance that
covers medical expenses and loss of income due to an Q111. What is the term used to describe a written
injury or illness? document that modifies an insurance policy?
(a) Liability insurance (a) Exclusion
(b) Property insurance (b) Endorsement
(c) Health insurance (c) Rider
(d) Life insurance (d) Premium
(e) Natural disaster insurance (e) Deductible
Q106. Which of the following is a type of insurance that Q112. What is the term used to describe an additional
provides coverage for damages resulting from legal action insurance policy that provides coverage beyond the limits
against the insured? of the primary policy?
(a) Liability insurance
(a) Excess insurance
(b) Property insurance
(b) Deductible
(c) Health insurance
(c) Liability insurance
(d) Life insurance
(d) Coverage limit
(e) Natural disaster insurance
(e) Premium
Q107. Which of the following is a type of insurance that
provides a cash benefit to the insured's beneficiaries in Q113. What is the term used to describe the person or
the event of the insured's death? entity that is covered by an insurance policy?
(a) Liability insurance (a) Insured
(b) Property insurance (b) Insurer
(c) Health insurance (c) Broker
(d) Life insurance (d) Agent
(e) Natural disaster insurance (e) Underwriter
Q119. The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd was the first Q123. In 1993, the Government set up a committee under
company to transact all classes of general insurance the chairmanship of ________________ to propose
business. It was set up in which year? recommendations for reforms in the insurance sector.
(a) 1912 (a) Srijesh Malhotra
(b) 1913 (b) RN Malhotra
(c) 1914 (c) Rishabh Malhotra
(d) 1915 (d) Shyam Malhotra
(e) 1907 (e) None of these
Q125. What type of insurance covers damage to a Q131. In 2000, the Insurance Regulatory Development
person's property? Authority of India was founded as an independent body
(a) Home Insurance Currently, it is headquartered at _________
(b) Car Insurance (a) New Delhi
(c) Life Insurance (b) Kolkata
(d) Health Insurance (c) Lucknow
(e) None of the above (d) Bengaluru
(e) Hyderabad
Q126. The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act, ________
was the first statutory measure to regulate life business. Q132. If an insured person fails to pay the premium due
(a) 1921 to various circumstances and as a result, the insurance
(b) 1917 policy gets terminated, then the insurance coverage can
(c) 1912 be renewed. This process of putting the insurance policy
(d) 1927
back after a lapse is called _____________.
(e) 1910
(a) Reinstatement
(b) Restatement
Q127. Which of the following was the first life insurance
(c) Recharging
company on Indian soil?
(d) Reattempting
(a) Life Insurance Corporation
(e) Regaining
(b) Oriental Life Insurance Corporation
(c) Acko General Insurance Company
Q133. ECGC Ltd. was set up in 1957 with the objective of
(d) Bajaj Alliance General Insurance Company
promoting exports from the country by providing credit
(e) None of these
risk insurance and related services for exports. What does
Q128. What is the significance of the sum assured in an G stand for in ECGC?
insurance policy? (a) Goodwill
(a) It is the premium amount that the policyholder needs (b) Gross
to pay to the insurance company. (c) Guest
(b) It is the profit that the policyholder will receive after (d) Guarantee
the policy term expires. (e) Gearing
(c) It is the maximum amount that the insurance company
will pay in case of a claim.
(d) It is the amount that the policyholder can withdraw
from the policy before the maturity date.
(e) None of these
Q137. In insurance, Risk management is the process of Q142. What is Ayushman Bharat-Pradhan Mantri Jan
identifying, assessing, and reducing risk. The total loss Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)?
that can happen is referred to as the MPL. What does P (a) A scheme to provide free electricity to all households
stand for in MPL? in India
(a) Proximity (b) A scheme to provide health insurance cover to the
(b) Possibility poor and vulnerable sections of society
(c) Possible (c) A scheme to provide free education to all children in
(d) Paradigm India
(e) Program (d) A scheme to provide financial assistance to farmers
(e) None of the above
Q138. The Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority Act, 1999 brought about several crucial policy Q143. Who is eligible to avail benefits under AB-PMJAY?
changes in the insurance sector of India, leading to the (a) All citizens of India
formation of the Insurance Regulatory and Development (b) Only citizens below the poverty line
Authority (IRDA) in ___________. (c) Only citizens belonging to scheduled castes and tribes
(a) 1999 (d) Only citizens belonging to the economically weaker
(b) 2000 sections
(c) 2001 (e) All of the above
(d) 2002
(e) 2003 Q144. What is the premium paid by beneficiaries under
Q139. Which of the following has launched a ‘Pay as You (a) No premium is required to be paid by beneficiaries
Drive’ (PAYD) policy, which offers a comprehensive motor (b) Beneficiaries have to pay a nominal premium of Rs.
insurance policy that charges a premium based on the
100 per year
usage of the vehicle?
(c) Beneficiaries have to pay a premium of 50% of the
(a) Life Insurance Corporation of India
insurance cover
(b) General Insurance Corporation of India
(d) The premium amount varies depending on the age and
(c) The New India Assurance Company Limited
income of the beneficiary
(d) United India Insurance Company Limited
(e) The Oriental Insurance Company Limited (e) None of the above
Q148. Who is eligible to enroll in PMSBY? Q154. What is the minimum monthly contribution under
(a) All citizens of India between the ages of 18 and 70 APY?
(b) Only citizens below the poverty line (a) Rs. 100
(c) Only citizens belonging to scheduled castes and tribes (b) Rs. 500
(d) Only citizens belonging to the economically weaker (c) Rs. 1,000
sections (d) Rs. 2,000
(e) All of the above (e) None of the above
Q149. What is the premium amount for PMSBY? Q155. What is the benefit of joining APY?
(a) Rs. 12 per annum (a) Life insurance cover
(b) Rs. 365 per annum (b) Health insurance cover
(c) Rs. 330 per annum (c) Retirement income
(d) Rs. 750 per annum (d) Education loan
(e) Rs. 800 per annum (e) None of the above
Q173. What is the objective of LIC? Q179. Which subsidiary company of GIC provides
(a) To maximize shareholder's profit reinsurance needs for Africa?
(b) To mobilize people's savings by making insurance- (a) GIC Re UK
linked savings adequately attractive (b) GIC Re Canada
(c) To provide loans to the public (c) GIC Re South Africa
(d) To conduct business at the highest cost possible (d) GIC Re Australia
(e) To reduce coverage of life insurance policies (e) GIC Re New Zealand
Q184. What is the primary law controlling India's Q190. How was United India Insurance Company Limited
insurance industry? formed?
(a) IRDAI Act, 1999 (a) By a private merger of 22 companies
(b) Insurance Regulatory Development Authority Act, (b) By a nationalization of 22 companies
1999 (c) By a public-private partnership of 22 companies
(c) Insurance Act, 1938 (d) By a merger of 22 public sector companies
(d) Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (e) By a merger of 22 private sector companies
(e) None of the above
Q191. Which of the following products is NOT offered by
Q185. What is the main goal of IRDAI? United India Insurance Company Limited?
(a) To promote competition in the insurance sector (a) Motor Insurance
(b) To improve customer satisfaction (b) Health Insurance
(c) To ensure the market's financial stability (c) Shopkeeper's Insurance
(d) All of the above (d) Personal Accident Insurance
(e) None of the above (e) Crop Insurance